HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-12-02; City Council; 19649; North Agua Hedionda Sewer ReplacementCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AB* 19.649 MTG. 12/2/08 DEPT. ENG AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT; AUTHORIZATION FOR EXECUTION OF RATIFICATION OF AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES; AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR NORTH AGUA HEDIONDA INTERCEPTOR SEWER REPLACEMENT PROJECT NO. 3537 "" *"*" \^- DEPT. HEAD P~r^T CITYATTY. (^^ CITY MGR. I U —LA' RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2008-317 accepting bids and awarding construction contract to Vadnais Corporation; authorizing execution of ratification of amendment to extend and amend agreement for engineering and environmental services with Dudek and Associates Inc., and appropriation of additional funds for North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer Replacement, Project No. 3537. ITEM EXPLANATION: Project Background: The North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer (NAHI), constructed in 1965, is a 24-inch diameter vitrified clay pipeline that is approximately 15,500 feet in length and conveys approximately 1.3 million gallons of untreated wastewater per day (average daily flow). The upper end of the alignment begins near the intersection of Cannon Road and El Camino Real and proceeds westerly along the north shoreline of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon to the Foxes Landing Lift Station located just east of Interstate 5. Previous inspections of the NAHI pipeline and manholes revealed the need for rehabilitation of the manholes as well as improving accessibility to the manholes. The rehabilitation design package was separated into two construction contracts to expedite the work on the easterly section of the sewer, which had fewer permit and environmental issues. In 2003, 41 manholes in the easterly section of the NAHI sewer were rehabilitated; the existing pipeline in the easterly section remains in good condition. The rehabilitation project for the western section of the NAHI sewer was originally designed to include the reconstruction of an access road and the construction of a shoreline protection wall for the sewer, along with manhole rehabilitation. Because a significant portion of the westerly section of the sewer is located adjacent to the lagoon and has limited access due to Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Area (ESHA), the California Coastal Commission (CCC) staff opposed this initial project based on the project impacts to the surrounding ESHA. Project Description: City staff continued to work with CCC staff to develop an alternative design that was acceptable to the CCC Board. The design includes the use of mircrotunneling to construct approximately 1,800 lineal feet of new 24" diameter pipeline to avoid impacts to ESHA. Additionally, eight existing manholes will be rehabilitated and approximately 430 lineal feet of pipeline will be constructed by traditional open trench methods in previously disturbed or developed areas. The Project moves the pipeline away from the coastline and reduces the number of manholes to avoid environmental impacts and address the concerns of the CCC staff. The new sewer pipeline is designed for a useful life of 75 years. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Mark Biskup, (760) 602-2763, mbisc(g).ci.carlsbad.ca.us FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION:APPROVED B DENIED D CONTINUED D WITHDRAWN D AMENDED D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN D RETURNED TO STAFF D OTHER-SEE MINUTES D Page 2 On September 9, 2008, through the adoption of Resolution No. 2008-240, the Carlsbad City Council approved plans and specifications and authorized the City Clerk to advertise to receive bids for the North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer Replacement, Project No. 3537. On October 29, 2008, seven (7) sealed bids were received for the construction of this project, which are summarized in the table below: CONTRACTOR 1 . Vadnais Corporation 2. Orion Construction 3. James W. Fowler Company 4. Mlanden Buntich Construction Co. 5. Southern California Pipeline Construction 6. Michael's Pipeline Construction 7. Zondiros Corporation CITY/STATE Vista, CA Escondido, CA Dallas, OR Upland, CA Tustin, CA New Berlin, Wl San Marcos, CA TOTAL $3,616,500 $5,285,000 $5,411,000 $5,545,000 $5,620,000 $6,531,000 $6,730,000 The Engineer's Estimate for this project is $5,300,000. Staff has completed its review of all documents and finds that they are in order. Therefore, staff recommends that Vadnais Corporation be awarded the contract. Environmental and Engineering Services: Through an agreement with the City, Dudek (Dudek) has provided the engineering design and environmental permitting services for this project. City staff and Dudek have negotiated scope and fees for construction related engineering and environmental services through the completion of this project. As the term of said agreement has expired with no available extensions, a ratification of amendment is necessary to amend the scope and fees and extend the contract expiration date. The cost proposal from Dudek and Associates is for time and materials, not-to-exceed $99,500. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: A Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program was prepared for the North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer Replacement Project (EIA 07-01). The project is located within the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Segment Area of Deferred Certification, and therefore, a Coastal Development Permit was approved by the California Coastal Commission on March 18, 2008. No city permits were required for this project; therefore, the MND was approved administratively by the Planning Director on July 19, 2007 in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15074. FISCAL IMPACT: PROJECT COST SUMMARY Engineering Design Services & Staff Overhead Environmental Compliance & Permitting Real Property Acquisition Construction Contract (Vadnais) Construction Contingency (15%) Construction Management/Inspection & Materials Testing Services & Staff Overhead Construction Related Environmental Services & Staff Overhead (Includes $99,500 Dudek Agreement Amendment ) TOTAL ESTIMATED COST TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION REQUIRED $517,500 $470,500 $95,000 $3,616,500 542,500 $482,000 $130,000 $5,854,000 $4,177,751 $1,676,249 z. Page 3 Staff is requesting that an appropriation from the Wastewater Replacement Fund be approved to perform the work. Sufficient funds are available in the Wastewater Replacement Fund to provide for the additional cost of this project. In consideration of the specialized work, staff has determined and recommends that it is in the City's best interest that the contract documents require prevailing wages for each craft or type of worker needed to execute the contract. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map. 2. Resolution No. 2008-317 accepting bids and awarding construction contract to Vadnais Corporation; authorizing execution of ratification of amendment to extend and amend agreement for engineering and environmental services with Dudek and appropriation of additional funds for North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Wastewater Replacement, Project No. 3537. 3. Ratification of Amendment No. 6 to Extend and Amend Agreement for Engineering and Environmental Services. LOCATION MAP OPEN TRENCH . REPLACEMENT Foxes Lift Station NAHI SEWER - REPLACEMENT BY MICROTUNNEL MANHOLE £V REHABILITATIONSo: EXISTING PORTION OF NAHI TO BEABANDONED ^•^XV^^QA! ;:.;.;;::-V. orQ UJ o July 2006 •• NAHI SEWER TUNNEL REPLACEMENT "PROJECT" NAHI SEWER TRENCH REPLACEMENT "PROJECT" NAHI-PORTION TO BE ABANDON ED NAHI PIPELINE (easterly portion) NAHI PIPELINE (westerly portion) PARCEL BOUNDARY PROJECT NAME' NORTH AGUA HEDIONDA"INTERCEPTOR (NAHI) SEWER REPLACEMENT PROJECT # CP 3537 EXHIBIT 1 " fcXHign 2 RESOLUTION NO. 2008-317 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 3 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING THE CONTRACT TO VADNAIS CORPORATION; AUTHORIZING 4 EXECUTION OF RATIFICATION OF AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES WITH DUDEK 5 AND ASSOCIATES, AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR NORTH AGUA HEDIONDA INTERCEPTOR SEWER 6 REPLACEMENT. PROJECT NO. 3537. 7 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, desires to replace a portion 8 of the North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer in conformance with the Sewer Master Plan; and 9 WHEREAS, a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting 10 Program was prepared for the North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer Replacement Project (EIA 11 07-01); and 12 WHEREAS, the project is located within the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Segment Area of 13 Deferred Certification, and therefore, a Coastal Development Permit was approved by the 14 California Coastal Commission on March 18, 2008 and no city permits were required for this 15 project; therefore, the MND was approved administratively by the Planning Director on July 19, 15 2007 in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 17 15074; and 18 WHEREAS, on September 9, 2008, through the adoption of Resolution No. 2008-240, the 19 Carlsbad City Council approved plans and specifications and authorized the City Clerk to advertise 20 to receive bids for North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer Replacement, Project No. 3537; and 21 WHEREAS, seven (7) sealed bids were received on October 29, 2008 by the City of 22 Carlsbad for the construction of said project; and 23 WHEREAS, the lowest responsive and responsible bid to construct said project was 24 submitted by Vadnais Corporation, in the amount of $3,616,500; and 25 WHEREAS, pursuant to City purchasing ordinance section 3.28.130, staff recommends 26 due to the specialized nature of the work, it is in the City's best interest that the contract 27 documents require prevailing wages for each craft or type of worker needed to execute the 28 contract; and 5" 1 WHEREAS, Dudek and Associates, Inc. through an agreement with the City, PWENG 2 487, along with subsequent amendments thereto, has provided engineering design and 3 environmental permitting services to this date, for the Project; and 4 WHEREAS, term of said contract has expired and additional services are necessary for 5 the construction phase of the Project; and 6 WHEREAS, City staff and Dudek have negotiated a scope and fee for additional 7 engineering design and environmental services which are necessary for the construction phase of 8 the Project; with a total amount of said agreement not-to-exceed $99,500 and 9 WHEREAS, City staff recommends approval of Ratification of Amendment No. 6 to 10 Extend and Amend Agreement for Engineering and Environmental Services with Dudek and 11 Associates ; and 12 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, has determined it 13 necessary and in the public interest to approve said amendment; and 14 WHEREAS, funds in the Wastewater Replacement Fund are sufficient for the project; 15 and 16 WHEREAS, an appropriation in the amount of $1,676,249 is needed for completion of 17 the Project. 18 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 19 California, as follows: 20 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 21 2. That the Finance Director is authorized to appropriate $1,676,249 from the 22 Wastewater Replacement Fund to cover the additional cost of the North Agua Hedionda 23 Interceptor Sewer Replacement, Project No. 3537. 24 3. That Ratification of Amendment No. 6 to Extend and Amend Agreement for 25 Engineering and Environmental Services with Dudek for North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer 26 Replacement, Project No. 3537, with a total amount of said agreement not-to-exceed $99,500 and 27 28 1 4. That the bid in the amount of $3,616,500 submitted by Vadnais Corporation, for the 2 construction of North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer Replacement, Project No. 3537, is 3 accepted and the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute a contract with Vadnais Corporation. 4 5. City Council has determined that it is in the City's best interest and requires that the 5 Vadnais Corporation shall not pay less than the prevailing wages in compliance with prevailing 6 wage requirements of Labor Code Section 1770 et seq., for each craft and worker needed to 7 complete the contract. 6. The City Manager is hereby authorized to approve construction change orders up to $542,500. 7. That the award of this contract is contingent upon the bidder submitting the lowest .. responsible bid executing the required contract and submitting the required bonds and insurance policies, as described in the contract, within twenty (20) days of adoption of this resolution. The City Manager may grant reasonable extensions of time.\ o 14 '" 15 '" 16 '" 17 '" 18 19 '" 20 '" 21 '" 22 '" 23 24 //' 25 /'/ 26 27 28 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 2— day of December. 2008, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Hall, Packard and Nygaard. NOES: None. ABSENT: Council Member Kulchin. CLAUDE A LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk' (SEAL) PWENG487 RATIFICATION OF AMENDMENT NO.6 TO EXTEND AND AMEND AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (DUDEK AND ASSOCIATES, INC) This Ratification of Amendment No. 6 is entered into as of the _ day of fo-tAJtsYdjLth^ _ , 200 J[_, but effective as of the 3rd day of October, 2008, extending and amending the agreement dated October 3, 2005 (the "Agreement") by and between the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation, ("City"), and DUDEK AND ASSOCIATES, INC, a California corporation, ("Contractor") (collectively, the "Parties"). RECITALS A. On December 21, 2005, the Parties executed Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement, amending services to provide additional engineering tasks; and B. On October 19, 2006, the Parties executed Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement, extending the contract term by one (1) year, ending on October 3, 2007 and amending services to provide additional engineering tasks, including micro-tunneling design; and C. On January 26, 2007, the Parties executed Amendment No. 3 to the Agreement, to provide additional environmental services which included preparation of a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the micro-tunneling design; and E. On November 15, 2007, the Parties executed Amendment No. 4 to the Agreement, extending the contract term by one (1) year, ending on October 3, 2008. F. On April 25, 2008, the Parties executed Amendment No. 5 to the Agreement, alter the Agreement's scope of work to include services related to final completion of plans and bid phase support. G. The Agreement, as amended from time to time expired on October 3, 2008 and Contractor continued to work on the services specified therein without the benefit of an agreement. D. The Parties desire to alter the scope of work of the Agreement to include construction related environmental and engineering services; and E. The Parties desire to extend the Agreement for a period of one (1 ) year. F. The Parties have negotiated and agreed to a supplemental scope of work and fee schedule, which is attached to and incorporated in by this reference as Exhibit "A", Scope of Services and Fee. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Contractor agree as follows: 1 . The retroactive extension and amendment of the Agreement is ratified. City Attorney Approved Version #05.22.. 01 2. In addition to those services contained in the Agreement, as may have been amended from time to time, Contractor will provide those services described in Exhibit "A". 3. City will pay Contractor for all work associated with those services described in Exhibit "A" on a time and materials basis not-to-exceed ninety nine thousand five hundred dollars ($99,500). 4. Contractor will complete all work described in Exhibit "A" by October 3, 2009. 5. All other provisions of the Agreement, as may have been amended from time to time, will remain in full force and effect. 6. All requisite insurance policies to be maintained by the Contractor pursuant to the Agreement, as may have been amended from time to time, will include coverage for this Amendment. City Attorney Approved Version #05.22..01 7. The individuals executing this Amendment and the instruments referenced in it on behalf of Contractor each represent and warrant that they have the legal power, right and actual authority to bind Contractor to the terms and conditions of this amendment. CONTRACTOR DUDEK AND ASSOCIATES, INC, a California corporation, *By: iere) Dudek Frank Dudek (print name/title) President CARLSBAD, a municipal if th« State of Califoprfia? rw \tf City~lvlinadjer or MSyor ATTEST: (e-mail address) **By: LORRAHNE M. WOOD City Clerk s^^0\A^v.'jaMt\ // U (print name/title) (e-mail address) If required by City, proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by contractor must be attached. If a Corporation. Agreement must be signed by one corporate officer from each of the following two groups. "Group A. Chairman, President, or Vice-President **Group B. Secretary, Assistant Secretary, CFO or Assistant Treasurer Otherwise, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering the officer(s) signing to bind the corporation. APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney ' ' Deputy City Attorne City Attorney Approved Version #05.22..01 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of On VU ' 2-f .2£Q% before me, Date personally appeared Here Insert Name and Title l the Officer Name(s) of Signer(s) J. SKEENS I Commiwlon # 1730144 f Notary Public - California * Son CN«go County 5 ^ConmBqoliB»Apr7.201l t Place Notary Seal Above who proved to rae on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s)_)/vhose namefsptsj^ subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged—to me that 4^e/shMhe^executed the same ipJai^hef/ttW authorized capacity^!, and that byH^s/hef^theiPsignature^bn the instrument the persor^) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(js)^acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature. OPTIONAL - Signature of Notary Public Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: A^Document Date: _ Oir>"fo Number of Pages:12- Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: D Individual •& Corporate Officer — Title(s): TrlS ^ D Partner — D Limited D General D Attorney in Fact D Trustee D Guardian or Conservator D Other: _ Signer Is Representing: RIGHT THUMBPRINT OF SIGNER Top of thumb here Signer's D Individual [^Corporate Officer — Title(s): D Partner — D Limited D General D Attorney in Fact D Trustee D Guardian or Conservator D Other: RIGHT THUMBPRINT OF SIGNER Top of thumb here Signer Is Representing: ® 2007 National Notary Association • 9350 De Soto Ave., P.O. Box 2402 • Chatsworth, CA 91313-2402 • www.NationalNotary.org Item #5907 Reorder: Call Toil-Free 1 -800-876-6827 D U D E K EXHIBIT "A" MAIN OFFICE «05 THIRD STREET ENC1NITAS. CALIFORNIA 92024 T 7&0.942.5I47 T 800.450.1818 f 760,632,0164 October 14,2008 208000-30010 Mr. Mark Biskup City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer Proposal for Construction-Related Environmental & Engineering Services Dear Mr. Biskup: Dudek has assisted the City of Carlsbad (City) in the development, design, and permitting of the North Agua Hedionda Interceptor (NAHI) Sewer since 1998. The project is currently scheduled for construction from fall 2008 through spring 2009. Due to the unique nature of the construction methods and multiple environmental permits associated with project, we have prepared a scope of work and cost estimate to provide support to the City during the project construction. The following scope of work identifies the various tasks associated with services during construction. SCOPE OF WORK Task 1. As-needed Environmental Permitting Services The City has already identified one potential deviation from the project description in the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) (Dudek 2007) and the Coastal Development Permit (CDP). The potential deviation is related to the access route for construction. There is the potential for other deviations to occur during the bidding and construction process. Dudek environmental staff will be available on an as-needed basis to assess and document biological conditions and requirements for documentation and disclosure pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), California Coastal Act, state and federal Endangered Species Acts, federal Clean Water Act, and state Fish and Game Code. Work under this task will be conducted following written approval from the City of the task scope. The cost estimate represents appropriately 80 staff hours, which would generally provide for assessment and documentation of three minor project changes not resulting in new significant impacts. Estimated Cost for Task 1 $10,000.00 WWW.DUDEK.COM Mr. MarkBiskup Subject: North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer Proposal for Construction-Related Environmental Services Task 2. Environmental Compliance Monitoring Task 2.1 Initial Biological Assessment and Post-Construction Survey The pending CDP for the project will include a requirement for a post-construction evaluation of habitat impacts. In order to most accurately assess impacts resulting from construction, Dudek recommends conducting a biological assessment immediately preceding work activities to accurately establish baseline conditions. Dudek will provide a qualified biologist to conduct the initial biological assessment. A GPS unit will be used to delimit the extent of each vegetation community on site. This will enable Dudek to conduct a post-construction survey as required by the CDP, 90 days following the completion of construction. This survey will determine the extent of impacts to the vegetation communities on site. The results of the pre- and post- construction surveys will be documented in a brief report of survey methods, relevant construction observations, and final impacts assessment with appropriate graphics. A draft report will be prepared for review by City staff prior to submittal of the final report to the City. The City will be responsible for providing the report to the California Coastal Commission (CCC). This scope does not include response to comments from CCC or subsequent revisions of the report. Estimated Cost for Task 2.1 $7,000.00 Task 2.2: Biological Resources Compliance Monitoring Task 2.2a Construction Monitoring Dudek will provide a qualified biologist to monitor construction of the proposed project in accordance with documents prepared and approved pursuant to CEQA, as required by the project MND, the California Coastal Act, and the pending CDP. Dudek will make the City aware and will document any potential conflicts with other environmental regulations, including state and federal Endangered Species Acts, federal Clean Water Act, and state Fish and Game Code. Daily biological monitoring is required when work is to occur in areas within or adjacent to sensitive habitat. For the purposes of this scope of work, Dudek assumes that construction adjacent to the north shore of Agua Hedionda lagoon will commence October 1, 2008, and will end February 1, 2009. Dudek assumes that construction personnel will be on site from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, for a period of four months (17 weeks). r%iir%ctr 208000-30010 11VIM K It 2 October 2008 Mr. MarkBiskup Subject: North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer Proposal for Construction-Related Environmental Services Dudek is aware that project construction may extend beyond this period. Monitoring of construction beyond this period would require approval of an amended scope of work and cost estimate. Dudek staff will be present: • at the pre-construction meeting and be ready to discuss environmental restrictions • during any vegetation clearing or excavation • for the remainder of the construction period, Dudek staff will be present on average twice a week for approximately two hours, including attendance at one weekly construction meeting, to ensure compliance with environmental regulations. If additional monitoring days are required beyond what is indicated, they will be performed for an additional fee based on an approved amended scope. Estimated Cost for Task 2.2a $25,500.00 Task 2.2b Weekly Observation Reports Each field visit will be documented and summarized in an observation report to be submitted to the City for review at the end of each week throughout the course of construction. Site conditions will be noted along with any concerns/issues and action items. Photographs will be included to document the construction progress and site conditions, where necessary. Estimated Cost for Task 2.2b $4,500.00 Task 2.2c: Project Management This work item involves overall project management and as-needed support throughout the four- month biological monitoring period. For budgeting purposes, Dudek assumes up to 34 hours (i.e., 2 hours per week) will be needed for project management, including conference calls, phone calls, e-mail correspondence, and fax transmissions between Dudek, the City, and the Contractor(s). This scope of work does not include communications with the resource agencies. If such communication or coordination is necessary, approval of an amended scope of work and cost estimate will be required. Estimated Cost for Task 2.2c $5,500.00 208000-3001 o October 2008 Mr. MarkBiskup Subject: North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer Proposal for Construction-Related Environmental Services Exclusions: The scope of work does not include monitoring of construction during the California gnatcatcher or shore bird breeding seasons (February 15 to August 30, annually). Additional biological and noise monitoring would be required during this period, and an amended scope of work and cost estimate will be provided if construction is expected to extend into this period. This scope of work does not include any formal consultations or permitting with resource agencies or preparation of restoration plans for any impacts to native habitats. If these services are required, an amended scope of work and cost estimate will be provided. Task 2.3 Cultural Resources Compliance Monitoring Task 2.3a Phase 2 Significance Evaluation Testing The cultural resources survey conducted for the NAHI Sewer Project (Gallegos and Associates 2007) identified two archaeological resources within the project impact area: previously recorded CA-SDI-13701 and newly recorded NAHI-S-1. The survey recommended testing of both sites to determine site significance. CA-SDI-13701 is described as a habitation site consisting of shell fragments, ground stone artifacts (i.e., manos used for the processing of hard seeds), and chipped stone tools. The cultural materials are scattered over a 3OO-by-450-meter (984-by-1476-foot) area along the north shoreline of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Two different areas of the site were identified as not significant in the mid-1990s. In 2003 a testing program for the Carlsbad Sewer Line Project consisting of 11 shovel test pits determined that the portion of CA-SDI-13701 along the southern site boundary was also not significant (Gallegos and Associates 2003). The sewer line within the CA-SDI-13701 site boundary will be installed using micro-tunneling methods. Therefore, no conventional open trenching will be conducted within the site boundary. However, a backhoe will be used to excavate the eastern micro-tunnel pit while an auger will be used to excavate the central micro-tunnel pit/hinge manhole. NAHI-S-1 is described as four artifacts scattered over a 10-by-20-meter (33-by-66-foot) area. The artifacts consist of two battered implements and two ground stone tools. Even though the sewer line within the NAHI-S-1 site boundary will be installed using micro-tunneling methods and no conventional open trenching will be conducted within the site boundary, the significance of NAHI-S-1 has not been determined. DUDEK 208000-30010 October 2008 Mr. MarkBiskup Subject: North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer Proposal for Construction-Related Environmental Services The Phase 2 Significance Evaluation Testing at CA-SDI-13701 will consist of the hand excavation of two l-by-0.5-meter (3-by-l.5-foot) units. The units will be placed in the location of the central and eastern micro-tunnel pits. Evaluation testing at NAHI-S-1 will consist of the hand excavation of one l-by-0.5-meter (3-by-l.5-foot) unit. Due to the lack of artifacts and absence of features (i.e., hearths), the units will be excavated in 20-centimeter (8-inch) levels. Based on the shovel test pits excavated along the southern CA- SDI-13701 site boundary in 2003, the units will be excavated to a depth of approximately 60 centimeters (24 inches). Soil will be screened on site through one 8-inch mesh screen. Results of unit excavations will be documented on standard forms which include provenience information, sediment description, termination depth, and general observations. Unit wall profiles will be inspected and representative profiles will be drawn and photographed. After excavation of a unit is complete, the unit will be backfilled. Dudek will retain a Native American representative as an observer during all excavations. Recovered material will be sorted by material category (i.e., vertebrate remains, invertebrate remains, stone tool waste flakes), and any tools (i.e., projectile points, bone tools, modified flake tools) or formed artifacts (i.e., shell beads) will be cataloged separately. In order to confirm the dating of the prehistoric occupation, up to two radiocarbon dates will be collected from each site if suitable organic material is recovered from reliable stratigraphic contexts. Following analysis, all of the cultural materials will be curated at the San Diego Archaeological Center. A Phase 2 Significance Evaluation Testing report will document the final results of the excavations and laboratory activities. It will include all necessary artifact photographs, excavation unit profiles, tabulated data, and artifact catalog. The Phase 2 report will also address the significance of CA-SDI-13701 and NAHI-S-1. If the sites are determined to be significant, mitigation could require an additional data recovery program. If required, the Phase 2 report will discuss an appropriate sampling strategy for the data recovery program so that information important in addressing regional research questions will not be lost through impacts. Technical Assumptions: • Dudek is not responsible for project delays caused by weather, the very unlikely discovery of human remains, or other events or actions that are beyond the control of Dudek • This scope of work does not include a data recovery program. If these services are required, an amended scope of work and cost estimate will be provided. n 1 11"! IS MT 208000-30010|J \f U C 1% 5 October 2008 11 Mr. Mark Biskup Subject: North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer Proposal for Construction-Related Environmental Services • Based on the cultural resources survey conducted for the NAHI Sewer Project (Gallegos and Associates 2007), two Native American representatives will be on site to observe all excavations. Estimated Cost for Task 2.3a $19,750.00 Task 2.3b: Cultural Resources Construction Monitoring The NAHI project MND identified the need to monitor construction activities within the CA- SDI-13701 site boundaries in order to identify any buried cultural materials. Dudek will provide a qualified archaeologist and Native American observer to monitor all earth disturbances, including vegetation removal, associated with the excavation of the central and eastern micro-tunnel pits within the southern portion of CA-SDI-13701 to ensure that any unanticipated discoveries are adequately recorded, evaluated, and, if significant, mitigated. A backhoe will be used to excavate the approximately 10-by-3 0-foot eastern micro-tunnel pit to a depth of approximately 10 feet while an auger will be used to excavate the central micro-tunnel pit/hinge manhole. The qualified archaeologist and Native American observer will attend a preconstruction meeting along with the City, CM, Contractor supervisors, and heavy equipment operators to ensure that all parties understand the construction monitoring program and their respective roles and responsibilities. Daily cultural resources construction monitoring will be documented on appropriate forms. The qualified archaeologist and Native American observer will have the authority to temporarily halt or redirect construction in the vicinity of any potentially significant discovery to allow for adequate recordation, evaluation, and mitigation. The qualified archeologist will contact the CM and City of any unanticipated discoveries. An unanticipated discovery will be identified as a small cultural resource deposit if the discovery: • is limited in size (length and depth) • is limited in information value • lacks unique features and/or artifacts. Small cultural resource deposits will be briefly described and photographed. Mitigation of a significant unanticipated discovery could require additional data recovery. n 1 IIIE M 208000-30010MM MB It 6 October 2008 Mr. Mark Biskup Subject: North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer Proposal for Construction-Related Environmental Services In the unlikely event that human remains are encountered, the qualified archaeologist will contact the CM, City, and the San Diego County Coroner. Work will be stopped immediately in the location of the human remains. Consultation with the most likely Native American descendant pursuant to Public Resources Code sections 5097.97 and 5097.98 will occur. Results, analysis, and conclusions of the construction monitoring program will be documented in a final report within 90 days after completion of all project construction activities within the southern portion of CA-SDI-13701. Technical Assumptions: • Dudek is not responsible for project delays caused by weather, the very unlikely discovery of human remains, or other events or actions that are beyond the control of Dudek. • Only one preconstruction meeting will be attended by the qualified archaeologist and Native American observers. The preconstruction meeting will occur the first day the qualified archaeologist and Native American observers are needed on site. • Based on the cultural resources survey conducted for the NAHI Sewer Project (Gallegos and Associates 2007), two Native American observers will be on site to monitor all earth disturbances, including vegetation removal, associated with the excavation of the central and eastern micro-tunnel pits. • A qualified archaeologist and Native American observers will be on site for two separate, two-day periods, from 7:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. • If additional monitoring days are required beyond what is indicated, they will be performed for an additional fee. • Only a minimal amount of cultural material will be collected and curated. Estimated Cost for Task 2.3b $16,250.00 Task 3. Engineering Support Services Dudek engineering support services during construction will be provided to the City on an as-needed or as-requested basis. Anticipated services include: • Attendance at a pre-construction meeting and one meeting at the conclusion of construction • Submittal reviews (estimated at ten) • Responses to Requests for Information/Requests for Comments (estimated at ten) • Periodic construction observation by engineering members of the Design Team DUDEK 208000-30010 October 2008 Mr. Mark Biskup Subject: North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer Proposal for Construction-Related Environmental Services • Attendance of construction progress meetings as required • Preparation of record drawings. It is further assumed that City will provide a Construction Manager (CM) and inspectors who will be the primary point of contact with the Contractor, and that the City's CM will forward requests for clarification and submittals to Dudek for distribution and response by the Design Team. Responses will be returned to the City's CM. Because the additional labor and expenses associated with these and similar uncontrollable circumstances cannot be accurately estimated, the actual level of effort may be lower or greater than what is proposed. Dudek will provide any services in excess of the proposed fee on a time- and-materials basis as authorized by the City. Specialized construction inspection support by Jacobs Associates during microtunneling construction is not included within this scope of work, but can be provided as an addendum or separate contract. .$9,500.00Estimated Cost for Task 3. FEE PROPOSAL Tasks will be billed on a time-and-materials, not-to-exceed basis, in accordance with Dudek's 2008 Standard Schedule of Charges. Table 1 itemizes the proposed fee for each task. Table 1 Proposed Cost Estimate Task Description Task 1 As-Needed Environmental Permitting Services Task 2 Environmental Compliance Monitoring 2.1 Initial Biological Assessment and Post-Construction Survey 2.2 Biological Resources Compliance Monitoring 2.3 Cultural Resources Compliance Monitoring Task 3 Engineering Support Services Direct Labor Total Indirect Costs Total Contract Total Estimated Cost $10,000 $7,000 $35,500 $36,000 $9,500 $98,000 $1,500 $99,500 DUDE1C 208000-30010 October 2008 Mr. MarkBiskup Subject: North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer Proposal for Construction-Related Environmental Services Reimbursable indirect costs such as copies, shipping, mileage, etc will be billed at cost plus 10%. Based on our assessment of the expanded scope of services, Dudek proposes to perform the environmental and engineering services outlined herein on a time-and-materials basis for an estimated fee of $99,500.00. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 760.479.4284 or email me at vjoshi@dudek.com. Sincerely, loshi 5roject ^^fearer/Biologist Alt: Dudek 2008 Standard Schedule of Charges cc: Russ Bergholz, Dudek David Stone, Dudek DUDE 1C o 208000-30010October 2008