HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-03-24; City Council; 19758; Valley and Magnolia Sidewalk ImprovementsCITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL AND CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT - AGENDA BILL 8 AB# MTG. DEPT. 19,758 3/24/09 ENG APPROVE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AND AUTHORIZE ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS FOR VALLEY AND MAGNOLIA SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 6019-1 & WATER LINE REPLACEMENT PROJECT NO. 3904-1 DEPT. HEAD 'T^ J^T CITY ATTY. (jj£? CITY MGR. [jj^ RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council of the City of Carlsbad Adopt Resolution No.2009-061 to approve plans and specifications, and authorize advertisement of bids, for Valley and Magnolia Sidewalk Improvements, Project No. 6019-1 and Water Line Replacement, Project No. 3904-1. Board of Directors 1349 of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) Adopt Resolution No. approving the plans and specifications, and agreeing to reimburse the City of Carlsbad the actual costs for the Water Line Replacement, Project No. 3904-1. ITEM EXPLANATION: This project is located on portions of Valley Street and Magnolia Avenue and includes the following improvements: • Widen both sides of Valley Street between Chestnut Avenue and Magnolia Avenue • Widen a portion of the north side of Magnolia Avenue from Valley Street to 456 feet easterly • Install sidewalks, curbs, and gutters • Abandon the existing 8-inch diameter asbestos cement pipe (ACP) in Valley Street and install a new 8-inch diameter polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe • Repave Valley Street and a portion of Magnolia Avenue and the resident's driveways on both streets affected by the widening The project improvements on Valley Street and Magnolia Avenue are adjacent to or in the vicinity of four local schools and impact 19 property owners directly. Each street is a "compatible improvement street" in accordance with the Street and Sidewalk Policy Committee's Final Report, adopted by City Council Resolution 2000-78. The Street and Sidewalk Policy Committee's Final Report define a "compatible improvement street" as a street where standard curb, gutter, sidewalk, and street width does not exist and are deemed necessary due to their location, pedestrian activity, demand for parking, and other factors. The improvements will enhance pedestrian safety, provide parking on both sides of the street, and improve vehicle and bicycle circulation near the schools. Exhibit 1 shows the project location. The Valley and Magnolia Water Line Replacement includes abandoning an existing 8-inch diameter ACP installed in 1962 on Valley Street between Chestnut Avenue and Magnolia Avenue and replacing it with a new 8-inch diameter PVC pipe. A new PVC water line is necessary to minimize safety concerns. In addition, construction activities for the sidewalk improvements may affect the structural integrity of the existing ACP that will be subject to increased vehicle and construction equipment loading due to the change in street grades. By virtue of its 1962 installation, the age of the ACP is nearing the end of its service life. Considering that street improvements are being made, replacing the ACP water line at this time will minimize water delivery impacts to the public in the future and avoid trenching the new pavement that will be installed with the Sidewalk Improvement project. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Jacob Moeder, (760) 602-2736, imoed@ci.carlsbad.ca.us FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL/BOARD ACTION: APPROVED D DENIED D CONTINUED D WITHDRAWN D AMENDED D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN RETURNED TO STAFF OTHER-SEE MINUTES Page 2 Plans and specifications have been completed as a joint project for both the Sidewalk Improvements and the Water Line Replacement and do not include undergrounding the overhead utilities. The plans and specifications are on file in the Public Works - Engineering Department. Pursuant to Section 3.28.130 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, prevailing wages are not required for this project. The majority and most disruptive portions of the construction that will cause public inconvenience will take place in summer when schools are not in session. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15302(c), relative to replacement of existing utilities involving negligible or no expansion of capacity, and Section 15303(d), relative to new construction of small facilities for street and sidewalk improvements. FISCAL IMPACT: Tables 1 and 2 below show the current status of the Valley and Magnolia Sidewalk Improvement and Water Line Replacement projects: TABLE 1 VALLEY & MAGNOLIA SIDEWALKS - PROJECT NO. 6019 TASK DESCRIPTION Design Construction, Inspection, Materials Testing Right-of-Way Acquisition TOTAL APPROPRIATED TO DATE $85,000 530,000 15,000 $630,000 EXPENDITURES/ ENCUMBRANCES TO DATE .,, $53,265 0 0 $53,265 ;:v.r, REMAINING^' '« BALANCES $31,735 530,000 15,000 $576,735 TABLE 2 MISCELLANEOUS WATER PIPELINE REPLACEMENTS - PROJECT NO. 3904 TASK DESCRIPTION Design Construction, Inspection, Materials Testing Studies and Reports TOTAL 3 ife" ~ *+ '''< rfij-^i" I ~ APPROPRIATED" TdtJATE— '""< $145,000 852,000 3,000 $1,000,000 EXPENDITURES! 'ENCUMBRANCES TO DATE $28,328 228,219 0 $256,547 t .. ., . « , „, . .. ' REMAINING . BALANCES $116,672 623,781 3,000 $743,453 The Engineer's Estimate for the construction portion of the Valley and Magnolia Sidewalk Improvement project (Project No. 6019-1) and Water Line Replacement project (Project No. 3904-1) is shown in Table 3. Page 3 TABLE 3ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST Sidewalk Improvements -CIP Project No. 6019-1 , Engineer's Estimate for Construction Construction Inspection, Testing, and Administration (15%) Construction Contingencies (15%) TOTAL PROJECT COST PROJECT AVAILABLE BALANCE ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION REQUIRED (TRAFFIC IMPACT FEES) Water Line Replacement - CIP Project No. 3904-1 •H":- Engineer's Estimate for Construction Construction Inspection, Testing, and Administration (15%) Construction Contingencies (15%) TOTAL PROJECT COST PROJECT AVAILABLE BALANCE ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION REQUIRED (WATER CAPITAL REPL.) v,-- $587,000 88,000 88,000 $763,000 $576,735 $186,265 $234,000 35,000 35,000 $304,000 $743,453 $0 Staff estimates an additional $186,265 will be required to complete the sidewalk improvement portion of the project. As the Valley and Magnolia Sidewalk project falls within the guidelines of the Sidewalk/Street Construction Program, staff will use a portion of these funds to accommodate the estimated increase in project cost. Staff believes that using existing funds instead of asking for an additional appropriation would be a more prudent course of action. Like the Valley and Magnolia Sidewalk project, the Sidewalk/Street Construction program is also funded by TIF. As such, funds will be transferred from the Sidewalk/Street Construction program to the Valley and Magnolia sidewalk project. Sufficient monies are available for the fund transfer required to accommodate the anticipated Valley and Magnolia Sidewalk project increase. Future Improvement Agreements Background Five of the 19 property owners directly affected by the Sidewalk Improvement project have Future Improvement Agreements with the City. Future Improvement Agreements (FIA's) are agreements between a property owner and the City in which the City has agreed to allow the owner to delay the installation of public improvements required as a result of some benefit conferred on the owner by the City, such as a lot split or a building permit. The City is currently holding over 580 FIA's. The agreements are usually called in at a later date when improvements are made for the surrounding area. The property owners may elect to install the improvements themselves or pay the City their fair share portion for the work. If, after proper notice from the City, the owner does not choose either option, the City can install the improvements and place a lien on the property. Paving for a Portion of the Project with Future Improvement Agreements The five property owners directly impacted by the Valley and Magnolia Sidewalk Improvement project are shown in Table 5 below.TABLE 5 FUTURE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENTS FIA Recorded No. 1991-0515450 79-485552 77-307353 73-002190 73-002190 Recording Date 10/04/91 11/16/79 7/29/77 1/03/73 1/03/73 Current Owner and Address Kekoa & Tara Ede 1790 Magnolia Ave. Russell Friesen 1740 Magnolia Ave. Eric Dejong 1685 Chestnut Ave. Russell Friesen 1710 Magnolia Ave. Michael Perdue 3670 Valley St. Total Estimated Cost Share of Improvements $20,091 $12,969 $17,994 $17,126 $6,559 $74,739 Page 4 Based on the estimated cost of the improvements, staff anticipates recovering approximately $75,000 of the project cost. When funds are received, they will be used to reimburse the Traffic Impact Fee Fund as that is the funding source for the Valley and Magnolia Sidewalk project. FIA notices will be sent to the five property owners listed above, indicating the Owner's obligations as stipulated in the agreements. OPTIONS: A memorandum was prepared by the Engineering Department dated January 21, 2009, which addresses several options in handling the FIA's that were examined during the development of this project (see Exhibit 3). As a result, staff has developed three (3) options for Council's consideration. Option 1: Direct the City Attorney to Research Changing the Carlsbad Municipal Code (Potentially Waive property owners' FIA obligations) The five FIA's for this project collectively total approximately $75,000. Currently, under CMC Section 18.40.100 the Council can only waive or modify existing FIA's if they find either: • the street has already been improved to the maximum feasible and desirable state or • the granting of a waiver or modification will not perpetuate a hazardous or defective condition. In order for the Council to waive the FIA's for this project, or any other project, the municipal code section would have to be changed to provide the City Council with another alternative to waive FIA's. This option would direct the City Attorney to research the legality of changing the Carlsbad Municipal Code to allow for waiving the FIA obligations in this case. If the FIA's are not called, an additional $75,000 would be appropriated from the TIF fund. Option 2: Direct Staff to Postpone the Project In February 1991, the Traffic Engineering Division of the Engineering Department published the "City of Carlsbad Sidewalk Inventory Report". The report stems from City Council approval of the Pedestrian Action Plan in 1988. The plan contains elements pertaining to safety and elimination of pedestrian facility deficiencies throughout Carlsbad. The report outlines the Sidewalk Priority Rating Equation that was used to establish the priority listing of deficient sidewalk locations. Magnolia Avenue and Valley Street are identified on the list as priority numbers 13 and 25, respectively. Because there are four schools in the vicinity of Valley Street and Magnolia Avenue, this project is being proposed to reduce conflicts, increase pedestrian safety, enhance traffic circulation, and increase on-street parking capacity. By selecting Option 2, the City Council would postpone the project to a later date. Option 3: Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Advertisement of Bids (Adopt Resolution) (Call the FIA's) Approving the plans and specifications, and authorizing advertisement of bids will allow construction to occur this summer. The project will not include undergrounding of the overhead utilities, but will ensure that the pedestrian safety, traffic circulation, and on-street parking capacity will be addressed promptly. City Council may want to consider offering a payment plan to the property owners with FIA's. Example A 10 year payment plan at 4% interest, the lowest monthly payment would be approximately $67 and the highest would be approximately $206. If the City Council decides to offer a payment plan to residents, a reasonable payment plan can be prepared by the Finance Department, and the property owners will be required to amend their FIA's. Page 5 EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map. 2. Future Improvement Agreements Location Map. 3. City of Carlsbad Engineering Department Internal Memo dated January 21, 2009 regarding Valley and Magnolia, Project No. 6019, Future Improvement Agreements. 4. City Council of the City of Carlsbad Adopt Resolution No. 2009-061 to approve plans and specifications, and authorize advertisement of bids, for Valley and Magnolia Sidewalk Improvements, Project No. 6019-1 and Water Line Replacement, Project No. 3904-1. 5. Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) Adopt Resolution No. 1349 approving the plans and specifications, and agreeing to reimburse the City of Carlsbad the actual costs for the Water Line Replacement, Project No. 3904-1. 6 LOCATION MAP CARLSBADVILLAGEACADEMY NOT TO SCALE VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE PROJECT NAME VALLEY STREET AND MAGNOLIA AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS AND WATER LINE REPLACEMENT PROJECT NUMBER 6019 EXHIBIT 1 DRAHN BY: SCOTT EVANS, CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPT. 2/10/09 C:\CAPITAL\LOCA7ION UAPS\6019.DWG LOCATION MAP I CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL CHESTNUTAVE. 46 VALJLEY 3556 VALLEY S CARLSBAD VILLAGE ACADEMY 'ALLEY MAGNOLIA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CITY OF OCEANSDE HIGHWAY j Y MIDDLE SCHOOL VICINITY MAP LEGEND: NOT TO SCALE PROJECT NAME VALLEY STREET AND MAGNOLIA AVENUE SIDEWALKS PROJECT NUMBER 60)9 EXHIBIT DRAWN BY: SCOTT EVANS. CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPT, 3/16/09 C:\CAPITAL\MOEDER\VAUJEY * UAGNOUA SDEWALKS\6019-2.DWG 3 January 21, 2009 TO: CITY ENGINEER FROM: Associate Engineer, Moeder VIA: Deputy City Engineer - Design SUBJECT: VALLEY AND MAGNOLIA SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 6019 FUTURE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENTS BACKGROUND A meeting was held on December 1, 2008, to discuss the five "Future Improvement Agreements" (FIA) impacting the Valley and Magnolia Sidewalk Improvements, Project No. 6019. At the meeting six options for handling FIA's were presented as follows: 1. Change the Carlsbad Municipal Code to give the City Council the ability to waive the property owner's FIA obligation if it is in the City's best interest and if there is other City funding available. 2. In lieu of the property owners paying the amount required by the FIA after the improvements have been constructed, place a lien on the property. 3. Convert the "Compatible Design Street" to an "Alternative Design Street". 4. Change the project design so the five properties with FIA's are not included in the improvements. 5. Postpone the project to future fiscal year. 6. Develop a payment plan for the five property owners with FIA's. The purpose of this memorandum is to address the impacts from each of the six options, followed by a recommend course of action. Option 1: Changing the City's Municipal Code Section 18.480.100 to provide the City Council with an alternative to waive existing Future Improvement Agreement(s) in City funded projects can be done. A clause similar to the following could be added to the Municipal Code: "The City Council can direct staff to waive an existing "Future Improvement Agreement" if it is in the best interest of the City to do so." The major concern with adding such a provision is that the decision by Council could be considered arbitrary. A number of property owners with an FIA could request that they be let out of the requirement, shifting the financial burden to the City of Carlsbad. Upon approval of this clause by the City Council, it will be difficult to enforce FIA's on other property owners. Option 2: The existing FIA's already allow the City to place a lien on the property if the property owner fails to make the payment in accordance with the terms in each FIA. Option 3: In February 1991, the Traffic Engineering Division of the Engineering Department published the "City of Carlsbad Sidewalk Inventory Report". The report stems from City Council approval of CARLSBA January 21, 2009 Page 2 of 3 Valley and Magnolia Sidewalk Improvements Project No. 6019 Future Improvement Agreements the Pedestrian Action Plan in 1988. The plan contains elements pertaining to safety and elimination of pedestrian facility deficiencies throughout Carlsbad. The report outlines the Sidewalk Priority Rating Equation that was used to establish the list of deficient sidewalks. Magnolia Avenue and Valley Street are identified on the list as priority number 13 and 25, respectively. Because there are four schools in the vicinity of Valley Street and Magnolia Avenue, this project is needed to reduce conflicts, increase pedestrian safety, enhance traffic circulation, and increase on-street parking capacity. Converting the "Compatible Design Street" to an "Alternative Design Street" can not occur under current safety and parking conditions. Undeveloped streets were categorized in a report as "Compatible Design Street" by a citizen committee appointed by the City Council and the report was approved by the City Council for the following reasons: "it was deemed that because of location, pedestrian activity, demand for parking and other factors, the streets should be completed to City Standards". The City has already categorized the project area as a priority due to its need for safety, circulation, and capacity improvements. Option 4: Three of the five property owners with FIA's are located on Valley Street, and three are located on Magnolia Avenue (one property owner is located on the corner of Valley Street and Magnolia Avenue). Changing the project design so that it excludes the five property owners with FIA's is not realistic. The purpose of the project is to improve pedestrian and vehicular safety, circulation, and capacity. By not including improvements adjacent to the five properties, the project will be disjointed and will have segments with missing sidewalk and street improvements, creating a pattern of spot widening. It would not only have a negative affect aesthetically, but will defeat the purpose of enhancing the pedestrian safety and circulation and vehicular parking capacity. Option 5: Considering that the City has already identified the subject project area as an area of concern due to its pedestrian safety, circulation, and parking capacity, as indicated above in "Option 3", eliminating this project from the CIP or postponing it to a future fiscal year is not recommended. An accident in the subject area could subject the City to legal issues. Option 6: Coordination with the City's Finance Director can be initiated to include a ten year or other term payment plan. This payment plan could be presented to the City Council for approval. RECOMMENDATION Based upon historical uses of FIA's by the City and considering the financial impact that calling the FIA's may have on property owners, staff recommends that City Council approve the use of FIA's as a project funding source and to direct staff to offer a payment plan. The payment plan would require the five property owners to make payments based on the plan approved by Council or a lien will be placed on the property. January 21, 2009 Page 3 of 3 Valley and Magnolia Sidewalk Improvements Project No. 6019 Future Improvement Agreements UNDERGROUNDING OVERHEAD UTILITIES An item that has been discussed with the property owners is undergrounding the overhead utilities. Throughout the design phase of this project, meetings were held with all 19 of the residents directly affected by this project. A common interest among all the residents was undergrounding the overhead utilities. In fact, some of the residents were interested in forming an assessment district to include this work in the project. However, due to the relatively high expense to include this work (approximately $500,000), and because no funding is available in the 20A account for undergrounding the utilities, the idea never gained sufficient momentum. Options the City could consider would be to delay the project until sufficient funds are available in the 20A account (about 6 years) to underground the overhead utilities in this area or fund the undergrounding from the General Fund or possibly use Proposition 42 funds. This option would satisfy the interests of all 19 residents directly affected by the project. It would provide some relief to the property owners with FIA's because the owners will recognize that their FIA's are contributing to a project that results in the undergrounding of the overhead utilities. The undergrounding of utilities is a desire they have expressed strong interest in achieving from the initial discussions of this project. JAG^OB/iViOEDER, P.E. Associate Engineer c: Terry Smith, Senior Civil Engineer - Design Division Ronald Kemp, Deputy City Attorney Aaron Beanan, Accountant 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO.2009-061 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF VALLEY AND MAGNOLIA SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 6019-1 AND WATER LINE REPLACEMENT PROJECT NO. 3904-1. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, has determined it necessary, desirable, and in the public interest to construct sidewalk, curb, gutter and widen portions of Valley Street and Magnolia Avenue; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of CaTkbad, CalifShija, has determined it necessary, desirable, and in the public interest to incorporate a waterVie replacemerXproject, Project No. 3904-1 into the Valley and Magnolia Sidewalk Implement project, IVpject No. 60J9-1; and WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Municipal ^ater District (CMWD) w\\\foree to reimbj^Tse the City of Carlsbad for the actual costs of constructing the \ater Line ReplacaBrtent project, §roject No. 3904-1; and WHEREAS, tfof^pran^^fld specifications^or furnishing of jrfT labor, materials, tools, equipment, trans%ortation,|and other expanses necessaryWpr incidenttn of said projects have been prepared and are %n file in^he Public Works S^gineering Departme^u of the City of Carlsbad and are incorporated by reference \ WHEREAS,\the Val\y and Magnoliaf SidewalkyTmprovement project is exempt from enviromental review p^r CEQA Sction 15303(df and REAS, theVater Line^pjaceXent prefect is exempt from environmental review per ^ ^ ^"^CEQA Section T5^Q2(c); ar WHEREAS, tnb^nglbeer's estimate foj^the construction portion of the Valley and Magnolia Sidewalk Improvement projecn»763,000 an)B the Engineer's estimate for the construction portion of the Water Line Replacement project is $304^000; and WHEREAS, based on the Eng/eer's estimate additional funds in the amount of $186,265 are required to complete the Valley and Magnolia Sidewalk Improvement project, approximately $75,000 of which will be collected by "calling" five existing Future Improvement Agreements; and WHEREAS, the Valley and Magnolia Sidewalk project, Project No. 6019, falls within the guidelines of the Sidewalk/Street Construction Program; and »> 1 WHEREAS, sufficient funds exist in the Sidewalk/Street Construction Program, Project No. 2 6002 to accommodate the anticipated Valley and Magnolia project increase. 3 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows:4 1. That the above recitations are true and correct.5 . 2. The Finance Department can prepare a reasonable payment plan for the five D property owners with FIA's. 3. City Attorney is directed to prepare an amendment to the subject FIA's to include a 8 reasonable payment plan of up to 10 years. 9 4. That the plans, specifications and contract documents on file in the Engineering 10 Department of the City of Carlsbad are hereby approved. 11 5- The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to publish, in 12 accordance with State law, a Notice to Contractors Inviting Bids for the construction 13 of the Valley and Magnolia Sidewalk Improvements, Project No. 6019-1, in 14 accordance with the plans, specifications, and contract documents referred to herein. 15 6. That the Finance Director is authorized to transfer $186,265 from the Sidewalk/Street 16 Construction (Project No. 6002) program to the Valley and Magnolia Sidewalk project 17 (Project No. 6019). 18 '" 19 I" 20 I" 21 /" 22 "/ 23 /" 24 /// 25 HI 26 /// 27 /// 28 /// 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the 2 Carlsbad City Council and Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors, held 3 on the day of , 2009, by the following vote: 4 5 AYES: 6 NOES: 7 ABSENT:8 9 10 11 CLAUDE A LEWIS, Mayor 12 ATTEST: 13 14 15 LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk 16 (SEAL) 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO.1349 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT (CMWD), APPROVING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, DETERMINING TO REIMBURSE THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR THE ACTUAL COSTS FOR THE WATER LINE REPLACEMENT. PROJECT NO. 3904-1. WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD), California, has determined it necessary, desirable, and in the public interest to replace an old 8" asbestos cement pipe (ACP) and install a new SLpolyvinyl chloride (PVC) water line; and * y ^^WHEREAS, the plans and specifications foriurnishing of all laborTmS^rials, tools, equipment, transportation, and other expenses necessary or incident^ to the Water Line Replacement, Project No. 3904-1, have been prepared and are on file«n the Public WcN^s-Engineering Departn|pnt of the City of Carlsbad and are incorporated herein by refere WHEREAS, the CMWD agrees to reimbSjse the City of Ca^sbad for the jfct/il costs for the Water Line Replacement project part of the Valley anoVlagnolia SidewalK Impra^rn^ht project, Project No. 6019-1; and WHEREAS, thelEngineer's esllh^te for the construction portij^i of the Water Line Replacement projecVis $30i[,000; and WHEREAS, Vis project is exempt from environmental review pejj NOW, THEREVpRE\BE IT RESOLVED by tte Board of Directors Water District (CMWD) ofVhe cV of Carlsbad, CaliforniaXas follows:j 1. That the a^ve reojtations are true and ctrrect. 2. That the pl\ps, specifications, and/contract documents for the Water Line t, Project No. 3904-\are on fiTSjaJhe^fblic Wo/s-Engineering Department of the City of Carlsbad and>^hereby approved^ 3. ThaTN»e Finance Direfctor is authorized t/release $304,000 to the City of Carlsbad to reimburse the City of CarlsbafcKqrJhe Wa^er Line Replajfement, Project No. 3904-1. EQA Section 15302(c). of the Carlsbad Municipal \ 4 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the 2 Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors and the Carlsbad City Council, 3 held on the day of , 2009, by the following vote: 4 5 AYES: 6 NOES: 7 ABSENT:8 9 10 11 CLAUDE A LEWIS, President 12 ATTEST: 13 14 15 LORRAINE M. WOOD, Secretary 16 (SEAL) 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 le- Sheila Cobian From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Jacob Moeder Monday, March 23, 2009 2:15 PM Sherry Freisinger Bill Plummer; Bob Johnson FW: Letter Sherry - below is an email I received re: the Valley and Magnolia Sidewalk Improvements agenda bill. Jacob Moeder From: Kekoa Ede [mailto:kekoaede@hotmail.com] Sent: Monday, March 23, 2009 1:29 PM To: Jacob Moeder Subject: RE: Letter 3/23/09 Hi Jacob, Thank you for taking the time to talk with me today. To summarize this rather long e-mail, both my wife and I have decided that we do not want to have the Magnolia sidewalk improvement project done. We received your letter dated 3/17/09 regarding the sidewalk improvements on Valley Street and Magnolia Avenue. I know that the bolded section said that the letter doesn't serve as a demand to the property owner to install or pay for the improvements at this time. However, my wife and I would like to inform you that we no longer want to have the sidewalk constuction project done for the following reasons: 1. You stated to me about a year ago directly that the sidewalk improvement portion (without the driveway resurfacing) would be done entirely at the cost of the city and not at our cost. 2. I let you know initially both verbally and in a letter and e-mail that overall I was not in favor of the project because it involves destroying trees that in my mind are beautiful and have been growing probably for over 50 years. Had I realized from the outset that I'd have to possibly pay the city $20,000 to help pay for the project, I would have been strongly opposed to the project. My wife and I do not feel that it is fair or forthright on the part of the city to be told about a year after initially hearing about the project, after being asked to give consent to allow city workers on our property, that we might have to pay into the project. 3. Although there was a lien on the property from a contract signed in 1991- about 2 previous owners ago, both my wife and I were completely unaware of this lien or its implications. 4. With the current housing crisis with high rates of home foreclosures, we are uncomfortable with the city notifying us of the potential of paying $20,000 for a project that we did not initially agree with. 5. Since signing the letter allowing the city to be on our property to do the work, we have found out that public improvement projects are not necessarily a "done deal" (would happen even if community members do not want the project done)- and are sometimes preventable if the community does not wish to have the project completed. Thus, for all these reasons, my wife and I do not want the sidewalk improvement project to be done. We do, however, sincerely appreciate you listening to us and all the time you have spent in analyzing and preparing this neighborhood improvement project. Sincerely, Kekoa C. Ede Get quick access to your favorite MSN content with Internet Explorer 8. Download FREE now! March 24, 2009 To: Mayor and City Council From: City Manager Subject: Undergrounding of Utilities In reference to Agenda Item #8, attached is a priority chart from the Undergrounding Utilities Advisory Committee Report from 2001. This chart shows the priority rankings from the last evaluation. Please note on the last page of the report, there is an explanation of how the points are distributed. If you need any additional information, please let me know. Lisa Hildabrand City Manager LH:ad Attachment £0'. APPENDIX "D" Priority Chart uuptable12 J1ByPoints.xls City of Carlsbad Eng.Dept.-Utility Undergrounding Qualification List July 2001 1 ID 119 117 92 91 243 39 118 148 151 221 150 210 235 257 258 63 64 140 141 142 143 144 149 160 209 244 2 STREET HARDING ST HARDING ST EL CAMINO REAL EL CAMINO REAL ROOSEVELT ST CARLSBAD BLVD HARDING ST JEFFERSON ST JEFFERSON ST PALOMAR AIRPORT RD JEFFERSON ST OAK AVE PINE AVE TAMARACK AVE TAMARACK AVE CHESTNUT AVE CHESTNUT AVE JEFFERSON ST JEFFERSON ST JEFFERSON ST JEFFERSON ST JEFFERSON ST JEFFERSON ST LAS FLORES DR OAK AVE ROOSEVELT ST 3 LIMITS PINE AVE TO CHESTNUT AVE CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR TO OAK AVE S/O CHESTNUT AVE 2010' HOSP WY TO CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR PINE AVE TO WALNUT AVE CITY LIMIT TO STATE ST OAK AVE TO PINE AVE MAGNOLIA AVE TO ANCHOR WY ANCHOR WY TO CAROL PL PALOMAR OAKS TO COLLEGE BLVD. CAROL PL TO TAMARACK AVE OCEAN ST TO CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD BLVD TO GARFIELD ST HIGHLAND DR TO JAMES DR JAMES DR TO VALLEY ST CAMEO RD TO CELINDA DR CELINDA DR TO EL CAMINO REAL LAS FLORES TO BUENA VISTA WY BUENA VISTA WY TO BUENA PL BUENA PL TO KNOWLES PL KNOWLES PL TO LAGUNA DR LAGUNADR TO ARBUCKLE PL TAMARACK AVE TO CITRUS PL JEFFERSON ST TO TUTTLE ST HARDING ST TO I-5 WALNUT AVE TO CHESTNUT AVE 4 LENGTH 860:0 400.0 2090.0 1500.0 385.0 1325.0 390.0 300.0 475.0 5100.0 300.0 350.0 260.0 320.0 815.0 635.0 355.0 660.0 370.0 300.0 670.0 625.0 235.0 280.0 655.0 400.0 5 ADT 5583 7049 26869 33226 4000 22389 5716 6800 7200 40800 7488 1720 2500 10215 10413 6293 6293 13873 13873 13873 13873 9800 3891 10175 2900 0 \ * A. « 6 CIP X X X X X X X X *• 7 A 3 3 1 3 3 2 3 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 8 B 3 3 5. 5 3 5 3 3 3 5 3 2 2 5 5 3 3 5 5 5 5 3 2 5 2 0 9 C 2 2 5 5 0 5 0 2 2 5 .2 3 3 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 10 D 8 7 3 0 7 0 5 3 3 0 3 2 2 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 2 5 11 Total Points 16 15 14 13 13 12 11 11 11 11 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 12 COST [$] 172,000 80,000 418,000 300,000 77,000 265,000 78,000 60,000 95,000 1,020,000 60,000 70,000 52,000 64,000 163,000 127,000 71,000 132,000 74,000 60,000 134,000 125,000 47,000 56,000 131,000 80,000 '* ^ 13 OTHER FACTORS A A A A A A w«w £>'£' Page 1 of 11 APPENDIX D uuptable12 j1ByPoints.xls City of Carlsbad Eng.Dept.-Utility Undergrounding Qualification List July 2001 1 ID 245 255 256 7 53 145 162 174 176 177 178 2 6 52 192 204 259 262 274 276 1 45 46 54 58 60 120 124 146 2 STREET ROOSEVELT ST TAMARACK AVE TAMARACK AVE ADAMS AVE CHESTNUT AVE JEFFERSON ST LAS FLORES DR MADISON ST MADISON ST MADISON ST MADISON ST ACACIA AV ADAMS AVE CHESTNUT AVE MAGNOLIA AVE OAK AVE TAMARACK AVE TAMARACK AVE VALLEY ST VALLEY ST ACACIA AV CHERRY AVE CHESTNUT AVE CHESTNUT AVE CHESTNUT AVE CHESTNUT AVE HARDING ST HEMLOCK AVE JEFFERSON ST 3 LIMITS CHESTNUT AVE TO MAGNOLIA AVE JEFFERSON ST TO 1-5 PIO PICO DR RO ADAMS ST HIGHLAND DR TO PARK DR HARDING ST TO PIO PICO DR CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR TO OAK AVE PIO PICO DR TO CHUPAROSA WY CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR TO OAK AVE PINE AVE TO WALNUT AVE WALNUT AVE TO CHESTNUT AVE CHESTNUT AVE TO PALM AVE W/O GARFIELDST HOOVER ST TO HIGHLAND DR JEFFERSON ST TO HARDING ST VALLEY ST TO MONROE ST RAILROAD TO STATE ST VALLEY ST TO PARK DR POLLY LN TO HIGHLAND DR BASSWOOD AVE TO CHESTNUT AVE MAGNOLIA AVE TO ANDREA AVE CARLSBAD BLVD TO GARFIELD ST CARLSBAD BLVD TO GARFIELD ST CARLSBAD BLVD TO GARFIELD ST PIO PICO DR TO ADAMS ST HIGHLAND DR TO VALLEY ST DONNA DR TO WESTHAVEN DR CHESTNUT AVE TO PALM AVE CARLSBAD BLVD TO GARFIELD ST OAK AVE TO PINE AVE 4 LENGTH 690.0 245.0 420.0 1775.0 365.0 420.0 300.0 385.0 390.0 400.0 450.0 730.0 1235.0 370.0 1020.0 160.0 250.0 335.0 660.0 745.0 395.0 425.0 405.0 560.0 1130.0 225.0 630.0 475.0 400.0 5 ADT 0 15540 16091 826 6698 2434 2967 2032 2400 2800 2000 745 1147 3184 1970 400 10141 12733 2323 1935 745 546 793 5335 5100 6293 3282 423 1169 6 CIP / A 3 3 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 8 B 0 5 5 0 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 2 2 0 5 5 2 2 0 0 0 3 3 3 2 0 0 y c 0 0 2 5 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 3 5 2 2 2 0 0 2 2 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 3 2 10 D 5 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Total 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 tej 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 12 COST [$] 138,000 49,600 84,000 355,000 73,000 84,000 60,000 77,000 78,000 . 80,000 90,000 146,000 247,000 74,000 204,000 32,000 50,000 67,000 132,000 149,000 79,000 85,000 81,000 112,000 226,000 45,000 126,000 95,000 . 80,000 13 OTHER A ; i 1 J i .-ii : '; Page 2 of 11 COPY APPENDIX D uuptable12 JlByPoints.xls City of Carlsbad Eng.Dept.-Utility Undergrounding Qualification List July 2001 1 ID 161 191 206 207 279 10 111 51 59 61 62 67 77 78 108 113 129 132 152 184 188 193 198 203 205 208 211 216 m 2 STREET LAS FLORES DR MAGNOLIA AVE OAK AVE OAK AVE WALNUT AVE ADAMS AVE ADAMS AVE CHESTNUT AVE CHESTNUT AVE CHESTNUT AVE . CHESTNUT AVE CHINQUAPIN AVE CHRISTIANSEN WY CHRISTIANSEN WY GARFIELD ST GRAND AVE HOME AVE HOPE AVE JUNIPER AVE MAGNOLIA AVE MAGNOLIA AVE MAPLE AVE MONROE ST OAK AVE OAK AVE OAK AVE OAK AVE PACIFIC;AVE PARKDR 3 LIMITS I-5 TO PIO PICO DR HIGHLAND DR TO VALLEY ST ROOSEVELT ST TO MADISON ST MADISON ST TO JEFFERSON ST CARLSBAD BLVD TO GARFIELD ST TAMARACK AV TO CAM I NO DEL SOL CAMINO DEL SOL TO CHINQUAPIN AV MADISON ST TO JEFFERSON ST ' MONROE ST TO DONNA DR WESTHAVEN DR TO SEAVIEW WY SEAVIEWWY TO CAMEO RD CARLSBAD BLVD TO GARFIELD ST CARLSBAD BLVD TO RAILROAD RAILROAD TO STATE ST REDWOOD AVE TO TAMARACK AVE HOPE AVE TO CUL DE SAC JEFFERSON ST TO HOPE AVE HOME AVE TO GRAND AVE CARLSBAD BLVD TO GARFIELD ST MADISON ST TO JEFFERSON ST ADAMS ST TO GRECOURT WY CARLSBAD BLVD TO GARFIELD ST KAREN LN TO PARK DR LINCOLN ST TO RAILROAD STATE ST TO ROOSEVELT ST JEFFERSON TO HARDING ST CARLSBAD BLVD TO LINCOLN ST : OCEAN'STJO MdUNTAl^^B)8jfDBip:,'^; MAY CT TO TAMARACK AVE 4 LENGTH 290.0 1210.0 390.0 375.0 375.0 285.0 465.0 380.0 345.0 220.0 315.0 440.0 400.0 100.0 240.0 450.0 480.0 400.0 470.0 500.0 580.0 410.0 725.0 515.0 390.0 395.0 205.0 SJ625&S: 650.0 5 ADT 5930 2026 2611 2349 1165 3151 3151 0 6293 6293 6293 0 0 0 3829 0 0 0 778 4841 1882 347 1728 0 0 0 0 S.-.-S5C-, 2557 6 CIP 7 A 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 ;.-2;:. 2 8 B 3 2 2 2 0 2 2 0 3 3 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 9 C 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 '..2. 0 10 D 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 11 Total 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 12 COST [$] 58,000 242,000 78,000 75,000 75,000 57,000 93,000 76,000 69,000 44,000 63,000 88,000 80,000 20,000 48,000 90,000 96,000 80,000 94,000 100,000 116,000 82,000 145,000 103,000 78,000 79,000 41 ,000 125,000 130,000 13 OTHER B Page 3 of 11 APPENDIX D uuptableU )1 ByPoints.xls City of Carlsbad Eng.Dept.-Utility Undergrounding Qualification List July 2001 1 ID 228 230 231 254 275 277 283 8 9 14 -• -• '23; : 48 65 66 73 74 99 104 109 121 122 147 175 179 183 185 ; 214 . 215 222 2 STREET PINE AVE PINEAVE PINE AVE SYCAMORE AVE VALLEY ST VALLEY ST WALNUT AVE ADAMS AVE ADAMS AVE ADAMS AVE -. :.-. :•; .:BASSW0:pD,AVE '•' ;: ; CHESTNUT AVE CHESTNUT AVE CHESTNUT AVE CHINQUAPIN AVE CHINQUAPIN AVE GARFIELD ST GARFIELD ST GARFIELD ST HARDING ST HARDING ST JEFFERSON ST MADISON ST MADISON ST MAGNOLIA AVE MAGNOLIA AVE V; OCEAN ?ST ..,;......:. 'OCEAN;ST PARKDR 3 LIMITS TYLER ST TO ROOSEVELT ST MADISON ST TO JEFFERSON ST JEFFERSON ST TO HARDING ST CARLSBAD BLVD TO GARFIELD ST CHESTNUT AVE TO MAGNOLIA AVE ANDREA AVE TO TAMARACK AVE E/0 MADISON ST TO THE ALLEY MAGNOLIA AV TO LARKSPUR WY LARKSPUR WY TO TAMARACK AV HARRISON ST TO HOOVER ST •• ^:^&i^m^mmv^m^^&^iK^ LINCOLN ST TO RAILROAD EL CAMINO REAL TO CATALINA DR CATALINA DR TO TREISTE OR HARRISON ST TO ADAMS ST ADAMS ST TO SYME DR PINE AVE TO WALNUT AVE ACACIA AVE TO CHERRY AVE TAMARACK AVE TO SEQUOIA AVE PALM AVE TO MAGNOLIA AVE MAGNOLIA AVE TO CAROL PL CHESTNUT AVE TO PALM AVE OAK AVE TO PINE AVE PALM AVE TO MAGNOLIA AVE ROOSEVELT ST TO MADISON ST JEFFERSON ST TO HARDING ST . , . . -.f/Ai;GASHEta-^Tsi0»SffieHSS^ft-?SsBi: •-'. •••^ ^^CHRISTIANSENsWYS|®MK»E«t4?*f^ MONROE TO MAY CT 4 LENGTH 175.0 385.0 375.0 380.0 890.0 430.0 180.0 670.0 395.0 600.0 jg#8J®fi£i 520.0 160.0 160.0 535.0 . 520.0 410.0 315.0 270.0 580.0 745.0 400.0 390.0 475.0 445.0 285.0 SiBSOjOS: §«» 400.0 5 ADT 0 0 0 333 1789 2642 0 0 0 1083 0 4073 0 2536 3034 1733 2882 1907 0 0 0 0 0 0 2892 Stt8*6j&: ^:SJ£v 2557 6 CIP ;-<W-: •>;x-- .':'X- 7 A 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 V-.0-- 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 3 3 3 1 ,0 0 1 8 B 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 50; 0 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0. 2 9 C 0 2 2 3 0 0 2 2 2 0 ,0.,! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 <o 0 0 10 D 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .3 .3 0 .11-'" ' Total 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 •-.'•••3:'- .. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 "••• '3 3 :' 3 12 COST [$] 35,000 77,000 75,000 76,000 178,000 86,000 36,000 134,000 79,000 120,000 280,000 104,000 32,000 32,000 107,000 104,000 82,000 63,000 54,000 116,000 149,000 80,000 78,000 95,000 89,000 57,000 366,000 228,000 80,000 13 OTHER C B B Page 4 of 11 • APPENDIX D uuptablelL 01ByPoints.xls City of Carlsbad Eng.Dept.-Utility Undergrounding Qualification List July 2001 1 ID 229 240 268 282 4 5 12 13 15 25 28 29 41 42 49 50 55 56 57 69 70 71 75 84 98 100 102 103 106 2 STREET PINEAVE ROOSEVELT ST VALLEY ST WALNUT AVE ADAMS AVE ADAMS AVE ADAMS AVE ADAMS AVE ADAMS AVE BASSWOOD AVE BEECH AVE BEECH AVE CEREZODR CEREZO DR CHESTNUT AVE CHESTNUT AVE CHESTNUT AVE CHESTNUT AVE CHESTNUT AVE CHINQUAPIN AVE CHINQUAPIN AVE CHINQUAPIN AVE CHINQUAPIN AVE CYPRESS AVE GARFIELD ST GARFIELD ST GARFIELD ST GARFIELD ST GARFIELD ST 3 LIMITS ROOSEVELT ST TO MADISON ST LAGUNA DR TO BEECH AVE CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR TO JAMES DR ROOSEVELT ST TO MADISON ST CHESTNUT AV TO PALM AV ADAMS ST TO MAGNOLIA AV CHINQUAPIN AV TO HARBORVIEW LN HARBORVIEW LN TO LOCUST ST LOCUST ST TO HARRISON ST JAMES DR TO VALLEY ST GARFIELD ST TO CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD BLVD TO WASHINGTON ST CARLSBAD BLVD TO LOS ROBLES DR LOS ROBLES DR TO EL ARBOL DR RAILROAD TO ROOSEVELT ST ROOSEVELT ST TO MADISON ST ADAMS ST TO WOODLAND WY WOODLAND WY TO SPANISH WY SPANISH WY TO HIGHLAND DR RAILROAD ST TO HARBOR DR HARBOR DR TO BALDWIN LN BALDWIN LN TO JEFFERSON ST SYME DR TO STELLA MARIS LN OGEAWfiTTO CARl!SmD&Wl> ^ " ^f N;OGARCSBAOW&ASeDfR> - * WALNUT AVE TO SYCAMORE AVE CHESTNUT AVE TO MAPLE AVE MAPLE AVE TO ACACIA AVE JUNIPER AVE TO HEMLOCK AVE 4 LENGTH 380.0 970.0 145.0 375.0 270.0 605.0 345.0 125.0 200.0 470.0 280.0 400.0 245.0 285.0 550.0 390.0 575.0 275.0 360.0 575.0 290.0 235.0 310.0 ^eoDtf i i* 945^ 200.0 335.0 325.0 230.0 5 ADT 0 0 2019 519 0 0 1083 1083 1083 0 1218 477 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1265 0 J&ST * 8&- 0 0 0 .0 6 CIP 7 A 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 2 2 2 2 8 B 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ov 0 0 0 0 0 9 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 10 D 2 2 0 2 0 .0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Total 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 12 COST [$] 76,000 194,000 29,000 75,000 54,000 121,000 69,000 25,000 40,000 94,000 56,000 80,000 49,000 . 57,000 110,000 78,000 115,000 55,000 72,000 115,000 58,000 47,000 62,000 120,000 189,000 40,000 67,000 65,000 46,000 13 OTHER . . B B Page 5 of 11 APPENDIX D uuptablelk. -01ByPoints.xls City of Carlsbad Eng.Dept.-Utility Undergrounding Qualification List July 2001 1 ID 107 126 127 133 134 156 165 166 187 189 190 199 200 225 226 232 234 236 237. . 250 260 269 271 273 280 281 24 31 40 2 STREET GARFIELD ST HIBISCUS CR HIGHLAND DR JAMES DR JAMES DR KNOWLES AVE LINCOLN ST LINCOLN ST MAGNOLIA AVE MAGNOLIA AVE MAGNOLIA AVE MONROE ST MONROE ST PARK DR PARK DR PINE AVE PINE AVE PIO^ICO:DR PIOPIGODR SP.RUCE ST TAMARACK AVE VALLEY ST VALLEY ST VALLEY ST WALNUT AVE WALNUT AVE BASSWOOD AVE BLENKARNE DR CATALINADR 3 LIMITS HEMLOCK AVE TO REDWOOD AVE ANCHOR W&TO 600' S/OSJ^MAMCfK ''-*$ -> k RATC!lFFflD^ADAMSlSf'4.r ? * " TAMARACK AVE TO JEANNE PL MOWMEJSTTO*eeiLOF^SAC * v -, DAVIS AVE TO CUL DE SAC OAK AVE TO PINE AVE PINE AVE TO WALNUT AVE PIO PICO DR TO ADAMS ST GRECOURT WY TO YVETTE WY YVETTE WY TO HIGHLAND DR MAGNOLIA AVE TO KAREN PL CHESTNUT AVE TO MAGNOLIA AVE WESTHAVEN DR TO WOODVALE DR WOODVALE DR TO MONROE ST HARDING ST TO I-5 GARFIELD ST TO LINCOLN ST 350' N/0 YOORELU AVE TOtftGUNA'DR- - OAKAVETOCHESTNPTJAVF-* ., ' YOURELL AVE TO FOREST AVE ADAMS ST TO MARGARET WY JAMES DR TO OAK AVE EVERGREEN DR TO BONITA LN VALLEY PL TO BASSWOOD AVE GARFIELD ST TO LINCOLN ST LINCOLN ST TO WASHINGTON ST HIGHLAND DR TO JAMES DR ESTWOOD DR TO 590' W/O WESTWOOD DR S/EN' CHESTNUT AVE TO TRIESTE DR 4 LENGTH 245.0 iMWbO-Jff J28Q&& ; 240.0 , "3WMP-' 565.0 390.0 395.0 620.0 260.0 410.0 130.0 360.0 855.0 855.0 580.0 255.0 * 3500.0- 'I'SS&O- 490.0 660.0 320.0 280.0 370.0 260.0 475.0 500.0 590.0 1540.0 5 ADT 0 1 0 *804Q 0 ^ 'O'te 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1002 0 0 2507 2507 0 0 0 0 1398 0 0 0 0 0 6 CIP « r ,. 1 7 A 2 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 8 B 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 C 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Total 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ' ',2: ' .2" 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 12 COST [$] 49,000 280,0~00 2,500',000 48,000 ; '60.000 113,000 78.000 79,000 124,000 52,000 82,000 26,000 72,000 171,000 171,000 116,000 51,000 700,000 ' .. 310,000 98,000 132,000 64,000 56,000 74,000 52,000 95,000 100,000 118,000 JP8.000 13 OTHER B B . C B B .. Page 6 of 11 APPENDIX D uuptableli 31ByPoints.xls City of Carlsbad Eng.Dept.-Utility Undergrounding Qualification List July 2001 1 ID 47 68 72 76 89 90 95 101 105 110 125 153 167 171 172 186 213 217 218 219 227 261 270 272 285 . -3" .:16 :W-;ir 2 STREET CHESTNUT AVE CHINQUAPIN AVE CHINQUAPIN AVE CHINQUAPIN AVE ELARBOLDR ELARBOLDR FALCON DR GARFIELD ST GARFIELD ST GARFIELD ST HEMLOCK AVE JUNIPER AVE LINCOLN ST LOS ROBLES DR (E & W) LOS ROBLES DR (E & W) MAGNOLIA AVE OAK AVE PALM AVE PALM AVE PALM AVE PINE AVE TAMARACK AVE VALLEY ST VALLEY ST WESTWOOD DR ABAMS'AVE ./ -.-. .;• ALDER:AVE .. ;ALTHEA':LN^^mmmiB: 3 LIMITS GARFIELD ST TO LINCOLN ST GARFIELD ST TO RAILROAD JEFFERSON ST TO HARRISON ST STELLA MARIS LN TO HIGHLAND DR CEREZO DR TO MANZANO DR CANNON RD TO CEREZO DR WESTWOOD DR TO DONNA DR SYCAMORE AVE TO CHESTNUT AVE CHERRY AVE TO JUNIPER AVE SEQUOIA AVE TO CHINQUAPIN AVE E/O GARFIELD ST E/OGARFIELDST WALNUT AVE TO CHESTNUT AVE CANNON RD TO CEREZO DR (ALLEY) CEREZO DR TO MANZANO DR (ALLEY) HARDING ST TO CUL DE SAC VALLEY ST TO CANYON ST MADISON STTO JEFFERSON ST JEFFERSON ST TO HARDING ST HARDING ST TO CUL DE SAC LINCOLN ST TO WASHINGTON ST MARGARET WY TO POLLY LN OAK AVE TO EVERGREEN DR BONITA LN TO VALLEY PL NE/O MONROE ST TO 70' S/O BLENKARNE DR N/E ' :t..sUiS-BASSW,OQD'AV';TOffiH:ES¥NUT:AWJ '^ ft! •; :.W^:-^M0N:ROE;:S1^0;0I^ •'•••'•: ^ :V^:^^BRE^^E^D':eDSfi^ci:^^., | '••^^^^ff^^^Q^^^^^ 4 LENGTH 260.0 820.0 505.0 375.0 910.0 1515.0 245.0 205.0 300.0 275.0 765.0 765.0 405.0 1530.0 890.0 190.0 740.0 345.0 340.0 205.0 485.0 215.0 160.0 435.0 1180.0 ^^'tOBOlO*1 -ICttOiCK; //r;25&&Jl* 5 ADT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S540&& ikfOli':-: mMf?&w; 6 CIP 7 A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ••:&-.- >-Q. : 0 •:-&• 8 B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •0- vO; •o. iO 9 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i.--a,- iff- : 0 0 10 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' - 0 xO 0 ;;0 11 Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : £ • ..OK- . o ; 0. . , 0 12 COST [$] 52,000 164,000 101,000 75,000 182,000 303,000 49,000 41,000 60,000 55,000 153,000 153,000 81,000 306,000 178,000 38,000 148,000 69,000 68,000 41,000 97,000 43,000 32,000 87,000 236,000 21 0,000 : 202,000 50,000 138,000 13 OTHER B B C . C Page 7 of 11 APPENDIX D uuptablell 01E3yPoints.xls City of Carlsbad Eng.Dept.-Utility Undergrouriding Qualification List July 2001 1 ID 19 20 21 22 26 27 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 43 44 79 80 81 82 83 85 86 87 88 93 94 96 97 2 STREET ANNDR ARBUCKLE PL ARLAND RD AVOCADO LN BASSWOOD AVE BEECH AVE BELLE LN BUENA PL BUENA VISTA CR BUENAVISTAWY CAMDEN CR CAMELLIA PL CAMINO DEL SOL CR CANYON ST CHARLEEN CR CHARTER OAK DR CIPRIANO LN CITRUS PL CLEARVIEW DR CREST DR CYNTHIA LN DATE AVE DAVIS AVE DAVIS PL DONNA DR ELMWOOD ST EUREKA PL FALCON DR FOREST AVE 3 LIMITS . -GAYLEWY-.TOJANISWW £.r ' >«t" i. MADISON STTO UEFFERSON -SI*?. >-' I" HIGHLAND!DR'TOBUENAMSTAWYv*Tt?V * HARDlN&ST-'ro CDS -^ f&J * - i - VALLEY^STTO RIDGECREST«Rn®v * f * - ' OCEAN StTOGARFIELDST.,"1' »V 'i BASSWOOD AVETO CDS' <^! - i ' 1 JEFFERSON ST TO CDS -/;,,; ~t < '„ ' N/OUGUNADR^j^AY^'-j JEFFERSON ST TC?DAVIS>AVEV;SV , • RIDGECRESTDR TO CDS" >;">'!• ,'" "XHARDfNG'STTCTGDS ^ - il , 1 * ADAMS STTO CDS *-'•/"-,'«" OAK AVE TO BASSWOOaAVB - DONNA DR TO CDS *.' ' r „ u, , > , SEACREST DR TO RIDGECREST DR FOREST AVE TO CDS 4v : i ^ JEFFERSON St TO CDS W> ^ S/0 MACARTHUR AVE TB401, ' ,* -* I -- r FOREST AVE TO BUENAJVISTX WY v'.% ' ' 270'-W/0J& 130' E/0 GRB?ORYt)fti * GARFIELD STTO RAILROAD-. " BUENA VISTA WY TOJLAGt)NA DHA wyo DAVIS AVE iso1' r;Vnr '. - CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR TO CHESTNUT AVE BUENA VISTA WY TO LAGUNA DR BASSWOOD AVE TO CHESTNUTiAVE DONNA DB TO CUL! DE SAC , ' HIGHLAND DR TO CREST DR ' 4 LENGTH -•* 530.0?* n;3oo:o:i ^ 320.0 1 *f 400;0'-: • 260CJ.O ;.210Q-* ; 190.0^1 570.0 ; ,,15gO.Oi! ^780.0 '1 . 170:0 £80.0 " 260.0 ' • 900.0> < ,600.0--,' 500.0. 260.0 ' '260.0 <h 640.0- - -1620,0 400.0 » 640,0, 1250:0 !,r15Q.O * 4000.0 1190.0 1190.0 , 900.0 1980.0 5 ADT / 0. L 0^< ' » >--a.', j 0«, ? 0 ,t)- •o * 0- *Q\, 591 0 0 0 0 , 0 • 0 " 0 0 , '0 v D • ,0 0 0 0 879 485^ 0 0 0 6 CIP * r i * V 7 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 COST [$] 106,000 6o;ooo ' 64.0.00 • 80,000 520V000 . 42;.000 .- 38,000 114,000 31:0,000 . 156,000 34;000 76,000 52,000. 180,000 120,000 100,000 52,000 52,000 128,000 324,000 80,000 128,000 250,000 30,000 800,000 238,000 238,000 180,000 .396,000 13 OTHER B C B C B . • . B . C C B . • c C c c B C B C C B B. C B B C B B B B B Page 8 of 11 APPENDIX D uuptablel. -01ByPoints.xls City of Carlsbad Eng.Dept.-Utility Undergrounding Qualification List July 2001 1 ID 111 112 114 115 116 123 128 130 131 135 136 137 138 139 154 155 157 158 159 163 164 168 169 170 173 .T80 181 182 1QV 2 STREET GAYLE WAY GLORIA LN GREGORY DR HARBOR DR HARBORVIEW LN HARRISON ST HILLCRESTCR HOMEAVE HOOVER ST JAMES DR JANIS WAY JAN IS WAY JEANNE PL JEFFERSON ST KARREN LN KNOWLES AVE KNOWLES AVE LAGUNA DR LARKSPUR LN LAS FLO RES DR LAURIE CR LINDA LN LOCUST AVE LONG PL MACARTHUR AVE MADISON ST MADISON ST MAEZEL LN -MGARETWY 3 LIMITS MONROE ST-TO DONNA'DR « -j , - ''vJEANNElPLTOCDSJSU,^ , CYNJHIASCN TO KNOWLES 'XVE&*^ , ' < > ' , ^S/0*CHlNQUAPIN.AVe ifl.%>i ** << ADAMS-STTO CDS*l"^'> *>j t, , ' ? CHINQUAPIN AVE TO ADAMS ST>, *• i >, ^.SEACRESTDRTO.CDS L» -(* ,„ , E/0 MOPE AVE TO CUL DE SAO . » ; HIGHLAND DR TO 570' SW/O ADAMS ST JEANNE PL TO NO NAME ST BEDFORD CR TO CUL DESACV? ANN DR TO DONNA DR , " JAMES DR TO CDS . N/OLASFLORES / «\ < MONROE ST TO CDS ,^, ^ JEFFERSON ST TO DAVIS AVE ' PIO PICO DR TO ELMWOOD ST ' ^' JEFFERSON ST TO ELMWOQD'ST j ADAMS ST TO CDS- , ' MORNING GLORY LN TO HIGHLAND DR ANN DR TO CDS , ' - MONROE ST TO CDS's " HARRISON ST TO ADAMS ST» v, CHINQUAPIN AVE TO CDS ! ', SUNNYHILli DR TO SKYLINE RD GRANT AVE TO ARBUcktE'PLi ""•,' - ARBUCKLE PL TO LAGUNA DR BASSWOOD AVE TO CDS TAMARACK AVE TO CDS ~» 4 LENGTH 66tfO - ,-*150,0 > ^280.0 s 700.0 - > 350.0* ; 131 o.o . f 150.0 < 355.0 ' 1420.0 740.0 620.0 > 310,0 6300 580.0 170.0 610.0 ,1050.0 * 2250.0 ^ -460.0 340.0 , 160X1 800.0 , 490.0,' 375.0 570.0 5806 800.0 3900 450.0 5 ADT 0 y 0 " 0 '0 : P>O . O^i > 0 < 0 . 0' 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 605 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 6 CIP * 7 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,-o 0 0 0 8 B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o •••o 9 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;-0 :0 10 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :0 0 • 0 :.Q- 11 Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o. 0 0 . 0 , 0 •0 , ::0 12 COST [$] 132,000 30,000: 56,000 140,000: 70,000: 262,000 . 30,.000 71,000 -284,000 148,000 f24,000 62,000 126,000 - 116,000 34,000 122,000 210,000 .450,000 92,000 68,000 32,000 160,000 98,:000 75,000 1 14,000 116,000 160,000 78,000 90,000 13 OTHER C C B B .C B C B B C B - C : - B C B B B C B C . B C B B C __C_-J Page 9 of 11 APPENDIX D r " uuptablelL J1EiyPoints.xls City of Carlsbad Eng.Dept.-Utility Undergrounding Qualification List July 2001 1 ID 195 196 197 201 202 212 220 224 233 238 239 246 247 248 249 251 252 253 263 264 265 266 267 278 284 2.86 287 288 m 2 STREET MCKINLEY ST MEADOWLARK LN MONROE ST MOUNTAIN VIEW DR NORMANDIE LN OAKAVE PALM AVE PARK DR PINE AVE REDWOOD AVE RIDGECREST DR SANDY PL SEACREST DR SEQUOIA AVE SKYLINE RD SPRUCE ST STRATFORD LN SUNNYHILLDR TRIESTE DR TRUESDELL LN TUTTLE ST TYLER ST VALLEY ST VALLEY PL WESTHAVEN DR WILSON ST WOODLAND WY WOODVALE DR YOURELL AVE 3 LIMITS j PINEAVETO BASSWOODAVE^ftY-^ • f vRlDGECREST>'DRTOCDS*4iti'.«- Y< k » ;PARKDRVTOSUNNYH)LUDRJ!< >V ' ' OCEAN STTO CARLSBADBLA/D ' !</ QARF-IELD'STTO MOUNTAIN VIEW DR & , 1" PIO PICO DP TO VALLEY ST |Nhl --«• PIO PICO DR TO ADAMS ST^t*'i < ' , TAMARACK'AVE TO KELLY DR^ ' PIO PICO DR TO HIGHLAND DFf- - . <-„ E/0 GARFIELD'ST : ^ ,Y ,* V '\ > BASSWQOD* AVE TO CHARTER Q"AK»DR „ >. " "CANYON STTO CDS" . '* >V; * O ' RIDGECREST DR N/ENTRms/ENW* n CARLSBAD BLVDTO GARFIELD SF WESTHAVEN DR TO TELESCOPE'AVE . ' ' -YOURELL AVETO CUL DE SAC PIO PICO DR TO CDS MONROE STTO HILLSIDE DR ' ' ^ SIERRA MORENA AVE TO GRANADA WY BLENKARNE DR TCTCDS * / LAS FLORESDR TO BUENA VISTA WY OAK AVE TO CHESTNUTJWE ^ ^ ' BUENA VISTA'WY TO CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR 'VALLEY STTO CUL'DE SAC" i - ; ' CHESTNUT AVE TO WOODVALE DR t- FOREST AVE TO BUENA VISTA WY' ^ > CH ESTN UT AVE TO CDS ^ ^ PARK DR TO WESTHAVEN DR ' i PIO PICO DR TO HIGHLAND DR 4 LENGTH V . 650!0r;> >2so:o , *' 650.0" .v J. 450.0 360.0ft " 2400,0 ,\ (' 535.0 l , 2070.0 _J 670.0' i ^635:0> -2700,0^ j- 170.0 „ 1630.6 - 440.01 " 4665.0, k s< 120,0 " 7500 . 2700.0 ' 120.0 300.0 ' ,760.0* 1380.0 ^ -eod.o 1 260.0 f " t-\300,0 1570.0 1 770.0 280.0 1250.0 5 ADT «0 * '0» , ? o 1282 v ,iO' ' f -0* , ^ o '0(, ' 0" 0. 0 ,-,0. '•0 ' 0 « 0 0 0 0 sga 0 T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 CIP . 7 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 B 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 0 '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 COST [$] 130,000 . . . 50,000; ,130,000 90,000 72,000 - 480,000 107,000 414;000 334,000 ' : 127,000 .540,000 34,000 326,000 ; 88;ooo :. 933,000 . 24,000 150,000 540,000 24,000 60,000 152,000. 276,000 120;,000 52,000 .. 220,000 314,000 .154,000 .56,000 250,000 13 OTHER B C B B C B . . B . B : B B : B . C B B B B C B C C B B B C B B C B B Page 10 of 11 APPENDIX D uuptable12 1ByPoints.xls City of Carlsbad Eng.Dept.-Utility Undergrounding Qualification List July 2001 1 ID 290 2 STREET -YVETTE WY 3 LIMITS MAG NOLI A AVE TO CDS ' „ • 4 LENGTH ^500.0 - 5 ADT 0 6 CIP 7 A 0 8 B 0 9 C 0 10 D 0 11 Total 0 12 COST [$] 100,000 13 OTHER G Column 6 - CIP: if in the next 5 years = x Column 7 - A Points=Concentration of overhead 1=one crossarm 2=two crossarm 3=two crossarm and separate telephone 3=three crossarms Column 8 - B Points= Traffic Volumes: 0=less than 1500 ADT 2=1500 to 5000 ADT 3=5000 to 10,000 ADT 5=more than 10,000 ADT Column 9 - C Points=Civic,recreation,scenic: 0=none 2=adjacent to school 2=adjacent to civic area 2=adjacent to park and recreation 3=adjacent to ocean with view 5=in scenic corridor Column 10 - D Points=Other Factors: 2=in business district 3=CIP project scheduled in 5 years 5=2001 UUAC judgement of high priority Column 11 - Total Points =A+B+C+D Column 12 - Cost = Length x $200/ft Column 13 - Other Factors: A = Judgment Factor of high priority B = Alternative Design Street in NW Quadrant C = Dead End Street D = Judgment Factor of low priority Note: Streets with Factors B and C have been shaded since they are unlikely to have the utilities undergrounded in the near future. Page 11 of 11 APPENDIX D 3/23/09 Valley Sidewalk Improvement CIP 6019 Petition By signing this petition, I indicate that I do not want to have the City of Carlsbad complete the sidewalk improvement project for Valley. Name of Home Owner Address 3 /3.^/0 f 3/23/09 Magnolia Sidewalk Improvement CIP 6019 Petition By signing this petition, I indicate that I do not want to have the City of Carlsbad complete the sidewalk improvement project for Magnolia. Name of Home Owner Address i* c at 2 Install Waterline Construct Sidewalk & Widen Street Carlsbad High School Carlsbad Village Academy Valley Middle School Magnolia Elementary SchoolIn City’s R/W Undergrounding of Utilities not included 3 Increase parking capacity Enhance pedestrian and vehicle circulation Pedestrian 4 Enhance Pedestrian Safety Northbound Car Southbound Car Total 19 parcels 18 residential lots and Carlsbad Village Academy Public Improvements in City’s R/W Regrade/Pave Driveways 5 Street Improvements $763,000 -TIF funds and Future Improvement Agreements (FIA’s) Water Line Replacement $304,000-Water Replacement funds 6 FIA’s result from ›Parcel split ›Lot line adjustment ›Building permit FIA’s cost share $75,000 7 Schools Carlsbad High School Carlsbad Village Academy Valley Middle School Magnolia Elementary SchoolFIA’s CMC Section 18.40.100 prevents Council from waiving the obligations of the FIA’s in this case. Direct the City Attorney to Research CMC to possibly waive the FIA obligation 8 Concerns –pedestrian safety, traffic circulation and parking capacity Priority 13 & 25 in the “City of Carlsbad Sidewalk Inventory Report” prepared by the Traffic Division in 1991 Priority Project Area in Pedestrian Master Plan approved by Council on March 17, 2009 9 Improve Streets and Install Waterline ›Addresses pedestrian safety, traffic circulation, and on-street parking capacity Undergrounding of utilities not included Prevailing Wages not required Call FIA’s with option for Finance Dept. to prepare a payment plan for FIA’s 10 Advertise -April 2009 Open Bids -May 2009 Award –June 2009 Construction –August to November 2009 11 Delays project a min. of 1 year Cost ~ $500,000 Street Lighting ~ $30,000 Funding Options 1.20A SDG&E funds 2.Prop 42 funds 3.General Fund 4.Assessment District 12 1.20A SDG&E funds ›Borrow up to 5 years ~(-$920,000) ›Currently borrowed 2 years~(-$405,000) ›Prevailing Wages required 2.Prop 42 funds ›Prevailing Wages required ›Funds could be used on other projects (e.g., PAR Widening, ECR Widening, etc) 3.Assessment District –Property Owners Pay ›Low ~ $17,000 / High ~ $85,000 13 14 2006 -Faraday Avenue/El Camino Real Intersection Improvements, CIP 3920 ›No action from Council ›City saved ~ $63,000 1987 -Tamarack Avenue Improvements from Adams to Highland, CIP 3144 ›FIA’s discovered after public improvements were made and Council approved collection of FIA’s ›City saved ~ $30,300 15 ›Example A 10 year payment plan at 4% interest $67/month (low) & $206/month (high) 16 No formal process for conversion Future Improvement Agreement (FIA) ›Used for Compatible Improvement Street or Alternative Design Street ›Lien on Property Neighborhood Improvement Agreement (NIA) ›Used for Alternative Design Street only ›Waives owner’s right to vote on Assessment District 17 Compatible Improvement Street (CIS) ›Pedestrian Safety ›Location near 4 local schools Alternative Design Street (ADS) ›Reconvene Sidewalk Policy Committee and re-evaluate findings ›Council Adopt new findings (if any) ›Priority 13 & 25 in1991 Sidewalk Inventory Report ›Priority Project Area in Pedestrian Master Plan 18 19