HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-02-22; City Council; 20467; NO PARKING ZONE VAN ALLEN WAYCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL Introduce Ordinance No.CS-118 to establish no parking on each side of Van Allen Way from Faraday Avenue to its northerly terminus ITEM EXPLANATION: Van Allen Way is located in the industrial area of central Carlsbad. It is a double ended cul-de-sac. The southern end, from Faraday Avenue to approximately 700 feet to the south, serves as the primary access to the Islands commercial development as well as other businesses. The northern end, from Faraday Avenue to approximately 530 feet to the north, serves as primary access to two large office buildings, of which both are currently occupied by Life Technologies. The northern portion of Van Allen Way is 32 feet wide with curb and gutter and street lights on both sides of the roadway. There is sidewalk on the west side of the subject roadway but not on the east side. Traffic control on Van Allen Way is provided by a traffic signal at the intersection of Faraday Avenue and Van Allen Way. There are four driveways that take access on the northern portion of Van Allen Way. Currently, parking is allowed on both sides of the street with portions of red curb painted adjacent to some of the driveways. Life Technologies has recently constructed a parking facility that accommodates the parking demands of the two existing office buildings. Staff has received a request from Life Technologies to prohibit parking along both sides of Van Alley Way from Faraday Avenue to its northerly terminus to "improve the overall safety and security of employees, visitors, contractors, and general population", Exhibit 3. The Carlsbad Research Center Owner's Association (CRCOA) supports Life Technologies' request to prohibit parking on this portion of Van Allen Way but has expressed concerns that this will displace the parking of large trucks to Van Allen Way south of Faraday Avenue, Exhibit 4. Staff is recommending that the concern expressed by the CRCOA be handled as a separate matter if and when it is specifically requested by the property owners on the southerly portion of Van Allen Way. To facilitate the request by Life Technologies to restrict parking on the northern portion of Van Allen Way and their safety concerns, the Transportation Director serving in the capacity of the Traffic Engineer is recommending that this matter be considered by the City Council without referring it to the Traffic Safety Commission. Prior to any consideration, the City Council may decide to refer this matter to the Traffic Safety Committee for their review and recommendation. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(c) - minor alteration of existing facilities, including streets, involving negligible or no expansion. 8 AB# 20.467 MTG. 2/22/11 DEPT. TRAN ESTABLISH A NO PARKING ZONE ON VAN ALLEN WAY NORTH OF FARADAY AVENUE DEPT. DIRECTOfc^^ \^T CITY ATTORNEY <^^^- CITY MANAGER [jj> "" RECOMMENDED ACTION: DEPARTMENT CONTACT: John Kim 760-602-2757 john.kim@carlsbadca.gov FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONL Y. , COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED D D D D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN RETURNED TO STAFF OTHER - SEE MINUTES D D D D Page 2 FISCAL IMPACT: Installing eight NO PARKING signs will cost about $1200. Sufficient funds are available in the Streets Division budget. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map 2. Ordinance No. CS-118 to establish no parking on each side of Van Allen Way from Faraday Avenue to its northerly terminus. 3. Letter from Life Technologies dated 7/7/10. 4. Letter from Carlsbad Research Center Owners Association dated 8/16/10. LOCATION MAP PROPOSED NO PARKING ZONE ISLANDS COMMERCIAL CENTER LEGEND: TRAFFIC SIGNAL NOT TO SCALE PROPOSED NO PARKING ZONE VAN ALLEN WAY EXHIBIT 1 ORDINANCE NO. CS-118 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 3 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.40, OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF 4 SECTION 10.40.171 TO ESTABLISH A NO PARKING ZONE ON EACH SIDE OF VAN ALLEN WAY FROM FARADAY AVENUE TO 5 ITS NORTHERLY TERMINUS. 6 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, hereby ordains as follows: 7 That Title 10, Chapter 10.40 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the addition g of Section 10.40.171 to read as follows: "10.40.171 Parking restricted on Van Allen Way: There will be no parking on each side of Van Allen Way from Faraday Avenue to its northerly terminus." EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) days after its adoption; and 12 the City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in 13 a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen (15) days after its adoption. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the 22nd day of February, 2011, and thereafter. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the day of 2011 by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk (SEAL) technologies" bfe Teco 579* Van Allen Way Ca-lsoad, CA 92008 USA Telephone •' 780 603 7200 Facsimile +1 760 603 7229 www. i itetschnoiogics. con July?, 2010 John Kim Traffic Engineer RECEIVED City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue JUl B 0 !« Carlsbad, CA 92008 TRANSPORTATION Don Neu DEPARTMENT Planning Director City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: Request for Elimination of Public Parking on Van Allen Way Dear Mr. Kim and Mr. Neu: On behalf of Life Technologies Corporation, I am requesting the elimination of public parking on Van Allen Way north of Faraday Avenue (see Exhibit A). This portion of Faraday is approximately 500 feet in length and accommodates approximately 32 cars to park on the street. We are requesting the elimination of the public parking to improve the overall safety and security of employees, visitors, contractors, and general population. Van Allen Way is the primary entrance to our campus and consequently a very busy street. When cars and trucks park along Van Alien Way the street becomes very difficult for traffic to maneuver and challenging for drivers entering and exiting the campus to see both pedestrians and other cars. We've had several safety related 'near miss' incidents for both pedestrians and automobiles, primarily due to reduced visibility from cars and trucks parked on the street. Life Technologies has recently recorded a reciprocal access and parking agreement between the Life Technologies' property on Van Allen Way, and the property owners of 5781 and 5791 Van Allen Way. This was a condition of PUD 09-02. We also recently completed a parking expansion project that provides significantly more parking stalls (1,339) than required (1,213) per the municipal code (See Exhibit B). Therefore, there currently is more than sufficient off-street parking to accommodate the needs of our business, visitors, and employees; thus eliminating any demand for on-street parking on Van Allen Way. einvitrogen ^3 QJ Me I tecltechnologies'" We Tacnnoiogie.-* 5?9'; Van Ailen Way Carlsoad. CA 92008 USA Telephone . t 760 803 720u Facsimile t-1 760 603 7229 www.iifetechnoiogios.ccTi The Specific Plan SP-180F of the Carlsbad Research Center (see Exhibit C), the Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions of the Carlsbad Research Center (see Exhibit D), and the Design Guidelines of the Carlsbad Research Center (see Exhibit E) all note that sufficient off-street parking is to be provided on each property according to its use per the municipal code. The Conditions, Covenants & Restrictions further explains that the intent of the off-street parking provision is to "eliminate the need for any on-street parking" because all properties must have sufficient off-street parking for their uses. It is also our intention to build a new amenity facility on the parcel of land owned by Life Technologies at the corner of Van Allen Way and Faraday Avenue. This new building will have conference facilities, an employee cafeteria, and other employee amenities functions. We have recently received from the Planning Director an amendment letter showing this change and other proposed changes to the campus that will further increase the number of off-street parking stalls to 1,343 when the required number of parking stalls will only be 1,331. The attachments Exhibits G and H show the proposed site design, parking layout, and parking calculations. However, it is important to note that our need for additional parking doesn't grow with the addition of this facility to our campus, as the functions are accessory in nature, and therefore will not increase the headcount at our campus or the average daily trips. In essence we will have more than two hundred (200) parking stalls beyond the number of employees at the site. We hope that you will consider our request and we invite your comments, concerns, and questions. Sincerely, Jon Allen Director of Facilities Life Technologies Corporation Cc: Jeremy Riddle, City of Carlsbad Shannon Werneke, City of Carlsbad Cynthia Haas, City of Carlsbad iHswitrogen / technologies11 Enclosures: Exhibit A - Site Plan Per PUD 09-02 Exhibit B - Parking Calculations Per PUD 09-02 Exhibit C - Page 22, Specific Plan SP-180F of the Carlsbad Research Center Exhibit D - Page 31, Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions of the Carlsbad Research Center Exhibit E - Page 9, Design Guidelines of the Carlsbad Research Center Exhibit F - Site Plan Exhibit G - Parking Calculations iinvitrogen "7 MARARISK BUILDING 5791 VAN ALLEN WAY APN: 2} 2-130-45-00 GRIFFIN BUILDING 5781 VAN ALLEN WAY APN: 212-130-44*0 ?,>, , \ •-.:- - ) | \ \. , ' ""'AJ! vmmU^iLijii,,j ,-imirmjiiBWF [ « -.«i (*w- 1 'I 'I'liijl .; J! J i """" "T J li illllllllJNIlDIMhllillinillll IIMIOIIIIIIJll inn in.i i u H iiii i u i lunuii M liiiiiiiiiiiniiQiiiiiiiimniiiiiniiiioiiiiiiiii EXHIBIT A-SITE PLAN ITRUCK DRIVEWAY CONNECTOR n "ijTnTTTTnwrmrrnTi MARARBK BUILDING 5791 VAN ALLEN WAY APN:2I2-130-4S-<50 . J.I!llt.i.iaiLlilllll,l MiiMiiiiiiurinriniri fiinMiiiiiiiiiiiQiiniiiiiiioiiiiiMiiimiiiiiinnninniiiiniiiiLIFE PARCa 5792 VAN ALLEN WAY APN: 212-I3<M9-00 /1 PARKING INFORMATION AS OF 10-30-09: 5781 VAN ALLEN WAY: LOT 1 REQUIRED PARWNG; I BfO INDUSTRIAL R + D (1/300)27,676 127.oaa 66.O9O 96,345 OmCE AND SUPPORT (1/250) MANUFACTURING ( I MOO) WAREHOUSE _ (I/ 1 OOP) TOTALS: 579 1 VAN ALLEN WAY: LOT 2 EXISTING USES: RATIO: SQUARE FEET; 9 1 4 REQUIRED PARWNG: OFFICE AND SUPPORT (1/250) 74.674 TOTAL REQUIRED FARING FOR EXISTING USES: 914 + 299 PROVIDED PARKING 5792 5781 5791 EXHIBIT B - PARKING CALCULATIONS (£) STANDARD fS* - SEE SITE PLAN) (O COMPACT rc" - see srre PLANJ (C) STANDARD ADA ("A" - SEE SITE FIAN) TOTAL PROVIDED PARKING:2OO »42 297 Exhibit C from Carlsbad Research Center Specific Plan The required streetside setbacks for any local street or any interior setback should be increased by one half (1/2) foot for each one (1) foot of building height in excess of 35 feet, In order to encourage variation in setbacks and building heights, these increased setbacks shall apply only to building elements exceeding 35 feet, Thus, a low-rise element could observe the original setbacks, and taller elements have increased setbacks. 2. Floor Area Ratio. Buildings exceeding 35 feet in height should have a maximum No site development plan shall be approved under this specific plan until the finding can be made that all buildings in excess of 35 feet in height have an interior sprinkler system and that fire prevention and fire suppression materials and/or equipment have been incorporated into buildings over 35 feet to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief. PrioiJo issuance. Abuildjng, jMmiits. the appiicant shall s^bmj^yidence of agproval fiomtheFM. ~ ~ ' ' ' " — — -- - PARKING Offsfreet parking shall be proved to accommodate all ^parking needs for thesite. No parking shall be allowed on arterial-type streets (B Street and College Boulevard). •~im"~~— — • The parking requirements for all uses shall comply with Chapter 21 .44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Amended October 19,1982 M Amended March 6,2001 22 Exhibit D from Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions of Carlsbad Research Center 10118 9-3 Landscaping. Within ninety (90) days'fbflowing completion of construction, or by the date each Improvement is occupied, whichever first occurs, each Lot (except that portion thereof within Area Hi or Area fV) shall be landscaped by the Owner thereof in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and in conformity with the Design Guidelines. After completion, such landscaping shall be maintained by said Owner in a sightly and well-kept first class condition. If, in the Board's reasonable opinion, the required landscaping is not maintained in a sightiy and well-kept first class condition, me Board shall be entitled to the remedies set forth In Article 13. 9.4 Signs. No sign shall be permitted on any Lot unless approved by the Board or unless allowed by the Design Guidelines. All signs must comply with the Specific Plan and the Design Guidelines. All signs must comply with the City's Sign Ordinance and receive a sign permit prior to construction. 9-5 Parking Areas. Off-street parking adequate to accommodate the parking needs of the Owner or Occupant, and the employees and visitors thereof, shall be provided by the Owner or Occupant of each Lot. The intent of this provision is to eliminate the need for any on-street parking proviaecl, however, that nothing herein shall be deemed to prohibit ori-ifreirparTang of public transportation vehicles. Vans or other vehicles operated by or on behaif of an Owner or Occupant for transporting employees of an Owner or Occupant are not "public transportation vehicles." If parking requirements increase as a result of a change in the use of a Lot or in the number of persons employed by the Owner or Occupant, additional off-street parking shall be provided by such Owner or Occupant to satisfy the intent of this section. AM parking areas shall conform to the following standards: 9.5.1 All parking shall be provided in conformance with the City's Parking Ordinance. Required off-street parking shall be provided on the Lot, on a contiguous Lot, or within such distance from the Lot as the Board deems reasonable. 9.5.2 Parking areas shall be paved so as to provide dust-free, all-weather surfaces. Each parking space provided shall be designated by lines painted upon the paved surface and shall be adequate in area. All parking areas shall provide, in addition to parking spaces, adequate driveways and space for the movement of vehicles. 9.5.3 No parking spaces shall be located on or permrtted within setback areas adjacent to a street as set forth in Section 9.1, except that parking spaces may be located on or parking permitted within such area if the Board's written permission is first obtained. 9-6 Storage and Loading Areas.. All storage, maintenance and loading areas must be constructed and used in accordance with plans approved by the Board. All SD 160075v8 31 Exhibit E from Carlsbad Research Center Design Guidelines 4.2.2 Landscape Coverage A minimum of at least 15% of the area within the property lines of a development site shall be devoted to landscape materials (for additional landscape requirements, see Landscape Design Guidelines Section 5.0). 4.2.3 Street Setback 1. No building or parking area shall be permitted to be constructed closer than 30 feet from the property line along El Carnino Real, College Boulevard, and Faraday Avenue. 2. No building or structure shall be permitted within thirty (30) feet nor any parking within ten (10) feet of the property line along all other streets within CRC. 1. Planters, walls, and sign elements not exceeding three (3) feet in height may be permitted in street side setback areas with the express written approval of the ARC. Roof overhangs may extend a maximum of six (6) feet into setback areas. 2. The remaining setback area shall be fully landscaped in a manner both compatible with and complementary to the landscape easements, as well as the on-site architecture and landscape design concepts. 2.2.4 Interior Property Line Setback 1. No building, wall or fence in excess of 30" in height or structure shall be permitted to be constructed closer than ten (10) feet from an interior property line. 4.2.5 General Parking Requirements 1. Adequate off-street parking shall be provided to accommodate all parking needs for the site. The intent is to eliminate the need for any on-street parking. (See City of Carlsbad Zoning Ordinance. Title 21. Chapter 21.44 & SP 180). 4.2.6 Sidewalks 1. Streetside sidewalks will be installed by the developer within perimeter landscape areas, 2. On-site pedestrian circulation systems shall be provided to meet the circulation needs of on- site users. Such systems should provide safe, all-weather-efficient, and aesthetically pleasing means of on-site movement and should be an integrated part of the overall architectural and site design concept. 3. Where usage dictates, connections should be made between on-site and perimeter pedestrian circulation systems. TrniTVTTiTiTn 1111 u 1111 rrm IT ifTTi 111111 i 11111 MARARGK BUILDING 5791 VAN ALLEN WAY APN: 212-130-45-00 GRIFFIN BUILDING 5781 VAN ALLEN WAY APN: 212-130-44-00 •i* mmnimmrimTmrntnj tnmT •uiiiiiiMiiiiiiiJiiiiuiiiiHniiiiuin LIFE PARCEL 5792 VAN ALLEN WAY APN: 212-130-49-00 EXHIBIT F - SITE PLAN Vxs TRUCK DRIVEWAY CONNECTOR uTiimTTTrn u n TTrrnTTTT'irrrn 7 rimiyimimn MAKARISK BUILDING 5791 VAN ALLEN WAY APN:212-I30-4«>0 GRIFFIN BUILDING 578! VAN ALLEN WAY APN:2l2-!30-44-OO 5781 VAN ALLEN WAY: PARCEL IrrnmriTnTiwrnTiT!REQUIRED PARKING 27,876 140,473 S9.O42 82.0OSLIFE PARCEL 5792 VAN ALLEN WAY APN: 212-130-49-00 REQUIRED PARKING.- OFFICE AND SUPPORT (I/25O) 61,059 5792 VAN ALLEN WAY: PARCEL 'A' PROPOSED USES:REQUIRED PARKING: AND SUPPORT (1/250) 7O.500 282 TOTAL REQUIRED PARKING FOR EXISTING USES: 960 -I- 324 +• 262 - 1.566 15% REDUCTION (-235) - 1,331 PROVIDED PARKING 5792 5781 5791 TOTAL EXHIBIT G - PARKING CALCULATIONS (E) STANDARD ("5" - SEC SITE PLAN) (E) COMPACT PC* - SEE SITE PLAN) (E) STANDARD ADA CA" - SEC SITE PLAN) NEW STANDARD ("N" . SEC SITE PLAN) NEW COMPACT TNC" - SEE SITE PLAN) NEW STANDARD ADA fNA" - SEC SITE PLAN) 164 0 0 37 0 6 660 1 15 16 12 14 O 209 41 7 10 12 0 1.073 156 23 59 26 6 TOTAL PROVIDED PARKING:227 637 279 1.343 JHtfBHJyiB*- • --— m- TIII i" iTTmn TRUCK DRIVEWAY CONNECTOR — — - PROPERTY LINE _ ^iTtniTTiTrrrrrrrRrTinnTi 1111111 o 111111111 rnr~~~UT.I.T MARARISK BUILDING 5791 VAN ALLEN WAY APN:212-I3CMS-00 GRIFFIN BUILDING 5781 VAN ALLEN WAY APN: 212-130-44-00 ,, LX x PARKING INFORMATION AS OF 04-20-10: 5781 VAN ALLEN WAY: PARCEL J (SQUIRED PARING: BIO INDUSTRIAL R * D {!/3OO) OFFICE AND SUPPORT (I/25O) MANUFACTURING (I /400) WAREHOUSE (I/IOCX3) 140,473 S9.O42 fl2,OO« LIFE PARCEL 5792 VAN ALLEN WAY APN:2f2-l3O49OO USES; 5791 VAN ALLEN WAY: PARCEL 2 REQUIRED PARKING: Office AND SUPPORT (I/Z5O) 5792 VAN ALLEN WAY: PARCEL 'A' PROPOSED U3E3;REQUIRED PARKING: OFF CE AND SUPPORT (1/250) 7O.50O TOTAL REQUIRED PARKJNG FOR EXISTING USES: 9GO -I- 324 + 282 I 5% REDUCTION (-235) - PROVIDED PARKING 5792 5781 5791 282 1.566 1,331 TOTAL {£) STANDARD (E) COMPACT (E) STANDARD ADA NEW STANDARD NEW COMPACT ("S" - SEE SITE PLAN) CC" - SEE SITE PLAN) TA* - SEE SITE PLAN) f'N" - SEE SITE PLAN) fNC" - SEE SITE PLAN) NEW STANDARD ADA CNA" - 5CE SITE PLAN)EXHIBIT G - PARKING CALCULATIONS TOTAL PROVIDED PARKJNG:227 837 279 1.343 Carlsbad Research Center Owners' Association 16 August 2010 AU6182M) Mr. John Kim 'i|ANSPORTAT10N City of Carlsbad DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: Life Technologies request for creation of a no parking zone on the north side of Van Allen Way. Dear Mr. Kim: It has come to the attention of the Carlsbad Research Center Owner's Association (CRCOA) that Life Technologies is requesting the city to post the north side of Van Allen Way as a no parking zone. The CRCOA strongly endorses this request and urges the city to implement the change in a timely manner. The Specific Plan for the Carlsbad Research Center (SP-180E amended March 2001) states "off- street parking shall be proved to accommodate all parking needs for the site." Likewise the Design Guidelines of the CRC require that each lot provide adequate off-street parking to preclude the need for on-street parking. That side of Van Allen Way is completely surrounded by the Life Technologies campus and therefore there is no need for on-street parking on Van Allen Way. Life Technologies request is consistent with the spirit and intent of the governing regulations and therefore the CRCOA encourages the city to approve the request. The CRC is concerned that the semi-tractor trailer trucks that regularly park on the north side of Van Allen Way will simply move to the south side of Van Allen, merely shifting the problem to the other side of the street. Therefore we request the City to post the north side of Van Allen Way as a No Truck Parking Zone. Sincerely, Seth Schulberg - For the CRCOA 1530 Faraday Ave., Ste. 100, Carlsbad CA 92008, Ph: 760/931-0780 Fax: 760/931-5744