HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-04-26; City Council; 20518; AMENDMENT NO. 4 TIBURON INC COMPUTER SUPPORT/apo^ts/.^f^ry NT \ (mi ci x^^/ AB# 20,518 MTG. 4/26/11 DEPT. POLICE TY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AUTHORIZATION FOR THE ALLOCATION OF COSTS FOR THE UPGRADE OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY INFORMATION SYSTEM AND APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT NO. 4 TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND TIBURON, INC. FOR COMPUTER AUTOMATEDSUPPORT SERVICES DEPT. HEAD CITY ATTY. CITY MGR. ' U 10 *J**^ is RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2011-073 to allocate the costs for the upgrade of the Public Safety Information System and adopt Resolution No. 2011-074 to approve and authorize execution of Amendment Number 4 to the Agreement with Tiburon Inc. for support services related to the Police Computer Aided Dispatch and Mobile System. ITEM EXPLANATION: On September 12, 2003, the City entered an Agreement with Tiburon, Inc. for a fully integrated Public Safety Information system (PSI). The major subsystems provided and their uses are as follows: • Computer Aided Dispatch System (CAD) • Police Mobile Data System (MDS) • Multiple Interfaces to Federal, State and Local Criminal Justice databases • Mobile Mapping system • Automatic Vehicle Location System Successfully implemented in 2005, the Public Safety Information system must now be upgraded to comply with U.S. Department of Justice-Federal Bureau of Investigation Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Security Policy. This upgrade also supports the replacement of the respective system hardware and infrastructure which are operating past the end of their useful life. Hardware replacement is required to assure continuity of safety service system operations. Finally, the upgraded system will comply with City standards for databases and servers, following industry best practices. City staff negotiated with Tiburon to procure the additional support services necessary to upgrade the Public Safety Information system (Amendment No. 4) and estimated the necessary hardware and infrastructure costs. The total estimated cost of the upgrade is $320,680 as seen below. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Maria Callander 931-2176 maria.callander(5)carlsbadca.gov FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED * nn Dn CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN RETURNED TO STAFF OTHER - SEE MINUTES n n D n Page 2 Estimated Project Costs Amount PSI System Upgrade - Amendment No. 4 127,572 PSI System Server Virtual Environment 54,375 Safety SAN Data Storage 15,738 Software Licensing (VM and SQL) 30,000 Multi-factor authentication (DOJ Requirement) 52,995 Training in new technology 15,000 Miscellaneous equipment and professional services 10,000 Contingency 15,000 Total Project Cost $320,680 FISCAL IMPACT: The total estimated cost of the Public Safety Information system upgrade is $320,680 as specified above. The Police and Information Technology departments are requesting authorization to allocate and appropriate funds for this project as follows: Information Technology Fund $220,000 Police Asset Forfeiture Fund $100,680 Since 2005 the Police and Information Technology departments have been collecting replacement funds in anticipation of the need to regularly upgrade Police software and hardware environments. Through Fiscal Year 2010-11, $85,000 in replacement funding has been collected. Additionally, savings of $144,000 in annual maintenance charges to Police have been realized by Information Technology. As such, there are sufficient funds in the Information Technology budget to contribute $220,000 for the system upgrade. The balance of $100,680 will be paid from the Police Asset Forfeiture Fund. This system upgrade is an allowable expense of asset forfeiture funds. There are sufficient funds in the Police Asset Forfeiture Fund to contribute $100,680 for the system upgrade. As part of this upgrade project, staff requests an amendment to the contract with Tiburon, Inc. The amendment will allow the software licensing and support services necessary for the project. On May 19, 2009, the City and Tiburon, Inc. executed an agreement totaling $34,161 for four months of support services for the Police CAD and Mobile system. The support services agreement was renewed through Amendment No. 1 for an additional year in 2009 for $94,861. The agreement was renewed again through Amendment No. 2 in 2010 for $99,604 to cover support services during Fiscal Year 2010-11. The agreement was amended through Amendment Number No. 3 for $8,944 in additional support services. The cost of Amendment No. 4 is $127,572 and includes software licensing and support services to perform the upgrade. This amount is included in the estimated project costs of $320,680 shown above. Staff is estimating a $14,937 reduction in the FY 2012-13 hardware and software maintenance costs associated with the Public Safety Information System: Item Tiburon/Oracle/IBM Server Hardware Maintenance Server Software Maintenance SQL Database (Replaces Oracle) Safety SAN Storage Multifactor Authentication Total FY 201 1-1 2 (budgeted) $107,000 $18,000 0 0 0 0 $125,000 FY 201 2-1 3 (estimated) $101,685 5 years maintenance included in purchase $6,750 $266 $1,362 5 years maintenance included injaurchase $110,063 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065 and CEQA Guidelines section 15738, this amendment does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA and therefore, does not require additional environmental review. EXHIBITS: 1 . Resolution No. 2011-073 approving Amendment No. 4 to Agreement for between the city of Carlsbad and Tiburon, Inc. for computer automated support services. 2. Resolution No. 2011-074 authorizing the allocation of costs for the upgrade of the Public Safety Information System. 3. Amendment No. 4 to Agreement for Computer Automated Support Services. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2011-073 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE ALLOCATION OF 3 COSTS FOR THE UPGRADE OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY INFORMATION 4 SYSTEM 5 WHEREAS, On September 12, 2003, the City entered into an Agreement with 6 Tiburon Inc. [Tiburon], for a fully integrated Public Safety Information system; and 7 WHEREAS, the Public Safety Information system was successfully implemented8 in May of 2005 and now must be upgraded to comply with U.S. Department of Justice- 10 Federal Bureau of Investigation Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Security 11 Policy; and 12 WHEREAS the Public Safety Information system hardware and infrastructure are 13 at the end of their useful life and replacement is required to assure continuity of safety 14 service system operations; and WHEREAS, City staff has negotiated with Tiburon to procure the additional 16 support services necessary to upgrade the Public Safety Information system; and 17 WHEREAS, City staff has estimated the total cost of the upgrade of the Public 18 Safety Information System to be $320,680; and 20 WHEREAS, sufficient funds are available in the Information Technology Fund 21 and the Police Asset Forfeiture Fund for this effort; and 22 23 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of 24 Carlsbad, California, as follows: 25 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 26 27 28 1 2. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad authorizes the Finance Director to 2 appropriate $100,680 from the Police Asset Forfeiture Fund for the upgrade of the Public Safety Information System. 4 3. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad authorizes the Finance Director to 5 appropriate $220,000 from the Information Technology Fund for the upgrade of 6 the Public Safety Information System. 8 "' 9 /// 10 /// 11 /// 12 /// 13 /// 14 15 16 17 18 '" 19 "/ 20 /// 21 /// 22 /// 23J 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 26th day of April, 2011, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Hall, Kulchin, Blackburn, Douglas and Packard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. lORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2011-074 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 4 TO THE 3 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND TIBURON, 4 INC. FOR COMPUTER AUTOMATED SUPPORT SERVICES 5 6 WHEREAS, On May 19, 2009, the entered into an Agreement with Tiburon Inc. 7 [Tiburon], in an amount of $34,161, for support services that was effective February 19,8 2009 relating to a computer automated system previously developed and implemented by Tiburon; and 11 WHEREAS, on July 27, 2009, the Parties executed a ratification of Amendment 12 Number 1, in an amount of $94,861, which was effective July 1, 2009, that extended the 13 Agreement for one (1) additional year to June 30, 2010; and 14 WHEREAS, on August 19, 2010, the Parties executed a ratification of Amendment Number 2, in an amount of $99,604, which was effective July 1, 2010, that 16 extended the Agreement for one (1) additional year to June 30 2011; and 17 WHEREAS, on April 26 , 2011, the Parties executed Amendment Number 3, in 18 an amount of $8,944, for additional services for deleting old messages in the CAD 20 Message switch; and 21 WHEREAS, the Parties desire to alter the Agreement's scope of work to add 22 additional services for upgrading the Public Safety Information System; and 23 WHEREAS, this Amendment Number 4 is for an amount of $127,572; and 24 /// 25 /// 26 27 28 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of 2 Carlsbad, California, as follows: 3 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 4 2. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad approves and authorizes the Mayor 5 to execute Amendment Number 4 to the existing Agreement with Tiburon for 6 Computer Automated Support services. 8 '" 9 /// 10 /// 11 /// 12 /// 13 /// 14 15 16 17 18 '" 19 /// 20 /// 21 /// 22 /// 23 /// 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a of the City of Carlsbad on the 26th day of April, 201 Regular Meeting of the City Council 1 , by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Hall, Kulchin, Blackburn, Douglas and Packard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ^^//MATT WALL, "Mayor ATTEST: » (yvttl&i ^^_/^^ /?7'//%^-~ LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk (SEAL) ^^ySB^C-" G\X«.UR5*"•{/_•' L -> -.fc/tr'^h— f, -ItWK, i-Tiff'^'Wjjjmv^^HV "*"''/Mill \o^£3& »o =i?ip&', ZZ. —nfSp: 3} -m"-:£? -W"^'.**\\\' AMENDMENT NO. 4 TO AMEND AGREEMENT FOR COMPUTER AUTOMATED SYSTEM SUPPORT SERVICES TIBURON, INC. This Amendment No. 4 is entered into and effective as of the e£.> day of Ar>r((- _ , 2011 ("Effective Date"), amending the agreement May 19, 2009 that was effective as of February 19, 2009 (the "Agreement") by and between the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation, ("City"), and Tiburon, Inc., a Virginia corporation, having its primary place of business at 6200 Stoneridge Mall Road, Suite 400, Pleasanton, California 94588, (Contractor) (collectively, the "Parties") RECITALS A. On May 19, 2009, the Parties executed an Agreement for support services that was effective February 19, 2009 relating to a computer automated system previously developed and implemented by Contractor; and B. On July 27, 2009, the Parties executed a ratification of Amendment Number 1 that was effective July 1, 2009 to extend the Agreement for one (1) additional year to June 30, 2010; and C. On August 19, 2010, the Parties executed a ratification of Amendment Number 2 that was effective July 1, 2010 to extend the Agreement for one (1) additional year to June 30 2011; and D. On April , 2011, the Parties executed Amendment Number 3 to provide DBA services to delete all messages in the CAD Message switch older than three years; and E. The Parties desire to alter the Agreement's scope of work to add services for upgrading the Tiburon CAD and Mobile system to the most current version; and F. The Parties have negotiated and agreed to a supplemental scope of work and fee schedule, which is attached to and incorporated by this reference as Exhibit "A", Scope of Services and Fee. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Contractor agree as follows: 1. In addition to those services contained in the Agreement, as may have been amended from time to time, Contractor will provide those additional services described in the attached Exhibit "A". 2. City will pay Contractor for all work associated with those services described in Exhibit "A" a fixed price of one hundred and twenty seven thousand five hundred and seventy-two dollars ($127,572). 3. Contractor will complete all work described in the attached Exhibit "A" within eighteen (18) months of the Effective Date of this Amendment Number 4 and the work described herein will be scheduled to commence at a mutually agreeable date. 4. All other provisions of the Agreement, as may have been amended from City Attorney Approved Version #05.22.01 If required by City, proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by contractor must be attached. If a Corporation, Agreement must be signed by one corporate officer from each of the following two groups. *Group A. **Group B. Chairman, Secretary, President, or Assistant Secretary, Vice-President CFO or Assistant Treasurer Otherwise, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering the officer(s) signing to bind the corporation. APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R By:. Assistant/DsptrtyCity Attorney City Attorney Approved Version # 05.22.01 ID time to time, will remain in full force and effect. 5. All requisite insurance policies to be maintained by Contractor pursuant to the Agreement, as may have been amended from time to time, will include coverage for this Amendment No. 4. 6. The individuals executing this Amendment and the instruments referenced in it on behalf of Contractor each represent and warrant that they have the legal power, right and actual authority to bind Contractor to the terms and conditions of this Amendment. CONTRACTOR CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California . / . , By: (sign here) Jto.fi HfwsxU (MM /twk.?MA (print name/title) Off*** -* (e-mail address) **By: (sign here) (print name/title) (e-mail address) ^ttffiter ( " Mayor ATTEST: 1^C^r^^^^^^«2ti_ ,0*SQ^CZt LORRAINE M. WOOD // / f ^n,J, City Clerk V ^$j$t- ^•'oy'V»Bs*4i -otef&S&A\^&jjj& ^?^HB j- ^\ • V^ -^ p City Attorney Approved Version #05.22.01 ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of: California County of: On /ril _, before me. //&//s.y . / ./• (name and title of the officer) I personally appeared. who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person J$ whose name^sj is/afe subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/sjte/they executed the same in his/hef/tbeir authorized capacity (jet), and that by his/heXtheir signature^ on the instrument the personjs), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal Signature df Notary Pu (seal) EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF SERVICES AND FEE Scope Description Tiburon will provide services required to upgrade Carlsbad's Computer Aided Dispatch and Mobile/AVL system to the latest released version. This includes the following applications and interfaces: • CommandCAD(formerly known as CAD/Ti) • MobileCOM Migration (formerly known as MDS) • MSS/Ti • 911 Map, Mobile mapping and AVL • Datawarehouse • Webquery • MQServer interfaces running on Bull and Tiger servers • Migration from Oracle to SQL Server 2008 This also includes the following: • Tiburon SSG services for Migration to SQL Server 2008 • Tiburon SSG services to stage new hardware • Up to 16 hours CIS Map Admin Training (one trip) • Up to 24 hours CommandCAD 2.4 Feature Training (one trip) • Up to 24 hours File Maintenance Feature Training (one trip) • Up to 8 hours Reformat Designer Feature Training (one trip) • 2 Day CommandCAD 2.4 Cutover support • Required Maverick LVS license • DBA Services to enhance the tool and deal with any testing issues related to DBA Services completed in Amendment No. 3.MobileCOM Migration includes 115 MobileCOM licenses. The following are not included: • Hardware replacements or upgrades. • Crystal Reports, Oracle, SQL or other third-party product upgrades. • Client-specific documentation. • Modifications to any third-party systems that may be used by Client to access CAD, CARS or the CARS Datawarehouse. • Migration of existing customization (baseline versions of the applications are to be deployed). Exhibit A - Scope of Services and Fee City Attorney Approved Version # 05.22.01 • Any new CAD modules. Only those CAD modules contained in the 2.2 system will be upgraded. • Services to uncrate/box any new servers or install/configure them into racks. • Alarm interfaces. • The Tiburon Navigator. The following describes in detail each project task and associated completion criteria and the responsibilities for each party. General Responsibilities Working together, Tiburon and the Client will complete the required steps needed to upgrade the Client's system. Tiburon Responsibilities for CommandCAD Upgrade: 1. Designate a Coordinator to oversee the upgrade that will: • Maintain communication with the Client's Coordinator. • Schedule and coordinate all Tiburon staff. • Establish an upgrade schedule with the Client's input. • Communicate progress updates on Tiburon Tasks with the client during the active phase of the project (post software installation through cutover). 2. Provide Demonstrations of the new features of the products to be installed. This Demonstration may be conducted remotely and can take between 4-6 hours for CommandCAD (depending on the installed vs. to be installed version change). 3. Provide the services to install and configure the applications/interfaces listed above in the Scope Description 4. Provide the training listed above in the Scope Description. 5. Provide SSG services for migration from Oracle to SQL Server 2008. 6. Provide the services to migrate the client's current tailoring and configuration to the new version. No new tailoring or configuration settings are included. A trainer will review new metrics prior to the new product generation. 7. Validate and test the installation to insure quality. 8. CommandCAD 2.4 and higher requires a new database configuration. A rolling upgrade is not available for this VMP. There may be a period of down time required to conduct a full back up of the source data prior to the final conversion. CommandCAD will still be available Exhibit A - Scope of Services and Fee City Attorney Approved Version # 05.22.01 for dispatch services, but history files will be unavailable while the cutover conversion is being completed. 9. Provide sixteen (16) hours of remote technical support post-cutover, and twenty-four (24) hours on site trainer cutover support for CommandCAD. 10. Update TCS Configurations to reflect updated system version information. 11. DBA: After the CommandCAD 2.x VMP, Tiburon will enhance the tool and deal with any testing issues. In the latest version of CommandCAD there is a CAD application that has an indication that indicates which CAD Calls have a message appended to it, during the purge of messages Tiburon will review this indicator in CAD and then exclude such messages from deletion. This responsibility is only valid if the city and Tiburon sign and approve Amendment No. 3. Client Responsibilities for CommandCAD Upgrade: 1) Designate a Coordinator to oversee the upgrade that will: • Schedule and coordinate all Client staff and third-party (vendors and/or departments) support. • Maintain communication with the Tiburon Coordinator. • Establish an upgrade schedule with Tiburon • Communicate progress updates on Client Tasks with the Tiburon during the active phase of the project (post software installation through cutover) 2) Provide direct VPN remote access and on-site access to each server and administrative privileges on all servers running Tiburon applications. Provide one workstation for CAD testing, and one mobile workstation (laptop) for MobileCOM testing. 3) Provide all necessary hardware and third party product upgrades in accordance with Tiburon's specifications herein. 4) Submit hardware configurations (for any replacement hardware or upgrades) to Tiburon prior to purchase. The hardware configurations recommended by Tiburon are described in Exhibits B, C and D to this Amendment. 5) Provide a suitable training environment for onsite training staff. For file maintenance and end-user training, the client needs to provide training workstations for each of the students in the class. Workstations can be shared by more than one individual, however the number of students in the class cannot exceed 10 people 6) Maintain/update Code tables and operator tables in both systems concurrently after the initial data migration. Exhibit A - Scope of Services and Fee City Attorney Approved Version # 05.22.01 7) Update required new file maintenance tables as required. This includes adding new security settings as necessary to support new features. 8) Reconfigure (as necessary) any Crystal Reports to operate correctly with the upgraded systems. 9) Deploy any workstation client software, including mobile versions of ARS (if applicable). 10) Download the latest documentation from Tiburon TCS self-service website. Alternately, a CD of the baseline current documentation can be requested as well. All documentation is delivered in full - whether each feature is licensed or not by the client. 11) Conduct a full System Test to insure that all tailoring and configuration settings are migrated correctly and completely and that client's workflow operates optimally within the new version. Clients should develop and maintain a test plan that can be used during each upgrade. Note: Tiburon conducts its own QA testing, but each client specific environment is best reviewed by on site staff as well as Tiburon QA staff. 12) Report any system problems using Tiburon's TCS system (either on line or via email/phone). Note that a new Configuration & login will be established for Product release versions and higher. Patch build installations will not require a new login. 13) Validate that backups are performing as planned and configured. Fee and Payment Schedule The fixed price fee for all services to be provided pursuant to this Amendment No. 4 is $127,572. The Tiburon Annual Maintenance Fee will increase by $10,000 as a result of the services provided hereunder and will be included in the next annual maintenance bill after the project is completed. There is no warranty period. Maintenance continues for all systems according to the Agreement. City will pay Tiburon according to the payment schedule below Payment Percentage 30% 30% 30% 10% Total Amount $38,272 $38,271 $38,272 $12,757 $127,572 Milestone Delivery of the Project Schedule and Assignment of Project Mgr Successful go-live of MobileCom as defined below Successful go-live of CommandCAD as defined below Project Completion as defined below Exhibit A - Scope of Services and Fee City Attorney Approved Version # 05.22.01 Project Completion Criteria The "go-live" of CommandCAD or MobileCom will be considered successful ten (10) business days after Tiburon has provided the Client with written notification that the CommandCAD latest version and MobileCOM are ready for testing in the test system, or the CommandCAD latest version and MobileCOM has been placed into production, whichever comes first. If Client does not confirm completion with a sign off letter presented by the Tiburon project manager within ten (10) business days of submittal of such letter, or otherwise notifies Tiburon in writing why completion sign-off has not been provided any final invoice(s) will be issued and will be payable in accordance with the payment terms of this Amendment. The project will be considered complete fifteen (15) business days after Tiburon has provided the Client with written notification that the CommandCAD latest version and MobileCOM are ready for testing in the test system, or the CommandCAD latest version and MobileCOM has been placed into production, whichever comes first. If Client does not confirm completion with a sign off letter presented by the Tiburon project manager within ten (10) business days of submittal of such letter, or otherwise notifies Tiburon in writing why completion sign-off has not been provided any final invoice(s) will be issued and will be payable in accordance with the payment terms of this Amendment. Exhibit A - Scope of Services and Fee City Attorney Approved Version # 05.22.01 EXHIBIT "B" First Review of Carlsbad Current Hardware Configuration CAD Server Stratus ftServer Model 3300-P3103R-ID-1 Site ID 6505 OS Windows 2003 SP2 Enterprise Edition Database Oracle IP Address Computer Name Megamouth CPU 1-way3.06Ghz Memory 2GB Disk Config 2 x 18GB RAID-1 C: (OEM) 18GB - 11 Free 2 x 36GB RAID-1 D: (APPS) 36GB - 28 Free 2 x 36GB RAID-1 E: (DB) 36GB - 21 Free 2 x 36GB RAID-1 F: (IDX) 36GB - 24 Free 2 x 36GB RAID-1 G: (LOGS) 36GB - 31 Free 2 x 36GB RAID-1 H: (Backup) 36GB - 16 Free Summary The ftServer supports the following functions: CAD application / database server. The CPU and memory utilization are nominal. System has plenty of free disk space. Recommendations CommandCAD version 2.4 utilizes a different architecture then the current version of CAD running now. The database and application are separated onto dedicated servers and the database required is SQL Server. This server could be used as the CAD database server by increasing the memory and installing SQL Server 2005. A new server will be required for the CAD application server. Exhibit B - First Hardware Review City Attorney Approved Version # 05.22.01 CARS Server- HP Proliant Model Serial Number OS Database IP Address Computer Name CPU Memory Disk Config DL380-G3 EB85KJNZ33 Windows 2003 SP2 Standard Edition Oracle Bull 1-way3.06Ghz 2GB 2 x 36GB RAID-1 C: 17GB - 7 Free 3 x 36GB RAID-5 D: (APPS) 76GB - 23 Free Summary The CARS Server supports the following functions, CARS application / database server, distribution, mapping and paging. The CPU and memory utilization are nominal. Recommendations The architecture of Data Warehouse for CommandCAD 2.4 system requires SQL Server 2005 for the database. It is possible to install SQL Server on this system to support the Data Warehouse database. It would require additional memory to support this. Tiburon recommends increasing to 4GB. The server would be used to support the Data Warehouse database only; a new server would be added to support the Data Warehouse application. Exhibit B - First Hardware Review City Attorney Approved Version # 05.22.01 10 WebQuery Server - HP Proliant Model Serial Number OS IP Address Computer Name CPU Memory Disk Config DL360-G3 EA51KYDZ34 Windows 2003 SP2 Standard Edition Thresher 1-way3.2Ghz 2GB 2 x 18GB RAID-1 C: 18GB - 8 Free Summary The WebQuery Server supports the CAD WebQuery function. The CPU and memory utilization are nominal. Recommendations No changes will be required for this server. No major changes have been made for WebQuery for CommandCAD 2.4 that would require this server to be replaced. Exhibit B - First Hardware Review City Attorney Approved Version # 05.22.01 New Data Warehouse Server An additional server will be required to support the upgrade. This server will host the Data Warehouse application, File Maintenance application, Map Server and Distribution for all applications. Because of the new architecture used by the Apollo products it would be difficult to concurrently use any existing servers to support these new applications. Review 1. Install new server for CAD application 2. Install additional server for Apollo based applications & features (File maintenance, distribution, etc.). Server recommendations attached. If Tiburon performs the staging of the new equipment there will be two days on site plus travel. If the client performs the installation and initial setup of the new servers then there will be 8 hours of remote support to finalize the staging by SSG. Exhibit B - First Hardware Review City Attorney Approved Version # 05.22.01 12 CAD Workstation Hardware Recommendation (version 2.4) For Call-Taker workstations on systems with mapping two displays are recommended. One display is supported, but most clients find that they prefer a second display for use with the CAD Status Map. For Dispatch workstations on systems with mapping three displays are recommended. Two displays are supported, but most clients find that they prefer a third display for use with the CAD Status Map. Alternatively wide aspect ratio (16:9) displays can be used. In this case, fewer displays per position are probably sufficient. The actual final configuration is up to each client's preferences, budget and the amount of console desktop space available. The recommended CAD Dispatcher, Supervisor or Call Taker workstation specifications (for v2.x) are: • Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor at 2.00GHz or faster • 1066MHz Front Side Bus or faster • 2GB DDR-2 Memory (3-4GB recommended for sites that average over 2,000 CAD Incidents per day and for workstations supporting the CommandCAD "Playback" feature) • 80GB Disk Drive or larger (Recommend SATA II 3.0Gb/s) o For workstations supporting the "Playback" feature two Disk Drives 250GB or larger in a RAID-1 configuration is recommended. • Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 or Microsoft Vista Business SP1. Windows 7 is currently undergoing product certification. • Graphics card with multiple display support (Cards must have Microsoft signed drivers for the operating system installed). • Suitable multi-head video adapters supporting dual-displays include: o Dell ATI Radeon X1300PRO, 256MB, Dual Monitor DVI or VGA (available from Dell as an option with the Optiplex 745) o Matrox Millennium P650 Low-profile PCI & PCI-X dual display card includes cables for DVI and adapters for VGA o ATI FireMV 2200 PCI (ATI #100-505139 or Dell #A0513622) • Suitable multi-head video adapters supporting up to four displays include: o Matrox QID LP PCIe low-profile, quad-display card, up to four monitors. Including cables for DVI and adapters for VGA o ATI FireMV 2400 PCI (ATI #100-505130 or Dell #A0509329) • 19-inch or larger displays supporting a resolution of up to at least 1280 by 1024 pixels each with a color depth of at least 10,000 colors (24-bit "true color") • CD-ROM or DVD-ROM reader (For workstations supporting playback a DVD-RW or other means of backing up the playback data is recommended) • PS/2 and/or USB ports as necessary to support keyboard and mouse • Keyboard • Optical Mouse with scroll wheel • Gigabit Network Interface Card • Sound card and speakers Exhibit B - First Hardware Review City Attorney Approved Version # 05.22.01 13 EXHIBIT "C" Second Review of Carlsbad Current Hardware Configuration (VMWare) Special Note: here are some of the Clients objectives: 1. Move all CAD applications of our current Stratus and HP servers, into a VMWare environment. Tiburon herein provides recommendations for the VMWare requirements, storage requirements, memory requirements, software version requirements., etc 2. Discussion issue: whether or not to put our SQL server(s) into a cluster separate from the VMWare environment. 3. City has a Compellent SAN and will need to know how much storage we will require to move the current data to the SAN and how much to allow for future growth. Tiburon herein provides storage requirements 4. Two servers (Bull and Tiger) are each running an instance of the MQSeries CLETS interface. Both of these interfaces need to be moved onto VMWare servers. City of Carlsbad - FTServer Stratus CAD Application & Database Server Name Megamouth IP Address/Mask: Model: 3300 CPU 2-3. Ghz OS Windows 2003 Enterprise SP2 Memory 2 Gig NIC Disk Config 2 x 36 RAID-1 C: (OS) - 17 Gig (10 Gig Free) 2 x 36 RAID-1 D: (Apps) - 34Gig (27 Gig Free) 2 x 36 RAID-1 E: (DB) 34Gig (20 Gig Free) 2 x 36 RAID-1 F: (Idx) 34Gig (23 Gig Free) 2 x 36 RAID-1 G: (Redo) 34Gig (31 Gig Free) 2 x 36 RAID-1 H: (Backup) 34Gig (12 Gig Free) Data Base Software Oracle 9.2 Summary The FTServer supports the following functions: CAD Application, CAD Database (the CAD PRO database is 30 gig in size), the Reformat Designer and l/Oshell Clets interface. The Servers OS is Windows 2003 SP2 it also has the Oracle 9.2 software. The CPU and memory utilization seem to be at low to moderate levels. The disk Volumes has available space and it could support a duplicated CAD Database. Recommendations One of the objectives of the Client is to move the server to the VMware environment because of this objective I suggest that CAD APP and CAD DB functions be split up as they currently are both being performed by this server. Exhibit C - Second Hardware Review (VMWare) City Attorney Approved Version # 05.22.01 14 City of Carlsbad -CARs Application & Database Server Name Bull IP Address/Mask: Model: HP Proliant DL380 G3 CPU 2 - 3.6 Ghz OS Windows 2003 Std SP2 Memory 2 Gig NIC Disk Config 2 x 36 RAID-1 C: (OS) - 17 Gig (6 Gig Free) 2 x 73 RAID-1 D: (Apps) - 67Gig (15 Gig Free) Data Base Software Oracle 9.2 Summary The CARS Server supports the following functions: CARsApplication , CARs Database (the CARs PRO database is 10 gig in size), Arch & Verizon Paging using an internal Digi RAS Modem card, MQ interface to County Clets Server, Mapping Distribution & update services. The Servers OS is Windows 2003 SP2. It also has the Oracle 9.2 software. The CPU and memory utilization seem to be at low to moderate levels. The disk Volumes has available space but it could not support a duplicated Data Warehouse Database. Recommendations One of the objectives of the Client is to move the server to the VMware environment because of this objective I suggest that CAD DB and CARs DB functions be combined as given their combined database foot is 30 for CAD (15 gig for database backup files) and 10 for CARs. I would also suggest that the Paging and MQ functions be moved to a separate Interface server. This will require using several IP to Serial Data converter devices to support the Paging Modems (DigiSPI) Exhibit C - Second Hardware Review (VMWare) City Attorney Approved Version # 05.22.01 15 City of Carlsbad - WebQuery Server Name IP Address/Mask: Model: CPU OS Memory NIC Disk Config Data Base Software Thresher HP Proliant DL360 G3 2-3.1 Ghz Windows 2003 Std SP2 2 Gig 2 x 36 RAID-1 C: (OS) Oracle 9.2 Client 17 Gig (7Gig Free) Summary The WebQuery Server supports the following functions: WEBQuery Services. The Servers OS is Windows 2003 SP2 it also has the Oracle 9.2 software. The CPU and memory utilization seem to be at low to moderate levels. The disk Volumes has available space but it could not support a duplicated Data Warehouse Database. Recommendations One of the objectives of the Client is to move the server to the VMware environment; because of this objective, I suggest that this server's function remain as it is in the VMware environment. Exhibit C - Second Hardware Review (VMWare)City Attorney Approved Version # 05.22.01 16 i City of Carlsbad - MQ Interface Server Name IP Address/Mask: Model: CPU OS Memory NIC Data Base Software Tiger (CADMQ01) HP Proliant DL360 G3 2-3.1 Ghz Windows 2003 Std SP2 1 Gig Disk Config C: (System)- 10 Gig D: (Storage) - 24 gig E: (Backup) - 500 gig Oracle 9.2 Client (3Gig Free) (21 Gig Free) (261 Gig Free) Summary The Tiger Server supports the following functions: IBM WebSphere Services and Backup image storage. The Servers OS is Windows 2003. The CPU utilization was at 50% and memory utilization is at medium levels. The disk Volumes has backup files of each of the Tiburon Servers on the Backup Volume (E:\). Recommendations One of the objectives of the Client is to move this server to the VMware environment; because of this objective, I suggest that this server's primary function, WebSphere functions, remain as it is in the VMware environment. I suggest moving the Ghost backup functions to another server. Exhibit C - Second Hardware Review (VMWare)City Attorney Approved Version # 05.22.01 17 Proposed CAD VMware environment CAD Environment CADAPP CAD Live MSS Live Digi devices for E911 CAD Training CAD Training Server File Maintenance CAD & Data Warehouse Server SQL Server CAD & Data Warehouse SQL Server Reporting Services Application WEB Server CAD WebQuery Authentication Service CAD GUI Distribution * Printing Live File Maintenance LVS Services Interface 1 MQ Clets CARs Applications Paging interface Digi devices for paging Mapping Distribution MQ-1 MQ CLets MQ-2 MQ CLets vCenter & Backup Server Backup Services Exhibit C - Second Hardware Review (VMWare)City Attorney Approved Version # 05.22.01 18 EXHIBIT "D" Server Disk Space Requirements Exhibit D - Server Disk Space Requirements City Attorney Approved Version # 05.22.01 19 Server Disk Space Requirements Total Formatted Disk Volume Size Total San disk Meg Space The Servers CADAPP, CADDB must have their Virtual Disks Volumes setup on the San as individual Luns to protect each Volume from other Virtual Disks read and write contention. The other servers Interface!, CLetsl, CLets2, WEB, CADTAPP can share a SAN Lun. It may be advisable to spread the other VMs Virtual disks out over several DataStores, Example: Interface 1, CLetsl on DataStores2 and CLets2 WEB CADTAPP on DataStore3. Exhibit D - Server Disk Space Requirements City Attorney Approved Version # 05.22.01 20 EXHIBIT "E" Server Memory, Resource and Infinity Requirements Exhibit E - Server Memory Requirements City Attorney Approved Version # 05.22.01 21 Server Memory, Resource and Infinity Requirements• Name CADAPP CADTAPP CADDB Interfaces WEB CLETS1 CLETS2 Function CAD Live CAD Training CAD& CARs Data Warehouse DB Paging & MQ Web Server MQ MQ vCPU Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Memory Foot print 4 4 8 4 4 4 4 VM define memory 4 4 8 4 4 4 4 Available memory 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 Resource Group High Low Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal infinity setting yes yes yes Virtual Network Adapters 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data Store Separate VMFS for C: & D: yes yes yes yes na na na Preferred Database Data Store connection type RDM ESX Host 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 Notes Notes: Performance Moniting will be nneded to determine if CADAPP & DB can be hosted on same EXS host Notes: Do not run on same ESX host as the CAD server Notes: Do not run on same ESX host as the CLETS1 server Exhibit E - Server Memory Requirements City Attorney Approved Version # 05.22.01 22 None Vmware Node Backup Servers Totals vCenter & Bkup exec 7 1 32 4 16 7 1 These specifications are a starting place, VM Resource tuning will be require to provide Optimum performance and availability This server has an attached Tape Autoloader The chart above lists the starting point for system resource requirements. This chart covers virtual CPUs per VM, Memory configured and available at boot time, VM resource group membership, infinity rules for high contention VMs, VM adapter requirements, data store requirements and VM to host placement relationships. A ESX host should have enough hardware resources to support their hosted VM at as required by the VM-HA 1 host failure threshold resource utilization and be able to allow DSR to relocate VM's if so desired. Exhibit E - Server Memory Requirements City Attorney Approved Version # 05.22.01 23 V;. -isa Hildabrand ...,:•:.^ve-Agenda Item # JO For the Information of the: r.TTvroTrNrr.TT. From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Charles McBride Monday, April 25, 2011 6:42 PM Lisa Hildabrand Gary Morrison RE: asset forfeiture funds- agenda item #10 Asst. ,\Date 4\XJ City Manager ^>~"'" Hey, Lisa, For the period ending 4/30/2011, fund balances are: Federal Asset Forf (Fund 121) $685,377 State Asset Forf (Fund 122) £.93,088 Total $778,465 Let me know if you need more info. Thanks, Chuck From: Lisa Hildabrand Sent: Monday, April 25, 2011 6:09 PM To: Charles McBride Cc: Gary Morrison Subject: asset forfeiture funds- agenda item #10 Importance: High Chuck- Can you tell me what the balance is in the asset forfeiture fund? Thanks. Lisa Distribution: City Clerk Asst. City Clerk Deputy Clerk Book