HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-08-11; City Council; 19935 attachments 2; La Costa Town CenterEIR 01-02/ GPA 01-02/ MP 149(R)/ MP 87-11(B)/ CT 01-09/ CT 08-03/ CT 08-07/ CP 01-03/ PUD 08-09/ HDP 01-05/ SDP 01-04/ V 08-02/CUP 04-18/ CUP 08- 01/ CUP 08-02/ CUP 08-03/ CUP 08-04/ CUP 08-05/ CUP 08-06/ CUP 08-07 LA C O S T A A V RANCHO SANTA FE RDESFERA STVENADO STCADENCIA STPIRAGUA STSITIO BAYA CALLE TIMITEO CALLE CONIFERA SITIO LIMA RANCHO SANTA FE RD (ABANDONED)LEVA N T E S T CA M I N O J U N I P E R O CIRCULO SEQUO IA BRAVA STAZAHAR PLESTANCIA STSIT IO MANANA FOSCA S T SIT IO ALGODON CALLE MEJOR MUSLO LNCO R T E R O M E R O TRIGO LNCALLE GAVANZO CALLE DEL SUR CA B O C T CO R T E D E L F I N I O DEHESA CT DORADO PLCALOMA C R CADEN C I A S T 0 700 1,400350 Feet EIR 01-02 / GPA 01-02 / MP 149(R) /LFMP 87-11(C) / CT 01-09 / CT 08-03 /CT 08-07 / CP 01-03 / PUD 08-09 /HDP 01-05 / SDP 01-03 / SDP 01-04 /V 08-02 / CUP 04-18 / CUP 08-01 /CUP 08-02 / CUP 08-03 / CUP 08-04 /CUP 08-05 / CUP 08-06 / CUP 08-07 La Costa Town Square Commercial Shopping Center Office Development Residential High Density site Residential Low Medium site La Costa Plaza 80,000 sq ft Bressi Commercial 138,000 sq ft Plaza Paseo Real 146,200 sq ft Costco 148,900 sq ft Poinsettia Plaza 181,000 sq ft Forum Shops 265,000 sq ft (300,000 ) La Costa Town Square 284,400 sq ft Existing Proposed RLMO L OS L O RLMOS RH Amendment to revise Land Use designations Modify Office requirement from 25% to 19% Revise building height for RM and RMH Land Use Designations Sign Ordinance Revised to reflect project land use changes Review adequacy of facilities to serve the project LAND USE DEVELOPMENT ASSUMPTION PROPOSED PROJECT NET CHANGE Commercial 403,801 sq ft 284,400 sq ft -119,401 sq ft Office 95,396 sq ft 55,000 sq ft -40,396 sq ft Residential Low- Medium density 82 dwelling units (du) 64 du -18 du Residential High density 0 128 du +128 (net Residential unit change +110 du) Commercial Tract Map 25 Lots for individual pads/buildings One common lot Office Tract Map Two lots with maximum of 60 airspace units Residential Tract Map 64 Residential Lots and 4 Open Space lots Affordable housing met off-site Commercial project Planned Development for separate lot ownership Common Lot for site improvements and amenities Office project Planned Development for airspace unit ownership Common lots for site improvements and amenities Extensive grading for development of commercial center Non-residential exceptions for grading quantities and slope heights Residential -modification for slope height and grading quantities Number of monument type signs One per street frontage permitted One per project entry proposed Anticipated 100% removal of existing habitat Mitigated impacts through HCP Additional mitigation for Thread-leaved Brodiaea (Brodiaea Filifolia) 521.4 acres 123.7 acres645.1 acres total Anticipated 100% removal of existing habitat Mitigated impacts through HCP Additional mitigation for Thread-leaved Brodiaea (Brodiaea Filifolia) Less than significant impacts: Land Use Visual Aesthetics/Grading Public Services and Utilities Potential significant impacts and Mitigation Measures for: Traffic/Circulation - Direct or cumulative impacts to road segments or intersections: I-5 Rancho Santa Fe (Melrose to San Marcos Blvd) Leucadia Blvd (Quail Gardens to El Camino Real) Olivenhain Road (El Camino Real to Rancho Santa Fe Road) San Elijo Road (Rancho Santa Fe Road to Elfin Forest) Rancho Santa Fe Road/El Camino Del Norte Intersection Rancho Santa Fe Road/San Marcos Blvd Intersection La Costa Avenue Air Quality – Project design to meet 2008 Title 24 + 20% energy efficiency Materials handling equipment Mode of transportation –rideshare programs/bicycle Noise – Blasting Sound attenuation walls Outdoor Plaza hours restriction Paleontological resources – Monitoring during construction Biological Resources Brodiaea and San Diego thornmint transplantation Sensitive wildlife Clearing restrictions (Per HCP) Wetland impacts Contribution to approved mitigation site Indirect impacts to biological resources Invasive plantings prohibited Public information Water Quality Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan Hydromodification provisions Resident disclosure through CC&Rs Geology and Soils Seismic-related hazards Geotechnical report Hazards Dam failure Disclosure to proximity to Mahr Reservoir and in CC&Rs Project Alternatives: No project alternative Does not meet project objectives No Project: Existing General Plan, Master Plan and HCP Similar impacts to proposed project Biological open space/Environmentally superior alternative Preservation of the existing biological resources Significant unavoidable impacts: Transportation/Circulation Air Quality Noise Blasting Global Climate Change That the City Council certify the EIR, adopt the Ordinance approving the Master Plan Amendment and adopt the Resolution approving the project. 290 325 375 380 360 380 400 400 380 385 80 130 RLMRMRLM RM RLMRMHRLM RLM RLM RLMRM RLMRMRM RLM RLMRMH RLM RM RM RM RLMRLMRMRM RMH RLM RMHRHRLMRMRMRMH RH RM RLMRM RM RMHRH RMRH RH RH RMRMRMH RLM RMRHRLMRMHRMH RMRHRM RM RMRMH RLM RLMRHRLM RM RLM RLMRM RH RMRM RMH RM RLM RM RMH RLM RLM RMRHRMH RLMRM RLM RMRLM RLM RM RH RMH RHRMHRLMRM RLM RLM RM RM RMHRLM RLM RMH RM RMRH RM RM RMRMH RMH RH RMHRMHRM RMH RMH RMRM RMHRM RMRM RM RLM RLM RLM RLMRLM RM RMH RLMRM RMH RM RM RMH RLM RLM RMHRMRLMRM RM RLM RMHRMH RMH RLM RM RM RLM RM RMHRMHRLM RLM RMH RH RLMRLMRH RHRMH RM RLM RLMRMHRMH RM RMHRMRMRMRM RM RLM RLM RLM RMH RLM RLM RLM RLM RM RM RM RLM RLM RM RM RLM RLM RLMRLM RLM RLM RLM RLM RLM RLM RMH RLM RLM RM RMH RLM RLM RH RLM RLM RLM RLM RM RMRH RHRLM RLM RHRMHRLMRM RM RLM RLM RMRHRMH RH RLM RM RLM J:\Requests\Planning\4129182_09 General Plan Land Use Map C i t y o f C a r l s b a d Pacific Ocean Agua Hedionda Lagoon RLM OS RMHV OS TC V RM V TC V OS OS E TC RH V J T-R/O RM C RMH/O RM RMH P T-R E LT-R TC RHT-R RLM RMH RMH TCRH RM T-RRM RMH RH RM OSRM OS RMT-R RMH U U T-R T-R RH T-R RLM OS O A K A V M A DIS O N S T A L L E Y MAGNOLIA AV ADAMS S TSAND C OV E WY CHESTNUT AV BEACHWOO D CTALDER A VVIKING ST H A R DI NG ST TARA C T MARINA DRBAYSHORE DRM A DIS O N S T GR ADY P L P IN E A V P A L M A V S T A T E S T YUKI LNHI BIS C U S C R SKYLINE RDROY AL D RISLE DRPAN NO NIA RDHILLSIDE DR BROOKS WY PARKSI DE PLO A K A V C A R L S B A D B L SHERIDAN PL HAR R I S ON S T A N D R E A A VC H E S T N U T A V C I T R U S P L W A L N U T A V M A G N O L IA A V KI R K P L J AMES D R J E F F E RS ON S T MAY CT J E A N N E P L R O O S E V E LT S T A L L E Y PACKARD LNC H IN Q U A P IN A V SU N BURST RDC A P E AIRE LN C A M E L L IA P L AT & SF R R SCOTT DRA V O C A D O L N POL L Y L NGR EC OURT WYMAR GARET WY BRYCE CRR O O S E V E LT S T A D AI R WYH IL L V IE W C T SU NR ISE CRWOODL AND WY W A S HIN G T O N S T Y V E T TE 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DR RANCHO MONTANA BR E S SI RANC H W Y GREENHAVEN DR PASEO TAPAJOSLIBERTY PLPLUMER I A DR R A N C H O FA M O S A WHITNEY PLEL PATO CT RANCHO CORT ES CA RR I LLO W Y P A S E O LAZORANCH O PAN C H O IS LA ND S HORE WY VIA MAXIMO ASPEN CT P AS EO AI ROSORANCHO CO ST E RO PRIVATE RD PA S EO C ERRORANCHO DEL CANON PA SEO TIENDACOLT PLBRIGHTO N GLEN RD B USI NESS PARK DRGOYA PL PARADISE RD ALLEY SUN VALLEY RD PAS E O CALLADOTOWHEE STEL FUERTE STRANCHO LA PRESA W SAN MARCOS BL P A S E O CAZADOR P A S E O ELEGAN CIAPASEO VALINDODI VI TA DRCOAST AV TIGER RUN CT RANCHO BRASA DO LIONSHEAD AV L OK E R A V WE S T S RANCHO S ANTA FE R D TERRAZA PO RTI COM O NTECITO DRCOTTAGE DRPASEO MONONAM E L R OSE DRMELROSE DRRANCHO DIAMO NT ESEA ISLAND PL P AS EO DES C ANS OWHITE SANDS DRVIA CO N Q U I STADOR G A T E W A Y RD RANCHO BRAVADOASC O T AV EAGLE D R PASEO JA QU ITA R A N C H O R IO CHICO LOK E R A V E A STPASEO CORONOPASEO CA R R E T A S UMMI T P T WYHUNTI NGTON DR PASE O A SPADAHE RI TAGE DRJ:\Requests\Planning\4129182_09 RH OS PI OS OS OS CF RLM OS RM OS OS RMH RHOS OS OS OS RMH OS OS RM LERM LRM RLM T-R OSRLM RLMOS RM RMH RLM O OS RM OS RM OS RM OS OS RM RLM RLMRLM OS RLM RMH RLM OS PI RLM OS OS RLM OS RLM RLM RM OS OS RHOSRMH OS PI OS O BLACK R A IL CTFICUS PLKIWI PLDOVE LN BRASS PLDOCENA RD EL CAMINO REALKINGLET WYTURQUOISE DR P O IN S ETTIA LN JASPER WYNER I N E W Y FELDSPAR PLR U B Y WYAVIA R A P Y REGATTA RD O P A L W YGULL CTCO PP E R WYSWALLOW L NEDISON PLAVENA CTAGATE WYCALLISIA C T YARROW DRAVOCET CT SONGBIRD AV C A M IN O V ID A R O B L E BULRUSH CT C A L L IA N D R A RDTOBRIA TERR ACESCOTER PL TECOMA PLSP ARR OW RD VER DI N CTCASSIA RD TOWHEE LNFOLLETTE STCAU RIN A C T T I L IA PL CORTE DE LA PINA WRIGHT PL CO RTE D EL NOGAL FI ONA PLOWENS A V L A TITUDE LNZEPHYR CT SANDPIPER PLALGA RD FISH E RMAN DRTRITON ST COSMOS CT MARCASITE PLOLEA LNA M A N T E C T ROCKROSE TERRACEPALOMAR AIRPORT RD WEST OAK S WY LAS PALMAS DR ESTRELL A D E MAR RDTATLER R DMIMOSA 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NI TAVIA CANDREJOBOLE RO S T CARACO L C T CAN DIL PLPIRINEOS WY ES CENICO TERRACE VUELTA CT C UM BRE CT MO NT ANE S L N C IMA C T P RI MENT EL L N L A DE R A CT PRI MAVE RA WYFALDA P L SERRANO DR CAL INA WYNAVARRA DR PLA YA RDLUCIA CTEL F U E R TE STMALLOW CT CO R TE CI CUTA CEREUS CT JEREZ CTPLAZUELA ST LANCE W OOD LN ACUNA CT S U B ID A T E R RACE P IN TO RESCO CTMANAGUA PLCAMIN O ROBLEDOEL CAMINO REALS A L IE N T E W Y C O S T A DEL MAR RD A ZA H A R S T B ABILONIA STCAT ALPA RD COLUMBINE DRVENADO ST ALICANTE RDALICANTE RDMURILL O LN VISTA MA R GAVIOTA CRVISTA L A N ISA CORTI NA CTPALENQUE S T BRAVA STMANZANITA STESTRELLA DE MAR R D GALLEON WYGALIC IA W Y ROMERIA STROMERI A STCALLE OLI VAG IB R A LT A R S TAL T ISM A WY CALLE MADEROALMADEN LN SA C ADA CR SEGOV IA WY SONDRA CT DU RANGO CRARENAL LNA LT IVA PLT OR R EJON P LTORRY CT CARINGA WY J:\Requests\Planning\4129182_09 LEVANTE ST C A D ENCIA STCA MIN O JU N I PERO CAMINO DE LOS C O C H E S LA COSTA AV R AN CHO SAN T A F E R D 0 1,000 Feet J:\Requests\Planning\4088482_09 Observer Point Elevation Ranges: 75' to 366' 366' to 854' LEVANTE ST C A D ENCIA STCA MIN O JU N I PERO CAMINO DE LOS C O C H E S LA COSTA AV R AN CHO SAN T A F E R D 0 1,000 Feet J:\Requests\Planning\4088482_09 Observer Point (366') Area Visible from Observer Point Site 6 –on top of blue box in SDG&E Easement off Calle Conifera Camino De Los Coches Rancho Santa Fe Rd Site 8 –Avenida Maravilla La Costa Ave -40 feet 130 feet Slide 1 1 Slide 1 Slide 1 Slide 1 Slide 1 Slide 1 Slide 1 Slide 1 Slide 1 Slide 1 Slide 1 Slide 1 Slide 1 Slide 1 Slide 1 Slide 1 Slide 1 Slide 1 Slide 1 Slide 1 Slide 1 Tuesday August 11, 2009 Slide 1 Carlsbad City Council Hearing August 11, 2009 Agenda Item: La Costa Town Square Paul L Marangos, Phd La Costa Resident Carlsbad Business Owner, Encore Therapeutics Inc. Tuesday August 11, 2009 Slide 2 Do we need another BIG BOX? No Many large retails spaces are already empty! Home Depot Expo Linens N Things Circuit City Albertsons Vons These are all within a couple of miles Smaller shops in the same center are typically impacted by anchor’s failure Tuesday August 11, 2009 Slide 3 Available: Home Depot Expo Tuesday August 11, 2009 Slide 4 Vacant: Linens N Things Tuesday August 11, 2009 Slide 5 Empty: Circuit City and many empty adjacent stores Tuesday August 11, 2009 Slide 6 Vacant: Albertsons and vacant adjacent Baja Fresh Tuesday August 11, 2009 Slide 7 Empty: Vons at La Costa and El Camino Real Tuesday August 11, 2009 Slide 8 A Good Example: West Village Plaza Why is it good? Smaller scale buildings Local-serving shops Sloped residential-like roofs Significant landscape screening Minimal lighting and lighted signs What are the results: Residents like it It is busy with locals It is rarely vacant Tuesday August 11, 2009 Slide 9 Should LCTS include a BIG BOX? No Many nearby large retails spaces already exist Other available space is better located: Better traffic access •Nearer freeway and other shopping •Along El Camino Real Not located alone in middle of residential community Better situated for additional regional traffic If LCTS is a prime BIG BOX location, then why did Kohl’s drop out? Where are they going? Tuesday August 11, 2009 Slide 10 Please do not approve the BIG BOX We are not against the entire retail center We oppose regional stores located in our residential neighborhood Keep the retail local and the traffic local Keep the scale of the building smaller, more walkable 1-story retail is preferred Design elements should include Retailers should be grocery or retail less than 55,000 square feet. Sloped residential-like roofs Residential flavor and scale Use of local trees (Oaks like La Costa Oaks) to blend in buildings into community. Tuesday August 11, 2009 Slide 11 Thank You Tuesday August 11, 2009 Slide 1 Carlsbad City Council Hearing August 11, 2009 Agenda Item: La Costa Town Square Bruce Ehlers Board Member, North County Advocates Former City of Encinitas Planning Commissioner Carlsbad Businessman, VP of Engineering with Linear LLC Tuesday August 11, 2009 Slide 2 Limited opportunity to comment This is a very, very large project to summarize in 5 minutes EIR, GPA, MPA, V, PDU, PM, condo permit and 8 CUP’s Instead of spending 30 seconds each, I’ll focus on 4 issues Tuesday August 11, 2009 Slide 3 First We are not opposed to a local shopping center Local-serving grocery is desired Local-serving restaurants and retail are desired Residential scale and design are preferred Make the project fit in the neighborhood Tuesday August 11, 2009 Slide 4 To approve this project you must: 1.Certify the Environmental Impact Report 2.Adopt a “Statement of Overriding Considerations” to ignore the unmitigated traffic increases 3.Increase the current residential zoning to permit 128 condos 4.Reverse the Council’s previous comments to not support BIG BOX stores which are “out of whack with residential” We believe the facts do not support these findings Tuesday August 11, 2009 Slide 5 1. Should you certify the Draft EIR? -No Not all alternate traffic scenarios were not considered EIR did not consider elimination of increased zoning •Eliminating 128 condos would reduce 1,000 ADTs EIR Traffic analysis omitted several intersections in Encinitas Project generates 25,516 additional ADTs Regional shopping traffic would funnel through Olivenhain Project would add 1,531 ADTs (+10%) to RSF Rd in Olivenhain •This is a significant 10% increase on RSF Road through Olivenhain •Reference EIR, Page 4-7 This was incorrectly considered insignificant It’s boundaries are insufficient EIR boundary limited to City of Carlsbad Encinitas’ Olivenhain community was not considered •Olivenhain’s “Dark Skies” is not considered •This policy is codified in Encinitas’ General Plan and Municipal Code EIR should be rejected and revised Tuesday August 11, 2009 Slide 6 EIR does not consider Encinitas/Olivenhain Much of Olivenhain/Encinitas is less than 1 mile from the project Yet it is not within the EIR boundaries Tuesday August 11, 2009 Slide 7 2. Can you adopt a “Statement of Overriding Considerations?” -No What is a “Statement of Overriding Considerations?” “Under CEQA, before a project which is determined to have significant, unmitigated environmental effects can be approved, the public agency must consider and adopt a SoOC.” “the agency must explain and justify its conclusion to approve a such a project through the SoOC setting forth the Proposed Project’s general social, economic, policy or other public benefits ...” Do the most egregious project features pass this test? Does the benefit of a regional BIG BOX, pass this test? •We think not. Delete the BIG BOX Does the benefit of the increased density pass this test? •We think not. Eliminate the upzoning and resulting condos Will the majority of Carlsbad residents agree with your SoOC explanation and justification? Tuesday August 11, 2009 Slide 8 3. What laws protect our neighborhoods? … and a developer’s rights Municipal Zoning Code protects our neighborhoods If not through zoning, what should we use? Please respect our existing zoning Current land use designation does not include condos Currently “Residential Low to Mid” density GPA and MPA propose increasing it to “Residential High density”to allow the 128 condos. Deny the project’s request for a zoning increase and 128 condos Do not certify the EIR until it is removed Tuesday August 11, 2009 Slide 9 4. Are the Council’s previous decisions consistent with approving a BIG BOX in the middle of La Costa? -No Located in middle of residential BIG BOX would be isolated from other regional shopping It is “out of whack” with the surrounding residential community Delete the BIG BOX Tuesday August 11, 2009 Slide 10 2004 Council Discussion March 17, 2004 “The city has long discouraged large-scale, stand-alone retail centers.“ “And council members said there is no way that they would vote to approve a project out of whack with residential areas … “ 'Big box' study gets council OK By: TIM MAYER -Staff Writer | Posted: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 12:00 am CARLSBAD --By a 4-1 vote Tuesday, the City Council cleared the way to allow its staff to at least study the possibility of loosening the rules to help attract large "big box" retailers to Carlsbad. The only no vote came from Mayor Bud Lewis, who said he couldn't support the study unless it excluded properties on the beach side of Interstate 5, along the El Camino Real corridor, or south of Palomar Airport Road near new housing developments. "The beach is my biggest concern," Lewis said, calling the area "sacred" to residents. But Councilman Mark Packard said he believed some areas along the railroad corridor might be suitable because they would have easy access to Interstate 5 and still be far enough east not to impinge on the beach area. Given Tuesday's go-ahead, city planners will move ahead with a proposal to change the city's general plan, local coastal program and zoning codes to allow development of large, stand-alone retail projects such as Lowes, Home Depot and Fry's Electronics in commercial or industrial areas if the council approves a permit for a project. Associate planner Jennifer Coon said the staff will probably return to the council for consideration of the changes at a public hearing in July. Excluded from consideration would be areas zoned for tourist-commercial uses. The city has long discouraged large-scale, stand-alone retail centers.(emphasis added) "Lowes has wanted to come to Carlsbad," City Manager Ray Patchett said. "Home Depot has wanted to come to Carlsbad. Wal-Mart has made a couple of runs at us, and we've said no." Changing that attitude, at least as far as some city officials and council members go, are traffic congestion, the need for commercial services in the central part of the city, and the need for additional revenue sources for the city. Patchett said a big consideration is that most of the new, residential development is taking place in the central part of the city, but for those new residents to reach a major retail such as a home improvement store, they must now drive to Encinitas, San Marcos, Oceanside, Vista and other communities. And that means more cars on already crowded roads, he said. Money in the form of new sales taxes from a big retail center is also a factor, mostly because of concerns that the state will be taking tax revenue that normally go to cities such as Carlsbad to help solve its budget crisis. "We could see a $3 million, $5 million, $7 million loss in revenue," Patchett said. City officials also said they felt a use permit which allows the city to lay down conditions on a project as well as the city's commercial design guidelines, traffic standards, and other city standards would allow Carlsbad to avoid problems other cities have had with the "big boxes." The standards "give us the teeth we need so that we don't have tilt-up, stone gray, concrete buildings," Patchett said. And council members said there is no way that they would vote to approve a project out of whack with residential areas or which do not meet city standards. (emphasis added) "I would look at this case by case," said Councilwoman Ramona Finnila. Councilwoman Ann Kulchin agreed. "We are still going to be in control and if we don't like something, it's going to be no," she said. But resident Gary Gilbert said any discussion of loosening the rules for major retail is going to end up focused on Wal-Mart. A bitter political battle in San Marcos recently ended up with residents of that city refusing to allow another Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart is coming, "and they are a ruthless corporation," Gilbert said. Contact staff writer Tim Mayer at (760) 901-4043 or tmayer@nctimes.com. Tuesday August 11, 2009 Slide 11 More on 2005 Decision March 17, 2005 “Mayor Bud Lewis … said he believes residents do not want the city to make it easier for such retail outlets as Wal-Mart, Home Depot and Fry's Electronics to locate in Carlsbad.” Ann Kulchin said,"I clearly heard from the residents that they are not interested in any more big-box (retailers)." . Study of allowing more big-box retailers rejected Carlsbad council's vote is unanimous CARLSBAD --The City Council has decided to stand pat on big-box retail stores and not undertake a study that could lead to admitting more of the large-format retailers into Carlsbad. Mayor Bud Lewis, who led the council discussion Tuesday, said he believes residents do not want the city to make it easier for such retail outlets as Wal- Mart, Home Depot and Fry's Electronics to locate in Carlsbad. (emphasis added) The city has one big-box store, a Costco on Palomar Airport Road east of Interstate 5. The city's code allows the large retailers in commercial zones as part of large shopping centers. Last year, the council considered studying the benefits of such outlets, which generate high sales-tax revenue, and allowing them in industrial zones as stand- alone structures, which would require a conditional-use permit. The Planning Commission later declined to make a recommendation on the large retailers, passing the ball to the council. Tuesday night, the council rejected the study on a unanimous vote despite statements by Councilmen Matt Hall and Mark Packard that they thought the issue deserved study. "I believe our staff can design an (ordinance) that would allow certain forms of large-format retail that would be an asset to our community," Packard said. However, Councilwoman Ann Kulchin said, "I clearly heard from the residents that they are not interested in any more big-box (retailers).“ (emphasis added) A Wal-Mart opened in Oceanside on Carlsbad's northeast corner last year, and San Marcos voters defeated an attempt to place a Wal-Mart on Carlsbad's southeast doorstep in March 2004. Michael Burge: (760) 476-8230; michael.burge@uniontrib.com. Tuesday August 11, 2009 Slide 12 Primary Recommendations Return this project to the PC with recommendations: Recommendations: Delete the BIG BOX Eliminate the zoning increase and 128 condos Revise the EIR •No zoning increase •Extend boundary of traffic analysis and EIR to south Make the project fit the neighborhood Tuesday August 11, 2009 Slide 13 Make the project fit the neighborhood Keep it local and walkable Keep the retail local and the traffic local Keep the scale of the building smaller, more walkable •Grocery or retail less than 55,000 square feet. Appearance of 1-story local offices/retail is preferred Design elements should include Eliminate parapet walls and sign “hats” Residential flavor and scale Sloped residential-like roofs Use of local trees (Oaks like La Costa Oaks) to blend in buildings into community Plenty of landscape screening for aesthetic and noise mitigation Include strong language limiting light glare into the sky to protect Olivenhain’s dark skies Tuesday August 11, 2009 Slide 14 Thank You