HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-06-09; City Council; 19850; Design Review Board presentationCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL
AB# 19,850
MTG. 06/09/09
Carlsbad Village Design Review
Board Presentation
CITYMGR. l/jL^--
Receive a presentation from Chairman of Design Review Board.
The City Council provides an opportunity for citizens and organizations to have an item placed
on a City Council Agenda. Attached is a request from Anthony Lawson, Chairman of the
Carlsbad Design Review Board, to present a discussion on the current plan to sunset the
Village Design Review Board and the possible impacts this could have on the unique character
of the Village.
1. Letter requesting opportunity to present to City Council ideas regarding the planned
sunset of the Design Review Board.
DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Rob Houston, 760-434-2958, rob.houston@carlsbadca.gov
Council received the report.
May 28, 2009
Lisa Hildabrand
City Manager
City of Carlsbad
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008
RE: City Council Presentation Request
Dear Lisa:
I am writing to request time at an upcoming City Council Hearing to make a presentation to the
Council regarding the current suggestion to "Sunset" the City's Design Review Board.
Recently I met with the Mayor to discuss this issue and especially, as it related to the events of
our last Design Review Board meeting of April 27, 2009. As a result of that conversation, the
Mayor asked if I would make similar presentation to the full Council prior to their hearing of this
While I have never made such a request before, nor a presentation of this nature, I hope this
correspondence follows proper protocol to put this on an upcoming Council Agenda. Please
note I will be out of town the week of June 22nd and again on the week of July 20th.
Thank you for your assistance. Should you have any questions or require clarification, please call.
Anthony D./awson
Design Review Board
All Receive-Agenda Item #
For the Information of the'
Time of Meeting: 6:00 P.M.
Date of Meeting: APRIL 27, 2009
Place of Meeting: COUNCIL CHAMBERS
Chairperson Lawson called the Meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.
Chairperson Lawson asked Board Member Prietto to lead the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chairperson Lawson proceeded with the roll call of Board Members.
Present: Board Members: Julie Baker
John Prietto
Michael Schumacher
Frank Whitton
Chairperson: Anthony Lawson
Absent: None
Staff Present: Housing and Redevelopment Director: Debbie Fountain
Assistant City Attorney: Jane Mobaldi
ACTION: The Board unanimously approved the minutes of the January 26, 2009, as written.
There were no comments from the audience.
Chairperson Lawson asked Ms. Debbie Fountain, Director of Housing and Redevelopment, to present the
item on the agenda tonight. Ms. Fountain said the item on the agenda tonight is related to the expiration of
our Redevelopment Plan in the Village Area. In proceeding tonight, we will talk about the Redevelopment
Plan itself and why we need to take the actions that we are taking tonight. Also, we will give you some
information on the success of redevelopment to date and what happens next.
The Village Redevelopment Plan was adopted originally in July of 1981. The reasons given for its adoption
was physical decline in the Village Area, obsolescence in terms of building usage, buildings themselves and a
declining residential fabric in the Village. At the time that we formed the Redevelopment Area, over 50% of
the commercial buildings in the downtown area were vacant; either boarded up or completely vacant. There
were declining property values, declining sales tax, there were a lot of disreputable businesses in the Village,
and the Council decided at the time to take action related to trying to revitalize the Village from an
infrastructure standpoint as well as a business revitalization standpoint. In 1981 they did adopt the Village
Redevelopment Plan. At that time, it was a 25 year time limit on the plan. It would have expired in July of
2006, however, prior to the expiration of the plan, the State of California decided that it needed to take some
money from the redevelopment agencies to help with the state financial issues. When they did take funding
from the agencies, it was referred to as an ERAF payment or an Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund
payment. The state was taking money from the redevelopment agencies to give to the school districts to help
fund the mandate by the state in terms of the level of funding that is required for schools in the state of
California. When they did that, they passed legislation that said, "redevelopment areas could automatically
extend their redevelopment plans or effectiveness dates for the redevelopment plans without having to make
any of the normal findings or go through the normal amendment process." We were allowed three year
extensions on the plan. As of this year, however, there are no further extensions available; therefore, the
plan is expected to expire on July 21, 2009.
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As a result of that, we need to make some decisions on how to address the expiration of the different policy
documents. The Redevelopment Plan itself is one policy document. It is a very general document that talks
about what the tools of redevelopment are, what the authorities of a redevelopment agency are. We currently
have two redevelopment areas in Carlsbad; the first one is the Village Area, and the second one is the South
Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area. It starts at the power plant property, and it goes south from there
into the Ponto area. That area was formed in 2000. It is a fairly recent redevelopment area. It will still
continue. We will still have a Redevelopment Agency, and there will still be activities related to
redevelopment, but the Redevelopment Plan for the Village is expiring.
In March, staff presented to the City Council in a workshop setting to find out what their ideas were on how to
continue revitalization efforts in the Village Area. We made some assumptions when we went to Council, and
those assumptions were that we wanted to continue to focus on the Village Area as a special review area so
that we could ensure the long term success of what has happened with redevelopment so far and make sure
that none of that is lost as we continue into the future. We wanted to have a seamless transition in terms of
the land use regulations for the Village because they are unique and they are special. There are many
standards and policies that are allowed from a land use standpoint in the Village Area that are not allowed
anywhere else within the city. They are very unique. We did not want to process any zone changes in the
Village. We wanted to keep the VR zoning. We wanted to maintain the development standards as they are
because as you all know, only a couple of years ago we went forward with some fairly major revisions to our
Development Standards and we wanted to ensure their continuation from a land use regulation standpoint.
We also indicated we wanted to ensure a seamless transition for the process of land use permits and the
cohesion of the land use regulations, and also look at the tax increment financing. There are regulations
within redevelopment law that allow us to continue to fund projects for about the next ten years in the
Redevelopment Area even though the Redevelopment Plan is expiring. I will talk a little bit more about that
During the workshop, the Council indicated they accepted the staff assumptions in how to proceed. That
resulted in what we are bringing forward to you tonight. Some reference and narrative changes are
necessary, and to remove some references related to redevelopment and redevelopment plans and project
areas are required. There is actually no program or policy changes within what we are giving you tonight, but
it is to allow continuing policies and regulations for the Village and to continue to allow that seamless
transition of process.
Because the plan has been in effect since 1981, sometimes it is hard to remember that we have made
positive change and that positive things have happened. It doesn't mean that there still might not be more
that we want to do and more revitalization that needs to occur, but sometimes it is good to remind ourselves
that there has been success. We have reduced vacancy rates in the Village Area. Even with the current
economy, we are still at less than 5% vacancy. When we started the Redevelopment Plan in 1981, we were
over 50% vacancy. We have increased sales tax nearly 25% in just the last few years. We have increased
assessed property values for the Village. We started out at about $45 million dollars in assessed property
values, specifically for the Village and within the Village boundaries. We are now well over $285+ million in
assessed values. We have had new businesses that have come to the Village, new development, and over
$20 million dollars in public infrastructure improvements. The area has become much more attractive, and
we spent quite a bit of money on beautification projects in the area which have been positively received. The
Village consistently receives high marks in the city survey whenever it is done in terms of the number of
people visiting and what their assessment is of the Village. It almost nearly always receives a good or
excellent rank when asked about the experience in the Village.
Through Envision Carlsbad, we have heard a lot from the community that there is still an interest in village
revitalization. Fairly consistently in all the workshops and various surveys, the Village continues to be of high
interest to the community in terms of continuing that revitalization effort. There is a need for continued
focused attention and special review; both the staff and the community have indicated they would like to see
that. You can do that without a redevelopment plan. There are a number of cities around us that have done
this without redevelopment plans in place. It is just different tools that are used. It is possible. We did, as I
mentioned, want to continue the existing zoning, which is VR, and the existing land use designations. We do
still want to accommodate a special review permit process for the Village. There was a decision made by the
Council, however, they would like to sunset the Design Review Board and turn over the responsibilities to the
Planning Commission for review and acting or recommending on land use permits. The permits they would
act on would remain the same and that process would remain the same. Rather than having the Design
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Review Board acting on those, it is proposed to have the Planning Commission. That particular ordinance
revision is not in front of you tonight. That is something that would go directly to the City Council. In the
Master Plan document there are revisions that relate to this in changing it from Design Review Board to
Planning Commission. We also will be transferring the jurisdiction from the Housing and Redevelopment
Commission or the Redevelopment Agency to the City Council for review of permits. Currently the Design
Review Board makes a recommendation to the Housing and Redevelopment Commission; if approved by the
City Council that will now be Planning Commission to the City Council. The City Council and the Housing and
Redevelopment Commission are the same body so the people that are making the decision will not change.
They just have a different legal jurisdiction or name when they are acting as the Redevelopment Agency.
As we continue our special review, the proposal that is before you tonight is to make revisions or
amendments to the Municipal Code and/or the Carlsbad Village Master Plan and Design Manual, to maintain
special review focus, to incorporate necessary information from the Village Redevelopment Plan. Also if
there was some language in the Redevelopment Plan that we thought was important to include in the Village
Master Plan, we have incorporated that and integrated it into the changes that we are proposing to the Village
Master Plan. All in all, when you look at the revisions that we are making, there are no substantial changes in
policy programs or the process proposed other than mentioning about the Design Review Board. It is mostly
heading changes and consolidation. There are document reference revisions, integration of relevant
language and language clarifications.
The types of revisions within the Carlsbad Village Master Plan and Design Manual as well as the related
ordinances are primarily to remove references to "redevelopment" and to the Redevelopment Plan and
Project Area. We are incorporating the legal description that was in the Village Redevelopment Plan which
means the boundaries that will be covered by the Village Master Plan will stay the same. We are not
changing any of the mapping boundaries. We have incorporated a few extra goals and objectives that we
thought were relevant from the Redevelopment Plan into the Village Master Plan. They don't really change
our goals and objectives that much. It was just an additional focus on the Village that we thought had some
good language in it. We want to confirm the legal regulatory standing of the Village Master Plan and Design
Manual and restate that whenever there is a conflict between the Village Master Plan and any other chapters
of the Municipal Code, then the Village Master Plan will always stand in precedence. We are reconfirming
that the Carlsbad Village Master Plan serves as the local coastal program for the Village.
We are changing the term "Village Redevelopment Zone" to "Village Review Zone" so we can keep the initials
VR. In this case, we don't have to change any of our maps. We will change "Village Redevelopment Permit"
to "Village Review Permit." Again, our RP initials will stand so we don't create confusion over previous
redevelopment permits that were issued. Anything for the Village will still have an RP designation in terms of
the permit.
We have provided some clarification through better definitions in what the Village Master Plan is, what types
of permits there are. We had a small change to our implementation section; rather than calling it a strategy,
we are just referring to it as measures. Again, we are removing references to the Redevelopment Agency in
the implementation section.
Other documents that are being revised are the Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapters 21.35 and 21.41; 21.35 is
the specific code that establishes the Village Area and sets forth the Village Master Plan as the regulatory
document; 21.41 is related to signs, and there are small changes in that code to remove references to
redevelopment; and, 21.81 is the coastal development permit section for the Village Area, making similar
The local coastal program is being revised with these changes as well. There is not a separate local coastal
program document. The Village Master Plan and Design Manual and the implementing ordinances are the
local coastal program. We have a small General Plan amendment, which is changing references to the
"Redevelopment Area." We are still going to consider it a special planning consideration in the General Plan
so it can have its unique development standards. The City Council Policy number 65, which is related to
signs in the public right-of-way such as our A-frame signs, our banners on the street poles, is to remove
references to "Redevelopment."
In summary, the revisions to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and implementing ordinances and
policies are before you tonight to delete the references to the Redevelopment Plan or the project area,
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incorporate relevant language from the Redevelopment Plan, and continue special focus in the Village Area.
One of the biggest concerns that I hear on a regular basis is what will happen to the Village if nobody is
paying attention to it, if nobody is giving it special focus. The message that we want to send with what we are
doing tonight is there will continue to be a special focus on the Village. Some of the techniques and tools that
we use for that and some of the staffing that we use may change over time, but there still will be a special
focus and the City Council still feels it is a special area and it needs special attention.
Through redevelopment, we are changing the message about the Village Area and what it is. As we speak
about the Village in a positive way, positive things will happen to the Village. As we speak about the Village in
a positive way, positive things will happen to the Village. I am providing you with some of the positive
statements we have come up with recently through different business groups. The Village is a vibrant
commercial center that attracts new and exciting, unique businesses and helps existing businesses to grow
and prosper. We want to provide a platinum shopping experience for all who visit. People really believe they
get top quality customer service when they come to the Village, and we want it to be better than just good.
We have an abundance of free parking, more than plenty for all who live, work and play in Carlsbad. We
want to keep encouraging people to come visit all the different uses that are in the Village; not just retail, but
the services and the restaurants. We want to make sure the message is that we have an incredible gift for
Carlsbad through the Village and the opportunities it provides for shopping, eating, and entertainment. We
want it to be a fun place to be so we want to add entertainment. We want to add more art venues and culture
and be a place where people know they can come and have a good time, but that it is also family oriented.
This last point is really important, that we are focused on continuous improvement enhancement. We are not
saying that everything has been done that could possibly be done. Retail areas really need to continue to
grow and change to be prosperous in the future. As noted earlier, we can continue that revitalization effort
even without the Redevelopment Plan in place.
The recommendation for you tonight as the Board is to accept public testimony on the proposed revisions,
accept the CEQA exempt determination, and then you have several resolutions to adopt, 337, 338, and 339.
These will recommend to the Housing and Redevelopment Commission and the City Council the approval of
the amendments or the revisions that we have made to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual, the local
coastal program, and City Council Policy Number 65. Also, we recommend the approval of the amendments
to the different chapters of the Municipal Code that we mentioned, 21.35, 21.41, and 21.81. Also the General
Plan amendment to address the expiration of the Village Redevelopment Plan. That is staffs
recommendation and report.
Board Member Whitton asked Chairperson Lawson if we could poll the Board to see what their opinion is.
This is really a straight forward document where we are just simply changing verbiage and titles and
transferring them over to the City Council and the Planning Commission. It is nothing substantive has been
changed at all. Unless anyone has any serious questions, perhaps we could ask the Board if they could just
Chairperson Lawson said he personally has a lot of questions. I would not be in favor of that. I think first of
all we need to follow a certain procedure here this evening. I would not be supportive of that. Unless you
have a group that wants to do that, then by all means. I don't understand what the purpose is of needing to
jump past this.
Board Member Whitton said it is really a straight forward document. You are not making any substantial
changes. You are just moving things over in the appropriate documents with the Planning Commission and
the Master Plan and changing the verbiage so they fit in there. There are no real significant changes other
than just reference material and narrative changes. I suggest simply that perhaps the Chairman might want
to ask the Board Members how they feel. If you have questions, I don't have a problem with that. I am just
Chairperson Lawson said he has some significant questions that he wants to put out there and straighten out.
I would like to make sure I get those on the record and through the process.
Board Member Whitton asked if Chairperson Lawson would like to poll the Board.
Chairperson Lawson said he would prefer to not poll the Board because he wants to move forward with this.
Board Member Baker said Board Member Whitton is just asking to poll the Board, not make the decision.
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Chairperson Lawson said then I'll poll the Board. Board Member Prietto, would you like to rubber stamp this
or would you like to discuss this.
Board Member Prietto said it is administrative, just housekeeping, in terms of changing it. But I do have
some questions on some of these other issues.
Board Member Schumacher agreed. It is mostly administrative, but I have a couple of questions.
Chairperson Lawson said he agrees there is a lot of administrative aspects of all this that I would agree to,
but I would still like to go through.
Board Member Baker said it doesn't matter.
Chairperson Lawson asked if there are any specific questions of staff at this time.
Board Member Prietto said generally when a company consolidates, it is to save money. Can you tell me if
we are saving money by disbanding the Design Review Board?
Ms. Fountain said we did complete an analysis to compare what we think the administrative costs are related
to the Design Review Board and the Planning Commission. It is not necessarily being done for cost savings
purposes. Actually, our administrative support of the Design Review Board is only about a third of what we
project to be for the Planning Commission. I think based on the City Council's feedback, it was related to the
city moving toward build out. The Planning Commission will be dealing more and more with infill development
like what is happening in the Village Area. The thought was if the Planning Commission is moving more
towards that and that is similar to what the Design Review Board, then wouldn't it be more appropriate just to
have one body looking at it all? Obviously, I can't speak entirely for all of the City Council as to what their
thinking was on that, but I don't think it was so much as cost cutting as an efficiency of process in terms of
having one board looking at land use permits rather than two separate boards.
Board Member Prietto said he hopes the process doesn't create a further disconnect with the people in the
Village. I live and work in the Village, and there are a lot of shop owners that really don't participate because
of the disconnect. I just hope it doesn't get further by pushing these decisions further away from the Village.
I think the Design Review Board has the opportunity to be a little closer to the shop owners. They are very
delicate in their lives in being able to be successful. I think part of our job here is not just to follow the rules
and regulations, but to help them to become successful. If the City Council closes down the Design Review
Board, I hope they will at least invest in the VIP or some organization to make that connection.
Ms. Fountain said that information will be captured as part of the minutes as well. I know the City Council
does read the minutes from the different boards and commissions so they will hear your concern.
Board Member Schumacher said he has similar concerns. I echo Board Member Prietto's comments. I think
that regardless of whether it is the Design Review Board or the Planning Commission that has jurisdiction
over the Redevelopment Area, my bigger concern is that from a staff level going through and interpreting the
redevelopment and the code and coming up with creative solutions is something that is special to the
Redevelopment Area as opposed to new development we have seen throughout the rest of the city. That is
where the rubber meets the road, and I would hope the city, Redevelopment Agency or staff I hope it is stated
in the Redevelopment Agency on a staff level so those negotiations for those unique properties that the
Village has plenty of continues to have that ability to have flexibility at a staff level.
Board Member Schumacher asked Ms. Fountain to talk a little bit more about "another 10 years funding can
be spent in the Village." Can you talk a little bit more about that.
When redevelopment plans expire, contracts or certain agreements can be approved continuing
implementation of projects or programs. We have a ten year window where we can continue to pay for those
projects and programs with redevelopment tax increment monies. Tax increment is a portion of property
taxes that are specifically identified within your Redevelopment Area that are used to repay debt. We have a
lot of debt in the Village Area. We have debt for bonds that we previously issued for the Streetscape
Program, infrastructure projects, etc. We also have^city loans taken for a variety of different programs and
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projects. We have the ability to continue to pay for any programs or projects that we have in place at the time
that the plan expires. We have previously had the City Council take action to identify other projects or
programs they would like to continue to implement in the Village Area, and those would have to be
implemented within the next ten years or ten years after the expiration of the plan effectiveness date. We can
continue to pay for them with redevelopment monies. The City Council has already said they would like to do
that, but we still have to have them take formal action on the contract between the Redevelopment Agency
and the city, basically saying the city will implement those projects for the Redevelopment Area over the next
ten years. The projects include more streetscape improvements, a public parking garage potentially on North
County Transit property, and other programs that could continue such as administration of the
Redevelopment Office, paying for its staff, paying for the continuing programs that we have been working like
business development and improvement programs. It could potentially fund the VIP or other types of
programs like that.
Board Member Schumacher asked then at the end of ten years, in year eleven, the Redevelopment Agency
will have the funds already spent or they are no longer eligible to be spent, then the Redevelopment Agency
really doesn't have a presence in the Village anymore?
Ms. Fountain said the Redevelopment Agency will continue to exist as long as we have a Redevelopment
Plan that is still effective, which we will have the South Carlsbad Redevelopment Plan, it is a 30 year plan. So
a Redevelopment Agency will still be in place. What the Redevelopment Agency can pay for in the Village
Area, will change on that eleventh year. Then it will have to go into more General Fund type projects and it
will be the same CIP, Capital Improvement Program, that the city uses for the remainder of the City.
Board Member Baker asked Ms. Fountain is it for certain that redevelopment cannot be renewed? Because I
have had several conversations with people down in the Village who have put together some plans and have
looked at some long term ideas. Their idea is that it can be extended and renewed. All you have to do is get
our local legislators to ask for it to be extended or renewed. I have heard you say many times over the year
that it is a question of blight findings. I am just asking for some clarification on that question. I think you
know who I am talking about and what the issue is.
Ms. Fountain said we have had that question come up a number of times. Staff understands it is hard to let
the plan expire. To extend a redevelopment plan or even to create a new redevelopment plan, the process is
the same. You have to be able to determine that you have substantial blight in an area to either form a
redevelopment area or to extend the effectiveness date. To try and make the findings in our current Village
Area that we still have substantial blight are almost impossible to make. We may still have pockets of areas
that we feel are blighted and that can stilt meet the test, but when you have increasing sales tax or at least
your sales tax is holding, you have increasing property values, you have reduced vacancy rates, it is very hard
to make both the economic and the physical blight findings that you need to make to extend a redevelopment
area. I think what some people might be thinking about is that the legislature could just pass legislation that
says you can just extend like they did when they took money from us. Just to pass legislation that says a
redevelopment plan can extend without having some circumstances for doing that, I just don't think is
realistic. There have been various proposals that have been submitted to the state. I know the City of
Industry has actually submitted a proposal to the state to allow all redevelopment areas to automatically
extend for 30 years and then the state could take 5% off the top for their financial crisis. But the California
Redevelopment Association is a major advocacy group and would not support that type of proposal because
under the state constitution, the state is not allowed to take money from redevelopment. There is a lawsuit
that is going on right now over that whole issue. It is not realistic to think the state is going to pass legislation
to do it, especially for one city. I am speaking on my own opinion of what I think. We haven't asked the
legislature to pass a resolution to allow the City of Carlsbad to extend its Redevelopment Plan. Just
understanding redevelopment, understanding what the purpose of redevelopment is, it would be hard to see
why it would have any benefit to the state and that they would be willing to do that. There comes a point in
time that you have to declare victory and say that you have done what redevelopment intended for you to do.
Redevelopment is all about blight elimination, and if you have blight or blighting influences, redevelopment is
supposed to help you resolve those. It is not a program specifically to say we wanted a bigger, better
development project than we got or we wanted a city hall to be built in our downtown area and it wasn't. That
is not really what redevelopment is for. When you can start saying you have addressed a lot of what your
blight determination was when you originally formed your redevelopment area, it would be very difficult then to
make findings that say you need to continue. If you have been doing redevelopment for 28 years and you
can still say you have substantial blight in an area, somebody has to ask the question: What have you been
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doing for 28 years? It is a tough one. It is hard to let go sometimes and to say we have done what we can
with this part, but there is still more to do that we can do through other programs. Because we have this ten
year window where we can continue to implement some programs and projects with the redevelopment
funding, I think it serves the same purpose as would be for extending the Redevelopment Plan for another
ten years.
Board Member Baker said she has two more questions. Some decisions the Planning Commission makes
are final. Am I to understand from your presentation and the staff report that every village project is only
advisory to the Council, that the Council would have the final decision?
Ms. Fountain said we are not actually proposing to make any changes to the type of permits that we have so
that structure will remain the same. If we have a new major redevelopment project, regardless of whether it
could have been something the Planning Commission could have approved because it was 50 units or less of
residential or something similar to that; it would still have to go to City Council. So the Planning Commission
would still only be a recommending body to the City Council. Minor redevelopment permits can be approved
by the Design Review Board so they could be approved by the Planning Commission. Appeals for
administrative decisions that currently go to the Design Review Board would go to the Planning Commission
and could be final, unless obviously appealed to the City Council. So that structure will all remain the same.
Board Member Baker said to follow up on that question, will the Redevelopment Director's title change? Is
your office still going to be the point of contact for projects in the Village or do they all go to Faraday now?
Will the Planning Director be the one you can appeal his decision to or how is that going to work?
Ms. Fountain said currently we are not making any changes in staff assignments so we will continue as we
are. That would mean the Redevelopment Director or our Redevelopment Planner would be making the
presentations to the Planning Commission. That is always subject to change in the future. That may be
something that is changed. It is not written into the Village Master Plan as to what staff serves. We would
need to make changes eventually if you eliminated the Housing and Redevelopment Director and where it
said Housing and Redevelopment Director would make the decision, an administrative decision, and that
needs to be changed to the Planning Director. That might be something that would have to come back at a
later date if that type of decision was made. It doesn't mean that it couldn't be made in the future.
Board Member Baker said her last question concerns the Coastal Commission. Have they agreed to sign off
on the changes or what is their position on it?
Ms. Fountain said she has spoken with the Coastal Commission and they feel it would be a minor or a de
minimus action and I will be sending them a copy of the report that you are seeing tonight so they can
determine that for sure. Based on what we have shared with them, they feel it probably is not significant
because we are not changing any policies or programs, but it does need to go to them because we are
changing those local coastal program documents.
Chairperson Lawson said he would like to get a clarification. In the Design Manual, you have a new goal. I
was just trying to understand it. I understand most of the administrative changes where you are just cleaning
things up, but there is goal 1.10, which says: Establish the Village Center Area as the San Diego North
County's focus for specialty goods and services. Is that a new one?
Ms. Fountain said actually 1.9 and 1.10 are new ones; those that are underlined. This is an integration from
the Redevelopment Plan into the Village Master Plan. These were some goals that were in that document
that we didn't think was clearly stated in the goals and objectives that we already had so we added them. It is
similar to the goals I had put up on the slide that we have always wanted the Village Area to serve that
purpose as being a specialty retail center so that it was different than a mall or it was different than other retail
centers we have in Carlsbad and other surrounding cities. We had unique businesses, we had special focus
types of areas, and if we look at the Business Development Plan that was developed a couple of years ago
when we brought Kennedy Smith in as our consultant, she reinforced that in the Business Development Plan;
try to attract unique businesses to your Village Area. Don't try to be a copycat of some other area in trying to
get the national chains or the same stores that are other places; try to be unique, try to be different and try to
be a focus area to show that you are special in some way. This message in this goal just reiterated what we
had in the Business Development Plan so it made sense to incorporate it.
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Chairperson Lawson asked would it allow for a business that would be unique to where it may not fit within
the so-called guidelines and zoning ordinances and codes outside of the Village Area or is it an emphasis that
we are trying to maintain uniqueness? Are there any types of businesses that this would help to perpetuate?
Ms. Fountain said it wasn't so much in saying it is a unique business that doesn't necessarily fit somewhere
else. It was more the type of product that is sold might be unique or it might be something that you don't see
everywhere else or you might get a group of stores in the Village Area that found a niche that is not being met
somewhere else.
Chairperson Lawson said to Ms. Fountain in her presentation in the beginning she talked about the
successes that we have met. Could you go back to that slide? Would it be correct to interpret that those
successes took place because of the Redevelopment designation or could they also have taken place
through time? With time, businesses come in and economics change. Are all of those attributable primarily
just because and would not have happened if there wasn't the redevelopment designation?
Ms. Fountain said most areas the economy effects a lot of what happens. Specifically in the Village Area if
there hadn't been a focus, if there hadn't been a designated effort that the Council decided to do in 1981, and
it actually started back as early as the mid 70's as the community started thinking about the Village Area and
what needs to happen. I don't think if that focused effort hadn't been there, that we would have seen the type
of change that is more directive. I think what you might have seen happen is whatever the economy would
support would be the types of uses that might come in to the area. I think because it was more directive,
there were specific goals and objectives of what was trying to be accomplished. But I think the final success
was better. It wasn't just filling spaces. It was filling spaces with the types of businesses that the community
wanted to see and not just be attractive to the outside but attractive to its own residents and visitors. I think
because it was directive and it was specific in terms of what was trying to be accomplished, we had a better
result than we would have if we had just let the economy decide what was going to happen in the Village.
Chairperson Lawson said he would agree. Also, when you met with the City Council at the workshop that you
made reference to, is it true that the first recommendations as you presented to the Council at that time did
not address the issue of sun setting the Design Review Board or did it?
Ms. Fountain said we gave the City Council several options related to the current process and the Design
Review Board. One of the options was sun setting it. It was not staffs initial recommendation, but it was one
of the options that was listed. We had about four options listed and one of them was sun setting the Design
Review Board.
Chairperson Lawson said as it being not your initial recommendation, what might have been some of the
reasons in that staff initial thought that the Design Review Board had a role.
Ms. Fountain said initially because one of our assumptions was that we wanted to allow for a seamless
transition from Redevelopment Plan expiration to a new day, we were making an assumption that everything
would stay the same. The process would all stay the same, the Design Review Board would all stay the
same to continue that special focus. The City Council, once they were reviewing all those options, felt that
because of the change in the whole community, this may be the right time to make that change and to sunset
the Design Review Board. It was going into it with some different assumptions.
Chairperson Lawson said that he had heard that during the discussion with the City Council at that workshop
that it was suggested that the past and or present Design Review Board members had been polled for their
opinion on this. Can you elaborate on if that is true or not?
Ms. Fountain said during the discussion around the Design Review Board, there was reference to one of the
Council members talking to some of the past Design Review Board members and Planning Commission to
bounce the idea off of them as to if this made any sense. There was feedback that it seemed to make sense
to do it.
Chairperson Lawson opened public testimony.
Mario Monroy who resides at 749 Magnolia Avenue, Carlsbad: I support what is being proposed mostly
because I think things have really changed over the years. Probably one of the most important things is that
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the real estate value of the area from Buena Vista to Agua Hadianda has gotten so pricey that unless a wide
revision to densities and design is changed, the pedestrian traffic for the Village is never going to materialize,
especially in the winter. One of the things that I learned by looking at the Barrio, for example, is that 60% of
the people who own real estate in the Barrio are absentee owners. When you hold a meeting, none of those
people show up. With the changes that have taken place and with the fact that Carlsbad is approaching build
out and all those things together, I think the area, and one of the things we discussed when the VIP was
formed was that when you say Village, you mean from Agua Hadianda to the Buena Vista Lagoon. So the
Redevelopment Area being called the Village detracts from the surrounding areas as well. Look at the
densities that are north of the Village on Jefferson. The Redevelopment Area never looked beyond those
boundaries. They don't have the slightest idea what densities they can place, what the economics are, and
the economics have been studied by the city for the Redevelopment Area all apply to the north side and to the
south side because without change, there is absolutely no incentive. Since those properties were developed
prior to the Village, the Redevelopment Area, the densities are very high. When we changed things in 1986,
nobody paid attention to what happened to the Village going from lagoon to lagoon. Now things are
happening because of more interest. I think it is time to look beyond those boundaries. With that I support
what is being proposed.
Ms. Fountain said on the Design Review Board Resolution 339, we originally had this set for the Design
Review Board to make a recommendation to the Planning Commission on the General Plan amendment.
We have since that time, determined that this would not need to go to the Planning Commission. It can go
directly from the Design Review Board to the City Council and the Housing and Redevelopment Commission.
We will need to take out the reference that it is recommending to the Planning Commission. It will be just
recommending directly to the City Council.
Chairperson Lawson said thank you because that was confusing.
Ms. Fountain said when we first prepared this, we had a different thought on how this would get processed
and we changed it and we forgot to change the resolution.
Chairperson Lawson closed the public testimony. He has one follow up question. As it is probably apparent
through the topics that I have been raising and some other comments that have been raised or questions
asked of staff, is it possible to move everything forward as a recommendation without transferring the
reviewing authority or the issue of sun setting the Design Review Board. That all of the other
recommendations, the changing of the documents and references to the process and such, they could be
done with still having the Design Review Board be a body that reviews the applications within this designated
area. Is that possible and if so, could that be done?
Ms. Mobaldi said we could dp that. If you wanted to do that, I would recommend that you vote and if the
majority is in favor, make a minute motion on that one issue, then recommend approval of the other
resolutions as proposed.
Board Member Baker said just a clarification. Do you mean a minute motion or an amendment to the
Ms. Mobaldi said it would actually be both. You would make a minute motion that the Design Review Board
not be sun setted and then you would amend the other resolution to that affect as well.
Chairperson Lawson said this is still just a recommendation and nothing more. Obviously it is a suggestion
not final by any means.
Ms. Mobaldi answered yes, it still has to go to the City Council.
Chairperson Lawson asked if there are any discussion items or issues or topics that anyone would like to
bring up before moving on this.
Board Member Baker said she would like to say between working on the Chamber's Downtown Task Force
and CVIP and the Design Review Board, I have spent a lot of time with Ms. Fountain and her staff, and I
would like to say you have all done a really great job. I know it has been frustrating because people in the
Village like to whine about as much as they like to raise a toast. I think you all have done a really great job
APRIL 27, 2009
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with working down there. Something to consider and something I have thought about is if it is determined
that the Planning Commission will be the review body, I think we might want to think about hiring a Downtown
Chief or Czar or somebody down there whose job is partly to think about building and projects but partly to
think about marketing and the overall focus of the Village. I know your office has tried to do that, but in
certain ways it has been hard because there are a lot of rules down there. If we just had a person such as
the Village Chief or the Village Czar or whoever it is. I think North Park has had a model similar to that that if
people wanted to develop something in the area, they would go into that office and they would help the
person with what the plans are and what the ideas are and what they can do and what they can't do. They
can help them negotiate through the Planning Department and process. They have also acted as the
marketing consultant and chief with a budget of advertising to sell and be a coordinator of activities that go on
in the area. I am wondering if maybe the time hasn't come to do that kind of thing. We talk about funding the
CVIP or the CVA, but maybe if it is a city employee that has connections with the city and knows how to get
things done, then it might go a long way to solving some of the problems that you all have expressed tonight
about losing the connection with the Village. Really at the end of the day the Design Review Board as well as
the Planning Commission are land use deciders. We are not marketing people. That is why it does make
some sense, in my opinion, to move the review process to the Planning Commission because the bodies are
land use issues, and they are not overall making the Village a better place kind of issues. I just wanted to say
that maybe it is time to hire someone whose function is a little different than Ms. Fountain's has been but has
some of the abilities to do marketing, tourism and planning and business development; even going so far as
going out and trying to recruit businesses and form ideas. Thank you and it has been great being a part of
this body and working with all of you.
Chairperson Lawson said he would like to further elaborate about that topic. Would you then be suggesting
that is part of the recommendation moving forward? Are you recommending that be added to these
recommendations in lieu of the loss of local representation and it is important to have that or is this just an
opinion being offered?
Board Member Baker said she is not suggesting that we make this a recommendation. I am just using this
ability to bully pulpit and hoping the City Council will read this and the powers that be will think that is an idea
work pursuing. Maybe it is and maybe it isn't. Maybe it is just something that people who are knowledgeable
about this get together and hammer out how that happens. It just seems like a lot happens in the Village and
there are just so many rules and maybe it is time to think about hiring the person whose job it is to get by the
rules or solve the problem or make things work rather than strictly enforce rules. I am just wondering if it is
time to move to that kind of model. I do support sun setting the Design Review Board. Ms. Fountain, you
have done an admirable job. I don't want you to think that is a reflection.
Board Member Whitton said he agrees with that comment that Board Member Baker just made. I think that
an advocate of that sort, so long as there are perimeters drawn around it so as not to conflict with the
Chamber of Commerce, and focus on the downtown area or the Redevelopment Area only would be a good
idea. It has lots of potential. Again, not to minimize anything Ms. Fountain has done, she has done a great
job for this city.
Board Member Schumacher agreed with the kudos to the Redevelopment Agency. I agree with having
somebody that can play that role going forward. I think there is a lot of unfinished business that the city has
already spent energy and money, not least the Kennedy Smith report that exists on paper and needs to be
implemented. Without somebody in that role, I am concerned it will just founder.
Board Member Prietto said if the job of the Design Review Board is to check boxes and follow rules and
regulations, I agree. Push it up to corporate somewhere, and let them follow the rules. The people who are
downtown that are self-employed that don't have the 3% at 30, that don't have the 401K, that don't have the
sick days, that don't have the holidays, and they live and breathe by virtue of how well they do and it is so
delicate, it requires a depth touch. I think the Council hasn't been able to really make that connection. You
see it in the eyes of the proprietors downtown that have that "aw shucks" attitude and they are not willing to
toast because they see it again and they see it again and they see it again. Somehow, there has to be a
connection. I don't have the answer, but I can see the frustration in the shop owners. Maybe a Czar or
somebody, a player, somebody who understands being self-employed and maybe have some self-
employment experience that can empathize with not having the ability to stay home because the doors have
to be open. Maybe the VIP is the answer.
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Ms. Mobaldi wanted to remind the Design Review Board that these ideas are fine and sharing them is fine,
but there is nothing on the agenda about whether or not there is going to be somebody hired to manage the
Village. That is not before you tonight. You are not voting on that.
Chairperson Lawson said he hopes the Board understands that.
Board Member Baker said she knows that but just wanted to take the opportunity.
Chairperson Lawson said he considers himself the senior person on the Design Review Board. I think I have
been here a little bit beyond two terms. I have always found as a business owner who is in the Village, I have
the best view on the Village than anybody sitting up above State Street, and I see everybody that comes and
goes. I walk the streets just about every day and am down in there, and there is an extreme important value
in the fact that you do have a connection to it. I have always prided myself and this body that is what we do.
We look at the interest and the merits of things within the Village, not just whether they meet height
requirements and setbacks, but how they are complimentary to promoting things down in the Village. It does
concern me. I have not been on the Planning Commission. I have spent my amount of time watching them
and presenting to them and for 20 or 30 years I have been politically active in Carlsbad. It is a different body,
I think, than the Design Review Board. I am saddened to think this entity will not continue to move forward.
Maybe even the makeup could be slightly changed. Without doing as Ms. Mobaldi mentioned, changing and
introducing something different, but maybe the makeup of this entity could slightly be tweaked or whatever to
be more loaded with the people that are indeed in the Village or have some interest in that. I might be a
minority opinion of this group, but I think the Design Review Board actually plays a very, very valuable roll that
is different than the Planning Commission. I think at some point, obviously when the boundaries of the area
no longer exists, than there is no reason to have a separate group. I think there is a lot of merit. I have taken
pride in all of the things we have done and looked at and entertained and tried to promote through the
different things with working with a number of different staff as well that have all been fabulous contributions
to the city. Frankly, I think a message should be sent to the City Council before they sunset this board, they
need to think about how they are truly going to be able to accomplish those things. The suggestions that
were brought up by those that are in favor of supporting it, I think are testimony to why they should be thinking
about that before they actually do the sun setting and how we are going to maintain that level of
representation. I hope everyone here and it is clear in the record I think this group has performed admirably
in representing and furthering all of the goals that have been mentioned and have been part of the successes
that have been stated in the presentation. With that, I am not in favor of supporting the recommendations
here as long as it is in support of sun setting the Design Review Board. It is not out of personal interest
because I don't think I will be on here much longer anyway, even it was to continue. I need to move on
because I have been on for two terms. I can support all of the other clean up issues that have to be done, but
I would not be supportive of sun setting the Design Review Board without a true plan that replaces the
uniqueness that it offers. With that unless there are any other comments, I will entertain a motion.
Board Member Baker moved that the Design Review Board adopt Design Review Board Resolutions number
339, 440 and 441 recommending Housing and Redevelopment Commission and or City Council approval of
the amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual, Local Coastal Program and City Council
Policy number 65 to allow for minor headings/language or revisions, to incorporate relevant information from
the expiring Village Redevelopment Plan into the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and to clarify
various provisions and amendments to the Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapters 21.35, 21.41, and 21.81 and
the General Plan to address the same minor headings, language or revisions and language integration and
clarifications to allow for continuation of existing land use and development regulations and related policies
for special review within the Village Area following expiration of the Village Redevelopment Plan on July 21,
Board Member Whitton seconded. He continued that he tends to favor the Design Review Board per se, •
however, I think I agree we have to reach beyond the boundaries of downtown and start incorporating a vision
of these other areas that are contiguous to the boundaries of the Redevelopment Area.
Chairperson Lawson said if that is true, the boundaries still exist.
Board Member Whitton said he knows the boundaries still exist.
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Chairperson Lawson continued that all of this documentation pertains only to areas within that so that is not
precluded, is it not from still happening? Your Planning Commission could take all of these very same things
and try to be incorporating them outside of the boundary. There is nothing that stops that from happening.
Board Member Whitton said he agrees.
Board Member Baker said yes there is.
Chairperson Lawson asked what that is.
Board Member Baker said a lot of the City of Carlsbad's rules are different for properties that are within the
Redevelopment Area then are outside of the Redevelopment Area. You can't take what is in that and apply it
to areas outside of the Redevelopment Area because the rules are different in many cases as far as parking,
building height, recreational spaces, all kinds of issues.
Board Member Whitton said he is going to withdraw his comment and leave it as it is. I second the motion.
VOTE: 4-1
AYES: Baker, Prietto, Schumacher, and Whitton
NOES: Lawson
Ms. Mobaldi asked Chairperson Lawson if he is opposed to the entire motion or just to the expiration of the
Design Review Board.
Chairperson Lawson said he is opposed to the expiration of the Design Review Board.
Ms. Fountain said she was not going to technically say this was the last meeting of the Design Review Board
because until the City Council takes action on the changes to sunset the DRB, then it wouldn't be official. So
there is still a potential that if something happens between now and then, we may still need to have another
Design Review Board Meeting. We may or may not have any additional projects to bring forward to the
Design Review Board. If we don't and the City Council does sunset the Design Review Board, we will at least
have a celebration dinner or something so we can honor all of you for all of the work you have done on the
Board. We will let you know how things progress. We will take all of your comments forward to the City
Council in the form of the minutes so they will be aware of what your concerns were and we'll continue to try
and address those as we move forward.
Chairperson Lawson asked Mrs. Fountain when you would anticipate knowing that information.
Ms. Fountain asked as to when it would go to Council?
Chairperson Lawson said yes.
Ms. Fountain answered at this time we are not sure because the budget is starting to get processed for the
city and that tends to take up a lot of time on each agenda. It may not be until the end of June before we are
able to go to the Council but we will let you know.
Chairperson Lawson said seeing that there is a possibility we may not meet again, is it possible to get a very
brief update on some of the big projects that we voted on and approved and were anticipating moving
forward; on whether or not they are moving forward, such as the Lumiare and there was another hotel. Just
something confirming whether it is moving forward or not.
Ms. Fountain asked if he would like to have another meeting for that.
Chairperson Lawson said no, just some brief additional insight. We could take advantage of this potential last
time to hear from you.
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Ms. Fountain commented it won't be the last time you hear from me but maybe in a different capacity. We
don't have a lot of information on some of the projects that have been approved in the past. I did just receive
an e-mail today though on the Springhill Suites Project that is on Carlsbad Boulevard where the Surf Motel is
and they are moving forward on their working drawings on their project, and they actually are looking at
making it a leed-certified hotel so they are looking for funding to help with that. That was the purpose of their
e-mail today. It was nice to hear they are working on their drawings and still plan to go forward.
The Lumiare Project, we understand, is on hold right now. That is not any surprise with the current economy
in terms of the fact that project included condominiums as well as hotel rooms and a restaurant. They will
wait for the right time. I think eventually that project will move forward.
The project that is right next to us has just recently completed construction, the Roosevelt Center. They went
forward, as you remember, to get a tentative map approved for their project so they could possibly sell some
of their space. They are moving forward to get their space leased up and sold. We do have a restaurant that
has been proposed with retail wine sales. The restaurant is called Per Se. It is going to be a French
American Restaurant and wine sales. They are moving forward and they have had somebody already move
in to one of their residential units. One of the staff people in our office took a tour of their whole project and
was impressed. The views from the residential units are very nice.
We have quite a few projects on the books that right now we haven't seen working drawings for. Whether or
not they will come in the future, I'm not sure. We are watching them to make sure that if they have permits
that are expiring or if they have maps that are expiring, that we are helping them to process extensions so
they don't have to restart their whole process over again.
Board Member Whitton asked Ms. Fountain about Ponto Beach.
Board Member Baker said that is coming before the Planning Commission in the next month.
Ms. Fountain said we have our first application going forward for a hotel, the Hilton Hotel Resort. That will be
May 6, 2009, and it is the first project. With the Coastal Commission we are still trying to get approval of the
Vision Plan, but we are still moving forward with the projects. We did resolve the lawsuit that we had on the
EIR, thanks to our Attorney's Office. We don't have any other formal applications.
Chairperson Lawson said he wants to thank staff immensely. It has been a real pleasure working with Ms.
Mobaldi, Ms. Crescent! and Mr. Silva and all of the staff over the years. I greatly appreciate it. It has been a
great experience and I greatly appreciate everything that you all have done.
Ms. Fountain said thank you. We plan right now that the process will continue as it is for a while. Obviously
there is always change that is possible in the future, but I think the City Council is focused on the area as a
special area. I think they are looking to continue that effort and all of you have a part to play in that in
whatever capacity that might be as board members of the VIP or as developers or business owners in the
Village. Even if the Design Review Board does sunset, there is still a role for everybody to play and our office
will continue to play our role in that as long as it serves the purpose.
Board Member Baker announced that the Carlsbad Village Improvement Partnership along with the Business
Association is sponsoring an event on Friday, May 1st. It is Art Surf. It is free. It is not a fund raiser. It is just
fun. It started because we wanted to make the Village alive and so we found some empty storefronts and
they are being painted by artists and the galleries will be open and the wine stores will be open. The idea is
just to wander through the Village, drink some wine, look at art and have some fun.
By proper motion, the Design Review Board of April 27, 2009, was adjourned at 7:27 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Fountain
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Housing and Redevelopment Director
Minutes Clerk
NOTE: Due to a clerical error, the Design Review Board Resolutions were changed from 337, 338 and 339
to now reflect 339, 340, and 341.
The Future of the Village
and the
Design Review Board
•To encourage the City Council to
consider alternatives to “sunsetting
the Design Review Board”
•Redevelopment Districts typically exist for only 25 to 30
•Carlsbad’s Village Redevelopment Area has enjoyed
various degrees of success.
•Blight and blighting influences have been significantly
reduced or eliminated through the use of special tools
afforded the Redevelopment District.
•Oversight of the Village has been accomplished with a
specially structured City board, the Design Review Board
The 1981 Village Redevelopment Plan
is set to expire July 21, 2009
Recent DRB Action and
Recommendation to Council
1.Revise or modify Governing City documents :
–The Village Redevelopment Master Plan & Design Manual
–Local Coastal Program
–City Council Policy # 65
–Municipal Code
–General Plan
2.Retire the existing Design Review Board and allow the
Planning Commission to resume review of land use permits
& other related matters in the Village.
(Vote of 4:1 following Staff Recommendations)
So what about the Future?
What are the City’s on-going intentions?
“To continue the redevelopment and/or revitalization
efforts within the Village Area through the use of different
or modified tools.”
According to Staff, the City’s Goal for the Village is:
Continued Revitalization Efforts
1.The Village Area warrants continued focus as a “special review area”
2.Seamless transition of land use regulations and related actions to facilitate continued redevelopment and/or revitalization
3.Seamless transition of process for implementation and cohesion of land use regulations and approvals
4.Ten (10) more years of continued Tax increment financing for
projects and programs
5.Blight may be minimized, yet redevelopment and/or
revitalization continues.
6.Maintain an incremental and steady, but guarded, pace of transforming the Village
What’s so Special about the
Village Master Plan
Executive Summary
•Has a distinct visual identity that makes it unique and a
memorable place with identifiable landmarks.
•Strives for excellence through high quality, well-designed private
development and public improvements.
•Accommodates a wide range of land uses and also serves as a
specialty retail center for the entire City.
•Has a strong civic character and provides a place for people to
come to be a part of important community events.
•Is a comfortable and safe place to work, shop, visit, and live.
•Demonstrates a welcoming attitude and a spirit of cooperation to
new businesses and developers who are interested in becoming a
part of the downtown.
The Carlsbad Village Redevelopment Area:
Housing & Redevelopment
Commission Goals
(2005 -2009 Implementation Plan for the Carlsbad Village Redevelopment Project Area
•Protect Surrounding
•Encourage Investment
•Insist on Quality Use and
•Emphasize Environmental
Character and Public Places
•Eliminate Deteriorated
•Enhance Commercial Base
of Project Area
•Stimulate Economic
•Provide First Class
•Maintain Village Character
•Enrich with Community
•Remediate and Beautify
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Other Point & References:
•Successful downtowns provide a Sense of Place.
•Viable downtowns continue to grow and change over time.
•Numerous and sufficient Publications, Plans and Studies have
been prepared or completed.
•Numerous organized Entities, Partners & Stakeholders have
vested interest.
•The Unique conditions of the Village have always warranted an
equally unique oversight body that is “In Touch” with the area.
“People attract people, who attract people”
City Publications and Reports
Unique Mix of Uses and Activities
Unlike any other area of the City
(Per the Kennedy Smith Report)
Issues and Concerns:
1.City Council workshop suggested the Design Review Board
should be retired.
2.Apparent disconnect between Council’s acknowledgment
and support for continued special revitalization and the
suggested elimination of the DRB.
3.No alternate plan for special focus by a Council-appointed
advisory body.
4.Continued direction and support to the Village Area.
5.Planning Commission not the right fit.
1.City Council should reconsider this decision and direct the
staff to provide alternate revisions to allow the Design Review
Board to continue as the advisory board throughout the
Village Area of Carlsbad.
2.Consider a new name for the Design Review Board and to
expand its responsibilities (and maybe membership) to
address concerns. Suggestion: “Village Advisory Board”.
A Unique area requires
Unique attention