HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-01-27; City Council; 19703; FY 2008-09 Budget ReductionsCITY OF CARLSBAD / CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT / HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AGENDA BILL AB# 19,703 MTG. 01/27/09 DEPT. FIN PRESENTATION OF ECONOMIC OVERVIEW AND APPROVAL FOR FY 2008-09 BUDGET REDUCTIONS DEPT. HEAD CITY ATTY. CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept presentation by the City of Carlsbad Finance and Economic Development Team regarding the impact of the slowing economy on the City of Carlsbad's projected revenues for Fiscal Year 2008-09. Adopt Resolution No. 2009-019 Adopting Operating Budget Reductions for Fiscal Year 2008-09 for the City of Carlsbad. 1347 Adopting Operating Budget Reductions for FiscalAdopt Resolution No. Year 2008-09 for the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. Adopt Resolution No. 463 Adopting Operating Budget Reductions for Fiscal Year 2008-09 for Housing & Redevelopment. ITEM EXPLANATION: The United States is experiencing a recession. It is important for the City of Carlsbad to be aware of the recession and the potential impacts on the City of Carlsbad's finances. This presentation will help provide an overview of the national, state and local economies with specific information regarding the City of Carlsbad's economy as well as the impact of the slowing economy on Carlsbad and its neighboring cities. This information will help the City be aware and proactive as we move through this economic uncertainty. The City of Carlsbad's General Fund revenues for FY2008-09 were originally projected at $120.7 million. Due to the economic recession, we are currently projecting revenues at year end to be approximately $116.1 million, a decrease of $4.6 million from original estimates. Major revenues impacted by the recession include sales tax, transient occupancy tax, interest earnings, and development related revenue. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Lisa Irvine and Judi Vincent 760-602-2430 lirvin(g)ci.carlsbad.ca.us or jvinc@ci.carlsbad.ca.us FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION:APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED D D D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN D RETURNED TO STAFF D OTHER-SEE MINUTES D Page 2 As a result of the decrease in projected revenues, the City's Finance Department was asked to work with City departments to reduce operating budgets. Proposed budget reductions in the General Fund Operating Budget of $5.3 million (approximately 4.5%) are being proposed, based on individual plans submitted by all City departments. The City's current FY2008-09 appropriated General Fund Operating Budget is $118.3 million. Implementing the $5.3 million in proposed reductions would decrease the General Fund Operating Budget to $113.0 million. Consistent with the City's conservative fiscal approach, the City does not budget to fully expend all the revenue projected to be generated in the fiscal year. The difference between revised revenues and revised expenses in the General Fund amounts to a $3.1 million surplus (approximately 2.7%). If the economy drops further than anticipated, this projected surplus will allow the City to continue to maintain a balanced budget. The City maintains a fund balance of approximately $46.1 million for emergencies and one-time expenditures. It is not being recommended that these funds be used for ongoing operations at this time. The budget decreases identified encompass a broad range of reductions in all City departments and should allow the City to address the downturn in current year revenues without significantly affecting City services or otherwise impacting the public. It is expected that the proposed budget reductions will have some impact to City non-public safety response times, both internally and externally. Response times are still expected to be at acceptable levels. There are some proposed reductions to travel and training accounts as well. A revised out-of-state travel list is attached as Exhibit 5. Smaller reductions are being proposed for the City's public safety departments. Some of the overtime reductions proposed for public safety may result in a delay in response times for non-emergency situations. Results of the budget cuts may also mean a reduction in the City's ability to maintain and repair parks, parkways, fields, facilities, streets, and streetlights with the same timeliness and in the same condition as in the past. Staff will continue to make health and safety situations a priority and those should not be affected by the proposed cuts. No layoffs of full-time positions are being recommended at this time; however, a selective hiring freeze has been implemented. Proposed budget reductions do include unfunding 3.5 full-time positions, mainly due to leaving vacant positions unfilled in the Building and Planning departments, based on reduced demand in development related activities. Other significant savings proposed include a $300,000 reduction in the Library Contingency account and a $1.0 million reduction in the City Council's Contingency account. In addition, a $250,000 reduction in the annual amount designated for the City's Infrastructure Replacement Fund is also proposed. This reduction will allow the current year transfer to the fund to remain at the City's goal of 6.5% of revised projected revenues. In addition, due to the tough economic climate and uncertainty, the management incentive pay is proposed to be reduced from 5% of management salaries to 2%, saving approximately $424,163 city-wide. A determination of actual management incentive pay, if any, will occur after the close of the fiscal year, dependent upon the economic climate. Page 3 Additional Operating Budget reductions of $884,113 in the Non-General Fund departments are also proposed based on individual plans submitted by those departments. The City is continuing to look for opportunities to save, as it is uncertain how long the economic downturn will continue. We will continue to closely monitor the City's revenues and expenditures to ensure we continue to maintain a balanced budget. At this time, Council is also being asked to approve a transfer of $170,000 from the General Fund to the Cultural Arts Special Revenue Fund. This is a transfer of previously donated funds which were being held in the General Fund. It is proposed that these donations now be accounted for and expended from this Special Revenue Fund. FISCAL IMPACT: A reduction of $4.6 million, from $118.3 to $116.1 million, in the City's projected General Fund revenues for FY 2008-09 and a reduction of $5.3 million, from $118.3 million to $113.0 million, in the City's General Fund appropriated operating budget for FY 2008-09. A reduction of $884,113 in the City's Non-General Funds appropriated operating budgets for FY 2008-09. Included in the $884,113 is a reduction of $170,620 for the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and $64,923 for Housing and Redevelopment of the City of Carlsbad. A transfer of $170,000 of previously donated funds from the General Fund to the Cultural Arts Special Revenue Fund ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The proposed presentation and recommended actions do not constitute a "project" within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act and, therefore, do not require environmental review. EXHIBITS: 1. Proposed Operating Budget Reductions for FY 2008-09. 2. Resolution No. 2009-019 of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, adopting Operating Budget Reductions for Fiscal Year 2008-09 for the City of Carlsbad. 3. Resolution No. 1347 of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District of the City of Carlsbad, California adopting Operating Budget Reductions for Fiscal Year 2008-09. 4. Resolution No. 463 of the Housing & Redevelopment Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, adopting Operating Budget Reductions for Fiscal Year 2008-09. 5. Revised Out-of-State Travel Fiscal Year 2008-09. 3 EXPENDITURE SAVINGS PLAN 2008-09 Exhibit 1 DEPARTMENT TITLE/NUMBER REDUCTION PROPOSAL 2008-09 GENERAL FUND POLICY AND LEADERSHIP GROUP: CITYMANAGER-1010,1012,1013 CITYCLERK-0210 CITY ATTORNEY-1210 TOTAL POLICY AND LEADERSHIP GROUP ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES; ADMINISTRATION & ENV. RESOURCES TEAM-1110,1111,1112 FINANCE-1310 HUMAN RES-1510,1520,1530,1540,1550 RECORDS-1610 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 106,122 5,000 3,000 114,122 60,092 141,938 101,000 38,150 341,180 PUBLIC SAFETY: TOTAL POLICE PROTECTION-21XX TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION-22XX TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 180,480 198,250 378,730 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: OMMUNITY DEV ADMIN-3010,3310,3510 LAND USE PLANNING-3210 BUILDING INSPECTION-3610 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 85,000 176,932 72,846 334,778 COMMUNITY SERVICES: TOTAL LIBRARY/ARTS TOTAL RECREATION/SENIORS TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES 820,952 306,048 1,127,000 PUBLIC WORKS: PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION-6010 ENGINEERING-5710,5711,5712 PARKS MAINTENANCE-5020,5023 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE-5060 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 49,600 663,395 203,600 130,320 1,046,915 NON-DEPARTMENTAL: UNFUNDED LITIGATION-0019001 COUNCIL CONTINGENCY-0019008 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 001-9003 TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL 50,000 1,000,000 250,000 1,300,000 OTHER REDUCTIONS MANAGEMENT SALARY SAVINGS MANAGEMENT PERS SAVINGS MANAGEMENT INCENTIVE PAY / SALARIES TOTAL OTHER REDUCTIONS 196,163 54,588 381,000 631,751 TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET REDUCTIONS - GENERAL FUND $5,274,476 Page 1 of 2 EXPENDITURE SAVINGS PLAN 2008-09 Exhibit 1 DEPARTMENT TITLE/NUMBER REDUCTION PROPOSAL 2008-09 NON-GENERAL FUNDS CITY OF CARLSBAD ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: RISK MANAGEMENT-6121930 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY-6401710 PUBLIC WORKS: STREET TREE MAINTENANCE-1 605023 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE-1 61 5024 STREET LIGHTING-1 626357 WASTEWATER-51 1XXXX SOLID WASTE-5206375 STORM WATER-521XXXX VEHICLE MAINTENANCE-6205060 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: AFFORDABLE HOUSING TRUST FED GRANT SEC8 FED GRANT CDBG OTHER REDUCTIONS MANAGEMENT SALARY SAVINGS MANAGEMENT PERS SAVINGS TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET REDUCTIONS - CITY OF CARLSBAD 36,408 49,400 I 26,864 46,231 48,614 122,060 27,800 145,321 83,720 3,854 2,969 1,455 42,149 11,725 | 648,570 CMWD PUBLIC WORKS WATER & RECYCLED WATER-501XXX, 502XXX | 170,620 REDEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT/HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT VILLAGE RDA-801XXXX TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET REDUCTIONS - NON-GENERAL FUNDS | 64,923 $884,113 Page 2 of 2 Exhibit 2 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2009-019 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING OPERATING 3 BUDGET REDUCTIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2008-09 4 FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. 5 5 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has received a 7 presentation regarding the impact of the slowing economy on the City of Carlsbad's projected revenues for Fiscal Year 2008-09; and 9 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad desires to be proactive 10 through this economic uncertainty; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has reviewed 12 proposed Operating Budget Reductions for Fiscal Year 2008-09. 13 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of 14 Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City's Operating Budget is here by reduced by the following 18 amounts: A) $5,274,476 designated as Fiscal Year 2008-09 General Fund 19 Operating Budget Reductions, and B) $648,570 designated as Non- 20 General Fund Operating Budget Reductions (Exhibit 1) 21 " 22 3. That the Finance Director is hereby directed to reflect these adjustments 23 in the Fiscal Year 2008-09 budget appropriation for the department or fund 24 for which they are designated. 25 " 26 4. That total adjusted appropriations for each fund may only be increased or 27 decreased by the City Council by the adoption of a resolution amending 28 " Exhibit 2 1 the budget; except as previously provided. 2 3 5. That the Finance Director is authorized to transfer $170,000 of previously 4 donated funds from the General Fund to the Cultural Arts Donations 5 Special Revenue Fund. 6 7 8 '" 9 /// 10 /// 11 /// 12 /// 13 /// 14 15 16 17 ,8 '" 19 20 /// 21 /// 22 /// 23 /// 24 /// 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council, Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors and Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission held on the 27th day of January, 2009, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Hall, Packard and Blackburn. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. LW/s CLAUDE A LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: CORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk' (SEAL) Exhibit 3 RESOLUTION NO. 1347 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT (CMWD), 3 ADOPTING OPERATING BUDGET REDUCTIONS FOR 4 FISCAL YEAR 2008-09 5 WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board (CMWD), City of 6 Carlsbad, California has received a presentation regarding the impact of the slowing 7 economy on the City of Carlsbad's projected revenues for Fiscal Year 2008-09; and8 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District 10 desires to be proactive through this economic uncertainty; and 11 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District has 12 reviewed the proposed Operating Budget Reductions for Fiscal Year 2008-09. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Carlsbad Municipal Water 14 13 District Board of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 15 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 16 2. That the Carlsbad Municipal Water District's budget is hereby reduced by 18 the amount of $170,620 designated as Non-General Fund Operating Budget Reduction 19 (Exhibit 1). 20 3. That the Finance Director is hereby directed to reflect these adjustments 21 in the Fiscal Year 2008-09 budget appropriation for the department or fund for which 22 they are designated. 23 4. That total adjusted appropriations for each fund may only be increased or 24 decreased by the City Council by the adoption of a resolution amending the budget; 25 except as previously provided.26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors, Carlsbad City Council and Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission, held on the 27th day of January, 2009, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Board Members Lewis, Kulchin, Hall, Packard and Blackburn. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. CLAUDE A LEWIS, President ATTEST: LORRAINE M. WOOD, Secretary (SEAL) SIw Exhibit 4 1 RESOLUTION NO. 463 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF 3 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING OPERATING 4 BUDGET REDUCTIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2008-09 5 WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Commission of the City of 6 Carlsbad, California has received a presentation regarding the impact of the slowing 7 economy on the City of Carlsbad's projected revenues for Fiscal Year 2008-09; and8 WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Commission of the City of 10 Carlsbad, California desires to be proactive through this economic uncertainty; and ' 11 WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Commission of the City of 12 Carlsbad, California has reviewed proposed Operating Budget Reductions for Fiscal 13 Year 2008-09. 14 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Housing and Redevelopment 15 Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 16 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 17 18 2. That the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission's budget is 9 hereby reduced by the amount of $64,923 designated as Non-General Fund Operating 20 Budget Reductions (Exhibit 1). 21 3. That the Finance Director is hereby directed to reflect these adjustments 22 in the Fiscal Year 2008-09 budget appropriation for the department or fund for which 23 they are designated. 24 4. That total adjusted appropriations for each fund may only be increased or decreased by the City Council by the adoption of a resolution amending the budget;26 except as previously provided. 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission, Carlsbad City Council and Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors held on the 27th day of January, 2009, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council/Commission Members Lewis, Kulchin, Hall, Packard and Blackburn. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. CLAUDE A LEWIS, Chaffman ATTEST: LfSA-'HILDABRAND, Secretary (SEAL) w ESTABLISHED '' 197° CITY OF CARLSBAD OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL BUDGET 2008-09 Org Key Department Travel Description Number of People Destination IGENERALFUND • , . • " 0010110 0010210 0010310 0011010 0011012 0011013 0011110 0011112 0011210 0011310 0011510 0011610 0012120 0012126 0012130 0012131 CITY COUNCIL CITY CLERK CITY TREASURER CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS / VOLUNTEER ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE HUMAN RESOURCES RECORDS MANAGEMENT POLICE FIELD OPERATIONS EVIDENCE POLICE INVESTIGATIONS POLICE VICE/NARCOTICS TLG Annual Conference 2009 Legislative Meetings 2009 ASBPA IIMC - National Conference Transforming Local Government Association of Public Treasurers Gov. Investment Officers Association TLG Annual Conference 2009 ICMA Annual Conference 2009 Legislative Meetings ICMA / IG Regional Meetings NATOA 3CMA Conference IPA2 (Public Participation Conference) Points of Light Conference Alliance for Innovation - Transforming Local Govt Conf. Alliance for Innovation - Transform. Local Govt Conf. IMLA Annual Conference IMLA Mid-Year Conference GFOA Conference Harris Users Conference IPMA Annual Training Conference SHRM (Society of Human Resource Mgmt) DMEC (Disability Management Employer Coaliton) ARMA (Associaltion of Record Managers) AIIM (Association of Information Management) MER (Managing Etectonic Records) NNA (National Notary Association) FBI National Academy International Assoc. of Identification Prof Annual Conf. Suspect and/or witness interviews Suspect and/or witness interviews 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown Unknown Mid West / TBD Washington, DC Chicago, IL Chicago, IL TBD TBD Las Vegas, NV Mid West / TBD Richmond, VA Wash. DC. TBD Atlanta, GA TBD Arizona TBD Midwest or West US Midwest or West US Nevada Washington, DC Seattle, WA TBD Las Vegas, NV TBD Colorado Las Vegas, NV Boston, MA Chicago, IL TBD Quantico, VA Louisville, KY TBD TBD 2008-09 Budget I $ 5,450 7,550 2,150 15,150 3,000 3,000 2,045 2,720 1,450 6,215 1,650 1,907 2.225 2,225 8,007 2,700 2,900 2,900 8,500 3,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 2.000 2,000 2,300 3000 5,300 1,650 1,150 2,800 3,000 4,000 2,000 9,000 6.000 3,000 3,500 1.500 14,000 2,600 2,600 1,400 1,400 1,000 1,000 400 400 J-2 /3 CITY OF CARLSBAD OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL BUDGET 2008-09 Org Key Department Travel Description Number of People Destination 2008-09 Budget GENERAL FUND " - - . • 0012140 0012220 0012225 0012240 0013010 0013210 0013310 0013510 0013610 0014040 0014050 0014060 0014070 0014510 0015710 POLICE SUPPORT OPERATIONS FIRE DEPARTMENT - EMERGENCY OPS FIRE PREVENTION FIRE - EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING GEOGRAPHIC INFO. SYSTEMS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUILDING LIBRARY/TECHNICAL SERVICES MEDIA SERVICES PROGRAMS, EXHIBITS & GRAPHICS DOVE LIBRARY ADMIN PARK PLANNING & RECREATION MGMT ENGINEERING Tiburon CAD Users Conference Inter- and intra-state travel for background investigations Mass Disaster & Terrorism, Critical Indicent Stress Certification Continuation Weapons of Mass Destruction - MGT 360 Incident Command Training National Fire Academy Training Courses Homeland Security Emerg. Prep. Annual Conference Department Homeland Security Approved Training Congress for the New Urbanism ULI Conference APA Conference Accela (PemnitPlus) Conference Urban & Regional Inform. System Association Annual Confer. ULI Conference ICC Code Development Hearing Acceia User Conference SirsiDynix Users Conference Library Programming Awards - NATOA Conf. EMS Users' Conference Public Relations Society of America Sirsi Superconference Public Library Association Spring Symposium ALA Conference National Parks & Rec Assoc. Conference American Society of Landscape Architects National Water Reuse Symposium Underground Construction Technology Conference APWA 2008 Congress Permits Plus Annual Conference ASBPA Annual Conf., Beach Preservation Hansen Conference AutoCad Training 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Denver, CO Various Wester US Anniston, AL Emmitsburg, MD TBD TBD Denver, CO Miami, FL TBD Las Vegas, NV New Orleans, LA Miami, FL Minneapolis, MN Las Vegas, NV Dallas, TX Atlanta, GA Denver, CO Detroit, Ml Dallas, TX Nashville, TN Chicago, IL Baltimore, MD Philadelphia, PA Dallas, TX Orlando, FL New Orleans, LA Las Vegas, NV Washington, DC Las Vegas, NV Las Vegas, NV 2,100 1,000 3,100 2,800 300 3,100 2,700 2,700 2,500 3,000 5,500 2,000 2,000 4,000 4,800 1,200 6,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,400 1,200 3,600 2,000 2,000 2,900 2,586 6,485 1.825 1,825 2,000 1,600 700 4,300 5,000 5,000 10,000 3,000 2,400 2,500 1,500 3,000 2,800 2,500 17,700 J-3 CITY OF CARLSBAD OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL BUDGET 2008-09 Exhibit 5 Org Key Department Travel Description Number of People Destination 2008-09 Budget GENERAL FUND 0015713 ENGINEERING - BEACH PRESERVATION 0016010 PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN TOTAL GENERAL FUND ASBPA Annual Conf., Beach Preservation APWA Conference Infomm/Hansen Conference AWWA Fall Conference 1 Washington, DC 1 New Orleans, LA 1 Las Vegas, NV 1 Reno, NV 3,000 3,000 2,500 2,800 900 6,200 $ 166,882 OTHER FUNDS ' 1903401 SECTION 8 RENTAL ASSISTANCE 5016310 WATER OPERATIONS 5026310 RECYCLED WATER OPERATIONS 5116310 WASTEWATER OPERATIONS 5206375 SOLID WASTE 5215710 STORM WATER 5216310 STORM DRAIN MAINTENANCE 6401710 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TOTAL OTHER FUNDS Visual Homes Software User Group Conference WEF Tech 2008 APWA Congress Itron Users Conference Itron MVRS Training Harris Utility Billing Conference AWWA Fall Conference Tri-State Water/Sewer Seminar Inforum/Hansen Conference AWWA Fall Conference Tri-State Water/Sewer Seminar ABPA Western Regional Backfow Conf. WEF Tech Tri-State Water/Sewer Seminar NRC Recycling Meeting APWA 2008 Congress StormCon Stormwater Conference Tri-State Water/Sewer Seminar SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services Tivoli STORserver Training Hansen Annual User Conference Gartner Group Summit - Web Portal Cisco Live Training 2 Washington, DC 1 Chicago, IL 1 New Orleans, LA 2 Dallas, TX 1 Dallas, TX 2 Midwestern US 2 Reno, NV 2 Primm, NV 1 Las Vegas, NV 1 Reno, NV 2 Primm, NV 4 Las Vegas, NV 1 Chicago, IL 2 Primm, NV 1 Pittsburgh, PA 1 New Orleans, LA 1 Orlando, FL 1 Primm, NV 1 Western U.S. 1 Co. Springs, CO 1 Las Vegas, NV 1 Las Vegas, NV 2 Western U.S. $ 5,000 5,000 2,000 3,000 7,200 3,800 5,000 2,900 700 2,800 27,400 1,350 700 2,800 4,850 2,000 700 2,700 3.500 2,500 6,000 2.500 2,500 350 350 2,250 2,000 2,600 1,450 2,250 10,550 $ 59,350 GRAND TOTAL OUT OF STATE TRAVEL $ 226,232 J-4 11 City of Carlsbad Economic Overview, Financial Status and Expenditure Savings January 2009 22 Economy (Cynthia Haas) General Fund Revenues Through Dec. 2008 (Lisa Irvine) Expenditure Savings (Lisa Irvine) A G E N D A 33 Economic Conditions 4 Hold On Tight… 5 Carlsbad Market Area Foreclosure Activity 2007/2008 Trustee Sales/To Auction 7 12 35 71 85 103 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 3rd Qtr 07 4th Qtr 07 1st Qtr 08 2nd Qtr 08 3rd Qtr 08 4th Qtr 08 Carlsbad Oceanside San Marcos Vista Encinitas Oceanside 40% San Marcos 18% Vista 21% Carlsbad 17% Encinitas 4% 4th Qtr. Distribution of 843 Homes to Auction 353 168 191 103 28 Congress -$700B Bailout Discussions/Vote/Approval & CA SB1137 takes effect 6 San Diego County Housing 17,712 Foreclosures in 2008 Area with highest number of foreclosures was Oceanside (92057) Median Home Price in SD County 2008 was $360,000 Median Home Price for homes in Carlsbad was $620,000 Year over Year Change 2007-2008 Carlsbad Zip Code Median Price -All 92008 (-20.5%)$529,000 92009 (-25.9%)$630,000 92010 (-36.9)$413,500 92011 (-2.7%)$735,000 7 2008 Carlsbad New Residential Dwelling Units Permitted 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Permits Permits Issued Trend 257 Permits Issued 11 Residential Permits Issued in 4th Quarter. 2008 Residential Activity dropped by 82% from 2005 levels and 29% from 2007 levels.Data Based on Calendar Year 8 2008 Carlsbad Commercial & Industrial Permitted Square Footage 0 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,400,000 1,600,000 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Square Footage Commercial Permit Activity Dropped 52% from 2007 Levels. 707,804 SF permitted Data Based on Calendar YTD 9 Unfavorable Local Real Estate Trends Foreclosures will continue to rise in the North County Inland/Coastal Areas with Encinitas and Carlsbad holding up better than other cities Construction starts in all sectors to remain low Tight Credit Lower Demand Continue to have high Commercial/Industrial vacancies due to over building in 2007, corporate downsizing & cost cutting, and retail store closures Carlsbad Vacancy Rates Office Vacancy = 26% in 4th Qtr 2008 Retail = 4.1 in 4th Qtr 2008 (San Diego County) Expect higher vacancies in retail sector due to new store closures Expect vacancy rates to jump at least 1-2% in all sectors Expect concessions in all sectors due to decreased demand 10 Carlsbad Market Area Unemployment Estimated Labor Force Total Est. Unemployed Unemployment Rate 2008 San Diego County 1,577,200 108,500 5.0% -Dec 2007 6.9% -Nov 2008 7.4% -Dec 2008 Carlsbad 48,300 2,200 4.5% -Nov Encinitas 39,300 1,900 4.9% -Nov Oceanside 86,600 5,700 6.5% -Nov San Marcos 31,300 2,200 6.9% -Nov Vista 49,200 3,800 7.7% -Nov Escondido 73,500 5,300 7.2% -Nov U.S. Unemployment Rate –7.2% California Unemployment Rate –9.3% Source: California EDD/LMI Nov /Dec 2008 San Diego County Job Losses Industry 2008 (Losses)/Gains Total All Industries 2007-2008 (18,500) Construction (5,300) Manufacturing (1,600) Trade/Transportation/Utilities (8,800) Business & Professional Services (1,900) Financial/Information (4,300) Leisure/Hospitality 300 Education/Gov’t/Health Services 4,100 11 Preliminary Estimates 12 Carlsbad Layoff Announcements Callaway Golf (-164) Las Villas de Carlsbad (-123) Activision (-51) Gemological Institute (-110) Taylor Made/Adidas (-70) Reef (-42) Titleist Golf (-50) Job Losses Announced for Carlsbad Companies August 2008 –December 2008 = 610 13 2009 -What to Expect Continuation of Low Consumer Confidence New Losses –Weak Job Market Income Stagnation/Changes in Pay/Benefits Home Foreclosures & Defaults Unstable Stock Market/More Declines Loss in Net Wealth (Housing, Retirement, Savings, Income) More Personal/Business Bankruptcies More Business Closures Continued Slow Down in Construction Continued Credit Tightening Higher Savings/Less Spending (Personal/Corporate) Government Stimulus Programs (2010?) Potential Government infrastructure funding Potential Investments in Clean/Green Technologies Federal Grant Funding –Job Creation 1414 General Fund Revenues Through December 2008 15Source: Fiscal Year 2008-09 Budget 15 Four Largest Revenue Sources 82% of General Fund Property taxes (41.7%) Sales taxes (23.6%) Transient occupancy taxes (12.3%) Franchise taxes (4.1%) 16 General Fund Revenues First Six Months of the Fiscal Year ACTUAL FY 2008 BUDGET FY 2009 ACTUAL FY 2009 CHANGE FROM EXPECTED Taxes $39,717,263 $41,310,780 $40,695,247 ($615,533) Intergovernmental 655,048 470,925 859,945 389,020 Licenses/Permits 796,067 617,272 581,194 (36,078) Charges for Services 3,684,090 3,091,308 3,277,269 185,961 Fines/Forfeitures 660,071 598,564 717,849 119,285 Income from Invest.1,982,765 1,875,173 1,822,006 (53,167) Interdepartmental 1,112,655 1,523,386 1,787,634 264,248 Other 315,316 260,933 368,540 107,607 $48,923,275 $49,748,341 $50,109,684 $361,343 17 Property Taxes Property taxes are up $1.4 million or 8% through December 31, 2008 Although assessed values have increased by 7.6% over the prior fiscal year, current property taxes are up by only 2.5% Major factors in increase from prior fiscal year: Aircraft taxes (up $884,000) Delinquent taxes (up $427,000) Current taxes (up $374,000) Supplemental taxes (down $319,000) 18 Sales Taxes Top 25 Contributors Through the 3rd Quarter 2008 ARCO AM/PM Marts Aviara Four Seasons Bob Baker Chrysler Jeep Bob Baker Volkswagen Cal Worthington Dodge Carlsbad Fuels Service Station Coach Stores Costco Wholesale Hoehn Mercedes-Benz Hoehn Used Cars Invitrogen JC Penney Company Ken Grody Ford Ken Grody GMC/Pontiac La Costa Resort and Spa Legoland California Lexus Macy’s Department Store Pacific Sales Kitchen & Bath Sears Roebuck & Company Shell Service Stations Toyota Carlsbad Toyota Motor Credit Vons Grocery Company Weseloh Chevrolet 1919 $0 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 99/400/100/200/300/401/101/201/301/402/102/202/302/403/103/203/303/404/104/204/304/405/105/205/305/406/106/206/306/407/107/207/307/408/108/208/3HISTORIC SALES TAX BY GEOGRAPHIC AREA Benchmark Year Carlsbad Redevelopment Area Auto Mall Plaza Camino Real Carlsbad Premium Outlets The Forum YTD Revenues -$10.2 Million (down 5%) Revised Projected FY 2008-09 Revenues -$26.3 Million (down 6%) Sales Taxes 2020 Transient Occupancy Taxes Through December 2008, TOT is up 2% compared to last year TOT was originally estimated to grow by 4% over FY 2007-08 figures Increase to date is due to an increase in hotel rooms: Sheraton Carlsbad Resort, Hampton Inn and Homewood Suites Outlook for the remainder of the fiscal year does not look promising (projected decrease of 5.5% for the fiscal year) 2121 Development-Related Revenues Includes: Building permits Planning fees Building plan check fees Engineering plan check fees 2222 Development-Related Revenues 0 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 6,000,000 7,000,000 Annual Revenues19941996199820002002200420062008Fiscal Year Development-Related Revenues Building Permits Planning Fees Building Plan Check Fees Engineering Plan Check Fees 2009 Revised Budget Projections 2323 Other Factors Unknown State budget issue impacts on the City Drop in the yield on the Treasurer’s portfolio Lack of home resales on real property transfer taxes and supplemental taxes 2424 Expenditure Savings Plan 2525 The US Economy GDP growth: -0.5% Q3, a decrease from 2.8% Q2 and 0.9% from Q1 CPI-U: 0.7% decrease Dec. 2008 after declining 1.7% Nov. 2008 Fed Funds: 0 -0.25% 10 year Treasury Note: 3.75% Unemployment Rate: 7.2% Price per barrel of oil is now approximately $46 down from the high of $150 over the summer 2626 California’s Economy State budget outlook for FY 2008-09 continues to deteriorate Balanced the budget on one-time revenues and now projecting $41.8 billion shortfall over 18 months Governor is proposing State sales tax to increase from 5% to 6.5% and program reductions 2727 Expenditure Savings Plan General Fund Revenue projected to be down approximately $4.6 million by end of fiscal year Expect approximately $4.3 million in General Fund savings and $1.0 million from Council contingency $884,000 savings from Non-General Fund departments 2828 Expenditure Savings Plan Departments have identified expenditure savings with minimal impact to service levels Health and Public Safety remain high priority No Layoffs of Full-Time Employees are being proposed 2929 Expenditure Savings Plan Reduced maintenance in parks, parkways, fields, facilities, streets and streetlights Travel and Training have been reduced Reduced potential management pay Small reductions proposed for Police and Fire Managed Hiring Freeze Implemented 3030 Actions Requested Approve Resolution No. 2009-018 of the City Council adopting the Operating Budget Reductions for FY 2008-09 Approve Resolution No. 1347 of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District adopting Operating Budget Reductions for FY 2008-09 Approve Resolution No. 463 of the Housing and Redevelopment Commission adopting Operating Budget Reductions for FY 2008-09 3131 3232 City of Carlsbad Economic Overview, Financial Status and Expenditure Savings January 2009