HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-06-08; City Council; 20259; FY 2010-11 Preliminary Operating Budget WorkshopCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 11 20,259AB# MTG. 06/08/10 DEPT. Finance Fiscal Year 2010-11 Preliminary Operating Budget Workshop DEPT. DIRECTOR CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept report. Set public hearing for June 29, 2010. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Operating Budget work session on June 8, 2010 is an opportunity for the City Council to review the Fiscal Year 2010-11 Preliminary Operating Budget. City staff will be making presentations and will also be available to answer questions. The Preliminary Capital Improvement Program was presented to the City Council at the May 11, 2010 City Council meeting. In addition, a Citizens' Budget Workshop will be held on Thursday, June 10, 2010, at 6:00 p.m. at the Faraday Center, 1635 Faraday Avenue, Room 173B, to provide the public with an opportunity to discuss the Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program with staff. The public hearing and adoption of the FY 2010-11 Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program is scheduled for the June 29, 2010 City Council meeting. 2010-11 BUDGET OVERVIEW: The focus behind this year's budget development was to incorporate a new organizational structure while maintaining the City's long-term plan for a balanced budget, given the continued economic uncertainty. Maintaining core City services at their current levels was a top priority in developing the budget for the coming year. As the City is transitioning from a growing and developing city to a built-out city, for FY 2010-11, a new organizational structure will be implemented to better serve the changing needs of the community, as well as to allow for increased efficiencies with fewer resources. In order to concentrate efforts on core services, this reorganized structure realigns City staff and allows for the elimination of 12.25 positions. The ongoing recession has had a significant effect on City finances. Over the last two years, the City has adapted to the recession by reducing spending in areas with the least direct effect on core City services, and by reducing overall staff size. This resulted in a two-year decrease of about $10 million in General Fund operating expenditures, as compared to the original DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Judi Vincent 760-602-2430 iudi.vincent@carlsbadca.gov FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED D D D D D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN RETURNED TO STAFF OTHER -SEE MINUTES COUNCIL RECEIVED REPORT D D D Page 2 adopted budget for FY 2008-09. By planning ahead, the City was able to make adjustments to its budget over the last two years to compensate for large decreases in revenues, avoiding major changes for FY 2010-11. Responsible management of City resources includes maintaining a focus on a sustainable future. City staff continues to monitor local, state and federal economic forecasts and routinely prepares and updates a ten-year forecast for the General Fund in order to understand the effects of today's actions on the City's future. Since economic uncertainty continues, this long- term perspective becomes even more important. Based on these tools, the Preliminary Budget assumes a relatively flat economy for FY 2010-1. Public safety employee contract negotiations were underway, but not yet complete, at the time the Preliminary Budget was prepared. Any actions resulting from the negotiations currently underway are not included in the Preliminary Budget, but will be incorporated as part of the Final Budget once decisions are reached. Based on the above actions and assumptions, the Preliminary Operating Budget for FY 2010- 11 was developed for a total of $189.1 million, which represents a decrease of $2.0 million, or 1.1%, as compared to the FY 2009-10 adopted budget. Operating revenues are estimated at $193.2 million, which is about a $0.2 million increase, or 0.1%, over the current year's projections. The recommended General Fund Operating Budget is $110.2 million, with estimated revenues of $110.4 million. This is a 3.8% decrease in the estimated General Fund revenues as compared to the projected FY 2009-10 revenues, and a 1.0% increase in General Fund budgeted expenditures compared to the FY 2009-10 adopted budget. General Fund Estimated Revenues - The majority of the City's General Fund revenues come from taxes. In the upcoming year, it is expected that property tax revenue will be approximately $48.7 million. This is a decrease of 1.8% from the revised FY 2009-10 projections. The FY 2010-11 property tax revenue is based on the assessed value of property in Carlsbad, which includes an estimated decrease of 1.8% in assessed evaluation, as provided by the County Assessor in May 2010. Sales taxes are expected to total $22.9 million for FY 2010-11, an increase of 3.6% compared to the FY 2009-10 revised projections. These estimates assume that the slight improvements we have seen in the economy will continue over the next year, as well as the addition of new retail establishments at Paseo Carlsbad. The City's sales tax base is heavily weighted in the transportation (predominantly new car sales) and retail sectors. These two sectors make up approximately 68% of the City's sales tax base and were negatively impacted by the economic recession. The City of Carlsbad has many car dealerships which historically generated approximately $6.0 million of sales tax each year. Car sales slowed during FY 2008-09 and are expected to remain slow during FY 2010-11 resulting in annual car sales projections of approximately $4 million. Retail comprises over 41% of the sales tax generated in Carlsbad and has also been impacted by the slow economy. As consumer confidence increases during the recovery, the City's sales tax revenues are projected to gradually increase. The FY 2010-11 revenues for Transient Occupancy Taxes (TOT) are estimated at $12 million, a 3.5% increase over prior year projections, due to anticipated increases in occupancy and the average daily rate at the City's various hotels. Franchise taxes are estimated at $5 million, an increase of 2%, primarily due to an increase in franchise taxes on gas and electric services, which are paid by San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E). (7^ Pages Development Revenues are expected to continue to increase as a result of the improvement in the economy and real estate market and are estimated to be $2.4 million in FY 2010-11 as compared to $2.2 million projected in FY 2009-10. General Fund Budgeted Expenditures - The General Fund contains most of the discretionary revenues that fund the basic core City services. The recommended General Fund Operating Budget is $110.2 million which represents a $1.1 million, or 1.0%, increase in General Fund budgeted expenditures compared to the FY 2009-10 adopted budget. The majority of the increase is due to budgeting additional transfers out of the General Fund to other City funds. Transfers are discussed in more detail further on the next page. In addition, there is an overall increase in General Fund maintenance and operations costs that is largely offset by an overall decrease in total personnel costs. This shift is mainly due to the various changes that occurred related to the City's reorganization efforts. A few expenditures are discussed in more detail below: Proposed Position Changes - A decrease of 13.75 full-time and 3.5 limited-term positions, representing a total decrease of 17.25 positions, is reflected in the FY 2010-11 Preliminary Operating Budget, as compared to the FY 2009-10 adopted budget. The total decrease includes the elimination of 12.25 positions identified through the City's realignment efforts, as well as the elimination of 5 positions that had previously been unfunded. The FY 2010-11 Operating Budget includes the elimination of the following 13.75 full-time positions: 2.0 Administrative Secretaries 1.0 Management Analyst 1.0 Assistant Planning Director 1.0 Public Works Manager 1.0 Custodian 1.0 Recreation Specialist 1.0 Deputy City Engineer 1.0 Secretary 1.0 Deputy Public Works Director 1.0 Senior Management Analyst 0.75 Librarian II 2.0 Utility Workers In addition, the following 3.5 limited term positions have expired and will be eliminated: 2.0 Building Inspectors, 1.0 Associate Planner, and a 0.5 GIS Intern position. In addition to the eliminated positions mentioned above, there are six other positions that are projected to remain unfunded for FY 2010-11. The unfunded positions provide an opportunity for departments to realize salary savings while still maintaining a count for the vacant position, which could be budgeted again in a future year once the economy improves. The net increase in hourly staff totaled 0.5. This increase was due to an hourly maintenance worker being hired to provide a partial replacement for one of the full-time positions eliminated above. These changes result in a City workforce of 699.0 full and three-quarter time employees, no limited term employees, and 138.94 hourly, full-time equivalent positions. As mentioned above, six of the full-time positions are not funded in the FY 2010-11 Budget. ) Page 4 New Facilities - The City has a number of major capital projects scheduled to be built over the next five years. As the City completes these projects, the costs of maintaining and operating the facilities, including additional personnel if necessary, are added to the Operating Budget. The Carrillo Ranch Barn Restoration project is scheduled for completion in the spring of 2011. Additional funds for maintaining this facility will be incorporated into the FY 2011-12 Budget. Other Budget Requests - The FY 2010-11 Preliminary Operating Budget also includes the following transfers and advances to other funds: • $7.2 million transfer to the Infrastructure Replacement Fund to provide funding for infrastructure replacement as needed in the future. This annual transfer is equivalent to approximately 6.5% of the estimated General Fund revenues, compared to last year when it was 6.0% of estimated General Fund revenues. • $207,000 transfer to the Storm Water Program for reimbursement for the General Fund portion of Storm Water expenses. • $253,850 transfer to the Medians District from the General Fund is proposed to maintain current service levels. • $1.7 million advance from the General Fund to the Golf Course Fund for operations assistance - the Golf Course is a relatively new facility and there is only a short history to support the budget development. The Golf Course's budget and financials are on a calendar year basis. The Carlsbad Public Financing Authority approved the 2010 Golf Course Budget including an advance of $1.8 million from the General Fund for Calendar Year 2010. • $85,000 to the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area (SCCRA) from the General Fund, as they are not projecting to generate tax increment for FY 2010-11. However, there are activities that need to be performed to help generate tax increment producing projects within the area, such as the Ponto Development and the proposed new desalination project. Once more development occurs in this area, it is anticipated that the SCCRA will be able to repay the General Fund advances. Repayments are also included in the FY 2010-11 Budget for the General Fund. The General Fund has advanced money to several funds. A portion of those advances are being repaid as follows: • $136,000 is being repaid from the Storm Water Fund for a loan made from the General Fund to help establish this fund. Finally, the City Council's contingency account is proposed at $500,000 in FY 2010-11, which is equal to the FY 2009-10 budget for this item. This account is available to the City Council to address unanticipated emergencies or unforeseen program needs. Page 5 Other Funds - The Enterprise Fund revenues, which include Water, Recycled Water, Wastewater Services and Solid Waste Management, are projected at $52.2 million, an increase of $5.2 million (11.1%) over current year projections. The budgeted expenditures are estimated at $51.6 million for FY 2010-11, which is a decrease of $3.0 million over the FY 2009-10 adopted budget. Rate increases are being proposed in the Water, Recycled Water, Sewer and Trash Funds to fund maintenance, operations and replacement, as well as to establish and maintain adequate operating reserves. Primary drivers in the proposed water rate increases are charges from the San Diego County Water Authority, including a 9% increase in the price of water purchased (from $814 to $887 per acre foot), and an increase of 18% to fixed charges for water purchases. A separate public hearing will be scheduled at a later date in order to discuss the proposed water, sewer, and trash rate increases Revenues from special revenue funds are expected to total $10.9 million, a $1.9 million, or 14.8%, decrease from FY 2009-10. The expenditures are budgeted at $10.9 million. This is $0.4 million, or 3.8%, higher than the FY 2009-10 adopted budget. The types of services supported within special revenue funds include grants (Police, Section 8 Housing Assistance, Community Development Block Grants), donations, special fees, and assessments (Affordable Housing Trust Fund, Maintenance Assessment Districts). The combined Redevelopment Agency budget proposal totals $2.1 million. This is approximately $300,000 higher than the FY 2009-10 adopted budget. Revenues are estimated at $3.4 million, a decrease of approximately $0.1 million, or 2.9%, from FY 2009-10 projections. More information regarding all of the City's projected revenues and Operating Budget recommendations can be found in the attached exhibits. FEES AND CHARGES FOR SERVICES One of the City Council's goals is to annually evaluate fees and charges for services. In addition to the proposed utility rate increase mentioned above, staff has reviewed all of the fee schedules and is recommending the changes as shown on Exhibit 6, and further discussed below. GENERAL CITY FEES These are fees charged for the usage of City Services and property such as rentals, and classes. In the past they have been increased annually by the increase in the annual West Urban Consumer Price Index (CPI) published by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, which reflects the cost of inflation. However, last year the City Council chose not to increase them by the index which was 3.5%. This year the index was -0.4% for a cumulative change of 3.1%. Since the future of the CPI is uncertain at this time, no changes are being recommended and the index and fees will be reviewed again next year to determine if a catch up increase is needed. The following fees are market driven fees and are proposed to increase: • Library Fees - Although the majority of the library services are free to the public, the library does charge for some of their non-core services. These are certain items or services provided by libraries that are available to, and utilized by, few individuals. Page6 Non-core items and services could be defined as convenience-based deliverables. Fees are assigned because the use of the item benefits the individual or group, or because the item is not considered essential to those primary roles of the library. Examples include offering meeting rooms, loaning equipment, and printing. The library has proposed increases to the audio visual insurance fee charged for renting DVDs or videos from $0.75 to $1, the inter-library loan fee from $2 to $5, the library book non-pickup fee from $0.50 to $1 and some of the facility fees. Estimated revenue due to these increases is about $40,000 annually and is not included in revenue estimates in the FY 2010-11 Operating Budget. • , Parks & Recreation Fees - In order to keep their fees in line with the market, Parks & Recreation is proposing to increase a few of their fees. These increases include an increase of $1 in the open play fee, a 4.5% to 6.4% increase in their aquatic fees, and a 10% increase in the Carrillo Ranch rental fees. These increases will bring the fees closer to the mean of the market. Estimated revenue due to these increases is about $7,000 annually and is not included in the revenue estimates in the FY 2010- 11 Operating Budget. Parks & Recreation will be reviewing the remainder of their fees this summer with a new pricing policy and will return to Council for approval. DEVELOPMENT RELATED SERVICE FEES These are fees charged to recover the cost of staff time and materials spent on development related activities. A Cost of Service Study is prepared every two to three years to establish the actual cost of providing the service. Then, annually, Development Related Service Fees are indexed by the West Urban CPI. An annual review is conducted to ensure that the fees being charged do not exceed direct and indirect costs of providing the service. The Cost of Service Study is available from the Finance Department upon request. As was stated under the General Fees section, the CPI was negative this year so no changes are being recommended to these fees. The only change included in Exhibit 6 is a new fee of $530 for Planning Minor Conditional Use Permit Amendment. Currently, there is not a fee for this service. The proposed fee is based on the estimated cost of providing the service. DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES These fees are used to recover the cost that growth will have on City infrastructure. These are increased annually by an index stated in the resolution or ordinances establishing the fees. Most of them are increased by the Engineering News Record (ENR) construction cost index. Last year this index was 6.4%. Council chose not to increase them and amended the ordinances holding fees in abeyance of a period of one year. The index this year was -0.3% for a cumulative change of 6.1%. Due to the uncertainty of this index over the next year, no changes are being recommended to the Development Impact Fees and Council will be asked to amend the ordinances holding the fees in abeyance for another year. The following Development Impact Fees do have proposed changes as shown on Exhibit 6: • Traffic Impact Fee - The resolution establishing this fee states that the fee should be adjusted annually as part of the budget process by 2% or the annual percentage change in the Caltrans Construction Cost Index, whichever is higher. Since the index was negative, the fees have been increased by 2%. Page 7 • Street Lighting Energizing Fee - Recently the Engineering Standards were revised to require street lights to be High Efficiency Induction (HEI) in lieu of the High Pressure Sodium (HPS). This will save the City hundreds of thousands of dollars in energy costs. The current fee in our fee schedule is based on HPS lights. Since the HEI lights have much lower wattage requirements, the energizing fee is less. These fees have been revised to reflect this change. EXHIBITS: 1. Fiscal Year 2010-11 Preliminary Operating Budget (Overview) 2. Operating Funds, Projected Fund Balances for FY 2009-10 and FY 2010-11 3. Operating Funds, Revenue Estimates for FY 2009-10 and FY 2010-11 4. Operating Funds, Budget Expenditure Schedule FY 2007-08 through FY 2010-11 5. Personnel Allocations for FY 2009-10 and FY 2010-11 6. Proposed Fee Changes - June 2010 The Preliminary Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 2010-11 are on file with the City Clerk. Exhibit 1 2010-11 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW The Preliminary Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2010-11 totals $189.1 million, with revenues for the year estimated at $193.2 million. General Fund revenues are estimated at $110.4 million and General Fund budgeted expenditures are $110.2 million. REVENUE The following table shows the total operating revenues the City anticipates receiving for FY 2009-10, as well as those estimated for FY 2010-11. REVENUE SUMMARY BY FUND TYPE (in Millions) FUND GENERAL FUND SPECIAL REVENUE ENTERPRISE INTERNAL SERVICE REDEVELOPMENT TOTAL PROJECTED 2009-10 $ 114.8 12.8 47.0 14.9 3.5 $ 193.0 ESTIMATED 2010-11 $ 110.4 10.9 52.2 16.3 3.4 $ 193.2 $ CHANGE $ (4.4) (1.9) 5.2 1.4 (0.1) $ 0.2 % CHANGE -3.8% -14.8% 11.1% 9.4% -2.9% 0.1% Revenue estimates for the Operating Budget indicate that the City will receive a total of $193.2 million, a 0.2% increase over the prior year's projections. The significant changes from the prior year are comprised of a $5.2 million increase in the Enterprise Funds due to the proposed water and wastewater rate increases. The General Fund shows a decrease of $4.4 million due to a sale of City property to the Village Redevelopment Area in 2009-10. More information on the City's revenue sources can be found in the discussion that follows. General Fund General Fund revenues provide a representative picture of the local economy. These revenues are of particular interest as they fund basic City services such as Police, Fire, Library, Street and Park Maintenance, and Recreation programs. The table below shows a summarized outlook for the major General Fund revenues. SIGNIFICANT GENERAL FUND REVENUES (In Millions) FUND PROPERTY TAX SALES TAX TRANSIENT OCC. TAX FRANCHISE TAXES BUSINESS LICENSE TAX DEVELOPMENT REVENUES ALL OTHER REVENUE TOTAL PROJECTED 2009-10 $ 49.6 22.1 11.6 4.9 3.4 2.2 21.0 $ 114.8 ESTIMATED 2010-11 $ 48.7 22.9 12.0 5.0 3.5 2.4 15.9 $ 110.4 $ CHANGE $ (0.9) 0.8 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.2 (5.1) $ (4.4) % CHANGE -1.8% 3.6% 3.5% 2.0% 2.9% 9.1% -24.3% -3.9%' 2010-11 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW As we enter into a slow recovery from the economic recession discussed in the Budget Overview section, we are starting to see slight increases in most of the General Fund revenues. Several of the largest revenue sources in the General Fund are impacted by fluctuations in the economy. In addition, the housing crisis has not only impacted property taxes, it has also affected sales taxes, transient occupancy taxes and development related revenues. This upcoming fiscal year it is expected that property taxes will be approximately $48.7 million, a 1.8% decrease over the projection for FY 2009-10. This is based on a 1.8% estimated decrease in assessed valuation as provided by the County Assessor in May 2010. The median price for resales in Carlsbad is currently $681,000 which is up 6% over the same time a year ago, this could be an indication that residential home values have stabilized. Property taxes tend to lag behind the rest of the economy, as the tax for the upcoming fiscal year is based on assessed values from the previous January. Thus, the taxes to be received for Fiscal Year 2010-11 are based on values as of January 1, 2010. Sales taxes react much quicker to changes in the economy and therefore will typically grow faster in a good economy, but also drop off faster as the economy cools. fin ,DU nriou w AC] - O— on % n n Property and Sales Tax Revenues A 4-,.,.., "i4u^_ . „. » "^^~~_,r.. » , Fiscal Year — •— Sales Tax « Property Tax Property taxes also have a cap on how fast they can grow. This is due to Proposition 13. Proposition 13 was adopted by the State in 1978. This proposition limits the growth in assessed values (and thus property taxes) to no more than 2% per year. The value upon which the tax is based is only increased to the full market value upon the sale of the property. Thus, property taxes tend to grow slowly unless there is a significant amount of housing activity. In past years, we have seen a robust growth in property taxes due to new developments, a large number of resales within the City spurring revaluation of the parcels, and double-digit growth in housing prices. Sales Tax by Category Fourth Quarter 2009 Business to Miscellaneous Business 1% 14% Sales taxes are expected to total $22.9 million for FY 2010-11, an increase of 3.6% compared to the FY 2009-10 projections. The City of Carlsbad has many car dealerships which historically have generated approximately $6.0 million of sales tax each year. Car sales have slowed since FY 2008-09 but started to show slight gains in the 4th quarter of 2009 resulting in annual car sales projections of approximately $4.0 million for FY 2010-11. In recent months, many national car manufacturers have seen double-digit growth partially due to the incentives they have offered to lure customers as well as pent up demand. Although the City 2010-11 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW does not expect to see this type of growth in sales tax revenues from car sales, it is anticipated that this growth is a sign that the economic recovery may be starting. In addition, retail comprises over 41% of the sales tax generated in Carlsbad and with a slow economy, it is anticipated there will be less discretionary purchases as compared to several years ago. As consumer confidence increases during the recovery, the City's sales tax revenues are projected to gradually increase. Included in the projected sales tax figures for FY 2010-11 is the opening of Paseo Carlsbad and new retail outlets in Bressi Ranch. Several years ago, the State of California implemented the "Triple Flip." The "Triple Flip" is essentially a temporary swap of a % cent of the cities' sales taxes in return for property tax. It was done in order to give the state a revenue source against which they could issue deficit reduction bonds. The City's sales tax estimates continue to show this amount as sales tax since the amount is reflective of what the City would receive. As can be seen in the chart on the previous page, the City's sales tax base is heavily weighted in the transportation (predominantly new car sales) and retail sectors. These two sectors make up approximately 68% of the City's sales tax base and have been negatively impacted by the economic recession. As the economic recovery takes hold, sales tax revenues will be one of the first sources of City revenue to see an increase. Sales tax estimates also include approximately $700,000 that is restricted to spending on public safety services under Proposition 172. Proposition 172 requires that the 1/2 cent increase in California sales taxes be allocated to local agencies, to fund public safety services. The third highest General Fund revenue source is Transient Occupancy Taxes (TOT or hotel taxes) estimated at $12 million for FY 2010-11, an increase of 3.5% compared to FY 2009-10 estimates. It is anticipated that there will be slight increases in occupancy and average daily rate in FY 2010-11 which combined will result in an overall increase from FY 2009- 10. However, group sales are still struggling as corporations spend less on meetings and conferences. This will impact the higher end hotels which are still predicted to show decreases over the prior year. Transient Occupancy Taxes 2003 2005 2007 Fiscal Year 2009 2011e Franchise Taxes • Other Franchise DSDG&E Franchise 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011e Fiscal Year 2010-11 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW One of the more volatile General Fund revenues is the Franchise tax. Franchise taxes are paid by certain industries that use the City right-of-way to conduct their business. The City currently has franchise agreements for cable TV service, solid waste services, cell sites, fiber optic antenna systems and gas and electric services. The cable and solid waste franchises have been growing along with the growth in population and changes in their rate structures. Franchise revenues are projected to increase by 2.0% primarily due to the franchise taxes on gas and electric services, which are paid by San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E). SDG&E pays franchise taxes for the use of the public land over which they transport gas and electricity. The City also receives an "in-lieu" franchise tax based on the value of gas and electricity transported on SDG&E lines, but purchased from another source. The "in-lieu" tax captures the franchise taxes on gas and electricity that is transported using public lands but which would not otherwise be included in the calculations for franchise taxes, due to deregulation of the power industry. The majority of the "in-lieu" taxes received is attributable to Cabrillo Power, the operator of the Encina power plant, based on the gas used in the generation of electricity. Development-related revenues include planning, engineering and building permits, and fees paid by developers to cover the cost of reviewing and monitoring development activities such as plan checks and inspections. These revenues are difficult to predict, as many of the planning and engineering activities occur months or years before any structures are actually built. During FY 2009-10, development related revenues began to turn around from historic lows experienced in FY 2008-09. For the FY 2010-11 Budget, the development-related revenues are anticipated to continue to increase as a result of the improvement in the economy and real estate market. For FY 2008-09 there were 107 units permitted for residential housing. For FY 2009-10 approximately 265 residential units have been permitted through April 2010. For FY 2010-11, 225 permits are projected to be issued for residential housing. The commercial and industrial building activity remained weak for FY 2008-09 and FY 2009-10 and is expected to continue to be weak FY 2010-11. A 9.1% increase in building related revenue is projected for next year as residential activity is projected to remain relatively strong. Business license taxes are closely tied to the health of the economy and are projected to increase by 2.9% to an estimated $3.5 million. There are currently about 8,700 licensed businesses in Carlsbad, with over 2,600 of them home-based. All other revenues include vehicle license fees, transfer taxes, interest earnings, ambulance fees, recreation fees, and other charges and fees. The estimate for Fiscal Year 2010-11 totals $15.9 million, a $5.1 million decrease from the previous year. In FY 2009-10, one time funds were received from the sale of property to the Redevelopment Agency. In addition, a decrease in the interdepartmental charges from the recent Citywide redesign is projected in FY 2010-11. 2010-11 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW Transfer taxes are those taxes paid to the county upon the transfer of interests in real estate. The tax is 55 cents per $500 of property value, and is split equally between the county and the City. Carlsbad expects to receive approximately $804,000 in transfer taxes for FY 2010-11, which is a $300,000 increase over FY 2009-10. This is mainly due to the increase in the median housing price as well as the increased foreclosure sales. Income from investments and property includes interest earnings, as well as rental income from City-owned land and facilities. The City is expected to earn about $1.9 million in interest on its General Fund investments for Fiscal Year 2010-11. General Fund Revenues -2.7%-0.7%-3.7%-6.2%-3.8% Overall, as reflected in the bar chart, General Fund revenues are expected to be down 3.8% from FY 2009-10 estimates due to the decrease in property taxes, one-time funds received in FY 2009-10 from the sales of property and a decrease in interdepartmental charges resulting from the Citywide redesign. Although the City experienced revenue growth between 9% and 17% in the late 1990's, it was not sustainable growth. Much of those increases were due to the opening of new hotels, restaurants, retail centers, and new home development. As the City matures, it will be increasingly more difficult to produce double-digit growth in revenues. With the current economic slowdown, limited growth is anticipated over the next two to three years with the City returning to 4% to 7% growth rates in the future. $ Millions 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 FY2006 FY2007 FY 2008 FY 2009a FY 2009r FY 2010e FY2011 Other Funds Revenues from Special Revenue funds are expected to total $10.9 million in FY 2010-11, a $1.9 million decrease from FY 2009-10. The types of programs supported within Special Revenue funds are those funded by specific revenue streams such as: • Grants (Rental Assistance-Section 8, Community Development Block Grants, COPS Grant) • Special fees and assessments (Affordable Housing, Maintenance Assessment Districts) • Donations (Library, Cultural Arts, Recreation and Senior Donations) 2010-11 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 2010-11 PROJECTED REVENUES Maintenance Districts 24% ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .Rental Assistance CDBG__ ^ , ilBiS9^^^^B^^~ 60% 6% Affordable Housing. The most noteworthy change in the Special Revenue funds occurred in the Street Lighting Fund. Estimated revenues decreased approximately $2.5 million from FY 2009-10. During FY 2009-10, the City received approximately $1 million in Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant funds from the federal government and anticipates receiving an additional $1.5 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds from the California Energy Commission. These revenues are one-time grant monies which are being used towards the City's street light retrofit project. The street light retrofit project will replace the City's high- pressure sodium vapor lights with induction lights. Enterprise fund revenues for FY 2010-11 are projected at $52.2 million, an increase of $5.2 million or 11.1% over current year projections. The increase in revenues is primarily due to the proposed rate increases for Water and Wastewater funds. Enterprise funds are similar to a business, in that rates are charged to support the operations that supply the service. Carlsbad Enterprise funds include water and recycled water delivery, wastewater services, and solid waste management. The Water Enterprise Fund revenue is estimated at $38.4 million, an increase of $4.2 million, or 12.2% over the current year estimate. Of that increase, $3.3 million will be from water sales reflecting proposed increased rates to pay for the rising cost of water purchases. The proposed rate increases have not yet been approved by the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District; staff will be requesting that a Public Hearing date be scheduled at a future date in order to consider the proposed rate increases. Anticipated increases paid to the San Diego County Water Authority include a 9% increase to the wholesale purchase cost of water (from $814 to $887 per acre foot), and an 18% increase in the fixed charges for water purchases (from $3.6 million to $4.3 million). In addition to paying for the wholesale and fixed water costs, the FY 2010-11 Operating Budget includes funding for replacement of Carlsbad's infrastructure, ongoing meter replacements, and providing a sufficient operating reserve. Wastewater estimated revenues are $10.3 million, $931,000 over the current year estimate. Of that increase, $671,500 million will be sewer service charges, reflecting proposed increased rates to fund the ongoing cost of operations, maintenance, and funding for replacement of infrastructure, as well as providing a sufficient operating reserve. The rate increases have not yet been approved by the City Council; staff will be requesting that a Public Hearing date be scheduled at a future date in order to consider the proposed rate increases. 2010-11 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW In addition to the water and wastewater recommended rate increases, included in the Solid Waste revenues is a proposed a 3.3% increase to the base rate of the Solid Waste Fee. This would raise the total Solid Waste rate for a single family residence by $.50 per month, or 2.65%. The increased revenue generated by the rate increase would be retained by Coast Waste Management as an increase to their fee for providing waste management services. The last time Coast Waste received an increase was in Fiscal Year 2006. This rate increase has not yet been approved by the City Council; staff will be requesting that a Public Hearing date be scheduled at a future date in order to consider the proposed rate increases. Internal Service funds show estimated revenues of $16.3 million for FY 2010-11, an increase of 9.4%, or $1.4 million, from FY 2009-10 projections. Internal Service funds provide services within the City itself, and include programs such as the self-insurance funds for Workers' Compensation and Liability (Risk Management), as well as Vehicle Maintenance and Replacement. Departments pay for services provided by these funds; therefore, the rates charged for the services are based on the cost to provide the service. The goal of the Internal Service funds is to match their budgeted expenses with charges to the departments, after allowing for a certain level of reserves within the fund. The more significant increases occurred in Information Technology, Vehicle Maintenance and Vehicle Replacement. In Information Technology, the Geographic Information System Department was merged with Information Technology which added almost $600,000 to the Information Technology budget which is now being charged out in the interdepartmental charges. In the Vehicle Maintenance Fund, the increase is mainly due to the increased costs of vehicle maintenance as well as the cost of fuel. For the Vehicle Replacement Fund, the increase reflects additional allocations to ensure sufficient revenues are available to replace equipment at the end of its useful life. More discussion on the costs can be found in the Expenditures section of this report. Redevelopment revenues are expected to total $3.4 million in the upcoming year, a decrease of 2.9%, or $155,000, from the projections from the previous year. This decrease is the result of an estimated 2.4% decrease in property tax increment revenues collected for the Village. The City has a General Fund reserve policy that sets a minimum reserve of 30% of the General Fund Operating Expenditures. In addition, the policy sets a target reserve of 40% to 50% of General Fund Operating Expenditures. The minimum reserve would provide approximately three to four months of operating expenditures for unforeseen emergencies. At the end of FY 2008-09, the undesignated and unreserved General Fund balance was approximately $48.3 million. At the end of FY 2009-10 the reserve is projected to be approximately $49.6 million, or 45% of the FY 2009-10 Budget. The reserve amount is consistent with Council Policy 74: General Fund Reserve Guidelines. 2010-11 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW EXPENDITURES The City's Preliminary Operating Budget for FY 2010-11 totals $189.1 million, which represents a decrease of about $2.0 million, or 1.1%, as compared to the adopted FY 2009-10 Budget. The changes in each of the City's programs will be discussed below. Budgetary Policies The theme behind this year's budget development was to incorporate a new organizational structure while maintaining a long-term plan for a balanced budget, given the continued economic uncertainty. As the City transitions from a growing and developing city to a built-out city, a new organization design needed to be developed to allow resources to be aligned with the community's future needs. During FY 2009-10, a year-long effort evaluated how the City was currently delivering services to residents and businesses and identified where opportunities existed to streamline for the future while continuing to provide high quality services. Key areas of focus included those most affected by the City's increasing maturity, such as traffic and transportation, economic and community development, environmental management and infrastructure maintenance and replacement. Based on these efforts, the City realigned the organizational structure to better serve the changing needs of the community, as well as to allow for increased efficiencies with fewer resources. The FY 2010-11 Preliminary Operating Budget was developed using the new department configuration. For comparison purposes, historical data for departments was restated to reflect the new structure, where applicable. Responsible management of the City's resources includes maintaining a focus on a sustainable future by ensuring the City remains in good financial health. Considering that today's decisions will impact future spending levels, and given the uncertainty of the economy, the following policies were set for FY 2010-11: • Continue to minimize service level impacts to our citizens. • No new positions and no growth in maintenance and operations for FY 2010-11. • No new programs will be considered unless required under a legal mandate. • Absorb negotiated personnel contract increases where possible. • Generally, be prudent in budgeting. Consider cost containment measures and budget discretionary items at minimum levels. The City uses an "Expenditure Control Budget" (ECB) process in budgeting, where each department is given a block appropriation containing sufficient funds to provide the current level of services for the upcoming year. Typically, each year the block is increased by an index for growth and inflation. However, in both FY 2008-09 and FY 2009-10, as a result of the economic recession, block budgets were decreased in response to decreased revenues. Focus shifted from growth and moved to maintaining core city services and finding efficiencies in operations, allowing for lower budget levels. By planning ahead, Carlsbad was able to make those changes early, avoiding major changes for FY 2010-11. For FY 2010-11 departments absorbed inflationary increases where possible, and overall operations costs remained at the FY 2009-10 levels, anticipating a flat economy in the coming year. Due to the City's reorganization efforts previously mentioned, block budgets were reallocated among various departments, based on the personnel and tasks assigned to each of the new and continuing departments. No increases to the overall block resulted from the realignment and no additional appropriations are expected during the year, except in the case of a significant 15 2010-11 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW unanticipated event. Amounts that are unspent at the end of the fiscal year will be carried forward to the new fiscal year. At the end of FY 2009-10, the amounts carried forward by each department will be capped at no more than 10% of the previous year's adopted budget. Budgeted Expenditures Through the application of these guidelines and policies, the FY 2010-11 Preliminary Operating Budget of $189.1 million was developed. Position Changes A decrease of 13.75 full-time and 3.5 limited-term positions, representing a total decrease of 17.25 positions, is reflected in the FY 2010-11 Preliminary Operating Budget, as compared to the FY 2009-10 Adopted Budget. The total decrease includes the elimination of 12.25 positions identified through the City's realignment efforts, as well as the elimination of 5 positions that had previously been unfunded. The FY 2010-11 Operating Budget includes the elimination of the following 13.75 full-time positions: 2.0 Administrative Secretaries 1.0 Management Analyst 1.0 Assistant Planning Director 1.0 Public Works Manager 1.0 Custodian 1.0 Recreation Specialist 1.0 Deputy City Engineer 1.0 Secretary 1.0 Deputy Public Works Director 1.0 Senior Management Analyst 0.75 Librarian II 2.0 Utility Workers In addition, the following 3.5 limited term positions have expired and will be eliminated: 2.0 Building Inspectors, 1.0 Associate Planner, and a 0.5 GIS Intern position. In addition to the eliminated positions mentioned above, there are 6 other positions that are projected to remain unfunded for FY 2010-11. The unfunded positions provide an opportunity for departments to realize salary savings while still maintaining a count for the vacant position, which could be budgeted again in a future year once the economy improves. The net increase in hourly staff totaled 0.5. This increase was due to an hourly maintenance worker being hired to provide a partial replacement for one of the full-time positions eliminated above. These changes result in a City workforce of 699.0 full and three-quarter time employees, no limited term employees, and 138.94 hourly, full-time equivalent positions. As mentioned above, six of the full-time positions are not funded in the FY 2010-11 Budget. New Facilities The City has a number of major capital projects scheduled to be built over the next five years. As the City completes these projects, the costs of maintaining and operating the facilities, including additional personnel if necessary, are added to the Operating Budget. The Carrillo Ranch Barn Restoration project is scheduled for completion in the Spring of 2011. Additional funds for maintaining this facility will be incorporated in the FY 2011-12 Budget. 2010-11 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW Budget by Fund Type The table below shows the changes in the Operating Budget for FY 2010-11 compared to the Adopted Budget for FY 2009-10. BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BY FUND TYPE (In Millions) FUND GENERAL FUND SPECIAL REVENUE ENTERPRISE INTERNAL SERVICE REDEVELOPMENT TOTAL BUDGET 2009-10 $ 109.1 10.5 54.6 15.1 1.8 $ 191.1 BUDGET 2010-11 $ 110.2 10.9 51.6 14.3 2.1 $ 189.1 $ CHANGE $ 1.1 0.4 (3.0) (0.8) 0.3 $ (2.0) % CHANGE 1.0% 3.8% -5.5% -5.3% 16.7% -1.1% The General Fund contains most of the discretionary revenues that support the basic core City services. However, this should not diminish the importance of the other operating funds, as they also contribute to the array of services available within Carlsbad. The remainder of this section will provide more information about the budgeted expenditures by fund and program. GENERAL FUND SUMMARY BY EXPENDITURE TYPE (In Millions) PERSONNEL M & O CAPITAL OUTLAY TRANSFERS TOTAL BUDGET 2009-10 $ 74.5 27.9 - 6.7 $ 109.1 BUDGET 2010-11 $ 73.3 29.3 - 7.6 $ 110.2 $ CHANGE $ (1.2) 1.4 - 0.9 $ 1.1 % CHANGE -1.6% 5.0% 0.0% 13.4% 1.0% General Fund The total budget for the General Fund for FY 2010-11 is $110.2 million, which is 1.0% greater than the previous year's adopted budget of $109.1 million. Net decreases in personnel partially offset net increases in maintenance and operations costs. Increases in transfers out from the General Fund to other City funds increased by $0.9 million, or 13.4%, which accounts for the remaining increase in the General Fund, as can be seen in the table above. Personnel costs make up approximately 66% of the General Fund budget so any changes in these costs can have a significant effect on the total budget. The total personnel budget for FY 2010-11 is $73.3 million, which is $1.2 million, or 1.6%, less than the previous year's personnel budget of $74.5 million. The decrease was due to several factors, as discussed on the following page. 11 2010-11 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW GENERAL FUND PERSONNEL COSTS (In Millions) SALARIES HEALTH INSURANCE RETIREMENT WORKERS COMP OTHER PERSONNEL TOTAL BUDGET 2009-10 $ 50.9 6.4 14.9 1.2 1.1 $ 74.5 BUDGET 2010-11 $ 50.4 6.1 14.5 1.2 1.1 $ 73.3 $ CHANGE $ (0.5) (0.3) (0.4) 0.0 0.0 $ (1-2) % CHANGE -1.0% 4.7% -2.7% 0.0% 0.0% -1.6% The table above shows the breakdown of personnel costs for the General Fund. Salaries include full and part-time staff costs. Overall, total personnel and benefits costs are projected to decrease for FY 2010-11 as compared to FY 2009-10, as discussed below. While health Insurance rates are projected to increase by 5%, and retirement rates are projected to remain flat, both these line are projected to have an overall decrease in FY 2010-11, due to the overall personnel decreases discussed below. Workers' Compensation and miscellaneous other personnel costs are projected to remain flat for FY 2010-11. Overall, total personnel costs are projected to decrease by $1.2 million, or 1.6%, for a combination of reasons. Eliminating full-time positions and other salary savings related to the City's realignment efforts, resulted in approximately $1.2 million of savings in personnel costs. In anticipation of these personnel changes, $800,000 of these savings had already been incorporated into the FY 2009-10 adopted budget, so approximately $400,000 was realized as reduced personnel costs in FY 2010-11. The transfer of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) personnel out of the General Fund resulted in an additional reduction of $500,000 in total personnel costs. This reduction will be offset by increases in maintenance and operations costs charged to departments, as GIS services will now be allocated out through the internal service fund charges. Additionally, the transfer of approximately $1.0 million in personnel costs to Non- General Fund departments, as part of the City's realignment efforts, also reduced overall personnel costs to the General Fund. This reduction will be offset by corresponding increases in Maintenance & Operation costs due to chargeback reductions as well as by decreases in interdepartmental revenues. These total reductions are somewhat offset by the increases in salaries budgeted to occur in FY 2010-11, mainly due to previously negotiated labor contracts, netting to the overall decrease of $1.2 million in total personnel costs. Public safety employee contract negotiations were underway, but not yet complete, at the time the Preliminary Budget was prepared. Any actions resulting from the negotiations currently underway are not included in the Preliminary Budget, but will be incorporated as part of the Final Budget once decisions are reached. Maintenance & Operations costs (or M&O) include the budgets for all program expenses other than personnel or capital outlay, and represent about 27% of the overall General Fund budget. Overall, maintenance and operations costs are projected to increase by about $1.4 million, or 5%, mainly due to offsetting personnel decreases. The transfer of GIS personnel out of the General Fund resulted in about $600,000 in increases in maintenance and operations costs charged to departments, largely offset by $500,000 in decreases in personnel costs, as noted above. Additionally, the transfer out of personnel and M&O costs to Non-General Fund departments, as part of the City's realignment efforts, resulted in about $800,000 in 2010-11 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW corresponding increases in M&O costs due to chargeback reductions. Finally, M&O costs were reduced in some departments in order to absorb personnel increases, when needed. These reductions were offset by miscellaneous increases that could not be absorbed without service level impacts. Maintenance and Operations costs are discussed more fully by program, later in the report. Capital Outlay includes budgeted equipment purchases over $1,000. There are no major capital outlay purchases planned in the General Fund for FY 2010-11. Transfers are amounts anticipated to be transferred from the General Fund to another City fund. The transfers included in this year's proposed budget are to the following funds: • $7.2 million to the Infrastructure Replacement Fund - for major maintenance and replacement of City infrastructure. This represents 6.5% of the General Fund Revenues, an increase from the 6.0% transfer in FY 2009-10. • $207,000 to the Storm Water Program for reimbursement for the General Fund portion of Storm Water expenses. • $253,850 to the Median Maintenance Special Revenue Fund to cover a cash shortfall, as annual assessments collected from property owners do not cover operating expenditures. Advances are amounts anticipated to be transferred from the General Fund to another City fund and are expected to be repaid to the General Fund in future years. The advances included in this year's proposed budget are to the following funds: • $1.7 million to the Golf Course for operations - The Golf Course is a relatively new facility and there is only a short history to support the budget development. The Golf Course's budget and financials are on a calendar year basis. The Carlsbad Public Financing Authority approved the 2010 Golf Course Budget including an advance of $1,761,000 million from the General Fund. • $85,000 to the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area (SCCRDA) - The SCCRDA is not projecting to generate tax increment for FY 2010-11. However, there are activities that need to be performed to help generate tax increment producing projects within the area, such as the Ponto Development and the proposed new desalination project. Once more development occurs in this area, it is anticipated that the SCCRDA will be able to repay the General Fund advances. Repayments are also included in the FY 2010-11 General Fund budget. The General Fund has advanced money to several funds. A portion of those advances are being repaid as follows: • $136,000 is being repaid from the Storm Water Fund for a loan made from the General Fund to help establish this fund. Another way of looking at the General Fund budget is by program. The chart on the following page compares the total FY 2010-11 Budget to the amounts adopted in the previous year. The significant changes are noted below the chart. 2010-11 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (In Millions) FUND POLICY/LEADERSHIP COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEV FINANCE FIRE HOUSING & NGHBRHD SRVCS HUMAN RESOURCES LIBRARY & ARTS PARKS AND RECREATION POLICE PROPERTY & ENVIRO MGT TRANSPORTATION UTILITIES NON-DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL BUDGET 2009-10 $ 5.2 8.2 3.3 16.8 0.4 2.4 10.1 12.5 27.7 4.9 9.8 0.3 7.5 $ 109.1 BUDGET 2010-11 $ 5.3 7.4 3.3 16.9 0.4 2.4 10.4 12.4 28.3 4.8 9.1 0.3 9.2 $ 110.2 $ CHANGE $ 0.1 (0.8) 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.3 (0.1) 0.6 (0.1) (0.7) 0.0 1.7 $ 1.1 % CHANGE 1.9% -9.8% 0.0% 0.6% 0.0% 0.0% 3.0% -0.8% 2.2% -2.0% -7.1% 0.0% 22.7% 1.0% The Policy/Leadership Group includes all elected officials, the City Manager's Office, the City Attorney's Office, and Communications and Records Management functions. The $100,000, or 1.9%, increase for FY 2010-11 is primarily due to a projected increase in the City Clerk's office for increased expenses related to the November 2010 election. The Community and Economic Development Department was created from the former Community Development Department and includes economic development, planning, development services, building and code enforcement, and the addition of land use engineering. Of the $800,000, or 9.8%, decrease from FY 2009-10 to FY 2010-11, $300,000 is attributable to eliminating two positions. An additional $500,000 net decrease is due to the transfer of $500,000 in CIS services out of the General Fund, to the Information Technology group. The transfer results in decreased personnel costs in the General Fund. However, since GIS costs will now be allocated to departments as part of the Information Technology Internal Service Fund charges, M&O increases to departments will occur as a result of the transfer. The Finance Department continues to provide the day-to-day accounting, financial reporting, collections, fiscal oversight, and long-term financial planning for the City. The department's budget remained relatively flat from FY 2009-10 to FY 2010-11. The Carlsbad Fire Department continues as one of the cornerstones of the City's public safety efforts, which remains a City Council priority. Services include emergency operations, emergency preparedness, and fire prevention. The $100,000, or 0.6%, increase for FY 2010-11 reflects additions made to fund previously contracted personnel increases. Also, due to deep overtime budget reductions made in prior years, approximately $150,000 was added back to the department's budget to meet required staffing levels on a 24/7 basis, in order to provide full emergency response coverage. Public Safety employee contract negotiations were underway, but not yet complete, at 2010-11 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW the time the Preliminary Budget was prepared. Any actions resulting from the negotiations currently underway are not included in the Preliminary Budget, but will be incorporated as part of the Final Budget once decisions are reached. • In the General Fund, the Housing and Neighborhood Services Department includes the City's neighborhood services, hiring center and volunteer programs. No change is expected for FY 2010-11 as compared to the FY 2009-10 Budget allocation. • The Human Resources Department continues to support the City's full-time and part- time staff by providing services such as staffing and recruitment, employee development, performance management and compensation, and labor relations. The department's budget will remain flat from FY 2009-10 to FY 2010-11. . The Library and Arts Department provides staffing and a wide variety of programming for two library branches, a library learning center, and a cultural arts office. The $300,000, or 3%, increase for FY 2010-11 is primarily due to an increase in Internal Service Fund charges, mainly related to GIS services being allocated to departments beginning in FY 2010-11. • The Parks and Recreation Department continues to plan, staff and maintain the City's parks and recreational facilities, as well as provide an assortment of recreational programs for all ages. In addition, new duties will mean increased responsibilities in managing open space areas. The department's budget decreased by $100,000, or 0.8%, mainly as a result of a position elimination and a decrease in projected vehicle maintenance and replacement costs. These were offset slightly by additions made to fund previously contracted personnel increases, as well as a slight increase in M&O costs to provide funding for efforts made on the Urban Forest Management Plan. . The Carlsbad Police Department continues to provide high quality service to the community to ensure the preservation of life and property, and the maintenance of law and order. The Preliminary Operating Budget shows the department's costs increasing by $600,000, or 2.2%, for FY 2010-11 as compared to FY 2009-10. This increase is partially due to additions made to fund previously contracted personnel increases and partially due to an increase in Internal Service Fund charges, including increased vehicle and equipment replacement costs, an increase in projected vehicle maintenance costs, and an allocation of GIS services. Public Safety employee contract negotiations were underway, but not yet complete, at the time the Preliminary Budget was prepared. Any actions resulting from the negotiations currently underway are not included in the Preliminary Budget, but will be incorporated as part of the Final Budget once decisions are reached. • The Property and Environmental Management Department includes managing all City owned property, including real estate, buildings and vehicles. The department also manages the City's environmental programs, which include storm water, habitat and other environmental maintenance and monitoring programs. The $100,000, or 2.0%, decrease for FY 2010-11 as compared to the FY 2009-10 budget allocation, is mainly due to the elimination of 1.35 positions, offset by an increase for a preserve steward contract related to the City's Habitat Management Program. 2010-11 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW • The Transportation Department, previously part of the larger Public Works Department, manages all streets, traffic and other transportation services. The department shows an overall decrease of $700,000, or 7.1%. The decrease reflects the elimination of 2.95 positions previously part of the Public Works Department, as well as the transfer of some personnel, maintenance and operations, and Internal Service Fund costs to Non-General Fund departments, as part of the City's realignment efforts. • The Utilities Department in the General Fund consists of Storm Drain Maintenance activities. No change is expected from FY 2010-11 as compared to the FY 2009-10 budget allocation. • Non-departmental expenses include the transfers previously discussed as well as administrative and other expenses not associated with any one department. The increase of $1.7 million, or 22.7%, is attributed to $800,000 in personnel savings reflected in FY 2009-10 being spread to individual departments for FY 2010-11, and a $900,000 increase in anticipated transfers from the General Fund to other City funds. The Council Contingency account is available to the City Council for unanticipated emergencies or unforeseen program needs during the year. It is budgeted at $500,000 for FY 2010-11, which is equal to the amount budgeted for this item in FY 2009-10. The budgeted amount represents less than 1% of the FY 2010-11 General Fund Budget. General Fund Expenditure History $ Millions . +3% -0.3% 120 - +11.9% -*• "" " " " "~ijjlm 115 -. "T 110 :^j ' +11.4 ,',\. 105 -: « f,; 1 ***4?100 - ,. ;| ttjv • »* , 95 - ''"I SI $*J 90 r " ^ fc * m • Al 4 I ^ "lj ^^ Vlj *ff * n •*»?^ ') "^ " *m f* >£ •"f: /A? "'i^i*Sf»i 'I^'ft M'* >f -T -4.8% "•" " ' •™^S '' -t '*",'• \ ,1 .'"•? ' ' '^viI -3.3% 4VM i. "" &4^ & fc* ' s£/^ -fSj ;J!J 0 i*-! , „ ^r *— ,' • > '"./i VI *;*'; FY2006 FY2007 FY 2008 FY FY FY FY2011 2009a 2009r 2010e As reflected in the chart to the left, the City began to slow its expenditure growth in FY 2007-08 in anticipation of the economic slowdown. The chart shows the 4.8% mid-year reduction in January 2009 and a further 3.3% reduction in FY 2009-10 to further reduce expenditures to keep in line with General Fund Revenue declines. FY 2010-11 expenditure projections remain relatively flat in anticipation of a flat economy in the coming year. Changes in Other Funds Special Revenue funds, at $10.9 million, are up $400,000, or 3.8%, from the prior year. This increase is mainly due to an increase in proposed spending for the City's Local Cable Infrastructure Fund due to planned expansion of the City's public access video and communications technologies for FY 2010-11. Enterprise funds total $51.6 million, which is a decrease of $3.0 million, or 5.5% under the FY 2009-10 adopted budget. The most significant change is in Water Operations due to reduced anticipated expenditures for water purchases. Carlsbad residents have been conserving water and actual water purchases and water sales have come in significantly lower than previously anticipated; water sales in Fiscal Year 2010 will be approximately 15% lower than the prior year. 2010-11 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW Despite the increase in the cost of water purchased from the San Diego County Water Authority (18% increase in fixed costs and 9% average increase in variable costs for the fiscal year), the total amount budgeted has decreased due to the lower anticipated sales volume. The decrease in water purchases is largely offset by decreases in sales revenue. Wastewater operations are projected to increase 3.4%, or $300,000, over the adopted budget for FY 2009-10. The operating budget includes additional funding for Encina Wastewater services and depreciation replacement transfers related to growth in the wastewater infrastructure system. The Internal Service funds total $14.3 million, and are reduced $800,000, or 5.3% from the prior year. The Internal Service funds are self-supporting through user charges. Changes occurred in a number of these funds: • The Self Insured Benefits budget shows a decrease of approximately $90,000 based on a decreases in health related expenses paid from the fund. • The Vehicle Maintenance Fund budget has decreased by approximately $80,000 in FY 2010-11. This reflects reductions in the budgets for parts and outside vehicle maintenance expenses. • The Vehicle Replacement Fund budget varies from year to year depending on the vehicles to be replaced. The budget for the fund is $264,000 less than the previous year, or a 16.8% decrease. A list of the requested vehicles can be found at the end of this document. • The Information Technology Fund shows a decrease in the department's budget of approximately $400,000, or 5.8%. The budget decreased by about $600,000 due to a decrease in major capital outlay and by about $300,000 due to decreases in one-time technology investments. These decreases were partially offset by the transfer of GIS costs from the General Fund, which increased the budget by approximately $500,000. The Redevelopment Agency budgets have increased about $300,000 from the previous year, mainly due to a mandated payment to the state of approximately $277,000 projected for FY 2010-11, due to the state's budget crisis. SUMMARY This Preliminary Operating Budget for FY 2010-11 emphasizes maintenance and operation of the City's current infrastructure and maintaining core City services at their current levels. Being conscious of the economic slowdown, no new programs or expanded levels of service are included in the budget. The ten-year financial forecast is of concern since there are several years reflecting deficits and other years reflecting lower projected surpluses than in previous years' forecasts. Revenues and expenditures will continue to need close monitoring. The City may need to further reduce expenditures in the following three years if the assumptions made regarding the recession's recovery prove inaccurate to ensure we live within our means through these turbulent and uncertain economic times. The ten-year financial forecast is a useful tool to help manage our way through the economic uncertainty. The City of Carlsbad has a diverse revenue base and is in a good economic position; however, Carlsbad is not immune to the economy. The planning and foresight by the City Council and residents have provided a sound economic base for the City. Fiscal conservatism, which has consistently been the City's overall approach to managing its finances, is even more important during these economically uncertain times. 2010-11 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW The City recently completed a citywide redesign in order to adapt to the transition from a growing and developing city to a built-out city. The new organization structure is designed to better serve the changing needs of the community, as well as to allow for increased efficiencies with fewer resources, while continuing to provide high quality services. The FY 2010-11 Preliminary Operating Budget was developed using the new department configuration. The Carlsbad City Council's annual goal setting process this year focused on supporting an excellent quality of life as the City transitions from a period of growth to a new era focusing on economic, environmental and community sustainability. Maintaining core city services at their current levels was the top priority in developing the budget for the coming fiscal year. Other priorities focus on supporting the important values identified through Envision Carlsbad, a City- sponsored program to create a community vision for Carlsbad's future. CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS PROJECTED FUND BALANCES Exhibit 2 FUND GENERAL FUND REPAYMENT FROM SOLID WASTE ADVANCE TO GOLF COURSE FUND ADVANCE TO MEDIAN MAINTENANCE ADVANCE TO SCCRDA ADVANCE TO VILLAGE RDA REPAYMENT FROM VILLAGE RDA TRANSFER TO IT (NON-DEPT CONTINGENCY) CHANGE IN RESERVATIONS & DESIGNATIONS TOTAL GENERAL FUND SPECIAL REVENUE AFFORDABLE HOUSING BUENA VISTA CHANNEL MAINTENANCE CITIZEN'S OPTION FOR PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT CULTURAL ARTS DONATIONS LIBRARY AND ARTS ENDOWMENT FUND LIBRARY GIFTS/BEQUESTS LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 LOCAL CABLE INFRASTRUCTURE FUND MEDIAN MAINTENANCE POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE POLICE GRANTS PUBLIC ART RECREATION DONATIONS RENTAL ASSISTANCE SENIOR DONATIONS STREET LIGHTING STREET TREE MAINTENANCE TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE ENTERPRISE WATER OPERATIONS RECYCLED WATER OPERATIONS WASTEWATER OPERATIONS SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TOTAL ENTERPRISE INTERNAL SERVICE WORKERS' COMPENSATION RISK MANAGEMENT SELF-INSURED BENEFITS VEHICLE MAINTENANCE VEHICLE REPLACEMENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE REDEVELOPMENT VILLAGE OPERATIONS / DEBT SERVICE VILLAGE LOW/MOD INCOME HOUSING SCCRDA OPERATIONS/ DEBT SERVICE SCCRDA LOW/MOD INCOME HOUSING TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS UNRESERVED BALANCE JULY 1, 2009 | $47,816,416 ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 488,188 0 48,304,604 H\ 12,872,395 1,255,640 8.786 1,063,961 33,448 225,154 269,845 115,071 717,822 260,681 380,708 697,508 2,203 187,179 166.358 1,787,580 189,528 696,538 382,683 21,313,088 in (4,225.849) 6.668,638 (1,087.071) 8,697,655 9,953,373 ID 2,496,262 195,109 1,258,397 425,852 10,992,147 3,790,655 19,158,422 m 5,005,435 5,684.266 44.050 333,902 11,067,653 $109,797.140 PROJECTED REVENUES $114,836,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 114,836,000 632,000 133.446 165,000 9,000 635,500 41,600 2,200 119.600 479,352 328.500 367,904 143,600 174,300 1,600 36,500 5.659,249 21.700 3.401.020 475,851 12,827,922 27,565,600 6,626,413 9.381,000 3,459,618 47,032,631 1,413,210 1,588,155 973,932 2,712,286 2,285,293 5,871,804 14,844,680 2,766.000 760,000 11,000 8,000 3,545,000 $193,086,233 PROJECTED EXPENDITURES $111.297.765 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111,297,765 418,481 201.152 165,000 40,000 291,000 95,863 13,899 220,626 224,286 97,286 849,466 69,419 176,503 12,060 30,222 6,168,267 26,443 3,595.762 634,598 13,330,333 29,306,071 6.469,698 10,335,711 2,785,338 48,896,818 1,602,289 1,264.285 1,053,605 2,625,195 1.160,862 7,367,658 15,073,694 7,488,150 80,158 399,820 32.934 8,001,062 $196,599,672 ADVANCES &FUND TRANSFERS 136,000 (1,850,000) (166,500) (454,000) (1,860,000) 500,000 (488.188) 166.500 (136,000) 488.188 1,360,000 454,000 ($1,850,000) PROJECTED OTHER BALANCE CHANGES JUNE 30, 2010 $51,354,651 136,000 (1,850,000) (166,500) (454,000) (1.860,000) 500.000 0 1.983,431 1,983,431 49,643,582 13,085,914 1,187,934 8,786 1,032,961 377,948 170,891 258,146 14,045 972,888 491.895 65,646 771,689 0 176,719 172,636 1,278,562 184,785 501.796 223,936 20.977,177 (5,966,320) 6.825,353 (2,041,782) 9,135,935 7,953,186 2,307.183 518,979 1,178,724 512.943 12,116,778 2.782.989 19,417,596 1,643,285 6,364,108 109,230 308,968 8,425,591 $1,983,431 $106,417,132 • FOR THE GENERAL FUND ONLY THIS REPRESENTS UNDESIGNATED. UNRESERVED FUND BALANCE. CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FUND GENERAL FUND REPAYMENT FROM SOLID WASTE ADVANCE TO GOLF COURSE FUND ADVANCE TO MEDIAN MAINTENANCE ADVANCE TO SCCRDA ADVANCE TO VILLAGE ROA REPAYMENT FROM VILLAGE RDA TRANSFER TO IT (NON-DEPT CONTINGENCY) CHANGE IN RESERVATIONS & DESIGNATIONS TOTAL GENERAL FUND SPECIAL REVENUE AFFORDABLE HOUSING BUENA VISTA CHANNEL MAINTENANCE CITIZEN'S OPTION FOR PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT CULTURAL ARTS DONATIONS LIBRARY AND ARTS ENDOWMENT FUND LIBRARY GIFTS/BEQUESTS LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 LOCAL CABLE INFRASTRUCTURE FUND MEDIAN MAINTENANCE POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE POLICE GRANTS PUBLIC ART RECREATION DONATIONS RENTAL ASSISTANCE SENIOR DONATIONS STREET LIGHTING STREET TREE MAINTENANCE TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE ENTERPRISE WATER OPERATIONS RECYCLED WATER OPERATIONS WASTEWATER OPERATIONS SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TOTAL ENTERPRISE INTERNAL SERVICE WORKERS' COMPENSATION RISK MANAGEMENT SELF-INSURED BENEFITS VEHICLE MAINTENANCE VEHICLE REPLACEMENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE REDEVELOPMENT VILLAGE OPERATIONS / DEBT SERVICE VILLAGE LOW/MOD INCOME HOUSING SCCRDA OPERATIONS / DEBT SERVICE SCCRDA LOW/MOD INCOME HOUSING TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS PROJECTED BALANCE JULY 1, 2010 $49,643,582 • 49,643,582 13,085.914 1,187,934 8.786 1.032.961 377.948 170,891 258,146 14.045 972.888 491,895 65,646 771,689 0 176,719 172,636 1,278,562 184.785 501.796 223,936 20.977,177 (5.966,320) 6,825,353 (2.041,782) 9.135,935 7,953.186 2.307,183 518.979 1.178,724 512,943 12.116.778 2,782.989 19.417,596 1.643.285 6,364.108 109,230 308,968 8,425,591 $106.417,132 ESTIMATED REVENUES $110,387,000 110,387,000 432,000 123.800 112.925 20,000 664.419 51,000 6,400 500 452,730 348,000 614,858 68.000 0 4.000 39.700 6,579,000 35,000 914,595 469.677 10,936.604 31,143,265 7,229,969 10,311,568 3,493,601 52,178,403 1,470,091 1,583,720 1,026,216 3.200,967 2.468,564 6,593,146 16,342,704 2,627,000 747,000 8.000 8,000 3,390,000 $193,234,711 ADVANCES ADOPTED & FUND OTHER BUDGET TRANSFERS CHANGES $110,240,000 136,000 (1,700,000) (85,000) 110,240,000 500,577 103,540 112,925 40.000 663.954 91,350 6,400 0 197.153 368,960 680,504 16,530 0 22,900 42,131 6,578,677 40,990 861.248 612,295 10,940.134 30,937,259 6,889,719 10,527,823 3,201,504 (136,000) 51,556,305 1,841.504 1,467,171 951,560 2,795,426 1,310,000 5.900.575 14,266,236 1,774,404 101.331 201.379 85.000 60.410 2,137,524 $189,140,199 ($1,700,000) PROJECTED BALANCE JUNE 30, 2011 $49,790,582 136,000 (1,700,000) (85,000) 48,141,582 13.017.337 1,208.194 8,786 1,012,961 378.413 130,541 258.146 14,545 1,228,465 470,935 0 823,159 0 157.819 170.205 1.278,885 178,795 555,143 81,318 20.973.647 (5,760,314) 7,165.603 (2,258,037) 9,292.032 8,439,284 1.935,770 635,528 1.253,380 918,484 13,275,342 3.475.560 21,494,064 2,495,881 7,009,777 851 256,558 9,763,067 $108,811,644 • FOR THE GENERAL FUND ONLY THIS REPRESENTS UNDESIGNATED, UNRESERVED FUND BALANCE. Exhibit 3 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES REVENUE SOURCE [GENERAL FUND TAXES PROPERTY TAX SALES TAX TRANSIENT TAX FRANCHISE TAX BUSINESS LICENSE TAX TRANSFER TAX TOTAL TAXES INTERGOVERNMENTAL VEHICLE LICENSE FEES HOMEOWNERS EXEMPTION OTHER INTERGOVERNMENTAL TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL LICENSES AND PERMITS BUILDING PERMITS OTHER LICENSES & PERMITS TOTAL LICENSES & PERMITS CHARGES FOR SERVICES PLANNING FEES BUILDING DEPT FEES ENGINEERING FEES AMBULANCE FEES RECREATION FEES OTHER CHARGES OR FEES TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES FINES AND FORFEITURES INCOME FROM INVESTMENTS AND PROPERTY' INTERDEPARTMENTAL CHARGES OTHER REVENUE SOURCES TOTAL GENERAL FUND ACTUAL REVENUE 2008-09 1 $50,438,864 24,764,881 12,752,422 5,274,095 3.421,605 621,432 97,273,299 353,406 375,653 1,092,203 1,821,262 450,180 572,157 1,022,337 418,687 378,731 503,814 2.079.718 1,804.080 1,007,245 6,192,275 1,308,090 3,716,201 3.675,858 855,677 $115,864,999 PROJECTED REVENUE 2009-10 $49,551.000 22,059,000 11,617.000 4,885,000 3,391,000 500,000 92,003,000 300,000 378,000 664,000 1,342,000 575,000 685,000 1,260,000 350,000 534,000 753,000 2,508,000 1,700,000 917,000 6,762,000 1,100,000 7,414,000 3,976,000 979,000 $114,836,000 ESTIMATED REVENUE 2010-11 $48,712,000 22,888,000 11,965,000 5,002,000 3,462.000 804,000 92,833,000 408.000 381,000 956,000 1,745,000 658,000 725,000 1.383,000 410.000 610.000 750,000 2,532.000 1,743,000 569.000 6,614,000 1,123.000 2,916,000 2,786,000 987,000 $110,387,000 AS% OF FY 09-10 PROJECTED -1.7% 3.8% 3.0% 2.4% 2.1% 60.8% 0.9% 36.0% 0.8% 44.0% 30.0% 14.4% 5.8% DIFFERENCE 2009- 10 TO 2010-11 ($839,000) 829,000 348.000 117,000 71,000 304,000 830,000 108,000 3,000 292.000 403,000 83,000 40,000 9.8% 123,000 17.1% 14.2% -0.4% 1.0% 2.5% -38.0% -2.2% 2.1% -60.7% -29.9% 0.8% -3.9% 60,000 76,000 (3,000) 24,000 43.000 (348,000) (148,000) 23,000 (4,498.000) (1,190,000) 8,000 ($4,449,000) " INTEREST IS CALCULATED ON AN AMORTIZED COST BASIS CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES REVENUE SOURCE {SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS | AFFORDABLE HOUSING AFFORDABLE HOUSING FEES FEDERAL GRANT STATE GRANT INTEREST OTHER TOTAL AFFORDABLE HOUSING BUENA VISTA CHANNEL MAINTENANCE BUENA VISTA FEES INTEREST TOTAL BUENA VISTA CHANNEL MAINTENANCE CITIZEN'S OPTION FOR PUBLIC SAFETY STATE FUNDING (AB3229) INTEREST TOTAL CITIZENS OPTION FOR PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS INTEREST TOTAL COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FEDERAL GRANT INTEREST OTHER TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT CULTURAL ARTS DONATIONS DONATIONS INTEREST OTHER TOTAL CULTURAL ARTS DONATIONS LIBRARY AND ARTS ENDOWMENT FUND INTEREST TOTAL LIBRARY AND ARTS ENDOWMENT FUND LIBRARY GIFTS/BEQUESTS GIFTS/BEQUESTS INTEREST OTHER TOTAL LIBRARY GIFTS/BEQUESTS LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. #2 LLD #2 FEES INTEREST OTHER TOTAL LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DIST. NO. #2 LOCAL CABLE INFRASTRUCTURE FUND CABLE FEES INTEREST TOTAL LOCAL CABLE INFRASTRUCTURE FUND MEDIAN MAINTENANCE MEDIAN MAINTENANCE FEES INTEREST TOTAL MEDIAN MAINTENANCE POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE ASSET FORFEITURES INTEREST OTHER TOTAL POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE POLICE GRANTS FEDERAL GRANT INTEREST TOTAL POLICE GRANTS ACTUAL REVENUE 2008-09 $18,060 631.407 0 551,402 387,479 1,588,348 102,248 53,024 155,272 100,525 6,583 107,108 46,434 46,434 891,532 51,175 41,283 983,990 20,300 7,736 12,769 40,805 12,953 12,953 95,249 5,470 0 100,719 365,833 25,518 0 391,351 355.746 8,792 364,538 363.137 574 363,711 94,236 30,188 2,865 127,289 0 88 $88 PROJECTED REVENUE 2009-10 $41,500 220,000 1,000 115,700 253,800 632,000 100,000 33,446 133,446 165.000 0 165.000 9,000 9,000 635,500 0 0 635,500 36,800 1,000 3,800 41,600 2,200 2,200 119,200 400 0 119,600 458,183 21,169 0 479,352 325,000 3,500 328,500 367,904 0 367,904 136,400 7,200 0 143,600 174,300 0 $174,300 ESTIMATED REVENUE 2010-11 $25,000 7,000 0 325,000 75,000 432,000 100,000 23,800 123,800 112.925 0 112.925 20.000 20,000 664,419 0 0 664.419 42,000 0 9.000 51,000 6,400 6,400 0 500 0 500 433,230 19,500 0 452.730 345.000 3,000 348,000 614,858 0 614,858 50,000 18,000 0 68,000 0 0 $0 AS% OF FY 09- 10 PROJECTED -39.8% -96.8% -100.0% 180.9% -70.5% -31.7% 0.0% -28.8% -7.2% -31.6% 0.0% -31.6% 122.2% 122.2% 4.6% 0.0% 0.0% 4.6% 14.1% -100.0% 136.8% 22.6% 190.9% 190.9% -1000% 25.0% 0.0% -99.6% -5.5% -7.9% 0.0% -5.6% 6.2% -14.3% 5.9% 67.1% 0.0% 67.1% -633% 150.0% 0.0% -52.7% -100.0% 0.0% -100.0% DIFFERENCE 2009-10 TO 2010-11 ($16,500) (213,000) (1,000) 209,300 (178,800) (200,000) 0 (9,646) (9,646) (52,075) 0 (52,075) 11,000 11,000 28,919 0 0 28,919 5,200 (1.000) 5,200 9,400 4,200 4,200 (119,200) 100 0 (119,100) (24,953) (1.669) 0 (26,622) 20,000 (500) 19,500 246,954 0 246,954 (86,400) 10.800 0 (75.600) (174.300) 0 ($174,300) CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES REVENUE SOURCE {SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - CONTINUED PUBLIC ART INTEREST TOTAL PUBLIC ART RECREATION DONATIONS DONATIONS INTEREST TOTAL RECREATION DONATIONS RENTAL ASSISTANCE FEDERAL GRANT INTEREST OTHER TOTAL RENTAL ASSISTANCE SENIOR DONATIONS DONATIONS INTEREST OTHER TOTAL SENIOR DONATIONS STREET LIGHTING FEDERAL GRANT STREET LIGHTING FEES OTHER INTEREST TOTAL STREET LIGHTING STREET TREE MAINTENANCE TREE MAINTENANCE FEES INTEREST TOTAL STREET TREE MAINTENANCE TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ACTUAL REVENUE 2008-09 1 $8,608 8,608 28,857 6,836 35,693 5.535,430 50.699 4,966 5,591,095 31,516 8,239 0 39,755 0 722,148 237,387 34,461 993,996 465,080 17,218 482,298 $11.434.051 PROJECTED REVENUE 2009-10 $1.600 1.600 34,800 1,700 36,500 5,635,849 11,600 11,800 5,659,249 20.000 1,700 0 21,700 2.481,900 727,442 177,981 13,697 3,401,020 465,401 10,450 475,851 $12,827,922 ESTIMATED REVENUE 2010-11 $4,000 4,000 39,700 0 39,700 6,564,000 10,000 5,000 6,579,000 30,000 5,000 0 35,000 0 728,572 176,023 10,000 914,595 465,177 4,500 469,677 $10,936,604 AS% OF FY 09-10 PROJECTED 150.0% 150.0% 14.1% -100.0% DIFFERENCE 2009-10 TO 2010-11 $2,400 2,400 4,900 (1,700) 8.8% 3,200 16.5% -13.8% -57.6% 16.3% 50.0% 194.1% 0.0% 61.3% -100.0% 0.2% -11% -27.0% -73.1% -0.1% -56.9% -1.3% -14.7% 928,151 (1.600) (6,800) 919,751 10,000 3,300 0 13,300 (2,481,900) 1,130 (1,958) (3,697) (2,486,425) (224) (5,950) (6,174) ($1,891,318) CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES REVENUE SOURCE [ENTERPRISE FUNDS WATER OPERATIONS WATER SALES READY TO SERVE CHARGES PROPERTY TAXES NEW ACCOUNT CHARGES BACK-FLOW PROGRAM FEES PENALTY FEES INTEREST ENGINEERING OVERHEAD SERVICE CONNECTION FEES AGRICULTURAL CREDITS OTHER TOTAL WATER OPERATIONS RECYCLED WATER OPERATIONS WATER SALES READY-TO-SERVE CHARGE RECYCLED WATER CREDITS INTEREST OTHER TOTAL RECYCLED WATER OPERATIONS WASTEWATER OPERATIONS SERVICE CHARGES MISC SEWER ENGINEERING OVERHEAD PENALTY FEES INTEREST OTHER TOTAL WASTEWATER OPERATIONS SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT INTEREST RECYCLING FEES (AB939) PENALTY FEES TRASH SURCHARGE OTHER TOTAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS ACTUAL REVENUE 2008-09 1 $15,204,294 5,409,511 2,889,601 105,067 115,187 258.577 (103,039) 0 80,936 81,448 10,137,209 34,178,791 3,172,183 281,731 1,665,434 346,581 285.193 5,751,122 8.431,333 24,717 0 75,283 91,784 108,423 8,731.540 372,739 279,723 56,751 2,695,350 262,428 3,666,991 $52,328,444 PROJECTED REVENUE 2009-10 $17,000,000 7,000,000 2,775,000 80.000 100,000 233,600 1,500 0 48,000 0 327,500 27,565,600 4,200,000 400,000 1,500,000 200,000 326,413 6,626,413 9,200,000 20,000 0 60,000 51,000 50,000 9,381,000 223,000 275,000 52,000 2,645,605 264,013 3,459,618 $47,032,631 ESTIMATED REVENUE 2010-11 $19.372.448 7,976,890 2,730,000 80,000 100,000 232,000 1,500 209,927 48,000 80,000 312,500 31,143,265 4,786.134 455,822 1,500,000 200,000 288,013 7,229,969 9,871,455 20,000 284,113 60,000 51,000 25,000 10,311,568 223,000 275,000 52,000 2,658,434 285,167 3,493,601 $52,178.403 AS% OF FY 09-10 PROJECTED 14.0% 14.0% -1.6% 0.0% 0.0% -0.7% 0.0% 00% 00% 00% -4.6% 13.0% 14.0% 14.0% 0.0% 0.0% -11.8% 9.1% 7.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% -50.0% 9.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.5% -8.0% 1.0% 10.9% DIFFERENCE 2009-10 TO 2010-11 $2,372,448 976,890 (45.000) 0 0 (1.600) 0 209,927 0 80,000 (15,000) 3,577.665 586.134 55.822 0 0 (38.400) 603,556 671,455 0 284,113 0 0 (25.000) 930,568 0 0 0 12,829 21.154 33,983 $5,145,772 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES REVENUE SOURCE [INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS WORKERS' COMPENSATION INTERDEPARTMENTAL INTEREST OTHER TOTAL WORKERS' COMPENSATION RISK MANAGEMENT INTERDEPARTMENTAL INTEREST OTHER TOTAL RISK MANAGEMENT SELF-INSURED BENEFITS INTERDEPARTMENTAL OTHER TOTAL SELF-INSURED BENEFITS VEHICLE MAINTENANCE INTERDEPARTMENTAL INTEREST OTHER TOTAL VEHICLE MAINTENANCE VEHICLE REPLACEMENT INTERDEPARTMENTAL INTEREST TOTAL VEHICLE REPLACEMENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INTERDEPARTMENTAL INTEREST TOTAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS ACTUAL REVENUE 2008-09 1 $1.397.001 261,006 44.876 1,702.883 1,324,610 10,376 24,720 1,359,706 945,341 37,322 982,663 2.736,744 8,338 34,275 2,779.357 2.147,933 454.978 2,602,911 5.865,580 148,721 6,423.428 $15,850,948 PROJECTED REVENUE 2009-10 $1,327,400 67,398 18.412 1,413,210 1,563,720 5,682 18,753 1,588,155 891,042 82,890 973,932 2,680,547 3,798 27,941 2,712,286 2,142,649 142,644 2,285.293 5,828,154 43,650 5,871,804 $14,844.680 ESTIMATED REVENUE 2010-11 $1,327,400 142,691 0 1,470,091 1.563,720 0 20.000 1,583,720 951,216 75,000 1,026,216 3,170.467 0 30,500 3,200,967 2.191.718 276,846 2,468,564 6,515,146 78,000 6,593,146 $16,342,704 AS% OF FY 09- 10 PROJECTED 0.0% 111.7% -100.0% 4.0% 0.0% -1000% 6.7% -0.3% 6.8% -9.5% 5.4% 18.3% -100.0% 9.2% 18.0% 2.3% 94.1% 8.0% 11.8% 78.7% 12.3% 10.1% DIFFERENCE 2009- 10 TO 2010-11 $0 75,293 (18,412) 56,881 0 (5,682) 1,247 (4,435) 60,174 (7,890) 52,284 489,920 (3.798) 2,559 488,681 49,069 134,202 183,271 686,992 34,350 721,342 $1,498,024 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES REVENUE SOURCE | REDEVELOPMENT FUNDS | VILLAGE OPERATIONS / DEBT SERVICE RENTAL INCOME TAX INCREMENT INTEREST OTHER TOTAL VILLAGE OPERATIONS / DEBT SERVICE VILLAGE LOW AND MOD INCOME HOUSING TAX INCREMENT INTEREST TOTAL VILLAGE LOW AND MOD INCOME HOUSING SCCRDA OPERATIONS / DEBT SERVICE INTEREST TOTAL SCCRDA OPERATIONS / DEBT SERVICE SCCRDA LOW AND MOD INCOME HOUSING INTEREST TOTAL SCCRDA LOW AND MOD INCOME HOUSING TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT FUNDS ACTUAL REVENUE 2008-09 $46,354 2,836,483 164,756 0 3,047.593 709,121 243,199 952.320 3,733 3,733 14,842 14,842 $4,018.488 PROJECTED REVENUE 2009-10 $14,000 2,643,000 90,000 19,000 2,766,000 632,000 128,000 760,000 11,000 11,000 8,000 8,000 $3,545,000 ESTIMATED REVENUE 2010-11 $14,000 2,580,000 33,000 0 2,627,000 647,000 100,000 747,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 $3,390,000 AS% OF FY 09-10 PROJECTED 0.0% -2.4% -633% -100.0% -5.0% 2.4% -21.9% -17% -27.3% ' -27.3% 0.0% 0.0% -4.4% DIFFERENCE 2009- 10 TO 2010-11 $0 (63,000) (57,000) (19,000) (139,000) 15,000 (28,000) (13,000) (3,000) (3,000) 0 0 ($155,000) [TOTAL OPERATING $199,496,930 $193,086,233 $193,234,711 0.1%t148,478 | CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Exhibit 4 DEPARTMENT GENERAL FUND POLICY AND LEADERSHIP GROUP CITY COUNCIL CITY CLERK CITY TREASURER CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS CITY ATTORNEY RECORDS MANAGEMENT TOTAL POLICY AND LEADERSHIP GROUP COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FINANCE FIRE HOUSING AND NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES HUMAN RESOURCES LIBRARY AND ARTS PARKS AND RECREATION POLICE PROPERTY AND ENVIROMENTAL MANAGEMENT TRANSPORTATION UTILITIES 2007-08 ACTUAL' J $384,942 179,315 175,954 1,637,999 995,611 1,318,200 889,549 5,581,570 8,665,158 3,976,423 17,446,853 373,464 2,476,766 10,304,695 12,713,824 26,046,951 4,718,426 9,615,341 $322,663 2008-09 ACTUALS * $356,218 121,958 185,441 1,457,435 674,407 1 ,288,406 844,886 4,928,751 8,257,699 3,412,776 17,358,775 356,691 2,233,597 10,554,221 12,546,071 27,435,164 5,068,488 9,415,301 $283,705 2009-10 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES " $324,888 107,628 190,672 1,794,225 721,398 1,272,169 782,821 5,193,801 8,264,961 3,092,919 17,170,075 380,405 2,047,016 9,850,276 12,465,382 27,049,583 5,426,796 9,285,282 $275,928 2009-10 BUDGET * $390,802 129,737 189,913 1,608,989 693,141 , 1,292,986 856,942 5,162,510 8,192,663 3,300,460 16,770.859 427.883 2,397,237 10,099,684 12,557,269 27,710,998 4,908.529 9,825,393 $295,701 2010-11 BUDGET $373,363 274,841 196,488 1,570,323 691,628 1,312,291 863,024 5,281,958 7,433,968 3,298,808 16,921,360 430,182 2,374,297 10,418,723 12,428,761 28,272,776 4,802,415 9,116,428 $262,108 %INCR (DEC) 09- 10 BUD TO 10-11 BUD -4.5% 111.8% 3.5% -2.4% -0.2% 1.5% 0.7% 2.3% -9.3% -0.1% 0.9% 0.5% -1.0% 3.2% -1.0% 2.0% -2.2% -7.2% -11.4% CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE DEPARTMENT GENERAL FUND - CONTINUED MISCELLANEOUS NON-DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES BEACH PARKING COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTIONS DISASTER PREPAREDNESS DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS LEGAL SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES OTHER MISCSELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL SAVINGS PROPERTY TAX & OTHER ADMINISTRATION TOTAL EXPEDNITURES TRANSFERS HOSP GROVE DEBT SERVICE INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT FUND MISCELLANEOUS TRANSFERS OUT TRANSFER TO LLD#1 (MEDIANS) TRANSFER TO STORM WATER PROGRAM TOTAL TRANSFERS TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS NON-DEPARTMENTAL SUBTOTAL GENERAL FUND CONTINGENCIES TOTAL GENERAL FUND 2007-08 ACTUAL* $1,625 45,000 595,957 52,904 246,666 218,653 0 0 426,282 1 ,587,087 275,000 7,900,000 10,850,000 0 138,800 19,163,800 $20,750,887 122,993,021 0 $122,993,021 2008-09 ACTUALS * $1,323 649,645 16,412 58,115 102,612 258,362 0 0 624,525 1,710,994 90,000 7,800,000 319,445 0 154,273 8,363,718 $10,074,712 111,925,951 0 $111,925,951 2009-10 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES * $1,482 20,000 0 55,081 23,228 491,035 0 0 649,515 1,240,341 0 6,538,000 2,840,000 0 177,000 9,555,000 $10,795,341 111,297,765 0 $111,297,765 2009-10 BUDGET * $36,000 0 0 73,800 160,000 208,946 0 (800,000) 565,000 243,746 0 6,538,000 0 0 177,000 6,715,000 $6,958,746 108,607,932 500,000 $109,107,932 2010-11 BUDGET $0 0 0 73,800 160,000 152,500 6,066 0 670,000 1,062,366 0 7,175,000 0 253,850 207,000 7,635,850 $8,698,216 109,740,000 500,000 $110,240,000 %INCR (DEC) 09-10 BUD TO 10-11 BUD -100.0% - 0.0% 0.0% -27.0% - -100.0% 18.6% 335.8% 9.7% 16.9% 13.7% 25.0% 1 .0% 0.0% 1 .0% CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE DEPARTMENT SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS AFFORDABLE HOUSING BUENA VISTA CHANNEL MAINTENANCE CITIZEN'S OPTION FOR PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT CULTURAL ARTS DONATIONS LIBRARY AND ARTS ENDOWMENT FUND LIBRARY GIFTS/BEQUESTS LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 LOCAL CABLE INFRASTRUCTURE FUND MEDIAN MAINTENANCE POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE POLICE GRANTS PUBLIC ART RECREATION DONATIONS RENTAL ASSISTANCE SENIOR DONATIONS STREET LIGHTING STREET TREE MAINTENANCE TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ENTERPRISE FUNDS WATER OPERATIONS RECYCLED WATER OPERATIONS WASTEWATER OPERATIONS SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS WORKERS1 COMPENSATION RISK MANAGEMENT SELF-INSURED BENEFITS VEHICLE MAINTENANCE VEHICLE REPLACEMENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS REDEVELOPMENT VILLAGE OPERATIONS / DEBT SVC VILLAGE LOW/MOD INCOME HSNG SCCRDA OPERATIONS / DEBT SVC SCCRDA LOW/MOD INCOME HSNG TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT 2007-08 ACTUAL' $348,036 56,158 181,308 30,000 458,044 67,573 25.791 68,819 197,329 0 492,146 28,531 28,210 5,424 8,223 5,283,978 42,445 1,117,957 532,878 $8,972,850 $25,113,222 5,723,093 9,865,271 2,588,116 $43,289,702 $1,814,833 980,048 1,402,755 2,647,186 731,987 5,895,061 $13,471,870 $2,217,591 74,039 197,933 32,062 $2,521,625 2008-09 ACTUALS ' $432,908 39,304 200,883 29,000 1,034,621 86,979 15,670 159,709 186,997 172,523 552,874 249,394 0 33,488 10,295 6,158,419 29,079 1,007,361 556,124 $10,955,628 $26,239,389 6,007,633 11,494,070 2,580,222 $46,321,314 $2,194,246 1,309,057 976,127 2,440,291 1,398,923 5,792,178 $14,110,822 $2,048,177 79,990 126,621 53,044 $2,307,832 2009-10 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES * $418,481 201,152 165,000 40,000 291,000 95,863 13,899 220,626 224,286 97,286 849,466 69,419 176,503 12,060 30,222 6,168,267 26,443 3,595,762 634,598 $13,330,333 $29,306,071 6,469,698 10,335,711 2,785,338 $48,896,818 $1,602,289 1,264,285 1,053,605 2,625,195 1,160,662 7,367,658 $15,073,694 $7,488,150 80,158 399,820 32,934 $8,001,062 2009-10 BUDGET " $500,961 74,200 171,880 40,000 730,120 92,055 15,000 6,000 222,036 60,901 678,068 42,000 0 20,000 72,800 6,169,619 35,500 979,254 605,930 $10,516,324 $34,795,184 6,412,539 10,184,486 3,178,116 $54,570,325 $1,835,863 1,459,811 1,044,791 2,872,626 1,574,000 6,263,186 $15,050,277 $1,501,567 100,616 201,599 42,981 $1,846,763 2010-11 BUDGET $500,577 103,540 112,925 40,000 663,954 91,350 6,400 0 197,153 368,960 680,504 16,530 0 22,900 42,131 6,578,677 40,990 861 ,248 612,295 $10,940,134 $30,937,259 6,889,719 10,527,823 3,201 ,504 $51,556,305 $1,841,504 1,467,171 951,560 2,795,426 1,310,000 5,900,575 $14,266,236 $1,774,404 101,331 201,379 60,410 $2,137,524 %INCR (DEC) 09-10 BUD TO 10-11 BUD -0.1% 39.5% -34.3% 0.0% -9.1% -0.8% -57.3% -100.0% -11.2% 505.8% 0.4% -60.6% 14.5% -42.1% 6.6% 15.5% -12.1% 1.1% 4.0% -11.1% 7.4% 3.4% 0.7% -5.5% 0.3% 0.5% -8.9% -2.7% -16.8% -5.8% -5.2% 18.2% 0.7% -0.1% 406% 157% TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS $191,249,068 $185,621,547 $196,599,672 $191,091,621 $189,140.199 -1.0% General Fund NonGF $110,240,000 78,900,199 $189,140,199 NOTE: Estimated expenditures may exceed Adopted Budget since they include prior year budget appropriations. • ACTUALS,! [PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FINAL BUDGET 2008-09 IPOLICY AND LEADERSHIP GROUP | CITY COUNCIL CITY TREASURER CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS CITY ATTORNEY RECORDS MANAGEMENT [COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT | COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT [FINANCE | FINANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT IFIRE 1 FIRE [HOUSING AND NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES | HOUSING AND NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES IHUMAN RESOURCES 1 HUMAN RESOURCES & WORKERS COMP [INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY | INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY [LIBRARY & ARTS | LIBRARY & ARTS [PARKS AND RECREATION | PARKS AND RECREATION [POLICE | POLICE [PROPERTY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT | PROPERTY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT [TRANSPORTATION | TRANSPORTATION [UTILITIES | MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS FULL AND 3/4 TIME LABOR FORCE 1.00 0.75 9.00 2.75 7.00 8.00 56.00 31.00 88.75 11.00 10.00 23.50 53.00 73.50 162.00 43.05 63.20 70.75 714.25 I FINAL PRELIMINARY 2010-11 BUDGET BUDGET REQUESTED 2009-10 2010-11 CHANGES 1.00 0.75 8.00 2.75 7.00 8.00 56.00 31.00 88.75 11.00 10.00 23.00 53.00 72.95 162.00 43.25 61.35 72.95 712.75 1.00 0.75 8.00 2.75 7.00 8.00 54.00 30.50 88.75 11.00 9.00 22.50 52.25 71.95 162.00 41.60 58.40 69.55 699.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2.00) (0.50) 0.00 0.00 (1.00) (0.50) (0.75) (1.00) 0.00 (1.65) (2.95) (3.40) (13.75) SUMMARY OF REQUESTED LABOR Full Time Personnel 3/4 Time Personnel in Full Time Count Limited Term Personnel Unfunded Full Time Positions Hourly Full Time Equivalent Personnel TOTAL LABOR FORCE* FORCE BY 2008-09 709.00 5.25 4.50 (3.00) 137.83 853.58 CATEGORY 2009-10 707.50 5.25 3.50 (12.00) 138.44 842.69 2010-11 694.50 4.50 0.00 (6.00) 138.94 831.94 Difference (13.00) (0.75) (3.50) N/A 0.50 (16.75) A-21 Propsed Fee Changes June 2010 Exhibit 6 Fee Description City Clerk - Audio Tape Copy Charge City Clerk - CD/DVD Copy City Clerk - Municipal Code Books (Cost for Each) City Clerk - Municipal Code Supplement Service (per year) Planning - Minor Conditional Use Permit- Amendment Fish & Game Fee - Negative Declaration - Set by Dept of Fish & Game Fish & Game Fee - EIR - Set by Department of Fish and Game Library Library Borrowing - Audio Visual Insurance fee - Per Video Tape/DVD Library Intertibrary Loan Library Book Non Pickup Fee (per item) Parks & Recreation Resident Fee - Open Play Basketball, Volleyball, Badminton Non-resident Fee - Open Play Basketball, Volleyball, Badminton Aquatics City Classes - Beginner - Learn to Swim - Res City Classes - Beginner - Learn to Swim - Non-Res City Classes - Adult/Teen - Learn To Swim - Res City Classes - Adult/Teen - Learn To Swim - Non-Res City Classes - Parent/Infant thru Pre-School III - Res City Classes - Parent/Infant thru Pre-School III - Non-Res Contract Classes - Adapted Aquatics - Res Contract Classes - Adapted Aquatics - Non-Res Contract Classes - Diving, Synchro Swim - Res Contract Classes - Diving, Synchro Swim - Non-Res Contract Classes - Masters Swim Workouts - Res (Monthly Fee) Contract Classes - Masters Swim Workouts - Non-Res (Monthly Fee) Individualized Instr - Basic Swimming - Res (per hour) Individualized Instr - Basic Swimming - Non-Res (per hour) Individualized Instr - Advanced Instr/coaching - Res (per hour) Individualized Instr - Advanced Instr/coaching - Non-Res (per hour) Current Fee $ 30 $ 30 $ 285 $ 125 NEW $ 2,043 $ 2,818 $ 0.75 $ 2.00 $ 0.50 $ 1 $ 3 $ 47 $ 67 $ 47 $ 67 $ 47 $ 67 $ 47 $ 67 $ 47 $ 67 $ 47 $ 67 $ 47 $ 67 $ 47 $ 67 Proposed Fee Delete $ 30 Actual Cost Actual Cost $ 530 $ 2,060 $ 2,842 $ 1.00 $ 5.00 $ 1.00 $ 2 $ 4 $ 50 $ 70 $ 50 $ 70 $ 50 $ 70 $ 50 $ 70 $ 50 $ 70 $ 50 $ 70 $ 50 $ 70 $ 50 $ 70 % Change 0.8% 0.8% 33.3% 150.0% 100.0% 100.0% 33.3% 6.4% 4.5% 6.4% 4.5% 6.4% 4.5% 6.4% 4.5% 6.4% 4.5% 6.4% 4.5% 6.4% 4.5% 6.4% 4.5% Proposed Fee Changes June 2010 FACILITIES (old) New Carrillo Ranch (Hourly Rental Fee) LOCATION Full Site Rental Cabana & Pool Area Patio Area BBQ Access one time fee Propane Patio Heater Rental CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C N/C N/C N/C (90) 99 (78) 86 (31)33 (50) 55 (115) 127 (91) 100 (45) 50 (60) 65 (141) 155 (107) 118 (61) 67 (75) 83 (168) 185 (130) 143 (78) 86 (95) 105 (195) 215 (152) 167 (91) 99 (120) 132 $85 per heater per event Fees are based on an hourly rate with a six hour minimum New MEDIA SERVICES FACILITY FEE SCHEDULE New New DEPOSITS No Show Fee for Renters Piano Tuning Fee (Optional) A B $25 CATEGORY C D E F $150 (Categories B - F) LOCATION Schulman Auditorium Gowland Meeting Room CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C N/C (15) 20 (N/C) 10 (20) 30 (15) 20 (55) 65 (20) 30 (75) 90 (30) 40 (100) 120 (40) 50 A City activities; City sponsored activities B Carlsbad resident not-for-profit (non-paid management); example: Boys and Girls Scouts C Carlsbad resident not-for-profit (paid management); example: Property Management, HOAs, Boys & Girls Clubs D Non-resident not-for-profit; resident religious & political et al E Residential Commercial, for profit et al F Non-resident Commercial, business, political, non-resident religious, and for profit organizations Proposed Fee Changes June 2010 STREET LIGHT ENERGIZING FEES - Current Watts 70 100 150 200 250 400 Lumens 5,800 9,500 16,000 22,000 30,000 50,000 Above fees are the cost for energizing each street includes a $30 charge per light for connecting the point. Schedule #6 $105 $133 $172 $210 $259 $379 light for 18 months and light to an SDG&E service STREET LIGHT ENERGEBtfG Watts 40 80 100 150 250 FEES - Proposed Pupil Lumen 5,500 9,600 13,700 20,600 34,200 Above fees are the cost for energizing each street light includes a $30 charge per light point. for connecting the light Schedule #6 $60 $89 $105 $142 $217 for 18 months and to an SDG&E service Traffic Impact Fees Traffic Impact Fee - Commrc'l/lndust Cost Per Trip (Out of CFD) Traffic Impact Fee - Commrc'l/lndust Cost Per Trip (Inside CFD) Traffic Impact Fee - Single Family (Outside of CFD 1) per ADT Traffic Impact Fee - Condominium (Outside of CFD 1 ) per ADT Traffic Impact Fee - Apartment (Outside of CFD 1 ) per ADT Traffic Impact Fee - Single Family (Inside of CFD 1) per ADT Traffic Impact Fee - Condominium (Inside of CFD 1 ) per ADT Traffic Impact Fee - Apartment (Inside of CFD 1) per ADT Current Fee $ 106 $ 89.68 $ 265 $ 265 $ 265 $ 224.20 $ 224.20 $ 224.20 Proposed $ 108 $ 91 $ 270 $ 270 $ 270 $ 229 $ 229 $ 229 Fee is to be increased annually by 2% or the annual percentage change in the Caltrans Construction Index (12 month) index whichever is higher. AH Receive "r- A D ? c D A r» For the Information of the:CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL ACM____DCM CA CC-"" www.carlsbadca.gov Memorandum June 1,2010" To: City Manager From: Senior Management Analyst Rob Houston Re: Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Proposition C, Golf Course and Farmers Building How much money was put aside for the open space originally back in 2002 and the approval of Prop C? The total allocation of funds for the four projects listed on Proposition C was $35 million. The project in question, as defined in the Proposition, lists both open space acquisition and trail linkages, however the portion of the $35 million total allocation set aside for the open space/trail project was never defined. Where was the money invested and how much increase or decrease from the original amount? Allocations for individual capital projects are not adjusted for interest earned. Increases, should they be necessary, are driven by increased costs of the project and are processed through the agenda bill process. Have the funds been used for other purposes or have they remained untouched? Of the $35 million total allocation $16,215,795 has been allocated to the Aquatic Complex and $13,750,000 to the City/Safety Training Facility. The remaining balance of $5,034,205 is available for the remaining projects - Cannon Road Reach 4 and Trails/Open Space acquisition. How much do we have right now to spend on purchasing new open space properties? A balance of $5,034,205 exists for the two remaining projects - Cannon Road Reach 4 and Trails/Open Space acquisition. How much does the City pay right now to keep the golf course operating since it is operating with deficit? Where does that money come from? For Calendar Year 2009, the City subsidized the golf course operations by a total of $1,890,178. It is currently anticipated that the City will subsidize the golf course operations by a total of $1,760,839 in Calendar Year 2010. These subsidies are given to the golf course through advances from the City's General Fund. City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive I Carlsbad, CA 92008 i 760-434-2820 I 760-720-9461 fax Page 2 When was Farmers' Insurance building purchased? The facility was purchased on January 2, 2002. What was the purchase price? The purchase price was $15,730,700. Where did it come from? General Funds? This acquisition was completed with funds from CFD #1. What is the value of the building now if we were to sell it today? When originally purchased in 2002, the building was appraised by an MAI appraiser at approximately $15,700,000. The purchase price was established based on the building's appraised value at that time. No formal appraisal of the building has been done since it was acquired. However, several years later (2005-2006) several commercial brokerage firms estimated the value at approximately $21-$22 million dollars. How much is the cost of its annual maintenance (the building and the grounds together) and how is it being used? Upon acquisition of the Farmer's site on January 2, 2002, the City agreed to lease a portion of the building back to Farmers Insurance Group until they could relocate to a smaller facility. The lease was for a term of 1 year at a lease rate $35,250 per month which provided an off-set to maintenance costs of the facility. In addition to the lease revenue for the first year, the City implemented other cost saving measures including the termination of several of its long term leases for off-site storage space. Materials that had been stored in leased facilities were moved into a portion of the Farmer's site at 2351 Faraday at a savings to the City of more than $77,000 per year in 2002. In addition to the revenue generated from the lease-back of the building and cost savings that resulted from termination of storage leases, the City continues to lease portions of the parking lot to various entities to generate revenue. In 2006 an analysis was completed that evaluated the annual expenses at that time, which were $68,000 per year. This amount was completely off-set from savings recognized from termination of lease agreements for off-site storage. City of Carlsbad »1200 Carlsbad Village Drive « Carlsbad, CA 92008 » www.carlsbad.ca.gov COUNCIL AND ORGANIZATION PRIORITY PROJECTS X Next Action Date 0 Estimated Completion Date (if known) Council Focus Goal/Project Title ALL *•** *** *** *** *** *** *** Identify funding for realignment of Carlsbad Blvd. and complete exchange of coastal property w/ CA State Parks Highway 101 Roadway Design and Environmental Review Explore alternative energy projects Secure resource agency permits for the Agua Hedionda Dredge Project Alternative Energy - Maerkle hydro electric project Develop a business attraction, expansion & retention program Implement a traffic management system beginning with a pilot program General Plan Update Envision Carlsbad City Budget & Capital Improvement Program Labor Negotiations Human Capital Management System Proposed Power Plant Power Plant Emergency Ordinance ENVIRONMENTAL / NATURAL RESOURCES Desalination project and pipeline construction NW Storm drain replacement project (Inc Village) HMP - Lennar - Property acquisition for HMP requirements Encinas Creek Bridge Lake Calavera Trails - Master Plan Completion Water/Sewer Master Plans 6/2/2010 1 Of 2 Council Focus Goal/Project Title ECONOMIC Automated meter reading project Google fiber to the home request Solid waste rate analysis Development review process working group - progress report Westfield Redevelopment Analysis Westfield Lease Negotiations SOCIAL Alga Norte Park and Aquatic Center Housing Element Lawsuit/Program Implementation La Posada Expansion - Grant Oversight Traffic Calming - Review & Report (Donna Drive & Sierra Morena) Joint First Responders Training Facility - Construct Joint First Responders Training Facility - Artwork 2009 Council Guiding Principles and Focus Areas Guiding Principles Council members agreed on several guiding principles for 2009. These include: • Reduce spending • Focus on maintaining core city services (safety, infrastructure] • Look for opportunities to increase efficiency • Collaborate with the community • Continue planning for the future • Take advantage of opportunities presented by the down economy, such as reduced costs for land and certain services • Recognize that city staff already have full plates; don't add projects without taking others away • Engage city's expanded volunteer resources to support city staff and services 2009 Areas of Focus Management of and response to recession impacts (Financial Health Goal) City council members acknowledged that the city has taken a very responsible approach to financial management over the years, but it is still affected by the national recession. Successfully managing through these tough economic times is a top priority that will color every decision over the coming year. Alga Norte Park/Pool Project (Parks, Trails & Open Spaces Goal) City council members have asked for an updated cost estimate to be prepared for this project so they can make an informed decision about when and how to proceed with building it, Traffic Management Strategic Plan (Transportation and Circulation Goal) Traffic on city streets is an issue that affects the entire community and continues to be a top priority for the City Council. Open Space Acquisition (Balanced Community Development Goal) Open space continues to be a top priority for the community, and the economic downturn could provide opportunities to acquire open space at a cheaper cost than in recent years. Joint First Responders Training Facility (Safe Community Goal) Providing top notch, local training for city police and fire staff improves public safety in the community and is more efficient than sending city staff to facilities in other parts of the region. Desalination (Water Goal) Seeing the desalination project thro ugh its final approval is an important step in providing a reliable future water supply for the community. Envision Carlsbad (Citizen Connection and Partnership Goal) Planning for the future and building connections with the community continue to be important goals for the City Council. Enterprise Funds Operating Budget Review June 1, 2010 Budget Overview Water • Water cost increase, however, quantity decrease expected Wastewater • 3.4% increase (replacement transfers, Encina charges) Solid Waste Programs • Solid Waste • Storm Water Rates • Monday - 6/7 briefings - will bring forward City Manager recommendation o Still considering options • Assumptions for preliminary budget • Water-20.25% increase in October • Wastewater - 10J3% increase in October • Solid Waste - 2.65% increase in October (= 3.3% increase to Coast Waste) Potable Water Operations Personnel M&O Water Purchases Depreciation ISFs/Chargebacks Replacement Transfer Capital Outlay Total Budget Recycled Water Operations Personnel M&O Encina Operations Purchased Water Depreciation ISFs/Chargebacks Debt Payments Total Beginning Budget Total Water Operations Personnel M&O Encina Operations Purchased Water Depreciation Replacement Transfer ISFs/Chargebacks Debt Payments Capital Outlay Total Beginning Budget FY10 3,096,418 2,667,158 22,942,945 2,700,000 2,673,789 893,000 12,235 34,985,545 FY10 479,669 540,229 827,126 1,280,209 1,100,000 189,297 2,036,009 6,452,539 FY10 3,576,087 3,207,387 827,126 24,223,154 3,800,000 893,000 2,863,086 2,036,009 12,235 41,438,084 FY11 3,479,854 2,630,549 18,858,315 3,075,000 1,988,303 893,000 12,237 30,937,258 FY11 739,105 462,301 782,475 1,586,020 1,100,000 183,809 2,036,009 6,889,719 FY11 4,218,959 3,092,850 782,475 20,444,335 4,175,000 893,000 2,172,112 2,036,009 12,237 37,826,977 Change $ 383,436 (36,609) (4,084,630) 375,000 (685,486) - 2 (4,048,287) Change $ 259,436 (77,928) (44,651) 305,811 - (5,488) - 437,180 Change $ 642,872 (114,537) (44,651) (3,778,819) 375,000 - (690,974) - 2 (3,611,107) % Change 12.4% -1 .4% -17.8% 13.9% -25.6% 0.0% 0.0% -11.6% % Change 54.1% -14.4% -5.4% 23.9% 0.0% -2.9% 0.0% 6.8% % Change 18.0% -3.6% -5.4% -15.6% 9.9% 0.0% -24.1% 0.0% 0.0% -8.7% Personnel Costs Additional staff (Engineers) due to re-alignment Offsett in chargebacks - this is where engineer time was previously captured Purchase Water Decrease in quantity based on prior actual usage Depreciation Increase due to growth in infrastructure assets M&O Overall decrease - prior year included one-time funding $137,235 -$12,235 Scada Server - $125,000 for Urban Water Management Plan 05/28/2010 Wastewater Operations Personnel Operations & Maintenance Encina Plant Operations Depreciation/Transfers ISFs & Chargebacks Total Request FY10 1,718,567 876,574 3,012,448 3,200,000 1,376,897 10,184,486 FY11 2,190,929 966,455 3,107,030 3,400,000 863,409 10,527,823 Change $ 472,362 89,881 94,582 200,000 (513,488) 343,337 % Change 27.5% 10.3% 3.1% 6.3% -37.3% 3.4% Personnel Costs Additional staff (Engineers) due to re-alignment Offsett in chargebacks - this is where engineer time was previously captured M&O Costs $12,000 operating cost of new facility (El Fuerte Lift Station) $23,000 additional contracted services (previously approved WDR funding) $40,000 addition for bad debt expense, previously not budgeted Depreciation Increase due to growth in infrastructure assets 05/28/2010 Solid Waste FY10 FY11 Change $ % Change Personnel M&O ISFs & Chargebacks Total Request Personnel Costs Re-allocated staff = $17,292 Storm Water Personnel Misc. Professional Services Outside Services Permits/Regulatory Fees Waste Disposal Street Sweeping ISFs & Chargebacks Misc. other Total Request 79,234 397,202 54,106 530,542 FY10 1,066,824 320,000 398,466 191,360 62,000 264,000 252,629 92,295 2,647,574 105,006 384,186 40,365 529,557 FY11 1,069,173 369,500 366,000 141,360 76,250 285,000 235,658 129,006 2,671,947 25,772 (13,016) (13,741) (985) Change $ 2,349 49,500 (32,466) (50,000) 14,250 21,000 (16,971) 36,711 24,373 32.5% -3.3% -25.4% -0.2% % Change 0.2% 15.5% -8.1% -26.1% 23.0% 8.0% -6.7% 39.8% 0.9% M&O Costs Tamarack Channel Cleaning - $20,000 Under sidewalk drain maintenance - $16,500 05/28/2010 PROJECTED EXPENDITURES (2007 FORECAST) VS. PROJECTED REVENUES (2011 FORECAST) 200,000 190,000 Proj. Exp. (2007) Proj. Rev. (2011) 110,387 114,733 117,958 123,004 127,600 135,498 143,427 148,715 155,313 161,091 •Proj. Exp. (2007) •Proj. Rev. (2011) Fiscal Years WORST CASE SCENARIO (2011 FORECAST): PROJECTED EXPENDITURES VS. PROJECTED REVENUES 170,000 160,000 Proj. Exp. (2011) Proj. Rev. (2011) 110,387 112,533 117,258 122,604 127,500 135,498 143,427 •Proj. Exp. (2011) •Proj. Rev. (2011) Fiscal Years 1 7n nnn -IC.O nnn 1 ^n nnn "«r•a£ i/in nnn VI OJC c Js 1 ^n nnn 8 1 "?n nnn 1 1 n nnn i nn nnn - Proj. Exp. (2011) Proj. Rev. (2011) ANTICIPATED SCENARIO (2011 FORECAST): PROJECTED EXPENDITURES VS. PROJECTED REVENUES ,-f /£%- .X^Xs4'715 >/T^_$3,891 J0^X>4,100 ^^^*$2,500 • Pioj. Exp. (2011) ^*^^_ ^>-Proj. Rev. (2011) _^r~ ^j?r~ " $84 " Items Adjusted to Balance Budget: ^^^l 1. Goal Funding (Significantly Reduced) 1^^ £2g 2. Capital Outlay (Significantly Reduced) ^^r^ 3. Council Contingency (Significantly Reduced) ^^^ $54 4. No Salary Increases in FY Ended 2011; 24.75 Positions Eliminated/Unfunded 5. Most Block Budgets in FY Ended 2011 didn't Receive CPI Increases $147 6. One-time Funds in FY Ended 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 7. Shifted Portion of Transportation Expenses to Gas Tax Fund 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 110,240 114,679 117,930 122,920 127,583 132,998 139,327 144,824 150,598 158,353 110,387 114,733 117,958 123,004 127,600 135,498 143,427 148,715 155,313 161,091 Fiscal Years FY 2010-11 Preliminary Operating Budget June 8, 2010 2 Tonight’s Presentation •Economic overview •Forecast for the General Fund •City revenues •Budget requests •Water, sewer and trash proposed rates •Changes to city fees •Department presentations Budget Calendar •Council Meetings –May 11 –CIP workshop –June 8 –Operating budget workshop •Set public hearing for June 29th –June 29 –Public hearing and adoption of Fiscal Year 2010-11 Operating and Capital Budgets •Other Public Meetings –June 10 –Citizens Budget Workshop Citizens Budget Workshop •When:Thursday, June 10 •Where:City of Carlsbad Faraday Center 1635 Faraday Ave. Room 173B •Time:6 p.m. For additional information City of Carlsbad Finance Department 760-602-2430 5 City of Carlsbad Combined Budget General 45% Special Revenue 4% Redevelopment 1% Enterprise 21% Internal Services 6% $247.1 million Operating Budget –77% Capital –23% Capital 23% 6 GDP growth 3.2% “Jobless Recovery” State Perspective •$19.1 billion projected deficit •Possible solutions –Health and Human Services reductions –Federal funds •No additional hits to local government 8 Jan 07 139.6 ↙ Mar 09 100.7 ↙ April 10 109.2 Carlsbad’s Economic Profile •Home prices •Taxable transactions •Tourism •Population growth 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Proj. Exp. (2007)134,434 140,901 147,265 153,961 160,980 168,220 174,948 181,946 189,224 196,793 Proj. Rev. (2011)110,387 114,733 117,958 123,004 127,600 135,498 143,427 148,715 155,313 161,091 100,000 110,000 120,000 130,000 140,000 150,000 160,000 170,000 180,000 190,000 200,000 Dollars (In Thousands)Fiscal Years PROJECTED EXPENDITURES (2007 FORECAST) VS. PROJECTED REVENUES (2011 FORECAST) Proj. Exp. (2007) Proj. Rev. (2011) ($24,047) ($26,168) ($30,957) ($29,307) ($33,380) ($32,722) ($31,521) ($33,231) ($33,911) ($35,702) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Proj. Exp. (2011)116,720 120,701 125,814 132,066 137,369 143,083 149,724 155,536 161,637 169,732 Proj. Rev. (2011)110,387 112,533 117,258 122,604 127,500 135,498 143,427 148,715 155,313 161,091 100,000 110,000 120,000 130,000 140,000 150,000 160,000 170,000 Dollars (In Thousands)Fiscal Years WORST CASE SCENARIO (2011 FORECAST): PROJECTED EXPENDITURES VS. PROJECTED REVENUES Proj. Exp. (2011) Proj. Rev. (2011) ($6,297) ($6,324) ($9,869) ($6,333) ($8,168) ($9,462) ($8,556) ($7,585) ($6,821) ($8,641) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Proj. Exp. (2011)110,240 114,679 117,930 122,920 127,583 132,998 139,327 144,824 150,598 158,353 Proj. Rev. (2011)110,387 114,733 117,958 123,004 127,600 135,498 143,427 148,715 155,313 161,091 100,000 110,000 120,000 130,000 140,000 150,000 160,000 170,000 Dollars (In Thousands)Fiscal Years ANTICIPATED SCENARIO (2011 FORECAST): PROJECTED EXPENDITURES VS. PROJECTED REVENUES Proj. Exp. (2011) Proj. Rev. (2011) $147 $54 $84 $28 $17 $2,500 $4,100 $3,891 $4,715 $2,738 Items Adjusted to Balance Budget: 1. Goal Funding (Significantly Reduced) 2. Capital Outlay (Significantly Reduced) 3. Council Contingency (Significantly Reduced) 4. No Salary Increases in FY Ended 2011; 24.75 Positions Eliminated/Unfunded 5. Most Block Budgets in FY Ended 2011 didn't Receive CPI Increases 6. One-time Funds in FY Ended 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 7. Shifted Portion of Transportation Expenses to Gas Tax Fund 13 General Fund Revenues Fiscal Year 2010-11 Property* 44% Sales* 21% Hotel Tax* 11% Business License 3% All Others 17% Franchise* 4% * Four sources make up 80% $110.4 million 14 Carlsbad Median Home Prices $681,000In thousands Resales $0 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Fiscal Year Carlsbad Market Area Foreclosures 2007-Current -Auctioned 0 100 200 300 400 500 Q3 2007 Q4 2007 Q1 2008 Q2 2008 Q3 2008 Q4 2008 Q1 2009 Q2 2009 Q3 2009 Q4 2009 Q1 2010 Q2 2010 Carlsbad Oceanside Vista San Marcos Encinitas •Carlsbad –135 •Oceanside –259 •Vista –111 •San Marcos –143 •Encinitas -58 16 0 5 10 15 20 25 $0 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 08 09 10 11e AV Com/Indust AV Residential Property Taxes Assessed Values and Property Taxes FY Billions Millions 17 Sales Taxes by Category $22.9 million * ** * *Five sources make up 65% * 18 $0 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 HISTORIC SALES TAX BY GEOGRAPHIC AREA Benchmark Year Carlsbad Redevelopment Area Auto Mall Plaza Camino Real Carlsbad Premium Outlets The Forum 19 '04 '05 '06 '07 08 09 10e 11e La Costa/Four Seasons All Others Transient Occupancy Taxes $14.3M $12.8M $11.6M $12M 20 Franchise Taxes $0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 '05 '06 '07 '08 09 10e 11e Cable Trash Gas/Elec In Millions $4.9M $5.0M 21 Operating Revenues by Fund Type General 57% Special Revenue 6% Redevelopment 2% Enterprise 27% Internal Services 8% $193.2 million 22 2010-11 Budget Requests Judi Vincent, Budget Manager Helga Stover, Senior Accountant City Council’s goals, visions, & priority projects 10 year forecast monitored Budget policies set for new fiscal year Departments submit requests to Finance Budget reviews and recommendations to City Council City Council adopts budget Operating Budget Process Economic Recession •General Fund Operating Budget –Reduced about $10M since FY 2008-09 budget adoption –Contracted increases have been absorbed •Ongoing reductions –Allows the city to operate at lower expenditure levels in the future •Recent forecasts indicate the economy is leveling •Economic uncertainty continues Citywide Reorganization •Purpose –Transition from a developing to a built-out city –Realign resources with future needs •Result –Increased efficiencies using fewer resources –Realignment of city staff allows for elimination of some vacant positions FY 2010-11 Budget Policies •Provide a balanced budget •Plan for a balanced budget for future years •Minimize service level impacts to citizens 26 FY 2010-11 Budget Policies (continued) •No new positions •No growth in maintenance & operations costs •No new programs unless legally mandated •Absorb negotiated salary increases when possible •Budget discretionary items at minimal levels 27 FY 2010-11 Position Changes •Managed hiring freeze over past two years •12 positions unfunded in past two years –6 positions remain unfunded in FY 2010-11 –1 position funded again in FY 2010-11 –5 positions eliminated in FY 2010-11 FY 2010-11 Position Changes (continued) •Elimination of 17.25 positions (5 unfunded) –13.75 full-time positions –3.50 expired limited-term positions •Full-time position count 716.25 FY 2009-10 Total (full-time & limited-term) (17.25) Less: eliminated positions 699.00 FY 2010-11 Total 29 30 FY 2010-11 Budget Overview •Total proposed budget $189.1 million •Decrease of $2.0 million (1.1%) from FY 2009-10 adopted budget 31 General Fund 58% Special Revenue 6% Enterprise 27% Internal Service 8% Redevelopment 1% FY 2010-11 Operating Budget Total Budget = $189.1 million General Fund Expenditure History 32 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009a FY 2009r FY 2010 FY 2011 +3%-0.3% -3.3%+1% $ Millions -4.8% General Fund Budget Comparison $74.5 $73.3 $27.9 $29.3 $6.7 $7.6 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 Transfers M & O Personnel Total $110.2 In Millions Total $109.1 34 Infrastructure Replacement Fund •Funds the replacement of buildings and facilities (non water or sewer) •Annual contribution –FY 2007-08 –$7.9 million –FY 2008-09 –$7.5 million –FY 2009-10 –$6.5 million –FY 2010-11 –$7.2 million 35 General Fund Policy/ Leadership 5% Administrative 10% Public Safety 41% Non- Departmental 8% Library & Arts 9% Parks & Recreation 11% Community Development 7% Transportation 9% Total Budget = $110.2 million 36 General Fund Budget Recap FY 2010-11 Revenues $ 110.4 million Budget Requests $ 110.2 million Projected Surplus $ 0.2 million 37 General Fund Balance Estimated Balance at 7/01/10 $ 49.6 million Plus: FY 2010-11 Surplus 0.2 million Advances/Repayments (Golf Course, RDA, etc.)-1.7 million Estimated Balance at $ 48.1 million 6/30/11 38 Special Revenue Funds Section 8, 60%Maintenance Districts, 22% Block grant, 6% Other, 12% Total Budget = $10.9 million 39 Work Comp 13% Risk Mgmt 10% Self Insured Benefits 7% Vehicle Maint 20% Vehicle Repl 9% Info Tech 41% Internal Service Funds Total Budget = $14.3 million Enterprise Funds Budget Requests FY 2010-11 Water Enterprise FY 2010-11 Expenditures $37.8 million 41 $ 4,218,959 , 11% $ 3,887,562 , 10% $ 20,444,335 , 54% $ 7,240,112 , 19% $ 2,036,009 , 6% Personnel M&O (Including Encina) Water Purchases Transfers/Chargebacks Debt Payments Potable Water Enterprise FY 2010 to FY 2011 $3.8 million net budget reduction Water purchase quantity decreases: Carlsbad residents and businesses are using 25% less water 42 Water Purchase Cost Increases $2.1 million •Purchased Water from San Diego County Water Authority –Wholesale water –9% increase –Fixed charges –18.6% increase 43 Wastewater Enterprise $10.5 million 44 $ 2,190,929 , 21% $ 966,455 , 9% $ 3,107,030 , 30% $ 3,400,000 , 32% $ 863,409 , 8% Personnel M&O Encina Plant Operations Depreciation/Transfers Internal Transfers Wastewater Enterprise Increases in Operations FY 2010 to FY 2011 $343,337 (3.4%) •Encina plant operations •Replacement transfers 45 Solid Waste / Storm Water Enterprise Budget Request FY 2010-11 = $3.2 million 46 17% 40% 43%Solid Waste Programs Storm Water Protection Storm Drain Maintenance $1,377,846 $529,557 $1,294,101 Proposed Increase Average Monthly Utility Bill 12 units water use a month Current FY2010 Proposed FY2011 Sewer Solid Waste (Trash) Water Monthly increase % increase $ 20.93 $ 18.87 $ 44.26 $ 84.06 $ 23.03 $ 19.37 $ 52.20 $ 94.60 $ 10.54 12.5% 47 Proposed Water Rate Increase 18% •Delivery Charge –Residential –Current Rate $16.78 per month –Proposed Rate $19.80 per month •Commodity Charge –Residential –Current Rate $2.29 per unit –Proposed Rate $2.70 per unit (Tier 1: 0-12 units) Water Rates -continued •Non-residential –$3.12 per unit •Agricultural –$3.12 per unit •Recycled –$2.97 per unit •Irrigation –$3.50 per unit 49 $0 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 $70 Water Rate Comparison to Other Agencies •Fund ongoing operations at existing service levels Proposed Wastewater Rate Increase 10% 52 Residential Wastewater Rates •Flat rate •Current rate -$20.93 per month •Proposed rate -$23.03 per month 53 Non-Residential Wastewater Rates •Variable based on water usage •Commodity rates for commercial, non- residential and institutional categories based on wastewater strength characteristics Wastewater Rate Comparison to Other Agencies 55 $0 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 $70 $80 $90 $100 56 Solid Waste Rates •2.65% proposed rate increase to pay for rising costs of service provider 57 Proposed Increase Average Monthly Utility Bill 12 units water use a month Current FY2010 Proposed FY2011 Sewer Solid Waste (Trash) Water Monthly increase % increase $ 20.93 $ 18.87 $ 44.26 $ 84.06 $ 23.03 $ 19.37 $ 52.20 $ 94.60 $ 10.54 12.5% 58 Recommended Increases Effective January 1, 2011 •Public notices mailed in October •Public hearing held at least 45 days following public noticing •Rates effective January 1, 2011 59 60 Fee Update Fee Descriptions •General city fees –Charged for the usage of city services and property •Development related service fees –Charged to recover the cost of staff time/materials spent on development related activities •Development impact fees –Charged to recover the cost that growth is anticipated to have on city infrastructure 61 62 Fee Escalators •Updated by change in West Urban Consumer Price Index (CPI) –General city fees –Development related service fees •Updated by change in Engineering News Record Index (ENR) –Development impact fees Indexes 63 •West Urban CPI –April 2009 3.5% –April 2010 -0.4% –Cumulative 3.1% •ENR Index –April 2009 6.4% –April 2010 -0.3% –Cumulative 6.1% •Recommend no index escalation this year Library Fees DVD Borrowing Fee $0.75 $1.00 Interlibrary Loan Fee 2.00 5.00 Book Non-Pickup Fee (per item) 0.50 1.00 Current Proposed All of these fees are for non-core items and services offered by the library Parks & Recreation Fees Open Play Fee –Resident $1 $2 Non-resident $3 $4 Aquatic Swim Classes 4.5% -6.4% proposed increase Current Proposed Facility Fees Carrillo Ranch Site Rental 10% increase Schulman Auditorium $5 -$20 per hour increase Gowland Meeting Room $5 -$10 per hour increase New Fees Propane Patio Heater Rental $85 per hour No Show Fee for Category B Renters $25 Piano Tuning Fee $150 Traffic Impact Fees •Ordinance CS-025 states “that the traffic impact fee shall be adjusted annually as part of the budget process, by 2% or the annual % change in the ENR index whichever is higher” Other Proposed Fee Changes •City Clerk municipal code books •New fee for Planning Minor Conditional Use Permit Amendment •Fish and Game fees •Street light energizing fees Community & Economic Development Community & Economic Development •Downturn in development activity •Opportunity to focus on: –Increasing efficiencies –Process improvements –Protecting project approvals •Citywide realignment –Name and position changes •Land Development Engineering •Redevelopment –SCCRA and Village permits Community & Economic Development Top Three Accomplishments •Carlsbad Community Vision –Envision Carlsbad Phase I •Development Review Process improvements •Housing Element adoption Areas of Focus for FY 2010-11 •Envision Carlsbad Phase II •Complete: –DRP recommendations –Car Country dialogue •Major economic development projects Areas of Focus for FY 2010-11 Economic Development Work Plan Community Services Parks & Recreation Cost Savings Examples •Reducing water consumption –Smart water controllers –Mulch in planting beds –Recycled water •Electronic communication, minimize printing Key Accomplishments •Single department for recreation programs and parks maintenance •Pyramid pricing strategy •Citywide trails –Lake Calavera Trails Master Plan –Seven miles added –Adopt-a-Trail Access and Community Building •Increased program demand, participation •Partnerships and sponsorships •Expanding volunteer opportunities Library and Cultural Arts 1.240 1.260 1.280 1.300 1.320 1.340 1.360 1.380 FY06-07 FY07-08 FY08-09 FY09-10 Circulation -in millions Supporting the Community •Meeting increased demand –Computer use up 24% –TGIF Jazz: highest attendance ever –Three Part Art education: booked to capacity •Leveraging technology to keep pace with service demand Sustaining a High Quality of Life •Learning and cultural programs •Arts education and exhibitions •24/7 service •Downloadable audio books •Online language learning Sustaining Quality Infrastructure Inductive Streetlight Overview •Replace all city owned streetlights: 7,000+ •Replacement with high efficiency lights •Total annual savings: $290,000 •2 year payback Inductive Streetlight Environmental Benefits •Reduces streetlight energy by 60% •Reduces greenhouse gas 1,200 tons/yr. •Equivalent to removing 170 cars from the road or planting 124,000 trees/yr. •Reduce mercury waste by 90% Traffic Management Center •Pilot program –evaluate equipment •Improve traffic flow and reduce emissions Traffic Management Center •Implementation program 2 to 5 years –Focus on prime arterial roads –Interconnect signals •Reduce maintenance cost –Remotely monitor, control and trouble shoot Carlsbad Boulevard Realignment •Batiquitos Lagoon to Agua Hedionda Lagoon •Move road easterly •Maximize use of coastal property •Improve multimodal transportation •Economic development Carlsbad Boulevard Realignment •Potential recreational opportunities –Expand state campgrounds –Coastal access –Linear park –Gathering places Utilities Department Provide safe, reliable and affordable services to our customers, including water, recycled water, wastewater, storm drains and solid waste Cost Cutting & Efficiency Measures •Energy rate plans •System optimization •Reverse 411 Accomplishments •Online utility billing •Automated meter reading •Sewer cleaning •Desalination Coming Year •Desalination •Remote system command and control •Recycled water conversions •Hydroelectric energy Public Safety Police Department •Budget savings and efficiencies –80% of police budget is personnel –Holding two positions vacant –Reduced part time hours –Monitoring scheduling closely to control overtime Maintaining Core Services •Consistency and efficiency •Provide high quality safety services to the community •Use tools, technology, and training to effectively and efficiently fight crime Joint First Responders Training Facility Fire DepartmentFY 2010 Accomplishments •Joint First Responder Training Facility •Standards of Cover Study •Internal Efficiency Initiative Fire Department Video Fire Department FY 2010-11 goals •Sustainment •Refinement •Regionalization Budget Calendar •Council Meetings –May 11 –CIP workshop –June 8 –Operating budget workshop •Set public hearing for June 29th –June 29 –Public hearing and adoption of Fiscal Year 2010-11 Operating and Capital Budgets •Other Public Meetings –June 10 –Citizens Budget Workshop Citizens Budget Workshop •When:Thursday, June 10 •Where:City of Carlsbad Faraday Center 1635 Faraday Ave. Room 173B •Time:6 p.m. For additional information City of Carlsbad Finance Department 760-602-2430 FY 2010-11 Preliminary Operating Budget June 8, 2010