HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-03-24; City Council; 19760; Presentation of Adopt-A-Trail programCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 11 AB# 19,760 MTG. 3/24/09 DEPT. PARKS & REC. PRESENTATION OF ADOPT-A-TRAIL PROGRAM DEPT. HEAD/^f CITYATTY. '^S^ CITYMGR. ffj, RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept presentation on the Adopt-A-Trail Program by the Parks and Recreation Department. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City of Carlsbad has implemented a successful Trail Volunteer Program over the past five years. The volunteers assist in the maintenance and construction of trails and provide support for special trail related events sponsored by the City. The Adopt-A-Trail Program has been developed to expand the Trail Program by offering additional opportunities for businesses, community service groups, individuals, and organizations to become more actively involved and contribute towards the expansion of the City's trails. Volunteer and sponsorship opportunities are highlighted below: Volunteer Opportunities • Adopt a segment of trail for one year (or more) and provide routine trail maintenance duties. Sponsorship Opportunities • Special Trail Projects - Sponsors can contribute donations towards the construction of a segment of City trail or trail amenities. • General Sponsorship Donations - Donations are welcome for a variety of needs throughout the trail network, such as, signage, tools, lumber, fencing, small equipment, concrete, decomposed granite and other materials. Sponsorship suggested levels and categories include: Trail Treker Trail Friend Trail Keeper Trail Blazer $500-$1,500 $1,500-$2,500 $2,500- $5,000 $5,000-$10,000 DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Liz Ketabian, Park Planner 760-434-2978, lketa@ci.carlsbad.ca.us FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED D DENIED D CONTINUED D WITHDRAWN D AMENDED D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN D RETURNED TO STAFF D OTHER - SEE MINUTES D Council received the presentation. Page 2 Marketing for this program will start with the use of the City's website, an Adopt-A-Trail brochure that outlines the program and use of the City's Community Volunteer Coordinator network. The target groups include community service organizations, such as Rotary, Optimist Clubs, Scout troops, as well as local corporations and businesses. Adopt-A-Trail sponsors receive numerous benefits and are recognized in accordance with the level of contributions made to the program. More information regarding sponsorship levels and associated benefits can be found inside the attached Adopt-A-Trail brochure. (Exhibit 1) FISCAL IMPACT: Contributions to the City of Carlsbad Adopt-A-Trail program would be considered a charitable donation. The Internal Revenue Service considers the City of Carlsbad to be a qualified charitable organization under IRS Code Section 170(c)(1). Contributions to the program would be used exclusively for public purposes and are a qualified charitable donation that can be deducted as such. An Adopt-A-Trail Program donation account has been set up for utilization in the promotion of the Adopt-A-Trail Program. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The proposed presentation does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act and, therefore, does not require environmental review. EXHIBITS: 1. Adopt-A-Trail Brochure & Program Guide i Adopt-A-Trail JL Support Recreation in vnur CnmnSupport Recreation in four Community Adopt-A-Trail JL Support "Recreation in your Comnfour Community Adopt-A-Trail Program Summary Page 2 Sponsorship Levels & Benefits Page 3 Volunteer Service Requirements Page 4 Types of Volunteer Service Projects & Responsibilities Page 5 Typical Adopt-A-Trail Donor Recognition Sign Page 6 Forms & Information Donor Letter of Intent Trail Construction & Trail Improvement Project List Volunteer Application Adopt-A-Trail Volunteer Agreement Citywide Trail Map A few of our beautiful trails: Coastal Rail Trail Golf Course & Veterans Park Hosp Grove La Costa Valley Trail Rancho Carrfflo Trail www.carlsbadca.gov • (760)434-2826 CITY OF <A r CARLSBACr^ Program Summary Did You Know??? One mile of routine trail maintenance costs approximately $S,000/year. (2009 Projection) One mile of trail construction, with the use of volunteers can vary in costs, depending on trail type from approximately $3,000 - $75,000/mile. One mile of new multi use trail construction per the City's trail standards, without the use of volunteers could cost as much as $132,000. The City of Carlsbad Adopt-A-Trail program provides opportunities for organizations and corporations to assist in die development and maintenance of City Trails. The program: • offers a sense of ownership in an assigned trail or trail project • is an outgrowdi of the Carlsbad Citywide Trail Volunteer Program, which engages die community • enhances and maintains trails diroughout the City Sponsorship Opportunities Cash donations at various levels of support can provide for one or a combination of any of the following trail items: ® Kiosks, benches or signage © Special Projects ® Trail Construction A donor Letter of Intent and a list of available projects is included in die back pocket of this handbook. Contributions of any amount are welcome. Volunteer Opportunities ® Routine Trail Maintenance ® Trail Improvements and Special Projects ® Trail Construction Organizations and corporations are encouraged to combine sponsorship and volunteer service to receive die most rewarding involvement available for contrib- uting to die trails system. A list of specific trail projects is available upon request. Adopt-A-Tiail Sponsorship Levels and Associated Benefits Benefit Signage recognition on adopted j trail amenity Invitation to annual Trails Volunteer j Recognition event Acknowledgement at Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council Meetings Recognition at Quarterly Trail Volunteers Meetings Recognition on Citywide Trails web page Recognition in quarterly Trails newsletter Trekker Friend Keeper Blazer $500-$!,500 $1,500-$2,SOO $2,500-$5,000 $5,000-$10,000 j Complimentary group hike with trail guide 1 Certificate of recognition for yourI i i& J I contributions to the community Media release to local outlets I Recognition in one issue of Community j Services Guide (approx. 40K distributed) I and on printed materials for selectTrails events Details & duration of recognition will be specified in Donor Letter of Intent Gifts exceeding $10,000 receive customized benefits. Contributions to the City of Carlsbad Adopt-A-Trail program are considered charitable donations. The Internal Revenue Service considers the City of Carlsbad to be a qualified charitable organization under IRS Code Section I70(c)(l). Contributions made to the City of Carlsbad would be used exclusively for public purposes, are a qualified charitable donation, and can be deducted as such. Our taxpayer identification number is 95-6004793. The City does not offer tax advice and makes no representations as to the deducibility of any gift. Please consult your tax professional. •*//" Volunteer Service Requirements Before beginning any work on the City's trails, volunteers are required to complete the following: 1) Volunteer Selection Qualifications for Adopt-A-Trail trail work volunteers include the ability to perform moderate bending and lifting, walking of trails, observation skills and consistent follow through and communication with City staff Trail maintenance or construction duties may require heavy lifting, shoveling and digging dirt, walking on steep slopes, and carrying tools to the trails - sometimes for long distances. 2) Volunteer Orientation All Volunteers working in Carlsbad are required to attend a Volunteer Orientation with the Community Volunteer Coordinator. To schedule an orientation call (760) 434-2929. 3) Volunteer Applications and Waiver Forms All those who volunteer to work on trails through the Adopt-A -Trail program are required to sign a liability waiver assuming responsibility for their safety and releasing the City from claims. Forms are provided at the Citywide Volunteer Orientation. The volunteer group or organization shall assign one contact person who is responsible for ensuring that all participants return the completed forms to the City's Community Volunteer Coordinator prior to beginning any work on the trails. An application form is included in the pocket at the back of diis booklet. 4) MyVolunteer Page Online Volunteer Program Training Currently the City of Carlsbad requires all volunteers who have access to the Internet to track their volunteer hours using a Volunteer database located online at www.MyVolunteerPage.com. Instructions and training on how to sign up and access your volunteer information using this online database will be given at the Volunteer Orientation. 5) Adopt-A-Trail Agreement Adopters will be obligated to work through an Adopt-A-Trail agreement. The agreement will be signed by the Community Service Group representative and the Recreation Department Director or designee. The agreement lists the site, permitted duties, allowable equipment or techniques, and any limitations on work. A contract for a one year minimum commitment will be required. Renewal is optional after one year of service. Contact the Recreation Department for a list of available trails for adoption. An Adopt-A-Trail agreement form is included in the pocket at the back of this booklet. :ST L. -,-. Types of Volunteer Service Projects and Responsibilities Routine Trail Clean-Up & Inspections Volunteers walk the trails to pick up litter, empty trash and to monitor the dog waste bag stations on trails equipped with them. The City will provide garbage bags, litter pick up sticks, dog waste bags, and other small tools. Trails maps will be provided showing the nearest trash receptacles where trash can be left for collection by City crews. In addition, a designated contact person for the Community Service Group is required to walk the trail monthly, complete and return an inspection form to the Parks Department Supervisor. Trail Work Days Volunteers spend a day working on a denned project on a specific trail. The Community Service Group representative takes the lead in notifying die group's volunteers and coordinating die project details with die Parks and RecreationDepartments.Additional guidelines may apply. Trail Markers/Signage Installations Volunteers walk the trail with staff to determine locations for directional markers and odier types of trail signs. Before volunteers proceed widi the installation of the trail markers or signage City staff must approve the final locations. The work involves digging holes, mixing concrete in a wheelbarrow, and setting 4"x4" or 6"x6" wood posts and signage in place. Trail Construction Clearing, grading, and construction of trails provide an acceptable walking, hiking and biking trail surface. This work involves die use of hand tools, removal and hauling away of vegetation, and often stump and stone removals. Trail construction may also include the placement of materials such as stabilized decomposed granite, gravel, or soil and die use of a wheel- barrow to do so. NOTE: Use of power equipment for trail construction (tractor, chainsaw and other tools) may require OSHA certification and/or training in order for volunteers to use die equipment. Native Habitat Restoration Volunteers can assist in die planting and establishment of native plants along some trails that are located in native habitat areas. Common tasks include use of shovels and rakes for digging and hauling soil amendments, plant materials and water. A regular watering program is critical for getting plants established, and may be required of volunteers. Volunteers must attend a training session on die planting of native plants prior to performing this work Information and training is available dirough die California Native Plant Society (CNPS), www.cnps.com. Tools, materials and training for most projects are available from the Parks Maintenance Department. Adopt-A-TraiJ Donor Recognition Sign Illustrated below is a typical Adopt-A-Trail sign that will be posted at a trail head recognizing the donor and/or the Community Service Group. The details and duration of recognition will be specified in the Donor Letter of Intent. ADOPT-A-TRAIL PROGRAM City of Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Department ADOPT-A-TRAIL PROGRAM Expands Citywide Trail Program Sponsorship Opportunities Volunteer Opportunities ADOPT-A-TRAIL PROGRAM Who Can Participate? Community Service Groups Businesses Organizations Individuals ADOPT-A-TRAIL PROGRAM Sponsorship Opportunities Special Trail Projects-Sponsor contributes donations towards the construction of specific trail or trail amenities General Sponsorship-Donations accepted for a variety of trail needs such as signage, fencing, tools, map printing, trail markers, and other items. ADOPT-A-TRAIL PROGRAM Levels of Sponsorship Trail Treker $500-$1500 Trail Friend $1,500-$2500 Trail Keeper $2,500-$5,000 Trail Blazer $5,000-$10,000 ADOPT-A-TRAIL PROGRAM Sponsorship Levels and Associated Benefits ADOPT-A-TRAIL PROGRAM Volunteer Requirements 1 Year Contract Perform Routine Maintenance Duties, Inspections and Clean-Up Orientation w/Community Services Coordinator Additional Trail Volunteer Training ADOPT-A-TRAIL PROGRAM Adopt-A-Trail Sign Recognizes Sponsorship Group Placed at trailhead of adopted trail or at location of donated trail amenity ADOPT-A-TRAIL PROGRAM Further information online at: www.carlsbadca.gov/trails