HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-05-25; City Council; 20248; Artsplash 2010 Special Event Grant Request12CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL ' ^ AB# 20,248 MTG. 5/25/10 DEPT. HNS ARTSPLASH 2010 SPECIAL EVENT GRANT REQUEST DEPT. DIRECTOR CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDED ACTION: Consider the request from ArtSplash for grant funding for their 2010 event and either adopt Resolution No. 2010-129 or deny the request. ITEM EXPLANATION: Attached is a letter (Exhibit 3) from ArtSplash co-founder and Chairperson, Joni Miringoff, requesting Special Event Grant funding from the City in the total amount of $33,650 to help fund ArtSplash 2010. The $33,650 includes in-kind services, which are estimated at $5,038 as shown in detail in Exhibit 4, and a $28,612 cash donation for other event costs. This community-oriented art event is scheduled for September 25 and 26, 2010. In October 2003, the City Council amended Council Policy 51 (Exhibit 5), creating an opportunity for Special Event Grants under the Community Activity Funding Program. This program allows special event organizers to apply for grant funding for their event at any time of the year. These requests are to be considered by Council and, if funded, the appropriation is typically made from City Council's contingency account. Council Policy 51 states that organizations funded under this program may receive grants for no more than three (3) consecutive years. The City Council's intent in drafting Council Policy 51 was to use City funds to help new special events or programs get started, and then have those programs become self-sufficient and community supported efforts. ArtSplash has exceeded the number of years allowed under the Special Events Grant Program because it has received event funding from the City Council since the event's inception in 2002. However, the event organizers have indicated that this popular community event will not occur without the City's financial and in-kind staff services and are requesting that the Council approve the funding with the understanding that it is an exception to its Council Policy 51. A history of City support for ArtSplash 2002-2009 is shown in Exhibit 6, and the supplemental application for the Special Event Grant is attached as Exhibit 7. The supplemental application provides additional information on the benefit of the event and its funding. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Courtney Enriquez 760-434-2812 courtnev.enriquez@carlsbadac.gov FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONL Y. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED /KT CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D DENIED D CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN D CONTINUED D RETURNED TO STAFF D WITHDRAWN D OTHER-SEE MINUTES D AMENDED D Page 2 FISCAL IMPACT: The Council may deny or approve the request. If the Council chooses to fund this special event, approval of the attached resolution will appropriate $33,650 from Council's General Fund contingency account for ArtSplash 2010. This appropriation will include $5,038 to various General Fund budgets to fund the City provided in-kind services and $28,612 in direct cash assistance to the event organizers to offset other external costs to execute the event. The City Council's contingency account has a $500,000 provision for FY 2009-10, with a current account balance of $460,331. At no cost to the City, ArtSplash will provide two informational booth spaces valued at $2,000 each. These booths will provide space to share information and hands on art activities with the community regarding beach preservation efforts and cultural arts within Carlsbad. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The appropriation of funds does not qualify as a "project" under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15378 as it does not result in a direct or reasonable foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 2010-129 appropriating $33,650 from Council's contingency account for ArtSplash 2010. 2. Letter from ArtSplash requesting Special Event Grant funding for ArtSplash 2010. 3. ArtSplash 2010 In-kind and External Services Budget. 4. Council Policy 51. 5. History of Funding. 6. Special Events Grant Supplemental Application. Exhibit 1 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2010-129 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING A SPECIAL 3 EVENT GRANT TO ARTSPLASH FOR THE ARTSPLASH 4 2010 EVENT AND AUTHORIZING THE FINANCE DIRECTOR TO APPROPRIATE SAID FUNDS. 5 6 WHEREAS, the organizers of ArtSplash, a community-oriented event, has 7 requested financial assistance for their ArtSplash 2010 event; and 8 WHEREAS, ArtSplash requested a Special Event Grant in the amount of 9 $33,650 for this event, including $5,038 for in-kind City services and $28,612 in direct 10 cash assistance. 11 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of 12 Carlsbad, California, as follows: 14 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 15 2. That the Carlsbad City Council hereby authorizes the Finance Director to 16 appropriate $5,038 from the City Council's General Fund contingency 17 account to various General Fund budgets for in-kind City services for 1 8 ArtSplash 2010. 19 3. That the Carlsbad City Council hereby approves a Special Event cash 20 donation in the amount of $28,612 for the ArtSplash 2010 event from the21 City Council's General Fund contingency account, and authorizes release 23 of said funds to the event organizers. 24 4. That the ArtSplash organizers will be required to execute an agreement in 25 a form acceptable to the City Attorney, which can be executed by the City 96 Manager, to include the following conditions: 27 28 1 • All necessary special event permits/approvals shall be obtained 9 from the City prior to release of said funds; 3 A final report on how the grant funds were spent will be filed with 4 the City once the funds are expended; 5 6 • Original records (receipts) must be maintained for two years and 7 made available to the City should they be requested for audit 8 purposes; 9 • The grant funds shall not be expended on any publication containing political advertisements or advocacy for a particular 11 ballot measure or political candidate. 12 13 14 15 " 16 17 // 18 // 19 // 20 „ 21 // 22 23 24 25 26 " 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 25th day of May, 2010, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Hall, Packard and Blackburn. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. E A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: LORRAINE to. WOOD', City Clerk (S%AL) w \\HHIfi Apr. 5. 2010 S:5SAM ^ Exhibit 2 January 26, 2010 LisaHildabrand 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad. CA 92008-1989 Dear Lisa, I would like to request that the City of Carlsbad help financially secure the sustainability of ArtSplash with a $20,000 sponsorship. Additionally, J would like your help with "in kind" services that include but not limited to police onsite services, ambulance onsite services, a man lift, street sweeping and re- striping, a traffic control plan and sand pickup and delivery for the sand sculpture. We will be celebrating the 8th annual ArtSplash on September 25 & 26, 201 0. New this year will be a well known artist, demonstrating seed art. Additionally we will have stone sculpture, mosaic, rock stacking, fine art, sand sculpture and of course chalk art. "Taste at ArtSplash" will be on Saturday and again schools that sell tickets will receive 50% of the sales. We will depend on the community to help us continue to be successful. Volunteers from all over San Diego County helped us last year, and we already have partnership commitments from LEGOLAND Sea Life, Certified Folder and Coast Management, ArtSplesh is a wonderful gift to our community and its success is sustained through the generosity of the City of Carlsbad. Thank your for considering this request for ArtSplash! Sincerely, Joni Miringoff ArtSplash Co-Founder and Chairperson 5620 Paseo Del Norte #127-442 Carlsbad. CA 92006 • (760) 436-2828 info@CarlsbadAnSplash.org - www.CarlsbadArtSplash.org ArtSplash 2010 In-Kind and External Cost Analysis Exhibit 3 > In-Kind Services CoStS (required elements for this special event) Service Police staffing Special Event application Fire inspection Traffic Engineering services Storm water inspections Streets and labor Streets slurry seal/re-striping Bobcat loader and operator Dumptruck operator 2010 provider Carlsbad Police Department Carlsbad Police Department Carlsbad Fire Department Carlsbad Engineering Division Carlsbad Storm Water Division Carlsbad Streets Division Carlsbad Streets Division Carlsbad Streets Division Carlsbad Streets Division TOTAL COST 2010 estimates $3,411.80 $330.00 $310.88 $533.46 $0.00 $331.80 $0.00 $60.00 $60.00 $5,037.94 NOTE: Service charges will be based on number of hours at full burdened rate. > External CoStS (required elements for this special event) Service Paramedics/ambulance services Pressure washing and street sweeping/restroom area Traffic control implementation Forklift, scissor lift #1 and #2, deliver and pick up 2010 provider San Diego Medical Services Enterprise All Beach and Bay Cecilia's Safety Services Coast Equipment Rentals TOTAL COST 2010 estimates $1,440.00 $950.00 $5,791.80 $430.00 $8,611.80 TOTAL In-kind and external costs $13,650 Exhibit 4 Page 1 of 2 Policy No. _ 51 CITY OF CARLSBAD Date Issued _ 1/8/08 COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Supersedes No. 1/20/04General Subject: Community Activity Funding Specific Subject: Process for Funding Community Activities Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File BACKGROUND : The City Council has, in the past, chosen to fund community activities with General Fund monies. This has included the allocation of funds to agencies that provide various enrichment programs to Carlsbad residents and visitors. During the 2003-04 budget process, the City Council directed a council subcommittee to evaluate the current process and recommend changes to facilitate that process. The following policy outlines those changes. PURPOSE: To establish the process for distributing funds for community activities. POLICY: 1 . It is the policy of the City of Carlsbad to allocate funds for community activities. 2. Organizations funded under this policy may receive grants for no more than 3 years, with the exception of the Community Activity Grant. Organizations funded by the Community Activity Grant may receive grants for 3 years and then cannot apply for grant funding for a minimum of 2 years. After at least a 2 year hiatus, organizations can again apply for grant funding and receive a maximum of two additional years of grant funding. 3. Community Activity Grants a. These grants provide funding for enrichment programs for the community. b. The amount of funds to be allocated will be determined annually during the budget process. c. Once the budget is adopted interested groups will be notified of the application process. d. The application process will consist of the following: i. City application for funds ii. Public hearing before a citizen review panel iii. Recommendations submitted to City Council. Page 2 of2 e. The City Council will establish a review panel comprised of citizens and city staff to evaluate the applications, and make recommendations to the City Council. The review panel will be comprised of the following: One representative from each quadrant of the City, one member of the Senior Commission, the Library Board, and the Parks & Recreation Commission. f. The review panel will consider the provision of matching funds from other sources in evaluation of the applications. 4. Special Event Grants a. These grants provide city funding for Special Events in the city of citywide interest. b. These grants can be requested any time of the year. c. The requests will be funded from Council's contingency account. d. The application process will consist of the following: i. Special event application ii. Special Event Grant supplemental application iii. Approval of special event by special events committee iv. Allocation of funding by the City Council 5. Winning Teams Grants a. These grants provide funding to youth teams to offset the cost of travel expenses to national championship competitions. b. These grants can be requested any time of the year. c. The requests will be funded from Council's contingency account. d. Eligibility requirements are: i. The participants are all 18 years of age or under, ii. The group or team is an organized non-profit corporation or agency, iii. The request for funding must be made prior to the date of the event, iv. At least 90% of the participants in the team or group are residents of Carlsbad. e. The application process will consist of the following: i. Written request to Council ii. Allocation of funding by the City Council 6. This policy may be amended as necessary. Exhibit 5 ArtSplash History of Funding Fiscal Year 2001-2002 2002-2003 2002-2003 2002-2003 2004-2005 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2006-2007 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 2009-2010 Amount $15,000 $10,605 $4,000 $15,000 $17,365 $12,103 $7,498 $20,000 $9,930 $20,000 $11,682 $20,000 $12,273 $20,000 $13,146 Method Community Activity Grant General Fund contingencies (Council Contingency) Various General Fund budgets General Fund contingencies (Council Contingency) Special Event Grant Various General Fund budgets Various General Fund budgets Special request for Council Policy 51 exemption Various General Fund budgets Budget process (Council Contingency) Various General Fund budgets Budget process (Council Contingency) Various General Fund budgets Special Event Grant Various General Fund budgets Purpose of Funding Funding for inaugural event - ArtSplash 2002 Reimbursement of ArtSplash 2002 shortfall In-kind services for ArtSplash 2002* Planning activities for ArtSplash 2004* Funding for ArtSplash 2004 In-kind services for ArtSplash 2004 In-kind services for ArtSplash 2005* Funding for ArtSplash 2006 In-kind services for ArtSplash 2006* Funding for ArtSplash 2007 In-kind services for ArtSplash 2007* Funding for ArtSplash 2008 In-kind services for ArtSplash 2008* Funding for ArtSplash 2009 In-kind services for ArtSplash 2009* *NOTE 1: In-kind services include police support, traffic control, street preparation, equipment rentals, paramedic on-site, etc. ** NOTE 2: The event was not held in 2003. -> To date, the city has provided ArtSplash with a total of $208,602, of that $70,632 has come in the form of in-kind services. Exhibit 5 The following is a brief history of funding the City has provided to ArtSplash. Fiscal Year 2001-2002 2002-2003 2002-2003 2002-2003 2004-2005 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2006-2007 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 Amount $15,000 $10,605 $4,000 in-kind services $15,000 $17,365 $12,103 in-kind services $7,498 in-kind services $20,000 $9,930 in-kind services $20,000 $11,682 in-kind services $20,000 $12,273 in-kind services Method Community Activity Grant General Fund contingencies (Council Contingency) various General Fund budgets General Fund contingencies (Council Contingency) Special Event Grant various General Fund budgets various General Fund budgets Special request for Council Policy 51 exemption various General Fund budgets Budget Process (Council Contingency) various General Fund budgets Budget Process (Council Contingency) various General Fund budgets Purpose of Funding Funding for inaugural event - ArtSplash 2002 Reimbursement of ArtSplash 2002 shortfall. In-kind services for ArtSplash 2002* Planning activities for ArtSplash 2004* Funding for ArtSplash 2004 In-kind services for ArtSplash 2004* In-kind services for ArtSplash 2005* Funding for ArtSplash 2006 In-kind services for ArtSplash 2006* Funding for ArtSplash 2007 In-kind services for ArtSplash 2007* Funding for ArtSplash 2008 In-kind services for ArtSplash 2008* * Note 1: In-kind services include police support, traffic control, street preparation, equipment rentals, paramedic on-site, etc. **A/ofe 2: The event was not held in 2003. To date, the City has provided funding of $117,970 and in-kind services totaling $57,486 for the ArtSplash events. ArtSplash Budget 2010 2009 Actual 2010 Budget Income Auction Booth Fee Income Chalk Square Decor Family Arts Carnival Food Vendor Grant Opportunity Tickets Sponsor Sponsor Booth Taste Tickets Water Total Income 2,720 7,750 10,525 3,500 6,647 5,450 17,700 1,411 23,000 6,300 4,990 896 94,238 2,720 7,700 11,000 3,500 6,650 5,500 10,000 1,400 23,000 4,000 5,000 900 81,370 Expense Admin/Sec Services Advertising/Promotional Artist Fees & Expenses Artist Supplies Bank Fees Bookkeeping Computer/Website Maintenance Decor Donations Drink Supplies Entertainment Equipment Rentals Fees/Dues/Memberships Insurance Photos/Photography Postage/Mailing Services Printing/Copies Sand Sculpture Security Signs Storage Supplies Taste at ArtSplash Taxes Trash Management Total Expense Net Income 180 24,051 6,535 562 6 135 479 3,787 4,021 184 5,122 14,875 925 891 500 927 1,293 5,605 1,116 2,696 1,248 1,268 771 30 531 77,738 16,501 180 24,000 6,900 600 0 135 480 2,950 6,900 190 5,100 15,080 925 890 500 925 1,325 5,600 1,200 1,861 1,250 1,270 772 30 530 79,593 1,777 2010 Budget.xls 4/20/2010 I3L Exhibit 6 CITY OF y \r SPECIAL EVENTS GRANT SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION Please complete the following supplemental application using the instructions provided on the last page of this application. Attach additional pages if necessary. Name of Applicant:<~-. .^ , Address: 5 <o.aQ jo OcASejo cy ,3 <•-> Phone:\ \S E-mail: Jc, ^ i (04 c^j-^ Vt c\J> , c. o o Contact 1 6 ^ W\o i Contact 2 Name o Name ,-Fecieral TaxJ^l # or Social Security #: TOTAL GRANT FUNDING REQUEST: $ 7(0 o - C Phone Phone ELIGIBLITY REQUIREMENTS I \ Please answer the following questions to determine if your event is eligible for City grant funds: Y N Will your Special Event be held entirely within the City of Carlsbad? S D Have you submitted a Special Events Permit application to the City? EH CH (If yes, please attach a copy to this grant supplemental application) Does your Special Event have a citywide interest? if yes, explain in the section below fj>£] CH Has the Special Event received less than three (3) years of grants from the City? O ^ (If yes, please note below the number of years you have received grants from the City, if any) If you answered yes to all of the above questions, your request is eligible for this grant program. Please complete the remainder of this application. If you answered no to any of the questions, please contact Courtney Enriquez at the City of Carlsbad (760-434-2812) to discuss your eligibility for the special events grant. City of Carlsbad Housing and Neighborhood Services Special Event Grant Supplemental Application www.carlsbadca.gov GRANT REQUEST DESCRIPTION (if necessary, please attach supplemental pages to document) Applicant Background Organization: v4to.-c-SAcx.sV-> Names of Officers and Board of Directors (if applicable): Name Title Name of the special event: Location of event: CW Please list the years in which your team has received prior funding from the City and list the related dollar amounts: How does your special event benefit and provide citywide interest to the Carlsbad community? I' !r>Va-M t M f .<? \e\3/-ic^-t lO> t-.^"\^> E- gL lA. C, O^X v-J6LX -> n\f=» *JT * o Q, o V->^ c a f xV~ FINANCIAL CAPABILITIES/BUDGET Do you have any additional funding opportunities (i.e. corporate or private sponsors, matching grants) currently committed or pending? Please complete the information below: ^ /fUe,.sti- o-.-«_ c\\ Percentage of financial contribution towards goalName -rs p.<-0.gdL.._ J 0— * ^000 o ro-S>5^ - 5i2>oO s Please include a budget for program request including funding schedule. City of Carlsbad Housing and Neighborhood Services Special Event Grant Supplemental Application www.carlsbadca.gov CERTIFICATION We, the undersigned, do hereby attest that the above information is true and correct to the best of our knowledge. (Two signatures required) V I l(.£iA^->-^QCX. Cl\->Q_i.r yxa^iSr. ,-=• __ ft o^-i A <3l.3l.„_. . ™_,. Signature Title Date £-. / Signature Title Date SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION & ALTERNATIVE FORMAT Please submit this supplemental grant application together with a written request (cover letter) to the City Council stating the amount of funding requested and intended use for this funding. As noted above, please attach a copy of your special event application. City of Carlsbad will provide written materials in alternative formats and reasonable modifications in policies and procedures to persons with disabilities upon request. RETURN COMPLETED APPLICATION Please hand deliver, U.S. mail, e-mail or fax completed supplemental grant application packet together with your cover letter request to: City of Carlsbad Housing and Neighborhood Services 2965 Roosevelt Street, Ste. B Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: Courtney Enriquez Telephone Number: 760-434-2812 Fax Number: 760-720-2037 E-mail: Courtnev.Enriquez@carlsbadca.gov City of Carlsbad Special Event Grant Supplemental Application Housing and Neighborhood Services www.carlsbadca.gov INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE P. O. BOX 25D8 CINCINNATI, OH 45201 Date:JUN 23 2008 ARTSPLASH 2755 JEFFERSON ST STE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 102 DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Employer Identification. Number: 20-0483191 DLN: 608170013 Contact Person: SHAWNDEA KREES . ID# 31072 Contact Telephone Number: (877) 82S-5500 Public Charity Status: 509(a) (2) Dear Applicant: Our letter dated July 2004, stated you would be exempt from Federal income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and you would be treated as a public charity, rather than as a private foundation, during an advance ruling period. Based on the information you submitted, you are classified as a public charity under the Code section listed in the heading of this letter. Since your exempt status was not under consideration, you continue to be classified as an organization exempt from Federal income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Code. Publication 557, Tax-Exempt Status for Your Organization, provides detailed information about your rights and responsibilities as an exempt organization. You may request a copy by calling the toll-free number for forms, (800) 829-3676. Information is also available on our Internet web Site at www.irs.gov. If you have general questions about exempt organizations, please call our. toll-free number shown in the heading. Please keep this letter in your permanent records . Sincerely yours, Robert Choi Director, Exempt Organizations Rulings and Agreements Letter 1050 (DO/CG) KC> ArtSplash Board of Directors James Comstock, CPA, Treasurer Principal, Comstock & Associates 2755 Jefferson Street, Suite 102 Carlsbad, CA 92008 760/729-7444 Patricia Gunn, Vice President Director of Sales and Marketing Grand Pacific Palisades Resort and Hotel 5805 Armada Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 760/827-3231 Frankie Laney Public Relations Director Carlsbad Convention & Visitors Bureau 400 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 9208 760/434-6093 Joni Miringoff, President Group Sales/Special Events Director CB Ranch Enterprises 5600 Avenida Encinas, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 760/930/9123, ext. 118 Carla J. Noble, Secretary Member Services Director Vista Chamber of Commerce 201 Washington Street Vista, CA 92084 760/726-1122 Stephen M. L'Heureaux, ex-officio Attorney at Law 2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 760/931-0434 2010 US Bank Foundation Grant Application -ArtSplash All Receive-Agenda Item #J3_ Lisa Hildabrand For the Information of the: CIWCOUHIUl. From: Debbie Fountain Asst Sent: Monday, May 24,20104:46 PM , . To: Lisa Hildabrand * ^4^2. City Man?<rer_ Cc: Courtney Enriquez; Sandra Holder Subject: Art Splash - Additional Information Hi Lisa. As a follow up to the briefing today, here is some additional information on the budget for Art Splash: Promotions/marketing ($24,000): This funding is used for radio ads, print materials and e-mails. Donations ($6900): These donations are made to school art programs. Net Income (Projected $1,777 for 2010; actual $16,501 in 2009): Any excess funds after all expenditures are paid are placed in a reserve fund to assist with the next year. They use these funds to assist with costs for the next year, if revenue does not reach expectations or meet their needs. Sometimes this excess is used to make some additional donations to the school art programs. Based on the Art Splash budget, City cash funds represent approximately 25% of the total revenues for the event. On the Winning Teams Grant for the Aviara Oaks Middle School, I learned today that they will not be able to have a representative at the meeting tomorrow. They all will be on their way to the big championship. We are, however, trying to find out how much money they were able to raise to date, and will share this information with the Council upon receipt. Let me know if you have any other questions/comments. Thanks, Debbie CARLSBAD Debbie Fountain Housing and Redevelopment Director Title Change Coming Soon: Housing and Neighborhood Services Director 2965 Roosevelt Street, Suite B Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Website: www.carlsbadca.gov P:(760) 434-2935 - Direct P:(760) 434-2811-Office F:(760) 720-2037 - Fax E: debbie.fountain@carlsbadca.gov All Receive-Agenda Item #__6?__ Lisa Hildabrand For the inform**™ ~f A.( CITY COUNCILFrom: Courtney Enriquez Asst. CM CA '"tc v-"' Sent: Tuesday, May 25,20108:59 AM — To: Lisa Hildabrand ^^Sl^City Manager ^ Cc: Debbie Fountain; Sandra Holder Subject: Winning Teams Grant: AOMS Odyssey of the Mind Good morning Lisa, Below is some follow up information requested by a councilmember at yesterday's briefings. The AOMS Odyssey of the Mind team has raised a total of $9,403 to date; according to their coach if the grant from the city is not awarded then they will go back to ask the parents for additional funds or have ongoing fundraising events. The total cost of the trip, according to their application, is estimated at $11,856 and their grant request is for $2,000, If awarded the grant, the team would still need to raise $453 upon return. In addition, the team is traveling today and will not be able to have a representative at the Council meeting. If you have any additional questions, please let me know. Thank you, Courtney X2812 CARLSBAD Courtney Enriquez Management Analyst City of Carlsbad 2965 Roosevelt Street, Ste. B Carlsbad, CA 92008 www.carlsbadca.gov P: 760-434-2812 F: 760-720-2037 Courtnev.Enriquez@ carlsbadca.gov Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. A COMMUNITY CELEBRATION FORARTS EDUCATION September 26-27, 2009 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA -'I Presented by :| The Rotary Club of Carlsbad and the City of Carlsbad f Saturday Taste at ArtSpiash Sunday ern Street Circus Dumpsters Restrooms Restrooms ART VENDORS Museum of Making Music ARTVENDORS CHALK ARTIST SQUARES Family Arts Carnival ATM f Featured Sculptors - Bronze, Stone Dirty Car Art 13 Chain Saw Scluptor ^ Recycled Reef 0J Plexiglas Art Q Stone Stacking * Sand Sculptor *§* First Aid/Ambulance El volunteer Check-In DD Information Performers Comfort \M Street Painter Check In ^ % Main Entrance «. Hand washing Station to ArtSplash,"An Arts Adventure for All Ages," is produced with the help of an entire community of individuals, companies.The Rotary Club of Carlsbad and the City of Carlsbad. ArtSplash is a non- profit organization that not only produces the annual ArtSplash art and music festival, but also endeavors to raise funds for art and music programs in North County schools. Today, we invite you to roll up your sleeves and create your own art through a variety of hands-on activities. Enjoy the free musical performances, browse the fine art booths and watch the chalk art street paintings come alive right before your eyes. Enjoy the Adventure! The ArtSplash Committee Joni Miringoff, Chairperson to 6a Pftotogtap&ad ArtSplash and its agents will be taking pictures of people, including minors, at this event to be published in various documents that promote the ArtSplash non-profit organization and the ArtSplash festival. By your presence at this event you hereby consent to and assign all rights to your portrait, picture, videotape and sound recording (collectively "Photograph") of you or in which you may be included intact or in part, composite or distorted in character or form, without restriction to ArtSplash, a non-profit 50l(c)3 organization, and you hereby authorize the reproduction, copyright, exhibition, broadcast, cable-cast, Internet posting, and/or distribution through any and all media now or hereafter known of said Photographs without limitation for purpose of this use. You waive the right to any fees, royalties, or control, now or in the future, and you grant full permission for the use of your Photograph, including without limitations, your likeness, performance, voice, name and biography for the purpose of publicizing, advertising, or promoting any ArtSplash matter or program. You relinquish any right that you may have to examine or approve the completed product or products or the advertising copy or printed matter that may be used in conjunction therewith or the use to which it may be applied. IFYOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE ABOVE TERMS AND CONDIT1ONS.YOU MUST LEAVE THIS EVENT NOW. IFYOU STAYATTHIS EVENT.YOUR PRESENCEWILL BE DEEMED TO BEYOUR CONSENTTO BE PHOTOGRAPHED. Because of your support, ArtSplash is proud to have donated $9,000 to North San Diego County schools last year. Aft...An J tad anTradition Street Painting—using chalk pastel as a medium—is an Italian tradition dating back to the 16th century. Street painters known as madonnari (after their physical practice of creating chalk paintings of the Madonna), would transform village squares into colorful temporary galleries. Historically, these itinerate artists were noted for a life of travel and freedom.They were aware of the many festivals and holidays unique to each province, and would time their arrival to join the festivities. Upon arrival in a town or city, the madonnari would go about the business of creating paintings directly on the sidewalks or public squares using chalk pastel as their medium.They survived on the money they received as alms and from small commissions.After the holiday, or with the first rains, the picture and the painter would vanish. In Carlsbad, the madonnari come together each September atArtSplash to turn Arrnada Drive into a beautiful gallery of art. Artists Amy Burkman Anthony Razo Rico Antonio Canilangjr Brette Chap in Briana Cunha Carrie Jones Cecelia Linayao Chris Bennett Chris Conaway Christine Michel Christopher Chouinard Cynthia Kostylo Dan Mauer DeebaVan Overberghe Ellen Benfatti Eric Arcala Erik Sisley Ester Petschar Everado Galvez Gary Simpson Gustavo Lozano Horizon Christian Academy Ivette Zavala Jesse Silva Jessica Venegas Jesus Guiterrez Joey Chavez Joni Miller Joseph Adorante Julio Jimenez Karin Trujillo Kathy Garrison Kristina Marroquin Kurt Thompson Kyra McDonnell Lawrence Godfrey Leon Martin Lesley Perdomo Liliana Mai Loretta Bednar Lori Antoinette Lori Escalara Lucas Delatorre Lucas DeWulf Luis Fernando Segura Lysa Ashley Maaria Kader Maribeth McFaul Marilyn Johnson Kozlow Mo McGee Ofelia Alvarado Rancho Buena Vista High School Rebecca Anne Goolsby Renee Keady RonnyJohnson Sandy Haasis Santa Fe Christian Upper School Sara Olson Shaina Joel Shawnet Sweets Sonya French Steve Alan Suresh lyengar Tara Clark Tia Harper Tom Roberts Tommy Farrias Valerie Cortez Valley Middle School Zoila Cobain fern Street Girct4$ Fern Street Circus was founded in 1990 by John Highkin and Cindy Zimmerman to explore circus as an artistic and narrative form and to function as a means for artists to work in neighborhoods.The first production, in 1991, launched an annual series of whimsical, narrative circus shows set amid an urban landscape. Their performances atArtSplash will delight young and old alike and will include jugglers, acrobats, aerial acts, dance and many more spellbinding and death-defying acts. Fern Street Circus brings an original circus performance to ArtSplash through the generosity of a Community Arts Grant from the Cultural Arts Office/City of Carlsbad. ThankYou Carlsbad! 2009 Killarney Carnohan returns as our erncee. SATURDAY - September 26 11:00- 11:30 11:45- 12:20 12:25- 12:30 12:35- 1:30 1:45-2:45 3:10-5:00 SHOKENJITAIKO -Vista Buddhist Temple Drummers FEARON O'CONNOR SCHOOL OF IRISH DANCE A "taste of Ireland", featuring young dancers in authentic costumes. MAYOR LEWIS -Welcome and opening remarks FORTY PROOF (city band) - Classic Rock band LANCER DANCERS - Seven-time National Dance Champions from Carlsbad High School C'BAD 7 - Standards, Classics and Contemporary music SUNDAY - September 27 11:00- 11:45 11:55- 12:15 1:00 - 2:00 2:00 - 2:50 3:00 -4:00 4:10-5:00 HULLABALOOBAND - Classic traditional kid folk songs and a couple of obscure old folk tunes SUNSET STRUMMERS - Ukulele string band for all ages STAGE DARK - Fern Street Circus at north end of street CREW - Drumming STAGE DARK - Fern Street Circus at north end of street JASON BROWN - FEATURING YVETTE WILLIAMS Smooth Jazz, R&B, Pop, Standards and more Saturday Only - 2:00 p.m.to 5:00 p.m. -Tickets $20. Proceeds support art and music in North County Schools Participating Restaurants: Canyons Restaurant at The Crossings at Carlsbad Flippin' New York Style Pizza / Knockout Pizza Hensley's Flying Elephant Pub & Grill Isaac's Catering / Carlsbad Gourmet King's Fish House Lola's Mexican Market & Deli Mimi's Cafe Olive Garden Pat & Oscar's Pelly's Fish Market & Cafe Polios Maria Romano's Macaroni Grill Senor Grubby's Sou plantation The Daily News Cafe Tri-City Medical Center featured Aft D/rty Car Art Scott Wade comes to ArtSplash this weekend all the way from San Marcos,Texas. Like any reasonably creative and curious human, Wade can't resist a dirty rear car window. He probably started off with clever sayings, like, "wash me." Maybe his first image was the ubiquitous smiley face. Unlike most folks however, Scott lives on a mile and a half of dirt road — caliche, as the locals call it, road-base: a blend of limestone dust and gravel and clay. Driving over this surface results in a fine, white dust that billows up behind any vehicle driven faster than a galloping turtle, coating the rear window. Being an experienced artist, it wasn't long before Scott was experimenting with techniques to achieve his amazingly detailed and shaded drawings. Wade has gained national acclaim for his quirky "Dirty Car Art" creations, including an appearance on the CBS Early Morning Show and at Seattle's Art Car Blowout. He plans to create a masterpiece on a dusty vehicle throughout ArtSplash weekend. He reports,"! love reproducing the old masters' paintings, but I'm willing to try almost anything.To me, it's not so much the subject, but the beauty of the medium that attracts me." Wade's Mona Lisa on a Mini Cooper and other unique pieces are displayed at www.dirtycarart.com.Wade declines to divulge what he plans to create at ArtSplash, but it is sure to be memorable as well as ephemeral. ArtSplash President Joni Miringoff says,"Scott's art harmonizes perfectly with the tradition of chalk art celebrated by ArtSplash. Both last only until the next rain; yet endure as an art form." Scott Wade - DirtyCarArt.com Recycled Material Sculpture Joey Chavez describes himself as having been an artist his entire life. "I am a Marine Corp brat and combat illustrator for life." He graduated with a B.F.A. from the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena and opened a pop art gallery in Oceanside. His hope is to build a central point of contact for all artists of like minds in the community with "lowbrow art." Between helping the local kids on summer break hone their drawing skills and teaching a life drawing workshop every Wednesday, he keeps pretty busy. At ArtSplash Joey will construct a life-size coral reef comprised of recycled electronic components donated by Our Planet Recycling of Escondido. Chavez says he is looking forward to his demonstration."! am eager to show the public that one man's trash is another man's treasure." Chavez has become well-known in North County, thanks in part to his signature bull fashioned from old shoes that adorns his JC Gallery and Studio in downtown Oceanside. Joey Chavez - jcgalleryandstudio@gmail.com Chainsaw Sculpture A little boredom turned into a roaring artistic success for ex-logger James Lukinich of Alpine. Using a chain saw, the owner of the White Wolf Tree Service now coaxes charming designs out of wood. Fanciful birds, appealing bears, clever alligators and other creations quickly take shape. Making the first cut is the hardest part for Lukinich."I just sort of look at (the wood)," said the accomplished wood sculptor."Pretty soon I see something in there, a little animal or something." Lukinich said he thinks of his work and his art as another way to do more with nature's bounty."! recycle the wood; try to carve something out of a dead tree," he said. In addition to his creative work, Lukinich also does custom carvings on site, such as totems, mantels and furniture. Born and raised in the upper Northwest, he began wood carving for the first time when he was in his late teens. Lukinich later became a logger, topping giant trees in Oregon, Washington and Alaska. "That's where I started (chain saw) carving. I was just bored.The first thing I carved was a dynamite sign.We had a dynamite shack." What began as a hobby, carving gifts for family and friends, has since become a professional skill. He has become known during the past five years in Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona through the craft show circuit. His sculptures cost $300 to $4,000. He is a member of the Spanish Village Artists Guild in San Diego's Balboa Park. The artist said he will probably continue creating chainsaw wood art "until I can't pick up a saw any more.Then I get to stay home and whittle." James Lukinich -JannesLuk@aol.com Sand Sculpture Little did young Gerry Kirk know, while playing in the sand on the beaches of Southern California, that he would eventually become the dominant force worldwide in the art of sculpting sand. Founding father of Sand World International, Gerry has taken his talent to the shores of all continents. Master of anatomy and design, Gerry continues to dazzle audiences in Asia, Europe and the Americas with his epic mythical themes and virtuoso sand sculpting technique. Artist, sculptor, inventor, general contractor, educator, organizer and all around good fella, ArtSplash is proud to present to you the incredible work of Gerry Kirk and his international team. Gerry Kirk - (858) 847-0389 Bronze Sculpture As a hobby, PaulaYates had been exploring her creative ability since childhood, always dreaming of becoming an artist. After a long career in banking, she began to pursue sculpture. She studied sculpture at Scottsdale Artist School in Arizona and Loveland Academy of Fine Art in Colorado. She then began sculpting as a career in 1998, showing in galleries and at fine art festivals in Arizona,Texas, New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado and California. She was the "Featured Artist" forThunderbird Artist, 2001, received "Best of Show" for Walnut Creek on Main, 2002,2004,2005 and "Invitational Award" for The San Jose Tapestry in Fine Arts, 2002,2003. She received two separate Mayors Awards from the Los Altos Rotary Fine Art Show 2009. She has also been honored to be a featured artist for The ArtSplash Invitational in Carlsbad, CA, 2006,2007,2008 and 2009. One woman artist exhibits include: Spirit Wind Gallery, Sedona.AZ; Gallery Square, Jasper, TX; Meyer Gallery, Moline, IL; and Hyde Park Gallery, Cincinnati, OH. Her collectors include individuals, corporations and museums throughout the United States, Europe and Canada. She also gives private sculpture instructions out of her studio in Scottsdale, AZ. The innocence of a time remembered, when life and its pleasures were simple and playful describe her sculptures. Paula creates her sculpture with the belief that the freedom and joyfulness of women and children at play will capture the magic in your heart. PauIaYates - info@PaulaYatesSculpture.com WAVw.PaulaYatesSculpture.com Stone Sculpture Victor Picou will be returning for the 6th time to exhibit his fine sculptures in stone and terra cotta. He will also have an area for kids to play with 'rock carving,' He is represented by Desert Art Source Gallery in Palm Desert and Desert Art Center in Palm Springs. He is the CEO and Symposium Director for California Sculptors Symposium, Inc.,a non-profit organization that has an annual event in Cambria. As a member of the Pasadena Society of Artists, he shows regularly in their group shows. His main art interest is 'expressing what he loves' through sculpture; the human form, communication, nature and abstract forms that reflect life, birth and inspiration. "I am interested in a variety of stone and different approaches to design. Enticed by the stone, I go directly through the surface and beyond. Unique shapes come to life as I explore a search for wholeness and cohesion. The shining white marble crystals or the red veining in alabaster, or the boldness of granite lead my hands into the heart of the stone.Translucent stone influences my joy of light, shadow and simple form. Modeling clay adds a passionate element to sculpting. Poetry helps me understand feelings." Victor Picou - www.VictorPicou.com Oasis of Eco-Seren/ty Carlsbad-based Studio 2's Ron Juncal and Phyllis Swanson are collaborating with local artist Cecelia Linayao to create an oasis of colorful eco-serenity. Juncal says, "As longtime ArtSplash participants, we wanted to stretch the canvas of possibilities.This year's tableau will highlight environmental sustainability and connect our multifaceted creation to the natural beauty of the ocean-close locale." Visitors will be magically drawn to enter the live plant-embellished 'venue within a venue' where they can enjoy the panorama of the Pacific viewed through Studio 2's translucent Plexiglas mural of Maxfield Parrish's "Ecstasy." The mural will be accentuated by Linayao's chalk art creation of Parrish's "Pandora." Linayao says,"Literally and visually we are working together to bring separate pieces created in different media into a unified whole." Free-form sculptures of recycled everyday items such as tea pots will rise on each side of the area, mimicking rock-balancing. Ron Juncal - www.Studio2Artists.com Phyllis Swanson - www.Studio2Artists.com Cecelia Linayao - C2Linayao@hotmail.com fine Art „•«*:.• 3D Digital Photo 3-D Photography Adam Stone "Pop" Paintings Albert Chaney jewelry Art Divas Paintings CamDeLyn Creations jewelry Charles Sherman Glass Sculpture Christopher Frank Photography Large Color Nature Photos Cindy's Art Floral Photography Creative Art & Design Studio Floral Paintings Creative Flow Ceramics Distinction Art Gallery Paintings by Various Artists Donjo Designs Ocean Creature Bronze Sculpture Esther Friedman Handmade Jewelry Gregg Visintainer Drawings Hudson River Wood Furniture James Lukinich Chainsaw Sculpture SiCcnt Auction JD Shultz Paintings on Plexiglas Joey Chavez Recycled Art Justin Coopersmith Multi-media Paintings Lisa Reinhart San Diego Oil Paintings Little Miss Bling Bling Hand Blown Glass jewelry Lynn Forbes Clay Sculpture NTKS Black & White Artifacts Paper and Stone 2-Dimentional Sculpture Paula Yates Bronze Sculpture Perkins Wire Sculptures Ray Balbes Digital Art Steve Kell Landscape Artist Landscape Painting Sunrise Art, Inc. Paintings on Silk The Metal Hut Metal Sculpture Victor Picou Stone Sculpture Be sure to visit the Silent Auction tent to view the original art on display and to place your bid on your favorite artwork. Items were given to a group of regional artists with the challenge to create their art on a blank palette.The creations are a diverse display of beautiful artwork done by the following gifted artists.You could be the proud owner of an original art piece from this talented group! Alessandra Colfi Amy Burk Amy Burkman Benjamin Swanson Brittany Heskett Debbie Warren DeebaVan Overberghe Diane Adams Doris Hodgson Dotty Reiman Elinor Barbour James Lukinich Janeane Povilaitis Jean deGalzain Joe Hinman Karen Real-Athens Kathleen Gilbert Kian M. Farr Killarney Carnohan Leon Martin Lynne Holyoke Maryellene Deason Maureen Lewis Melissa Ralston Nikki Slatton Paul Naylor Phyllis Swanson Raziah Roushan Ron Juncal Sissi Hale Soudabeh Memarzadeh Tamara Kapan Tanya Sternberg William Leslie William Warren PHH for AB Fine Arts Studio Al fresco Ceramics & Large Canvas Mural Balloon Art Balloon Twisting Bright Horizons Preschool Musical Instruments Calavera Hills Middle School Carnival Beads Carlsbad High School Mask Making Dulcimer Magic Dulcimers Escondido Children's Museum Large & Small "Car" Painting Lollipop Face Painters Face Painting Montessori Arts and Sciences School Art Glass Mosaic San Elijo Hills and Aviara Oaks Middle Schools Fun Tattoos San Marcos High School Hat Making San Marcos & Valley Middle Schools Family Chalking SEA LIFE Aquarium Recycled Paper SEA LIFE Scene Southern California Association ofViolin Makers Violin Making Vic Picou Rock Carving Young Audiences of San Diego Found Objects Puppets Amy Burkman Ana Bonfiglio Angela Barker Beverly Brink Blake Bolton Bobbie Hoder Bonnie Bethel Carla Noble Carol Dudeck Cassie Carter Cindy Guthrie Debbie Warren Frankie Laney Gary Duerst HopeWrisley Janice Stephenson Jean deGalzain Jeanne Herrick Jeff Murdock Jim Comstock Joni Miringoff Judith King June Duet Jane Soher Kenn Dunst Killarney Carnohan Lisa Limber Lupe Ortega Marilyn Campbell Michelle Breyer Natalie Barnhill Nikki Slatton Patti Keith Patti Knox Phil Okun Phyllis Swanson Raziah Roushan Ric Bethel Ron Juncal Rosemary Eshelman Sandra Haasis Stephen "Hap" L'Heureux Sue Duerst Tonya Rodzach Trish Haarer Virginia Dunst T Square Sponsors Allie's Party Equipment Rental, Inc. Beach Terrace Inn/Best Western Beach View Lodge Benefit Pro Insurance Services, Inc. BlickArt Materials Bucca di Beppo Carlsbad Charitable Foundation Carlsbad Danish Bakery Carlsbad Educational Foundation Carlsbad Inn Beach Resort Carlsbad McDonald's Carlsbad Premium Outlets Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District Catherine's Finest Certified Folder Display City of Carlsbad Claim Jumper CleanSource, Inc. Coast Waste Management Coastal Postal Budget Car and Truck Rental Comstock & Associates DejaVu Photo Services Ferguson Salon Management, Inc. Grand Pacific Palisades Resort and Hotel Green Acres Nursery Holiday Inn Carlsbad-by-the-Sea HomeLifeVillage Realtors Hospice of the North Coast Kiwanis Club of Carlsbad L+L Printers Morrow Development New Village Arts Theatre NRG West Ocean House O'Day Consultants, Inc. Our Planet Recycling Paymerica PCH Litho Pelican Cove Inn Photo Art of Carlsbad Pizza Port Brewing Company Planning Systems Point Loma Credit Union Poseidon Resources Corp. Rick Anderson @ Re/Max By The Sea Ruby's Diner at Carlsbad Premium Outlets Russell and Mary Grosse San Diego A & C Art Supplies San Diego County & Supervisor Bill Horn Sandy HaasisArt SDG&E SEA LIFE Aquarium Sheraton Carlsbad Resort TGI Friday's The ArtLoft The Flower Fields The Rotary Club of Carlsbad Visit Carlsbad West Inn & Suites Zenbu Sushi Bar and Rimel's Rotisserie Sponsors California Solar Innovations eLiveLife.com Faux Painted Garage Doors by Interior Illusions Grand Pacific Palisades Resort & Hotel Mind Body Partnerships Welk Resort San Diego A QtatcfaC7Ratifyyou... ArtSplash presented by The Rotary Club of Carlsbad and City of Carlsbad Additional Sponsors: • Allie's Party Equipment Rental, Inc. • BlickArt Materials • Bobbie Hoder • Carlsbad Cultural Arts Office • Carlsbad Danish Bakery • Carlsbad Educational Foundation • Carlsbad Hi-Noon Rotary Club • Carlsbad Inn Beach Resort • Carlsbad McDonald's • Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District • Catherine's Finest • Certified Folder Display • Claim Jumper • Coast Waste Management • Coastal Postal Budget Car and Truck Rental • Comstock & Associates • Conrad Prebys • DejaVu Photo Services • Grand Pacific Palisades Resort & Hotel • Green Acres Nursery • Hensley's Flying Elephant Pub & Grill • Holiday Inn Carlsbad-by-the-Sea • Kiwanis Club of Carlsbad • L+L Printing • LEGOLAND California • Lexus Carlsbad • Mindgruve • North County Tennis Patrons • NRG West • Ocean House • O'Day Consultants, Inc. • Our Planet Recycling • Pat & Oscar's • Paymerica • PCH Litho • Photo Art of Carlsbad • Poseidon Resources Corp. • San Diego A & C Art Supplies • San Diego County & Supervisor Bill Horn • SDG&E • SEA LIFE Aquarium • Sernpra Energy • Studio 2 • Target • TGI Friday's • The Art Loft • The Flower Fields • The James Farley Leichtag Family Foundation Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation • Toyota Carlsbad • Visit Carlsbad Special Thanks to the City of Carlsbad The ArtSplash Committee would like to extend a special appreciation to the City of Carlsbad, Mayor "Bud" Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Ann Kulchin, and Council Members Matt Hall, Mark Packard and Keith Blackburn for all their support and encouragement The ArtSplash Committee is grateful to the County of San Diego and Supervisor Bill Horn for their generous support. it cows to We power of We arts to inspire creativity and success, tfie 6est companies supporting We arts are aCC OH tike same page? Encina Power Station bility 1984 Transitioning v« g to thefuture For over 50 years, the Encina Power Station has been maintaining the Agua Hedionda Lagoon environment in Carlsbad. In 1999, ownership of the Station passed from SDG&E to NRG Energy - but the mission remains the same - providing reliable electricity to customers in San Diego County. At NRG Energy, we are proud of our years of service to the community and look forward to installing cleaner, more efficient generators at the Encina Power Station that support regional energy needs including renewable resources. As our coastal community grows, we will continue to meet our next generation's demand for electricity. Shown above - the first generating unit being built, along with dredging the Agua Hedionda Lagoon in March, 1954. Encina Power Station in 1964, with large areas of open lands in Carlsbad that are now occupied by the Aviara developments. Car Country Carlsbad, the Carlsbad Premium Outlets, the Crossings (new 18 hole City golf course), Legoland, the Sheraton Resort, new homes along Poinsettia Avenue, and the new business parks east of the golf course. NRG West ORIGINAL ArtSplash 2010 Special Event Grant Request Courtney Enriquez May 25, 2010 Grant Request •Council Policy 51 •Special Events Grant •ArtSplash 2010, September 25th –26th •Grant request –In-kind services …………………………… $5,038 –Direct cast donation ……………………. $28,612 Previous Funding •Event funded since 2002 •Total assistance = $208,602 •Total in-kind services = $70,632 Council Action •Consider the request from ArtSplash for grant funding for their 2010 event and adopt the resolution or deny the request.