HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-04-27; City Council; 20202; Amendment CMP Replacement Program ProjectCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 20.202AB# MTG. 4/27/10 DEPT. UTIL APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH HARRIS AND ASSOCIATES, INC., FOR THE CMP REPLACEMENT PROGRAM, PROJECT NO. 6607 DEPT. DIRECTOR XT1'/.1 71 CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER tij—^ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2010-088 approving Amendment No. 1 to amend a professional services agreement with Harris and Associates, Inc., to provide professional engineering and design services for the Corrugated Metal Pipe (CMP) Replacement Program, Project No. 6607. ITEM EXPLANATION: The CMP Replacement Program was established as a five-year program to replace, repair, or remediate deteriorated CMP storm drain systems throughout the City. The pipelines included in the program were identified after City staff videoed the interior of the pipe and assessed the condition of CMP pipelines. On October 21, 2008, the City Council through adoption of Resolution No. 2008-294, approved an agreement with Harris and Associates, Inc., to perform design services for the CMP Replacement Program. Harris and Associates, Inc., is substantially complete with the design effort in the original agreement that included design of three projects encompassing nine pipelines. The program has seven remaining pipelines. These pipelines have been divided into two projects based on the construction technique that will be used and the level of regulatory agency permitting required for the projects. Construction costs for recently awarded contracts came in well below the engineers estimate. As a result, funds are available to initiate design of the final phases of the program. The purpose of Amendment No. 1 is to advance the design of the seven remaining pipelines. The current contract expires October 22, 2011. There is a provision in the contract that allows the contract to be amended and extended for three additional, one year periods in an amount not to exceed $150,000 per agreement year. In order for the design services in Amendment No. 1 to be funded today, the amendment requires approval of the City Council. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The amendment to the professional services agreement with Harris and Associates, Inc., is statutorily exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA guidelines Section 15262 - Feasibility and Planning Studies. The drainage projects will be subject to CEQA upon final design and all applicable CEQA documents will be processed and filed prior to adoption of the project's plan and advertisement for construction. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Sherri Howard, (760) 602-2756, Sherri.Howard@carlsbadca.gov FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY COUNCIL ACTION:APPROVED DENIED D CONTINUED D WITHDRAWN D AMENDED D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN D RETURNED TO STAFF D OTHER-SEE MINUTES D Page 2 Pipelines in Year 2011-2012 of the program involve slip lining within the improved public right-of-way which constitutes the replacement or reconstruction of existing structures in the same location and with the same purpose and capacity. Therefore, projects within Year 2011-2012 of the program are exempt from further environmental documentation pursuant to Section 15302 - Replacement and Reconstruction of the State CEQA Guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT: The original agreement was for $283,080. Amendment No. 1 totals $134,600. The increased total of the agreement will be $417,680. CORRUGATED METAL PIPE (CMP) PROGRAM - PROJECT NO. 6607 TASK DESCRIPTION Design Construction, Inspection, Materials Testing Environmental Mitigation & Monitoring Right-of-Way Acquisition TOTAL APPROPRIATED TO DATE $501,000 1,247,700 31,000 29,300 $1,809,000 EXPENDITURES/ ENCUMBRANCES TO DATE* $315,454 222,648 90 24,300 $526,429 REMAINING BALANCES $185,545 1,025,050 30,910 5,000 $1,246,505 The cost associated with the subject amendment for this scope of work is $134,600. Sufficient funds are available to complete the design of the remaining pipelines. If this amendment is approved, $1,111,905 will remain for other tasks associated with this project. The current total appropriation of $1,809,000 will increase each subsequent fiscal year to fund construction, environmental mitigation, and right-of-way for the CMP program projects included in the design scope of services up to $2,598,000 through Fiscal Year 2011-2012. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map. 2. Resolution No. 2010-088 approving Amendment No. 1 to Agreement with Harris and Associates, Inc., for CMP Replacement Program, Project No. 6607. 3. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement with Harris and Associates, Inc., for CMP Replacement Program, Project No. 6607. LOCATION MAP 'SITE NOT TO SCALE SITE PROJECT NAME CORRUGATED METAL PIPE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM REMAINING PROJECTS PROJECT NUMBER 6607 EXHIBIT 1 OKAm BY: SCOTT EV/WS CARLSBAD UTILITIES MPT. J/2J/IO C:\UMJ7irS\W3GN 0(MSCW\HOI»1WO\6607 LOCATION UAP.DWS 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2010-088 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, TO APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO A 3 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH HARRIS AND ASSOCIATES, INC., TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING 4 AND DESIGN SERVICES FOR THE CORRUGATED METAL PIPE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM, PROJECT NO. 6607. 5 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad entered into an agreement with Harris and Associates, 6 Inc., for professional engineering services to provide design services for the Corrugated Metal 7 Pipe Program on October 22, 2008; and 8 WHEREAS, the agreement needs to be amended to advance the scope of work to 9 design the remaining pipelines earlier than anticipated; and 10 WHEREAS, the amount of the agreement needs to be increased to $417,680 reflecting 11 an increase of $134,600 to the current agreement; and 12 WHEREAS, there are sufficient funds appropriated for Project No. 6607. 13 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 14 California, as follows: 15 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 16 2. That Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement for Professional Engineering Services 17 with Harris and Associates, Inc., is hereby approved. 18 3. That the agreement amount is increased by $134,600 to $417,680. 19 4. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to execute 20 Amendment No. 1 with Harris and Associates, Inc., for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 27th day of April, 2010, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Kulchin, Hall, Packard and Blackburn. NOES: None. ABSENT: Mayor Lewis CLAUDE(A< LEWIS', Mayor Ann J. Kulchin, Mayor Pro-Tern ATTEST: LORRAINE iM/ (SEAL) Karen R. Kundtz. Assistant City Clerk PWENG663 AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT FOR CMP REPLACEMENT PROGRAM, PROJECT NO. 6607 (HARRIS AND ASSOCIATES, INC.) cThis Amendment No. 1 is entered into and effective as of the _ day of , 201_£_, amending the agreement dated October 22, 2008 (the "Agreement") by and between the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation, ("City"), and HARRIS AND ASSOCIATES, INC., a California corporation, ("Contractor") (collectively, the "Parties") for (description of project). RECITALS A. The Parties desire to alter the Agreement's scope of work to design project plans, specifications, and cost estimate for the remaining pipelines in the corrugated metal pipe program; and B. The Parties have negotiated and agreed to a supplemental scope of work and fee schedule, which is attached to and incorporated by this reference as Exhibit "A", Scope of Services and Fee. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Contractor agree as follows: 1. In addition to those services contained in the Agreement, as may have been amended from time to time, Contractor will provide those services described in Exhibit "A". 2. City will pay Contractor for all work associated with those services described in Exhibit "A" on a time and materials basis not-to-exceed one hundred forty eight thousand, seventy six dollars ($148,076.00). Contractor will provide City, on a monthly basis, copies of invoices sufficiently detailed to include hours performed, hourly rates, and related activities and costs for approval by City. 3. Contractor will complete all work described in Exhibit "A" by October 22, 2011. 4. All other provisions of the Agreement, as may have been amended from time to time, will remain in full force and effect. 5. All requisite insurance policies to be maintained by Contractor pursuant to the Agreement, as may have been amended from time to time, will include coverage for this Amendment. City Attorney Approved Version #05.22.01 6. The individuals executing this Amendment and the instruments referenced in it on behalf of Contractor each represent and warrant that they have the legal power, right and actual authority to bind Contractor to the terms and conditions of this Amendment. CONT HARRI Califoi *By: (SSOCIATES, INC., a 5oration CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California Ann J. KuTchin, Mayor Pro-Tern ATTEST: (e-mail address) *By: (sign here) LORRAINE iyi. City Clerk ~ Karen R. Kundtz. Assistant City Clerk (print name/title) (e-mail address) If required by City, proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by contractor must be attached. If a Corporation. Agreement must be signed by one corporate officer from each of the following two groups. *Group A. Chairman, President, or Vice-President *Group B. Secretary, Assistant Secretary, CFO or Assistant Treasurer Otherwise, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering the officer(s) signing to bind the corporation. APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney Deputy City Attorne City Attorney Approved Version #05.22.01 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT C<XXXXX>c<XXXXyCC<XXXKXXXX^ State of California County of Pi CQ O On 5-3-3-iO before me, personally appeared Here Insert Name and Title of the Officers, Name(s) RANI KNSKIN Commission # 1706959 Notary PubHc - California i San Dtogo County II I who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the perspnj£) whose namej#J is/SH=e-subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/ske/they executed the same in his/h©j$heir authorized capacity(4es)7 and that by his/hef/ihe+r signature^'on the instrument the person(s)T or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature.Signature of Notary Public OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: _ ..... 3 -"/ Q ~3-£j .LQ Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: _ ..... 3pacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Individual yM / r\ Corporate Officer — Partner — '• : Limited ! Attorney in Fact Trustee L ! Guardian or Conservator Other: Signer Is^Representing:. Signer's Name: ^ ^—-~~ Individual ^,,-^^''' .._ Corporate-Officer — Title(s): L^ParTner — Limited L! General j Attorney in Fact ..". Trustee Guardian or Conservator aer: RIGKTTHUMBPRINT OF SIGNER Signer Is Repres> ©2007 National Notary Association • 9350 De Solo Ave., RO. Box 2402 -Chatsworth, CA 91313-2402-www.NationalNotary.org Item #5907 Reorder: Call Toll-Free 1-800-876-6827 EXHIBIT "A" ••Harris & Associates Program Managers Construction Managers Civil Engineers February 24, 2010 Sherri Howard City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: Proposal for Professional Engineering Design Services for Citywide Corrugated Metal Pipe Rehabilitation/Replacement Program, Phase II Dear Sherri: Harris & Associates appreciates the opportunity to present this proposal to provide professional engineering services for the preparation of plans, specifications and estimate (PS&E) for the subject project. Based on our understanding, the proposed improvements include replacement and rehabilitation of existing storm drain Corrugated Metal Pipes (CMP) in various locations in the City. Phase II of the project will be produced in two plan sets. The first set will include sites 43, 25, 86 and 87, and 60, while the second set will include sites 6, 29, 34 and 42 as shown on Exhibit 1. The plans sets will be produced to expedite the environmental process that is expected to take time in completing. Our project approach is based on the following scope of work: • Review the videos provided by the City for the CMP pipes identified for rehabilitation to evaluate their condition and degree of deterioration. • Perform hydrology and hydraulic analysis of specific project sites as directed by City staff and identified in Exhibit 1. Exhibit 1 enumerates the type and extent of the effort we anticipate for each segment of CMP pipe replacement/rehabilitation. The design documents will be prepared so that each package will be self sufficient to be bid and constructed independently. The two sets will be prepared as follows: • Set 1- Aston Street (Site 43), Hoover Street at Adams Street (Sites 25, 86 and 87), and Badajoz Place (Site 60) • Set 2- Jefferson Avenue (Site 6), Oak Avenue (Site29), Highland at Adams (Sites 34 and 42). Sherri Howard February 24, 2010 Page 2 of6 Task 1.0 Project Management 1.1 Progress & Review Meetings We will schedule and attend project kick-off, and other progress meetings through the duration of the project. We have included six (6) meetings with city staff and private property owners to review the project progress and discuss outstanding project issues. We will prepare and transmit the meeting agendas and provide draft-meeting minutes for the City's review within one week of our meetings. 1.2 Utility Coordination We will mail initial utility notifications to all utility companies that have facilities within the project limits making them aware of the upcoming construction activities and requesting copies of their maps, plans, and/or sketches of their existing and/or proposed facilities within the project limits. In addition to the written utility notifications, we will coordinate the design of the project with utility companies to relocate their utilities (if required) for timely completion of their work before construction of the project. This may be needed for those areas where inlet construction is required. Copies of progress submittals will be transmitted to all affected utility agencies to notify them of the anticipated project construction schedule and request any utility potholing and/or relocations necessary for the construction of the proposed improvements. As with all of our design projects, we will maintain a utility log to track to whom and when notification sere sent to, and document the responses received. City staff will be copied on all utility correspondence. Task 2.0 Preliminary Investigations 2.1 Data Gathering and Site Visit Harris staff will gather all available record plan information from the City pertinent to the design of the project. We will conduct field reviews and take inventories of site features within the project limits. It is essential that Harris and City staff do a field review of the project sites to confirm the scope and the limits of proposed pipe rehabilitations. 2.2 Review Videos of Existing CMP We will review the videos provided by the City of all existing CMP pipes, to evaluate their condition and degree of deterioration. This evaluation is essential in deciding whether the existing pipes can be rehabilitated by lining or if they must be replaced due to excessive deterioration. 2.3 Topographic Survey Our sub-consultant Right-of-Way Engineering will perform topographic surveys for the project locations as listed in Exhibit 1, to include the following: Sherri Howard February 24, 2010 Page 3 of6 • Research record maps • Tie in sufficient monuments to orient record boundary • Control Survey to City of Carlsbad Benchmark, establish NAD 83 project control based on Carlsbad control ROS • Perform topography of area to include slopes, trees, walls, driveways, storm drain grates and inverts, storm drain structures, pipe sizes, sewer manhole rim location, elevation, invert elevation, pipe size, pipe type, cross gutters, houses, fences and all surface utilities within the project area. • Right of way, centerline and property line calculations field note reduction, ownership research • Prepare base mapping at 1"= 20' feet with 1' contours centerline, R/W and property line and owner information. • Record map reproduction 2.4 Base Mapping Utilizing the topographic survey obtained in Task 2.3, we will prepare base maps for the proposed improvements. Base maps will be prepared in plan and profile format at a horizontal scale of 1" = 20'. Base maps will include alley center lines, right-of way, manholes, valves and underground utilities. All base maps will be prepared in AutoCAD. 25 Utility Potholing Vacuum-extraction potholing of existing utilities that are potentially in conflict with proposed improvement will be performed by Underground Solutions, our sub-consultant, at our direction. We have included six (6) potholes in our fees. Pothole locations will be identified where utility conflicts need resolution prior to construction, dependant upon proximity of utilities to proposed inlets. 2.6 Hydrology Study This effort includes hydrology and hydraulic analysis to evaluate the adequacy of the existing storm drain systems. We will provide two copies of each report along with a digital file for the city's use. We propose to perform a hydrology and hydraulic analysis for the following locations: • Hoover and Adams Street intersection (Sites 25, 86 and 87) • Highland and Adams Street intersection (Sites 34 and 42) Sherri Howard February 24, 2010 Page 4 of6 Task 3.0 Conceptual Design (30% Submittal) Five sets of Conceptual plans along with a digital copy will be provided for the City's review and use. Two hardcopy of the specifications and estimate will be provided along with digital copy for the city's review and use. 3.1 Conceptual Improvement Plans Prepare conceptual design plans depicting the proposed improvements. The conceptual design will include: • Proposed CMP replacement/rehabilitation limits • Proposed storm drain clean out or inlet replacement/addition • Possible AC pavement replacement • Identifying pavement, subsurface utilities and other obstructions impacted by proposed improvements. • Identifying potential private and public improvements affected by the proposed improvements. • A list of items requiring City feed back, along with Harris associated recommendations. 3.2 Conceptual Probable Construction Cost Estimate Quantities will be determined from the conceptual plans, and preliminary estimates of probable construction costs for the proposed improvements, will be prepared based upon those quantities. Cost estimate will be prepared in spreadsheet format using unit costs from Harris' extensive bid tabulation history database, as well as from recent City bid results on similar types of work. 3.3 Agency Coordination Prepare exhibits and provide support for agency permits including NCTD and Coastal Commission. This task does not include preparation of the permits, preparation of environmental documentation, or submission to the agency. Task 4.0 Preliminary Design (75% Submittal) Five sets of Preliminary plans along with a digital copy will be provided for the City's review and use. Two hardcopy of the specifications and estimate will be provided along with digital copy for the city's review and use. 4.1 Preliminary Improvement Plans Prepare preliminary improvements plan and profile sheets for drainage and other pertinent improvements based on approved conceptual design plans. Sherri Howard February 24, 2010 Page 5 of6 4.2 Preliminary Traffic Control Plans Prepare traffic control plans in conformance with California Manual Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). These plans will be included as part of the Improvement plan set. We anticipate preparing traffic control plans at the following three locations: • Hoover Street (Site 25) • Highland at Adams Street (Sites 34 and 42) • Jefferson Avenue (Site 6). 4.3 Preliminary Specification Specifications will be prepared in the City's format using a digital sample provided by the City. The specifications will be submitted to the City for review. Harris will prepare separate specifications for each of the two plan sets. 4.4 Preliminary Probable Construction Cost Estimate A preliminary probable construction cost estimate will be prepared from actual quantities shown on the plans and unit costs from recent bids received by the City for similar items of work and Harris extensive bid tabulation history. The following Improvement plans are anticipated: Description Scale Number of Sheets Title Sheet Civil detail Sheets Plan and Profile Sheets Traffic Control Plans Total Estimated Sheets N/A N/A 1"=20' 1"=40' 2 2 4 4 12 Task 5.0 Final Plans, Specifications, and Estimate Five sets of Final plans, one signed mylar set, along with a digital copy will be provided for the City's review and use. Two hardcopy of the specifications and estimate will be provided along with digital copy for the city's review and use. 5.1 Final Improvement Plans Prepare final improvement plan sheets to address the City's 75% comments. 5.2 Final Traffic Control Plans Prepare final traffic control plans to address the City's 75% comments. These plans will be included as part of the improvement plan set. Sherri Howard February 24, 2010 Page 6 of 6 5.3 Final Specifications and Estimate Final Specifications and estimate will address comments from the 75% design submittal. FEES Harris & Associates proposes to provide the above services for the total not-to-exceed fee of $ 148,076.00. A breakdown of the proposed fee is presented for your information, to be used in evaluating this proposal. Fees would be invoiced monthly, based on actual hours of work completed. Our services would be accomplished per an agreement with the City, with all terms and conditions as stated therein. CITY RESPONSIBILITIES • Make available and provide all existing data and information relevant to the proposed project. • Environmental document and CEQA process • Advertising and review of the construction bids and construction contract award. • Management, administration, inspection and materials testing of the construction contract and approval of PS&E • Pay all outside agency permit fees, if any • All issues related to NPDES/Permits, including Water Quality Management Plan, NCTD permits • Provide video of all storm drain lines to be rehabilitated or replaced. We appreciate the continued opportunity to work with the City of Carlsbad, and are committed to the successful and timely completion of your project. If you have any questions, or need additional information please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Harris & Associates Ehab Gerges, P.E. Vice President Manager of Engineering Services Cc: Javier Saunders Bob Sutherlin EXHIBIT 1 City of Carlsbad - Citywide CMP Rehabilitation Program Per City Program Sheet No.Location Pipe Length Size Strategy Hydrology Survey Geotech Boring Traffic Control Pothole (Number) Utilities Environ PLAN SET 1 43 25 86 and 87 60 29B-47 to 29B-48 Aston- Easement off Van Allen Way Hoover Inlet - N/E corner with Adams 16D-10to16D-36 Hoover - Easement southwest of Hoover to the Hedionda Lagoon 54B-17to54B-18 Badajoz Place - end of cul-de-sac 25' of 18" CMP 50' of 24" RCP 200' of 24" CMP 72' of 18" CMP CIPP New Construction CIPP CIPP No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No No Yes (3) Yes No No Yes No No No Yes Yes No PLAN SET 2 6 29 34 42 5A-2 to 5A-58 Jefferson - between I-5 and Marron Road 9D-83 to 9D-84 Oak - easement beneath RR at corner of Oak and Washington 16D-35to21B-2 Highland Drive- at Adams Street (goes with #42 below) 21B-2to21B-3 Adams Street - down from Highland 53 60' of 36" CMP 59' of 15" CMP 57' of 12" CMP CIPP CIPP New Constrution CIPP and New Construction No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes (3) No No No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes HARRIS & ASSOCIATES City of Carlsbad CMP Rehabilitation Fee Proposal Task/Subtask Harris & Associates PD $220 PM $200 PE $160 DE $115 TECH $95 Survey ROW Potholing USI Subtotals Task 1.0 Project Management 1 -1 Progress & Review Meetings 1.2 Utility Coordination Subtotal Hours = Subtotal ($) = 12 12 $2,640 18 20 $4,000 $320 16 16 $1,840 $760 $0 $0 2-2 Review of Video 2.3 Topographic Survey 2.4 Base Mapping 2.5 Utility Potholing and Plotting 2-6 Hydrology Study Subtotal Hours = Subtotal ($) =$440 10 $2,000 48 80 $12,800 24 52 $5,980 16 40 58 $5,510 22,608 $22,608 8,938 $8,938 Task 3.0 Conceptual Design (30%) 3.1 Conceptual Imp. Plans 3.2 Conceptual Probable Const. Cost Estimate 3.3 Agency Coordination Subtotal Hours = Subtotal ($) =•$1,320 12 18 $3,600 48 64 $10,240 80 100 $11,500 $0 $0 $0 Task 4.0 Preliminary Design (75% Submittal) 4.1 Preliminary Imp. Plans 4.2 Preliminary Traffic Control 4,3 Preliminary Specifications 4.4 Preliminary Probable Construction Cost Estimate Subtotal Hours = Subtotal ($) -$1,760 16 30 S6.000 24 12 40 82 $13,120 80 24 112 $12,880 20 28 $2,660 $0 $0 Task 5.0 Final Plans, Specifications, and Estimate 5.1 Final Imp. Plans 5.2 Final Traffic Control 5.3 Final Specifications & Estimate Subtotal Hours - Subtotal ($) = Total Hours by Classification = Total ($) by Classification = Percentage of Time Allocated (by hours) = 18 20 38 $440 $3.600 $6,080 $5,520 $1,520 48 16' 16 30 $6,600 96 $19,200 4% 12% 266 $42,560 32", 328 $37,720 40% 110 $10,450 13% $0 $0 $22,608 $8,938 $6,240 $3,320 58 $9,560 Task 2.0 Preliminary Investigation $1,420 $24,168 $5,560 $9,908 $13,520 202 $58,276 $20,160 $2,600 $3,900 188 $26,660 $19,020 $6,240 $8,880 $2,280 260 $36,420 $10,720 $1,640 $4,800 122 $17,160 830 $148,076 Set ONE - Title Details 2 Plan 2 Traffic Set TWO- Title Details 2 Plan 2 Traffic (6 Sheets) (6 Sheets) City of Carlsbad CADocuments and Settings\BobS\Desktop\CMP Phase 2\Project Set Up and Scope\Carlsbad CMP Replacement Phase 2 Fee.xls