HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-05-08; City Council; 20889; Award Contract for Construction of Traffic Signal at El Fuerte and Loker Avenue, Project No 6324-1CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AB# 20.889 AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT EL FUERTE STREET AND LOKER AVENUE, PROJECT NO. 6324-1 DEPT. DiRECTOR iVITG. 5/8/12 AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT EL FUERTE STREET AND LOKER AVENUE, PROJECT NO. 6324-1 CiTY ATTORNEY DEPT. TRAN AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT EL FUERTE STREET AND LOKER AVENUE, PROJECT NO. 6324-1 CITY IVIANAGER RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2012-103 accepting bids and awarding the contract for the construction of the traffic signal at El Fuerte Street and Loker Avenue, Project No. 6324-1. ITEM EXPLANATION: On February 14, 2012, the City Council approved the plans and specifications for the traffic signal at El Fuerte Street and Loker Avenue and directed the City Clerk to advertise for construction bids. On April 4, 2012, the following eight (8) sealed bids were received for the construction of this project as shown on the following table. ckliTRAtfOII' " / TOTAL AMOUNT Of SID HMS Construction, Inc. $159,963 Sutherlin Construction, Inc. $169,327 Republic ITS, Inc. $193,500 Select Electric, Inc. $197,552 JFL Electric, Inc. $201,600 Lekos Electric, Inc. $205,000 DBX, Inc. $210,017 Flatiron Electrical Group, Inc. $216,653 On April 9, 2012, HMS Construction, Inc. sent written notification that their bid contained a clerical error which resulted in an inaccurate bid and requested relief from their submitted bid in accordance with California Public Contract Code Section 5103. As awarding authority, the City Council must make the determination of the error to grant relief from the bid. All bid documents submitted by the second lowest bidder, Sutherlin Construction, Inc. have been reviewed by staff and were found to be in order. Staff recommends awarding the construction contract to Sutherlin Construction, Inc. in the amountof $169,327. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The project is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to CEQA Categorical Exemption Section 15301(C) "Existing Facilities," - Existing highways and streets, sidewalks, gutters, bicycle and pedestrian trails, and similar facilities (this includes road grading for the purpose of public safety). No environmental review is required for the project. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: John Kim, (760) 602-2757, iohn.kim@oarlsbadca.qov FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONL Y. . COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED Jtf DENIED • CONTINUED • WITHDRAWN • AMENDED • CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC • CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN • RETURNED TO STAFF • OTHER - SEE MINUTES • Page 2 FISCAL IMPACT: Sufficient funds are available in the Traffic Signal at El Fuerte Street and Loker Avenue to cover the construction costs of the project. A total of $210,000 in Gas Tax funds were appropriated in the 2011/12 Capital Improvement Program. A summary of the project funding is outlined below. Traffic Signal at El Fuerte Street & Loker Avenue, Project No. 632A TASK DESCRIPTION CURRENT APPROPRIATION CURRENT YEAR EXPENDITURES/ ENCUMBRANCES REMAINING BALANCES Design $8,000 $5,866 $2,134 Construction, Inspection $202,000 $344 $201,656 TOTAL $210,000 $6,210 $203,790 The engineer's estimate for construction was $150,000. The estimated construction costs associated with this project are summarized in the following table. Construction Contract $169,327 Construction Contingency (10%) $16,933 Project Administration, Testing & Inspection (10%) $16,933 TOTAL ESTIMATE PROJECT COST $203,193 TOTAL AMOUNT AVAILABLE FOR THIS PROJECT $203,790 Staff recommends that the contract for the construction of the traffic signal at El Fuerte Street and Loker Avenue be awarded to Sutherlin Construction, Inc. for the amount of $169,327. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map. 2. Resolution No. 2012-103 accepting bids and awarding a contract for the construction of the traffic signal at El Fuerte Street and Loker Avenue, Project No. 6324-1. 3. Request by HMS Construction, Inc., to be relieved from its submitted bid due to clerical error, dated 04/09/12 in accordance with California Public Contract Code Section 5103. LOCATION MAP VIHPTAIL LOOP NOT TO SCALE PROPOSED TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT EL FUERTE STREET AND LOKER AVENUE EXHIBIT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2012-103 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA. ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING A CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT EL FUERTE STREET AND LOKER AVENUE. PROJECT NO. 6324-1. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, has determined it necessary, desirable, and in the public interest to construct a traffic signal at the intersection of El Fuerte Street and Loker Avenue; and WHEREAS, eight (8) sealed bids were received on April 4, 2012 by the City of Carlsbad for the construction of said project; and WHEREAS, the lowest responsive and responsible bid to construct said project was submitted by HMS Construction, Inc., in the amount of $159,963; and WHEREAS, on April 9, 2012, HMS Construction. Inc.. sent a written request to be relieved of their submitted bid due to a clerical error, in accordance with California Public Contract Code Section 5103; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad was made aware that a mistake had been made; and WHEREAS, the bidder, HMS Construction, Inc., gave the City of Carlsbad written notice within five working days, excluding Saturdays. Sundays, and state holidays, after the opening of the bids of the mistake, specifying in the notice in detail how the mistake occurred; and WHEREAS, the mistake made the bid materially different than the bidder, HMS Construction Inc., intended it to be; and WHEREAS, the mistake was made in filling out the bid and not due to error in judgment or to carelessness in inspecting the site of the work, or in reading the plans or specifications; and WHEREAS, the second lowest responsive and responsible bid to construct said project was submitted by Sutherlin Construction, Inc., in the amount of $169,327; and WHEREAS, there are sufficient Gas Tax funds available to complete the project; and /// /// H 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WHEREAS, subsection 3.28.040(C)(6) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code authorizes the City Manager to approve change orders in the amount equal to the contingency set at the time of project award. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That City Council determines that HMS Construction, lnc.be relieved of their bid due to a clerical error, in accordance with California Public Contract Code Section 5103. 3. That payment of prevailing wages will not be required as part of the construction contract per City of Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.28.130. 4. That the second lowest bid of $169,327 submitted by Sutherlin Construction, Inc., is accepted and the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute a contract for the construction of the traffic signal at El Fuerte Street and Loker Avenue. 5. That the City Manager is hereby authorized to approve construction change orders upto $16,933. 6. That the award of this contract is contingent upon the bidder submitting the lowest responsible bid executing the required contract and submitting the required bonds and insurance policies, as described in the contract, within twenty (20) days of adoption of this resolution. The City Manager may grant reasonable extensions of time. /// /// /// /// /// /// /// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting ofthe City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 8*^ day of May, 2012, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: Council Members Kulchin, Blackburn, Douglas and Packard. None. ABSENT: Council Member Hall. ANN KULCHIN, MayoY Pro Tem ATTEST: LgRf^Al^E M. WOOD, City Clerk (SEAL) CONSTRUCTION, INC, ELECTRICAL AND GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR CA A-B-CIO 765590 AZ A-LU 166319 1047 La Mirada Court Vista, CA 92081 Phone 760 727-9808 Fax 760 727-9806 LCE, 0 ") 2012 CONTRACTOR'S SHOP DRAWING/SUBMITTAL TRANSMITTAL FORM Date: 4/9/2012 To: CityofCarlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 Attn: Clerks Office From: Jeff Sumner Subject: Bid Error Project Name: city ofCarlsbad Traffic Signal at El Fuerte Street and Loker Avenue CLP. No.: Contractor: ContractNo. HMS Construction, Inc. 6324-1 Submittal No.: 6324-1 01 Specification Section THIS IS an original submittal Specification Section 6324-1-01 Specification Section Resubmittal Submittal Prepared By Jeff Sumner Phone (760)214-5369 Resubmittal Submittal Prepared By Jeff Sumner Phone (760)214-5369 Submittal Prepared By Jeff Sumner Phone (760)214-5369 of Submittal No. DRAWING NO. DESCRIPTION DATE NO. OF COPIES TYPE Submittals 4/9/2012 1 Hand Delivered We veriiy that the material or equipment coniained in this submittal meets all tlie requirements specified or shown, except Tor thc rollowing deviations. Notes: Please see attached request to have a Bid withdrawn. Thanks, Jeff Sumner By: ' • " Forwarded By: Date: Contractor's Signature Construdion Manager's Signalure NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN G MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED G REMARKS: REJECTED/RESUBMIT G By: Design Consultant's Signature Forwarded By: Date: Conslruclion Manager's Signature C \USRRS\Jr:FF.HMSCONCO\DI-SK rOI'\NliW SUBMI ITAI. I-ORM 12-505 MATERIAL SUBMITTALS DOC 7 CONSTRUCTION. Inc. ELECTRICAL AND GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS A Veteran Owned Business Enterprise City of Carlsbad San Diego County Califomia Dear Sir or Madam, Pursuant to Section 5103 of the Califomia Contracting Code please accept this written notice to relieve HMS Constmction Inc. from the Bid submitted to the City ofCarlsbad due to a clerical error on the computation portion of the bid process. On April 4,2012, TRAFFIC SIGNALAT EL FUERTE STREET AND LOKER AVENUE - CONTRACT NO. 6324-1, BID NO. PWS12-29TRAN. Please see attachment "A" highlighted cell left vacant. Per Section 5103; "The bidder shall establish to the satisfaction " A] A mistake was made. HMS Constmction Inc. made a mistake in the computation (adding the cost of) regarding the Video detection. The dollar value ofthe equipment was not carried through the spreadsheet as shown in attachment "A". This mistake was discovered in review of the bid after the bid opening. B) He or She gave the public entity wriUen notice within flve (5) working day, excluding Saturday, Sunday, and state holidays, afler the opening ofthe bids ofthe mistake, specifying in the notice in detail how the mistake occurred. As previously purported, the unfortunate keystroke was not entered into the spreadsheet under quantity omitting the required dollar value and required tax for the video detection quote. 1047 LA Mirada Ct Vista, CA 92081 Ph 760 727-9808 Fax 760 727-9806 ^ CAUC 765590 A-B-C10-HAZ AZ LIC A-L11-R0C166319/20 HI LIC. A-C62-C13-C68HD-CT #23680 WA HMSCOr983NE OR LIC 156203 C) The mistake made the bid materially different than he or she intended it to be. By not entering the quantity as required the value of the material as well as the material itself are not accounted for in the overall scope of the project. It was the intent of HMS to provide the video detection as required by the plans and specifications. D) The mistake was made in fllling out the bid and not due to error in judgment or to carelessness in inspecting the site of the work, or in reading the plans and speciflcations. As the total at the bottom of the work sheet indicates the bid quantity in dollars as a whole, as indicated previously, the missing dollar value and material were not represented in the fmal tally of the project. In summation it was not and is never the intent of HMS Construction to provide an incorrect bid, however in this instance the margin of error is too large to absorb. The HMS bid of $159,953.00 should have been $189,146.00 a difference of $29,193. HMS regrets the mistake and any inconvenience this may have caused. This is the first time anything ofthis nature has occurred and with further diligence on our part the last. Regards, Mark High Vice President HIVIS Construction Inc. 1047 LA Mirada Ct Vista, CA 92081 Ph 760 727-9808 Fax 760 727-9806 CAUC 765590 A-B-C10-HAZ AZ LIC A-L11-ROC 166319/20 HI LIC. A-C62-C13-C68HD-CT #23680 WA HMSC0I*983NE OR LIC 156203 02 2012 232PM CT WEST 9513084541 page 1 27403 Ynez Rd, Suite 201 Temecula, CA 92591 951.691.1385 -Voice 951.308.4541 - Fax 951-553-1479 - Cell TO Estimator QUOTE NO. 03292012BB3 DATE March 30, 2012 EXPiRATiON OATE 6/4/2012 City of Carlsbad - Project l*WS12-29TrOT Loker ft El Puerto Sil&eSPERSON PROJECT PAYMENT T^UAS BIDDATE Bill Brown - billb^-wesC.com See Note Above Net 30 4/4/12 QMANTITY DESCRIPTiON UNfTPIMCE: UNETOTAL l.OO Note 2 - Video Detection System - Traficon $ 19,800.00 $ . 19,800.00 Includes: Cameras, AAounts, 500 ft of cable, cabinet equipment as requred and On-Site Tum On SuRiort 1.00 Note 3 - Type Ili BF Service Endosure - Tesco $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 Per Adam Lemberg with the City of Carlsbad - Traffic Engineering Department - Traficon is an approved Equal on the Video Detection System Note: DeHvery Is 30 -45 days after approved submittals Note: Sales Tax b NOT included Note: Freight is Included 1 Quotation prepared by: Thts Is a quotation an tiie goods nanMd, subject to CT West standard terms and cwtcfitlons. To accept thte quocatfon, sfgn here and retum: SUBTOTAL SALES TAX TOTAL Z1,80Q.pO S 21,800.00 THANK;YOUFp^YaUfl^B^^^ ft) File Name: CARLSBAD /LOKER TJ JOB NAME: CARLSBAD 6324-1 BID DATE: APRIL 4-12 SIN 122 PVC CONDUIT 1" PVC CONDUIT 1 1/2" PVC CONDUIT 2" PVC CONDUIT 2 1/2" PVC CONDUIT 3" PVC CONDUIT 4" PVC 90 ELBOWS 1" PVC 90 ELBOWS 1 1/2" PVC 90 ELBOWS 2" PVC 90 ELBOWS 2 1/2" PVC 90 ELBOWS 3" PVC 90 ELBOWS 4" PVC BELL ENDS1".2"3"&4" CONDUIT RGS STEEL 1" CONDUIT RGS STEEL 1 1/2" CONDUIT RGS STEEL 2" CONDUIT RGS STEEL 2 1/2" CONDUIT RGS STEEL 3" CONDUIT RGS STEEL 4" CONDUIT RGS ELBOW 1" CONDUIT RGS ELBOW 1 1/2" CONDUIT RGS ELBOW 2" SPUT BOLT COUPUNGS 3" CONDUIT RGS ELBOW 3" CONDUIT RGS ELBOW 4" TYPE A PULL BOX PULL BOX # 3 PULL BOX # 3 1/2 PULL BOX # 5 PULL BOX # 6 PULL BOX # 5 T w/ galv cover EARTH SAW # OF DAYS EARTH SAW PREP/POTHOLE SLURRY 2 SACK CONCRETE 5 SACK TRENCH # OF DAYS 60 C TAX TAX TAX TAX TAX TAX TAX TAX TAX TAX TAX TAX TAX TAX TAX TAX TAX TAX TAX TAX TAX TAX TAX TAK TAX TAX TAX TAX TAX TAX TAX TAX TAX TAX QUANTITY 100 1480 14 36 50 13 1 90 12 LIST PRICE 30 58 50 150 100 130 8 12 20 15 18 20 20 160 300 320 560 700 900 7 15 18 80 32 55 150 29 40 70 90 550 400 35 150 175 185 MATERIAL UPDATE: DATE: APRIL 3-12 TAXABLE NON-TAX FEB 22-12 PER 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 EXTENSION 0 0 50 0 1480 0 0 0 280 0 648 0 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 910 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 EXTENSION 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3150 0 0 2220 LABOR UNIT 1 1 1 2 1.5 2 0.2 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.05 2 2 2.5 2.5 3 3 0.5 0.5 0.75 0.05 0.75 0.75 1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 1.5 28 0.5 0.5 0.5 4 PER 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 EXTENSION 0 0 1 0 22.2 0 0 0 3.5 0 18 0 2.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.25 0.25 0 0 45 0 0 48 JACK PITS 50 1 0 0 2 1 0 JACK PIPE # OF DAYS 2.83 1800 1 0 5094 0 1 0 DUMP TRUCK # OF DAYS 5 340 1 0 1700 4 1 20 SAND VIA C/C TRUCK 49 1 0 0 1 0 LARGE POLE BASE TAX 4 1150 1 4600 0 2 1 8 MED. POLE BASE TAX 650 1 0 0 1.75 1 0 SMALL POLE BASE TAX 4 350 1 1400 0 1.5 1 6 CONTROLLER BASE TAX 1 300 1 300 0 2.3 1 2.3 SERVICE BASE TAK 1 150 1 150 0 1.5 1 1.5 FUEL COST # DAYS 20 100 1 0 2000 1 0 PED. BARRICADE 75 1 0 0 1 1 0 PED. POST 75 1 0 0 1 1 0 EQUIPMENT $200 MIN. 1 200 1 0 200 2 1 2 GRESHAMS SAWCUTTING 40 1 0 0 1 0 LOOPS TYPE "E" 6FT CIRC 4 145 1 0 580 1.6 1 6.4 LOOPS TYPE "A" 6X6 255 1 0 0 1 0 LOOPS TYPE "D"6X6 255 1 0 0 1 0 LOOPS TYPE "Q" 6X6 270 1 0 0 1 0 LOOPS 6X 30 285 1 0 0 1 0 BIKE LOOPS 110 1 0 0 1 0 PREFORMED LOOPS TAX 415 1 0 0 2 1 0 FREEWAY LOOPS 505 1 0 0 2 1 0 CABLE -12 CONDUCTOR TAX 1000 1300 1000 1300 0 3 1000 3 CABLE - 3 CONDUCTOR TAX 1000 500 1000 500 0 3 1000 3 WIRE # 14 TAX 150 1000 0 0 2 1000 0 WIRE #12 TAX 190 1000 0 0 2.5 1000 0 WIRE* 10 TAX 300 1000 0 0 3 1000 0 WIRE# 8 TAX 800 500 1000 400 0 3 1000 2.4 WIRE # 6 TAX 90 700 1000 63 0 3 1000 0.27 DLC "3" "C'l VIDEO CABLE TAX 1000 600 1000 600 0 3.5 1000 3.5 EVPE TAX 1000 500 1000 500 0 3 1000 3 MULTI-CONDUCTOR 6PR #20 TAX 700 600 1000 420 0 3 1000 2.1 MULTI-CONDUCTOR 6PR#22 TAX 600 1000 0 0 3 1000 0 MULTI-CONDUCTOR 12PR#22 TAX 1000 1000 0 0 9 1000 0 SPLICE AT EA. BOX & POLE 4 20 1 0 80 0.75 1 3 SET POLES 4 HR MIN $400 1 1000 1 0 1000 8 1 8 LARGE POLE (MAKE UP) 4 20 1 0 80 1.75 1 7 SMALL POLE 1A & TYPE 15 4 15 1 0 60 1.5 1 6 SET CONTROLLER/ make up 1 35 1 0 35 1.5 1 1.5 SET SERVICE/make up 1 27 1 0 27 2 1 2 R.S.DEMO (ST/LT ADJUST SIGNS) 1 625 1 0 625 6 1 6 R.L. (REMOVE & RELOCATE) 32 1 0 0 3 1 0 AC GRIND 150 MV IN 146 PER HR 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 PANELS SIDEWALK BREAKOUT 16 60 1 0 960 0.75 1 12 PANELS SIDEWALK REPLACE 16 90 1 0 1440 1 1 16 TURN ON # OF INTERSECTIONS 1 250 1 0 250 4 1 4 TRAFFIC CONTROL 1 1 0 0 0.025 1 0 GROUND ROD 5/8 XIO TAX 2 16 1 32 0 0.25 1 0.5 POLE CAPS TAX 8 35 1 280 0 0.5 1 4 **NONTAX** TOTALS 15,003.00 19,501.00 277.17 DIRECT JOB EXPENSE MATERiALS: NON-TAXABLE MATERIAL EQUIPMENT (NOT IN TAKE OFF) TOTAL TAXABLE MATERIAL SALES TAX TOTALS OF MATERIAL QUOTES: POLE PACKAGE VIDEO PACKAGE SUB TOTAL SALES TAX TOTAL QUOTES LABOR: AVERAGE RATE SUPERVISION SUBTOTAL PAYROLL BURDEN TOTAL LABOR SUB QUOTES: CONCRETE AC. PAVING STRIPING / STATE WIDE SURVEY/PRECISION Sundry 3% Vendor Unit CTWEST $$Per Hr. Hrs. $32.00 $48.00 Unit Price 6710 2475 Price 9% BID RECAP 19,501.00 15.003.00 1.387.78 35.891.78 21800 f^-^--— 9o^• --T 278 46 32% Qty 3.553.28 35.891.78 Vender MCAIN Unit Taxed Price 77.629.77 MATERIAL 7.500.00 MARKUP 8,896.00 2,208.00 11.104.00 14,657.28 14,657.28 6710 •(feP-Plfrfo i -specs. 2475 TOTAL SUB QUOTES Total Direct Expense INDIRECT JOB EXPENSE: Vehicle exp. As % of Labor Other SUBTOTAL DIRECT & INDIRECT JOB COST GEN. & ADMIN. OVERHEAD insurance Profit TOTAL ESTIMATED COST File Name: Bid Item #: 9185 7% 6% 10% K181.38 $3,584.04 $5.734.47 $13,499.90 9.185.00 59,734.06 13,499.90 Bond Bid Item Unit Qty per each $73,233.95 1584 159,947.72[LS | 41