HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-10-06; City Council; 19982; Urgency ordinance related to mobile home parksCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 8 AB# 19,982 MTG. 10/06/09 DEPT. CA INTRODUCE AND ADOPT URGENCY ORDINANCE NO. CS-061 AMENDING CMC CHAPTER 21.37 PROVISIONS RELATING TO CONVERSION OF EXISTING MOBILE HOME PARKS FROM RENTAL TO RESIDENTIAL OWNERSHIP. DEPT. HEAD CITY ATTY. ^ CITYMGR. /,.• I/*" j^' ^ RECOMMENDED ACTION: INTRODUCE AND ADOPT Urgency Ordinance No. CS-061 , amending Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.37 provisions relating to conversion of existing mobile home parks from rental to residential ownership and refer to Planning Commission for report and recommendation for further necessary amendments to Chapter 21.37. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City has recently received an application for a tentative map to convert the Lanikai Mobile Home Park from rental to resident ownership. The City's mobile home park ordinance, found in Title 21, Chapter 21.37 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code was last amended in 2004. Since that time, the California State Court of Appeals in the 1st and 6th Districts have issued decisions interpreting how the Mobile Home Parks Act ("MHPA") found in Health and Safety Code Section 18200, et seq. relates to local regulation of mobile home parks, including conversions of mobile home parks from rental to resident ownership. (See County of Santa Cruz v. Waterhouse (2005) 127 Cal.App.4th 1483 and Sequoia Park Associates v. County of Sonoma (2009) 176 Cal.App.4th 1270). In addition, the California Department of Housing and Community Development ("DHCD") issued an information bulletin on April 21, 2008 regarding "Validity of Local Ordinances Relating to the Installation of New Manufactured Homes and/or Sale or Conversion of Mobile Home Parks" which clarifies that local regulation of mobile home park conversions beyond the provisions set in Government Code section 66427.5 are preempted. In light of these recent developments in the law, it is staff's recommendation that Chapter 21.37 be amended to comply with Government Code section 66427.5. Government Code section 65853 provides that an amendment to a zoning ordinance which does not change any property from one zone to another or impose any regulation listed in section 65850 not theretofore imposed or removes or modifies any such regulation theretofore imposed need not be adopted in the manner set forth in sections 65854 to 65857 and may be adopted as other ordinances are adopted. Government Code section 36937 provides that the legislative body of a charter city, to protect the public peace, health or safety, may adopt an urgency ordinance declaring the facts constituting the urgency. Such urgency ordinance shall take effect immediately. Revisions to Chapter 21.37 will be processed in due course, commencing with a recommendation from the Planning Commission. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Ron Ball 760-434-2801 FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED K D D Dn CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN RETURNED TO STAFF OTHER -SEE MINUTES D D D D FISCAL IMPACT: There are no financial impacts associated with the proposed zone code amendments except the loss of mobile home park permit fees for conversions from rental to resident ownership. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: This action is exempt from CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, section 15061(b)(3) in that it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment. The conversion does not constitute a change in use and will not involve any physical changes to the mobile home park. EXHIBITS: 1. Urgency Ordinance No. cs-061 2. Redline CMC sections 21.37.030 and 21.37.120 3. Amended CMC sections 21.37.030 and 21.37.120 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. CS-061 AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CrPTOF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 21.37 RELATING TO CONVERSIONS OF EXISTING MOBILE HOME PARKS FROM RENTAL TO RESIDENT OWNERSHIP The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain as follows: WHEREAS, the City Council has carefully considered the issues in the attached agenda bill and recommendations of the staff; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad, pursuant to its police powers delegated by the California Constitution, has the authority to enact laws which promote the public health, safety and general welfare of its citizens, including those residing in mobile home parks within its jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, the Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park filed an application for a tentative map for a subdivision to be created converting from a rental mobile home park to resident ownership; and WHEREAS, evolving case law including a recent August 21, 2009 decision of the California First District Court of Appeals has determined that it is not appropriate for local public entities to establish regulations for the conversion of a mobile home park from rental to resident ownership that exceed the requirements of Government Code section 66427.5; and WHEREAS, the City Council does not intend to regulate in any area preempted by California law, including but not limited to regulation of conversion of mobile home parks where there is no change in use; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to process the Lanikai Lane 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Mobile Home Park application for a tentative map as well as any future applications for similar conversions expeditiously and in compliance with applicable State law. NOW, THEREFORE, The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1: That the above recitations are true and correct. SECTION 2: That the provisions of Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.37.030 shall be amended to provide that the filing of a tentative map or parcel map for a subdivision to be created from the conversion of a residential mobile home park rental to resident ownership shall be exempt from the mobile home permit requirement found in Chapter 21.37 and from the design criteria and development standards identified in that chapter provided that the Planning Commission and City Council find that the mobile home park shall remain substantially in conformance with the existing facility allowing conversion. SECTION 3: At the time of filing a tentative or parcel map for a subdivision to be created from the conversion of an existing rental mobile home park to residential ownership, the subdivider shall comply with the requirements in Government Code section 66427.5. SECTION 4: That Title 21, Chapter 21.37 is amended with revisions to sections 21.37.030 and 21.37.120 to read as follows: 21.37.030 - Permit required B. The requirement for a mobile home park permit and the design criteria and development standards identified in this chapter, are not applicable to the filing of a tentative map or a parcel map for a subdivision to be created from the conversion of a rental mobile home park to a resident ownership provided that the planning commission and city council find that the mobile home park shall remain substantially in conformance with the existing facility allowing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 conversion. Such conversion of existing mobile home parks shall still be subject to Sections 21.37.110 and 21.37.120. 21.37.120-Conversion B. With the exception of mobile home parks converting from a rental mobile home park to resident ownership, no conversion shall be allowed unless a mobile home park permit has been approved by the city council pursuant to Chapter 21.37. At the time of filing a tentative or parcel map for a subdivision to be created from the conversion of an existing rental mobile home park to residential ownership, the subdivider shall comply with the requirements of Government Code section 66427.5. Section 5: That section 21.37.140 is added to Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.37 as follows: 21.37.140-Severabilitv In any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Chapter and the Ordinance to which it is a part, or any part thereof, is held for any reason to be unconstitutional, invalid or ineffective by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, and phrases shall not be affected thereby. The city council hereby declares that it would have adopted this Chapter and the Ordinance to which it is a part regardless of the fact that one or more sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, or phrases may be determined to be unconstitutional, invalid, or ineffective. Furthermore, if the entire ordinance or application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, any repeal of Chapter 21.37 will be rendered void and cause such Carlsbad Municipal Code provision to remain in full force and effect for all purposes. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EFFECTIVE DATE: This urgency ordinance shall be effective mmediately upon a majority vote of the City Council and shall remain in full force and sffect until the City Council has received, considered, and acted upon the Planning ommission recommendation for a zone code amendment of Chapter 21.37 Dertaining to the residential mobile home park zone, and any corresponding amendments to Title 20 or 21 as deemed appropriate. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the 6th day of nctob»r . 2009, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 6th day of October _, 2009, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Kulchin.Hall, Packard, and Blackburn NOES: None. ABSENT: Council Member Lewis. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: (2. 0 Oeexsg^ RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney to.A/JJL: VlSJVIayorCLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: 21.37.030 - Permit required B. The conversion to condominiums of mobile home parks existing on the effective date of the adoption of Chapter 21.37 may be exempt from the development standardsrequirement for a mobile home park permit and the design criteria and development standards-identified in this chapter, are not applicable to the filing of a tentative map or a parcel map for a subdivision to be created from the conversion of a rental home park to a resident ownership providedmg that the planning commission and city council find that the mobile home park shall remain substantially in conformance with the existing facility allowing conversion, and provided the conversion qualifies under Chapter 11, Division 31 of the Health and Safety Codo (Health and Safety Section 50780 et soq.). Such conversion of existing mobile home parks shall still be subject to Sections 21.37.110 and 21.37.120. 21.37.120-Conversion B. With the exception of mobile home parks converting from a rental mobile home park to resident ownership Mno conversion shall be allowed unless a mobile home permit has been approved by the city council pursuant to Chapter 21.37iT except that existing mobile home parks may be exempt from the development standards identified in this chapter pursuant to Section 21.37.030. In processing the mobile home park permit for existing mobile home parks found not to be subject to the development standards of this chapter, the planning commission and city council may add reasonable conditions to the permit. Applications for conversions of existing mobile home parks may be made by property owners or by the residents with property owner concurrence. At the time of filing a tentative or parcel map for a subdivision to be created from the conversion of an existing rental mobile home park to residential ownership, the subdivider shall comply with the requirements of Government Code 66427.5 21.37.030 - Permit required B. The requirement for a mobile home park permit and the design criteria and development standards identified in this chapter, are not applicable to the filing of a tentative map or a parcel map for a subdivision to be created from the conversion of a rental home park to a resident ownership provided that the planning commission and city council find that the mobile home park shall remain substantially in conformance with the existing facility allowing conversion. Such conversion of existing mobile home parks shall still be subject to Sections 21.37.110 and 21.37.120. 21.37.120-Conversion B. With the exception of mobile home parks converting from a rental mobile home park to resident ownership no conversion shall be allowed unless a mobile home permit has been approved by the city council pursuant to Chapter 21.37. At the time of filing a tentative or parcel map for a subdivision to be created from the conversion of an existing rental mobile home park to residential ownership, the subdivider shall comply with the requirements of Government Code 66427.5 October 5, 2009 TO:MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FOR THE INFORMATION OF THE CITY COUNCIL DATE CITY ATTORNEY FROM:CITY ATTORNEY RE: ITEM #8 - AMENDING CMC 21.37 /PROVISIONS RELATING TO CONVERSION OF EXISTING MOBILE HOME PARKS FROM RENTAL TO RESIDENTIAL OWNERSHIP It is recommended that Ordinance No. CS-061 be revised to read Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park and that the amended version of 21.37.120 (B) - Conversion to read as follows (changes underlined): 21.37.120(B)-Conversion With the exception of mobile homes converting from a rental mobile home park to resident ownership, no conversion shall be allowed unless a mobile home park permit has been approved by the city council Please see revised Ordinance No. CS-061 which should be the one introduced. RONALD R. BALL City Attorney rn D OCT ~5 2009 City City Manager RONALD R. BALL CITY ATTORNEY JANE MOBALDI ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY October 6, 2009 Richard H. Close, Esq Gilchrist & Rutter Professional Corp. 1299 Ocean Ave Suite 900 Santa Monica CA 90401-1000 CITY OFCARLSBAD 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-1949 T 760-434-2891 F 760-434-8367 FOR THE INFORMATION OF THE CITY COUNCIL o-l DATE .CITY ATTORINEYEDP IONSON MEDIAN I UfY ATTORNEY RONALD KEMP DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY Via E-mail and U.S. Mail Re: Proposed Ordinance No. CS-061 Subdivision/Conversions of Mobilehome Parks Dear Mr. Close: - Va- contact me.In the meantime, should you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to •truly yours, rn RONALD R. BALL City Attorney c: Mayor and City Council City Manager Assistant City Attorney Mobaldi Planning Director OCT -6 2009 CITY OF CARLSBADCITY CLERK'S OFFICE www.carlsbadca.gov LAW OFFICES GILCHRIST & RUTTBR PROFKSSIONAI., CORPORATION WILSHIRE PALISADES BUILDING 1299 OCEAN AVENUE. SUITE 9OO SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA 90101-1000 TELEPHONE (310) 393-4000 FACSIMILE (31O) 394-4700 E-MAIL: rclose@gi!chr1&trutter.corT October 5, 2009 VIA E-MAIL (RON.BALL@CARLSBADCA.GOV) AND U.S. MAIL Ronald R. Ball, Esq. City Attorney, City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: Proposed Ordinance No. CS-061 Subdivision/Conversions of Mobilehome Parks Dear Mr. Ball: We have reviewed the proposed Ordinance No. CS-061 ("Proposed Ordinance"), which seeks to amend the Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.37 provisions relating to the conversion of existing mobile home parks from rental to residential ownership ("Conversion") and to refer to the Planning Commission for report and recommendation for further necessary amendments to Chapter 21.37. Although we support the Proposed Ordinance, which amends the Carlsbad Municipal Code to better reflect the narrow scope of review allotted to local governments under Government Code section 66427.5, we note that Section 4 of the Proposed Ordinance, as it pertains to revisions to Section 21.37.030 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, is vague and ambiguous and should be revised. As it currently reads, Section 4 of the Proposed Ordinance seeks to amend Section 21.37.030 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to read as follows: The requirement for a mobile home park permit and the design criteria and development standards identified in this chapter, are not applicable to the filing of a tentative map or a parcel map for a subdivision to be created from the conversion of a rental mobile home park to a resident ownership provided that the planning commission and city council find that the mobile home park shall LAW OFFICES (JILOIIKIST & Rl JTTEK PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION October 5, 2009 Page 2 remain substantially in conformance with the existing facility allowing conversion. (Emphasis added.) However, the Proposed Ordinance is unclear as to what it means to be "substantially in conformance with the existing facility allowing conversion." Accordingly, we request that the City of Carlsbad ("City") either delete the underscored clause entirely or, alternatively, revise it to read as follows: The requirement for a mobile home park permit and the design criteria and development standards identified in this chapter, are not applicable to the filing of a tentative map or a parcel map for a subdivision to be created from the conversion of a rental mobile home park to a resident ownership provided that the planning commission and city council find that the proposed conversion to resident ownership does not involve any new construction, development,, or change in use of the property. (Emphasis added.) We believe that this revision will better bring the Carlsbad Municipal Code into conformance with state law governing mobilehome park conversions. Accordingly, we request that the City make the proposed change to the Proposed Ordinance before it is adopted. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, GILCHRIST & RUTTER Professional Corporation Richard H. Close Of the Firm RHCiynh 194751J 4786.001