HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-10-27; City Council; 20023; Citizen presentation strffic light synchronizationCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 10 20.023AB# MTG. DEPT. CM 10/2T/09 CITIZEN PRESENTATION REGARDING SYNCHRONIZATION OF TRAFFIC LIGHTS DEPT. HEAD CITY ATTY. CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: To receive a presentation from Dr. Mehdi Sarram regarding the synchronization of Carlsbad's traffic lights. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City Council provides an opportunity for citizens and organizations to have an item placed on a City Council Agenda by submitting a request to the City Manager. Attached is a request (Exhibit 1), from Dr. Mehdi Sarram requesting that the City Council receive a presentation relating to the synchronization of traffic lights in Carlsbad. FISCAL IMPACT: None. EXHIBIT: 1. September 16, 2009 e-mail from Dr. Mehdi Sarram. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Sheila Cobian (760) 434-2959, sheila.cobian@carlsbadca.gov FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED D D D D D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN D RETURNED TO STAFF D OTHER - SEE MINUTES D Council received tbe presentation. From: Mehdi Sarram [mailto:msarram@gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 12:23 PM To: Manager Internet Email Subject: Re: City traffic problems Dear Sir, I received a note from Ms. Kira Linberg that she has distributed my note and concern to the Council Members. I like to request 5-10 minutes at the next city Council meeting to discuss the traffic light issues. This is very important and I talked to Doug Bilse yesterday who said he is so busy that he has less time now to fix the traffic lights. I hope our city management appreciates that by solving this problem, we will emit tens of thousands of CO2 less into the environment. I had sent you the mail below on Sept 14 but forgot to ask for time for a brief presentation at the next meeting. Please let me when I get chance to present this case to management. Thank you. Dr. Mehdi Sarram 760-448-6775 All Receive For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Asst. CM CA CC October 27, 2009 "City Manager TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Public Works Director OCTOBER 27, 2009 CITY COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC COMMENT Mr Mehdi Sarram has Council meeting iregardingj£^^^^i;^ to'l^ vwk II* SeTn cSptted singce the May 20,2009 City Counci. Workshop item on «h,s same subject. r^ac^^ i t iU-» ./A'ar that nrjTf^ntiallV COUlu DC wji roiti^iw" ivi .—.— & .ssyssas zsarus: addressed after your review of the projects. Following are the other traffic signal related projects recently completed or scheduled to is less efficient. OCT 2 7 ?^c CITY OF CARLSBADCITY CLERK'S OFFICE Page 2 OCTOBER 27, 2009 CITY COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC COMMENT October 27, 2009 « The traffic signal timing plans along Carlsbad Village Drive were recently adjusted to improve eastbound traffic flow. • The software used to manage the video detection equipment has been updated at every signalized intersection in the city. This effort will reduce the impact and duration of fog and glare incidents that typically cause unnecessary delay. • The traffic signal maintenance contractor is scheduled to relocate the video detection cameras on the signal rnast arms at 20 intersections in the city. This effort is expected to reduce unnecessary delay by decreasing the number of "false calls" made for left turning vehicles. • Travel time studies are a valuable tool for adjusting the traffic signal tinning plans. Staff recently purchased new software that utilizes a laptop to automatically collect the travel time data. This will allow one staff member to conduct travel time studies (the previous method required 2 staff members to conduct each travel time study). • New software recently acquired as part of a SANDAG grant was used by staff to upload all of the signal timing plans along ECR and PAR. Staff will make appropriate changes to the timing plans in advance of the next travel time study scheduled for early December. This software still requires staff to making changes in the field. • Staff has received evidence that some drivers have illegally purchased the same type of equipment used by emergency response vehicles to "pre-empt" traffic signal operation so that they instantly receive a green light. This illegal activity disrupts the signal synchronization and results in erratic traffic signal operation. In order to resolve this issue all agencies in the region must upgrade their equipment in a coordinated effort. Our staff has taken the lead on this item through the SANDAG Traffic Engineers Council. Please contact me if you have any questions. Glenn Pruim, P Public Works Director c; Information Technology Director City Engineer Traffic Signal Systems Engineer $*pOctober 27,2009 " Presentation to: Mayor Lewis, Council Members-Carlsbad, CA Subject: City of Carlsbad Traffic Lights/Signal Issues Background and Problem Statement: 1. My name is Mehdi Sarram and a resident of Carlsbad, C A. I appreciate the opportunity to make a brief presentation on lack of proper synchronization of traffic lights in our city and offer some solutions. 2. In my meeting with Mayor Lewis in March 2008, I brought up the subject of traffic lights in our city and lack of proper and enhanced synchronization that results in wasting a lot of gas while standing idle at intersections and adds to the green house gas emissions considerably. 3. I met with Doug Bilse in his office in April 2008, we talked about the traffic lights, and he agreed there are issues with traffic lights and he is working on them. 4. I gave Doug my observations and solutions we had used in the city of Marlboro, MA (where I lived before coming to Carlsbad). We were able to improve the traffic problems in Marlboro considerably. 5. Since April 2008,1 have talked to Doug numerous times and we have exchanged many emails. In our recent conversation, Doug agreed there are issues with traffic lights and added since he has moved to a new higher position; he has time to handle ONLY emergency situations with traffic lights. I was hoping Doug would tell me he is in his old position and the city has hired an assistant for him to improve the traffic lights. 6. I believe this city and its good residents deserve a more efficient synchronization of all the city traffic lights. This has not happened in over 18 months since I met with Mayor Lewis. Again, Doug has done his best with his resources. The note below provides simple calculations on the amount of CO2 we emit to the environment and of course, one cannot calculate the frustration of the drivers standing idle at red lights that could be green. Conclusion 1. To me, it would be "the right thing to do" if our City Management would take the synchronization of traffic lights more seriously. It is embarrassing that in a beautiful and sophisticated city such as Carlsbad, where everything is working perfectly; our traffic lights are not properly synchronized, regardless of the reasons. We need to move to the 21st century and use the new technology and allocate the required resources to improve the city traffic lights. 2. It is not that difficult to solve this problem. Doug Bilse knows his job and is well qualified; he could have received more support to do his job as the city traffic engineer. I believe Doug's replacement has not been hired and the position is vacant. 3. I request that our City Management give more attention to this serious matter. We want to be the first city in Southern CA to have enhanced synchronization of the traffic lights. It will be a win-win situation, we emit less green house gases to the environment, the residents will benefit and there will be a lot of political visibility for City Management. Recommendations 1. The City of Carlsbad needs to hire a qualified traffic engineer as soon as possible. If needed, the city needs to consider hiring a second traffic engineer. 2. Doug Bilse could mentor and assist this new hire and maintain his oversight on the traffic engineering section in the future until the new hires can work on their own. 3. I offer my services free of charge as a VOLUNTEER and can assist the new hire as needed. The goal is to improve the current traffic light system in a proper and methodic manner. I have no vested interest. My only goal is see our city with the best synchronized traffic light system in Southern California, giving the residents another reason to be proud of their city. NOTE: Some data on CO2 emissions 1. One vehicle idling for 5 minutes burns over one-tenth of a liter of gas and produces 276 grams of CO2 or 55.2 grams per minute 2. Carlsbad has about 100,000 people. To get a rough idea, let's assume: • About 60,000 cars moving through the city per day • Total idling time at red lights is about 5 minutes per day per car (10-12 stops of about 25 seconds). • (60,000 cars)(5 min)=300,000 minutes • Finally, (300,000 min)(55.2 gram CO2 per minute idling)= 17,000 Kg CO2 or 37,000 pounds To independently check this figure, the document Gen Green Life Jan 09 states: If we assume there are 250 millions cars in the US and each idles about 5 minutes per day, this produces about 125 million pounds of CO2. If we do a simple ratio of about 60,000 cars in Carlsbad to the total in the US, we get about 30,000 pounds of CO2 per day as the contribution by our city. Please note that the exact numbers are NOT important, as different assumptions result in higher or lower emission figures. What is significant is that every day our city emits about 30,000 plus pounds of CO2 to the environment that can be prevented. WE have a moral obligation to prevent this emission. I understand that Doug has had a master plan for improving the city traffic lights. I look forward to the day that such plan is implemented and our great city becomes an example for other cities in Southern California on reduction in green house gases. I propose we re-visit this issue in 6 months. Sincerely, Mehdi Sarram 760-448-6775