HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-09-28; City Council; 20366; Grant Request Carlsbad High SchoolCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 8 AB# MTG. DEPT. 20,366 9/28/2010 HNS SPECIAL EVENT GRANT REQUEST FROM CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL ASSOCIATED STUDENT BODY COUNCIL DEPT. DIRECTOR CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDED ACTION: Consider the request from Carlsbad High School ASB Council for special event grant funding and either adopt Resolution No. 2010-230 to approve the request or take action to deny the request; and, If Council concurs, direct staff to review and identify possible amendments to Policy 51 at a future Council Workshop. ITEM EXPLANATION: Carlsbad High School ASB is requesting a Special Events Grant from the City in the amount of $3,422 to help fund its 2010 Lancer Day Parade. The entire grant request is to fund in-kind services which are directly provided by the City of Carlsbad. This community-oriented event is scheduled for October 22, 2010. In October 2003, the City Council amended Council Policy 51 (Exhibit 2), creating an opportunity for Special Event Grants under the Community Activity Funding Program. This program allows special event organizers to apply for grant funding for a special event at any time of the year. These requests are to be considered by Council and, if funded, the appropriation is typically funded directly from the City Council's General Fund contingency account. Council Policy 51 states that organizations funded under this program may receive grants for no more than three (3) consecutive years. The City Council's intent in drafting Council Policy 51 was to use City funds to help new special events or programs get started, and then have those programs become self-sufficient and community supported efforts. Carlsbad High School has exceeded the number of years allowed under the Special Events Grant Program because it has received event funding from the City Council since 2006. However, the ASB Council, the event organizer, has indicated that this popular community event will not occur without the City's in- kind staff services and the Council is unable to fund these costs. Therefore, the ASB Council is requesting that the Council approve the funding with the understanding that it is an exception to its Council Policy 51. A history of City support for the Carlsbad High School Lancer Day Parade is shown in Exhibit 3, and the Council's supplemental application for the Special Event Grant is attached as Exhibit 4 for review. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Courtney Enriquez, 760-434-2812, Courtney.Enriquez@carlsbadca.gov FOf? CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED u D D D D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN RETURNED TO STAFF OTHER - SEE MINUTES D D D D While the City Council has made exceptions to its policy in the past to provide grants to organizations for more than three (3) consecutive years, if this is a concern and the Council would like to reconsider the criteria and conditions for these special event grant requests, it is recommended by staff that this matter be referred to a Council workshop for further discussion. FISCAL IMPACT: The Council may deny or approve the request. If the Council chooses to fund this Special Event Grant request, approval of the attached resolution will appropriate $3,422 from Council's General Fund contingency account for the Carlsbad High School's 2010 Lancer Day Parade. This appropriation will include $3,422 (Exhibit 5) to various General Fund budgets to fund the City provided in-kind services. Carlsbad High School ASB is requesting the City assume service expenses associated with the staging of the parade, including Police Department traffic services and the special event fee ($2,347), Streets Division's traffic control equipment and labor costs ($325), and the Transportation Department's costs for the traffic control plan, design, and drawing ($750). The City Council's contingency account has a $500,000 provision for FY 2010-2011, with a current account balance of $500,000. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The proposed action does not qualify as a "project" under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15378 as it does not result in a direct or reasonable foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. EXHIBITS: 1. City Council Resolution No. 2010-230 2. Council Policy 51 3. History of Funding for Carlsbad High School Lancer Day Parade 4. Special Events Grant Supplemental Application 5. Carlsbad High School, in-kind and external cost analysis 4 FINANCE DIRECTOR TO APPROPRIATE SAID FUNDS. 5 WHEREAS, the Carlsbad High School ASB has requested a Special Events 6 Grant to assist in its 2010 Lancer Day Parade on October 22, 2010; and 7 WHEREAS, the Lancer Day Parade is a community-oriented event; and8 WHEREAS, staff determined the cost of providing Police Department traffic services and the special event fee, Streets Department traffic control equipment and labor . . costs, and the Public Works costs for the Carlsbad High School Homecoming Parade is 12 $3,422. 13 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of 15 24 25 26 27 28 Exhibit 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2010-230 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING A SPECIAL EVENT GRANT TO CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL FOR THE 2010 LANCER DAY PARADE AND AUTHORIZING THE Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1 . That the above recitations are true and correct. 16 2. That the Carlsbad City Council hereby authorizes the Finance Director to 17 appropriate $3,422 from the City Council's General Fund contingency account 18 to various General Fund budgets for in-kind City services for Carlsbad High 19 School 2010 Lancer Day Parade. 20 21 22 " 23 // // // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 28th day of September, 2010, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Hall, Packard and Blackburn. NOES: None. ABSENT: Council Member Kulchin. ATTEST: I/I/UL UNE M. WOOD, City Clerk 5EAL) / mm"";.,*„>-' Page 1 of 2 Policy No, _ 51 CITY OF CARLSBAD Date Issued _ 1/8/08 COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Supersedes No. 1/20/04General Subject: Community Activity Funding Specific Subject: Process for Funding Community Activities Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File BACKGROUND ; The City Council has, in the past, chosen to fund community activities with General Fund monies. This has included the allocation of funds to agencies that provide various enrichment programs to Carlsbad residents and visitors. During the 2003-04 budget process, the City Council directed a council subcommittee to evaluate the current process and recommend changes to facilitate that process. The following policy outlines those changes. PURPOSE: To establish the process for distributing funds for community activities. POLICY: 1 . It is the policy of the City of Carlsbad to allocate funds for community activities. 2. Organizations funded under this policy may receive grants for no more than 3 years, with the exception of the Community Activity Grant. Organizations funded by the Community Activity Grant may receive grants for 3 years and then cannot apply for grant funding for a minimum of 2 years. After at least a 2 year hiatus, organizations can again apply for grant funding and receive a maximum of two additional years of grant funding. 3. Community Activity Grants a. These grants provide funding for enrichment programs for the community. b. The amount of funds to be allocated will be determined annually during the budget process. c. Once the budget is adopted interested groups will be notified of the application process. d. The application process will consist of the following: i. City application for funds ii. Public hearing before a citizen review panel iii. Recommendations submitted to City Council. Page 2 of2 e. The City Council will establish a review panel comprised of citizens and city staff to evaluate the applications, and make recommendations to the City Council. The review panel will be comprised of the following: One representative from each quadrant of the City, one member of the Senior Commission, the Library Board, and the Parks & Recreation Commission. f. The review panel will consider the provision of matching funds from other sources in evaluation of the applications. 4. Special Event Grants a. These grants provide city funding for Special Events in the city of citywide interest. b. These grants can be requested any time of the year. c. The requests will be funded from Council's contingency account. d. The application process will consist of the following: i. Special event application ii. Special Event Grant supplemental application iii. Approval of special event by special events committee iv. Allocation of funding by the City Council 5. Winning Teams Grants a. These grants provide funding to youth teams to offset the cost of travel expenses to national championship competitions. b. These grants can be requested any time of the year. c. The requests will be funded from Council's contingency account. d. Eligibility requirements are: i. The participants are all 18 years of age or under, ii. The group or team is an organized non-profit corporation or agency, iii. The request for funding must be made prior to the date of the event, iv. At least 90% of the participants in the team or group are residents of Carlsbad. e. The application process will consist of the following: i. Written request to Council ii. Allocation of funding by the City Council 6. This policy may be amended as necessary. Carlsbad High School, Lancer Day Parade History of Funding Exhibi-i 3 Fiscal Year 2009-2010 2008-2009 2007-2008 2006-2007 Amount $3,350.00 $3,259.00 $2,540.00 $2,570.00 Method Special Events Grant Special Events Grant Special Events Grant Community request to City Manager Purpose of Funding In-kind services for CHS Lancer Day Parade 2009 In-kind services for CHS Lancer Day Parade 2008 In-kind services for CHS Lancer Day Parade 2007 In-kind services for CHS Lancer Day Parade 2006 *NOTE 1: In-kind services include police traffic control support, special event fee, traffic control, street preparation, equipment rentals, etc. -> To date, the City has provided Carlsbad High School with a total of $11,899 in the form of in-kind services. EXHIBIT \-\ CITY OF CARLSBAti SPECIAL EVENTS GRANT SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION Please complete the following supplemental application using the instructions provided on the last page of this application. Attach additional pages if necessary. ,AName of Applicant: # r *J -/s Address: Phone: (7ko ) "ib^ " ^ °^ E-mail: Contact 1 Name Phone ^TContact 2 Name Phone Federal Tax ID # or Social Security #:. TOTAL GRANT FUNDING REQUEST: $t EUaiSUTY REOOIREMENIB Please answer the following questions to determine if your event is eligible for City grant funds: Y N Will your Special Event be held entirely within the City of Carlsbad? Have you submitted a Special Events Permit application to the City? (If yes, please attach a copy to this grant supplemental application) Does your Special Event have a citywide interest? If yes, explain in the section below Has the Special Event received less than three (3) years of grants from the City? (If yes, please note below the number of years you have received grants from the City, if any) If you answered ves to all of the above questions, your request is eligible for this grant program. Please complete the remainder of this application. If you answered no to any of the questions, please contact Courtney Enriquez at the City of Carlsbad (760-434-2812) to discuss your eligibility for the special events grant. City of Carlsbad Special Event Grant Supplemental Application Housing and Neighborhood Services www.carlsbadca.gov DESCRIPTIONGRANT REQUEST DESCRIPTION {ffn&j&ssaty, please dtiact)"supplemental Applicant Background Organization: Names of Officers and Board of Directors (if applicable): Name Title Name of the special event: Location of event: Please list the years in which your team has received prior funding from the City and list the related dollar amounts: How does your special event benefit and provide citywide interest to the Carlsbad community? «\ FINANCIAL CAPABILITIES/dtJDGET Do you have any additional funding opportunities (i.e. corporate or private sponsors, matching grants) currently committed or pending? Please complete the information below: Name Percentage of financial contribution towards goal ^ Please include a budget for program request including funding schedule. City of Carlsbad Special Event Grant Supplemental Application Housing and Neighborhood Services www.carlsbadca.gov CERTIFICATION ^*~" We, the undersigned, do hereby attest that the above information is true and correct to the best of our knowledge. (Two signatures required) Signature Title Date Signature Title Date SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION & ALTERNATIVE FORMAT Please submit this supplemental grant application together with a written request (cover letter) to the City Council stating the amount of funding requested and intended use for this funding. As noted above, please attach a copy of your special event application. City of Carlsbad will provide written materials in alternative formats and reasonable modifications in policies and procedures to persons with disabilities upon request. RETURN COMPLETED APPLICATION Please hand deliver, U.S. mail, e-mail or fax completed supplemental grant application packet together with your cover letter request to: City of Carlsbad Housing and Neighborhood Services 2965 Roosevelt Street, Ste. B Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: Courtney Enriquez Telephone Number: 760-434-2812 Fax Number: 760-720-2037 E-mail: Courtnev.Enriquez@carlsbadca.gov City of Carlsbad Special Event Grant Supplemental Application Housing and Neighborhood Services www.carlsbadca.gov Exhibit Carlsbad High School, Lancer Day Parade In-Kind and External Cost Analysis > In-Kind Services CoStS (required elements for this special event) Service Police staffing Special event application fee Traffic engineering services Traffic control equipment, staffing 2010 provider Carlsbad Police Department Carlsbad Police Department Carlsbad Engineering Division Carlsbad Streets Division TOTAL COST 2010 estimates $2,016.52 $330.00 $750.00 $325.00 $3,421.52 NOTE: Service charges will be based on number of hours at full burdened rate. > External COStS (required elements for this special event) Service 2010 provider TOTAL COST 2010 estimates $0.00 TOTAL In-kind and external costs $3,422.00