HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-08-23; City Council; 20662; AMENDMENT CODE IMPLEMENT VESTING TENTATIVE MAP15 CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 20.662AB# MTG- 8/23/11 DEPT. CED AMENDMENTS TO THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE, TITLE 20 - SUBDIVISIONS, TO IMPLEMENT VESTING TENTATIVE MAP RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCESS WORKING GROUP SUMMARY RECOMMENDATIONS REPORT - MCA 10-02 DEPT. DIRECTOR CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the City Council INTRODUCE Ordinance No. CS-155. AMENDING the Carlsbad Municipal Code, Title 20 - Subdivisions, to implement Municipal Code amendments recommended by the Development Review Process (DRP) Working Group Summary Recommendations Report (November 17,2009). ITEM EXPLANATION: This proposal is one in a series of Municipal Code amendments recommended by the city's Development Review Process (DRP) Working Group (2009), and consists of city-initiated amendments to implement the Vesting Tentative Map Ordinance initiative, as identified in the DRP Summary Recommendations Report accepted by City Council on November 17, 2009. The existing sections of Title 20 pertaining to vesting tentative maps/tentative parcel maps contain a number of additional requirements not contained in the Subdivision Map Act. These provisions require developers submitting vesting tentative maps/tentative parcel maps to perform all required final design (grading plans, improvement plans, and landscape plans) prior to receiving approval of the vesting tentative map/tentative parcel map. Due to the prohibitive expense and time impacts of doing final design and plan check concurrently with discretionary project processing, developers have not utilized vesting tentative maps/tentative parcel maps in Carlsbad. A brief discussion of the specific additional information currently required by the Municipal Code, the reasons for the inclusion, and the reasoning for the suggested deletion of the requirement, follows. Detailed lot lines and dimensions [CMC 20.17.020(c)(1)] The existing requirement for detailed lot lines and dimensions was included because the city engineer believed that the detailed information was necessary to accurately analyze the potential impacts of the proposed development. As a matter of current practice, all tentative maps are submitted with sufficiently detailed lot line dimensions to analyze the design for conformance to the Subdivision Map Act and Municipal Code, and no additional requirement is necessary. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Glen Van Peski 760-602-2783 Glen.VanPeski @carlsbadca.qov FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED D D D D D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN RETURNED TO STAFF OTHER -SEE MINUTES Introduced Ord. CS-155 nn £ Page 2 Detailed design and specifications for all public facilities [CMC 20.17.020(c)(2)] Detailed design of sewer, water, storm drains and roads were required based on city engineer belief that the information was needed to ensure that the improvements could be built to standards sufficient to serve the proposed development and mitigate any adverse impacts created by the project. However, an approved vesting tentative map does not prevent the developer from having to prepare grading and improvement plans. The detailed information on the grading and improvement plans must match engineering standards in place at the time the vesting tentative map application was deemed complete. If the developer did not provide sufficient detail on the vesting tentative map to allow the detailed design to meet current standards, then it places the developer's approval at risk, and they would be required to apply for an amendment of their approved vesting tentative map, or a finding of substantial conformance per Engineering Policy No. 30. Current practice is that the design of roads and utilities are worked out to a sufficient level of detail to avoid changes during final design, prior to approval of a tentative map. Therefore, no additional requirement for an extraordinary level of detail is warranted. Detailed geological, drainage, flood control, soils, traffic or other reports [CMC 20.17.020(c)(3)] The developer was required to provide detailed reports deemed necessary by the city engineer and the land use planning manager to permit a complete review of the design and improvements of the subdivision, including a fiscal impact report. Since that time (1985), there has been a general increase in the level of detail of reports submitted with tentative maps. Preliminary geotechnical reports, hydrology studies, storm water management plans, and other studies as appropriate are routinely required with tentative map submittals. A level of information sufficient to analyze the proposed design is available when the tentative map is being reviewed. These reports are then expanded and updated for final design. Since the passage of the growth management ordinance, Local Facility Management Plans (LFMPs) ensure that the fiscal impacts of the proposed project on public facilities are thoroughly analyzed. Therefore, no additional requirement for detailed reports for a vesting tentative map is necessary. Detailed final grading plans [CMC 20.17.020(c)(4)] The subdivider was required to provide detailed final grading plans to permit assessment of all environmental impacts of the project. The detailed information on the final grading plan must match engineering standards in place at the time the vesting tentative map application was deemed complete. If the developer did not provide sufficient detail on the vesting tentative map to allow the detailed final grading design to meet current standards, then it places the developer's approval at risk, and they would be required to apply for an amendment of their approved vesting tentative map, or a finding of substantial conformance per Engineering Policy No. 30. The current standard of practice, given advances in computerized design and drafting, is that the grading information shown on tentative maps is sufficiently detailed that the final grading plans closely conform to the tentative map design. Therefore, no additional requirement for an extraordinary level of detail is required. Detailed landscape plans [CMC 20.17.020(c)(5)] The subdivider was required to provide detailed landscape plans and detailed environmental information to permit assessment of all environmental impacts of the project. The preliminary landscape plans currently required at tentative map submittal are of sufficient detail to allow the environmental impacts to be analyzed, so no additional requirement for an extraordinary level of detail is required. 2. PageS Detailed environmental information [CMC 20.17.020(c)(6)] The subdivider was required to provide detailed environmental information to permit assessment of all environmental impacts of the project. Adequate environmental review conforming to CEQA and local ordinances is required for all tentative maps by CMC 20.04.070(a). There is no additional information necessary by virtue of the application being a vesting tentative map. Information necessary to comply with state or federal requirements [CMC 20.17.020(c)(7)] The developer is required to include all information on a tentative map application, whether vesting or not, necessary for city staff to verify that the design complies with state or federal requirements. The requirement for a preliminary storm water management plan is an example of information required so staff can verify that the project will comply with state storm water standards. This is a component of the standard review of tentative maps, so no additional requirement is necessary in the case of vesting tentative maps. The Subdivision Map Act states that an approved vesting tentative map "...shall confer a vested right to proceed with development in substantial compliance with the ordinances, policies and standards described in Section 66474.2 (i.e. those in effect at the time the tentative map application was deemed complete)." In the vast majority of cases, a development will fall into a category that requires further discretionary approvals before building homes (CDP/SDP/PUD required due to being in Coastal Zone, Master Plan requirements, Beach Area Overlay, Q Overlay, or split General Plan designation). Even absent any of the other requirements for additional discretionary approvals, building permits would be scrutinized for architectural compliance with Council Policy 44. With an approved vesting tentative map/tentative parcel map, the developer still has to prepare final engineering plans and obtain approval of those plans prior to construction. The only difference is that if the ordinances, policies and standards change, the developer has the right to proceed under the previous requirements. The city would no longer have the ability to impose new standards and policies on the approved project for the time of the vested rights, which extend for an initial period of one or two years past recordation of the final map, plus the length of time the developer spent obtaining grading and building permits. Under the current code and procedures, when a developer obtains approval of a non-vesting tentative map/tentative parcel map, those conditions are locked in, and the first opportunity the city has to add new conditions is if the developer applies for a time extension of the map approval. With a vesting tentative map/tentative parcel map, those conditions, as well as the standards and policies, would be locked in for the time period of the vested rights. Depending on the amount of time a developer takes to process grading plans and building plans, the vesting rights could extend for a number of years past the recordation of the final map, and an even longer time from the approval of the vesting tentative map/tentative parcel map. During this time period, the developer would still have to comply with changed ordinances, policies and standards based on changes in state or federal law. The city maintains the right to condition time extensions of vesting tentative maps/tentative parcel maps where necessary to ensure the public health and/or safety of the project residents or the surrounding community. Changes to the city ordinances, policies and standards that would impact an individual project in significant ways do not occur with great frequency. The most significant impact on project design over the last few years has been due to changes in storm water regulations. Since 3 Page 4 storm water regulations are state requirements, a vesting tentative map would not protect developers from these changes. Similarly, changes in the building codes will have to be complied with, even in the case of an approved vesting tentative map/tentative parcel map. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Carlsbad Municipal Code Title 19, Environmental Protection Procedures, identifies minor municipal code amendments which do not lead to physical improvements beyond those typically exempt or which refine or clarify existing land use standards as being exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and thus not requiring environmental review. This exemption is pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3), which states "when it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment, the activity is not subject to CEQA." FISCAL IMPACT: Since these proposed code changes eliminate the requirement for additional information to be shown on vesting tentative maps/tentative parcel maps, no additional staff time will be required to analyze a vesting tentative map/tentative parcel map compared to a standard tentative map/tentative parcel map. As such, eliminating the additional fee for processing a vesting tentative map/tentative parcel map would have no fiscal impact to the city. EXHIBITS: 1. City Ordinance No. CS-155 2. Strikeout version of proposed Ordinance EXHIBIT 1 1 ORDINANCE NO. CS-155 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE CARLSBAD 3 MUNICIPAL CODE, TITLE 20 - SUBDIVISIONS, TO IMPLEMENT VESTING TENTATIVE MAP RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE 4 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCESS WORKING GROUP SUMMARY RECOMMENDATIONS REPORT -MCA 10-02 5 6 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, hereby ordains as follows: Section 1: 9 That Title 20, Chapter 20.04, Section 20.04.020, subsection (24) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: "20.04.020 - Definitions. 11 (24) "Vesting tentative map" means a tentative map for a subdivision which conforms to 12 the requirements of Chapter 20.17 and confers upon the subdivider certain rights established by this title. "Vesting tentative parcel map" means a vesting tentative map prepared in conjunction with a parcel map." 14 Section 2: 15 That Title 20, Chapter 20.17, Section 20.17.020 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is 16 amended to read as follows:17 "20.17.020 -Filing.1 8 (a) Whenever this title requires the filing of a tentative map or a tentative parcel map the subdivider may file a vesting tentative map or vesting tentative parcel map 20 subject to the provisions of this chapter. (b) At the time a vesting tentative map or vesting tentative parcel map is filed, it shall 21 have printed conspicuously on its face, "Vesting Tentative Map" or "Vesting Tentative Parcel Map," whichever is applicable." 22 Section 3: 23 That Title 20, Chapter 20.17 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to add Section 24 20. 17.025 as follows: 25 "20.17.025 - Processing. 26 (a) The processing of vesting tentative maps shall be consistent with the processing of 27 tentative maps per Chapter 20.12. 28 1 (b) The processing of vesting parcel maps shall be consistent with the processing of tentative parcel maps per Chapter 20.24." 2 Section 4: 3 That Title 20, Chapter 20.17 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to add Section 4 20.17.028 as follows: 5 "20.17.028-Expiration. (a) A vesting tentative map or vesting tentative parcel map shall expire consistent with 7 the provisions contained in this title for tentative maps and tentative parcel maps, whichever is applicable. The vesting tentative map or vesting tentative parcel map shall be subject to the same regulations regarding time extensions as provided in this title for extensions of tentative maps or tentative parcel maps, whichever is applicable. All related city permits or approvals for projects including a vesting tentative map or vesting tentative parcel map shall expire on the same day as the vesting tentative map or vesting tentative parcel map expires. (b) The expiration of an approved or conditionally approved vesting tentative map or 11 vesting tentative parcel shall terminate all proceedings consistent with the provisions contained in this title for tentative maps and tentative parcel maps, whichever is 12 appropriate." 13 Sections: 14 That Title 20, Chapter 20.17, Section 20.17.030 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is I c- amended to read as follows: "20.17.030 - Rights conferred. 16 (a) Approval or conditional approval of a vesting tentative map or vesting tentative 17 parcel map shall confer a vested right to proceed with development in substantial compliance with the ordinances, policies and standards in effect at the date the 18 application is deemed complete, as described in Section 66474.2 of the Government Code. However, if Section 66474.2 is repealed the approval shall 19 confer a vested right to proceed with development in substantial compliance with the ordinances, policies and standards in effect at the time the vesting tentative 20 map or vesting tentative parcel map was approved or conditionally approved. Any disputes regarding whether a development substantially complies with the approved or conditionally approved map, or with the ordinances, policies or standards described in this subsection, shall be resolved by the decision-making 22 body which approved the vesting tentative map or vesting tentative parcel map, in accordance with Sections 20.12.093 and (b) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, a permit, approval, extension or 24 entitlement for development may be conditionally approved or denied if the decision-making body determines: (1) A failure to condition or deny the permit, approval, extension or entitlement would place the residents of the subdivision or of the immediate community or both in a condition dangerous to their health or safety or both; or 27 (2) The condition or denial is required in order to comply with state or federal law. 28 (c) The rights conferred by a vesting tentative map or vesting tentative parcel map shall expire if: (1) A final map or parcel map is not approved prior to the expiration of the vesting tentative map or the vesting tentative parcel map; (2) The applicant has requested a change in the type, density, bulk or design of 4 the development unless an amendment to the vesting tentative map or vesting tentative parcel map has been approved. (d) If the final map or parcel map is approved prior to the expiration of the vesting , tentative map or vesting tentative parcel map, the vested rights conferred by subsection (a) of this section shall last as follows: 7 (1) The vested rights shall last for an initial time period of two years from the recording of the final map or parcel map. Where several final maps or parcel 8 maps are recorded on various phases of a project covered by a single vesting tentative map or vesting tentative parcel map the two-year initial period shall 9 begin for each phase when the final map or parcel map for that phase is recorded. (2) The two-year initial time period shall be automatically extended by any time used for processing a complete application for a grading permit or for design or architectural review, if such processing exceeds thirty days from the date a 12 complete application is accepted. (3) A subdivider may apply to the decision-making body for a one-year extension 13 of the vested rights at any time before the initial two-year time period expires. An extension may be granted only if the decision-making body finds that the 14 map still complies with the requirements of this title. The decision-making body may approve, conditionally approve or deny an extension in its sole 15 discretion, subject to appeal in accordance with Chapter 20.12 or 20.24. (4) If the subdivider submits a complete application for a building permit during the periods of time set forth in subsections (d)(1) through (3) the vested rights 17 shall continue until the expiration of that building permit or any extension of that building permit. 18 (e) Upon the expiration of the time limits specified in subsections (a) and (d), all vested rights conferred by this section shall cease, and the project shall be considered the 19 same as any subdivision which was not processed pursuant to this chapter. 20 (f) Notwithstanding subsection (a), the amount of any fees which are required to be paid either as a condition of the map approval or by operation of any law shall be 21 determined by application of the law or policy in effect at the time the fee is paid. The amounts of the fees are not vested upon approval of the vesting tentative map 22 or vesting tentative parcel map." Section 6: 24 That Title 20, Chapter 20.17 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to add Section 25 20.17.035 as follows: 26 "20.17.035 - Amendments. 27 If the ordinances, policies, or standards described in Section 20.17.030(a) change subsequent to the approval or conditional approval of a vesting tentative map or vesting 28 1 2 3 .. changed ordinances, policies, or standards for which the amendment is sought." 4 Section 7: 5 That Title 20, Chapter 20.08, Section 20.08.010 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 7 "20.08.010 - Tentative map fee. o A tentative map examination fee in an amount established by city council resolution shall be paid to the planning department at the time a tentative map is filed with the planning 10 9 commission.." 11 12 amended to read as follows: 13 15 22 tentative parcel map, the subdivider, or his or her assignee, may apply for an amendment to the vesting tentative map or vesting tentative parcel map to secure a vested right to proceed with the changed ordinances, policies, or standards. The application shall be made prior to the expiration of the vesting tentative map or vesting tentative parcel map pursuant to Section 20.17.028(a) and shall clearly specify the Section 8: That Title 20, Chapter 20.08, Section 20.08.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is "20.08.060 - Tentative parcel map fee. At the time of submission of a tentative parcel map, there shall be paid to the engineering department a tentative parcel map examination fee in an amount determined by the city council by resolution." ,,. Section 9:lo That Title 20, Chapter 20.20, Section 20.20.020(c) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 1 80 "20.20.020 - City council to approve maps. 19 (c) Multiple or "phased" final maps may be filed for portions of the tentative map, provided that the tentative map approval by the city council, or planning commission when authorized, divides a subdivision into units and the final map or 21 ' "phased" final map substantially conforms to one or more of such units and complies with all conditions applicable to such units. The number of final maps or "phased" final maps which may be filed shall be determined by the city council or planning commission at the time of the approval or conditional approval of the tentative map. When dividing a subdivision into units, the city council or planning commission shall ensure that the design and improvement of each unit are 24 consistent with the provisions of this title. If the subdivider is subject to a requirement to construct or improve or finance the construction and improvement of public improvements outside the boundary of the subdivision the cost of that requirement shall be established at the time the tentative map is approved. If the cost of the off-site public improvements requirement is one hundred thousand • dollars or more it shall be a condition of the tentative map that additional conditions may be placed on the extension of the tentative map which occurs by operation of 28 1 Section 20.12.110(b) of this code; and further, it shall be a condition that upon the filing of any multiple final map or phased final map the council may modify or 2 eliminate the phasing scheme." 3 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) days after its adoption; and 4 the City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once 5 in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen (15) days after its 6 adoption. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 .5 '" 16 '" 17 '" 18 "' 19 '" 20 '" 21 '" 22 '" 23 "' 24 "' 25 '" 26 '" 27 '" 28 1 INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a Regular Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on 2 the day of , 2011, and thereafter 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of 4 Carlsbad, California, on the day of , 2011, by the following vote, to wit: 5 AYES: 6 NOES: 7 ABSENT: 8 9 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: 10 RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney 11 MATT HALL, Mayor 12 n ATTEST: 13 14 LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk15 (SEAL) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EXHIBIT 2 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE CARLSBAD 3 MUNICIPAL CODE, TITLE 20 - SUBDIVISIONS, TO IMPLEMENT VESTING TENTATIVE MAP RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE 4 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCESS WORKING GROUP SUMMARY RECOMMENDATIONS REPORT - MCA 10-02 5 6 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, hereby ordains as follows: 7 Section 1: g That Title 20, Chapter 20.04, Section 20.04.020, subsection (24) of the Carlsbad o Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: "20.04.020 - Definitions. | (24) "Vesting tentative map" means a tentative map for a residential subdivision which conforms to the requirements of Chapter 20.17 and confers upon the subdivider certain rights established by this title. "Vesting tentative parcel map" means a vesting tentative map prepared in conjunction with a parcel map." 13 Section 2: 14 That Title 20, Chapter 20.17, Section 20.17.020 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: | "20.17.020 - Filing and processing. 17 (a) Whenever this title requires the filing of a tentative map or a tentative parcel map jg | for a residential development the subdivider may file a vesting tentative map or vesting tentative parcel map subject to the provisions of this chapter. 19 (b) At the time a vesting tentative map or vesting tentative parcel map is filed, it shall have printed conspicuously on its face, "Vesting Tentative Mapr" or "Vesting 20 Tentative Parcel Map," whichever is applicable.If the map is a vesting tentative parcel map, the words "Vesting Tentative Parcel Map" shall appear 21 conspicuously on its face, (c) In—addition—to the—ether—information required by this title to be shown on or provided with a tentative map or 22 tentative parcel map, a vesting tentative map or vesting tentative parcel map shall show or be accompanied by the following information in a form 23 satisfactory to the city engineer and planning director: 24 {4}—Detailed lot lines and dimensions; {2)—Detailed design and specifications for all public facilities including, but not 25 limited to, on-site and off-site sewer, water and drainage facilities, roads including—final—grades—and—alignment,—and—other—on-site—and—off-site 2" improvements; 27 (3)—Detailed geological, drainage, flood control, soils, traffic or other reports deemed necessary by the city engineer or planning director to permit a 28 ! 1 1 2 3 4 <- 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IB 19 20 2i 22 23 24 26 27 28 £44\^i LK\V0; 17\\' ) LA\\U7 £Mv**/ (f\\'l GonmlAtA rAviAW of thA rlAtinn 51 nH imnro\/AmAntt fo1" tit** tnr**"l""*Mor'i Tho tiihdivirfAr fnr tnhrlivition*" ovor fivA unitt thill ilto tnhmit i fiopil imnipt rAnort nrAnirArl hv in inrlAnAnHAnt Aponomip *»i-»olwc»f *itt*iiif7inn fit A nroif*ptAfi imniiptt thA HAVAlonmAnt will KIIVA on ni ihlip f IP i lit! At anH tAfvipAt Tho ri^nort f^hill inch irlf* imrlfi*'*»-*'^ irtf^M-rv^^^Sf^n -^nH o *-^Nf* K^nA-fit analysis for the project; Dptailpri finil nnrlinn nlins ihnwinn fyiitinn inrl nrnnffoH fini"horl nririp° at two-foot intervals; npt^iilpH linritcnnf* nLin'i* Dpt?iilf*H environ mental information ^i ifficiAnt to n Arm it T^^A^^mAnt of ill Anviponrnpntil f*fff*f*tft of tho nroif*pt inpli iHinn f*i imi ilitivf* mH lonn tf*rm effects; Information nr^fA^0^"^' t/% r^nmnlw \A/ith ^titA or f AH Aril rAfiiiirAmAntc NotwithttJinHinn ^Ai^tion ?0 1!? (1RO of thi^ poriA Till VA^tinn tAntntix/A nuin«^ rAn^rHlA^t of thA numhAr of lot*t ''hill HA ron^iHArAH hv thA f*itv roiinpil nnr^iiTint to ^Aption 2ft *1? OQO iftAr i rAnort ^inri rAcommAnHition hv thA planning commission. Nlot\A/ith*»tmriinn QAAtion *?0 *?4 100 of thi't r*oHA ill x/A^tino tAntitivA mrr-ol mane *?hill HA rAf ArrAH to thA nlmninn pom mi*^ ft ion for PontiriJArition mir^iunt to thA nrovi^rion*^ of ^Aption ?0 1 *? ORO ThA HApi^ion of thA nlmnino pommi*tction ponpArninn Ji tAntitivA mrPAl mm thill HA fin?il unlActex thA HApi^ion it innAilAri to thA pitv ponnpil nur^iiint tn thA nrnvi^innt of ^APtion 20.12.093 of this code. ThA timA fnr filinn i finil mm for ^ vAttinn tAntitivA tnin *^hill HA Axtenriprl onlv h\/ onArition of ^Aption 70 1911 Of h\ of thi1^ PoriA Not\A/ith*^tinHinn ^Aption !?H 94 1RO of thi'x PorlA thA timA for filinn i mrpAl rYt*sn ff^v ^ \tf*t*4-ir+ri f At-if«^4-ii/A r\**irr+£*l rvt^r\ chill not HiA AVtAnHpH PlillirA to filA 1 nirpAl m?in \A/ithin thA timA nAriorf A*ttihli*^hAri hv *^APtion 20 24 170 of thi*t poHA trhill tArmimtA **" nropAArlinn^ mrl no finil mm or nirpAl mm for ill or mv mrt of thA nronArtv inplnriAH within thA VAttinn tAntitix/A mm thill HA filArl iA/'i*^»'^1 '* fii*c?+ rfAPAfMnn i nA\A/ mm mirtiiint to thic titlA A vAttinn tAntitivA mm or vAttinn tAntitivA nirpAl mm thill not hA mnrovArl or ponriition^llv mnrovAH unlAtt thA pitv pnimpil nr nlmninn of thA ttuHiAt inri rAnortt tnhmittAfi hv thA tnhriivirlAr thit ill nithlip fipilitiAt nAPAttirv to tArvA thA tuhrlivition or mitinitA ^nv imnTiptt prAfltArl hw thA ^nhHiv/ition will hA iviilihlA for thA AntirA timA thit thA vAttinn tAntntiv/A min or VAttino tAntitivA nirpAl mm it vilirl nlut inv timA Hurinft i>fKi/^U *K» pij-flU+c* r*s\r*ff*w>rr\ri Kit C <-\ /* t ! /-. t-» OO 4 7 f\1C\ Avic-4 " Section 3: That Title 20, Chapter 20.17 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to add Section 20. 17. 025 as follows: "20.17.025 - Processinq. 1 (a) The processing of vesting tentative maps shall be consistent with the processing of tentative maps per Chapter 20.12. 2 (b) The processing of vesting parcel maps shail be consistent with the processing of tentative parcel maps per Chapter 20.24." 3 Section 4: 4 That Title 20, Chapter 20.17 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to add Section 5 20.17.028 as follows: 6 "20.17.028-Expiration. (a) A vesting tentative map or vesting tentative parcel map shall expire consistent g with the provisions contained in this title for tentative maps and tentative parcel maps, whichever is applicable. The vesting tentative map or vesting 9 tentative parcel map shall be subject to the same regulations regarding time extensions as provided in this title for extensions of tentative maps or tentative 10 parcel maps, whichever is applicable. AH related city permits or approvals for projects including a vesting tentative map or vesting tentative parcel map shall 11 expire on the same day as the vesting tentative map or vesting tentative parcel map expires. 12 (b) The expiration of an approved or conditionally approved vesting tentative map or vesting tentative parcel shall terminate all proceedings consistent with the 13 provisions contained in this title for tentative maps and tentative parcel maps, whichever is appropriate." 14 Section 5: 15 That Title 20, Chapter 20.17, Section 20.17.030 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 17 "20.17.030 - Rights conferred. 18 (a) Approval or conditional approval of a vesting tentative map or vesting tentative parcel map shall confer a vested right to proceed with residential development in 19 substantial compliance with the ordinances, policies and standards in effect at the date the application is deemed complete, as described in Section 66474.2 of 20 the Government Code. However, if Section 66474.2 is repealed the approval shall confer a vested right to proceed with development in substantial compliance with 21 the ordinances, policies and standards in effect at the time the vesting tentative map or vesting tentative parcel map was approved or conditionally approved. Any 22 disputes regarding whether a development substantially complies with the approved or conditionally approved map, or with the ordinances, policies or 23 standards described in this subsection, shall be resolved by the etty councildecision-making body which approved the vesting tentative map or 24 vesting tentative parcel map, in accordance with Sections 20.12.093 and (b) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, a permit, approval, extension or 26 entitlement for development may be conditionally approved or denied if at the time of the issuance of the permit approval or entitlement it is determined 27 28 1 by the issuing authority or the city council on appoalthe decision-making body determines: 2 (1) A failure to condition or deny the permit, approval, extension or entitlement - would place the residents of the subdivision or of the immediate community or both in a condition dangerous to their health or safety or both; or 4 (2) The condition or denial is required in order to comply with state or federal law. <_ (c) The rights conferred by a vesting tentative map or vesting tentative parcel map shall expire if: 6 (1) A final map or parcel map is not approved prior to the expiration of the vesting tentative map or the vesting tentative parcel map; (2) The applicant has requested and the city has approved a change in the type, density, bulk or design of the development unless an amendment to the vesting tentative map or vesting tentative parcel map has been approved. 9 (d) If the final map or parcel map is approved prior to the expiration of the vesting tentative map or vesting tentative parcel map, the vested rights 10 conferred by subsection (a) of this section shall last as follows: ,, (1) Upon the filing of a final map or parcel map for a vesting tentative map or vesting tentative parcel map the rights conferred by subsection (a) of this section shall continue for one year. The vested rights shall last for an initial time period of two years from the recording of the final map or parcel map. Where several final maps or parcel maps are recorded on various phases of a project covered by a single vesting tentative map or vesting tentative parcel map tbis-the two-year initial period shall begin for each phase when the final map or parcel map for that phase is recorded. 15 (e2) The two-year initial time period set forth in subsection (d) of this section shall be automatically extended by any time used for processing a complete 16 application for a grading permit or for design or architectural review, if such processing exceeds thirty days from the date a complete application is 17 accepted. (13) A subdivider may apply to the city councildecision-makinq body for a one- year extension of the vested rights conferred by subsection (d) of this section at any time before the initial two-year time period sot forth in subsection (d) of this section expires. An extension may be granted only if 20 the council decision-making body finds that the map still complies with the requirements of this title. The city councildecision-making body may approve, conditionally approve or deny an extension in its sole discretion subject to appeal in accordance with Chapter 20.12 or 20.24. 22 (g4) |f the subdivider submits a complete application for a building permit during the periods of time set forth in subsections (d)(1) through (f3) the vested 23 rights referred to therein shall continue until the expiration of that building permit or any extension of that building permit. 24 («e) Upon the expiration of the time limits specified in subsections (aM and (d). (e), (f), 25 or (g) all vested rights conferred by this section shall ceasei and the project shall be considered as-the same as any subdivision which was not processed pursuant 26 to this chapter. (if) Notwithstanding subsection (a)4 the amount of any fees which are required to be 27 paid either as a condition of the map approval or by operation of any law shall be 28 1 determined by application of the law or policy in effect at the time the fee is paid. The amounts of the fees are not vested upon approval of the vesting tentative map 2 or vesting tentative parcel map." 3 Section 6: 4 That Title 20, Chapter 20.17 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to add Section 5 20.17.035 as follows: , "20.17.035 - Amendments.o 7 If the ordinances, policies, or standards described in Section 20.17.030(a) change subsequent to the approval or conditional approval of a vesting tentative map or vesting tentative parcel map, the subdivider. or his or her assignee, may apply for an amendment to the vesting tentative map or vesting tentative parcel map to secure a vested right to proceed with the changed ordinances, policies, or standards. The application shall be made prior to the expiration of the vesting tentative map or vesting tentative parcel map pursuant to Section 20.17.028(a) and shall clearly specify the changed ordinances, policies, or standards for which the amendment is sought." Section 7: That Title 20, Chapter 20.08, Section 20.08.010 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: "20.08.010 - Tentative map fee.15 A tentative map examination fee in an amount established by city council resolution shall be paid to the planning department at the time a tentative map is filed with the planning commission. An additional fee in an amount established by city council resolution17 shall be paid for processing a vesting tentative map." 18 Sections: 19 That Title 20, Chapter 20.08, Section 20.08.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 21 "20.08.060 - Tentative parcel map fee. 22 At the time of submission of a tentative parcel map, there shall be paid to the engineering department a tentative parcel map examination fee in an amount 23 determined by the city council by resolution. An additional fee as established by city council resolution shall bo paid for processing a vesting tentative parcel map."24 Section 9: 25 That Title 20, Chapter 20.20, Section 20.20.020(c) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 27 "20.20.020 - City council to approve maps. 28 1 (c) Multiple or "phased" final maps may be filed for portions of the tentative map, 2 provided that the tentative map approval by the city council, or planning commission when authorized, divides a subdivision into units and the final map or 3 "phased" final map substantially conforms to one or more of such units and complies with all conditions applicable to such units. The number of final maps or 4 "phased" final maps which may be filed shall be determined by the city council or planning commission at the time of the approval or conditional approval of the 5 tentative map. When dividing a subdivision into units, the city council or planning commission shall ensure that the design and improvement of each unit are consistent with the provisions of this title. If the subdivider is subject to a requirement to construct or improve or finance the construction and improvement 7 of public improvements outside the boundary of the subdivision the cost of that requirement shall be established at the time the tentative map is approved. If the 8 cost of the off-site public improvements requirement is one hundred thousand dollars or more it shall be a condition of the tentative map that additional conditions 9 may be placed on the extension of the tentative map which occurs by operation of Section 20.12.110(b) of this code; and further, it shall be a condition that upon the 10 filing of any multiple final map or phased final map the council may modify or eliminate the phasing scheme. Multiple or phased final maps shall be 11 authorized for vesting tentative maps for which off-site improvements are required only if tho city council finds that multiple final maps are necessary 12 to accomplish the subdivision, that all off-site improvements are required as a condition of the zoning for the property or zoning approval for the project, that phasing of the project is consistent with the city's general plan and any development—management—or—pwfeHe—facilities—ordinances,—policies—of regulations, and that the subdivision consists of one hundred or more units." 15 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) days after its adoption; and16 the City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen (15) days after its18 adoption. 20 "' 21 "' 22 '" 23 '" 24 '" 25 '" 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a Regular Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the day of , 2011, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the day of , 2011, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk (SEAL) Development Review Process Code AmendmentGlen K. Van PeskiAugust 23, 2011 Development Review Process (DRP)•Summary recommendations report•4 major themes•48 recommendations•9 initiatives Development Review Process (DRP)•95% complete•One remaining action:¾out for public review shortly Initiative 9: Vesting Tentative Maps“Consider revising the Carlsbad Municipal Code sections relating to vesting  tentative maps so they mimic the Subdivision Map Act provisions.”4 Historical Context¾1984 –Senate Bill 1660 (Montoya) creates chapter 4.5 in Subdivision Map Act entitled “Development Rights”¾1985 –Ordinance 9788 amends Municipal Code to include Vesting Tentative Maps/Tentative  Parcel Maps¾2004 –Ordinance NS‐710 amends requirements for vesting maps5 Vested Rights“…proceed with development in substantial conformance with the ordinances, policies, and standards [in effect at the time the application is deemed complete]…”6 Vested RightsDeveloper is protected against:ƒNew feesƒChanges in the zoning ordinanceƒChanges in engineering standards7 Vested RightsDeveloper is notprotected against:ƒFee increases that are escalations based on an index specified in the ordinanceƒChanges in state or federal lawsƒChanges required for public health and safetyƒRequirements for subsequent approvals or permits8 Duration of Vested RightsƒFor life of vesting tentative mapƒFor two years after recordation of the final map… including an automatic extension for time spent processingƒFor as long as there is a valid building permit9 Standard Tentative Map10Discretionary Standard Tentative Map11DiscretionaryFinal Design Standard Tentative Map12DiscretionaryBldg. PlansFinal Design Standard Tentative Map13DiscretionaryConstructionBldg. PlansFinal Design Standard Tentative Map14DiscretionaryConstructionBuildingBldg. PlansFinal Design Standard Tentative Map15DiscretionaryConstructionBuildingBldg. PlansFinal DesignZoning/Subdivision Standards Standard Tentative Map16DiscretionaryConstructionBuildingBldg. PlansFinal DesignZoning/Subdivision StandardsEngineering Standards & Fees Standard Tentative Map17DiscretionaryConstructionBuildingBldg. PlansFinal DesignZoning/Subdivision StandardsEngineering Standards & FeesBuilding Codes & Fees Vesting Tentative Map18DiscretionaryConstructionBuildingBldg. PlansFinal DesignZoning/Sub. StandardsEngineering Standards & FeesBuilding Codes & Fees Vesting Tentative Map19DiscretionaryConstructionBuildingBldg. PlansFinal DesignZoning/Sub. StandardsEngineering Stds & FeesBuilding Codes & Fees Vesting Tentative Map20DiscretionaryConstructionBuildingBldg. PlansFinal DesignZoning/Sub. StandardsEngineering Stds & FeesBuilding Codes & Fees SummaryStaff has reviewed the vesting  tentative  map and vesting tentative parcel map provisions in Chapter 20.17 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, and recommends the changes indicated, to comply with the State Map Act and remove uncertainties for the development community.21 Questions?22