HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-09-09; City Council; 19568; Calavera and Agua Hedionda Creek Project15 CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AB# 19.568 MTG. 9/09/08 DEPT. ENG CITY OF CARLSBAD DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE AREA FEES CALAVERA AND AGUA HEDIONDA CREEKS PROJECT MCA 07-01 / ZCA 07-04 DEPT. HEAD /*?£/ CITY ATTY. />^C CITY MGR. (L/ — - RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. City Council INTRODUCE Ordinance No. CS-004 AMENDING Carlsbad Municipal Code, Title 15, Chapter 15.08, Updating the Planned Local Drainage Area Fee Program, Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan (MCA 07-01); and 2. City Council INTRODUCE Ordinance No. CS-005 AMENDING Title 21, Chapters 21.38, 21.203 and 21.205 of the Municipal Code by Deleting References to the Master Drainage Plan Adopted in 1994 and the Model Erosion Control Ordinance and Adding References to the Proposed City of Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan and Existing Engineering Standards, Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan (ZCA 07-04); and 3. City Council ADOPT Resolution No. 2008-230 APPROVING the 2008 Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan and Approving a Change to the City's Planned Local Drainage Area Fee, CIP Project No. 3872. ITEM EXPLANATION: On August 5, 2008 staff presented the Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan (DMP), a proposed revision to the Planned Local Drainage Area (PLDA) Fee Program, a program and project level Environmental Impact Report, and various proposed amendments to the Carlsbad Local Coastal Program and Titles 15 and 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. After considerable discussion by the Council and testimony from the public during the public hearing, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2008-29 certifying Environmental Impact Report EIR, the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, and approved amendments to the Carlsbad Local Coastal Program (LCPA 07-06). In addition, the Council continued the approval of the Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan, revisions to the PLDA Fee Program, and the amendments to Municipal Codes Titles 15 and 21 to the September 9, 2008 meeting and requested staff provide further information and clarification on the issues discussed. Based upon the written and verbal input obtained at the public hearing, City staff recommends minor changes to the Drainage Master Plan and Title 15.08. The amendments respond to the concerns raised by representatives of the Building Industry Association (BIA) and the Westfield Shopping Center. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Steve Jantz (760) 602-2738, siant@ci.carlsbad.ca.us FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED n D D D D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN j&T RETURNED TO STAFF DX OTHER -SEE MINUTES D Page 2 To mitigate one of the concerns raised by the BIA, staff recommends adding the following circumstance to the list of reasons an administrative variance may be granted to allow relief from payment of the full PLDA fee: ' When the project includes Low Impact Development (LID) or hydro-modification features that reduce the 100-year flood runoff values in the post construction condition to such an extent that the runoff values are reduced to the levels consistent with a project with a lesser runoff level. For example a project with a high runoff value that installs LID features that result in runoff values that equate to a medium runoff level project would have their fee reduced from the high level to the medium level. In no case shall the fee level be reduced less than the low runoff level. The amended language would allow the potential for a reduction in fees if a developer installs drainage retention or infiltration design features within a project which results in a significant reduction in the calculated 100-year storm flow runoff from the project site. Approval of the variance provision may reduce future PLDA fee revenues leaving a gap in the PLDA facility financing that may require funding from other sources. However, if there are a significant amount of fee variance requests granted under this provision, it is possible that the size and scope of some of the master planed facilities could be reduced resulting in cost reductions commensurate with the fee revenue reduction. To mitigate the concern of Westfield, staff is recommending that City Code Section 15.08.020 be amended to read as follows: "For any property subject to this chapter, notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, no final or parcel map shall be approved nor shall any building permit or occupancy permit for any project be issued and no person shall build, use or occupy any project, without first paying the fee established by, or otherwise complying with, this chapter. Projects located on sites which have been previously developed with permanent commercial, industrial and residential structures and which do not meet the requirements of section 15.08.030(c), shall not be subject to this section." The amended wording would exempt existing development projects from paying the PLDA fee when filing a parcel or final map unless the project increases the building footprint by 50% or more over the existing building footprint. Based upon staffs knowledge of the current Westfield's mall redevelopment plans, the Westfield mall improvement project would be exempted from paying the PLDA fee. Staff also corrected the typographical error on page two of the proposed Ordinance No. CS-004 amending Chapter 15.08. The implementation timeline was revised from 30 days to 60 days to meet applicable legal standards for the commencement of collecting development related fees. FISCAL IMPACT: The 2008 Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan proposed construction of 34 Master Plan Projects with an estimated construction cost of $21,930,385. PageS The following is a summary of current PLDA Area fund balances, an estimation of the construction costs for 34 proposed master plan facilities, and an estimation of future revenue from PLDA fee funding to allow for the construction of future master plan facilities: PLDA Fund Balance1 PLDA Master Plan Project Cost PLDA Funding Needs AREA A $249,639 $1,953,719 $1,704,080 AREAB $5,865,748 $12,727,555 $6,861,807 AREAC $3,679,499 $4,775,649 $1,096,150 AREAD $226,928 $2,473,462 $2,246,534 TOTAL $10,021,814 $21,930,385 $11,908,571 1The PLDA Fund Balances include the amounts used to purchase wetland mitigation credits from the North County Habitat Bank as these credits will be used to mitigate future PLDA projects. To generate needed funding, staff is recommending amending the current PLDA fee and structure to include three runoff coefficient categories shown below. Runoff Coefficient Low Medium High PLDA Basin A $5,270 $10,480 $22,837 PLDA Basin B $1,970 $3,797 $8,535 PLDA Basin C $1,912 $2,705 $8,287 PLDA Basin D $1,813 $2,966 $7,857 ($/development acre) EXHIBITS: 1. Ordinance No. CS-004 amending Carlsbad Municipal Code, Title 15, Chapter 15.08, Updating the Planned Local Drainage Area Fee Program, Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan (MCA 07-01). 2. Strikeout version of Carlsbad Municipal Code Title 15, Chapter 15.08 Drainage Area Fee. 3. Ordinance No. CS-005 amending Title 21, Chapters 21.38, 21.203 and 21.205 of the Municipal Code by Deleting References to the Master Drainage Plan Adopted in 1994 and the Model Erosion Control Ordinance and Adding References to the Proposed City of Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan and Existing Engineering Standards, Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan (ZCA 07-04). 4. Strikeout version of Carlsbad Municipal Code Title 21, Chapters 21.38, 21.203 and 21.205. 5. Resolution No. 2008-230 approving the 2008 Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan and Approving a Change to the City's Planned Local Drainage Area Fee, CIP Project No. 3872. 6. Agenda Bill No. 19,540 on file in the Office of the City Clerk. 7. Carlsbad Engineering Standards located at http://www.carlsbadca.gov/engineering/index.html EXHIBIT 1 1 ORDINANCE NO. CS-004 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AMENDING CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE, TITLE 15, 3 CHAPTER 15.08 UPDATING THE PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE AREA FEE PROGRAM 4 CASE NAME: CARLSBAD DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN CASE NO: MCA 07-01 5 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad California, does ordain as follows: 6 SECTION 1: That Title 15, Chapter 15.08 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended 7 by the amendment of Section 15.08.010 to read as follows: 8 15.08.010 Purpose. 9 (a) This chapter imposes a fee to pay for various storm drain improvements within the city. The amount of the fee is based upon engineering analysis and has been calculated to be equal 10 to or less than the cost of the drainage improvement. The drainage improvements funded by this fee are designated in the report entitled City of Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan, dated July 11 2008, on file with the city engineer. (b) This chapter is necessary to ensure the completion of storm drainage, flood control and 12 water pollution control improvements in a timely manner concurrent with the need for such improvements. The construction of the drainage improvements funded by this fee will ensure 13 compliance with the city's growth management standards relating to drainage facilities and with the water quality improvement requirements of the national pollutant discharge elimination 14 system permit issued for city storm drainage facilities. 15 SECTION 2: That Title 15, Chapter 15.08 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended 16 by the amendment of Section 15.08.020 to read as follows: 17 15.08.020 Prohibition of development. For any property subject to this chapter, notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, no final or parcel map shall be approved nor shall any building permit or occupancy 9 permit for any project be issued and no person shall build, use or occupy any project, without first paying the fee established by, or otherwise complying with, this chapter. Redevelopment 20 projects or projects located on sites which have been previously developed with permanent commercial, industrial or residential structures and which do not meet the requirements of 21 section 15.08.030 (c) shall not be subject to this section. 22 SECTION 4: That Title 15, Chapter 15.08 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended 23 by the amendment of Section 15.08.040 to read as follows: 24 15.08.040 Fee. (a) The planned local drainage area fee schedule shall be established by city council resolution 25 and shall be considered part of this chapter. (b) A planned local drainage area fee shall be paid by the owner or developer prior to the 26 issuance of any building permit or occupancy permit or prior to final or parcel map approval for a project, whichever occurs first. The planned local drainage area fees shall be adjusted annually 27 based upon the July, 2008 Engineering News Record Los Angeles Construction Cost Index of 9335.69 based on the 1967 average = one hundred. 28 1 (c) If, as a condition of development, the project owner or developer is required to construct a planned local drainage facility, then the developer may receive a credit against payment of the 2 planned local drainage area fee. The amount of the fee credit shall not exceed the facility cost as estimated in the master drainage plan plus the adjustments provided for in subsection (b) of 3 this section. If the cost of the planned local drainage facility installed by the developer exceeds the amount of the fee credit established by this subsection the developer is eligible for 4 reimbursement on the balance of the facility costs pursuant to Section 15.08.080 of this chapter, (d) The drainage fee paid for each property subject to this chapter shall be based upon the 5 gross property acreage (including easements and not more than thirty feet of the fronting street right-of-way measured at right angles to the property line along the full extent of the street 6 frontage) less any area of constrained land as it may be defined in Section 21.53.230 and based upon the runoff potential for the respective general plan designation for the property. The runoff 7 potential for each land use designation shall be as indicated within Appendix C of the City of Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan, dated July 2008. 8 (e) The applicant for a building permit may request adjustment of the PLDA fees specified in this chapter upon submittal of a written request to the city engineer. The request should include an 9 explanation of the reason for the requested adjustment and any documentation in support of the request. Upon review of the request, the city engineer shall determine whether to approve or 10 deny the requested adjustment. 11 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective sixty (60) days after its adoption; and 12 the City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once 13 in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen (15) days after its 14 adoption. 15 /// 16 /// 17 /// 18 /// 19 /// 20 /// 21 /// 22 /// 23 /// 24 /// 25 /// 26 /// 27 /// 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a Regular Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the day of , 2008, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the day of , 2008, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk (SEAL) EXHIBIT 2 1 Chapter 15.08 DRAIN AGE ARE A FEE 2 Sections: 15.08.010 Purpose. 3 15.08.020 Prohibition of development. 15.08.030 Application requirements. 4 15.08.040 Fee. 15.08.050 Exemption. 5 15.08.060 Use of fees. 15.08.070 Assessment districts. 6 15.08.080 Reimbursement agreements. 15.08.090 Advance of funds by city. 7 15.08.100 Expiration of chapter. 8 15.08.010 Purpose. (a) This chapter imposes a fee to pay for various storm drain improvements within the city. 9 The amount of the fee is based upon engineering analysis and has been calculated to be equal to or less than the cost of the drainage improvement. The drainage improvements 10 funded by this fee are designated in the report entitled City of Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan, dated July 2008 Master Drainage and Storm Water Quality Management Plan, dated March, 1994, on file with the city engineer. (b) This chapter is necessary to ensure the completion of storm drainage, flood control and 12 water pollution control improvements in a timely manner concurrent with the need for such improvements. The construction of the drainage improvements funded by this fee will 13 ensure compliance with the city's growth management standards relating to drainage facilities and with the water quality improvement requirements of the national pollutant 14 discharge elimination system permit issued for city storm drainage facilities. (Ord. NS-293 §2 (part), 1994) 15.08.020 Prohibition of development. For any property subject to this chapter, notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, no final or parcel map shall be approved nor shall any building permit or occupancy 17 permit for any project be issued and no person shall build, use or occupy any project, without first paying the fee established by, or otherwise complying with, this chapter. Projects located on sites which have been previously developed with permanent commercial, industrial or residential structures and which do not meet the requirements of section 15.08.030 (c) iy shall not be subject to this section. (Ord. NS-293 § 2 (part), 1994) 70 15.08.030 Application requirements. In addition to any other requirements for a building permit authorized pursuant to Title 18 of this code and as established by the building official, the applicant for a building permit shall: 22 (a) Submit a site plan showing the building footprint of all existing and proposed habitable structures on the property subject to this chapter together with a summary of the building 23 footprint areas for existing and proposed structure(s). (b) Pay the planned local drainage area fee established by action of this chapter. 24 (c) Subsections (a) and (b) of this section shall apply to all new building construction, to all residential and non-residential remodels, enlargements or alterations where the proposed 25 building footprint is increased by fifty percent or greater over the existing building footprint, (d) This section shall not apply to property which was subdivided after October 16, 1980, and for which the subdivider for said property paid or received credit for payment of any PLDA fees. (Ord. NS-293 § 2 (part), 1994) 27 28 1 15.08.040 Fee. (a) The planned local drainage area fee schedule shall be established by city council 2 resolution and shall be considered part of this chapter. (b) A planned local drainage area fee shall be paid by the owner or developer prior to the 3 issuance of any building permit or occupancy permit or prior to final or parcel map approval for a project, whichever occurs first. The planned local drainage area fees shall 4 be adjusted annually based upon the July January, 2008 4S94 Engineering News Record Los Angeles Construction Cost Index of 9335.69 §49r43 based on the 1967 average = one 5 hundred. (c) If, as a condition of development, the project owner or developer is required to construct a 6 planned local drainage facility, then the developer may receive a credit against payment of the planned local drainage area fee. The amount of the fee credit shall not exceed the 7 facility cost as estimated in the master drainage plan plus the adjustments provided for in subsection (b) of this section. If the cost of the planned local drainage facility installed by 8 the developer exceeds the amount of the fee credit established by this subsection the developer is eligible for reimbursement on the balance of the facility costs pursuant to 9 Section 15.08.080 of this chapter. (d) The drainage fee paid for each property subject to this chapter shall be based upon the 10 gross property acreage (including easements and not more than thirty feet of the fronting street right-of-way measured at right angles to the property line along the full extent of the 11 street frontage) less any area of constrained land as it may be defined in Section 21.53.230 and based upon the runoff potential for the respective general plan designation 12 for the property. The runoff potential for each land use designation shall be as indicated within Appendix C Table 4-3 City of Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan, dated July 2008 for the master drainage plan. (e) The applicant for a building permit may request adjustment of the PLDA fees specified in 14 this chapter upon submittal of a written request to the city engineer. The request should include an explanation of the reason for the requested adjustment and any documentation 15 in support of the request. Upon review of the request, the city engineer shall determine whether to approve or deny the requested adjustment. (Ord. NS-293 § 2 (part), 1994)16 15.08.050 Exemption. 17 Project by public agencies or entities shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 10 NS-293 §2 (part), 1994)lo 15.08.060 Use of fees. Drainage area fees collected hereunder shall be segregated according to their source and deposited into a planned local drainage facilities fund established for each planned local drainage area and the funds therein and interest accruing thereto shall be expended solely for ~, the construction of or for reimbursement for construction of drainage facilities within the respective planned local drainage area. All of the fees collected shall be expended solely to 22 build or finance planned local drainage facilities serving the city. (Ord. NS-293 § 2 (part), 1994) 15.08.070 Assessment districts. If an assessment district or special taxing district is established for all or any part of the area 24 subject to this chapter to fund storm drain improvements which are or will be funded in whole or in part by the fee established by this chapter, the owner or developer of a project may apply to 25 the city council for a credit against the fee in an amount equal to the assessment or taxes paid. (Ord. NS-293 §2 (part), 1994) 26- 27 28 1 15.08.080 Reimbursement agreements. The city council may, at its discretion, enter into a reimbursement agreement with a developer, 2 when said developer has constructed a planned local drainage facility improvement. Reimbursement shall be made only as fees are collected in connection with the development of 3 other property in the same planned local drainage area in which said facilities were constructed. The schedule of payments for the reimbursement shall take into consideration the schedule of 4 planned local drainage facility improvement construction contemplated in the adopted capital improvement program and shall be made at the sole discretion of the city council. The amount 5 of reimbursement shall be limited to the actual cost, including engineering and other costs, of such facilities at the time they are constructed. The term of reimbursement agreements shall not 6 exceed ten years. The payment of any reimbursement shall be limited to the extent that funds are available through the collection of the PLDA fees. If the amount of reimbursement exceeds 7 the cost of the facility as estimated in the master drainage plan including the adjustments provided for in Section 15.08.040(b), then the city council shall revise the facility fee schedule 8 accordingly. The developer requesting reimbursement shall pay or receive appropriate fee credits based upon the revised fee schedule. (Ord. NS-293 § 2 (part), 1994) 9 15.08.090 Advance of funds by city. 10 The city may advance money from any available source or fund for the construction of improvements which would otherwise be paid for from fees collected pursuant to this chapter and reimburse itself from future fees. (Ord. NS-293 § 2 (part), 1994) 12 15.08.100 Expiration of chapter. This chapter shall be of no further force and effect when the city council determines that the amount of fees which have been collected reaches an amount equal to the cost of the storm drain improvements. (Ord. NS-293 § 2 (part), 1994)14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EXHIBIT 3 1 ORDINANCE NO. CS-005 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 21, CHAPTERS 21.38, 21.203 AND 3 21.205 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY DELETING REFERENCES TO THE MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN ADOPTED IN 1994 AND THE MODEL 4 EROSION CONTROL ORDINANCE AND ADDING REFERENCES TO THE PROPOSED CITY OF CARLSBAD DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN AND 5 EXISTING ENGINEERING STANDARDS. CASE NAME: CARLSBAD DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN 6 CASE NO: ZCA 07-04 7 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain as follows: 8 SECTION 1: That Section 21.38.141 (c) (6) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended 9 to read as follows: 10 6. A site specific technical report shall be required addressing the cumulative effects of developing each subwatershed and recommending measures to mitigate both increased runoff and sedimentation. It shall be reviewed and prepared according to the City of Carlsbad Engineering Standards and provisions of the Local Coastal Program, with the 12 additions and changes adopted herein, such that a natural drainage system is generally preserved for the eastern undeveloped watersheds, but that storm drains are allowed for those western portions of the watershed which have already been incrementally developed. 14 SECTION 2: That Section 21.203.040 (B.) (1.) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is 15 amended to read as follows: 1. Buena Vista Lagoon. Developments located along the first row of lots bordering Buena Vista Lagoon, including the parcel at the mouth of the lagoon, shall be designated for 1' residential development at a density of up to four dwelling units per acre. Proposed development in this area shall be required to submit topographic and vegetation mapping and analysis, as well as soils reports, as part of the development permit application. Such information shall be provided in addition to any required environmental impact report, and shall be prepared by qualified professionals and in sufficient detail to locate the boundary of wetland and upland areas and areas of slopes in excess of twenty-five percent. Topographic maps shall be submitted at a scale sufficient to determine the appropriate developable areas, generally not 21 less than a scale of one inch equals one hundred feet with a topographic contour interval of five feet, and shall include an overlay delineating the location of the proposed project. The lagoon 22 and wetland area shall be delineated and criteria used to identify any wetlands existing on the site shall be those of Section 30121 of the Coastal Act and based upon the standards of the 23 local coastal program mapping regulations. Mapping of wetlands and siting of development shall be done in consultation and subject to the approval of the Department of Fish and Game. 24 Development shall be clustered to preserve open space for habitat protection. Minimum setbacks of at least one hundred feet from wetlands/lagoon shall be required in all development, 25 in order to buffer such sensitive habitat area from intrusion. Such buffer areas, as well as other open space areas required in permitted development to preserve habitat areas, shall be permanently preserved for habitat uses through provision of an open space easement as a condition of project approval. In the event that a wetland area is bordered by steep slopes (in 27 excess of twenty-five percent) which will act as a natural buffer to the habitat area, a buffer area of less than one hundred feet in width may be permitted. The density of any permitted 28 " 1 development shall be based upon the net developable area of the parcel, excluding any portion of a parcel which is in wetlands or lagoon. As specified in subsection A of this section, a density 2 credit may be provided for that portion of the parcel which is in steep slopes. Storm drain alignments as proposed in the City of Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan dated July 2008 which 3 would be carried through or empty into Buena Vista Lagoon shall not be permitted, unless such improvements comply with the requirements of Sections 30230, 30231, 30233 and 30235 of the 4 Coastal Act by maintaining or enhancing the functional capacity of the lagoon in a manner acceptable to the State Department of Fish and Game. Land divisions shall only be permitted on 5 parcels bordering the lagoon pursuant to a single planned development permit for the entire original parcel. 6 SECTION 3: That Section 21.203.040 (B.) (3.) (a.) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is 7 amended to read as follows: 8 a. All development must include mitigation measures for the control of urban runoff 9 flow rates and velocities, urban pollutants, erosion and sedimentation in accordance with: (1) the requirements of the city's grading ordinance, storm water ordinance, standard urban storm 10 water mitigation plan (SUSMP) dated April 2003, and as amended, and the City of Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan dated July 2008, as those documents are certified as part of the city's 11 LCP; (2) the city's jurisdictional urban runoff management program (JURMP) and the San Diego County Hydrology Manual to the extent that these requirements are not inconsistent with any 12 policies of the LCP; and (3) the additional requirements contained herein. Such mitigation shall become an element of the project, and shall be installed prior to the initial grading. SECTION 4: That Section 21.203.040 (B.) (3.) (c.) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is14 amended to read as follows: c. Mitigation shall require construction of all improvements shown in the City of 16 Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan dated July 2008 and any amendments to them for the area between the project site and the lagoon (including the debris basin), as well as revegetation of 17 graded areas immediately after grading; and a mechanism for permanent maintenance if the city declines to accept the responsibility. Construction of drainage improvements may be through formation of an assessment district, or through any similar arrangement that allocates costs among the various landowners in an equitable manner. SECTION 5: That Section 21.203.040 (B.) (4.) (a.) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 22 a- All development must include mitigation measures for the control of urban runoff flow rates and velocities, urban pollutants, erosion and sedimentation in accordance with: (1) the requirements of the city's grading ordinance, storm water ordinance, standard urban storm water mitigation plan (SUSMP) dated April 2003 and as amended, and the City of Carlsbad 24 Drainage Master Plan dated July 2008, as those documents are certified as part of the city's LCP; (2) the city's jurisdictional urban runoff management program (JURMP) and the San Diego County Hydrology Manual to the extent that these requirements are not inconsistent with any policies of the LCP; and (3) the additional requirements contained herein. Such mitigation shall become an element of the project and shall be installed prior to the initial grading. 27 28 1 SECTION 6: That Section 21.203.040 (B.) (4.) (c.) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is 2 amended to read as follows: 3 c. Mitigation shall also require construction of all improvements shown in the City of Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan dated July 2008 and amendments to it. No subsequent 4 amendments are a part of this zone unless certified by the coastal commission. The general provisions, procedures, standards, content of plans and implementation contained with them are 5 required conditions of development in addition to the provisions below. Approved development shall include the following conditions, in addition to the requirements specified above: 6 SECTION 7: That Section 21.203.040 (B.) (4.) (c.) (i.) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is 7 amended to read as follows: 8 All off-site, downstream improvements (including debris basin and any other 9 improvements recommended in the City of Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan dated July 2008) shall be constructed prior to the issuance of a grading permit on-site. Improvements shall be inspected by city or county staff and certified as adequate and in compliance with the requirements of the drainage plan and the additional requirements of this zone. If the city or county declines to accept maintenance responsibility for the improvements, the developer shall maintain the improvements during construction of the on-site improvements; SECTION 8: That Section 21.203.040 (B.) (4.) (c.) (vi.) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to read as follows:14 vi. Storm drainage facilities in developed areas shall be improved and enlarged according to City of Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan dated July 2008, incorporating the changes specified in this section. Improvement districts shall be formed for presently undeveloped areas which are expected to urbanize in the future. The improvement districts shall implement City of Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan dated July 2008. Upstream areas in the coastal zone shall not17 be permitted to develop incrementally prior to installation of the storm drain facilities downstream, in order to assure protection of coastal resources. New drainage facilities, required within the improvement districts shall be financed either by some form of bond or from fees collected from developers on a cost-per-acre basis; „„ SECTION 9: That Section 21.205.060 (a.) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended «, to read as follows: 22 a- All development must include mitigation measures for the control of urban runoff flow rates and velocities, urban pollutants, erosion and sedimentation in accordance with: (1) 23 the requirements of the city's grading ordinance, storm water ordinance, standard urban storm water mitigation plan (SUSMP) dated April 2003 and as amended, and the City of Carlsbad 24 Drainage Master Plan dated July 2008, as those documents are certified as part of the city's LCP; (2) the city's jurisdictional urban runoff management program (JURMP) and the San Diego 25 County Hydrology Manual to the extent that these requirements are not inconsistent with any policies of the LCP; and (3) the additional requirements contained herein. Such mitigation shall 25 become an element of the project and shall be installed prior to the initial grading. 27 28 1 SECTION 10: That Section 21.205.060 (c.) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended 2 to read as follows: 3 c. Mitigation shall also require construction of all improvements shown in the City of Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan dated July 2008 and amendments to it. No subsequent 4 amendments are a part of this zone unless certified by the coastal commission. The general provisions, procedures, standards, content of plans and implementation contained in them are 5 required conditions of development in addition to the provisions below. Approved development shall include the following conditions, in addition to the requirements specified above: 6 SECTION 11: That Section 21.205.060 (c.) (i.) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is 7 amended to read as follows: 8 i. All off-site, downstream improvements (including debris basin and any other 9 improvements) recommended in the City of Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan dated July 2008 shall be constructed prior to the issuance of a grading permit on-site. Improvements shall be 10 inspected by city staff and certified as adequate and in compliance with the requirements of the drainage plan and the additional requirements of this zone. If the city declines to accept 11 maintenance responsibility for the improvements, the developer shall maintain the improvements during construction of the on-site improvements; EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective no sooner than thirty (30) days after its adoption but not until approved by the California Coastal Commission, and the City Clerk shall14 certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen (15) days after its adoption.16 17 '" 18 '" 19 >" 20 '" 21 '" 22 '" 23 '" 24 '" 25 '" 26 "' 21 I" 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a Regular Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the day of , 2008, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the day of , 2008, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk (SEAL) EXHIBIT 4 ZCA 07-04 PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT CHANGES DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN / PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE AREA FEES / CALAVERA AND AGUA HEDIONDA CREEKS PROJECT Section 21.38.141 (c) (6) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is proposed to be amended as follows: (6) A site specific technical report shall be required addressing the cumulative effects of developing each subwatershed and recommending measures to mitigate both increased runoff and sedimentation. It shall be reviewed and prepared according to the City of Carlsbad Engineering Standards and provisions of the Local Coastal Program, Model Erosion Control Ordinance contained in the master drainage plan, with the additions and changes adopted herein, such that a natural drainage system is generally preserved for the eastern undeveloped watersheds, but that storm drains are allowed for those western portions of the watershed which have already been incrementally developed. Section 21.203.040 (B.) (1.) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is proposed to be amended as follows: 1. Buena Vista Lagoon. Developments located along the first row of lots bordering Buena Vista Lagoon, including the parcel at the mouth of the lagoon, shall be designated for residential development at a density of up to four dwelling units per acre. Proposed development in this area shall be required to submit topographic and vegetation mapping and analysis, as well as soils reports, as part of the development permit application. Such information shall be provided in addition to any required environmental impact report, and shall be prepared by qualified professionals and in sufficient detail to locate the boundary of wetland and upland areas and areas of slopes in excess of twenty-five percent. Topographic maps shall be submitted at a scale sufficient to determine the appropriate developable areas, generally not less than a scale of one inch equals one hundred feet with a topographic contour interval of five feet, and shall include an overlay delineating the location of the proposed project. The lagoon and wetland area shall be delineated and criteria used to identify any wetlands existing on the site shall be those of Section 30121 of the Coastal Act and based upon the standards of the local coastal program mapping regulations. Mapping of wetlands and siting of development shall be done in consultation and subject to the approval of the Department of Fish and Game. Development shall be clustered to preserve open space for habitat protection. Minimum setbacks of at least one hundred feet from wetlands/lagoon shall be required in all development, in order to buffer such sensitive habitat area from intrusion. Such buffer areas, as well as other open space areas required in permitted development to preserve habitat areas, / EXHIBIT 4 shall be permanently preserved for habitat uses through provision of an open space easement as a condition of project approval. In the event that a wetland area is bordered by steep slopes (in excess of twenty-five percent) which will act as a natural buffer to the habitat area, a buffer area of less than one hundred feet in width may be permitted. The density of any permitted development shall be based upon the net developable area of the parcel, excluding any portion of a parcel which is in wetlands or lagoon. As specified in subsection A of this section, a density credit may be provided for that portion of the parcel which is in steep slopes. Storm drain alignments as proposed in the City of Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan, dated July 2008 Carlsbad master drainage plan which would be carried through or empty into Buena Vista Lagoon shall not be permitted, unless such improvements comply with the requirements of Sections 30230, 30231, 30233 and 30235 of the Coastal Act by maintaining or enhancing the functional capacity of the lagoon in a manner acceptable to the State Department of Fish and Game. Land divisions shall only be permitted on parcels bordering the lagoon pursuant to a single planned development permit for the entire original parcel. Section 21.203.040 (B.) (3.) (a.) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is proposed to be amended as follows: a. All development must include mitigation measures for the control of urban runoff flow rates and velocities, urban pollutants, erosion and sedimentation in accordance with: (1) the requirements of the city's grading ordinance, storm water ordinance, standard urban storm water mitigation plan (SUSMP) dated April 2003, and as amended, and the City of Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan, dated July 2008 master drainage plan dated 1994, as those documents are certified as part of the city's LCP; (2) the city's jurisdictional urban runoff management program (JURMP) and the San Diego County Hydrology Manual to the extent that these requirements are not inconsistent with any policies of the LCP; and (3) the additional requirements contained herein. Such mitigation shall become an element of the project, and shall be installed prior to the initial grading. Section 21.203.040 (B.) (3.) (c.) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is proposed to be amended as follows: c. Mitigation shall require construction of all improvements shown in the City of Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan, dated July 2008 master drainage plan and any amendments to them for the area between the project site and the lagoon (including the debris basin), as well as revegetation of graded areas immediately after grading; and a mechanism for permanent maintenance if the city declines to accept the responsibility. Construction of drainage improvements may be through formation of an assessment district, or through any similar arrangement that allocates costs among the various landowners in an equitable manner. EXHIBIT 4 Section 21.203.040 (B.) (4.) (a.) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is proposed to be amended as follows: a. All development must include mitigation measures for the control of urban runoff flow rates and velocities, urban pollutants, erosion and sedimentation in accordance with: (1) the requirements of the city's grading ordinance, storm water ordinance, standard urban storm water mitigation plan (SUSMP) dated April 2003 and as amended, and the City City of Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan, dated July 2008, master drainage plan dated 1994, as those documents are certified as part of the city's LCP; (2) the city's jurisdictional urban runoff management program (JURMP) and the San Diego County Hydrology Manual to the extent that these requirements are not inconsistent with any policies of the LCP; and (3) the additional requirements contained herein. Such mitigation shall become an element of the project and shall be installed prior to the initial grading. Section 21.203.040 (B.) (4.) (c.) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is proposed to be amended as follows: c. Mitigation shall also require construction of all improvements shown in the City of Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan, dated July 2008 master drainage plan and amendments to it. No subsequent amendments are a part of this zone unless certified by the coastal commission. The general provisions, procedures, standards, content of plans and implementation contained with them are required conditions of development in addition to the provisions below. Approved development shall include the following conditions, in addition to the requirements specified above: Section 21.203.040 (B.) (4.) (c.) (i.) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is proposed to be amended as follows: i. All off-site, downstream improvements (including debris basin and any other improvements recommended in the City of Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan, dated July 2008 drainage plan) shall be constructed prior to the issuance of a grading permit on-site. Improvements shall be inspected by city or county staff and certified as adequate and in compliance with the requirements of the drainage plan and the additional requirements of this zone. If the city or county declines to accept maintenance responsibility for the improvements, the developer shall maintain the improvements during construction of the on-site improvements; (1 EXHIBIT 4 Section 21.203.040 (B.) (4.) (c.) (vi.) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is proposed to be amended as follows: vi. Storm drainage facilities in developed areas shall be improved and enlarged according to City of Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan, dated July 2008, the Carlsbad master drainage plan, incorporating the changes specified in this section. Improvement districts shall be formed for presently undeveloped areas which are expected to urbanize in the future. The improvement districts shall implement City of Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan, dated July 2008. tho master drainage plan. Upstream areas in the coastal zone shall not be permitted to develop incrementally prior to installation of the storm drain facilities downstream, in order to assure protection of coastal resources. New drainage facilities, required within the improvement districts shall be financed either by some form of bond or from fees collected from developers on a cost-per-acre basis; Section 21.205.060 (a.) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is proposed to be amended as follows: a. All development must include mitigation measures for the control of urban runoff flow rates and velocities, urban pollutants, erosion and sedimentation in accordance with: (1) the requirements of the city's grading ordinance, storm water ordinance, standard urban storm water mitigation plan (SUSMP) dated April 2003 and as amended, and the City of Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan, dated July 2008, master drainage plan dated 1994, as those documents are certified as part of the city's LCP; (2) the city's jurisdictional urban runoff management program (JURMP) and the San Diego County Hydrology Manual to the extent that these requirements are not inconsistent with any policies of the LCP; and (3) the additional requirements contained herein. Such mitigation shall become an element of the project and shall be installed prior to the initial grading. Section 21.205.060 (c.) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is proposed to be amended as follows: c. Mitigation shall also require construction of all improvements shown in the City of Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan, dated July 2008 master drainage plan and amendments to it. No subsequent amendments are a part of this zone unless certified by the coastal commission. The general provisions, procedures, standards, content of plans and implementation contained in them are required conditions of development in addition to the provisions below. Approved development shall include the following conditions, in addition to the requirements specified above: EXHIBIT 4 Section 21.205.060 (c.) (i.) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is proposed to be amended as follows: i. All off-site, downstream improvements (including debris basin and any other improvements,) recommended in the City of Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan, dated July 2008 drainage plan) shall be constructed prior to the issuance of a grading permit on-site. Improvements shall be inspected by city staff and certified as adequate and in compliance with the requirements of the drainage plan and the additional requirements of this zone. If the city declines to accept maintenance responsibility for the improvements, the developer shall maintain the improvements during construction of the on-site improvements; EXHIBIT 5 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2008-230 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD 3 APPROVING THE 2008 CARLSBAD DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN AND APPROVING A CHANGE TO THE CITY'S PLANNED LOCAL 4 DRAINAGE AREA FEE. CASE NAME: CARLSBAD DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN 5 CASE NO: CIP PROJECT NO. 3872 6 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby resolve as follows: 7 WHEREAS, on April 8, 2005, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, determined it necessary and in the public interest to enter into an agreement with Brown and Caldwell to update the Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan, Project No. 3872; and WHEREAS, Brown and Caldwell completed the update to the Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan in accordance with the tasks outlined in its Professional Services Agreement; and 11 WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan dated July 2008, incorporated herein by 12 reference, represents a comprehensive program for the phased and orderly development of 13 improvements to accommodate the future drainage service needs of the City; and 14 WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan dated July 2008 identifies projects to construct new drainage facilities, and modify or expand existing drainage facilities, collectively 16 referred to as "Planned Local Drainage Area (PLDA) facilities", that are needed to accommodate 17 the demand from future development in the City; and 18 WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan dated July 2008 recommends a revision 19 to the City's Planned Local Drainage Area (PLDA) fee program and explains the nexus between 2Q the imposition of the PLDA fee and the estimated reasonable cost of constructing the PLDA facilities for which the fee is charged; and WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan dated July 2008 includes an estimate of 22 the cost to construct the PLDA facilities and a fee calculation methodology to effectively and fairly 23 apportion the PLDA fees in relation to future development's demand on the identified PLDA facilities; and TC WHEREAS, an updated PLDA fee program is for the financing of the identified PLDA 26 facilities is set forth in the Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan dated July 2008; and 27 28 1 WHEREAS, the PLDA fees as set forth in the Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan dated July 2 2008 do not exceed the reasonable costs of constructing the facilities and the fees are not levied 3 for general revenue purposes; and 4 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has established and will continue to maintain a fund or 5 funds necessary to collect the fees so imposed and to maintain said fund or funds and the 6 interest collected therein and to authorize expenditures for only those projects, bond payments, or 7 other construction activities set forth in the Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan dated July 2008. 8 The fee deposited in the fund or funds shall not be commingled with any other funds or revenue 9 of the City. The City has made and will continue to make a report, at least annually, and within 10 sixty (60) days of the close of the fiscal year determining the beginning and ending balances for 11 the fiscal year and the fees, interest, and other income and the amount of expenditure on each 12 public facility. The City Finance Director has made and will continue to make this information 13 available to the public and report to the City Council not less than fifteen (15) days after making 14 said information available to the public. The Finance Director shall monitor these funds so that, if 15 required, the City Council may make written findings that all or a portion of the fee remaining 1" unexpended or uncommitted in the fund for five (5) or more years are still necessary for the I7 purpose to which the fees is to be expended and demonstrate a reasonable relationship between 1 8 that fee and the cost of the improvements; and 19 WHEREAS, the proposed PLDA fee program includes an administrative variance 90^u procedure to allow waivers of payment of the full PLDA fee in certain instances which are more 21 specifically described in the Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan dated July 2008; and 22 WHEREAS, the PLDA fee program includes provision for a developer, who constructs all 23 or a portion of one or more of the identified PLDA facilities, to receive credit against the payment 24 of their respective PLDA fee and/or to receive reimbursement for costs deemed eligible for 25 reimbursement pursuant to the credit and reimbursement program described in the Carlsbad 26 Drainage Master Plan dated July 2008; and 27 /// 28 1 WHEREAS, the time and place of this meeting was noticed in accordance with 2 Government Code Sections 66016, and a copy of the Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan dated July 3 2008 was made available to the public at least 14 days prior to this public hearing; and 4 WHEREAS, Notice of this hearing was included in two publications with at least five days 5 intervening between the dates of first and last publication; and 6 WHEREAS, the City Council did on the 5th day of August, 2008 hold a duly noticed 7 hearing as prescribed by law to consider the proposed Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan dated July 8 2008 and the proposed change in the Planned Local Drainage Area Fee; and 9 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and 10 arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, the City Council considered all factors 11 relating to the Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan dated July 2008 and the proposed change in the 12 City's Planned Local Drainage Area Fee. 13 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as 14 follows: 15 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. *" 2. The City Council has heard and considered all oral and written presentations 1' offered by the public on the proposed Planned Local Drainage Area Fee update. 1 810 3. The City Council finds the Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan dated July 2008 19 adequately describes the nexus between the imposition of the proposed updated PLDA fee and 20 the estimated reasonable cost of constructing the PLDA facilities for which the fee is charged. 21 4. The Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan dated July 2008 is hereby approved. 22 5. The proposed fee does not include any cost attributable to existing deficiencies in 23 any existing facility. 24 6. The list of PLDA facilities as described in the Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan 25 dated July 2008 is hereby approved and shall be funded through the collection of the proposed '}/' updated PLDA fee. 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 7. The City Council finds that the fee calculation methodology described in the Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan dated July 2008 effectively and fairly apportions the proposed updated PLDA fees in relation to future development's demand on the identified PLDA facilities. 8. That the City Council hereby approves the update to the Planned Local Drainage Area Fee structure as follows: Runoff Coefficient Low Medium High PLDA Basin A $5,270 $10,480 $22,837 PLDA Basin B $1,970 $3,797 $8,535 PLDA Basin C $1,912 $2,705 $8,287 PLDA Basin D $1,813 $2,966 $7,857 ($/developable acre) 9. That the Planned Local Drainage Area Fee change hereby approved shall be effective sixty (60) days after the adoption of this resolution. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the day of , 2008, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk (SEAL) September 3, 2008 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Public Works Director ft 8EP ~ 8 2008 CITY OF CARLSBAD..CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, All Receive For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL **% .CM___CACCDat€-2/lCity Manager RESPONSE TO CITIZENS COMMENTS RAISED AT PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN (DMP) ADOPTION ON AUGUST 5, 2008 Numerous issues and concerns were raised by citizens speaking on behalf of themselves, property associations, building industry advocacy groups, and environmental groups regarding City Council adoption of the updated Drainage Master Plan (DMP) and Planned Local Drainage Area (PLDA) fee program. The updates to the DMP and PLDA fee program have been in process for several years and the subject matter they encompass and the issues they raise are complex and have long and sometimes convoluted histories. This memo was prepared to provide detailed responses to the many issues raised during Council's public hearing on the DMP and PLDA fee program. This memo will address issues and concerns raised by Preserve Calavera, Westfield and the Building Industry Association (BIA). The issues raised by the Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association (RCOA) and David Bentley are still being looked into and will be addressed in a future memo. The following is a brief summary of the basic issues and concerns raised by each person or group followed by a detail set of responses to each issue or concern raised: Scott Mallov of the Building Industry Association (BIA) Scott Malloy representing the BIA made the following written and verbal requests: 1. Expand the administrative variance procedures in the DMP to include Low Impact Development (LID) and hydro-modification project design features as potential justification for PLDA fee reductions 2. Revise the DMP study to account for Low Impact Development (LID) and hydro- modification design requirements mandated by Regional Water Quality Control Board requirements 3. Delay implementation of any proposed PLDA fee increase for one year but immediately implement any proposed PLDA fees reduction 4. Continue to asses the fees at final map but allow the fees to be paid at the close of escrow or certificate of occupancy Staff response to BIA Request No. 1 Staff is recommending the following modification to the DMP to incorporate a new circumstance into list of circumstance that an administrative variance may be granted to allow relief from payment of the full PLDA fee as follows: 1 When the project includes Low Impact Development (LID) or hydro-modification features that reduce the 100-year flood runoff values in the post construction condition to such an extent that the runoff values are reduced to the levels consistent with a project with a lesser runoff level. For example a project with a high runoff value that installs LID features that result in runoff values that equate to a medium runoff level project would have their fee reduced from the high level tb the medium level. In no case shall the fee level be reduced less than the low runoff level. Staff response to Bl/^ Request No. 2 Staff does not recommend revising the DMP study at this time. Low Impact Development (LID) is a storm water management approach with a basic principle modeled after nature - to manage rainfall at the source using uniformly distributed and decentralized design features. The co-permittees under the San Diego Region Municipal Storm Water Permit have formed a Technical Advisory Committee (TAG) to prepare standards for LID and hydro-modification for the San Diego region. City Engineering Standards reference the San Diego County Hydrology Manual for hydrology calculations. The current San Diego Hydrology Manual does not provide a calculation method that accounts for Low Impact Development (LID). We understand that the County will prepare a revised Hydrology Manual in the future, once the Technical Advisory Committee (TAG) has completed its work on LID and hydro-modification standards. Until there is a recognized and consistent method of accounting for LID practices in hydrology calculations, it is premature to discuss any reduction in 100-yr. flows. Storm drain facilities in the DMP are sized for the 100-year storm. LID is concerned with storms of 2-yr. to 5-yr. frequency. Therefore, we expect LID to have very little impact on the 100-yr. runoff volumes, and do not anticipate any significant changes to the sizes or costs of identified flood control facilities. Staff response to BIA Request No. 3 Staff does NOT recommend delaying the PLDA fee program update. The PLDA fee program update has been in the works for several years. Further delays will result in lost revenue from new projects. Given the current number of development applications in process and considering the current development climate, staff estimates the potential loss in revenue at $40,740.00 if the fee update were delayed one year. Depending upon how long the fee update was delayed, the City could potentially lose additional PLDA fee revenues on those projects that entered into agreements to pay the updated PLDA fee. The PLDA fee agreements expire after a three year period. If the fee program were delayed one year the loss in fee revenue from this source would be $168,978.00. Staff response to BIA Request No. 4 Staff does not recommend making any changes with the timing of the current PLDA fee collection procedures. Fees are due at final map, building permit or building occupancy whichever occurs first. Collection of fees at escrow or certificate of occupancy would create serious administrative issues for staff. The City has positive and definite control of the finaling of maps and issuance of permits. Collecting fees at close of escrow would present tremendous problems for the City and potentially delay payments for years if the building sat vacant during poor economic times or due to ownership issues. Collection of fees at certificate of occupancy also creates problems for staff. Developers that failed to obtain adequate loans during construction may have difficulty obtaining loans during certificate of occupancy. If Council were inclined to provide relief to the development community on the timing of the PLDA fee payment, staff would recommend an approach similar to the park-in-lieu fee. Park fees are due at final map but may be deferred, at the developer's discretion, to building permit issuance with the posting of a secured park-in-lieu fee agreement with the City. This method allows fees to be deferred but provides the City with the necessary guarantee that the fees will paid at building permit issuance. Alman Taranton representing Westfield Alman Taranton representing the Westfield shopping mall made the following requests: 1. Amend Title 15.08.050 to include the follow exemption language: "Projects that are subdivided and/or redeveloped and that do not increase the net impervious area of the site shall be exempt from the provision of this chapter." Staff response to Westfield Request No. 1 Staff does not recommend including the exemption language as presented in the Westfield request. Current City Codes require that existing development is required to pay the PLDA fee when the building footprint is increased by 50% or more over the existing building footprint or if a final or parcel map is filed with the City. It was mistakenly stated at the Council meeting on August 5, 2008 that City staff was only charging fees on existing development that increased their footprint by 50% and not on remodel or redevelopment projects that filed final or parcel maps. The PLDA fee has been charged on all remodel and redevelopment projects that have filed maps and/or met the building footprint size criteria. Staff is recommending that City Code Section 15.08.020 be revised to read as follows: "For any property subject to this chapter, notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, no final or parcel map shall be approved nor shall any building permit or occupancy permit for any project be issued and no person shall build, use or occupy any project, without first paying the fee established by, or otherwise complying with, this chapter. Projects located on sites which have been previously developed with permanent commercial, industrial or residential structures and which do not meet the requirements of section 15.08.030(c), shall not be subject to this section." The above noted code revision will excuse the Westfield mall from payment of the PLDA fee increase except in the event of a major mall overhaul that increases the building footprint by 50% or more over its current footprint. The latest mall redevelopment proposal shared with the City does not meet this criterion. The provision of the 50% building footprint criterion was not meant to relate solely to runoff potential but was also intended to make administration of the fee program easier and to eliminate application of the fee to remodel or redevelopment projects that are minor relative to their existing project scope and scale. Diane Nygaard representing Preserve Calavera Diane Nygaard representing Calavera commented on a number of items in writing and verbally at the Council meeting. All of the comments were previously addressed in the response to comments in the EIR and as included in the prior agenda bill packet submitted to Council on August 5, 2008. Staff has been requested by Council to provide additional clarification regarding Preserve Calavera's request to revise the DMP to better integrate watershed management planning principles into the DMP document. Watershed management planning would refocus the DMP from what is essentially a flood control facility planning and financing document to an integrated plan that"... would focus on creating a more sustainable dynamic equilibrium for local streams that is modeled more on nature and less on the kind of controlled environment found in the typical flood control project." Staff agrees with the concept of integrating watershed planning into the DMP but does not agree it should be included with the current proposed DMP update. Watershed planning requires complex analysis and study to develop appropriate modeling programs upon which to base stream enhancement and facility improvement decisions. The draft Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan (AHWMP) took approximately one year to prepare and has yet to be fully reviewed by City staff. Although the AHWMP covers the major streams throughout the entire Agua Hedionda watershed, it does not address any of the many sub-basins that feed into the major creeks. The AHWMP does not cover any of the other watershed areas located within the City. It would take several years of analysis, another year or two of environmental review and well over a half million dollars to prepare an adequate DMP that fully integrates watershed management planning into the plan. Staff believes that adequate storm water quality and habitat protection measures exist within other regulatory plans and documents within the City including the Local Coastal Plans, the Habitat Management Plan (HMP) and the Jurisdictional Runoff Management Plan (JURMP). Any storm drain project constructed within the City must meet the applicable requirements of these and other regulatory documents. If Council desires to integrate watershed management planning within the DMP document, staff recommends that Council approve the current DMP and direct staff to return to Council with a funding program and schedule to prepare a new updated to the DMP and PLDA fee program. GLENN PRUIM Public Works Director c City Attorney Deputy Public Works Director, Engineering Services Deputy City Engineer, Planning and Programs Senior Planer, Scott Donnell September 4, 2008 TO: City Council FROM: City Manager RE: DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN On Aug. 5, 2008, staff presented their recommendations on the Drainage Master Plan and related EIR and fee study at the Council meeting. After hearing the public testimony and further discussion, Council adopted the EIR and continued the remaining documents until Sept. 9. At the Council meeting, several council members expressed their desire to review a number of items including: • History of the drainage plans for the Rancho Carlsbad development • Need for Basin BJ • Obligations of the Zone 15 developments • Various other issues which were raised at the public hearing Responses to issues other than those related to the Rancho Carlsbad area have been provided to the City Council in a separate memo. Since the Aug. 5 meeting, City staff has been working on assembling and analyzing the information surrounding questions raised by the Rancho Carlsbad Owner's Association. The data consists of two binders of documents related to the Rancho Carlsbad drainage history and related studies. At this point, staff has not had time to review all of this information with the City Council. It is voluminous, complex and covers more than 10 years of history. In addition, there are a number of related issues that have been recently raised as discussed in the memo from the Public Works Director (attached). Thus, if the City Council is satisfied with the information provided to date, you may adopt the Drainage Master Plan and the fees as shown in the agenda bill for the September 9 meeting. Adoption of the plan and fees would not preclude the City Council from amending these documents at a later date, if new information became available. However, if Council would like to have all of the Rancho Carlsbad questions answered prior to adopting the Plan, I would recommend that the City Council consider continuing this item to a future unspecified date. A continuance would provide staff an opportunity to follow up on the issues identified in the attached memo, as well as to review all of the Rancho Carlsbad history with the City Council. Lisa Hildabrand City Manager Attachment cc: City Attorney City Clerk Public Works Director September 5, 2008 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Public Works Director PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE AREA PROGRAM OUTSTANDING ISSUES At the August 5 meeting, Council considered the Drainage Master Plan update, revisions to the Planned Local Drainage Area Fee Program, various implementing ordinances and associated environmental documents. Council certified the EIR and approved the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and amendments to the Carlsbad Local Coastal Program. Council continued the approval of the DMP, PLDA Fee Program and Municipal Code amendments due to concerns raised at the public hearing. This memo addresses five issues that Council may wish to consider before taking any action on the PLDA program. The first issue is the Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan. The AHWMP is a document intended to give guidance on how to address multiple issues (such as flood control, water quality, open space, habitat management, etc.) in a watershed In a holistic manner. The Plan was prepared under the direction of the City of Vista, which received grant funding for the program. At the time of the August 5 meeting, the AHWMP had not been finalized and was still considered a draft document, however, the document has subsequently received final approval. Carlsbad has provided input into the preparation of the Plan. It is important to note that the Plan is not binding upon the City of Carlsbad and most of the issues addressed in the AHWMP are covered by other documents, such as the Habitat Management Plan, the Municipal Storm Water Permit, the Endangered Species Act, etc. There may tie some benefit to allowing staff the time to review the final Plan and determine if any revisions to the Drainage Master Plan are warranted. The second issue that Council may want to consider is the development of the second Carlsbad High School site. The school site is adjacent to the parcel (Parcel 4) that has been identified as a potential location for Basin BJ. City staff is currently working with CUSD staff on the alignment of Cannon Road Reach 4, the construction of which will be a condition of approval for development of the high school site. There is a possibility that the alignment of Cannon Road may impact the development potential of the portion of Parcel 4 that wouldn't be used for Basin BJ. The developer that has been conditioned to construct Basin BJ has previously indicated that he may use the proceeds of any Parcel 4 development to offset the cost of his conditioned improvements. Due to the connection of the alignment of Cannon Road Reach 4 and the completion of flood control improvements identified in the DMP, it may be advisable to allow staff the time to continue the discussions with the CUSO staff and consultants. A third issue that has recently arisen is the development of the West Senior Living (WSL) development. This development is immediately adjacent to the Rancho Carlsbad community and has been identified by the Rancho Carlsbad residents as a potential site for the RV storage lot and community garden relocation. Staff had been aware of this concept for some time but had not been able to get any type of commitment for the September 3, 2008 relocation from the owner of the site. September 5, 2008 PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE AREA PROGRAM OUTSTANDING ISSUES Page 2 Subsequent to the August 5 Council meeting, the developer of the WSL project has submitted a preliminary application for development of the site which includes areas identified for RV storage and community garden relocations. Although the preliminary application does not provide any commitment for the relocation site, it does appear that it might be an appropriate time to pursue this issue with the developer and the Rancho Carlsbad community. The fourth issue has to do with Basin BJ, As was presented by the Rancho Carlsbad residents at the August 5 meeting, there have been numerous hydrology studies addressing the need for Basin BJ over the years. Although early studies indicated that Basin BJ was an essential component for flood control in the vicinity of Rancho Carlsbad, more recent studies indicate that it may not be as important as initially thought. Due to the fact that the Rancho Carlsbad residents have expressed such deep concern about the evolution of the results of the hydrology studies. Council may want to consider retaining the services of an independent third party hydrologist to review the latest study and provide their professional opinion. It should be noted that staff is comfortable with the results of the latest study and does not believe there are any significant technical issues that would warrant a new study being commissioned. The final issue has to do with the flooding potential within the Rancho Carlsbad community. In populated areas, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) publishes Flood Insurance Rate Maps indicating what portions of land are subject to flooding, which typically will cause lenders to require flood insurance in order to borrow money against a property, such as a mortgage. When flood control improvements are constructed and the flooding potential is reduced, there is a process by which the Flood Maps can be revised to show that properties have been removed from the flood plain. As a result of the flood control improvements that have been, and are being, constructed in the vicinity of Rancho Carlsbad, the City of Carlsbad has initiated the flood map revision process with FEMA. Staff submitted a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) with supporting hydrology analysis to FEMA with a request to revise the flood mapping to show that virtually all of the Rancho Carlsbad community will be removed from the flood plain. FEMA has responded to the City's request by asking for additional information. Staff believes that the flood mapping revisions will be successful but will need some time to resolve any outstanding issues with FEMA. When this process is completed, we will have concurrence from FEMA that the majority of the Rancho Carlsbad community is safe from flooding and the corresponding residents should no longer be required by their lender to carry flood insurance. Due to the above listed issues, Council may choose to defer any decision on the Drainage Master Plan until staff has had the time to address the issues. If Council were inclined to defer any actions on the DMP, my recommendation would be to pursue items 2, 3 and 5 above, but to not pursue items 1 and 4. Item 1 would be appropriately addressed during the next DMP update with the understanding that all habitat and water quality issues would be addressed concurrently with any individual drainage projects contained within the DMP, Regarding item 4, since Basin BJ is already included in the DMP, it does not appear necessary to revisit the hydrology studies addressing its' need. September 5, 2008 PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE AREA PROGRAM OUTSTANDING ISSUES Page 3 The primary concern of Rancho Carlsbad appears to be the funding of the relocation of the RV storage and community gardens, and staff feels that those costs are adequately addressed via the conditions of approval placed on the Cantarini/Holiy Springs development. Please feel free^to contact ,rne) if you have any questions. GLENN PRUIM, P.B, Public Works Director September 9, 2008 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FOR THE INFORMATION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <?K DATE <?hlo* CITY ATTORNEY FROM: CITY ATTORNEY RE: PROPOSED ORDINANCE CS-004 AMENDING TITLE 15 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE AREA FEE PROGRAM In response to comments submitted by the Building Industry Association (BIA), the Public Works director has recommended that an administrative variance procedure be established to allow relief from the payment of the full Planned Local Drainage Area fees when projects include Low Impact Development (LID) or hydro-modification features. To do that, section 15.08.040(e), fee should be revised to read: The applicant for a building permit may request adjustment of the PLDA fees specified in this Chapter upon submittal of a written request to the City Engineer when the project includes Low Impacted Development (LID) or hydro-modification features or other design features that reduce the 100-year flood runoff values in the post- construction condition to such an extent that the runoff values are reduced to the levels consistent with a project with a lesser runoff level. For example, a project with a high runoff value that installs LID features that result in runoff values that equate to a medium runoff level would result in a fee reduced from the high level to the medium level. In no case, however, shall the fee be reduced below the fee imposed for the low runoff level. The decision of the City Engineer may be appealed to the City Council pursuant to section 15.16.160 of this Title. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. RONALD R. BALL City Attorney rn c: SEP - 9 2008 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, City Clerk City Manager Public Works Director City Engineer Associate Engineer, Steve Jantz All Receive - Agenda Item # O For Information of September 9, 2008 To: Mayor and City Council From: City Manager Subject: Basin BJ in the Drainage Master Plan CM THE CITY COUNCIL^ CA S CC ^ Date From CM*' Asst. CM Attached is a memo from the Public Works Director responding to comments made at the last public hearing regarding Basin BJ and the Drainage Master Plan and fee program. Again, due to the complexity of these issues and the ongoing items identified in the memo to the City Council dated September 4,1 would recommend that the Council consider continuing the discussion of the Basin BJ issues until a future date. This would allow staff opportunity to follow up on the remaining issues and the City Council time to review all of the documentation. 1 am available should you have any questions or if you would like to discuss this issue with me. Lisa Hildabrand City Manager Lll:kd Attachment cc: City Attorney Public Works Director City Clerk All Receive For the Information of the: c . K o onna CITY COUNCILSeptember 9, 2008 Asgt CM CK^_CQ ( Date6! r( City Manager_ TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR RESPONSE TO RANCHO CARLSBAD AND DAVID BENTLEY COMMENTS RAISED AT PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN (DMP) ADOPTION ON AUGUSTS, 2008 This memo was prepared to provide detailed responses to the many issues raised by the Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association (RCOA) and David Bentley during Council's public hearing on the DMP and PLDA fee program. Many of the issues raised by RCOA and David Bentley have a voluminous history stretching back a decade or more. The following is a brief summary of the basic issues and concerns raised by each of the parties followed by a detail set of responses to each issue or concern raised: Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association (RCOA) The attorney representing the RCOA, Sue Loftin, submitted a written request for the following additions to the Drainage Master Plan (DMP) and Planned Local Drainage Area (PLDA) fee program: 1 Make a finding that the general location of Basin BJ is on propert; owned by the RCOA and has been established at this location since the 1980 DMP. 2. Make a finding that Basin BJ is a necessary and integral part of the DMP to protect the health and safety of the public, specifically the residents located within the Rancho Carlsbad residential community. 3. Revise the cost estimate for Basin BJ to $2,500,000 to include financing of the costs to construct Basin BJ together with the acquisition of the RCOA property and relocation site and the cost to relocate the RCOA amenities currently located within the proposed Basin BJ site. Several RCOA representatives (Bill Arnold, Barbara Bevis and Russ Kohl) made a presentation at the August 5, 2008 City Council meeting which included various documentation in support of their written request. The RCOA representatives also made the following allegations that staff believe require some clarification: 1 That Basin BJ is essential to the safety of the Rancho Carlsbad residents and must be installed regardless of whether College Boulevard is constructed or Calavera Dam is operated as a flood control facility; and, 2. That the City has made statements and taken actions that amount to binding commitments to the residents to fund the cost of acquiring a relocation site and relocating the RCOA RV storage lot, community garden, maintenance facilities and other associated RCOA amenities. Staff response to RCOA Request No. 1 Staff does not recommend inclusion of a finding that the general location of Basin BJ is on property owned by the RCOA and has been established at this location since the 1980 DMP. Staff is in agreement that some version of Basin BJ has been included on the list of Master Drainage Plan facilities since 1980 and that its general location has been shown at the site of the existing RCOA RV storage lot and community garden. The 1980 Master Drainage Plan and the subsequent 1994 Updated DMP both identified September 9, 2008 RESPONSE TO COMMENTS RAISED AT PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN (DMP) ADOPTION ON AUGUST 5, 2008 Page 2 Basin BJ as a sedimentation basin with considerably smaller space requirements and different purpose than the currently proposed detention basin. The facility descriptions and locations noted on the DMP maps are representative of the general scope and location of a proposed facility and are not intended to be interpreted as a definitive scope and precise location for a particular facility. The final project site and facility scope will be determined at the time a specific project proposal is made and final design calculations are submitted. Staff disagrees with any contention by the RCOA that the inclusion of Basin BJ on the existing or any prior DMP maps amounts to a taking of RCOA property. The City has made no commitment to a final project site and has not in any way precluded the RCOA residents from enjoying the benefits of their property. It should be noted that the tentative map/site plan for the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park conversion (RMHP 96-01 / MS 96-08 / ZC 96-04), as prepared by the Rancho Carlsbad Resident Association, shows a proposed location of Basin BJ on a portion of the RCOA property outside the developed limits of the existing RCOA amenities. Staff response to RCOA Request No. 2 Staff does not recommend inclusion of a finding that Basin BJ is a necessary and integral part of the DMP to protect the health and safety of the public. The DMP document does not include findings regarding specific DMP facilities. The purpose and scope of the DMP as specified in the DMP is to identify needed improvements required to accommodate storm water flows resulting from new development. Each facility on the list of PLDA funded projects has been recommended because it was found to be needed to accommodate storm water flows from new development. Many PLDA facilities provide multiple beneficial functions while accommodating the storm water impacts of new development. Basin BJ was determined in the DMP to be a needed improvement required to accommodate storm water flows resulting from new development. Basin BJ and its associated culvert perform multiple functions in order to help mitigate storm water impacts from new development including flood control, water quality improvement and protection of a major arterial roadway The only findings that the City is required to make regarding PLDA funded improvements are those required by Government Code Section 66000 et. seq. These findings include determining how there is a reasonable relationship between the PLDA fee's use and the type of development project upon which the fee is imposed and a determination how there is a need for the public facility and the type of development project on which the fee is imposed. Staff response to RCOA Request No. 3 Staff does not recommend revising the cost estimate for Basin BJ to include property acquisition or private facility relocation expenses. The recommended PLDA fee program does not include property acquisition or facility relocation expenses for PLDA funded facility. The PLDA fee program is a developer funded facility impact fee program and must meet the findings and requirements of Government Code Section 66000 et. seq. To meet these requirements and retain the essential fairness of the program, the City would need to add property acquisition and relocation expenses to all the PLDA facilities. This would significantly increase the total program cost and result in a higher PLDA fee. September 9, 2008 RESPONSE TO COMMENTS RAISED AT PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN (DMP) ADOPTION ON AUGUST 5, 2008 Page 3 Historically, the burden of dedicating property for required facilities has rested with the development community outside the purview of a facility impact fee program. Ultimately, the decision to include land acquisition and private facility relocation expenses within the PLDA fee program is a Council policy decision. Government Code Section 66000 et. Seq. defines a facility impact fee as being one being used for the purpose of defraying all or a portion of the costs of public facilities related to a development project. If Council believes it can make the required findings per Government Code Section 66000 et. Seq. then Council at its discretion may add all or any part of the relocation and acquisition expenses to the PLDA fee program. Staff response to RCOA Allegation No. 1 Staff is not in agreement that Basin BJ is essential to the health and safety of the Rancho Carlsbad residents and must be constructed regardless of whether College Boulevard is constructed or Calavera Dam is operated as a flood control facility. RCOA's position appears to be rooted in the belief that the only valid hydrology studies for Basin BJ were the ones conducted in 1998 and 2004 by Rick Engineering. These studies recommend that the appropriate mix of improvements that provide flood relief to the Rancho Carlsbad residential community are the four detention basins (Basin BJ, Basin BJB, Faraday Basin and Melrose Basin), widening of Calavera Creek and dredging and improvement to the Agua Hedionda Channel. The RCOA has repeatedly disputed the subsequent study prepared in October 2005 by Chang Consultants commissioned by the Robertson Ranch developer, McMillin Homes. The Chang study concludes that the flood control objectives for Rancho Carlsbad can be obtained without construction of Basin BJ by lowering the surface level of Calavera Lake in advance of a forecasted storm event and by keeping the outlet values fully open during the storm event. Staff continues to recommend incorporation of Basin BJ into the list of MDP projects funded by the PLDA fee program. Basin BJ is still regarded as a needed facility to accommodate storm water flows from new development. Basin BJ helps to alleviate flooding impacts within Rancho Carlsbad, helps to improve water quality by reducing downstream erosive flows and helps to reduce the sizing of the culvert needed to protect the future College Boulevard roadway. Basin BJ has undergone environmental review and has received resource agency permit approval. Removal of Basin BJ at this time would require supplemental environmental review. Staff response to RCOA Allegation No. 2 Staff disagrees with the RCOA allegation that the City has made statements and taken actions that amount to a binding commitments to the residents to fund the cost of acquiring a relocation site and relocating the RCOA RV storage lot, community garden, maintenance facilities and other associated RCOA amenities. Staff reviewed the documentation presented by the RCOA at the August 5, 2008 Council hearing together with other City documents and do not believe that the City's past statements and actions constitute an agreement or binding commitment to fund the cost of relocating the RCOA amenities. In 1996 the Carlsbad Resident Association agreed to contribute approximately $325,000 to the PLDA fund to offset the estimated cost of the improvements required to mitigate the flooding within Rancho Carlsbad. For its part, the City agreed to amend the DMP by adding the Rancho Carlsbad Flood mitigation improvements to the list of PLDA funded improvements. The City also agreed to include the flood mitigation work into the City's Capital Improvement program (CIP). September 9, 2008 RESPONSE TO COMMENTS RAISED AT PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN (DMP) ADOPTION ON AUGUST 5, 2008 Page 4 At the time this arrangement was made, the Basin BJ improvement project was not anticipated to be a part of the flood mitigation work. The DMP project description approved in 1996 included references non-specific project components including "...berms, levees and other features such as detention areas..." On December 18, 1996, City Council approved Resolution No. 97-44 approving the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park conversion project. The Rancho Carlsbad property owners were conditioned to contribute $318,000 over a ten year period to fund the Rancho Carlsbad flood mitigation improvements. The owners were also conditioned to dedicate right of way for College Boulevard and drainage easements over the Calavera and Agua Hedionda Creek channels located within the park boundary. The owners were also required to enter into a drainage hold harmless agreement. For its part, the City agreed to assume responsibility for the construction of the flood mitigation improvements and future maintenance of the drainage channels. On February 4, 1998, the parcel map creating the Rancho Carlsbad ownership project (MS 96- 08) was recorded. The parcel map included dedication for the College Boulevard right-of-way together with the drainage easements for construction and maintenance of the Calavera and Agua Hedionda Creek channels. Also recorded on February 4, 1998 was the Hold Harmless Agreement signed by the Carlsbad Resident Association. On March 24, 1998, the Contract to Secure Future Public Improvements was recorded. This agreement spelled the conditions and requirements under which the Rancho Carlsbad residents would make payments on the $318,000 contribution to the PLDA fee program. No specific provisions were included about the City's obligation to construct the flood mitigation improvements. On June 30, 1998, Rick Engineering completed the hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of the Agua Hedionda drainage basin and recommended a flood mitigation program comprised of the construction of four retention basins, the Calavera Creek capacity enhancement and dredging and improvement to the Agua Creek channel. On January 15, 2002, City Council approved Resolution No. 2002-016 certifying the Robertson Ranch EIR and approving the Robertson Ranch Master Plan and Master Tentative Map. The Council approval included a revised Condition No. 31 which required McMillin Homes to enter into a three party option agreement with the City and the RCOA. The option agreement was intended to provide the City and the RCOA an opportunity to purchase a 5.7 acre site from McMillin to be developed as a replacement RV storage lot and community garden for the Rancho Carlsbad residents. The condition and subsequent Option Agreement dated October 8, 2002 did not bind the City to fund the option parcel purchase from PLDA funds. Language included within revised Condition No. 31 states "The City shall provide the mechanism whereby the purchase by the Association shall be eligible for credit and repayment from the appropriate funding source or sources established by the City which include this purpose. Any such credit and repayment mechanism shall be implemented prior to or concurrent with the transfer to the City by the Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association of the property rights to install Basin BJ." September 9, 2008 RESPONSE TO COMMENTS RAISED AT PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN (DMP) ADOPTION ON AUGUST 5, 2008 Page 5 In summary, neither City Council nor City staff has committed the City to funding of the Basin BJ relocation or the property acquisition from revenues generated by the PLDA fee program. Neither staff nor Council have committed to resolving the funding issue prior to or concurrent with the adoption of the DMP and PLDA fee program. At the time the City committed to constructing the Rancho Carlsbad flood mitigation improvements, the estimated cost of the required flood control facilities was $325,000. The current funding estimate for the required flood control improvements is approximately $12 million excluding any Basin BJ relocation and property acquisition expenses. Staff believes the City's commitment to the Rancho Carlsbad residents was to provide flood control facilities to mitigate potential flooding impacts and to remove as many units from the FEMA 100-year flood zone as is practical. Based upon the various hydrologic and hydraulic studies commissioned, the City subsequently determined that the maximum number that can be practicably removed from the 100-year flood zone is all but a few units (less than 9). Most, if not all, of the remaining units may be removed through a subsequent pad certification process once the dredge and improvement project is complete. Staff does not believe that the City made a commitment to install any particular flood control facility including Basin BJ. David Bentley representing BENTEQ Real Estate David Bentley representing BENTEQ Real Estate made the following requests: 1. Clearly define Basin BJ as a needed flood control facility for Rancho Carlsbad and that it is necessary even if College Boulevard Reach 'A' is never constructed and even if no further development occurs within Zone 15 2 Ensure that Basin BJ (Facility BJ-1) and the College Boulevard Bridge over Agua Hedionda Creek (Facility BL-L) are properly budgeted and fully funded by the City to provide complete and timely payment for the design, construction and acquisition of said facilities. In response to direct questioning from the Mayor asking Mr. Bentley if the conditions placed upon the Cantarini and Holly Springs project require as a condition of development the construction of Basin BJ including the acquisition of the relocation property and payment of relocation expenses, Mr. Bentley responded affirmatively with the qualification that his responsibility to do so was "subject to funding from the City of Carlsbad." Staff response to Bentley Request No. 1 Staff believes the DMP includes adequate description of Basin BJ and does not recommend making any modifications to the definition or findings in the DMP Please refer to the response to RCOA Request No. 1 above for a further explanation. Flooding within Rancho Carlsbad is impacted by all new development upstream of the Rancho Carlsbad community including future development within Zones 5, 7, 14, 15, 16, 18 and 24. Additionally, benefits accrue to new development throughout the Agua Hedionda drainage basin from the construction of PLDA facilities by virtue of their protection of arterial roadways and water quality improvements. September 9, 2008 RESPONSE TO COMMENTS RAISED AT PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN (DMP) ADOPTION ON AUGUST 5, 2008 Page 6 Staff response to Bentley Request No. 2 Staff believes that the PLDA fee program as proposed properly funds those elements of facility BJ-1 and BL-L that can reasonably be related to the storm flows resulting from new development. As discussed in detail in the staff response to RCOA Request No. 3 above, staff does not recommend inclusion of property acquisition and private facility relocation costs within facility impact fee programs. Staff is of the opinion that the burden of dedicating property for required facilities rests appropriately with the development community outside the purview of a facility impact fee program. With regard to the funding of the College Boulevard Bridge, the PLDA cost estimate is considerably less that the estimate attached to Mr. Bentley's letter ($2.8 million vs $1.8 million). This is because the City estimate is based upon the minimal improvements required to pass drainage flows beneath College Boulevard when it gets extended over Agua Hedionda Creek. Mr Bentley's estimate includes additional bridge lengthening costs due to resource agency requirements. Additionally, the Bentley estimate includes mitigation costs for impacts that would not otherwise be required if a simple culvert design were used. City staff believes that using the shorter bridge co&t and reduced mitigation costs represents the fairest method of costing the project for the purpose of determining appropriate PLDA funding allocation. August 28, 2008 As with all facility' impact fee programs, the City can not guarantee timely funding of facilities from the revenues generated through a particular facility impact fee. Facility impact fee revenues are dependent upon the developments from which the fees are derived. The City Council has the discretion to apportion limited facility impact fee revenues to those projects they determine to be of highest priority of their choosing. If facility funding is not available at the time a particular development requires, the developer can elect to fund the improvement and enter into a reimbursement agreement or delay their project until adequate funds have been received and allocated to the respective project. The amended Zone 15 Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP 15C) includes language within the financing section that states as follows: The financing for the required drainage facilities shall be borne by the developer of Zone 15. To the extent provided by City Planned Local Drainage Area Fee Program, the cost incurred by individual developers for constructing Master Plan Drainage facilities shall be reimbursed from Planned Local Drainage Area "B" fee revenues at a time and in a manner as determined by City Council." The Cantarini and Holly Springs projects are located within Zone 15 and are subject to the requirements of the plan. The plan requires developers within Zone 15 to construct Basin BJ as a condition of development; however, the Basin BJ improvement description as stated in the plan did not specifically address the RCOA amenity relocation or property acquisition. Staff response to Bentley statement that his responsibility for providing for Basin BJ relocation and property acquisition is subject to funding from the City of Carlsbad Staff carefully reviewed the conditions of approval for the Cantarini (CT 00-18) and Holly Springs (CT 00-21) projects as well as the Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) for Zone 15 and found no reference in the September 9, 2008 RESPONSE TO COMMENTS RAISED AT PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN (DMP) ADOPTION ON AUGUST 5, 2008 Page 7 conditions of approval requiring City reimbursement or funding for the construction of Basin BJ or the property acquisition or RV and Community Garden relocation expenses. As noted in the above response, the LFMP financing section includes language that the Zone 15 developer is responsible for funding Basin BJ and that reimbursement from PLDA fee revenues will be made to the extent provided in the PLDA fee program at a time and in a manner as determined by City Council. As presently conditioned, the developer of either the Cantarini or Holly Springs project is required to "...provide for the relocation of the existing Rancho Carlsbad RV storage lot, maintenance facilities and community garden (collectively the "Rancho Carlsbad Facilities") impacted by the College Boulevard and Basin BJ improvements. The developer obligation includes, but is not limited to, securing an alternate site for relocating the Rancho Carlsbad Facilities, obtaining a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and/or other discretionary permits necessary for the relocation and constructing replacement improvements for the Rancho Carlsbad Partners property..." Mr. Bentley did not protest this condition when it was recommended at the Planning Commission or approved at the City Council hearing on these projects. Staff has diligently and cooperatively worked with Mr. Bentley and the other Zone 15 property owners to resolve the financing issues regarding financing of Basin BJ as well as the College Boulevard Reach A and Cannon Road Reach 4A which are all tied to development within Zone 15. At one point, it appeared Mr. Bentley found an appropriate funding mechanism for the Basin BJ improvement. In his letter to the City dated May 12, 2004, Mr. Bentley notified the City that he had negotiated an agreement with the RCOA to acquire an option to develop the remainder portion of Parcel 4 (the Basin BJ property). As stated in his letter, the "...underlying goal is to create value for the Parcel 4-BJ Basin property that exceeds the costs associated with the Replacement Site and relocation process..." This remains an option but is unclear if the goal remains the same based upon subsequent discussions with Mr. Bentley. GLENN PRUIM Public Works Director cc: City Attorney Deputy Public Works Director, Engineering Services Deputy City Engineer, Planning and Programs Senior Planer, Scott Donnell Sep. <J. 'im 1\WM - Y' L All Receive -Agenda Item #_J_^_ For Information of THE CITY COUNCIL / CM . CA_l_CC_jL September 9,2008 Date— From CM—AsstCM. Westfield, LLC 402 West Broadway Suite 2050 RE: CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN San Die9°-CA 92101 Telephone (619) 544-8100 Facsimile (619) 238-9465 Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, At your previous hearing on this matter, I had presented a letter to you addressing our concerns with the proposed action. Included in the Item Explanation of AB# 19,568 is a statement that staff has mitigated Westfield's concern with modified wording to Section 15.08.020. As-I understand that wording, I can assure you that it does NOT mitigate our concern. In my previous letter I gave the example of how our one project could be charged up to $1.9 million dollars in drainage area fees when the total estimate of drainage improvements for all of Drainage Basin A is only $1.7 million dollars. Section 15.08.040 (b) requires the drainage fee to be paid prior to issuance of any building permit or map whichever occurs first. Any fully developed property that proposes to simply subdivide is required to pay the drainage fee based on the gross acre. The way the Ordinance is written, even if no building permit was requested, the fee is required. Staffs recommended amendment to Section 15.08.020 only addresses previously developed projects that do not increase the existing building footprint by 50%. Even though the Item Explanation says that it exempts those previously developed projects that file a parcel map or final map that intent is not reflected in the proposed amended language. I request that the City Council adopt the following wording be added to section 15.08.050: "Projects that are subdivided and\or redeveloped and that do not increase the net impervious area of the site shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter." An errata sheet with this wording is attached for your convenience. Sincere^ Taranton Director of Development Westfield, LLC C: City Manager City Attorney City Clerk Sep. 9. 2008 ERRATA TO AGENDA BILL 19:568 ORDINANCE NUMBER CS-005 Amend Section 15.08,050 to read as follows: 15.08.050 Exemption. (a) Project by public agencies or entities shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter. (b) Projects that are subdivided and\or redeveloped and that do not increase the net impervious area of the site shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter. PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2010 & 2011 C.CP.) This space is for the County Clerk's Filing Stamp STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of San Diego I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid: I am over the age of eighteen years and not a party to or interested in the above- entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of North County Times Formerly known as the Blade-Citizen and The Times- Advocate and which newspapers have been adjudicated newspapers of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of San Diego, State of California, for the City of Oceanside and the City of Escondido, Court Decree number 171349, for the County of San Diego, that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpariel), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: July 25th & 31st, 2008 I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at OCEANSIDE, California This 31st, day of July, 2008 Jane Allshouse NORTH COUNTY TIMES Legal Advertising Proof of Publication of NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to you that theCity Council of the City of Carlsbad will holda public hearing at the Council Chambers,1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 5, 2008, to consider: 1 . Certifying a Final Environmental Impact Report(EIR 04-02) and adopting the Candidate Findings ofFact and the Mitigation Monitoring ReportingTrogram for the proposed City of Carlsbad DrainageMaster Plan Update and the Calavera and Agua He- 3. Introducing an ordinance approving changties 15 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code r dionda Creeks project; 2. Adopting a resolution approving the City of Carls-bad Drainage Master Plan and proposed PlannedLocal Drainage Area Fee revision; to Ti-____ ____ ____________ _________ ____ regarding thePlanned Local Drainage Area Fee adjustments (MCA07-01); 4. Introducing an ordinance approving changes to Ti-tle 21 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Carlsbad MunicipalCode to revise outdated references to the DrainageMaster Plan and Model Erosion Control Ordinance(ZCA 07-04); 5. Adopting a resolution approving changes to LocalCoastal Program policies regarding the DrainageMaster Plan, "Model Erosion Control Ordinance, andModel Grading Ordinance (LCPA 07-06). The proposed City of Carlsbad Drainage Master Planis a comprehensive, citywide planning document. TheZoning Ordinance and Local Coastal Program amend-ments and Title 1 5 changes affect properties through-out Carlsbad and the Coastal Zone. The Calavera and Agua Hedionda Creeks projectproposes the dredging and long-term maintenance ofportions of Agua Hedionda and Calavera creeks inand near the Rancho Carlsbad residential communityand near and east of the intersection of El CamjnoReal and Cannon Road. The Carlsbad PlanningCommission has approved permits for this project;subject to the City Council's approval of the Final EIR. s proposal areThose persons wishing to speak on this p._,cordially invited to attend the public hearing. Copiesof the agenda bill will be available on and after August1, 2008 Copies of the proposed City of Carlsbad DrainageMaster Plan and the Final EIR are available for publicinspection at the City Clerk's Office, 1200 CarlsbadVillage Drive, the Engineering and Planning Depart-ments, 1635 Faraday Avenue, and the City's websiteat www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us. The Final EIR is also avail-able for review at the City's Dove and Cole libraries. Written and telephone inquiries may be directed toSteven Jantz of the Engineering Department, 1635Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008 (7601 602-2738. If you challenge the Drainage Master Plan Update and the Calavera and Agua Hedionda Creeks projectin court, you may be limited to raising only those is-sues you or someone else raised at the public hearingdescribed in this notice or in written correspondencedelivered to the City of Carlsbad, Attn: City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA92008, at or prior to the public hearing. CASE FILE: EIR 04-02/ZCA 07-04/LCPA 07-06/MCA07-01 CASE NAME: Drainage Master Plan Update/Calavera& Agua Hedionda Creeks PUBLISH: JULY 25, 2008 & JULY 31, 2008 CITY OF CARLSBADCITY COUNCILNCT 2164510 Easy Peel Labels Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® ! A J^Feed Paper See Instruction Sheet j for Easy Peel Feature ^ HILLS II L L C C/O MCMILLWJCOMPANIES LLC 2727 HOOVE^XVE NATIONAL C4TY CA91950 EVANSWNT HOMEOWNERS ASSN C/O MARCTA GOPDMAN 10721 TREjBfe<|T #200 SAN DIEGO CA 9^5131 iAVERV®5i60« ! EVAfUS POINTH0WIEOWNERS ASSN C/O MARCIAxSOODMAN 10721 TRgENAST#200 SAND1£GONCA92131 EAGLE CAI ASSN 10179 HUENNEJ SAN DIEGO' ,NS POINT MATHENY FAMILY TRUST 10-28-05 2282 HILLYER ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 HUERTA SANDRA G&MILLER BRIAN F 2375 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CARLSBAD CANTERBURY ASSN C/O MARCIAS3OQ0MAN 10721 TREENA>^#200 SAN DIEGOXft 92131 ORTIZ JORGE 5108CIARDICT CARLSBAD CA 92008 JORDAN FAMILY TRUST 11-21-03 3577 SEAVIEW WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008 BAHADOORI ALIREZA&CAMELIA 5218 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 ROMINE LESLIE M 5162 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 GURLEY KEVIN D&MAUREEN C 5309 FORECASTLE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 MILLEA JAMES P&MARGARET M REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 5150 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 DEMILLE KELLY L&KIMBERLY S 5146 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 HOFFMAN ROBERT C&AMELIA J 5104CIARDICT CARLSBAD CA 92008 ZUECK JOSEPH M&DORAA 5242 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 WELLAND JANE H 5325 FORECASTLE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 ;SENIORLIVINGRELLC >BA ELOPMENT INC ^LLEY RD #290 CARLSBAD CA 92011 HUFF RICHARD V&MELANIE A 5116CIARDI CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 SCHOEN RICHARD A&KATHLEEN A 5241 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 PUTZ ROBERT A&GAIL A 5214 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 DENSON MARGARET E 2355 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HUCKABY LIVING TRUST 05-23-02 5154 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 HENSCHEL GAIL C LIVING TRUST 05-29-98 5132 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 RANCHO CARLSBAD OWNERS ASSN \ ^>* C/O KATHY^fFFITH 5200 EL CAldTMCLBEAJ CARLSBAD CA-92010 ARTERBURN JAMES W&LORI B 5234 FROST AVE r.A o-?nn« ROTH BARBARA 5120 FROST AVE HARI SRAH r.A Q?nn8 WEBER DOUGLAS C&DIANA J TRS 2318 BYRON PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 Additional interested parties follow Etiquettes faciles a peler I Itilico7 In naharit AUPHV® 51 fin®Sens de charaement Consultez la feuille d'instruction www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY Easy Peel Labels Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® KILGORE NANCY A 3443 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 See Instruction Sheet j for Easy Peel Feature ^ GRIDDLE PERCY N&MARGARET J 1070MCTAVISHRD NORTH SAANICH BC CANADA V8L5T4 00000 AVERY®5160® BEVIS MERLE J&BARBARA S TRUST 08-13-90 3431 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 SCOTELLA FAMILY TRUST 11-20-89 3420 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBADCA92010 WALTER VIRGINIA M REVOCABLE TRUST 06-08-94 3424 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBADCA92010 KENNEDY BETTY 2729 LA GRAN VIA CARLSBAD CA 92009 WOLF-RICHARDSON VIOLA 2003 TRUST 04-11 -03 3438 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBADCA92010 ALLEN MARILYN M 3446 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBADCA92010 GOOLEY DONNA 3454 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 SWARTZ RAYMOND P&MARETTA FAMILY TRUST 05-05-06 7043 VIA CANDREJO CARLSBAD CA 92009 ERNST JOHN O&ALLEGRA 24081 STAVE SAN DIEGO CA 92101 SCHUMACHER CARL J 3476 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 WARNER FAMILY TRUST 02-26-08 3484 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBADCA92010 CAhAVERA HILLS II L L C C/0 MtH^ILUffCOMPANIE 2727 HPCVEB AVE NATIONAL CITY CA 91 950 LLC DAPELLO/KEYES FAMILY TRUST 08- 04-04 3451 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBADCA92010 SPRAGUE TED G&KATHLEEN A 3445 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBADCA92010 HALEY MADELYN M 3443 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBADCA92010 BOYLE JOYCE F TRUST 08-29-02 3441 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 CALAVE^A HILLS II LL C C/O MCMICkJN COMPANIES LLC 2727 HOOVER>«jyE NATIONAL plTY C$ 91950 CORWIN PAUL J&GERALDINE I FAMILY TRUST 06-04-96 3479 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 HERMES DORIS F TR 3471 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 BANK OF AMERICA TR TRUST NO 66-11-111-5081510 3463 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBADCA92010 HART LIVING TRUST 11-18-04 3455 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 EVANS POIN-THOMEOWNERS ASSN C/ORHRCIAX3OODMAN 10721 T^ENAST#200 SANJ3fEGbCA92131 WEST SENIOR LIVING R E L L C <LF> CAMINO CARLSBA C/O WEST DEVELOPMENT INC 6005 HIDDEN VALLEY RO #290 CARLSBAD CA 92011 THOMA DAVE S&KATHLEEN E 5118 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 CALAVERA HILLSxHH L C C/O MCNULLIJKJOMPANIES LLC 2727 HOO>£R AVE NATIONAL CTCrCA91950 CALAVERA HILLS II L L C C/O MCMtVLIN COMPANIES LLC 2727 HOOVSB4WE NATIONAJXJlTy CA 91950 FOLTZ WILLIAM R&FRANCES M 3364 SEACREST DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 EAGLE CANYON AT EVANS POINT ASSN 10179 HUENNEKENS ST SAN DIEGO CA 92121 Etiquettes faciles a peter Ilt!lke7 lo nahartt AVFRV* *1fiTr*Sens de charaement Consultez la feuille construction www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY Easy Peel Labels Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® I ^ j^Feed Paper See Instruction Sheet j for Easy Peel Feature 4 EIFER FAMILY TRUST 04-15-04 3474 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 BRENNAN ALLAN P&MARTHA S 3478 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 NEWLOVE JAMES H&JANICE B 2749 ABERDEEN LN EL DORADO HILLS CA 95762 BROOKS LEONA M TRUST 12-14-00 3505 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 HESTER DAYL 3515 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBADCA92010 HANDELMAN FAMILY 1998 TRUST 3523 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 ABBAMONTE SANDRA M LIVING TRUST 04-25-06 3531 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 AMOS ALBERTA 2007 TRUST 3539 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBADCA92010 WEKSLER DELORES J REVOCABLE TRUST 09-18-04 3545 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 FOSTER GARRY L&LAKE JOCELYN L 3553 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 JOHNSTON PAUL M&MARJORIE E REVOCABLE TRUST 3561 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 DELANGE PHYLLIS E 3569 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 PRICE FAMILY TRUST 11-18-05 PO BOX 2314 CARLSBADCA92018 FARKAS FAMILY TRUST 08-31-88 3514 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 GULIZIA RICHARD J&SHARON J 3522 DON JUAN DR CARLSBADCA92010 MITCHELL FAMILY IRREVOCABLE TRUST 3530 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 HORNA LOUISE M FAMILY TRUST 08-13-96 3538 DON JUAN DR CARLSBADCA92010 SIMONTON ELAINE REVOCABLE TRUST 03-26-99 3546 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 MILLER RONALD A&BARBARA L 3554 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 JENKS DAVID W&JUDY D 3562 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 MILLER FAMILY TRUST 06-08-87 440 CASTANYA CT DANVILLE CA 94526 CINKO JOSEPH A&GERALDINE M 3571 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 BLANCO FAMILY 2004 TRUST 145 RYAN WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92054 GILBERT LIVING TRUST 02-28-83 3555 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 PETRACH REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 05-03-90 3547 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 KOSCIELSKI FAMILY TRUST 03-02- 92 3539 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 WERNER ROBERT V FAMILY TRUST 07-02-02 3497 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 SIMES RONALD V TRUST 05-13-03 3491 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 WAYMAN FAMILY TRUST 03-12-91 3485 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 COUSINEAU RONALD L&PATRICIA A 3449 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 Etiquettes faciles a peter Utilisez le gabarit AVERY® 5160°Sens de chargement Consultez la feuille destruction www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY Easy Peel Labels Use Avery* TEMPLATE 5160® WARREN RICHMOND H&VERONICA K 3446 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 Paper See Instruction Sheet > for Easy Peel Feature 4 WILLIAMS FAMILY TRUST 02-14-99 27591 SILVER CREEK DR SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO CA 92675 FREER ELAINE 3454 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 READ FAMILY TRUST 3456 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD C A 92010 VANSLYKE ROBERT S&JAN B 1765 EVERGREEN AVE J UN EAUAK 99801 WHALEY LINTON E REVOCABLE TRUST 08-12-96 3462 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 NEWMAN TERRANCE C&DEBORAH A <DVA> 1153KINGSWAYRD#3 WEST CHESTER PA 19382 DEAN DENA 3468 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 ANNABLE LOUISE K REVOCABLE TRUST 06-06-06 3470 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 PAULEK ALBERT&MARY FAMILY TRUST 12-15-93 3474 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 NAUTA FAMILY TRUST 09-18-87 3478 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 ATKINS FLORENCE E TRUST 08-06- 99 3534 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBADCA92010 GAMES THOMAS V REVOCABLE TRUST 3479 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBADCA92010 SWEARINGEN DAVID R&MARILYN M 3475 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBADCA92010 DAWSON FAMILY SURVIVORS TRUST 3473 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 LEBARON ELIZABETH R 3471 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBADCA92010 SCHENK FAMILY TRUST 07-25-02 3467 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 STOABS FAMILY TRUST 01-27-95 5184 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 CHESTNUT WILLIAM&HELEN INTERVIVOS TRUST 08-22-97 C/O STEPHEN MICHEA 5271 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 SCHUMACHER FAMILY TRUST 08- 15-02 3439 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 HODGKINS JOHN M 3435 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 MCCULLAH RONALD&MARIANNE TRUST 09-10-07 3433 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 GRITZMAKER TRUST 07-03-90 3446 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 ODELL SUSAN M LIVING TRUST 09- 18-07 3450 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 HANSEN WALTER T&MILDRED V REVOCABLE FAMILY TRUST 3454 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 FOLEY LEONARD B&CAROLYN A 3458 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 CORREIA LEWIS A&JENNIFER L REVOCABLE TRUST 03-21 3462 DON JUAN DR CARLSBADCA92010 STONE FAMILY TRUST 3464 DON JUAN DR CARLSBADCA92010 HEPNER JOEL P 2003 TRUST 03-24- 03 3468 DON JUAN DR CARLSBADCA92010 WILSON WILLIAM H&SUSAN P 3472 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 Etiquettes faciles a peter Utilisez le aabarit AVERY® 5160®Sens de chargement Gonsuftez la feullle ({'instruction www.avery.coni 1-800-GO-AVERY Easy Peel Labels Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® SULLIVAN FAMILY TRUST 06-12-95 3480 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 See Instruction Sheet for Easy Peel Feature ENGELHARD FAMILY TRUST 05-22- 96 3484 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBADCA92010 BERRY FAMILY TRUST 04-09-03 3488 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 BOITANO BEVERLY A SEPARATE PROPERTY TRUST 08-12- 3485 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBADCA92010 JONES GRETA E 3481 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 KNOWLES WILLIAM R SURVIVORS TRUST 02-05-95 3479 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 STRINGER VIOLET B REVOCABLE TRUST 04-12-02 3475 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBADCA92010 PETERSON CYNTHIA G 4565 PURDUE AVE NE SEATTLE WA 98105 LAYNE BONNIE L LIVING TRUST 09- 20-02 3469 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBADCA92010 BUTLER BARBARA A TR 3467 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBADCA92010 SIEH MURIEL TRUST 05-07-97 3465 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 CHU IRIS J GOODRIDGE 3461 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 WOOD KATHERINE M TRUST 08-20- 90 3459 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 HAJDAS LENORA P 0 BOX 2867 PETALUMA CA 94953 TERSOLO TRUST 04-13-88 3453 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 CORLEY PHYLLIS J 3449 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 ERNST JOHN O&ALLEGRA 2408 1ST AVE SAN DIEGO CA 92101 LOMBARDI VINCENT&JAN L 3445 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 VANDE-ZANDE FAMILY TRUST 04- 06-04 3443 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBADCA92010 WAGNON TIM W&MARY L 3439 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 BRINES BARBARA B 3437 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBADCA92010 RUNNER FAMILY LIVING TRUST 06- 12-97 3433 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 BAUMEISTER ARTHUR C&GENEVIEVE M <DVA> 3431 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 CASHION SURVIVORS TRUST 10-25- 91 2378 TERRAZA RIBERA CARLSBAD CA 92009 ARNOLD WILLIAM G&RUTH E 3432 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 BLANCO FAMILY 2004 TRUST 03-11- 04 145 RYAN WAY OCEANSIDECA 92054 MAIDMENT FAMILY LIVING TRUST 11-23-96 3438 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 KAMPMANN FRANK&RUTH REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 3440 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 GERLICH ROCHELLE 3442 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBADCA92010 BOURS MIGUEL J TRUST 10-19-00 3753 CAVERN PL CARLSBAD CA 92010 Etiquettes faciles a pelw Utilisez le aabarlt AVERV* 5160®Sens de charaement Gonsurtez la feullle d'instruction www.avery.com 1-80O-GO-AVERV Easy Peel Labels Use Avery« TEMPLATE 5160* E S B PRIVATE TRUST 05-26-06 C/0 US BANK NA PO BOX 64142 #100 STPAUL, MN55164 See Instruction Sheet j for Easy Peel Feature ^ SULLIVAN FAMILY TRUST 3467 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 AVERY®5160® COREY BARBARA A 3461 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 CHARTRAW KATHERINE L TRUST 02-27-06 3455 DON ARTURO DR #303 CARLSBAD CA 92010 PINSKE HERBERT A 3449 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBADCA92010 WINTERS-DEREUS ROSA 3443 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 ANSELL FAMILY LIVING TRUST 03- 14-95 3437 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 ALLEN FAMILY TRUST 12-09-91 3431 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 FISSORI NELLIE J LIVING TRUST 02- 08-01 3430 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 PIPPEN NANCY M 3432 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBADCA92010 CONWAY NEIL B&MONICA L 3436 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 MCCRACKEN JOANN TRUST 02-27- 08 3438 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 CHARTRAW KATHERINE L TRUST 02-27-06 3455 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 SALIBO FAMILY TRUST 02-16-04 3444 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBADCA92010 BABA THOMAS V TRUST 4336 DON LORENZO CARLSBAD CA 92010 GELLERT PAMELA E 3448 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 HAINES JANET L REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST P 0 BOX 235092 ENCINITAS CA 92023 WEBBER MARTHA D TRUST 03-03- 05 3499 DON PORFIRIO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 NICKLIN DAVID A&GUADALUPE 3454 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 THORNBURG MONTE L&LINDA D 3456 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBADCA92010 ULYATE TRUST 03-16-89 3458 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 PODRUP TRUST 06-25-96 3460 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 MCLEOD FRANK&MARY J REVOCABLE TRUST 04-03-90 7656 SUMMERFIELD DR VERONA Wl 53593 STANSLOW ROBERT REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 03-18-04 3464 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 WHEELER CAROL N IRREVOCABLE TRUST 06-30-05 C/O EARL WHEELER 36240 PECAN CT FREMONT CA 94536 MACE BRYAN A 3468 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 MALEN WALTER TR&MALEN ELEANOR M TR 3470 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 GORDINIER D&S FAMILY TRUST 3472 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD C A 92010 CULBERT ROBERT D&LAURA 3476 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBADCA92010 WEISS GARY F&REBECCA J <DVA> 3478 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 Etiquettes faciles a peler IH-Mko? la naharit AWBV* «51RA«Sens de charaement Consurtez la feuille H'inctn irrinn www.avery.com Easy Peel Labels Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160*Paper See Instruction Sheet j for Easy Peel Feature ^AVERY®5160® BISHOP EARLE E 3452 DON PORFIRIO DR CARLSBADCA92010 PUZO DAVID A 3460 DON PORFIRIO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 KIRBY BRUCE 3468 DON PORFIRIO DR CARLSBADCA92010 BOWENIRMAL TRUST 3476 DON PORFIRIO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 JONES FAMILY TRUST 01-12-04 3489 DON PORFIRIO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 BARKER RICHARD&MELINDA FAMILY TRUST 11-05-04 5150DONMATADR CARLSBADCA92010 SIMMONS FAMILY TRUST 03-19-90 3473 DON PORFIRIO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 LAYMAN JAMES A&PATRICIA R 3465 DON PORFIRIO DR #284 CARLSBAD CA 92010 KAISER DOROTHY L 3457 DON PORFIRIO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 MALTROTTI JOHN S&JEAN T 3447 DON PORFIRIO DR CARLSBAD C A 92010 COURTNEY LUCIEN&MARION FAMILY TRUST 3441 DON PORFIRIO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 CHRISTY KAREN 3444 DON PORFIRIO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 HARKINS STEVEN 3432 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD C A 92010 BENTLEY CORALIE A FAMILY TRUST 10-13-05 3440 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBADCA92010 BOTTO ALBENO L&MARY REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 3446 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 ARMSTRONG CHRISTINA R REVOCABLE TRUST 05-13-03 3452 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 PARKER JACQUELYN 2306 LANYARD PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 STATE OF CALIFORNIA PUBLIC AGENCY 00000 THULIN GRACE LIVING TRUST 11- 24-97 3458 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 RICHTER FAMILY TRUST 03-04-87 2808 OCEAN VILLAGE WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92054 EVANS POINT HOMEOWNERS ASSN C/O MARCIA GOODMAN 10721 TREENAST#200 SAN DIEGO CA 92131 C I C GLEN RIDGE L P C/O JAMES SCHMID 5993 AVENIDA ENCINAS #101 CARLSBAD CA 92008 CALAVER\HILLS II L L C C/O MCMILIJKSI COMPANIES LLC 2727 HOOVE^AVE NATION AITCITY\A 91950 ROBERTSON FAMILY TRUST 04-19- 95 4129 DEL MAR TRL SAN DI EGO CA 92130 CALAVE^AHILLSIILLi C/O MCMILDN COMJ2AKTIES LLC 2727 HOOVER) NATIONALjeffV C> 91950 JOHNSON BELTON&MERLE TRUST 05-30-06 3472 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 BAKER GERALD L 3480 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 ROBLES ALBERT C&MARY P 3488 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBADCA92010 SMITH BARBARA J TRUST 10-24-00 3485 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 REITER MILTON H&LAVONNE M 3479 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 Etiquettes faciles a peter Utilise? IB aahartt AVERV* 51SO®Sens de charaement Consuftezlafeullle H'lnctn irrinn www.avery.com Easy Peel Labels Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® BROWN LYMAN W 5326 DON ALVAREZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 See Instruction Sheet j for Easy Peel Feature ^ WRIGHT VAVEL J&JUDKINS CAROL J 5342 DON ALVAREZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 ^AVERV®5160« I SCHAAF FAMILY TRUST 09-02-84 23840 PARK BELMONTE CALABASASCA91302 CLEM VALERIE A 5358 DON ALVAREZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 ERNST JOHN O&ALLEGRA 24081 STAVE SAN DIEGO CA 92101 MURRAY SUZANNE SEPARATE PROPERTY TRUST 07-18-00 3402 DON JOSE DR CARLSBADCA92010 ULLMAN DONNA M 3408 DON JOSE DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 GUESS FAMILY EXEMPTION TRUST 06-05-74 C/OJILLAROBB P 0 BOX 675550 RANCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 BARNETT FAMILY TRUST 10-23-03 3420 DON JOSE DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 GLAUSER CONSTANCE R LIVING TRUST 10-21-05 C/O PATRICIA KINBERG 7345 ALTIVA PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 COTTINGHAM KENNETH E&DIANE B 3432 DON JOSE DR CARLSBADCA92010 HUNSICKER JOHN&SANDRA L 3438 DON JOSE DR CARLSBADCA92010 NEAL FAMILY TRUST 06-02-00 3444 DON JOSE DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 CURTIS TRUST 01-08-85 3450 DON JOSE DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 SAIDENBERG CHARLES&SHARON FAMILY TRUST 09-05-06 3456 DON JOSE DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 SELKOWITZ EVELYN 3462 DON JOSE DR CARLSBAD C A 92010 DIMINNO VINCENZO&JEANNE REVOCABLE TRUST 08-22-89 3468 DON JOSE DR CARLSBADCA92010 HRACA JOSEPH A&BEATRICE H TRS 3474 DON JOSE DR CARLSBADCA92010 MCLEOD NAOMI P 3475 DON JOSE DR CARLSBADCA92010 KUVER GREGORY H&ISABEL PSC82 BOX 002 APOAE 09710 KOPLOF FAMILY TRUST 02-19-01 3457 DON JOSE DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 GREER ARTHUR W&CARMEN C 3449 DON JOSE DR #268 CARLSBAD CA 92010 NORTH GEORGE E&RITA M <DVA> 3441 DON JOSE DR CARLSBADCA92010 PRICE FAMILY TRUST 10-19-72 3433 DON JOSE DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 CALLAHAN SURVIVORS TRUST 04- 09-93 3423 DON JOSE DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 GALLERY FAMILY TRUST 07-31-96 3415 DON JOSE DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 AUGLERA-KAUFMAN PAULINE TRUST 10-28-98 3420 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 KRAHN RAY E&VERNA M 3438 DON JUAN DR CARLSBADCA92010 SLAUGHTER GRACE E TRUST 04- 12-00 3434 DON PORFIRIO DR CARLSBADCA92010 CHRISTY LIVING TRUST 11-05-02 3444 DON PORFIRIO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 Etiquettes faciles a peler I Mlica* la nahart* AUCOV® Rffin®Sens de charaement Consuftez la feullle (('instruction www.avery.corn 1-800-GO-AVERY Easy Peel Labels Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160* BREM LARRY R&JUDY L 5143DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92010 See Instruction Sheet | for Easy Peel Feature 4 SUCHWALA FAMILY TRUST 03-10-94 5151 DONMATADR CARLSBADCA92010 PACE FAMILY LIVING TRUST 12-21- 91 5157 DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92010 ENIGENBURG FAMILY TRUST 06-22- 99 5163 DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92010 BRAXTON FRED J REVOCABLE TRUST 04-27-92 C/0 ASHLEIGH R BRAXTON 8900 S HARPER AVE CHICAGO IL 60619 BOOZER ELYSIA LIVING TRUST 11- 04-89 5177 DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92010 S&S TRUST 04-04-84 5183 DONMATADR CARLSBADCA92010 WYATT ROBERT S&PATRICIA 3443 DON ALVAREZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 COSTAIN JEAN E TRUST 03-30-06 2074 STEIGER LN OCEANSIDE CA 92056 PARK TRUST 01-20-02 3427 DON ALVAREZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 GROESBECK MARY J TR 3419 DON ALVAREZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 TURNER LAWRENCE D FAMILY TRUST 3411 DON ALVAREZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 DEVANE SUSAN LIVING TRUST 03- 19-99 5157 DONMATADR CARLSBADCA92010 WALTRIP JAMES C&NOREEN M FAMILY TRUST 07-17-00 3406 DON COTA DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 LYMAN ROBERT H LIVING TRUST 03-08-01 3414 DON COTA DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 GLEDHILL JOHN G&M MARLYS 3422 DON COTA DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 CRAWFORD DAVID W&JEAN E INTERVIVOS TRUST 05-24-8 3430 DON COTA DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 TAYLOR ANN&BILL TRUST 09-18-00 3438 DON COTA DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 MUNRATH EARL J REVOCABLE TRUST 04-10-06 3446 DON COTA DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 SCHIMPF EMIL&JEAN FAMILY TRUST 09-21-00 3454 DON COTA DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 BENJAMIN MARCELLE L 9860 LA TORTOLA PL SAN DIEGO CA 92129 CRAMM GERALD G&KATHLEEN A 3445 DON COTA DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 MCKINNEY FAMILY REVOCABLE TRUST 06-01-98 <DVA> 3437 DON COTA DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 ANTOL JOHN D&KARLA O 3429 DON COTA DR CARLSBADCA92010 MILLER WILMATR 18831 HIGHLAND VALLEY RD RAMONA CA 92065 MOLLE ROBERT J REVOCABLE TRUST 01-23-07 3413 DON COTA DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 ARTINGSTALL FAMILY TRUST 02-13- 91 3407 DON COTA DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 JOHNSON DOLORES 5302 DON ALVAREZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 SNOW FAMILY TRUST 01-04-01 5310 DON ALVAREZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 CADE INTER VIVOS TRUST 04-08-87 5318DONALVAREZDR CARLSBAD CA 92010 Etiquettes faciles a peler IHillc» la naharf* AWSBV* Clfin*3c>n« ffa rhamomont Consultez la feuille www.avery.com Easy Peel Labels Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® • •» j^Feed Paper See Instruction Sheet; for Easy Peel Feature 4 STIPP HUGH J&BARBARA I FAMILY TRUST 10-02-92 5168 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 JUHL CLARENCE A&JUDITH H 5172 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBADCA92010 AVERY®5160« HENDERSON BRUCE B&NANCY G 5176 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 MURPHEY FAMILY TRUST 07-20-90 5180 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 STOABS FAMILY TRUST 01-27-95 5184 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 HEATHMAN FAMILY TRUST 10-26-99 5186 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 HESTER FAMILY TRUST 02-14-89 5188 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 ^ \ IT 10-26-99 MORGAN RUPERT C&DORRIS M FAMILY TRUST 5192 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 BEEMER JOE R&SHIRLEY A 5194 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 OOSTEROM HARRY L&BETTE J 5198 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 FERGUSON JOHN JR&FERGUSON PAMELA L 5163 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 ESKIBORN LOUIS J LIVING TRUST 11-08-07 5155 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 BRISTOW JOYCE M LIVING TRUST 10-03-96 5147 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 MARTIN C WESLEY TRUST 11-22-94 5139 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 DIELI SALVATORE&ALICE M 5131 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBADCA92010 CARBONE MARTIN R&GLADYS K 5123 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 ROCK FAMILY TRUST 08-20-91 5178DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92010 KUVER OSCAR H SEPARATE PROPERTY TRUST 06-01-01 5172DONMATADR CARLSBAD C A 92010 GARBER JERALD K&ELIZABETH H 5166DONMATADR CARLSBADCA92010 THOMSON FAMILY TRUST 09-20-06 5158DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92010 STEADMAN HELLEN F 5132DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92010 CUNRADI DAVID R&ELLEN V 5128DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92010 ROBINSON FAMILY TRUST 06-01-88 5117 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 SABOURIN PATRICIA A 5101 DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92010 STOLMAKER CHARLOTTE TR 5107 DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92010 CRANDALL ANAMAE B LIVING TRUST 07-08-97 5115 DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92010 ETNIRE ROBERT K TESTAMENTARY TRUST A C/0 UNION BANK P O BOX 85552 SAN DI EGO C A 92186 MOORE JUDITH A TRUST 08-21-97 5129 DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92010 BARKER N JEAN TRUST 03-18-93 5135 DON MATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 Etiquettes faciles a, peltr I l*lllc<» la ~-Gonsultezlafeuille www.avery.com Easy Peel Labels Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160° STEPHENS TERRY W&BARBARA E 5147 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA92010 See Instruction Sheet! for Easy Peel Feature j^ CHRISTIE MARVIN B&LORRAINE F LIVING TRUST 05-07- 5155 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 AVERY®5160® OLIVER LUCILLE J SEPARATE PROPERTY TRUST 05-04-0 68 RICE RD WAYLANDMA01778 MICHIELI MARIA T SEPARATE PROPERTY TRUST 03-13-0 5114 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 BORGE FAMILY TRUST 08-02-90 5120 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 HODGES FAMILY TRUST 07-02-96 5126 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 LARSON INTERVIVOS TRUST 04-08- 88 5134 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 BLAKELEY RICHARD E 5140 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 SOLLOWAY ERWIN&LOUISE TRUST 04-28-88 1400 COLORADP ST BOULDER CITY NV 89005 ZIEGMAN CAROLEE P 5157 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBADCA92010 LIPTON GLADYS 2002 TRUST 5151 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 THEIS FAMILY TRUST 02-15-06 5145 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 SMITH DARRYL&CINDY 5139 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBADCA92010 JOHANSSON FAMILY TRUST 03-19- 87 5101 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 DUNCAN FAMILY TRUST 03-13-03 12528 SORA WAY SAN DIEGO CA 92129 RITTER DON W&BETTY A 5106DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92010 STEPHENSON LIVING TRUST 04-13- 90 5110DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92010 DEELEY-BARNARD FAMILY TRUST 09-06-03 5116DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92010 ARON ADRIENNE F 5120DONMATADR CARLSBADCA92010 GIBSON JAMES W&MARY C FAMILY TRUST 03-18-88 5124DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92010 DUFFIN GORDON L&LUCILLE H 5128DONRODOLFODR CARLSBAD CA 92010 STOABS FAMILY TRUST 01-27-95 5184DONRODOLFODR CARLSBAD CA 92010 PRUITT RAYNEL TRUST 04-21-06 5136 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 REVOCABLE HILLIARD FAMILY TRUST 07-18-94 5140 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 JAFFE LIVING TRUST 12-10-91 5144 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 WELLS ANNE S REVOCABLE TRUST 03-22-01 5148 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 SHADRICK ROGER C&PEGGY P 5152 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 HALL SANDRA J SEPARATE PROPERTY TRUST 11 -25-97 5156 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD C A 92010 WATSON TOM&HARRIET M 1989 LIVING TRUST 5160 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 MOZINGO JOE P 5164 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 Etiquettes faciles 4 peler A I Killea* la nahn«l* AtJMW® C«Cft* Cane da rtta* Gonsutez la feuille www.avery.com Easy Peel Labels Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160* See Instruction Sheet for Easy Peel Feature ^AVERY®5150® I CROOKANNE 5229 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 DANZIGER ROBERT B&CAROL N 5223 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 BENNETT PAULINE C 5217 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 OTT LORA A TRUST 5209 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 JONES BEVERLY J 5201 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 VOLZ KAREN S 5202 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 HARRIS ANITA V <DVA> 5268 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 WHEAT FAMILY TRUST 12-14-05 5272 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 BRADFIELD BETTY L 5279 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 AMADO JESSE R JR&KATHLEEN A 5267 DON RICARDO DR #128 CARLSBADCA92010 A P F INVESTMENTS L P C/0 TINA GERRY 826 ORANGE AVE #295 CORONADOCA92118 WEKSLER DELORES J REVOCABLE TRUST 09-08-04 3545 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 TORREY CRAIG G&CHERI B 5241 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 BSHARAH FAMILY TRUST 11-15-06 5239 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 PASCUCCI JOSEPH M&VALERIE D TRS 5227 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 WOODS MILDRED C TRUST 02-28- 90 5215 DON RICARDO DR#134 CARLSBADCA92010 LANDES ROBERT P&MARY L 5211 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 HUNDSHAMER FRANCIS X&JULIANNE M 5201 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 WOODARD ANNE C 5165 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 DATTAN HOWARD S 5163 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 COURTNEY-MARSTON ARDYTH TRUST 01-28-02 5152 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 BLAIR MARY A TRUST 11-03-00 3860 RIVIERA DR #202 SAN DI EGO C A 92109 UNDERWOOD JAMES L&LOIS T 5136 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 CULLINS GEORGE H&HELEN M 5128 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 KERKLAAN-GRAY WILHELMINA J TRUST 05-28-98 5118 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 BLACKLEDGE THOMAS L&LILLIAN M 5101 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 GIBSON FAMILY TRUST 5119 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 BOWEN JAMES&CATHERIN TRUST 05-19-95 5125 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 CAPTIOL TRUST 140 E STETSON AVE HEMET CA 92543 SULLIVAN FAMILY TRUST 06-12-95 3480 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 Etiquettes faciles ft peter ll*llt___l- __t-__l^ a«M»«uA f^fftA Consultez la feullle www.avery.com Easy Peel Labels Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® SULLIVAN FAMILY TRUST 3480 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 See Instruction Sheet • for Easy Peel Feature 4 VEALE DONALD M&BARBARA M TRS 5346 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 AVERY®5160® RASMUSSEN JANET B TRUST 12-05- 03 5354 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 SMITH KENNETH B&HILDEGARD S REVOCABLE TRUST 12-0 5362 DONMIGUELDR CARLSBAD CA 92010 STANLEY HELEN L 5370 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 BURROUGHS NADINE C 5373 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 TITONE CARLO&MICHELE 5365 DONMIGUELDR CARLSBADCA92010 BENTLEY CORALIE A 2430 SIERRA MORENA AVE CARLSBAD CA 92010 SHIPMAN EDWARD A&SHONDA D 5349 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 GREEN JOHN F&DOROTHY E TRUST 05-13-93 5341 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 WHALEN W&E REVOCABLE TRUST 08-01-95 5335 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 SKAPIK MARK J&GERALYN M 5327 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 BEAULIEU M GERTRUDE 5321 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 NELSON JEAN LIVING TRUST 05-15- 98 5313 DONMIGUELDR CARLSBAD CA 92010 GRIEPP SHERRY L 5301 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 CONOVER BARBARA J REVOCABLE TRUST 07-28-05 5270 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD C A 92010 HUMBLET FAMILY TRUST 06-24-96 629 S RANCHO SANTA FE RD #445 SAN MARCOS CA 92078 SAILER MICHAEL M&NINSUDA C 5256 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 HANAWA MASAKI&JOY M 5573 COYOTE CT CARLSBAD CA 92010 PERRY JOSEPH&MARJORIE E TRUST 08-24-05 5236 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 BERAN TERRY L M 1614 BROWN ST CARSON CITY NV 89701 ERICKSON CLARK&CANDLER KAY L 29 CORNELL RD BALA CYNWYD PA 19004 JACOBS RAY D&RUBY L 5216 DONMIGUELDR CARLSBAD CA 92010 ULYATE TRUST 03-16-89 3458 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBADCA92010 ATKINSON WILLIAM C&PAMELA J 5202 DONMIGUELDR CARLSBAD CA 92010 CHESTNUT WILLIAM&HELEN INTERVIVOS TRUST 08-22-97 C/0 STEPHEN MICHEA 5271 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 CHO YUN SOON 5265 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 ULYATE TRUST 03-16-89 3458 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 MCLOUGHLIN JAMES M 5245 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 MITCHELL JENNIFER L TR 3080 CAMINITO TERCER VERDE DEL MAR CA 92014 Etiquettes faciles a peter CAM* A . A~ ~U.._~~.-.*Consultez la feullle www.avery.com Easy Peel Labels Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160° See Instruction Sheet j for Easy Peel Feature ^! TURNER FAMILY TRUST 08-23-00 3327 DON PABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 LEIBELT DANIEL G&SHIRLEY 3333 DON PABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 JOHNSON JOANN 3339 DON PABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 DRIVER CELESTE M 3343 DON PABLO DR CARLSBADCA92010 RYFLE OSCAR&MARILYN TRUST 09- 12-06 3349 DON PABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 COLBURN CRAIG B&NANCY J 3355 DON PABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 HENDRIX ROBERT M&MARY E FAMILY TRUST 03-11-99 1280 HIDDEN SPRINGS AVE OAK PARK CA 91377 STRANGE FRANK&MARILYN REVOCABLE TRUST 08-03-92 3367 DON PABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 STORTI FAMILY TRUST 10-03-01 3373 DON PABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 MOIR JAMES&MARLYS LIVING TRUST 03-05-04 3379 DON PABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 FOX FRANCIS T&BARBARA J 3385 DON PABLO DR CARLSBADCA92010 JOHNSON JOSEPH M 3340 DON PABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 WEKSLER DELORES J REVOCABLE TRUST 09-18-04 3545 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBADCA92010 HELFRICH WILLIAM A&JEAN E TRS 5376 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 LEWIS TROY III&CHARLOTTE L 5370 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 SNELSON SIGMUND&ANN E PO BOX 1175 EASTSOUND WA 98245 WALLIG FAMILY TRUST 12-06-03 5356 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 HILL MARJORIE B REVOCABLE TRUST 08-01-07 5348 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 WARREN WILLIAM J 5342 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBADCA92010 RICKERT NANCY L TRUST 09-03-99 5336 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 CHURCHILL ROBERT T&KAREN J 26 WRIGHT PL WILBRAHAMMA01095 CROWE DAVID 5320 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD C A 92010 LAGRANDEUR PAULA H&PHILIP M 7901 46TH AVE W MUKILTEO WA 98275 SKAPIK MARK J&GERALYN 16175 CASTILE DR WHITTIER CA 90603 PELUSO ROBERT L&JANICE L REVOCABLE TRUST 06-14-9 5302 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBADCA92010 WOLF ROCHELLE T 5301 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 MIDKIFF FAMILY TRUST 06-23-04 5307 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 DIONESE LOUIS C 5315 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 PHILLIPS JULIAN P&JOY L 5321 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 ESSERT NEOMA J TRUST 5327 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 Etiquettes faciles a peter t.*.. i« ..-.I*....!* Attem/® cien®Cane Ha rhamaman* Consurtezlafeuille www.avwy.com 4 OAA «=*» Al Easy Peel Labels Use Avery* TEMPLATE 5160® • ^» j[Feed Paper See Instruction Sheet { for Easy Peel Feature 4 HERBERT WAYNE I FAMILY TRUST 10-12-93 3338 DON QUIXOTE DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 PICCINI DIANNE C 3330 DON QUIXOTE DR CARLSBADCA92010 I HARN JAMES&JEANNE O <DVA> 3322 DON QUIXOTE DR CARLSBAD C A 92010 RATHBONE FAMILY TRUST 03-04-05 3314 DON QUIXOTE DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 MOU KIZEN LIVING 1996 TRUST 07- 24-96 3302 DON QUIXOTE DR#7 CARLSBAD CA 92010 GENSLER CHARLES A&LUCIA G 3301 DON TOMASO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 MICELI RODGER J LIVING TRUST 1986 3315 DON TOMASO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 REINHOLZ BETTY L 3323 DON TOMASO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 SWARTZ RAYMOND P&MARETTA FAMILY TRUST 05-05-06 7043 VIA CANDREJO CARLSBAD CA 92009 NOVAK-FINNEY TRUST 06-22-04 3339 DON TOMASO DR CARLSBADCA92010 MASON RAYMOND G&KATHLEEN O 3347 DON TOMASO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 SONN LIVING TRUST 04-19-90 3348 DON TOMASO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 TEMPESTA GERARD&SUZANNE O 69 RICE RD WAYLANDMA01778 STANDERFER TRUST 10-02-01 3332 DON TOMASO DR CARLSBADCA92010 BIRMINGHAM FAMILY TRUST 10-04- 93 1180ALTAVISTADR VISTA CA 92084 MAXVILLE JUNE D LIVING TRUST 06-23-03 3314 DON TOMASO DR CARLSBADCA92010 ERICKSON DAVID 3302 DON TOMASO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 FANNING CHRISTOPHER G 3301 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBADCA92010 PRICE TRUST 08-02-94 3311 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 CROWE EDWARD F&ANGELA A 9520 STOAKES AVE DOWNEY CA 90240 BARNETT FAMILY TRUST 10-23-03 3420 DON JOSE DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 HENRY CHARLES H&LINDA L <DVA> 3337 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 WRIGHT ROBERT D&DOUGLAS CINDY 3345 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 LEVINE BURTON A TRUST 04-21-94 3390 DON DIABLO DR #26 CARLSBAD CA 92010 PLESSNER JOAN LIVING TRUST 10- 12-93 3384 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 FLANIGAN LAWRENCE E&NANCY A 3378 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 DONLEY FAMILY TRUST 07-29-04 3302 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 HAMPTON KIM J 3301 DON PABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 KOHL FAMILY TRUST 07-26-96 3317 DON PABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 KREINICK EUGENE TRUST 02-03-98 C/0 MERWYN J MILLER 191 CALLE MAGDALENA #270 ENCINITAS CA 92024 Etiquettes faciles ft peler • 1&M1___|A __ft.__l*. AftMMMuA P«««tdb Consultezlafeuille www.avery.com Easy Peel Labels Use Avery* TEMPLATE 5160* DENEAU TRUST 10-29-93 3473 DON JUAN DR CARLSBADCA92010 See Instruction Sheet for Easy Peel Feature SAWYER BONNIE B 3467 DON JUAN DR CARLSBADCA92010 AWERMAN MURRAY&BLANCHE B TRS 12965NW 18THMNR PEMBROKE PINES FL 33028 SWANSON FAMILY TRUST 12-09-94 3455 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 HOBSON DENIS&DOROTHY TRUST 01-16-03 3449 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 KNIPPELBERG ROBERT G 3443 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 ALEXANDER LUTHER A&ALTA M TRUST 06-25-69 3439 DON JUAN DR CARLSBADCA92010 HARTZELL FAMILY TRUST 02-01-88 5410 DON FELIPE DR CARLSBADCA92010 BUDGET FINANCE CO 1849 SAWTELLE BLVD #700 LOS ANGELES CA 90025 WOOD DOROTHY B TRUST 05-15-92 5426 DON FELIPE DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 CHARDONNENS VIVIAN V 5434 DON FELIPE DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 DWELLEY WILLIAM F&MARTHA H FAMILY TRUST 08-06-93 5442 DON FELIPE DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 LAMBERT THOMAS P&CAROLYN F FAMILY TRUST 5452 DON FELIPE DR CARLSBADCA92010 DUNAVAN PAMELA S 5460 DON FELIPE DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 MINKS VIRGIL L&MARY 5459 DON FELIPE DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 GIBBIA FAMILY TRUST 04-24-07 5451 DON FELIPE DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 KNIGHT ROBERT L&NANCY L TRS 5443 DON FELIPE DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 HALEY THOMAS P 5435 DON FELIPE DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 BLANCHARD FAMILY TRUST 06-30- 93 5427 DON FELIPE DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 NAJARIAN MOURAD FAMILY JOINT TRUST 08-09-77 5419 DON FELIPE DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 PAULSON DENNIS J&LINDA K 1721 ARYANADR ENCINITASCA 92024 VAUGHAN-CHALDY CAROLYN LIVING TRUST 09-03-01 5439 DON LUIS DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 MENNING FAMILY TRUST 03-25-91 5431 DON LUIS DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 KATZ LIVING TRUST 12-09-98 5423 DON LUIS DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 SAAR CHARLES E LIVING TRUST 09-25-92 5415 DON LUIS DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 ALDRICH FAMILY TRUST 11-03-89 5407 DON LUIS DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 MYERS FAMILY TRUST 09-04-98 3428 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 PEDROTTA CHARLES H 3442 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 BISHOP ELZA D&PATSY J 3349 DON TOMASO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 LIEBERMAN FAMILY 1993 TRUST 3346 DON QUIXOTE DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 Etiquettes faciles a peler Consultez la feuille www.avery.com Easy Peel Labels Use Avery* TEMPLATE 5160° KRIMIAN FAMILY 2002 TRUST 5330 DONMIGUELDR CARLSBAD CA 92010 i A AFeed Paper See Instruction Sheet | for Easy Peel Feature ^ I M C ASSET MANAGEMENT CO 6171 W CENTURY BLVD #100 LOS ANGELES CA 90045 iAVERY®5!60® PRIGG HARRY D&BARBARA FAMILY TRUST 08-14-92 5208 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 HARRIS ALVIN&JEWELL INTER VIVOS TRUST 03-03-00 5218 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 FISCHER WILLIAM M&MARY E REVOCABLE TRUST 06-16-9 5228 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 WALDEN MALVIN A&ELIZABETH A REVOCABLE TRUST 5232 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 GABLE FAMILY TRUST 02-26-91 5240 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 EAHEART LOUISE A TRUST 07-26-94 5246 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 ABBOTT EARLENE L TRUST 04-21- 03 5258 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 HARMUTH FAMILY TRUST 07-05-89 5133 DONMIGUELDR CARLSBADCA92010 LOWE BETTY E 1994 SEPARATE PROPERTY TRUST 5127 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 LANCIAL MARTHA L 5121 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 REICH DALE&DONNA 5115 DONMIGUELDR CARLSBAD CA 92010 RETSCH PAUL LIVING TRUST 02-22- 08 6460 CONVOY CT #87 SAN DIEGO CA 92117 MAHRDT WILLIAM F&GLORIA F 5105 DONMIGUELDR CARLSBAD CA 92010 BARKER RICHARD&MELINDA FAMILY TRUST 00-05-04 5150DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92010 WHERLEY PATRICIA K 5144 DON MATA DR CARLSBADCA92010 BURMEISTER FAMILY TRUST 11-09- 01 3490 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 THURMAN MINNIE M TRUST 09-19- 95 3496 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 HARDY DAVID A&JOANNE F 4802 HAMER DR PLACENTIA CA 92870 GAMZA MARVIN&PATRICIA 2005 TRUST 3426 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 LAVEILLE JACK G TR 3430 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD C A 92010 CASEY LAWRENCE P&JEANDHEUR VALERIE J PO BOX 910529 SAN DIEGO CA 92191 WAYMAN FAMILY TRUST 03-21-91 3438 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 DOTY-ROGERS REBECCA A 2292 BRYANT DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BROWN RUTH S 3446 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 MATSON EDWARD M&KAREN J 3450 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 STITH LIVING TRUST 12-29-00 3454 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 GLADDEN ELLEN J 3458 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBADCA92010 BRADY-RUBIN PAULA L 3479 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 Etiquettes facile* a peter I Mlieav la flskavto E4CA0 Consultezlafeuille www.avery.com Easy Peel Labels Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® LAJOYE LIVING TRUST 05-13-04 3418 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 J^Feed Paper See Instruction Sheet [ for Easy Peel Feature ^ PHEGLEY REVOCABLE TRUST 01- 24-96 3422 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 AVERY®5160® CAL7WERA HILLS II L L C CIO MCMJLLIN COMPANIES LLC 2727 HOO\ NATIONAk-CrPiC.CA 91950 MEACHAM ROMY C FAMILY TRUST 08-24-94 5405 DON FELIPE DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 ERNST JOHN O&ALLEGRA 24081 STAVE SAN DIEGO CA 92101 ANDERSON FAMILY TRUST 02-22-91 5446 DON LUIS DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 KENNEDY BETTY 2729 LA GRAN VIA CARLSBAD CA 92009 OVERLAND JOANNE 5430 DON LUIS DR CARLSBADCA92010 PRATT FAMILY TRUST 10-22-03 5422 DON LUIS DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 BOOK FAMILY TRUST 02-13-90 5414 DON LUIS DR CARLSBADCA92010 RUSSELL SAMUEL&NORMA FAMILY TRUST 12-08-04 5406 DON LUIS DR CARLSBADCA92010 ERNST LEONARD H&JOANNE C 5455 DON LUIS DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 GRUNEISEN ANITA L TR 5447 DON LUIS DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 HARRIS DEANNA 3372 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBADCA92010 KURTH FAMILY TRUST 06-18-93 3366 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 THORPE/MCGRATH-THORPE FAMILY TRUST 04-06-04 3358 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 RHEAD CLAUDE R&KATHERINE C 4016VIADELAPAZ OCEANSIDE CA 92057 MCCLEAN EDWARD A <LE> BRANN KENNETH E&MARY E 199 3342 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 KLINGBEIi. RUTH L 3336 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 NICKEL JOSEPH S REVOCABLE TRUST 11-06-87 3328 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBADCA92010 BERSCHNEIDER ROCKLIN J&RONELL 3318 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 JOHNSTONE KENNETH W 2003 TRUST 05-15-03 ETAL 3312 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 SEILER 1994 REVOCABLE TRUST 5343 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 WELLS NANCY 5351 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 MALCHASKI EDDIE S&PATRICIA K TRUST 04-25-02 5359 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBADCA92010 MARKHAM JOSEPH R 5367 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 VANDERSLICE FAMILY REVOCABLE INTERVIVOS TRUST 09 5302 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 MCALLISTER CONCETTA REVOCABLE TRUST 08-15-00 5310 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 GHASSEMI PARVINDOKHT TRUST 5318 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 I M C ASSET MANAGEMENT CO 6171 W CENTURY BLVD #100 LOS ANGELES CA 90045 Etiquettes faciles a peler t •Jktlt — —.— I— —— L. ——**- AttMMWk«A ^4i^J*dh Consultez la feuille www.avery.com Easy Peel Labels Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® WEINER JEFFREY H&DEBRA M 5090 LYNCH CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 : A J^Feed Paper See Instruction Sheet | for Easy Peel Feature 4 ROSENFELD RICHARD&LOU A 5134 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 HUTCHENS MICHAEL&LAURI FAMILY 2007 TRUST 2305 LANYARD PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 FAHEY GREGORY&SUE TRUST 10- 04-07 5246 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 MORGAN GALLON J&LINDA M 5245 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 DARRACQ GAIL 2281 HILLYER ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 CALAVERA HILLS C/0-trfCMILLIN COJ\ LL< IES LLC N WEST SENIOR LIVING R E L L C C/0 WEST DEVELOPMENT INC 6005 HIDDEN VALLEY RD #290 CARLSBAD CA 92011 CARLSBAD CANTERBURY ASSN 10721 TRfeEN<ST#200 SANDIE0COSA92131 THOMAS DONNA G TRUST 03-08-01 2342 KEATS PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 EAGLE CANYON AT EVANS POINT ASSN 10179 HUENNEKENSST SAN DIEGO CA 92121 AFFRE NICHOLAS A&KIMBERLY E 2315 KEATS PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 HENKEL DOUGLAS&BARBARA J FAMILY INTER VIVOS TRUS 2302 LANYARD PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 TE OF CALIFORNI PUBLIC AGENCY 00000 SHEA HOMES LTD PARTNERSHIP 10721 TREENAST#200 SAN DIEGO CA 92131 WEST SENIOR LIVING R E L L C <LF> KELLY ROBERT P C/O WEST DEVELOPMENT INC 6005 HIDDEN VALLEY RD #290 CARLSBAD CA 92011 CALAV C/O HILLS II L L C LLC CALAVERA HILLS II L L C C/O MCfoHLLIN COMPANIES LLC 2727 HOOVE3»AYE NATIONAJL-elTYGA.91950/^ ^x CARLSBAD UNIFIED TRICT PUBLIC AGENCY 00000 RICCI DOROTHY L LIVING TRUST 12-13-04 3457 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 SPARKS DOROTHY S TRUST 04-20- 05 3453 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 DINSMORE ROBERT W&DEBORAH M REVOCABLE 2003 TRUST 1541 9THST SANTA MONICA CA 90401 FROMM HELEN P 3445 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 WILSON RAQUEL C SEPARATE PROPERTY TRUST 03-09-04 3441 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 ALBERTS LILIANE G 3437 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 KANTER HARVEY&MARLENE 3433 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBADCA92010 CUSTODERO STEPHEN L&JUDITH 3429 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 KOOLHOF FREDERIC J W FAMILY TRUST 04-23-05 3425 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBADCA92010 TENEYCK SUE M TRUST 04-05-05 3410 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 KOHL MOTT REVOCABLE TRUST 3414 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92010 Etiquettes faciles a peter IH1IUP7 le naharl* AWCOV* KlCftO Cane Consultez la feuille www.avery.com Easy Peel Labels Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160° ! A AFeed Paper See Instruction Sheet j for Easy Peel Feature ^AVERY®5160® WOOLLEY CURTIS S&SUSAN 5138 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 ARMS FAMILY TRUST 050-05-07 5075 CIARDI CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 WILSON HELEN A 2311 KEATS PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 SWANIKER FAMILY INTERVIVOS REVOCABLE TRUST 02-16 5103 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 BRICKER FAMILY TRUST 08-23-07 5225 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 MOSER JEFFERY L&DEE A 2359 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CARLSBAD CANTERBURY ASSN C/O MARC1A GOO0MAN 10721 TREET^VST #200 SAN DIEGO"CAN92131 RESETCO DAVID&LORI 2004 FAMILY TRUST 12-16-04 5142 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 KINCAID CAROLYN A P 0 BOX 20941 RIVERSIDE CA 92516 MEZEY FAMILY 1999 TRUST 12-01- 99 2340 JEFFERS PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 LIU HUAMING&KOK SANDY SIU PING 5222 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 BELTRAN MARCUS F&MARY A 2209 LONGFELLOW RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 DELAMATA FELIX B&ROSEANNE D 2376 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HOLDER JAMES B&JAMIE D 5079 CIARDI CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 MIDDIEN ROBERT N 2290 HILLYER ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 BILAR JOHN F JR&SASHA S 2371 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DUFFY PHILIP C&TRICIA K 2338 KEATS PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 RANCHO CARLSBAD OWNERS ASSN C/O KATHY GRIFFITH 5200 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD CA 92010 KNOOIHUIZEN WILLIAM M&JOAN E 2422 BYRON PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 WHITE STUART R&LEIGH 5249 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 BABINEAU FAMILY LIVING TRUST 01-28-03 2217 LONGFELLOW RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 KHATRI SHABANA S 7321 CAPULIN RD NE ALBUQUERQUE NM 87109 JANKE ANITA 2334 KEATS PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 PEREIRA TREVOR X&JOAN M 2341 JEFFERS PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 WILSON STEVEN T&LORRAINE D 5158 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 BACHER GERALD D&MARIANNA E 2352 JEFFERS PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 LEE NANCY K 643 LYNWOOD DR ENCINITASCA 92024 RIGGINS ANDY&SANDRA 5080 CIARDI CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 STORING RICHARD&ELIZABETH A 5102 LYNCH CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 DEGRAW FAMILY TRUST 11-19-04 2399 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 Etiquettes faciles a peler I l+lllro-p la x-U^.U. AtmwA C«e/«A A. J~ -I—Consultez la feuille www.avery.com AHaAV-O9-008-l luauia&ieip ap sues T 8,0915 eAlOAV »H«IW> a| zas||Rn CARLSBAD UNIF SCHOOL DIST 6225 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD CA 92011 SAN MARCOS SCHOOL DIST STE 250 255 PICO AVE SAN MARCOS CA 92069 ENCINITAS SCHOOL DIST 101 RANCHO SANTA FE RD ENCINITAS CA 92024 SAN DIEGUITO SCHOOL DIST 701 ENCINITAS BLVD ENCINITAS CA 92024 LEUCADIA WASTE WATER DIST TIM JOCHEN 1960 LA COSTA AVE CARLSBAD CA 92009 OLIVENHAIN WATER DIST 1966OLIVENHAINRD ENCINITAS CA 92024 CITY OF ENCINITAS 505 S VULCAN AVE ENCINITAS CA 92024 CITY OF SAN MARCOS 1 CIVIC CENTER DR SAN MARCOS CA 92069-2949 CITY OF OCEANSIDE 300 NORTH COAST HWY OCEANSIDE CA 92054 CITY OF VISTA 600 EUCALYPTUS AVE VISTA CA 92084 VALLECITOS WATER DIST 201 VALLECITOS DE ORO SAN MARCOS CA 92069 I.P.U.A. SCHOOL OF PUBLIC ADMIN AND URBAN STUDIES SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY SAN DIEGO CA 92182-4505 CALIF DEPT OF FISH & GAME 4949 VIEWRIDGE AVE SAN DIEGO CA 92123 REGIONAL WATER QUALITY STE 100 9174 SKY PARK CT SAN DIEGO CA 92123-4340 SD COUNTY PLANNING STEB 5201 RUFFIN RD SAN DIEGO CA 92123 LAFCO 1600 PACIFIC HWY SAN DIEGO CA 92101 AIR POLLUTION CNTRL DIST 10124 OLD GROVE RD SAN DIEGO CA 92131 SANDAG STE 800 401 B STREET SAN DIEGO CA 92101 U.S. FISH & WILDLIFE 6010 HIDDEN VALLEY RD CARLSBAD CA 92011 CA COASTAL COMMISSION STE 103 7575 METROPOLITAN DR SAN DIEGO CA 92108-4402 ATTN TEDANASIS SAN DIEGO COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY PO BOX 82776 SAN DIEGO CA 92138-2776 SCOTT MOLLOY - BIASD STE 110 9201 SPECTRUM CENTER BLVD SAN DIEGO CA 92123-1407 CARLSBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 5934 PRIESTLEY DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CITY OF CARLSBAD RECREATION CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING DEPT- PROJECT ENGINEER CITY OF CARLSBAD PROJECT PLANNER 07/16/2008 Ti Tsjrneaj (aaj Asei joj,«09LS ILVldWIL ®>toAV asp spqei |aa<j Asea Easy Peel Labels Use Avery* TEMPLATE 5160® SACKIN TRUST 08-09-05 2418 BYRON PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 See Instruction Sheet j for Easy Peel Feature ^ PAPA PATRICK W&KAMI E 5320 FORECASTLE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 AVERV®5160® LAPORTA RUSSELL V&MEIER- LAPORTA KIMBERLY 2380 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DEISINGER DAVID J&NANCY T 2434 BYRON PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 ALLEN MARCUS L 9536 WILSHIRE BLVD #500 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90212 EASTIN FAMILY TRUST 10-05-99 5095 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 THOMPSON FAMILY 2001 TRUST 2205 LONGFELLOW RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 GRANT DANIEL L&KIMBERLEY M 2345 JEFFERS PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 WEZNIAK STEVEN&KIMBERLEE 2322 KEATS PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 RYAN JAMES G III&MARY E 5315 FORECASTLE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 WOOD KYLE J&MYLER HEATHER A 5312 FORECASTLE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 KEMBLE HOPE 5110 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 BARRIOS-HAUNSCHILD RAQUEL LIVING TRUST 07-11-06 3525 DEL MAR HEIGHTS RD #371 SAN DIEGO CA 92130 CROSS SCOTT D&NANCY H TRS 2391 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GROVE JAY R&VICKI F 2344 JEFFERS PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 GRAFF KENT C 5226 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 WADE BETH G REVOCABLE TRUST 2310 KEATS PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 PATEL MAHESH 5074 MILLAY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 CUSHNER MICHAEL C&ROBIN L 5096 CIARDI CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 BLANK TROY G&HINKLE-BLANK EVELYN 2360 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CARD^BAD CANTERBURY ASSN C/0 MARCIA0CODMAN 10721 TRE?SNAST#200 SAN 010300^92131 ZIPPER JOSEPH&ALICE 2710 DEL PRADO BLVD S #2131 CAPE CORAL FL 33904 CARLSBAD CANTERBURY ASSN 10721 TREENAH5T#200 SANDIEG0XCAN92131 PASINI FAMILY TRUST 11-17-98 2330 BYRON PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 CARLSBADyCANTERBURY ASSN CIO MARCIA\OODWAN 10721 TREENA>fff#200 SANDIEGOeA92J31 MOORE GENE P&SHARON M 2426 BYRON PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 BOWERS BRET L&LISA J 5098 LYNCH CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 BUTLER CHAD&KATHARINE B FAMILY TRUST 05-03-04 5114 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 BJK RESIDENCE TRUST 08-08-02 5328 FORECASTLE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 BOWMAN NOAH 5380 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD CA 92008 Etiquettes faciles a peter Sens de eharaement Consultezlafeuille d'instruetion www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY Easy Peel Labels Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160* See Instruction Sheet for Easy Peel Feature ! GUERRE JOHN A&PATRICIA 2347 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 KENNEDY RONALD W&RUTH E 5094 LYNCH CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 BRADNER LINCOLN&CAROL J 5221 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 JAIN ART G&CRUZ-JAIN JOSEFINA I 2330 KEATS PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 CAPPS CHARLES&JULIE 5100CIARDICT CARLSBAD CA 92008 SIMPSON JAMES S&STACY L 2326 KEATS PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 GILMORE R GARY&KAREN J 2411 BYRON PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 KEVILLE THOMAS J&IVY B 5105 LYNCH CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 DIXON MARK&NANCY J 2285 HILLYER ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 ZITNAY FAMILY LIVING TRUST 11-04-96 2322 BYRON PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 ESSMAN CHRISTOPHER L&TAHLIA M 5071 MILLAY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 BALDUS LIVING TRUST 07-06-02 5238 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 WANG GUANGYI&LIU TIEFENG 5066 MILLAY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 MULLER TRUST 2363 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MANKARIOUS RONALD R 2314 KEATS PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 DIVINE WILLIAM A&JUNE F 5319 FORECASTLE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 SCEFONAS ROBERT F&JANET G 2309 LANYARD PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 EDWARDS JOSHUA B&TERRI L 5067 MILLAY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 BORK FAMILY TRUST 06-22-05 2378 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GANDALF FAMILY LTD PARTNERSHIP C/0 SCOTT M & HEATHER J SABO 5110 LYNCH CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 MILES BRANDON K&JESSICA J 2414 BYRON PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 BEERY FAMILY LIVING TRUST 07-26-00 5076 CIARDI CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 CUTLIFF FAMILY TRUST 04-16-02 2415 BYRON PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 WEAVER WILLIAM J TRUST 07-24-96 2318 KEATS PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 CARLSBAD CANTERBURY ASSOC. C/0 MARCIA GOODMAN 10721 TREENAST#200 SAN DIEGO CA 92131 WERNICK STEVEN E&CHARISA R 2349 JEFFERS PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 KOLLAR HUGH N&CHRISTINE C 5251 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 PENFIELD LIVING TRUST 12-09-03 5304 FORECASTLE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 COLVIN MIKE D&JOAN 5230 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 CLARKE CHRISTOPHER M 2353 JEFFERS PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 Etiquettes faciles a peler I Itlllco? la nahartt AVCBVO *1«n«Cpnc HP rhamoimuit Consultez la feuille www.avery.com BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS 2800 COTTAGE WAY SACRAMENTO CA 95825 BUSINESS, TRANS & HSG AGENCY STE 2450 980 NINTH ST SACRAMENTO CA 95814 CA COASTAL COMMISSION STE 103 7575 METROPOLITAN DR SAN DIEGO CA 921084402 CANNEL ISLANDS NATL PARK SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 1901 SPINNAKER DR SAN GUENA VENTURA CA 93001 CITYOFENCINITAS 505 S VULCAN AVE ENCINITAS CA 92024 COASTAL CONSERVANCY STE 1100 1330 BROADWAY OAKLAND CA 94612 COUNTY OF SD SUPERVISOR RM335 1600 PACIFIC SAN DIEGO ca 92101 DEPT OF DEFENSE LOS ANGELES DIST ENG PO BOX 2711 LOS ANGELES CA 90053 DEPT OF ENERGY STE 350 901 MARKET ST SAN FRANCISCO CA 94103 DEPT OF ENERGY STE 400 611 RYAN PLZDR ARLINGTON TX 760114005 DEPT OF FISH & GAME ENV SERV DIV PO BOX 944246 SACRAMENTO CA 942442460 DEPT OF FOOD & AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES RM100 1220NST SACRAMENTO CA 95814 DEPT OF FORESTRY ENV COORD PO BOX 944246 SACRAMENTO CA 942442460 DEPT OF HOUSING & URBAN DEV 600 HARRISON ST SAN FRANCISCO CA 94107 DEPT OF JUSTICE DEPTOFATTYGEN RM700 110 WEST AST SAN DIEGO CA 92101 DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION RM 5504 1120NST SACRAMENTO CA 95814 FED AVIATION ADMIN WESTERN REG PO BOX 92007 LOS ANGELES CA MARINE RESOURCES REG DR & G ENV SERVICES SPR STEJ 4665 LAMPSON AVE LOS ALAMITOS CA 907205139 OFF OF PLANNING & RESEARCH OFF OF LOCAL GOV AFFAIRS PO BOX 3044 SACRAMENTO CA 958123044 SAN FRANCISCO BAY CONSERV & DEV COM STE 2600 50 CALIFORNIA ST SAN FRANCISCO CA 941114704 SANDAG EXEC DIRECTOR STE 800 1STINTLPLZ401BST SAN DIEGO CA 92101 SD COUNTY PLANNING & LAND USE DEPT STE B-5 5201 RUFFIN RD SAN DIEGO CA 92123 SDGE 8315 CENTURY PARK CT SAN DIEGO CA 92123 STATE LANDS COMMISSION STE 1005 100 HOWE AVE SACRAMENTO CA 958258202 STATE LANDS COMMISSION STE 1 DOS 100 HOWE AVE SACRAMENTO CA 95825 US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEER 1455 MARKET STFL 17 SAN FRANCISCO CA 941031368 US BUREAU OF LAND MGMT STE RM W 2800 COTTAGE WY SACRAMENTO CA 95825 US BUREAU OF RECLAMATION MID PACIFIC REG 2800 COTTAGE WY SACRAMENTO CA 95825 US FISH & WILDLIFE SERVICES 2800 COTTAGE WAY STEW-2605 SACRAMENTO CA 958251888 USDA RURAL DEVELOPMENT DEPT 4169 430 GST DAVIS CA 95616 Easy Peel Labels Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160® MARC I KOSKI US FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE CARLSBAD OFFICE 6010 HIDDEN VALLEY ROAD CARLSBAD, CA 92011 See Instruction Sheet j for Easy Peel Feature^^AVERY®5160® I CHRISTINE BECK CA DEPT OF FISH AND GAME SOUTH COAST REGION 4949 VIEWRIDGE AVE SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 EILEEN KHACHATOURIANS DEPARTMENT OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL 5796 CORPORATE AVENUE CYPRESS, CA 90630 DAVE SINGLETON NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE COMMISSION 915 CAPITOL MALL, ROOM 364 SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 FRED SANDQUIST BATIQUITOS LAGOON FOUNDATION PO BOX 130491 CARLSBAD, CA 92013-0491 DIANE NYGAARD PRESERVE CALAVERA 5020 NIGHTHAWK WAY OCEANSIDE, CA 92056 JAMES W. ROYLE, JR. SAN DIEGO COUNTY ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY PO BOX 81106 SAN DIEGO, CA 92138-1106 RUSSELL ROMO SAN LUIS REY BAND OF MISSION INDIANS 1889 SUNSET DRIVE VISTA, CA 92081 BOB LADWIG LADWIG DESIGN GROUP, INC. 2234 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 DAVID BENTLEY BENTLEY MONARCH JOINT VENTURE 7449 MAGELLAN ST CARLSBAD, CA 92011 KAREN MERRILL 6901 QUAIL PLACE UNITC CARLSBAD, CA 92009 RUSS KOHL 3317 DON PABLO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 ISABELLE KAY UNIVERSITY CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO 9500 OILMAN DRIVE LA JOLLA, CA 92093-0116 Etiquettes faciles a peler- - - - .r—•>„..*Gonsurtez la feuille d'lnstruetion www.Avvry.com 1-800-GO-AVERY Easy Peel Labels Use Avery* TEMPLATE 5160* See Instruction Sheet jj for Easy Peel Feature 4 AVERY®5160® CERVONE FAMILY TRUST 07-01-03 5124 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 GORDON EBEN S&JOHANNE P 5237 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 HYMER STEVEN M&MELINDA J 5229 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 HSIEH WENHUEI&HSU CHAO HSIEN 2367 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 JOHNSON RUSTIN&BELINDA 5316 FORECASTLE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 RALSTON JEAN D 2368 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 STORRS CHET C&ANGELA 5075 MILLAY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 DASTYCK WILLIAM R&MICHELLE W 5099 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 GANATRA VIKESH&KIRTIBALA 5107 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 RANCHO CARLSBAD OWNERS ASSN C/0 KATHY GRIFFITH 5200 EL CAM INO REAL CARLSBADCA92010 SHRIVER MICHAEL&DEBORAH 2383 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 PEABODY JENNIFER H TRUST 05-21-02 5305 FORECASTLE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 PARK CHANG HAN&NANA 5308 FORECASTLE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 HASELHUHN MICHAEL D&ROSEMARY 2395 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BANTLE KURT E&JENNIFER L 5070 MILLAY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 DALY JOHN E&RENEE L 5210 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 GLOYD WILLIAM&KATHERINE 2348 JEFFERS PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 CHRISTIAN FAMILY TRUST 11-28-07 P O BOX 33202 SAN DIEGO CA 92163 HOLMES JEFFREY&LORI 2329 KEATS PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 HANDOJO ERIC&DIANA 2007 TRUST 5128 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 DOYLE GREGORY A&SHARON K 2372 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GAVRILENKO NATALIA 2387 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 KESWANI RAKESH C&SEEMA P 2286 HILLYER ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 STEPHENSON ROBERT L JR&CYNTHIA 2213 LONGFELLOW RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 ANZIL LUIGI&LYDIA I 5250 FROST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 WAUMANS MARK D&KATHERINE R 2430 BYRON PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 HERON BAY/SPYGLASS HILLS HOMEOWNERS ASSN CIO MARC IA GOODMAN 10721 TREENAST#200 SAN DIEGO CA 92131 DELAMATA FELIX B&DIAMOND- DELAMATA ROSEANNE 2376 MERWIN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 KNOWLAND ADAM P&SUSAN C 5078 MILLAY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 SIERRA SANTIAGO A&VIRGINIA T 1588 TRITON ST CARLSBAD CA 92011 luettes faciles a peter e<iCA0 Cane Ho rhammnAnt Consurtez la feullle d'lnstruction www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD PO BOX 100 SACRAMENTO CA 95801 The L o f t i n Fir m Carlsbad Location 5760 Fleet Street, Ste. 110 Carlsbad, California 92008 Tel: 760.431.2111 Fax: 760.431.2003 Respond to Carlsbad, CA Location www.loftinfirm.com sloftin@loftinflrm.com Tennessee Location 407 Main Street, Ste. 205 Franklin, Tennessee 37064 Tel: 615.567.6722 Fax: 615.567.6723 Client/ Matter NumberRCOA-Drain-Flood Attorneys at Law Hand Delivery September 9, 2008 Honorable Mayor Bud Lewis and Councilpersons 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92009 CITY OF CARLSBADCITY CLERK'S OFFICE Resolution No. 2008-230, and related matters 15 19,568 September 9,2008 Request- (1)°TO CONTINUE THE MATTER or (2) TO ADOPT THE ATTACHED ERRATA Re: Hearing: Item No: AB# Date: Time: Dear Mayor and Councilpersons: This correspondence is written on behalf of Rancho Carlsbad Countr,, Club Esm.es and its Association, the Rancho Carlsbad Homeowners Assoc.at.on, Inc. ( Assoc.at.on ) m Continue this matter to provide staff an opportunity to follow up on the issues ' ' fdemified to L memo presented to the City Council by Glen Prium and to rev.ew all of the Rancho Carlsbad history and issue; or (2) Adopt the Resolution with the attached ERRATA which clearly states that the Staff will continue to work on the Rancho Carlsbad history and issues, and present, if rppropriare, an amendment to the Drainage Master Plan and to the Planned Local Drainage Area Fee, and any related Ordinances. M:\Rancho Carlsbad\Drain-Basm-Flood\City Hearing 9-9-08\City Council with ERRATA 9-9-8.doc THE LOFTIN FIRM Honorable Mayor Lewis & Councilpersons September 9, 2008 Page 2 of2 For the purposes of the hearing on September 9, 2008, the Association incorporates all documents submitted prior to or at the Hearing on August 5, 2008 and the supplemental materials and documents submitted after the August 5, 2008 hearing for clarification of the Association's issues related to the matters before the City Council on September 9, 2008. Sincerely, THE L0FTIN FIRM L. sue Loftin, Esq. cc: Client Matthew Herron, Esq. City Clerk City Attorney David Hauser, Planning Dept. Ends. ERRATA M:\Rancho Carlsbad\Drain-Basin-Flood\City Hearing 9-9-08\City Council with ERRATA 9-9-8.doc: Resolution No. 2008-230 September 9,2008 ERRATA WHEREAS, on August 5, 2008 the residents of Rancho Carlsbad Country Club Estates, through their representatives, presented testimony which raised issues related to the Drainage Master Plan and Planned Local Drainage Area Fee, CIP Project No. 3872; WHEREAS, the issues raised by Rancho Carlsbad Country Club Estates are not addressed in the actions before the City Council, to wit: (1) Ordinance No. CS- 004, amending the Carlsbad Municipal code, Title 15, chapter 15-08, updating the Planned Local Drainage Area Fee Program, Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan (MCA 07-01); (2) Ordinance No. CS-005, amending Title 21, Chapters 21.38, 21.203 and 21.205 of the Municipal code by Deleting References to the Master Drainage Plan Adopted in 1994 and the Model Erosion Control Ordinance and Adding References to the Proposed City of Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan and Existing Engineering Standards, Carlsbad Drainage master Plan (ZCA 07-04); and (3) Resolution No. 2008-230 approving the 2008 Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan and Approving a Change to the City's Planned Local Drainage Area Fee, CIP Project No. 3872; and WHEREAS, the issues raised by Rancho Carlsbad Country Club Estates require additional information and study, and the City is desirous of adopting the Drainage Master Plan and Planned Local Drainage Area Fee. THEREFORE, the City adds to Resolution No. 2008-230 a new paragraph 10, which reads: 10. That the BJ Basin is a necessary and required component of the Drainage Master Plan. That BJ Basin is located on property owned by Rancho Carlsbad Country Club Estate upon which improvements are located. The staff is required hereby to review the actions taken tonight to ensure construction of BJ Basin and funding is adequate for the purchase of the real property, construction of BJ Basin and replacement and relocation of the Rancho Carlsbad Country Club Estate common area improvements located in the BJ Basin area. If after review and consideration of all of the facts, the Drainage Master Plan and/or the Planned Local Drainage Area Fee require amendment, then staff shall bring back to the City Council for review and action any such proposed amendment. M:\Rancho Carlsbad\Drain-Basin-Flood\City Hearing 9-9-08\ERRATA 9-9-08 (v2).doc 09/05/2008 MAYOR LEWIS AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS As a resident of Rancho Carlsbad for the past 5 years, I was very disappointed in the council meeting on August 5th. Ever since I moved to Carlsbad I have followed very closely the issues surrounding the Council's actions relative to Rancho Carlsbad. I served on the Rancho Carlsbad Board of Directors and followed the negotiations and promises very closely. The 100 Year flood line includes most of the units on my street so you can imagine how interested I have been in the BJ Basin. Yet, at this meeting it seemed that members of the council acted as if they were just hearing about it for the first time and some did not even have the Information with them at the meeting. Mayor, you and some of the current Council members, were involved with these discussions from the beginning. I was astounded to find you back tracking on the promises the council made earlier as if you had never heard of them before. The council had previously approved the planning commission's plans in support of Rancho Carlsbad's flood water protections, including the BJ Basin and the land purchase required to exchange the land required to extend College from Cannon road to El Camino Real. Rancho Carlsbad had supported you in good faith as the relevant projects went forward. Please don't turn your backs on the health and safety of Rancho Carlsbad citizens. You need to fund and build the BJ basin. Fund and transfer our facilities to another accessible location, that we have been promised in 2002. Do promises and agreements made in 2002 expire in 2008? Is that even legal? We paid our share as agreed upon. We have supported the council's actions in good faith. We listened to your design support for the Weir Wall with misgivings but bowed to your insistence that it would protect us, which in fact was poorly engineered and had to be redone. We have done all you requested and required of us. Now it is your turn to support our safety and live up to your agreements. Sincerely, Arthur arrGre ACENDAHEM* 3449 Don Jose Dr. « Mayor Carlsbad, CA 92010 , City Council City Manager City Attorney - City Clerk Elizabeth Burmeister 3490 Don Alberto Dr A., rtfn 11 i r* m. «,.«.._ M_L \UCarlsbad, CA 92010 ] J J660 fe^^? n Gisela I. Harmuth 5133 Don Miguel Drive A Hi'CEIVED Carlsbad, CA 92010 (760) 438-1768 September 4,2008 Mayor Lewis and Council Members City of Carlsbad City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and Council Members, Due to health reasons I am unable to attend the Council meetings when you discuss the problems we have in Rancho Carlsbad, where I have lived for 20 years. But I have watched the proceedings on television. I am particularly concerned with possible flooding and getting us out of the 100-year flood map. As I understand it, you have made commitments in writing way back in 2002 to build the Basin BJ and pay for relocating our RV Parking, Community Garden and Maintenance facilities, I would like to urge you to reconsider your position. Thank you for your attention to these matters. Sincerely, GEORGE F. BURMEISTER 3490 Don Alberto Drive Carlsbad, California 92010-3901 (760) 602-0883 e-mail: EB2230@AOL.COM ALL ALL RECEIVED September 4, 2008 Mayor Lewis and Council Members City of Carlsbad City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We are native San Diegans who moved to Rancho Carlsbad in 2000 for several reasons. Most prominent were the convenience, beauty, and method of ownership at Rancho Carlsbad, along with the city government that we thought was fair and reasonable in its deliberations. At least that was what our friends and neighbors in Rancho Carlsbad told us when we moved here. Development around us was inevitable, with others desiring to live in Carlsbad, and we followed along as you and our Rancho Carlsbad Negotiating Committee discussed ways to protect our health and safety. From all indications, progress was being made, and we could be assured that you and the developers would be fair in land swaps and funding of the BJ Basin. Apparently you forgot your promises made in 2002 to our community of 504 households. That was the impression you left with us when we attended the August 5,2008 council meeting. It was our first time at council, and seemed to echo the term we have heard often: "politics as usual." How can the elected government of a city as large as Carlsbad show such disregard for the welfare of our Rancho Carlsbad community, as well as the years spent by our Negotiating Committee and your staff members? We hope you will come to the rightful decision that the City of Carlsbad needs to fund and build the BJ Basin and replace the land you are taking from us. Yours truly, John & Dorothy Green 5341 Don Miguel Drive Carlsbad, CA 92010 ALL RECEIVED DOUWE R. NAUTA 3478 Don Ortega Drive Carlsbad CA 92010 Phone: (760) 804-3950 MAYOR LEWIS AND COUNCIL MEMBERS CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY HALL 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council Members, Do you remember the August 5, 2008 Council meeting, with Rancho Carlsbad's presentation? Please make good on your promise of years ago, and commit to the right decisions and funding. We don't have to repeat what is involved. You know what it is all about. Thank you in advance for your proper actions. Sincerely, Don Cfl. ALL RECEIVED of 8 D e^tr <5lnci follouo ir\lM Ac/ Occnc/ / Mem C-rl^ >* To oomm. O / nc ALL RECEIVED 09/04/2008 MAYOR LEWIS AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS As a resident of Rancho Carlsbad for the past 10 plus years, I was very disappointed in the August 5th council meeting. I have heard for 10 years about flood control to get our homes our of the 100 year flood map. At this meeting it seemed that some members of the council were just hearing about it for the first time and some did not bring the package of Information with them to the meeting. I know that this has been a topic of letter writing, heard on the floor of other meetings. The planning commission and council had previous approved items that the council now says that they had not discussed or that they believe some other source is to pay for and do the necessary land trade to make us whole again. Please don't turn your backs on the health and safety of Rancho Carlsbad citizens. The city has taken land from Rancho Carlsbad to build the College extension and it cuts through our property and makes it impossible to attain access to the rest of our property. If the BJ basin is not build access to our RV storage, garden area and landscape yard would be impossible, unless a bridge or tunnel under or over College is built. You need to fund and build the BJ basin. Fund and transfer our facilities to another accessible location, that we have been promised in 2002. How can the City in 2002 make promises and agreements and then in 2008 break those promises and agreements. Is that even legal??? Please live up to your promises, get us relocated, and build the BJ basin to protect our homes and property. This needs to be done now, not when the land is developed. Rain and floods do not wail: for the land to be developed. If you were living here, and this was happening to you, your parents or grandparents, what would do? How would you feel???? Take time to really look at this from that perspective...!!! Sincerely, Allen and Lorene Neal 3444 Don Jose Dr. Carlsbad, Ca 92010 Dear Mayor Lewis - Docs & Spreadsheets 9/2/08 2:35 PM Dear Mayor Lewis and Council Members. /y As you know the City Council meeting of Aug 5 th was well attended by Rancho Carlsbad residents. We had come there to get answers on issues that concern health and safety of our Park namely funding and acquiring land for basin BJ and relocating our RV parking, community garden,and maintenance and Landscaping facilities. The Council looked and acted as if this was the first time this issue was presented when we have been fighting for ten years for flood control to get homes out of FEMA 100 year map. Why can't we get answers and solutions from the City? Who really sets direction and policy the Council or the City staff? keep the promises and agreements you made in 2002 and then in 2008 brake those promises is that legal? Rancho Carlsbad Resident John Gledhill 3422 Don Cota Dr. Carlsbad,Ca 92010 jgled@roadrunner.com http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dds6fdzx_16dp5vf6cv page i Of 1 MERLE J. BEVIS JR. ALL RECEIVED BARBARA S. BEVIS 343 1 Don Alberto Drive Carlsbad, CA 920 10 August 29, 2008 Mayor Lewis and Council Members City of Carlsbad City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We are at a loss as to how the City in 2002 made promises and agreements to Rancho Carlsbad and then in 2008 you are breaking these promises. We, along with all the residents in Rancho Carlsbad, have followed the issues under discussion and believed that the City was working with us on solving these problems. This is a health and safety issue for Rancho Carlsbad. The BJ Basin is something we have been fighting for - to get flood control and remove homes in our community from the 100 year flood zone map. The City must commit to the funding of acquiring Rancho Carlsbad land for the BJ Basin and relocating our RV Parking, Community Garden and Maintenance and Landscaping facilities. At the September 9th Council meeting we hope you will put funding into the Drainage Master Plan and Fee Program to cover Rancho Carlsbad's past and future expenses in connection with the pending relocation. Thank you for your consideration, (_.< Barbara S. Bevis T " : ^7 '_^^^^^^ t/ ->f^c^ ^£*> 6/2 -/ / August 28, 2008 ALL RFCEIVEO Mayor Lewis & City Council Members City of Carlsbad City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Friends: We are long term residents (1989) of Rancho Carlsbad Park. We have seen the dangers and damages of flooding and heard our City's response to end it for some 10 years ago. Hopefully this will be done soon. Yes? Next came, the City's commitment, we thought, to take our land for a Basin B J and give us land for the garden, RV parking and maintenance facilities now on the land you will take. It appears from the last meeting on 8/5/08 that this exchange might not happen. How can you do this to an old, established and responsible 504 home community? We are asking for fairness. Sincerely Ray and Mary Hartzell 5410 Don Felipe Dr Carlsbad, CA 92010 August 29, 2008 Mayor Lewis and Council Members ' v t o City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Mayor Lewis and Council Members, We reside in Rancho Carlsbad and have since 2002. We are writing to express our concerns with your not living up to signed agreements for the acquiring of land for BJ Basin, and to relocate our RV parking, Community Garden, Maintenance and Landscaping facilities for when College Blvd is extended through our property. Concerns for flood control so we can be removed from the flood plain map have been addressed by Rancho Carlsbad for much longer than our residency here. At the Council meeting on August 5th' which we attended, many of you acted like you had never heard of these concerns before when you have been given printed copies of what we have been asking for. Obviously, you have never read much of this, nor did you appear to care what our leaders are presenting and asking for. As City of Carlsbad residents we support our City, pay taxes and also we vote. We would like to know why you made promises in 2002 and now in 2008 want to break those promises. Sincerely, „ ^ •><j^^orV^^<^Mr^/ // 7Q^>L/vv_Sam & Norma Russell 5406 Don Luis Drive Carlsbad, California 92010 Yolanda Wallig 5356 Don Ricardo Dr Carlsbad, CA 92010 Phone and Fax 760-804-0323 e- 0 ALL RECEIVED Jean E. Crawford ^i ZZ fi~-di^is~^- A*Lv (tL^e-^-Jlsi^r-* — .^~ — in the LORD with all your heart... and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5,6 (NIV) ALL RECEIVED ED MCCLEAN AND MARY BRANN 3342 DON DIABLO DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92010-3914 edmcclean(o)Gmail.com jobrann@Gmail.com August 27,2008 Mayor Bud and CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY HALL 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Dear Mayor and Council Members: It is very disappointing to be ignored when issues of importance are to affect a large group of retired citizens who have exerted superior efforts to cooperate for the betterment of this great city. Many of us remember when the issue of Elm arose. We decided that yes, the city needed to grow. We supported the decisions of the center islands of beautiful landscaping for our main arteries. Many of us have exerted much time and money to insure that Rancho Carlsbad become a resident owned community. And be among the most beautiful manufactured housing communities in the Country. We know the terror of litigation to enforce performance of the promises made. Many of us have been involved and know that both sides lose. Don't let it happen. Very concerned Home Owners , (2 ,- <*~y-r l7f /^U(&M /r*-^- vLxL Edward A. McClean ]Tft-&Lt* cOyi Mary E. Brann Earl and Michele Midkiff LL 5307 Don Ricardo Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92010 August 27, 2008 Mayor Lewis and Council Members City of Carlsbad City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Mayor and Council Members: We were so relieved to hear that the City Council had approved the EIR. The flooding problems that have occurred at Rancho Carlsbad Mobil Estates have a good chance to be managed as soon as the agency permits are procured and Aqua Hedionda is dredged once again.. Having said that, we are extremely concerned that the action on the Drainage Master Plan and Fee Program has been continued until September 9,2008. Are you turning your back on the health and safety of our Residents? This concern is compounded by the fact that Rancho Carlsbad Mobil Estate occupants were assured that the City of Carlsbad would fund the building of BasonBJ and provide the relocation of our Garden and RV areas, as well as the maintenance and landscaping of those facilities. How is it possible for the City of Carlsbad to make promises in 2002 and break those promises in 2008. Is that LEGAL? Very sincerely, Earl and Michele Midkiff DECEIVED August 28. 2008 Mayor Lewis & City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis & City Council Members, My wife and I were present at the City Council meeting, August 5, as concerned members of the Rancho Carlsbad community. We were shocked to see the lack of City leadership when the council looked and acted as if this issue, of the commitment to the funding for acquiring RC land for Basin BJ and relocating our RV Parking, Community Garden and Maintenance and Landscaping facilities, was being presented for the first time. Where is the leadership in our City? How can you even think of breaking, or side stepping, the promise you made in 2002. Who really sets City's direction and policy; the City council or staff? Don't turn your back on the health and safety of Rancho Carlsbad residents when we have been fighting for ten years for flood control to get homes out of the FEMA 100 year flood map. How can the City in 2002 make promises and agreements, and then in 2008 break those promises. This doesn't sound right or legal? Do the right thing!!! Concerned Rancho Carlsbad residents, Tim Pratt 5422 Don Luis Drive Norma Pratt ALL RECEIVED August 26, 2OO8 Mayor Bud Lewis and Council Members: City of Carlsbad City Hall 12OO Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92OO8 Dear Mayor Lewis ami City Council Members: I moved to Rancho Carlsbad in 2OO4 and attend our association meetings regularly. Each meeting we are apprised of the developments concerning land exchange, the BJ Basin, and agreements made with the Carlsbad City Council and have been looking forward to the exchange of our RV Parking, Community Garden, and Maintenance facilities for the BJ Basin, needed for flood control, as agreed to way back In 2OO2. I was at the August 5, 2OO8 Council Meeting and saw the surprise on Council Members faces when shown a copy of your agreement, as if you did not know it existed. Now it sounds as If you intend to take our land without compensation. Is that fair? We are a resident-owned community and each and every on of us are affected by your decision. Please keep your word. I will be there on September Sf. Sh June Maxville 314 Don Tomaso Drive Carlsbad, CA 92O1O 5144DonRodolfoDr. Carlsbad, CA 92010 ALL RECE/VFn (760)931-8002 jacjaf@sbcglobal.net Mayor Lewis and Council Members City of Carlsbad, City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and Council Members; I was at the City Council meeting the evening of August 5, 2008 for the hearing on the EIR on the Drainage Master Plan during which our Bill Arnold and Russ Kohl was given time to present Rancho Carlsbad's position on the promises made by Council both verbally and in documentation about how the City of Carlsbad planned to remove all but a few of our homes here in Rancho Carlsbad from the flood zone designation and how the City would "make us whole" when College was built out through our property, severing our RV Parking, our community garden and our maintenance buildings from the rest of our community. My wife and I have been residents of Rancho Carlsbad since 1988 during which time we have endured some trying periods and we well remember how Council stood by us during those times and we still appreciate your assistance. That is why we find it difficult to understand Council's position now. Our needs now are just as great and perhaps even more so and those needs are being created by actions of the City. The development of areas to the north and east of our community will only increase the run-off of water into our streams; therefore we need the BJ Basin. And the severance of our property with the extension of College Ave, eliminating convenient access to our property and facilities without proper compensation is tantamount to seizure of property. Please be fair to the good citizens of Rancho Carlsbad. SfonjaRJaTfe Jack M. Jaffe August 24,2008 Mayor Bud Lewis and Council members RE: BJ Basin This letter is to support the city funding and supporting the BJ Basin drainage and detention basin. The issue wiU coim up m September for rurihe^ Many interests/parties will benefit from this basin. Included will be: CUSD, AguaHedionda Lagoon Foundation, wetlands west of El Camino Real, HoUy Springs, C^ntarini Ranch, and Rancho Carlsbad. A bit of history to emphasi2x; this point Some of you re call in the late 1970's when we experienced a veiy heavy rainfall. The AguaHedionda watershed which includes Lake Calavera over to SiamyCreek region and beyond produced a flood. I recall hearing the sound of roaring water aU night loi^ and in ^nMHning lay the results. Benches and trees fiora Rancho Carlsbad golf course on the east side of El Camino Real near College Ave floated down to our property on the west side of El Camino Real near Cannon Road. Fences were down, horses were loose and debris was everywhere. The water level high mark came within 12 inches of the bridge on El Camino Real and Cannon Road. Hie damage was extensive. Please keep tins event in mind in considering whether to fund this project The Rancho Carlsbad garden plot needs to be relocated and land acquisition completed. These residents will be the largest beneficiary for this basin. I urge your supporting this BJ Basin. Remember wet years and 100 year floods will reoccur. No one knows when. Most sincerely,\/~\/~\ I ' \ Marvin Sippel Partner, Holly Springs RECEIVED & AL ALDEA B. MARTIN 5139 Don Rodolfo Drive Carlsbad, Ca 92010 1-760-603-0290 August 28,2008 Mayor Lewis and Council Members City of Carlsbad City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council Members. I request that you seriously consider keeping the promise you made to the residents of Rancho Carlsbad in 2002 that you would fund and acquire Rancho Carlsbad land for the BJ Basin and relocation of our RV Parking area, our Community gardens and Maintenance and Landscaping facilities. I did not think you heard or cared at all about what our leaders were presenting and asking for at your August 5 Council meeting. I was there. You looked and acted as if this issue was being presented for the first time. As a Council elected to represent the citizens of Carlsbad, it appears to your constituents that your city staff really sets the direction and policy of this city. City staff refuses to listen to your constituents. And you do, also. So, if you have looked to these citizens of Carlsbad to elect you to office, and they elect you, why can they not receive responses to their questions presented to you? Why should your constituents believe your election propaganda? Time and again the residents of Rancho Carlsbad have stood behind the present Council loyally, feeling secure in your 2002 promise to fund and acquire the above-mentioned land for the relocation of our RV Parking area, our Community gardens and Maintenance and Landscaping facilities, plus the BJ Basin. That BJ Basin is something we have been fighting for ten years over - flood control to get homes out of the FEMA 100 year flood zone map. You should be well aware by now that our residents are in constant danger and most purchase costly insurance for protection against this 100 year flood problem. If the city controls what gets built and developed in Carlsbad, why can't Rancho Carlsbad get answers and solutions from the city? Why is my City Council not answering our community's questions? Is the health and welfare of our mobile home community not important to the City? How can the City in 2002 make promises and agreements and then in 2008 break those promises? Is that legal? Yours truly, JOHN W. CADE 5318 Don Alvarez Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92010-3904 Tel.760.918.9778 Cell 619.787.3044 johnphylca(g),aol.com 29 August 2008 C City of Carlsbad City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attention: Mayor Claude A. "Bud" Lewis Mayor Pro Tern Ann J. Kulchin Council Members Matt Hall, Mark Packard and Julie Nygaard Subject: Make it Happen! Dear Mayor Lewis and Council Members: FACT The Rancho Carlsbad Community has worked with you and, more importantly, has supported you for more than ten years. FACT When I came to Carlsbad in 2004, the Rancho Carlsbad (RC) resident; and Board of Directors assured me that our Community would soon have: Greatly improved flood protection; new maintenance, garden and recreational vehicle storage facilities; and a continued throughway extending College Blvd. from Cannon Rd. to El Camino Real. They believed that those things would come to pass very soon because,"— the Mayor and City Council have told us so." FACT Our RC leaders continue to have faith in you. We hope that faith will soon be justified. To date, very unfortunately, we have neither the flood protection nor the facilities nor the College Blvd. extension that were promised. FACT The flood protection didn't happen, but the rain storms of December 2004 and January 2005 did happen and the eventual move into our new home was delayed five (5) months until June 2005. FACT Snails usually move faster than governments, except when the government wants to move fast. Today, because of your certification of Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR 04-02), you are in a position to expedite the flood mitigation and protection process in both Agua Hedionda and Calavera creeks to significantly reduce those health and safety hazards to the residents of the RC Community and the surrounding area. FACT In 2006, the permits and processes required for emergency flood protection and repairs to Aqua Hedionda Creek literally flew into place when you, the Mayor and City Council, said, "Make it happen!" It did happen and YOU CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN AGAIN! DISCUSSION The delays in approving the 2008 Drainage Master Plan (DMP) and related documents, including the requirement for the Basin BJ Project, and authorizing the funding for the Basin BJ Project, are a monumental farce and an insult to your constituents. Someone in City Government has done you a terrible disservice. Leaving the Basin BJ Project in the DMP is far more cost effective than deleting it. Authorizing the funding for the "Basin BJ and associated drainage improvements" will permit the Developer to move forward with development of "Holly Springs," Case No. CT 00-21, as approved and adopted by Planning Commission Resolution No. 5759 on 20 October 2004, at Conditions 6,12,47,55,56,109,110 et al. That Resolution and those conditions also include Planning Commission Resolutions No. 5749, 5750, 5757,5758 and 5760 for those other approvals incorporated therein by reference. DISCUSSION Editorially speaking, I implore you to stop looking at the "Big Picture" and shift your focus to the "Little Picture" at the Rancho Carlsbad Community area which contains 504 homes (not just houses); about 800 residents and constituents who are mostly seniors, tax payers and voters; and two creeks which occasionally turn into raging water masses that threaten the homes and lives, health and safety of their residents. DISCUSSION Mr. Mayor and Council Members, it was obvious at the 5 August Council Meeting that you want the DMP, including the Basin BJ Project and the funding therefore, and EIR/Flood Mitigation issues to be concluded soon. The residents of RC would like that also. Better yet, all of us, both you and we, would like to have those issues come quickly to a close with friendly attitudes and with safe, financially sound and business-like resolutions. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Approve the 2008 Drainage Master Plan, including provisions for Basin BJ Project. 2. Provide and authorize funding for all activities required to complete the Basin BJ Project in accordance with Planning Commission Resolution No. 5759, as approved and adopted on 20 October 2004. 3. Prepare a funding authorization document for Recommendation 2 above to include, but not be limited to, specific authorizations for acquisition of Rancho Carlsbad common area property to be used for the Basin BJ Project; acquisition and development of property for Rancho Carlsbad, contiguous to Rancho Carlsbad, meeting all current codes and requirements, to replace the property used for Rancho Carlsbad's recreation vehicle (RV) storage, parking, washing and dump facility, community garden and maintenance and landscaping facilities; and relocation and installation, as appropriate, of the Rancho Carlsbad amenities from the present common property area to the new property area. • 4. Expedite the flood mitigation and protection process in both Agua Hedionda and Calavera creeks to complete the improvements by the end of November 2009. REQUEST Recommendation 1. Make it happen at the next City Council Meeting on 9 September 2008. Recommendation 2. Make it happen at the next City Council Meeting on 9 September 2008. e. Recommendation 3. Approve the preparation of the funding authorization document to be completed by 15 October 2008. Recommendation 4. Make it happen at the next City Council Meeting on 9 September 2008. Thank you for making these long awaited improvements happen. Very respectfully, «—-X- John W. Cade Owners' Association, Inc. 5200 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, California 92010-7118 Phone: (760) 438-0333 Fax: (760) 438-1808 August 20, 2008 Mayor Claude A. "Bud" Lewis Council Members: Ann Kulchin Matt Hall Mark Packard Julie Nygaard •</ City Clerk: Lorraine Wood RE: Drainage Master Plan and Drainage Fees August 5 and September 9 City Council Meetings Attached herewith are the documents referred to in our presentation to the City Council on August 5th. Since there was some confusion as to who had seen these documents I have reproduced them for your review. We respectfully request this package be part of the public record for the DMP and Fee hearings currently set for September 9th. The documents clearly establish the requirement for BJ Basin as an integral part of the plan to protect the health and safety of the public (504 homes at Rancho Carlsbad). Contents of this package include: 1. Letter dated March 20,2008 sent Mayor Lewis by Bevis and Arnold 2. Errata Sheet dated 1/15/02 3. David Hauser letter dated 12/19/01 4. Engineering analysis of BJ basin-Chang Consultants 10/04/05 5. David Cannon memo dated 12/19/05 6. Excerpt from Rick Engineering Study 7/01/98 7. Master Drainage & Storm Water Quality Plan dated March 1994 8. Master Drainage Plan dated June 1980 Thank you for your consideration of our request. Sincerely, Barbara Bevis President Owners' Association, Inc. 5200 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, California 92010-7118 Phone: (760) 438-0333 Fax: (760) 438-1808 March 20, 2008 The Honorable Mayor "Bud" Lewis & Esteemed Councilpersons City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: Drainage Master Plan Update EIR 04-02 SCH#2006041066 Dear Mr. Mayor & Councilpersons: In the coming weeks your staff will be scheduling for your review and approval, the Drainage Master Plan Update that was approved by the Planning Commission on January 16, 2008. This letter is intended to focus your attention on two separate, but somewhat related issues of concern, regarding funding in this EIR document that are not we understand in the purview of the Commission. We had some minor issues that have been addressed and other than funding, we are pleased to know that the dredging issues of our creeks will be moving toward the final approval stage and hopefully completion sometime in 2009. The original approval of Rancho Carlsbad as an owner community in 1998 by City Council stipulated that we would be subject to the City's Drainage Master Plan and that furthermore, we would be required to pay a share of the drainage costs $318,000. A lien on our common property was filed, to be paid back over 10 years with interest. We made our final payment just this past January. A second stipulation was a "right of way," that was ceded to the City for a future extension of College Boulevard that would sever our common property, cutting off direct access to our Parcel #4, the two issues are related to the extent that the highway itself would serve a dual purpose, as a roadway arterial and as a dam for a flood water detention basin (BJ) to be constructed on Parcel #4 impacting 7 1/2 acres of the total 11 1/2 acres of that parcel. The original Rick Engineering study (1998) designed to remove our community from the 100 year FEMA flood zone called for four such basins, two impacting the Agua Hedionda Creek, one the Calavera Creek (BJB), and one, Little Encino Creek (BJ). In addition, the streambeds within our community were to be dredged down to the original design level removing the accumulated silt that had build up over the years. There were some serious flaws in the dredging plan that became evident by 2003, and a new study was requested by your staff from the same firm. That revised study released in December 2004 called for more extensive dredging particularly beyond our downstream border. This new study now indicated that 260 homes (over 50% of our community) would be inundated in a 100-year storm event, an increase of 120 homes over the 1998 study. Please note, this new study still mandated all four basins plus it recognized the planned repairs of the outlet works at the Lake Calavera Dam and recommended changes in the BJB basin design to maximize the detention benefit. At no place in this new study was there any mention of changing the design of the BJ basin or questioning its need. The estimated water flows from the Little Encino Creek were included in all calculations. You can refer to page 10 of the Rick Engineering study. On page 17 it again emphasizes the need for all four basins and the repairs and modifications mentioned above. The installation of the 84" drainage pipe on the north side of Cannon Road had no net effect on any of the calculations in the Rick Engineering study of 2004. That pipe replaced the weir wall/split flow design in both the 1998 and 2004 reports. The use of our north privacy wall as a quasi dike was a flawed design from the start in our opinion and the opinions of others. The original design of Cannon Road (reach 3) should have included a drainage system contained within the highway right of way, instead of conveying all of the Calavera Creek water, plus drainage from a portion of the Robertson Ranch acreage and the highway itself onto the land below Cannon Road. The 84" pipe installation however did have a definite impact to the value of the land south of Cannon Road now owned by McMillin Corporation. It removed the 100-year flood line, which had bisected that acreage, greatly increasing its potential value. It's ironic that the developer, McMillin, then obtains financial reimbursement from public drainage funds for his costs. It also impacted Rancho Carlsbad's plan to utilize a 5.6-acre parcel of that land as a replacement site for our RV parking and community garden. When the City approved the EIR for Calavera Hills II and the construction of College Reach-B & C and Cannon Reach-3 in 2002, it was conditioned that Rancho Carlsbad would be given an option to acquire acreage south of Cannon Road. The City, McMillin and RCOA's attorney had conducted extensive negotiations in 2002 that granted us an option for 5.6 acres of the McMillin land identified as the Option Parcel. The City was to purchase the parcel from McMillin and swap it for the designed BJ basin site land on our Parcel #4. After the 84" pipe was installed, rumor had it that McMillin now valued that option land at over one million an acre. We then heard that City staff had requested a new hydrology study to determine the necessity of the BJ basin. This time your staff engaged Chang Consultants to do this analysis. Chang had been engaged by McMillin to do hydrology work as part of their Master Plan commitment for the entire Robertson Ranch project. Flood control has always been a high priority for us. We however lost confidence in the City process and now that the Robertson Ranch project was coming to finalization, we decided to hire our own expert on hydrology and flood control. A valued resource referred us to a Long Beach firm, Everest International Consultants. David Cannon, and his associate, Dr. Poon were engaged to review the above EIR. We also supplied them with all of the previous studies, reports and data. They also spent an entire day here reviewing the site, walking our streambeds, etc. Their conclusions in November 2005 were that the entire watershed for both creeks, need an analysis of existing conditions. Without that analysis no professional could assure that what had been done and was being planned, provided adequate protection for us. This was conveyed to your staff as part of our answer to the EIR. Nothing came of it. When we received the Bj basin analysis done by Chang, we turned it over to David Cannon for his comment. David Cannon's analysis of the Chang report is very direct and clear to any layman who would read it. He specifically answers point by point the rational used by Chang to justify eliminating the BJ basin. Chang used the prior Rick Engineering data in his analysis and that data clearly pointed to the continued need for the Bj basin. Chang then referred to the 84" pipe installation as a reason. Again Mr. Cannon pointed to the draft EIR for Robertson Ranch, which Chang analyzed only weeks before concluding the BJ basin, was still needed, a clear contradiction. Chang then suggests the lake can be lowered by three feet to a 206.0 elevation, contrary to a level agreed at a prior City meeting that a conservative assumption would be used at 209.0, because the lake level operation procedure is not automated. Finally, Mr. Cannon clearly points out, "There are several potential conflict of interest issues at work here that could affect the objectivity of the analysis." Hydrology is more art than science, its been said. The dictionary definition reads, "The science of dealing with the occurrence, circulation, distribution, and properties of the waters of the earth and its atmosphere." We all know the vagaries of weather predictions. There is a phrase used in all environmental reports regarding impacts to air, water, fish, wild life and native habitat. It's "less than significant," meaning no mitigation is required. In our layman's view, we believe that same approach should be used when evaluating the impact to our community from a flooding potential. Protection for human safety should not be just enough to avoid disaster, but double the protection to be most assured we won't be impacted. We don't get that feeling when we review these documents. The second concern we have is severance when College Boulevard reach-A is constructed. We thought that issue was being addressed through the successful negotiations in 2002 to obtain an option on McMillin's land south of Cannon Road on which to relocate our facilities. Since that time, we have been asked by David Bentley in Zone 15 to consider a similar sized site adjacent to our eastern border. This site is preferable to us, as it helps buffer our residential area on the east and eliminates the need for a bridge. The land itself is just slightly in the 100-year flood zone, requiring minimal fill, only in the RV parking area. Mr. Bentley and his partners were planning a residential development on the adjacent acreage of this parcel to be known as "Dos Colinas." They submitted a C.U.P., which included our relocation site to your planning department. Prior to that, they successfully obtained approvals from the only two resource agencies requiring permits, the USF&W and the State Fish & Game. Your planning department responded generally in favor, but required further changes and clarifications. They had only minor comments on our relocation site. More recently, the land ownership of the "Dos Colinas" parcel changed hands. West Senior Living is the new owner. They have plans to develop this parcel as a senior living complex similar to La Costa Glen Carlsbad. We have met with the West officials, and have been assured that our relocation site plans will be honored. Although Mr. Bentley will not be part of the West Senior Living organization, the owner, Gary West is also the financial partner of Mr. Bentley for the Cantarini/Holly Springs development, who will also be building the final link of College Blvd. Bob Ladwig, a land-planning consultant to us, and David Bentley, has been retained in a similar capacity by WSL. The point of all this information is to demonstrate that acquiring this new relocation site is quite viable. The good news is, the low cost of this site (in the flood zone) as compared to the McMillin option parcel. Replacement of our infrastructure is also less (no bridge). The cost to build the BJ basin remains the same, as does the offer to swap 7 1/2 acres of our land on parcel #4, the designated site of the BJ basin. We also need to call to your attention, an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Rancho Carlsbad that was reached during the negotiations prior to Council's approval of the combined EIR for Calavera Hills II, the Bridge, Thoroughfare #4, and Detention Basins BJ & BJB. An Errata Sheet 1-15-1 was attached to this approval. In addition, there was a letter from a City staff official dated 12/19/2001. Both documents spell out that we are to be relocated, our infrastructure replaced and at no cost to Rancho Carlsbad other than payment of the drainage fees (done) and dedication of BJ basin land (promised). Nothing has really changed other than our relocation site. The new site is more favorable to us, land acquisition is substantially less, infrastructure cost is less and all parties involved; the City, McMillin, Bentley, West Senior Living and Rancho Carlsbad should gain a beneficial result, the mark of fair negotiations. We now request City Council to do the following: 1. Approve construction of the BJ Basin and fund its cost. 2. Approve purchase of our new relocation site and commit to the replacement of our facilities on this new site. 3. Establish an appropriate funding mechanism(s) to spread the costs of the relocation in a fair and equitable manner. 4. To respond to our request in 30 days or prior if the Council vote on this EIR is earlier. Thank you for your consideration. Bill Arnold, Chair Negotiating Committee ; Enclosures: Sue Loftin letter 1/15/02 and ERRATA Sheet 1-15-2 Dave Mauser letter 12/19/01 and map Engineering analysis of BJ basin-Chang Consultants 10/4/05 (items 1,2,3 - appendix not included) David Cannon memo dated 12/19/05 commenting on Chang analysis of BJ basin 10/4/05 Zone 15 map Cc: City Council Members (5) Lisa Hildebrand, interim - City Manager Glenn Pruim, Public Works Director Sue Loftin, RCOA Attorney nrrC ATTORNEYS AT LAW An Association of Independent Law Firms L. SUE LOFTIN THE PLAZA LA JOLLA VILLAGE sloftinff.loftinlaw.com 4330 LA JOLLA VILLAGE DRIVE, SUITE 330 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92122 JASMIN D. FLORES TELEPHONE (858) 535-9380 HUGH McLEAN , OF COUNSEL jnores@loftinlaw.com FACSIMILE (858)535-9381 (858)481-6861 WRITER'S DIRECT LINE WEB ADDRESS: (858) 535-9380 CLIENT/MATTER NUMBER \v\v\v. lawyers, com/loftinlaw.com RCOA-471 January 15, 2002 VIA HAND DELIVERY The Honorable Mayor "Bud" Lewis & Esteemed Councilpersons City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: EIR 98-02 - CALAVERA HILLS PHASE II/B; BRIDGE & THOROUHFARE #4; DETENTION BASINS BJ & BJB AND CT 00-02- MASTER TENTATIVE MAP FOR CALAVERA HILLS PHASE II (the "Project") Hearing Date: January 15,2002 Hearing Time: 6:00 p.m. ACTION REQUESTED: A Yes vote on the Project, providing the Conditions of Approval include those conditions as set forth in this correspondence. Dear Honorable Mayor "Bud" Lewis & Esteemed Councilpersons: This correspondence is submitted on behalf of the Rancho Carlsbad Owners' Association, Inc., a California nonprofit mutual benefit corporation, representing its Members, the individual owners of Rancho Carlsbad Country Club Estates. The purpose of this correspondence is to support the above project, providing the following conditions are approved and incorporated into the resolutions presented for the above referenced Project: THE LOFTIN FIRM The Honorable Mayor "Bud" Lewis & Esteemed Councilpersons January 15,2002 Page 2 of4 ERRATA SHEET, 1-15-2 Prepared by D. Mauser, as amended by Association On page 2 of City Council Resolution No. under the section that reads "The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does hereby resolve as follows:" append the following statements: 4. That condition numbers 31, 38 and 39 imposed by the Planning Commission in Planning Commission Resolution No. 5117 be revised to read as follows: 31. Prior to issuance of the first building permit for the Calavera Hills Phase II project ("Project"), the applicant shall cause Owner to enter into a purchase option agreement with the City of Carlsbad and the Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association offering the City the option to purchase, at not more than fair market value, an approximately 5.7 acre parcel of land, to provide a relocation site for facilities that will either be replaced by or have the access severed by the construction of College Boulevard Reach A or Detention Basin BJ(the "Facilities Replacement Area"). The general location of the Facilities Replacement Area is shown on the Rancho Carlsbad Exhibit as the location of the Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association facilities, including the community garden, RV parking lot, wash area and waste disposal area. The purchase option agreement shall provide that if the City does not exercise its option to purchase by January 1, 2010, the Rancho Carlsbad Owners' Association may exercise the option and purchase the parcel. The sole consideration for this Option shall be the agreement by Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association to withdraw its opposition to and formally support the Project at the Planning Commission and City Council hearing(s), and any other governmental agency. The "Project" is defined as Calavera Hills Master Plan, Phase II, Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 4 and Detention Basins Project. The agreement shall also provide that the Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association, with agreement of Owner, may process any and all permits and applications with the appropriate governmental agencies required for the implementation of these provisions provided any such permits issued are conditioned upon the transfer of the parcel. Alternately, the owner may elect to process the necessary permits and applications to implement these provisions itself. The agreement shall also provide that if either the Owner or Rancho Carlsbad Owners' Association are denied by any approving governmental agency a requested permit necessary for use of THE LOFTIN FIRM The Honorable Mayor "Bud" Lewis & Esteemed Councilpersons January 15,2002 Page 4 of4 of this parcel of land, generally located between Cannon Road Station 151 and the intersection of College Boulevard and Cannon Road, shall be deeded or provided by permanent easement to the Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association at no cost. Deeding or granting of the easement, and planting and irrigation of the grove parcel shall occur at least 30 days prior to the opening of Cannon Road Reach 3. If the conditions as stated above are not adopted as part of the Project approval, then the Association does NOT support the project and refers the City to its Letter of Obj ections, dated, December 5, 2001 addressed to Eric Munoz, and incorporating correspondence dated 10-10-01 and objections to Army Corp of Engineers, dated 11-9-01, and filed with the City Clerk, for the Planning Commissioners consideration. The Association would like to commend the City Council on its staff, particularly David Hauser and Eric Munoz, both of whom have worked with the Association in a positive manner during the Planning Commission process and leading up to the City Council hearings. L. Sue Loftin, Esq. LSL:seb Encl: Three (3): The Rancho Carlsbad Exhibit; Exhibit 1 Robertson Rancho & Letter dated 12- 19-1 from David Hauser C:Via Email: Client David Hauser Eric Munoz Amy Nefouse, Esq. (Attorney for McMillin) Brian Millich, for McMillin December 19, 2001 Sue Loftin LOFTIN &WARD 4330 La Jolla Village Drive, Suite 330 San Diego, CA 92122 RELOCATION OF RANCHO CARLSBAD MOBILE HOME PARK RV STORAGE AREA, MAINTENANCE FACILITIES, WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITY, VEHICLE WASH FACLITY AND COMMUNITY GARDEN (THE "RC AMENITIES") Pursuant to our telephone conversation earlier today, I have prepared this letter to memorialize our understanding regarding the future relocation of the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park (RCMHP) amenities located on Parcel 4 owned by RCMHP. We recognize and acknowledge that the future construction of College Boulevard Reach A will effectively sever the physical access to the RCMHP amenities currently enjoyed by the residents living within the park. We also recognize and acknowledge that the future construction of Retention Basin BJ will require relocation of all RCMHP amenities located within the area of inundation created by Basin BJ including the RV storage area, sewer disposal site, maintenance facilities and portions of the community garden. City staff will pursue the goal of collaboratively working with the RCMHP owners, the Zone 15 developers and the McMillin Company towards a solution which includes relocation of the RV storage area, sewer disposal site, maintenance facilities and community garden onto the approximately 5.7 acre parcel of land located generally north of the RCMHP property and south of future Cannon Road Reach 3 as shown on the attached Exhibit 1. The relocation of these facilities will include planning and design for such facilities, site preparation, provision of utilities, installation of replacement RCMHP amenities, installation of security fencing, installation of appropriate pedestrian and vehicular access from RCMHP across Calavera Creek and processing of any discretionary actions and agency permits. City staff will also pursue the goal crafting a financial plan for the relocation of said facilities in such a manner as to not require any financial involvement of the RCMHP over and above their current obligation for payment of Local Drainage Area "B" fee and RCMHP's dedication Sue Loftin Letter Page 2 of the needed land or easements required to construct Basin BJ in exchange for the relocation benefits generally outlined in this letter. It is the City's further intention to require establishment an appropriate financing mechanism(s) to spread the costs of the relocation in a fair and equitable manner in accordance with State law and to require construction of the relocated RCMHP amenities, including without limitation, access from the existing Lot/Parcel 2 (the Lot/Parcel on which the mobilehomes are located) of RCHOA prior to construction of Reach A of College Boulevard and Retention Basin BJ. If you have further questions or comments on this matter, please feel free to give me a call to discuss. Respectfully, David Mauser Deputy City Engineer c City Manager Public Works Director Community Development Director Planning Director Bill Arnold, Rancho Carlsbad Owner's Association Brian Million, McMillin Development Company David Bently, Cantarini Ranch Bob Ladwig, Ladwig Design Group 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5* 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 B-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-1 4-14 14-15 15-11 12-15 14-3 DELTA/BEARING N77-S5'34"W N48>19'13"E N51'3«'15'E N04'13'22"E N53-15'17"E A -08"W2B" N6ri8'45"E A -Off03'28' N53*15'irt A -28"17'66 N2r28'26*W A -14M6'17" A -14-01'39" N48*19'13"E RADIUS 210.0 19O.O 1451.0 1451.0 1451.0 LENGTH 60.37* 386.97' 404.31' 1165.94' 80,79' 253.09' 29.W 64.57* 26.72' 486.71' 716.66 360.B5' 409.59' 18.00' 157.77' 361.42' *OUJ7 I' - X# \ * BASIS OF BEARING- COURSE # 16-17 PER RECORD OF SURVEY #17111 _ IE S51* 39'15"W ROBERTSON RANCH ADJUSTMENT PLAT 01-13 (FACILITIES REPLACEMENT / AREA)PARCEL B \ 5.44 ACRES PARCEL A PAPCa B TCJTAL 2.31 AC. S.44 AC. 7.B5 AC. PLAT OF PORTION OF PARCEL 3 CfTY OF CARLSBAD ADJUSTMENT PLAT 01-13 BEING A PORTION OF LOT E OF RANCHO AQUA HEDIONDA. criY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA PER MAP #823, RECORDED NOV. 16, 1896 MSI0N MOW, INC 703 PPlOWflfl FttRPOflT flORD sunresoo CflftLSSflO. CH 92009 PHON6 ^60) 438-3182 FflX (760)436-0173 EXHIBIT 1 ROBERTSON RANCH 1-1074 -12/ia/tn ENGINEERING ANALYSES OF DETENTION BASIN BJ October 4,2005 Chang Civil Engineering • Hydrology«Hydraulics ° Sedimentation P.O. Box 9496 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 (858) 692-0760 -TABLE OF CONTENTS - Introduction 1 Engineering Analyses 2 Conclusion 3 APPENDIX A. HEC-1 Analyses B. 100-Year HEC-RAS Analyses INTRODUCTION A primary goal of the Rancho Carlsbad Channel and Basin Project (Project) is to minimize 100- year inundation of the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park (RCMHP). An initial task recommended by the city of Carlsbad's civil engineering consultant, Rick Engineering Company (Rick), in their 1998 report involved identification of potential detention basin sites upstream of RCMHP in order to reduce creek flows. Four sites were identified: Detention Basin BJ, Detention Basin BJB, at Melrose Drive, and at Faraday Avenue. The first two are in the Calavera Creek watershed and were selected, in part, because they correspond to sedimentation basins identified in the city of Carlsbad's March 1994, Master Drainage and Storm Water Quality Management Plan. The basin locations were also selected because they could be created by the embankments from the Cannon Road and College Boulevard extensions. The last two are in the Agua Hedionda Creek watershed and were determined based on analyses and review of the watershed, and consideration of future road extensions. Conceptual-level analyses indicated that these basins reduced flood inundation in RCMHP. However, additional benefits could be achieved by channel maintenance to remove sediment and restore the creeks within RCMHP to their original design. The initial Project essentially recommended these tasks. To date, Detention Basin BJB has been constructed and the Melrose Drive and Faraday Avenue basins are under construction. During the design and permitting phase for some of the original Project improvements, additional opportunities for reducing flood inundation were realized. The opportunities are as follows. 1. Updated water quality regulations require new development projects to better utilize and preserve natural drainages. Rick revised flow routing routines in their analyses based on the updated regulations, which resulted in lower overall flow rates. 2. Rick performed further hydraulic studies that led to additional recommendations for Agua Hedionda Creek widening and channelization. Their recommendations will be implemented and will further lower water surface elevations in Agua Hedionda as well as Calavera Creek. 3. Proposed restoration and reconstruction of the Calavera Dam outlet structure will result in additional reduction of the Calavera Creek flow. 4. The new Calavera Dam outlet structure will provide the ability to manage the Lake Calavera water level to further control and potentially increase flood attenuation. 5. The reduced flow from Lake Calavera will allow modifications to the Detention Basin BJB outlet facilities, which will reduce downstream flow in Calavera Creek. 6. The 84-inch pipe proposed in Cannon Road will be designed to provide a flow split as similar as possible to the existing weir wall (500 cubic feet per second north of the wall and 400 cfs south of the wall), and will simplify floodplain mapping approval by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Due to these additional opportunities, the benefit from construction of the final detention basin, BJ, was questioned. The early Rick studies were general in nature and did not include a cost- benefit analysis of Basin BJ. The basin requires relocation of RCMHP's RV parking area, which presents financial as well as logistical burdens. When the costs of relocating the Rancho Carlsbad facilities started to become apparent, further analysis was called for. In order to assess the relative benefit from Detention Basin BJ, this report contains analyses to determine the 100- year fioodplain impact on RCMHP from removal of the basin. ENGINEERING ANALYSES A reasonable baseline condition is Alternative C outlined in Rick's December 18, 2004 report titled, Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park Alternative Analysis for Agua Hedionda Channel Maintenance. The report determined Alternative C to be the preferred alternative. As a result, the improvements associated with Alternative C are being pursued by the city of Carlsbad and others. Alternative C consists of the Agua Hedionda Creek channel dredging and improvements, Calavera Dam outlet structure improvements, Faraday and Melrose detention basins, and Detention Basin BJB outlet structure modifications as discussed above.. Alternative C also models a conceptual design for Detention Basin BJ. The HEC-RAS hydraulic analysis for Alternative C is included in Appendix B. kick's tloodplain exhibit is included following this report text. The exhibit delineates the Alternative C 100-year fioodplain in red. Tables 1 and 2 summarize the modeling parameters and results for Alternative C as well as the additional alternatives, which are described below. Alternative C was revised to include the 84-inch pipe since this is currently being designed and processed. The HEC-1 hydrologic analysis for this revised condition is in Appendix A and the HEC-RAS hydraulic analysis is in Appendix B. The HEC-RAS summary table and cross-section plots in Appendix B include both Rick's (REC RC100) and the revised ultimate condition (ULT) results for easy comparison. Table 2 also compares the 100-year water surface elevations at selected locations. A comparison reveals that the 100-year floodplains are essentially the same. In order to analyze the impacts from eliminating Detention Basin BJ, it was removed from the revised ultimate condition HEC-1 analysis. This additional HEC-1 analysis is included after the revised analysis in Appendix A. A HEC-RAS analysis was created using the new 100-year flow rates. The results from this analysis are included in Appendix B. The HEC-RAS summary table and cross-section plots for this data set are labeled ULTNOBJ. A comparison of the HEC-RAS ULT and ULTNOBJ results reveals that the 100-year water surface elevations in Agua Hedionda Creek are at most 0.1 feet higher. This difference primarily occurs downstream of El Camino Real and has no impact on RCMHP. In fact, a comparison of the ULTNOBJ results with Rick's Alternative C analysis, REC RC100, revealed no water surface impacts along Agua Hedionda Creek within RCMHP. Therefore, the Agua Hedionda fioodplain within RCMHP is the same as that shown on Rick's floodplain exhibit. A comparison of the Calavera Creek results reveals that the 100-year water surface elevations have a slight decrease in some locations and increase in others if Detention Basin BJ is removed. A review of the cross-section plots and topographic mapping shows that none of the increases will cause the flow to leave the channel banks and inundate additional homes The ultimate result is that Rick's Alternative C 100-year floodplain delineation essentially represents the floodplain if Detention Basin B J is removed. A final analysis (ULTNOBJC) was performed to determine a water level in Lake Calavera that will generally offset the increased flow rates due to removal of Detention Basin BJ. The previous analyses assumed a lake level at elevation 209.0 feet prior to the storm event. If the lake level is lowered, then additional storage and storm attenuation would occur. It was determined that if the lake level is lowered to 206.5 feet, the 100-year flow rate in most locations would be at or below the flow rate based on construction of Detention Basin BJ. The HEC-1 analysis is included in Appendix A and the HEC-RAS analysis is included in Appendix B. The results are also summarized in Table 2. CONCLUSION Engineering analyses have been performed to analyze differences in the 100-year floodplain within the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park with and without Detention Basin BJ. These analyses are based on assumptions and modeling prepared by Rick Engineering Company. The only revisions made to this modeling were to include the future 84-inch RCP proposed in Cannon Road, to remove Basin BJ from the analyses, and to revise the water level in Lake Calavera. No other verification or validation of Rick's assumptions, modeling, or floodplain delineation was performed. The results show that the 100-year floodplain without Basin BJ is similar to the Alternative C floodplain delineated by Rick. As a result, removal of Basin BJ will not cause additional impacts on insurable structures in RCMHP. David G. Cannon, M.C.E., P.E. President/Principal Engineer EVEREST Memo Everest International Consultants, Inc. 444 West Ocean Boulevard, Suite 1104 Long Beach, CA 90802 TEL (562) 435-9309 (Direct Line) (562) 435-9305 FAX (562) 435-9310 David.Cannon @ EverestConsultenls.com To: Bill Arnold From: David Cannon, PE CC: Date: December 19, 2005 Re: Basin BJ Removal Study - Review As you requested during the week of December 5, 2005, we have reviewed the October 4, 2005 study report titled, "Engineering Analyses of Detention Basin BJ" that was prepared by Chang Consultants (Chang). Our comments on the study report are provided below. 1. As presented in the report, it appears that Chang used standard engineering methods and tools in the study, including HEC-1 and HEC-RAS for hydrologic and hydraulic analyses, respectively. 2. On Page 1, six bullet items are presented to provide background rationale for the potential removal of Basin BJ from the overall flood control system developed originally by the Rick Engineering Company (REC) in 1998. However, in reviewing the prior study reports prepared by REC as well as the meeting notes/letters from March 2003 through September 2005 that you provided, I noted that all of these items were already considered in the latest flood analyses conducted by REC as reported in the December 13, 2004 REC study report. 3. In the December 13, 2004 REC study, it was concluded that Basin BJ still provided flood protection for the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park (RCMHP) in the form of reduced peak flows and, consequently, that Basin BJ should still be constructed as part of the overall flood control system to be undertaken by the City of Carlsbad (City) to protect the RCMHP from the 100-year flood. REC staff restated this position during a February 1, 2005 coordination meeting. 4. It appears that the only substantial difference between the analyses conducted by Chang and REC is that the latest analysis conducted by Chang included the newly proposed 84" culvert that is supposed to decrease flows entering RCMHP via Calavera Creek. Therefore, the crux of the analysis is that the proposed 84" culvert would reduce flood water elevations within the RCMHP such that Basin BJ is no longer needed. However, the 84" culvert was proposed as part of the Robertson Ranch Development Project that was summarized in the recently released Robertson Ranch Draft EIR (September 2005). In one of the studies included in the technical appendices presented in the Robertson Ranch Draft EIR, Chang analyzed the proposed 84" culvert and concluded that Basin BJ was still needed as part of the overall flood control system. This suggests that there was a change in the overall system between September 2005 and October 2005 that is not documented in the study reports or that the analysis conducted for the Robertson Ranch Draft EIR did not include effects to the overall flood control system. If the former is true then the system change should be documented and the analyses presented in the Robertson Ranch Draft EIR should be updated. If the later is true then the analysis presented in the Robertson Ranch Draft EIR should be augmented by including the Basin BJ engineering analysis. In either case, I think that the Robertson Ranch Draft EIR should be updated to include information on the potential impacts associated with removal of Basin BJ from the overall flood control system. The updated Robertson Ranch Draft EIR should then be recirculated for public review and comment. The conclusion in the October 4, 2005 Chang report that Basin BJ could be eliminated was based primarily on a comparison of flood water levels with the 84" culvert and without the 84" culvert. However, prior work conducted by REC indicated that the primary reason for retaining Basin BJ as part of the overall flood control system was to reduce peak flows. In the first full paragraph on Page 3 of the October 4, 2005 Chang report, the issue of peak flow changes is addressed. It states that providing additional flood storage by lowering the level of Lake Calavera from 209.0 feet to 206.5 feet would reduce the 100-year flow rate in most locations to flows equal to or less than the 100-year flow rates that would occur with construction of Basin BJ. However, it was previously agreed by the City in a coordination meeting held on February 18, 2004 that flood analyses would be based on a conservative assumption for operation of Lake Calavera (Water level of 290.0 feet with three valves open) because the water level operation procedure is not automated. In reviewing prior studies, I noticed that REC has been the City's consultant for planning and design of the overall flood control system while Chang has been the developer's consultant for project-level flood control issues. There appear to be several potential conflict of interest issues at work here that could affect the objectivity of the analyses. For example, in one of Chang's earlier study reports it was stated that implementation of the 84" culvert could allow a portion of the land located between the RCMHP and Cannon Road to be used for residential development. This potential outcome would represent a potential conflict of interest for Chang, since Chang is the developer's consultant and it would be in the developer's best interest to implement the 84" culvert to allow development of the land between RCMHP and Cannon Road. From the City's perspective, as indicated in the latest study report (Chang, October 4, 2005), construction of Basin BJ could cost the City several million dollars to acquire land for relocation of facilities owned by the RCMHP. Elimination of Basin BJ (e.g., through implementation of 84" culvert) would save the City a few million dollars, thereby representing a potential conflict of interest for the City. For these reasons, any analysis regarding the adequacy of the overall flood control system should be conducted by the City. In addition, given the City's potential conflict of interest position, all work should be peer reviewed by a consultant or academic working directly for the RCMHP to make sure that the interests of the RCMHP are adequately considered. At a minimum, REC should conduct a peer review of this analysis on behalf of the City and REC should provide written review comments to the City. A copy of the written review comments should be provided to RCMHP for review and comment. In the conclusions section of the October 4, 2005 Chang report (Page 3), it is stated that, "These analyses are based on assumptions and modeling prepared by Rick Engineering Company... No other verification or validation of Rick's assumptions, modeling, or floodplain delineation was performed." Given the nature of the hydrologic and hydraulic system, the analyses cannot be conducted in a piecemeal fashion as appears to be the case from this statement. One analysis of the entire system needs to be conducted by one consultant/agency with responsible charge for the overall flood control system. This work should be done with adequate levels of review conducted on behalf of all relevant stakeholders (e.g., RCMHP and Robertson Ranch Developer). Owners' Association, Inc. 5200 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, California 92008 Phone: (760) 438-0333 Fax: (760) 438-1 808 December 22, 2005 Mr Glenn Pruim, Public Works Director City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: Rancho Carlsbad Flood Control Dear Glenn, Attached is a 12/19/05 memo from our Consultant Engineer David Cannon addressing the BJ Detention Basin Analysis done by Chang Consultants dated October 4, 2005. You will note he takes issue with some of the conclusions in this report, therefore, we believe it would be timely for us to have a meeting with you and your staff as well as a Rick Engineering representative. David would prefer that McMillins consultant not be present at this meeting. He has suggested any day the week of January 9th. His associate Dr. Poon would also attend. We hope such a meeting can be arranged and look forward to your response. Very Truly Yours, Bill Arnold, Presided cc: Ray Patchett, City Manager LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN AMENDMENT ZONE 15 NOTE: TOIS ASSESSOR PARCEL MAP WITH LFMP ZONE PARCELS PLUS TOPO IS COMPILED USING DATA OBTAINED FROM THE CITY OF CAULSBAO ON S/17/02. CONSTRAINTS DATA IDENTinED IN THE ZONE 15 AMENDMENT WAS BTHER OBTAINED FROM PREVIOUS ZONE 15 PLAN OR WAS CALCULATED fHOM NEW AERIAL TOPO AND FIELD SURVEYS FOR THE CANTARINI, HOLLT SPRINGS, RANCHO CARLSBAD PARTNERS, RANCHO CARLSBAD OWNER ASSOCIATION, AND LUBUNER PROPERTIES. //OCEMJ&IDE IADUIIG DCSIGN CftOUP, INC 703 PHLOMHR HRPORT ROflD SUIT€300 CRftLSBW). CR 92009 PHON€ (760) 438 3182 fftf (760M38-0173 CSI\\FS\l.DG\L-IO«--01\ZONet5- Furthermore, the following road embankments were identified as potential existing detention facilities: Business Park Drive (south of Park Center Drive), Sycamore Avenue (north of Grand Avenue), Shadowridge Drive (north of Antiqua Drive), Melrose Drive (north of Cannon Road), and Melrose Drive (south of Aspen Way). As-built plans for these road crossings were obtained from the appropriate agencies. The culverts and storage capacities of the Sycamore Avenue, Shadowridge Drive, and Melrose Drive (Cannon Road) facilities were modeled in the hydrologic analyses. The Business Park Drive and Melrose Drive (Aspen Way) crossings were not modeled because the culverts at these locations are large enough to convey most of the upstream flows with minimal detention. Two main criteria were considered in selecting potential proposed detention basin sites. First, the facilities listed in the Master Drainage Plan were considered. Second, existing or proposed road crossings were considered. Detention basin construction at road crossings provides several /( benefits. Road crossings create a natural location for detention. They are cost-effective because the road embankment is used for detention. They do not create a significant increase in environmental impacts. The above-mentioned sub-basins and detention facilities were modeled in the HEC-1 program. The program parameters include sub-basin area, rainfall distribution, lag time, and curve number. These parameters were determined as follows: The sub-basin area was obtained from the USGS watershed boundary map. The rainfall distribution was based on storm duration and frequency, as well as the sub-basin's geographic location. The lag time was based on sub-basin characteristics such as topography, basin shape, vegetative cover, existing development, and storm duration. Both rainfall distribution and lag time were generated by utilizing the criteria outlined in Prepared By: . I DCB:MDL:ernn/Report/J-13182.001 Rick Engineering Company • Water Resources Division 4 y 07/01/98 Master Drainage and Storm Water Quality-**^ -Xj=- . >, - r ^C~ - •-,. . fxtKPj/?T ^ jc-t,-*- _»* ^" ^ .!""*«. •*, i •**" .„ t . H , « ' .^ , ". >. " --^^ **i ement >f Carls ineeriii assistance ^g^neering Associa 1-10*7 <• I I I I I I I CHAPTER 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A. Goals and Objectives This Master Drainage and Storm Water Quality Management Plan was commissioned by City Council in February of 1988. The purpose of the plan was to: 1. Reassess the storm drainage facility needs of the City and to update the 1980 Master Drainage Plan. 2. Incorporate the drainage facility needs of the southern part of the City which were formerly included in the County's Zone 1 Flood Control District. 3. Establish drainage facility costs, analyze viability of existing planned local drainage (PLD) fee areas, recommend changes to existing PLD fee areas, establish new PLD fee areas for the southern city area, allocate costs in accord withState Map Act and AB1600 requirements and establishnew PLD area fees. 4. Provide new topographic mapping of the entire City at two foot contour intervals on printed mylar sheets and in digital format compatible with our new Geographic Information System (GIS) on computer. 5. Field review existing facilities for conformity with file plans and make recommendations on facility maintenance needs. 6. Review the siltation and water quality requirements of the City and make recommendations for additional measures to protect our sensitive riparian waterways and lagoons. Over the course of preparing the Master Plan, the Federal Government implemented new regulations which mandated strict water quality control requirements. These new water quality regulations signifi- cantly altered the focus of the Master Drainage Plan. Whereas previous master drainage plan studies focused on storm water flood control measures, the new regulations shifted the focus to preservation and enhancement of storm water quality. This shift resulted in a significant re-evaluation of our previous Planned Local Drainage area fee concept. As a result, the numerous localized PLD fee areas were combined into four large PLD fee areas which coincide with the four drainage basins within the City. This reflects the Federal Government emphasis on preserving and protecting the water quality of receiving waters and not just of a few localized basins. In light of this new focus the title of this report was changed from Master Drainage Plan to Master Drainage and Storm Water Quality Management Plan. Master Drainage and Storm Water Quality Management Plan Chapter 1 Carlsbad. California, March 1994 Page 1 i The 100 year peak flows previously established for major creeks in the City of Carlsbad have been analyzed I for usage in the Master Drainage Plan Study as follows. a) BUENA VISTA CREEK - The 100 year peak flows have been established in the Special Flood Plain | Delineation Study. February 1978 by Nolte and Associates. The flow rates to be used in Master Drainage Plan are adopted from the 1978 Nolte study. | b) AGUA HEDIONDA CREEK - The 100 year peak flows have been established in the Special Flood Plain Delineation Study by Nolte and Associates in February 1978. I A Hydrological Study was conducted for Northeastern Carlsbad by Dr. Howard H. Chang in July 1989. The flow rates used in the Master Drainage plan assumed the discharges listed in the Nolte 1978 study • for the reach upstream of the confluence point east of Oak Lake and the results of the Chang 1989 study downstream of the above mentioned point. The flows in the two studies vary by approximately 10%. I t ' c) SANMARCOS CREEK- The 100 year peak flows have been established in the Flood Plain Information ^ Study. April, 1971 by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District. These flow rates have | been adopted by FEMA for the Federal Insurance Study for San Marcos Creek within the City of San Marcos. Corps of Engineers peak flows and inundation limits for the 100 year flow have also been used | without modification for the determination of adequacy of existing structures in the Comprehensive Plan | for Flood Control and Drainage - Zone 1, San Diego County Flood Control District by Koebig, Incorporated in July 1976. H A hydrologic analysis by Boyle Engineering Corporation in July 1988 on the east branch of San Marcos Creek generally confirmed the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers flow rates. I Results of another hydrologic analysis by Willdan Associates in August 1988, for the San Marcos Creek — Flood Control Improvement Project on the main branch of San Marcos Creek upstream of Lake San I Marcos, were within 10 to IS percent of those values in the Corps of Engineers study. The actual design discharge values utilized for the flood control channel hydraulics, at the direction of the City of San Marcos, ^ were the values from the Corps of Engineers study. J The 100 year flow rates to be used in the Master Drainage Plan for San Marcos will be adopted from the Bi Corps of Engineers study as follows: | At mouth into Pacific Ocean 5,000 CFS Mj Upstream from El Camino Real 12,000 Upstream from Rancho Santa Fe 13,000 d) ENCDSHTAS CREEK - The 100 year peak flows were established by the U. S. Army Corps of | Engineers, Los Angeles District in April 1971. Koebig, Incorporated developed peak flow rates for the Encinitas Creek basin in the July 1976 Comprehensive Plan for Flood Control and Drainage -Zone 1, San m 1 Chapter 3 Master Drainage and Storm Water Quality Management Plan Page 16 Carlsbad, California, March 1994 1 I Facility BFB North of Tamarack Avenue immediately east of El Camino Real, where channel velocities exceed 6 feet per second, an enhanced natural channel has been proposed. Drainage east and west of El Camino Real a from Chestnut to Tamarack currently drains into an earthen channel and undeveloped lot at the southeast I corner of El Camino Real and Tamarack Avenue. A 48" RCP pipe is proposed to route this water to line BF north of sedimentation basin BF1. B Fadllty BG El Camino Real opposite the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park. FaciUty BH I These 36", 57" and 72" RCP lines are proposed to carry drainage from an area designated for residential • development south and west of Carlsbad Village Drive and future College Boulevard south to Agua Hedionda Creek just north El Camino Real and future Cannon Road. The facilities include a 10,600 cubic a yard sedimentation basin just prior to discharge into Agua Hedionda Creek. I This line travels along future Cannon Road through an area zoned for residential development. It begins at the City of Carlsbad boundary and carries water from existing lines in the City of Oceanside's Leisure g Village south and west to Agua Hedionda Creek just west of Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park. It I begins as large (63" and 66") RCP and becomes an enhanced natural channel as it is joined by various branch lines. A sedimentation basin is proposed immediately upstream of Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Park, From | this point, an 80 toot wide earthen channel is proposed to carry drainage to Agua Hedionda Creek. The ' . City of Carlsbad does not choose to construct a narrower concrete channel in this area. It is possible that detailed design studies using other methods could determine a narrower section for this earthen channel. I ir'—^x Facility BJA ^ This is a 33" RCP line carrying drainage along the future College Boulevard to the enhanced natural channel of line BJ. . » Facility BJB An enhanced natural channel carries drainage through a portion of an area designated for residential I development to a proposed sedimentation basin northeast of future Cannon Road and College Boulevard. This proposed sedimentation basin drains into an earthen channel of line B J. I Facilities BJBA, BJBB & BJBC Potential remedial work has been estimated in these open space zoned areas south of Calavera Lake where natural channel flow velocities exceed 6 feet per second. Appendix A Master Drainage and Storm Water Quality Management Plan Page 82 Carlsbad, California, March 1994 • V^ 4Vo/'(J^S^> ^ v^Tv^ r ^^ ^V^ 33"CIPP/1.3% 18"RCP- 18"RCP9 ' P) /A n fl:OHg ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS PLANNERS 4*4i RONSON COURT, SAN CMEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 (714) 292-1040 PLATE 2 -•" -; '„/ •-•'-:.*'$'.:•:•. LEGEND Existing Storm Drain Proposed Storm DrainProposed Storm D Facility Designation Watershed Divide f'-aoO' Scale Map Index Proposed Drainage DlstricProposed Debris Basin With Capacity x 1OO C.V. -; ' -W-•:: •>- " •• i-:*^-'.^^ Ell SEP - 3 2MB MERLE J. BEVIS JR. BARBARA S.BEVIS 3431 Don Alberto Drive Carlsbad, CA 92010 August 29, 2008 Mayor Lewis and Council Members City of Carlsbad City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We are at a loss as to how the City in 2002 made promises and agreements to Rancho Carlsbad and then in 2008 you are breaking these promises. We, along with all the residents in Rancho Carlsbad, have followed the issues under discussion and believed that the City was working with us on solving these problems. This is a health and safety issue for Rancho Carlsbad. The BJ Basin is something we have been fighting for - to get flood control and remove homes in our community from the 100 year flood zone map. The City must commit to the funding of acquiring Rancho Carlsbad land for the BJ Basin and relocating our RV Parking, Community Garden and Maintenance and Landscaping facilities. At the September 9th Council meeting we hope you will put funding into the Drainage Master Plan and Fee Program to cover Rancho Carlsbad's past and future expenses in connection with the pending relocation. Thank you for your consideration, \. Beyjs, Jr. Jarbara S. Bevis &.&:<r MERLE J. BEVIS JR. BARBARA S. BEVIS 3431 Don Alberto Drive Carlsbad, CA 92010 August 29, 2008 Mayor Lewis and Council Members City of Carlsbad City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We are at a loss as to how the City in 2002 made promises and agreements to Rancho Carlsbad and then in 2008 you are breaking these promises. We, along with all the residents in Rancho Carlsbad, have followed the issues under discussion and believed that the City was working with us on solving these problems. This is a health and safety issue for Rancho Carlsbad. The BJ Basin is something we have been fighting for - to get flood control and remove homes in our community from the 100 year flood zone map. The City must commit to the funding of acquiring Rancho Carlsbad land for the BJ Basin and relocating our RV Parking, Community Garden and Maintenance and Landscaping facilities. At the September 9th Council meeting we hope you will put funding into the Drainage Master Plan and Fee Program to cover Rancho Carlsbad's past and future expenses in connection with the pending relocation. Thank you for your consideration, r. Beyis, Jr. _„ _ . - 'C*C- fJ • <tj*& Barbara S. Bevis C