HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-07-21; City Council; 19910 Part 3; Sewer System Management PlanAgua Hedionda Pump Station Sampling Plan SAMPLE POINT 1 to sterilize the sampling assembly). Paifc at toe Tanwack Beach parking lot. (Make sure This campling point Is west of the tialn trestle near trie AguaHeofrnda pump station. You mutt waRc outside of chain link fence to get to thesampOng point Be careful of the unstable ground and reeks. CAUTKWI Pay attention to the f a Broad. Trains am frequently >rav«ltna north ft southbound. TW» Is at theYMCA camp located across from the pump station in the middle lagoon. To get to this sRe. head north on Cartsbad Bfvd and turn rigW onto Tamarack Av». Mate a right onto UnmarLn and a right onto Chinquapin Ave. At the end of street, turn left (south) orto dirt path ai»d proceed to YMCA camp. This campling point Is at the Snug Haroor Marina beach area. To get to this stte. go east on Tamarack A veto Adams Stand turn right. Turn right onto Harrison St and proceed to parking area it manna. This sainptti^poirt la at the Carlsbad Btu« CM) (below Mexican restaurant, located off mile east of Snug Harbor Marina. Thto sampling point is at the Bristol Cove Boat Ramp. To get to this site, head east on Adams St. Turn right onto Park Dr and then right onto Cove Dr. Proceed to end of cukJe-sac. Boat ramp it on Ml side. This sampling point is at the inlet of the iagoon. «Is access«)le from SDOAE access road, which Is used as a hiking traH. From Carlsbad Bivd, head east on Cannon Road past the bridge. After passing Faraday Ave. took for the gated dirt road on the left hand side. (See map on next page for directions). This page/section is deliberately left blank. A separate, confidential listing is maintained in the original document on file in the Maintenance and Operations Administrative Offices with names, titles and contact information and is found in the Sanitary Sewer Overflow Plan Appendix. IDTask NameDurationStartFinishPredecessorsResource Names1SSMP Completion623 daysFri 3/2/07Tue 7/21/092 Goals & Org Structure Element26 daysFri 3/2/07Fri 4/6/073Identify lines of authority w/org chart 2 daysTue 3/20/07Wed 3/21/07Clint Phillips4Create narrative for org chart21 daysFri 3/2/07Fri 3/30/073FS-14 daysClint Phillips,Cari Dale5Create chain of communication for reporting SSOs14 daysTue 3/20/07Fri 4/6/07Cari Dale6Certify Goals & Org Structure0 daysFri 4/6/07Fri 4/6/075,4,3Cari Dale7Development Plan and Schedule Element30.25 daysTue 3/20/07Tue 5/1/078Create schedule in Microsoft Project7 daysTue 3/20/07Wed 3/28/07Cari Dale9Certify Development Plan and Schedule 0.25 daysTue 5/1/07Tue 5/1/078FS-7 daysCari Dale10Overflow Emergency Response Plan Element389 daysTue 5/8/07Fri 10/31/0811Update notification procedures for primary responders60 daysTue 5/8/07Mon 7/30/07Jesse Casteneda[50%12Update notification procedures to regulatory entities60 daysTue 5/8/07Mon 7/30/07Cari Dale[25%],Don W13Update Overflow Emergency Response Plan120 daysTue 7/31/07Mon 1/14/0811,12Clint Phillips[50%],Ca14Contrast Updated Plan to CWEA Best Practices Manual/correct gaps45 daysTue 1/15/08Mon 3/17/0813Cari Dale[25%],Don W15Develop training for staff/contractors on ERP90 daysTue 1/15/08Mon 5/19/0813Don Wasko[10%]16Conduct training for staff/contractors on ERP60 daysTue 5/20/08Mon 8/11/081517Develop procedures for traffic, crowd control and other60 daysTue 1/15/08Mon 4/7/081318Conduct training for traffic, crowd control and other60 daysTue 4/8/08Mon 6/30/081719Develop containment and mitigation training90 daysTue 1/15/08Mon 5/19/081320Conduct training for containment and mitigation60 daysTue 5/20/08Mon 8/11/081921Certify Overflow Emergency Response Plan Element (Section D 13 (vi)0 daysFri 10/31/08Fri 10/31/0822Legal Authority Element402 daysWed 4/18/07Fri 10/31/0823Identify gaps in Ordinance(s) re: prevention of I/I, stormwater, chemical dumping, debris21 daysWed 4/18/07Wed 5/16/07Cari Dale[25%]24Write ordinance changes re: prevention of I/I, stormwater, chemical dumping, debris45 daysTue 5/22/07Mon 7/23/0723Cari Dale[25%]25Write Agenda Bill for Ordinance changes30 daysTue 6/19/07Mon 7/30/07Cari Dale[25%]26Submit Agenda Bill for adoption by Council90 daysTue 7/31/07Mon 12/3/0725Cari Dale[25%]27Coordinate with Engineering Design and Construction on Standards90 daysThu 11/1/07Wed 3/5/0828Coordinate with Engineering Design on access for maintenance90 daysThu 11/1/07Wed 3/5/0829Certify Legal Authority (Section D 13 (iii))0 daysFri 10/31/08Fri 10/31/0830Operation and Maintenance Program Element466 daysTue 3/20/07Tue 12/30/0831Maintain GIS of sewer and stormwater pipe and pumping120 daysTue 3/20/07Mon 9/3/0732Begin inventory of ww infrastructure by location & age: FM, gravity lines, lift station, siphons and access holes75 daysTue 7/10/07Mon 10/22/0733Develop asset review and inspection program for each asset group60 daysTue 7/10/07Mon 10/1/0734Begin implementation of inspection program for each asset group120 daysTue 10/2/07Mon 3/17/083335Develop asset replacement priority schedule based on inspection results (short & long term)175 daysTue 10/2/07Mon 6/2/083336Develop rehabilitation priority schedule based on inspection results175 daysTue 10/2/07Mon 6/2/083337Submit asset replacement schedule to Public Works Director for review7 daysTue 6/3/08Wed 6/11/083638Send GIS data out for printing of sewer atlas maps for trucks/distribute60 daysTue 9/4/07Mon 11/26/073139Establish performance standard for FM, gravity lines, lift stations, siphons and access holes90 daysTue 7/10/07Mon 11/12/0740Describe who has operational control and security of assets30 daysTue 7/10/07Mon 8/20/0741Establish standard for amt of use, desired condition and performance of assets90 daysTue 7/10/07Mon 11/12/0742Identify technical training for field, supervisory and contract staff for efficient and effective service delivery45 daysTue 10/9/07Mon 12/10/0743Conduct ongoing training for field, supervisory and contract staff on O&M120 daysTue 12/11/07Mon 5/26/084244Establish why an asset is maintained at a particular frequency/particular way75 daysTue 7/10/07Mon 10/22/0745Evaluate resources (equipment and replacement parts) needed to operate/maintain assets at the required frequen30 daysTue 10/23/07Mon 12/3/074446Determine PM schedule w/frequencies60 daysTue 10/23/07Mon 1/14/084447Describe PM schedule w/frequencies in a written Operations/Maintenance asset plan90 daysTue 8/14/07Mon 12/17/0748Integrate maintenance standards into Hansen work order mgmt system120 daysMon 12/17/07Sat 5/31/0839,40,41,4649Research and set-up sewer cleaning technique training30 daysTue 7/3/07Mon 8/13/07Don Wasko[10%]50Conduct training on proper sewer cleaning techniques90 daysTue 8/14/07Mon 12/17/074951Submit for funding of TV van and vactor1 dayTue 3/20/07Tue 3/20/0752Develop specifications for TV van and vactor60 daysMon 4/23/07Fri 7/13/075153Order TV van 210 daysMon 7/16/07Fri 5/2/0852Cues or equivalent54Order vactor120 daysWed 7/16/08Tue 12/30/0855Conduct staff training on TV van30 daysMon 5/5/08Fri 6/13/085356Conduct TV inspections of pipelines100 daysMon 6/16/08Fri 10/31/085557Submit for staffing for TV van operation1 dayTue 3/20/07Tue 3/20/07WDR TimeschedulePage 1 IDTask NameDurationStartFinishPredecessorsResource Names58Research AWWA & Industry Standards/replacement policies of other agencies45 daysTue 7/10/07Mon 9/10/0759Research AWWA and Industry Standards/reserve policies of other agencies45 daysTue 7/10/07Mon 9/10/0760Analyze replacement age based on historical replacement and maint. data and/or standards60 daysTue 9/11/07Mon 12/3/075861Define appropriate use of reserve, identify potential risks30 daysTue 12/4/07Mon 1/14/086062Prepare recommended Reserve policy30 daysTue 1/15/08Mon 2/25/086163Update existing replacement model for est. Utility Fund annual replacement transfers60 daysTue 12/4/07Mon 2/25/086064Analyze effect of replacement model on rates30 daysTue 2/26/08Mon 4/7/086365Analyze effect of reserve policy on rates30 daysTue 2/26/08Mon 4/7/086266Prepare implementation plan for replacement and reserve policies30 daysTue 2/26/08Mon 4/7/086267Certify Operation and Maintenance Program (Section D 13(vi))1 dayFri 10/31/08Fri 10/31/0868Fats, Oils & Greases Element424 daysTue 3/20/07Fri 10/31/0869Write and send out RFP for grease trap inventory project30 daysTue 7/3/07Mon 8/13/0770Hire consultant for grease trap inventory project21 daysTue 8/14/07Tue 9/11/076971Consultant to perform grease trap inventory work at City90 daysWed 9/12/07Tue 1/15/087072Develop public outreach for FOG90 daysTue 2/5/08Mon 6/9/0873Implement public education outreach for FOG90 daysTue 6/10/08Mon 10/13/087274Meet with Encina and internal staff to brainstorm ideas for FOG disposal44 daysWed 6/20/07Mon 8/20/0775Develop a plan for FOG disposal45 daysTue 8/26/08Mon 10/27/087476Identify measures to prevent SSO and blockages from FOG (household and commercial)45 daysTue 7/8/08Mon 9/8/0877Write Ordinance to require installation of FOG removal devices 30 daysTue 8/14/07Mon 9/24/0778Gather current City Standards for FOG removal devices7 daysTue 6/5/07Wed 6/13/0779Compare standard in reference material to that contained in the City Standards30 daysThu 6/14/07Wed 7/25/077880Provide updates to current City Standards in conformance with reference60 daysThu 7/26/07Wed 10/17/077981Consider appropriateness to add specific FOG design standards to ordinance7 daysThu 7/26/07Fri 8/3/077982Write Ordinance changes providing authorization to inspect FOG facilities/Encina or City staff30 daysTue 8/14/07Mon 9/24/0783Write Ordinance changes re: grease prohibition, cleaning, BMPS, etc30 daysTue 8/14/07Mon 9/24/0784Write Agenda Bill for Ordinance changes30 daysTue 9/25/07Mon 11/5/078385Submit Agenda Bill for adoption by Council90 daysTue 11/6/07Mon 3/10/088486Explore consolidation opportunities for staffing to implement FOG inspection and recordkeeping1 dayMon 5/7/07Mon 5/7/0787Explore contracting to implement FOG inspection and recordkeeping45 daysTue 8/28/07Mon 10/29/0788Explore having Encina personnel implement FOG inspection and recordkeeping45 daysTue 8/28/07Mon 10/29/0789Request staffing to inspect FOG facilities if consolidation/outside staffing is not feasible120 daysTue 1/1/08Mon 6/16/0890Implement requirements for maintenance of FOG removal devices120 daysTue 4/8/08Mon 9/22/0891Develop source control measures (BMPs) for FOG generators90 daysTue 11/6/07Mon 3/10/0892Implement BMPs for FOG removal devices120 daysTue 4/8/08Mon 9/22/089193Implement recordkeeping and reporting of maint/BMPs for FOG removal devices120 daysTue 4/8/08Mon 9/22/0894Update list of pipes experiencing blockages due to FOG160 daysTue 3/20/07Mon 10/29/0795Update the cleaning schedule for pipes experiencing FOG issues30 daysTue 10/30/07Mon 12/10/079496Certify FOG Control Program (Section D 13 (vii))0 daysFri 10/31/08Fri 10/31/0897Design and Performance Provisions Element541 daysTue 6/5/07Tue 6/30/0998Gather current City Design Standards for sewer, force main, etc 7 daysTue 6/5/07Wed 6/13/0799Compare design standards in reference material to that contained in the City Standards30 daysThu 6/14/07Wed 7/25/0798100Provide updates to current City Design Standards in conformance with reference60 daysThu 7/26/07Wed 10/17/0799101Submit recommended design standards updates for adoption21 daysThu 10/18/07Thu 11/15/07100102Partner with Engineering staff to incorporate design/contruction standards for new pipes/pumps into specification(s150 daysFri 11/16/07Thu 6/12/08101103Gather current City Standards for inspection/testing procedures7 daysTue 8/5/08Wed 8/13/08104Compare inspection/testing standards in reference material to that contained in the City Standards30 daysThu 8/14/08Wed 9/24/08103105Provide updates to current City inspection/testing standards in conformance with reference60 daysThu 9/25/08Wed 12/17/08104106Submit recommended inspection/testing standard updates for adoption21 daysThu 12/18/08Thu 1/15/09105107Certify Design and Performance Provisions (Section D 13 (v)1 dayTue 6/30/09Tue 6/30/09108System Evaluation and Capacity Assurance Plan Element393 daysMon 12/31/07Wed 7/1/09109Evaluate areas experiencing or contributing to SSO caused by hydraulic deficiency60 daysTue 7/1/08Mon 9/22/08110Ensure design criteria are in place for sufficient hydraulic capacity21 daysTue 7/1/08Tue 7/29/08111Prioritize capacity deficiencies7 daysTue 9/23/08Wed 10/1/08109112Conduct an alternatives analysis for capacity deficiencies60 daysTue 9/30/08Mon 12/22/08113Create a CIP schedule for pipelines w/capacity deficiencies300 daysMon 12/31/07Sat 2/21/09111114Develop a funding plan for capacity related CIPs220 daysWed 6/18/08Tue 4/21/09113115Certify System Evaluation and Capacity Assurance Plan (Section D 13 (viii))1 dayWed 7/1/09Wed 7/1/09113WDR TimeschedulePage 2 IDTask NameDurationStartFinishPredecessorsResource Names116Council adoption of SSMP14 daysThu 7/2/09Tue 7/21/0997,2,10,22,30,68,117Write Agenda Bill for SSMP adoption14 daysThu 7/2/09Tue 7/21/09118Complete online SSO questionnaire and mail to State1 dayWed 7/22/09Wed 7/22/09116WDR TimeschedulePage 3 Title 13 SEWERS* Chapters: 13.04 General Regulations 13.06 Discharge of Fats, Oils and Grease 13.08 Payment for Line Cost 13.10 Sewer Connection and Capacity Permits and Fees 13.12 Sewer Service Charges 13.16 Discharge of Industrial Waste 13.20 Septic Tanks Systems * For statutory provisions pertaining to the regulation of constructing and locating drains and sewers, see Gov. Code §§ 38660 and 38900. For provisions authorizing mandatory sewer connections and declaring other means of sewage disposal to be a nuisance, see Gov. Code § 54352. For provisions authorizing cities to prescribe, revise and collect sewer rates, see Gov. Code §§ 54344--54348, and 54354--54356. Chapter 13.04 GENERAL REGULATIONS* Sections: 13.04.010 Definitions. 13.04.020 Unsanitary deposits. 13.04.030 Use of public sewers required. 13.04.035 Sewage discharge prohibited. 13.04.040 Sewer connection permit required. 13.04.045 Responsibility for maintenance. 13.04.050 General prohibitions. 13.04.070 Damaging sewage works. 13.04.080 Violations of chapter. 13.04.090 Public health, safety and welfare violations. * Prior ordinance history: Ords. 5032, 7023. 13.04.010 Definitions. For the purposes of this title, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section: 1. "Best management practices" means schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedures and other management practices to prevent or reduce the introduction of FOG to the sewer facilities. 2. "Department" means the public works department of the city. 3. "Discharger" means any person who discharges or causes a discharge of wastewater directly or indirectly to a public sewer. Discharger shall mean the same as user. 4. "FOG" or "fats, oils and grease" means any substance such as vegetable or animal products that is used in, or is a by-product of, the cooking or food preparation process, and that turns or may turn viscous or solidifies with a change in temperature or other conditions. 5. "FOG control program" means the FOG control program required by and developed pursuant to State Water Resources Control Board Order No. 2006-0003. 6. "Food grinder" means any device installed in the plumbing or sewage system for the Page 1 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 purpose of grinding food waste or food preparation by-products for the purpose of disposing it in the sewer system. 7. "Food service facility" means facilities defined in California Uniform Retail Food Service Facility Law (CURFFL) Section 113789, and any commercial entity within the boundaries of the city's service area, operating in a permanently constructed structure such as a room, building, or place, or portion thereof, maintained, used, or operated for the purpose of storing, preparing, serving, or manufacturing, packaging, or otherwise handling food for sale to other entities, or for consumption by the public, its members or employees, and which has any process or device that uses or produces FOG, or grease vapors, steam, fumes, smoke or odors that are required to be removed by a Type I or Type II hood, as defined in CURFFL Section 113789. A limited food preparation establishment is not considered a food service facility when engaged only in reheating, hot holding or assembly of ready to eat food products and as a result, there is no wastewater discharge containing a significant amount of FOG. A limited food preparation establishment does not include any operation that changes the form, flavor, or consistency of food. 8. "Garbage" means the animal and vegetable waste from the handling, preparation, cooking, and dispensing of food. 9. "Grease" means any material which is extractable from an acidified sample of a waste by hexane or other designated solvent and as determined by the appropriate procedure in standard methods. "Grease" includes fats and oils. 10. "Grease control device" means any grease interceptor, grease trap or other mechanism, device, or process, which attaches to, or is applied to, wastewater plumbing fixtures and lines, the purpose of which is to trap or collect or treat FOG prior to it being discharged into the sewer system. "Grease control device" may also include any other proven method to reduce FOG subject to the approval of the city. 11. "Grease interceptor" means a pretreatment device designed and installed to separate fats, oils, and grease from wastewater. 12. "Grease trap" means a grease control device that is used to serve individual or multiple fixtures and have limited effect and should only be used in those cases where the use of a grease interceptor or other grease control device is determined to be impossible or impracticable. 13. "Hot spots" means area in sewer lines that have experienced sanitary sewer overflows or that must be cleaned or maintained frequently to avoid blockages of the sewer system. 14. "Industrial waste" means solid, liquid or gaseous substances discharged or flowing from an industrial, manufacturing or commercial premises resulting from manufacturing, processing, treating, recovery or development of natural or artificial resources of whatever nature. 15. "Industrial wastewater" means all water-carried wastes and wastewater of the community excluding domestic wastewater and including all wastewater from any industrial production, manufacturing, processing, commercial, agricultural or other operation. These may also include wastes of human origin similar to domestic wastewater. 16. "Inspector" means a person authorized by the city to inspect any existing or proposed wastewater generation, conveyance, and processing and disposal facilities. 17. "Interceptor" means a grease interceptor. 18. "Joint sewer system" means the sewer system constructed jointly by the Vista Sanitation District, the city and the Buena Sanitation District pursuant to that certain Page 2 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 contract entitled "Basic Agreement between Vista Sanitation District and the City of Carlsbad for the Acquisition and Construction of a Joint Sewer System" (County Contract No. 1858-2129E) and all amendments and supplements thereto and as such sewer system is specifically delineated on that certain map entitled "Map of Joint Sewer System--City of Carlsbad, Vista Sanitation District and Buena Sanitation District" on file in the office of the clerk of the board of supervisors of the Buena Sanitation District as Document No. 381247. 19. "Operator" means the Encina Administrative Agency. 20. "Owner" includes a holder in fee, life tenant, executor, administrator, trustee, and guardian or other fiduciary, lessee or licensee holding under any government lease or license of real property. 21. "Person" means any person, firm, company, association, corporation, political subdivision, municipal corporation, district, the state, the United States of America or any department or agency of any thereof. 22. "pH" means the reciprocal of the logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration. It indicates the intensity of acidity and alkalinity on a pH scale running from zero to fourteen. A pH value of 7.0, the midpoint of the scale, represents neutrality. Values above 7.0 indicate alkalinity and those below 7.0 indicate acidity. 23. "Premises" means any lot, piece or parcel of land, building or establishment. 24. "Public works director" means the director of public works of the city or his designee. 25. "Remodeling" means a physical change or operational change causing generation of the amount of FOG that exceed the current amount of FOG discharge to the sewer system by the food service facility in an amount that alone or collectively causes or creates a potential for SSOs to occur; or exceeding a cost of fifty thousand dollars to a food service facility that requires a building permit, and involves any one or combination of the following: (1) under slab plumbing in the food processing area, (2) a thirty percent increase in the net public seating area, (3) a thirty percent increase in the size of the kitchen area, or (4) any change in the size or type of food preparation equipment. 26. "Sanitary sewer overflow (SSO)" means and includes any overflow, spill, release, discharge or diversion of untreated or partially treated wastewater from a sanitary sewer system. SSOs include: a. Overflows or releases of untreated or partially treated wastewater that reach waters of the United States; b. Overflows or releases of untreated or partially treated wastewater that do not reach waters of the United States; and c. Wastewater backups into buildings and on private property that are caused by blockages or flow conditions within the publicly owned portion of a sanitary sewer system. 27. "Sewage" means the waterborne wastes derived from ordinary human living processes and of such character as to permit satisfactory disposal, without special treatment, into the public sewer, a private sewer, or by means of household septic tank systems and individual household aerobic units. 28. Sewer, Building or House. "Building or house sewer," also known as the "lateral," or the "sewer lateral" means a pipe or conduit carrying sanitary sewage and/or industrial wastes from a building to the public sewer or a common sewer. 29. Sewer, Main. "Sewer main" means any public sewer used to collect and convey Page 3 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 sewage or industrial wastes to a publicly owned treatment works (POTW). 30. Sewer, Private. "Private sewer" refers to a privately owned sewer, which is not directly controlled by the city. 31. Sewer, Public. "Public sewer" means a publicly owned treatment works (POTW), which is owned in this instance by Encina Joint Powers and its member agencies. This definition includes the sewer main and any sewers that convey wastewater to the POTW plant, but does not include pipes, sewers or other conveyances not connected to the facility providing treatment. "Public sewer" also includes any sewers that convey wastewater to the POTW from persons outside the cities of Carlsbad and Vista, the Vallecitos Water District, the Leucadia Wastewater District, the Buena Sanitation District and Encinitas Sanitary District, who are, by contract or agreement with said cities and/or districts, users of the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. 32. "Sewer system" or "sanitary sewer system" means all construction and appurtenant equipment utilized in the collection, transportation, pumping, treatment and final disposal of sewage within the district. 33. "Slug" means any discharge of water, sewage or industrial wastes which in concentration of any given constituent or in quantity of flow exceeds for any period of duration longer than fifteen minutes more than five times the average twenty-four-hour concentration of flows during normal operation. 34. "Standard methods" means the current edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater as published by the American Public Health Association, and Water Pollution Control Federation. 35. "Suspended solids" or "SS" means solids that either float on the surface of, or are in suspension in water, sewage or other liquids; and which are largely removable by laboratory filtering and as determined by the appropriate procedure in standard methods. 36. "Toxic substances" means any substance whether gaseous, liquid or solid, which when discharged to the sewer system in sufficient quantities may tend to interfere with any sewage treatment process, or to constitute a hazard to human beings or animals, or to inhibit aquatic life or create a hazard to recreation in the receiving waters of the effluent from the sewage treatment plant. 37. "Waste minimization practices" means plans or programs intended to reduce or eliminate discharges to the sewer system or to conserve water, including, but not limited to, product substitutions, housekeeping practices, inventory control, employee education, and other steps as necessary to minimize wastewater produced. 38. "Wastehauler" means any person carrying on or engaging in vehicular transport of waste as part of, or incidental to, any business for that purpose. 39. "Wastewater" means any liquid waste of any kind, whether treated or not, and whether animal, mineral or vegetable including sewage, agricultural, industrial and thermal wastes, which are discharged into or permitted to enter a public sewer. (Ord. CS-010 § 1, 2008: Ord. NS-851 § 1, 2007: Ord. NS-129 § 1, 1990: Ord. 7060 § 1 (part), 1980) 13.04.020 Unsanitary deposits. It is unlawful for any person to place, deposit or permit to be deposited in an unsanitary manner upon public or private property within the city or in any area under the jurisdiction of the city, any human or animal excrement, garbage or other objectionable wastes. (Ord. 7060 § 1 (part), 1980) Page 4 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 13.04.030 Use of public sewers required. Every lot that has sanitary facilities requiring sewage disposal which is accessible to a public sewer and is not connected shall be connected to the public sewer within ninety days after the owner or person legally responsible has been notified to do so by the public works director. (Ord. NS-851 § 2, 2007: Ord. 7060 § 1 (part), 1980) 13.04.035 Sewage discharge prohibited. A. Any sanitary sewer overflow is prohibited. (Ord. NS-851 § 3, 2007) 13.04.040 Sewer connection permit required. It is unlawful for any person to place, discharge or dispose of any material, solid or liquid, into the sewer system, or any part thereof, without first obtaining a permit from the city pursuant to Chapter 13.10, and without having first paid all fees required by this title; and no substance shall be placed, discharged or disposed of in the sewer system except substances of waste materials originating on the premises to which a sewer connection permit has been issued. (Ord. 7060 § 1 (part), 1980) 13.04.045 Responsibility for maintenance. A. Maintenance of all sewer mains dedicated to and accepted by the city shall be the responsibility of the city. B. Maintenance of all privately-owned sewer mains, and all lateral lines, equipment and appurtenances connected to the city's sewer mains shall be the responsibility of the property owner or parcel occupant/user. The property owner or occupant/user is responsible for the cleaning and removal of blockages in the sewer lateral from the property being served to the sewer main. The property owner or occupant/user is responsible for the maintenance, repair, and replacement of the sewer lateral from the sewer main to and including the building. C. The city hereby grants a revocable license to any property owner who has obtained a sewer connection permit pursuant to Chapter 13.10, or who, prior to the effective date of Chapter 13.10, has legally connected his or her sewer lateral to the sewer main, to retain his or her current sewer lateral placement within the city's right-of-way. D. Property owners must comply with Chapter 11.16 of this code, (permits for work or encroachments in public places), and any amendments thereto, prior to performing any work in, or encroaching upon, the city's right-of-way. (Ord. NS-851 § 4, 2007) 13.04.050 General prohibitions. A. Discharge of storm water, surface water, groundwater, unpolluted industrial process water, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, or any waters from an uncontaminated cooling system, Page 5 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 swimming pool, decorative fountain or pond, into any public sewer or any private sewer which is connected to the public sewer without written permission in conformance with adopted regulations. B. No person shall enter, obstruct, uncover or tamper with any portion of the public sewer, or connect to it, or dispose anything into any sewer and/or sewer manhole without the written permission of the public works director. C. No person or party shall remove or demolish any building or structures with plumbing fixtures connected directly or indirectly to the public sewer without first notifying the public works director of such intention. All openings in or leading to the public sewer line or lines caused by such work shall be sealed watertight and inspected by the public works director before being backfilled. D. No person shall fill or backfill over, or cause to cover, or obstruct access to, any sewer manhole. E. No person shall erect any improvements, structures, or buildings over public sewers without the written permission of the public works director. F. Except as hereinafter provided in this section, no person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any of the following described substances, waters or wastes into any public sewers: 1. Liquid or vapor having a temperature higher than one hundred forty degrees Fahrenheit; 2. Water or waste containing substances which may solidify or become viscous at temperatures between thirty-two degrees and one hundred fifty degrees Fahrenheit; 3. Gasoline, benzene, naphtha, fuel oil, or other flammable or explosive liquid, solid or gas; 4. Toxic, noxious or malodorous liquid, solid, or gas deemed a public hazard and nuisance; 5. Garbage that has not been properly shredded to a size of one-fourth inch or less so that all particles will be carried freely under normal flow conditions in the public sewers; 6. Ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass, rags, feathers, tar, plastics, wood, paunch manure, paper substances or normally dry, solid wastes capable of causing obstruction to the flow in or damage to sewers or other interference with the proper operation of the sewerage works; 7. Water or wastes having a pH lower than 5.5 or higher than 9.5 or having any other corrosive property capable of causing damage or hazard to structures, equipment, and personnel of the sewerage works; 8. Water or wastes containing any substance in sufficient quantity to discolor, injure, disrupt or interfere with the normal operation of any sewage treatment process, constitute a hazard to human or animal life, create a public nuisance, or significantly lower the quality of the receiving waters; 9. Water or wastes containing suspended solids of such character or quantity that unusual attention or expense is required to handle such materials at a sewage treatment plant; 10. Any unusual volume of flow or concentration of wastes constituting "slugs" as defined in Section 13.04.010(33); 11. Radioactive wastes or isotopes of such half-life or concentration that may exceed limits established by the public works director in compliance with applicable state or federal regulations; Page 6 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 12. Water added for the purpose of diluting wastes which would otherwise exceed applicable maximum concentration limitations; 13. Water or wastes containing substances which are not amenable to treatment or reduction by the treatment processes employed, or are amenable to treatment only to such degree that: a. The resulting effluent cannot meet the waste discharge requirements of the regional water quality control board or other agencies having jurisdiction over the quality and protection of the receiving waters, or b. The resulting sludge cannot meet limits for the chosen disposal method. G. Any person who discharges or causes to be discharged into the public sewers any water or wastes having more than three hundred mg/l of suspended solids shall be obligated to pay a surcharge, occasioned by the extent to which such water or waste contains an excess over the foregoing limitation of concentration. H. Where preliminary treatment facilities are provided for any wastewater as a condition of its acceptance, they shall be maintained continuously in satisfactory and effective operation by the owner at his expense. I. When required by the public works director, the owner of any property served by a building sewer carrying industrial wastewater shall install monitoring and recording equipment, and a suitable control manhole in the building sewer to facilitate observation, sampling and measurement of the wastes. Such manhole shall be readily accessible and safely located, and shall be constructed in accordance with plans approved by the public works director. The manhole shall be installed and maintained by the owner at his expense. J. All measurements, tests, and analyses of the characteristics of water and wastewater to which reference is made in subsections F, G, and H of this section shall be determined in accordance with the latest edition of the American Public Health Association's Standard Methods for Examination of Water, Sewage and Industrial Wastes and shall be made at the control manhole provided for in subsection I of this section, or upon suitable samples taken at said control manhole. If no special manhole is available, the sampling location shall be determined by the public works director. (Ord. CS-010 § 2, 2008: Ord. NS-851 § 5, 2007: Ord. NS-129 § 2, 1990: Ord. 7069, 1986; Ord. 7065 § 1, 1983; Ord. 7062 § 1, 1982; Ord. 7060 § 1 (part), 1980) 13.04.070 Damaging sewage works. No unauthorized person shall maliciously, wilfully or negligently break, damage, destroy, uncover, deface or tamper with any structure, appurtenance or equipment which is a part of the municipal sewage works. (Ord. 7060 § 1 (part), 1980) 13.04.080 Violations of chapter. (a) Any person found to be violating any provision of this chapter, except Section 13.04.070, shall be served by the city with written notice stating the nature of the violation and providing a reasonable time limit for the satisfactory correction thereof. The offender shall, within the period of time stated in such notice, permanently cease all violations. (b) Any person who continues any violation beyond the above time, or who violates the provisions of Section 13.04.070, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Page 7 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 (c) Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter is liable to the city for any expense, loss or damage occasioned the city by reason of such violation. (Ord. 7060 § 1 (part), 1980) 13.04.090 Public health, safety and welfare violations. In addition to the other civil and criminal penalties provided herein, any condition caused or permitted to exist in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter that is a threat to the public health, safety, and welfare may be declared and deemed a public nuisance, which may be summarily abated and/or restored as directed by the enforcement official in accordance with the procedures identified in Chapter 6.16. A civil action to abate, enjoin or otherwise compel the cessation of such nuisance may also be taken by the city, if necessary. (Ord. NS-851 § 6, 2007) Chapter 13.06 DISCHARGE OF FATS, OILS AND GREASE Sections: 13.06.010 FOG discharge requirement. 13.06.020 FOG prohibitions. 13.06.030 Best management practices required. 13.06.040 FOG pretreatment required. 13.06.050 Variance and waiver of grease interceptor requirement. 13.06.060 Commercial properties. 13.06.070 Grease mitigation and inspection fees. 13.06.080 Drawing submittal requirements. 13.06.090 Grease interceptor requirements. 13.06.100 Grease trap requirements. 13.06.110 Monitoring facilities requirement. 13.06.120 Requirements for best management practices. 13.06.130 Grease interceptor maintenance requirements. 13.06.140 Monitoring and reporting conditions. 13.06.150 Inspection and sampling conditions. 13.06.160 Right of entry. 13.06.170 Notification of changes to facility. 13.06.180 Appeals. 13.06.010 FOG discharge requirement. No food service facility shall discharge or cause to be discharged any fats, oils or grease to the sewer system in concentrations that may result in separation from effluent and adherence to sewer structures and appurtenances, accumulate and/or cause or contribute to blockages in the sewer system or at the sewer system lateral which connects the food service facility to the sewer system. (Ord. CS-010 § 3 (part), 2008) 13.06.020 FOG prohibitions. The following prohibitions shall apply to all food service facilities: A. Installation of food grinders in the plumbing system of new constructions or remodeling of food service facilities shall be prohibited. B. Introduction of any additives into a food service facilities' wastewater system for the Page 8 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 purpose of emulsifying FOG or biologically/chemically treating FOG for grease remediation or as a supplement to interceptor maintenance, unless a specific written authorization from the city is obtained. C. Disposal of waste cooking oil into drainage pipes is prohibited. All waste cooking oils shall be collected and stored properly in receptacles such as barrels or drums for recycling or other acceptable methods of disposal. D. Discharge of wastewater from dishwashers to any grease trap (GT) is prohibited. However, the dishwasher discharge drain may be plumbed to a grease interceptor. The pre-rinse sink should have a grease control device installed in new construction and installed in any remodel work. E. Discharge of wastewater with temperatures in excess of one hundred forty degrees Fahrenheit to any grease control device, including grease traps and grease interceptors, is prohibited. F. Discharge of wastes from toilets, urinals, wash basins, and other fixtures containing fecal materials to sewer lines intended for grease interceptor service, or vice versa, is prohibited. G. Discharge of any waste including FOG and solid materials removed from the grease control device to the sewer system is prohibited. Grease removed from grease interceptors shall be waste hauled periodically as part of the operation and maintenance requirements for grease interceptors. (Ord. CS-010 § 3 (part), 2008) 13.06.030 Best management practices required. All food service facilities shall implement best management practices in its operation to minimize the discharge of FOG to the sewer system. Detailed requirements for best management practices are specified by the city in Section 13.06.120. This may include kitchen practices and employee training that is essential in minimizing FOG discharge. (Ord. CS-010 § 3 (part), 2008) 13.06.040 FOG pretreatment required. Food service facilities are required to install, operate and maintain an approved type and adequately sized grease interceptor necessary to maintain compliance with the objectives of this chapter, subject to the variance and waiver provisions of Section 13.06.050. The grease interceptor shall be adequate to separate and remove FOG contained in wastewater discharges from food service facilities prior to discharge to the sewer system. Fixtures, equipment, and drain lines located in the food preparation and clean up areas of food service facilities that are sources of FOG discharges shall be connected to the grease interceptor. Compliance shall be established as follows: A. New Construction of Food Service Facilities. New construction of food service facilities shall include and install grease interceptors prior to commencing discharges of wastewater to the sewer system. B. Existing food service facilities or food service facilities that change ownership, that undergo remodeling or a change in operations as defined in Section 13.04.010, shall be required to install a grease interceptor. C. Existing food service facilities, which have caused or contributed to grease-related blockage in the sewer system, or which have sewer laterals connected to hot spots, or Page 9 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 which have been determined to contribute significant FOG to the sewer system as determined by the city based on inspection, sampling or cleaning of the sewer system, shall be deemed to have reasonable potential to adversely impact the sewer system, and shall install a grease interceptor within one hundred eighty days upon notification by the city. (Ord. CS-010 § 3 (part), 2008) 13.06.050 Variance and waiver of grease interceptor requirement. A. Variance from Grease Interceptor Requirements. An existing food service facility may obtain a variance from the grease interceptor requirement to allow alternative pretreatment technology that is, at least, equally effective in controlling the FOG discharge in lieu of a grease interceptor, if the food service facility demonstrates that it is impossible or impracticable to install, operate or maintain a grease interceptor. The city's determination to grant a variance will be based upon, but not limited to, evaluation of the following conditions: 1. There is no adequate space for installation and/or maintenance of a grease interceptor. 2. There is no adequate slope for gravity flow between the kitchen plumbing fixtures and the grease interceptor and/or between the grease interceptor and the private collection lines or the public sewer. 3. The food service facility can justify that the alternative pretreatment technology is equivalent or better than a grease interceptor in controlling its FOG discharge. In addition, the food service facility must be able to demonstrate, after installation of the proposed alternative pretreatment, its effectiveness to control FOG discharge through downstream visual monitoring of the sewer system, for at least three months, at its own expense. A variance may be granted if the results show no visible accumulation of FOG in its lateral and/or tributary downstream sewer lines. B. Conditional Waiver from Installation of Grease Interceptor. An existing food service facilities may obtain a conditional waiver from installation of a grease interceptor, if the food service facility demonstrates that it has negligible FOG discharge and insignificant impact to the sewer system. Although a waiver from installation of a grease interceptor may be granted, the food service facility may be required to provide space and plumbing segregation for future installation of a grease interceptor. The city's determination to grant or revoke a conditional waiver shall be based upon, but not limited to, evaluation of the following conditions: 1. Quantity of FOG discharge as measure or as indicated by the size of food service facility based on seating capacity, number of meals served, menu, water usage, amount of on-site consumption of prepared food and other conditions that may reasonably be shown to contribute to FOG discharges. 2. Adequacy of implementation of best management practices and compliance history. 3. Sewer size, grade, condition based on visual information, FOG disposition in the sewer by the food service facility, and history of maintenance and sewer spills in the receiving sewer system. 4. Changes in operations that significantly affect FOG discharge. 5. Any other condition deemed reasonably related to the generation of FOG discharges by the city. C. Waiver from Grease Interceptor Installation with a Grease Disposal Mitigation Fee. For food service facilities where the installation of a grease interceptor is not feasible and no equivalent alternative pretreatment can be installed, a waiver from the grease interceptor requirement may Page 10 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 be granted with the imposition of a grease disposal mitigation fee as described in Section 13.06.070. Additional requirements may be imposed to mitigate the discharge of FOG into the sewer system. The city's determination to grant the waiver with a grease disposal mitigation fee will be based upon, but not limited to, evaluation of the following conditions: 1. There is no adequate space for installation and/or maintenance of a grease interceptor. 2. There is no adequate slope for gravity flow between the kitchen plumbing fixtures and the grease interceptor and/or between the grease interceptor and the private collection lines or the public sewer. 3. A variance from grease interceptor installation to allow alternative pretreatment technology cannot be granted. D. Application for Waiver or Variance of Requirement for Grease Interceptor. A food service facility may submit an application for waiver or variance from the grease interceptor requirement to the inspector. The food service facility bears the burden of demonstrating, to the city's reasonable satisfaction, that the installation of a grease interceptor is not feasible or applicable. Upon determination by the city that reasons are sufficient to justify a variance or waiver, the variance or waiver will be issued to relieve the food service facility from the requirement. E. Terms and Conditions. A variance or waiver shall contain terms and conditions that serve as basis for its issuance. A waiver or variance may be revoked at any time when any of the terms and conditions for its issuance is not satisfied or if the conditions upon which the waiver was based change so that the justification for the waiver no longer exists. The waiver or variance shall be valid so long as the food service facility remains in compliance with their terms and conditions until the expiration date specified in the variance or waiver. (Ord. CS-010 § 3 (part), 2008) 13.06.060 Commercial properties. Property owners of commercial properties or their official designee(s) shall be responsible for the installation and maintenance of the grease interceptor serving multiple food service facilities that are located on a single parcel. (Ord. CS-010 § 3 (part), 2008) 13.06.070 Grease mitigation and inspection fees. The grease mitigation and inspection fees shall be established by the city council, and shall be based on the estimated annual increased cost of maintaining the sewer system through inspection and removal of FOG and other viscous or solidifying agents attributable to the food service facility resulting from the lack of or inadequate grease control devices. Food service facilities that operate without grease control devices may be required to pay an increased grease mitigation fee and inspection fee to equitably cover the costs of increased maintenance of the sewer system as a result of the food service facilities' inability to adequately remove FOG from its wastewater discharge. This section shall not be interpreted to allow the new construction of, or existing food service facilities undergoing remodeling or a change in operations to operate without approved grease control devices unless the city has determined that it is impossible or impracticable to install or operate grease control devices for the subject facility under the provisions of Section 13.06.050. (Ord. CS-010 § 3 (part), 2008) Page 11 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 13.06.080 Drawing submittal requirements. Upon request by the city: A. Food service facilities may be required to submit two copies of facility site plans, mechanical and plumbing plans, and details to show all sewer locations and connections. The submittal shall be in a form and content acceptable to the city for review of existing or proposed grease control device, grease interceptor, and operating facilities. The review of the plans and procedures shall in no way relieve the food service facilities of the responsibility of modifying the facilities or procedures in the future, as necessary to produce an acceptable discharge, and to meet the requirements of this section or any requirements of other regulatory agencies. B. Food service facilities may be required to submit a schematic drawing of the FOG control devices, grease interceptor or other pretreatment equipment, piping and instrumentation diagram. C. The city may require the drawings be prepared by a California Registered Civil, Chemical, Mechanical or Electrical Engineer. (Ord. CS-010 § 3 (part), 2008) 13.06.090 Grease interceptor requirements. A. All food service facilities required to provide FOG pretreatment equipment shall install, operate, and maintain an approved type and adequately sized grease interceptor necessary to maintain compliance with the objectives of this section. B. Grease interceptor sizing and installation shall conform to the current edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code. Grease interceptors shall be constructed of impervious materials capable of withstanding abrupt and extreme changes in temperature, they shall be of substantial construction, watertight, and shall have a minimum of two compartments with fittings designed for grease detention. C. The grease interceptor shall be installed at a location where it shall be at all times easily accessible for inspection, cleaning, and removal of accumulated grease. D. Access manholes, with a minimum diameter of twenty-four inches, shall be provided over each grease interceptor chamber and sanitary tee. The access manholes shall extend at least to finished grade and be designed and maintained to prevent water inflow or infiltration. The manholes shall also have readily removable covers to facilitate inspection, grease removal, and wastewater sampling activities. Covers shall also be gastight and watertight. (Ord. CS-010 § 3 (part), 2008) 13.06.100 Grease trap requirements. A. Food service facilities may be required to install grease traps in the waste line leading from drains, sinks, and other fixtures or equipment where grease may be introduced into the sewer system in quantities that can cause blockage. B. Sizing and installation of grease traps shall conform to the current edition of the California Plumbing Code. C. Grease traps shall be maintained in efficient operating conditions by removing accumulated Page 12 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 grease on an as-need basis. D. Grease traps shall be maintained free of all food residues and any FOG waste removed during the cleaning and scraping process. E. Grease traps shall be inspected periodically to check for leaking seams and pipes, and for effective operation of the baffles and flow regulating device. Grease traps and their baffles shall be maintained free of all caked-on FOG and waste. Removable baffles shall be removed and cleaned during the maintenance process. F. Dishwashers and food waste disposal units shall not be connected to or discharged into any grease trap. (Ord. CS-010 § 3 (part), 2008) 13.06.110 Monitoring facilities requirement. A. The city may require the food service facilities to construct and maintain in proper operating condition at the food service facilities' sole expense, flow monitoring, constituent monitoring and/or sampling facilities. B. The location of the monitoring and metering facilities shall be subject to approval by the city. C. Food service facilities may be required to provide immediate, clear, safe and uninterrupted access to the city. D. Food service facilities may also be required by the city to submit waste analysis plans, contingency plans, and meet other necessary requirements to ensure proper operation and maintenance of the grease control device or grease interceptor and compliance with this section. E. No food service facility shall increase the use of water or in any other manner attempt to dilute a discharge as a partial or complete substitute for treatment to achieve compliance with this section. (Ord. CS-010 § 3 (part), 2008) 13.06.120 Requirements for best management practices. A. All food service facilities shall implement best management practices in accordance with the requirements and guidelines established by the city under its FOG control program in an effort to minimize the discharge of FOG to the sewer system. B. All food service facilities shall be required, at a minimum, to comply with the following best management practices, when applicable: 1. Installation of Drain Screens. Drain screens shall be installed on all drainage pipes in food preparation and utensil cleaning areas. 2. Segregation and Collection of Waste Cooking Oil. All waste cooking oil shall be collected and stored properly in recycling receptacles such as barrels or drums. Such recycling receptacles shall be maintained properly to ensure that they do not leak. Licensed waste haulers or an approved recycling facility must be used to dispose of waste cooking oil. Maintenance logs showing waste hauling-pumping frequency or receipts, or legible copies of receipts from an authorized waste hauler must be kept on site at all times and be accessible for inspection at request of authorized inspector. 3. Disposal of Food Waste. All food waste shall be disposed of directly into the trash or garbage, and not in sinks. Double-bagging food wastes that have the potential to leak in Page 13 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 trash bins is highly recommended. 4. Employee Training. Employees of the food service facility shall be trained by ownership/management periodically. Training shall be documented and employee signatures retained indicating each employee's attendance and understanding of the practices reviewed. Training records shall be available for review at any reasonable time by an inspector or city representative. Training shall be done on the following subjects: a. How to "dry wipe" pots, pans, dishware and work areas before washing to remove grease. b. How to properly dispose of food waste and solids in enclosed plastic bags prior to disposal in trash bins or containers to prevent leaking and odors. c. The location and use of absorption products to clean under fryer baskets and other locations where grease may be spilled or dripped. d. How to properly dispose of grease or oils from cooking equipment into a grease receptacle such as a barrel or drum without spilling. 5. Maintenance of Kitchen Exhaust Filters. Filters shall be cleaned as frequently as necessary to be maintained in good operating condition. The wastewater generated from cleaning the exhaust filter shall be disposed properly. 6. Kitchen Signage. Best management and waste minimization practices shall be posted conspicuously in the food preparation and dishwashing areas at all times. (Ord. CS-010 § 3 (part), 2008) 13.06.130 Grease interceptor maintenance requirements. A. Grease interceptors shall be maintained in efficient operating condition by periodic removal of the full content of the interceptor which includes wastewater, accumulated FOG, floating materials, sludge and solids. B. All existing and newly installed grease interceptors shall be maintained in a manner consistent with a maintenance frequency indicated below under subsection (E)(1). C. No FOG that has accumulated in a grease interceptor shall be allowed to pass into any sewer lateral, sewer system, storm drain, or public right-of-way during maintenance activities. D. Food service facilities with grease interceptors may be required to submit data and information necessary to establish the maintenance frequency of the grease interceptors. E. The maintenance frequency for all food service facilities with a grease interceptor shall be determined in one of the following methods: 1. Grease interceptors shall be fully pumped out and cleaned at a frequency such that the combined FOG and solids accumulation does not exceed twenty-five percent of the total design hydraulic depth of the grease interceptor. This is to ensure that the minimum hydraulic retention time and required available hydraulic volume is maintained to effectively intercept and retain FOG discharged to the sewer system. 2. All food service facilities with a grease interceptor shall maintain their grease interceptor not less than every six months. 3. All food service facilities will clean the sewer lateral from the grease control device to the sewer main, at least annually, or at a frequency that ensures proper flow within the sewer lateral. A record of the cleaning must be maintained and kept on file for review at the food service facility. Page 14 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 4. Grease interceptors shall be fully pumped out and cleaned quarterly when the frequency described in subsection (E)(1) has not been established. The maintenance frequency shall be adjusted when sufficient data have been obtained to establish an average frequency based on the requirements described in subsection (E)(1) and guidelines adopted pursuant to the FOG control program. The city may change the maintenance frequency at any time to reflect changes in actual operating conditions in accordance with the FOG control program. Based on the actual generation of FOG from the food service facility, the maintenance frequency may increase or decrease. 5. The owner/operator of a food service facility may submit a request to the city requesting a change in the maintenance frequency at any time. The food service facility has the burden of responsibility to demonstrate that the requested change in frequency reflects actual operating conditions based on the average FOG accumulation over time and meets the requirements described in subsection (E)(1), and that it is in full compliance with the conditions of this chapter. 6. If the grease interceptor, at any time, contains FOG and solids accumulation that does not meet the requirements described in subsection (E)(1), the food service facility shall be required to have the grease interceptor serviced immediately such that all fats, oils, grease, sludge, and other materials are completely removed from the grease interceptor. If deemed necessary, the city may also increase the maintenance frequency of the grease interceptor from the current frequency. F. Wastewater, accumulated FOG, floating materials, sludge/solids, and other materials removed from the grease interceptor shall be disposed off-site properly by waste haulers in accordance with federal, state and/or local laws. (Ord. CS-010 § 3 (part), 2008) 13.06.140 Monitoring and reporting conditions. A. Monitoring for Compliance with Reporting Requirements. 1. The city may require periodic reporting of the status of implementation of best management practices, in accordance with the FOG control program. 2. The city may require closed circuit television monitoring at the sole expense of the food service facility to observe the actual conditions of the food service facilities' sewer lateral and sewer lines downstream. 3. The city may require reports for self-monitoring of wastewater constituents and FOG characteristics of the food service facility needed for determining compliance with any conditions or requirements as specified in this section. 4. Other reports may be required such as compliance schedule progress reports, FOG control monitoring reports, and any other reports deemed reasonably appropriate by the city to ensure compliance with this section. B. Record Keeping Requirements. The food service facility shall be required to keep all manifests, receipts and invoices of all cleaning, maintenance, grease removal of/from the grease control device, disposal carrier and disposal site location for no less than two years. The food service facility shall, upon request, make the manifests, receipts and invoices available to any city representative, their designee, or inspector. These records may include: 1. A logbook of grease interceptor, grease trap or grease control device cleaning and maintenance practices. 2. A record of best management practices being implemented including employee Page 15 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 training. 3. Copies of records and manifests of waste hauling interceptor contents. 4. Records of sampling data and sludge height monitoring for FOG and solids accumulation in the grease interceptors. 5. Records of any spills and/or cleaning of the lateral or sewer system. 6. Any other information deemed appropriate by the city to ensure compliance with this section. C. Falsifying Information or Tampering with Process. It shall be unlawful to make any false statement, representation, record, report, plan or other document that is filed with the city, or to tamper with or knowingly render inoperable any grease control device, monitoring device or method or access point required under this section. (Ord. CS-010 § 3 (part), 2008) 13.06.150 Inspection and sampling conditions. A. The city may inspect or order the inspection of the wastewater discharges of any food service facility to ascertain whether the intent of this section is being met and the food service facility is complying with all requirements. The food service facility shall allow the city or the city's designee, access to the food service facility premises, during normal business hours, for purposes of inspecting the food service facilities' grease control devices or interceptors, reviewing the manifests, receipts and invoices related to the cleaning, maintenance and inspection of the grease control devices or interceptor. B. The city shall have the right to place or order the placement on the food service facilities' property or other locations as determined by the city, such devices as are necessary to conduct sampling or metering operations. Where a food service facility has security measures in force, the food service facility shall make necessary arrangement so that representatives of the city shall be permitted to enter without delay for the purpose of performing their specific responsibilities. (Ord. CS-010 § 3 (part), 2008) 13.06.160 Right of entry. Persons or occupants of premises where wastewater is created or discharged shall allow the city or the city's representative, reasonable access to all parts of the wastewater generating and disposal facilities for the purposes of inspection and sampling during all times the discharger's facility is open, operating, or any other reasonable time. No person shall interfere with, delay, resist or refuse entrance to city representatives attempting to inspect any facility involved directly or indirectly with a discharge of wastewater to the city's sewer system. In the event of an emergency involving actual or imminent sanitary sewer overflow, the city's representatives may access adjoining businesses or properties which share a sewer system with a food service facility in order to prevent or remediate an actual or imminent sanitary overflow. (Ord. CS-010 § 3 (part), 2008) 13.06.170 Notification of changes to facility. Food service facilities shall notify the city at least sixty days in advance prior to any facility expansion/remodeling, or process modifications that may result in new or substantially increased FOG Page 16 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 discharges or a change in the nature of the discharge. Food service facilities shall notify the city in writing of the proposed expansion or remodeling and shall submit any information requested by the city for evaluation of the effect of such expansion on the food service facilities' FOG discharge to the sewer system. (Ord. CS-010 § 3 (part), 2008) 13.06.180 Appeals. A. General. Any food service facility affected by any decision, action or determination made by the department may file with the department a written request for an appeal hearing. The request must be received by the city within ten calendar days of mailing of notice of the decision, action, or determination of the city to the appellant. The request for hearing shall set forth in detail all facts supporting the appellant's request. B. Notice. The public works director shall, within fifteen days of receiving the request for appeal, designate a representative to hear the appeal and provide written notice to the appellant of the hearing date, time and place. The hearing date shall not be more than thirty days from the mailing of such notice by certified mail to the appellant unless a later date is agreed to by the appellant. If the hearing is not held within said time due to actions or in actions of the appellant, then the staff decision shall be deemed final. C. Hearing. At the hearing, the appellant shall have the opportunity to present information supporting its position concerning the department's decision, action or determination. The hearing shall be conducted in accordance with procedures established by the department and approved by the city council. D. Written Determination. After the conclusion of the hearing, the designated representative shall submit a written report to the director of public works setting forth a brief statement of facts found to be true, a determination of the issues presented, conclusions, and recommendations whether to uphold, modify or reverse the department's original decision, action or determination. Upon receipt of the written report, the public works director shall make their determination and shall issue the decision and order within thirty calendar days of the hearing. The written decision and order of the public works director shall be sent by certified mail to the appellant or its legal counsel/representative at the appellant's business address. E. Final Determination. The order of the public works director shall be final in all respects on the sixteenth day after it is mailed to the appellant. F. Appeal. Any food service facility, affected by any decision, action or determination made by the public works director, may appeal in writing to the city council by filing with the city clerk a written notice of such appeal, setting forth grounds thereof. The appellant shall file such notice within ten calendar days after receipt of the notice of the administrative decision concerned. The order of the city council shall be deemed final upon its adoption. If the user fails to appeal to the city council, or the city council fails to reverse or modify the public works director's decision, the public works director's decision shall be deemed final. (Ord. CS-010 § 3 (part), 2008) Chapter 13.08 PAYMENT FOR LINE COST* Sections: 13.08.010 Proportionate cost of sewer main prerequisite to connection. 13.08.020 Plat map. 13.08.030 Line costs. 13.08.035 Line costs--Alternative procedure. 13.08.040 Extensions and oversizing. Page 17 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 13.08.050 Reimbursement. 13.08.060 Method of reimbursement. * Prior ordinance history: Ord. 7020 as amended by Ord. 7020A; Ord. 7024; Ord. 7033 as amended by Ords. 7041, 7043, 7045, 7054 and 7057; Ord. 7043 as amended by Ords. 7045, 7046 and 7054; Ord. 7054 as amended by Ord. 7059. 13.08.010 Proportionate cost of sewer main prerequisite to connection. Whenever any person applies for a connection to a sewer main and neither such person nor his predecessor in interest has paid the proportionate share of the cost of the sewer main, with respect to the property served, no application shall be acted upon, allowed or approved by the city or any of its administrative employees, until such person shall have paid to the city his proportionate share of the cost of such sewer main according to the terms, schedules and conditions set forth in this chapter. (Ord. 7060 § 1 (part), 1980) 13.08.020 Plat map. It shall be the duty of the city engineer to prepare a plat map and indicate on the plat map those certain parcels of land that have contributed their full share towards the construction of the sewer main. (Ord. 7060 § 1 (part), 1980) 13.08.030 Line costs. When any person connects to a sewer main, and such person or his predecessor in interest has not paid for his proportionate share of the cost of the main as indicated on the plat map on file in the office of the city engineer, then such person shall pay to the city an amount of money that is equal to the number of front feet of the property that abuts upon the sewer main multiplied by the amount of money that is fixed from time to time by the city council as being the cost per foot per connection; except when such person is the owner of a large undeveloped frontage, then in that event, the owner shall be required to pay for a minimum frontage of seventy-five feet; provided, that all of the following conditions prevail: (1) That the portion of the property being connected to the sewer main shall totally contain the residence of the owner, together with sufficient side yard setbacks as required by applicable zoning law; (2) That sufficient area remain in the unconnected portion of the property in which to construct one or more living units in accordance with the applicable zoning laws. (Ord. 7060 § 1 (part), 1980) 13.08.035 Line costs--Alternative procedure. The city council may by resolution approve a plat map for an area benefited by a sewer main which provides for a fee determined by dividing the cost of the sewer main by the number of dwelling units served instead of the cost per front foot as provided in Section 13.08.030. The provisions of this section are an alternative to those of Section 13.08.030 which may be used when the city council determines that they will result in a more equitable fee. (Ord. 7068 § 1, 1984) Page 18 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 13.08.040 Extensions and oversizing. Subdividers shall be required to extend to the external limits of the subdivision all sewer lines placed in the streets within the subdivision. There may also be imposed by the city a requirement that sewer improvements installed by a developer for the benefit of the development shall contain supplemental size or capacity, or extend across property outside the development. (Ord. 7060 § 1 (part), 1980) 13.08.050 Reimbursement. In the event of the installation of sewer improvements required by Section 13.08.040, the city may enter into an agreement with the developer to reimburse the developer for that portion of the cost of such sewer improvements equal to the difference between the amount it would have cost the developer to install such sewer improvements to serve the development only and the actual cost of such sewer improvements. (Ord. 7060 § 1 (part), 1980) 13.08.060 Method of reimbursement. In order to pay the costs as required by Section 13.08.050, the city may: (1) Collect from other persons, including public agencies, using such improvements for the benefit of real property not within the development a reasonable charge for such use; (2) Contribute to the developer that part of the cost of improvements that is attributable to the benefit of real property outside the development and levy a charge upon the real property benefited to reimburse itself for such cost paid to the development; (3) Establish and maintain local benefit districts for the levy and collection of such charge or costs from the property benefited. (Ord. 7060 § 1 (part), 1980) Chapter 13.10 SEWER CONNECTION AND CAPACITY PERMITS AND FEES Sections: 13.10.010 Sewer permit required. 13.10.020 Equivalent dwelling units. 13.10.030 Sewer capacity fee--Encina Treatment Plant. 13.10.040 Pumping plant capital contribution fee. 13.10.050 Sewer main fees. 13.10.060 Sewer capacity--Lake Calavera Hills Satellite Sewage Treatment Plant. 13.10.070 Lake Calavera Hills capital contribution fee. 13.10.080 Sewer benefit area fees. 13.10.090 Sewer benefit area fees--Area H. 13.10.010 Sewer permit required. (a) Concurrently with the issuance of a valid building permit for a new structure or with the issuance of a move-on permit for a mobile home, upon application and payment of the required fees, a sewer permit may be issued by the city engineer authorizing connection of the structure Page 19 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 for which the building permit has been issued or the mobile home for which the move-on permit has been issued to the sewer system. A sewer permit shall be required for any structure which is altered, remodeled or expanded where such alteration, remodeling or expansion results in an increase in the equivalent dwelling units of sewage generated from such structure. At the time of issuance of a valid building permit or plumbing permit for such alteration, remodeling or expansion, upon application and payment of the required fee, a sewer permit may be issued by the city engineer, authorizing the connection of the structure for which the building permit has been issued to the sewer system. If the structure being altered, remodeled or expanded is already connected to the city sewer system,and a new connection is not required, the sewer permit shall authorize the use of the sewer system by the altered, remodeled or expanded structure. (b) It is unlawful for any person to connect to or use the city sewer system without first obtaining a valid sewer permit which is in full force and effect at the time of such connection or use. It is unlawful for any person to alter, remodel or expand the use of a structure without first obtaining a valid building permit or plumbing permit. (c) Every sewer permit issued pursuant to subsection (a) of this section shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building permit or plumbing permit for the structure to which the connection is to be made, or for which the sewer system will be used, or the move-on permit for the mobile home to be connected, expires by limitation or otherwise becomes null and void. If a permit has expired, then before the connection for such structure or mobile home can be made, or the sewer system used, a new sewer permit shall be first obtained, and the fee therefor shall be one-half of the required fee for the original permit for each equivalent dwelling unit unless one year has passed since the expiration, in which case the fee shall be the same as a new permit. (d) Permits for the connection of an existing structure to the sewer system may be issued by the city engineer at any time upon proper application. Every sewer permit issued pursuant to this subsection shall expire by limitation and become null and void if work on the connection authorized by such permit is not completed within one hundred twenty days from the date of issuance of such permit. (Ord. 7060 § 1 (part), 1980) 13.10.020 Equivalent dwelling units. (a) An equivalent dwelling unit is a unit of measure for the sewage generated from particular buildings, structures or uses. One equivalent dwelling unit is equal to an approximation of the amount of sewage generated by an average single-family residence. (b) The city engineer shall be responsible for determining the number of equivalent dwelling units for various buildings, structures or uses in accordance with the provisions of this section. For proposed new construction, he shall review the building plans and ascertain the use of the proposed structure and then determine the number of equivalent dwelling units required by an application of the tables in subsection (c) of this section. For an existing structure and use, he shall apply subsection (c) to that structure and use. For the alteration, remodeling or expansion of an existing structure or use, he shall determine the number of equivalent dwelling units being used by the existing structure or use by applying subsection (c). He shall then determine, in the same manner as new construction, the number of equivalent dwelling units required after completion of the alteration, remodeling or expansion. The equivalent dwelling units in such cases shall be the amount of the increase in such units, if any. (c) Table 13.10.020(c) shall be used to determine equivalent dwelling units. TABLE 13.10.020(c) TABLE INSET: Page 20 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 Type of Building, Structure or Use Equivalent Dwelling Units (1) Each space of a trailer court or mobilehome park 1.00 (2) Each duplex 2.00 (3) Each separate apartment in an apartment house 1.00 (4) Each housing accommodation designed for occupancy by a single person or one family, irrespective of the number actually occupying such accommodation 1.00 (5) Each room of a lodginghouse, boardinghouse, hotel, motel or other multiple dwelling designed for sleeping accommodations for one or more individuals Without cooking facilities 0.60 With cooking facilities 1.00 (6) Churches, theaters and auditoriums, per each unit of seating capacity (a unit being one hundred fifty persons or any fraction thereof) 1.33 (7) Restaurants No seating 2.67 Seating (Exception: Seats allowed in incidental outdoor dining areas as defined by Section and seats allowed in outdoor cafes or sidewalk cafes as defined by the Village Master Plan and Design Manual do not count toward generation of sewer impact fees.) 2.67 plus 1.00 per each 7 seats or fraction thereof Delicatessen or fast food, using only disposable tableware: No seating 2.67 Seating (Exception: Seats allowed in incidental outdoor dining areas as defined by Section and seats allowed in outdoor cafes or sidewalk cafes as defined by the Village Master Plan and Design Manual do not count toward generation of sewer impact fees.) 2.76 plus 1.00 per each 21 seats or fraction thereof (8) Automobile service stations: Not more than four gasoline pumps 2.00 More than four gasoline pumps 3.00 (9) Self-service laundries, per each washer .75 (10) Office space in industrial or commercial establishments not listed above and warehouses Divide the gross floor area of the building in square feet by 1800 (11) Schools: Elementary schools For each sixty pupils or fraction thereof 1.00 Junior high schools For each fifty pupils or fraction thereof 1.00 High schools Page 21 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 (d) If the number of equivalent dwelling units, determined by the application of subsection (c) of this section, results in a fraction, the fees required by this code for such fraction shall be in proportion thereto. (e) The city engineer's determinations under this section may be appealed to the city council, whose decision shall be final. (f) The city council may, by resolution, prescribe any regulations they consider necessary for the proper application of this section. Such regulations may include but are not limited to a determination of the number of gallons of sewage equaling one equivalent dwelling unit may vary for a satellite sewage treatment plant when such variation is justified based on the flow characteristics of the drainage basin served by such plant or other factors which the council finds necessitate the difference. (g) If LEGOLAND California develops an attraction area into a use that is not consistent with current theme park uses and/or requires a specific plan amendment, the city engineer shall recommend a method for calculating equivalent dwelling units to the city council. (Ord. NS-849 § 1, 2007; Ord. NS-423 § 1, 1997; Ord. NS-421 § 1, 1997; Ord. 7061 § 1, 1981; Ord. 7060 § 1 (part), 1980) 13.10.030 Sewer capacity fee--Encina Treatment Plant. Except as provided, every person who wishes to use the city sewer system and the Encina Treatment Plant shall pay to the city prior to the issuance of a sewer permit, a sewer capacity fee per equivalent dwelling unit. The amount of the sewer capacity fee shall be as set from time to time by a resolution of the city council. The sewer capacity fee shall be adjusted annually by a resolution of the city council by the percentage change in the Engineering News Record Los Angeles Construction Cost Index with the base index in effect in December 2003. All sewer capacity fees shall be placed in the sewer construction fund and shall be used to pay for capital improvements of such system. (Ord. NS-682 § 1, 2003: Ord. NS-137 § 1, 1991; Ord. NS-12 § 1, 1988; Ord. 7060 § 1 (part), 1980) 13.10.040 Pumping plant capital contribution fee. Whenever any person applies for a sewer permit and the sewage from the applicant's property must be pumped to a treatment plant by an intermediary public pumping plant, and such person, or his predecessor in interest, has not contributed to the cost of the construction of such intermediary For each thirty pupils or fraction thereof 1.00 (12) In the case of all commercial, industrial and business establishments not included in subdivisions 1 through 10, inclusive, of this subsection, the number of equivalent dwelling units shall be determined in each case by the city engineer and shall be based upon his estimate of the volume and type of wastewater to be discharged into the sewer. The provisions of Chapter 13.16 shall apply to all cases under this subsection and an industrial waste permit shall be required. Any such permit, issued for any use hereunder, shall include a specific volume of sewage authorized for such use. If said amount is exceeded, it shall be grounds for revocation of the permit (13) Theme park (LEGOLAND California) per acre 17.00 Page 22 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 pumping plant, then such person shall pay to the city a pumping plant capital contribution fee for each existing or proposed equivalent dwelling unit that is to be served by such connection. The pumping plant capital contribution fee shall be established by resolution by the city council. (Ord. 7060 § 1 (part), 1980) 13.10.050 Sewer main fees. In addition to the fees required by this chapter, an applicant for a sewer permit shall also pay any applicable sewer main extension fees pursuant to Chapter 13.08. (Ord. 7060 § 1 (part), 1980) 13.10.060 Sewer capacity--Lake Calavera Hills Satellite Sewage Treatment Plant. (a) The city council, by resolution, may establish a special sewer service area for the Lake Calavera Hills Satellite Sewage Treatment Plant and establish a sewer capacity fee which shall be paid by each person, other than the developer or his successors or assigns, proposing to connect a structure within such area to the Lake Calavera Plant prior to the issuance of a sewer permit. The fee, less five percent for administrative costs, shall be used to reimburse Lake Calavera Hills for the costs of constructing the plant. The developer may in writing waive reimbursement for any structure using capacity in the plant. The fee required by this section shall not be collected when such a waiver has been made. (b) The fee established by this section shall be deemed to satisfy Section 13.10.030 which shall not apply to property within the special sewer service area. (Ord. 7060 § 1 (part), 1980) 13.10.070 Lake Calavera Hills capital contribution fee. The city council may, by resolution, levy a fee for each connection to the Lake Calavera Hills Satellite Sewage Treatment Plant to pay for capital improvements within the special sewer service area or elsewhere but benefiting such area. Such fee shall be in addition to the capacity fee required by Section 13.10.060 and all other fees required by this title. All such fees shall be placed in the joint sewer construction fund established by Section 13.10.030 and shall be used to pay for capital improvements of the system within the special service areas or elsewhere, but benefiting the special service area. (Ord. 7060 § 1 (part), 1980) 13.10.080 Sewer benefit area fees. Except as provided, every person who wishes to use the city's South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer shall pay to the city, prior to the issuance of a sewer permit, a sewer benefit area fee of one thousand six hundred fifteen dollars per equivalent dwelling unit for sewer benefit area C; one thousand six hundred eighteen dollars per equivalent dwelling unit for sewer benefit area D; two thousand three hundred eighty-six dollars per equivalent dwelling unit for sewer benefit area E; and two thousand three hundred ninety-nine dollars per equivalent dwelling unit for sewer benefit area F.The fee established by this section shall apply to building permits issued thirty days following adoption of this section for residential developments, and commercial and industrial buildings. Page 23 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 The sewer benefit area fees shall be adjusted annually effective July 1 , according to the Engineering News Record Los Angeles Construction Cost Index with a base year index reported on April 1 of each year with a base year index of 7500. (Ord. NS-642 § 1, 2002) 13.10.090 Sewer benefit area fees--Area H. Except as provided, every person who wishes to use the city's sewer facilities in sewer benefit area H shall pay to the city, prior to the issuance of a building permit, a sewer benefit area fee of eight hundred eight dollars per equivalent dwelling unit for sewer benefit area H.The fee established by this section shall apply to building permits issued thirty days following adoption of the ordinance codified in this section for residential developments, and commercial and industrial buildings. The sewer benefit area fees shall be adjusted annually effective September 1, by the annual change to the Engineering News Record Los Angeles Construction Cost Index with a base year index of April 1, 2004. (Ord. NS-699 § 1, 2004) Chapter 13.12 SEWER SERVICE CHARGES Sections: 13.12.010 Definitions. 13.12.020 Sewer service charges established. 13.12.030 Rates applicable only when sewer main is connected. 13.12.050 Collection; when due and payable. 13.12.060 Deposits. 13.12.070 Effect of failure to pay. 13.12.080 Determination of a sewer service charge. 13.12.090 Adjustment of charges. 13.12.010 Definitions. For the purposes of the chapter, the following words and phrases shall mean: (1) "Director" means this utilities and maintenance director of the city of Carlsbad. (2) "Premises" means a lot or parcel of land, with building or establishment thereon. (3) "Sewage system" means those pipelines, plant facilities, and appurtenances constructed, maintained and operated by the city for the collection and treatment of sewage. (4) "Standard methods" means the current edition of "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater," published by the American Public Health Association. (5) "Biochemical oxygen demand" or "BOD" means five-day, sixty-eight degrees Fahrenheit biochemical oxygen demand measured in milligrams per liter (mg/L) as described in Standard Methods. (6) "Suspended solids" or "SS" means solids that either float on the surface of, or are in suspension in water, sewage or other liquids; and are largely removable by laboratory filtering and as determined by the appropriate procedure in Standard Methods. (7) "Group I residential discharger" means any single- or multiple-family residential Page 24 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 dwelling. (8) "Group II commercial dischargers" means any commercial discharger whose annual wastewater discharge consists of biochemical oxygen demand plus suspended solids (added together) equaling four hundred milligrams per liter or less. Typically, this will include car washes, retail stores, hospitals, laundromats, professional offices, soft water services, warehouses and theaters. (9) "Group III commercial dischargers" means any commercial discharger whose annual average wastewater discharge consists of biochemical oxygen demand plus suspended solids (added together) of more than four hundred milligrams per liter and less than one thousand milligrams per liter. Typically, this will include hotels-motels (without restaurants), repair and service stations, manufacturing and lumber yards. (10) "Group IV commercial dischargers" means any commercial discharger whose annual average wastewater discharge consists of biochemical oxygen demand plus suspended solids (added together) equaling one thousand milligrams per liter or more. Typically, this will include bakeries, hotels-motels (with restaurants), restaurants and supermarkets. (11) "Group V institutional dischargers" means schools, social service halls, membership organizations and other users who are determined equivalent by the director. (12) "Group VI large volume dischargers" means users whose wastewater discharge quantity amounts to more than twenty-five thousand gallons per day on an average annual basis. (13) "Industrial pretreatment Class I customers" means any user subject to federal categorized pretreatment standards and requires quarterly inspection and annual permits. (14) "Industrial pretreatment Class II customers" means any no categorical users discharging wastewater which may cause pass-through or interference with the system, or contain components as determined to be regulated and requires semiannual inspections and permits every two years. (15) "Industrial pretreatment Class III customers" means any user discharging waste other than domestic waste, having a reasonable potential to adversely affect the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility and requires annual inspections and permits every three years. (Ord. NS-143 § 1, 1991: Ord. 7054 § 4, 1978; Ord. 7039 (part), 1971; Ord. 7027 § 1) 13.12.020 Sewer service charges established. All persons whose premises in the city are served by a connection to the city sewer system whereby sewage or other waste material is disposed of through such systems, shall pay a sewer service charge imposed by resolution pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. NS-143 § 2, 1991: Ord. NS-77 § 1, 1989: Ord. NS-69 § 1, 1989: Ord. NS-14 § 1, 1988: Ord. 7067 § 1, 1983: Ord. 7064 § 2, 1982: Ord. 7040 § 1, 1972: Ord. 7039 (part), 1971: Ord. 7027 § 2) 13.12.030 Rates applicable only when sewer main is connected. The charges fixed by Section 13.12.020 shall be applicable only to premises to which a sewer main is connected. Page 25 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 (Ord. 7027 § 3) 13.12.050 Collection; when due and payable. It shall be the duty of the city water department to collect all charges provided for in this chapter. The charges fixed in this chapter for any premises shall be collected with the charges and rates for water service furnished by the city to such premises. The charges herein fixed shall be billed upon the same bill as is prepared for charges for water service, etc., and shall be due and payable at the same time that such charges for water services are due and payable. The total amount due for the charges herein fixed and for charges for water shall be paid as a unit. (Ord. 7027 §§ 5, 6) 13.12.060 Deposits. The city council may require any person to deposit funds with the utilities and maintenance department to ensure collection of any charge fixed in this chapter and to ensure recovery of the actual cost of installing sewer laterals. The difference between actual cost of sewer installation and the deposit amount shall be refunded upon the completion of the work. Costs incurred beyond the deposited amount shall be itemized and billed as an additional cost to the customer, upon review and approval by the director. Deposits shall be established by resolution pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. NS-143 § 3, 1991: Ord. 7027 § 7) 13.12.070 Effect of failure to pay. In the event that any person shall fail to pay any charge provided in this chapter when the same becomes due, the city may, in addition to any other remedies it has, cut off any of the services and facilities referred to in this chapter and shall not resume the same until all delinquent charges, together with any charges necessitated by resumption of such services and facilities have been fully paid. (Ord. 7027 § 8) 13.12.080 Determination of sewer service charge. (a) Fee Resolution. The city council has the authority by resolution, to establish fees when necessary to recover the costs for sewer services. The City of Carlsbad Fee Resolution shall provide for a sewer service charge to be charged monthly to dischargers. The sewer service charge shall incorporate all costs of sewage collection, treatment and disposal, including administrative and general expenses. The charge shall be based on four cost components: (1) City operations and maintenance; (2) City capital requirements; (3) City's portion of costs associated with the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility (EPIC) operations and maintenance; (4) City's portion of costs associated with EPIC capital requirements. Page 26 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 (b) Allocation of Costs. All sewer service charges shall be calculated so as to allocate the costs of the enterprise to the dischargers in accordance with sewage quantity (flow) and quality (indicated by BOD and SS concentrations), including, but not limited to, costs incurred by the EPIC in treating and disposing of any effluent generated by discharges. Group I residential dischargers shall be charged a flat rate amount per billing period. The flat rate amounts for multiple-family housing shall be administered according to the number of residential units per water meter. All other discharger groups shall be charged a unit rate per hundred cubic feet (HCL) of water usage or a minimum charge, whichever is greater. Each discharger group shall have a separate unit rate per hundred cubic feet of water usage or minimum charge, whichever is greater. Each Group VI large volume discharger shall have a separate unit rate per hundred cubic feet of water usage or a minimum charge, whichever is greater. The city of Carlsbad fee resolution shall stipulate the unit rates and minimum charges based on wastewater quality and quantity. Schools shall be charged on the basis of average daily attendance (ADA). The sewer service charge shall be applied throughout the twelve month year. Every person granted an industrial waste permit pursuant to Title 13 of this code shall pay a fee to the city for inspection and control. The Encina Administrative Agency (EVA) shall determine the minimum number of inspections per year for each permittee as necessary for the proper enforcement of this chapter. The inspection fee shall be included with the sewer service charge in an amount specified in the Carlsbad fee resolution according to the minimum number of inspections determined by the EVA and applied throughout the twelve month year. The same enforcement provisions shall apply to the collection of such fees pursuant to this chapter. (Ord. NS-143 § 4, 1991) 13.12.090 Adjustment of charges. (a) Filing for an Adjustment of Charges. In any case where it is believed that a sewer service charge imposed by this article is excessive, the person responsible for paying such charge may apply to the director for adjustment by filing with the director, within thirty days from the date of service of such charge, a written dated affidavit containing: (1) A description, or address of the property involved in the requested adjustment; (2) The name or names and mailing addresses, of all the appellants participating in the requested adjustment; (3) A brief statement setting forth the legal interest of each of the appellants in the building or land involved in the requested adjustment; (4) A statement in ordinary and concise language describing the reason for the requested adjustment; (5) A statement of any material facts supporting the request for adjustment; specifically, statements alleging discriminatory, unreasonable, or unfair charges. (b) Determination. As soon as practical, but not longer than sixty days after receipt of request for adjustment, the director shall make a determination concerning the request for adjustment. The charge shall be deemed to be nondiscriminatory, reasonable, and fair for a nonresidential user if at least ninety percent of the water supplied to the premises on an annual basis enters a public sewer. The charge shall be deemed to be discriminatory, unreasonable, or unfair if the wastewater characteristics of the discharger indicate that the discharger should be assigned to a different Page 27 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 discharger group, as defined herein. During the course of the request the director may visit and inspect any building or premises involved in the proceedings, and may there receive oral testimony of any witness. The findings of the director may wholly, partially, conditionally, approve or disapprove the requested adjustment. The decision of the director may be appealed to the city council by filing a written notice of appeal with the city clerk within ten calendar days of the director's decision. Fees for appeal shall be established by resolution of the city council. If it is determined that the charge is discriminatory, unreasonable or unfair, the director shall adjust the charge so that it is fair, reasonable and nondiscriminatory. If the charge has already been paid, the excess paid during the year immediately preceding the date of application for adjustment shall be refunded. Charges which are delinquent for more than ninety days shall not be subject to adjustment. (Ord. NS-143 § 5, 1991) Chapter 13.16 DISCHARGE OF INDUSTRIAL WASTE Sections: 13.16.010 Short title. 13.16.030 Establishment of rules and regulations. 13.16.040 Permit required. 13.16.050 Issuance of permit. 13.16.051 Pretreatment plans required. 13.16.052 Self-monitoring and reporting. 13.16.053 Public access to information. 13.16.054 Revisions to permits. 13.16.060 Permit expiration, revocation or suspension. 13.16.070 Violation--Disconnection of facilities--Reconnection charge. 13.16.080 Notice of intention to disconnect premises. 13.16.090 Enforcement. 13.16.100 Liability of person for damage to system. 13.16.010 Short title. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the industrial waste discharge ordinance. (Ord. 7035 § 1) 13.16.030 Establishment of rules and regulations. The engineer is authorized and empowered to adopt such rules and regulations as may be deemed reasonably necessary to protect the sewer system and the joint sewer system, to control and regulate the proper use thereof and to provide for the issuance of permits; provided, however, that the terms and provisions of such rules and regulations shall be promulgated in a manner best directed to result in the uniform control and use of the joint sewer system by the parties to the basic agreement referred to in Section 13.04.010, or any amendments or supplements thereto, and provided further that such rules and regulations shall not become effective until approved by the city council, and a copy of such rules and regulations is filed with the city clerk. The more restrictive regulations shall apply in the event of any inconsistencies between joint sewer system regulations approved by city council and other regulations adopted by the city. (Ord. NS-129 § 4, 1990: Ord. 7035 § 19) Page 28 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 13.16.040 Permit required. No person shall connect to or otherwise discharge, or cause to be discharged into the sewer system of the district or the joint sewer system, any industrial waste unless such person has theretofore filed with the engineering department of the city an application for an industrial waste discharge permit and the engineer has issued such a permit; provided, however, no such permit shall be required of any person who has heretofore connected to the sewer system and is discharging industrial waste into such system unless the engineer determines that such discharge does not meet the industrial waste discharge standards established by this article or the rules or regulations adopted as herein provided, in which case a permit shall be required. (Ord. 7035 § 17) 13.16.050 Issuance of permit. Industrial waste permits shall be co-issued by the city and the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility according to this code and Encina Water Pollution Control Facility regulations approved by the city council and filed with the city clerk. No permit shall be issued to any person to discharge industrial waste into the sewer system of the district or the joint sewer system if such discharge will be a hazard or danger to the health or safety of any person or to the property of any person or if such discharge will result in a danger to the capacity, construction, use or proper performance or utilization of the sewer system or joint sewer system or be otherwise detrimental or injurious to such systems or either of them, and unless the applicant has complied with all state, federal and local laws and with all the provisions of this article and with all the applicable rules and regulations adopted as provided for this chapter. (Ord. NS-129 § 5, 1990: Ord. 7035 § 18) 13.16.051 Pretreatment plans required. In the event the engineer determines that pretreatment is required to make the waste acceptable, the applicant shall be so notified and shall submit suitable engineering plans and specifications showing in detail the proposed pretreatment facilities and pretreatment operational procedures which shall be included within and become a part of the original application. A permit shall not be issued until such plans, specifications and operational procedures have been reviewed and approved by the engineer. (Ord. 7065 § 2 (part), 1983) 13.16.052 Self-monitoring and reporting. All industrial users shall be subject to self-monitoring and reporting requirements. The requirements for each applicable user shall be determined by the engineer and included in the user's discharge permit. (Ord. 7065 § 2 (part), 1983) 13.16.053 Public access to information. Page 29 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 Information and data provided by an industrial user identifying the nature and frequency of a discharge shall be available to the public without restriction. Any information or data which is submitted or which may be furnished by a user in connection with required periodic reports shall also be available to the public unless the user or other interested person specifically identifies and is able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the engineer that the disclosure of such information or a particular part thereof to the general public would divulge methods or processes entitled to protection as trade secrets. (Ord. 7065 § 2 (part), 1983) 13.16.054 Revisions to permits. The engineer shall be empowered to revise discharge permit requirements to comply with evolving federal law. Permit revisions or modifications shall not be inconsistent with applicable federal pretreatment standards. (Ord. 7065 § 2 (part), 1983) 13.16.060 Permit expiration, revocation or suspension. Any permit issued in accordance with the provisions of this chapter shall be valid for a period specified on the permit, or if no term is specified, for one year, and is not transferable unless such permit is revoked or suspended as provided in this title and in the rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto. (Ord. NS-129 § 6, 1990: Ord. 7065 § 3, 1983: Ord. 7035 § 20) 13.16.070 Violation--Disconnection of facilities--Reconnection charge. The engineer may revoke or suspend the permit issued to any person in the event of a violation by the permittee of any provision of any applicable state, federal or local law or this article or of any of the rules and regulations adopted in the manner provided for herein. The engineer may disconnect from the public sewer any connection sewer, main line sewer or other facility which is constructed, connected or used without a permit, or constructed, connected or used contrary to any of the provisions of any applicable state, federal or local law or this chapter or the rules and regulations adopted as provided for in this chapter. When a premises has been disconnected, it shall not be reconnected until the violation for which it was disconnected has ceased or been remedied and a reasonable charge for such disconnection and reconnection, as established by the engineer, has been paid. (Ord. 7035 § 22) 13.16.080 Notice of intention to disconnect premises. The engineer shall give not less than five days' notice of intention to disconnect the premises or to suspend or revoke a permit, stating the reasons therefor, and may grant a reasonable time for elimination of the violation; provided, however, that if the engineer determines that the danger is imminent and such action is necessary for the immediate protection of the health, safety or welfare of persons or property or for the protection of the sewer system or the joint sewer system, any premises may be disconnected and service terminated concurrently with the giving of such notice. Notice shall be given to the occupant of the premises, if any, and to the record owner of the property as shown upon the last equalized assessment roll of the county by United States mail, registered or certified, return receipt requested, postage prepaid or by posting such notice on the premises. Page 30 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 (Ord. 7035 § 23) 13.16.090 Enforcement. The engineer is charged with the duty of enforcing the provisions of this chapter and the rules and regulations adopted as provided in this chapter. The engineer and the operator and their duly authorized agents and employees are authorized and shall be permitted to enter upon all properties at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspection, observation, measurement, sampling, testing or other reasons to assure the enforcement and proper application of all the provisions of this article and the rules and regulations adopted by the engineer as provided in this chapter. (Ord. 7035 §§ 21, 26) 13.16.100 Liability of person for damage to system. Any person violating any provision of this chapter or any rule or regulation adopted as herein provided shall be liable for all damage to the sewer system or joint sewer system incurred as a result of such violation and for any increase in the cost of maintenance or repair resulting from such violation. (Ord. 7035 § 25) Chapter 13.20 SEPTIC TANKS SYSTEMS Sections: 13.20.010 General restrictions. 13.20.020 Requirements for septic tank systems. 13.20.030 Connection to public sewer system. 13.20.040 Application procedure--Existing lots. 13.20.050 Application procedure--Subdivisions. 13.20.060 Authority to adopt by resolution. 13.20.010 General restrictions. (a) No septic tank system shall be installed or constructed unless either of the following conditions exist: (1) The public sewer system is not adjacent to the proposed development and the local sewer agency or city engineer determines that extension of the public sewer system is not feasible; (2) The sewer moratorium pursuant to Section 18.05.020 of this code is in effect and none of the exceptions of that section are applicable. (b) No septic tank system shall be installed or constructed unless it meets all the requirements of this chapter and Chapter 3 of Division 8 of Title 6 of San Diego County Code of Regulatory Ordinances as adopted by reference by Section 6.02.010 of this code. (c) A septic tank system shall be the only acceptable alternative method of sewage disposal when connection to the public sewer is not available. (d) No septic tank effluent disposal system other than conventional leach lines or seepage pits may be constructed or installed on any lot or parcel. Page 31 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 (e) No sewage other than domestic sewage may be discharged into any septic tank system. (f) Septic tank systems shall not be allowed for major subdivisions except as follows: (1) A major subdivision of a parcel for which the applicable zoning ordinance specifically allows the use of an alternative sewer disposal system; (2) A major subdivision which is a resubdivision of a commercial or industrial zoned parcel existing at the time of the ordinance codified in this chapter for which full public improvements, in accordance with current city standards, exist or have been assured by a secured improvement agreement as of the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter. (Ord. 7056 § 1 (part), 1979) 13.20.020 Requirements for septic tank systems. The following requirements shall be met prior to approval of the construction or installation of a septic tank system: (1) Each newly created lot or parcel to be used for residential purposes which is to be served by a septic tank system shall have a minimum area of fifteen thousand square feet per dwelling unit or as required by the applicable zoning ordinance, whichever is greater. (2) Each newly created lot or parcel to be used for industrial or commercial purposes which is to be served by a septic tank system shall have a minimum area of one acre. (3) The minimum lot or parcel areas required by this section shall not include: "panhandles"; slopes in excess of twenty-five percent; deep fills or ravines. (4) A letter shall be obtained from the local sewer agency (if other than the city) and the city engineer recommending approval for the use of the proposed septic tank system. (5) Each septic tank system shall conform to all the current rules, regulations, policies, codes and ordinances of the county. (6) Each lot or parcel which is to be served by a septic tank system shall have an additional area suitable for expansion of the system equivalent to at least one hundred percent of the total area used for the initial leach line or seepage pit installation. (7) A septic tank system permit shall be obtained from the county department of public health and one copy of this permit shall be submitted for each lot or building at the time the building plans are submitted to the community development director for plan check. (8) The public sewer system shall be extended for future use to within one foot of each lot or parcel which is to be served by a septic tank system. The sewer line shall be constructed in a manner and location approved by the city engineer or local sewer agency. This requirement may be waived if the city engineer or the local sewer agency determines that extension of the public sewer system is not feasible. (Ord. NS-676 § 6 (part), 2003; Ord. 1261 § 14 (part), 1983; Ord. 7056 § 1 (part), 1979) 13.20.030 Connection to public sewer system. A structure or lot being served by a septic tank system may not obtain a sewer connection permit as long as the city or local sewer agency within whose service territory the lot or structure is located has no available sewage treatment capacity as may be determined by the city manager unless Page 32 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 the city's public health officer and city engineer certify that the existing septic tank system has failed and constitutes a health hazard and that there is no additional area available for expansion of the existing system and that the existing system cannot be repaired. No person within the city sewer service area shall obtain priority in any sewer allocation system that may be adopted by the city council pursuant to Section 18.05.030 of this code due to the failure of any septic tank system constructed or installed pursuant to this chapter. (Ord. 7056 § 1 (part), 1979) 13.20.040 Application procedure--Existing lots. (a) Before the applicant submits plans to the community development director, the applicant shall submit to the city engineer the following: (1) A letter requesting city approval for use of a septic tank system; (2) Soil conditions of trench or seepage pits and percolation test reports for each lot; (3) A letter from the local sewer agency, if other than the city, recommending approval for use of the proposed septic tank system; (4) Two copies of proposed development plans including a plot plan showing size and placement of all buildings and a preliminary grading plan; (5) In addition, for commercial and industrial zoned property, the applicant shall also submit proposed use(s), area(s), and estimated sewage flow for each building; (6) Such other information as may be required by the city engineer. (b) The city engineer will review the information and will issue a letter approving or disapproving the use of the proposed septic tank system. (c) At the time of the submission of the letter requesting city approval, the applicant shall pay to the engineering department a processing fee of twenty dollars for each residentially zoned lot and thirty dollars for each commercially or industrially zoned lot for which a septic system is proposed. (Ord. NS-676 § 6 (part), 2003; Ord. 1261 § 14 (part), 1983; Ord. 7058 § 2 (part), 1979; Ord. 7056 § 1 (part), 1979) 13.20.050 Application procedure--Subdivisions. (a) Before making application for any minor subdivision or a major subdivision as provided for in Section 13.20.010(f) of this code, the applicant shall submit to the city engineer the following: (1) A letter requesting city approval for use of a septic tank system; (2) Two copies of the proposed tentative parcel map for minor subdivisions or tentative subdivision map for major subdivisions; (3) A letter from the local sewer agency, if other than the city, recommending approval for use of the proposed septic tank system; (4) In addition, for commercial and industrial zoned property, the applicant shall also submit: (A) Two copies of proposed development plans including a plot plan showing size and placement of buildings and a preliminary grading plan, Page 33 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 (B) Proposed use(s), area(s), and estimated sewage flow for each building. (b) The city engineer will review the information and will issue a preliminary letter approving or disapproving the use of the proposed septic tank system. (c) If a preliminary letter of approval for the use of a septic tank system is issued by the city engineer, the applicant shall have the necessary tests performed and submit to the engineer one copy of the soil condition of trench or seepage pit and percolation test reports for one hundred percent of all proposed lots. (d) At the time the tentative parcel map or tentative subdivision map is submitted to the city for review, the applicant shall submit evidence that satisfactory percolation tests have been taken on one hundred percent of the proposed parcels and said tentative parcel map or tentative subdivision map shall bear certification by the county health department that it has approved each proposed parcel for installation of a septic tank system in accordance with this chapter. (e) At the time of the submission of the letter requesting city approval, the applicant shall pay to the engineering department a processing fee of thirty dollars, plus ten dollars for each lot for which a septic system is proposed. (Ord. 7058 § 2 (part), 1979; Ord. 7056 § 1 (part), 1979) 13.20.060 Authority to adopt by resolution. The city council shall have authority to adopt by resolution any additional requirements for the installation and construction of septic tanks as it may determine are necessary for the protection, health and welfare of the public. (Ord. 7056 § 1 (part), 1979) Page 34 of 34Title 13 SEWERS* 3/27/2009http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16245/1/17 PRETREATMENT ORDINANCE FOR THE ENCINA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY 6200 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92011 (760) 438-3941 AMENDED JANUARY 24, 2007 EFFECTIVE MARCH 1, 2007 017.126073.13 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page SECTION 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS AND DEFINITIONS 1.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS.................................................................................1 1.2 DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................................3 SECTION 2 REGULATIONS 2.1 PROHIBITED DISCHARGES ..........................................................................9 2.2 PROHIBITION ON TRANSPORT WITHOUT EWA PERMISSION ..................................................................................................10 2.3 PROHIBITION ON INCREASE OR CHANGE .............................................10 2.4 PROHIBITION ON DILUTION......................................................................10 2.5 PROHIBITION ON STORAGE ......................................................................10 2.6 PROHIBITION OF BYPASS ..........................................................................10 2.7 LIMITATIONS ON GROUNDWATER AND SURFACE RUNOFF............11 2.8 LIMITATIONS ON NON-CONTACT COOLING WATER .........................11 2.9 LIMITATIONS ON WASTEHAULER DISCHARGE...................................11 2.10 LIMITATIONS ON WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO RECLAMATION FACILITIES……………………………………….……...11 2.11 LIMITATIONS ON THE USE OF GRINDERS .............................................11 2.12 LOCAL DISCHARGE LIMITS ......................................................................11 2.13 CATEGORICAL STANDARDS.....................................................................12 2.14 STATE REQUIREMENTS..............................................................................12 2.15 MASS EMISSION RATES..............................................................................13 SECTION 3 DISCHARGE PERMITS, FEES AND DEPOSITS 3.1 PERMIT REQUIRED ......................................................................................14 3.2 VIOLATIONS SUBJECT TO ENFORCEMENT ...........................................14 3.3 NO VESTED RIGHTS ....................................................................................14 3.4 PROHIBITION OF TRANSFERABILITY.....................................................14 3.5 VALIDITY CONDITIONED ON VALID CONNECTION PERMIT............14 3.6 TYPES OF CONTROL MECHANISMS ........................................................14 3.7 COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS............................................................16 3.8 DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATIONS ......................................................16 3.9 DISCHARGE PERMIT/NSWD FORM TERMS AND CONDITIONS..................................................................................................18 3.10 DISCHARGE PERMIT DURATION AND RENEWAL, MODIFICATION, REVOCATION.................................................................20 3.11 OUT-OF-AREA DISCHARGES .....................................................................21 3.12 FEES AND DEPOSITS ...................................................................................21 SECTION 4 FACILITIES REQUIREMENTS 4.1 PRETREATMENT FACILITIES ....................................................................24 4.2 SPILL CONTAINMENT FACILITIES...........................................................24 4.3 MONITORING/METERING FACILITIES ....................................................24 017.126073.13 -i- 4.4 DRAWING SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS ...............................................25 4.5 BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPs)..............................................25 4.6 ADDITIONAL PRETREATMENT MEASURES ..........................................26 SECTION 5 MONITORING, REPORTING, INSPECTION & NOTIFICATION 5.1 SELF-MONITORING REPORTS ...................................................................27 5.2 BASELINE MONITORING REPORTS (BMRs)...........................................27 5.3 REPORT ON COMPLIANCE WITH CATEGORICAL STANDARD ....................................................................................................27 5.4 COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE PROGRESS REPORTS ..................................28 5.5 SEMI-ANNUAL COMPLIANCE STATUS REPORTS.................................28 5.6 SLUG CONTROL PLANS ..............................................................................28 5.7 TOXIC ORGANICS MANAGEMENT PLAN ...............................................28 5.8 WASTEHAULER DISCHARGE REPORT....................................................29 5.9 FALSE STATEMENTS AND CERTIFICATION..........................................29 5.10 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION................................................................29 5.11 REPORTS FROM UNPERMITTED USERS .................................................30 5.12 EWA’S RIGHT TO INSPECT, SAMPLE, AND EWA’S RIGHT OF ENTRY.......................................................................................................30 5.13 RECORDKEEPING.........................................................................................30 5.14 NOTIFICATIONS............................................................................................30 SECTION 6 ENFORCEMENT 6.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE .................................................................................32 6.2 FINDINGS OF VIOLATION ..........................................................................32 6.3 ADMINISTRATIVE ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS .......................................32 6.4 ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL........................................................................35 6.5 EMERGENCY SUSPENSION, REVOCATION OR TERMINATION OF SERVICE ......................................................................38 6.6 EFFECTIVE DATE OF DECISIONS .............................................................38 6.7 PUBLICATION OF SIGNIFICANT NONCOMPLIANCE............................39 6.8 ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT ...............................................................39 6.9 JUDICIAL REMEDIES ...................................................................................39 6.10 MISDEMEANOR ............................................................................................39 6.11 REMEDIES NOT EXCLUSIVE......................................................................39 6.12 TIME LIMIT FOR JUDICIAL REVIEW........................................................39 017.126073.13 -ii- SECTION 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS AND DEFINITIONS 1.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. PURPOSE AND POLICY This Ordinance sets forth uniform requirements for Discharges into the Encina Sewerage System and enables the Encina Wastewater Authority ("EWA") to comply with all applicable State and federal laws, including the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. Section 1251 et seq., as amended, and regulations promulgated thereunder. The primary objectives of this Ordinance are: 1. To prevent the introduction of Pollutants into the Encina Sewerage System which would interfere with the operation of the components of the Encina Sewerage System or treatment processes or contaminate the resulting Biosolids; 2. To prevent the introduction of Pollutants into the Encina Sewerage System which would pass-through into receiving waters or the atmosphere; 3. To protect and preserve the well-being of the community, and EWA and Member Agency personnel; 4. To promote and protect the ability to reuse, recycle and reclaim Wastewater, Biosolids and Wastewater byproducts; and 5. To provide for collection of the cost of the EWA Pretreatment Program incurred for the regulation of users of the Encina Sewerage System. This Ordinance provides for the regulation of Discharge to the Encina Sewerage System through the issuance of Discharge Permits to certain non-Domestic Users and through enforcement of general requirements for other non-Domestic Users; authorizes monitoring and enforcement activities; requires User reporting; and provides for the setting of fees, fines, costs and deposits. This Ordinance shall apply to EWA, the Member Agencies and to Persons outside the Member Agencies who are, by contract or agreement with a Member Agency, Users of the Encina Sewerage System. B. AUTHORITY The Clean Water Act, EPA regulations and EWA’s NPDES Permits require the implementation of a Pretreatment Program, which may impose the following: limits, conditions and prohibitions on industrial Discharge to the Encina Sewerage System; compliance schedules for the installation of Pretreatment equipment which will enable Users to comply with their Discharge Permits; and/or actions necessary to enforce EWA’s authority. Any such limits, 017.126073.13 -1- conditions, or prohibitions apply to Users that are tributary to the Encina Sewerage System or within areas for which EWA has contracted to provide sewerage services. California Government Code Sections 54725 et seq. allow EWA to (1) require Users to implement Pretreatment of industrial waste in order for EWA to meet state and federal standards and to protect its treatment works or the proper and efficient operation thereof, or the health or safety of its employees or the environment; (2) prevent the entry of industrial waste into the Encina Sewerage System; and (3) collect excess costs to the Encina Sewerage System as a result of allowing Users to Discharge to the Encina Sewerage System. Under the authority of Government Code Section 6509, EWA has established that it shall exercise its powers subject to the restrictions upon the manner of exercising the powers of a county water district pursuant to the County Water District Law (Water Code Sections 30000 et seq.). Water Code Sections 31105-31106 authorize EWA to adopt and enforce ordinances and provide that violation of any ordinance may be a misdemeanor. C. SEVERABILITY If any provision of this Ordinance or the application to any Persons or circumstances is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance or the application of such provision to other Persons or other circumstances shall not be affected. D. GENERAL RULES OF INTERPRETATION 1. Any gender includes the other gender. 2. “Shall” is mandatory; “may” is permissive. 3. The singular number includes the plural and the plural the singular. 4. Words used in the present tense include the past and future tense, and vice versa. 5. Words and phrases used in this Ordinance and not specifically defined shall be construed according to the context and approved usage of the language. E. DATE RECEIVED 1. Any report, notice, invoice, order or other written communication which is sent via U.S. Postal Service is deemed received by the User on the third day following the postmark date, and is deemed received by EWA on the date indicated by the EWA date stamp. EWA shall stamp all mail received on the actual date received by EWA at its administrative offices. 2. Any report, notice, invoice, order or other written communication which is not sent via U.S. Postal Service is deemed received on the date actually received by EWA at its administrative offices or by the User at its business office. 017.126073.13 -2- 1.2 DEFINITIONS The following terms and phrases, as used in this Ordinance, shall have the meanings hereinafter designated: 1. Applicant. Any Person who requests from EWA a Discharge Permit as required by this Ordinance. 2. Authorized Representative. Any Person who is: (a) a principal executive officer of at least the level of vice-president; (b) a general partner or proprietor; or (c) a duly authorized representative of an individual designated above if such representative is responsible for the overall operation of the facilities from which the Discharge originates. 3. Baseline Monitoring Report (BMR). A report that documents a User’s compliance status with all applicable Pretreatment Standards. 4. Best Management Practice (BMP). Pollution prevention/waste reduction measures as set forth in Section 4.5 (B) of this Ordinance. 5. Best Professional Judgment (BPJ). A determination made after consideration of all reasonably available and pertinent data or information. 6. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD). A measurement of the oxygen utilized during a five day incubation period for the biochemical degradation of organic and inorganic material. 7. Biosolids. The non-hazardous and recyclable organic matter resulting from the treatment of Wastewater. 8. Brine Line. A sewer line that is wholly or partially dedicated to the transport of wastewater saturated with salts but otherwise free of Pollutants, directly to the Encina Ocean Outfall. 9. Bypass. The intentional diversion of wastestreams from any portion of a User’s treatment facility. 10. Carbonaceous Biochemical Demand (CBOD). A measurement of the oxygen utilized during a five day incubation period for the biochemical degradation of organic material. 11. Categorical Standard. A standard specifying quantities or concentrations of Pollutant or Pollutant properties which may be Discharged to the Sewerage System by Users in specific industrial subcategories, as set forth in Title 40, C.F.R., Chapter I, Subchapter N. 017.126073.13 -3- 12. Collection System. The combined pipes, conduits, manholes and other structures, usually underground, which conveys Wastewater to the Encina Sewerage System. 13. Connection Permit. A permit issued to a User by a Member Agency authorizing the User to connect to the Encina Sewerage System. 14. Director. EWA’s Environmental Compliance Director, who is responsible for the administration, implementation and enforcement of this Ordinance. 15. Discharge. The introduction of Pollutants into the Encina Sewerage System from any non-Domestic source. 16. Discharge Permit. The permit issued by EWA stipulating the conditions under which a User may Discharge to the Encina Sewerage System. 17. Domestic Wastewater. The liquid and solid waterborne wastes derived from the ordinary living processes of humans of such character as to permit satisfactory disposal, without special Pretreatment, into the public sewer or by means of a private Wastewater disposal system. 18. Encina Service Area. All areas tributary to the Encina Sewerage System. 19. Encina Sewerage System. The sewerage system for the Encina Service Area, owned by the Member Agencies and operated by EWA and the EWA Member Agencies, which includes the EWPCF, the Gafner Water Reclamation Plant (WRP), the Meadowlark WRP, the Shadowridge WRP, the Encina Ocean Outfall and any conveyances that convey Wastewater to the EWPCF, the Gafner WRP, the Meadowlark WRP, the Shadowridge WRP, and/or the Encina Ocean Outfall. For the purposes of this Ordinance, this definition also shall include any conveyances that convey Wastewater to the Encina Sewerage System by contract or agreement with a Member Agency. Such conveyances may be owned or operated by a Member Agency or by other public agencies. 20. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The federal agency charged by law with carrying out and obtaining compliance with the Clean Water Act and other federal environmental laws and promulgating, interpreting and enforcing regulations implementing such statutes. 21. General Manager. The Person designated by EWA to manage the EWPCF. 22. Grease and Oil. Any material recovered when extracted as set forth in Method Number 5520 B, Partition-Gravimetric Method, of the current approved edition of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater or other comparable EPA approved methods found in 40 CFR Part 136. 017.126073.13 -4- 23. Groundwater. Water beneath the surface of the ground whether or not flowing through known and definite channels. 24. Interference. A Discharge that, alone or in conjunction with a Discharge or Discharges from other sources, both: (a) inhibits or disrupts the Encina Sewerage System, its treatment processes or operations or its Biosolids processes, including either the use, reuse or disposal of Biosolids, Wastewater treatment byproducts or reclaimed water; and (b) therefore is a cause of a violation of any requirement of the NPDES Permit (including an increase in the magnitude or duration of a violation) or of the prevention of Biosolids use or disposal in compliance with the following statutory provisions and ordinance or permits issued hereinunder (or more stringent State or local regulations): Section 405 of the Clean Water Act, the Solid Waste Disposal Act (SWDA) [including Title II, more commonly referred to as the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), and including State regulations contained in any state sludge management plan prepared pursuant to Subtitle D of the SWDA], the Clean Air Act, the Toxic Substances Control Act, and the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act. 25. Local Discharge Limits. Those limitations developed by EWA to implement any general or specific prohibitions, set forth in 40 C.F.R. Section 403.5(a)-(b), or to satisfy any other discharge requirement imposed upon EWA by the EPA, the State or a local agency, as set forth in Section 2.12. 26. Mass Emission Rate. The weight of material Discharged to the Encina Sewerage System during a given time interval. Unless otherwise specified, the mass emission rate shall mean pounds per day of a particular constituent or combination of constituents. 27. Member Agency. Any of the local agencies that are members of EWA, including the Cities of Carlsbad, Vista and Encinitas, the Vallecitos Water District, the Leucadia Wastewater District and the Buena Sanitation District. 28. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit. The permits issued to or administered by EWA pursuant to Section 402 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. § 1342). 29. New Source. A source of Discharge to the Encina Sewerage System meeting the requirements set forth in 40 C.F.R. Section 403.3(k). 30. Non-Contact Cooling Water. Water used for cooling purposes that does not come into direct contact with any source of Pollutants. 31. Non-Significant Categorical Industrial User (NSCIU). Any User that: never discharges more than 100 gallons per day of Wastewater subject to Categorical Standards; never discharges untreated concentrated wastes; and has demonstrated that its discharge complies with all applicable Pretreatment Standards and Requirements as determined by the BPJ of the Director. 017.126073.13 -5- 32. Non-Significant Industrial User (NSIU). Any User not subject to Section 3.6 A, B, C, or D of this Ordinance that with the application of appropriate BMPs has no reasonable potential to adversely impact the Encina Sewerage System or to violate any Pretreatment Standards or Pretreatment Requirements as determined by the BPJ of the Director. 33. Non-Significant Wastewater Discharge (NSWD) Form. An authorization to discharge issued in lieu of a permit to any User that is determined in the BPJ of the Director to be an NSIU. 34. Officer. A Person employed by EWA as an industrial waste inspector, and who reports to the Director. 35. Pass-through. A Discharge which exits any portion of the Encina Sewerage System in concentrations which, alone or in conjunction with a Discharge or Discharges from other sources, results in a violation of any requirement of a NPDES Permit or waste discharge requirement of the State, including an increase in the magnitude or duration of a violation. 36. Permittee. A Person who has a Discharge Permit. 37. Person. An individual, partnership, copartnership, firm, company, corporation, association, joint stock company, trust, estate, any federal, State or local governmental entity or any other legal entity or their legal representatives or agents. 38. Pollutant. Any substance which causes an impairment (reduction) of water quality to a degree that may have an adverse effect on any beneficial use of the water including, but not limited to, a dredged spoil, solid waste, incinerator residue, sewage, garbage, munitions, chemical wastes, biological materials, radioactive materials, heat, wrecked or discarded equipment, rock, sand, cellar dirt, industrial, municipal and agricultural waste and certain characteristics of Wastewater (e.g., pH, temperature, TSS, turbidity, color, BOD, COD, toxicity or odor). 39. Pretreatment. The reduction of the amount of Pollutants, the elimination of Pollutants or the alteration of the nature of Pollutant properties in Wastewater prior to or in lieu of Discharging or otherwise introducing such Pollutants to the Encina Sewerage System. The reduction or alteration can be obtained by physical, chemical or biological processes, or process changes by other means except as prohibited by 40 C.F.R. Section 403.6(d). 40. Pretreatment Equipment. One or more treatment devices designed to remove Pollutants from Wastewater in order to allow a User to comply with this Ordinance or a Discharge Permit. 017.126073.13 -6- 41. Pretreatment Requirements. Any substantive or procedural requirement, other than Pretreatment Standards, imposed upon a User by this Ordinance. 42. Pretreatment Standards. Prohibited Discharges, Local Discharge Limits, Categorical Standards and other limitations and prohibitions set forth in Section 2 of this Ordinance. 43. Process Wastewater. Any Wastewater contaminated by human activities including, but not limited to, that originating from manufacturing, agriculture, processing, rinsing, washing or producing. 44. Septage. Any Domestic Wastewater from holding tanks such as vessels, chemical toilets, campers, trailers and septic tanks. 45. Significant Industrial User (SIU). Any User that has received or is required to obtain a Class I or II Discharge Permit. 46. Slug Discharge. Any Discharge, including, but not limited to, accidental and non-routine Discharges, performed in a manner or at a concentration that could cause a violation of any Pretreatment Standard. 47. Surface Runoff. Surface water that is collected for disposal in order to avoid contamination or pollution as defined in Water Code Section 13050. 48. Total Suspended Solids (TSS). The residue retained on a standard glass-fiber filter after drying to a constant weight at 103 to 105 degrees Centigrade, as set forth in Method Number 2540 D of the current approved edition of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater or other comparable EPA approved methods found in 40 CFR Part 136. 49. Toxic Organics. Any toxic organic compound identified in 40 C.F.R. Section 401.15 or appearing on any total toxic organic list as set forth for certain categorical industries in 40 C.F.R. Sections 413, 433, 464, 465, 468 and 469. 50. User. A source of indirect Discharge or a non-Domestic entity with a process onsite subject to categorical standards, whether or not such process generates a discharge. 51. Waste Manifest. The receipt which is retained by a generator of hazardous wastes for wastes to be transported to a disposal site, in the form required by the State and/or the federal government pursuant to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act or the California Hazardous Materials Act, or that receipt which is retained by the generator for recyclable wastes or liquid non-hazardous wastes as required by EWA. 017.126073.13 -7- 52. Wastehauler. Any Person carrying on or engaging in vehicular transport of Septage as part of, or incidental to, any business for the purpose of Discharging the Septage into the Encina Sewerage System. 53. Wastewater. Any aqueous based waste generated by a domestic, commercial and/or industrial facility. 54. Wastewater Constituents and Characteristics. The individual chemical, physical, bacteriological, radiological, volume, flow rate and such other parameters that serve to define, classify or measure the quality and quantity of Wastewater. 017.126073.13 -8- SECTION 2 REGULATIONS 2.1 PROHIBITED DISCHARGES A. No Person shall Discharge a quantity or quality of Wastewater to the Encina Sewerage System which causes, or is capable of causing, either alone or by interaction with other substances, Pass-through or Interference. B. No Person shall Discharge into the Encina Sewerage System any of the following: 1. Pollutants which create a hazard of fire or explosion in the Encina Sewerage System including, but not limited to, wastestreams with a closed cup flashpoint of less than 140° F (60° C) using the test methods specified in 40 C.F.R. Section 261.21; 2. Pollutants which will cause corrosive structural damage to any component of the Encina Sewerage System but in no case Discharges with a pH lower than 5.5; 3. Solid or viscous Pollutants in amounts which will cause obstruction of the flow in the Encina Sewerage System resulting in Interference or damage to the Encina Sewerage System; 4. Wastewater having a temperature that will inhibit biological activity in the treatment process resulting in Interference but in no case Wastewater that causes the temperature at any component of the Encina Sewerage System to exceed 40° C (104° F); 5. Pollutants which cause danger to life, health or safety of any Person, or cause damage to the environment; 6. Pollutants, including oxygen-demanding Pollutants such as BOD, released in a Discharge at a flow rate and/or concentration which, either singly or by interaction with other Pollutants, cause Interference or Pass-through; 7. Petroleum oil, nonbiodegradable cutting oil or products of mineral oil origin in amounts that will cause Interference or Pass-through; 8. Pollutants which result in the presence of toxic gases, vapors or fumes within the Encina Sewerage System in a quality or quantity that may cause health and safety problems; 9. Pollutants or Wastewater that would cause violation of any permit, statute rule, regulation or ordinance of any public agency or regulatory agency having jurisdiction over the discharge of Wastewater to or from the Encina Sewerage System; 10. Wastewater or any substance that is defined as a hazardous or radioactive waste by any regulatory agency; 017.126073.13 -9- 11. Pollutants delivered by vehicular transport, rail car or dedicated pipeline, except on a case-by case basis, at discharge points designated by the Director and in accordance with a valid Special Use Discharge Permit; 12. Sludge generated by the pretreatment of wastewater; 13. Pollutants that cause Wastewater, Biosolids, or Wastewater byproducts to be unsuitable for beneficial reuse or reclamation; 14. Wastewater which imparts color which cannot be removed by the treatment process, such as, but not limited to, dye wastes and vegetable tanning solutions, which consequently imparts color to the treatment plant’s effluent, thereby violating EWA’s NPDES permit; and 15. Detergents, surface-active agents, or other substances which may cause excessive foaming in the POTW. 2.2 PROHIBITION ON TRANSPORT WITHOUT EWA PERMISSION No Person shall transport waste from one location or facility to another for the purpose of treating or discharging it directly or indirectly to a publicly owned sewer within the Encina Sewerage System without written permission from EWA. 2.3 PROHIBITION ON INCREASE OR CHANGE No User shall increase flow, Pollutants or change the Wastewater Constituents and Characteristics where such increase or change does not meet the Pretreatment Standards and Pretreatment Requirements or where such contribution would cause EWA to violate an NPDES Permit or any State discharge limitation or requirement. 2.4 PROHIBITION ON DILUTION No User shall increase the use of water or in any other manner attempt to dilute a Discharge as a partial or complete substitute for Pretreatment to achieve compliance with this Ordinance and/or the User’s Discharge Permit. 2.5 PROHIBITION ON STORAGE Pollutants, substances or Wastewater whose Discharge to the Encina Sewerage System is prohibited by this Ordinance shall not be processed or stored in such a manner that they could be accidentally Discharged to the Encina Sewerage System. 2.6 PROHIBITION OF BYPASS Bypass of Wastewater to the Encina Sewerage System is prohibited, unless: A. Bypass is unavoidable to prevent loss of life, personal injury or severe property damage; 017.126073.13 -10- B. There are no feasible alternatives to the Bypass, such as the use of auxiliary treatment facilities, retention of untreated wastes or maintenance during normal periods of equipment downtime. This condition is not satisfied if adequate backup equipment should have been installed in the exercise of reasonable engineering judgment to prevent a Bypass which occurred during normal periods of equipment downtime or preventive maintenance; and C. The User submitted notices as required by Section 5.14(B) of this Ordinance. 2.7 LIMITATIONS ON GROUNDWATER AND SURFACE RUNOFF Groundwater or Surface Runoff shall not be Discharged to the Encina Sewerage System except under the authority of a Special Use Discharge Permit, which is subject to Pretreatment Standards and Pretreatment Requirements. 2.8 LIMITATIONS ON NON-CONTACT COOLING WATER No Person shall discharge greater than 1000 gallons per day of Non-Contact Cooling Water to the Encina Sewerage System. 2.9 LIMITATIONS ON WASTEHAULER DISCHARGE No Person shall Discharge Septage unless EWA has issued such Person a Special Use Discharge Permit which is subject to Pretreatment Standards and Pretreatment Requirements. 2.10 LIMITATIONS ON WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO RECLAMATION FACILITIES No Person shall Discharge a quantity or quality of Wastewater that causes, or is capable of causing, either alone or by interaction with other substances: (1) a violation of the Waste Discharge Requirements of any reclamation facility within the Encina Sewerage System; or (2) any applicable water quality objective of the Comprehensive Water Quality Control Plan Report, San Diego Basin (9) (Basin Plan), adopted September 8, 1994 to be exceeded; unless by separate agreement of that Person with the affected reclaiming Member Agency(s). 2.11 LIMITATIONS ON THE USE OF GRINDERS Waste from industrial or commercial grinders shall not be Discharged except as allowed in a User’s Discharge Permit. Such grinders must shred the waste to a particle size of 0.5 inches or less. 2.12 LOCAL DISCHARGE LIMITS In addition to any other prohibition or limitation prescribed by this Ordinance, no Person shall Discharge Wastewater in excess of the Mass Emission Rates, concentration limits or other limits set forth in Table 1 below. 017.126073.13 -11- TABLE 1 LOCAL DISCHARGE LIMITS CONSTITUENT: LIMIT: Cadmium 0.43 mg/L Chromium 3.50 mg/L Copper 4.40 mg/L Lead 1.80 mg/L Nickel 1.80 mg/L Silver 4.20 mg/L Zinc 6.20 mg/L CBOD 500 lbs/day BOD 500 lbs/day TSS 500 lbs/day Toxic Organics 2.00 mg/L Oil and Grease 400 mg/L pH 5.5 – 11.0 units Temperature 140° Fahrenheit 2.13 CATEGORICAL STANDARDS A. In accordance with 40 C.F.R. Section 403.6(b), no Person shall Discharge any Wastewater violating any Categorical Standard. B. Upon the EPA’s promulgation or revision of a Categorical Standard for a particular industrial subcategory, the new or revised Categorical Standard, if more stringent than limitations imposed under this Ordinance or a Discharge Permit for sources in that subcategory, shall immediately supersede the limitations imposed under this Ordinance or a Discharge Permit. C. Where a Categorical Standard is expressed only in terms of either the mass or the concentration of a Pollutant in Wastewater, EWA may impose equivalent concentration or mass limits in accordance with 40 C.F.R. Section 403.6(c). D. When Wastewater subject to a Categorical Standard is mixed with Wastewater not subject to the same standard, EWA shall impose an alternate limit using the combined wastestream formula in 40 C.F.R. Section 403.6(e). 2.14 STATE REQUIREMENTS State requirements and limitations on Discharges shall apply in any case where they are more stringent than federal requirements and limitations or those in this Ordinance. 017.126073.13 -12- 2.15 MASS EMISSION RATES A. EWA may establish a Mass Emission Rate for any Wastewater Constituent. Compliance with a Mass Emission Rate shall be determined by the User’s average daily Wastewater Discharge, the most recent representative concentration data, or other data acceptable to EWA, and shall be calculated according to the following formula: (concentration in mg/L) x (flow in MGD) x (Conversion Factor of 8.34) = Pounds per day. B. To verify a User’s operating data, EWA may require a User to submit an inventory of all Wastewater streams and/or records. 017.126073.13 -13- SECTION 3 DISCHARGE PERMITS, FEES AND DEPOSITS 3.1 PERMIT REQUIRED Any User proposing to Discharge into the Encina Sewerage System must apply for and obtain a Discharge Permit or NSWD Form from the Director, prior to Discharge. 3.2 VIOLATIONS SUBJECT TO ENFORCEMENT Any violation of the terms and/or conditions of a Discharge Permit or NSWD Form is a violation of this Ordinance and subjects the Permittee to the fines and/or actions set forth in Section 6 of this Ordinance. 3.3 NO VESTED RIGHTS No Discharge of Wastewater into the Encina Sewerage System, whether or not the Discharge is made pursuant to a Discharge Permit or NSWD Form, shall create a vested right to continue the Discharge. All Discharges are privileges, not rights. 3.4 PROHIBITION OF TRANSFERABILITY Any Discharge Permit or NSWD Form issued under this Ordinance is valid only for the specific User, for the specific operation at the specific location identified in the Discharge Permit or NSWD Form, and may not be transferred, sold or hypothecated, or applied or transferred to the Permittee’s operation at a different location. If the Permittee’s business is sold or transferred, the successor owner shall submit an application for a new Discharge Permit or NSWD Form prior to any Discharge. For purposes of this Ordinance, sale or transfer shall mean the change of more than 25% of the ownership or equity interest in Permittee (whether in a single transaction or in a series of transactions); or the merger, reorganization or consolidation of Permittee with another entity with respect to which Permittee is not the surviving entity. 3.5 VALIDITY CONDITIONED ON VALID CONNECTION PERMIT No Class I, II or III Discharge Permit, or NSWD Form is valid for a User that does not hold a valid Connection Permit issued by a Member Agency. 3.6 TYPES OF CONTROL MECHANISMS A. CLASS I PERMIT Any User that is subject to any Categorical Standard(s) shall obtain a Class I Discharge Permit unless designated as a Non-Significant Categorical Industrial User (NSCIU) by the Director. 017.126073.13 -14- B. CLASS II PERMIT Any User that is not subject to paragraph A above, but meets one of the following conditions shall obtain a Class II Discharge Permit: 1. Any User that Discharges 25,000 gallons per day (gpd) or more of process Wastewater to the Encina Sewerage System; 2. Any User that contributes more than 5% of the average dry weather flow to the Encina Sewerage System; or 3. Any User that Discharges Wastewater which may cause Pass-through or Interference, in the BPJ of the Director. C. CLASS III PERMIT Any User that is not subject to paragraphs A or B above, but meets one of the following conditions shall obtain a Class III Discharge Permit: 1. Any User that may be subject to Categorical Standards but either does not Discharge any regulated Wastewater or is a stand-alone research and development facility; 2. Any User designated as a NSCIU by the Director; or 3. Any User that in the BPJ of the Director has a reasonable potential to adversely impact the Encina Sewerage System or to violate any Pretreatment Standard or Requirement. D. SPECIAL USE PERMIT Any User that Discharges Groundwater, Surface Runoff, or Septage or Discharges to a Brine Line is required to obtain a Special Use Discharge Permit (SUP). 1. A SUP may be granted when no alternative method of disposal is reasonably available, and the Discharge is necessary to mitigate an environmental risk or health hazard or to protect the beneficial reuse of Wastewater byproducts. 2. A SUP may only be granted if, in the opinion of the Director, the following conditions are met: (a) The Applicant and/or the Wastewater source are within the Encina Service Area and/or within the jurisdiction of an EWA Member Agency; (b) EWA and the Member Agency have adequate treatment capacity to accept the proposed flow; 017.126073.13 -15- (c) The technology and equipment used provide adequate assurance that there will be no adverse impacts on the Encina Sewerage System, its employees, its Users or reuse of Wastewater or Wastewater byproducts; and (d) The Applicant has adequate resources and/or insurance to fully indemnify the EWA and the Member Agencies from any and all claims and/or damages arising out of or in connection with the proposed Discharge. E. NSWD FORM Any User that is determined in the BPJ of the Director to be an NSIU based on a review of the User’s Discharge Permit application, compliance data, and/or a facility inspection shall be issued a NSWD Form. The Director may review a Permittee’s compliance data at any time or upon the Permittee’s written request in order to determine whether the Permittee is a NSIU. 3.7 COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS All Users holding Class I, II and III Discharge Permits, Special Use Discharge Permits and NSWD Forms shall comply with the Pretreatment Standards and Pretreatment Requirements and any other requirements of this Ordinance, including any fees, fines, costs, or deposits established by EWA. 3.8 DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATIONS A. Users seeking a Discharge Permit or renewal of such a Permit shall submit to EWA a completed application, along with all applicable fees and deposits prior to any Discharge. B. Permittees seeking a renewal of an existing Discharge Permit shall submit a completed application along with all applicable fees or deposits no later than 90 days prior to the expiration of the existing Discharge Permit. In the event a User fails to submit a completed application within the required timeframe, the Discharge Permit is subject to expiration. C. A completed application for a new or renewed Discharge Permit may include the following information: 1. Applicant’s name, business name and address, Discharge site or property address if different, telephone number, assessor's parcel number(s), SIC number(s), a detailed description of the manufacturing process or service activity; 2. Names, mailing addresses of any and all principals/owners/major shareholders of Applicant; the Applicant’s articles of incorporation; most recent report of the Secretary of State (if applicable); business license (whichever are applicable); 3. Volume of Wastewater to be Discharged, and/or the number of trucks or trailers, and license numbers and tank hauling capacity of each, if applicable; 4. Name of any responsible individual who can be served with notices at the Discharge site, other than officers of the corporation; 017.126073.13 -16- 5. Name and address of current and prior property owners, landlord, manager and/or User of the property and types of business located at that address, a copy of any cleanup and/or abatement order associated with the property, a copy of any liens against the property; 6. Water supplier(s) and water account numbers; 7. Source and amount of Wastewater Constituents and Characteristics as required by EWA including, but not limited to, those mentioned in Section 2.12, Local Discharge Limits, of this Ordinance. These Constituents and Characteristics shall be determined by a laboratory certified by the State of California under the authority of the Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program. A new Applicant may use estimates in lieu of laboratory analysis, based upon the best available information; 8. Time and duration of Discharge; 9. Number of persons employed by Applicant and average hours of work per employee per day; 10. Waste minimization and water conservation practices; 11. Production records, if applicable; 12. Waste Manifests, if applicable; 13. Landscaped area in square feet, if applicable; 14. Tons of cooling tower capacity, if applicable; 15. EPA hazardous waste generator number, if applicable; 16. Complete description of hazardous chemical/waste storage; 17. Material safety data sheets for chemicals actually Discharged to the Encina Sewerage System and for those chemicals potentially Discharged to the Encina Sewerage System in amounts or concentrations that could negatively impact the Collection System or treatment processes; 18. Site plans, floor plans, mechanical and plumbing plans and details to show all incoming and outgoing plumbing connections (including incoming potable water), valves, sewers, spill containment, Pretreatment facilities, clarifiers and appurtenances by size, location and elevation, as required by EWA; 19. Baseline Monitoring Report (BMR) if Applicant is subject to a Categorical Standard(s); 20. Name and address of leaseholder of the vehicles, trailers or Pretreatment Equipment to be used, if applicable; 017.126073.13 -17- 21. A detailed description of the Pretreatment proposed or required by any other regulatory agency having jurisdiction over the Discharge; 22. For SUP Applicants, a detailed description of the alternatives investigated for disposal including reasons why all other Discharge alternatives were not chosen; 23. In the case of Groundwater or Brine Line Discharges, proof of general liability and environmental impairment liability insurance naming EWA and the Member Agencies as additional insureds and covering all liability for damages resulting from the Discharge in amounts deemed appropriate by the General Manager; and an indemnity agreement that holds the EWA and the Member Agencies harmless from any and all costs, claims, and/or damages arising out of or in connection with the Discharge of the treated Groundwater or from the Brine Line, including costs incurred by EWA in the investigation and/or defense of any claims; and 24. Any other information required by EWA in order to properly evaluate the Discharge Permit application. D. After evaluation of a completed application, the Director may issue a Discharge Permit, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Ordinance and, based upon the Director’s BPJ, any additional terms and conditions which are necessary to protect the Encina Sewerage System. E. Any application which is not complete within 90 days following initial receipt by EWA shall be deemed denied. 3.9 DISCHARGE PERMIT/NSWD FORM TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. A Class I, II, III, Special Use Discharge Permit or NSWD Form may contain any of the following terms and conditions: 1. Limits on Pollutant concentration rate or Mass Emission Rates, which may be more stringent than those set forth in Section 2.12, Local Discharge Limits, of this Ordinance; 2. Limits on Discharge volume and flow rate and time period restrictions of Discharge, or requirements for flow holding regulation and/or equalization; 3. Requirements to notify EWA in writing prior to any expansion facilities or wet processes or increase in Discharge flows; 4. Requirements to construct and maintain, at the Permittee’s expense, pH control, flow monitoring and/or sampling facilities; 5. Requirements for maintaining and submitting technical reports, production data, Discharge logs or reports, Waste Manifests, water bills and/or other records; 6. Requirements to self-monitor; 017.126073.13 -18- 7. Requirements for maintaining a minimum of three years of plant records relating to Wastewater Discharge, BMP documentation and Waste Manifests; 8. Actual or estimated rates or values for Wastewater strength characteristics; 9. Requirements to install, maintain and/or inventory specified Pretreatment system equipment; 10. A slug control plan, as set forth in Section 5.6 of this Ordinance, or other specific actions to control Slug Discharges; 11. Requirements to notify EWA immediately of any facility changes that may affect the potential for a Slug Discharge; 12. Requirements to implement specific BMPs to minimize the discharge of Pollutants; 13. A toxic organics management plan, as set forth in Section 5.7 of this Ordinance; 14. Requirements to deposit with EWA in accordance with Section 3.12 of this Ordinance, a specified amount based upon (1) Permittee’s history of non-payment of fees, fines or costs or (2) potential non-routine sampling and monitoring that may be required as determined by the Director based upon his or her BPJ; and 15. Additional or more stringent requirements as deemed necessary by the Director to ensure compliance with this Ordinance and/or to protect the Encina Sewerage System. B. For Wastehauler Discharge, the SUP shall also be subject to the following: 1. the Wastehauler shall have a valid permit from the San Diego County Health Department; 2. the Wastewater shall be Discharged according to the provisions of EWA’s Standard Operating Procedure No. 24 as amended from time to time, and only by certain authorized vehicles, as authorized in the User’s SUP; 3. the Wastehauler shall not Discharge Waste from any industrial or commercial source, or any hazardous waste. C. NSWD FORM 1. By accepting a NSWD Form, the User authorizes EWA staff to enter the premises and inspect without delay, and/or monitor the User’s Discharges in order to determine continued compliance with the terms and conditions of the form. 017.126073.13 -19- 2. The User shall post the NSWD Form in the User’s place of business in recognition of the User’s contribution to the community for implementing Pollution Prevention and Waste Recycling Measures. 3. The terms and conditions of each NSWD Form shall vary according to User. At a minimum, the User is required to implement and maintain agreed-upon BMPs and to meet all Pretreatment Standards and Pretreatment Requirements of this Ordinance. 4. The User’s failure to maintain these BMPs may result in the User’s reclassification, and EWA may issue a Class I, II or III Discharge Permit as appropriate. Failure to comply may also result in sanctions as allowed by this Ordinance. 3.10 DISCHARGE PERMIT DURATION AND RENEWAL, MODIFICATION, REVOCATION A. DURATION AND RENEWAL Discharge Permits shall be issued for a limited period not to exceed a term of five years. At least 90 days prior to expiration of the Discharge Permit, the Permittee shall apply for renewal in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance. A new Discharge Permit may contain additional and more stringent terms and conditions than a User's previous Discharge Permit. B. MODIFICATION 1. The Director may modify any Discharge Permit for good cause including, but not limited to, the following reasons: (a) To incorporate any new or revised federal, State or local Pretreatment Standards or Pretreatment Requirements; (b) To address significant alterations or additions to the User's operation, processes or Wastewater volume or character since the date the Wastewater Discharge Permit was issued; (c) To reflect any change in the Encina Sewerage System that requires either a temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of the authorized Discharge; (d) In response to information indicating that the permitted Discharge poses a threat to the Encina Sewerage System, its personnel, the receiving waters or reuse of Wastewater byproducts; (e) Substantial evidence of a violation of any terms or conditions of the Discharge Permit; (f) A User's misrepresentation or failure to fully disclose all relevant facts in the Discharge Permit application or in any required report; 017.126073.13 -20- (g) Revision of or a grant of variance from Categorical Standards; (h) To correct typographical or other errors in the Discharge Permit; or (i) To reflect a transfer of the facility ownership or operation to a new owner or operator as allowed by this Ordinance. 2. In the event the Director requires a Discharge Permit modification that is not requested by the Permittee, EWA shall inform the Permittee at least 45 days prior to the effective date of the modification, unless the Permittee has violated any terms or conditions of its Discharge Permit or this Ordinance in which case a modification may be effective immediately. 3. The Permittee shall request a Discharge Permit modification 90 days prior to increasing flow or changing Wastewater Constituents and Characteristics where such contribution or change will cause the Permittee to be in violation of its Discharge Permit or this Ordinance. The request shall be in writing stating the requested change and the reasons therefore. Within 45 days of receipt of a completed request, EWA may approve, deny or modify the request and make any necessary modification to the Discharge Permit. C. REVOCATION EWA may revoke a Discharge Permit or NSWD Form at any time in accordance with Section 6 of this Ordinance. 3.11 OUT-OF-AREA DISCHARGES A. After the effective date of this Ordinance, any agreement entered into by a Member Agency and an agency outside of the Member Agency’s legal boundary, allowing Discharge to the Encina Sewerage System, and any modifications to such agreement, shall be subject to approval by the EWA Board of Directors and to the procedures set forth in Section 3 of EWA’s Revised Basic Agreement. B. Such agreements shall provide protections to the Encina Sewage System equivalent to those set forth in this Ordinance, such as compliance with Pretreatment Standards and Pretreatment Requirements; rights of inspection and sampling of the User's Discharge to determine compliance with such standards and requirements; and imposition of any fees, fines, costs, or deposits as necessary. C. The Member Agency shall submit to EWA a signed copy of the agreement after all required approvals are obtained. 3.12 FEES AND DEPOSITS A. GENERAL Any fees or deposits prescribed in this Section 3.12 shall be due and payable to EWA at the time prescribed herein or as set forth in any resolution of the EWA Board of Directors establishing certain fees. An unpaid fee is delinquent if it has not been paid within 30 days after 017.126073.13 -21- it is due. All delinquent payments will be assessed a penalty of 10% or $100 per month, which ever is greater. B. FEES 1. APPLICATION/RENEWAL FEES EWA’s Board of Directors may establish by resolution a fee for application for or renewal of a Discharge Permit or NSWD Form. The Application/Renewal Fee shall be in an amount reasonably related to EWA’s costs of reviewing applications and may include an extra amount for expedited review of a renewal application. All permit fees shall be due and be paid prior to issuance or renewal of a Discharge Permit or NSWD Form. Any delinquent payments to EWA must be paid in full prior to issuance or renewal of a Discharge Permit or NSWD Form. 2. ANNUAL FEE Each Permittee and NSIU shall pay to EWA an annual fee in an amount adopted by resolution of the EWA Board of Directors. The Annual Fee shall be in an amount reasonably calculated to cover actual or estimated costs of EWA’s routine compliance monitoring, inspections and reporting applicable to the Permittee or NSIU. The annual fee shall be due to EWA on an annual date as established by the EWA Board of Directors. 3. SPECIAL USE FEE In addition to the Application/Renewal Fee and the Annual Fee, the EWA Board of Directors may establish by resolution a fee to cover any additional costs relating to the issuance of a Special Use Discharge Permit. C. DEPOSITS EWA may require a User to pay a deposit or replenish any deposited amount: (1) prior to issuing, modifying or renewing a Discharge Permit or NSWD Form; (2) for monitoring and/or treatment of a Special Use Discharge; (3) prior to scheduling an appeal or enforcement hearing in accordance with Section 6.4 of this Ordinance; or (4) as part of an enforcement action. The deposit shall be based upon the estimated costs associated with the particular action. EWA may charge the deposit for actual and reasonable costs incurred by EWA or a Member Agency for (1) issuance, modification or renewal of a Discharge Permit or NSWD Form; (2) monitoring and/or treatment of a Special Use Discharge; (3) preparation for and services at an appeal or enforcement hearing in accordance with Section 6.4 of this Ordinance; or (4) the enforcement of a User's compliance with its Discharge Permit or NSWD Form, or this Ordinance. The User will be required to pay any additional costs incurred by EWA in excess of the deposited amount. If a User’s appeal is sustained, the full deposit shall be returned. In all other cases, EWA shall return to the User any remaining deposited amount along with any interest earned upon (1) the User’s surrender of its Discharge Permit or NSWD Form, (2) the cessation 017.126073.13 -22- of the User’s Discharge, or (3) the conclusion of any enforcement action under this Ordinance, which ever is later. EWA shall provide the User an accounting of the deposited amount upon return of the remaining amount, and upon the User’s request. The User's deposit of any amount with EWA shall not constitute an admission of liability or noncompliance with any NSWD Forms or Discharge Permit, or this Ordinance. 017.126073.13 -23- SECTION 4 FACILITIES REQUIREMENTS 4.1 PRETREATMENT FACILITIES A. All Users shall Discharge Wastewater acceptable to EWA in compliance with the Pretreatment Standards and Pretreatment Requirements set forth in this Ordinance. Users shall provide, maintain and pay for any facilities required to pretreat or transport Wastewater that meet the requirements of this Ordinance and the User’s Discharge Permit or NSWD Form. B. EWA may review and approve, based upon the Director’s BPJ, the User’s Pretreatment facilities. In no event shall any review or approval indicate compliance with this Ordinance, any Discharge Permit or NSWD Form. C. EWA may require any Users to submit waste minimization plans, contingency plans and other necessary documentation to ensure proper operation of the Pretreatment facilities. D. EWA may require any User to install technology to meet Pretreatment Standards or Pretreatment Requirements, in accordance with Section 6 of this Ordinance. 4.2 SPILL CONTAINMENT FACILITIES All Users shall provide, maintain and pay for spill containment facilities to protect against Discharge in violation of this Ordinance. Spill containment facilities shall be designed to secure 110% of the capacity of the largest single tank within the structure and prevent it from entering into the Encina Sewerage System, in accordance with reasonable engineering standards. 4.3 MONITORING/METERING FACILITIES A. Samples and measurements taken as required herein shall be representative of the volume and nature of the Process Wastewater Discharge. All samples shall be taken at the monitoring point specified in the User’s Discharge Permit and, unless otherwise specified, before the Discharge is diluted by any other wastestream, body of water or substance. B. EWA may require the User to construct and maintain in proper operating condition at the User’s sole expense flow monitoring, constituent monitoring and/or sampling facilities, in a manner that allows free and uninterrupted access by EWA. C. Any sample taken from a sampling location designated in the User’s Discharge Permit is considered representative of the quality and/or quantity of normal Process Wastewater generated during daily operations at the facility. D. Monitoring or metering facilities may include a locking security closure for EWA’s access only. If the locking device is owned by the User, the User shall provide EWA with key entry access to the monitoring or metering facility, permitting entry without delay during all hours of operation. 017.126073.13 -24- E. Location of the monitoring or metering facilities shall be determined by the User based upon the User’s processes and in-line Pretreatment Equipment, if applicable, and subject to approval by EWA. F. If a User has various operations producing different Wastewater Constituents and Characteristics, or subject to different Categorical Standards, EWA may require the User to install separate monitoring or metering facilities for each operation. G. All devices used to measure Wastewater flow or Wastewater Characteristics and Constituents shall be installed and calibrated by a qualified individual(s) according to manufacturer’s specifications at a frequency determined by EWA based upon the Director’s BPJ, and/or upon EWA’s request, to ensure their accuracy. 4.4 DRAWING SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Users shall submit to EWA detailed drawings for review of existing or proposed construction of Pretreatment Facilities, Spill Containment Facilities and Monitoring or Metering Facilities. Users shall not begin construction of the proposed facility without prior approval of EWA. EWA’s review or approval of the drawings shall in no way relieve the User of any future responsibility for modifying the facilities or procedures to meet the requirements of this Ordinance. B. All drawings shall include the following: (1) north arrow; (2) scale size; (3) User name and address; (4) drawing name and drawing number; (5) date drawn or revised; (6) name of draftsman and name of person approving drawing. C. EWA may require drawings to scale or schematic drawings depicting the manufacturing process (waste generating sources), spill containment, Pretreatment facilities, and/or monitoring and metering facilities. D. EWA may require the drawings be prepared by a California Registered Chemical, Mechanical or Civil Engineer. 4.5 BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPs) A. All Permittees, including NSIUs, shall implement any and all feasible BMPs to minimize Pollutant and Wastewater Discharge. B. BMPs include any action that causes a net reduction in the use or generation of Pollutants that are Discharged into Wastewater and include, but are not limited to, Pretreatment, maintenance procedures, and any of the following: 1. Input change: A change in raw materials used in a production process or operation so as to reduce, avoid or eliminate the generation of Pollutants Discharged in Wastewater. 2. Operational improvement: Improved site management so as to reduce, avoid or eliminate the generation of Pollutants Discharged in Wastewater. 017.126073.13 -25- 3. Production process change: A change in a process, method or technique that is used to produce a product or a desired result, including the return of materials or their components for reuse within the existing processes or operations or recycling of water or Wastewater byproducts, so as to reduce, avoid or eliminate the generation of Pollutants Discharged in Wastewater. 4. Product reformulation: Changes in design, composition or specifications of end products, including product substitution, so as to reduce, avoid or eliminate the generation of problem Pollutants Discharged in Wastewater. C. Pollution prevention does not include actions that merely shift a Pollutant in Wastewater from one environmental medium to another environmental medium, unless clear environmental benefits of such an approach are identified to the satisfaction of the Director. 4.6 ADDITIONAL PRETREATMENT MEASURES A. TIME AND LOCATION OF DISCHARGE To protect the Encina Sewerage System or to assess the User’s compliance with the requirements of this Ordinance, the Director may require: (1) Users to restrict Discharge during peak flow periods; (2) that certain Wastewater be Discharged only into specific sewers; (3) Users to relocate and/or consolidate points of Discharge; (4) Users to separate sewage wastestreams from industrial wastestreams; and (5) such other conditions as may be necessary in the Director's BPJ. B. FLOW EQUALIZATION The Director may require any Person Discharging into the Encina Sewerage System to install and maintain on its property and at its expense, a storage and flow-control facility to ensure equalization of flow. C. INTERCEPTORS EWA may require Users to install Grease and Oil, or sand interceptors when, in the Director’s BPJ, such interceptors are necessary for the proper handling of Wastewater containing excessive amounts of Grease and Oil or sand to reduce the amount of Grease and Oil or sand flow entering the system. All interceptor units shall be of type and capacity approved by the Director and shall be so located to be easily accessible for cleaning and inspection. Such interceptors shall be inspected, cleaned and repaired regularly, as needed, by the User at the User’s expense. D. GAS DETECTION METER EWA may require Users with the potential to Discharge flammable substances to install and maintain an approved combustible gas detection meter. 017.126073.13 -26- SECTION 5 MONITORING, REPORTING, INSPECTION & NOTIFICATION 5.1 SELF-MONITORING REPORTS A. EWA may require any User to submit self-monitoring reports of Wastewater Constituents and Characteristics in order to determine compliance with the User's Discharge Permit or this Ordinance. When required, the self-monitoring requirement and frequency of reporting shall be set forth in the User's Discharge Permit. B. All sample analyses shall be performed by a laboratory certified by the State of California under the Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP) and follow the requirements set forth in 40 C.F.R. Part 136. C. The analyses of Wastewater Constituents and Characteristics and the preparation of the monitoring report shall be at the User’s sole expense. D. The User shall establish and maintain a representative sample point from which all samples shall be taken. The representative sampling point shall be designated in the User’s Discharge Permit. Users shall submit all monitoring data taken at the sample point and analyzed according to B. above even if the User samples more frequently than is required by its Discharge Permit. E. If self-monitoring indicates a violation, the User shall notify EWA within 24 hours of becoming aware of the violation. The User shall repeat the sampling and analysis and submit the results of the repeat analysis to EWA within 30 days. F. In the event a User fails to perform any required self-monitoring and/or to submit self-monitoring reports, EWA may initiate all necessary tasks and analyses to determine the User’s Wastewater Constituents and Characteristics for any limitations and requirements specified in the User's Discharge Permit or in this Ordinance. The User shall be responsible for any and all expenses of EWA in undertaking such monitoring analyses and preparation of reports. 5.2 BASELINE MONITORING REPORTS (BMRs) Any New Source and any User subject to a new or revised Categorical Standard shall submit a BMR prior to the issuance or renewal of its Discharge Permit. Each BMR shall contain the information set forth in 40 C.F.R. Section 403.12(b)(1)-(6) and shall be submitted within the prescribed timeframes. 5.3 REPORT ON COMPLIANCE WITH CATEGORICAL STANDARD Within 90 days following the date for final compliance with an applicable Categorical Standard or in the case of a New Source following the commencement of Discharge, any User subject to Pretreatment Standards and Pretreatment Requirements shall submit to EWA a report containing the information set forth in 40 C.F.R. Section 403.12(b)(4)-(6). For Users subject to 017.126073.13 -27- equivalent mass or concentration limits, the report shall contain a reasonable measure of the User’s long-term production rate. For all other Users subject to Categorical Standards expressed in terms of allowable Pollutant Discharge unit of production (or other measure of operation), the report shall include the User’s actual production during the appropriate sampling period. 5.4 COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE PROGRESS REPORTS All Users subject to a compliance schedule issued pursuant to Section 6 as required by a Discharge Permit shall submit a progress report within 14 days of each interim compliance date set forth in the compliance schedule. 5.5 SEMI-ANNUAL COMPLIANCE STATUS REPORTS All Class I, Class II, and Class III Permittees shall submit reports to EWA in accordance with 40 C.F.R. Section 403.12(e) and (h), respectively. These reports shall be submitted twice each year for the periods July 1 through December 31; and January 1 through June 30; and shall be due on January 15 and July 15 of each year respectively. 5.6 SLUG CONTROL PLANS EWA shall evaluate whether each Significant Industrial User needs a slug control plan to control Slug Discharges. EWA may require any User to develop, submit for approval and implement such a plan. A slug control plan shall address, at a minimum, the following; A. Description of routine and non-routine Discharge practices; B. Description of stored chemicals, the quantities used and disposal practices for each; C. Procedures for immediately notifying the EWA of any Slug Discharge, as required by Section 5.14(B) of this Ordinance; and D. Procedures to prevent adverse impact from any Slug Discharge. Such procedures include, but are not limited to, all pollution prevention measures that have been implemented by the User, inspection and maintenance of Pretreatment systems and storage areas, handling and transfer of materials, worker training, measures for containing Pollutants, measures for ensuring against the deliberate initiation of a Slug Discharge and measures and equipment for emergency response. 5.7 TOXIC ORGANICS MANAGEMENT PLAN EWA may require any User to submit a Toxic Organic Management Plan (TOMP) to address the prevention of Discharge of Toxic Organics to the Encina Sewerage System or the environment. A TOMP shall contain, at a minimum, the toxic organic compounds used, the method(s) of disposal, and the procedures for assuring that toxic organics do not spill into the wastewater being discharged. The Director may allow a User to develop and implement a TOMP in lieu of required self-monitoring for Toxic Organics. 017.126073.13 -28- 5.8 WASTEHAULER DISCHARGE REPORT Each Wastehauler shall complete a Septage Discharge report for each load Discharged. The report shall include the following information: (1) date and time of Discharge; (2) type of Septage Discharged; (3) volume of Discharge; (4) company name; (5) truck license number; (6) driver’s name; (7) source of Septage (chemical toilet route number or name of client(s) and address). 5.9 FALSE STATEMENTS AND CERTIFICATION A. Persons submitting Permit applications and reports pursuant to this Ordinance are subject to the provisions of 18 U.S.C. Section 1001, Section 309 of the Clean Water Act, 40 C.F.R. Section 403.12 (b)(6) and any other provisions of law imposing civil and/or criminal penalties for making false statements. B. All Discharge Permit applications and any reports submitted pursuant to this Ordinance shall be signed by an Authorized Representative of the User, indicate the city in which the statement was signed (or county, if signed in an unincorporated area) and contain the following certification statement: “I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.” 5.10 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION All User information and data on file with EWA shall be available to the public and governmental agencies without restriction unless the User specifically requests and is able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of EWA that the release of such information would divulge information, processes or methods that would be detrimental to the User’s competitive position. The User must demonstrate that the need for confidentiality made by the User must meet the burden necessary for withholding such information from the general public under applicable State and federal law and as stipulated in the EWA Records Retention Policy (Resolution 05-8), as amended from time to time, which is maintained at the EWA administrative offices. Any such claim must be made at the time of submittal of the information by marking the submittal “confidential business information” on each page containing such information. Information which is demonstrated to be confidential shall not be transmitted to anyone other than a governmental agency without prior notification to the User. Information concerning Wastewater quality and quantity will not be deemed confidential. 017.126073.13 -29- 5.11 REPORTS FROM UNPERMITTED USERS All Users not required to obtain a Discharge Permit, such as Users that have been issued a NSWD Form, shall provide reports to the Director as requested. 5.12 EWA’S RIGHT TO INSPECT, SAMPLE, AND EWA’S RIGHT OF ENTRY A. Persons or occupants of premises where Wastewater is created or Discharged shall allow EWA, or its representatives, reasonable access to all parts of the Wastewater generating and disposal facilities as necessary for the purposes of inspection and sampling to determine compliance with a Discharge Permit or this Ordinance. EWA has the right to enter any User’s facility without prior notice if the User is required to obtain a Discharge Permit or NSWD Form under this Ordinance. B. Agents or employees of EWA may inspect and sample from the Wastewater generating and disposal facilities of any User to ascertain whether the intent of this Ordinance is being met and the User is complying with requirements. Where a User has security measures in force, the User shall make necessary arrangements so that, upon presentation of suitable identification, personnel from EWA will be permitted to enter without delay for the purpose of performing their specific responsibilities. C. EWA shall have the right to set up on the User's property or other locations as determined by EWA such devices as are necessary to conduct sampling or metering operations. D. A User shall remove promptly any temporary or permanent obstruction to safe and easy access to the facility to be inspected and/or sampled at the written or verbal request of EWA and such obstruction shall not be replaced. The User is responsible for the costs of removing such obstruction. E. Unreasonable delays or interference in allowing EWA access to the User's premises shall for the purposes of enforcement of this Ordinance be a violation of this Ordinance. 5.13 RECORDKEEPING In order for EWA to determine the Wastewater characteristics of the User for purposes of determining compliance with a Discharge Permit, a NSWD Form, or this Ordinance, all Users shall make available to EWA for inspection and/or copying at the User’s expense, the following records: all notices, self-monitoring reports and supporting records, BMP documentation, Waste Manifests and any other records relating to the Discharge required to be kept under State or federal law. User shall retain all records a minimum of three years. 5.14 NOTIFICATIONS A. CHANGE TO DISCHARGE All Users are required to notify the EWA before increasing or decreasing flow or Wastewater Constituents or Characteristics by more than 10% from the amounts described in the applicable Discharge Permit or NSWD Form. 017.126073.13 -30- B. BYPASS/SLUG DISCHARGE 1. All Users are required to notify EWA immediately of any facility changes that may affect the potential for a Slug Discharge. 2. If a User anticipates the need for a Bypass or Slug Discharge, it shall submit prior notice to EWA, if possible at least 10 days before the date of the Bypass or Slug Discharge. 3. EWA may approve an anticipated Bypass or Slug Discharge after considering its adverse effects, and in the case of a Bypass, only if EWA determines that it will meet the conditions set forth in Section 2.6 of this Ordinance. Approval of an anticipated Bypass or Slug Discharge does not relieve the User of any expense, loss, damage or other liability which may be incurred as a result of damage or loss to EWA and/or a Member Agency or any other damage or loss to person or property; nor shall such notification relieve the User of any fees or other liability which may be imposed by this Ordinance or other applicable law. 4. A User shall submit to EWA oral notice of an unanticipated Bypass or Slug Discharge that violates the User’s Discharge Permit or NSWD Form or this Ordinance within 24 hours after the User has knowledge of the Bypass or Slug Discharge. A User shall submit to EWA a written report within five working days after the User becomes aware of the Bypass or Slug Discharge. The report shall contain a description of the Bypass or Slug Discharge and its cause; the duration of the Bypass or Slug Discharge, including exact dates and times, and, if the Bypass or Slug Discharge has not been corrected, the anticipated time it is expected to continue; and steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate and prevent recurrence of the Bypass or Slug Discharge. 5. Failure to submit oral notice and/or written report may be grounds for Discharge Permit suspension or revocation. Failure to provide timely notice is deemed a waiver of the Bypass defense for any violation. 6. Notification of Bypass shall not relieve the User of any expense, loss, damage or other liability which may be incurred as a result of damage or loss to EWA and/or a Member Agency or any other damage or loss to person or property; nor shall such notification relieve the User of any fees or other liability which may be imposed by this Ordinance or other applicable law. 7. Users shall post in a prominent place on the User's employee bulletin board or other notice board a notice advising employees whom to call in the event of a Bypass or Slug Discharge. Users shall ensure that all employees who contribute to causing such a Discharge are advised of the emergency notification procedure. C. DISCHARGE OF HAZARDOUS WASTE Users shall give notices of Discharge of hazardous waste, as defined in 40 C.F.R. Part 261, in accordance with 40 C.F.R. Section 403.12(p). 017.126073.13 -31- SECTION 6 ENFORCEMENT 6.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE EWA finds that enforcement of this Ordinance throughout the Encina Service Area is vital to the protection of the public’s health and safety, the environment and to the Encina Sewerage System. Any violation or continuing violation of a provision of this Ordinance, a Discharge Permit, a NSWD Form, an administrative order or applicable state or federal law may be grounds for enforcement action against a User. EWA shall conduct enforcement proceedings in accordance with its Enforcement Response Plan, as amended from time to time, to ensure consistent application of the provisions of this Ordinance. 6.2 FINDINGS OF VIOLATION EWA may make findings of violations of a Discharge Permit, a NSWD Form, this Ordinance or applicable law based upon the following: A. Review of information submitted by a User to EWA; B. Review of EWA’s inspection of the User’s facility and/or sampling of the User’s Discharge; C. A User's failure to submit any required documentation, report or notice; D. A User's failure to pay any fees, fines, costs or deposits as required by this Ordinance; E. Any other information received by EWA. 6.3 ADMINISTRATIVE ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS EWA may impose any of the enforcement actions set forth herein against a User upon a finding that a violation has occurred. A. NOTICE OF VIOLATION (NOV) 1. Upon finding a violation of this Ordinance, a Discharge Permit, a NSWD Form, an administrative enforcement order or applicable law, EWA may issue the User an NOV. 2. For any violation of Sections 2.1(A), 2.1(B)(3), (4) and (6)-(8) of this Ordinance, EWA shall examine whether the User has an affirmative defense as set forth in 40 C.F.R. Section 403.5(2). If in the Director's BPJ the User has an affirmative defense, EWA shall not issue an NOV. 3. An NOV shall: a. describe the violation and the basis for the violation; 017.126073.13 -32- b. cite the provision of the Ordinance, Discharge Permit or law violated; c. require correction of the violation and/or a written explanation of the cause of the violation, within a specified timeframe; d. set forth any administrative enforcement action imposed by EWA; e. provide written instructions for obtaining a hearing and the deadlines for doing so, if applicable. 4. In the event that the notice of violation imposes any administrative enforcement action(s), EWA shall issue the NOV by at least one of the following methods: (1) via certified mail with return receipt requested; (2) personal delivery; or (3) posting the notice of violation conspicuously on or in front of the User’s premises. B. MONETARY FINES 1. In general, the fine shall be assessed at a level that recovers the economic benefit derived by the User from the acts constituting the violation. An Officer may impose monetary fines in an amount not to exceed $1,000 per violation per day. The Director may impose monetary fines in an amount not to exceed $5,000 per violation per day or $10 per gallon. 2. The fine shall be imposed in accordance with the recommendations found in EWA’s Enforcement Response Plan and Guide issued by the Director from time to time, and maintained at the EWA administrative offices. 3. Payment Due Date. The fines prescribed in this Section shall be due and payable to EWA within 30 days from the date of receipt of the NOV or administrative enforcement order. Any unpaid fine will be assessed a penalty of 10% or $100 per month, whichever is greater. C. ENFORCEMENT AND OTHER COSTS EWA may require the User to pay any additional costs incurred which are reasonably related to the enforcement of a User’s Discharge Permit or NSWD Form or any requirements of this Ordinance. These costs may include any inspections, monitoring, sampling or other investigations required by EWA on a non-routine basis; procurement of water records; additional treatment; reasonable attorney fees and other legal costs, whether or not civil enforcement is pursued in court; any expert analysis required on a non-routine basis; any damage to the Encina Sewerage System; costs required to resume normal operations of the Encina Sewerage System; and any other costs incurred by EWA or a Member Agency in its enforcement efforts. These costs shall be based upon actual cost, including actual staff time incurred for such enforcement activities. These costs are due and payable as directed in any notice and are not subject to appeal. EWA shall provide the User an accounting of these costs upon the User’s request. 017.126073.13 -33- D. NON-COMPLIANCE SAMPLING In response to repeated violations, a User’s self-monitoring frequency may be increased to determine whether the corrective actions taken in response to a violation have returned the User to compliance. E. ENFORCEMENT SECURITY The Director may require a User to deposit cash, provide a letter of credit or other security in a form approved by the Director sufficient to ensure the User’s compliance; or payment of any fees, fines, or costs; or to ensure participation in any requested hearing, in accordance with Section 3.12 of this Ordinance. F. COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE The Director may impose a compliance schedule based upon his or her BPJ, setting forth the action(s) necessary to comply with this Ordinance or a Discharge Permit, and the deadlines for completing such action(s). G. COMPLIANCE MEETING The Director may require a User to attend a meeting when there is a pattern of noncompliance or a serious violation has occurred. At the meeting, the User shall be asked to provide an explanation for the violation(s) and describe the actions taken or planned to prevent recurrence. H. PUBLICATION OF VIOLATION The Director may require the User to notify the public and/or other Users in the Encina Sewerage System of the User’s violation, the User’s action taken to correct the violation and any enforcement actions imposed by EWA. I. CEASE AND DESIST ORDER The Director may issue a Cease and Desist Order when a User is found: discharging without a Permit; discharging unauthorized wastestreams; or discharging wastewater that could cause interference or pass-through or otherwise create an emergency situation. The Cease and Desist Order will become effective immediately upon receipt and will indicate the steps that must be taken for discharge to resume. J. SHOW CAUSE HEARING The Director may require the User to attend a formal meeting to explain its noncompliance, and show cause why severe enforcement actions (e.g. permit suspension, revocation or termination of service) should not be taken. A Show Cause Hearing does not preclude and is not a necessary prerequisite for taking other enforcement actions. 017.126073.13 -34- K. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF DISCHARGE PERMIT, TERMINATION OF SERVICE The Director, exercising his or her BPJ, may suspend or revoke a User’s Discharge Permit or physically terminate service whenever the User: 1. Fails to comply with the terms of a notice of violation or Compliance Schedule; 2. Fails to make timely payment of any amount due to EWA; 3. Fails to provide reports or other documents required by EWA to determine compliance with a Discharge Permit and this Ordinance; 4. Knowingly provides a false statement to EWA; 5. Falsifies, tampers with or knowingly renders inaccurate any monitoring device or sample collection equipment; 6. Fails to report a significant change in operations, as required by this Ordinance; 7. Refuses access to User’s facilities upon EWA’s demand without delay; 8. Discharges any Wastewater in violation of its Discharge Permit or this Ordinance. 6.4 ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL A. RIGHT TO HEARING 1. A User may request a hearing regarding any monetary fine greater that $750 imposed by an Officer, by submitting to the Director, within seven days of the date of receipt of the NOV, a written request for a hearing, along with the hearing deposit allowed by Section 3.12 of this Ordinance. The Director shall be the Hearing Officer at such a hearing. 2. A User may request a hearing regarding any discharge permit, compliance schedule, monetary fine greater than $1000, suspension or revocation of Discharge Permit, or termination of service order imposed by the Director by submitting to the General Manager a written request for a hearing within seven days from the User’s receipt, along with the hearing deposit allowed by Section 3.12 of this Ordinance. The General Manager shall be the Hearing Officer at such a hearing. 3. A User may appeal to the Board of Directors any enforcement order suspending or revoking a Discharge Permit or terminating a User’s service by submitting to the General Manager a written request for a hearing within seven days from the User’s receipt of the enforcement order, along with the hearing deposit allowed by Section 3.12 of this Ordinance. The Board Chair shall be the Hearing Officer at such a hearing. 017.126073.13 -35- 4. Failure to submit a timely petition for a hearing shall be deemed to be a waiver of the administrative appeal. 5. No other administrative appeal is provided under this Ordinance. B. REQUEST FOR HEARING 1. Hearing requests regarding enforcement actions shall set forth with specificity the reasons for the hearing, including whether the User challenges the factual basis of the decision, and if so, what facts in particular, or whether the User challenges the legal basis of the decision or the reasonableness of the sanctions imposed. 2. Hearing requests regarding discharge permit conditions must indicate the Wastewater Discharge Permit provisions objected to, the reasons for this objection, and the alternative condition(s), if any, the User seeks to place in the Wastewater Discharge Permit. The effectiveness of the Wastewater Discharge Permit shall not be stayed pending the appeal. C. TIME FOR HEARING 1. Hearings conducted by the Director or the General Manager shall be held within 15 days of EWA’s receipt of the written request. The hearing may be adjourned and reconvened for good cause at the discretion of the Hearing Officer. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the hearing shall be concluded within 30 days of EWA’s receipt of the written request unless otherwise agreed by EWA and the User. 2. Hearings conducted by the Board of Directors shall be held within 45 days of EWA’s receipt of the written request. D. RECORD ON REVIEW The Board of Directors’ review shall be limited to the hearing record as defined in Section 6.4(G) of this Ordinance, unless the User or the General Manager demonstrates to the Board that new information has been discovered which did not exist or could not be discovered at the time of the enforcement hearing held in accordance with Section 6.4 of this Ordinance. E. DUTIES OF HEARING OFFICER 1. The Hearing Officer shall schedule a day, time and place for the hearing, and shall ensure that the User receives written notice of the day, time and place of the hearing at least five days prior to the date of the hearing. 2. The Hearing Officer shall act to ensure that the EWA and the User have a reasonable opportunity to be heard and to present all relevant oral and documentary evidence and that proper decorum is maintained, and shall not act as an advocate for EWA or for a User. 017.126073.13 -36- 3. The Hearing Officer shall have the authority and discretion to decide when oral and documentary evidence may or may not be introduced, and to rule on questions which are raised during the hearing pertaining to matters of procedure. The Hearing Officer may admit evidence as long as responsible persons are accustomed to rely on such evidence in the conduct of serious affairs, regardless of the admissibility of such evidence in a court of law. 4. The Hearing Officer shall listen to and examine all evidence, direct questions to the User and the EWA as needed, determine the credibility and weight of the evidence. 5. The Hearing Officer has the authority to uphold EWA’s enforcement action, rescind the action or implement any of the actions allowed under this Section 6. F. PROCEDURE AT HEARING 1. Enforcement hearings are intended to be informal in nature. Formal rules of evidence and discovery do not apply. The General Manager may, from time to time, establish hearing guidelines to guide the hearing procedure. 2. The EWA shall have the burden of proving by preponderance of the evidence the existence of a violation of this Ordinance, a Discharge Permit, an enforcement order or any applicable State or federal law. 3. Both the EWA and the User shall have the opportunity to present documentary evidence and to cross-examine witnesses in support of its position. G. RECORD OF THE HEARING 1. The Hearing Officer shall cause a recording of the hearing to be made either by tape recording or by providing a court reporter service. The User shall be entitled to receive a copy of a hearing transcript, if made, or the recording upon paying the reasonable cost for preparing the record, in accordance with applicable law. 2. The Record of the Hearing shall consist of the recording or transcript of the hearing, all notices, the Hearing Officer's written decision, all admitted exhibits, all rejected exhibits in EWA's possession and any other written correspondence or evidence relating to the User's administrative hearing. H. FAILURE TO ATTEND THE HEARING In the event a User fails to attend a duly noticed hearing, the User shall be deemed to have waived the right to a hearing and the permit or notice of violation and any enforcement actions set forth therein shall become final and binding upon the User on the day following the day scheduled for the hearing. I. ADMINISTRATIVE ENFORCEMENT ORDER 1. After the conclusion of the hearing, the Hearing Officer shall issue a decision, as set forth in subparagraph 2 below, which may adopt, reject or modify, in whole or in part, the 017.126073.13 -37- findings of fact, the enforcement actions or conditions included in the notice of violation or other actions addressed at the hearing. The decision may impose without further hearing or appeal, an enforcement action, such as revocation of a Discharge Permit or NSWD Form, or physical termination of service, in the event the Hearing Officer later determines that the User has violated any terms of the administrative enforcement order. 2. The Hearing Officer shall prepare a written enforcement order setting forth the decision, a brief statement of the facts found to be true, a determination of the issues presented and conclusions, articulating the connection between the evidence produced at the hearing and the decision. The written order shall be in sufficient detail to enable any reviewing body or court to determine the basis for the decision on each charge included in the notice of violation. The written order shall provide an explanation of the procedure for appealing the decision to the EWA Board of Directors, if applicable, and notify the User of the timeframe for seeking judicial review, as required by Section 1094.6 of the Code of Civil Procedure. 3. The Hearing Officer’s enforcement order shall be sent to the User at its business address, within 30 days after the conclusion of the hearing. 6.5 EMERGENCY SUSPENSION, REVOCATION OR TERMINATION OF SERVICE A. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Ordinance, the Director may take any action to suspend or revoke a User’s Discharge Permit or to physically terminate service in the event of an emergency. B. For purposes of this Ordinance, “emergency” means any event that poses an imminent and substantial danger to the public health and welfare or the environment. C. In the event of an emergency, the Director shall issue a notice of violation in accordance with Section 6.3(A) of this Ordinance, and shall specify when the suspension, revocation or termination shall be effective. D. A User may request that a hearing be held within 48 hours after notice of the emergency suspension, revocation or termination, in accordance with Sections 6.4 of this Ordinance. 6.6 EFFECTIVE DATE OF DECISIONS Except for any emergency termination ordered pursuant to Section 6.5 of this Ordinance, all enforcement orders issued pursuant to a hearing shall be effective on the date received by the User in accordance with Section 1.1(E) of this Ordinance. In the event a User fails to request a hearing within the timeframe required, a notice of violation shall be deemed an enforcement order and shall be effective upon the expiration of the timeframe during which a hearing may be requested. Any decision of the Board of Directors issued pursuant to an administrative hearing shall be effective upon the date received by the User in accordance with Section 1.1(E) of this Ordinance. 017.126073.13 -38- 6.7 PUBLICATION OF SIGNIFICANT NONCOMPLIANCE In accordance with 40 C.F.R. Section 403.8(f)(2)(viii), EWA shall publish at least annually a list of Users who within the previous 12 months were in significant noncompliance, as defined in 40 C.F.R. Section 403.8(f)(2)(viii)(A)-(H). 6.8 ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT In accordance with Government Code Section 54740.5, EWA may issue an administrative complaint against any User that has violated any terms of this Ordinance. 6.9 JUDICIAL REMEDIES In addition to the administrative enforcement remedies provided by this Ordinance, EWA may take any other judicial action allowed by law, including: A. CIVIL PENALTIES In accordance with Government Code Section 54740(b), the General Manager, on behalf of EWA, may petition the superior court to impose, assess and recover from any Person sums not to exceed $25,000 a day for each violation of this Ordinance. All civil penalties imposed by the court for violations are payable to EWA. Civil penalties under this Section 6.9(A) are in addition to any and all other civil or criminal remedies other than administrative fines imposed under this Ordinance. B. INJUNCTION The General Manager, on behalf of EWA, may petition the superior court for a temporary restraining order, temporary or permanent injunction. 6.10 MISDEMEANOR Any violation of this Ordinance is a misdemeanor, in accordance with Water Code Section 31106. 6.11 REMEDIES NOT EXCLUSIVE The administrative enforcement actions, and any other remedies provided under this Ordinance are not exclusive, and are in addition to any other administrative, civil or criminal remedy established by law which may be pursued by EWA or other State or federal regulatory agencies to address violations of this Ordinance and federal and State law. 6.12 JUDICIAL REVIEW A. Judicial review of any EWA enforcement decision shall be made pursuant to Section 1094.5 of the Code of Civil Procedure only if the petition for writ of mandate is filed not later than the 90th day following the date on which the decision becomes final. If this Ordinance provides for no appeal of the decision, the decision becomes final the date the decision is 017.126073.13 -39- effective. If this Ordinance provides for an appeal of the decision, the decision becomes final upon the expiration of the period during which the appeal can be sought. B. Aggrieved parties seeking judicial review of the final administrative wastewater discharge permit decision must do so by filing a compliant with the Superior Court for San Diego County within 90 days. 017.126073.13 -40- Encina Wastewater Authority ENFORCEMENT RESPONSE PLAN AND GUIDE Amended January 24, 2007 Effective March 1, 2007 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction……………………………………………………………........…3 II. Definitions……………………………………….……………………………..3 III. Identifying Noncompliance…………………………………………………..4 IV. Enforcement Mechanisms…………………………………………………...5 V. Responsibilities………………………………………………………………..8 VI. Enforcement Response Guidance………………………………………….9 Appendix A - Enforcement Response Guide……………………………………11 3 I. Introduction The Encina Wastewater Authority's (EWA’s) Enforcement Response Plan (ERP) has been developed pursuant to the requirements set forth in 40 CFR 403.8(f)(5) and in accordance with EWA’s Pretreatment Ordinance, as amended from time to time. The ERP is intended to support EWA's responsibility to enforce all applicable pretreatment requirements in a consistent, fair, and timely manner for all Users. Included in the plan are: the procedures utilized for identifying violations; the types of escalating enforcement mechanisms available to EWA; the staff members responsible for initiating each level of enforcement; and guidance in the application of those measures relative to the nature and severity of the violation cited. [See Enforcement Response Guide (ERG), Appendix A] Maximum monetary fines are recommended at each enforcement level that are intended to recover the cost of enforcement, as well as address the economic benefit derived from the act(s) constituting the violation(s). II. Definitions Significant Industrial User (SIU) – Any User that has received or is required to obtain a Class I or II Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit. Significant Noncompliance (SNC) – An IU is in significant noncompliance if it incurs violations, which meet one or more of the following criteria: 1. 66% or more of all measurements taken during two consecutive calendar quarters at a given sample point exceed the daily maximum or average limit for the same pollutant parameter; 2. 33% or more of all measurements take during two consecutive calendar quarters at a given sample point equal or exceed the product of the daily maximum or average limit multiplied by the applicable Technical Review Criteria (TRC) factor (TRC = 1.4 for oil & grease and 1.2 for all other pollutants except pH); 3. Any other violation of a pretreatment standard or requirement as defined by 40 CFR 403.3(l) (daily maximum, long-term average, instantaneous limit, or narrative standard) that EWA determines has caused, alone or in combination with other discharges, interference or pass-through (including endangering the health of sewage treatment personnel or the general public); 4. Any discharge of a pollutant that has caused imminent endangerment to human health, welfare or to the environment or has resulted in the exercise of emergency authority under 40 CFR 403.8(f)(1)(vi)(B), to halt or prevent such a discharge; 5. Failure to meet, within ninety days after the schedule date, a compliance schedule milestone; 6. Failure to provide within 45 days after the due date, required reports including baseline monitoring reports, self-monitoring reports, and compliance reports; 4 7. Failure to accurately report noncompliance; 8. Any other violation or group of violations, which may include a violation of Best Management Practices, that EWA determines will adversely affect the operation or implementation of the Pretreatment Program. User – A source of indirect Discharge or a non-Domestic entity with a process onsite subject to categorical standards, whether or not such process generates a discharge. III. Identifying Noncompliance EWA’s Pretreatment Program staff conducts various activities to identify Industrial User (IU) noncompliance. A summary of these is provided below. Industrial User Survey – EWA gathers information to identify non-domestic dischargers in the service area that require a permit. New IUs are identified through review of monthly business license lists, surveys submitted with new construction permit applications, the telephone book, internet searches and visual inspections of the service area. Inspections – Permitted IUs are inspected at least annually to determine compliance with applicable regulations, verify information submitted to EWA in reports and applications, and identify operational changes. Site visits typically include an inspection of process, chemical and waste storage areas and a review of documents such as operations and maintenance logs, employee training records, and hazardous waste manifests. Additional inspections are conducted in response to IU violations and to confirm the correction of deficiencies noted during annual inspections. Monitoring – EWA performs quarterly sampling of Significant Industrial Users (SIUs) and intermittent monitoring of other permitted IUs to determine compliance with their permit discharge limitations. SIUs are also required to conduct self- monitoring at least twice a year. Additional samples are collected when violations are identified. Samples are analyzed by EWA’s laboratory or another ELAP- certified contract lab in accordance with 40 CFR Part 136. Report Review – Permitted IUs are required to submit various reports such as Baseline Monitoring Reports, semiannual Compliance Status Reports and responses to violation notices. These are carefully reviewed to verify they are: submitted on time; complete; a chain-of-custody form is included; samples collected were the appropriate type; samples were collected during the proper time period; all required constituents were monitored for; samples were analyzed using methods found at 40 CFR Part 136; samples were analyzed within the allowable holding time; sample results are in compliance with permit discharge limitations; and the required certification statements are included and signed by authorized personnel. 5 IV. Enforcement Mechanisms The enforcement mechanisms available to EWA are discussed below. The Pretreatment Ordinance provides the legal authority necessary to implement any and all measures required to guarantee User compliance. Any appeal rights and procedures are set forth in EWA’s Pretreatment Ordinance. Notice of Violation - A Notice of Violation (NOV) is a written notice from EWA to the IU that: 1. Describes the violation and the basis for the violation; 2. Cites the Ordinance or permit provision violated; 3. Requires correction of the violation and/or a written explanation of the cause of the violation, within a specified time frame, if applicable; 4. Sets forth any enforcement action imposed by EWA; and 5. Informs the User of its right to an administrative hearing on the matter, if applicable. Monetary Fines - EWA’s Industrial Waste Inspectors may impose monetary penalties in an amount not to exceed $1,000 per violation per day. EWA’s Director of Environmental Compliance may impose monetary penalties in an amount not to exceed $5,000 per violation per day or $10 per gallon. In general, the fine is assessed at a level that recovers the economic benefit derived from the acts constituting the violation and is imposed in accordance with the recommendations found in the ERG. Enforcement Costs - EWA may impose on the User additional enforcement costs incurred as a result of the User’s violation. These costs are directly related to the additional EWA staff time, sampling and analysis costs, and other costs incurred by EWA as a result of the violation. Enforcement Security - EWA may require a User to post a performance bond, letter of credit, cash or other security sufficient to secure the User’s compliance. Noncompliance Sampling – If the results of a User’s self-monitoring indicate a violation has occurred, the User must repeat the sampling and pollutant analysis and submit the results to EWA within 30 days of becoming aware of the violation. In response to repeated violations, EWA may increase a User’s self-monitoring frequency. EWA may also conduct additional sampling and analysis of a User’s discharge to determine whether the corrective actions taken in response to a violation have returned the User to compliance. Compliance Inspection – EWA’s Inspectors may conduct a facility inspection in response to a violation or to confirm that specific actions have been taken to correct noncompliance. The results of the inspection shall be documented in a report. Based on the report, the Director may resolve a Notice of Violation or take further enforcement actions. 6 Compliance Meeting – EWA may require a User to attend a meeting when there is a pattern of noncompliance or a serious violation has occurred. The User shall be notified of the meeting through a NOV, which shall specify the date, time and location of the meeting. The meeting shall be conducted by the Director. At the meeting, the User shall be asked to provide an explanation for the violation(s) and describe the actions taken or planned to prevent recurrence. The Director shall explain the possible enforcement actions that may apply if the noncompliance continues. Compliance Schedule - The Director may impose a Compliance Schedule (CS), setting forth the actions necessary to comply with the Ordinance or the permit and the deadlines for completing such actions based on best professional judgment. The CS is usually imposed when a User needs to expend capital to construct, acquire or install pretreatment equipment to achieve compliance. The terms and conditions of the CS are intended to be reasonable and are directed towards achieving compliance in the earliest possible time frame. Cease and Desist Order – The Director may issue a Cease and Desist Order when a User is found: discharging without a permit; discharging unauthorized wastestreams; or discharging wastewater that could cause interference or pass- through or otherwise create an emergency situation. In an emergency, the order to cease and desist may be given by telephone or in person; however, a subsequent written order shall be served on the User, either in person or by certified mail. The Cease and Desist Order will become effective immediately upon receipt and will indicate the steps that must be taken for discharge to resume. Publication of Violation - The Director may require the User to notify the public and/or other Users in the Encina system of the User’s violation, the User’s action(s) taken to correct the violation, and any penalties imposed by EWA. Show Cause Hearing – A Show Cause Hearing is a formal meeting requiring the User to appear, explain its noncompliance, and show cause why severe enforcement actions (e.g. permit suspension, revocation or termination of service) should not be taken. The User shall be notified of the meeting through a NOV, which shall specify the date, time and location of the meeting. The meeting shall be conducted by the Director. The Director shall review the enforcement policies and state the grounds for the proposed enforcement action. The User has the burden of proof to show why permit suspension, revocation or termination of service is inappropriate. After review of the information presented, the Director may proceed with permit suspension, revocation or termination of service. A Show Cause Hearing does not preclude and is not a necessary prerequisite for taking other enforcement actions. Permit Suspension, Revocation, or Termination of Service - The Director may suspend or revoke a User’s permit or physically terminate service whenever the User: 7 1. Fails to comply with the terms of a NOV or CS; 2. Fails to make timely payments of any amount owed to EWA; 3. Fails to provide reports or other documents required by EWA; 4. Knowingly provides a false statement to EWA; 5. Fails to report a significant change in operations; 6. Refuses access to User’s facility upon EWA demand; 7. Discharges any wastewater in violation of its permit or the Ordinance; or 8. Violates any other condition of the permit. A User may petition the General Manager for a hearing on the suspension, revocation or termination order issued by the Director. The General Manager’s decision is subject to appeal to the Board of Directors according to the time frame allotted in the Ordinance. Emergency Suspension, Revocation, or Termination - The General Manager may take any action to suspend or revoke a User’s permit or physically terminate service in the event of an emergency. An emergency occurs when the discharge presents or may present an imminent or substantial endangerment to the health and welfare of the public or the environment. The General Manager determines the effective date of an emergency action. All other enforcement orders pursuant to a hearing are effective on the date received by the User. Administrative Complaint - In accordance with Government Code Section 54740.5, EWA may issue an Administrative Complaint against any User for cause. Civil Penalties - In accordance with Government Code section 54740(b), EWA may petition the Superior Court to impose, assess, and recover from any person sums not to exceed $25,000 a day for each violation of the Ordinance. Civil action is pursued when the User is recalcitrant or unwilling to cooperate. EWA’s legal counsel initiates civil action. Injunction - EWA may petition the superior court for a temporary restraining order, or a temporary or permanent injunction to restrain the User from continuing a discharge that is in violation of its permit, the Pretreatment Ordinance, federal, state or local law. Referral to Other Regulatory Agencies – For violations that warrant criminal prosecution, EWA may refer the matter to any other agencies including: the San Diego County Hazardous Waste Task Force, the Regional Water Quality Control Board and/or the EPA. Publication of Significant Noncompliance (SNC) - In accordance with 40 C.F.R. Section 403.8(f)(2)(viii), EWA will publish at least annually a list of Users who within the previous 12 months were in SNC, as defined in 40 C.F.R. Section 403.8(f)(2)(viii)(A)-(H). 8 V. Responsibilities An effective enforcement program involves coordination between different staff members. The following list identifies EWA staff and their areas of responsibility. Industrial Waste Inspector • Conducts IU inspections and sampling • Reviews IU reports • Screens compliance monitoring data • Conducts service area surveys • Issues NOVs • Assesses penalties and enforcement costs for noncompliance • Drafts compliance schedules and other enforcement correspondence • Attends compliance meetings Director of Environmental Compliance • Reviews reports and correspondence drafted by Industrial Waste Inspectors • Reviews all violations • Recommends appropriate responses to noncompliance • Reviews IU responses to enforcement actions • Conducts compliance meetings and Show Cause Hearings • Tracks enforcement response times • Approves compliance sampling schedules • Signs Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permits • Signs compliance schedules, cease and desist orders, and permit suspension/revocation/termination of service orders • Assesses penalties and enforcement costs for noncompliance • Consults with EWA’s General Manager regarding significant compliance matters • Consults with EWA’s member agencies regarding significant compliance issues with IUs in their service area • Consults with EWA’s General Counsel regarding potential legal action • Refers criminal matters to the San Diego County Hazardous Waste Task Force, RWQCB and/or EPA • Acts as Hearing Officer for IU appeals regarding monetary fines greater than $750 issued by an Inspector • Ensures consistency of the Pretreatment Program General Manager • Acts as Hearing Officer for IU appeals regarding permits, compliance schedules, monetary fines greater than $1,000, the suspension or revocation of a discharge permit, or a termination of service order and issues an Administrative Enforcement Order within 30 days after the conclusion of the hearing 9 EWA’s Board of Directors • Hears IU appeals regarding the suspension or revocation of a discharge permit, or a termination of service order EWA’s General Counsel • Reviews Pretreatment Program documents and provides input regarding potential legal action against IUs, as required IV. Enforcement Response Guidance Selecting the Appropriate Response - Enforcement mechanisms are implemented according to a progressive enforcement philosophy. To ensure consistency of enforcement application, and to meet the requirements promulgated by 40 CFR 403.8(f)(5), the EWA has developed the Enforcement Response Guide (ERG) included as Appendix A. The guide describes violations and indicates appropriate enforcement actions based on the nature, duration, and severity of the violation. The ERG includes recommendations for monetary fines not to exceed a specified amount for each violation scenario. When using the ERG to determine the appropriate enforcement actions for a particular noncompliance event, several factors require consideration. They are: 1. Magnitude and Duration of the Violation – EWA will evaluate the volume and strength of the discharge, and the length of time the violation continued. Violations that meet the EPA definition of SNC (based on more than one sampling event) and those that continue over prolonged periods of time will receive an escalated enforcement response. 2. Good Faith Efforts of the User – If a User, in good faith, attempts to comply with pretreatment requirements, EWA may respond with a lower level of enforcement action. A User can demonstrate good faith by: responding promptly to requests from EWA; consistently complying with permit conditions and reporting requirements; aggressively investigating and correcting violations; and demonstrating a willingness to invest the necessary resources to achieve compliance. 3. Compliance History of the User – When evaluating the level of enforcement action to take, the last twelve months’ compliance history will be reviewed. If a pattern of recurring violations for the same parameter is noted, an escalated enforcement action may be warranted. In addition, EWA will also consider the effectiveness of previous enforcement actions taken. 4. Impact of the Violation – Violations that cause interference with treatment plant performance, damage to the treatment plant or collection system, NPDES or WDR permit violations, or harm to human health or the environment shall receive an escalated enforcement response. At a minimum the response shall include the assessment of penalties and enforcement costs to recover any costs incurred by EWA to correct the problem. In some cases, injunctive measures may also be appropriate. 10 EWA weighs each of the above factors in deciding whether to impose the maximum recommended fine or a less stringent response. Additionally, there may be violations and/or noncompliance scenarios that are not reflected in the ERG. For these instances, the general intent of the ERG should be evaluated and the enforcement response should be implemented consistent with those that would be applied to violations of similar magnitude. Response Timeframes - To promote consistent application of the ERG, the following guidelines for enforcement are set forth below: 1. All violations should be identified and documented within fifteen (15) working days of receiving compliance information (e.g. lab results, self- monitoring data, inspections, etc.) 2. Initial enforcement mechanisms should occur within thirty (30) working days of violation detection. 3. Follow up actions for violations should be taken within sixty (60) working days of the initial enforcement response. For all continuing violations, the response should include a Compliance Schedule (CS). 4. Violations, which threaten health, property or environmental quality are considered emergencies and should receive an immediate response as required. 11 Appendix A Enforcement Response Guide 12 Enforcement Response Guide (ERG) Type of Noncompliance Nature of Violation 1, 2 Response 3 Exceeding discharge limitation or prohibition - Not harmful First occurrence Second occurrence Three or more - NOV and costs - NOV, $250 fine and costs - NOV, $1,000 fine and costs - Harmful First occurrence Second occurrence Three or more - NOV, $5,000 fine and costs - SRT, JR injunction, $5,000 fine, costs, PN and PV - ESRT, JR injunction, $25,000 fine, costs, PN and PV Slug discharge occurs; reported as required - Not harmful First occurrence Second occurrence Three or more - NOV and costs - NOV, $2,000 fine and costs - SRT, JR, $5,000 fine and costs - Harmful First occurrence Second occurrence Three or more - NOV, $1,000 fine and costs - ESRT, $5,000 fine, costs, PN and PV - ESRT, JR injunction, $5,000 fine, costs, PN and PV Slug discharge occurs; failure to report as required - Not harmful First occurrence Second occurrence Three or more - NOV, $1,000 fine and costs - NOV, $3,000 fine and costs - SRT, $5,000 fine and costs - Harmful First occurrence Second occurrence Three or more - NOV, $5,000 fine, costs, PN and PV - ESRT, JR injunction, $5,000 fine, costs, PN and PV - ESRT, JR injunction, $25,000 fine, costs, PN and PV Discharge without permit or approval - Not harmful - Harmful - NOV, $1,000/day, costs and PN - JR, $25,000/day, costs, PN and PV Intentional dilution of wastestreams to meet discharge limitations - Any occurrence - HEARING, $25,000 fine, PN, PV and JR criminal Unauthorized discharge to a manhole or other unpermitted location - Any occurrence - $25,000 fine and JR criminal 13 Enforcement Response Guide (ERG) Type of Noncompliance Nature of Violation 1, 2 Response 3 Late report (30 days or less) - First occurrence - Second occurrence - Three or more - NOV, $100 fine and costs - NOV, $500 fine and costs - NOV, $1000 fine and costs Late report (more than 30 days) - First occurrence - Second occurrence - Three or more - NOV, $250 fine and costs - NOV, $1000 fine and costs - NOV, $2,000 fine, costs and SRT Incomplete report - First occurrence - Second occurrence - Three or more - NOV and costs - NOV, $500 fine and costs - NOV, $1000 fine and costs Failure to report additional monitoring - First occurrence - Second occurrence - Three or more - NOV, $250 fine and costs - NOV, $1000 fine and costs - NOV, $2000 fine and costs Failure to properly report violations or a change in discharge - First occurrence - Second occurrence - Three or more - NOV, $100 fine and costs - NOV, $500 fine and costs - NOV, $1000 fine and costs Reporting false information - Any occurrence - HEARING, $5,000 fine, costs, PN, PV and JR criminal Improper sampling/analysis procedures - First occurrence - Second occurrence - Three or more - NOV and costs - NOV, $500 fine and costs - NOV, $1,000 fine and costs Complete failure to sample, monitor, or analyze after warning - Any occurrence - NOV, $1,000 fine, costs and PN Failure to install sample points or monitoring equipment as required - Any occurrence - NOV and $500/day till task complete and approved or permit is revoked Falsifying, tampering with, or rendering inaccurate any required monitoring device or method - Any occurrence - HEARING, $25,000 fine and JR criminal Missed interim CS date - Valid reason, won't miss other dates: Prior notice No notice - Valid reason, will miss other dates: Prior notice No notice - No valid reason - NOV and costs - NOV, $500 fine and costs - NOV, $250 fine and costs - NOV, $1,000 fine and costs - NOV, $2,000/day for each missed interim date till task complete or permit is revoked, costs and PV Missed final CS date - Because of Force Majeure - Other than Force Majeure - HEARING and costs - NOV, $3,000/day until final compliance schedule task is complete or permit is revoked and costs 14 Enforcement Response Guide (ERG) Type of Noncompliance Nature of Violation 1, 2 Response 3 Failure to develop a TOMP - Any occurrence - NOV and $500/day till complete or permit is revoked Failure to implement an approved TOMP - Any occurrence - NOV and $1,000/day till complete or permit is revoked Refusal of reasonable or timely access to premises for inspection or monitoring - First occurrence - Second occurrence - NOV, $1,000 fine and costs - SRT, $5,000 fine and costs Failure to implement Best Management Practices - First occurrence - Second occurrence - Three or more - NOV and costs - NOV, $250 fine and costs - NOV, $500 fine, costs and require- ment to obtain Class III Permit Failure to properly design, operate or maintain pretreatment system - First occurrence - Second occurrence - Three or more - NOV and costs - NOV, $250 fine and costs - NOV, $500 fine and costs Inadequate recordkeeping - First occurrence - Second occurrence - Three or more - NOV and costs - NOV, $250 fine and costs - NOV, $500 fine and costs Failure to comply with other Permit conditions or Ordinance requirements - Not harmful - Harmful - NOV, and fines as indicated - NOV and $1,000/day and costs 1 Occurrences in a twelve-month period. 2 Harmful means a discharge, alone or in combination with other discharges, that: causes interference or pass-through; endangers the health of POTW personnel or the public; or adversely affect the treatment plant, collection system or the environment. 3 Guidelines for imposing fines. Determined on a case-by-case basis. Definitions NOV - Notice of Violation HEARING - Show Cause Hearing ESRT - emergency suspension, revocation or termination of service SRT - suspension, revocation or termination of service after hearing and appeal Fine - recommended to recover economic benefit Costs - any/and all costs incurred by the EWA as a result of discharger noncompliance CS - compliance schedule PN - public notice in newspaper if it meets criteria of 40 CFR 403.8 (f)(vii) PV - publication of violation at the User’s expense JR - judicial remedy, civil and/or criminal TOMP - Toxic Organic Management Plan Force Majeure - natural disasters or other unforeseen, uncontrollable events CHAPTER 6 – DESIGN CRITERIA FOR GRAVITY SEWER LINES AND APPURTENANCES Engineer will submit a rough layout of system for review and approval by the City Engineer prior to preparation of improvement plans. 1. SEWER MAIN DEPTH AND SIZE A. Sewer main depth and size shall be as shown below unless approved by the City Engineer. B. Minimum depth, finish grade to top of pipe 6 feet C. Maximum depth, finish grade to top of pipe 15 feet D. Design calculations shall be submitted to verify size and bedding design. (Manning "N" PVC = 0.011 is norm). E. Minimum size of mainline shall be 8". F. 6" main line may be allowed on cul-de-sac streets with a maximum of 10 units. G. All sewer laterals and main line invert elevations shall be shown in profile on the improvement plans and shall include stations, slope, and distance. H. All sewer mains over 15" in diameter shall require special design and City Engineer approval. 2. SEWER LATERAL DEPTH AND SIZE A. 4" minimum diameter for single-family residence. B. 6" minimum diameter for all other use. C. Desirable depth at property line is 5 feet (top of pipe to finish grade @ top of curb). 3. PIPELINE MATERIAL TYPES A. Gravity sewer pipe and fittings shall have PVC conforming to ASTM D3034 for diameters 4" – 15" and ASTM F 679 for 18" – 24", with integral-bell gasketed joints (gasket and spigot end joint design). Pipe shall be made of PVC plastic having a cell classification of 12454-B or 12364-B as defined in ASTM D 1784 and shall have SDR of 35 and a minimum stiffness of 46 psi according to ASTM D 2412. B. All fittings and accessories shall be as manufactured and finished by the pipe supplier or approved equal and have bell and spigot configurations compatible with that of the pipe. Volume 1 – Chapter 6 Rev. 6/30/08 Page 1 of 8 C. PVC pipe joints shall be elastomeric gasket joints type conforming to Standard Specifications for Public Works (Greenbook) most recent edition. Rubber gaskets shall be factory installed and conform to ASTM F 477. Pipe joints shall have been tested and meet watertight performance requirements of ASTM D 3212, "Joints for Pipe Using Flexible Elastomeric Seals." D. PVC C-900 shall be used for gravity sewer pipelines with depths equal or greater than 15 feet. Engineering calculations shall be provided to verify that the pipe material will accommodate the design depth. E. Use of other pipe and fitting materials and types may be required by the City Engineer to meet specific conditions during design or construction. F. Service connections to the sewer main shall be watertight and not protrude into the sewer pipe. All materials used to make the service connections shall be compatible with each other and with the pipe material to be joined and shall be corrosion proof. G. Couplings used for repair, or transition to dissimilar pipe materials shall be approved by the City Engineer and provide corrosion proof watertight seal. 4. DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR GRAVITY SEWER MAIN SLOPE, FLOW AND DEMAND A. Gravity sewer pipelines shall be designed for a minimum velocity of 2 feet/second. Velocity, unless otherwise stated, shall be calculated from peak dry weather flow. B. Pipeline slopes shall satisfy the minimum velocity requirement aforementioned. Maximum velocities greater than 10 ft/second should be avoided. Slopes for Specific Pipe Sizes 8 through 12-inch diameter: 1) 8" minimum 0.40% desirable 0.50% 2) 10" minimum 0.28% desirable 0.40% 3) 12" minimum 0.21% desirable 0.30% Slopes for larger than 12-inch diameter pipe shall be designed to meet flow and velocity criteria and require specific approval of the City Engineer. Pipelines with horizontal curvature will require increase slope to achieve minimum required velocities. C. Gravity pipelines with diameters of 12" and less shall be designed to flow at depths of 0.5D during peak hour dry weather flow. Gravity pipelines with diameters greater than 12" shall be designed to flow at depths of 0.75D during peak hour dry weather flow. D. Peak hour sewer flow rates do not include infiltration or inflow (I/I). Infiltration is defined as the addition of groundwater into the sewer collection system and inflow is the addition of storm water into the sewer collection system. Because sewer collection system I/I is dependent on a number of factors including season, age of system, type of pipe material and joints, root intrusion, and presence of storm water system, the I/I flow rates will vary from system to system. The design of sewer pipelines connecting to sewer systems known to have I/I, or are susceptible to I/I, shall utilize peak wet weather flow estimates from the City of Carlsbad Sewer Master Plan or perform wet weather flow monitoring as directed by the City Engineer. Gravity pipelines designed to convey wet weather flow shall not exceed 0.90D for peak hour wet weather flow. Volume 1 – Chapter 6 Rev. 6/30/08 Page 2 of 8 E. Flowrate Generation 1) An Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU) = 220 gal/day, Average Daily Flow (ADF) 2) For ADF less than 100,000 gal/day, a peaking factor (PF) of 2.5 multiplied times the ADF shall be used to determine Peak Daily Flows (PDF). PDF = ADF x 2.5 a) Residential: Single Family Residence = 1 EDU b) Commercial Property: 1 EDU/1,800 ft2 (building space) i) To convert raw land to square feet of building space, assume 30% coverage. This could vary significantly dependent development constraints. ii) To convert improved pads to square feet of building space, assume 40% of coverage. 3) Industrial Property: 1 EDU/5,000 ft2 (warehouse space) 1 EDU/1,800 ft2 (office space) a) To convert raw land to square feet of building space, assume 30% coverage. This could vary significantly dependent issues such as environmental restrictions. b) To convert improved pads to square feet of building space, assume 40% of coverage. c) Assume 60% of building space is warehouse, and 40% is office space. 5. HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LAYOUT A. Streets: See City of Carlsbad Standard Drawing No. GS-6 for location. B. Alley: Main to centerline shall be a minimum of three feet (3') offset. C. Private Street: Shall require special design and conditions. Easement shall be 20 feet minimum. D. Horizontal Curve: SDR 35, PVC pipe may be curved horizontally through longitudinal bending with the following limitation: Pipe Diameter (SDR 35) Minimum Radius of Curvature 6-inch 150 feet 8-inch 200 feet 10-inch 250 feet 12-inch 300 feet 15-inch 375 feet City Engineer shall approve curvatures for larger diameter pipe. Volume 1 – Chapter 6 Rev. 6/30/08 Page 3 of 8 E. Vertical Curve: Vertical curves shall be permitted only when specifically approved by the City Engineer. A detailed design drawing shall be required for review and approval. F. Utility Clearances: Show all underground utilities in both plan and profile. Provide minimum separation per the State Department of Health Services "GUIDANCE MEMO NO. 2003-02: GUIDANCE CRITERIA FOR THE SEPARATION OF WATER MAINS AND NON-POTABLE PIPELINES". G. Manholes: Shall be located at areas described as follows: 1) Maximum spacing of manholes shall be three hundred fifty feet (350') for mains twelve inches (12") and smaller and five hundred feet (500') for mains over twelve inches (12") unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 2) Install manholes at all changes of slope that exceeds 2% and show inlet and outlet inverts on all manholes. 3) Install manholes at all changes in horizontal direction. 4) Install manholes at all intersections of mains. 5) Install manholes at changes of pipe sizes. 6) Install manholes at the end of all sewer mains. 7) All standard manholes shall be a minimum of five feet (5') in diameter with no steps. Man holes shall be sequentially numbered on the plans with manhole numbers beginning at the lowest invert. Three-foot stubs shall be provided for future tie-ins and main extensions. 8) Manholes shall be PVC lined per Std. Dwg. S-1A when: depth is 15-feet or greater; slope of sewer pipe coming into the manhole is greater than 7%; all force main discharge manholes; the immediate upstream and downstream manholes of inverted siphons; drop manholes; on sewer lines 15-inch and greater; when required by the City Engineer. 9) Where there is a slope change from steep to flat of 5% or greater, the manhole at the grade change and the next manhole upstream shall be PVC lined. 10) Install manholes for all lateral connection in pipelines 15-inch diameter and larger. 11) When intercepting flows from smaller pipelines in manholes, set invert of a smaller main at ¾ of the depth of the larger main. 12) Locking manhole lids may be required in unpaved areas as directed by the City Engineer. 13) The top cone shall be 6” below finished subgrade. Circular steel covers shall be placed on the manholes during subgrade preparation and base rock grade work, in order to keep the sewer system clean. Additionally, roadwork above live sewer manholes shall require plywood type sheeting be placed inside the manhole and above the channel to keep any debris from entering the sewer line. 14) In unpaved areas, sewer manhole frames and covers shall be set 6”above finished grade with concrete ring and marker post marked “sewer” per Standard Drawing S-9. Volume 1 – Chapter 6 Rev. 6/30/08 Page 4 of 8 H. Cleanouts: Extend beyond permanent pavement when street is a temporary dead end. See Standard Drawing No. S-6 for type of cap and box. I. Laterals: Laterals shall be constructed per Std. Dwg. No. S-7. Minimum horizontal distance from water service, fire hydrants, light standards, electrical transformers, etc., is 5 feet. Desirable horizontal distance is 10 feet. 1) Install at right angle or radial to the main. 2) Laterals shall not be located in driveways. 3) No connections shall be permitted on laterals other than provided in Standard Drawing No. S-7. 4) Location of property cleanout: See Standard Drawing No. S-7. 5) If the lowest plumbing fixture on a property is lower than 2-feet above the nearest upstream manhole cover, then the owner must provide a Backwater Valve to prevent a sewage backup onto the property. The valve must be installed in a valve box for easy access and be visible from the public right-of-way. The property owner shall be responsible for the installation and maintenance of the sewer Backwater Valve. The Backwater Valve shall be shown on the precise grading and improvement plans. 6) The Contractor shall install sewer laterals using wye fittings sized and located as shown on the Approved Plans. 7) Laterals shall be bedded, backfilled and compacted in the same manner as the sewer main they are connected to. J. Steep Slope Protection: 1) Sewer pipelines on 20 percent slopes or greater shall be anchored securely with a cut-off wall per RSD SP-05 or SP-07, spaced as follows: a. Not over 36 feet center to center on grades 20 percent and up to 35 percent; b. Not over 24 feet center to center on grades 35 percent and up to 50 percent; and c. Not over 16 feet center to center on grades 50 percent and over. K. All sewer mains, not located within the public right-of-way shall be provided with a minimum 20-foot wide sewer easement. In some special cases, a wider easement may be required; the City Engineer shall determine size. All easements shall be easily accessible to City maintenance equipment with all weather roadways. Volume 1 – Chapter 6 Rev. 6/30/08 Page 5 of 8 6. CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING MANHOLES New connections to existing manholes where stubs have not been provided shall be made by core drilling through the walls and base as directed by the City Engineer or their representative. If intercepting flows from smaller pipelines in manholes, set invert of a smaller main at ¾ of the depth of the larger main. Special care shall be used to facilitate the flow when forming the tributary channel into the existing channel. 7. MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS A. The City of Carlsbad will only maintain sewer mains located in dedicated City right-of-ways and easements which have all weather vehicular access. B. New sewer lines and appurtenances shall remain plugged and/or disconnected until the City authorizes its use. C. Maintenance of sewer laterals from the main to the building shall be the responsibility of the property owner. D. Sewer laterals constructed from the property line to the building shall be per the Uniform Building Code. 1) The vertical cleanout shall be stubbed and capped 3 feet above rough grade during grading and/or construction of project. 2) All sewer lateral taps on existing sewer lines shall be by “shewer” or approved equal. All work will be inspected by a City Representative. 3) A three-inch (3”) high “S” shall be stamped on the curb face at all sewer lateral locations. GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR SEWER FORCE MAINS 1. The developers engineer shall submit a preliminary design report showing the alignment, pipe size, pressure conditions, pipe materials, a rough layout plan including surge protection design and flow analysis for review and approval by the City Engineer prior to the preparation of improvement plans. 2. Minimum cover of sewer force mains shall be 48 inches (48") from top of pipe to ultimate finished grade. Top of pipe profile shall be shown on the improvement plans. 3. Show all other underground utilities in both plan and profile. Provide minimum clearances per the State of California Department of Public Health (CDPH) "GUIDANCE MEMO NO. 2003-02: GUIDANCE CRITERIA FOR THE SEPARATION OF WATER MAINS AND NON-POTABLE PIPELINES". 4. Sewer force mains shall be High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) manufactured in accordance with ASTM F714, or ductile iron pipe with polyethylene liner, and exterior corrosion control as approved by the City Engineer. 5. Where possible, force mains shall be designed with a continuous uphill slope without high points so that air-release valves are not required on the force mains. If this is not possible, provide air-release valves manufactured by Vent-O-Mat. 6. Dual force mains may be required at the discretion of the City Engineer where maintenance will be required on a regular basis or due to environmental constraints. 7. At the discretion of the City Engineer, Force mains longer than 1-mile or with excessive detention times may require the use of chemical addition to prevent odors at the discharge location of the force main. Volume 1 – Chapter 6 Rev. 6/30/08 Page 6 of 8 GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR SEWER LIFT STATIONS 1. Sewer Lift Stations shall not be incorporated into the City’s sewer system and shall be avoided if at all possible, unless deemed essential by the City Engineer. 2. The developer’s engineer shall meet with the City Engineer prior to the preparation of plans to inquire about the feasibility of utilizing a lift station for a given area. 3. The lift station design shall be approved by the City Engineer and all component submittals shall go through the City Engineer for review. 4. Prepare a preliminary design report that shall be submitted to the City for review and approval. The preliminary engineering design report shall include, at a minimum, the description of the design criteria to be utilized, preliminary flow computations, design calculations, calculated systems curves, water hammer (surge) protection analysis/recommendation, identification of right-of-way requirements, number of property owners involved, listing of permit requirements, geotechnical investigation and cost estimate based on unit costs for major elements of work. In addition, the following design elements shall be developed: a) Site Development b) Structural Design c) Architectural Design d) Hydraulic Analysis e) Mechanical Design f) Electrical Design g) Instrumentation and Process Control h) Corrosion Control I) Odor Control j) Noise Control The hydraulic analysis shall include calculations of the system curve. The system curve shall be plotted on the pump curve with the operating point identified. Every effort shall be made to select a pump that operates at its best efficiency point. Peak and average flows shall be considered when selecting the appropriate pump. Pump manufacturer data sheets shall also be included in the preliminary design report submission. If the pump station is being designed with built-in expansion capability, an economic analysis shall be submitted. The analysis shall consider capital costs as well as the operational cost of the lift station. Design assumptions (e.g. cost of electricity, cost of money) shall be determined in consultation with the City of Carlsbad. Volume 1 – Chapter 6 Rev. 6/30/08 Page 7 of 8 5. General Design Requirements for Sewer Lift Stations smaller than 3 MGD shall be as follows: a) Lift Stations shall be designed to convey the ultimate peak hour sewer flow rate including inflow and infiltration and meeting the latest requirements of the “Hydraulic Institute”. No premanufactured or prefabricated lift stations will be permitted. b) Lift stations shall be of the “dry-pit/wet-well” type unless approved otherwise by the City Engineer. Wet wells shall be lined with “T-LOCK” PVC. c) Lift stations shall have a minimum of 2 pumps of equal size (1 duty and 1 standby). Lift stations with more than 1 Duty pump shall also provide a minimum of 1 standby pump of equal size. Additional standby pumps may be required for lift stations located near environmentally sensitive areas. Pump selection shall be approved by the City Engineer. d) Lift Stations larger than 1 MGD shall utilize an onsite odor control system. Smaller lift stations may require odor control as determined by the City Engineer. e) Comminutors shall be installed on the influent sewer to wet wells at all lift stations. f) An emergency bypass connection shall be provided for connection to portable pumping equipment. g) An emergency generator shall be provided to supply backup power (100%) to all lift station facilities. h) Lift Stations shall be equipped with a magnetic flow meter and an alarm system installed on the discharge force main that shall be compatible with the City’s telemetry system. i) Manifold pipe shall consist of ductile iron pipe of suitable pressure class. j) Appropriate lighting and ventilation with a minimum of 12 air changes per hour shall be included. k) Suitable vehicle access and security fencing will be provided. l) System head curves shall be developed for two “C” valves, C=120 to ensure adequate flow, and a C=150 for ensuring adequate driver horsepower and pump characteristics. m) A surge analysis studying the force main and the related sewer lift station shall be performed and submitted to the City for review and approval. Volume 1 – Chapter 6 Rev. 6/30/08 Page 8 of 8 CHAPTER 6 – DESIGN CRITERIA FOR GRAVITY SEWER LINES AND APPURTENANCES Engineer will submit a rough layout of system for review and approval by the City Engineer prior to preparation of improvement plans. 1. SEWER MAIN DEPTH AND SIZE A. Sewer main depth and size shall be as shown below unless approved by the City Engineer. B. Minimum depth, finish grade to top of pipe 6 feet C. Maximum depth, finish grade to top of pipe 15 feet D. Design calculations shall be submitted to verify size and bedding design. (Manning "N" PVC = 0.011 is norm). E. Minimum size of mainline shall be 8". F. 6" main line may be allowed on cul-de-sac streets with a maximum of 10 units. G. All sewer laterals and main line invert elevations shall be shown in profile on the improvement plans and shall include stations, slope, and distance. H. All sewer mains over 15" in diameter shall require special design and City Engineer approval. 2. SEWER LATERAL DEPTH AND SIZE A. 4" minimum diameter for single-family residence. B. 6" minimum diameter for all other use. C. Desirable depth at property line is 5 feet (top of pipe to finish grade @ top of curb). 3. PIPELINE MATERIAL TYPES A. Gravity sewer pipe and fittings shall have PVC conforming to ASTM D3034 for diameters 4" – 15" and ASTM F 679 for 18" – 24", with integral-bell gasketed joints (gasket and spigot end joint design). Pipe shall be made of PVC plastic having a cell classification of 12454-B or 12364-B as defined in ASTM D 1784 and shall have SDR of 35 and a minimum stiffness of 46 psi according to ASTM D 2412. B. All fittings and accessories shall be as manufactured and finished by the pipe supplier or approved equal and have bell and spigot configurations compatible with that of the pipe. Volume 1 – Chapter 6 Rev. 6/30/08 Page 1 of 8 C. PVC pipe joints shall be elastomeric gasket joints type conforming to Standard Specifications for Public Works (Greenbook) most recent edition. Rubber gaskets shall be factory installed and conform to ASTM F 477. Pipe joints shall have been tested and meet watertight performance requirements of ASTM D 3212, "Joints for Pipe Using Flexible Elastomeric Seals." D. PVC C-900 shall be used for gravity sewer pipelines with depths equal or greater than 15 feet. Engineering calculations shall be provided to verify that the pipe material will accommodate the design depth. E. Use of other pipe and fitting materials and types may be required by the City Engineer to meet specific conditions during design or construction. F. Service connections to the sewer main shall be watertight and not protrude into the sewer pipe. All materials used to make the service connections shall be compatible with each other and with the pipe material to be joined and shall be corrosion proof. G. Couplings used for repair, or transition to dissimilar pipe materials shall be approved by the City Engineer and provide corrosion proof watertight seal. 4. DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR GRAVITY SEWER MAIN SLOPE, FLOW AND DEMAND A. Gravity sewer pipelines shall be designed for a minimum velocity of 2 feet/second. Velocity, unless otherwise stated, shall be calculated from peak dry weather flow. B. Pipeline slopes shall satisfy the minimum velocity requirement aforementioned. Maximum velocities greater than 10 ft/second should be avoided. Slopes for Specific Pipe Sizes 8 through 12-inch diameter: 1) 8" minimum 0.40% desirable 0.50% 2) 10" minimum 0.28% desirable 0.40% 3) 12" minimum 0.21% desirable 0.30% Slopes for larger than 12-inch diameter pipe shall be designed to meet flow and velocity criteria and require specific approval of the City Engineer. Pipelines with horizontal curvature will require increase slope to achieve minimum required velocities. C. Gravity pipelines with diameters of 12" and less shall be designed to flow at depths of 0.5D during peak hour dry weather flow. Gravity pipelines with diameters greater than 12" shall be designed to flow at depths of 0.75D during peak hour dry weather flow. D. Peak hour sewer flow rates do not include infiltration or inflow (I/I). Infiltration is defined as the addition of groundwater into the sewer collection system and inflow is the addition of storm water into the sewer collection system. Because sewer collection system I/I is dependent on a number of factors including season, age of system, type of pipe material and joints, root intrusion, and presence of storm water system, the I/I flow rates will vary from system to system. The design of sewer pipelines connecting to sewer systems known to have I/I, or are susceptible to I/I, shall utilize peak wet weather flow estimates from the City of Carlsbad Sewer Master Plan or perform wet weather flow monitoring as directed by the City Engineer. Gravity pipelines designed to convey wet weather flow shall not exceed 0.90D for peak hour wet weather flow. Volume 1 – Chapter 6 Rev. 6/30/08 Page 2 of 8 E. Flowrate Generation 1) An Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU) = 220 gal/day, Average Daily Flow (ADF) 2) For ADF less than 100,000 gal/day, a peaking factor (PF) of 2.5 multiplied times the ADF shall be used to determine Peak Daily Flows (PDF). PDF = ADF x 2.5 a) Residential: Single Family Residence = 1 EDU b) Commercial Property: 1 EDU/1,800 ft2 (building space) i) To convert raw land to square feet of building space, assume 30% coverage. This could vary significantly dependent development constraints. ii) To convert improved pads to square feet of building space, assume 40% of coverage. 3) Industrial Property: 1 EDU/5,000 ft2 (warehouse space) 1 EDU/1,800 ft2 (office space) a) To convert raw land to square feet of building space, assume 30% coverage. This could vary significantly dependent issues such as environmental restrictions. b) To convert improved pads to square feet of building space, assume 40% of coverage. c) Assume 60% of building space is warehouse, and 40% is office space. 5. HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LAYOUT A. Streets: See City of Carlsbad Standard Drawing No. GS-6 for location. B. Alley: Main to centerline shall be a minimum of three feet (3') offset. C. Private Street: Shall require special design and conditions. Easement shall be 20 feet minimum. D. Horizontal Curve: SDR 35, PVC pipe may be curved horizontally through longitudinal bending with the following limitation: Pipe Diameter (SDR 35) Minimum Radius of Curvature 6-inch 150 feet 8-inch 200 feet 10-inch 250 feet 12-inch 300 feet 15-inch 375 feet City Engineer shall approve curvatures for larger diameter pipe. Volume 1 – Chapter 6 Rev. 6/30/08 Page 3 of 8 E. Vertical Curve: Vertical curves shall be permitted only when specifically approved by the City Engineer. A detailed design drawing shall be required for review and approval. F. Utility Clearances: Show all underground utilities in both plan and profile. Provide minimum separation per the State Department of Health Services "GUIDANCE MEMO NO. 2003-02: GUIDANCE CRITERIA FOR THE SEPARATION OF WATER MAINS AND NON-POTABLE PIPELINES". G. Manholes: Shall be located at areas described as follows: 1) Maximum spacing of manholes shall be three hundred fifty feet (350') for mains twelve inches (12") and smaller and five hundred feet (500') for mains over twelve inches (12") unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 2) Install manholes at all changes of slope that exceeds 2% and show inlet and outlet inverts on all manholes. 3) Install manholes at all changes in horizontal direction. 4) Install manholes at all intersections of mains. 5) Install manholes at changes of pipe sizes. 6) Install manholes at the end of all sewer mains. 7) All standard manholes shall be a minimum of five feet (5') in diameter with no steps. Man holes shall be sequentially numbered on the plans with manhole numbers beginning at the lowest invert. Three-foot stubs shall be provided for future tie-ins and main extensions. 8) Manholes shall be PVC lined per Std. Dwg. S-1A when: depth is 15-feet or greater; slope of sewer pipe coming into the manhole is greater than 7%; all force main discharge manholes; the immediate upstream and downstream manholes of inverted siphons; drop manholes; on sewer lines 15-inch and greater; when required by the City Engineer. 9) Where there is a slope change from steep to flat of 5% or greater, the manhole at the grade change and the next manhole upstream shall be PVC lined. 10) Install manholes for all lateral connection in pipelines 15-inch diameter and larger. 11) When intercepting flows from smaller pipelines in manholes, set invert of a smaller main at ¾ of the depth of the larger main. 12) Locking manhole lids may be required in unpaved areas as directed by the City Engineer. 13) The top cone shall be 6” below finished subgrade. Circular steel covers shall be placed on the manholes during subgrade preparation and base rock grade work, in order to keep the sewer system clean. Additionally, roadwork above live sewer manholes shall require plywood type sheeting be placed inside the manhole and above the channel to keep any debris from entering the sewer line. 14) In unpaved areas, sewer manhole frames and covers shall be set 6”above finished grade with concrete ring and marker post marked “sewer” per Standard Drawing S-9. Volume 1 – Chapter 6 Rev. 6/30/08 Page 4 of 8 H. Cleanouts: Extend beyond permanent pavement when street is a temporary dead end. See Standard Drawing No. S-6 for type of cap and box. I. Laterals: Laterals shall be constructed per Std. Dwg. No. S-7. Minimum horizontal distance from water service, fire hydrants, light standards, electrical transformers, etc., is 5 feet. Desirable horizontal distance is 10 feet. 1) Install at right angle or radial to the main. 2) Laterals shall not be located in driveways. 3) No connections shall be permitted on laterals other than provided in Standard Drawing No. S-7. 4) Location of property cleanout: See Standard Drawing No. S-7. 5) If the lowest plumbing fixture on a property is lower than 2-feet above the nearest upstream manhole cover, then the owner must provide a Backwater Valve to prevent a sewage backup onto the property. The valve must be installed in a valve box for easy access and be visible from the public right-of-way. The property owner shall be responsible for the installation and maintenance of the sewer Backwater Valve. The Backwater Valve shall be shown on the precise grading and improvement plans. 6) The Contractor shall install sewer laterals using wye fittings sized and located as shown on the Approved Plans. 7) Laterals shall be bedded, backfilled and compacted in the same manner as the sewer main they are connected to. J. Steep Slope Protection: 1) Sewer pipelines on 20 percent slopes or greater shall be anchored securely with a cut-off wall per RSD SP-05 or SP-07, spaced as follows: a. Not over 36 feet center to center on grades 20 percent and up to 35 percent; b. Not over 24 feet center to center on grades 35 percent and up to 50 percent; and c. Not over 16 feet center to center on grades 50 percent and over. K. All sewer mains, not located within the public right-of-way shall be provided with a minimum 20-foot wide sewer easement. In some special cases, a wider easement may be required; the City Engineer shall determine size. All easements shall be easily accessible to City maintenance equipment with all weather roadways. Volume 1 – Chapter 6 Rev. 6/30/08 Page 5 of 8 6. CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING MANHOLES New connections to existing manholes where stubs have not been provided shall be made by core drilling through the walls and base as directed by the City Engineer or their representative. If intercepting flows from smaller pipelines in manholes, set invert of a smaller main at ¾ of the depth of the larger main. Special care shall be used to facilitate the flow when forming the tributary channel into the existing channel. 7. MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS A. The City of Carlsbad will only maintain sewer mains located in dedicated City right-of-ways and easements which have all weather vehicular access. B. New sewer lines and appurtenances shall remain plugged and/or disconnected until the City authorizes its use. C. Maintenance of sewer laterals from the main to the building shall be the responsibility of the property owner. D. Sewer laterals constructed from the property line to the building shall be per the Uniform Building Code. 1) The vertical cleanout shall be stubbed and capped 3 feet above rough grade during grading and/or construction of project. 2) All sewer lateral taps on existing sewer lines shall be by “shewer” or approved equal. All work will be inspected by a City Representative. 3) A three-inch (3”) high “S” shall be stamped on the curb face at all sewer lateral locations. GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR SEWER FORCE MAINS 1. The developers engineer shall submit a preliminary design report showing the alignment, pipe size, pressure conditions, pipe materials, a rough layout plan including surge protection design and flow analysis for review and approval by the City Engineer prior to the preparation of improvement plans. 2. Minimum cover of sewer force mains shall be 48 inches (48") from top of pipe to ultimate finished grade. Top of pipe profile shall be shown on the improvement plans. 3. Show all other underground utilities in both plan and profile. Provide minimum clearances per the State of California Department of Public Health (CDPH) "GUIDANCE MEMO NO. 2003-02: GUIDANCE CRITERIA FOR THE SEPARATION OF WATER MAINS AND NON-POTABLE PIPELINES". 4. Sewer force mains shall be High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) manufactured in accordance with ASTM F714, or ductile iron pipe with polyethylene liner, and exterior corrosion control as approved by the City Engineer. 5. Where possible, force mains shall be designed with a continuous uphill slope without high points so that air-release valves are not required on the force mains. If this is not possible, provide air-release valves manufactured by Vent-O-Mat. 6. Dual force mains may be required at the discretion of the City Engineer where maintenance will be required on a regular basis or due to environmental constraints. 7. At the discretion of the City Engineer, Force mains longer than 1-mile or with excessive detention times may require the use of chemical addition to prevent odors at the discharge location of the force main. Volume 1 – Chapter 6 Rev. 6/30/08 Page 6 of 8 GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR SEWER LIFT STATIONS 1. Sewer Lift Stations shall not be incorporated into the City’s sewer system and shall be avoided if at all possible, unless deemed essential by the City Engineer. 2. The developer’s engineer shall meet with the City Engineer prior to the preparation of plans to inquire about the feasibility of utilizing a lift station for a given area. 3. The lift station design shall be approved by the City Engineer and all component submittals shall go through the City Engineer for review. 4. Prepare a preliminary design report that shall be submitted to the City for review and approval. The preliminary engineering design report shall include, at a minimum, the description of the design criteria to be utilized, preliminary flow computations, design calculations, calculated systems curves, water hammer (surge) protection analysis/recommendation, identification of right-of-way requirements, number of property owners involved, listing of permit requirements, geotechnical investigation and cost estimate based on unit costs for major elements of work. In addition, the following design elements shall be developed: a) Site Development b) Structural Design c) Architectural Design d) Hydraulic Analysis e) Mechanical Design f) Electrical Design g) Instrumentation and Process Control h) Corrosion Control I) Odor Control j) Noise Control The hydraulic analysis shall include calculations of the system curve. The system curve shall be plotted on the pump curve with the operating point identified. Every effort shall be made to select a pump that operates at its best efficiency point. Peak and average flows shall be considered when selecting the appropriate pump. Pump manufacturer data sheets shall also be included in the preliminary design report submission. If the pump station is being designed with built-in expansion capability, an economic analysis shall be submitted. The analysis shall consider capital costs as well as the operational cost of the lift station. Design assumptions (e.g. cost of electricity, cost of money) shall be determined in consultation with the City of Carlsbad. Volume 1 – Chapter 6 Rev. 6/30/08 Page 7 of 8 5. General Design Requirements for Sewer Lift Stations smaller than 3 MGD shall be as follows: a) Lift Stations shall be designed to convey the ultimate peak hour sewer flow rate including inflow and infiltration and meeting the latest requirements of the “Hydraulic Institute”. No premanufactured or prefabricated lift stations will be permitted. b) Lift stations shall be of the “dry-pit/wet-well” type unless approved otherwise by the City Engineer. Wet wells shall be lined with “T-LOCK” PVC. c) Lift stations shall have a minimum of 2 pumps of equal size (1 duty and 1 standby). Lift stations with more than 1 Duty pump shall also provide a minimum of 1 standby pump of equal size. Additional standby pumps may be required for lift stations located near environmentally sensitive areas. Pump selection shall be approved by the City Engineer. d) Lift Stations larger than 1 MGD shall utilize an onsite odor control system. Smaller lift stations may require odor control as determined by the City Engineer. e) Comminutors shall be installed on the influent sewer to wet wells at all lift stations. f) An emergency bypass connection shall be provided for connection to portable pumping equipment. g) An emergency generator shall be provided to supply backup power (100%) to all lift station facilities. h) Lift Stations shall be equipped with a magnetic flow meter and an alarm system installed on the discharge force main that shall be compatible with the City’s telemetry system. i) Manifold pipe shall consist of ductile iron pipe of suitable pressure class. j) Appropriate lighting and ventilation with a minimum of 12 air changes per hour shall be included. k) Suitable vehicle access and security fencing will be provided. l) System head curves shall be developed for two “C” valves, C=120 to ensure adequate flow, and a C=150 for ensuring adequate driver horsepower and pump characteristics. m) A surge analysis studying the force main and the related sewer lift station shall be performed and submitted to the City for review and approval. Volume 1 – Chapter 6 Rev. 6/30/08 Page 8 of 8 Appendix) (confd.) Maps of Semi-Annual High Priority Area Gravity Mains C i t y o f C a r l s b a d P u b l i c W o r k s 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760)602-2730 4/2/2009 Report Date Work Order No: 156395 Completed Work Order Activity: WW041 - Sewer Main Cleaning Address: Address Qualifier: Asset: Sewer Main - Sewer Manhole 39B-12 Sewer Manhole 39B-9 Area: SE Asset Location: Asset Desc: Ownership:CBD Sub Area: WW40 Unit Type: G - GRAVITY LINE Map #: 39B Service Status:ACT GRAVITY District: CBD Location: Source: PM - PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SCHED Scheduled Date: Maint Type: - Assigned To: 06184 - ANTHONY PACHECO Due Date: Problem: WWM - Wastewater Maintenance Initiated By: 04990 - STEPHANIE HARRISON Priority: - Initiated Date: 10/20/2008 2:57:00PM WO Comments: WW Zone 40 - Annual Sewer Main Cleaning; lines 12" and under; FY 08-09 Service Req. #: Completed Date: 11/12/2008 12:00:00AM Mainline Type: GRAVITY LINE Distribution Type: COLLECTOR Interceptor System: VALLECITOS Pipe Type: POLYVINYL CHLORIDE Easement Info: Length: 202.41 Diameter: 8.00 Slope: 0.01 Invert Elevation In: 245.75 Invert Elevation Out: 243.36 Maintained By: Cleaning Frequency: ANN Labor Charge Date Time Employee ID Pay Type Hours Worked Employee Vehicle Charge Date Time Vehicle ID Usage Extra Items/Equipment Charge Date Time Costs Item Desc. Quantity/Hrs. Used Comments City of Carlsbad 5950 El Carnino Real Carlsbad, Ca 92008-8802 Phone: (760) 438-2722 Fax: r7~;n\ A21 -26r;n - TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Project Name: Malnline ID: Cleaning Zone: Street Name: WWl 1/23/09 I SMH-98-30 - SMH-9B-63 1 WW1 I WRLSBAD BL. Stert date&ne: wm. PTpe Mght (Diameter): ~lpe h/pe: Swfsce condftlon: - 1/27/2009 -1_8--' - VCP I - Asphalt - 1 Mrectlon : Surveyed footage: Weather: Medlslabel Downstream 1 - 326.0 I Dry I I - - TV lnspedion with Pipe-Run Graph - Category: Miscellaneous Root-in-Joint - Root problem in joint Category: O&M Category: Miscellaneous ' FH-EndofRun Category: Mlscallaneous - ' 1 STOP - hapeaon Stopped Category: Miscellaneous Category: Inventory AtZ05.7 ff s/. Lateral Category: hvenbry Wednesday, April 01,2009 3:01 PM city of Cerrkbad 5950 El Camkro Real CaW, Ca 92008-8802 Phone: (760) 438-2722 Fax: (760) 431-2658 - Extra : Lenath 3eversed Clock Pos. Severltv Cateaorv Ratina Comment m rn 79.2 Lateral 3 21 Live Inventon, Connecti on - - - & --J- < / Inventory Connecti on GO Lateral Lateral Lateral Yes 1 Yes 9 / Yes 2 / Yes 11 / Miscellaneous OVERLAYED MANHOLE WITH NO ID NUMBER Inventory Capped Inventory Live Inventory Connecti on Capped Inventory Lateral Lateral Lateral Yes 9 / Yes 9 / Yes 12 / Capped Inventory Live Inventory Connecti on Observations with Large Images and Scores Wednesday, April 01,2009 3:OO PM Page 2 of 1.0 Introduction The City of Carlsbad maintains a Geographic Information System (GIS) for use by all City Departments. Major components of the GIS are the parcel base map and the facilities map. To improve the efficiency of map/facilities data collection and use in city operations, the City of Carlsbad requires the submission of digital copies along with the required number of hardcopies for the submittal of all Final Maps, Grading Plans, and Improvement Plans. Digital copies of the approved Final Maps, Improvement and Grading Plans must be submitted along with each submittal of those plans. These requirements do not affect in any way existing requirements of other departments regarding map/plan processing. See Section 4 for details of data file content and organization. This specification shall be used for the digital submission of maps to the City of Carlsbad, and will pertain to all Final Maps, Grading Plans, and Improvement Plans. Exceptions from these requirements can be made with the express permission of the Deputy City Engineer for Development Services. For further information or clarification of this specification, contact: GIS Manager or Engineering Department, Planning and Programs Division City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 (760) 602-2434 (GIS) or (760) 602-2760 (Engineering) 2.0 Format of Data for Digital Submittal The acceptable formats for digital submittal of the data are: AutoCAD Release 2000i (Autodesk) .DWG or DXF format AutoCAD Release 2000 (Autodesk) .DWG or DXF format AutoCAD Release 14 (Autodesk) .DWG or DXF format AutoCAD Release 13 (Autodesk) .DWG or DXF format ArcInfo version 7.x or later (ESRI) line coverage format ArcInfo version 7.x or later (ESRI) .e00 export format. ArcView (ESRI) shapefile format (.shp) Page 1 of 10 3.0 Basis of Bearings and Coordinate Reference The basis of bearings and all coordinates of data submitted to the City must be in reference to the California Coordinate System - 1983, Zone VI, 1991.35 Epoch, North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) based on ties to the City of Carlsbad Survey Control Network monuments as published on Record of Survey Map No. 17271, filed in the office of the San Diego County Recorder on February 8, 2002. The coordinate ties in the digital submission must meet third order accuracy from the control monuments to the project boundary. The project boundary will be located in the California Coordinate System at a common tie point. All other coordinates and line work will be scaled to ground distances and be within 0.5 feet of the true California Coordinate System values. For vertical control, the NGVD 29 datum is still in effect. NOTE: Use the “Xref” AutoCAD command with “CBD_ROS_NAD83_R14.dwg” to verify project site location (insert point (0,0,0).) 4.0 Data Layering Requirements Final Maps, Parcel Maps - will consist of: ƒ file(s) of the entire map submittal area; ƒ layers description (digital file/ hard copy) Improvement Plans - will consist of: ƒ file(s) of the entire plan submittal area; ƒ layers description (digital file/ hard copy) Grading Plans - will consist of: ƒ file(s) of the entire plan submittal area; ƒ layers description (digital file/ hard copy) Note: The model space of the submitted drawings should contain the entire project (showing property lines, improvements, etc.) and it should not be divided into sheets (used for plotting purposes.) The City of Carlsbad Standard layers are as described in the following tables: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3. Digital submittals are to follow the City of Carlsbad layer format, or be accompanied by a digital file or hardcopy describing layer name and symbol description. Page 2 of 10 Table 4.1 Final Maps, Parcel Maps Layer Name Layer Contents ACREAGE net acreage text BASE north arrow, location map, etc. COORD coordinate values & tic marks COV cover sheet information EASE public/private easement lines FLOOD 100 year flood lines and text HATCH hatching & shading LOTS lot lines, other property lines, and associated text MON monumentation markers and associated text POS procedure of survey lines and associated text ROW right-of-way easement lines and associated text STCL street centerline lines and associated text STREAM streams STROW street right-of-way lines and associated text THALWEG watercourse thalwegs Page 3 of 10 Table 4.2 Improvement Plans Layer Name Layer Contents ACCESS access covers (size, type, % grade) APN assessor parcel number text BASE north arrow, location map, etc. COORD coordinate values & tic marks COV cover sheet information CURB curbs, berms, sidewalks EASE public/private easement lines EXGRDIDX existing grade index contours & text EXTGRADE existing grade contours and text FINGRADE finished grade contours and text FINGRDIDX finish grade index contours & text FLOOD 100 year flood lines and associated text FLOW swales, direction of flow FTPRINT footprints of buildings GRID grid & grid numerical values for street & utility profiles HATCH hatching & shading INOUT inlets/outlets IRRCOND irrigation conduit IRRCONTR irrigation controllers IRRPIPE irrigation pipe LANDSCPLT landscape planting LANDSCTXT landscape text LOTS lot lines, other property lines, and associated text MEDIAN medians MON monumentation markers and associated text PERCENT percentages POS procedure of survey text and associated text PUBELECOH public utilities - electrical: overhead PUBELECUG public utilities - electrical: underground PUBGAS public utilities - gas distribution PUBHYDR public utilities - fire hydrants PUBTELE public utilities - telephone boxes PUBTV public utilities - cable TV PUBWATER public utilities - water supply RAMP ramps RECWPROF reclaimed water profile ROW right-of-way easement lines SEWERSYS sewer main and associated text SEWPROF sewer profile Page 4 of 10 SPOTELEV spot elevations markers and text STCL street centerline lines and associated text STLIGHT electroliers STLTCOND street lighting conduits & junction boxes STORMDRN culvert and storm drain profiles and associated text STPROF street profile STREAM streams STRMPROF storm drain profile STROW street right of way lines and associated text STSIGN street name signs STSTRIPE traffic striping THALWEG watercourse thalwegs TREE trees (4” diameter or greater) TSIGCOND traffic signal conduit TSIGN regulatory & advisory signs TSIGNAL traffic signals TSIGNAL traffic signals and associated text WALKS footprints of walks WATPROF water line profile XTREE trees to be removed Page 5 of 10 Table 4.3 Grading Plans Layer Name Layer Contents ACCESS access covers (size, type, % grade) APN assessor parcel number text BASE north arrow, location map, etc. COORD coordinate values & tic marks COV cover sheet information CURB curbs, berms, sidewalks EASE public/private easement lines EXGRDIDX existing grade index contours & text EXTGRADE existing grade contours and text FINGRADE finished grade contours and text FINGRDIDX finish grade index contours & text FLOOD 100 year flood lines and text FLOW swales, direction of flow FTPRINT footprints of buildings HATCH hatching & shading INOUT inlets/outlets LANDSCPLT landscape planting LANDSCTXT landscape text LOTS lot lines, other property lines, and associated text MEDIAN medians PERCENT percentages POS procedure of survey text and associated text PUBGAS public utilities - gas distribution PUBHYDR public utilities - fire hydrants PUBTELE public utilities - telephone boxes PUBWATER public utilities - water supply RAMP ramps ROW right-of-way easement lines and associated text SEWERSYS sewer main and associated text SPOTELEV spot elevations markers and text STCL street centerline lines and associated text STORMDRN culvert and storm drain profiles and associated text STREAM streams STROW street right-of-way lines and associated text THALWEG watercourse thalwegs TREE trees (4” diameter or greater) TSIGNAL traffic signals TSIGNAL traffic signals and associated text WALKS footprints of walks XTREE trees to be removed Page 6 of 10 5.0 Acceptable Media The City will accept submissions of the required digital files on the following media: PC-formatted 3½" DS, HD diskettes (1.44 MB capacity) PC-formatted Compact Disks The submitter will be responsible for archival of the digital data until final acceptance. If possible do not archive (compress) the files Please include all the necessary files on your submittal disk (i.e. XREF-ed files, fonts). (The easiest way to accomplish this is by using the Pack’n Go feature from AutoCAD). All media will be submitted with labels indicating the following information: Project Name/Number Date Company Contact Name/Telephone Number/Email File Names (see below for file naming conventions) 6.0 File Naming Conventions The files will be named according to the plan name with the extension .DXF for CAD- type files, .e00 extension for Arc/Info export files, and no extension for Arc/Info coverages. Examples: Carlsbad Tract Map No. 98-93 CT9893.DXF; CT9893.E00;CT9893. Minor Subdivision 89-01 MS8901.DXF; MS8901.E00; MS8901. Improvement Plan 360-3B I360-3B.DXF; I360-3B.E00; I360-3B. Grading Plan 360-3A G360-3A.DXF; G360-3A.E00; G360-3A. Page 7 of 10 Appendix A - Arc/Info Format Specifications Digital files submitted in Arc/Info format will have the following specifications: Arc Processing All arc intersections will contain a node, i.e. no intersection errors and no node errors; arc topology will be in existence. Arc Coding Each coverages’ arc attribute table (.AAT) will contain the item dxf-layer (40, 40, c). All arcs in the coverage will be coded for dxf-layer using the layer names identified in Tables 4.1 - 4.5. For example, from Table 4.1, all street centerlines will be coded for dxf-layer = ‘CL’ Annotation All text for each coverage will be contained in the annotation subclass anno.dxf, and assigned the annotation levels indicated in Tables 4.1 - 4.5. For example, from Table 4.2, the text describing public easements will be contained in the subclass anno.dxf, level = 3. Page 8 of 10 Appendix B Digital Submittal Check List Format of Data for Digital Submittal (refer to 2.0) … (Autodesk) .DWG format. AutoCAD Release________ … (Autodesk) .DXF format. AutoCAD Release________ … ArcInfo version 8.x or later (ESRI) line coverage format … ArcInfo version 8.x or later (ESRI) .e00 export format … ArcView (ESRI) shape file format (.shp) Basis of Bearings and Coordinate Reference (refer to 3.0) Note: Not required for non-subdivision projects unless required by specific condition of project. … California Coordinate System, Zone VI (NAD83) Data Layering Requirements (refer to 4.0) Final Maps - will consist of: … file(s) of the entire map submittal area; … layers description file/sheet (see sample- Table 4.1). Improvement Plans - will consist of: … file(s) of the entire plan submittal area; … layers description file/sheet (see sample- Table 4.2). Grading Plans - will consist of: … file(s) of the entire plan submittal area; … layers description file/sheet (see sample- Table 4.3). Media Information (refer to 5.0) … Drawing No : ____________________________________________ … Project Name/No.:____________________________________________________________ … Media Type___________________________________ Date : ____ / ____ / _________ … Company: __________________________________________________________________ … Contact Name________________________________________________________________ … Telephone No.: (_____) - _______ - __________ … Email address: _______________________________________________________________ Submittal No. … __________________ Page 9 of 10 Digital Files Submitted (refer to 6.0) … Carlsbad Tract Map … Minor Subdivision … Improvement Plan … Grading Plan … Other________________________________________________________________ Note: The Digital Submittal Checklist must be turned in along with the digital drawing to complete the submittal process. Page 10 of 10 Appendix N Sample of the City of Carlsbad Annual Capital Replacement Program (Sewer Projects) SEINER PROJECTS -C 5501 3901-A 5511 3949 3886 3492 3557 3624 3920 3957 3900 5006 5009 3823 3860 4502 4502-A 5016 5508 5001 3875 3821 5008 5022 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM MONTHLY Rl AS OF JULY 1.2009 Marshall Plantz CFD#3 AD 2003-01 AD 2002-01 BUB JUHNaUN John Kim Traffic Signal« Rincho Santa Ft Road S. Avanlda l> Clir Traffic Slgiwli on Aviara Pkwy at Townhee Ln a Nightshade Rd Traffic Signal it Faraday Avenue & Rutherford Road 5503/3927 5512 3873 3537 3538 3840 3949 39511 5501 5014 5507 5201 5020 3837 vAJ BILL PLUMMER Shooting Range - Fire Training Terry Smith Buena Interceptor Sewer Capacity Agreement Fire Station No. 6 - Environmental Mitigation Sewer Master Plan Update Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Reach 14115 V/C Sewer - Agua Hedlonda Bridge V/C Sewer - Agua Hedlonda Lilt Station Eva Plaizer CalU Barcelona Bridge Repair Carlsbad Boulevard Bridge Over SDNRR RetroM Carlsbad Boulevard Storm Drain Replacement El Camlno Real Widening (North of Cougar Drive) El Camlno Real Widening (Tamarack to Chestnut) Ellery Pump Station Improvements Maerkle Bridge Replacement Maerkle Facility Improvements Maerkle Reservoir Leak Investigation CHIvenhain/Rancno Santa Fe Road Potntettia Park Tennis Courts Poinsettia P«rt< Parking Lots Water Master Plan Beuena Vista PS Improvements Buena Vnta Force Mam CoHege/Maaride Transmlulon Main Gateway Recycled Water Lake Calavera Mitigation Landscape Trt.Agency Pipeline Recycled Water Mailer Plan Mark Biskup Ml$cell»neou« Sewer Rehabilitation Beech Avenue Sewer Home Plant Lm station Influent Sewer No. Agua Hedlonda Interceptor Rahab (Wait) No. BeHqultos Interceptor Improvements Sewer Lift Station Rehabilitation V/C Sewer Reach 13-15 (Manhole Replacement) La Costa Meadows Sewer Extension Buena Interceptor Manhole Rehab Brandon Miles "D" Reservoir Drainage Improvements Calavera Hills Treatment Plant Demolition nduitnal Part Recycled Water Service Lines Terramer PR station Removal Alga none Community Parti 24,500.000 2.840.000 130.000 500.000 14,700.000 6,430,000 17.400.000 ! BT I 135,000 689.000 675,000 300,000 20.000,000 PRE-OESION ADMINISTRATION DESIGN ENVIRONMENTAL PROCESS BID/AWARD PERIOD CONSTRUCTION STUDY/REPORT Please return to Rose by July 6th. Page 1 of4 COPY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM MONTHLY Rl AS OF JULY 1.2009 ^'"•" f )' 6004 3814 66071 3455 3843 66061 66081 66041 6001-09 SS 6001-09 3896 PWS04-06 60011 47001 3487 3972 9120 3904 3927 3858 6018 5509 3890 6019 3455 anerri nowara Avenkta Encinas Widening Cannon Road Reach 4 CMP Replacement Program -State Street • CIPP Projects • Marron Q Monroe -ViaUbertad - Holly Brae to ECR Highland to James Alder to ECR Coastal Rail Trail Keacn j ( i amaracx to cannon) - Reach 5 (PAR to Poinsettia Coaster Station) El Camlno Real Main (Faraday to Cougar) Kelly Drive Channel Repair NW Quadrant Storm Drain Replacement (Year 1) -Crest - Park Drive - Pacific & Mountain View. Madison NO Grand. Roosevelt bet Beech & Laguna. Roosevelt bet CVD & Grand & Madison bet CVD & Grand Pent Drive between Adams & Cove Romeria Drainage Channel Improvements Jon schauble 2009 Slurry Seal 2009 Pavement Overlay Beach Access Improvements Hosp Grove Park Pavement Management Program Repair Patomar Airport Road Bridge RW Pump Station Removal La Costa Ave Street Improvements jonn canin Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Jacob Moeaer Dove Library Front Entry Improvements Miscellaneous Pipeline Replacement Oak Avenue Sewer Replacement Rancho Carrllk) Waterllne in Village "O" Tamarack & Adams ADA Improvements North Ague Hedkmda Trunk Sewer NAHT1 AHome Plant Lift Station Replacement Foxes Landing Url Station Electrical Upgrades • Valley and Magnolia Sidewalks Coastal RaH Trail • Reach 1 (OceansMe to Oak) - Reach 4 (Cannon to PAR) - Keacn 5 (HAK to rointema comer station) TOTAL BUDGET: ALL PROJECTS LEGEND: BID/AWARD PERIOD CONSTRUCTION STUDY/REPORT 950.000 2.086.000 710,000 895.000 274.000 1.000,000 2.500.000 520,000 100,000 3,200,000 130.000 200,000 250,000 55,000,000 1.000,000 140,000 38,000 48.000 1,860,000 1.812.000 40.000 630,000 ttttttUttttHtttt* Tnn^nHnRnnrlr^ ^mftHUtttftttUiU'tlfHtti^f-T- • 1 1 JJ -i-& ^^^IIIIIIIIIIIJI .*„ ,++, .... »„» „„ ..*„ ^t+ ttt» *n^ •••••••^•llllpdAAdBriUkadle^UAaUdAfl "^JJJ >— """ Please return to Rose by July 6th. •JMM^ «Bi^». !•! ll^a •^•e^mBES "^""""™jH"7T,4|^^BB^^BB^BBB^^B *•*••*•* SBSW****-''-' ~^^— ^^— ••HHIIH mmmmmmmm .... .... .... .... mmmmnmm •••ellaV II : : : : : : : : : : : : y^fffff Page 2 of 4 COPY ENCINA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY PROJECTS r FUNDING MATRIX FOR ENCINA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY PROJECTS PROJ NO. 5800 5801 5603 FUND NO. 58001 58011 58031 PROJECT TITLE BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS CAPITAL ACQ/REPUREHAB AND STAFFING PHASE IV EXPANSION - DEBT SERVICE PHASE V EXPANSION FUNDING SOURCE SEWER KEPL SEWER REPl sown con seWERCWM TOTAL BUDGET 4,552,878 17.425,028 7.457.651 10.603.878 FUTURE YEAR BUDGET AMOUNTS YEAR1 2008-09 744,152 937,170 YEAR 2 2009-2010 987,252 933.007 YEAR 3 2010-2011 1,441,019 931,419 YEAR 4 2011-2012 1.578,081 932,469 YEARS 2012-2013 1,205,020 931,469 YEAR 6-10 2013-2018 6,690,054 1.856.610 BUILDOUT 2018-2023 3,020,973 JC Page 69 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM - NORTH AGUA HEDIONDA INTERCEPTOR REHABILITATION - WEST SEGMENT COVE DRIVE TO HOOVER STREET PROJECT NAME 3537 PROJECT NO. -C PROJECT LOCATION MAP: MAI west PROJECT LOCATION: North bank of Agua Hedionda Lagoon and Creek, from Cove Drive to Hoover Street. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • Design and construct access road and shoreline protection wall to facilitate gravity sewer maintenance from Cove Drive to Hoover Street. • Design and construct erosion protection for access road and existing gravity sewer where needed. • Replace 700 linear feet of 24-inch diameter sewerline. • Replace/rehabilitate 19 access holes. • Conduct environmental survey and prepare Environmental Impact Report necessary to obtain permits. • Design and construct mitigation site. PROJECT NEED: Implementation of the project will avoid accidental sewage spill to the lagoon and creek, reduce inflow to the sewer, and allow for maintenance vehicles to access the sewer. FINANCING: Purpose Study Environmental Property Acquisition Design Construction Estimated Cost $24,599 $829.808 $45,000 $199,916 $3,078,427 Funding Source Sewer Replacement Sewer Replacement Sewer Replacement Sewer Replacement Sewer Replacement Total Cost = $4,177,750 Annual Operating Cost - $5,000 Page 84 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM - NORTH AGUA HEDIONDA INTERCEPTOR REHABILITATION - WEST SEGMENT COVE DRIVE TO HOOVER STREET PROJECT NAME 3537 PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION MAP: MAI west PROJECT LOCATION; North bank of Agua Hedionda Lagoon and Creek, from Cove Drive to Hoover Street. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • Design and construct access road and shoreline protection wall to facilitate gravity sewer maintenance from Cove Drive to Hoover Street. • Design and construct erosion protection for access road and existing gravity sewer where needed. • Replace 700 linear feet of 24-inch diameter sewertine. • Replace/rehabilitate 19 access holes. • Conduct environmental survey and prepare Environmental Impact Report necessary to obtain permits. • Design and construct mitigation site. PROJECT NEED: Implementation of the project will avoid accidental sewage spill to the lagoon and creek, reduce inflow to the sewer, and allow for maintenance vehicles to access the sewer. FINANCING: Purpose Study Environmental Property Acquisition Design Construction Estimated Cost $24,599 $829,808 $45,000 $199,916 $3,078.427 Funding Source Sewer Replacement Sewer Replacement Sewer Replacement Sewer Replacement Sewer Replacement Total Cost = $4,177,750 Annual Operating Cost = $5,000 Page 84 Appendix O City of Carlsbad Long-Range Capital Financing Plan CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL FUNDS ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 2010 TO BUILDOUT | YEAR 6-1 0201 4 -201 9 FUND BTD#2 - POINSETTIA LANE/AVIARA PKWY BTD#3 - CANNON ROAD WEST CFD#1 -CITYWIDE GAS TAX GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. GRANTS - FEDERAL INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT OTHER PARK FEE ZONES 5,13,16 PARK-IN-LIEU NE PARK-IN-LIEU NW PARK-IN-LIEU SE PARK-IN-LIEU SW PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD PROJECT REDEVELOPMENT VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT SCCRDA SEWER BENEFIT AREAS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT STATE TRANSPORTATION TDA TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNET/BIKE TRANSNET/HIGHWAY TRANSNET/LOCAL TRANSNET/STP WATER - MAJOR FACILITY WATER - RECYCLED WATER WATER - REPLACEMENT TOTAL BEGINNING BAL 7/1/2014 8,266,690 323,770 51,165,115 7,225,335 10,974,332 90,259 79,538,265 5,384,174 2,455,405 1,649,110 639,170 978,882 539,048 5,216,061 10,878,210 13,069,481 385,458 0 2,187,054 3,488.187 19,981,164 8.103 0 3,063,028 24,896 371,355 987,511 552 3,551.069 103,349 28,160,422 260,741,248 REVENUE 3,259,639 933,268 9,053,945 9,783,100 0 0 44,125,000 0 422,956 962,244 1,099,306 267,290 1,005,010 3,608,764 9,713,421 6.265.511 850,000 0 2,301,812 3,618,433 22,086,179 6,366,896 0 15,925,173 0 0 17,368,807 0 7,598,241 0 28,114,769 194,729,766 EXPENDITURES 11,510,600 0 26,320,000 3,218,146 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 866,100 0 2,964,714 15,501,540 0 850,000 0 120,600 1,038,191 14,509,689 6,370,000 0 8,749,560 0 0 13,550,000 0 8,351,096 0 4,613,625 118,533,861 ENDING 15.729 1,257,038 33,899,060 13,790,289 10,974,332 90,259 123,663,265 5,384,174 2,878.361 2,611,354 1,738,476 380,072 1,544,058 5,860,111 5,090,091 19,354,992 385,458 0 4,368,266 6,068,429 27,557,654 4,999 0 10,238,641 24,896 371,355 4,806,318 552 2,798,214 103,349 51,661,566 336,937,153 I-32 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL FUNDS ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE BALANCES 2010 TO BUILDOUT (2020 to Buildout FUND BTD#2 - POINSETTIA LANE/AVIARA PKWY BTD#3 - CANNON ROAD WEST CFD#1 -CITYWIDE GAS TAX GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. GRANTS - FEDERAL INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT OTHER PARK FEE ZONES 5,13,16 PARK-IN-LIEU NE PARK-IN-LIEU NW PARK-IN-LIEU SE PARK-IN-LIEU SW PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD PROJECT REDEVELOPMENT VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT SCCRDA SEWER BENEFIT AREAS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT STATE TRANSPORTATION TDA TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNET/BIKE TRANSNET/HIGHWAY TRANSNET/LOCAL TRANSNET/STP WATER - MAJOR FACILITY WATER - RECYCLED WATER WATER - REPLACEMENT TOTAL BEGINNING BAL 7/1/2019 15,729 1,257,038 33,899,060 13,790,289 10,974,332 90,259 123,663,265 5,384,174 2,878,361 2,611,354 1,738,476 380,072 1,544,058 5,860,111 5,090,091 19,354.992 385,458 0 4,368,266 6,068,429 27,557,654 4,999 0 10,238,641 24,896 371,355 4,806,318 552 2,798,214 103,349 51,661,566 336,937,153 REVENUE 8,212,267 2,924,454 3,460,202 11,341,295 250,000 0 44,125,000 0 868,729 3,742,060 3,048,075 358,169 3,287,667 5,948,802 21,718,082 0 0 250.000 3,451,925 4,240,056 23,999,826 7,380.978 0 23,635,906 0 0 17,441,280 0 12,039,061 0 31,040.977 232,764,810 EXPENDITURES 1.373,558 0 30,003,017 2.387,000 0 0 0 0 3.400,000 6,350,000 1,751,776 0 2,806,648 10,657,389 25,633,446 0 0 250,000 0 66,000 3,295,573 7,385,000 0 26,162,704 0 0 12,305,000 0 797,888 0 0 134,624,999 ENDING 6,854,438 4,181,492 7,356,245 22,744,584 11,224,332 90,259 167,788,265 5,384.174 347,090 3,414 3,034,776 738,241 2,025,077 1,151,524 1,174,727 19,354.992 385,458 0 7,820,191 10,242,485 48,261,907 977 0 7,711,843 24,896 371,355 9,942,598 552 14,039,387 103,349 82,702,543 435,076,965 I-33 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNED MAJOR CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS 2009-10 (Greater than $10,000) Org Kay Department 1381010 LOCAL CABLE INFRASTRUCTURE 5016310 WATER OPERATIONS I 5116310 WASTE WATER OPERATIONS 6401710 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 6215061 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT OTHER FUNDS Kern Description Replacement Field Camera Camera for City Council Chambers LOCAL CABLE INFRASTRUCTURE SUBTOTAL SCADA Server WATER OPERATIONS SUBTOTAL SCADA Server WASTE WATER OPERATIONS SUBTOTAL Data Warehouse Production Server Virtual Desktop Infrastructure StorServer- Safety Blueooat Proxy Server Replacements Bluecoat Proxy Replacement - Safety Expansion Storage for Backup Fiber Switch Expansion Switch Replacements - CAD Network AV Proxy -Faraday Server Replacements INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SUBTOTAL 3/4 Ton Flatbed (Chevrolet) 1 Ton Crane Truck 1 Ton Flatbed Truck (GMC Sierra) 1/2 Ton Pickup (GMC Sierra) Backhoe, Case (580L) Backhoe, Case (580L) 4X4 Diesel Engine Retrofits to meet State of CA Air Resources Board Mandates Fire Truck (Seagrave) Full Size Van (Dodge B2500) Hybrid Sedan (Prius) M1CU (Ford E450) Mower, Riding. Large (Toro 4000D) Mower, Riding, Small (Toro 3000D) Paver, Leeboy (L700ST) Pickup Truck (Ford Ranger) Sedan, Hybrid Sedan, Int Police (Ace Repl)(Ford Taurus) Sedan, Int Police (Ford Taurus) Sedan, Intl (Toyota Camry) Sedan, Police (Ford Crown Victoria) SUV, Full Size 4X4 (Ford Expedition) SUV, Intermediate 2WD (Ford Escape) Sweeper, Riding. Grounds (Smithco 7600 BF) Sweeper, Riding, Pavement (Tennant 6550) Water Trailer VEHICLE REPLACEMENT SUBTOTAL Q«y 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1i1 ii1 1 111111 1011111 111 1111 6 1 1 1 1 1 One-Time Cost $ 21,750 [ $ 25.013 $ 46,763 $ 12,235 $ 12,235 $ 12.235 $ 12,235 $ 17,918 $ 228,375 $ 76,126 $ 43,500 $ 40,298 $ 43,500 $ 32,625 $ 65,250 $ 21,750 $ 52,200 $ 621,541 $ 32.000 $ 45,000 $ 32,000 $ 21,000 $ 93,000 $ 93.000 $ 155,000 $ 420.000 $ 24,000 $ 25,000 $ 155.000 $ 55,000 $ 25,000 $ 50,000 $ 19,000 $ 23,000 ( 23.000 $ 23,000 $ 24.000 $ 216.000 $ 38,000 $ 20,000 $ 21,000 $ 35,000 $ 12,000 $ 1,679,000 GRAND TOTAL MAJOR CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 2,371,774 I •Major Capital Outlay only includes items of $10.000 or greater. J-1 Appendix P Sewer System Facility Requirements And Design Guidelines (included in City of Carlsbad, Volume 1 - Chapter 6 Design Criteria for Gravity Sewer Lines and Appurtenances- Appendix H) City of Carlsbad Engineering Standards Volume 3 Standard Drawings and Specifications 2004 Edition CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING STANDARDS VOLUME 3 - STANDARD DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 – City of Carlsbad Standard Drawings CHAPTER 2 – City of Carlsbad Modifications to San Diego Area Regional Standard Drawings CHAPTER 3 – City of Carlsbad Standard Title Sheets CHAPTER 4 – Potable and Recycled Water Standard Drawings – Carlsbad Municipal W.D. CHAPTER 5 – City of Carlsbad Sample Drawings CHAPTER 6 – City of Carlsbad Construction Specifications REVISIONS/ADDENDUM CHAPTER/ PAGE/DWG. ITEM REVISION DATE All Chapters Revised Water & Sewer Standard Drawings & Specifications 6/30/08 VOLUME 3 – STANDARD DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS CHAPTER 3 – STANDARD TITLE SHEETS VOLUME 3 – STANDARD DRAWINGS and SPECIFICATIONS CHAPTER 6 – CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR POTABLE WATER, RECYCLED WATER, AND SEWER FACILITIES TABLE OF CONTENTS Division Section Section Name Pages Division 02 Site Work 02223 Trenching, Excavation, Backfilling, and Compacting........................................1-9 Division 03 Concrete 03000 Cast-In-Place Concrete ....................................................................................1-9 03460 Precast Concrete Sewer Manholes ……………………………………………….1-7 Division 09 Finishes 09870 Tape Coating System with Mortar Shield for the Exterior of Steel Water Pipelines.......................................................................................1-9 09900 Painting and Coating ........................................................................................1-9 09902 Petrolatum Wax Tape Coating .........................................................................1-2 Division 15 Mechanical 15000 General Piping System and Appurtenances.................................................... 1-15 15041 Disinfection of Piping....................................................................................... 1-6 15043 Testing of Gravity Sewer Pipelines ……………………………………………… 1-3 15044 Hydrostatic Testing of Pressure Pipelines....................................................... 1-4 15056 Ductile-Iron Pipe and Fittings .......................................................................... 1-8 15057 Copper Tubing, Brass and Bronze Pipe Fittings ............................................. 1-3 15061 Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials............................ 1-17 15063 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Gravity Sewer Pipe ……………………………………1-6 15064 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) AWWA C-900 Pressure Pipe .................................. 1-4 15066 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) AWWA C-905 Pressure Pipe .................................. 1-4 15068 High Density Polyethylene (PE 3408) Pipe …………………………………….. 1-5 15074 Blowoff Assemblies ......................................................................................... 1-2 15092 Miscellaneous Couplings, Pipe and Appurtenances ....................................... 1-2 15099 Process Valves, Regulators and Miscellaneous Valves.................................. 1-5 15100 Resilient Wedge Gate Valves (RWGV's)......................................................... 1-5 15102 Butterfly Valves (BFV's)................................................................................... 1-6 15108 Air Release Valve, Air and Vacuum Valve and Combination Air Valve Assemblies....................................................................................... 1-4 15112 Backflow Prevention Assemblies..................................................................... 1-4 15121 Open Trench Casing ....................................................................................... 1-5 15125 Jacked Pipe Casing......................................................................................... 1-6 15139 Fire Hydrants................................................................................................... 1-3 Division16 Electrical 16640 Cathodic Protection by Sacrificial Anodes....................................................... 1-10 JUNE 2008 SECTION 02223 TRENCHING, EXCAVATION, BACKFILLING, AND COMPACTING PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION This section includes materials, testing, and installation for trench excavation, backfill, and compaction of piping, conduit, manholes, and vaults. 1.2 REFERENCE STANDARDS The publications listed below form part of this specification to the extent referenced and are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. Reference shall be made to the latest edition of said standards unless otherwise called for. ASTM C 131 - Test Method for Resistance to Degradation of Small-Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles Machine ASTM C 150 - Portland Cement ASTM D 75 - Practice for Sampling Aggregates ASTM 1556 - Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the Sand-Cone method ASTM D 1557 - Test Method for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils Using a Modified Effort ASTM D 2419 - Test Method for Sand Equivalent Values of Soil and Fine Aggregate ASTM D 3017 - Test Method for Water Content of Soil and Rock in Place by Nuclear Methods ASTM D 3776 - Test Method for Mass Per Unit Area (Weight) of Woven Fabric ASTM D 4253 - Test Methods for Maximum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soils Using a Vibratory Plate ASTM D 4254 - Test Methods for Minimum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soils and Calculation of Relative Density ASTM D 4632 - Test Method for Grab Breaking Load and Elongation of Geotextiles ASTM D 4751 - Test Method for Determining the Apparent Opening Size of a Geotextile CAL-OSHA - Title 8 General Industry Safety Orders 1.3 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE Standard Specifications 15000, 15043, 15044, 15056, 15061, 15063, 15064, and 15066 1.4 GEOTECHNICAL TESTING The Developer or Contractor shall engage the services of a geotechnical engineering firm or individual licensed in the State of California to monitor soil conditions during earthwork, trenching, bedding, backfill, and compaction operations. Sampling and testing procedures shall be performed in accordance with the Reference Standards and as follows: A. The soils technician shall be present at the site during all backfill and compaction operations. Failure to have the soils technician present will subject such operations to rejection. B. Density and optimum moisture content of soil shall be determined by the use of the sand cone method, ASTM D 1556, or nuclear density gauge method, ASTM D 2922 & D 3017. Since the composition of the pipe and the walls of the trench have an effect on the nuclear density gauge output, a minimum of 25% of the density and optimum moisture tests shall be made using the sand cone method. JUNE 2008 Page 1 of 9 SECTION 02223 Trenching, Excavation, Backfilling, and Compacting C. Determine laboratory moisture-density relations of existing soil by ASTM D 1557, Method C and/or D. D. Determine the relative density of cohesion less soils by ASTM D 1557, Method C and/or D. E. Sample backfill material by ASTM D 75. F. Express "relative compaction" as a percentage of the ratio of the in-place dry density to the laboratory maximum dry density. A report of all soils tests performed shall be stamped and signed by the soils firm or individual and shall be submitted by the Contractor prior to the filling of the Notice of Completion by the City. The report shall document the sampling and testing of materials, the location and results of all tests performed, and shall certify that materials and work are in compliance with this specification. 1.5 PIPE ZONE The pipe zone includes the full-width of the trench from 6-inches below the bottom of the pipe to 12-inches above the top of the pipe and extends into manhole or vault excavations to the point of connection to or penetration of such structure. 1.6 TRENCH ZONE The trench zone includes the portion of the trench from the top of the pipe zone to the bottom of the pavement zone in paved areas, or to the existing surface in unpaved areas, and extends into manhole or vault excavations above the pipe zone. 1.7 PAVEMENT ZONE The pavement zone includes the concrete or asphalt concrete pavement and aggregate base section placed over the trench zone and extends into manhole or vault excavations above the trench zone. 1.8 PROTECTION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AND FACILITIES The Contractor shall be responsible for the care and protection of all existing utilities, facilities, and structures that may be encountered in or near the area of the work. 1.9 PROTECTION OF EXISTING LANDSCAPING The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of all the trees, shrubs, fences, and other landscape items adjacent to or within the work area. 1.10 ACCESS The Contractor shall provide continuous, unobstructed access to all driveways, water valves, hydrants, or other property or facilities within or adjacent to the work areas. JUNE 2008 Page 2 of 9 SECTION 02223 Trenching, Excavation, Backfilling, and Compacting 1.11 SAFETY A. Protection of workers within trenches shall be as required by the California Labor Code. B. All excavations shall be performed in a safe manner and shall be protected and supported in accordance with CAL-OSHA regulations. C. Barriers and traffic delineators shall be placed in accordance with the requirements of the agency having jurisdiction. 1.12 BLASTING Blasting for excavation shall not be performed without the written permission of the City Procedures and methods of blasting shall conform to all Federal, State, and local laws and ordinances. 1.13 PIPE JACKING Pipe jacking may be permitted in accordance with Section 15125. City approval is required in advance of such operations. 1.14 EXCESS EXCAVATED MATERIAL A. The Contractor shall remove and legally dispose of all excess excavated material and demolition debris. B. It is the intent of these specifications that all surplus material shall be legally disposed of by the Contractor. Before acceptance of the work by City, the Contractor shall provide the City with written releases signed by all property owners with whom the Contractor has entered into agreements for disposing of excess excavated material, absolving the City from any liability connected therewith. 1.15 CHANGES IN LINE AND GRADE In the event obstructions not shown on the plans are encountered during the progress of the work, and which will require alterations to the plans, the Engineer shall have the authority to change the plans and order the necessary deviation from the line and grade. The Contractor shall not deviate from the specified line and grade without prior written approval by the City. 1.16 HYDROSTATIC TESTING Pre-testing of the piping system may be performed for the Contractor's convenience at any time. However, the final hydrostatic pressure test, as described in Sections 15043 and 15044, shall be performed following the completion of all backfilling and trench zone compaction with a minimum of 2.5-feet of material over the pipe. JUNE 2008 Page 3 of 9 SECTION 02223 Trenching, Excavation, Backfilling, and Compacting PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 GENERAL The Contractor shall furnish backfill material as specified below. All materials used in and above the pipe zone shall be capable of attaining the required relative density. 2.2 IMPORTED SAND – PIPE ZONE Imported sand shall be used within the Pipe Zone for installations of PVC Pressure Pipe, Ductile-Iron Pipe, Cement-Mortar Coated Steel Pipe, Tape-Wrapped Steel Pipe, and Paint-Coated Pipe. A. Imported sand shall be free from clay balls, organic matter, and other deleterious substances and shall have a coefficient of permeability greater than 0.014 measured in accordance with ASTM D2434 or a sand equivalent of greater than 30 per ASTM D2419. B. Resistivity for imported sand shall be not less than 2,000 ohm-cm when maximum chloride concentration of 200 mg/l when measured in accordance with California Test Method 422 and a maximum sulfate concentration of 500mg/l when measures in accordance with California Test Method 417. C. Imported Sand shall conform to the following gradation: Sieve Size Percent Passing by Weight ½ inch 100 No. 4 75-100 No. 16 35-75 No. 50 10-40 No. 200 0-10 2.3 CRUSHED ROCK – PIPE ZONE Crushed Rock shall be used in the Pipe Zone on PVC Gravity Sewer Pipe. Crushed rock shall be clean, crushed stone free of organic matter. Crushed rock shall be certified to contain less than 1% asbestos by weight or volume and shall conform to the following gradation and requirements: U.S. Standard Sieve Size Percent Passing by Weight 1-Inch 100 3/4-Inch 90-100 1/2-Inch 30-60 3/8-Inch 0-20 No. 4 0-5 No. 8 --- ASTM C 131 Testing Grade B Test Test Method Requirement Percentage Wear ASTM C 131 --- 100 Revolutions --- 15 Maximum 500 Revolutions --- 52 Maximum JUNE 2008 Page 4 of 9 SECTION 02223 Trenching, Excavation, Backfilling, and Compacting 2.4 TRENCH PLUGS Trench plugs consisting of compacted Imported Granular Material or sand cement slurry shall be installed on piping systems that are backfilled with crushed rock. 2. 5 EARTH BACKFILL MATERIAL – TRENCH ZONE A. Earth backfill is defined as materials removed from the required excavations and used as backfill of earth fill. Earth backfill that meets the requirements specified herein may be used for all backfill or fill, except where imported materials are shown on the Plans or specified herein. Do not use stockpiled topsoil for backfill or fill. B. Earth backfill shall be excavated materials that is free from organic matter, roots, debris, and rocks larger then 4 inches in the greatest dimension. C. Earth backfill used in the trench zone shall be native granular materials free from roots, debris, and organic matter with less than 50 percent passing the No. 200 sieve and more than 40 percent passing the No. 4 sieve and rock particles with a maximum dimension no greater than 4 inches. D. Where the onsite materials are determined by the Engineer to be unsuitable, imported fill shall be provide by the Contractor. 2.6 SAND-CEMENT SLURRY Sand-cement slurry shall consist of two sacks, 188 pounds, of Portland cement per cubic yard of sand and sufficient moisture for workability. City approval is required for use of slurry as a backfill material. 2.7 FILTER FABRIC Filter fabric shall be manufactured from polyester, nylon, or polypropylene. Material shall be of non-woven construction and shall meet the following requirements: Grab tensile strength (ASTM D 4632): 100 lbs. minimum for a 1-inch raveled strip Weight (ASTM D 3776): 4.5 oz./yd2) Apparent opening size (ASTM D 4751): 0.006-inch PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 CLEARING AND GRUBBING A. Areas where work is to be performed shall be cleared of all trees, shrubs, rubbish, and other objectionable material of any kind, which, if left in place, would interfere with the proper performance or completion of the completed work, would impair its subsequent use, or would form obstructions therein. B. Organic material from clearing and grubbing operations will not be incorporated in the trench backfill and shall be removed from the project site or retained and incorporated into the topsoil. JUNE 2008 Page 5 of 9 SECTION 02223 Trenching, Excavation, Backfilling, and Compacting 3.2 PAVEMENT, CURB, AND SIDEWALK REMOVAL Bituminous or concrete pavements, curbs, and sidewalks shall be removed and replaced in accordance with the requirements of the agency having jurisdiction. 3.3 DEWATERING A. The Contractor shall provide and maintain at all times during construction ample means and devices to promptly remove and dispose of all water from any source entering excavations or other parts of the work. Dewatering shall be performed by methods that will ensure a dry excavation and preservation of the final lines and grades of the bottoms of excavations. Dewatering methods may include well points, sump points, suitable rock or gravel placed as pipe bedding for drainage and pumping, temporary pipelines, or other means, all subject to the approval of the City. The cost of all dewatering activities shall be borne by the Developer or Contractor. B. Sewer systems shall not be used as drains for dewatering trenches or excavations, nor for disposal of collected or accumulated groundcover, without the approval of the agency of jurisdiction. C. Concrete shall not be poured in water, nor shall water be allowed to rise around concrete or mortar until it has set at least four hours. D. The Contractor is responsible for meeting all Federal, State, and local laws, rules, and regulations regarding the treatment and disposal of water from dewatering operations at the construction site. 3.4 SHORING AND SHIELDING A. The Contractor's design and installation of shoring shall be consistent with the rules, orders, and regulations of CAL-OSHA. B. Excavations shall be shored, sheeted, and supported such that the walls of the excavation will not slide or settle and all existing improvements of any kind, either on public or private property, will be fully protected from damage. C. The sheeting and shoring shall be arranged so as not to place any stress on portions of the completed work until the general construction has proceeded far enough to provide ample strength. D. Care shall be exercised in the moving or removal of trench shields, sheeting, and shoring to prevent the caving or collapse of the excavation faces being supported. 3.5 CORRECTION OF OVEREXCAVATION Over-excavations shall be corrected by backfilling with approved imported granular material or crushed rock, compacted to 90% relative compaction, as directed by the City. JUNE 2008 Page 6 of 9 SECTION 02223 Trenching, Excavation, Backfilling, and Compacting 3.6 FOUNDATION STABILIZATION A. When unsuitable soil materials are encountered, the unsuitable material shall be removed to the depth determined necessary in the field by the Soils Technician, and as acceptable to the City. The sub-grade shall be restored with compacted Imported Granular Material or crushed rock as recommended by the Soils Technician. Place the appropriate bedding or base material on this restored foundation. B. When rock encroachment is encountered, the rock shall be removed to a point below the intended trench or excavation sub-grade as determined necessary in the field by the Soils Technician, and as acceptable to the City. The sub-grade shall be restored with compacted Imported Granular Material as recommended by the Soils Technician. Place the appropriate bedding or base material on this restored foundation. C. When excessively wet, soft, spongy, or similarly unstable material is encountered at the surface upon which the bedding or base material is to be placed, the unsuitable material shall be removed to the depth determined necessary in the field by the Soils Technician, and as acceptable to the City. Restore the trench with crushed rock enclosed in filter fabric as directed by the Engineer. Larger size rocks, up to 3-inches, with appropriate gradation, may be used if recommended by the Soils Technician. Place the appropriate bedding or base material on this restored foundation. 3.7 TRENCH EXCAVATION AND PLACEMENT OF BEDDING A. Excavate the trench to the lines and grades shown on the drawings with allowance for 6-inches of pipe bedding material. The trench section shall be as shown on the Standard Drawings. B. The maximum length of open trench shall be 500-feet except by permission of the City, City, or County. The distance is the collective length at any location, including open excavation and pipe laying, which has not been backfilled to the elevation of the surrounding gate. C. Trench walls shall be sloped or shored per the requirements of CAL-OSHA. D. The trench bottom shall be graded to provide a smooth, firm, and stable foundation that is free from rocks and other obstructions. E. Place the specified thickness of bedding material over the full width of the trench. Grade the top of the pipe base ahead of the pipe laying to provide a firm, uniform support along the full length of pipe. F. Excavate bell holes at each joint to permit proper assembly and inspection of the entire joint. G. Trenches for main pipelines and all appurtenances shall be backfilled with the materials and methods as specified for the Pipe Zone, Trench Zone, and Pavement Zone. H. Trench widths shall be in accordance with the Standard Drawings. JUNE 2008 Page 7 of 9 SECTION 02223 Trenching, Excavation, Backfilling, and Compacting I. Trench depth shall be as required to install pipelines in accordance with the Approved Plans and these Standard Specifications. Unless shown otherwise in the Approved Plans, the minimum cover for pipelines shall be as follows: Pipeline Application Minimum Cover Required Potable Water 36-inches Recycled Water 48-inches Sewer 60-inches 3.8 MANHOLE AND VAULTS A. The Contractor shall prepare an excavation large enough to accommodate the structure and permit grouting of openings and backfilling operations. The walls of the excavation shall be sloped or shored per the requirements of CAL-OSHA. B. Manholes and vaults shall be placed at the location and elevation shown on the plans, on undisturbed soil with 6-inches of compacted crushed rock base. C. Manhole and vault excavations shall be backfilled with the materials and methods as specified for the Pipe Zone, Trench Zone, and Pavement Zone. 3.9 COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS A. Compaction shall be accomplished by mechanical means. Consolidation by water settling methods such as jetting or flooding is prohibited. B. If the backfill fails to meet the specified relative compaction requirements, the backfill shall be reworked until the requirements are met. All necessary excavations for density tests shall be made as directed by the Soils Technician, and as acceptable to the Engineer. The requirements of the Agency having jurisdiction shall prevail on all public roads. C. Compaction tests shall be performed at random depths, and at random intervals not to exceed 150-feet, as directed by the Soils Technician or City. D. Relative compaction shall be determined by the impact or field compaction test made in accordance with ASTM D 1557 Procedure C. E. Unless otherwise shown on the plans, standard drawings or otherwise described in the specifications for the particular type of pipe installed, relative compaction in pipe trenches shall be as follows: 1. Pipe zone – 90% relative compaction. 2. Trench zone – 90% relative compaction. 3. Structural section in paved areas – per agency requirements, 95% minimum. 4. Imported Granular Material for over excavation or foundation stabilization – 90% relative density. F. All excavations are subject to compaction tests. JUNE 2008 Page 8 of 9 SECTION 02223 Trenching, Excavation, Backfilling, and Compacting 3.10 TRENCH PLUGS Trench plugs shall be installed at 200-foot intervals along the entire length of piping systems. Trench plugs shall be 10-feet in length and shall encompass the entire pipe zone. Additional trench plugs may be required as directed by the Engineer. 3.11 PIPE ZONE BACKFILL A. Care shall be taken in placing the imported granular backfill material simultaneously around the main pipeline and appurtenance pipes so that the pipe barrel is completely supported and that no voids or uncompacted areas are left beneath the pipe or on the sides of the pipe. Care shall be taken to place material simultaneously on both sides of the pipe to prevent lateral movement. This area shall be mechanically compacted to attain 90% relative density. Care shall be taken when compacting appurtenance laterals 2-inches and smaller to prevent the crushing or denting of the copper lateral. Additional lifts of 12-inches or less thickness may be required on 16-inch or larger diameter pipe to attain complete support of the haunch area. Soils tests may be taken on this layer or backfill. B. After the spring line backfill has been approved by the Soils Technician, backfill of the remainder of the Pipe Zone may proceed. Do not drop sharp, heavy pieces of material directly onto the pipe or the tamped material around the pipe. C. Place and compact the imported granular material at a maximum of 12-inch lifts. Compact all material placed in the Pipe Zone by mechanical methods. Sand cone tests shall be taken on this layer of backfill. D. The use of a backhoe mounted compaction wheel is prohibited within the pipe zone to 12-inches above the top of the pipe. E. Under no circumstances shall consolidation by water settling or water-setting methods (i.e., jetting, diking, etc.) be permitted. 3.12 TRENCH ZONE BACKFILL A. After the Pipe Zone material has been placed, compacted, approved by the Soil Technician, and accepted by the City, backfill in the Trench Zone may proceed. B. Compaction using vibratory equipment, tamping rollers, pneumatic tire rollers, or other mechanical tampers shall be performed with the type and size of equipment necessary to accomplish the work. The backfill shall be placed in horizontal layers of such depths as are considered proper for the type of compacting equipment being used in relation to the backfill material being placed. Each layer shall be evenly spread, properly moistened, and compacted to the specified relative density. The Contractor shall repair or replace any pipe, fitting, manhole, or structure damaged by the installation operations as directed by the City. 3.13 PAVEMENT ZONE BACKFILL AND RESTORATION A. After the Trench Zone material has been placed, compacted, approved by the Soil Technician, and accepted by the City, backfill in the Pavement Zone may proceed as necessary in accordance with the requirements of the agency having jurisdiction. B. Replace bituminous and concrete pavement, curbs, and sidewalks removed or damaged during construction in accordance with the requirements of the agency having jurisdiction. END OF SECTION JUNE 2008 Page 9 of 9 SECTION 02223 Trenching, Excavation, Backfilling, and Compacting SECTION 03000 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION This section describes materials and methods for formwork, reinforcement, mixing, placement, curing and repairs of concrete, and the use of cementitious materials and other related products. This section includes concrete, mortar, grout, reinforcement, thrust and anchor blocks, valve support blocks, and manhole bases. 1.2 REFERENCE STANDARDS The publications listed below form part of this specification to the extent referenced and are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. Reference shall be made to the latest edition of said standards unless otherwise called for. ASTM A 185 - Specification for Steel Welded Wire Fabric, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement ASTM A 615/A 615M - Specification for Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement ASTM C 150 - Specification for Portland Cement ASTM C 494 - Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete ASTM C 881 - Specification for Epoxy-Resin-Base Bonding Systems for Concrete CRSI - Recommended Practice for Placing Reinforcing Bars SSPWC - Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction "Greenbook" 1.3 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE Standard Specifications 02223,15000, 15041, 15044, 15056, 15061, 15064, 15074, 15102, 15108, 15112, AND 16640 1.4 APPLICATIONS The following materials, referenced in other sections, shall be provided and installed in accordance with this specification for the applications noted below: A. Concrete for thrust and anchor blocks for horizontal and vertical bends, ductile-iron or steel fittings, fire hydrant bury ells, and support blocks for valves 4-inches and larger, all in accordance with the Standard Drawings. B. Concrete for collars, cradles, curbs, encasements, gutters, manhole bases, protection posts, sidewalks, splash pads, and other miscellaneous cast-in-place items. C. Mortar for filling and finishing the joints between manhole and vault sections and setting manhole grade rings and cover frames. Mortar may also be used for repairs of minor surface defects of no more than ¼-inch in depth of ½-inch in width on non-structural, cast-in-place items such as splash pads or concrete rings around manholes. (Note that large voids, structural concrete and pipe penetrations into vaults shall be repaired with non-shrink grout; repairs to precast manholes and vaults and cast-in-place manhole bases shall be repaired with an epoxy bonding agent and repair mortar, as outlined below). JUNE 2008 Page 1 of 9 SECTION 03000 Cast-In-Place Concrete D. Epoxy bonding agent for bonding repair mortar to concrete on repairs to damaged surfaces to precast or cast-in-place concrete manoles and vaults. E. Repair mortar for repair to damaged surfaces of precast or cast-in-place concrete manholes and vaults. An epoxy bonding agent shall be used in conjunction with repair mortar. F. Non-shrink grout for general purposes repair of large construction voids, pipe penetrations into vaults and grouting of base plates for equipment or structural members. G. Epoxy adhesives for grouting of anchor bolts. H. Protective epoxy coating for application to reinforcing steel with existing concrete structures exposed during construction. I. Damp-proofing for application to the exterior surfaces of concrete manholes and vaults located at or below the water table or where showing evidence of moisture or seepage, and as directed by the Engineer. 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Deliver reinforcing steel to the site bundled and tagged with identification. Store on skids to keep bars clean and free of mud and debris. If contaminated, all bars shall be cleaned by wire brushing, sand blasting, or other means prior to being set in forms. PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 CONCRETE A. All Portland cement concrete shall conform to the provisions of Sections 201, 202, and 303 of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (Greenbook). B. Class 560-C-3250 concrete, as described in the Greenbook, Section 201, shall be used for all applications unless otherwise directed by the City. The maximum water/cement ratio shall be 0.53 by weight, and the maximum slump shall be 4-inches. C. In certain circumstances, rapid-setting concrete may be required. Accelerating admixtures shall conform to ASTM C-494 and may be used in the concrete mix as permitted by the City. Calcium chloride shall not be used in concrete. 2.2 REINFORCING STEEL A. Reinforcing steel shall conform to ASTM A 615, Grade 60. B. Fabricate reinforcing steel in accordance with the current edition of the Manual of Standard Practice, published by the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute. JUNE 2008 Page 2 of 9 SECTION 03000 Cast-In-Place Concrete 2.3 WELDED FIRE FABRIC Welded wire fabric shall conform to ASTM A 185. 2.4 TIE WIRE Tie wire shall be 16-gage minimum, black, soft annealed. 2.5 BAR SUPPORTS Bar supports in beams and slabs exposed to view after removal of forms shall be galvanized or plastic coated. Use concrete supports for reinforcing in concrete placed on grade. 2.6 FORMS A. Forms shall be accurately constructed of clean lumber. The surface of forms against which concrete is placed shall be smooth and free from irregularities, dents, sags or holes. B. Metal form systems may be used upon City approval. Include manufacturer's data for materials and installation with the request to use a metal form system. 2.7 MORTAR Cement mortar shall consist of a mixture of Portland cement, sand, and water. One part cement and two parts sand shall first be combined, and then thoroughly mixed with the required amount of water. 2.8 EPOXY BONDING AGENT The epoxy bonding agent shall be an epoxy-resin-based product intended for bonding new mortar to hardened concrete and shall conform to ASTM C 881. The bonding agent shall be selected from the Approved Materials List. 2.9 REPAIR MORTAR Repair mortar shall be a two-component, cement-based product specifically designed for structurally repairing damaged concrete surfaces. The repair mortar shall exhibit the properties of high compressive and bond strengths and low shrinkage. A medium-slump repair mortar shall be used on horizontal surfaces, and a non-sag, low-slump repair mortar shall be used on vertical or overhead surfaces. Repair mortar shall be selected from the Approved Materials List. 2.10 NON-SHRINK GROUT Non-shrink grout shall be a non-metallic cement-based product intended for filling general construction voids or grouting base plates for equipment or structural members. The non-shrink grout shall exhibit the properties of high compressive and bond strengths and zero shrinkage, and shall be capable of mixing to a variable viscosity ranging from a dry pack to a fluid consistency as required for the application. The non-shrink grout shall be selected from the Approved Materials List. JUNE 2008 Page 3 of 9 SECTION 03000 Cast-In-Place Concrete 2.11 EPOXY ADHESIVE Epoxy adhesive shall be a high-modulus epoxy-resin-based product intended for structural grouting of anchor bolts and dowels to concrete. The epoxy adhesives shall conform to ASTM C 881. A pourable, medium-viscosity epoxy shall be used on horizontal surfaces, and a heavy-bodied, non-sag epoxy gel shall be used on vertical surfaces. The epoxy adhesives shall be selected from the Approved Materials List. 2.12 PROTECTIVE EPOXY COATING The protective epoxy coating shall be an epoxy-resin-based product exhibiting high bond strength to steel and concrete surfaces, and shall conform to ASTM C 881. The protective epoxy coating shall be selected from the Approved Materials List. 2.13 DAMP-PROOFING FOR CONCRETE STRUCTURES Damp-proofing material shall consist of two coats of a single-component self-priming, heavy-duty cold-applied coal tar selected from the Approved Materials List. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 FORMWORK A. The Contractor shall notify the City a minimum of one working day in advance of intended placement of concrete to enable the City to check the form lines, grades, and other required items before placement of concrete. B. The form surfaces shall be cleaned and coated with form oil prior to installation. The form surfaces shall leave uniform form marks conforming to the general lines of the structure. C. The forms shall be braced to provide sufficient strength and rigidity to hold the concrete and to withstand the necessary fluid pressure and consolidation pressures without deflection from the prescribed lines. D. Unless otherwise indicated on the plans, all exposed sharp concrete edges shall be 3/4-inch chamfered. 3.2 REINFORCEMENT A. Place reinforcing steel in accordance with the current edition of Recommended Practice for Placing Reinforcing Bars, published by the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute. B. All reinforcing steel shall be of the required sizes and shapes and placed where shown on the drawings or as directed by the City. C. Do not straighten or re-bend reinforcing steel in a manner that will damage the material. Do not use bars with bends not shown on the drawings. All steel shall be cold bent – do not use heat. JUNE 2008 Page 4 of 9 SECTION 03000 Cast-In-Place Concrete D. All bars shall be free from rust, scale, oil, or any other coating that would reduce or destroy the bond between concrete and steel. E. Position reinforcing steel in accordance with the Approved Plans and secure by using annealed wire ties or clips at intersections and support by concrete or metal supports, spacers, or metal hangers. Do not place metal clips or supports in contact with the forms. Bend tie wires away from the forms in order to provide the concrete coverage equal to that required of the bars. If required by the Engineer, the Contractor shall install bars additional to those shown on the drawings for the purpose of securing reinforcement in position. F. Place reinforcement a minimum of 2-inches clear of any metal pipe, fittings, or exposed surfaces. G. The reinforcement shall be so secured in position that it will not be displaced during the placement of concrete. H. All reinforcing steel, wire mesh, and tie wire shall be completely encased in concrete. I. Reinforcing steel shall not be welded unless specifically required by the Approved Plans or otherwise directed by the Engineer. I. Secure reinforcing dowels in place prior to placing concrete. Do not press dowels into the concrete after the concrete has been placed. J. Minimum lap for all reinforcement shall be 40 bar diameters unless otherwise specified on the Approved Plans. K. Place additional reinforcement around pipe penetrations or openings 6-inches diameter or larger. Replace cut bars with a minimum of 1/2 of the number of cut bars at each side of the opening, each face, each way, same size. Lap with the uncut bars a minimum of 40 bar diameters past the opening dimension. Place one same size diagonal bar at the four diagonals of the opening at 45° to the cut bars, each face. Extend each diagonal bar a minimum of 40 bar diameters past the opening dimension. L. Wire mesh reinforcement is to be rolled flat before being placed in the form. Support and tie wire mesh to prevent movement during concrete placement. M. Extend welded wire fabric to within 2-inches of the edges of slabs. Lap splices at least 1-1/2 courses of the fabric and a minimum of 6-inches. Tie laps and splices securely at ends and at lest every 24-inches with 16-gage black annealed steel wire. Pull the fabric into position as the concrete is placed by means of hooks, and work concrete under the steel to ensure that it is at the proper distance above the bottom of the slab. 3.3 EMBEDDED ITEMS All embedded items, including bolts, dowels and anchors, shall be held correctly in place in the forms before concrete is placed. JUNE 2008 Page 5 of 9 SECTION 03000 Cast-In-Place Concrete 3.4 MORTAR MIXING The quantity of water to be used in the preparation of mortar shall be only that required to produce a mixture sufficiently workable for the purpose intended. Mortar shall be used as soon as possible after mixing and shall show no visible sign of setting prior to use. Re-mixing of mortar by the addition of water after signs of setting are evident shall not be permitted. 3.5 MIXING AND PLACING CONCRETE A. All concrete shall be placed in forms before taking its initial set. B. No concrete shall be placed in water except with permission of the City. C. As the concrete is placed in forms, or in rough excavations (i.e., thrust or anchor blocks), it shall be thoroughly settled and compacted throughout the entire layer by internal vibration and tamping bars. D. All existing concrete surfaces upon which or against which new concrete is to be placed shall be roughened, thoroughly cleaned, wetted, and grouted before the new concrete is deposited. 3.6 CONCRETE FINISHING A. Immediately upon the removal of forms, voids shall be neatly filled with cement mortar, non-shrink grout, or epoxy bonding agent and repair mortar as required for the application and as directed by the City. B. The surfaces of concrete exposed to view shall be smooth and free from projections or depressions. C. Exposed surfaces of concrete not poured against forms, such as horizontal or sloping surfaces, shall be screeded to a uniform surface, steel-trowelled to densify the surface, and finished to a light broom finish. 3.7 PROTECTION AND CURING OF CONCRETE The Contractor shall protect all concrete against damage. Exposed surfaces of new concrete shall be protected from the direct rays of the sun by covering them with plastic film wrap and by keeping them damp for at least 7 days after the concrete has been placed, or by using an approved curing process. Exposed surfaces shall be protected from frost by covering with tarps for at least 5 days after pouring. JUNE 2008 Page 6 of 9 SECTION 03000 Cast-In-Place Concrete 3.8 REPAIRS TO DAMAGED CONCRETE SURFACES Minor surface damage to hardened cast-in-place or precast concrete may be repaired, at the discretion of the City, using the specified materials in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the following procedures: A. Cast-in-place or precast concrete for manholes and vaults: Remove loose or deteriorated concrete to expose a fractured aggregate surface with an edge cut to a ninety degree angle to the existing surface. Clean all debris from the area, apply a 20 mil coat of epoxy bonding agent to the prepared surface, and place repair mortar while the epoxy is still wet and tacky. On horizontal surfaces, for repair depths greater than 2-inches, add aggregate to the repair mortar as recommended by the manufacturer. On vertical or overhead surfaces, for repair depths greater than 2-inches, apply the repair mortar in successive lifts, scarifying the lifts, allowing them to harden, and applying a scrub coat of the material prior to proceeding with the next lift. Cure the material as for concrete in accordance with this specification. B. General Purpose: Remove loose and deteriorated concrete by mechanical means, sandblasting, or high-pressure water blasting. Clean all debris from the area and apply non-shrink grout in a 1/4-inch minimum thickness, at the desired consistency, ranging from a dry pack, to a fluid-poured into a formed area, according to the application. Cure the material as for concrete in accordance with this specification. 3.9 EPOXY ADHESIVES FOR ANCHOR BOLT INSTALLATION Anchor bolts grouted in place with an epoxy adhesive shall be installed using the specified materials in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the following general procedures: Drill the hole with a rotary percussion drill to produce a rough, unpolished hole surface. the hole shall be sized to the manufacturer's recommendations and should be approximately 1/4-inch wider than the diameter of the bolt, with a depth equal to 10 to 15 times the bolt diameter. Remove debris and dust with a stiff bristle brush and clean using compressed air. Utilizing a medium-viscosity epoxy for horizontal surfaces, and a gel-type non-sag epoxy for vertical surfaces, apply the material to fill the hole to approximately half its depth. Insert the bolt, forcing it down until the required embedment depth and projection length are attained and then twist the bolt to establish a bond. Secure the bolt firmly in place in the permanent position until the epoxy sets. 3.10 PROTECTIVE EPOXY COATING Following core drilling at existing concrete structures, clean the exposed concrete surface and ends of reinforcing steel and apply two coats of protective epoxy coating for a total dry film thickness of 10-15 mils. Allow the material to cure between coats and prior to continuing the installation through the penetration. 3.11 DAMP-PROOFING FOR THE EXTERIOR OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES Following completion of the exterior surfaces of manholes and vaults, including necessary repairs and piping penetrations into the structure, apply the specified material to prepared concrete surfaces in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. The surfaces to be coated shall be fully-cured and free of laitance and contamination. The material shall be applied to all exterior surfaces below a point 12-inches above the water table or indications of seepage or moisture as directed by the Engineer. Apply two 15 mil coats, curing between coats, prior to backfill and/or immersion in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. JUNE 2008 Page 7 of 9 SECTION 03000 Cast-In-Place Concrete 3.12 THRUST AND ANCHOR BLOCKS Concrete thrust and anchor blocks shall be poured against wetted, undisturbed soil in accordance with the Standard Drawings and as directed by the City. The concrete shall be placed so that fittings and valves will be accessible for repairs or replacement. Prior to filling the pipeline with water, the concrete for thrust and anchor blocks shall cure for the following number of days: Thrust Blocks 3 days minimum Anchor Blocks 7 days minimum A. Safe Soil Bearing Load: Soil Safe Bearing Load Muck, peat, etc.*** 0 PSF Soft Clay 500 PSF Fine Sand 1,000 PSF Decomposed Granite (D.G.) 1,500 PSF Sandy Gravel 2,000 PSF Cemented Sandy Gravel 2,000 PSF Hard Shale 2,500 PSF Granite 10,000 PSF ***In muck or peat soils, competent resistance shall be achieved by removal and replacement with ballast or sufficient stability to resist the intended thrusts. Consult the project geotechnical consultant. B. Thrust Block Placement and Sizing: Thrust blocks shall be located at all unrestrained pipe fittings and bear against firm, undisturbed soil. The thrust blocks shall be centered on the fitting so that the bearing area is exactly opposite the resultant direction of the thrust, refer to the Standard Drawings. Care shall be taken to prevent the placed thrust block concrete from eliminating maintenance access to the valve operators. All thrust block excavation location, shape, and the City prior to pouring the concrete shall verify size. The size, in sq. ft., of the thrust block can be calculated by dividing the thrust by the safe bearing load. For instance, use a 12-inch pipe, 45° end, at 200 psi test pressure with a D.G. trench the value of 11,720# of thrust can be obtained from the upper chart and 1,500#/sq. ft. safe bearing load from the lower chart as follows: 11,720# x 2 / 1,500#/Sq. ft. = 15.6 sq. ft. or 16 sq. Therefore, for this example, the trench wall adjacent to the fitting shall be excavated to the dimensions of 4 ft. x 4 ft. or 3.5 ft. x 5 ft. or some closely approximate multipliers to achieve the minimum required 16 sq. ft. bearing area. JUNE 2008 Page 8 of 9 SECTION 03000 Cast-In-Place Concrete C. Anchor Block Placement and Sizing: For all vertical bends in pipelines (downward bends) that do not have restrained joints, the fittings shall be retained in place by means of an anchor block. The block shall be sized to withstand the thrust exerted for the particular deflection angle at the required test pressure plus 10%. (Do not rely on the restraining benefit from the soil). The City shall verify the size chosen and the reinforcing steel required. The size, in cu. ft. of the anchor block can be calculated by dividing the thrust by the unit weight of concrete (i.e., one cu. ft. or concrete weighs approximately 145#). For instance, use the same 12-inch pipe, 45° bend, at 200 psi test pressure – the value of 11,720# of thrust can be obtained from the upper chart: 11,720# x 2 / 145# = 162 cu. ft. (plus 10%) = 178 cu. ft. or 6.6 cu. yd. Therefore, for this example, the anchor block shall be 5.5' x 5.5' x 6' or 6' x 6' x 5', or some closely approximate multipliers to achieve a minimum of 178 cu. ft. of concrete. 3.13 VALVE SUPPORT BLOCKS Valve support blocks shall be installed as described below and in accordance with the Standard Drawings: A. Support blocks below valves shall be cut into the side of the trench a minimum of 12-inches. B. Support blocks shall extend up to a height of adjoining pipe and shall have a minimum depth below the valve of 12-inches. C. Support blocks shall be installed so that the valves will be accessible for repairs. END OF SECTION JUNE 2008 Page 9 of 9 SECTION 03000 Cast-In-Place Concrete SECTION 03460 PRECAST CONCRETE SEWER MANHOLES PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide precast concrete sewer manholes, also referred to as access holes, complete and in place, in accordance with the Contract Documents. 1.2 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. Commercial Standards: ASTM A 48 Gray Iron Castings ASTM C 478 Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections ASTM C 923 Resilient Connectors between Reinforced Concrete Manhole Structures, Pipes, and Laterals 1.3 RELATED WORK ELSEWHERE The CONTRACTOR shall refer to the following specification section(s) for additional requirements: A. Trenching, Excavation, Backfilling and Compacting: 02223 B. Cast-In-Place Concrete: 03000 C. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Gravity Sewer Pipe: 15063 1.4 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS A. General: Furnish submittals in accordance with GENERAL PROVISIONS. B. Shop Drawings: 1. Show dimensions, locations, lifting inserts, reinforcement, and joints. 2. Structural design calculations. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Inspection: After installation, the CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate that manholes have been properly installed, level, with tight joints, at the correct elevations and orientations, and that the backfilling has been carried out in accordance with the Contract Documents. SECTION 03460 JUNE 2008 1 of 7 Precast Concrete Sewer Manholes PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 MANHOLES A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide precast manhole sections and conical sections conforming to ASTM C 478 and the requirements of this Section. Adjusting rings shall be standard items from the manufacturer of the manhole sections. Minimum wall thickness of rings shall be 1/8 of the internal diameter of the riser or largest cone diameter. B. Axial length of sections shall be selected to provide the correct total height with the fewest joints. C. Conical sections shall be designed to support cast iron frames and covers under an H-20 loading, unless indicated otherwise. D. Sewer manhole sections shall be cast without ladder rungs. E. Design Criteria: Manhole walls, transitions, conical sections, and base shall be designed per ASTM C 478 for the depths indicated and the following: 1. AASHTO H-20 loading applied to the cover. 2. Unit weight of soil of 120 pcf located above all portions of the manhole. 3. Lateral soil pressure based on saturated soil producing 100 pcf acting on an empty manhole. 4. Internal fluid pressure based on weight of 63 pcf with manhole filled from invert to cover with no balancing external soil pressure. 5. Dead load of manhole sections fully supported by the base and transition. 6. The minimum allowable steel shall be hoops of No. 4 wire. Add reinforcing steel in walls to transfer stresses at openings. 7. The minimum clear distance between the edges of any 2 wall penetrations shall be 12-inches or one-half of the diameter of the smaller penetration, whichever is greater. 8. All manholes on sewer pipelines 15-inches in diameter or larger, all drop manholes, regardless of size and all forcemain terminal manholes shall be T-lock PVC lined including the bench. 9. All manholes with incoming pipe slopes of 7% or greater shall be “T-lock” PVC lined. 10. Where there is a slope change from steep to flat of 5% or greater, the manhole at the grade change and the next manhole upstream shall be PVC lined. SECTION 03460 JUNE 2008 2 of 7 Precast Concrete Sewer Manholes F. Joint sealing compound shall be a mastic-type material in a flexible rope or rolled form with removable wrapper sized to fit into the key manhole sections. G. Concrete for base and channel formation shall be concrete conforming to Section 03000 – Cast-In-Place Concrete. H. Barrel section to sewer pipe connections shall be sealed with resilient connectors complying with ASTM C 923. Mechanical devices shall be stainless steel. I. Drop manholes, if approved by the City Engineer, shall conform to the applicable provisions for precast manholes as specified herein. J. Manhole Manufacturers, or Equal 1. B&W Precast 2. Mar-Con Products 3. Ameron 2.2 MANHOLE FRAMES AND COVERS A. Manhole frames shall be 36” in diameter with two concentric covers, made of cast-iron in accordance with ASTM A 48 Class 30 and the Standard Drawings. Covers shall incorporate a “pic-hole” for lifting purposes. 1. Locking frames and covers may be required in areas located outside the public right of way, in remote areas or when determined by the City Engineer. B. Frames and covers shall be designed for H-20 highway wheel loading. C. Covers shall be cast with the words “CITY OF CARLSBAD” and “SEWER”. No other lettering will be permitted on the top portion of the cover. D. Casting shall be smooth, clean, and free from blisters, blowholes, and shrinkage. Mating surfaces of the frame and cover shall be machined to prevent movement of the lid. Frames and covers shall be match marked in sets before shipping to the site. E. All castings shall be dipped twice in a preparation of asphalt or coal tar and oil applied at a temperature of not less than 290 degrees F nor more than 310 degrees F and in such a manner as to form a firm and tenacious coating. F. Castings Manufacturers, or Equal 1. Alhambra Foundry 2. South Bay Foundry 2.3 PVC LINER A. Where a PVC lined manhole is shown, specified or required, the entire interior of the manhole shall be covered with white PVC liner as shown on Carlsbad Standard Drawing (CSD) S-1A. SECTION 03460 JUNE 2008 3 of 7 Precast Concrete Sewer Manholes B. Precast shaft sections, cone sections, and grade rings shall utilize PVC liner sheet with integrally cast PVC T-shaped extensions. C. The channel of the cast-in-place base shall be formed and shall utilize PVC liner sheet with integrally cast PVC T-shaped extensions. The bottom 90-degrees of the channel shall remain unlined as shown on CSD S-1A. D. T-shaped PVC liner sheets shall be a minimum of 0.065-inch in thickness. Locking extensions (T-shaped) of the same materials as that of the liner shall be integrally extruded with the sheet. The locking extensions shall be approximately 2.5-inches apart and shall be at least 0.375-inches high. E. T-shaped liner sheets shall be placed with the "T"s run vertical. F. The shelf of the manhole base shall be covered with PVC liner using one of the following two methods: 1. Place PVC T-shaped liner sheets where the base is cast-in-place. 2. Place a PVC liner sheet after the base has cured utilizing the Arrow-Lock Lining system in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations (Ameron protection Linings Division). G. PVC Liner Manufacturers, or Equal 1. Amer-Plate T-Lock Liner, Ameron Protective Linings Division PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. Pre-cast concrete sections shall be transported and handled with care in accordance with the manufacturer’s written recommendations. Where lifting devices are provided in pre-cast sections, such lifting devices shall be used as intended. Where no lifting devices are provided, the CONTRACTOR shall follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for lifting procedures to provide proper support during lifting. B. The manhole base shall be poured in place against a minimum of 6-inches of 3/4” crushed rock base situated on undisturbed soil. The manhole stubs and sewer main shall be set before the concrete is placed and shall be rechecked for alignment and grade before the concrete has set. The various sized inlets and outlets to the manhole shall be located as indicated on the Approved Plans. The manhole base shall extend 9-inches below the bottom of the lowest pipe. Invert elevations of connecting sewers may vary depending upon sizes. When intercepting flows from smaller pipelines in manholes, set invert of the smaller mains at ¾ of the depth of the larger main. The invert of the manhole base shall be hard worked so as to provide channels conforming in size and shape to the lower portions of the inlets and outlets. The channel shall vary uniformly in size and shape from inlet to outlet and be constructed higher than pipe as indicated on the Approved Plans. The manhole invert channels shall be smooth and accurately shaped. Channels may be formed directly in the concrete base. All transitions shall be smooth and of the proper radius to give an uninterrupted transition of flow. The concrete base shall be shaped with a wood float and shall receive a hard-steel trowel finish prior to the concrete setting. SECTION 03460 JUNE 2008 4 of 7 Precast Concrete Sewer Manholes In the event additional mortar is required after initial set has taken place, the surface to receive the mortar shall be primed and the mortar mixed with “Willhold Concrete Adhesive” in the amounts and proportions recommended. The bases shall set a minimum of 24 hours before the manhole construction is continued. C. Straight through channels in manholes with no tributaries may have SDR 35 PVC pipe installed though the manhole. The top section of pipe shall be removed flush with top of shelf. All cuts shall be neat and dressed minimizing burrs and rough edges. D. Each manhole section shall be sealed with butyl rubber sealant rope (See Detail on Std Dwg S-1A) to make a watertight joint, shall be neatly banded on the inside and outside and shall be set plumb. All manholes shall be vacuum tested in accordance with the procedures specified herein in paragraph 3.3 and shown on Carlsbad Standard Drawing S-1A. Sections of various height grade rings shall be used in order to bring the top of the manhole ring and cover to the elevation on the Approved Plans, but limited to a maximum of 18 inches of grade ring. The precast concrete manhole rings shall be jointed with a minimum thickness of ½ inch of Portland cement mortar along with butyl rubber sealant rope. Mortar shall be composed of one part Portland cement to two parts clean well-graded sand of such size that all pass a No. 8 sieve. Preformed, cold applied ready-to-use plastic joint sealing compound may be substituted for mortar between units and shall be used when ground water is encountered. The finished elevations at which the manhole frames and covers are to be set shall conform to the requirements set forth in the Approved Plans. Where the frame and cover are in existing pavement or in the traveled way of the existing road shoulder, it is to be placed flush with the existing surface. When the structure is outside the limits of the traveled shoulder but not in the roadside ditch, it should be placed 1/10-foot above the existing ground surface. Where the manhole cover falls in the existing roadside ditch or easement right-of-way “offsite”, it is to be placed approximately 6-inches above the existing ground surface. Manhole frames shall be set at the required grade and shall be securely attached to the top precast manhole shaft unit with a cement-mortar bed and fillet. After the frames are securely set in place, covers shall be installed and all necessary cleaning and scraping of foreign materials from the frames and covers shall be accomplished to ensure a satisfactory fit. E. Damp-proof material shall be applied, when ground water is present or anticipated and at the discretion of the City Engineer, to the exterior surfaces of man-holes in accordance with the manufactures recommendations. The material shall be applied to all exterior surfaces below a point one foot above the water table or indications of seepage or moisture as directed by the Engineer. Use water-proofing material for exterior surface when below ground water, per Std Dwg S-1A or as required by Engineer. F. Selected clean backfill material shall be used around all man-holes. It shall be compacted by pneumatic tampers as shown on Standard Drawing No. S-5, unless shown otherwise on the approved plans. G. A concrete ring shall be cast around manhole frames to within 3” of finished grade and capped with asphalt, as shown on the Approved Plans. The ring shall be placed after the final grading or paving together with the final cleanup. SECTION 03460 JUNE 2008 5 of 7 Precast Concrete Sewer Manholes 3.2 WATER-TIGHTNESS OF MANHOLES A. It is the intent that all man-holes and appurtenances be water tight and free from infiltration. All man-hole joints shall use butyl rubber sealant material to provide a water tight seal and shall comply with the vacuum test requirements specified herein in paragraph 3.3 of this Section. Where manholes are to be given a protective lining or coating, they shall be free of any seeping or surface moisture. Sections of manholes below ground water levels or anticipated ground water levels shall have sealant material installed on the external surface per Std Dwg S-1A. 3.3 VACUUM TESTING OF MANHOLES A. All sewer manholes shall be vacuum tested in accordance with the requirements specified herein. B. Vacuum testing equipment shall be as manufactured by P.A. Glazier, Inc. or approved equal. C. Manholes shall be tested after assembly and prior to mortaring the joints or backfilling. In case of manholes incorporating a PVC liner, the testing is to take place prior to mortaring the joints, welding the liner seams between sections, and backfilling. D. All lift holes shall be plugged with an approved grout prior to testing. All pipes entering the manhole shall be plugged and bracing installed to prevent the plug from being drawn into the manhole. The test head shall be placed inside the top of the cone section and the seal inflated in accordance with the manufacture’s recommendations. A vacuum of 10 inches of mercury shall be drawn. The time shall be measured for the vacuum to drop 9-inches. The manhole shall pass the test if the time taken for the drop is greater than 60 seconds. If the manhole fails the test, necessary repairs shall be made and the test repeated until acceptable results are obtained. The leak(s) shall be located and repaired, according to the type of leak, with material-in-kind. 3.4 PULL-TESTING OF PVC-LINED MANHOLES At the Engineers request, PVC-lined manholes shall have field-welded joints pull tested. Field welds shall withstand a pull test of at least 100 pounds per linear inch applied perpendicularly to the concrete surface for a period of one-minute without evidence of cracks or separation. This test shall be conducted at a temperature of 70°F to 80°F, inclusive. 3.5 HOLIDAY TESTING OF PVC-LINED MANHOLES PVC-lined surfaces shall be holiday tested with an electrical holiday detector as manufactured by Tinker and Rasor (model No. AP-W with power pack) with the instrument set at 20,000 volts and used as directed by the Engineer. All imperfections identified on the PVC lining shall be repaired and the test shall be repeated until no holidays are evident. SECTION 03460 JUNE 2008 6 of 7 Precast Concrete Sewer Manholes 3.6 MANHOLE ABANDONMENT Sewer manholes shall have the cover and frame, concrete ring, grade rings and cone section removed. Inlet and outlet piping shall be plugged with concrete, manhole void shall be filled with sand, and a 12” thick, reinforced concrete slab shall be poured over the top of remaining manhole. The Contractor shall backfill the hole to ground surface with compacted select fill. END OF SECTION SECTION 03460 JUNE 2008 7 of 7 Precast Concrete Sewer Manholes SECTION 09870 TAPE COATING SYSTEM WITH MORTAR SHIELD FOR THE EXTERIOR OF STEEL WATER PIPELINES PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION A. The steel pipe shall be coated with polyethylene tapes in accordance with AWWA C214. Fittings and specials shall be coated with cold-applied polyethylene tapes in accordance with AWWA C209. A reinforced cement mortar shield shall be applied in accordance with AWWA C205. Any modifications to the aforementioned standards are as stated herein. 1.2 RELATED WORK ELSEWHERE The Contractor shall refer to the following specification section(s) for additional requirements: A. Painting and Coating: 09900 B. Petrolatum Wax Tape Coating: 09902 C. Cement Mortar Lined Steel Pipe: 15061 1.3 QUALIFICATIONS OF MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturer to demonstrate a minimum of five years’ successful application of tape coating system on similar diameter steel water pipelines as specified herein. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. List of tape coating materials indicating manufacturer, product numbers, and thickness of materials related to tape system for joints and repairs. B. Certification of test results for each batch of liquid adhesive and each tape material specified shall be in accordance with AWWA C214. C. Tape application procedure approved by tape manufacturer. 1.5 COORDINATION WITH TAPE MANUFACTURER A. The pipe manufacturer shall require the tape material manufacturer to furnish qualified factory technical representative to visit the site for technical support at the beginning of the pipe installation as may be necessary to instruct Contractor on appropriate tape application methods in the field or to resolve problems. This visit shall be coordinated to allow City Inspection and Maintenance Staff to participate in the instruction. The Contractor shall allow time for representative to give field taping instructions to his workforce. JUNE 2008 1 of 9 SECTION 09870 Tape Coating System with Mortar Shield for the Exterior of Steel Water Pipelines PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 POLYETHYLENE TAPE COATING A. Provide polyethylene tape coating in accordance with AWWA C214 with a reinforced cement mortar shield in accordance with AWWA C205 and as specified herein. Plant and field applied liquid adhesive, polyethylene tape, and plant and field applied repair tape shall be furnished by a single manufacturer. The physical properties of tape materials shall meet or exceed the requirements of AWWA C214 when tested in accordance with the methods described in Section 5.3, “Coating System Tests”. B. The tape coating systems consist of an exterior polyethylene tape over the bare metal surface of steel pipe with a reinforced cement mortar coating applied over the tape system. Tape coating systems are specified for: 1. Normal plant cold-applied tape 2. Plant cold-applied tape for special sections, connections and fittings, and plant repairs of cold-applied tape 3. Field joint, field coated fittings and repair of field cold-applied tape. 2.2 LIQUID ADHESIVE A. Liquid adhesive shall consist of a mixture of suitable rubber and synthetic compounds and a solvent in accordance with AWWA C214. The liquid adhesive shall be Polyken #1039 primer or equivalent. 2.3 STORAGE PRIMER A. Storage primer on the exposed steel at the tape cutbacks shall be Polyken #924 or equivalent. 2.4 PLANT APPLIED POLYETHYLENE TAPE SYSTEM, POLYKEN, or equivalent (80 mil) A. Liquid adhesive shall be Polyken #1039 primer. B. Anti-corrosion inner layer tape shall be Polyken #989 (20 mil), black. C. First mechanical outer layer tape shall be Polyken #955 (30 mil), gray. D. Second mechanical outer layer tape shall be Polyken #956 (30 mil), white. E. Reinforced cement mortar shield 3/4” thick. F. Weld Stripping Tape shall be Polyken #933 (25 mil), if required. JUNE 2008 2 of 9 SECTION 09870 Tape Coating System with Mortar Shield for the Exterior of Steel Water Pipelines 2.5 PLANT COLD-APPLIED TAPE COATINGS FOR SPECIAL SECTIONS, CONNECTIONS AND FITTINGS, AND PLANT REPAIR COLD-APPLIED POLYETHYLENE TAPE MATERIAL A. Liquid adhesive shall be Polyken #1039 primer. B. Anti-corrosion inner layer shall be Polyken #932-50 (50 mil), black. C. Mechanical layer outer tape for plant fittings and plant repair cold-applied polyethylene tape shall be Polyken #955 (30 mil), white. D. Reinforced cement mortar shield 3/4” thick. E. Weld stripping tape shall be Polyken #933 (25 mil), if required. 2.6 FIELD JOINT, FIELD COATED FITTINGS, AND FIELD REPAIR COLD-APPLIED POLYETHYLENE TAPE A. Primer shall be Polyken #1029. B. Joint filler tape to be Polyken #939 (125 mil), black. C. Field joint, field fitting, and field repair outer layer tape shall be Polyken #932, (50 mil). D. Mechanical layer outer tape for field joint, field fittings and field repair shall be Polyken #932-50, continue inner layer with 50% overlap. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 POLYETHYLENE TAPE COATING A. Apply polyethylene tape coating to pipe in accordance with AWWA C214. Apply polyethylene tape coating to fittings and specials in accordance with AWWA C209. Apply the reinforced cement mortar shield in accordance with AWWA C205. Any modifications to the aforementioned standards are as stated herein. B. Certificate of Compliance: Prior to shipment of pipe, furnish a certificate of compliance stating that tape materials and work furnished hereunder will comply or have complied with the requirements of these specifications and AWWA C214 and C209. 3.2 STRAIGHT RUN PIPE APPLICATION A. For straight run pipe, plant applied conditions, the polyethylene tapes shall be a four layer system consisting of: (1) liquid adhesive; (2) corrosion prevention tape (inner layer); (3) mechanical protective tape (first outer layer); (4) mechanical protective tape (second outer layer) JUNE 2008 3 of 9 SECTION 09870 Tape Coating System with Mortar Shield for the Exterior of Steel Water Pipelines B. Perform the entire coating operation by experienced workers skilled in the application of polyethylene tapes and cement mortar coating under qualified supervisors. After completion of the tape system, all handling shall be by padded equipment to prevent any damage of the tape system. Testing of tape system shall be performed per 3.5 of this section. C. All equipment for blasting and application of the tape coating system shall be of such design and condition to comply with all the requirements of AWWA C214 and these specifications. Immediately repair or replace equipment that, in the opinion of the Engineer, does not produce the required results. Include equipment and a repair procedure for correcting defective tape application for use under this specification in the steel pipe fabrication plan. Make available for review a copy of this portion of the fabrication plan, and any updates, at the location of the coating operation, and a repair procedure for correcting defective tape application. D. Remove the exterior weld bead along the entire exterior surface of the pipe. The exterior weld bead shall be flush with the exterior surface of the pipe with a tolerance of plus 1/32-inch. E. Surface preparation shall conform to AWWA C214 and the following. 1. Bare pipe shall be clean of all foreign matter such as mud, mill lacquer, wax, coal tar, asphalt, oil, grease, or any contaminants. Remove welding slag or scale from all welds by wire-brushing, hammering, or other satisfactory means. Remove welding splash globules prior to priming. 2. Prior to blast cleaning, inspect surfaces and, if required, preclean in accordance with the requirements of SSPC SP-1, Solvent Cleaning, to remove oil, grease, and all foreign deposits. Remove visible oil and grease spots by solvent wiping. Use only approved solvents that do not leave any residue. Include in the manufacturer’s fabrication plan the cleaning solvent applications procedure and safety precautions. F. Blast cleaning shall conform to AWWA C214 and the following. 1. Blast the pipe surface using a commercially available shot grit mixture to achieve a prepared surface equal to that which is specified in SSPC SP- 6, Commercial Blast Cleaning. 2. For plant mortar lined pipe, perform blast cleaning of said exterior surfaces after the initial curing of the spun mortar lining. Perform the exterior blast cleaning in such a manner as not to endanger the mortar lining in the pipe. Completely remove corrosion and foreign substances from the exterior of the pipe in the cleaning operation, and apply liquid adhesive after completion of blast cleaning. 3. Achieve from abrasive blasting an anchor pattern profile a minimum of 1.0 mil, but not exceeding 3.0 mils. Measure the anchor pattern or profile of the blasted surface using comparator tape as specified herein. JUNE 2008 4 of 9 SECTION 09870 Tape Coating System with Mortar Shield for the Exterior of Steel Water Pipelines 4. Inspect the blast cleaned exterior pipe surface for adequate surface preparation prior to application of the liquid adhesive. Surface comparator tapes are to be used by the manufacturer in at least eight random areas, along any given 40-foot length of pipe. The results of the surface comparator tapes are to be documented on the quality control sheet for each pipe section. 5. Coat each pipe section with liquid adhesive and tape within the same day of being blast cleaned. Do not allow blasted and/or blasted and primed pipe to sit overnight. All blasted and primed pipe must be coated by the end of the day. No coating will be permitted on pipe sections showing evidence of rust. G. Liquid adhesive application shall conform to AWWA C214 and the following. 1. Prior to liquid adhesive application, clean the pipe surface free of foreign matter such as sand, grease, oil, grit, rust particles, and dirt. 2. Apply the liquid adhesive in a uniform thin film at the coverage rate recommended by the manufacturer. Meet the recommendations of the manufacturer for the state of dryness of the liquid adhesive prior to the application of the inner layer of tape. 3. Limit the application of liquid adhesive to that length of pipe which can be taped within the same workday. Pipe coated with liquid adhesive that was not taped within the same workday shall be rejected at the discretion of the Engineer. The liquid adhesive shall be removed and the surface shall be re-primed. 4. Protect liquid adhesive coated pipe sections from moisture, dirt, sand, and other potentially contaminating materials 5. Apply storage primer to the exposed steel pipe at tape cutbacks to prevent oxidation of the cleaned metal surface. Apply minimum of 1.5 mils and maximum of 2.5 mils of storage primer to exposed steel per the manufacturer’s recommendations. H. Inner layer tape application: 1. Apply the inner layer tape directly onto the primed surface using approved mechanical dispensing equipment to assure adequate, consistent tension on the tape as recommended by the tape manufacturer. Use rollers to apply pressure on the tape as it comes in contact with the pipe. Make necessary adjustments to mechanical application equipment to assure a uniform, tight coating. Maintain a tight, smooth, mechanically induced, wrinkle-free coating throughout the application process. JUNE 2008 5 of 9 SECTION 09870 Tape Coating System with Mortar Shield for the Exterior of Steel Water Pipelines 2. The application of tension shall be such that the width of tape will be reduced between 1½ to 2 percent of tape width prior to the pull. Provide a pressure readout gauge and chart recorder, suitable to the Engineer, with the tape let-off machine to document the tape tension during application. 3. Apply inner layer tape at a minimum roll temperature of 70°F. Continuously monitor the temperature of the tape within 12 inches of the point of contact with the pipe surface. Use a chart recorder, suitable to the Engineer, to document the temperature of the tape during application. Sections where the tape application tension and temperature is not maintained within manufacturer’s recommendations shall be rejected and the tape removed from the entire pipe section and reapplied. 4. Continuously electronically test the inner tape layer at 6,000 volts immediately following application of the tape by a holiday tester permanently mounted to the tape application station and equipped with an indicator light and audio buzzer, suitable to the Engineer to alert the workmen of the presence of holidays in the coating system. 5. Spirally wrap the inner layer tape over longitudinally or spirally welded pipe. Provide a 1-inch minimum tape overlap. 6. Splice each new roll by overlapping the new tape over the end of the preceding roll by at least 6 inches. Perform this end lap splice by hand or by a mechanical applicator so that the splice is wrinkle free and maintains the continuity of the inner wrap coating. Maintain the wrapping angle of the new roll parallel to that of the previous roll. 7. Provide tape cutbacks based on the joint type required, cutting the tape edge parallel to the end of the pipe. Perform cutbacks using a cutting device that is guided from the end of the pipe to insure a uniform, straight cutback. I. Mechanical outer layer tape application. 1. Apply the first mechanical outer layer of tape over the inner layer tape using the same type of mechanical equipment used in the application of the inner layer tape. No overlap splice of the other layer coinciding with the overlap splice of the inner layer will be permitted. Provide a minimum 6-inch separation between overlap of splices. Apply two mechanical outer layers of tape as specified herein. The inner layer tape shall be electrically tested, inspected, and approved prior to the application of the first mechanical outer layer tape and the first mechanical outer layer tape shall also be visually inspected and approved prior to the application of the second mechanical outer layer tape. Ensure that both mechanical outer layer tapes are smooth, tight and wrinkle-free. JUNE 2008 6 of 9 SECTION 09870 Tape Coating System with Mortar Shield for the Exterior of Steel Water Pipelines 2. Apply mechanical outer layer tapes in accordance with the requirements for the inner layer tape, except that the minimum tape roll application temperature shall be 90°F. Monitoring for tension and temperature will be required for the mechanical outer layer tapes. The use of rollers to apply pressure on the tape is not required during application of the mechanical outer layer tapes. Holiday testing of the mechanical outer layer tapes is not required during tape application. Test the complete tape system prior to coating as specified herein. J. Apply a reinforced cement mortar shield over the outer layer of tape in accordance with AWWA C205. Cement mortar shall be per Section 15061. K. Storage primer application shall conform to AWWA C214 as modified herein: 1. Prior to storage primer application, clean the pipe surface free from foreign matter such as sand, grease, oil, grit, rust particles and dirt. 2. Apply primer only to a dry pipe surface. Whenever the ambient air temperatures are cold enough to cause gelling of the primer, the use of heaters will not be permitted to return the primer back to a fully liquid state. Use new primer at a minimum of 40°F. 3. Apply storage primer to the exposed steel pipe at tape cutbacks to prevent oxidation of the cleaned metal surface. Apply minimum of 1.5 mils and maximum of 2.5 mils of storage primer to exposed steel per the manufacturer’s recommendations. Do not place storage primer on the edge of the steel plate. 3.3 FITTINGS COATED AT THE PLANT A. Coat fittings that cannot be machine coated in accordance with AWWA C209 using materials as specified herein. Weld bead preparation, surface preparation, blast cleaning and liquid adhesive shall be as specified for straight run pipe. Apply an inner layer tape of Polyken #932-50 with a 1-inch minimum tape overlap on all plant coated fittings. Apply an outer layer of cold-applied polyethylene tape as specified herein with a 55 percent overlap on all plant-coated fittings. Provide a minimum thickness of 110 mils for the total tape coat system for plant-coated fittings. B. Test all completed tape coated fittings in the presence of the Engineer with an electrical flaw detector prior to the application of the cement mortar coating. Applied voltage shall be in the range of 11,000 to 15,000 volts. Repair any holidays found. C. Repair cement mortar coating defects in accordance with the approved repair procedures. D. Apply cement mortar coating in accordance with AWWA C205, over the tape- coated fittings after completion of tape coating, testing and inspections. JUNE 2008 7 of 9 SECTION 09870 Tape Coating System with Mortar Shield for the Exterior of Steel Water Pipelines 3.4 TAPE APPLICATION TO FITTINGS, SPECIALS AND PIPE JOINTS (Field) A. Field cold applied plastic tape coating shall be in accordance with AWWA C209, as modified herein. B. Prior to welding any fieldjoints, wrap an 18-inch strip of heat resistance material over the entire coated pipe section to avoid damage to the plant applied coating by the hot weld spatter. C. Clean the pipe surface free of mud, mill lacquer, wax, tar grease, or any foreign matter. The pipe surface shall be free of any moisture and all foreign matter prior to the application of prime. D. Pack irregularities in joint with elastameric joint filler. E. Apply primer by brush or roller (4 mil wet, 1 mil dry). F. After primer has dried, apply tape to the joint and extend a minimum of 3-inch onto adjacent tape wrap. Maintain 55 percent overlap on all field joint tape to produce a minimum thickness of 100 mils. G. Apply tape with sufficient tension to conform with the surface. The finish wrap shall produce a smooth, wrinkle-free surface. H. The tape system for pipe joints is shown in Section 2.6. 3.5 INSPECTION OF TAPE COATING Test the applied tape coating in the presence of the engineer with an electrical holiday detector, as a part of the tape installation process. Repair all holidays and physical damage. If mortar shield is applied at a different location than the tape coating system, a second electrical holiday spark test shall be required after all transportation and handling to the mortar coating location confirming the integrity of the tape undercoating. Upon completion of the mortar coating process a continuity or spark test will again be preformed for the tape system. Repair any holidays and physical damage and spark test, verifying repair. 3.6 MORTAR SHIELD A. Apply mortar coating in accordance with Section 15061 cement. Mortar lined and coated steel pipe and specials, over the tape coated pipe immediately upon completion of tape wrapping, testing, and inspections. JUNE 2008 8 of 9 SECTION 09870 Tape Coating System with Mortar Shield for the Exterior of Steel Water Pipelines 3.7 PROTECTING COATED PIPE A. The CONTRACTOR shall protect all coated surfaces from damage prior to and during the pipe installation in accordance with these specifications. B. In transporting the coated pipe, it shall rest in saddles shaped to the outside diameter of the coated pipe. The saddles shall be in contact with the bottom of the pipe along an arc of at least 60 degrees. Saddles shall be completely lined with adequate padding. No nails or any other fasteners that may damage the coating will be allowed in the installation of the padding of the saddles. C. While laying tape coated steel pipe, the pipe shall not be rolled or skidded when it is in contact with the ground at any point. Immediately before the coated pipe is lowered into the trench the CONTRACTOR shall provide a visual and holiday inspection of the coating on the entire pipe coating system. Coated pipe shall be lowered into the trench using saddled, not choked, belt slings. The use of chains, hooks, or other equipment which might damage the pipe coating will not be permitted. All other pipe handling equipment and methods shall be approved by the ENGINEER. Pipe stored alongside of the trench shall be supported on padded skids, sand bags, or rock-free sand berms. END OF SECTION JUNE 2008 9 of 9 SECTION 09870 Tape Coating System with Mortar Shield for the Exterior of Steel Water Pipelines SECTION 09900 PAINTING AND COATING PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION This section described the requirements for the preparation of surfaces and subsequent application of protective coatings. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials and equipment required for satisfactory completion of all items contained herein. The Contractor shall furnish all necessary safety equipment and protective clothing, as well as be responsible for proper instruction and supervision of their use. Requirements for steel storage reservoirs are specified elsewhere in the Specifications. 1.2 RELATED WORK DESCRIBED ELSEWHERE The Contractor shall refer to the following Specification section(s) for additional requirements: A. General Piping System & Appurtenances: 15000 1.3 SUBMITTALS Contractor shall furnish submittals in accordance with the requirements of the GENERAL PROVISIONS. The following submittals are required: A. Submit a chart of the manufacturer's available colors for color selection well in advance of painting operation. B. Submit manufacturer's data sheets showing the following information: 1. Recommended surface preparation. 2. Minimum and maximum recommended dry-film thicknesses per coat for prime, intermediate, and finish coats. 3. Percent solids by volume. 4. Recommended thinners. 5. Statement verifying that the selected prime coat is recommended by the manufacturer for use with the selected intermediate and finish coats. 6. Application instructions including recommended application, equipment, humidity, and temperature limitations. 7. Curing requirements and instructions. C. Submit certification that all coatings conform to applicable local Air Quality Management City rules and regulations for products and application. JUNE 2008 1 of 10 SECTION 09900 Painting and Coating 1.4 PAYMENT Payment for the Work in this section shall be included as part of the lump-sum or unit-price bid amount for which such Work is appurtenant thereto. PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 GENERAL All materials shall be those of current manufacture and shall meet all applicable regulations for the application and intended service. All coats of any particular coating system shall be of the same manufacturer and shall be approved by the manufacturer for the intended service. In the event that a product specified herein is no longer manufactured or does not meet current regulations, the Contractor shall provide a substitute, currently manufactured product of at least equal performance which meets all applicable regulations subject to Engineer's approval, at no additional cost. All materials shall be delivered to the Project Site in their original, unopened containers bearing the manufacturer's name, brand, and batch number. Standard products of manufacturers other than those specified will be accepted when it is proved to the satisfaction of the Engineer they are equal in composition, durability, usefulness and convenience for the purpose intended. Paint listed in the system refers to products of the following manufacturers and distributors: Ameron Corrosion Control Division, Brea, CA I.C. Devoe, Louisville, KY Engard Coating Corporation, Long Beach, CA I. DuPont de Nemours & Company, Los Angeles, CA Tnemec Company, Inc., Kansas City, MO 64141 All surfaces to be coated or painted shall be in the proper condition to receive the material specified before any coating or painting is done. No more sandblasting or surface preparation than can be coated or painted in a normal working day will be permitted. All sharp edges, burrs, and weld spatter shall be removed. All concrete and masonry surfaces shall cure 30 days prior to coating or painting. Surface preparation, prime coatings, and finish coats for the various systems are specified herein. Unless otherwise noted, all intermediate and finish coats shall be of contrasting colors. It is the intent that the coating alternates specified herein serve as a general guide for the type of coating desired. 2.2 VALVES A. Exterior Coating: Coat metal valves located above ground, in vaults or in structures the same as the adjacent piping. If the adjacent piping is not coated, then coat valves per this Specification section unless otherwise noted. Apply the specified prime coat at the place of manufacture. Apply intermediate and finish coats in the field. Finish coat shall match the color of the adjacent piping. Coat handwheels and floor stands the same as the valves. Coat the exterior of buried metal valves at the place of manufacture per this specification. JUNE 2008 2 of 10 SECTION 09900 Painting and Coating B. Coating (Devoe Alternate): Prime coat shall be BarRust 231 or Devran 200 applied at 2 to 3 mils dry-film thickness. Intermediate coat shall be Devran 224H Epoxy applied at 2 to 4 mils dry-film thickness. Finish coat shall be 379 Urethane applied at 2 to 3 mils dry-film thickness. C. Interior Lining: Valves 4-inches and larger shall be coated on their interior metal surfaces excluding seating areas and bronze and stainless-steel pieces. Sandblast surfaces in accordance with SSPC-SP-10 (near white blast cleaning). Remove all protuberances which may produce pinholes in the lining. Round all sharp edges to be coated. Remove any contaminants which may prevent bonding of the lining. Coat the interior ferrous surfaces using one of the following methods: 1. Apply powdered thermosetting epoxy per the manufacturer's application recommendations to a thickness of 10 to 12 mils. 2. Apply two coats of polyamide epoxy to a dry-film thickness of 10 to 12 mils total. Follow the manufacturer's application recommendations including minimum and maximum drying time between the required coats. 3. Apply two coats of Tnemec Series 140 (for potable water) or Series 69 (for non- potable water), or equal, to a dry film thickness of 10 to 12 mils total. Follow manufacturer's application recommendations including minimum and maximum drying time between required coats. 4. Apply two coats of Devoe Bar-Rust 233H Epoxy applied to a dry-film thickness of 6 to 8 mils, each. Total dry-film thickness shall be 10 to 12 mils minimum. All epoxy lining shall be applied at the factory by the manufacturer of the valve, and shall meet current Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) content regulations. Epoxy lining for potable water valves shall also be listed by National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) for contact with potable water. Test the valve interior linings at the factory with a low-voltage holiday detector. The lining shall be holiday free. 2.3 METAL, INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR, NORMAL EXPOSURE A. General: The Contractor shall paint all exposed steelwork, non-galvanized handrails, exposed pipework, fittings, all mechanical equipment, pumps, motors, doors, door frames and window sash with this coating system. All metalwork previously given a shop prime coat approved by the Owner's Representative shall be touched up as required in the field with Tnemec Series 4 Versare Primer or equal. B. Surface Preparation: All exterior metal surfaces which are to be painted shall be commercial blast cleaned per Specification SP-6 (commercial blast cleaning) except as otherwise specified, in locations where sandblasting would damage previously coated surfaces and installed equipment, and in locations where dry sandblasting is prohibited. The above locations in which SP-6 commercial sandblasting is not possible shall be given a SP-3 power tool cleaning. This sandblasting shall be done not more than 8 hours ahead of the painting, subject to humidity and weather conditions between the time of sandblasting and painting operations. If any rusting or discoloration of sandblasted surfaces occurs before painting, such rusting or discoloration shall be removed by additional sandblasting. Sandblasted surfaces shall not be left overnight before painting. JUNE 2008 3 of 10 SECTION 09900 Painting and Coating C. Coating (Tnemec Alternate): Prime coat or spot prime coat as required shall be Tnemec Series 4 Versare primer applied to a dry-film thickness of 2 to 3.5 mils. Two or more finish coats of Tnemec Series 2H Tneme-Gloss enamel shall be applied to a thickness of 1.5 to 3.5 mils. Total dry-film thickness of the complete system shall be 7 mils, minimum. D. Coating (Devoe Alternate): Prime coat or spot prime as required shall be 4140 Q.D. Alkyd Primer. Two or more finish coats of Devshield 4328 Alkyd applied to a dry-film thickness of 1.5 to 2 mils, each. Total dry-film thickness of the complete system shall be 5 mils, minimum. 2.4 METAL, SUBMERGED OR INTERMITTENTLY SUBMERGED A. General: All submerged metalwork, gates, equipment, valves, exposed pipework and all other metalwork within areas which will be submerged, except as noted hereinafter, shall be painted with this coating system. B. Surface Preparation: All metal surfaces shall be field sandblasted according to SSPC- SP-10 (near white blast cleaning). C. Coating (Tnemec Alternate): Prime coat shall be Tnemec Series 69 Epoxoline II applied to a dry-film thickness of 4 to 6 mils. Two finish coats of Tnemec Series 69 Epoxoline II shall be applied to a dry-film thickness of 4 to 6 mils each coat. Total try- film thickness of the complete system shall be a minimum of 12 mils. D. Coating (Devoe Alternate): Apply two coats of Bar-Rust 233H Epoxy applied to a dry- film thickness of 6 to 8 mils each coat. Total dry-film thickness of the complete system shall be a minimum of 12 mils. 2.5 METAL, SEVERE EXPOSURE TO MOISTURE OR CHEMICAL FUMES A. Surface Preparation: All metal surfaces shall be field sandblasted according to SSPC- SP-10 (near white blast cleaning). B. Coating (Tnemec Alternate): Prime coat shall be Tnemec Series 104 H.S. Epoxy to a dry-film thickness of 6 to 10 mils. One or more finish coats of Tnemec Series 104 H.S. Epoxy topcoat shall be applied. Total dry-film thickness shall be a minimum of 12 mils. C. Coating (Devoe Alternate): Prime coat shall be Catha-Coat 304V Zinc, 2 to 3 mils dry- film thickness. Intermediate coat shall be Devran 224H Epoxy applied at 4 to 6 mils dry-film thickness. Finish coat shall be Devthane 379 Urethane applied at 2 to 3 mils dry-film thickness. Total dry-film thickness shall be 8 mils minimum. 2.6 METAL, HIGH-TEMPERATURE EXPOSURE A. General: Engine mufflers, exhaust systems and other metal surfaces subjected to high temperatures shall be coated with this system. B. Surface Preparation: Surface shall be field sandblasted in accordance with SSPC-SP- 10 (near white blast cleaning). JUNE 2008 4 of 10 SECTION 09900 Painting and Coating C. Coating (Tnemec Alternate): One coat of Tnemec Series 90-96 Tneme-Zinc to a minimum total dry-film thickness of 2 to 3.5 mils. D. Coating (Devoe Alternate): One coat of Catha-Coat 304V Zinc to a dry-film thickness of 2 to 4 mils. 2.7 METAL, GALVANIZED, ALUMINUM, COPPER, OR BRASS A. Surface Preparation: Surfaces shall be solvent cleaned in accordance with SSPC-SP-1 (solvent cleaning) and SSPC-SP-2 (hand tool cleaning). B. Coating: Pre-treatment prime coat shall be Tnemec Series 32-1215 Tneme-Grip or Sinclair 7113 Wash Primer applied at mil dry-film thickness. Next, apply recommended coating or paint for the particular surface to be coated. C. Coating (Devoe Alternate): Pre-treatment prime coat shall be Devoe BarRust 231 primer applied at 3 mil dry-film thickness. Next, apply recommended coating or paint for the particular surface to be coated. 2.8 METAL, BURIED A. General: The Contractor shall coat all buried metal which includes valves, bolts, nuts, structural steel and fittings. It does not include steel storage reservoirs. B. Surface Preparation: Sandblast to SSPC-SP-6 (commercial blast cleaning) C. Coating (Tnemec Alternate): Prime none. Finish with two coats of Tnemec Series 46- 465 H.B. Tnemecol or equal at 10 to 12 mils dry-film thickness, each. Total dry-film thickness shall be 20 mils minimum. D. Coating (Devoe Alternate): Prime with Devtar 221 (5A) Epoxy applied at 8 mil dry-film thickness. Two coats of Devtar (5A) Epoxy applied at 8 mils dry-film thickness, each. Total dry-film thickness shall be 24 mils, minimum. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL The Contractor shall arrange with the Owner's Representative so that all surface preparation may be inspected and approved prior to the application of any coatings. The Contractor is hereby notified that the Engineer will inspect the Work prior to the expiration of the warranty period and all defects in workmanship and material shall be repaired by the Contractor, at his own expense. JUNE 2008 5 of 10 SECTION 09900 Painting and Coating 3.2 WORKMANSHIP It is the intent of the Specifications that finishes shall be provided which meet standards for best grades of painting. Drop cloths shall be placed where required to protect floors, surfaces and equipment from spatter and dropping, not to receive paint or coatings. The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to protect all adjacent Work and all surrounding property and improvements from any damage whatsoever as a result of the painting and coating operation. Only good, clean brushes and equipment shall be used and all brushes, buckets, and spraying equipment shall be cleaned immediately at the end of each painting period. Each coat of paint shall be of the consistency as supplied by the manufacturer, or thinned, if necessary, and applied in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Each coat shall be well brushed, rolled or sprayed to obtain a uniform and evenly applied finish. Work shall be free from "runs", "bridges", "shiners", or other imperfections due to faulty intervals. Particular care shall be taken to obtain a uniform unbroken coating over all bolts, threads, nuts, welds, edges and corners. Paint shall not be applied in extreme heat, in dust or smoke laden air, or in damp or humid weather, unless written permission of the Engineer is obtained. If paint is applied by spray, the air pressure used shall be within the ranges recommended by both the paint and spray equipment manufacturers. Spray painting shall be conducted under controlled conditions and the Contractor shall be fully responsible for any damage occurring from spray painting. Care shall be exercised not to damage adjacent Work during sandblasting operations. Stainless steel need not be sandblasted. Blasted surfaces shall not be left overnight before coating. All dust shall be removed from the surface following sandblasting. 3.3 APPLICATION PROCEDURES A. Surfaces to be Coated: All surfaces of materials furnished and constructed are to be painted or coated per the Specifications except as indicated below. B. Surfaces Not To Be Coated: The following surfaces shall not be coated unless otherwise noted on the Plans and shall be fully protected when adjacent areas are painted. Aluminum grating Machined surfaces Aluminum surfaces Metal letters Bearings Mortar-coated pipe and fittings Brass and copper tubing, submerged* Nameplates on machinery Buried pipe Pipe interior* Couplings Shafts Grease fittings Stainless steel Hardware Switch plates Lighting fixtures * unless specifically required on the Plans or elsewhere in the Specifications C. Protection of Surfaces Not To Be Coated: Surfaces not intended to be painted shall be removed, masked, or otherwise protected. Drop cloths shall be provided to prevent paint materials from falling on or marring adjacent surfaces. Working parts of mechanical and electrical equipment shall be protected from damage during surface preparation and painting process. Openings in motors shall be safely masked to JUNE 2008 6 of 10 SECTION 09900 Painting and Coating prevent paint and other materials from entering the motors. All masking materials shall be completely removed and surfaces cleaned at completion of painting operations. D. Weather Conditions: Paint shall not be applied in the rain, wind, snow, mist, and fog or when steel or metal surface temperatures are less than 5°F above the dew point. Paint shall not be applied when the relative humidity is above 80%, the air temperature is above 90°F, or the temperature of metal to be painted is above 125°F. Alkyd, chlorinated rubber, inorganic zinc, silicone aluminum, or silicone acrylic paints shall not be applied if air or surface temperature is below 50°F or expected to be below 50°F within 24 hours. Epoxy, coal tar epoxy, acrylic latex, and polyurethane paints shall not be applied on an exterior or interior surface if air or surface temperature is below 50°F or expected to drop below 50°F within 24 hours. 3.4 SURFACE PREPARATION A. General: Sandblast or prepare only as much surface area as can be coated in one day. All sharp edges, burrs, and weld spatter shall be removed. Epoxy-coated pipe that has been factory coated shall not be sandblasted. B. SSPC Specifications: Wherever the words "solvent cleaning", "hand tool cleaning", "wire brushing", or "blast cleaning" or similar words are used in the Specifications or in paint manufacturer's specifications, they shall be understood to refer to the applicable SSPC (Steel Structures Paint Council, Surfaces Preparation Specifications, ANSI A159.1) Specifications listed below: SP-1 Solvent Cleaning SP-2 Hand Tool Cleaning SP-3 Power Tool Cleaning SP-5 White Metal Blast Cleaning SP-6 Commercial Blast Cleaning SP-7 Brush-Off Blast Cleaning SP-8 Pickling SP-10 Near White Blast Cleaning Oil and grease shall be removed from aluminum and copper surfaces in accordance with SSPC SP-1 using clean cloths and cleaning solvents. Weld spatter and weld slag shall be removed from metal surfaces. Rough welds, beads, peaked corners, and sharp edges including erection lugs shall be ground smoothly in accordance with SSPC SP-2 and SSPC SP-3. Welds shall be neutralized with a chemical solvent that is compatible with the specified coating materials using clean cloths and chemical solvent. C. Abrasive Blast Cleaning: Dry abrasive blast cleaning shall be used for metal surfaces. Do not recycle or reuse contaminated blast particles. Dry clean surfaces to be coated by dusting, sweeping, and vacuuming to remove residue from blasting. Apply the specified primer or touch-up coating within the period of an 8-hour working day. Do not apply coating over damp or moist surfaces. Reclean prior to application of primer or touch-up coating any blast cleaned surface not coated within said 8-hour period. Prevent damage to adjacent coatings during blast cleaning. Schedule blast cleaning and coating such that dust, dirt, blast particles, old coatings, rust, mill scale, etc., will not damage or fall upon wet or newly coated surfaces. JUNE 2008 7 of 10 SECTION 09900 Painting and Coating JUNE 2008 8 of 10 SECTION 09900 Painting and Coating 3.5 PROCEDURES FOR THE APPLICATION OF COATINGS The recommendations of the coating manufacturer shall be followed, including the selection of spray equipment, brushes, rollers, cleaners, thinners, mixing, drying time, temperature and humidity of application, and safety precautions. Coating materials shall be kept at a uniform consistency during application. Each coating shall be applied evenly, free of brush marks, sags, runs, and other evidence of poor workmanship. A different shade or tint shall be used on succeeding coating applications to indicate coverage where possible. Finished surfaces shall be free from defects or blemishes. Only thinners recommended by the coating manufacturer shall be used. If thinning is allowed, do not exceed the maximum allowable amount of thinner per gallon of coating material. Apply a brush coat of primer on welds, sharp edges, nuts, bolts, and irregular surfaces prior to the application of the primer and finish coat. The brush coat shall be done prior to and in conjunction with the spray coat application. Apply the spray coat over the brush coat. Apply primer immediately after blast cleaning and before any surface rusting occurs, or any dust, dirt, or any foreign matter has accumulated. Reclean surfaces by blast cleaning that have surface colored or become moist prior to coating application. A. Paint Mixing: Multiple-component coatings shall be prepared using all the contents of each component container as packaged by the paint manufacturer. Partial batches shall not be used. Multiple-component coatings that have been mixed beyond their pot life shall not be used. Small quantity kits for touch-up painting and for painting other small areas shall be provided. Only the components specified and furnished by the paint manufacturer shall be mixed. For reasons of color or otherwise, additional components shall not be intermixed, even within the same generic type of coating. B. Field Touch Up of Shop-Applied Prime Coats: Organic Zinc Primer: Surfaces that are shop primed with inorganic zinc primers shall receive a field touch up of organic zinc primer to cover all scratches or abraded areas. Organic zinc coating system shall have a minimum volume solids of 54% and a minimum zinc content of 14 pounds per gallon. Coating shall be of the converted epoxy, epoxy phenolic, or urethane type and shall be manufactured by the prime coat and finish coat manufacturer. Other Primers: Surfaces that are shop primed with other than organic zinc primer shall receive a field touch up of the same primer used in the original prime coat. 3.6 DRY-FILM THICKNESS TESTING AND REPAIR A. Special Instructions to the Contractor: The Contractor shall furnish to the Owner at no charge for use during execution of the Work, necessary dry-film thickness gauge and electrical flaw detection equipment. The Contractor shall perform the holiday (pinholes) inspection in the presence of the Owner's Representative, and the Contractor shall monitor wet film measurements throughout the application of each coat of coating. JUNE 2008 9 of 10 SECTION 09900 Painting and Coating B. Coating Thickness Testing: Coating thickness specified for steel surfaces shall be measured with a magnetic-type dry-film thickness gauge. Dry-film thickness gauge shall be provided as manufactured by Mikrotest or Elcometer. Each coat shall be checked for the correct dry-film thickness. Measurement shall not be made until a minimum of eight hours after application of the coating. Non-magnetic surfaces shall be checked for coating thickness by micrometer measurement of cut and removed coupons. Contractor shall repair coating at all locations where coupons are removed. C. Holiday Testing: The finish coat (except zinc primer and galvanizing) shall be tested by the Contractor in the presence of the Engineer for holidays and discontinuities with an electrical holiday detector of the low-voltage, wet-sponge type. Detector shall be provided as manufactured by Tinker, Rasor, K-D Bird Dog, or approved equal. D. Repair: If the item has an improper finish, color, insufficient film thickness, or holidays, the surface shall be cleaned and top-coated with the specified paint material to obtain the specified color and coverage. Visible areas of chipped, peeled, or abraded paint shall be hand or power-sanded, feathering the edges. The areas shall then be primed and finish coated in accordance with the Specifications. Work shall be free of runs, bridges, shiners, laps, or other imperfections. 3.7 CLEANUP Upon completion of all painting and coating Work, the Contractor shall remove all surplus materials and rubbish. The Contractor shall repair all damage and shall leave the premises in a clean and orderly condition. END OF SECTION JUNE 2008 10 of 10 SECTION 09900 Painting and Coating SECTION 09902 PETROLATUM WAX TAPE COATING PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE This section covers the work necessary to furnish and install petrolatum wax tape coating on buried ferrous materials including pipe flanges, bolted fittings and couplings, valves and other buried pipeline appurtenances, complete, as shown or specified. 1.2 SUBMITTALS DURING CONSTRUCTION Submit manufacturer’s technical product data, details, installation instructions and general product recommendations. 1.3 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION The use of a manufacturer’s name and model or catalog number is for the purpose of establishing the standard of quality and general configuration desired only. Products of other manufacturers will be considered in accordance with the Contract Documents. PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 GENERAL Wrap all exposed surfaces of buried ferrous pipe, flanges, couplings and other pipeline appurtenances (including bolts, nuts, etc.) with petrolatum wax tape, unless another corrosion protection system (other than a factory-installed paint coating) is otherwise specified or indicated by the Contract Drawings. Exposed piping shall be wrapped only where specifically called out on the Drawings. Ductile iron pipe encased with polyethylene sheathing shall not be wrapped with this product. 2.2 PRIMER Exposed surfaces shall be prime coated with a blend of petrolatum, plasticizer, and corrosion inhibitor having a paste-like consistency. The material shall have the following properties: Pour Point 400-100° F Flash Point 350° F minimum Approximate Coverage 1 gal/100 square feet Color Brown The primer shall be Trenton Wax-Tape Primer or equivalent. JUNE 2008 1 of 2 SECTION 09902 Petrolatum Wax Tape Coating 2.3 WAX TAPE Two types of petrolatum wax tape shall be available from the manufacturer: one type for buried installations and another type for above-ground installations. Buried Installations: The covering material shall be a plastic-fiber felt tape, saturated with a blend of petrolatum, plasticizers, and corrosion inhibitors that is easily formable over irregular surfaces. The tape shall have the following properties: Color: Brown Saturant Pour Point 115° - 125°F Thickness 70-90 mils Dielectric Strength 170 volts/mil Tape Width 6 inches Wax tape shall be Wax-Tape #1 as manufactured by The Trenton Corporation (Ann Arbor, Michigan), or approved equal. 2.4 OUTER COVERING The primed and wax-tape wrapped surface shall be wrapped with a plastic tape covering consisting of three (3) layers of 50 gauge, clear, polyvinylidene chloride, high cling membranes wound together as a single sheet. The material shall have the following properties: Width 6 inches Thickness 1.5 mils Dielectric Strength 2000 volts/mil Water Absorption Negligible Color Clear The outer covering shall be Trenton Poly-Ply or approved equal. 2.5 OTHER PETROLATUM WAX TAPE SYSTEM COMPONENTS Any components not listed above, but required for a complete petrolatum wax tape coating system as recommended for this application by the manufacturer shall be provided at no additional cost to Owner. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL The petrolatum wax tape system shall be installed in conformance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. END OF SECTION JUNE 2008 2 of 2 SECTION 09902 Petrolatum Wax Tape Coating SECTION 15000 GENERAL PIPING SYSTEM AND APPURTENANCES PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION This Section describes the requirements and procedures for piping systems and appurtenances that apply to a number of other complimentary Specification Sections. The items are listed in this Section to avoid repetition in Sections elsewhere. This Section includes, but is not limited to: Temporary above ground piping (high line), wet taps, flexible pipe couplings, grooved and shouldered end couplings, joint restraint system, field touch up, bolts, nuts, polyethylene wrap, warning/identification tape, tracer wire, gate well and extension stems, meter boxes, abandonment and removal of existing facilities, and salvage. 1.2 REFERENCE STANDARDS The publications listed below form part of this specification to the extent referenced and are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. Reference shall be made to the latest edition of said standards unless otherwise called for. A. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) B. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 1.3 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE CMWD Standard Drawings 1.4 SUBMITTALS Submit manufacturers’ catalog data showing dimensions, materials of construction by ASTM reference and grade and coatings.. 1.5 LINING CONTAMINATION PREVENTION Volatile organic compounds present in the linings of items in contact with potable water or recycled water shall not exceed concentrations allowed by the latest requirements of the State Office of Drinking Water and Department of Health Services. Some products and materials may also require proof of NSF certification on the lining materials to be used. 1.6 TEMPORARY ABOVEGROUND PIPE (HIGH LINE) High line piping, where shown on the Approved Plans or required by the City Engineer, shall be furnished, installed, disinfected, connected, maintained, and removed by the Contractor. Bacteriological sampling and testing shall be performed by a State of California Certified testing laboratory. The Contractor shall provide a submittal to the City showing pipe layout, materials, sizing, flow calculations, schedule and duration of use, and disinfection for all high line piping. The submittal shall be reviewed and approved by the Engineer prior to ordering or delivery of any materials. JUNE 2008 1 of 15 SECTION 15000 General Piping System and Appurtenances 1.7 PIPE TAPPING (WET TAP) All pipe tap (wet tap) connections to existing pipelines, whether for mainline extensions or service laterals, shall be performed by the Contractor under the inspection of the City. The Contractor shall provide materials and labor to excavate, pour thrust block, backfill, compact, and repair pavement as indicated in this Section. 1.8 JOINT RESTRAINT SYSTEM Joint Restraint Systems may be used for PVC or ductile-iron pipe only with prior approval of the City Engineer. Joint restraint systems shall be used in the place of, or in conjunction with, concrete thrust blocks as directed. Restrained joint systems shall be wax tape coated and polyethylene encased. Contractor shall submit shop drawings, calculations, and catalog data for joint restraint systems. Splined gaskets, also known as joint restraint gaskets, may be used for PVC or ductile- iron pipe located within casings, or for PVC pipe casings, only. 1.9 POLYETHYLENE ENCASEMENT Polyethylene encasement shall be used for all ferrous metal materials that are not protected with annodes. A. Polyethylene wrap shall be used for the protection of buried valves in conjunction with wax tape. B. Polyethylene sleeves shall be used for the protection of buried ductile iron pipe and fittings. Where the use of a sleeve is not practical, the fittings may be wrapped. Additionally, all bolted connections shall be coated with wax tape in accordance with Section 09902. C. Polyethylene wrap or sleeves may also be installed around buried PVC pipe for recycled water identification. 1.10 WARNING/IDENTIFICATION TAPE Warning/identification tape shall be used to identify location of underground utilities and to act as a warning against accidental dig-ins of buried utilities. Warning/identification tape shall be used on all underground water and recycled water mains, potable and recycled water irrigation systems, sewer mains, and all related appurtenances. Warning/identification tape shall also be used on cathodic protection wiring systems and tracer wire brought into and out of access ports. 1.11 GATE WELLS Gate Wells shall be used for buried valves 4" and larger, unless otherwise indicated on the Standard Drawings. Gate well box and lid shall be used on all gate wells. JUNE 2008 2 of 15 SECTION 15000 General Piping System and Appurtenances 1.12 VALVE STEM EXTENSION Valve Stem Extensions shall be installed when the valve operating nut is more than 5' below grade. Stem extensions shall be of sufficient length to bring the operating nut to a point between 12" and 18" below the gate well lid. 1.13 METER BOXES A. Meter boxes shall be used for all water meters. B. Meter boxes shall be sized for the specific meter size or size as indicated on the Standard Drawings. 1.14 RECYCLED WATER IDENTIFICATION Facilities installed for the use of recycled water shall be identified with purple color coating, identification labels, or signs. 1.15 CURB IDENTIFICATION MARK FOR SERVICES The Contractor shall mark the location of all potable water, recycled water and sewer laterals at the curb crossing by stamping the face of the curb in 2" high letters as described below: A. Potable water laterals shall be stamped with a letter "W". B. Recycled water laterals shall be stamped with a letter "RW". C. Sewer laterals be stamped with a letter "S". PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 TEMPORARY ABOVEGROUND PIPE (HIGH LINE) High line piping layout, materials and appurtenances shall be as indicated on the approved submittal. 2.2 FLEXIBLE PIPE COUPLINGS Flexible pipe couplings shall be in accordance with the Approved Materials List and as described below: A. Steel Couplings shall have middle rings made of steel conforming to ASTM A 36/A 36M, A 53 (Type E or S), or A 512 having a minimum yield strength of 207 MPa (30,000 psi). Follower rings shall be ductile-iron per ASTM A 536, or steel per ASTM A 108, Grade 1018 or ASTM A 510, Grade 1018. Minimum middle ring length shall be 7" for pipe sized 6" through 24". B. Sleeve bolts shall be made of stainless steel per ASTM A193 and shall have a minimum yield strength of 276 MPa (40,000 psi), an ultimate yield strength of 414 MPa (60,000 psi), and shall conform to AWWA C111. JUNE 2008 3 of 15 SECTION 15000 General Piping System and Appurtenances 2.3 GROOVED END OR SHOULDERED COUPLINGS FOR DUCTILE IRON OR STEEL PIPE Groove end or shouldered couplings shall be in accordance with the Approved Materials List and as described below: A. Use square-cut shouldered or grooved ends per AWWA C606. Grooved-end couplings shall be malleable iron per ASTM A 47, or ductile iron per ASTM A 536. Gaskets shall be per ASTM D 2000. B. Bolts in exposed service shall conform to ASTM A 183, 69 MPa (10,000 psi) tensile strength. 2.4 JOINT RESTRAINT SYSTEM Joint Restraint Systems shall be ductile-iron and shall consist of a split-ring restraint with machined (not cast) serrations – on the inside diameter, a back-up ring, and connecting bolts, and shall be selected from the Approved Materials List. Splined gaskets, also known as joint restraint gaskets, shall be a rubber-ring type with stainless steel locking segments vulcanized into the gasket. 2.5 FIELD TOUCH-UP APPLICATIONS All surfaces of metallic appurtenances in contact with potable water and not protected from corrosion by another system shall be shop-coated by the manufacturer. Appurtenances with damaged coatings shall be repaired or replaced as directed by the Engineer. Touch-up of damaged surfaces, when allowed by the Engineer, shall be performed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 2.6 BOLTS AND NUTS Bolts and nuts shall be as indicated below. A. Cadmium-plated or zinc-plated bolts and nuts shall be used for the installation of pipelines up to 20" diameter and shall be carbon steel conforming to ASTM A307, Grade A, unless otherwise indicated on the approved drawings. Bolts shall be standard ANSI B1.1, Class A coarse threads. Nuts shall be standard ANSI B1.1, Class 2H coarse threads. B. Stainless steel bolts and nuts shall be used for the installation of pipelines 24" diameter and larger and for submerged flanges. Bolts and nuts shall be Type 316 stainless steel conforming to ASTM A193, Grade B8M for bolts, and Grade 8M for nuts. Use lubricant for stainless steel belts and nuts. Lubricant shall be Husky Lube “O” Seal by Husk-ITT Corporation or equal C. All bolt heads and nuts shall be hexagonal, except where special shapes are required. Bolts shall be of such length that not less than 1/4" or more than 1/2" shall project past the nut in tightened position. D. Provide a washer under each nut and under each bolt head. Use washers of the same materials as the nuts. JUNE 2008 4 of 15 SECTION 15000 General Piping System and Appurtenances 2.7 POLYETHYLENE ENCASEMENT Polyethylene encasement shall be as indicated below and shall be selected from the Approved Materials List. Polyethylene materials shall be kept out of direct sunlight exposure. A. Polyethylene sleeves shall be a minimum 0.012" thick polyethylene plastic in accordance with AWWA C105. B. Polyethylene wrap shall be a minimum 0.008" thick polyethylene plastic in accordance with AWWA C105. C. Polyethylene wrap and sleeves shall be clear for use with potable water and purple for use with recycled water. D. Polyethylene or vinyl adhesive tape a minimum of 2" wide or plastic tie straps shall be used to secure polyethylene encasement. 2.8 WARNING/IDENTIFICATION TAPE Warning/identification tape shall be as indicated below and in accordance with the Approved Materials List. A. Tape shall be an inert plastic film or metallic formulated for prolonged underground use that will not degrade when exposed to alkalies, acids and other destructive substances commonly found in soil. B. Tape shall be puncture-resistant and shall have an elongation of two times its original length before parting. C. Tape shall be colored to identify the type of utility intended for identification. Printed message and tape color shall be as follows: Printed Message Tape Color Caution: Waterline Buried Below Blue Caution: Recycled Waterline Buried Below Purple Caution: Cathodic Protection Cable Buried Below Red Caution: Electric Line Buried Below Red Ink used to print messages shall be permanently fixed to tape and shall be black in color with message printed continuously throughout. D. Tape shall be minimum 0.004" thick x 6" wide with a printed message on one side. Tape used with the installation of onsite potable and recycled water irrigation systems shall be a minimum of 3" wide. JUNE 2008 5 of 15 SECTION 15000 General Piping System and Appurtenances 2.9 INSULATING UNIONS & COUPLINGS A. For insulating unions, use a molded nylon sealing sleeve mounted in a three- piece malleable-iron body (ASTM A47 or A197). Use thread ends when connecting to steel piping, and copper solder joint when connecting to copper piping. Minimum working pressure shall be 150 psi. B. Threaded insulating couplings shall provide dielectric protection from electrolytic corrosion at points where piping of dissimilar metals is joined. 2.10 GATE WELLS Valve gate wells shall be as indicated below in accordance with the Approved Materials List. A. Valve gate well size and material shall be as follows: Valve Size Gate Well Size and Material 4” and Larger 8" diameter Class 150, C-900 PVC 1. PVC gate wells for use in recycled water system applications shall be white. 2. PVC gate wells for use in potable water system applications shall be white or blue. B. Gate well lids shall be as indicated below in accordance with the Approved Materials List. 1. Gate well box lids shall be circular ductile-iron, and shall include a skirt for a close fit inside the upper portion of the gate well. Lids shall be cast with the AGENCY NAME (CMWD) and the word WATER for use on potable water systems, and Recycled Water for recycled water systems. 2. Lids shall be Brooks 4TT with long skirt or approved equal. 3. Normally closed potable water valves and recycled water valves shall use box lids by Brooks 3RT or approved equal. 4. Lid sizes shall be as follows: Valves Gate Well Lid 4” and Larger where the speed limit is 35 mph or greater Machined ductile-iron frame and 8" lid with 6" long skirt JUNE 2008 6 of 15 SECTION 15000 General Piping System and Appurtenances 2.11 VALVE STEM EXTENSIONS Stem extensions shall be complete with operating nut, location ring, and lower socket to fit valve-operating nut. The configuration of the extension stem nut shall match that of the valve it operates. A. Stem extensions shall be square fiberglass tubing glued together to make a continuous one-piece unit used to a maximum length 8’. B. Steel stem extensions shall be used where the maximum length of the extension exceeds 8' or at the request of the City Engineer. Steel stem extensions may be round or square hot-dipped galvanized steel tubing of solid design (no pinned couplings permitted) with guides. 2.12 METER BOXES Meter boxes shall be polymer-type boxes with lids selected from the Approved Materials List. A. Meter box sizes shall be as follows: Meter Box Size Meter Box Uses 12" x 20" 1" water services 17" x 30" 2" water services B. Meter box lids for use in potable water system applications shall be gray. C. Meter box lids for use in recycled water system applications shall be purple. 2.13 RECYCLED WATER IDENTIFICATION Materials used to identify pipe and appurtenances used for recycled water, not manufactured in purple color, shall be as described in Volume 2 of the Carlsbad Engineering Standards. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 TEMPORARY ABOVEGROUND PIPE (HIGH LINE) A. All high line piping, fittings, and service connections shall be furnished, installed, and maintained by the Contractor, and the Contractor shall make connections to a water source designated by the City Engineer. B. All pipe, valves, fittings, hose and connections furnished by the Contractor shall be of good quality, clean, and suitable for conveying potable water in the opinion of the City Engineer. C. The high line pipe shall be installed in such a manner that it will not present a hazard to traffic and will not interfere with access to homes and driveways along its route. JUNE 2008 7 of 15 SECTION 15000 General Piping System and Appurtenances D. Valves shall be installed at 200' intervals or as directed by the City Engineer. The use of pressure reducing valves (PRV) may be required as directed by the City Engineer. E. The Contractor shall be responsible for disinfecting all high lines, connections, and flushing. F. Following disinfection and acceptance of the high line as a potable water system, the Contractor shall maintain continuous service through the high line piping to all consumers normally served both directly and indirectly by the pipeline. G. Upon completion of the work, the Contractor shall remove the high line piping and appurtenances. H. If progress in making repairs to the high line is inadequate, the City Engineer, may order necessary corrective measures. Corrective measures may consist of directing City personnel or another contractor to complete the work. All costs for corrective measures shall be borne by the Contractor. 3.2 CONNECTION TO EXISTING FACILITIES (WET TAPS AND CUT-IN INSTALLATIONS) The Contractor shall furnish the tapping sleeve or tee, valves and all other materials as called for in the Standard Specifications in accordance with the Approved Materials List. The Contractor shall provide all equipment and labor required for the excavation and installation of the connection including, but not limited to, backfill and pavement replacement. In certain circumstances the Contractor may be required to provide a water truck, high line, and fittings as part of the equipment for making the connections. In addition, the Contractor shall assist the City in alleviating any hardship incurred during a shutdown for connections. Emergency standby equipment or materials may be required of the Contractor by the City Engineer. Wet taps or cut-in tee and valve installations shall be performed as follows: A. Prior to construction, Contractor shall pothole the existing pipe at the location of the proposed connection. The City shall inspect the pothole prior to Contractor's repair of trench. Refer to Section 01000 for protection of existing facilities. Contractor shall record the following information on as-built drawings: 1. Pipe size, outside diameter. 2. Pipe type such as ACP, PVC, Ductile-Iron or Steel. 3. Pipe class and/or pressure rating. 4. Elevation, grade, and alignment. 5. Location of collars, pipe bells, fittings or couplings, if found. Note: Collars, bells, fittings, or couplings shall not be within 18-inches of the outer dimension of the tapping saddle. 6. Potential conflicts with existing utilities. JUNE 2008 8 of 15 SECTION 15000 General Piping System and Appurtenances B. To facilitate the proposed connection and allow for slight adjustments in alignment, the Contractor shall leave a minimum 10' gap between the new pipe installation and the proposed connection point at the existing water main. The Contractor shall leave a gap longer than 10' if conditions warrant, or if directed by the Engineer. C. The new pipeline shall have successfully passed pressure testing in accordance with Section 15044 and disinfection and bacteriological testing in accordance with Section 15041 prior to proceeding with the connection to the existing pipeline. D. After the City Engineer has given approval to proceed with the connection, the Contractor shall schedule with the City for the wet tap or cut-in installation. 1. Shutdowns will be scheduled at the convenience of the City. Shutdowns may be scheduled for nights or weekends if required. 2. The Contractor shall give the City a minimum of 5 working days notice prior to any proposed excavation or shutdown of existing mains or services. Scheduling shall be subject to approval by the City Engineer. 3. The City may postpone or reschedule any shutdown operation if, for any reason, the City Engineer believes that the Contractor is improperly prepared with competent personnel, equipment, or materials to proceed with the connection. 4. If progress in completing the connection within the time specified is inadequate, the Engineer may order necessary corrective measures. Corrective measures may consist of directing City personnel or another contractor to complete the work. All costs for corrective measures shall be borne by the Contractor. E. Contractor may proceed with excavation only after potholing has been completed, materials have been approved and delivered, and wet tap or cut-in installation has been scheduled with approved Connection Permit. 1. The Contractor shall saw-cut pavement, excavate and provide and install shoring and steel plating, when necessary, one day prior to the wet tap or cut-in installation. 2. The Contractor shall provide lights, barricades and traffic control in accordance with the agency of jurisdiction and as deemed necessary for the excavation by the Engineer. 3. The Contractor shall de-water existing mains in full compliance with NPDES standards where cut-in installations are required and shall be done in the presence of the Engineer and in accordance with Section 15041. Only City personnel are authorized to operate existing valves. The Contractor shall be responsible for any and all damage resulting from unauthorized operation of existing City facilities. JUNE 2008 9 of 15 SECTION 15000 General Piping System and Appurtenances 4. The Contractor under the inspection of the City shall perform the following work for wet taps and cut-in installations: a. Wet taps: Disinfect and install and tapping saddle and tapping valve and perform tapping operations. b. Cut-ins: Cut and remove portions of existing mains, and disinfect and install tees, valves, couplings, and appurtenances required to complete the closure. The Contractor shall discard pipe and appurtenances removed from service in accordance with this Section. 5. After the Contractor has performed tapping or cut-in operations, and the Engineer has given approval to proceed, the Contractor shall complete the installation as shown on the Approved Plans in accordance with the Standard Specifications including, but not limited to: a. Disinfecting and installing the pipe section(s) necessary to make the closure to the new system. b. Installing and setting the valve gate well(s) in accordance with the Standard Drawings. c. Installing thrust and anchor blocks in accordance with Section 03000. d. Completing all backfill and compaction of the trench in accordance with Section 02223. e. Repairing or replacing pavement as necessary. 3.3 FLEXIBLE PIPE COUPLINGS Flexible pipe couplings shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations and as described below: A. Use plain-end pipe with flexible couplings per AWWA C200. Provide joint harnesses per AWWA M11 for aboveground applications or where indicated on the Approved Plans. B. Flexible couplings may be used only where indicated on the drawings. C. Clean oil, scale, rust, and dirt from the pipe ends and touch-up the epoxy coating and allow time for curing before installing the coupling. Clean the gaskets before installing. D. Follow the manufacturer's recommendation for installation and bolt torque using a properly calibrated torque wrench. E. Lubricate the bolt threads with graphite prior to installation. JUNE 2008 10 of 15 SECTION 15000 General Piping System and Appurtenances 3.4 GROOVED-END OR SHOULDERED COUPLINGS FOR DUCTILE IRON OR STEEL PIPE Grooved-end or shouldered couplings shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and as described below: A. Grooved-end or shouldered joint couplings shall be installed per AWWA C606 and the manufacturer's recommendations. B. Clean loose scale, rust, oil, grease, and dirt from the pipe or fitting groove and touch-up the epoxy coating as necessary, allowing time for curing before installing the coupling. C. Clean the gasket before installation. Apply a lubricant selected from the Approved Materials List to the gasket exterior including lips, pipe ends, and housing interiors. D. Fasten the coupling alternately and evenly until the coupling halves are seated. Follow the manufacturer's recommendation for bolt torque using a properly calibrated torque wrench. 3.5 JOINT RESTRAINT SYSTEM Joint Restraint Systems shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations and as described below: A. Length of pipe to be restrained on each side of bends, tees, reducers and other fittings shall be determined by the Private Engineer or manufacturer of the restraint device and approved by the City Engineer. B. Split ring restraint shall be installed on the spigot end of pipe, connected to a back-up ring which seats behind the bell of the adjoining pipe or fitting. C. Restraint devices can be installed prior to lowering pipe into the trench. D. Splined gaskets, also known as joint restraint gaskets, shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 3.6 BOLTS AND NUTS A. All bolts and nuts shall be new and unused. B. Bolts and nuts shall be cleaned, if needed, by wire brushing and lubricated prior to assembly. C. Tighten nuts uniformly and progressively. D. Buried bolts and nuts shall be coated with wax tape in accordance with Section 09902 prior to being encased with polyethylene. JUNE 2008 11 of 15 SECTION 15000 General Piping System and Appurtenances E. All stainless steel bolts shall be coated with an anti-seize compound selected from the Approved Materials List. F. Bolts and nuts shall not be reused once tightened. Used bolts and nuts shall be discarded and removed from the job. 3.7 POLYETHYLENE ENCASEMENT A. Polyethylene encasement shall completely encase and cover all buried metal surfaces not otherwise protected with a cathodic protection system. All bolted connections shall be coated with wax tape prior to polyethylene encasement. Pipe & Fittings: All ductile-iron pipe and fittings shall be encased with polyethylene sleeves in accordance with Method A described in AWWA C105, except that tees may be encased with polyethylene wrap in accordance with Method C described in AWWA C105. Valves: Buried valves shall have only the stem and operating nut exposed and the wrap shall be attached so that valve operation will not disturb the wrapping or break the seal. Refer to the applicable valve specification to determine other coating requirements. B. Polyethylene sleeves shall be secured with polyethylene or vinyl adhesive tape or plastic tie straps at the ends and quarter points along the sleeve in a manner that will hold the sleeve securely in place during backfill. Polyethylene wrap shall be secured with polyethylene or vinyl adhesive tape in a manner that will hold the wrap securely in place during backfill. 3.8 WARNING/IDENTIFICATION TAPE Warning/Identification Tape shall be installed as described below in accordance with the Standard Drawings. A. Tape shall be placed at the top of the pipe zone 12" above and centered over the utility intended for identification. Tape used with onsite potable and recycled water irrigation systems shall be installed at 6" above the pipe. B. Tape shall be installed with the printed side up and run continuously along the entire length of the utility intended for identification. Tape shall be installed on the main piping and all appurtenant laterals, including blowoffs, air valve assemblies, fire hydrants, and services. Tape splices shall overlap a minimum of 24" for continuous coverage. C. Tape shall be installed prior to placement of the Trench Zone Backfill. JUNE 2008 12 of 15 SECTION 15000 General Piping System and Appurtenances 3.9 GATE WELLS AND VALVE STEM EXTENSIONS Gate wells shall be installed as shown on the Standard Drawings and as described below: A. Gate wells shall be installed as shown on the Standard Drawings and as described below: B. The top exterior portion of the gate well lid and ring shall be coated in accordance with Section 09900. C. Valve Stem Extensions shall be installed when the valve operating nut is more than 5' below grade. Stem extensions shall be of sufficient length to bring the operating nut to a point between 12" and 18" below the gate well lid. Valve stem extensions shall be installed in accordance with the Standard Drawings. 3.10 METER BOX INSTALLATION Meter boxes shall be installed at the elevations and locations shown on the Approved Plans and in accordance with the Standard Drawings. Near the completion of the project, a final meter box adjustment to finish grade may be required. Water meters shall not be installed until final adjustments are made to the meter box and approved by the City. 3.11 ABANDONMENT OR REMOVAL FROM SERVICE OF EXISTING FACILITIES Before excavating for new mains that are to replace existing pipes or services, the Contractor shall make provisions for the continuation and maintenance of service to customers as directed by the City Engineer. Abandonment or removal from service of existing mains, appurtenances or water services shown on the Approved Plans or as called for by the City Engineer shall be as directed by the City Engineer. Abandonment or removal from service of existing mains, appurtenances or water services shown on the Approved Plans or as called for by the City Engineer shall be as indicated below and in accordance with the Standard Drawings: A. Abandonment in place: 1. Existing pipe 4" and smaller shall have a short section of pipe removed and pipe ends encased in concrete. 2. Existing pipe 6" through 14" shall be cut and plugged with concrete or shall be pressure-grouted at intervals of 200' as recommended by the Engineer. 3. Existing pipe 16" and larger shall be entirely filled by pressure-grouting or by blown sand as determined by the Engineer. 4. Existing pipe ends shall be filled with concrete. JUNE 2008 13 of 15 SECTION 15000 General Piping System and Appurtenances 5. All valves shall be removed with remaining pipe or fittings permanently sealed with blind flange or concrete plug. 6. Gate wells shall be cut 24" below grade and filled with 1-2 slurry sack concrete or removed and replaced with compacted backfill. 7. Water service corporation stops shall be closed. Meter boxes and curb stops shall be removed. Service laterals shall be cut back a minimum of 24-inches below the finish grade. 8. Water services to be abandoned that are connected to pipelines that will remain in service shall be abandoned in-place. B. Removal by excavation: 1. Existing pipe and appurtenances shall be removed from the ground as indicated on the Approved Plans or as directed by the City Engineer. 2. Contractor shall provide measures that allow for the removal of existing sewer mains and appurtenances with no leakage of raw sewage. Transportation of sewer mains and appurtenances removed from service shall be in waterproof trucks to prevent raw sewage from leaking on public streets. 3. Removal of asbestos-cement pipe (ACP) and sewer mains and appurtenances shall be in accordance with all applicable State and Federal requirements. Legal disposal is the responsibility of the Contractor. Obtain approval from the agency having disposal jurisdiction with respect to disposal sites. 4. Backfill, compaction, and surface repair of all excavations for removal of pipe and appurtenances shall be made in accordance with the Approved Plans, Section 02223 of the Standard Specifications, and the Standard Drawings. 3.12 SALVAGE When the Contractor is required to remove existing pipe and appurtenances, or portions thereof, from the ground, such material may, at the discretion of the Engineer, be considered salvage. All materials identified as salvage are considered property of the City. A. The Contractor shall remove and temporarily stockpile all materials identified as salvage in a safe location that will not disrupt traffic or shall deliver salvage to the City's Field Operations Yard as directed by the City Engineer. B. The Contractor shall legally dispose of all other materials in an appropriate manner. Disposal is the responsibility of the Contractor. Obtain concurrence from the agency having disposal jurisdiction with respect to disposal sites and transportation methods. JUNE 2008 14 of 15 SECTION 15000 General Piping System and Appurtenances 3.13 RECONNECTIONS A. The Contractor may encounter unused service laterals or appurtenant piping connected to an existing pipeline being replaced. Laterals and appurtenance piping that will not be connected to the new pipeline shall be abandoned as described in section 3.11. B. Existing service laterals or appurtenances to be connected to new pipelines shall be installed as shown on the Approved Plans or as directed by the City Engineer in accordance with the Standard Drawings. END OF SECTION JUNE 2008 15 of 15 SECTION 15000 General Piping System and Appurtenances SECTION 15041 DISINFECTION OF PIPING PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION This section describes requirements for disinfection by chlorination of potable and recycled water mains, services, pipe appurtenances and connections. 1.2 REFERENCED STANDARDS The publications listed below form part of this specification to the extent referenced and are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. Reference shall be made to the latest edition of said standards unless otherwise called for. A. American Water Works Association (AWWA). B300 Standard for Hypochlorites B301 Standard for Liquid Chlorine C651 Disinfecting Water Mains 1.3 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE CMWD Standard Specifications 15000, 15044, 15056, 15057, 15061, and 15064 1.4 SERVICE APPLICATION A. All water mains and appurtenances taken out of service for inspection, repairs, or other activity that might lead to contamination shall be disinfected before they are returned to service. B. All new water mains and temporary high lines shall be disinfected prior to connection to the City's existing system. C. All components incorporated into a connection to the City's existing system shall be disinfected prior to installation. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. A written disinfection and dechlorination plan signed by a certified chlorinator shall be submitted to the Engineer for review and approval prior to starting disinfection or dechlorination operations. Plan for disinfection method and procedure shall include equipment used to inject the chlorine solution, gauges or scales to measure the rate at which chlorine is injected, qualifications of personnel, testing location and schedule, source of water and water disposal locations. Personnel performing the disinfection shall demonstrate a minimum of five years experience in the chlorination and dechlorination of pipelines. B. Qualification of certified testing laboratory. C. Four copies of bacteriological test results to the Engineer upon completion of each test. D. Emergency Response Plan. JUNE 2008 1 of 6 SECTION 15041 Disinfection of Piping 1. 6 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING Chlorination and dechlorination shall be performed by competent individuals knowledgeable and experienced in the operation of the necessary application and safety equipment in accordance with applicable Federal, State and Local laws and regulations. The transport, storage and handling of these materials shall be performed in accordance with Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1910.120 Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response, CFR 49.172 Hazardous Materials Regulations, and the General Industry Safety Orders of the California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 5194. 1.7 CONCURRENT DISINFECTION AND HYDROSTATIC TESTING The specified disinfection of the pipelines may be performed concurrently with the hydrostatic testing in accordance with Section 15044. In the event repairs are necessary, as indicated by the hydrostatic test, additional disinfection may be required by the Engineer in accordance with this specification. 1.8 CONNECTION TO EXISTING MAINS Prior to connection to existing mains, disinfection and bacteriological testing shall be performed in accordance with this specification, and hydrostatic testing shall be performed per Section 15044. A City Connection Permit is required authorizing connection to an existing system shall and be given only on the basis of acceptable hydrostatic, disinfection and bacteriological test results. Connection to existing mains shall be performed in accordance with Section 15000. PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 CHLORINE (GAS) A. Liquid chlorine contains 100-percent available chlorine and is packaged in steel containers in net weights of 68.1kg (150 lb.) or 907.2kg (1 ton). B. Liquid chlorine shall be used with appropriate gas flow chlorinators, heaters, and injectors to provide a controlled, high-concentration solution feed to the water. The chlorinators and injectors shall be the vacuum-operated type. 2.2 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE (LIQUID) Sodium hypochlorite is available in liquid form in glass or plastic containers, ranging in size from 0.95 L (1 Qt.) to 18.93 L (5 Gal.). The solution contains approximately 10% to 15% available chlorine. 2.3 TABLET OR GRANULAR HYPOCHLORITE Tablet or granular hypochlorite may be used if a solution container is utilized to provide a continuous feed method. JUNE 2008 2 of 6 SECTION 15041 Disinfection of Piping PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. Disinfection of pipelines shall not proceed until all appurtenances and any necessary sample ports have been installed and the Engineer provides authorization. B. Every effort shall be made to keep the water main and its appurtenances clean and dry during the installation process. C. All piping, valves, fittings, and appurtenances which become contaminated during installation shall be cleaned, rinsed with potable water, and then sprayed or swabbed with a 5 percent sodium hypochlorite disinfecting solution prior to installation. D. Water mains under construction that become flooded by storm water, runoff, or groundwater shall be cleaned by draining and flushing with metered potable water until clear water is evident. Upon completion, the entire main shall be disinfected using a method approved by the Engineer. 3.2 METHODS A. Chlorine (Gas) 1. Only vacuum-operated equipment shall be used. Direct-feed chlorinators, which operate solely from gas pressure in the chlorine cylinder, shall not be permitted. The equipment shall incorporate a backflow prevention device at the point of connection to the potable water source used to fill the line being tested. 2. The chlorinating agent shall be applied at the beginning of the system to be chlorinated and shall be injected through a corporation stop, a hydrant, or other approved connection to ensure treatment of the entire system being disinfected. 3. Only a certified, licensed chlorination and testing contractor shall perform gas chlorination work. The chlorination contractor must also possess a Grade II Treatment Plant Operator Certification from the State of California if required by the Engineer. B. Sodium Hypochlorite Solution (Liquid) 1. Sodium hypochlorite solution shall be used for cleaning and swabbing piping and appurtenances immediately prior to installation and for disinfecting all components of connections to the City's existing system. JUNE 2008 3 of 6 SECTION 15041 Disinfection of Piping 2. Sodium hypochlorite solution may be used for the initial disinfection of newly installed water mains. The solution shall be applied at a terminus of the system to be chlorinated using an injector which can adjust the amount of solution being injected into the piping system. The solution shall be injected in the appropriate concentration to achieve the specified concentration range of chlorine throughout the entire piping system. Where pumping equipment is used in conjunction with an injector, an integral backflow prevention device shall be used and connected to the potable water supply. 3. Water trucks, pumping equipment, piping, appurtenances and all other equipment in contact with potable water shall be disinfected prior to use. 4. Sodium hypochlorite solution may also be used to increase the total chlorine residual if the concentration from the initial chlorination of the system is found to be low. The solution shall be added to the system in sufficient amounts at appropriate locations to ensure that the disinfecting solution is present at a concentration within the specified range throughout the piping system. 3.3 PROCEDURE FOR DISINFECTING WATER MAINS AND APPURTENANCES A. The pipeline shall be filled at a rate not to exceed 1,135 liters per minute (300 GPM) or a velocity of 0.3m per second (1 foot per second), whichever is less. B. Disinfection shall result in a total chlorine concentration of not less than 25-mg/l. This concentration shall be evenly distributed throughout the system to be disinfected, using a continuous feed method of chlorination. C. All valves shall be operated with the disinfection solution present in the pipeline. All appurtenances such as air-vacuum relief valves, blowoffs, hydrants, backflow prevention devices, and water service laterals shall be flushed with the treated water a sufficient length of time to ensure a chlorine concentration within the specified range in all components of each appurtenance. (Note the limitations for discharge of chlorinated water outlined below.) D. The Engineer will verify the presence of the disinfection solution throughout the system by sampling and testing for acceptable chlorine concentrations at the various appurtenances and/or at the test ports provided by the Contractor. Areas of the system found to be below the specified chlorine concentration level shall receive additional flushing as noted above and/or additional disinfection solution as necessary. (Note the limitations for discharge of chlorinated water outlined below.) Addition of disinfection solution after the initial charging of the line shall be made by either the liquid chlorine (gas) method, or the sodium hypochlorite method as directed by the Engineer. JUNE 2008 4 of 6 SECTION 15041 Disinfection of Piping E. The chlorinated water shall be retained in the system for a minimum of 24 hours. The City Engineer will test the total chlorine residual. The system shall contain a total chlorine residual of not less than 80% of the initial total chlorine residual before the 24-hour soaking period began. If the total chlorine residual has decreased more than 20%, the system shall be soaked for an additional 24-hour period. If the total chlorine residual has not deceased after this additional 24-hour period, the system shall be flushed in accordance with the procedure detailed herein. If the total chlorine residual has decreased, the system shall be flushed in accordance with the procedure detailed herein, and shall be re-disinfected. F. Following a successful retention period as determined by the City Engineer, the chlorinated water shall be flushed from the system at its extremities and at each appurtenance, using potable water from a source designated by the City Engineer. The minimum water velocity during flushing shall be 0.9 meters per second (3 feet per second) or as directed by the Engineer. Flushing shall continue until the replacement water in the new system is equal in chlorine residual to the potable source of supply as verified by the City. (Note the limitations for discharge of chlorinated water outlined below.) G. The Contractor shall contract with a State certified sampling laboratory to perform sampling, transport samples and perform bacteriological sampling and testing as specified herein. 3.4 DISCHARGE OF CHLORINATED WATER A. Indiscriminate onsite disposal or discharge to sewer systems, storm drains, drainage courses or surface waters of chlorinated water is prohibited. B. In locations where chlorine neutralization is required, the reducing agent shall be applied to the water as it exits the piping system. The Developer shall monitor the chlorine residual during the discharge operations. Total residual chlorine limits in these locations, and for the discharge of chlorinated water from the testing of pipelines to surface waters of the San Diego Region are as follows: Total Residual Chlorine Effluent Limitations 30-Day Average - 0.002 mg/l Average Daily Maximum - 0.008 mg/l Instantaneous Maximum - 0.02 mg/l The various methods of dechlorination available can remove residual chlorine to concentrations below standard analytical methods of detection, 0.02 mg/l, which will assure compliance with the effluent limit. The Developer will perform all necessary tests, keeping and providing records to the Engineer to ensure that the total residual chlorine effluent limitations listed above are met. C. In locations where no hazard to the environment is evident based on the joint examination described above, the chlorinated water may be broadcast for dust control on the surface of the immediate site. Care shall be exercised in broadcasting the water to prevent runoff. JUNE 2008 5 of 6 SECTION 15041 Disinfection of Piping 3.5 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING The Contractor shall employ a State certified laboratory to perform bacteriological sampling and testing of all new system installations. The testing methodology employed by the City shall be as set forth in "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water" (current edition). Testing requirements are as set forth in the California Domestic Water Quality and Monitoring Regulations and commensurate with current requirements for surface water testing. The testing laboratory will analyze the samples for the presence of coliform bacteria and heterotrophic-type bacteria (heterotrophic plate count). The evaluation criteria employed by the City for a passing test sample is as follows: A. Coliform bacteria: no positive sample, and B. Heterotrophic plate count (HPC): 500 colony forming units/ml or less. 3.06 REDISINFECTION If the initial disinfection fails to produce satisfactory bacteriological test results, the pipeline system shall be re-flushed and re-sampled. If the second set of samples does not produce satisfactory results, the pipeline system shall be re-chlorinated, flushed, and re-stamped. The chlorination, flushing, and sampling procedure shall continue until satisfactory results are obtained. Re-disinfection and retesting shall be at the Contractor's expense. 3.07 DISINFECTING TIE-INS AND CONNECTIONS Pipes, fittings, valves and all other components incorporated into connections with the City's existing system shall be spray disinfected or swabbed with a liquid chlorine solution in accordance with AWWA C651 and as specified herein. Upon connection to the main, the line shall be flushed as directed by the City Engineer. Disinfection by this method is generally limited to assemblies of 20' or less in length. Alternate methods such as "predisinfection" prior to installation in accordance with AWWA C651 may be required at the discretion of the City Engineer. END OF SECTION JUNE 2008 6 of 6 SECTION 15041 Disinfection of Piping SECTION 15043 JUNE 2008 1 of 3 Testing of Gravity Sewer Pipeline SECTION 15043 TESTING OF GRAVITY SEWER PIPELINES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION A. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all tools, equipment, materials, and supplies and shall perform all labor required to complete the work as indicated on the Drawings and specified herein. B. This Section covers the performance of all pipeline flushing and testing, complete, for sanitary sewer system piping as specified herein and in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. 1.2 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Gravity Sewer Pipe: 15063 1.3 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES AND STANDARDS A. Comply with the applicable reference specifications as specified in the GENERAL PROVISIONS. 1.4 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS A. Submittals shall be made in accordance with the GENERAL PROVISIONS. B. The CONTRACTOR shall submit in writing all proposed plans for testing, and for water conveyance, control and disposal. The CONTRACTOR shall also submit written notice 48 hours in advance of the proposed testing schedule for review and concurrence of the ENGINEER. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE (NOT USED) PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. Temporary valves, plugs, bulkheads, and other air pressure testing and water control equipment and materials shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR subject to the ENGINEER's review. No materials shall be used which will be injurious to pipeline structure and future function. Air test gages shall be laboratory-calibrated annually. At the discretion of the City Engineer, gages shall be recalibrated by a certified laboratory at the CONTRACTOR's expense prior to the leakage test. SECTION 15043 JUNE 2008 2 of 3 Testing of Gravity Sewer Pipeline PART 3 – EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. Unless otherwise specified, water for testing will be furnished by the CONTRACTOR; and, the CONTRACTOR shall make all necessary provisions for conveying the water from the AGENCY-designated source to the points of use. B. Release of water from pipelines, after testing has been completed, shall be performed as directed by the ENGINEER. C. All testing operations shall be performed in the presence of the INSPECTOR. 3.2 SEWER PIPE CLEANING A. All sewer pipe shall be thoroughly flushed with clean water, from access-hole to access-hole with an appropriately sized inflatable ball. B. All construction debris and water shall be removed from each access-hole prior to removal of expandable plugs. C. Water used in flushing the new sewer mains and laterals shall not be discharged into the existing sewer system. 3.3 TESTING OF PIPELINE A. General: All gravity sewer pipes and service laterals shall be tested for exfiltration and/or infiltration and deflection, as specified. Sewer pipelines shall be backfilled prior to testing. All leakage tests of sanitary sewer systems shall be in conformance with SSPWC Section 306- 1.4.1. B. Water Exfiltration Test shall be in conformance with SSPWC Section 306-1.4.2. C. Water Infiltration Test shall be in conformance with SSPWC Section 306-1.4.3. Unless otherwise specified, infiltration will be measured by the CONTRACTOR using measuring devices approved by the ENGINEER. D. Air Pressure Test shall be in conformance with SSPWC Section 306-1.4.4. E. At the CONTRACTOR's option, joints may be air tested individually, joint by joint, with the use of specialized equipment. The CONTRACTOR shall submit its joint testing procedure for the ENGINEER's review and approval prior to testing. Prior to each test, the pipe at the joint shall be wetted with water. The maximum test pressure shall be 3.0 psi. The minimum allowable pressure drop shall be 1.0 psi over a 30-second test period. F. Water Pressure Test shall be in conformance with SSPWC Section 306-1.4.5. SECTION 15043 JUNE 2008 3 of 3 Testing of Gravity Sewer Pipeline G. Deflection Test: All flexible and semi-rigid main line pipe shall be tested in accordance with SSPWC Sections 306-1.2.12 and 306-1.2.13 for deflection, joint displacement, or any other obstruction by passing a rigid mandrel through the pipe by hand, not less than 30 days after completion of the trench backfill, but prior to permanent resurfacing. The mandrel shall be a full circle, solid cylinder, or a rigid, non-adjustable, odd-numbered leg (9 leg minimum) steel cylinder, accepted by the ENGINEER as to design and manufacture. The circular cross section of the mandrel shall have a diameter of at least 95 percent of the specified average inside diameter of the pipe and the minimum length of the circular portion of the mandrel shall be equal to the nominal diameter of the pipe. Obstructions encountered by the mandrel shall be corrected by the CONTRACTOR. 3.4 CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION INSPECTION A. A closed circuit television inspection shall ne conducted of new sewer lines after sewer pipe cleaning and mandrel testing. B. Closed circuit television inspections shall be performed in accordance with the SSPWC, 500-1.1.5. Video documentation shall be provided in digital format (DVD). C. All defects and evidence of reverse slope by ponding of water or dips in pipe alignment revealed by the closed circuit television inspection shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the City Engineer at the Contractor’s expense. END OF SECTION SECTION 15044 – HYDROSTATIC TESTING OF PRESSURE PIPELINES PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION This section describes the requirements and procedures for pressure and leakage testing of all pressure mains. 1.2 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE CMWD Standard Drawings CMWD Standard Specifications 15000, 15041, 15056, 15061, and 15064 1.3 REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO TESTING A. Provide testing procedure submittal including testing pressure, testing schedule, test bulkhead locations, and water supply details. B. All piping, valves, fire hydrants, services, and related appurtenances shall be installed prior to testing. C. The pipe trench shall have trench zone backfill placed and compacted with a minimum of 2.5' of material over the pipe. D. All concrete anchor blocks shall be allowed to cure a sufficient time to develop a minimum strength of 13.79 MPa (2,000 psi) before testing. E. Pressure tests on exposed and aboveground piping shall be conducted only after the entire piping system has been installed and attached to pipe supports, hangers or anchors as shown on the Approved Plans. F. Steel pipelines shall not be tested before the mortar lining and coating on all pipe lengths within the line have been in place for a minimum of fourteen (14) days. Cement-mortar lined pipe shall not be filled with water until a minimum of eight hours has elapsed after the last joint has been mortared. 1.4 CONCURRENT HYDROSTATIC TESTING AND DISINFECTION OF PIPELINES Hydrostatic testing of pipelines shall be performed prior to or concurrently with the disinfection operations in accordance with Section 15041. In the event repairs are necessary, as indicated by the hydrostatic test, the City may require additional disinfection in accordance with Section 15041. 1.5 CONNECTION TO EXISTING MAINS Hydrostatic testing shall be performed prior to connections to existing mains. A City Connection Permit authorizing connection to the existing system shall be given only on the basis of acceptable hydrostatic, disinfection and bacteriological test results. Connection to existing mains shall be performed in accordance with Section 15000. JUNE 2008 1 of 4 SECTION 15044 Hydrostatic Testing of Pressure Pipelines PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 WATER A. Potable water shall be used for hydrostatic testing of potable and recycled water mains. B. Potable water shall be supplied by a City-approved source. Make-up water for testing shall also be potable water. C. A chlorinated water solution, in accordance with Section 15041, shall be used to charge the line and for make-up water when hydrostatic testing and disinfection operations are combined. D. Meet all applicable state and local requirements for disposal of testing water. 2.2 CONNECTIONS A. Testing water shall be supplied through a metered connection equipped with a backflow prevention device in accordance with Section 15112 at the point of connection to the potable water source used. B. The Contractor shall provide any temporary piping needed to deliver potable water to the piping that is to be tested. Temporary piping shall be in accordance with Section 15000. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. All water systems shall be pre-tested to insure passage of test prior to scheduling official test with inspector. B. The Contractor shall provide the City with a minimum of 48 hours' notice prior to the requested date and time for hydrostatic tests. C. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, and equipment for testing. D. Temporary blocking during the tests will be permitted only at temporary plugs, caps or where otherwise directed by the City. E. All valves and appurtenances shall be operated during the test period. The test shall be conducted with valves in the open position. The Contractor is not permitted to operate any valves on the City’s system. F. At the onset of testing, all valves, air vacuum assemblies, blowoffs, and services shall be monitored for possible leakage and repairs made, if necessary, before the test proceeds. The appurtenances shall be monitored through the duration of the testing. JUNE 2008 2 of 4 SECTION 15044 Hydrostatic Testing of Pressure Pipelines G. For pipe with porous lining, such as cement mortar, the pipe shall be filled with water and placed under a slight pressure for a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours prior to the actual hydrostatic test. H. Testing shall be made before connecting the new line with the existing City pipes and mains. I. The pipeline should be filled at a rate such that the velocity of flow is less than 1 fps. J. Maximum length of pipe to be included in any one (1) test shall not exceed 2,500 linear feet or vertical elevation difference of 58 feet. 3.2 FIELD TEST PROCEDURE A. Before applying the specified test pressure, care shall be taken to release all air within the pipe and appurtenances to be tested. Air shall be released through services, fire hydrants, air release valves, or other approved locations. B. The leakage shall be considered as the total amount of water pumped into the pipeline during the test period. C. Apply and maintain the test pressure by means of a hydraulic force pump. D. Maintain the test pressure for the following duration by restoring it whenever it falls an amount of 5 psi: Pipe Diameter (inches) Hours 18 and less 4 20 to 36 8 Greater than 36 24 E. After the test pressure is reached, use a meter to measure the additional water added to maintain the pressure. This amount of water is the loss due to leakage in the piping system. The allowable leakage for various sizes of PUC & DIP with rubber gaskets are shown in the following table: TYPE OF PIPE: P.V.C. & D.I.P. CLASSES: 150 & 200 Pipe Sizes Allowable Leakage (inches) Gals/4 hrs/1000’ of pipe 4” .33 Gals 6” .50 Gals 8” .66 Gals 10” .83 Gals. 12” .99 Gals. 14” 1.16 Gals. 16” 1.32 Gals. 18” 1.49 Gals. 20” 1.66 Gals. 24” 1.98 Gals. JUNE 2008 3 of 4 SECTION 15044 Hydrostatic Testing of Pressure Pipelines F. The allowable leakage for welded steel pipe shall be zero gallons. G. The allowable leakage for piping having threaded, brazed, or welded (including solvent welded) joints shall be zero gallons. H. Repair and retest any pipes showing leakage rates greater than that allowed in the above criteria. 3.3 TEST PRESSURE Pipe sizes in excess of 16” diameter shall be tested at a pressure based on test pressure as shown on the drawings. If no test pressure is shown, the pipeline at the low point in test section shall be pumped to a hydrostatic test pressure of 125 percent of the operating pressure or pipe class, whichever is the greater. Pressure shall be maintained for a duration shown in section 3.2 and shall be repumped when it falls an amount of 5 p.s.i. Pipe sizes 16” diameter and less shall be tested at 75 p.s.i. in excess to the pressure class of the pipeline. Pressure shall be maintained for a duration shown in section 3.2 and shall be repumped when it falls an amount of 5 p.s.i. The test pump gauge and meter shall be connected to the water main at a location other than the highest point in the line, in order to allow release of air from the high point. Means shall be provided for accurately measuring the quantity of water pumped through a meter and pumped into the pipe immediately, during and after the test period in order to maintain or restore the initial test pressure. All pipe, fittings, valves, services and appurtenances shall be subjected to the hydrostatic test and irrespective of the measured quantity of leakage, all detectable leaks shall be repaired by the Contractor at the contractor’s expense and no cost to Carlsbad Municipal Water District. If a tested system is damaged or a leak occurs after official test the entire system or portion of system will be retested as directed by Inspector. END OF SECTION JUNE 2008 4 of 4 SECTION 15044 Hydrostatic Testing of Pressure Pipelines SECTION 15056 DUCTILE-IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION This section includes materials and installation of ductile-iron pipe and fittings for potable water systems. 1.2 REFERENCE STANDARDS The publications listed below form part of this specification to the extent referenced and are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. Reference shall be made to the latest edition of said standards unless otherwise called for. ANSI B16.42 Ductile iron pipe flanges and flanged fittings, classes 150 and 300. ASTM A536 Specification for ductile iron castings. AWWA C104 Cement mortar lining for ductile iron pipe and fittings for water AWWA C105 Polyethylene encasement for ductile iron pipe systems AWWA C111 Rubber-gasket joints for ductile iron pipe AWWA C600 Installation of ductile iron water mains and their appurtenances 1.3 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE CMWD Standard Drawings CMWD Standard Specifications 09900, 15000, 15044, 15061, 15064, 15108, and 15112 1.4 SERVICE APPLICATION Ductile-iron pipe shall be used only in specific areas, locations, and uses allowed by the City. 1.5 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS A. General: 1. Ductile-iron pipe and fittings shall be manufactured per AWWA C110, C111, C115, C150, C151, and C153. Gray-iron and cast-iron fittings or flanges shall not be used. 2. Ductile-iron fittings manufactured per AWWA C153 shall be installed on mains 12" and smaller only. 3. Joints for ductile-iron pipe and fittings shall be mechanical, flanged, or push-on in accordance with AWWA C110, C111, and C153. 4. Except as amended herein, or otherwise shown on the Approved Plans, joints for ductile-iron pipe and ductile-iron fittings shall have a pressure rating equal to or greater than the adjacent piping. JUNE 2008 1 of 8 SECTION 15056 Ducile-Iron Pipe and Fittings 5. Joints in buried piping may be of the push-on, flanged or mechanical-joint type per AWWA C111 except where particularly specified on the Approved Drawings. 6. Joints that are aboveground, within structures, or submerged shall be flanged unless otherwise shown on the Approved Plans. B. Unless otherwise specified, ductile-iron flanges shall be in accordance with AWWA C115, rated at a working pressure of 1,724 KPa (250 psi). Where required in order to connect to the flanges of 1,724 KPa (250 psi) butterfly valves, or as otherwise shown on the approved plans, ductile-iron flanges shall be compatible with AWWA C207, Class "F". Maximum working pressure of flanges shall be as specified in AWWA or ASME/ANSI. Flanges shall be integrally cast per AWWA C110 or shop-threaded per AWWA C115. Flanges shall be solid. Hollow-back flanges are not permitted. Gray-iron or cast-iron flanges are not permitted. Threading of flanges in the field is not permitted. Where threaded flanges are used, the pipe or spool piece to which they are connected will be hydrostatically tested in the presence of the Engineer prior to installation. The pipe section or spool piece shall be hydrostatically tested for 15 minutes at the pressure rating of the flanges. No leaks shall be permitted. C. Plain ends shall conform to the requirement of AWWA C151 and to the dimensions included within AWWA C110 to accept a mechanical joint, push-on joint, flanged coupling adaptor, flexible coupling, or grooved coupling. Refer to Section 15000 for coupling descriptions. D. The exterior surfaces of all pipe and fittings shall be factory coated with a minimum one-(1) mil thick petroleum asphaltic material per AWWA C110 and C151. E. All pipe and fittings shall be cement-mortar lined in accordance with AWWA C104, using the double thickness requirements indicated in said standard. Type II or Type V Portland cement per ASTM C 150 shall be used. 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The manufacturer of each shipment of pipe shall be required to supply a statement certifying that each lot or load of pipe and fittings has been subjected to and met the tests specified for ductile-iron pipe and fittings per AWWA C110, C111, C115, C150, C151, and C153, as applicable. B. All pipe shall have a home mark on the spigot end to indicate proper penetration when the joint is made. C. Ductile-iron pipe shall bear indelible identification markings as required by AWWA C151. JUNE 2008 2 of 8 SECTION 15056 Ducile-Iron Pipe and Fittings 1.7 SUBMITTALS The following items shall be submitted and reviewed by the City prior to shipping of ductile-iron pipe and fittings: A. An affidavit of compliance with AWWA C104, C110, C111, C115, C150, C151, C153, and the requirements of this specification. B. Typical joint details. C. Typical details and description of lining and coating. D. Calculations supporting selected wall thickness. E. Calculations demonstrating that each proposed restrained joint arrangement can resist the applied forces. F. Cathodic protection materials. 1.8 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Delivery, storage, and handling of ductile-iron pipe and fittings shall follow the recommendations of AWWA C600 and as specified herein: A. Handling of pipe shall be performed with lifts, cranes, or other suitable equipment and devices. Slings, hooks, or pipe tongs shall be padded and used in such a manner as to prevent damage to the pipe, linings, and coatings. The pipes shall not be dropped or dragged. B. During transport, the pipe shall be supported and secured against movement using padded devices in such a manner to prevent damage. C. Stored pipe shall be protected from damage and kept free from dirt and foreign materials by closing the ends of the pipe. Other pipeline materials shall be protected by appropriate packaging or wrapping. Gaskets shall be stored in a cool location out of direct sunlight. Bolts, nuts, and washers shall be handled and stored in a dry location in a manner that will ensure proper use with respect to types and sizes. D. Pipe laid out for installation shall be placed on earth berms or timber cradles adjacent to the trench in the numerical order of installation. E. Maintain plastic end caps on all pipe and fittings in good condition until the pipe is ready to be installed in the trench. Periodically open the plastic end caps and spray clean potable water inside the pipe for moisture control. F. Under no circumstances shall ropes or other devices be attached through the fitting's interior for handling. JUNE 2008 3 of 8 SECTION 15056 Ducile-Iron Pipe and Fittings 1.9 RECYCLED WATER IDENTIFICATION Ductile-iron pipe and fittings for recycled water shall be identified with purple-colored coating, purple polyethylene sleeves, identification labels or signs in accordance with Section 15000. 1.10 CORROSION PROTECTION Polyethylene encasement shall be installed on all buried ductile-iron pipe and fittings in accordance with Section 15000. Additionally, all buried ductile iron fittings with bolted connections (flanges, mechanical joints, etc) shall be coated with wax tape in accordance with Section 09902. 1.11 WARNING/IDENTIFICATION TAPE Warning/Identification tape shall be installed for ductile-iron pipe and fittings in accordance with Section 15000. PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 DUCTILE-IRON Ductile-iron pipe and appurtenant components and materials shall be selected from the Approved Materials List in accord with the Standard Drawings. 2.2 GASKETS A. Mechanical joint rubber gasket configuration and materials shall comply with AWWA C111, and according to the applicable joint type and pressure rating of the piping system. B. Flange gaskets shall be 1/8" thick acrylic or aramid fibers bound with nitrile for all sizes of pipe. Gaskets shall be full-face type with pre-punched holes. Ring gaskets extending to the inner edge of the bolt circumference may be used only upon approval of the City Engineer. C. Push-on joint rubber gaskets shall be per AWWA C111. D. If organic solvents or petroleum products are encountered during the course of the work, alternate gasket materials or joint treatment may be required by the Engineer. 2.3 BOLTS AND NUTS FOR FLANGES Bolts and nuts shall be in accordance with Section 15000 and shall be selected from the Approved Materials List. 2.4 WAX TAPE COATING Wax Tape shall be provided in accordance with Section 09902 and the Approved Materials List. JUNE 2008 4 of 8 SECTION 15056 Ducile-Iron Pipe and Fittings 2.5 POLYETHYLENE ENCASEMENT Polyethylene encasement shall be provided in accordance with Section 15000 and selected from the Approved Materials List. 2.6 WARNING/IDENTIFICATION TAPE Warning/Identification tape materials shall be in accordance with Section 15000 and selected from the Approved Materials List. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL At all times when the work of installing pipe is not in progress, including worker break times, ends of the pipe shall be closed with a vermin-proof and child-proof cap or plug. Do not permit trench water to enter the pipe. Do not place tools, clothing, or other materials in the pipe. The Contractor shall maintain the interior of the pipe in a sanitary condition free from foreign materials. 3.2 TRENCHING, BACKFILLING AND COMPACTING Trenching, backfilling and compacting shall be performed in accordance with Section 02223. 3.3 DEWATERING The Contractor shall provide and maintain at all times during construction ample means and devices to promptly remove and dispose of all water from any source entering trench excavations or other parts of the work. Any damage caused by flooding of the trench shall be the Contractor's responsibility. Dewatering shall be performed by methods that will maintain a dry excavation, preservation of the final lines and grades and protection of all utilities. If flooding of the trench does occur, the Contractor shall immediately dewater and restore the trench. Damaged or altered pipeline appurtenances or trench materials shall be repaired or replaced as directed by the Engineer. 3.4 PIPE INSTALLATION When the work requires and the size of the pipe allows entry of personnel into the pipe, the Contractor shall comply with all Federal and State regulations for confined space entry. Work inside pipelines shall not be undertaken until all the tests and safety provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations 1910.146, and the General Industry Safety Orders of the California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 5159 for confined space entry have been performed and the area is verified as safe to enter. JUNE 2008 5 of 8 SECTION 15056 Ducile-Iron Pipe and Fittings The Contractor shall furnish and install all pipe, specials, fittings, closure pieces, valves, supports, bolts, nuts, gaskets, jointing materials, and all other appurtenances as shown on the Approved Plans and as required to provide a complete and workable installation. Install pipe in the trench as follows: A. Inspect each pipe and fitting before lowering the pipe or fitting into the trench. Inspect the interior and exterior protective coatings. Patch damaged areas in the field with material recommended by the protective coating manufacturer. Thoroughly clean the ends of the pipe. Remove foreign matter and dirt from inside of the pipe and keep pipe clean during and after installation. B. Install pipe according to the manufacturer's approved order of installation. Install pipes uphill if the grade exceeds 10%. Lower the pipe onto the bedding at the proper lines and grades. C. The manufacturer's printed installation guide outlining the radius of curvature that can be negotiated with pipe sections of various lengths shall be followed, except they shall not exceed the deflections allowed in AWWA C600 according to joint type. Combined deflections at rubber gasket or flexible coupling joints shall not exceed that recommended by the manufacturer. D. The pipe shall have firm bearing along its full length, and bell holes shall be provided at each joint to permit visual inspection of the joint and prevent the pipe from being supported by the bell end or coupling. E. Pipe Assembly: 1. Push-On Type: Assemble the pipe joint using a lubricant selected from the Approved Materials List. Insert the spigot end into the bell or coupling to the proper insertion mark. Check that the elastomeric ring has not left the groove during assembly by passing a feeler gauge around the completed joint. Drive spigot ends of the pipe into bell ends in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Stabbing shall not be permitted. 2. Mechanical Joint Type: Assembly of mechanical joint fittings shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations regarding installation. F. During installation operations, do not place tools, clothing, or other materials in the pipe. G. When pipe installation is not in progress, including worker break times, ends of the pipe shall be closed with a vermin-proof and child-proof cap or plug. Do not permit trench water, animals, or foreign material to enter the pipe. 3.5 CORROSION PROTECTION Polyethylene encasement shall be installed on all buried ductile-iron pipe and fittings in accordance with Section 15000. Additionally, all buried ductile iron fittings with bolted connections (flanges, mechanical joints, etc) shall be coated with wax tape in accordance with Section 09902. JUNE 2008 6 of 8 SECTION 15056 Ducile-Iron Pipe and Fittings 3.6 FLANGED PIPE AND FITTINGS Flanged connections shall be installed where indicated on the Approved Drawings. A. Bolt holes shall straddle the horizontal and vertical centerlines. B. The bolts, nuts and flange faces shall be thoroughly cleaned by wire brush prior to assembly. C. Bolts and nuts shall be lubricated with a City-approved anti-seize compound. D. Nuts shall be tightened in an alternating "star" pattern to the manufacturer's recommended torque. E. Coat the exterior of exposed flanges, bolts and nuts located aboveground or within vaults in accordance with Section 09910. 3.7 MECHANICAL JOINT CONNECTIONS A. Install mechanical joint connections per AWWA C600 and the manufacturer's recommendations. B. Prior to installation of the mechanical joint, clean the socket and plain end of the pipe. Lubricate both the gasket and plain end of the pipe with an approved lubricant per AWWA C111 immediately prior to slipping the gasket onto the plain end of the pipe. C. Tighten the bolts to the normal range of bolt torque per the manufacturer's recommendations and AWWA C600k, Table 3, as follows: Pipe Diameter Bolt Size Range of Torque 3" 5/8" 61-81 N-M (45-60 ft.-lb.) 4-24" 3/4" 102-122 N-M (75-90 ft.-lb.) 30-36" 21" 136-163 N-M (100-120 ft.-lb.) 3.8 CROSSES A. Each flanged ductile-iron cross shall be installed with flanged ductile-iron pipe spools between the cross and the valves. The spools are included to position the valves a sufficient distance from the cross to allow installation of the thrust blocks without conflicting with the valve actuators. B. The spools shall be 18" long for pipe sizes 8" through 12", and 24" long for pipe sizes 16" and larger. C. The spools shall be equal in class to the adjacent pipe. 3.9 JOINT BONDING AND CATHODIC PROTECTION Bonding of joints to provide continuity, flange insulation kits, internal epoxy linings, and other cathodic protection items and materials shall be installed where shown on the Approved Plans in accordance with the Standard Drawings and Section 16640. JUNE 2008 7 of 8 SECTION 15056 Ducile-Iron Pipe and Fittings 3.10 COUPLINGS FOR DUCTILE-IRON PIPE Mechanical type flexible joints shall be installed where shown on the Approved Drawings. Grooved couplings shall be used in vaults and above ground. Flexible couplings may be used, where indicated on the drawings, below ground, but may also be used above ground with restrained joints. Flanged coupling adapters shall be used for buried pipelines, where allowed by the City. A. Grooved joint couplings shall be installed per AWWA C606 and as indicated in Section 15000. B. Flanged coupling adapters, where allowed by the City, shall be installed per the manufacturer's recommendations. C. Flexible couplings shall be installed per Section 15000 and the manufacturer's recommendations. D. All couplings for ductile-iron pipe shall be shop-coated in accordance with Section 15000. 3.11 CONCRETE Concrete thrust and anchor blocks shall be installed in accordance with Section 03000 and the Standards Drawings. 3.12 WARNING/IDENTIFICATION TAPE Warning/Identification tape shall be installed in accordance with Section 15000 and the Standard Drawings. 3.13 DISINFECTION AND BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING Disinfection, bacteriological testing, and flushing shall be performed in accordance with Section 15041. 3.14 HYDROSTATIC TESTING Field hydrostatic testing shall be performed in accordance with Section 15044. END OF SECTION JUNE 2008 8 of 8 SECTION 15056 Ducile-Iron Pipe and Fittings SECTION 15057 COPPER TUBING, BRASS AND BRONZE PIPE FITTINGS PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION This section includes materials and installation of copper tubing, brass and bronze pipe fittings and appurtenances. 1.2 REFERENCE STANDARDS The publications listed below form part of this specification to the extent referenced and are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. Reference shall be made to the latest edition of said standards unless otherwise called for. ANSI B1.20.1 Pipe treads, general purpose ANSI B16.18 Case copper alloy solder joint pressure fittings 1.3 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE CMWD Standard Drawings CMWD Standard Specifications 09900, 15000, 15041, 15044, 15056, 15061 and 15064 1.4 SERVICE LATERAL WET TAP CONNECTIONS Contractor shall perform all wet tap connections to existing pipelines in accordance with Section 15000. 1.5 RECYCLED WATER IDENTIFICATION Copper Tubing, Brass, and Bronze Pipe Fittings for recycled water shall be identified with purple color coating, purple polyethylene sleeve, identification labels or signs in accordance with Section 15000. 1.6 WARNING/IDENTIFICATION TAPE Warning/Identification Tape shall be used for all copper tubing, except that which is bored or jacked, in accordance with Section 15000. PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 COPPER TUBING Copper tubing shall conform to the requirements of ASTM B 88 Type K or ASTM B 88 M (Metric) Type A seamless copper water tube. Copper tubing up to 1” diameter shall be soft; 2” may be soft or rigid. Components shall be selected from the Approved Materials List in accordance with the Standard Drawings. JUNE 2008 1 of 3 SECTION 15057 Copper Tubing, Brass and Bronze Pipe Fittings 2.2 BRASS PIPE, NIPPLES, AND FITTINGS Threaded nipples, brass pipe and fittings shall conform to ASTM B 43, regular wall thickness. Threads shall conform to ANSI B1.20.1. Fittings shall be flared or silver soldered pr CMWD Standard Drawings W3 and W4. 2.3 BRONZE APPURTENANCES A. Corporation stops, curb stops, meter and angle meter stops, meter flange adapters, and bronze-bodied service saddles shall be selected from the Approved Materials List in accordance with the Standard Drawings. B. Fittings shall be flared type or silver soldered. C. All items specified herein shall be manufactured of bronze conforming to ASTM B 62. D. Service saddles shall be the double strap type. Service saddles shall be used on all service and appurtenance connections on PVC piping. For piping materials other than PVC, service and appurtenance connections shall be performed in accordance with the Approved Drawings. 2.4 BOLTS AND NUTS FOR FLANGES Bolts and nuts shall be in accordance with Section 15000 and the Approved Materials List. 2.5 WARNING/IDENTIFICATION TAPE Warning/Identification Tape materials shall be in accordance with Section 15000 and shall be selected from the Approved Materials List. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 COPPER TUBING AND FITTINGS A. Trenching, bedding, backfilling and compacting shall be performed in accordance with CMWD Standard Drawings. Provide a minimum cover of 30” below finished street grade. B. Cut tubing true and square and remove burrs. C. Bends in soft copper tubing shall be long sweep. Shape bends with shaping tools. Form bends without flattening, buckling, or thinning the tubing wall at any point. D. Assemble copper tubing and fittings per the manufacturer’s recommendation in accordance with the Standard Drawings. JUNE 2008 2 of 3 SECTION 15057 Copper Tubing, Brass and Bronze Pipe Fittings E. Install warning/identification tape in accordance with Section 15000 and the Standard Drawings. F. All fittings shall be soldered or flared as shown on the Approved Plans and Standard Drawings. 3.2 SERVICE SADDLES A. Service saddles shall be located a minimum of 24” from any pipe joint or fittings. B. Service saddles for connections shall be located a minimum of 24” from other saddles. Additionally, multiple service saddles for connections that are installed on the same side of a single pipe length shall be alternately staggered between 10o and 30o to prevent a weak plane in the pipe. C. The surface of the pipe shall be clean and all loose material shall be removed to provide a hard, clean surface. D. The service saddle shall be tightened in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations to ensure a tight seal, using care to prevent damage or distortion of the service saddle or corporation stop due to over-tightening. E. The tap into the pipe shall be made in accordance with the pipe manufacturer’s recommendation. Tapping tools and shell cutters with internal teeth or double slots that will retain the coupon shall be used. 3.3 DISINFECTION AND BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING Disinfection, bacteriological testing, and flushing shall be performed in accordance with Section 15041. 3.4 HYDROSTATIC TESTING Field hydrostatic testing shall be performed in accordance with Section 15044. END OF SECTION JUNE 2008 3 of 3 SECTION 15057 Copper Tubing, Brass and Bronze Pipe Fittings SECTION 15061 CEMENT-MORTAR LINED AND COATED STEEL PIPE AND SPECIALS PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION This section includes materials, design, fabrication, and installation of cement-mortar lined and coated steel pipe and specials. 1.2 REFERENCE STANDARDS The publications listed below form part of this specification to the extent referenced and are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. Reference shall be made to the latest edition of said standards unless otherwise called for. AWWA C200 Steel Water Pipe 6-inches and Larger AWWA C205 Cement-Mortar Protective Lining and Coating AWWA C206 Field Welding of Steel Water Pipe AWWA C207 Steel Pipe Flanges AWWA C208 Dimensions for Fabricated Fittings AWWA C209 Cold Applied Tape Coating for the Exterior of Special Sections, Connection and Fittings for Steel Water Pipelines AWWA C210 Coal-tar Epoxy Coating System for Interior and Exterior of Steel Water Pipelines AWWA C213 Fusion-Bonded Epoxy Coating for the Interior and Exterior of Steel Water Pipelines AWS Standard Qualification Procedure for Manual Welding Operators ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code AWWA C214 Tape Coatings Systems for the Exterior of Steel Water Pipeline 1.3 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE CMWD Standard Drawings CMWD Standard Specifications 09900, 15000, 15041, 15044, 15074, 15100, 15102, 15108, and 15112. 1.4 SERVICE APPLICATION Cement-mortar lined and coated steel pipe and specials shall be used only for specific purposes as shown on the Approved Plans. Generally, cement-mortar lined and coated steel pipe shall be used for transmission mains 24” or larger, but may be used for lines as small as 14” with the approval of the Engineer. 1.5 SPECIALS A special is defined as any piece of pipe other than a normal full length of straight pipe. This includes, but is not limited to, elbows, short pieces, reducers, tees, crosses, spools, sections with outlets, beveled sections and access holes. JUNE 2008 1 of 17 SECTION 15061 Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials 1.6 SUBMITTALS The Contractor shall furnish submittals in accordance with Section 2-5.3, Submittals Shop Drawing. Submittals are required for the following: A. Submit Shop Drawings, material lists, manufacturer’s literature and catalog cuts of, but not limited to, the following: Shop Drawings Layout Schedule Manufacturer's tests Mill Reports or Plant Test Reports Fabrication Details Dimensional Checks Protective Coatings Welding Rods for Field Welding Shop Drawings shall be submitted and approved prior to manufacture of pipe. The layout schedule shall indicate the order of installation, the length and location of each pipe section and special, the station and elevation of the pipe invert at all changes in grade, and all data on curves and bends for both horizontal and vertical alignment. B. Submit data used by the Contractor in manufacture and quality control. C. Test reports showing the physical properties of the rubber used in the gaskets shall be submitted. 1.7 PAYMENT A. Payment for the Work in this section shall be included as part of the lump-sum or unit-price bid amount for which such Work is appurtenant thereto. B. Payment by the linear foot shall be for each diameter and for each pipe strength designation measured horizontally over the pipe centerline. 1.8 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Cement-mortar lined and coated steep pipe shall be inspected at the supplier's manufacturing plant by the City Engineer. Developer shall be responsible for City Engineer's expenses, including travel, time, meals and overnight accommodations. Overnight accommodations and air travel may be required, at the discretion of the Engineer, if the manufacturing plant is more than 100 miles from the City Engineer's office. B. In addition to the shop hydrostatic testing performed on pipe cylinders required per AWWA C200, all welds of specials and attachments (i.e., joint rings and nozzles) shall be tested by a dye-penetrant process. Certification of such testing shall be submitted to the City. C. Field welders shall be certified under Section IX, Part A of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code or in accordance with AWWA C206, Section 3. Welders shall present a copy of their certification to the City prior to performing any field welding. Certifications shall be dated within three (3) years of the job to be performed. JUNE 2008 2 of 17 SECTION 15061 Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials D. Plainly mark each length of straight pipe and each special at the bell end to identify the proper location of the pipe item by reference to the layout schedule. E. The top of all pipe and specials shall be clearly identified by marking the top with "T.O.P." for easy identification in the field. 1.9 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Delivery, storage, and handling of the pipe and specials shall be as follows: A. Pipe and fittings shall be carefully handled and shall be protected against damage to linings and coatings due to impact shocks. Pipe shall not be placed directly on rough ground but shall be supported in a manner which will protect the pipe against injury whenever stored at the site or elsewhere. Pipe shall be handled and stored per these requirements and in accordance with the Manufacturer's recommendations. B. Temporary internal bracing shall be installed in all pipe 24" and larger prior to shipment to the job site. Temporary internal bracing shall be 4" x 4" wooden struts installed in both the horizontal and vertical directions. Each set of struts shall be nailed together as a unit. Wooden wedges may be used to maintain the proper tight fit of the internal bracing. The bracing shall be located 12" in from each end of the pipe section for all pipe, and additionally at the mid-point for piping 30" and larger. Maintain internal bracing as specified under Pipe Installation. C. Transport pipe to the job site on padded bunks with nylon tie-down straps or padded bonding to protect the pipe. D. Pipes and specials shall only be handled with appropriate spreader bars and wide nylon slings. Chains or wire rope slings shall not be used. Under no circumstances shall pipe or specials be pushed or dragged along the ground. All pipe sections over 20' in length shall be lifted at the quarter points from each end. E. Store pipe on earth berms or timber cradles adjacent to the trench in the numerical order of installation. Place the supports at about one-quarter point from the pipe ends. F. Maintain plastic end caps on all pipe and specials in good condition until the pipe is ready to be installed in the trench. Periodically open the plastic end caps and spray potable water inside the pipe for moisture control. JUNE 2008 3 of 17 SECTION 15061 Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 PIPE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS Pipe manufacturing shall be the product of one company in the business of designing and manufacturing cement-mortar lined, tape wrapped and mortar coated steel pipe. The pipe shall consist of the following components: A welded steel cylinder with joints formed integrally with the steel cylinder or with steel joint rings welded to the ends; A centrifugally-cast cement-mortar lining; A self-centering bell and spigot joint with a circular preformed elastomeric gasket, so designed that the joint will be watertight under all conditions of service; Tape wrapping of the cylinder over a dielectric coating; A dense, concentric, steel reinforced exterior cement-mortar coating. The Plans indicate the elevations and alignment of the pipeline, the nominal inside diameter of the lined pipe, and the minimum steel cylinder thickness or design pressure (adjusted to satisfy transient conditions). Design soil cover shall be as stated on the Plans or Specifications or, if none is stated, the amount of cover shall be scaled from the Plans. Minimum thickness of the steel cylinder shall be as shown on the Plans or, if not shown on the Plans, as determined by the following formula, except that steel thickness shall not be less than 10 gauge (0.1345-inch). t = Pd Where P =Design pressure, in psi plus 50 psi minimum 2S S =Steel stress at design pressure, i.e., 16,500 psi t =Steel cylinder thickness, in inches d =OD of steel cylinder, in inches 2.2 STEEL CYLINDERS Materials used in fabricating steel cylinders shall be hot rolled carbon steel sheets conforming to the requirements of ASTM A53, Grade B, ASTM A570 Grade 36 or Grade 33, or steel plates conforming to the requirements of ASTM A36. The method of testing shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A570. Full penetration welds will be required. Welds may be straight or spiral seam. The circumferential stress in the steel shall not exceed 16,500 psi at the design pressure. Remove the exterior weld bead along the entire exterior surface of the pipe. The exterior weld bead shall be flush with the exterior surface of the pipe with a tolerance of plus 1/32-inch. 2.3 CEMENT Cement for mortar lining and coating shall be Portland Cement Type II and conform to ASTM C150, unless otherwise specified. Admixtures containing chlorides shall not be used. JUNE 2008 4 of 17 SECTION 15061 Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials 2.4 STEEL BAR OR WIRE REINFORCEMENT Circumferential steel bar or wire reinforcement shall conform to ASTM A615, Grade 40, "Specifications for Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement". Wire fabric reinforcing for cement-mortar coatings and linings of fittings shall conform to ASTM A185, "Specifications for Welded Steel Wire Fabric," or ASTM A497, "Specifications for Welded Deformed Steel Wire Fabric." Spiral-wire reinforcement for cement-mortar coatings shall conform to ASTM A82. 2.5 STEEL FOR JOINT RINGS Steel for bell rings shall conform to ASTM A575, "Specification for Merchant Quality Hot Rolled Carbon Steel Bars." Steel for spigot rings shall conform to ASTM A576, "Specification for Special Quality Hot-Rolled Carbon Steel Bars." 2.6 DIMENSIONS The steel pipe sizes shown on the Plans or otherwise referred to shall be the nominal inside diameter. Unless otherwise specified, the nominal diameter shown on the Plans shall be considered to be the inside diameter after lining. 2.7 MANUFACTURER’S TESTS Each steel cylinder with joint rings attached and cylinders for specials shall be hydrostatically tested to a circumferential stress of at least 22,000 psi, but not more than 25,000 psi. If leaks develop during testing, the cylinder shall be repaired by welding and retested until all leaks are eliminated. The seams in short radius bends and special fittings shall be tested by the air-soap method using air at a pressure of 5 psi or by the dye-check method. However, if the fitting is fabricated from cylinders which have been previously hydrostatically tested, no further test will be required on seams so tested. Hydrostatic testing of fittings to 150% of the design pressure may replace the tests described above. Any defects revealed by any of the alternate test methods shall be repaired by welding and the fitting retested until all defects have been eliminated. 2.8 FABRICATION DETAILS Each special and each length of straight pipe shall be plainly marked at the bell end to identify the design pressure and the proper location of the pipe or special by reference to layout schedule. Exposed portion of joint rings shall be protected from corrosion by the manufacturer's standard coating. The pipe shall be fitted with devices shown on the Plans to permit continuous electrical bonding of the various joints following field installation. JUNE 2008 5 of 17 SECTION 15061 Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials 2.9 PROTECTIVE COATINGS AND LININGS All exposed metal surfaces shall be painted or coated as specified in Section 09870 and 09900, Painting and Coating, except where other coatings are specified elsewhere and in this section. All steel pipe and fittings shall be cement-mortar lined in accordance with AWWA C205 and C602. Linings shall be in accordance with table below. All steel pipe and fittings for underground service shall be cement-mortar lined, taped wrapped and cement-mortar coated in accordance with AWWA C205, C214 and C602 and Section 09870 unless otherwise specified on the Plans. For the following nominal inside diameters, the lining thickness and minimum cement-mortar coating thickness shall be as follows: LINING COATING Nominal Pipe Size Thickness (inches) 2.10 STEEL PIPE AND SPECIALS Steel pipe and specials shall conform to the requirements of the AWWA C200 and C205, and AWWA M11, except as modified herein. A. Steel for fabricated cylinders shall conform to ASTM A 36/A 36M, ASTM A 283/ A 283M, Grade D, or ASTM A 570/A 570M, Grade 36. Other steel grades may be used only upon approval of the City Engineer. B. Cement-mortar coating shall be reinforced in accordance with AWWA C205. C. Cement mortar grout for field joints shall consist of a mixture of 1-1/2 to 2 parts sand to 1 part Type II or Type V Portland Cement with enough clean, potable water to permit packing and troweling without crumbling. The sand shall be washed, well-graded sand such that all will pass a No. 8 sieve. The quantity of water to be used in the preparation of grout shall be the minimum required to produce a mixture sufficiently workable for the purpose intended. Grout shall attain a minimum compressive strength of 12.4 MPa (1,800 psi) in 28 days. D. In certain circumstances, rapid-setting mortar may be required. Acceleration admixtures may be used in the mix as permitted by the City Engineer. Calcium chloride shall not be used in the mix. (inches) Tolerance (inches) Thickness Tolerance (inches) (inches) 4 – 10 1/4 -1/32+1/32 1/2 +1/8 12 – 18 3/8 -1/16+1/8 5/8 +1/8 20 – 44 1/2 -1/16+1/8 3/4 +1/8 45 – 58 3/4 -1/16+1/8 1 +1/8 60 and over 3/4 -1/16+1/8 1 1/4 +1/8 JUNE 2008 6 of 17 SECTION 15061 Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials 2.11 PAINTING AND COATING A. Paint and coating products for exterior surfaces of all pipe and appurtenances not otherwise mortar-coated shall be in accordance with Section 09910 and the Approved Materials List. B. Paint and coating products for areas in contact with potable water such plain ends of pipe, grooved and shouldered ends of pipe and exposed inside surfaces or threaded outlets and blind flanges shall be in accordance with Section 15000 and selected from the Approved Materials List. 2.12 BOLTS AND NUTS FOR FLANGES Bolts and nuts shall be in accordance with Section 15000 and the Approved Materials List. 2.13 GASKETS A. Rubber-ring gaskets shall comply with AWWA C200 according to the applicable joint type and pressure rating of the piping system. B. Flange gaskets shall comply with AWWA C207. Flange gaskets shall be 3.18mm (1/8") thick acrylic or aramid fibers bound with nitrile for all sizes of pipe. Gaskets shall be full-face type with pre-punched holes or ring-type extending to the inner edge of the bolt circumference of the flange. C. In the event of encountering organic solvents or petroleum products during the course of the work, alternate gasket materials or joint treatment will be required as directed by the City Engineer. 2.14 CEMENT-MORTAR CURING The pipe shall be cured by water curing, steam curing or a combination of both. Water curing and steam curing may be used interchangeably on a time ratio basis of four hours water curing to one hour of steam curing. Where steam curing is used, the pipe shall be kept in steam maintained at a temperature of 100 F to 150 F for the specified period and, where water curing is used, the pipe shall be kept continually moist by spraying or other means for the specified periods. The pipe shall not be allowed to dry either on the inside or outside surfaces during the curing period. Where water curing is used, the pipe shall be kept continuously moist for seven days at a temperature of not less than 40 F before being moved to the trench site. Cement-mortar lining and coating of special pipe and fittings may be cured in accordance with the above provisions or by prompt application of a white-pigmented sealing compound conforming to ASTM C309. Sealing compound shall not be applied at joint ends where compound will interfere with the bond of joint mortar. JUNE 2008 7 of 17 SECTION 15061 Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials 2.15 SPECIAL PIPE AND FITTINGS The manufacturer shall furnish all fittings and special pieces required for closures, curves, bends, branches, manholes, outlets, connections for mainline valves, and other appurtenances required by the Plans. Special fittings shall be fabricated of welded steel sheet or plate, lined and coated with cement-mortar of the same type as the adjoining pipe and applied as specified for lining and coating of specials in AWWA C205 and as modified herein. Butt welding shall be used, unless otherwise indicated on the Plans. Minimum centerline radius of an elbow or bend shall be as follows. The maximum deflection at a mitered girth seam shall be 22-1/2 degrees. Pipe Size (Inches)Minimum Centerline Radius 30 - 48 2-1/2 times ID 51 - 60 10-feet Over 60 2 times ID The circumferential stress in the sheet or plate shall not exceed 13,500 psi at the design pressure. The minimum thickness of sheet or plate shall be as follows: Fitting Diameter Range (Inches) Minimum Thickness of Sheet or Plate 18 and under 10 gauge 20 - 24 3/16" or 7 gauge 26 - 36 1/4" 38 - 45 5/16" 48 - 54 3/8" 57 - 60 7/16" 63 - 72 1/2" 75 - 84 5/8" Outlets at special fittings shall be reinforced with collars or crotch plates. If collar reinforcement is used, the outlet diameter shall not exceed 69% of the ID of the fitting. The diameter of outlets reinforced with crotch plates may equal the fitting diameter. The effective shoulder width "W" of collars from the inside surface of the steel outlet to the outside edge of the collar measured on the surface of the cylinder shall be not less than one-third or more than one-half the ID of steel outlet. The thickness of the collar shall be not less than "T" as determined by: Pw x ID cyl. x ID outlet T=36,000 x W where Pw is the design pressure in pounds per square inch, and all other dimensions are in inches. Collars may be oval in shape or rectangular with well-rounded corners. Outlets 3-inches in diameter and smaller may be installed without collars. The design of crotch plates shall be based upon the paper by Swanson, Chapton, Wilkinson, King, and Nelson, originally published in June 1955 issue of the Journal of the American Water Works Association and in conformance with AWWA M-11. JUNE 2008 8 of 17 SECTION 15061 Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials 2.16 TAPE WRAP AND MORTAR SHIELD Tape wrap and mortar shield for concrete mortar lined steel pipe shall be in accordance with Section 09870. 2.17 HANDLING AND SHIPMENT Pipe and special fittings shall be handled carefully, and blocking and holddowns used during shipment shall prevent movement or shifting. Both ends of pipe and fittings on trucks or rail cars shall be bulkheaded or covered in order to prevent excessive drying of the interior lining. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL At all times when the work of installing pipe is not in progress, including worker break times, the ends of the pipe shall be closed with a vermin-proof and child-proof cap or plug. Do not permit trench water to enter the pipe. Do not place tools, clothing, or other materials in the pipe. The Contractor shall maintain the interior of the pipe in a sanitary condition free from foreign materials. 3.2 DEWATERING The Contractor shall provide, and maintain at all times during construction, ample means and devices to promptly remove and dispose of all water from any source entering trench excavations or other parts of the work in accordance with Section 02223. Any damage caused by flooding of the trench shall be the Contractor's responsibility. Contractor shall obtain a Discharge Permit as required by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. Dewatering shall be performed by methods that will maintain a dry excavation, preservation of the final lines and grades and protection of all utilities. If flooding of the trench does occur, the Contractor shall immediately dewater and restore the trench. Damaged or altered pipeline appurtenances shall be repaired or replaced as directed by the Engineer. 3.3 PIPE INSTALLATION When the work requires and the size of the pipe allows entry of personnel into the pipe, the Contractor shall comply with all Federal and State regulations for confined space entry. Work inside pipelines shall not be undertaken until all the tests and safety provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations 1910.146, and the General Industry Safety Orders of the California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 5159 for confined space entry have been performed and the area is verified as safe to enter. Generally, the aforementioned safety provisions apply to pipe 24" and larger. Note that for pipe less than 24" diameter, more stringent safety procedures apply. JUNE 2008 9 of 17 SECTION 15061 Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials The Contractor shall furnish and install all pipe, specials, fittings, closure pieces, valves, supports, bolts, nuts, gaskets, jointing materials, and all other appurtenances as shown on the Approved Plans and as required to provide a complete and workable installation. Pipe installations shall be as shown on the Approved Plans and Shop Drawings in accordance with the following: A. No pipe shall be installed where the linings or coatings show cracks that may be harmful as determined by the City Engineer. Such damaged linings and coatings shall be repaired or new, undamaged pipe sections shall be provided. B. Pipe damaged prior to Substantial Completion shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor. C. The Contractor shall inspect each pipe and fitting to ensure that there are no damaged portions of the pipe. The Contractor shall remove or smooth out any burrs, gouges, weld splatter, or other small defects prior to laying the pipe. D. Before placement of pipe in the trench, each pipe or fitting shall be thoroughly cleaned of any foreign substance which may have collected thereon and shall be kept clean at all times thereafter. For this purpose, the openings of all pipes and fittings in the trench shall be closed during any interruption to the work as noted above. E. Pipe shall be laid directly on the bedding material. No blocking will be permitted, and the bedding shall be such that it forms a continuous, solid bearing for the full length of the pipe. Excavations shall be made as needed to facilitate removal of handling devices after the pipe is laid. Bell holes shall be formed at the ends of the pipe to prevent point loading at the bells or couplings and to permit visual inspection of the joint. Excavation shall be made as needed outside the normal trench section at field joints to permit adequate access to the joints for field connection operations and for application of coatings on field joints. F. Installation Tolerances: Each section of pipe shall be laid in the order and position shown on the approved layout schedule to the proper lines and grades in accordance with the following: 1. Each section of pipe having a nominal diameter less than 48" shall be laid not to vary more than 0.2-ft horizontally or 0.1-ft vertically from the alignment and elevations shown on the Approved Plans. 2. Each section of pipe having nominal diameter 48" and larger shall be laid not to vary more than five percent (5%) of the pipe diameter horizontally or two and one half percent (2.5%) of the pipe diameter vertically. 3. In addition to the horizontal and vertical tolerances above, lay the pipe so that no high or low points occur along the pipeline other than those shown on the approved layout schedule. JUNE 2008 10 of 17 SECTION 15061 Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials G. Where necessary to raise or lower the pipe due to unforeseen obstructions or other causes, the City Engineer may change the alignment and/or the grades. Such change shall be made by the deflection of joints, by the use of bevel adapters, or by the use of additional fittings. However, in no case shall the deflection in the joint exceed seventy five percent (75%) of the maximum deflection recommended by the pipe manufacturer. No joint shall be deflected any amount that will be detrimental to the strength and water tightness of the finished joint. In all cases the joint opening, before finishing with the protective mortar inside the pipe, shall be the controlling factor. H. Pipes shall be laid uphill on grades exceeding 10 percent. Pipe that is laid on a downhill grade shall be blocked and held in place until the following pipe section has been installed to provide sufficient support to prevent movement. I. Temporary internal pipe bracing shall be left in place in pipe sizes larger than 24" until pipe zone compaction has been completed. Bracing in pipe smaller than 24" may be removed immediately after the pipe has been laid into the trench. The Contractor shall employ a laboratory to monitor pipe deflection by measuring pipe inside diameter before bracing is removed and 24 hours after struts are removed. Pipe deflection shall not exceed 3 percent in 24 hours after the bracing has been removed. After the backfill has been placed, the struts shall be removed. J. Cold Weather Protection: No pipe shall be installed upon a foundation onto which frost has penetrated or at any time that there is a danger of the formation of ice or penetration of frost at the bottom of the excavation. No pipe shall be laid unless it can be established that the trench will be backfilled prior to formation of ice and frost. K. Pipe and Special Protection: The openings of all pipe and specials where the pipe and specials have been mortar-lined in the shop shall be protected with suitable bulkheads to maintain a moist atmosphere and to prevent unauthorized access by persons, animals, water, or any undesirable substance. The bulkheads shall be designed to prevent drying out of the interior of the pipe. The Contractor shall introduce water into the pipe to keep the mortar moist where moisture has been lost due to damaged bulkheads. 3.4 RUBBER-RING JOINTS: SHALL ONLY BE USED AS SHOWN ON PLANS For pipe sizes smaller than 24-inches, the bell end shall be buttered with cement mortar in a manner and quantity that will completely fill the recess between the respective linings of the two joined sections of pipe. The spigot end shall then be entered into the bell end of the adjacent pipe section the distance shown on the Shop Drawings. Immediately after joining, the pipe interior shall be swabbed to remove all excess mortar by drawing a swab or squeegee through the pipe. The pipe interior shall be inspected by a closed circuit television camera, to assure quality of internal mortar. For pipe sizes 24-inches and larger, the joint recess shall be pointed from the inside with cement mortar after the backfill has been placed and compacted and the pipe permitted to take any normal settlement. The mortar shall be mixed of one part cement to one and one-half parts of sand and pointing accomplished in two or more lifts and finished off flush by troweling. Pipe shall be inspected visually by work persons within the pipe, to assure internal mortar quality. JUNE 2008 11 of 17 SECTION 15061 Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials Each pipe joint shall be bonded to provide electrical continuity along the entire pipeline. The bond shall be made by the proper welding of pipe joints together as indicated on the Plans. The outside joint recess shall be grouted with cement mortar after a diaper has first been placed around the joint and tightened securely to prevent leakage while the mortar is being poured. The diaper shall be made of moisture resisting paper or heavy duty sail cloth of sufficiently close weave to prevent cement loss from the mortar. The diapers shall be hemmed on each edge and shall contain a metal strap within each hem sufficiently longer than the circumference of the pipe to allow a secure attachment of the diaper to the pipe. The diaper width will depend upon pipe size and design and shall be the width recommended by the manufacturer. Following installation of the diapers, the joints shall be poured and rodded from one side only until the mortar comes up to the top of the diaper on the opposite side. Approximately one hour subsequent to the pouring of the joint, the joint shall be rechecked and, if any settlement, leakage or shrinkage has taken place, the joint shall be refilled with mortar. Outside joints may be grouted before or after the placement of bedding and backfill materials if those materials are to be mechanically compacted. If bedding and backfill materials are to be hydraulically densified, grout shall be poured and allowed to set before applying water. In any case, joints shall be grouted before backfill is placed over the top of the pipe. 3.5 BUTT-STRAP CLOSURE JOINTS Butt-Strap Closure Joints: Butt-strap closure joints shall be completed in the trench after the pipe has been laid to the alignment and grade shown on the Plans. They should be field welded by full-circumferential fillet welds or one of the edges may be shop welded and the other field welded. Welding shall be done in the same manner as specified for welded joints. The interior of the joints shall be filled with stiff plastic mortar and finished off smoothly with the inside of the pipe. Clean the inside steel surfaces by wire brushing or power brushing. Wire mesh, 2" x 4" x No. 13 gauge, clean, and free from rust, shall be applied to the interior of the joints so that the wires on the 2-inch spacing run circumferentially around the pipe. The wires on the 4-inch spacing shall be crimped in such a manner that the mesh will be held 3/8-inch from the metal joint surface. The mesh shall be lapped a minimum of 8-inches and shall be securely wired in position. Pack the cement mortar into the recess of the joint and steel trowel finish to match the adjoining pipes. The joint exterior shall be coated with mortar to a minimum thickness of 1½-inches. Immediately prior to applying mortar to the interior or exterior of the joints, a cement wash shall be applied to the metal to be coated. JUNE 2008 12 of 17 SECTION 15061 Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials 3.6 FIELD WELDED JOINTS A. Welded joints shall be completed after the pipe is in final position. Welded joints shall be a lap-welded slip joint as shown on the Plans. The minimum overlap of the assembled bell and spigot section of lap joint shall be shown on the plans. Any recess between the bell and spigot shall be caulked with a rod to facilitate the welding. Pipe of 30-inches in diameter or more may be welded from the inside. Joints shall be welded on the inside and outside where indicated on the Plans as “Double Welded Joints.” Field Welding shall be in accordance with AWWA C206 and AWS D1.1, except as modified herein. Welders assigned to the Work shall be qualified under the AWS standard qualification procedure, within the past three (3) years. B. Joints to be welded shall be cleaned, preferably prior to placing the pipe in the trench, of all loose scale, heavy rust, paint, cement, and grease. At least a 1/2-inch recess shall be provided between adjacent mortar-covered surfaces to place the weld. In all hand welding, the metal shall be deposited in successive layers and the minimum number of passes shall be 2. Preheat the joints to be welded where required in accordance with Table 1 of AWWA C206. C. All joints shall be visually inspected and shall undergo dye testing and hydrostatic testing, in accordance with AWWA C-206 and ASTM E165. D. After the joints have been welded, the interior joint shall be grouted with cement mortar in accordance with sub-parts 3.9 and 3.10 of this Section. E. Welded joints shall be completed in the trench per AWWA C206. F. Both the bell and spigot ends shall be cleaned of foreign matter prior to welding. G. Welding electrodes shall be as recommended by the pipe manufacturer. Typically, electrodes shall be E6010 for root passes and for additional passes. Do not deposit more than 1/8" of throat thickness per pass. H. Weld material shall be deposited in successive layers. Complete and clean each pass around the entire circumference of the pipe before commencing the next pass. I. The minimum number of passes in the completed weld shall be as follows: Steel Cylinder Thickness Field Weld Minimum mm (inches) Number of Passes 6.35 or less (0.2500 or ¼") 2 Greater than 6.35 (0.2500 or ¼") 3 J. To minimize longitudinal stresses due to temperature variations, it is necessary to leave unwelded one joint per each 400' of pipeline. This joint shall be left unwelded until all the joints on both sides of it are welded, and it shall be welded at the coolest time of the working day. The City Engineer shall decide if and when this procedure is warranted. JUNE 2008 13 of 17 SECTION 15061 Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials K. Tack-welding the joint may be permitted to hold the pipe in place. If the joint is to be circumferentially welded, sufficient time shall elapse to allow for an initial set of interior joint lining prior to proceeding with joint welding. Rapid-setting mortar may be used in accordance with this Section. In some cases, the City Engineer may require hand holes. L. Field welders shall be certified in accordance with ASME Section 9 (pipe welders) or AWS D1.1 (plate welders). Welders shall present a copy of their certification to the City Engineer prior to performing any field welding. M. Prior to butt-strap welding, the pipe and pipe joint shall be properly positioned in the trench using line-up clamps so that, in the finished joint, the abutting pipe sections shall not be misaligned by more than 1/16". N. The pipe ends shall be cut straight on joints where butt straps are used for realignment, adjustment, or deflection, and fillet welds shall be made as indicated. O. Inspection of Field Welded Joints: 1. The City shall arrange for the welds to be inspected. Inspection of welds shall take place as soon as possible following the completion of the welds. 2. The Contractor shall coordinate and supply ventilation, lighting, and other equipment deemed necessary for inspection. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing safe entry into and out of the trench, safety of inspection personnel, traffic control and other safety precautions deemed necessary for the inspections. 3.7 PREVENTING FOREIGN MATTER FROM ENTERING THE PIPE At all times when pipe laying is not in progress, the open end of the pipe shall be closed with a tight-fitting cap or plug to prevent the entrance of foreign matter into the pipe. These provisions shall apply during the noon hour as well as overnight. In no event shall the pipeline be used as a drain for removing water which has infiltrated into the trench. The Contractor shall maintain the inside of the pipe free from foreign materials and in a clean and sanitary condition until its acceptance by the Owner's Representative. 3.8 HANDLING OF PIPE Refer to Section 09870 regarding handling of the concrete mortar lined and tape wrapped and mortar coated steel pipe. 3.9 INTERIOR JOINT FINISH – PIPE LESS THAN 24" Complete interior mortar joints for pipe sizes less than 24" by drawing through a tight-fitting swab or squeegee. Coat the face of the cement mortar lining at the bell with a sufficient amount of stiff cement mortar to fill the gap. Immediately after joining the pipes, draw the swab through the pipe to remove all excess mortar and expel it from the open pipe end. Do not move the pipe after the swab has been pulled past the joint. See requirements under "Field Welded Joints" for these joints requiring welding. JUNE 2008 14 of 17 SECTION 15061 Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials 3.10 INTERIOR JOINT FINISH – PIPE 24" AND LARGER A. Complete interior mortar joints for pipe sizes 24" and larger by the trowel method. Prior to applying interior mortar at the joints all backfill in the area shall be completed. After cleaning the interior joint, pack cement mortar into each joint. Finish the surface with a steel trowel to a smooth finish and equal thickness to match the adjoining pipe mortar. B. Where more than a 4" joint strip of mortar is required, place galvanized welded wire mesh reinforcement in 2" x 4" pattern of No. 13 gauge over the exposed steel. Install the mesh so that the wires on the 2" spacing direction run circumferentially around the pipe. Crimp the wires on the 4" spacing to support the mesh 3/8" from the metal surface. Steel-trowel finish the interior mortar to match adjoining mortar-lined pipe sections. 3.11 EXTERIOR JOINT FINISH A. The outside annular space between pipe sections shall be completely filled with grout formed by the use of polyethylene foam-lined fabric bands. The grout space shall be flushed with water prior to filling so that the surfaces of the joint to be in contact with the grout will be thoroughly moistened when the grout is poured. The joint shall be filled with grout by pouring from one side only. Grout shall be rodded with a wire or other flexible rod or vibrated so that the grout completely fills the joint recess by moving down one side of the pipe, around the bottom of the pipe and up the opposite side. Pouring and rodding the grout shall be continued to allow completion of the filling of the entire joint recess in one operation. Care shall be taken to leave no unfilled space. Grouting of the outside joint spaces shall be kept as close behind the laying of the pipe as possible except that in no case shall grouting be closer than three joints of the pipe being laid. B. The grout bands or heavy-duty diapers shall be polyethylene foam-lined fabric with steel strapping of sufficient strength to hold the fresh mortar, resist nodding of the mortar, and allow excess water to escape. The foam plastic shall be 100 percent closed cell, chemically inert, insoluble in water and resistant to acids, alkalis and solvents. Foam Plastic shall be Dow Chemical Company, Ethafoam 222, or equal. The fabric backing shall be cut and sewn into 9" wide strips with slots for the steel strapping on the outer edges. The polyethylene foam shall be cut into strips 6" wide and slit to a thickness of 1/4" that will expose a hollow or open-cell surface on one side. The foam liner shall be attached to the fabric backing with the open or hollow cells facing towards the pipe. The foam strip shall cover the full interior circumference of the grout band with sufficient length to permit a 8" overlap of the foam at or near the top of the pipe joint. Splices to provide continuity of the material will be permitted. The polyethylene foam material shall be protected from direct sunlight. The polyethylene foam-lined grout band shall be centered over the joint space with approximately equal widths extending over each pipe end and securely attached to the pipe with the steel straps. After filling the exterior joint space with grout, the flaps shall be closed and overlapped in a manner that fully encloses the grout with polyethylene foam. C. Following grouting, the joint shall then be wrapped with two layers of polyethylene encasement in accordance with Section 15000. JUNE 2008 15 of 17 SECTION 15061 Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials 3.12 BUTT STRAP JOINTS Butt strap closure joints shall be installed where shown on the Approved Plans in accordance with AWWA C206. A. Butt straps shall be field welded to the outside plain end of the pipe along both edges with a full circumferential weld. A minimum of two weld passes shall be used. B. The interior of the joints shall be filled with a rapid-set mortar and finished off smoothly to match the pipe interior diameter. C. Clean the butt strap with a wire brush and apply a cement and water wash coat prior to applying cement mortar. D. Galvanized wire mesh, 2" x 4" x No. 13 gauge shall be installed to the exterior of the joint prior to applying the mortar coating. E. Coat the exterior of the closure assemblies with mortar to cover all steel with a minimum of 1-1/4". F. Seal weld the steep plug to the hand hole after the interior of the joint has been inspected and approved by the City Engineer. G. Following grouting, the joint shall then be wrapped with two layers of polyethylene encasement in accordance with Section 15000. 3.13 FLANGED CONNECTIONS Flanged connections shall be installed where indicated on the Approved Plans. A. Bolt holes shall straddle the horizontal and vertical centerlines. B. The bolts, nuts and flange faces shall be thoroughly cleaned by wire brush prior to assembly. C. Bolts and nuts shall be lubricated with a City-approved anti-seize compound. D. Nuts shall be tightened in an alternating "star" pattern to the manufacturer's recommended torque. E. Slip-on type flanges intended for field fit-up and welding shall be welded inside and outside in accordance with AWWA C207. F. Coat the exterior of exposed flanges, bolts and nuts in accordance with Section 09900. JUNE 2008 16 of 17 SECTION 15061 Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials 3.14 FLANGED COUPLING ADAPTERS Flanged coupling adapters shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Bolts shall be tightened with a torque wrench in the presence of the City Engineer to the torque recommended by the manufacturer. 3.15 JOINT BONDING/CATHODIC PROTECTION INSULATION Bonding of joints to provide continuity, flange insulation kits, internal epoxy linings, and other cathodic protection items and materials shall be installed where shown on the Approved Plans in accordance with the Standard Drawings and Section 13110. 3.16 WAX TAPE Wax tape shall be installed on all buried bolted connections, valves, fittings and couplings in accordance with Section 09902 and the Standard Drawings, unless the pipeline is otherwise protected with an approved cathodic protection system. 3.17 CONCRETE Where required, concrete thrust and anchor blocks shall be installed in accordance with Section 03000 and as shown on the Approved Plans. Prior to filling the pipeline with water, refer to Section 03000 for the minimum concrete curing time required. 3.18 WARNING/IDENTIFICATION TAPE Warning/Identification Tape shall be installed in accordance with Section 15000 and the Standard Drawings. 3.19 DISINFECTION AND BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING Disinfection, bacteriological testing, and flushing shall be performed in accordance with Section 15041. 3.20 HYDROSTATIC TESTING Field hydrostatic testing shall be performed in accordance with Section 15044. 3.21 FIELD PAINTING AND COATING A. Exterior surfaces of all pipe and appurtenances not otherwise mortar-coated shall be field painted in accordance with Section 09900. B. Areas in contact with potable water such plain ends of pipe, grooved and shouldered ends of pipe and exposed inside surfaces of threaded outlets and blind flanges shall be coated in accordance with Section 15000. END OF SECTION JUNE 2008 17 of 17 SECTION 15061 Cement-Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe and Specials SECTION 15063 JUNE 2008 1 of 7 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Gravity Sewer Pipe SECTION 15063 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) GRAVITY SEWER PIPE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION This section designates the requirements for the manufacture and installation of polyvinyl chloride, abbreviated PVC, gravity sewer pipe to be furnished and installed by the Contractor, at the location and to the lines and grades shown on the Plans as herein specified. This work shall be in accordance with these specifications and the City of Carlsbad Standards for Sanitary Sewers. 1.2 REFERENCE STANDARDS ASTM D2321 Underground Installation of Flexible Thermoplastic Sewer Pipe ASTM D2412 Pipe Stiffness Test ASTM D3034 PVC Sewer Pipe and Fittings (4" to 15") ASTM D3212 Joints for Drain and Sewer Plastic Pipe Using Elastomeric Seals ASTM F477 Elastomeric Gaskets for Joining Plastic Pipe ASTM F679 PVC Large Diameter Gravity Sewer Pipe and Fittings (18" to 27") UNI-B-5 Uni Bell Recommended Practice for the Installation of PVC Sewer Pipe 1.3 RELATED WORK DESCRIBED ELSEWHERE The Contractor shall refer to the following Specification section(s) for additional requirements: A. Trenching, Excavation, Backfilling and Compaction: 02223 B. Cast-In-Place Concrete: 03000 C. Testing of Gravity Sewer Pipelines: 15043 1.4 SUBMITTALS The Contractor shall furnish submittals in accordance with the General Provisions. Submittals are required for the following: A. Submit Shop Drawings, material lists, manufacturer’s literature and catalog cuts and other information. B. An affidavit from the pipe manufacturer including compliance with requirements of the Plans and Specifications shall be delivered with the pipe. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The manufacturer of each shipment of pipe shall be required to supply a statement certifying that each lot or load of pipe has been subjected to the tests specified for PVC gravity sewer pipe. Tests shall show that the pipe has been found to meet all the requirements of ASTM D3034, F679, and/or F794 as applicable. B. Sewer pipe shall be furnished in standard 14’ or 20’ lengths, unless otherwise detailed or required on the Approved Plans. Random lengths may be furnished but shall not exceed 15% of the total footage. SECTION 15063 JUNE 2008 2 of 7 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Gravity Sewer Pipe C. PVC pipe and couplings shall bear indelible identification markings as required by ASTM D3034, F679 and/or F794 and as follows: 1. All pipe, fittings, and couplings shall be clearly marked at an interval not to exceed 5’ as follows: a. Nominal pipe diameter. b. PVC cell classification. c. Company, plant, date of manufacture, ASTM and SDR designation. Fittings and couplings do not require the SDR designation. d. Service designation or legend. 2. All pipe shall have home marks on the spigot ends to indicate proper penetration when joints are made. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. PVC pipe shall be stored in suppliers’ yards and on the job site in accordance with AWWA M23 and the manufacturer’s recommendations. PVC pipe that has been subjected to excessive ultraviolet radiation from the sun shall not be used. The determination as to the acceptability of PVC pipe faded by the sun’s radiation shall rest solely with the City’s Engineer. B. Store PVC pipe in the field by supporting the pipe uniformly per AWWA M23. Do not stack pipe higher than 4’ or stack the pipe with weight on the bell ends. Cover stored PVC pipe to protect it from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. Any pipe that has been contaminated with any petroleum products (inside or outside) shall not be installed. C. Pipe and fittings shall be handled according to manufacturer’s recommendations. Proper care shall be used to prevent damage in handling, moving, and placing the pipe. All pipe, fittings, and other pipeline materials shall be lowered into the trench in a manner that prevents damage. Pipe shall not be dropped, dragged or handled in a manner that will cause bruises, cracks, or other damage. PVC pipe or fittings that have been gouged or scratched shall be subject to rejection as determined by the City Engineer. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.1 GENERAL PVC gravity sewer pipe shall be made of PVC plastic having a cell classification of 12454-B, 13364-A, or 13364-B as defined in ASTM D1784. The fittings shall be made of PVC plastic having a cell classification of 12454-B, 12454-C, or 13343-C as defined in ASTM D1784. 2.2 PIPE A. PVC gravity sewer pipe, fittings, coupling and joints, 4-inch through 15-inch, shall be manufactured in conformance with the requirements of ASTM D3034, SDR 35 and shall have gasketed joints. All pipe shall be of solid wall construction with smooth interior and exterior surfaces. SECTION 15063 JUNE 2008 3 of 7 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Gravity Sewer Pipe B. PVC gravity sewer pipe, fittings, coupling and joints, 18-inch through 21-inch, shall be manufactured in conformance with the requirements of ASTM F679 with T-1 wall thickness and shall have gasketed joints. All pipe shall be of solid wall construction with smooth interior and exterior surfaces. C. The minimum pipe stiffness for both small diameter and large diameter PVC gravity sewer pipe shall be 46 psi according to ASTM D2412. D. Pipe Manufacturer’s, or equal 1. J-M Manufacturing, Co. 2. Certainteed Corp. 3. Diamond Plastics 2.3 JOINTS A. The pipe shall be jointed with an integral bell gasketed joint that meets the requirements of ASTM D3212. The gasket shall be manufactured from a synthetic elastomer and factory installed in the belled end of the pipe. Gasket shall conform to ASTM F477. B. All pipe shall have a homemark on the spigot end to indicate proper penetration when the joint is made. The socket and spigot configurations for fittings and couplings shall be compatible to those used for the pipe. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. At all times when the work of installing pipe is not in progress, including worker break times, close the ends of the pipe with a tight-fitting, vermin-proof and child-proof, cap or plug. Do not permit trench water to enter the pipe. Do not place tools, clothing, or other materials in the pipe. The Contractor shall maintain the interior of the pipe in a sanitary condition free from foreign materials. B. Where pipe sections less than standard pipe lengths are required, the pipe sections shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation guide and shall only be used with the approval of the City Engineer. The minimum pipe length permitted is 5’ when used to connect to manholes and cleanouts. The minimum pipe length permitted for stub outs shall be 36”. 3.2 TRENCHING, BACKFILLING AND COMPACTION Trenching, bedding, backfilling and compaction operations shall be performed in accordance with Section 02223. 3.3 DEWATERING The Contractor shall provide and maintain at all times during construction ample means and devices to promptly remove and dispose all water from any source entering trench excavations or other parts of the work in accordance with Section 02223. Any damage caused by flooding of the trench shall be the Contractors responsibility. Dewatering shall be performed by methods that will maintain a dry excavation, preservation of the final lines and grades and protection of all utilities. Sewer mains shall not be used as drains for dewatering construction trenches. If flooding or the trench does occur, the Contractor shall immediately dewater and restore the trench. Damaged or altered pipeline appurtenances or trench materials shall be repaired or replaces as directed by the Engineer. 3.4 PIPELINE INSTALLATION SECTION 15063 JUNE 2008 4 of 7 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Gravity Sewer Pipe When the work requires and the size of the pipe allows entry of personnel into the pipe, the Contractor shall comply with all Federal and State regulations for confined space entry. Work inside pipelines shall not be undertaken until all the tests and safety provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations 1910.146, and the General Industry Safety Orders of the California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 5159 for confined space entry have been performed and the area is verified as safe to enter. The Contractor shall furnish and install all pipe, specials, fittings, closure pieces, supports, gaskets, jointing materials, and all other appurtenances as shown and as required to provide a complete and workable installation. Pipe installation shall be as recommended in UNI-B-5 except as modified below and as shown on the Approval Plans. A. Inspect each section of pipe prior to lowering the pipe into the trench. Thoroughly clean the ends of the pipe. Remove foreign matter and dirt from inside of the pipe and keep pipe clean during and after installation. B. Install pipe according to the manufacturer’s approved order of installation to the proper lines and grades as shown on the Approved Plans. 1. Pipe shall be installed with pipe bells up-grade. Lay pipes uphill if the grade exceeds 10 percent (10%). 2. Installation tolerances for the pipe shall not vary more than 2” horizontally or 1” vertically from the alignment and elevation shown on the Approved Plans. 3. Install the pipe such that the identification markings on each pipe section are continuously aligned for the total length of the pipeline alignment. Orient the strip marking upwards to the 12 o’clock position (top) of the trench opening. 4. Avoidance of reverse slope: Any pipeline installed with reversed slope, as evidence by ponding of water or sag, is not allowed. Any such pipeline shall be removed and replaced (at proper line and grade) to the nearest upstream and downstream sewer structure as directed by the City Engineer. C. The pipe shall have firm bearing along its full length, and bell holes shall be provided at each joint to permit visual inspection of the joint and prevent the pipe from being supported by the bell and or coupling. D. Field cutting and milling shall be accomplished to equal the quality of shop-fabricated ends in accordance with the manufacturer’s written instructions. E. Pipe Assembly: Assemble the pipe joint using the lubricant supplied by the pipe manufacturer. Insert the spigot end into the bell or coupling to proper insertion mark. Check that the elastomeric ring has not left the groove during assembly by passing a feeler gauge around the completed joint. Drive the spigot end into the bell in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Stabbing shall not be permitted. F. Pipe curvature shall comply with design requirements specified in Chapter 6 of Volume 1 of the Carlsbad Engineering Standards. Mechanical means shall not be used to accomplish bending. Bending should be done manually by workers in the trench. Curvature will be accomplished by bending the pipe rather than deflecting joints. G. PVC wyes shall be located where shown on the Approved Plans in accordance with the Standard Drawings. Wyes shall not be placed closer than 5’ from the exterior of any structure such as manholes. SECTION 15063 JUNE 2008 5 of 7 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Gravity Sewer Pipe 3.5 SEWER LATERALS A. The Contractor shall install sewer laterals using wye-branch fittings sized and located as shown on the Approved Plans. B. All sewer laterals that are to be left unconnected to a building lateral extension shall be capped and identified as shown on the Standard Drawings. C. All sewer laterals shall run perpendicular from the sewer main to the property line. They shall be bedded, backfilled and compacted the same as the sewer main into which they connect in accordance with Section 02223. D. All Sewer laterals shall be plugged or capped at the end of the last joint, to withstand the internal pressure during leakage and infiltration testing. 3.6 SADDLE CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING SEWER MAINS The Contractor shall furnish the saddle fitting, appurtenances and all other materials necessary to complete the connection. The Contractor shall provide all equipment and labor required for the excavation and installation of the connection including, but not limited to backfill and pavement replacement. In certain circumstances the Contractor may be required to provide a water truck, bypass pump, and fittings as part of the equipment for making the connections. Emergency standby equipment or materials may be required of the Contractor by the City Engineer. Saddle connections to existing sewer mains for the tie-in of new sewer laterals shall be as follows: A. Prior to construction, Contractor shall pothole the existing pipe at the location of the proposed connection. The City shall inspect the pothole prior to Contractor’s repair of trench. Contractor shall record the following information on Record Drawings: 1. Pipe size, outside diameter. 2. Pipe type such as PVC or VCP. 3. Elevation, grade, and alignment. 4. Can the tie-in be made at the indicated location, assure no collars, pipe bells, fittings or couplings exist in the area of the connection. 5. Potential conflicts with existing utilities. B. To facilitate the proposed connection and allow for slight adjustment in alignment, the Contractor shall leave a minimum 10’ gap between the new pipe installation and the proposed connection point at the existing main. The Contractor shall leave a gap longer than 10’ if conditions warrant, or if directed by the Engineer. C. After the City Engineer has given approval to proceed with the connection, the Contractor shall schedule the connection with the City Engineer. 1. Tie-ins will be scheduled at the convenience of the City. Work may be scheduled for nights and weekends if required. SECTION 15063 JUNE 2008 6 of 7 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Gravity Sewer Pipe 2. The Contractor shall give the City Engineer a minimum of five (5) working days notice prior to any proposed excavation. Scheduling shall be subject to approval of the City Engineer. 3. The City Engineer may postpone or reschedule the connection operation if, for any reason, the City Engineer believes that the Contractor is improperly prepared with competent personnel, equipment, or materials to proceed with the connection. 4. If progress in completing the connection within the time specified is inadequate, the City Engineer may order necessary corrective measures. Corrective measures may consist of directing City personnel or another contractor to complete the work. All costs for corrective measures shall be borne by the Contractor. D. Contractor may proceed with the excavation and connection, only when approved materials are onsite, connection operations have been scheduled and a copy of the approved traffic control plan has been supplied to the City Engineer. 1. The Contractor shall saw-cut pavement, excavate and provide and install shoring and steel plating, when necessary, one day prior to the wet tap or cut-in installation. 2. The Contractor shall provide lights, barricades and traffic control in accordance with the Agency of jurisdiction as deemed necessary for the excavation by the City Engineer. 3. After the City Engineer has given approval to proceed, the Contractor shall complete the installation as shown on the Approved Plan in accordance with Standard Specifications including: a. Installing the pipe section(s) necessary to make the closure to the new system. b. Complete all backfill and compaction of the trench in accordance with Section 02223. c. Make all pavement repairs and/or replacement as necessary in accordance with agency of jurisdiction requirements. d. Discard pipe and appurtenances removed from service as specified in this Section. e. In lieu of a saddle connection, a wye connection may be made by cutting the sewer and installing a wye. All applicable provisions of this Specification will be adhered to in making a cut-in wye connection. 3.7 CONNECTION TO EXISTING SEWER SYSTEMS A. Connection to the existing sewer system at an existing manhole or dead end shall be made as shown on the Approved Plans in accordance with Section 03460. All work shall be performed in the presence of the City Engineer. B. In order to prevent accidental use of the new sewer before completion and acceptance, the new inlet to the existing tie-in manhole and outlet of the new upstream manhole shall be sealed with expandable plugs. Installation of plugs shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and as approved by the City Engineer. Plugs shall be removed at the time of final inspection or as directed by the City Engineer. SECTION 15063 JUNE 2008 7 of 7 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Gravity Sewer Pipe 3.8 PIPELINE ABANDONMENT A. Sewer pipelines specifically identified to be abandoned in-place shall be slurry filled with a 2- sack cement slurry. All other inactive sewer lines shall be removed, unless directed otherwise by the City Engineer. B. Sewer laterals shall be cut and capped at the main or property line, as directed by the City Engineer. END OF SECTION SECTION 15064 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) PRESSURE PIPE AND FITTINGS (AWWA C900) PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION This section designates the requirements for the manufacture and installation of polyvinyl chloride, abbreviated PVC, pressure pipe, to be furnished and installed by the Contractor, at the location and to the lines and grades shown on the Plans as herein specified. Specifications for related Work are as follows: AWWA C900 PVC Pressure Pipe ANSI A21.10 Ductile Iron and Gray-Iron Fittings AWWA C110 Ductile Iron and Gray-Iron Fittings AWWA C153 Ductile Iron Compact Fittings AWWA Manual M23 Pipe Design and Installation 1.2 RELATED WORK DESCRIBED ELSEWHERE The Contractor shall refer to the following Specification section(s) for additional requirements: A. Disinfection of Piping: 15041 B. Hydrostatic Testing of Pressure Pipeline: 15044 1.3 SUBMITTALS The Contractor shall furnish submittals in accordance with Section 2-5.3 of the GENERAL PROVISIONS. Submittals are required for the following: A. Submit Shop Drawings, material lists, manufacturer’s literature and catalog cuts and other information. Materials shall be selected from the Approved Materials list. B. Submit an affidavit from the pipe manufacturer that all delivered materials comply with the requirements of AWWA C900, the Plans and Specifications. 1.4 PAYMENT A. Payment for the Work in this section shall be included as part of the lump-sum or unit-price bid amount for which such Work is appurtenant thereto. B. Payment by the linear foot shall be for each diameter and for each pipe strength designation measured horizontally over the pipe centerline. JUNE 2008 1 of 5 SECTION 15064 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe and Fittings (AWWA C900) PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.1 GENERAL Material used to produce the pipe shall be made from Class 12454-A or B rigid polyvinyl chloride compounds in accordance with AWWA C900 Section 2.1 (Basic Materials), with an established hydrostatic design basis (HDB) equal to or greater than 4000 psi for water at 73.4 degrees F (23 C). Elastomeric gaskets shall comply with the requirements of AWWA C900 Sections 2.1.5 and (Gaskets and Lubricants). 2.2 PIPE PVC pressure pipe, 4-inch through 12-inch, shall be manufactured in accordance with AWWA C900, and shall be of the sizes and pressure classes shown on the Plans. The pipe shall have integral bell and spigot joints with elastomeric gaskets in accordance with AWWA C900 Section 2.2 (Pipe Requirements). The pipe shall conform with the outside diameter of cast-iron pipe unless otherwise specified and shall conform with the wall thickness of DR series 14, 18, or 25. 2.3 FITTINGS All fittings for PVC pressure pipe shall be manufactured in accordance with ANSI A21.10, AWWA C110 or C153. All fittings shall be made of ductile iron and the letters "DI" or "DUCTILE" shall be cast on them, unless otherwise specified. Bell size shall be for Class 150 and Class 200 cast-iron equivalent PVC pressure pipe, including the rubber-ring retaining groove. 2.4 SERVICES SADDLES Service saddles for PVC pressure pipe shall be made of silicone bronze or brass and shall be double banded or wide single band style and selected from the Approved Materials list. The band(s) and nuts shall be type 304 stainless steel and designed specifically for use with AWWA C900 PVC pipe. Each saddle shall accurately fit the contour of the pipe O.D. without causing distortion of the pipe. The saddle shall be securely held in place with stainless steel bolts and nuts. The service saddle shall have a published working pressure at least equal to the pressure class of the pipe on which it is installed. All saddles shall be provided with torque information and installation instructions. Saddles shall be in accordance with Carlsbad Rules and Regulations for the Construction of Potable Water Mains. 2.5 JOINT RESTRAINT SYSTEMS Joint Restraint Systems may be used for PVC or ductile-iron pipe when shown on the Approved Plans or with prior approval of the City Engineer. Contractor shall submit shop drawings and catalog data for joint restraint systems in accordance with the General Provisions. Joint Restraint Systems shall be ductile-iron and shall consist of a split-ring restraint with machined (not cast) serrations on the inside diameter and connecting bolts, and shall be selected from the Approved Materials List. JUNE 2008 2 of 5 SECTION 15064 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe and Fittings (AWWA C900) 2.6 DEFLECTION COUPLINGS A. Deflection couplings shall be selected from the District’s approved materials list and deflections shall not exceed 80% of the manufacturer’s written recommendations. Depending on the manufacturer, this will result in a maximum allowable deflection of 2° at each bell for a maximum of 4° total deflection with each deflection coupling. Deflection couplings are allowed on AWWA C900 PVC pipe for pipe sizes 4” through 12”. B. Deflection couplings for use with AWWA C905 PVC Pipe shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer prior to installation. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PIPE LENGTHS Laying lengths shall be 20-feet with the manufacturer's option to supply up to 15% random (minimum length 10-feet) sections. No deflections at bells, fittings or of the pipe will be allowed. The use of deflection collars shall be required. 3.2 MARKING Each pipe length shall be marked showing the nominal pipe size, O.D. base, the AWWA pressure class, and AWWA specification designation in accordance with AWWA C900 Section 2.6 (Marking Requirements). For potable water application, the pipe shall be white or blue in color and the seal of the testing agency that verified the suitability of the material for such service shall be included. 3.3 EARTHWORK Excavation and backfill, including the pipe bedding, shall conform to the provisions of Section 02223. 3.4 GENERAL INSTALLATIONS PROCEDURES AND WORKMANSHIP PVC pressure pipe and fittings shall be installed per AWWA Manual M23 "PVC Pipe-Design and Installation", and as herein specified. Proper care shall be used to prevent damage in handling, moving, and placing the pipe. Hoist pipe with fork lift or other handling equipment to prevent major damage or shorten its service life. A cloth belt sling or a continuous fiber rope shall be used to prevent scratching the pipe. The pipe shall be lowered and not dropped from the truck. Dropped pipe will be rejected. JUNE 2008 3 of 5 SECTION 15064 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe and Fittings (AWWA C900) Prior to laying the pipe, the bottom of the trench shall be graded and prepared to provide uniform bearing throughout the entire length of each joint of pipe. Bell holes of ample dimension shall be dug in the bottom of the trench at the locations of each joint to facilitate the joining. The trench shall have a flat or semi-circular bottom conforming to the grade to which the pipe is to be laid. The pipe shall be accurately placed in the trench to the lines and grades on the Plans. Fittings shall be supported independently of the pipe. 3.5 LONGITUDINAL BENDING Neither Longitudinal bending nor deflection of joints is allowed on AWWA C900 PVC pressure pipe. Deflections less than allowed with standard ductile iron fittings shall be accomplished with the use of deflection couplings designed for use with AWWA C900 PVC pipe. Deflection couplings shall be selected from the District’s approved materials list and deflections shall not exceed 80% of the manufacturer’s written recommendations. Depending on the manufacturer, this will generally result in a maximum allowable deflection of 2° at each bell for a maximum of 4° total deflection with each deflection coupling. Deflection couplings are allowed on AWWA C900 PVC pipe for pipe sizes 4” through 12”. Deflection couplings for larger pipe require the specific approval of the City Engineer. 3.6 PIPE JOINT ASSEMBLY The spigot and bell shall slide together without displacement of the rubber gasket. The joint shall be dirt free. The best laying practice is with the bell facing in the direction of laying. Insert the rubber ring into the groove making sure the ring is completely seated. Lubrication of the spigot and instruction of use shall be supplied by the pipe manufacturer. The spigot shall be inserted into the bell and forced slowly into position by use of a large bar lever and a wood block across the pipe end. For large pipe, a come-along (with padding that will not scratch the pipe) may be used. 3.7 CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKS Concrete thrust blocks shall be placed as shown on the Plans and shall conform to the requirement of Section 03000. Concrete blocks shall be placed between the undisturbed ground and the fittings to be anchored. Quantity of concrete and the bearing area of the pipe and undisturbed soil shall be as shown on the Plans, unless otherwise determined by the City Engineer. The concrete shall be placed, unless specifically shown otherwise on the Plans, so that the pipe joints and fittings will be accessible to repairs. 3.8 JOINT RESTRAINT SYSTEMS Joint Restraint Systems shall be installed as shown on the Approved Drawings and in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Joint Restraint Systems may be used in lieu of concrete thrust blocks with permission of the City Engineer. JUNE 2008 4 of 5 SECTION 15064 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe and Fittings (AWWA C900) 3.9 PREVENTING FOREIGN MATTER FROM ENTERING THE PIPE At all times when pipe laying is not in progress, the open end of the pipe shall be closed with a tight-fitting cap or plug to prevent the entrance of foreign matter into the pipe. These provisions shall apply during the noon hour as well as overnight. In no event shall the pipeline be used as a drain for removing water which has infiltrated into the trench. The Contractor shall maintain the inside of the pipe free from foreign materials and in a clean and sanitary condition until its acceptance by the City Engineer. 3.10 LEAKAGE TEST General: All pipelines shall be tested in accordance with Section 15044, Hydrostatic Testing of Pressure Pipe. 3.11 DISINFECTION Disinfection shall be in accordance with Section 15041, Testing, Flushing and Disinfection of Piping. END OF SECTION JUNE 2008 5 of 5 SECTION 15064 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe and Fittings (AWWA C900) SECTION 15066 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) WATER TRANSMISSION PIPE AND FITTINGS (AWWA C905) PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION This section designates the requirements for the manufacture and installation of polyvinyl chloride, abbreviated PVC, water transmission pipe to be furnished and installed by the Contractor at the location and to the lines and grades shown on the Plans as herein specified. Specifications for related Work are as follows: AWWA C905 PVC Water Transmission Pipe ANSI 21.10 Ductile Iron and Gray Iron Fittings AWWA C110 Ductile Iron and Gray Iron Fittings AWWA C153 Ductile Iron Compact Fittings AWWA Manual M23 PVC Pipe Design and Installation 1.2 RELATED WORK DESCRIBED ELSEWHERE The Contractor shall refer to the following Specification section(s) for additional requirements: A. Disinfection of Piping: 15041 B. Hydrostatic Testing of Pressure Pipeline: 15044 1.3 SUBMITTALS The Contractor shall furnish submittals in accordance with Section 2-5.3, of the GENERAL PROVISIONS. Submittals are required for the following: A. Submit Shop Drawings, material lists, manufacturer’s literature and catalog cuts and other information. Materials shall be selected from the Approved Materials list. B. Submit an affidavit from the pipe manufacturer that all delivered materials comply with the requirements of AWWA C905, the Plans and Specifications. 1.4 PAYMENT A. Payment for the Work in this section shall be included as part of the lump-sum or unit-price bid amount for which such Work is appurtenant thereto. B. Payment by the linear foot shall be for each diameter and for each pipe strength designation measured horizontally over the pipe centerline. JUNE 2008 1 of 4 SECTION 15066 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Water Transmission Pipe and Fittings (AWWA C905) PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.1 GENERAL Material used to produce the pipe shall be made from Class 12454-A or B rigid polyvinyl chloride compounds in accordance with AWWA C905 Section 2.1 (Basic Materials), with an established hydrostatic design basis (HDB) equal to or greater than 4000 psi for water at 73.4 degrees F (23 C). Elastomeric gaskets shall comply with the requirements of AWWA C905 Sections 2.1.3 (Elastomeric Gaskets) and 2.1.4 (Gaskets and Lubricants). 2.2 PIPE PVC water transmission pipe, 14-inch through 30-inch, shall be manufactured in accordance with AWWA C905, and shall be of the sizes and dimension ratios (DR) shown on the Plans. If a pressure class is called for on the Plans, it shall mean the pressure rating (PR) as defined in AWWA C905. The pipe shall have integral bell and spigot joints with elastomeric gaskets in accordance with AWWA C905 Section 3 (Pipe Requirements). The pipe shall conform with the outside diameter of cast-iron pipe unless otherwise specified and shall conform with the wall thickness of DR series 18 or 25. 2.3 FITTINGS All fittings for PVC water transmission pipe shall be manufactured in accordance with ANSI A21.10, AWWA C110 or C153. All fittings shall be made of ductile iron and the letters "DI" or "DUCTILE" shall be cast on them, unless otherwise specified. Bell size shall be for Class 165 and Class 235 cast-iron equivalent PVC water transmission pipe, including the rubber-ring retaining groove. 2.4 SERVICE SADDLES Service connections to 16 inch and larger water transmission pipe shall not be allowed unless specifically called for on the Plans and approved by the City Engineer. 2.5 JOINT RESTRAINT SYSTEMS Joint Restraint Systems may be used for PVC or ductile-iron pipe when shown on the Approved Plans or with prior approval of the City Engineer. Contractor shall submit shop drawings and catalog data for joint restraint systems in accordance with the General Provisions. Joint Restraint Systems shall be ductile-iron and shall consist of a split-ring restraint with machined (not cast) serrations on the inside diameter and connecting bolts, and shall be selected from the Approved Materials List. 2.6 DEFLECTION COUPLINGS Deflection couplings for use with AWWA C905 PVC Pipe shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer prior to installation. JUNE 2008 2 of 4 SECTION 15066 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Water Transmission Pipe and Fittings (AWWA C905) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PIPE LENGTHS Laying lengths shall be 20-feet with the manufacturer's option to supply up to 15% random (minimum length 10-feet) sections. 3.2 MARKING Each pipe length shall be marked showing the nominal pipe size, O.D. base, the AWWA pressure class, and AWWA specification designation in accordance with AWWA C905 Section 4.7 (Marking Requirements). The pipe shall be white or blue in color and the seal of the testing agency that verified the suitability of the material for potable water service shall be included. 3.3 EARTHWORK Excavation and backfill, including the pipe bedding, shall conform to the provisions of Section 02223, Earthwork, and AWWA C905 Section A6 installation. 3.4 GENERAL INSTALLATIONS PROCEDURES AND WORKMANSHIP PVC water transmission pipe and fittings shall be installed per AWWA Manual M23 "PVC Pipe-Design and Installation", and as herein specified. Proper care shall be used to prevent damage in handling, moving, and placing the pipe. Hoist pipe with fork lift or other handling equipment to prevent major damage or shorten its service life. A cloth belt sling or a continuous fiber rope shall be used to prevent scratching the pipe. The pipe shall be lowered and not dropped from the truck. Dropped pipe will be rejected. Prior to laying the pipe, the bottom of the trench shall be graded and prepared to provide uniform bearing throughout the entire length of each joint of pipe. Bell holes of ample dimension shall be dug in the bottom of the trench at the locations of each joint to facilitate the joining. The trench shall have a flat or semi-circular bottom conforming to the grade to which the pipe is to be laid. The pipe shall be accurately placed in the trench to the lines and grades on the Plans. Fittings shall be supported independently of the pipe. 3.5 LONGITUDINAL BENDING Neither Longitudinal bending nor deflection of joints is allowed on AWWA C905 PVC pressure pipe. Deflections less than allowed with standard ductile iron fittings may be accomplished with the use of deflection couplings designed for use with AWWA C905 PVC pipe, as allowed by the City Engineer. If allowed, deflections shall not exceed 80% of the manufacturer’s written recommendations. 3.6 PIPE ASSEMBLY The spigot and bell shall slide together without displacement of the rubber gasket. The joint shall be dirt free. The best laying practice is with the bell facing in the direction of laying. JUNE 2008 3 of 4 SECTION 15066 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Water Transmission Pipe and Fittings (AWWA C905) Insert the rubber ring into the groove making sure the ring is completely seated. Lubrication of the spigot and instruction of use shall be supplied by the pipe manufacturer. The spigot shall be inserted into the bell and forced slowly into position by use of a large bar lever and a wood block across the pipe end. For large pipe, a come-along (with padding that will not scratch the pipe) may be used. Combined horizontal and vertical deflections at PVC pipe joints shall not exceed that recommended by AWWA Manual M23 or published recommendations of the manufacturer (the maximum total deflection allowed shall be one and one-half degrees). 3.7 CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKS Concrete thrust blocks shall be placed as shown on the Plans and shall conform to the requirements of Section 03000. Concrete blocks shall be placed between the undisturbed ground and the fittings to be anchored. Quantity of concrete and the bearing area of the pipe and undisturbed soil shall be as shown on the Plans, unless otherwise determined by the City Engineer. The concrete shall be placed, unless specifically shown otherwise on the Plans, so that the pipe joints and fittings will be accessible to repairs. 3.8 JOINT RESTRAINT SYSTEMS Joint Restraint Systems shall be installed as shown on the Approved Drawings and in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Joint Restraint Systems may be used in lieu of concrete thrust blocks with permission of the City Engineer. 3.9 PREVENTING FOREIGN MATTER FROM ENTERING THE PIPE At all times when pipe laying is not in progress, the open end of the pipe shall be closed with a tight-fitting cap or plug to prevent the entrance of foreign matter into the pipe. These provisions shall apply during the noon hour as well as overnight. In no event shall the pipeline be used as a drain for removing water, which has infiltrated into the trench. The Contractor shall maintain the inside of the pipe free from foreign materials and in a clean and sanitary condition until its acceptance by the Owner. 3.10 LEAKAGE TEST General: All pipelines shall be tested in accordance with the Section 15044, Hydrostatic Testing of Pressure Pipeline. 3.11 DISINFECTION Disinfection shall be in accordance with Section 15041, Disinfection of Piping. END OF SECTION JUNE 2008 4 of 4 SECTION 15066 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Water Transmission Pipe and Fittings (AWWA C905) SECTION 15068 HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (PE 3408) PIPE PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION This section designates the requirements for the manufacture and installation of high density polyethylene pipe (PE 3408), abbreviated HDPE, to be furnished and installed by the Contractor at the location and to the lines and grades shown on the Plans as herein specified for use as a sanitary sewer force main. 1.2 REFERENCE STANDARDS: ASTM D 3350 ASTM F 714 ASTM D 3261 ASTM D 2321 ASTM 2837 AWWA C906 1.3 RELATED WORK DESCRIBED ELSEWHERE The Contractor shall refer to the following Specification section(s) for additional requirements: A. Trenching, Excavation, Backfilling & Compacting: 02223 B. Hydrostatic Testing of Pressure Pipelines: 15044 1.4 SUBMITTALS The Contractor shall furnish submittals in accordance with the GENERAL PROVISIONS. Submittals are required for the following: A. Submit Shop Drawings, material lists, manufacturer's literature and catalog cuts of, but not limited to, the following: Shop Drawings Layout Schedule Special Fitting Dimensional Checks Shop Drawings shall be submitted and approved prior to manufacture of special fittings. The layout schedule shall indicate the order of installation, the length and location of each pipe section and special, the station and elevation of the pipe invert at all changes in grade, and all data on curves and bends for both horizontal and vertical alignment. B. Submit data used by the Contractor in manufacture and quality control. JUNE 2008 1 of 6 SECTION 15068 High Density Polyethylene (PE 3408) Pipe 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The Contractor shall ensure that persons making heat fusion joints have received training in the Manufacturer’s recommended procedure. The Contractor shall maintain records of trained personnel, and shall certify that training was received not more than 12 months before commencing construction. Certifications shall be provided to the owner through the submittal process. B. The pipe and/or fitting manufacturer’s production facility shall be open by the owner or his designated agents with a reasonable advance notice. During inspection, the manufacturer shall demonstrate that it has facilities capable of manufacturing and testing the pipe and/or fittings to the standards required by this specification. 1.6 PAYMENT A. Payment for the Work in this section shall be included as part of the lump-sum or unit-price bid amount for which such Work is appurtenant thereto. B. Payment by the linear foot shall be for each diameter and for each pipe strength designation measured horizontally over the pipe centerline. PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 GENERAL High Density Polyethylene Pipe (PE 3408) and fittings shall be manufactured in accordance with ASTM F714 shall be of the sizes and DR classes shown on the Plans. Unless otherwise shown on the plans, the pipe shall be DR 17. HDPE shall be grey in color. The manufacturer shall have quality control facilities capable of producing and assuring the quality of the pipe and fittings required by the reference standards and these specifications. High Density Polyethylene pipe and fittings shall be supplied by the same manufacturer. Pipe and fittings from different manufacturers shall not be interchanged. 2.2 PIPE MATERIAL Materials used for the manufacture of polyethylene pipe and fittings shall be in accordance with ASTM F714 for PE 3408 high density polyethylene conforming to cell classification 345444C or 345444E per ASTM D 3350; and shall be as listed in the name of the pipe and fitting manufacturer in the Plastic Pipe Institute’s Recommended Hydrostatic and Design Stresses for Thermoplastic Pipe and Fittings Compounds, with a standard grade HDB rating of 1600 psi at 73° F. The Manufacturer shall provide a certification that the materials used to manufacture the pipe and fittings meets theses requirements. Polyethylene pipe shall be manufactured in accordance with ASTM F 714, Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) Based on outside diameter, and shall be so marked. Each production lot of pipe shall be tested for (from material or pipe) melt index, density, % carbon, (from pipe) dimensions and ring tensile strength. The results of these tests shall be submitted to the Owner for review. JUNE 2008 2 of 6 SECTION 15068 High Density Polyethylene (PE 3408) Pipe 2.3 FITTINGS A. Butt Fusion Fittings: Butt Fusion Fittings shall be in accordance with ASTM D3261 and shall be manufactured by injection molding, a combination of extrusion and machining, or fabricated from HDPE pipe conforming to this specification. All fittings shall be pressure rated to provide a working pressure rating no less than that of the pipe. Fabricated fittings shall be manufactured using a McElroy Datalogger to record fusion joints made producing fittings shall be maintained as part of the quality control. The fitting shall be homogenous throughout and free of visible cracks, holes, foreign inclusions, voids, or other injurious defects. B. Electrofusion Fittings: Electrofusion Fittiings shall be PE3408 HDPE, Cell Classification of 345464C as determined by ASTM D3350-02 and be the same base resin as the pipe. Electrofusion fittings shall not be permitted on sections of pipe that will be subjected to forces associated with the installation process. C. Flanged and Mechanical Joint Adapters: Flanged and Mechanical Joint Adapters shall be PE 3408HDPE, Cell Classification of 345464C as determined by ASTM D3350-02 and be the same base resin as the pipe. Flanged and mechanical joint adapters shall have a manufacturing standard of ASTM D3216. All adapters shall be pressure rated to provide a working pressure rating no less than that of the pipe. Flange adapters shall be made with sufficient through-bore length to be clamped in a butt fusion joining machine without the use of a stub-end holder. D. Mechanical Restraint: Mechanical Restraint for HDPE may be provided by mechanical means separate from the mechanical joint gasket sealing gland. The restrainer shall provide wide, supportive contact around the full circumference of the pipe and be equal to the listed widths. Means of restraint shall be machined serrations on the inside surface of the restrainer equal to or greater than the listed serrations per inch and width. Loading of the restrainer shall be by a ductile iron follower that provides even circumferential loading over the entire restrainer. Design shall be such that restraint shall be increased with increases in line pressure. Serrated restrainer shall be ductile iron ASTM A536-80 with a ductile iron follower; bolts and nuts shall be corrosive resistant, high strength quality alloy steel. The restrainer shall have a pressure rating of, or equal to that of the pipe on which it is used or 150 PSI whichever is lesser. Restrainers shall be JCM Industries, Sur-Grip or pre-approved equal. Nominal Size Restraint Width Serrations per inch 14”, 16”, 18” 5” 6 20”, 24” 7” 6 Pipe stiffeners shall be used in conjunction with restrainers. The pipe stiffeners shall be designed to support the interior wall of the HDPE. The stiffeners shall support the pipe’s end and control the “necking down” reaction to the pressure applied during normal installation. The pipe stiffeners shall be formed of 304 or 316 stainless steel to the HDPE manufacturers published average inside diameter of the specific size and DR of the HDPE. Stiffeners shall be by JCM Industries or pre- approved equal. JUNE 2008 3 of 6 SECTION 15068 High Density Polyethylene (PE 3408) Pipe 2.4 COMPLIANCE TESTS The manufacturer’s production facilities shall be open for inspection by the owner or his Authorized Representative. The manufacturer’s inspection and testing shall comply with applicable ASTM standards, a list of the inspection certifications and test certifications shall be submitted prior to the shop drawing submittal for the HDPE pipe itself. The list shall be submitted as a shop drawing. In case of conflict with Manufacturer’s certifications, the Contractor, the Engineer, or the Owner may request retesting by the manufacturer or have retests performed by an outside testing service. All failed retesting shall be paid for by the manufacturer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL High Density Polyethylene pipe and fittings shall be handled, assembled and installed in accordance with the applicable sections of AWWA C906 for PE 3408, ASTM D 2321, manufacturer’s recommendations and as specified herein. 3.2 EXCAVATION A. Excavation and backfill, including the pipe bedding, shall conform to the provisions of Section 02223 except as herein modified. B. Crushed Rock and Gravel shall comply with Section 200-1.2 SSPWC. C. Pipe Bedding: 3/8" Crushed rock aggregate shall be used for pipe bedding and shall be compacted to obtain a relative density of 95-percent unless otherwise specified. The thickness of the pipe bedding shall be a minimum of four inches. The pipe bedding shall be placed over the full width of the trench. D. Backfill Within Pipe Zone: Crushed rock shall be placed and compacted within the pipe zone from the bottom of the pipe to one foot above top of pipe. The crushed rock shall be compacted to obtain a relative density of 95-percent unless otherwise specified. 3.3 PIPE HANDLING The manufacturer’s written procedures for unloading, inspection and handling of the HDPE pipe shall be adhered to by the Contractor. A copy of these Manufacturer’s written procedures shall be submitted as a shop drawing and included with the shop drawings for the pipe material. When lifting with slings, only wide fabric choker slings capable of safely carrying the load, shall be used to lift, move, or lower pipe and fittings. Wire rope or chain shall not be used. Slings shall be of sufficient capacity for the load, and shall be inspected before use. Worn or damaged equipment shall not be used. 3.4 JOINING Polyethylene pipe and fittings may be joined together or to other materials by means of flanged connections, mechanical couplings designed for joining polyethylene pipe or for joining polyethylene pipe to another material or electro fusion, as shown on the approved plans or as approved by the City JUNE 2008 4 of 6 SECTION 15068 High Density Polyethylene (PE 3408) Pipe Engineer. The installation instructions of the joining device manufacturer shall be strictly followed when joining by other means is performed. A. Butt Fusion: Sections of polyethylene pipe should be joined into continuous lengths on the jobsite above ground. The joining method shall be the butt fusion method and shall be performed in strict accordance with the pipe manufacturer’s recommendations. The butt fusion equipment used in the joining procedures should be capable of meeting all conditions recommended by the pipe manufacturer, including but not limited to, temperature requirements of 400 degrees Fahrenheit, alignment, and an interfacial fusion pressure of 75 PSI. The butt fusion joining will produce a joint weld strength equal to or greater than the tensile strength of the pipe itself. All field welds shall be made with fusion equipment equipped with McElroy Data Logger. Temperature, fusion pressure and a graphic representation of the fusion cycle shall be part of the quality control records. Interior bead from butt fusion welds shall be removed. B. Sidewall Fusion: Sidewall fusions for connections to outlet piping shall be performed in accordance with HDPE pipe and fitting manufacturer’s specifications. The heating irons used for sidewall fusion shall have an inside diameter equal to the outside diameter of the HDPE pipe being fused. The size of the heating iron shall be ¼ inch larger than the size of the outlet branch being fused. C. Mechanical: Bolted joining may be used where the butt fusion method cannot be used. Flange joining will be accomplished by using HDPE flange adapter with a ductile iron back-up ring. Mechanical joint joining will be accomplished using either a molded mechanical joint adapter or the combination of a Sur-Grip Restrainer and Pipe Stiffener as manufactured by JCM Industries, Inc. Either mechanical joint joining method will have a ductile iron mechanical joint gland. D. Other: Socket fusion, hot gas fusion, threading solvents, and epoxies may not be used to join HDPE pipe. 3.5 PREVENTING FOREIGN MATTER FROM ENTERING THE PIPE At all times when pipe laying is not in progress, the open end of the pipe shall be closed with a tight-fitting cap or plug to prevent the entrance of foreign matter into the pipe. These provisions shall apply during the noon hour as well as overnight. In no event shall the pipeline be used as a drain for removing water which has infiltrated into the trench. The Contractor shall maintain the inside of the pipe free from foreign materials and in a clean and sanitary condition until its acceptance by the Engineer. 3.6 DAMAGED PIPE OR FITTINGS Sections of pipe having been discovered with cuts or gouges in excess of 1/8-inch thickness shall be cut out and removed. The undamaged portions of the pipe shall be rejoined using the heat fusion joining method. 3.7 TESTING A. Butt Fusion Testing On every day butt fusions are made, the first fusion of the day shall be a trial fusion. The trial fusion shall be cooled completely, then fusion test straps shall be cut. The test strap shall be 12-inch (min.) or 30 times the wall thickness in length with the fusion in the center, and 1-inch (min.) or 1.5 times the wall thickness in width. Bend the test strap until the ends of the strap touch. If the fusion fails at the joint, a new trial fusion shall be made, cooled completely and tested. Butt fusion of the pipe to be installed shall not commence until a trial fusion has passed the bent strap test. B. Pressure Testing All pipelines shall be flushed and tested in accordance with Section 15044 and the applicable provisions of AWWA C600, except as modified herein. C. Allowable Leakage JUNE 2008 5 of 6 SECTION 15068 High Density Polyethylene (PE 3408) Pipe There will be no leakage allowed for the butt fused portions of the pipeline. END OF SECTION JUNE 2008 6 of 6 SECTION 15068 High Density Polyethylene (PE 3408) Pipe SECTION 15074 BLOW-OFF ASSEMBLIES PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION This section includes materials, testing, and installation of blowoff assemblies. 1.2 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE CMWD Standard Drawings CMWD Standard Specifications 09900, 15000, 15041, 15044, 15056, 15057, 15061, 15064, and 15100 1.3 SERVICE APPLICATION A. Blowoff assemblies shall be installed on potable and recycled water mains. B. Blowoff assemblies shall be sized and located as shown on the Approved Plans. In general, blowoff assemblies will be installed at low points of pipelines as shown below: 1. 2" blowoff assemblies or multiple 2” blowoff assemblies will be required on pipelines 4”, thru 12”. 2. 4" blowoff assemblies will be required on pipeline sizes 12” thru 16". 3. 6" blowoff assembly will be required on pipeline sizes 18" and larger. 1.4 WARNING/IDENTIFICATION TAPE Warning/Identification Tape shall be installed for blowoff assemblies in accordance with Section 15000. PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 GENERAL Blowoff assemblies and appurtenant components and materials shall be selected from the Approved Materials List. 2.2 CONCRETE Concrete thrust or anchor blocks shall be placed as shown on the approved plans in accordance with Section 03000. 2.3 WARNING/IDENTIFICATION TAPE Warning/Identification tape materials shall be in accordance with Section 15000 and the Approved Materials List. 2.4 FIELD PAINTING AND COATING Field painting and coating materials shall be in accordance with Section 09900 and the Approved Materials List. JUNE 2008 1 of 2 SECTION 15074 Blow-off Assemblies PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Blowoff assemblies shall be installed at locations shown on the Approved Plans or as directed by the District Engineer in accordance with the Standard Drawings. B. Blowoff assemblies shall be connected to water mains no closer than 24" to a bell, coupling, joint or fitting. C. Locations of blowoff assembly shall be in accordance with the Standard Drawings. 3.2 CONCRETE Concrete thrust or anchor blocks shall be placed as shown on the Approved Plans in accordance with Section 03000. 3.3 WARNING/IDENTIFICATION TAPE Warning/Identification Tape shall be installed in accordance with Section 15000 and the Standard Drawings. 3.4 DISINFECTION OF BLOWOFF ASSEMBLIES Blowoff assemblies shall be disinfected in accordance with Section 15041 in conjunction with disinfecting the main to which it is connected. Blowoff assembly valves shall be operated and the assembly shall be flushed to completely disinfect all internal parts. 3.5 HYDROSTATIC TESTING Blowoff assemblies shall be hydrostatically tested in accordance with Section 15044 in conjunction with hydrostatically testing the pipeline to which it is connected. END OF SECTION JUNE 2008 2 of 2 SECTION 15074 Blow-off Assemblies SECTION 15092 MISCELLANEOUS COUPLINGS, PIPE AND APPURTENANCES PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION All valves, couplings, and appurtenances shall conform to requirements of the standard dimensions and pressure classification of the immediately adjacent pipe, valve or appurtenance as specified. 1.2 RELATED WORK DESCRIBED ELSEWHERE The Contractor shall refer to the following Specification section(s) for additional requirements: A. Painting and Coating: 09900 B. Petrolatum Wax Tape Coating: 09902 1.3 SUBMITTALS Contractor shall furnish submittals in accordance with the requirements of Section 2-5.3 of the GENERAL PROVISIONS. The following submittals are required: A. Submit Shop Drawings for all miscellaneous couplings, pipe and appurtenances. Shop Drawings shall include listing of materials of construction, with ASTM reference and grade, including lining and paint coating intended for use, with lining and coating manufacturers' and paint numbers listed. 1.4 PAYMENT Payment for the Work in this section shall be included as part of the lump-sum or unit- price bid amount for which such Work is appurtenant thereto. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.1 GASKETS, NUTS, AND BOLTS Gaskets for flanged joints shall be "drop-in" type asbestos composition sheet packing, graphited on both sides, "drop-in" type, conforming to the requirements of ANSI B16.21 and shall be as manufactured by Crane Co., Garlock or approved equal. Bolts and studs for aboveground installations shall be cadmium plated and shall conform to ASTM A307, Grade B, "Steel Machine Bolts and Nuts and Tap Holes," when a ring gasket is used and shall conform to either ASTM A261, "Heat-Treated Carbon Steel Bolting Material" or ASTM A193, "Alloy-Steel Bolting Material for High Temperature Service," when a full-face gasket is used. Bolts and nuts shall be heavy hexagon series. Nuts shall conform to ASTM A194, "Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High Pressure and High Temperature Service" either in Grade 1, 2 or 2H. The fit shall be ANSI B1.1, "Unified Screw Threads," Class 2, except that Class 3 fit shall be used in holes tapped for studs. Threads may be made by either cutting or cold forming. JUNE 2008 1 of 2 SECTION 15092 Miscellaneous Couplings, Pipe and Appurtenances Between 1/4-inch and 3/8-inch shall project through the nut when drawn tight. Washers shall be provided for each nut and shall be the same material as each nut. All buried flanges, including bolts, nuts and washers, shall be encased in wax tape per Section 09902. All bolt threads shall be lubricated with non-oxide grease. Flanged faces shall be wire brushed and cleaned prior to joining each flange. 2.2 WAX TAPE COATING Unless otherwise specified on the Plans, all couplings and appurtenances for underground installation shall be encased in wax tape per Section 09902 and the City Standard Drawings. 2.3 PAINTING AND COATING All miscellaneous couplings, pipe and appurtenances referenced in this section shall be painted and coated, interior and exterior, in accordance with Section 09900, Painting and Coating. 2.4 FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS Joints for which flexible couplings are required, shall be selected from the Approved Materials list. Gaskets shall be plain rubber gaskets. Threads on bolts of compression collars shall be lubricated with non-oxide grease before assembling the coupling. 2.5 PIPE UNIONS Screw unions may be employed on pipelines 2-1/2-inches in diameter and smaller. Pipes and fittings made of non-ferrous metals shall be isolated from ferrous metals by nylon insulating pipe bushings, unions or couplings manufactured by Smith-Blair, Pipe Seal and Insulator Co. or approved equal. PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION JUNE 2008 2 of 2 SECTION 15092 Miscellaneous Couplings, Pipe and Appurtenances SECTION 15099 PROCESS VALVES, REGULATORS AND MISCELLANEOUS VALVES PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION This section includes materials, testing and installation of manually operated process valves such as check valves, pressure control valves, pressure reducing valves and ball valves. 1.2 REFERENCE STANDARDS The publications listed below form part of this specification to the extent referenced and are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. Reference shall be made to the latest edition of said standards unless otherwise called for. American Water Works Association AWWA C508 Standards for Swing Check Valve ASTM B62 Standards for Ball Vales 1.3 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE CMWD Standard Drawings CMWD Specification Sections 09900, 15000, 15041, 15044, 15057, 15074, 15108, and 15112 1.4 SERVICE APPLICATIONS Check valves, pressure control valves, pressure reducing valves, bronze gate valves and ball valves are primarily used in the installation of potable and recycled water main appurtenances and where called for on the Approved Plans and indicated on the Standard Drawings. 1.5 SUBMITTALS The following items shall be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to ordering or delivery of valves per Section 2-5.3 of the GENERAL PROVISIONS. A. The valve manufacturers catalog data showing the size to be used, valve dimensions, pressure rating and materials of construction. B. Manufacturers catalog data and proof of NSF certification on the lining materials to be used. C. Installation procedures including field adjustments as required. JUNE 2008 1 of 5 SECTION 15099 Process Valves, Regulators and Miscellaneous Valves 1.6 SIZING OF VALVES Valves shall be the same size as the appurtenance in which they are to be installed with unless otherwise called for on the Approved Plans or indicated on the Standard Drawings. 1.7 VALVE ENDS Valve ends shall be compatible with the piping system or appurtenance in which they are to be installed or as called for on the Approved Plans or indicated on the Standard Drawings. 1.8 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING Valves shall be delivered and stored in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Valves shall remain in factory packaging until ready for installation. Valves shall not be stored in contact with bare ground. 1.9 POLYETHYLENE WRAP Polyethylene wrap shall be used for the buried installation of valves in accordance with Section 15000. 1.10 GATE WELLS AND EXTENSION STEMS Valve boxes and extension stems shall be installed in accordance with Section 15000 and the Standard Drawings. PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 RUBBER-FLAPPER SWING CHECK VALVE A. Swing check valves and appurtenant components shall be in accordance with AWWA C508 and selected from the Approved Materials List. A submittal will be required as described in this Section. B. Rubber-flapper swing check valves shall have a heavily constructed ductile-iron body and cover. The body shall be long pattern design (not wafer), with integrally cast-on end flanges. The flapper shall be Buna-N having an "O" ring seating edge and be internally reinforced with steel. C. Flapper shall be captured between the body and the body cover in a manner to permit the flapper to flex from closed to full open position during flow through the valve. Flapper shall be easily removed without need to remove valve from line. Check valves shall have full pipe size flow area. Seating surface shall be on a 45º angle requiring the flapper to travel only 35º from closed to full open position, for minimum head loss and non-slam closure. JUNE 2008 2 of 5 SECTION 15099 Process Valves, Regulators and Miscellaneous Valves D. Buna-N flapper shall be high-strength coated fabric, coated both sides with 70 DURO, which creates an elastic spring effect, molded internally, to assist the flapper to close against a slight head to prevent slamming. When essential to create backflow through the check valve, as directed by the City Engineer, an external backflow device shall be furnished. E. Valve ends shall be flanged ductile-iron in accordance with Section 15056 unless otherwise called for on the Approved Plans or directed by the City Engineer. F. Check valves shall be tested by the manufacturer and the test results shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to shipment to the project. Check valves must unseat at a head no greater than 24". 2.2 SMALL DIAMETER ISOLATING VALVES Provide all small diameter valves and cocks for shut-off process connections, instrumentation and other miscellaneous uses in accordance with the Approved Plans. These valves shall be of the same material and pressure rating as the adjacent process piping. Shutoff valves shall be compatible with instrumentation and other equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 2.3 CORPORATION STOPS Corporation stops shall be in the ball type with a bronze body and T-Head operator. Valve ends shall be compatible with the piping system in which they are being installed or as called for on the Approved Plans or indicated on the Standard Drawings. Corporation stops shall be rated for a minimum pressure of 1,379 KPa (200 psi). Corporation stops shall be selected from the Approved Materials List. 2.4 ANGLE METER STOPS Angle meter stops shall be the ball type with a bronze body and 90º lock wing. Valve ends shall be flare style inlet and swivel meter nut for 1" and meter flange for 2" outlets. Angle meter stops shall be rated for a minimum pressure of 1,379 KPa (200 psi). Angle meter stops shall be selected from the Approved Materials List. 2.5 CUSTOMER METER SHUT-OFF VALVE Customer meter shut-off valves shall be the ball type with a bronze body and lever handle operator. Valve ends shall be swivel meter nut for 1" inlets and meter flange for 2" inlets. Customer meter shut-off valves shall be rated for a minimum pressure of 200 psi. The City Engineer may require the use of a customer meter shut-off valve equipped with a 90º lock wing. JUNE 2008 3 of 5 SECTION 15099 Process Valves, Regulators and Miscellaneous Valves 2.6 BALL VALVES Ball valves 2" and smaller shall be of bronze construction conforming to ASTM B62 and equipped with a T-Head or lever handle operator as required. Valve ends shall be compatible with the piping system in which they are being installed or as indicated on the Approved Plans or Standard Drawings. Ball valves shall be rated for a minimum pressure of 1,379 KPa (200 psi). Ball valves shall be selected from the Approved Materials List. 2.7 BACKFLOW PREVENTERS Backflow preventers shall be in accordance with Section 15112 and selected from the Approved Materials List. 2.8 POLYTHYLENE WRAP Polyethylene wrap shall be in accordance with Section 15000 and selected from the Approved Materials List. 2.9 GATE WELLS AND EXTENSION STEMS Gate wells and extension stems for buried valves shall be in accordance with Section 15000 and selected from the Approved Materials List. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Valves shall be set in true alignment straddling the centerline of pipe with the valve operator in the vertical position unless otherwise noted on the Approved Plans or shown on the Standard Drawings. B. Valves shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the applicable section of these specifications for the piping material and joint type being used. C. Aboveground valves shall be rigidly held in place using supports and hangers in accordance with the Approved Plans and Standard Drawings. The stem orientation of valves in elevated piping shall be as approved by the City Engineer for accessibility, except that no valves shall be installed with stems aligned below horizontal. Saddle type valve supports shall be provided. Supports shall be of rugged construction providing at least one hundred twenty degrees (120º) under support for the valve body. Valve supports shall be constructed of steel, and shall be anchored to the foundations using stainless steel anchor bolts. JUNE 2008 4 of 5 SECTION 15099 Process Valves, Regulators and Miscellaneous Valves 3.2 POLYETHYLENE WRAP Installation of polyethylene wrap for buried valves shall be in accordance with Section 15000. 3.3 GATE WELLS AND EXTENSION STEMS Gate wells and extension stems for buried valves shall be in accordance with Section 15000 and the Standard Drawings. 3.4 DISINFECTION OF THE VALVES Disinfection and flushing shall be in accordance with Section 15041, as part of the progress of disinfecting the main pipeline. The valves shall be operated during the disinfection period to completely disinfect all internal parts. 3.5 HYDROSTATIC TESTING Valves shall be hydrostatically tested in conjunction with the pipelines in which they are installed in accordance with Section 15044. END OF SECTION JUNE 2008 5 of 5 SECTION 15099 Process Valves, Regulators and Miscellaneous Valves SECTION 15100 RESILIENT WEDGE GATE VALVES (RWGV's) PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION This section includes materials, testing, and installation of manually operated resilient wedge gate valves (RWGV's). 1.2 REFERENCE STANDARDS The publications listed below form part of this specification to the extent referenced and are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. Reference shall be made to the latest edition of said standards unless otherwise called for. 1.3 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE CMWD Standard Drawings CMWD Standard Specifications 15000, 15041, 15044, 15056, 15057, 15061, 15064, 15074, 15108 and 15112 1.4 SERVICE APPLICATION A. Resilient wedge gate valves (RWGV's) shall be installed on potable and recycled water mains and appurtenances in accordance with the Approved Plans and the Standard Drawings. B. Resilient wedge gate valves shall be used for open/closed operations, throttling service and frequent operation after long periods of no actuation. C. In general, resilient wedge gate valves shall be used when valves are required on pipelines and appurtenances 4" through 16". D. Valves for pipelines sized 18" and larger generally require the use of butterfly valves (BFV) in accordance with Section 15102. E. All valves shall be of at least the same pressure class as the adjoined pipe. 1.5 SUBMITTALS The following items shall be submitted for review and approval per Section 2-5.3, prior to ordering or delivery of resilient wedge gate valves. A. An affidavit from the valve manufacturer stating that valves have successfully passed hydrostatic tests in accordance with AWWA C509 and manufacturer's own coatings tests. B. The valve manufacturer's catalog data showing the size to be used, valve dimensions, pressure rating and materials of construction. C. Manufacturer's catalog data and proof of NSF certification for the lining materials to be used. JUNE 2008 1 of 5 SECTION 15100 Resilient Wedge Gate Valves (RWGV’s) 1.6 SIZING OF VALVES Valves shall be the same size as the line in which they are installed unless otherwise noted on the Approved Plans. 1.7 VALVE ENDS Valve ends shall be compatible with the piping system in which they are being installed in accordance with the Approved Plans or directed by the City Engineer. Ductile-iron flanges shall be in accordance with Section 15056. 1.8 VALVE TESTING Resilient wedge gate valves shall be hydrostatically tested and valve coatings shall be holiday detected prior to shipment to the field in accordance with the testing procedures shown in Appendix A. Valves delivered to the site prior to successful hydrostatic testing and holiday detection shall be subject to rejection. 1.9 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING Valves shall be delivered and stored in accordance with AWWA C550. The port openings shall be covered with plastic, cardboard or wood while in transit and during storage in the field. These covers shall remain in place until valves are ready to be installed. Valves shall not be stored in contact with bare ground. Valves shall not be stacked. 1.10 CORROSION PROTECTION Buried Valves: All bolted connections and bolted valve components (bonnets, flanges, etc.) shall be coated with Wax Tape in accordance with Section 09902 and the entire valve encased in polyethylene in accordance with Section 15000. PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 RESILIENT WEDGE GATE VALVES (RWGV's) A. Resilient wedge gate valves and appurtenant components and materials shall be selected from the Approved Materials List. B. RWGV's shall be ductile-iron in accordance with AWWA C509 and C515 except as modified herein. C. Each valve shall have a smooth unobstructed waterway free from any sediment pockets. D. All RWGV's shall be leak-tight at their rated pressure. E. RWGV's shall have a non-rising low-zinc bronze or stainless steel stem, opened by turning left (counterclockwise). JUNE 2008 2 of 5 SECTION 15100 Resilient Wedge Gate Valves (RWGV’s) F. Stem seals shall be the O-ring type incorporating a minimum of two rings as required by AWWA C509. G. Low-friction torque-reduction thrust washers or bearings shall be provided on the stem collar. H. Wedge (gate) shall be fully encapsulated with a bonded-in-place Nitrile elastomer covering. Minimum thickness of the rubber seating area shall be 1/4". I. Valves for buried applications shall be provided with a 2" square operating nut, and valves located above ground or in structures shall be equipped with a hand wheel in accordance with AWWA C509 unless otherwise indicated on the Approved Plans. J. RWGV interior and exterior surfaces (except for the encapsulated disc) shall be coated as described below. K. All bolts and nuts used in the construction of RWGV's shall be Type 316 stainless steel. 2.2 EPOXY LINING AND COATING Epoxy linings and coatings for valves shall be provided in accordance with AWWA C210, C213, and C550, with the following modifications: A. Epoxy lining and coating of valve surfaces shall be performed by the manufacturer in a facility with qualified personnel, where the environment can be controlled. Epoxy lining and coating of valves in the field is prohibited. B. Repairs made to manufactures applied coatings shall be performed in a facility with qualified personnel, where the environment can be controlled. The facility shall be approved by the valve manufacturer. C. Surface preparation shall be as detailed in SSPC-SP5, White-Metal Blast Cleaning. D. Liquid epoxy lining and coating materials shall be listed in the NSF Listing for Drinking Water Additives, Standard 61, certified for use in contact with potable water. E. The minimum dry film thickness for epoxy linings shall be 0.008". Liquid epoxy lining shall be applied in two (2) coats in accordance AWWA C210. F. Powder epoxy coating materials shall contain one hundred percent (100%) solids, in accordance with AWWA C213. JUNE 2008 3 of 5 SECTION 15100 Resilient Wedge Gate Valves (RWGV’s) 2.3 GATE WELLS AND EXTENSION STEMS Gate wells and extension stems for buried valves shall be in accordance with Section 15000 and selected from the Approved Materials List. 2.4 CONCRETE Concrete used for anchor or thrust blocks shall be Class 560-C-3250 as specified in section 03000. 2.5 WAX TAPE COATING Wax Tape shall be in accordance with Section 09902 and selected from the Approved Materials List. 2.6 POLYETHYLENE ENCASEMENT Polyethylene encasement shall be in accordance with Section 15000 and selected from the Approved Materials List. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install valves with the bolt holes straddling the vertical centerline of pipe and the operating nut in the vertical position unless otherwise noted on the Approved Plans. B. Valves shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the applicable section of these specifications for the piping material and joint type being used. C. Joints shall be cleaned and installed in accordance with Section 15056. 3.2 CORROSION PROTECTION Buried Valves: All bolted connections and bolted valve components (bonnets, flanges, etc.) shall be coated with Wax Tape in accordance with Section 09902 and the entire valve encased in polyethylene in accordance with Section 15000. Exposed Valves: The exterior of valves installed above ground or exposed in vaults or enclosures shall be field painted in accordance with Section 09900. 3.3 CONCRETE Concrete thrust, anchor, and support blocks shall be installed in accordance the Standard Drawings. The concrete shall be placed so that valves and valve operators will be accessible for repairs or replacement. JUNE 2008 4 of 5 SECTION 15100 Resilient Wedge Gate Valves (RWGV’s) 3.4 GATE WELLS AND EXTENSION STEMS Gate wells and extension stems for buried valves shall be installed in accordance with Section 15000 and the Standard Drawings. 3.5 DISINFECTION OF VALVES Disinfection and flushing of valves shall be in accordance with Section 15041, as part of the process of disinfecting the main pipeline. The valves shall be operated during the disinfection period to completely disinfect all internal parts. 3.6 HYDROSTATIC TESTING Valves shall be hydrostatically tested in conjunction with the pipeline in which they are installed in accordance with Section 15044. END OF SECTION JUNE 2008 5 of 5 SECTION 15100 Resilient Wedge Gate Valves (RWGV’s) SECTION 15102 BUTTERFLY VALVES (BFV's) PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION This section includes materials, testing, and installation of manually operated butterfly valves (BFV). 1.2 REFERENCE STANDARDS The publications listed below form part of this specification to the extent referenced and are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. References shall be made to the latest edition of said standards unless otherwise called for. American Water Works Association (AWWA) C504 Standards for Rubber–Seated Butterfly Valves 1.3 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE CMWD Standard Drawings CMWD Standard Specifications 09900, 15000, 15041, 15044, 15056, 15061 and 15064 1.4 SERVICE APPLICATION A. Butterfly valves (BFV) shall be installed on potable and recycled water mains and appurtenances where shown on the Approved Plans and in accordance with the Standard Drawings. B. Butterfly valves shall be used for open/closed operations and throttling service and frequent operation after long periods of inactivity. C. In general, butterfly valves shall be used when valves are required on pipelines 18" and larger and where the use of a motor-operated valve is required as shown on the Approved Plans. Butterfly valves smaller than 18" shall only be used as indicated on the Approved Plans or with the prior approval of the City Engineer. D. Valves for pipelines sized 16" and smaller generally require resilient wedge gate valves (RWGV's) in accordance with Section 15100. E. All valves shall be of at least the same pressure class as the adjoined pipe. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals are required per Section 2-5.3 including an affidavit from the valve manufacturer showing the following: 1. Actuators used were furnished and installed by the valve manufacturer. 2. Valves have successfully passed hydrostatic testing per AWWA C504 and coatings testing by the valve manufacturer. JUNE 2008 1 of 6 SECTION 15102 Butterfly Valves (BFV’s) B. The valve manufacturer's catalog data showing the size to be used, valve dimensions, pressure rating and materials of construction. C. Actuator manufacturer's catalog data and detail construction sheets showing the dimensions, materials, number of turns, and required torque input of the actuator to be used. D. Manufacturer's catalog data and proof of NSF certification on the lining materials to be used. 1.6 SIZING OF VALVES Valves shall be the same size as the line in which they are installed unless otherwise shown on the Approved Plans. 1.7 VALVE ENDS Valve ends shall be flanged ductile-iron unless otherwise called for on the Approved Plans or as directed by the City Engineer. Ductile-iron flanges shall generally be in accordance with AWWA C115, rated at a working pressure of 1,724 KPa (250 psi). When Class 250 butterfly valves are shown on the Approved Plans or are otherwise required, ductile-iron flanges shall be compatible with AWWA C207, Class "F". Maximum working pressure of the flange shall be as specified in AWWA or ASME/ANSI. Flanges shall be integrally cast per AWWA C110. 1.8 VALVE TESTING Butterfly valves shall be hydrostatically tested and coatings holiday detected prior to shipment to the field. Valves delivered to the site prior to successful hydrostatic testing and holiday detection will be subject to rejection. 1.9 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING Valves shall be delivered and stored in accord with AWWA C504 and AWWA C550. The port openings shall be covered with plastic, cardboard or wood while in transit and during storage in the field. These covers shall remain in place until the valve is ready to be installed. Valves shall not be stored in contact with bare ground. Valves shall not be stacked. 1.10 CORROSION PROTECTION Buried Valves: All bolted connections and bolted valve components shall be coated with Wax Tape in accordance with Section 09902 and the entire valve encased in polyethylene in accordance with Section 15000. JUNE 2008 2 of 6 SECTION 15102 Butterfly Valves (BFV’s) PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 BUTTERFLY VALVES (BFV) A. Butterfly valves and appurtenant components and materials shall be selected from the Approved Materials List. B. Butterfly valves shall be short body, leak-tight closing, and rubber-seated in accordance with AWWA C504 except as modified herein. C. Except as modified below, BFV's shall be Class 150B in accordance with AWWA C504, rated for a flow velocity of 16 ft/s. D. Where the static pressure of the pipeline in which the BFV is to be installed exceeds 1.03 Pa (150psi), a Class 250B butterfly valve in general conformance with AWWA C504 shall be required. Class 250B butterfly valves shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to ordering or delivery. E. Butterfly valves shall open by turning left (counterclockwise). Valve disc shall rotate ninety degrees (90º) from the full open position to the tight shut position. F. Butterfly valve interior and exterior surfaces shall be coated as described below. 2.2 MANUAL VALVE ACTUATORS A. General: 1. All valve actuators shall be watertight, designed for buried or submerged uses. Actuators shall be fully gasketed, sealed, and factory packed with grease. 2. As directed by the City Engineer, actuators for valves located above ground or in vaults and structures may have hand wheels or chain wheels. Minimum hand wheel diameter shall be 12"). The actuator shall be equipped with a dial indicator, which shows the position of the valve disc. The City Engineer may require the use of 2" square operating nuts in some cases. 3. Actuators for valves shall be provided with a 2" square-operating nut when buried or when indicated on the Approved Plans. 4. Actuators shall have travel stops, which can be adjusted in the field without having to remove the actuator from the valve. 5. Actuators shall be sized for opening and closing the valve at the valve's full rated working pressure and at a flow velocity of 16 ft/s. 6. Actuators shall accept a minimum of 300 foot-pounds of input torque at the full open and full closed positions without damage to the actuator or the valve. JUNE 2008 3 of 6 SECTION 15102 Butterfly Valves (BFV’s) 7. Actuators equipped with 2" operator nuts shall require a maximum input torque of 150 foot-pounds to operate the valve. A maximum input torque of 80 foot-pounds shall be required to operate valves with hand wheels. 8. Actuators shall be of the same manufacturer as the valve where possible or as directed by the City Engineer. 9. Actuators shall be installed, adjusted, tested and certified by the valve manufacturer prior to shipping. 10. Actuators shall require a maximum of one hundred (100) input turns for the complete ninety-degree (90º) movement of the disc. 11. Actuators shall receive an epoxy coating on the exterior surface as described below. B. Traveling Nut Actuators: 1. Actuators for butterfly valve sizes 18" through 24" may be the manual traveling nut type. Traveling nut actuators shall not be used on valves requiring motor driven actuators or where the City has specified a worm gear type actuator. 2. Actuators shall be capable of producing the below listed output torque at the closed position: Valve Size in mm (inches) Output Torque Nm (foot-pounds) 450 (18") 3729 (2750) 500 (20") 3729 (2750) 600 (24") 6372 (4700) C. Worm Gear Type Actuators: 1. Actuators for butterfly valve 30" or larger shall be the worm gear type. In addition, worm gear type actuators shall be used on butterfly valves requiring motor driven actuators or where the City has specified a worm gear actuator. 2. Worm gear actuators shall be totally enclosed and self-locking. 2.3 EPOXY LINING AND COATING Epoxy linings and coatings for valves and actuators shall be provided in accordance with AWWA C210, C213 and C550, with the following modifications: A. Epoxy lining and coating of valve surfaces shall be performed by the manufacturer in a facility with qualified personnel, where the environment can be controlled. Epoxy lining and coating of valves in the field is prohibited. JUNE 2008 4 of 6 SECTION 15102 Butterfly Valves (BFV’s) B. Repairs made to shop-applied coatings shall be performed in a facility with qualified personnel, where the environment can be controlled. The facility shall be one that is approved by the valve manufacturer. C. Surface preparation shall be as detailed in SSPC-SP5 White Metal Blast Cleaning. D. Liquid epoxy lining and coating materials shall be listed in the NSF Listing for Drinking Water Additives, Standard 61, certified for use in contact with potable water. E. The minimum dry film thickness for epoxy linings shall be 0.008". Liquid epoxy lining shall be applied in two (2) coats in accordance with AWWA C210. F. Powder epoxy coating materials shall contain one hundred percent (100%) solids, in accordance with AWWA 213. 2.4 GATE WELLS AND EXTENSION STEMS Gate wells and extension stems for buried valves shall be in accordance with Section 15000 and the Approved Materials List. 2.5 CONCRETE Concrete used for anchor or thrust blocks shall be Class 560-C-3250 as specified in section 03000. 2.6 WAX TAPE COATING Wax Tape shall be provided in accordance with Section 09902 and the Approved Materials List. 2.7 POLYETHYLENE ENCASEMENT Polyethylene encasement shall be provided in accordance with Section 15000 and selected from the Approved Materials List. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install valves with the bolt holes straddling the vertical and horizontal centerlines of pipe, with the operating nut in the vertical position, unless otherwise noted on the Approved Plans. B. Valves shall be installed per the manufacturer's recommendation in accordance with the applicable specification for the piping material and joint type being used for the valve and the water main. C. Joints shall be cleaned and installed in accordance with Section 15056. JUNE 2008 5 of 6 SECTION 15102 Butterfly Valves (BFV’s) 3.2 FLANGE INSULATING KITS Flange insulating kits shall be installed where shown on the Approved Plans in accordance with Standard Drawing. 3.3 CORROSION PROTECTION Buried Valves: All bolted connections and bolted valve components shall be coated with Wax Tape in accordance with Section 09902 and the entire valve encased in polyethylene in accordance with Section 15000. Exposed Valves: The exterior of valves installed above ground or exposed in vaults or enclosures shall be field painted in accordance with Section 09900. 3.4 CONCRETE Concrete thrust, anchor, and support blocks shall be installed as called for in the Standard Drawings. The concrete shall be placed so that valves and valve operators will be accessible for repairs or replacement. 3.5 GATE WELLS AND EXTENSION STEMS Gate wells and extension stems for buried valves shall be installed in accordance with Section 15000 and the Standard Drawings. 3.6 DISINFECTION OF THE VALVES Disinfection and flushing shall be performed in accordance with Section 15041, as part of the process of disinfecting the main pipeline. The valves shall be operated during the disinfection period to completely disinfect all internal parts. 3.7 HYDROSTATIC TESTING Valves shall be hydrostatically tested in conjunction with the pipeline in which it is connected in accordance with Section 15044. END OF SECTION JUNE 2008 6 of 6 SECTION 15102 Butterfly Valves (BFV’s) SECTION 15108 AIR RELEASE VALVE, AIR AND VACUUM VALVE, AND COMBINATION AIR VALVE ASSEMBLIES PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION This section includes the materials and installation instructions for above ground air release valve, air and vacuum valve, and combination air valve assemblies. The term "air valve" is used generically in this specification to refer to requirements common to all of the specified air release valves, air and vacuum valves, and combination air valves. Otherwise, the various types of air valves are addressed by the individual designations commonly used in AWWA and industry standards. 1.2 REFERENCE STANDARDS The publications listed below form part of this specification to the extent referenced and are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. Reference shall be made to the latest edition of said standards unless otherwise called for. American Water Works Association (AWWA) C512 Standards for Combination Air Valve Assemblies 1.3 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE CMWD Standard Drawings CMWD Standard Specifications 09900, 15000, 15041, 15044, 15056, 15057, 15061, 15064, 15100, 16640 1.4 SERVICE APPLICATION A. Combination air valves are generally installed on all potable and recycled water mains at high points and where shown on the Approved Plans and in accordance with the Standard Drawings. B. Unless otherwise directed by the City Engineer, combination air valves will be required as indicated below: 1. 2" combination air valve assemblies shall be installed on pipeline sizes 6" and 8". 2. 2" combination air valve assemblies shall be installed on pipeline sizes 10" and 12". 3. Multiple 2” and 4" combination air valve assemblies shall be installed on pipeline sizes 16" and 20". 4. 6" combination air valve assemblies shall be installed on pipeline sizes 24" through 36". C. Air release valves and air and vacuum valves shall be installed in accordance with the Approved Plans or as directed by the City Engineer. JUNE 2008 1 of 4 SECTION 15108 Air Release Valve, Air and Vacuum Valve, and Combination Air Valve Assemblies 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Valves shall be delivered and stored in accordance with AWWA C550. The port openings shall be covered with plastic, cardboard, or wood while in transit and during storage in the field. These covers shall remain in place until the valve is ready to be installed. Valves shall not be stored in contact with bare ground. Valves shall not be stacked. 1.6 RECYCLED WATER IDENTIFICATION Air valve assemblies and enclosures used for recycled water shall be identified with purple-colored coating, identification labels or signs in accordance with Section 1500. 1.7 WARNING/IDENTIFICATION TAPE Warning/Identification tape shall be installed for air valve assemblies in accordance with Section 15000. PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 COMBINATION AIR VALVES A. Combination air valves and appurtenant components and materials suitable for the system pressure shall be selected from the Approved Materials List. B. Combination air valves shall comply with AWWA C512 except as modified herein. C. 2" combination air valves shall be the single-body type incorporating stainless steel internal components and National Pipe Threaded (NPT) inlet and outlet configurations. D. 4" and 6" Combination Air Valves shall be the single-body type. Valves shall incorporate stainless steel internal components, protective hood and flanged inlet. E. Internal protective epoxy coatings shall be provided in accordance with AWWA C550. 1. Liquid epoxy lining and coating materials shall be listed in the NSF Listing for Drinking Water Additives, Standard 61, certified for use in contact with potable water. 2. The minimum dry film thickness for epoxy linings shall be 0.008". Liquid epoxy lining shall be applied in two (2) coats in accordance with AWWA C210. JUNE 2008 2 of 4 SECTION 15108 Air Release Valve, Air and Vacuum Valve, and Combination Air Valve Assemblies 2.3 ENCLOSURES Air Valve Enclosures shall be selected from the Approved Materials List. 2.4 CONCRETE Concrete used for anchor or thrust blocks and equipment pads shall be in accordance with Section 03000. 2.5 BREAK-AWAY BOLTS Combination air valves, air release valves and air and vacuum valves located above ground sized 4" and larger shall be installed with break-away bolts in accordance with the Standard Drawings and selected from the Approved Materials List. 2.6 WARNING/IDENTIFICATION TAPE Warning/Identification Tape shall be in accordance with Section 15000 and selected from the Approved Materials List. 2.7 FIELD PAINTING AND COATING Field painting and coating materials shall be in accordance with Section 09900 and selected from the Approved Materials List. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Air valve assemblies shall be provided as shown on the Approved Plans. Additional air valve assemblies may be required in areas of potential air entrapment, at the discretion of the City Engineer. B. Air valve assemblies shall be installed relative to street improvements in accordance with the Standard Drawings. C. Connections for the air valve assemblies shall be made within a section of the main line no closer than 24" to a bell, coupling, joint or fitting. 3.2 CONCRETE Concrete thrust or anchor blocks and equipment pads shall be installed in accordance with the Standard Drawings. 3.3 WARNING/IDENTIFICATION TAPE Warning/Identification Tape shall be installed in accordance with Section 15000 and the Standard Drawings. JUNE 2008 3 of 4 SECTION 15108 Air Release Valve, Air and Vacuum Valve, and Combination Air Valve Assemblies 3.4 DISINFECTION Air valve assemblies shall be disinfected in accordance with Section 15041 in conjunction with disinfecting the main to which it is connected. The assembly valves shall be operated and the assembly flushed to completely disinfect all internal parts. 3.5 HYDROSTATIC TESTING Air valve assemblies shall be hydrostatically tested in accordance with Section 15044 in conjunction with the pipeline to which they are connected. 3.6 FIELD PAINTING AND COATINGS A. Field repairs to the enclosure shall not be permitted. Enclosures requiring repairs to the coating shall be returned to the supplier or coating vendor for repairs or recoating. END OF SECTION JUNE 2008 4 of 4 SECTION 15108 Air Release Valve, Air and Vacuum Valve, and Combination Air Valve Assemblies SECTION 15112 BACKFLOW PREVENTERS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION This section includes materials, installation, and testing of reduced-pressure backflow prevention devices and check valve and double check valve assemblies. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS The publications listed below form part of this specification to the extent referenced and are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. Reference shall be made to the latest edition of said standards unless otherwise called for. State of California Department of Health Services Division of Drinking Water and Environmental Management, Approved Backflow Prevention Assemblies for Service Isolation. 1.3 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE Agencies of Jurisdiction Rules and regulations regarding "Cross Connection Control and Backflow Prevention" CMWD Standard Drawings CMWD Standard Specifications 09900, 15000, 15041, 15044, 15056, 15057, 15061, 15064 and 15100 1.4 SERVICE APPLICATION A. Reduced-pressure backflow prevention assemblies shall be provided on all commercial, industrial irrigation and multi-family water services. B. Reduced-pressure backflow prevention assemblies shall be provided on all irrigation services by potable and recycled water. C. Reduced-pressure backflow prevention assemblies shall be provided on potable water services where recycled water, well water or any other water supply is served to the same property. D. Reduce pressure backflow preventers assemblies shall be provided at all points of connections to City sources at construction sites. E. Double check detector assemblies shall be provided on all fire services. F. The City shall be the final authority as to the location, installation, and type of backflow prevention device required. JUNE 2008 1 of 4 SECTION 15112 Backflow Preventers 1.5 GENERAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS A. The Design and construction of the backflow prevention assembly shall meet the requirements called for in this specification except that any modifications specifically shown on the Approved Plans shall take precedence over these general standards. B. The nominal size of the backflow prevention device shall be equal to or greater than the size of the purchased meter. For example, a 1" meter shall have a 1" or larger backflow device. C. The assembly shall include same size valves located on either side of the backflow prevention assemblies. Four test cocks shall be appropriately located on the assembly for testing and certification. D. The nominal size of double check detector assemblies shall be as shown on the Approved Plans or as directed by the Fire Department. E. Enclosures and concrete slabs shall be provided only as shown on the Approved Plans. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING Backflow prevention assemblies shall be delivered and stored in accordance with AWWA C210, AWWA C213, and AWWA C550. The port openings shall be covered with plastic, cardboard, or wood while in transit and during storage in the field. These covers shall remain in place until the backflow assembly is ready to be installed. Backflow assemblies shall not be stored in contact with bare ground. Backflow assemblies shall not be stacked. 1.7 RECYCLED WATER IDENTIFICATION Backflow prevention assemblies and enclosures for recycled water shall be identified with purple-colored coating, identification labels, or signs in accordance with Section 15000. 1.8 WARNING/IDENTIFICATION TAPE Warning/Identification Tape shall be installed for backflow prevention assemblies in accordance with Section 15000. PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLIES Backflow prevention assemblies shall be among those listed on the list of "Approved Backflow Prevention Assemblies for Service Isolation" as issued by the State of California Department of Health Services, Division of Drinking Water and Environmental Management. JUNE 2008 2 of 4 SECTION 15112 Backflow Preventers 2.2 CONCRETE Concrete used for slabs and anchor or thrust blocks shall be in accordance with Section 03000. 2.3 WARNING/IDENTIFICATION TAPE Warning/Identification Tape shall be in accordance with Section 15000 and the Approved Materials List. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Installation shall comply with the latest edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code, applicable local agency and City requirements. B. Backflow prevention assemblies shall be installed in accordance with the Standard Drawings. C. Water service and fire service shut-off valves will be secured closed during installation until an approved backflow prevention device is installed and tested in compliance with this specification. D. When static pressure exceeds 1.03MPa (150psi), or when recommended by the backflow device manufacturer, a pressure-reducing valve shall be installed as shown on the Standard Drawings. 3.2 WARNING/IDENTIFICATION TAPE Warning/Identification Tape shall be installed in accordance with Section 15000 and the Standard Drawings. 3.3 CONCRETE Concrete thrust or anchor blocks and slabs shall be installed in accordance with Standard Drawings. 3.4 ENCLOSURES Enclosures shall be installed where shown on the Approved Plans in accordance with the Standard Drawings. 3.5 DISINFECTION Disinfection and flushing shall be performed in accordance with Section 15041, as part of the process of disinfecting the main pipeline. The backflow assemblies shall be operated during the disinfection period to completely disinfect all internal parts. JUNE 2008 3 of 4 SECTION 15112 Backflow Preventers 3.6 HYDROSTATIC TESTING Backflow assemblies shall be hydrostatically tested in conjunction with the pipeline to which they are connected in accordance with Section 15044. 3.7 TESTING The City will inspect and initially test each backflow prevention assembly after inspection of its proper installation is complete. Required maintenance of the backflow prevention device and appurtenances and annual testing of the device shall be the private owner's responsibility. END OF SECTION JUNE 2008 4 of 4 SECTION 15112 Backflow Preventers JUNE 2008 1 of 5 SECTION 15121 Open Trench Pipe Casting SECTION 15121 OPEN TRENCH PIPE CASING PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION This section includes materials for and installation of open trench pipe casings. Jacked casings or specially-installed pipe casings shall be installed as detailed in Section 15125. 1.2 REFERENCE STANDARD The publications listed below form part of this specification to the extent referenced and are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. References shall be made to the latest edition of said standards unless otherwise called for. 1.3 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE CMWD Standard Drawings CMWD Standard Specifications 15000, 15056, 15061, and 15064 1.4 SERVICE APPLICATION Generally, pipe casings are used for protection of utilities (carrier pipes) and may be installed for future utility installations. Pipe casings shall be used for the installation of potable water, reclaimed water, and sewer mains where shown on the Approved Drawings or as required by the City. 1.5 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS A. Pipe casings shall be provided for carrier piping where shown on the Approved Drawings or as required by the City. The sizes and material type for pipe casing shall be as detailed in Part 2 of this Section. B. The City Engineer may select a greater steel thickness and diameter as appropriate for the intended application. 1.6 SUBMITTALS The following items shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer prior to the start of the casing work: A. Casing pipe. B. Casing spacers and end seals. C. Installation procedure. D. Method of restraint to be used for the casing and carrier pipes. E. Welding procedure. F. Cathodic Protection. JUNE 2008 2 of 5 SECTION 15121 Open Trench Pipe Casting 1.7 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. PVC pipe casing shall be stored in suppliers' yards and on the job site in accordance to AWWA M23 and the manufacturer's recommendations. PVC pipe casing which has been subjected to excessive ultraviolet radiation from the sun shall not be used. The determination as to the acceptability of PVC pipe casing faded by the sun's radiation shall rest solely with the City. B. Store PVC pipe casing in the field by the supporting the pipe uniformly per AWWA M23. Do not stack pipe higher than 4' high or stack the pipe with weight on the bell ends. Cover stored PVC pipe casing to protect it from the sun's ultraviolet radiation. Pipe which has been contaminated with any petroleum products (inside or outside) shall not be installed. C. Proper care shall be used to prevent damage in handling, moving and placing the pipe casing. All pipe casing materials shall be lowered into the trench in a manner that prevents damage. The pipe casing shall not be dropped, dragged or handled in a manner that will cause bruises, cracks, or other damage. 1.8 CASING SPACERS AND END SEALS Casing spacers and end seals shall be used for all carrier pipe installations within casings. 1.9 WARNING/IDENTIFICATION TAPE Warning/Identification Tape shall be installed in accordance with Section 15000. PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 PIPE CASING Pipe casing materials shall be as indicated below and shall be selected from the Approved Materials List. The size of the pipe casings required for the various sizes of carrier pipe is as follows: Carrier Pipe Size Minimum Casing Size 6" 14" 8" 16" 10" 18" 12" 20" 16" 30" 20" 36" 24" 42" Pipe Casing for Carrier Pipe larger than 24" shall be as determined by the City Engineer. JUNE 2008 3 of 5 SECTION 15121 Open Trench Pipe Casting A. Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe (PVC) casings shall be as follows: 1. Casing pipe sizes 14" through 36" shall be in accordance with AWWA C905, pressure rated 235 (DR18). 2. The color for PVC casing pipe shall be blue or white for potable water carrier pipe and purple for recycled water carrier pipe. B. Steel pipe casings shall be as follows: 1. Steel pipe casings, unless otherwise approved by the City, shall be butt- welded sheets (spiral welding of pipe not allowed) conforming to ASTM A 36/A 36M, ASTM A 283/A 283M, Grade D, or ASTM A 568/A 568M, Grade 33. Other steel grades may be used upon approval of the City. Steel casings sized 20" or smaller shall have a minimum wall thickness of 3/8". Steel casings sized larger than 20" shall have a minimum wall thickness of 1/2". 2. Steel pipe casings shall not be lined or coated with any material unless otherwise directed by the City Engineer. If required, steel pipe casing shall be lined and coated with liquid epoxy paint per AWWA C210. Liquid epoxy shall be applied in three coats to a minimum thickness of 0.012". The final cost of the liquid epoxy shall be blue for potable water and purple for recycled water steel casing pipe. 3. Steel pipe casings shall include the installation of an anode in accordance with the Standard Drawings, unless otherwise directed by the City Engineer. 2.2 CASING SPACERS Casing spacers shall be stainless steel, centered-position type with PVC liner and non- metallic anti-friction runners selected from the Approved Materials List. 2.3 CASING END SEALS Casing end seals, selected from the Approved Materials List, shall wrap around the casing and carrier pipe to provide a barrier to backfill material and seepage. The casing end seal shall be a minimum 1/4" thick styrene butadiene rubber sheet attached to the carrier pipe and casing with 1" wide stainless steel bands. Zippered casing end seals with stainless steel bands may also be used. 2.4 WARNING/IDENTIFICATION TAPE Warning/Identification tape materials shall be in accordance with Section 15000 and the Approved Materials List. JUNE 2008 4 of 5 SECTION 15121 Open Trench Pipe Casting PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 TRENCH EXCAVATION, BACKFILL AND COMPACTION Trenching, bedding, backfilling and compaction operations shall be performed in accordance with Section 02223. 3.2 DEWATERING The Contractor shall provide, and maintain at all times during construction, ample means and devices to promptly remove and dispose all water from source entering trench excavations or other parts of the work. Any damage caused by flooding of the trench shall be the Contractor's responsibility. Dewatering shall be performed by methods that will maintain a dry excavation, preservation of the final lines and grades and protection of all utilities. If flooding of the trench does occur, the Contractor shall immediately dewater and restore the trench. Damaged or altered pipeline appurtenances or trench materials shall be repaired or replaced as directed by the Engineer. 3.3 PIPE CASING INSTALLATION Installation of pipe casing and carrier pipe shall be as described below and in accordance with the Standard Drawings. A. Pipe casing shall be installed in an open trench type excavation. B. Pipe casings shall be lowered onto the bedding of the proper lines and grades called for on the Approved Plans. C. Pipe casings shall have firm bearing along their full length. D. Pipe casing sections shall be bell and spigot joint connection for PVC. PVC casing sections shall be restrained by mechanical means or by the use of splined gaskets. Steel casing sections shall be jointed by full-circumference butt welding in the field. Steel casing shall have all areas of damaged coating repaired. E. Carrier pipe shall be pushed into the casing incorporating the use of casing spacers as described below. F. PVC or ductile-iron carrier pipe joints shall be restrained either by mechanical means or by use of splined gaskets. G. Steel carrier pipe sections shall be lap joint welded per Section 15061. JUNE 2008 5 of 5 SECTION 15121 Open Trench Pipe Casting H. Upstream and downstream elevations of the carrier pipe shall be verified prior to installing the end seals. I. The portion of carrier pipes installed within casings shall have pressure, leakage, and infiltration testing completed in accordance with Sections 15043 and 15044 prior to installation of the end seals. J. The annular space between the carrier pipe and casing shall not be filled with any material unless otherwise noted on the Approved Plans. 3.4 CASING SPACERS Casing spacers shall be used to prevent the carrier pipe bell from touching the casing and to maintain a uniform space between the carrier pipe and casing interior. A minimum of three casing spacers shall be installed, equally spaced, on each pipe section at intervals recommended by the manufacturer. 3.5 CASING END SEALS Casing end seals shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Carrier pipe shall pass hydrostatic or leakage tests in accordance with Sections 15044 or Section 15043 prior to the installation of casing end seals or backfilling operations. 3.6 WARNING/IDENTIFICATION TAPE Warning/Identification Tape shall be installed above the casing pipe in accordance with Section 15000 and the Standard Drawings. END OF SECTION SECTION 15125 JACKED PIPE CASING PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION This section includes materials and installation of jacked pipe casings. Where the contractor proposes to install pipelines using directional drilling or boring, a complete submittal of the methods and materials shall be made to the City prior to the initiation of the work. 1.2 REFERENCE STANDARDS The publications listed below form part of this specification to the extent referenced and are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. References shall be made to the latest edition of said standards unless otherwise called for. 1.3 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE CMWD Standard Drawings CMWD Standard Specifications 15000, 15056, 15061, 15064, and 15065 1.4 SERVICE APPLICATION Generally, pipe casings are used for protection of utilities (carrier pipes) and may be installed for future utility installations. Pipe casings shall be used in conjunction with the installation of potable water, recycled water, and sewer mains in areas shown on the Approved Plans or as directed by the City Engineer. 1.5 PROTECTION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AND FACILITIES The contractor shall be responsible for the care and protection of all existing utilities, facilities, and structures that may be encountered in or near the area of the work. 1.6 SAFETY AND PERMITTING REQUIREMENTS A. Pipe jacking and boring projects 30" in diameter or larger are required to be classified by the State of California. Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Occupational Safety and Health. B. Protection of workers in trench excavation shall be as required by the State of California Construction Safety Orders, the State of California State Health and Safety Code, the requirements of CAL-OSHA. C. All excavations shall be performed, protected, and supported as required for safety and in the manner set forth in the operation regulations prescribed by CAL-OSHA. JUNE 2008 1 of 6 SECTION 15125 Jacked Pipe Casing D. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to obtain excavation permits, traffic control permits, or other applicable permits from the local agency which has jurisdiction. E. A pre-job safety conference with representatives of the Division of Occupational Safety, CAL-OSHA, the City, the Contractor and Contractor's employees shall be held before the work begins. F. Contractors performing this work are required to hold a current C-34 or General Engineering Contracting License from the State of California. 1.7 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS A. Pipe casing shall be provided for the carrier piping where shown on the Approved Plans or as required by the City Engineer. The sizes and material type for pipe casing shall be as detailed in Part 2 of this Section. B. The City Engineer may select a greater steel thickness and diameter as appropriate for the intended application. 1.8 SUBMITTALS The contractor shall provide to the City and the agency, or agencies, of jurisdiction a drilling, boring, and jacking plan prior to commencing boring operations. The submittal shall include: A. Configuration of the jacking pits and jacking pit bracing or shoring. Pit excavations deeper than 20' require the shoring system to be certified by a Registered Civil Engineer. B. The pipe casing material to be used. Include pipe material type, wall thickness, and welding details. C. Casing spacers and end seals. D. Jacking plan and profile drawing detailing the placement of the jacked casing. E. Installation procedure. F. Manufacturer and type of liquid epoxy paint, including proposed steel preparation and application methods to be used. G. The jacking machinery and jacking head proposed to be used. H. Summary of the backfilling method to be used. I. Worker Protection and Safety Plan. J. Cathodic Protection. JUNE 2008 2 of 6 SECTION 15125 Jacked Pipe Casing 1.9 DELIVERY AND HANDLING Proper care shall be used to prevent damage in handling, moving and placing the pipe casing. All pipe-casing materials shall be lowered into the trench in a manner that prevents damage. The pipe casing shall not be dropped, dragged or handled in a manner that will cause dents, cracks, or other damage to the pipe casing. 1.10 CASING SPACERS AND END SEALS Casing spacers and end seals shall be used for all pipe installations with casings. If the carrier pipe is not installed within the casing, as a continuous operation, following completion of jacking, then bulkhead and portals and backfill the approach trenches. Bulkheads will be removed at a later time to allow for the installation of the carrier pipe. PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 PIPE CASINGS Jacked pipe casings shall be steel. A. The minimum size and thickness of jacked steel pipe casings shall be as follows, unless otherwise required by the agency having jurisdiction over the road, utilities, or improvements. Carrier Pipe Size Minimum Casing Size Min. Steel Casing Wall Thickness 6" 14" 3/8" 8" 16" 3/8" 10" 18" 3/8" 12" 20" 3/8" 16" 30" 1/2" 20" 36" 1/2" 24" 42" 1/2" B. Pipe casing for carrier pipe sizes larger than 24" shall be determined by the City Engineer. C. The Contractor may submit a greater steel thickness and diameter as appropriate for the method of work and loadings involved, as suitable for the site and as limited by possible interferences. The Contractor shall submit any deviations in the approved design to the City fourteen (14) working days in advance of jacking operations, and may not proceed with any work until the City Engineer has approved the alternate methods proposed. D. It is the Contractor's responsibility to choose a size of casing at or above the minimum specified, and to ensure that the jacking is done with a high degree of accuracy to permit installation of the carrier pipe to the lines and grades shown on the approved plans. JUNE 2008 3 of 6 SECTION 15125 Jacked Pipe Casing E. Steel pipe casings, unless otherwise approved by the City, shall be butt-welded sheets (spiral welding of pipe now allowed) conforming to ASTM A 36/A 36M, ASTM A 283/A 283M, Grade D, or ASTM A 570/A 570M, Grade 33. Other steel grades may be used upon approval of the City Engineer. F. Steel pipe casings shall include the installation of an anode in accordance with the Standard Drawings, unless otherwise directed by the City Engineer. 2.2 CASING SPACERS Casing spacers shall be stainless steel, centered-position type with PVC liner and non-metallic anti-friction runners in accordance with the Approved Materials List. 2.3 CASING END SEALS Casing end seals, in accordance with the Approved Materials List, shall wrap around the casing and carrier pipe to provide a barrier to backfill material and seepage. The casing end seal shall be a minimum 1/4" thick styrene butadiene rubber sheet attached to the carrier pipe and casing with 1" wide stainless steel bands. Zippered casing end seals with stainless steel bands may also be used. 2.4 WARNING/IDENTIFICATION TAPE Warning/Identification Tape materials shall be in accordance with Section 15000 and the Approved Materials List. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 TRENCH EXCAVATION, BACKFILL AND COMPACTION Trenching, bedding, backfilling and compaction operations shall be performed in accordance with Section 02223. 3.2 JACKING PIT A. The approach trench for jacking or boring operations shall be adequately shored to safeguard existing substructures and surface improvements and to ensure against ground movement in the vicinity of the casing portal. B. Placement of equipment in the approach trench of the jacking pit shall be firmly bedded on the required line and grade using heavy timbers, structural steel, or concrete cradles of sufficient length to provide accurate control of jacking alignment. Provide space to insert the casing lengths to be jacked. Anchor the timbers and structural steel sections to ensure action of the jacks in line with the axis of the casing. Place a timber or structural steel bearing block between the jacks and the end of the casing to provide uniform bearing upon the casing end evenly distribute the jacking pressure. C. After jacking equipment and debris from the tunnel have been removed from the approach trench of jacking pit, prepare the bottom of the jacking pit as a pipe foundation. Remove all loose and disturbed materials below pipe grade to undisturbed earth and re-compact the material in accordance with Section 02223. JUNE 2008 4 of 6 SECTION 15125 Jacked Pipe Casing 3.3 PIPE CASING INSTALLATION Installation of pipe casings shall be as described below and in accordance with the Standard Drawings. Only workers experienced in jacking operations shall be used in performing the work of jacking and boring. A. The Contractor's attention is called to the fact that extreme care is required in placing the casing so as to permit the installation of the carrier pipe to the lines and grades shown on the Approved Plans. B. Gravity flow pipelines are designed at grades that do not permit variance from the lines and grade as shown on the Approved Plans. C. Fit a sectional shield or steel jacking head to the leading section of the casing. The shield or head shall extend around the outer surface of the upper two-thirds of the casing and project at least 18" beyond the driving end of the casing. It shall not protrude more than 1/2" beyond the outer casing surface. D. The leading section of casing shall be equipped with a jacking head securely anchored thereto to prevent any wobble or variation in alignment during the jacking operation. E. To avoid loss of ground outside the casing, carry out excavation entirely within the jacking head and not in advance of the head. In general, excavated materials shall be removed from the casing as jacking progresses and no accumulation of excavated material within the casing will be permitted. F. A jacking band to reinforce the end of the pipe receiving the jacking thrust will be required. G. Control the application of jacking pressure and excavation of material ahead of the advancing casing to prevent it from becoming friction-bound or deviating from required line and grade. Do not encroach upon the minimum annular space detailed. Restrict the excavation of material to the least clearance to prevent binding in order to avoid settlement or possible damage to overlying structures or utilities. H. Steel casing sections shall be full-circumference butt-welded in the field. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to provide stress transfer across the joints capable of resisting the jacking forces involved. 3.4 CARRIER PIPE INSTALLATION A. Carrier pipe shall be pushed into the casing incorporating the use of casing spacers as described below. B. PVC or ductile-iron carrier pipe joints shall be restrained either by mechanical means or by use of splined gaskets. C. Steel carrier pipe sections shall be lap joint welded in accordance with Section 15061. JUNE 2008 5 of 6 SECTION 15125 Jacked Pipe Casing D. Upstream and downstream elevations of the carrier pipe shall be verified prior to installing the end seals. E. The portion of carrier pipe installed within a casing shall have pressure, leakage, and infiltration testing completed in accordance with Section 15043 and 15044 prior to installation of the end seals. F. The annular space between the carrier pipe and casing shall not be filled with any material unless otherwise noted on the Approved Plans. 3.5 CASING SPACERS Casing spacers shall be used to prevent the carrier pipe bell from touching the casing and to maintain a uniform space between the carrier pipe and casing interior. Casing spacers shall be installed on the carrier pipe at intervals per the manufacturer's recommendations with a minimum of three spacers per pipe section equally spaced. 3.6 CASING END SEALS Casing end seals shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Carrier pipe shall pass hydrostatic or leakage tests in accordance with Sections 15044 or 15043 prior to the installation of casing end seals or backfilling operations. END OF SECTION JUNE 2008 6 of 6 SECTION 15125 Jacked Pipe Casing SECTION 15139 FIRE HYDRANTS PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION This section includes the materials for and installation of fire hydrant assemblies. 1.2 REFERENCE STANDARDS The publications listed below form part of this specification to the extent referenced and are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. Reference shall be made to the latest edition of said standards unless otherwise called for. 1.3 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE CMWD Standard Drawings CMWD Standard Specifications 09900, 15000, 15041, 15044, 15056, 15061, 15064, and 15100 1.4 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Hydrant outlet sizes and configuration shall be as shown on the Approved Plans or as directed by the fire department of jurisdiction. B. Hydrants shall generally have the following number and size of outlets as directed by the fire department of jurisdiction: 1. Residential: One 2-1/2" outlet and one 4" outlet 2. Commercial: Two 2-1/2" outlets and one 4" outlet 3. Industrial: One 2-1/2" outlet and two 4" outlets 1.5 SERVICE APPLICATION A. Fire hydrants shall be installed on potable water mains as shown on the approved drawings. B. Wet-barrel hydrants shall generally be used for pressures up to 1.38 MPa (200 psi). System pressures up to and including 1.03 MPa (150 psi) require standard wet-barrel hydrants, and pressures up to 1.38 MPa (200 psi) require high-pressure wet-barrel hydrants in accordance with the Approved Materials List. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING Fire hydrants shall be delivered and stored in accordance with AWWA C210, AWWA C213, and AWWA C550. The port openings shall be covered with plastic, cardboard or wood while in transit and during storage in the field. These covers shall remain in place until the valve is ready to be installed. Fire hydrants shall not be stored in contact with bare ground. Fire hydrants shall not be stacked. 1.7 WARNING/IDENTIFICATION TAPE Warning/Identification Tape shall be installed for fire hydrant assemblies in accordance with Section 15000. JUNE 2008 1 of 3 SECTION 15139 Fire Hydrants PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 HYDRANTS A. Fire hydrants and appurtenances shall be selected from the Approved Materials List. B. Wet-barrel fire hydrants shall comply with AWWA C503 and these specifications unless otherwise indicated on the Approved Drawings. C. All outlets shall be provided with National Standard Fire-Hose Threads. Outlets shall be equipped with plastic caps. D. Wet-barrel fire hydrant flanges and appurtenant bury ells and spools shall incorporate a six-hole bolt pattern. 2.2 BOLTS AND NUTS A. Hydrant flange bolts and nuts shall be selected from the Approved Materials List. B. Wet barrel fire hydrants not equipped with break-off check valves shall be installed with break-away flange bolts selected from the Approved Materials List. The hollow shafts of break-away bolts shall be filled with silicone sealant. Bolts and nuts shall be zinc-plated A307 carbon steel in accordance with Section 15000. 2.3 CONCRETE Concrete used for splash pads, thrust or anchor blocks shall be in accordance with the Standard Drawings. 2.4 WARNING/IDENTIFICATION TAPE Warning/Identification Tape materials shall be in accordance with Section 15000 and the Approved Materials List. 2.5 FIELD PAINTING AND COATING Field painting and coating materials shall be in accordance with Section 09900 in accordance with the Approved Materials List. JUNE 2008 2 of 3 SECTION 15139 Fire Hydrants PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. Fire hydrant assemblies shall be installed at locations shown on the Approved Plans or as directed by the fire department of jurisdiction in accordance with the Standard Drawings. B. The location and port orientation of the Fire Hydrant shall be in accordance with the Standard Drawings. C. Fire hydrant flange bolts shall be set with nuts on top. Torque nuts uniformly and progressively in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Fill the hollow bolt shafts of break-away bolts with silicone sealant. D. Depending on location, fire hydrant assemblies may require protection posts or concrete retaining walls. When required by the City Engineer, or when shown on the Approved Plans, protection posts or retaining walls shall be installed in accordance with the Standard Drawings. 3.2 CONCRETE Concrete thrust and anchor blocks shall be installed in accordance with the Standard Drawings. 3.3 WARNING/IDENTIFICATION TAPE Warning/Identification Tape shall be installed in accordance with Section 15000 and the Standard Drawings. 3.4 DISINFECTION OF FIRE HYDRANT The fire hydrant assembly shall be disinfected in accordance with Section 15041, as part of the process of disinfecting the main pipeline. The assembly valves shall be operated and the assembly flushed to completely disinfect all internal parts. 3.5 HYDROSTATIC TESTING Fire hydrant assemblies shall be hydrostatically tested in accordance with Section 15044 in conjunction with the pipeline to which it is connected. 3.6 FIELD PAINTING AND COATING The fire hydrant exterior shall be field painted in accordance with Section 09900. END OF SECTION JUNE 2008 3 of 3 SECTION 15139 Fire Hydrants JUNE 2008 1 of 10 SECTION 16640 Cathodic Protection by Sacrificial Anodes SECTION 16640 CATHODIC PROTECTION BY SACRIFICIAL ANODES PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE This section includes materials, testing, and installation of corrosion protection and monitoring systems for metallic pipes including insulating flange kits, test stations, copper/copper sulfate reference electrodes, sacrificial anodes, wiring, and exothermic welds.. 1.2 DEFINITIONS A. CONTRACTOR. The qualified construction firm selected by the Owner to have prime responsibility for the completion of work. B. OWNER. The Owner, as referred to in these specifications, is the City of Carlsbad. C. ENGINEER. The Engineer is the Owner’s representative who is assigned to be the direct contact between the Owner and the Contractor. D. CORROSION ENGINEER. Retained by the Contractor, who is trained and experienced in cathodic protection installations and design and who is either a Registered Corrosion Engineer or a NACE Certified Cathodic Protection Specialist. 1.3 SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): C94-86 Ready-Mixed Concrete D-2220 Polyvinyl chloride Insulation for Wire and Cable D-1248 Polyethylene Plastics Molding and Extrusion Materials B3 Soft or Annealed Copper Wire B8 Concentric-Lay Stranded Copper Conductors B. Federal Specifications (FS) Military Specification (Mil. Spec): MIL-C-18480B Coating Compound, Bituminous, Solvent, Coal Tar Base C. Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. (UL) Publications: 83-80 Thermoplastic-Insulated Wires 486-76 Wire Connectors and Soldering Lugs for Use with Copper Conductors D. National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE): RP0169-96 Recommended Practice, Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems E. National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE): RP0286 Electrical Isolation of Cathodically Protected Pipelines JUNE 2008 2 of 10 SECTION 16640 Cathodic Protection by Sacrificial Anodes 1.4 SUBMITTALS The following information shall be submitted for approval of the ENGINEER in accordance with Section 1300 of these specifications. A. Catalog Cuts: 1. High potential magnesium anodes 2. At-grade concrete test box with cast iron lid 3. Shunts 4. Wire and cable 5. Exothermic weld kits 6. Weld caps 7. Weld coating 8. Plastic warning tape 9. Insulating flange kits 10. Wax tape coating system B. As-Built Drawings. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain As-Built drawings showing exact locations of anodes, test stations, insulators, and wire trenching runs. Location changes from the design shall be clearly marked in red on a blue line copy of the design drawings. The As-Built drawings shall be submitted to the ENGINEER at the end of the project. The project is not considered complete until As-Built drawings are submitted. C. Test Results. 1. Insulator tests 2. Continuity tests 3. Anode testing and cathodic protection performance PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 GENERAL Materials and equipment shall be new and the standard product of manufacturers regularly engaged in the manufacturing of such products. All materials and equipment shall bear evidence of safe operation approval from a nationally recognized testing laboratory. 2.2 HIGH POTENTIAL MAGNESIUM ANODES A. Capacity. High potential magnesium anodes shall have a theoretical energy content of 1000 ampere-hours per pound and have a minimum useful output of 500 ampere-hours per pound. JUNE 2008 3 of 10 SECTION 16640 Cathodic Protection by Sacrificial Anodes B. Chemical Composition (High Potential Magnesium). Aluminum 0.01 percent (max) Manganese 0.5 to 1.3 percent Zinc 0.002 percent (max) Copper 0.02 percent (max) Nickel 0.001 percent (max) Iron 0.03 percent (max) Silicon 0.002 percent (max) Other 0.05 percent each (max) Magnesium balance C. Open Circuit Potential. The open circuit potential of all anodes, buried in the soil, shall be between 1.55 and 1.75 volts dc versus a copper-copper sulfate reference electrode. D. Ingot Size And Weight. Anodes shall be 48-pound pre-packaged, high potential ingots with a trapezoidal cross section. Ingot length shall be 32 inches long. The total packaged weight shall be 105 lbs. E. Anode Construction. Anodes shall be cast magnesium with a galvanized steel core rod recessed on one end to provide access to the rod for connection of the lead wire. Silver braze the lead wire to the rod and make the connection mechanically secure. Insulate the connection to a 600-volt rating by filling the recess with epoxy and covering any exposed bare steel core or wire with heat shrinkable tubing. The insulating tubing shall extend over the lead wire insulation by not less than 1/2 inch. F. Anode Pre-Packaged Backfill Material. The anodes shall be completely encased and centered within a permeable cloth bag in a special low resistivity backfill mix with the following composition: Gypsum 75% Powdered bentonite 20% Anhydrous sodium sulfate 5% G. Backfill grains shall be such that 100 percent is capable of passing through a screen of 100 mesh. Backfill shall be firmly packed around the anode such that the ingot is approximately in the center of the backfill. The resistivity of the backfill shall be no greater than 50 ohm-cm when tested wet in a soil box. Total prepackaged weight shall be approximately 105 pounds. 2.3 AT-GRADE TEST STATIONS A. Test Box. At-grade test boxes shall be round, pre-cast concrete with a cast iron lid. The dimensions shall be 14-1/4 inches O.D. by 9 inches I.D. by 12 inches high, similar to Christy G5 Utility Box with a cast iron supporting ring and lid. The lid shall be cast with the legend "Test Station". B. Identification Tags. All test leads shall be identified with an Avery label (model 5361), self-adhesive covered with polyolefin clear heat shrink tubing (3mfp301). The label shall include: name of facility – size – pipe material; type of insulation; station number. C. Concrete Pad. Test boxes mounted in unpaved areas shall be mounted in a reinforced 24-inch square by 4-inch thick concrete pad constructed of ASTM C94 ready-mix concrete. Rebar shall be No. 4 steel. JUNE 2008 4 of 10 SECTION 16640 Cathodic Protection by Sacrificial Anodes 2.4 WIRE AND CABLE All wires shall be stranded copper with HMWPE or THWN insulation suitable for direct burial in corrosive soil and water, conforming to UL 83 and ASTM standards B3 or B8. HMWPE insulation shall conform to ASTM D1248 type 1, class c, grade 5. THWN insulation shall conform to ASTM D-2220. A. Test Leads. No. 8 AWG HMWPE. B. Anode Lead Wire. Anode lead wires shall be No. 12 AWG THWN. C. Mechanical Joint Bond Wire. No. 2 AWG HMWPE. D. All wire and copper connectors shall conform to UL 486-76. E. Wire Splicing. NO wire splicing is permitted. 2.5 EXOTHERMIC WELD KIT Wire-to-metal connections shall be made by the exothermic “cadweld” welding process. Weld alloy shall be for steel pipe. It is the CONTRACTOR’s responsibility to determine the manufacturer’s recommended weld charge size for metallic surfaces. A. Weld Caps. Royston Roybond Primer 747 and Royston Handy Cap 2 or equal. B. Weld Coating. Cold-applied fast-drying mastic consisting of bituminous resin and solvents per Mil. Spec. Mil-C-18480B such as Koppers bitumastic 50 or 505, Tnemec 40-h-413, tape-coat TC mastic or 3M Scotch Clad 244. The minimum coating thickness shall be 25 mils (0.025 inch). 2.6 INSULATING FLANGE KITS A. Gaskets: ANSI B-16.21, Type E, NEMA G10 glass with a rectangular o-ring seal for operation between 20-deg. F and 150-deg. F. Gaskets shall be suitable for the temperature and pressure rating of the piping system in which they are installed. B. Insulating Sleeves: 1/32-inch thick tube, full length, G10 glass material per NEMA LI-1 for operation between 20-deg. F and 150-deg. F. For installation at threaded valve flanges, half-length sleeves shall be used. C. Insulating Washers: 1/8-inch thick, full length, G10 glass per NEMA LI-1 for operation between 20-deg. F and 150-deg. F. D. Steel Washers: 1/8-inch cadmium plated steel placed between the nut and insulating washer. E. Coating: All buried insulating flanges shall be wax taped coated per AWWA C217. See section for “External Coating for Buried Surfaces” below. JUNE 2008 5 of 10 SECTION 16640 Cathodic Protection by Sacrificial Anodes 2.7 EXTERNAL COATING FOR BURIED SURFACES A. All buried insulating flange kits, AND buried pipe sections and fitting surfaces that are not epoxy or polyurethane coated shall be wrapped with a three-layer petrolatum wax tape coating system per AWWA C217. B. Primer: All surfaces shall be prime coated with a blend of petrolatum, plasticizer, inert fillers, and corrosion inhibitors having a paste-like consistency. C. Wax Tape: Covering material shall be a synthetic felt tape, saturated with a blend of petrolatum, plasticizers, and corrosion inhibitors that is formable over irregular surfaces. D. Plastic Outer Wrap: The primed and wax taped surface shall be covered with a plastic outer wrap consisting of three layers of 50-guage (10-mil) polyvinylidene chloride or PVC, high cling membrane wound together. 2.8 PLASTIC WARNING TAPE A. Plastic warning tape for all cable trenches shall be a minimum of 4 mils thick and 6 inches wide, inert plastic film designed for prolonged use underground, and printed with "Caution: Cathodic Protection Cable Below". PART 3 CATHODIC PROTECTION INSTALLATION 3.1 GENERAL A. Standard. Cathodic protection installation shall conform to NACE RP0169-96 “Recommended Practice, Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems. B. CONTRACTOR Qualifications. All work shall be performed by qualified, experienced personnel working under continuous, competent supervision. Qualified CONTRACTORs must demonstrate at least five years of experience with cathodic protection installations. C. Test Results. The CONTRACTOR shall submit a CORROSION ENGINEER’s report including all test data, conclusions, repairs, and cathodic protection system performance. D. Notification For Testing. The CONTRACTOR shall notify the ENGINEER at least five days in advance of the anodes and test station installations. The ENGINEER or the OWNER's representative shall, at their discretion, witness the installation of anodes and cathodic protection facilities. Testing shall be as described in this specification section. 3.2 MAGNESIUM ANODES A. Inspection. All lead wires shall be inspected to ensure that the lead wire is securely connected to the anode core and that no damage has occurred to the lead wire. Lead wire failures shall require replacement of the complete anode and lead wire. B. Pre-Packaged Anode Inspection. Each anode shall be inspected to ensure that the backfill material completely surrounds the anode and that the cloth bag containing the anode and backfill material is intact. If the prepackaged anodes are supplied in a waterproof container or covering, that container or covering shall be removed before installation. The CONTRACTOR shall notify the ENGINEER at least five (5) days in advance of installing the anodes. JUNE 2008 6 of 10 SECTION 16640 Cathodic Protection by Sacrificial Anodes C. Location. Anodes are to be installed in augured holes as shown in the drawings. Anode positions can be adjusted slightly to avoid interference with existing structures. Alternate anode positions must be approved by the ENGINEER. D. Handling. Care shall be taken to ensure that the anode is never lifted, supported, transported, or handled by the lead wire. All anodes shall be lowered into the hole using a sling or a rope. E. Anode Hole Size and Depth. Anodes shall be placed vertically at the bottom of a 12 feet deep augured hole, 12 inches in diameter (minimum). F. Soaking Requirements, Pre-Packaged Anodes. Once the prepackaged anodes are in the hole, 15 gallons of water shall be poured into the hole so that the anodes are completely covered with water. Allow the anodes to soak for a minimum of 30 minutes before any soil backfill is added. G. Soil Backfill. After the pre-packaged anodes are soaked, the hole is backfilled with stone-free, native soil. No voids shall exist around the anode bags and the anode lead wire shall not be damaged. The backfill shall be tamped and compacted in 18-inch lifts taking care not to damage the anode lead wire. 3.3 AT-GRADE TEST STATIONS A. Location. At-grade corrosion monitoring test boxes shall be located at the edge and directly behind the curb. All test box locations shall be approved by the ENGINEER. B. Test Box Bottom. Test boxes shall be set in native soil. C. Test Lead Attachment. Test leads shall be attached to the pipe using the exothermic weld process. An 18-inch length of slack wire shall be coiled at each weld at the pipe and inside each test box. D. Concrete Pad. A 24-inch square by 4-inch thick reinforced concrete pad is required around each at-grade test station. Test boxes and concrete pad shall be flush with the top of the curb. 3.4 WIRE AND CABLE A. Test Lead Trench. Horizontal test or anode lead runs shall be placed in a 36-inch trench. B. Wire Handling. Wire leads shall not be stretched or kinked. Care shall be taken when installing wire and backfilling. If wire insulation is damaged during installation, it shall be rejected and replaced completely at the CONTRACTOR's expense. All rejected wire shall be removed from the job site at the close of each workday. C. Plastic Warning Tape. Plastic warning tape shall be installed in all wire trenches and 12 inches below finished grade. D. Splicing. Wire splices are not permitted. JUNE 2008 7 of 10 SECTION 16640 Cathodic Protection by Sacrificial Anodes 3.5 WIRE-TO-PIPE CONNECTIONS A. All connections of copper wires to the pipe shall be made by the exothermic weld method. B. Weld Charge Size. It is the CONTRACTOR’s responsibility to ensure that the manufacturer’s recommended weld charge size is used. C. Preparation Of Wire. Do not deform cable. Remove only enough insulation from the cable to allow for the exothermic weld. D. Preparation Of Metal. Remove all coating, dirt, grime and grease from the metal structure by wire brushing. Clean the structure to a bright, shiny surface free of all serious pits and flaws by using a file. The surface area of the structure must be absolutely dry. E. Wire Position. The wire is to be held at a 30-degree angle to the surface when welding. Only one wire shall be attached with each weld. F. Testing of All Completed Welds. After the weld has cooled, the weld shall be tested by striking the weld with a 2-lb hammer while pulling firmly on the wire. All unsound welds shall be cleaned, re-welded, and re-tested. All weld slag shall be removed. G. Coating Of Welds. The area to be coated shall be clean and completely dry. Apply a primer specifically intended for use with an elastomeric weld cap. Apply the weld cap and a bituminous mastic coating material to all exposed areas around the cap in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. The coating shall overlap the structure coating by a minimum of 3 inches. H. Mortar Repair. Coating voids shall be filled with cement grout. 3.6 BOND WIRES A. Mechanical Joint Bond Wires. Two (2) No. 2 HMWPE bond wires are required across each non-insulating, in-line valve; a third No. 6 HMWPE bond wire is required from the valve to one outside flange as shown in the drawings. The bond wires shall be attached using the exothermic weld process. Bond wires shall have some slack wire at each weld to allow for creep when backfilling. 3.7 INSULATING FLANGE KITS A. General: Insulating flange kits shall be pre-assembled and installed as recommended by the manufacturer, and per NACE RPO 286. Moisture, soil, and other foreign matter must be fully removed and prevented from contacting any portion of mating surfaces. If foreign matter contacts any portion of these surfaces, then the entire flange shall be disassembled, cleaned, and dried before reassembly. B. Installation: Align and install insulating joints according to the manufacturer's recommendations to avoid damaging insulating materials. The manufacturer’s bolt tightening sequence and torque specifications shall be followed. C. Paint Pigments: No electrically conductive pigments or paints shall be used either internally or externally on the bolts, washers, or flanges. D. Inspection: All buried insulating flanges shall be inspected, tested, and approved by the ENGINEER as described in Part 4 of this specification and prior to the application of wax tape coating. JUNE 2008 8 of 10 SECTION 16640 Cathodic Protection by Sacrificial Anodes 3.8 EXTERNAL COATING A. All buried insulating flanges shall be covered with a 3-layer wax tape coating system per AWWA C217. Additionally, all in-line valves, flanges, couplings, and adapters that are not coated with a bonded dielectric coating shall be wax tape coated per AWWA C217. B. Primer: Surfaces must be cleaned of all dirt, grime, and dust by using a wire brush and clean cloth. The surface shall be dry. Apply the primer by hand or brush. A thin coating of primer shall be applied to all surfaces and worked into all crevices. The primer shall be applied generously around bolts, nuts, and threads, and shall fully cover all exposed areas. The primer should overlap the pipe coating by a minimum of 3-inches. C. Petrolatum Saturated Tape: The wax tape can be applied immediately after the primer. Short lengths of tape shall be cut and carefully molded around each individual bolt, nut, and stud end. For long bolts (such as in couplings), short lengths of tape shall be cut and circumferentially wrapped around each individual bolt. After the bolts are covered, the tape shall be circumferentially wrapped around the flange with sufficient tension to provide continuous adhesion without stretching the tape. The tape shall be formed, by hand, into all voids and spaces. There shall be no voids or gaps under the tape. The tape shall be applied with a 1-inch minimum overlap. D. Outer Covering: A plastic outer cover shall be applied over the petrolatum-saturated tape. The plastic shall be a minimum of 50-guage (10-mils) and shall have two layers applied. PART 4 TESTING AND INSPECTION The CONTRACTOR’s CORROSION ENGINEER shall submit his proposed test procedures to the ENGINEER at least five (5) days in advance of the time that the cathodic protection system testing is scheduled. The ENGINEER shall witness all testing at his discretion. All test data shall be submitted to the ENGINEER within seven (7) days of the completion of the testing. All testing shall be done under the supervision of a qualified CORROSION ENGINEER who is retained by the CONTRACTOR. All deficiencies found to be due to faulty materials or workmanship shall be repaired or replaced by the CONTRACTOR and at his expense. The City of Carlsbad shall be notified at least three (3) days in advance to witness the performance testing. 4.1 TEST LEADS It is the CONTRACTOR’s responsibility to test all test leads A. Test Method. All completed wire connection welds shall be tested by striking the weld with a 2-lb hammer while pulling firmly on the wire. Welds failing this test shall have the surface re-prepared, have the wire re-welded to the pipe and re-tested. Wire welds shall be spot tested by the Engineer. After backfilling the pipe, all test lead pairs shall be tested using a standard ohmmeter. B. Acceptance. The resistance between each pair of test leads shall not exceed 150% of the total wire resistance as determined from published wire data. JUNE 2008 9 of 10 SECTION 16640 Cathodic Protection by Sacrificial Anodes 4.2 Anode Lead Wire. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for inspecting anode lead wires. Lead wires shall be spot inspected by the ENGINEER. A. Test Method. A visual inspection and by running his hand along the full length of the lead while installing. B. Acceptance. All leads shall be free of cuts nicks or abrasions in the wire insulation. Damaged leads shall be rejected. 4.3 TEST LEAD TRENCHING The ENGINEER, at his or her discretion, shall inspect wire trenches and backfill material and methods. A. Test Method. The depth, trench bottom, padding, and backfill material shall be visually inspected prior to backfilling. B. Acceptance. Conformance with specifications. 4.4 PIPELINE CONTINUITY THROUGH IN-LINE VALVES The CONTRACTOR’s CORROSION ENGINEER shall measure the linear resistance of sections of pipe in which in-line valves or other mechanical joints have been installed. All testing shall be done by the CORROSION ENGINEER in the presence of the ENGINEER. A. Test Method. Resistance shall be measured by the linear resistance method. A direct current shall be impressed from one end of the test section to the other (typically test station to test station). A voltage drop is measured for several different current levels. The measured resistance (R) is calculated using the equation R=dV/I, where dV is the voltage drop between the test span and I is the current. The resistance shall be measured for at least four (4) different current levels. B. Acceptance. Acceptance is a comparison between the measured resistance (from the field test data) and the theoretical resistance. The theoretical resistance must consider the pipe (length and wall thickness) and the resistance of the bond wires. The measured resistance shall not exceed the theoretical resistance by more than 130%. The CONTRACTOR’s CORROSION ENGINEER shall submit, within seven (7) days of the completion of the testing and in a report format, to the ENGINEER all calculations of the theoretical resistance and measured pipe resistance for each section tested. 4.5 INSULATING FLANGE KITS A. Responsibility: Insulating flanges shall be inspected and tested by the CONTRACTOR’S CORROSION ENGINEER and in the presence of the ENGINEER, prior to backfilling. Testing of the buried insulating flange kit prior to backfill will result in non-acceptance of the insulator. B. Test Method: The assembled flange shall be tested using a Gas Electronics Model 601 Insulation Checker specifically design for testing insulating flanges. The testing shall be done by a qualified CORROSION ENGINEER accepted by the ENGINEER JUNE 2008 10 of 10 SECTION 16640 Cathodic Protection by Sacrificial Anodes and shall be done in accordance with NACE RPO 286. C. Acceptance: The installation of the insulating flange kit shall be considered complete when the testing device indicates no shorts or partial shorts are present. The CONTRACTOR shall provide assistance in finding any and all shorts or shorted bolts. All disassembly and reassembly necessary for acceptance shall be done at the CONTRACTOR’S expense. 4.6 CATHODIC PROTECTION PERFORMANCE The cathodic protection system shall be activated and tested by the CONTRACTOR’s CORROSION ENGINEER in the presence of the ENGINEER. A. Test Method. The installed cathodic protection system testing shall include: native pipe-to-soil potentials, protected pipe-to-soil potentials, open-circuit anode potentials, and anode current output measurements. B. Acceptance. Shall be based on achieving the –850 mV criterion as outlined in NACE RPO169-96. All data shall be submitted, in a typed 8-1/2 X 11 inch report to the City’s ENGINEER and the City’s CORROSION ENGINEER for approval. C. Compliance With Specifications. Deficiencies or omissions in materials or workmanship found by these tests shall be rectified at the CONTRACTOR’s expense. Deficiencies shall include but are not limited to: broken leads, improper or unclean trenches, lack of 18-inchor slack wire in test boxes; improperly mounted test boxes; improper installation and testing of insulators; and other deficiencies associated with the workmanship, installation, and non-functioning equipment. END OF SECTION