HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-05-12; City Council; 19810; Update on Open Space Acquisition ProgramCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the City Council ACCEPT the report and presentation on the City's Open Space Acquisition Program by the Planning Department. ITEM EXPLANATION: At the City Council Workshop on February 20, 2008, City staff briefed the City Council on the status of the potential open space acquisitions properties ranked by the Proposition C Open Space and Trails Committee, as well as the three potential acquisition areas previously identified by the City Council. At that workshop, staff noted that it would provide future updates on the status of the nominated properties and any other information pertinent to open space acquisition within the City. This presentation is intended to provide that update. The staff presentation will consist of three components. The first portion will discuss the purpose, definition, and location of open space within the City. Since there are many types of open space, such as natural lands, developed parks, active agriculture, it is important to understand the purpose and definition of open space when discussing habitat conservation issues. The next component will detail the status of the various properties nominated for open space acquisition and describe three major open space acquisitions within the City. Staff has attempted to contact the property owners of all previously nominated properties to update their willing seller status and will provide the latest information available during the presentation. Included in this discussion will be the current disposition of the Calavera Hills Village H parcel and the status of the Citywide Trail linkage and existing Master Plan open space on the property. Since the February 2008 City Council workshop, three areas totaling over 170 acres have been secured for open space preservation and staff is currently working with the property owners to ensure the General Plan and Zoning designations reflect this open space preservation. These properties are: the Buena Vista Creek Ecological Reserve (formerly Sherman Property) owned by California Department of Fish and Game, the Caltrans Transnet properties (formerly Kelly Ranch Village A) owned by Caltrans, and the Mitsuuchi Property owned by the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation. 16 AB# 19.810 MTG. 05/12/09 DEPT. PLN UPDATE ON CITY OPEN SPACE ACQUISITION PROGRAM DEPT. HEAD WXf^ CITY ATTY. 1@g> CITY MGR. (Jl/-^ DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Michael Grim 760-602-4623 Mike.Grim@carlsbadca.gov FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED D DENIED D CONTINUED D WITHDRAWN D AMENDED D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN RETURNED TO STAFF OTHER - SEE MINUTES Page 2 Lastly, the presentation will describe the various facets of the City's ongoing Open Space Acquisition Program. City staff continues to work with local non-profits, land conservation organizations, SANDAG, and the development community to inform them of the properties analyzed and nominated for open space acquisition within the City. Staff also provides information to the public to assist them with questions about selling their land for open space conservation. Part of the ongoing program is the pursuit of outside funds to assist with open space acquisition. Staff will provide an update on the 2009 Section 6 Land Acquisition Grant that was recently awarded to the Carlsbad HMP and North County MHCP and possible future funding sources for open space preservation. FISCAL IMPACT: The staff update to the City Council on the City's Open Space Acquisition Program does not involve any funding or expenditure requests. Owners of potential open space acquisition properties who are willing sellers can develop sales proposals for review by the City Council under closed session. The potential fiscal impact of any of these possible future open space acquisitions would be evaluated at that time. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The proposed presentation does not constitute a "project" as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act and, therefore, does not require any environmental documentation or analysis. EXHIBITS: 1. Proposition C Open Space and Trails Committee Property Analysis, dated January, 28, 2008. 2. Map of City Open Space, dated February 25, 2009. EXHIBIT 1 o\ 0?tyi • S 3?to "1(T) ^ 3 Sft 3-3 no ^ 3 I O^. 3 No - property isalready conservedop!"O g ft ^en' •a! *^ « « o*l^'^ 2 —• o~<ro 3' Is, g.No - property isalready conservedJfo o *• 51 ^*S *^-l.l g. w & s Yes- one of theproperties isdesignated forfuturedevelopment,Yes — conservationcouldproviderevegetation andadditional buffers^S Hi^ 12 !5- £ O Sfs Yes - one of theproperties isdesignated for futurecommercialdevelopment.H, III Mia r i * 5 !?•S *^ it 5 S 15 Yes - habitat andfloodplain areasare outside ofexisting OpenSpace.Yes - additionalhabitat preservationand wetlandsbuffering is possible.^Sfl 111S' ~ D• ?«• g Yes - most of theproperties aredesignated for futureresidentialdevelopment.^ III Mit 6^ 1 | * W O nj3< 5Terg X o\ 0 0C/)Potentially, if the3.2 acre CF site isdesignated OS.Potentially, if 3. 2acre CF site isconserved andreplanted.P |f n ^< ^* *-* II Yes -a 3. 2 acreportion of site isdesignated CommunityFacilitiesZo en to ^£S. <* g 1« 3 1 73 03,11 ^ UJc J^ 0 S ft 3 ™ =f3 No - property isalready conserved.No — property isalready conserved.o>No - trails would notconflict with land usedesignations.Zo ft t 3 < o. "Oft *^ ^ en* ften — 0 p •3n3fC7^ oo 3 «en ft ft Yes - portion of site isdesignated forresidential land uses13 ta rT f?•5 3•a > -• 0 TO P? s </, 2-1 J- 8. •2.o „ O58 o o» 1 35. ai I OE B- g. ccw •** 5 "•e3"8 ^u •§ >2 °S S_. B &Adds Open Spaceto City SystemBenefits HMPa «5 yj H 1 3n ^3 " O19 Land Use Conflicts2O X n JOS. 55. ** S'B ^CO =t » B B yi •i O IH* OZ IS e > so w oo O oo00 r n ». H I W* wa' haa- jo1-0<v ^^ wso > ><t/1 3 Uj Murphy Property1 7 acresftVJ o- •<2. ™- property wouldncluded in HMPPreserve.8 ftVJ O. c^ § ? ID.TJ<? •5 3 S ftVJ VJ5; g- 1 It!to ft 3S-Ss,c 2 ww r^*8 2.VJ •OO If 1Ml^o 2! 0 KJ Mitsuuchi Propertyoo o ftVJ •< a- •<2. 8 - property wouldncluded in HMPPreserve.O ftn vj» 1 D- c1 § | In T8-? •5| ft ftVI VJs; g- i§ S.-o f O1 v?VJ ^ 3,'8 2.VJ -o0 » 2 c-x s:mo "< VJ ^Rancho Carlsbad1 1 acres8 a- •<n 8 - property wouldncluded in HMPPreserve.•zo <(v (oCfl Cfl51 a- i§ S.-sB-'S I~ S oto ft 3 = 0- 0"• a» "^c 2 viV) ^ 5,' Vj' •o0 ^ O S^ V s 9 'n ~2 1 =-•< s:n £ 2.o *Lubliner Property(trail easement)1 7 acres, trailacreageunknown.o o 5" ftO vi £.£>§ 1-a m 3 QU<? ^1 8 z3 0s-s '8 S =? <§' * s:l-Ei2 » c P g.S e 3w 0 ? 2o X| O 3?<J5'3- O3-OO 58 acres,unused portionsize unknown.ftVJ 5'O •£g.?ft 1•g VJ -a 3 §3 o i"S- 2.o >< — T3op r? ft-a ° 3 ll^E. o g. ft'o •£o ^t Mandana Property1 86 acresreVJ 0 •< •"•> ftI-* VI - only a portionhe site would beconserved ifdeveloped.ft ftVI VJ Ol g- |3 8-a ?-f S~ £ opa TO 33 °- o 5 ° -• VJ' 13O•e s f 1*8 | o •2o ^ O"a3T3ft 5 I C/1 0 •<""*) ft(-* VJ - only a portionhe site would beconserved ifdeveloped.-aOS O3 vi ftrt- ft X 33- 3 S 5.ft &. ft pj O r* O .•a o o I2 5- £. n • — a-1? "" ™ 1. -i •<ft fDVI VI5: o. i III^ 3 r4 S" « 3a.^2, C ^ «" § |' Vl' "OO 03 ft ft ? > = £-||. " c3O-ft ft 3 3'8. /Coo f I}8 Property NameAcreage(approximate)a a* ao » f 1 « T3 •3 Ma n cd 3fta 09 aa </i H ^ 3I!o r so. t/> o09 S's piiH *'!' ^C/3 5t» sCFQ C «3w TO TO" O01N^H O oc oe 2i ra o) x O1 O II a NB s;- 50fi.0 •< C/) 5; s i? 3.g SJ R^'j^s- K>S^sco " a fi!a a. ^siia •» S^ a S* £ ft'•? <•»ft.Yes - conservationwouldprovidemanagement forwetlandsjf ^S ^> ft &•» S ^' S.ill *s & *"•* 2 "*" «^ itlf| s |-4 H ** S ^s 3' 1 e- ~ 1 Sj -v ^111 S. *D •Sta 5 033a. n&-a3 rt re O3 0 Yes - conservation\ would maintain takepermit for Brodiaea.Zo tu S ° 83512 13 *? S.a- zo -<n •u. -o -oo oas-(/} t/1ft p1 < i — 3 Zo Yes - conservationwould allow new takepermit for vernal poolspecies.Zo i? 833 -at/i fC i«2 3 S.B- Zo aCA »*l Is 1. 8 (TQ ^* ft •8 o•are 4 2 1re "O ^•O >3 qx_ re 3 (to re ^IS 4?1 3 a re Benefits HMPaa.VI v> H"-< iS. 2!?" •"3 "0n r 9a. re 0o3 S' Sn S If•* S'D J C V2 ft" ^8 § IB O E/>NM Oz IS t/5 oe O H ? S H&. H 5' •« |o ^ JOH >Z>r•<t/3^^t/5 City of Carlsbad Open Space as of 02/25/2009 EXHIBIT 1 OS Co. Airport Pro(OS easement)•aft o.(*.Po No - property isalready conservedNo - property iswithin CountyMHCP.-a •§ *< In- §• 3.3 J2. 5 =-" 3 05* ^ftCL No — property isalready conservedo zo * Itr« K^ 3 &• §&1 Yes- one of theproperties isdesignated forfuturedevelopment,Yes - conservationcouldproviderevegetation andadditional buffers*}. $lii $ §-,§(^ >: 5faft:Yes - one of theproperties isdesignated for futurecommercialdevelopment.3» *S ^ <&HIS s «* fc||- a. g, 1"o?a •*< ?!" P 00os 1S Yes - habitat andfloodplain areasare outside ofexisting OpenSpace.Yes - additionalhabitat preservationand wetlandsbuffering is possible.NS $ lit P §.,5)(^ ^5 T" {^ft:Yes - most of theproperties aredesignated for futureresidentialdevelopment.**§ ^ A ||| ^"Q J- & 1a.««&&• to Calavera Villagft X OsO 8 C/)Potentially, if the3.2 acre CF site isdesignated OS.Potentially, if 3.2acre CF site isconserved andreplanted.PS5" 2 *i? 1 » Q ^3o &3 Yes -a 3. 2 acreportion of site isdesignated CommunityFacilitiesZo >< (A to ft 3 1 ^3ft -i3 O 3. c w "^ 5 ft jj^ OQ y5 P •!P_No - property isalready conserved.No - property isalready conserved.< en No - trails would notconflict with land usedesignations.o ?o M I 111S.^ a. « ft ~ o o 1 o0 Wo C/5 ft ft ft Yes - portion of site isdesignated forresidential land uses? •rt ^ ^ |«g | £. o c fta z:o g) o oills3 •*» Slera «* »Property Na1" § <*3 <ra «£Adds Open Spaceto City SystemBenefits HMPaa % 309 K i 5s a «. o ^f Land Use ConflictsL_.M |< (g" "• o' 01 5 £» wC t/)u> nJjj •1 50 O Hi—< O2 oo H 5fcr a hs ISS" ^^ w»H C/JHM C/5 u!Murphy Propertyon fton a- < 2. ^ ^ 2.T3mS a <3 ' i'e c.T5 S . O* ftO on a. 3>o £• 3 Q. ^1• =L Yes - portion of sdesignated foiresidential land u1 !. on -a0 r-+- *O ^^ ^' if IT ' ^fr-f 2Jo K;Mitsuuchi Property00 83on fton ^£„ on •,*•!,ma a' 3 X *5* oB E-^ S ^O* ftO on 0. c* 3 £ 1 ^ • =L Yes - portion of sdesignated foiresidential land uon • p,' « 2. tfl "dO III ifjMlg •^ft K.'Rancho Carlsbadq on fton o- •< >-. w T3 2.-U illft 3 X ' 1* a E.^ S o Yes -portion of sdesignated foiresidential land uft s on' ^0 | o | < 2 on Ml g<-+• 2Jo ^Lubliner Property(trail easement)1 7 acres, traacreageunknown.•— • o o . S" ftO on 0. e> IJ • §L No - trail wouldconflict with landdesignations.rt ^* 0 Zo ^ %> n o B" 00O o 58 acres,unused portiisize unknow3 3 fton No - proposal 01includes unused scproperty3- £. 1 — "T30 ^ o § 1 >| ft'o "" Zo -^Mandana Propertyoo on fton 0 -<>-*) ftrt on III! ft) E 3sri'Yes - portion of sdesignated foiresidential land u1 2.on" TJ0 IIIilS-Mlftor-f Zo ^ P T3 3 ft OJ on fton 0 »<^*> nr* onll?i1 1 If ^ S 3 T3P OS r^ rt. ft *< 3•^ 3 ,.^ ^J.ft O> ft P_. fD 3 *-* O rf O .T3 O O 1ft _. C_ Q Q. <*" =fft P_Yes - portion of sdesignated foiresidential land uon • p,- " 2.on ^O III115-MlR(-*• C3D.ft ft 5'ft0. 50 o oMISg. 05 5 OE ff 5. «>£3 ^K ^ere **> ft Property Name' ^•« >• § m ff. a 0.0 aD * 4?1 | 1 CdreBffi **oe 1 1^ ^^a 03 H(^ "1 55. S.2 5T3 ~ 0 * srBa B §• ol1!B g ^^05 5w (S C 1/1•LS" 1o O5hHHN-< O C/3 OoH oe l t-1 a c/j i ^2. Oi^1 S 1 HH C/JNN05 £ •»^ •2s% -•v fces*i ||, *« § i § st"^ !ttfe-Yes - conservationwouldprovidemanagement forwetlandsfi!Ill !*f No - property isalready designateOpen Space inGeneral Plan«. « & 5?* ^ M »Q ft* § § 6fl P» ^ 1' * * 03 i' ?F 1 s3 2 o Yes - conservationwould maintain takepermit for Brodiaea.•zo No - property isalready conservedZo (/i * *"13 ^fl 0 0o 5-• I p< £L ONB ^o Yes - conservationwould allow new takepermit for vernal poolspecies.o No - property isalready conservedZ0 v> 8? ° ° 5. «> 1 °2! g- g. c/3 "fl5 M 4" M ? >•3 q2 25 ira ^4- » 10 *33f> a 1 01« T33 8rt Benefits HMPQ.a v> Ht^ "1te gt Q r a fn0B B'& ~%O R- n tf*' & R** o'B C/5 5 !»» *0 %^e OO5 H O * W as oe i§ H». H I W S.O PSH >Z >r*<C/3 N-O) City of Carlsbad Open Space as of 02/25/2009 Marilyn Strong From: GIGIAO@aol.com Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 4:42 PM To: Marilyn Strong; council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us Cc: mdex07@gmail.com; mdex07@mac.com Subject: Please reconsider the purchase of the Village H CF site and preserve as OS/Trail y^*.i\L>Ali'1EM# Carlsbad City Council c: May°r /- i u j /->•* TT 11 City CouncilCarlsbad City Hall * . _J City Manager 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive City Attorney Carlsbad, CA 92008 City Clerk Attn: Mayor Lewis, and Councilpersons Ann Kulchin, Matt Hall, Mark Packard, and Keith Blackburn May 12,2009 Honorable Mayor and Councilpersons, This letter pertains to the City Council hearing on Open Space at tonight's City Council Meeting. In the past month we've learned that this City Council had the opportunity, on more than one occasion to purchase, preserve, and protect as open space the land parcel known as Village H for a very reasonable price with the Prop C funds that were set aside for that purpose, but failed to do so, despite its high ranking for acquisition by the Ad Hoc Citizen's Open Space Committee. We've also learned that more than two years have passed since the Ad Hoc Citizen's Open Space Committee reported their recommendations for parcels of open space land to be purchased with the Prop C funds and that so far, not once cent has been spent on the purchase of any open space in Carlsbad. We understand that the current owner of Village H, Thompson Corporation, is now willing to subdivide Village H, and that they may be willing to sell the portion Village H currently zoned for a Community Facility. We understand that the Otay Real Estate Company, who brokered the recent sale of Village H, valued the disturbed/ornamental land currently zoned for a Community Facility Site at $5000 per acre, therefore the value of the 3.2 acres should be approximately $16,000. It would be irresponsible and inexcusable for the City to not offer to purchase the 3.2 acre Community Facility Site from Thompson Corporation with the Prop C funds, and rezone this land as Open Space and/or Trails. And it would be especially irresponsible to authorize any proposed development of the Village H canyon. The City has never addressed the liability concerns, dating back to 2003 and earlier, brought forth by the Crest HOA and homeowners on the slopes adjacent to Village H. These liability concerns were in regard to any potential short or long term impacts and damages that could occur from disturbing the Village H canyon with grading, cutting and filling, tree removal, and developing this canyon, etc. Potential damages and impacts that have been previously cited to the City include: drainage and other hydrology-related problems, erosion problems, soil contamination problems, health-related problems due to dust, contamination, etc., foundation problems, cracked or damages slab problems, loss or diminishment of property values resulting from these issues, safety problems to our persons or property due to ease of public access to our homes, and any other unforeseen problem(s) related to the fill, grading, re-landscaping, and development of the Village H Community Facility Site, to any Crest HOA property, homes, and structures. In addition, the homeowners and residents of the Crest HOA now have additional safety and liability concerns regarding the iron fence that the Thompson Corporation recently installed. This fence encroaches on and seals off Crest HOA property. As a result, Crest HOA homes and property are not easily accessible to firefighters, in the event of a fire in the canyon. Also, since Village H has always served as a wildlife corridor for coyotes and other wildlife, Crest residents, particularly Crest HOA children and pets, are now more vulnerable to coyote encounters. On behalf of the 108 households in the Crest HOA, we are submitting a copy of this letter to the Crest HOA attorney. We urge you to reconsider the purchase of the Village H Community Facility Site and both purchase it and preserve it as was recommended by the Ad Hoc Citizen's Open Space Committee with the Prop C funds. Sincerely, Bruce Grouse E.A. Orlowski 3729 Bennington Court Carlsbad, CA 92010 A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps! Marilyn Strong From: JB2sail4Aruba@aol.com Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 4:55 PM To: Marilyn Strong Subject: Save village H Trees are in very good condition To City Council, I realize that liability might be one of the issues that is one of the conditions that might be one of the reasons that you might not want to purchase the 3.2 acres from the owner that just purchased the property, Thompson Company of Nevada-or at least according to the North County Times. I have spoken to Monty Kalin, a Fire Prevention Officer on the premises last week, and he advised me that the tress in the area were in very good shape, and were not in need of clearing and putting in drought resistant trees as you mentioned in your flyer, if in fact you were to keep an open space. I just wanted to forward on these thoughts. I have spoken to several people and friends in the Carlsbad Heights who are also opposed to any building and would like to keep this an open space. Many people here have dogs they bring to this area to let them run off leash. Also people on Avalon and Standford have properties that back up on this open space and do not want to see any kind of building going on in this area. Ann who has a house right next to this lot on Victoria is very opposed to this, and wants to keep this as open space. I hope she will be at the meeting tonight. Holly who lives in the area should be at the meeting tonight. Donna Vannoni at 2753 Victoria also wants this as open space and I hope sent an email today. Agnistino, who lives at the end of Victoria, has sent many emails regarding this same issue. He has two dogs he takes to this park to run and would like to see this as open space. Victoria has also become an issue with many people driving too fast and too much traffic has already become an issue on Victoria. I also spent an hour speaking with Frank who lives on Standford and his property backs up on the open space. He was an originator in getting the land to be zoned for open space several years ago. He has sent several emails. He is unable to attend the meeting, but will email. Many other people I spoke with are also opposed. Thank you fOne more neighbor that want to be included on my list is Chris and Nichole Steele 2834 Hillsboro Court Kind Regards, Janet Bryant A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps! Marilyn Strong From: Andrew Chapman [andrew@achapman.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 4:59 PM To: Marilyn Strong Subject: Village H - Meeting Agenda Item #16 Mayor & Council Members: Many of you remember me from my efforts to save Village H a few years ago. And you may remember our meetings, during which you voiced support (Mayor Lewis, Matt Hall, and Ann Kulchin) for preserving Village H. I recall Mayor Lewis' words: "If that's what the people want, I support it." Well, here we are, and it is beyond disappointing that you did not purchase the property when you had the chance last year and a couple months ago. I've seen the City's position on the website, and it doesn't hold water. For one thing, the property does not have to be included in the HMP — you could purchase and preserve it as open space as is. And the argument that 94% of Village H will remain open space is a misdirection of logic — the 6% that would be developed is the most visible part, the entrance to that historic grove and path. I am unable to attend the meeting this evening, so count this email as my public comment that you should reconsider purchasing and preserving Village H. Right the wrong. As I understand it, Thompson Corp. would be willing to sell the property. With the market as down as it is, NOW is the time. You have not at all honored the intent of Prop C. It was a Trojan Horse -- you sold the majority of citizens who believe in open space on it as a trick to fund the golf course, etc. How is it that an entire golf course could be developed in the past six years but not a single piece of open space has been purchased? Repeatedly, we Village H supporters were told to follow your "democratic" process. Attend meetings. Comment on reports. Stay informed. Voice our concerns. Join committees. And so on. Was that all really just a pointless exercise? No - we did exactly as you prescribed to save what we consider a community facility and an historic part of Carlsbad. Honor your words -- purchase and preserve all of Village H now. Sincerely, Andrew Chapman Marilyn Strong From: dan flanegan [dflanegan@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 11:25 AM To: Marilyn Strong; council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us Subject: Against Dog Boarding Facility I just wanted to share my concerns as a homeowner on Stanford Street in Carlsbad, that I am concerned about news the city might be considering leasing the old waste treatment plant next to the RV storage facility to a doggie day and night care facility. Are you nuts? A kennel facility in a residential area... in a canyon that borders countless homes and could prove to be the source of noise pollution day and night? When I hear a proposal is being "considered" I seriously wonder what considered means? I STRONGLY OPPOSE this and will do all in my power to rally the surrounding community that shares this opinion. Sincerely, Dan Flanegan AGENDAITEM# ( c: Mayor City Council City Manager City Attorney City Clerk Marilyn Strong From: Dana Eyre [danaeyre@yahoo.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 11:37 AM To: Marilyn Strong; council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us Subject: Make it a park.... I can't make it to the meeting tonight - I'm overseas on a business trip. But my message is really simple: buy Village H and make it a park. We don't need a community facility there, but a meadow park would be awfully nice. Sincerely, Dana Eyre danaeyre(S)yahoo. com +1.760.427.0495 "Nations can blunder into war. They cannot blunder into peace." Herbert Hoover The Problems of Lasting Peace (1942). Marilyn Strong From: marianne hirschberg [mdex07@mac.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 11:46 AM To: Marilyn Strong Cc: council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us Subject: Fwd: comments for hearing - Village H G: I will also be attending the meeting tonight. -MH Begin forwarded message: From: marianne hirschberg <mdex07@mac.com> Date: May 12, 2009 10:20:27 AM PDT To: AdmintSjSaveVillaqeH.com Subject: comments for hearing - Village H City Council: I am VP of the HO A, Crest of Calaveras Hills in Carlsbad adjacent to Village H. We have historically attended all hearings regarding Prop. C and object to closed door meetings that do not honor the wishes of the majority of residents in this area. We have retained an Atty. to represent and protect our property slopes from encroachment and future damage due to excavation and will hold the Owners and City liable for any costs incurred as a result of the illegal fencing of our property from legal costs to fire damage from restricted access to firefighters. Currently, there is encroachment of the fencing by Thompson Corp., the adjacent owner of Village H which will be addressed as it overlaps our perimeter wall, hinders any firefighting efforts. Any changes in zoning must not allow for commercial facilities which would cause a nuisance, ie. noise from barking dogs that reverberates up from the canyon. All Commercial dog care facilities are located either in commercial or industrial areas throughout San Diego County This would greatly affect not only our property values but the quality of life for residents throughout the late night and early a.m. hours. It would be no different than if a single homeowner used their home as a Commercial dog care facility creating a nuisance as well as "in and out" traffic We will also hold these parties responsible for any grading or excavation that causes damage and therefore additional slippage to our already unstable slopes, evidenced by gradual separation between structures and walkways in the direction of the slopes. We have reports from American Geotechnical who made measurements several years ago which required all of the homes facing the slopes to direct drainage away from the slopes. Keep all this in rnind when you make decisions from the bench. Marianne Hirschberg V.P. of the Board Crest of Calaveras Hills 760434-8152 Marilyn Strong From: Hansom-Kelso, Pauline [PHansom@semprautilities.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 12:02 PM To: Marilyn Strong; council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us Cc: Hansom-Kelso, Pauline Subject: Save Village H - Comments for the 5/12/09 Council Meeting I am emailing my comments for consideration at this evening's council meeting. I am opposed to the proposed developments of parts of Village H for the many common and logical reasons expressed by numerous others (destruction of a beautiful serene area; addition of unnecessary traffic to the area, etc.) Rather than echo each specific concern, the purpose of this email is just to add one more voice to the chorus of Carlsbad residents opposed to the development of a Community Facility in that space. Pauline Kelso 2841 Hillsboro Ct Carlsbad Pauline Hansom-Kelso Customer Service Strategies "Hope" is not a plan. Phone: 858-654-8304 Fax: 858-654-1744 Cell: 619-540-7803 email: phansom@semprautilities.com Marilyn Strong From: Betsy Simpson [kbsimpson@adelphia.net] Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 12:08 PM To: Marilyn Strong Subject: Village H PLEASE SAVE Village H!!!! I cannot go to the meeting tonight but wanted to voice my opinion! We love the open area and want Carlsbad to keep it that way! Thank you, Betsy Simpson Marilyn Strong From: Diane_Campbell@bd.com Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 12:52 PM To: Marilyn Strong; council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us Subject: save village H I have lived by the village H property with my family for over 20 years. My kids grew up with the joy to run and play in that area as no park is close by to walk to. Now that my kids are grown i have enjoyed the property to walk my pet and to meet friends, neighbors, make connections. We all enjoy the property to take a walk and reflect, relax and enjoy the plants, the animals, the open sky, the landscape and the view. It is with much regret that i reflect that no kids will have open space to play, no pets to run, no lovers to walk , no elders to walk and reflect, no safe place. The land across the way of CVD is not as attractive nor is it set up to support those activities. The parking on the street has been an opportunity for other folks that cannot walk to the area to drive to it. The parking has not been an issue nor affected the neighborhood. As the land is developed the traffic pattern in the area would change and create a safety issue there are no stop lights there ( corner Victoria and CVD) and the traffic on CVD is a fast one. Has a study been performed or we have to wait for a terrible accident to happen The same concerns are when is a traffic light going to be set up at Pontiac and Tamarack as you develop the village H more folks come barreling down Tamarack and more accidents I am out of town and cannot attend the council meeting. DC ©BD Diane Campbell Project Manager, Reagent Manufacturing Strategy BO Biosciences tel: 858-812-8847 cell: 619-572-7454 fax:858-812-3755 E-mail: diane campbell@bd.com Website: www.bd.com IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR RECIPIENTS IN THE U.S.A.: This message may constitute an advertisement of a BD group's products or services or a solicitation of interest in them. If this is such a message and you would like to opt out of receiving future advertisements or solicitations from this BD group, please forward this e-mail to optoutbygroup@bd.com. *** This message (which includes any attachments) is intended only for the designated recipient(s). It may contain confidential or proprietary information and may be subject to the attorney-client privilege or other confidentiality protections. If you are not a designated recipient, you may not review, use, copy or distribute this message. If you received this in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete this message. Thank you. ******************************************************************* Corporate Headquarters Mailing Address: BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company) 1 Becton Drive Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417 U.S.A. Marilyn Strong From: JB2sail4Aruba@aol.com Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 3:54 PM To: Marilyn Strong; council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us Subject: Save Village H please To City Council, I received an email regarding the city council meeting tonight at 6:00 PM and I would love to attend, but have a prior engagement. I am an homeowner that is in favor of keeping this remarkable 3.2 acres at the corner of Carlsbad Village Drive as open space. I have been a home owner here for 11 years, and have lived at the Crest for 18 years and wanted to forward you a list of people that are also homeowners here at the Crest and are all opposed to any building on this plot of land. Please keep this as open space. I must admit that you have done a remarkable job as planning and keeping Carlsbad one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Please keep doing so, keep Carlsbad, a safe, quite, community, and Village By the Sea, like it used to be and Please keep this open space, for the dogs, children, adults, to enjoy. We all need a quite, place to de-stress. Some of my friends are traveling, and working this evening, but we are all opposed to any building on this plot of land and would love to see this preserved as open space. I have 6 people that are opposed, although the last ones I have not spoken to regarding using their name, so I just listed them as friends. Thank you so much for you time in reading this and have a good week. Kind Regards, Janet Bryant 2832 Hillsboro Court Jim, Christl Dorsey 2838 Hillsboro Court Sylvia Phillips 2881 Sanford Lane Julie Ragozzino 2891 Sanford Lane Debby and Bill Parks 2894 Sanford Lane Friends 2872 Nantucket Lane A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps! Marilyn Strong From: sebadame@aol.com Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 3:49 PM To: Marilyn Strong; council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us Subject: Village H Regarding the status of Village H, my wife and I are opposed to any development of the meadow which would eliminate the walking trail and any right of way rights which adjoining homeowners have used for over 20 years. The residents of our area use the trail daily and heavily during the weekends. Our house is located on the west upper slope overlooking the trail. The view is scenic and peaceful. Homeowners and contractors they hire to clear their hillsides need access to the trail to haul out brush and other material in vehicles. Development of the meadow, such as a dog care facility, which would result in destroying the peace and tranquility currently enjoyed by all should be out of the question. Sebastian and Cynthia Adame 4344 Stanford St. Carlsbad, CA 92010 A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps! Kira Linberg From: shabby2000@gmail.com Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 3:37 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. ********************************************** FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. ********************************************** Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear City Council, I am 8 years old and love to take my dog to the canyon at Village H. Please buy this land so I can keep going there with my dog. Please remove the fence. Shay Greaney Shay Greaney 3 shabby2000Qgmail.com Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042316 Firefox/3.0.10 Kira Linberg From: dtog97@gmail.com Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 3:34 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. ********************************************** FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE.********************************************** Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear City Council, Please purchase the 3.2 acre lot on Village H. I am 11 years old and my friends and I play there. We would like it if you purchase the lot so we can once again play there. This space will not be the same special place it is if a church is built on the property. Thank you, Devin Greaney devin greaney > dtog97(Sgmail. com Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; Uj Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042316 Firefox/3.0.10 Kira Linberg From: dsgreaney@gmail.com Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 3:29 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. ********************************************** FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. ********************************************** Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear City Council, Please act to stop the development of the 3.2 acre community facility at Village H. This property should be purchased as part of the Prop C open space acquisition program. --A community facility is not needed or required at this site. -- Even though it only takes up 3.2 acres, these are the prime acres that connect the north and south side of village H and create a contiguous visual as well as environmental corridor that makes the open space special. --The fence and facility are not in keeping with the surrounding community and ruin the look and feel of the open space. -- The facility will create traffic and associated exhaust, noise and light pollution to an otherwise quiet residential neighborhood. Please act to keep this important community asset of beautiful, uninterrupted open space in tact. Thank You, Dale Greaney Dale Greaney 3619 Kingston St. Carlsbad, CA 92010 USA dsgreaneyQgmail.com Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042316 Firefox/3.0.10 Kira Linberg From: russ.bradford@hotmail.com Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 12:57 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. ********************************************** FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE.********************************************** Below, please find the information that was submitted: Please purchase or preserve the Village H property for the following reasons: 1) It keeps Carlsbad naturally beautiful and promotes a family environment for walking, jogging, biking, etc. 2) Development of the meadow will remove dozens of trees, ruin the canyon, and destroy the beauty of the open space. 3) A church or community facility is neither needed nor required there. 4) Village H was ranked tied for #2 as available property by the Open Space Committee. Russ Bradford Private Carlsbad, CA 92019 russ. bradf ord(3hotmail. com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; GTB6; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; Media Center PC 3.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648) Kira Linberg From: gbunny@aol.com Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 2:00 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. ********************************************** Below, please find the information that was submitted: As a resident of the Village H area, it is disheartening to me to see what is being done to the previously open space property that is better known as "the dog trail". It is disappointing that the city would not purchase this parcel, which was basically being GIVEN to the city, when mitigation credits are counted. Many, many families and children enjoy this parcel of land. It is one of the only open space areas left in North Carlsbad. The city's excuse that they would have to remove all non-native species seems to be nonsense -- I do not see "non-native" plants being removed from Hosp Grove! Hosp Grove cost a lot of money to buy and maintain -- the Village H property would cost much less. The city's apparent plan to lease part of the city-owned land in the canyon to a dog kennel facility is also outrageous. It is ridiculous to have a kennel full of barking dogs in a canyon which echoes throughout an entire residential neighborhood! This will probably scare away any wildlife that are left in that area, and will further destroy any of the open space that Village H has left. Please reconsider this disastrous proposal. Thank you. Diane Bedrosian Diane Bedrosian Carlsbad, CA 92010 USA gbunnv(3aol.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; GTB6; Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) ; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) yDefinition and history of “Open Space” within the City of Carlsbad.yMechanisms to secure open space, including id ld Gh M P constrained lands, Growth Management Program, Habitat Management Plan, Proposition C Open Space Committee recommendations.Committee recommendations.yStatus of open space acquisition activities within the City and ongoing programs. yGeneral Plan defines “Open Space” as:yPreservation of natural resources;yManaged production of resources;Otd ti (ti d i)yOutdoor recreation (active and passive);yAesthetic, cultural, or educational;yPublic Health and Safety.yyPresentation focuses on open space for preservation of natural resources and habitat. CtA% f OS% f CategoryAcreage% of OS% of City1. Preservation of Natural Resources 7191.2 76.7 29.02. Managed Production of Resources 374.2 4.0 1.53. Outdoor Recreation 1368.7 14.6 5.54. Aesthetic, Cultural, Educational 443.1 4.7 1.8Existing Open Space 9377.1 37.8FHMP Pi88FutureHMP Preservation 488.4Future Open Space 9865.5 39.8 yOriginal General Plan identified constrained, gundevelopable lands totaling 25% of total City.yGrowth Management Program in 1986 required 15% of ii dlbl ld  b  id   remaining developable land to be set aside as open space.yOpen Space and Conservation Resource Management yOpen Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan guided type of open space gained through Growth Management. yState of California Natural Communities Conservation Plan (NCCP).ySANDAG Multiple Habitat Conservation Program (MHCP) (MHCP). yCity of Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan (HMP).Cit O S Mt Pl (OSMP)yCity Open Space Management Plan (OSMP).yPreservation of sensitive species and habitat. yProposition C Open Space and Trails Citizens Ad Hoc Committee.yEstablished priorities for open space and trail acquisitionsacquisitions.yDeveloped ranking criteria for evaluating candidate properties, based mostly on HMP and Citywide Trail System.yCommittee did not consider willing seller status or amount of money available for acquisitionamount of money available for acquisition. yRanked 13 nominated properties using approved granking criteria.yCity Council evaluated properties based upon:fyBenefit to City Open Space system;yBenefit to HMP;yBenefit to Citywide Trail system;yBenefit to Citywide Trail system;yPotential land use conflicts;yPotential for mitigation credit;yWilling seller. yCity Council identified three additional areas of the City for consideration of open space acquisition:ySunny Creek Area (11 properties)Sth A Hdi dA (6 ti )ySouth Agua HediondaArea (6 properties)yState Properties (2 properties) yOf the 32 properties ealuated and ranked onl the yOf the 32 properties evaluated and ranked, only the following were owned by willing sellers:ySherman Property (trail easement only)py(y)yCalavera Hills Village HyMitsuuchi PropertyPi i l PlyPoinsettia Vernal PoolsyBrodiaea Preserve yFollowing are properties with a change in willing seller status since January 2008:yQuarry Creek – willing to sell a portion of property.ySherman Property –acquired by CDFGySherman Property –acquired by CDFG.yCalavera Hills Village H –sold to private entity.yMitsuuchi Property –acquired by BLF.yBrodiaea Preserve –acquired by CDFG.yState Properties – potential excess property. ySherman Property (134 acres) acquired by CDFG –now kllBuena Vista Creek Ecological Reserve.yMitsuuchi Property (18 acres) acquired by BatiquitosLagoon FoundationLagoon Foundation.yKelly Ranch Village A (21 acres) acquired by Caltrans through Transnet EMP Program.yTET properties (255 acres) being acquired by CDFG. yNominated by property owner and neighbor.yTied for second ranking by Open Space Committee.yCity Council considered benefit to HMP, Trails, and Open Space system as well as land use conflictsOpen Space system as well as land use conflicts.yMaster Plan already secures 94% as open space and public trail will be exacted concurrent with pdevelopment. yPeriodically survey properties for willing sellers.eodcaysu eypopetesogse e s.yProvide information to non‐profits, developers, SANDAG, Caltrans, other seeking mitigation.yHMP website contains information on preserving land for open space purposes.yEvaluate and rank newly nominated properties.ySeek outside funding sources and partnerships to facilitate open space acquisitionfacilitate open space acquisition.