HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-11-18; City Council; 19630; Approve Grading and Temporary Access AgreementCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AB# 19,630 MTG. 11/18/08 DEPT. PW-ENG APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT WITH SDG&E FOR GRADING AND TEMPORARY ACCESS; RANPHO CSANTA FF ROAR MITIGATION PRO IFPT PROJECT NO. 3907 DEPT. HEAD RTJ' CITY ATTY. <£%&' CITY MGR. (Ji^_ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2008-303 approving an agreement with the San Diego Gas and Electric Company (SDG&E) for grading and temporary access required for the construction of the Rancho Santa Fe Road Mitigation Project, Project No. 3907. ITEM EXPLANATION: On May 20, 2008, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2008-142 accepting bids and awarding a contract for the construction of the Rancho Santa Fe Road Mitigation Project, Project No. 3907. Work is scheduled to begin in mid-September, 2008 and require approximately one year to complete. To facilitate the construction, temporary use of existing SDG&E access roads in and around the project site is required. Staff has completed discussions with SDG&E resulting in the attached "Letter of Permission to Grade and Approval of Temporary Use of SDG&E Access Roads" which will enable efficient access to the work area for the City's contractor, equipment and materials suppliers, and inspection staff. Staff recommends approval of the attached agreement. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: On June 2, 1992, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 92-152 certifying EIR Number 91-1 for Phases 1 and 2 of the Rancho Santa Fe Road Project. On April 25, 2000, City Council adopted Resolution No. 2000-128 approving Addendum No. 2 to the EIR which addressed the realignment and widening of Rancho Santa Fe Road from La Costa Avenue to Melrose Drive. The Rancho Santa Fe Road Mitigation Project is the product of this development and required by the California Department of Fish and Game's 1601 permit issued to the City for the road widening project. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no cost to the City for the SDG&E temporary access agreement. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map. 2. Resolution No. _2008-303 approving an agreement with SDG&E for grading and temporary access required for the Rancho Santa Fe Road Mitigation Project, Project No. 3907. 3. City of Carlsbad and SDG&E Letter Agreement. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: John Cahill, (760) 602-2726, icahi@ci.carlsbad.ca.us FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED nn nn CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN D RETURNED TO STAFF D OTHER-SEE MINUTES D LOCATION MAP PROPOSED GRADING AREA CITY OF OCEANSIDE HIGHWAY ,—?« VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE PROPOSED GRADING AREA NOT TO SCALE PACIFIC OCEAN PROJECT NAME RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD MITIGATION PROJECT PROJECT NUMBER 3907 EXHIBIT 1 DRAM BY: SCOTT EVANS. CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPT. 8/25/08 C: \CAPITAL\CAHILL\3907.DWG 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2008-303 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 3 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY (SDG&E) FOR GRADING AND 4 TEMPORARY ACCESS FOR THE RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD MITIGATION PROJECT. PROJECT NO. 3907. 5 WHEREAS, on May 20, 2008, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, hereafter the 6 "City," awarded a contract for the construction of the Rancho Santa Fe Road Mitigation Project, Project No. 3907, hereafter the "Project;" and 8 WHEREAS, temporary access on existing San Diego Gas and Electric Company, 9 hereafter "SDG&E," roads is required to facilitate an efficient prosecution of the work under said 10 contract; and11 WHEREAS, an agreement has been prepared in which SDG&E shall grant temporary use and access of said roads to the City for the Project.13 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad,14 California, as follows:15 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That an agreement entitled "Letter of Permission to Grade and Approval of .- Temporary Use of SDG&E Access Roads" is hereby approved and the Mayor is authorized toTo execute said agreement. Following the Mayor's execution of said agreement, the City Clerk isi y 20 directed to forward copies of this resolution and said agreement to: Molly Dana, SDG&E, CP11D, 21 8335 Century Park Court, San Diego, California 92123-1569; the City's Public Works Department, 22 Construction Management Division; and the City's Public Works Department, Engineering 23 Division. 24 '" 25 '" 26 /7/ 27 HI 28 /7/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 18th day of November, 2008, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Hall, Packard and Nygaard. NOES: None. ABSENT: Council Member Kulchin. ATTEST: ,'City Clerk' NSOP-'^oV^CvV'. 3 n Molly Dana Land Management Rep. foKfaniM GMCompmV CP11D * 8335 Century Park Court San Diego, CA 92123-1569 Sempra Energy*utiiities Tel. 858 654.1238 Fax: 858 654-1263 MDana@semprautilites.com July 7, 2008 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, Ca 92008 Public Works -Engineering Department Project 3907 City of San Marcos 1 Civic Center Drive San Marcus, Ca 92069 Development Services Attn: Doug Helming LETTER OF PERMISSION TO GRADE AND APPROVAL OF TEMPORARY USE OF SDG&E ACCESS ROADS Doug Helming: San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E) is the owner of a 200' Electric Transmission Easement corridor located in, around, and adjacent to the property more particularlily described as: PARCEL A: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTH ONE-HALF OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, SAN BERNADINO MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO OFFICIAL PLAT AND PARCEL B: PORTIONS OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, SAN BERNADINO MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO OFFICIAL PLAT. SDG&E (Right of Way Numbers: 14052 recorded May 13, 1959, in Book 7671, Page 123, Right of Way Number 45703 # 1 & 2, recorded January 13,1966, in File Page La Costa Greens Neighborhood 1 16 (2).doc Number 1614, and Right of Way Number 45705, recorded December 17, 1965, in File Page Number 219181 of Official Records). We have reviewed the Grading and Improvement Plans for The City of Carlsbad located in San Marcos titled "Rancho Santa FeRd. (Offsite) Wetland Mitigation Plans" Sheets 1 of 19, and "Rancho Santa Fe Rd. (Offsite Mitigation Site - Carlsbad Portion)n" Grading plans sheets 1 of 9 received May 29,2008. which shows the proposed grading and improvements on the property subject to our easement, attached hereto as Exhibit 'B' (9 sheets). Permission is hereby granted to the City of Carlsbad, Inc. (Permittee), to grade and construct improvements as shown on said plans, subject to the following conditions: 1. Expiration: This "Permission to Grade" shall expire if grading does not commence within 6 months from the date of this letter, or work is not diligently pursued to completion. 2. Submittals: 2.1. Final signed, approved plans must be submitted to SDG&E's Land Management Representative a minimum of 10 working days before commencement of grading and construction of improvements within the easement area. The final plans are to identify all easement corridors and the SDG&E facilities/poles/ and or towers within the corridor area. Also, the below statement should be added to the "Special Notes" of Sheet 1 of 9 of the Grading plans and again on Page 16 of 19 on Mitigation Plans under "Vegetation Site Work Specifications" to include the verbiage: "SDG&E NOTE Open space easement(s), mitigation and final Wetland Mitigation/Revegetation including sensitive habitat and conservation preserves that encroach, or as a requirement of a map or mitigation project, is(are) on, within, over, any SDG&E easements or within SDG&E access roads that includes mitigation use, that are granted, approved, dedicated or contingent to this or any other project within the Right of Way documents #45705, 14052, 45703,1 & 2, are subject to the prior easement rights of SDG&E including, but not limited to, access by practical route or routes to SDG&E present and future facilities." 2.2. Permittee agrees to supply SDG&E Transmission Engineering with 'as-built' profiles maps, if requested, of the grade changes within its easements. Profiles shall be at the specifications of SDG&E Transmission Engineering Department. 2.3. Permittee agrees to supply SDG&E with 'as built' grading, improvement, and profile plans to SDG&E specifications, if requested. 2.4. Permittee agrees to submit for review and approval, a blasting plan prior to blasting, if blasting is required. 3. Pre-Construction Meeting: La Costa Greens Neighborhood 1 16 (2).doc 2 h SDG&E's Land Management Representative (LMR) must be invited with at least three (3) working days prior notice. 4. Grading: 4.1. At least twenty-four (24) hours notice must be given to SDG&E's LMR before start of work. 4.2. Field changes to plans within said easement shall be approved in writing by SDG&E LMR. 4.3. Permittee is responsible to call DIG ALERT at 1-800-227-2600 for all underground mark-out locations. 4.4. Clearance of (35) feet minimum between the SDG&E electric transmission wires and the natural ground shall be maintained on any given day, noting line sags vary depending on ambient temperature and line current. All requirements, including but not limited to OSHA, CAL-OSHA, ANSI, NIOSH, and NEC for clearances when working around energized electrical facilities must be maintained. 4.5. No grading shall be allowed within ten (10) feet of a single wood pole structure or anchor, or fifteen (15) feet from any multi-wood pole structure (H-frame, 3-pole, etc), or twenty (20) feet from any electric steel lattice towers or thirty (30) feet of steel poles. All measurements are taken from the face of pole or face of foundation. This includes the installation of the Browditch on GP2320, sheets 5, 7, and 9, if it encroaches within the proximity of any SDG&E facility. See clearances stated above. 4.6. SDG&E reserves the right to inspect and perform quality control work during construction. 5. Special Conditions: 5.1. SDG&E gives the authority for joint use of the access driveways and roads shown on the attached "Exhibit A". Please note attached "Transmission Encroachment Guidelines" and reference "Roads and Drainage" and Wearing Surfaces pages 5 & 6. This permission to grade is contingent to comply with appropriate access road guidelines and upgrade and keep the existing roads in the condition of the guidelines throughout, during and at the completion of the project. 5.2. Any trees planted within SDG&E's easement, shall be no more than 15.00 feet in height at maturity and shall not restrict SDG&E's access to any of its facilities or maintenance pads. Irrigation systems shall not spray directly onto any electric facilties, access road or maintenance pad. 6. Erosion Control: La Costa Greens Neighborhood 1 16 (2) .doc 6.1. All disturbed and created slopes, within the SDG&E electric transmission easement, shall be hydro-seeded or planted by Permittee with an SDG&E approved mix. ( please add notation to appropriate notes on Vegetation Site Work Specifications) 6.2. All drainage shall be designed to prevent erosion of SDG&E easement and access roads. 7. Storage: 7.1. This permission to grade letter does not permit storage of equipment, materials, dirt or debris on the easement or SDG&E fee owned property. 8. Access: 8.1. Access to all SDG&E facilities shall be maintained at all times. All costs associated with restoration of access and all associated damages shall be borne by Permittee. 8.2. All gates shall provide SDG&E access by padlock, lock-box or keyed bypass both during and upon completion of construction. Location and construction of gates to be approved by SDG&E LMR. 9. Outstanding Agreements: Permittee agrees to pay for, sign and/or have signed all Consent Agreements, Consent to Use of Land Agreements and/or Joint Use Agreements between SDG&E and owner or public agencies who encroach upon the SDG&E easements. Said agreements shall be subject to the revocability clause as stated in the California Public Utility's Commission's General Order 69-C as shown on website http://www.cpuc.ca.gov/PUBLISHED/Graphics/645.PDF. 10. Indemnification: 10.1. Permittee agrees to assume all risk of loss, damage to property and/or injury and/or death to persons, and to indemnify and hold SDG&E harmless from any and all liability in any way arising from the proposed grading or construction of improvements. 10.2. SDG&E shall not be responsible in any manner for any maintenance or repair of the proposed grading or improvements. This includes, but is not limited to, drainage and/or erosion problems or damage caused to improvements that were not constructed to take the weight or activities of vehicles and equipment owned by or working on behalf of SDG&E. 11. Terms and Conditions: The terms and conditions of this approval shall benefit and bind Permittee its successors, assigns, agents or contractors. La Costa Greens Neighborhood 1 16 (2).doc 4 _, 12. Posting: This permission letter shall be posted on the job site at all times. Should you have any questions or require additional assistance, please call me at (858) 654-1201. APPROVED BY: San Diego Gas & Electric Company 'Molly Land Management Representative Bruce Taylor Land Management Representative I ACCEPT THE AFOREMENTIONED CONDITIONS: I hereby have the authority to sign, By: Print Name: Claude A. Lewis Title:Mayor Date- November 18, 2008 Approved as to Form: La Costa Greens Neighborhood 1 16 (2).doc Orange County North Goast North EastihGoa Beach CitiesEastern Legend Wood -J_ Gates ft Freeway if Highway „•• Road Centerlines Orange County Roads sS Access Roads ^ Land Managers Access Roads ^f Gas Pipelines Electric Transmission CorridorShaded Q Old of Quit claimed ROW Q Active ROW jt Railroad Runways p District Boundary SD County Parcels SDG&E Fee Properly n UaSeQ Own n s°|d Lakes WETLANDS MITIGATION AREA GRADING PLANS FOR: RANCHO SANTA FE RD. (OFFSITE MITIGATION SITE - CARLSBAD PORTION) CEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER'S DtClARATtON ftrsr HAMS HA if sea xnao >r at ammtxt «u w »aAsrcair troAta A» nut KM fOM » JT* ownwtw »Hiaaaa er fff acnes AW xenutMuratr catara H w OPlean tr aoctx M ma uixg ayxtHnat mesaaiw - IUHOO S DEVELOPER'S CERTIFICATE IflO tfXtf CBHFY THAT t tfOSHXt SOU OVME* atetaoesT HAS oz» or MI a *fu*et> v sufmsf ff*r-xtatAOHe Aciiwnr AM APMsr auft cnfAcac* AMP saaar tf DECLARATION OF MSPONSIBL£ CHMGE i ifxar cecum IMT i Mt at oiaef r *f offx or HKtea a s Am sfenatae sr »t ot»r oxoucw/t * r LOCATION MAP SET jnoms BPorHOfs euoe five 1129 aw 9-a. t-a * e-c M7/BT TO HYDROLOGY/tff&RAUUC REPORT GRADING QUANTITIES - CARLSBAD PORTION ifatr JOfsnt.- a.as cr CML ENGINEER Our omtcwq ACzm toot xx. mm sax we SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY SffHT« SAlt-U AOM fHOIOOWW s gam AH H* aoa« runStT DO HOT IKLUtf satKAft OK OfWBCK OAOHS OUAHtltS. ACTUAL SPECIAL NOTES Of OUimt MOXS AK ftOWB » flV MEOW » ff COOUCIOt Of Ofot on mass's aoaiur OH test ruis pas wof Atrr or af sw aeeo AOX ffoaat safomt unmtsswow spBfKvoff fat MUC van axemen* even MXJ.art OF an IMCOS emote AM Bomam otrnvo.Htfoos mint asmr SOMAV onmes Am yvcnxwo.MS str cr HAMS.xatm Am or OF at* goo suFFiooir Ateeiaes a at so/amfat ntue mma coeaucxH (ai7 axnat tec. TWSI. wsmrt air.sets ffrvias Am ivcauuBtoaxie sr ftocm aaoAmt t. XOS*AU irOWMWEKV AfrtffM. eocoees ooo stnaea 2001. amtxffr canonsHAM rm sat ea-x &nf xmrny. or anno, msauaai mt-snt» U&tiQ OfXffOOtt ABOM. flWWWWOtf ROB OH fOHIM/tr I IM7.sumaoaM. fiu saver *r ffur caettwin ai s-iooeA» fevss jo yxn <XA»tf AS ncposa gr ty-1267 AS t st caaucrat SHU et ITSVHSSU: jo cent MAT AU eAWCf/faaai mfABMOO IfMOfS «H fKJ Ml A£tVtB> fXOI Iff/VOfCT attrffsncooua t MJWtfomatMatfffaFrarcvisavtMXOfaBfOKtsAftrrifASUtsantsuAimt atcavmAciai SHUU KSS* caamxrAMMun^Aa^fnroni^MCia^SHciavA^yiAUXscuitowt sac AM fnxxAt stftrr A» HEMM s DtVOOPER LEGAL DESCRIPTION j x cailKicm AOBS tarif SHAH Assuf sat AHO carte*xsfaaturrnx jotsr comma HUNS ** OUST cr caamocim or ta motn navcne svrry OFAU feaua AI» fHCfotn AM stir us xaaoar SHAH OHW MCMTT AWMUfroMH JHT orr or ctusA^ x erf OF SAM HAKOS, AM ft aenaerto* mains not Any A* AU. wow* it* aumnxn H caufcsa ma wCf cr *aar o* MS f*o£CT, ixfpme wowr AKHC oat itrsatOF rr o**r at K OKtta. ttswm. MMXjmsr.H nt or or sin Ham couaratAnemone w omau. HAT. BASIS Of BEARINGS: ne BASU <r KAstta rat as saners ft •/at s AIJ. OAOK SHAU x KK aea ix atsBtmT^ cr A ouAtifo sots aa*a. AU.AJfAS JO XfUtO SHAH BCWCFMB JO 1C fUfO AH> All. fU. SHAU. X HAOB M1 »IH wt mauaea exAa« sfeancAXHS AM srraAt/votiaai AUUCMBI\fsKA tans rat MSSUUMSM ff SHAU sf fff comucjory_ _ JOfiAtx. SHCAU mat Am COHPACT «•«'ftSf SKOFKAKKS. tfAom AM gf BtAMes sam ttxtm AX » xaa CF wr 7. on** caenucxrt st annnKKit SHAU. fafai.r CSAX AU. OKAtfiia sarAetsn name mtv acAMAcc AM HB&r pome OF mm x SHAU. caamL sanctmicr m Atcf awe* n AROMHS mparrr c* n now now at fff sx: ofcaatACiot SHAU a SHEET INDEX i air A» nu sicfes SHAii x nuo n of fiist aaa 10 HHOUCC AsarAttAmuHKfuCKSSSfcxn vt surt OF «€DKA»XKS at aSHAU if siafa Am ama AS snom 01 at fiAta Am an n A HCAT A* asairwarn. AU. smct tooa at eina msf Mtrxf Bfasa at exumaai atff suFts SHAU. x XMWB Am e&osco OF orar * A IKAL WMCT »r at mX 5 H WHS TlANCHO SWTA ff *OW M1KAKH (CfFSf) ftfL ICltAlB VKABOH/tiPfSUKM PtAMS",SHIS r-a BAO MHom gpj f»/^KtezTAiot iKsixif AV HAMOHe cf AU. auaaAi&s(catmAcratsw mootr of to* XSCOKD JHXM. * anmtactt mm nt awmc KXKJ A07E- QUMTITfS SHOW HCKOH Mf FM BOMWe PUBPOSfS OHLf.ACTUAL otutmnfs kur VAtr. COHJMCW* TO trsrr JKWro K Done jo Ha str&xrwt ftf*eO7ATKH/t*IKtn<M HHXXAM AMD JHC HCSOUPCC AGfftCY PfXUHS FCttJHC PROJECT. IHfSt FUWS SHCVLO HOT CAUSf AUHnOHAf ttfACJS JOaOLOQCAL KfSOUfKfS. BCtOND THOSE ALREADY MUJOPAJCD FM RANCHO SAHTA FE RO. (offSffr MWimw sir - CAMSSAD mrnat}rat 421 GRADING NOTES K l&iKS KFtilTUDII [(760) 752-73. Mi a/Twru sLCFfssiAii Kiwia *m * MXTMC OF mas s*t*s AWCKXJWana itHxwnn ex&M sun L#cscAf*e SHAII K MSTIUIB AS sow AS PKACKALK/K4KN SrSIOS JVX ffOUK8> AN6 31ALL Bf NSTAttfD FOR PfSFfWL MANTDMHSXor THEfiAN? iff uszsfcK zoftSTASUZATKH >t ACCVKWKE HIH SF.CJKM HjitTooF THam OtASIHC OMHAfKZ PRfQSf LOCATKNS/tLfVAnonS OF Iff £XSHHS UNDfRGKXM> UILIlfSAK£HO! WiCTW THECQHlRACTOf ffUU Bf SOLELY RE3W3BUFOI UAKH6 SumaDIT DFLOfAfiONS TQLKAIEHi UTVT& *H0 SUSSmvnXS mf>*X SHOW OH Iff PLANS 0* NOI «f> W FKifCT TfHntai AMY poss&f DAUAtx HOC* to AND WRHC ccKiwam THEceaar crSPA* atHtfiAouaT or SAO vaunts >w stesfftvcT&ts SHAU BE some sr JHf CWSUCKK CQHlKKlOt SUU HOITf B£ QIGHIX-y-WtX OF WYPQl&ttiM: COflXIS SlfTK&tUrHime rut caisinKTKM cxwxs to x mac wo x«wtfa gtOKTXKT TOBQUWHAM HUNCFAi #Kta Ail OPMWa COHWCKB OH !7f fffOHStS fXtiVfS THE WflMW UP. KffAK. ARMM, XPAfJOX THROUGH FMDAt HO BOX SHAtl BE KXFOftfS OH T/ffKOtSES ON SAIURQAY. SUNDAY QT HttOA fS fO fVKVUX i CCHTOtJKO TKAHSTOM € HtiUUIt STAMOMDS 5ff fORTH * IHf QTTS (XAONff OfOtiAHCf AHB HfAPfWVM. OF fffX GWAW PiAHS JHC ffKUina ff ffSfVHSOf FIX Iff mnfXKH GF MHACfTO ADJtiC&T PKPfFTt WfttSOfSfiAU CKAVAIf Of iMO SO O.OX 70 3t PKPa>!r HlHOIjrnffvfiiNs ANP /wifcrns SUCH pfrof&trr FROU xnvNe, auaam OKSEK anw SCOUR atOMEX MMAGt IfKHItSHT ffSM F7KH JHt CKAUN6 CfSCfOBfS OH 1HS HM Iff O7Y mi HOLSOf PCRMFlEf KSPOHS&f /Of CQMKXW OF HQtt-D£DKA 1EO NFmWOtlS IMKH CAV¥ MHACt TO•iweon fKfoar. Of OKffBl-CF'»yX SHAU. SfHOUFfB »£H COHSWVCIKM COtOfHCK CONKACXX SHAU BC «5fWt$Bt£ /Of AU. COKIWCTKH/VflAOK OF SQffZ PADS. Stl&T WAOttAM INFSASJK'CTUKf aeniGtOHS ACOXOHC 70 UfSfftAXS JHC tXtfEX-CF-IKat SHVl BfQ»TM?IE> HHEM CWVflfJ t» tWJKW Aft MAOf OUKHS IHf FftOfftSS OF CQtSJXUCTKM OR f Iffff 8A UrSMZKTAWe OF ttfSf /W$ Sf fBJ> STAKES *>O AM HlBfffTt JUX a KEXB. <SI!HC*J>ONFXOI THE KOSOfO fflt OOKCT SUHN6 THAT Hf SWtW MS SC8t COft£!& FfX 1HE AffVOtTSftAff Af» fit CQfKlKM KfVtT FKtl fff <ZO!EQtKAi DK»£a OH Af/Y HfOUHfH Fli M£A$ SHALLacriKwa ffxH 10 mwe totus sow ssufa. K7KH S ff SlZ Fli ARCA1* ALL O OR PfKltCJBie A/if HCNMfNTAJKM AHD/X _____XHOi Aft IXSIWBCD OR OfSJKHtS BY CONSWC)fic SIXH POUTS SHAH x t M9iAlJ.ee itMnwsxa folAil SEflLfO BYtfrtX y ACT. DUST CCtiBKl IfASUfffS, SXN AS JHyou BC UTLIZ& AT AII IMS xfUA/e/tir 0tMa»e t&fcfafs ffSf FtAHS !0 Bf COUPLffB M ACCVtMMZ m!H OTf GKt&IG OH WT HE S OESPOKSStf fQ» HWTANNC Tf AOjONHC PVBUC SUSfA» me wsTFRa COHOOOH »rm THC UUTATKH yatanwoFvecott uf catiXACK* ACf&s THAI if scaauxxs Dtxne nr cowy OF Cfo&CHS AHO pROPOtrr. THS ftouROtNr swu. Afnr commMLLr AW nor BE UUKS 10 WWAIJO3HW/«WS Iff CWmACMt SHAU. trntH MBMFYAH>HCUI Iff Q*>fK XtEHOftll AW 1HC CUT HAfltlSS FfK* AMY AW AU UABVrr.XAi XALLEtZU tf C&tfCJKH H!H fitP&fORIWCt OF KfX OH JHS PfflfCT DKtftiUG FOR UABUTY AHSM FKV IHf SOItfctxoxf OF ne oma. CSGMCT en orr. * PERMIT OUST EC 06TAtfD FXOtl JHf SAM UAfKOS fff KPARlVDtl PRK* TO AW BLtSHKXPARAK OTYPOM'S Af* OCOUK& MX* JO AHf CWS1KJCHQH OKAVATKH SIVUGf CFUA it/Mis OR ANY NOTEANO TH£ WfK>\£UCHTS OF 7H£ HfTUWDAN. COHFOnt MO CrMPtr KITH TH£ IHTfMT Ofrav PROGRAM AW THETHCSf PMHS SHOULD HOT CABIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. BTiVNO THOSE ALRfAO CITY OF CARU3BAD ©2005 O'Ooy ConsuRofits, Inc. HfTUNDS umCATIOII JUCA GtUtXNf fLVff Ft»RAHCHO SANTA fT RO. (ofrsfTE un&tnw stir - CMts&w PORTION) -, i tansat f&Lwme VMtfifftcm iruwtr BOMB THCMXfSS. OWNS SET COWWr SFfOV. /WWOWfat catMciat MOSS cataucjorof casme wuits # «r nas FHOH CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGtrCERtNG KPMTMCHT JHf SHAWNS ANO THC a-tfWXMCNTS OF THf HfJlJtHO Cf&HXJMffX IHISFLAH. COHTCKU AND CCUPir NTH IHC HJEHT QT ffCPROGKMt AND JHf RFSOUPCF AGENCY fCRUTSSHOLLD MOT &WSC MVUXWl Of AC'S TOJHC PROJECT. THESf PLWSSEMSm€ OCLOOCAl fifSOUKK K1ONO JHOSC AUKADf AHTKfA !fO fW MNCHO SANTA FE RD. (OfFSJZ ttn&tnoft Sfff - CUK5BW POtmtt) TYPICAL W£TLAHD_^AM!G_CftOSS-S€CTION DETAIL A-AMOT TO SOU sw X MWACXXEB fix* fours/I* #*a*warn or ANY mymi.w 2 rumor v & im ~ A xrmr yw x au«KD AS SHUH am n SEIIKXX. «xa SHU srnf€*tmr, moi MOTS Atmt HAW j-faHT SCARMB amaxws KCXZ fume or mats gr eofae w.txa ar 9M1 Bf CLASS 3 *f SHOU CONUM HOT IfSS BUM i0 IK OT POKVff cotofit HJKCXXT - SOTMO er of fox suu. ac aaia or mr A» cur AW /foeuccvet Msmu. x snouoa 10 m mM. ixsmtmi er us & anna. nets, aiauosn. cttrncuaiKaw x fMO f» naxo Hfanmr neat sate effosa. #TBPuaxxrataooa savw a enusfo OLUI so VUT oot sjtfMxs ME Dfosa *t a/at toaa yuu. fnafcr *•SOfMf. >- CONCftttD MP-RAf C HOT JO nw »' BUM ntsfsat outs. 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(ofrsir umunM sm - cuissv mmH) TSH 411 Sempra Energy5 company GUIDE FOR ENCROACHMENT SDG&E ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION RIGHTS OF WAY Revised June 2003 GUIDE FOR ENCROACHMENT ON TRANSMISSION RIGHTS OF WAY ITEM TOPIC PAGE 1. GENERAL 3 2. PERMISSION TO GRADE 3 3. GRADING AND CLEARANCES 4 4. ROADS AND DRAINAGE 5 5. FENCES, WALLS, GATES AND OTHER STRUCTURES 9 6. VEGETATION 9 7. ACCESS AND ENCROACHMENT DOCUMENTS 12 8. RELOCATION OF TRANSMISSION FACILITIES 13 9. ENCROACHMENT ON 500KV ROW 14 10. ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION UNDERGROUND 15 APPENDIX 1. MAINTENANCE AND WORKING PADS 11860-01 thru 11860-06 2. GROUNDING REQUIREMENTS 11861-01 3. GROUNDING-METALLIC STRUCTURES 11861-02 4. GROUNDING-GATES AND FENCES 11861-03 5. GROUNDING-ELECTRIC FENCES 11861-04 6. ACCESS ROAD DETAILS-CULVERTS 11862-01 7. ACCESS ROAD DETAILS-DOWN DRAINS 11862-02 8. ACCESS ROAD DETAILS-ENERGY DISSIPATOR 11862-03 9. ACCESS ROAD DETAILS-WATER BARS 11862-04 10. ACCESS ROAD DETAILS-ROAD CROSS SECTIONS 11862-05 thru 11862-10 June 2003 GUIDE FOR ENCROACHMENT ON TRANSMISSION RIGHTS OF WAY GENERAL This guide is designed to assist developers and engineers through the process of developing property within or directly adjacent to San Diego Gas and Electric's (SDG&E) existing electric transmission rights of way containing 69 kV, 138 kV and 230 kV facilities. A special section (section 9) is provided regarding transmission right of way containing 500 kV electric transmission facilities. This guide is being furnished as an aid in streamlining SDG&E's plan review process and to minimize potential negative impacts to SDG&E's transmission facilities and rights of way. Some aspects of SDG&E's rights of way are too elaborate to be included in these guidelines. The guidelines may be supplemented with additional requirements for a specific area, as SDG&E deems necessary. Developers and engineers should bear in mind that compliance with the requirements of the guide does not mean an automatic acceptance of your project by SDG&E. SDG&E's approval to allow grading or encroachments within SDG&E's transmission easements or fee properties will be provided through a "Permission to Grade Letter" along with either a "Joint Use Agreement", "Consent Agreement" or a "Right of Way Use Agreement" depending on the type of encroachments. PERMISSION TO GRADE Developers must submit grading plans and site development plans (and geotechnical reports if applicable), signed and dated, for SDG&E's review. All SDG&E facilities, existing structures, structure numbers, existing anchors, right of way boundaries, document recording information and existing and proposed access roads must be shown on the submitted plans. Upon receipt of plans by SDG&E's Land Management Department lead times of six (6) to eight (8) weeks are normal. It is the developer's sole responsibility to comply with all rules, regulations, and orders of State, County, and local agencies having jurisdiction. For example, the California Department of Education has developed recommendations for minimum distances between schools and transmission lines as part of its school site selection and approval guide. For further information about the guide, contact: The School Facilities Planning Division Coordinator, Department of Education, P.O. Box 944272, Sacramento, California 94244-2770, Telephone: (916) 322-1461. Also, location of developer's improvements above or below ground and/or adjacent to SDG&E rights of way requires the developer to be in compliance with CAL- OSHA and/or the rules for Overhead Electric Line Construction, General Order No. 95 June 2003 and Underground Electric Line Construction General Order No. 128 CPUC, during their construction and maintenance of those facilities. CAL-OSHA is located at 7807 Convoy Court, San Diego, CA 92111, 1-800-963-9424. Grading without SDG&E's written permission is not permitted within SDG&E transmission rights of way. Any necessary steps, including legal action, will be taken to stop activity and restore the rights of way to its original condition at the developer's expense. GRADING AND CLEARANCES Conceptual drawings, tentative maps, layouts, and preliminary and final grading plans should be prepared with the following in mind: 1. Clearances: Minimum clearance from ground to any transmission voltage conductor of 69kV, 138kV and 230kV shall not be less than thirty-five (35) feet when the conductor is at maximum designed sag as shown on the SDG&E design profiles. Clearance shall not be calculated using "everyday" sag. The sag differential can vary from four (4) feet to thirty (30) feet between "everyday" and "maximum design" sags. Clearance requirements for 500KV transmission lines are provided in Section 9, page 14. 2. Profile: Profile drawings submitted to SDG&E shall be drawn to a scale of: 100 feet horizontal and twenty (20) feet vertical, or 200 feet horizontal and forty (40) feet vertical and the survey datum shall be specified. 3. Compaction: Any and all fill shall be engineered and placed to a minimum compaction of ninety (90) percent maximum dry density as determined by ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) D1557, unless specified otherwise. SDG&E may require compaction tests to be performed at the developer's expense. Where there is the possibility of future structures being placed in the rights of way, SDG&E may require compaction to a minimum of ninety-five (95) percent maximum dry density. Compaction tests are performed at the developer's expense. 5. Maintenance/Construction Pads: All existing structures and all future structure positions shall be provided with level maintenance/construction pads as well as working areas as indicated by drawings 11860-01 through 11860-06. Stringing and construction areas shall remain undisturbed. 6. Cut/Fill Clearances: No cut or fill will be allowed within the horizontal distances indicated below, measured from the face of each type of structure or anchor. June 2003 Structure Type Distance Single wood pole or anchor 10' Multi-wood pole 15' Steel lattice tower 20' Steel pole 30' 7. Retaining System: Any retaining walls and devices within three (3) times the distance specified in Items 5 and 6 will be considered as structurally integral to the transmission structure. All such devices will require SDG&E's Civil/Structural Engineering Section's approval prior to SDG&E approval of developer's plans. 8. Graded Slopes: Graded slopes of up to 2:1 will be selectively permitted for distances not to exceed 200 linear feet. Longitudinal grading encroachments, cuts or fills may not exceed ten (10) feet into the right of way. ROADS AND DRAINAGE SDG&E's access roads must be designed to accommodate all types of vehicles used for roadway construction, placement of poles and/or towers, wire stringing and maintenance during all phases of construction and maintenance. Developers should comply with the following minimum guidelines and the current edition of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction ("Green Book") and ensure that adequate access is provided at all times. 1. Grading Plans/Improvement Plans: Existing and proposed access roads will be shown on the grading/improvement plans. 2. Access: Access and through access, to and along the rights of way, is required on a 24-hour basis to all SDG&E facilities, structures, and anchors for patrol, maintenance, and emergency vehicles. 3. Use: Access roads shall not be used or dedicated for public or shared use including but not limited to hiking or horse trails. 4. Widths: Minimum width on access roads shall be fourteen (14) feet. Curves require additional road width as shown on the table below. 5. Horizontal Curves: All road curves shall have a minimum radius of seventy-five (75) feet measured at the centerline of the usable road June 2003 surface. Inside edge of the curves shall be used as the control for establishing road grades. Radius Of Curvature Additional Road Width 75'-100' 6' 101'-150' 5' 151'-200' 4' 201' -400' 3' Over 400' 2' 6. Speed Limit: Unpaved roads may be designed for 15 mph maximum. 7. Wearing Surface: Road Grade Surface 0-10 percent Native Soil 11-14 percent Class 2 Base (6" thick) 15-17 percent Asphalt (4" AC over 6" Class 2 Base) 18 - 20 percent Concrete (5 V2" over 6" Class 2 Base) 8. Grades: Road grades over fifteen percent (15%) are discouraged and require special review. Grades of 15% to 20% shall be limited to a length of 250 ft. maximum. Consideration must be given to drainage issues. 9. Cross Slopes: The road shall be sloped (2% typical cross slope) to prevent ponding or damage from undirected water flow and in accordance with drawing 11862 (05 through 10). When the road is designed to slope away from the cut bank, the water shall be allowed to drain as sheet flow onto the downhill slope (not allowed when slope is fill) unobstructed by drainage swales or berms. When the road is sloped towards the cut bank, a drainage swale along the inside edge of the road shall be provided. Water bars shall also be provided across the road to direct water into the drainage swale. (See drawing 11862-04). 10. Vertical Curves: Typically, vertical curves are not necessary in the design and construction of access roads. However, where grade breaks over 6% occur, the resulting profile should be evaluated against high centering and tail dragging. 11. Stopping Sight Distance: Care should be taken to provide stopping sight distance at all intersections with other roadways, public or private. June 2003 Typical design per Section 200 of Caltrans' Design Standards should be adequate. 12. Dead-Ends/Turnarounds: All dead-end or stub roads over 500 feet in length shall be provided with a Y-type, T-type, or circular type turn- around. See City of San Diego Fire Department Design Standard, FDDS- 101 page 5 of 6. 13. Drainage Design : Drainage systems shall be sized for a 10-year storm based on the San Diego County Flood Control Design Manual. Ponding will not be allowed. Where access roads meet a publicly maintained road, drainage shall be designed to meet the minimum requirement of the municipality or agency having jurisdiction over the publicly maintained road (usually a 100-year storm) and meet current SWPP requirements. 14. Dip Section: Dip sections should be constructed at natural grade so as not to impede upstream runoff from crossing the road. 15. Swales: Brow ditches, swales, etc. should be avoided within the rights of way except transverse to the rights of way and then they shall provide heavy construction equipment access across same. Drainage swales shall be emptied by means of a culvert to the down slope side of the road which then empties onto an energy dissipater or into a natural drainage way. 16. Culverts: Corrugated Metal Pipes (CMP) should be used with a minimum of 2 feet of cover. CMP's shall be specified to have a service life of 25 years, based on soil characteristics. Coupling bands and cut-off walls are required. Damaged coating shall be repaired per manufacturers recommendation. For CMP use in Orange County, all metal pipes shall be coated with asphalt to meet Orange County's requirements for corrosion resistance. Minimum design shall meet requirements shown on drawing 11862-01. Developer shall design the size of the CMP culvert to meet the 10-year storm requirement or 12" diameter whichever is greater. 17. Energy Dissipaters: All energy dissipaters, standpipes, desiltation basins, etc. shall be designed to be external to SDG&E's rights of way. At a minimum, these shall be designed to the requirements of San Diego Area Regional Standard Drawing D-40 (also see drawing 11862-03). 18. Flume/dip apron: Where subject to erosion, roadway banks and natural soil shall be protected by galvanized steel intakes (dip aprons) and down slope drains (troughs) (See drawing 11862-02). Energy dissipaters shall be installed at drain outlets outside of the rights of way. June 2003 19. Water Bars: Minimum design shall meet the requirements shown on drawing 11862-04. Water bars shall be open at the lower end to allow drainage and be placed at an approximate angle of 30 to 45 degrees to the transverse section of the road spaced as follows: Average Road Grade Maximum Spacing 0-5 percent Not required 5 percent 125 feet 10 percent 80 feet 15 percent 60 feet 20 percent 50 feet 20. Loading Requirements: All private roadways within the rights of way or roads used as access for SDG&E will be sized for heavy construction vehicular traffic (passable with a 100 ton crane and H-20 loading). 21. Driveway Entrances: If commercial aprons are not installed, then curbs shall be designed for H-20 loading and painted red. 22. Longitudinal Encroachments: Longitudinal (parallel) encroachments of roads, sewer, water, gas, culverts, drainage culverts, etc., will not be approved. 23. Utility and Street Crossings: All utility and street crossings shall be kept to a minimum and should be designed to cross the rights of way or roadways at as close to ninety (90) degrees as possible. 24. Maintenance Pads: See drawings 11860 (01 through 06). 25. Blasting: Blasting is not permitted on or near the vicinity of SDG&E's rights of way unless written approval is obtained from SDG&E's Land Management Department. 26. Erosion Control: All roads and slopes shall have erosion control during and after construction. Best Management Practices (BMPs) shall be applied. Erosion control shall not block access roads at any time. Developer shall assume all responsibilities for obtaining any and all storm water pollution prevention plan (SWPP) permits and maintaining any and all required BMPs, inspections, repairs and logs, required per the permit and the permitting authority. June 2003 z7 FENCES. WALLS. GATES AND OTHER STRUCTURES Temporary structures, including fences, walls and gates, may be allowed within the rights of way only with written approval (Consent Agreement or R/W Use Agreement) from a Land Management Representative. 1. Fences: Fences and/or walls may be allowed if properly grounded and if access to and along the rights of way is not obstructed and if access to individual structures is not obstructed. (See 11861-01 through 04). 2. Gates: Gates will be required where an SDG&E access road is obstructed. Gates shall meet the following criteria: a. All gate openings must be a minimum of fifteen (15) feet in width. b. Gates must be at least 300 feet apart. c. All gates must have provisions for either an SDG&E standard lock or an electric gate over-ride key. 3. Lighting Standards: Lighting standards, up to a maximum of fifteen (15) feet in height may be located within the rights of way outside of the drip line of the conductor. All lighting standards and metallic objects within the right of way must be properly grounded to prevent exposure to induced currents and voltages per National Safety Code. 4. High Pressure Valves: Fire hydrants, air release valves, back flow preventers, PIV's, or any other high pressure valves shall not be designed to be within the rights of way. 5. Manholes: Below ground manholes (sewer, water, CATV, etc.) shall not be designed to be within the rights of way. 6. Structures: No permanent buildings or structures are allowed within transmission right of way. VEGETATION Supplemental planting, re-vegetation or mitigation measures will not be placed in, or interfere with SDG&E's existing access roads or existing cleared work areas such as maintenance pads. The developer or landowner will verify the location of existing access roads and work areas with SDG&E and submit a plan for review and approval prior to installing any supplemental planting, re-vegetation or mitigation in SDG&E rights of way. 1. Supplemental Planting: SDG&E's rights of way can be used for supplemental planting purposes if provided with the following items: June 2003 • A biological report describing the quality of the existing vegetation and/or habitat located within SDG&E's rights of way, and • A letter from the governing body requiring the developer to plant within SDG&E's rights of way and stating the additional vegetation is not part of the environmental mitigation requirements. 2. Clearances: No trees shall be planted within 10 feet (horizontally) of any conductor or within working spaces and maintenance pads. A working zone is required around any structure as indicated on Standards Page 11860 (01 through 06). These areas must be kept clear of any obstructions. 3. Irrigation: Irrigation systems shall not spray directly onto any gas or electric facilities, access roads or maintenance pads. 4. Access: Planted vegetation shall not restrict SDG&E's access to any of its facilities. 5. Vegetation Species: Only trees and low growing vegetation with a mature height of 15 feet or less shall be permitted within SDG&E's rights of way. The following tree species are offered as examples of trees with a mature height typically not exceeding 15 feet. However, this is not an exhaustive list and SDG&E may consider other tree species when landscape plans for the proposed rights of way planting is prepared by a licensed landscape architect with written approval from SDG&E for use of a tree species not contained in the following list: ACACIA cultriformis, Knife Acacia FOLIAGE: Evergreen - Gray leaves HEIGHT: Fast growing to 10-15'. FLOWER: Yellow flowers Jan. - Mar. COMMENTS: Best in full sun. Tolerates wind, drought and most soils. CEANOTHUS 'Frosty Blue' or 'Ray Hartman' FOLIAGE: Evergreen - Dark green leaves. HEIGHT: Moderate growth to 8 - 15'. FLOWER: Deep blue flowers Mar. - May. COMMENTS: Best in full sun. Drought tolerant, needs hose water through the first season. Short lived+-10 years. Needs a well drained soil. CERCIS occidentalis, Western Redbud (Calif, native) FOLIAGE: Deciduous - Leaves are round & medium green. HEIGHT: Moderate growth to 15'. FLOWER: Magenta - Blooms March to April. COMMENTS: Grows in full sun or part shade. Needs a well drained soil. DODONAEA viscosa 'Pururea', Purple Hopbush June 2003 10 FOLIAGE: Evergreen - Willow like bronzy/purple green leaves. Foliage a deeper purple in full sun, more green in shade. HEIGHT: Fast growing to 12 - 15'. FLOWER: Insignificant. COMMENTS: Drought tolerant. Tolerates any soil, wind and heat. EUCALYPTUS priessiana, Bell Fruited Mai lee FOLIAGE: Evergreen - Gray green leaves. HEIGHT: Moderate growth to 15' FLOWER: Yellow flower - Blooms Jan. - Mar. COMMENTS: Drought tolerant. Tolerates most soils. LAVATERA assurgentiflora, Tree Mallow (Drought tolerant) FOLIAGE: Evergreen - Maple like medium green leaves. HEIGHT: Fast growth to 12'. FLOWER: Lavender - Blooms year round. COMMENTS: Grow in full sun. Tolerates drought & poor soil. MAGNOLIA loebneri FOLIAGE: Deciduous - Medium green leaves. HEIGHT: Slow growing to 12 - 15'. FLOWER: White, Blooms in the spring. COMMENTS: Grow in sun to part shade. Needs moist, well drained, rich soil. MAGNOLIA stellata, Star Magnolia FOLIAGE: Deciduous - Medium green leaves. HEIGHT: Slow growing to 10'. FLOWER: White flower. Blooms in the spring. COMMENTS: Grow in full sun to part shade. Needs moist, well drained, rich soil. PHOTINIA fraseri FOLIAGE: Evergreen - Glossy dark green leaves, bronzy new growth. HEIGHT: Moderate growing to 10'. FLOWER: White flowers. Blooms in the early spring. COMMENTS: Berries attractive to birds. Heat resistant and drought tolerant. PHOTINIA villosa FOLIAGE: Deciduous - Dark green leaves, pale gold new foliage. Bright red fall color. HEIGHT: Moderate growth to 15'. FLOWER: White flowers. Blooms in the spring. COMMENTS: Grow in full sun and in good soil. RHAPHIOLEPIS 'Majestic Beauty' FOLIAGE: Evergreen - Dark green large leaves 4 inches long. HEIGHT: - Moderate growth to 15'. FLOWER: Light pink fragrant flowers. Blooms from late fall to late spring. COMMENTS: Grow in full sun to light shade. Drought tolerant. Tolerates many soil types. RHUS integrifolia, Lemonade Berry FOLIAGE: Evergreen - Dark green leaves. HEIGHT: Moderate growth to 15'. FLOWER: Pink to white flower. Blooms Feb. - Mar. COMMENTS: Tolerates wind and drought. Best in a well drained soil. RHUS ovata, Sugar Bush FOLIAGE: Evergreen - Glossy dark green leaves. HEIGHT: Moderate growth to 12'. FLOWER: White and pink flower. Blooms Mar. to May. COMMENTS: Tolerates heat and drought. Best in a well drained soil. June 2003 11 THEVETIA thevetiodes, Giant Thevetia (Drought tolerant) FOLIAGE: Evergreen - Long narrow, glossy, dark green leaves. HEIGHT: Fast growth to 12'. FLOWER: Bright yellow, 4". - Blooms from June into winter. COMMENTS: Best in full sun. They are related to oleander's &, as with oleander, are poisonous. ACCESS AND ENCROACHMENT DOCUMENTS Below is a summary of the various documents required for access to or the placement of encroachments in SDG&E's transmission rights of way. The fee schedule will be provided separately and is subject to change. Permission to Grade Letter - Easement/Fee: Grants a developer of private property permission to grade within SDG&E's rights of way. Permission to Grade Letters will be issued once submitted plans have been reviewed and approved by SDG&E. The fee for issuing a Permission to Grade Letter is dependent upon the amount of review required. Consent Letter - Recorded/Unrecorded: Grants permission for the use of SDG&E's easement for minor encroachments upon review and approval by SDG&E. Rights of Way Use Agreement - Recorded: This agreement provides for multiple use of SDG&E's easements for uses compatible with SDG&E's existing and proposed future facilities. Signature Omission Letter: This letter is provided to developers in compliance with the Subdivision Map Act. It is required when SDG&E has a recorded interest in the property being developed and does not object to the recordation of the map submitted by the requester. There is no charge for providing this letter. Street Crossing: This fee covers SDG&E's future increased cost of operations caused by new street crossings. This includes the loss of easement rights, the cost of bridging required during overhead stringing operations, the cost for cutting, removal and replacement of curbs, sidewalks and associated paving required for existing or future underground electric or gas repairs or installations. Consideration is given to the width, angle, slopes, and any unique design of the street crossing that may impact SDG&E's operations. Joint Use Agreement: This agreement is for the joint use and occupancy of SDG&E easements by other utilities' facilities. These facilities generally include, but are not limited to, sewer, water, roads, and phone systems. The fee for Joint June 2003 12 Use Agreements is dependent upon reciprocal no-charge policies by those agencies requesting Joint Use Agreements, the amount of work involved, and any concessions or betterments to the easement the agency is willing to grant. Public Utility Letter: This letter is generally requested by a property owner to comply with a public agency's requirement. After determining that SDG&E has no facilities located in the public utility easement or any facilities not in conflict with the proposed improvement as shown on submitted maps, SDG&E will issue a letter stating there is no objection to the proposed construction of the project. Right of Entry Permit: This letter grants permission to utilize SDG&E's rights of way in some temporary fashion. Requests for Information: There is no charge for providing information to title companies or other utility companies who reciprocate in kind with the availability of information. For brokers or real estate salespersons, or other parties requesting information (title information) - there is an hourly fee. Quitclaims: Quitclaims are the relinquishment of an interest in a particular easement crossing property not owned by SDG&E. RELOCATION OF TRANSMISSION FACILITIES Relocation of transmission facilities is a complex and costly undertaking. All costs are borne by the applicant. Engineering, special order of material, right of way documents, and construction lead times often exceed twelve (12) months. In most cases, early planning with SDG&E can provide alternatives to relocation. It is SDG&E's policy to relocate transmission facilities and rights of way only when: 1. No practical alternatives exist. 2. The proposed rights of way alignment is equal to or better than the original rights of way. All replacement easements will be documented on current forms. Current widths of easements for single structure are as follows: Underground facilities = 20' minimum 69kV (wood) = 24' minimum 138kV(wood) = 24'minimum 138kV (steel pole) = 100' minimum 138kV (steel lattice) = 100' minimum June 2003 13 230KV (steel pole) = 120' minimum 230KV (steel lattice) = 120' minimum 500KV (steel pole) = 200' minimum 500kV (steel lattice) = 200' minimum 3. No rights of way from property owners other than the developer are required. 4. The new alignment would allow ultimate development of the rights of way including full access to, from, and along. 5. All relocation costs will be paid by the developer, including but not limited to: a. Engineering fees b. Actual cost of relocating existing facilities. c. Differential cost of future construction. d. Additional operating and maintenance cost for the theoretical life of the newly constructed line. e. Line loss costs for the additional line length for the theoretical life of the relocated facility. f. Federal and State tax. g. Collection of any incremental land values based on appraised values. It is SDG&E's desire to offer assistance in the early planning stages of an applicant's project so satisfactory solutions can be reached. For information or assistance, contact the Planning Department at the SDG&E Service Center nearest you. ENCROACHMENT ON 500 kV TRANSMISSION RIGHT OF WAY Encroachment of San Diego Gas and Electric 500 kV transmission right of way requires special considerations due the special maintenance, access, and safety concerns. Each request for use of easements for SDG&E's 500 kV right of way will be reviewed on a case by case basis. Potential uses that will be considered within the 500KV corridor are road crossings both private and public, passive open space areas, golf courses, agriculture uses and parking lots. All these and other uses SDG&E deems compatible will be allowed using a Right of Way Use Agreement which is recorded against the subject property and is revocable under California Public Utility Commission General Order 69C. The following limitations are considered when reviewing requests for encroachment or use of SDG&E's 500kV right of way: June 2003 14 33 1. Permanent Structures: No permanent structures will be allowed within the 500 kV transmission Right of Way. 2. Temporary Structures: Any requests for a temporary structure within the 500 kV right of way will be reviewed by Transmission Engineering. All temporary structures must have electrical grounds installed from conductive parts of the building in at least two locations such as the rain gutter or roof (if the roof is metal). 3. Grading: All requests for grading within the 500 kV right of way shall be reviewed on a case by case basis. All requests must comply with the Grading requirements described in section 3 of these guidelines, at a minimum. 4. Clearances: Minimum clearance from ground to any transmission conductor of 500kV shall not be less than forty (40) feet when the conductor is at maximum designed sag as shown on the SDG&E design profiles. Clearance shall not be calculated using "everyday" sag. The sag differential can vary significantly between "everyday" and "maximum design" sags, depending on load current and ambient conditions. 5. Roads and Drainage: Any request for modification of access roads within SDG&E's 500 kV right of way shall be designed and constructed by SDG&E. Any other structure or requested modification of SDG&E's 500 kV right of way shall be reviewed by SDG&E Transmission Engineering. Considerations shall include: • Maintaining acceptable levels of induced currents as defined by the National Electrical Safety Code and other applicable industry practices. • Maintaining acceptable levels of step voltages. • Physical safety hazards to the public. • Possible contact of SDG&E facilities by vehicles or equipment. • Providing access for maintenance of SDG&E transmission towers, poles, and other facilities. ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION UNDERGROUND 1. Improvements: All improvements involving electric transmission underground in SDG&E easements must be approved by the Transmission Engineering Section of the Electrical Engineering Department prior to start of work. In addition, a letter of permission must be obtained from SDG&E's Land Management Department. June 2003 15 2. Restrictions: The following restrictions are listed to aid in the Developer's design of improvements and are not restricted to the items noted. 3. Encroachment: Crossing an electric transmission underground trench line or manhole with heavy equipment requires prior SDG&E approval. 4. Cover: Minimum required cover over transmission underground is 36" to top of conduit. 5. Fill: Maximum fill allowed over transmission underground is 48" to top of conduit. In some cases, with prior SDG&E approval, minimal additional fill may be allowed for a limited distance. 6. Manholes: No fill is allowed over transmission manholes or handholes. 7. Crossings: All utility crossings should be as close to 90° as possible with an 18" vertical separation. 8. Separation: A minimum of 60" horizontal separation should be maintained. 9. Restrictions: The following are not allowed in an Underground Easement; a. Distribution or Foreign Utilities. b. Distribution or Foreign Utility manholes or padmounts. c. Drainage outlets. d. Drainage culverts. e. Multiple sprinkler crossings. f. Sprinkler heads. g. Permanent structures. 10. Slopes: No fill slopes or cut slopes will be allowed within the Underground Easement. 11. Erosion: No temporary or permanent ponding of water or possible water erosion will be allowed within the Underground Easement. 12. Access: No trees are to be planted within the underground easement. Ground cover will be allowed, but SDG&E vehicle access must be maintained to and along the underground easement. June 2003 16 Approved By: Approved By: Approved By: Approved By: Approved By: D. Korinek Manager Transmission Planning W.V. Torre, Manager Transmission Engineering iH.Wight, Marfager ructural Engineering CK anoVRights Acquisition & Land Management ^ ErDino Diraruzim/Wanage OperatiouI&^HvlaintenanQe Services June 2003 17 APPENDIX PAD A PAD D RIGHT OF WAY BOUNDARY MAINTENANCE/CONSTRUCTION PAD 25 FT. BY 100 FT. (TYP. 6 PER STRUCTURE) MAXIMUM SLOPE LESS THAN 3X OR NATURAL TERRAIN ACCESS ROADS TO ALL PADS PAD B R GHT OF WAY BOUNDARY MAINTENANCE PAD REQUIREMENTS (IF CONCRETE OR ASPHALT USE HS20 DESIGN) WORKING SPACE 20 FT. MINIMUM MAXIMUM SLOPE - 3% OR NATURAL TERRAIN NO OBSTRUCTIONS ALLOWED WORKING SPACE NOTE: \ 1. SUPERSEDES DWG. # TA3604.01 ORIGINAL WDF amor CONSTORACH CHANGS OWN APPT APPT OAT* ff SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING MISC. DETAILS MAINTENANCE <fr WORKING PADS LATTICE TOWERS GUIDE FOR ENCROACHMENT SCAU: NONX SOXBT 1 OF S 11860-01 June 2003 PAD A PAD D MAINTENANCE/CONSTRUCTION PAD 25 FT. BY 100 FT. (TYP. 6 PER STRUCTURE) MAXIMUM SLOPE LESS THAN 355 OR NATURAL TERRAIN ACCESS ROADS TO ALL PADS RIGHT OF WAY BOUNDARY I I I MAINTENANCE PAD REQUIREMENTS (IF CONCRETE OR ASPHALT USE HS20 DESIGN) WORKING SPACE 30 FT. MINIMUM MAXIMUM SLOPE = 3% OR NATURAL TERRAIN NO OBSTRUCTIONS ALLOWED WORKING SPACE NOTE: 1. SUPERSEDES DWG. # TA3604.02 ORIGINAL tar BUKtT aumg mm caa APPT APPT DAT* SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING MISC. DETAILS MAINTENANCE * WORKING PADS TUBULAR STEEL POLES GUIDE FOR ENCROACHMENT SCALS: SONS SHOT z or $11860-02 June 2003 PAD A PAD D RIGHT ^ WAY BOUNDARY r ~ii MAINTENANCE/CONSTRUCTION PAD1 25 FT. BY 100 FT. I (TYP. 6 PER STRUCTURE) I MAXIMUM SLOPE LESS THAN 3X \ =3 OR NATURAL TERRAIN 5 1 ACCESS ROADS TO ALL PADS ' BEL J I PAD Br ~ii ii ii ii i PAD Criiii L Or- PAD EUr nI I n i it i I ! Pl L -I ° PADF I * I J RIGHT OF WAY BOUNDARY MAINTENANCE PAD REQUIREMENTS (IF CONCRETE OR ASPHALT USE HS20 DESIGN) WORKING SPACE 15 FT. MINIMUM ^s MAXIMUM SLOPE - 3X ' OR NATURAL TERRAIN I NO OBSTRUCTIONS ALLOWED I I I I NOTE: V 1. SUPERSEDES DWG. # TA3604.03 O o B A ORIGINAL WF ""/^ foY7 fo/IJS f RXT BVSCIT ggJJJj CSAHCI am caa> APPT APPT turn MISC. DETAILS I*J[&@J£ ^^ DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC MAINTENANCE * WORKING PADS jJMg&E TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING MULTIPLE WOOD POLE STRUCTURES GUIDE FOR ENCROACHMENT SCALI: NONE SBIKT 3 ore naso-03 June 2003 PAD A PADD RIGHT OF WAY BOUNDARY r ~i, MAINTENANCE/CONSTRUCTION PAD1 25 FT. BY 100 FT. I (TYP. 6 PER STRUCTURE) I I MAXIMUM SLOPE LESS THAN 3X 1 3 OR NATURAL TERRAIN 31 ACCESS ROADS TO ALL PADS ' §L J £ PAD Briiii L PAD Criiii L Q PAD E I I I I r> I I I " I I I I I J Q L J PAD F I | 1 1 J RIGHT OF WAY BOUNDARY MAINTENANCE PAD REQUIREMENTS (IF CONCRETE OR ASPHALT USE HS20 DESIGN) WORKING SPACE 10 FT. MINIMUM MAXIMUM SLOPE OR NATURAL TQ NO OBSTRUCTION NOTE: 1. SUPERSEDES B A KIT BUKtT wot WORKING SPACE X^RRAIN 1 Y^) \ JS ALLOWED \ v— / / \ / DWG. # TA3604.04 ORIGINAL **>F ^,l6 foyy ^/l/Ot cetiKt aim can uvr tm DAT* MISC DETAILS ®M$SE SA^ DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC MAINTENANCE Jt WORKING PADS iS^^ TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING SINGLE WOOD POLS STRUCTURES GUIDE FOR ENCROACHMENT SCAU: NOUS sam 4 ore 1 1860-04 June 2003 4/ PAD__A_ MAINTENANCE/CONSTRUCTION PAD 1 50 FT. BY 100 FT. I (TYP. 4 PER STRUCTURE) I MAXIMUM SLOPE LESS THAN 3X OR NATURAL TERRAIN ACCESS ROADS TO ALL PADS T PAD B RIGHT OF WAY BOUNDARY ~l I ACCESS ROADS TO ALL PADS I I PAD C 8 PAD D 8 I 1 I RIGHT OF WAY BOUNDARY MAINTENANCE PAD REQUIREMENTS (IF CONCRETE OR ASPHALT USE HS20 DESIGN) WORKING SPACE 20 FT. MINIMUM MAXIMUM SLOPE - 3X OR NATURAL TERRAIN NO OBSTRUCTIONS ALLOWED WORKING SPACE NOTES: 1. SUPERSEDES DWG. # TA3604.05 ORIGINAL WOF amen CONST OKDMR CSAHCI own com AfPT APPY DATt ^ SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING MISC. DETAILS MAINTENANCE A WORKING PADS 500KV LATTICE TOWERS GUIDE FOR ENCROACHMENT SCALS: NOUS setn s OF 8 11860-05 June 2003 PAD_A_ PAD D MAINTENANCE/CONSTRUCTION PAD 1 65 FT. BY 100 FT. (TYP. 6 PER STRUCTURE) I MAXIMUM SLOPE LESS THAN ZX \ OR NATURAL TERRAIN ACCESS ROADS TO ALL PADS RIGHT OF WAY BOUNDARY ~l I ACCESS ROADS TO ALL PADS PAD B I I "8 r PAD E~i i i PAD F I "8 I ___L I RIGHT OF WAY BOUNDARY MAINTENANCE PAD REQUIREMENTS (IF CONCRETE OR ASPHALT USE HS20 DESIGN) WORKING SPACE 30 FT. MINIMUM MAXIMUM SLOPE - 3X OR NATURAL TERRAIN NO OBSTRUCTIONS ALLOWED WORKING SPACE NOTE: 1. SUPERSEDES DWG. # TA3604.06 ORIGINAL WDF Bvaar CONST CSAHCg OPT aa* SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING MISC. DETAILS MAINTENANCE * WORKING PADS 500KV TUBULAR STEEL POLES GUIDE FOR ENCROACHMENT SCALX: ffONS SHfXT 6 Of 11860-06 June 2003 43 R/W EDGE H —\ •**— * •£--* \ \ i ~~--^-:*-*=:^^ 8 150' 150' , ...._..„„-' O I—I \ " I—I SEE" NOTE 3-1 ^ r- i(J_ | | * | | 1 1 V SEE NOTE 1 § R/W EDGE NOTES: \SEE NOTE 2- — | | "I , 8 1. FENCES CROSSING THE TRANSMISSION LINE AT AN ANGLE GREATER THAN 30', ONE GROUND SHALL BE INSTALLED WHERE THEY ENTER & EXIT THE RIGHT- OF- WAY. 2. METALLIC STRUCTURES WITHIN 200 FEET OF THE EDGE OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE GROUNDED. 3. FENCES WITHIN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY WILL BE GROUNDED AT 150 FOOT INTERVALS & WHERE THEY ENTER & EXIT THE RIGHT-OF-WAY. 4. FENCES WITHIN 200 FEET OF THE EDGE OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY CROSSING AT AN ANGLE OF LESS THAN 30* OR PARALLEL TO THE TRANSMISSION LINE SHALL BE GROUNDED AT 1250 FOOT INTERVALS. 5. SUPERSEDES DWG. # TA2501 B A or Bmar <™g ORIGINAL CSANU QnSS SAN DIEGO GAS * ELECTRIC SJ^fe TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING SCALf: SBXBT WF ^ct»rr ML ttWlf CBSD APPT APPT OATX GROUNDING GROUNDING REQUIREMENTS NONS , or 4 H8tti-ot June 2003 DETAIL A NOTE: BOLT. 1/4* x 1* STAINLESS STEEL NUT. 1/4" STAINLESS STEEL WASHER. BELLEVILLE. 1/4" STAINLESS STEEL WASHER. FIAT. 1/4" STAINLESS STEEL WIRE. 1/4*. 3 STR. GALVANIZED STEEL CONNECTOR. BURNDY CAT. NO. KSU 22 OR EQUIVALENT CUP. WIRE CLAMP, GROUND ROD, 5/8* BURNDY CAT. NO. GKP 635 OR EQUIV. GROUND ROD. 5/8* x 8' COPPERWELD 1. GROUND ROD TO BE INSTALLED 8" MIN. BELOW GRADE. 2. SUPERSEDES DWG. # TA2502 ORIGINAL VtOF '61 BUDGET CONSToauat caumg VWK APPT APPT oar SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING GROUNDING METALLIC STRUCTURES (TYPICAL) SCALS: NONX SBMT i Of 4 11861-02 June 2003 ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 BILL OF MATERIALS DESCRIPTION WIRE. 1/4" 3 SIR. GALVANIZED STEEL FENCE STAPLE. 1 1/4" GALVANIZED CONNECTOR, BURNDY TYPE KSU OR EQUIV.. SIZE TO FIT CLAMP, GROUND ROD, 5/8" BURNDY CAT. NO. GKP 635 OREQUIV. GROUND ROD, 5/8" x 8' COPPERWELD NOTE: 1. SUSP. DWG. # TA2503 ORIGINAL axr BUKIT CONST ORDXR aim APPT APPT OAT* SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING GROUNDING GATES * FENCES SCALE: NOffX SSSXT 3 OF 4 11861-03 June 2003 10 -SEE DETAIL A FORM LOOP IN WIREELECTRIC FENCE GATE GRIP CONNECTOR BURNDY TYPE KSU OR EQUIV. SIZE TO FIT TYPICAL ELECTRIFIED WIRE FENCE EXISTING WOOD FENCE POST 1/4" 3 STR. GALV. STEEL WIRE ^-ELECTRIC FILTER 6' STEEL POST DETAIL A NOTES: 1. 6' STEEL POST SHALL BE INSTALLED AS CLOSE TO EXISTING POST AS POSSIBLE. STEEL POST SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED. IF EXISTING FENCE POST IS STEEL 2. ELECTRIC FILTER SHALL BE AS FURNISHED BY SYNDYNE CORP. 2001 ROOSEVELT AVE.. VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON 98660. 3. SUPERSEDES DWG. # TA2504 ORIGINAL WDF BUDGIT CONSTOXDXS CHANGS APPT APT?OAT* SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING GROUNDING ELECTRIC FENCES SCALE: KOllS SBSBT 4 OF 4 11861-04 June 2003 11 47 3' H' 3* BERM WIN. 2' / 2' MIN. COVER MIN. / BERM --" ~~v T MIN. _L •>• \ , MIN.. X CMP — — \y\ ~~_~ vtta r~r~r~rd^~ T "°CK SLOPE PROTECTION -/ ^ Vl P.P E»ST- GROUND-/ <« DE™L "A">RIP RAP TYPICAL CULVERT INSTALLATION fS^iF 1 " i r (LIX i 1 -I- n w (j^j^g J FILL SLOPE y Wa-nrQ DETAIL "A"nVIM? ROCK SLOPE PROTECTION 1. * - 60% OF STONES SHALL BE STONE SIZE OR LARGER. 30 % OF STONES MAY BE LESS THAN 1/5 STONE SIZE. 2. SUPERSEDES DWG. # TA2459 B A ORIGINAL m amen ^g caue* owe 18" 3.5' 2.0' 24" 4.5' 2.5' 36" 5.0' 3.0' 48" 8.0' 3.0' 60" 11.0' 3.0' **** . f~ Ix H "~T MIN. H 1.0' 1.0' 1.5' 2.0' 3.0' FL SLP 5% 10% 15% 20% STONE* SIZE NONE 1.5' 2.5' 3.0' T — 2.0' 4.0' 5.0' VYDF i am CHD JfPT APPV ' ^/^ OAT* enG* SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC ACCESS ROAD DETAILS gjgLrfg TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING CULVERTS scut: mm SOOT 1 or to 11862-01 June 2003 12 DRILL & TAP TC FOR 1/2" x 1 1/2" -\* BOLT \^ V4-4 FLUME -v I ^X) 1 1/2" PIPE STAKE —^ 6' LONG EACH SIDE OF FLUME FLATTEN / OR POINT-7 M /-FLANGE COLLAR / OF 2" PIPE ,3 1/2. ^ I / /MiN. GALV IN WELD ilr4-^-" I1-"2' £ 4 -cup BMa<ETA r BA. i_ . (, ,\, /., >j/ 1 ^ ^-4-1 1/2" «ICHOR DETAIL ,„ 1 1/2" 5/16" GA IN 3/8" > SLOTTED ROAD SURFACE TApERD) |NL£T \ /V/ /X(/'V 4^ ANCHOR ^ CORRUGATED METAI FLUME 0.064 GALV. NOTE: 1. SUPERSEDES DV B A or amor f™g 2x1/4 2._., 1/2. 3' -j —CO I 1— n" ^I'lvVt0 .__ _/sl =i / iJ / b^: 0.109 THICK-^ GALV. TAPER ^__jtz°^-— hl^H 0.109 THIC 1 T ,^-GALV. oUL FLATTENED RRUGATIONS J' X KHEAD sug^/^xLV. M. B.y |H ^0.064 THICK GALV.t r i-H HOLES 11 1/2" TAPERED INLET SCv 5/16" ^ 3/4" SLOTTED / >C\ HOLES FOR GALV. BOLTS / /\>C ^^X / /V>S. 1- ALL METAL PARTS TO BE GALVANIZED " SLOPE ^xlfcCN AFTER FABRICATION. X ANCHOR ELEV. TAPERED INLET & DOWNDRAIN FLUME VG. # TA2460 ORIGINAL coma ®fiGs° SAN DIEGO GAS * ELECTRIC ijjjj^£ TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING SCALE: KOBE saesr z OF i WDF ^^-$VP letf aim coo avr APPT ACCESS ROAD DETAILS DOWN DRAINS 0 1 1862-02 rfftA, All* June 2003 13 FILL SLOPE 10' MIN. PLAN VIEW ROAD SURFACE FILTER BLANKET ELEVATION NOTES: 1. D = DIAMETER 2. TYPE OF RIP RAP A. REGULAR QUARRY STONE B. BROKEN CONCRETE 3. PLACEMENT A. MIN. DEPTH 1 1/2 TIMES AVERAGE STONE SIZE. B. ROCKS SHALL BE PLACED SO AS TO PROVIDE A MIN.OF VOIDS. C. SURFACE ROCKS OR CONCRETE , SHALL PROTRUDE TO AT LEAST 1/2 THEIR VERTICAL DIMENSION. D. RIP RAP SHALL BE PLACED OVER A FILTER BLANKET WHICH MAYBE EITHER GRANNULAR MATERIAL OR FILTER CLOTH. SUPERSEDES DWG. # TA24-61 ORIGINAL WDF BVVCMT CONST OKDtR CHtm*GHXD AfPT JUPFT IDAT* SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING ACCESS ROAD DETAILS ENERGY DISSIPATOR SCALS: NOUS SHSST 3 Of tO 11862-03 June 2003 14 DOWNHILL SLOPE SIDE. PLAN VIEW DESIGN GRADE LINE PROFILE TYPICAL WATER BAR NOTE: 1. THE RIDGE OF EACH WATER BAR IS TO BE MAINTAINED AT AN ELEVATION AT LEAST 4" ABOVE THE ADJACENT DEPRESSION. 2. SUPERSEDES DWG. # TA2462 ORIGINAL WDF T DAT*MtmetT CONSTOKDMK courcv Dim can APPT avr SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING ACCESS ROAD DETAILS WATER BARS SCUJt: NONE SBSST 4 OF fO 11862-04 June 2003 15 57 3'14' MIN. WIDTH DITCH CROSS SLOPE .- m .. _ DITCH J EXIST. GRADE 1* TYP. TYPICAL FLAT SECTION 20% MAX. EXIST. GRADE CROSS SLOPE NOTE: 1. SEE DWG. 11862-10 FOR CROSS SLOPE 2. SUPERSEDES DWG. # 10232-01 ORICOfJU.hyr BODGtT CONST OROIK COAlfCf own cats twt APPT OATt SAN DIEQO GAS A ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING ACCESS ROAD DETAILS TYPICAL ROAD CROSS SECTION SCALX: NONX SBtXT 6 Of 10 11862-05 June 2003 16 3'14' MIN. WIDTH BERM _L CROSS SLOPE BERM -SCARIFY SURFACE PRIOR TO PLACING ANY FILL EXIST. GRADE TYPICAL FULL FILL SECTION 40% MAX. EXIST. GRADE CROSS SLOPE NOTE: 1. SEE DWG. 11862-10 FOR CROSS SLOPE 2. SUPERSEDES DWG. # 10232-02 OSIGIlfAL CONSTotam conn*aim APfT jurr SAN DIEGO GAS A ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING ACCESS ROAD DETAILS TYPICAL ROAD CROSS SECTION SCALE: NONX SHXIT 8 or 10 11862-06 June 2003 17 CROSS SLOPE 0% - 40% 40% - 60% "A" MIN. 7' 10' "B" MIN. 7' 4' 14' MIN. 1/2 3' BERM ^ "B" MAX."A" MIN. _, -— - "CROSS SLOPE . 3' ^- I 1' TYP. EXIST. GRADE TYPICAL CUT-FILL SECTION 0-60% EXIST. GRADE CROSS SLOPE NOTE: 1. CUT SLOPES MAY BE 1/2:1 IN SOLID ROCK. 2. SEE DWG. 11862-10 FOR CROSS SLOPE 3. SUPERSEDES DWG. # 10232-03 ORIGINAL WDF amor CONST OKDBt CBKD APfT JffT OATS SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING ACCESS ROAD DETAILS TYPICAL ROAD CROSS SECTION SCAU: NONE SBXBT 7 OF 10 11862-07 June 2003 18 2'14' MIN. WIDTH 3' MIN. 03= ' ^, --" ^~ EXIST. GRADE CROSS SLOPE . DITCH^ I -1* TYP. TYPICAL CUT-FILL SECTION 60-80% EXIST. GRADE CROSS SLOPE NOTE: 1. CUT SLOPES MAY BE 1/2:1 IN SOLID ROCK. 2. SEE DWG. 11862-10 FOR CROSS SLOPE 3. EXCESS SOIL MAY BE SIDE CAST EXCEPT AS NOTED. 4. SUPERSEDES DWG. # 10232-04 B A KIT BUVCIT CONSTORDtS ORIGINAL CBAHCt Cflffe SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRICSjj^^ TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING WDF DM tfP' coo <&> APPT &YT APFT (ofaji, iun ACCESS ROAD DETAILS TYPICAL ROAD CROSS SECTION SCAU: NONE SBSBT 8 OF 10 1 1862-08 June 2003 19 2' MIN. EXIST. GRADE 14' MIN. WIDTH CROSS SLOPE TYPICAL FULL CUT WITH BENCH SECTION ALL EXIST. GRADE CROSS SLOPES GREATER THAN 80% AND WHERE REQUIRED BY ENGINEER NOTE: 1. CUT SLOPES MAY BE 1/2:1 IN SOLID ROCK. 2. SEE DWG. 11862-10 FOR CROSS SLOPE 3. EXCESS SOIL MAY BE SIDE CAST EXCEPT AS NOTED. 4. SUPERSEDES DWG. # 10232-05 ORIGINAL WDF BVJKST CONSTOJWIR DWH CBD OPT APPT DO* SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING ACCESS ROAD DETAILS TYPICAL ROAD CROSS SECTION SCALS: NOUS SHSST 8 OF 10 11862-09 June 2003 20 ROAD 9. GRADE (PERCENT) 0-4 5-7 8-10 11 - 12 13 - 15 16 - 17 18 - 20 MINIMUM CROSS SLOPE TOWARD CUT BANK (PERCENT) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MINIMUM CROSS SLOPE AWAY FROM CUT BANK (PERCENT) 2 NOTE: 1. SUPERSEDES DWG. # 10232-06 ORIGINAL amen CONSTOMMS court?DWM CHID APPT APPT DAI* SAN DIEGO GAS * ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING ACCESS ROAD DETAILS TYPICAL ROAD CROSS SECTION SCALE: NOffg sessr to or to 11862-10 June 2003 21