HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-02-08; City Council; 20448; REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS S CARLSBAD COASTALCITY OF CARLSBAD AND HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION JOINT AGENDA BILL AB# MTG. DEPT. 20,448 2/8/11HNS Reimbursement and Repayment Schedule Agreements for Redevelopment Projects to Benefit the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area DEPT. CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER REC OMMENDED ACTION That the City Council ADOPT Resolution No. 2011-021 , APPROVING Reimbursement and Repayment Schedule Agreements between the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission ("Commission") and the City of Carlsbad ("City") for redevelopment projects and/or programs to benefit the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area. That the Housing and Redevelopment Commission ADOPT Resolution No. 495 APPROVING Reimbursement and Repayment Schedule Agreements between the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission ("Commission") and the City of Carlsbad ("City") for redevelopment projects and/or programs to benefit the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area. ITEM EXPLANATION: The South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area Plan was originally adopted by the City Council in July, 2000. The plan has a thirty-one year effectiveness term, and forty-six year term for collection of tax increment. The Plan will expire July, 2031. The Agency will then have ten years within which to repay any indebtedness to the City, and an additional five years beyond that date to collect tax increment for any remaining projects. December 31, 2020 is the time limit for establishing new loans, advances and indebtedness to be repaid with tax increment and/or other assets from the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area. With these deadlines in mind, staff has been reviewing the current status of the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area (SCCRA) and completing an analysis of additional desirable redevelopment activities and debt capacity. Existing financial obligations for the SCCRA consist of $7.8 million in loans from the City General and General Capital Construction Funds for various public infrastructure projects, planning documents, land use strategies, miscellaneous redevelopment activities, as well as general administrative costs of approximately $250,000 annually, with cost of living increases as appropriate. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Debbie Fountain 760-434-2935 debbie.fountain@carlsbadca.gov FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED D D D O CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN D RETURNED TO STAFF O OTHER - SEE MINUTES D Page 2 At this time, there is no bond debt. However, it is anticipated that bonds will be issued in the future to finance various public improvement and infrastructure projects. An analysis of the projects/programs and other redevelopment activities that the Agency has contracted with the City to complete on its behalf indicates that the Agency will need additional loans in an approximate total amount of $24 million over the next twenty years of redevelopment implementation. All funding advances and loans provided to the Commission on behalf of the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area will be repaid in full with future tax increment funds and/or other assets of the Agency by no later than July, 2041. After reviewing the goals and objectives of the redevelopment plan and completing a projects' needs analysis for the SCCRA, staff has prepared a list of redevelopment projects and/or other activities that are anticipated to be undertaken over the next thirty to thirty-five years. The projects include the following and are described in greater detail within the Reimbursement Agreement: 1. Street Enhancements, including the realignment of Carlsbad Boulevard 2. Public Infrastructure Improvements 3. Land Use Strategies or other Planning Studies and Documents 4. Construction and/or Installation of Recreational Amenities and/or other redevelopment or development-inducing projects/activities. 5. Enhanced Entryway Treatments It is anticipated that other advances of funds may be required in the last five years of the period of time allowed for collecting tax increment. Due to the timing of when tax increment is paid to the Agency, there may be a timing gap which will require funding advances from the City. However, it is anticipated that there will be adequate tax increment available to reimburse the City for these funding advance by the end of each fiscal year. Staff is recommending that the City Council and Housing and Redevelopment Commission take action to enter into the attached Reimbursement and Repayment Schedule Agreements in which the City agrees to pay or provide initially for the development costs associated with carrying out one or more of the projects listed above and further described in the Reimbursement Agreement. To insure the City will be reimbursed for all costs initially provided, the projects will be implemented in a cost manner which does not exceed the maximum debt capacity of the SCCRA. The Agreement further stipulates the Commission agrees to reimburse the City, with interest, from the date of expenditure by the City until reimbursed. The rate of interest shall be based on the City's annual average investment rate. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: For the purposes of environmental review, the proposed agreements represent an organizational or administrative activity of governments that will not result in direct or indirect physical changes in the environment. Therefore, the action is not a "project" under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA 15378(b)(5)). All projects listed within the Reimbursement and Repayment Agreements will require separate environmental review and approval, as stated in the agreements, and will not be approved for implementation until environmental review has been completed and mitigation measures have been adopted, as appropriate. 7- Page3 FISCAL IMPACT: Adoption of the attached resolutions will confirm approximately $7.8 million in existing indebtedness for the SCCRA and provide for future loans of the City in an amount not to exceed approximately $24 million from the City for non-housing redevelopment projects and/or other activities over the next approximately twenty years. The Council will loan the funds to the Commission for the cost of the redevelopment projects and/or other activities, and the Commission shall repay this indebtedness as tax increment revenues become available. Full repayment of all loans, which are approved and accepted by the Commission from the Council, will occur no later than July, 2041. If there are inadequate tax increment revenues to repay the Council, the Commission may provide in-lieu payments with real and/or personal property and/or other assets of the Redevelopment Agency. Advances of funds will be repaid at the end of each fiscal year as appropriate. If tax increment funds are not available to repay these advances prior to the end of the fiscal year, the advances shall become loans and subject to interest payments, and shall be repaid according to the reimbursement and repayment schedule agreements. Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33333.8, in effect as of January 1, 2011, for as long as the Commission receives any tax increment funds, an amount that is not less than twenty percent (20%) of all the tax increment funds allocated to the Commission must be set aside into the Low/Moderate Income Housing Fund and used exclusively for affordable housing purposes by the Agency and/or the Carlsbad Housing Authority. By approving the attached Reimbursement and Repayment Schedule Agreements, the Commission is expected to receive approximately $31.5 million by fiscal year 2045 -2046 for low and moderate income housing. EXHIBITS: 1. City Council Resolution No. 2011-021 approving Reimbursement and Repayment Schedule Agreements between the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission and the City of Carlsbad. 2. Housing and Redevelopment Commission Resolution No. 495 approving Reimbursement and Repayment Schedules Agreement between the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission and the City of Carlsbad. 3. Reimbursement and Repayment Schedule Agreements between the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission and the City of Carlsbad. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2011-021 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING 3 REIMBURSEMENT AND REPAYMENT SCHEDULE , AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE CARLSBAD HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT 5 COMMISSION FOR REIMBURSEMENT AND REPAYMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS AND PROVISION OF 6 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES TO BENEFIT THE SOUTH 7 CARLSBAD COASTAL REDEVELOPMENT AREA. 8 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad activated the Housing and 10 Redevelopment Commission in October 16, 1979 and declared itself to constitute the 1 1 Commission for the purposes of implementing redevelopment activities within the City of 12 Carlsbad; and 13 WHEREAS, the Commission is engaged in activities necessary to execute and 14 implement the Redevelopment Plan for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment 15 Area; and 16 WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 33445(a) of the California Community 17 Redevelopment Law ("CRL"), in effect as of January 1, 2011, the Commission may, with 18 the consent of the City Council, pay all or part of the value of the land for and the cost of 20 the installation and construction of any building, facility, structure, or other 21 improvements which is publicly owned either within or outside a project area, if the City 22 Council makes certain determinations; and 23 WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 33455(c) of the CRL, in effect as of January 1 , 2011, when the value of the land or the cost of installation and construction of the 25 building, facility, structure or other improvement, or both, has been, or will be, paid or 26 provided for initially by the City, the Commission may enter into a contract with the City 27 under which the Commission agrees to reimburse the City for all or part of the value of 1 the land or a part of the cost of the building, facility, structure or other improvement, or 2 both; and 3 WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 33678 of the CRL, in effect as of January 1, 4 2011, the Commission may pay for employee or contractual services of the City if the 5 services are directly related to the purposes of redevelopment, as set forth in Sections 6 33020 and 33021 of the CRL, as in effect as of January 1, 2011, and primarily benefit 7 the Project Area ("Redevelopment Activity Costs"); and o 9 WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is in the best interest of the JO City and for the common benefit of citizens residing in the City to provide for, among 11 other things, the reimbursement to the City for the following: (1) Redevelopment Activity 12 Costs, and (2) the value of land for and the installation and construction of any building, 13 facility, structure, or other improvements which is public owned either within or outside 14 the Project Area ("Development Costs"), specifically including, but not limited to the 15 Redevelopment Activity Costs and the Development Costs (collectively referred to as 16 "Costs") in connection with the acquisition and construction of certain improvements, as 17 more specifically described in Section No. 1 of the Reimbursement Agreement (the 19 "Project"); and 20 WHEREAS, the Project consists of one or more buildings, facilities, structures, or 21 other improvements which are or will be publicly owned and which are located both 22 within and outside of the Project Area. The City Council and Commission have 23 determined that the Project is of benefit to the Project Area; and 24 WHEREAS, in accordance with Sections 33445 and 33678 of the CRL, in effect 25 as of January 1, 2011, the Commission desires to enter into these Agreements to 26 provide for the reimbursement to the City of the Costs, specifically including, but not 27 28 5 1 limited to, the Costs of the Project, to the extent paid or provided for initially by the City; 2 and 3 WHEREAS, the Council desires to enter into said agreements to ensure 4 repayment of existing Commission indebtedness to the City, and affirm its intent to loan 5 an additional estimated $24 million to the Commission over the next approximately 6 twenty years to continue redevelopment activities within the South Carlsbad Coastal 7 Redevelopment Area, and shall advance funds as necessary to the Commission to o Q provide for annual administration and/or other costs of the Commission to implement 10 the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area. 11 WHEREAS, any legislation by the State of California which shall threaten or 12 otherwise hinder the lawful implementation of redevelopment activities within the South 13 Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area as well as the Village Redevelopment Project 14 Area, and/or cause one or more contractual defaults by the Commission shall be 15 opposed by the Commission and legal action shall be taken as appropriate to protect 16 these contractual agreements and ensure compliance by the Commission. 17 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Housing and Redevelopment lo Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 20 1 - That the above recitations are true and correct. 21 2. That pursuant to the Reimbursement and Repayment Schedule Agreements, 22 attached hereto and incorporated herein, the City agrees to pay or provide 23 initially for any Costs associated with carrying out the Project in a cost 24 manner which does not exceed the maximum debt capacity of the South 25 Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area. 26 27 28 1 3. That pursuant to the Reimbursement and Repayment Schedule Agreements, 2 the Commission under subdivision (b) of Section 33670 of the CRL, in effect 3 as of January 1, 2011, shall pay for all such Costs, with interest, from the date 4 of expenditure by the City until fully reimbursed at the rate of interest earned 5 from time-to-time by the City on its portfolio of investments. 6 4. The City Council does hereby approve the Reimbursement and Repayment 8 Schedule Agreements between the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad 9 Housing and Redevelopment Commission for the provision of staff services 10 and facilities and/or other resources, as necessary, and to reconfirm the 11 reimbursement of administrative costs and provision of financial assistance for continued implementation of redevelopment activities in the South 13 Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Areas, including any activities agreed upon 14 following expiration of said redevelopment plans as allowed per 15 redevelopment law in effect as of January 1, 2011. 16 17 5. The City Manager and City Attorney are hereby authorized to oppose, legally 18 and/or otherwise, any legislation by the State of California that threatens or 19 jeopardizes the implementation of redevelopment activities within the South 20 Carlsbad Coastal and Village Redevelopment Project Areas, and/or will 21 prevent the lawful compliance of the Commission with the contractual 22 arrangement set forth in the attached agreements. 23 6. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute said Reimbursement and 24 Repayment Schedule Agreements in substantially the form approved by the 25 City Council and subject to final approval by the City Attorney.26 27 28 7 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the 2 Carlsbad City Council and Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission held on 3 the 8th day of February, 2011, by the following vote to wit: 4 5 AYES: Council Members Hall, Kulchin, Blackburn, Douglas and Packard. 6 NOES: None. 7 ABSENT: None.8 9 10 ~ . ~MATT HALL, Mayor 11 ATTEST: 12" 13 14 v ^"""'NEM. WOOD, City Clerk 15 (SEAL) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 RESOLUTION NO. 495 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF 3 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING . REIMBURSEMENT AND REPAYMENT SCHEDULE AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND 5 THE CARLSBAD HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION FOR REIMBURSEMENT AND REPAYMENT 6 OF ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS AND PROVISION OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF 7 REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES TO BENEFIT THE SOUTH CARLSBAD COASTAL REDEVELOPMENT AREA.8 9 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad activated the Housing and 10 Redevelopment Commission in October 16, 1979 and declared itself to constitute the 11 Commission for the purposes of implementing redevelopment activities within the City of 12 Carlsbad; and13 14 WHEREAS, the Commission is engaged in activities necessary to execute and 15 implement the Redevelopment Plan for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment 16 Area; and 17 WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 33445(a) of the California Community 18 Redevelopment Law ("CRL"), in effect as of January 1, 2011, the Commission may, with 19 the consent of the City Council, pay all or part of the value of the land for and the cost of 20 the installation and construction of any building, facility, structure, or other 21 improvements which is publicly owned either within or outside a project area, if the City 22 Council makes certain determinations; and 23 WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 33455(c) of the CRL, in effect as of January 1, 25 2011, when the value of the land or the cost of installation and construction of the 26 building, facility, structure or other improvement, or both, has been, or will be, paid or 27 provided for initially by the City, the Commission may enter into a contract with the City 28 Q 1 under which the Commission agrees to reimburse the City for all or part of the value of 2 the land or a part of the cost of the building, facility, structure or other improvement, or T both; and 4 WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 33678 of the CRL, in effect as of January 1, 5 2011, the Commission may pay for employee or contractual services of the City if the 6 services are directly related to the purposes of redevelopment, as set forth in Sections 7 33020 and 33021 of the CRL, as in effect as of January 1, 2011, and primarily benefit o 9 the Project Area ("Redevelopment Activity Costs"); and 10 WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is in the best interest of the 11 City and for the common benefit of citizens residing in the City to provide for, among 12 other things, the reimbursement to the City for the following: (1) Redevelopment Activity 13 Costs, and (2) the value of land for and the installation and construction of any building, 14 facility, structure, or other improvements which is public owned either within or outside the Project Area ("Development Costs"), specifically including, but not limited to the 16 Redevelopment Activity Costs and the Development Costs (collectively referred to as 17 "Costs") in connection with the acquisition and construction of certain improvements, as more specifically described in Section No. 1 of the Reimbursement Agreement (the 20 "Project"); and 21 WHEREAS, the Project consists of one or more buildings, facilities, structures, or 22 other improvements which are or will be publicly owned and which are located both 23 within and outside of the Project Area. The City Council and Commission have determined that the Project is of benefit to the Project Area; and 25 WHEREAS, in accordance with Sections 33445 and 33678 of the CRL, in effect 26 as of January 1, 2011, the Commission desires to enter into this Agreement to provide 27 28 IO 1 for the reimbursement to the City of the Costs, specifically including, but not limited to, 2 the Costs of the Project, to the extent paid or provided for initially by the City. 3 WHEREAS, pursuant to the Community Redevelopment Law, in effect as of 4 January 1, 2011, and the previously approved Cooperative Agreement, the Housing and 5 Redevelopment Commission is continuing to perform a public function of the City of 6 Carlsad and may have access to staff and other administrative services and facilities of 7 the City, and may accept financial assistance from the City to complete redevelopment 8 9 activities and/or projects for benefit of the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment 10 Areas; and 11 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad and Housing and Redevelopment Commission 12 have a need to approve Reimbursement and Repayment Schedule Agreements to 13 confirm the existing indebtedness of the Agency for the South Carlsbad Coastal 14 Redevelopment Area, and to set forth the anticipated loans required in subsequent years to complete redevelopment projects and other activities within the South Carlsbad 16 Coastal Redevelopment Area; and 17 WHEREAS, any legislation by the State of California which shall threaten or 18 otherwise hinder the lawful implementation of redevelopment activities within the South 20 Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area as well as the Village Redevelopment Project 21 Area, and/or cause one or more contractual defaults by the Commission shall be 22 opposed by the Commission and legal action shall be taken as appropriate to protect 23 these contractual agreements and ensure compliance by the Commission. 24 25 //// 26 //// 27 28 /( 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Housing and Redevelopment 2 Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 4 2. That pursuant to the Reimbursement and Repayment Schedule Agreements, 5 attached hereto and incorporated herein, the City agrees to pay or provide 6 initially for any Costs associated with carrying out the Project in a cost g manner which does not exceed the maximum debt capacity of the South 9 Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area, and the Commission agrees 10 to repay the City for said advances and loans. 11 3. That pursuant to the Reimbursement and Repayment Schedule Agreements, 12 the Commission under subdivision (b) of Section 33670 of the CRL, in effect 13 as of January 1, 2011, shall pay for all such Costs, with interest, from the date 14 of expenditure by the City until fully reimbursed at the rate of interest earned 15 from time-to-time by the City on its portfolio of investments. 17 4. The Housing and Redevelopment Commission does hereby approve the 18 Reimbursement and Repayment Schedule Agreements between the City of 19 Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission for the 20 provision of staff services and facilities and/or other resources, as necessary, 21 and to reconfirm the reimbursement of administrative costs and provision of 22 financial assistance for continued implementation of redevelopment activities 23 in the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Areas, including any activities 24 agreed upon following expiration of said redevelopment plans as allowed per 25 redevelopment law in effect as of January 1, 2011.26 27 28 2- 1 5. The Housing and Redevelopment Commission affirms existing indebtedness 2 to the City of approximately $2.2 million for redevelopment activities approved 3 to date, as well as approximately $250,000 in annual administrative costs for 4 the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area, which have not yet been 5 repaid to the City. 6 6. The Housing and Redevelopment Commission hereby accepts additional 8 indebtedness of approximately $5.6 million which has been previously 9 appropriated by the City for the Carlsbad Boulevard Realignment Study and 10 the Encinas Creek Bridge Replacement/Repair project on behalf of the H Commission, and finds that these projects are of benefit to, and consistent 12 with the goals and objectives, of the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment 13 Project Area Plan. The Commission also finds that these projects will 14 eliminate blight or blighting influences within the Area as set forth in the 15 Reimbursement Agreement. 16 7. The Executive Director/City Manager and City Attorney, as legal Counsel to 18 the Commission, are hereby authorized to oppose, legally and/or otherwise, 19 any legislation by the State of California that threatens or jeopardizes the 20 implementation of redevelopment activities within the South Carlsbad Coastal 21 and Village Redevelopment Project Areas, and/or will prevent the lawful 22 compliance of the Commission with the contractual arrangement set forth in 23 the attached agreements. 24 8. The Chairman of the Commission is hereby authorized to execute said 25 Reimbursement and Repayment Schedule Agreements in substantially the26 27 28 (3 1 form approved by the Housing and Redevelopment Commission and with 2 prior approval of the City Attorney. 3 4 // 5 6 7 8 9 " 10 // 11 // 12 // 13 // 14 // 15 16 17 18 19 " 20 " 21 // 22 // 23 // 24 // 25 // 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission and Carlsbad City Council held on the 8th day of February, 2011, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Commission Members Hall, Kulchin, Blackburn, Douglas and Packard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. MATT HALL, Chairman ATTEST: LISA HILDABRAND, Secretary (SEAL) r o/ESTABUSHED\%c ^, 1970 ./|| Exhibits REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT (Public Improvements) (Community Redevelopment Law Section 33445) This REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is entered into by and between the CARLSBAD HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION ("Commission"), a body corporate and politic, and the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation ("City") as of the day of ,2011. RECITALS A. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad ("City Council"), acting pursuant to the provisions of the California Community Redevelopment Law (California Health and Safety Code Section 33300, et seq.) ("CRL.,"), declared a need for a Community Development Commission, by Ordinance No. 1223, and activated the Commission, as the Housing and Redevelopment Commission, on October 16,1979. B. The City Council previously declared itself to constitute the Commission for the purposes of implementing redevelopment activities within the City of Carlsbad. C. The Commission is engaged in activities necessary to execute and implement the development Plan for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area ("Project Area"). D. Pursuant to Section 33445(a) of the CRL, in effect as of January 1, 2011, the Commission may, with the consent of the City Council, pay all or part of the value of the land for and the cost of the installation and construction of any building, facility, structure, or other improvements which is publicly owned either within or outside a project area, if the City Council makes certain determinations. E. Further, pursuant to Section 33445(c) of the CRL, in effect as of January 1, 2011, when the value of the land or the cost of the installation and construction of the building, facility, structure or other improvement, or both, has been, or will be, paid or provided for initially by the City, the Commission may enter into a contract with the City under which the Commission agrees to reimburse the City for all or part of the value of the land or all or a part of the cost of the building, facility, structure, or other improvement, or both. F. Pursuant to Section 33678 of the CRL, in effect as of January 1, 2011, the Commission may pay for employee or contractual services of the City if the services are directly related to the purposes of redevelopment, as set forth in Sections 33020 and 33021 of the CRL, and primarily benefit the Project Area ("Redevelopment Activity Costs"). G. The City Council has determined that it is in the best interests of the City and for the common benefit of citizens residing in the City to provide for, among other things, the reimbursement to the City for the following: (1) Redevelopment Activity Costs, and (2) the value of the land for and the cost of the installation and construction of any building, facility, structure, or other improvements which is publicly owned either within or outside the Project Area ("Development Costs"), specifically including, but not limited to the Redevelopment Activity Costs and the Development Costs in connection with the acquisition and construction of certain improvements, as more specifically described in Section No. 1 below (the "Project"). Redevelopment Activity Costs and Development Costs shall collectively be referred to herein as the "Costs". REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT Page 1 of 6 H. The Project consists of one or more buildings, facilities, structures, or other improvements which are or will be publicly owned and which are located both within and outside of the Project Area. The City Council and Commission have determined that the Project is of benefit to the Project Area. In accordance with Sections 33445 and 33678 of the CRL, in effect as of January 1, 2011, the Commission desires to enter into this Agreement to provide for the reimbursement to the City of the Costs, specifically including, but not limited to, the Costs of the Project, to the extent paid or provided for initially by the City. TERMS Project Description. The Project is comprised of the following list of potential improvements and services which the City agrees shall be initially provided by or paid for by the City, to be reimbursed by the Commission. The following projects shall be implemented in a cost manner which does not exceed the maximum debt capacity of the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area Plan: a. Street Enhancements. These improvements will include realignment of Carlsbad Boulevard and related projects such as street overly construction, traffic control upgrades, curb and gutter replacement, new and rehabilitated sidewalks, bikeway improvements, bridge rail replacement, landscape installation, enhancements or other improvements, additional turn lanes and other improvements which will enhance or add recreational type amenities to the area. The goal is to improve inadequate, aging or dilapidated infrastructure and to improve the area for residents and visitors. b. Public Infrastructure Improvements. These improvements will include various public infrastructure projects that will repair, upgrade, replace and/or install sewer and water systems, storm drain systems, trail and beach access and/or provide for additional public parking. c. Land Use Strategies or other planning documents. This project includes planning efforts to allow for the redevelopment of the power plant property into a new center for tourist- visitor-resident activities, such as hotel, restaurants, recreational amenities, parking and other public infrastructure. It also includes other planning efforts to convert vacant property into tourist-serving commercial uses and/or to create a comprehensive land use strategy or Master Plan for the entire South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area. d. Construction and/or installation of recreational amenities and/or other development inducing projects. This project allows for the Redevelopment Agency to construct and/or install improvements that will enhance the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area for visitors and residents, and encourage other private development within the area to complement these improvements. The goal is to enhance the area by removing incompatible uses and buildings and infrastructure that are dilapidated, unsafe and/or unhealthy while adding new uses and projects that effectively result in successful redevelopment of the project area. REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT Page 2 of 6 n Enhanced Entrvwav Treatments - A design solution will be developed by the City and Agency to modify the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Palomar Airport Road to create a T-lntersection and to improve the intersection as a key entryway. The Agency will also incorporate other enhanced entryway designs for the southern and northern entrances into the area. 2. Development Costs. In addition to the Development Costs of the Project, the Commission hereby agrees that the following, for purposes of this Agreement, shall constitute Development Costs for which the Commission will reimburse the City, to the extent such Development Costs are paid or provided for initially by the City: (a) the value of the land for and the cost of the installation and construction of any building, facility, structure, or other improvements which are publicly owned either within or outside the Project Area, and (b) the cost of the construction, expansion, addition to, or reconstruction of, buildings, facilities, structures or other improvements which are publicly owned. "Development Costs", for purposes of this Agreement, shall not include the normal maintenance or operation of buildings, facilities, structures or other improvements which are publicly owned. 3. Redevelopment Activity Costs. In addition to the Redevelopment Activity Costs of the Project, the Commission hereby agrees that, for purposes of this Agreement, Redevelopment Activity Costs for which the Commission will reimburse the City shall include the cost of employee or contractual services provided by the City, to the extent such services are paid for initially by the City and are directly related to the following: (a) the planning, development, replanning, redesign, clearance, reconstruction, or rehabilitation, or any combination of these, of all or part of a survey area, and the provision of those residential, commercial, industrial, public, or other structures or spaces as may be appropriate or necessary in the interest of the general welfare, including recreational and other facilities incidental or appurtenant to them, (b) the alteration, improvement, modernization, reconstruction, or rehabilitation, or any combination of these, of existing structures in the Project Area, (c) the provision for open-space types of use, such as streets and other public grounds and space around buildings, and public or private buildings, structures and improvements, and improvements of public or private recreation areas and other public grounds, (d) the replanning or redesign or original development of undeveloped areas as to which either of the following conditions exist: (1) the areas are stagnant or improperly utilized because of defective or inadequate street layout, faulty lot layout in relation to size, shape, accessibility, or usefulness, or for other causes; or (2) the areas require replanning and land assembly for reclamation or development in the interest of the general welfare because of widely scattered ownership, tax delinquency, or other reasons. 4. Reimbursement. To the extent the City pays or provides initially for any Costs, the Commission agrees to reimburse the City from and to the extent of available resources, which include personal and real property, and taxes levied in the Project Area and allocated to the Commission under subdivision (b) of Section 33670 of the CRL for all such Costs, with interest, from the date of expenditure by the City until reimbursed, at the rate of interest earned from time-to-time by the City on its portfolio of investments. The Commission's obligation under this Agreement shall constitute an indebtedness of the Commission for the purpose of carrying out the redevelopment of the Project Area. 5. Binding on Successors. This Agreement shall be binding on the Commission and the City, and their successors and assigns. 6. Further Action. The parties shall execute such other documents and shall take such other action as may be reasonably necessary to further the purposes of this Agreement. REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT Page 3 of 6 Invalidity. If any provision of this Agreement is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, invalid or enforceable, such provision will be deemed to be severed and deleted from the Agreement as a whole and neither such provision, nor its severance and deletion shall in any way affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this Agreement. [The remainder of this page intentionally left blank.] REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT Page 4 of 6 CARLSBAD HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION, a public body, corporate and politic Approved as to form: By: Matt Hall, Chairman By: Attorney to the Commission By: Lisa Hildabrand, Executive Director/Secretary (Signatures continue on following page.) REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT Page 5 of 6 Approved as to form: By: City Attorney CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation By: Matt Hall, Mayor By:. Lorraine Wood, City Clerk REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT Page 6 of 6 REPAYMENT SCHEDULE AGREEMENT This REPAYMENT SCHEDULE AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is entered into by and between the CARLSBAD HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION, a body corporate and politic ("Commission") and the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation ("City") as of , 2011. RECITALS A. The Commission and the City entered into a Cooperation Agreement dated February 8, 1980, pursuant to which the City agreed to incur certain costs and the Commission agreed to reimburse the City for such costs, including costs incurred by the City both before and after the date of the such agreement for redevelopment activities within the Village Redevelopment Project Area; and B. The Commission and the City updated and restated the Cooperation Agreement on August 20, 2001 to include redevelopment activities within both the Village Redevelopment and South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Areas; and C. The Commission and the City updated and amended the Cooperation Agreement on July 7, 2009 to include completion of unfinished and/or incomplete projects and/or activities within the Village Redevelopment Area following expiration of the Village Redevelopment Plan and with completion of said projects and/or activities no later than July 21, 2019. D. The Commission and the City updated and amended the Cooperation Agreement on February 8, 2011 to affirm and restate the cooperative agreement between both parties, and re-confirm the City's intent to loan the Agency funding for redevelopment activities (current and future) in both the Village and South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Areas. E. The City has made numerous loans and advances to date for the benefit of the Commission to pay capital and operating expenses of the Commission for redevelopment projects and programs within the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area, including but not limited to loans and advances described in the following resolutions and instruments (collectively referred to as the "Resolutions"): City Council Resolution No. 99-265, dated July 20, 1999, providing a loan from the General Fund to the Agency for plan adoption costs; Commission Resolution No. 468 and City Council Resolution No. 2009-143, dated June 16, 2009, providing an advance from the General Capital Construction Fund for the Carlsbad Boulevard Realignment Study and from the General Fund for operating costs for the Project Area; Commission Resolution No. 486 and City Council Resolution No. 2010-097, dated April 27, 2010, providing a loan from the General Fund for Agency response to a California Energy Commission application for a second power plant in the project area; Commission Resolution No. 495 and City Council Resolution No. 2011-021, dated February 8, 2011, providing a loan from the General Fund and the Planned Local Drainage Areas Fund for the Carlsbad Boulevard Realignment Project and the Encinas Bridge Replacement, respectively. F. The City will also provide loans to the Commission up to an additional estimated $24 million, and approximately $20 million in funding advances, for non-housing redevelopment projects/programs over the next thirty to thirty-five years, and the Commission has agreed to repay said advances and loan funds with tax increment revenue and/or other assets (including real and personal property) as made available to Commission for said repayment. G. The City and Commission entered into a Reimbursement Agreement on February 8, 2011 which set forth the existing debt as well as a list of projects/programs to be financed initially by the City and subsequently reimbursed by the Commission, and may update and amend said Agreement as appropriate in future years for redevelopment activities within the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area. H. The loans and' advances made by the City to or for the benefit of the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area through the Commission pursuant to the Cooperation and Reimbursement Agreements and subsequent Resolutions shall be referred to collectively as the "Commission Indebtedness". I. The Commission and the City mutually desire to implement the Cooperation and Reimbursement Agreements and the subsequent Resolutions (collectively referred to as the "City-Commission Agreements") by setting forth (1) an accounting of the Commission existing Indebtedness to the City pursuant to the City-Commission Agreements for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area; (2) an accounting of the future debt for the Area; and (3) a payment schedule by which the Commission shall repay the Commission Indebtedness to the City in satisfaction of the City-Commission Agreements for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area. Now, therefore, it is agreed by and between the parties to this Agreement as follows: 1. Pursuant to the Cooperation and Reimbursement Agreements and the subsequent Resolutions, the Commission is obligated to reimburse the City the full principal and all accrued interest on the existing Commission Indebtedness, which the parties estimate to be the sum of approximately $7.8 million as of December 31, 2010 (the "Commission Indebtedness Amount") for Redevelopment activities within the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area as of December 31, 2010. 2. Pursuant to the Cooperation and Reimbursement Agreements and the subsequent Resolutions, the Commission shall be obligated to reimburse the City the full principal and all accrued interest on supplemental Commission Indebtedness, which the parties estimate will be the total sum of approximately $24 million as of December 31, 2020. This total sum of indebtedness may be more or less depending upon the total amount ultimately borrowed from the City and the payments actually made to the City by the Commission in any given year for projects/programs to be implemented between 2010 and 2046 3. The Commission shall repay to the City the full amount of the Commission Indebtedness Amount, with interest equal to the annual average rate of return earned on the City's investment portfolio as determined by the City Treasurer, compounded annually, until paid, generally in accordance with the Repayment Schedule attached to this Agreement as Exhibit "A", with variations permitted to reflect the actual amount of funds and other resources legally available to the Commission for said South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area. The parties hereto acknowledge that the Commission Indebtedness Amount consists of the sum of the following: (a) $7.8 million, which the parties estimate to be the principal and accrued interest as of December 31, 2010 on costs incurred by the City pursuant to the Cooperation Agreement and subsequent Reimbursement Agreement and/or Resolutions; plus (b) $24 million, which is the estimate of the principal debt to be incurred by the City pursuant to the Cooperation Agreement and subsequent Reimbursement Agreement and/or Resolutions for all projects initially funded by the City on behalf of the Commission after December 31, 2010 and extending to December 31, 2020, which is the last day to incur debt for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area. 4. The Commission shall reimburse the City the full amount of all Indebtedness related to fees and services provided by the City to the Commission for implementation of redevelopment projects/programs up and until June 30, 2046, with all loans repaid no later than June 30, 2041 and all additional funding advances to be repaid within each fiscal year from July 1, 2041 to the end of the fiscal year 2046, which is the last year tax increment may be collected for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area. 5. Except as expressly amended hereby, the Cooperation, Reimbursement and Repayment Schedule Agreements and the subsequent Resolutions shall remain in full force and effect until the dates set forth in the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area Plan, as approved by the Council and Commission in July, 2000. These agreements shall supersede and survive any revisions and/or reforms to California Redevelopment Law that may be approved by the State legislature, electorate and/or Governor of California after January 1, 2011. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. APPROVED AS TO FORM:CITY OF CARLSBAD A Municipal Corporation RONALD R. BALL City Attorney By: Matt Hall Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM:ATTEST: RONALD R. BALL Attorney to the Commission By: LORRAINE WOOD City Clerk CARLSBAD HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMEMT COMMISSION A Body Corporate and Politic By: Matt Hall Chairman ATTEST: By: LISA HILDABRAND Executive Director/Secretary SCCRA Redevelopment - Debt Service/Loan Repayment Schedule (+$24 million) Year 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 2031-32 2032-33 2033-34 2034-35 2035-36 2036-37 2037-38 2038-39 2039-40 2040-41 2041-42 2042-43 2043-44 2044-45 2045-46 Total Tl $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,806,424 $ 1,867,842 $ 1,931,349 $ 1,997,015 $ 2,064,913 $ 2,135,120 $ 4,135,120 $ 4,275,714 $ 4,421,088 $ 4,571,405 $ 4,726,833 $ 4,887,545 $ 5,053,722 $ 5,225,549 $ 5,403,217 $ 5,586,927 $ 5,776,882 $ 5,973,296 $ 6,176,388 $ 6,386,385 $ 6,603,522 $ 6,828,042 $ 7,060,196 $ 7,300,242 $ 7,548,451 $ 7,805,098 $ 5,684,924 $ 5,878,211 $ 6,078,071 $ 6,284,725 $ 6,498,406 Set- Aside $ $ $ $ $ $ 361,285 $ 373,568 $ 386,270 $ 399,403 $ 412,983 $ 427,024 $ 827,024 $ 855,143 $ 884,218 County Fee $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 10,116 $ 10,460 $ 10,816 $ 11,183 $ 11,564 $ 11,957 $ 23,157 $ 23,944 $ 24,758 $ 914,281 $ 25,600 $ 945,367 $ 977,509 $ 1,010,744 $ 1,045,110 $ 1,080,643 $ 1,117,385 $ 1,155,376 $ 1,194,659 $ 1,235,278 $ 1,277,277 $ 1,320,704 $ 1,365,608 $ 1,412,039 $ 1,460,048 $ 1,509,690 $ 1,561,020 $ 1,136,985 $ 1,175,642 $ 1,215,614 $ 1,256,945 $ 1,299,681 $ 26,470 $ 27,370 $ 28,301 $ 29,263 $ 30,258 $ 31,287 $ 32,351 $ 33,450 $ 34,588 $ 35,764 $ 36,980 $ 38,237 $ 39,537 $ 40,881 $ 42,271 $ 43,709 $ 31,836 $ 32,918 $ 34,037 $ 35,194 $ 36,391 Debt Svc $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $. $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- Other Income $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- Ops/ Admin $ 250,000 $ 258,750 $ 267,806 $277,179 $ 286,881 $ 296,922 $307,314 $318,070 $ 329,202 $ 340,724 $ 352,650 $ 364,992 $ 377,767 $ 390,989 $404,674 $418,837 $ 433,497 $ 448,669 $ 464,372 $ 480,625 $ 497,447 $514,858 $ 532,878 $551,529 $ 570,832 $590,811 $611,490 $ 632,892 $ 655,043 $ 677,969 $701,698 $ 726,258 $751,677 $ 777,986 $805,215 $ 833,398 Redev. Project $ $ $2,500,000 $2,500,000 $5,000,000 $5,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $3,789,846 $3,917,974 $4,050,434 $4,187,370 $4,328,936 Ending Cash $ (250,000) $ (258,750) $(2,767,806) $(2,777,179) $(5,286,881) $(3,861,898) $(3,823,500) $(2,783,806) $1,257,226 $ 1,299,643 $ 1,343,490 $ 2,919,947 $ 3,018,860 $3,121,124 $ 3,226,851 $ 3,336,159 $ 3,449,170 $ 3,566,008 $ 3,686,803 $3,811,690 $ 3,940,807 $ 4,074,297 $ 4,212,309 $ 4,354,994 $4,502,512 $ 4,655,027 $ 4,812,707 $ 4,975,728 $ 5,144,270 $ 5,318,520 $ 5,498,671 $ (0) $ 0 $ (0) $ 0 $ (0) City Advance/Debt $ 7,764,928 $ 8,197,379 $ 11,148,561 $ 14,175,134 $ 19,779,112 $ 25,518,493 $ 31,591,361 $ 36,857,172 $ 39,029,233 $ 40,064,192 $ 41,120,409 $ 42,197,932 $ 41,765,648 $ 41,226,060 $ 40,570,913 $ 39,791,445 $ 38,878,355 $ 37,821,772 $ 36,611,225 $ 35,235,608 $ 33,683,145 $ 31,941,353 $ 29,997,001 $ 27,836,071 $ 25,443,713 $ 22,804,197 $ 19,900,870 $ 16,716,098 $ 13,231,218 $ 9,426,479 $ 5,280,982 $ $ $ $ $ Interest $ 173,701 $ 183,375 $ 249,393 $ 317,098 $ 442,459 $ 765,555 $ 947,741 $ 1,842,859 $ 1,951,462 $ 2,003,210 $ 2,056,020 $ 2,109,897 $ 2,088,282 $ 2,061,303 $ 2,028,546 $ 1,989,572 $ 1,943,918 $ 1,891,089 $ 1,830,561 $ 1,761,780 $ 1,684,157 $ 1,597,068 $ 1,499,850 $ 1,391,804 $ 1,272,186 $ 1,140,210 $ 995,043 $ 835,805 $ 661,561 $ 471,324 $ 264,049 $ $ $ $ $ Loan Payment $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $1,257,226 $1,299,643 $1,343,490 $2,919,947 $3,018,860 $3,121,124 $3,226,851 $3,336,159 $3,449,170 $3,566,008 $3,686,803 $3,811,690 $3,940,807 $4,074,297 $4,212,309 $4,354,994 $4,502,512 $4,655,027 $4,812,707 $4,975,728 $5,144,270 $5,318,520 $5,498,671 $ $ $ $ $ Loan Balance $ 7,938,629 $ 8,380,755 $11,397,954 $14,492,232 $20,221,571 $26,284,047 $32,539,102 $38,700,031 $39,723,468 $40,767,759 $41,832,939 $41,387,881 $40,835,071 $40,166,239 $39,372,608 $38,444,858 $37,373,103 $36,146,852 $34,754,982 $33,185,698 $31,426,495 $29,464,123 $27,284,542 $24,872,881 $22,213,386 $19,289,380 $16,083,206 $12,576,175 $ 8,748,509 $ 4,579,283 $ 46,359 $ $ $ $ $ f\) Notes/Assumptions: 1. 3.4% growth in tax increment is projected; Year 2021-22 staff has projected for additional private development which would net $2 million in Tl 2. Redevelopment Plan expires in July, 2031 3. Post-1994 debt must be repaid within 10 years of expiration of Redevelopment Plan; contract for employee services to be paid to 2041. 4. 20% of tax increment for affordable housing must be set-aside as long as tax increment is being collected to pay debt. 5. Estimated County Fee at 0.56% of total tax increment (Tl) each year. 6. Estimated increase in Ops/Admin costs of 3.5% per year. 7. An annual interest rate of 2.2% for FY 2010-11 and increase by 2017-18 to 5%, was applied to the City advance. 8. Years 2041 to 2045 the tax increment generated will be used for redevelopment activities, but no advances from the City will be required. N