HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-09-28; City Council; 20372; Alga Norte Community Parkcn"Y OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL Ai AB# MTG. DEPT. 20372 09/28/10 City Council CONSIDER MOVING FORWARD WITH CONSTRUCTION OF ALGA NORTE COMMUNITY PARK PROJECT NO. 3937 DEPT. DIRECTOR CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDED ACTION: If Council concurs, adopt Resolution No. 2Q1Q-233 to direct staff to take all necessary steps to prepare for construction of Alga Norte Community Park. ITEM EXPLANATION: Project Description - The proposed Alga Norte Community Park is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Poinsettia Lane and Alicante Road. The Alga Norte Community Park Master Plan features an aquatics center, three baseball fields, a dog park, a skate park, basketball courts, playgrounds, open space, and parking. The aquatics center includes a competitive pool, a 12-lane instruction pool, a therapy pool, and a small recreation component with wet play structures. A moving river and slides are included in the park master plan, however, have been eliminated from the project's first phase. The aquatics center also includes 13,000 square feet of enclosed space for a mechanical building, an administration building, locker room facilities, group meeting facilities, a fitness room, and a concessions kitchen. Other buildings at the proposed park include a maintenance facility, numerous pumping station structures, chlorination building, a snack bar, and three public restrooms. Current Status: This project has been on hold due to the uncertainty of the City's ability to fund operating expenses during the current economic recession. The park plans were completed in 2007 and the project was put out to bid, however, due to concern over economic trends and bid irregularities, all bids were rejected. In 2008 City Council directed staff to redesign the aquatics center to eliminate the recreational component (moving river and slides) from the first phase. The re-design work has been completed. On October 6, 2009, City Council directed staff to advertise for bids for the grading of Alga Norte Community Park. On January 12, 2010 a contract was awarded for the grading of Alga Norte Community Park. The grading is substantially complete. Recently, staff has commissioned an operating impact study to identify the level of activity, revenues and expenses associated with the existing design. This study is intended to identify the most efficient methods of operating the park in order to reach the broadest constituency of residents while minimizing operating subsidies. The study will identify any design modifications that would assist in achieving the above mentioned objectives. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: John Coates 760-434-2821 iohn.coates@carlsbadca.gov FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED -¥nnn CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN RETURNED TO STAFF OTHER -SEE MINUTES nnnn Page 2 Staff has been asked to identify all necessary tasks in order to begin construction of the project. The following tasks have been identified: • Complete a code compliance review of existing plans and specifications to determine what elements need updating. This work is estimated to take between one and two months at a cost of approximately $15,000. • Complete the operating impact study. This work is estimated to be completed in early January, 2011. • Have staff return to Council with results of the code compliance review and operating impact study and provide direction on any desired modifications. • Update plans and specifications based upon Council direction resulting from the findings of the code compliance review and operating impact study. • Approve plans and specifications and authorize project for bid. • Award bid and enter into contract with successful bidder. • Commence construction. FISCAL IMPACT: The code compliance review of existing plans is anticipated to cost approximately $15,000 and can be absorbed within the existing budget. There is currently a $50.4 million budget appropriated in the Fiscal Year 2010-11 Capital Improvement Program for Alga Node Community Park. Current project estimates based on market wage rates for Phase I of the project are: in millions Planning and Design $ 2.4 Phase I - Aquatics $ 13.7 Community Park $ 14.8 Contingency (15%) $ 4.3 Construction Services $ 3.3 Miscellaneous $ 1.3 Phase I total estimate $ 39.8 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: On March 1, 2006, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 6039 and 6040, adopting a Negative Declaration and Conditional Use Permit no. 04-08, respectively for the project. EXHIBIT: 1. Resolution No. 2010-233 , directing staff to complete a code compliance review of the proposed Alga Norte Community Park existing plans and specifications and to return to Council with results of the review and the Operating Impact Study. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2010-233 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DIRECTING STAFF TO TAKE 3 ALL NECESSARY STEPS TO PREPARE FOR 4 CONSTRUCTION OF ALGA NORTE PARK 5 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, has determined it 6 necessary, desirable, and in the public interest to construct Alga Norte Community Park 7 (the park), Project No. 3837 and 3925; and,8 g WHEREAS, the park is necessary to comply with the City's General Plan and 10 Growth Management Plan; and, 11 WHEREAS, funds for the construction of the park have been appropriated in the 12 Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Capital Improvement Budget; and, 13 WHERAS, the current plans and specifications for the park require analysis for 14 compliance with any recent code updates; and, WHERAS, staff has recently commissioned an operating impact study to identify 16 the most efficient methods of operating the park in order to reach the broadest 17 constituency of residents while minimizing operating subsidies and to identify any 18 design modifications that would assist in achieving the above mentioned objectives and 20 will report their findings to the City Council. 21 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of 22 Carlsbad, California, as follows: 23 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 24 2. That staff is hereby directed to prepare the project for bid beginning with the 25 following steps: 26 A. Complete a code compliance review of the proposed Alga Norte 28 Community Park existing plans and specifications. 3 1 B. Upon completion of the code compliance review and operating impact 2 study, receive Council direction on any desired modifications to the existing plans. 4 C. Update plans and specifications based on Council direction. 5 6 7 " 8 " 9 10 // 11 // 12 // 13 // 14 15 16 17 18 " 19 » 20 // 21 // 22 // // 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 28th day of September, 2010, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Hall, Packard and Blackburn. NOES. None. ABSENT: Council Member Kulchin. /IS, MaytT ATTEST: L0R * __ -"SE RAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk (SEAL)/ Sheila Cobian All Receive For the Information of the: From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Mark Steyaert Monday, September 27, 2010 7:19 PM Lisa Hildabrand John Coates; Sheila Cobian ANP PLAN REQUEST Exhibt 2 revised pool area 7.14.08.pdf _ City Manager^— Lisa, this is the plan of the revised aquatics center w/o the rec. component that Keith requested a copy of today. Mark Date:__^ •^^•M Distribution: City Clerk Asst- City Clerk Deputy Clerk Book ^-PLANTINQ SEAT- AREA WALL ALGA NORTE POOL RE-DESIGN MAY 7, 2008 Kira Lin berg From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: All Receive i^'pfl of the* James Torretto [greenpad@sbcglobal.net] Tuesday, September 28, 2010 2:40 PM Council Internet Email greenpad@sbcglobal.net Alga Norte Pool and Park Project Revenue for Alga Norte.doc CITY COUNCIL M__ CAj^ CC ^ Citv Manager u_^" Dear, Mayor and Council Members Please Build the Alga Norte Pool /Park Project Now. The citizens of Carlsbad and specifically the aquaii s users/supporters have been waiting close to 30 years for the construction of another municipal pool conin; v.\ There has been promises, obstruction, delay, design and redesign, analysis and more analysis. Please demonstrate the fiscally conservative, civic and political leadership that your Citizens deserve and build this project now. There is no better time than now. Public works construction costs are 20-40% less than 3 years ago. For example; City Staff estimated construction costs for the Joint First Responder Training Facility (JFR'l F);;; '. million and the actual construction awarded was for 16.5 million, or 27% less. As Council Members of ;, C: with 100s of millions of tax payer dollars in reserve, you can demonstrate fiscal conservancy by taking advantage of these reduced costs and building this needed project now. The City can afford to build thi.1- project. The City can afford to operate this project. Although revenue is down, the City's percapita revenue is the .TP of North County, the County and much of the State. You folks know it only requires the Council placing !h • valuable public service at a high priority and your intelligent Staff will make it happen in the most cost efiec way. Although the new aquatics complex will probably never be a zero cost service (is the library), this pro can not be compared to the City's Golf Course M & 0. There are a host of possibilities (cost recover), pi nl private partnerships etc), which will reduce operating costs. In my 30 plus history with the City, 1 don't e\ e* recall our City operating with a deficit. It will NOT happen with the construction of the Alga Noric P'-ojec i. Finally, I've attached the working notes of Mr. Shawn Robinson, who addressed the Council al the .Inly ?( 0 ' meeting. Mr. Robinson is the General Manager of the Irvine Hilton, the host hotel for the 2008 Junior Olympics Water Polo Tournament. If you want to see the real financial benefit that a swim complex can ri to Carlsbad, please review his notes. Respectfully Submitted James J Torretto, Carlsbad Resident Date: fAs//o Distribution: City Clerk ^ Asst. City Clerk ~^~ Deputy Clerk ^ Book v/' ORIGINAL We need the pool for economic reasons My name is Shaun Robinson & I am a Carlsbad resident for 9 years and a Water Polo father of 3 sons age 17, 14 and 10. I am also the General Manager at the Hilton hotel in Orange County/Costa Mesa & 1 am here to speak with personal experience about the economic benefits that the new pool at Alga Norte would bring to our City in tourism dollars. Over the past six years my family has traveled to many parts of the country to watch our kids play in many tournaments including the Water Polo Junior Olympics. As tourism professional I instantly saw the potential for hotels, shops, restaurants and many other businesses. I was delighted to discover that the 2008 Water Polo Junior Olympics would be held in Orange County last summer. I immediately contacted US Water Polo and made a bid for Hilton to be the headquarters hotel for this prestigious event. Our hotel was awarded the contract that brought 6 clubs (including 7 teams from Carlsbad), over 1,000 room nights and approaching $200,000 in revenue to our hotel alone. We received a mere fraction of the overall financial impact enjoyed by tourism and related industries throughout Costa Mesa and the surrounding region. You can easily estimate the Transient Occupancy Tax funds this brought to the Cities. In these trying economic times the sports tournament market is one of the few shining lights. Our hotel company assigns its top sales professionals to solicit this market of travelers. This is lucrative business. The ability to host a regional or national water polo tournament or swim meet would bring thousands of visitors to our town from participants to coaches, parents, chaperoncs and fans. A recent regional water polo tournament in Orange and LA Counties attracted 345 male and female teams. Imagine those teams coming to Carlsbad. The potential economic impact is enormous. Already we have several large athletic events that bring people to Carlsbad each year: 'I lie •••San-Biego Mata'thon"," the Carlsbad 5,000 and the Carlsbad Triathlon. Why not add to this with some water spots evenij^J^daybe even the Junior Olympics. A rv n 1 P I M A IORlbiNAL Kira Linberg From: Rose Harris [rharris@pcfhorizon.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 2:10 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: Alga Node Please vote to build the aquatic park. Ed and Rose Harris, property owner 2746 Auburn Avenue Carlsbad,CA 92010 Kira Linberg From: Sent: To: Subject: Alan Richard [richardalan34@yahoo.com] Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:52 PM Council Internet Email ALGA NORTE COMMUNITY PARK Dear Council Members, As a Carlsbad citizen I strongly support the next phase of the Aiga Norte Community Park. It has been made known to me trui! il started now the city could make significant savings to getting this wonderful complex off the ground. The communit> ofCarlslni I passed Prop "C" in 2002 and have only graded the property. I firmly ask the each council member approve this measure tnis c\ ci n • at the city council meeting. This is a real test to the strong progress and vision that many of the current city council and mayoral candidates indicated ilia! t'le- have. With three current council members running for re-election and or the mayor position this will give the citi/cnr> a stron; s:: ". r as to future actions if their elections are favorable. Regards, Richard Russell 6615 Fiona Place Carlsbad, C A 92011 Kira Lin berg From: tnd kne [tndkne@hotmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 9:18 AM To: Council Internet Email Subject: Alga Norte Pool is Needed Now Dear Carlsbad City Council: What would you think if I told you that on Friday my daughter swam with termites? And what would you think if I :-)lr you that it wasn't the first time? Because Carlsbad facilities are so overcrowded, North Coast Aquatics contract:; wt-i, few facilities to accommodate the swimmers and my daughter swims at Bally's in Vista. On Friday, there w js y«t EITJI termite infestation at that facility, so she and her teammates were swimming through a pool littered with ten-rues. NCA is one of the nation's top swimming programs and San Diego's only Gold Medal-designated swimming progran (c designation of high-level athlete performance and organizational success, limited to only 200 swim teams nationwide;. Yet our athletes do not have access to competitive facilities and those that are available are extremely overcrowded a overscheduled. Our swimmers work out in a 15-meter pool, a 25-yard pool and the city's Monroe Street 25-meter p ;c none of which adequately prepare them for long-course events (50-meter races). The 15-meter pool and the 25-y;,rd do not have adequate deep zones and do not have starter's blocks at all, so our athletes at those pools can't train for starts and dives at meets. Scheduling at the largest facility, the Monroe Street pool, is tight at best. Water polo teams, the high school swim ' •;! the diving program, NCA, master swimmers, reacreational swimmers and other aquatics enthusiasts all share tnir :u facility. All of these groups make accommodations because there is not enough pool time for everyone. Durirq tl e summer when the city swim lesson program expands to fill much of the day, NCA swimmers in the age group omcv .in must change their schedules to complete their workouts before 9 a.m. every day. Throughout the year, NC/ swir-ii the senior program have to drive to La Jolla BEFORE school every morning to complete their first workout and thcr back to La Jolla AFTER school every day to complete their second workout. I can remember when our kids were taking summer swim lessons at the Monroe Street pool. Space was extreme.^ ;,n and the second reservations opened, my husband and I were both on the phone or at the computer trying to get trei i spot. Classes often filled up in minutes, and we weren't always successful. At the end of this last summer (2010), n y daughter was going to the Monroe Street pool a few times a week to swim laps and space in the lap lanes we>s ofl:;n precious. The Alga Norte project is needed and was approved by the voters long ago. It must become a reality, and now i.c /e time. We need to not only give the project a final go-ahead, but get construction under way immediately. Conrtrr t o costs are at an all-time low, the funds are available and the community need is at an all-time high. I am asking yoi >..r please support all of our Carlsbad swimmers - from preschoolers to master swimmers - and provide the facilities t u~ our community desperately needs. Sincerely, Trisha Ratledge 5055 Ciardi Court Carlsbad resident since 1991 ORIGINAL Kira Lin berg From: Debbie Tanner [markdebbietanner@hotmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 7:13 AM To: Council Internet Email Subject: Alga Norte Park Hello, This email is for Mark Packard and Matt Hall in regards to the vote this evening on Alga Norte P'-.r The money has already been set aside for the construction of the park. The park will have rev cm from the aquatic section. As a former swim instructor, I know the importance of an excellent swim center. It would be a welcome and NEEDED addition to the City of Carlsbad and the surrounding communities (revenue from outside the city!). The grading looks as though it has been completed and is set for actual construction. The soon ?i construction begins, the better. Costs will only keep going up. NOW is the time to build the park. It's act aJy PAST time and more delays will just be more and more costly. The City of Carlsbad needs this park. It would be such a welcome addition to the community. know of at least one hundred families who would be using the park and who want it built. Now is the time for ci c] decision for our community. Many families are counting on you to vote YES on building the park. Thank you. Debbie Tanner-resident of Carlsbad for the past 8 1/2 years Kira Linberg From: Tricia Mes [tricia_mes@msn.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 7:06 AM To: Council Internet Email Subject: Please vote YES for Alga Norte Swim Complex Dear City Council members, My name is Tricia Mes, and I live at 5082 Lynch Ct. in Carlsbad. I have been a resident of the city for the past 5 1/2 years As the mother of a young competitive swimmer, I am eager to see construction of the swim complex at Alga Norte move foiwsrn Currently, If my son continues to swim and compete, our future holds countless hours on the road traveling back and forth to a j.oo La Jolla to train. All that commute time would certainly be better spent in the pool and on academic pursuits. It should also be noted that we are faced with a childhood obesity crisis in our country. Almost 20% of our country's youth ngun '5- are considered obese, and having a state of the art swim complex here in Carlsbad would go far toward combating this trord ?•• be socially responsible, and vote yes to move ahead with construction of the swim complex. And lastly, from an economic perspective, why not turn the sour economy into a sweet reward for Carlsbad. Capitalize r.n the ' t K costs of construction. If the grading alone came in at 43% under budget, imagine the savings that could be recognized 'oi the E? t project. There has never been a better time to build. Please make what I believe to be a fiscally sound decision, and vote to move forward with construction of the Alga None v.vii' n T Thank you. Best regards, Tricia Mes ORIGINAL Kira Lin berg From: Gary Williams [garyrwilliams1@roadrunner.com] Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 9:26 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: Build the Alga Norte Park and Aquatic Complex Now Dear City of Carlsbad Council members: As a 25 year resident of the City of Carlsbad we have been asking for and voting to get a second pool built for mar < years. It was obvious to us a second pool was needed when our children were turned away from swimming losso- s because there was not enough pool space and time slots for all those that wanted to take swimming lessons. Thr; n park project should be built now without delay. The residents have voted in favor of the project and the money already earmarked for this project. The pool complex should be built in its entirety to serve all age groups. !;oth voi and older residents will benefit from this project. There is a long list of activities from swimming lessons to wate: aerobics to water polo games to GIF Championship Swimming competitions that can be held at the aquatic como' x does not matter if you are 6 or 60, the pool complex will have something to offer you as a resident of Carisbcu . [ ' n properly, the City has the opportunity to make the park an attractive facility where different revenue producer. >. >T like invitational swimming meets, water polo tournaments and Jr. Olympic and Master's events can be hole.'. This park and the aquatic complex in particular will serve many more residents of Carlsbad than other recent pm >n Construction costs are still very competitive, so the time is NOW to take advantage of good prices for excellent • \\ construction. This project will serve your citizens well for many, many years. Build the entire park and aquatic coi i| NOW. Respectfully submitted, Gary R. Williams Carlsbad resident ORIGINAL Kira Linberg From: Greg Horman [cbadpolo@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 1:57 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: Re: Alga Norte Pool/Park Dear City Council, Understand you have the alga norte subject on the meeting agenda for Tuesday 9-28-10. Hurray! As uni \ ot.' "yes" to go forward with construction I trust you will give good direction regarding the decision to build. Thereby, allowing staff to update plans to current code, draft plans and submit for permit approvals in a reasonable time frame. Also, is there direction to amenities, plans have had the lazy river and play structure removed, but leaving a 55 meter competition pool a 25x25 meter instructional lap swim pool and a therap* pool. These work well within the community. There are many successful pools in California to learn from. They may not be self sustaining financially, however they bring in revenue that far exceeds the operating losses. Carlsbad is an aquatic community am! \s i make good use of this facility. There should be no concern of a financial failure such as the GC. Build a gorti 50 meter facility, operate it well, which is being done on Monroe and you will have people dropping their children off for workouts and shopping in Carlsbad. A good facility will be used from 6am until 1 Opm c\ or\ d of the week. City of Irvine is an excellent example with the Wollett Swim Center. The programs at Monroe are on top of each other and ready to expand and keep athletes and their parents in Carlsbad during workouts Thank you for voting for the construction of alga norte, it will be a winner. Greg Horman Carlsbad Water Polo 760-518-7395 _ ORIGINAL Kira Linfrerg From: Andy Weissenberger [ajlweiss@att.net] Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 12:47 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: Alga Norte Park / Pool Dear City Council Members: My family and I have resided in Carlsbad for the past 14 years. We have looked forward to the Alga Norte Park/ POCM !'<• many years and were disappointed to see the park delayed due to the council member vote outcome in 2008 The Alga Norte Park/Pool grading has been completed and at well under expected costs to the city. We hope you \vi,' decide to move forward with approving the construction of the Alga Norte Park/Pool without delay. Many city taxpayer dollars have been spent and are allocated to be spent on what was promised this community a lo u time ago in the "Master Plan". This Master Plan was shown to hundreds of community families during a cit> nninci! meeting back in the fall of 2000. This meeting addressed many of the aquatic needs and shortages at the time. This cj|\ and its population have grown considerably since that time in 2000. Please move forward with a vote in agreement to build and provide the citizens of Carlsbad with the resources of t h o A' Norte Park/Pool facilities. Thank you, Andy Weissenberger Joyce Weissenberger (~\ Q i p ilTi JT. Lauren Weissenberger I J M 111 MM Ml 7208 Azalea PI. Carlsbad, CA 92011 (769)438-3013 Kira Linberg From: Graig Eastin [geastin@roadrunner.com] Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 7:17 AM To: Council Internet Email Subject: Algo Norte Pool/Park Dear Carlsbad City Council, The Eastin Family in Carlsbad would like to express our desire for the Council to "Build the Alga Nor Pool/Park as Designed" and to build it now while construction costs are still low. We need a competitive swim complex in San Diego and one in Carlsbad is important, to this community Thank you, Graig R. Easitn (760) 268-0565 ORIGINAL Kira Linberg From: Scott and Merri Adams [adamsincarlsbad@yahoo.com] Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 1:52 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: Alga Norte Pool Dear City Council members, How many more years do we need to go through this same exercise? In 2002 we approved the construe!; >i a community pool. Where is it!? If the issue is that we do not want to compete with Legoland, as stated in a recent council meeting by .V1;ii; I then we should have charged them a non-compete fee and used it to fund our new pool. If the issue is trur. \- are concerned about ongoing operational expenses, then let's sell that boondoggle of a golf course thai is r >s us in the millions to operate annually while the very golf companies we built it to placate are relocating elsewhere. We live here! A swimming pool is an essential service of the City of Carlsbad. Our children and "randcirk need to learn to swim. Our sports teams need to be able to practice in order to compete. The numerous triathletes and competitive swimmers need to train, and the elderly and injured need a non-impact lonn >i exercise available. This pool services o//.of the citizens, not just a small segment. Over the past 5 years, my son's water polo team, Carlsbad Water Polo, has had to practice in Occanside ;> Army Navy Academy, or at 9:00 at night in order to get "pool time". I have had to share a lane \vilh .; uti or people in the summer, because there was only 1 lane open to recreational swimmers, and everyone swain different speeds and ran into each other. The Carlsbad City pool is completely insufficient as it stands. I am not even sure that it is sufficient sole!; ; high school aquatics facility, but it certainly cannot support the almost 100,000 people who live here. Please, let's just build the pool. We have spoken - loud and clear. You, as our elected representatives, ar supposed to be listeninel Sincerely, Merri Adams 7059 Cordgrass Ct. Carlsbad ORIGINAL Kira Linberg From: Stark, Lisa [Lisa.Stark@sdcda.org] Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 11:29 AM To: Council Internet Email Subject: . Alga Norte Aquatics Park Dear City Council members - I wanted to write to express my support for approval of the plans to go for.. /; with the building of the Alga Norte Aquatics Park. I have been a member of the Carlsbad Community for almost 10 years and I have two young boys who love to swim, to which I owe much gratitude for the Citv o' Carlsbad Aquatics dept, as both boys grew up taking swimming lessons at the Monroe pool. My eldest son, Cameron, is now 14, has volunteered as a teacher at the Monroe pool over the summer, rn now on the Carlsbad High School water polo team. We definitely feel the crunch of only having one local community pool that is large enough to suppoit lho increased number aquatics practices and lessons. Building the new aquatics center is crucial to Carlsbad s continued ability to have its students and youth thrive and be productive members of society. I believe i -\ also generate significant revenue for the City, and add to the overall community atmosphere of outdoor . enthusiasm and activity. Please vote yes to approve and move forward with this very important project! Sincerely, £isaStar6 Deputy District Attorney Nortfi. County Erancfi. (760) 806-4031