HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-06-28; City Council; 20607; AMENDING CHAPTER 8.45 MASTER FEE SCHEDULECITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AB# MTG. DEPT. 20.607 6/28/11 POL AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 8.45 OF THE CARLBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO INCLUDE COST RECOVERY AND AMENDING THE CITY MASTER FEE SCHEDULE DEPT. HEA CITY ATTY. CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Introduce Ordinance No. CS-152 amending Chapter 8.45 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code relating to the consumption of alcoholic beverages, controlled substances, or alcoholic beverages and controlled substances by minors at parties, gatherings or events. This action will add a section enabling law enforcement to recover the actual costs of law enforcement services associated with an incident, and will amend the City of Carlsbad master Fee Schedule to include a fee for the action cost of the response; and, adopt Resolution No. 2011-156. adding a fee to the City's Master Fee Schedule, relating to cost recovery for law enforcement services for consumption of alcohol or controlled substances by minors at parties, events or gatherings. ITEM EXPLANATION: Consumption of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances by minors presents a myriad of problems for the minor, the community, and law enforcement, including physical altercations, violent crimes, accidental injury and death. Minors often obtain, possess, or consume alcoholic beverages or controlled substances at parties, gatherings or events held on private property and under the control of an adult person who knows or should have known that such conduct was taking place and failed to take reasonable steps to prevent it. Law enforcement responses to disturbances involving minors' consumption of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances at private parties, gatherings, or events frequently require the use of extensive resources. Chapter 8.45 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code currently imposes criminal liability on person(s) responsible for hosting a party, gathering or event where minors are in attendance and consuming alcoholic beverages or controlled substances. The proposed amendment to Chapter 8.45 will impose an additional cost recovery penalty, whereby the person(s) responsible shall also be liable for the actual cost of enforcement services provided during a response by law enforcement personnel. Actual costs include the salaries of the police officers for the amount of time actually spent in responding to or DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Neil Gallucci 760-931-2218 neil.gallucci(5).carlsbadca.qov FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED X D Dn CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN RETURNED TO STAFF OTHER -SEE MINUTES D D D D remaining at the party, gathering or event, at a rate established by the city manager plus the actual cost of any medical treatment to injured city employees and the cost of repairing any damaged city equipment or property. The prohibitions found in this chapter are reasonable and expected to deter the consumption of alcoholic beverages and/or controlled substances by minors by holding responsible person(s) who encourage, are aware of, or should be aware of, the illegal conduct yet fail to prevent it. FISCAL IMPACT: A fee will be charged to recover actual costs associated with responses to incidents as described. Actual costs include the salaries of the police officers for the amount of time actually spent in responding to or remaining at the party, gathering or event, at a rate established by the city manager plus the actual cost of any medical treatment to injured city employees and the cost of repairing any damaged city equipment or property. This fee will be titled "Social Host Ordinance Cost Recovery Fee." The Social Host Ordinance Cost Recovery Fee will be added to the Master Fee Schedule. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065 and CEQA Guidelines section 15738, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA and therefore, does not require additional environmental review. EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1: Ordinance No. r.s-152 , of the City Council of the City Of Carlsbad, California, amending Chapter 8.45 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code relating to the consumption of alcoholic beverages, controlled substances, or alcoholic beverages and controlled substances by minors at parties, gatherings and/or events and to impose an additional cost recovery penalty, whereby the person(s) responsible shall also be liable for the actual cost of enforcement services provided during a response by law enforcement personnel. Exhibit 2: Strikeout/addition version of Proposed Ordinance amending Chapter 8.45 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Exhibit 3: Resolution No. 2011-156 amending the City of Carlsbad Master Fee Schedule Exhibit 4: Strikeout/addition version of the City of Carlsbad Master Fee Schedule with proposed changes. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 take reasonable steps to prevent it; and 12 alcoholic beverages or controlled substances at private parties, gatherings, or events frequently 13 14 16 18 20 21 Exhibit 1 ORDINANCE NO. CS-152 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 8.45 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE ADDING SECTIONS 8.45.045 TO THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO COST RECOVERY FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES FOR CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL OR CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES BY MINORS AT PARTIES, EVENTS OR GATHERINGS WHEREAS, consumption of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances by minors presents a myriad of problems for the minor, the community, and law enforcement, including, physical altercations, violent crimes, accidental injury and death; and WHEREAS, minors often obtain, possess, or consume alcoholic beverages or controlled substances at parties, gatherings or events held on private property and under the control of an adult person who knows or should have known that such conduct was taking place and failed to WHEREAS, law enforcement responses to disturbances involving minors' consumption of ic beverages or controlled substanci require the use of extensive resources; and WHEREAS, Chapter 8.45 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code currently imposes criminal liability on person(s) responsible for hosting a party, gathering or event where minors are in attendance and are consuming alcoholic beverages or controlled substances; and 10 WHEREAS, an additional cost recovery penalty should be available to offset the actual cost of enforcement services provided during a response by law enforcement personnel; and 17 WHEREAS, this cost recovery penalty should be imposed on the person(s) responsible for hosting a party, gathering or event where minors are in attendance and are consuming alcoholic beverages or controlled substances; and 19 NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: That Chapter 8.45 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by adding a new 22 section 8.45.045 to read as follows: Chapter 8.45 CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL OR CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES 24 BY MINORS AT PARTIES, EVENTS OR GATHERINGS 25 8.45.010-Definitions. 8.45.020 - Unsupervised consumption of alcohol by minor. 8.45.030 - Hosting, permitting, or allowing a party, gathering or event where minors consume alcoholic beverages or controlled substances prohibited. Penalties. 8.45.045 - Cost Recovery for Law Enforcement Services 26 27 8.45.040 - Penalties. 28 Exhibit 1 1 8.45.050 - Severability. 8.45.060 - Reservation of legal options. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (c) For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply:9 (i) "Actual costs" include the salaries of the police officers for the amount of time actually spent in responding to or remaining at the party, gathering or event, at a rate established by the city manager plus the actual cost of any medical treatment to injured city employees and the cost 11 of repairing any damaged city equipment or property. 12 (ii) "Responsible person" is the person or persons who own the property where the party takes place or who are in charge of the premises or who organized the party, gathering or event. If the responsible person is a person under the age of 18, then that person's parents or guardians will jointly and severally be liable for the actual costs. 10 13 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 Section: 8.45.045 Cost Recovery for Law Enforcement Services (a) When any party, gathering or event occurs on private property as described in section 8.45.030 and a police officer at the scene determines that there is a threat or detriment to the public peace, health, safety or general welfare, the person(s) responsible for the party, gathering or event shall be liable for the actual cost of enforcement services provided during a response by the law enforcement personnel. (b) The actual cost of the law enforcement services, described in section 8.45.030, shall be deemed a debt owed to the city by the responsible person for the party, gathering or event. (d) If the police are required to make a response to a party, gathering or event, then the city shall compute the costs of such response. A bill for the costs incurred by the city for its response shall be prepared and delivered to the responsible person who shall be liable for its payment. The amount of the charge shall be deemed a debt to the city of the responsible person who shall be liable in an action brought in the name of the city for recovery of such amount, including reasonable attorney's fees and costs. 18 (e) The city manager is authorized to adopt appropriate procedures for billing and other matters necessary for the administration of this section. (f) Any person aggrieved by any decision of the city manager to bill for costs of a response may appeal to the city council by filing a notice of appeal with the city clerk within fifteen days of the date of the billing. Failure to file an appeal shall be deemed a waiver of the appellant's right to contest the bill for costs. Upon the filing of such request, the city clerk shall set a time and place for the hearing and shall notify the appellant thereof. At the hearing, any person may present evidence in opposition to or in support of the appellant's case. At the conclusion of the hearing, the city council may affirm, reverse or modify the decision and the decision of the city council shall be final. 24 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption and the City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. Exhibit 1 1 INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the 28™ day of June 2011, and thereafter. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the day of , 2011, by the following vote, to with: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: 9 10 11 12 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney MATT HALL, Mayor 13 ATTEST: 14 15 LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Exhibit 2 Chapter 8.45 CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL OR CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES BY MINORS AT PARTIES, EVENTS OR GATHERINGS 8.45.010 Definitions 8.45.020 Unsupervised consumption of alcohol by minor 8.45.030 Hosting, permitting, or allowing a party, gathering or event where minors consume alcoholic beverages or controlled substances prohibited 8.45.040 Penalties 8.45.045 Cost Recovery for Law Enforcement Services 8.45.050 Severability 8.45.010 Definitions (a) "Alcohol" means ethyl alcohol, hydrated oxide of ethyl, or spirits of wine, from whatever source or by whatever process produced. (b) "Alcoholic beverages," for the purposes of this chapter, includes alcohol, spirits, liquor, wine, beer and every liquid or solid containing alcohol, spirits, wine or beer and which contains one-half of one percent or more of alcohol by volume, and which is fit for consumption either alone or when diluted, mixed or combined with other substances. (c) "Controlled substances or illegal drugs" shall include all narcotics or drugs, the possession of which is illegal under the laws of the State of California as defined under the Penal Code, Health and Safety Code, and related statutes. (d) "Guardian" means (1) a person who, under court order, is the guardian of the subject juvenile, or (2) a public or private agency with which the court has placed the subject juvenile. (e) "Minor" means any person under the age of twenty-one (21). (f) "Parent" means a person who is a natural parent, adoptive parent, or stepparent of the subject minor. (g) "Party, gathering or event" means a group of persons who have assembled or are assembling for a party, social occasion or social activity. (h) "Person responsible for the party, gathering or event" includes, but not limited to: (1) The person(s) who owns, rents, leases, or otherwise has control of the premises where the party, gathering or event takes place; (2) the person(s) in charge of the premises; or (3) the person(s) who organized the event. (i) "Premises" means any residence or other private property, place, or premises including any commercial or business premises. 8.45.020 Unsupervised consumption of alcohol by minor Except as permitted by state law, no minor shall: Iff Exhibit 2 (a) Consume in any public place or any place open to the public any alcoholic beverage, controlled substance or alcoholic beverage and controlled substance; or (b) Consume in any place not open to the public any alcoholic beverage, controlled substance or alcoholic beverage and controlled substance. 8.45.030 Hosting, permitting, or allowing a party, gathering or event where minors consume alcoholic beverages or controlled substances prohibited (a) It is unlawful for any person having control of any premises to knowingly suffer, permit, allow, or host a party, gathering, or event at said premises where three (3) or more persons are present whenever the person having control of the premises either knows a minor consumed an alcoholic beverage and/or a controlled substance or reasonably should have known that a minor consumed an alcoholic beverage and/or controlled substance. For purposes of this subsection, a person reasonably should have known that a minor consumed alcoholic beverage and/or a controlled substance if that person did not take reasonable steps to prevent the consumption of an alcoholic beverage and/or controlled substance by a minor as set forth in subsection (b) of this section. This section shall not apply to conduct involving the use of alcohol which occurs exclusively between a minor child and his or her parent or legal guardian, as permitted by Article 1, Section 4 of the California Constitution, or conduct which is otherwise permitted under state or federal law. (b) Reasonable steps include controlling access to alcoholic beverages at the party, gathering or event when minors are present; controlling the quantity of alcoholic beverages at the party, gathering or event when minors are present; verifying the age of persons attending the party, gathering or event by inspecting driver's licenses or other government-issued identification cards to ensure that minors do not consume alcoholic beverages and/or controlled substances while at the party, gathering or event; and supervising the activities of minors at the party, gathering or event. 8.45.040 Penalties (a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of this section, any person violating any provision of this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000) or by imprisonment for a period of not to exceed six (6) months, or by both fine and imprisonment. (b) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the City Attorney shall have the discretion to reduce to an infraction any act made unlawful pursuant to subsection (a) to this section, if the City Attorney determines such a reduction is warranted in the interest of justice. The factors the City Attorney may consider in determining whether to reduce the charge to an infraction, include but are not limited to, the following: (i) The number of persons attending the party, gathering or event, (ii) The number of minors attending the party, gathering or event, (iii) The source of the alcoholic beverages or controlled substances. (c) Penalties for a violation of this chapter shall supersede the penalties set forth in Section 1.08.010 of this Code. 8.45.045 Cost Recovery for Law Enforcement Services (a) When any party, gathering or event occurs on private property as described in section 8.45.030 and a pojice officer at the scene determines that there is a threat or detriment to the public peace, health, safety or general Exhibit 2 welfare, the person(s) responsible for the party, gathering or event shall be liable for the actual cost of enforcement services provided during a response by the law enforcement personnel. (b) The actual cost of the law enforcement services, described in section 8.45.030, shall be deemed a debt owed to the city by the responsible person for the party, gathering or event. (c) For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply: (i) "Actual costs" include the salaries of the police officers for the amount of time actually spent in responding to or remaining at the party, gathering or event, at a rate established by the city manager plus the actual cost of any medical treatment to injured city employees and the cost of repairing any damaged city equipment or property. (ii) "Responsible person" is the person or persons who own the property where the party takes place or who are in charge of the premises or who organized the party, gathering or event. If the responsible person is a person under the age of 18, then that person's parents or guardians will jointly and severally be liable for the actual costs. (d) If the police are required to make a response to a party, gathering or event, then the city shall compute the costs of such response. A bill for the costs incurred by the city for its response shall be prepared and delivered to the responsible person who shall be liable for its payment. The amount of the charge shall be deemed a debt to the city of the responsible person who shall be liable in an action brought in the name of the city for recovery of such amount, including reasonable attorney's fees and costs. (e) The city manager is authorized to adopt appropriate procedures for billing and other matters necessary for the administration of this section. (f) Any person aggrieved by any decision of the city manager to bill for costs of a response may appeal to the city council by filing a notice of appeal with the city clerk within fifteen days of the date of the billing. Failure to file an appeal shall be deemed a waiver of the appellant's right to contest the bill for costs. Upon the filing of such request, the city clerk shall set a time and place for the hearing and shall notify the appellant thereof. At the hearing, any person may present evidence in opposition to or in support of the appellant's case. At the conclusion of the hearing, the city council may affirm, reverse or modify the decision and the decision of the city council shall be final. 8.45.050 Severability If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of the ordinance codified in this chapter is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the ordinance codified in this chapter. The City Council declares that it would have passed the ordinance codified in this chapter and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, and phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more of the sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases hereof be declared invalid or unconstitutional. 8.45.060 Reservation of legal options The City of Carlsbad does not waive its right to seek reimbursement for actual costs of enforcement services through other legal remedies or procedures. The procedure provided for in this chapter is in addition to any other statute, ordinance or law, civil or criminal. This chapter in no way limits the statutory authority of peace Exhibit 2 officers or private citizens to make arrests for any criminal offense arising out of conduct regulated by this chapter. Exhibit 3 1 RESOLUTION NO.2011-156 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADDING A FEE TO THE CITY'S 3 MASTER FEE SCHEDULE, RELATING TO COST 4 RECOVERY FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES FOR CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL OR CONTROLLED 5 SUBSTANCES BY MINORS AT PARTIES, EVENTS OR GATHERINGS. 6 __ 7 WHEREAS, Chapter 8.45 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code currently imposes 8 criminal liability on person(s) responsible for hosting a party, gathering or event where 9 minors are in attendance and are consuming alcoholic beverages or controlled 10 substances; and 11 WHEREAS, Ordinance No. CS-152 will amend Chapter 8.45 of the Carlsbad 12 Municipal Code by adding a new section 8.45.045, to impose civil cost recovery for law enforcement services, whereby the person(s) responsible shall also be liable for the 15 actual cost of enforcement services provided during a response by law enforcement 16 personnel; and 17 WHEREAS, actual costs include the salaries of the police officers for the amount 18 of time actually spent in responding to or remaining at the party, gathering or event, at a i g rate established by the city manager plus the actual cost of any medical treatment to 20 injured city employees and the cost of repairing any damaged city equipment or 21 property; and 22 WHEREAS, this fee will be titled "Social Host Ordinance Cost Recovery Fee;" 23 24 WHEREAS, implementation of Social Host Ordinance Cost Recovery Fee 26 requires that the fee be immediately added to the City's FY12 Master Fee Schedule. 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Exhibit 3 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows that: 1. The above recitations are true and correct. 2. The Social Host Ordinance Cost Recovery Fee is approved as actual cost to include the salaries of the police officers for the amount of time actually spent in responding to or remaining at the party, gathering or event, at a rate established by the city manager plus the actual cost of any medical treatment to injured city employees and the cost of repairing any damaged city equipment or property. 3. The Social Host Ordinance Cost Recovery Fee is added to the City's Master Fee Schedule effective August 11, 2011. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 28th day of June 2011, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Hall, Kulchin, Blackburn, Douglas, Packard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: M. WOOD, City Clerk CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE FY 2011-12 Exhibit 4 INDEX CODE CODE CODE CODE ACTUAL COST ACTUAL COST, '. '-'* DEPT REQ ACTUAL COST SECTION SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 ^i > ', . SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 COStf S-216 S-219 S-219 S-220 S-220 S-226 r" i.^"? *»• S-234 S-217 S-221 S-224 S-23S S-235 S-225 S-233 5-227 S-22S S-22S S-229 SCHEDULE GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL **>'„?/. ^, '' - GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL PRIMARY DEPT. POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE DIVISION COMMUNICATIONS CRIME PREVENTION CRIME PREVENTION CRIME PREVENTION CRIME PREVENTION CRIME PREVENTION - "<o V'/< '* ".;' , INVESTIGATIONS RECORDS RECORDS RECORDS RECORDS RECORDS RECORDS RECORDS RECORDS SPECIAL EVENTS SPECIAL EVENTS SPECIAL EVENTS SPECIAL EVE NTS SPECIAL EVENTS SPECIAL EVENTS SPECIAL EVENTS TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC DEPT/DIV POLICE POLICE COMMUNICATIONS POLICE CRIME PREVENTION POUCE CRIME PREVENTION POLICE CRIME PREVENTtON POUCE CRIME PREVENTION POLICE CRIME PREVENTION * if'fl" '' •'• \ POUCE INVESTIGATIONS POLICE RECORDS POLICE RECORDS POLICE RECORDS POLICE RECORDS POLICE RECORDS POLICE RECORDS POLICE RECORDS POLICE RECORDS POLICE SPECIAL EVENTS POLICE SPECIAL EVENTS POLICE SPECIAL EVENTS POLICE SPECIAL EVENTS POUCE SPECIAL EVENTS POLICE SPECIAL EVENTS POLICE SPECIAL EVENTS POLICE TRAFFIC POUCE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POUCE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POUCE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC FEE CATEGORY /*•*' ' "- i " .„ PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION Police - Public Dump Permit - Fee per acre Police -Audio/Visual Copy Police - Burglary Alarm Response - Second Occurence (no charge for 1st response if permitted) Police - Burglary Alarm Response - Each Additional Occurence Police - False Robbery - Panic Alarm Response * Each Additional Occurance Police - False Robbery - Panic Alarm Response - Second Occurrence (no charge for 1st response) records) V--, ><> ^ , •'-j£^x '' • "X>'f J;--\." Police - Entertainment License Police - Copy Investigation Tapes (+ cost of duplicating the tape) Police - Dispatch Historical Searches (per month searched) Police - Fingerprinting Fees Police - Photograph Copy (fee plus reproduction costs) Police - Proof of Correction Certification - all others citation Police - Report Copy Fee (Free to Victim) plus cost of reproduction Police - Verification Letter Police - Special Business Permit (plus fingerprint fee) Police - Special Event Application - Major (3 or more intersections)(fee plus services rendered) Police • Special Event Application - Minor (2 or less intersections) (fee plus services rendered) Police - Special Event Application - Third party Vendor Fee (2nd Day) Police - Special Event Application - Third party Vendor Fee (Each day thereafter) Police - Special Event Application -Third party Vendor Fee (1st Day) Police - Special Event City Services - Staff Time 21113 (a) - Veh/Anim public on grounds 21211 * Bike lane 22500 (a) - In intersection 22500 (b)- In cross walk 22500 (d) - Fire station driveway 22500 (e) - Driveway 22500(f)- Sidewalk 22500 (g) - Obstructing traffic 22500 (h) - Double parking 22500 (i) - Bus zone 22500 0) - Tube or tunnel 22500 (k) - Bridge 22500 (1) - Blocking Disabled 22500 c - Red curb 22500.1 -Fire lane 22502 - 18" from curb/wrong way OTHER FEE DESCRIPTION ., 1 . - ' ' 1 ". , . """-i ^ NOTES i3) W (3) (3) (6) (2) CURRENT FEE S 200 S 50 $ 30 $ 60 S 100 S 100 Actual Cost - . , , "" ' r^\,» "^' -' .' ActwKa»ft S 200 S 60 $ 20 $ 23 S 55 $ 15 S S 15 S 13 S 115 S 330 $ 110 Actual Cost S 25 $ 35 $ 25 $ 25 $ 25 $ 25 S 25 5 25 $ 25 $ 250 $ 25 S 25 S 275 $ 25 $ 35 $ 25 PROPOSED FEE $ 202 S 51 S 30 S 60 S 100 S 100 Actual Cost >•/." :-•""' , : ActourtCewt 5 202 $ 61 S 20 S 25 S 56 S 15 S S 15 $ 13 S 116 S 334 S 111 $ 100 S 75 S 125 Actual Cost S 38 S 50 S 38 5 38 $ 38 $ 38 $ 38 $ 38 S 38 S 260 $ 38 S 38 S 320 S 38 $ 50 $ 38 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE FY 2011-12 Exhibit 4 INDEX SECTION COS # SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION I SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 S-232 MANDATE SECTION 1 S-218 SECTiON 1 SECTION 1 SCHEDULE GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL PRIMARY DEFT. POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE DIVISION TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC DEPT/DIV POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC POLICE TRAFFIC FEE CATEGORY PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARK ING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARK ING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION PARKING VIOLATION CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION 22507.8 - Disable space/block access 22514 -Fire hydrant 22515 - Unattended vehicle 22516 - Locked vehicle/passgr inside 22517 - Open/close door in traffic 22520 - Stopping on freeway 22520.5 - Vending from Hwy 22521 - > 7.5ft from RR tracks 22522 - 3ft from handicap ramp 22526 - Blocking intersection 23236 - Store open container/pass comp 23333 - Stop/park in vehicle crossing 24003 - Veh. w/un lawful lighting device 24401 - Dimmed lights on parked veh 24604 - Lamp or flag on projections 24607 - Reflectors on rear 24608 - Reflectors on front and sides 252SO - Unlawful flashing lights 25251 - Flashing lights required 25300 Warn device disabled, parked veh 26451 • Set parking brake 27155 -Fuel tank caps 4462 (b)- Wrong veh reg 5200 - Plates front/back 5201 - Position of plate 5204 (a) -Tabs 72 hr parking Alley parking Comm veh in resd area Police -Storage / Impounded Vehicle Administrative Charge Police/Fire - Emergency Response DUI Traffic Collision (max $12,000 per incident) Repair veh in street Safety zone OTHER FEE DESCRIPTION NOTE!CURRENT FEE $ 330 S 25 $ 25 S 35 $ 35 S 25 5 35 5 25 S 275 5 loo S 50 S 35 S 25 $ 25 S 30 S 25 S 25 $ 25 $ 30 $ 30 S 30 S 25 S 25 S 100 S 25 $ 25 S 25 $ 50 S 35 $ 35 S 65 Direct Cost $ 35 S 35 PROPOSED FEE S 340 $ 38 S 38 S 50 S 50 $ 38 $ 50 S 38 $ 320 S 128 $ 68 S 50 S 38 S 38 $ 44 S 38 $ 38 S 38 $ 44 S 44 S 44 $ 38 S 38 S 100 S 38 S 38 S 38 $ 68 $ 50 S 50 S 66 Direct Cost S 50 S 50 (1) - Nonresidential sewer rates are calculated based on flow, strength and pretreatment requirements. (2) - See Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 8.17.070 (3) - Per section 8.50.080(e), Ord NS-230 ph 1,2,1993; Ord -53 oh 3,1989: Ord. 1278 pn 1 (part) 1985) (4) - For all Assessment Districts using 1915 Act Bonds. (5) - Code Section 10.56.070 and 10.S6.100 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE FY 2011-12 Exhibit 4 INDEX SECTION COS*SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEFT.DIVISION DEPT/DIV FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION OTHER FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES CURRENT FEE PROPOSED FEE (6) • Code Section 8-09.070 (7) - See attached schedules and rate tables. (8) - Streets and Highways Code Section 8760-8769 (9) - Based on number of units or lots whichever is greater (10) - Plus fish and game department fee, if any. Environmental filing fees are set by Fish and Game Code 711.4 (11) - A 25% discount may apply when submitted with another application (12) - A 25% discount will apply when submitted with a General Plan Amendment (13) Booking ahead for the January 1-June 30 and Jury 1 - December 31 periods, submitted applications are accepted as follows: Carlsbad Residents: Written applications accepted only if postmarked after September 1 to book for the January 1 through June 30 periods. Written applications accepted only if postmarked after April 1 to book for the Jury 1 through December 31 periods. Non Residents: Written applications accepted only if postmarked after September 15 to book for the January 1 through June 30 periods. Written applications accepted only if postmarked after April IS for the July 1 through December 31 periods. (14) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, the building permit fee for factory built housing shall be twenty-five percent of the fee shown in Schedule *9, and the plan check fee shall be sixty-five percent of the building permit fee.