HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-09-27; City Council; 20691; CITIZEN PRESENTATION VACATION RENTALSCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AB# MTG. DEPT. 20.691 9-27-11 CM CITIZEN PRESENTATION REGARDING VACATION RENTALS DEPT. DIRECTOR CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDED ACTION: To receive a presentation from Alice Brown regarding consideration of an ordinance to address vacation rentals in the One-Family Residential (R-1) Zone. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City Council provides an opportunity for citizens and organizations to have an item placed on a City Council Agenda by submitting a request to the City Manager. Attached is a request from Arthur and Alice Brown (Exhibit 1) requesting that the City Council receive a presentation relating to vacation rentals in the One Family Residential (R-1) Zone. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Pursuant to Section 15061 of the CEQA Guidelines, the activity is covered by the General Rule that CEQA applies only to projects which have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. Where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment, the activity is not subject to CEQA. FISCAL IMPACT: None. EXHIBIT: 1. Letter and petition from Arthur and Alice Brown. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Sheila Cobian (760) 434-2959, sheila.cobian@carlsbadca.gov FOR CITY CLERKS COUNCIL ACTION: USE ONLY. APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED D D D D n CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN RETURNED TO STAFF OTHER -SEEJfliNUIES COUNCIL<K|CEJyEB&ACCEPTED THE REPORT/PKESENTATON Council directed staff to return w/report on the matter nn nnn MR.&MRS. ARTHUR BROWN 5157 Shore Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 July 19,2011 Lisa E. Hildabrand, City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-1949 Dear City Manager: This is a request for a hearing before the Carlsbad City Council to consider an ordinance addressing vacation rentals in the One-Family Residential (R-l) zone, limiting them to a minimum of 30 days or more for each vacation rental, and with no more than two families occupying the vacation rental. This practice is a growing concern for the many families that live in our neighborhood, known as Terramar, and throughout Carlsbad, as the enclosed signed petitions contest to. These vacation rentals have become party homes and public nuisances, disturbing the surrounding neighbors. This serious matter deserves the attention of the City Council and the citizens of Carlsbad. Sincerely, Arthur & Alice Brown Randy & Hope Smith 5154 Shore Drive VACATION RENTAL PETITION We, the undersigned, encourage the City Council of The City of Carlsbad, California to develop an ordinance to govern the function of vacation rental properties located in the City's residential neighborhoods in order to minimize the impacts of such vacation rentals on the surrounding neighborhoods. The goal is to address issues such as; overcrowding, vehicle parking impacts and traffic congestion, excessive noise, vandalism, unwanted accumulation of trash, and increased demand on City services. Many other coastal communities in San Diego County and Southern California have ordinances that regulate vacation rentals. We believe the City of Carlsbad should also develop and implement such an ordinance. VACATION RENTAL PETITION We, the undersigned, encourage the City Council of The City of Carlsbad, California to develop an ordinance to govern the function of vacation rental properties located in the City's residential neighborhoods in order to minimize the impacts of such vacation rentals on the surrounding neighborhoods. The goal is to address Issues such as; overcrowding, vehicle parking impacts and traffic congestion, excessive noise, vandalism, unwanted accumulation of trash, and increased demand on City services. Many other coastal communities in San Diego County and Southern California have ordinances that regulate vacation rentals. We believe the City of Carlsbad should also develop and Implement such an ordinance. VACATION RENTAL PETITION We, the undersigned, encourage the City Council of The City of Carlsbad, California to develop an ordinance to govern the function of vacation rentalEpfbperties located in the City's residential neighborhoods in order to minimize the impacts of such vacation rentals on the surrounding neighborhoods. The goal is to address issues such as; overcrowding, vehicle parking impacts and traffic congestion, excessive noise, vandalism, unwanted accumulation of trash, and increased demand on City services. Many other coastal communities in San Diego County and Southern California have ordinances that regulate vacation rentals. We believe the City of Carlsbad should also develop and implement such an ordinance. We, the undersigned, encourage the City Council of The City of Carlsbad, California to develop an ordinance to govern the function of vacation rental properties located In the City's residential neighborhoods In order to minimize the impacts of such vacation rentals on the surrounding neighborhoods. The goal is to address issues such as; overcrowding, vehicle parking impacts and traffic congestion, excessive noise, vandalism, unwanted accumulation of trash, and increased demand on City services. Many other coastal communities in San Diego County and Southern California have ordinances that regulate vacation rentals. We believe the City of Carlsbad should also develop and implement such an ordinance. We, the undersigned, encourage the City Council of The City of Carlsbad, California to develop an ordinance to govern the function of vacation rental properties located in the City's residential neighborhoods in orderto minimize the Impacts of such vacation rentals on the surrounding neighborhoods. The goal is to address issues such as; overcrowding, vehicle parking impacts and traffic congestion, excessive noise, vandalism, unwanted accumulation of trash, and increased demand on City services. Many other coastal communities in San Diego County and Southern California have ordinances that regulate vacation rentals. We believe the City of Carlsbad should also develop and implement such an ordinance. Name Address City / Zip Signature Date Ma rti& Stuff? •S.^r-A i.o^ ME ffffb Los Bsfcfesaje. /r/ ArU /7r 1C A/a />Jk, c 7 VACATION RENTAL PETITION We, the undersigned, encourage the City Council of The City of Carlsbad, California to develop an ordinance to govern the function of vacation rental properties located in the City's residential neighborhoods in order to minimize the impacts of such vacation rentals on the surrounding neighborhoods. The goal is to address issues such as; overcrowding, vehicle parking impacts and traffic congestion, excessive noise, vandalism, unwanted accumulation of trash, and increased demand on City services. Many other coastal communities in San Diego County and Southern California have ordinances that regulate vacation rentals. We believe the City of Carlsbad should also develop and implement such an ordinance. Name Address City /Zip Signature Date (M\\\ (Lt, Lot *>/#/* VACATION RENTAL PETITION We, the undersigned, encourage the City Council of The City of Carlsbad, California to develop an ordinance to govern the function of vacation rental properties located in the City's residential neighborhoods In order to minimize the Impacts of such vacation rentals on the surrounding neighborhoods. The goal Is to address Issues such as; overcrowding, vehicle parking Impacts and traffic congestion, excessive noise, vandalism, unwanted accumulation of trash, and increased demand on City services. Many other coastal communities in San Diego County and Southern California have ordinances that regulate vacation rentals. We believe the City of Carlsbad should also develop and implement such an ordinance. Name Address City /Zip Signature Date JO All Receive-Agenda Item # \ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Asst. CM 5154 Shore Drive DateS/^2 City Mria^er Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760)438-3544 e-mail: September 27,2011 City of Carlsbad Honorary Mayor City Council Members Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor and Ail City Council Members: As a homeowner in Carlsbad, I agree with the recommendation that a 30-day vacation rental be established as represented by Alice Brown at this evening's public hearing. Sincerely, Helen Z.Urton September 27, 2011 All Receive-Agenda Item #__J_ For the Information of the' CITY COUNCIL Asst. C D».te ^p^l City Manager. C/. Lisa E. Hildabrand, City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, Calif. 92008-1949 Dear City Manager: I received this information in the mail today. It is a suggested template for a Carlsbad Ordinance close to what I am asking for in my request. It is from a coastal town north of Carlsbad. I would like the Council to have a copy if possible. Thank you, Date: f Distribution: " City Clerk Asst. City Clerk Deputy Clerk Book ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO RESIDENTIAL VACATION RENTALS The City Council of ordains as follows: SECTION 1. Section of the Municipal Code, is hereby amended as follows: [SECTION] - Residential Vacation Rentals: A Residential Vacation Rental is the use of an existing residence, or a new residential structure that has been constructed in conformance with all standards applicable to residential development, as a rental for transient use. Rental of a residence shall be for no less than 30 days per stay as defined in Subsection d. The use of residential property as a vacation rental within the One Family Residential zone (RR-1) shall comply with the following standards: a. Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish a set of regulations applicable to Residential Vacation Rentals. These regulations are in addition to all other provisions of this Title. In the adoption of these standards, the City Council find that Residential Vacation Rentals have the potential to be incompatible with surrounding residential uses, especially when several are concentrated in the same area, thereby having the potential for a deleterious effect on the adjacent full time residents. Special regulation of these uses is necessary to ensure that they will be compatible with surrounding residential uses and will not act to harm and alter the neighborhoods they are located within. b. Permit requirements. Zoning Clearance (or equivalent Planning review), Business License, and Transient Occupancy Tax Registration is required for each Residential Vacation Rental. c. Location. Within the R-l zone, no Residential Vacation Rental shall be located within: (1) 100 linear feet and on the same side of the street as another vacation rental; (2) 100 linear feet and on the opposite side of the street from another vacation rental; and (3) 50 foot radius from another vacation rental or located behind another vacation rental. These same distances apply to other types of visitor-serving accommodation (e.g., Bed and Breakfast, Homestay, etc.). Distances shall be measured from the closest property line of the existing Residential Vacation Rental unit, and/or other visitor serving accommodation, to the closest property line of the property containing the proposed Residential Vacation Rental unit. d. Vacation rental tenancy. Rental of a residence shall be for no less than 30 days per. Rentals less than 30 days shall be prohibited. No additional occupancy of the residence (with the exception of the property owner and private non-paying guests) shall occur. A Residential Vacation Rental shall only be used for the purposes of occupancy as a vacation rental or as a full- time occupied unit. No other use (e.g., home occupation, temporary event, or homestay) shall be allowed on the site. e. Number of occupants allowed. The maximum number of occupants allowed in an individual Residential Vacation Rental shall not exceed two families, and no more than two persons per bedroom; however, in no event shall the number of occupants that can be accommodated be in consistent with the on-site parking requirement set forth in Subsection i hereof. The Zoning Clearance shall specify the maximum number of occupants allowed in each individual vacation rental. f. Appearance, visibility and location. The Residential Vacation Rental shall not change the residential character of the outside appearance of the building, either by the use of colors, materials, lighting, or by the construction of accessory structures or garages visible from off-site and not of the same architectural character as the residence; or by the emission of noise, glare, flashing lights, vibrations or odors not commonly experienced in residential areas. g. Signs. Availability of the rental unit to the public shall not be advertised on-site. h. Traffic. Vehicles used and traffic generated by the Residential Vacation Rental shall not exceed the type of vehicles or traffic volume normally generated by a home occupied by a full time resident in a residential neighborhood. For purposes of this section, normal residential traffic volume means up to 10 trips per day. i. On-site parking required. All parking associated with a Residential Vacation Rental shall be entirely on-site, in the garage, driveway, or otherwise out of the roadway, In accordance with subsection e., above. Tenants of Residential Vacation Rentals shall not use on-street parking at any time. J. Noise. All Residential Vacation Rentals shall comply with the standards of Section et seq. (Noise Standards). No Residential Vacation Rental is to involve on-site use of equipment requiring more than standard household electrical current at 110 or 220 volts or that produces noise, dust, odor, or vibration detrimental to occupants of adjoining dwellings. In addition, property owners and/or property managers shall insure that the occupants of the Residential Vacation Rental do not willfully create loud or unreasonable noise that disturbs others and is not in keeping with the character of the surrounding neighborhood. Loud and unreasonable noise shall be evaluated through field observations by the City Police Department, City Code Compliance, or other official personnel, based upon a threshold of noise disturbance related to the Residential Vacation Rental use that is audible from a distance of SO feet from the property lines of the rental property. k. Local contact person. All Residential Vacation Rentals shall designate a local property manager. The local property manager shall be available 24 hours a day to respond to tenant and neighborhood questions or concerns. Where a property owner lives within the same neighborhood as the Residential Vacation Rental, the property owner may designate themselves as the local contact person. All the requirements enumerated in this section shall continue to apply. (1) A notice shall be submitted to the Planning Division; Police Department; nearest fire station to the proposed Residential Vacation Rental; Fire Department Operations office; the local homeowners' association; and supplied to the property owners within a 300 foot radius of the proposed Residential Vacation Rental site. Distances shall be measured as a radius from the exterior property lines of the property containing the Residential Vacation Rental unit. This notice shall state the property owner's intention to establish a Residential Vacation Rental and shall include the name, address and phone number of the local contact person and the standards for noise, parking, and maximum number of occupants. A copy of the notice, a form certifying that the notice has been sent and a list of the property owners notified shall be supplied to the Planning Divison at the time of application for the Zoning Clearance, Business License and Transient Occupancy Tax Certificate for the Residential Vacation Rental. The name, address and telephone number(s) of the local contact person shall be permanently posted in the rental unit in a prominent location(s). Any change in the local contact person's address or telephone number shall be promptly furnished to the agencies and neighboring property owners as specified in this subsection. In addition, the standards for parking, maximum occupancy, and noise shall be posted inside the Residential Vacation Rental unit and shall be incorporated as an addendum to the vacation rental contracts. I. Transient Occupancy Tax. Each Residential Vacation Rental unit shall meet the regulations and standards set forth in Chapter of the Municipal Code, including any required payment of transient occupancy tax for each Residential Vacation Rental unit. m. Effect on existing Residential Vacation Rentals. If a Business License issued for a Residential Vacation Rental, expires pursuant to Title of the Municipal Code, a new Zoning Clearance and Business License shall be required and shall be subject to all standards as set forth in this Section. n. Violation - vacation rental. It is unlawful for any person to use or allow the use of property in violation of the provisions of this section. The penalties (including fines) and process for addressing a violation of this section are set forth in Chapter of the Municipal Code (Enforcement). Additional penalties for violation of this section may include revocation of the Zoning Clearance and Business License. Violations that will cause the processing of Zoning Clearance revocation include: (1) Failure to notify County staff when the contact person changes. (2) Violation of Residential Vacation Rental tenancy standards as set forth in Subsection d. (3) Violation of the Residential Vacation Rental maximum occupancy, parking and noise requirements as set forth in Subsections e, i, and j. (4) The inability of City staff or the Police Department to reach a contact person. Two documented violations of Subsection n, as determined by a City Planning Division and/or Code Compliance staff person or a police officer, within any consecutive six month period shall be grounds for revocation of the Zoning Clearance. Documentation shall consist of a written report which describes the violation, when it occurred and how it came to the attention of City officials. Revocation of the Zoning Clearance shall follow the same procedure used for land use permit revocation as set forth in Section of Municipal Code. The Planning Director will hold the initial revocation hearing. o. Complaints. Complaints about violation of these standards should be directed to the local contact person. If the local contact person is unavailable or fails to respond, the complaining party should contact the City's Police Department (Dispatch). Police Dispatch will attempt to reach the local contact person. If Police Dispatch is unable to reach the local contact person because the contact person is not available or because current contact information has not been provided to the Police Department (required by Subsection k, paragraph 2), the penalties set forth in Subsection n shall apply. During normal business hours, complaints may also be submitted to City Code Compliance staff. City staff will attempt to reach the contact person or will visit the property as appropriate. If City staff is unable to reach contact person because the contact person is not available or because current contact information has not been provided, the penalties set forth in Subsection n shall apply. SECTION 2. This project is covered by the general rule that the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) applies only to projects which have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment (Government Code 15061 (b) (3). It can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that this project may have a significant effect on the environment because no new development is authorized, no increase in density will occur, no change in allowed uses is proposed or authorized and no physical change to the environment will occur. Therefore the activity is not subject to CEQA. SECTION 3. If any section, subsection, clause, phrase or portion of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portion of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each section, subsection, clause, phrase or portion thereof irrespective of the fact that anyone or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases or portions be declared invalid or unconstitutional. TO All Receive-Agenda Item •3- For the Tnformtion of the: CITY COUNCIL ^ Asst. CM^t Date: Distribution/ City Clerk Asst. City Clerk Deputy Clerk Book (I All Receive-Agenda Item # jjira Lin berg For the Information From: Sent: To: Subject: Debora Gill <deboragill888@gmail.com> Tuesday, September 27, 2011 3:04 PM Council Internet Email Citizen Presentation Regarding Vacation Rentals CI 1 Y COUNCIL __^- -"ifeo-tyMan^er^^ Dear Mayor Matt Hall and city counsel members, Citizen Presentation Regarding Vacation Rentals was brought to my attention from a concerned neighbor who has their home on Vacation Rental by Owner. They own 2 homes and their husband lost his job and the only way that they can continue to carry it is to vacation rent it out. This is not my personal situation.. .as my husband and I have had the privilege to travel the World about 4 months a year... we use this option MOST of the time in other countries. We have leased ours out for monthly lease commitments, frankly, because we were GIFTING our home constantly to family and friends for a week here and there ONLY to have the hassle at OUR expense... so, we do both :) My concern is more for the families that are having such financial hardships that this option, if taken from them, will only cause MORE foreclosures. I read an article that out of ALL of the CURRENT foreclosures.... there are TWO TIMES that number in LATE PAY... in the pipeline for foreclosure. This is simply just another crippling control placed on good, law abiding citizens who pay their taxes. In fact, I ask Carlsbad City Counsel to overthrow this decision and mandate that NO HOA is legally allowed to put such limits on home owners. My opinion is to allow people the opportunity to survive this economic storm as best the can, as long as it is not illegal OR unethical. Please allow my thoughts to be voiced. Debora Leitner Gill 760-500-8228 GlobalWavMakers.org NewspaperArchive.com WorldHistory.com Date:. Distribution: City Clerk Asst. City Clerk Deputy Clerk Book tlL