HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-08-04; City Council; 19924; Opportunity for a botanical gardenCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL
AB# 19,924
MTG. 8/4/09
DEPT. Parks&Rec
Receive a presentation from Ken Brennecke.
The City Council provides an opportunity for citizens and organizations to have an item placed
on a City Council Agenda by submitting a letter to the City Manager. Attached is a copy of an
email received from Ken Brennecke requesting the opportunity to make a presentation to the
City Council regarding his desire to discuss an opportunity to create a world class Botanical
1. Email to the City Manager from Ken Brennecke.
DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Mark Steyaert 760-434-2855 mark.stevaert@carlsbadca.gov
From: kbrennecke@epsilonsystems.com [mailto:kbrennecke@epsilonsystems.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 24,2009 4:28 PM
To: Council Internet Email
A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to
department, City Council.
Below, please find the information that was submitted:
I would like to get on the City Council's agenda.
Bud Lewis expressed an interest about 5 years ago to have a world class botanical garden developed
within the City of Carlsbad. I believe there is an opportunity to make that happen and I would like to
make a small presentation to the City Council. I have already met preliminarily with Bud and Brian
Albright about this project.
I can be reached at 619-980-8002.
Thanks very much.
Kenneth Brennecke
1902 Boundary Avenue Ramona, CA 92065 USA kbrennecke@epsilonsystems.com Mozilla/4.0
(compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; GTB6; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
A World Class
Botanical Garden Opportunity
The City of Carlsbad
In 2004, a group of Southern California plant enthusiasts were discussing how plants had
to obey the basics of physics and chemistry and we began to realize that we had enough
combined experience and expertise to develop a world class botanical garden here in
Southern California. Since that time we have been building using our own resources and
we are now at the point where we need to seek municipal and corporate partners to go to
the next level of planning and execution.
Our Goals
1. To develop a world class botanical garden in Carlsbad.
2. To preserve critically endangered plant germplasm and to propagate sufficient
copies of the plant material to guarantee its survival.
3. To use the garden as an educational tool to encourage a new generation of
botanists in taxonomy, horticulture, and allied disciplines such as tissue culture.
4. To provide public access to the garden for the public enjoyment, education and
awareness of the interrelationship between humans and plant life.
5. To educate the public at large about the importance of reforestation. It is the only
large scale, simple, and effective means of removing carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere and reversing global warming that can be done relatively quickly.
6. To provide an associated online source of information for the public to use to
succeed in duplicating and expanding this work using the guiding principles of the
prototype garden.
Resources We Have
1. A three acre prototype garden (The Darian Garden in Vista) that demonstrates the
feasibility that the horticultural principles to be used actually work.
2. Hundreds of plants of elite species of canopy trees, palms, and other rare plant
material that can be transfered to start the garden.
3. The services of Mr. Ted Anvick, of Anvick Engineering, who has offered to
create the plans for any structures that we wish to build for free. Mr. Anvick is a
seismic engineer, a civil engineer, and a structural engineer.
4. A 501c3 non-profit operating foundation, the Mardy and Cherie Darian
Foundation, to fund-raise, manage, and operate the day-to-day activities of the
5. Our group includes Dr. Mardy Darian and his wife Cherie. The Darians are
probably the most accomplished collectors of palms and rare plant material in the
world. Ken Brennecke, one of the original founders of the American Bamboo
Society and ABS Journal editor for 20 years. Dr. Don Hunsaker, a Hubbs
Seaworld Research Institute naturalist and researcher. Mr. Dennis Hodgdon and
Mr. Howard Pippen who are enterprise level managers and engineers with
database and computer systems backgrounds. And Mr. B. Paul Welch who is our
real estate and financial consultant.
Resources We Need
1. A commitment from one or many municipal and/or corporate sponsors.
2. A site. Carlsbad may have suitable municipal property that would be ideal.
3. A modest amount of seed money for the first year of operations to begin
fundraising efforts, assess the suitability of a site, make preliminary plans for
garden design and execution. These plans are almost completely site dependent.
We would require about 1 man year of support (about $100,000) that wouldn't
necessarily have to come from municipal funds if a sponsor could be found.
The Way Forward
1. The Foundation would like to invite the Carlsbad City Council to visit the
prototype garden before any decisions are made to experience what is possible.
Some members of your staff have already visited the prototype garden. We are
confident that we can raise full canopy on any site in Carlsbad in under 15 years
assuming we have a modest level of resources
2. We would ask that you direct your staff to work with us for the next month to
work out a rough schedule and task list. This will also provide time to get some
public feedback about whether the community would support such a venture.
3. Encourage any private sources of support to participate. And also encourage these
individuals to tour the prototype garden.
Point of Contact
For additional information and to arrange tours of the prototype garden please contact:
Ken Brennecke, Secretary of the Mardy and Cherie Darian Foundation. (619) 980-8002
or brenneckep@netzero.net.
merica's best
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ig directions,
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contact The
A Tropical Eden with a Mission
Exceptional gardens come in many forms:
straightforward collections by plant enthus-
iasts, artistically designed creations that are a
world unto themselves, enchanting composi-
tions that evoke the spirit of place. Gardens
may also be designed in response to an even
higher purpose or deeper meaning/ such as the
conservation of water in gardens of climate-
appropriate plants, the restoration of native
habitat, the preservation of rare and endangered
plants, or the production of organic food.
Dr Mardy Darian's 3.2 acre tropical garden
paradise in Vista, California, combines all of
these attributes and much more. His vision
embodies the now-familiar slogan, "Think glob-
ally. Act locally." For forty-five years, Dr Darian,
a retired veterinarian turned horticulturist, has
traveled the world's tropics, observing first-
hand the destruction of rain forests. (Tropical
rain forests are being destroyed at an annual
rate of 57,915 square miles, an area roughly the
size of the state of Iowa.) Believing that the sal-
vation of the earth is dependent on massive
reforestation, he has collected palms and other
tropical plants—many endangered, rare, or
extinct in the wild—and planted them in his
hilltop garden to create a model rain forest. His
encyclopedic knowledge of tropical plants and
ecosystems, his skill at establishing and work-
ing with diverse microclimates, and his extraor-
dinary global perspective have coalesced in a
handsomely designed tropical garden—an
enchanting landscape that rivals the best
tropical gardens anywhere.
ipr/Mav/Jun 2009
One might question the logic of developing a
tropical rain forest garden in the semi-arid,
mediterranean climate of San Diego County. My
own skepticism was immediately dashed on a
first visit in early 2008, as a member of The
Garden Conservancy's Screening Committee.
After two subsequent visits, I was convinced of
the importance and uniqueness of this garden
and of Dr Darian's philosophy, purpose, and
achievement. He has successfully cultivated mul-
tiple generations of a range of tropical plants
and adapted them to a subtropical climate.
His vision for this garden originated in 1962,
when a severe freeze devastated avocado
orchards in northern San Diego County, but left
a small grove unscathed on a rocky hilltop in
Vista. With a keen eye for, and understanding
of, microclimates, Dr Darian acquired the
property to fulfill his dream of growing
palms and other cold sensitive plants.
Motivated by the realization that tropical
forests were being burned and bulldozed for
farming, he left his veterinary practice to
devote all his time to collecting and planting
palms and other plants from the world's
tropical forests.
A Rain Forest Odyssey
Mardy Darian and his wife Cherie traveled
around the world to remote tropical locations
close to the equator —South America, the
Hawaiian Islands, Australia, New Guinea,
A Tropical Eden with a Mission / 23
A misty
green pool,
centerpiece of
the cloud
forest garden;
to the left,
trunks of
Ui/fs/s Imronli;
behind the
pool, Momltm
better known
as split-leaf
Anthurium iittirmcmluin, perched on the trunk of an
elephant's ear tree (Fntmilobium cyclocarpe), a large
leguminous tree from Brazil that is part of the Darian
garden's forest canopy, along with the lemon-scented gums
A stdghorn fern (Platytxrium masui) and A hybrid on I
(Cfiltk'i/,1) on the trunk of another elephant's ear tic.
(Enlerohbium cyclocarpa)
24 /Pacific Hort't ullnn-Apr/MaN /!<
1 a hybrid orchid
lant's ear tree
In his poo!
of the exce
room, Dr Mardy T5arian points out a giant loaf
edingly rare Aitlhurium angamarfanitm
A portion of the grotto wall at
the edge of the property,
cavities filled with bromeliads
and orchids
Southeast Asia and Indonesia, Mauritius and
the Seychelles in the Indian Ocean, the
Solomon Islands, and Madagascar—collecting
beautiful and unique palms, orchids, ferns,
bromeliads, aroids, and other tropical plants
that he thought would grow on his hilltop.
He learned about the loss of forests, the
resulting impacts on climate and microclimate
change due to surface heating, the loss of oxy-
gen, and the increase in atmospheric carbon
dioxide. His philosophy evolved into a mission
to help save the planet by demonstrating a
method for restoring tropical forests Three
goals for tropical reforestation became clear:
remove carbon through forestation; increase
the production of life-giving oxygen from
Apr/' -/Jtin 20ff)A Tropical Eden with a Vlission / 25
forestation; and increase rainfall using a
canopy of trees to insulate the earth from
excessive heat.
As his knowledge of tropical plants from
around the globe developed, Dr Darian experi-
mented with his collection—albeit on his rela-
tively tiny plot in a decidedly non-tropical
environment—propagating and growing the
plants on this rocky hill, which was nearly
devoid of decent topsoil when he began. With
Herculean effort, the garden evolved by blast-
ing out planting holes, moving enormous
boulders, and improving the soil with tons of
composted sawdust. Through his understand-
ing of tropical ecosystems, his skill in develop-
ing microclimates, and his global perspective,
a pile of granite was transformed into a
magnificent tropical rain forest garden.
Mimicking Nature in a Rain Forest
What sets the Darian garden apart from
other, more fanciful tropical gardens is the skill
with which he arranged the plants in ecological
layers and associations. A high tree canopy
shelters vines, orchids, and epiphytes on the
tree trunks, along with tree ferns, philoden-
dron, and other understory plants below.
This arrangement achieves maximum carbon
sequestering, cooling, water retention, and oxy-
gen production—simulating a true rain forest.
Adhering to ecological concepts was no con-
straint on achieving beauty. The result of Dr
Darian's tireless devotion to principle and
plants is a series of visually appealing compo-
sitions—a unique aesthetic experience. The
key to his success was his own careful observa-
tion of these plants as natural assemblages in
their native habitats.
Six to eight microclimates have been created
in the garden through his understanding of the
path of sunlight through the seasons; by
arranging plants for shade as well as leaving
openings for sun; by arranging boulders and
rocks quarried from the site to capture warmth
or shelter plants; and by creating artificial
walls, grottoes, and cavities for special micro-
climates, either to trap the sun's heat or to
protect moist, shady pockets.
A Tropical Oasis
The garden is approached from the north
through an upscale, gated community that has
isolated Dr Darian's place as a hilltop oasis
amid generic "landscaped" homes. Upon
entering the long driveway at the end of a cul-
de-sac, cooling shade from the high canopy
envelops visitors in a tropical Eden. The hand-
some ranch-style house on the apex of the hill
is at the heart of the property. Broad concrete
walkways lead around the hill through a series
of gardens designed in response to the varying
North of the house, one enters a woodland
garden cooled by clouds of mist from fogging
emitters hidden in the trees to mimic a tropical
cloud forest. A small, rock-lined pond enveloped
by bold Monstera deliciosa, delicate tree ferns,
palms, and bromeliads evokes images of a
mysterious, secret tropical pool. Passing
through this dark, hushed setting, one almost
expects a serenade of jungle creatures—birds,
chattering monkeys, and clicking insects.
As the walk rounds the hillside into the dry,
southern exposure, the garden opens into
bright sunlight where plants that require heat
are grown: various cycads (predominantly
species of Encephalartos), tropical fruits (papaya,
lichii, guava, mango, cherimoya, pineapple),
subtropical fruits (avocado, citrus, guava,
macadamia), and deciduous fruits (apricot,
apple, peach, plum, pear, walnut) from temper-
ate climates, along with cork oak (Quercus
suber), locally native coast live oak (Q. agrifolia),
and several types of sun-loving palms. Though
this conglomeration may sound like a chaotic
mix of unrelated plants, the complex composi-
tion is, in fact, memorable and harmonious. Dr
Darian has arranged enormous boulders to
capture and hold the heat for the most tender
plants. An artificial, shell-like structure traps
heat for a coconut palm (Cocus nucifem), rarely
seen in California. A high, densely planted
berm shields the garden from nearby houses
below the walk, so that one is not even conscious
of the close proximity of neighboring rooftops.
Leaving the hot, sunny garden as suddenly
as entering it, one moves into a magical forest
of tree ferns, other ferns, and various small
palms, I
tooned >
of tree f«
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up into
from th
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26 /Pacific Horticulture Apr/May/Jun 2009
•om the north
amity that has
3 hilltop oasis
tomes. Upon
e end of a cui-
• high canopy
len. The hand-
pex of the hill
3road concrete
irough a series
to the varying
•s a woodland
: from fogging
imic a tropical
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ate tree ferns,
images of a
>ool. Passing
»g, one almost
; insects,
e into the dry,
n or "'S into
it re e heat
fruits (papaya,
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•itrus, guava,
ruits (apricot,
) from temper-
oak (Querais
k (Q. agrifolia),
>alms. Though
like a chaotic
plex cornposi-
irmonious. Dr
5 boulders to
e most tender
tructure traps
ucifcra), rarely
nsely planted
learby houses
;ven conscious
ing rooftops,
i as suddenly
magical forest
various small
palms, beneath towering lemon-scented gums
(Eucalyptus dlriodora). their smooth trunks fes-
tooned with epiphytes. The forest is layered to
simulate a real rain forest, with the high tree
canopy sheltering a medium-height understory
of tree ferns that further shelters a lower under-
story of anthuriums and other aroicls. Looking
up into the canopy, one sees a curious plank
walkway through the trees, what I call "the
skywalk." An eerie, creaking sound emanates
from the trees that support the walkway, the
result of the wooden beams rubbing against the
trunks as the tree canopy sways in the gentle
breeze. Dr Darian built this walkway to offer
visitors the experience of being in the tree
canopy and looking down on tree ferns and the
forest understory.
Passing through the tree fern forest on a
lower walkway, one encounters the "cave and
grotto wall," designed and built by Dr Darian
to mask the plain concrete block wall that
marks the property line. By cleverly layering
brown gunite (a mixture of cement, sand, and
water, such as is used for free-form swimming
pools) onto the block wall, he was able to incor-
porate cavities or grottos, which were, in turn,
planted with brilliant orchids and bromeliads—
red, orange, yellow, and pink jewels that sparkle
in the moist darkness.
Hilltop Gardens and More
The Darians' sprawling home at the top of
the hill is surrounded by other gardens, includ-
ing a lovely shade garden on the north side,
protected by a high canopy of dark shade cloth.
From this garden, one enters a broac! terrace at
the rear of the house featuring an exquisite
waterfall of simulated rock formations that
serves as a backdrop to the outdoor dining area
and koi pond.
Attached to the house is a large "pool room"
(approximately eighty by forty feet) housing a
gracefully curved swimming pool under a
broad, translucent roof. Arranged around the
pool are some of his most rare and precious
plants, those that would not succeed in the
outdoor garden.
Dr Darian propagates thousands of seedlings
and cuttings from his collection in a surpris-
ingly unobtrusive 3,000-square-foot green-
house nearly hidden from view across from the
dry south garden. His experiments have
involved the successful propagation of a strik-
ing red-shafted palm from Malaysia (Cyrto-
stachys lakka), plus ongoing attempts to find any
plant that will tolerate the lowest temperatures
of the area for introduction into the commercial
trade. His exhaustive efforts have resulted in
the introduction of many of the newest palms
available in nurseries in Southern California.
The garden — its plant compositions, the
grotto wall, waterfall and ponds, pool room,
and even the house — have all been designed
by Dr Darian. The garden has been constructed
with the help of only a few part-time workers
and his current right-hand man, Scott Whipple,
who has done the heavy lifting and most of the
maintenance for the past nine years. Today,
the collection comprises an astounding 4,700
plants, including 300 species in the ground, 100
genera of palms, and 5,700 plants in con-
tainers in the greenhouse and throughout the
property. Rainwater collected in two 2,500-
gallon tanks (a half-inch of rain fills both tanks)
is supplemented with city water. Because of his
understanding of planting in various micro-
climates, the use of shaded canopies, and a
drip and fog irrigation system, water use is
remarkably efficient.
Although the garden is not open to the pub-
lic, those fortunate to experience it will not only
be enthralled with its surprising splendor, but
will inevitably learn of its more important
meanings and of Dr Darian's message of the
necessity of planting forests to remove carbon
from the atmosphere, to increase oxygen pro-
duction and rainfall, to insulate the earth from
excessive heat and cold, and to reduce wind
speeds—all to combat climate change and to
preserve the world as we know it.
The Darian garden is an exceptional place on
many levels—an inspiring example of one
man's passion and understanding of how to
address global climate change. The result is a
cleverly designed and lushly planted tropical
garden, with significant potential as a research
facility for the study and propagation of rare
and endangered species, and as an educational
>r/M n 2009 A Tropical Eden with a Mission / 27
Tin1 skywalk,
between trunks ot
gums (Eucalyptus
provides views
down into palms
and tree terns
The palm garden, filled
with more than forty species
of palms from tropical
regions around the world
The waterfall alongside
the terrace; Stephanolii
flonbiimla climbs
a post behind a cluster
of hybrid Chamaedorea
palms; ferns
(Nephrolepis exnltaia
'Fluffy Ruffles') flank
the pool on the left,
a grass tree
(Xanthorrhoea preiVsn)
on the right
facility for the study of rain forest ecosystems,
microclimate design, and sustainability.
Now, at seventy-six, Dr Darian's primary
wish is to preserve the garden by finding an
Visit www.pacifichorticulti/re, org
to see more photographs of Dr
Darian's exceptional garden
individual, institution, or corporation who
would continue his legacy under his guidance.
There is much yet for the world to learn from
this exceptional tropical garden, j£
hybrid with
on the
which a
mildews pi.
I ivi
28 /Pacifn Horliailtiuv Apr/May /)
ove 75-foot tall canoptj trees create a rainforest environment moderating
temperature, light and wind speed, creating
6-8 micro-climates in one location. _F.>*T
"Tne best kept secret in ,San D'^go CLounttj." ""-\v
£)r. f^rancis Clningi Director E.meritus v
LOS /Angeles /\rboretum and £>otanical (jardens
T"he closest fKing to fvd
iave ever see|1, or dreame
Logan JJenlcins
' subtropical palmatum in trie world."
...i (jibbons, Morbcultu"5*
4 I*
5OO exotic species ol,r .VVKrl -*• - -valms...over 1OO genera
/\roiAs...alocacias, antheriums, philodendrums
* E>romeliads...AoAen&M/gwi stellata, veriesias, achmeas
Cyca<\s...encephalartos woodii, e. lehmannii, e. horridus,
e. princepts, e. trispinosus
f^ilicies ...tree ferns from 2^ countries
Orchids.,.2^ f-CC Cattleya orchids, over 2OO specimens
Vines and f^ piphtjtcs
~]ne £)arian (jarden facilities:
* 5-2 acres zoned £_-1A (splittable)
(jate-guarded community with two public access roads
^ 5SOO square-foot custom home surrounded bu a subtropical rainforest and natural roclc formationsi ** §
Elaborate jjunter Industries professional sprinkler system
4OOO square-foot atrium/pool room filled with an exotic collection of rare tropical specimens.
Roclc waterfall with 2 Icoi ponds
5OOO sauare~foot commercial greenhouse
(J)ver °ne half mile of paved pathways at three elevations
A showcase wall of cliffs and caves.
A ^^OO-gallon water storage facility
Imagine the j ossibilities....
^ A 5cience ar)d Kesearcn Oent<=r
"* A (Corporate Retreat
* A Commercial |\|ursery
^ A Holistic Health and VVdlness (Center
^ A private enclave for rainforest enthusiasts
Dr. M-E1- Danan
An internationally-acclaimed palm specialist
and horticulturalist, L)r. £^)arian has spent the
past 4^ years cultivating tropical and subtropical
specieSj while promoting rainforest preservation,
worldwide reforestation, and environmental
f^or more information or to arrange a tour, please contact
n Invitation
All information is deemed to be reliable, but not guaranteed.
Buyer and buyer!? representative should verify all information independently.
A 5ubtropical Rainforest of rare and exotic species
A Legacy
in 5an D'ego C,ountL)