HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-03-22; City Council; 20490; Updat CMC with new state building standardsCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 10 AB# MTG. DEPT. 20.490 3/22/11 CED INTRODUCING THE 2010 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE, THE 2010 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE, THE 2010 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE, THE 2010 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE, THE 2010 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE, THE 2009 UNIFORM SOLAR CODE, THE 2010 CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE, THE 2010 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE AND THE 2010 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE. DEPT. DIRECTOR CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the City Council hold a public hearing and INTRODUCE Ordinance No. CS-126 amending Title 17, Chapter 17.04, Fire Prevention Code; Ordinance No. cs-127 amending Title 18, Chapter 18.04, Building Code; Ordinance No. cs-128 amending Title 18, Chapter 18.08, Mechanical Code; Ordinance No. cs-129 amending Title 18, Chapter 18.12, Electrical Code; Ordinance No. cs-130 amending Title 18, Chapter 18.16, Plumbing Code; Ordinance No. cs-131 amending Title 18, Chapter 18.18, Solar Energy Code; Ordinance No. CS-132 amending Title 18, by adding Chapter 18.20, Residential Code; Ordinance No. cs-133 amending Title 18, by adding Chapter 18.21, Green Building Standards Code; Ordinance No. cs-134 amending Title 18, Chapter 18.30, Energy Conservation Regulations; of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, to adopt by reference the 2010 California Fire Code, the 2010 California Building Code, the 2010 California Mechanical Code, the 2010 California Electrical Code, the 2010 California Plumbing Code, the 2009 Uniform Solar Code, the 2010 California Residential Code, the 2010 California Green Building Standards Code and the 2010 California Energy Code. ITEM EXPLANATION: Staff is proposing to adopt the 2010 California Fire Code, the 2010 California Building Code, the 2010 California Mechanical Code, the 2010 California Electrical Code, the 2010 California Plumbing Code, the 2009 Uniform Solar Code, the 2010 California Residential Code, the 2010 California Green Building Standards Code and the 2010 California Energy Code into the Carlsbad Municipal Code. These codes are adopted by the State Building Standards Commission and are being enforced statewide and became effective January 1, 2011. Local jurisdictions are required to enforce these regulations as the minimum standards for construction throughout the State. The City Council action will bring the city into compliance with the State requirements. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Will Foss 760-602-2716 will.foss@carlsbadca.gov Chris Heiser 760-602-4661 chris.heiser@carlsbadca.gov FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED * D D D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN RETURNED TO STAFF OTHER - SEE MINUTES Dnnn Page 2 The Green Building Code and California Residential Code are new parts of the California Building Code and will be adopted for the first time in the City of Carlsbad. Local amendments are also proposed with this adoption. Amendments to the California construction codes are necessary due to the city's unique local climatic, geological, or topographical conditions or infrastructure limitations. These local amendments include carry over code provisions adopted in previous years by City Council and new amendments deemed necessary due to local conditions and to provide uniformity between the Municipal, Green and Residential codes. A summary of the city's approach to this code adoption and the proposed significant changes or additions to the code are included in this agenda bill as Attachment 11. No fee increase to building, plumbing, electrical, or mechanical permits are proposed by any of these actions. Building, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing permit fees will be adopted in a separate master fee resolution. FISCAL IMPACT: No fee modifications are proposed by these ordinances. Building and other permit fees will be reviewed as part of the Finance Departments 2011-2012 master fee schedule and will become effective September 1, 2011. EVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The City Planner has determined that these activities are categorically exempt from CEQA review pursuant to Section 15309 of the CEQA guidelines. EXHIBITS: 1. Ordinance No. CS-I?R adopting the California Fire Code, 2010 Edition 2. Ordinance No. cs-127 adopting the California Building Code, 2010 Edition 3. Ordinance No. CS-128 adopting the California Mechanical Code, 2010 Edition 4. Ordinance No. CS-12Q adopting the California Electrical Code, 2010 Edition 5. Ordinance No. cs-130 adopting the California Plumbing Code, 2010 Edition 6. Ordinance No. cs-131 adopting the Uniform Solar Code, 2009 Edition 7. Ordinance No. cs-132 adopting the California Residential Code, 2010 Edition 8. Ordinance No. CS-133 adopting the California Green Building Standards Code 2010 Edition 9. Ordinance No. cs-134 adopting the California Energy Code, 2010 Edition 10. Strikeout/highlight version of CMC Amendments: 17.04, 18.04,18.08, 18.12, 18.16, 18.18, 18.20, 18.21, 18.30 11.2010 California Building and Fire Code Adoption - Summary of Changes EXHIBIT 1 1 ORDINANCE NO. CS-126 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL 3 CODE, TITLE 17, CHAPTER 17.04, FIRE PREVENTION CODE TO ADOPT THE 2010 EDITION OF THE CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE. 4 WHEREAS, Health & Safety Code Section 17958 mandates that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad shall adopt ordinances or regulations imposing the same requirements as are _ contained in the regulations adopted by the State pursuant to Health & Safety Code, Section 8 17922; and 9 WHEREAS, the State of California is mandated by Health & Safety Code Section 17922 ,Q to impose the same requirements as are contained in the 2010 California Fire Code, hereinafter 11 referred to collectively as the Fire Code; and, 12 WHEREAS, the State of California has adopted and published California Code of 13 Regulations Title 24, Part 9 as the California Fire Code, effective January 1, 2011. 14 WHEREAS, on January 1, 2011, all existing fire code adoptions and amendments of 15 local agencies automatically reverted to the new State code unless new local adoptions and 16 local amendments are made. 17 WHEREAS, the State of California is mandated by Health & Safety Code section 17922 lg to impose the same requirements as are contained in the 2010 California Fire Code, and 19 together with the City Council of the City of Carlsbad local amendments, these shall be the 20 Carlsbad Fire Department Fire Code; and 21 WHEREAS, code amendments adopted by the State of California shall take precedence 22 over the 2010 California Fire Code language. The 2010 California Fire Code language shall be 23 used for those code sections not adopted by the State; and 24 WHEREAS, local amendments adopted by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad shall 25 take precedence over the 2010 California Fire Code; and 26 WHEREAS, Health & Safety Code Section 17958.5 permits the City Council of the City 27 of Carlsbad to make local amendments to the Code as are reasonably necessary because of 28 local conditions; and, 1 WHEREAS, Health & Safety Code Section 17958.7 requires that the City Council of the 2 City of Carlsbad before making any local amendments pursuant to Section 17958.5 make 3 express findings that such local amendments are needed due to climatic, geographic, or 4 topographic conditions; and, 5 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does herewith find that 6 the City of Carlsbad has certain climatic, geologic, and topographical features that can have a 7 deleterious effect on emergency services such as fire protection and emergency medical 8 services; and, 9 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California finds that the local 10 amendments to the 2010 California Fire Code are reasonably necessary because of the local 11 climatic, geological, and topographical conditions. 12 WHEREAS, this finding recognizes regional geologic conditions and the likelihood of 13 numerous structure fires following a greater magnitude seismic event. It also considered the 14 limited ability of local emergency services to provide fire protection due to extraordinary service l^ demands following such events. l^ WHEREAS, further basis for the finding is concern for local topographic I7 conditions and irregular elevations along primary travel routes throughout the City. These 1 8 conditions impede the rapid deployment and effectiveness of emergency resources. WHEREAS, certain amendments to the 2010 California Fire Code serve to mitigate to 70 the extent possible said deleterious effects that climatic and topographical conditions within the 21 City can create an extreme fire danger and modification to the California Fire Code is necessary 22 for community health and safety: 21 WHEREAS, Section 50022.1 through 50022.10, inclusive, of the Government Code and 24 Section 13869 of the Health and Safety Code, provide authority for the adoption by reference of 25 codes, or portion of such codes: THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain as 27 follows: 28 -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 SECTION 1: That Chapter 17.04 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: Sections: 17.04.010 17.04.020 17.04.030 17.04.040 17.04.050 17.04.060 17.04.070 17.04.080 17.04.090 17.04.100 17.04.110 17.04.130 17.04.140 17.04.150 17.04.160 17.04.170 17.04.180 17.04.190 17.04.200 17.04.210 17.04.220 17.04.230 17.04.240 17.04.250 17.04.260 17.04.270 17.04.280 17.04.290 17.04.300 17.04.310 17.04.320 17.04.330 17.04.340 17.04.350 17.04.360 17.04.370 17.04.380 Chapter 17.04 FIRE PREVENTION CODE Adoption. Chapter 1, Division II, Part 1, Section 101.5 Validity — Amended. Chapter 1, Division II, Part 1, Section 102.5 Application of California Residential Code — Amended. Chapter 1, Division II, Part 2, Section 109.3 Violation penalties — Amended. Chapter 1, Division II, Part 2, Section 111.4 Failure to comply — Amended. Recovery of costs — Amended. Section 201.3 Terms defined in other codes — Amended. Section 202 Definitions - Fire hazard — Amended. Section 202 Definitions - High Fire Hazard Severity Zone— Amended. Section 202 Definitions - High-rise building — Amended. Section 202 Definitions - Ignition-resistant material — Amended. Section 202 Definitions - Projections — Amended. Section 202 Definitions - Vegetation — Amended. Section 304.1.2 Definitions - Vegetation — Amended. Section 307.5.1 Adult supervision at open fires — Amended. Section 312.2 (5) Posts — Amended. Section 316.3 Pitfalls — Amended. Section 316 General storage of firewood — Amended. Section 319 Maintenance of Fire Suppression Zones — Amended. Section 503.2.1 Dimensions—Amended. Section 503.2.1.1 Minimum street width in fire hazard zones — Amended. Section 503.2.1.2 Measurement of street width — Amended. Section 503.2.1.3 Measurement of street width - Single Entry Development — Amended. Section 503.2.3 Surface — Amended. Section 503.2.4 Turning radius — Amended. Section 503.2.7 Grade — Amended. Section 503.3.1 Marking of fire apparatus access roads — Amended. Section 503.4.1 Fire access roadway design features — Amended. Section 503.6.1 Gates — Amended. Section 505.1 Street numbers — Amended. Section 505.3 Easement address signs — Amended. Section 505.4 Map / Directory — Amended. Section 505.5 Response map updates — Amended. Section 506 Fire Service Features — Amended. Section 507.3 Fire flow — Amended. Section 603.6.6 Spark arrestors — Amended. Section 603.8 Residential incinerators — Amended. -3- 17.04.390 Section 605.11 Building Services and Systems — Amended. 17.04.400 Section 901.4.5 Fire department connections — Amended. 2 17.04.410 Section 903.2 Automatic fire extinguishing systems — Amended. 17.04.420 Section 903.2.1.1(1) Group A-1 — Amended. 3 17.04.430 Section 903.2.1.3(1) and (4) Group A-3 — Amended. 17.04.440 Section 903.2.1.4(1) Group A-4 — Amended. 4 17.04.450 Section 903.2.3 (1) and (4) Group E — Amended. 17.04.460 Section 903.2.7 (1) and (3) Group M — Amended. 5 17.04.470 Section 903.2.9 (1) and (4) Group S-1 — Amended. 17.04.490 Section 903.3.3 Obstructed locations — Amended. 6 17.04.500 Section 903.4 Sprinkler System Monitoring and Alarms — Amended. 17.04.510 Section 907.2.11.4 Power Sources (Smoke Alarms) — Amended. 7 17.04.520 Section 907.2.11.5 Smoke Alarms — Amended. 17.04.530 Section 1407 Explosive Materials — Amended. 8 17.04.540 Section 1418 Construction site fuel modification — Amended. 17.04.550 Section 2201.1.1 Revised scope of Chapter 22, Sections 2205, 2206 and 2210 — Amended. 17.04.560 Table 2306.2 Footnote J — Amended. 10 17.04.570 Section 3301.1.1 Prohibiting storage of explosives — Amended. 17.04.580 Section 3301.1.2 Prohibiting the possession, sales and use of 11 fireworks — Amended. 17.04.590 Section 3404.—Prohibited/restricted locations for the storage 12 of flammable and combustible liquids in above-ground tanks — Amended.13 17.04.600 Section 3405.2.4 Class I, II and III liquids — Amended. 17.04.610 Section 3804.2 Maximum capacity for storage of liquefied petroleum 14 gas (LPG) — Amended. 17.04.620 Section 3807.5 Securing tanks to ground (LPG) — Amended.15 17.04.630 Appendix B Section B105; Subsection B105.1 Fire-Flow Requirements for Buildings — Amended. 16 17.04.640 Appendix B Section B105; Subsection B105.2 Fire-Flow Requirements for Buildings — Amended. 17 17.04.650 Appendix D Section D106; Subsection D106.1 Multiple-Family Residential Developments — Amended.18 17.04.660 Appendix D Section D106; Subsection D106.1 -Exception Multiple- Family Residential Developments — Amended. 17.04.010 Adoption. The City of Carlsbad adopts by reference the 2010 Edition of the California Fire Code, two copies of which are on file in the office of the City Clerk, known as California Code of 22 23 Regulations, Title 24, Part 9, except for the following amendments thereto. The City amends the provisions of the 2010 California Fire Code to include the requirements of the 2010 Edition of the International Fire Code including Appendix Chapters 4 and Appendices B (as amended), BB, C, D (as amended), F, G, H, I and J as published by the International Code Council for those occupancies not subject to the 2010 California Fire Code. As adopted and amended herein, the 2010 California Fire Code becomes the fire code of the City of Carlsbad. 25 17.04.020 Chapter 1, Division II, Part 1, Section 101.5 Validity—Amended. 26 Chapter 1, Division II, Part 1, Section 101.5 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 28 1 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad hereby declares that should any section, paragraph, sentence or word of this Ordinance or of the City of Carlsbad Municipal Code hereby adopted 2 be declared for any reason to be invalid, it is the intent of the City Council that it would have passed all other portions of this Ordinance independently of the elimination here from of any 3 such portion as may be declared invalid. 4 17.04.030 Chapter 1, Division II, Part 1, Section 102.5 Application of California Residential Code — Amended. 5 Chapter 1, Division II, Part 1, Section 102.5 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended 6 to read as follows: 7 Where structures are designed and constructed in accordance with the California Residential Code, the provisions of this code shall apply as follows: 8 1. Construction and designed provisions: Provisions of this code pertaining to the exterior of 9 the structure shall apply including, but not limited to, premises identification, fire apparatus access, water supplies, and Section 903.2. Where interior or exterior systems or devices are 10 installed, construction permits required by Section 105.7 of this code shall also apply. 11 2. Administrative, operational, and maintenance provisions: all such provisions of this code shall apply. 12 17.04.040 Chapter 1, Division II, Part 2, Section 109.3 Violation penalties — Amended. 13 Chapter 1, Division II, Section 109.3 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as 14 follows: 15 Any person who violates any of the provisions of this code hereby adopted or fails to comply therewith, or who violates or fails to comply with any order made there-under, or who builds in 16 violation of any detailed statement or specification or plans submitted and approved there- under, or any certificate or permit issued there-under, and from which no timely appeal has 17 been taken, or who fails to comply with such an order as affirmed or modified by the City Attorney of the City of Carlsbad or by a court of competent jurisdiction within the time fixed 18 herein, shall severally for each and every violation and noncompliance respectively, be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not exceeding $1,000 or by imprisonment in County Jail 19 not exceeding six months, or both. 20 The imposition of one penalty of any violation shall not excuse the violation or permit it to continue; and all such persons shall be required to correct or remedy such violations or defects 21 within a reasonable time; and when not otherwise specified, each day that prohibited conditions are maintained shall constitute a separate offense. The application of the above penalty shall 22 not be held to prevent the enforced removal of prohibited conditions. 23 17.04.050 Chapter 1, Division II, Part 2, Section 111.4 Failure to comply—Amended. 24 Chapter 1, Division II, Section 111.4 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 25 Any person, who continues any work after having been served with a stop work order, except 26 such work as that the person is directed to perform to remove a violation or unsafe condition, shall be liable for a fine of not less than $250 or more than $1,000. 27 28 -5- 1 17.04.060 Recovery of costs - Amended. 2 The City shall be entitled to recover the cost of emergency services as described in subsections 1 through 5 below. Service costs shall be computed by the fire department under the direction of 3 the city finance department and shall include the costs of personnel, equipment facilities, materials and other external resources. 4 1. Any person or corporation who allows a hazard to exist on property under control of that 5 person or corporation, after having been ordered by the fire department or other city department to abate that hazard, is liable for the cost of services provided by the fire 6 department should an emergency arise as a result of said unabated hazard. 2. Any person or corporation whose negligence causes an incident to occur on any public or private street, driveway or highway, which, for the purposes of life, property or environmental8 protection, places a service demand on the city fire department resources beyond the scope of routine service delivery, shall be liable for all costs associated with that service demand. 10 3. Any person or corporation responsible for property equipped with fire protection or detection devices which, due to malfunction, improper manipulation or negligent operation causes a 1 needless response by the fire department to the property shall, for a period of twelve months after written notification by the fire prevention bureau, be liable for all future costs associated with each subsequent needless response caused by those devices. 4. Any person or corporation who conducts unlawful activity which results in fire, explosion, chemical release or any other incident to which the fire department responds for the purpose 14 of performing services necessary for the protection of life, property or the environment, shall be liable for the costs associated with the delivery of those services. 15 5. When, in the interest of public safety, the fire chief, assigns fire department employees as 16 standby personnel at any event, or upon any premise, the person or corporation responsible for the event or premises shall reimburse the fire department for all costs associated with the 17 standby services. 18 17.04.070 Section 201.3 Terms defined in other codes—Amended. 19 Section 201.3 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 20 Where terms are not defined in this code and are defined in the California Building Code, California Mechanical Code, California Plumbing Code, California Residential Code and the 21 International Urban-Wildland Interface Code, such terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them as in those codes. 22 17.04.080 Section 202 Definitions - Fire hazard—Amended. 23 Section 202 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 24 "Fire hazard" is any thing or act that increases or could cause an increase of the hazard or 25 menace of fire to a greater degree than customarily recognized as normal by persons in the public service regularly engaged in preventing, suppressing or extinguishing fire or any thing or 26 act which could obstruct, delay, hinder or interfere with the operations of the fire department or the egress of occupants in the event of fire. 2?" 28 -6- 1 17.04.090 Section 202 Definitions - High Fire Hazard Severity Zone —Amended. 2 Section 202 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 3 "High Fire Hazard Severity Zone" is any geographic area designated in accordance with California Government Code § 51178, which contains the type and condition of vegetation, 4 topography, weather and structure density which potentially increases the possibility of wildland conflagrations. 5 17.04.100 Section 202 Definitions - High-rise building — Amended. 6 Section 202 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: "High-rise building," as used in this code: "Existing high-rise building" means a high-rise building, the construction of which is commenced or completed prior to July 1, 1974. "High-rise building" means every building of any type of construction or occupancy having floors used for human occupancy located more than 55 feet above the lowest floor level having building access (see California Building Code, Section 403.1.2), except buildings used as hospitals as defined in 10 Health and Safety Code Section 1250. "New high-rise building" means a high-rise building, the construction of which is commenced on or after July 1, 1974.- 17.04.110 - Section 202 Definitions - Ignition-resistant material—Amended. 12 Section 202 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: "Ignition-resistant material" is defined as any product which, when tested in accordance with 14 ASTM E84 for a period of 30 minutes, shall have a flame spread of not over 25 feet, and show no evidence of progressive combustion. In addition, the flame front shall not progress more than 15 10.5 feet (3,200 mm) beyond the centerline of the burner at any time during the test. Materials shall pass the accelerated weathering test and be identified as Exterior type, in accordance with ASTM D 2898 and ASTM D 3201. All materials shall bear identification showing the fire performance rating thereof. That identification shall be issued by ICC—ES or a testing facility recognized by the State Fire Marshal having a service for inspection of materials at the factory. 19 Fire-Retardant-Treated Wood or noncombustible materials as defined in Section 202 shall 20 satisfy the intent of this section. The enforcing agency may use other definitions of "ignition-resistant material" that reflect wildfire exposure to building materials and/or their materials performance in resisting ignition. 22 17.04.130 Section 202 Definitions - Projections—Amended. 23 Section 202 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 24 "Projections" are defined as cornices, eave overhangs, exterior balconies and similar 25 projections extending beyond the floor area. Projections shall conform to the requirements of Section 704.2 and Section 1406 of the California Building Code. Exterior egress balconies and exterior exit stairways shall also comply with Section 1014.5 and 1023.1 of the California Building Code, respectively. Projections shall not extend beyond the distance determined by 27 the following two methods, whichever results in the lesser projection: 28 -7- 1 1 . A point one-third the distance to the lot line from an assumed vertical plane located where protected openings are required in accordance with California Building Code Section 704.8, 2 but not less than five feet from the lot line. 2. Group R-3, and Group U when used as accessory to Group R-3, shall be constructed not less than five feet from any lot line without having a fire resistance rated exterior wall and openings that are protected as set forth in Table 5-A of the California Building Code. 17.04.140 Section 202 Definitions - Vegetation — Amended. 6 Section 202 of the 201 0 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 7 "Vegetation" means weeds, grass, vines or other organic (cellulose) growth that is capable of being ignited and endangering property, and such vegetation shall be cut down and removed by8 the owner or occupant of the premises. Vegetation clearance requirements in urban-wildland interface areas shall be in accordance with City of Carlsbad standards. 17.04.150 Section 304.1.2 Definitions - Vegetation — Amended. 10 Chapter 3, Section 304.1.2 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 12 "Vegetation" means weeds, grass, vines or other organic (cellulose) growth that is capable of being ignited and endangering property, and such vegetation shall be cut down and removed by 13 the owner or occupant of the premises. Vegetation clearance requirements in urban-wildland interface areas shall be in accordance with City of Carlsbad standards.14 17.04.160 Section 307.5.1 Adult supervision at open fires — Amended. Chapter 3 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add Section 307.5.1 to read as follows: 17 An adult must be present at all times to watch and tend outdoor fires. 18 17.04.170 Section 312.2 (5) Posts— Amended. 19 Chapter 3, Section 312.2(5) of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: Posts shall be located not less than five feet (152.5 mm) from the protected object. 17.04.180 316.3 Pitfalls— Amended.22 Chapter 3, Section 316.3 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as 23 follows: When pitfalls are installed in violation of this code, the California Penal Code shall be used for penalties, and violations of this section. 17.04.190 Section 318 General storage of firewood — Amended._ ,2o Chapter 3, Section 318 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the following: 28 -8- 1 Firewood shall not be stored in unenclosed spaces beneath buildings or structures, or on decks or under eaves, canopies or other projections or overhangs. When required by the fire code 2 official, storage of firewood material stored in the defensible space shall be located a minimum of 30 feet (9,144 mm) from structures and separated from the crown of trees by a minimum of 3 15 feet (4,572 mm), measured horizontally. Firewood and combustible materials not for consumption on the premises shall be stored so as to not pose a hazard. 4 17.04.200 Section 319 Maintenance of Fire Suppression Zones — Amended. 5 Chapter 3, Section 319 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the 6 following: 7 Sec. 319.1 When required. An application for a development permit for any property located in a wildfire risk area shall be required to have a Fire Protection Plan (FPP) approved by the fire 8 code official, as part of the approval process. 9 Section 319.2 Content. The FPP shall consider location, topography, geology, aspect, combustible vegetation (fuel types), climatic conditions and fire history. The plan shall address 10 the following in terms of compliance with applicable codes and regulations including but not limited to: water supply, primary access, secondary access, travel time to nearest serving fire 11 station, structural ignitability, structure set back, ignition-resistive building features, fire protection systems and equipment, impacts to existing emergency services, defensible space 12 and vegetation management. 13 Section 319.4 Maintenance of defensible space: Any person owning, leasing, controlling, operating or maintaining a building or structure required to establish a fuel modification zone pursuant to City of Carlsbad development standards shall maintain the defensible space. The Fire Authority Having Jurisdiction (FAHJ) may enter the property to determine if the person 15 responsible is complying with this section. The FAHJ may issue an order to the person responsible for maintaining the defensible space directing the person to modify or remove non- fire resistant vegetation from defensible space areas, remove leaves, needles and other dead vegetative material from the roof of a building or structure, maintain trees as required by this 17 section or to take other action the FAHJ determines is necessary to comply with the intent of this section.1 8 Section 319.5 Responsibility: Persons owning, leasing, controlling, operating or maintaining buildings or structures are responsible for maintenance of defensible spaces. Maintenance of the defensible space shall be annually or as determined by the FAHJ and may include, but not 20 be limited to, the modification or removal of non-fire resistive vegetation and keeping leaves, needles and other dead vegetative material regularly removed from roofs of buildings and structures. 22 Section 319.6. Trees: Crowns of trees located within defensible space shall maintain a minimum ,.,., horizontal clearance of 10 feet for fire resistant trees and 30 feet for non-fire resistive trees. Mature trees shall be pruned to remove limbs one-third the height or six feet, whichever is less, above the ground surface adjacent to the trees. Dead wood and litter shall be regularly removed from trees. Ornamental trees shall be limited to groupings of two to three trees with canopies for each grouping separated horizontally as described in the International Wildland Urban Interface Code (IWUIC).26 /// 27 /// 28 -9- 1 17.04.210 Section 503.2.1 Dimensions—Amended. 2 Chapter 5, Section 503.2.1 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 3 Fire apparatus access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 24 feet (7,315 4 mm) exclusive of shoulders, except for approved security gates in accordance with section 503.6 and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 13.5 feet (4,115 mm). 5 17.04.220 Section 503.2.1.1 Minimum street width in fire hazard zones— Amended. 6 Chapter 5, Section 503.2.1.1 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the 7 following: 8 Public and private streets shall have a minimum unobstructed width of 28 foot clear travel way where adjacent lots are located within designated Fire Hazard Zones/Fire Suppression Zone. 9 17.04.230 Section 503.2.1.2 Measurement of street width— Amended. 10 Chapter 5, Section 503.2.1.2 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the 11 following: 12 Street widths are to be measured from face-of-curb to face-of-curb on streets with curb and gutter, and from flow-line to flow-line on streets with rolled curbs. 13 17.04.240 Section 503.2.1.3 Measurement of street width—Single Entry Development 14 -Amended. 15 Chapter 5, S,ection 503.2.1.3 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 16 1. Single entry developments may be permitted with special approval of the Fire Code Official. A 36 foot curb-to-curb residential street may be provided for a street that serves 24 or less „ dwelling units. If adjacent lots contain any portion of a Fire Hazard Zone/Fire Suppression Zone within the property line, a 42 foot curb-to-curb street is required. 19 2. With special approval of the Fire Code Official and the City Engineer, 40 foot curb-to-curb 20 residential street may serve 50 or less dwelling units. If adjacent lots contain any portion of a Fire Hazard Zone/Fire Suppression Zone, a 42 foot curb-to-curb distance is required. 21 3. With approval of the Fire Code Official and the City Engineer, a four lane secondary arterial 22 with a raised median or major arterial may be allowed when all of the following conditions are met: 23 a. The length of street does not exceed one-half mile. 24 b. Traffic volume at entrance does not exceed 3,000 ADT. 25 c. All buildings are equipped with automatic fire sprinkler systems. 26 4. With approval of the Fire Code Official and City Engineer, a 52 foot wide curb-to-curb industrial street and may be allowed when all of the following conditions are met: 27 a. The length of street does not exceed one-half mile. 28 -10- 1 b. Traffic volume at entrance does not exceed 3,000 ADT. 2 c. All buildings are equipped with automatic fire sprinkler systems. 3 17.04.250 Section 503.2.3 Surface—Amended. 4 Section 503.2.3 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 5 Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support not less than 75,000 Ibs. (unless authorized by the Fire Code Official) and shall be provided with an approved paved 6 surface so as to provide all-weather driving capabilities. 7 17.04.260 - Section 503.2.4 Turning radius— Amended. 8 Section 503.2.4 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 9 The inside turning radius for an access road shall be 28 feet or greater with a five foot back of curb clearance for bumper overhang. The outside turning radius for an access road shall be a 10 minimum of 46 feet. California Department of Transportation Highway Design Manual, Figure 404.5F shall be utilized. 11 17.04.270 Section 503.2.7 Grade—Amended. 12 Section 503.2.7 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 13 The gradient for a fire apparatus access roadway shall not exceed 10 percent (5.7 degrees). 14 The grade may be increased to a maximum of 15 percent (8.5 degrees) for approved lengths of access roadways when all structures served by the access road are protected by automatic fire 15 sprinkler systems. Cross slope shall not be greater than two percent for paved access roadways. Grades exceeding 10 percent (incline or decline) shall not be permitted without 16 mitigation. 17 Minimal mitigation shall be the installation of fire sprinkler systems and a surface of Portland cement concrete (PCC), with a deep broom finish perpendicular to the direction of travel, or 18 equivalent, to enhance traction. 19 The Fire Code Official may require additional mitigation measures where deemed appropriate. The angle of departure and angle of approach of a fire access roadway shall not exceed 12 20 percent (7 degrees) or as approved by the Fire Code Official. 21 17.04.280 Section 503.3.1 Marking of fire apparatus access roads — Amended. 22 Section 503.1 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the following: 23 When required by the Fire Code Official, one or more of the following methods shall be used to identify fire apparatus access roads and prohibit their obstruction: 1. The entire length of the road shall be marked by approved signs posted at intervals no 25 greater than 100 feet, which identify the road as a "Fire lane" and state the prohibition of parking therein. The sign shall also warn that vehicles in violation are subject to citation or 2" removal. Such signs shall be posted in a permanent manner at a height no greater than nine feet and no less than seven feet; or, 28 -11- 1 2. Standard curbs bordering fire access roads shall have the words "NO PARKING FIRE LANE" painted upon their horizontal and vertical surfaces at intervals of not more than 25 2 feet. Letters shall be of block style, minimum five inches in height with a stroke of not less than three-fourths inch, and shall be white on a red background. The background shall 3 extend at least six inches beyond the first and last letters of the text; or, 4 3. A monument type sign may be placed at the entrance to a private street which provides information as stated in sub-section 1 above, with additional wording necessary to inform 5 approaching vehicles of parking restrictions. Such signs must be approved by the Police Department and the Fire Code Official prior to installation. 6 17.04.290 Section 503.4.1 Fire access roadway design features—Amended. 7 Chapter 5, Section 503.4.1 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the 8 following: 9 Roadway design features (speed bumps, speed humps, speed control dips, etc.) which may interfere with emergency apparatus response times shall not be installed on fire access 10 roadways, unless they meet design criteria approved by the Fire Code Official. 11 17.04.300 Section 503.6.1 Gates—Amended. 12 Chapter 5, Section 503.6.1 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the following: 13 All gates or other structures or devices which could obstruct fire access roadways or otherwise 14 hinder emergency operations are prohibited unless they meet standards approved by the Fire Code Official, and receive plan approval by the Fire Code Official. All automatic gates across 15 fire access roadways and driveways shall be equipped with an approved emergency key- operated switch which overrides all command functions and opens the gate(s). Gates accessing 16 more than four residences or residential lots, or gates accessing hazardous, institutional, educational or assembly occupancy group structures, shall also be equipped with approved emergency traffic control-activating strobe light sensor(s), or other devices approved by the Fire Code Official, which will activate the gate on the approach of emergency apparatus and shall be provided with a battery back-up or manual mechanical disconnect in case of power failure. All automatic gates accessing more than four residences or residential lots must meet fire department policies deemed necessary by the Fire Code Official for rapid, reliable access. All gates providing access from a road to a driveway shall be located a minimum of 30 feet from the nearest edge of the roadway and the driveway width shall be 36 feet wide at the entrance on roadways of 24 feet or less of the traffic lane(s) serving the gate. 79 Automatic gates serving more than one dwelling or residential lot in existence at the time of 23 adoption of this Ordinance are required to install an approved emergency key-operated switch, or other mechanism approved by the Fire Code Official, at an approved location, which overrides all command functions and opens the gate(s). Property owners must comply with this requirement within 90 days of written notice to comply. 75 Where this section requires an approved key-operated switch, it shall be dual keyed or dual switches shall be provided to facilitate access by law enforcement personnel. Electric gate openers, where provided, shall be listed in accordance with UL 325. Gates intended for 27 automatic operation shall be designed, constructed and installed to comply with the requirements of ASTM F2200. 28 -12- 1 School grounds may be fenced and gates therein may be equipped with locks, provided that safe dispersal areas, based on three square feet per occupant, are located between the school 2 and the fence. Such required safe dispersal areas shall be located at least 50 feet from school buildings. Every public and private school shall conform to Education Code section 32020, 3 which states: 4 The governing board of every public school district and the governing authority of every private school, which maintains any building used for the instruction or housing of school pupils on land 5 entirely enclosed (except for building walls) by fences or walls, shall, through the cooperation of local law enforcement and fire protection agencies having jurisdiction of the area, provide for the 6 erection of gates in these fences or walls. 7 The gates shall be of sufficient size to permit the entrance of ambulances, police equipment and fire-fighting apparatus used by law enforcement and fire protection agencies. There shall be no 8 less than one access gate and there shall be as many of these gates as needed to ensure access to all major buildings and ground areas. If these gates are equipped with locks, the 9 locking devices shall be designed to permit ready entrance by the use of chain or bolt-cutting devices. Electric gate openers, where provided, shall be listed in accordance with UL 325. 10 Gates intended for automatic operation shall be designed, constructed and installed to comply with the requirements of ASTM F2200. 11 17.04.310 Section 505.1 Street numbers — Amended. 12 Section 505.1 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 13 Approved numbers and/or addresses shall be placed on all new and existing buildings and at appropriate additional locations as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or roadway fronting the property from either direction of approach. Said numbers shall contrast with their background, and shall meet the following minimum standards as to size: Single family residences: four inches high with a three-eighths inch stroke; for unit identification of multi-family residential buildings: six inches high with a one-half inch stroke; for commercial, industrial and multi-family residential buildings: minimum 12 inches high with a 1 Vz inch stroke. Additional numbers shall be required where deemed necessary by the Fire Code Official, such as rear access doors, building corners, and entrances to commercial centers. The Fire Code Official may establish different minimum sizes for numbers for various categories of projects. Multi-unit buildings: suite/apartment numbers shall be placed on or adjacent to the primary entrance for each suite/apartment, and any other door providing access to fire department personnel during an emergency. 7?Multiple residential and commercial units having entrance doors not visible from the street or road shall, in addition to numbers placed adjacent to the entry door, shall have approved numbers grouped for all units within each structure and positioned to be plainly visible from the street, road or access path. ~, Multi-building clusters: shall place approved numbers or addresses on the front elevation(s) of all buildings that form the cluster.26 ///27 /// 28 -13- 1 17.04.320 Section 505.3 Easement address signs — Amended. 2 Chapter 5, Section 505.3 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the following: 3 All easements which are not named differently from the roadway, from which they originate, 4 shall have an address sign installed and maintained, listing all street numbers occurring on that easement and shall be located where the easement intersects the named roadway. Minimum 5 size of numbers on that sign shall be four inches in height with a minimum stroke of three- eighths inch, and shall contrast with the background. 6 17.04.330 Section 505.4 Map/directory—Amended. 7 Chapter 5, Section 505.4 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the 8 following: 9 A lighted directory map, meeting current fire department standards, shall be installed at each driveway entrance to multiple unit residential projects and mobile home parks where the number 10 of units in such projects exceeds 15 units. 11 17.04.340 Section 505.5 Response map updates —Amended. 12 Chapter 5, Section 505.5 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the following: 13 Any new development, which necessitates updating of emergency response maps by virtue of 14 new structures, hydrants, roadways or similar features, shall be required to provide map updates in a format approved by the fire department. The responsible party shall be charged a reasonable fee for updating the City emergency response maps. 17.04.350 Section 506 Fire Service Features - Amended. 17 Chapter 5, Section 506 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: Section 506.1 Key Boxes: When access to or within a structure or an area is unduly difficult because of secured openings or where immediate access is necessary for life saving or firefighting purposes, the Fire Code Official is authorized to require a key box to be installed in an accessible location. The key box shall be a type approved by the Fire Code Official and shall contain keys to gain necessary access as required by the Fire Code Official. 21 Section 506.1.2 Emergency Key Access: All central station-monitored fire detection systems 22 and fire sprinkler systems shall have an approved emergency key access box on site in an approved location. The owner or occupant shall provide and maintain current keys for the structure(s) for fire department placement in the box, and shall notify the fire department in writing when the building is re-keyed. 24 All appliances for all central station-monitored fire detection systems and fire sprinkler systems shall have an approved single access key at the direction of the Fire Code Official. -,- 17.04.360 Section 507.3 Fire flow—Amended.2o Section 507.3 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows:27 28 -14- 1 Fire flows shall be based on Appendix B (as amended) of the 2010 California Fire Code. Consideration should be given to increasing the gallons per minute set forth in Appendix B (as 2 amended) to protect structures of extremely large square footage and for such reasons as: poor access roads; grade and canyon rims; hazardous brush; and response times greater than five 3 minutes by a recognized fire department or fire suppression company. 4 In wildfire risk areas as defined in Section 202, the main capacity for new subdivisions shall not be less than 2,500 gallons per minute, unless otherwise approved by the Fire Code Official. 5 If fire flow increases are not feasible, the Fire Code Official may require alternative design 6 standards such as: alternative types of construction providing a higher level of fire resistance; fuel break requirements which could include required irrigation; modified access road 7 requirements; specified setback distances for building sites addressing canyon rim developments and hazardous brush areas; and other requirements authorized by the Carlsbad 8 Municipal Code and as specified by the Fire Code Official. 9 17.04.370 Section 603.6.6 Spark arresters — Amended. 10 Section 603.6.6 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the following: 1 1 An approved spark arrester shall be provided per California Residential Code (CRC) Section 1003.9.1.12 17.04.380 Section 603.8 Residential incinerators — Amended.13 Section 603.8 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows:14 Residential incinerators shall be prohibited.15 17.04.390 Section 605.11 Building Services and Systems Photovoltaic Power Systems - Amended. 18 Chapter 6, Section 605.11 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the following: Sec. 605.11 Solar photovoltaic power systems: Solar photovoltaic power systems shall be installed in accordance with this code, the Building Code and the Electrical Code. Exception: Detached Group U non-habitable structures such as parking shade structures, carports, solar trellises and similar type structures are not subject to the requirements of this section. 99^ Sec. 605.11.1 Marking: Marking is required on all interior and exterior conduit, enclosures, raceways, cable assemblies, junction boxes, combiner boxes and disconnects. Sec. 605.11.1.1 Materials: The materials used for marking shall be reflective, weather-resistant 24 and suitable for the environment. Marking as required in sections 605. 11.1.2 through 605. 11.1.4 shall have all letters capitalized with a minimum height of three-eighths inch white on red 5 background. 26 Sec. 605.11.1.2 Marking content: The marking shall contain the words "WARNING: PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SOURCE." 28 -15- 1 Sec. 605.11.1.3 Main service disconnect: The marking shall be placed adjacent to the main service disconnect in a location clearly visible from the location where the disconnect is 2 operated. 3 Sec. 605.11.1.4 Location of marking: Marking shall be placed on all interior and exterior DC conduit, raceways, enclosures and cable assemblies every 10 feet, within one foot of all turns or 4 bends and within one foot above and below all penetrations of roof/ceiling assemblies and all walls and barriers. 5 Sec. 605.11.2 Locations of DC conductors: Conduit, wiring systems and raceways for 6 photovoltaic circuits shall be located as close as possible to the ridge, hip or valley and from the hip or valley as directly as possible to an outside wall to reduce trip hazards and maximize 7 ventilation opportunities. Conduit runs between sub arrays and to DC combiner boxes shall be installed in a manner that minimizes the total amount of conduit on the roof by taking the 8 shortest path from the array to the DC combiner box. The DC combiner boxes shall be located such that conduit runs are minimized in the pathways between arrays. DC wiring shall be 9 installed in metallic conduit or raceways when located within enclosed spaces within a building. Conduit shall run along the bottom of load bearing members. 10 Sec. 605.11.3 Access and pathways: Roof access, pathways and spacing requirements shall be 11 provided in order to ensure access to the roof, provide pathways to specific areas of the roof, provide for smoke ventilation operations, and to provide emergency egress from the roof. 12 Exceptions: 13 1. Requirements to ridge, hips and valleys do not apply to roof slopes of two units vertical in 12 14 units horizontal (2:12) or less. 15 2. Residential structures shall be designed so that each array is no greater than 150 feet by 150 feet in either axis, 16 3. The Fire Code Official may allow modules to be located up to the ridge when an alternative 17 ventilation method acceptable to the Fire Code Official has been provided or where the Fire Code Official has determined vertical ventilation techniques will not be employed. 18 Sec. 605.11.3.1 Roof access points: Roof access points shall be defined as an area that does 19 not place ground ladders over openings such as windows or doors, and are located at strong points of building construction in locations where the access point does not conflict with 20 overhead obstructions such as tree limbs, wires or signs. 21 Sec. 605.11.3.2 Residential systems for one- and two-family residential dwellings: Access shall be provided in accordance with Sections 605. through 605. 22 Sec 605. Residential buildings with hip roof layouts: Modules shall be located in a 23 manner that provides a 3 foot wide clear access pathway from the eave to the ridge on each roof slope where modules are located. The access pathway shall be located at a structurally 24 strong location on the building capable of supporting the live load of fire fighters accessing the roof. 25 Sec. 605. Residential buildings with a single ridge: Modules shall be located in a 26 manner that provides two, three foot wide access pathways from the eave to the ridge on each roof slope where the modules are located. 27 28 -16- 1 Sec. 605. Hips and valleys: Modules shall be located no closer than 18 inches to a hip or a valley if modules are to be placed on both sides of a hip or valley. If the modules are to be 2 located on only one side of a hip or valley that is of equal length then the modules shall be permitted to be placed directly adjacent to the hip or valley. 3 Sec. 605. Smoke ventilation: Modules shall be located no higher than three feet below 4 the ridge in order to allow for fire department smoke ventilation operations. 5 Sec. 605.11.3.3 All other occupancies: Access shall be provided in accordance with Sections 605.1 1 .3.3.1 through 605.1 1 .3.3.3. 6 Exception: Where it is determined by the Fire Code Official that the roof configuration is similar 7 to a one- or two-family dwelling, the Fire Code Official may approve the residential access and ventilation requirements provided in Sections 605. through 605. 8 Sec. 605. Access: There shall be a minimum six foot wide clear perimeter around the 9 edges of the roof. 10 Exception: If either axis of the building is 250 feet or less, there shall be a minimum four foot wide clear perimeter around the edges of the roof. 11 Sec. 605. Pathways: The solar photovoltaic installation shall be designed to provide 12 designated pathways. The pathways shall meet the following requirements: 13 1. Pathways shall be over areas capable of supporting the live load of fire fighters accessing the roof. 14 2. Center line axis pathways shall be provided in both axises of the roof. Center line axis 15 pathways shall run where the roof structure is capable of supporting the live load of fire fighters accessing the roof. 16 3. Pathways shall be a straight line not less than four feet clear to skylight and/or ventilation 17 hatches. 18 4. Pathways shall be a straight line not less than four feet clear to roof standpipes. 19 5. Pathways shall provide not less than four feet clear around the roof access hatch with at least one pathway not less than four feet clear to a parapet or roof edge. 20 Sec. 605. Smoke ventilation: The solar photovoltaic installation shall be designed to 21 meet the following requirements: 22 1. Arrays shall be no greater than 150 feet in distance in either axis in order to create opportunities for smoke ventilation operations. 23 2. Smoke ventilation options between array sections shall be one of the following: 24 a. A pathway eight feet or greater in width; 25 b. A four feet or greater in width pathway and bordering roof skylights or smoke and heat vents 28 c. A four feet or greater in width pathway and bordering four foot by eight foot venting cutouts every 20 feet on alternating sides of the pathway. -17- 1 Sec. 605.11.4 Ground-mounted photovoltaic arrays: Ground-mounted photovoltaic array installations shall meet the requirements of Sections 605. 11.4.1. 2 Sec. 605.11.4.1 Access: Access to ground-mounted photovoltaic arrays, associated equipment 3 structures and operations/maintenance buildings shall be per Section 503. 4 Exception: Private residential systems where the energy generated is primarily for on-site use. 5 Sec. 605. Perimeter access roadway: Ground-mounted photovoltaic arrays 10 acres and larger in size shall be provided with an access roadway around the perimeter of the project. 6 The perimeter access roadway shall be installed per Section 503. 7 Sec. 605.11.4.2 Fuel modification: Combustible vegetation within the array and to a distance of 20 feet from the array and associated equipment shall be reduced to a height of no more than 8 six inches. Operation/maintenance buildings shall be provided with a fuel modification zone per Section 319. 9 17.04.400 Section 901.4.5 Fire department connections — Amended. 10 Section 901.4.5 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the following: 11 Fire hose threads used in connection with fire-extinguishing systems shall be National Standard 12 Thread or as approved by the Fire Code Official. The location of fire department hose connections and control valves shall be approved by the Fire Code Official. 13 17.04.410 Section 903.2 Automatic fire extinguishing systems — Amended. 14 Section 903.2 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 15 When required by any Title of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, an approved automatic sprinkler 16 system in new buildings and structures shall be provided in the locations described in this section. 17 For the purpose of fire-sprinkler systems, buildings separated by less than ten (10) feet from 18 adjacent buildings shall be considered as one, this includes one- and two-family dwellings. 19 Barriers, partitions and walls, regardless of rating, shall not be considered as creating separate buildings for purposes of determining fire sprinkler requirements.20 All new Non-residential buildings constructed in which the aggregate floor area exceeds five- 21 thousand (5,000) square feet shall be required to be protected throughout by an approved automatic fire sprinkler system at the discretion of the Fire Code Official. Mezzanines shall be 22 included in the total square footage calculation. 23 Any building or occupancy that employees a medical gas system as defined in Section 3006, in addition to complying with the items described in 3006.1 through 3006.4, shall comply with the 24 latest edition of NFPA 99. These occupancies shall be required to have an automatic fire sprinkler system deigned to NFPA 13 standards. For Group L and H occupancies that utilize medical gas systems for research purposes, Section 2" 3006 in its entirety and all applicable chapters and sections of the 2010 fire code and applicable nationally recognized standards shall apply. 28 -18- 1 For R-3 occupancies all new one and two-family dwellings shall be provided with automatic fire sprinklers. 2 17.04.420 Section 903.2.1.1(1) Group A-1 — Amended. 3 Section 903.2.1.1(1) of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 4 1. The fire area exceeds 5,000 square feet (464 m2). 17.04.430 Section 903.2.1.3 (1) and (4) Group A-3 — Amended. 6 Section 903.2.1.3 (1) and (4) of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as 7 9 10 16 17 18 20 24 27 28 follows: 1 . The fire area exceeds 5,000 square feet (464 m2) 4. The structure exceeds 5,000 square feet (464 m ), contains more than one fire area containing exhibition and display rooms, and is separated into two or more buildings by fire walls of less than four-hour fire resistance rating without openings. 17.04.440 Section 903.2.1.4 (1) Group A-4 — Amended. 12 Section 903.2.1.4 (1) of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 13 1. The fire area exceeds 5,000 square feet (464 m ). 14 17.04.450 Section 903.2.3 (1) and (4) Group E — Amended 15 Section 903.2.3 (1) and (4) of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 1. Throughout all Group E fire areas greater than 5,000 square feet (464 m ) in area. 4. Throughout any Group E structure greater than 5,000 square feet (464 m ) in area, which contains more than one fire area, and which is separated into two or more buildings by fire walls of less than four-hour fire resistance rating without openings. 17.04.460 Section 903.2.7(1) and (3) Group M — Amended. c follows: 23 21 Section 903.2.7 (1) and (3) of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as frJIrvvAie 22 1. Throughout all Group M fire areas greater than 5,000 square feet (464 m2) in area. 3. The combined area of all Group M fire areas on all floors, including mezzanines, exceeds 5,000 square feet (464 m2) aggregate area, 25 17.04.470 Section 903.2.9(1) and (4) Group S-1 — Amended. 26 Section 903.2.9 (1) and (4) of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: -19- 1 1. Throughout all Group S-1 fire areas greater than 5,000 square feet (464m2) in area. 2 3. The combined area of all Group S-1 fire areas on all floors, including mezzanines, exceeds 5,000 square feet (464m2) aggregate area, 17.04.480 Section 903. Exception 4 — Amended. 4 Section 903., Exception 4 of the 2010 California Fire Code, is deleted in its 5 entirety. 6 17.04.490 Section 903.3.3 Obstructed locations — Amended. 7 Section 903.3.3 of the 2010 California Fire Code, is amended to read as follows: 8 Sprinkler discharge shall not be blocked by obstructions unless additional sprinklers are installed to protect the obstructed area. Sprinkler separation from obstructions shall comply with 9 the minimum distances specified in the sprinkler manufacturer's installation instructions, and/or the provisions of NFPA 13. 17.04.500 Section 903.4 Sprinkler System Monitoring and Alarms - Amended Section 903.4 (1) of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: Exception 1 - Automatic sprinkler systems with less than 100 fire sprinklers protecting one- and ^ two-family dwellings. 14 17.04.510 Section 907.2.11.4 Power Sources (Smoke Alarms) - Amended. Chapter 9, Section 907.2.11.4 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as ,, follows:ID 907.2.11.4 Power Source: In new construction and in newly classified Group R-3.1 occupancies, required smoke alarms shall receive their primary power from the building wiring 18 when such wiring is served from a commercial source and shall be equipped with a battery backup. Smoke alarms shall emit a signal when the batteries are low. Wiring shall be permanent 19 and without a disconnecting switch other than those required for over current protection. Smoke alarms may be solely battery operated when installed in existing buildings; or in buildings 2Q without commercial power; or in buildings, which undergo alterations, repairs, or additions regulated by Section 907.2.11.5. 21 17.04.520 Section 907.2.11.5 Smoke Alarms - Amended. 22 Chapter 9, Section 907.2.11.5 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the 23 following: 24 Chapter 9, Section 907.2.11.5 Additions, Alterations or Repairs to Group R Occupancies is hereby added to the Building/Fire Code portion of the California Building Standards Code to 25 read as follows: 26 (A) 907.2.11.5 Additions, Alterations or Repairs to Group R Occupancies: when the valuation of an addition, alteration, or repair to a Group R occupancy exceeds $1,000 and a permit is 27 required, or when one or more sleeping rooms are added or created in existing Group R occupancies, smoke alarms shall be installed in accordance with Section 907.2.11. 28 -20- 1 17.04.530 Section 1407 Explosive Materials — Amended. 2 Chapter 14, Section 1407 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to reads as follows: 3 1407.1 Storage and Handling. Explosive materials (as defined in California Code of 4 Regulations Title 19, Chapter 10, Subchapter 2, Section 1559.5) are prohibited within the City limits. 5 Exception: With approval of the Fire Code Official and the City Engineer, explosives shall be 6 stored, used and handled in accordance with Chapter 33 of the Carlsbad Fire Code (as amended) and applicable City ordinances. 7 1407.2 Supervision. Blasting operations conducted with approval of the Fire Code Official and 8 the City Engineer, shall be supervised by the City Engineer and all activities related to blasting operations shall be in accordance with Chapter 33 of the Carlsbad Fire Code (as amended) and 9 applicable City ordinances. 10 1407.3 Demolition using explosives. With approval of the Fire Code Official and the City Engineer, demolition using explosives shall be in accordance with Chapter 33 of the Carlsbad 1 1 Fire Code (as amended) and applicable City ordinances. 12 17.04.540 Section 1418 Construction site fuel modification — Amended. Chapter 14, Section 1418 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the following:14 Combustible vegetation fuel modification at construction sites shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Fire Code Official prior to combustible building materials arriving on site and shall be maintained in accordance with Chapter 3, Section 304.16 17.04.550 Section 2201.1.1 Revised scope of Chapter 22, Sections 2205, 2206 and 17 2210 — Amended. 18 Chapter 22, Section 2201.1.1 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the Q following: -„ When provisions are made for Class IIIA liquids in Sections 2205, 2206 and 2210, the provisions shall apply to all Class III liquids. 2 1 1 7.04.560 Table 2306.2 Footnote J — Amended. 22 Table 2306.2 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to delete Footnote J of the General Fire Protection and Life Safety Requirements. 24 17.04.570 Section 3301.1.1 Prohibiting storage of explosives — Amended. Section 3301.1.1 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the following: 27' 28 Storage of explosives (as defined in California Code of Regulations Title 19, Chapter 10, Subchapter 2, Section 1559.5) is prohibited within the City limits. -21- 1 17.04.580 Section 3301.1.2 Prohibiting the possession, sales and use of fireworks — Amended. 2 Section 3301.1.2 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the following: 3 The possession, sale, use and or storage of all types of fireworks are prohibited within the City 4 limits. This includes those fireworks classified as "novelty" fireworks (e.g; Snap Caps and Poppers) by the California State Fire Marshal. 5 This section does not apply to public fireworks displays permitted by the Fire Code Official 6 conducted by properly licensed persons meeting the requirements of Title 19 California Code of Regulations, Chapter 6 - Fireworks. 7 17.04.590 Section 3404. Prohibited/restricted locations for the storage of 8 flammable and combustible liquids in above-ground tanks —Amended. 9 Section 3404. of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 10 The storage of Class I and Class II liquids in aboveground tanks located outside of a building is prohibited within the City limits. Exceptions: Farms, rural areas and construction sites as provided in Section 3406.2 of the 12 2010 California Fire Code. 13 With written approval from the Fire Code Official, Class I and Class II liquids may be stored in aboveground tanks outside of a building in specifically designed approved and listed tanks, 14 having features incorporated into its design which mitigate concerns for exposure to heat, ignition sources and mechanical damage. Tanks must be installed and used in accordance with its listing, and provisions must be made for leak and spill containment. Maximum storage in approved and listed tanks on or at any site shall not exceed 550 gallons for Class I or 1,100 gallons for Class II liquids. The Fire Code Official may disapprove the installation or continued use of such aboveground tanks when, in the Fire Code Official's opinion, the aboveground tanks present an unacceptable risk to life, the environment or property. No person or entity shall store Class I or Class II liquids in aboveground storage tanks on residential property. Notwithstanding, the Fire Code Official 19 may allow an increase in the maximum storage volume when it is found that such an increase serves public safety interests. 17.04.600 Section 3405.2.4 Class I, II, and III Liquids — Amended. ~~ Section 3405.2.4 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to delete Exception 4 in its entirety. 21 17.04.610 Section 3804.2 Maximum capacity for storage of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) —Amended. ~r Section 3804.2 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: Within the city limits, the combined aggregate capacity of all LPG-gas storage, on any single parcel, shall not exceed 2,000 gallons (7,571 L) water capacity. 27 28 -22- 1 17.04.620 Section 3807.5 Securing tanks to ground (LPG) — Amended. 2 Chapter 38, Section 3807.5 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the following: 3 LPG Tanks with a water capacity of 125 gallons or larger shall be secured to the ground to 4 prevent the tank from rolling or moving. The method of securing the tank to the ground must meet the requirements contained in the 2010 California Fire Code for securing aboveground 5 hazardous materials storage tanks in seismic zone 4. "Wet stamped" engineering documents from a California licensed Professional Engineer are required. 6 17.04.630 Appendix B Section B105; Subsection B105.1 Fire-Flow Requirements for 7 Buildings — Amended. 8 Appendix B, Section B105; Subsection B105.1 Exception: of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 9 Exception: A reduction in required fire flow of 50 percent, as approved by the Fire Code Official, 10 is allowed when the building is provided with an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2 and designed to NFPA 13 or 13-R Standards 11 only. The resulting fire-flow shall not be less than 1,500 gallons per minute (5,678 L/min) for the prescribed duration as specified in Table B105.1. 12 17.04.640 Appendix B Section B105; Subsection B105.2 Fire-Flow Requirements for 13 Buildings — Amended. 14 Appendix B, Section B105; Subsection B105.2, Exception 1: of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 15 1. A reduction in required fire flow of up to 50 percent, as approved by the Fire Code Official, is 1" allowed when the building is provided with an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2 and designed to NFPA 13 Standard only. *' The resulting fire-flow shall not be less than 1,500 gallons per minute (5,678 L/min) for the prescribed duration as specified in Table B105.1.1 o 17.04.650 Appendix D Section D106; Subsection D106.1 Multiple-Family Residential Developments—Amended. 70 Appendix D, Section D106; Subsection D106.1 of the 2010 California Fire Code is 91 amended to read as follows: 22 D 106.1 Projects having more than 24 dwelling units: Multiple-family residential projects having more than 24 dwelling units shall be provided with two separate and approved fire apparatus 22 access roads. 24 17.04.660 Appendix D Section D106; Subsection D106.1-Except/on Multiple-Family Residential Developments — Amended. 25 Appendix D, Section D106; Subsection D106.1; Exception of the 2010 California Fire 26 Code is amended to read as follows: 27 Exception: Projects having more than 24 dwelling units may have a single approved fire apparatus access road when all buildings, including non-residential occupancies, are equipped 28 -23- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 throughout with approved automatic sprinkler systems installed in accordance with 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2 and designed to NFPA 13 or 13-R Standards only. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption; and the city clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the 22nd day of March 2011, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the day of , 2011, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk -24- EXHIBIT 2 1 ORDINANCE NO. CS-127 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL 3 CODE, TITLE 18 CHAPTER 18.04, BUILDING CODE TO ADOPT THE 2010 EDITION OF THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE. 4 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad finds that adoption of the 2010 5 Edition of the California Building Code is in the best interest of the public and promotes the 6 health, safety and welfare of its citizens; and 7 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has many large brush-covered hillsides where 8 accessibility for firefighting equipment and fire prevention measures is limited or impossible. 9 Carlsbad has many open space easements deeded in perpetuity and areas of protected natural 10 habitats immediately adjacent to developed areas of the City. Carlsbad has steep natural 11 canyon terrain, and is subject to hot, dry, high-speed Santa Ana winds on an annual basis. This 12 combination of climatic and topographic conditions creates extreme fire danger; and 13 WHEREAS, that climatic and topographical conditions can exist within the city that 14 create an extreme fire danger and modification to the California Building Code is necessary for 15 community health and safety. THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain as follows: 18 SECTION 1: That Chapter 18.04 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 20 Chapter 18.04 BUILDING CODE Sections: 22 18.04.010 Adoption. 23 18.04.015 Sections 105.1 and 105.2 amended—Permits required. 18.04.020 Section 105.3.1 amended—Building Permit issuance. 24 18.04.025 Building Official designated. 18.04.030 Section 105.5 amended—Expiration. 25 18.04.035 Section 105.3.2 amended—Expiration of plan review. 18.04.040 Section 109.2 amended—Permit fees. 26 18.04.230 Section 1501 amended—Scope. 18.04.310 Violations. 97 18.04.315 Certificate of noncompliance. 2g 18.04.320 Section 502 amended—Premises identification. 18.04.330 Street name signs. 1 18.04.010 Adoption. 2 The 2010 Edition of the California Building Code, Volumes 1 and 2 hereinafter referred to as "the code", copyrighted by the California Building Standards Commission, two copies of which 3 are on file in the office of the city clerk for public record and inspection, are hereby adopted by reference as the building code of the City of Carlsbad for regulating the erection, construction, 4 enlargement, alteration, repair, moving, removal, demolition, conversion, occupancy, equipment, use, height, area, and maintenance of all buildings or structures in the city of 5 Carlsbad, except for changes, additions, deletions and amendments in this chapter, which shall supersede the provisions of said code. 6 18.04.015 Sections 105.1 and 105.2 amended—Permits required. 7 Sections 105.1 and 105.2 of the California Building Code are amended to read as 8 follows: 9 105.1 Permits Required. Except as specified in Section 105.2 of this section, no building or structure regulated by this code shall be erected, constructed, enlarged, altered, repaired, 10 moved, improved, removed, converted, or demolished unless a separate permit for each building or structure has first been obtained from the Building Official. 11 105.2 Work Exempt from Permit. A building permit shall not be required for the following: 12 1. One story detached residential accessory buildings used as tool and storage sheds, 13 playhouses and similar uses, provided the floor area does not exceed 120 square feet (11 m2). 14 2 Playground, gymnastic and similar equipment and structures used for recreation and athletic 15 activities. 16 3 Fences not over six feet (1,829 mm) high. 17 4. Non-fixed movable fixtures, cases, racks, counters and partitions not over five feet nine inches (1,853 mm) in height. 18 5. Retaining walls which are not over four feet (1,219 mm) in height measured from the bottom 19 of the footing to the top of the wall, unless supporting a surcharge or impounding Class I, II or IDA liquids. 20 6. Water tanks supported directly upon grade if the capacity does not exceed 5,000 gallons 21 (18,925 L) and the ratio of height to diameter or width does not exceed two to one. 22 7. Platforms, walks and driveways not more than 30 inches above grade and not over any basement or story below and are not part of an accessible route. 23 8. Painting, papering and similar finish work. 24 9. Temporary motion picture, television and theater stage sets and scenery. 25 10. Window awnings supported by an exterior wall of group R, Division 3, and Group U 26 occupancies when projecting not more than 54 inches. 27 /// 28 -2- 1 11. Prefabricated swimming pools accessory to a Group R Division 3 Occupancy in which the pool walls are entirely above the adjacent grade and if the capacity does not exceed 5,000 2 gallons. 3 12. Antennas supported on the roof. 4 13. Electrolier standards, flag poles and antennas not over 35 feet in height above finish grade when fully extended. 5 14. Repairs which involve only the replacement of component parts or existing work with similar 6 materials only for the purpose of maintenance and which do not aggregate over $1,000.00 in valuation and do not affect any electrical or mechanical installations. Repairs exempt from 7 permit requirements shall not include any addition, change or modification in construction, exit facilities or permanent fixtures or equipment. Specifically exempt from permit 8 requirements regardless of value: a. Painting and decorating b. Installation of floor covering. c. Cabinetwork. 11 d. Outside paving. 12 Unless otherwise exempted, separate plumbing, electrical and mechanical permits will be required for the above exempted items. Exemption from the permit requirements of this 13 code shall not be deemed to grant authorization for any work to be done in any manner in violation of the provisions of this code or any other laws or ordinances of this jurisdiction. 14 18.04.020 Section 105.3.1 amended—Building Permit issuance. 15 Section 105.3.1 of the California Building Code is amended to read as follows: 16 The application, plans and specifications filed by an applicant for a permit shall be reviewed by 17 the Building Official. Such plans may be reviewed by other divisions of the City to check compliance with the laws and ordinances under their jurisdiction. If the Building Official is 18 satisfied that the work described in an application for permit and the plans filed therewith conform to the requirements of this code and other pertinent laws and ordinances and that all 19 applicable fees have been paid, the Building Official shall issue a permit therefore to the applicant. In the case of a new building, all fees required for connection to public water systems 20 and to sewer systems provided by entities other than the City must be paid or a bond posted before a permit is issued. 21 When the Building Official issues a permit, the Building Official shall endorse in writing or stamp 22 on both sets of plan and specifications, "Approved". Such approval plans and specifications shall not be changed, modified, or altered without authorization from the Building Official, and all 23 work shall be done in accordance with the approved plans. 24 The Building Official may issue a permit for the construction of part of a building or structure before the entire plans and specifications for the whole building or structure have been 25 submitted or approved, provided adequate information and detailed statements have been filed complying with all pertinent requirements of this code. The holder of such permit shall proceed 26 at their own risk without assurance that the permit for the entire building or structure will be granted. 27 28 -3- 1 18.04.025 Building Official designated. 2 The Building Official or authorized representative of the city is designated as the person who shall enforce all of the provisions of the California Building Code as amended. 3 18.04.030 Section 105.5 amended—Expiration. 4 Section 105.5 of the California Building Code is amended to read as follows: 5 Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this code shall expire by 6 limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 calendar days from the date of such permit, or if the building or work 7 authorized by such permit is stopped at any time after the work is commenced for a period of one hundred eighty calendar days, or if the building or work authorized by such permit exceeds 8 three calendar years from the issuance date of the permit. Work shall be presumed to have commenced if the permittee has obtained a required inspection approval of work authorized by 9 the permit by the Building Official within one hundred eighty calendar days of the date of permit issuance. Work shall be presumed to be stopped if the permittee has not obtained a required 10 inspection approval of work by the Building Official within each one hundred eighty day period upon the initial commencement of work authorized by such permit. 11 The Building Official is authorized to grant, in writing, one or more extensions of time, for 12 periods not to exceed 180 days each. The extensions shall be granted in writing and justifiable cause demonstrated. 13 Before such work can be recommenced, a new permit shall be obtained to do so, and the fee 14 therefore shall be one half the amount required for a new permit for such work, and provided that no changes have been made or will be made in the original plans and specifications for 15 such work, and provided further that such suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one year. In order to renew action on a permit after expiration, the permittee shall pay a new permit 16 fee. 17 Any permittee holding an unexpired permit may apply for an extension of time within which work may commence under that permit when the permittee is unable to commence work within the 18 time period required by this section for good and satisfactory reasons. 19 The provisions of any sewer allocation system adopted pursuant to Chapter 18.05 of the Municipal Code shall supersede Section 106.4.4 of the California Building Code if the permit is 20 issued pursuant to such system. 21 18.04.035 Section 105.3.2 amended—Expiration of plan review. 22 Section 105.3.2 of the California Building Code is amended to read as follows: 23 Applications for which no permit is issued within one year following the date of application shall expire by limitation, and plans and other data submitted for review may thereafter be returned to 24 the applicant or destroyed by the Building Official. In order to renew action on an application after expiration, the applicant shall resubmit plans and pay a new plan review fee. 25 18.04.040 Section 109.2 amended—Permit fees. 26 Section 109.2 of the California Building Code is amended to read as follows: 27 28 -4- 1 PERMIT FEES. The fees for each permit shall be as set forth in the City's master fee schedule or by a resolution of the City Council. 2 Notwithstanding other provisions of this section, the building permit fee for factory built housing 3 shall be twenty-five percent of the fee for Type V dwelling units, and the plan check fee shall be sixty-five percent of the building permit fee. 4 18.04.230 Section 1501 amended—Scope. 5 Section 1501 of the California Building Code is amended to read as follows: 6 Roofing assemblies, roof coverings, and roof structures shall be as specified in this Code and 7 as otherwise required by this Chapter. 8 Roofing assemblies and roof coverings other than wood shakes and shingles shall be Class A. 9 Wood Shakes and Shingles of any classification are prohibited as a roof covering on all structures and on all replacement roofs. 10 Roof coverings shall be secured or fastened to the supporting roof construction and shall 11 provide weather protection for the building at the roof. 12 Skylights shall be constructed as required in Chapter 24. For use of plastics in roofs, see Chapter 26.For solar energy collectors located above or upon a roof, see Chapter 13. 13 18.04.310 Violations. 14 Any person or corporation who violates any of the provisions of this code or this chapter is guilty 15 of an infraction, except for the fourth and each additional violation of a provision within one year, which shall be a misdemeanor. Penalties for a violation of this chapter shall be as designated in 16 section 1.08.010 of this code. 17 18.04.315 Certificate of noncompliance. 18 a. If the building official determines there is a violation of this chapter, it may result in the building official filing, in the office of the county recorder, a certificate of noncompliance. 19 Such certificate shall describe the property, certify noncompliance, and state that the owner or person in control of the property has been notified. If a certificate of noncompliance is filed, and 20 where the permit, inspection, and/or approval required is obtained, the building official shall provide to the property owner a certificate of compliance to file with the county recorder 21 certifying compliance. Until a certificate of compliance has been filed, all applications for grading permits, use permits, major and minor subdivisions, rezones, specific plans, specific plan 22 amendments, general plan amendments, discretionary approvals and building permits may be denied. 23 b. When the building official or the authorized representative thereof determines 24 that compliance to this chapter is not had, they shall provide written notice, by certified mail return receipt requested, to the owner or person in control of the property. Such notice shall 25 contain: (1) a description of the property; (2) the condition or condition that has caused the noncompliance; (3) a reasonable time limit to bring the property into compliance; (4) the 26 potential to record a certificate of noncompliance; and (5) the right to appeal. 27 c. Within ten days from the date of giving of notice, the owner or person in control of 28 -5- 1 the property may file an appeal of the finding of noncompliance to the city council. Such appeal shall be in writing and shall identify the property subject to the certificate of noncompliance. The 2 city council must hear the appeal within 60 days from the filing of the appeal or at such later date as may be agreed to by the appellant. Notice of the hearing date shall be given in writing. 3 The hearing date shall be no sooner than five days from the date when notice of the hearing is given to the appellant and to the building official. The decision of the city council is final. 4 18.04.320 Section 502 amended—Premises identification. 5 Section 502 of the California Building Code is amended to read as follows: 6 Each occupancy, principal building, structure, dwelling unit, and mobile home space within the 7 City shall be identified by a number or combination of number and letter. Such numbers shall be in harmony with other established postal addresses in the area. The numbers for commercial 8 and industrial buildings shall be a minimum of 12 inches high and for residential buildings, four inches high, and shall be of contrasting colors so as to be readable from the adjoining streets. 9 Numbers shall be designated and assigned by the Building Department. 10 18.04.330 Street name signs. 11 All private and public streets within the city shall have designated street names which shall be identified by signs. The size and type of street signs and the names of streets shall be subject to 12 the approval of the city planning department, and the police and fire departments. Location and number of signs shall be as required by the city. 13 ///14 ///15 ,6 '" ,7 '" ,8 '" ,9 '" 20 "' 21 '" 22 '" 23 '" 24 "' 25 "' 26 '" 27 '" 28 -6- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption; and the city clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the 22nd day of March 2011, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the day of , 2011, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk -7- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. CS-128 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TITLE 18, CHAPTER 18.08, MECHANICAL CODE TO ADOPT THE 2010 EDITION OF THE CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad finds that adoption EXHIBIT 3 of the 2010 Edition of the California Mechanical Code is in the best interest of the public and promotes the health, safety and welfare of its citizens. THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: That Title 18, Chapter 18.08 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, to read as follows: Chapter 18.08 MECHANICAL CODE Sections: 18.08.010 Adoption. 18.08.020 Building Official designated. 18.08.030 Violations. 18.08.040 Certificate of noncompliance. 18.08.050 Permit Fees. 18.08.010 Adoption. is amended The California Mechanical Code 2010 Edition, copyrighted by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, is adopted by reference as the mechanical code of the City of Carlsbad. 18.08.020 Building Official designated. The building official or authorized representative of the city is designated as the shall enforce all of the provisions of the California Mechanical Codes as amended. 18.08.030 Violations. Any person or corporation who violates any of the provisions of this chapter is person who guilty of an infraction, except for the fourth and each additional violation of a provision within one year, which shall be a misdemeanor. Penalties for a violation of this chapter shall be as designated in Section 1.08.010 of this code. /// 1 18.08.040 Certificate of noncompliance. 2 1. If the Building Official determines there is a violation of this chapter, it may result in the building official filing, in the office of the county recorder, a certificate of noncompliance. 3 Such certificate shall describe the property, certify noncompliance, and state that the owner or person in control of the property has been so notified. If a certificate of noncompliance is 4 filed, and where the permit, inspection, and/or approval required is obtained, the building official shall file a certificate of compliance with the county recorder certifying compliance. 5 Until a certificate of compliance has been filed, all applications for grading permits, use permits, major and minor subdivisions, rezones, specific plans, specific plan amendments, 6 general plan amendments, discretionary approvals and building permits may be denied. 7 2. When the building official or the authorized representative thereof determines that compliance to this chapter is not had, they shall provide written notice, by certified mail 8 return receipt requested, to the owner or person in control of the property. Such notice shall contain: (1) a description of the property; (2) the condition or condition that has caused the 9 noncompliance; (3) a reasonable time limit to bring the property into compliance; (4) the potential to record a certificate of noncompliance; and (5) the right to appeal. 10 3. Within ten days from the date of giving of notice, the owner or person in control of the 11 property may file an appeal of the finding of noncompliance to the city council. Such appeal shall be in writing and shall identify the property subject to the certificate of noncompliance. 12 The city council must hear the appeal within sixty days from the filing of the appeal or at such later date as may be agreed to by the appellant. Notice of the hearing date shall be 13 given in writing. The hearing date shall be no sooner than five days from the date when notice of the hearing is given to the appellant and to the building official. The decision of the 14 city council is final. 1^ 18.08.050 Permit fees. 16 The fees for each permit shall be as set forth in the city's master fee schedule or by a resolution 17 of the City Council. 18 /// 19 /// 20 ,„ 21 /// 22 /// 23 . /// 24 /// 25 /// 26 /// 27 /// 28 -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption; and the city clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the 2nd day of March 2011, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the day of , 2011, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk -3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. CS-129 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TITLE 18, CHAPTER 18.12, ELECTRICAL CODE TO ADOPT THE 2010 EDITION OF THE CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE EXHIBIT 4 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad finds that adoption of the 2010 Edition of the California Electrical Code is in the best interest of the public and promotes the health, safety and welfare of its citizens. THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does follows: ordain as SECTION 1: That Title 18, Chapter 18.12 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, is amended to read as follows: Chapter 18.1 2 ELECTRICAL CODE Sections: I. General Regulations 18.12.010 Adoption. 18.12.020 Application — Scope. 18.12.030 Building official designated. 18.12.080 Permits — Required. 18.12.090 Permits— Exceptions. 18.12.100 Permits — Expiration. 18.12.120 Permit— Scope. 18.12.130 Permit— Application. 1 8.1 2.21 5 Temporary meter sets. 18.12.220 Cost of permit. 18.12.225 Violations and penalties. 1 8.1 2.227 Certificate of noncompliance. I. General Regulations 18.12.010 Adoption. The California Electrical Code 2010 Edition, copyrighted by the National Fire Association, is adopted by reference as the electrical code for the city of Carlsbad. /// Protection 1 18.12.020 Application—Scope. 2 The provisions of this code shall apply to the installation, repair, operation and maintenance of all electric wiring and electrical apparatus of any nature whatsoever whether inside or outside of 3 any building within the city except as provided otherwise in this code. 4 18.12.030 Building official designated. 5 The building official or authorized representative of the city is designated as the person who shall enforce all of the provisions of the California Electrical Code. 6 18.12.080 Permits - Required. 7 1. No electric wiring, devices, appliances or equipment shall be installed within or on any 8 building, structure or premises nor shall any alteration without first securing a permit therefor from the building official except as stated in Section 18.12.090. 9 2. Permits shall be obtained before or at the time work is started, except in cases where 10 emergency or urgent necessity can be shown to exist provided a permit is obtained within 24 hours, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. 11 3. A separate permit shall be required for each building or structure which stands alone. 12 4. Permits for privately-owned conduits or other materials in public places and in and across 13 streets and alleys may be issued only after approval has been granted for the installation by the city engineer. All work shall be done in accordance with law and special regulations 14 applicable thereto. 15 5. Permits shall only be issued to contractors licensed by the state of California to engage in the business or act in the capacity of a contractor, relating to electrical inspection 16 installation, and to persons holding a valid master electrician certificate of competency for work performed only on the property of his employer, or the owner 17 18.12.090 Permits - Exceptions. 18 1. No permit shall be required for minor repair work such as repairing flush or snap switches, 19 replacing fuses, repairing lamp sockets and receptacles when such work is done in accordance with the provisions of this code. 20 2. No permit shall be required for the replacement of lamps or the connection of portable 21 appliances to suitable receptacles which have been permanently installed. 22 3. No permit shall be required for the installation, alteration or repair of wiring, devices, appliances or equipment for the operation of signals or the transmission of intelligence (not 23 including the control of lighting or appliance circuits) where such wiring, devices, appliances or equipment operate a voltage not exceeding twenty-five volts between conductors and do 24 not include generating or transforming equipment capable of supplying more than one hundred watts of energy. 25 4. No permit shall be required for the installation, alteration or repair of electric wiring, devices, 26 appliances and equipment installed by or for a public service corporation in the operation of signals or the transmission of intelligence. 27 28 -2- 1 5. No permit shall be required for the installation of temporary wiring for testing electrical apparatus or equipment. 2 18.12.100 Permits - Expiration. 3 1. If the work authorized by a permit is not commenced within 180 days after issuance or if the 4 work authorized by a permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 180 days, the permit shall become void. 5 2. Permits shall expire one year after the date of issuance unless the permit is issued for a 6 longer period of time. 7 3. Permits for a period longer than one year must be requested at the time of application for the original permit. Said permits will be issued for a period of time determined by the 8 building official to be reasonably necessary to complete the work for which a permit is requested. 9 4. An expired permit may be renewed upon payment of a fee to cover the unfinished work 10 according to the fee schedule. 11 18.12.120 Permit - Scope. 12 The permit when issued shall be for such installation as is described in the application and no deviation shall be made from the instalfation so described without the written approval of the 13 building official. 14 18.12.130 Permit-Application. 15 Application for permit, describing the work to be done, shall be made in writing to the building official. The application shall be accompanied by such plans, specifications and schedules as 16 may be necessary to determine whether the installation as described will be in conformity with the requirements of this code. If it shall be found that the installation as described will in general 17 conform with the requirements of this code, and if the applicant has complied with all of the provisions of this code, a permit for such installation shall be issued; provided however that the 18 issuance of the permit shall not be taken as permission to violate any of the requirements of this code. Application for permits for electrical installations where the service capacity exceeds 200 19 amperes shall be accompanied by two sets of electrical line drawings and load distribution calculations showing service panel and branch panel capacities and locations service switch 20 and branch switch capacities, conduit and feeder sizes. 21 18.12.215 Temporary meter sets. 22 A temporary meter may be set on the permanent electrical service base for testing equipment, for lighting of interiors where outside sources do not light, or for health and safety and protection 23 of persons. Failure to provide and comply with all provisions of this chapter shall constitute grounds for the removal of any or all meters on the project. 24 18.12.220 Cost of permit. 25 The fees for each electrical permit shall be as set forth in the City's master fee schedule or by a 26 resolution of the City Council. 27 /// 28 -3- 1 Any person who commences any work for which a permit is required by this code without first having obtained a permit therefore shall, if subsequently permitted to obtain a permit, pay 2 double the permit fee fixed by this section for such work; provided, however, that this provision shall not apply to emergency work when it has been proven to the satisfaction of the 3 administrative authority that such work was urgently necessary and that it was not practical to obtain a permit therefore before the commencement of the work. In all such cases, a permit 4 must be obtained as soon as it is practical to do so, and if there is an unreasonable delay in obtaining such permit, a double fee as provided in this section shall be charged. 5 18.12.225 Violations and penalties. 6 1. Any person or corporation who violates any of the provisions of this chapter is guilty of an 7 infraction except for the fourth or each additional violation of a provision within one year which shall be a misdemeanor. Penalties of a violation of this chapter shall be designated in 8 Section 1.08.010 of this code. 9 2. The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans shall not prevent the building official from thereafter requiring the correction of errors in these plans and specifications, or 10 from preventing construction operations from being carried on there under when in violation of this code or of any other ordinance, or from revoking any certificate of approval when 11 issued in error. 12 18.12.227 Certificate of noncompliance. 13 1. If the building official determines there is a violation of this chapter, it may result in the building official filing, in the office of the county recorder, a certificate of noncompliance. 14 Such certificate shall describe the property, certify noncompliance, and state that the owner or person in control of the property has been so notified. If a certificate of noncompliance is 15 filed, and where the permit, inspection, and/or approval required is obtained, the building official shall file a certificate of compliance with the county recorder certifying compliance. 16 Until a certificate of compliance has been filed, all applications for grading permits, use permits, major and minor subdivisions, rezones, specific plans, specific plan amendments, 17 general plan amendments, discretionary approvals and building permits may be denied. 18 2. When the building official or the authorized representative thereof determines that compliance to this chapter is not had, they shall provide written notice, by certified mail 19 return receipt requested, to the owner or person in control of the property. Such notice shall contain: (1) a description of the property; (2) the condition or condition that has caused the 20 noncompliance; (3) a reasonable time limit to bring the property into compliance; (4) the potential to record a certificate of noncompliance; and (5) the right to appeal. 3. Within ten days from the date of giving of notice, the owner or person in control of the 22 property may file an appeal of the finding of noncompliance to the city council. Such appeal shall be in writing and shall identify the property subject to the certificate of noncompliance. 2^ The city council must hear the appeal within 60 days from the filing of the appeal or at such later date as may be agreed to by the appellant. Notice of the hearing date shall be given in 24 writing. The hearing date shall be no sooner than five days from the date when notice of the hearing is given to the appellant and to the building official. The decision of the city council is 25 final. 26 /// 27 /// 28 -4- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption; and the city clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the 22nd day of March 2011, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the day of , 2011, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk -5- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. CS-130 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TITLE 18, PLUMBING CODE CHAPTER 18.16 TO ADOPT THE 2010 EDITION OF THE CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE. EXHIBIT 5 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad finds that adoption of the 2010 Edition of the California Plumbing Code is in the best interest of the public and promotes the health, safety and welfare of its citizens. THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does follows: ordain as SECTION 1: The City Council finds that unique circumstances require certain amendments to the California Plumbing Code. The amendments set forth in this ordinance are reasonable necessary because of the local climate, which includes low rainfall and • drought. It has become necessary to expand the use of recycled water throughout periods of the city in order to conserve potable water. Cross-connection testing is also required by California State law. SECTION 2: That Title 18, Chapter 18.16 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, is amended to read as follows: Chapter 18.16 PLUMBING CODE Sections: I. General Regulations 18.16.010 Adoption. 18.16.030 Building Official designated. 18.16.040 Expiration of permit. 18.16.060 Standards for installation and materials. 1 8.1 6.080 Section 609.1 2 added — Bypass tees. II. Modifications 18.16.120 Section 102.3.1 amended — Violations. 18.16.125 Certificate of noncompliance. 18.16.130 Section 103.4.1 amended — Permit fees. /// 1 I. General Regulations 2 18.16.010 Adoption. 3 The California Plumbing Code, 2010 Edition, copyrighted by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, is adopted by reference as the plumbing code of the city of 4 Carlsbad except for the changes, additions, and amendments set forth in this chapter, which shall supersede such provisions of said code. 5 18.16.030 Building Official designated. 6 The building official or authorized representative of the city is designated as the person who 7 shall enforce the provisions of the California Plumbing Code as amended. 8 18.16.040 Expiration of permit. 9 Every permit issued by the building official under the provisions of this code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the work authorized by such permit is not commenced 10 within 180 days from date of such permit, or if the work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 180 days. Before such 11 work can be recommenced a new permit shall first be obtained, and the fee therefore shall be one half the amount required for a new permit for such work provided no changes have been 12 made, or will be made, in the original plans and specifications for such work, and provided, further, that such suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one year. Within the overall 13 one-year life of a permit any failure to commence work or any suspension of work caused solely by delay incident to securing approval of a coastal development permit pursuant to Division 20 14 of the Public Resources Code shall not constitute part of the respective 180 day period presented for expiration of a permit. 15 18.16.060 Standards for installation and materials. 16 All installations and materials shall be in conformity with the provisions of this code and with 17 approved standards of safety as to life and property. All installations on any public or private piers or on the tidelands shall be in conformity with the provisions of this code. The disposal of 18 the effluent must meet with the approval of the director of public health. 19 18.16.080 Section 1622A.O added—Bypass tees. 20 Section 1622A.O is added to the California Plumbing Code to read as follows: 21 On the effective date of this Ordinance, all new buildings where recycled water will be used for irrigation shall install on the building supply pipe a bypass tee for recycled water cross- 22 connection shut down testing. The bypass tee shall be constructed of copper and the size shall match the building supply pipe size approved for the building. The bypass tee shall be 23 connected to the building supply pipe above ground and before the pressure regulator at a point just before it enters the building. Both end connections to the building supply pipe shall be made 24 using a union. A bronze full port straight ball valve with handle shall be installed on the inlet side of the bypass tee for the building supply pipe, and sized to match the inlet tee. A bronze full port 25 straight ball valve with tee-head and padlock wing shall be installed on the side inlet tee, which shall be threaded with a male hose thread adapter to match the building supply pipe size. The 26 work shall be in conformance with Engineering Standard Drawing W35. All shut down tests using the bypass tee shall be conducted with a backflow prevention device to reduce potential 27 for contamination of the potable water system. 28 -2- 1 II. Modifications 2 18.16.120 Section 102.3.1 amended—Violations. 3 Section 102.3.1 of the California Plumbing Code is amended to read as follows: 4 Any person or corporation who violates any of the provisions of this chapter is guilty of an 5 infraction except for the fourth or each additional violation of a provision within one year which shall be a misdemeanor. Penalties for a violation of this chapter shall be as designated in 6 Section 1.08.010 of this code. 7 18.16.125 Certificate of noncompliance. 8 1. If the building official determines there is a violation of this chapter, it may result in the building official filing, in the office of the county recorder, a certificate of noncompliance. 9 Such certificate shall describe the property, certify noncompliance, and state that the owner or person in control of the property has been so notified. If a certificate of noncompliance is 10 filed, and where the permit, inspection, and/or approval required is obtained, the building official shall file a certificate of compliance with the county recorder certifying compliance. 11 Until a certificate of compliance has been filed, all applications for grading permits, use permits, major and minor subdivisions, rezones, specific plans, specific plan amendments, 12 general plan amendments, discretionary approvals and building permits may be denied. 13 2. When the building official or the authorized representative thereof determines that compliance to this chapter is not had, they shall provide written notice, by certified mail 14 return receipt requested, to the owner or person in control of the property. Such notice shall contain: (1) a description of the property; (2) the condition or condition that has caused the 15 noncompliance; (3) a reasonable time limit to bring the property into compliance; (4) the potential to record a certificate of noncompliance; and (5) the right to appeal. 16 3. Within ten days from the date of giving of notice, the owner or person in control of the 17 property may file an appeal of the finding of noncompliance to the city council. Such appeal shall be in writing and shall identify the property subject to the certificate of noncompliance. 18 The city council must hear the appeal within 60 days from the filing of the appeal or at such later date as may be agreed to by the appellant. Notice of the hearing date shall be given in 19 writing. The hearing date shall be no sooner than five days from the date when notice of the hearing is given to the appellant and to the building official. The decision of the city council is 20 final. 21 f8.16.130 Section 103.4.1 amended—Permit fees. 22 Section 103.4.1 of the California Plumbing Code is amended to read as follows: 23 The fee for each plumbing permit shall be as set forth in the city's master fee schedule or by resolution of the City Council.24 /// 25 /// 26 /// 27 28 -3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the 22nd day of March 2011, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the day of ' , 2011, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk -4- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 16 19 28 EXHIBIT 6 ORDINANCE NO. CS-131 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE, TITLE 18, CHAPTER 18.18, SOLAR ENERGY CODE TO ADOPT THE 2009 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM SOLAR CODE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad finds that adoption of the 2010 Edition of the California Solar Energy Code is in the best interest of the public and promotes conservation, health, safety and welfare of its citizens. THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: That Title 18, Chapter 18.18 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by to read as follows: Chapter 18.18 SOLAR ENERGY CODE 13 Sections: 14 18.18.010 Adoption of the Uniform Solar Energy Code. 15 18.18.020 Building Official designated. 18.18.030 Violations. 18.18.040 Permit fees. 17 18.18.010 Adoption of the Uniform Solar Energy Code. 18 The Uniform Solar Energy Code, 2009 Edition, copyrighted by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, is adopted by reference as the solar energy code of the city of Carlsbad. 20 18.18.020 Building Official designated. 21 The building official or authorized representative of the city is designated as the person who 22 23 24 25 „ Section 1.08.010 of this code. 26 18.18.040 Permit fees. 27 The fee for each permit shall be as set forth in the City's master fee schedule or by resolution of shall enforce the provisions of the Uniform Solar Energy Code as amended. 18.18.030 Violations. Any person or corporation who violates any of the provisions of this chapter is guilty of an infraction except for the fourth and each additional violation of a provision within one year which shall be a misdemeanor. Penalties for a violation of this chapter shall be as designated in the City Council. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption; and the city clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the 22nd day of March 2011, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the day of , 2011, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk -2- EXHIBIT 7 1 ORDINANCE NO. CS-132 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 3 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TITLE 18, BY ADDING CHAPTER 18.20, RESIDENTIAL 4 CODE AND ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE 2010 EDITION OF THE CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE 5 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad finds that adoption of the 2010 6 Edition of the California Residential Code is in the best interest of the public and promotes the 7 health, safety and welfare of its citizens; and 8 THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain as 9 follows: 10 SECTION 1: That Title 18, Chapter 18.20 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, is added to 11 read as follows: 12 Chapter 18.20 13 RESIDENTIAL CODE 14 Sections: 15 18.20.010 Adoption. 18.20.020 Building Official designated. 16 18.20.030 Permit fees. 17 18.20.010 Adoption. 18 The 2010 California Residential Code including Appendix Chapter H, copyrighted by The California Building Standards Commission, is adopted by reference as the Residential Building 19 Code of the City of Carlsbad. 20 18.20.020 Building Official designated. 21 The Building Official is designated as the person who shall enforce all the provisions of the California Residential Code. 22 18.20.030 Permit fees. 23 The fees for each permit shall be as set forth in the city's master fee schedule or by a resolution of 24 the City Council. 25 /// 26 /// 27 /// 28 /// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption; and the city clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the 22nd day of March 2011, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the day of , 2011, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk -2- EXHIBIT 8 1 ORDINANCE NO. CS-133 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 3 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TITLE 18, BY ADDING CHAPTER 18.21, GREEN 4 BUILDING STANDARDS CODE TO ADOPT THE 2010 EDITION OF THE CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE. 5 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad finds that adoption of the 2010 6 Edition of the California Green Building Standards Code is in the best interest of the public and 7 promotes the health, safety and welfare of its citizens. 8 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has been in the forefront in recognizing the need for 9 sustainable development in all areas of building construction practices and adoption of this 10 ordinance will further enhance this policy. 11 THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain as 12 follows: 13 SECTION 1: That Title 18, Chapter 18.21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, is added to 14 read as follows: 15 Chapter 18.21 16 GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE *' Sections: 18 18.21.010 Adoption. 18.21.020 Building Official designated.19 18.21.030 Permit fees. 20 18.21.010 Adoption. 21 The 2010 California Green Building Standards Code copyrighted by The California Building Standards Commission, is adopted by reference as the Green Building Standards Code of the 22 City of Carlsbad. 23 18.21.020 Building Official designated. 24 The Building Official is designated as the person who shall enforce all the provisions of the California Green Building Standards Code. 25 18.21.030 Permit fees. 26 The fees for each permit shall be as set forth in the city's master fee schedule or by a resolution of 27 the City Council. 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption; and the city clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the 22nd day of March 2011, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the day of , 2011, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk -2- EXHIBIT 9 1 ORDINANCE NO. CS-134 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL 3 CODE, TITLE 18, CHAPTER 18.30, ENERGY CONSERVATION REGULATIONS TO ADOPT THE 2010 EDITION OF THE 4 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE. 5 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad finds that adoption of the 2010 6 Edition of the California Energy Code is in the best interest of the public and promotes 7 conservation, health, safety and welfare of its citizens. 8 THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain as 9 follows: 10 SECTION 1: That Title 18, Chapter 18.30 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to 11 read as follows: 12 Chapter 18.30 ENERGY CONSERVATION REGULATIONS 13 Sections: 15 18.30.010 Adoption. 18.30.020 Purpose and application. 16 18.30.030 Building Official designated. j7 18.30.040 Solar water heater preplumbing required. 18.30.050 Permit fees. 18 18.30.010 Adoption.19 The California Energy Code, 2010 Edition, copyrighted by the California Building Standards 20 Commission is adopted by reference as the energy code for the city of Carlsbad. 21 18.30.020 Purpose and application. 22 This chapter is intended to decrease dependence upon nonrenewable energy sources by 20 encouraging and in some instances requiring the installation of devices, structures or materials for the conservation of energy on certain structures within the city. The provisions of this chapter 24 are intended to supplement and not supersede other regulations and requirements imposed by this title. 25 18.30.030 Building Official designated. 26 The building official or authorized representative of the city is designated as the person who 27 shall enforce the provisions of the California Energy Code as amended. 28 /// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 18.30.040 Solar water heater preplumbing required. 1. All new residential units shall include plumbing specifically designed to allow the later installation of a system which utilizes solar energy as the primary means of heating domestic potable water. No building permit shall be issued unless the plumbing required pursuant to this section is indicated in the building plans. This section shall apply only to those residential dwelling units for which a building permit was applied for after the effective date of the ordinance adopting this chapter. 2. Exception. The provisions of this section can be modified or waived when it can be satisfactorily demonstrated to the building official that solar preplumbing is impractical due to shading, building orientation, construction constraints or configuration of the parcel. 18.30.050 Permit fees. The fees for each permit shall be as set for in the city's master fee schedule or by a resolution of the City Council. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption; and the city clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the 22nd day of March 2011, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the day of , 2011, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk -2- EXHIBIT 10 1 Chapter 17.04 FIRE PREVENTION CODE2 Sections: 17.04.010 Adoption. 17.04.020 Chapter 1. Division II. Part 1. Section 101.5 Validity — Amended. 17.04.030 Chapter 1. Division II. Part 1. Section 102.5 Application of California Residential Code — Amended. 17.04.040 Chapter 1. Division II, Part 2. Section 109.3 Violation penalties — Amended. 17.04.050 Chapter 1. Division II. Part 2. Section 111.4 Failure to comply — Amended. 17.04.060 Recovery of costs — Amended. 17.04.070 Section 201.3 Terms defined in other codes — Amended. 9 17.04.080 Section 202 Definitions - Fire hazard — Amended. 17.04.090 Section 202 Definitions - High Fire Hazard Severity Zone— 10 Amended. 17.04.100 Section 202 Definitions - High-rise building — Amended. 17.04.110 Section 202 Definitions - Ignition-resistant material — Amended. 17.04.130 Section 202 Definitions - Projections — Amended. 12 17.04.140 Section 202 Definitions - Vegetation — Amended. 17.04.150 Section 304.1.2 Definitions - Vegetation — Amended. 13 17.04.160 Section 307.5.1 Adult supervision at open fires — Amended. 17.04.170 Section 312.2 (5) Posts — Amended. 14 17.04.180 Section 316.3 Pitfalls — Amended. 17.04.190 Section 316 General storage of firewood — Amended. 15 17.04.200 Section 319 Maintenance of Fire Suppression Zones — Amended. 17.04.210 Section 503.2.1 Dimensions—Amended. 16 17.04.220 Section 503.2.1.1 Minimum street width in fire hazard zones — Amended. 17 17.04.230 Section 503.2.1.2 Measurement of street width — Amended. 17.04.240 Section 503.2.1.3 Measurement of street width -Single Entry 18 Development — Amended. 17.04.250 Section 503.2.3 Surface — Amended. 19 17.04.260 Section 503.2.4 Turning radius — Amended. 17.04.270 Section 503.2.7 Grade — Amended. 20 17.04.280 Section 503.3.1 Marking of fire apparatus access roads — Amended. 17.04.290 Section 503.4.1 Fire access roadway design features — Amended. 21 17.04.300 Section 503.6.1 Gates — Amended. 17.04.310 Section 505.1 Street numbers — Amended. 22 17.04.320 Section 505.3 Easement address signs — Amended. 17.04.330 Section 505.4 Map / Directory — Amended. 23 17.04.340 Section 505.5 Response map updates — Amended. 17.04.350 Section 506 Fire Service Features — Amended. 24 17.04.360 Section 507.3 Fire flow — Amended. 17.04.370 Section 603.6.6 Spark arrestors — Amended. 25 17.04.380 Section 603.8 Residential incinerators — Amended. 17.04.390 Section 605.11 Building Services and Systems — Amended. 26 17.04.400 Section 901.4.5 Fire department connections — Amended. 17.04.410 Section 903.2 Automatic fire extinguishing systems — Amended. 27 17.04.420 Section 903.2.1.1(1) Group A-1 — Amended. 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline 1 1 7.04.430 Section 903.2.1 .3(1) and (4) Group A-3 — Amended. 1 7.04.440 Section 903.2.1 .4(1) Group A-4 — Amended. 2 1 7.04.450 Section 903.2.3 (1 ) and (4) Group E — Amended. 17.04.460 Section 903.2.7 (1) and (3) Group M — Amended. 3 17.04.470 Section 903.2.9 (1) and (4) Group S-1 — Amended. 17.04.490 Section 903.3.3 Obstructed locations — Amended. 4 17.04.500 Section 903.4 Sprinkler System Monitoring and Alarms — Amended. 1 7.04.51 0 Section 907.2.1 1 .4 Power Sources (Smoke Alarms) — Amended. 5 1 7.04.520 Section 907.2.1 1 .5 Smoke Alarms — Amended. 17.04.530 Section 1407 Explosive Materials — Amended. 6 17.04.540 Section 1418 Construction site fuel modification — Amended. 17.04.550 Section 2201.1.1 Revised scope of Chapter 22, Sections 2205, 2206 7 and 221 0 — Amended. 1 7.04.560 Table 2306.2 Footnote J — Amended. 8 17.04.570 Section 3301.1.1 Prohibiting storage of explosives — Amended. 17.04.580 Section 3301.1.2 Prohibiting the possession, sales and use of 9 fireworks — Amended. 17.04.590 Section 3404. — Prohibited/restricted locations for the storage 10 of flammable and combustible liquids in above-ground tanks — Amended. 1 7.04.600 Section 3405.2.4 Class I, II and III liquids — Amended. 17.04.610 Section 3804.2 Maximum capacity for storage of liquefied petroleum 1 2 gas (LPG) — Amended. 17.04.620 Section 3807.5 Securing tanks to ground (LPG) — Amended. 13 17.04.630 Appendix B Section B105: Subsection B105.1 Fire-Flow Requirements for Buildings — Amended. 14 17.04.640 Appendix B Section B105; Subsection B105.2 Fire-Flow Requirements for Buildings — Amended. 15 17.04.650 Appendix D Section D106; Subsection D106.1 Multiple-Family Residential Developments — Amended.16 17.04.660 Appendix D Section D106; Subsection D1 06.1 -Except/on Multiple- Family Residential Developments — Amended. 17.04.010 Adoption.18 The City of Carlsbad adopts by reference the 2010 Edition of the California Fire Code, two copies of which are on file in the office of the City Clerk, known as California Code of Regulations, Title 24, Part 9, except for the following amendments thereto. The City amends the provisions of the 2010 California Fire Code to include the requirements of the 2010 Edition of the International Fire Code including Appendix Chapters 4 and Appendices B (as amended), BB, C, D (as amended), F, G, H, I and J as published by the International Code Council for 28 those occupancies not subject to the 2010 California Fire Code. As adopted and amended herein, the 2010 California Fire Code becomes the fire code of the City of Carlsbad. 23 17.04.020 Chapter 1. Division II. Part 1. Section 101.5 Validity— Amended. Chapter 1. Division II, Part 1, Section 101.5 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: The City Council of the City of Carlsbad hereby declares that should any section, paragraph, 2" sentence or word of this Ordinance or of the City of Carlsbad Municipal Code hereby adopted be declared for any reason to be invalid, it is the intent of the City Council that it would have Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -2- 1 passed all other portions of this Ordinance independently of the elimination here from of any such portion as may be declared invalid. 2 17.04.030 Chapter 1. Division II. Part 1. Section 102.5 Application of California 3 Residential Code — Amended. 4 Chapter 1, Division II, Part 1, Section 102.5 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 5 Where structures are designed and constructed in accordance with the California 6 Residential Code, the provisions of this code shall apply as follows: 7 1. Construction and designed provisions: Provisions of this code pertaining to the exterior of the structure shall apply including, but not limited to, premises identification, fire apparatus 8 access, water supplies, and Section 903.2. Where interior or exterior systems or devices are installed, construction permits required by Section 105.7 of this code shall also apply. 9 2. Administrative, operational, and maintenance provisions: all such provisions of this code 10 shall apply. 11 17.04.040 Chapter 1. Division II. Part 2. Section 109.3 Violation penalties — Amended. 12 Chapter 1. Division II, Section 109.3 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 13 Any person who violates any of the provisions of this code hereby adopted or fails to comply 14 therewith, or who violates or fails to comply with any order made there-under, or who builds in violation of any detailed statement or specification or plans submitted and approved there- 15 under, or any certificate or permit issued there-under, and from which no timely appeal has been taken, or who fails to comply with such an order as affirmed or modified by the City 16 Attorney of the City of Carlsbad or by a court of competent jurisdiction within the time fixed herein, shall severally for each and every violation and noncompliance respectively, be guilty of 17 a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not exceeding $1,000 or by imprisonment in County Jail not exceeding six months, or both. 18 The imposition of one penalty of any violation shall not excuse the violation or permit it to 19 continue; and all such persons shall be required to correct or remedy such violations or defects within a reasonable time; and when not otherwise specified, each day that prohibited conditions 20 are maintained shall constitute a separate offense. The application of the above penalty shall not be held to prevent the enforced removal of prohibited conditions. 21 17.04.050 Chapter 1. Division II. Part 2. Section 111.4 Failure to comply—Amended. 22 Chapter 1, Division II. Section 111.4 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read 23 as follows: 24 Any person, who continues any work after having been served with a stop work order, except such work as that the person is directed to perform to remove a violation or unsafe condition, 25 shall be liable for a fine of not less than $250 or more than $1,000. 26 /// 27 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -3- 1 17.04.060 Recovery of costs - Amended. 2 The City shall be entitled to recover the cost of emergency services as described in subsections 1 through 5 below. Service costs shall be computed by the fire department under the direction of 3 the city finance department and shall include the costs of personnel, equipment facilities, materials and other external resources. 4 1. Any person or corporation who allows a hazard to exist on property under control of that 5 person or corporation, after having been ordered by the fire department or other city department to abate that hazard, is liable for the cost of services provided by the fire 6 department should an emergency arise as a result of said unabated hazard. 2. Any person or corporation whose negligence causes an incident to occur on any public or private street, driveway or highway, which, for the purposes of life, property or environmental protection, places a service demand on the city fire department resources beyond the scope of routine service delivery, shall be liable for all costs associated with that service demand. 1 - 3. Any person or corporation responsible for property equipped with fire protection or detection devices which, due to malfunction, improper manipulation or negligent operation causes a . needless response by the fire department to the property shall, for a period of twelve months after written notification by the fire prevention bureau, be liable for all future costs associated , 2 with each subsequent needless response caused by those devices. 4. Any person or corporation who conducts unlawful activity which results in fire, explosion, chemical release or any other incident to which the fire department responds for the purpose of performing services necessary for the protection of life, property or the environment, shall be liable for the costs associated with the delivery of those services. 15 5. When, in the interest of public safety, the fire chief, assigns fire department employees as 16 standby personnel at any event, or upon any premise, the person or corporation responsible for the event or premises shall reimburse the fire department for all costs associated with the 17 standby services. 18 17.04.070 Section 201.3 Terms defined in other codes—Amended. 19 Section 201.3 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 20 Where terms are not defined in this code and are defined in the California Building Code, California Mechanical Code, California Plumbing Code, California Residential Code and the 21 International Urban-Wildland Interface Code, such terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them as in those codes. 22 17.04.080 Section 202 Definitions - Fire hazard—Amended. 23 Section 202 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 24 "Fire hazard" is any thing or act that increases or could cause an increase of the hazard or 25 menace of fire to a greater degree than customarily recognized as normal by persons in the public service regularly engaged in preventing, suppressing or extinguishing fire or any thing or 26 act which could obstruct, delay, hinder or interfere with the operations of the fire department or the egress of occupants in the event of fire. 27 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -4- 1 17.04.090 Section 202 Definitions - High Fire Hazard Severity Zone —Amended. 2 Section 202 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 3 "High Fire Hazard Severity Zone" is any geographic area designated in accordance with California Government Code § 51178. which contains the type and condition of vegetation, 4 topography, weather and structure density which potentially increases the possibility of wildland conflagrations. 5 17.04.100 Section 202 Definitions - High-rise building — Amended. 6 Section 202 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: "High-rise building," as used in this code: "Existing high-rise building" means a high-rise building, the construction of which is commenced or completed prior to July 1, 1974. "High-rise building" means every building of any type of construction or occupancy having floors used for human occupancy located more than 55 feet above the lowest floor level having building access (see California Building Code, Section 403.1.2), except buildings used as hospitals as defined in 10 Health and Safety Code Section 1250. "New high-rise building" means a high-rise building, the construction of which is commenced on or after July 1, 1974.- 17.04.110 - Section 202 Definitions - Ignition-resistant material—Amended. 12 Section 202 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: "Ignition-resistant material" is defined as any product which, when tested in accordance with 14 ASTM E84 for a period of 30 minutes, shall have a flame spread of not over 25 feet, and show no evidence of progressive combustion. In addition, the flame front shall not progress more than 15 10.5 feet (3.200 mm) beyond the centerline of the burner at any time during the test. Materials shall pass the accelerated weathering test and be identified as Exterior type, in accordance with ASTM D 2898 and ASTM D 3201. 17 All materials shall bear identification showing the fire performance rating thereof. That identification shall be issued by ICC—ES or a testing facility recognized by the State Fire Marshal having a service for inspection of materials at the factory. 19 Fire-Retardant-Treated Wood or noncombustible materials as defined in Section 202 shall 20 satisfy the intent of this section. The enforcing agency may use other definitions of "ignition-resistant material" that reflect wildfire exposure to building materials and/or their materials performance in resisting ignition. 22 17.04.130 Section 202 Definitions - Projections—Amended. 23 Section 202 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 24 "Projections" are defined as cornices, eave overhangs, exterior balconies and similar 75 projections extending beyond the floor area. Projections shall conform to the reguirements of Section 704.2 and Section 1406 of the California Building Code. Exterior egress balconies and 26 exterior exit stairways shall also comply with Section 1014.5 and 1023.1 of the California Building Code, respectively. Projections shall not extend beyond the distance determined by 27 the following two methods, whichever results in the lesser projection: 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -5- 1. A point one-third the distance to the lot line from an assumed vertical plane located where protected openings are required in accordance with California Building Code Section 704.8, but not less than five feet from the lot line. 2. Group R-3, and Group U when used as accessory to Group R-3, shall be constructed not less than five feet from any lot line without having a fire resistance rated exterior wall and openings that are protected as set forth in Table 5-A of the California Building Code. 5 17.04.140 Section 202 Definitions - Vegetation — Amended. 6 Section 202 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 7 "Vegetation" means weeds, grass, vines or other organic (cellulose) growth that is capable of being ignited and endangering property, and such vegetation shall be cut down and removed by the owner or occupant of the premises. Vegetation clearance requirements in urban-wildland interface areas shall be in accordance with City of Carlsbad standards.9 17.04.150 Section 304.1.2 Definitions - Vegetation — Amended.10 Chapter 3, Section 304.1.2 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 12 "Vegetation" means weeds, grass, vines or other organic (cellulose) growth that is capable of being ignited and endangering property, and such vegetation shall be cut down and removed by 13 the owner or occupant of the premises. Vegetation clearance requirements in urban-wildland interface areas shall be in accordance with City of Carlsbad standards.14 17.04.160 Section 307.5.1 Adult supervision at open fires—Amended. Chapter 3 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add Section 307.5.1 to read as follows: 17 An adult must be present at all times to watch and tend outdoor fires. 18 17.04.170 Section 312.2 (5) Posts— Amended. 19 Chapter 3. Section 312.2(5) of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: Posts shall be located not less than five feet (152.5 mm) from the protected object. 17.04.180 316.3 Pitfalls—Amended.22 Chapter 3, Section 316.3 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as 23 follows: 2 When pitfalls are installed in violation of this code, the California Penal Code shall be used for penalties, and violations of this section. £**) .. 17.04.190 Section 318 General storage of firewood—Amended.26 Chapter 3, Section 318 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the following: 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -6- 1 Firewood shall not be stored in unenclosed spaces beneath buildings or structures, or on decks or under eaves, canopies or other projections or overhangs. When required by the fire code 2 official, storage of firewood material stored in the defensible space shall be located a minimum of 30 feet (9.144 mm) from structures and separated from the crown of trees by a minimum of 3 15 feet (4,572 mm), measured horizontally. Firewood and combustible materials not for consumption on the premises shall be stored so as to not pose a hazard. 4 17.04.200 Section 319 Maintenance of Fire Suppression Zones —Amended. 5 Chapter 3. Section 319 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the 6 following: 7 Sec. 319.1 When required. An application for a development permit for any property located in a wildfire risk area shall be required to have a Fire Protection Plan (FPP) approved by the fire 8 code official, as part of the approval process. 9 Section 319.2 Content. The FPP shall consider location, topography, geology, aspect, combustible vegetation (fuel types), climatic conditions and fire history. The plan shall address 10 the following in terms of compliance with applicable codes and regulations including but not limited to: water supply, primary access, secondary access, travel time to nearest serving fire 11 station, structural ignitability, structure set back, ignition-resistive building features, fire protection systems and equipment, impacts to existing emergency services, defensible space 12 and vegetation management. Section 319.4 Maintenance of defensible space: Any person owning, leasing, controlling, operating or maintaining a building or structure required to establish a fuel modification zone pursuant to City of Carlsbad development standards shall maintain the defensible space. The Fire Authority Having Jurisdiction (FAHJ) may enter the property to determine if the person responsible is complying with this section. The FAHJ may issue an order to the person responsible for maintaining the defensible space directing the person to modify or remove non- fire resistant vegetation from defensible space areas, remove leaves, needles and other dead vegetative material from the roof of a building or structure, maintain trees as required by this section or to take other action the FAHJ determines is necessary to comply with the intent of this section.18 Section 319.5 Responsibility: Persons owning, leasing, controlling, operating or maintaining buildings or structures are responsible for maintenance of defensible spaces. Maintenance of the defensible space shall be annually or as determined by the FAHJ and may include, but not 20 be limited to, the modification or removal of non-fire resistive vegetation and keeping leaves, needles and other dead vegetative material regularly removed from roofs of buildings and structures. 22 Section 319.6. Trees: Crowns of trees located within defensible space shall maintain a minimum horizontal clearance of 10 feet for fire resistant trees and 30 feet for non-fire resistive trees. Mature trees shall be pruned to remove limbs one-third the height or six feet, whichever is less, above the ground surface adjacent to the trees. Dead wood and litter shall be regularly removed from trees. Ornamental trees shall be limited to groupings of two to three trees with canopies for each grouping separated horizontally as described in the International Wildland Urban Interface Code (IWUIC). 26 /// 27 /// 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -7- 1 17.04.210 Section 503.2.1 Dimensions—Amended. 2 Chapter 5, Section 503.2.1 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 3 Fire apparatus access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 24 feet (7,315 4 mm) exclusive of shoulders, except for approved security gates in accordance with section 503.6 and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 13.5 feet (4,115 mm). 5 17.04.220 Section 503.2.1.1 Minimum street width in fire hazard zones—Amended. 6 Chapter 5, Section 503.2.1.1 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the 7 following: 8 Public and private streets shall have a minimum unobstructed width of 28 foot clear travel way where adjacent lots are located within designated Fire Hazard Zones/Fire Suppression Zone. 9 17.04.230 Section 503.2.1.2 Measurement of street width— Amended. 10 Chapter 5, Section 503.2.1.2 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the 11 following: 12 Street widths are to be measured from face-of-curb to face-of-curb on streets with curb and gutter, and from flow-line to flow-line on streets with rolled curbs. 13 17.04.240 Section 503.2.1.3 Measurement of street width—Single Entry Development 14 -Amended. 15 Chapter 5, Section 503.2.1.3 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 16 1. Single entry developments may be permitted with special approval of the Fire Code Official. A 36 foot curb-to-curb residential street may be provided for a street that serves 24 or less dwelling units. If adjacent lots contain any portion of a Fire Hazard Zone/Fire Suppression Zone within the property line, a 42 foot curb-to-curb street is required. 19 2. With special approval of the Fire Code Official and the City Engineer, 40 foot curb-to-curb 2Q residential street may serve 50 or less dwelling units. If adjacent lots contain any portion of a Fire Hazard Zone/Fire Suppression Zone, a 42 foot curb-to-curb distance is required. 21 3. With approval of the Fire Code Official and the City Engineer, a four lane secondary arterial 22 with a raised median or major arterial may be allowed when all of the following conditions are met: 23 a. The length of street does not exceed one-half mile. 24 b. Traffic volume at entrance does not exceed 3,000 APT. 25 c. All buildings are equipped with automatic fire sprinkler systems. 26 4. With approval of the Fire Code Official and City Engineer, a 52 foot wide curb-to-curb industrial street and may be allowed when all of the following conditions are met: 27 a. The length of street does not exceed one-half mile. 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -8- 1 b. Traffic volume at entrance does not exceed 3,000 APT. 2 c. All buildings are equipped with automatic fire sprinkler systems. 3 17.04.250 Section 503.2.3 Surface—Amended. 4 Section 503.2.3 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 5 Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support not less than 75,000 Ibs. (unless authorized by the Fire Code Official) and shall be provided with an approved paved 6 surface so as to provide all-weather driving capabilities. 7 17.04.260 - Section 503.2.4 Turning radius— Amended. 8 Section 503.2.4 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 9 The inside turning radius for an access road shall be 28 feet or greater with a five foot back of curb clearance for bumper overhang. The outside turning radius for an access road shall be a 10 minimum of 46 feet. California Department of Transportation Highway Design Manual, Figure 404.5F shall be utilized. 11 17.04.270 Section 503.2.7 Grade—Amended. 12 Section 503.2.7 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 13 The gradient for a fire apparatus access roadway shall not exceed 10 percent (5.7 degrees). 14 The grade may be increased to a maximum of 15 percent (8.5 degrees) for approved lengths of access roadways when all structures served by the access road are protected by automatic fire 15 sprinkler systems. Cross slope shall not be greater than two percent for paved access roadways. Grades exceeding 10 percent (incline or decline) shall not be permitted without 16 mitigation. 17 Minimal mitigation shall be the installation of fire sprinkler systems and a surface of Portland cement concrete (PCC), with a deep broom finish perpendicular to the direction of travel, or equivalent, to enhance traction. The Fire Code Official may require additional mitigation measures where deemed appropriate. The angle of departure and angle of approach of a fire access roadway shall not exceed 12 20 percent (7 degrees) or as approved by the Fire Code Official. 17.04.280 Section 503.3.1 Marking of fire apparatus access roads — Amended. 22 Section 503.1 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the following: 23 When required by the Fire Code Official, one or more of the following methods shall be used to identify fire apparatus access roads and prohibit their obstruction: 1. The entire length of the road shall be marked by approved signs posted at intervals no greater than 100 feet, which identify the road as a "Fire lane" and state the prohibition of parking therein. The sign shall also warn that vehicles in violation are subject to citation or 2" removal. Such signs shall be posted in a permanent manner at a height no greater than nine feet and no less than seven feet; or, 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -9- 1 2. Standard curbs bordering fire access roads shall have the words "NO PARKING FIRE LANE" painted upon their horizontal and vertical surfaces at intervals of not more than 25 2 feet. Letters shall be of block style, minimum five inches in height with a stroke of not less than three-fourths inch, and shall be white on a red background. The background shall 3 extend at least six inches beyond the first and last letters of the text; or, 4 3. A monument type sign may be placed at the entrance to a private street which provides information as stated in sub-section 1 above, with additional wording necessary to inform 5 approaching vehicles of parking restrictions. Such signs must be approved by the Police Department and the Fire Code Official prior to installation. 6 17.04.290 Section 503.4.1 Fire access roadway design features—Amended. 7 Chapter 5, Section 503.4.1 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the 8 following: 9 Roadway design features (speed bumps, speed humps, speed control dips, etc.) which may interfere with emergency apparatus response times shall not be installed on fire access 10 roadways, unless they meet design criteria approved by the Fire Code Official. 11 17.04.300 Section 503.6.1 Gates—Amended. 12 Chapter 5, Section 503.6.1 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the following: 13 All gates or other structures or devices which could obstruct fire access roadways or otherwise 14 hinder emergency operations are prohibited unless they meet standards approved by the Fire Code Official, and receive plan approval by the Fire Code Official. All automatic gates across fire access roadways and driveways shall be equipped with an approved emergency key- operated switch which overrides all command functions and opens the gate(s). Gates accessing more than four residences or residential lots, or gates accessing hazardous, institutional, educational or assembly occupancy group structures, shall also be equipped with approved emergency traffic control-activating strobe light sensor(s), or other devices approved by the Fire Code Official, which will activate the gate on the approach of emergency apparatus and shall be provided with a battery back-up or manual mechanical disconnect in case of power failure. All automatic gates accessing more than four residences or residential lots must meet fire department policies deemed necessary by the Fire Code Official for rapid, reliable access. All gates providing access from a road to a driveway shall be located a minimum of 30 feet from the nearest edge of the roadway and the driveway width shall be 36 feet wide at the entrance on 21 roadways of 24 feet or less of the traffic lane(s) serving the gate. 99 Automatic gates serving more than one dwelling or residential lot in existence at the time of 23 adoption of this Ordinance are required to install an approved emergency key-operated switch, or other mechanism approved by the Fire Code Official, at an approved location, which overrides all command functions and opens the gate(s). Property owners must comply with this requirement within 90 days of written notice to comply. 25 Where this section requires an approved key-operated switch, it shall be dual keyed or dual switches shall be provided to facilitate access by law enforcement personnel. Electric gate openers, where provided, shall be listed in accordance with UL 325. Gates intended for 27 automatic operation shall be designed, constructed and installed to comply with the requirements of ASTM F2200 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -10- 1 School grounds may be fenced and gates therein may be equipped with locks, provided that safe dispersal areas, based on three square feet per occupant, are located between the school 2 and the fence. Such required safe dispersal areas shall be located at least 50 feet from school buildings. Every public and private school shall conform to Education Code section 32020, 3 which states: 4 The governing board of every public school district and the governing authority of every private school, which maintains any building used for the instruction or housing of school pupils on land 5 entirely enclosed (except for building walls) by fences or walls, shall, through the cooperation of local law enforcement and fire protection agencies having jurisdiction of the area, provide for the 6 erection of gates in these fences or walls. 7 The gates shall be of sufficient size to permit the entrance of ambulances, police equipment and fire-fighting apparatus used by law enforcement and fire protection agencies. There shall be no 8 less than one access gate and there shall be as many of these gates as needed to ensure access to all major buildings and ground areas. If these gates are equipped with locks, the 9 locking devices shall be designed to permit ready entrance by the use of chain or bolt-cutting devices. Electric gate openers, where provided, shall be listed in accordance with UL 325. 10 Gates intended for automatic operation shall be designed, constructed and installed to comply with the requirements of ASTM F2200. 11 17.04.310 Section 505.1 Street numbers — Amended. 12 Section 505.1 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 13 Approved numbers and/or addresses shall be placed on all new and existing buildings and at appropriate additional locations as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or roadway fronting the property from either direction of approach. Said numbers shall contrast with their background, and shall meet the following minimum standards as to size: Single family residences: four inches high with a three-eighths inch stroke; for unit identification of multi-family residential buildings: six inches high with a one-half inch stroke; for commercial, industrial and multi-family residential buildings: minimum 12 inches high with a 1 V* inch stroke. I8 Additional numbers shall be required where deemed necessary by the Fire Code Official, such as rear access doors, building corners, and entrances to commercial centers. The Fire Code Official may establish different minimum sizes for numbers for various categories of projects. 90zu Multi-unit buildings: suite/apartment numbers shall be placed on or adjacent to the primary entrance for each suite/apartment, and any other door providing access to fire department personnel during an emergency. Multiple residential and commercial units having entrance doors not visible from the street or road shall, in addition to numbers grouped for all uni street, road or access path. road shall, in addition to numbers placed adjacent to the entry door, shall have approved numbers grouped for all units within each structure and positioned to be plainly visible from the Multi-building clusters: shall place approved numbers or addresses on the front elevation(s) of all buildings that form the cluster. 26 27 /// 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline - 11 - 1 17.04.320 Section 505.3 Easement address signs — Amended. 2 Chapter 5, Section 505.3 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the following: 3 All easements which are not named differently from the roadway, from which they originate, 4 shall have an address sign installed and maintained, listing all street numbers occurring on that easement and shall be located where the easement intersects the named roadway. Minimum 5 size of numbers on that sign shall be four inches in height with a minimum stroke of three- eighths inch, and shall contrast with the background. 6 17.04.330 Section 505.4 Map/directory—Amended. 7 Chapter 5, Section 505.4 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the 8 following: 9 A lighted directory map, meeting current fire department standards, shall be installed at each driveway entrance to multiple unit residential projects and mobile home parks where the number 10 of units in such projects exceeds 15 units. 11 17.04.340 Section 505.5 Response map updates —Amended. 12 Chapter 5, Section 505.5 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the following: 13 Any new development, which necessitates updating of emergency response maps by virtue of 14 new structures, hydrants, roadways or similar features, shall be required to provide map updates in a format approved by the fire department. The responsible party shall be charged a 1 5 reasonable fee for updating the City emergency response maps. 1^ 17.04.350 Section 506 Fire Service Features - Amended. 1^ Chapter 5, Section 506 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 18 Section 506.1 Key Boxes: When access to or within a structure or an area is unduly difficult because of secured openings or where immediate access is necessary for life saving or firefighting purposes, the Fire Code Official is authorized to require a key box to be installed in an accessible location. The key box shall be a type approved by the Fire Code Official and shall contain keys to gain necessary access as required by the Fire Code Official. 21 Section 506.1.2 Emergency Key Access: All central station-monitored fire detection systems ~~ and fire sprinkler systems shall have an approved emergency key access box on site in an approved location. The owner or occupant shall provide and maintain current keys for the OT structure(s) for fire department placement in the box, and shall notify the fire department in writing when the building is re-keyed. 74 All appliances for all central station-monitored fire detection systems and fire sprinkler systems ~f. shall have an approved single access key at the direction of the Fire Code Official. ~s 17.04.360 Section 507.3 Fire flow—Amended.2o 27 Section 507.3 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -12- 1 Fire flows shall be based on Appendix B (as amended) of the 2010 California Fire Code. Consideration should be given to increasing the gallons per minute set forth in Appendix B (as 2 amended) to protect structures of extremely large square footage and for such reasons as: poor access roads; grade and canyon rims; hazardous brush; and response times greater than five 3 minutes by a recognized fire department or fire suppression company. 4 In wildfire risk areas as defined in Section 202, the main capacity for new subdivisions shall not be less than 2,500 gallons per minute, unless otherwise approved by the Fire Code Official. 5 If fire flow increases are not feasible, the Fire Code Official may require alternative design 6 standards such as: alternative types of construction providing a higher level of fire resistance; fuel break requirements which could include required irrigation; modified access road 7 requirements; specified setback distances for building sites addressing canyon rim developments and hazardous brush areas; and other requirements authorized by the Carlsbad 8 Municipal Code and as specified by the Fire Code Official. 9 17.04.370 Section 603.6.6 Spark arresters — Amended. 10 Section 603.6.6 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the following: 11 An approved spark arrester shall be provided per California Residential Code (CRC) Section 1003.9.1. 12 17.04.380 Section 603.8 Residential incinerators—Amended. 13 Section 603.8 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows:14 Residential incinerators shall be prohibited. 15 17.04.390 Section 605.11 Building Services and Systems Photovoltaic Power 16 Systems - Amended. 17 Chapter 6. Section 605.11 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the following:18 Sec. 605.11 Solar photovoltaic power systems: Solar photovoltaic power systems shall be 19 installed in accordance with this code, the Building Code and the Electrical Code. 20 Exception: Detached Group U non-habitable structures such as parking shade structures, carports, solar trellises and similar type structures are not subject to the requirements of this 21 section. 22 Sec. 605.11.1 Marking: Marking is required on all interior and exterior conduit, enclosures, raceways, cable assemblies, junction boxes, combiner boxes and disconnects.23 Sec. 605.11.1.1 Materials: The materials used for marking shall be reflective, weather-resistant 24 and suitable for the environment. Marking as required in sections 605.11.1.2 through 605.11.1.4 shall have all letters capitalized with a minimum height of three-eighths inch white on red background. 26 Sec. 605.11.1.2 Marking content: The marking shall contain the words "WARNING: PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SOURCE."27 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -13- 1 Sec. 605.11.1.3 Main service disconnect: The marking shall be placed adjacent to the main service disconnect in a location clearly visible from the location where the disconnect is 2 operated. 3 Sec. 605.11.1.4 Location of marking: Marking shall be placed on all interior and exterior DC conduit, raceways, enclosures and cable assemblies every 10 feet, within one foot of all turns or 4 bends and within one foot above and below all penetrations of roof/ceiling assemblies and all walls and barriers. 5 Sec. 605.11.2 Locations of DC conductors: Conduit, wiring systems and raceways for 6 photovoltaic circuits shall be located as close as possible to the ridge, hip or valley and from the hip or valley as directly as possible to an outside wall to reduce trip hazards and maximize 7 ventilation opportunities. Conduit runs between sub arrays and to DC combiner boxes shall be installed in a manner that minimizes the total amount of conduit on the roof by taking the 8 shortest path from the array to the DC combiner box. The DC combiner boxes shall be located such that conduit runs are minimized in the pathways between arrays. DC wiring shall be 9 installed in metallic conduit or raceways when located within enclosed spaces within a building. Conduit shall run along the bottom of load bearing members. 10 Sec. 605.11.3 Access and pathways: Roof access, pathways and spacing requirements shall be 11 provided in order to ensure access to the roof, provide pathways to specific areas of the roof, provide for smoke ventilation operations, and to provide emergency egress from the roof. 12 Exceptions'. 13 1. Requirements to ridge, hips and valleys do not apply to roof slopes of two units vertical in 12 14 units horizontal (2:12) or less. 15 2. Residential structures shall be designed so that each array is no greater than 150 feet by 150 feet in either axis. 16 3. The Fire Code Official may allow modules to be located up to the ridge when an alternative 17 ventilation method acceptable to the Fire Code Official has been provided or where the Fire Code Official has determined vertical ventilation techniques will not be employed. 18 Sec. 605.11.3.1 Roof access points: Roof access points shall be defined as an area that does 19 not place ground ladders over openings such as windows or doors, and are located at strong points of building construction in locations where the access point does not conflict with 20 overhead obstructions such as tree limbs, wires or signs. 21 Sec. 605.11.3.2 Residential systems for one- and two-family residential dwellings: Access shall be provided in accordance with Sections 605. through 605. 22 Sec 605. Residential buildings with hip roof layouts: Modules shall be located in a 23 manner that provides a 3 foot wide clear access pathway from the eave to the ridge on each roof slope where modules are located. The access pathway shall be located at a structurally 24 strong location on the building capable of supporting the live load of fire fighters accessing the roof. 25 Sec. 605. Residential buildings with a single ridge: Modules shall be located in a 26 manner that provides two, three foot wide access pathways from the eave to the ridge on each roof slope where the modules are located. 27 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -14- 1 Sec. 605. Hips and valleys: Modules shall be located no closer than 18 inches to a hip or a valley if modules are to be placed on both sides of a hip or valley. If the modules are to be 2 located on only one side of a hip or valley that is of equal length then the modules shall be permitted to be placed directly adjacent to the hip or valley. 3 Sec. 605. Smoke ventilation: Modules shall be located no higher than three feet below 4 the ridge in order to allow for fire department smoke ventilation operations. 5 Sec. 605.11.3.3 All other occupancies: Access shall be provided in accordance with Sections 605. through 605. 6 Exception: Where it is determined by the Fire Code Official that the roof configuration is similar 7 to a one- or two-family dwelling, the Fire Code Official may approve the residential access and ventilation requirements provided in Sections 605. through 605. 8 Sec. 605. Access: There shall be a minimum six foot wide clear perimeter around the 9 edges of the roof. 10 Exception: If either axis of the building is 250 feet or less, there shall be a minimum four foot wide clear perimeter around the edges of the roof. 11 Sec. 605. Pathways: The solar photovoltaic installation shall be designed to provide 12 designated pathways. The pathways shall meet the following requirements: 13 1. Pathways shall be over areas capable of supporting the live load of fire fighters accessing the roof. 14 2. Center line axis pathways shall be provided in both axises of the roof. Center line axis 15 pathways shall run where the roof structure is capable of supporting the live load of fire fighters accessing the roof. 16 3. Pathways shall be a straight line not less than four feet clear to skylight and/or ventilation 17 hatches. 18 4. Pathways shall be a straight line not less than four feet clear to roof standpipes. 19 5. Pathways shall provide not less than four feet clear around the roof access hatch with at least one pathway not less than four feet clear to a parapet or roof edge. 20 Sec. 605. Smoke ventilation: The solar photovoltaic installation shall be designed to 21 meet the following reguirements: 22 1- Arrays shall be no greater than 150 feet in distance in either axis in order to create opportunities for smoke ventilation operations. 23 2. Smoke ventilation options between array sections shall be one of the following: a. A pathway eight feet or greater in width: 25 b. A four feet or greater in width pathway and bordering roof skylights or smoke and heat vents c. A four feet or greater in width pathway and bordering four foot by eight foot venting cutouts every 20 feet on alternating sides of the pathway. 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -15- 1 Sec. 605.11.4 Ground-mounted photovoltaic arrays: Ground-mounted photovoltaic array installations shall meet the requirements of Sections 605.11.4.1. 2 Sec. 605.11.4.1 Access: Access to ground-mounted photovoltaic arrays, associated equipment 3 structures and operations/maintenance buildings shall be per Section 503. 4 Exception: Private residential systems where the energy generated is primarily for on-site use. 5 Sec. 605. Perimeter access roadway: Ground-mounted photovoltaic arrays 10 acres and larger in size shall be provided with an access roadway around the perimeter of the project. 6 The perimeter access roadway shall be installed per Section 503. 7 Sec. 605.11.4.2 Fuel modification: Combustible vegetation within the array and to a distance of 20 feet from the array and associated equipment shall be reduced to a height of no more than 8 six inches. Operation/maintenance buildings shall be provided with a fuel modification zone per Section 319. 9 17.04.400 Section 901.4.5 Fire department connections — Amended. 10 Section 901.4.5 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the following: 11 Fire hose threads used in connection with fire-extinguishing systems shall be National Standard 12 Thread or as approved by the Fire Code Official. The location of fire department hose connections and control valves shall be approved by the Fire Code Official. 13 17.04.410 Section 903.2 Automatic fire extinguishing systems — Amended. 14 Section 903.2 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 15 When required by any Title of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, an approved automatic sprinkler 16 system in new buildings and structures shall be provided in the locations described in this section. 17 For the purpose of fire-sprinkler systems, buildings separated by less than ten (10) feet from 18 adjacent buildings shall be considered as one, this includes one- and two-family dwellings. 19 Barriers, partitions and walls, regardless of rating, shall not be considered as creating separate buildings for purposes of determining fire sprinkler requirements. 20 All new Non-residential buildings constructed in which the aggregate floor area exceeds five- 21 thousand (5,000) square feet shall be required to be protected throughout by an approved automatic fire sprinkler system at the discretion of the Fire Code Official. Mezzanines shall be 22 included in the total square footage calculation. 23 Any building or occupancy that employees a medical gas system as defined in Section 3006, in addition to complying with the items described in 3006.1 through 3006.4, shall comply with the 24 latest edition of NFPA 99. These occupancies shall be required to have an automatic fire sprinkler system deigned to NFPA 13 standards. For Group L and H occupancies that utilize medical gas systems for research purposes, Section 2" 3006 in its entirety and all applicable chapters and sections of the 2010 fire code and applicable nationally recognized standards shall apply. 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -16- 1 For R-3 occupancies all new one and two-family dwellings shall be provided with automatic fire sprinklers. 2 17.04.420 Section 903.2.1.1(1) Group A-1 —Amended. 3 Section 903.2.1.1(1) of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 4 1. The fire area exceeds 5,000 sguare feet (464 m2). 17.04.430 Section 903.2.1.3 (1) and (4) Group A-3 — Amended. 6 Section 903.2.1.3 (1) and (4) of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 1. The fire area exceeds 5,000 sguare feet (464 m2) 4. The structure exceeds 5,000 sguare feet (464 m2), contains more than one fire area containing exhibition and display rooms, and is separated into two or more buildings by fire walls of less than four-hour fire resistance rating without openings. 17.04.440 Section 903.2.1.4 (1) Group A-4 — Amended. 12 Section 903.2.1.4 (1) of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 13 1. The fire area exceeds 5,000 square feet (464 m-). 14 17.04.450 Section 903.2.3 (1) and (4) Group E — Amended 15 Section 903.2.3 (1) and (4) of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as 16 follows: 17 1. Throughout all Group E fire areas greater than 5,000 sguare feet (464 m2) in area. 18 4. Throughout any Group E structure greater than 5,000 sguare feet (464 m2) in area, which contains more than one fire area, and which is separated into two or more buildings by fire walls of less than four-hour fire resistance rating without openings. 20 17.04.460 Section 903.2.7(1) and (3) Group M — Amended. 21 Section 903.2.7 (1) and (3) of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows:22 23 1. Throughout all Group M fire areas greater than 5,000 sguare feet (464 m-) in area. 24 3. The combined area of all Group M fire areas on all floors, including mezzanines, exceeds 5,000 sguare feet (464 m2) aggregate area, 25 17.04.470 Section 903.2.9(1) and (4) Group S-1 — Amended. 26 Section 903.2.9 (1) and (4) of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as 27 follows: 28.. Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -17- 1. Throughout all Group S-1 fire areas greater than 5,000 square feet (464m2) in area. 3. The combined area of all Group S-1 fire areas on all floors, including mezzanines, exceeds 5,000 square feet (464m2) aggregate area, 17.04.480 Section 903. Exception 4 — Amended.4 Section 903. Exception 4 of the 2010 California Fire Code, is deleted in its entirety. 6 17.04.490 Section 903.3.3 Obstructed locations — Amended. 7 Section 903.3.3 of the 2010 California Fire Code, is amended to read as follows: Sprinkler discharge shall not be blocked by obstructions unless additional sprinklers are installed to protect the obstructed area. Sprinkler separation from obstructions shall comply with " the minimum distances specified in the sprinkler manufacturer's installation instructions, and/or the provisions of NFPA 13. 17.04.500 Section 903.4 Sprinkler System Monitoring and Alarms - Amended Section 903.4 (1) of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: Exception 1 - Automatic sprinkler systems with less than 100 fire sprinklers protecting one- and two-family dwellings. 14 17.04.510 Section 907.2.11.4 Power Sources (Smoke Alarms) - Amended. Chapter 9, Section 907.2.11.4 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as ,, follows:lo 907.2.11.4 Power Source: In new construction and in newly classified Group R-3.1 occupancies, reguired smoke alarms shall receive their primary power from the building wiring when such wiring is served from a commercial source and shall be equipped with a battery backup. Smoke alarms shall emit a signal when the batteries are low. Wiring shall be permanent , g and without a disconnecting switch other than those reguired for over current protection. Smoke alarms may be solely battery operated when installed in existing buildings: or in buildings ™ without commercial power; or in buildings, which undergo alterations, repairs, or additions regulated by Section 907.2.11.5. 21 17.04.520 Section 907.2.11.5 Smoke Alarms - Amended. 22 Chapter 9, Section 907.2.11.5 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the 23 following: 24 Chapter 9, Section 907.2.11.5 Additions, Alterations or Repairs to Group R Occupancies is hereby added to the Building/Fire Code portion of the California Building Standards Code to 25 read as follows: 25 (A) 907.2.11.5 Additions, Alterations or Repairs to Group R Occupancies: when the valuation of an addition, alteration, or repair to a Group R occupancy exceeds $1,000 and a permit is 27 reguired, or when one or more sleeping rooms are added or created in existing Group R occupancies, smoke alarms shall be installed in accordance with Section 907.2.11. 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -18- 1 17.04.530 Section 1407 Explosive Materials — Amended. 2 Chapter 14, Section 1407 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to reads as follows: 3 1407.1 Storage and Handling. Explosive materials (as defined in California Code of 4 Regulations Title 19. Chapter 10, Subchapter 2, Section 1559.5) are prohibited within the City limits. 5 Exception: With approval of the Fire Code Official and the City Engineer, explosives shall be 6 stored, used and handled in accordance with Chapter 33 of the Carlsbad Fire Code (as amended) and applicable City ordinances. 7 1407.2 Supervision. Blasting operations conducted with approval of the Fire Code Official and 8 the City Engineer, shall be supervised by the City Engineer and all activities related to blasting operations shall be in accordance with Chapter 33 of the Carlsbad Fire Code (as amended) and 9 applicable City ordinances. 10 1407.3 Demolition using explosives. With approval of the Fire Code Official and the City Engineer, demolition using explosives shall be in accordance with Chapter 33 of the Carlsbad 11 Fire Code (as amended) and applicable City ordinances. 12 17.04.540 Section 1418 Construction site fuel modification — Amended. 13 Chapter 14, Section 1418 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the following: 14 Combustible vegetation fuel modification at construction sites shall be completed to the 15 satisfaction of the Fire Code Official prior to combustible building materials arriving on site and shall be maintained in accordance with Chapter 3, Section 304.16 17.04.550 Section 2201.1.1 Revised scope of Chapter 22, Sections 2205, 2206 and 17 2210 —Amended. 18 Chapter 22, Section 2201.1.1 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the following: When provisions are made for Class IIIA liquids in Sections 2205, 2206 and 2210, the provisions shall apply to all Class III liquids. 21 17.04.560 Table 2306.2 Footnote J — Amended. 77 Table 2306.2 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to delete Footnote J of the General ~~ Fire Protection and Life Safety Requirements. ?. 17.04.570 Section 3301.1.1 Prohibiting storage of explosives — Amended. 25 Section 3301.1.1 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the following: 7/r Storage of explosives (as defined in California Code of Regulations Title 19, Chapter 10, Subchapter 2, Section 1559.5) is prohibited within the City limits. 27 /// 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -19- *-Q- 1 17.04.580 Section 3301.1.2 Prohibiting the possession, sales and use of fireworks — Amended. 2 Section 3301.1.2 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the following: 3 The possession, sale, use and or storage of all types of fireworks are prohibited within the City 4 limits. This includes those fireworks classified as "novelty" fireworks (e.g; Snap Caps and Poppers) by the California State Fire Marshal. 5 This section does not apply to public fireworks displays permitted by the Fire Code Official 6 conducted by properly licensed persons meeting the requirements of Title 19 California Code of Regulations, Chapter 6 - Fireworks. 7 17.04.590 Section 3404. Prohibited/restricted locations for the storage of 8 flammable and combustible liquids in above-ground tanks —Amended. 9 Section 3404. of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 10 The storage of Class I and Class II liquids in aboveground tanks located outside of a building is prohibited within the City limits. 11 Exceptions: Farms, rural areas and construction sites as provided in Section 3406.2 of the 12 2010 California Fire Code. 13 With written approval from the Fire Code Official, Class I and Class II liquids may be stored in aboveground tanks outside of a building in specifically designed approved and listed tanks, 14 having features incorporated into its design which mitigate concerns for exposure to heat, ignition sources and mechanical damage. Tanks must be installed and used in accordance with its listing, and provisions must be made for leak and spill containment. Maximum storage in approved and listed tanks on or at any site shall not exceed 550 gallons for Class I or 1,100 gallons for Class II liquids. The Fire Code Official may disapprove the installation or continued use of such aboveground tanks when, in the Fire Code Official's opinion, the aboveground tanks present an unacceptable 1° risk to life, the environment or property. No person or entity shall store Class I or Class II liquids in aboveground storage tanks on residential property. Notwithstanding, the Fire Code Official may allow an increase in the maximum storage volume when it is found that such an increase serves public safety interests. 17.04.600 Section 3405.2.4 Class I, II, and III Liquids — Amended. Section 3405.2.4 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to delete Exception 4 in its entirety. 23 17.04.610 Section 3804.2 Maximum capacity for storage of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) — Amended. Section 3804.2 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: Within the city limits, the combined aggregate capacity of all LPG-gas storage, on any single parcel, shall not exceed 2,000 gallons (7,571 L) water capacity. 97 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -20- 1 17.04.620 Section 3807.5 Securing tanks to ground (LPG) — Amended. 2 Chapter 38, Section 3807.5 of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to add the following: 3 LPG Tanks with a water capacity of 125 gallons or larger shall be secured to the ground to 4 prevent the tank from rolling or moving. The method of securing the tank to the ground must meet the requirements contained in the 2010 California Fire Code for securing aboveground 5 hazardous materials storage tanks in seismic zone 4. 'Wet stamped" engineering documents from a California licensed Professional Engineer are required. 6 17.04.630 Appendix B Section B105; Subsection B105.1 Fire-Flow Requirements for 7 Buildings — Amended. 8 Appendix B, Section B105; Subsection B105.1 Exception: of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows: 9 Exception: A reduction in required fire flow of 50 percent, as approved by the Fire Code Official, 10 is allowed when the building is provided with an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2 and designed to NFPA 13 or 13-R Standards 11 only. The resulting fire-flow shall not be less than 1,500 gallons per minute (5,678 L/min) for the prescribed duration as specified in Table B105.1. 12 17.04.640 Appendix B Section B105; Subsection B105.2 Fire-Flow Requirements for 13 Buildings — Amended. 14 Appendix B, Section B105; Subsection B105.2, Exception 1: of the 2010 California Fire Code is amended to read as follows:15 1. A reduction in required fire flow of up to 50 percent, as approved by the Fire Code Official, is *" allowed when the building is provided with an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2 and designed to NFPA 13 Standard only. *' The resulting fire-flow shall not be less than 1,500 gallons per minute (5,678 L/min) for the prescribed duration as specified in Table B105.1.lo 17.04.650 Appendix D Section D106; Subsection D106.1 Multiple-Family Residential Developments—Amended. 70u Appendix D, Section D106; Subsection D106.1 of the 2010 California Fire Code is 2, amended to read as follows: 22 D 106.1 Projects having more than 24_dwelling units: Multiple-family residential projects having more than 24_dwelling units shall be provided with two separate and approved fire apparatus 2^ access roads. 24 17.04.660 Appendix D Section D106; Subsection D106.1-Excepf/on Multiple-Family Residential Developments — Amended. 25 Appendix D, Section D106; Subsection D106.1; Exception of the 2010 California Fire 26 Code is amended to read as follows: 27 Exception: Projects having more than 24 dwelling units may have a single approved fire apparatus access road when all buildings, including non-residential occupancies, are equipped 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -21 - 1 throughout with approved automatic sprinkler systems installed in accordance with 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2 and designed to NFPA 13 or 13-R Standards only. 2" 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 III 10 11 12 13 14 15 ,6 '" 17 '" 18 19 '" 20 '" 21 '" 22 '" 23 '" 24 '" 25 '" 26 27 '" 28.. Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -22- 1 Chapter 18.04 BUILDING CODE 2 Sections: 3 18.04.010 Adoption. 4 18.04.015 Sections 105.1 and 105.2 amended—Permits required. 18.04.020 Section 105.3.1 amended—Building Permit issuance. 5 18.04.025 Building Official designated. 18.04.030 Section 105.5 amended—Expiration. 6 18.04.035 Section 105.3.2 amended—Expiration of plan review. 18.04.040 Section 109.2 amended—Permit fees. 7 18.04.160 Section 202 amended—Definitions. 18.04.160 Section 403.1 amended—Special provisions. 8 18.04.170 Section 403.26 added—Special provisions for buildings between thirty-five and fifty-five feet in height. 9 18.04.180 Section 403.27 added—Special provisions for buildings between thirty-five and fifty-five feet in height—Typo I-F.R. 10 18.04.185 Section 603.6 added—Special provisions for buildings between thirty- five and fifty-five feet in height—Type II. 11 18.04.190 Section 604.6 added—Special provisions for buildings between thirty-five and fifty-five feet in height—Type III. 12 18.04.210 Section 605.6 added—Special provision for buildings between thirty- five and fifty-five feet in height—Type IV. 18.04.230 Section 1501 amended—Scope. 14 18.04.235 Section 3102.3.8 amended—Spark arrostor. 18.04.260 Section 904.2 amended - Automatic fire extinguishing systems. 15 18.04.270 Section 904.2.9 amended—Group R Division 1 occupancies. 18.04.310 Violations. 16 18.04.315 Certificate of noncompliance. 18.04.320 Section 502 amended—Premises identification. 17 18.04.330 Street name signs. 18 18.04.010 Adoption. 19 Tho California Building Code. Volumes 1 and 2 2007 Edition The 2010 Edition of the California Building Code, Volumes 1 and 2 hereinafter referred to as "the code", copyrighted by the 20 California Building Standards Commission, two copies of which are on file in the office of the city clerk for public record and inspection, are hereby adopted by reference as the building code of 21 the City of Carlsbad for regulating the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, moving, removal, demolition, conversion, occupancy, equipment, use, height, area, and 22 maintenance of all buildings or structures in the city of Carlsbad, except for changes, additions, deletions and amendments in this chapter, which shall supersede the provisions of said code. 23 18.04.015 Sections 105.1 and 105.2 amended—Permits required. 24 Sections 105.1 and 105.2 of the California Building Code are amended to read as 25 follows: 26 105.1 Permits Required. Except as specified in Section 105.2 of this section, no building or structure regulated by this code shall be erected, constructed, enlarged, altered, repaired, 27 moved, improved, removed, converted, or demolished unless a separate permit for each 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline 1 building or structure has first been obtained from the Building Official. 2 105.2 Work Exempt from Permit. A building permit shall not be required for the following: 3 1. One story detached residential accessory buildings used as tool and storage sheds, playhouses and similar uses, provided the floor area does not exceed 120 square feet (11 4 m2). 5 2 Playground, gymnastic and similar equipment and structures used for recreation and athletic activities. 6 3 Fences not over six feet (1,829 mm) high. 7 4. Non-fixed movable fixtures, cases, racks, counters and partitions not over five feet nine 8 inches (1,853 mm) in height. 9 5. Retaining walls which are not over four feet (1,219 mm) in height measured from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall, unless supporting a surcharge or impounding Class I, II 10 or IDA liquids. 11 6. Water tanks supported directly upon grade if the capacity does not exceed 5,000 gallons (18,925 L) and the ratio of height to diameter or width does not exceed two to one. 12 7. Platforms, walks and driveways not more than 30 inches above grade and not over any 13 basement or story below and are not part of an accessible route. 14 8. Painting, papering and similar finish work. 15 9. Temporary motion picture, television and theater stage sets and scenery. 16 10. Window awnings supported by an exterior wall of group R, Division 3, and Group U occupancies when projecting not more than 54 inches. 17 11. Prefabricated swimming pools accessory to a Group R Division 3 Occupancy in which the 18 pool walls are entirely above the adjacent grade and if the capacity does not exceed 5,000 gallons. 19 12. Antennas supported on the roof. 20 13. Electrolier standards, flag poles and antennas not over 35 feet in height above finish grade 21 when fully extended. 22 14. Repairs which involve only the replacement of component parts or existing work with similar materials only for the purpose of maintenance and which do not aggregate over $1,000.00 23 in valuation and do not affect any electrical or mechanical installations. Repairs exempt from permit requirements shall not include any addition, change or modification in construction, 24 exit facilities or permanent fixtures or equipment. Specifically exempt from permit requirements regardless of value: 25 a. Painting and decorating 26 b. Installation of floor covering. c. Cabinet work.27 d. Outside paving. 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -2- 1 Unless otherwise exempted, separate plumbing, electrical and mechanical permits will be required for the above exempted items. Exemption from the permit requirements of this 2 code shall not be deemed to grant authorization for any work to be done in any manner in violation of the provisions of this code or any other laws or ordinances of this jurisdiction. 3 18.04.020 Section 105.3.1 amended—Building Permit issuance. 4 Section 105.3.1 of the California Building Code is amended to read as follows: 5 The application, plans and specifications filed by an applicant for a permit shall be reviewed by 6 the Building Official. Such plans may be reviewed by other divisions of the City to check compliance with the laws and ordinances under their jurisdiction. If the Building Official is 7 satisfied that the work described in an application for permit and the plans filed therewith conform to the requirements of this code and other pertinent laws and ordinances and that all 8 applicable fees have been paid, the Building Official shall issue a permit therefore to the applicant. In the case of a new building, all fees required for connection to public water systems 9 and to sewer systems provided by entities other than the City must be paid or a bond posted before a permit is issued. 10 When the Building Official issues a permit, the Building Official shall endorse in writing or stamp 11 on both sets of plan and specifications, "Approved". Such approval plans and specifications shall not be changed, modified, or altered without authorization from the Building Official, and all 12 work shall be done in accordance with the approved plans. 13 The Building Official may issue a permit for the construction of part of a building or structure before the entire plans and specifications for the whole building or structure have been 14 submitted or approved, provided adequate information and detailed statements have been filed complying with all pertinent requirements of this code. The holder of such permit shall proceed 15 at their own risk without assurance that the permit for the entire building or structure will be granted. 16 18.04.025 Building Official designated. 17 The Building Official or authorized representative of the city is designated as the person who 18 shall enforce all of the provisions of the California Building Code as amended. 19 18.04.030 Section 105.5 amended—Expiration. 20 Section 105.5 of the California Building Code is amended to read as follows: 21 Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not 22 commenced within 180 calendar days from the date of such permit, or if the building or work authorized by such permit is stopped at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 23 one hundred eighty calendar days, or if the building or work authorized by such permit exceeds three calendar years from the issuance date of the permit. Work shall be presumed to have 24 commenced if the permittee has obtained a required inspection approval of work authorized by the permit by the Building Official within one hundred eighty calendar days of the date of permit 25 issuance. Work shall be presumed to be stopped if the permittee has not obtained a required inspection approval of work by the Building Official within each one hundred eighty day period 26 upon the initial commencement of work authorized by such permit. 27 The Building Official is authorized to grant, in writing, one or more extensions of time, for 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -3- 1 periods not to exceed 180 days each. The extensions shall be granted in writing and justifiable cause demonstrated. 2 Before such work can be recommenced, a new permit shall be obtained to do so, and the fee 3 therefore shall be one half the amount required for a new permit for such work, and provided that no changes have been made or will be made in the original plans and specifications for 4 such work, and provided further that such suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one year. In order to renew action on a permit after expiration, the permittee shall pay a new permit 5 fee. 6 Any permittee holding an unexpired permit may apply for an extension of time within which work may commence under that permit when the permittee is unable to commence work within the 7 time period required by this section for good and satisfactory reasons. 8 The provisions of any sewer allocation system adopted pursuant to Chapter 18.05 of the Municipal Code shall supersede Section 106.4.4 of the California Building Code if the permit is 9 issued pursuant to such system. 10 18.04.035 Section 105.3.2 amended—Expiration of plan review. 11 Section 105.3.2 of the California Building Code is amended to read as follows: 12 Applications for which no permit is issued within one year following the date of application shall expire by limitation, and plans and other data submitted for review may thereafter be returned to 13 the applicant or destroyed by the Building Official. In order to renew action on an application after expiration, the applicant shall resubmit plans and pay a new plan review fee. 14 18.04.040 Section 109.2 amended—Permit fees. 15 Section 109.2 of the California Building Code is amended to read as follows: 16 PERMIT FEES. The fees for each permit shall be as set forth in the City's master fee schedule 17 or by a resolution of the City Council. 18 Notwithstanding other provisions of this section, the building permit fee for factory built housing shall be twenty-five percent of the fee for Type V dwelling units, and the plan check fee shall be 19 sixty-five percent of the building permit fee. 20 18.04.150 Section 202 amended—Definitions. 21 Section 202 of the California Building Code is amended to read as follows: 22 High-rise structure. As used in this code: 23 1. "Existing high-rise structure" means a high-rise structure, the construction of which is commenced or completed prior to July 1, 1974. 24 2-.—"High-rise structure" means every building of any type of construction or occupancy having 25 floors used for human occupancy located more than 55 feet above the lowest floor level having building access (see California Building Code Section 403.1.2), except buildings 26 used as hospitals as defined in Health and Safety Code Section 1250 27 3. "New high rise structure" means a high-rise structure, the construction of which is commenced on or after July 1, 1974. 28 aDeletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -4- rY\ 1 18.04.160 - Section 403.1 amended — Special provisions. 2 - Section 403.1 of the California Building Code is amended to read as follows: 3 Scope. This section applies to all Group B office buildings, Group H, Division 8, and Group R, Division 1 , Occupancies, each having floors used for human occupancy located more than 55 4 feet above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access. Such buildings shall be of Type I or II-F.R. construction and shall be provided with an approved automatic sprinkler system in 5 accordance with Section 403.2. 6 18.04.170 - Section 403.26 added — Special provisions for buildings between thirty-five and fifty-five feet in height. 7 - Section 403.26 is added to the California Building Code to read as follows: 8 Section 403.26 Special Provisions for Buildings between 35 and 55 feet in height. 9 Scope. This section shall apply to all buildings having floors used for human occupancy located 10 more than 35 feet, but less than 55 feet above the lowest level of fire department access. Such buildings shall comply with Section 403 of the Code. .11 EXCEPTIONS: The following subsections of 403 of the Code are not requirements for buildings 12 included within the scope of this section: 1. 403.2.2 2. 403.5.2 14 3. 103.6.1 Itom4 4. 403.6.1 Item 8 15 5. 403.7 16 6. 403.8 7. 403.9 Item 2 17 8. 403.10 7. 403.9lt.om2 8. 403.10 19 18.04.180 — Section 403.27 added — Special provisions for buildings between thirty-five 20 and fifty-five feet in height — Type I-F.R. 2| - Section 403.27 is added to the California Building Code to read as follows: 22 Type I-F.R. buildings shall comply with the special provisions of Section 403.26 of the Code. 2^ 18.04.185 - Section 603.6 added — Special provisions for buildings between — thirty-five and fifty-five feet in height — Type II. 24 - Section 603.6 is added to the California Building Code to read as follows: 25 Type II buildings shall comply with the special provisions of Section 403.26 of the Code. 26 /// 27 /// 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -5- 1 18.04.190—Section 604.6 added—Special provisions for buildings between thirty-fivo and fifty-fivo feet in height—Type III. 2 Section 604.6 is added to the California Building Code to read as follows: 3 Type III buildings shall comply with the special provisions of Section 403.26 of the Code. 4 18.04.210—Section 605.6 added—Special provision for buildings between thirty-five and 5 fifty-five feet in height—Type IV. 6 Section 605.6 is added to the California Building Code to read as follows: 7 Type IV buildings shall comply with the special provisions of Section 403.26 of the Code. g 18.04.230 Section 1501 amended—Scope. 9 Section 1501 of the California Building Code is amended to read as follows: 10 Roofing assemblies, roof coverings, and roof structures shall be as specified in this Code and as otherwise required by this Chapter. 11 Roofing assemblies and roof coverings other than wood shakes and shingles shall be Class A. 12 Wood Shakes and Shingles of any classification are prohibited as a roof covering on all 13 structures and on all replacement roofs. 14 Roof coverings shall be secured or fastened to the supporting roof construction and shall provide weather protection for the building at the roof. Skylights shall be constructed as required in Chapter 24. For use of plastics in roofs, see Chapter 26.For solar energy collectors located above or upon a roof, see Chapter 13. 18.04.235 Section 3102.3.8 amended—Spark arrester. 18 Section 3102.3.8 of the California Building Code is amended to read as follows: All chimneys attached to any appliance or fireplace that burns solid fuel shall be equipped with an approved spark arrester. The net free area of the spark arrester shall be not less than four times the net free area of the outlet of the chimney. The spark arrester screen shall have heat and corrosion resistance equivalent to 12 gauge wire, nineteen gauge galvanized wire or 24 21 gauge stainless stoel. Openings shall not permit the passage of spheres having a diameter larger than one half inch and shall not block the passage of spheres having a diameter of less 22 than three eighths inch. 23 18.04.260 Section 904.2 amended—Automatic fire extinguishing systems. Section 904.2 of the California Building Code is amended to add: 90< Excluding detached R 3 occupancies, in buildings two or more stories in height, an 25 automatic fire extinguishing system shall be installed in those areas which lie below the lowest elevation of Fire Department vehicular access. The access elevation shall be determined by the 26 Firo Chiof. 27 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -6- 1 904.2.1.2 Other provisions of this section not withstanding, all buildings hereafter constructed in which the aggregate floor area exceeds ten thousand (10,000) square feet shall be protected by 2 an approved automatic fire-extinguishing system. 3 904.2.1.3 Other provisions of this section notwithstanding, all existing buildings in which the aggregate floor area is expanded to exceed ten thousand (10,000) square feet shall be 4 protected throughout by an approved automatic fire-extinguishing system. Subsections 904.2.1.2 and 904.2.1.3 shall not apply to an "Open Parking Garage" as that term fi is defined in the 2001 edition of the California Building Code. 18.04.270 Soction 904.2.9 amended—Group R Division 1 occupancios. o Section 904.2.9 is amended to read: 9 An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout every apartment house three or more stories in height or containing 5 or more dwelling units, every congregate residence three 10 or more stories in height or having an occupant load of 11 or more, and every hotel three or more stories in height or containing 6 or more guest rooms. Residential or quick response 11 standard sprinklers shall be used in the dwelling units and guest room portions of the building. 12 Apartment houses and other residential buildings, having an aggregate floor area exceeding 13 10,000 square feet, may be protected by an approved automatic fire sprinkler system conforming to UBC Standard 9-3 when they are one or two stories in height and contain fewer 14 than 16 dwelling units. Such automatic sprinkler systems shall not be considered as the basis for increasing the allowable area of a building or for exemption from any other Uniform Building 15 Code requirement. 16 18.04.310 Violations. 17 Any person or corporation who violates any of the provisions of this code or this chapter is guilty of an infraction, except for the fourth and each additional violation of a provision within one year, 18 which shall be a misdemeanor. Penalties for a violation of this chapter shall be as designated in section 1.08.010 of this code. 19 18.04.315 Certificate of noncompliance. 20 a. If the building official determines there is a violation of this chapter, it may result 21 in the building official filing, in the office of the county recorder, a certificate of noncompliance. Such certificate shall describe the property, certify noncompliance, and state that the owner or 22 person in control of the property has been notified. If a certificate of noncompliance is filed, and where the permit, inspection, and/or approval required is obtained, the building official shall 23 provide to the property owner a certificate of compliance to file with the county recorder certifying compliance. Until a certificate of compliance has been filed, all applications for grading 24 permits, use permits, major and minor subdivisions, rezones, specific plans, specific plan amendments, general plan amendments, discretionary approvals and building permits may be 25 denied. 26 b. When the building official or the authorized representative thereof determines that compliance to this chapter is not had, they shall provide written notice, by certified mail 27 return receipt requested, to the owner or person in control of the property. Such notice shall 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -7- 1 contain: (1) a description of the property; (2) the condition or condition that has caused the noncompliance; (3) a reasonable time limit to bring the property into compliance; (4) the 2 potential to record a certificate of noncompliance; and (5) the right to appeal. 3 c. Within ten days from the date of giving of notice, the owner or person in control of the property may file an appeal of the finding of noncompliance to the city council. Such appeal 4 shall be in writing and shall identify the property subject to the certificate of noncompliance. The city council must hear the appeal within 60 days from the filing of the appeal or at such later 5 date as may be agreed to by the appellant. Notice of the hearing date shall be given in writing. The hearing date shall be no sooner than five days from the date when notice of the hearing is 6 given to the appellant and to the building official. The decision of the city council is final. 7 18.04.320 Section 502 amended — Premises identification. 8 Section 502 of the California Building Code is amended to read as follows: 9 Each occupancy, principal building, structure, dwelling unit, and mobile home space within the City shall be identified by a number or combination of number and letter. Such numbers shall be 10 in harmony with other established postal addresses in the area. The numbers for commercial and industrial buildings shall be a minimum of 12 inches high and for residential buildings, four 1 1 inches high, and shall be of contrasting colors so as to be readable from the adjoining streets. Numbers shall be designated and assigned by the Building Department. 12 18.04.330 Street name signs. 13 All private and public streets within the city shall have designated street names which shall be 14 identified by signs. The size and type of street signs and the names of streets shall be subject to the approval of the city planning department, and the police and fire departments. Location and 1 5 number of signs shall be as required by the city. 16 /// /// 18 /// 19 /// 20 /// 21 /// 22 /// 23 /// 24 /// 25 /// 26 /// 27 /// 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -8- 1 Chapter 18.08 MECHANICAL CODE 2 Sections: 3 18.08.010 Adoption. 4 18.08.020 Building Official designated. 18.08.030 Violations. 5 18.08.040 Certificate of noncompliance. 18.08.050 Permit Fees. 6 18.08.010 Adoption. 7 The California Mechanical Code 2007 Edition, copyrighted by the International Conference of Building Officials, is adopted by reference as the mechanical code of the city of Carlsbad. The California Mechanical Code 2010 Edition, copyrighted by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, is adopted by reference as the mechanical code of the City of Carlsbad. 18.08.020 Building Official designated. The building and code enforcement manager or authorized representative of the city is 12 designated as the building official as mentioned in the Uniform Mechanical Code and is designated as the person who shall enforce all of the provisions of that code.—The building official or authorized representative of the city is designated as the person who shall enforce all of the provisions of the California Mechanical Codes as amended. 14 18.08.030 Violations. Any person or corporation who violates any of the provisions of this chapter is guilty of an infraction, except for the fourth and each additional violation of a provision within one year, which shall be a misdemeanor. Penalties for a violation of this chapter shall be as designated in Section 1.08.010 of this code. 18 18.08.040 Certificate of noncompliance. 1. If the Building Official determines there is a violation of this chapter, it may result in the building official filing, in the office of the county recorder, a certificate of noncompliance. 20 Such certificate shall describe the property, certify noncompliance, and state that the owner or person in control of the property has been so notified. If a certificate of 21 noncompliance is filed, and where the permit, inspection, and/or approval required is obtained, the building official shall file a certificate of compliance with the county 22 recorder certifying compliance. Until a certificate of compliance has been filed, all applications for grading permits, use permits, major and minor subdivisions, rezones, 23 specific plans, specific plan amendments, general plan amendments, discretionary approvals and building permits may be denied. 24 2. When the building official or the authorized representative thereof determines that 25 compliance to this chapter is not had, they shall provide written notice, by certified mail return receipt requested, to the owner or person in control of the property. Such notice 26 shall contain: (1) a description of the property; (2) the condition or condition that has caused the noncompliance; (3) a reasonable time limit to bring the property into 27 compliance; (4) the potential to record a certificate of noncompliance; and (5) the right to appeal. 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline 1 3. Within ten days from the date of giving of notice, the owner or person in control of the property may file an appeal of the finding of noncompliance to the city council. Such 2 appeal shall be in writing and shall identify the property subject to the certificate of noncompliance. The city council must hear the appeal within sixty days from the filing of 3 the appeal or at such later date as may be agreed to by the appellant. Notice of the hearing date shall be given in writing. The hearing date shall be no sooner than five days 4 from the date when notice of the hearing is given to the appellant and to the building official. The decision of the city council is final. 5 18.08.050 Permit fees. 6 The fees for each permit shall be as set forth in the city's master fee schedule or by a resolution 7 of the City Council. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -2- 1 Chapter 18.12 ELECTRICAL CODE 2 Sections: 3 General Regulations 4 18.12.010 Adoption. 5 18.12.020 Application—Scope. 18.12.030 Building official designated. 6 18.12.080 Permits—Required. 18.12.090 Permits—Exceptions. 7 18.12.100 Permits—Expiration. 18.12.110 Installations—Incomplete. 8 18.12.120 Permit—Scope. 18.12.130 Permit—Application. 9 18.12.140 Installations—Inspection. 18.12.150 Installations—Disapproved. 10 18.12.160 Concealed wiring—Inspection. 18.12.170 Alterations Additions. 18.12.180 Service connections. 18.12.190 Approval of materials. 12 18.12.195 Materials. 18.12.200 Previously used materials. 18.12.205 Wiring in existing or relocated building or structures. 18.12.210 Special test for fiber or asbestos cement conduit. 18.12.215 Temporary meter sets. 18.12.220 Cost of permit. 15 18.12.225 Violations and penalties. 18.12.227 Certificate of noncompliance. 18.12.230 Article 215.5 amended—Diagrams of feeders. H. Modifications 18 18.12.240 Article 225.10 amended—Wiring on buildings. 18.12.247 Article 250.118 amended—Types of equipment grounding conductors. 2Q 18.12.250 Article 362.10(2) amended—Electrical nonmetallic tubing. 18.12.261 Article 320.12 amended—Uses not permitted. 18.12.252 Article 330.108 amended—Grounding. 22 I- General Regulations 23 18.12.010 Adoption. Tho California Eloctrical Code 2007 Edition The California Electrical Code 2010 Edition, copyrighted by the National Fire Protection Association, is adopted by reference as the electrical 25 code for the city of Carlsbad. 26 '" 27 »' 28 Deletion by Strikethrough, additions and changes by underline 1 18.12.020 Application—Scope. 2 The provisions of this code shall apply to the installation, repair, operation and maintenance of all electric wiring and electrical apparatus of any nature whatsoever whether inside or outside of 3 any building within the city except as provided otherwise in this code. 4 18.12.030 Building official designated. 5 The building official or authorized representative of the city is designated as the person who shall enforce all of the provisions of the California Electrical Code. 6 18.12.080 Permits - Required. 7 1. No electric wiring, devices, appliances or equipment shall be installed within or on any 8 building, structure or premises nor shall any alteration without first securing a permit therefor from the building official except as stated in Section 18.12.090. 9 2. Permits shall be obtained before or at the time work is started, except in cases where 10 emergency or urgent necessity can be shown to exist provided a permit is obtained within 24 hours, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. 11 3. A separate permit shall be required for each building or structure which stands alone. 12 4. Permits for privately-owned conduits or other materials in public places and in and across 13 streets and alleys may be issued only after approval has been granted for the installation by the city engineer. All work shall be done in accordance with law and special regulations 14 applicable thereto. 15 5. Permits shall only be issued to contractors licensed by the state of California to engage in the business or act in the capacity of a contractor, relating to electrical inspection 16 installation, and to persons holding a valid master electrician certificate of competency for work performed only on the property of his employer, or the owner 17 18.12.090 Permits - Exceptions. 18 1. No permit shall be required for minor repair work such as repairing flush or snap switches, 19 replacing fuses, repairing lamp sockets and receptacles when such work is done in accordance with the provisions of this code. 20 2. No permit shall be required for the replacement of lamps or the connection of portable 21 appliances to suitable receptacles which have been permanently installed. 22 3. No permit shall be required for the installation, alteration or repair of wiring, devices, appliances or equipment for the operation of signals or the transmission of intelligence (not 23 including the control of lighting or appliance circuits) where such wiring, devices, appliances or equipment operate a voltage not exceeding twenty-five volts between conductors and do 24 not include generating or transforming equipment capable of supplying more than one hundred watts of energy. 25 4. No permit shall be required for the installation, alteration or repair of electric wiring, devices, 26 appliances and equipment installed by or for a public service corporation in the operation of signals or the transmission of intelligence. 27 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -2- 1 5. No permit shall be required for the installation of temporary wiring for testing electrical apparatus or equipment. 2 18.12.100 Permits - Expiration. 3 1. If the work authorized by a permit is not commenced within 180 days after issuance or if the 4 work authorized by a permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 180 days, the permit shall become void. 5 2. Permits shall expire one year after the date of issuance unless the permit is issued for a 6 longer period of time. 7 3. Permits for a period longer than one year must be requested at the time of application for the original permit. Said permits will be issued for a period of time determined by the 8 building official to be reasonably necessary to complete the work for which a permit is requested. 9 4. An expired permit may be renewed upon payment of a fee to cover the unfinished work 10 according to the fee schedule. 11 18.12.110 Installations - Incomplete. 12 Should any person to whom a permit has been issued quit an installation, for any reason, he shall notify the building official within 48 hours and request an inspection of work installed. No 13 person shall resume work on an uncompleted installation until such installation shall have been approved by the building official and necessary permit obtained. 14 18.12.120 Permit - Scope. 15 The permit when issued shall be for such installation as is described in the application and no 16 deviation shall be made from the installation so described without the written approval of the building official. 17 18.12.130 Permit-Application. 18 Application for permit, describing the work to be done, shall be made in writing to the building 19 official. The application shall be accompanied by such plans, specifications and schedules as may be necessary to determine whether the installation as described will be in conformity with 20 the requirements of this code. If it shall be found that the installation as described will in general conform with the requirements of this code, and if the applicant has complied with all of the 21 provisions of this code, a permit for such installation shall be issued; provided however that the issuance of the permit shall not be taken as permission to violate any of the requirements of this 22 code. Application for permits for electrical installations where the service capacity exceeds 200 amperes shall be accompanied by two sets of electrical line drawings and load distribution 23 calculations showing service panel and branch panel capacities and locations service switch and branch switch capacities, conduit and feeder sizes. 24 18.12.140 Installations - Inspection. 25 Upon completion of the work which has been authorized by issuance of any permit, it shall be 26 the duty of the person installing the same to notify the building official who shall inspect the installation within 48 hours, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, of the time such 27 notice is given or as soon thereafter as practicable. 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -3- 1 18.12.150 - Installations — Disapproved. 2 If upon inspection the installation is not found to be fully in conformity with the provisions of this code, the building official shall at once notify the person making the installation, stating the 3 defects which have been found to exist. All defects shall be corrected within ten days after inspection and notification, or within other reasonable time as permitted by the building official. 4 18.12.160 - Concealed wiring — Inspection. 5 When any part of a wiring installation is to be hidden from view by the permanent placement of 6 parts of the building, the person installing the wiring shall notify the building official and such parts of the wiring installation shall not be concealed until they have been inspected and 7 approved by the building official; provided, that on large installations, where the concealment of parts of the wiring proceeds and continuously the person installing the wiring shall give the 8 building official due notice and inspections shall be made periodically during the progress of the work. The building official shall have the power to remove, or require the removal of any 9 obstruction that prevents proper inspection of any electrical equipment. 10 18.12.170 - Alterations Additions. 11 Additions or extensions to, and alterations and renewals of existing installations shall be made in compliance with the provisions of this chapter. 12 18.12.180 - Service connections. 13 1 . It is unlawful for any person to make connections to the source of electrical energy or to 14 supply electrical service to any electrical wiring, devices, appliances or equipment for which a permit is required unless such person shall have obtained satisfactory evidence that such 15 wiring, devices, appliances or equipment are in all respects in conformity with all provisions of this chapter. 16 2-. — It is unlawful for any person to make connections from the source of electrical energy or to 17 supply electric service to any electrical wiring, devices, appliances, or equipment which has been disconnected by the building official or the use of which has been ordered by the 18 building official to be discontinued until approval has been granted by him authorizing the reconneotion and use of such wiring, devices, appliances, or equipment. 19 18.12.190 - Approval of materials. 20 Listing or labeling, as conforming to the Standards of the Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., or the 21 United States Bureau of Mines, shall be prima facie evidence of conformity with the approved standards for safety to life and property. A lighting fixture of the electric discharge type shall 22 have a power factor of nine tenths or better and shall be so marked, when its rating exceeds 20 23 18.12.195 - Materials. 24 1. All electrical materials, devices, appliances and equipment installed or used, shall be in 25 conformity with the provisions of this chapter and with approved standards for safety to life and property. 26 2. The manufacturer's name, trademark, or other identification symbol shall be placed on all 27 electrical materials, devices, appliances and equipment used or installed under this article. 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -4- 1 18.12.200 - Previously usod materials. 2 Previously used materials shall not be reused in any work without the written approval obtained in advance from the building official. 3 18.12.205 - Wiring in existing or relocated building or structures. 4 1. The provisions contained in this section shall apply to all existing or relocated buildings 5 when deemed inadequate or unsafe by the building official. 6 £ — Relocated Buildings. All electric wiring, electrical devices and equipment in relocated buildings shall comply with all the provisions of this code for new installations. 7 3. Additions to or alterations in old wiring shall be made in compliance with the provisions of 8 this section. 9 4-. — Outlets added to existing branch circuits, including existing outlets, shall be rated at not less than one and one half amperes each. Circuits to which outlets have been added shall not 10 contain outlets whose number will exceed eighty percent of the branch circuit rating. 11 &-. — Each room in a relocated dwelling shall be provided with not less than two convenience outlets, equally spaced. Receptacles which are a part of a fixture or switch outlet shall not 1 /-*• ^* 27 28 13 18.12.210 - Special test for fiber or asbestos cement conduit. 14 When deemed necessary by the administrative authority, a test plug may be required to be drawn through each run of conduit in the presence of a city inspector. 15 1 8.1 2.21 5 Temporary meter sets. 16 A temporary meter may be set on the permanent electrical service base for testing equipment, 17 for lighting of interiors where outside sources do not light, or for health and safety and protection of persons. Failure to provide and comply with all provisions of this chapter shall constitute 18 grounds for the removal of any or all meters on the project. 19 18.12.220 Cost of permit. 20 Every applicant for a permit shall pay for each permit issued at the time of issuance a fee in accordance with the following schedule, and at the rate provided for each classification shown in 21 this schedule. 22 Any person who commences any work for which a permit is required by this code without first having obtained a permit therefor shall, if subsequently permitted to obtain a permit, pay double 23 the permit fee fixed by this section for such work; provided, however, that this provision shall not apply to emergency work when it has been proven to the satisfaction of the administrative 24 authority that such work was urgently necessary and that it was not practical to obtain a permit therefor before the commencement of the work. In all such cases, a permit must be obtained as 25 soon as it is practical to do so, and if there is an unreasonable delay in obtaining such permit, a double foo as provided in this section shall be charged. 26 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -5- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Schedule of Fees 1 Rft 1 1 in o A_f A A Now/ oonfttriiotion for oioh rimnoro of rmin norvioo fr witch fiifro or hrontror nor imnoro ftinnlo. nhnco nor imnoro /18ft thrrtA-nhacA Qorv/ioo iinnririo on ovifttinn hiiilrlinn For oioh ^imnoro of inoro?^*?o in mtiin Rorvioo ^u/itoh fiifro or hro?)lfAr nor imnoro /18ft throA-nhn^A RomoHol ultomtion no oh?mno in tArvioA or minimum Tomnor?ir\/ ftorv/ioo nn to ?inrl inolnrfinn ?HO TimnArAfi vllllpUIUCr UVUI £UU T*AGt in At A r Minimum norm it fAA $10 nn ^ Q OC V>Ow 4^00 $0.26 «« •\ nn1 • W MM SW $ 10 00 $m nn $ 25 00 $ 10 00 Noto* Amnprp0 ntp ^hnll ^nnlu tn thp ^prnndTrv ririp nf thp tnn^fnrmpr nr tnn^fnrmppR The fees for each electrical permit shall be as set forth in the City's master fee schedule or bv a resolution of the City Council. Any person who commences any work for which a permit is required by this code without first having obtained a permit therefore shall, if subsequently permitted to obtain a permit, pay double the permit fee fixed by this section for such work; provided, however, that this provision shall not apply to emergency work when it has been proven to the satisfaction of the Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -6- 1 administrative authority that such work was urgently necessary and that it was not practical to obtain a permit therefore before the commencement of the work. In all such cases, a permit 2 must be obtained as soon as it is practical to do so, and if there is an unreasonable delay in obtaining such permit, a double fee as provided in this section shall be charged. 3 18.12.225 Violations and penalties. 4 1. Any person or corporation who violates any of the provisions of this chapter is guilty of an 5 infraction except for the fourth or each additional violation of a provision within one year which shall be a misdemeanor. Penalties of a violation of this chapter shall be designated in 6 Section 1.08.010 of this code. 7 2. The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans shall not prevent the building official from thereafter requiring the correction of errors in these plans and specifications, or 8 from preventing construction operations from being carried on there under when in violation of this code or of any other ordinance, or from revoking any certificate of approval when 9 issued in error. 10 18.12.227 Certificate of noncompliance. 11 1. If the building official determines there is a violation of this chapter, it may result in the building official filing, in the office of the county recorder, a certificate of noncompliance. 12 Such certificate shall describe the property, certify noncompliance, and state that the owner or person in control of the property has been so notified. If a certificate of noncompliance is 13 filed, and where the permit, inspection, and/or approval required is obtained, the building official shall file a certificate of compliance with the county recorder certifying compliance. 14 Until a certificate of compliance has been filed, all applications for grading permits, use permits, major and minor subdivisions, rezones, specific plans, specific plan amendments, 15 general plan amendments, discretionary approvals and building permits may be denied. 16 2. When the building official or the authorized representative thereof determines that compliance to this chapter is not had, they shall provide written notice, by certified mail 17 return receipt requested, to the owner or person in control of the property. Such notice shall contain: (1) a description of the property; (2) the condition or condition that has caused the 18 noncompliance; (3) a reasonable time limit to bring the property into compliance; (4) the potential to record a certificate of noncompliance; and (5) the right to appeal. 3. Within ten days from the date of giving of notice, the owner or person in control of the 20 property may file an appeal of the finding of noncompliance to the city council. Such appeal shall be in writing and shall identify the property subject to the certificate of noncompliance. 21 The city council must hear the appeal within 60 days from the filing of the appeal or at such later date as may be agreed to by the appellant. Notice of the hearing date shall be given in 22 writing. The hearing date shall be no sooner than five days from the date when notice of the hearing is given to the appellant and to the building official. The decision of the city council is 23 final. 24 18.12.230 Article 215.5 amended—Diagrams of feeders. 25 Article 215.5 of the California Electrical Code is amended to add the following: 26 All horizontal feeders in multiple-occupancy, combustible frame dwellings shall be installed underground or outside the building unless otherwise approved by the administrative authority. 27 A duplex is not considered a multiple-occupancy in this instance. 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -7- Modifications 2 18.12.240 - Article 225.10 amended Wiring on buildings. 3 Article 225.10 of the California Electrical Code is amended to add the following: 4 The installation of outside wiring on roof surfaces shall not be allowed. The installation of outside wiring on surface of building shall have approval of the administrative authority. 5 18.12.247 — Article 250.118 amended — Typos of equipment grounding conductors. 6 Article 250.118 of the California Electrical Code is amended to read as follows: 7 The equipment grounding conductor run with, or enclosing the circuit conductors shall be one or 8 more, or a combination of the following: 9 1. A copper or other corrosion resistant conductor. This conductor shall be solid or stranded, insulated, covered or bare, and in the form of a wire or a bus bar of any shape. 10 2r. — Rigid metal conduit. 11 3. Intermediate metal conduit. 12 4. Electrical metallic conduit. 13 5. Cable trays as permitted in Section 392. 3(c) and 392.7. 14 6. Cable bus framework as permitted in Section 370.3. 15 All flexible metal conduits, Type AC cables, Type MC cables, mineral insulated metal sheathed 16 cables, and non-metallic conduit systems shall have equipment ground conductors run with the circuit conductors. 17 Exception No. 1: Flexible metal conduit and flexible metallic tubing shall bo permitted for 18 grounding if all the following conditions are met: 19 a. The length in any ground return path does not exceed six feet (1.83 m). 20 b. The circuit conductors contained therein are protected by overcurrent devices rated at 20 amperes or less. 21 G-. — The conduit or tubing is terminated in fittings listed for grounding. 22 Exception No. 2: Liquidtight flexible metal conduit shall be permitted as a grounding means in 23 the 1 %-inch and smaller trade sizes if the total length of any ground return path is six feet (1:82 m) or less, the conduit is terminated in fittings listed for grounding, and the circuit conductors 24 contained therein are protected by overcurrent devices rated at 20 amperes or less for %-inch and 1/£-inch trade sizes and 60 amperes or less for % inch through 1 %-inch trade sizes. 25 Exception No. 3: For direct current circuits only, the equipment grounding conductor shall be 26 permitted to be run separately from the circuit conductors. 27 /// 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -8- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1R 19 9*?fl Artie I f> 7fi9 1fl/9\ imnnrlnrl Flrrrtriril nrmmntTllir tnhinn Artiplp ^fi^ 10f ^ nf thp PiMfnrnii Flpptripil Pnrlp i° impnrlprl tn rp^rl ^IP fnllnwc" -ri It? — crot3 — tTi — olCOil tUdl i lUt IrrlPlalitvi — lUUtfiij — ell !\j — 1 Kill iyo — 01 idll — KTC — [JOl 1 Hult^U — OUf IvtJcnOv nnH flnnrp w/hnrp thp willp inrl flnnrp nrnvirlp i thprnml h^irripr nf rmtpri^il \A/hiph h 1 *S minntp finiph ntinn HP irlpntifiprl in liptinnp nf firp ntprl npppmhlip° ^nrl thprp'ip1 \J 1 TTIl lULW^l II11OII 1 dill IU CIU IvIWIILIIIWU 111 IIOUI IUO vt — 111 w 1 dlk^U dvOwl 1 lUllww Ol IU 11 Ivl W Iw 1R 19 *"«^ A|*fjf*lA *590 19 irri^nH^H ..llonir not riftrmittf^rl Artinlp ^^0 1 *^ nf thp Pilifnrnii Flpptripnl Pnrlp ip ^mpnHprl tn rpnH 1° fnllnuv/p'7 \l HWlw \J^\J^ | C. \J\ LI Iw V-'dlllwl 1 MCI L_I^Ull IwCII ^^wW IO CII 1 IWI IVJWU tv* 1 4_>t*l%J OO 1 Wl 1 w WO . — Wul HH — Wcano IP it IpTPt 1 a pnntini mi IP\J\J1 ItTI tLJwX^O T\/np A O pihlp phill nnt hp ii^pH in f^rniin A R F l-l 1 IV^I ^nH ^ nppi imnpipp IP HpfinpH in thp 1 Inifnrm RuilHinn OnHp* ^Mnn rppirlpntinl hlIil^linnpL^ C,AUW(JIIUI 1— IU INvf'l-iAColUd Iliclr DUIIUIMyo~'wf lljT1 r\ UUIII|Jlt?lt7 IdOlUlj UtSolylitSU dllvJ dootrl 1 IUICU rA.vs. p^Ki/i Flpptripil ^vpfpm fnr linhtinn nr mnx/nhlp willp nnH 1 1 1 nnnrn\/prl rmv r1 approval of the Building official. 1ft 19 9*i 9 ^rticlf* T^O 10ft TimpnrlnH. f^ronnHinn Artiplp ^*^0 1 0R nf thp Pnlifnrnii Flpptripil Pnrlp ip impnrlpH tn rpnrl IP fnllnw0' T\/no MO pihlp phill nrnvirln in pnninmpnt nrniinHinn1 pnnrliiptnr run with thp pirpiiity |^C~IVI W "VUk/lw "Ot ICItl^JIWVIUw Ull C7L|LJI|>JiMwtll VJ1 WLII IVJtt iy Wwl IUUOl\JI 1 Lll 1 Will 1 trlw WrrVWIl /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline p u°Gd with\* LJ w \* VJ VV 1 L II pnnrluptnrp\7Wl lULJvvwl O. -9-<»« 1 Chapter 18.16 PLUMBING CODE 2 Sections: 3 I. General Regulations 4 18.16.010 Adoption. 5 18.16.030 Building Official designated. 18.16.040 Expiration of permit. 18.16.060 Standards for installation and materials. 7 18.16.070 Section 402.3 added Ultra low flush toilots. 18.16.080 Section 609.12 added—Bypass tees. 8 II. Modifications 9 18.16.120 Section 102.3.1 amended—Violations. 1° 18.16.125 Certificate of noncompliance. ,. 18.16.130 Section 103.4.1 amended—Permit fees. 18.16.160 Section—610.2—amended—Discharge—of saline water—by water 12 softener. 13 I. General Regulations 14 18.16.010 Adoption. j5 The California Plumbing Code, 2007 Edition The California Plumbing Code, 2010 Edition, copyrighted by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, is adopted by 16 reference as the plumbing code of the city of Carlsbad except for the changes, additions, and amendments set forth in this chapter, which shall supersede such provisions of said code. 17 18.16.030 Administrative authority and assistants. Building Official designated. 18 Whenever the term "administrative authority" is used in this code it means the community 19 development director or his authorized representatives.—The building official or authorized representative of the city is designated as the person who shall enforce the provisions of the 20 California Plumbing Code as amended. 2\ 18.16.040 Expiration of permit. 22 Every permit issued by the building official under the provisions of this code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the work authorized by such permit is not commenced 23 within 180 days from date of such permit, or if the work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 180 days. Before such 24 work can be recommenced a new permit shall first be obtained, and the fee therefore shall be one half the amount required for a new permit for such work provided no changes have been 25 made, or will be made, in the original plans and specifications for such work, and provided, further, that such suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one year. Within the overall 26 one-year life of a permit any failure to commence work or any suspension of work caused solely by delay incident to securing approval of a coastal development permit pursuant to Division 20 27 of the Public Resources Code shall not constitute part of the respective 180 day period presented for expiration of a permit. 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline 1 18.16.060 Standards for installation and materials. 2 All installations and materials shall be in conformity with the provisions of this code and with approved standards of safety as to life and property. All installations on any public or private 3 piers or on the tidelands shall be in conformity with the provisions of this code. The disposal of the effluent must meet with the approval of the director of public health. 4 18.16.070 Section 402.3 added—Ultra low flush toilets. • 5 Section 402.3 is added to the Uniform Plumbing Code to read as follows: 6 Effective November 3, 1991, only tank-type water closets that use an average of 1.6 gallons of 7 water per flush or less and urinals and associated flushometer valves that use an average of one gallon of water per flush or less shall be installed in new construction. All tank type water 8 closets, urinals and associated flushometer valves shall be approved by the Building Official as meeting adequate standards of safety and sanitation. The provisions of this Section shall apply 9 to existing buildings only when toilets are being replaced in existing bathrooms or installed in new bathrooms. 10 Exceptions: The Building Official may allow the use of standard flush toilets or urinals when, in 11 the opinion of the Building Official, the configuration of the building drainage system requires a greater quantity of water to adequately flush the system. 12 The requirements for the maximum flush rate of one and 1.6 gallons per flush may be 13 suspended for a specified period of time by a resolution adopted by the City Council upon a finding by the Building Official that there is an inadequate supply of water closets or urinals 14 specified in this Section to satisfy the needs of new construction. Further, when an unreasonable hardship can be demonstrated by an applicant the Building Official may grant an 15 exemption to the requirements of this Section. 16 The basis for the finding of unreasonable hardship shall be documented and kept with the building file. 17 Fixtures installed in mobile homes approved by the State of California are exempt from the 18 requirements of this Section. 19 18.16.080 Section 1622A.O added—Bypass tees. 20 Section 1622A.O is added to the California Plumbing Code to read as follows: 21 On the effective date of this Ordinance, all new buildings where recycled water will be used for irrigation shall install on the building supply pipe a bypass tee for recycled water cross- 22 connection shut down testing. The bypass tee shall be constructed of copper and the size shall match the building supply pipe size approved for the building. The bypass tee shall be 23 connected to the building supply pipe above ground and before the pressure regulator at a point just before it enters the building. Both end connections to the building supply pipe shall be made 24 using a union. A bronze full port straight ball valve with handle shall be installed on the inlet side of the bypass tee for the building supply pipe, and sized to match the inlet tee. A bronze full port 25 straight ball valve with tee-head and padlock wing shall be installed on the side inlet tee, which shall be threaded with a male hose thread adapter to match the building supply pipe size. The 26 work shall be in conformance with Engineering Standard Drawing W35. All shut down tests using the bypass tee shall be conducted with a backflow prevention device to reduce potential 27 for contamination of the potable water system. 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -2- 1 II. Modifications 2 18.16.120 Section 102.3.1 amended—Violations. 3 Section 102.3.1 of the California Plumbing Code is amended to read as follows: 4 Any person or corporation who violates any of the provisions of this chapter is guilty of an infraction except for the fourth or each additional violation of a provision within one year which 5 shall be a misdemeanor. Penalties for a violation of this chapter shall be as designated in Section 1.08.010 of this code. 6 18.16.125 Certificate of noncompliance. 7 1. If the building official determines there is a violation of this chapter, it may result in the 8 building official filing, in the office of the county recorder, a certificate of noncompliance. Such certificate shall describe the property, certify noncompliance, and state that the owner 9 or person in control of the property has been so notified. If a certificate of noncompliance is filed, and where the permit, inspection, and/or approval required is obtained, the building 10 official shall file a certificate of compliance with the county recorder certifying compliance. Until a certificate of compliance has been filed, all applications for grading permits, use 11 permits, major and minor subdivisions, rezones, specific plans, specific plan amendments, general plan amendments, discretionary approvals and building permits may be denied. 12 2. When the building official or the authorized representative thereof determines that 13 compliance to this chapter is not had, they shall provide written notice, by certified mail return receipt requested, to the owner or person in control of the property. Such notice shall 14 contain: (1) a description of the property; (2) the condition or condition that has caused the noncompliance; (3) a reasonable time limit to bring the property into compliance; (4) the 15 potential to record a certificate of noncompliance; and (5) the right to appeal. 16 3. Within ten days from the date of giving of notice, the owner or person in control of the property may file an appeal of the finding of noncompliance to the city council. Such appeal 17 shall be in writing and shall identify the property subject to the certificate of noncompliance. The city council must hear the appeal within 60 days from the filing of the appeal or at such 18 later date as may be agreed to by the appellant. Notice of the hearing date shall be given in writing. The hearing date shall be no sooner than five days from the date when notice of the 19 hearing is given to the appellant and to the building official. The decision of the city council is final. 20 18.16.130 Section 103.4.1 amended—Permit fees. 21 Section 103.4.1 of the Uniform Plumbing Code is amended to read: 22 (a) Permit Fees. 23 Every applicant for a permit to do work regulated by this code shall state in writing on the application form provided for that purpose the character of work proposed to be done and such 24 information pertinent thereto as may be required. Such applicant shall pay for each permit issued at the time of issuance a fee in accordance with the following schedule and at the rate 25 provided for each classification shown herein. 26 Any person who commences any work for which a permit is required by this code without first having obtained a permit therefor shall, if subsequently permitted to obtain a permit, pay double 27 the permit fee fixed by this section for such work. This provision shall not apply to emergency 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 i imAntlif r*^^»e>c"5r^f ortfJ tkiot it iAirke> r»^t r\ r-» r*t i /% <•* 1 trt ^k+'-tin o r\arrvii+ tk^r^sfrtr1 K^f^r^i tl-iQ r»SM-vinnAnf«AmAm+ r\f the* \mr\rls 1 r» r»ll 01 i/^k ^^OAO r» i-tAi-nnit rrti ie>t K*-v /-x l-v+ -» i r» Q H **t* e*sisM>-i r»e* it io shall be charged. Fnr thp nnrnnpp nf thip pprtinn n PTnitirv nlnmhinn ni itlpt nn nr tn whiph ^ nh imhinn fiyti irp nr rptpiPit nf PYJptinn nil imhinn pv/ptpmp in rplnpitpH hiiilHinnp phill hp hipLpH nn thp niimhor ^ r\li irv-ikir-i^ fivti ir^o r**^e* f*we»+Arv%o t«iotor k^^t^re- ato in\/^lwArl Crtr f»*/«tf\n/ ki iil+ K/M loir-isi nr\ fiwti ira r\r VAfo+Ar haot^r -f«« oK^II ]r\r* /^Kor/iarJ f^»r + h^c*a fiv+i iroo ^nrJ SCHEDULE OF FEES Pprmit lf*r.imnp.o 4 Fnr itRiiinn fmph nfirmit ? 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Fnr PTph hnilHinn tPXA/pr nnri piph triilpr nirk cownr 31 Rain\A/itpr tvfttpmt nnr Hr^in /infxiHp hnilriinn) "' rur uuuii uco^puui ^wiiuru puniuiiuu/ 6 Fnr piph w^itpr hp^itpr jinri/nr vftnt 7 Fnr ft^iph niiR nininn RVfttpm nf nnp tn fivft nutlAt^ S Fnr p*^rh iHHitinn^l n?^f? nininn RUfttpm nntlpt npr nutlot fl Fnr pnrh inHn**tri*il \A/ifrtr> nrptrpntmpnt intprppntnr inplnHinn itp_ trin inri vpnt PYppntinn kitphftn tvnp nrftTTP. intprpftntnrft fnnptinninn ift fivturp trtinft jfton on^p& v • w $1 0 00 $ 7 00 $15 nntp 1 w« W $-7^00 $25.00 t/in nnl^"V W P W it 7 nn^ r^ir^W jt c nn%P ViW ^ • 1 ; y y «" Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -4- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 0 For fsTich inftt?illition Jiltor^if ion or rf*mir of wTitnr nininn ^inrl/nr u/ntor troitinn r*niiinmnnt pnrh 11 Fnr mrh romir or ultftntion of Hriimno or vont nininn mrh fivtnrp 1? 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This cost shall include supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of all 3 the employees involved. 4 Section 103.4.1 of the California Plumbing Code is amended to read as follows: 5 The fee for each plumbing permit shall be as set forth in the city's master fee schedule or by 6 resolution of the City Council. 7 18.16.160 Section 610.2 amended—Discharge of saline water by water softener. 8 Section 610.2 of the California Plumbing Code is amended to add the following: 9 It shall be unlawful to install or replace any plumbing equipment, including any automatic or self regenerating water softener unit, the operation of which may result in the discharge of saline 10 waste into the sewerage facilities in the Lake Calavera Hills Drainage Basin, or the discharge of such wastes that might pollute any surface or underground stream, watercourse, lake or any 11 body of water, including any underground, natural or artificial storage reservoir, or which might impair or contribute to the impairment of the usefulness of such waters for human or animal 12 consumption or domestic, agricultural, industrial, or recreational purposes or for any other useful purpose. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline -6- 1 Chapter 18.18 SOLAR ENERGY CODE 2 Sections: 3 18.18.010 Adoption of the Uniform Solar Energy Code. 4 18.18.020 Building Official designated. 18.18.030 Violations. 18.18.040 Permit fees. 6 18.18.010 Adoption of the Uniform Solar Energy Code. 7 The Uniform Solar Energy Code, 2009 Edition, copyrighted by the International Association of 8 Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, is adopted by reference as the solar energy code of the city of Carlsbad. 9 18.18.020 Building Official designated. 10 The building official or authorized representative of the city is designated as the person who 11 shall enforce the provisions of the Uniform Solar Energy Code as amended. 12 18.18.030 Violations. 13 Any person or corporation who violates any of the provisions of this chapter is guilty of an infraction except for the fourth and each additional violation of a provision within one year which 14 shall be a misdemeanor. Penalties for a violation of this chapter shall be as designated in Section 1.08.010 of this code. 15 18.18.040 Permit fees. 16 The fee for each permit shall be as set forth in the City's master fee schedule or by resolution of 17 the City Council. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28.. Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Chapter 18.20 RESIDENTIAL CODE Sections: 18.20.010 Adoption. 18.20.020 Building Official designated. 18.20.030 Permit fees. 18.20.010 Adoption. The 2010 California Residential Code including Appendix Chapter California Building Standards Commission, is adopted bv reference as Code of the City of Carlsbad. 18.20.020 Building Official designated. The Building Official is designated as the person who shall enforce California Residential Code. 18.20.030 Permit fees. H, copyrighted bv The the Residential Building all the provisions of the The fees for each permit shall be as set forth in the city's master fee schedule or bv a resolution of the City Council. Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Chapter 18.21 GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE Sections: 18.21.010 Adoption. 18.21.020 Building Official designated. 18.21.030 Permit fees. 18.21.010 Adoption. The 2010 California Green Building Standards Code copyrighted by The California Building Standards Commission, is adopted by reference as the Green Building Standards City of Carlsbad. 18.21.020 Building Official designated. Code of the The Building Official is designated as the person who shall enforce all the provisions of the California Green Building Standards Code. 1 8.21 .030 Permit fees. The fees for each permit shall be as set forth in the city's master fee schedule or by a the City Council. resolution of Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline .(p 1 Chapter 18.30 ENERGY CONSERVATION REGULATIONS 2 Sections: 4 18.30.010 Adoption. 18.30.020 Purpose and application. 5 18.30.030 Building Official designated. 18.30.040 Solar water heater preplumbing required. 18.30.050 Permit fees. 7 18.30.010 Adoption. 8 The California Energy Code, 2010 Edition, copyrighted by the California Building Standards 9 Commission is adopted by reference as the energy code for the city of Carlsbad. 10 18.30.020 Purpose and application. 11 This chapter is intended to decrease dependence upon nonrenewable energy sources by encouraging and in some instances requiring the installation of devices, structures or materials 12 for the conservation of energy on certain structures within the city. The provisions of this chapter are intended to supplement and not supersede other regulations and requirements imposed by 13 this title. 14 18.30.030 Building Official designated. 15 The building official or authorized representative of the city is designated as the person who 16 shall enforce the provisions of the California Energy Code as amended. 17 18.30.040 Solar water heater preplumbing required. 18 1. All new residential units shall include plumbing specifically designed to allow the later installation of a system which utilizes solar energy as the primary means of heating domestic 19 potable water. No building permit shall be issued unless the plumbing required pursuant to this section is indicated in the building plans. This section shall apply only to those 20 residential dwelling units for which a building permit was applied for after the effective date of the ordinance adopting this chapter. 21 2. Exception. The provisions of this section can be modified or waived when it can be 22 satisfactorily demonstrated to the building official that solar preplumbing is impractical due to shading, building orientation, construction constraints or configuration of the parcel. 23 18.30.050 Permittees. 24 The fees for each permit shall be as set for in the city's master fee schedule or by a resolution of 25 the City Council. 26 /// 27 /// 28 Deletions by Strikethrough, Additions and changes by Underline <m C,TV OF EXHIBIT 11 ^ CARLSBAD Upcoming 2010 California Building and Fire Code Adoption Summary of Changes BACKGROUND The purpose of the proposed ordinances is the local adoption of the 2010 edition of the Building, Fire and other related construction regulations. The following summary highlights the significant proposed changes to the city's construction codes. BUILDING AND FIRE CODE Every three years the State of California by order of the legislature publishes an updated version of construction regulations referred to as the California Building Standards Code. All new commercial and residential buildings must be built in compliance with these standards. The California Building Standards Commission is responsible for developing and publishing these revised standards in collaboration with other state agencies. Local city and county building departments have been delegated enforcement responsibility by California's legislature. Local jurisdictions may adopt findings for more restrictive building standards reasonably necessary due to specific local climatic, geological or topographical conditions. These are typically referred to as "local amendments". The local amendment findings must be filed with the Building Standards Commission in order to be effective. It should be noted that local jurisdictions may be more restrictive than the State Building Code, but may not be less restrictive. One past example of the city choosing to be more restrictive is the requirement to install fire sprinklers in residential occupancies. Due to the increased fire threat from Santa Ana winds the city made findings in 2007, that were based on local climatic conditions to justify a local amendment requiring the installation of fire sprinklers for any home over 5,000 square feet. Up until now Carlsbad was more restrictive than the state. The California Residential Building Code, Part 2.5 of the Building Standards Code, published by the commission in July 2010, and effective in all California cities on January 1stl 2011, is now more restrictive than Carlsbad's previous residential sprinkler code, as the new California Residential Code requires all new homes to be protected with fire sprinklers regardless of size. The new California Residential code applies only to newly constructed homes or dwelling units and exempts all existing, remodeled, or expanded homes from the requirement. Since 2007, the city has had a fire sprinkler requirement for commercial buildings where a new building or an existing building plus any proposed addition would exceed 5,000 square feet in aggregate area. The Carlsbad Fire Marshal is recommending changes to the city's existing commercial fire sprinkler code requirements. As recommended, installation of auto- sprinkler systems will not be required for additions to existing unsprinkled commercial buildings unless the aggregate building exceeds the allowable area for unsprinkled buildings prescribed in the California Building Code. In all cases, new commercial buildings that exceed 5,000 square feet will be required to install automatic fire sprinkler systems. This approach is consistent with State law and recognizes the conflict between economic development and expansion of an existing business and the cost of providing additional fire protection. CALGreen New in 2010 is the adoption of California Code of Regulations (CCR) .Title 24, Part 11, also known as the CALGreen Code or the Green Building Standards Code. The Governor of California, as a part of the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions reduction policy referred to in AB32, directed the Building Standards Commission to develop standards that enhance the design and construction of buildings through the use of building concepts that have a reduced negative environmental impact. These sustainable construction practices include the following categories: Planning and Design, Energy Efficiency, Water Efficiency and Conservation, Material Conservation and Efficiency, and Environmental Quality. The CALGreen code is divided into residential and commercial sections and includes both mandatory and voluntary provisions. The Carlsbad Building Official is recommending that the City adopt only the mandatory provisions of the CALGreen Code. The primary goal of the mandatory provisions and many of the voluntary or suggested provisions contained in the CALGreen Code is to establish in all California cities a baseline and consistent level of sustainability practices in the areas of environmental, energy, water, and material conservation. The focus of the new CALGreen Code is to reduce the impact and the amount of energy used in the construction and operation of buildings. Carlsbad has been at the forefront in recognizing the need for sustainable development in all areas of building construction practices. In response to the city's policy approach to sustainability, programs have been previously added to the municipal code and are currently implemented by the appropriate agency within the city operational areas. The Carlsbad Building Official is recommending that the city not adopt any of the voluntary provisions of CALGreen as a part of the Building Code to avoid redundant implementation and enforcement of programs the city is already implementing. Attached to this memorandum as "APPENDIX A" is a summary of the City of Carlsbad's existing sustainability programs arranged by CALGreen Code category with identification of the city agency responsible for implementation of each program. CALGreen does contains new interior environmental air quality measures that will mandate limits on Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's), considered pollutants, used in interior finishes, adhesives and other coatings found in residential and commercial buildings. The adoption of the latest CALGreen code is consistent with the city's vision of environmental sustainability and current practices and programs. The trend in California appears to be towards more restrictive mandates in the area of GHG reductions. In future iterations of the Green Building codes, voluntary measures may also become more restrictive than current Carlsbad adopted policies and programs. The City Council may, at a \bu later date, choose to include these voluntary measures as a mandatory program in Carlsbad. Alternately, developers may analyze the rate of return on alternative energy sources including photovoltaics or other energy cogeneration systems and make a business decision to voluntarily include these systems in their product. The triennial code adoption cycle will give the City Council the opportunity to re-evaluate this trend in a timely manner and balance the economic and environmental issues associated with the new technologies when adopting future building construction codes. Based on the current level of conservation and environmental programs in Carlsbad, the Carlsbad Building Official is recommending adoption of the CALGreen code as proposed by the State of California, without local amendments adopting additional voluntary measures. PLUMBING ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL CODE The Building Standards are the official compilation of amendments to the California Code of Regulations, Title 24 and are published in various parts. In addition to Fire, Building and Green Building Standards, there are provisions in the code that relate to the safety of the Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical systems installed in buildings. These model codes are written by recognized leading code experts and other members of recognized professional organizations and amended by specific agencies of the State of California. The Carlsbad Building Official is recommending that these parts of the Building Standards be adopted as published with local amendments. WF:jh Attachment: APPENDIX A: Summary of Existing Sustainability Programs APPENDIX A SUMMARY OF EXISTING CARLSBAD SUSTAINABILTY PROGRAMS by CALGreen CATEGORY and RESPONSIBLE CITY or DISTRICT AGENCY Planning and Design: • Landscape Design Manual-Planning (CMC.21.220) • Site Design/Microclimate Enhancement-Solar/ Shade Access Rights- Planning (CMC. 20.16.015) Energy Efficiency: • Energy Efficiency Standards T-24 - Building (CMC. 18.04) • LEED Certification Public Facilities -Citywide (Council Policy 71) • Solar Energy Code - Building (CMC 18.18) • Energy Conservation Code- Building (CMC 18.30) Water Efficiency and Conservation: • Water Conservation Standards Title 24 - Building(CMC. 18.04) • Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance - Planning, Building (CMC.21.220) • Water Conservation Ordinance- Water, Utilities (CMWD) • Required Separate Water Meters (CMWD Ord. #45 Art.V. Sec.9) • Recycled Water Program-Utilities (CMWD Ord.#45.) Material Conservation and Resource Efficiency: • Construction Waste and Recycling Management Plan- Utilities(CMC. 23.011) Environmental Quality: • Storm Water Pollution Prevention - Property and Environmental Management, Building, Construction Management and Inspection, Land Development Engineering (CMC 15.12) • California Environmental Quality Act - Green House Gas Reduction-Planning (CMC19.04) • Discharge of Fats, Oils and Grease- Utilities, Building (CMC 13.06) • Grading and Erosion Control - CM&I, Land Development Engineering (CMC 15.04) Distributed during Council Meeting 3/22/11 Sullivan Solar Power Leading the Solar Energy Revolution Participate in Carlsbad's Solar Program Launched March 2011, this Program has been created to encourage the creation of a strong solar community within the City of Carlsbad. Participants are able to go solar for as litde as $0 up front with a monthly payment equal to or less than current electric bill rates. In order to create a critical mass, businesses and homeowners who partake can receive substantial cash-back incentives that are greater than the state rebate! Carlsbad's Solar Program is exclusive to City homeowners, businesses and municipal projects. The program will expire on July 1, 2011. Within the given time frame, the more people who sign up- the greater your cash back incentive will be. As certain milestones are reached, prices will drop by the following percentages: 200kW - 5% Cash-Back (-40 homes) 300kW - 7.5% Cash-Back (-60 homes) 400kW -10% Cash-Back (-80 homes) — off contract price A series of educational solar community presentations are taking place to inform residents in Carlsbad about solar technology, rebates and incentives, and Carlsbad's Solar Program. Solar Seminars will be held on April 9th and May 7th at 11:OOAM in the Carlsbad City Library (1775 Dove Lane). JOIN THE SOLAR ENERGY REVOLUTION - Be a part of America's Energy Solution - Spread the word - Help your planet, help your neighbor, help your community, help yourself - The more people who sign up, the greater your discount will be Carlsbad residents can find more information on the program at CarlsbadSolarProgram.org. Call 1-800-SULLIVAN to set up your free consultation today! > Inc. CARLSBAD Sil Sullivan Solar Power Leading the Solar Energy Revolution A seasoned industry leader, Sullivan Solar Power has successfully designed and installed over 5 million watts of solar electricity in Southern California, ranging from small scale residential to large scale commercial systems. The company's vision is to educate the region about the financial, environmental and national benefits of solar and bring distributed generation to the masses. Sullivan Solar Power works with each client to assist them in meeting positive cash- flow goals while declaring energy independence. Sullivan Solar Power is Industry Ranked • Top residential solar installer in the San Diego Gas and Electric territory per CSI data • Top 10 for fastest growing firm in San Diego by the San Diego Business Journal • Top 50 for fastest growing energy firms in the United States by Inc. Magazine • Top 750 for fastest growing private firms in the nation by Inc. Magazine Local. Reliable. Proven. Local Sullivan Solar Power is a locally owned and operated business. Daniel Sullivan established the company to offer Southern California a turnkey solar PV design-build firm that can deliver sustainable solutions. The privately-held business is headquartered in San Diego and takes pride in servicing all Southern California counties. Holding a longstanding A rating with the Better Business Bureau, Sullivan Solar Power is your local company with a long reach. Sullivan Solar Power www.SullivanSolarPower.com Phone: 1-800-SULLIVAN BBB Reliable With over 40 years of combined field experience, Sullivan Solar Power has specialized solely in the engineering, procurement and construction of solar power systems since 2004. A licensed C-10 contractor, Sullivan only employs state licensed electricians to ensure our valued customers receive nothing but the best in workmanship and efficient project delivery. All aspects of project delivery are done under the supervision of the NABCEP-certified Project Management team; NABCEP is the highest level of accreditation for solar power professional installers in the United States. Sullivan Solar Power only specifies the most reliable American-made equipment for all installation projects, with a company culture mindset of supporting our national economy. San Diego City College - Career Technology Center 50.06 IkW - The largest vertical solar array in the nation Rodensvedt Residence - El Cajon, CA 6.1kW - Roof Mounted PV System Proven Sullivan Solar Power has an extensive installation track record working with residential, commercial, municipal and non-profit entities. The company has over 500 residential customers and has completed high-profile projects for San Diego State University, the California Center for Sustainable Energy (local state rebate administrator), the Port of San Diego, the City of San Diego and multiple local governmental bodies. Sullivan Solar Power monitors real time production of every system installed and has developed one of the largest networks of monitored systems in the nation. With this vast amount of data, Sullivan knows how solar PV systems perform in all environments and guarantees the production of every system sold. Sullivan Solar Power www.SullivanSolarPower.com Phone: 1-800-SULLIVAN BBB Inc. 50 14 SEPTEMBER 20,20] 0 Sullivan Solar Power Basks in Popularity Firm Is Stepping Up Its Energy Education, Outreach Efforts 8Y MARTY GRAHAM ••He sun shone on Sullivan Solar I Power this year, rewarding 32- I year-old founder Daniel Sullivan I with his best year yet, despite the near and pending demise of a pro- gram that would have let thousands more San Diegans put panels on the roof and tie the payment to their tax bills. "There's a tremendous interest in solar generation and we're seeing it on the residential side and the commer- cial side," said Daniel Sullivan, presi- dent of the Mira Mesa company, which ranks sixth on the San Diego Business Journal's list of Fastest-Growing Pri- vate Companies. "Right now our busi- ness is 60 percent residential and 40 percent commercial, but I expect that to be 50-50 in 2011." The company has just inked con- tracts for two commercial installa- tions atop parking structures at Los Angeles Harbor College in Wilmington and Long Beach City College, one of which includes Sullivan's favorite so- lar-electric innovation — recharging stations for electric cars. "For people where solar installation doesn't pencil out to be beneficial with their current (low) power usage, add- ing an electric car can make it cost-ef- fective," he said. "Then they save on gasoline and, with the car recharging off the sun, they become carbon neu- tral." The company, founded in 2004 and pushed by the impetus of state and federal incentives for clean-energy generation, reported $8.3 million in revenues in 2009, nearly four times its 2007 revenues of $2.2 million. Bob Hoffman Video $ Pholography Sullivan Solar Power founder and President Daniel Sullivan says he sees nearly equal interest in solar genera- lion among residential and commercial customers. Sullivan Solar is the largest locally based solar power installation compa- ny — founded when Sullivan, then an electrical contractor, approached his employer with a plan to start a solar division and was turned away. Between a growing interest in sus- tainable energy practices and some pretty hefty government rebates and incentives, as well as improvements in the technology and manufactur- ing that have brought down consumer costs, the solar industry has had plenty going for it. With that growth, Sullivan Solar has stepped up its investment in educa- tion and community outreach, holding seminars and working with customers to show them how owning their own generating system can help them lock down their power costs, add value to their homes and own bragging rights to eco-soundness for years to come. "Some people buy solar the same way they bought the Prius, because it's smart and it shows your commitment to doing the right thing," Sullivan said. "It helps that it saves money and pays for itself." The company is also committed to its 22 local employees, up from 10 in 2007. All the installers are state-li- censed electricians, despite a loophole that could let them use people who lack the credentials. And they're paid fair wages and receive full benefits. "We don't outsource anything," said Erica Johnson, the company's director of community development. "We see our installations through from concept to completion. We only use American- made products as part of our commit- ment to quality and sustainability." They've put installations on two In- ternational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers buildings, and trained the people inside at San Diego City College and the California Center for Sustain- able Energy. Once a company, a college or a home has its installation, Sullivan stays with them, monitoring the system online and in real time to make sure it pro- duces power at the optimum levels. The customer can also do that—and the potential customer can look at the generating statistics, updated every 15 minutes for existing home installation on the company's Web site. "We include information about how many tons of greenhouse gases and pollution they didn't produce because they have their own generating sys- tem," Johnson said. "Our customers really like to check in and see how well they're doing." Marty Graham is a freelance writer for ihe San Diego Business Journal. www.sdbi.com SUPPLEMENTTOTHESAN DIEGO BUSINESS JOURNAL ADOPTION of the 2010 Building and Fire Codes Will Foss Building Official Chris Heiser Acting Fire Marshal March 22, 2011 California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 24 Parts 1-11 The California Building Codes are based on model codes published by; •International Code Council (ICC) •International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) •National Fire Protection Engineers (NFPA) •California Energy Commission (CEC) The California Building & Fire Codes •The California Building Standards Commission and other California state agencies amends and adopts the MODEL Codes developed by recognized national organizations. •The California Health and Safety Code (Sections 17958 & 17960) mandates enforcement by the local Building and Fire Departments The California Building & Fire Codes Related Construction Codes •California Plumbing Code •California Electrical Code •California Mechanical Code •California Energy Code State of California Changes to the Code •California Residential Code (CRC) adopted by the State designed to regulate residential occupancies. –Automatic Fire Sprinklers are now required in all New Dwelling Units. –Exempts Room Additions “CAL green” CODE •California Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32) to reduce Green House Gas Emissions thru conservation. •Statewide Application and includes provisions for Water, Energy, Storm water and Materials Conservation. •Adopt Mandatory Provisions. Local Amendments to the California Codes •Local Jurisdictions may adopt amendments by ordinance. (more restrictive only) •Local amendments must be based on specific findings: –climatic, –geological, –topographical conditions. Local Amendments to the California Codes •No new local Building Code amendments. •Proposed Fire Code Amendments Proposed Amendments to the Fire Code –Fire fighter safety guidelines for roof mounted Photovoltaic (PV) Arrays. –Fuel modification zones between combustible vegetation and building structure. Recommendation –Introduce Ordinances adopting by reference the California Building , Fire, Green and Residential Codes and related Plumbing, Electrical, Mechanical and Energy Codes and local amendments.