HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-12-01; City Council; 20044; Traffic Signal Maintenance Bid No 10-02 RITCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 20.044AB# MTG. 12/01/09 DEPT. PW/GS AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES BID NO. 10-02, TO REPUBLIC INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION, INC. DEPT. HEAD CITY ATTY. CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2009-291 accepting the bid and awarding the contract to Republic Intelligent Transportation, Inc. dba Republic ITS, for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services, Bid No. 10-02, for an amount not-to-exceed $1,352,270 in the initial two year agreement term. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City of Carlsbad utilizes contracted traffic signal maintenance services for one hundred and sixty- seven signalized intersections in the City of Carlsbad. This service has been traditionally performed by a service contractor. Utilizing a service contractor allows the City to provide these services without the need to increase staffing, purchase and maintain expensive specialty equipment and allows staff resources to be allocated to our core maintenance functions. On August 24, 2009, the City Clerk published a Notice Inviting Bids for this service agreement. In addition, staff sent notification of the pending agreement to nine vendors in the southern California metropolitan area. Three vendors attended the mandatory pre-bid meeting held on September 16, 2009. One bid was received, opened, witnessed, and recorded on September 29, 2009. The bid received from Republic ITS totaled $676,135 per agreement year. Although staff did attempt to attract additional bids, there are very few vendors that perform the comprehensive traffic signal maintenance and repair services required by the City of Carlsbad and provided by Republic ITS. Republic ITS is the current contracted traffic signal maintenance vendor for over 50 public agencies in the southern California metropolitan area. This agreement was previously bid in 2003. Only two bids were received at that time and Republic ITS was awarded the agreement. Staff has evaluated the bid from Republic ITS and has determined that it is a responsive bid. Republic ITS has provided the City of Carlsbad with traffic signal maintenance services for the last fifteen years and have provided top quality services. Republic has demonstrated the ability to provide full service traffic signal maintenance services including replacement of traffic signal controllers, traffic signal poles, masts and associated signal equipment as well as routine maintenance and repair services. Staff recommends that Council approve this agreement for a two year period and authorize the City Manager to approve a maximum of two additional two year extensions. There are two primary reasons for establishing a two year cycle with this and other major maintenance agreements. Two year agreements establish a cost basis for two years instead of the traditional one year period and limit cost of living compensation increase requests over the life of the agreement. General Services also administers dozens of large and complex maintenance agreements. Extending the agreement period to two years minimizes the number of amendments to extend and greatly reduces the staff overhead required to process these amendments. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Dale A. Schuck, (760) 802-5788, dale.schuck@carlsbadca.gov FOR C/7Y CLERKS USE ONL Y. , COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED EJ DENIED D CONTINUED D WITHDRAWN D AMENDED D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN D RETURNED TO STAFF D OTHER-SEE MINUTES D Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: This project is a Class 1 categorical exemption (minor alteration of existing structure or facilities) and is, therefore, exempt from the environmental review process under provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Section 15301(c). FISCAL IMPACT: Staff wishes to inform Council that the bid is intended to establish bid item costs for each individual item of work. This agreement was bid based on an agreed price for 17 separate routine maintenance and repair activities that occur during normal business hours. The agreement was also bid on a time and materials basis for non-routine repair activities that occur during normal business hours and after normal business hours. Expenditures in the previous contract year for these services exceeded $425,000. The total contract value is above this amount as traffic signal repair services are somewhat unpredictable. The vendor will be paid on an agreed price and/or time and materials basis for actual work performed as directed by the City. Actual payment to the contractor is expected to remain at current expenditure levels for the initial two year agreement period. The cost to replace a controller cabinet that is involved in a traffic collision is estimated at $25,000. The cost to replace a large signal pole is estimated at $25,000 to $35,000 and the cost to replace a small signal pole is estimated at $8,000. These repair costs are not predictable or preventable, as they usually occur due to vehicle accidents. The number of vehicle accidents can vary greatly from year to year. Staff attempts to recover restitution from responsible parties for these repairs. Additionally, authority to spend above the current expenditure level is needed to maintain additional infrastructure as it is completed and accepted by the City, to insure that contractually acceptable cost of living increases can be accommodated and to ensure that funds are available in the event that the actual work exceeds the current estimates indicated in the bid documents. Future contract expenditures will be determined by City needs and appropriations to the budget from Council. This contract is funded from the Traffic Signal Maintenance Operating Budget - General Fund. Sufficient appropriations are available in the Traffic Signal Maintenance Operating Budget - General Fund to fully fund the current anticipated needs of the agreement. Contract Years Contract Years 1 & 2 Contract Years 3 & 4 Contract Years 5 & 6 Total Not-To-Exceed Contract Amount Contract Amount $1,352,270 $1,352,270 $1,352,270 $4,056,810 In summary, this is up to a six-year Traffic Signal Maintenance Service agreement based on the selected best value contractor's bid of $676,135 per agreement year. As such, the total contract cost for the initial two year agreement period is $1,352,270. Staff requests that Council authorize the City Manager to extend the agreement for two subsequent two year agreement periods. The not-to- exceed limit of the agreement total $4,056,810 for six years. The actual annual payments to the contractor will be based on the costs of services provided within each two year term of the agreement. PageS EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 2009-291 accepting the bid and awarding the contract to Republic Intelligent Transportation, Inc. dba Republic ITS, for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services, Bid No. 10-02, for an amount not-to-exceed $1,352,270 in the initial two year agreement term. 2. Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Contract. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2009-291 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 3 CARLSBAD, ACCEPTING THE BID AND AWARDING THE CONTRACT TO REPUBLIC INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION INC., DBA 4 REPUBLIC ITS, FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES, BID NO. 10-02, FOR AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $1,352,270 IN K THE INITIAL TWO YEAR AGREEMENT TERM OF THE AGREEMENT.O ' " ' ' 6 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad requires the services of a traffic signal maintenance service contractor; and WHEREAS, proper bidding procedures have resulted in the City's receipt of a bid from a8 qualified contractor, Republic Intelligent Transportation, Inc. dba Republic ITS; and 9 WHEREAS, a best value evaluation consistent with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 10 3.28.060 was performed by staff and has resulted in staff's determination that the bid submitted by Republic Intelligent Transportation, Inc. dba Republic ITS., at $676,135 per agreement year is the 1 ?best value to the City of Carlsbad; and 13 WHEREAS, staff recommends award of the contract for Bid 10-02 Traffic Signal 14 Maintenance Services to Republic Intelligent Transportation, Inc. dba Republic ITS., in an amount 15 not-to-exceed $1,352,270 in the initial two year agreement term; and 1Q WHEREAS, staff recommends Council authorize the City Manager to extend the 17 agreement for two subsequent two year agreement periods to a maximum compensation amount of $4,056,810 during the maximum six year life of the agreement to ensure that funds are available18 to add work during the agreement years as infrastructure is completed and accepted by the City,19 to ensure that funds are available in the event that the actual work totals exceed the estimates 20 indicated in the bid documents, and to ensure that sufficient funds are available to fund increases 21 in compensation to the contractor in an amount not-to-exceed the Consumer Price Index for San 22 Diego County in the preceding two year term; and 23 WHEREAS, sufficient appropriations are available in the Traffic Signal Maintenance 24 Operating Budget - General Fund to fully fund the agreement. 25 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 26 California, as follows: 27 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 28 /J 1 2. The bid of Republic Intelligent Transportation, Inc. dba Republic ITS., 371 Bel 2 Marin Keys Blvd., Suite 200, Novato, CA 94949, is the best value. 3 3. The bid of Republic Intelligent Transportation, Inc. dba Republic ITS, is hereby 4 accepted. 4. That the maximum compensation amount will not exceed $4,056,810 over the maximum six-year period of the agreement. 7 5. That the City Manager may extend the agreement for two subsequent two year agreement periods,b 6. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with Republic Intelligent Transportation, Inc. dba Republic ITS for an amount not-to-exceed $1,352,270 in the initial two year agreement term, a copy of which is attached, for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. 13 '" 14 '" 15 '" 16 17 '" 18 '" 19 '" 20 /" 21 22 /// 23 /// 24 /// 25 /// 26 /// 27 /// 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 1st day of December, 2009, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Hall, Packard and Blackburn. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ATTEST: L0RRAIN&M. WO6[),'City Cleifc 7\(SEAL) 0 AGREEMENT FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES Republic Intelligent Transportation Services, Inc. dba Republic ITS THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the ^~~ day of 200*1. by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, ("City"), and Republic Intelligent Transportation Services, Inc. dba Republic ITS, a corporation, ("Contractor"). DEFINITIONS Repair: Authorized service work to equipment and systems required to preserve and protect any City owned or maintained Traffic Signal systems as specified in this Agreement. Installations: Traffic Signal equipment installation and adjustment required to preserve and protect any City owned or maintained Traffic Signal systems as specified in this Agreement. Maintenance: Any routine, recurring, and usual services or ROUTINE maintenance on existing City systems necessary for the protection or preservation of any City owned or maintained Traffic Signal systems as specified in this Agreement. Demolition: The removal of Traffic Signal equipment required to preserve and protect any City owned or maintained Traffic Signal systems as specified in this Agreement. Service Report: Contractor's detailed report in City-approved, computer-generated format covering all work performed under this Agreement. Service reports shall be separate documents, listed by facility and shall note all inspections, repairs or service work performed, condition statements and any other pertinent information to aid the City in determining future equipment repairs, maintenance or replacement. Web based report capability is highly desired. RECITALS A. City requires the professional services of a Traffic Signal Maintenance Contractor that is experienced in providing routine, recurring and usual Traffic Signal maintenance work necessary for the protection and preservation of City owned or maintained Traffic Signal systems for their intended purposes. B. Contractor has the necessary experience in providing professional services and advice related to providing routine, recurring and usual Traffic Signal maintenance work necessary for the protection and preservation of City owned or maintained Traffic Signal systems for their intended purposes. C. Selection of Contractor is expected to achieve the desired results in an expedited fashion. D. Contractor has submitted a bid to City and has affirmed its willingness and ability to perform such work. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Contractor agree as follows: 7City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 1 of 58 1. SCOPE OF WORK City retains Contractor to perform, and Contractor agrees to render the Traffic Signal maintenance and repair services described in the Scope of Work contained in the City's Request for Bids and the Contractor's bid, which are incorporated by this reference in accordance with this Agreement's terms and conditions. The Contractor will perform Traffic Signal maintenance and related services as needed and as authorized on an agreed price basis and/or on a time and materials basis for repairs as specified in the Contractor's bid. Nothing in this agreement is intended to create an exclusive arrangement between City and Contractor. The City reserves the right to procure Traffic Signal maintenance services from other CONTRACTORS as the City deems appropriate. 2. STANDARD OF PERFORMANCE While performing the Services, Contractor will exercise the reasonable professional care and skill customarily exercised by reputable members of Contractor's profession practicing in the Metropolitan Southern California Area, and will use reasonable diligence and best judgment while exercising its professional skill and expertise. Contractor shall maintain a C-10 and a C-61/D-31 license issued by the California Contractors State License Board throughout the term of this Agreement. 3. TERM The term of this Agreement will be effective for a period of two-years from the date first above written. The City Manager may amend the Agreement to extend it for two additional two-year periods or parts thereof in an amount not to exceed Six Hundred Seventy-six Thousand, One Hundred and Thirty-Five dollars ($676,135) per Agreement year. Extensions will be based upon a satisfactory review of Contractor's performance, City needs, and appropriation of funds by the City Council. The parties will prepare a written amendment indicating the effective date and length of the extended Agreement. Either the City or the Contractor may decline to confirm the renewal of the contract for any reason whatsoever, which shall render the renewal option null and void 4. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE Time is of the essence for each and every provision of this Agreement. 5. COMPENSATION The Contractor's Traffic Signal maintenance work will be by paid at a fixed cost rate for scheduled maintenance and bid item work and at an hourly rate plus parts as indicated in the agreement as detailed in the Contractor's bid. The total fee payable for the Services to be performed during the initial Agreement term will not exceed One Million, Three Hundred Fifty-two Thousand, Two Hundred and Seventy dollars ($1,352,270). No other compensation for the Services will be allowed except for items covered by subsequent amendments to this Agreement. The City reserves the right to withhold a ten percent (10%) retention until City has accepted the work and/or Services specified in the Contractor's bid. The Contractor will perform work in accordance with all applicable Carlsbad Municipal Code sections, other applicable California codes, OSHA standards and any other regulatory requirements. City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 2 of 58 There will be no additional charges such as travel or trip costs allowed. Payment for service starts when the technician arrives at the City of Carlsbad owned or maintained properties, and ends at the completion of required service work. Portal to portal payment is not included in this Agreement. All parts will be newly manufactured replacement parts or an equal approved by the Inspector, or his authorized representative. Pricing to City of Carlsbad will be in accordance with bid item costs or hourly labor cost plus parts markup as indicated in the CONTRACTOR'S Proposed Cost of Services Chart. Invoices must be submitted with request for payment. The Contractor shall submit invoices to the Inspector, or his authorized representative by the 5th day of the month for work performed in the previous month under this contract. The Contractor shall provide detailed records of all work performed and include all required reports of systems and/or equipment(s) serviced or repaired. Failure to provide the required documents, invoices, and reports will result in the City of Carlsbad withholding payment to the Contractor until all the required documentation, including supplier invoices for parts, are provided to the City. If an increase in compensation for service in succeeding option periods is requested, the Contractor must provide detailed supporting documentation to justify the requested rate increase. The City will evaluate the requested increase, and the City reserves the right to negotiate, accept or reject the Contractor's requested compensation increase. This Agreement's annual compensation terms may be adjusted by a mutually agreeable amount based on and no greater than the aggregate San Diego Consumer Price Index changes over the previous contract period. Requests for price changes must be made by the Contractor in writing sixty (60) days before the end of the then-current agreement year and is subject to negotiation or rejection by the City. Compensation increases will not be authorized prior to the end of each contract period. 6. STATUS OF CONTRACTOR Contractor will perform the Services in Contractor's own way as an independent contractor and in pursuit of Contractor's independent calling, and not as an employee of City. Contractor will be under control of City only as to the result to be accomplished, but will consult with City as necessary. The persons used by Contractor to provide services under this Agreement will not be considered employees of City for any purposes. The payment made to Contractor pursuant to this Agreement will be the full and complete compensation to which Contractor is entitled. City will not make any federal or state tax withholdings on behalf of Contractor or its agents, employees or subcontractors. City will not be required to pay any workers' compensation insurance or unemployment contributions on behalf of Contractor or its employees or subcontractors. Contractor agrees to indemnify City within thirty (30) days for any tax, retirement contribution, social security, overtime payment, unemployment payment or workers' compensation payment which City may be required to make on behalf of Contractor or any agent, employee, or subcontractor of Contractor for work done under this City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 3 of 58 Agreement. At the City's election, City may deduct the indemnification amount from any balance owing to Contractor. 7. PREVAILING WAGES The City of Carlsbad is a Charter City. Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.28.130 supersedes the provisions of the California Labor Code when the public work is not a statewide concern. The City Council has determined that it is not in the best interest of the City to require the payment of prevailing wages for this agreement. Payment of prevailing wages is at Contractor's discretion. 8. SUBCONTRACTING Contractor will not subcontract any portion of the Services without prior written approval of City. If Contractor subcontracts any of the Services, Contractor will be fully responsible to City for the acts and omissions of Contractor's subcontractor and of the persons either directly or indirectly employed by the subcontractor, as Contractor is for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by Contractor. Nothing contained in this Agreement will create any contractual relationship between any subcontractor of Contractor and City. Contractor will be responsible for payment of subcontractors. Contractor will bind every subcontractor and every subcontractor of a subcontractor by the terms of this Agreement applicable to Contractor's work unless specifically noted to the contrary in the subcontract and approved in writing by City. 9. OTHER CONTRACTORS The City reserves the right to employ other Contractors in connection with the Services. 10. PARTS The City reserves the right to supply needed parts and equipment to the Contractor for Services. 11. INDEMNIFICATION Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers, officials, employees and volunteers from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses including attorneys fees arising out of the performance of the work described herein caused in whole or in part by any willful misconduct or negligent act or omission of the Contractor, any subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. The parties expressly agree that any payment, attorney's fee, costs or expense City incurs or makes to or on behalf of an injured employee under the City's self- administered workers' compensation is included as a loss, expense or cost for the purposes of this section, and that this section will survive the expiration or early termination of this Agreement. 12. INSURANCE Contractor will obtain and maintain for the duration of the Agreement and any and all amendments, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise out of or in connection with performance of the services by Contractor City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 4 of 58 or Contractor's agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. The insurance will be obtained from an insurance carrier admitted and authorized to do business in the State of California. The insurance carrier is required to have a current Best's Key Rating of not less than "A-:VN". OR with a surplus line insurer on the State of California's List of Eligible Surplus Line Insurers (LESLI) with a rating in the latest Best's Key Rating Guide of at least "A:X". 12.1 Coverages and Limits. Contractor will maintain the types of coverages and minimum limits indicated below, unless City Attorney or City Manager approves a lower amount. These minimum amounts of coverage will not constitute any limitations or cap on Contractor's indemnification obligations under this Agreement. City, its officers, agents and employees make no representation that the limits of the insurance specified to be carried by Contractor pursuant to this Agreement are adequate to protect Contractor. If Contractor believes that any required insurance coverage is inadequate, Contractor will obtain such additional insurance coverage, as Contractor deems adequate, at Contractor's sole expense. 12.1.1 Commercial General Liability Insurance. $1.000.000 combined single-limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If the submitted policies contain aggregate limits, general aggregate limits will apply separately to the work under this Agreement or the general aggregate will be twice the required per occurrence limit. 12.1.2 Automobile Liability (if the use of an automobile is involved for Contractor's work for City). $1,000,000 combined single-limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. 12.1.3 Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability. Workers' Compensation limits as required by the California Labor Code. Workers' Compensation will not be required if Contractor has no employees and provides, to City's satisfaction, a declaration stating this. 12.1.4 Professional Liability. Errors and omissions liability appropriate to Contractor's profession with limits of not less than $1,000,000 per claim. Coverage must be maintained for a period of five years following the date of completion of the work. 12.2. Additional Provisions. Contractor will ensure that the policies of insurance required under this Agreement contain, or are endorsed to contain, the following provisions: 12.2.1 The City will be named as an additional insured on General Liability. 12.2.2 Contractor will obtain occurrence coverage, excluding Professional Liability, which will be written as claims-made coverage. City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 5 of 58 12.2.3 This insurance will be in force during the life of the Agreement and any extensions of it and will not be canceled without thirty (30) days prior written notice to City sent by certified mail pursuant to the Notice provisions of this Agreement. 12.3 Providing Certificates of Insurance and Endorsements. Prior to City's execution of this Agreement, Contractor will furnish certificates of insurance and endorsements to City. 12.4 Failure to Maintain Coverage. If Contractor fails to maintain any of these insurance coverages, then City will have the option to declare Contractor in breach, or may purchase replacement insurance or pay the premiums that are due on existing policies in order to maintain the required coverages. Contractor is responsible tor any payments made by City to obtain or maintain insurance and City may collect these payments from Contractor or deduct the amount paid from any sums due Contractor under this Agreement. 12.5 Submission of Insurance Policies. City reserves the right to require, at anytime, complete and certified copies of any or all required insurance policies and endorsements. 13. BUSINESS LICENSE Contractor will obtain and maintain a City of Carlsbad Business License for the term of the Agreement, as may be amended from time-to-time. 14. ACCOUNTING RECORDS Contractor will maintain complete and accurate records with respect to costs incurred under this Agreement. All records will be clearly identifiable. Contractor will allow a representative of City, during normal business hours, to examine, audit, and make transcripts or copies of records and any other documents created pursuant to this Agreement. Contractor will allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings, and activities related to the Agreement for a period of three (3) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement. 15. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS All work product produced by Contractor or its agents, employees, and subcontractors pursuant to this Agreement is the property of City. In the event this Agreement is terminated, all documents related to services performed produced by Contractor or its agents, employees and subcontractors pursuant to this Agreement will be delivered at once to City. Contractor will have the right to make one (1) copy of the work product for Contractor's records. 16. COPYRIGHTS Contractor agrees that all copyrights that arise from the services will be vested in City and Contractor relinquishes all claims to the copyrights in favor of City. City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 6 of 58 \t- 17. NOTICES The name of the persons who are authorized to give written notices or to receive written notice on behalf of City and on behalf of Contractor under this Agreement. For City: For Contractor: Name: Thomas Moore Name Martin Eichmann Title: Public Works Superintendent Title Regional Manager Department: Public Works. Streets Address 1820 John Towers Ave.. Ste. A City of Carlsbad El Caion. CA 92020 Address: 405 Oak Avenue. Phone No. (619) 726-3744 Carlsbad. CA 92008 Phone No. (760) 434-2939 18. CONFLICT OF INTEREST City will evaluate Contractor's duties pursuant to this Agreement to determine whether disclosure under the Political Reform Act and City's Conflict of Interest Code is required of Contractor or any of Contractor's employees, agents, or subcontractors. Should it be determined that disclosure is required, Contractor or Contractor's affected employees, agents, or subcontractors will complete and file with the City Clerk those schedules specified by City and contained in the Statement of Economic Interests Form 700. Contractor, for Contractor and on behalf of Contractor's agents, employees, subcontractors and consultants warrants that by execution of this Agreement, that they have no interest, present or contemplated, in the projects affected by this Agreement. Contractor further warrants that neither Contractor, nor Contractor's agents, employees, subcontractors and consultants have any ancillary real property, business interests or income that will be affected by this Agreement or, alternatively, that Contractor will file with the City an affidavit disclosing this interest. 19. GENERAL COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS Contractor will keep fully informed of federal, state and local laws and ordinances and regulations which in any manner affect those employed by Contractor, or in any way affect the performance of the Services by Contractor. Contractor will at all times observe and comply with these laws, ordinances, and regulations and will be responsible for the compliance of Contractor's services with all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations. Contractor will be aware of the requirements of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 and will comply with those requirements, including, but not limited to, verifying the eligibility for employment of all agents, employees, subcontractors and consultants that the services required by this Agreement. City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 7 of 58 /3 20. DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT PROHIBITED Contractor will comply with all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination and harassment. 21. DISPUTE RESOLUTION If a dispute should arise regarding the performance of the Services the following procedure will be used to resolve any questions of fact or interpretation not otherwise settled by agreement between the parties. Representatives of Contractor or City will reduce such questions, and their respective views, to writing. A copy of such documented dispute will be forwarded to both parties involved along with recommended methods of resolution, which would be of benefit to both parties. The representative receiving the letter will reply to the letter along with a recommended method of resolution within ten (10) business days. If the resolution thus obtained is unsatisfactory to the aggrieved party, a letter outlining the disputes will be forwarded to the City Manager and/or designee. The City Manager and/or designee will consider the facts and solutions recommended by each party and may then opt to direct a solution to the problem. In such cases, the action of the City Manager and/or designee will be binding upon the parties involved, although nothing in this procedure will prohibit the parties from seeking remedies available to them at law. 22. TERMINATION In the event of the Contractor's failure to prosecute, deliver, or perform the Services, City may terminate this Agreement for nonperformance by notifying Contractor by certified mail of the termination. If City decides to abandon or indefinitely postpone the work or services contemplated by this Agreement, City may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to Contractor. Upon notification of termination, Contractor has five (5) business days to deliver any documents owned by City and all work in progress to City address contained in this Agreement. City will make a determination of fact based upon the work product delivered to City and of the percentage of work that Contractor has performed which is usable and of worth to City in having the Agreement completed. Based upon that finding City will determine the final payment of the Agreement. Either party upon tendering ninety (90) days written notice to the other party may terminate this Agreement. In this event and upon request of City, Contractor will assemble the work product and put it in order for proper filing and closing and deliver it to City. Contractor will be paid for work performed to the termination date; however, the total will not exceed the lump sum fee payable under this Agreement. City will make the final determination as to the portions of tasks completed and the compensation to be made. 23. COVENANTS AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES Contractor warrants that Contractor has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working for Contractor, to solicit or secure this Agreement, and that Contractor has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or any other consideration contingent upon, or resulting from, the award or making of this Agreement. For breach or violation of this warranty, City will have the right to annul this Agreement without liability, or, in its discretion, to deduct from the Agreement price City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 8 of 58 or consideration, or otherwise recover, the full amount of the fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fees, gift, or contingent fee. 24. CLAIMS AND LAWSUITS By signing this Agreement, Contractor agrees that any Agreement claim submitted to City must be asserted as part of the Agreement process as set forth in this Agreement and not in anticipation of litigation or in conjunction with litigation. Contractor acknowledges that if a false claim is submitted to City, it may be considered fraud and Contractor may be subject to criminal prosecution. Contractor acknowledges that California Government Code sections 12650 et seq.. the False Claims Act applies to this Agreement and, provides for civil penalties where a person knowingly submits a false claim to a public entity. These provisions include false claims made with deliberate ignorance of the false information or in reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of information. If City seeks to recover penalties pursuant to the False Claims Act, it is entitled to recover its litigation costs, including attorney's fees. Contractor acknowledges that the filing of a false claim may subject Contractor to an administrative debarment proceeding as the result of which Contractor may be prevented to act as a Contractor on any public work or improvement for a period of up to five (5) years. Contractor acknowledges debarment by another jurisdiction is grounds for City to terminate this Agreement. 25. JURISDICTION AND VENUE Any action at law or in equity brought by either of the parties for the purpose of enforcing a right or rights provided for by this Agreement will be tried in a court of competent jurisdiction in the County of San Diego, State of California, and the parties waive all provisions of law providing for a change of venue in these proceedings to any other county. 26. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS It is mutually understood and agreed that this Agreement will be binding upon City and Contractor and their respective successors. Neither this Agreement or any part of it nor any monies due or to become due under it may be assigned by Contractor without the prior consent of City, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. 27. SERVICES DURING STATE OF EMERGENCY During a state of emergency as determined by the City Council or City Manager including, but not limited to states of emergency defined by Government Code Section 8558, the Contractor agrees to provide the services specified in this Agreement under the terms and conditions herein. 28. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement, the City's Request for Bid, the Contractor's Bid, and the Specifications, together with any other written document referred to or contemplated by these documents, along with the purchase order for this Agreement and its provisions, embody the entire Agreement and understanding between the parties relating to the subject matter of it. In case of conflict, the terms of the Agreement supersede the purchase order. Neither this Agreement nor any of its provisions may be amended, modified, waived or discharged except in a writing signed by both parties. City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 9 of 58 29. AUTHORITY The individuals executing this Agreement and the instruments referenced in it on behalf of Contractor each represent and warrant that they have the legal power, right and actual authority to bind Contractor to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. CONTRACTOR *By: (print rrame/title) /If required by City, proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by contractor must attached. If a Corporation. Agreement must be signed by one corporate officer from each of the following two groups. *Group A. Chairman, President, or Vice-President **Group B. Secretary, Assistant Secretary, CFO or Assistant Treasurer Otherwise, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering the officer(s) signing to bind the corporation. APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney By:. City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 10 of 58 CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSED COST OF SERVICE* The matrix below describes items upon which the City requests a bid. The actual payments made to the CONTRACTOR will be based on actual work performed for the City consistent with the terms and conditions of the contract documents. The undersigned declares he/she has carefully examined the locations of the work, read the Request for Bid, examined all specifications, and hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials, equipment, transportation, and services required to do all the work in this Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement in accordance with the specifications of the City of Carlsbad, and the General Provisions and that he/she will take in full payment therefore the following unit prices for each item complete, to wit: Bid Schedule "A" Annual Routine Maintenance/Repairs - Page 1 of 2 Item No. A-1. A-2. A-3. A-4. A-5. A-6. A-7 Description Perform Routine Monthly Traffic Signal Inspection and Routine Maintenance Provide and Install LED Signal Light (Burnout) ISNS Re-lamping Provide and install LED Pedestrian Head Perform Red Flash Signal Reset Perform Function/Detection/ Cycling Test Provide and Replace UPS Batteries (Per Signal) Estimated Quantity and Units* 2040 300 300 15 50 60 120 Unit Price $65.00 Each $100.00 Each $55.00 Each $145.00 Each $40.00 Each $55.00 Each $1.000.00 Each Annual Total $132.600.00 Extended Amount $30.000.00 Extended Amount $16.500.00 Extended Amount $2.175.00 Extended Amount $2.000.00 Extended Amount $3.300.00 Extended Amount $120.000.00 Extended Amount City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 11 of 58 Bid Schedule "A" Annual Routine Maintenance/Repairs - Page 2 of 2 Item No. A-8. A-9. A-10. A-11. A-12. A-13. A-14. A-15. A-16. A-17 Description Pedestrian Push Button Replacement Loop Set Testing Loop Replacement TypeD Loop Replacement Type E Video Detection Camera Service (Semi Annual) Cabinet Filter Replacement (Semi Annual) Amber School Flasher Reprogramming Head Cleaning and Mast Arm Inspection (Annual) Conflict Monitor Testing (Annual) Adjust Signal Timing Estimated Quantity and Units* 20 10 10 48 600 340 16 170 170 15 Unit Price $130.00 Each $100.00 Each $400.00 Each $350.00 Each $45.00 Each $5.00 Each $50.00 Each $150.00 Each $45.00 Each $50.00 Each Total Annual Cost for Bid Schedule "A" Annual Total $2.600.00 ' Extended Amount $1.000.00 Extended Amount $4.000.00 Extended Amount $16.800.00 Extended Amount $27.000.00 Extended Amount $1.700.00 Extended Amount $800.00 Extended Amount $25.500.00 Extended Amount $7.650.00 Extended Amount $750.00 Extended Amount $394.375.00 City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 12 of 58 Bid Schedule "B" Annual Regular Hours Repairs - Page 1 of 1 Item No. B-1. B-2. B-3. B-4. B-5. B-6. B-7. Description IMSALevellll Certified Technician I MSA Level II Certified Technician General Laborer Aerial Truck Service Truck Compressor Parts Estimated Quantity and Units* 80 600 1020 500 100 52 $125,000 Unit Price $80.00 (Per Hour) $65.00 (Per Hour) $35.00 (Per Hour) $25.00 (Per Hour) $15.00 (Per Hour) $5.00 (Per Hour) 1 5% x $1 25,000 = $1 43.750.00 Contractor Parts Markup % Total Annual Cost for Bid Schedule "B" Annual Total $6.400.00 Extended Amount $39.000.00 Extended Amount $35.700.00 Extended Amount $12.500.00 Extended Amount $1,500.00 Extended Amount $260.00 Extended Amount $143.750.00 $125,000 + Parts Markup in Dollars $239.110.00 City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 13 of 58 Bid Schedule "C" Annual After Regular Hours Repairs - Page 1 of 1 Item No. C-1. C-2. C-3. C-4. C-5. C-6. Description IMSA Level III Certified Technician IMSA Level II Certified Technician General Laborer Aerial Truck Service Truck Compressor Estimated Quantity and Units* 10 300 80 300 80 40 Unit Price $125.00 (Per Hour) $95.00 (Per Hour) $50.00 (Per Hour) $25.00 (Per Hour) $15.00 (Per Hour) $5.00 (Per Hour) Total Annual Cost for Bid Schedule "C" Annual Total $1.250.00 Extended Amount $28,500.00 Extended Amount $4.000.00 Extended Amount $7.500.00 Extended Amount $1,200.00 Extended Amount $200.00 Extended Amount $42.650.00 *Estimate based on historical experience is for bid comparison purposes only. The actual payments made to the CONTRACTOR will be based on the CONTRACTOR'S actual work performed for the City consistent with the terms and conditions of the contract documents, and may be different from the prices estimated above. In the event of errors in calculation, the correctly extended bid item total will govern. Note: This Agreement does NOT require payment of prevailing wage. Total amount of CONTRACTOR'S Bid Schedule "A" per agreement year in words: Three Hundred Ninety-four Thousand Three Hundred Seventy-five dollars (Items A1-A17) Total amount of CONTRACTOR'S Bid Schedule "A" per agreement year in numbers: $394.375.00 (Items A1- A17) City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 14 of 58 Total amount of CONTRACTOR'S Bid Schedule "B" per agreement year in words: Two Hundred Thirty-nine Thousand Two Hundred Ten dollars (Items B1- B7) Total amount of CONTRACTOR'S Bid Schedule "B" per agreement year in numbers: $239.210.00 (Items B1- B7) Total amount of CONTRACTOR'S Bid Schedule "C" per agreement year in words: Forty-two Thousand Six Hundred Fifty dollars (Items C1- C6) Total amount of CONTRACTOR'S Bid Schedule "B" per agreement year in numbers: $42.650.00 (Items C1- C6) Total amount of CONTRACTOR'S Bid (Sum of Bid Schedules A, B & C) per agreement year in words: Six Hundred Seventy-six Thousand One Hundred Thirty-five dollars Total amount of CONTRACTOR'S Bid (Sum of Bid Schedules A, B & C) per agreement year in numbers: $676.135.00 In the event of a discrepancy between the individual bid item costs and the extended bid totals, the properly extended bid item costs will govern. Price(s) given above are firm for 90 days after date of bid opening. Addendum(a) No(s). 1&2 has/have been received and is/are included in this bid. City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 15 of 58 CITY OF CARLSBAD EXHIBIT "A" MANNER OF PERFORMING SERVICES TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES BID NO. 10-02 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE QUALITY STANDARDS PART I GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS & PART II TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 16 of 58 MAINTENANCE QUALITY STANDARDS MAINTENANCE THEORY Quality maintenance includes all the necessary tasks required to keep equipment in a safe economical and dependable operation. Scheduled routine maintenance on Traffic Signal equipment will not only prolong the life of the equipment, but will greatly reduce the overall outlay of financial resources by both the owner and the service company. Eventually all equipment will wear out or be replaced by new technology. However, the Traffic Signal maintenance contractor has a responsibility to maximize the life and economic operation of the equipment. EQUIPMENT & ENCLOSURES: The equipment enclosures and equipment are to be cleaned, kept free of dust, lint, oil residue, dusts and debris. Units shall be maintained in a reasonably clean and dry condition. Oil spills shall be cleaned up immediately and reported to the Inspector. Cleaning these enclosures will be performed in accordance with the contractor's maintenance guide. Code authorities prohibit the storage of equipment and parts not relative to the operation and maintenance of the Traffic Signal equipment in the enclosures. Spare Traffic Signal parts and wiring diagrams will be kept orderly in storage cabinets provided for the job by the Traffic Signal maintenance contractor. Up to date service charts, callback logs, and Material Data Sheets for any chemicals utilized by the maintenance contractor will be readily accessible. All chemicals must be properly labeled. All fastenings and screws will be secured and tightened. Missing screws shall be replaced. Operating Panels, Indicators and markings shall be maintained as installed. Defaced components will be reported to the Inspector. Equipment enclosures and doors shall be kept locked to prevent unauthorized access. SAFETY Safety awareness is of the utmost importance when working on Traffic Signal equipment, not only for the mechanic and City Staff but also the casual observer who may wander into a work area unannounced. Traffic Control devices, barricades, proper tools and safety equipment will be proved by the Traffic Signal contractor to minimize risk of exposure to danger to employees and public. Under no circumstances should work be performed in un-barricaded areas. If continuous work is performed, doors should be closed when the immediate area is unattended. Strict adherence to the lock out tag out procedure shall be enforced. City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 17 of 58 All safety devices and circuits shall operate as intended. They shall not be overridden and must operate in compliance with applicable codes. Unsafe equipment or conditions will be corrected or reported to the proper personnel immediately. Under no circumstances shall unsafe equipment be put into operation. Periodic checks will be performed to ensure proper operation of all safety devices. CONTROLS & OTHER EQUIPMENT Controls and other operational apparatus will be kept clean, properly lubricated and adjusted as required; relays and contactors shall be kept clean and operating without excessive arc. All electrical connections shall be tight, taped and tagged when not in use. Coils, contacts, relays and resistors showing signs of deterioration shall be repaired or replaced as necessary. Care must be exercised when handling printed circuit boards. Proper grounding is necessary when handling some versions of solid-state boards. The Traffic Signal maintenance contractor shall maintain sufficient stock of repair parts, or shall insure that sufficient repair items are in stock locally or shall insure that the contractor has access to spares for overnight delivery. All modes, programs and operations shall be maintained as originally intended, engineered, and manufactured. City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 18 of 58 PARTI GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS DEFINITIONS Whenever the following terms are used in this agreement, they shall have the following meaning: A. "AFTER REGULAR HOURS" - Work Performed by the CONTRACTOR on Saturday, Sunday, City of Carlsbad Holidays, or hours outside of REGULAR HOURS. B. "BID ITEM" - Individual items of work in the CONTRACTOR'S bid at an agreed price for the work. C. "CITY" - The CITY of Carlsbad. D. "CITY MANAGER" - The fully appointed CITY MANAGER of the CITY or his authorized representative. E. "CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR" - The PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR'S designee for bidding, awarding and administering the CONTRACTOR'S work under this agreement. F. "CONTRACTOR" - The managing individual of the contracting entity or his authorized employees or representatives. G. "EXTRA WORK" - Work Tasks authorized by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR that are not included in ROUTINE MAINTENANCE/REPAIRS (Bid Schedule "A"). H. "FULLY OPERATIONAL" - In a condition to undertake the function to adequately perform as a Traffic Signal. I. "INSPECTOR" - The CITY'S/CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR'S field representative for work performed by the CONTRACTOR. J. "PERIODIC INSPECTION" - Routinely scheduled or randomly noticed inspection or audit conducted by CITY. K. "PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR" - The official designated as the Public Works Director of CITY, or any of his authorized representatives. L. "REGULAR HOURS"- Normal business hours are hours between 7:OOAM and 5:OOPM Monday through Friday excluding City of Carlsbad holidays. • City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 19 of 58 I->• M. "REPAIRS" - REGULAR HOUR REPAIRS and AFTER REGULAR HOURS REPAIRS include work required to maintain the serviceability of Traffic Signal equipment specified under this agreement that are outside the scope of the ROUTINE MAINTENANCE/REPAIRS bid schedule. REGULAR HOUR REPAIRS occur during REGULAR HOURS and AFTER REGULAR HOURS REPAIRS are work outside of normal business hours as indicated in the CONTRACTOR'S Proposed Cost of Services Chart and shall be compensated at the Bid Item Rate for each item. REGULAR HOUR REPAIRS and AFTER REGULAR HOURS work must be authorized by the CONTRACT ADMINSITRATOR prior to the CONTRACTOR performance. N. "ROUTINE MAINTENANCE/REPAIRS" - Work specified in the ROUTINE MAINTENANCE/REPAIRS schedule of this agreement (Bid Schedule "A", that consist of work performed by the Contractor at a fixed price cost during "REGULAR HOURS". O. "SPECIAL PROJECTS" - Repairs and/or services for which 1) a specific lump sum or agreed price job quote has been received, 2) the work has been authorized by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR or designee, and 3) the work schedule has been mutually agreed. 1.00 STANDARDS OF WORK AND CONTRACTOR RESPONISBILITY 1.01 The CONTRACTOR shall perform the work described herein in a thorough and professional manner so that the City of Carlsbad is provided with reliable and high quality Traffic Signal Maintenance services at all times. 1.02 The CONTRACTOR shall furnish, at CONTRACTOR'S own expense, all labor, tools, equipment, and materials necessary, unless specifically excluded herein, to perform ROUTINE MAINTENANCE/REPAIRS at the Bid Item price. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish, at CONTRACTOR'S own expense, tools and equipment necessary, unless specifically excluded herein, to perform regular and after hours authorized repairs at the Bid Item price. Cost of parts shall be paid at the CONTRACTOR'S invoice cost for parts plus the percentage of markup indicated in this bid. 1.03 The CONTRACTOR'S forces shall leave work areas free of all dirt, litter, lubricants, or other materials utilized to perform maintenance services The CONTRACTOR shall erect barricades, warning signs and any other devices to prevent unauthorized access by the public or unauthorized City staff to work areas. 1.04 Traffic Signal maintenance and repair shall be performed in accordance with accepted standards for Traffic Signal maintenance and repair to the satisfaction of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR or his designee. CONTRACTOR shall immediately respond when notified by CITY to correct unsatisfactory work at no additional charge. City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 20 of 58 1.05 The CONTRACTOR shall maintain individual repair and maintenance logs listing all work performed under this agreement. These Logs shall be submitted, or shall be available via website to the CONTRACT ADMINSTRATOR on a monthly basis. Logs shall indicate the date of service, time of service, service performed, the technician performing service and any other information that may affect current or future operation of the Traffic Signals. The CONTRACTOR shall report these locations, by intersection, to CITY'S CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, or designee, within 48 hours. (Deductions may be made from the CONTRACTOR'S payments if maintenance and repair tasks are not. reported to CITY within the time allowed.) 1.06 The CONTRACTOR shall, during the term of this CONTRACT, respond to all callbacks to the satisfaction of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, within the time specified within this agreement. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in a reduction in payment to the CONTRACTOR as determined appropriate by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. Call-out response time during normal service hours shall not exceed thirty (30) minutes. In cases where delays are anticipated to exceed thirty (30) minutes, CONTRACTOR shall notify the City immediately with an estimated time of arrival. In no case shall initial response time exceed one (1) hour. A greater response time may result in assessment of liquidated damages. 1.07 The CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit an annual schedule for ROUTINE MAINTENANCE to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for approval. The ROUTINE MAINTENANCE schedule shall be adhered to by CONTRACTOR unless deviation from the approve schedule is authorized by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. 1.08 CONTRACTOR will provide service twenty-four (24) hours per day for the servicing of all equipment covered by this agreement. An IMSA/TSA Level II or higher technician will respond immediately upon notification in a vehicle with aerial capabilities. This vehicle shall be equipped with equipment and materials necessary to restore safe operation of the intersection. If the CONTRACTOR is contacted after normal working hours and determines that aerial capabilities are not necessary based on the information provided, initial response may be made in a service vehicle. However, if the CONTRACTOR opts to respond in a service vehicle and aerial capabilities are required, the City will not pay any costs associated with retrieval of an aerial vehicle. 2.00 TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIPMENT TO BE MAINTAINED 2.01 The service areas and frequencies of service under the provisions of this CONTRACT are detailed in the CONTRACTORS Proposed Cost of Services Chart and include a minimum of 170 signalized intersections located in the City of Carlsbad. City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 21 of 58 2.02 The detailed ROUTINE MAINTENANCE requirements and equipment list requiring service under the provisions of this CONTRACT are detailed in Appendix "D". 2.03 CONTRACTOR acknowledges personal inspection of the sites and the surrounding areas and has evaluated the extent to which the physical condition thereof will affect the services to be provided. CONTRACTOR accepts the premises in their present physical condition, and agrees to make no demands upon CITY for any improvements or alterations thereof. 3.00 PAYMENT AND INVOICES 3.01 The CONTRACTOR shall present monthly invoices, for all work performed during the preceding month. Said invoice shall include all required certifications and reports as specified hereinafter. The invoice shall be submitted on or before the fifth (5th) day of each month in the amount of the compensation to be paid by the CITY for all services rendered by the CONTRACTOR under the terms and conditions of this CONTRACT. Said payment shall be made within thirty (30) days upon receiving the invoices, providing that all work performed during the preceding month has been inspected and accepted by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR and that applicable certifications have been submitted in accordance with the provisions of this CONTRACT. 3.02 The CONTRACTOR'S monthly invoices for ROUTINE MAINTENANCE and ROUTINE MAINTENANCE/REPAIRS shall be prepared and submitted in an electronic format, clearly indicating the Purchase Order number, unit price, total work performed and correctly extended totals for each individual BID ITEM or separate item of work. An invoice format shall be submitted to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for approval. CONTRACTOR shall submit a fully itemized monthly bill to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, or his authorized representative. 3.03 Separate invoices for approved NORMAL HOURS REPAIRS AND AFTER HOURS REPAIRS shall be prepared and submitted in an electronic format acceptable to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, including attachments, such as copies of suppliers' invoices, which the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR may require to verify CONTRACTOR'S billing. Unless otherwise requested by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, one invoice shall be submitted for each discrete and complete REPAIR or AFTER HOURS REPAIR. City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 22 of 58 3.04 All CONTRACTOR invoices must contain the following: 1. intersection description/name 2. intersection number 3. authorizing party/caller 4. time call is received 5. description of complaint 6. call summary code 7. time of arrival 8. corrective measures taken 9. materials used and associated material costs 10. status upon departure 11. time of departure 12. unique invoice number 13. incident number 3.05 In the event the CITY transfers title, maintenance responsibility, or changes service frequency of a portion thereof, this CONTRACT shall continue in full force and effect, except said portion, at the discretion of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, may be deleted from the agreement and the CONTRACT sum shall be reduced accordingly. 3.06 The CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR may, at his discretion, add new Traffic Signals to be maintained and/or repaired and/or require additional services. The CONTRACTOR shall be compensated for the additional facilities or services that are designated after the date of the commencement of this CONTRACT based on an extension of existing bid prices or in the case of Traffic Signal that is substantially different than other signals, a negotiated proposal. Proposal costs shall not exceed customary costs of similar equipment as submitted in the REQUEST FOR BIDS or as adjusted in accordance with subsequent amendments to the agreement. The CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR shall notify the CONTRACTOR of additions, reductions or deletions of areas to be serviced in writing. 4.00 ENFORCEMENT. DEDUCTIONS AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES 4.01 The CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR shall be responsible for the enforcement of this CONTRACT on behalf of CITY. In addition to deductions stipulated in other sections of this agreement, the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR may enforce deductions in accordance with Section 4.00. 4.02 The CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR shall prepare and implement an INSPECTION RATING SYSTEM to be used to verify monthly payments and deductions from payments (see sample rating system as Appendix "B"). This form and system may be modified at the discretion of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 23 of 58 4.03 The CONTRACTOR agrees to be so evaluated by said system and bound by the ratings and/or deductions from payments indicated in the monthly INSPECTION RATING SYSTEM report. To avoid deductions from payment, CONTRACTOR must receive a rating of 95 or higher per service area as described in Appendix "B". 4.04 If, in the judgment of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, the CONTRACTOR is deemed to be non-compliant with the terms and obligations of the CONTRACT, the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, may, in addition to other remedies provided herein, withhold the entire monthly payment, deduct pro-rata from the CONTRACTOR'S invoice for work not performed, and/or deduct liquidated damages. Notification of the amount to be withheld or deducted from payments to CONTRACTOR will be forwarded to the CONTRACTOR by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR in a written notice describing the reasons for said action. The monthly INSPECTION RATING SYSTEM report shall constitute reason for any deductions so imposed. Liquidated damages shall be equal to Two Hundred and Fifty dollars ($250) per calendar day. By submitting a bid the CONTRACTOR agrees to a Liquidated damages equal to Two Hundred and Fifty ($250) dollars per calendar day. 4.05 The action above shall not be construed as a penalty but as adjustment of payment to CONTRACTOR to recover cost or loss due to the failure of the CONTRACTOR to complete or comply with the provisions of this CONTRACT. 5.00 INSPECTIONS. MEETINGS. & REPORTS 5.01 CITY reserves the right to perform inspections, including inspection of CONTRACTOR'S equipment, at any time for the purpose of verifying CONTRACTOR'S performance of CONTRACT requirements and identifying deficiencies. 5.02 The CONTRACTOR or his authorized representative shall meet with the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR or his representative on each site at the discretion and convenience of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, for walk-through inspections. All routine maintenance functions shall be completed prior to this meeting. 5.03 At the request of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, the CONTRACTOR, or his appropriate representative, shall attend meetings and/or training sessions, as determined by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, for purposes of orientation, information sharing, CONTRACT revision, description of CITY policies, procedures, standards, and the like. City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 24 of 58 5.04 CONTRACTOR shall provide to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR such written documentation and/or regular reports as the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR deems necessary to verify and review CONTRACTOR'S performance under this CONTRACT and to provide to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR pertinent information relative to the maintenance, operation, and safety of the TRAFFIC SIGNALS. 6.00 TRAFFIC CONTROL 6.01 Prior to any work in the public right-of-way, the CONTRACTOR shall submit typical traffic control plans for approval for work performed in the CITY right-of-way. The CONTRACTOR shall submit supplementary traffic control plans for unusual circumstances that are out of the ordinary for right-of-way maintenance. A traffic control system consists of closing traffic lanes or pedestrian walkways in accordance with the details shown on the plans, California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (FHWA MUTCD 2003 Revision 1, as amended for use in California). The provisions in this section will not relieve the Contractor from its responsibility to provide such additional devices or take such measures as may be necessary to maintain public safety. 6.02 When lanes are closed for only the duration of work periods, all components of the traffic control system, except portable delineators placed along open trenches or excavation adjacent to the traveled way, shall be removed from the traveled way and shoulder at the end work period. If the Contractor so elects, said components may be stored at selected central locations, approved by the Engineer, within the limits of the right-of-way. 6.03 The CONTRACTOR shall comply with all requirements of the City Traffic Engineer and shall bear all costs of required traffic control including, but not limited to signs, cones, markers, flagmen, etc. 6.04 The Contractor shall prepare and implement traffic control plans and shall furnish all labor and materials to perform, install, maintain, replace and remove all traffic control as incidentals to the work with which they are associated and no other compensation will be allowed therefore. 7.00 CONTRACTOR'S DAMAGES 7.01 All damages incurred to existing facilities by the CONTRACTOR'S operation shall be repaired or replaced, by the CONTRACTOR or by other forces, all at the discretion of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, all at the CONTRACTOR'S expense. City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 25 of 58 *,J 8.00 COMMUNICATIONS AND RESPONSE 8.01 The CONTRACTOR shall, during the term of this CONTRACT, maintain two twenty-four (24) hour emergency telephone numbers, toll free to a San Diego region area code. For hours beyond a normal 8 AM to 5 PM business day, an answering service shall be considered an acceptable substitute. Answering machines are not acceptable. This phone number will be made available to all persons designated by the City. 8.02 All requests for services shall require a qualified technician to be dispatched to, and to arrive, at the required location as soon as possible or within one (1) hour of notification to the satisfaction of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. If any emergency service request is not responded to in one (1) hour, the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR shall be notified immediately of the reason for not meeting the required response time followed by a written report to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR within two (2) working days. In no case shall initial response time exceed two (2) hours. A greater response time may result in assessment of liquidated damages. 8.03 Whenever immediate action is required to prevent possible injury, death, or property damage, CITY may, after reasonable attempt to notify the CONTRACTOR, cause such action to be taken by alternate work forces and, as determined by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, charge the cost thereof to the CONTRACTOR, or deduct such cost from any amount due to the CONTRACTOR. This deduction shall include a markup for administrative costs equal to fifteen (15) percent of the actual costs incurred. 8.04 The CONTRACTOR shall maintain a written log of all communications, the date and the time thereof and the action taken pursuant thereto or the reason for non-action. Said log of complaints shall be open to the inspection of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR at all reasonable times. 8.05 CONTRACTOR'S supervisor shall carry cellular telephones with local San Diego region area code. Supervisor shall respond to any call from the CITY within thirty (30) minutes at any time. 9.00 SAFETY 9.01 CONTRACTOR agrees to perform all work outlined in this CONTRACT in such a manner as to meet all accepted standards for safe practices during the performance of his duties and to safely maintain stored equipment, machines, and materials or other hazards consequential or related to the work; and agrees additionally to accept the sole responsibility for complying with all CITY, County, State or Federal requirements at all times so as to protect all persons, including CONTRACTOR'S employees, agents of the CITY, CONTRACTORS, members of the public or others from foreseeable injury, or damage to their property. CONTRACTOR shall make annual inspections for any potential hazards at said sites and keep a log indicating date inspected and action taken. City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 26 of 58 9.02 CONTRACTOR shall notify the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR immediately of any occurrence of accident, injury, or persons requiring emergency services and, if so requested, shall prepare a written report thereof to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR within three (3) calendar days following the occurrence. CONTRACTOR shall cooperate fully with the CITY in the investigation of any such occurrence. 10.00 HOURS AND DAYS OF SERVICES 10.01 The acceptable daily hours of ROUTINE MAINTENANCE/REPAIRS shall be 7:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday excluding City Holidays which shall be considered normal work hours as may pertain to any other provision of the CONTRACT. Issues reported to the Contractor during the hours of 7:00 am to 5:00 pm will be considered normal work hours and payment will be made in accordance with the provisions regardless of the time the CONTRACTOR arrives and performs the work. 10.02 CONTRACTOR shall provide staffing to perform the required services during the prescribed hours as specified in these contract documents. Any changes in the days and hours of operation heretofore prescribed shall be subject to approval by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. 10.03 Per State of California Labor Code, CONTRACTOR is directed to the following prescribed requirement with respect to the hours of employment. Eight (8) hours of labor under this CONTRACT shall constitute a legal day's work and said CONTRACTOR shall not require or permit any laborer, worker or mechanic, or any subcontractor employed by him to perform any of the work described herein to labor more than eight (8) hours during any one day or more than forty (40) hours during any one calendar week, except as authorized by State of California Labor Code Section 1815. 11.00 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULES 11.01 The CONTRACTOR shall, within thirty (30) days after the award of bid of this CONTRACT, submit annual work schedules to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for review and approval. Said work schedules shall identify required operations and delineate the time frames for performance. A Routine Operations Schedule shall include all tasks required at the intervals required. The CONTRACTOR shall submit annual schedules for each successive annual contract period whether due to a second agreement year in the first contract term or in additional contract years in successive amendments to the original agreement. The CONTRACTOR shall submit revised schedules when actual performance differs substantially from planned performance, and from time to time as requested by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. Said revisions shall be submitted to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for his review and approval, within five (5) working days prior to the original or revised scheduled time for the work, whichever is earlier. City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 27 of 58 12.00 CONTRACTOR'S STAFF AND TRAINING 12.01 The CONTRACTOR shall provide sufficient personnel to perform all work in accordance with the specification set forth herein. 12.02 In cooperation with the Carlsbad Police Department, CONTRACTOR agrees to, and to pay for, background checks if required by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR on all personnel providing Traffic Signal services for this contract. In the event such background check reveals an item, which Carlsbad Police deems a security problem, City may request that such individual be removed from the list of personnel authorized to provide services to the CITY. 12.03 CONTRACTOR'S personnel shall possess the minimum qualifications for the position in which each is working. 12.04 CONTRACTOR shall use only Level II or higher IMSA certified technicians to service, maintain, and make necessary repairs to traffic signal devices within the confines of controller cabinet. Skilled laborers may make hardware repairs under the direct supervision of the Level II technician. No work will occur at any signalized intersection under this agreement without a Level II or higher technician present at all times unless otherwise previously approved in writing by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR or appointed designee. CONTRACTOR will provide a minimum of two (2) IMSA/TSA Level II or higher technicians to perform routine maintenance inspections and complete associated repairs during normal service hours for approval by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. CONTRACTOR will provide additional staff as needed for call-out response and troubleshooting services. 12.05 CONTRACTOR shall have a "Local" representative with authority to contractually bind CONTRACTOR in matters, which may arise during this agreement performance period. "Local" in the context of this agreement is defined as the southern California metropolitan area consisting of San Diego, Orange, Los Angeles or Riverside counties. CONTRACTOR shall provide, prior to commencement of work under this Agreement, in writing to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, a statement indicating by name the specific authority vested in the "Local" representative. CONTRACTOR'S "Local" representative shall be responsible for instructing and training of CONTRACTOR'S personnel in the proper and specified work method and procedures; directing, scheduling, and coordinating all services and functions to completely accomplish the work as required by this Agreement. The "local" representative shall be available for consultation regarding problems on a daily basis at some time during regular working hours (7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday excluding City holidays). City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 28 of 58 12.06 Each crew of CONTRACTOR'S employees shall include at least one individual who speaks the English language proficiently. For the purposes of this section a crew is understood to be any individual worker or group of workers who might service any site without other CONTRACTOR'S supervisory personnel present. 12.07 The CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR may at any time give CONTRACTOR written notice to the effect that the conduct or action of a designated employee of CONTRACTOR is, in the reasonable belief of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, detrimental to the interest of the public patronizing the premises. CONTRACTOR shall meet with representatives of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR to consider the appropriate course of action with respect to such matter and CONTRACTOR shall take reasonable measures under the circumstances to assure the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR that the conduct and activities of CONTRACTOR'S employees will not be detrimental to the interest of the public patronizing the premises. 12.08 The CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR may at any time order any of the CONTRACTOR'S personnel removed from the premises when, in the reasonable belief of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, said CONTRACTOR'S personnel is objectionable, unruly, unsafe, or otherwise detrimental to the interest of the CITY or the public patronizing the premises 12.09 The CONTRACTOR shall require each of his personnel to adhere to basic public works standards of working attire including uniform shirts and/or vests clearly marked with the CONTRACTOR'S company name and employee name badges as approved by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. Sufficient changes shall be provided to present a neat and clean appearance of the CONTRACTOR'S personnel at all times. Shirts shall be worn and buttoned at all times. CONTRACTOR'S personnel shall be equipped with proper shoes and other gear required by Local, State and Federal Safety Regulations. 12.10 The CONTRACTOR'S staff shall wear uniforms that clearly indicate the name of the CONTRACTOR performing service under this agreement. In addition, the CONTRACTOR shall insure that all staff are issued high visibility safety vests and hard hats and shall be responsible for insuring that all safety equipment is worn when required. 13.00 NON-INTERFERENCE-NOISE 13.01 CONTRACTOR shall not interfere with the public use of the premises and shall conduct its operations as to offer the least possible obstruction and inconvenience to the public or disruption to the peace and quiet of the area within which the services are performed. City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 29 of 58 13.02 In the event that the CONTRACTOR'S operations must be performed when persons of the public are present, CONTRACTOR shall courteously inform said persons of any operations that might affect them and, if appropriate, request persons to move out of the work area. 14.00 DRUG AND ALCOHOL FREE WORKPLACE 14.01 The CITY is committed to maintaining a work environment free from the effects of drugs and alcohol consistent with the directives of the Drug Free Workplace Act. As a condition of this agreement, CONTRACTOR and CONTRACTOR'S employees shall assist meeting the requirements of this policy as set forth in the "City of Carlsbad Drug and Alcohol Use Policy" incorporated by reference herein. CONTRACTOR agrees that CONTRACTOR and CONTRACTOR'S employees, while performing services for the CITY, on CITY property, or while using CITY equipment will not be in possession of, use, or be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. CONTRACTOR has the duty to inform all employees or agents of CONTRACTOR that are performing service for CITY on CITY property or using CITY equipment of the CITY'S objective of a safe, healthful and productive workplace and the prohibition of drug or alcohol possession, use or impairment from same while performing such service for CITY. CITY has the right to terminate, or declare this or any other agreement CONTRACTOR has with the CITY in DEFAULT if CONTRACTOR'S employees are determined by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR to have breached the provisions of Section 15 herein as interpreted and enforced pursuant to the provision of the "City of Carlsbad Drug and Alcohol Use Policy". 15.00 ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT 15.01 CONTRACTOR shall not assign this contract or any part thereof and or monies due there under without the prior written consent of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. 16.00 EXTRA WORK 16.01 The CITY may award EXTRA WORK to the CONTRACTOR, or to other forces, at the discretion of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. New or unforeseen work will be classified as "Extra Work" when the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR determines that it is not covered by CONTRACT unit prices. Adjustment in payment for Extra Work shall be performed by agreement between the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR and the CONTRACTOR or on a NEGOTIATED PROPOSAL AND ACCEPTANCE basis in accordance with Section 17.00 or on a TIME AND MATERIALS basis in accordance with Section 18.00. City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 30 of 58 16.02 If the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR determines that the Extra Work can be performed by CONTRACTOR'S present work force, CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR may authorize modification of the CONTRACTOR'S Routine Operations Schedule or Annual Calendar in order to compensate CONTRACTOR for performing said work. 16.03 Prior to performing any Extra Work, the CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit a written proposal including a description of the work, a list of materials, and a schedule for completion. No work shall commence without written approval of the CONTRACTOR'S proposal by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. This proposal is subject to acceptance or negotiation by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. 16.04 In the event that CONTRACTOR'S proposal for Extra Work is not approved, the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR reserves the right to perform such work with other forces or to compel the CONTRACTOR to perform the work on a TIME AND MATERIALS Basis. Invoices for EXTRA WORK on a TIME AND MATERIALS basis are subject to CONTRACTOR markup in accordance with the CONTRACTOR'S Proposed Cost of Services chart. 16.05 When a condition exists which the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR deems urgent, the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR may verbally authorize the work to be performed upon receiving a verbal estimate from the CONTRACTOR. However, within twenty-four (24) hours after receiving a verbal authorization, the CONTRACTOR shall submit a written estimate, consistent with the verbal authorization, to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for approval. 16.06 All Extra Work shall commence on the specified date established and CONTRACTOR shall proceed diligently to complete said work within the time allotted. 17.00 NEGOTIATED PROPOSAL AND ACCEPTANCE 17.01 The CITY may award work to the CONTRACTOR, at the discretion of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. New work will be awarded on a negotiated proposal and acceptance basis as when the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR determines that it is appropriate to negotiate a fixed price for work in lieu of utilizing unit prices. Payment for Work shall be performed by negotiated agreement between the CITY and the CONTRACTOR or on a TIME AND MATERIALS basis in accordance with the CONTRACTOR'S Proposed Cost of Services chart. 17.02 Prior to performing any work, the CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit a written proposal including a description of the work, a list of materials, and a schedule for completion. No work shall commence without written approval of the CONTRACTOR'S proposal by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. This proposal is subject to acceptance or negotiation by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 31 of 58 17.03 All work shall commence on the specified date established and CONTRACTOR shall proceed diligently to complete said work within the time allotted. 18.00 TIME AND MATERIALS 18.01 In the event that the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR determines that work requested is of an unknown duration, not easily quantified or the CONTRACTOR'S proposal for work is not approved, the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR reserves the right to perform such work with other forces or to compel the CONTRACTOR to perform the work on a TIME AND MATERIALS basis. 18.02 The CONTRACT ADMNISTRATOR may direct CONTRACTOR to proceed by allowing him/her to use the following rates or percentages as added costs for the markup of all overhead and profits: 1) Labor As Stipulated in CONTRACTOR'S Proposed Cost of Services chart. 2) Materials As Stipulated in CONTRACTOR'S Proposed Cost of Services chart. 3) Equipment Rental 15 4) Other Items and Expenditures ....15 Regardless of ownership, the rates and right-of-way delay factors to be used in determining rental and delay costs shall be the edition of the, Labor Surcharge and Equipment Rental Rates published by CALTRANS, current at the time of the actual use of the tool or equipment. The right-of- way delay factors therein shall be used as multipliers of the rental rates for determining the value of costs for delay to the CONTRACTOR and subcontractor, if any. The labor surcharge rates published therein are not a part of this contract." 18.03 All work shall commence on the specified date established and CONTRACTOR shall proceed diligently to complete said work within the time allotted. City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 32 of 58 PART II TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 19.00 DUTIES OF THE CONTRACTOR / GENERAL 19.01 All work performed under this agreement will be categorized as 1) ROUTINE MAINTENANCE/REPAIRS, 2) REGULAR HOURS REPAIRS, 3) AFTER REGULAR HOURS REPAIRS, or 4) SPECIAL PROJECTS. 19.02 The maintenance of all components within the confines of the cabinet (i.e. detectors, load switches, etc.) shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR and shall be inspected each month for proper function. When a component must be removed from the intersection for repair, a like component will be provided and installed by the CONTRACTOR in place of the component requiring repairs. All repairs shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR and the component shall be returned immediately upon completion of the repairs. 19.03 Prior to If, in the opinion of the CONTRACTOR, any controller mechanism has become obsolete or deteriorated beyond the point of repair, the CONTRACTOR shall notify the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR and demonstrate or otherwise provide evidence that replacement is necessary. No permanent change of control mechanisms shall be done without prior approval of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. 19.04 In the event that the CONTRACTOR, at any time, finds an unsafe situation, CONTRACTOR shall make any repairs necessary to return the intersection to a safe operating condition. CONTRACTOR shall then report to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR immediately upon completion of the repair. Red Flash is considered a safe operation for this purpose. 19.05 Any deficiencies that require attention but do not constitute an unsafe situation will be referred to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR or appointed designee immediately if possible but in all cases by the end of the work day in which the inspection occurred. The CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR or appointed designee will elect to make the repairs in- house or assign the CONTRACTOR an incident number authorizing the CONTRACTOR to make the repairs. If referred to the Contractor, repairs will be treated as "ROUTINE MAINTENANCE/REPAIRS" or as REGULAR HOURS REPAIRS" These repairs will be scheduled and payment will be made in accordance with the bid documents unless the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR determines that repairs must be made outside normal service hours. 20.00 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 20.01 All graffiti (including but not limited to paint, signs, flyers, and tape) shall be removed by the CONTRACTOR. City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 33 of 58 20.02 CONTRACTOR shall maintain a clear radius of not less than 10' from the cabinet center. This area shall be clear of intrusion by vegetation including branches, bushes, and landscaping so that both doors are readily accessible and have full range of motion. 20.03 CONTRACTOR shall perform monthly routine/preventive inspections at each signalized intersection during normal service hours based on the approved schedule. Inspections shall be scheduled so that each intersection is inspected on approximately the same date each month. 20.04 The monthly inspection shall include a complete check of all timing, component functions and field appurtenances described in the "Appendix- D Routine Maintenance Schedules". Every three months, the "Quarterly Inspection Checklist" will be used in lieu of the "Monthly Inspection Checklist" for that month's inspection. 20.05 Method of Payment for Routine Maintenance. Each service identified in Bid Schedule A "ROUTINE MAINTENANCE/REPAIRS" has an associated bid item price. This bid item price includes all materials, labor, and equipment required to provide the services indicated in the bid schedule. Amounts indicated in the bid schedule are estimates based on maintenance history and anticipated City needs. Quantities indicated are not guaranteed. The actual quantities may differ. The CONTRACTOR will be compensated for actual work performed. 21.00 ROUTINE REPAIRS 21.01 Light Emitting Diode (LED) Replacement. The CONTRACTOR shall remove and replace LED due to malfunction. 21.02 Illuminated Street Name Sign (ISNS) re-lamping. The CONTRACTOR shall remove and replace all ISNS lamps and the PE cell. Contractor shall clean panels and verify proper closure. Contractor shall inspect mounting hardware for corrosion / deterioration In addition to periodic calls for ISNS service, the City will perform quarterly night surveillance. The City will provide CONTRACTOR with a list of inoperative/malfunctioning illuminated street name signs (ISNS). CONTRACTOR shall inspect each location and determine if re-lamping is sufficient or if refurbishing is required and make repairs accordingly. If CONTRACTOR determines that required repairs exceed that which is covered by re-lamping, the ISNS shall be refurbished. CONTRACTOR shall remove and replace all components including, but not limited to, lamps, PE cell, ballast, and the igniter. The CONTRACTOR shall inspect mounting hardware for corrosion/deterioration and replace/repair as needed. Refurbishing ISNS shall be paid in accordance with REGULAR HOUR REPAIRS. 21.03 Pedestrian Head Replacement. The CONTRACTOR shall replace malfunctioning Pedestrian Heads with standard LED walk/don't walk symbol indications unless otherwise specified. City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 34 of 58 21.04 Red Flash Set/Reset. The CONTRACTOR shall respond immediately to intersections reported to be in Red Flash operation. Resetting signals on Red Flash to Normal operation is considered ROUTINE REPAIRS when calls are received during REGULAR HOURS. Resetting signals found to be in Red Flash after REGULAR HOURS will be considered AFTER REGULAR HOURS REPAIRS and associated costs will be paid in accordance with unit price as bid. CONTRACTOR may, from time to time, be asked to set signals on RED FLASH for construction, planned power outage, or special events. CONTRACTOR will set the signal to Red Flash as authorized by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR or approved designee and will return and reset the signal to Normal when so instructed. Calls to set a signal to Red Flash during REGULAR HOURS will be considered ROUTINE MAINTENANCE. Calls for this service after normal service hours will be considered AFTER REGULAR HOURS repairs and associated costs will be paid in accordance with unit price as bid. 21.05 Test Function/Detection/Cvcling. The CONTRACTOR shall respond to calls received during REGULAR HOURS and perform testing of signal function/detection/cycling issues. These calls shall be considered ROUTINE MAINTENANCE and associated costs will paid in accordance the bid item rate for service. Calls received outside normal service hours will be considered AFTER REGULAR HOURS REPAIRS and costs will be paid in accordance with unit prices. 21.06 Pedestrian Push Button Replacement. The CONTRACTOR shall replace malfunctioning pedestrian push buttons as ROUTINE REPAIRS. Replacement of malfunctioning pedestrian push buttons shall be scheduled during REGULAR HOURS whenever possible. 21.07 Adjust Signal Timing. The CONTRACTOR shall perform timing adjustments only when directed to do so, in advance, by the Traffic Engineer or his appointed designee or to compensate for sudden changes in traffic conditions or malfunctioning traffic signal equipment that cannot be repaired or replaced immediately. The CONTRACTOR shall notify the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR of these adjustments immediately upon completion and obtain approval by the Traffic Engineer. Should the Traffic Engineer not concur with the temporary timing, CONTRACTOR shall return to the intersection and make necessary adjustments as instructed. All temporary timing changes shall be noted on the cabinet log sheet. All permanent timing changes will also be logged on the timing sheet and a new timing sheet will be obtained and placed into the cabinet as soon as possible. These calls shall be considered ROUTINE REPAIRS and associated costs will paid in accordance the bid item rate for service. Calls received outside normal service hours will be considered AFTER REGULAR HOURS REPAIRS and costs will be paid in accordance with unit prices. City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 35 of 58 Ai 21.08 Loop Set Testing. The CONTRACTOR shall report on-going detection problems to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for determination if loop- set testing is required. Loop-set testing shall be performed at the discretion of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR or appointed designee,, A loop-set is defined as all loops connected to a single lead-in cable of a single loop detector amplifier in a rack slot. The loop-set testing shall include disconnecting all loops from the lead-in cable to separate the individual loop-sets from the slot to be tested, a meg check of each individual loop and the DLC (detector lead-in cable), and reconnection of the loops. 21.09 Loop Detector Replacement. Loop detector replacement is not guaranteed. It is scheduled on an as needed basis only. Compensation therefore will be at the agreed upon price per loop for actual quantities only. In most cases, the CONTRACTOR will be required to install (4) or more loops at one time; however, the City reserves the right to request fewer than four (4) loops if deemed necessary by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR or appointed designee. New loop configuration will be four (4) Type E loops per lane unless otherwise indicated. Loop installation will include pavement cutting, placement of the conductors including home run, sealing pavement cuts, and connection to DLC in pull box so that loop-set is functioning properly upon completion of the installation. Only IMSA/TSA Level II or higher technicians are authorized to make loop connections within the cabinet. 21.10 Video Detection Camera Service. The CONTRACTOR shall clean and verify proper alignment for all video detection cameras. CONTRACTOR shall check mounting hardware for corrosion and shall adjust and align as needed. Camera service shall be completed every six months. The spring service shall begin after March 1 and before April 30. The fall service shall begin after September 1 and before August 31. Video detection camera service must be completed within sixty calendar days following start date. 21.11 Cabinet Filter Replacement. The CONTRACTOR shall replace cabinet filter every six months. Should CONTRACTOR determine at any other time that cabinet filter needs to be replaced, approval from the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR or appointed designee shall be obtained prior to replacement. 21.12 School Flasher Programming. The CONTRACTOR shall program all school zone warning flashers prior to and upon completion of the school year. The CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR will provide an operating schedule. The CONTRACTOR shall manually enter this information into the digital clocks at each location. City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 36 of 58 21.13 Conflict Monitor Testing. Within 90 days after execution of this agreement and annually thereafter, and/or when so instructed by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR or appointed designee, the CONTRACTOR shall remove each 2010 ECL conflict monitor for testing in the field. The CONTRACTOR shall provide all testing equipment and previously tested conflict monitor units and diode boards for use during the testing period. Conflict monitors must meet manufacturer's specifications prior to reinstallation into the cabinet. Copies of test results will be submitted to the City upon request by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR or appointed designee. CONTRACTOR must complete conflict monitor testing on all designated intersections within ninety (90) days or be subject to the assessment of liquidated damages at the discretion of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. CONTRACTOR will notify the City prior to beginning the conflict monitor testing. CONTRACTOR shall submit a time schedule for the completion of the conflict monitor testing program for approval. The CONTRACTOR shall update the schedule daily during completion. 21.14 UPS Battery Replacement. The CONTRACTOR shall replace batteries for the uninterruptable power system (UPS) as needed. Batteries not replaced due to failure must be replaced every five (5) years. When replaced due to age, all batteries in the system must be replaced. CONTRACTOR is responsible for appropriate battery recycling/disposal and all costs associated with disposal. 21.15 Annual Head Cleaning and Mast Arm Inspection. Beginning in January or as otherwise mutually agreed, CONTRACTOR shall initiate the Annual Head Cleaning and Mast Arm Inspection. This work must be completed within ninety calendar days. CONTRACTOR will visually inspect all overhead equipment for signs of damage and/or deterioration. This includes the connection of the mast arm to the main pole and all appurtenances to the mast arm. CONTRACTOR will clean the face of all indications. For incandescent indications, CONTRACTOR will clean the reflector and lens also. CONTRACTOR will inspect and ensure proper electrical connections at all overhead appurtenances including heads, cameras, Opticom detectors, and signs. 21.16 Method of Payment for Routine Repairs. Each service identified in Bid Schedule A "ROUTINE MAINTENANCE/REPAIRS" has an associated bid item price. This bid item price includes all materials and labor required to provide the services indicated in the bid schedule. Amounts indicated in the bid schedule are estimates based on maintenance history and anticipated City needs. Quantities indicated are not guaranteed. The actual quantities may differ. The CONTRACTOR will be compensated for actual work performed. City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 37 of 58 22.00 NON-ROUTINE REPAIRS & SPECIAL PROJECTS - EXTRA WORK 22.01 Non Routine Repairs & Special Projects. REPAIRS and/or SPECIAL. PROJECTS requested by the CONTRACT ADMINSTRATOR that are not included in Bid Schedule A "ROUTINE MAINTENANCE/REPAIRS" shall be performed by the CONTRACTOR in accordance with Section 16 "Extra Work", Section 17 "Negotiated Proposal and Acceptance" or Section 18 "Time and Materials" at the discretion of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. Payment for Extra Work on a Negotiated Proposal and Acceptance shall be compensated as indicated in the proposal submitted by the CONTRACTOR as accepted by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. Payment for Extra Work on a Time and Materials bases shall be compensated for the prices quoted in Bid Schedule B "ANNUAL. REGULAR HOURS REPAIRS" or as indicated in Bid Schedule C "AFTER REGULAR HOUR REPAIRS" dependent upon when the CONTRACTOR is dispatched to perform the work. These REPAIRS will be billed using the labor rates and markup for parts as indicated in the CONTRACTOR'S bid. Charges for these services will begin upon arrival on-scene and will end upon departure. In cases where the time needed to make associated repairs necessary to return the signal to safe and/or normal operation is less than two staff hours, Contractor will bill the City for a minimum two hour call-out. Travel time or portal to portal pay is not included in this agreement. 22.02 Extra Work. Extra Work under Section shall be defined as scheduled or non scheduled repairs and/or services resulting from any part of a traffic signal system that is damaged by collision, acts of God, malicious mischief, vandalism, or normal deterioration due to the passage of time, excepting any damage resulting from the negligence of the CONTRACTOR, that are determined by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR-to be outside the scope of ROUTINE REPAIRS OR ROUTINE MAINTENANCE services. Work performed as "EXTRA WORK" will be within the time agreed upon by both parties at the time work is assigned. Work not completed within this mutually agreed schedule may be assessed liquidated damages. The CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR may request that the CONTRACTOR respond to the scene of collisions at signalized intersections in order to verify proper signal operation. In this case, the CONTRACTOR shall perform a review of the traffic signal facility including a thorough inspection of all equipment for physical damage or equipment malfunction. CONTRACTOR shall also observe traffic movement and verify normal signal operation. CONTRACTOR shall then submit, in writing, a report summarizing the results of the inspection to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR or appointed designee within 48 hours of the incident. City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 38 of 58 SPECIAL PROJECTS may include, but are not limited to routine repair or maintenance tasks including systematic re-lamping of traffic signals, pedestrian heads, or ISNS units. SPECIAL PROJECTS may also include scheduled REPAIRS caused by vehicle accidents, acts of god, or other unforeseen traffic signal work. Any SPECIAL PROJECTS requested by the City that can be scheduled to during normal working hours will be scheduled at a mutually agreed upon time. 22.03 Parts. The CITY reserves the right to provide the CONTRACTOR with parts needed to perform Extra Work. 23.00 CONTRACTOR'S EQUIPMENT 23.01 Contractor's Equipment Used in Performance of Contract. The machinery and equipment used by the CONTRACTOR in the furtherance of this agreement shall be modern, clean, and maintained in proper working condition at all times consistent with current standards of the industry and subject to the approval of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR or approved designee. All equipment shall be clearly marked with the CONTRACTOR'S name, contractor's license number and shall have the words "Under Contract to the City of Carlsbad" attached to each unit in service. When requested by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR or approved designee, the CONTRACTOR shall supply the City with a list of the equipment being used in furtherance of this agreement including its make, model, date of manufacture, and any other information deemed pertinent. All equipment shall be made available for inspection after 24 hours notification to the CONTRACTOR. All vehicles used to perform maintenance duties during normal service hours will have aerial capabilities. 23.02 City Provided Equipment. The CONTRACTOR will be issued a handheld EVP emitter and emitter testing unit for the purpose of better maintaining the City's emergency vehicle preemption system. This, and any other diagnostic equipment provided to the CONTRACTOR, will remain the property of the City of Carlsbad and must be returned to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR or approved designee upon termination of this agreement. 23.03 At least one technician assigned to this agreement shall have a CONTRACTOR provided laptop computer with CONTRACTOR provided wireless e-mail service for communication with the CITY. The CONTRACTOR shall provide QuikLoad software from McCain on this laptop computer. This laptop computer shall be available to the technician at any time the technician is servicing the CITY'S equipment. City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 39 of 58 24.00 RECORDS MAINTENANCE 24.01 Records Maintenance. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain at his/her place of business a record of all service calls or work performed upon the signal equipment including date, location, times in and out, costs for equipment and materials used, parts and supplies used, and the names of all persons who performed work. Each time work is performed at an intersection, including routine repairs and maintenance, the CONTRACTOR will update the record book within the cabinet. The CONTRACTOR will maintain accurate tinning information sheets within the controller cabinet at each signalized intersection. The CONTRACTOR will provide copies of these sheets upon request of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR or approved designee. 25.00 PARTS AND MATERIALS 25.01 Parts and Materials. All materials used by the CONTRACTOR in the furtherance of this agreement shall be in accordance with Caltrans specifications, City of Carlsbad specifications and shall be approved by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR or approved designee. City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 40 of 58 EXHIBIT "B" CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES BID NO. 10-02 CONTRACTOR'S WORK FORCE The CONTRACTOR shall set forth in Exhibit B to the proposed CONTRACT: A. Each labor or supervisory position by title that will make up the CONTRACTOR'S work force needed to provide the described services. B. A sufficiently detailed explanation of the minimum qualifications for a person working in each position title, including any required licenses and/or certifications. C. The minimum annual man-hours for each position title that the CONTRACTOR proposes to commit to the performance of the described services. D. A list and description of the qualifications of other pertinent staff that are not to be directly committed to this project but who will be available to support, consult, perform Extra Work, and the like E. A description of CONTRACTOR'S systematic skills training program The information provided In this attachment is for the purposes of determining the CONTRACTOR'S commitment and preparedness to perform the DESCRIBED SERVICES, and assuring that the CONTRACTOR'S bid is reasonable and complete. Nothing in this Attachment shall In any way be construed to remove, lessen, or relieve the CONTRACTOR from any responsibility prescribed by the CONTRACT. CONTRACTOR may attach additional pages to describe Minimum Qualifications, if needed. Label any such pages "Exhibit B - Additional Information" along with the appropriate position title{s) corresponding to this form. A. POSITION TITLE B, MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS C, TOTAL ANNUAL HOURS 31MS* UoiL I tlL /OO City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 41 of 58 EXHIBIT "B" Page 2 CONTRACTOR'S WORK FORCE (Continued) A. POSITION TITLE B. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS C. TOTAL ANNUAL HOURS too /0O /W) City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 42 of 58 EXHBIT"B" Page 3 CONTRACTOR'S WORK FORCE (Continued) D. Other Staff Support Title Description / Qualifications So* E. Description of CONTRACTOR'S employee training program City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 43 of 58 "Appendix B" CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES BID NO. 10-02 INSPECTION RATING FORM SITE: ECR& FARADAY INSPECTOR: MARC KRATZER 5/30/09 Possible Previous Rating This Category Description Points Period Period Required routine maintenance tasks performed Contractor's service logs complete and accurate Contractor performing services on Scheduled Day Work area is clean, neat and safe Personnel in Proper Uniforms Vehicles Marked as Required Rating Totals Deduction Percent 25 15 15 15 15 15 100 22 15 11 15 15 15 93 23 13 11 15 15 15 92 Deduction Percent Adjusted Payment Formula Monthly Payment Deduction Amount Adjusted Monthly Payment 3 0.03 $1,181.04 $35.43 $1,145.61 City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 44 of 58 "Appendix C" CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES BID NO. 10-02 EQUIPMENT LIST SigID Main St Cross St Other St Video 1 Adams 2 Alga Rd 3 Alga Rd 4 Alga Rd 5 Alga Rd 88 Alga Rd 153 Alga Rd 183 Alicante 160 Alicante St 6 Ambrosia Ln 147 Ambrosia Ln 132 Appian Wy 7 Arenal Rd 8 Armada Dr 9 Aston Av 140 Avenida Encinas 10 Avenida Encinas 11 Avenida Encinas 12 Avenida Encinas 13 Avenida Encinas 190 Avenida La Cima 166 Avenida Soledad 14 Aviara Pkwy 15 Aviara Pkwy 181 Aviara Pkwy 115 Aviara Pkwy 56 Aviara Pkwy 16 Aviara Pkwy 129 Aviara Pkwy 136 Aviara Pkwy 114 Aviara Pkwy 17 Aviara Pkwy 89 Aviara Pkwy 128 Aviara Pkwy 109 Aviara Pkwy 18 Batiquitos Dr 19 Beech Av 186 Black Rail Rd 124 Breakwater Rd 161 Bressi Ranch Wy Tamarack Alicante St Corintia St El Camino Real El Fuerte St Melrose Dr Xana Wy Town Garden Rd Poinsettia Ln Aviara Pkwy Poinsettia Ln Carlsbad Village Dr El Camino Real Palomar Airport Rd College Bl Cannon Rd Carlsbad Bl Palomar Airport Rd Poinsettia Ln San Lucas Rancho Santa Fe Rd Rancho Santa Fe Rd Batiquitos Ln Black Rail Ct Camino de las Ondas Cobblestone Rd College Blvd Four Seasons Pt Kestrel Dr Kingfisher Laurel Tree Ln Manzanita St Mimosa Dr Plum Tree Rd Poinsettia Ln Poinsettia Ln Carlsbad Bl Poinsettia Ln Carlsbad Bl El Fuerte St Aviara Pkwy Avenida de Anita Price Club Poinsettia Village BaccharisAv Mariposa Rd Palomar Airport Rd Cormorant Dr Plaza Paseo Real No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No Yes Yes No Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 45 of 58 /.- Sig ID Main St 20 Cadencia St 154 Calle Acervo 21 Calle Barcelona 142 Calle Barcelona 148 Calle Barcelona 189 Calle Barcelona 22 Calle Barcelona 141 Calle Barcelona 163 Calle Timeteo 23 Camino Alvaro 24 Camino de las Ondas 25 Camino de los Coches 26 Camino de los Coches 150 Camino Junipero 27 Camino Vida Roble 28 Camino Vida Roble 146 Cannon Rd 29 Cannon Rd 110 Cannon Rd 138 Cannon Rd 139 Cannon Rd 179 Cannon Rd 144 Cannon Rd 188 Cannon Rd 30 Cannon Rd 31 Cannon Rd 187 Cannon Rd 184 Car Country Dr 32 Carlsbad Bl 33 Carlsbad Bl 34 Carlsbad Bl 35 Carlsbad Bl 36 Carlsbad Bl 37 Carlsbad Bl 125 Carlsbad Bl 38 Carlsbad Bl 39 Carlsbad Bl 155 Carlsbad Village Dr 149 Carlsbad Village Dr 40 Carlsbad Village Dr 120 Carlsbad Village Dr 41 Carlsbad Village Dr 157 Carlsbad Village Dr 42 Carlsbad Village Dr 43 Carlsbad Village Dr Cross St Oth. La Costa Av Camino de los Coches El Camino Real Forum Main Entrance Paseo Aliso Paseo Avellano Rancho Santa Fe Rd Woodfern Camino de los Coches Rancho Santa Fe Rd Olivenhain Rd Paseo del Norte Rancho Santa Fe Rd Stagecoach Maverick Wy Rancho Santa Fe Rd El Camino Real Palomar Airport Rd Car Country Dr Carlsbad Bl El Camino Real FaradayAv Frost Av Grand Pacific Dr Hemingway Dr Hilltop Legoland Dr Paseo del norte Wind Trail Wy Paseo del norte Carlsbad Village Dr Cerezo Dr Grand Av Island Wy Pine Av Poinsettia Ln Ponto Rd Solamar Dr Tamarack Av Chatham Rd College Bl Concord St Donna Dr El Camino Real Glasgow Dr Harding St Highland Dr er St Video No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No No No City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 46 of 58 Sig ID Main St 44 Carlsbad Village Dr 45 Carlsbad Village Dr 46 Carlsbad Village Dr 47 Carlsbad Village Dr 130 Carlsbad Village Dr 48 Carlsbad Village Dr 49 Carlsbad Village Dr 113 Carlsbad Village Dr 122 Carlsbad Village Dr 112 Carrillo Wy 50 Cassia Rd 51 Chestnut Av 52 Chestnut Av 53 Cinema Wy 54 College Bl 55 College Bl 168 College Bl 167 College Bl 152 College Bl 135 College Bl 126 Company Stores 162 Corintia St 57 Costa del Mar Rd 145 Crystaline Dr 58 Dove Ln 59 El Camino Real 60 El Camino Real 67 El Camino Real 61 El Camino Real 62 El Camino Real 119 El Camino Real 63 El Camino Real 64 El Camino Real 65 El Camino Real 66 El Camino Real 134 El Camino Real 68 El Camino Real 94 El Camino Real 176 El Fuerte 164 El Fuerte St 165 El Fuerte St 69 El Fuerte St 159 El Fuerte St 175 Estrella de Mar Cross St Other St | Video Jefferson St Yes Madison St No Monroe St No Pio Pico Dr No Pontiac Dr Yes Roosevelt St No State St No Tamarack Av Yes ValleySt No Melrose Dr No El Camino Real Yes El Camino Real No Monroe St No Marron Rd Yes El Camino Real Yes Faraday Ave Yes Inlet Wy Red Bluff Rd No Rift Rd Ridgefield No Tamarack north Yes Tamarack South Yes Paseo del norte Yes El Fuerte St Yes El Camino Real No Poinsettia Ln Yes El Camino Real Yes Faraday Yes Hosp Wy Yes Jackspar Dr Rancho Carlsbad Dr Yes Kelly Dr No La Costa Av Yes La Costa Towne Ctr No Levante St Yes Marron Rd Yes Palomar Airport Rd Yes Plaza Plaza Camino Real/ Vons Yes Center Poinsettia Ln Yes Tamarack Av No Town Garden Rd Yes Faraday Av Yes Gateway Rd Yes Greenhaven Dr Yes Palomar Airport Rd Yes Poinsettia Ln Yes Poinsettia Ln No City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 47 of 58 /O SigID Main St Cross St Other St Video 174 Faraday Av 173 Faraday Av 123 Faraday Av 178 Faraday Av 177 Faraday Av 185 Fire Station #6 70 Grand Av 71 Grand Av 72 Grand Av 73 Hidden Valley Rd 171 Innovation Wy 74 Jefferson St 75 Jefferson St 76 Jefferson St 77 Jefferson St 143 La Costa Av 78 La Costa Av 79 La Costa Av 93 La Costa Av 80 La Costa Av 172 Lionshead Av 81 Marron Rd 82 Melrose Dr 92 Melrose Dr 111 Melrose Dr 169 Mica Rd 182 Olivenhain MWD Entrance 84 Palomar Airport Rd 85 Palomar Airport Rd 91 Palomar Airport Rd 86 Palomar Airport Rd 87 Paseo del norte 156 Paseo Escuela 151 Paseo Lupino 170 Poinsettia Ln 158 Poinsettia Ln 90 Rancho Santa Fe Rd Orion St Priestly Dr Van Allen Wy Whiptail Loop E Whiptail Loop W Rancho Santa Fe Rd Jefferson St Roosevelt St State St Palomar Airport Rd Palomar Airport Rd Laguna Dr Las Flores Dr Marron Rd Tamarack Av La Costa Towne Center Rancho Santa Fe Rd Romeria St Saxony Rd Viejo Castilla Wy Melrose Dr Monroe St Palomar Airport Rd Poinsettia Ln Rancho Bravado Poinsettia Ln Rancho Santa Fe Rd Palomar Oaks Wy Paseo del norte Paseo Valindo Yarrow Dr Poinsettia Ln Poinsettia Rancho Santa Fe Rd Quartz Wy Snapdragon Dr San Elijo Loker Av West Paseo Corto No No No Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 48 of 58 "Appendix D" CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES BID NO. 10-02 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULES City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 49 of 58 CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE BID NO. 10-02 Monthly Inspection Checklist PERFORMED BY CONTRACTOR C A B I N E T C 0 N T R O L L E R P E D E S T R I A IM Clean inside of cabinet Remove graffiti Clean filter Verify fan operation Check general condition Pest control Verify timing & clocks Verify program per chart Verify functions per chart Check back-up battery Verify detection operation Verify EVP in program Check flasher card operation Verify ppb operation Check ppb mounting Verify indication Check head condition M O N T H DATE INSPECTED ALL OK DIRECTION FAILURE ACTION* DtiTE OF ACTION COMMENTS * 1 = Repairs completed by Contractor per maintenance agreement 2 = Repairs completed by Contractor at City's request - incident number assigned 3 = Referred to City for repair City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 50 of 58 CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE BID NO. 10-02 Monthly Inspection Checklist (continued) PERFORMED BY CONTRACTOR H A R D W A R E & A P P U R T E N C E S Check head visibility & clear/report as needed Check ISNS - visual Check head alignment Check backboard & visor Verify indication operation Check pole & base condition Remove graffiti Check mastarm & framework condition Check Opticom scope condition Verify terminal & pole coverplate security Check pull box & cover condition Check electric service condition Check camera or loop / pavement condition M O N T H DATE INSPECTED ALL OK DIRECTION FAILURE ACTION* DATE OF ACTION COMMENTS * 1 = Repairs completed by Contractor per maintenance agreement 2 = Repairs completed by Contractor at City's request - incident number assigned 3 = Referred to City for repair City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 51 of 58 CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE BID NO. 10-02 Quarterly Inspection Checklist PERFORMED BY CONTRACTOR C A B I N E T C 0 IN T R O L L E R P E D E S T R I A N Clean inside of cabinet Remove graffiti Clean filter Verify fan operation Check general condition Pest control Lube all doors & locks Verify timing & clocks Verify program per chart Verify functions per chart Check back-up battery Verify detection operation Verify EVP in program Check flasher card operation Tighten electrical connections at cabinet service & load bay Verify ppb operation Check ppb mounting Verify indication Check head condition M O N T H DATE INSPECTED ALL OK DIRECTION FAILURE ACTION* DATE OF ACTION COMMENTS * 1 = Repairs completed by Contractor per maintenance agreement 2 = Repairs completed by Contractor at City's request - incident number assigned 3 = Referred to City for repair City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 52 of 58 CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE BID NO. 10-02 Quarterly Inspection Checklist (continued) PERFORMED BY CONTRACTOR H A R D W A R E & A P P U R T E N C E S Check head visibility & clear/report as needed Check ISNS - visual Check head alignment Check backboard & visor Verify indication operation Check pole & base condition Remove graffiti Check mastarm & framework condition Check opticom scope condition Verify terminal & pole coverplate security Check pull box & cover condition Check electric service condition Check camera or loop / pavement condition M O N T H DATE INSPECTED ALL OK DIRECTION FAILURE ACTION* DATE OF ACTION COMMENTS * 1 = Repairs completed by Contractor per maintenance agreement 2 = Repairs completed by Contractor at City's request - incident number assigned 3 = Referred to City for repair City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 53 of 58 VALUE ADDED OFFERINGS ENGINEERING & PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Republic ITS's engineering staff is available to provide traffic signal modification design, signal timing and coordination enhancement, and many other traffic, civil and electrical engineering related services. Our unique ability to design, construct and maintain all facets of traffic signals and streetlights using in-house staff is one example of the many aspects that set Republic ITS apart from other maintenance companies. Republic US'b Traffic Engineering Services Group offers a full spectrum of traffic, civil, and construction engineering services. Our team of licensed Traffic and .Civil Engineers and International Municipal Signal Association (IMSA) technicians offer complete solutions to your transportation engineering needs. Our ultimate goal is to provide municipalities with exceptional, cost effective traffic engineering support to meet all their transportation engineering requirements. Republic ITS Offers Engineering Expertise in the Following Arena • Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) management & operations • Design review services » Development and implementation of operations and maintenance programs • Design/Build improvement projects • Traffic signal and streetlight system design Republic ITS's engineering professionals possess significant practical experience in both the public and private sectors. We have decades of combined experience working for public works departments and consulting engineering firms. Republic ITS staff can offer: « Complete Design/Build services for traffic signals, pedestrian crossings, street lighting and other electrical infrastructure projects • Traffic signals, signal modifications, and signal interconnect plaas • Traffic control plans • Traffic signing and striping plans • Pedestrian and bicycle transportation enhancements • Inspection of traffic signal and streetlight construction traffic Operations Services • Monitor and utilize traffic management systems, including VMS 3$0, Actra, Streetwise, Quicknet/4 and Traconet among others • Develop, review, and implement traffic signal timing and coordination plans for Type 170/2070 and NEMA controllers • Evaluate and recommend future development of a traffic operations center City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 54 of 58 • Assess and recommend innovative technology/ products such as video detection, radar speed signs, red light enforcement cameras, extinguish^ hie LED signs, etc Republic IIVs staff of California Board-licensed civil and traffic engineers teamed up with I MSA-certified electricians have a combined extensive knowledge and experience in the design, construction, and maintenance of various ATMS systems and their equipment and components Systems we have maintained and operate include but are not limited to the following proprietary systems: Multisonics VMS 220 & 330, Na/.tec Streetwise, Eagle ACTRA, BI-Tran, and I'raconet. We recognizi- that use of emerging AI MS and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) technologies are becoming a trend among forward- thinking municipal agencies. As such. Republic ITS has established powerful partnerships and has gained exteftsive knowledge and experience in various ATMS system design, integration, implementation, and maintenance. As a service maintenance provider throughout the State and nation, we have acquired the unique ability to keep abreast with emerging ATMS technologies that arc actually being implemented around the country. This creates the added benefit of allowing us to learn from other agencies, which in turn provides the greater ability to provide expedient maintenance and troubleshooting to our customers. Analysis Services » Conduct stop control and traffic signal warrant evaluations • Evaluate existing illumination levels • Develop, maintain and analyze collision databases for long term tracking of transportation system safety performance and potential for mitigation1, • Perform intersection level of service, timing and coordination analysis using various software programs, such as Sync/wo, SimJraffic, TRANSIT 7F, and PASSER General'iraHSfiorMion Enghieering Services » Pursue various Federal, State, Regional and Utility funding programs such as TEA-21, Safe Routes to School, Hazard Elimination Safety.. Transportation Hund for Air Quality, Transportation for Livable Communities and Regional Traffic Signal Timing • Develop and recommend signing, striping and lighting specifications and standards • Evaluate and address various citizen and motorist traffic safety requests and concerns • Conduct and/or review traffic impact studies • Provide inspection and construction management services City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 55 of 58 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Republic ITS recognizes that speed, efficiency, and comprehensive service are the keys to customer satisfaction in our industry. With this in mind, we are constantly seeking innovative ways to improve our service delivery Republic ITS is proud to present a detailed description of PLATO and VViRE (Wireless Republic), our computerized traffic signal maintenance and inventory/bar-codmg management system. These two applications represent what we believe to be the forefront of customer account management and maintenance tracking in our industry. Both WiRE and PLATO have been developed to match the daily needs of both Republic ITS and our customers: • PLATO is Republic ITS's primary maintenance tracking and account management application, comprised of a detailed and flexible database system. It handles detailed project management, contractual information, and scheduling of both service requests and scheduled maintenance. It is the information backbone of Republic ITS and our investment in providing the best possible service to our customers. • WiRE is our field access to PLATO, allowing our service crews to access real-time information and scheduling using Microsoft Pocket PC devices. Service response information is transmitted in real-time .back to PLATO, allowing monitoring of service status and inventory information. PLATO PLATO was developed to provide rapid access to service requests, maintenance scheduling, and detailed work histories for intersections. Based on Microsoft's web application framework, PLATO is available to any workstation with access to Republic ITS's intranet. This provides maximum flexibility in Plato's deployment, making it available to any internal computer with a browser. The information handled bv PLATO includes: • Service Request Management and Scheduling, including time stamping and dispatching. • Scheduled Maintenance Management and Scheduling. • Intersection Details, including inventories of equipment, maps, CAD drawing, timing sheets, etc. • Detailed Service Descriptions, allowing us to tailor the service rendered in the held to the precise specifications of the City. • Agency Information Management, including contacts, billing information, etc. • Contractual Information, including frequencies of scheduled maintenance, contract periods, "Not to Exceed" limits, etc. • Internal communications, such as pertinent notes, etc. • Report Generation, including invoices, materials use, etc. • Inventory control, including real-time tracking of available and installed equipment Information available to view or download through the Customer Rxtranet includes: • Real-time status of Scheduled Maintenance and Service Request calls • Real-time Intersection Inventories. City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 56 of 58 (fit • Real-fame Equipment Inventories. • Intersection maintenance histories, maps, CAD drawings, digital photographs. • Account information, such as contacts and billing. In addition, the information available to City staff can be tailored to meet the City's needs. Republic !TS will work with the City to make sure you get the information you need to successfully serve your customers. Electronic Service Request WIRE VViRE allows our technicians in the field access to an array of useful data. Maintenance histories for the intersection, inventory bar-coding & scanning, downloading timing sheets and uploading them to a controller, digital photographic documentation: all contribute to a quicker, more successful visit from a Republic ITS signal technician. In addition, our scheduled maintenance activities and responses to service requests are documented on-site utilizing our hand-held devices, as well as documentation noting any other needed repair work. WiRE also functions as a dispatching tool; once a service request is dispatched to a technician, relevant information concerning the nature of the call and the intersection is immediately available. City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 57 of 58 (,3 Typical Screen Shots of the WiRE Interface FLEXIBILITY The most important aspect of the applications described above is the flexible nature of their use and their potential for future development. Republic ITS can work with the City's staff to customize the applications to maximize their usefulness and provide the level of service the City desires. This flexibility includes the ability to modify types of information collected, downloading of information, visual representation, means of access, or other conveniences the Citv wishes. In summary, we believe that our exclusive PLATO and WiRE software technology will not only increase our productivity and accuracy in the field, but it will also be a valuable source of information for vour staff. WiRE and PLATO Training Session City of Carlsbad Contract 10-02, Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Page 58 of 58