HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-08-23; City Council; 20666; ORDINANCE VOLUNTARY REDEVELOPMENT PROGRAMCITY OF CARLSBAD AND HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AGENDA BILL 17 AB#20.666 MTG. 8/23/11 DEPT.CA An Ordinance Authorizing Participation in the Alternative Voluntary Redevelopment Program and a Remittance Agreement Between the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency and the City of Carlsbad DEPT. DIRECTOR CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER r ___ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Introduce Ordinance No. r.R-isfi authorizing the City to participate in the alternative voluntary redevelopment program subject to certain conditions and reservations; and approving a remittance agreement to transfer a portion of the Redevelopment Agency's tax increment to the City in an amount sufficient for the City to make the state required remittances to the county, and authorizing the City Manager and Agency Executive Director to execute said agreement. ITEM EXPLANATION: The State Legislature passed two related redevelopment bills on June 15, 2011, AB 26 and 27 which have been signed by the Governor and made effective June 29, 2011. The purpose of these bills is to (1) dissolve redevelopment agencies and (2) provide for a "voluntary" alternative redevelopment program, whereby a redevelopment agency will be exempted from the legislation that dissolves redevelopment agencies if the City Council enacts an ordinance before November 1, 2011 to comply with the new legislation and the City makes payments to the county as required by the new legislation. The City Council in its closed session of July 12, 2011 authorized the City Attorney to initiate litigation challenging the constitutionality of the bills. The City Attorney will likely join in the California Redevelopment Association/California League of Cities lawsuit challenging the provisions of the redevelopment bills on the grounds that they violate the State Constitution and other laws. On August 11, 2011, the California Supreme Court issued a stay of portions of AB 26 and AB 27. This means that the voluntary payments do not need to be made at this time. Under that stay, the state is ordered to show cause why the stay should not be permanent and these laws do not go into effect since they are alleged to be unconstitutional. The Ordinance does not become operative until the Supreme Court stay is dissolved and the matter is finally ruled upon. The court intends to issue a decision before January 12, 2012. A copy of the stay is attached as Exhibit C. However, to maximize the City's options and allow its Redevelopment Agency to continue operating while the legality of the legislation is being litigated, staff is recommending that the City Council adopt the ordinance attached as Exhibit A, operative only if the stay is dissolved and the matter is ruled upon, committing to comply and make the payments required by the legislation. The legislation states that adoption of such an ordinance DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Ron Ball 760-434-2891 ron.ball@carlsbadca.gov FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED Dnnn n CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN RETURNED TO STAFF OTHER -SEE MINUTES D D D 0 Introduced Ord. CS-156 Page 2 and payment of the remittances (the first of which would be due on January 15, 2012) exempts the Redevelopment Agency from the bill that purports to dissolve the redevelopment agencies. The ordinance would limit the City's commitment to make these payments to net tax increment funds and other funds or assets that the Agency transfers to the City for this purpose. The City's General Fund will not be pledged to make these payments. The attached ordinance further reserves all rights to challenge the validity of the legislation and it also reserves the right of the City Council to repeal the ordinance at any time in the future, in the City's sole discretion. Second, staff also recommends that the City and the Agency enter into a "remittance agreement" as contemplated by the legislation, by which the Agency would commit to transfer sufficient funds to the City to make the required payments. Such an agreement would be necessary for the Agency to transfer funds to the City to comply with the legislation. We have prepared the attached proposed Remittance Agreement for this purpose, attached as Exhibit B. FISCAL IMPACT: The Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency currently receives approximately $3.5 million per year in gross tax increment. The anticipated required redevelopment payment is estimated to be $1.4 million in 2011-12, and $350,000 in 2012-2013. At this time, staff is unable to estimate the fiscal impact in future years. Non-housing tax increment funds will be made available by the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency to the City of Carlsbad in order to make the required payments. There will be no impact on the City's General Fund. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The proposed action is not subject to review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15061 as it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment. EXHIBITS: A. Ordinance No. CS-156 B. Remittance Agreement C. California Supreme Court Stay 2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 as Part 1.9 of the California Health and Safety Code ("Part 1.9"); and 9 WHEREAS, AB 27, with the concurrent enactment of Assembly Bill x1 26 10 " 11 12 13 14 15 20 21 22 ORDINANCE NO. cs-156 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF CARLSBAD TO PARTICIPATE IN THE ALTERNATIVE VOLUNTARY REDEVELOPMENT PROGRAM, SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS AND RESERVATIONS WHEREAS, Assembly Bill x1 27 ("AB 27") has been enacted and is codified ("AB 26"), establishes a voluntary alternative redevelopment program whereby the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency ("Agency") would be authorized to continue to exist upon the enactment of an ordinance by the City to comply with the provisions of Part 1.9; and WHEREAS, AB 27 requires the City to notify the County Auditor- Controller ("County"), the State Controller, and the State Department of Finance 17 16 on or before November 1, 2011, that the City will comply with Part 1.9; and 18 WHEREAS, AB 27 requires the City to make specified remittances to the 19 County in order to continue the existence of the Agency, as prescribed in Part 1.9; and WHEREAS, AB 27 authorizes the City to enter into an agreement with the Agency, whereby the Agency would transfer a portion of its tax increment to the 24 23 City for the purpose of financing certain activities within the City's redevelopment 25 areas, as specified in Part 1.9; and 26 WHEREAS, AB 27 imposes specified sanctions on the City in the event 27 28 that the City fails to make the required remittances, as determined by the State Director of Finance; and 1 2 exceed the reasonable costs to the County auditor-controller to implement the 3 provisions of Part 1.9; and 4 WHEREAS, AB 27 authorizes the City to establish a new redevelopment 5 agency if its former agency has been dissolved pursuant to SB 15 only after the6 7 8 9 10 California League of Cities and the California Redevelopment Association have 11 respectively opined that certain or all provisions of AB 26 and AB 27 violate the 12 State Constitution and other laws (collectively, "Laws"); and 13 WHEREAS, the City Council does not intend, by enactment of this14 15 16 17 22 23 24 WHEREAS, AB 27 authorizes the County to charge a fee that does not debt obligations of the Agency have been retired and the City satisfies the provisions of Part 1.9; and WHEREAS, it is hereby acknowledged by the City Council that the Ordinance, to waive any constitutional and/or legal rights by virtue of the enactment of this Ordinance and, therefore, reserves all of its rights under Laws to challenge the validity of any or all provisions of AB 26 and AB 27 in any 1 ft administrative or judicial proceeding and/or repeal this ordinance, without 19 prejudice to the City's right to recover any amounts remitted under Part 1.9; and 20 WHEREAS, the City Council does not intend, by enactment of this 21 Ordinance, to pledge any of its general fund revenues or other assets, to make the remittance payments contemplated by Part 1.9, it being understood by the City Council that any remittance payments will be funded solely from Agency funds and/or assets transferred to the City in accordance with Part 1.9; 26 25 eiiiu/ui WHEREAS, the City Council does not intend, by enactment of this 27 Ordinance to waive any rights of appeal regarding the amount of any remittance 28 established by the Department of Finance, as provided in Part 1.9. 1 NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does o 3 2 does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Authorization to Continue Agency. Subject to Sections 3 and 4, herein, the City hereby commits to comply with and make the remittances required by Part 1.9, and authorize the continuation of the Agency after enactment of AB 27. Any remittance payments required to be paid by the City by Part 1.9 shall be paid solely from Agency funds and/or assets transferred to the City in 6 accordance with Part 1.9. 4 5 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 26 27 28 SECTION 2. Application. If any provisions of this Ordinance or the application thereof is held to be invalid for any reason, the remainder of this 7 8 , Ordinance and the application of provisions thereof shall not be affected thereby. 9 SECTION 3. Reservation of Rights. It is the position of the City that certain or all provisions of AB 26 and AB 27 violate the Laws, as referenced in the recitals, above, and are invalid and unenforceable. Neither the adoption of this Ordinance, nor the acknowledgment of or references to any provisions of AB 26 and AB 27, nor the City's payment of any remittances contemplated by AB 27 shall be deemed to be, nor are they intended as, an acknowledgment of the validity of AB 26 and AB 27, and the City reserves all rights in its sole discretion to challenge the validity of any or all provisions of AB 26 and AB 27 in any administrative or judicial proceeding and/or repeal this ordinance, without prejudice to the City's right to recover any amounts remitted under Part 1.9. SECTION 4. Enactment. This Ordinance shall only be deemed as "enacted" within the meaning of Part 1.9 upon (i) adoption of this Ordinance and (ii) the legally effective date of AB 26 and AB 27. 1R SECTION 5. Authorization of Implementing Actions. The City Manager is 19 hereby authorized to take any actions necessary to implement this Ordinance and comply with Part 1.9, including without limitation, providing required notices to the 20 Auditor Controller, the State Controller, and the Department of Finance; entering into any agreements with the Agency to make the remittance payments; or making any 21 remittance payments. 22 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its 23 adoption; and the City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause it 24 to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. OPERATIVE DATE: The California Supreme Court has stayed portions of AB 26 and AB 27 and this Ordinance shall not become operative until the California 1 Supreme Court dissolves the stay, determines that all of the provisions of AB 26 and AB 2 27 are lawful and confirmed in writing by the General Counsel of the Carlsbad T Redevelopment Agency. 4 INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad 5 City Council and Housing and Redevelopment Commission on the day 6 of , 2011, and thereafter. 7 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of o Carlsbad on the day of 2011, by the following vote, to wit: 10 AYES: 11 NOES: 12 ABSENT: 13 ABSTAIN: 14 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY 16 " 17 18 RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney 19 20 21 MATT HALL, Mayor 22" 23 ATTEST: 24 25 26 LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk 27 (SEAL) 28 If REMITTANCE AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 34194.2 THIS REMITTANCE AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is entered into this day of , 2011, by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation (the "City") and the CARLSBAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a public body, corporate and politic (the "Agency"), with reference to the following facts: A. Assembly Bill No. XI 27 and Senate Bill XI 15 ("AB 27/SB 15") was passed by the State Legislature on June 15, 2011 and signed by the Governor on June , 2011. B. Upon enactment, AB 27/SB 15 is to be codified as Part 1.9 of the California Health and Safety Code, commencing with Section 34192 ("Part 1.9"). C. AB 27/SB 15 establishes a voluntary alternative redevelopment program whereby the City may choose to continue redevelopment pursuant to Part 1.9, upon the enactment of an ordinance by the City to comply with the provisions of Part 1.9 and make certain remittances described in Health and Safety Code Section 34194 to the county auditor-controller. D. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad (the "City Council") has adopted or, concurrently with this Agreement, is adopting, an ordinance to comply with Part 1.9 (the "Ordinance"). E. Pursuant to the Part 1.9 Ordinance, the City Council has committed to comply with and make the remittances required by Part 1.9 and authorize the continuation of the Agency after enactment of AB 27/SB 15. F. Pursuant to Section 34194.1, in making remittances to the county auditor-controller pursuant to Section 34194 or 34194.5, the City may use any available funds not otherwise obligated for other uses. G. Pursuant to Section 34194.2, the City may enter into an agreement with the Agency, whereby the Agency will transfer a portion of its tax increment to the City, in an amount not to exceed the annual remittance required that year pursuant to Chapter 3 of Part 1.9, for the purpose of financing activities within the redevelopment area that are related to accomplishing the redevelopment agency project goals. H. The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for the transfer of funds by the Agency to the City in an amount sufficient for the City to make the remittances required by Part 1.9., with net available tax increment in this current fiscal year and forthcoming fiscal years. I. The term "Net Available Tax Increment" is defined as any tax increment funds allocated to the Agency, net of existing debt service payments and existing third-party contractual obligations, not including any funds on deposit in the Agency's Low and Moderate Income 1 4-- Housing Fund, and also not including any portion of tax increment funds to be allocated to the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33334.2, 33334.4 and 33334.6 for the 2011-12 fiscal year only, to the extent the Agency makes a finding that there are insufficient other moneys to meet its debt and other obligations, current priority program needs or its obligation to transfer funds to the City under Section 34194.2 as provided in this Agreement. J. The obligations of the Agency under this Agreement shall constitute an indebtedness of the Agency for the purpose of carrying out the redevelopment plan for each of the Agency's redevelopment project areas. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto do mutually agree as follows: I. INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS The recitals above are an integral part of this Agreement and set forth the intentions of the parties and the premises on which the parties have decided to enter into this Agreement. II. OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES 1. The Agency shall transfer to the City in a timely manner Net Tax Increment or other funds in an amount sufficient for the City to make the remittance payments required by Part 1.9. The amounts to be transferred to the City shall be sufficient for the City to pay the remittance amount determined by the State Director of Finance pursuant to Part 1.9, subject to the City's right to appeal the amount of remittance to the director pursuant to Part 1.9. 2. Subject to receipt of sufficient Net Tax Increment or other funds from the Agency, the City shall timely remit to the county auditor-controller the payments required by Part 1.9 as provided in the Ordinance. The City's obligation to make such remittances shall be a special limited obligation of the City payable solely from Net Available Tax Increment or any other funds made available to the City by the Agency, including but not limited to amounts previously or subsequently pledged to the City for payment of redevelopment expenses that remain unencumbered. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to be a pledge of the City's general fund revenues or other assets to make the remittance payments contemplated by Part 1.9, it being understood that the any remittance payments shall be funded solely from Agency funds and/or assets. 3. The obligations of Agency under this Agreement shall be payable out of Net Available Tax Increment, as defined in the above recitals and/or as defined or provided for in any applicable constitutional provision, statute or other provision of law now existing or adopted in the future, levied by or for the benefit of taxing agencies in the Agency's redevelopment project area(s), and allocated to the Agency and/or any lawful successor entity of the Agency and/or any entity established by law to carry out the redevelopment plan for the redevelopment project area(s) and/or expend tax increment or pay indebtedness of the Agency to be repaid with tax increment, pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33670 or any applicable constitutional provision, statute or other provision of law now existing or adopted in the future. In the event that additional funds are required in order to make the Agency payments to the City required by this Agreement, the Agency shall make such payments from income received by the Agency from its projects and programs or any other additional funds available to it. III. LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION In contemplation of the provisions of California Government Code section 895.2 imposing certain tort liability jointly upon public entities solely by reason of such entities being parties to an agreement as defined by Government Code section 895, the parties hereto, as between themselves, pursuant to the authorization contained in Government Code sections 895.4 and 895.6, shall each assume the full liability imposed upon it, or any of its officers, agents or employees, by law for injury caused by negligent or wrongful acts or omissions occurring in the performance of this Agreement to the same extent that such liability would be imposed in the absence of Government Code section 895.2. To achieve the above-stated purpose, each party indemnifies, defends and holds harmless the other party for any liability, losses, cost or expenses that may be incurred by such other party solely by reason of Government Code section 895.2. IV. ENTIRE AGREEMENT; WAIVERS; AND AMENDMENTS 1. This Agreement shall be executed in duplicate originals, each of which is deemed to be an original. This Agreement consists of five (5) pages which constitute the entire understanding and agreement of the parties. 2. This Agreement integrates all of the terms and conditions mentioned herein or incidental hereto, and supersedes all negotiations or previous agreements between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. 3. This Agreement is intended solely for the benefit of the City and the Agency. Notwithstanding any reference in this Agreement to persons or entities other than the City and the Agency, there shall be no third party beneficiaries under this Agreement. 4. Any waiver or amendment of the provisions of this Agreement must be in writing and signed by the authorized representatives of the parties. V. SEVERABILITY If any term, provisions, covenant or condition of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions shall continue in full force and effect unless the rights and obligations of the parties have been materially altered or abridged by such invalidation, voiding or unenforceability. VI. BINDING ON SUCCESSORS This Agreement shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of all successors and assigns of the parties, whether by agreement or operation of law. This Agreement shall survive any full or partial merger of the City and the Agency and shall remain in effect and be fully enforceable according to its terms. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first set forth above. CITY OF CARLSBAD By: City Manager Attest: By: [Name, Title] Approved as to form: City Attorney By: Ronald Ball CARLSBAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY By: Executive Director Attest: By: [Name, Title] Approved as to form: Agency General Counsel By:_ Ronald Ball Approved as to form: KANE, BALLMER & BERKMAN Agency Special Counsel By: Attachment 1 Stay Issued (August 11, 2011) California Supreme Court The request for a stay of chapter 5, Statutes 2011, First Extraordinary Session (Assembly Bill No. 26 XI) is granted, except that the request to stay Division 24, Part 1.8 of the Health and Safety Code (Health & Saf. Code, Sees. 34161-34167) is denied. The request for a stay of chapter 6, Statutes 2011, First Extraordinary Session (Assembly Bill No. 27 XI) is granted. Ana Matosantos, Director of the California Department of Finance, John Chiang, Controller of the State of California, and Patrick O'Connell, Auditor- Controller of the County of Alameda, are ORDERED TO SHOW CAUSE before this court, when the above matter is called on calendar, why the relief sought by petitioners should not be granted. The return is to be served and filed by respondents on or before September 9, 2011. A reply may be served and filed by petitioners on or before September 24, 2011. Any application to file an amicus curiae brief, accompanied by the proposed brief, may be served and filed on or before September 30, 2011. Any reply to an amicus brief may be served and filed on or before October 7, 2011. The court does not contemplate extending any time set out above. The briefing schedule is designed to facilitate oral argument as early as possible in 2011, and a decision before January 15, 2012. Kennard, J., is of the opinion a stay should not be issued. Votes: Cantil-Sakauye, C.J., Kennard, Baxter, Werdegar, Chin and Corrigan, JJ. } I VOLUNTARY PROGRAM ACTREDEVELOPMENTDebbie FountainAugust 23, 2011 Redevelopment Legislation•AB26 and AB27; effective June 29th.•Dissolve redevelopment agencies; and•Provide for “voluntary” alternative redevelopment program•Agency may participate in “voluntary” program if an Ordinance is enacted by November 1, 2011 to “Opt‐In” Voluntary Program Ordinance•Avoid dissolution by making a substantial payment; $1.4 million for 2011‐12•Adoption of the Ordinance allows for Agency to commence with normal redevelopment activities•Payments due in January and May, 2012•General fund and other funds not at risk3 California Supreme Court •Stay issued on August 11thon portions of AB26 & 27•Voluntary payments not made until decision made by Supreme Court•State must show cause as to why the stay should not be permanent and the laws not made effective since they are alleged to be unconstitutional.4 Supreme Court & the Ordinance•Ordinance does not become operative until the Supreme Court stay is dissolved and the matter is finally ruled upon.•Court decision expected before January 12, 2012•Maximize Agency/City options & continue operations with adoption of Ordinance.5 Supreme Court Stay•Stay issued for both statutes, with exception:–No new debt incurred–No transfer of assets–No acquisition of real property–No new contracts or modifications–No new partnerships–No new redevelopment plans or amendments6 Redevelopment•State of flux•Need to continue to monitor and respond accordingly•Prepare an “Enforcement Obligations Payment Schedule”; submit by August 29th•Continue redevelopment operations with some restrictions until Court decision7 Recommendation•City Attorney to Introduce Ordinance No. CS‐156, authorizing the City to participate in the alternative voluntary redevelopment program; and approving a remittance agreement for the City to make the required payments on behalf of the Agency.8