HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-05-10; City Council; 20545; AMENDMENTS POLICY 51CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 13 AB# 20,545 MTG. 5/10/11 DEPT. HNS AMENDMENTS TO CITY COUNCIL POLICY 51 Community Activity Funding DEPT. CITY ATTY CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. Activity Funding. 2011-091 amending Council Policy 51 for Community ITEM EXPLANATION: In 1992, the Carlsbad City Council adopted Council Policy 51 (Policy) which established the Community Activity Funding program to provide funding to various human and social service programs for Carlsbad residents. This Policy was intended to complement other City programs (i.e. CDBG), which, in essence provides for an enhanced quality of life for all Carlsbad residents. Council Policy 51 is an umbrella policy, with three distinct grants incorporated into the program: Community Activity Grants, Special Event Grants, and Winning Teams Grants. Since the original adoption there have been a number of revisions to the Policy to clarify, define, and refine the stated purpose of the three grants available in the Community Activity Funding program. On January 18, 2011, the City Council held a public workshop and discussed modifications to the existing Policy. Based on that discussion, the revised policy is submitted for approval by the City Council. Following is a summary of the key changes to the Policy: Community Activity Grants The City Council will annually determine the amount of funds to be budgeted for Community Activity Grants. This amount shall include the interest earned on the initial $1 million set-aside for said fund, but may also include additional general funds at the discretion of the Council. Special Event Grants • For the purposes of this grant, "special event" is to be defined as set forth within Chapter 8.17 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (Special Event Ordinance), with the exception that the following "special events" shall not be eligible for this grant: - Events hosted by a commercial enterprise for profit and/or fundraiser purposes. - Regularly offered programs, activities or events. - Any event held for primarily a political or religious benefit or other similar purpose, which in the opinion of the City Attorney constitutes an unlawful use of public funds. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Courtney Enriquez 760-434-2812 Courtnev.Enriquez@carlsbadca.gov FOR CITY CLERKS COUNCIL ACTION: USE ONLY. APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED D D D Dn CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN RETURNED TO STAFF OTHER - SEE MINUTES D D D fcf Adopt-pri Counci Policy and Resolu as amended. L tion • All volunteer, community-based fundraising events are eligible to receive grants if they use the funds for direct costs of the fundraising event and they pay no staff for working the event other than short-term consultants/contractors. • The organization cannot have received money, or donated city services from other city sources (including CDBG) for the current fiscal year. • Organizations may receive no more than one special event grant per year; and no more than three (3) years of cash grants; an organization may receive up to five (5) years of in-kind city assistance to pay for city services/facilities for one special event per year. • Administrative review and tentative approval of special event by special events committee (if applicable). • City Manager, or designee, is authorized to approve grants up to $5,000 following consultation with the Special Events Committee, and to appropriate funds from the Council Contingency General Fund for said grant. Winning Teams Grants • Define "National Championship Competition" to mean that a team or teams must advance through a series of competitive levels, earning the right to compete at a national or international level. • Written requests for the Winning Teams Grant are to be directed to the Housing and Neighborhood Services Department. Administrative review of the application will be completed by Housing and Neighborhood Services prior to City Council consideration, as appropriate. FISCAL IMPACT: The Policy provides funding through two separate funds. In 1999, a dedicated source of funding was provided by the City Council through a set-aside of $1 million. The interest from the $1 million set aside was, and continues to be, the direct source of funding for the Community Activity Grants; this was estimated at $40,000 for 2010-11. The Council has indicated that it may be interested in supplementing the interest earnings with additional general funds to provide more funding for these grants on an annual basis. It is staffs recommendation that the City Council determine the additional appropriation to the Community Activity Grants during the annual budget process. Unlike Community Activity Grants, both Special Event Grants and Winning Teams Grants are directly funded through the City Council's General Fund contingency account and do not have a specific appropriation for said grants; these grants are approved on a case-by-case basis. The revised policy will authorize the City Manager to approve special event grants which do not exceed $5,000 following review by the Special Events Committee, and to appropriate said funds from the City Council's General Fund contingency account ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065 and CEQA Guidelines section 15738, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA and therefore, does not require additional environmental review. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 2011-091 adopting Council Policy 51. 2. Revised Council Policy 51. 3. Strike out and amended Council Policy 51. 4. Community Activity Grants Application 5. Special Events Grant Application 6. Special Events Grants, supplemental application guidelines 7. Winning Teams Grant Application 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2011-091 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE 3 AMENDMENTS TO COUNCIL POLICY 51 ON 4 COMMUNITY ACTIVITY FUNDING. 5 WHEREAS, Council Policy 51 outlines the criteria, terms and process for 6 Community Activity Funding; and 7 WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Council recommended revisions to the Council8 9 Policy at a public workshop on January 18, 2011 to clarify its intent for the policy and 10 confirm and/or modify the eligibility of programs and/or projects; and 11 WHEREAS, the City Council will establish a maximum appropriation on an 12 annual basis for Special Event Grants, similar to the Community Activity Funding limit; 13 and WHEREAS, an organization can request a maximum Special Event Grant in the amount of $10,000 (amount to include both direct cash assistance and in-kind city 16 services); and 17 WHEREAS, the proposed amendments to Council Policy 51 will provide 18 clarification to the citizenry regarding the grants process and eligibility of projects, 2Q programs and events. 21 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of 22 Carlsbad, California, as follows: 23 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 24 2. City Council Policy No. 51 is revised and/or modified as set forth in the 25 attached Exhibits 2 (final) and 3 (legislative draft/strike out draft). 26 3. The City Manager is hereby authorized to approve special event grants 28 that do not exceed $5,000, and the City Manager and Finance Director are y 1 authorized to appropriate said funds from the City Council's General Fund 2 contingency account as said grants are approved. 4. For FY12, the City Manager and Finance Director are authorized to 4 appropriate $50,000 specifically for Special Event Grants, and are authorized 5 to appropriate said funds from the City Council's General Fund contingency 6 account as said grants are approved. 5. The City Manager and Finance Director are authorized to appropriate said 9 funds to various General Fund budgets for in-kind City services and/or to 10 release approved cash assistance to the event organizers, as appropriate. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 10th day of May, 2011, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Hall, Kulchin, Blackburn, Douglas, Packard None None 7&S/1 MATt HALL, Mayor ATTEST: LORRAINE^vf.^WOO0JCity Clerk ''//x * x^v f'nn\\\^ CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: Community Activity Funding Subject: Process for Funding Community Activities Policy No. Date of Issue: Effective Date Cancellation Date Supersedes No. Page 1 of 3 51 May 10, 2011 May 10, 2011 January 8, 2008 :opies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department Heads and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File BACKGROUND: PURPOSE: The City Council has, in the past, chosen to fund community activities with General Fund monies. This has included the allocation of funds to agencies that provide various programs that enrich Carlsbad residents and visitors, and/or assist in enhancing their quality of life. On January 18, 2011, the City Council reviewed its policy and approved some recommended revisions for its consideration at a regular Council meeting. To establish the process for distributing funds for community activities, including special events and support for winning teams. POLICY: 1. It is the policy of the City of Carlsbad to allocate funds for "start-up costs" to initiate new programs/ ideas/organizations that provide for community activities or enhancements within Carlsbad. The program is not intended to fund ongoing services/programs. There are three (3) funding programs available under this Council policy: Community Activity Grants, Special Event Grants, and Winning Team Grants. A description of each program and its related eligibility criteria is provided below. 2. The Grant Funding shall have the following term limits per organization: a. Community Activity Grants: Organizations funded by the Community Activity Grant may receive annual grants for up to a maximum of three (3) years and then will be ineligible for grant funding for a minimum of two (2) years. After at least two (2) years, organizations can again apply for Community Activity Grant funding and receive a maximum of two (2) additional years of grant funding. An organization may not receive more than five (5) years of funding through this grant program, and no other city funding may be provided during the two (2) year hiatus. b. Special Event Grants: An organization may receive no more than one (1) special event grant per year, and may receive no more than three (3) years of grants which provide cash assistance. An organization may receive up to five (5) years of in-kind city assistance to pay for city services/facilities for special events. c. Winning Teams Grants: A team may receive up to three (3) years of grants to participate in a national championship competition as defined below. 7 3. The organization cannot receive money, or donated city services from other city sources (including CDBG) for the current fiscal year. 4. Community Activity Grants - Criteria and Process a. Such grants provide funding for enrichment programs for the community and/or for physical or other neighborhood enhancements within Carlsbad, with the exception that the following will not be eligible: 1) social service programs; 2) programs sponsored by educational institutions; and 3) a program that conflicts or is in competition with a city program. b. The City Council will annually determine the amount of funds to be budgeted for Community Activity Grants. This amount shall include the interest earned on the initial $1 million set-aside for said fund, but may also include additional general funds at the discretion of the Council. c. Once the budget is adopted by the Council interested groups will be notified of the application process to request said grants d. The application process will consist of the following: i. Completion of city application for funds. ii. Review by city staff and a Citizens' Advisory Committee.. iii. Recommendations submitted by Advisory Committee to City Council. iv. Action by City Council to approve, modify, or disapprove the request. e. The City Council will establish a review panel comprised of citizens and city staff to evaluate the applications, and make recommendations to the City Council. The review panel will be comprised of the following: one representative from each quadrant of the City, one member of the Senior Commission, the Library Board, and the Parks & Recreation Commission. f. The review panel will consider the provision of matching funds from other sources in evaluation of the applications. 5. Special Event Grants - Criteria and Process a. Such grants provide city funding for start up costs related to Special Events held within the City that have a citywide interest; and shall be available to a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations, or to an organized all-volunteer group on a reimbursement basis only. b. For the purposes of this grant, a "special event" shall be defined as set forth in Chapter 8.17 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (Special Event Ordinance), with the exception that the following "special events" shall not be eligible for this grant: i. Events hosted by a commercial enterprise for profit and/or fundraiser purposes, ii. Regularly offered programs, activities or events. iii. Any event held for primarily a political or religious benefit or other similar purpose, which in the opinion of the City Attorney constitutes an unlawful use of public funds. c. Special fundraising events shall be eligible for funding provided the organization is all-volunteer, based in Carlsbad and provided further that funds are used only for direct costs of the event and no staff of the organization is paid for working the event, other than short-term consultants or contractors that are directly necessary for holding the event. d. Such grants can be requested any time of the year, and may not exceed $10,000 for a single grant. f. Such grants shall not provide for 100% of the total event funding; there must be funding from other non-city sources to finance the expenses of the event to be eligible for such grants. g. All approved grants will be funded from the City Council's contingency account. An annual appropriation maximum shall be set by the City Council at its discretion. The City Manager, or designee, is authorized to approve grants up to $5,000 following consultation with the Special Events Committee, and shall be authorized to appropriate said funds from the City Council's general fund contingency account. The City Council shall approve grants over $5,000. The application process will consist of the following: Completion of a permit application for the special event (if applicable). Completion of a Special Event Grant supplemental application. Administrative review and tentative approval of special event by special events committee (if applicable). iv. Allocation of funding by the City Council for said grants, v. Approval of grant by City Manager, or designee, if the grant is less than $5,000. vi. Approval of grant by City Council, if it exceeds $5,000. 6. Winning Teams Grants a. Such grants provide funding to youth teams to offset the cost of travel expenses to national championship competitions. To be eligible for these grants, the team(s) must advance through a series of competitive levels, earning the right to compete at a national or international level. Additional eligibility requirements are provided below. b. Such grants can be requested anytime of the year. c. These requests will be funded from City Council's contingency account. d. Eligibility requirements are: i. The participants are all 18 years of age or under. The group or team is an organized non-profit corporation or unincorporated association. The request for funding must be made prior to the date of the national or international event, iv. At least 90% of the participants in the team or group are residents of Carlsbad. e. The application process will consist of the following: i. Written request to the Housing and Neighborhood Services Director. ii. Administrative review by the Housing and Neighborhood Services Director, or designee. iii. Consideration of the funding by the City Council. 7. This policy may be amended as necessary and appropriate by the City Council. CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: Community Activity Funding Subject: Process for Funding Community Activities Page 1 of 3 Policy No. 51 Date of Issue: May 10, 2011 Effective Date May 10, 2011 Cancellation Date Supersedes No. January 8, 2008 Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department Heads and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File BACKGROUND: The City Council has, in the past, chosen to fund cor monies. This has included the allocation of funds to enrichment programs that enrichte Carlsbad reside nmunity activities with General Fund agencies that provide various nts and visitors, and/or assist in January 18, 2011, the City Council reviewed its policy and approved some recommended revisions for its consideration at a regular Council meeting. PURPOSE: To establish the process for distributing funds for community activities, including special events and support for winning teams. POLICY: 1. It is the policy of the City of Carlsbad to allocate funds for "start-up costs" to initiate new programs/ideas/organizations that provide for community ac Carlsbad. The program is not intended to fund ongoing services/programs tivities or enhancements within . There are three (3) funding programs available under this Council policy: Community Activity Grants, Special Event Grants, and Winning Team Grants. A description of each program and its related eligibility criteria is provided below. 2. The Grant Funding shall have the following term limits per a. ^Community Activity Grants: Organizations funded by the Community Activity Grant may receive annual - grants for up to a maximum of three (3) vears and then will be ineligible cannot apply for grant funding for a minimum of two (2\ vears. After at least a two (^vears^-Mates. organizations can again apply for Community Activity Ggrant funding and receive a maximum of two (^additional vears of grant funding. An organization may not receive more than five (5) years of funding through this grant program, and no other citv funding mav be provided during the two (2) year hiatus. b. Special Event Grants: An organization mav receive no more than one (1) special event grant per year, • and mav receive no more than three (3) vears of grants which provide cash assistance. An organization mav receive up to five (5) vears of in-kind city assistance to pav for events. citv services/facilities for special • Exhibit 3 I Formatted! Indent: Left: 0" (Formatted: Font: +Body Formatted: List Paragraph, Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: a, b, c,... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5" Formatted: Font: +Body Formatted: Font: +Body [Formatted: Font: +Body ( Formatted; Font: +Body [Formatted; Font: +Body (Formatted; Font: +Body Formatted: Font: +Body Formatted: Font: +Body Formatted: Font: +Body I Formatted: Font: +Body I Formatted; Font: +Body ( Formatted: Font: +Body^ Formatted: Indent: Left: 0" I Formatted: Font: +Body Formatted: List Paragraph, Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: a, b, c,... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5" Formatted: Font: +Body Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5", No bullets or numbering Winning Teams Grants: A team may receive up to three (3) years of grants to participate in a national - championship competition as defined below.^ 3. Community Activity Grants - Criteria and Process a. SuchTbese grants provide funding for enrichment programs for the communitv and/or for physical or other neighborhood enhancements within Carlsbad., b. The omount of funds to bo allocated will bo determined annual during the budget process. The City Council will annually determine the amount of funds to be budgeted for Community Activity Grants. This amount shall include the interest earned on the initial $1 million set-aside for said fund, but may also include additional general funds at the discretion of the Council. c. Once the budget is adopted by the Council interested groups will be notified of the application process to request said d. The application process will consist of the following: i. Completion of €citv application for funds. ii. Review by city staff and a Citizens' Advisory Committee. Council. Recommendations submitted by Advisory Committee to City Action by City Council to approve, modify, or disapprove the e. The City Council will establish a review panel comprised of citizens and city staff to evaluate the applications, and make recommendations to the City Council. The review panel will be comprised of the following: one representative from each quadrant of the City, one member of the Senior Commission, the Library Board, and the Parks & Recreation Commission. f. The review panel will consider the provision of matching funds from other sources in evaluation of the applications. 4. Special Event Grants - Criteria and Process a. Suchjttese grants provide city funding for start up costs related to Special Events held within the City that have a in the city of citywide interest; and shall be available to a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, or to an organized all-volunteer group on a reimbursement basis only. For the purposes of this grant, a "special event" shall be defined as set forth in Chapter 8.17 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (Special Event Ordinance), with the exception that the following "special events" shall not be eligible for this grant: • Events hosted by a commercial enterprise for profit and/or fundraiser* purposes. • Regularly offered programs, activities or events. • Any event held for primarily a political or religious benefit or other similar purpose, which in the opinion of the City Attorney constitutes an unlawful use of public funds. b. Formatted: List Paragraph, Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: a, b, c,... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5" : Formatted: Font: + Body Formatted: List Paragraph, Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned at: 2.5" + Indent at: 2.75" j Formatted: Font: +Body cjs. Special fundraising events shall be eligible for funding provided the organization is all-volunteer, based in Carlsbad and provided further that funds are used only for direct costs of the event and no staff of the organization is paid for working the event, other than short-term consultants or contractors that are directly necessary for holding the event. d_. The organization cannot have received money, or donated city services from other city sources (including CDBG) for the current fiscal year. e. SuchThoso grants can be requested any time of the year. fe. All approved grants The requests will be funded from the City Council's contingency account. gd. The City Manager, or designee, is authorized to approve grants up to $5.000 following consultation with the Special Events Committee, and shall be authorized to appropriate said funds from the City Council's general fund contingency account. The City Council shall approve grants over $5,000. h. 5. _The application process will consist of the following: i. Completion of a permit application for the Sspecial event-(jf applicable).application ii. Completion of a Special Event Grant supplemental application^ iii. Administrative review and tentative Aapproval of special event by special events committee (if applicable). iv. Allocation of funding by the City Council for said grants. v. Approval of grant by City Manager, or designee, if the grant is less than $5,000. vi.. Approval of grant by City Council, if it exceeds $5,000. Winning Teams Grants a. SucWhese grants provide funding to youth teams to offset the cost of travel expenses to national championship competitions. To be eligible for these grants, the team(s) must advance through a series of competitive levels, earning the right to compete at a national or international level. Additional eligibility requirements are provided below. b. SuchThoso grants can be requested any time of the year. c. These requests will be funded from City Council's contingency account. d. Eligibility requirements are: i. The participants are all 18 years of age or under. ii. The group or team is an organized non-profit corporation or agency unincorporated association. iii. The request for funding must be made prior to the date of the national or international event. iv. At least 90% of the participants in the team or group are residents- of Carlsbad, e. The application process will consist of the following: i. Written request to Cetmett the Housing and Neighborhood Services Pi rector. [ Formatted! Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0" ] Formatted: Indent: First line: 0" Formatted: Indent: Left: 2.5", Hanging: 0.5" Director, or designee. Administrative review by the Housing and Neighborhood Services Allocation Consideration of funding by the City CounciL 6. This policy may be amended as necessary and appropriate by the City CounciL Formatted: Indent: Left: 2", First line: O.IT Exhibit 4 CITY OFCARLSBAD' COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS Have a good idea for Carlsbad? Here's your opportunity... The City of Carlsbad is accepting applications for Community Activity Grants. The grants are designed to provide enrichment programs to the Carlsbad community and jump start new ideas. An enrichment program is any program that enhances the quality of life for Carlsbad's residents and/or visitors. These grants are intended to provide alternatives to other City programs such as the Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) by providing grants for services that may not be eligible under these other programs. Thus, any organization currently receiving funding from another City program is not eligible for a Community Activity Grant. The City Council has set aside $1 million from which the interest earned will be allocated for the various community service activities. The amount available for the 2009-10 fiscal year is $40,000. The full amount of the funds may not be disbursed if there are not sufficient qualifying applications. City of Carlsbad Housing and Neighborhood Services Department 2965 Roosevelt Street, Ste. B Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: Courtney Enriquez In the past, recipients were limited to three years of funding. Three year grant recipients may now reapply for the grant as long as they have not been awarded any funds from this program for the last two years. Applications will be reviewed by a Citizen Committee. This seven-member committee is comprised of one representative from each quadrant of the City appointed by Council, one member of the Senior Commission, the Library Board and the Parks and Recreation Commission. This Committee will then make a recommendation to the City Council for final approval in early December. It should be noted that programs approved for 2009-10 funding have no expressed or implied guarantee for future funding. If you have any questions regarding the funding for Community Activity Grants, please contact Courtney Enriquez at phone: (760) 434-2812 or email: Courtney.Enriquez@carlsbadca.gov COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Applicant Information: Please provide the requested information including: name, address, phone, Federal Tax ID or Social Security Number, and two (2) contact names. Two contact names are required for the application to be considered complete. Amount of Grant Request: Enter the dollar amount of City funds you are requesting. Eligibility Requirements: Both individuals and organizations are eligible to apply for grant funds. The basic requirements which must be met for an organization to be eligible to apply for Community Activity Grants are: 1. A Carlsbad City Council Member cannot be on the board of the organization. 2. The organization cannot have received money, or in-kind services from other City sources (including CDBG) for the current fiscal year. 3. The program cannot be in competition with other City programs. 4. Social service programs and educational institutions are ineligible for grant funds. 5. Organizations funded by the Community Activity Grant may receive grants for 3 years and then cannot apply for grant funding for a minimum of 2 years. After at least a 2 year hiatus, organizations can again apply for grant funding and receive a maximum of two additional years of grant funding 6. Consideration will be given for the provision of matching funds from other sources. Program Description/Scope: The program description should describe the nature of the program, the benefits to the Carlsbad Community, and the projected percent of Carlsbad residents served by the program, i.e., if the program only serves Carlsbad residents, then this would be 100%. Please provide an implementation schedule for the program showing the timeline and activities required to implement the program. If this is an ongoing program for which you are requesting funds, describe how the program will be funded in the future without the City grant. Applicant Background: Provide the requested information on your organization. If available, please attach an organization chart. Experience in Program Area: Provide information relating to the applicant's and other employees' experience in the program for which funds are being requested. Include the number of years providing similar services and the experience level of the individual(s). Provide any other information which would be useful to the reviewers in understanding your capabilities to provide the services for which the funds are requested. Financial Capabilities/Budget: In addition to providing a detailed budget for the program request, please include a funding schedule (your request for the timing of disbursement of the funds). Funds will only be disbursed in advance if a separate bank account is maintained. Applicant must also provide the requested information on current funding sources, and previous City funding received or requested within the past three years. Signatures: We require two contact names and their signatures. Reporting Requirements: A report on how the funds were spent will be required to be filed with the City annually, or when funds are spent, whichever comes first. This includes a detail listing of revenue and expenses for the program and a narrative explanation of what the program accomplished. Proof of program expenses (i.e. receipts) are required to be held for two years during which time the City reserves the right to audit the records. CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS APPLICATION Submit to: ^ City of Carlsbad CITY or Housing and Neighborhood Services Department CARLSBAD 2965 Roosevelt Street, Ste. B Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: Courtney Enriquez or FAX to (760) 720-2037 or email to Courtney.Enriquez@carlsbadca.gov Please complete the following application using the instructions provided on the last page of this application. You may attach additional pages if necessary. Name of Applicant: _ Address: _ Phone: ( _ ) _ Email: Contact 1 name phone Contact 2 name phone Federal Tax ID # or Social Security #: Amount of Grant Request: $ Eligibility Requirements: Please answer the following questions: Y N Is a City Council Member on your board? D D Is your program a social service program or educational institution? Q n Have you or will you be receiving support in 2009-10 for this program from other City sources? d n Are you aware of any other City program providing this service? [H Q If so, which one? Has your organization received three years of Community Activity Funding? D d If you answered yes to any of these questions, your request is not eligible for this grant program. Please contact Courtney Enriquez at the City of Carlsbad (760-434-2812) for further information, if desired. Program Description/Scope (please use additional pages if necessary but no more than 3): Describe your program: How will the program benefit the Carlsbad Community? % of Carlsbad Residents Served Applicant Background: This apf)licant is a (an): Non-Profit State Public Agency Other Local Public Agency Individual Years in Business: Number of Employees: Number of Volunteers: (Please attach an organization chart, if available.) Names of Officers and Board of Directors: Name Title Experience in Program Area: Financial Capabilities/Budget: Current funding sources and levels: Previous City funding received or requested in the past three years: 1 Please attach a budget for program request including funding schedule.^••^^•^••^^••^^••^•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••^••^•••^•••^•••^•i Reporting Requirements: A report on how the funds were spent will be required to be filed with the City annually, or when funds are spent, whichever comes first. Proof of program expenses (ie receipts) are required to be held for two years during which time the City reserves the right to audit the records. We agree to adhere to the reporting requirements described above. Yes |~~| No | I Other Requirements Grant recipients will be required to recognize on all printed material that grant program is funded in part by the City of Carlsbad. Certification: We, the undersigned, do hereby attest that the above information is true and correct to the best of our knowledge. (Two signatures required) Signature Title Date Signature Title Date 5 // GRANT REQUEST DESCRIPTION (if necessary, please attach supplemental pages to document) Applicant Background Organization: Names of Officers and Board of Directors (if applicable): Name Title Name of the special event: Location of event: Date of event: Please list the years in which your team has received prior funding from the City and list the related dollar amounts: How does your special event benefit and provide citywide interest to the Carlsbad community? FINANCIAL CAPABILITIES/BUDGET Do you have any additional funding opportunities (i.e. corporate or private sponsors, matching grants) currently committed or pending? Please complete the information below: Name Percentage of financial contribution towards goal Please include a budget for program request including funding schedule. City of Carlsbad Special Event Grant Supplemental Application Housing and Neighborhood Services www.carlsbadca.gov CERTIFICATION We, the undersigned, do hereby attest that the above information is true and correct to the best of our knowledge. (Two signatures required) Signature Title Date Signature Title Date SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION & ALTERNATIVE FORMAT Please submit this supplemental grant application together with a written request (cover letter) to the City Council stating the amount of funding requested and intended use for this funding. As noted above, please attach a copy of your special event application. City of Carlsbad will provide written materials in alternative formats and reasonable modifications in policies and procedures to persons with disabilities upon request. RETURN COMPLETED APPLICATION Please hand deliver, U.S. mail, e-mail or fax completed supplemental grant application packet together with your cover letter request to: City of Carlsbad Housing and Neighborhood Services 2965 Roosevelt Street, Ste. B Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: Courtney Enriquez Telephone Number: 760-434-2812 Fax Number: 760-720-2037 E-mail: Courtney.Enriquez@carlsbadca.gov City of Carlsbad Special Event Grant Supplemental Application Housing and Neighborhood Services www.carlsbadca.gov Jo SblfD5 CITY OFCARLSBAD' SPECIAL EVENTS GRANT SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION Please complete the following supplemental application using the instructions provided on the last page of this application. Attach additional pages if necessary. Name of Applicant: Address: Phone: ( ) E-mail: Contact 1 Name Contact 2 Phone Name Phone Federal Tax ID # or Social Security #: TOTAL GRANT FUNDING REQUEST: $ ELIGIBLITY REQUIREMENTS Please answer the following questions to determine if your event is eligible for City grant funds: Y N Will your Special Event be held entirely within the City of Carlsbad? d Q Have you submitted a Special Events Permit application to the City? O O (If yes, please attach a copy to this grant supplemental application) Does your Special Event have a citywide interest? If yes, explain in the section below Q Q Has the Special Event received less than three (3) years of grants from the City? Q D (If yes, please note below the number of years you have received grants from the City, if any) If you answered yes to all of the above questions, your request is eligible for this grant program. Please complete the remainder of this application. If you answered no to any of the questions, please contact Courtney Enriquez at the City of Carlsbad (760-434-2812) to discuss your eligibility for the special events grant. City of Carlsbad Special Event Grant Supplemental Application Housing and Neighborhood Services www.carlsbadca.gov Exhibit 6 SPECIAL EVENTS GRANTS SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION GUIDELINES GENERAL INFORMATION This program provides city funding for special events that benefit the community citywide. In order to be considered, an applicant must complete the Special Events application as well as the supplemental application. The city's Special Events committee must approve the Event prior to being considered by Council for funding. These grants may be requested any time of the year. Eligibility Requirements: Both individuals and organizations are eligible to apply for grant funds. The basic requirements which must be met for an organization to be eligible to apply for Special Evens Grants are: 1. A Carlsbad City Council member cannot be on the board of the organization. 2. The organization cannot have received money, or donated city services from other city sources (including CDBG) for the current fiscal year. 3. The event cannot be in conflict with other city programs. 4. The event cannot receive more than three (3) years of direct cash assistance and five (5) years of in-kind city assistance. 5. The Special Event has received approval from the Special Events Committee. 6. The purpose of the vent may not be any political or religious benefit or other purpose, which in the opinion of the City Attorney constitutes an unlawful use of public funds. Reporting Requirements: A report showing budget expectations compared to actual results for all receipts and expenses is required to be filed with the city's Housing & Neighborhood Services department within three months after the event or annual whichever comes first. This includes a detail listing of revenue and expenses for the event. Proof of program expenses are required to be held for two years during which time the city reserves the right to audit the records. If the event has excess revenues over expenses (profit): 1. The city grant must be repaid prior to donating the funds to any other organization or repaying other groups. 2. Some, or all, of this amount may be reserved for next year's event. The reserved amount should be indicated on the final financial report. APPLICATION 1. Application Information: Please provide the requested information including: name, address, phone, Federal Tax ID or Social Security Number, and two (2) contact names. Two contact names are required for the application to be considered complete. Be sure that each contact has signed the application; two signatures are required. 2. Grant Request: Enter the dollar amount of city funds you are requesting. If your request includes city services include the dollar amount of those services. 3. Special Event Description: The program description should describe the nature and purpose of the vent, the benefits to the Carlsbad community, and the projected percent of Carlsbad residents expected to attend the event. SPECIAL EVENTS GRANTS SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION GUIDELINES 4. Implementation Plan: Please provide an implementation schedule for the even showing the timeline and activities required to implement the program. If this is an annual event for which you are requesting funds, describe how the event will be funded in the future without the city grant. 5. Budget: Please provide a detailed budget for the entire event detailing the expected sources of funding and the budget. Include all types of funding sources and expenses including donations and city services required. Separately identify the city services and/or financing being requested, indicate amounts, times and estimated value. Show how the values were determined. City Special Events staff can assist in these estimates. Please include a funding schedule (your request for the timing of disbursement of the funds). Funds will only be disbursed in advance if a separate bank account is maintained and the organization is an established not-for-profit. Applicant must also provide the requested information on current funding sources, and previous city funding received or requested within the past three years. 6. Applicant Background and Experience: Provide the requested background information on your organization. If available, please attach an organization chart. Also, provide information relating to the applicant's and other employees' experience in planning, organizing and hosting special events. Include the number of years providing similar services and the experience level of the individual(s). Provide any other information, which would be useful to the reviewers in understanding your capabilities to organize and manage the event for which the funds are requested. Applicants are encouraged to seek partnerships with other civic organizations to enhance their access to experienced individuals. 7. Reporting Requirements: Applicants must confirm that they will follow the reporting requirements of the grant as specified above. CITY OF CARLSBAD Exhibit 7 CITY OFCARLSBAD WINNING TEAMS GRANTS APPLICATION Please complete the following application using the instructions provided on the last page of this application. Attach additional pages if necessary. Name of Applicant: _ Address: _ Phone: ( _ ) _ E-mail: _ Contact 1 _ Name Phone Contact 2 _ Name Phone Federal Tax ID # or Social Security #: _ TOTAL GRAND FUNDING REQUEST: $ ELIGIBLITY REQUIREMENTS Please answer the following questions to determine if your team is eligible for City grant funds: Y N Are all participants on the team 18 years of age or younger? G G Is the group or team organized as a non-profit corporation or agency? G G Is this request for grant funding being made prior to the date of the competition? G G Are at least 90% of the participants in the group or team residents of Carlsbad? G G Has this team received less than three (3) years of grants from the City? G G (If yes, please note below the number of years you have received grants from the City, if any) Will the grant be used to offset the cost of travel to a national championship/ competition? G G If you answered yes to all of the above questions, your request is eligible for this grant program. If you answered no to any of the questions, please contact Courtney Enriquez at the City of Carlsbad (760- 434-2812) to further discuss your eligibility for the winning teams grant. City of Carlsbad Winning Teams Grant Application Housing and Neighborhood Services www.carlsbadca.gov REQUEST DESCRIPTION (if necessary, please attach supplemental pages to document) Applicant Background Name of Team (if different than applicant name): What type of group/team (e.g. baseball, debate, rugby): Number of group/team members: Number of Coaches: Affiliated organization: Name of the competition attending: Location of competition: Competition date: Estimated cost per individual: $_ Estimated cost for entire group/team: $ Please list the years in which your team has received prior funding from the City: Names of Officers and Board of Directors (if applicable): Name Title Describe your group/team: City of Carlsbad Winning Teams Grant Application Housing and Neighborhood Services www.carlsbadca.gov How will a grant to your group/team benefit the Carlsbad community or provide citywide interest? FINANCIAL CAPABILITIES/BUDGET Do you have any additional funding opportunities (i.e. corporate or private sponsors, matching grants, family or individual contributions, or other fundraising efforts such as car washes) currently committed or pending? Please include any financial support (including in-kind services) that you will be receiving from any other City source. Please complete the information below: Name Percentage of financial contribution towards goal Please include a budget for program request including funding schedule. CERTIFICATION We, the undersigned, do hereby attest that the above information is true and correct to the best of our knowledge. (Two signatures required) Signature Title Date Signature Title Date City of Carlsbad Housing and Neighborhood Services Winning Teams Grant Application www.carlsbadca.gov SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION & ALTERNATIVE FORMAT Please submit this application together with a written request (cover letter) to the City Council stating the amount of funding requested and state the intended use for this funding. City of Carlsbad will provide written materials in alternative formats and reasonable modifications in policies and procedures to persons with disabilities upon request. RETURN COMPLETED APPLICATION Please hand deliver, U.S. mail, e-mail or fax completed application packet together with your cover letter to: City of Carlsbad Housing and Neighborhood Services 2965 Roosevelt Street, Ste. B Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: Courtney Enriquez Telephone Number: 760-434-2812 Fax Number: 760-720-2037 E-mail: Courtnev.Enriquez@carlsbadca.gov City of Carlsbad Winning Teams Grant Application Housing and Neighborhood Services www.carlsbadca.gov All Receive-Agenda Item #_ A':• &•• CITY OF For the Information of Ibe: /^ADI CD AH* CITY COUNCILCARLSBAD Memorandum May 10, 2011 To: Lisa Hildabrand, City Manager Ron Ball, City Attorney From: Debbie Fountain, Housing and Neighborhood Services Director Via: John Coates, Assistant City Manager Re: COMMUNITY ACTIVITY FUNDING - POLICY NO. 51 Based on some additional review and recent feedback, staff will be proposing a couple of additional revisions to City Council Policy No. 51 - Community Activity Funding - for clarification and consistency between the policy and the related funding applications. The additional revisions to be considered at the City Council meeting on May 10, 2011 are: 1. To move the statement in 4d (page 2 of policy), "The organization cannot receive money, or donated city services from other city sources (including CDBGjfor the current fiscal year" to the General Policy section (page 1 of policy) as an added #3 to clarify that this condition applies to all of the grant types within the funding program: Community Activity Grants, Special Event Grants, and Winning Team Grants. 2. Add the following underlined language from the Community Activities funding application to the policy statement in 3a (page 2 of the policy): "Such grants provide funding for enrichment programs for the community and/or for physical or other neighborhood enhancements within Carlsbad, with the exception that the following will not be eligible: 1) social service programs; 2) programs sponsored by educational institutions; and 3) a program that conflicts or is in competition with a city program. In addition to the request to approve the above noted additional revisions to Policy 51, staff will request direction from the City Council on funding matters related to the noted grant programs. Staff will present the following funding questions for consideration by the City Council: 1. Does the City Council wish to establish a maximum appropriation on an annual basis for special event grants, similar to the Community Activity Grant funding limit? 2. Does the City Council wish to establish a maximum special event grant amount per organization? 3. Does the City Council wish to establish a specific matching fund requirement for one or more of the grants? For example, does the City Council wish to establish a matching requirement of 2:1 or 3:1, which means the organization would be required to raise at least $2 or $3 for each $1 provided by the City of Carlsbad. Housing & Neighborhood Services 2965 Roosevelt St., Suite B I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2810 I 760-720-2037 fax I www.carlsbadca.gov Amendments to Council Policy 51 Community Activity FundingDebbie Fountain & Courtney EnriquezMay10,2011May 10, 2011 History/BackgroundHistory/Background•1992:Policy51wasadopted1992: Policy 51 was adopted •1999: dedicated source of funding was approvedapproved‐Focus on funding start‐up costs or other i“j”one‐time costs to “jump start” new programs‐3 year cap; not an ongoing source of funds History/BackgroundHistory/Background•2003:Subcommittee(Finnila&Hall)reviewed2003: Subcommittee (Finnila & Hall) reviewed Policy 51 due to many outside requestsAdditionofSpecialEventandWinning‐Addition of Special Event and Winning Teams grantsRi ifCiAii‐Reorientation of Community Activity Grants to “community enrichment” /jprograms/projects3 History/Backgroundy/ g•2004: Citizen Review Committee recommended furtherrevisionstoPolicy51further revisions to Policy 51‐Limited 3 year cap per organizationvs. program‐Language added to require consideration of matching funds•2008: Committee recommended 3 year cap be ypamended4 CouncilWorkshopCouncil Workshop•January18th2011January 18, 2011•Review of Council Policy 51dd•Proposed amendments 5 GeneralPolicyAmendmentsGeneral Policy Amendments•TheorganizationcannotreceivemoneyorThe organization cannot receive money, or donated city services from other city sources (includingCDBG)forthecurrentfiscalyear(including CDBG) for the current fiscal year.6 CommunityActivityGrantsCommunity Activity Grants•CurrentPolicy:Current Policy:‐Maximum 5 years; 3 years with 2 additionalyearsafter2yearhiatusadditional years after 2 year hiatus‐Focus on enrichment programs in Carlsbad‐Annual budget allocation‐Citizen Review Committee; Council ;approval7 ProposedAmendmentsProposed Amendments•CityCouncilwillannuallydeterminetheCity Council will annually determine the amount of funding available‐Interestearnedon$1Mset‐asidefundsInterest earned on $1M setaside funds‐May also include an additional appropriationfromtheGeneralFundappropriation from the General Fund•Not eligible: social service programs, programs sponsoredbyeducationalinstitutions,orsponsored by educational institutions, or programs that conflict with city program8 SpecialEventGrantSpecial Event Grant•Current Policy:Cu e tocy:‐Maximum of 3 years‐For“specialeventsinthecitywithcitywideFor special events in the city with citywide interest”‐Grants requested any time during the yearqygy‐Funded from City Council General Fund contingency account‐Special Event Committee approves event9 ProposedAmendmentsProposed Amendments•Thedefinitionof“specialevent”The definition of special event•All volunteer, community‐based fundraising eventseligibleevents eligible•Organization receiving funding cannot have receivedothercityfundingwithincurrentreceived other city funding within current fiscal year•CityManagerisauthorizedtoapprovegrantsCity Manager is authorized to approve grants up to $5,00010 WinningTeamsGrantWinning Teams Grant•CurrentPolicy:Current Policy:‐Maximum 3 yearsFor“youthteamstooffsetthecostoftravelto‐For youth teams to offset the cost of travel to national championship competitions”Gtbtdtti‐Grants can be requested at any time‐Participants must be 18 years of age or younger‐Application request to Council; Council approves11 ProposedAmendmentsProposed Amendments•Thedefinitionof“NationalChampionshipThe definition of National Championship Competition” •Writtenrequestsandapplicationtobe•Written requests and application to be directed to the Housing & Neighborhood ServicesDepartmentServices Department •Administrative review prior to Council id iconsideration12 OpenIssueOpen Issue•SpecialEventGrantsSpecial Event Grants‐Cap on total available for Special Event Grantsie:$50 000forCommunityActivityGrantsi.e.: $50,000 for Community Activity Grants‐Cap on maximum monetary amount per grant?$i.e.: grant cannot exceed $10,000‐Specific match, ratio to other revenue sourcesi.e.: 1:1, 2:1, 20% of budget13 RecommendationRecommendation•Adoptresolutionno2011‐091amendingAdopt resolution no. 2011091 amending Council Policy 51 for Community Activity FundingwithadditionalrevisionssetforthbyFunding, with additional revisions set forth by staff.•Byminutemotionindicateanyadditional•By minute motion, indicate any additional desired revisions to set funding limits, etc.14