HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-04-24; City Council; 20875; Introduce Ordinance to Establish All-Way Stop Control on Paseo Aliso at Intersection with Via AdelfaPage 2 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA Guidelines Secfion 15301(c) - minor alteration of existing facilities, including streets, sidewalks, gutters, and similar facilities involving negligible or no expansion. FISCAL IMPACT: The installation of two STOP signs, STOP legends on Paseo Aliso, a painted crosswalk and a pedestrian ramp on the west side of Paseo Aliso will cost approximately $2,500. Sufficient funds are available in the Streets Division budget. EXHIBITS: 1. Location map. 2. A.M. turning movement count at Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa. 3. P.M. turning movement count at Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa. 4. Ordinance No. CS-179 to require stops on Paseo Aliso at its intersection with Via Adelfa. 5. Redline/strikeout version/ 6. Traffic Safety Commission Minutes, dated March 5, 2012. S QJ O to f Toronja Proposed , :l Camjno Cre^S^ j Elementary School O 60 All-Way STOP X. j^econdary School Access^ Via Primary School Access Trail 0^ o QJ •4^ o LEGEND: Existing All-Way STOP Existing Traffic Signal * .It Location Map Proposed All-Way STOP at Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa Exhibit 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT 1 - HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT LOCATION: DATE: TIME: Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa 1/51/12 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. OBSERVER:-JWGJLM. DAY OF THE WEEK: Wednesday WEATHER: Clear & Cool o CO o CO CO Q. A-16 C-50 PEDESTRIANS 171 V 26 132 13 Via Adelfa ^ 8 ^ 56 ^ 64 - 93 29 A-5 \ C-0 I PEDESTRIANS 18 16 188 34 222 A-5 c-12 PEDESTRIANS LEGEND: A=Adults C=Children EXHIBIT 2 LOCATION: DATE: TIME:_ CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT 1 - HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa 1/31/12 2:20 p.m. to 3:20 p.m. OBSERVER: __jJWG_AJ=M DAY OF THE WFFK: Wednesday WEATHER: Clear & Mild o CO O CD CO CO Q. A-12 C-15 PE~DESTRTA'NS 145 8 8 57 83 Via Adelfa ^ 31 J 36 - 87 51 A-4 t C-7 PEDESTRIANS 52 46 114 9 8 212 A-17 C-35 PEDESTRIANS LEGEND: A=Adults C=Children EXHIBIT 3 5" 11 12 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. CS-179 2.. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 3 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.28 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO REQUIRE 4 STOPS ON PASEO ALISO AT ITS INTERSECTION WITH VIA ADELFA. 5 6 7 8 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, hereby ordains as follows: SECTION 1: That Title 10, Chapter 10.28 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the revision of Section 10.28.570 to read as follows: "10.28.570 - Paseo Aliso. Drivers shall stop where the following 9 described street intersects Paseo Aliso: 10 Camino Robledo Via Adelfa" SECTION 2: That Tifie 10, Chapter 10.28 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Secfion 10.28.973 to read as follows: "10.28.973 - Via Adelfa. Drivers shall stop where the following described street intersects Via Adelfa: Paseo Aliso" SECTION 3: That Title 10, Chapter 10.28 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended I'T' by the deletion of Secfion 10.28.580. 18 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) days after its adoption; and the City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carisbad within fifteen (15) days after its adoption. /// /// /// /// /// /// 6 REDLINE/STRIKEOUT VERSION ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA. AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10 28 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO REQUIRE STOPS ON PASEO ALISO AT ITS INTERSECTION WITH VIA ADELFA The City Council of the City of Carisbad, California, hereby ordains as follows: SECTION 1: That Tifie 10, Chapter 10.28 ofthe Carisbad Municipal Code is amended by the revision of Section 10.28.570 to read as follows: "10.28.570 - Paseo Aliso. Drivers shall stop where the following described street intersects Paseo Aliso: Callo Barcelona Camino Robledo Via Adelfa" SECTION 2: That Tifie 10, Chapter 10.28 ofthe Carisbad Municipal Code is amended by the addifion of Secfion 10.28.973 to read as follows: "10.28.973 - Via Adelfa. Drivers shall stop where the following described street Intersects Via Adelfa: Paseo Aliso" SECTION 3: That Tifie 10, Chapter 10.28 of the Carisbad Municipal Code is amended by the delefion of Secfion 10.28.580. "10.28.580 Calle Barcolona. Drivorc shall otop where tho following doscribed Gtroot intorsocts Callo Barcelona: ——Paseo Aliso" EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effecfive thirty (30) days after its adoption; and the City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in i newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carisbad within fifteen (15) days after its adoption. /// /// /// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a Regular Meefing of the Carisbad City Council on the _day of , 2012, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the day of , 2012, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk (SEAL) MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION March 5,2012 (Regular Meetmg) 3:00 p.m. City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Chair Gallagher called the Meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Staff Members Present: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 6,2012 ACTION: VOTE: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: Chair Steve Gallagher Vice-Chair Gordon Cress Commissioner Jairo Valderrama Commissioner Hope Wrisley Commissioner Guy Roney None Bryan Jones, City Traffic Engineer John Kim, Associate Engineer, Transportation Department Officer Paul Reyes, Carlsbad Police Department Motion by Vice-Chair Cress, and duly seconded by Commissioner Roney, to approve the minutes of the special meeting held on Febmary 6, 2012, as presented. 5-0-0 Gallagher, Cress, Valderrama, Roney, Wrisley None None ITEM 4 - ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. 0 March 5,2012 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 2 ITEM 5 - PREVIOUS BUSINESS: None. ITEM 6 - NEW BUSINESS: ITEM 6A: Investigate the need to establish an All-Way Stop at the intersection of Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa. John Kim, Associate Engineer, stated the requested action was to investigate the need to establish an All-Way Stop at the intersection of Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa. The subject intersection serves the adjacent residential neighborhoods of La Costa Valley and is adjacent to El Camino Creek Elementary School, whose secondary access point is located approximately 120 feet south ofthe subject intersection. During the school year, this intersection can be congested with pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles. Mr. Kim stated staff conducted an analysis to establish an All-Way Stop at the subject intersection. The analysis is based on Section 2B.07 of the Califomia Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), which specifies the consideration of different factors including traffic and pedestrian volumes to determine whether or not an All-Way Stop is justified at a particular location. A 24-hour approach count was conducted on January 31,2012. Based on these volumes, the subject intersection of Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa did not meet the Califomia MUTCD criteria based on minimum traffic volumes. As part of the analysis, staff also conducted tuming movement counts at the intersection to quantify the pedestrian volumes on atypical school morning and school afternoon. The tuming movement counts were conducted on January 31,2012 and the results are that there is considerable pedestrian activity at the A.M. and P.M. peak hours. Staff fmdings indicate that there is significant pedestrian activity that occurs at the subject intersection that is in conflict with vehicular traffic. Section 2B.07 ofthe Califomia MUTCD allows consideration of an All-Way Stop when there is a "need to control vehicle/pedestrian conflicts near locations that generate high pedestrian volumes." An elementary school can be considered a location that generates high pedestrian volumes and the City has installed All-Way Stops at other locations nearby school locations as a result of similar analyses. These locations include Camino de las Ondas and Hidden Valley Road adjacent to Pacific Rim Elementary School, Calle Acervo adjacent to Olivenhain Pioneer Elementary School, and Calle Acervo near La Costa Canyon High School, and the pending installation at Monroe Street and Gayle Way adjacent to Carlsbad High School. Based on these findings, the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommends that an All-Way Stop be established at the intersection of Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa to assign the right-of-way between vehicles and pedestrians. In conjunction with installing Stop signs on both legs of Paso Aliso at Via Adelfa, staff also recommends installation of a marked crosswalk across the south leg of Paseo Aliso at Via Adelfa. This new crosswalk will serve as a controlled crossing for the many students and parents that walk to El Camino Creek Elementary School. A pedestrian ramp on the west side of Paseo Aliso at Via Adelfa must be installed to accommodate disabled access. (1 March 5,2012 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 3 In conclusion, based on the findings contained in this report, the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommends the installation of an All-Way Stop at the intersection of Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa. Public Testimony: Chair Gallagher opened Public Testimony. Andrea Beyer-Green, 7856 Grado Cipreso, Carlsbad, stated she initiated the requested action today. She fiilly supported staffs recommendation to install an All-Way Stop at the intersection of Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa. She thanked the Commission for taking this item under consideration. Seeing no others wishing to comment. Chair Gallagher closed Public Testimony. DISCUSSION Chair Gallagher asked how long it takes for staff to install a pedestrian ramp. Mr. Kim answered that was a function of the workload of the Streets Maintenance Department. Staff would have to coordinate with the Streets Maintenance Department and submitting a work order to have that completed. Typically, it would take between two weeks to one month, depending on their schedule. Chair Gallagher indicated he was curious if they go forward with the recommendation today, would it be caught up in a delay to have the signs installed because of the pedestrian ramp. Mr. Kim stated in order to go forward with today's action, it would first require an ordinance from City Council to establish an All-Way Stop, which would have to be scheduled prior to any work orders being issued. It usually takes about one month to get on City Council's calendar for an agenda item. Chair Gallagher commented that Mr. Kim stated that people used the trail as a way to get to the school. He wanted to know how many children use that trail. He was concemed that many children could take advantage of a nearby All-Way Stop and don't. March 5,2012 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 4 Mr. Kim indicated no counts were taken at that location. It is their hope that if a controlled crossing is established at Via Adelfa, people using that trail would use it. Understanding human nature, however, that path is uphill and he wasn't sure how many people would actually utilize it. Regardless of what the trail users do, there is enough pedestrian activity to warrant an All-Way Stop at Via Adelfa. Chair Gallagher asked the rationale for putting the crosswalk on the south side of the street rather than on the north side of the street. Mr. Kim stated it was the proximity of the sidewalk, so there is less concrete needed to connect to the crosswalk on the west side. There was going to be a legal pedestrian crossing on the north side that would not be marked because they wanted to recommend the preferred crossing location so they don't have too much confusion between pedestrians and vehicles. Chair Gallagher stated most people in the moming traveling on Via Adelfa are going to be making a left tum to head down Calle Barcelona and they are in conflict with pedestrians that would be crossing. If the crosswalk was on the north side of the street, he felt most of the children would not have to cross Via Adelfa and then cross in front of two legs of traffic. Mr. Kim indicated that was a consideration staff took into account. He feh because it was on the downhill side that it would be more likely to be used as opposed to people going uphill. Chair Gallagher commented that in the aftemoon they would be going up a hill, so it is 50-50. It concemed him that the children have to cross two legs of traffic when they could easily cross on the north side. Mr. Kim stated staff could evaluate that. Commissioner Wrisley stated they were supposing that all of the children were coming from the north section, but probably a lot of the children come fi-om the south section, too. Mr. Kim said it would be more attractive to the trail users because it is closer. Chair Gallagher stated there weren't homes below Via Adelfa that enter onto Paseo Aliso. It made more sense to him to have it on the north side. |3 March 5,2012 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 5 Bryan Jones, Deputy Transportation Director and City Traffic Engineer, clarified putting the crosswalk on the north side where vehicles would be coming down hill on the opposite side ofthe intersection gives more room and distance for a vehicle to see a pedestrian crossing the intersection if they are stopping at that Stop sign. It gives greater separation. The greatest conflict is in the A.M. peak hour as opposed to aftemoon peak hours. Chair Gallagher stated the tuming movements was what he was concemed about. Mr. Jones said the larger volume was on Paseo Aliso rather than Via Adelfa. ACTION: Motion by Vice-Chair Cress, and duly seconded by Commissioner Wrisley, to approve the installation of an All-Way Stop at the mtersection of Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa, and the installation ofa marked crosswalk across the south leg of Paseo Aliso at Via Adelfa. VOTE: 5-0-0 AYES: Gallagher, Cress, Valderrama, Roney, Wrisley NOES: None ABSTAIN: None Since two citizens wanted to speak on an unrelated subject and had not made their request known during the Item 4 Oral Communications segment of the meeting, special approval was granted for them to speak at this time. 4. ORAL COMMUNICATION: Chair Gallagher opened Oral Communication. Thelma Hayes, 2855 Carlsbad Boulevard, Carlsbad, stated approximately 30 years ago, a group of concemed citizens formed the Pedestrian Action Group, whose goal was to make it safer for the pedestrians in Carlsbad. They have been quite successful. The City Council approved their suggestion that the pedestrian be included in the Traffic Safety Ordinance and granted $200,000 towards it. After a couple of years, she had not seen any evidence of the money being spent, so she inquired where it was. She was told they had not gotten around to spending it yet, but they had put aside the allocated money. They also got $200,000 each year thereafter. This is the 24^'' anniversary ofthe remainder of their small group and Ms. Hayes asked that next year, on the 25*'' ann" report be presented of all ofthe pedestrian activities that have transpired over the years. March 5,2012 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 6 Mr. Jones stated 24 years ago, Ms. Hayes was a pioneer ahead of the rest of the world. Staff appreciates all ofthe efforts that she and her group have done to make pedestrian and bicycle safety a priority for the City of Carlsbad. He and his staff work closely on putting in sidewalk improvements and repairing sidewalks, and responding quickly when issues arise. This past January, City Council made Complete and Livable Streets a priority for the City of Carlsbad. They are working diligently to improve bicycle and pedestrian safety for all users and all abilities and ages. One of their newest improvements will be to improve the intersection of State Street and Carlsbad Boulevard and provide a sidewalk and trail and bike lanes across the Buena Vista Lagoon so that people in Oceanside can enjoy their great Village area and walk and bike to there and not be in the street or walk along the roadway. There are a lot of other projects that they are going to be bringing back before Carlsbad. There was a big media release in January and Febmary from their Communications Department on Facebook and on Twitter and their intemet page about their Complete and Livable Streets Program. They are working on enacting a lot ofthe principles that Ms. Hayes and her group have worked on for the past 24 years. He thanked her for making that a priority and now at the national, state, and local level it is becoming a priority. Mr. Jones told Ms. Hayes if she came to the next Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation meeting, he will be doing a presentation there to talk about the roundabout at State Street and Carlsbad Boulevard, and the trails and the sidewalks. They will try to facilitate some collaboration with the Buena Vista Lagoon because he knew Ms. Hayes and her group wanted to do a pier or wharf along that area to help facilitate pedestrian movement. He thought this project will help address a lot of what they were trying to achieve there without getting tied up in all of the environmental constraints ofthe lagoon. They are going to make some improvements out there and it will be a great project. Ms. Hayes stated that she recentiy became blind and she knows how many improvements have been made for pedestrians, and specifically for herself She thanked everyone for all tiiey have done. Margie Monroy, 749 Magnolia Avenue, Carlsbad, stated she leamed over the years that if you want the City to do something for you, you need to know what you're talking about, you must be persistent, and you must propose a solution. She feh their original committee was a model citizens committee. The Traffic Safety Commission has done a great job. The whole movement started in the northwest quadrant and now with the new situation in the City approaching build out, they are going to be required to meet State and Housing requirements, most of the action is going to be in that same northwest quadrant. She was sure that everyone would continue their efforts to participate m the planning for pedestrian issues in that area and keep up the good work! Chair Gallagher closed Oral Communication. March 5,2012 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 7 ITEM 7: REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Wrisley stated she brought up the issue of an intersection of Donna Drive and Carlsbad Village Drive having an obstruction along the curb at the last meeting and she received a call fi-om staff that it had been mvestigated. Staff agreed with her and had die plants removed, creating better visibility. She thanked everyone involved. ITEM 8: REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER The next regular Traffic Safety Commission meeting is scheduled for April 2, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. to be held in the City Council Chambers. If tiiere are no agenda items, the Commission will be notified a couple of weeks before the scheduled date. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, Chair Gallagher adjoumed the Regular Meeting ofMareh 5,2012 at 4:32 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Woodbeck Minutes Clerk V Mary Oren 7842 SItio Coco Carlsbad, CA 92009 Carlsbad City Council Meeting 4/24/12 Re: Stop sign at Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa, Carlsbad Across from El Camino Elementary School Hello! Thank you for the chance to speak out on the request for a stop sign In our neighborhood. My name Is Mary Oren and I live in La Costa Valley and I represent the mothers who helped open the school and from the beginning longed for a stop sign in the very spot we are looking at tonight! With a son now in college and another in high school I am still very concerned about the young children who are facing a dangerous situation every day walking to and home from school. This particular site on Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa has very limited visibility in the best of conditions. There is a dip in the hill that plays tricks on your eyes and can almost hide an on-coming car headed up the hill. And the cars going down the hi can pick up enough speed to make visibility and stopping unexpectedly at Via Adelfa a challenge as the road begins to curve. With added traffic during the busier hours it's virtually impossible to see anyone less than 3 and a half feet tall without an adult nearby and even then it can be tricky with the morning sun and all the activity going on. On the weekends with sporting events all day long - conditions are congested and unfamiliar parents let kids out from their cars into traffic moving close by. Pedestrians are extremely vulnerable to moving cars in this spot without a cross walk to help slow traffic down. What we did when it came to the school time commute though ... starting 11 years ago was simple, with a house less than a mile away we'd actually drive our kids to school... load them up in a van and drive them because the fear of these kids crossing Paseo Aliso and not being seen by a car coming down that hill in all that traffic was too great to dismiss or Ignore. So all of us, rain or shine most the time piled in the car and did what... created more traffic and parking concerns for those brave enough to walk unsupervised. That was the compromise in our household because my kids and the neighbors at the time did not want to be seen walking with someone's mom. Putting in a stop sign would solve a lot of problems. Cars would slow down in the spot where we need safety increased. What a simple solution! Kids could walk or ride their bikes to school alone again the way they should and the way they get to at other schools. Parents could stay home with their cars and significantly decrease surface traffic! The roads would open up to allow commuters an easier time with one stop and much less chaos. Kids could gain some independence they need and get some exercise and our problems would be solved! Please allow us the chance to increase safety, decrease traffic and solve this problem that has been lingering for far too long now. We need a stop sign at Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa and we thank you for the chance to discuss this Important safety solution for our children. Thank you... Kira Linberg Agenda Item For the members of ttie: From: Sent: To: Subject: Metanie Kabo <lovemell2@yahoo.com> Tuesday, April 24, 2012 3:32 PM Council Internet Email Crosswalk and stop sign AOlr^jbCM CAi^^lDC.^ Dalo4b-^itv Managerii:^^:;:^' Dear City Council Members, I am writing to you in support of the all-way stop sign and crosswalk at Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa. I currently have 2 children attending El Camino Creek, soon to be 3 children. I also have a 16 year old driver. There are many new drivers in the neighborhood driving home from their schools around the time ECC gets out of school. Having been in a vehicle with a teenage driver, I know that their experience is not the same as an adult's and their response time is slower. I fear for the safety of parents and children when crossing the street. I have witnessed parents and children walking out blindly from in between parked cars. As a driver myself, I know that this situation is just an accident waiting to happen everyday, before school and after school. It is also a dangerous situation on the weekends with kids arriving to play ball at the school. 1 know this may be an inconvience to some when it is not school time, but the consideration should go to the safety of the children. I am fearful that a serious life altering accident could occur here. Please do not hesitate to call me with any questions. Thank yoxi, Melanie Kabo 760-652-5251 DateL Distribution: City Clerk Asst. City Clerk Deputy Clerk Book Kira Linberg P»"om: Desiree Hamilton <pchef_desiree@yahoo.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 3:00 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: Crosswalk at Intersection of Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa Dear City Council Members, I am writing to you in support of the all-way stop sign and crosswalk at Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa. Based on my experiences at this intersection during school drop-off and pick-up times, the addition of this stop sign with the crosswalk is critically important to the safetv of El Camino Creek Elementary School students, parents and younger siblings as well as the many others on the road While I am not a resident in the directly affected neighborhood. I do have children who attend ECC including my youngest who has special needs & developmental delays. There are several occasions where I have witnessed AND myself, an adult, have been nearly hit by speeding cars during drop off and pick up for my child, t am a considerate person, yielding the right of way to traffic, teaching my children to look before they open their door street side, to stay as close to the car as possible when getting out, to immediately move to the curb out of harms way and to wait patiently for our tum to cross the street when there is a natural break in traffic. There are always irresponsible adults that let their children cross with a wave ofa hand or drivers who wili find cause to speed in any situation. However, the majority of parents walk their kids across the street AND do so safely and WILLINGLY yield right of way to the traffic. While there are many arguments for and against the addition ofthe stop sign/crosswalk...the truth ofthe matter is that PEOPLE ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN THINGS. Our children, other people's children are MORE IMPORTANT than brakes wearing out on a car needing to slow down an additional 5 to 10 mph {in some cases more), needing to add extra time to your commute to wherever one is' headed. This is a neighborhood that contains a school and therefore when you move into the neighborhood a person should realize that twice a day, 5 times a week. 9 months out of the year, there are going to tae times of high traffic, hiqh pedestrian, and extra safetv measures that need to be in place. - . r y The passive-aggressive action of speeding down the street during these times will only result in more injury and death Will the driver who has been speeding and then potentially hit/killed a child feel justified in their response to this situation? I tend to think not And' while It would be nice if people were mature, responsible, and sacrificial enough to make these decisions on their own the simple truth is that there are some who cannot or will not, and that is the point where the City needs to step in and help/encouraqe better behavior and road sharing from these violators. Cars neariy hitting pedestrians is commonplace at this intersection. I recognize that a stop sign is an inconvenience durinq non-school hours, but believe that ts a minor consideration in light of the fact that implementing this all-way stop can help prevent life-aiterina injuries and death. - r-r- y Thank you for your consideration of this serious matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Desiree Hamilton 795:3 Camino Alvaro Carisbad, CA 92009 Kira Linberg From: Tom Overton <overton.thomas@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, April 23, 2012 1:23 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: La Costa Valley Stop Sign by ECC Dear City Council, I am writing in support of the proposed stop sign by the back gate of El Camino Creek Elementary School at the intersection of Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa. I have been a resident of Carlsbad and La Costa Valley since 2005. All three of my children attend ECC and traverse this intersection on a daily basis during the school year. I typically take them to school; some days we drive, some days we walk. This intersection has been a problem as long as I have lived here. There have been improvements, mainly due to changes in how the ECC staff manage ingress to the school, but it is still hazardous. On an almost daily basis before and after school, I see children and parents mnning across Paseo AHso, parents stopping in the middle of the street to let their children out, and people zooming down the hill on their way to work. Over the years, I have witnessed many near-accidents at this intersection. I am also aware of several actual accidents occurring, and it has firankly always amazed me that there have not been more given the unsafe driving I have seen. The congestion around the ECC back gate in the moming can be substantial, and many times I have seen the delays lead to impatient drivers racing ahead when the congestion clears, even thougji this is a speed-restricted school zone. The fundamental problem, in my opinion, is that there is no crosswalk at this intersection and thus no regulated way to cross the street. While there is a crosswalk up the hill at Camino Robledo, it is far enough away that no one coming up Via Adelfa uses it. While it is easy to say people should make the effort to use that crosswalk, the reality its that few people, especially children, are going to walk 200 feet up and down a hill when they can mn 30 feet across a street. In addition, because there is currently a stop sign on Via Adelfa, but none on Paseo Aliso, a line of cars often backs up on Via Adelfa in the moming as a stream of downhill traffic prevents people from merging onto Paseo Aliso. This naturally leads to the drivers on Via Adelfa lurching into the oncoming traffic the moment there appears to be space to merge. Adding a 3-way stop sign and crosswalk to this intersection will accomplish several things: -Give the residents and children of the neighborhood a safe place to cross this intersection when going to and from school -Greatly reduce the number of people dashing across the street up and down Paseo Aliso and instead redirect them to the crosswalk -Slow down the downhill traffic on Paseo Aliso and prevent impatient drivers from racing through the moming congestion It appears that the opposition to this stop sign centers on the last item, which to me boils down to weighing a minor inconvenience against the safety of the neighborhood children. As someone who commutes through this Kira Linberg From: Amy Ringdahl <amyringdahl@earthlink.net> Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2012 12:44 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: Paseo Aliso crosswalk and stop sign Dear City Council Members, I am writing to you in support of the all-way stop sign and crosswalk at Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa. Based on my experiences at this intersection during school drop-off and pick-up times, the addition ofthis stop sign with the crossAvalk is critically important to the safety of El Camino Creek Elementary School students, parents and younger siblings as well as the many others on the road. Cars nearly hitting pedestrians is commonplace at this intersection. Any complaints of it being an inconvenience seem trivial in light of the fact that implementing this all-way stop can help prevent life-altering injuries and death. I am aware that people feel it is unnecessary during non-school hours however I disagree. As a Coach, Girl Scout leader and avid runner, I am in and out of that back gate and up and down that road at random times of day. There are numerous sports teams including my own, that use the fields late in the aftemoon and I have seen many children and parents in precarious situations trying to cross that road. It is almost more of a danger at these off-hour times as people assume there are no kids around and come flying down Paseo Aliso. I can't begin to count the number of cars I have flagged my arms at imploring them to slow down as they round the comer in excess of 40 MPH. It's hard to believe. Moms, Dads, Nannies, Grandparents and teenagers alike are culprits to this driving behavior and it has become a death trap. Thank yow for your consideration ofthis serious matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Amy and Eric Ringdahl 2860 Vista Acedcm Carlsbad, CA 92009 Kira Linberg From: Jennifer Salem <jen.salem@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2012 8:01 AM To: Council Internet Email Subject: Cross walk by ECC Dear City Council Members, I am writing to you in support of the all-way stop sign and crosswalk at Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa. Based on my experiences at this intersection during school drop-off and pick-up times, the addition of this stop sign with the crosswalk is critically important to the safety of El Camino Creek Elementary School students, parents and younger siblings as well as the many others on the road. I live in the Rancho Ponderosa neighborhood and therefore, have to drive everyday to BCC. I park on Paseo Aliso and when I cannot park on the "school side", I park on the opposite side. I have had many occasions where cars are coming down this street at at least 45 miles per hour, NOT driving the school speed limit. It is dangerous to not care to slow down to the 25 miles per hour speed. When I am at the comer of Via Adelfa & Paseo Aliso and trying to cross. My children and I have had a number of times where cars zoom past and nearly hit us as we are just trying to get out of the car. Cars nearly hitting pedestrians is commonplace at this intersection. I recognize that a stop sign is an inconvenience during non-school hours, but believe that is a minor consideration in light of the fact that implementing this all-way stop can help prevent life-altering injuries and death. Thank you for your consideration of this serious matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Jennifer Salem 2608 Sombrosa Street Carlsbad, CA 92009 Kira Linberg From: m.theodore@roadrunner.com Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2012 9:24 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: Crosswalk/Paseo Aliso/Via Adelfa To Carlsbad City Council, I am writing to you as a concerned parent, I walk my children to El Camino Creel Elementary everyday and have been for the past 7 years. I walk down Paseo Saucedaul and up Via Adelfa and have had the undaunting task of crossing Paseo Aliso to get my children to school safely, I am in full support ofthe traffic commissions decision to install a crosswalk and stop sign in this intersection. The cars coming up and down Paseo Aliso travel very fast and on many occasions have almost hit my children. Without these measures, I fear that a child may get seriously hurt one day. According to the research, the crosswalk including the stop sign is the safest solution. These measures have been used at many ofthe surrounding schools and have provided children and adult pedestrians with a safe way to get to school, I have to be honest, my eyes filled with tears,, when the traffic commission agreed to the crosswalk and stop sign last month. I fear everyday that something is going to happen to someone's child crossing Paseo Aliso. The safety of our chiildren as they go to and from our school and the many sporting events and practices that are held on the school grounds has to be the number one pnority. Mandie Theodore Kira Linberg Andrea Beyer Green <andie.green@Jaginteractive.com> Sent: Monday, April 16, 2012 4:24 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: Support for the All-Way Stop at Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa Dear Carlsbad City Council: I am writ? ng to support the all-way stop for the crosswalk at Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa near Ei Camino Creek Elementary School, I initiated the request to look into the traffic situation in January and appreciate the attention this matter has been given by your Traffic Division, You have heard fram residents who have provided their personal accounts of nearly being hit and cars driving too fast, I would like to share how I would view this situation if I was on the City Council, First, if you are even slightly considenng not passing this ordinance, you owe it to yourself and the residents to view the intersection before you vote on this on Tuesday, April 24, 2012. If you observe this intersection for the ten minutes between 7:50 and 8:00 AM, you can assess the situation to make this important decision regarding resident safety. When you consider this intersection, bear in mind that your City engineers have performed the research and their recommendation for the all-way stop and accompanying crosswalk is based on California guidelines for traffic control devices. Your Traffic Safety Commission has already reviewed the situation and unanimously approved the City Traffic Division recommendation. You are hearing from nearby residents who do not want to stop during non-peak hours, which may seem to be a good part of each day. But El Camino Creek's fields are in use weekday afternoons and evenings as well as on weekends. There are pedestrians crossing at this intersection throughout the day seven days per week. El Camino Creek is one of Carlsbad's most highly rated schools. Home buyers seek this neighborhood for this school either because they want their children to attend the school or because it enhances pmperty values. We ail know that a stop sign will decrease the likelihood of accidents occurring at this intersection. But just one life-altering accident or death can mar the City of Carlsbad's and El Camino Creek's stellar reputations. I appreciate your serious consideration of this.matter. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Andrea Beyer Green Andrea Beyer Green 7856 Grado Cipreso Carlsbad, CA 92009 m: 619.895.6992 h: 760.632.7872 f: 760.635.1161 Kira Liriberg ^^om: JAMES SMITH <jes-tracy(a)sbcglobal.net> Sent: Sunday April 15, 2012 2:52 PM To: Council Intemet Email Subject: stop sign at Via Adelfa and Paseo Aliso Dear City Council Members, We are writing you to let you know how critically important we feel it is to have a stop sign and crosswalk installed at the ntersection of Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa. This intersection is extremely busy at drap off and pick up times from schoo? In addition, people park there for sporting events on weekends. Our son narrowly missed being hit by a car at this location and we personally know of several other families who have had similar experiences. It is difficult to drive on Paseo Aliso when chi dren are crossing all up and down the street. A crosswalk would provide children with a safe place to cross Many children walk to school on Via Adelfa and cross there because that is where the back entrance to the school is located. Additonally. many parents park on Paseo Aliso because of the extreme congestion getting into the school's parking lot, and then cross the street to enter school through the back entrance at Via Adelfa and Paseo Aliso The inconvenience to drivers of having to stop for a few seconds at a stop sign pale in comparison to living with the consequences of hitting a child. Please help us to keep the children in our communitv safe Sincerely, James and Theresa Smith Kira Linberg From: LAURIE MOSELLE <lbmoselle@yahoo.com> Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2012 11:11 AM To: Council Internet Emaii Subject: Crosswalk at Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa Dear City Council Members, I am writing to you in support of the all-way stop sign and crosswalk at Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa. Based on my experiences at this intersection during school drop-off and pick-up times, the addition ofthis stop sign with the crosswalk is critically important to the safety of El Camino Creek Elementary School students, parents and younger siblings as well as the many others on the road. Cars nearly hitting pedestrians is commonplace at this intersection. I recognize that a stop sign is an inconvenience during non-school hours, but believe that is a minor consideration in light ofthe fact that implementing tiiis all-way stop can help prevent life-altering injuries and death. Thank you for your consideration of this serious matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Laurie .VIoscllc 2895 Caniinc) Scrbal C^arlsbad. C.'\ 92009 Kira Linsberg From: Alison Truelock <thetruelocks@yahoo.com> Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2012 9:06 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: Crosswalk at Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa Dear City Council Members, I am writi ng to you in support ofthe all-way stop sign and crosswalk at Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa. Based on my experiences at this intersection during school drop-off and pick-up times, the addition ofthis stop sign with the crosswalk is critically important to the safety of El Camino Creek Elementary School students, parents and younger siblings as well as the many others on the road. Like many parents, I often park on Via Adelfa to walk my children into the schoolyard. The traffic is heavy during drop off and pickup times, and 1 often feel unsafe helping my three small children cross the street. In addition, I am always on the lookout for other un-chaperoned children who are trying to cross without an adult. Many have expressed their apprehension about crossing the road without a crosswalk and a stop sign. Just recently a student was hit near this intersection trying to cross the street after school. Cars nearly hitting pedestria ns is commonplace at this intersection, 1 recognize that a stop sign could be an inconvenience dunng non- school hours, but strongly believe that is a minor consideration in light ofthe fact that implementing this all-way stop can help prevent life-altering injuries and death. There are too many near misses to ignore the need for an all-way stop sign and crosswalk. Thank you for your consideration ofthis serious matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Alison Truelock 2935 Camino Serbal Carlsbad, CA 92009 Kira Linberg From: Melissa Barbano <melissabarbano@yahoo.com> Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 10:39 AM To: Council Internet Email Subject: YES to a Stop Sign & Crosswalk at Via Adelfa and Paseo Aliso To Whom It May Concem, As parents of one second grader and an incoming Kindergartner in Fall 2012 we feel strongly that a crosswalk and stop sign (and/or flashing lights) at Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa near El Camino Creek are an important addition to our neighborhood for the safety of our children. We hope that you will strongly consider safeguarding our neighborhood as people on both sides ofthe equation have shown themselves to be less than careful and in need of the City's intervention. Unfortunately there are drivers who do not yield for (or do not even see) pedestrians in the roadway and there are parents and/or children who irresponsibly dart out in front of cars while mshing to and/or from the school. We have personally witnessed some extremely close calls - especially during wet weatiier when car and pedestrian traffic is greatly increased, visibility is poor and people are in a hurry to get out ofthe rain. Please let us know when the issue will be on the Council's agenda as we would like to show our support in- person for the addition of these cmcial safety measures for our neighborhood. Best regards, Joe and Melissa Barbano 2939 Camino Serbal Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760)644-6912 Kira Linberg From: Sent: To: Subject: Jennifer Fox <jen-fox@hotmail.com> Friday, March 30, 2012 8:10 AM Council Internet Email ECC crosswalk City Council members, I am writing to ask that we help our children going to school at El Camino Creek to get there safely. 1 understand that the traffic committee has recommended a stop sign and crosswalk at the intersection by the side gate. I am all in favor of this action. My three kids all go, or have gone, to ECC and we use the side entrance twice a day. There is simply no easy way to navigate that street with the cars and children darting out to cross, 950 kids is a huge number of people all trying to get to and from the school in an efficient manner. Coming from the trail or Via Adelfa there is no where close to cross the road safely. 1 know a boy was hit by a car on his way across recently, and we are lucky he was not hurt badly. I think not taking action would be a terrible decision, because the problems will continue. It is time to put in a stop sign, crosswalk and keep our kids safe when they are going to school. Sincerely, Jennifer Fox La Costa Valley resident Kira Linberg From: Stephanie Lewis <slewis514@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 8:18 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: Support for Stop Sign for Crosswalk at Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa Dear Members of the Carlsbad City Council: In December of last year, a neighbor burst into my home to tell me my 11 year old son, Zachary, had been hit by a car by El Camino Creek Elementary School. I ran up to the school In my bare feet, not knowing what I would find. It was a terrifying and emotional experience. My son and our family were the lucky ones. Though he was hit and went flying through the air, Zachary landed on his full backpack, thereby preventing a head, neck or back injury. He was shaken up, bruised and sore, but he was not seriously injured. He was alive. This accident was my son's fault, as he ran in front of a car. However, a stop sign at the Intersection of Via Adelfa and Paseo Aliso would have slowed down the car who hit him, and very likely the accident would never have happened. Anyone observing this intersection before and after school can see that it is a dangerous scene, with children and parents darting between cars and dashing across the street. Parents are mostly courteous, and allow pedestrians to cross, but If you are unfamiliar with the situation, as the driver who hit my child was, you would not be prepared to have children darting in front of you trying to cross, I've often said that it was inevitable that one day a child would be hit at this dangerous intersection. I never dreamed it would be my own son! I am in favor of a stop sign at this intersection. I never want any other parent to experience the gut- wrenching emotions from hearing that their child has been hit by a car. I realize the inconvenience this might cause drivers on Paseo Aliso, but I believe this inconvenience is a small price to pay to ensure the safety of school children. Sincerely, Stephanie Lewis 760-579-1143 2219 Paseo Saucedal Carisbad, CA 92009 Kira Linben From: Sent: To: Subject: Terrie Butler <jntbutler@att.net> Monday, March 26, 2012 4:25 PM Council Internet Email potential change to intersection at Via Adelfa and Paseo Aliso Dear City Council Persons, ' "^ll^^f a homeowner in La Costa Valley for nearly fourteen years. During that time, I have seen traffic In our neighborhood grow steadily with each phase of building. One area of traffic that has concerned me and continues to be problematic ,s the mtersection of Via Adelfa and Paseo Allso. This intersection is located at the back gate ofa large e ementarv school. El Camlno Creek Elementary. Our family lives about three blocks from school and we cross this street twice each school day. I do not allow my children to walk or ride bikes to school alone since this Intersection is very dangerous, There is no cross walk, stop sign or crossing guard there, yet many residents use this Intersection and t^'^rsict-r go^tf ""^ ^^"V' ^--^ "-c::! I support the addition of a three-way-stop in this troublesome intersection - both to keep pedestrians safe and to reduce the speed at whic vehicles travel. I cannotthlnkof a single reason a three-way stop shouW not be added to th s intersection and I live nearby! Thank you for your time and attention, Theresa and Jack Butler 7870 Calle Oliva Carlsbad, CA 92009 Kira Linberg From: Stephanie Montgomery <seamontgomery@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2012 8:10 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: Please consider a Stop Sign for Crosswalk at Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa Dear Council Members, We are writing this email because we feel in strong favor of putting in a stop sign for the crosswalk at Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa, We are residents of La Costa Valley. In addition, our son is enrolled in kindergarten at El Camino Creek Elementary with another son who will attend ECC in a year. My husband is a firefighter who has seen numerous accidents which invovled children getting hit by cars. At times, kids can escape their parents watch in a matter of a second and the children are very difficutt to be seen by an oncoming vehichle. As parents, who walk our children to school, we have wittnessed first hand the distracted drivers coming up and down the street. On occasion, we have seen near accidents by drivers. We are extremely cautious when crossing the street with our children and would be very much in favor of implementing a stop sign to ensure that the street is safe for our children and other children going to and from school. Thank you for taking time to vote on this important issue. Kind Regards, Art & Stephanie Montgomery Kira Link^erg From: Kristen Guy <kristenshayguy@yahoo.com> Sent:' Thursday, March 22, 2012 4:03 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: stop sign on paseo aliso, near el camino creek Dear Carisbad City Council, Please install a stop sign at the back side of El Camino Creek Elementary School. The traffic situation is extremely unsafe there. The school is too big to handle all of the traffic at the front of the school, and it gets very congested at the back side. People drive too fast through that area, including parents. We live in this neighborhood, have children at the school, an d use this entrance often. My husband and I have separately witnessed two other accidents where children were hit w/ith cars, one on a bicycle and one walking. Neither of these were reported, so that brings the total to three accidents. Please correct this situation before anyone else is hurt. Thank you for your time and work! Sincerely, Kristen Guy Kira Linberg From: Green, John (PM) <John_Green@intuit.com> Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2012 3:48 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: Support for Stop Sign and Crosswalk in La Costa Valley Dear Carlsbad City Council Members: I have been a Carlsbad resident for 14 years, and it truly is an exceptional city. Thank you for all that you do to make Carisbad such a great place to live. I am writing to you to voice my FULL SUPPORT for the Traffic Safety Commission's recommendation to install an all-way stop and crosswalk at Via Adelfa and Paseo Allso to provide safe pedestrian crossing near El Camino Creek Elementary, From my perspective, this solution makes sense for several reasons: 1) Two children have been struck by vehicles at that intersection, one of which has been documented with the City in a police report. 2) The City Traffic Engineers, who are experts in this field, conducted a study and determined that a all-way stop and crosswalk are required. The Carlsbad Traffic Safety Commission unanimously approved this recommendation, 3) Other schools in Carisbad have all-way stops and crosswalks. El Camino Creek does not conform to this standard, which creates a very visible risk for child safety and for the City. 4) There is heavy pedestrian traffic both during the morning/afternoon school hours, and outside of these hours there are many after school activities and games on the athletic field at El Camino Creek. Due to limited parking, many people must park across from the fields, and then cross the street to access the fields, 5) Lastly, regarding the issue of inconvenience. Stop signs are inconvenient but necessary. Traffic laws, traffic lights, and speed limits are all inconvenient, but are all necessary. We have these laws and controls for a reason and the safety of Carlsbad's children should not be compromised. Safety for children in our communities in Carlsbad should be a priority, especially near schools. I believe protecting children is paramount. I appeal to all of you to please take this perspective into account as you consider the recommendation from the Traffic Safety Commission to make your decision. Thank you for your attention to this important matter. Best regards. John Green 7856 Grado Cipreso Carlsbad, CA 92009 Kira Linberg from: Amy Martin <amymartin20@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday March 22, 2012 10:25 AM To: Council Internet Email Subject: All Way Stop Sign & Crosswalk in La Costa Valley To Whom It May Concern, My name is Amy Martin and 1 am a resident of La Costa Valley in Carlsbad, 92009. I attended the Carlsbad Traffic Safetv Commission Meeting on March Sth and am in favor of adding a crosswalk and an all way stop sign to the intersection of Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa. I have 2 children who attend El Camino Creek Elementary; which was the main reason that my husband and 1 chose to live in La Costa Valley. 1 strongly feel there is no question that we as a community should put the safety of our children and pedestrians above all else. r j c.. I have personally witnessed vehicles on Paseo Aliso driving above the speed limit both before and after school My neighbor's child came within inches of being hit by a car a few months ago, all within full supervision of her mother I am also aware of another child in the neighborhood who was struck by a car on Paseo Aliso. Thank goodness neither child was badly injured, aside from being considerably shaken up. My fear is that if these incidents; while somewhat minor are overlooked- something worse and perhaps fatal can occur on that busy street, Implementing an all way stop sign will help to slow those drivers down, especially when children are present A crosswalk will also help to make oncoming vehicles from either direction more cautious and drive more safely in our neighborhood 1 can't imagine any parent in La Costa Valley to be in opposition of something so simple that will make our children safer. Thank you for your time, Amy Martin 7860 Grado Cipreso (760) 633-3403 Kira Linberg From: Lisa Azevedo <theazevedos@yahoo.com> Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 6:01 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: Crosswalk and Stop Sign on Paseo Aliso To whonn it may concern, I am a mother of two children who attend El Camino Creek Elementary School. It has been brought to my attention that an attempt is being made to create a crosswalk and stop sign on Paseo Aliso. As Tm sure you're aware, a child was hit not too long ago crossing this dangerous street. I have an 11 year old in Sth grade and I would never allow him to cross that street unattended. People drive extremely fast and many disregard that young children are crossing to get to school. I personally have had to yell at people to slow down. I'm also AMAZED that there are people opposed to the stop sign. The ''inconvenience" argument is beyond absurd. I believe it would be much more of an inconvenience to hit a child. Please help us to be a proactive community and potentially save a child's life. This crosswalk and stop sign are a MUST! Thanks you so much for your time and consideration, Lisa Azevedo Kira Linberg From: Stephanie Hebert <heberthousel@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 8:59 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: We want a stop sign at Via Adelfa and Paseo Aliso To whom it may concem, I understand that a vote is coming up soon on whetiier or not to put in a stop sign at the comer of Via Adelfa and Paseo Aliso. This comer is directiy across fi-om my children's school. El Camino Creek Elementary, and has been a considerable hazard, during peak school hours, for as long as I have lived here. It is vital to the safety of our children that this stop sign and cross walk be put in place. There have already been two accidents that I am aware of, involving children. Parents and children are unsafely crossing the street here at tiie school's drop off and pick up times. While I understand that it will mean a small inconvenience for me, since I will have to stop my car at this comer, I would hke to state emphatically, that this is a necessary step to insure the safety of our children. My guess is that you will receive opposition fi-om those who don't want to be inconvenienced by having to make one extra stop on this street comer, on tiieir way out of tiie neighborhood. I ask you to please place your pnority with the safety of tiie pedestrians who cross here over the wishes of drivers wanting to be expedient on their way to work or elsewhere. There are several other options for most of them to exit the La Costa Valley neighborhood. There are far fewer choices for children walking to their school. Please make sure that this stop sign and cross walk are put into our neighborhood and the safety of our children is improved. Thank you, Stephanie Hebert Carlsbad Resident and Voter 7810 Via Opuntia Carisbad, CA 92009 760-889-2069 Stephanie Hebert heberthousel@Qmaii com Kira Linberg AjcndaltemiP S for the memben ofthe: eiTV^COUNCIL From: Sent: To: Subject: carlsbadmasons <carlsbadmasons@yahoo.com> Monday, March 19, 2012 2:02 PM Council Internet Email Against new stopsigns on Paseo Aliso ^MinagerUA— Dear council members, We are opposed to adding new stop signs on Paseo Aliso at the back gate of El Camino Creek Elementary School. We do not believe that a stop sign at that location will discontmue the practice of people crossing the street wherever it is convenient for them, based upon where they parked. There is a designated crosswalk 30 yards away that provides for safe crossing, but parents chose to not use it. The solution is not to have stop signs every few yards down the street. Those of us who live in tiie neighborhood witness people crossing Paseo Aliso along the entire length of the street fi-om Calle Barcelona to Camino Robledo. A painted crosswalk would provide a means of crossing the street legally, without forcing all drivers, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, of making a "double stop" witiiin a 30 yard section of road. We politely request that you consider other options. Thank you, John and Donna Mason 2251 Camino Robledo Carlsbad, CA 92009 n: Date:_ Distributioi City Clerk Asst. City Clerk Deputy Clerk Book Kira Linberg From: Julie Ames <julie@cambridgeceo.com> Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 3:25 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: Proposed Stop Signs in La Costa Valley Dear Mennbers of CaHsbad City Council, I am a resident of Carlsbad and live in La Costa Valley. A few residents are requesting consideration of a stop sign to be placed near the back gate of El Camino Creek Elementary School. I am writing to advise you that as a resident and voter, I am AGAI NST the placement of this stop sign. There are several other stop signs and crosswalks near the school to accommodate parents and children crossing Paseo Aliso from East to West, Currently, a number of parents regularly jaywalk in this area, unnecessarily. As a result, these parents are asking for a stop sign to be placed in an area that will make it convenient for a few families, and inconvenience hundreds of residents in our community. I have personal experience: we live within walking distance ofthe school and have safely crossed Paseo Aliso from East to West with my elementary school age children for many years. We cross at the stop sign at Camino Robledo and urge other families to do the same. This stop sign is only a few hundred feet from the proposed new stop sign. Furthermore, a stop sign to be used only dunng 20 minutes before and afterschool is a huge burden to residents during the other 23 hours of the day, weekends, and summers when there are no schoolchildren present. Other alternatives should be explored, such as moving the back gate entrance, installing flashing needs-based crosswalk/sign, a "cross at your own risk" sign on the east side of Paseo Aliso, and many other alternatives suggested by my neighbors who have contacted you and the Traffic Dept. Please vote NO and AGAINST the placement of a new stop sign on Paseo Aliso. Sincerely, Julie Ames Julie Ames President The Cambridge Group Carisbad, CA 760-822-4074 Kira Linberg From: alireynoldsfamily@gmail.com Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 8:42 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: no new stop sign in La Costa Valley We understand the safety concern for families with kids at El Camino Creek Elementary, and having their kids cross the street anywhere at Paseo Aliso. Our biggest concern however is the fact that the majority will not use the cross walk, I am the parent who is responsible for getting a hold of the city, rallying the neighbors, and speaking in front of the city counsel for the stop sign just up the hill, maybe only 20 yards above where this proposed cross walk will go. The only families who use this cross walk at Camino Robledo and Paseo Aliso are those who live up the hill. NOBODY walks up the hill to use the cross walk. They all jay walk. That is what is going to happen here. Jay walking will not end, bottom line. The only thing that will occur is that more traffic will be congested during the school drop off and pick up, causing more kids to jay walk around stopped cars, making it even more difficult for drivers to see kids popping out from behind the traffic. At least when the cars are flowing, we can at least see those kids darting out, as they are not blocked by stop and go traffic. A crossing guard at that corner would be a good start. See how many people use it, see what it does for traffic. They only need to be out during drop off and pick up. The rest ofthe time, traffic will flow, I appreciate your time and consideration in this matter. We are a voting family, and feel blessed to live in this community where you take our voices and concerns seriously. Regards, Eric and Alison Reynolds Sent from my iPad Kira Linberg From: Sent: To: Subject: Anne-Katherine Pingree <akpingree@hotmaii.com> Monday, March 19, 2012 9:50 PM Council Internet Email No NEW STOP SIGN IN LA COSTA VALLEY Carlsbad City Council Members, I am a voter and resident of La Costa Valley. I urge you to vote no on this proposed stop sign on Paseo Aliso until further investigation is completed. Having a stop sign there will do nothing to increase the safety of children who cross the street wherever their parents drop them off. A stop sign will do nothing but cause traffic congestion In an already congested area. Thank you, Anne-Katherine Pingree Kira Linberg From: odonnell@eng.ucsd.edu on behalf of Anne O'Donnell <odonnell@ucsd.edu> Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 9:32 AM To: Council Internet Email Subject: NO NEW STOP SIGNS in LA COSTA VALLEY I write in opposition to any new stop signs in La Costa Valley at the intersection of Via Adelpha and Paseo Aliso, Parents who are crossing to get their kids to school are crossing at all places along Paseo Aliso to get to the back gate of the school and not just at the intersection of streets. The same is the case on the weekends and evenings after school hours when baseball and other events are on campus. The stop signs will not do anything to discipline folks to cross at a particular spot once thev have parked along Paseo Aliso. I believe a request should be made to El Camino Creek Elementary School and the district to move the back gate (just fencing) to a more logical location either at the intersection of Paseo Aliso and Camino Robledo where stop signs were installed previously and where people from Via Adelpha are not walking up to OR at the entrance to the school, a natural tuming point/stopping place for cars already headed in during school hours. Adding stop signs at the Via Adelpha/Paseo Aliso will do nothing to thwart kids and, unfortunately their parents, from jaywalking anywhere along Paseo Aliso, something that the transporation manager likely did not measure since he only measured those crossing at the intersection. The accidents that have occured along this route are due to children dashing out to cross, not necessarily at the intersection. Stop signs would not discourage this at all and would add significantly to congestion all along Paseo Aliso during school and weekend activity hours. It's too close the to the stop sign up the hill to insure people will actually stop. Respectfully submitted, Anne O'Doimell 2186 Vista La Nisa Kira Linberg From: Alison Reynolds <alireynoldsfamily@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday March 20, 2012 11:14 AM To: Council Internet Email Subject: Re: no new stop sign in La Costa Valley Thank you. On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 11:05 AM, Council Intemet Email <Council(g)carlsbadca.gov> wrote: Hi Eric & Alison, I have given a copy of your email to each council member. Thank you for your interest and concem. Kira Linberg Secretary CityofCarlsbad P: 760-434-2947 F: 760-720-9461 Original Message Prom: alirevnoldsfamilv(a)gmail.com rmailto:alirevnoldsfamilv@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 8:42 PM To: Council hitemet Email Subject: no new stop sign in La Costa Valley We understand the safety concem for families with kids at El Camino Creek Elementary, and having tiieir kids cross tiie street anywhere at Paseo Aliso. Our biggest concem however is the fact that the majority will not use the cross v^alk, I am the parent who is responsible for getting a hold of the city, rallying tiie neighbors, and speaking in fi-ont of the city counsel for the stop sign just up the hill, maybe only 20 yards above where this proposed cross walk will go. The only families who use this cross walk at Camino Robledo and Paseo Aliso are those who live up the hill, NOBODY walks up the hill to use the cross walk. They all jay walk. That is what is going to happen here. Jay walking will not end, bottom line. The only thing that will occur is that more traffic will be congested during the school drop off and pick up, causing more kids to jay walk around stopped cars, making it even more difficult for drivers to see kids popping out from behind the traffic. At least when the cars are flowing, we can at least see those kids darting out, as they are not blocked by stop and go traffic. A crossing guard at that comer would be a good start. See how many people use it, see what it does for traffic. They only need to be out during drop off and pick up. The rest ofthe time, traffic will flow. I appreciate your time and consideration in this matter. We are a voting family, and feel blessed to live in this community where you take our voices and concems seriously. Regards, Eric and Alison Reynolds Kira Linberg From: TRACEY WEINGARTEN <traceyweingarten4@mac.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 10:14 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: No new stop sign in La Costa Valley l am a resident of two school aged children in La Costa Valley and live on Camino Robledo. We feel strongly that a stop sign placed just a few yards from the top of the intersection of Paseo Aliso and Camino Robledo will not solve the issues at the back gate of ECC. We feel strongly that this will cause more traffic congestion and more frustrated drivers during peak school hours. We also feel strongly that further studies and analysis should take place prior to moving forward with the stop sign option. Respectfully, Michael and Tracey Weingarten Sent from my iPad