HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-01-08; City Council; 21106 Exhibits; Refunding Poinsettia Lane East and College Boulevard and Cannon Road East Benefit Area No 1 Assessment District Bond Issues - Closing Memorandum DOCSOC/1602719v3/022062-0032 $31,300,000 CITY OF CARLSBAD REASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2012-1 LIMITED OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS CLOSING MEMORANDUM Time and Place Pre-closing will be held on Tuesday, January 29, 2013 at the offices of Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth, 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 1600, Newport Beach, CA at 1:00 p.m. Closing will be held on Wednesday, January 30 2013, via telephone. Parties City Chuck McBride, Finance Director Aaron Beenan, Accountant City of Carlsbad City Attorney Celia Brewer, Esq. City Attorney Bond Counsel and Brian P. Forbath, Esq. Disclosure Counsel Carol L. Lew, Esq. Bryan T. Gibson, Esq. Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth Financial Advisor Jim Fabian, Principal Paul Pender, Vice President Fieldman, Rolapp & Associates Underwriter Jim Cervantes Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated dba Stone & Youngberg, a Division of Stifel Nicolaus Underwriter’s Counsel Christopher Lynch, Esq. Jones Hall Trustee and Escrow Bank Gonzalo Urey The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. Trustee’s Counsel Samuel D. Waldman, Esq. Law Offices of Samuel D. Waldman Reassessment Engineer/ Pablo Perez, Director Assessment Administrator Stephanie Parson, Senior Consultant 2 DOCSOC/1602719v3/022062-0032 Verification Agent Mark Peroutka, Director Grant Thornton LLP DOCSOC/1602719v3/022062-0032 $31,300,000 CITY OF CARLSBAD REASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2012-1 LIMITED OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS CLOSING INDEX BASIC DOCUMENTS 1. Indenture 2. Escrow Agreement 3. Continuing Disclosure Agreement DOCUMENTS TO BE DELIVERED BY THE CITY 4. Resolution No. 2013-022 entitled “A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, Declaring the Intention to Levy Reassessments and Issue Refunding Bonds,” adopted January 8, 2013; Minutes. 5. Resolution No. 2013-023 entitled “A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, Adopting the Reassessment Report, Confirming and Ordering the Reassessment By Summary Proceedings, and Authorizing and Directing Related Actions,” adopted January 8, 2013; Minutes (See Tab No. 4). 6. Resolution No. 2013-024 entitled “A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, Authorizing the Issuance of Refunding Bonds, Approving and Authorizing Related Documents and Actions, and Directing the Disposition of the Balance in the Construction Fund of Assessment District No. 2002-01,” adopted January 8, 2013; Minutes (See Tab No. 4). 7. CDIAC Report of Proposed Debt Issuance, Acknowledgment from CDIAC and Report of Final Sale 8. Certificate as to Finality of Preliminary Official Statement 9. Incumbency and Signature Certificate of the City 10. Closing Certificate of the City 11. Instructions to Trustee, 2004 Trustee and 2005 Trustee 12. Tax Certificate, together with Certificate of the Underwriter; IRS Form 8038-G 13. DTC Blanket Issuer Letter of Representations 14. Facsimile Signature Filings of City Treasurer and Assistant City Clerk 15. Specimen Bond 2 DOCSOC/1602719v3/022062-0032 DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE SALE OF THE BONDS 16. Bond Purchase Agreement 17. Preliminary Official Statement 18. Official Statement 19. Underwriter’s Receipt for the Bonds DOCUMENTS TO BE DELIVERED BY THE TRUSTEE AND ESCROW BANK 20. Officer’s Certificate, together with Extracts from By-laws and Signing Authority Resolution 21. Closing Certificate of Trustee and Dissemination Agent 22. Trustee’s Receipt of Proceeds 23. Closing Certificate of Escrow Bank 24. Escrow Bank’s Receipt OPINIONS 25. Approving Opinion of Bond Counsel 26. Reliance Letter to the Trustee 27. Supplemental/Disclosure Counsel Opinion 28. Defeasance Opinion of Bond Counsel (2) 29. City Attorney Opinion 30. Trustee and Escrow Bank Counsel Opinion 31. Underwriter Counsel Opinion MISCELLANEOUS 32. Reassessment Report 33. Notice of Reassessment Recorded January 28, 2013 34. Reassessment Diagram Recorded January 28, 2013 35. Certificate of Reassessment Engineer 36. Cash Flow and Yield Verification Report 37. Distribution List This Preliminary Official Statement and the information contained herein are subject to completion or amendment. These securities may not be sold, nor may offers to buy them be accepted, prior to the time the Official Statement is delivered in final form. Under no circumstances shall this Preliminary Official Statement constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy, nor shall there be any sale of, these securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful.PRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENT DATED JANuARY 9, 2013 NEW ISSuE – BOOK ENTRY ONLY NOT RATED In the opinion of Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth, a Professional Corporation, Newport Beach, California (“Bond Counsel”), under existing statutes, regulations, rulings and judicial decisions, and assuming certain representations and compliance with certain covenants and requirements described more fully herein, interest on the Bonds is excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes and is not an item of tax preference for purposes of calculating the federal alternative minimum tax imposed on individuals and corporations although such interest is included in adjusted current earnings when calculating corporate alternative minimum taxable income. In the further opinion of Bond Counsel, interest on Bonds is exempt from State of California personal income tax. See “CONCLUDING INFORMATION — Tax Matters” herein. $32,840,000* CITY OF CARLSBAD REASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2012-1 LIMITED OBLIGATION REFuNDING BONDS Dated: Date of Delivery Due: September 2, as shown inside cover The City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Limited Obligation Refunding Bonds (the “Bonds”) are limited obligations of the City of Carlsbad (the “City”) secured by special reassessments to be levied on real property located within City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 (the “Reassessment District”). The Bonds are being issued to defease and redeem the City’s Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) Benefit Area No. 1 (Calavera Hills II) Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds (the “2004 Bonds”) and Assessment District No. 2002-01 (Poinsettia Lane East) Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2005A (the “2005A Bonds” and together with the 2004 Bonds, the “Prior Bonds”). The proceeds of the Prior Bonds were used to acquire, design, and construct certain public improvements within the Reassessment District. The Bonds are being issued pursuant to provisions of the Refunding Act of 1984 for 1915 Improvement Act Bonds (Division 11.5 of the Streets and Highways Code of California) (the “Act”) and an Indenture dated as of January 1, 2013 (the “Indenture”) by and between the City and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee (the “Trustee”). The Bonds are issuable in fully registered form and when issued will be registered in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee of The Depository Trust Company, New York, New York (“DTC”). Individual purchases of ownership interests in the Bonds may be made in $5,000 integral multiples in book-entry form only. Purchasers of the Bonds will not receive certificates representing their beneficial ownership of the Bonds but are expected to receive credit balances on the books of their respective nominees. The Bonds will not be transferable or exchangeable except for transfer to another nominee of DTC or as otherwise described in this Official Statement. Interest on the Bonds will be payable on September 2, 2013 and semiannually thereafter on each March 2 and September 2. Principal of and interest on the Bonds will be paid by the Trustee to DTC for subsequent disbursement to DTC Participants, who are to remit such payments to the beneficial owners of the Bonds. See “THE BONDS — General Provisions” and APPENDIX E — “BOOK-ENTRY ONLY SYSTEM”. The Bonds are special obligations of the City payable solely from revenues derived from installments of Reassessments (as defined in this Official Statement) to be levied on and collected from the owners of parcels within the Reassessment District. Under the provisions of the Act installments of principal and interest sufficient to meet annual Bond debt service will be levied by the City and billed by the County of San Diego (the “County”) to owners of property within the Reassessment District against which there are unpaid Reassessments. Upon receipt by the City from the County, these annual Reassessment installments are to be paid into the Redemption Fund to be held by the Trustee and used to pay debt service on the Bonds as it becomes due. In addition to the Reassessments, the Bonds will be initially secured by a pledge and lien on the Assessments levied within the Prior Assessment Districts (as defined in this Official Statement) in fiscal year 2012-13 which have not been collected as of the date of delivery of the Bonds. unpaid Reassessments constitute fixed liens on the lots and parcels assessed within the Reassessment District and do not constitute a personal indebtedness of the respective owners of such lots and parcels. Accordingly, in the event of a delinquency, proceedings may be had only against the real property securing the delinquent Reassessment installment. Thus, the value of land within the Reassessment District is a critical factor in determining the investment quality of the Bonds. See “THE REASSESSMENT DISTRICT — Value-to-Reassessment Lien Ratios” and “BONDOWNERS’ RISKS — Land Values”. The Trustee will establish a Reserve Fund comprised of Bond proceeds in the amount of the Reserve Requirement (as defined in this Official Statement) to provide funds for payment of principal and interest on the Bonds in the event of any delinquent Reassessment installments. The City’s obligation to advance funds to the Redemption Fund as a result of delinquent installments is limited to the balance in the Reserve Fund. The City has covenanted to initiate judicial foreclosure in the event of a delinquency. See “SECURITY FOR THE BONDS — Covenant to Foreclose and Court Foreclosure Proceedings.” The Bonds are subject to optional redemption, mandatory sinking fund redemption and extraordinary mandatory redemption from prepayments of Reassessments. See “THE BONDS — Redemption of Bonds”. NEITHER THE FAITH AND CREDIT NOR THE TAXING POWER OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, THE COuNTY OF SAN DIEGO, THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA OR ANY POLITICAL SuBDIVISIONS THEREOF IS PLEDGED TO THE PAYMENT OF THE BONDS. THE BONDS ARE SPECIAL OBLIGATIONS OF THE CITY PAYABLE SOLELY FROM THE SOuRCES DESCRIBED IN THE INDENTuRE. This cover page contains certain information for quick reference only. It is not a summary of this issue. Investors must read the entire Official Statement, including, without limitation, “BONDOwNeRS’ RISkS,” to obtain information essential to the making of an informed investment decision. The Bonds are offered when, as and if issued and delivered to the Underwriter subject to the approval of Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth, a Professional Corporation, Newport Beach, California, Bond Counsel and Disclosure Counsel. Certain matters will be passed upon for the City by the City Attorney. Certain legal matters will be passed upon for the Underwriter by its counsel, Jones Hall, A Professional Law Corporation, San Francisco, California. It is anticipated that the Bonds in book-entry form will be available for delivery through the facilities of DTC on or about January 30, 2013. Dated: January __, 2013 * Preliminary, subject to change. $32,840,000* CITY OF CARLSBAD REASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2012-1 LIMITED OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS MATURITY SCHEDULE Maturity Date (September 2) Principal Amount Interest Rate Yield CUSIP† 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 $__________ ___% Term Bonds due September 2, 20__ Yield: __ CUSIP† * Preliminary, subject to change. † CUSIP® is a registered trademark of the American Bankers Association. Copyright© 1999-2013, American Bankers Association. All rights reserved. CUSIP data herein is provided by Standard & Poor’s, CUSIP Service Bureau, a division of The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. The City and the Underwriter take no responsibility for the accuracy of such data. CITY OF CARLSBAD ELECTED OFFICIALS Matt Hall, Mayor Mark Packard, Councilmember Keith Blackburn, Councilmember Farrah Golshan Douglas, Councilmember Lorraine M. Wood, Councilmember Jim Comstock, City Treasurer _____________________ CITY OFFICIALS John Coates, Interim City Manager Cynthia Haas, Deputy City Manager Celia Brewer, City Attorney Skip Hammann, Transportation Director Chuck McBride, Finance Director _____________ BOND COUNSEL AND DISCLOSURE COUNSEL Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth, a Professional Corporation Newport Beach, California _____________ TRUSTEE The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. Los Angeles, California _________________ REASSESSMENT ENGINEER NBS Temecula, California _________________ FINANCIAL ADVISOR Fieldman, Rolapp & Associates Irvine, CA _________________ VERIFICATION AGENT Grant Thornton LLP Minneapolis, Minnesota No dealer, broker, salesperson or other person has been authorized by the City, the Trustee or the Underwriter to give any information or to make any representations in connection with the offer or sale of the Bonds other than those contained herein and, if given or made, such other information or representations must not be relied upon as having been authorized by the City, the Trustee or the Underwriter. This Official Statement does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy nor shall there be any sale of the Bonds by a person in any jurisdiction in which it is unlawful for such person to make such an offer, solicitation or sale. This Official Statement is not to be construed as a contract with the purchasers or Owners of the Bonds. Statements contained in this Official Statement which involve estimates, forecasts or matters of opinion, whether or not expressly so described herein, are intended solely as such and are not to be construed as representations of fact. This Official Statement, including any supplement or amendment hereto, is intended to be filed with and made publicly available through the Electronic Municipal Market Access system of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board. The Underwriter has provided the following sentence for inclusion in this Official Statement: The Underwriter has reviewed the information in this Official Statement in accordance with, and as part of, its responsibilities to investors under the federal securities laws as applied to the facts and circumstances of this transaction, but the Underwriter does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of such information. The information set forth herein which has been obtained by the City from third party sources is believed to be reliable but is not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness by the City or the Trustee. The information and expressions of opinion herein are subject to change without notice and neither the delivery of this Official Statement nor any sale made hereunder shall, under any circumstances, create any implication that there has been no change in the affairs of the City, the landowners within the Reassessment District or any other parties described herein since the date hereof. All summaries of the Indenture or other documents are made subject to the provisions of such documents respectively and do not purport to be complete statements of any or all of such provisions. Reference is hereby made to such documents on file with the City for further information in connection therewith. A wide variety of other information, including financial information, concerning the City, is available from publications and websites of the City and others. Any such information that is inconsistent with the information set forth in this Official Statement should be disregarded. No such information is a part of or incorporated into this Official Statement. Certain statements included or incorporated by reference in this Official Statement constitute “forward- looking statements” within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, Section 21E of the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and Section 27A of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended. Such statements are generally identifiable by the terminology used such as “plan,” “expect,” “estimate,” “project,” “budget” or other similar words. Such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, certain statements contained in the information under the caption “THE REASSESSMENT DISTRICT.” The achievement of certain results or other expectations contained in such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause actual results, performance or achievements described to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Except as set forth in the Continuing Disclosure Certificate, a form of which is attached as Appendix D, the City does not plan to issue any updates or revisions to the forward-looking statements set forth in this Official Statement. IN CONNECTION WITH THE OFFERING OF THE BONDS, THE UNDERWRITER MAY OVERALLOT OR EFFECT TRANSACTIONS WHICH STABILIZE OR MAINTAIN THE MARKET PRICE OF SUCH BONDS AT A LEVEL ABOVE THAT WHICH MIGHT OTHERWISE PREVAIL IN THE OPEN MARKET. SUCH STABILIZING, IF COMMENCED, MAY BE DISCONTINUED AT ANY TIME. THE BONDS HAVE NOT BEEN REGISTERED UNDER THE SECURITIES ACT OF 1933, AS AMENDED, IN RELIANCE UPON AN EXEMPTION CONTAINED IN SUCH ACT. THE BONDS HAVE NOT BEEN REGISTERED OR QUALIFIED UNDER THE SECURITIES LAWS OF ANY STATE. TABLE OF CONTENTS i INTRODUCTION ........................................................ 1 General ...................................................................... 1 Forward Looking Statements .................................... 1 The Reassessment District ........................................ 2 Property Values and Value-to-Reassessment Lien Ratios .................................................................... 3 No Additional Bonds ................................................ 3 Tax Matters ............................................................... 3 Professionals Involved in the Offering ..................... 3 Continuing Disclosure .............................................. 4 Bond Owners’ Risks ................................................. 4 Other Information ..................................................... 4 REFUNDING PLAN .................................................... 4 Estimated Sources and Uses of Funds ...................... 5 THE BONDS ................................................................ 6 General ...................................................................... 6 Redemption of Bonds ............................................... 6 Purchase of Bonds .................................................... 7 Notice of Redemption ............................................... 7 Selection of Bonds for Redemption .......................... 8 Registration, Exchange or Transfer .......................... 8 Annual Debt Service ................................................. 9 SECURITY FOR THE BONDS ................................... 9 Limited Obligation .................................................... 9 Reassessment Liens and Installments ..................... 10 Limited Obligation Upon Delinquency ................... 10 Reserve Fund .......................................................... 11 Covenant to Foreclose and Court Foreclosure Proceedings ......................................................... 12 Priority of Reassessment Lien ................................ 13 No Additional Bonds .............................................. 13 Maximum Annual Reassessment for Administrative Costs and Expenses .................... 14 THE REASSESSMENT DISTRICT .......................... 14 Description of the Reassessment District ................ 14 Direct and Overlapping Indebtedness ..................... 15 Value-to-Reassessment Lien Ratios ........................ 17 Delinquencies in the Reassessment District ............ 19 Concentration of Ownership ................................... 20 Tax Rates ................................................................ 21 BONDOWNERS’ RISKS .......................................... 21 General .................................................................... 21 Concentration of Ownership ................................... 21 Delinquency Resulting in Ultimate or Temporary Loss on Bonds ..................................................... 22 Non-Cash Payments of Reassessments ................... 22 Limited City Obligation Upon Delinquency ........... 22 Land Values ............................................................ 22 Bankruptcy and Foreclosure ................................... 23 FDIC/Federal Government Interests in Parcels ...... 23 Natural Disasters ..................................................... 24 Hazardous Substances ............................................. 25 Loss of Tax Exemption ........................................... 25 Limited Secondary Market ..................................... 25 Future Debt Issuance............................................... 25 Ballot Initiatives ...................................................... 26 Constitutional Amendment – Articles IIIC and IIID ...................................................................... 26 CONCLUDING INFORMATION .............................. 27 Continuing Disclosure ............................................. 27 Legal Opinion .......................................................... 27 Tax Matters .............................................................. 27 Litigation ................................................................. 29 Financial Interests .................................................... 29 No Rating................................................................. 29 Underwriting ............................................................ 29 Miscellaneous .......................................................... 29 APPENDIX A REASSESSMENT DIAGRAM ... A-1 APPENDIX B EXCERPTS FROM REASSESSMENT REPORT ...... B-1 APPENDIX C SUMMARY OF THE INDENTURE ............................... C-1 APPENDIX D OPINION OF BOND COUNSEL ................................... D-1 APPENDIX E BOOK-ENTRY ONLY SYSTEM ...................................... E-1 APPENDIX F FORM OF CONTINUING DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT .... F-1 APPENDIX G INFORMATION CONCERNING THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ......................... G-1 College Boulevard /College Boulevard / Cannon Road East -Cannon Road East - Benefit Area 1Benefit Area 1 Poinsettia LanePoinsettia LanePALOMAR A IR P O R T R D P OI N S E T T IA L N POI N SE TTIA L NALGA RD CAR L S B A D VIL LAGE DRCARLSBAD BL C OLLEGE BLCANNON RD T A M ARACK AVEL CAMINO REAL EL CAMI NO REAL MELROSE D R Reassessment District No. 2012-1 00.5Miles SPOKANE WY COVENTR Y RD DON JUAN DRLEXIN GT ON CRMA S TO DO N C TBERKELEY A V PERALTA STGLEN A V V ICTORIA A V IN LET DRBLUFF CT CRATER RIM R DEL CAMINO REAL ALANDER CTSTANFORD STGATESHEAD R DGLASGOW DRSUMMIT TRAIL CT SEASIDE WYINVERNESS DRGREENWICH STEDINBURGH DRKNOL L WOOD DRSEABURY ST RIFT RD BUCKINGHAM LNRED BLUFF PLTIBURON AV GRANITE CT CLIF F CRAVALON AV HI LLTOP STPLATEAU PL SH ASTA PLCHELSEA CT SAUSALITO AV FLAT ROCK STCHANCERY CTTUOLUMNE PLA R A P A H O P L M OON FIELD DR WIND TRAIL WYEN G LEWOOD WYTOPEKA STHASTINGS D RAND O VE R A V LANCASTER RD NORTH FORK AVRAVINE D R B R AND ON CRCHES HIRE AV KI NGS TON ST BUCK RIDGE AVREGENT R D CA N N O N R D PE N INSULA DRCARLSBAD VI LLAGE DR CHATHAM R DSIMSBURY CT CAY DRBER G EN P E A K PLFO O THILL AV OLYMPIA DRMEADOW D R STRATA DR SOUTH AMPTON RD CAVE R N PLHARWICH D R F OUR P EAKS STPONTIAC DRJETTY PT RILL CT ROCK R I D G E R D TAMARACK AV CAPE COD C RPLEASANT VALE D R ES SEX C T SADDLE DRS TONERIDGE RD COLLEGE BLHAVERHI LL STLAREDO STCORVALLI S STRICH FIELD DR2003-01 College Boulevard/ Cannon Road East - Benefit Area 1 TILIA PLUNICORNIO ST ESTURION ST D O V E L N G E ODE L N CASSIA RD CARRILLO W YPASEO COL IN ADARTINGTON WY GR E ENHAVEN DR M ALACHI TE PLABEDU L S T SOCORRO LN BRE SSI R A NCH WY OBSI DI AN PL CAMINO V ID A ROBLE MICA R D ABEJ O R R O S T RANCHO DIAM ONT E GA L E N A A V BRESSI RANCH WY A LLEY KEENELAND DR ASCOT A VTOPIARY STLA G O L O N D RINA STLISMORE PLDOGWOOD RD LAR IMAR AV TANZANITE DRLLAMA STALGA RD AVIARA PY ARUNDEL AV PASEO ACAM POHELENITE P L CANTI L STEL A G U I L A S T PASEO CANDELEROONYX PL ARGONAUTA WYMANZANITA STM OO R HEN PLACUNA CT C E B U PLCOBALT D R PARADISE RD ALLEY FER N PLCAL ET A CTEL FUERTE STOBELIS CO PLAMMONITE PLPARADISE RD R ANCHO PANCHO KYANI TE PLPERSA STBLU E ORCHID LN DISCOVERY RDINGLETON AV L A PALO M A STHE R I TAGE DRGRULLA ST ANTI LOPE STINNOVATION WYCAMPB ELL PLCEREUS CTCOSMOS CTLA PLACE CT DI VI TA DRALLSTON ST M ARCASITE PLEDENDALE STO LEA LN ARGON A U T A S TZODIAC STJASPER W YALMADEN LNCAYENNE LN PALOMAR AIRPORT RD COLIBRI LN POINSE T TI A L N LAS P ALMAS DRCACAT UA S T EL FUERTE STCIT RIN E DRL OKE R AV EASTLOKER AV WEST ALICANTE RDALI CANTE RDBR ASS PLCORI NTI A STVILLAGE GREEN DRP AL M E T T O DR EL CAMINO REALHALITE PLLA PIS RD GOLD STONE R D MIMOSA DROBELI SCO CRALVERTON DRESTRELLA DE MAR RDGATEWAY RD RANCHO B RAVAD O L U C I E R N A G A S TMELROSE DRHUNTI NGTON D RAMBER LNJADE L NORION STPRIVATE RD TITAN ITE PLQU A I L P L IVORY PLPRIVATE R DBABILONIA ST PRIVA TE RD2002-01 Poinsettia Lane 1 $32,840,000∗ CITY OF CARLSBAD REASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2012-1 LIMITED OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS INTRODUCTION General This introduction is not a summary of this Official Statement. It is only a brief description of and guide to, and is qualified by, more complete and detailed information contained in the entire Official Statement, including the appendices. A full review should be made of the entire Official Statement. The sale and delivery of the Bonds (defined below) to potential investors is made only by means of the entire Official Statement. All capitalized terms used in this Official Statement and not defined shall have the meaning set forth in APPENDIX C — “SUMMARY OF THE INDENTURE — Definitions.” The purpose of this Official Statement, which includes the cover page, the table of contents and the attached appendices (collectively, the “Official Statement”), is to provide certain information concerning the issuance by the City of Carlsbad (the “City”) of the $32,840,000* City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Limited Obligation Refunding Bonds (the “Bonds”). The proceeds of the Bonds, together with certain existing funds of the City, will be used to defease and redeem all of the City’s (i) Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) Benefit Area No. 1 (Calavera Hills II) Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds (the “2004 Bonds”) originally issued on June 10, 2004 in the aggregate principal amount of $11,760,000 and now outstanding in the principal amount of $10,155,000, and (ii) Assessment District No. 2002-01 (Poinsettia Lane East) Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2005A (the “2005A Bonds” and together with the 2004 Bonds, the “Prior Bonds”) originally issued on February 17, 2005 in the aggregate principal amount of $33,085,000 and now outstanding in the principal amount of $28,630,000. A portion of the proceeds of the Bonds will be used to fund a deposit to the Reserve Fund for the Bonds and to pay the costs of issuing the Bonds. See “THE REFUNDING PLAN” and “ESTIMATED SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS”. The Bonds are to be issued under the Refunding Act of 1984 for 1915 Improvement Act Bonds, Division 11.5 of the Streets and Highways Code of California (the “Act”), and pursuant to an Indenture by and between the City acting on behalf of the City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 (the “Reassessment District”) and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. (the “Trustee”), dated as of January 1, 2013 (the “Indenture”). The Bonds are secured under the Indenture by a pledge of and lien upon the Reassessments (as defined in this Official Statement) and all moneys on deposit in the Redemption Fund and the Reserve Fund established pursuant to the Indenture. In addition to the Reassessments, the Bonds will be initially secured by a pledge and lien on the Assessments levied within the Prior Assessment Districts (as defined in this Official Statement) in fiscal year 2012-13 which have not been collected as of the date of delivery of the Bonds. See “SECURITY FOR THE BONDS.” Forward Looking Statements Certain statements included or incorporated by reference in this Official Statement constitute “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, Section 21E of the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and Section 27A of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended. Such statements are generally identifiable by the ∗ Preliminary, subject to change. 2 terminology used such as a “plan,” “expect,” “estimate,” “project,” “budget” or similar words. Such forward- looking statements include, but are not limited to certain statements contained in the information under the caption “THE REASSESSMENT DISTRICT.” THE ACHIEVEMENT OF CERTAIN RESULTS OR OTHER EXPECTATIONS CONTAINED IN SUCH FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS INVOLVE KNOWN AND UNKNOWN RISKS, UNCERTAINTIES AND OTHER FACTORS WHICH MAY CAUSE ACTUAL RESULTS, PERFORMANCE OR ACHIEVEMENTS DESCRIBED TO BE MATERIALLY DIFFERENT FROM ANY FUTURE RESULTS, PERFORMANCE OR ACHIEVEMENTS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED BY SUCH FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS. THE CITY DOES NOT PLAN TO ISSUE ANY UPDATES OR REVISIONS TO THE FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS SET FORTH IN THIS OFFICIAL STATEMENT. The Reassessment District The Reassessment District includes all of the property within Assessment District No. 2002-01 (Poinsettia Lane East) (“Assessment District No. 2002-01”) and Benefit Area No. 1 (Calavera Hills II) of Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) (“Benefit Area No. 1 of Assessment District No. 2003-01” and together with Assessment District No. 2002-01, the “Prior Assessment Districts”, each a “Prior Assessment District”) with the exception of 3 parcels for which the Assessments levied against them have been prepaid. The Reassessment District encompasses 2,020 parcels consisting of 1,482 parcels for single family detached homes, 375 parcels for multi-family units, 85 commercial parcels, 26 industrial parcels, 4 other developed parcels, and 48 undeveloped parcels. Assessment District No. 2002-01 is located in the east central portion of the City, southeast of the McClellan-Palomar Airport. Assessment District No. 2002-01 encompasses two master plans: the Bressi Ranch Master Plan and the La Costa Greens portion of the Villages of La Costa Master Plan. The Bressi Ranch Master Plan’s primary goal is to create a pedestrian oriented community and consists of 5 planning areas containing office, industrial, and warehouse uses, seven planning areas of single family detached homes, one hundred units of affordable multifamily apartments, a small commercial site housing a gas station/mini- mart, a mixed-use area containing commercial and community facilities, a recreational vehicle storage area, a private school, numerous open space areas, and a large “Village Green.” The La Costa Greens is a residential development created to take advantage of the natural open space of the area. A pedestrian trail system links the individual neighborhoods and many homes have golf course and open space views. Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) is located in the northern portion of the City, primarily along College Boulevard south of State Highway 78. Assessment District No. 2003-01 encompasses a portion of the Calavera Hills II Master Plan which features 19 residential villages, 1 community park, 2 school sites, 2 community facility sites, 1 recreational vehicle storage facility and large areas of open space corridors. Further, the Assessment District is located adjacent to the Lake Calavera Preserve; the largest of 13 city owned, dedicated, and managed nature preserves in Carlsbad. This area is popular with hikers, mountain bikers, and nature lovers. Many homes in the Assessment District have views of the Lake Calavera Preserve. Proceedings for the formation of the Prior Assessment Districts were taken by the City Council of the City pursuant to the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913, Division 12 of the California Streets and Highways Code (the “1913 Act”) in order to assist in providing certain roadway improvements including storm drain, sewer, water, recycled water, and dry utilities of special benefit to the parcels located within the boundaries of the Prior Assessment Districts. The City Council confirmed on each of those parcels an assessment (individually an “Assessment” and collectively the “Assessments”) proportionate to the special benefit received by it from the improvements. Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) also encompassed Benefit Area No. 2, which includes the primarily residential Robertson Ranch East development. Any assessments levied in Benefit Area No. 2, are not security for the Bonds. 3 In order to provide the funds with which to construct the certain public capital improvements benefitting the Prior Assessment Districts, the City issued the 2004 Bonds in an aggregate principal amount of $11,760,000 on June 10, 2004 and the 2005A Bonds in an aggregate principal amount of $33,085,000 on February 17, 2005. The Prior Bonds are secured by the unpaid Assessments levied respectively within each Prior Assessment District; and installments of those Assessments, which are collected each year along with the ad valorem taxes collected by the County of San Diego (the “County”), have been used to pay the principal of and interest on the Prior Bonds as the same became due and payable. On January 8, 2013, the City Council took proceedings under the Act and confirmed a reassessment, which reassessment and a related diagram were recorded in the office of the Transportation Director, acting as the Superintendent of Streets, and with the County Recorder of the County of San Diego. A notice of reassessment, as prescribed in Section 3114 of the Streets and Highways Code, has been recorded with the County Recorder of the County of San Diego, whereupon the reassessment attached as a lien upon the property assessed within the Reassessment District as provided in Section 3115 of the Streets and Highways Code. Pursuant to the 1984 Act the City may issue refunding bonds for the purpose of redeeming the Prior Bonds. The City may issue and sell refunding bonds without giving notice to and conducting a hearing for the owners of property in the Reassessment District or giving notice to the owners of the Bonds if the City Council makes the findings required in the Act. Property Values and Value-to-Reassessment Lien Ratios The aggregate assessed value of the parcels in the City with unpaid Reassessments, as shown in the County of San Diego assessor’s roll for fiscal year 2012-13, is $1,437,599,297. The ratio of the assessed value of such parcels to the total amount of the unpaid Reassessments, is approximately 43.77∗ to 1 (exclusive of the unpaid Assessments for fiscal year 2012-13 and overlapping debt described herein). See “THE REASSESSMENT DISTRICT — Value-to-Reassessment Lien Ratios”. No Additional Bonds The City is not authorized to issue additional bonds (other than the Bonds or any refunding bonds) secured by the Reassessments. Tax Matters In the opinion of Bond Counsel, under existing laws, regulations, rulings and court decisions, the interest (and original issue discount) on the Bonds is exempt from personal income taxes of the State of California and, assuming compliance with certain covenants set forth in the Indenture, is excludable from gross income of the owners of the Bonds for federal income tax purposes and is not included as a specific preference item for purposes of the federal alternative minimum tax. Set forth in Appendix D is the opinion of Bond Counsel expected to be delivered in connection with the issuance of the Bonds. For a more complete discussion of such opinion and the tax consequences incident to the ownership of the Bonds, including certain exceptions to the tax treatment of interest, see “CONCLUDING INFORMATION — Tax Matters”. Professionals Involved in the Offering The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., Los Angeles, California, will act as Trustee under the Indenture and as the initial Dissemination Agent under the City’s Continuing Disclosure Agreement. The legal proceedings in connection with the issuance and delivery of the Bonds are subject to the approval as to their legality of Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth, a Professional Corporation, Newport Beach, California, Bond Counsel and Disclosure Counsel. Certain legal matters will be passed on for the City by the City ∗ Preliminary, subject to change. 4 Attorney. Certain legal matters will be passed upon for the Underwriter by its counsel, Jones Hall, A Professional Law Corporation, San Francisco, California. Other professional services have been performed by NBS, Temecula, California, as Reassessment Engineer. For information concerning financial or other interest which certain of the above-mentioned professionals, advisors, counsel and agents may have in the offering of the Bonds, see “CONCLUDING INFORMATION — Financial Interests”. Continuing Disclosure The City has agreed to provide, or cause to be provided, to each nationally recognized municipal securities information repository and any public or private repository or entity designated by the State as a state repository for purposes of Rule 15c2-12(b)(5) adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, certain annual or semi-annual (as applicable) financial information and operating data. The City has further agreed to provide notice of certain enumerated events. These covenants have been made in order to assist the Underwriter in complying with Rule 15c2-12(b)(5). See “CONCLUDING INFORMATION — Continuing Disclosure” herein and Appendix F hereto for a description of the specific nature of the annual reports and notices of enumerated events to be provided by the City. Bond Owners’ Risks Certain events could affect the timely repayment of the principal of and interest on the Bonds when due. See the section of this Official Statement entitled “BONDOWNERS’ RISKS” for a discussion of certain factors which should be considered, in addition to other matters set forth herein, in evaluating an investment in the Bonds. The purchase of the Bonds involves risks, and the Bonds are not suitable investments for some types of investors. See “BONDOWNERS RISKS”. Other Information This Official Statement speaks only as of its date, and the information contained herein is subject to change. Brief descriptions of the Bonds and the Indenture are included in this Official Statement. Such descriptions and information do not purport to be comprehensive or definitive. All references herein to the Indenture, the Bonds and the constitution and laws of the State as well as the proceedings of the City Council of the City, are qualified in their entirety by references to such documents, laws and proceedings, and with respect to the Bonds, by reference to the Indenture. Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings set forth in the Indenture. Copies of the Indenture, the Continuing Disclosure Agreement and other documents and information referred to herein are available for inspection and (upon request and payment to the Trustee of a charge for copying, mailing and handling) for delivery from the Trustee. REFUNDING PLAN The Bonds are being issued to provide a portion of the moneys, together with certain funds on deposit with The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., acting as escrow agent (the “Escrow Agent”), to refund the City’s outstanding 2004 Bonds, in the aggregate principal amount of $10,155,000, and 2005A Bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $28,630,000, at a redemption price equal to the principal amount plus accrued interest on March 2, 2013. The 2004 Bonds were issued upon and are secured by the unpaid Assessments levied on property in Benefit Area No. 1 of Assessment District No. 2003-01, pursuant a Bond Indenture dated as of May 1, 2004, by and between the City and BNY Western Trust Company. The 2005A Bonds were issued upon and are secured by the unpaid Assessments levied on property in Assessment District 5 No. 2002-01, pursuant a Bond Indenture dated as of February 1, 2005, by and between the City and The Bank of New York Trust Company, N.A. Pursuant to the Indenture, the City will deliver a portion of the proceeds of the Bonds to the Trustee to transfer to the Escrow Agent for deposit in a separate escrow fund established for each of the Prior Bonds (collectively, the “Escrow Funds”) established under the Escrow Agreement, dated as of January 1, 2013, by and between the City and the Escrow Agent (the “Escrow Agreement”). Moneys on deposit in the Escrow Funds will be applied to acquire the federal securities set forth in the Escrow Agreement, which, together with certain funds held as cash, will be used to pay on March 2, 2013 the redemption price of the Prior Bonds, together with accrued interest through the date of redemption. The moneys on deposit in the Escrow Funds and such other funds held as cash that together will be used as described in the immediately preceding sentence, will be sufficient in the opinion of Grant Thornton LLP, Minneapolis, Minnesota, the Verification Agent, to provide for the defeasance and redemption on March 2, 2013 of the Prior Bonds. All moneys and securities on deposit in the Escrow Funds will be irrevocably pledged to secure, when due, the payment of the principal of, interest and any premium due with respect to the Prior Bonds. As a result of the deposit and investment of funds under the Escrow Agreement, all of the City’s obligations with respect to the Prior Bonds, including the pledge of unpaid Assessments which secure the City’s obligations with respect to the Prior Bonds, will be fully discharged upon the execution and delivery of the Bonds. Estimated Sources and Uses of Funds The Trustee will receive the proceeds from the sale of the Bonds upon delivery of such Bonds to the purchasers thereof. The proceeds of the Bonds will be applied as set forth in the following table: SOURCES: Par Amount of Bonds $ Plus Original Issue Premium Plus Available Funds(1) Less Underwriter’s Discount Total Sources $ USES: AD 2002-01 Escrow Fund $ AD 2003-01 Escrow Fund Debt Service Reserve Fund Costs of Issuance Fund(2) Total Uses $ (1) Includes fiscal year 2012-13 Assessment Installments collected as of __________, 2013, reserve funds of the Prior Bonds, surplus construction funds and other funds on hand. (2) Includes costs of issuance, such as Trustee, Bond Counsel and Disclosure Counsel fees and costs, printing costs and other related costs for the issuance of Bonds, reimbursable expenses of the City and certain upfront design and engineering costs. 6 THE BONDS General The $32,840,000∗ aggregate principal amount of the Bonds was authorized for issuance by a resolution adopted by the City Council of the City and are being issued by the City pursuant to the Act and the Indenture between the City and the Trustee. The Bonds will be dated their date of delivery and mature on September 2 in the years and in the amounts shown on the inside cover page of this Official Statement. Interest shall be payable on September 2, 2013, and semiannually thereafter on March 2 and September 2 of each year until maturity. The Bonds are issued as fully registered bonds, in integral multiples of $5,000. Each Bond shall bear interest from the Interest Payment Date next preceding the date of authentication and registration thereof unless (i) it is authenticated after a Record Date and on or before the immediately succeeding Interest Payment Date, in which event it shall bear interest from such Interest Payment Date, or (ii) it is authenticated before the close of business on the first Record Date, in which event it shall bear interest from its dated date; provided, however, that if at the time of authentication of a Bond, interest is in default thereon, such Bond will bear interest from the Interest Payment Date to which interest has previously been paid or made available for payment thereon or from the date of original delivery of the Bonds, if no interest has previously been paid or made available for payment on the Outstanding Bonds. Interest on the Bonds is payable by the Trustee on each Interest Payment Date, until the principal amount of a Bond has been paid or made available for payment, to the registered Owner thereof at such registered Owner’s address as it appears on the registration books maintained by the Trustee at the close of the Business Day on the Record Date preceding the Interest Payment Date. The Bonds will be held in book-entry form and registered in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee of The Depository Trust Company (“DTC”), all interest payments will be made directly to DTC for distribution to the beneficial owners in accordance with DTC’s procedures. See APPENDIX E — “BOOK-ENTRY ONLY SYSTEM”. Redemption of Bonds Mandatory Redemption From Reassessment Prepayments. The Bonds shall be subject to mandatory redemption, in whole or in part as selected by the Treasurer pursuant to Section 8768 of the California Streets and Highways Code, on any Interest Payment Date, from and to the extent of any prepayment of Reassessments, at the following respective redemption prices (expressed as percentages of the principal amount of the Bonds to be redeemed), plus accrued interest thereon to the date of redemption: Redemption Date Redemption Prices ∗ Preliminary, subject to change. 7 Optional Redemption of Bonds from Other Funds, Excluding Reassessment Prepayments. The Bonds are subject to redemption prior to their stated maturity dates on any Interest Payment Date on or after September 2, ____, as selected by the City, from any source of funds other than prepayment of Reassessments, at the following respective redemption prices (expressed as percentages of the principal amount of the Bonds to be redeemed), plus accrued interest thereon to the date of redemption: Redemption Date Redemption Prices Mandatory Sinking Fund Redemption of Bonds. The Bonds maturing on September 2, 20__ shall be subject to mandatory sinking fund redemption prior to maturity, in part, on September 2, ____, and on each September 2 thereafter, from sinking fund payments, at a redemption price equal to the principal amount of Bonds to be redeemed, together with accrued interest to the date of redemption, without premium, as follows: 20__ Term Bond Redemption Date (September 2) Redemption Amount 20__ (maturity) Purchase of Bonds In lieu of payment at maturity or redemption, moneys in the Redemption Fund may be used and withdrawn by the Trustee for purchase of outstanding Bonds, upon the filing with the Trustee of an Officer’s Certificate requesting such purchase, at public or private sale as and when, and at such prices (including brokerage and other charges) as such Officer’s Certificate may provide, but in no event may Bonds be purchased at a price in excess of the principal amount thereof, plus the premium, if any, which would be paid upon redemption, plus interest accrued to the date of purchase. Notice of Redemption With respect to the Bonds held in book-entry form, notices of redemption will be mailed only to The Depository Trust Company and not to any beneficial owner of the Bonds. The Trustee shall cause notice of any redemption to be mailed by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, at least 30 days but not more than 60 days prior to the date fixed for redemption, to the securities 8 depository and to certain information services, and to the respective registered Owners of any Bonds designated for redemption, at their addresses appearing on the Bond registration books maintained by the Trustee; but the actual receipt of any notice shall not be a condition precedent to such redemption and failure to receive any such notice, or any defect in such notice, shall not affect the validity of the proceedings for the redemption of such Bonds, or the cessation of interest on the redemption date. A notice of redemption for optional redemption may be conditioned on the receipt by the City of sufficient funds to effect the redemption. If sufficient funds are not received by the City by the redemption date, the redemption shall not occur and the Bonds will remain outstanding under the Indenture. If any redemption is cancelled due to lack of sufficient funds, the Trustee shall mail a notice to the Bondowners stating that such redemption was cancelled and did not occur. Selection of Bonds for Redemption Whenever provision is made in the Indenture for the redemption of less than all of the Bonds, the City shall select the Bonds for redemption in such a way that the ratio of Outstanding Bonds to issued Bonds shall be approximately the same in each maturity of the Bonds insofar as possible. The Trustee shall select the particular Bonds to be redeemed from each maturity by lot. Registration, Exchange or Transfer The registration of any Bond may, in accordance with its terms, be transferred upon the Bond Register by the person in whose name it is registered, in person or by his or her duly authorized attorney, upon surrender of such Bond for cancellation at the office of the Trustee, accompanied by delivery of a written instrument of transfer in a form acceptable to the Trustee and duly executed by the Bondowner or his or her duly authorized attorney. Bonds may be exchanged at the office of the Trustee for a like aggregate principal amount of Bonds of other authorized denominations of the same maturity. The Trustee will not charge the Owner for any new Bond issued upon any exchange or transfer, but shall require the Owner requesting such exchange or transfer to pay any tax or other governmental charge required to be paid with respect to such exchange or transfer. The cost of printing any Bonds and any services rendered or any expenses incurred by the Trustee in connection with any exchange or transfer shall be paid by the City as Administrative Expenses. Whenever any Bond or Bonds shall be surrendered for registration of transfer or exchange, the City shall execute, and the Trustee shall authenticate and deliver, a new Bond or Bonds of the same maturity for a like aggregate principal amount; provided, that the Trustee shall not be required to register transfers or make exchanges of Bonds (a) 15 days prior to the date established by the Trustee for selection of Bonds for redemption, or (b) with respect to a Bond after such Bond has been selected for redemption. 9 Annual Debt Service Table 1 below sets forth the annual debt service on the Bonds based on the maturity schedule and interest rates set forth on the inside cover page of this Official Statement. TABLE 1 $32,840,000* CITY OF CARLSBAD REASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2012-1 LIMITED OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS Annual Debt Service Year Ending September 2 Principal Interest Total 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 Total $ _________ $ $ Source: Underwriter. SECURITY FOR THE BONDS Limited Obligation The obligation of the City relating to the Bonds is not a general obligation of the City, but is a limited obligation, payable solely from the Reassessments and Assessments and from the funds pledged under the Indenture. Neither the faith and credit nor the taxing power of the City, the County or the State of California, or any of its political subdivisions, is pledged to the payment of the Bonds. Notwithstanding any other 10 provision of the Indenture, the City is not obligated to advance available surplus funds from the City treasury to cure any deficiency in the Redemption Fund. Reassessment Liens and Installments The Bonds are issued upon and secured by and payable solely from the unpaid Reassessments on parcels of property within the Reassessment District together with accrued interest, and such unpaid Reassessments, together with accrued interest, constitute a fund for the redemption and payment of the principal of the Bonds and related interest and premium, if any. The Bonds will also be initially secured by a pledge and lien on the Assessments levied within the Prior Assessment Districts in fiscal year 2012-13 which have not been collected as of the date of delivery of the Bonds. In addition, all of the Bonds are secured by the moneys in the Reassessment Fund, the Redemption Fund and the Reserve Fund created pursuant to the Indenture. Principal of and interest on the Bonds are payable exclusively from the Redemption Fund. Although the unpaid Reassessments and Assessments constitute fixed liens on the lots and parcels assessed, they do not constitute a personal indebtedness of the respective owners of such lots and parcels. There can be no assurance as to the ability or the willingness of such owners to pay the unpaid Reassessments and Assessments when due. See “BONDOWNERS’ RISKS”. The unpaid Reassessments and Assessments will be collected in annual installments, together with interest, on the County secured tax roll on which general taxes on real property are collected (the “Reassessment Installments”). The City will include in the annual installments an amount for the payment of administrative expenses in the amount set forth in the Reassessment Report; such amounts are not available to pay debt service on the Bonds. The Reassessment Installments are payable and become delinquent at the same time and in the same proportionate amounts and bear the same proportionate penalties and interest after delinquency as do general property taxes. The properties upon which the Reassessments and Assessments are levied are subject to the same provisions for sale and redemption as are properties for nonpayment of general taxes. The annual Reassessment Installments are to be paid to the City and transferred by the City to the Trustee with instructions to deposit the balance remaining after the deposit of amounts into the Administrative Expense Fund held by the City to pay administrative expenses into the Reassessment Fund. The Trustee is to transfer amounts in the Reassessment Fund into the Redemption Fund held by the Trustee to pay the principal of and interest on the Bonds as they become due. The Reassessment Installments billed against each of the lots and parcels in the Reassessment District each year represent a pro rata share of the total principal and interest coming due on all of the Bonds that year (other than the Assessment installments which remain unpaid as of the date of delivery of the Bonds which represented a pro rata share of the total principal and interest coming due of the Prior Bonds in fiscal year 2012-13). The amount billed against each lot or parcel is based on the percentage which the unpaid Reassessment against the property bears to the total of unpaid Reassessments in the Reassessment District. The failure of a property owner to pay an annual Reassessment Installment will not result in an increase in Reassessment Installments against other property in the Reassessment District. Each property owner has a statutory right to prepay the Reassessment on a parcel in whole or in part on any date. Amounts received as prepaid Reassessments will be deposited in the Prepayment Account of the Redemption Fund and shall be used solely for the purpose of redeeming Bonds. See “THE BONDS — Redemption of Bonds — Mandatory Redemption from Reassessment Prepayments.” Limited Obligation Upon Delinquency THE BONDS ARE LIMITED OBLIGATIONS OF THE CITY AND ARE PAYABLE SOLELY FROM THE REASSESSMENTS AND THE ASSETS PLEDGED THEREFOR UNDER THE INDENTURE. THE CITY HAS DETERMINED NOT TO OBLIGATE ITSELF AND HAS NO LEGAL OR MORAL OBLIGATION TO ADVANCE AVAILABLE FUNDS FROM THE CITY TREASURY TO PAY BOND 11 DEBT SERVICE IN THE EVENT OF DELINQUENT REASSESSMENT INSTALLMENTS. BONDOWNERS SHOULD NOT RELY UPON THE CITY TO ADVANCE AVAILABLE FUNDS FROM THE CITY TREASURY TO THE REDEMPTION FUND. NOTWITHSTANDING THE FOREGOING, THE CITY MAY, AT ITS SOLE OPTION AND IN ITS SOLE DISCRETION, ELECT TO ADVANCE SUCH FUNDS. Reserve Fund The Indenture provides that a Reserve Fund must be maintained and held by the Trustee in an amount equal to the Reserve Requirement. The Reserve Requirement means, on each September 2nd (the calculation date), the least of (i) 10% of the net proceeds derived from the sale of the Bonds, (ii) maximum annual debt service on the Outstanding Bonds; provided however that annual debt service for the period from September 3, 2013 to September 2, 2014 (“Bond Year 2014”) shall be excluded for the purposes of such calculation, or (iii) 125% of average annual debt service on the Outstanding Bonds, exclusive of Bond Year 2014 for purposes of such calculation. Moneys in the Reserve Fund shall be held for the benefit of the Owners of the Bonds as a reserve for the payment of the principal of and interest on the Bonds and shall be subject to a lien in favor of the Owners of the Bonds. See APPENDIX C — “SUMMARY OF INDENTURE.” In the event a Reassessment is prepaid, in whole or in part, the City shall transfer such payment to the Trustee. The amount of each Reassessment prepaid shall be reduced by the amount the Trustee is required to transfer from the Reserve Fund for deposit in the Prepayment Account of the Redemption Fund. Under the Indenture the Trustee is to transfer the portion of the balance then in the Reserve Fund equal to the proportion that the Reassessment prepaid bears to the total of all Reassessments remaining unpaid as of such date. The City shall notify, or shall cause the Trustee to be notified of the amount so transferred. After each such transfer, the Reserve Requirement shall be reduced by the amount of the related transfer. Whenever there are insufficient funds in the Redemption Fund to meet the next maturing installment of principal of or interest on the Bonds, the Trustee shall transfer from the Reserve Fund or deposit in the Redemption Fund an amount necessary to satisfy such deficiency. The City agrees in the Indenture that if such insufficiency was caused by delinquent payment of Reassessment Installments, then an amount equal to the amount so transferred shall be reimbursed and transferred by the City to the Trustee for deposit in the Reserve Fund from the proceeds of redemption or sale of the delinquent parcel. All amounts allocable to a particular parcel remaining in the Reserve Fund in the year in which the last Reassessment Installment with respect to such parcel becomes due and payable shall be credited toward said last Reassessment Installment due with respect to such parcel as set forth below: On or about July 1 of each year, the City shall cause a preliminary calculation to be made of the amount then on deposit in the Reserve Fund anticipated to be transferred to the Redemption Fund on the immediately succeeding September 1 (in the then current calendar year), and the amount anticipated to be remaining on deposit in the Reserve Fund as of such September 1. With respect to such anticipated remainder, the City shall determine the portion thereof anticipated to be available for transfer to the Redemption Fund on September 1 in the next calendar year (as a result of the payment of the principal component of Reassessments in the next calendar year) and shall determine, with respect to those parcels which will be in their final year of Reassessment in the next calendar year, the portion of such amount anticipated to be available for transfer to the Redemption Fund allocable to each such parcel. Such allocation shall be made pro rata, and shall equal the proportion that the principal amount of the Reassessment payable with respect to a particular parcel bears to the total of all principal amounts of Reassessments to be paid in such calendar year. Those parcels which would otherwise be in their final year of Reassessment shall be afforded a credit against the Reassessment that would otherwise have been levied in such year (or a credit in an earlier year if reduction of the Reserve Fund results in funds being available for such purposes at an earlier date), such credit to be based on such parcel’s pro rata portion of the moneys on deposit in the Reserve Fund anticipated to be available for transfer to the Redemption Fund on September 1 of the next calendar year, and such credit not in excess of such parcel’s pro 12 rata portion of the Reserve Fund (equal to the proportion that the principal amount of the Reassessment payable with respect to such parcel bears to the total of all principal amounts of Reassessments remaining unpaid as of such date). The City shall then direct the Trustee, pursuant to a Written Request of the City, to transfer from the Reserve Fund to the Redemption Fund, the amount specified in such Written Request for such transfer, such transfer to occur on or about September 1 of the current calendar year (e.g., a report filed during July 2034, will specify the amount to be transferred on September 1, 2034 for payment of debt service of the Bonds on September 2, 2034). If at any time the amount of interest earned by the investment of any portion of the Reserve Fund, together with the principal amount in the Reserve Fund, shall exceed the Reserve Requirement, such excess shall be transferred by the Trustee to the Reassessment Fund each March 1 and September 1. See APPENDIX C — “SUMMARY OF INDENTURE.” Whenever the balance in the Reserve Fund, the Reassessment Fund and the Redemption Fund is sufficient to retire all the remaining outstanding Bonds, the Trustee shall transfer at the written direction of the City the balance in the Reserve Fund to the Redemption Fund and the the City shall cease the collection of the principal and interest on the unpaid Reassessments. In such case, the City shall credit the balance so transferred against the Reassessments remaining unpaid in the manner set forth in the Act. THE CITY HAS NO OBLIGATION TO REPLENISH THE RESERVE FUND EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT DELINQUENT REASSESSMENT INSTALLMENTS ARE PAID OR PROCEEDS FROM FORECLOSURE SALES ARE REALIZED. Covenant to Foreclose and Court Foreclosure Proceedings The 1913 Act provides that in the event any assessment or installment thereof or any interest thereon is not paid when due, the City may order the institution of a court action to foreclose the lien of the unpaid assessment. In such an action, the real property subject to the unpaid assessment may be sold at judicial foreclosure sale. This foreclosure sale procedure is not mandatory. However, pursuant to the Indenture, the City will covenant for the benefit of the Bondowners that it will determine no later than August 15 of each fiscal year in which Bonds are outstanding, whether or not any owners of the real property within the Reassessment District are delinquent in the payment of Reassessment Installments. Thereafter, the City will commence judicial foreclosure proceedings no later than November 1 of any year (i) against parcels with aggregate delinquent Reassessment Installments (including prior years) of $10,000 or more following the close of the fiscal year in which such Reassessment Installments were due, (ii) against parcels owned by any single owner with delinquent Reassessment Installments in the aggregate amount (including prior years) of $10,000 or more, and (iii) against all parcels with delinquent Reassessment Installments regardless of the delinquent amount during any period in which the amount on deposit in the Reserve Fund is less than the Reserve Requirement. The 1913 Act provides that the court in a foreclosure proceeding has the power to order property securing delinquent Reassessment Installments to be sold for an amount not less than all Reassessment Installments, interest, penalties, costs, fees, and other charges that are delinquent at the time the foreclosure action is ordered, and certain other fees and amounts as provided therein (the “Minimum Price”). The court may also include subsequent delinquent Reassessment Installments and all other delinquent amounts. The City may, at its discretion, but is not required to, become the purchaser of any property sold in a foreclosure proceeding. If the City becomes the purchaser, it shall pay into the Redemption Fund an amount necessary to satisfy the judgment, less any advances by the City to cover delinquent Reassessment Installments plus simple interest on such net amount, at the interest rates borne by the Bonds, from the dates of delinquency. Unless such property is subsequently resold, the City must transfer to the Redemption Fund any future Reassessment Installments pending redemption. The City may thereupon be reimbursed for any amount 13 advanced from the City to the Redemption Fund to cover such future Reassessment Installments with respect to the property so sold from the proceeds of such sale. If the property is sold to a purchaser other than the City, the City shall deposit the proceeds from the sale of the property into the Redemption Fund. From such amount, the City shall reimburse the Reserve Fund the amount, if any, of funds advanced from the Reserve Fund to the Redemption Fund to cover the delinquent Reassessment Installments with respect to the property which is sold. After reimbursement of the Reserve Fund, the City may be reimbursed for any other amounts advanced from it to the Redemption Fund to cover delinquent Reassessment Installments and interest with respect to the property sold in such proceedings. Any funds in excess of the amount necessary to reimburse the City may be applied by the City to pay interest and penalties, costs, fees and other charges, to the extent they were included in the sales proceeds. If the property to be sold fails to sell for the Minimum Price, the City may petition the court to modify the judgment so that the property may be sold at a lesser price or without a Minimum Price. Notice of the hearing on such petition must be given to all Bondowners. In certain circumstances, the court may modify the judgment after the hearing to permit the sale of the property at a price lower than the Minimum Price if the court makes certain determinations, including determinations that the sale at less than the Minimum Price will not result in an ultimate loss to Bondowners or that Bondowners of at least 75% of the principal amount of Bonds outstanding have consented to the petition and certain other circumstances described in the statute exist. Neither the property owner nor any holder of a security interest in the property nor any defendant in the foreclosure action may purchase the property at the foreclosure sale for less than the Minimum Price. A period of 120 days must elapse after the date notice of levy of the interest in real property is served on the judgment debtor before the sale of such lot or parcel with more than 4 dwelling units can be made. However, pursuant to Streets and Highways Code Section 8832, the 120 day period may be shortened to 20 days for parcels with not more than 4 dwelling units. If the judgment debtor fails to redeem, and if the purchaser at the sale is the judgment creditor (e.g., the City), an action may be commenced by the delinquent property owner within 90 days after the date of sale to set aside such sale. The constitutionality of the repeal of the one year redemption period has not been tested; and there can be no assurance that, if tested, such legislation will be upheld. In the event court foreclosure proceedings are commenced by the City, there may be delays in payments to Owners of the Bonds pending prosecution of the foreclosure proceedings to completion, including the receipt of the City of the proceeds of the foreclosure sale. It is also possible that no qualified bid will be received at the foreclosure sale. See “BONDOWNERS’ RISKS”. Priority of Reassessment Lien The Reassessments (and any further assessment or reassessment) including each installment thereof and any related interest and penalties constitute a lien against the lots and parcels of land on which they were imposed until paid. Such lien has priority over all fixed special assessment liens which may thereafter be created against the property, and also has priority over all private liens, including the lien of any mortgage or deed of trust whenever created. Such lien is co-equal to and independent of the lien for general taxes and special taxes. See “THE REASSESSMENT DISTRICT — Direct and Overlapping Indebtedness” and “BONDOWNERS’ RISKS — FDIC/Federal Government Interests in Parcels.” No Additional Bonds The City is not authorized to issue additional bonds (other than the Bonds or any refunding bonds) secured by the Reassessments. See “THE BONDS — Refunding Bonds” above. 14 Maximum Annual Reassessment for Administrative Costs and Expenses The costs associated with administering the Reassessment District will be spread to each parcel in the Reassessment District with unpaid Reassessments on a pro-rata basis. Administrative costs for the Reassessment District cannot exceed 5% of the total annual Reassessments per individual Reassessment parcel collected each year. THE REASSESSMENT DISTRICT Description of the Reassessment District The Reassessment District includes all of the property within Assessment District No. 2002-01 and Benefit Area No. 1 of Assessment District No. 2003-01 with the exception of 3 parcels for which the Assessments levied against them have been prepaid. The Reassessment District encompasses 2,020 parcels consisting of 1,482 parcels for single family detached homes, 375 parcels for multi-family units, 85 commercial parcels, 26 industrial parcels, 4 other developed parcels, and 48 undeveloped parcels. Assessment District No. 2002-01 is located in the east central portion of the City, southeast of the McClellan-Palomar Airport. Assessment District No. 2002-01 (Poinsettia Lane East) Assessment District No. 2002-01 encompasses two master plans: the Bressi Ranch Master Plan and the La Costa Greens portion of the Villages of La Costa Master Plan. The Bressi Ranch Master Plan consists of 5 planning areas containing office, industrial, and warehouse uses, seven planning areas of single family detached homes, one hundred units of affordable multifamily apartments, a small commercial site housing a gas station/mini-mart, a mixed-use area containing commercial and community facilities, a recreational vehicle storage area, a private school, numerous open space areas, and a large “Village Green.” The La Costa Greens is a residential development created to take advantage of the natural open space of the area. A pedestrian trail system links the individual neighborhoods and many homes have golf course and open space views. Assessment District No. 2002-01 consists primarily of developed parcels, including 1,275 residential parcels, of which 1,152 are single family detached homes and 123 are multi-family units, 85 commercial parcels, 26 industrial parcels, 4 other parcels∗, and 48 undeveloped parcels. Assessment District No. 2002-01 encompasses approximately 1,233 gross acres. The single family homes range in size from approximately 1,615 square feet in the Avellino community to approximately 6,219 square feet in the Magnolia Estates community. The multi-family units are income-restricted condominium homes ranging from 863 square feet to 1,121 square feet in the Mulberry community at Bressi Ranch. Benefit Area No. 1 (Calavera Hills II) of Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) is located in the northern portion of the City, primarily along College Boulevard south of State Highway 78. Assessment District No. 2003-01 encompasses a portion of the Calavera Hills II Master Plan which features 19 residential villages, 1 community park, 2 school sites, 2 community facility sites, 1 recreational vehicle storage facility and large areas of open space corridors. Further, the Assessment District sits adjacent to the Lake Calavera Preserve; the largest of 13 city owned, dedicated, and managed nature preserves in Carlsbad. This area is popular with hikers, mountain bikers, and nature lovers. Many homes in the Assessment District have views of the Lake Calavera Preserve. ∗ Includes a school, church, mausoleum, and an association storage. 15 Benefit Area No. 1 of Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) is fully developed and consists of 582 residential parcels, of which 330 are single family detached homes and 252 are multi-family units. Benefit Area No. 1 of Assessment District No. 2003-01 encompasses approximately 302 gross acres. The single family homes range in size from approximately 1,643 square feet in the Ravinia community to approximately 2,872 square feet in the Montaro community. The multi-family units consist of 46 triplex buildings and 19 six-plex buildings in the Mystic Point community. Although Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) also encompassed Benefit Area No. 2, which includes the primarily residential Robertson Ranch East development, assessments levied in Benefit Area No. 2, when and if levied, were not security for the 2004 Bonds, and are not security for the Bonds. Table 2 below summarizes the assessed values of the property within the Reassessment District for the current and previous fiscal years. TABLE 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD REASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2012-1 SUMMARY OF ASSESSED VALUES Fiscal Year Land Value(1) Structure Value(1) Total Assessed Value(1) 2008-09 $868,385,611 $690,721,600 $1,559,107,211 2009-10 739,218,419 678,085,138 1,417,303,557 2010-11 714,926,303 694,254,413 1,409,180,716 2011-12 707,668,162 738,623,360 1,446,291,522 2012-13 690,841,891 746,757,406 1,437,599,297 (1) Assessed Value is based upon San Diego County secured roll information as of January 1 prior to each fiscal year. Source: NBS Direct and Overlapping Indebtedness The ability of an owner of land within the Reassessment District to pay the Reassessment Installments could be affected by the existence of other taxes and assessments imposed upon the property. Those taxes and assessments that secure the repayment of overlapping debt in the Reassessment District are set forth by Assessment District in Tables 3-A and 3-B (together, the “Debt Report”). The Debt Report does not include the principal amount of the Bonds. The Debt Report has been derived from data assembled and reported to the City by California Municipal Statistics Inc. as of November 1, 2012. The Debt Report includes information for all parcels located within the Reassessment District, including those parcels which prepaid their Assessments or which had $0 Assessments. Neither the City nor the Underwriter has independently verified the information in the Debt Report and they do not guarantee its completeness or accuracy. 16 TABLE 3-A CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2002-01 (POINSETTIA LANE EAST) 2012-13 Local Secured Assessed Valuation: $1,194,737,265 DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING TAX AND ASSESSMENT DEBT Percent Applicable Debt as of 11/1/2012 Metropolitan Water District 0.057% $ 112,031 Palomar Community College District 0.315 1,003,508 Carlsbad Unified School District 5.471 10,738,692 San Marcos Unified School District 1.917 3,968,995 San Marcos Unified School District School Facilities Improvement District 2.086 177,269 City of Carlsbad Assessment District No. 2002-01 100.000 23,100,000(1) San Marcos Unified School District Community Facilities District No. 4 32.779 7,078,625 Total Direct And Overlapping Tax And Assessment Debt $46,179,120 (1) To be refunded from proceeds of the Bonds. Source: California Municipal Statistics, Inc. TABLE 3-B CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2003-01 (COLLEGE BOULEVARD AND CANNON ROAD EAST) BENEFIT AREA NO. 1 (CALAVERA HILLS II) 2012-13 Local Secured Assessed Valuation: $242,862,032 DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING TAX AND ASSESSMENT DEBT Percent Applicable Debt as of 11/1/2012 Metropolitan Water District 0.012% $ 23,585 Carlsbad Unified School District 1.459 2,863,782 City of Carlsbad Assessment District No. 2003-01 100.000 9,743,000(1) Total Direct And Overlapping Tax And Assessment Debt $12,630,367 (1) To be refunded from proceeds of the Bonds. Source: California Municipal Statistics, Inc. 17 Value-to-Reassessment Lien Ratios The value of the parcels within the Reassessment District with unpaid Reassessments is significant because in the event of a delinquency in the payment of Reassessment Installments, the Reassessment District may foreclose only against delinquent parcels. In fiscal year 2012-13, the assessed value of the property within the Reassessment District with unpaid Reassessments is $1,437,599,297. Based on 2012-13 assessed values, the Reassessment District has an assessed value-to-reassessment lien ratio of 43.77 to 1* (exclusive of the unpaid Assessments for fiscal year 2012-13 and the overlapping liens shown in Tables 3-A and 3-B). Table 4 below sets forth the assessed value-to-reassessment lien ratios for the parcels with unpaid Reassessments, excluding the overlapping liens shown in Tables 3-A and 3-B: TABLE 4∗ CITY OF CARLSBAD REASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2012-1 VALUE-TO-REASSESSMENT LIEN RATIOS BY ASSESSED VALUE Estimated Assessed Value to Reassessment Lien Ratio(1) No. of Parcels Total Reassessment % of the Total Reassessment Total Assessed Value(2) Average Value to Reassessment Lien Ratio(3) 0.00 to 4.99:1 5 $ 88,266 0.27% $ 327,587 3.71 5.00 to 9.99:1 10 601,690 1.83 5,488,492 9.12 10.00 to 14.99:1 13 499,223 1.52 5,659,508 11.34 15.00 to 19.99:1 132 4,123,992 12.56 71,098,238 17.24 20.00 to 29.99:1 376 7,011,736 21.35 172,714,147 24.63 Greater than 30:1 1,484 20,518,094 62.47 1,182,311,325 57.62 Total 2,020 $ 32,843,000 100.00 $ 1,437,599,297 43.77 (1) The numerator is the 2012-13 assessed value and the denominator equals the estimated Reassessment amount of $32,843,000*. (2) Land and structure values. Assessed Value is based upon 2012-13 San Diego County secured roll information as of January 1, 2012. (3) Excludes the overlapping liens shown in Tables 3-A and 3-B and unpaid Assessments for fiscal year 2012-13. Source: NBS ∗ Preliminary, subject to change. 18 Table 5 below sets forth the Reassessments and assessed property value and value to Reassessment lien by property type. TABLE 5∗ CITY OF CARLSBAD REASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2012-1 VALUE-TO-REASSESSMENT LIEN BY PROPERTY TYPE Category No. of Parcels 2012/13 Assessment Levy(1) Percentage of Total Levy Land Value(2) Structure Value(2) Total Assessed Value(2) Total Reassessments Assessed Value-to-Reassessment Lien Developed: Single-Family 1,482 $1,823,460 60.8% $462,718,597 $523,817,336 $986,535,933 $19,950,256 49.45 Multi-Family 375 409,355 13.6 71,468,719 65,919,741 137,388,460 4,635,869 29.64 Commercial 85 291,714 9.7 60,228,757 115,833,230 176,061,987 3,134,460 56.17 Industrial 26 65,989 2.2 14,985,540 25,820,292 40,805,832 707,643 57.66 Other(3) 4 75,382 2.5 15,553,081 15,264,807 30,817,888 811,271 37.99 Total Developed: 1,972 $2,665,900 88.8% $624,954,694 $746,655,406 $1,371,610,100 $29,239,498 46.91 Undeveloped: Single-Family 25 $24,793 0.8% $8,458,181 $0 $8,458,181 $265,334 31.88 Commercial 1 5,152 0.2 510,000 102,000 612,000 55,312 11.06 Industrial 22 305,153 10.2 56,919,016 0 56,919,016 3,282,856 17.34 Total Undeveloped: 48 $335,097 11.2% $65,887,197 $0 $65,989,197 $3,603,502 18.31 Total: 2,020 $3,000,997 100.0% $690,841,891 $746,757,406 $1,437,599,297 $32,843,000 43.77 (1) Represents the combined 2012-13 assessment levy of the Prior Assessment Districts. (2) Assessed Value is based upon 2012-13 San Diego County secured roll information as of January 1, 2012. (3) Excludes the overlapping liens shown in Tables 3-A and 3-B and unpaid Assessments for fiscal year 2012-13. Source: NBS ∗ Preliminary, subject to change. 19 Delinquencies in the Reassessment District As of October 31, 2012, 18 parcels within the Reassessment District with unpaid Reassessments had not paid either their first or second installment of property taxes and two additional parcels had not paid their second installment. Five of the parcels which have not paid either their first or second installment of property taxes are delinquent in their payment of fiscal year 2010-11 property taxes. The City does not participate in the County of San Diego Teeter Plan. The following table sets forth a history of the assessments levied and delinquencies within the Prior Assessment Districts since fiscal year 2007-08. TABLE 6 CITY OF CARLSBAD REASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2012-1 LEVIES AND DELINQUENCIES IN PRIOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS(1) Fiscal Year Amount Levied No. of Parcels Levied Amount Delinquent as of June 30 Percentage Delinquent as of June 30 No. of Parcels Delinquent as of June 30 Amount Delinquent as of October 31, 2012 Percentage Delinquent as of October 31, 2012 No. of Parcels Delinquent as of October 31, 2012 2007-08 $3,004,525 1,818 $143,270 4.77% 117 $ 0 0.00% 0 2008-09 3,003,371 1,867 118,816 3.96 97 2,575 0.09 2 2009-10 3,014,695 1,880 95,625 3.17 82 2,592 0.09 2 2010-11 3,002,626 1,922 89,455 2.98 94 8,939 0.30 5 2011-12 2,997,671 1,990 38,660 1.29 32 23,261 0.78 18 (1) Represents the combined 2012-13 assessment levy of the Prior Assessment Districts for the years shown. Source: NBS 20 Concentration of Ownership As summarized in Table 7 below, no property owner within the Reassessment District currently owns parcels responsible for more than 6% of the Reassessment lien, and the ten largest property owners are responsible for approximately 19% of the Reassessment lien. See “BONDOWNERS’ RISKS – Concentration of Ownership”. TABLE 7∗ CITY OF CARLSBAD REASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2012-1 TOP 10 REASSESSMENT PAYERS (1) Represents the combined fiscal year 2012-13 assessment levy of the prior assessment districts. (2) Assessed Value is based upon fiscal year 2012-13 San Diego County secured roll information as of January 1, 2012. (3) Excludes the overlapping liens shown in Tables 3-A and 3-B and unpaid Assessments for fiscal year 2012-13. (4) Slough Carlsbad, LLC has received discretionary approvals for the development of industrial buildings consisting of 6 two-story buildings ranging from 45,000 – 56,000 square feet with a total ground floor area of 300,000 square feet and 8 two-story office/industrial building totaling approximately 390,000 square feet, a parking deck, and 24,243 square feet of employee eating area. (5) Regency Bressi, LLC owns 7 industrial parcels in the Bressi Ranch Village Center. Bressi Ranch Village Center feature a mix of shops, services, restaurants, and eateries anchored by two markets. Businesses located on these parcels include two grocery stores, a Stater Brothers store and Trader Joe’s, multiple dining and specialty food offerings, including Tommy V’s Urban Kitchen & Bar, Peet’s Coffee & Tea, Board & Brew, Luna Grill, Rubio’s Fresh Mexican Grill, Souplantation Express, and shops such as Unleashed by Petco and Perfectly at Home, medical facilities such as Carlsbad Optometry and Gateway Dental, and services including 4G Verizon Wireless, Postal Annex, Premiere Cleaners, Reform Yoga and Twig Hair Lounge. Source: NBS ∗ Preliminary, subject to change. Owner No. of Parcels Description 2012/13 Assessment Levy(1) Percentage of Total Levy Total Assessed Value(2) Total Reassessments Value-to-Reassessment Lien Ratio(3) Slough Carlsbad LLC(4) 12 Vacant Industrial $ 152,257.40 5.07% $ 27,854,016 $ 1,637,820 17.01 Regency Bressi LLC(5) 7 Commercial & Vacant Commercial 126,404.22 4.21 56,066,170 1,360,231 41.22 Pacific Ridge School 1 Private School 66,893.02 2.23 27,600,139 720,297 38.32 Palomar Airport Road LLC 24 Commercial, Industrial & Vacant Industrial 54,965.98 1.83 15,942,000 590,467 27.00 Pivotal 650 California St LLC 4 Vacant Industrial 38,350.04 1.28 13,808,141 412,360 33.49 Slater Place LP 1 Vacant Industrial 29,594.34 0.99 3,075,734 318,573 9.65 Moderna Del Mar LLC 2 Commercial 26,800.52 0.89 12,400,000 288,310 43.01 Taylor Morrison of California LLC 30 Single-Family Homes & Vacant Residential 26,242.20 0.87 18,185,400 280,845 64.75 Bressi Development LLC 1 Commercial 23,847.90 0.79 8,194,260 256,682 31.92 ECR Corporate Center LP 1 Commercial 21,749.32 0.72 31,920,375 234,079 136.37 Sub-Total Top 10 Reassessment Payers 83 $ 567,104.94 18.90% $215,046,235 $6,099,664 35.26 All Other Reassessment Payers 1,937 $2,433,892.28 81.10% $1,222,553,062 $26,743,336 45.71 Total Reassessment Payers 2,020 $3,000,997.22 100.00% $1,437,599,297 $32,843,000 43.77 21 Tax Rates Property tax rates for single family residences in Assessment District No. 2002-01 range from approximately 1.31% to 1.70%. Property tax rates for single family residences in Benefit Area No. 1 of Assessment District No. 2003-01 range from approximately 1.54% to 1.82%. BONDOWNERS’ RISKS General In order to pay debt service on the Bonds, it is necessary that unpaid Reassessment Installments on parcels within the City are paid in a timely manner. The Reserve Fund will be used to pay debt service on the Bonds if delinquent Reassessment Installments should occur. The Reassessments are a lien on the parcels of land and the City has covenanted to institute foreclosure proceedings under certain circumstances against parcels with delinquent Reassessment Installments. Failure by owners of the parcels to pay Reassessment Installments when due, depletion of the Reserve Fund or the inability of the City to sell parcels which have been subject to foreclosure proceedings for amounts sufficient to cover the delinquent Reassessment Installments for such parcels may result in the inability of the City to make full or punctual payments of debt service on the Bonds, and Bondowners would therefore be adversely affected. The 1915 Act provides that except under certain circumstances property is to be sold upon foreclosure at a Minimum Price. “Minimum Price” as defined in the 1915 Act is the amount equal to the delinquent installments of principal or interest of the reassessment or assessment, together with all interest penalties, costs, fees, charges and other amounts more fully detailed in the 1915 Act. The court may authorize a sale at less than the Minimum Price if the court determines that sale at less than the Minimum Price will not result in an ultimate loss to the Bondowners or, under certain circumstances, if owners of 75% or more of the outstanding Bonds consent to such sale. There can be no assurance that foreclosure proceedings will occur in a timely manner so as to avoid depletion of the Reserve Fund and a delay in payments of debt service on the Bonds. See “SECURITY FOR THE BONDS — Covenant to Foreclose and Court Foreclosure Proceedings.” Unpaid Reassessment Installments do not constitute a personal indebtedness of the owners of the parcels within the Reassessment District. There is no assurance the owners will be able to pay the Reassessment Installments or that they will pay such installments even though financially able to do so. Concentration of Ownership Based upon development status and ownership as of the January 1, 2012 lien date, it is estimated that ten property owners within the Reassessment District would be responsible for approximately 19% of the Reassessments. Several of the properties owned by such property owners are either vacant or under construction. The level of concentration in the obligation to pay the Reassessments represents a risk to Bondowners. The receipt of the Reassessments is dependent on the willingness and the ability of the landowners to pay the Reassessments when due, which could be adversely affected by the landowners’ inability to lease and sell property within the Reassessment District due to commercial downturns, high vacancy rates or downturns in the residential or commercial markets. Failure of the landowners, or any successor, to pay the annual levies of Reassessments when due could result in a default in payments of the principal of, and interest on, the Bonds, when due. The only assets of landowners within the Reassessment District which constitute security for the payment of Reassessments is the landowners’ respective real property holdings located within the Reassessment District and subject to the reassessment. See “SECURITY FOR THE BONDS — Covenant to Foreclose and Court Foreclosure Proceedings”. 22 The concentration of ownership will change over time as the Reassessments levied on property in Benefit Area No. 1 of Assessment District No. 2003-01 cease after September 2, 2034. After September 2, 2034, the Bonds maturing on September 2, 2035 will be secured solely by property in Assessment District No. 2002-01. The ten largest property owners in Assessment District No. 2002-01 are the same as the those shown for the Reassessment District as a whole in Table 7. However, whereas the Reassessments to be levied upon these property owners constitute 18.90% of the total Reassessments to be levied in the Reassessment District, such Reassessments constitute 26.31% of the total Reassessments to be levied in Assessment District No. 2002-01. Delinquency Resulting in Ultimate or Temporary Loss on Bonds If a temporary deficiency occurs in the Redemption Fund with which to pay the principal of or interest on Bonds that have then matured, or the principal and interest on Bonds coming due during the current year, unless it appears to the Treasurer that there will be an ultimate loss to the Bondowners, the Treasurer shall cause the Trustee to pay the principal of Bonds which have matured as presented and make interest payments on the Bonds when due, as long as there are available funds in the Redemption Fund, in the order of priority and as required by the Indenture. If it appears to the Treasurer that there is a danger of an ultimate loss accruing to the Bondowners for any reason, the Treasurer is required pursuant to the 1915 Act to withhold payment on all matured Bonds and interest on all Bonds and report the facts to the City so that the City may take proper action to equitably protect all Bondowners. See APPENDIX C — “SUMMARY OF INDENTURE.” Non-Cash Payments of Reassessments The 1915 Act may permit the owner of a parcel that is subject to an unpaid Reassessment Installment to tender any Bond secured by such Reassessment in payment or partial payment of any installment of the Reassessment or interest or penalties thereon which may be due or payable. A Bond so tendered is to be accepted at the par amount thereof and credit is to be given for any interest thereon accrued to the date of the tender. Thus, if Bonds can be purchased at a discount, it may be to the advantage of a property owner to pay amounts due with respect to an assessment by tendering a Bond. Such a practice would decrease the cash flow available to the City to make payments with respect to other Bonds then outstanding and could result in a default in payment on the Bonds. Limited City Obligation Upon Delinquency Pursuant to the 1915 Act, the City has elected not to be obligated to advance funds from the treasury of the City for delinquent Reassessment Installments. The only obligation of the City with respect to such delinquencies and the consequent deficiencies in the Redemption Fund is to advance money to the Redemption Fund from the Reserve Fund. The City has no obligation to replenish the Reserve Fund except to the extent that delinquent Reassessment Installments are paid or proceeds from foreclosure sales are realized. There is no assurance that the balance in the Reserve Fund will always be adequate to pay all delinquent Reassessment Installments and if during the period of delinquency there are insufficient funds in the Reserve Fund, a delay may occur in payments to the Bondowners. Land Values The value of the property within the Reassessment District is a critical factor in determining the investment quality of the Bonds. If a property owner is delinquent in the payment of Reassessment Installments, the City’s only remedy is to commence foreclosure proceedings against the delinquent parcel in an attempt to obtain funds to pay the delinquent Reassessment Installments. Reductions in property values due to a downturn in the economy, physical events such as earthquakes, fires or floods, stricter land use regulations, delays in development or other events will adversely impact the security underlying the reassessments. See “THE REASSESSMENT DISTRICT — Value-to-Reassessment-Lien Ratios”. 23 The assessed values set forth in this Official Statement do not represent market values arrived at through an appraisal process and generally reflect only the sales price of a parcel when acquired by its current owner, adjusted annually by an amount determined by the County Assessor, generally not to exceed an increase of more than 2% per fiscal year. No assurance can be given that a parcel could actually be sold for its assessed value. No assurance can be given that any bid will be received for a parcel with delinquent Reassessment Installments offered for sale at foreclosure or, if a bid is received, that such bid will be sufficient to pay all delinquent Reassessment Installments. See “SECURITY FOR THE BONDS — Covenant to Foreclose and Court Foreclosure Proceedings.” Bankruptcy and Foreclosure The payment of Reassessments and the ability of the City to foreclose the lien of delinquent unpaid Reassessment Installments, as discussed in the section entitled “SECURITY FOR THE BONDS — Covenant to Foreclose and Court Foreclosure Proceedings”, may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, or other laws generally affecting creditors’ rights or by the law of the State of California relating to judicial foreclosure. In addition, the prosecution of a foreclosure could be delayed due to crowded local court calendars or procedural delays. The various legal opinions to be delivered concurrently with the delivery of the Bonds (including Bond Counsel’s approving legal opinion) will be qualified as to the enforceability of the various legal instruments by bankruptcy, reorganization, insolvency or other similar laws affecting the rights of creditors generally. Although bankruptcy proceedings would not cause the Reassessments to become extinguished, bankruptcy of a property owner could result in a delay in prosecuting superior court foreclosure proceedings and could result in delinquent Reassessment Installments not being paid in full. Where property is encumbered by liens securing mortgage loans, it is highly probable that bankruptcy of a property owner would delay foreclosure for an extended period of time. Such a delay would increase the likelihood of a delay or default in payment of the principal and interest on the Bonds. FDIC/Federal Government Interests in Parcels The ability of the City to collect interest and penalties specified by the Act and to foreclose the lien of delinquent Reassessment Installments may be limited in certain respects with regard to parcels in which the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (the “FDIC”) has or obtains an interest. Specifically, in the event that any financial institution making a loan which is secured by parcels is taken over by the FDIC and the applicable Reassessment Installment is not paid, the remedies available to the City may be constrained. The FDIC’s policy statement regarding the payment of state and local real property taxes (the “Policy Statement”) provides that taxes other than ad valorem taxes which are secured by a valid lien in effect before the FDIC acquired an interest in a property will be paid unless the FDIC determines that abandonment of its interests is appropriate. The Policy Statement provides that the FDIC generally will not pay installments of non-ad valorem taxes which are levied after the time the FDIC acquires its fee interest, nor will the FDIC recognize the validity of any lien to secure payment except in certain cases where the Resolution Trust Corporation had an interest in property on or prior to December 31, 1995. Moreover, the Policy Statement provides that, with respect to parcels on which the FDIC holds a mortgage lien, the FDIC will not permit its lien to be foreclosed out by a taxing authority without its specific consent, nor will the FDIC pay or recognize liens for any penalties, fines or similar claims imposed for the non-payment of taxes. If a parcel with unpaid Reassessments within the Reassessment District is owned by a federal governmental entity, or a private deed of trust secured by a parcel with unpaid Reassessments within the Reassessment District is owned by a federal governmental entity, the ability to foreclose on the parcel to 24 collect delinquent Reassessments may be limited. Federal courts have held that, based on the supremacy clause of the United States Constitution, in the absence of Congressional intent to the contrary, a state or local agency cannot foreclose to collect delinquent taxes or assessments if foreclosure would impair the federal government interest. This means that, unless Congress has otherwise provided, if a federal governmental entity owns a parcel with unpaid Reassessments within the Reassessment District but does not pay taxes and assessments levied on the parcel (including Reassessments), the applicable state and local governments cannot foreclose on the parcel to collect the delinquent taxes and assessments. Moreover, unless Congress has otherwise provided, if the federal government has a mortgage interest in the parcel and the City wishes to foreclose on the parcel as a result of delinquent Reassessments, the property cannot be sold at a foreclosure sale unless it can be sold for an amount sufficient to pay delinquent taxes and assessments on a parity with the Reassessments and preserve the federal government’s mortgage interest. In Rust v. Johnson (9th Circuit; 1979) 597 F.2d 174, the United States Court of Appeal, Ninth Circuit held that the Federal National Mortgage Association (“FNMA”) is a federal instrumentality for purposes of this doctrine, and not a private entity, and that, as a result, an exercise of state power over a mortgage interest held by FNMA constitutes an exercise of state power over property of the United States. The City has not undertaken to determine whether any federal governmental entity currently has, or is likely to acquire, any interest (including a mortgage interest) in any of the parcels with unpaid Reassessments within the Reassessment District, and therefore expresses no view concerning the likelihood that the risks described above will materialize while the Bonds are outstanding The City’s remedies may also be limited in the case of delinquent Reassessment Installments with respect to parcels in which other federal agencies (such as the Internal Revenue Service and the Drug Enforcement Administration) have or obtain an interest. The City is unable to predict what effect the application of the Policy Statement would have in the event of a delinquency with respect to a portion of the parcels in which the FDIC has or obtains an interest, although prohibiting the lien of the FDIC to be foreclosed out at a judicial foreclosure sale would prevent or delay the foreclosure sale. Natural Disasters The Reassessment District, like many California communities, may be subject to unpredictable seismic activity, fires, flood, or other natural disasters. Southern California is a seismically active area. Seismic activity represents a potential risk for damage to buildings, roads and property within the Reassessment District. In addition, land susceptible to seismic activity may be subject to liquefaction during the occurrence of such event. The City is located in an area of high fire risk. Significant wildfires have burned portions of the City in recent years including property adjacent to the Reassessment District. Risk of wildfire is significant for all property within the Reassessment District. The most likely potential earthquake risk for property in Reassessment District is from the Rose Canyon fault. Earthquakes from this source are expected to have a potential for seismic ground shaking with a maximum credible magnitude of 7.0 and a maximum probable magnitude of 6.25. The “maximum credible earthquake” is defined as the maximum earthquake that appears capable of occurring under the presently known tectonic framework, while the “maximum probable earthquake” is the maximum earthquake that is considered likely to occur during a 100-year time interval. In the event of a severe earthquake, fire, flood or other natural disaster, there may be significant damage to both property and infrastructure in the Reassessment District. As a result, a substantial portion of the property owners may be unable or unwilling to pay the Reassessment Installments when due. In addition, the value of land in the Reassessment District could be diminished in the aftermath of such a natural disaster, 25 reducing the resulting proceeds of foreclosure sales in the event of delinquencies in the payment of the Reassessment Installments. Hazardous Substances While government taxes, assessments and charges are a common claim against the value of a parcel, other less common claims may also be relevant. The value of a parcel may be reduced as a result of a claim with regard to a hazardous substance. In general, the owners and operators of a parcel may be required by law to remedy conditions relating to releases or threatened releases of hazardous substances. The federal Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, sometimes referred to as “CERCLA” or the “Super Fund Act”, is the most well-known and widely applicable of these laws, but California laws with regard to hazardous substances are also stringent and similar in effect. Under many of these laws, the owner (or operator) is obligated to remedy a hazardous substance condition of a parcel whether or not the owner (or operator) had anything to do with creating or handling the hazardous substance. The effect, therefore, should any of the parcels within the Reassessment District be affected by a hazardous substance, is to reduce the marketability and value by the costs of remedying the condition because the prospective purchaser of such a parcel will, upon becoming the owner of such parcel, become obligated to remedy the condition just as the seller of such a parcel is. Loss of Tax Exemption As discussed under the heading “CONCLUDING INFORMATION — Tax Matters,” interest on the Bonds could cease to be excluded from gross income for purposes of federal income taxation, retroactive to the date the Bonds were issued, as a result of future acts or omissions of the City. In addition, it is possible that future changes in applicable federal tax laws could cause interest on the Bonds to be included in gross income for federal income taxation or could otherwise reduce the equivalent taxable yield of such interest and thereby reduce the value of the Bonds. Limited Secondary Market There can be no guarantee that there will be a secondary market for the Bonds or, if a secondary market exists, that such Bonds can be sold for any particular price. Although the City has committed to provide certain statutorily-required financial and operating information, there can be no assurance that such information will be available to Bondowners on a timely basis. The failure to provide the required annual financial information does not give rise to monetary damages but merely an action for specific performance. Occasionally, because of general market conditions, lack of current information, the absence of a credit rating for the Bonds or because of adverse history or economic prospects connected with a particular issue, secondary marketing practices in connection with a particular issue are suspended or terminated. Additionally, prices of issues for which a market is being made will depend upon then prevailing circumstances. Such prices could be substantially different from the original purchase price. Future Debt Issuance The ability of an owner of land within the Reassessment District to pay the Reassessment Installments could be affected by the existence of other taxes and assessments imposed upon taxable parcels. In addition, the City and other public agencies whose boundaries overlap those of the Reassessment District could impose additional taxes or assessment liens on the property within the Reassessment District in order to finance public improvements or services to be located or provided inside of or outside of such area. The lien created on the property within the Reassessment District through the levy of such additional taxes may be on a parity with the lien of the Reassessments levied by the City. See “THE REASSESSMENT DISTRICT — Direct and Overlapping Indebtedness”. 26 The imposition of additional liens on a parity with the Reassessment Installments may reduce the ability or willingness of the landowners to pay the Reassessment Installments and increase the possibility that foreclosure proceeds will not be adequate to pay delinquent Reassessment Installments. The City does not have control over the ability of other entities and districts to issue indebtedness secured by special taxes, ad valorem taxes or assessments payable from all or a portion of the property within the Reassessment District. In addition, the landowners within the Reassessment District may, without the consent or knowledge of the City, petition other public agencies to issue public indebtedness secured by special taxes, ad valorem taxes or assessments. Any such special taxes, ad valorem taxes or assessments could reduce the estimated value-to-lien ratios for property within the Reassessment District described herein. Ballot Initiatives From time to time constitutional initiatives or other initiative measures may be adopted by California voters. The adoption of any such initiative might place limitations on the ability of the State, the County or local districts to increase revenues or to increase appropriations, or on the ability of the landowners to complete their developments. Constitutional Amendment – Articles XIIIC and XIIID An initiative measure commonly referred to as the “Right to Vote on Taxes Act” (the “Initiative”) was approved by the voters of the State of California at the November 5, 1996 general election. The Initiative added Article XIIIC (“Article XIIIC”) and Article XIIID (“Article XIIID”) to the California Constitution. According to the “Title and Summary” of the Initiative prepared by the California Attorney General, the Initiative limits “the authority of local governments to impose taxes and property-related assessments, fees and charges.” Article XIIID requires that, beginning July 1, 1997, the proceedings for the levy of any assessment by the City under the 1913 Act (including, if applicable, any increase in such assessment or any supplemental assessment under the 1913 Act) must be conducted in conformity with the provisions of Section 4 of Article XIIID. The City completed its proceedings for the levy of assessments in the Reassessment District on January 8, 2013 after complying with the procedural requirements of Section 4 of Article XIIID. Under Section 10400 of the 1913 Act, any challenge to the proceedings or the Reassessment must be brought within 30 days after the date the reassessment was levied. Article XIIIC removes limitations on the initiative power in matters of local taxes, assessments, fees and charges. Article XIIIC does not define the term “assessment”, and it is unclear whether this term is intended to include assessments or reassessments levied under the Act. In the case of the unpaid Reassessments which are pledged as security for payment of the Bonds, the 1915 Act provides a mandatory, statutory duty of the City and the County Auditor to post Reassessment Installments on account of the unpaid Reassessments to the property tax roll of the County each year while any of the Bonds are outstanding, commencing with property tax year 2013-14, in amounts equal to the principal of and interest on the Bonds coming due in the succeeding calendar year plus certain administrative costs. It is unlikely that the initiative power can be used to reduce or repeal the unpaid Reassessments or Assessments which are pledged as security for payment of the Bonds or to otherwise interfere with performance of the mandatory, statutory duty of the City and the County Auditor with respect to the unpaid Reassessments and Assessments which are pledged as security for payment of the Bonds. The interpretation and application of the Initiative has been and will continue to be determined by the courts with respect to a number of the matters discussed above, and it is not possible at this time to predict with certainty the outcome of any future determination. 27 CONCLUDING INFORMATION Continuing Disclosure The City has agreed to execute a Continuing Disclosure Agreement (the “Disclosure Agreement”) in connection with the delivery of the Bonds for the benefit of the Underwriter, holders and beneficial owners of the Bonds to provide certain financial information and operating data relating to the City no later than 270 days following the end of the City’s fiscal year (the “Annual Report”) and to provide notices of the occurrence of certain enumerated events (the “Listed Events”). The Annual Reports will be filed on behalf of the City by The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. (the “Dissemination Agent”) with the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board. Notices of Listed Events will be filed by the Dissemination Agent with the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board. The specific nature of the information to be included in the Annual Report and the notices of Listed Events is set forth in APPENDIX F — “FORM OF CITY CONTINUING DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT.” The City has agreed to execute the Disclosure Agreement in order to assist the Underwriter in complying with Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 15c2-12(b)(5) (the “Rule”). See APPENDIX F — “FORM OF CONTINUING DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT.” It should be noted that the City is required to file certain financial statements with the Annual Report. This requirement has been included in the Disclosure Agreement solely to satisfy the provisions of the Rule. The inclusion of this information does not mean that the Bonds are secured by any resources or property of the City other than the Reassessments and amounts pledged under the Indenture. See “BONDOWNERS’ RISKS — Limited City Obligation Upon Delinquency.” It should also be noted that the list of significant events which the City has agreed to report includes items related to credit enhancements and ratings. These items have been included in the list solely to satisfy the requirements of the Rule. The Bonds have not been assigned a credit rating and have no credit enhancement. The City believes that it complied in all material respects with its continuing disclosure undertakings under the Rule in the past five years. However, for the filings to be made in 2008 and 2009, for one of the City’s transactions, it is uncertain whether or not the audited financial statements to be filed with the corresponding Annual Reports were properly filed with all the required nationally recognized municipal securities information repositories. The City is currently investigating this and, should the City determine one or more of the required audited financial statements were not properly filed, will make remedial filings on EMMA of any such applicable financial statements. The City believes it has existing procedures that will ensure future compliance with its continuing disclosure undertakings on a timely basis. Legal Opinion Certain proceedings in connection with the issuance of the Bonds are subject to the approval of Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth, a Professional Corporation, Newport Beach, California, Bond Counsel (“Bond Counsel”). The opinion of Bond Counsel attesting to the validity of the Bonds will be delivered with each Bond. A form of the opinion to be delivered by Bond Counsel is set forth in Appendix D hereto. Certain legal matters will be passed upon for the City by the City Attorney and by Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth, a Professional Corporation, Newport Beach, California, as Disclosure Counsel. Certain legal matters will be passed upon for the Underwriter by its counsel, Jones Hall, A Professional Law Corporation, San Francisco, California. Tax Matters In the opinion of Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth, a Professional Corporation, Newport Beach, California, Bond Counsel, under existing statutes, regulations, rulings and judicial decisions, and assuming the accuracy of certain representations and compliance with certain covenants and requirements described herein, interest on the Bonds is excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes and is not an item of tax 28 preference for purposes of calculating the federal alternative minimum tax imposed on individuals and corporations. In the further opinion of Bond Counsel, interest on the Bonds is exempt from State of California personal income tax. Bond Counsel notes that, with respect to corporations, interest on the Bonds may be included as an adjustment in the calculation of alternative minimum taxable income which may affect the alternative minimum tax liability of such corporations. The difference between the issue price of a Bond (the first price at which a substantial amount of the Bonds of the same maturity is to be sold to the public) and the stated redemption price at maturity with respect to such Bond constitutes original issue discount. Original issue discount accrues under a constant yield method, and original issue discount will accrue to a Bond Owner before receipt of cash attributable to such excludable income. The amount of original issue discount deemed received by the Bond Owner will increase the Bond Owner’s basis in the Bond. In the opinion of Bond Counsel, the amount of original issue discount that accrues to the owner of a Bond is excluded from the gross income of such owner for federal income tax purposes, is not an item of tax preference for purposes of the federal alternative minimum tax imposed on individuals and corporations, and is exempt from State of California income tax. Bond Counsel’s opinion as to the exclusion from gross income of interest (and original issue discount) on the Bonds is based upon certain representations and certifications made by the City and others and is subject to the condition that the City complies with all requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code), that must be satisfied subsequent to the issuance of the Bonds to assure that interest (and original issue discount) on the Bonds will not become includable in gross income for federal income tax purposes. Failure to comply with such requirements of the Code might cause the interest (and original issue discount) on the Bonds to be included in gross income for federal income tax purposes retroactive to the date of issuance of the Bonds. The City has covenanted to comply with all such requirements. The amount by which a Bond Owner’s original basis for determining loss on sale or exchange in the applicable Bond (generally, the purchase price) exceeds the amount payable on maturity (or on an earlier call date) constitutes amortizable Bond premium, which must be amortized under Section 171 of the Code; such amortizable Bond premium reduces the Bond Owner’s basis in the applicable Bond (and the amount of tax- exempt interest received), and is not deductible for federal income tax purposes. The basis reduction as a result of the amortization of Bond premium may result in a Bond Owner realizing a taxable gain when a Bond is sold by the Owner for an amount equal to or less (under certain circumstances) than the original cost of the Bond to the Owner. Purchasers of the Bonds should consult their own tax advisors as to the treatment, computation and collateral consequences of amortizable Bond premium. The Internal Revenue Service (the “IRS”) has initiated an expanded program for the auditing of tax- exempt bond issues, including both random and targeted audits. It is possible that the Bonds will be selected for audit by the IRS. It is also possible that the market value of the Bonds might be affected as a result of such an audit of the Bonds (or by an audit of other similar bonds). It is possible that subsequent to the execution and delivery of the Bonds, there might be federal, state or local statutory changes (or judicial or regulatory interpretations of federal, state or local law) that affect the federal, state or local tax treatment of the Reassessment Installments or the market value of the Bonds. legislative changes have been proposed in congress, which, if enacted, would result in additional federal income tax being imposed on certain owners of tax-exempt state or local obligations, such as the Bonds. The introduction or enactment of any of such changes could adversely affect the market value or liquidity of the Bonds. No assurance can be given that, subsequent to the execution and delivery of the Bonds, such changes (or other changes) will not be introduced or enacted or interpretations will not occur. Before purchasing any of the Bonds, all potential purchasers should consult their tax advisors regarding possible statutory changes or judicial or regulatory changes or interpretations, and their collateral tax consequences relating to the Bonds. Bond Counsel’s opinions may be affected by actions taken (or not taken) or events occurring (or not occurring) after the Closing Date. Bond Counsel has not undertaken to determine, or to inform any person, 29 whether any such actions or events are taken or do occur. The Indenture and the Tax Certificate relating to the Bonds permit certain actions to be taken or to be omitted if a favorable opinion of Bond Counsel is provided with respect thereto. Bond Counsel expresses no opinion as to the effect on the exclusion from gross income of interest (and original issue discount) on the Bonds for federal income tax purposes with respect to any Bond if any such action is taken or omitted based upon the advice of counsel other than Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth, a Professional Corporation. Although Bond Counsel has rendered opinion that interest (and original issue discount) on the Bonds is excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes provided that the City continues to comply with certain requirements of the Code, the ownership of the Bonds and the accrual or receipt of interest (and original issue discount) with respect to the Bonds may otherwise affect the tax liability of certain persons. Bond Counsel expresses no opinion regarding any such tax consequences. Accordingly, before purchasing any of the Bonds, all potential purchasers should consult their tax advisors with respect to collateral tax consequences relating to the Bonds. A copy of the proposed form of opinion of Bond Counsel is attached hereto as Appendix D. Litigation There is no action, suit, or proceeding known by the City to be pending at the present time restraining or enjoining the delivery of the Bonds or in any way contesting or affecting the validity of the Bonds or any proceedings of the City taken with respect to the execution or delivery thereof. A no litigation certificate executed by the City will be required to be delivered to the Underwriter with respect to these matters simultaneously with the delivery of the Bonds. Financial Interests The fees being paid to the Underwriter, Financial Advisor, Bond Counsel, Disclosure Counsel and Underwriter’s Counsel are contingent upon the issuance and delivery of the Bonds. From time to time, Bond Counsel represents the Underwriter on matters unrelated to the Bonds. No Rating The City has not applied to and does not contemplate applying to any bond rating agency for the assignment of a rating on the Bonds. Underwriting The Bonds are being purchased by the Underwriter. The Underwriter has agreed to purchase the Bonds at a price of $____________ (aggregate principal amount of the Bonds, plus original issue premium in the amount of $______ and less an Underwriter’s discount of $_________). The Bond Purchase Agreement relating to the Bonds provides that the Underwriter will purchase all of the Bonds if any are purchased, the obligation to make such purchase being subject to certain terms and conditions set forth in the Bond Purchase Agreement, the approval of certain legal matters by counsel and certain other conditions. The Underwriter may offer and sell Bonds to certain dealers and others at prices lower than the offering prices stated on the inside cover page hereof. The offering prices may be changed from time to time by the Underwriter. 30 Miscellaneous All quotations from, and summaries and explanations of, the Indenture, the Continuing Disclosure Agreement and other statutes and documents contained herein do not purport to be complete, and reference is made to said documents and statutes for full and complete statements of their provisions. This Official Statement is submitted only in connection with the sale of the Bonds by the City. All estimates, assumptions, statistical information and other statements contained herein, while taken from sources considered reliable, are not guaranteed by the City or the Underwriter. The information contained herein should not be construed as representing all conditions affecting the City or the Bonds. The execution and delivery of this Official Statement have been authorized by the City. CITY OF CARLSBAD By: Interim City Manager APPENDIX A REASSESSMENT DIAGRAM [THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 REASSESSMENT DIAGRAMCITY OF CARLSBAD REASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2012-1CITY OF CARLSBADCOUNTY OF SAN DIEGOSTATE OF CALIFORNIAEL CA M REA L POINSETTIAESTRELLA DE MARQUAILLIMONITEDOVEMOORHENMARCASITECOBALTSWALLOWBRASSOLIVINEPERIDOT BLA CK S KIM M ER ORIOLESEA ROCKETSKIMMERARROYO WILLOWSANDPIPER BLACK MUSTARD717069684344414240373938727375741311131513551298128513371325132613821370128613681310129112771383133613541367137413201297128713691366135313141288137313561375131613761329136512921299133513711330131313171328132713001312136413771296129313631333133213611352130113021323136213031318130912941290138113241360133113571359133812781319135113041322129513441305130613081307128913721279135813431321134513421378133913501340134613471380133413411349134812804547 461284128113791283128248624LegendReassessment ParcelsPage 8 of 17¡00.035 0.07 0.105 0.140.0175MilesA-8 REASSESSMENT DIAGRAMCITY OF CARLSBAD REASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2012-1CITY OF CARLSBADCOUNTY OF SAN DIEGOSTATE OF CALIFORNIADOVEBRASS EL CAM REAL QUAILE S TRELLA D E MA R PRIVATE SANDPIPER TOURMALINEBERYLFELDSPARBRANTMERCURY BRASS BUTTONS PRIVATE7983740383977767814131280818384798271696870727375746463626567666142536585760591110201617181519525051494243444154565553454746482322242131323029282627253634333513681367136985 86 871366LegendReassessment ParcelsPage 9 of 17¡00.02 0.04 0.06 0.080.01MilesA-9 A-10 A-11 A-12 A-13 A-14 A-15 A-16 A-17 [THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] APPENDIX B EXCERPTS FROM REASSESSMENT REPORT [THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] Main Office 32605 Temecula Parkway, Suite 100 Temecula, CA 92592 Toll free: 800.676.7516 Fax: 951.296.1998 Regional Office 870 Market Street, Suite 1223 San Francisco, CA 94102 Toll free: 800.434.8349 Fax: 415.391.8439 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Preliminary Reassessment Report December 4, 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS REASSESSMENT 1 SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS 3 DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULES 4 COMPARISON OF AUDITOR’S RECORDS 5 REASSESSMENT ROLL 8 NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF PROPERTY OWNERS 9 METHOD OF REASSESSMENT 10 MAXIMUM ANNUAL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSESSMENT 11 CERTIFICATIONS 12 REASSESSMENT DIAGRAM 13 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Report 1 Prepared by NBS – December 4, 2012 REASSESSMENT WHEREAS, on , the City Council of the City of Carlsbad (the “City”), pursuant to the provisions of the Refunding Act of 1984 for 1915 Improvement Act Bonds (the “Act”), adopted Resolution No. (the “Resolution of Intention”) declaring its intention to refund the outstanding bonds (the “Prior Bonds”) of Assessment District No. 2002-01 (Poinsettia Lane East) and Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) Benefit Area No. 1 (Calaveras Hills II) (the “Assessment Districts”) and to levy reassessments on the property within the Assessment Districts as security for the refunding bonds; WHEREAS, the Resolution of Intention directed the undersigned to make and file a report presenting a schedule setting forth the unpaid principal and interest of the Prior Bonds to be refunded and the total amounts thereof, the total estimated principal amount of the reassessment and of the refunding bonds and the maximum interest thereon, together with an estimate of the cost of the reassessment and of issuing the refunding bonds, the auditor’s record showing the schedule of principal installments and interest on all unpaid original assessments and the total amounts thereof, the estimated amount of each reassessment, identified by reassessment number corresponding to the reassessment number of the reassessment diagram, together with a proposed auditor’s record for the reassessment, and reassessment diagram showing the Assessment Districts and the boundaries and dimensions of the subdivisions of land within the Assessment Districts. Each subdivision, including separate condominium interest as defined in Section 783 of the Civil Code, shall be given a separate number upon the reassessment diagram to which reference is hereby made for further particulars; NOW THEREFORE, the undersigned by virtue of the authorization provided in the Resolution of Intention has prepared this report regarding the reassessment to be levied pursuant to the Act on property within the Assessment Districts to accomplish the refunding of the Prior Bonds and which will be security for the refunding bonds. The amounts to be paid for said refunding, together with the expenses incidental thereto, and the reassessment balance are set forth herein. And I do hereby reassess and apportion the total amount of the cost and expenses of said reassessment and refunding upon the several lots, pieces or parcels or portions of lots or subdivisions of land liable therefore and benefited thereby, and hereinafter numbered to correspond with the numbers upon the attached reassessment diagram, upon each thereof, severally and respectively, as more particularly set forth in the reassessment roll attached and by reference made a part hereof. As required by the Act, a reassessment diagram hereto attached shows the Assessment Districts and also the boundaries and dimensions of the respective subdivisions of land within the Assessment Districts as the same existed at the time of the passage of the Resolution of Intention, each of which subdivisions having been given a separate number upon said reassessment diagram. Said reassessment is made upon the several subdivisions of land within the Assessment Districts in proportion to the unpaid principal amount of the original assessment recorded as a lien against each said subdivisions of land. The reassessment identification numbers set forth in the reassessment roll and elsewhere herein are the identifying numbers of the parcels of land within the Assessment Districts as they appear on the reassessment diagram. Each subdivision of land reassessed is described in the reassessment roll by reference to its parcel number as shown on the Assessor’s Maps of the County of San Diego for Fiscal Year 2012/13 and includes all such parcels. For a more particular description of said property, reference is hereby made to the deeds and maps on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder of said County. City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Report 2 Prepared by NBS – December 4, 2012 Notice is hereby given that serial refunding bonds to represent unpaid reassessments and bear interest at the rate of not to exceed twelve percent (12%) per annum, will be issued thereunder in the manner provided by the Act, and the last installment of such refunding bonds shall mature not later than September 2, 2035. Dated as of Stephanie Parson, NBS City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Report 3 Prepared by NBS – December 4, 2012 SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS Assessment District No. 2003-01 Assessment District (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) No. 2002-01 (Poinsettia Lane East) Benefit Area No. 1 (Calaveras Hills II)Total SOURCES: Bond Proceeds: Par Amount of Bonds $23,100,000.00 $9,743,000.00 $32,843,000.00 Other Sources of Funds Debt Service Reserve Fund $2,498,392.80 $1,200,420.87 $3,698,813.67 December 10 Installments (est)966,150.00 378,000.00 1,344,150.00 Surplus Construction Funds 4,462,000.00 0.00 4,462,000.00 Surplus Redemption Funds 812,294.68 127,488.01 939,782.69 $8,738,837.48 $1,705,908.88 $10,444,746.36 TOTAL SOURCES $31,838,837.48 $11,448,908.88 $43,287,746.36 USES: Refunding Escrow Deposits: Cash Deposit $29,345,946.25 $10,453,598.75 $39,799,545.00 Other Fund Deposits: Debt Service Reserve Fund 2,125,145.70 839,398.71 2,964,544.41 Delivery Date Expenses: Cost of Issuance 158,252.90 66,747.10 225,000.00 Underwriter’s Discount 207,900.00 87,687.00 295,587.00 Other Uses of Funds: Additional Proceeds 1,592.63 1,477.32 3,069.95 TOTAL USES $31,838,837.48 $11,448,908.88 $43,287,746.36 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Report 4 Prepared by NBS – December 4, 2012 DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULES Assessment District No. 2002-01 (Poinsettia Lane East) Refunded Bonds Original Debt Service Schedule Payment Interest Semi-Annual Date Rate Principal Interest Payment Total 9/2/2013 4.100% $715,000.00 $718,339.38 $1,433,339.38 $1,433,339.38 3/2/2014 703,681.88 703,681.88 9/2/2014 4.250% 745,000.00 703,681.88 1,448,681.88 2,152,363.75 3/2/2015 687,850.63 687,850.63 9/2/2015 4.400% 775,000.00 687,850.63 1,462,850.63 2,150,701.25 3/2/2016 670,800.63 670,800.63 9/2/2016 4.500% 810,000.00 670,800.63 1,480,800.63 2,151,601.25 3/2/2017 652,575.63 652,575.63 9/2/2017 4.550% 845,000.00 652,575.63 1,497,575.63 2,150,151.25 3/2/2018 633,351.88 633,351.88 9/2/2018 4.650% 885,000.00 633,351.88 1,518,351.88 2,151,703.75 3/2/2019 612,775.63 612,775.63 9/2/2019 4.750% 925,000.00 612,775.63 1,537,775.63 2,150,551.25 3/2/2020 590,806.88 590,806.88 9/2/2020 4.850% 970,000.00 590,806.88 1,560,806.88 2,151,613.75 3/2/2021 567,284.38 567,284.38 9/2/2021 4.875% 1,015,000.00 567,284.38 1,582,284.38 2,149,568.75 3/2/2022 542,543.75 542,543.75 9/2/2022 5.000% 1,065,000.00 542,543.75 1,607,543.75 2,150,087.50 3/2/2023 515,918.75 515,918.75 9/2/2023 5.050% 1,120,000.00 515,918.75 1,635,918.75 2,151,837.50 3/2/2024 487,638.75 487,638.75 9/2/2024 5.050% 1,175,000.00 487,638.75 1,662,638.75 2,150,277.50 3/2/2025 457,970.00 457,970.00 9/2/2025 5.150% 1,235,000.00 457,970.00 1,692,970.00 2,150,940.00 3/2/2026 426,168.75 426,168.75 9/2/2026 5.150% 1,295,000.00 426,168.75 1,721,168.75 2,147,337.50 3/2/2027 392,822.50 392,822.50 9/2/2027 5.150% 1,365,000.00 392,822.50 1,757,822.50 2,150,645.00 3/2/2028 357,673.75 357,673.75 9/2/2028 5.150% 1,435,000.00 357,673.75 1,792,673.75 2,150,347.50 3/2/2029 320,722.50 320,722.50 9/2/2029 5.150% 1,510,000.00 320,722.50 1,830,722.50 2,151,445.00 3/2/2030 281,840.00 281,840.00 9/2/2030 5.200% 1,585,000.00 281,840.00 1,866,840.00 2,148,680.00 3/2/2031 240,630.00 240,630.00 9/2/2031 5.200% 1,670,000.00 240,630.00 1,910,630.00 2,151,260.00 3/2/2032 197,210.00 197,210.00 9/2/2032 5.200% 1,755,000.00 197,210.00 1,952,210.00 2,149,420.00 3/2/2033 151,580.00 151,580.00 9/2/2033 5.200% 1,845,000.00 151,580.00 1,996,580.00 2,148,160.00 3/2/2034 103,610.00 103,610.00 9/2/2034 5.200% 1,940,000.00 103,610.00 2,043,610.00 2,147,220.00 3/2/2035 53,170.00 53,170.00 9/2/2035 5.200% 2,045,000.00 53,170.00 2,098,170.00 2,151,340.00 Totals $28,725,000.00 $20,015,591.88 $48,740,591.88 $48,740,591.88 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – December 4, 2012 Assessment District No. 2002-01 (Poinsettia Lane East) Refunded Bonds Actual Debt Service Schedule Net of all Bond Calls Payment Interest Semi-Annual Date Rate Principal Interest Payment Total 9/2/2013 4.100% $715,000.00 $715,946.25 $1,430,946.25 $1,430,946.25 3/2/2014 701,288.75 701,288.75 9/2/2014 4.250% 745,000.00 701,288.75 1,446,288.75 2,147,577.50 3/2/2015 685,457.50 685,457.50 9/2/2015 4.400% 775,000.00 685,457.50 1,460,457.50 2,145,915.00 3/2/2016 668,407.50 668,407.50 9/2/2016 4.500% 810,000.00 668,407.50 1,478,407.50 2,146,815.00 3/2/2017 650,182.50 650,182.50 9/2/2017 4.550% 840,000.00 650,182.50 1,490,182.50 2,140,365.00 3/2/2018 631,072.50 631,072.50 9/2/2018 4.650% 880,000.00 631,072.50 1,511,072.50 2,142,145.00 3/2/2019 610,612.50 610,612.50 9/2/2019 4.750% 920,000.00 610,612.50 1,530,612.50 2,141,225.00 3/2/2020 588,762.50 588,762.50 9/2/2020 4.850% 965,000.00 588,762.50 1,553,762.50 2,142,525.00 3/2/2021 565,361.25 565,361.25 9/2/2021 4.875% 1,010,000.00 565,361.25 1,575,361.25 2,140,722.50 3/2/2022 540,742.50 540,742.50 9/2/2022 5.000% 1,060,000.00 540,742.50 1,600,742.50 2,141,485.00 3/2/2023 514,242.50 514,242.50 9/2/2023 5.050% 1,115,000.00 514,242.50 1,629,242.50 2,143,485.00 3/2/2024 486,088.75 486,088.75 9/2/2024 5.050% 1,170,000.00 486,088.75 1,656,088.75 2,142,177.50 3/2/2025 456,546.25 456,546.25 9/2/2025 5.150% 1,230,000.00 456,546.25 1,686,546.25 2,143,092.50 3/2/2026 424,873.75 424,873.75 9/2/2026 5.150% 1,290,000.00 424,873.75 1,714,873.75 2,139,747.50 3/2/2027 391,656.25 391,656.25 9/2/2027 5.150% 1,360,000.00 391,656.25 1,751,656.25 2,143,312.50 3/2/2028 356,636.25 356,636.25 9/2/2028 5.150% 1,430,000.00 356,636.25 1,786,636.25 2,143,272.50 3/2/2029 319,813.75 319,813.75 9/2/2029 5.150% 1,505,000.00 319,813.75 1,824,813.75 2,144,627.50 3/2/2030 281,060.00 281,060.00 9/2/2030 5.200% 1,580,000.00 281,060.00 1,861,060.00 2,142,120.00 3/2/2031 239,980.00 239,980.00 9/2/2031 5.200% 1,665,000.00 239,980.00 1,904,980.00 2,144,960.00 3/2/2032 196,690.00 196,690.00 9/2/2032 5.200% 1,750,000.00 196,690.00 1,946,690.00 2,143,380.00 3/2/2033 151,190.00 151,190.00 9/2/2033 5.200% 1,840,000.00 151,190.00 1,991,190.00 2,142,380.00 3/2/2034 103,350.00 103,350.00 9/2/2034 5.200% 1,935,000.00 103,350.00 2,038,350.00 2,141,700.00 3/2/2035 53,040.00 53,040.00 9/2/2035 5.200% 2,040,000.00 53,040.00 2,093,040.00 2,146,080.00 Totals $28,630,000.00 $19,950,056.25 $48,580,056.25 $48,580,056.25 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – December 4, 2012 Assessment District No. 2002-01 (Poinsettia Lane East) Refunded Parcel's Aggregate Amortization Schedule Payment Interest Semi-Annual Date Rate Principal Interest Payment Total 9/2/2013 4.100% $712,696.12 $716,024.74 $1,428,720.86 $1,428,720.86 3/2/2014 701,414.47 701,414.47 9/2/2014 4.250% 742,599.46 701,414.47 1,444,013.93 2,145,428.39 3/2/2015 685,634.23 685,634.23 9/2/2015 4.400% 772,502.79 685,634.23 1,458,137.02 2,143,771.25 3/2/2016 668,639.17 668,639.17 9/2/2016 4.500% 807,390.01 668,639.17 1,476,029.18 2,144,668.35 3/2/2017 650,472.89 650,472.89 9/2/2017 4.550% 842,277.24 650,472.89 1,492,750.13 2,143,223.02 3/2/2018 631,311.09 631,311.09 9/2/2018 4.650% 882,148.35 631,311.09 1,513,459.44 2,144,770.52 3/2/2019 610,801.14 610,801.14 9/2/2019 4.750% 922,019.46 610,801.14 1,532,820.60 2,143,621.74 3/2/2020 588,903.17 588,903.17 9/2/2020 4.850% 966,874.46 588,903.17 1,555,777.64 2,144,680.81 3/2/2021 565,456.47 565,456.47 9/2/2021 4.875% 1,011,729.46 565,456.47 1,577,185.93 2,142,642.40 3/2/2022 540,795.56 540,795.56 9/2/2022 5.000% 1,061,568.35 540,795.56 1,602,363.92 2,143,159.48 3/2/2023 514,256.35 514,256.35 9/2/2023 5.050% 1,116,391.13 514,256.35 1,630,647.49 2,144,903.84 3/2/2024 486,067.48 486,067.48 9/2/2024 5.050% 1,171,213.91 486,067.48 1,657,281.39 2,143,348.87 3/2/2025 456,494.33 456,494.33 9/2/2025 5.150% 1,231,020.58 456,494.33 1,687,514.91 2,144,009.23 3/2/2026 424,795.55 424,795.55 9/2/2026 5.150% 1,290,827.25 424,795.55 1,715,622.79 2,140,418.34 3/2/2027 391,556.75 391,556.75 9/2/2027 5.150% 1,360,601.69 391,556.75 1,752,158.44 2,143,715.18 3/2/2028 356,521.25 356,521.25 9/2/2028 5.150% 1,430,376.14 356,521.25 1,786,897.39 2,143,418.64 3/2/2029 319,689.07 319,689.07 9/2/2029 5.150% 1,505,134.47 319,689.07 1,824,823.54 2,144,512.61 3/2/2030 280,931.85 280,931.85 9/2/2030 5.200% 1,579,892.81 280,931.85 1,860,824.66 2,141,756.51 3/2/2031 239,854.64 239,854.64 9/2/2031 5.200% 1,664,618.92 239,854.64 1,904,473.56 2,144,328.20 3/2/2032 196,574.55 196,574.55 9/2/2032 5.200% 1,749,345.03 196,574.55 1,945,919.58 2,142,494.13 3/2/2033 151,091.58 151,091.58 9/2/2033 5.200% 1,839,055.03 151,091.58 1,990,146.61 2,141,238.19 3/2/2034 103,276.15 103,276.15 9/2/2034 5.200% 1,933,748.92 103,276.15 2,037,025.07 2,140,301.22 3/2/2035 52,998.68 52,998.68 9/2/2035 5.200% 2,038,410.59 52,998.68 2,091,409.27 2,144,407.94 Totals $28,632,442.19 $19,951,097.55 $48,583,539.74 $48,583,539.74 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – December 4, 2012 Assessment District No. 2002-01 (Poinsettia Lane East) Refunding Bonds Original Debt Service Schedule Payment Interest Semi-Annual Date Rate Principal Interest Payment Total 9/2/2013 2.112%$0.00 $604,937.88 $604,937.88 $604,937.88 3/2/2014 516,093.28 516,093.28 9/2/2014 2.112%1,110,000 516,093.28 1,626,093.28 2,142,186.56 3/2/2015 504,374.00 504,374.00 9/2/2015 2.459%695,000 504,374.00 1,199,374.00 1,703,747.99 3/2/2016 495,829.46 495,829.46 9/2/2016 2.809%710,000 495,829.46 1,205,829.46 1,701,658.92 3/2/2017 485,858.07 485,858.07 9/2/2017 3.159%725,000 485,858.07 1,210,858.07 1,696,716.14 3/2/2018 474,406.25 474,406.25 9/2/2018 3.359%750,000 474,406.25 1,224,406.25 1,698,812.50 3/2/2019 461,810.65 461,810.65 9/2/2019 3.659%775,000 461,810.65 1,236,810.65 1,698,621.29 3/2/2020 447,632.20 447,632.20 9/2/2020 3.909%800,000 447,632.20 1,247,632.20 1,695,264.39 3/2/2021 431,996.71 431,996.71 9/2/2021 4.159%830,000 431,996.71 1,261,996.71 1,693,993.41 3/2/2022 414,737.13 414,737.13 9/2/2022 4.359%865,000 414,737.13 1,279,737.13 1,694,474.26 3/2/2023 395,884.44 395,884.44 9/2/2023 4.509%905,000 395,884.44 1,300,884.44 1,696,768.88 3/2/2024 375,479.85 375,479.85 9/2/2024 4.559%945,000 375,479.85 1,320,479.85 1,695,959.70 3/2/2025 353,938.08 353,938.08 9/2/2025 4.659%990,000 353,938.08 1,343,938.08 1,697,876.15 3/2/2026 330,875.43 330,875.43 9/2/2026 4.759%1,035,000 330,875.43 1,365,875.43 1,696,750.85 3/2/2027 306,246.49 306,246.49 9/2/2027 4.809%1,085,000 306,246.49 1,391,246.49 1,697,492.97 3/2/2028 280,156.70 280,156.70 9/2/2028 4.859%1,140,000 280,156.70 1,420,156.70 1,700,313.40 3/2/2029 252,460.07 252,460.07 9/2/2029 4.959%1,195,000 252,460.07 1,447,460.07 1,699,920.14 3/2/2030 222,828.73 222,828.73 9/2/2030 5.009%1,250,000 222,828.73 1,472,828.73 1,695,657.46 3/2/2031 191,521.67 191,521.67 9/2/2031 5.059%1,315,000 191,521.67 1,506,521.67 1,698,043.33 3/2/2032 158,259.61 158,259.61 9/2/2032 5.209%1,380,000 158,259.61 1,538,259.61 1,696,519.22 3/2/2033 122,318.06 122,318.06 9/2/2033 5.309%1,455,000 122,318.06 1,577,318.06 1,699,636.11 3/2/2034 83,693.34 83,693.34 9/2/2034 5.309%1,530,000 83,693.34 1,613,693.34 1,697,386.68 3/2/2035 43,078.33 43,078.33 9/2/2035 5.335%1,615,000 43,078.33 1,658,078.33 1,701,156.66 Totals $23,100,000.00 $15,303,894.89 $38,403,894.89 $38,403,894.89 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – December 4, 2012 Assessment District No. 2002-01 (Poinsettia Lane East) Comparison of Refunded Parcel's Aggregate Amortization Schedule and Refunding Bonds Payment Refunded Parcel Aggregate Refunding Bonds Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $712,696.12 $716,024.74 $0.00 $604,937.88 $712,696.12 $111,086.86 $823,782.98 3/2/2014 701,414.47 516,093.28 185,321.19 9/2/2014 742,599.46 701,414.47 1,110,000.00 516,093.28 (367,400.54) 185,321.19 3,241.83 3/2/2015 685,634.23 504,374.00 181,260.23 9/2/2015 772,502.79 685,634.23 695,000.00 504,374.00 77,502.79 181,260.23 440,023.26 3/2/2016 668,639.17 495,829.46 172,809.71 9/2/2016 807,390.01 668,639.17 710,000.00 495,829.46 97,390.01 172,809.71 443,009.43 3/2/2017 650,472.89 485,858.07 164,614.82 9/2/2017 842,277.24 650,472.89 725,000.00 485,858.07 117,277.24 164,614.82 446,506.88 3/2/2018 631,311.09 474,406.25 156,904.84 9/2/2018 882,148.35 631,311.09 750,000.00 474,406.25 132,148.35 156,904.84 445,958.02 3/2/2019 610,801.14 461,810.65 148,990.49 9/2/2019 922,019.46 610,801.14 775,000.00 461,810.65 147,019.46 148,990.49 445,000.45 3/2/2020 588,903.17 447,632.20 141,270.98 9/2/2020 966,874.46 588,903.17 800,000.00 447,632.20 166,874.46 141,270.98 449,416.42 3/2/2021 565,456.47 431,996.71 133,459.76 9/2/2021 1,011,729.46 565,456.47 830,000.00 431,996.71 181,729.46 133,459.76 448,648.99 3/2/2022 540,795.56 414,737.13 126,058.43 9/2/2022 1,061,568.35 540,795.56 865,000.00 414,737.13 196,568.35 126,058.43 448,685.22 3/2/2023 514,256.35 395,884.44 118,371.91 9/2/2023 1,116,391.13 514,256.35 905,000.00 395,884.44 211,391.13 118,371.91 448,134.96 3/2/2024 486,067.48 375,479.85 110,587.63 9/2/2024 1,171,213.91 486,067.48 945,000.00 375,479.85 226,213.91 110,587.63 447,389.17 3/2/2025 456,494.33 353,938.08 102,556.25 9/2/2025 1,231,020.58 456,494.33 990,000.00 353,938.08 241,020.58 102,556.25 446,133.08 3/2/2026 424,795.55 330,875.43 93,920.12 9/2/2026 1,290,827.25 424,795.55 1,035,000.00 330,875.43 255,827.25 93,920.12 443,667.49 3/2/2027 391,556.75 306,246.49 85,310.26 9/2/2027 1,360,601.69 391,556.75 1,085,000.00 306,246.49 275,601.69 85,310.26 446,222.21 3/2/2028 356,521.25 280,156.70 76,364.55 9/2/2028 1,430,376.14 356,521.25 1,140,000.00 280,156.70 290,376.14 76,364.55 443,105.24 3/2/2029 319,689.07 252,460.07 67,229.00 9/2/2029 1,505,134.47 319,689.07 1,195,000.00 252,460.07 310,134.47 67,229.00 444,592.47 3/2/2030 280,931.85 222,828.73 58,103.12 9/2/2030 1,579,892.81 280,931.85 1,250,000.00 222,828.73 329,892.81 58,103.12 446,099.05 3/2/2031 239,854.64 191,521.67 48,332.98 9/2/2031 1,664,618.92 239,854.64 1,315,000.00 191,521.67 349,618.92 48,332.98 446,284.87 3/2/2032 196,574.55 158,259.61 38,314.94 9/2/2032 1,749,345.03 196,574.55 1,380,000.00 158,259.61 369,345.03 38,314.94 445,974.91 3/2/2033 151,091.58 122,318.06 28,773.52 9/2/2033 1,839,055.03 151,091.58 1,455,000.00 122,318.06 384,055.03 28,773.52 441,602.08 3/2/2034 103,276.15 83,693.34 19,582.81 9/2/2034 1,933,748.92 103,276.15 1,530,000.00 83,693.34 403,748.92 19,582.81 442,914.54 3/2/2035 52,998.68 43,078.33 9,920.35 9/2/2032 2,038,410.59 52,998.68 1,615,000.00 43,078.33 423,410.59 9,920.35 443,251.28 Totals $28,632,442.19 $19,951,097.55 $23,100,000.00 $15,303,894.89 $5,532,442.19 $4,647,202.66 $10,179,644.85 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – December 4, 2012 Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) Benefit Area No. 1 (Calaveras Hills II) Refunded Bonds Original Debt Service Schedule Payment Interest Semi-Annual Date Rate Principal Interest Payment Total 9/2/2013 5.150% $240,000.00 $298,898.75 $538,898.75 $538,898.75 3/2/2014 292,718.75 292,718.75 9/2/2014 5.300% 255,000.00 292,718.75 547,718.75 840,437.50 3/2/2015 285,961.25 285,961.25 9/2/2015 5.400% 270,000.00 285,961.25 555,961.25 841,922.50 3/2/2016 278,671.25 278,671.25 9/2/2016 5.500% 285,000.00 278,671.25 563,671.25 842,342.50 3/2/2017 270,833.75 270,833.75 9/2/2017 5.600% 300,000.00 270,833.75 570,833.75 841,667.50 3/2/2018 262,433.75 262,433.75 9/2/2018 5.650% 315,000.00 262,433.75 577,433.75 839,867.50 3/2/2019 253,535.00 253,535.00 9/2/2019 5.700% 335,000.00 253,535.00 588,535.00 842,070.00 3/2/2020 243,987.50 243,987.50 9/2/2020 5.750% 350,000.00 243,987.50 593,987.50 837,975.00 3/2/2021 233,925.00 233,925.00 9/2/2021 5.950% 370,000.00 233,925.00 603,925.00 837,850.00 3/2/2022 222,917.50 222,917.50 9/2/2022 5.950% 395,000.00 222,917.50 617,917.50 840,835.00 3/2/2023 211,166.25 211,166.25 9/2/2023 5.950% 420,000.00 211,166.25 631,166.25 842,332.50 3/2/2024 198,671.25 198,671.25 9/2/2024 5.950% 445,000.00 198,671.25 643,671.25 842,342.50 3/2/2025 185,432.50 185,432.50 9/2/2025 5.950% 470,000.00 185,432.50 655,432.50 840,865.00 3/2/2026 171,450.00 171,450.00 9/2/2026 6.000% 495,000.00 171,450.00 666,450.00 837,900.00 3/2/2027 156,600.00 156,600.00 9/2/2027 6.000% 525,000.00 156,600.00 681,600.00 838,200.00 3/2/2028 140,850.00 140,850.00 9/2/2028 6.000% 560,000.00 140,850.00 700,850.00 841,700.00 3/2/2029 124,050.00 124,050.00 9/2/2029 6.000% 590,000.00 124,050.00 714,050.00 838,100.00 3/2/2030 106,350.00 106,350.00 9/2/2030 6.000% 630,000.00 106,350.00 736,350.00 842,700.00 3/2/2031 87,450.00 87,450.00 9/2/2031 6.000% 665,000.00 87,450.00 752,450.00 839,900.00 3/2/2032 67,500.00 67,500.00 9/2/2032 6.000% 705,000.00 67,500.00 772,500.00 840,000.00 3/2/2033 46,350.00 46,350.00 9/2/2033 6.000% 750,000.00 46,350.00 796,350.00 842,700.00 3/2/2034 23,850.00 23,850.00 9/2/2034 6.000% 795,000.00 23,850.00 818,850.00 842,700.00 Totals $10,165,000.00 $8,028,306.25 $18,193,306.25 $18,193,306.25 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – December 4, 2012 Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) Benefit Area No. 1 (Calaveras Hills II) Refunded Bonds Actual Debt Service Schedule Net of all Bond Calls Payment Interest Semi-Annual Date Rate Principal Interest Payment Total 9/2/2013 5.150% $240,000.00 $298,598.75 $538,598.75 $538,598.75 3/2/2014 292,418.75 292,418.75 9/2/2014 5.300% 255,000.00 292,418.75 547,418.75 839,837.50 3/2/2015 285,661.25 285,661.25 9/2/2015 5.400% 270,000.00 285,661.25 555,661.25 841,322.50 3/2/2016 278,371.25 278,371.25 9/2/2016 5.500% 285,000.00 278,371.25 563,371.25 841,742.50 3/2/2017 270,533.75 270,533.75 9/2/2017 5.600% 300,000.00 270,533.75 570,533.75 841,067.50 3/2/2018 262,133.75 262,133.75 9/2/2018 5.650% 315,000.00 262,133.75 577,133.75 839,267.50 3/2/2019 253,235.00 253,235.00 9/2/2019 5.700% 335,000.00 253,235.00 588,235.00 841,470.00 3/2/2020 243,687.50 243,687.50 9/2/2020 5.750% 350,000.00 243,687.50 593,687.50 837,375.00 3/2/2021 233,625.00 233,625.00 9/2/2021 5.950% 370,000.00 233,625.00 603,625.00 837,250.00 3/2/2022 222,617.50 222,617.50 9/2/2022 5.950% 395,000.00 222,617.50 617,617.50 840,235.00 3/2/2023 210,866.25 210,866.25 9/2/2023 5.950% 420,000.00 210,866.25 630,866.25 841,732.50 3/2/2024 198,371.25 198,371.25 9/2/2024 5.950% 445,000.00 198,371.25 643,371.25 841,742.50 3/2/2025 185,132.50 185,132.50 9/2/2025 5.950% 470,000.00 185,132.50 655,132.50 840,265.00 3/2/2026 171,150.00 171,150.00 9/2/2026 6.000% 495,000.00 171,150.00 666,150.00 837,300.00 3/2/2027 156,300.00 156,300.00 9/2/2027 6.000% 525,000.00 156,300.00 681,300.00 837,600.00 3/2/2028 140,550.00 140,550.00 9/2/2028 6.000% 560,000.00 140,550.00 700,550.00 841,100.00 3/2/2029 123,750.00 123,750.00 9/2/2029 6.000% 590,000.00 123,750.00 713,750.00 837,500.00 3/2/2030 106,050.00 106,050.00 9/2/2030 6.000% 630,000.00 106,050.00 736,050.00 842,100.00 3/2/2031 87,150.00 87,150.00 9/2/2031 6.000% 665,000.00 87,150.00 752,150.00 839,300.00 3/2/2032 67,200.00 67,200.00 9/2/2032 6.000% 705,000.00 67,200.00 772,200.00 839,400.00 3/2/2033 46,050.00 46,050.00 9/2/2033 6.000% 745,000.00 46,050.00 791,050.00 837,100.00 3/2/2034 23,700.00 23,700.00 9/2/2034 6.000% 790,000.00 23,700.00 813,700.00 837,400.00 Totals $10,155,000.00 $8,015,706.25 $18,170,706.25 $18,170,706.25 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – December 4, 2012 Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) Benefit Area No. 1 (Calaveras Hills II) Refunded Parcel's Aggregate Amortization Schedule Payment Interest Semi-Annual Date Rate Principal Interest Payment Total 9/2/2013 5.150% $239,720.72 $298,550.93 $538,271.65 $538,271.65 3/2/2014 292,378.12 292,378.12 9/2/2014 5.300% 254,703.27 292,378.12 547,081.39 839,459.52 3/2/2015 285,628.49 285,628.49 9/2/2015 5.400% 269,685.81 285,628.49 555,314.30 840,942.79 3/2/2016 278,346.97 278,346.97 9/2/2016 5.500% 284,668.36 278,346.97 563,015.33 841,362.30 3/2/2017 270,518.59 270,518.59 9/2/2017 5.600% 299,650.90 270,518.59 570,169.49 840,688.08 3/2/2018 262,128.37 262,128.37 9/2/2018 5.650% 314,633.45 262,128.37 576,761.81 838,890.18 3/2/2019 253,239.97 253,239.97 9/2/2019 5.700% 334,610.17 253,239.97 587,850.14 841,090.12 3/2/2020 243,703.58 243,703.58 9/2/2020 5.750% 349,592.72 243,703.58 593,296.30 836,999.88 3/2/2021 233,652.79 233,652.79 9/2/2021 5.950% 369,569.45 233,652.79 603,222.24 836,875.03 3/2/2022 222,658.10 222,658.10 9/2/2022 5.950% 394,540.35 222,658.10 617,198.45 839,856.55 3/2/2023 210,920.52 210,920.52 9/2/2023 5.950% 419,511.26 210,920.52 630,431.79 841,352.31 3/2/2024 198,440.06 198,440.06 9/2/2024 5.950% 444,482.17 198,440.06 642,922.24 841,362.30 3/2/2025 185,216.72 185,216.72 9/2/2025 5.950% 469,453.08 185,216.72 654,669.80 839,886.52 3/2/2026 171,250.49 171,250.49 9/2/2026 6.000% 494,423.99 171,250.49 665,674.48 836,924.97 3/2/2027 156,417.77 156,417.77 9/2/2027 6.000% 524,389.08 156,417.77 680,806.85 837,224.62 3/2/2028 140,686.10 140,686.10 9/2/2028 6.000% 559,348.35 140,686.10 700,034.45 840,720.55 3/2/2029 123,905.65 123,905.65 9/2/2029 6.000% 589,313.44 123,905.65 713,219.09 837,124.74 3/2/2030 106,226.24 106,226.24 9/2/2030 6.000% 629,266.89 106,226.24 735,493.14 841,719.38 3/2/2031 87,348.24 87,348.24 9/2/2031 6.000% 664,226.17 87,348.24 751,574.40 838,922.64 3/2/2032 67,421.45 67,421.45 9/2/2032 6.000% 704,179.62 67,421.45 771,601.07 839,022.53 3/2/2033 46,296.06 46,296.06 9/2/2033 6.000% 749,127.25 46,296.06 795,423.32 841,719.38 3/2/2034 23,822.25 23,822.25 9/2/2034 6.000% 794,074.89 23,822.25 817,897.14 841,719.38 Totals $10,153,171.39 $8,018,964.03 $18,172,135.41 $18,172,135.41 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – December 4, 2012 Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) Benefit Area No. 1 (Calaveras Hills II) Refunding Bonds Original Debt Service Schedule Payment Interest Semi-Annual Date Rate Principal Interest Payment Total 9/2/2013 2.111%$0.00 $252,833.56 $252,833.56 $252,833.56 3/2/2014 215,699.36 215,699.36 9/2/2014 2.111% 408,000.00 215,699.36 623,699.36 839,398.71 3/2/2015 211,393.77 211,393.77 9/2/2015 2.459% 315,000.00 211,393.77 526,393.77 737,787.53 3/2/2016 207,521.19 207,521.19 9/2/2016 2.809% 325,000.00 207,521.19 532,521.19 740,042.37 3/2/2017 202,956.96 202,956.96 9/2/2017 3.159% 335,000.00 202,956.96 537,956.96 740,913.91 3/2/2018 197,665.35 197,665.35 9/2/2018 3.359% 345,000.00 197,665.35 542,665.35 740,330.70 3/2/2019 191,871.30 191,871.30 9/2/2019 3.659% 355,000.00 191,871.30 546,871.30 738,742.59 3/2/2020 185,376.57 185,376.57 9/2/2020 3.909% 365,000.00 185,376.57 550,376.57 735,753.14 3/2/2021 178,242.96 178,242.96 9/2/2021 4.159% 380,000.00 178,242.96 558,242.96 736,485.91 3/2/2022 170,341.22 170,341.22 9/2/2022 4.359% 400,000.00 170,341.22 570,341.22 740,682.44 3/2/2023 161,623.00 161,623.00 9/2/2023 4.509% 415,000.00 161,623.00 576,623.00 738,245.99 3/2/2024 152,266.30 152,266.30 9/2/2024 4.559% 435,000.00 152,266.30 587,266.30 739,532.60 3/2/2025 142,350.20 142,350.20 9/2/2025 4.659% 455,000.00 142,350.20 597,350.20 739,700.40 3/2/2026 131,750.66 131,750.66 9/2/2026 4.759% 475,000.00 131,750.66 606,750.66 738,501.31 3/2/2027 120,447.32 120,447.32 9/2/2027 4.809% 495,000.00 120,447.32 615,447.32 735,894.64 3/2/2028 108,544.94 108,544.94 9/2/2028 4.859% 525,000.00 108,544.94 633,544.94 742,089.88 3/2/2029 95,789.55 95,789.55 9/2/2029 4.959% 545,000.00 95,789.55 640,789.55 736,579.09 3/2/2030 82,276.01 82,276.01 9/2/2030 5.009% 575,000.00 82,276.01 657,276.01 739,552.02 3/2/2031 67,874.42 67,874.42 9/2/2031 5.059% 600,000.00 67,874.42 667,874.42 735,748.83 3/2/2032 52,697.84 52,697.84 9/2/2032 5.209% 630,000.00 52,697.84 682,697.84 735,395.68 3/2/2033 36,289.80 36,289.80 9/2/2033 5.309% 665,000.00 36,289.80 701,289.80 737,579.59 3/2/2034 18,636.63 18,636.63 9/2/2034 5.325% 700,000.00 18,636.63 718,636.63 737,273.25 Totals $9,743,000.00 $6,116,064.14 $15,859,064.14 $15,859,064.14 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – December 4, 2012 Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) Benefit Area No. 1 (Calaveras Hills II) Comparison of Refunded Parcel's Aggregate Amortization Schedule and Refunding Bonds Payment Refunded Parcel Aggregate Refunding Bonds Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $239,720.72 $298,550.93 $0.00 $252,833.56 $239,720.72 $45,717.37 $285,438.09 3/2/2014 292,378.12 215,699.36 76,678.77 9/2/2014 254,703.27 292,378.12 408,000.00 215,699.36 (153,296.73) 76,678.77 60.81 3/2/2015 285,628.49 211,393.77 74,234.72 9/2/2015 269,685.81 285,628.49 315,000.00 211,393.77 (45,314.19) 74,234.72 103,155.26 3/2/2016 278,346.97 207,521.19 70,825.79 9/2/2016 284,668.36 278,346.97 325,000.00 207,521.19 (40,331.64) 70,825.79 101,319.93 3/2/2017 270,518.59 202,956.96 67,561.64 9/2/2017 299,650.90 270,518.59 335,000.00 202,956.96 (35,349.10) 67,561.64 99,774.17 3/2/2018 262,128.37 197,665.35 64,463.02 9/2/2018 314,633.45 262,128.37 345,000.00 197,665.35 (30,366.55) 64,463.02 98,559.48 3/2/2019 253,239.97 191,871.30 61,368.68 9/2/2019 334,610.17 253,239.97 355,000.00 191,871.30 (20,389.83) 61,368.68 102,347.53 3/2/2020 243,703.58 185,376.57 58,327.01 9/2/2020 349,592.72 243,703.58 365,000.00 185,376.57 (15,407.28) 58,327.01 101,246.74 3/2/2021 233,652.79 178,242.96 55,409.84 9/2/2021 369,569.45 233,652.79 380,000.00 178,242.96 (10,430.55) 55,409.84 100,389.12 3/2/2022 222,658.10 170,341.22 52,316.88 9/2/2022 394,540.35 222,658.10 400,000.00 170,341.22 (5,459.65) 52,316.88 99,174.11 3/2/2023 210,920.52 161,623.00 49,297.53 9/2/2023 419,511.26 210,920.52 415,000.00 161,623.00 4,511.26 49,297.53 103,106.32 3/2/2024 198,440.06 152,266.30 46,173.76 9/2/2024 444,482.17 198,440.06 435,000.00 152,266.30 9,482.17 46,173.76 101,829.70 3/2/2025 185,216.72 142,350.20 42,866.52 9/2/2025 469,453.08 185,216.72 455,000.00 142,350.20 14,453.08 42,866.52 100,186.12 3/2/2026 171,250.49 131,750.66 39,499.84 9/2/2026 494,423.99 171,250.49 475,000.00 131,750.66 19,423.99 39,499.84 98,423.66 3/2/2027 156,417.77 120,447.32 35,970.45 9/2/2027 524,389.08 156,417.77 495,000.00 120,447.32 29,389.08 35,970.45 101,329.98 3/2/2028 140,686.10 108,544.94 32,141.16 9/2/2028 559,348.35 140,686.10 525,000.00 108,544.94 34,348.35 32,141.16 98,630.67 3/2/2029 123,905.65 95,789.55 28,116.10 9/2/2029 589,313.44 123,905.65 545,000.00 95,789.55 44,313.44 28,116.10 100,545.65 3/2/2030 106,226.24 82,276.01 23,950.23 9/2/2030 629,266.89 106,226.24 575,000.00 82,276.01 54,266.89 23,950.23 102,167.36 3/2/2031 87,348.24 67,874.42 19,473.82 9/2/2031 664,226.17 87,348.24 600,000.00 67,874.42 64,226.17 19,473.82 103,173.81 3/2/2032 67,421.45 52,697.84 14,723.61 9/2/2032 704,179.62 67,421.45 630,000.00 52,697.84 74,179.62 14,723.61 103,626.85 3/2/2033 46,296.06 36,289.80 10,006.27 9/2/2033 749,127.25 46,296.06 665,000.00 36,289.80 84,127.25 10,006.27 104,139.79 3/2/2034 23,822.25 18,636.63 5,185.62 9/2/2034 794,074.89 23,822.25 700,000.00 18,636.63 94,074.89 5,185.62 104,446.13 Totals $10,153,171.39 $8,018,964.03 $9,743,000.00 $6,116,064.14 $410,171.39 $1,902,899.89 $2,313,071.27 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – December 4, 2012 C-1 APPENDIX C SUMMARY OF THE INDENTURE The following is a brief summary of certain provisions of the Indenture governing the terms of the Bonds. This summary includes only the provisions of the Indenture not already summarized in the Official Statement and does not purport to be complete and is qualified in its entirety by reference to the Indenture. All capitalized terms used with respect to the Bonds and not defined in this Official Statement have the meanings set forth in the Indenture. DEFINITIONS “Act” means, collectively, the 1915 Act and the 1984 Act. “Administrative Expense Fund” means the City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Administrative Expense Fund established and held by the City pursuant to the Indenture. “Administrative Expense Requirement” means an amount, not in excess of the aggregate maximum annual assessment for Administrative Expenses permitted to be levied within the Assessment Districts as set forth in the Reassessment Report, to be specified each year by the Treasurer to be used for Administrative Expenses. “Administrative Expenses” means the ordinary and necessary fees and expenses for determination of the Reassessment and administering the levy and collection of the Reassessment and servicing, calling and redeeming the Bonds, including any or all of the following: the fees and expenses of the Trustee (including any fees or expenses of its counsel), the expenses of the City in carrying out its duties under the Indenture (including, but not limited to, annual audits and costs incurred in the levying and collection of the Reassessment) including the fees and expenses of its counsel and all other costs and expenses of the City or the Trustee incurred in connection with the discharge of their respective duties under the Indenture and, in the case of the City, in any way related to the administration of the Assessment Districts. “Assessment District” means one of the Assessment Districts. “Assessment Districts” means the City’s Assessment District No. 2002-01 (Poinsettia Lane East) and Benefit Area No. 1 (Calavera Hills II) of Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East). “Authorized Investments” “Authorized Investments” means any of the following which at the time of investment are legal investments under the laws of the State for the moneys proposed to be invested therein: (1) (A) Direct obligations (other than an obligation subject to variation in principal repayment) of the United States of America (“United States Treasury Obligations”); (B) obligations fully and unconditionally guaranteed as to timely payment of principal and interest by the United States of America; (C) obligations fully and unconditionally guaranteed as to timely payment of principal and interest by any agency or instrumentality of the United States of America when such obligations are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States of America; or (D) evidences of ownership of proportionate interests in future interest and principal payments on obligations C-2 described above held by a bank or trust company as custodian, under which the owner of the investment is the real party in interest and has the right to proceed directly and individually against the obligor and the underlying government obligations are not available to any person claiming through the custodian or to whom the custodian may be obligated; (2) Federal Housing Administration debentures; (3) The listed obligations of government-sponsored agencies which are not backed by the full faith and credit of the United States of America: - Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC): Participation certificates (excluded are stripped mortgage securities which are purchased at prices exceeding their principal amounts) and senior debt obligations, - Federal Farm Credit Banks: Consolidated system-wide bonds and notes, - Federal Home Loan Banks (FHL Banks): Consolidated debt obligations, and - Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA): Senior debt obligations and mortgage-backed securities (excluded are stripped mortgage securities which are purchased at prices exceeding their principal amounts); (4) Unsecured certificates of deposit, time deposits, bank deposits, demand deposits and bankers’ acceptances (having maturities of not more than 30 days) of any bank (including the Trustee and any affiliate) the short-term obligations of which are rated “A-1” or better by Standard & Poor’s; (5) Deposits the aggregate amount of which are fully insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in banks (including the Trustee and any affiliate) which have capital and surplus of at least $5 million; (6) Commercial paper (having original maturities of not more than 270 days rated at the time of purchase “A-1” or “A-1+” by Standard & Poor’s and “Prime-1” by Moody’s; (7) Money market funds rated “AAm” or “AAm-G” or better by Standard & Poor’s such funds for which the Trustee, its affiliates or subsidiaries provide investment advisory or other management services or for which the Trustee or an affiliate of the Trustee serves as investment administrator, shareholder servicing agent, and/or custodian or subcustodian, notwithstanding that (i) the Trustee or an affiliate of the Trustee receives fees from funds for services rendered, (ii) the Trustee collects fees for services rendered pursuant to this Indenture, which fees are separate from the fees received from such funds, and (iii) services performed for such funds and pursuant to this Indenture may at times duplicate those provided to such funds by the Trustee or an affiliate of the Trustee; (8) “State Obligations,” which means: (A) Direct general obligations of any state of the United States of America or any subdivision or agency thereof to which is pledged the full faith and credit of a state the unsecured general obligation debt of which is rated “A3” by Moody’s and “A-” by Standard & Poor’s, or better, or any obligation fully and unconditionally guaranteed by any state, subdivision or agency whose unsecured general obligation debt is so rated, C-3 (B) Direct general short-term obligations of any state agency or subdivision or agency thereof described in (A) above and rated “A-1+” by Standard & Poor’s and “Prime-l” by Moody’s, and (C) Special Revenue Bonds (as defined in the United States Bankruptcy Code) of any state, state agency or subdivision described in (A) above and rated “AA-” or better by Standard & Poor’s and “Aa3” or better by Moody’s; (9) Pre-refunded municipal obligations rated by Standard & Poor’s and by Moody’s not lower than United States Treasury Obligations meeting the following requirements: (A) the municipal obligations are (1) not subject to redemption prior to maturity or (2) the trustee for the municipal obligations has been given irrevocable instructions concerning their call and redemption and the issuer of the municipal obligations has covenanted not to redeem such municipal obligations other than as set forth in such instructions, (B) the municipal obligations are secured by cash or United States Treasury Obligations which may be applied only to payment of the principal of, interest and premium on such municipal obligations, (C) the principal of and interest on the United States Treasury Obligations (plus any cash in the escrow) has been verified by the report of independent certified public accountants to be sufficient to pay in full all principal of, interest, and premium, if any, due and to become due on the municipal obligations (“Verification”), (D) the cash or United States Treasury Obligations serving as security for the municipal obligations are held by an escrow agent or trustee in trust for owners of the municipal obligations, (E) no substitution of a United States Treasury Obligation shall be permitted except with another United States Treasury Obligation and upon delivery of a new Verification, and (F) the cash or United States Treasury Obligations are not available to satisfy any other claims, including those by or against the trustee or escrow agent; (10) Repurchase agreements with (1) any domestic bank, or domestic branch of a foreign bank, the long term debt of which is rated at least “A” by Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s; or (2) any broker-dealer with “retail customers” or a related affiliate thereof which broker-dealer has, or the parent company (which guarantees the provider) of which has, long-term debt rated at least “A” by Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s, which broker-dealer falls under the jurisdiction of the Securities Investors Protection Corporation; or (3) any other entity rated “A” or better by Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s, provided that: (A) The market value of the collateral is maintained at levels equal to 102% of the amount of cash transferred by the Trustee to the provider of the repurchase agreement plus accrued interest with the collateral being valued weekly and marked-to-market at one current market price plus accrued interest, C-4 (B) The Trustee or a third party acting solely as agent therefor or for the City strict (the “Holder of the Collateral”) has possession of the collateral or the collateral has been transferred to the Holder of the Collateral in accordance with applicable state and federal laws (other than by means of entries on the transferor’s books), (C) The repurchase agreement shall state and an opinion of counsel shall be rendered at the time such collateral is delivered that the Holder of the Collateral has a perfected first priority security interest in the collateral, any substituted collateral and all proceeds thereof (in the case of bearer securities, this means the Holder of the Collateral is in possession), and (D) The repurchase agreement shall provide that if during its term the provider’s rating by either Moody’s or Standard & Poor’s is withdrawn or suspended or falls below “A” by Standard & Poor’s or “A3” by Moody’s, as appropriate, the provider must, at the direction of the City or the Trustee, within 10 days of receipt of such direction, repurchase all collateral and terminate the agreement, with no penalty or premium to the City or the Trustee; (11) Investment agreements with a domestic or foreign bank or corporation the long-term debt of which or, in the case of a guaranteed corporation the long-term debt, or, in the case of a monoline financial guaranty insurance company, claims paying ability, of the guarantor is rated at least “AA-” by Standard & Poor’s and “Aa3” by Moody’s; provided that, by the terms of the investment agreement: (A) interest payments are to be made to the Trustee at times and in amounts as necessary to pay debt service (or, if the investment agreement is for the Costs of Issuance Fund, construction draws) on the Bonds, (B) the invested funds are available for withdrawal without penalty or premium, at any time upon not more than seven days’ prior notice; the City and the Trustee hereby agree to give or cause to be given notice in accordance with the terms of the investment agreement so as to receive funds thereunder with no penalty or premium paid, (C) the investment agreement shall state that is the unconditional and general obligation of, and is not subordinated to any other obligation of, the provider thereof, or, in the case of a bank, that the obligation of the bank to make payments under the agreement ranks pari passu with the obligations of the bank to its other depositors and its other unsecured and unsubordinated creditors, (D) the City and the Trustee receives the opinion of domestic counsel (which opinion shall be addressed to the City and the Trustee) that such investment agreement is legal, valid, binding and enforceable upon the provider in accordance with its terms and of foreign counsel (if applicable) in form and substance acceptable, and addressed to, the City, (E) the investment agreement shall provide that if during its term: (1) the provider’s rating by either Standard & Poor’s or Moody’s falls below “AA-” or “Aa3”, respectively, the provider shall, at its option, within 10 days of receipt of publication of such downgrade, either (i) collateralize the investment agreement by delivering or transferring in accordance with applicable state and C-5 federal laws (other than by means of entries on the provider’s books) to the City, the Trustee or a third party acting solely as agent therefor (the “Holder of the Collateral”) collateral free and clear of any third-party liens or claims the market value of which collateral is maintained at levels and upon such conditions as would be acceptable to Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s to maintain an “A” rating in an “A” rated structured financing (with a market value approach); or (ii) repay the principal of and accrued but unpaid interest on the investment, and (2) the provider’s rating by either Standard & Poor’s or Moody’s is withdrawn or suspended or falls below “A-” or “A3”, respectively, the provider must, at the direction of the City or the Fiscal Agent, within 10 days of receipt of such direction, repay the principal of and accrued but unpaid interest on the investment, in either case with no penalty or premium to the City or Trustee, (F) the investment agreement shall state and an opinion of counsel shall be rendered, in the event collateral is required to be pledged by the provider under the terms of the investment agreement at the time such collateral is delivered, that the Holder of the Collateral has a perfected first priority security interest in the collateral, any substituted collateral and all proceeds thereof (in the case of bearer securities, this means the Holder of the Collateral is in possession,; and (G) the investment agreement must provide that if during its term (1) the provider shall default in its payment obligations, the provider’s obligations under the investment agreement shall, at the direction of the City or the Trustee, be accelerated and amounts invested and accrued but unpaid interest thereon shall be repaid to the City or Trustee, as appropriate, and (2) the provider shall become insolvent, not pay its debts as they become due, be declared or petition to be declared bankrupt, etc. (“event of insolvency”), the provider’s obligations shall automatically be accelerated and amounts invested and accrued but unpaid interest thereon shall be repaid to the City or Trustee, as appropriate; and (12) The State of California Local Agency Investment Fund; provided that the Trustee may restrict investments in such fund to the extent necessary to keep moneys available for the purposes of the Indenture. “Authorized Representative of the City” means the Mayor of the City, the City Manager, the Finance Director of the City, any Interim Finance Director of the City, the Treasurer or any other person or persons designated by the Mayor of the City, the City Manager, the Finance Director of the City, any Interim Finance Director of the City or the Treasurer by a Written Certificate. “Beneficial Owner” means, with respect to a Bond, the person whose name is recorded as the beneficial owner thereof or a portion thereof by a Participant on the records of such Participant, or such person's subrogee. C-6 “Bond Counsel” means an attorney or a firm of attorneys, selected by the City, of nationally recognized standing in matters pertaining to the tax treatment of interest on bonds issued by states and their political subdivisions. “Bond Register” means the books which the Trustee shall keep or cause to be kept pursuant the Indenture, on which the registration and transfer of the Bonds shall be recorded. “Bond Year” means the one year period or shorter period ending each year on September 2, or such other date as may be specified by the City in the Tax Certificate. “Bondowner” or “Owner” means the person or persons in whose name or names any Bond is registered as shown on the Bond Register. “Bonds” means the City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Limited Obligation Refunding Bonds issued pursuant to the Resolution of Issuance and the Indenture. “Business Day” means any day other than (a) a Saturday, Sunday, (b) a day on which they institutions in the State of California or in any state in which the Office of the Trustee is located are authorized or required by law (including Executive Order) too close, or (c) a day on which the New York Stock Exchange is closed. “City” means the City of Carlsbad, California and any successor thereto. “City Clerk” means the City Clerk of the City and his or her designee. “City Council” means the City Council of the City of Carlsbad. “Closing Date” means the date of delivery of the Bonds by the City and payment therefor by the original purchaser thereof. “Code” means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and any Regulations, rulings, judicial decisions, and notices, announcements, and other releases of the United States Treasury Department or Internal Revenue Service interpreting and construing it. “Continuing Disclosure Agreement” means that certain Continuing Disclosure Agreement dated as of January 1, 2013, executed and delivered by the City, together with any amendments thereto. “Costs of Issuance” means the costs and expenses incurred in connection with the issuance and sale of the Bonds, including the acceptance and initial annual fees and expenses of the Trustee, legal fees and expenses, costs of printing the Bonds and the preliminary and final official statements for the Bonds, fees of financial consultants and all other related fees and expenses, as set forth in a Written Certificate of the City. “Costs of Issuance Fund” means the City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Costs of Issuance Fund established and held by the Trustee pursuant to the Indenture. “County” means the County of San Diego. C-7 “Depository” means The Depository Trust Company, a limited-purpose trust company organized under the laws of the State of New York, and its successors as securities depository for the Bonds, including any such successor appointed pursuant to the Indenture. “Escrow Agent” means The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as escrow agent with respect to the defeasance of the Prior Bonds under the provisions of the Escrow Agreement. “Escrow Agreement” means that certain Escrow Agreement dated as of January 1, 2013 by and between the City and the Escrow Agent relating to Prior Bonds. “Escrow Funds” means the 2004 Escrow Fund and 2005A Escrow Fund respectively established under the Escrow Agreement. “Federal Securities” means, subject to applicable law, United States Treasury notes, bonds, bills or certificates of indebtedness, including United States Treasury Obligations, State and Local Government Series (“SLGS”) or other direct obligations issued by the United States Treasury for which the faith and credit of the United States are pledged for the payment of principal and interest; and obligations issued by banks for cooperatives, federal land banks, federal intermediate credit banks, federal home loan banks, the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, the Tennessee Valley Authority, or other federal agencies or United States Government-sponsored enterprises. “Fiscal Year” means the twelve-month period terminating on June 30 of each year, or any other annual accounting period selected and designated by the City as its Fiscal Year in accordance with applicable law. “Indenture” means that certain indenture, dated as of January 1, 2013, by and between the City and the Trustee, as amended or supplemented pursuant to the terms of the Indenture. “Independent Financial Consultant” means a financial consultant or firm of such consultants generally recognized to be well qualified in the financial consulting field, appointed and paid by the City and who, or each of whom: (1) is in fact independent and not under the domination of the City; (2) does not have any substantial interest, direct or indirect, with the City or with any owner of real property within the Reassessment District; and (3) is not connected with the City as a member, officer or employee of the City, but who may be regularly retained to make annual or other reports to the City. “Interest Payment Date” means each March 2 and September 2, commencing September 2, 2013. “Moody's” means Moody's Investors Service, its successors and assigns. “1915 Act” means the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, being Division 10 (commencing with Section 8500) of the California Streets and Highways Code. C-8 “1984 Act” means the Refunding Improvement Act of 1984 for 1915 Improvement Act Bonds, being Division 11.5 (commencing with Section 9500) of the California Streets and Highways Code. “Nominee” means the nominee of the Depository, which may be the Depository, as determined from time to time pursuant to the Indenture. “Nonpurpose Investment” means Authorized Investments described as Nonpurpose Investments in the Tax Certificate. “Notice of Reassessment” means the Notice of Reassessment recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of San Diego on _________________, 2013, as Document No. _______________. “Office of the Trustee” means the principal corporate trust office of the Trustee in Los Angeles, California, or such other office as may be specified in writing to the City by the Trustee, except that with respect to presentation of Bonds for payment or for registration of transfer and exchange such term shall mean the office or agency of the Trustee at which, at any particular time, its corporate trust agency business shall be conducted. “Outstanding Bonds” or “Outstanding” means all Bonds theretofore issued by the City, except: (1) Bonds theretofore canceled or surrendered for cancellation; (2) Bonds for the payment or redemption of which moneys shall have been deposited in trust (whether upon or prior to the maturity or the redemption date of such Bonds), provided that, if such Bonds are to be redeemed prior to the maturity thereof, notice of such redemption shall have been given as provided in the Indenture; and (3) Bonds defeased pursuant to the defeasance provisions of the Indenture. “Participant” means a broker-dealer, bank and other financial institution for which the Depository holds Bonds or interests therein from time to time as securities depository. “Participating Underwriter” has the meaning ascribed thereto in the Continuing Disclosure Agreement. “Person” means any individual, corporation, firm, association, partnership, limited liability company, trust, or other legal entity or group of entities, including a governmental entity or any agency or political subdivision thereof. “Prior Bonds” means the 2004 Bonds and the 2005A Bonds. “Reassessment” or “Reassessments” means the special reassessments levied in the Reassessment District in accordance with the 1984 Act and the Resolution of Confirming Reassessments, together with the Unpaid Assessments, and the net proceeds derived from any foreclosure proceedings and interest and penalties thereon, but exclusive of any assessments or reassessments levied to pay Administrative Expenses. C-9 “Reassessment District” means City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1. “Reassessment Fund” means the City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Fund established and held by the Trustee pursuant to the Indenture. “Reassessment Installment” means the annual portion of the Reassessment levied to pay the principal of and interest on the Bonds (which does not include assessments levied by the City to pay Administrative Expenses). “Reassessment Report” means the report concerning the Reassessment prepared by NBS, as approved by the City Council on January 8, 2013 and on file with the City Clerk. “Rebate Fund” means the fund by that name established and held by the Trustee pursuant to the Indenture. “Rebate Regulations” means any final, temporary or proposed Regulations promulgated under Section 148(f) of the Code. “Rebate Requirement” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in the Tax Certificate. “Record Date” means the fifteenth day of the month preceding an Interest Payment Date, whether or not such day is a Business Day. “Redemption Fund” means the City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Redemption Fund established and held by the Trustee pursuant to the Indenture. “Regulations” means the regulations adopted or proposed by the Department of Treasury from time to time with respect to obligations issued pursuant to Section 103 of the Code. “Representation Letter” means the Blanket Letter of Representations from the City and the Trustee to the Depository as described in the Indenture. “Reserve Fund” means the City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reserve Fund established and held by the Trustee pursuant to the Indenture. “Reserve Requirement” means, as of the date of any calculation, the least of (a) 10% of the original aggregate principal amount of the Bonds; (b) maximum annual debt service on the Bonds; (provided that annual debt service due in Bond Year 2014 shall be excluded from such calculation) and (c) 125% of average annual debt service on the Bonds (provided that annual debt service due in Bond Year 2014 shall be excluded from such calculation); provided, however, that the Reserve Requirement shall be adjusted to reflect any amount specified for transfer to the Redemption Fund in a Written Request from the City as described in the Indenture. “Resolution of Confirming Reassessments” means Resolution No. 2013-023, adopted by the City Council of the City on January 8, 2013, confirming and ordering the Reassessments. “Resolution of Issuance” means Resolution No. 2013-024, adopted by the City Council of the City on January 8, 2013, authorizing the issuance of the Bonds and approving the terms and provisions of the Indenture. C-10 “Six-Month Period” means the period of time beginning on the Closing Date of the Bonds, as applicable, and ending six consecutive months thereafter, and each six-month period thereafter until the latest maturity date of the Bonds (and any obligations that refund an issue of the Bonds). “Superintendent of Streets” means the Transportation Director of the City, or his or her designee. “Supplemental Indenture” or “Supplement” means any supplemental agreement amending or supplementing the Indenture. “Tax Certificate” means the Tax Certificate delivered upon the issuance of the Bonds. “Treasurer” means the City Treasurer, or his or her designee. “Trustee” means The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., a national banking association duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the United States of America, or any other bank, national banking association or trust company which may at any time be substituted in its place as provided in the Indenture and any successor thereto. “2004 Bonds” means the City’s Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) Benefit Area No. 1 (Calavera Hills II) Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds issued on or about June 10, 2004 and outstanding under and pursuant to a Bond Indenture, dated as of May 1, 2004, by and between the City and the BNY Western Trust Company. “2004 Escrow Fund” means the “Escrow Fund” established under the Escrow Agreement relating to the 2004 Bonds. “2005A Bonds” means the City’s Assessment District No. 2002-1 (Poinsettia Lane East) Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2005A issued on or about February 17, 2005 and outstanding under and pursuant to a Bond Indenture, dated as of February 1, 2005, by and between the City and The Bank of New York Trust Company, N.A. “2005 Escrow Fund” means the “Escrow Fund” established under the Escrow Agreement relating to the 2005A Bonds. “Unpaid Assessments” means those assessments levied for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013 in accordance with the 1915 Act and the respective resolutions of formation of the Assessment Districts, but which were not paid to the City prior to the Closing Date. “Written Certificate" and "Written Request" of the City mean, respectively, a written certificate or written request signed in the name of the City by an Authorized Representative of the City. Any such certificate or request may, but need not, be combined in a single instrument with any other instrument, opinion or representation; and the two or more so combined shall be read and construed as a single instrument. “Yield on the Bonds” has the meaning as described in the Tax Certificate. C-11 CREATION OF FUNDS AND ACCOUNTS; APPLICATION OF PROCEEDS AND ASSESSMENTS Funds and Accounts. There are created and established by the Indenture the following funds and accounts, which funds and accounts the City agrees and covenants to maintain with the Trustee so long as any Bonds are Outstanding under the Indenture: the City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Costs of Issuance Fund (the “Costs of Issuance Fund”); the City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Fund (the “Reassessment Fund”); the City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Redemption Fund (the “Redemption Fund”), in which there shall be established and created a Principal Account, an Interest Account and a Prepayment Account; the City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reserve Fund (the “Reserve Fund”); and the City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Rebate Fund (the “Rebate Fund”). The City covenants and agrees to establish with the Treasurer the City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Administrative Expense Fund (the “Administrative Expense Fund”). Except for the Administrative Expense Fund and the Rebate Fund, all moneys in the funds and accounts established under the Indenture shall be held by the Trustee for the benefit of the Bondowners, shall be accounted for separately and apart from all other accounts, funds, money or other resources of the City held by the Trustee and shall be allocated, applied and disbursed solely to the uses and purposes set forth in provisions of the Indenture summarized under this caption “CREATION OF FUNDS AND ACCOUNTS; APPLICATION OF PROCEEDS AND ASSESSMENTS”. The Trustee may establish such additional funds, accounts or subaccounts of the funds or accounts listed above as it deems necessary or prudent to further its duties pursuant to the Indenture or any Supplemental Indenture and shall establish any additional funds, accounts or subaccounts which the City directs it to establish. Costs of Issuance Fund. The Trustee shall deposit into the Costs of Issuance Fund the amounts specified in the Indenture. The Trustee shall pay the costs of issuing the Bonds from the Costs of Issuance Fund as set forth in Written Request of the City from time to time. At the Written Direction of the City or 90 days after the Closing Date, the Trustee shall transfer any remaining balance in the Costs of Issuance Fund to the Redemption Fund and the Trustee shall close the Costs of Issuance Fund. Reassessment Fund. Upon receipt of Reassessment Installments, the City shall transfer the Reassessment Installments to the Trustee for deposit to the Reassessment Fund. On or prior to the C-12 first day of March and September of each year commencing September 1, 2013, the Trustee is to then transfer moneys on deposit in the Reassessment Fund in the amounts set forth in the following clauses, in the following order of priority, to: (a) the Interest Account of the Redemption Fund, an amount sufficient to make the Interest Payment on the next succeeding Interest Payment Date for the Bonds; (b) the Principal Account of the Redemption Fund, the amount needed to make the payment of principal due on the following September 2 on the Outstanding Bonds, including any mandatory sinking fund payments; (c) the Reserve Fund, the amount needed to restore the Reserve Fund to the Reserve Requirement; and (d) the Rebate Fund, the amount, if any, as specified in a Written Direction of the City shall be transferred to the City. (e) Any moneys remaining in the Reassessment Fund after the deposits described above shall be transferred by the Trustee to the Prepayment Account of the Redemption Fund. The City shall apply such amounts as a credit against each of the unpaid Reassessments in amounts equal to each parcel’s share or portion thereof, of the total amount of Reassessment. Upon provision for payment or redemption of all Bonds, and after payment of any amounts due to the Trustee, all moneys remaining in the Reassessment Fund shall be paid to the City. Redemption Fund. The principal of and interest on the Bonds until maturity shall be paid by the Trustee from the Redemption Fund. At the maturity of the Bonds, after all principal and interest then due on any Outstanding Bonds has been paid or provided for, moneys in the Redemption Fund shall be paid to the City. (a) On or prior to the first day of March or September of each year, commencing September 1, 2013, the Trustee shall transfer to the Interest Account of the Redemption Fund from the Reassessment Fund an amount such that the balance in the Interest Account one day prior to each Interest Payment Date shall be equal to the installment of interest due on the Bonds on said Interest Payment Date. Moneys in the Interest Account shall be used for the payment of interest on the Bonds as the same becomes due. (b) On or prior to the first day of September of each year, commencing September 1, 2013, the Trustee shall transfer to the Principal Account of the Redemption Fund from the Reassessment Fund an amount such that the balance in the Principal Account one day prior to each September 2 shall be equal to the installment of principal (including mandatory sinking fund payments) due on the Bonds on said September 2. Moneys in the Principal Account shall be used to pay the principal (including mandatory sinking fund payments) of the Bonds as the same become due. (c) Any amounts remaining in the Redemption Fund, other than in the Prepayment Account, on September 15 of each year, after all principal (including mandatory sinking fund payments) and interest payments due on the prior September 2 have been paid, shall be transferred to the Reassessment Fund. C-13 (d) Moneys set aside in the Prepayment Account of the Redemption Fund shall be used solely for the purpose of redeeming Bonds and shall be applied on or after the redemption date to the payment of principal of and premium, if any, on the Bonds to be redeemed upon presentation and surrender of such Bonds. Upon receiving any prepayment of a Reassessment, the City shall transfer such prepayment to the Trustee for deposit in the Prepayment Account. The amount so deposited, along with the moneys transferred to the Prepayment Account from the Reserve Fund pursuant to Section 406, shall be used to redeem Bonds pursuant to the redemption provisions of the Indenture on the next Interest Payment Date for which proper notice of redemption of Bonds can be given by the Trustee. Money received by the Trustee from the City from funds other than the prepayment of Reassessments shall be deposited in the Prepayment Account and used to redeem Bonds as provided in the Indenture. If, after all of the Bonds have been redeemed and canceled or paid and canceled, there are moneys remaining in any account of the Redemption Fund, said moneys shall be transferred to the Reassessment Fund. Investments. Moneys held in any of the funds and accounts under the Indenture shall be invested at the Written Direction of the City only in Authorized Investments which shall be deemed at all times to be a part of such funds and accounts. The Trustee shall provide monthly statements or reports of the principal balances and investment earnings thereon in each fund and account maintained by the Trustee under the Indenture. Authorized Investments shall be purchased at such prices as may be specified or described in a Written Direction of the City delivered to the Trustee. The Trustee may conclusively reply upon the written instructions of the Authorized Representative as to both the suitability and legality of directed investments. Directions as to the purchase of all Authorized Investments shall be subject to the limitations set forth in the provisions of the Indenture summarized under this caption “– Investments” and such additional limitations or requirements consistent with the foregoing as may be established by the Treasurer. Moneys in all funds and accounts except for the Reserve Fund shall be invested in Authorized Investments maturing, or with respect to which payments of principal and interest are scheduled or otherwise payable, not later than the date on which the Treasurer has estimated that such moneys will be required by the Trustee for the purposes specified in the Indenture. Moneys in the Reserve Fund shall be invested in Authorized Investments, not less than 50% of which must mature within one year of the date of purchase and all of which must mature within two years of the date of purchase; however, if an Authorized Investment may be redeemed or sold at par on the Business Day prior to each Interest Payment Date, all or a portion of the amount of the Reserve Fund may be invested therein. Authorized Investments purchased under a repurchase agreement may be deemed to mature on the date or dates on which the Trustee may deliver such Authorized Investments for repurchase under such agreement. All interest, profits and other income received from the investment of moneys in any fund or account established pursuant to the Indenture shall be retained therein, except as transfers from such funds or accounts are authorized in the Indenture. For investment purposes only, the Trustee may C-14 commingle the funds and accounts established under the Indenture, and administered by the Trustee, but shall account for each separately. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the provisions of the Indenture summarized under this caption “–Investments”, an amount of interest received with respect to any Authorized Investment equal to the amount of accrued interest, if any, paid as part of the purchase price of such Authorized Investment shall be credited to the fund or account for the credit of which such Authorized Investment was acquired. For the purpose of determining the amount in any fund or account other than the Reserve Fund, all Authorized Investments credited to such fund or account shall be valued at the lower of the cost or the market value thereof, exclusive of accrued interest. Amounts in the Reserve Fund shall be valued at their market value at least semi-annually on or before February 15 and August 15 (or more frequently as may be requested by the Treasurer, but in no event more often than monthly). In making any such valuation, the Trustee may utilize nationally recognized securities valuation or pricing services available to it through its accounting system. The Trustee may rely on such valuations and shall not be responsible for the accuracy thereof. The Trustee, or any of its affiliates, may act as principal or agent in the making or disposing of any investment or as a sponsor, depository, manager for or advisor to any issuer of Authorized Investments. The Trustee shall sell, or present for redemption, any Authorized Investment so purchased whenever it shall be necessary to provide moneys to meet any required payment, transfer, withdrawal or disbursement from the fund or account to which such Authorized Investment is credited, and the Trustee shall not be liable or responsible for any loss resulting from such investment, or any other investment made at the direction of the City or otherwise made in accordance with the Indenture. In the absence of a Written Direction of the City received by Trustee at least two Business Days prior to the maturity of an Authorized Investment, the Trustee shall invest solely in Authorized Investments set forth in subsection (7) of the definition thereof, provided, however, that any such investment shall be made by the Trustee only if, prior to the date on which such investment is to be made, the Trustee shall have received a Written Direction of the City specifying a specific money market fund and, if no such Written Direction of the City is so received, the Trustee shall hold such moneys uninvested. The Trustee shall be entitled to rely conclusively upon the Written Direction of the City directing investments in Authorized Investments as to the fact that each such investment is permitted by the laws of the State of California and is an Authorized Investment as required by the Indenture, and the Trustee shall not be required to make further investigation with respect thereto. With respect to any restrictions set forth in the list of Authorized Investments which embody legal conclusions (e.g., the existence, validity and perfection of security interests in collateral), the Trustee shall be entitled to rely conclusively on an opinion of counsel or upon a representation of the provider of such Authorized Investment obtained at the City’s expense. Except as specifically provided in the Indenture, the Trustee shall not be liable to pay interest on any moneys received by it, but shall be liable only to account to the City for earnings derived from funds that have been invested. C-15 The City acknowledges that regulations of the Comptroller of the Currency grant the City the right to receive brokerage confirmation of security transactions to be effected by the Trustee under the Indenture as they occur. The City specifically waives the right to receive such notification to the extent permitted by applicable law and agrees that it will instead receive periodic cash transaction statements which include detail for the investment transactions effected by the Trustee under the Indenture; provided, however, that the City retains its right to receive brokerage confirmation on any investment transaction requested by the City. COVENANTS AND WARRANTY Warranty. The City shall preserve and protect the security of the Bonds and the rights of the Owners against all claims and demands of all persons. Covenants. So long as any of the Bonds are Outstanding and unpaid, the City makes the following covenants with the Owners under the provisions of the 1915 Act, the 1984 Act and the Indenture (to be performed by the City or its proper officers, agents or employees), which covenants are necessary, convenient and desirable to secure the Bonds and tend to make them more marketable; provided, however, that said covenants do not require the City to expend any funds or moneys other than the Reassessments: (a) Punctual Payment; Covenant Against Encumbrances. The City covenants that it will receive all Reassessment Installments in trust and will, consistent with the Indenture, deposit the Reassessment Installments with the Trustee and the City shall have no beneficial right or interest in the amounts so deposited except as provided by the Indenture. All such Reassessment Installments, whether received by the City in trust or deposited with the Trustee, all as provided in the Indenture, shall nevertheless be disbursed, allocated and applied solely to the uses and purposes set forth in the Indenture, and shall be accounted for separately and apart from all other money, funds, accounts or other resources of the City. The City covenants that it will duly and punctually pay or cause to be paid the principal of and interest on every Bond issued under the Indenture, together with the premium, if any, thereon on the date, at the place and in the manner set forth in the Bonds and in accordance with the Indenture to the extent Reassessments and interest earnings transferred to the Redemption Fund are available therefor, and that the payments into the Redemption Fund and the Reserve Fund will be made, all in strict conformity with the terms of the Bonds and the Indenture, and that it will faithfully observe and perform all of the conditions, covenants and requirements of the Indenture and all Supplements and of the Bonds issued under the Indenture. If at any time the total balance in the Redemption Fund, the Reassessment Fund and the Reserve Fund is sufficient to redeem all Outstanding Bonds pursuant to the redemption provisions of the Indenture, the Treasurer may direct the Trustee to effect such redemption on the earliest date on which all Outstanding Bonds may be redeemed. The City will not mortgage or otherwise encumber, pledge or place any charge upon any of the Reassessments, and will not issue any obligation or security, payable in whole or in part from the unpaid Reassessments other than the Bonds. (b) Covenant to Levy. The City will cause the Reassessment Installments required to pay the principal of and interest on the Bonds when due to be placed on the tax bills of the owners C-16 of the parcels assessed and covenants to levy assessments, as permitted by law, to satisfy the Administrative Expense Requirement. (c) Foreclosure Proceedings. The City will determine or cause to be determined, not later than August 15 of each fiscal year in which Bonds are Outstanding, whether or not any owners of the real property within the Reassessment District are delinquent in the payment of Reassessment Installments. If such delinquencies exist, the City shall order and caused to be commenced an action in the superior court to foreclose the lien of the Reassessment Installment(s) not paid when due, not later than the next following November 1, against any parcel that is subject to delinquencies of $10,000 or more and against any group of parcels under common ownership with an aggregate delinquencies of $10,000 or more; provided that during any period in which the amount on deposit in the Reserve Fund is less than the Reserve Requirement, the City shall commence foreclosure proceedings against any parcel that is subject to any amount of delinquency. The City further covenants to diligently prosecute any such foreclosure action to judgment and foreclosure sale. Upon the redemption or sale of the real property responsible for such delinquencies, the City shall first deposit to the Reserve Fund the amount of any delinquency advanced therefrom and then disburse the remaining amount as set forth in the judgment of foreclosure or as required by law. (d) Books and Accounts. The City will cause the Trustee to keep proper books of record and accounts, separate from all other records and accounts of the City, in which complete and correct entries shall be made of all transactions made by its Trustee under the Indenture. Such books of record and accounts shall at all times during business hours and upon reasonable prior notice be subject to the inspection of the City or of the Owners of not less than ten percent (10%) of the principal amount of the Bonds then Outstanding or their representatives authorized in writing. (e) Tax Covenants. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Indenture, absent an opinion of Bond Counsel that the exclusion from gross income of interest on the Bonds will not be adversely affected for federal income tax purposes by reason of the City’s failure to do so, the City covenants to comply with all applicable requirements of the Code, necessary to preserve such exclusion from gross income and specifically covenants, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, as follows: Private Activity. The City will not take or omit to take any action or make any use of the proceeds of the Bonds or of any other moneys or property which would cause the Bonds to be “private activity bonds” within the meaning of Section 141 of the Code. Arbitrage. The City will make no use of the proceeds of the Bonds or of any other amounts or property, regardless of the source, or take or omit to take any action which would cause the Bonds to be “arbitrage bonds” within the meaning of Section 148 of the Code. Federal Guarantee. The City will make no use of the proceeds of the Bonds or take or omit to take any action that would cause the Bonds to be “federally guaranteed” within the meaning of Section 149(b) of the Code. Information Reporting. The City will take or cause to be taken all necessary action to comply with the informational reporting requirement of Section 149(e) of the Code. Rebate Requirements. The City will take no action inconsistent with its expectations stated in the Tax Certificate and will comply with the covenants and requirements stated therein and C-17 incorporated by reference in the Indenture. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the City agrees that there shall be paid from time to time all amounts required to be rebated to the United States pursuant to Section 148(f) of the Code and any temporary, proposed or final Treasury Regulations as may be applicable to the Bonds from time to time. In particular, the City shall direct the Trustee to transfer to the Rebate Fund amounts sufficient to pay and shall instruct the Trustee to pay to the United States Treasury any amounts required to be paid as set forth in the Indenture. (f) Collection of the Administrative Expense Requirements. The City covenants that it will collect annually an amount specified by the Treasurer to be the Administrative Expense Requirement, which amount will be expressed as a percentage [or cash value] of the annual levy of Reassessment Installments, to pay for Administrative Expenses. The Administrative Expense Requirement so collected shall not exceed the amount specified in the Reassessment Report. Continuing Disclosure. The City covenants and agrees that it will comply with and carry out all the provisions of the Continuing Disclosure Agreement. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Indenture, a failure of the City to comply with the Continuing Disclosure Agreement shall not be considered an event of default under the Indenture; provided that the Trustee may (and, at the written direction of any Participating Underwriter or the Beneficial to Owners of at least 25% aggregate principal amount of the Outstanding Bonds, and upon being indemnified to its reasonable satisfaction, shall) or any Beneficial Owner of Bonds may, take such actions as may be necessary and appropriate to compel such performance. AMENDMENTS TO AGREEMENT Amendments Not Requiring Bondowner Consent. The City may from time to time, and at any time, without notice to or consent of any of the Bondowners, adopt Supplements to the Indenture for any of the following purposes: (a) to cure any ambiguity or to correct or supplement any provisions in the Indenture provided that such action shall not materially adversely affect the interests of the Beneficial Owners; (b) to add to the covenants and agreements of, and the limitations and the restrictions upon, the City contained in the Indenture, other covenants, agreements, limitations and restrictions to be observed by the City which are not contrary to or inconsistent with the Indenture as theretofore in effect; (c) to modify, amend or supplement the Indenture in such manner as to permit the qualification of the Indenture under the Trust Indenture Act of 1939, as amended, or any similar federal statute hereafter in effect, and to add such other terms, conditions and provisions as may be permitted by said act or similar federal statute, and which shall not, materially adversely affect the interests of the Beneficial Owners; or (d) to modify, alter, amend or supplement the Indenture in any other respect which is not materially adverse to the Beneficial Owners. Amendments Requiring Bondowner Consent. Exclusive of the Supplements described above under the caption “–Amendments Not Requiring Bondowner Consent”, the Owners of not less than a majority in aggregate principal amount of the Bonds then Outstanding shall have the right to consent to and approve such Supplements as shall be deemed necessary or desirable by the City for C-18 the purpose of waiving, modifying, altering, amending, adding to or rescinding, in any particular, any of the terms or provisions contained in the Indenture; provided, however, that nothing in the Indenture shall permit, or be construed as permitting, (a) an extension of the maturity date of the principal, or the payment date of any principal or interest on, any Bond, (b) a reduction in the principal amount of, or redemption premium on, any Bond or the rate of interest thereon, (c) a preference or priority of any Bond or Bonds over any other Bond or Bonds, or (d) a reduction in the aggregate principal amount of the Bonds the Owners of which are required to consent to such Supplement without the consent of the Owners of all the Bonds then Outstanding. If at any time the City shall desire to enter into a Supplement, which pursuant to the provisions of the Indenture summarized under this caption “–Amendments Not Requiring Bondowner Consent” shall require the consent of the Bondowners, the City shall so notify the Trustee and shall deliver to the Trustee a copy of the proposed Supplement. The Trustee shall, at the expense of the City, cause notice of the proposed Supplement to be mailed, by first class mail postage prepaid, to all Bondowners and their addresses as they appear in the Bond Register. Such notice shall briefly set forth the nature of the proposed Supplement and shall state that a copy thereof is on file at the office of the Superintendent of Streets and the corporate trust office of the Trustee for inspection by all Bondowners. The failure of any Bondowners to receive such notice shall not affect the validity of such Supplement when consented to and approved by the Owners of not less than a majority in aggregate principal amount of the Bonds then Outstanding as required by the provisions of the Indenture summarized under this caption “–Amendments Not Requiring Bondowner Consent”. Whenever at any time within one year after the date of the first mailing of such notice the Trustee shall receive an instrument or instruments purporting to be executed by the Owners of not less than a majority in aggregate principal amount of the Bonds then Outstanding, which instrument or instruments shall refer to the proposed Supplement described in such notice, and shall specifically consent to and approve the Supplement substantially in the form of the copy referred to in such notice as on file with the Superintendent of Streets and the Trustee, such proposed Supplement, when duly executed by the City, shall thereafter become a part of the proceedings for the issuance of the Bonds. In determining whether the Owners of a majority of the aggregate principal amount of the Bonds have consented to the adoption of any Supplement, Bonds which are owned by the City or by any person directly or indirectly controlling or controlled by or under the direct or indirect common control with the City, shall be disregarded and shall be treated as though they were not Outstanding for the purpose of any such determination. Upon request, the City shall designate to the Trustee those Bonds disqualified by the provisions of the Indenture summarized under this caption “– Amendments Not Requiring Bondowner Consent”. Upon the execution and delivery by the City and the Trustee of any Supplement and the receipt of consent to any such Supplement from the Owners of not less than a majority in aggregate principal amount of Bonds Outstanding in instances where such consent is required pursuant to the provisions of the provisions of the Indenture summarized under this caption “–Amendments Not Requiring Bondowner Consent”, the Indenture shall be, and shall be deemed to be, modified and amended in accordance therewith, and the respective rights, duties and obligations under the Indenture of the City, the Trustee and all Owners of Bonds then Outstanding shall thereafter be determined, exercised and enforced under the Indenture, subject in all respects to such modifications and amendments. No Supplement pursuant to either the provisions of the Indenture summarized above under under the caption “–Amendments Not Requiring Bondowner Consent” or under this caption “– Amendments Not Requiring Bondowner Consent” shall modify or amend any of the rights or C-19 obligations of the Trustee without its written consent thereto. The Trustee may request an opinion of counsel, at the expense of the City, that any such Supplement complies with the provisions of the provisions of the Indenture relating to amendments and the Trustee may conclusively rely upon such opinion. TRUSTEE Trustee. The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. is appointed Trustee for the City for the purpose of receiving all money which the City is required to deposit with the Trustee under the Indenture and to allocate, use and apply the same as provided in the Indenture. The Trustee is hereby authorized to and shall mail by first-class mail, postage prepaid, interest payments to the Bondowners, select Bonds for redemption, and maintain the Bond Register. The Trustee is hereby authorized to pay the principal of and premium, if any, on the Bonds when the same are duly presented to it for payment at maturity or upon redemption, to provide for the registration of transfer and exchange of Bonds presented to it for such purposes, to provide for the cancellation of Bonds, and to provide for the authentication of Bonds, and shall perform all other duties assigned to or imposed on it as provided in the Indenture. The Trustee shall keep accurate records of all funds administered by it and all Bonds paid and discharged by it. The Trustee is hereby authorized to pay the Bonds when duly presented for payment at maturity, or on redemption prior to maturity. The Trustee shall cancel all Bonds upon payment thereof or upon the surrender thereof by the City pursuant to the Indenture for six years or such longer period as required by applicable law or the policies of the Trustee. The Trustee shall supply information regarding investments made under the Indenture at the written request of the City including: (i) purchase date, (ii) purchase price, (iii) any accrued interest paid, (iv) face amount, (v) coupon rate, (vi) periodicity of interest payments, (vii) disposition price, (viii) any accrued interest, received, and (ix) disposition date. In the event a Nonpurpose Investment is subject to a receipt of bids, the City shall maintain a record of all information establishing fair market value on the date such investment became a Nonpurpose Investment. Such detailed record keeping is required for the calculation of the Rebate Requirement which shall be performed by the City and, in part, will require a determination of the difference between the actual aggregate earnings of all Nonpurpose Investments and the amount of such earnings assuming a rate of return equal to the Yield on the Bonds. The City shall from time to time, subject to any agreement between the City and the Trustee then in force, pay to the Trustee compensation for its services, reimburse the Trustee for all its advances and expenditures, including, but not limited to, advances to and fees and expenses of independent accountants, counsel, agents, receiver and engineers or other experts employed by it in the exercise and performance of its powers and duties under the Indenture, and indemnify, defend and save the Trustee harmless against any losses, costs, expenses or liabilities, including reasonable fees and expenses of its attorneys (including the allocated costs and disbursements of in-house counsel, to the extent such services are not redundant with those provided by outside counsel), not arising from its own negligence or willful misconduct which it may incur in the exercise and performance of its powers and duties under the Indenture, which indemnity shall survive discharge of the Bonds and the resignation or removal of the Trustee. C-20 Any bank, national banking association or trust company into which the Trustee may be merged or converted or with which it may be consolidated or any bank, national banking association or trust company resulting from any merger, conversion or consolidation to which it shall be a party or any bank, national banking association or trust company to which the Trustee may sell or transfer all or substantially all of its corporate trust business, provided such bank, national banking association or trust company shall be eligible under the provisions of the Indenture relating to the removal of the Trustee summarized in the paragraph immediately below, shall be the successor to such Trustee without the execution or filing of any paper or any further act, anything in the Indenture to the contrary notwithstanding. Removal of Trustee. The City may in the absence of an event of default at any time, in the exercise of its sole discretion, upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Trustee, remove the Trustee initially appointed, and any successor thereto, and may appoint a successor or successors thereto; provided that any such successor shall be a bank, national banking association or trust company doing business and having a corporate trust office in Los Angeles or San Francisco, California, having a combined capital (exclusive of borrowed capital and surplus) (or whose parent or holding company has a combined capital (exclusive of borrowed capital and surplus) of at least fifty million dollars ($50,000,000), and subject to supervision or examination by federal or state authority. If such bank, national banking association or trust company publishes a report of condition at least annually, pursuant to law or to the requirements of any supervising or examining authority above referred to, then for the purposes of this paragraph the combined capital and surplus shall be as set forth in its most recent report of condition so published. The City shall notify the Bondowners in writing of any such removal of the Trustee and appointment of a successor thereto. Resignation of Trustee. The Trustee may at any time resign by giving written notice to the City. Upon receiving such notice of resignation, the City shall promptly appoint a successor Trustee by an instrument in writing; provided, however, that in the event that the City does not appoint a successor Trustee within thirty (30) days following receipt of such notice of resignation, the resigning Trustee may petition an appropriate court having jurisdiction to appoint a successor Trustee. Any resignation or removal of the Trustee and appointment of a successor Trustee shall become effective only upon the written acceptance of appointment by the successor Trustee, and notice to the Bondowners of the Trustee’s identity and address. Liability of Trustee. The recitals of fact and all promises, covenants and agreements contained in the Indenture and in the bonds shall be taken as statements, promises, covenants and agreements of the City, and the Trustee assumes no responsibility for the correctness of the same and makes no representations as to the validity or sufficiency of the Indenture or of the Bonds or the tax status of the interest thereon, and shall incur no responsibility in respect thereof other than in connection with its duties or obligations in the Indenture or in the Bonds or in the certificate of authentication assigned to or imposed upon the Trustee. The Trustee shall have no duties or obligations other than as specifically set forth in the Indenture and no implied duties, covenants or obligations shall be read into the Indenture against the Trustee. The Trustee shall be under no responsibility or duty with respect to the issuance of the Bonds for value. The Trustee shall not be liable in connection with the performance of its duties under the Indenture, except for its own negligence or willful misconduct. The Trustee shall have no liability or obligation to the Bondowners with respect to the payment of debt service by the City or with respect to the observance or performance by the City of the other conditions, covenants and terms contained in the Indenture, or with respect to the C-21 investment of any moneys in any fund or account established, held or maintained by the City pursuant to the Indenture or otherwise; provided however that the Trustee provide the Bondowners with notice of event of default under the Indenture. The Trustee shall be protected in acting upon any notice, resolution, request, consent, order, certificate, report, bond or other paper or documents believed by it to be genuine and to have been signed or presented by the proper party or parties. Each Written Request of the City shall be sufficient evidence to the Trustee of the facts stated therein and the Trustee shall have no duty to confirm the accuracy of such facts. The Trustee may consult with counsel, who may be counsel to the City, at the expense of the City, with regard to legal questions, and the opinion or advice of such counsel shall be full and complete authorization and protection in respect of any action taken or suffered under the Indenture and in accordance therewith. The Trustee shall not be bound to recognize any person as the Owner of a Bond unless and until such Bond is submitted for inspection, if required, and his title thereto satisfactorily established, if disputed. Whenever in the administration of its duties under the Indenture the Trustee shall deem it necessary or desirable that a matter be proved or established prior to taking or suffering any action under the Indenture, such matter (unless other evidence in respect thereof be specifically prescribed in the Indenture) may, in the absence of willful misconduct on the part of the Trustee, be deemed to be conclusively proved and established by a written certificate of the City, and such certificate shall be full warrant to the Trustee for any action taken or suffered under the provisions of the Indenture upon the faith thereof, but in its discretion the Trustee may, in lieu thereof, accept other evidence of such matter or may require such additional evidence as to it may deem reasonable. The Trustee shall have no duty or obligations whatsoever to enforce the collection of Reassessments or other funds to be deposited with it under the Indenture, or as to the correctness of any amounts received, but its liability shall be limited to the proper accounting for such funds as it shall actually receive. The Trustee shall have no duty or obligation to monitor the City’s compliance with the Act. No provision in the Indenture shall require the Trustee to expend or risk its own funds or otherwise incur any financial liability in the performance of any of its duties under the Indenture, or in the exercise of its rights or powers, if it shall have reasonable grounds for believing that repayment of such funds or adequate indemnity against such risk or liability is not reasonably assured to it. The Trustee shall be entitled to interest on all amounts advanced by it at the maximum rate permitted by law. The Trustee shall have no responsibility, opinion or liability with respect to any information, statement or recital in any official statement or other disclosure material prepared or distributed with respect to the issuance of the Bonds. All protections extended to the Trustee shall also extend to its officers, directors, employees and agents. The Trustee’s rights to indemnification under the Indenture and to payment of its fees and expenses shall survive its resignation or removal and the final payment or defeasance of the Bonds. The Trustee makes no covenant, representation or warranty concerning the current or future tax status of interest on the Bonds. C-22 The Trustee may become an Owner with the same rights it would have if it were not Trustee; may acquire and dispose of other bonds or evidence of indebtedness of the City with the same rights it would have if it were not the Trustee; and may act as a depository for and permit any of its officers or directors to act as a member of, or in any other capacity with respect to, any committee formed to protect the rights of Owners, whether or not such committee shall represent the Owners of the majority in principal amount of the Bonds then Outstanding. The Trustee may execute any of the trusts or powers of the Indenture and perform the duties required of it under the Indenture by or through attorneys, agents, or receivers, shall not be responsible for the actions or omissions of such attorneys, agents or receivers if appointed by it with reasonable care, and shall be entitled to advice of counsel concerning all matters of trust and its duty under the Indenture. The Trustee shall not be liable in connection with the performance of its duties under the Indenture, except for its own negligence or willful misconduct. The Trustee shall only perform those duties specifically set forth in the Indenture and no implied duties, covenants or obligations whatsoever shall be read into the Indenture. In the event of and during the continuance of an Event of Default, the Trustee shall exercise such care in performing its duties under the Indenture as a prudent person would exercise under the circumstances in the conduct of its own affairs. No action by the Trustee shall be construed or deemed to expand the limitations on the scope of the Trustee’s duties. The Trustee shall not be considered in breach of or in default in its obligations under the Indenture in the event of enforced delay (“unavoidable delay”) in the performance of such obligations due to unforeseeable causes beyond its control and without its fault or negligence, including, but not limited to, Acts of God or of the public enemy or terrorists, acts of government, acts of the other party, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, earthquakes, explosion, mob violence, riot, inability to procure or general sabotage or rationing of labor, equipment, facilities, sources of energy, material or supplies in the open market, litigation or arbitration involving a party or others relating to zoning or other governmental action or inaction pertaining to the Assessment Districts, malicious mischief, condemnation, and unusually severe weather or delays of suppliers or subcontractors due to such causes or any similar event and/or occurrences beyond the control of the Trustee. In accepting the duties of the Trustee hereby created, the Trustee acts solely as Trustee for the Owners and not in its individual capacity, and all persons, including, without limitation, the Owners and the City, having any claim against the Trustee arising from the Indenture shall look only to the funds and accounts held by the Trustee under the Indenture for payment, except as otherwise provided in the Indenture or where the Trustee has breached its standard of care as described in the provisions of the Indenture summarized under this caption “–Liability of Trustee”. Under no circumstances shall the Trustee be liable in its individual capacity for the obligations evidenced by the Bonds. The Trustee shall not be liable with respect to any action taken or omitted to be taken by it in good faith in accordance with the direction of the Owners of not less than a majority in aggregate principal amount of the Bonds at the time Outstanding, which such majority of the Owners may give, relating to the time, method and place of conducting any proceeding for any remedy available to the Trustee or in the exercise of any right under the Indenture. In the event of conflicting instructions under the Indenture, the Trustee shall have the right to decide the appropriate course of action and be protected in so doing. C-23 The Trustee shall have no responsibility or liability with respect to any information, statement or recital in any official statement, offering memorandum or any other disclosure material prepared or distributed in any respect relating to the Bonds. The Trustee shall not to be deemed to have knowledge of any Event of Default under the Indenture unless it has actual knowledge thereof at its Principal Office. The Trustee agrees to accept and act upon instructions or directions pursuant to the Indenture sent by unsecured e-mail, facsimile transmission or other similar unsecured electronic methods, provided, however, that, the Trustee shall have received an incumbency certificate listing persons designated to give such instructions or directions and containing specimen signatures of such designated persons, which such incumbency certificate shall be amended and replaced whenever a person is to be added or deleted from the listing. If the City elects to give the Trustee e-mail or facsimile instructions (or instructions by a similar electronic method) and the Trustee in its discretion elects to act upon such instructions, the Trustee’s understanding of such instructions shall be deemed controlling. The Trustee shall not be liable for any losses, costs or expenses arising directly or indirectly from the Trustee’s reliance upon and compliance with such instructions notwithstanding such instructions conflict or are inconsistent with a subsequent written instruction. The City agrees to assume all risks arising out of the use of such electronic methods to submit instructions and directions to the Trustee, including without limitation the risk of the Trustee acting on unauthorized instructions, and the risk of interception and misuse by third parties. The Trustee shall not be responsible for or accountable to anyone for the subsequent use or application of any moneys which shall be released or withdrawn in accordance with the provisions of the Indenture. The Trustee shall be under no obligation to exercise any of the rights or powers vested in it by the Indenture at the request, order or direction of any of the Owners pursuant to the provisions of the Indenture unless such Owners shall have offered to the Trustee reasonable security or indemnity against the costs, expenses and liabilities which may be incurred therein or thereby. The permissive right of the Trustee to do things enumerated in the Indenture shall not be construed as a duty and it shall not be answerable for other than its negligence or willful misconduct. EVENTS OF DEFAULT; REMEDIES Event of Default. Any one or more of the following events shall constitute an “event of default”: (a) Default in the due and punctual payment of the principal of or redemption premium, if any, on any Bond when and as the same shall become due and payable, whether at maturity as therein expressed or from mandatory redemption; (b) Default in the due and punctual payment of the interest on any Bond when and as the same shall become due and payable; or (c) Default by the City in the observance of any of the other agreements, conditions or covenants on its part in the Indenture or in the Bonds contained, and the continuation of such default for a period of thirty (30) days after the City shall have been given notice in writing of such default C-24 by the Trustee or any Owner, provided that if within thirty (30) days the City has commenced curing of the default and diligently pursues elimination thereof, such period shall be extended to permit such default to be eliminated. The Trustee shall provide notice to the Owners of the occurrence of an event of default after the Trustee has actual knowledge of such occurrence. Remedies. Following the occurrence and during the continuance of an event of default, the Trustee may pursue any available remedy at law or in equity to enforce the provisions of the Indenture and to enforce any rights of the Trustee under the Indenture, including: (a) by mandamus or other suit or proceeding at law or in equity to enforce the rights of the Owners and/or of the Trustee against the City and any of the officers and employees of the City, and to compel the City or any such officers or employees to perform and carry out their duties under the Act and their agreements with the Owners and the Trustee as provided in the Indenture; (b) by suit in equity to enjoin any actions or things which are unlawful or violate the rights of the Owners and/or of the Trustee; or (c) by a suit in equity to require the City and its members, officers and employees to account as the trustee of an express trust. If an event of default shall have occurred and be continuing and if requested so to do by the Owners of at least twenty-five percent (25%) in aggregate principal amount of Outstanding Bonds and if indemnified to its satisfaction, the Trustee shall be obligated to exercise such one or more of the rights and powers conferred by the provisions of the Indenture summarized under the caption “EVENTS OF DEFAULT; REMEDIES”, as the Trustee, being advised by counsel, shall deem most expedient in the interests of the Owners. No remedy in the Indenture conferred upon or reserved to the Trustee or to the Owners is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy. Every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given under the Indenture or now or hereafter existing, at law or in equity or by statute or otherwise, and may be exercised without exhausting and without regard to any other remedy conferred by the Act or any other law. Application of funds upon an event of default. If an event of default shall occur and be continuing, the Trustee shall apply all funds then held or thereafter received by the Trustee under any of the provisions of the Indenture (except as otherwise provided in the Indenture) as follows and in the following order: (1) To the payment of any expenses necessary in the opinion of the Trustee to protect the interests of the Owners of the Bonds, including the costs and expenses of the Trustee in declaring such event of default, and payment of reasonable fees and expenses of the Trustee (including reasonable fees and disbursements of its counsel and other agents) incurred in and about the performance of its powers and duties under the Indenture; (2) To the payment to the persons entitled thereto of all installments of interest then due in the order of the maturity of such installment, and, if the amount available shall not be sufficient to pay in full any installment or installments maturing on the same date, then to the payment thereof C-25 ratably according to the amounts due thereon, to the persons entitled thereto, without any discrimination or preference; and (3) To the payment to the persons entitled thereto of the unpaid principal with respect to any Bond which shall have become due, whether at maturity or by call for redemption, in the order of their due dates, with interest on the overdue principal and interest at a rate equal to the rate paid with respect to the Bonds and, if the amount available shall not be sufficient to pay in full all the amounts due with respect to the Bonds on any date, together with such interest, then to the payment thereof ratably, according to the amounts of principal due on such date to the persons entitled thereto, without any discrimination or preference. DEFEASANCE Defeasance. If the City shall pay or cause to be paid, or there shall otherwise be paid, to the Owners of any Outstanding Bonds the interest due thereon and the principal thereof, at the times and in the manner stipulated therein and in the Indenture, then the Owners of such Bonds shall cease to be entitled to the pledge of Reassessments and other amounts under the Indenture, and all covenants, agreements and other obligations of the City to the Owners of such Bonds under the Indenture shall thereupon cease, terminate and become void and be discharged and satisfied except for the City’s covenant under subparagraph (e) of the provisions of the Indenture summarized above under the caption “COVENANTS AND WARRANTY–Covenants”. In such event, the Trustee shall execute and deliver to the City all such instruments as may be desirable to evidence such discharge and satisfaction, and the Trustee shall pay over or deliver to the City after payment of any amounts due the Trustee under the Indenture all money or securities held by it pursuant to the Indenture which are not required for the payment of the interest due on, and the principal of, such Bonds. Any Outstanding Bond shall be deemed to have been paid within the meaning expressed in the first paragraph of the provisions of the Indenture summarized under this caption “–Defeasance” if such Bond is paid in any one or more of the following ways: (a) by paying or causing to be paid the principal of and interest with respect to such Bond, as and when the same become due and payable; (b) by depositing with the Trustee, in trust, at or before maturity, money which, together with the amounts then on deposit in the Reassessment Fund, the Reserve Fund and the Redemption Fund, is fully sufficient to pay the principal of, premium and interest on such Bond as and when the same shall become due and payable; or (c) by depositing with the Trustee, in trust, Federal Securities in such amount as an Independent Financial Consultant shall determine will, together with the interest to accrue thereon and moneys then on deposit in the Reassessment Fund, the Reserve Fund and the Redemption Fund which is available to pay such Bond, together with the interest to accrue thereon without further investment, be fully sufficient to pay and discharge the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on such Bond as and when the same shall become due and payable; then, notwithstanding that such Bond shall not have been surrendered for payment, all obligations of the City under the Indenture with respect to such Bond shall cease and terminate, except for the obligation of the Trustee to pay or cause to be paid to the Owner of any Bond not so surrendered and paid, all sums due thereon C-26 from funds provided to it by the City and except for the City’s covenant under subparagraph (e) of the provisions of the Indenture summarized above under the caption “COVENANTS AND WARRANTY–Covenants”. Any money or securities deposited with the Trustee to defease any Bond or Bonds shall be accompanied by a certificate of a certified public accountant confirming the accuracy of the calculations establishing the sufficiency of such deposit. Any funds held by the Trustee at the time of payment or defeasance of all Outstanding Bonds, which are not required for the purpose above mentioned, or for payment of amounts due the Trustee under the Indenture shall be paid over to the City. MISCELLANEOUS Unclaimed Moneys. Anything in the Indenture to the contrary notwithstanding, any money held by the Trustee in trust for the payment and discharge of any of the Bonds which remains unclaimed for one year after the Bonds become due and payable, if such money was held by the Trustee at such date, or for one year after the date of deposit of such money if deposited with the Trustee after said date when such Bonds become due and payable, shall be repaid by the Trustee to the City, as its absolute property and free from trust, and the Trustee shall thereupon be released and discharged with respect thereto and the Owners shall look only to the City for the payment of such Bonds; provided, however, that, before being required to make any such payment to the City, the Trustee shall, at the written request and the expense of the City, cause to be mailed to the registered Owners of such Bonds, at their addresses as they appear on the Bond Register, a notice that said money remains unclaimed and that, after a date named in said notice, which date shall not be less than thirty (30) days after the date of the mailing of such notice, the balance of such money then unclaimed will be returned to the City. D-1 APPENDIX D OPINION OF BOND COUNSEL [Date of Delivery] City Council City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California Re: City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Limited Obligation Refunding Bonds Ladies and Gentlemen: We have examined certified copies of proceedings taken by the City of Carlsbad (the “City”) for the issuance of bonds designated “City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Limited Obligation Refunding Bonds” (the “Bonds”) pursuant to the Refunding Act of 1984 for 1915 Improvement Act Bonds (Division 11.5 of the Streets and Highways Code of California). The Bonds are issued pursuant to the City’s Resolution No. 2013-024 (the “Resolution of Issuance”) and an Indenture (the “Indenture”) dated as of January 1, 2013, by and between the City and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. as Trustee. This examination covers said proceedings down to and including the issuance of the Bonds; however, we have made no examination of the ownership or use of the property assessed. In rendering this opinion, we have relied upon certain representations of fact and certifications made by or on behalf of the City, the initial purchasers of the Bonds and others. We have not undertaken to verify through independent investigation the accuracy of the representations and certifications relied upon by us. The Bonds are dated their date of delivery and mature on the dates and in the amounts set forth in the Indenture. The Bonds bear interest payable semiannually on each March 2 and September 2, commencing on September 2, 2013, at the rates per annum set forth in the Indenture. Based upon the foregoing and in reliance thereon and on all matters of fact we deem relevant under the circumstances, and upon consideration of applicable laws, we are of the opinion that: 1. The City has duly authorized the issuance of the Bonds. The Bonds and the Indenture constitute legal, valid and binding limited obligations of the City enforceable in accordance with their terms, except to the extent that enforceability may be limited by moratorium, bankruptcy, reorganization, fraudulent conveyance or transfer, insolvency or other laws affecting creditors’ rights generally, by the application of equitable principles, by the exercise of judicial discretion in appropriate cases and by limitations on legal remedies against public agencies in the State of California; provided, however, we express no opinion with respect to any indemnification, contribution, penalty, choice of law or waiver provisions contained therein. 2. The Bonds are issued upon and secured by the unpaid Reassessments in Reassessment District No. 2012-1, together with interest thereon; said unpaid Reassessments together with interest thereon, constitute a trust fund for the redemption and payment of the principal of the Bonds and the interest thereon; the Bonds are secured by the moneys in the Redemption Fund established in the Indenture and by the unpaid Reassessments; and the Bonds are payable, as to both principal and interest, exclusively out of said Redemption Fund. 3. The Indenture creates a valid pledge of and lien upon the unpaid Reassessments and the interest thereon and the moneys in all funds and accounts established pursuant to the Indenture, other than the Administrative Expense Fund and the Rebate Fund, including the investments thereof, subject in all cases to the provisions of the Indenture permitting the application thereof for the purposes and on the terms and conditions set forth therein. D-2 4. Under existing statutes, regulations, rulings and judicial decisions, interest (and original issue discount) on the Bonds is excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes and is not an item of tax preference for purposes of calculating the federal alternative minimum tax imposed on individuals and corporations. 5. Interest (and original issue discount) on the Bonds is exempt from State of California personal income tax. 6. The difference between the issue price of a Bond (the first price at which a substantial amount of the Bonds of a maturity are to be sold to the public) and the stated redemption price at maturity with respect to such Bond constitutes original issue discount. Original issue discount accrues under a constant yield method, and original issue discount will accrue to a Bond owner before receipt of cash attributable to such excludable income. The amount of original issue discount deemed received by a Bond owner will increase the Bond owner’s basis in the applicable Bond. Original issue discount that accrues to the Bond owner is excluded from the gross income of such owner for federal income tax purposes, is not an item of tax preference for purposes of calculating the federal alternative minimum tax imposed on individuals and corporations (as described in paragraph 4 above) and is exempt from State of California personal income tax. The opinion expressed in paragraphs 4 and 6 above as to the exclusion from gross income for federal income tax purposes of interest on the Bonds is subject to the condition that the City complies with all requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), that must be satisfied subsequent to the issuance of the Bonds to assure that such interest (and original issue discount) will not become includable in gross income for federal income tax purposes. Failure to comply with such requirements of the Code might cause interest on the Bonds to be included in gross income for federal income tax purposes retroactive to the date of issuance of the Bonds. The City has covenanted to comply with all such requirements. Except as set forth in paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 above, we express no opinion as to any tax consequences related to the Bonds. We are admitted to the practice of law only in the State of California and our opinion is limited to matters governed by the laws of the State of California and federal law. We assume no responsibility with respect to the applicability or the effect of the laws of any other jurisdiction. The opinions expressed herein and the exclusion of interest on the Bonds from gross income for federal income tax purposes may be affected by actions taken (or not taken) or events occurring (or not occurring) after the date hereof. Our engagement as Bond Counsel terminates upon the issuance of the Bonds and we have not undertaken to determine, or to inform any person, whether any such actions or events are taken (or not taken) or do occur (or do not occur). The opinions expressed herein are based upon our analysis and interpretation of existing laws, regulations, rulings and judicial decisions and cover certain matters not directly addressed by such authorities. We express no opinion herein as to the accuracy, completeness or sufficiency of the Official Statement relating to the Bonds or other offering material relating to the Bonds and expressly disclaim any duty to advise the Owners of the Bonds with respect to matters contained in the Official Statement. Respectfully submitted, E-1 APPENDIX E BOOK-ENTRY ONLY SYSTEM The information in this section concerning DTC and DTC’s book-entry only system has been obtained from sources that the City believes to be reliable, but the City takes no responsibility for the completeness or accuracy thereof. The following description of the procedures and record keeping with respect to beneficial ownership interests in the Bonds, payment of principal, premium, if any, accreted value and interest on the Bonds to DTC Participants or Beneficial Owners, confirmation and transfers of beneficial ownership interests in the Bonds and other related transactions by and between DTC, the DTC Participants and the Beneficial Owners is based solely on information provided by DTC. The Depository Trust Company (“DTC”), New York, New York, will act as securities depository for the Bonds. The Bonds will be issued as fully-registered securities registered in the name of Cede & Co. (DTC’s partnership nominee) or such other name as may be requested by an authorized representative of DTC. One fully- registered Bond will be issued for each annual maturity of the Bonds, each in the aggregate principal amount of such maturity, and will be deposited through the facilities of DTC. DTC, the world’s largest securities depository, is a limited-purpose trust company organized under the New York Banking Law, a “banking organization” within the meaning of the New York Banking Law, a member of the Federal Reserve System, a “clearing corporation” within the meaning of the New York Uniform Commercial Code, and a “clearing agency” registered pursuant to the provisions of Section 17A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. DTC holds and provides asset servicing for over 3.6 million issues of U.S. and non-U.S. equity issues, corporate and municipal debt issues, and money market instruments (from over 100 countries) that DTC’s participants (“Direct Participants”) deposit with DTC. DTC also facilitates the post trade settlement among Direct Participants of sales and other securities transactions in deposited securities, through electronic computerized book- entry transfers and pledges between Direct Participants’ accounts. This eliminates the need for physical movement of securities certificates. Direct Participants include both U.S. and non-U.S. securities brokers and dealers, banks, trust companies, clearing corporations, and certain other organizations. DTC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (“DTCC”). DTCC is the holding company for DTC, National Securities Clearing Corporation and Fixed Income Clearing Corporation, all of which are registered clearing agencies. DTCC is owned by the users of its regulated subsidiaries. Access to the DTC system is also available to others such as both U.S. and non-U.S. securities brokers and dealers, banks, trust companies, and clearing corporations that clear through or maintain a custodial relationship with a Direct Participant, either directly or indirectly (“Indirect Participants”). DTC has a Standard & Poor’s rating of “AA+.” The DTC Rules applicable to its Participants are on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. More information about DTC can be found at www.dtcc.com. Purchases of Bonds under the DTC system must be made by or through Direct Participants, which will receive a credit for the Bonds on DTC’s records. The ownership interest of each actual purchaser of each Bond (“Beneficial Owner”) is in turn to be recorded on the Direct and Indirect Participants’ records. Beneficial Owners will not receive written confirmation from DTC of their purchase. Beneficial Owners are, however, expected to receive written confirmations providing details of the transaction, as well as periodic statements of their holdings, from the Direct or Indirect Participant through which the Beneficial Owner entered into the transaction. Transfers of ownership interests in the Bonds are to be accomplished by entries made on the books of Direct and Indirect Participants acting on behalf of Beneficial Owners. Beneficial Owners will not receive Bonds representing their ownership interests in Bonds, except in the event that use of the book-entry system for the Bonds is discontinued. To facilitate subsequent transfers, all Bonds deposited by Direct Participants with DTC are registered in the name of DTC’s partnership nominee, Cede & Co., or such other name as may be requested by an authorized representative of DTC. The deposit of Bonds with DTC and their registration in the name of Cede & Co. or such other DTC nominee do not affect any change in beneficial ownership. DTC has no knowledge of the actual Beneficial Owners of the Bonds; DTC’s records reflect only the identity of the Direct Participants to whose accounts such Bonds are credited, which may or may not be the Beneficial Owners. The Direct and Indirect Participants will remain responsible for keeping account of their holdings on behalf of their customers. E-2 Conveyance of notices and other communications by DTC to Direct Participants, by Direct Participants to Indirect Participants, and by Direct Participants and Indirect Participants to Beneficial Owners will be governed by arrangements among them, subject to any statutory or regulatory requirements as may be in effect from time to time. Beneficial Owners of Bonds may wish to take certain steps to augment the transmission to them of notices of significant events with respect to the Bonds, such as prepayments, tenders, defaults, and proposed amendments to the Bond documents. For example, Beneficial Owners of Bonds may wish to ascertain that the nominee holding the Bonds for their benefit has agreed to obtain and transmit notices to Beneficial Owners. In the alternative, Beneficial Owners may wish to provide their names and addresses to the registrar and request that copies of notices be provided directly to them. Redemption notices shall be sent to DTC. If less than all of the Bonds within a maturity are being prepaid, DTC’s practice is to determine by lot the amount of the interest of each Direct Participant in such maturity to be redeemed. Neither DTC nor Cede & Co. (nor any other DTC nominee) will consent or vote with respect to Bonds unless authorized by a Direct Participant in accordance with DTC’s MMI Procedures. Under its usual procedures, DTC mails an Omnibus Proxy to the City as soon as possible after the record date. The Omnibus Proxy assigns Cede & Co.’s consenting or voting rights to those Direct Participants to whose accounts Bonds are credited on the record date (identified in a listing attached to the Omnibus Proxy). Redemption proceeds, distributions, and dividend payments on the Bonds will be made to Cede & Co., or such other nominee as may be requested by an authorized representative of DTC. DTC’s practice is to credit Direct Participants’ accounts upon DTC’s receipt of funds and corresponding detail information from the City or the Trustee, on payable date in accordance with their respective holdings shown on DTC’s records. Payments by Participants to Beneficial Owners will be governed by standing instructions and customary practices, as is the case with securities held for the accounts of customers in bearer form or registered in “street name,” and will be the responsibility of such Participant and not of DTC, the Trustee, or the City, subject to any statutory or regulatory requirements as may be in effect from time to time. Payment of redemption proceeds, distributions, and dividend payments to Cede & Co. (or such other nominee as may be requested by an authorized representative of DTC) is the responsibility of the City or the Trustee, disbursement of such payments to Direct Participants will be the responsibility of DTC, and disbursement of such payments to the Beneficial Owners will be the responsibility of Direct and Indirect Participants. A Bond Owner shall give notice to elect to have its Bonds purchased or tendered, through its Participant, to the Trustee, and shall effect delivery of such Bonds by causing the Direct Participant to transfer the Participant’s interest in the Bonds, on DTC’s records, to the Trustee. The requirement for physical delivery of Bonds in connection with an optional tender or a mandatory purchase will be deemed satisfied when the ownership rights in the Bonds are transferred by Direct Participants on DTC’s records and followed by a book-entry credit of tendered Bonds to the Trustee’s DTC account. DTC may discontinue providing its services as depository with respect to the Bonds at any time by giving reasonable notice to the City or the Trustee. Under such circumstances, in the event that a successor depository is not obtained, physical certificates are required to be printed and delivered. The City may decide to discontinue use of the system of book-entry only transfers through DTC (or a successor securities depository). In that event, Bonds will be printed and delivered to DTC. THE TRUSTEE, AS LONG AS A BOOK-ENTRY ONLY SYSTEM IS USED FOR THE BONDS, WILL SEND ANY NOTICE OF REDEMPTION OR OTHER NOTICES TO OWNERS ONLY TO DTC. ANY FAILURE OF DTC TO ADVISE ANY DTC PARTICIPANT, OR OF ANY DTC PARTICIPANT TO NOTIFY ANY BENEFICIAL OWNER, OF ANY NOTICE AND ITS CONTENT OR EFFECT WILL NOT AFFECT THE VALIDITY OF SUFFICIENCY OF THE PROCEEDINGS RELATING TO THE REDEMPTION OF THE BONDS CALLED FOR REDEMPTION OR OF ANY OTHER ACTION PREMISED ON SUCH NOTICE. F-1 APPENDIX F FORM OF CONTINUING DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT This Continuing Disclosure Agreement (the “Disclosure Agreement”) is executed and delivered by the City of Carlsbad (the “Issuer”) and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Dissemination Agent (the “Dissemination Agent”) in connection with the issuance of City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Limited Obligation Refunding Bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $32,840,000 (the “Bonds”). The Bonds are being issued pursuant to a Resolution adopted by the City Council of the Issuer on January 8, 2013 and a Indenture dated as of January 1, 2013 (the “Indenture”) by and between the Issuer and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee (the “Trustee”). The Issuer and Dissemination Agent hereby covenant and agree as follows: Section 1. Purpose of the Disclosure Agreement. This Disclosure Agreement is being executed and delivered by the Issuer for the benefit of the holders and beneficial owners of the Bonds and in order to assist the Participating Underwriter in complying with SEC Rule 15c2-12(b)(5). Section 2. Definitions. In addition to the definitions set forth in the Resolution of Issuance which apply to any capitalized term used in this Disclosure Agreement unless otherwise defined in this Section, the following capitalized terms shall have the following meanings: “Annual Report” shall mean any Annual Report provided by the Issuer pursuant to, and as described in, Sections 3 and 4 of this Disclosure Agreement. “Dissemination Agent” shall mean The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. or any successor Dissemination Agent designated in writing by the Issuer and which has filed with the Issuer a written acceptance of such designation. “Listed Events” shall mean any of the events listed in Section 5(a) of this Disclosure Agreement. “Participating Underwriter” shall mean Stifel Nicolaus & Co. Inc., dba Stone & Youngberg, a Division of Stifel Nicolaus. “Repository” shall mean the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board, which has been designated by the Securities and Exchange Commission as the sole repository of disclosure information for purposes of the Rule, or any other repository of disclosure information that may be designated by the Securities and Exchange Commission as such for purposes of the Rule in the future. “Rule” shall mean Rule 15c2-12(b)(5) adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as the same may be amended from time to time. Section 3. Provision of Annual Reports. (a) The Issuer shall, or shall cause the Dissemination Agent to, annually not later than 270 days after the end of the City’s fiscal year, commencing with the report for the 2012-13 fiscal year, provide to the Repository, in an electronic format as prescribed by the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board, an Annual Report which is consistent with the requirements of Section 4 of this Disclosure Agreement. Not later than fifteen (15) Business Days prior to said date, the Issuer shall provide the Annual Report to the Dissemination Agent (if other than the Issuer). The Annual Report may be submitted as a single document or as separate documents comprising a package, and may include by reference other information as provided in Section 4 of this Disclosure Agreement; provided that the audited financial statements of the Issuer may be submitted separately from the balance of the Annual Report, and later than the date required above for the F-2 filing of the Annual Report. If the Issuer’s fiscal year changes, it shall give notice of such change in the same manner as for a Listed Event under Section 5(c). (b) If the Issuer is unable to provide to the Repository or the Dissemination Agent an Annual Report by the date required in subsection (a), the Issuer shall send a notice to the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board, in an electronic format as prescribed by the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board, in substantially the form attached as Exhibit A. (c) The Dissemination Agent shall: (i) confirm the electronic filing requirements of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board for the Annual Report; and (ii) if the Dissemination Agent is other than the Issuer, file a report with the Issuer certifying that the Annual Report has been provided pursuant to this Disclosure Agreement, stating the date it was provided to the Repository. Section 4. Content of Annual Reports. The Issuer’s Annual Report shall contain or incorporate by reference the following: (a) Audited Financial Statements of the Issuer prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles as promulgated to apply to governmental entities from time to time by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, together with the following statement: THE ISSUER’S ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT IS PROVIDED SOLELY TO COMPLY WITH THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE COMMISSION STAFF’S INTERPRETATION OF RULE 15C2-12. NO FUNDS OR ASSETS FO THE ISSUER ARE REQUIRED TO BE USED TO PAY DEBT SERVICE ON THE BONDS, AND THE ISSUER IS NOT OBLIGATED TO ADVANCE AVAILABLE FUNDS TO COVER ANY DELINQUENCIES. INVESTORS SHOULD NOT RELY ON THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE ISSUER IN EVALUATING WHETHER TO BUY, HOLD OR SELL THE BONDS. (b) The following information regarding the Bonds: (i) Principal amount of Bonds outstanding; (ii) Balance in the Prepayment Account of Redemption Fund; (ii) Balance in the Redemption Fund; (iv) Balance in the Reserve Fund and a statement of the Reserve Requirement; (v) Information in Table 6 of the Official Statement for the Bonds regarding the annual special assessment installments, amount collected, delinquent amount and percent delinquent for the most recent fiscal year and the amount and percent remaining delinquent for any prior fiscal year; and (vii) Status of foreclosure proceedings and summary of results of foreclosure sales, if available. (c) In addition to any of the information expressly required to be provided under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Section, the Issuer shall provide such further information, if any, as may be necessary to make the specifically required statements, in the light of the circumstances under which they are made, not misleading. Any or all of the items listed above may be included by specific reference to other documents, including official statements of debt issues of the Issuer or related public entities, which have been submitted to the Repository or the Securities and Exchange Commission. If the document included by reference is a final F-3 official statement, it must be available from the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board. The Issuer shall clearly identify each such other document so included by reference. Section 5. Reporting of Significant Events. (a) Pursuant to the provisions of this Section 5, the Issuer shall give, or cause to be given, notice of the occurrence of any of the following events with respect to the Bonds in a timely manner not more than ten (10) Business Days after the event: (i) Principal and interest payment delinquencies; (ii) Unscheduled draws on debt service reserves reflecting financial difficulties; (iii) Unscheduled draws on credit enhancements reflecting financial difficulties; (iv) Substitution of credit or liquidity providers, or their failure to perform; (v) Adverse tax opinions, the issuance by the Internal Revenue Service of proposed or final determinations of taxability or Notices of Proposed Issue (IRS Form 5701 TEB); (vi) Tender offers; (vii) Defeasances; (viii) Ratings changes; and (ix) Bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership or similar proceedings. Note: For the purposes of the event identified in subparagraph (ix), the event is considered to occur when any of the following occur: the appointment of a receiver, fiscal agent or similar officer for an obligated person in a proceeding under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code or in any other proceeding under state or federal law in which a court or governmental authority has assumed jurisdiction over substantially all of the assets or business of the obligated person, or if such jurisdiction has been assumed by leaving the existing governmental body and officials or officers in possession but subject to the supervision and orders of a court or governmental authority, or the entry of an order confirming a plan of reorganization, arrangement or liquidation by a court or governmental authority having supervision or jurisdiction over substantially all of the assets or business of the obligated person. (b) Pursuant to the provisions of this Section 5, the City shall give, or cause to be given, notice of the occurrence of any of the following events with respect to the Bonds, if material: (i) Unless described in Section 5(a)(v), other notices or determinations by the Internal Revenue Service with respect to the tax status of the Bonds or other events affecting the tax status of the Bonds. (ii) Modifications to the rights of Bond holders. (iii) Optional, unscheduled or contingent Bond redemptions. (iv) Release, substitution or sale of property securing repayment of the Bonds. (v) Non-payment related defaults (vi) The consummation of a merger, consolidation, or acquisition involving the City or the sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the City, other than in the ordinary course of business, the entry into a definitive agreement to undertake such an action or the termination of a definitive agreement relating to any such actions, other than pursuant to its terms. (vii) Appointment of a successor or additional trustee or the change of the name of a trustee. F-4 (c) If the City determines that knowledge of the occurrence of a Listed Event under subsection (b) would be material under applicable federal securities laws, and if the Dissemination Agent is other than the City, the City shall promptly notify the Dissemination Agent in writing. Such notice shall instruct the Dissemination Agent to file a notice of such occurrence with EMMA in a timely manner not more than ten (10) Business Days after the event. (d) If the City determines that the Listed Event under subsection (b) would not be material under applicable federal securities laws and if the Dissemination Agent is other than the City, the City shall so notify the Dissemination Agent in writing and instruct the Dissemination Agent not to report the occurrence. (e) The City hereby agrees that the undertaking set forth in this Disclosure Agreement is the responsibility of the City and, if the Dissemination Agent is other than the City, the Dissemination Agent shall not be responsible for determining whether the City’s instructions to the Dissemination Agent under this Section 5 comply with the requirements of the Rule. Section 6. Termination of Reporting Obligation. The Issuer’s and the Dissemination Agent’s obligations under this Disclosure Agreement shall terminate upon the legal defeasance, prior redemption or payment in full of all of the Bonds. If such termination occurs prior to the final maturity of the Bonds, the Issuer shall give notice of such termination in the same manner as for a Listed Event under Section 5(c). Section 7. Dissemination Agent. The Issuer may, from time to time, appoint or engage a Dissemination Agent to assist it in carrying out its obligations under this Disclosure Agreement, and may discharge any such Agent, with or without appointing a successor Dissemination Agent. The Dissemination Agent may resign by providing thirty days written notice to the City and the Trustee. The initial Dissemination Agent shall be The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. Section 8. Amendment Waiver. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Disclosure Agreement, the Issuer may amend this Disclosure Agreement, and any provision of this Disclosure Agreement may be waived (the Dissemination Agent shall not be obligated to enter into any amendment increasing or affecting its duties or obligations), provided that the following conditions are satisfied: (a) if the amendment or waiver relates to the provisions of Sections 3(a), 4 or 5(a), it may only be made in connection with a change in circumstances that arises from a change in legal requirements, change in law, or change in the identity nature or status of an obligated person with respect to the Bonds, or type of business conducted; (b) the undertakings herein, as proposed to be amended or waived, would, in the opinion of nationally recognized bond counsel, have complied with the requirements of the Rule at the time of the primary offering of the Bonds, after taking into account any amendments or interpretations of the Rule, as well as any change in circumstances; and (c) the proposed amendment or waiver either (i) is approved by holders of the Bonds in the manner provided in the Indenture, or (ii) does not, in the opinion of the Trustee or nationally recognized bond counsel, materially impair the interests of the holders or beneficial owners of the Bonds. If the annual financial information or operating data to be provided in the Annual Report is amended pursuant to the provisions hereof, the first annual financial information filed pursuant hereto containing the amended operating data or financial information shall explain, in narrative form, the reasons for the amendment and the impact of the change in the type of operating data or financial information being provided. If an amendment is made to the undertaking specifying the accounting principles to be followed in preparing financial statements, the annual financial information for the year in which the change is made shall F-5 present a comparison between the financial statements or information prepared on the basis of the new accounting principles and those prepared on the basis of the former accounting principles. The comparison shall include a qualitative discussion of the differences in the accounting principles and the impact of the change in the accounting principles on the presentation of the financial information in order to provide information to investors to enable them to evaluate the ability of the Issuer to meet its obligations. To the extent reasonably feasible the comparison shall be quantitative. A notice of the change in the accounting principles shall be sent to the Repository in the same manner as for a Listed Event under Section 5(c). Section 9. Additional Information. Nothing in this Disclosure Agreement shall be deemed to prevent the Issuer from disseminating any other information, using the means of dissemination set forth in this Disclosure Agreement or any other means of communication, or including any other information in any Annual Report or notice of occurrence of a Listed Event, in addition to that which is required by this Disclosure Agreement. If the Issuer chooses to include any information in any Annual Report or notice of occurrence of a Listed Event in addition to that which is specifically required by this Disclosure Agreement, the Issuer shall have no obligation under this Disclosure Agreement to update such information or include it in any future Annual Report or notice of occurrence of a Listed Event. Section 10. Default. In the event of a failure of the Issuer or the Dissemination Agent to comply with any provision of this Disclosure Agreement any holder or beneficial owner of the Bonds may take such actions as may be necessary and appropriate, including seeking mandate or specific performance by court order, to cause the Issuer to comply with its obligations under this Disclosure Agreement. A default under this Disclosure Agreement shall not be deemed an Event of Default under the Indenture or any Supplemental Indenture, and the sole remedy under this Disclosure Agreement in the event of any failure of the Issuer to comply with this Disclosure Agreement shall be an action to compel performance. Section 11. Duties, Immunities and Liabilities of Dissemination Agent. Article VII of the Indenture is hereby made applicable to this Disclosure Agreement as if this Disclosure Agreement were (solely for this purpose) contained in the Indenture. The Dissemination Agent shall be entitled to the protections and limitations from liability afforded to the Trustee thereunder. The Dissemination Agent shall have only duties as are specifically set forth in this Disclosure Agreement, and the Issuer agrees to indemnify and save the Dissemination Agent, its officers, directors, employees and agents, harmless against any loss, expense and liabilities which it may incur arising out of or in the exercise or performance of its powers and duties hereunder, including the costs and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) of defending against any claim of liability, but excluding liabilities due to the Dissemination Agent’s negligence or willful misconduct. The obligations of the Issuer under this Section shall survive resignation or removal of the Dissemination Agent and payment of the Bonds. The Dissemination Agent shall be paid compensation by the City for its services provided hereunder in accordance with its schedule of fees as agreed to between the Dissemination Agent and the City from time to time and all expenses, legal fees and advances made or incurred by the Dissemination Agent in the performance of its duties hereunder. The Dissemination Agent shall have no duty or obligation to review any information provided to it by the City hereunder and shall not be deemed to be acting in any fiduciary capacity for the City, Beneficial Owners or any other party. The Dissemination Agent may rely and shall be protected in acting or refraining from acting upon and directions from the City or an opinion of nationally recognized bond counsel. Neither the Trustee nor the Dissemination Agent shall have any liability to any party for any monetary damages or other financial liability of any kind whatsoever related to or arising from any breach of this Disclosure Agreement. No person shall have any right to commence any action against the Trustee or Dissemination Agent seeking any remedy other than to compel specific performance of this Disclosure Agreement. Any company succeeding to all or substantially all of the Dissemination Agent’s corporate trust business shall be the successor to the Dissemination Agent hereunder without the execution or filing of any paper or any further act. F-6 Section 12. Beneficiaries. This Disclosure Agreement shall inure solely to the benefit of the Issuer, the Dissemination Agent, the Participating Underwriter and holders and beneficial owners from time to time of the Bonds, and shall create no rights in any other person or entity. Section 13. Notices. Any notice or communication required or permitted hereunder shall be given in writing, sent by (a) personal delivery delivered by a representative of the party giving such notice, or (b) overnight delivery by recognized overnight courier, or (c) United States mail, postage prepaid, registered or certified mail, or (d) facsimile, addressed as follows: If to the Issuer: City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008-7314 If to the Dissemination Agent: The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. 400 South Hope Street Suite 400 Los Angeles, CA 90071 Attention: Corporate Trust Department or to such other address or to the attention of such other person as hereinafter shall be designated in writing by the applicable party sent in accordance herewith. Any such notice or communication shall be deemed to have been delivered either at the time of personal delivery actually received by the addressee or a representative of the addressee at the address provided above or, if delivered on a business day in the case of delivery service or certified or registered mail, as of the earlier of the date delivered or the date 72 hours following the date deposited in the United States mail at the address provided herein, or if by telecopier, upon electronic confirmation of good receipt by the receiving telecopier. Section 14. Future Determination of Obligated Persons. In the event that the Securities Exchange Commission amends, clarifies or supplements the Rule in such a manner that requires any landowner within the City to be an obligated person as defined in the Rule, nothing contained herein shall be construed to require the Issuer to meet the continuing disclosure requirements of the Rule with respect to such obligated person and nothing in this Disclosure Agreement shall be deemed to obligate the Issuer to disclose information concerning any owner of land within the City except as required as part of the information required to be disclosed by the Issuer pursuant to Section 4 and Section 5 hereof. Dated: ______, 2013 CITY OF CARLSBAD By: Interim City Manager THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A., as Dissemination Agent By: Its: By: Its: F-7 EXHIBIT A NOTICE TO MUNICIPAL SECURITIES RULEMAKING BOARD OF FAILURE TO FILE ANNUAL REPORT Name of Issuer: City of Carlsbad Name of Bond Issue: CITY OF CARLSBAD REASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2012-1 LIMITED OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS Date of Issuance: ______, 2013 NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN that the Issuer has not provided an Annual Report with respect to the above-named Bonds as required by the Indenture dated as of January 1, 2013, by and between the Issuer and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee. The Issuer anticipates that the Annual Report will be filed by ___________________. Dated: ______________________ THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A., as Dissemination Agent on behalf of Issuer [THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] G-1 APPENDIX G INFORMATION CONCERNING THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Set forth below is certain demographic information regarding the City of Carlsbad (the “City”) and the County of San Diego (the “County”). This information is provided for informational purposes only and general background. The information set forth herein has been obtained from third party sources believed to be reliable, but such information is not guaranteed by the City as to accuracy or completeness. Neither the delivery of this Official Statement nor any sale thereafter of the securities offered hereby shall under any circumstances create any implication that there has been no change in any information contained in this Appendix G since the date of the Official Statement. The Bonds are not a debt of the City, the County, the State, or any of its political subdivisions, and none of the City, the County, the State nor any of its political subdivisions is liable thereon. The information and data within this Appendix G is the latest data available; however, the current state of the economy at City, County, State and national levels may not be reflected in the data discussed below because more up-to-date publicly available information is not available to the City. General Information The City is located on the coast of Southern California in San Diego County about 35 miles north of San Diego and 86 miles south of Los Angeles. It is bordered by two lagoons, Buena Vista and Batiquitos, on the north and south respectively. City limits cover approximately 42 square miles and the City’s estimated population was 107,674 as of January 1, 2012. Municipal Government The City, a general law city with the council-manager form of government, was incorporated July 16, 1952. A five-member City Council is elected at large for four-year alternating terms at elections held every two years. The mayor is the presiding officer of the council and also is elected to serve a four-year term. The city manager, appointed by the council for an indeterminate term, acts as chief executive officer in carrying out council policies. The City provides the full range of services normally associated with a municipality including police, fire, parks and recreation, library, planning and zoning, building and engineering, various maintenance services and administration. The City provides water and sewer services through the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, a subsidiary district of the City. Solid waste collection is provided through a franchise arrangement with a local refuse collection service. The City operates a housing authority that provides low and moderate income families with housing assistance. Climate and Topography The City has mild summers with a mean temperature for the month of July of 73 degrees and moderate winters with an average winter temperature of 58 degrees. The relative humidity is low. Average rainfall, which occurs generally in the period between October and February, is less than 9 inches. The City is located on the Pacific Ocean, 35 miles north of San Diego at an altitude of sea level to 585 feet above sea level. G-2 Population The following table provides a comparison of population growth for the City and the County between 2008 and 2012. TABLE NO. G-1 POPULATION 2008 - 2012 Year (January 1) Carlsbad San Diego County 2008 102,452 3,032,689 2009 103,664 3,064,436 2010 105,319 3,091,579 2011 106,403 3,115,810 2012 107,674 3,143,429 Source: State of California, Department of Finance, E-4 Population Estimates for Cities, Counties and the State, 2001-2010, with 2000 and 2010 Census Counts, Sacramento, CA, August 2011 and E-1 City/County Population Estimates, 2011-2012, Sacramento, CA, May 2012. G-3 Employment and Industry The following table summarizes the civilian labor force, civilian employment and civilian unemployment figures over the period from 2007 through 2011 in the City, the County, the State of California and the United States. TABLE NO. G-2 City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California and United States Labor Force, Employment and Unemployment Yearly Average 2007-2011 Year and Area Civilian Labor Force Civilian Employment(1) Civilian Unemployment(2) Civilian Unemployment Rate(3) 2007 Carlsbad 47,700 46,200 1,400 3.0% San Diego County 1,518,300 1,449,500 68,900 4.5 California 17,928,700 16,970,200 958,500 5.3 United States(4) 153,124,000 146,047,000 7,078,000 4.6 2008 Carlsbad 47,600 45,700 1,900 3.9% San Diego County 1,547,300 1,455,100 92,300 6.0 California 18,191,000 16,883,400 1,307,600 7.2 United States(4) 154,287,000 145,362,000 8,924,000 5.8 2009 Carlsbad 47,100 44,100 3,000 6.4% San Diego County 1,554,100 1,404,500 149,600 9.6 California 18,204,200 16,141,500 2,062,700 11.3 United States 154,142,000 139,877,000 14,265,000 9.3 2010 Carlsbad 47,600 44,200 3,300 7.0% San Diego County 1,572,600 1,407,100 165,600 10.5 California 18,176,200 15,916,300 2,259,900 12.4 United States 153,889,000 139,064,000 14,825,000 9.6 2011 Carlsbad 48,000 44,800 3,200 6.6% San Diego County 1,583,800 1,426,100 157,700 10.0 California 18,384,900 16,226,600 2,158,300 11.7 United States 153,617,000 139,869,000 13,747,000 8.9 Note: Data is not seasonally adjusted. (1) Includes persons involved in labor-management trade disputes. (2) Includes all persons without jobs who are actively seeking work. (3) The unemployment rate is computed from unrounded data; therefore, it may differ from rates computed from rounded figures in this table. (4) Not strictly comparable with data for prior years. Source: California Employment Development Department and U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. G-4 The following table sets forth the industry employment and the labor force estimates for the years 2007 through 2011 for the San Diego-Carlsbad-San Marcos MSA. Annual industry employment information is not compiled by sector for the City. TABLE G-3 SAN DIEGO-CARLSBAD-SAN MARCOS MSA INDUSTRY EMPLOYMENT & LABOR FORCE - BY ANNUAL AVERAGE 2007 through 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Civilian Labor Force 1,517,600 1,548,200 1,554,200 1,572,600 1,583,800 Civilian Employment 1,448,500 1,455,600 1,405,000 1,407,100 1,426,100 Civilian Unemployment 69,100 92,700 149,200 165,500 157,700 Civilian Unemployment Rate 4.6% 6.0% 9.6% 10.5% 10.0% Total Farm 10,900 10,500 9,500 10,500 10,000 Total Nonfarm 1,308,800 1,298,700 1,231,400 1,222,800 1,231,200 Total Private 1,086,500 1,073,600 1,006,900 992,400 1,002,700 Goods Producing 189,800 179,200 156,800 148,600 148,400 Mining and Logging 400 400 400 400 400 Construction 87,000 76,100 61,100 55,300 55,200 Manufacturing 102,500 102,800 95,300 92,900 92,800 Service Providing 1,119,000 1,119,500 1,074,600 1,074,200 1,082,800 Trade, Transportation & Utilities 222,300 215,900 199,600 197,300 199,000 Wholesale Trade 45,500 44,900 40,600 40,100 40,700 Retail Trade 148,100 142,000 131,600 130,700 132,200 Transportation, Warehousing & Utilities 28,800 29,000 27,400 26,500 26,100 Information 31,300 31,400 28,200 25,100 24,000 Financial Activities 80,300 75,200 69,800 67,200 66,800 Professional & Business Services 223,200 222,300 206,800 207,700 211,500 Educational & Health Services 129,500 137,300 144,300 145,500 149,100 Leisure and Hospitality 161,800 164,000 154,800 154,800 156,900 Other Services 48,300 48,400 46,800 46,200 47,100 Government 222,400 225,100 224,500 230,400 228,400 Total, All Industries 1,319,700 1,309,300 1,240,900 1,233,300 1,241,200 Note: Does not include proprietors, self-employed, unpaid volunteers or family workers, domestic workers in households and persons involved in labor-management trade disputes. Employment reported by place of work. Items may not add to total due to independent rounding. The “Total, All Industries” data is not directly comparable to the employment data found in this Appendix G. Source: State of California, Employment Development Department, San Diego-Carlsbad-San Marcos MSA Industry Employment & Labor Force - by Annual Average, March 2011 Benchmark. G-5 The major employers operating within the City and their respective number of employees as of June 30, 2011 are as follows: Name of Company Employment Type of Business/Product Life Technologies 4,121 Research Supply Manufacturing Taylor Made Golf Company, Inc. 2,498 Golf Equipment Manufacturing ViaSat, Inc. 2,114 Wireless Communications Provider Callaway Golf Company 1,637 Golf Equipment Manufacturing LEGOLAND California, LLC 1,140 Theme Park Carlsbad Unified School District 1,004 Public Education Genoptix, Inc. 984 Manufacturing La Costa Resort & Spa 871 Resort/Hotel City of Carlsbad 699 Government Zimmer Dental Inc. 638 Manufacturing Source: City of Carlsbad, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2011. Income The following table summarizes per capita personal income for San Diego County, California and the United States for 2007 through 2011. TABLE NO. G-4 PER CAPITA PERSONAL INCOME 2007 - 2011 Year San Diego County State of California United States 2007 45,768 43,211 39,506 2008 47,197 44,003 40,947 2009 44,107 41,034 38,637 2010 44,951 41,893 39,791 2011 46,800 43,647 41,560 Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis. G-6 Commercial Activity Table No. G-5 summarizes the volume of retail sales and taxable transactions for Carlsbad for the years 2007 through 2011*. TABLE NO. G-5 CITY OF CARLSBAD TOTAL TAXABLE TRANSACTIONS (in Thousands) 2007 – 2011* Year Retail Sales $(000’s) Retail Sales Permits Total Taxable Transactions $(000’s) Issued Sales Permits 2007 $1,927,123 1,489 $2,439,610 3,852 2008 1,698,408 1,589 2,252,610 3,928 2009 1,530,027 2,366 2,040,933 3,769 2010 1,623,453 2,433 2,191,041 3,888 2011* 838,979 2,444 1,140,041 3,915 * Through second quarter 2011. Source: California State Board of Equalization, Taxable Sales in California (Sales and Use Tax). Building Activity The following table summarizes building activity valuations for Carlsbad for the years 2007 through 2011. TABLE NO. G-6 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING ACTIVITY AND VALUATION (in Thousands) 2007 - 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Residential $ 120,757,604 $ 75,518,917 $ 60,096,868 $ 117,124,761 $ 84,067,062 Non-Residential 130,979,208 94,203,639 43,012,076 61,706,669 66,816,284 Total Valuation $ 251,636,812 $ 168,722,556 $ 103,107,944 $ 178,831,430 $ 150,883,346 Total Permits 372 263 178 378 317 Source: Construction Industry Research Board. G-7 Transportation Centrally located in Southern California, the City is accessible to major transportation resources; surrounded by Interstates 5 and 78; served by Amtrak rail lines; 35 miles north of San Diego International Airport and from facilities at San Diego harbors. Public transportation through the City and surrounding communities is provided by the Metropolitan Transit System, a network of several agencies providing bus and, train services within San Diego County. Within the City, North Coast Transit District (“NCTD”) operates the Breeze, gas-powered buses which provide transportation linking the greater Northern San Diego County area. NCTD buses stop in multiple points within the City including Carlsbad Village and Plaza Camino Real. The NCTD also operates the Coaster, a commuter train which travels north along the coast line to Oceanside and south to downtown San Diego as well as east from Carlsbad Village to major employment sites within Carlsbad located along Palomar Airport Road. In addition, McClellan-Palomar Airport, a small commercial and private airport, is located within the City and is served by US Airways and United Express with regularly scheduled flights to LAX and Phoenix. Education Carlsbad is located near four major universities and two community colleges. Portions of the City are located within one unified school district, a high school district and two elementary school districts. Utilities San Diego Gas & Electric provides electric power and natural gas in the City and to most communities in the County. Telephone service is provided by Cox Communications and SBC Communications Inc. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District (“CMWD”), a subsidiary district of the City, provides water to approximately 85 percent of the City, an area of about 32 square miles. Residents of the City not served by CMWD, receive water service from the Olivenhain Municipal Water District or the Vallecitos Water District. Community Facilities and Recreation The City is a beach community fronted by over six miles of coastline from Buena Vista Lagoon in the north to Batiquitos Lagoon in the south. Throughout the year, locals and tourists enjoy swimming, surfing, fishing, diving, jogging and relaxing at the City’s beaches. The mile long Carlsbad seawall is a popular location for a walk along the beach or a run off of the sand. The City also has three lagoons with ecosystems which provide bird watching and nature walks as well as water sports such as non-motorized boating. The City is home to many parks which offer a variety of leisure activities, including softball, volleyball and soccer in addition to providing playground equipment and picnic tables. Jazz concerts in the park have become a summer tradition in the City. Every Friday evening a thousand or more jazz enthusiasts bring their picnic baskets and chairs to enjoy a free concert under the stars at one of Carlsbad's community parks. The City is also known for its golf facilities. The City is home to two world-class golf resorts and more than 30 golf industry businesses. Attractions within the City include Legoland, California. Legoland is a lego-based theme park with over 50 rides, shows and attractions catering to children from ages two to twelve and their families. G-8 The Flowers Fields, located at Carlsbad Ranch, is a commercial ranunculus field open to the public with over 50 acres of giant tecolote ranunculus, a garden of miniature roses, Ecke poinsettias and a tractor tour of the Ranch that has been in operation for over 50 years. Also located within the City is the Museum of Making Music. The Museum curates public exhibits that relate to the history of American popular music, the manufacture and retail of musical instruments and the history of the music products industry from 1890’s to the present day. The Museum's galleries consist of more than 450 vintage instruments and artifacts on display, hundreds of audio samples of popular music and an area for visitors to interact with a variety of live, hands-on instruments. The museum also organizes public events, performances and lectures whose purpose is to entertain, educate and inform audiences of the benefits and heritage of making music. CITY OF CARLSBAD • REASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2012-1 LIMITED OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS NEW ISSUE – BOOK ENTRY ONLY NOT RATED In the opinion of Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth, a Professional Corporation, Newport Beach, California (“Bond Counsel”), under existing statutes, regulations, rulings and judicial decisions, and assuming certain representations and compliance with certain covenants and requirements described more fully herein, interest on the Bonds is excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes and is not an item of tax preference for purposes of calculating the federal alternative minimum tax imposed on individuals and corporations although such interest is included in adjusted current earnings when calculating corporate alternative minimum taxable income. In the further opinion of Bond Counsel, interest on Bonds is exempt from State of California personal income tax. See “CONCLUDING INFORMATION — Tax Matters” herein. $31,300,000 CITY OF CARLSBAD REASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2012-1 LIMITED OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS Dated: Date of Delivery Due: September 2, as shown inside cover The City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Limited Obligation Refunding Bonds (the “Bonds”) are limited obligations of the City of Carlsbad (the “City”) secured by special reassessments to be levied on real property located within City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 (the “Reassessment District”). The Bonds are being issued to defease and redeem the City’s Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) Benefit Area No. 1 (Calavera Hills II) Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds (the “2004 Bonds”) and Assessment District No. 2002-01 (Poinsettia Lane East) Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2005A (the “2005A Bonds” and together with the 2004 Bonds, the “Prior Bonds”). The proceeds of the Prior Bonds were used to acquire, design, and construct certain public improvements within the Reassessment District. The Bonds are being issued pursuant to provisions of the Refunding Act of 1984 for 1915 Improvement Act Bonds (Division 11.5 of the Streets and Highways Code of California) (the “Act”) and an Indenture dated as of January 1, 2013 (the “Indenture”) by and between the City and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee (the “Trustee”). The Bonds are issuable in fully registered form and when issued will be registered in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee of The Depository Trust Company, New York, New York (“DTC”). Individual purchases of ownership interests in the Bonds may be made in $5,000 integral multiples in book-entry form only. Purchasers of the Bonds will not receive certificates representing their beneficial ownership of the Bonds but are expected to receive credit balances on the books of their respective nominees. The Bonds will not be transferable or exchangeable except for transfer to another nominee of DTC or as otherwise described in this Official Statement. Interest on the Bonds will be payable on September 2, 2013 and semiannually thereafter on each March 2 and September 2. Principal of and interest on the Bonds will be paid by the Trustee to DTC for subsequent disbursement to DTC Participants, who are to remit such payments to the beneficial owners of the Bonds. See “THE BONDS — General Provisions” and APPENDIX E — “BOOK- ENTRY ONLY SYSTEM”. The Bonds are special obligations of the City payable solely from revenues derived from installments of Reassessments (as defined in this Official Statement) to be levied on and collected from the owners of parcels within the Reassessment District. Under the provisions of the Act installments of principal and interest sufficient to meet annual Bond debt service will be levied by the City and billed by the County of San Diego (the “County”) to owners of property within the Reassessment District against which there are unpaid Reassessments. Upon receipt by the City from the County, these annual Reassessment installments are to be paid into the Redemption Fund to be held by the Trustee and used to pay debt service on the Bonds as it becomes due. In addition to the Reassessments, the Bonds will be initially secured by a pledge and lien on the Assessments levied within the Prior Assessment Districts (as defined in this Official Statement) in fiscal year 2012-13 which have not been collected as of the date of delivery of the Bonds. Unpaid Reassessments constitute fixed liens on the lots and parcels assessed within the Reassessment District and do not constitute a personal indebtedness of the respective owners of such lots and parcels. Accordingly, in the event of a delinquency, proceedings may be had only against the real property securing the delinquent Reassessment installment. Thus, the value of land within the Reassessment District is a critical factor in determining the investment quality of the Bonds. See “THE REASSESSMENT DISTRICT — Value-to-Reassessment Lien Ratios” and “BONDOWNERS’ RISKS — Land Values”. The Trustee will establish a Reserve Fund comprised of Bond proceeds in the amount of the Reserve Requirement (as defined in this Official Statement) to provide funds for payment of principal and interest on the Bonds in the event of any delinquent Reassessment installments. The City’s obligation to advance funds to the Redemption Fund as a result of delinquent installments is limited to the balance in the Reserve Fund. The City has covenanted to initiate judicial foreclosure in the event of a delinquency. See “SECURITY FOR THE BONDS — Covenant to Foreclose and Court Foreclosure Proceedings.” The Bonds are subject to optional redemption, mandatory sinking fund redemption and extraordinary mandatory redemption from prepayments of Reassessments. See “THE BONDS — Redemption of Bonds”. NEITHER THE FAITH AND CREDIT NOR THE TAXING POWER OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA OR ANY POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS THEREOF IS PLEDGED TO THE PAYMENT OF THE BONDS. THE BONDS ARE SPECIAL OBLIGATIONS OF THE CITY PAYABLE SOLELY FROM THE SOURCES DESCRIBED IN THE INDENTURE. This cover page contains certain information for quick reference only. It is not a summary of this issue. Investors must read the entire Official Statement, including, without limitation, “BONDOwNeRS’ RISkS,” to obtain information essential to the making of an informed investment decision. The Bonds are offered when, as and if issued and delivered to the Underwriter subject to the approval of Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth, a Professional Corporation, Newport Beach, California, Bond Counsel and Disclosure Counsel. Certain matters will be passed upon for the City by the City Attorney. Certain legal matters will be passed upon for the Underwriter by its counsel, Jones Hall, A Professional Law Corporation, San Francisco, California. It is anticipated that the Bonds in book-entry form will be available for delivery through the facilities of DTC on or about January 30, 2013. Dated: January 16, 2013 $31,300,000 CITY OF CARLSBAD REASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2012-1 LIMITED OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS MATURITY SCHEDULE Maturity Date (September 2) Principal Amount Interest Rate Yield CUSIP† 2014 $ 1,805,000 2.000% 1.125% 142579GC9 2015 1,025,000 2.000 1.500 142579GD7 2016 1,045,000 3.000 1.875 142579GE5 2017 1,065,000 3.000 2.250 142579GF2 2018 1,095,000 3.000 2.500 142579GG0 2019 1,130,000 3.000 2.750 142579GH8 2020 1,160,000 3.000 2.950 142579GJ4 2021 1,195,000 3.150 3.150 142579GK1 2022 1,235,000 3.375 3.375 142579GL9 2023 1,280,000 3.550 3.550 142579GM7 2024 1,325,000 3.700 3.700 142579GN5 2025 1,375,000 3.800 3.800 142579GP0 2026 1,425,000 3.900 3.900 142579GQ8 2027 1,480,000 4.000 4.000 142579GR6 2028 1,545,000 4.000 4.050 142579GS4 2029 1,605,000 4.125 4.125 142579GT2 2030 1,670,000 4.125 4.200 142579GU9 2031 1,740,000 4.125 4.230 142579GV7 2032 1,810,000 4.250 4.280 142579GW5 $5,290,000 5.000% Term Bond due September 2, 2035 Yield: 4.180%C CUSIP† 142579GX3 † CUSIP® is a registered trademark of the American Bankers Association. Copyright© 1999-2013, American Bankers Association. All rights reserved. CUSIP data herein is provided by Standard & Poor’s, CUSIP Service Bureau, a division of The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. The City and the Underwriter take no responsibility for the accuracy of such data. C Yield to the optional redemption date of September 2, 2022 at par. CITY OF CARLSBAD ELECTED OFFICIALS Matt Hall, Mayor Mark Packard, Councilmember Keith Blackburn, Councilmember Farrah Golshan Douglas, Councilmember Lorraine M. Wood, Councilmember Jim Comstock, City Treasurer _____________________ CITY OFFICIALS John Coates, Interim City Manager Cynthia Haas, Deputy City Manager Celia Brewer, City Attorney Skip Hammann, Transportation Director Chuck McBride, Finance Director _____________ BOND COUNSEL AND DISCLOSURE COUNSEL Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth, a Professional Corporation Newport Beach, California _____________ TRUSTEE The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. Los Angeles, California _________________ REASSESSMENT ENGINEER NBS Temecula, California _________________ FINANCIAL ADVISOR Fieldman, Rolapp & Associates Irvine, CA _________________ VERIFICATION AGENT Grant Thornton LLP Minneapolis, Minnesota No dealer, broker, salesperson or other person has been authorized by the City, the Trustee or the Underwriter to give any information or to make any representations in connection with the offer or sale of the Bonds other than those contained herein and, if given or made, such other information or representations must not be relied upon as having been authorized by the City, the Trustee or the Underwriter. This Official Statement does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy nor shall there be any sale of the Bonds by a person in any jurisdiction in which it is unlawful for such person to make such an offer, solicitation or sale. This Official Statement is not to be construed as a contract with the purchasers or Owners of the Bonds. Statements contained in this Official Statement which involve estimates, forecasts or matters of opinion, whether or not expressly so described herein, are intended solely as such and are not to be construed as representations of fact. This Official Statement, including any supplement or amendment hereto, is intended to be filed with and made publicly available through the Electronic Municipal Market Access system of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board. The Underwriter has provided the following sentence for inclusion in this Official Statement: The Underwriter has reviewed the information in this Official Statement in accordance with, and as part of, its responsibilities to investors under the federal securities laws as applied to the facts and circumstances of this transaction, but the Underwriter does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of such information. The information set forth herein which has been obtained by the City from third party sources is believed to be reliable but is not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness by the City or the Trustee. The information and expressions of opinion herein are subject to change without notice and neither the delivery of this Official Statement nor any sale made hereunder shall, under any circumstances, create any implication that there has been no change in the affairs of the City, the landowners within the Reassessment District or any other parties described herein since the date hereof. All summaries of the Indenture or other documents are made subject to the provisions of such documents respectively and do not purport to be complete statements of any or all of such provisions. Reference is hereby made to such documents on file with the City for further information in connection therewith. A wide variety of other information, including financial information, concerning the City, is available from publications and websites of the City and others. Any such information that is inconsistent with the information set forth in this Official Statement should be disregarded. No such information is a part of or incorporated into this Official Statement. Certain statements included or incorporated by reference in this Official Statement constitute “forward- looking statements” within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, Section 21E of the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and Section 27A of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended. Such statements are generally identifiable by the terminology used such as “plan,” “expect,” “estimate,” “project,” “budget” or other similar words. Such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, certain statements contained in the information under the caption “THE REASSESSMENT DISTRICT.” The achievement of certain results or other expectations contained in such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause actual results, performance or achievements described to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Except as set forth in the Continuing Disclosure Certificate, a form of which is attached as Appendix D, the City does not plan to issue any updates or revisions to the forward-looking statements set forth in this Official Statement. IN CONNECTION WITH THE OFFERING OF THE BONDS, THE UNDERWRITER MAY OVERALLOT OR EFFECT TRANSACTIONS WHICH STABILIZE OR MAINTAIN THE MARKET PRICE OF SUCH BONDS AT A LEVEL ABOVE THAT WHICH MIGHT OTHERWISE PREVAIL IN THE OPEN MARKET. SUCH STABILIZING, IF COMMENCED, MAY BE DISCONTINUED AT ANY TIME. THE BONDS HAVE NOT BEEN REGISTERED UNDER THE SECURITIES ACT OF 1933, AS AMENDED, IN RELIANCE UPON AN EXEMPTION CONTAINED IN SUCH ACT. THE BONDS HAVE NOT BEEN REGISTERED OR QUALIFIED UNDER THE SECURITIES LAWS OF ANY STATE. TABLE OF CONTENTS i INTRODUCTION ........................................................ 1 General ...................................................................... 1 Forward Looking Statements .................................... 1 The Reassessment District ........................................ 2 Property Values and Value-to-Reassessment Lien Ratios .................................................................... 3 No Additional Bonds ................................................ 3 Tax Matters ............................................................... 3 Professionals Involved in the Offering ..................... 3 Continuing Disclosure .............................................. 4 Bond Owners’ Risks ................................................. 4 Other Information ..................................................... 4 REFUNDING PLAN .................................................... 4 Estimated Sources and Uses of Funds ...................... 5 THE BONDS ................................................................ 5 General ...................................................................... 5 Redemption of Bonds ............................................... 6 Purchase of Bonds .................................................... 7 Notice of Redemption ............................................... 7 Selection of Bonds for Redemption .......................... 7 Registration, Exchange or Transfer .......................... 7 Annual Debt Service ................................................. 9 SECURITY FOR THE BONDS ................................... 9 Limited Obligation .................................................... 9 Reassessment Liens and Installments ..................... 10 Limited Obligation Upon Delinquency ................... 10 Reserve Fund .......................................................... 11 Covenant to Foreclose and Court Foreclosure Proceedings ......................................................... 12 Priority of Reassessment Lien ................................ 13 No Additional Bonds .............................................. 13 Maximum Annual Reassessment for Administrative Costs and Expenses .................... 13 THE REASSESSMENT DISTRICT .......................... 14 Description of the Reassessment District ................ 14 Direct and Overlapping Indebtedness ..................... 15 Value-to-Reassessment Lien Ratios ........................ 17 Delinquencies in the Reassessment District ............ 19 Concentration of Ownership ................................... 20 Tax Rates ................................................................ 21 BONDOWNERS’ RISKS .......................................... 21 General .................................................................... 21 Concentration of Ownership ................................... 21 Delinquency Resulting in Ultimate or Temporary Loss on Bonds ..................................................... 22 Non-Cash Payments of Reassessments ................... 22 Limited City Obligation Upon Delinquency ........... 22 Land Values ............................................................ 22 Bankruptcy and Foreclosure ................................... 23 FDIC/Federal Government Interests in Parcels ...... 23 Natural Disasters ..................................................... 24 Hazardous Substances ............................................. 25 Loss of Tax Exemption ........................................... 25 Limited Secondary Market ..................................... 25 Future Debt Issuance............................................... 25 Ballot Initiatives ...................................................... 26 Constitutional Amendment – Articles IIIC and IIID ...................................................................... 26 CONCLUDING INFORMATION .............................. 27 Continuing Disclosure ............................................. 27 Legal Opinion .......................................................... 27 Tax Matters .............................................................. 27 Litigation ................................................................. 29 Financial Interests .................................................... 29 No Rating................................................................. 29 Underwriting ............................................................ 29 Miscellaneous .......................................................... 29 APPENDIX A REASSESSMENT DIAGRAM ... A-1 APPENDIX B EXCEPTS FROM REASSESSMENT REPORT ...... B-1 APPENDIX C SUMMARY OF THE INDENTURE ............................... C-1 APPENDIX D OPINION OF BOND COUNSEL ................................... D-1 APPENDIX E BOOK-ENTRY ONLY SYSTEM ...................................... E-1 APPENDIX F FORM OF CONTINUING DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT .... F-1 APPENDIX G INFORMATION CONCERNING THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ......................... G-1 College Boulevard /College Boulevard / Cannon Road East -Cannon Road East - Benefit Area 1Benefit Area 1 Poinsettia LanePoinsettia LanePALOMAR A IR P O R T R D P OI N S E T T IA L N POI N SE TTIA L NALGA RD CAR L S B A D VIL LAGE DRCARLSBAD BL C OLLEGE BLCANNON RD T A M ARACK AVEL CAMINO REAL EL CAMI NO REAL MELROSE D R Reassessment District No. 2012-1 00.5Miles SPOKANE WY COVENTR Y RD DON JUAN DRLEXIN GT ON CRMA S TO DO N C TBERKELEY A V PERALTA STGLEN A V V ICTORIA A V IN LET DRBLUFF CT CRATER RIM R DEL CAMINO REAL ALANDER CTSTANFORD STGATESHEAD R DGLASGOW DRSUMMIT TRAIL CT SEASIDE WYINVERNESS DRGREENWICH STEDINBURGH DRKNOL L WOOD DRSEABURY ST RIFT RD BUCKINGHAM LNRED BLUFF PLTIBURON AV GRANITE CT CLIF F CRAVALON AV HI LLTOP STPLATEAU PL SH ASTA PLCHELSEA CT SAUSALITO AV FLAT ROCK STCHANCERY CTTUOLUMNE PLA R A P A H O P L M OON FIELD DR WIND TRAIL WYEN G LEWOOD WYTOPEKA STHASTINGS D RAND O VE R A V LANCASTER RD NORTH FORK AVRAVINE D R B R AND ON CRCHES HIRE AV KI NGS TON ST BUCK RIDGE AVREGENT R D CA N N O N R D PE N INSULA DRCARLSBAD VI LLAGE DR CHATHAM R DSIMSBURY CT CAY DRBER G EN P E A K PLFO O THILL AV OLYMPIA DRMEADOW D R STRATA DR SOUTH AMPTON RD CAVE R N PLHARWICH D R F OUR P EAKS STPONTIAC DRJETTY PT RILL CT ROCK R I D G E R D TAMARACK AV CAPE COD C RPLEASANT VALE D R ES SEX C T SADDLE DRS TONERIDGE RD COLLEGE BLHAVERHI LL STLAREDO STCORVALLI S STRICH FIELD DR2003-01 College Boulevard/ Cannon Road East - Benefit Area 1 TILIA PLUNICORNIO ST ESTURION ST D O V E L N G E ODE L N CASSIA RD CARRILLO W YPASEO COL IN ADARTINGTON WY GR E ENHAVEN DR M ALACHI TE PLABEDU L S T SOCORRO LN BRE SSI R A NCH WY OBSI DI AN PL CAMINO V ID A ROBLE MICA R D ABEJ O R R O S T RANCHO DIAM ONT E GA L E N A A V BRESSI RANCH WY A LLEY KEENELAND DR ASCOT A VTOPIARY STLA G O L O N D RINA STLISMORE PLDOGWOOD RD LAR IMAR AV TANZANITE DRLLAMA STALGA RD AVIARA PY ARUNDEL AV PASEO ACAM POHELENITE P L CANTI L STEL A G U I L A S T PASEO CANDELEROONYX PL ARGONAUTA WYMANZANITA STM OO R HEN PLACUNA CT C E B U PLCOBALT D R PARADISE RD ALLEY FER N PLCAL ET A CTEL FUERTE STOBELIS CO PLAMMONITE PLPARADISE RD R ANCHO PANCHO KYANI TE PLPERSA STBLU E ORCHID LN DISCOVERY RDINGLETON AV L A PALO M A STHE R I TAGE DRGRULLA ST ANTI LOPE STINNOVATION WYCAMPB ELL PLCEREUS CTCOSMOS CTLA PLACE CT DI VI TA DRALLSTON ST M ARCASITE PLEDENDALE STO LEA LN ARGON A U T A S TZODIAC STJASPER W YALMADEN LNCAYENNE LN PALOMAR AIRPORT RD COLIBRI LN POINSE T TI A L N LAS P ALMAS DRCACAT UA S T EL FUERTE STCIT RIN E DRL OKE R AV EASTLOKER AV WEST ALICANTE RDALI CANTE RDBR ASS PLCORI NTI A STVILLAGE GREEN DRP AL M E T T O DR EL CAMINO REALHALITE PLLA PIS RD GOLD STONE R D MIMOSA DROBELI SCO CRALVERTON DRESTRELLA DE MAR RDGATEWAY RD RANCHO B RAVAD O L U C I E R N A G A S TMELROSE DRHUNTI NGTON D RAMBER LNJADE L NORION STPRIVATE RD TITAN ITE PLQU A I L P L IVORY PLPRIVATE R DBABILONIA ST PRIVA TE RD2002-01 Poinsettia Lane 1 $31,300,000 CITY OF CARLSBAD REASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2012-1 LIMITED OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS INTRODUCTION General This introduction is not a summary of this Official Statement. It is only a brief description of and guide to, and is qualified by, more complete and detailed information contained in the entire Official Statement, including the appendices. A full review should be made of the entire Official Statement. The sale and delivery of the Bonds (defined below) to potential investors is made only by means of the entire Official Statement. All capitalized terms used in this Official Statement and not defined shall have the meaning set forth in APPENDIX C — “SUMMARY OF THE INDENTURE — Definitions.” The purpose of this Official Statement, which includes the cover page, the table of contents and the attached appendices (collectively, the “Official Statement”), is to provide certain information concerning the issuance by the City of Carlsbad (the “City”) of the $31,300,000 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Limited Obligation Refunding Bonds (the “Bonds”). The proceeds of the Bonds, together with certain existing funds of the City, will be used to defease and redeem all of the City’s (i) Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) Benefit Area No. 1 (Calavera Hills II) Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds (the “2004 Bonds”) originally issued on June 10, 2004 in the aggregate principal amount of $11,760,000 and now outstanding in the principal amount of $10,155,000, and (ii) Assessment District No. 2002-01 (Poinsettia Lane East) Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2005A (the “2005A Bonds” and together with the 2004 Bonds, the “Prior Bonds”) originally issued on February 17, 2005 in the aggregate principal amount of $33,085,000 and now outstanding in the principal amount of $28,630,000. A portion of the proceeds of the Bonds will be used to fund a deposit to the Reserve Fund for the Bonds and to pay the costs of issuing the Bonds. See “THE REFUNDING PLAN” and “ESTIMATED SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS”. The Bonds are to be issued under the Refunding Act of 1984 for 1915 Improvement Act Bonds, Division 11.5 of the Streets and Highways Code of California (the “Act”), and pursuant to an Indenture by and between the City acting on behalf of the City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 (the “Reassessment District”) and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. (the “Trustee”), dated as of January 1, 2013 (the “Indenture”). The Bonds are secured under the Indenture by a pledge of and lien upon the Reassessments (as defined in this Official Statement) and all moneys on deposit in the Redemption Fund and the Reserve Fund established pursuant to the Indenture. In addition to the Reassessments, the Bonds will be initially secured by a pledge and lien on the Assessments levied within the Prior Assessment Districts (as defined in this Official Statement) in fiscal year 2012-13 which have not been collected as of the date of delivery of the Bonds. See “SECURITY FOR THE BONDS.” Forward Looking Statements Certain statements included or incorporated by reference in this Official Statement constitute “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, Section 21E of the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and Section 27A of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended. Such statements are generally identifiable by the terminology used such as a “plan,” “expect,” “estimate,” “project,” “budget” or similar words. Such forward- looking statements include, but are not limited to certain statements contained in the information under the caption “THE REASSESSMENT DISTRICT.” 2 THE ACHIEVEMENT OF CERTAIN RESULTS OR OTHER EXPECTATIONS CONTAINED IN SUCH FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS INVOLVE KNOWN AND UNKNOWN RISKS, UNCERTAINTIES AND OTHER FACTORS WHICH MAY CAUSE ACTUAL RESULTS, PERFORMANCE OR ACHIEVEMENTS DESCRIBED TO BE MATERIALLY DIFFERENT FROM ANY FUTURE RESULTS, PERFORMANCE OR ACHIEVEMENTS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED BY SUCH FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS. THE CITY DOES NOT PLAN TO ISSUE ANY UPDATES OR REVISIONS TO THE FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS SET FORTH IN THIS OFFICIAL STATEMENT. The Reassessment District The Reassessment District includes all of the property within Assessment District No. 2002-01 (Poinsettia Lane East) (“Assessment District No. 2002-01”) and Benefit Area No. 1 (Calavera Hills II) of Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) (“Benefit Area No. 1 of Assessment District No. 2003-01” and together with Assessment District No. 2002-01, the “Prior Assessment Districts”, each a “Prior Assessment District”) with the exception of 3 parcels for which the Assessments levied against them have been prepaid. The Reassessment District encompasses 2,020 parcels consisting of 1,482 parcels for single family detached homes, 375 parcels for multi-family units, 85 commercial parcels, 26 industrial parcels, 4 other developed parcels, and 48 undeveloped parcels. Assessment District No. 2002-01 is located in the east central portion of the City, southeast of the McClellan-Palomar Airport. Assessment District No. 2002-01 encompasses two master plans: the Bressi Ranch Master Plan and the La Costa Greens portion of the Villages of La Costa Master Plan. The Bressi Ranch Master Plan’s primary goal is to create a pedestrian oriented community and consists of 5 planning areas containing office, industrial, and warehouse uses, seven planning areas of single family detached homes, one hundred units of affordable multifamily apartments, a small commercial site housing a gas station/mini- mart, a mixed-use area containing commercial and community facilities, a recreational vehicle storage area, a private school, numerous open space areas, and a large “Village Green.” The La Costa Greens is a residential development created to take advantage of the natural open space of the area. A pedestrian trail system links the individual neighborhoods and many homes have golf course and open space views. Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) is located in the northern portion of the City, primarily along College Boulevard south of State Highway 78. Assessment District No. 2003-01 encompasses a portion of the Calavera Hills II Master Plan which features 19 residential villages, 1 community park, 2 school sites, 2 community facility sites, 1 recreational vehicle storage facility and large areas of open space corridors. Further, the Assessment District is located adjacent to the Lake Calavera Preserve; the largest of 13 city owned, dedicated, and managed nature preserves in Carlsbad. This area is popular with hikers, mountain bikers, and nature lovers. Many homes in the Assessment District have views of the Lake Calavera Preserve. Proceedings for the formation of the Prior Assessment Districts were taken by the City Council of the City pursuant to the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913, Division 12 of the California Streets and Highways Code (the “1913 Act”) in order to assist in providing certain roadway improvements including storm drain, sewer, water, recycled water, and dry utilities of special benefit to the parcels located within the boundaries of the Prior Assessment Districts. The City Council confirmed on each of those parcels an assessment (individually an “Assessment” and collectively the “Assessments”) proportionate to the special benefit received by it from the improvements. Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) also encompassed Benefit Area No. 2, which includes the primarily residential Robertson Ranch East development. Any assessments levied in Benefit Area No. 2, are not security for the Bonds. In order to provide the funds with which to construct the certain public capital improvements benefitting the Prior Assessment Districts, the City issued the 2004 Bonds in an aggregate principal amount of $11,760,000 on June 10, 2004 and the 2005A Bonds in an aggregate principal amount of $33,085,000 on 3 February 17, 2005. The Prior Bonds are secured by the unpaid Assessments levied respectively within each Prior Assessment District; and installments of those Assessments, which are collected each year along with the ad valorem taxes collected by the County of San Diego (the “County”), have been used to pay the principal of and interest on the Prior Bonds as the same became due and payable. On January 8, 2013, the City Council took proceedings under the Act and confirmed a reassessment, which reassessment and a related diagram were recorded in the office of the Transportation Director, acting as the Superintendent of Streets, and with the County Recorder of the County of San Diego. A notice of reassessment, as prescribed in Section 3114 of the Streets and Highways Code, has been recorded with the County Recorder of the County of San Diego, whereupon the reassessment attached as a lien upon the property assessed within the Reassessment District as provided in Section 3115 of the Streets and Highways Code. Pursuant to the 1984 Act the City may issue refunding bonds for the purpose of redeeming the Prior Bonds. The City may issue and sell refunding bonds without giving notice to and conducting a hearing for the owners of property in the Reassessment District or giving notice to the owners of the Bonds if the City Council makes the findings required in the Act. Property Values and Value-to-Reassessment Lien Ratios The aggregate assessed value of the parcels in the City with unpaid Reassessments, as shown in the County of San Diego assessor’s roll for fiscal year 2012-13, is $1,437,599,297. The ratio of the assessed value of such parcels to the total amount of the unpaid Reassessments, is approximately 45.93 to 1 (exclusive of the unpaid Assessments for fiscal year 2012-13 and overlapping debt described herein). See “THE REASSESSMENT DISTRICT — Value-to-Reassessment Lien Ratios”. No Additional Bonds The City is not authorized to issue additional bonds (other than the Bonds or any refunding bonds) secured by the Reassessments. Tax Matters In the opinion of Bond Counsel, under existing laws, regulations, rulings and court decisions, the interest (and original issue discount) on the Bonds is exempt from personal income taxes of the State of California and, assuming compliance with certain covenants set forth in the Indenture, is excludable from gross income of the owners of the Bonds for federal income tax purposes and is not included as a specific preference item for purposes of the federal alternative minimum tax. Set forth in Appendix D is the opinion of Bond Counsel expected to be delivered in connection with the issuance of the Bonds. For a more complete discussion of such opinion and the tax consequences incident to the ownership of the Bonds, including certain exceptions to the tax treatment of interest, see “CONCLUDING INFORMATION — Tax Matters”. Professionals Involved in the Offering The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., Los Angeles, California, will act as Trustee under the Indenture and as the initial Dissemination Agent under the City’s Continuing Disclosure Agreement. The legal proceedings in connection with the issuance and delivery of the Bonds are subject to the approval as to their legality of Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth, a Professional Corporation, Newport Beach, California, Bond Counsel and Disclosure Counsel. Certain legal matters will be passed on for the City by the City Attorney. Certain legal matters will be passed upon for the Underwriter by its counsel, Jones Hall, A Professional Law Corporation, San Francisco, California. Other professional services have been performed by NBS, Temecula, California, as Reassessment Engineer. 4 For information concerning financial or other interest which certain of the above-mentioned professionals, advisors, counsel and agents may have in the offering of the Bonds, see “CONCLUDING INFORMATION — Financial Interests”. Continuing Disclosure The City has agreed to provide, or cause to be provided, to each nationally recognized municipal securities information repository and any public or private repository or entity designated by the State as a state repository for purposes of Rule 15c2-12(b)(5) adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, certain annual or semi-annual (as applicable) financial information and operating data. The City has further agreed to provide notice of certain enumerated events. These covenants have been made in order to assist the Underwriter in complying with Rule 15c2-12(b)(5). See “CONCLUDING INFORMATION — Continuing Disclosure” herein and Appendix F hereto for a description of the specific nature of the annual reports and notices of enumerated events to be provided by the City. Bond Owners’ Risks Certain events could affect the timely repayment of the principal of and interest on the Bonds when due. See the section of this Official Statement entitled “BONDOWNERS’ RISKS” for a discussion of certain factors which should be considered, in addition to other matters set forth herein, in evaluating an investment in the Bonds. The purchase of the Bonds involves risks, and the Bonds are not suitable investments for some types of investors. See “BONDOWNERS RISKS”. Other Information This Official Statement speaks only as of its date, and the information contained herein is subject to change. Brief descriptions of the Bonds and the Indenture are included in this Official Statement. Such descriptions and information do not purport to be comprehensive or definitive. All references herein to the Indenture, the Bonds and the constitution and laws of the State as well as the proceedings of the City Council of the City, are qualified in their entirety by references to such documents, laws and proceedings, and with respect to the Bonds, by reference to the Indenture. Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings set forth in the Indenture. Copies of the Indenture, the Continuing Disclosure Agreement and other documents and information referred to herein are available for inspection and (upon request and payment to the Trustee of a charge for copying, mailing and handling) for delivery from the Trustee. REFUNDING PLAN The Bonds are being issued to provide a portion of the moneys, together with certain funds on deposit with The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., acting as escrow agent (the “Escrow Agent”), to refund the City’s outstanding 2004 Bonds, in the aggregate principal amount of $10,155,000, and 2005A Bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $28,630,000, at a redemption price equal to the principal amount plus accrued interest on March 2, 2013. The 2004 Bonds were issued upon and are secured by the unpaid Assessments levied on property in Benefit Area No. 1 of Assessment District No. 2003-01, pursuant a Bond Indenture dated as of May 1, 2004, by and between the City and BNY Western Trust Company. The 2005A Bonds were issued upon and are secured by the unpaid Assessments levied on property in Assessment District No. 2002-01, pursuant a Bond Indenture dated as of February 1, 2005, by and between the City and The Bank of New York Trust Company, N.A. 5 Pursuant to the Indenture, the City will deliver a portion of the proceeds of the Bonds to the Trustee to transfer to the Escrow Agent for deposit in a separate escrow fund established for each of the Prior Bonds (collectively, the “Escrow Funds”) established under the Escrow Agreement, dated as of January 1, 2013, by and between the City and the Escrow Agent (the “Escrow Agreement”). Moneys on deposit in the Escrow Funds will be applied to acquire the federal securities set forth in the Escrow Agreement, which, together with certain funds held as cash, will be used to pay on March 2, 2013 the redemption price of the Prior Bonds, together with accrued interest through the date of redemption. The moneys on deposit in the Escrow Funds and such other funds held as cash that together will be used as described in the immediately preceding sentence, will be sufficient in the opinion of Grant Thornton LLP, Minneapolis, Minnesota, the Verification Agent, to provide for the defeasance and redemption on March 2, 2013 of the Prior Bonds. All moneys and securities on deposit in the Escrow Funds will be irrevocably pledged to secure, when due, the payment of the principal of, interest and any premium due with respect to the Prior Bonds. As a result of the deposit and investment of funds under the Escrow Agreement, all of the City’s obligations with respect to the Prior Bonds, including the pledge of unpaid Assessments which secure the City’s obligations with respect to the Prior Bonds, will be fully discharged upon the execution and delivery of the Bonds. Estimated Sources and Uses of Funds The Trustee will receive the proceeds from the sale of the Bonds upon delivery of such Bonds to the purchasers thereof. The proceeds of the Bonds will be applied as set forth in the following table: SOURCES: Par Amount of Bonds $31,300,000.00 Plus Net Original Issue Premium 446,610.20 Plus Available Funds(1) 10,717,358.38 Less Underwriter’s Discount (300,831.67) Total Sources $42,163,136.91 USES: AD 2002-01 Escrow Fund $ 29,345,946.25 AD 2003-01 Escrow Fund 10,453,598.75 Debt Service Reserve Fund 2,161,257.52 Costs of Issuance Fund(2) 202,334.39 Total Uses $ 42,163,136.91 (1) Includes fiscal year 2012-13 Assessment Installments collected as of January 17, 2013, reserve funds of the Prior Bonds, surplus construction funds and other funds on hand. (2) Includes costs of issuance, such as Trustee, Bond Counsel and Disclosure Counsel fees and costs, printing costs and other related costs for the issuance of Bonds, reimbursable expenses of the City and certain upfront design and engineering costs. THE BONDS General The $31,300,000 aggregate principal amount of the Bonds was authorized for issuance by a resolution adopted by the City Council of the City and are being issued by the City pursuant to the Act and the Indenture between the City and the Trustee. The Bonds will be dated their date of delivery and mature on September 2 in the years and in the amounts shown on the inside cover page of this Official Statement. Interest shall be payable on September 2, 6 2013, and semiannually thereafter on March 2 and September 2 of each year until maturity. The Bonds are issued as fully registered bonds, in integral multiples of $5,000. Each Bond shall bear interest from the Interest Payment Date next preceding the date of authentication and registration thereof unless (i) it is authenticated after a Record Date and on or before the immediately succeeding Interest Payment Date, in which event it shall bear interest from such Interest Payment Date, or (ii) it is authenticated before the close of business on the first Record Date, in which event it shall bear interest from its dated date; provided, however, that if at the time of authentication of a Bond, interest is in default thereon, such Bond will bear interest from the Interest Payment Date to which interest has previously been paid or made available for payment thereon or from the date of original delivery of the Bonds, if no interest has previously been paid or made available for payment on the Outstanding Bonds. Interest on the Bonds is payable by the Trustee on each Interest Payment Date, until the principal amount of a Bond has been paid or made available for payment, to the registered Owner thereof at such registered Owner’s address as it appears on the registration books maintained by the Trustee at the close of the Business Day on the Record Date preceding the Interest Payment Date. The Bonds will be held in book-entry form and registered in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee of The Depository Trust Company (“DTC”), all interest payments will be made directly to DTC for distribution to the beneficial owners in accordance with DTC’s procedures. See APPENDIX E — “BOOK-ENTRY ONLY SYSTEM”. Redemption of Bonds Mandatory Redemption From Reassessment Prepayments. The Bonds shall be subject to mandatory redemption, in whole or in part as selected by the Treasurer pursuant to Section 8768 of the California Streets and Highways Code, on any Interest Payment Date, from and to the extent of any prepayment of Reassessments, at the following respective redemption prices (expressed as percentages of the principal amount of the Bonds to be redeemed), plus accrued interest thereon to the date of redemption: Redemption Date Redemption Prices September 2, 2013 through March 2, 2020 103% September 2, 2020 through March 2, 2021 102 September 2, 2021 through March 2, 2022 101 September 2, 2022 and thereafter 100 Optional Redemption of Bonds from Other Funds, Excluding Reassessment Prepayments. The Bonds are subject to redemption prior to their stated maturity dates on any Interest Payment Date on or after September 2, 2022, as selected by the City, from any source of funds other than prepayment of Reassessments, at a redemption price equal to the principal amount of the Bonds to be redeemed, plus accrued interest thereon to the date of redemption, without premium. Mandatory Sinking Fund Redemption of Bonds. The Bonds maturing on September 2, 2035 shall be subject to mandatory sinking fund redemption prior to maturity, in part, on September 2, 2033, and on each September 2 thereafter, from sinking fund payments, at a redemption price equal to the principal amount of Bonds to be redeemed, together with accrued interest to the date of redemption, without premium, as follows: 7 2035 Term Bond Redemption Date (September 2) Redemption Amount 2033 $1,885,000 2034 1,980,000 2035 (maturity) 1,425,000 Purchase of Bonds In lieu of payment at maturity or redemption, moneys in the Redemption Fund may be used and withdrawn by the Trustee for purchase of outstanding Bonds, upon the filing with the Trustee of an Officer’s Certificate requesting such purchase, at public or private sale as and when, and at such prices (including brokerage and other charges) as such Officer’s Certificate may provide, but in no event may Bonds be purchased at a price in excess of the principal amount thereof, plus the premium, if any, which would be paid upon redemption, plus interest accrued to the date of purchase. Notice of Redemption With respect to the Bonds held in book-entry form, notices of redemption will be mailed only to The Depository Trust Company and not to any beneficial owner of the Bonds. The Trustee shall cause notice of any redemption to be mailed by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, at least 30 days but not more than 60 days prior to the date fixed for redemption, to the securities depository and to certain information services, and to the respective registered Owners of any Bonds designated for redemption, at their addresses appearing on the Bond registration books maintained by the Trustee; but the actual receipt of any notice shall not be a condition precedent to such redemption and failure to receive any such notice, or any defect in such notice, shall not affect the validity of the proceedings for the redemption of such Bonds, or the cessation of interest on the redemption date. A notice of redemption for optional redemption may be conditioned on the receipt by the City of sufficient funds to effect the redemption. If sufficient funds are not received by the City by the redemption date, the redemption shall not occur and the Bonds will remain outstanding under the Indenture. If any redemption is cancelled due to lack of sufficient funds, the Trustee shall mail a notice to the Bondowners stating that such redemption was cancelled and did not occur. Selection of Bonds for Redemption Whenever provision is made in the Indenture for the redemption of less than all of the Bonds, the City shall select the Bonds for redemption in such a way that the ratio of Outstanding Bonds to issued Bonds shall be approximately the same in each maturity of the Bonds insofar as possible. The Trustee shall select the particular Bonds to be redeemed from each maturity by lot. Registration, Exchange or Transfer The registration of any Bond may, in accordance with its terms, be transferred upon the Bond Register by the person in whose name it is registered, in person or by his or her duly authorized attorney, upon surrender of such Bond for cancellation at the office of the Trustee, accompanied by delivery of a written instrument of transfer in a form acceptable to the Trustee and duly executed by the Bondowner or his or her duly authorized attorney. 8 Bonds may be exchanged at the office of the Trustee for a like aggregate principal amount of Bonds of other authorized denominations of the same maturity. The Trustee will not charge the Owner for any new Bond issued upon any exchange or transfer, but shall require the Owner requesting such exchange or transfer to pay any tax or other governmental charge required to be paid with respect to such exchange or transfer. The cost of printing any Bonds and any services rendered or any expenses incurred by the Trustee in connection with any exchange or transfer shall be paid by the City as Administrative Expenses. Whenever any Bond or Bonds shall be surrendered for registration of transfer or exchange, the City shall execute, and the Trustee shall authenticate and deliver, a new Bond or Bonds of the same maturity for a like aggregate principal amount; provided, that the Trustee shall not be required to register transfers or make exchanges of Bonds (a) 15 days prior to the date established by the Trustee for selection of Bonds for redemption, or (b) with respect to a Bond after such Bond has been selected for redemption. 9 Annual Debt Service Table 1 below sets forth the annual debt service on the Bonds based on the maturity schedule and interest rates set forth on the inside cover page of this Official Statement. TABLE 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD REASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2012-1 LIMITED OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS Annual Debt Service Year Ending September 2 Principal Interest Total 2013 $ 0 $ 690,388.31 $ 690,388.31 2014 1,805,000 1,172,357.52 2,977,357.52 2015 1,025,000 1,136,257.52 2,161,257.52 2016 1,045,000 1,135,757.52 2,160,757.52 2017 1,065,000 1,104,407.52 2,149,407.52 2018 1,095,000 1,082,457.52 2,147,457.52 2019 1,130,000 1,054,607.52 2,149,607.52 2020 1,160,000 1,015,707.52 2,145,707.52 2021 1,195,000 985,907.52 2,145,907.52 2022 1,235,000 953,265.02 2,148,265.02 2023 1,280,000 916,583.76 2,151,583.76 2024 1,325,000 871,143.76 2,151,143.76 2025 1,375,000 827,118.76 2,152,118.76 2026 1,425,000 774,868.76 2,149,868.76 2027 1,480,000 724,293.76 2,149,293.76 2028 1,545,000 675,093.76 2,155,093.76 2029 1,605,000 608,293.76 2,153,293.76 2030 1,670,000 547,087.50 2,152,087.50 2031 1,740,000 483,200.00 2,153,200.00 2032 1,810,000 411,425.00 2,151,425.00 2033 1,885,000 264,500.00 2,149,500.00 2034 1,980,000 170,250.00 2,150,250.00 2035 1,425,000 71,250.00 1,496,250.00 Total $ 31,300,000 $ 17,676,222.31 $ 48,191,222.31 Source: Underwriter. SECURITY FOR THE BONDS Limited Obligation The obligation of the City relating to the Bonds is not a general obligation of the City, but is a limited obligation, payable solely from the Reassessments and Assessments and from the funds pledged under the Indenture. Neither the faith and credit nor the taxing power of the City, the County or the State of California, or any of its political subdivisions, is pledged to the payment of the Bonds. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Indenture, the City is not obligated to advance available surplus funds from the City treasury to cure any deficiency in the Redemption Fund. 10 Reassessment Liens and Installments The Bonds are issued upon and secured by and payable solely from the unpaid Reassessments on parcels of property within the Reassessment District together with accrued interest, and such unpaid Reassessments, together with accrued interest, constitute a fund for the redemption and payment of the principal of the Bonds and related interest and premium, if any. The Bonds will also be initially secured by a pledge and lien on the Assessments levied within the Prior Assessment Districts in fiscal year 2012-13 which have not been collected as of the date of delivery of the Bonds. In addition, all of the Bonds are secured by the moneys in the Reassessment Fund, the Redemption Fund and the Reserve Fund created pursuant to the Indenture. Principal of and interest on the Bonds are payable exclusively from the Redemption Fund. Although the unpaid Reassessments and Assessments constitute fixed liens on the lots and parcels assessed, they do not constitute a personal indebtedness of the respective owners of such lots and parcels. There can be no assurance as to the ability or the willingness of such owners to pay the unpaid Reassessments and Assessments when due. See “BONDOWNERS’ RISKS”. The unpaid Reassessments and Assessments will be collected in annual installments, together with interest, on the County secured tax roll on which general taxes on real property are collected (the “Reassessment Installments”). The City will include in the annual installments an amount for the payment of administrative expenses in the amount set forth in the Reassessment Report; such amounts are not available to pay debt service on the Bonds. The Reassessment Installments are payable and become delinquent at the same time and in the same proportionate amounts and bear the same proportionate penalties and interest after delinquency as do general property taxes. The properties upon which the Reassessments and Assessments are levied are subject to the same provisions for sale and redemption as are properties for nonpayment of general taxes. The annual Reassessment Installments are to be paid to the City and transferred by the City to the Trustee with instructions to deposit the balance remaining after the deposit of amounts into the Administrative Expense Fund held by the City to pay administrative expenses into the Reassessment Fund. The Trustee is to transfer amounts in the Reassessment Fund into the Redemption Fund held by the Trustee to pay the principal of and interest on the Bonds as they become due. The Reassessment Installments billed against each of the lots and parcels in the Reassessment District each year represent a pro rata share of the total principal and interest coming due on all of the Bonds that year (other than the Assessment installments which remain unpaid as of the date of delivery of the Bonds which represented a pro rata share of the total principal and interest coming due of the Prior Bonds in fiscal year 2012-13). The amount billed against each lot or parcel is based on the percentage which the unpaid Reassessment against the property bears to the total of unpaid Reassessments in the Reassessment District. The failure of a property owner to pay an annual Reassessment Installment will not result in an increase in Reassessment Installments against other property in the Reassessment District. Each property owner has a statutory right to prepay the Reassessment on a parcel in whole or in part on any date. Amounts received as prepaid Reassessments will be deposited in the Prepayment Account of the Redemption Fund and shall be used solely for the purpose of redeeming Bonds. See “THE BONDS — Redemption of Bonds — Mandatory Redemption from Reassessment Prepayments.” Limited Obligation Upon Delinquency THE BONDS ARE LIMITED OBLIGATIONS OF THE CITY AND ARE PAYABLE SOLELY FROM THE REASSESSMENTS AND THE ASSETS PLEDGED THEREFOR UNDER THE INDENTURE. THE CITY HAS DETERMINED NOT TO OBLIGATE ITSELF AND HAS NO LEGAL OR MORAL OBLIGATION TO ADVANCE AVAILABLE FUNDS FROM THE CITY TREASURY TO PAY BOND DEBT SERVICE IN THE EVENT OF DELINQUENT REASSESSMENT INSTALLMENTS. BONDOWNERS SHOULD NOT RELY UPON THE CITY TO ADVANCE AVAILABLE FUNDS FROM THE CITY TREASURY TO THE REDEMPTION FUND. NOTWITHSTANDING THE FOREGOING, 11 THE CITY MAY, AT ITS SOLE OPTION AND IN ITS SOLE DISCRETION, ELECT TO ADVANCE SUCH FUNDS. Reserve Fund The Indenture provides that a Reserve Fund must be maintained and held by the Trustee in an amount equal to the Reserve Requirement. The Reserve Requirement means, on each September 2nd (the calculation date), the least of (i) 10% of the net proceeds derived from the sale of the Bonds, (ii) maximum annual debt service on the Outstanding Bonds; provided however that annual debt service for the period from September 3, 2013 to September 2, 2014 (“Bond Year 2014”) shall be excluded for the purposes of such calculation, or (iii) 125% of average annual debt service on the Outstanding Bonds, exclusive of Bond Year 2014 for purposes of such calculation. Moneys in the Reserve Fund shall be held for the benefit of the Owners of the Bonds as a reserve for the payment of the principal of and interest on the Bonds and shall be subject to a lien in favor of the Owners of the Bonds. See APPENDIX C — “SUMMARY OF INDENTURE.” In the event a Reassessment is prepaid, in whole or in part, the City shall transfer such payment to the Trustee. The amount of each Reassessment prepaid shall be reduced by the amount the Trustee is required to transfer from the Reserve Fund for deposit in the Prepayment Account of the Redemption Fund. Under the Indenture the Trustee is to transfer the portion of the balance then in the Reserve Fund equal to the proportion that the Reassessment prepaid bears to the total of all Reassessments remaining unpaid as of such date. The City shall notify, or shall cause the Trustee to be notified of the amount so transferred. After each such transfer, the Reserve Requirement shall be reduced by the amount of the related transfer. Whenever there are insufficient funds in the Redemption Fund to meet the next maturing installment of principal of or interest on the Bonds, the Trustee shall transfer from the Reserve Fund or deposit in the Redemption Fund an amount necessary to satisfy such deficiency. The City agrees in the Indenture that if such insufficiency was caused by delinquent payment of Reassessment Installments, then an amount equal to the amount so transferred shall be reimbursed and transferred by the City to the Trustee for deposit in the Reserve Fund from the proceeds of redemption or sale of the delinquent parcel. All amounts allocable to a particular parcel remaining in the Reserve Fund in the year in which the last Reassessment Installment with respect to such parcel becomes due and payable shall be credited toward said last Reassessment Installment due with respect to such parcel as set forth below: On or about July 1 of each year, the City shall cause a preliminary calculation to be made of the amount then on deposit in the Reserve Fund anticipated to be transferred to the Redemption Fund on the immediately succeeding September 1 (in the then current calendar year), and the amount anticipated to be remaining on deposit in the Reserve Fund as of such September 1. With respect to such anticipated remainder, the City shall determine the portion thereof anticipated to be available for transfer to the Redemption Fund on September 1 in the next calendar year (as a result of the payment of the principal component of Reassessments in the next calendar year) and shall determine, with respect to those parcels which will be in their final year of Reassessment in the next calendar year, the portion of such amount anticipated to be available for transfer to the Redemption Fund allocable to each such parcel. Such allocation shall be made pro rata, and shall equal the proportion that the principal amount of the Reassessment payable with respect to a particular parcel bears to the total of all principal amounts of Reassessments to be paid in such calendar year. Those parcels which would otherwise be in their final year of Reassessment shall be afforded a credit against the Reassessment that would otherwise have been levied in such year (or a credit in an earlier year if reduction of the Reserve Fund results in funds being available for such purposes at an earlier date), such credit to be based on such parcel’s pro rata portion of the moneys on deposit in the Reserve Fund anticipated to be available for transfer to the Redemption Fund on September 1 of the next calendar year, and such credit not in excess of such parcel’s pro rata portion of the Reserve Fund (equal to the proportion that the principal amount of the Reassessment payable with respect to such parcel bears to the total of all principal amounts of Reassessments remaining unpaid as of such date). The City shall then direct the Trustee, pursuant to a Written Request of the City, to 12 transfer from the Reserve Fund to the Redemption Fund, the amount specified in such Written Request for such transfer, such transfer to occur on or about September 1 of the current calendar year (e.g., a report filed during July 2034, will specify the amount to be transferred on September 1, 2034 for payment of debt service of the Bonds on September 2, 2034). If at any time the amount of interest earned by the investment of any portion of the Reserve Fund, together with the principal amount in the Reserve Fund, shall exceed the Reserve Requirement, such excess shall be transferred by the Trustee to the Reassessment Fund each March 1 and September 1. See APPENDIX C — “SUMMARY OF INDENTURE.” Whenever the balance in the Reserve Fund, the Reassessment Fund and the Redemption Fund is sufficient to retire all the remaining outstanding Bonds, the Trustee shall transfer at the written direction of the City the balance in the Reserve Fund to the Redemption Fund and the the City shall cease the collection of the principal and interest on the unpaid Reassessments. In such case, the City shall credit the balance so transferred against the Reassessments remaining unpaid in the manner set forth in the Act. THE CITY HAS NO OBLIGATION TO REPLENISH THE RESERVE FUND EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT DELINQUENT REASSESSMENT INSTALLMENTS ARE PAID OR PROCEEDS FROM FORECLOSURE SALES ARE REALIZED. Covenant to Foreclose and Court Foreclosure Proceedings The 1913 Act provides that in the event any assessment or installment thereof or any interest thereon is not paid when due, the City may order the institution of a court action to foreclose the lien of the unpaid assessment. In such an action, the real property subject to the unpaid assessment may be sold at judicial foreclosure sale. This foreclosure sale procedure is not mandatory. However, pursuant to the Indenture, the City will covenant for the benefit of the Bondowners that it will determine no later than August 15 of each fiscal year in which Bonds are outstanding, whether or not any owners of the real property within the Reassessment District are delinquent in the payment of Reassessment Installments. Thereafter, the City will commence judicial foreclosure proceedings no later than November 1 of any year (i) against parcels with aggregate delinquent Reassessment Installments (including prior years) of $10,000 or more following the close of the fiscal year in which such Reassessment Installments were due, (ii) against parcels owned by any single owner with delinquent Reassessment Installments in the aggregate amount (including prior years) of $10,000 or more, and (iii) against all parcels with delinquent Reassessment Installments regardless of the delinquent amount during any period in which the amount on deposit in the Reserve Fund is less than the Reserve Requirement. The 1913 Act provides that the court in a foreclosure proceeding has the power to order property securing delinquent Reassessment Installments to be sold for an amount not less than all Reassessment Installments, interest, penalties, costs, fees, and other charges that are delinquent at the time the foreclosure action is ordered, and certain other fees and amounts as provided therein (the “Minimum Price”). The court may also include subsequent delinquent Reassessment Installments and all other delinquent amounts. The City may, at its discretion, but is not required to, become the purchaser of any property sold in a foreclosure proceeding. If the City becomes the purchaser, it shall pay into the Redemption Fund an amount necessary to satisfy the judgment, less any advances by the City to cover delinquent Reassessment Installments plus simple interest on such net amount, at the interest rates borne by the Bonds, from the dates of delinquency. Unless such property is subsequently resold, the City must transfer to the Redemption Fund any future Reassessment Installments pending redemption. The City may thereupon be reimbursed for any amount advanced from the City to the Redemption Fund to cover such future Reassessment Installments with respect to the property so sold from the proceeds of such sale. 13 If the property is sold to a purchaser other than the City, the City shall deposit the proceeds from the sale of the property into the Redemption Fund. From such amount, the City shall reimburse the Reserve Fund the amount, if any, of funds advanced from the Reserve Fund to the Redemption Fund to cover the delinquent Reassessment Installments with respect to the property which is sold. After reimbursement of the Reserve Fund, the City may be reimbursed for any other amounts advanced from it to the Redemption Fund to cover delinquent Reassessment Installments and interest with respect to the property sold in such proceedings. Any funds in excess of the amount necessary to reimburse the City may be applied by the City to pay interest and penalties, costs, fees and other charges, to the extent they were included in the sales proceeds. If the property to be sold fails to sell for the Minimum Price, the City may petition the court to modify the judgment so that the property may be sold at a lesser price or without a Minimum Price. Notice of the hearing on such petition must be given to all Bondowners. In certain circumstances, the court may modify the judgment after the hearing to permit the sale of the property at a price lower than the Minimum Price if the court makes certain determinations, including determinations that the sale at less than the Minimum Price will not result in an ultimate loss to Bondowners or that Bondowners of at least 75% of the principal amount of Bonds outstanding have consented to the petition and certain other circumstances described in the statute exist. Neither the property owner nor any holder of a security interest in the property nor any defendant in the foreclosure action may purchase the property at the foreclosure sale for less than the Minimum Price. A period of 120 days must elapse after the date notice of levy of the interest in real property is served on the judgment debtor before the sale of such lot or parcel with more than 4 dwelling units can be made. However, pursuant to Streets and Highways Code Section 8832, the 120 day period may be shortened to 20 days for parcels with not more than 4 dwelling units. If the judgment debtor fails to redeem, and if the purchaser at the sale is the judgment creditor (e.g., the City), an action may be commenced by the delinquent property owner within 90 days after the date of sale to set aside such sale. The constitutionality of the repeal of the one year redemption period has not been tested; and there can be no assurance that, if tested, such legislation will be upheld. In the event court foreclosure proceedings are commenced by the City, there may be delays in payments to Owners of the Bonds pending prosecution of the foreclosure proceedings to completion, including the receipt of the City of the proceeds of the foreclosure sale. It is also possible that no qualified bid will be received at the foreclosure sale. See “BONDOWNERS’ RISKS”. Priority of Reassessment Lien The Reassessments (and any further assessment or reassessment) including each installment thereof and any related interest and penalties constitute a lien against the lots and parcels of land on which they were imposed until paid. Such lien has priority over all fixed special assessment liens which may thereafter be created against the property, and also has priority over all private liens, including the lien of any mortgage or deed of trust whenever created. Such lien is co-equal to and independent of the lien for general taxes and special taxes. See “THE REASSESSMENT DISTRICT — Direct and Overlapping Indebtedness” and “BONDOWNERS’ RISKS — FDIC/Federal Government Interests in Parcels.” No Additional Bonds The City is not authorized to issue additional bonds (other than the Bonds or any refunding bonds) secured by the Reassessments. See “THE BONDS — Refunding Bonds” above. Maximum Annual Reassessment for Administrative Costs and Expenses The costs associated with administering the Reassessment District will be spread to each parcel in the Reassessment District with unpaid Reassessments on a pro-rata basis. Administrative costs for the 14 Reassessment District cannot exceed 5% of the total annual Reassessments per individual Reassessment parcel collected each year. THE REASSESSMENT DISTRICT Description of the Reassessment District The Reassessment District includes all of the property within Assessment District No. 2002-01 and Benefit Area No. 1 of Assessment District No. 2003-01 with the exception of 3 parcels for which the Assessments levied against them have been prepaid. The Reassessment District encompasses 2,020 parcels consisting of 1,482 parcels for single family detached homes, 375 parcels for multi-family units, 85 commercial parcels, 26 industrial parcels, 4 other developed parcels, and 48 undeveloped parcels. Assessment District No. 2002-01 is located in the east central portion of the City, southeast of the McClellan-Palomar Airport. Assessment District No. 2002-01 (Poinsettia Lane East) Assessment District No. 2002-01 encompasses two master plans: the Bressi Ranch Master Plan and the La Costa Greens portion of the Villages of La Costa Master Plan. The Bressi Ranch Master Plan consists of 5 planning areas containing office, industrial, and warehouse uses, seven planning areas of single family detached homes, one hundred units of affordable multifamily apartments, a small commercial site housing a gas station/mini-mart, a mixed-use area containing commercial and community facilities, a recreational vehicle storage area, a private school, numerous open space areas, and a large “Village Green.” The La Costa Greens is a residential development created to take advantage of the natural open space of the area. A pedestrian trail system links the individual neighborhoods and many homes have golf course and open space views. Assessment District No. 2002-01 consists primarily of developed parcels, including 1,275 residential parcels, of which 1,152 are single family detached homes and 123 are multi-family units, 85 commercial parcels, 26 industrial parcels, 4 other parcels∗, and 48 undeveloped parcels. Assessment District No. 2002-01 encompasses approximately 1,233 gross acres. The single family homes range in size from approximately 1,615 square feet in the Avellino community to approximately 6,219 square feet in the Magnolia Estates community. The multi-family units are income-restricted condominium homes ranging from 863 square feet to 1,121 square feet in the Mulberry community at Bressi Ranch. Benefit Area No. 1 (Calavera Hills II) of Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) is located in the northern portion of the City, primarily along College Boulevard south of State Highway 78. Assessment District No. 2003-01 encompasses a portion of the Calavera Hills II Master Plan which features 19 residential villages, 1 community park, 2 school sites, 2 community facility sites, 1 recreational vehicle storage facility and large areas of open space corridors. Further, the Assessment District sits adjacent to the Lake Calavera Preserve; the largest of 13 city owned, dedicated, and managed nature preserves in Carlsbad. This area is popular with hikers, mountain bikers, and nature lovers. Many homes in the Assessment District have views of the Lake Calavera Preserve. Benefit Area No. 1 of Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) is fully developed and consists of 582 residential parcels, of which 330 are single family detached homes and 252 are multi-family units. Benefit Area No. 1 of Assessment District No. 2003-01 encompasses approximately 302 gross acres. The single family homes range in size from approximately 1,643 square feet in the Ravinia ∗ Includes a school, church, mausoleum, and an association storage. 15 community to approximately 2,872 square feet in the Montaro community. The multi-family units consist of 46 triplex buildings and 19 six-plex buildings in the Mystic Point community. Although Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) also encompassed Benefit Area No. 2, which includes the primarily residential Robertson Ranch East development, assessments levied in Benefit Area No. 2, when and if levied, were not security for the 2004 Bonds, and are not security for the Bonds. Table 2 below summarizes the assessed values of the property within the Reassessment District for the current and previous fiscal years. TABLE 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD REASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2012-1 SUMMARY OF ASSESSED VALUES Fiscal Year Land Value(1) Structure Value(1) Total Assessed Value(1) 2008-09 $868,385,611 $690,721,600 $1,559,107,211 2009-10 739,218,419 678,085,138 1,417,303,557 2010-11 714,926,303 694,254,413 1,409,180,716 2011-12 707,668,162 738,623,360 1,446,291,522 2012-13 690,841,891 746,757,406 1,437,599,297 (1) Assessed Value is based upon San Diego County secured roll information as of January 1 prior to each fiscal year. Source: NBS Direct and Overlapping Indebtedness The ability of an owner of land within the Reassessment District to pay the Reassessment Installments could be affected by the existence of other taxes and assessments imposed upon the property. Those taxes and assessments that secure the repayment of overlapping debt in the Reassessment District are set forth by Assessment District in Tables 3-A and 3-B (together, the “Debt Report”). The Debt Report does not include the principal amount of the Bonds. The Debt Report has been derived from data assembled and reported to the City by California Municipal Statistics Inc. as of November 1, 2012. The Debt Report includes information for all parcels located within the Reassessment District, including those parcels which prepaid their Assessments or which had $0 Assessments. Neither the City nor the Underwriter has independently verified the information in the Debt Report and they do not guarantee its completeness or accuracy. 16 TABLE 3-A CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2002-01 (POINSETTIA LANE EAST) 2012-13 Local Secured Assessed Valuation: $1,194,737,265 DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING TAX AND ASSESSMENT DEBT Percent Applicable Debt as of 11/1/2012 Metropolitan Water District 0.057% $ 112,031 Palomar Community College District 0.315 1,003,508 Carlsbad Unified School District 5.471 10,738,692 San Marcos Unified School District 1.917 3,968,995 San Marcos Unified School District School Facilities Improvement District 2.086 177,269 City of Carlsbad Assessment District No. 2002-01 100.000 23,100,000(1) San Marcos Unified School District Community Facilities District No. 4 32.779 7,078,625 Total Direct And Overlapping Tax And Assessment Debt $46,179,120 (1) To be refunded from proceeds of the Bonds. Source: California Municipal Statistics, Inc. TABLE 3-B CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2003-01 (COLLEGE BOULEVARD AND CANNON ROAD EAST) BENEFIT AREA NO. 1 (CALAVERA HILLS II) 2012-13 Local Secured Assessed Valuation: $242,862,032 DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING TAX AND ASSESSMENT DEBT Percent Applicable Debt as of 11/1/2012 Metropolitan Water District 0.012% $ 23,585 Carlsbad Unified School District 1.459 2,863,782 City of Carlsbad Assessment District No. 2003-01 100.000 9,743,000(1) Total Direct And Overlapping Tax And Assessment Debt $12,630,367 (1) To be refunded from proceeds of the Bonds. Source: California Municipal Statistics, Inc. 17 Value-to-Reassessment Lien Ratios The value of the parcels within the Reassessment District with unpaid Reassessments is significant because in the event of a delinquency in the payment of Reassessment Installments, the Reassessment District may foreclose only against delinquent parcels. In fiscal year 2012-13, the assessed value of the property within the Reassessment District with unpaid Reassessments is $1,437,599,297. Based on 2012-13 assessed values, the Reassessment District has an assessed value-to-reassessment lien ratio of 45.93 to 1 (exclusive of the unpaid Assessments for fiscal year 2012-13 and the overlapping liens shown in Tables 3-A and 3-B). Table 4 below sets forth the assessed value-to-reassessment lien ratios for the parcels with unpaid Reassessments, excluding the overlapping liens shown in Tables 3-A and 3-B: TABLE 4 CITY OF CARLSBAD REASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2012-1 VALUE-TO-REASSESSMENT LIEN RATIOS BY ASSESSED VALUE Estimated Assessed Value to Reassessment Lien Ratio(1) No. of Parcels Total Reassessment % of the Total Reassessment Total Assessed Value(2) Average Value to Reassessment Lien Ratio(3) 0.00 to 4.99:1 5 $ 84,435 0.27% $ 327,587 3.88 5.00 to 9.99:1 8 145,365 0.46 1,142,285 7.86 10.00 to 14.99:1 13 871,371 2.78 9,518,715 10.92 15.00 to 19.99:1 112 3,592,032 11.48 63,892,859 17.79 20.00 to 29.99:1 361 6,109,700 19.52 149,596,130 24.49 Greater than 30:1 1,521 20,497,096 65.49 1,213,121,721 59.19 Total 2,020 $ 31,300,000 100.00 $ 1,437,599,297 45.93 (1) The numerator is the 2012-13 assessed value and the denominator equals the Reassessment amount of $31,300,000. (2) Land and structure values. Assessed Value is based upon 2012-13 San Diego County secured roll information as of January 1, 2012. (3) Excludes the overlapping liens shown in Tables 3-A and 3-B and unpaid Assessments for fiscal year 2012-13. Source: NBS 18 Table 5 below sets forth the Reassessments and assessed property value and value to Reassessment lien by property type. TABLE 5 CITY OF CARLSBAD REASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2012-1 VALUE-TO-REASSESSMENT LIEN BY PROPERTY TYPE Category No. of Parcels 2012/13 Assessment Levy(1) Percentage of Total Levy Land Value(2) Structure Value(2) Total Assessed Value(2) Total Reassessments Assessed Value-to-Reassessment Lien Developed: Single-Family 1,482 $1,823,460 60.8% $462,718,597 $523,817,336 $986,535,933 $19,014,617 51.88 Multi-Family 375 409,355 13.6 71,468,719 65,919,741 137,388,460 4,443,136 30.92 Commercial 85 291,714 9.7 60,228,757 115,833,230 176,061,987 2,977,059 59.14 Industrial 26 65,989 2.2 14,985,540 25,820,292 40,805,832 672,107 60.71 Other(3) 4 75,382 2.5 15,553,081 15,264,807 30,817,888 770,535 40.00 Total Developed: 1,972 $2,665,900 88.8% $624,954,694 $746,655,406 $1,371,610,100 $27,877,454 49.20 Undeveloped: Single-Family 25 $24,793 0.8% $8,458,181 $0 $8,458,181 $252,010 33.56 Commercial 1 5,152 0.2 510,000 102,000 612,000 52,534 11.65 Industrial 22 305,153 10.2 56,919,016 0 56,919,016 3,118,002 18.25 Total Undeveloped: 48 $335,097 11.2% $65,887,197 $0 $65,989,197 $3,422,546 19.28 Total: 2,020 $3,000,997 100.0% $690,841,891 $746,757,406 $1,437,599,297 $31,300,000 45.93 (1) Represents the combined 2012-13 assessment levy of the Prior Assessment Districts. (2) Assessed Value is based upon 2012-13 San Diego County secured roll information as of January 1, 2012. (3) Excludes the overlapping liens shown in Tables 3-A and 3-B and unpaid Assessments for fiscal year 2012-13. Source: NBS 19 Delinquencies in the Reassessment District As of December 10, 2012, 13 parcels within the Reassessment District with unpaid Reassessments had not paid either their first or second installment of property taxes and two additional parcels had not paid their second installment. Three of the parcels which have not paid either their first or second installment of property taxes are delinquent in their payment of fiscal year 2010-11 property taxes. The City does not participate in the County of San Diego Teeter Plan. The following table sets forth a history of the assessments levied and delinquencies within the Prior Assessment Districts since fiscal year 2007-08. TABLE 6 CITY OF CARLSBAD REASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2012-1 LEVIES AND DELINQUENCIES IN PRIOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS(1) Fiscal Year Amount Levied No. of Parcels Levied Amount Delinquent as of June 30 Percentage Delinquent as of June 30 No. of Parcels Delinquent as of June 30 Amount Delinquent as of December 10, 2012 Percentage Delinquent as of December 10, 2012 No. of Parcels Delinquent as of December 10, 2012 2007-08 $3,004,525 1,818 $143,270 4.77% 117 $ 0 0.00% 0 2008-09 3,003,371 1,867 118,816 3.96 97 724 0.02 1 2009-10 3,014,695 1,880 95,625 3.17 82 726 0.02 1 2010-11 3,002,626 1,922 89,455 2.98 94 6,353 0.21 3 2011-12 2,997,671 1,990 38,660 1.29 32 17,589 0.59 18 2012-13(2) 1,500,499 2,020 n/a n/a n/a 37,624 2.51 56 (1) Represents the combined 2012-13 assessment levy of the Prior Assessment Districts for the years shown. (2) Reflects the December 10, 2012 payment installment only. Source: NBS 20 Concentration of Ownership As summarized in Table 7 below, no property owner within the Reassessment District currently owns parcels responsible for more than 6% of the Reassessment lien, and the ten largest property owners are responsible for approximately 19% of the Reassessment lien. See “BONDOWNERS’ RISKS – Concentration of Ownership”. TABLE 7 CITY OF CARLSBAD REASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2012-1 TOP 10 REASSESSMENT PAYERS (1) Represents the combined fiscal year 2012-13 assessment levy of the prior assessment districts. (2) Assessed Value is based upon fiscal year 2012-13 San Diego County secured roll information as of January 1, 2012. (3) Excludes the overlapping liens shown in Tables 3-A and 3-B and unpaid Assessments for fiscal year 2012-13. (4) Slough Carlsbad, LLC has received discretionary approvals for the development of industrial buildings consisting of 6 two-story buildings ranging from 45,000 – 56,000 square feet with a total ground floor area of 300,000 square feet and 8 two-story office/industrial building totaling approximately 390,000 square feet, a parking deck, and 24,243 square feet of employee eating area. (5) Regency Bressi, LLC owns 7 industrial parcels in the Bressi Ranch Village Center. Bressi Ranch Village Center feature a mix of shops, services, restaurants, and eateries anchored by two markets. Businesses located on these parcels include two grocery stores, a Stater Brothers store and Trader Joe’s, multiple dining and specialty food offerings, including Tommy V’s Urban Kitchen & Bar, Peet’s Coffee & Tea, Board & Brew, Luna Grill, Rubio’s Fresh Mexican Grill, Souplantation Express, and shops such as Unleashed by Petco and Perfectly at Home, medical facilities such as Carlsbad Optometry and Gateway Dental, and services including 4G Verizon Wireless, Postal Annex, Premiere Cleaners, Reform Yoga and Twig Hair Lounge. Source: NBS Owner No. of Parcels Description 2012/13 Assessment Levy(1) Percentage of Total Levy Total Assessed Value(2) Total Reassessments Value-to-Reassessment Lien Ratio(3) Slough Carlsbad LLC(4) 12 Vacant Industrial $ 152,257.40 5.07% $ 27,854,016 $ 1,555,575 17.91 Regency Bressi LLC(5) 7 Commercial & Vacant Commercial 126,404.22 4.21 56,066,170 1,291,925 43.40 Pacific Ridge School 1 Private School 66,893.02 2.23 27,600,139 684,130 40.34 Palomar Airport Road LLC 24 Commercial, Industrial & Vacant Industrial 54,965.98 1.83 15,942,000 560,816 28.43 Pivotal 650 California St LLC 4 Vacant Industrial 38,350.04 1.28 13,808,141 391,652 35.26 Slater Place LP 1 Vacant Industrial 29,594.34 0.99 3,075,734 302,576 10.17 Moderna Del Mar LLC 2 Commercial 26,800.52 0.89 12,400,000 273,832 45.28 Taylor Morrison of California LLC 30 Single-Family Homes & Vacant Residential 26,242.20 0.87 18,185,400 266,742 68.18 Bressi Development LLC 1 Commercial 23,847.90 0.79 8,194,260 243,792 33.61 ECR Corporate Center LP 1 Commercial 21,749.32 0.72 31,920,375 222,324 143.58 Sub-Total Top 10 Reassessment Payers 83 $ 567,104.94 18.90% $215,046,235 $5,793,364 37.12 All Other Reassessment Payers 1,937 $2,433,892.28 81.10% $1,222,553,062 $25,506,636 47.93 Total Reassessment Payers 2,020 $3,000,997.22 100.00% $1,437,599,297 $31,300,000 45.93 21 Tax Rates Property tax rates for single family residences in Assessment District No. 2002-01 range from approximately 1.31% to 1.70%. Property tax rates for single family residences in Benefit Area No. 1 of Assessment District No. 2003-01 range from approximately 1.54% to 1.82%. BONDOWNERS’ RISKS General In order to pay debt service on the Bonds, it is necessary that unpaid Reassessment Installments on parcels within the City are paid in a timely manner. The Reserve Fund will be used to pay debt service on the Bonds if delinquent Reassessment Installments should occur. The Reassessments are a lien on the parcels of land and the City has covenanted to institute foreclosure proceedings under certain circumstances against parcels with delinquent Reassessment Installments. Failure by owners of the parcels to pay Reassessment Installments when due, depletion of the Reserve Fund or the inability of the City to sell parcels which have been subject to foreclosure proceedings for amounts sufficient to cover the delinquent Reassessment Installments for such parcels may result in the inability of the City to make full or punctual payments of debt service on the Bonds, and Bondowners would therefore be adversely affected. The 1915 Act provides that except under certain circumstances property is to be sold upon foreclosure at a Minimum Price. “Minimum Price” as defined in the 1915 Act is the amount equal to the delinquent installments of principal or interest of the reassessment or assessment, together with all interest penalties, costs, fees, charges and other amounts more fully detailed in the 1915 Act. The court may authorize a sale at less than the Minimum Price if the court determines that sale at less than the Minimum Price will not result in an ultimate loss to the Bondowners or, under certain circumstances, if owners of 75% or more of the outstanding Bonds consent to such sale. There can be no assurance that foreclosure proceedings will occur in a timely manner so as to avoid depletion of the Reserve Fund and a delay in payments of debt service on the Bonds. See “SECURITY FOR THE BONDS — Covenant to Foreclose and Court Foreclosure Proceedings.” Unpaid Reassessment Installments do not constitute a personal indebtedness of the owners of the parcels within the Reassessment District. There is no assurance the owners will be able to pay the Reassessment Installments or that they will pay such installments even though financially able to do so. Concentration of Ownership Based upon development status and ownership as of the January 1, 2012 lien date, it is estimated that ten property owners within the Reassessment District would be responsible for approximately 19% of the Reassessments. Several of the properties owned by such property owners are either vacant or under construction. The level of concentration in the obligation to pay the Reassessments represents a risk to Bondowners. The receipt of the Reassessments is dependent on the willingness and the ability of the landowners to pay the Reassessments when due, which could be adversely affected by the landowners’ inability to lease and sell property within the Reassessment District due to commercial downturns, high vacancy rates or downturns in the residential or commercial markets. Failure of the landowners, or any successor, to pay the annual levies of Reassessments when due could result in a default in payments of the principal of, and interest on, the Bonds, when due. The only assets of landowners within the Reassessment District which constitute security for the payment of Reassessments is the landowners’ respective real property holdings located within the Reassessment District and subject to the reassessment. See “SECURITY FOR THE BONDS — Covenant to Foreclose and Court Foreclosure Proceedings”. 22 The concentration of ownership will change over time as the Reassessments levied on property in Benefit Area No. 1 of Assessment District No. 2003-01 cease after September 2, 2034. After September 2, 2034, the Bonds maturing on September 2, 2035 will be secured solely by property in Assessment District No. 2002-01. The ten largest property owners in Assessment District No. 2002-01 are the same as the those shown for the Reassessment District as a whole in Table 7. However, whereas the Reassessments to be levied upon these property owners constitute 18.90% of the total Reassessments to be levied in the Reassessment District, such Reassessments constitute 26.31% of the total Reassessments to be levied in Assessment District No. 2002-01. Delinquency Resulting in Ultimate or Temporary Loss on Bonds If a temporary deficiency occurs in the Redemption Fund with which to pay the principal of or interest on Bonds that have then matured, or the principal and interest on Bonds coming due during the current year, unless it appears to the Treasurer that there will be an ultimate loss to the Bondowners, the Treasurer shall cause the Trustee to pay the principal of Bonds which have matured as presented and make interest payments on the Bonds when due, as long as there are available funds in the Redemption Fund, in the order of priority and as required by the Indenture. If it appears to the Treasurer that there is a danger of an ultimate loss accruing to the Bondowners for any reason, the Treasurer is required pursuant to the 1915 Act to withhold payment on all matured Bonds and interest on all Bonds and report the facts to the City so that the City may take proper action to equitably protect all Bondowners. See APPENDIX C — “SUMMARY OF INDENTURE.” Non-Cash Payments of Reassessments The 1915 Act may permit the owner of a parcel that is subject to an unpaid Reassessment Installment to tender any Bond secured by such Reassessment in payment or partial payment of any installment of the Reassessment or interest or penalties thereon which may be due or payable. A Bond so tendered is to be accepted at the par amount thereof and credit is to be given for any interest thereon accrued to the date of the tender. Thus, if Bonds can be purchased at a discount, it may be to the advantage of a property owner to pay amounts due with respect to an assessment by tendering a Bond. Such a practice would decrease the cash flow available to the City to make payments with respect to other Bonds then outstanding and could result in a default in payment on the Bonds. Limited City Obligation Upon Delinquency Pursuant to the 1915 Act, the City has elected not to be obligated to advance funds from the treasury of the City for delinquent Reassessment Installments. The only obligation of the City with respect to such delinquencies and the consequent deficiencies in the Redemption Fund is to advance money to the Redemption Fund from the Reserve Fund. The City has no obligation to replenish the Reserve Fund except to the extent that delinquent Reassessment Installments are paid or proceeds from foreclosure sales are realized. There is no assurance that the balance in the Reserve Fund will always be adequate to pay all delinquent Reassessment Installments and if during the period of delinquency there are insufficient funds in the Reserve Fund, a delay may occur in payments to the Bondowners. Land Values The value of the property within the Reassessment District is a critical factor in determining the investment quality of the Bonds. If a property owner is delinquent in the payment of Reassessment Installments, the City’s only remedy is to commence foreclosure proceedings against the delinquent parcel in an attempt to obtain funds to pay the delinquent Reassessment Installments. Reductions in property values due to a downturn in the economy, physical events such as earthquakes, fires or floods, stricter land use regulations, delays in development or other events will adversely impact the security underlying the reassessments. See “THE REASSESSMENT DISTRICT — Value-to-Reassessment-Lien Ratios”. 23 The assessed values set forth in this Official Statement do not represent market values arrived at through an appraisal process and generally reflect only the sales price of a parcel when acquired by its current owner, adjusted annually by an amount determined by the County Assessor, generally not to exceed an increase of more than 2% per fiscal year. No assurance can be given that a parcel could actually be sold for its assessed value. No assurance can be given that any bid will be received for a parcel with delinquent Reassessment Installments offered for sale at foreclosure or, if a bid is received, that such bid will be sufficient to pay all delinquent Reassessment Installments. See “SECURITY FOR THE BONDS — Covenant to Foreclose and Court Foreclosure Proceedings.” Bankruptcy and Foreclosure The payment of Reassessments and the ability of the City to foreclose the lien of delinquent unpaid Reassessment Installments, as discussed in the section entitled “SECURITY FOR THE BONDS — Covenant to Foreclose and Court Foreclosure Proceedings”, may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, or other laws generally affecting creditors’ rights or by the law of the State of California relating to judicial foreclosure. In addition, the prosecution of a foreclosure could be delayed due to crowded local court calendars or procedural delays. The various legal opinions to be delivered concurrently with the delivery of the Bonds (including Bond Counsel’s approving legal opinion) will be qualified as to the enforceability of the various legal instruments by bankruptcy, reorganization, insolvency or other similar laws affecting the rights of creditors generally. Although bankruptcy proceedings would not cause the Reassessments to become extinguished, bankruptcy of a property owner could result in a delay in prosecuting superior court foreclosure proceedings and could result in delinquent Reassessment Installments not being paid in full. Where property is encumbered by liens securing mortgage loans, it is highly probable that bankruptcy of a property owner would delay foreclosure for an extended period of time. Such a delay would increase the likelihood of a delay or default in payment of the principal and interest on the Bonds. FDIC/Federal Government Interests in Parcels The ability of the City to collect interest and penalties specified by the Act and to foreclose the lien of delinquent Reassessment Installments may be limited in certain respects with regard to parcels in which the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (the “FDIC”) has or obtains an interest. Specifically, in the event that any financial institution making a loan which is secured by parcels is taken over by the FDIC and the applicable Reassessment Installment is not paid, the remedies available to the City may be constrained. The FDIC’s policy statement regarding the payment of state and local real property taxes (the “Policy Statement”) provides that taxes other than ad valorem taxes which are secured by a valid lien in effect before the FDIC acquired an interest in a property will be paid unless the FDIC determines that abandonment of its interests is appropriate. The Policy Statement provides that the FDIC generally will not pay installments of non-ad valorem taxes which are levied after the time the FDIC acquires its fee interest, nor will the FDIC recognize the validity of any lien to secure payment except in certain cases where the Resolution Trust Corporation had an interest in property on or prior to December 31, 1995. Moreover, the Policy Statement provides that, with respect to parcels on which the FDIC holds a mortgage lien, the FDIC will not permit its lien to be foreclosed out by a taxing authority without its specific consent, nor will the FDIC pay or recognize liens for any penalties, fines or similar claims imposed for the non-payment of taxes. If a parcel with unpaid Reassessments within the Reassessment District is owned by a federal governmental entity, or a private deed of trust secured by a parcel with unpaid Reassessments within the Reassessment District is owned by a federal governmental entity, the ability to foreclose on the parcel to 24 collect delinquent Reassessments may be limited. Federal courts have held that, based on the supremacy clause of the United States Constitution, in the absence of Congressional intent to the contrary, a state or local agency cannot foreclose to collect delinquent taxes or assessments if foreclosure would impair the federal government interest. This means that, unless Congress has otherwise provided, if a federal governmental entity owns a parcel with unpaid Reassessments within the Reassessment District but does not pay taxes and assessments levied on the parcel (including Reassessments), the applicable state and local governments cannot foreclose on the parcel to collect the delinquent taxes and assessments. Moreover, unless Congress has otherwise provided, if the federal government has a mortgage interest in the parcel and the City wishes to foreclose on the parcel as a result of delinquent Reassessments, the property cannot be sold at a foreclosure sale unless it can be sold for an amount sufficient to pay delinquent taxes and assessments on a parity with the Reassessments and preserve the federal government’s mortgage interest. In Rust v. Johnson (9th Circuit; 1979) 597 F.2d 174, the United States Court of Appeal, Ninth Circuit held that the Federal National Mortgage Association (“FNMA”) is a federal instrumentality for purposes of this doctrine, and not a private entity, and that, as a result, an exercise of state power over a mortgage interest held by FNMA constitutes an exercise of state power over property of the United States. The City has not undertaken to determine whether any federal governmental entity currently has, or is likely to acquire, any interest (including a mortgage interest) in any of the parcels with unpaid Reassessments within the Reassessment District, and therefore expresses no view concerning the likelihood that the risks described above will materialize while the Bonds are outstanding The City’s remedies may also be limited in the case of delinquent Reassessment Installments with respect to parcels in which other federal agencies (such as the Internal Revenue Service and the Drug Enforcement Administration) have or obtain an interest. The City is unable to predict what effect the application of the Policy Statement would have in the event of a delinquency with respect to a portion of the parcels in which the FDIC has or obtains an interest, although prohibiting the lien of the FDIC to be foreclosed out at a judicial foreclosure sale would prevent or delay the foreclosure sale. Natural Disasters The Reassessment District, like many California communities, may be subject to unpredictable seismic activity, fires, flood, or other natural disasters. Southern California is a seismically active area. Seismic activity represents a potential risk for damage to buildings, roads and property within the Reassessment District. In addition, land susceptible to seismic activity may be subject to liquefaction during the occurrence of such event. The City is located in an area of high fire risk. Significant wildfires have burned portions of the City in recent years including property adjacent to the Reassessment District. Risk of wildfire is significant for all property within the Reassessment District. The most likely potential earthquake risk for property in Reassessment District is from the Rose Canyon fault. Earthquakes from this source are expected to have a potential for seismic ground shaking with a maximum credible magnitude of 7.0 and a maximum probable magnitude of 6.25. The “maximum credible earthquake” is defined as the maximum earthquake that appears capable of occurring under the presently known tectonic framework, while the “maximum probable earthquake” is the maximum earthquake that is considered likely to occur during a 100-year time interval. In the event of a severe earthquake, fire, flood or other natural disaster, there may be significant damage to both property and infrastructure in the Reassessment District. As a result, a substantial portion of the property owners may be unable or unwilling to pay the Reassessment Installments when due. In addition, the value of land in the Reassessment District could be diminished in the aftermath of such a natural disaster, 25 reducing the resulting proceeds of foreclosure sales in the event of delinquencies in the payment of the Reassessment Installments. Hazardous Substances While government taxes, assessments and charges are a common claim against the value of a parcel, other less common claims may also be relevant. The value of a parcel may be reduced as a result of a claim with regard to a hazardous substance. In general, the owners and operators of a parcel may be required by law to remedy conditions relating to releases or threatened releases of hazardous substances. The federal Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, sometimes referred to as “CERCLA” or the “Super Fund Act”, is the most well-known and widely applicable of these laws, but California laws with regard to hazardous substances are also stringent and similar in effect. Under many of these laws, the owner (or operator) is obligated to remedy a hazardous substance condition of a parcel whether or not the owner (or operator) had anything to do with creating or handling the hazardous substance. The effect, therefore, should any of the parcels within the Reassessment District be affected by a hazardous substance, is to reduce the marketability and value by the costs of remedying the condition because the prospective purchaser of such a parcel will, upon becoming the owner of such parcel, become obligated to remedy the condition just as the seller of such a parcel is. Loss of Tax Exemption As discussed under the heading “CONCLUDING INFORMATION — Tax Matters,” interest on the Bonds could cease to be excluded from gross income for purposes of federal income taxation, retroactive to the date the Bonds were issued, as a result of future acts or omissions of the City. In addition, it is possible that future changes in applicable federal tax laws could cause interest on the Bonds to be included in gross income for federal income taxation or could otherwise reduce the equivalent taxable yield of such interest and thereby reduce the value of the Bonds. Limited Secondary Market There can be no guarantee that there will be a secondary market for the Bonds or, if a secondary market exists, that such Bonds can be sold for any particular price. Although the City has committed to provide certain statutorily-required financial and operating information, there can be no assurance that such information will be available to Bondowners on a timely basis. The failure to provide the required annual financial information does not give rise to monetary damages but merely an action for specific performance. Occasionally, because of general market conditions, lack of current information, the absence of a credit rating for the Bonds or because of adverse history or economic prospects connected with a particular issue, secondary marketing practices in connection with a particular issue are suspended or terminated. Additionally, prices of issues for which a market is being made will depend upon then prevailing circumstances. Such prices could be substantially different from the original purchase price. Future Debt Issuance The ability of an owner of land within the Reassessment District to pay the Reassessment Installments could be affected by the existence of other taxes and assessments imposed upon taxable parcels. In addition, the City and other public agencies whose boundaries overlap those of the Reassessment District could impose additional taxes or assessment liens on the property within the Reassessment District in order to finance public improvements or services to be located or provided inside of or outside of such area. The lien created on the property within the Reassessment District through the levy of such additional taxes may be on a parity with the lien of the Reassessments levied by the City. See “THE REASSESSMENT DISTRICT — Direct and Overlapping Indebtedness”. 26 The imposition of additional liens on a parity with the Reassessment Installments may reduce the ability or willingness of the landowners to pay the Reassessment Installments and increase the possibility that foreclosure proceeds will not be adequate to pay delinquent Reassessment Installments. The City does not have control over the ability of other entities and districts to issue indebtedness secured by special taxes, ad valorem taxes or assessments payable from all or a portion of the property within the Reassessment District. In addition, the landowners within the Reassessment District may, without the consent or knowledge of the City, petition other public agencies to issue public indebtedness secured by special taxes, ad valorem taxes or assessments. Any such special taxes, ad valorem taxes or assessments could reduce the estimated value-to-lien ratios for property within the Reassessment District described herein. Ballot Initiatives From time to time constitutional initiatives or other initiative measures may be adopted by California voters. The adoption of any such initiative might place limitations on the ability of the State, the County or local districts to increase revenues or to increase appropriations, or on the ability of the landowners to complete their developments. Constitutional Amendment – Articles XIIIC and XIIID An initiative measure commonly referred to as the “Right to Vote on Taxes Act” (the “Initiative”) was approved by the voters of the State of California at the November 5, 1996 general election. The Initiative added Article XIIIC (“Article XIIIC”) and Article XIIID (“Article XIIID”) to the California Constitution. According to the “Title and Summary” of the Initiative prepared by the California Attorney General, the Initiative limits “the authority of local governments to impose taxes and property-related assessments, fees and charges.” Article XIIID requires that, beginning July 1, 1997, the proceedings for the levy of any assessment by the City under the 1913 Act (including, if applicable, any increase in such assessment or any supplemental assessment under the 1913 Act) must be conducted in conformity with the provisions of Section 4 of Article XIIID. The City completed its proceedings for the levy of assessments in the Reassessment District on January 8, 2013 after complying with the procedural requirements of Section 4 of Article XIIID. Under Section 10400 of the 1913 Act, any challenge to the proceedings or the Reassessment must be brought within 30 days after the date the reassessment was levied. Article XIIIC removes limitations on the initiative power in matters of local taxes, assessments, fees and charges. Article XIIIC does not define the term “assessment”, and it is unclear whether this term is intended to include assessments or reassessments levied under the Act. In the case of the unpaid Reassessments which are pledged as security for payment of the Bonds, the 1915 Act provides a mandatory, statutory duty of the City and the County Auditor to post Reassessment Installments on account of the unpaid Reassessments to the property tax roll of the County each year while any of the Bonds are outstanding, commencing with property tax year 2013-14, in amounts equal to the principal of and interest on the Bonds coming due in the succeeding calendar year plus certain administrative costs. It is unlikely that the initiative power can be used to reduce or repeal the unpaid Reassessments or Assessments which are pledged as security for payment of the Bonds or to otherwise interfere with performance of the mandatory, statutory duty of the City and the County Auditor with respect to the unpaid Reassessments and Assessments which are pledged as security for payment of the Bonds. The interpretation and application of the Initiative has been and will continue to be determined by the courts with respect to a number of the matters discussed above, and it is not possible at this time to predict with certainty the outcome of any future determination. 27 CONCLUDING INFORMATION Continuing Disclosure The City has agreed to execute a Continuing Disclosure Agreement (the “Disclosure Agreement”) in connection with the delivery of the Bonds for the benefit of the Underwriter, holders and beneficial owners of the Bonds to provide certain financial information and operating data relating to the City no later than 270 days following the end of the City’s fiscal year (the “Annual Report”) and to provide notices of the occurrence of certain enumerated events (the “Listed Events”). The Annual Reports will be filed on behalf of the City by The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. (the “Dissemination Agent”) with the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board. Notices of Listed Events will be filed by the Dissemination Agent with the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board. The specific nature of the information to be included in the Annual Report and the notices of Listed Events is set forth in APPENDIX F — “FORM OF CITY CONTINUING DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT.” The City has agreed to execute the Disclosure Agreement in order to assist the Underwriter in complying with Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 15c2-12(b)(5) (the “Rule”). See APPENDIX F — “FORM OF CONTINUING DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT.” It should be noted that the City is required to file certain financial statements with the Annual Report. This requirement has been included in the Disclosure Agreement solely to satisfy the provisions of the Rule. The inclusion of this information does not mean that the Bonds are secured by any resources or property of the City other than the Reassessments and amounts pledged under the Indenture. See “BONDOWNERS’ RISKS — Limited City Obligation Upon Delinquency.” It should also be noted that the list of significant events which the City has agreed to report includes items related to credit enhancements and ratings. These items have been included in the list solely to satisfy the requirements of the Rule. The Bonds have not been assigned a credit rating and have no credit enhancement. The City believes that it complied in all material respects with its continuing disclosure undertakings under the Rule in the past five years. However, for the filings to be made in 2008 and 2009, for one of the City’s transactions, it is uncertain whether or not the audited financial statements to be filed with the corresponding Annual Reports were properly filed with all the required nationally recognized municipal securities information repositories. In order ensure compliance with its continuing disclosure obligations, the City has made remedial filings on EMMA of these financial statements. The City believes it has existing procedures that will ensure future compliance with its continuing disclosure undertakings on a timely basis. Legal Opinion Certain proceedings in connection with the issuance of the Bonds are subject to the approval of Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth, a Professional Corporation, Newport Beach, California, Bond Counsel (“Bond Counsel”). The opinion of Bond Counsel attesting to the validity of the Bonds will be delivered with each Bond. A form of the opinion to be delivered by Bond Counsel is set forth in Appendix D hereto. Certain legal matters will be passed upon for the City by the City Attorney and by Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth, a Professional Corporation, Newport Beach, California, as Disclosure Counsel. Certain legal matters will be passed upon for the Underwriter by its counsel, Jones Hall, A Professional Law Corporation, San Francisco, California. Tax Matters In the opinion of Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth, a Professional Corporation, Newport Beach, California, Bond Counsel, under existing statutes, regulations, rulings and judicial decisions, and assuming the accuracy of certain representations and compliance with certain covenants and requirements described herein, interest on the Bonds is excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes and is not an item of tax preference for purposes of calculating the federal alternative minimum tax imposed on individuals and 28 corporations. In the further opinion of Bond Counsel, interest on the Bonds is exempt from State of California personal income tax. Bond Counsel notes that, with respect to corporations, interest on the Bonds may be included as an adjustment in the calculation of alternative minimum taxable income which may affect the alternative minimum tax liability of such corporations. The difference between the issue price of a Bond (the first price at which a substantial amount of the Bonds of the same maturity is to be sold to the public) and the stated redemption price at maturity with respect to such Bond constitutes original issue discount. Original issue discount accrues under a constant yield method, and original issue discount will accrue to a Bond Owner before receipt of cash attributable to such excludable income. The amount of original issue discount deemed received by the Bond Owner will increase the Bond Owner’s basis in the Bond. In the opinion of Bond Counsel, the amount of original issue discount that accrues to the owner of a Bond is excluded from the gross income of such owner for federal income tax purposes, is not an item of tax preference for purposes of the federal alternative minimum tax imposed on individuals and corporations, and is exempt from State of California income tax. Bond Counsel’s opinion as to the exclusion from gross income of interest (and original issue discount) on the Bonds is based upon certain representations and certifications made by the City and others and is subject to the condition that the City complies with all requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code), that must be satisfied subsequent to the issuance of the Bonds to assure that interest (and original issue discount) on the Bonds will not become includable in gross income for federal income tax purposes. Failure to comply with such requirements of the Code might cause the interest (and original issue discount) on the Bonds to be included in gross income for federal income tax purposes retroactive to the date of issuance of the Bonds. The City has covenanted to comply with all such requirements. The amount by which a Bond Owner’s original basis for determining loss on sale or exchange in the applicable Bond (generally, the purchase price) exceeds the amount payable on maturity (or on an earlier call date) constitutes amortizable Bond premium, which must be amortized under Section 171 of the Code; such amortizable Bond premium reduces the Bond Owner’s basis in the applicable Bond (and the amount of tax- exempt interest received), and is not deductible for federal income tax purposes. The basis reduction as a result of the amortization of Bond premium may result in a Bond Owner realizing a taxable gain when a Bond is sold by the Owner for an amount equal to or less (under certain circumstances) than the original cost of the Bond to the Owner. Purchasers of the Bonds should consult their own tax advisors as to the treatment, computation and collateral consequences of amortizable Bond premium. The Internal Revenue Service (the “IRS”) has initiated an expanded program for the auditing of tax- exempt bond issues, including both random and targeted audits. It is possible that the Bonds will be selected for audit by the IRS. It is also possible that the market value of the Bonds might be affected as a result of such an audit of the Bonds (or by an audit of other similar bonds). It is possible that subsequent to the execution and delivery of the Bonds, there might be federal, state or local statutory changes (or judicial or regulatory interpretations of federal, state or local law) that affect the federal, state or local tax treatment of the Reassessment Installments or the market value of the Bonds. legislative changes have been proposed in congress, which, if enacted, would result in additional federal income tax being imposed on certain owners of tax-exempt state or local obligations, such as the Bonds. The introduction or enactment of any of such changes could adversely affect the market value or liquidity of the Bonds. No assurance can be given that, subsequent to the execution and delivery of the Bonds, such changes (or other changes) will not be introduced or enacted or interpretations will not occur. Before purchasing any of the Bonds, all potential purchasers should consult their tax advisors regarding possible statutory changes or judicial or regulatory changes or interpretations, and their collateral tax consequences relating to the Bonds. Bond Counsel’s opinions may be affected by actions taken (or not taken) or events occurring (or not occurring) after the Closing Date. Bond Counsel has not undertaken to determine, or to inform any person, whether any such actions or events are taken or do occur. The Indenture and the Tax Certificate relating to the 29 Bonds permit certain actions to be taken or to be omitted if a favorable opinion of Bond Counsel is provided with respect thereto. Bond Counsel expresses no opinion as to the effect on the exclusion from gross income of interest (and original issue discount) on the Bonds for federal income tax purposes with respect to any Bond if any such action is taken or omitted based upon the advice of counsel other than Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth, a Professional Corporation. Although Bond Counsel has rendered opinion that interest (and original issue discount) on the Bonds is excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes provided that the City continues to comply with certain requirements of the Code, the ownership of the Bonds and the accrual or receipt of interest (and original issue discount) with respect to the Bonds may otherwise affect the tax liability of certain persons. Bond Counsel expresses no opinion regarding any such tax consequences. Accordingly, before purchasing any of the Bonds, all potential purchasers should consult their tax advisors with respect to collateral tax consequences relating to the Bonds. A copy of the proposed form of opinion of Bond Counsel is attached hereto as Appendix D. Litigation There is no action, suit, or proceeding known by the City to be pending at the present time restraining or enjoining the delivery of the Bonds or in any way contesting or affecting the validity of the Bonds or any proceedings of the City taken with respect to the execution or delivery thereof. A no litigation certificate executed by the City will be required to be delivered to the Underwriter with respect to these matters simultaneously with the delivery of the Bonds. Financial Interests The fees being paid to the Underwriter, Financial Advisor, Bond Counsel, Disclosure Counsel and Underwriter’s Counsel are contingent upon the issuance and delivery of the Bonds. From time to time, Bond Counsel represents the Underwriter on matters unrelated to the Bonds. No Rating The City has not applied to and does not contemplate applying to any bond rating agency for the assignment of a rating on the Bonds. Underwriting The Bonds are being purchased by the Underwriter. The Underwriter has agreed to purchase the Bonds at a price of $31,445,778.53 (aggregate principal amount of the Bonds, plus net original issue premium in the amount of $446,610.20 and less an Underwriter’s discount of $300,831.67). The Bond Purchase Agreement relating to the Bonds provides that the Underwriter will purchase all of the Bonds if any are purchased, the obligation to make such purchase being subject to certain terms and conditions set forth in the Bond Purchase Agreement, the approval of certain legal matters by counsel and certain other conditions. The Underwriter may offer and sell Bonds to certain dealers and others at prices lower than the offering prices stated on the inside cover page hereof. The offering prices may be changed from time to time by the Underwriter. Miscellaneous All quotations from, and summaries and explanations of, the Indenture, the Continuing Disclosure Agreement and other statutes and documents contained herein do not purport to be complete, and reference is made to said documents and statutes for full and complete statements of their provisions. APPENDIX A REASSESSMENT DIAGRAM [THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 REASSESSMENT DIAGRAMCITY OF CARLSBAD REASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2012-1CITY OF CARLSBADCOUNTY OF SAN DIEGOSTATE OF CALIFORNIAEL CA M REA L POINSETTIAESTRELLA DE MARQUAILLIMONITEDOVEMOORHENMARCASITECOBALTSWALLOWBRASSOLIVINEPERIDOT BLA CK S KIM M ER ORIOLESEA ROCKETSKIMMERARROYO WILLOWSANDPIPER BLACK MUSTARD717069684344414240373938727375741311131513551298128513371325132613821370128613681310129112771383133613541367137413201297128713691366135313141288137313561375131613761329136512921299133513711330131313171328132713001312136413771296129313631333133213611352130113021323136213031318130912941290138113241360133113571359133812781319135113041322129513441305130613081307128913721279135813431321134513421378133913501340134613471380133413411349134812804547 461284128113791283128248624LegendReassessment ParcelsPage 8 of 17¡00.035 0.07 0.105 0.140.0175MilesA-8 REASSESSMENT DIAGRAMCITY OF CARLSBAD REASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2012-1CITY OF CARLSBADCOUNTY OF SAN DIEGOSTATE OF CALIFORNIADOVEBRASS EL CAM REAL QUAILE S TRELLA D E MA R PRIVATE SANDPIPER TOURMALINEBERYLFELDSPARBRANTMERCURY BRASS BUTTONS PRIVATE7983740383977767814131280818384798271696870727375746463626567666142536585760591110201617181519525051494243444154565553454746482322242131323029282627253634333513681367136985 86 871366LegendReassessment ParcelsPage 9 of 17¡00.02 0.04 0.06 0.080.01MilesA-9 A-10 A-11 A-12 A-13 A-14 A-15 A-16 A-17 [THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] APPENDIX B EXCEPTS FROM REASSESSMENT REPORT [THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] Main Office 32605 Temecula Parkway, Suite 100 Temecula, CA 92592 Toll free: 800.676.7516 Fax: 951.296.1998 Regional Office 870 Market Street, Suite 1223 San Francisco, CA 94102 Toll free: 800.434.8349 Fax: 415.391.8439 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Final Reassessment Report January 30, 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS REASSESSMENT 1 SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS 3 DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULES 4 COMPARISON OF AUDITOR’S RECORDS 5 REASSESSMENT ROLL 8 NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF PROPERTY OWNERS 9 METHOD OF REASSESSMENT 10 MAXIMUM ANNUAL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSESSMENT 11 CERTIFICATIONS 12 REASSESSMENT DIAGRAM 13 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Report 1 Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 REASSESSMENT WHEREAS, on January 8, 2013, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad (the “City”), pursuant to the provisions of the Refunding Act of 1984 for 1915 Improvement Act Bonds (the “Act”), adopted Resolution No. 2013-022 (the “Resolution of Intention”) declaring its intention to refund the outstanding bonds (the “Prior Bonds”) of Assessment District No. 2002-01 (Poinsettia Lane East) and Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) Benefit Area No. 1 (Calaveras Hills II) (the “Assessment Districts”) and to levy reassessments on the property within the Assessment Districts as security for the refunding bonds; WHEREAS, the Resolution of Intention directed the undersigned to make and file a report presenting a schedule setting forth the unpaid principal and interest of the Prior Bonds to be refunded and the total amounts thereof, the total estimated principal amount of the reassessment and of the refunding bonds and the maximum interest thereon, together with an estimate of the cost of the reassessment and of issuing the refunding bonds, the auditor’s record showing the schedule of principal installments and interest on all unpaid original assessments and the total amounts thereof, the estimated amount of each reassessment, identified by reassessment number corresponding to the reassessment number of the reassessment diagram, together with a proposed auditor’s record for the reassessment, and reassessment diagram showing the Assessment Districts and the boundaries and dimensions of the subdivisions of land within the Assessment Districts. Each subdivision, including separate condominium interest as defined in Section 783 of the Civil Code, shall be given a separate number upon the reassessment diagram to which reference is hereby made for further particulars; NOW THEREFORE, the undersigned by virtue of the authorization provided in the Resolution of Intention has prepared this report regarding the reassessment to be levied pursuant to the Act on property within the Assessment Districts to accomplish the refunding of the Prior Bonds and which will be security for the refunding bonds. The amounts to be paid for said refunding, together with the expenses incidental thereto, and the reassessment balance are set forth herein. And I do hereby reassess and apportion the total amount of the cost and expenses of said reassessment and refunding upon the several lots, pieces or parcels or portions of lots or subdivisions of land liable therefore and benefited thereby, and hereinafter numbered to correspond with the numbers upon the attached reassessment diagram, upon each thereof, severally and respectively, as more particularly set forth in the reassessment roll attached and by reference made a part hereof. As required by the Act, a reassessment diagram hereto attached shows the Assessment Districts and also the boundaries and dimensions of the respective subdivisions of land within the Assessment Districts as the same existed at the time of the passage of the Resolution of Intention, each of which subdivisions having been given a separate number upon said reassessment diagram. Said reassessment is made upon the several subdivisions of land within the Assessment Districts in proportion to the unpaid principal amount of the original assessment recorded as a lien against each said subdivisions of land. The reassessment identification numbers set forth in the reassessment roll and elsewhere herein are the identifying numbers of the parcels of land within the Assessment Districts as they appear on the reassessment diagram. Each subdivision of land reassessed is described in the reassessment roll by reference to its parcel number as shown on the Assessor’s Maps of the County of San Diego for Fiscal Year 2012/13 and includes all such parcels. For a more particular description of said property, reference is hereby made to the deeds and maps on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder of said County. City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Report 2 Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Notice is hereby given that serial refunding bonds to represent unpaid reassessments and bear interest at the rate of not to exceed twelve percent (12%) per annum, will be issued thereunder in the manner provided by the Act, and the last installment of such refunding bonds shall mature not later than September 2, 2035. Dated as of January 30, 2013 Stephanie Parson, NBS City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Report 3 Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS Assessment District Assessment District No. 2003-01 No. 2002-01 (College Boulevard and (Poinsettia Lane East)Cannon Road East)Total SOURCES: Bond Proceeds: Par Amount of Bonds $21,940,000.00 $9,360,000.00 $31,300,000.00 Net Premium 335,471.75 111,138.45 446,610.20 $22,275,471.75 $9,471,138.45 $31,746,610.20 Other Sources of Funds Debt Service Reserve Fund $2,498,392.93 $1,200,420.87 $3,698,813.80 December 10 Installments 1,141,873.18 445,477.84 1,587,351.02 Surplus Construction Funds 4,467,940.83 0.00 4,467,940.83 Surplus Redemption Funds 827,815.65 135,437.08 963,252.73 $8,936,022.59 $1,781,335.79 $10,717,358.38 TOTAL SOURCES $31,211,494.34 $11,252,474.24 $42,463,968.58 USES: Refunding Escrow Deposits: Cash Deposit $29,345,946.25 $10,453,598.75 $39,799,545.00 Other Fund Deposits: Debt Service Reserve Fund 1,514,951.76 646,305.76 2,161,257.52 Delivery Date Expenses: Cost of Issuance 140,381.92 61,952.47 202,334.39 Underwriter’s Discount 210,214.41 90,617.26 300,831.67 TOTAL USES $31,211,494.34 $11,252,474.24 $42,463,968.58 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Report 4 Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULES Assessment District No. 2002-01 (Poinsettia Lane East) Refunded Bonds Original Debt Service Schedule Payment Interest Semi-Annual Date Rate Principal Interest Payment Total 9/2/2013 4.100% $715,000.00 $718,339.38 $1,433,339.38 $1,433,339.38 3/2/2014 703,681.88 703,681.88 9/2/2014 4.250% 745,000.00 703,681.88 1,448,681.88 2,152,363.75 3/2/2015 687,850.63 687,850.63 9/2/2015 4.400% 775,000.00 687,850.63 1,462,850.63 2,150,701.25 3/2/2016 670,800.63 670,800.63 9/2/2016 4.500% 810,000.00 670,800.63 1,480,800.63 2,151,601.25 3/2/2017 652,575.63 652,575.63 9/2/2017 4.550% 845,000.00 652,575.63 1,497,575.63 2,150,151.25 3/2/2018 633,351.88 633,351.88 9/2/2018 4.650% 885,000.00 633,351.88 1,518,351.88 2,151,703.75 3/2/2019 612,775.63 612,775.63 9/2/2019 4.750% 925,000.00 612,775.63 1,537,775.63 2,150,551.25 3/2/2020 590,806.88 590,806.88 9/2/2020 4.850% 970,000.00 590,806.88 1,560,806.88 2,151,613.75 3/2/2021 567,284.38 567,284.38 9/2/2021 4.875% 1,015,000.00 567,284.38 1,582,284.38 2,149,568.75 3/2/2022 542,543.75 542,543.75 9/2/2022 5.000% 1,065,000.00 542,543.75 1,607,543.75 2,150,087.50 3/2/2023 515,918.75 515,918.75 9/2/2023 5.050% 1,120,000.00 515,918.75 1,635,918.75 2,151,837.50 3/2/2024 487,638.75 487,638.75 9/2/2024 5.050% 1,175,000.00 487,638.75 1,662,638.75 2,150,277.50 3/2/2025 457,970.00 457,970.00 9/2/2025 5.150% 1,235,000.00 457,970.00 1,692,970.00 2,150,940.00 3/2/2026 426,168.75 426,168.75 9/2/2026 5.150% 1,295,000.00 426,168.75 1,721,168.75 2,147,337.50 3/2/2027 392,822.50 392,822.50 9/2/2027 5.150% 1,365,000.00 392,822.50 1,757,822.50 2,150,645.00 3/2/2028 357,673.75 357,673.75 9/2/2028 5.150% 1,435,000.00 357,673.75 1,792,673.75 2,150,347.50 3/2/2029 320,722.50 320,722.50 9/2/2029 5.150% 1,510,000.00 320,722.50 1,830,722.50 2,151,445.00 3/2/2030 281,840.00 281,840.00 9/2/2030 5.200% 1,585,000.00 281,840.00 1,866,840.00 2,148,680.00 3/2/2031 240,630.00 240,630.00 9/2/2031 5.200% 1,670,000.00 240,630.00 1,910,630.00 2,151,260.00 3/2/2032 197,210.00 197,210.00 9/2/2032 5.200% 1,755,000.00 197,210.00 1,952,210.00 2,149,420.00 3/2/2033 151,580.00 151,580.00 9/2/2033 5.200% 1,845,000.00 151,580.00 1,996,580.00 2,148,160.00 3/2/2034 103,610.00 103,610.00 9/2/2034 5.200% 1,940,000.00 103,610.00 2,043,610.00 2,147,220.00 3/2/2035 53,170.00 53,170.00 9/2/2035 5.200% 2,045,000.00 53,170.00 2,098,170.00 2,151,340.00 Totals $28,725,000.00 $20,015,591.88 $48,740,591.88 $48,740,591.88 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Assessment District No. 2002-01 (Poinsettia Lane East) Refunded Bonds Actual Debt Service Schedule Net of all Bond Calls Payment Interest Semi-Annual Date Rate Principal Interest Payment Total 9/2/2013 4.100% $715,000.00 $715,946.25 $1,430,946.25 $1,430,946.25 3/2/2014 701,288.75 701,288.75 9/2/2014 4.250% 745,000.00 701,288.75 1,446,288.75 2,147,577.50 3/2/2015 685,457.50 685,457.50 9/2/2015 4.400% 775,000.00 685,457.50 1,460,457.50 2,145,915.00 3/2/2016 668,407.50 668,407.50 9/2/2016 4.500% 810,000.00 668,407.50 1,478,407.50 2,146,815.00 3/2/2017 650,182.50 650,182.50 9/2/2017 4.550% 840,000.00 650,182.50 1,490,182.50 2,140,365.00 3/2/2018 631,072.50 631,072.50 9/2/2018 4.650% 880,000.00 631,072.50 1,511,072.50 2,142,145.00 3/2/2019 610,612.50 610,612.50 9/2/2019 4.750% 920,000.00 610,612.50 1,530,612.50 2,141,225.00 3/2/2020 588,762.50 588,762.50 9/2/2020 4.850% 965,000.00 588,762.50 1,553,762.50 2,142,525.00 3/2/2021 565,361.25 565,361.25 9/2/2021 4.875% 1,010,000.00 565,361.25 1,575,361.25 2,140,722.50 3/2/2022 540,742.50 540,742.50 9/2/2022 5.000% 1,060,000.00 540,742.50 1,600,742.50 2,141,485.00 3/2/2023 514,242.50 514,242.50 9/2/2023 5.050% 1,115,000.00 514,242.50 1,629,242.50 2,143,485.00 3/2/2024 486,088.75 486,088.75 9/2/2024 5.050% 1,170,000.00 486,088.75 1,656,088.75 2,142,177.50 3/2/2025 456,546.25 456,546.25 9/2/2025 5.150% 1,230,000.00 456,546.25 1,686,546.25 2,143,092.50 3/2/2026 424,873.75 424,873.75 9/2/2026 5.150% 1,290,000.00 424,873.75 1,714,873.75 2,139,747.50 3/2/2027 391,656.25 391,656.25 9/2/2027 5.150% 1,360,000.00 391,656.25 1,751,656.25 2,143,312.50 3/2/2028 356,636.25 356,636.25 9/2/2028 5.150% 1,430,000.00 356,636.25 1,786,636.25 2,143,272.50 3/2/2029 319,813.75 319,813.75 9/2/2029 5.150% 1,505,000.00 319,813.75 1,824,813.75 2,144,627.50 3/2/2030 281,060.00 281,060.00 9/2/2030 5.200% 1,580,000.00 281,060.00 1,861,060.00 2,142,120.00 3/2/2031 239,980.00 239,980.00 9/2/2031 5.200% 1,665,000.00 239,980.00 1,904,980.00 2,144,960.00 3/2/2032 196,690.00 196,690.00 9/2/2032 5.200% 1,750,000.00 196,690.00 1,946,690.00 2,143,380.00 3/2/2033 151,190.00 151,190.00 9/2/2033 5.200% 1,840,000.00 151,190.00 1,991,190.00 2,142,380.00 3/2/2034 103,350.00 103,350.00 9/2/2034 5.200% 1,935,000.00 103,350.00 2,038,350.00 2,141,700.00 3/2/2035 53,040.00 53,040.00 9/2/2035 5.200% 2,040,000.00 53,040.00 2,093,040.00 2,146,080.00 Totals $28,630,000.00 $19,950,056.25 $48,580,056.25 $48,580,056.25 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Assessment District No. 2002-01 (Poinsettia Lane East) Refunded Parcel's Aggregate Amortization Schedule Payment Interest Semi-Annual Date Rate Principal Interest Payment Total 9/2/2013 4.100% $712,696.12 $716,024.74 $1,428,720.86 $1,428,720.86 3/2/2014 701,414.47 701,414.47 9/2/2014 4.250% 742,599.46 701,414.47 1,444,013.93 2,145,428.39 3/2/2015 685,634.23 685,634.23 9/2/2015 4.400% 772,502.79 685,634.23 1,458,137.02 2,143,771.25 3/2/2016 668,639.17 668,639.17 9/2/2016 4.500% 807,390.01 668,639.17 1,476,029.18 2,144,668.35 3/2/2017 650,472.89 650,472.89 9/2/2017 4.550% 842,277.24 650,472.89 1,492,750.13 2,143,223.02 3/2/2018 631,311.09 631,311.09 9/2/2018 4.650% 882,148.35 631,311.09 1,513,459.44 2,144,770.52 3/2/2019 610,801.14 610,801.14 9/2/2019 4.750% 922,019.46 610,801.14 1,532,820.60 2,143,621.74 3/2/2020 588,903.17 588,903.17 9/2/2020 4.850% 966,874.46 588,903.17 1,555,777.64 2,144,680.81 3/2/2021 565,456.47 565,456.47 9/2/2021 4.875% 1,011,729.46 565,456.47 1,577,185.93 2,142,642.40 3/2/2022 540,795.56 540,795.56 9/2/2022 5.000% 1,061,568.35 540,795.56 1,602,363.92 2,143,159.48 3/2/2023 514,256.35 514,256.35 9/2/2023 5.050% 1,116,391.13 514,256.35 1,630,647.49 2,144,903.84 3/2/2024 486,067.48 486,067.48 9/2/2024 5.050% 1,171,213.91 486,067.48 1,657,281.39 2,143,348.87 3/2/2025 456,494.33 456,494.33 9/2/2025 5.150% 1,231,020.58 456,494.33 1,687,514.91 2,144,009.23 3/2/2026 424,795.55 424,795.55 9/2/2026 5.150% 1,290,827.25 424,795.55 1,715,622.79 2,140,418.34 3/2/2027 391,556.75 391,556.75 9/2/2027 5.150% 1,360,601.69 391,556.75 1,752,158.44 2,143,715.18 3/2/2028 356,521.25 356,521.25 9/2/2028 5.150% 1,430,376.14 356,521.25 1,786,897.39 2,143,418.64 3/2/2029 319,689.07 319,689.07 9/2/2029 5.150% 1,505,134.47 319,689.07 1,824,823.54 2,144,512.61 3/2/2030 280,931.85 280,931.85 9/2/2030 5.200% 1,579,892.81 280,931.85 1,860,824.66 2,141,756.51 3/2/2031 239,854.64 239,854.64 9/2/2031 5.200% 1,664,618.92 239,854.64 1,904,473.56 2,144,328.20 3/2/2032 196,574.55 196,574.55 9/2/2032 5.200% 1,749,345.03 196,574.55 1,945,919.58 2,142,494.13 3/2/2033 151,091.58 151,091.58 9/2/2033 5.200% 1,839,055.03 151,091.58 1,990,146.61 2,141,238.19 3/2/2034 103,276.15 103,276.15 9/2/2034 5.200% 1,933,748.92 103,276.15 2,037,025.07 2,140,301.22 3/2/2035 52,998.68 52,998.68 9/2/2035 5.200% 2,038,410.59 52,998.68 2,091,409.27 2,144,407.94 Totals $28,632,442.19 $19,951,097.55 $48,583,539.74 $48,583,539.74 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Assessment District No. 2002-01 (Poinsettia Lane East) Refunding Bonds Original Debt Service Schedule Payment Interest Semi-Annual Date Rate Principal Interest Payment Total 9/2/2013 2.000%$0.00 $486,468.60 $486,468.60 $486,468.60 3/2/2014 413,039.38 413,039.38 9/2/2014 2.000%1,315,000 413,039.38 1,728,039.38 2,141,078.76 3/2/2015 399,889.38 399,889.38 9/2/2015 2.000%700,000 399,889.38 1,099,889.38 1,499,778.76 3/2/2016 392,889.38 392,889.38 9/2/2016 3.000%715,000 392,889.38 1,107,889.38 1,500,778.76 3/2/2017 382,164.38 382,164.38 9/2/2017 3.000%725,000 382,164.38 1,107,164.38 1,489,328.76 3/2/2018 371,289.38 371,289.38 9/2/2018 3.000%750,000 371,289.38 1,121,289.38 1,492,578.76 3/2/2019 360,039.38 360,039.38 9/2/2019 3.000%770,000 360,039.38 1,130,039.38 1,490,078.76 3/2/2020 348,489.38 348,489.38 9/2/2020 3.000%795,000 348,489.38 1,143,489.38 1,491,978.76 3/2/2021 336,564.38 336,564.38 9/2/2021 3.150%820,000 336,564.38 1,156,564.38 1,493,128.76 3/2/2022 323,649.38 323,649.38 9/2/2022 3.375%845,000 323,649.38 1,168,649.38 1,492,298.76 3/2/2023 309,390.00 309,390.00 9/2/2023 3.550%875,000 309,390.00 1,184,390.00 1,493,780.00 3/2/2024 293,858.75 293,858.75 9/2/2024 3.700%905,000 293,858.75 1,198,858.75 1,492,717.50 3/2/2025 277,116.25 277,116.25 9/2/2025 3.800%940,000 277,116.25 1,217,116.25 1,494,232.50 3/2/2026 259,256.25 259,256.25 9/2/2026 3.900%975,000 259,256.25 1,234,256.25 1,493,512.50 3/2/2027 240,243.75 240,243.75 9/2/2027 4.000%1,015,000 240,243.75 1,255,243.75 1,495,487.50 3/2/2028 219,943.75 219,943.75 9/2/2028 4.000%1,055,000 219,943.75 1,274,943.75 1,494,887.50 3/2/2029 198,843.75 198,843.75 9/2/2029 4.125%1,100,000 198,843.75 1,298,843.75 1,497,687.50 3/2/2030 176,156.25 176,156.25 9/2/2030 4.125%1,140,000 176,156.25 1,316,156.25 1,492,312.50 3/2/2031 152,643.75 152,643.75 9/2/2031 4.125%1,190,000 152,643.75 1,342,643.75 1,495,287.50 3/2/2032 128,100.00 128,100.00 9/2/2032 4.250%1,240,000 128,100.00 1,368,100.00 1,496,200.00 3/2/2033 101,750.00 101,750.00 9/2/2033 5.000%1,290,000 101,750.00 1,391,750.00 1,493,500.00 3/2/2034 69,500.00 69,500.00 9/2/2034 5.000%1,355,000 69,500.00 1,424,500.00 1,494,000.00 3/2/2035 35,625.00 35,625.00 9/2/2035 5.000%1,425,000 35,625.00 1,460,625.00 1,496,250.00 Totals $21,940,000.00 $12,067,352.35 $34,007,352.35 $34,007,352.44 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Assessment District No. 2002-01 (Poinsettia Lane East) Comparison of Refunded Parcel's Aggregate Amortization Schedule and Refunding Bonds Payment Refunded Parcel Aggregate Refunding Bonds Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $712,696.12 $716,024.74 $0.00 $486,468.60 $712,696.12 $229,556.14 $942,252.27 3/2/2014 701,414.47 413,039.38 288,375.09 9/2/2014 742,599.46 701,414.47 1,315,000.00 413,039.38 (572,400.54) 288,375.09 4,349.64 3/2/2015 685,634.23 399,889.38 285,744.85 9/2/2015 772,502.79 685,634.23 700,000.00 399,889.38 72,502.79 285,744.85 643,992.50 3/2/2016 668,639.17 392,889.38 275,749.79 9/2/2016 807,390.01 668,639.17 715,000.00 392,889.38 92,390.01 275,749.79 643,889.60 3/2/2017 650,472.89 382,164.38 268,308.52 9/2/2017 842,277.24 650,472.89 725,000.00 382,164.38 117,277.24 268,308.52 653,894.27 3/2/2018 631,311.09 371,289.38 260,021.71 9/2/2018 882,148.35 631,311.09 750,000.00 371,289.38 132,148.35 260,021.71 652,191.77 3/2/2019 610,801.14 360,039.38 250,761.76 9/2/2019 922,019.46 610,801.14 770,000.00 360,039.38 152,019.46 250,761.76 653,542.99 3/2/2020 588,903.17 348,489.38 240,413.80 9/2/2020 966,874.46 588,903.17 795,000.00 348,489.38 171,874.46 240,413.80 652,702.06 3/2/2021 565,456.47 336,564.38 228,892.09 9/2/2021 1,011,729.46 565,456.47 820,000.00 336,564.38 191,729.46 228,892.09 649,513.65 3/2/2022 540,795.56 323,649.38 217,146.19 9/2/2022 1,061,568.35 540,795.56 845,000.00 323,649.38 216,568.35 217,146.19 650,860.73 3/2/2023 514,256.35 309,390.00 204,866.35 9/2/2023 1,116,391.13 514,256.35 875,000.00 309,390.00 241,391.13 204,866.35 651,123.84 3/2/2024 486,067.48 293,858.75 192,208.73 9/2/2024 1,171,213.91 486,067.48 905,000.00 293,858.75 266,213.91 192,208.73 650,631.37 3/2/2025 456,494.33 277,116.25 179,378.08 9/2/2025 1,231,020.58 456,494.33 940,000.00 277,116.25 291,020.58 179,378.08 649,776.73 3/2/2026 424,795.55 259,256.25 165,539.30 9/2/2026 1,290,827.25 424,795.55 975,000.00 259,256.25 315,827.25 165,539.30 646,905.84 3/2/2027 391,556.75 240,243.75 151,313.00 9/2/2027 1,360,601.69 391,556.75 1,015,000.00 240,243.75 345,601.69 151,313.00 648,227.68 3/2/2028 356,521.25 219,943.75 136,577.50 9/2/2028 1,430,376.14 356,521.25 1,055,000.00 219,943.75 375,376.14 136,577.50 648,531.14 3/2/2029 319,689.07 198,843.75 120,845.32 9/2/2029 1,505,134.47 319,689.07 1,100,000.00 198,843.75 405,134.47 120,845.32 646,825.11 3/2/2030 280,931.85 176,156.25 104,775.60 9/2/2030 1,579,892.81 280,931.85 1,140,000.00 176,156.25 439,892.81 104,775.60 649,444.01 3/2/2031 239,854.64 152,643.75 87,210.89 9/2/2031 1,664,618.92 239,854.64 1,190,000.00 152,643.75 474,618.92 87,210.89 649,040.70 3/2/2032 196,574.55 128,100.00 68,474.55 9/2/2032 1,749,345.03 196,574.55 1,240,000.00 128,100.00 509,345.03 68,474.55 646,294.13 3/2/2033 151,091.58 101,750.00 49,341.58 9/2/2033 1,839,055.03 151,091.58 1,290,000.00 101,750.00 549,055.03 49,341.58 647,738.19 3/2/2034 103,276.15 69,500.00 33,776.15 9/2/2034 1,933,748.92 103,276.15 1,355,000.00 69,500.00 578,748.92 33,776.15 646,301.22 3/2/2035 52,998.68 35,625.00 17,373.68 9/2/2032 2,038,410.59 52,998.68 1,425,000.00 35,625.00 613,410.59 17,373.68 648,157.94 Totals $28,632,442.19 $19,951,097.55 $21,940,000.00 $12,067,352.35 $6,692,442.19 $7,883,745.21 $14,576,187.40 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) Benefit Area No. 1 (Calaveras Hills II) Refunded Bonds Original Debt Service Schedule Payment Interest Semi-Annual Date Rate Principal Interest Payment Total 9/2/2013 5.150% $240,000.00 $298,898.75 $538,898.75 $538,898.75 3/2/2014 292,718.75 292,718.75 9/2/2014 5.300% 255,000.00 292,718.75 547,718.75 840,437.50 3/2/2015 285,961.25 285,961.25 9/2/2015 5.400% 270,000.00 285,961.25 555,961.25 841,922.50 3/2/2016 278,671.25 278,671.25 9/2/2016 5.500% 285,000.00 278,671.25 563,671.25 842,342.50 3/2/2017 270,833.75 270,833.75 9/2/2017 5.600% 300,000.00 270,833.75 570,833.75 841,667.50 3/2/2018 262,433.75 262,433.75 9/2/2018 5.650% 315,000.00 262,433.75 577,433.75 839,867.50 3/2/2019 253,535.00 253,535.00 9/2/2019 5.700% 335,000.00 253,535.00 588,535.00 842,070.00 3/2/2020 243,987.50 243,987.50 9/2/2020 5.750% 350,000.00 243,987.50 593,987.50 837,975.00 3/2/2021 233,925.00 233,925.00 9/2/2021 5.950% 370,000.00 233,925.00 603,925.00 837,850.00 3/2/2022 222,917.50 222,917.50 9/2/2022 5.950% 395,000.00 222,917.50 617,917.50 840,835.00 3/2/2023 211,166.25 211,166.25 9/2/2023 5.950% 420,000.00 211,166.25 631,166.25 842,332.50 3/2/2024 198,671.25 198,671.25 9/2/2024 5.950% 445,000.00 198,671.25 643,671.25 842,342.50 3/2/2025 185,432.50 185,432.50 9/2/2025 5.950% 470,000.00 185,432.50 655,432.50 840,865.00 3/2/2026 171,450.00 171,450.00 9/2/2026 6.000% 495,000.00 171,450.00 666,450.00 837,900.00 3/2/2027 156,600.00 156,600.00 9/2/2027 6.000% 525,000.00 156,600.00 681,600.00 838,200.00 3/2/2028 140,850.00 140,850.00 9/2/2028 6.000% 560,000.00 140,850.00 700,850.00 841,700.00 3/2/2029 124,050.00 124,050.00 9/2/2029 6.000% 590,000.00 124,050.00 714,050.00 838,100.00 3/2/2030 106,350.00 106,350.00 9/2/2030 6.000% 630,000.00 106,350.00 736,350.00 842,700.00 3/2/2031 87,450.00 87,450.00 9/2/2031 6.000% 665,000.00 87,450.00 752,450.00 839,900.00 3/2/2032 67,500.00 67,500.00 9/2/2032 6.000% 705,000.00 67,500.00 772,500.00 840,000.00 3/2/2033 46,350.00 46,350.00 9/2/2033 6.000% 750,000.00 46,350.00 796,350.00 842,700.00 3/2/2034 23,850.00 23,850.00 9/2/2034 6.000% 795,000.00 23,850.00 818,850.00 842,700.00 Totals $10,165,000.00 $8,028,306.25 $18,193,306.25 $18,193,306.25 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) Benefit Area No. 1 (Calaveras Hills II) Refunded Bonds Actual Debt Service Schedule Net of all Bond Calls Payment Interest Semi-Annual Date Rate Principal Interest Payment Total 9/2/2013 5.150% $240,000.00 $298,598.75 $538,598.75 $538,598.75 3/2/2014 292,418.75 292,418.75 9/2/2014 5.300% 255,000.00 292,418.75 547,418.75 839,837.50 3/2/2015 285,661.25 285,661.25 9/2/2015 5.400% 270,000.00 285,661.25 555,661.25 841,322.50 3/2/2016 278,371.25 278,371.25 9/2/2016 5.500% 285,000.00 278,371.25 563,371.25 841,742.50 3/2/2017 270,533.75 270,533.75 9/2/2017 5.600% 300,000.00 270,533.75 570,533.75 841,067.50 3/2/2018 262,133.75 262,133.75 9/2/2018 5.650% 315,000.00 262,133.75 577,133.75 839,267.50 3/2/2019 253,235.00 253,235.00 9/2/2019 5.700% 335,000.00 253,235.00 588,235.00 841,470.00 3/2/2020 243,687.50 243,687.50 9/2/2020 5.750% 350,000.00 243,687.50 593,687.50 837,375.00 3/2/2021 233,625.00 233,625.00 9/2/2021 5.950% 370,000.00 233,625.00 603,625.00 837,250.00 3/2/2022 222,617.50 222,617.50 9/2/2022 5.950% 395,000.00 222,617.50 617,617.50 840,235.00 3/2/2023 210,866.25 210,866.25 9/2/2023 5.950% 420,000.00 210,866.25 630,866.25 841,732.50 3/2/2024 198,371.25 198,371.25 9/2/2024 5.950% 445,000.00 198,371.25 643,371.25 841,742.50 3/2/2025 185,132.50 185,132.50 9/2/2025 5.950% 470,000.00 185,132.50 655,132.50 840,265.00 3/2/2026 171,150.00 171,150.00 9/2/2026 6.000% 495,000.00 171,150.00 666,150.00 837,300.00 3/2/2027 156,300.00 156,300.00 9/2/2027 6.000% 525,000.00 156,300.00 681,300.00 837,600.00 3/2/2028 140,550.00 140,550.00 9/2/2028 6.000% 560,000.00 140,550.00 700,550.00 841,100.00 3/2/2029 123,750.00 123,750.00 9/2/2029 6.000% 590,000.00 123,750.00 713,750.00 837,500.00 3/2/2030 106,050.00 106,050.00 9/2/2030 6.000% 630,000.00 106,050.00 736,050.00 842,100.00 3/2/2031 87,150.00 87,150.00 9/2/2031 6.000% 665,000.00 87,150.00 752,150.00 839,300.00 3/2/2032 67,200.00 67,200.00 9/2/2032 6.000% 705,000.00 67,200.00 772,200.00 839,400.00 3/2/2033 46,050.00 46,050.00 9/2/2033 6.000% 745,000.00 46,050.00 791,050.00 837,100.00 3/2/2034 23,700.00 23,700.00 9/2/2034 6.000% 790,000.00 23,700.00 813,700.00 837,400.00 Totals $10,155,000.00 $8,015,706.25 $18,170,706.25 $18,170,706.25 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) Benefit Area No. 1 (Calaveras Hills II) Refunded Parcel's Aggregate Amortization Schedule Payment Interest Semi-Annual Date Rate Principal Interest Payment Total 9/2/2013 5.150% $239,720.72 $298,550.93 $538,271.65 $538,271.65 3/2/2014 292,378.12 292,378.12 9/2/2014 5.300% 254,703.27 292,378.12 547,081.39 839,459.52 3/2/2015 285,628.49 285,628.49 9/2/2015 5.400% 269,685.81 285,628.49 555,314.30 840,942.79 3/2/2016 278,346.97 278,346.97 9/2/2016 5.500% 284,668.36 278,346.97 563,015.33 841,362.30 3/2/2017 270,518.59 270,518.59 9/2/2017 5.600% 299,650.90 270,518.59 570,169.49 840,688.08 3/2/2018 262,128.37 262,128.37 9/2/2018 5.650% 314,633.45 262,128.37 576,761.81 838,890.18 3/2/2019 253,239.97 253,239.97 9/2/2019 5.700% 334,610.17 253,239.97 587,850.14 841,090.12 3/2/2020 243,703.58 243,703.58 9/2/2020 5.750% 349,592.72 243,703.58 593,296.30 836,999.88 3/2/2021 233,652.79 233,652.79 9/2/2021 5.950% 369,569.45 233,652.79 603,222.24 836,875.03 3/2/2022 222,658.10 222,658.10 9/2/2022 5.950% 394,540.35 222,658.10 617,198.45 839,856.55 3/2/2023 210,920.52 210,920.52 9/2/2023 5.950% 419,511.26 210,920.52 630,431.79 841,352.31 3/2/2024 198,440.06 198,440.06 9/2/2024 5.950% 444,482.17 198,440.06 642,922.24 841,362.30 3/2/2025 185,216.72 185,216.72 9/2/2025 5.950% 469,453.08 185,216.72 654,669.80 839,886.52 3/2/2026 171,250.49 171,250.49 9/2/2026 6.000% 494,423.99 171,250.49 665,674.48 836,924.97 3/2/2027 156,417.77 156,417.77 9/2/2027 6.000% 524,389.08 156,417.77 680,806.85 837,224.62 3/2/2028 140,686.10 140,686.10 9/2/2028 6.000% 559,348.35 140,686.10 700,034.45 840,720.55 3/2/2029 123,905.65 123,905.65 9/2/2029 6.000% 589,313.44 123,905.65 713,219.09 837,124.74 3/2/2030 106,226.24 106,226.24 9/2/2030 6.000% 629,266.89 106,226.24 735,493.14 841,719.38 3/2/2031 87,348.24 87,348.24 9/2/2031 6.000% 664,226.17 87,348.24 751,574.40 838,922.64 3/2/2032 67,421.45 67,421.45 9/2/2032 6.000% 704,179.62 67,421.45 771,601.07 839,022.53 3/2/2033 46,296.06 46,296.06 9/2/2033 6.000% 749,127.25 46,296.06 795,423.32 841,719.38 3/2/2034 23,822.25 23,822.25 9/2/2034 6.000% 794,074.89 23,822.25 817,897.14 841,719.38 Totals $10,153,171.39 $8,018,964.03 $18,172,135.41 $18,172,135.41 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) Benefit Area No. 1 (Calaveras Hills II) Refunding Bonds Original Debt Service Schedule Payment Interest Semi-Annual Date Rate Principal Interest Payment Total 9/2/2013 2.000%$0.00 $203,919.71 $203,919.71 $203,919.71 3/2/2014 173,139.38 173,139.38 9/2/2014 2.000% 490,000.00 173,139.38 663,139.38 836,278.76 3/2/2015 168,239.38 168,239.38 9/2/2015 2.000% 325,000.00 168,239.38 493,239.38 661,478.76 3/2/2016 164,989.38 164,989.38 9/2/2016 3.000% 330,000.00 164,989.38 494,989.38 659,978.76 3/2/2017 160,039.38 160,039.38 9/2/2017 3.000% 340,000.00 160,039.38 500,039.38 660,078.76 3/2/2018 154,939.38 154,939.38 9/2/2018 3.000% 345,000.00 154,939.38 499,939.38 654,878.76 3/2/2019 149,764.38 149,764.38 9/2/2019 3.000% 360,000.00 149,764.38 509,764.38 659,528.76 3/2/2020 144,364.38 144,364.38 9/2/2020 3.000% 365,000.00 144,364.38 509,364.38 653,728.76 3/2/2021 138,889.38 138,889.38 9/2/2021 3.150% 375,000.00 138,889.38 513,889.38 652,778.76 3/2/2022 132,983.13 132,983.13 9/2/2022 3.375% 390,000.00 132,983.13 522,983.13 655,966.26 3/2/2023 126,401.88 126,401.88 9/2/2023 3.550% 405,000.00 126,401.88 531,401.88 657,803.76 3/2/2024 119,213.13 119,213.13 9/2/2024 3.700% 420,000.00 119,213.13 539,213.13 658,426.26 3/2/2025 111,443.13 111,443.13 9/2/2025 3.800% 435,000.00 111,443.13 546,443.13 657,886.26 3/2/2026 103,178.13 103,178.13 9/2/2026 3.900% 450,000.00 103,178.13 553,178.13 656,356.26 3/2/2027 94,403.13 94,403.13 9/2/2027 4.000% 465,000.00 94,403.13 559,403.13 653,806.26 3/2/2028 85,103.13 85,103.13 9/2/2028 4.000% 490,000.00 85,103.13 575,103.13 660,206.26 3/2/2029 75,303.13 75,303.13 9/2/2029 4.125% 505,000.00 75,303.13 580,303.13 655,606.26 3/2/2030 64,887.50 64,887.50 9/2/2030 4.125% 530,000.00 64,887.50 594,887.50 659,775.00 3/2/2031 53,956.25 53,956.25 9/2/2031 4.125% 550,000.00 53,956.25 603,956.25 657,912.50 3/2/2032 42,612.50 42,612.50 9/2/2032 4.250% 570,000.00 42,612.50 612,612.50 655,225.00 3/2/2033 30,500.00 30,500.00 9/2/2033 5.000% 595,000.00 30,500.00 625,500.00 656,000.00 3/2/2034 15,625.00 15,625.00 9/2/2034 5.000% 625,000.00 15,625.00 640,625.00 656,250.00 Totals $9,360,000.00 $4,823,869.71 $14,183,869.71 $14,183,869.87 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) Benefit Area No. 1 (Calaveras Hills II) Comparison of Refunded Parcel's Aggregate Amortization Schedule and Refunding Bonds Payment Refunded Parcel Aggregate Refunding Bonds Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $239,720.72 $298,550.93 $0.00 $203,919.71 $239,720.72 $94,631.22 $334,351.95 3/2/2014 292,378.12 173,139.38 119,238.75 9/2/2014 254,703.27 292,378.12 490,000.00 173,139.38 (235,296.73) 119,238.75 3,180.77 3/2/2015 285,628.49 168,239.38 117,389.11 9/2/2015 269,685.81 285,628.49 325,000.00 168,239.38 (55,314.19) 117,389.11 179,464.04 3/2/2016 278,346.97 164,989.38 113,357.60 9/2/2016 284,668.36 278,346.97 330,000.00 164,989.38 (45,331.64) 113,357.60 181,383.55 3/2/2017 270,518.59 160,039.38 110,479.22 9/2/2017 299,650.90 270,518.59 340,000.00 160,039.38 (40,349.10) 110,479.22 180,609.33 3/2/2018 262,128.37 154,939.38 107,188.99 9/2/2018 314,633.45 262,128.37 345,000.00 154,939.38 (30,366.55) 107,188.99 184,011.43 3/2/2019 253,239.97 149,764.38 103,475.60 9/2/2019 334,610.17 253,239.97 360,000.00 149,764.38 (25,389.83) 103,475.60 181,561.37 3/2/2020 243,703.58 144,364.38 99,339.21 9/2/2020 349,592.72 243,703.58 365,000.00 144,364.38 (15,407.28) 99,339.21 183,271.13 3/2/2021 233,652.79 138,889.38 94,763.42 9/2/2021 369,569.45 233,652.79 375,000.00 138,889.38 (5,430.55) 94,763.42 184,096.28 3/2/2022 222,658.10 132,983.13 89,674.97 9/2/2022 394,540.35 222,658.10 390,000.00 132,983.13 4,540.35 89,674.97 183,890.30 3/2/2023 210,920.52 126,401.88 84,518.65 9/2/2023 419,511.26 210,920.52 405,000.00 126,401.88 14,511.26 84,518.65 183,548.56 3/2/2024 198,440.06 119,213.13 79,226.94 9/2/2024 444,482.17 198,440.06 420,000.00 119,213.13 24,482.17 79,226.94 182,936.05 3/2/2025 185,216.72 111,443.13 73,773.59 9/2/2025 469,453.08 185,216.72 435,000.00 111,443.13 34,453.08 73,773.59 182,000.27 3/2/2026 171,250.49 103,178.13 68,072.37 9/2/2026 494,423.99 171,250.49 450,000.00 103,178.13 44,423.99 68,072.37 180,568.72 3/2/2027 156,417.77 94,403.13 62,014.65 9/2/2027 524,389.08 156,417.77 465,000.00 94,403.13 59,389.08 62,014.65 183,418.37 3/2/2028 140,686.10 85,103.13 55,582.97 9/2/2028 559,348.35 140,686.10 490,000.00 85,103.13 69,348.35 55,582.97 180,514.30 3/2/2029 123,905.65 75,303.13 48,602.52 9/2/2029 589,313.44 123,905.65 505,000.00 75,303.13 84,313.44 48,602.52 181,518.49 3/2/2030 106,226.24 64,887.50 41,338.74 9/2/2030 629,266.89 106,226.24 530,000.00 64,887.50 99,266.89 41,338.74 181,944.38 3/2/2031 87,348.24 53,956.25 33,391.99 9/2/2031 664,226.17 87,348.24 550,000.00 53,956.25 114,226.17 33,391.99 181,010.14 3/2/2032 67,421.45 42,612.50 24,808.95 9/2/2032 704,179.62 67,421.45 570,000.00 42,612.50 134,179.62 24,808.95 183,797.53 3/2/2033 46,296.06 30,500.00 15,796.06 9/2/2033 749,127.25 46,296.06 595,000.00 30,500.00 154,127.25 15,796.06 185,719.38 3/2/2034 23,822.25 15,625.00 8,197.25 9/2/2034 794,074.89 23,822.25 625,000.00 15,625.00 169,074.89 8,197.25 185,469.38 Totals $10,153,171.39 $8,018,964.03 $9,360,000.00 $4,823,869.71 $793,171.39 $3,195,094.32 $3,988,265.71 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 C-1 APPENDIX C SUMMARY OF THE INDENTURE The following is a brief summary of certain provisions of the Indenture governing the terms of the Bonds. This summary includes only the provisions of the Indenture not already summarized in the Official Statement and does not purport to be complete and is qualified in its entirety by reference to the Indenture. All capitalized terms used with respect to the Bonds and not defined in this Official Statement have the meanings set forth in the Indenture. DEFINITIONS “Act” means, collectively, the 1915 Act and the 1984 Act. “Administrative Expense Fund” means the City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Administrative Expense Fund established and held by the City pursuant to the Indenture. “Administrative Expense Requirement” means an amount, not in excess of the aggregate maximum annual assessment for Administrative Expenses permitted to be levied within the Assessment Districts as set forth in the Reassessment Report, to be specified each year by the Treasurer to be used for Administrative Expenses. “Administrative Expenses” means the ordinary and necessary fees and expenses for determination of the Reassessment and administering the levy and collection of the Reassessment and servicing, calling and redeeming the Bonds, including any or all of the following: the fees and expenses of the Trustee (including any fees or expenses of its counsel), the expenses of the City in carrying out its duties under the Indenture (including, but not limited to, annual audits and costs incurred in the levying and collection of the Reassessment) including the fees and expenses of its counsel and all other costs and expenses of the City or the Trustee incurred in connection with the discharge of their respective duties under the Indenture and, in the case of the City, in any way related to the administration of the Assessment Districts. “Assessment District” means one of the Assessment Districts. “Assessment Districts” means the City’s Assessment District No. 2002-01 (Poinsettia Lane East) and Benefit Area No. 1 (Calavera Hills II) of Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East). “Authorized Investments” “Authorized Investments” means any of the following which at the time of investment are legal investments under the laws of the State for the moneys proposed to be invested therein: (1) (A) Direct obligations (other than an obligation subject to variation in principal repayment) of the United States of America (“United States Treasury Obligations”); (B) obligations fully and unconditionally guaranteed as to timely payment of principal and interest by the United States of America; (C) obligations fully and unconditionally guaranteed as to timely payment of principal and interest by any agency or instrumentality of the United States of America when such obligations are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States of America; or (D) evidences of ownership of proportionate interests in future interest and principal payments on obligations C-2 described above held by a bank or trust company as custodian, under which the owner of the investment is the real party in interest and has the right to proceed directly and individually against the obligor and the underlying government obligations are not available to any person claiming through the custodian or to whom the custodian may be obligated; (2) Federal Housing Administration debentures; (3) The listed obligations of government-sponsored agencies which are not backed by the full faith and credit of the United States of America: - Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC): Participation certificates (excluded are stripped mortgage securities which are purchased at prices exceeding their principal amounts) and senior debt obligations, - Federal Farm Credit Banks: Consolidated system-wide bonds and notes, - Federal Home Loan Banks (FHL Banks): Consolidated debt obligations, and - Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA): Senior debt obligations and mortgage-backed securities (excluded are stripped mortgage securities which are purchased at prices exceeding their principal amounts); (4) Unsecured certificates of deposit, time deposits, bank deposits, demand deposits and bankers’ acceptances (having maturities of not more than 30 days) of any bank (including the Trustee and any affiliate) the short-term obligations of which are rated “A-1” or better by Standard & Poor’s; (5) Deposits the aggregate amount of which are fully insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in banks (including the Trustee and any affiliate) which have capital and surplus of at least $5 million; (6) Commercial paper (having original maturities of not more than 270 days rated at the time of purchase “A-1” or “A-1+” by Standard & Poor’s and “Prime-1” by Moody’s; (7) Money market funds rated “AAm” or “AAm-G” or better by Standard & Poor’s such funds for which the Trustee, its affiliates or subsidiaries provide investment advisory or other management services or for which the Trustee or an affiliate of the Trustee serves as investment administrator, shareholder servicing agent, and/or custodian or subcustodian, notwithstanding that (i) the Trustee or an affiliate of the Trustee receives fees from funds for services rendered, (ii) the Trustee collects fees for services rendered pursuant to this Indenture, which fees are separate from the fees received from such funds, and (iii) services performed for such funds and pursuant to this Indenture may at times duplicate those provided to such funds by the Trustee or an affiliate of the Trustee; (8) “State Obligations,” which means: (A) Direct general obligations of any state of the United States of America or any subdivision or agency thereof to which is pledged the full faith and credit of a state the unsecured general obligation debt of which is rated “A3” by Moody’s and “A-” by Standard & Poor’s, or better, or any obligation fully and unconditionally guaranteed by any state, subdivision or agency whose unsecured general obligation debt is so rated, C-3 (B) Direct general short-term obligations of any state agency or subdivision or agency thereof described in (A) above and rated “A-1+” by Standard & Poor’s and “Prime-l” by Moody’s, and (C) Special Revenue Bonds (as defined in the United States Bankruptcy Code) of any state, state agency or subdivision described in (A) above and rated “AA-” or better by Standard & Poor’s and “Aa3” or better by Moody’s; (9) Pre-refunded municipal obligations rated by Standard & Poor’s and by Moody’s not lower than United States Treasury Obligations meeting the following requirements: (A) the municipal obligations are (1) not subject to redemption prior to maturity or (2) the trustee for the municipal obligations has been given irrevocable instructions concerning their call and redemption and the issuer of the municipal obligations has covenanted not to redeem such municipal obligations other than as set forth in such instructions, (B) the municipal obligations are secured by cash or United States Treasury Obligations which may be applied only to payment of the principal of, interest and premium on such municipal obligations, (C) the principal of and interest on the United States Treasury Obligations (plus any cash in the escrow) has been verified by the report of independent certified public accountants to be sufficient to pay in full all principal of, interest, and premium, if any, due and to become due on the municipal obligations (“Verification”), (D) the cash or United States Treasury Obligations serving as security for the municipal obligations are held by an escrow agent or trustee in trust for owners of the municipal obligations, (E) no substitution of a United States Treasury Obligation shall be permitted except with another United States Treasury Obligation and upon delivery of a new Verification, and (F) the cash or United States Treasury Obligations are not available to satisfy any other claims, including those by or against the trustee or escrow agent; (10) Repurchase agreements with (1) any domestic bank, or domestic branch of a foreign bank, the long term debt of which is rated at least “A” by Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s; or (2) any broker-dealer with “retail customers” or a related affiliate thereof which broker-dealer has, or the parent company (which guarantees the provider) of which has, long-term debt rated at least “A” by Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s, which broker-dealer falls under the jurisdiction of the Securities Investors Protection Corporation; or (3) any other entity rated “A” or better by Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s, provided that: (A) The market value of the collateral is maintained at levels equal to 102% of the amount of cash transferred by the Trustee to the provider of the repurchase agreement plus accrued interest with the collateral being valued weekly and marked-to-market at one current market price plus accrued interest, C-4 (B) The Trustee or a third party acting solely as agent therefor or for the City strict (the “Holder of the Collateral”) has possession of the collateral or the collateral has been transferred to the Holder of the Collateral in accordance with applicable state and federal laws (other than by means of entries on the transferor’s books), (C) The repurchase agreement shall state and an opinion of counsel shall be rendered at the time such collateral is delivered that the Holder of the Collateral has a perfected first priority security interest in the collateral, any substituted collateral and all proceeds thereof (in the case of bearer securities, this means the Holder of the Collateral is in possession), and (D) The repurchase agreement shall provide that if during its term the provider’s rating by either Moody’s or Standard & Poor’s is withdrawn or suspended or falls below “A” by Standard & Poor’s or “A3” by Moody’s, as appropriate, the provider must, at the direction of the City or the Trustee, within 10 days of receipt of such direction, repurchase all collateral and terminate the agreement, with no penalty or premium to the City or the Trustee; (11) Investment agreements with a domestic or foreign bank or corporation the long-term debt of which or, in the case of a guaranteed corporation the long-term debt, or, in the case of a monoline financial guaranty insurance company, claims paying ability, of the guarantor is rated at least “AA-” by Standard & Poor’s and “Aa3” by Moody’s; provided that, by the terms of the investment agreement: (A) interest payments are to be made to the Trustee at times and in amounts as necessary to pay debt service (or, if the investment agreement is for the Costs of Issuance Fund, construction draws) on the Bonds, (B) the invested funds are available for withdrawal without penalty or premium, at any time upon not more than seven days’ prior notice; the City and the Trustee hereby agree to give or cause to be given notice in accordance with the terms of the investment agreement so as to receive funds thereunder with no penalty or premium paid, (C) the investment agreement shall state that is the unconditional and general obligation of, and is not subordinated to any other obligation of, the provider thereof, or, in the case of a bank, that the obligation of the bank to make payments under the agreement ranks pari passu with the obligations of the bank to its other depositors and its other unsecured and unsubordinated creditors, (D) the City and the Trustee receives the opinion of domestic counsel (which opinion shall be addressed to the City and the Trustee) that such investment agreement is legal, valid, binding and enforceable upon the provider in accordance with its terms and of foreign counsel (if applicable) in form and substance acceptable, and addressed to, the City, (E) the investment agreement shall provide that if during its term: (1) the provider’s rating by either Standard & Poor’s or Moody’s falls below “AA-” or “Aa3”, respectively, the provider shall, at its option, within 10 days of receipt of publication of such downgrade, either (i) collateralize the investment agreement by delivering or transferring in accordance with applicable state and C-5 federal laws (other than by means of entries on the provider’s books) to the City, the Trustee or a third party acting solely as agent therefor (the “Holder of the Collateral”) collateral free and clear of any third-party liens or claims the market value of which collateral is maintained at levels and upon such conditions as would be acceptable to Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s to maintain an “A” rating in an “A” rated structured financing (with a market value approach); or (ii) repay the principal of and accrued but unpaid interest on the investment, and (2) the provider’s rating by either Standard & Poor’s or Moody’s is withdrawn or suspended or falls below “A-” or “A3”, respectively, the provider must, at the direction of the City or the Fiscal Agent, within 10 days of receipt of such direction, repay the principal of and accrued but unpaid interest on the investment, in either case with no penalty or premium to the City or Trustee, (F) the investment agreement shall state and an opinion of counsel shall be rendered, in the event collateral is required to be pledged by the provider under the terms of the investment agreement at the time such collateral is delivered, that the Holder of the Collateral has a perfected first priority security interest in the collateral, any substituted collateral and all proceeds thereof (in the case of bearer securities, this means the Holder of the Collateral is in possession,; and (G) the investment agreement must provide that if during its term (1) the provider shall default in its payment obligations, the provider’s obligations under the investment agreement shall, at the direction of the City or the Trustee, be accelerated and amounts invested and accrued but unpaid interest thereon shall be repaid to the City or Trustee, as appropriate, and (2) the provider shall become insolvent, not pay its debts as they become due, be declared or petition to be declared bankrupt, etc. (“event of insolvency”), the provider’s obligations shall automatically be accelerated and amounts invested and accrued but unpaid interest thereon shall be repaid to the City or Trustee, as appropriate; and (12) The State of California Local Agency Investment Fund; provided that the Trustee may restrict investments in such fund to the extent necessary to keep moneys available for the purposes of the Indenture. “Authorized Representative of the City” means the Mayor of the City, the City Manager, the Finance Director of the City, any Interim Finance Director of the City, the Treasurer or any other person or persons designated by the Mayor of the City, the City Manager, the Finance Director of the City, any Interim Finance Director of the City or the Treasurer by a Written Certificate. “Beneficial Owner” means, with respect to a Bond, the person whose name is recorded as the beneficial owner thereof or a portion thereof by a Participant on the records of such Participant, or such person's subrogee. C-6 “Bond Counsel” means an attorney or a firm of attorneys, selected by the City, of nationally recognized standing in matters pertaining to the tax treatment of interest on bonds issued by states and their political subdivisions. “Bond Register” means the books which the Trustee shall keep or cause to be kept pursuant the Indenture, on which the registration and transfer of the Bonds shall be recorded. “Bond Year” means the one year period or shorter period ending each year on September 2, or such other date as may be specified by the City in the Tax Certificate. “Bondowner” or “Owner” means the person or persons in whose name or names any Bond is registered as shown on the Bond Register. “Bonds” means the City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Limited Obligation Refunding Bonds issued pursuant to the Resolution of Issuance and the Indenture. “Business Day” means any day other than (a) a Saturday, Sunday, (b) a day on which they institutions in the State of California or in any state in which the Office of the Trustee is located are authorized or required by law (including Executive Order) too close, or (c) a day on which the New York Stock Exchange is closed. “City” means the City of Carlsbad, California and any successor thereto. “City Clerk” means the City Clerk of the City and his or her designee. “City Council” means the City Council of the City of Carlsbad. “Closing Date” means the date of delivery of the Bonds by the City and payment therefor by the original purchaser thereof. “Code” means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and any Regulations, rulings, judicial decisions, and notices, announcements, and other releases of the United States Treasury Department or Internal Revenue Service interpreting and construing it. “Continuing Disclosure Agreement” means that certain Continuing Disclosure Agreement dated as of January 1, 2013, executed and delivered by the City, together with any amendments thereto. “Costs of Issuance” means the costs and expenses incurred in connection with the issuance and sale of the Bonds, including the acceptance and initial annual fees and expenses of the Trustee, legal fees and expenses, costs of printing the Bonds and the preliminary and final official statements for the Bonds, fees of financial consultants and all other related fees and expenses, as set forth in a Written Certificate of the City. “Costs of Issuance Fund” means the City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Costs of Issuance Fund established and held by the Trustee pursuant to the Indenture. “County” means the County of San Diego. C-7 “Depository” means The Depository Trust Company, a limited-purpose trust company organized under the laws of the State of New York, and its successors as securities depository for the Bonds, including any such successor appointed pursuant to the Indenture. “Escrow Agent” means The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as escrow agent with respect to the defeasance of the Prior Bonds under the provisions of the Escrow Agreement. “Escrow Agreement” means that certain Escrow Agreement dated as of January 1, 2013 by and between the City and the Escrow Agent relating to Prior Bonds. “Escrow Funds” means the 2004 Escrow Fund and 2005A Escrow Fund respectively established under the Escrow Agreement. “Federal Securities” means, subject to applicable law, United States Treasury notes, bonds, bills or certificates of indebtedness, including United States Treasury Obligations, State and Local Government Series (“SLGS”) or other direct obligations issued by the United States Treasury for which the faith and credit of the United States are pledged for the payment of principal and interest; and obligations issued by banks for cooperatives, federal land banks, federal intermediate credit banks, federal home loan banks, the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, the Tennessee Valley Authority, or other federal agencies or United States Government-sponsored enterprises. “Fiscal Year” means the twelve-month period terminating on June 30 of each year, or any other annual accounting period selected and designated by the City as its Fiscal Year in accordance with applicable law. “Indenture” means that certain indenture, dated as of January 1, 2013, by and between the City and the Trustee, as amended or supplemented pursuant to the terms of the Indenture. “Independent Financial Consultant” means a financial consultant or firm of such consultants generally recognized to be well qualified in the financial consulting field, appointed and paid by the City and who, or each of whom: (1) is in fact independent and not under the domination of the City; (2) does not have any substantial interest, direct or indirect, with the City or with any owner of real property within the Reassessment District; and (3) is not connected with the City as a member, officer or employee of the City, but who may be regularly retained to make annual or other reports to the City. “Interest Payment Date” means each March 2 and September 2, commencing September 2, 2013. “Moody's” means Moody's Investors Service, its successors and assigns. “1915 Act” means the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, being Division 10 (commencing with Section 8500) of the California Streets and Highways Code. C-8 “1984 Act” means the Refunding Improvement Act of 1984 for 1915 Improvement Act Bonds, being Division 11.5 (commencing with Section 9500) of the California Streets and Highways Code. “Nominee” means the nominee of the Depository, which may be the Depository, as determined from time to time pursuant to the Indenture. “Nonpurpose Investment” means Authorized Investments described as Nonpurpose Investments in the Tax Certificate. “Notice of Reassessment” means the Notice of Reassessment recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of San Diego on _________________, 2013, as Document No. _______________. “Office of the Trustee” means the principal corporate trust office of the Trustee in Los Angeles, California, or such other office as may be specified in writing to the City by the Trustee, except that with respect to presentation of Bonds for payment or for registration of transfer and exchange such term shall mean the office or agency of the Trustee at which, at any particular time, its corporate trust agency business shall be conducted. “Outstanding Bonds” or “Outstanding” means all Bonds theretofore issued by the City, except: (1) Bonds theretofore canceled or surrendered for cancellation; (2) Bonds for the payment or redemption of which moneys shall have been deposited in trust (whether upon or prior to the maturity or the redemption date of such Bonds), provided that, if such Bonds are to be redeemed prior to the maturity thereof, notice of such redemption shall have been given as provided in the Indenture; and (3) Bonds defeased pursuant to the defeasance provisions of the Indenture. “Participant” means a broker-dealer, bank and other financial institution for which the Depository holds Bonds or interests therein from time to time as securities depository. “Participating Underwriter” has the meaning ascribed thereto in the Continuing Disclosure Agreement. “Person” means any individual, corporation, firm, association, partnership, limited liability company, trust, or other legal entity or group of entities, including a governmental entity or any agency or political subdivision thereof. “Prior Bonds” means the 2004 Bonds and the 2005A Bonds. “Reassessment” or “Reassessments” means the special reassessments levied in the Reassessment District in accordance with the 1984 Act and the Resolution of Confirming Reassessments, together with the Unpaid Assessments, and the net proceeds derived from any foreclosure proceedings and interest and penalties thereon, but exclusive of any assessments or reassessments levied to pay Administrative Expenses. C-9 “Reassessment District” means City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1. “Reassessment Fund” means the City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Fund established and held by the Trustee pursuant to the Indenture. “Reassessment Installment” means the annual portion of the Reassessment levied to pay the principal of and interest on the Bonds (which does not include assessments levied by the City to pay Administrative Expenses). “Reassessment Report” means the report concerning the Reassessment prepared by NBS, as approved by the City Council on January 8, 2013 and on file with the City Clerk. “Rebate Fund” means the fund by that name established and held by the Trustee pursuant to the Indenture. “Rebate Regulations” means any final, temporary or proposed Regulations promulgated under Section 148(f) of the Code. “Rebate Requirement” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in the Tax Certificate. “Record Date” means the fifteenth day of the month preceding an Interest Payment Date, whether or not such day is a Business Day. “Redemption Fund” means the City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Redemption Fund established and held by the Trustee pursuant to the Indenture. “Regulations” means the regulations adopted or proposed by the Department of Treasury from time to time with respect to obligations issued pursuant to Section 103 of the Code. “Representation Letter” means the Blanket Letter of Representations from the City and the Trustee to the Depository as described in the Indenture. “Reserve Fund” means the City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reserve Fund established and held by the Trustee pursuant to the Indenture. “Reserve Requirement” means, as of the date of any calculation, the least of (a) 10% of the original aggregate principal amount of the Bonds; (b) maximum annual debt service on the Bonds; (provided that annual debt service due in Bond Year 2014 shall be excluded from such calculation) and (c) 125% of average annual debt service on the Bonds (provided that annual debt service due in Bond Year 2014 shall be excluded from such calculation); provided, however, that the Reserve Requirement shall be adjusted to reflect any amount specified for transfer to the Redemption Fund in a Written Request from the City as described in the Indenture. “Resolution of Confirming Reassessments” means Resolution No. 2013-023, adopted by the City Council of the City on January 8, 2013, confirming and ordering the Reassessments. “Resolution of Issuance” means Resolution No. 2013-024, adopted by the City Council of the City on January 8, 2013, authorizing the issuance of the Bonds and approving the terms and provisions of the Indenture. C-10 “Six-Month Period” means the period of time beginning on the Closing Date of the Bonds, as applicable, and ending six consecutive months thereafter, and each six-month period thereafter until the latest maturity date of the Bonds (and any obligations that refund an issue of the Bonds). “Superintendent of Streets” means the Transportation Director of the City, or his or her designee. “Supplemental Indenture” or “Supplement” means any supplemental agreement amending or supplementing the Indenture. “Tax Certificate” means the Tax Certificate delivered upon the issuance of the Bonds. “Treasurer” means the City Treasurer, or his or her designee. “Trustee” means The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., a national banking association duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the United States of America, or any other bank, national banking association or trust company which may at any time be substituted in its place as provided in the Indenture and any successor thereto. “2004 Bonds” means the City’s Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) Benefit Area No. 1 (Calavera Hills II) Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds issued on or about June 10, 2004 and outstanding under and pursuant to a Bond Indenture, dated as of May 1, 2004, by and between the City and the BNY Western Trust Company. “2004 Escrow Fund” means the “Escrow Fund” established under the Escrow Agreement relating to the 2004 Bonds. “2005A Bonds” means the City’s Assessment District No. 2002-1 (Poinsettia Lane East) Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2005A issued on or about February 17, 2005 and outstanding under and pursuant to a Bond Indenture, dated as of February 1, 2005, by and between the City and The Bank of New York Trust Company, N.A. “2005 Escrow Fund” means the “Escrow Fund” established under the Escrow Agreement relating to the 2005A Bonds. “Unpaid Assessments” means those assessments levied for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013 in accordance with the 1915 Act and the respective resolutions of formation of the Assessment Districts, but which were not paid to the City prior to the Closing Date. “Written Certificate" and "Written Request" of the City mean, respectively, a written certificate or written request signed in the name of the City by an Authorized Representative of the City. Any such certificate or request may, but need not, be combined in a single instrument with any other instrument, opinion or representation; and the two or more so combined shall be read and construed as a single instrument. “Yield on the Bonds” has the meaning as described in the Tax Certificate. C-11 CREATION OF FUNDS AND ACCOUNTS; APPLICATION OF PROCEEDS AND ASSESSMENTS Funds and Accounts. There are created and established by the Indenture the following funds and accounts, which funds and accounts the City agrees and covenants to maintain with the Trustee so long as any Bonds are Outstanding under the Indenture: the City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Costs of Issuance Fund (the “Costs of Issuance Fund”); the City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Fund (the “Reassessment Fund”); the City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Redemption Fund (the “Redemption Fund”), in which there shall be established and created a Principal Account, an Interest Account and a Prepayment Account; the City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reserve Fund (the “Reserve Fund”); and the City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Rebate Fund (the “Rebate Fund”). The City covenants and agrees to establish with the Treasurer the City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Administrative Expense Fund (the “Administrative Expense Fund”). Except for the Administrative Expense Fund and the Rebate Fund, all moneys in the funds and accounts established under the Indenture shall be held by the Trustee for the benefit of the Bondowners, shall be accounted for separately and apart from all other accounts, funds, money or other resources of the City held by the Trustee and shall be allocated, applied and disbursed solely to the uses and purposes set forth in provisions of the Indenture summarized under this caption “CREATION OF FUNDS AND ACCOUNTS; APPLICATION OF PROCEEDS AND ASSESSMENTS”. The Trustee may establish such additional funds, accounts or subaccounts of the funds or accounts listed above as it deems necessary or prudent to further its duties pursuant to the Indenture or any Supplemental Indenture and shall establish any additional funds, accounts or subaccounts which the City directs it to establish. Costs of Issuance Fund. The Trustee shall deposit into the Costs of Issuance Fund the amounts specified in the Indenture. The Trustee shall pay the costs of issuing the Bonds from the Costs of Issuance Fund as set forth in Written Request of the City from time to time. At the Written Direction of the City or 90 days after the Closing Date, the Trustee shall transfer any remaining balance in the Costs of Issuance Fund to the Redemption Fund and the Trustee shall close the Costs of Issuance Fund. Reassessment Fund. Upon receipt of Reassessment Installments, the City shall transfer the Reassessment Installments to the Trustee for deposit to the Reassessment Fund. On or prior to the C-12 first day of March and September of each year commencing September 1, 2013, the Trustee is to then transfer moneys on deposit in the Reassessment Fund in the amounts set forth in the following clauses, in the following order of priority, to: (a) the Interest Account of the Redemption Fund, an amount sufficient to make the Interest Payment on the next succeeding Interest Payment Date for the Bonds; (b) the Principal Account of the Redemption Fund, the amount needed to make the payment of principal due on the following September 2 on the Outstanding Bonds, including any mandatory sinking fund payments; (c) the Reserve Fund, the amount needed to restore the Reserve Fund to the Reserve Requirement; and (d) the Rebate Fund, the amount, if any, as specified in a Written Direction of the City shall be transferred to the City. (e) Any moneys remaining in the Reassessment Fund after the deposits described above shall be transferred by the Trustee to the Prepayment Account of the Redemption Fund. The City shall apply such amounts as a credit against each of the unpaid Reassessments in amounts equal to each parcel’s share or portion thereof, of the total amount of Reassessment. Upon provision for payment or redemption of all Bonds, and after payment of any amounts due to the Trustee, all moneys remaining in the Reassessment Fund shall be paid to the City. Redemption Fund. The principal of and interest on the Bonds until maturity shall be paid by the Trustee from the Redemption Fund. At the maturity of the Bonds, after all principal and interest then due on any Outstanding Bonds has been paid or provided for, moneys in the Redemption Fund shall be paid to the City. (a) On or prior to the first day of March or September of each year, commencing September 1, 2013, the Trustee shall transfer to the Interest Account of the Redemption Fund from the Reassessment Fund an amount such that the balance in the Interest Account one day prior to each Interest Payment Date shall be equal to the installment of interest due on the Bonds on said Interest Payment Date. Moneys in the Interest Account shall be used for the payment of interest on the Bonds as the same becomes due. (b) On or prior to the first day of September of each year, commencing September 1, 2013, the Trustee shall transfer to the Principal Account of the Redemption Fund from the Reassessment Fund an amount such that the balance in the Principal Account one day prior to each September 2 shall be equal to the installment of principal (including mandatory sinking fund payments) due on the Bonds on said September 2. Moneys in the Principal Account shall be used to pay the principal (including mandatory sinking fund payments) of the Bonds as the same become due. (c) Any amounts remaining in the Redemption Fund, other than in the Prepayment Account, on September 15 of each year, after all principal (including mandatory sinking fund payments) and interest payments due on the prior September 2 have been paid, shall be transferred to the Reassessment Fund. C-13 (d) Moneys set aside in the Prepayment Account of the Redemption Fund shall be used solely for the purpose of redeeming Bonds and shall be applied on or after the redemption date to the payment of principal of and premium, if any, on the Bonds to be redeemed upon presentation and surrender of such Bonds. Upon receiving any prepayment of a Reassessment, the City shall transfer such prepayment to the Trustee for deposit in the Prepayment Account. The amount so deposited, along with the moneys transferred to the Prepayment Account from the Reserve Fund pursuant to Section 406, shall be used to redeem Bonds pursuant to the redemption provisions of the Indenture on the next Interest Payment Date for which proper notice of redemption of Bonds can be given by the Trustee. Money received by the Trustee from the City from funds other than the prepayment of Reassessments shall be deposited in the Prepayment Account and used to redeem Bonds as provided in the Indenture. If, after all of the Bonds have been redeemed and canceled or paid and canceled, there are moneys remaining in any account of the Redemption Fund, said moneys shall be transferred to the Reassessment Fund. Investments. Moneys held in any of the funds and accounts under the Indenture shall be invested at the Written Direction of the City only in Authorized Investments which shall be deemed at all times to be a part of such funds and accounts. The Trustee shall provide monthly statements or reports of the principal balances and investment earnings thereon in each fund and account maintained by the Trustee under the Indenture. Authorized Investments shall be purchased at such prices as may be specified or described in a Written Direction of the City delivered to the Trustee. The Trustee may conclusively reply upon the written instructions of the Authorized Representative as to both the suitability and legality of directed investments. Directions as to the purchase of all Authorized Investments shall be subject to the limitations set forth in the provisions of the Indenture summarized under this caption “– Investments” and such additional limitations or requirements consistent with the foregoing as may be established by the Treasurer. Moneys in all funds and accounts except for the Reserve Fund shall be invested in Authorized Investments maturing, or with respect to which payments of principal and interest are scheduled or otherwise payable, not later than the date on which the Treasurer has estimated that such moneys will be required by the Trustee for the purposes specified in the Indenture. Moneys in the Reserve Fund shall be invested in Authorized Investments, not less than 50% of which must mature within one year of the date of purchase and all of which must mature within two years of the date of purchase; however, if an Authorized Investment may be redeemed or sold at par on the Business Day prior to each Interest Payment Date, all or a portion of the amount of the Reserve Fund may be invested therein. Authorized Investments purchased under a repurchase agreement may be deemed to mature on the date or dates on which the Trustee may deliver such Authorized Investments for repurchase under such agreement. All interest, profits and other income received from the investment of moneys in any fund or account established pursuant to the Indenture shall be retained therein, except as transfers from such funds or accounts are authorized in the Indenture. For investment purposes only, the Trustee may C-14 commingle the funds and accounts established under the Indenture, and administered by the Trustee, but shall account for each separately. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the provisions of the Indenture summarized under this caption “–Investments”, an amount of interest received with respect to any Authorized Investment equal to the amount of accrued interest, if any, paid as part of the purchase price of such Authorized Investment shall be credited to the fund or account for the credit of which such Authorized Investment was acquired. For the purpose of determining the amount in any fund or account other than the Reserve Fund, all Authorized Investments credited to such fund or account shall be valued at the lower of the cost or the market value thereof, exclusive of accrued interest. Amounts in the Reserve Fund shall be valued at their market value at least semi-annually on or before February 15 and August 15 (or more frequently as may be requested by the Treasurer, but in no event more often than monthly). In making any such valuation, the Trustee may utilize nationally recognized securities valuation or pricing services available to it through its accounting system. The Trustee may rely on such valuations and shall not be responsible for the accuracy thereof. The Trustee, or any of its affiliates, may act as principal or agent in the making or disposing of any investment or as a sponsor, depository, manager for or advisor to any issuer of Authorized Investments. The Trustee shall sell, or present for redemption, any Authorized Investment so purchased whenever it shall be necessary to provide moneys to meet any required payment, transfer, withdrawal or disbursement from the fund or account to which such Authorized Investment is credited, and the Trustee shall not be liable or responsible for any loss resulting from such investment, or any other investment made at the direction of the City or otherwise made in accordance with the Indenture. In the absence of a Written Direction of the City received by Trustee at least two Business Days prior to the maturity of an Authorized Investment, the Trustee shall invest solely in Authorized Investments set forth in subsection (7) of the definition thereof, provided, however, that any such investment shall be made by the Trustee only if, prior to the date on which such investment is to be made, the Trustee shall have received a Written Direction of the City specifying a specific money market fund and, if no such Written Direction of the City is so received, the Trustee shall hold such moneys uninvested. The Trustee shall be entitled to rely conclusively upon the Written Direction of the City directing investments in Authorized Investments as to the fact that each such investment is permitted by the laws of the State of California and is an Authorized Investment as required by the Indenture, and the Trustee shall not be required to make further investigation with respect thereto. With respect to any restrictions set forth in the list of Authorized Investments which embody legal conclusions (e.g., the existence, validity and perfection of security interests in collateral), the Trustee shall be entitled to rely conclusively on an opinion of counsel or upon a representation of the provider of such Authorized Investment obtained at the City’s expense. Except as specifically provided in the Indenture, the Trustee shall not be liable to pay interest on any moneys received by it, but shall be liable only to account to the City for earnings derived from funds that have been invested. C-15 The City acknowledges that regulations of the Comptroller of the Currency grant the City the right to receive brokerage confirmation of security transactions to be effected by the Trustee under the Indenture as they occur. The City specifically waives the right to receive such notification to the extent permitted by applicable law and agrees that it will instead receive periodic cash transaction statements which include detail for the investment transactions effected by the Trustee under the Indenture; provided, however, that the City retains its right to receive brokerage confirmation on any investment transaction requested by the City. COVENANTS AND WARRANTY Warranty. The City shall preserve and protect the security of the Bonds and the rights of the Owners against all claims and demands of all persons. Covenants. So long as any of the Bonds are Outstanding and unpaid, the City makes the following covenants with the Owners under the provisions of the 1915 Act, the 1984 Act and the Indenture (to be performed by the City or its proper officers, agents or employees), which covenants are necessary, convenient and desirable to secure the Bonds and tend to make them more marketable; provided, however, that said covenants do not require the City to expend any funds or moneys other than the Reassessments: (a) Punctual Payment; Covenant Against Encumbrances. The City covenants that it will receive all Reassessment Installments in trust and will, consistent with the Indenture, deposit the Reassessment Installments with the Trustee and the City shall have no beneficial right or interest in the amounts so deposited except as provided by the Indenture. All such Reassessment Installments, whether received by the City in trust or deposited with the Trustee, all as provided in the Indenture, shall nevertheless be disbursed, allocated and applied solely to the uses and purposes set forth in the Indenture, and shall be accounted for separately and apart from all other money, funds, accounts or other resources of the City. The City covenants that it will duly and punctually pay or cause to be paid the principal of and interest on every Bond issued under the Indenture, together with the premium, if any, thereon on the date, at the place and in the manner set forth in the Bonds and in accordance with the Indenture to the extent Reassessments and interest earnings transferred to the Redemption Fund are available therefor, and that the payments into the Redemption Fund and the Reserve Fund will be made, all in strict conformity with the terms of the Bonds and the Indenture, and that it will faithfully observe and perform all of the conditions, covenants and requirements of the Indenture and all Supplements and of the Bonds issued under the Indenture. If at any time the total balance in the Redemption Fund, the Reassessment Fund and the Reserve Fund is sufficient to redeem all Outstanding Bonds pursuant to the redemption provisions of the Indenture, the Treasurer may direct the Trustee to effect such redemption on the earliest date on which all Outstanding Bonds may be redeemed. The City will not mortgage or otherwise encumber, pledge or place any charge upon any of the Reassessments, and will not issue any obligation or security, payable in whole or in part from the unpaid Reassessments other than the Bonds. (b) Covenant to Levy. The City will cause the Reassessment Installments required to pay the principal of and interest on the Bonds when due to be placed on the tax bills of the owners C-16 of the parcels assessed and covenants to levy assessments, as permitted by law, to satisfy the Administrative Expense Requirement. (c) Foreclosure Proceedings. The City will determine or cause to be determined, not later than August 15 of each fiscal year in which Bonds are Outstanding, whether or not any owners of the real property within the Reassessment District are delinquent in the payment of Reassessment Installments. If such delinquencies exist, the City shall order and caused to be commenced an action in the superior court to foreclose the lien of the Reassessment Installment(s) not paid when due, not later than the next following November 1, against any parcel that is subject to delinquencies of $10,000 or more and against any group of parcels under common ownership with an aggregate delinquencies of $10,000 or more; provided that during any period in which the amount on deposit in the Reserve Fund is less than the Reserve Requirement, the City shall commence foreclosure proceedings against any parcel that is subject to any amount of delinquency. The City further covenants to diligently prosecute any such foreclosure action to judgment and foreclosure sale. Upon the redemption or sale of the real property responsible for such delinquencies, the City shall first deposit to the Reserve Fund the amount of any delinquency advanced therefrom and then disburse the remaining amount as set forth in the judgment of foreclosure or as required by law. (d) Books and Accounts. The City will cause the Trustee to keep proper books of record and accounts, separate from all other records and accounts of the City, in which complete and correct entries shall be made of all transactions made by its Trustee under the Indenture. Such books of record and accounts shall at all times during business hours and upon reasonable prior notice be subject to the inspection of the City or of the Owners of not less than ten percent (10%) of the principal amount of the Bonds then Outstanding or their representatives authorized in writing. (e) Tax Covenants. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Indenture, absent an opinion of Bond Counsel that the exclusion from gross income of interest on the Bonds will not be adversely affected for federal income tax purposes by reason of the City’s failure to do so, the City covenants to comply with all applicable requirements of the Code, necessary to preserve such exclusion from gross income and specifically covenants, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, as follows: Private Activity. The City will not take or omit to take any action or make any use of the proceeds of the Bonds or of any other moneys or property which would cause the Bonds to be “private activity bonds” within the meaning of Section 141 of the Code. Arbitrage. The City will make no use of the proceeds of the Bonds or of any other amounts or property, regardless of the source, or take or omit to take any action which would cause the Bonds to be “arbitrage bonds” within the meaning of Section 148 of the Code. Federal Guarantee. The City will make no use of the proceeds of the Bonds or take or omit to take any action that would cause the Bonds to be “federally guaranteed” within the meaning of Section 149(b) of the Code. Information Reporting. The City will take or cause to be taken all necessary action to comply with the informational reporting requirement of Section 149(e) of the Code. Rebate Requirements. The City will take no action inconsistent with its expectations stated in the Tax Certificate and will comply with the covenants and requirements stated therein and C-17 incorporated by reference in the Indenture. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the City agrees that there shall be paid from time to time all amounts required to be rebated to the United States pursuant to Section 148(f) of the Code and any temporary, proposed or final Treasury Regulations as may be applicable to the Bonds from time to time. In particular, the City shall direct the Trustee to transfer to the Rebate Fund amounts sufficient to pay and shall instruct the Trustee to pay to the United States Treasury any amounts required to be paid as set forth in the Indenture. (f) Collection of the Administrative Expense Requirements. The City covenants that it will collect annually an amount specified by the Treasurer to be the Administrative Expense Requirement to pay for Administrative Expenses. The Administrative Expense Requirement so collected shall not exceed the amount specified in the Reassessment Report. Continuing Disclosure. The City covenants and agrees that it will comply with and carry out all the provisions of the Continuing Disclosure Agreement. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Indenture, a failure of the City to comply with the Continuing Disclosure Agreement shall not be considered an event of default under the Indenture; provided that the Trustee may (and, at the written direction of any Participating Underwriter or the Beneficial to Owners of at least 25% aggregate principal amount of the Outstanding Bonds, and upon being indemnified to its reasonable satisfaction, shall) or any Beneficial Owner of Bonds may, take such actions as may be necessary and appropriate to compel such performance. AMENDMENTS TO AGREEMENT Amendments Not Requiring Bondowner Consent. The City may from time to time, and at any time, without notice to or consent of any of the Bondowners, adopt Supplements to the Indenture for any of the following purposes: (a) to cure any ambiguity or to correct or supplement any provisions in the Indenture provided that such action shall not materially adversely affect the interests of the Beneficial Owners; (b) to add to the covenants and agreements of, and the limitations and the restrictions upon, the City contained in the Indenture, other covenants, agreements, limitations and restrictions to be observed by the City which are not contrary to or inconsistent with the Indenture as theretofore in effect; (c) to modify, amend or supplement the Indenture in such manner as to permit the qualification of the Indenture under the Trust Indenture Act of 1939, as amended, or any similar federal statute hereafter in effect, and to add such other terms, conditions and provisions as may be permitted by said act or similar federal statute, and which shall not, materially adversely affect the interests of the Beneficial Owners; or (d) to modify, alter, amend or supplement the Indenture in any other respect which is not materially adverse to the Beneficial Owners. Amendments Requiring Bondowner Consent. Exclusive of the Supplements described above under the caption “–Amendments Not Requiring Bondowner Consent”, the Owners of not less than a majority in aggregate principal amount of the Bonds then Outstanding shall have the right to consent to and approve such Supplements as shall be deemed necessary or desirable by the City for the purpose of waiving, modifying, altering, amending, adding to or rescinding, in any particular, any C-18 of the terms or provisions contained in the Indenture; provided, however, that nothing in the Indenture shall permit, or be construed as permitting, (a) an extension of the maturity date of the principal, or the payment date of any principal or interest on, any Bond, (b) a reduction in the principal amount of, or redemption premium on, any Bond or the rate of interest thereon, (c) a preference or priority of any Bond or Bonds over any other Bond or Bonds, or (d) a reduction in the aggregate principal amount of the Bonds the Owners of which are required to consent to such Supplement without the consent of the Owners of all the Bonds then Outstanding. If at any time the City shall desire to enter into a Supplement, which pursuant to the provisions of the Indenture summarized under this caption “–Amendments Not Requiring Bondowner Consent” shall require the consent of the Bondowners, the City shall so notify the Trustee and shall deliver to the Trustee a copy of the proposed Supplement. The Trustee shall, at the expense of the City, cause notice of the proposed Supplement to be mailed, by first class mail postage prepaid, to all Bondowners and their addresses as they appear in the Bond Register. Such notice shall briefly set forth the nature of the proposed Supplement and shall state that a copy thereof is on file at the office of the Superintendent of Streets and the corporate trust office of the Trustee for inspection by all Bondowners. The failure of any Bondowners to receive such notice shall not affect the validity of such Supplement when consented to and approved by the Owners of not less than a majority in aggregate principal amount of the Bonds then Outstanding as required by the provisions of the Indenture summarized under this caption “–Amendments Not Requiring Bondowner Consent”. Whenever at any time within one year after the date of the first mailing of such notice the Trustee shall receive an instrument or instruments purporting to be executed by the Owners of not less than a majority in aggregate principal amount of the Bonds then Outstanding, which instrument or instruments shall refer to the proposed Supplement described in such notice, and shall specifically consent to and approve the Supplement substantially in the form of the copy referred to in such notice as on file with the Superintendent of Streets and the Trustee, such proposed Supplement, when duly executed by the City, shall thereafter become a part of the proceedings for the issuance of the Bonds. In determining whether the Owners of a majority of the aggregate principal amount of the Bonds have consented to the adoption of any Supplement, Bonds which are owned by the City or by any person directly or indirectly controlling or controlled by or under the direct or indirect common control with the City, shall be disregarded and shall be treated as though they were not Outstanding for the purpose of any such determination. Upon request, the City shall designate to the Trustee those Bonds disqualified by the provisions of the Indenture summarized under this caption “– Amendments Not Requiring Bondowner Consent”. Upon the execution and delivery by the City and the Trustee of any Supplement and the receipt of consent to any such Supplement from the Owners of not less than a majority in aggregate principal amount of Bonds Outstanding in instances where such consent is required pursuant to the provisions of the provisions of the Indenture summarized under this caption “–Amendments Not Requiring Bondowner Consent”, the Indenture shall be, and shall be deemed to be, modified and amended in accordance therewith, and the respective rights, duties and obligations under the Indenture of the City, the Trustee and all Owners of Bonds then Outstanding shall thereafter be determined, exercised and enforced under the Indenture, subject in all respects to such modifications and amendments. No Supplement pursuant to either the provisions of the Indenture summarized above under under the caption “–Amendments Not Requiring Bondowner Consent” or under this caption “– Amendments Not Requiring Bondowner Consent” shall modify or amend any of the rights or obligations of the Trustee without its written consent thereto. The Trustee may request an opinion of C-19 counsel, at the expense of the City, that any such Supplement complies with the provisions of the provisions of the Indenture relating to amendments and the Trustee may conclusively rely upon such opinion. TRUSTEE Trustee. The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. is appointed Trustee for the City for the purpose of receiving all money which the City is required to deposit with the Trustee under the Indenture and to allocate, use and apply the same as provided in the Indenture. The Trustee is hereby authorized to and shall mail by first-class mail, postage prepaid, interest payments to the Bondowners, select Bonds for redemption, and maintain the Bond Register. The Trustee is hereby authorized to pay the principal of and premium, if any, on the Bonds when the same are duly presented to it for payment at maturity or upon redemption, to provide for the registration of transfer and exchange of Bonds presented to it for such purposes, to provide for the cancellation of Bonds, and to provide for the authentication of Bonds, and shall perform all other duties assigned to or imposed on it as provided in the Indenture. The Trustee shall keep accurate records of all funds administered by it and all Bonds paid and discharged by it. The Trustee is hereby authorized to pay the Bonds when duly presented for payment at maturity, or on redemption prior to maturity. The Trustee shall cancel all Bonds upon payment thereof or upon the surrender thereof by the City pursuant to the Indenture for six years or such longer period as required by applicable law or the policies of the Trustee. The Trustee shall supply information regarding investments made under the Indenture at the written request of the City including: (i) purchase date, (ii) purchase price, (iii) any accrued interest paid, (iv) face amount, (v) coupon rate, (vi) periodicity of interest payments, (vii) disposition price, (viii) any accrued interest, received, and (ix) disposition date. In the event a Nonpurpose Investment is subject to a receipt of bids, the City shall maintain a record of all information establishing fair market value on the date such investment became a Nonpurpose Investment. Such detailed record keeping is required for the calculation of the Rebate Requirement which shall be performed by the City and, in part, will require a determination of the difference between the actual aggregate earnings of all Nonpurpose Investments and the amount of such earnings assuming a rate of return equal to the Yield on the Bonds. The City shall from time to time, subject to any agreement between the City and the Trustee then in force, pay to the Trustee compensation for its services, reimburse the Trustee for all its advances and expenditures, including, but not limited to, advances to and fees and expenses of independent accountants, counsel, agents, receiver and engineers or other experts employed by it in the exercise and performance of its powers and duties under the Indenture, and indemnify, defend and save the Trustee harmless against any losses, costs, expenses or liabilities, including reasonable fees and expenses of its attorneys (including the allocated costs and disbursements of in-house counsel, to the extent such services are not redundant with those provided by outside counsel), not arising from its own negligence or willful misconduct which it may incur in the exercise and performance of its powers and duties under the Indenture, which indemnity shall survive discharge of the Bonds and the resignation or removal of the Trustee. Any bank, national banking association or trust company into which the Trustee may be merged or converted or with which it may be consolidated or any bank, national banking association C-20 or trust company resulting from any merger, conversion or consolidation to which it shall be a party or any bank, national banking association or trust company to which the Trustee may sell or transfer all or substantially all of its corporate trust business, provided such bank, national banking association or trust company shall be eligible under the provisions of the Indenture relating to the removal of the Trustee summarized in the paragraph immediately below, shall be the successor to such Trustee without the execution or filing of any paper or any further act, anything in the Indenture to the contrary notwithstanding. Removal of Trustee. The City may in the absence of an event of default at any time, in the exercise of its sole discretion, upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Trustee, remove the Trustee initially appointed, and any successor thereto, and may appoint a successor or successors thereto; provided that any such successor shall be a bank, national banking association or trust company doing business and having a corporate trust office in Los Angeles or San Francisco, California, having a combined capital (exclusive of borrowed capital and surplus) (or whose parent or holding company has a combined capital (exclusive of borrowed capital and surplus) of at least fifty million dollars ($50,000,000), and subject to supervision or examination by federal or state authority. If such bank, national banking association or trust company publishes a report of condition at least annually, pursuant to law or to the requirements of any supervising or examining authority above referred to, then for the purposes of this paragraph the combined capital and surplus shall be as set forth in its most recent report of condition so published. The City shall notify the Bondowners in writing of any such removal of the Trustee and appointment of a successor thereto. Resignation of Trustee. The Trustee may at any time resign by giving written notice to the City. Upon receiving such notice of resignation, the City shall promptly appoint a successor Trustee by an instrument in writing; provided, however, that in the event that the City does not appoint a successor Trustee within thirty (30) days following receipt of such notice of resignation, the resigning Trustee may petition an appropriate court having jurisdiction to appoint a successor Trustee. Any resignation or removal of the Trustee and appointment of a successor Trustee shall become effective only upon the written acceptance of appointment by the successor Trustee, and notice to the Bondowners of the Trustee’s identity and address. Liability of Trustee. The recitals of fact and all promises, covenants and agreements contained in the Indenture and in the bonds shall be taken as statements, promises, covenants and agreements of the City, and the Trustee assumes no responsibility for the correctness of the same and makes no representations as to the validity or sufficiency of the Indenture or of the Bonds or the tax status of the interest thereon, and shall incur no responsibility in respect thereof other than in connection with its duties or obligations in the Indenture or in the Bonds or in the certificate of authentication assigned to or imposed upon the Trustee. The Trustee shall have no duties or obligations other than as specifically set forth in the Indenture and no implied duties, covenants or obligations shall be read into the Indenture against the Trustee. The Trustee shall be under no responsibility or duty with respect to the issuance of the Bonds for value. The Trustee shall not be liable in connection with the performance of its duties under the Indenture, except for its own negligence or willful misconduct. The Trustee shall have no liability or obligation to the Bondowners with respect to the payment of debt service by the City or with respect to the observance or performance by the City of the other conditions, covenants and terms contained in the Indenture, or with respect to the investment of any moneys in any fund or account established, held or maintained by the City C-21 pursuant to the Indenture or otherwise; provided however that the Trustee provide the Bondowners with notice of event of default under the Indenture. The Trustee shall be protected in acting upon any notice, resolution, request, consent, order, certificate, report, bond or other paper or documents believed by it to be genuine and to have been signed or presented by the proper party or parties. Each Written Request of the City shall be sufficient evidence to the Trustee of the facts stated therein and the Trustee shall have no duty to confirm the accuracy of such facts. The Trustee may consult with counsel, who may be counsel to the City, at the expense of the City, with regard to legal questions, and the opinion or advice of such counsel shall be full and complete authorization and protection in respect of any action taken or suffered under the Indenture and in accordance therewith. The Trustee shall not be bound to recognize any person as the Owner of a Bond unless and until such Bond is submitted for inspection, if required, and his title thereto satisfactorily established, if disputed. Whenever in the administration of its duties under the Indenture the Trustee shall deem it necessary or desirable that a matter be proved or established prior to taking or suffering any action under the Indenture, such matter (unless other evidence in respect thereof be specifically prescribed in the Indenture) may, in the absence of willful misconduct on the part of the Trustee, be deemed to be conclusively proved and established by a written certificate of the City, and such certificate shall be full warrant to the Trustee for any action taken or suffered under the provisions of the Indenture upon the faith thereof, but in its discretion the Trustee may, in lieu thereof, accept other evidence of such matter or may require such additional evidence as to it may deem reasonable. The Trustee shall have no duty or obligations whatsoever to enforce the collection of Reassessments or other funds to be deposited with it under the Indenture, or as to the correctness of any amounts received, but its liability shall be limited to the proper accounting for such funds as it shall actually receive. The Trustee shall have no duty or obligation to monitor the City’s compliance with the Act. No provision in the Indenture shall require the Trustee to expend or risk its own funds or otherwise incur any financial liability in the performance of any of its duties under the Indenture, or in the exercise of its rights or powers, if it shall have reasonable grounds for believing that repayment of such funds or adequate indemnity against such risk or liability is not reasonably assured to it. The Trustee shall be entitled to interest on all amounts advanced by it at the maximum rate permitted by law. The Trustee shall have no responsibility, opinion or liability with respect to any information, statement or recital in any official statement or other disclosure material prepared or distributed with respect to the issuance of the Bonds. All protections extended to the Trustee shall also extend to its officers, directors, employees and agents. The Trustee’s rights to indemnification under the Indenture and to payment of its fees and expenses shall survive its resignation or removal and the final payment or defeasance of the Bonds. The Trustee makes no covenant, representation or warranty concerning the current or future tax status of interest on the Bonds. C-22 The Trustee may become an Owner with the same rights it would have if it were not Trustee; may acquire and dispose of other bonds or evidence of indebtedness of the City with the same rights it would have if it were not the Trustee; and may act as a depository for and permit any of its officers or directors to act as a member of, or in any other capacity with respect to, any committee formed to protect the rights of Owners, whether or not such committee shall represent the Owners of the majority in principal amount of the Bonds then Outstanding. The Trustee may execute any of the trusts or powers of the Indenture and perform the duties required of it under the Indenture by or through attorneys, agents, or receivers, shall not be responsible for the actions or omissions of such attorneys, agents or receivers if appointed by it with reasonable care, and shall be entitled to advice of counsel concerning all matters of trust and its duty under the Indenture. The Trustee shall not be liable in connection with the performance of its duties under the Indenture, except for its own negligence or willful misconduct. The Trustee shall only perform those duties specifically set forth in the Indenture and no implied duties, covenants or obligations whatsoever shall be read into the Indenture. In the event of and during the continuance of an Event of Default, the Trustee shall exercise such care in performing its duties under the Indenture as a prudent person would exercise under the circumstances in the conduct of its own affairs. No action by the Trustee shall be construed or deemed to expand the limitations on the scope of the Trustee’s duties. The Trustee shall not be considered in breach of or in default in its obligations under the Indenture in the event of enforced delay (“unavoidable delay”) in the performance of such obligations due to unforeseeable causes beyond its control and without its fault or negligence, including, but not limited to, Acts of God or of the public enemy or terrorists, acts of government, acts of the other party, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, earthquakes, explosion, mob violence, riot, inability to procure or general sabotage or rationing of labor, equipment, facilities, sources of energy, material or supplies in the open market, litigation or arbitration involving a party or others relating to zoning or other governmental action or inaction pertaining to the Assessment Districts, malicious mischief, condemnation, and unusually severe weather or delays of suppliers or subcontractors due to such causes or any similar event and/or occurrences beyond the control of the Trustee. In accepting the duties of the Trustee hereby created, the Trustee acts solely as Trustee for the Owners and not in its individual capacity, and all persons, including, without limitation, the Owners and the City, having any claim against the Trustee arising from the Indenture shall look only to the funds and accounts held by the Trustee under the Indenture for payment, except as otherwise provided in the Indenture or where the Trustee has breached its standard of care as described in the provisions of the Indenture summarized under this caption “–Liability of Trustee”. Under no circumstances shall the Trustee be liable in its individual capacity for the obligations evidenced by the Bonds. The Trustee shall not be liable with respect to any action taken or omitted to be taken by it in good faith in accordance with the direction of the Owners of not less than a majority in aggregate principal amount of the Bonds at the time Outstanding, which such majority of the Owners may give, relating to the time, method and place of conducting any proceeding for any remedy available to the Trustee or in the exercise of any right under the Indenture. In the event of conflicting instructions under the Indenture, the Trustee shall have the right to decide the appropriate course of action and be protected in so doing. C-23 The Trustee shall have no responsibility or liability with respect to any information, statement or recital in any official statement, offering memorandum or any other disclosure material prepared or distributed in any respect relating to the Bonds. The Trustee shall not to be deemed to have knowledge of any Event of Default under the Indenture unless it has actual knowledge thereof at its Principal Office. The Trustee agrees to accept and act upon instructions or directions pursuant to the Indenture sent by unsecured e-mail, facsimile transmission or other similar unsecured electronic methods, provided, however, that, the Trustee shall have received an incumbency certificate listing persons designated to give such instructions or directions and containing specimen signatures of such designated persons, which such incumbency certificate shall be amended and replaced whenever a person is to be added or deleted from the listing. If the City elects to give the Trustee e-mail or facsimile instructions (or instructions by a similar electronic method) and the Trustee in its discretion elects to act upon such instructions, the Trustee’s understanding of such instructions shall be deemed controlling. The Trustee shall not be liable for any losses, costs or expenses arising directly or indirectly from the Trustee’s reliance upon and compliance with such instructions notwithstanding such instructions conflict or are inconsistent with a subsequent written instruction. The City agrees to assume all risks arising out of the use of such electronic methods to submit instructions and directions to the Trustee, including without limitation the risk of the Trustee acting on unauthorized instructions, and the risk of interception and misuse by third parties. The Trustee shall not be responsible for or accountable to anyone for the subsequent use or application of any moneys which shall be released or withdrawn in accordance with the provisions of the Indenture. The Trustee shall be under no obligation to exercise any of the rights or powers vested in it by the Indenture at the request, order or direction of any of the Owners pursuant to the provisions of the Indenture unless such Owners shall have offered to the Trustee reasonable security or indemnity against the costs, expenses and liabilities which may be incurred therein or thereby. The permissive right of the Trustee to do things enumerated in the Indenture shall not be construed as a duty and it shall not be answerable for other than its negligence or willful misconduct. EVENTS OF DEFAULT; REMEDIES Event of Default. Any one or more of the following events shall constitute an “event of default”: (a) Default in the due and punctual payment of the principal of or redemption premium, if any, on any Bond when and as the same shall become due and payable, whether at maturity as therein expressed or from mandatory redemption; (b) Default in the due and punctual payment of the interest on any Bond when and as the same shall become due and payable; or (c) Default by the City in the observance of any of the other agreements, conditions or covenants on its part in the Indenture or in the Bonds contained, and the continuation of such default for a period of thirty (30) days after the City shall have been given notice in writing of such default C-24 by the Trustee or any Owner, provided that if within thirty (30) days the City has commenced curing of the default and diligently pursues elimination thereof, such period shall be extended to permit such default to be eliminated. The Trustee shall provide notice to the Owners of the occurrence of an event of default after the Trustee has actual knowledge of such occurrence. Remedies. Following the occurrence and during the continuance of an event of default, the Trustee may pursue any available remedy at law or in equity to enforce the provisions of the Indenture and to enforce any rights of the Trustee under the Indenture, including: (a) by mandamus or other suit or proceeding at law or in equity to enforce the rights of the Owners and/or of the Trustee against the City and any of the officers and employees of the City, and to compel the City or any such officers or employees to perform and carry out their duties under the Act and their agreements with the Owners and the Trustee as provided in the Indenture; (b) by suit in equity to enjoin any actions or things which are unlawful or violate the rights of the Owners and/or of the Trustee; or (c) by a suit in equity to require the City and its members, officers and employees to account as the trustee of an express trust. If an event of default shall have occurred and be continuing and if requested so to do by the Owners of at least twenty-five percent (25%) in aggregate principal amount of Outstanding Bonds and if indemnified to its satisfaction, the Trustee shall be obligated to exercise such one or more of the rights and powers conferred by the provisions of the Indenture summarized under the caption “EVENTS OF DEFAULT; REMEDIES”, as the Trustee, being advised by counsel, shall deem most expedient in the interests of the Owners. No remedy in the Indenture conferred upon or reserved to the Trustee or to the Owners is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy. Every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given under the Indenture or now or hereafter existing, at law or in equity or by statute or otherwise, and may be exercised without exhausting and without regard to any other remedy conferred by the Act or any other law. Application of funds upon an event of default. If an event of default shall occur and be continuing, the Trustee shall apply all funds then held or thereafter received by the Trustee under any of the provisions of the Indenture (except as otherwise provided in the Indenture) as follows and in the following order: (1) To the payment of any expenses necessary in the opinion of the Trustee to protect the interests of the Owners of the Bonds, including the costs and expenses of the Trustee in declaring such event of default, and payment of reasonable fees and expenses of the Trustee (including reasonable fees and disbursements of its counsel and other agents) incurred in and about the performance of its powers and duties under the Indenture; (2) To the payment to the persons entitled thereto of all installments of interest then due in the order of the maturity of such installment, and, if the amount available shall not be sufficient to pay in full any installment or installments maturing on the same date, then to the payment thereof C-25 ratably according to the amounts due thereon, to the persons entitled thereto, without any discrimination or preference; and (3) To the payment to the persons entitled thereto of the unpaid principal with respect to any Bond which shall have become due, whether at maturity or by call for redemption, in the order of their due dates, with interest on the overdue principal and interest at a rate equal to the rate paid with respect to the Bonds and, if the amount available shall not be sufficient to pay in full all the amounts due with respect to the Bonds on any date, together with such interest, then to the payment thereof ratably, according to the amounts of principal due on such date to the persons entitled thereto, without any discrimination or preference. DEFEASANCE Defeasance. If the City shall pay or cause to be paid, or there shall otherwise be paid, to the Owners of any Outstanding Bonds the interest due thereon and the principal thereof, at the times and in the manner stipulated therein and in the Indenture, then the Owners of such Bonds shall cease to be entitled to the pledge of Reassessments and other amounts under the Indenture, and all covenants, agreements and other obligations of the City to the Owners of such Bonds under the Indenture shall thereupon cease, terminate and become void and be discharged and satisfied except for the City’s covenant under subparagraph (e) of the provisions of the Indenture summarized above under the caption “COVENANTS AND WARRANTY–Covenants”. In such event, the Trustee shall execute and deliver to the City all such instruments as may be desirable to evidence such discharge and satisfaction, and the Trustee shall pay over or deliver to the City after payment of any amounts due the Trustee under the Indenture all money or securities held by it pursuant to the Indenture which are not required for the payment of the interest due on, and the principal of, such Bonds. Any Outstanding Bond shall be deemed to have been paid within the meaning expressed in the first paragraph of the provisions of the Indenture summarized under this caption “–Defeasance” if such Bond is paid in any one or more of the following ways: (a) by paying or causing to be paid the principal of and interest with respect to such Bond, as and when the same become due and payable; (b) by depositing with the Trustee, in trust, at or before maturity, money which, together with the amounts then on deposit in the Reassessment Fund, the Reserve Fund and the Redemption Fund, is fully sufficient to pay the principal of, premium and interest on such Bond as and when the same shall become due and payable; or (c) by depositing with the Trustee, in trust, Federal Securities in such amount as an Independent Financial Consultant shall determine will, together with the interest to accrue thereon and moneys then on deposit in the Reassessment Fund, the Reserve Fund and the Redemption Fund which is available to pay such Bond, together with the interest to accrue thereon without further investment, be fully sufficient to pay and discharge the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on such Bond as and when the same shall become due and payable; then, notwithstanding that such Bond shall not have been surrendered for payment, all obligations of the City under the Indenture with respect to such Bond shall cease and terminate, except for the obligation of the Trustee to pay or cause to be paid to the Owner of any Bond not so surrendered and paid, all sums due thereon C-26 from funds provided to it by the City and except for the City’s covenant under subparagraph (e) of the provisions of the Indenture summarized above under the caption “COVENANTS AND WARRANTY–Covenants”. Any money or securities deposited with the Trustee to defease any Bond or Bonds shall be accompanied by a certificate of a certified public accountant confirming the accuracy of the calculations establishing the sufficiency of such deposit. Any funds held by the Trustee at the time of payment or defeasance of all Outstanding Bonds, which are not required for the purpose above mentioned, or for payment of amounts due the Trustee under the Indenture shall be paid over to the City. MISCELLANEOUS Unclaimed Moneys. Anything in the Indenture to the contrary notwithstanding, any money held by the Trustee in trust for the payment and discharge of any of the Bonds which remains unclaimed for one year after the Bonds become due and payable, if such money was held by the Trustee at such date, or for one year after the date of deposit of such money if deposited with the Trustee after said date when such Bonds become due and payable, shall be repaid by the Trustee to the City, as its absolute property and free from trust, and the Trustee shall thereupon be released and discharged with respect thereto and the Owners shall look only to the City for the payment of such Bonds; provided, however, that, before being required to make any such payment to the City, the Trustee shall, at the written request and the expense of the City, cause to be mailed to the registered Owners of such Bonds, at their addresses as they appear on the Bond Register, a notice that said money remains unclaimed and that, after a date named in said notice, which date shall not be less than thirty (30) days after the date of the mailing of such notice, the balance of such money then unclaimed will be returned to the City. D-1 APPENDIX D OPINION OF BOND COUNSEL [Date of Delivery] City Council City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California Re: City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Limited Obligation Refunding Bonds Ladies and Gentlemen: We have examined certified copies of proceedings taken by the City of Carlsbad (the “City”) for the issuance of bonds designated “City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Limited Obligation Refunding Bonds” (the “Bonds”) pursuant to the Refunding Act of 1984 for 1915 Improvement Act Bonds (Division 11.5 of the Streets and Highways Code of California). The Bonds are issued pursuant to the City’s Resolution No. 2013-024 (the “Resolution of Issuance”) and an Indenture (the “Indenture”) dated as of January 1, 2013, by and between the City and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. as Trustee. This examination covers said proceedings down to and including the issuance of the Bonds; however, we have made no examination of the ownership or use of the property assessed. In rendering this opinion, we have relied upon certain representations of fact and certifications made by or on behalf of the City, the initial purchasers of the Bonds and others. We have not undertaken to verify through independent investigation the accuracy of the representations and certifications relied upon by us. The Bonds are dated their date of delivery and mature on the dates and in the amounts set forth in the Indenture. The Bonds bear interest payable semiannually on each March 2 and September 2, commencing on September 2, 2013, at the rates per annum set forth in the Indenture. Based upon the foregoing and in reliance thereon and on all matters of fact we deem relevant under the circumstances, and upon consideration of applicable laws, we are of the opinion that: 1. The City has duly authorized the issuance of the Bonds. The Bonds and the Indenture constitute legal, valid and binding limited obligations of the City enforceable in accordance with their terms, except to the extent that enforceability may be limited by moratorium, bankruptcy, reorganization, fraudulent conveyance or transfer, insolvency or other laws affecting creditors’ rights generally, by the application of equitable principles, by the exercise of judicial discretion in appropriate cases and by limitations on legal remedies against public agencies in the State of California; provided, however, we express no opinion with respect to any indemnification, contribution, penalty, choice of law or waiver provisions contained therein. 2. The Bonds are issued upon and secured by the unpaid Reassessments in Reassessment District No. 2012-1, together with interest thereon; said unpaid Reassessments together with interest thereon, constitute a trust fund for the redemption and payment of the principal of the Bonds and the interest thereon; the Bonds are secured by the moneys in the Redemption Fund established in the Indenture and by the unpaid Reassessments; and the Bonds are payable, as to both principal and interest, exclusively out of said Redemption Fund. 3. The Indenture creates a valid pledge of and lien upon the unpaid Reassessments and the interest thereon and the moneys in all funds and accounts established pursuant to the Indenture, other than the Administrative Expense Fund and the Rebate Fund, including the investments thereof, subject in all cases to the provisions of the Indenture permitting the application thereof for the purposes and on the terms and conditions set forth therein. D-2 4. Under existing statutes, regulations, rulings and judicial decisions, interest (and original issue discount) on the Bonds is excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes and is not an item of tax preference for purposes of calculating the federal alternative minimum tax imposed on individuals and corporations. 5. Interest (and original issue discount) on the Bonds is exempt from State of California personal income tax. 6. The difference between the issue price of a Bond (the first price at which a substantial amount of the Bonds of a maturity are to be sold to the public) and the stated redemption price at maturity with respect to such Bond constitutes original issue discount. Original issue discount accrues under a constant yield method, and original issue discount will accrue to a Bond owner before receipt of cash attributable to such excludable income. The amount of original issue discount deemed received by a Bond owner will increase the Bond owner’s basis in the applicable Bond. Original issue discount that accrues to the Bond owner is excluded from the gross income of such owner for federal income tax purposes, is not an item of tax preference for purposes of calculating the federal alternative minimum tax imposed on individuals and corporations (as described in paragraph 4 above) and is exempt from State of California personal income tax. The opinion expressed in paragraphs 4 and 6 above as to the exclusion from gross income for federal income tax purposes of interest on the Bonds is subject to the condition that the City complies with all requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), that must be satisfied subsequent to the issuance of the Bonds to assure that such interest (and original issue discount) will not become includable in gross income for federal income tax purposes. Failure to comply with such requirements of the Code might cause interest on the Bonds to be included in gross income for federal income tax purposes retroactive to the date of issuance of the Bonds. The City has covenanted to comply with all such requirements. Except as set forth in paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 above, we express no opinion as to any tax consequences related to the Bonds. We are admitted to the practice of law only in the State of California and our opinion is limited to matters governed by the laws of the State of California and federal law. We assume no responsibility with respect to the applicability or the effect of the laws of any other jurisdiction. The opinions expressed herein and the exclusion of interest on the Bonds from gross income for federal income tax purposes may be affected by actions taken (or not taken) or events occurring (or not occurring) after the date hereof. Our engagement as Bond Counsel terminates upon the issuance of the Bonds and we have not undertaken to determine, or to inform any person, whether any such actions or events are taken (or not taken) or do occur (or do not occur). The opinions expressed herein are based upon our analysis and interpretation of existing laws, regulations, rulings and judicial decisions and cover certain matters not directly addressed by such authorities. We express no opinion herein as to the accuracy, completeness or sufficiency of the Official Statement relating to the Bonds or other offering material relating to the Bonds and expressly disclaim any duty to advise the Owners of the Bonds with respect to matters contained in the Official Statement. Respectfully submitted, E-1 APPENDIX E BOOK-ENTRY ONLY SYSTEM The information in this section concerning DTC and DTC’s book-entry only system has been obtained from sources that the City believes to be reliable, but the City takes no responsibility for the completeness or accuracy thereof. The following description of the procedures and record keeping with respect to beneficial ownership interests in the Bonds, payment of principal, premium, if any, accreted value and interest on the Bonds to DTC Participants or Beneficial Owners, confirmation and transfers of beneficial ownership interests in the Bonds and other related transactions by and between DTC, the DTC Participants and the Beneficial Owners is based solely on information provided by DTC. The Depository Trust Company (“DTC”), New York, New York, will act as securities depository for the Bonds. The Bonds will be issued as fully-registered securities registered in the name of Cede & Co. (DTC’s partnership nominee) or such other name as may be requested by an authorized representative of DTC. One fully- registered Bond will be issued for each annual maturity of the Bonds, each in the aggregate principal amount of such maturity, and will be deposited through the facilities of DTC. DTC, the world’s largest securities depository, is a limited-purpose trust company organized under the New York Banking Law, a “banking organization” within the meaning of the New York Banking Law, a member of the Federal Reserve System, a “clearing corporation” within the meaning of the New York Uniform Commercial Code, and a “clearing agency” registered pursuant to the provisions of Section 17A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. DTC holds and provides asset servicing for over 3.6 million issues of U.S. and non-U.S. equity issues, corporate and municipal debt issues, and money market instruments (from over 100 countries) that DTC’s participants (“Direct Participants”) deposit with DTC. DTC also facilitates the post trade settlement among Direct Participants of sales and other securities transactions in deposited securities, through electronic computerized book- entry transfers and pledges between Direct Participants’ accounts. This eliminates the need for physical movement of securities certificates. Direct Participants include both U.S. and non-U.S. securities brokers and dealers, banks, trust companies, clearing corporations, and certain other organizations. DTC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (“DTCC”). DTCC is the holding company for DTC, National Securities Clearing Corporation and Fixed Income Clearing Corporation, all of which are registered clearing agencies. DTCC is owned by the users of its regulated subsidiaries. Access to the DTC system is also available to others such as both U.S. and non-U.S. securities brokers and dealers, banks, trust companies, and clearing corporations that clear through or maintain a custodial relationship with a Direct Participant, either directly or indirectly (“Indirect Participants”). DTC has a Standard & Poor’s rating of “AA+.” The DTC Rules applicable to its Participants are on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. More information about DTC can be found at www.dtcc.com. Purchases of Bonds under the DTC system must be made by or through Direct Participants, which will receive a credit for the Bonds on DTC’s records. The ownership interest of each actual purchaser of each Bond (“Beneficial Owner”) is in turn to be recorded on the Direct and Indirect Participants’ records. Beneficial Owners will not receive written confirmation from DTC of their purchase. Beneficial Owners are, however, expected to receive written confirmations providing details of the transaction, as well as periodic statements of their holdings, from the Direct or Indirect Participant through which the Beneficial Owner entered into the transaction. Transfers of ownership interests in the Bonds are to be accomplished by entries made on the books of Direct and Indirect Participants acting on behalf of Beneficial Owners. Beneficial Owners will not receive Bonds representing their ownership interests in Bonds, except in the event that use of the book-entry system for the Bonds is discontinued. To facilitate subsequent transfers, all Bonds deposited by Direct Participants with DTC are registered in the name of DTC’s partnership nominee, Cede & Co., or such other name as may be requested by an authorized representative of DTC. The deposit of Bonds with DTC and their registration in the name of Cede & Co. or such other DTC nominee do not affect any change in beneficial ownership. DTC has no knowledge of the actual Beneficial Owners of the Bonds; DTC’s records reflect only the identity of the Direct Participants to whose accounts such Bonds are credited, which may or may not be the Beneficial Owners. The Direct and Indirect Participants will remain responsible for keeping account of their holdings on behalf of their customers. E-2 Conveyance of notices and other communications by DTC to Direct Participants, by Direct Participants to Indirect Participants, and by Direct Participants and Indirect Participants to Beneficial Owners will be governed by arrangements among them, subject to any statutory or regulatory requirements as may be in effect from time to time. Beneficial Owners of Bonds may wish to take certain steps to augment the transmission to them of notices of significant events with respect to the Bonds, such as prepayments, tenders, defaults, and proposed amendments to the Bond documents. For example, Beneficial Owners of Bonds may wish to ascertain that the nominee holding the Bonds for their benefit has agreed to obtain and transmit notices to Beneficial Owners. In the alternative, Beneficial Owners may wish to provide their names and addresses to the registrar and request that copies of notices be provided directly to them. Redemption notices shall be sent to DTC. If less than all of the Bonds within a maturity are being prepaid, DTC’s practice is to determine by lot the amount of the interest of each Direct Participant in such maturity to be redeemed. Neither DTC nor Cede & Co. (nor any other DTC nominee) will consent or vote with respect to Bonds unless authorized by a Direct Participant in accordance with DTC’s MMI Procedures. Under its usual procedures, DTC mails an Omnibus Proxy to the City as soon as possible after the record date. The Omnibus Proxy assigns Cede & Co.’s consenting or voting rights to those Direct Participants to whose accounts Bonds are credited on the record date (identified in a listing attached to the Omnibus Proxy). Redemption proceeds, distributions, and dividend payments on the Bonds will be made to Cede & Co., or such other nominee as may be requested by an authorized representative of DTC. DTC’s practice is to credit Direct Participants’ accounts upon DTC’s receipt of funds and corresponding detail information from the City or the Trustee, on payable date in accordance with their respective holdings shown on DTC’s records. Payments by Participants to Beneficial Owners will be governed by standing instructions and customary practices, as is the case with securities held for the accounts of customers in bearer form or registered in “street name,” and will be the responsibility of such Participant and not of DTC, the Trustee, or the City, subject to any statutory or regulatory requirements as may be in effect from time to time. Payment of redemption proceeds, distributions, and dividend payments to Cede & Co. (or such other nominee as may be requested by an authorized representative of DTC) is the responsibility of the City or the Trustee, disbursement of such payments to Direct Participants will be the responsibility of DTC, and disbursement of such payments to the Beneficial Owners will be the responsibility of Direct and Indirect Participants. A Bond Owner shall give notice to elect to have its Bonds purchased or tendered, through its Participant, to the Trustee, and shall effect delivery of such Bonds by causing the Direct Participant to transfer the Participant’s interest in the Bonds, on DTC’s records, to the Trustee. The requirement for physical delivery of Bonds in connection with an optional tender or a mandatory purchase will be deemed satisfied when the ownership rights in the Bonds are transferred by Direct Participants on DTC’s records and followed by a book-entry credit of tendered Bonds to the Trustee’s DTC account. DTC may discontinue providing its services as depository with respect to the Bonds at any time by giving reasonable notice to the City or the Trustee. Under such circumstances, in the event that a successor depository is not obtained, physical certificates are required to be printed and delivered. The City may decide to discontinue use of the system of book-entry only transfers through DTC (or a successor securities depository). In that event, Bonds will be printed and delivered to DTC. THE TRUSTEE, AS LONG AS A BOOK-ENTRY ONLY SYSTEM IS USED FOR THE BONDS, WILL SEND ANY NOTICE OF REDEMPTION OR OTHER NOTICES TO OWNERS ONLY TO DTC. ANY FAILURE OF DTC TO ADVISE ANY DTC PARTICIPANT, OR OF ANY DTC PARTICIPANT TO NOTIFY ANY BENEFICIAL OWNER, OF ANY NOTICE AND ITS CONTENT OR EFFECT WILL NOT AFFECT THE VALIDITY OF SUFFICIENCY OF THE PROCEEDINGS RELATING TO THE REDEMPTION OF THE BONDS CALLED FOR REDEMPTION OR OF ANY OTHER ACTION PREMISED ON SUCH NOTICE. F-1 APPENDIX F FORM OF CONTINUING DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT This Continuing Disclosure Agreement (the “Disclosure Agreement”) is executed and delivered by the City of Carlsbad (the “Issuer”) and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Dissemination Agent (the “Dissemination Agent”) in connection with the issuance of City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Limited Obligation Refunding Bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $31,300,000 (the “Bonds”). The Bonds are being issued pursuant to a Resolution adopted by the City Council of the Issuer on January 8, 2013 and a Indenture dated as of January 1, 2013 (the “Indenture”) by and between the Issuer and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee (the “Trustee”). The Issuer and Dissemination Agent hereby covenant and agree as follows: Section 1. Purpose of the Disclosure Agreement. This Disclosure Agreement is being executed and delivered by the Issuer for the benefit of the holders and beneficial owners of the Bonds and in order to assist the Participating Underwriter in complying with SEC Rule 15c2-12(b)(5). Section 2. Definitions. In addition to the definitions set forth in the Resolution of Issuance which apply to any capitalized term used in this Disclosure Agreement unless otherwise defined in this Section, the following capitalized terms shall have the following meanings: “Annual Report” shall mean any Annual Report provided by the Issuer pursuant to, and as described in, Sections 3 and 4 of this Disclosure Agreement. “Dissemination Agent” shall mean The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. or any successor Dissemination Agent designated in writing by the Issuer and which has filed with the Issuer a written acceptance of such designation. “Listed Events” shall mean any of the events listed in Section 5(a) of this Disclosure Agreement. “Participating Underwriter” shall mean Stifel Nicolaus & Co. Inc., dba Stone & Youngberg, a Division of Stifel Nicolaus. “Repository” shall mean the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board, which has been designated by the Securities and Exchange Commission as the sole repository of disclosure information for purposes of the Rule, or any other repository of disclosure information that may be designated by the Securities and Exchange Commission as such for purposes of the Rule in the future. “Rule” shall mean Rule 15c2-12(b)(5) adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as the same may be amended from time to time. Section 3. Provision of Annual Reports. (a) The Issuer shall, or shall cause the Dissemination Agent to, annually not later than 270 days after the end of the City’s fiscal year, commencing with the report for the 2012-13 fiscal year, provide to the Repository, in an electronic format as prescribed by the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board, an Annual Report which is consistent with the requirements of Section 4 of this Disclosure Agreement. Not later than fifteen (15) Business Days prior to said date, the Issuer shall provide the Annual Report to the Dissemination Agent (if other than the Issuer). The Annual Report may be submitted as a single document or as separate documents comprising a package, and may include by reference other information as provided in Section 4 of this Disclosure Agreement; provided that the audited financial statements of the Issuer may be submitted separately from the balance of the Annual Report, and later than the date required above for the F-2 filing of the Annual Report. If the Issuer’s fiscal year changes, it shall give notice of such change in the same manner as for a Listed Event under Section 5(c). (b) If the Issuer is unable to provide to the Repository or the Dissemination Agent an Annual Report by the date required in subsection (a), the Issuer shall send a notice to the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board, in an electronic format as prescribed by the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board, in substantially the form attached as Exhibit A. (c) The Dissemination Agent shall: (i) confirm the electronic filing requirements of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board for the Annual Report; and (ii) if the Dissemination Agent is other than the Issuer, file a report with the Issuer certifying that the Annual Report has been provided pursuant to this Disclosure Agreement, stating the date it was provided to the Repository. Section 4. Content of Annual Reports. The Issuer’s Annual Report shall contain or incorporate by reference the following: (a) Audited Financial Statements of the Issuer prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles as promulgated to apply to governmental entities from time to time by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, together with the following statement: THE ISSUER’S ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT IS PROVIDED SOLELY TO COMPLY WITH THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE COMMISSION STAFF’S INTERPRETATION OF RULE 15C2-12. NO FUNDS OR ASSETS FO THE ISSUER ARE REQUIRED TO BE USED TO PAY DEBT SERVICE ON THE BONDS, AND THE ISSUER IS NOT OBLIGATED TO ADVANCE AVAILABLE FUNDS TO COVER ANY DELINQUENCIES. INVESTORS SHOULD NOT RELY ON THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE ISSUER IN EVALUATING WHETHER TO BUY, HOLD OR SELL THE BONDS. (b) The following information regarding the Bonds: (i) Principal amount of Bonds outstanding; (ii) Balance in the Prepayment Account of Redemption Fund; (ii) Balance in the Redemption Fund; (iv) Balance in the Reserve Fund and a statement of the Reserve Requirement; (v) Information in Table 6 of the Official Statement for the Bonds regarding the annual special assessment installments, amount collected, delinquent amount and percent delinquent for the most recent fiscal year and the amount and percent remaining delinquent for any prior fiscal year; and (vii) Status of foreclosure proceedings and summary of results of foreclosure sales, if available. (c) In addition to any of the information expressly required to be provided under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Section, the Issuer shall provide such further information, if any, as may be necessary to make the specifically required statements, in the light of the circumstances under which they are made, not misleading. Any or all of the items listed above may be included by specific reference to other documents, including official statements of debt issues of the Issuer or related public entities, which have been submitted to the Repository or the Securities and Exchange Commission. If the document included by reference is a final F-3 official statement, it must be available from the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board. The Issuer shall clearly identify each such other document so included by reference. Section 5. Reporting of Significant Events. (a) Pursuant to the provisions of this Section 5, the Issuer shall give, or cause to be given, notice of the occurrence of any of the following events with respect to the Bonds in a timely manner not more than ten (10) Business Days after the event: (i) Principal and interest payment delinquencies; (ii) Unscheduled draws on debt service reserves reflecting financial difficulties; (iii) Unscheduled draws on credit enhancements reflecting financial difficulties; (iv) Substitution of credit or liquidity providers, or their failure to perform; (v) Adverse tax opinions, the issuance by the Internal Revenue Service of proposed or final determinations of taxability or Notices of Proposed Issue (IRS Form 5701 TEB); (vi) Tender offers; (vii) Defeasances; (viii) Ratings changes; and (ix) Bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership or similar proceedings. Note: For the purposes of the event identified in subparagraph (ix), the event is considered to occur when any of the following occur: the appointment of a receiver, fiscal agent or similar officer for an obligated person in a proceeding under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code or in any other proceeding under state or federal law in which a court or governmental authority has assumed jurisdiction over substantially all of the assets or business of the obligated person, or if such jurisdiction has been assumed by leaving the existing governmental body and officials or officers in possession but subject to the supervision and orders of a court or governmental authority, or the entry of an order confirming a plan of reorganization, arrangement or liquidation by a court or governmental authority having supervision or jurisdiction over substantially all of the assets or business of the obligated person. (b) Pursuant to the provisions of this Section 5, the City shall give, or cause to be given, notice of the occurrence of any of the following events with respect to the Bonds, if material: (i) Unless described in Section 5(a)(v), other notices or determinations by the Internal Revenue Service with respect to the tax status of the Bonds or other events affecting the tax status of the Bonds. (ii) Modifications to the rights of Bond holders. (iii) Optional, unscheduled or contingent Bond redemptions. (iv) Release, substitution or sale of property securing repayment of the Bonds. (v) Non-payment related defaults (vi) The consummation of a merger, consolidation, or acquisition involving the City or the sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the City, other than in the ordinary course of business, the entry into a definitive agreement to undertake such an action or the termination of a definitive agreement relating to any such actions, other than pursuant to its terms. (vii) Appointment of a successor or additional trustee or the change of the name of a trustee. F-4 (c) If the City determines that knowledge of the occurrence of a Listed Event under subsection (b) would be material under applicable federal securities laws, and if the Dissemination Agent is other than the City, the City shall promptly notify the Dissemination Agent in writing. Such notice shall instruct the Dissemination Agent to file a notice of such occurrence with EMMA in a timely manner not more than ten (10) Business Days after the event. (d) If the City determines that the Listed Event under subsection (b) would not be material under applicable federal securities laws and if the Dissemination Agent is other than the City, the City shall so notify the Dissemination Agent in writing and instruct the Dissemination Agent not to report the occurrence. (e) The City hereby agrees that the undertaking set forth in this Disclosure Agreement is the responsibility of the City and, if the Dissemination Agent is other than the City, the Dissemination Agent shall not be responsible for determining whether the City’s instructions to the Dissemination Agent under this Section 5 comply with the requirements of the Rule. Section 6. Termination of Reporting Obligation. The Issuer’s and the Dissemination Agent’s obligations under this Disclosure Agreement shall terminate upon the legal defeasance, prior redemption or payment in full of all of the Bonds. If such termination occurs prior to the final maturity of the Bonds, the Issuer shall give notice of such termination in the same manner as for a Listed Event under Section 5(c). Section 7. Dissemination Agent. The Issuer may, from time to time, appoint or engage a Dissemination Agent to assist it in carrying out its obligations under this Disclosure Agreement, and may discharge any such Agent, with or without appointing a successor Dissemination Agent. The Dissemination Agent may resign by providing thirty days written notice to the City and the Trustee. The initial Dissemination Agent shall be The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. Section 8. Amendment Waiver. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Disclosure Agreement, the Issuer may amend this Disclosure Agreement, and any provision of this Disclosure Agreement may be waived (the Dissemination Agent shall not be obligated to enter into any amendment increasing or affecting its duties or obligations), provided that the following conditions are satisfied: (a) if the amendment or waiver relates to the provisions of Sections 3(a), 4 or 5(a), it may only be made in connection with a change in circumstances that arises from a change in legal requirements, change in law, or change in the identity nature or status of an obligated person with respect to the Bonds, or type of business conducted; (b) the undertakings herein, as proposed to be amended or waived, would, in the opinion of nationally recognized bond counsel, have complied with the requirements of the Rule at the time of the primary offering of the Bonds, after taking into account any amendments or interpretations of the Rule, as well as any change in circumstances; and (c) the proposed amendment or waiver either (i) is approved by holders of the Bonds in the manner provided in the Indenture, or (ii) does not, in the opinion of the Trustee or nationally recognized bond counsel, materially impair the interests of the holders or beneficial owners of the Bonds. If the annual financial information or operating data to be provided in the Annual Report is amended pursuant to the provisions hereof, the first annual financial information filed pursuant hereto containing the amended operating data or financial information shall explain, in narrative form, the reasons for the amendment and the impact of the change in the type of operating data or financial information being provided. If an amendment is made to the undertaking specifying the accounting principles to be followed in preparing financial statements, the annual financial information for the year in which the change is made shall F-5 present a comparison between the financial statements or information prepared on the basis of the new accounting principles and those prepared on the basis of the former accounting principles. The comparison shall include a qualitative discussion of the differences in the accounting principles and the impact of the change in the accounting principles on the presentation of the financial information in order to provide information to investors to enable them to evaluate the ability of the Issuer to meet its obligations. To the extent reasonably feasible the comparison shall be quantitative. A notice of the change in the accounting principles shall be sent to the Repository in the same manner as for a Listed Event under Section 5(c). Section 9. Additional Information. Nothing in this Disclosure Agreement shall be deemed to prevent the Issuer from disseminating any other information, using the means of dissemination set forth in this Disclosure Agreement or any other means of communication, or including any other information in any Annual Report or notice of occurrence of a Listed Event, in addition to that which is required by this Disclosure Agreement. If the Issuer chooses to include any information in any Annual Report or notice of occurrence of a Listed Event in addition to that which is specifically required by this Disclosure Agreement, the Issuer shall have no obligation under this Disclosure Agreement to update such information or include it in any future Annual Report or notice of occurrence of a Listed Event. Section 10. Default. In the event of a failure of the Issuer or the Dissemination Agent to comply with any provision of this Disclosure Agreement any holder or beneficial owner of the Bonds may take such actions as may be necessary and appropriate, including seeking mandate or specific performance by court order, to cause the Issuer to comply with its obligations under this Disclosure Agreement. A default under this Disclosure Agreement shall not be deemed an Event of Default under the Indenture or any Supplemental Indenture, and the sole remedy under this Disclosure Agreement in the event of any failure of the Issuer to comply with this Disclosure Agreement shall be an action to compel performance. Section 11. Duties, Immunities and Liabilities of Dissemination Agent. Article VII of the Indenture is hereby made applicable to this Disclosure Agreement as if this Disclosure Agreement were (solely for this purpose) contained in the Indenture. The Dissemination Agent shall be entitled to the protections and limitations from liability afforded to the Trustee thereunder. The Dissemination Agent shall have only duties as are specifically set forth in this Disclosure Agreement, and the Issuer agrees to indemnify and save the Dissemination Agent, its officers, directors, employees and agents, harmless against any loss, expense and liabilities which it may incur arising out of or in the exercise or performance of its powers and duties hereunder, including the costs and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) of defending against any claim of liability, but excluding liabilities due to the Dissemination Agent’s negligence or willful misconduct. The obligations of the Issuer under this Section shall survive resignation or removal of the Dissemination Agent and payment of the Bonds. The Dissemination Agent shall be paid compensation by the City for its services provided hereunder in accordance with its schedule of fees as agreed to between the Dissemination Agent and the City from time to time and all expenses, legal fees and advances made or incurred by the Dissemination Agent in the performance of its duties hereunder. The Dissemination Agent shall have no duty or obligation to review any information provided to it by the City hereunder and shall not be deemed to be acting in any fiduciary capacity for the City, Beneficial Owners or any other party. The Dissemination Agent may rely and shall be protected in acting or refraining from acting upon and directions from the City or an opinion of nationally recognized bond counsel. Neither the Trustee nor the Dissemination Agent shall have any liability to any party for any monetary damages or other financial liability of any kind whatsoever related to or arising from any breach of this Disclosure Agreement. No person shall have any right to commence any action against the Trustee or Dissemination Agent seeking any remedy other than to compel specific performance of this Disclosure Agreement. Any company succeeding to all or substantially all of the Dissemination Agent’s corporate trust business shall be the successor to the Dissemination Agent hereunder without the execution or filing of any paper or any further act. F-6 Section 12. Beneficiaries. This Disclosure Agreement shall inure solely to the benefit of the Issuer, the Dissemination Agent, the Participating Underwriter and holders and beneficial owners from time to time of the Bonds, and shall create no rights in any other person or entity. Section 13. Notices. Any notice or communication required or permitted hereunder shall be given in writing, sent by (a) personal delivery delivered by a representative of the party giving such notice, or (b) overnight delivery by recognized overnight courier, or (c) United States mail, postage prepaid, registered or certified mail, or (d) facsimile, addressed as follows: If to the Issuer: City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008-7314 If to the Dissemination Agent: The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. 400 South Hope Street Suite 400 Los Angeles, California 90071 Attention: Corporate Trust Department or to such other address or to the attention of such other person as hereinafter shall be designated in writing by the applicable party sent in accordance herewith. Any such notice or communication shall be deemed to have been delivered either at the time of personal delivery actually received by the addressee or a representative of the addressee at the address provided above or, if delivered on a business day in the case of delivery service or certified or registered mail, as of the earlier of the date delivered or the date 72 hours following the date deposited in the United States mail at the address provided herein, or if by telecopier, upon electronic confirmation of good receipt by the receiving telecopier. Section 14. Future Determination of Obligated Persons. In the event that the Securities Exchange Commission amends, clarifies or supplements the Rule in such a manner that requires any landowner within the City to be an obligated person as defined in the Rule, nothing contained herein shall be construed to require the Issuer to meet the continuing disclosure requirements of the Rule with respect to such obligated person and nothing in this Disclosure Agreement shall be deemed to obligate the Issuer to disclose information concerning any owner of land within the City except as required as part of the information required to be disclosed by the Issuer pursuant to Section 4 and Section 5 hereof. Dated: ______, 2013 CITY OF CARLSBAD By: Finance Director THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A., as Dissemination Agent By: Its: F-7 EXHIBIT A NOTICE TO MUNICIPAL SECURITIES RULEMAKING BOARD OF FAILURE TO FILE ANNUAL REPORT Name of Issuer: City of Carlsbad Name of Bond Issue: CITY OF CARLSBAD REASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2012-1 LIMITED OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS Date of Issuance: ______, 2013 NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN that the Issuer has not provided an Annual Report with respect to the above-named Bonds as required by the Indenture dated as of January 1, 2013, by and between the Issuer and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee. The Issuer anticipates that the Annual Report will be filed by ___________________. Dated: ______________________ THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A., as Dissemination Agent on behalf of Issuer [THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] G-1 APPENDIX G INFORMATION CONCERNING THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Set forth below is certain demographic information regarding the City of Carlsbad (the “City”) and the County of San Diego (the “County”). This information is provided for informational purposes only and general background. The information set forth herein has been obtained from third party sources believed to be reliable, but such information is not guaranteed by the City as to accuracy or completeness. Neither the delivery of this Official Statement nor any sale thereafter of the securities offered hereby shall under any circumstances create any implication that there has been no change in any information contained in this Appendix G since the date of the Official Statement. The Bonds are not a debt of the City, the County, the State, or any of its political subdivisions, and none of the City, the County, the State nor any of its political subdivisions is liable thereon. The information and data within this Appendix G is the latest data available; however, the current state of the economy at City, County, State and national levels may not be reflected in the data discussed below because more up-to-date publicly available information is not available to the City. General Information The City is located on the coast of Southern California in San Diego County about 35 miles north of San Diego and 86 miles south of Los Angeles. It is bordered by two lagoons, Buena Vista and Batiquitos, on the north and south respectively. City limits cover approximately 42 square miles and the City’s estimated population was 107,674 as of January 1, 2012. Municipal Government The City, a general law city with the council-manager form of government, was incorporated July 16, 1952. A five-member City Council is elected at large for four-year alternating terms at elections held every two years. The mayor is the presiding officer of the council and also is elected to serve a four-year term. The city manager, appointed by the council for an indeterminate term, acts as chief executive officer in carrying out council policies. The City provides the full range of services normally associated with a municipality including police, fire, parks and recreation, library, planning and zoning, building and engineering, various maintenance services and administration. The City provides water and sewer services through the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, a subsidiary district of the City. Solid waste collection is provided through a franchise arrangement with a local refuse collection service. The City operates a housing authority that provides low and moderate income families with housing assistance. Climate and Topography The City has mild summers with a mean temperature for the month of July of 73 degrees and moderate winters with an average winter temperature of 58 degrees. The relative humidity is low. Average rainfall, which occurs generally in the period between October and February, is less than 9 inches. The City is located on the Pacific Ocean, 35 miles north of San Diego at an altitude of sea level to 585 feet above sea level. G-2 Population The following table provides a comparison of population growth for the City and the County between 2008 and 2012. TABLE NO. G-1 POPULATION 2008 - 2012 Year (January 1) Carlsbad San Diego County 2008 102,452 3,032,689 2009 103,664 3,064,436 2010 105,319 3,091,579 2011 106,403 3,115,810 2012 107,674 3,143,429 Source: State of California, Department of Finance, E-4 Population Estimates for Cities, Counties and the State, 2001-2010, with 2000 and 2010 Census Counts, Sacramento, CA, August 2011 and E-1 City/County Population Estimates, 2011-2012, Sacramento, CA, May 2012. G-3 Employment and Industry The following table summarizes the civilian labor force, civilian employment and civilian unemployment figures over the period from 2007 through 2011 in the City, the County, the State of California and the United States. TABLE NO. G-2 City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California and United States Labor Force, Employment and Unemployment Yearly Average 2007-2011 Year and Area Civilian Labor Force Civilian Employment(1) Civilian Unemployment(2) Civilian Unemployment Rate(3) 2007 Carlsbad 47,700 46,200 1,400 3.0% San Diego County 1,518,300 1,449,500 68,900 4.5 California 17,928,700 16,970,200 958,500 5.3 United States(4) 153,124,000 146,047,000 7,078,000 4.6 2008 Carlsbad 47,600 45,700 1,900 3.9% San Diego County 1,547,300 1,455,100 92,300 6.0 California 18,191,000 16,883,400 1,307,600 7.2 United States(4) 154,287,000 145,362,000 8,924,000 5.8 2009 Carlsbad 47,100 44,100 3,000 6.4% San Diego County 1,554,100 1,404,500 149,600 9.6 California 18,204,200 16,141,500 2,062,700 11.3 United States 154,142,000 139,877,000 14,265,000 9.3 2010 Carlsbad 47,600 44,200 3,300 7.0% San Diego County 1,572,600 1,407,100 165,600 10.5 California 18,176,200 15,916,300 2,259,900 12.4 United States 153,889,000 139,064,000 14,825,000 9.6 2011 Carlsbad 48,000 44,800 3,200 6.6% San Diego County 1,583,800 1,426,100 157,700 10.0 California 18,384,900 16,226,600 2,158,300 11.7 United States 153,617,000 139,869,000 13,747,000 8.9 Note: Data is not seasonally adjusted. (1) Includes persons involved in labor-management trade disputes. (2) Includes all persons without jobs who are actively seeking work. (3) The unemployment rate is computed from unrounded data; therefore, it may differ from rates computed from rounded figures in this table. (4) Not strictly comparable with data for prior years. Source: California Employment Development Department and U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. G-4 The following table sets forth the industry employment and the labor force estimates for the years 2007 through 2011 for the San Diego-Carlsbad-San Marcos MSA. Annual industry employment information is not compiled by sector for the City. TABLE G-3 SAN DIEGO-CARLSBAD-SAN MARCOS MSA INDUSTRY EMPLOYMENT & LABOR FORCE - BY ANNUAL AVERAGE 2007 through 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Civilian Labor Force 1,517,600 1,548,200 1,554,200 1,572,600 1,583,800 Civilian Employment 1,448,500 1,455,600 1,405,000 1,407,100 1,426,100 Civilian Unemployment 69,100 92,700 149,200 165,500 157,700 Civilian Unemployment Rate 4.6% 6.0% 9.6% 10.5% 10.0% Total Farm 10,900 10,500 9,500 10,500 10,000 Total Nonfarm 1,308,800 1,298,700 1,231,400 1,222,800 1,231,200 Total Private 1,086,500 1,073,600 1,006,900 992,400 1,002,700 Goods Producing 189,800 179,200 156,800 148,600 148,400 Mining and Logging 400 400 400 400 400 Construction 87,000 76,100 61,100 55,300 55,200 Manufacturing 102,500 102,800 95,300 92,900 92,800 Service Providing 1,119,000 1,119,500 1,074,600 1,074,200 1,082,800 Trade, Transportation & Utilities 222,300 215,900 199,600 197,300 199,000 Wholesale Trade 45,500 44,900 40,600 40,100 40,700 Retail Trade 148,100 142,000 131,600 130,700 132,200 Transportation, Warehousing & Utilities 28,800 29,000 27,400 26,500 26,100 Information 31,300 31,400 28,200 25,100 24,000 Financial Activities 80,300 75,200 69,800 67,200 66,800 Professional & Business Services 223,200 222,300 206,800 207,700 211,500 Educational & Health Services 129,500 137,300 144,300 145,500 149,100 Leisure and Hospitality 161,800 164,000 154,800 154,800 156,900 Other Services 48,300 48,400 46,800 46,200 47,100 Government 222,400 225,100 224,500 230,400 228,400 Total, All Industries 1,319,700 1,309,300 1,240,900 1,233,300 1,241,200 Note: Does not include proprietors, self-employed, unpaid volunteers or family workers, domestic workers in households and persons involved in labor-management trade disputes. Employment reported by place of work. Items may not add to total due to independent rounding. The “Total, All Industries” data is not directly comparable to the employment data found in this Appendix G. Source: State of California, Employment Development Department, San Diego-Carlsbad-San Marcos MSA Industry Employment & Labor Force - by Annual Average, March 2011 Benchmark. G-5 The major employers operating within the City and their respective number of employees as of June 30, 2011 are as follows: Name of Company Employment Type of Business/Product Life Technologies 4,121 Research Supply Manufacturing Taylor Made Golf Company, Inc. 2,498 Golf Equipment Manufacturing ViaSat, Inc. 2,114 Wireless Communications Provider Callaway Golf Company 1,637 Golf Equipment Manufacturing LEGOLAND California, LLC 1,140 Theme Park Carlsbad Unified School District 1,004 Public Education Genoptix, Inc. 984 Manufacturing La Costa Resort & Spa 871 Resort/Hotel City of Carlsbad 699 Government Zimmer Dental Inc. 638 Manufacturing Source: City of Carlsbad, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2011. Income The following table summarizes per capita personal income for San Diego County, California and the United States for 2007 through 2011. TABLE NO. G-4 PER CAPITA PERSONAL INCOME 2007 - 2011 Year San Diego County State of California United States 2007 45,768 43,211 39,506 2008 47,197 44,003 40,947 2009 44,107 41,034 38,637 2010 44,951 41,893 39,791 2011 46,800 43,647 41,560 Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis. G-6 Commercial Activity Table No. G-5 summarizes the volume of retail sales and taxable transactions for Carlsbad for the years 2007 through 2011*. TABLE NO. G-5 CITY OF CARLSBAD TOTAL TAXABLE TRANSACTIONS (in Thousands) 2007 – 2011* Year Retail Sales $(000’s) Retail Sales Permits Total Taxable Transactions $(000’s) Issued Sales Permits 2007 $1,927,123 1,489 $2,439,610 3,852 2008 1,698,408 1,589 2,252,610 3,928 2009 1,530,027 2,366 2,040,933 3,769 2010 1,623,453 2,433 2,191,041 3,888 2011* 838,979 2,444 1,140,041 3,915 * Through second quarter 2011. Source: California State Board of Equalization, Taxable Sales in California (Sales and Use Tax). Building Activity The following table summarizes building activity valuations for Carlsbad for the years 2007 through 2011. TABLE NO. G-6 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING ACTIVITY AND VALUATION (in Thousands) 2007 - 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Residential $ 120,757,604 $ 75,518,917 $ 60,096,868 $ 117,124,761 $ 84,067,062 Non-Residential 130,979,208 94,203,639 43,012,076 61,706,669 66,816,284 Total Valuation $ 251,636,812 $ 168,722,556 $ 103,107,944 $ 178,831,430 $ 150,883,346 Total Permits 372 263 178 378 317 Source: Construction Industry Research Board. G-7 Transportation Centrally located in Southern California, the City is accessible to major transportation resources; surrounded by Interstates 5 and 78; served by Amtrak rail lines; 35 miles north of San Diego International Airport and from facilities at San Diego harbors. Public transportation through the City and surrounding communities is provided by the Metropolitan Transit System, a network of several agencies providing bus and, train services within San Diego County. Within the City, North Coast Transit District (“NCTD”) operates the Breeze, gas-powered buses which provide transportation linking the greater Northern San Diego County area. NCTD buses stop in multiple points within the City including Carlsbad Village and Plaza Camino Real. The NCTD also operates the Coaster, a commuter train which travels north along the coast line to Oceanside and south to downtown San Diego as well as east from Carlsbad Village to major employment sites within Carlsbad located along Palomar Airport Road. In addition, McClellan-Palomar Airport, a small commercial and private airport, is located within the City and is served by US Airways and United Express with regularly scheduled flights to LAX and Phoenix. Education Carlsbad is located near four major universities and two community colleges. Portions of the City are located within one unified school district, a high school district and two elementary school districts. Utilities San Diego Gas & Electric provides electric power and natural gas in the City and to most communities in the County. Telephone service is provided by Cox Communications and SBC Communications Inc. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District (“CMWD”), a subsidiary district of the City, provides water to approximately 85 percent of the City, an area of about 32 square miles. Residents of the City not served by CMWD, receive water service from the Olivenhain Municipal Water District or the Vallecitos Water District. Community Facilities and Recreation The City is a beach community fronted by over six miles of coastline from Buena Vista Lagoon in the north to Batiquitos Lagoon in the south. Throughout the year, locals and tourists enjoy swimming, surfing, fishing, diving, jogging and relaxing at the City’s beaches. The mile long Carlsbad seawall is a popular location for a walk along the beach or a run off of the sand. The City also has three lagoons with ecosystems which provide bird watching and nature walks as well as water sports such as non-motorized boating. The City is home to many parks which offer a variety of leisure activities, including softball, volleyball and soccer in addition to providing playground equipment and picnic tables. Jazz concerts in the park have become a summer tradition in the City. Every Friday evening a thousand or more jazz enthusiasts bring their picnic baskets and chairs to enjoy a free concert under the stars at one of Carlsbad's community parks. The City is also known for its golf facilities. The City is home to two world-class golf resorts and more than 30 golf industry businesses. Attractions within the City include Legoland, California. Legoland is a lego-based theme park with over 50 rides, shows and attractions catering to children from ages two to twelve and their families. G-8 The Flowers Fields, located at Carlsbad Ranch, is a commercial ranunculus field open to the public with over 50 acres of giant tecolote ranunculus, a garden of miniature roses, Ecke poinsettias and a tractor tour of the Ranch that has been in operation for over 50 years. Also located within the City is the Museum of Making Music. The Museum curates public exhibits that relate to the history of American popular music, the manufacture and retail of musical instruments and the history of the music products industry from 1890’s to the present day. The Museum's galleries consist of more than 450 vintage instruments and artifacts on display, hundreds of audio samples of popular music and an area for visitors to interact with a variety of live, hands-on instruments. The museum also organizes public events, performances and lectures whose purpose is to entertain, educate and inform audiences of the benefits and heritage of making music. CITY OF CARLSBAD • REASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2012-1 LIMITED OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS Main Office 32605 Temecula Parkway, Suite 100Temecula, CA 92592 Toll free: 800.676.7516 Fax: 951.296.1998 Regional Office870 Market Street, Suite 1223 San Francisco, CA 94102Toll free: 800.434.8349 Fax: 415.391.8439 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Final Reassessment Report January 30, 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS REASSESSMENT 1 SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS 3 DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULES 4 COMPARISON OF AUDITOR’S RECORDS 5 REASSESSMENT ROLL 8 NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF PROPERTY OWNERS 9 METHOD OF REASSESSMENT 10 MAXIMUM ANNUAL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSESSMENT 11 CERTIFICATIONS 12 REASSESSMENT DIAGRAM 13 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No.2012-1 Reassessment Report 1Prepared by NBS –January 30, 2013 REASSESSMENT WHEREAS, on January 8, 2013, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad (the “City”), pursuant tothe provisions of the Refunding Act of 1984 for 1915 Improvement Act Bonds (the “Act”), adopted Resolution No.2013-022 (the “Resolution of Intention”) declaring its intention to refund the outstandingbonds (the “Prior Bonds”) of Assessment District No. 2002-01 (Poinsettia Lane East) and Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East)Benefit Area No. 1 (Calaveras Hills II)(the “Assessment Districts”) and to levy reassessments on the property within the Assessment Districts as security for the refunding bonds; WHEREAS, the Resolution of Intention directed the undersigned to make and file a reportpresenting a schedule setting forth the unpaid principal and interest of the Prior Bonds to be refunded and the total amounts thereof, the total estimated principal amount of the reassessment and of the refundingbonds and the maximum interest thereon, together with an estimate of the cost of the reassessment and of issuing the refunding bonds, the auditor’s record showing the schedule of principal installments andinterest on all unpaid original assessments and the total amounts thereof, the estimated amount of each reassessment, identified by reassessment number corresponding to the reassessment number of thereassessmentdiagram, together with a proposed auditor’s record for the reassessment, and reassessment diagram showing the Assessment Districts and the boundaries and dimensions of thesubdivisions of land within the Assessment Districts. Each subdivision, including separate condominium interest as defined in Section 783 of the Civil Code, shall be given a separate number upon thereassessmentdiagram to which reference is hereby made for further particulars; NOW THEREFORE, the undersigned by virtue of the authorization provided in the Resolution of Intention has prepared this report regarding the reassessment to be levied pursuant to the Act onproperty within the Assessment Districts to accomplish the refunding of the Prior Bonds and which will be security for the refunding bonds. The amounts to be paid for said refunding, together with the expenses incidental thereto, and thereassessment balance are set forth herein. And I do hereby reassess and apportion the total amount of the cost and expenses of said reassessment and refunding upon the several lots, pieces or parcels or portions of lots or subdivisions of land liabletherefore and benefited thereby, and hereinafter numbered to correspond with the numbers upon the attached reassessment diagram, upon each thereof, severally and respectively, as more particularly setforth in the reassessment roll attached and by reference made a part hereof. As required by the Act, a reassessment diagram hereto attached shows the Assessment Districts and also the boundaries and dimensions of the respective subdivisions of land within the Assessment Districtsas the same existed at the time of the passage of the Resolution of Intention, each of which subdivisions having been given a separate number upon said reassessment diagram. Said reassessment is made upon the several subdivisions of land within the Assessment Districts inproportion to the unpaid principal amount of the original assessment recorded as a lien against each said subdivisions of land.The reassessment identification numbers set forth in the reassessment roll andelsewhere herein are the identifying numbers of the parcels of land within the Assessment Districts as they appear on the reassessment diagram. Each subdivision of land reassessed is described in the reassessment roll by reference to its parcelnumber as shown on the Assessor’s Maps of the County of San Diego for Fiscal Year 2012/13 and includes all such parcels. For a more particular description of said property, reference is hereby made tothe deeds and maps on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder of said County. City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No.2012-1 Reassessment Report 2Prepared by NBS –January 30, 2013 Notice is hereby given that serial refunding bonds to represent unpaid reassessments and bear interest atthe rate of not to exceed twelve percent (12%) per annum, will be issued thereunder in the manner provided by the Act, and the last installment of such refunding bonds shall mature not later thanSeptember 2, 2035. Dated as of January 30, 2013 Stephanie Parson,NBS City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No.2012-1 Reassessment Report 3Prepared by NBS –January 30, 2013 SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS Assessment District Assessment District No. 2003-01 No. 2002-01 (College Boulevard and (Poinsettia Lane East)Cannon Road East)Total SOURCES: Bond Proceeds: Par Amount of Bonds $21,940,000.00 $9,360,000.00 $31,300,000.00 Net Premium 335,471.75 111,138.45 446,610.20 $22,275,471.75 $9,471,138.45 $31,746,610.20 Other Sources of Funds Debt Service Reserve Fund $2,498,392.93 $1,200,420.87 $3,698,813.80 December 10 Installments 1,141,873.18 445,477.84 1,587,351.02 Surplus Construction Funds 4,467,940.83 0.00 4,467,940.83 Surplus Redemption Funds 827,815.65 135,437.08 963,252.73 $8,936,022.59 $1,781,335.79 $10,717,358.38 TOTAL SOURCES $31,211,494.34 $11,252,474.24 $42,463,968.58 USES: Refunding Escrow Deposits: Cash Deposit $29,345,946.25 $10,453,598.75 $39,799,545.00 Other Fund Deposits: Debt Service Reserve Fund 1,514,951.76 646,305.76 2,161,257.52 Delivery Date Expenses: Cost of Issuance 140,381.92 61,952.47 202,334.39 Underwriter's Discount 210,214.41 90,617.26 300,831.67 TOTAL USES $31,211,494.34 $11,252,474.24 $42,463,968.58 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No.2012-1 Reassessment Report 4Prepared by NBS –January 30, 2013 DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULES Assessment District No. 2002-01 (Poinsettia Lane East) Refunded Bonds Original Debt Service Schedule Payment Interest Semi-Annual Date Rate Principal Interest Payment Total 9/2/2013 4.100%$715,000.00 $718,339.38 $1,433,339.38 $1,433,339.38 3/2/2014 703,681.88 703,681.88 9/2/2014 4.250%745,000.00 703,681.88 1,448,681.88 2,152,363.75 3/2/2015 687,850.63 687,850.63 9/2/2015 4.400%775,000.00 687,850.63 1,462,850.63 2,150,701.25 3/2/2016 670,800.63 670,800.63 9/2/2016 4.500%810,000.00 670,800.63 1,480,800.63 2,151,601.25 3/2/2017 652,575.63 652,575.63 9/2/2017 4.550%845,000.00 652,575.63 1,497,575.63 2,150,151.25 3/2/2018 633,351.88 633,351.88 9/2/2018 4.650%885,000.00 633,351.88 1,518,351.88 2,151,703.75 3/2/2019 612,775.63 612,775.63 9/2/2019 4.750%925,000.00 612,775.63 1,537,775.63 2,150,551.25 3/2/2020 590,806.88 590,806.88 9/2/2020 4.850%970,000.00 590,806.88 1,560,806.88 2,151,613.75 3/2/2021 567,284.38 567,284.38 9/2/2021 4.875%1,015,000.00 567,284.38 1,582,284.38 2,149,568.75 3/2/2022 542,543.75 542,543.75 9/2/2022 5.000%1,065,000.00 542,543.75 1,607,543.75 2,150,087.50 3/2/2023 515,918.75 515,918.75 9/2/2023 5.050%1,120,000.00 515,918.75 1,635,918.75 2,151,837.50 3/2/2024 487,638.75 487,638.75 9/2/2024 5.050%1,175,000.00 487,638.75 1,662,638.75 2,150,277.50 3/2/2025 457,970.00 457,970.00 9/2/2025 5.150%1,235,000.00 457,970.00 1,692,970.00 2,150,940.00 3/2/2026 426,168.75 426,168.75 9/2/2026 5.150%1,295,000.00 426,168.75 1,721,168.75 2,147,337.50 3/2/2027 392,822.50 392,822.50 9/2/2027 5.150%1,365,000.00 392,822.50 1,757,822.50 2,150,645.00 3/2/2028 357,673.75 357,673.75 9/2/2028 5.150%1,435,000.00 357,673.75 1,792,673.75 2,150,347.50 3/2/2029 320,722.50 320,722.50 9/2/2029 5.150%1,510,000.00 320,722.50 1,830,722.50 2,151,445.00 3/2/2030 281,840.00 281,840.00 9/2/2030 5.200%1,585,000.00 281,840.00 1,866,840.00 2,148,680.00 3/2/2031 240,630.00 240,630.00 9/2/2031 5.200%1,670,000.00 240,630.00 1,910,630.00 2,151,260.00 3/2/2032 197,210.00 197,210.00 9/2/2032 5.200%1,755,000.00 197,210.00 1,952,210.00 2,149,420.00 3/2/2033 151,580.00 151,580.00 9/2/2033 5.200%1,845,000.00 151,580.00 1,996,580.00 2,148,160.00 3/2/2034 103,610.00 103,610.00 9/2/2034 5.200%1,940,000.00 103,610.00 2,043,610.00 2,147,220.00 3/2/2035 53,170.00 53,170.00 9/2/2035 5.200%2,045,000.00 53,170.00 2,098,170.00 2,151,340.00 Totals $28,725,000.00 $20,015,591.88 $48,740,591.88 $48,740,591.88 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Assessment District No. 2002-01 (Poinsettia Lane East) Refunded Bonds Actual Debt Service Schedule Net of all Bond Calls Payment Interest Semi-Annual Date Rate Principal Interest Payment Total 9/2/2013 4.100%$715,000.00 $715,946.25 $1,430,946.25 $1,430,946.25 3/2/2014 701,288.75 701,288.75 9/2/2014 4.250%745,000.00 701,288.75 1,446,288.75 2,147,577.50 3/2/2015 685,457.50 685,457.50 9/2/2015 4.400%775,000.00 685,457.50 1,460,457.50 2,145,915.00 3/2/2016 668,407.50 668,407.50 9/2/2016 4.500%810,000.00 668,407.50 1,478,407.50 2,146,815.00 3/2/2017 650,182.50 650,182.50 9/2/2017 4.550%840,000.00 650,182.50 1,490,182.50 2,140,365.00 3/2/2018 631,072.50 631,072.50 9/2/2018 4.650%880,000.00 631,072.50 1,511,072.50 2,142,145.00 3/2/2019 610,612.50 610,612.50 9/2/2019 4.750%920,000.00 610,612.50 1,530,612.50 2,141,225.00 3/2/2020 588,762.50 588,762.50 9/2/2020 4.850%965,000.00 588,762.50 1,553,762.50 2,142,525.00 3/2/2021 565,361.25 565,361.25 9/2/2021 4.875%1,010,000.00 565,361.25 1,575,361.25 2,140,722.50 3/2/2022 540,742.50 540,742.50 9/2/2022 5.000%1,060,000.00 540,742.50 1,600,742.50 2,141,485.00 3/2/2023 514,242.50 514,242.50 9/2/2023 5.050%1,115,000.00 514,242.50 1,629,242.50 2,143,485.00 3/2/2024 486,088.75 486,088.75 9/2/2024 5.050%1,170,000.00 486,088.75 1,656,088.75 2,142,177.50 3/2/2025 456,546.25 456,546.25 9/2/2025 5.150%1,230,000.00 456,546.25 1,686,546.25 2,143,092.50 3/2/2026 424,873.75 424,873.75 9/2/2026 5.150%1,290,000.00 424,873.75 1,714,873.75 2,139,747.50 3/2/2027 391,656.25 391,656.25 9/2/2027 5.150%1,360,000.00 391,656.25 1,751,656.25 2,143,312.50 3/2/2028 356,636.25 356,636.25 9/2/2028 5.150%1,430,000.00 356,636.25 1,786,636.25 2,143,272.50 3/2/2029 319,813.75 319,813.75 9/2/2029 5.150%1,505,000.00 319,813.75 1,824,813.75 2,144,627.50 3/2/2030 281,060.00 281,060.00 9/2/2030 5.200%1,580,000.00 281,060.00 1,861,060.00 2,142,120.00 3/2/2031 239,980.00 239,980.00 9/2/2031 5.200%1,665,000.00 239,980.00 1,904,980.00 2,144,960.00 3/2/2032 196,690.00 196,690.00 9/2/2032 5.200%1,750,000.00 196,690.00 1,946,690.00 2,143,380.00 3/2/2033 151,190.00 151,190.00 9/2/2033 5.200%1,840,000.00 151,190.00 1,991,190.00 2,142,380.00 3/2/2034 103,350.00 103,350.00 9/2/2034 5.200%1,935,000.00 103,350.00 2,038,350.00 2,141,700.00 3/2/2035 53,040.00 53,040.00 9/2/2035 5.200%2,040,000.00 53,040.00 2,093,040.00 2,146,080.00 Totals $28,630,000.00 $19,950,056.25 $48,580,056.25 $48,580,056.25 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Assessment District No. 2002-01 (Poinsettia Lane East) Refunded Parcel's Aggregate Amortization Schedule Payment Interest Semi-Annual Date Rate Principal Interest Payment Total 9/2/2013 4.100%$712,696.12 $716,024.74 $1,428,720.86 $1,428,720.86 3/2/2014 701,414.47 701,414.47 9/2/2014 4.250%742,599.46 701,414.47 1,444,013.93 2,145,428.39 3/2/2015 685,634.23 685,634.23 9/2/2015 4.400%772,502.79 685,634.23 1,458,137.02 2,143,771.25 3/2/2016 668,639.17 668,639.17 9/2/2016 4.500%807,390.01 668,639.17 1,476,029.18 2,144,668.35 3/2/2017 650,472.89 650,472.89 9/2/2017 4.550%842,277.24 650,472.89 1,492,750.13 2,143,223.02 3/2/2018 631,311.09 631,311.09 9/2/2018 4.650%882,148.35 631,311.09 1,513,459.44 2,144,770.52 3/2/2019 610,801.14 610,801.14 9/2/2019 4.750%922,019.46 610,801.14 1,532,820.60 2,143,621.74 3/2/2020 588,903.17 588,903.17 9/2/2020 4.850%966,874.46 588,903.17 1,555,777.64 2,144,680.81 3/2/2021 565,456.47 565,456.47 9/2/2021 4.875%1,011,729.46 565,456.47 1,577,185.93 2,142,642.40 3/2/2022 540,795.56 540,795.56 9/2/2022 5.000%1,061,568.35 540,795.56 1,602,363.92 2,143,159.48 3/2/2023 514,256.35 514,256.35 9/2/2023 5.050%1,116,391.13 514,256.35 1,630,647.49 2,144,903.84 3/2/2024 486,067.48 486,067.48 9/2/2024 5.050%1,171,213.91 486,067.48 1,657,281.39 2,143,348.87 3/2/2025 456,494.33 456,494.33 9/2/2025 5.150%1,231,020.58 456,494.33 1,687,514.91 2,144,009.23 3/2/2026 424,795.55 424,795.55 9/2/2026 5.150%1,290,827.25 424,795.55 1,715,622.79 2,140,418.34 3/2/2027 391,556.75 391,556.75 9/2/2027 5.150%1,360,601.69 391,556.75 1,752,158.44 2,143,715.18 3/2/2028 356,521.25 356,521.25 9/2/2028 5.150%1,430,376.14 356,521.25 1,786,897.39 2,143,418.64 3/2/2029 319,689.07 319,689.07 9/2/2029 5.150%1,505,134.47 319,689.07 1,824,823.54 2,144,512.61 3/2/2030 280,931.85 280,931.85 9/2/2030 5.200%1,579,892.81 280,931.85 1,860,824.66 2,141,756.51 3/2/2031 239,854.64 239,854.64 9/2/2031 5.200%1,664,618.92 239,854.64 1,904,473.56 2,144,328.20 3/2/2032 196,574.55 196,574.55 9/2/2032 5.200%1,749,345.03 196,574.55 1,945,919.58 2,142,494.13 3/2/2033 151,091.58 151,091.58 9/2/2033 5.200%1,839,055.03 151,091.58 1,990,146.61 2,141,238.19 3/2/2034 103,276.15 103,276.15 9/2/2034 5.200%1,933,748.92 103,276.15 2,037,025.07 2,140,301.22 3/2/2035 52,998.68 52,998.68 9/2/2035 5.200%2,038,410.59 52,998.68 2,091,409.27 2,144,407.94 Totals $28,632,442.19 $19,951,097.55 $48,583,539.74 $48,583,539.74 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Assessment District No. 2002-01 (Poinsettia Lane East) Refunding Bonds Original Debt Service Schedule Payment Interest Semi-Annual Date Rate Principal Interest Payment Total 9/2/2013 2.000%$0.00 $486,468.60 $486,468.60 $486,468.60 3/2/2014 413,039.38 413,039.38 9/2/2014 2.000%1,315,000 413,039.38 1,728,039.38 2,141,078.76 3/2/2015 399,889.38 399,889.38 9/2/2015 2.000%700,000 399,889.38 1,099,889.38 1,499,778.76 3/2/2016 392,889.38 392,889.38 9/2/2016 3.000%715,000 392,889.38 1,107,889.38 1,500,778.76 3/2/2017 382,164.38 382,164.38 9/2/2017 3.000%725,000 382,164.38 1,107,164.38 1,489,328.76 3/2/2018 371,289.38 371,289.38 9/2/2018 3.000%750,000 371,289.38 1,121,289.38 1,492,578.76 3/2/2019 360,039.38 360,039.38 9/2/2019 3.000%770,000 360,039.38 1,130,039.38 1,490,078.76 3/2/2020 348,489.38 348,489.38 9/2/2020 3.000%795,000 348,489.38 1,143,489.38 1,491,978.76 3/2/2021 336,564.38 336,564.38 9/2/2021 3.150%820,000 336,564.38 1,156,564.38 1,493,128.76 3/2/2022 323,649.38 323,649.38 9/2/2022 3.375%845,000 323,649.38 1,168,649.38 1,492,298.76 3/2/2023 309,390.00 309,390.00 9/2/2023 3.550%875,000 309,390.00 1,184,390.00 1,493,780.00 3/2/2024 293,858.75 293,858.75 9/2/2024 3.700%905,000 293,858.75 1,198,858.75 1,492,717.50 3/2/2025 277,116.25 277,116.25 9/2/2025 3.800%940,000 277,116.25 1,217,116.25 1,494,232.50 3/2/2026 259,256.25 259,256.25 9/2/2026 3.900%975,000 259,256.25 1,234,256.25 1,493,512.50 3/2/2027 240,243.75 240,243.75 9/2/2027 4.000%1,015,000 240,243.75 1,255,243.75 1,495,487.50 3/2/2028 219,943.75 219,943.75 9/2/2028 4.000%1,055,000 219,943.75 1,274,943.75 1,494,887.50 3/2/2029 198,843.75 198,843.75 9/2/2029 4.125%1,100,000 198,843.75 1,298,843.75 1,497,687.50 3/2/2030 176,156.25 176,156.25 9/2/2030 4.125%1,140,000 176,156.25 1,316,156.25 1,492,312.50 3/2/2031 152,643.75 152,643.75 9/2/2031 4.125%1,190,000 152,643.75 1,342,643.75 1,495,287.50 3/2/2032 128,100.00 128,100.00 9/2/2032 4.250%1,240,000 128,100.00 1,368,100.00 1,496,200.00 3/2/2033 101,750.00 101,750.00 9/2/2033 5.000%1,290,000 101,750.00 1,391,750.00 1,493,500.00 3/2/2034 69,500.00 69,500.00 9/2/2034 5.000%1,355,000 69,500.00 1,424,500.00 1,494,000.00 3/2/2035 35,625.00 35,625.00 9/2/2035 5.000%1,425,000 35,625.00 1,460,625.00 1,496,250.00 Totals $21,940,000.00 $12,067,352.35 $34,007,352.35 $34,007,352.44 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Assessment District No. 2002-01 (Poinsettia Lane East) Comparison of Refunded Parcel's Aggregate Amortization Schedule and Refunding Bonds Payment Refunded Parcel Aggregate Refunding Bonds Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $712,696.12 $716,024.74 $0.00 $486,468.60 $712,696.12 $229,556.14 $942,252.27 3/2/2014 701,414.47 413,039.38 288,375.09 9/2/2014 742,599.46 701,414.47 1,315,000.00 413,039.38 (572,400.54)288,375.09 4,349.64 3/2/2015 685,634.23 399,889.38 285,744.85 9/2/2015 772,502.79 685,634.23 700,000.00 399,889.38 72,502.79 285,744.85 643,992.50 3/2/2016 668,639.17 392,889.38 275,749.79 9/2/2016 807,390.01 668,639.17 715,000.00 392,889.38 92,390.01 275,749.79 643,889.60 3/2/2017 650,472.89 382,164.38 268,308.52 9/2/2017 842,277.24 650,472.89 725,000.00 382,164.38 117,277.24 268,308.52 653,894.27 3/2/2018 631,311.09 371,289.38 260,021.71 9/2/2018 882,148.35 631,311.09 750,000.00 371,289.38 132,148.35 260,021.71 652,191.77 3/2/2019 610,801.14 360,039.38 250,761.76 9/2/2019 922,019.46 610,801.14 770,000.00 360,039.38 152,019.46 250,761.76 653,542.99 3/2/2020 588,903.17 348,489.38 240,413.80 9/2/2020 966,874.46 588,903.17 795,000.00 348,489.38 171,874.46 240,413.80 652,702.06 3/2/2021 565,456.47 336,564.38 228,892.09 9/2/2021 1,011,729.46 565,456.47 820,000.00 336,564.38 191,729.46 228,892.09 649,513.65 3/2/2022 540,795.56 323,649.38 217,146.19 9/2/2022 1,061,568.35 540,795.56 845,000.00 323,649.38 216,568.35 217,146.19 650,860.73 3/2/2023 514,256.35 309,390.00 204,866.35 9/2/2023 1,116,391.13 514,256.35 875,000.00 309,390.00 241,391.13 204,866.35 651,123.84 3/2/2024 486,067.48 293,858.75 192,208.73 9/2/2024 1,171,213.91 486,067.48 905,000.00 293,858.75 266,213.91 192,208.73 650,631.37 3/2/2025 456,494.33 277,116.25 179,378.08 9/2/2025 1,231,020.58 456,494.33 940,000.00 277,116.25 291,020.58 179,378.08 649,776.73 3/2/2026 424,795.55 259,256.25 165,539.30 9/2/2026 1,290,827.25 424,795.55 975,000.00 259,256.25 315,827.25 165,539.30 646,905.84 3/2/2027 391,556.75 240,243.75 151,313.00 9/2/2027 1,360,601.69 391,556.75 1,015,000.00 240,243.75 345,601.69 151,313.00 648,227.68 3/2/2028 356,521.25 219,943.75 136,577.50 9/2/2028 1,430,376.14 356,521.25 1,055,000.00 219,943.75 375,376.14 136,577.50 648,531.14 3/2/2029 319,689.07 198,843.75 120,845.32 9/2/2029 1,505,134.47 319,689.07 1,100,000.00 198,843.75 405,134.47 120,845.32 646,825.11 3/2/2030 280,931.85 176,156.25 104,775.60 9/2/2030 1,579,892.81 280,931.85 1,140,000.00 176,156.25 439,892.81 104,775.60 649,444.01 3/2/2031 239,854.64 152,643.75 87,210.89 9/2/2031 1,664,618.92 239,854.64 1,190,000.00 152,643.75 474,618.92 87,210.89 649,040.70 3/2/2032 196,574.55 128,100.00 68,474.55 9/2/2032 1,749,345.03 196,574.55 1,240,000.00 128,100.00 509,345.03 68,474.55 646,294.13 3/2/2033 151,091.58 101,750.00 49,341.58 9/2/2033 1,839,055.03 151,091.58 1,290,000.00 101,750.00 549,055.03 49,341.58 647,738.19 3/2/2034 103,276.15 69,500.00 33,776.15 9/2/2034 1,933,748.92 103,276.15 1,355,000.00 69,500.00 578,748.92 33,776.15 646,301.22 3/2/2035 52,998.68 35,625.00 17,373.68 9/2/2032 2,038,410.59 52,998.68 1,425,000.00 35,625.00 613,410.59 17,373.68 648,157.94 Totals $28,632,442.19 $19,951,097.55 $21,940,000.00 $12,067,352.35 $6,692,442.19 $7,883,745.21 $14,576,187.40 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) Benefit Area No. 1 (Calaveras Hills II) Refunded Bonds Original Debt Service Schedule Payment Interest Semi-Annual Date Rate Principal Interest Payment Total 9/2/2013 5.150%$240,000.00 $298,898.75 $538,898.75 $538,898.75 3/2/2014 292,718.75 292,718.75 9/2/2014 5.300%255,000.00 292,718.75 547,718.75 840,437.50 3/2/2015 285,961.25 285,961.25 9/2/2015 5.400%270,000.00 285,961.25 555,961.25 841,922.50 3/2/2016 278,671.25 278,671.25 9/2/2016 5.500%285,000.00 278,671.25 563,671.25 842,342.50 3/2/2017 270,833.75 270,833.75 9/2/2017 5.600%300,000.00 270,833.75 570,833.75 841,667.50 3/2/2018 262,433.75 262,433.75 9/2/2018 5.650%315,000.00 262,433.75 577,433.75 839,867.50 3/2/2019 253,535.00 253,535.00 9/2/2019 5.700%335,000.00 253,535.00 588,535.00 842,070.00 3/2/2020 243,987.50 243,987.50 9/2/2020 5.750%350,000.00 243,987.50 593,987.50 837,975.00 3/2/2021 233,925.00 233,925.00 9/2/2021 5.950%370,000.00 233,925.00 603,925.00 837,850.00 3/2/2022 222,917.50 222,917.50 9/2/2022 5.950%395,000.00 222,917.50 617,917.50 840,835.00 3/2/2023 211,166.25 211,166.25 9/2/2023 5.950%420,000.00 211,166.25 631,166.25 842,332.50 3/2/2024 198,671.25 198,671.25 9/2/2024 5.950%445,000.00 198,671.25 643,671.25 842,342.50 3/2/2025 185,432.50 185,432.50 9/2/2025 5.950%470,000.00 185,432.50 655,432.50 840,865.00 3/2/2026 171,450.00 171,450.00 9/2/2026 6.000%495,000.00 171,450.00 666,450.00 837,900.00 3/2/2027 156,600.00 156,600.00 9/2/2027 6.000%525,000.00 156,600.00 681,600.00 838,200.00 3/2/2028 140,850.00 140,850.00 9/2/2028 6.000%560,000.00 140,850.00 700,850.00 841,700.00 3/2/2029 124,050.00 124,050.00 9/2/2029 6.000%590,000.00 124,050.00 714,050.00 838,100.00 3/2/2030 106,350.00 106,350.00 9/2/2030 6.000%630,000.00 106,350.00 736,350.00 842,700.00 3/2/2031 87,450.00 87,450.00 9/2/2031 6.000%665,000.00 87,450.00 752,450.00 839,900.00 3/2/2032 67,500.00 67,500.00 9/2/2032 6.000%705,000.00 67,500.00 772,500.00 840,000.00 3/2/2033 46,350.00 46,350.00 9/2/2033 6.000%750,000.00 46,350.00 796,350.00 842,700.00 3/2/2034 23,850.00 23,850.00 9/2/2034 6.000%795,000.00 23,850.00 818,850.00 842,700.00 Totals $10,165,000.00 $8,028,306.25 $18,193,306.25 $18,193,306.25 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) Benefit Area No. 1 (Calaveras Hills II) Refunded Bonds Actual Debt Service Schedule Net of all Bond Calls Payment Interest Semi-Annual Date Rate Principal Interest Payment Total 9/2/2013 5.150%$240,000.00 $298,598.75 $538,598.75 $538,598.75 3/2/2014 292,418.75 292,418.75 9/2/2014 5.300%255,000.00 292,418.75 547,418.75 839,837.50 3/2/2015 285,661.25 285,661.25 9/2/2015 5.400%270,000.00 285,661.25 555,661.25 841,322.50 3/2/2016 278,371.25 278,371.25 9/2/2016 5.500%285,000.00 278,371.25 563,371.25 841,742.50 3/2/2017 270,533.75 270,533.75 9/2/2017 5.600%300,000.00 270,533.75 570,533.75 841,067.50 3/2/2018 262,133.75 262,133.75 9/2/2018 5.650%315,000.00 262,133.75 577,133.75 839,267.50 3/2/2019 253,235.00 253,235.00 9/2/2019 5.700%335,000.00 253,235.00 588,235.00 841,470.00 3/2/2020 243,687.50 243,687.50 9/2/2020 5.750%350,000.00 243,687.50 593,687.50 837,375.00 3/2/2021 233,625.00 233,625.00 9/2/2021 5.950%370,000.00 233,625.00 603,625.00 837,250.00 3/2/2022 222,617.50 222,617.50 9/2/2022 5.950%395,000.00 222,617.50 617,617.50 840,235.00 3/2/2023 210,866.25 210,866.25 9/2/2023 5.950%420,000.00 210,866.25 630,866.25 841,732.50 3/2/2024 198,371.25 198,371.25 9/2/2024 5.950%445,000.00 198,371.25 643,371.25 841,742.50 3/2/2025 185,132.50 185,132.50 9/2/2025 5.950%470,000.00 185,132.50 655,132.50 840,265.00 3/2/2026 171,150.00 171,150.00 9/2/2026 6.000%495,000.00 171,150.00 666,150.00 837,300.00 3/2/2027 156,300.00 156,300.00 9/2/2027 6.000%525,000.00 156,300.00 681,300.00 837,600.00 3/2/2028 140,550.00 140,550.00 9/2/2028 6.000%560,000.00 140,550.00 700,550.00 841,100.00 3/2/2029 123,750.00 123,750.00 9/2/2029 6.000%590,000.00 123,750.00 713,750.00 837,500.00 3/2/2030 106,050.00 106,050.00 9/2/2030 6.000%630,000.00 106,050.00 736,050.00 842,100.00 3/2/2031 87,150.00 87,150.00 9/2/2031 6.000%665,000.00 87,150.00 752,150.00 839,300.00 3/2/2032 67,200.00 67,200.00 9/2/2032 6.000%705,000.00 67,200.00 772,200.00 839,400.00 3/2/2033 46,050.00 46,050.00 9/2/2033 6.000%745,000.00 46,050.00 791,050.00 837,100.00 3/2/2034 23,700.00 23,700.00 9/2/2034 6.000%790,000.00 23,700.00 813,700.00 837,400.00 Totals $10,155,000.00 $8,015,706.25 $18,170,706.25 $18,170,706.25 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) Benefit Area No. 1 (Calaveras Hills II) Refunded Parcel's Aggregate Amortization Schedule Payment Interest Semi-Annual Date Rate Principal Interest Payment Total 9/2/2013 5.150%$239,720.72 $298,550.93 $538,271.65 $538,271.65 3/2/2014 292,378.12 292,378.12 9/2/2014 5.300%254,703.27 292,378.12 547,081.39 839,459.52 3/2/2015 285,628.49 285,628.49 9/2/2015 5.400%269,685.81 285,628.49 555,314.30 840,942.79 3/2/2016 278,346.97 278,346.97 9/2/2016 5.500%284,668.36 278,346.97 563,015.33 841,362.30 3/2/2017 270,518.59 270,518.59 9/2/2017 5.600%299,650.90 270,518.59 570,169.49 840,688.08 3/2/2018 262,128.37 262,128.37 9/2/2018 5.650%314,633.45 262,128.37 576,761.81 838,890.18 3/2/2019 253,239.97 253,239.97 9/2/2019 5.700%334,610.17 253,239.97 587,850.14 841,090.12 3/2/2020 243,703.58 243,703.58 9/2/2020 5.750%349,592.72 243,703.58 593,296.30 836,999.88 3/2/2021 233,652.79 233,652.79 9/2/2021 5.950%369,569.45 233,652.79 603,222.24 836,875.03 3/2/2022 222,658.10 222,658.10 9/2/2022 5.950%394,540.35 222,658.10 617,198.45 839,856.55 3/2/2023 210,920.52 210,920.52 9/2/2023 5.950%419,511.26 210,920.52 630,431.79 841,352.31 3/2/2024 198,440.06 198,440.06 9/2/2024 5.950%444,482.17 198,440.06 642,922.24 841,362.30 3/2/2025 185,216.72 185,216.72 9/2/2025 5.950%469,453.08 185,216.72 654,669.80 839,886.52 3/2/2026 171,250.49 171,250.49 9/2/2026 6.000%494,423.99 171,250.49 665,674.48 836,924.97 3/2/2027 156,417.77 156,417.77 9/2/2027 6.000%524,389.08 156,417.77 680,806.85 837,224.62 3/2/2028 140,686.10 140,686.10 9/2/2028 6.000%559,348.35 140,686.10 700,034.45 840,720.55 3/2/2029 123,905.65 123,905.65 9/2/2029 6.000%589,313.44 123,905.65 713,219.09 837,124.74 3/2/2030 106,226.24 106,226.24 9/2/2030 6.000%629,266.89 106,226.24 735,493.14 841,719.38 3/2/2031 87,348.24 87,348.24 9/2/2031 6.000%664,226.17 87,348.24 751,574.40 838,922.64 3/2/2032 67,421.45 67,421.45 9/2/2032 6.000%704,179.62 67,421.45 771,601.07 839,022.53 3/2/2033 46,296.06 46,296.06 9/2/2033 6.000%749,127.25 46,296.06 795,423.32 841,719.38 3/2/2034 23,822.25 23,822.25 9/2/2034 6.000%794,074.89 23,822.25 817,897.14 841,719.38 Totals $10,153,171.39 $8,018,964.03 $18,172,135.41 $18,172,135.41 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) Benefit Area No. 1 (Calaveras Hills II) Refunding Bonds Original Debt Service Schedule Payment Interest Semi-Annual Date Rate Principal Interest Payment Total 9/2/2013 2.000%$0.00 $203,919.71 $203,919.71 $203,919.71 3/2/2014 173,139.38 173,139.38 9/2/2014 2.000%490,000.00 173,139.38 663,139.38 836,278.76 3/2/2015 168,239.38 168,239.38 9/2/2015 2.000%325,000.00 168,239.38 493,239.38 661,478.76 3/2/2016 164,989.38 164,989.38 9/2/2016 3.000%330,000.00 164,989.38 494,989.38 659,978.76 3/2/2017 160,039.38 160,039.38 9/2/2017 3.000%340,000.00 160,039.38 500,039.38 660,078.76 3/2/2018 154,939.38 154,939.38 9/2/2018 3.000%345,000.00 154,939.38 499,939.38 654,878.76 3/2/2019 149,764.38 149,764.38 9/2/2019 3.000%360,000.00 149,764.38 509,764.38 659,528.76 3/2/2020 144,364.38 144,364.38 9/2/2020 3.000%365,000.00 144,364.38 509,364.38 653,728.76 3/2/2021 138,889.38 138,889.38 9/2/2021 3.150%375,000.00 138,889.38 513,889.38 652,778.76 3/2/2022 132,983.13 132,983.13 9/2/2022 3.375%390,000.00 132,983.13 522,983.13 655,966.26 3/2/2023 126,401.88 126,401.88 9/2/2023 3.550%405,000.00 126,401.88 531,401.88 657,803.76 3/2/2024 119,213.13 119,213.13 9/2/2024 3.700%420,000.00 119,213.13 539,213.13 658,426.26 3/2/2025 111,443.13 111,443.13 9/2/2025 3.800%435,000.00 111,443.13 546,443.13 657,886.26 3/2/2026 103,178.13 103,178.13 9/2/2026 3.900%450,000.00 103,178.13 553,178.13 656,356.26 3/2/2027 94,403.13 94,403.13 9/2/2027 4.000%465,000.00 94,403.13 559,403.13 653,806.26 3/2/2028 85,103.13 85,103.13 9/2/2028 4.000%490,000.00 85,103.13 575,103.13 660,206.26 3/2/2029 75,303.13 75,303.13 9/2/2029 4.125%505,000.00 75,303.13 580,303.13 655,606.26 3/2/2030 64,887.50 64,887.50 9/2/2030 4.125%530,000.00 64,887.50 594,887.50 659,775.00 3/2/2031 53,956.25 53,956.25 9/2/2031 4.125%550,000.00 53,956.25 603,956.25 657,912.50 3/2/2032 42,612.50 42,612.50 9/2/2032 4.250%570,000.00 42,612.50 612,612.50 655,225.00 3/2/2033 30,500.00 30,500.00 9/2/2033 5.000%595,000.00 30,500.00 625,500.00 656,000.00 3/2/2034 15,625.00 15,625.00 9/2/2034 5.000%625,000.00 15,625.00 640,625.00 656,250.00 Totals $9,360,000.00 $4,823,869.71 $14,183,869.71 $14,183,869.87 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) Benefit Area No. 1 (Calaveras Hills II) Comparison of Refunded Parcel's Aggregate Amortization Schedule and Refunding Bonds Payment Refunded Parcel Aggregate Refunding Bonds Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $239,720.72 $298,550.93 $0.00 $203,919.71 $239,720.72 $94,631.22 $334,351.95 3/2/2014 292,378.12 173,139.38 119,238.75 9/2/2014 254,703.27 292,378.12 490,000.00 173,139.38 (235,296.73)119,238.75 3,180.77 3/2/2015 285,628.49 168,239.38 117,389.11 9/2/2015 269,685.81 285,628.49 325,000.00 168,239.38 (55,314.19)117,389.11 179,464.04 3/2/2016 278,346.97 164,989.38 113,357.60 9/2/2016 284,668.36 278,346.97 330,000.00 164,989.38 (45,331.64)113,357.60 181,383.55 3/2/2017 270,518.59 160,039.38 110,479.22 9/2/2017 299,650.90 270,518.59 340,000.00 160,039.38 (40,349.10)110,479.22 180,609.33 3/2/2018 262,128.37 154,939.38 107,188.99 9/2/2018 314,633.45 262,128.37 345,000.00 154,939.38 (30,366.55)107,188.99 184,011.43 3/2/2019 253,239.97 149,764.38 103,475.60 9/2/2019 334,610.17 253,239.97 360,000.00 149,764.38 (25,389.83)103,475.60 181,561.37 3/2/2020 243,703.58 144,364.38 99,339.21 9/2/2020 349,592.72 243,703.58 365,000.00 144,364.38 (15,407.28)99,339.21 183,271.13 3/2/2021 233,652.79 138,889.38 94,763.42 9/2/2021 369,569.45 233,652.79 375,000.00 138,889.38 (5,430.55)94,763.42 184,096.28 3/2/2022 222,658.10 132,983.13 89,674.97 9/2/2022 394,540.35 222,658.10 390,000.00 132,983.13 4,540.35 89,674.97 183,890.30 3/2/2023 210,920.52 126,401.88 84,518.65 9/2/2023 419,511.26 210,920.52 405,000.00 126,401.88 14,511.26 84,518.65 183,548.56 3/2/2024 198,440.06 119,213.13 79,226.94 9/2/2024 444,482.17 198,440.06 420,000.00 119,213.13 24,482.17 79,226.94 182,936.05 3/2/2025 185,216.72 111,443.13 73,773.59 9/2/2025 469,453.08 185,216.72 435,000.00 111,443.13 34,453.08 73,773.59 182,000.27 3/2/2026 171,250.49 103,178.13 68,072.37 9/2/2026 494,423.99 171,250.49 450,000.00 103,178.13 44,423.99 68,072.37 180,568.72 3/2/2027 156,417.77 94,403.13 62,014.65 9/2/2027 524,389.08 156,417.77 465,000.00 94,403.13 59,389.08 62,014.65 183,418.37 3/2/2028 140,686.10 85,103.13 55,582.97 9/2/2028 559,348.35 140,686.10 490,000.00 85,103.13 69,348.35 55,582.97 180,514.30 3/2/2029 123,905.65 75,303.13 48,602.52 9/2/2029 589,313.44 123,905.65 505,000.00 75,303.13 84,313.44 48,602.52 181,518.49 3/2/2030 106,226.24 64,887.50 41,338.74 9/2/2030 629,266.89 106,226.24 530,000.00 64,887.50 99,266.89 41,338.74 181,944.38 3/2/2031 87,348.24 53,956.25 33,391.99 9/2/2031 664,226.17 87,348.24 550,000.00 53,956.25 114,226.17 33,391.99 181,010.14 3/2/2032 67,421.45 42,612.50 24,808.95 9/2/2032 704,179.62 67,421.45 570,000.00 42,612.50 134,179.62 24,808.95 183,797.53 3/2/2033 46,296.06 30,500.00 15,796.06 9/2/2033 749,127.25 46,296.06 595,000.00 30,500.00 154,127.25 15,796.06 185,719.38 3/2/2034 23,822.25 15,625.00 8,197.25 9/2/2034 794,074.89 23,822.25 625,000.00 15,625.00 169,074.89 8,197.25 185,469.38 Totals $10,153,171.39 $8,018,964.03 $9,360,000.00 $4,823,869.71 $793,171.39 $3,195,094.32 $3,988,265.71 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No.2012-1 Reassessment Report 5Prepared by NBS –January 30, 2013 COMPARISON OF AUDITOR’S RECORDS The tables on the following pages provide a list of unique reassessments for each of the Assessment Districts. Please refer to the Reassessment Roll for a specific parcel’s reassessment amount. TheAuditor's Records for each unique reassessment amount are provided on the following pages. City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No.2012-1 Reassessment Report 6Prepared by NBS –January 30, 2013 Assessment District No. 2002-01 (Poinsettia Lane East): Parcel Count Reassessment Amount Parcel Count Reassessment Amount Parcel Count Reassessment Amount13,692.95 1 9,410.09 1 29,431.87 2 5,003.87 1 9,412.91 1 30,122.3115,409.81 1 9,503.12 1 30,220.94 3 5,415.46 1 9,708.91 1 30,464.2415,587.41 3 9,711.72 1 32,022.00 1 6,089.21 1 9,714.55 1 32,377.6916,114.58 1 9,773.74 1 33,365.20 1 6,117.40 1 9,793.48 1 39,521.8626,199.16 1 9,914.71 1 42,992.82 1 6,858.53 1 10,112.04 1 48,751.8816,992.88 1 10,374.21 1 52,534.34 1 7,072.56 1 10,633.56 1 55,105.6127,072.57 1 10,740.70 1 60,926.36 22 7,072.58 1 10,843.80 1 62,056.28437,072.59 1 10,908.26 1 65,512.62 17 7,072.60 1 11,030.10 1 65,951.0217,072.66 1 11,441.91 1 72,776.10 1 7,301.41 1 11,441.92 1 84,757.0817,309.86 2 11,560.64 1 85,872.82 1 7,732.73 1 11,575.12 1 86,982.6517,751.37 1 11,580.77 1 90,138.28 1 7,972.35 1 11,594.87 1 113,264.0418,073.84 1 12,094.90 1 115,882.62 1 8,088.30 1 12,113.58 1 121,139.7328,135.86 1 12,356.02 1 124,423.72 1 8,144.32 1 12,506.72 1 128,226.9138,197.88 1 12,512.66 1 136,063.95 1 8,263.47 1 12,543.81 2 136,916.24378,263.54 1 12,662.54 1 139,683.82 1 8,330.37 1 13,582.32 1 149,330.8318,335.00 497 14,722.81 1 149,595.32 106 8,335.23 1 16,662.17 1 158,015.392298,413.85 1 16,854.94 1 163,204.94 1 8,429.04 1 17,311.28 1 175,227.4818,569.99 25 18,799.67 1 176,190.87 1 8,772.97 1 19,341.17 1 177,639.2428,829.36 1 20,459.58 1 217,807.39 160 8,891.40 1 22,179.13 1 222,324.251578,891.41 1 23,867.41 1 243,791.87 1 8,891.58 1 24,155.05 1 262,986.9318,891.63 1 24,162.49 1 302,575.81 1 8,928.01 1 24,174.78 1 321,945.4218,952.44 1 26,012.62 1 357,270.08 1 9,004.13 1 26,505.80 1 460,516.0519,063.34 1 27,317.86 1 684,130.01 1 9,147.91 2 27,875.5519,156.38 1 28,577.08 1 9,226.99 1 29,096.55 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No.2012-1 Reassessment Report 7Prepared by NBS –January 30, 2013 Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East)Benefit Area No. 1(Calaveras Hills II): ParcelCount ReassessmentAmount ParcelCount ReassessmentAmount ParcelCount ReassessmentAmount53$10,904.55 1 $14,849.18 30 $20,497.05 8 11,111.99 5 14,849.19 51 20,497.063512,056.35 4 15,259.03 106 20,566.14 82 12,056.36 134 15,692.95 8 20,566.152514,641.78 1 15,693.00 5 14,641.79 34 16,759.84 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$3,692.95 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $119.96 $120.52 $0.00 $81.88 $119.96 $38.64 $158.60 3/2/2014 118.06 69.52 48.54 9/2/2014 124.99 118.06 221.34 69.52 (96.35)48.54 0.73 3/2/2015 115.41 67.31 48.10 9/2/2015 130.03 115.41 117.82 67.31 12.21 48.10 108.41 3/2/2016 112.55 66.13 46.42 9/2/2016 135.90 112.55 120.35 66.13 15.55 46.42 108.39 3/2/2017 109.49 64.33 45.16 9/2/2017 141.77 109.49 122.03 64.33 19.74 45.16 110.06 3/2/2018 106.26 62.50 43.76 9/2/2018 148.48 106.26 126.24 62.50 22.24 43.76 109.76 3/2/2019 102.81 60.60 42.21 9/2/2019 155.19 102.81 129.61 60.60 25.58 42.21 110.00 3/2/2020 99.12 58.66 40.46 9/2/2020 162.74 99.12 133.81 58.66 28.93 40.46 109.85 3/2/2021 95.18 56.65 38.53 9/2/2021 170.29 95.18 138.02 56.65 32.27 38.53 109.33 3/2/2022 91.03 54.48 36.55 9/2/2022 178.68 91.03 142.23 54.48 36.45 36.55 109.55 3/2/2023 86.56 52.08 34.48 9/2/2023 187.91 86.56 147.28 52.08 40.63 34.48 109.59 3/2/2024 81.82 49.46 32.36 9/2/2024 197.14 81.82 152.33 49.46 44.81 32.36 109.53 3/2/2025 76.84 46.64 30.20 9/2/2025 207.21 76.84 158.22 46.64 48.99 30.20 109.39 3/2/2026 71.50 43.64 27.86 9/2/2026 217.27 71.50 164.11 43.64 53.16 27.86 108.88 3/2/2027 65.91 40.44 25.47 9/2/2027 229.02 65.91 170.85 40.44 58.17 25.47 109.11 3/2/2028 60.01 37.02 22.99 9/2/2028 240.76 60.01 177.58 37.02 63.18 22.99 109.16 3/2/2029 53.81 33.47 20.34 9/2/2029 253.35 53.81 185.15 33.47 68.20 20.34 108.88 3/2/2030 47.29 29.65 17.64 9/2/2030 265.93 47.29 191.89 29.65 74.04 17.64 109.32 3/2/2031 40.37 25.69 14.68 9/2/2031 280.19 40.37 200.30 25.69 79.89 14.68 109.25 3/2/2032 33.09 21.56 11.53 9/2/2032 294.45 33.09 208.72 21.56 85.73 11.53 108.79 3/2/2033 25.43 17.13 8.30 9/2/2033 309.55 25.43 217.13 17.13 92.42 8.30 109.02 3/2/2034 17.38 11.70 5.68 9/2/2034 325.49 17.38 228.07 11.70 97.42 5.68 108.78 3/2/2035 8.92 6.00 2.92 9/2/2035 343.11 8.92 239.86 6.00 103.25 2.92 109.09 Totals $4,819.41 $3,358.20 $3,692.95 $2,031.20 $1,126.47 $1,327.00 $2,453.47 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$5,003.87 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:2 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $162.55 $163.30 $0.00 $110.95 $162.55 $52.35 $214.90 3/2/2014 159.97 94.20 65.77 9/2/2014 169.37 159.97 299.91 94.20 (130.54)65.77 1.00 3/2/2015 156.37 91.20 65.17 9/2/2015 176.19 156.37 159.65 91.20 16.54 65.17 146.88 3/2/2016 152.50 89.61 62.89 9/2/2016 184.14 152.50 163.07 89.61 21.07 62.89 146.85 3/2/2017 148.35 87.16 61.19 9/2/2017 192.10 148.35 165.35 87.16 26.75 61.19 149.13 3/2/2018 143.98 84.68 59.30 9/2/2018 201.19 143.98 171.05 84.68 30.14 59.30 148.74 3/2/2019 139.31 82.11 57.20 9/2/2019 210.29 139.31 175.61 82.11 34.68 57.20 149.08 3/2/2020 134.31 79.48 54.83 9/2/2020 220.52 134.31 181.32 79.48 39.20 54.83 148.86 3/2/2021 128.96 76.76 52.20 9/2/2021 230.75 128.96 187.02 76.76 43.73 52.20 148.13 3/2/2022 123.34 73.81 49.53 9/2/2022 242.11 123.34 192.72 73.81 49.39 49.53 148.45 3/2/2023 117.29 70.56 46.73 9/2/2023 254.62 117.29 199.56 70.56 55.06 46.73 148.52 3/2/2024 110.86 67.02 43.84 9/2/2024 267.12 110.86 206.40 67.02 60.72 43.84 148.40 3/2/2025 104.11 63.20 40.91 9/2/2025 280.76 104.11 214.39 63.20 66.37 40.91 148.19 3/2/2026 96.88 59.13 37.75 9/2/2026 294.40 96.88 222.37 59.13 72.03 37.75 147.53 3/2/2027 89.30 54.79 34.51 9/2/2027 310.31 89.30 231.49 54.79 78.82 34.51 147.84 3/2/2028 81.31 50.16 31.15 9/2/2028 326.23 81.31 240.61 50.16 85.62 31.15 147.92 3/2/2029 72.91 45.35 27.56 9/2/2029 343.28 72.91 250.88 45.35 92.40 27.56 147.52 3/2/2030 64.07 40.18 23.89 9/2/2030 360.33 64.07 260.00 40.18 100.33 23.89 148.11 3/2/2031 54.70 34.81 19.89 9/2/2031 379.65 54.70 271.40 34.81 108.25 19.89 148.03 3/2/2032 44.83 29.22 15.61 9/2/2032 398.97 44.83 282.81 29.22 116.16 15.61 147.38 3/2/2033 34.46 23.21 11.25 9/2/2033 419.43 34.46 294.21 23.21 125.22 11.25 147.72 3/2/2034 23.55 15.85 7.70 9/2/2034 441.03 23.55 309.04 15.85 131.99 7.70 147.39 3/2/2035 12.09 8.13 3.96 9/2/2035 464.90 12.09 325.00 8.13 139.90 3.96 147.82 Totals $6,530.24 $4,550.20 $5,003.87 $2,752.19 $1,526.38 $1,798.01 $3,324.39 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$5,409.81 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $175.73 $176.55 $0.00 $119.95 $175.73 $56.60 $232.33 3/2/2014 172.95 101.84 71.11 9/2/2014 183.11 172.95 324.24 101.84 (141.13)71.11 1.09 3/2/2015 169.06 98.60 70.46 9/2/2015 190.48 169.06 172.60 98.60 17.88 70.46 158.80 3/2/2016 164.87 96.88 67.99 9/2/2016 199.08 164.87 176.30 96.88 22.78 67.99 158.76 3/2/2017 160.39 94.23 66.16 9/2/2017 207.68 160.39 178.77 94.23 28.91 66.16 161.23 3/2/2018 155.66 91.55 64.11 9/2/2018 217.51 155.66 184.93 91.55 32.58 64.11 160.80 3/2/2019 150.61 88.78 61.83 9/2/2019 227.35 150.61 189.86 88.78 37.49 61.83 161.15 3/2/2020 145.21 85.93 59.28 9/2/2020 238.41 145.21 196.03 85.93 42.38 59.28 160.94 3/2/2021 139.43 82.99 56.44 9/2/2021 249.47 139.43 202.19 82.99 47.28 56.44 160.16 3/2/2022 133.35 79.80 53.55 9/2/2022 261.75 133.35 208.35 79.80 53.40 53.55 160.50 3/2/2023 126.80 76.29 50.51 9/2/2023 275.27 126.80 215.75 76.29 59.52 50.51 160.54 3/2/2024 119.85 72.46 47.39 9/2/2024 288.79 119.85 223.15 72.46 65.64 47.39 160.42 3/2/2025 112.56 68.33 44.23 9/2/2025 303.54 112.56 231.78 68.33 71.76 44.23 160.22 3/2/2026 104.74 63.93 40.81 9/2/2026 318.28 104.74 240.41 63.93 77.87 40.81 159.49 3/2/2027 96.55 59.24 37.31 9/2/2027 335.49 96.55 250.27 59.24 85.22 37.31 159.84 3/2/2028 87.91 54.23 33.68 9/2/2028 352.69 87.91 260.13 54.23 92.56 33.68 159.92 3/2/2029 78.83 49.03 29.80 9/2/2029 371.13 78.83 271.23 49.03 99.90 29.80 159.50 3/2/2030 69.27 43.44 25.83 9/2/2030 389.56 69.27 281.09 43.44 108.47 25.83 160.13 3/2/2031 59.14 37.64 21.50 9/2/2031 410.45 59.14 293.42 37.64 117.03 21.50 160.03 3/2/2032 48.47 31.59 16.88 9/2/2032 431.34 48.47 305.75 31.59 125.59 16.88 159.35 3/2/2033 37.26 25.09 12.17 9/2/2033 453.46 37.26 318.08 25.09 135.38 12.17 159.72 3/2/2034 25.47 17.14 8.33 9/2/2034 476.81 25.47 334.11 17.14 142.70 8.33 159.36 3/2/2035 13.07 8.78 4.29 9/2/2035 502.62 13.07 351.37 8.78 151.25 4.29 159.83 Totals $7,060.00 $4,919.45 $5,409.81 $2,975.53 $1,650.19 $1,943.92 $3,594.11 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$5,415.46 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:3 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $175.92 $176.74 $0.00 $120.08 $175.92 $56.66 $232.58 3/2/2014 173.13 101.95 71.18 9/2/2014 183.30 173.13 324.58 101.95 (141.28)71.18 1.08 3/2/2015 169.24 98.70 70.54 9/2/2015 190.68 169.24 172.78 98.70 17.90 70.54 158.98 3/2/2016 165.04 96.98 68.06 9/2/2016 199.29 165.04 176.48 96.98 22.81 68.06 158.93 3/2/2017 160.56 94.33 66.23 9/2/2017 207.90 160.56 178.95 94.33 28.95 66.23 161.41 3/2/2018 155.83 91.65 64.18 9/2/2018 217.74 155.83 185.12 91.65 32.62 64.18 160.98 3/2/2019 150.76 88.87 61.89 9/2/2019 227.58 150.76 190.06 88.87 37.52 61.89 161.30 3/2/2020 145.36 86.02 59.34 9/2/2020 238.65 145.36 196.23 86.02 42.42 59.34 161.10 3/2/2021 139.57 83.07 56.50 9/2/2021 249.73 139.57 202.40 83.07 47.33 56.50 160.33 3/2/2022 133.48 79.89 53.59 9/2/2022 262.03 133.48 208.57 79.89 53.46 53.59 160.64 3/2/2023 126.93 76.37 50.56 9/2/2023 275.56 126.93 215.98 76.37 59.58 50.56 160.70 3/2/2024 119.98 72.53 47.45 9/2/2024 289.09 119.98 223.38 72.53 65.71 47.45 160.61 3/2/2025 112.68 68.40 44.28 9/2/2025 303.85 112.68 232.02 68.40 71.83 44.28 160.39 3/2/2026 104.85 63.99 40.86 9/2/2026 318.62 104.85 240.66 63.99 77.96 40.86 159.68 3/2/2027 96.65 59.30 37.35 9/2/2027 335.84 96.65 250.53 59.30 85.31 37.35 160.01 3/2/2028 88.00 54.29 33.71 9/2/2028 353.06 88.00 260.41 54.29 92.65 33.71 160.07 3/2/2029 78.91 49.08 29.83 9/2/2029 371.51 78.91 271.51 49.08 100.00 29.83 159.66 3/2/2030 69.34 43.48 25.86 9/2/2030 389.97 69.34 281.39 43.48 108.58 25.86 160.30 3/2/2031 59.20 37.68 21.52 9/2/2031 410.88 59.20 293.73 37.68 117.15 21.52 160.19 3/2/2032 48.52 31.62 16.90 9/2/2032 431.79 48.52 306.07 31.62 125.72 16.90 159.52 3/2/2033 37.29 25.12 12.17 9/2/2033 453.93 37.29 318.41 25.12 135.52 12.17 159.86 3/2/2034 25.49 17.15 8.34 9/2/2034 477.31 25.49 334.46 17.15 142.85 8.34 159.53 3/2/2035 13.08 8.79 4.29 9/2/2035 503.14 13.08 351.73 8.79 151.41 4.29 159.99 Totals $7,067.37 $4,924.52 $5,415.46 $2,978.60 $1,651.92 $1,945.92 $3,597.84 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$5,587.41 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $181.50 $182.35 $0.00 $123.89 $181.50 $58.46 $239.96 3/2/2014 178.63 105.19 73.44 9/2/2014 189.12 178.63 334.89 105.19 (145.77)73.44 1.11 3/2/2015 174.61 101.84 72.77 9/2/2015 196.73 174.61 178.27 101.84 18.46 72.77 164.00 3/2/2016 170.28 100.06 70.22 9/2/2016 205.62 170.28 182.09 100.06 23.53 70.22 163.97 3/2/2017 165.65 97.32 68.33 9/2/2017 214.50 165.65 184.63 97.32 29.87 68.33 166.53 3/2/2018 160.77 94.56 66.21 9/2/2018 224.65 160.77 191.00 94.56 33.65 66.21 166.07 3/2/2019 155.55 91.69 63.86 9/2/2019 234.81 155.55 196.09 91.69 38.72 63.86 166.44 3/2/2020 149.97 88.75 61.22 9/2/2020 246.23 149.97 202.46 88.75 43.77 61.22 166.21 3/2/2021 144.00 85.71 58.29 9/2/2021 257.65 144.00 208.83 85.71 48.82 58.29 165.40 3/2/2022 137.72 82.42 55.30 9/2/2022 270.35 137.72 215.19 82.42 55.16 55.30 165.76 3/2/2023 130.96 78.79 52.17 9/2/2023 284.31 130.96 222.83 78.79 61.48 52.17 165.82 3/2/2024 123.79 74.84 48.95 9/2/2024 298.27 123.79 230.47 74.84 67.80 48.95 165.70 3/2/2025 116.25 70.57 45.68 9/2/2025 313.50 116.25 239.39 70.57 74.11 45.68 165.47 3/2/2026 108.18 66.02 42.16 9/2/2026 328.73 108.18 248.30 66.02 80.43 42.16 164.75 3/2/2027 99.72 61.18 38.54 9/2/2027 346.50 99.72 258.49 61.18 88.01 38.54 165.09 3/2/2028 90.79 56.01 34.78 9/2/2028 364.27 90.79 268.67 56.01 95.60 34.78 165.16 3/2/2029 81.41 50.64 30.77 9/2/2029 383.31 81.41 280.13 50.64 103.18 30.77 164.72 3/2/2030 71.54 44.86 26.68 9/2/2030 402.35 71.54 290.32 44.86 112.03 26.68 165.39 3/2/2031 61.08 38.87 22.21 9/2/2031 423.92 61.08 303.05 38.87 120.87 22.21 165.29 3/2/2032 50.06 32.62 17.44 9/2/2032 445.50 50.06 315.79 32.62 129.71 17.44 164.59 3/2/2033 38.48 25.91 12.57 9/2/2033 468.35 38.48 328.52 25.91 139.83 12.57 164.97 3/2/2034 26.30 17.70 8.60 9/2/2034 492.46 26.30 345.07 17.70 147.39 8.60 164.59 3/2/2035 13.50 9.07 4.43 9/2/2035 519.12 13.50 362.90 9.07 156.22 4.43 165.08 Totals $7,291.75 $5,080.83 $5,587.41 $3,073.13 $1,704.37 $2,007.70 $3,712.07 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$6,089.21 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $197.80 $198.73 $0.00 $135.01 $197.80 $63.72 $261.52 3/2/2014 194.67 114.63 80.04 9/2/2014 206.10 194.67 364.96 114.63 (158.86)80.04 1.22 3/2/2015 190.29 110.99 79.30 9/2/2015 214.40 190.29 194.28 110.99 20.12 79.30 178.72 3/2/2016 185.57 109.04 76.53 9/2/2016 224.08 185.57 198.44 109.04 25.64 76.53 178.70 3/2/2017 180.53 106.07 74.46 9/2/2017 233.77 180.53 201.22 106.07 32.55 74.46 181.47 3/2/2018 175.21 103.05 72.16 9/2/2018 244.83 175.21 208.15 103.05 36.68 72.16 181.00 3/2/2019 169.52 99.93 69.59 9/2/2019 255.90 169.52 213.71 99.93 42.19 69.59 181.37 3/2/2020 163.44 96.72 66.72 9/2/2020 268.35 163.44 220.64 96.72 47.71 66.72 181.15 3/2/2021 156.94 93.41 63.53 9/2/2021 280.79 156.94 227.58 93.41 53.21 63.53 180.27 3/2/2022 150.09 89.83 60.26 9/2/2022 294.63 150.09 234.52 89.83 60.11 60.26 180.63 3/2/2023 142.73 85.87 56.86 9/2/2023 309.84 142.73 242.85 85.87 66.99 56.86 180.71 3/2/2024 134.90 81.56 53.34 9/2/2024 325.06 134.90 251.17 81.56 73.89 53.34 180.57 3/2/2025 126.70 76.91 49.79 9/2/2025 341.66 126.70 260.89 76.91 80.77 49.79 180.35 3/2/2026 117.90 71.95 45.95 9/2/2026 358.26 117.90 270.60 71.95 87.66 45.95 179.56 3/2/2027 108.67 66.68 41.99 9/2/2027 377.62 108.67 281.70 66.68 95.92 41.99 179.90 3/2/2028 98.95 61.04 37.91 9/2/2028 396.99 98.95 292.80 61.04 104.19 37.91 180.01 3/2/2029 88.73 55.19 33.54 9/2/2029 417.73 88.73 305.29 55.19 112.44 33.54 179.52 3/2/2030 77.97 48.89 29.08 9/2/2030 438.48 77.97 316.39 48.89 122.09 29.08 180.25 3/2/2031 66.57 42.36 24.21 9/2/2031 462.00 66.57 330.27 42.36 131.73 24.21 180.15 3/2/2032 54.56 35.55 19.01 9/2/2032 485.51 54.56 344.15 35.55 141.36 19.01 179.38 3/2/2033 41.93 28.24 13.69 9/2/2033 510.41 41.93 358.03 28.24 152.38 13.69 179.76 3/2/2034 28.66 19.29 9.37 9/2/2034 536.69 28.66 376.07 19.29 160.62 9.37 179.36 3/2/2035 14.71 9.89 4.82 9/2/2035 565.74 14.71 395.49 9.89 170.25 4.82 179.89 Totals $7,946.64 $5,537.21 $6,089.21 $3,349.19 $1,857.44 $2,188.02 $4,045.46 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$6,114.58 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $198.63 $199.55 $0.00 $135.58 $198.63 $63.97 $262.60 3/2/2014 195.48 115.11 80.37 9/2/2014 206.96 195.48 366.48 115.11 (159.52)80.37 1.22 3/2/2015 191.08 111.45 79.63 9/2/2015 215.29 191.08 195.09 111.45 20.20 79.63 179.46 3/2/2016 186.35 109.50 76.85 9/2/2016 225.02 186.35 199.27 109.50 25.75 76.85 179.45 3/2/2017 181.28 106.51 74.77 9/2/2017 234.74 181.28 202.05 106.51 32.69 74.77 182.23 3/2/2018 175.94 103.48 72.46 9/2/2018 245.85 175.94 209.02 103.48 36.83 72.46 181.75 3/2/2019 170.23 100.34 69.89 9/2/2019 256.96 170.23 214.60 100.34 42.36 69.89 182.14 3/2/2020 164.12 97.12 67.00 9/2/2020 269.46 164.12 221.56 97.12 47.90 67.00 181.90 3/2/2021 157.59 93.80 63.79 9/2/2021 281.96 157.59 228.53 93.80 53.43 63.79 181.01 3/2/2022 150.72 90.20 60.52 9/2/2022 295.85 150.72 235.50 90.20 60.35 60.52 181.39 3/2/2023 143.32 86.23 57.09 9/2/2023 311.13 143.32 243.86 86.23 67.27 57.09 181.45 3/2/2024 135.46 81.90 53.56 9/2/2024 326.41 135.46 252.22 81.90 74.19 53.56 181.31 3/2/2025 127.22 77.23 49.99 9/2/2025 343.08 127.22 261.97 77.23 81.11 49.99 181.09 3/2/2026 118.39 72.25 46.14 9/2/2026 359.75 118.39 271.73 72.25 88.02 46.14 180.30 3/2/2027 109.13 66.95 42.18 9/2/2027 379.19 109.13 282.88 66.95 96.31 42.18 180.67 3/2/2028 99.36 61.30 38.06 9/2/2028 398.64 99.36 294.02 61.30 104.62 38.06 180.74 3/2/2029 89.10 55.42 33.68 9/2/2029 419.47 89.10 306.57 55.42 112.90 33.68 180.26 3/2/2030 78.29 49.09 29.20 9/2/2030 440.31 78.29 317.71 49.09 122.60 29.20 181.00 3/2/2031 66.85 42.54 24.31 9/2/2031 463.92 66.85 331.65 42.54 132.27 24.31 180.89 3/2/2032 54.78 35.70 19.08 9/2/2032 487.54 54.78 345.58 35.70 141.96 19.08 180.12 3/2/2033 42.11 28.36 13.75 9/2/2033 512.54 42.11 359.52 28.36 153.02 13.75 180.52 3/2/2034 28.78 19.37 9.41 9/2/2034 538.93 28.78 377.63 19.37 161.30 9.41 180.12 3/2/2035 14.77 9.93 4.84 9/2/2035 568.10 14.77 397.14 9.93 170.96 4.84 180.64 Totals $7,979.73 $5,560.25 $6,114.58 $3,363.14 $1,865.15 $2,197.11 $4,062.26 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$6,117.40 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $198.72 $199.65 $0.00 $135.64 $198.72 $64.01 $262.73 3/2/2014 195.57 115.17 80.40 9/2/2014 207.05 195.57 366.65 115.17 (159.60)80.40 1.20 3/2/2015 191.17 111.50 79.67 9/2/2015 215.39 191.17 195.18 111.50 20.21 79.67 179.55 3/2/2016 186.43 109.55 76.88 9/2/2016 225.12 186.43 199.36 109.55 25.76 76.88 179.52 3/2/2017 181.37 106.56 74.81 9/2/2017 234.85 181.37 202.15 106.56 32.70 74.81 182.32 3/2/2018 176.02 103.52 72.50 9/2/2018 245.96 176.02 209.12 103.52 36.84 72.50 181.84 3/2/2019 170.31 100.39 69.92 9/2/2019 257.08 170.31 214.69 100.39 42.39 69.92 182.23 3/2/2020 164.20 97.17 67.03 9/2/2020 269.59 164.20 221.67 97.17 47.92 67.03 181.98 3/2/2021 157.66 93.84 63.82 9/2/2021 282.09 157.66 228.64 93.84 53.45 63.82 181.09 3/2/2022 150.79 90.24 60.55 9/2/2022 295.99 150.79 235.61 90.24 60.38 60.55 181.48 3/2/2023 143.39 86.27 57.12 9/2/2023 311.28 143.39 243.97 86.27 67.31 57.12 181.55 3/2/2024 135.53 81.93 53.60 9/2/2024 326.56 135.53 252.34 81.93 74.22 53.60 181.42 3/2/2025 127.28 77.27 50.01 9/2/2025 343.24 127.28 262.09 77.27 81.15 50.01 181.17 3/2/2026 118.44 72.29 46.15 9/2/2026 359.91 118.44 271.85 72.29 88.06 46.15 180.36 3/2/2027 109.18 66.99 42.19 9/2/2027 379.37 109.18 283.01 66.99 96.36 42.19 180.74 3/2/2028 99.41 61.33 38.08 9/2/2028 398.82 99.41 294.16 61.33 104.66 38.08 180.82 3/2/2029 89.14 55.44 33.70 9/2/2029 419.67 89.14 306.71 55.44 112.96 33.70 180.36 3/2/2030 78.33 49.12 29.21 9/2/2030 440.51 78.33 317.86 49.12 122.65 29.21 181.07 3/2/2031 66.88 42.56 24.32 9/2/2031 464.14 66.88 331.80 42.56 132.34 24.32 180.98 3/2/2032 54.81 35.72 19.09 9/2/2032 487.76 54.81 345.74 35.72 142.02 19.09 180.20 3/2/2033 42.13 28.37 13.76 9/2/2033 512.77 42.13 359.68 28.37 153.09 13.76 180.61 3/2/2034 28.80 19.38 9.42 9/2/2034 539.18 28.80 377.81 19.38 161.37 9.42 180.21 3/2/2035 14.78 9.93 4.85 9/2/2035 568.36 14.78 397.32 9.93 171.04 4.85 180.74 Totals $7,983.41 $5,562.89 $6,117.40 $3,364.72 $1,866.00 $2,198.17 $4,064.17 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$6,199.16 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:2 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $201.37 $202.31 $0.00 $137.45 $201.37 $64.86 $266.23 3/2/2014 198.18 116.70 81.48 9/2/2014 209.82 198.18 371.55 116.70 (161.73)81.48 1.23 3/2/2015 193.73 112.99 80.74 9/2/2015 218.27 193.73 197.79 112.99 20.48 80.74 181.96 3/2/2016 188.92 111.01 77.91 9/2/2016 228.13 188.92 202.02 111.01 26.11 77.91 181.93 3/2/2017 183.79 107.98 75.81 9/2/2017 237.99 183.79 204.85 107.98 33.14 75.81 184.76 3/2/2018 178.38 104.91 73.47 9/2/2018 249.25 178.38 211.91 104.91 37.34 73.47 184.28 3/2/2019 172.58 101.73 70.85 9/2/2019 260.52 172.58 217.56 101.73 42.96 70.85 184.66 3/2/2020 166.39 98.47 67.92 9/2/2020 273.19 166.39 224.63 98.47 48.56 67.92 184.40 3/2/2021 159.77 95.10 64.67 9/2/2021 285.86 159.77 231.69 95.10 54.17 64.67 183.51 3/2/2022 152.80 91.45 61.35 9/2/2022 299.95 152.80 238.76 91.45 61.19 61.35 183.89 3/2/2023 145.30 87.42 57.88 9/2/2023 315.44 145.30 247.23 87.42 68.21 57.88 183.97 3/2/2024 137.34 83.03 54.31 9/2/2024 330.93 137.34 255.71 83.03 75.22 54.31 183.84 3/2/2025 128.98 78.30 50.68 9/2/2025 347.83 128.98 265.60 78.30 82.23 50.68 183.59 3/2/2026 120.03 73.25 46.78 9/2/2026 364.72 120.03 275.49 73.25 89.23 46.78 182.79 3/2/2027 110.63 67.88 42.75 9/2/2027 384.44 110.63 286.79 67.88 97.65 42.75 183.15 3/2/2028 100.74 62.15 38.59 9/2/2028 404.15 100.74 298.09 62.15 106.06 38.59 183.24 3/2/2029 90.33 56.18 34.15 9/2/2029 425.28 90.33 310.81 56.18 114.47 34.15 182.77 3/2/2030 79.38 49.77 29.61 9/2/2030 446.40 79.38 322.11 49.77 124.29 29.61 183.51 3/2/2031 67.77 43.13 24.64 9/2/2031 470.34 67.77 336.24 43.13 134.10 24.64 183.38 3/2/2032 55.54 36.19 19.35 9/2/2032 494.28 55.54 350.36 36.19 143.92 19.35 182.62 3/2/2033 42.69 28.75 13.94 9/2/2033 519.63 42.69 364.49 28.75 155.14 13.94 183.02 3/2/2034 29.18 19.64 9.54 9/2/2034 546.38 29.18 382.86 19.64 163.52 9.54 182.60 3/2/2035 14.97 10.07 4.90 9/2/2035 575.95 14.97 402.63 10.07 173.32 4.90 183.12 Totals $8,090.12 $5,637.15 $6,199.16 $3,409.65 $1,890.95 $2,227.50 $4,118.45 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$6,858.53 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $222.79 $223.83 $0.00 $152.07 $222.79 $71.76 $294.55 3/2/2014 219.26 129.12 90.14 9/2/2014 232.14 219.26 411.07 129.12 (178.93)90.14 1.35 3/2/2015 214.33 125.01 89.32 9/2/2015 241.49 214.33 218.82 125.01 22.67 89.32 201.31 3/2/2016 209.02 122.82 86.20 9/2/2016 252.39 209.02 223.51 122.82 28.88 86.20 201.28 3/2/2017 203.34 119.47 83.87 9/2/2017 263.30 203.34 226.64 119.47 36.66 83.87 204.40 3/2/2018 197.35 116.07 81.28 9/2/2018 275.76 197.35 234.45 116.07 41.31 81.28 203.87 3/2/2019 190.94 112.55 78.39 9/2/2019 288.23 190.94 240.70 112.55 47.53 78.39 204.31 3/2/2020 184.09 108.94 75.15 9/2/2020 302.25 184.09 248.52 108.94 53.73 75.15 204.03 3/2/2021 176.76 105.21 71.55 9/2/2021 316.27 176.76 256.34 105.21 59.93 71.55 203.03 3/2/2022 169.05 101.17 67.88 9/2/2022 331.85 169.05 264.15 101.17 67.70 67.88 203.46 3/2/2023 160.76 96.72 64.04 9/2/2023 348.99 160.76 273.53 96.72 75.46 64.04 203.54 3/2/2024 151.95 91.86 60.09 9/2/2024 366.13 151.95 282.91 91.86 83.22 60.09 203.40 3/2/2025 142.70 86.63 56.07 9/2/2025 384.82 142.70 293.85 86.63 90.97 56.07 203.11 3/2/2026 132.79 81.04 51.75 9/2/2026 403.52 132.79 304.79 81.04 98.73 51.75 202.23 3/2/2027 122.40 75.10 47.30 9/2/2027 425.33 122.40 317.29 75.10 108.04 47.30 202.64 3/2/2028 111.45 68.76 42.69 9/2/2028 447.14 111.45 329.80 68.76 117.34 42.69 202.72 3/2/2029 99.94 62.16 37.78 9/2/2029 470.51 99.94 343.86 62.16 126.65 37.78 202.21 3/2/2030 87.82 55.07 32.75 9/2/2030 493.88 87.82 356.37 55.07 137.51 32.75 203.01 3/2/2031 74.98 47.72 27.26 9/2/2031 520.37 74.98 372.00 47.72 148.37 27.26 202.89 3/2/2032 61.45 40.04 21.41 9/2/2032 546.85 61.45 387.63 40.04 159.22 21.41 202.04 3/2/2033 47.23 31.81 15.42 9/2/2033 574.90 47.23 403.26 31.81 171.64 15.42 202.48 3/2/2034 32.28 21.73 10.55 9/2/2034 604.50 32.28 423.58 21.73 180.92 10.55 202.02 3/2/2035 16.57 11.14 5.43 9/2/2035 637.21 16.57 445.46 11.14 191.75 5.43 202.61 Totals $8,950.62 $6,236.75 $6,858.53 $3,772.35 $2,092.09 $2,464.40 $4,556.49 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$6,992.88 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $227.16 $228.22 $0.00 $155.05 $227.16 $73.17 $300.33 3/2/2014 223.56 131.65 91.91 9/2/2014 236.69 223.56 419.13 131.65 (182.44)91.91 1.38 3/2/2015 218.53 127.46 91.07 9/2/2015 246.22 218.53 223.11 127.46 23.11 91.07 205.25 3/2/2016 213.11 125.22 87.89 9/2/2016 257.34 213.11 227.89 125.22 29.45 87.89 205.23 3/2/2017 207.32 121.81 85.51 9/2/2017 268.46 207.32 231.08 121.81 37.38 85.51 208.40 3/2/2018 201.22 118.34 82.88 9/2/2018 281.17 201.22 239.05 118.34 42.12 82.88 207.88 3/2/2019 194.68 114.75 79.93 9/2/2019 293.87 194.68 245.42 114.75 48.45 79.93 208.31 3/2/2020 187.70 111.07 76.63 9/2/2020 308.17 187.70 253.39 111.07 54.78 76.63 208.04 3/2/2021 180.23 107.27 72.96 9/2/2021 322.47 180.23 261.36 107.27 61.11 72.96 207.03 3/2/2022 172.37 103.16 69.21 9/2/2022 338.35 172.37 269.32 103.16 69.03 69.21 207.45 3/2/2023 163.91 98.61 65.30 9/2/2023 355.82 163.91 278.89 98.61 76.93 65.30 207.53 3/2/2024 154.92 93.66 61.26 9/2/2024 373.30 154.92 288.45 93.66 84.85 61.26 207.37 3/2/2025 145.50 88.32 57.18 9/2/2025 392.36 145.50 299.60 88.32 92.76 57.18 207.12 3/2/2026 135.39 82.63 52.76 9/2/2026 411.42 135.39 310.76 82.63 100.66 52.76 206.18 3/2/2027 124.80 76.57 48.23 9/2/2027 433.66 124.80 323.51 76.57 110.15 48.23 206.61 3/2/2028 113.63 70.10 43.53 9/2/2028 455.90 113.63 336.26 70.10 119.64 43.53 206.70 3/2/2029 101.89 63.38 38.51 9/2/2029 479.73 101.89 350.60 63.38 129.13 38.51 206.15 3/2/2030 89.54 56.15 33.39 9/2/2030 503.56 89.54 363.35 56.15 140.21 33.39 206.99 3/2/2031 76.45 48.65 27.80 9/2/2031 530.56 76.45 379.29 48.65 151.27 27.80 206.87 3/2/2032 62.65 40.83 21.82 9/2/2032 557.56 62.65 395.22 40.83 162.34 21.82 205.98 3/2/2033 48.16 32.43 15.73 9/2/2033 586.16 48.16 411.16 32.43 175.00 15.73 206.46 3/2/2034 32.92 22.15 10.77 9/2/2034 616.34 32.92 431.88 22.15 184.46 10.77 206.00 3/2/2035 16.89 11.35 5.54 9/2/2035 649.70 16.89 454.19 11.35 195.51 5.54 206.59 Totals $9,125.97 $6,358.96 $6,992.88 $3,846.17 $2,133.06 $2,512.79 $4,645.85 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$7,072.56 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $229.74 $230.82 $0.00 $156.82 $229.74 $74.00 $303.74 3/2/2014 226.11 133.15 92.96 9/2/2014 239.38 226.11 423.90 133.15 (184.52)92.96 1.40 3/2/2015 221.02 128.91 92.11 9/2/2015 249.02 221.02 225.65 128.91 23.37 92.11 207.59 3/2/2016 215.54 126.65 88.89 9/2/2016 260.27 215.54 230.49 126.65 29.78 88.89 207.56 3/2/2017 209.69 123.19 86.50 9/2/2017 271.52 209.69 233.71 123.19 37.81 86.50 210.81 3/2/2018 203.51 119.69 83.82 9/2/2018 284.37 203.51 241.77 119.69 42.60 83.82 210.24 3/2/2019 196.90 116.06 80.84 9/2/2019 297.22 196.90 248.22 116.06 49.00 80.84 210.68 3/2/2020 189.84 112.34 77.50 9/2/2020 311.68 189.84 256.28 112.34 55.40 77.50 210.40 3/2/2021 182.28 108.49 73.79 9/2/2021 326.14 182.28 264.33 108.49 61.81 73.79 209.39 3/2/2022 174.33 104.33 70.00 9/2/2022 342.21 174.33 272.39 104.33 69.82 70.00 209.82 3/2/2023 165.78 99.73 66.05 9/2/2023 359.88 165.78 282.06 99.73 77.82 66.05 209.92 3/2/2024 156.69 94.73 61.96 9/2/2024 377.55 156.69 291.74 94.73 85.81 61.96 209.73 3/2/2025 147.16 89.33 57.83 9/2/2025 396.83 147.16 303.02 89.33 93.81 57.83 209.47 3/2/2026 136.94 83.57 53.37 9/2/2026 416.11 136.94 314.30 83.57 101.81 53.37 208.55 3/2/2027 126.22 77.44 48.78 9/2/2027 438.60 126.22 327.19 77.44 111.41 48.78 208.97 3/2/2028 114.93 70.90 44.03 9/2/2028 461.09 114.93 340.09 70.90 121.00 44.03 209.06 3/2/2029 103.05 64.10 38.95 9/2/2029 485.19 103.05 354.60 64.10 130.59 38.95 208.49 3/2/2030 90.56 56.79 33.77 9/2/2030 509.29 90.56 367.49 56.79 141.80 33.77 209.34 3/2/2031 77.32 49.21 28.11 9/2/2031 536.61 77.32 383.61 49.21 153.00 28.11 209.22 3/2/2032 63.37 41.29 22.08 9/2/2032 563.92 63.37 399.73 41.29 164.19 22.08 208.35 3/2/2033 48.71 32.80 15.91 9/2/2033 592.84 48.71 415.84 32.80 177.00 15.91 208.82 3/2/2034 33.29 22.40 10.89 9/2/2034 623.36 33.29 436.80 22.40 186.56 10.89 208.34 3/2/2035 17.08 11.48 5.60 9/2/2035 657.10 17.08 459.36 11.48 197.74 5.60 208.94 Totals $9,229.92 $6,431.46 $7,072.56 $3,889.98 $2,157.35 $2,541.48 $4,698.83 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$7,072.57 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:2 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $229.74 $230.82 $0.00 $156.82 $229.74 $74.00 $303.74 3/2/2014 226.11 133.15 92.96 9/2/2014 239.38 226.11 423.90 133.15 (184.52)92.96 1.40 3/2/2015 221.02 128.91 92.11 9/2/2015 249.02 221.02 225.65 128.91 23.37 92.11 207.59 3/2/2016 215.54 126.65 88.89 9/2/2016 260.27 215.54 230.49 126.65 29.78 88.89 207.56 3/2/2017 209.69 123.19 86.50 9/2/2017 271.52 209.69 233.71 123.19 37.81 86.50 210.81 3/2/2018 203.51 119.69 83.82 9/2/2018 284.37 203.51 241.77 119.69 42.60 83.82 210.24 3/2/2019 196.90 116.06 80.84 9/2/2019 297.22 196.90 248.22 116.06 49.00 80.84 210.68 3/2/2020 189.84 112.34 77.50 9/2/2020 311.68 189.84 256.28 112.34 55.40 77.50 210.40 3/2/2021 182.28 108.49 73.79 9/2/2021 326.14 182.28 264.33 108.49 61.81 73.79 209.39 3/2/2022 174.33 104.33 70.00 9/2/2022 342.21 174.33 272.39 104.33 69.82 70.00 209.82 3/2/2023 165.78 99.73 66.05 9/2/2023 359.88 165.78 282.06 99.73 77.82 66.05 209.92 3/2/2024 156.69 94.73 61.96 9/2/2024 377.55 156.69 291.74 94.73 85.81 61.96 209.73 3/2/2025 147.16 89.33 57.83 9/2/2025 396.83 147.16 303.02 89.33 93.81 57.83 209.47 3/2/2026 136.94 83.57 53.37 9/2/2026 416.11 136.94 314.30 83.57 101.81 53.37 208.55 3/2/2027 126.22 77.44 48.78 9/2/2027 438.60 126.22 327.19 77.44 111.41 48.78 208.97 3/2/2028 114.93 70.90 44.03 9/2/2028 461.10 114.93 340.09 70.90 121.01 44.03 209.07 3/2/2029 103.05 64.10 38.95 9/2/2029 485.19 103.05 354.60 64.10 130.59 38.95 208.49 3/2/2030 90.56 56.79 33.77 9/2/2030 509.29 90.56 367.49 56.79 141.80 33.77 209.34 3/2/2031 77.32 49.21 28.11 9/2/2031 536.61 77.32 383.61 49.21 153.00 28.11 209.22 3/2/2032 63.37 41.29 22.08 9/2/2032 563.92 63.37 399.73 41.29 164.19 22.08 208.35 3/2/2033 48.71 32.80 15.91 9/2/2033 592.84 48.71 415.84 32.80 177.00 15.91 208.82 3/2/2034 33.29 22.40 10.89 9/2/2034 623.36 33.29 436.80 22.40 186.56 10.89 208.34 3/2/2035 17.08 11.48 5.60 9/2/2035 657.10 17.08 459.36 11.48 197.74 5.60 208.94 Totals $9,229.93 $6,431.46 $7,072.57 $3,889.98 $2,157.36 $2,541.48 $4,698.84 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$7,072.58 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:22 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $229.74 $230.82 $0.00 $156.82 $229.74 $74.00 $303.74 3/2/2014 226.11 133.15 92.96 9/2/2014 239.38 226.11 423.90 133.15 (184.52)92.96 1.40 3/2/2015 221.02 128.91 92.11 9/2/2015 249.02 221.02 225.65 128.91 23.37 92.11 207.59 3/2/2016 215.54 126.65 88.89 9/2/2016 260.27 215.54 230.49 126.65 29.78 88.89 207.56 3/2/2017 209.69 123.19 86.50 9/2/2017 271.52 209.69 233.71 123.19 37.81 86.50 210.81 3/2/2018 203.51 119.69 83.82 9/2/2018 284.37 203.51 241.77 119.69 42.60 83.82 210.24 3/2/2019 196.90 116.06 80.84 9/2/2019 297.22 196.90 248.22 116.06 49.00 80.84 210.68 3/2/2020 189.84 112.34 77.50 9/2/2020 311.68 189.84 256.28 112.34 55.40 77.50 210.40 3/2/2021 182.28 108.49 73.79 9/2/2021 326.14 182.28 264.34 108.49 61.80 73.79 209.38 3/2/2022 174.33 104.33 70.00 9/2/2022 342.21 174.33 272.39 104.33 69.82 70.00 209.82 3/2/2023 165.78 99.73 66.05 9/2/2023 359.88 165.78 282.06 99.73 77.82 66.05 209.92 3/2/2024 156.69 94.73 61.96 9/2/2024 377.55 156.69 291.74 94.73 85.81 61.96 209.73 3/2/2025 147.16 89.33 57.83 9/2/2025 396.83 147.16 303.02 89.33 93.81 57.83 209.47 3/2/2026 136.94 83.57 53.37 9/2/2026 416.11 136.94 314.30 83.57 101.81 53.37 208.55 3/2/2027 126.22 77.44 48.78 9/2/2027 438.60 126.22 327.20 77.44 111.40 48.78 208.96 3/2/2028 114.93 70.90 44.03 9/2/2028 461.10 114.93 340.09 70.90 121.01 44.03 209.07 3/2/2029 103.05 64.10 38.95 9/2/2029 485.19 103.05 354.60 64.10 130.59 38.95 208.49 3/2/2030 90.56 56.79 33.77 9/2/2030 509.29 90.56 367.49 56.79 141.80 33.77 209.34 3/2/2031 77.32 49.21 28.11 9/2/2031 536.61 77.32 383.61 49.21 153.00 28.11 209.22 3/2/2032 63.37 41.29 22.08 9/2/2032 563.92 63.37 399.73 41.29 164.19 22.08 208.35 3/2/2033 48.71 32.80 15.91 9/2/2033 592.84 48.71 415.84 32.80 177.00 15.91 208.82 3/2/2034 33.29 22.40 10.89 9/2/2034 623.36 33.29 436.80 22.40 186.56 10.89 208.34 3/2/2035 17.08 11.48 5.60 9/2/2035 657.10 17.08 459.36 11.48 197.74 5.60 208.94 Totals $9,229.93 $6,431.46 $7,072.58 $3,889.98 $2,157.34 $2,541.48 $4,698.82 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$7,072.59 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:43 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $229.75 $230.82 $0.00 $156.82 $229.75 $74.00 $303.75 3/2/2014 226.11 133.15 92.96 9/2/2014 239.38 226.11 423.90 133.15 (184.52)92.96 1.40 3/2/2015 221.02 128.91 92.11 9/2/2015 249.02 221.02 225.65 128.91 23.37 92.11 207.59 3/2/2016 215.54 126.65 88.89 9/2/2016 260.27 215.54 230.49 126.65 29.78 88.89 207.56 3/2/2017 209.69 123.19 86.50 9/2/2017 271.52 209.69 233.71 123.19 37.81 86.50 210.81 3/2/2018 203.51 119.69 83.82 9/2/2018 284.37 203.51 241.77 119.69 42.60 83.82 210.24 3/2/2019 196.90 116.06 80.84 9/2/2019 297.22 196.90 248.22 116.06 49.00 80.84 210.68 3/2/2020 189.84 112.34 77.50 9/2/2020 311.68 189.84 256.28 112.34 55.40 77.50 210.40 3/2/2021 182.28 108.50 73.78 9/2/2021 326.14 182.28 264.34 108.50 61.80 73.78 209.36 3/2/2022 174.33 104.33 70.00 9/2/2022 342.21 174.33 272.39 104.33 69.82 70.00 209.82 3/2/2023 165.78 99.74 66.04 9/2/2023 359.88 165.78 282.07 99.74 77.81 66.04 209.89 3/2/2024 156.69 94.73 61.96 9/2/2024 377.55 156.69 291.74 94.73 85.81 61.96 209.73 3/2/2025 147.16 89.33 57.83 9/2/2025 396.83 147.16 303.02 89.33 93.81 57.83 209.47 3/2/2026 136.94 83.57 53.37 9/2/2026 416.11 136.94 314.30 83.57 101.81 53.37 208.55 3/2/2027 126.22 77.45 48.77 9/2/2027 438.60 126.22 327.20 77.45 111.40 48.77 208.94 3/2/2028 114.93 70.90 44.03 9/2/2028 461.10 114.93 340.09 70.90 121.01 44.03 209.07 3/2/2029 103.06 64.10 38.96 9/2/2029 485.20 103.06 354.60 64.10 130.60 38.96 208.52 3/2/2030 90.56 56.79 33.77 9/2/2030 509.30 90.56 367.49 56.79 141.81 33.77 209.35 3/2/2031 77.32 49.21 28.11 9/2/2031 536.61 77.32 383.61 49.21 153.00 28.11 209.22 3/2/2032 63.37 41.29 22.08 9/2/2032 563.92 63.37 399.73 41.29 164.19 22.08 208.35 3/2/2033 48.71 32.80 15.91 9/2/2033 592.84 48.71 415.85 32.80 176.99 15.91 208.81 3/2/2034 33.29 22.40 10.89 9/2/2034 623.36 33.29 436.80 22.40 186.56 10.89 208.34 3/2/2035 17.08 11.48 5.60 9/2/2035 657.10 17.08 459.36 11.48 197.74 5.60 208.94 Totals $9,229.96 $6,431.48 $7,072.59 $3,890.04 $2,157.35 $2,541.44 $4,698.79 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$7,072.60 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:17 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $229.75 $230.82 $0.00 $156.82 $229.75 $74.00 $303.75 3/2/2014 226.11 133.15 92.96 9/2/2014 239.39 226.11 423.90 133.15 (184.51)92.96 1.41 3/2/2015 221.02 128.91 92.11 9/2/2015 249.02 221.02 225.65 128.91 23.37 92.11 207.59 3/2/2016 215.54 126.65 88.89 9/2/2016 260.27 215.54 230.49 126.65 29.78 88.89 207.56 3/2/2017 209.69 123.19 86.50 9/2/2017 271.52 209.69 233.71 123.19 37.81 86.50 210.81 3/2/2018 203.51 119.69 83.82 9/2/2018 284.37 203.51 241.77 119.69 42.60 83.82 210.24 3/2/2019 196.90 116.06 80.84 9/2/2019 297.22 196.90 248.22 116.06 49.00 80.84 210.68 3/2/2020 189.84 112.34 77.50 9/2/2020 311.68 189.84 256.28 112.34 55.40 77.50 210.40 3/2/2021 182.28 108.50 73.78 9/2/2021 326.14 182.28 264.34 108.50 61.80 73.78 209.36 3/2/2022 174.33 104.33 70.00 9/2/2022 342.21 174.33 272.39 104.33 69.82 70.00 209.82 3/2/2023 165.78 99.74 66.04 9/2/2023 359.88 165.78 282.07 99.74 77.81 66.04 209.89 3/2/2024 156.69 94.73 61.96 9/2/2024 377.55 156.69 291.74 94.73 85.81 61.96 209.73 3/2/2025 147.16 89.33 57.83 9/2/2025 396.83 147.16 303.02 89.33 93.81 57.83 209.47 3/2/2026 136.94 83.57 53.37 9/2/2026 416.11 136.94 314.30 83.57 101.81 53.37 208.55 3/2/2027 126.22 77.45 48.77 9/2/2027 438.60 126.22 327.20 77.45 111.40 48.77 208.94 3/2/2028 114.93 70.90 44.03 9/2/2028 461.10 114.93 340.09 70.90 121.01 44.03 209.07 3/2/2029 103.06 64.10 38.96 9/2/2029 485.20 103.06 354.60 64.10 130.60 38.96 208.52 3/2/2030 90.56 56.79 33.77 9/2/2030 509.30 90.56 367.49 56.79 141.81 33.77 209.35 3/2/2031 77.32 49.21 28.11 9/2/2031 536.61 77.32 383.61 49.21 153.00 28.11 209.22 3/2/2032 63.37 41.29 22.08 9/2/2032 563.92 63.37 399.73 41.29 164.19 22.08 208.35 3/2/2033 48.71 32.80 15.91 9/2/2033 592.84 48.71 415.85 32.80 176.99 15.91 208.81 3/2/2034 33.29 22.40 10.89 9/2/2034 623.37 33.29 436.80 22.40 186.57 10.89 208.35 3/2/2035 17.08 11.48 5.60 9/2/2035 657.10 17.08 459.36 11.48 197.74 5.60 208.94 Totals $9,229.98 $6,431.48 $7,072.60 $3,890.04 $2,157.37 $2,541.44 $4,698.81 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$7,072.66 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $229.75 $230.82 $0.00 $156.82 $229.75 $74.00 $303.75 3/2/2014 226.11 133.15 92.96 9/2/2014 239.39 226.11 423.91 133.15 (184.52)92.96 1.40 3/2/2015 221.02 128.91 92.11 9/2/2015 249.03 221.02 225.65 128.91 23.38 92.11 207.60 3/2/2016 215.54 126.65 88.89 9/2/2016 260.27 215.54 230.49 126.65 29.78 88.89 207.56 3/2/2017 209.69 123.20 86.49 9/2/2017 271.52 209.69 233.71 123.20 37.81 86.49 210.79 3/2/2018 203.51 119.69 83.82 9/2/2018 284.37 203.51 241.77 119.69 42.60 83.82 210.24 3/2/2019 196.90 116.06 80.84 9/2/2019 297.23 196.90 248.22 116.06 49.01 80.84 210.69 3/2/2020 189.84 112.34 77.50 9/2/2020 311.69 189.84 256.28 112.34 55.41 77.50 210.41 3/2/2021 182.28 108.50 73.78 9/2/2021 326.14 182.28 264.34 108.50 61.80 73.78 209.36 3/2/2022 174.33 104.33 70.00 9/2/2022 342.21 174.33 272.40 104.33 69.81 70.00 209.81 3/2/2023 165.78 99.74 66.04 9/2/2023 359.88 165.78 282.07 99.74 77.81 66.04 209.89 3/2/2024 156.69 94.73 61.96 9/2/2024 377.56 156.69 291.74 94.73 85.82 61.96 209.74 3/2/2025 147.16 89.33 57.83 9/2/2025 396.84 147.16 303.02 89.33 93.82 57.83 209.48 3/2/2026 136.94 83.57 53.37 9/2/2026 416.12 136.94 314.30 83.57 101.82 53.37 208.56 3/2/2027 126.22 77.45 48.77 9/2/2027 438.61 126.22 327.20 77.45 111.41 48.77 208.95 3/2/2028 114.93 70.90 44.03 9/2/2028 461.10 114.93 340.09 70.90 121.01 44.03 209.07 3/2/2029 103.06 64.10 38.96 9/2/2029 485.20 103.06 354.60 64.10 130.60 38.96 208.52 3/2/2030 90.56 56.79 33.77 9/2/2030 509.30 90.56 367.49 56.79 141.81 33.77 209.35 3/2/2031 77.32 49.21 28.11 9/2/2031 536.61 77.32 383.61 49.21 153.00 28.11 209.22 3/2/2032 63.37 41.29 22.08 9/2/2032 563.93 63.37 399.73 41.29 164.20 22.08 208.36 3/2/2033 48.71 32.80 15.91 9/2/2033 592.84 48.71 415.85 32.80 176.99 15.91 208.81 3/2/2034 33.29 22.40 10.89 9/2/2034 623.37 33.29 436.80 22.40 186.57 10.89 208.35 3/2/2035 17.08 11.48 5.60 9/2/2035 657.11 17.08 459.37 11.48 197.74 5.60 208.94 Totals $9,230.07 $6,431.48 $7,072.66 $3,890.06 $2,157.43 $2,541.42 $4,698.85 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$7,301.41 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $237.18 $238.29 $0.00 $161.89 $237.18 $76.40 $313.58 3/2/2014 233.42 137.46 95.96 9/2/2014 247.13 233.42 437.62 137.46 (190.49)95.96 1.43 3/2/2015 228.17 133.08 95.09 9/2/2015 257.08 228.17 232.95 133.08 24.13 95.09 214.31 3/2/2016 222.52 130.75 91.77 9/2/2016 268.69 222.52 237.94 130.75 30.75 91.77 214.29 3/2/2017 216.47 127.18 89.29 9/2/2017 280.30 216.47 241.27 127.18 39.03 89.29 217.61 3/2/2018 210.09 123.56 86.53 9/2/2018 293.57 210.09 249.59 123.56 43.98 86.53 217.04 3/2/2019 203.27 119.82 83.45 9/2/2019 306.84 203.27 256.25 119.82 50.59 83.45 217.49 3/2/2020 195.98 115.97 80.01 9/2/2020 321.77 195.98 264.57 115.97 57.20 80.01 217.22 3/2/2021 188.18 112.01 76.17 9/2/2021 336.69 188.18 272.89 112.01 63.80 76.17 216.14 3/2/2022 179.97 107.71 72.26 9/2/2022 353.28 179.97 281.21 107.71 72.07 72.26 216.59 3/2/2023 171.14 102.96 68.18 9/2/2023 371.52 171.14 291.19 102.96 80.33 68.18 216.69 3/2/2024 161.76 97.79 63.97 9/2/2024 389.77 161.76 301.17 97.79 88.60 63.97 216.54 3/2/2025 151.92 92.22 59.70 9/2/2025 409.67 151.92 312.82 92.22 96.85 59.70 216.25 3/2/2026 141.37 86.28 55.09 9/2/2026 429.57 141.37 324.47 86.28 105.10 55.09 215.28 3/2/2027 130.31 79.95 50.36 9/2/2027 452.79 130.31 337.78 79.95 115.01 50.36 215.73 3/2/2028 118.65 73.20 45.45 9/2/2028 476.01 118.65 351.09 73.20 124.92 45.45 215.82 3/2/2029 106.39 66.17 40.22 9/2/2029 500.89 106.39 366.07 66.17 134.82 40.22 215.26 3/2/2030 93.49 58.62 34.87 9/2/2030 525.77 93.49 379.38 58.62 146.39 34.87 216.13 3/2/2031 79.82 50.80 29.02 9/2/2031 553.97 79.82 396.02 50.80 157.95 29.02 215.99 3/2/2032 65.42 42.63 22.79 9/2/2032 582.16 65.42 412.66 42.63 169.50 22.79 215.08 3/2/2033 50.28 33.86 16.42 9/2/2033 612.02 50.28 429.30 33.86 182.72 16.42 215.56 3/2/2034 34.37 23.13 11.24 9/2/2034 643.53 34.37 450.93 23.13 192.60 11.24 215.08 3/2/2035 17.64 11.86 5.78 9/2/2035 678.36 17.64 474.23 11.86 204.13 5.78 215.69 Totals $9,528.56 $6,639.55 $7,301.41 $4,015.91 $2,227.16 $2,623.64 $4,850.80 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$7,309.86 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $237.45 $238.56 $0.00 $162.08 $237.45 $76.48 $313.93 3/2/2014 233.69 137.61 96.08 9/2/2014 247.42 233.69 438.13 137.61 (190.71)96.08 1.45 3/2/2015 228.44 133.23 95.21 9/2/2015 257.38 228.44 233.22 133.23 24.16 95.21 214.58 3/2/2016 222.77 130.90 91.87 9/2/2016 269.00 222.77 238.22 130.90 30.78 91.87 214.52 3/2/2017 216.72 127.33 89.39 9/2/2017 280.63 216.72 241.55 127.33 39.08 89.39 217.86 3/2/2018 210.34 123.70 86.64 9/2/2018 293.91 210.34 249.88 123.70 44.03 86.64 217.31 3/2/2019 203.50 119.96 83.54 9/2/2019 307.19 203.50 256.54 119.96 50.65 83.54 217.73 3/2/2020 196.21 116.11 80.10 9/2/2020 322.14 196.21 264.87 116.11 57.27 80.10 217.47 3/2/2021 188.40 112.13 76.27 9/2/2021 337.08 188.40 273.20 112.13 63.88 76.27 216.42 3/2/2022 180.18 107.83 72.35 9/2/2022 353.69 180.18 281.53 107.83 72.16 72.35 216.86 3/2/2023 171.34 103.08 68.26 9/2/2023 371.95 171.34 291.53 103.08 80.42 68.26 216.94 3/2/2024 161.95 97.91 64.04 9/2/2024 390.22 161.95 301.52 97.91 88.70 64.04 216.78 3/2/2025 152.09 92.33 59.76 9/2/2025 410.15 152.09 313.18 92.33 96.97 59.76 216.49 3/2/2026 141.53 86.38 55.15 9/2/2026 430.07 141.53 324.85 86.38 105.22 55.15 215.52 3/2/2027 130.46 80.04 50.42 9/2/2027 453.32 130.46 338.17 80.04 115.15 50.42 215.99 3/2/2028 118.78 73.28 45.50 9/2/2028 476.57 118.78 351.50 73.28 125.07 45.50 216.07 3/2/2029 106.51 66.25 40.26 9/2/2029 501.47 106.51 366.49 66.25 134.98 40.26 215.50 3/2/2030 93.60 58.69 34.91 9/2/2030 526.38 93.60 379.82 58.69 146.56 34.91 216.38 3/2/2031 79.91 50.86 29.05 9/2/2031 554.61 79.91 396.48 50.86 158.13 29.05 216.23 3/2/2032 65.49 42.68 22.81 9/2/2032 582.84 65.49 413.14 42.68 169.70 22.81 215.32 3/2/2033 50.34 33.90 16.44 9/2/2033 612.73 50.34 429.80 33.90 182.93 16.44 215.81 3/2/2034 34.41 23.16 11.25 9/2/2034 644.28 34.41 451.45 23.16 192.83 11.25 215.33 3/2/2035 17.66 11.87 5.79 9/2/2035 679.15 17.66 474.77 11.87 204.38 5.79 215.96 Totals $9,539.63 $6,647.20 $7,309.86 $4,020.54 $2,229.79 $2,626.66 $4,856.45 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$7,732.73 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $251.19 $252.36 $0.00 $171.46 $251.19 $80.90 $332.09 3/2/2014 247.21 145.58 101.63 9/2/2014 261.73 247.21 463.47 145.58 (201.74)101.63 1.52 3/2/2015 241.65 140.94 100.71 9/2/2015 272.27 241.65 246.71 140.94 25.56 100.71 226.98 3/2/2016 235.66 138.47 97.19 9/2/2016 284.56 235.66 252.00 138.47 32.56 97.19 226.94 3/2/2017 229.26 134.69 94.57 9/2/2017 296.86 229.26 255.53 134.69 41.33 94.57 230.47 3/2/2018 222.51 130.86 91.65 9/2/2018 310.91 222.51 264.34 130.86 46.57 91.65 229.87 3/2/2019 215.28 126.90 88.38 9/2/2019 324.96 215.28 271.39 126.90 53.57 88.38 230.33 3/2/2020 207.56 122.82 84.74 9/2/2020 340.77 207.56 280.20 122.82 60.57 84.74 230.05 3/2/2021 199.29 118.62 80.67 9/2/2021 356.58 199.29 289.01 118.62 67.57 80.67 228.91 3/2/2022 190.60 114.07 76.53 9/2/2022 374.15 190.60 297.82 114.07 76.33 76.53 229.39 3/2/2023 181.25 109.04 72.21 9/2/2023 393.47 181.25 308.39 109.04 85.08 72.21 229.50 3/2/2024 171.31 103.57 67.74 9/2/2024 412.79 171.31 318.97 103.57 93.82 67.74 229.30 3/2/2025 160.89 97.67 63.22 9/2/2025 433.87 160.89 331.30 97.67 102.57 63.22 229.01 3/2/2026 149.72 91.37 58.35 9/2/2026 454.95 149.72 343.64 91.37 111.31 58.35 228.01 3/2/2027 138.00 84.67 53.33 9/2/2027 479.54 138.00 357.74 84.67 121.80 53.33 228.46 3/2/2028 125.66 77.52 48.14 9/2/2028 504.13 125.66 371.83 77.52 132.30 48.14 228.58 3/2/2029 112.67 70.08 42.59 9/2/2029 530.48 112.67 387.69 70.08 142.79 42.59 227.97 3/2/2030 99.01 62.09 36.92 9/2/2030 556.83 99.01 401.79 62.09 155.04 36.92 228.88 3/2/2031 84.54 53.80 30.74 9/2/2031 586.69 84.54 419.41 53.80 167.28 30.74 228.76 3/2/2032 69.28 45.15 24.13 9/2/2032 616.56 69.28 437.04 45.15 179.52 24.13 227.78 3/2/2033 53.25 35.86 17.39 9/2/2033 648.17 53.25 454.66 35.86 193.51 17.39 228.29 3/2/2034 36.40 24.50 11.90 9/2/2034 681.55 36.40 477.57 24.50 203.98 11.90 227.78 3/2/2035 18.68 12.56 6.12 9/2/2035 718.44 18.68 502.24 12.56 216.20 6.12 228.44 Totals $10,091.45 $7,031.72 $7,732.73 $4,253.12 $2,358.71 $2,778.60 $5,137.31 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$7,751.37 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $251.79 $252.97 $0.00 $171.87 $251.79 $81.10 $332.89 3/2/2014 247.81 145.93 101.88 9/2/2014 262.36 247.81 464.59 145.93 (202.23)101.88 1.53 3/2/2015 242.23 141.28 100.95 9/2/2015 272.92 242.23 247.31 141.28 25.61 100.95 227.51 3/2/2016 236.23 138.81 97.42 9/2/2016 285.25 236.23 252.61 138.81 32.64 97.42 227.48 3/2/2017 229.81 135.02 94.79 9/2/2017 297.58 229.81 256.14 135.02 41.44 94.79 231.02 3/2/2018 223.04 131.18 91.86 9/2/2018 311.66 223.04 264.97 131.18 46.69 91.86 230.41 3/2/2019 215.80 127.20 88.60 9/2/2019 325.75 215.80 272.04 127.20 53.71 88.60 230.91 3/2/2020 208.06 123.12 84.94 9/2/2020 341.60 208.06 280.87 123.12 60.73 84.94 230.61 3/2/2021 199.77 118.91 80.86 9/2/2021 357.44 199.77 289.70 118.91 67.74 80.86 229.46 3/2/2022 191.06 114.34 76.72 9/2/2022 375.05 191.06 298.54 114.34 76.51 76.72 229.95 3/2/2023 181.69 109.31 72.38 9/2/2023 394.42 181.69 309.14 109.31 85.28 72.38 230.04 3/2/2024 171.73 103.82 67.91 9/2/2024 413.79 171.73 319.74 103.82 94.05 67.91 229.87 3/2/2025 161.28 97.90 63.38 9/2/2025 434.92 161.28 332.10 97.90 102.82 63.38 229.58 3/2/2026 150.08 91.59 58.49 9/2/2026 456.05 150.08 344.47 91.59 111.58 58.49 228.56 3/2/2027 138.34 84.88 53.46 9/2/2027 480.70 138.34 358.60 84.88 122.10 53.46 229.02 3/2/2028 125.96 77.71 48.25 9/2/2028 505.35 125.96 372.73 77.71 132.62 48.25 229.12 3/2/2029 112.95 70.25 42.70 9/2/2029 531.76 112.95 388.63 70.25 143.13 42.70 228.53 3/2/2030 99.25 62.24 37.01 9/2/2030 558.17 99.25 402.76 62.24 155.41 37.01 229.43 3/2/2031 84.74 53.93 30.81 9/2/2031 588.11 84.74 420.43 53.93 167.68 30.81 229.30 3/2/2032 69.45 45.26 24.19 9/2/2032 618.04 69.45 438.09 45.26 179.95 24.19 228.33 3/2/2033 53.38 35.95 17.43 9/2/2033 649.74 53.38 455.76 35.95 193.98 17.43 228.84 3/2/2034 36.49 24.55 11.94 9/2/2034 683.19 36.49 478.72 24.55 204.47 11.94 228.35 3/2/2035 18.72 12.59 6.13 9/2/2035 720.17 18.72 503.45 12.59 216.72 6.13 228.98 Totals $10,115.81 $7,048.71 $7,751.37 $4,263.41 $2,364.42 $2,785.30 $5,149.72 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$7,972.35 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $258.97 $260.18 $0.00 $176.77 $258.97 $83.41 $342.38 3/2/2014 254.87 150.09 104.78 9/2/2014 269.84 254.87 477.83 150.09 (207.99)104.78 1.57 3/2/2015 249.14 145.31 103.83 9/2/2015 280.70 249.14 254.36 145.31 26.34 103.83 234.00 3/2/2016 242.96 142.76 100.20 9/2/2016 293.38 242.96 259.81 142.76 33.57 100.20 233.97 3/2/2017 236.36 138.87 97.49 9/2/2017 306.06 236.36 263.44 138.87 42.62 97.49 237.60 3/2/2018 229.40 134.92 94.48 9/2/2018 320.55 229.40 272.53 134.92 48.02 94.48 236.98 3/2/2019 221.95 130.83 91.12 9/2/2019 335.03 221.95 279.80 130.83 55.23 91.12 237.47 3/2/2020 213.99 126.63 87.36 9/2/2020 351.33 213.99 288.88 126.63 62.45 87.36 237.17 3/2/2021 205.47 122.30 83.17 9/2/2021 367.63 205.47 297.96 122.30 69.67 83.17 236.01 3/2/2022 196.51 117.60 78.91 9/2/2022 385.74 196.51 307.05 117.60 78.69 78.91 236.51 3/2/2023 186.87 112.42 74.45 9/2/2023 405.66 186.87 317.95 112.42 87.71 74.45 236.61 3/2/2024 176.62 106.78 69.84 9/2/2024 425.58 176.62 328.85 106.78 96.73 69.84 236.41 3/2/2025 165.88 100.70 65.18 9/2/2025 447.32 165.88 341.57 100.70 105.75 65.18 236.11 3/2/2026 154.36 94.21 60.15 9/2/2026 469.05 154.36 354.29 94.21 114.76 60.15 235.06 3/2/2027 142.28 87.30 54.98 9/2/2027 494.40 142.28 368.82 87.30 125.58 54.98 235.54 3/2/2028 129.55 79.92 49.63 9/2/2028 519.76 129.55 383.36 79.92 136.40 49.63 235.66 3/2/2029 116.17 72.25 43.92 9/2/2029 546.92 116.17 399.71 72.25 147.21 43.92 235.05 3/2/2030 102.08 64.01 38.07 9/2/2030 574.09 102.08 414.24 64.01 159.85 38.07 235.99 3/2/2031 87.16 55.47 31.69 9/2/2031 604.87 87.16 432.41 55.47 172.46 31.69 235.84 3/2/2032 71.43 46.55 24.88 9/2/2032 635.66 71.43 450.58 46.55 185.08 24.88 234.84 3/2/2033 54.90 36.97 17.93 9/2/2033 668.26 54.90 468.75 36.97 199.51 17.93 235.37 3/2/2034 37.53 25.25 12.28 9/2/2034 702.67 37.53 492.37 25.25 210.30 12.28 234.86 3/2/2035 19.26 12.95 6.31 9/2/2035 740.70 19.26 517.80 12.95 222.90 6.31 235.52 Totals $10,404.17 $7,249.66 $7,972.35 $4,384.95 $2,431.81 $2,864.71 $5,296.52 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$8,073.84 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $262.27 $263.49 $0.00 $179.02 $262.27 $84.47 $346.74 3/2/2014 258.12 152.00 106.12 9/2/2014 273.27 258.12 483.92 152.00 (210.65)106.12 1.59 3/2/2015 252.31 147.16 105.15 9/2/2015 284.28 252.31 257.60 147.16 26.68 105.15 236.98 3/2/2016 246.06 144.58 101.48 9/2/2016 297.12 246.06 263.12 144.58 34.00 101.48 236.96 3/2/2017 239.37 140.64 98.73 9/2/2017 309.95 239.37 266.80 140.64 43.15 98.73 240.61 3/2/2018 232.32 136.63 95.69 9/2/2018 324.63 232.32 276.00 136.63 48.63 95.69 240.01 3/2/2019 224.77 132.49 92.28 9/2/2019 339.30 224.77 283.36 132.49 55.94 92.28 240.50 3/2/2020 216.71 128.24 88.47 9/2/2020 355.81 216.71 292.56 128.24 63.25 88.47 240.19 3/2/2021 208.09 123.85 84.24 9/2/2021 372.31 208.09 301.76 123.85 70.55 84.24 239.03 3/2/2022 199.01 119.10 79.91 9/2/2022 390.65 199.01 310.96 119.10 79.69 79.91 239.51 3/2/2023 189.24 113.85 75.39 9/2/2023 410.83 189.24 322.00 113.85 88.83 75.39 239.61 3/2/2024 178.87 108.14 70.73 9/2/2024 431.00 178.87 333.04 108.14 97.96 70.73 239.42 3/2/2025 167.99 101.98 66.01 9/2/2025 453.01 167.99 345.92 101.98 107.09 66.01 239.11 3/2/2026 156.32 95.41 60.91 9/2/2026 475.02 156.32 358.80 95.41 116.22 60.91 238.04 3/2/2027 144.09 88.41 55.68 9/2/2027 500.70 144.09 373.52 88.41 127.18 55.68 238.54 3/2/2028 131.20 80.94 50.26 9/2/2028 526.37 131.20 388.24 80.94 138.13 50.26 238.65 3/2/2029 117.64 73.17 44.47 9/2/2029 553.88 117.64 404.80 73.17 149.08 44.47 238.02 3/2/2030 103.38 64.82 38.56 9/2/2030 581.39 103.38 419.52 64.82 161.87 38.56 238.99 3/2/2031 88.27 56.17 32.10 9/2/2031 612.57 88.27 437.92 56.17 174.65 32.10 238.85 3/2/2032 72.34 47.14 25.20 9/2/2032 643.75 72.34 456.32 47.14 187.43 25.20 237.83 3/2/2033 55.60 37.44 18.16 9/2/2033 676.77 55.60 474.72 37.44 202.05 18.16 238.37 3/2/2034 38.01 25.58 12.43 9/2/2034 711.61 38.01 498.63 25.58 212.98 12.43 237.84 3/2/2035 19.50 13.11 6.39 9/2/2035 750.13 19.50 524.39 13.11 225.74 6.39 238.52 Totals $10,536.62 $7,341.91 $8,073.84 $4,440.72 $2,462.72 $2,901.19 $5,363.91 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$8,088.30 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $262.74 $263.97 $0.00 $179.34 $262.74 $84.63 $347.37 3/2/2014 258.58 152.27 106.31 9/2/2014 273.76 258.58 484.78 152.27 (211.02)106.31 1.60 3/2/2015 252.76 147.42 105.34 9/2/2015 284.79 252.76 258.06 147.42 26.73 105.34 237.41 3/2/2016 246.50 144.84 101.66 9/2/2016 297.65 246.50 263.59 144.84 34.06 101.66 237.38 3/2/2017 239.80 140.89 98.91 9/2/2017 310.51 239.80 267.28 140.89 43.23 98.91 241.05 3/2/2018 232.74 136.88 95.86 9/2/2018 325.21 232.74 276.49 136.88 48.72 95.86 240.44 3/2/2019 225.18 132.73 92.45 9/2/2019 339.91 225.18 283.86 132.73 56.05 92.45 240.95 3/2/2020 217.10 128.47 88.63 9/2/2020 356.44 217.10 293.08 128.47 63.36 88.63 240.62 3/2/2021 208.46 124.08 84.38 9/2/2021 372.98 208.46 302.30 124.08 70.68 84.38 239.44 3/2/2022 199.37 119.32 80.05 9/2/2022 391.35 199.37 311.51 119.32 79.84 80.05 239.94 3/2/2023 189.58 114.06 75.52 9/2/2023 411.56 189.58 322.57 114.06 88.99 75.52 240.03 3/2/2024 179.19 108.33 70.86 9/2/2024 431.77 179.19 333.63 108.33 98.14 70.86 239.86 3/2/2025 168.29 102.16 66.13 9/2/2025 453.82 168.29 346.54 102.16 107.28 66.13 239.54 3/2/2026 156.60 95.58 61.02 9/2/2026 475.87 156.60 359.44 95.58 116.43 61.02 238.47 3/2/2027 144.35 88.57 55.78 9/2/2027 501.59 144.35 374.19 88.57 127.40 55.78 238.96 3/2/2028 131.43 81.08 50.35 9/2/2028 527.32 131.43 388.93 81.08 138.39 50.35 239.09 3/2/2029 117.86 73.30 44.56 9/2/2029 554.88 117.86 405.52 73.30 149.36 44.56 238.48 3/2/2030 103.57 64.94 38.63 9/2/2030 582.44 103.57 420.27 64.94 162.17 38.63 239.43 3/2/2031 88.42 56.27 32.15 9/2/2031 613.67 88.42 438.70 56.27 174.97 32.15 239.27 3/2/2032 72.47 47.22 25.25 9/2/2032 644.91 72.47 457.13 47.22 187.78 25.25 238.28 3/2/2033 55.70 37.51 18.19 9/2/2033 677.98 55.70 475.57 37.51 202.41 18.19 238.79 3/2/2034 38.07 25.62 12.45 9/2/2034 712.89 38.07 499.53 25.62 213.36 12.45 238.26 3/2/2035 19.54 13.13 6.41 9/2/2035 751.47 19.54 525.33 13.13 226.14 6.41 238.96 Totals $10,555.51 $7,355.09 $8,088.30 $4,448.68 $2,467.21 $2,906.41 $5,373.62 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$8,135.86 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:2 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $264.28 $265.52 $0.00 $180.39 $264.28 $85.13 $349.41 3/2/2014 260.10 153.16 106.94 9/2/2014 275.37 260.10 487.63 153.16 (212.26)106.94 1.62 3/2/2015 254.25 148.29 105.96 9/2/2015 286.46 254.25 259.58 148.29 26.88 105.96 238.80 3/2/2016 247.95 145.69 102.26 9/2/2016 299.40 247.95 265.14 145.69 34.26 102.26 238.78 3/2/2017 241.21 141.72 99.49 9/2/2017 312.34 241.21 268.85 141.72 43.49 99.49 242.47 3/2/2018 234.10 137.68 96.42 9/2/2018 327.12 234.10 278.12 137.68 49.00 96.42 241.84 3/2/2019 226.50 133.51 92.99 9/2/2019 341.91 226.50 285.53 133.51 56.38 92.99 242.36 3/2/2020 218.38 129.23 89.15 9/2/2020 358.54 218.38 294.80 129.23 63.74 89.15 242.04 3/2/2021 209.68 124.81 84.87 9/2/2021 375.17 209.68 304.07 124.81 71.10 84.87 240.84 3/2/2022 200.54 120.02 80.52 9/2/2022 393.65 200.54 313.35 120.02 80.30 80.52 241.34 3/2/2023 190.70 114.73 75.97 9/2/2023 413.98 190.70 324.47 114.73 89.51 75.97 241.45 3/2/2024 180.25 108.97 71.28 9/2/2024 434.31 180.25 335.59 108.97 98.72 71.28 241.28 3/2/2025 169.28 102.76 66.52 9/2/2025 456.49 169.28 348.57 102.76 107.92 66.52 240.96 3/2/2026 157.52 96.14 61.38 9/2/2026 478.67 157.52 361.55 96.14 117.12 61.38 239.88 3/2/2027 145.20 89.09 56.11 9/2/2027 504.54 145.20 376.39 89.09 128.15 56.11 240.37 3/2/2028 132.21 81.56 50.65 9/2/2028 530.42 132.21 391.22 81.56 139.20 50.65 240.50 3/2/2029 118.55 73.74 44.81 9/2/2029 558.14 118.55 407.91 73.74 150.23 44.81 239.85 3/2/2030 104.18 65.32 38.86 9/2/2030 585.86 104.18 422.74 65.32 163.12 38.86 240.84 3/2/2031 88.94 56.60 32.34 9/2/2031 617.28 88.94 441.28 56.60 176.00 32.34 240.68 3/2/2032 72.89 47.50 25.39 9/2/2032 648.70 72.89 459.82 47.50 188.88 25.39 239.66 3/2/2033 56.03 37.73 18.30 9/2/2033 681.96 56.03 478.36 37.73 203.60 18.30 240.20 3/2/2034 38.30 25.77 12.53 9/2/2034 717.08 38.30 502.47 25.77 214.61 12.53 239.67 3/2/2035 19.65 13.21 6.44 9/2/2035 755.89 19.65 528.42 13.21 227.47 6.44 240.35 Totals $10,617.56 $7,398.34 $8,135.86 $4,474.85 $2,481.70 $2,923.49 $5,405.19 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$8,144.32 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $264.56 $265.79 $0.00 $180.58 $264.56 $85.21 $349.77 3/2/2014 260.37 153.32 107.05 9/2/2014 275.66 260.37 488.14 153.32 (212.48)107.05 1.62 3/2/2015 254.51 148.44 106.07 9/2/2015 286.76 254.51 259.85 148.44 26.91 106.07 239.05 3/2/2016 248.20 145.84 102.36 9/2/2016 299.71 248.20 265.41 145.84 34.30 102.36 239.02 3/2/2017 241.46 141.86 99.60 9/2/2017 312.66 241.46 269.13 141.86 43.53 99.60 242.73 3/2/2018 234.35 137.83 96.52 9/2/2018 327.46 234.35 278.41 137.83 49.05 96.52 242.09 3/2/2019 226.73 133.65 93.08 9/2/2019 342.26 226.73 285.83 133.65 56.43 93.08 242.59 3/2/2020 218.61 129.36 89.25 9/2/2020 358.91 218.61 295.11 129.36 63.80 89.25 242.30 3/2/2021 209.90 124.94 84.96 9/2/2021 375.56 209.90 304.39 124.94 71.17 84.96 241.09 3/2/2022 200.75 120.14 80.61 9/2/2022 394.06 200.75 313.67 120.14 80.39 80.61 241.61 3/2/2023 190.90 114.85 76.05 9/2/2023 414.41 190.90 324.81 114.85 89.60 76.05 241.70 3/2/2024 180.43 109.08 71.35 9/2/2024 434.76 180.43 335.94 109.08 98.82 71.35 241.52 3/2/2025 169.45 102.87 66.58 9/2/2025 456.97 169.45 348.94 102.87 108.03 66.58 241.19 3/2/2026 157.69 96.24 61.45 9/2/2026 479.17 157.69 361.93 96.24 117.24 61.45 240.14 3/2/2027 145.35 89.18 56.17 9/2/2027 505.07 145.35 376.78 89.18 128.29 56.17 240.63 3/2/2028 132.34 81.65 50.69 9/2/2028 530.97 132.34 391.63 81.65 139.34 50.69 240.72 3/2/2029 118.67 73.81 44.86 9/2/2029 558.72 118.67 408.33 73.81 150.39 44.86 240.11 3/2/2030 104.28 65.39 38.89 9/2/2030 586.47 104.28 423.18 65.39 163.29 38.89 241.07 3/2/2031 89.04 56.66 32.38 9/2/2031 617.92 89.04 441.74 56.66 176.18 32.38 240.94 3/2/2032 72.97 47.55 25.42 9/2/2032 649.37 72.97 460.30 47.55 189.07 25.42 239.91 3/2/2033 56.09 37.77 18.32 9/2/2033 682.67 56.09 478.86 37.77 203.81 18.32 240.45 3/2/2034 38.34 25.80 12.54 9/2/2034 717.82 38.34 502.99 25.80 214.83 12.54 239.91 3/2/2035 19.67 13.22 6.45 9/2/2035 756.68 19.67 528.97 13.22 227.71 6.45 240.61 Totals $10,628.60 $7,405.99 $8,144.32 $4,479.48 $2,484.26 $2,926.51 $5,410.77 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$8,197.88 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:3 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $266.30 $267.54 $0.00 $181.77 $266.30 $85.77 $352.07 3/2/2014 262.08 154.33 107.75 9/2/2014 277.47 262.08 491.35 154.33 (213.88)107.75 1.62 3/2/2015 256.19 149.42 106.77 9/2/2015 288.65 256.19 261.55 149.42 27.10 106.77 240.64 3/2/2016 249.84 146.80 103.04 9/2/2016 301.68 249.84 267.16 146.80 34.52 103.04 240.60 3/2/2017 243.05 142.80 100.25 9/2/2017 314.72 243.05 270.90 142.80 43.82 100.25 244.32 3/2/2018 235.89 138.73 97.16 9/2/2018 329.61 235.89 280.24 138.73 49.37 97.16 243.69 3/2/2019 228.23 134.53 93.70 9/2/2019 344.51 228.23 287.71 134.53 56.80 93.70 244.20 3/2/2020 220.04 130.21 89.83 9/2/2020 361.27 220.04 297.05 130.21 64.22 89.83 243.88 3/2/2021 211.28 125.76 85.52 9/2/2021 378.03 211.28 306.39 125.76 71.64 85.52 242.68 3/2/2022 202.07 120.93 81.14 9/2/2022 396.65 202.07 315.73 120.93 80.92 81.14 243.20 3/2/2023 192.15 115.60 76.55 9/2/2023 417.14 192.15 326.94 115.60 90.20 76.55 243.30 3/2/2024 181.62 109.80 71.82 9/2/2024 437.62 181.62 338.15 109.80 99.47 71.82 243.11 3/2/2025 170.57 103.54 67.03 9/2/2025 459.97 170.57 351.23 103.54 108.74 67.03 242.80 3/2/2026 158.72 96.87 61.85 9/2/2026 482.32 158.72 364.31 96.87 118.01 61.85 241.71 3/2/2027 146.31 89.77 56.54 9/2/2027 508.39 146.31 379.25 89.77 129.14 56.54 242.22 3/2/2028 133.21 82.18 51.03 9/2/2028 534.46 133.21 394.20 82.18 140.26 51.03 242.32 3/2/2029 119.45 74.30 45.15 9/2/2029 562.39 119.45 411.01 74.30 151.38 45.15 241.68 3/2/2030 104.97 65.82 39.15 9/2/2030 590.33 104.97 425.96 65.82 164.37 39.15 242.67 3/2/2031 89.62 57.04 32.58 9/2/2031 621.98 89.62 444.64 57.04 177.34 32.58 242.50 3/2/2032 73.45 47.86 25.59 9/2/2032 653.64 73.45 463.33 47.86 190.31 25.59 241.49 3/2/2033 56.46 38.02 18.44 9/2/2033 687.16 56.46 482.01 38.02 205.15 18.44 242.03 3/2/2034 38.59 25.97 12.62 9/2/2034 722.55 38.59 506.30 25.97 216.25 12.62 241.49 3/2/2035 19.80 13.31 6.49 9/2/2035 761.65 19.80 532.45 13.31 229.20 6.49 242.18 Totals $10,698.49 $7,454.72 $8,197.88 $4,508.95 $2,500.63 $2,945.77 $5,446.40 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$8,263.47 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $268.43 $269.68 $0.00 $183.22 $268.43 $86.46 $354.89 3/2/2014 264.18 155.57 108.61 9/2/2014 279.69 264.18 495.28 155.57 (215.59)108.61 1.63 3/2/2015 258.24 150.61 107.63 9/2/2015 290.96 258.24 263.65 150.61 27.31 107.63 242.57 3/2/2016 251.84 147.98 103.86 9/2/2016 304.10 251.84 269.30 147.98 34.80 103.86 242.52 3/2/2017 244.99 143.94 101.05 9/2/2017 317.23 244.99 273.06 143.94 44.17 101.05 246.27 3/2/2018 237.78 139.84 97.94 9/2/2018 332.25 237.78 282.48 139.84 49.77 97.94 245.65 3/2/2019 230.05 135.61 94.44 9/2/2019 347.27 230.05 290.01 135.61 57.26 94.44 246.14 3/2/2020 221.80 131.25 90.55 9/2/2020 364.16 221.80 299.43 131.25 64.73 90.55 245.83 3/2/2021 212.97 126.76 86.21 9/2/2021 381.06 212.97 308.84 126.76 72.22 86.21 244.64 3/2/2022 203.68 121.90 81.78 9/2/2022 399.83 203.68 318.26 121.90 81.57 81.78 245.13 3/2/2023 193.69 116.53 77.16 9/2/2023 420.48 193.69 329.56 116.53 90.92 77.16 245.24 3/2/2024 183.07 110.68 72.39 9/2/2024 441.13 183.07 340.86 110.68 100.27 72.39 245.05 3/2/2025 171.93 104.37 67.56 9/2/2025 463.65 171.93 354.04 104.37 109.61 67.56 244.73 3/2/2026 159.99 97.65 62.34 9/2/2026 486.18 159.99 367.22 97.65 118.96 62.34 243.64 3/2/2027 147.48 90.49 56.99 9/2/2027 512.46 147.48 382.29 90.49 130.17 56.99 244.15 3/2/2028 134.28 82.84 51.44 9/2/2028 538.74 134.28 397.35 82.84 141.39 51.44 244.27 3/2/2029 120.41 74.89 45.52 9/2/2029 566.89 120.41 414.30 74.89 152.59 45.52 243.63 3/2/2030 105.81 66.35 39.46 9/2/2030 595.05 105.81 429.37 66.35 165.68 39.46 244.60 3/2/2031 90.34 57.49 32.85 9/2/2031 626.96 90.34 448.20 57.49 178.76 32.85 244.46 3/2/2032 74.04 48.25 25.79 9/2/2032 658.87 74.04 467.03 48.25 191.84 25.79 243.42 3/2/2033 56.91 38.32 18.59 9/2/2033 692.66 56.91 485.87 38.32 206.79 18.59 243.97 3/2/2034 38.90 26.18 12.72 9/2/2034 728.33 38.90 510.35 26.18 217.98 12.72 243.42 3/2/2035 19.96 13.42 6.54 9/2/2035 767.75 19.96 536.71 13.42 231.04 6.54 244.12 Totals $10,784.13 $7,514.36 $8,263.47 $4,545.06 $2,520.67 $2,969.30 $5,489.97 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$8,263.54 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:37 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $268.43 $269.69 $0.00 $183.22 $268.43 $86.47 $354.90 3/2/2014 264.18 155.57 108.61 9/2/2014 279.69 264.18 495.29 155.57 (215.60)108.61 1.62 3/2/2015 258.24 150.62 107.62 9/2/2015 290.96 258.24 263.65 150.62 27.31 107.62 242.55 3/2/2016 251.84 147.98 103.86 9/2/2016 304.10 251.84 269.30 147.98 34.80 103.86 242.52 3/2/2017 245.00 143.94 101.06 9/2/2017 317.24 245.00 273.07 143.94 44.17 101.06 246.29 3/2/2018 237.78 139.84 97.94 9/2/2018 332.25 237.78 282.48 139.84 49.77 97.94 245.65 3/2/2019 230.05 135.61 94.44 9/2/2019 347.27 230.05 290.01 135.61 57.26 94.44 246.14 3/2/2020 221.81 131.26 90.55 9/2/2020 364.17 221.81 299.43 131.26 64.74 90.55 245.84 3/2/2021 212.98 126.76 86.22 9/2/2021 381.06 212.98 308.85 126.76 72.21 86.22 244.65 3/2/2022 203.69 121.90 81.79 9/2/2022 399.83 203.69 318.26 121.90 81.57 81.79 245.15 3/2/2023 193.69 116.53 77.16 9/2/2023 420.48 193.69 329.56 116.53 90.92 77.16 245.24 3/2/2024 183.07 110.68 72.39 9/2/2024 441.13 183.07 340.86 110.68 100.27 72.39 245.05 3/2/2025 171.94 104.37 67.57 9/2/2025 463.65 171.94 354.04 104.37 109.61 67.57 244.75 3/2/2026 160.00 97.65 62.35 9/2/2026 486.18 160.00 367.23 97.65 118.95 62.35 243.65 3/2/2027 147.48 90.49 56.99 9/2/2027 512.46 147.48 382.29 90.49 130.17 56.99 244.15 3/2/2028 134.28 82.84 51.44 9/2/2028 538.74 134.28 397.36 82.84 141.38 51.44 244.26 3/2/2029 120.41 74.89 45.52 9/2/2029 566.90 120.41 414.31 74.89 152.59 45.52 243.63 3/2/2030 105.81 66.35 39.46 9/2/2030 595.06 105.81 429.37 66.35 165.69 39.46 244.61 3/2/2031 90.34 57.49 32.85 9/2/2031 626.97 90.34 448.20 57.49 178.77 32.85 244.47 3/2/2032 74.04 48.25 25.79 9/2/2032 658.88 74.04 467.04 48.25 191.84 25.79 243.42 3/2/2033 56.91 38.32 18.59 9/2/2033 692.67 56.91 485.87 38.32 206.80 18.59 243.98 3/2/2034 38.90 26.18 12.72 9/2/2034 728.33 38.90 510.35 26.18 217.98 12.72 243.42 3/2/2035 19.96 13.42 6.54 9/2/2035 767.75 19.96 536.72 13.42 231.03 6.54 244.11 Totals $10,784.20 $7,514.49 $8,263.54 $4,545.10 $2,520.66 $2,969.39 $5,490.05 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$8,330.37 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $270.60 $271.87 $0.00 $184.71 $270.60 $87.16 $357.76 3/2/2014 266.32 156.83 109.49 9/2/2014 281.96 266.32 499.29 156.83 (217.33)109.49 1.65 3/2/2015 260.33 151.83 108.50 9/2/2015 293.31 260.33 265.78 151.83 27.53 108.50 244.53 3/2/2016 253.87 149.18 104.69 9/2/2016 306.56 253.87 271.48 149.18 35.08 104.69 244.46 3/2/2017 246.98 145.10 101.88 9/2/2017 319.80 246.98 275.27 145.10 44.53 101.88 248.29 3/2/2018 239.70 140.97 98.73 9/2/2018 334.94 239.70 284.77 140.97 50.17 98.73 247.63 3/2/2019 231.91 136.70 95.21 9/2/2019 350.08 231.91 292.36 136.70 57.72 95.21 248.14 3/2/2020 223.60 132.32 91.28 9/2/2020 367.11 223.60 301.85 132.32 65.26 91.28 247.82 3/2/2021 214.70 127.79 86.91 9/2/2021 384.14 214.70 311.34 127.79 72.80 86.91 246.62 3/2/2022 205.33 122.89 82.44 9/2/2022 403.07 205.33 320.84 122.89 82.23 82.44 247.11 3/2/2023 195.26 117.47 77.79 9/2/2023 423.88 195.26 332.23 117.47 91.65 77.79 247.23 3/2/2024 184.55 111.57 72.98 9/2/2024 444.70 184.55 343.62 111.57 101.08 72.98 247.04 3/2/2025 173.33 105.22 68.11 9/2/2025 467.40 173.33 356.91 105.22 110.49 68.11 246.71 3/2/2026 161.29 98.44 62.85 9/2/2026 490.11 161.29 370.20 98.44 119.91 62.85 245.61 3/2/2027 148.67 91.22 57.45 9/2/2027 516.60 148.67 385.38 91.22 131.22 57.45 246.12 3/2/2028 135.37 83.51 51.86 9/2/2028 543.10 135.37 400.57 83.51 142.53 51.86 246.25 3/2/2029 121.38 75.50 45.88 9/2/2029 571.48 121.38 417.66 75.50 153.82 45.88 245.58 3/2/2030 106.67 66.88 39.79 9/2/2030 599.87 106.67 432.84 66.88 167.03 39.79 246.61 3/2/2031 91.07 57.96 33.11 9/2/2031 632.04 91.07 451.83 57.96 180.21 33.11 246.43 3/2/2032 74.64 48.64 26.00 9/2/2032 664.21 74.64 470.81 48.64 193.40 26.00 245.40 3/2/2033 57.37 38.63 18.74 9/2/2033 698.27 57.37 489.80 38.63 208.47 18.74 245.95 3/2/2034 39.21 26.39 12.82 9/2/2034 734.22 39.21 514.48 26.39 219.74 12.82 245.38 3/2/2035 20.12 13.53 6.59 9/2/2035 773.96 20.12 541.06 13.53 232.90 6.59 246.08 Totals $10,871.41 $7,575.21 $8,330.37 $4,581.85 $2,541.04 $2,993.36 $5,534.40 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$8,335.00 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $270.75 $272.02 $0.00 $184.81 $270.75 $87.21 $357.96 3/2/2014 266.47 156.91 109.56 9/2/2014 282.11 266.47 499.57 156.91 (217.46)109.56 1.66 3/2/2015 260.47 151.92 108.55 9/2/2015 293.47 260.47 265.93 151.92 27.54 108.55 244.64 3/2/2016 254.02 149.26 104.76 9/2/2016 306.73 254.02 271.63 149.26 35.10 104.76 244.62 3/2/2017 247.11 145.18 101.93 9/2/2017 319.98 247.11 275.43 145.18 44.55 101.93 248.41 3/2/2018 239.83 141.05 98.78 9/2/2018 335.13 239.83 284.92 141.05 50.21 98.78 247.77 3/2/2019 232.04 136.78 95.26 9/2/2019 350.28 232.04 292.52 136.78 57.76 95.26 248.28 3/2/2020 223.72 132.39 91.33 9/2/2020 367.32 223.72 302.02 132.39 65.30 91.33 247.96 3/2/2021 214.82 127.86 86.96 9/2/2021 384.36 214.82 311.52 127.86 72.84 86.96 246.76 3/2/2022 205.45 122.95 82.50 9/2/2022 403.29 205.45 321.02 122.95 82.27 82.50 247.27 3/2/2023 195.37 117.54 77.83 9/2/2023 424.12 195.37 332.41 117.54 91.71 77.83 247.37 3/2/2024 184.66 111.64 73.02 9/2/2024 444.94 184.66 343.81 111.64 101.13 73.02 247.17 3/2/2025 173.42 105.28 68.14 9/2/2025 467.66 173.42 357.11 105.28 110.55 68.14 246.83 3/2/2026 161.38 98.49 62.89 9/2/2026 490.39 161.38 370.40 98.49 119.99 62.89 245.77 3/2/2027 148.75 91.27 57.48 9/2/2027 516.89 148.75 385.60 91.27 131.29 57.48 246.25 3/2/2028 135.44 83.56 51.88 9/2/2028 543.40 135.44 400.79 83.56 142.61 51.88 246.37 3/2/2029 121.45 75.54 45.91 9/2/2029 571.80 121.45 417.89 75.54 153.91 45.91 245.73 3/2/2030 106.73 66.92 39.81 9/2/2030 600.20 106.73 433.09 66.92 167.11 39.81 246.73 3/2/2031 91.12 57.99 33.13 9/2/2031 632.39 91.12 452.08 57.99 180.31 33.13 246.57 3/2/2032 74.68 48.67 26.01 9/2/2032 664.58 74.68 471.08 48.67 193.50 26.01 245.52 3/2/2033 57.40 38.65 18.75 9/2/2033 698.66 57.40 490.07 38.65 208.59 18.75 246.09 3/2/2034 39.23 26.40 12.83 9/2/2034 734.63 39.23 514.76 26.40 219.87 12.83 245.53 3/2/2035 20.13 13.53 6.60 9/2/2035 774.39 20.13 541.36 13.53 233.03 6.60 246.23 Totals $10,877.47 $7,579.40 $8,335.00 $4,584.37 $2,542.46 $2,995.03 $5,537.49 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$8,335.23 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:106 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $270.76 $272.03 $0.00 $184.81 $270.76 $87.22 $357.98 3/2/2014 266.47 156.92 109.55 9/2/2014 282.12 266.47 499.58 156.92 (217.46)109.55 1.64 3/2/2015 260.48 151.92 108.56 9/2/2015 293.48 260.48 265.94 151.92 27.54 108.56 244.66 3/2/2016 254.02 149.26 104.76 9/2/2016 306.74 254.02 271.64 149.26 35.10 104.76 244.62 3/2/2017 247.12 145.19 101.93 9/2/2017 319.99 247.12 275.43 145.19 44.56 101.93 248.42 3/2/2018 239.84 141.06 98.78 9/2/2018 335.14 239.84 284.93 141.06 50.21 98.78 247.77 3/2/2019 232.05 136.78 95.27 9/2/2019 350.28 232.05 292.53 136.78 57.75 95.27 248.29 3/2/2020 223.73 132.39 91.34 9/2/2020 367.33 223.73 302.03 132.39 65.30 91.34 247.98 3/2/2021 214.82 127.86 86.96 9/2/2021 384.37 214.82 311.53 127.86 72.84 86.96 246.76 3/2/2022 205.45 122.96 82.49 9/2/2022 403.30 205.45 321.02 122.96 82.28 82.49 247.26 3/2/2023 195.37 117.54 77.83 9/2/2023 424.13 195.37 332.42 117.54 91.71 77.83 247.37 3/2/2024 184.66 111.64 73.02 9/2/2024 444.96 184.66 343.82 111.64 101.14 73.02 247.18 3/2/2025 173.43 105.28 68.15 9/2/2025 467.68 173.43 357.12 105.28 110.56 68.15 246.86 3/2/2026 161.38 98.49 62.89 9/2/2026 490.40 161.38 370.41 98.49 119.99 62.89 245.77 3/2/2027 148.76 91.27 57.49 9/2/2027 516.91 148.76 385.61 91.27 131.30 57.49 246.28 3/2/2028 135.45 83.56 51.89 9/2/2028 543.41 135.45 400.81 83.56 142.60 51.89 246.38 3/2/2029 121.45 75.54 45.91 9/2/2029 571.82 121.45 417.90 75.54 153.92 45.91 245.74 3/2/2030 106.73 66.92 39.81 9/2/2030 600.22 106.73 433.10 66.92 167.12 39.81 246.74 3/2/2031 91.12 57.99 33.13 9/2/2031 632.41 91.12 452.09 57.99 180.32 33.13 246.58 3/2/2032 74.68 48.67 26.01 9/2/2032 664.59 74.68 471.09 48.67 193.50 26.01 245.52 3/2/2033 57.40 38.66 18.74 9/2/2033 698.68 57.40 490.08 38.66 208.60 18.74 246.08 3/2/2034 39.24 26.40 12.84 9/2/2034 734.65 39.24 514.78 26.40 219.87 12.84 245.55 3/2/2035 20.13 13.53 6.60 9/2/2035 774.41 20.13 541.37 13.53 233.04 6.60 246.24 Totals $10,877.78 $7,579.59 $8,335.23 $4,584.47 $2,542.55 $2,995.12 $5,537.67 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$8,413.85 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:229 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $273.31 $274.59 $0.00 $186.56 $273.31 $88.03 $361.34 3/2/2014 268.99 158.40 110.59 9/2/2014 284.78 268.99 504.29 158.40 (219.51)110.59 1.67 3/2/2015 262.94 153.36 109.58 9/2/2015 296.25 262.94 268.45 153.36 27.80 109.58 246.96 3/2/2016 256.42 150.67 105.75 9/2/2016 309.63 256.42 274.20 150.67 35.43 105.75 246.93 3/2/2017 249.45 146.56 102.89 9/2/2017 323.01 249.45 278.03 146.56 44.98 102.89 250.76 3/2/2018 242.10 142.39 99.71 9/2/2018 338.30 242.10 287.62 142.39 50.68 99.71 250.10 3/2/2019 234.24 138.07 96.17 9/2/2019 353.59 234.24 295.29 138.07 58.30 96.17 250.64 3/2/2020 225.84 133.64 92.20 9/2/2020 370.79 225.84 304.88 133.64 65.91 92.20 250.31 3/2/2021 216.85 129.07 87.78 9/2/2021 387.99 216.85 314.46 129.07 73.53 87.78 249.09 3/2/2022 207.39 124.12 83.27 9/2/2022 407.10 207.39 324.05 124.12 83.05 83.27 249.59 3/2/2023 197.21 118.65 78.56 9/2/2023 428.13 197.21 335.56 118.65 92.57 78.56 249.69 3/2/2024 186.40 112.69 73.71 9/2/2024 449.15 186.40 347.06 112.69 102.09 73.71 249.51 3/2/2025 175.06 106.27 68.79 9/2/2025 472.09 175.06 360.48 106.27 111.61 68.79 249.19 3/2/2026 162.91 99.42 63.49 9/2/2026 495.02 162.91 373.91 99.42 121.11 63.49 248.09 3/2/2027 150.16 92.13 58.03 9/2/2027 521.78 150.16 389.25 92.13 132.53 58.03 248.59 3/2/2028 136.72 84.35 52.37 9/2/2028 548.54 136.72 404.59 84.35 143.95 52.37 248.69 3/2/2029 122.60 76.26 46.34 9/2/2029 577.21 122.60 421.84 76.26 155.37 46.34 248.05 3/2/2030 107.74 67.55 40.19 9/2/2030 605.88 107.74 437.18 67.55 168.70 40.19 249.08 3/2/2031 91.98 58.54 33.44 9/2/2031 638.37 91.98 456.36 58.54 182.01 33.44 248.89 3/2/2032 75.39 49.13 26.26 9/2/2032 670.86 75.39 475.53 49.13 195.33 26.26 247.85 3/2/2033 57.94 39.02 18.92 9/2/2033 705.27 57.94 494.71 39.02 210.56 18.92 248.40 3/2/2034 39.61 26.65 12.96 9/2/2034 741.58 39.61 519.63 26.65 221.95 12.96 247.87 3/2/2035 20.32 13.66 6.66 9/2/2035 781.72 20.32 546.48 13.66 235.24 6.66 248.56 Totals $10,980.35 $7,651.11 $8,413.85 $4,627.76 $2,566.50 $3,023.35 $5,589.85 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$8,429.04 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $273.81 $275.09 $0.00 $186.89 $273.81 $88.20 $362.01 3/2/2014 269.47 158.68 110.79 9/2/2014 285.30 269.47 505.20 158.68 (219.90)110.79 1.68 3/2/2015 263.41 153.63 109.78 9/2/2015 296.78 263.41 268.93 153.63 27.85 109.78 247.41 3/2/2016 256.88 150.94 105.94 9/2/2016 310.19 256.88 274.69 150.94 35.50 105.94 247.38 3/2/2017 249.90 146.82 103.08 9/2/2017 323.59 249.90 278.53 146.82 45.06 103.08 251.22 3/2/2018 242.54 142.64 99.90 9/2/2018 338.91 242.54 288.14 142.64 50.77 99.90 250.57 3/2/2019 234.66 138.32 96.34 9/2/2019 354.23 234.66 295.82 138.32 58.41 96.34 251.09 3/2/2020 226.25 133.88 92.37 9/2/2020 371.46 226.25 305.43 133.88 66.03 92.37 250.77 3/2/2021 217.24 129.30 87.94 9/2/2021 388.69 217.24 315.03 129.30 73.66 87.94 249.54 3/2/2022 207.77 124.34 83.43 9/2/2022 407.84 207.77 324.64 124.34 83.20 83.43 250.06 3/2/2023 197.57 118.86 78.71 9/2/2023 428.90 197.57 336.16 118.86 92.74 78.71 250.16 3/2/2024 186.74 112.90 73.84 9/2/2024 449.96 186.74 347.69 112.90 102.27 73.84 249.95 3/2/2025 175.38 106.46 68.92 9/2/2025 472.94 175.38 361.13 106.46 111.81 68.92 249.65 3/2/2026 163.20 99.60 63.60 9/2/2026 495.92 163.20 374.58 99.60 121.34 63.60 248.54 3/2/2027 150.43 92.30 58.13 9/2/2027 522.72 150.43 389.95 92.30 132.77 58.13 249.03 3/2/2028 136.97 84.50 52.47 9/2/2028 549.53 136.97 405.32 84.50 144.21 52.47 249.15 3/2/2029 122.82 76.39 46.43 9/2/2029 578.25 122.82 422.60 76.39 155.65 46.43 248.51 3/2/2030 107.93 67.68 40.25 9/2/2030 606.97 107.93 437.97 67.68 169.00 40.25 249.50 3/2/2031 92.15 58.64 33.51 9/2/2031 639.52 92.15 457.18 58.64 182.34 33.51 249.36 3/2/2032 75.52 49.21 26.31 9/2/2032 672.07 75.52 476.39 49.21 195.68 26.31 248.30 3/2/2033 58.05 39.09 18.96 9/2/2033 706.54 58.05 495.60 39.09 210.94 18.96 248.86 3/2/2034 39.68 26.70 12.98 9/2/2034 742.92 39.68 520.57 26.70 222.35 12.98 248.31 3/2/2035 20.36 13.69 6.67 9/2/2035 783.13 20.36 547.46 13.69 235.67 6.67 249.01 Totals $11,000.17 $7,664.93 $8,429.04 $4,636.03 $2,571.16 $3,028.90 $5,600.06 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$8,569.99 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $278.39 $279.69 $0.00 $190.02 $278.39 $89.67 $368.06 3/2/2014 273.98 161.34 112.64 9/2/2014 290.07 273.98 513.65 161.34 (223.58)112.64 1.70 3/2/2015 267.82 156.20 111.62 9/2/2015 301.75 267.82 273.43 156.20 28.32 111.62 251.56 3/2/2016 261.18 153.47 107.71 9/2/2016 315.37 261.18 279.29 153.47 36.08 107.71 251.50 3/2/2017 254.08 149.28 104.80 9/2/2017 329.00 254.08 283.19 149.28 45.81 104.80 255.41 3/2/2018 246.60 145.03 101.57 9/2/2018 344.58 246.60 292.96 145.03 51.62 101.57 254.76 3/2/2019 238.59 140.64 97.95 9/2/2019 360.15 238.59 300.77 140.64 59.38 97.95 255.28 3/2/2020 230.03 136.12 93.91 9/2/2020 377.67 230.03 310.54 136.12 67.13 93.91 254.95 3/2/2021 220.87 131.47 89.40 9/2/2021 395.19 220.87 320.30 131.47 74.89 89.40 253.69 3/2/2022 211.24 126.42 84.82 9/2/2022 414.66 211.24 330.07 126.42 84.59 84.82 254.23 3/2/2023 200.87 120.85 80.02 9/2/2023 436.07 200.87 341.78 120.85 94.29 80.02 254.33 3/2/2024 189.86 114.78 75.08 9/2/2024 457.49 189.86 353.50 114.78 103.99 75.08 254.15 3/2/2025 178.31 108.24 70.07 9/2/2025 480.85 178.31 367.17 108.24 113.68 70.07 253.82 3/2/2026 165.93 101.27 64.66 9/2/2026 504.21 165.93 380.85 101.27 123.36 64.66 252.68 3/2/2027 152.95 93.84 59.11 9/2/2027 531.47 152.95 396.47 93.84 135.00 59.11 253.22 3/2/2028 139.26 85.91 53.35 9/2/2028 558.72 139.26 412.09 85.91 146.63 53.35 253.33 3/2/2029 124.87 77.67 47.20 9/2/2029 587.92 124.87 429.67 77.67 158.25 47.20 252.65 3/2/2030 109.73 68.81 40.92 9/2/2030 617.12 109.73 445.30 68.81 171.82 40.92 253.66 3/2/2031 93.69 59.62 34.07 9/2/2031 650.22 93.69 464.83 59.62 185.39 34.07 253.53 3/2/2032 76.78 50.04 26.74 9/2/2032 683.31 76.78 484.36 50.04 198.95 26.74 252.43 3/2/2033 59.02 39.74 19.28 9/2/2033 718.35 59.02 503.89 39.74 214.46 19.28 253.02 3/2/2034 40.34 27.15 13.19 9/2/2034 755.34 40.34 529.28 27.15 226.06 13.19 252.44 3/2/2035 20.70 13.92 6.78 9/2/2035 796.22 20.70 556.62 13.92 239.60 6.78 253.16 Totals $11,184.12 $7,793.09 $8,569.99 $4,713.64 $2,614.11 $3,079.45 $5,693.56 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$8,772.97 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $284.98 $286.31 $0.00 $194.52 $284.98 $91.79 $376.77 3/2/2014 280.47 165.16 115.31 9/2/2014 296.94 280.47 525.82 165.16 (228.88)115.31 1.74 3/2/2015 274.16 159.90 114.26 9/2/2015 308.89 274.16 279.90 159.90 28.99 114.26 257.51 3/2/2016 267.36 157.10 110.26 9/2/2016 322.84 267.36 285.90 157.10 36.94 110.26 257.46 3/2/2017 260.10 152.81 107.29 9/2/2017 336.79 260.10 289.90 152.81 46.89 107.29 261.47 3/2/2018 252.44 148.46 103.98 9/2/2018 352.74 252.44 299.90 148.46 52.84 103.98 260.80 3/2/2019 244.24 143.97 100.27 9/2/2019 368.68 244.24 307.89 143.97 60.79 100.27 261.33 3/2/2020 235.48 139.35 96.13 9/2/2020 386.62 235.48 317.89 139.35 68.73 96.13 260.99 3/2/2021 226.10 134.58 91.52 9/2/2021 404.55 226.10 327.89 134.58 76.66 91.52 259.70 3/2/2022 216.24 129.42 86.82 9/2/2022 424.48 216.24 337.88 129.42 86.60 86.82 260.24 3/2/2023 205.63 123.71 81.92 9/2/2023 446.40 205.63 349.88 123.71 96.52 81.92 260.36 3/2/2024 194.36 117.50 76.86 9/2/2024 468.32 194.36 361.87 117.50 106.45 76.86 260.17 3/2/2025 182.53 110.81 71.72 9/2/2025 492.24 182.53 375.87 110.81 116.37 71.72 259.81 3/2/2026 169.86 103.67 66.19 9/2/2026 516.15 169.86 389.87 103.67 126.28 66.19 258.66 3/2/2027 156.57 96.06 60.51 9/2/2027 544.05 156.57 405.86 96.06 138.19 60.51 259.21 3/2/2028 142.56 87.95 54.61 9/2/2028 571.95 142.56 421.85 87.95 150.10 54.61 259.32 3/2/2029 127.83 79.51 48.32 9/2/2029 601.85 127.83 439.85 79.51 162.00 48.32 258.64 3/2/2030 112.33 70.44 41.89 9/2/2030 631.74 112.33 455.84 70.44 175.90 41.89 259.68 3/2/2031 95.91 61.04 34.87 9/2/2031 665.62 95.91 475.84 61.04 189.78 34.87 259.52 3/2/2032 78.60 51.22 27.38 9/2/2032 699.50 78.60 495.83 51.22 203.67 27.38 258.43 3/2/2033 60.42 40.69 19.73 9/2/2033 735.37 60.42 515.82 40.69 219.55 19.73 259.01 3/2/2034 41.30 27.79 13.51 9/2/2034 773.23 41.30 541.81 27.79 231.42 13.51 258.44 3/2/2035 21.19 14.25 6.94 9/2/2035 815.08 21.19 569.80 14.25 245.28 6.94 259.16 Totals $11,449.01 $7,977.67 $8,772.97 $4,825.30 $2,676.05 $3,152.37 $5,828.42 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$8,829.36 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:2 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $286.81 $288.15 $0.00 $195.77 $286.81 $92.38 $379.19 3/2/2014 282.27 166.22 116.05 9/2/2014 298.85 282.27 529.20 166.22 (230.35)116.05 1.75 3/2/2015 275.92 160.93 114.99 9/2/2015 310.88 275.92 281.70 160.93 29.18 114.99 259.16 3/2/2016 269.08 158.11 110.97 9/2/2016 324.92 269.08 287.74 158.11 37.18 110.97 259.12 3/2/2017 261.77 153.80 107.97 9/2/2017 338.96 261.77 291.76 153.80 47.20 107.97 263.14 3/2/2018 254.06 149.42 104.64 9/2/2018 355.00 254.06 301.82 149.42 53.18 104.64 262.46 3/2/2019 245.81 144.89 100.92 9/2/2019 371.05 245.81 309.87 144.89 61.18 100.92 263.02 3/2/2020 236.99 140.24 96.75 9/2/2020 389.10 236.99 319.93 140.24 69.17 96.75 262.67 3/2/2021 227.56 135.44 92.12 9/2/2021 407.15 227.56 329.99 135.44 77.16 92.12 261.40 3/2/2022 217.63 130.25 87.38 9/2/2022 427.21 217.63 340.06 130.25 87.15 87.38 261.91 3/2/2023 206.95 124.51 82.44 9/2/2023 449.27 206.95 352.13 124.51 97.14 82.44 262.02 3/2/2024 195.61 118.26 77.35 9/2/2024 471.33 195.61 364.20 118.26 107.13 77.35 261.83 3/2/2025 183.71 111.52 72.19 9/2/2025 495.40 183.71 378.29 111.52 117.11 72.19 261.49 3/2/2026 170.95 104.33 66.62 9/2/2026 519.47 170.95 392.37 104.33 127.10 66.62 260.34 3/2/2027 157.57 96.68 60.89 9/2/2027 547.55 157.57 408.47 96.68 139.08 60.89 260.86 3/2/2028 143.48 88.51 54.97 9/2/2028 575.63 143.48 424.57 88.51 151.06 54.97 261.00 3/2/2029 128.65 80.02 48.63 9/2/2029 605.71 128.65 442.68 80.02 163.03 48.63 260.29 3/2/2030 113.06 70.89 42.17 9/2/2030 635.80 113.06 458.77 70.89 177.03 42.17 261.37 3/2/2031 96.53 61.43 35.10 9/2/2031 669.90 96.53 478.89 61.43 191.01 35.10 261.21 3/2/2032 79.11 51.55 27.56 9/2/2032 703.99 79.11 499.02 51.55 204.97 27.56 260.09 3/2/2033 60.80 40.95 19.85 9/2/2033 740.09 60.80 519.14 40.95 220.95 19.85 260.65 3/2/2034 41.56 27.97 13.59 9/2/2034 778.20 41.56 545.30 27.97 232.90 13.59 260.08 3/2/2035 21.33 14.34 6.99 9/2/2035 820.32 21.33 573.47 14.34 246.85 6.99 260.83 Totals $11,522.59 $8,028.95 $8,829.36 $4,856.29 $2,693.22 $3,172.66 $5,865.88 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$8,891.40 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:160 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $288.83 $290.18 $0.00 $197.15 $288.83 $93.03 $381.86 3/2/2014 284.26 167.39 116.87 9/2/2014 300.95 284.26 532.92 167.39 (231.97)116.87 1.77 3/2/2015 277.86 162.06 115.80 9/2/2015 313.06 277.86 283.68 162.06 29.38 115.80 260.98 3/2/2016 270.97 159.22 111.75 9/2/2016 327.20 270.97 289.76 159.22 37.44 111.75 260.94 3/2/2017 263.61 154.88 108.73 9/2/2017 341.34 263.61 293.81 154.88 47.53 108.73 264.99 3/2/2018 255.85 150.47 105.38 9/2/2018 357.50 255.85 303.94 150.47 53.56 105.38 264.32 3/2/2019 247.53 145.91 101.62 9/2/2019 373.66 247.53 312.05 145.91 61.61 101.62 264.85 3/2/2020 238.66 141.23 97.43 9/2/2020 391.84 238.66 322.18 141.23 69.66 97.43 264.52 3/2/2021 229.16 136.40 92.76 9/2/2021 410.01 229.16 332.31 136.40 77.70 92.76 263.22 3/2/2022 219.16 131.16 88.00 9/2/2022 430.21 219.16 342.44 131.16 87.77 88.00 263.77 3/2/2023 208.41 125.38 83.03 9/2/2023 452.43 208.41 354.60 125.38 97.83 83.03 263.89 3/2/2024 196.98 119.09 77.89 9/2/2024 474.65 196.98 366.76 119.09 107.89 77.89 263.67 3/2/2025 185.00 112.30 72.70 9/2/2025 498.88 185.00 380.94 112.30 117.94 72.70 263.34 3/2/2026 172.15 105.07 67.08 9/2/2026 523.12 172.15 395.13 105.07 127.99 67.08 262.15 3/2/2027 158.68 97.36 61.32 9/2/2027 551.40 158.68 411.34 97.36 140.06 61.32 262.70 3/2/2028 144.48 89.13 55.35 9/2/2028 579.67 144.48 427.55 89.13 152.12 55.35 262.82 3/2/2029 129.56 80.58 48.98 9/2/2029 609.97 129.56 445.79 80.58 164.18 48.98 262.14 3/2/2030 113.85 71.39 42.46 9/2/2030 640.27 113.85 462.00 71.39 178.27 42.46 263.19 3/2/2031 97.20 61.86 35.34 9/2/2031 674.60 97.20 482.26 61.86 192.34 35.34 263.02 3/2/2032 79.66 51.91 27.75 9/2/2032 708.94 79.66 502.52 51.91 206.42 27.75 261.92 3/2/2033 61.23 41.24 19.99 9/2/2033 745.30 61.23 522.79 41.24 222.51 19.99 262.49 3/2/2034 41.85 28.17 13.68 9/2/2034 783.67 41.85 549.13 28.17 234.54 13.68 261.90 3/2/2035 21.48 14.44 7.04 9/2/2035 826.09 21.48 577.50 14.44 248.59 7.04 262.67 Totals $11,603.59 $8,085.36 $8,891.40 $4,890.43 $2,712.19 $3,194.93 $5,907.12 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$8,891.41 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:157 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $288.83 $290.18 $0.00 $197.15 $288.83 $93.03 $381.86 3/2/2014 284.26 167.39 116.87 9/2/2014 300.95 284.26 532.92 167.39 (231.97)116.87 1.77 3/2/2015 277.86 162.06 115.80 9/2/2015 313.06 277.86 283.68 162.06 29.38 115.80 260.98 3/2/2016 270.97 159.22 111.75 9/2/2016 327.20 270.97 289.76 159.22 37.44 111.75 260.94 3/2/2017 263.61 154.88 108.73 9/2/2017 341.34 263.61 293.81 154.88 47.53 108.73 264.99 3/2/2018 255.85 150.47 105.38 9/2/2018 357.50 255.85 303.95 150.47 53.55 105.38 264.31 3/2/2019 247.53 145.91 101.62 9/2/2019 373.66 247.53 312.05 145.91 61.61 101.62 264.85 3/2/2020 238.66 141.23 97.43 9/2/2020 391.84 238.66 322.18 141.23 69.66 97.43 264.52 3/2/2021 229.16 136.40 92.76 9/2/2021 410.01 229.16 332.31 136.40 77.70 92.76 263.22 3/2/2022 219.16 131.16 88.00 9/2/2022 430.21 219.16 342.44 131.16 87.77 88.00 263.77 3/2/2023 208.41 125.38 83.03 9/2/2023 452.43 208.41 354.60 125.38 97.83 83.03 263.89 3/2/2024 196.98 119.09 77.89 9/2/2024 474.65 196.98 366.76 119.09 107.89 77.89 263.67 3/2/2025 185.00 112.30 72.70 9/2/2025 498.88 185.00 380.94 112.30 117.94 72.70 263.34 3/2/2026 172.15 105.07 67.08 9/2/2026 523.12 172.15 395.13 105.07 127.99 67.08 262.15 3/2/2027 158.68 97.36 61.32 9/2/2027 551.40 158.68 411.34 97.36 140.06 61.32 262.70 3/2/2028 144.48 89.13 55.35 9/2/2028 579.67 144.48 427.55 89.13 152.12 55.35 262.82 3/2/2029 129.56 80.58 48.98 9/2/2029 609.97 129.56 445.79 80.58 164.18 48.98 262.14 3/2/2030 113.85 71.39 42.46 9/2/2030 640.27 113.85 462.00 71.39 178.27 42.46 263.19 3/2/2031 97.20 61.86 35.34 9/2/2031 674.60 97.20 482.26 61.86 192.34 35.34 263.02 3/2/2032 79.66 51.91 27.75 9/2/2032 708.94 79.66 502.52 51.91 206.42 27.75 261.92 3/2/2033 61.23 41.24 19.99 9/2/2033 745.30 61.23 522.79 41.24 222.51 19.99 262.49 3/2/2034 41.85 28.17 13.68 9/2/2034 783.67 41.85 549.13 28.17 234.54 13.68 261.90 3/2/2035 21.48 14.44 7.04 9/2/2035 826.09 21.48 577.50 14.44 248.59 7.04 262.67 Totals $11,603.59 $8,085.36 $8,891.41 $4,890.43 $2,712.18 $3,194.93 $5,907.11 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$8,891.58 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $288.83 $290.18 $0.00 $197.15 $288.83 $93.03 $381.86 3/2/2014 284.26 167.39 116.87 9/2/2014 300.95 284.26 532.93 167.39 (231.98)116.87 1.76 3/2/2015 277.87 162.06 115.81 9/2/2015 313.07 277.87 283.69 162.06 29.38 115.81 261.00 3/2/2016 270.98 159.23 111.75 9/2/2016 327.21 270.98 289.77 159.23 37.44 111.75 260.94 3/2/2017 263.62 154.88 108.74 9/2/2017 341.35 263.62 293.82 154.88 47.53 108.74 265.01 3/2/2018 255.85 150.47 105.38 9/2/2018 357.51 255.85 303.95 150.47 53.56 105.38 264.32 3/2/2019 247.54 145.91 101.63 9/2/2019 373.66 247.54 312.06 145.91 61.60 101.63 264.86 3/2/2020 238.66 141.23 97.43 9/2/2020 391.84 238.66 322.19 141.23 69.65 97.43 264.51 3/2/2021 229.16 136.40 92.76 9/2/2021 410.02 229.16 332.32 136.40 77.70 92.76 263.22 3/2/2022 219.17 131.16 88.01 9/2/2022 430.22 219.17 342.45 131.16 87.77 88.01 263.79 3/2/2023 208.41 125.39 83.02 9/2/2023 452.44 208.41 354.61 125.39 97.83 83.02 263.87 3/2/2024 196.99 119.09 77.90 9/2/2024 474.66 196.99 366.77 119.09 107.89 77.90 263.69 3/2/2025 185.00 112.31 72.69 9/2/2025 498.89 185.00 380.95 112.31 117.94 72.69 263.32 3/2/2026 172.16 105.07 67.09 9/2/2026 523.13 172.16 395.14 105.07 127.99 67.09 262.17 3/2/2027 158.69 97.36 61.33 9/2/2027 551.41 158.69 411.35 97.36 140.06 61.33 262.72 3/2/2028 144.49 89.14 55.35 9/2/2028 579.69 144.49 427.56 89.14 152.13 55.35 262.83 3/2/2029 129.56 80.58 48.98 9/2/2029 609.98 129.56 445.79 80.58 164.19 48.98 262.15 3/2/2030 113.85 71.39 42.46 9/2/2030 640.28 113.85 462.01 71.39 178.27 42.46 263.19 3/2/2031 97.21 61.86 35.35 9/2/2031 674.62 97.21 482.27 61.86 192.35 35.35 263.05 3/2/2032 79.67 51.91 27.76 9/2/2032 708.95 79.67 502.53 51.91 206.42 27.76 261.94 3/2/2033 61.23 41.24 19.99 9/2/2033 745.31 61.23 522.80 41.24 222.51 19.99 262.49 3/2/2034 41.85 28.17 13.68 9/2/2034 783.69 41.85 549.14 28.17 234.55 13.68 261.91 3/2/2035 21.48 14.44 7.04 9/2/2035 826.10 21.48 577.51 14.44 248.59 7.04 262.67 Totals $11,603.81 $8,085.58 $8,891.58 $4,890.51 $2,712.20 $3,195.07 $5,907.27 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$8,891.63 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $288.83 $290.18 $0.00 $197.15 $288.83 $93.03 $381.86 3/2/2014 284.26 167.39 116.87 9/2/2014 300.95 284.26 532.93 167.39 (231.98)116.87 1.76 3/2/2015 277.87 162.06 115.81 9/2/2015 313.07 277.87 283.69 162.06 29.38 115.81 261.00 3/2/2016 270.98 159.23 111.75 9/2/2016 327.21 270.98 289.77 159.23 37.44 111.75 260.94 3/2/2017 263.62 154.88 108.74 9/2/2017 341.35 263.62 293.82 154.88 47.53 108.74 265.01 3/2/2018 255.85 150.47 105.38 9/2/2018 357.51 255.85 303.95 150.47 53.56 105.38 264.32 3/2/2019 247.54 145.91 101.63 9/2/2019 373.67 247.54 312.06 145.91 61.61 101.63 264.87 3/2/2020 238.66 141.23 97.43 9/2/2020 391.85 238.66 322.19 141.23 69.66 97.43 264.52 3/2/2021 229.16 136.40 92.76 9/2/2021 410.02 229.16 332.32 136.40 77.70 92.76 263.22 3/2/2022 219.17 131.17 88.00 9/2/2022 430.22 219.17 342.45 131.17 87.77 88.00 263.77 3/2/2023 208.41 125.39 83.02 9/2/2023 452.44 208.41 354.61 125.39 97.83 83.02 263.87 3/2/2024 196.99 119.09 77.90 9/2/2024 474.66 196.99 366.77 119.09 107.89 77.90 263.69 3/2/2025 185.00 112.31 72.69 9/2/2025 498.90 185.00 380.95 112.31 117.95 72.69 263.33 3/2/2026 172.16 105.07 67.09 9/2/2026 523.13 172.16 395.14 105.07 127.99 67.09 262.17 3/2/2027 158.69 97.36 61.33 9/2/2027 551.41 158.69 411.35 97.36 140.06 61.33 262.72 3/2/2028 144.49 89.14 55.35 9/2/2028 579.69 144.49 427.56 89.14 152.13 55.35 262.83 3/2/2029 129.56 80.59 48.97 9/2/2029 609.99 129.56 445.80 80.59 164.19 48.97 262.13 3/2/2030 113.85 71.39 42.46 9/2/2030 640.28 113.85 462.01 71.39 178.27 42.46 263.19 3/2/2031 97.21 61.86 35.35 9/2/2031 674.62 97.21 482.27 61.86 192.35 35.35 263.05 3/2/2032 79.67 51.92 27.75 9/2/2032 708.96 79.67 502.54 51.92 206.42 27.75 261.92 3/2/2033 61.23 41.24 19.99 9/2/2033 745.31 61.23 522.80 41.24 222.51 19.99 262.49 3/2/2034 41.85 28.17 13.68 9/2/2034 783.69 41.85 549.14 28.17 234.55 13.68 261.91 3/2/2035 21.48 14.44 7.04 9/2/2035 826.11 21.48 577.51 14.44 248.60 7.04 262.68 Totals $11,603.87 $8,085.58 $8,891.63 $4,890.57 $2,712.24 $3,195.01 $5,907.25 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$8,928.01 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $290.02 $291.37 $0.00 $197.96 $290.02 $93.41 $383.43 3/2/2014 285.43 168.08 117.35 9/2/2014 302.18 285.43 535.11 168.08 (232.93)117.35 1.77 3/2/2015 279.00 162.73 116.27 9/2/2015 314.35 279.00 284.85 162.73 29.50 116.27 262.04 3/2/2016 272.09 159.88 112.21 9/2/2016 328.55 272.09 290.95 159.88 37.60 112.21 262.02 3/2/2017 264.70 155.51 109.19 9/2/2017 342.75 264.70 295.02 155.51 47.73 109.19 266.11 3/2/2018 256.90 151.09 105.81 9/2/2018 358.97 256.90 305.20 151.09 53.77 105.81 265.39 3/2/2019 248.55 146.51 102.04 9/2/2019 375.20 248.55 313.34 146.51 61.86 102.04 265.94 3/2/2020 239.64 141.81 97.83 9/2/2020 393.45 239.64 323.51 141.81 69.94 97.83 265.60 3/2/2021 230.10 136.96 93.14 9/2/2021 411.70 230.10 333.68 136.96 78.02 93.14 264.30 3/2/2022 220.07 131.70 88.37 9/2/2022 431.98 220.07 343.85 131.70 88.13 88.37 264.87 3/2/2023 209.27 125.90 83.37 9/2/2023 454.29 209.27 356.06 125.90 98.23 83.37 264.97 3/2/2024 197.79 119.58 78.21 9/2/2024 476.60 197.79 368.27 119.58 108.33 78.21 264.75 3/2/2025 185.76 112.77 72.99 9/2/2025 500.94 185.76 382.51 112.77 118.43 72.99 264.41 3/2/2026 172.86 105.50 67.36 9/2/2026 525.27 172.86 396.76 105.50 128.51 67.36 263.23 3/2/2027 159.34 97.76 61.58 9/2/2027 553.67 159.34 413.03 97.76 140.64 61.58 263.80 3/2/2028 145.08 89.50 55.58 9/2/2028 582.06 145.08 429.31 89.50 152.75 55.58 263.91 3/2/2029 130.09 80.92 49.17 9/2/2029 612.48 130.09 447.62 80.92 164.86 49.17 263.20 3/2/2030 114.32 71.68 42.64 9/2/2030 642.90 114.32 463.90 71.68 179.00 42.64 264.28 3/2/2031 97.60 62.12 35.48 9/2/2031 677.38 97.60 484.25 62.12 193.13 35.48 264.09 3/2/2032 79.99 52.13 27.86 9/2/2032 711.86 79.99 504.59 52.13 207.27 27.86 262.99 3/2/2033 61.48 41.40 20.08 9/2/2033 748.36 61.48 524.94 41.40 223.42 20.08 263.58 3/2/2034 42.03 28.28 13.75 9/2/2034 786.90 42.03 551.39 28.28 235.51 13.75 263.01 3/2/2035 21.57 14.50 7.07 9/2/2035 829.49 21.57 579.87 14.50 249.62 7.07 263.76 Totals $11,651.35 $8,118.69 $8,928.01 $4,910.58 $2,723.34 $3,208.11 $5,931.45 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$8,952.44 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $290.81 $292.17 $0.00 $198.50 $290.81 $93.67 $384.48 3/2/2014 286.21 168.54 117.67 9/2/2014 303.01 286.21 536.58 168.54 (233.57)117.67 1.77 3/2/2015 279.77 163.17 116.60 9/2/2015 315.21 279.77 285.63 163.17 29.58 116.60 262.78 3/2/2016 272.83 160.32 112.51 9/2/2016 329.45 272.83 291.75 160.32 37.70 112.51 262.72 3/2/2017 265.42 155.94 109.48 9/2/2017 343.68 265.42 295.83 155.94 47.85 109.48 266.81 3/2/2018 257.60 151.50 106.10 9/2/2018 359.95 257.60 306.03 151.50 53.92 106.10 266.12 3/2/2019 249.23 146.91 102.32 9/2/2019 376.22 249.23 314.19 146.91 62.03 102.32 266.67 3/2/2020 240.30 142.20 98.10 9/2/2020 394.53 240.30 324.39 142.20 70.14 98.10 266.34 3/2/2021 230.73 137.33 93.40 9/2/2021 412.83 230.73 334.59 137.33 78.24 93.40 265.04 3/2/2022 220.67 132.06 88.61 9/2/2022 433.16 220.67 344.80 132.06 88.36 88.61 265.58 3/2/2023 209.84 126.24 83.60 9/2/2023 455.53 209.84 357.04 126.24 98.49 83.60 265.69 3/2/2024 198.34 119.91 78.43 9/2/2024 477.90 198.34 369.28 119.91 108.62 78.43 265.48 3/2/2025 186.27 113.08 73.19 9/2/2025 502.31 186.27 383.56 113.08 118.75 73.19 265.13 3/2/2026 173.33 105.79 67.54 9/2/2026 526.71 173.33 397.84 105.79 128.87 67.54 263.95 3/2/2027 159.77 98.03 61.74 9/2/2027 555.18 159.77 414.16 98.03 141.02 61.74 264.50 3/2/2028 145.48 89.75 55.73 9/2/2028 583.65 145.48 430.48 89.75 153.17 55.73 264.63 3/2/2029 130.45 81.14 49.31 9/2/2029 614.16 130.45 448.85 81.14 165.31 49.31 263.93 3/2/2030 114.63 71.88 42.75 9/2/2030 644.66 114.63 465.17 71.88 179.49 42.75 264.99 3/2/2031 97.87 62.29 35.58 9/2/2031 679.23 97.87 485.57 62.29 193.66 35.58 264.82 3/2/2032 80.21 52.27 27.94 9/2/2032 713.81 80.21 505.97 52.27 207.84 27.94 263.72 3/2/2033 61.65 41.52 20.13 9/2/2033 750.41 61.65 526.37 41.52 224.04 20.13 264.30 3/2/2034 42.14 28.36 13.78 9/2/2034 789.05 42.14 552.90 28.36 236.15 13.78 263.71 3/2/2035 21.63 14.54 7.09 9/2/2035 831.76 21.63 581.46 14.54 250.30 7.09 264.48 Totals $11,683.21 $8,140.91 $8,952.44 $4,924.04 $2,730.77 $3,216.87 $5,947.64 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$9,004.13 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $292.49 $293.85 $0.00 $199.65 $292.49 $94.20 $386.69 3/2/2014 287.86 169.51 118.35 9/2/2014 304.76 287.86 539.67 169.51 (234.91)118.35 1.79 3/2/2015 281.38 164.11 117.27 9/2/2015 317.03 281.38 287.28 164.11 29.75 117.27 264.29 3/2/2016 274.41 161.24 113.17 9/2/2016 331.35 274.41 293.43 161.24 37.92 113.17 264.26 3/2/2017 266.95 156.84 110.11 9/2/2017 345.67 266.95 297.54 156.84 48.13 110.11 268.35 3/2/2018 259.09 152.38 106.71 9/2/2018 362.03 259.09 307.80 152.38 54.23 106.71 267.65 3/2/2019 250.67 147.76 102.91 9/2/2019 378.39 250.67 316.01 147.76 62.38 102.91 268.20 3/2/2020 241.68 143.02 98.66 9/2/2020 396.80 241.68 326.27 143.02 70.53 98.66 267.85 3/2/2021 232.06 138.13 93.93 9/2/2021 415.21 232.06 336.53 138.13 78.68 93.93 266.54 3/2/2022 221.94 132.82 89.12 9/2/2022 435.67 221.94 346.79 132.82 88.88 89.12 267.12 3/2/2023 211.05 126.97 84.08 9/2/2023 458.16 211.05 359.10 126.97 99.06 84.08 267.22 3/2/2024 199.48 120.60 78.88 9/2/2024 480.66 199.48 371.41 120.60 109.25 78.88 267.01 3/2/2025 187.34 113.73 73.61 9/2/2025 505.21 187.34 385.77 113.73 119.44 73.61 266.66 3/2/2026 174.34 106.40 67.94 9/2/2026 529.75 174.34 400.14 106.40 129.61 67.94 265.49 3/2/2027 160.69 98.60 62.09 9/2/2027 558.39 160.69 416.55 98.60 141.84 62.09 266.02 3/2/2028 146.32 90.26 56.06 9/2/2028 587.02 146.32 432.97 90.26 154.05 56.06 266.17 3/2/2029 131.20 81.61 49.59 9/2/2029 617.70 131.20 451.44 81.61 166.26 49.59 265.44 3/2/2030 115.29 72.29 43.00 9/2/2030 648.38 115.29 467.85 72.29 180.53 43.00 266.53 3/2/2031 98.44 62.64 35.80 9/2/2031 683.16 98.44 488.37 62.64 194.79 35.80 266.39 3/2/2032 80.67 52.57 28.10 9/2/2032 717.93 80.67 508.89 52.57 209.04 28.10 265.24 3/2/2033 62.01 41.76 20.25 9/2/2033 754.74 62.01 529.41 41.76 225.33 20.25 265.83 3/2/2034 42.38 28.52 13.86 9/2/2034 793.61 42.38 556.09 28.52 237.52 13.86 265.24 3/2/2035 21.75 14.62 7.13 9/2/2035 836.56 21.75 584.82 14.62 251.74 7.13 266.00 Totals $11,750.67 $8,187.85 $9,004.13 $4,952.41 $2,746.54 $3,235.44 $5,981.98 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$9,063.34 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $294.41 $295.79 $0.00 $200.96 $294.41 $94.83 $389.24 3/2/2014 289.75 170.63 119.12 9/2/2014 306.77 289.75 543.22 170.63 (236.45)119.12 1.79 3/2/2015 283.23 165.19 118.04 9/2/2015 319.12 283.23 289.17 165.19 29.95 118.04 266.03 3/2/2016 276.21 162.30 113.91 9/2/2016 333.53 276.21 295.36 162.30 38.17 113.91 265.99 3/2/2017 268.71 157.87 110.84 9/2/2017 347.94 268.71 299.49 157.87 48.45 110.84 270.13 3/2/2018 260.79 153.38 107.41 9/2/2018 364.41 260.79 309.82 153.38 54.59 107.41 269.41 3/2/2019 252.32 148.73 103.59 9/2/2019 380.88 252.32 318.08 148.73 62.80 103.59 269.98 3/2/2020 243.27 143.96 99.31 9/2/2020 399.41 243.27 328.41 143.96 71.00 99.31 269.62 3/2/2021 233.59 139.03 94.56 9/2/2021 417.94 233.59 338.74 139.03 79.20 94.56 268.32 3/2/2022 223.40 133.70 89.70 9/2/2022 438.53 223.40 349.07 133.70 89.46 89.70 268.86 3/2/2023 212.44 127.81 84.63 9/2/2023 461.18 212.44 361.46 127.81 99.72 84.63 268.98 3/2/2024 200.79 121.39 79.40 9/2/2024 483.82 200.79 373.85 121.39 109.97 79.40 268.77 3/2/2025 188.58 114.48 74.10 9/2/2025 508.53 188.58 388.31 114.48 120.22 74.10 268.42 3/2/2026 175.48 107.10 68.38 9/2/2026 533.24 175.48 402.77 107.10 130.47 68.38 267.23 3/2/2027 161.75 99.24 62.51 9/2/2027 562.06 161.75 419.29 99.24 142.77 62.51 267.79 3/2/2028 147.28 90.86 56.42 9/2/2028 590.88 147.28 435.82 90.86 155.06 56.42 267.90 3/2/2029 132.06 82.14 49.92 9/2/2029 621.77 132.06 454.41 82.14 167.36 49.92 267.20 3/2/2030 116.05 72.77 43.28 9/2/2030 652.65 116.05 470.93 72.77 181.72 43.28 268.28 3/2/2031 99.08 63.06 36.02 9/2/2031 687.65 99.08 491.58 63.06 196.07 36.02 268.11 3/2/2032 81.20 52.92 28.28 9/2/2032 722.65 81.20 512.24 52.92 210.41 28.28 266.97 3/2/2033 62.42 42.03 20.39 9/2/2033 759.71 62.42 532.89 42.03 226.82 20.39 267.60 3/2/2034 42.66 28.71 13.95 9/2/2034 798.82 42.66 559.75 28.71 239.07 13.95 266.97 3/2/2035 21.89 14.72 7.17 9/2/2035 842.06 21.89 588.66 14.72 253.40 7.17 267.74 Totals $11,827.96 $8,241.69 $9,063.34 $4,985.00 $2,764.64 $3,256.69 $6,021.33 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$9,147.91 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $297.16 $298.55 $0.00 $202.83 $297.16 $95.72 $392.88 3/2/2014 292.46 172.22 120.24 9/2/2014 309.63 292.46 548.29 172.22 (238.66)120.24 1.82 3/2/2015 285.88 166.73 119.15 9/2/2015 322.10 285.88 291.87 166.73 30.23 119.15 268.53 3/2/2016 278.79 163.82 114.97 9/2/2016 336.64 278.79 298.12 163.82 38.52 114.97 268.46 3/2/2017 271.22 159.34 111.88 9/2/2017 351.19 271.22 302.29 159.34 48.90 111.88 272.66 3/2/2018 263.23 154.81 108.42 9/2/2018 367.81 263.23 312.71 154.81 55.10 108.42 271.94 3/2/2019 254.67 150.12 104.55 9/2/2019 384.44 254.67 321.05 150.12 63.39 104.55 272.49 3/2/2020 245.54 145.30 100.24 9/2/2020 403.14 245.54 331.48 145.30 71.66 100.24 272.14 3/2/2021 235.77 140.33 95.44 9/2/2021 421.84 235.77 341.90 140.33 79.94 95.44 270.82 3/2/2022 225.49 134.95 90.54 9/2/2022 442.62 225.49 352.32 134.95 90.30 90.54 271.38 3/2/2023 214.42 129.00 85.42 9/2/2023 465.48 214.42 364.83 129.00 100.65 85.42 271.49 3/2/2024 202.67 122.52 80.15 9/2/2024 488.34 202.67 377.34 122.52 111.00 80.15 271.30 3/2/2025 190.34 115.54 74.80 9/2/2025 513.28 190.34 391.93 115.54 121.35 74.80 270.95 3/2/2026 177.12 108.10 69.02 9/2/2026 538.21 177.12 406.53 108.10 131.68 69.02 269.72 3/2/2027 163.26 100.17 63.09 9/2/2027 567.30 163.26 423.21 100.17 144.09 63.09 270.27 3/2/2028 148.65 91.71 56.94 9/2/2028 596.40 148.65 439.88 91.71 156.52 56.94 270.40 3/2/2029 133.29 82.91 50.38 9/2/2029 627.57 133.29 458.65 82.91 168.92 50.38 269.68 3/2/2030 117.13 73.45 43.68 9/2/2030 658.74 117.13 475.32 73.45 183.42 43.68 270.78 3/2/2031 100.01 63.64 36.37 9/2/2031 694.06 100.01 496.17 63.64 197.89 36.37 270.63 3/2/2032 81.96 53.41 28.55 9/2/2032 729.39 81.96 517.02 53.41 212.37 28.55 269.47 3/2/2033 63.00 42.42 20.58 9/2/2033 766.80 63.00 537.87 42.42 228.93 20.58 270.09 3/2/2034 43.06 28.98 14.08 9/2/2034 806.28 43.06 564.97 28.98 241.31 14.08 269.47 3/2/2035 22.10 14.85 7.25 9/2/2035 849.92 22.10 594.16 14.85 255.76 7.25 270.26 Totals $11,938.34 $8,318.67 $9,147.91 $5,031.47 $2,790.43 $3,287.20 $6,077.63 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$9,156.38 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $297.43 $298.82 $0.00 $203.02 $297.43 $95.80 $393.23 3/2/2014 292.73 172.38 120.35 9/2/2014 309.91 292.73 548.80 172.38 (238.89)120.35 1.81 3/2/2015 286.14 166.89 119.25 9/2/2015 322.39 286.14 292.14 166.89 30.25 119.25 268.75 3/2/2016 279.05 163.97 115.08 9/2/2016 336.95 279.05 298.40 163.97 38.55 115.08 268.71 3/2/2017 271.47 159.49 111.98 9/2/2017 351.51 271.47 302.57 159.49 48.94 111.98 272.90 3/2/2018 263.47 154.95 108.52 9/2/2018 368.15 263.47 313.00 154.95 55.15 108.52 272.19 3/2/2019 254.91 150.26 104.65 9/2/2019 384.79 254.91 321.35 150.26 63.44 104.65 272.74 3/2/2020 245.77 145.44 100.33 9/2/2020 403.51 245.77 331.78 145.44 71.73 100.33 272.39 3/2/2021 235.99 140.46 95.53 9/2/2021 422.23 235.99 342.22 140.46 80.01 95.53 271.07 3/2/2022 225.69 135.07 90.62 9/2/2022 443.03 225.69 352.65 135.07 90.38 90.62 271.62 3/2/2023 214.62 129.12 85.50 9/2/2023 465.91 214.62 365.17 129.12 100.74 85.50 271.74 3/2/2024 202.85 122.64 80.21 9/2/2024 488.79 202.85 377.69 122.64 111.10 80.21 271.52 3/2/2025 190.51 115.65 74.86 9/2/2025 513.75 190.51 392.30 115.65 121.45 74.86 271.17 3/2/2026 177.28 108.20 69.08 9/2/2026 538.71 177.28 406.90 108.20 131.81 69.08 269.97 3/2/2027 163.41 100.26 63.15 9/2/2027 567.83 163.41 423.60 100.26 144.23 63.15 270.53 3/2/2028 148.79 91.79 57.00 9/2/2028 596.95 148.79 440.29 91.79 156.66 57.00 270.66 3/2/2029 133.42 82.98 50.44 9/2/2029 628.15 133.42 459.07 82.98 169.08 50.44 269.96 3/2/2030 117.24 73.52 43.72 9/2/2030 659.35 117.24 475.76 73.52 183.59 43.72 271.03 3/2/2031 100.10 63.70 36.40 9/2/2031 694.71 100.10 496.63 63.70 198.08 36.40 270.88 3/2/2032 82.04 53.46 28.58 9/2/2032 730.07 82.04 517.50 53.46 212.57 28.58 269.73 3/2/2033 63.06 42.46 20.60 9/2/2033 767.51 63.06 538.36 42.46 229.15 20.60 270.35 3/2/2034 43.10 29.00 14.10 9/2/2034 807.03 43.10 565.49 29.00 241.54 14.10 269.74 3/2/2035 22.12 14.87 7.25 9/2/2035 850.70 22.12 594.71 14.87 255.99 7.25 270.49 Totals $11,949.36 $8,326.34 $9,156.38 $5,036.14 $2,792.98 $3,290.20 $6,083.18 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$9,226.99 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $299.73 $301.13 $0.00 $204.59 $299.73 $96.54 $396.27 3/2/2014 294.98 173.71 121.27 9/2/2014 312.30 294.98 553.03 173.71 (240.73)121.27 1.81 3/2/2015 288.35 168.18 120.17 9/2/2015 324.88 288.35 294.39 168.18 30.49 120.17 270.83 3/2/2016 281.20 165.23 115.97 9/2/2016 339.55 281.20 300.70 165.23 38.85 115.97 270.79 3/2/2017 273.56 160.72 112.84 9/2/2017 354.22 273.56 304.90 160.72 49.32 112.84 275.00 3/2/2018 265.50 156.15 109.35 9/2/2018 370.99 265.50 315.42 156.15 55.57 109.35 274.27 3/2/2019 256.88 151.42 105.46 9/2/2019 387.76 256.88 323.83 151.42 63.93 105.46 274.85 3/2/2020 247.67 146.56 101.11 9/2/2020 406.62 247.67 334.34 146.56 72.28 101.11 274.50 3/2/2021 237.81 141.54 96.27 9/2/2021 425.49 237.81 344.86 141.54 80.63 96.27 273.17 3/2/2022 227.43 136.11 91.32 9/2/2022 446.45 227.43 355.37 136.11 91.08 91.32 273.72 3/2/2023 216.27 130.12 86.15 9/2/2023 469.50 216.27 367.99 130.12 101.51 86.15 273.81 3/2/2024 204.42 123.58 80.84 9/2/2024 492.56 204.42 380.60 123.58 111.96 80.84 273.64 3/2/2025 191.98 116.54 75.44 9/2/2025 517.71 191.98 395.32 116.54 122.39 75.44 273.27 3/2/2026 178.65 109.03 69.62 9/2/2026 542.86 178.65 410.04 109.03 132.82 69.62 272.06 3/2/2027 164.67 101.04 63.63 9/2/2027 572.21 164.67 426.86 101.04 145.35 63.63 272.61 3/2/2028 149.94 92.50 57.44 9/2/2028 601.55 149.94 443.69 92.50 157.86 57.44 272.74 3/2/2029 134.45 83.62 50.83 9/2/2029 632.99 134.45 462.61 83.62 170.38 50.83 272.04 3/2/2030 118.15 74.08 44.07 9/2/2030 664.43 118.15 479.43 74.08 185.00 44.07 273.14 3/2/2031 100.87 64.20 36.67 9/2/2031 700.07 100.87 500.46 64.20 199.61 36.67 272.95 3/2/2032 82.67 53.87 28.80 9/2/2032 735.70 82.67 521.49 53.87 214.21 28.80 271.81 3/2/2033 63.54 42.79 20.75 9/2/2033 773.43 63.54 542.52 42.79 230.91 20.75 272.41 3/2/2034 43.43 29.23 14.20 9/2/2034 813.25 43.43 569.85 29.23 243.40 14.20 271.80 3/2/2035 22.29 14.98 7.31 9/2/2035 857.27 22.29 599.29 14.98 257.98 7.31 272.60 Totals $12,041.52 $8,390.55 $9,226.99 $5,074.99 $2,814.53 $3,315.56 $6,130.09 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$9,410.09 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $305.68 $307.10 $0.00 $208.65 $305.68 $98.45 $404.13 3/2/2014 300.84 177.15 123.69 9/2/2014 318.50 300.84 564.00 177.15 (245.50)123.69 1.88 3/2/2015 294.07 171.51 122.56 9/2/2015 331.33 294.07 300.23 171.51 31.10 122.56 276.22 3/2/2016 286.78 168.51 118.27 9/2/2016 346.29 286.78 306.66 168.51 39.63 118.27 276.17 3/2/2017 278.99 163.91 115.08 9/2/2017 361.25 278.99 310.95 163.91 50.30 115.08 280.46 3/2/2018 270.77 159.25 111.52 9/2/2018 378.35 270.77 321.68 159.25 56.67 111.52 279.71 3/2/2019 261.97 154.42 107.55 9/2/2019 395.45 261.97 330.25 154.42 65.20 107.55 280.30 3/2/2020 252.58 149.47 103.11 9/2/2020 414.69 252.58 340.98 149.47 73.71 103.11 279.93 3/2/2021 242.52 144.35 98.17 9/2/2021 433.93 242.52 351.70 144.35 82.23 98.17 278.57 3/2/2022 231.95 138.81 93.14 9/2/2022 455.31 231.95 362.42 138.81 92.89 93.14 279.17 3/2/2023 220.57 132.70 87.87 9/2/2023 478.82 220.57 375.29 132.70 103.53 87.87 279.27 3/2/2024 208.47 126.04 82.43 9/2/2024 502.33 208.47 388.16 126.04 114.17 82.43 279.03 3/2/2025 195.79 118.86 76.93 9/2/2025 527.99 195.79 403.17 118.86 124.82 76.93 278.68 3/2/2026 182.20 111.20 71.00 9/2/2026 553.64 182.20 418.18 111.20 135.46 71.00 277.46 3/2/2027 167.94 103.04 64.90 9/2/2027 583.56 167.94 435.33 103.04 148.23 64.90 278.03 3/2/2028 152.91 94.33 58.58 9/2/2028 613.49 152.91 452.49 94.33 161.00 58.58 278.16 3/2/2029 137.11 85.28 51.83 9/2/2029 645.55 137.11 471.79 85.28 173.76 51.83 277.42 3/2/2030 120.49 75.55 44.94 9/2/2030 677.62 120.49 488.95 75.55 188.67 44.94 278.55 3/2/2031 102.87 65.47 37.40 9/2/2031 713.96 102.87 510.39 65.47 203.57 37.40 278.37 3/2/2032 84.31 54.94 29.37 9/2/2032 750.30 84.31 531.84 54.94 218.46 29.37 277.20 3/2/2033 64.80 43.64 21.16 9/2/2033 788.77 64.80 553.28 43.64 235.49 21.16 277.81 3/2/2034 44.30 29.81 14.49 9/2/2034 829.39 44.30 581.16 29.81 248.23 14.49 277.21 3/2/2035 22.73 15.28 7.45 9/2/2035 874.28 22.73 611.18 15.28 263.10 7.45 278.00 Totals $12,280.48 $8,557.02 $9,410.09 $5,175.69 $2,870.40 $3,381.33 $6,251.73 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$9,412.91 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $305.77 $307.20 $0.00 $208.71 $305.77 $98.49 $404.26 3/2/2014 300.93 177.21 123.72 9/2/2014 318.60 300.93 564.17 177.21 (245.57)123.72 1.87 3/2/2015 294.16 171.56 122.60 9/2/2015 331.43 294.16 300.32 171.56 31.11 122.60 276.31 3/2/2016 286.87 168.56 118.31 9/2/2016 346.39 286.87 306.76 168.56 39.63 118.31 276.25 3/2/2017 279.07 163.96 115.11 9/2/2017 361.36 279.07 311.05 163.96 50.31 115.11 280.53 3/2/2018 270.85 159.29 111.56 9/2/2018 378.47 270.85 321.77 159.29 56.70 111.56 279.82 3/2/2019 262.05 154.47 107.58 9/2/2019 395.57 262.05 330.35 154.47 65.22 107.58 280.38 3/2/2020 252.66 149.51 103.15 9/2/2020 414.82 252.66 341.08 149.51 73.74 103.15 280.04 3/2/2021 242.60 144.40 98.20 9/2/2021 434.06 242.60 351.80 144.40 82.26 98.20 278.66 3/2/2022 232.02 138.86 93.16 9/2/2022 455.44 232.02 362.53 138.86 92.91 93.16 279.23 3/2/2023 220.63 132.74 87.89 9/2/2023 478.96 220.63 375.40 132.74 103.56 87.89 279.34 3/2/2024 208.54 126.07 82.47 9/2/2024 502.49 208.54 388.27 126.07 114.22 82.47 279.16 3/2/2025 195.85 118.89 76.96 9/2/2025 528.14 195.85 403.29 118.89 124.85 76.96 278.77 3/2/2026 182.25 111.23 71.02 9/2/2026 553.80 182.25 418.30 111.23 135.50 71.02 277.54 3/2/2027 167.99 103.07 64.92 9/2/2027 583.74 167.99 435.46 103.07 148.28 64.92 278.12 3/2/2028 152.96 94.36 58.60 9/2/2028 613.67 152.96 452.63 94.36 161.04 58.60 278.24 3/2/2029 137.16 85.31 51.85 9/2/2029 645.75 137.16 471.93 85.31 173.82 51.85 277.52 3/2/2030 120.53 75.58 44.95 9/2/2030 677.82 120.53 489.09 75.58 188.73 44.95 278.63 3/2/2031 102.90 65.49 37.41 9/2/2031 714.17 102.90 510.55 65.49 203.62 37.41 278.44 3/2/2032 84.34 54.96 29.38 9/2/2032 750.52 84.34 532.00 54.96 218.52 29.38 277.28 3/2/2033 64.82 43.65 21.17 9/2/2033 789.01 64.82 553.45 43.65 235.56 21.17 277.90 3/2/2034 44.31 29.82 14.49 9/2/2034 829.64 44.31 581.33 29.82 248.31 14.49 277.29 3/2/2035 22.74 15.28 7.46 9/2/2035 874.54 22.74 611.37 15.28 263.17 7.46 278.09 Totals $12,284.16 $8,559.66 $9,412.91 $5,177.25 $2,871.26 $3,382.41 $6,253.67 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$9,503.12 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $308.70 $310.14 $0.00 $210.71 $308.70 $99.43 $408.13 3/2/2014 303.81 178.90 124.91 9/2/2014 321.65 303.81 569.58 178.90 (247.93)124.91 1.89 3/2/2015 296.98 173.21 123.77 9/2/2015 334.60 296.98 303.20 173.21 31.40 123.77 278.94 3/2/2016 289.62 170.18 119.44 9/2/2016 349.71 289.62 309.70 170.18 40.01 119.44 278.89 3/2/2017 281.75 165.53 116.22 9/2/2017 364.82 281.75 314.03 165.53 50.79 116.22 283.23 3/2/2018 273.45 160.82 112.63 9/2/2018 382.09 273.45 324.86 160.82 57.23 112.63 282.49 3/2/2019 264.56 155.95 108.61 9/2/2019 399.36 264.56 333.52 155.95 65.84 108.61 283.06 3/2/2020 255.08 150.95 104.13 9/2/2020 418.79 255.08 344.35 150.95 74.44 104.13 282.70 3/2/2021 244.92 145.78 99.14 9/2/2021 438.22 244.92 355.18 145.78 83.04 99.14 281.32 3/2/2022 234.24 140.19 94.05 9/2/2022 459.81 234.24 366.00 140.19 93.81 94.05 281.91 3/2/2023 222.75 134.01 88.74 9/2/2023 483.55 222.75 379.00 134.01 104.55 88.74 282.03 3/2/2024 210.54 127.28 83.26 9/2/2024 507.30 210.54 391.99 127.28 115.31 83.26 281.83 3/2/2025 197.73 120.03 77.70 9/2/2025 533.21 197.73 407.15 120.03 126.06 77.70 281.46 3/2/2026 184.00 112.29 71.71 9/2/2026 559.11 184.00 422.31 112.29 136.80 71.71 280.22 3/2/2027 169.60 104.06 65.54 9/2/2027 589.33 169.60 439.64 104.06 149.69 65.54 280.77 3/2/2028 154.42 95.27 59.15 9/2/2028 619.55 154.42 456.96 95.27 162.59 59.15 280.89 3/2/2029 138.47 86.13 52.34 9/2/2029 651.94 138.47 476.46 86.13 175.48 52.34 280.16 3/2/2030 121.68 76.30 45.38 9/2/2030 684.32 121.68 493.78 76.30 190.54 45.38 281.30 3/2/2031 103.89 66.12 37.77 9/2/2031 721.02 103.89 515.44 66.12 205.58 37.77 281.12 3/2/2032 85.14 55.49 29.65 9/2/2032 757.71 85.14 537.10 55.49 220.61 29.65 279.91 3/2/2033 65.44 44.07 21.37 9/2/2033 796.57 65.44 558.75 44.07 237.82 21.37 280.56 3/2/2034 44.73 30.10 14.63 9/2/2034 837.59 44.73 586.91 30.10 250.68 14.63 279.94 3/2/2035 22.96 15.43 7.53 9/2/2035 882.92 22.96 617.23 15.43 265.69 7.53 280.75 Totals $12,401.87 $8,641.66 $9,503.12 $5,226.89 $2,898.73 $3,414.77 $6,313.50 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$9,708.91 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $315.38 $316.86 $0.00 $215.27 $315.38 $101.59 $416.97 3/2/2014 310.39 182.78 127.61 9/2/2014 328.62 310.39 581.92 182.78 (253.30)127.61 1.92 3/2/2015 303.41 176.96 126.45 9/2/2015 341.85 303.41 309.76 176.96 32.09 126.45 284.99 3/2/2016 295.89 173.86 122.03 9/2/2016 357.29 295.89 316.40 173.86 40.89 122.03 284.95 3/2/2017 287.85 169.12 118.73 9/2/2017 372.73 287.85 320.83 169.12 51.90 118.73 289.36 3/2/2018 279.37 164.30 115.07 9/2/2018 390.37 279.37 331.89 164.30 58.48 115.07 288.62 3/2/2019 270.29 159.33 110.96 9/2/2019 408.01 270.29 340.74 159.33 67.27 110.96 289.19 3/2/2020 260.60 154.21 106.39 9/2/2020 427.86 260.60 351.80 154.21 76.06 106.39 288.84 3/2/2021 250.23 148.94 101.29 9/2/2021 447.71 250.23 362.87 148.94 84.84 101.29 287.42 3/2/2022 239.31 143.22 96.09 9/2/2022 469.77 239.31 373.93 143.22 95.84 96.09 288.02 3/2/2023 227.57 136.91 90.66 9/2/2023 494.03 227.57 387.21 136.91 106.82 90.66 288.14 3/2/2024 215.10 130.04 85.06 9/2/2024 518.29 215.10 400.48 130.04 117.81 85.06 287.93 3/2/2025 202.01 122.63 79.38 9/2/2025 544.75 202.01 415.97 122.63 128.78 79.38 287.54 3/2/2026 187.98 114.73 73.25 9/2/2026 571.22 187.98 431.46 114.73 139.76 73.25 286.26 3/2/2027 173.27 106.31 66.96 9/2/2027 602.09 173.27 449.16 106.31 152.93 66.96 286.85 3/2/2028 157.77 97.33 60.44 9/2/2028 632.97 157.77 466.86 97.33 166.11 60.44 286.99 3/2/2029 141.47 87.99 53.48 9/2/2029 666.05 141.47 486.77 87.99 179.28 53.48 286.24 3/2/2030 124.32 77.95 46.37 9/2/2030 699.14 124.32 504.47 77.95 194.67 46.37 287.41 3/2/2031 106.14 67.55 38.59 9/2/2031 736.63 106.14 526.60 67.55 210.03 38.59 287.21 3/2/2032 86.99 56.69 30.30 9/2/2032 774.12 86.99 548.73 56.69 225.39 30.30 285.99 3/2/2033 66.86 45.03 21.83 9/2/2033 813.82 66.86 570.85 45.03 242.97 21.83 286.63 3/2/2034 45.70 30.76 14.94 9/2/2034 855.72 45.70 599.62 30.76 256.10 14.94 285.98 3/2/2035 23.45 15.76 7.69 9/2/2035 902.04 23.45 630.59 15.76 271.45 7.69 286.83 Totals $12,670.46 $8,828.80 $9,708.91 $5,340.07 $2,961.55 $3,488.73 $6,450.28 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$9,711.72 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:3 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $315.47 $316.95 $0.00 $215.33 $315.47 $101.62 $417.09 3/2/2014 310.48 182.83 127.65 9/2/2014 328.71 310.48 582.08 182.83 (253.37)127.65 1.93 3/2/2015 303.50 177.01 126.49 9/2/2015 341.95 303.50 309.85 177.01 32.10 126.49 285.08 3/2/2016 295.97 173.91 122.06 9/2/2016 357.39 295.97 316.49 173.91 40.90 122.06 285.02 3/2/2017 287.93 169.16 118.77 9/2/2017 372.83 287.93 320.92 169.16 51.91 118.77 289.45 3/2/2018 279.45 164.35 115.10 9/2/2018 390.48 279.45 331.99 164.35 58.49 115.10 288.69 3/2/2019 270.37 159.37 111.00 9/2/2019 408.13 270.37 340.84 159.37 67.29 111.00 289.29 3/2/2020 260.68 154.26 106.42 9/2/2020 427.99 260.68 351.91 154.26 76.08 106.42 288.92 3/2/2021 250.30 148.98 101.32 9/2/2021 447.84 250.30 362.97 148.98 84.87 101.32 287.51 3/2/2022 239.38 143.26 96.12 9/2/2022 469.90 239.38 374.04 143.26 95.86 96.12 288.10 3/2/2023 227.64 136.95 90.69 9/2/2023 494.17 227.64 387.32 136.95 106.85 90.69 288.23 3/2/2024 215.16 130.08 85.08 9/2/2024 518.44 215.16 400.60 130.08 117.84 85.08 288.00 3/2/2025 202.07 122.67 79.40 9/2/2025 544.91 202.07 416.09 122.67 128.82 79.40 287.62 3/2/2026 188.04 114.76 73.28 9/2/2026 571.38 188.04 431.58 114.76 139.80 73.28 286.36 3/2/2027 173.32 106.34 66.98 9/2/2027 602.27 173.32 449.29 106.34 152.98 66.98 286.94 3/2/2028 157.81 97.36 60.45 9/2/2028 633.15 157.81 466.99 97.36 166.16 60.45 287.06 3/2/2029 141.51 88.02 53.49 9/2/2029 666.25 141.51 486.91 88.02 179.34 53.49 286.32 3/2/2030 124.35 77.98 46.37 9/2/2030 699.34 124.35 504.62 77.98 194.72 46.37 287.46 3/2/2031 106.17 67.57 38.60 9/2/2031 736.84 106.17 526.75 67.57 210.09 38.60 287.29 3/2/2032 87.01 56.70 30.31 9/2/2032 774.35 87.01 548.88 56.70 225.47 30.31 286.09 3/2/2033 66.88 45.04 21.84 9/2/2033 814.06 66.88 571.02 45.04 243.04 21.84 286.72 3/2/2034 45.72 30.76 14.96 9/2/2034 855.97 45.72 599.79 30.76 256.18 14.96 286.10 3/2/2035 23.46 15.77 7.69 9/2/2035 902.30 23.46 630.77 15.77 271.53 7.69 286.91 Totals $12,674.12 $8,831.35 $9,711.72 $5,341.59 $2,962.42 $3,489.76 $6,452.18 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$9,714.55 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $315.57 $317.04 $0.00 $215.40 $315.57 $101.64 $417.21 3/2/2014 310.57 182.88 127.69 9/2/2014 328.81 310.57 582.25 182.88 (253.44)127.69 1.94 3/2/2015 303.58 177.06 126.52 9/2/2015 342.05 303.58 309.94 177.06 32.11 126.52 285.15 3/2/2016 296.06 173.96 122.10 9/2/2016 357.49 296.06 316.59 173.96 40.90 122.10 285.10 3/2/2017 288.01 169.21 118.80 9/2/2017 372.94 288.01 321.01 169.21 51.93 118.80 289.53 3/2/2018 279.53 164.40 115.13 9/2/2018 390.60 279.53 332.08 164.40 58.52 115.13 288.78 3/2/2019 270.45 159.42 111.03 9/2/2019 408.25 270.45 340.94 159.42 67.31 111.03 289.37 3/2/2020 260.75 154.30 106.45 9/2/2020 428.11 260.75 352.01 154.30 76.10 106.45 289.00 3/2/2021 250.37 149.02 101.35 9/2/2021 447.97 250.37 363.08 149.02 84.89 101.35 287.59 3/2/2022 239.45 143.30 96.15 9/2/2022 470.04 239.45 374.15 143.30 95.89 96.15 288.19 3/2/2023 227.70 136.99 90.71 9/2/2023 494.31 227.70 387.43 136.99 106.88 90.71 288.30 3/2/2024 215.22 130.11 85.11 9/2/2024 518.59 215.22 400.71 130.11 117.88 85.11 288.10 3/2/2025 202.13 122.70 79.43 9/2/2025 545.07 202.13 416.21 122.70 128.86 79.43 287.72 3/2/2026 188.09 114.79 73.30 9/2/2026 571.55 188.09 431.71 114.79 139.84 73.30 286.44 3/2/2027 173.37 106.37 67.00 9/2/2027 602.44 173.37 449.42 106.37 153.02 67.00 287.02 3/2/2028 157.86 97.39 60.47 9/2/2028 633.34 157.86 467.13 97.39 166.21 60.47 287.15 3/2/2029 141.55 88.04 53.51 9/2/2029 666.44 141.55 487.06 88.04 179.38 53.51 286.40 3/2/2030 124.39 78.00 46.39 9/2/2030 699.54 124.39 504.77 78.00 194.77 46.39 287.55 3/2/2031 106.20 67.59 38.61 9/2/2031 737.06 106.20 526.91 67.59 210.15 38.61 287.37 3/2/2032 87.04 56.72 30.32 9/2/2032 774.57 87.04 549.04 56.72 225.53 30.32 286.17 3/2/2033 66.90 45.05 21.85 9/2/2033 814.29 66.90 571.18 45.05 243.11 21.85 286.81 3/2/2034 45.73 30.77 14.96 9/2/2034 856.22 45.73 599.96 30.77 256.26 14.96 286.18 3/2/2035 23.47 15.77 7.70 9/2/2035 902.56 23.47 630.96 15.77 271.60 7.70 287.00 Totals $12,677.81 $8,833.88 $9,714.55 $5,343.08 $2,963.27 $3,490.80 $6,454.07 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$9,773.74 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $317.49 $318.97 $0.00 $216.71 $317.49 $102.26 $419.75 3/2/2014 312.46 184.00 128.46 9/2/2014 330.81 312.46 585.80 184.00 (254.99)128.46 1.93 3/2/2015 305.43 178.14 127.29 9/2/2015 344.13 305.43 311.83 178.14 32.30 127.29 286.88 3/2/2016 297.86 175.02 122.84 9/2/2016 359.67 297.86 318.52 175.02 41.15 122.84 286.83 3/2/2017 289.77 170.24 119.53 9/2/2017 375.21 289.77 322.97 170.24 52.24 119.53 291.30 3/2/2018 281.23 165.40 115.83 9/2/2018 392.98 281.23 334.11 165.40 58.87 115.83 290.53 3/2/2019 272.10 160.39 111.71 9/2/2019 410.74 272.10 343.02 160.39 67.72 111.71 291.14 3/2/2020 262.34 155.24 107.10 9/2/2020 430.72 262.34 354.15 155.24 76.57 107.10 290.77 3/2/2021 251.90 149.93 101.97 9/2/2021 450.70 251.90 365.29 149.93 85.41 101.97 289.35 3/2/2022 240.91 144.18 96.73 9/2/2022 472.90 240.91 376.43 144.18 96.47 96.73 289.93 3/2/2023 229.09 137.83 91.26 9/2/2023 497.33 229.09 389.79 137.83 107.54 91.26 290.06 3/2/2024 216.53 130.91 85.62 9/2/2024 521.75 216.53 403.16 130.91 118.59 85.62 289.83 3/2/2025 203.36 123.45 79.91 9/2/2025 548.39 203.36 418.75 123.45 129.64 79.91 289.46 3/2/2026 189.24 115.49 73.75 9/2/2026 575.03 189.24 434.34 115.49 140.69 73.75 288.19 3/2/2027 174.43 107.02 67.41 9/2/2027 606.12 174.43 452.16 107.02 153.96 67.41 288.78 3/2/2028 158.82 97.98 60.84 9/2/2028 637.20 158.82 469.98 97.98 167.22 60.84 288.90 3/2/2029 142.41 88.58 53.83 9/2/2029 670.50 142.41 490.02 88.58 180.48 53.83 288.14 3/2/2030 125.15 78.47 46.68 9/2/2030 703.80 125.15 507.84 78.47 195.96 46.68 289.32 3/2/2031 106.85 68.00 38.85 9/2/2031 741.55 106.85 530.12 68.00 211.43 38.85 289.13 3/2/2032 87.57 57.07 30.50 9/2/2032 779.29 87.57 552.39 57.07 226.90 30.50 287.90 3/2/2033 67.31 45.33 21.98 9/2/2033 819.25 67.31 574.66 45.33 244.59 21.98 288.55 3/2/2034 46.01 30.96 15.05 9/2/2034 861.44 46.01 603.62 30.96 257.82 15.05 287.92 3/2/2035 23.61 15.87 7.74 9/2/2035 908.06 23.61 634.80 15.87 273.26 7.74 288.74 Totals $12,755.06 $8,887.73 $9,773.74 $5,375.71 $2,981.31 $3,512.02 $6,493.33 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$9,793.48 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $318.13 $319.62 $0.00 $217.15 $318.13 $102.47 $420.60 3/2/2014 313.09 184.37 128.72 9/2/2014 331.48 313.09 586.98 184.37 (255.50)128.72 1.94 3/2/2015 306.05 178.50 127.55 9/2/2015 344.83 306.05 312.46 178.50 32.37 127.55 287.47 3/2/2016 298.46 175.38 123.08 9/2/2016 360.40 298.46 319.16 175.38 41.24 123.08 287.40 3/2/2017 290.36 170.59 119.77 9/2/2017 375.97 290.36 323.62 170.59 52.35 119.77 291.89 3/2/2018 281.80 165.73 116.07 9/2/2018 393.77 281.80 334.78 165.73 58.99 116.07 291.13 3/2/2019 272.65 160.71 111.94 9/2/2019 411.57 272.65 343.71 160.71 67.86 111.94 291.74 3/2/2020 262.87 155.56 107.31 9/2/2020 431.59 262.87 354.87 155.56 76.72 107.31 291.34 3/2/2021 252.41 150.23 102.18 9/2/2021 451.61 252.41 366.03 150.23 85.58 102.18 289.94 3/2/2022 241.40 144.47 96.93 9/2/2022 473.86 241.40 377.19 144.47 96.67 96.93 290.53 3/2/2023 229.55 138.10 91.45 9/2/2023 498.33 229.55 390.58 138.10 107.75 91.45 290.65 3/2/2024 216.97 131.17 85.80 9/2/2024 522.80 216.97 403.97 131.17 118.83 85.80 290.43 3/2/2025 203.77 123.70 80.07 9/2/2025 549.50 203.77 419.59 123.70 129.91 80.07 290.05 3/2/2026 189.62 115.73 73.89 9/2/2026 576.19 189.62 435.22 115.73 140.97 73.89 288.75 3/2/2027 174.78 107.24 67.54 9/2/2027 607.34 174.78 453.07 107.24 154.27 67.54 289.35 3/2/2028 159.14 98.18 60.96 9/2/2028 638.48 159.14 470.93 98.18 167.55 60.96 289.47 3/2/2029 142.70 88.76 53.94 9/2/2029 671.86 142.70 491.01 88.76 180.85 53.94 288.73 3/2/2030 125.40 78.63 46.77 9/2/2030 705.23 125.40 508.87 78.63 196.36 46.77 289.90 3/2/2031 107.07 68.14 38.93 9/2/2031 743.05 107.07 531.19 68.14 211.86 38.93 289.72 3/2/2032 87.75 57.18 30.57 9/2/2032 780.86 87.75 553.51 57.18 227.35 30.57 288.49 3/2/2033 67.44 45.42 22.02 9/2/2033 820.91 67.44 575.82 45.42 245.09 22.02 289.13 3/2/2034 46.10 31.02 15.08 9/2/2034 863.18 46.10 604.84 31.02 258.34 15.08 288.50 3/2/2035 23.66 15.90 7.76 9/2/2035 909.90 23.66 636.09 15.90 273.81 7.76 289.33 Totals $12,780.84 $8,905.70 $9,793.48 $5,386.57 $2,987.35 $3,519.13 $6,506.48 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$9,914.71 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $322.07 $323.57 $0.00 $219.84 $322.07 $103.73 $425.80 3/2/2014 316.97 186.65 130.32 9/2/2014 335.58 316.97 594.25 186.65 (258.67)130.32 1.97 3/2/2015 309.84 180.71 129.13 9/2/2015 349.09 309.84 316.33 180.71 32.76 129.13 291.02 3/2/2016 302.16 177.55 124.61 9/2/2016 364.86 302.16 323.11 177.55 41.75 124.61 290.97 3/2/2017 293.95 172.70 121.25 9/2/2017 380.63 293.95 327.63 172.70 53.00 121.25 295.50 3/2/2018 285.29 167.79 117.50 9/2/2018 398.64 285.29 338.93 167.79 59.71 117.50 294.71 3/2/2019 276.02 162.70 113.32 9/2/2019 416.66 276.02 347.96 162.70 68.70 113.32 295.34 3/2/2020 266.13 157.48 108.65 9/2/2020 436.93 266.13 359.26 157.48 77.67 108.65 294.97 3/2/2021 255.53 152.09 103.44 9/2/2021 457.20 255.53 370.56 152.09 86.64 103.44 293.52 3/2/2022 244.39 146.26 98.13 9/2/2022 479.72 244.39 381.86 146.26 97.86 98.13 294.12 3/2/2023 232.39 139.81 92.58 9/2/2023 504.50 232.39 395.41 139.81 109.09 92.58 294.25 3/2/2024 219.65 132.80 86.85 9/2/2024 529.27 219.65 408.97 132.80 120.30 86.85 294.00 3/2/2025 206.29 125.23 81.06 9/2/2025 556.30 206.29 424.79 125.23 131.51 81.06 293.63 3/2/2026 191.97 117.16 74.81 9/2/2026 583.33 191.97 440.60 117.16 142.73 74.81 292.35 3/2/2027 176.94 108.57 68.37 9/2/2027 614.86 176.94 458.68 108.57 156.18 68.37 292.92 3/2/2028 161.11 99.39 61.72 9/2/2028 646.39 161.11 476.76 99.39 169.63 61.72 293.07 3/2/2029 144.47 89.86 54.61 9/2/2029 680.17 144.47 497.09 89.86 183.08 54.61 292.30 3/2/2030 126.95 79.61 47.34 9/2/2030 713.96 126.95 515.17 79.61 198.79 47.34 293.47 3/2/2031 108.39 68.98 39.41 9/2/2031 752.24 108.39 537.76 68.98 214.48 39.41 293.30 3/2/2032 88.83 57.89 30.94 9/2/2032 790.53 88.83 560.36 57.89 230.17 30.94 292.05 3/2/2033 68.28 45.98 22.30 9/2/2033 831.07 68.28 582.95 45.98 248.12 22.30 292.72 3/2/2034 46.67 31.41 15.26 9/2/2034 873.86 46.67 612.33 31.41 261.53 15.26 292.05 3/2/2035 23.95 16.10 7.85 9/2/2035 921.16 23.95 643.96 16.10 277.20 7.85 292.90 Totals $12,939.02 $9,015.91 $9,914.71 $5,453.28 $3,024.30 $3,562.63 $6,586.93 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$10,112.04 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $328.48 $330.01 $0.00 $224.21 $328.48 $105.80 $434.28 3/2/2014 323.28 190.37 132.91 9/2/2014 342.26 323.28 606.08 190.37 (263.82)132.91 2.00 3/2/2015 316.01 184.31 131.70 9/2/2015 356.04 316.01 322.63 184.31 33.41 131.70 296.81 3/2/2016 308.17 181.08 127.09 9/2/2016 372.12 308.17 329.54 181.08 42.58 127.09 296.76 3/2/2017 299.80 176.14 123.66 9/2/2017 388.20 299.80 334.15 176.14 54.05 123.66 301.37 3/2/2018 290.97 171.13 119.84 9/2/2018 406.58 290.97 345.67 171.13 60.91 119.84 300.59 3/2/2019 281.52 165.94 115.58 9/2/2019 424.95 281.52 354.89 165.94 70.06 115.58 301.22 3/2/2020 271.42 160.62 110.80 9/2/2020 445.63 271.42 366.41 160.62 79.22 110.80 300.82 3/2/2021 260.62 155.12 105.50 9/2/2021 466.30 260.62 377.93 155.12 88.37 105.50 299.37 3/2/2022 249.25 149.17 100.08 9/2/2022 489.27 249.25 389.46 149.17 99.81 100.08 299.97 3/2/2023 237.02 142.60 94.42 9/2/2023 514.54 237.02 403.28 142.60 111.26 94.42 300.10 3/2/2024 224.03 135.44 88.59 9/2/2024 539.81 224.03 417.11 135.44 122.70 88.59 299.88 3/2/2025 210.40 127.72 82.68 9/2/2025 567.37 210.40 433.24 127.72 134.13 82.68 299.49 3/2/2026 195.79 119.49 76.30 9/2/2026 594.94 195.79 449.37 119.49 145.57 76.30 298.17 3/2/2027 180.47 110.73 69.74 9/2/2027 627.10 180.47 467.81 110.73 159.29 69.74 298.77 3/2/2028 164.32 101.37 62.95 9/2/2028 659.25 164.32 486.24 101.37 173.01 62.95 298.91 3/2/2029 147.34 91.65 55.69 9/2/2029 693.71 147.34 506.98 91.65 186.73 55.69 298.11 3/2/2030 129.48 81.19 48.29 9/2/2030 728.17 129.48 525.42 81.19 202.75 48.29 299.33 3/2/2031 110.55 70.35 40.20 9/2/2031 767.22 110.55 548.47 70.35 218.75 40.20 299.15 3/2/2032 90.60 59.04 31.56 9/2/2032 806.27 90.60 571.51 59.04 234.76 31.56 297.88 3/2/2033 69.64 46.90 22.74 9/2/2033 847.61 69.64 594.56 46.90 253.05 22.74 298.53 3/2/2034 47.60 32.03 15.57 9/2/2034 891.26 47.60 624.51 32.03 266.75 15.57 297.89 3/2/2035 24.43 16.42 8.01 9/2/2035 939.49 24.43 656.78 16.42 282.71 8.01 298.73 Totals $13,196.57 $9,195.43 $10,112.04 $5,561.83 $3,084.53 $3,633.60 $6,718.13 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$10,374.21 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $336.99 $338.57 $0.00 $230.02 $336.99 $108.55 $445.54 3/2/2014 331.66 195.30 136.36 9/2/2014 351.13 331.66 621.79 195.30 (270.66)136.36 2.06 3/2/2015 324.20 189.09 135.11 9/2/2015 365.27 324.20 330.99 189.09 34.28 135.11 304.50 3/2/2016 316.16 185.78 130.38 9/2/2016 381.77 316.16 338.08 185.78 43.69 130.38 304.45 3/2/2017 307.57 180.70 126.87 9/2/2017 398.27 307.57 342.81 180.70 55.46 126.87 309.20 3/2/2018 298.51 175.56 122.95 9/2/2018 417.12 298.51 354.63 175.56 62.49 122.95 308.39 3/2/2019 288.81 170.24 118.57 9/2/2019 435.97 288.81 364.09 170.24 71.88 118.57 309.02 3/2/2020 278.46 164.78 113.68 9/2/2020 457.18 278.46 375.91 164.78 81.27 113.68 308.63 3/2/2021 267.37 159.14 108.23 9/2/2021 478.39 267.37 387.73 159.14 90.66 108.23 307.12 3/2/2022 255.71 153.04 102.67 9/2/2022 501.96 255.71 399.55 153.04 102.41 102.67 307.75 3/2/2023 243.16 146.29 96.87 9/2/2023 527.88 243.16 413.74 146.29 114.14 96.87 307.88 3/2/2024 229.83 138.95 90.88 9/2/2024 553.80 229.83 427.92 138.95 125.88 90.88 307.64 3/2/2025 215.85 131.03 84.82 9/2/2025 582.08 215.85 444.47 131.03 137.61 84.82 307.25 3/2/2026 200.86 122.59 78.27 9/2/2026 610.36 200.86 461.02 122.59 149.34 78.27 305.88 3/2/2027 185.15 113.60 71.55 9/2/2027 643.35 185.15 479.94 113.60 163.41 71.55 306.51 3/2/2028 168.58 104.00 64.58 9/2/2028 676.35 168.58 498.85 104.00 177.50 64.58 306.66 3/2/2029 151.16 94.02 57.14 9/2/2029 711.69 151.16 520.13 94.02 191.56 57.14 305.84 3/2/2030 132.84 83.29 49.55 9/2/2030 747.04 132.84 539.04 83.29 208.00 49.55 307.10 3/2/2031 113.41 72.18 41.23 9/2/2031 787.11 113.41 562.68 72.18 224.43 41.23 306.89 3/2/2032 92.95 60.57 32.38 9/2/2032 827.17 92.95 586.33 60.57 240.84 32.38 305.60 3/2/2033 71.44 48.11 23.33 9/2/2033 869.59 71.44 609.97 48.11 259.62 23.33 306.28 3/2/2034 48.83 32.86 15.97 9/2/2034 914.36 48.83 640.70 32.86 273.66 15.97 305.60 3/2/2035 25.06 16.85 8.21 9/2/2035 963.85 25.06 673.80 16.85 290.05 8.21 306.47 Totals $13,538.68 $9,433.71 $10,374.21 $5,705.96 $3,164.51 $3,727.75 $6,892.26 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$10,633.56 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $345.42 $347.03 $0.00 $235.77 $345.42 $111.26 $456.68 3/2/2014 339.95 200.19 139.76 9/2/2014 359.91 339.95 637.34 200.19 (277.43)139.76 2.09 3/2/2015 332.30 193.81 138.49 9/2/2015 374.41 332.30 339.27 193.81 35.14 138.49 312.12 3/2/2016 324.07 190.42 133.65 9/2/2016 391.31 324.07 346.54 190.42 44.77 133.65 312.07 3/2/2017 315.26 185.22 130.04 9/2/2017 408.22 315.26 351.38 185.22 56.84 130.04 316.92 3/2/2018 305.97 179.95 126.02 9/2/2018 427.55 305.97 363.50 179.95 64.05 126.02 316.09 3/2/2019 296.03 174.50 121.53 9/2/2019 446.87 296.03 373.19 174.50 73.68 121.53 316.74 3/2/2020 285.42 168.90 116.52 9/2/2020 468.61 285.42 385.31 168.90 83.30 116.52 316.34 3/2/2021 274.06 163.12 110.94 9/2/2021 490.35 274.06 397.43 163.12 92.92 110.94 314.80 3/2/2022 262.11 156.86 105.25 9/2/2022 514.51 262.11 409.54 156.86 104.97 105.25 315.47 3/2/2023 249.24 149.95 99.29 9/2/2023 541.08 249.24 424.08 149.95 117.00 99.29 315.58 3/2/2024 235.58 142.42 93.16 9/2/2024 567.65 235.58 438.62 142.42 129.03 93.16 315.35 3/2/2025 221.25 134.31 86.94 9/2/2025 596.63 221.25 455.59 134.31 141.04 86.94 314.92 3/2/2026 205.88 125.65 80.23 9/2/2026 625.62 205.88 472.55 125.65 153.07 80.23 313.53 3/2/2027 189.77 116.44 73.33 9/2/2027 659.44 189.77 491.94 116.44 167.50 73.33 314.16 3/2/2028 172.79 106.60 66.19 9/2/2028 693.25 172.79 511.32 106.60 181.93 66.19 314.31 3/2/2029 154.94 96.37 58.57 9/2/2029 729.49 154.94 533.13 96.37 196.36 58.57 313.50 3/2/2030 136.16 85.38 50.78 9/2/2030 765.72 136.16 552.52 85.38 213.20 50.78 314.76 3/2/2031 116.25 73.98 42.27 9/2/2031 806.78 116.25 576.75 73.98 230.03 42.27 314.57 3/2/2032 95.27 62.09 33.18 9/2/2032 847.85 95.27 600.99 62.09 246.86 33.18 313.22 3/2/2033 73.23 49.31 23.92 9/2/2033 891.33 73.23 625.22 49.31 266.11 23.92 313.95 3/2/2034 50.05 33.68 16.37 9/2/2034 937.22 50.05 656.72 33.68 280.50 16.37 313.24 3/2/2035 25.69 17.27 8.42 9/2/2035 987.95 25.69 690.65 17.27 297.30 8.42 314.14 Totals $13,877.17 $9,669.57 $10,633.56 $5,848.61 $3,243.59 $3,820.96 $7,064.55 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$10,740.70 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $348.90 $350.53 $0.00 $238.15 $348.90 $112.38 $461.28 3/2/2014 343.38 202.20 141.18 9/2/2014 363.54 343.38 643.76 202.20 (280.22)141.18 2.14 3/2/2015 335.65 195.77 139.88 9/2/2015 378.18 335.65 342.68 195.77 35.50 139.88 315.26 3/2/2016 327.33 192.34 134.99 9/2/2016 395.26 327.33 350.03 192.34 45.23 134.99 315.21 3/2/2017 318.44 187.09 131.35 9/2/2017 412.34 318.44 354.92 187.09 57.42 131.35 320.12 3/2/2018 309.06 181.76 127.30 9/2/2018 431.85 309.06 367.16 181.76 64.69 127.30 319.29 3/2/2019 299.02 176.26 122.76 9/2/2019 451.37 299.02 376.95 176.26 74.42 122.76 319.94 3/2/2020 288.30 170.60 117.70 9/2/2020 473.33 288.30 389.19 170.60 84.14 117.70 319.54 3/2/2021 276.82 164.76 112.06 9/2/2021 495.29 276.82 401.43 164.76 93.86 112.06 317.98 3/2/2022 264.75 158.44 106.31 9/2/2022 519.69 264.75 413.67 158.44 106.02 106.31 318.64 3/2/2023 251.75 151.46 100.29 9/2/2023 546.53 251.75 428.36 151.46 118.17 100.29 318.75 3/2/2024 237.95 143.86 94.09 9/2/2024 573.37 237.95 443.04 143.86 130.33 94.09 318.51 3/2/2025 223.48 135.66 87.82 9/2/2025 602.64 223.48 460.18 135.66 142.46 87.82 318.10 3/2/2026 207.96 126.92 81.04 9/2/2026 631.92 207.96 477.31 126.92 154.61 81.04 316.69 3/2/2027 191.69 117.61 74.08 9/2/2027 666.08 191.69 496.89 117.61 169.19 74.08 317.35 3/2/2028 174.53 107.67 66.86 9/2/2028 700.24 174.53 516.47 107.67 183.77 66.86 317.49 3/2/2029 156.50 97.34 59.16 9/2/2029 736.84 156.50 538.50 97.34 198.34 59.16 316.66 3/2/2030 137.53 86.24 51.29 9/2/2030 773.43 137.53 558.09 86.24 215.34 51.29 317.92 3/2/2031 117.42 74.73 42.69 9/2/2031 814.91 117.42 582.56 74.73 232.35 42.69 317.73 3/2/2032 96.23 62.71 33.52 9/2/2032 856.39 96.23 607.04 62.71 249.35 33.52 316.39 3/2/2033 73.97 49.81 24.16 9/2/2033 900.31 73.97 631.52 49.81 268.79 24.16 317.11 3/2/2034 50.56 34.02 16.54 9/2/2034 946.66 50.56 663.34 34.02 283.32 16.54 316.40 3/2/2035 25.95 17.44 8.51 9/2/2035 997.90 25.95 697.61 17.44 300.29 8.51 317.31 Totals $14,016.97 $9,767.07 $10,740.70 $5,907.53 $3,276.27 $3,859.54 $7,135.81 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$10,843.80 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $352.25 $353.89 $0.00 $240.44 $352.25 $113.45 $465.70 3/2/2014 346.67 204.14 142.53 9/2/2014 367.03 346.67 649.94 204.14 (282.91)142.53 2.15 3/2/2015 338.87 197.64 141.23 9/2/2015 381.81 338.87 345.97 197.64 35.84 141.23 318.30 3/2/2016 330.47 194.18 136.29 9/2/2016 399.05 330.47 353.39 194.18 45.66 136.29 318.24 3/2/2017 321.49 188.88 132.61 9/2/2017 416.29 321.49 358.33 188.88 57.96 132.61 323.18 3/2/2018 312.02 183.51 128.51 9/2/2018 436.00 312.02 370.69 183.51 65.31 128.51 322.33 3/2/2019 301.89 177.95 123.94 9/2/2019 455.71 301.89 380.57 177.95 75.14 123.94 323.02 3/2/2020 291.06 172.24 118.82 9/2/2020 477.88 291.06 392.93 172.24 84.95 118.82 322.59 3/2/2021 279.48 166.35 113.13 9/2/2021 500.05 279.48 405.28 166.35 94.77 113.13 321.03 3/2/2022 267.29 159.96 107.33 9/2/2022 524.68 267.29 417.64 159.96 107.04 107.33 321.70 3/2/2023 254.17 152.92 101.25 9/2/2023 551.77 254.17 432.47 152.92 119.30 101.25 321.80 3/2/2024 240.24 145.24 95.00 9/2/2024 578.87 240.24 447.29 145.24 131.58 95.00 321.58 3/2/2025 225.62 136.96 88.66 9/2/2025 608.43 225.62 464.59 136.96 143.84 88.66 321.16 3/2/2026 209.95 128.14 81.81 9/2/2026 637.99 209.95 481.89 128.14 156.10 81.81 319.72 3/2/2027 193.53 118.74 74.79 9/2/2027 672.47 193.53 501.66 118.74 170.81 74.79 320.39 3/2/2028 176.21 108.71 67.50 9/2/2028 706.96 176.21 521.43 108.71 185.53 67.50 320.53 3/2/2029 158.01 98.28 59.73 9/2/2029 743.91 158.01 543.67 98.28 200.24 59.73 319.70 3/2/2030 138.85 87.06 51.79 9/2/2030 780.86 138.85 563.44 87.06 217.42 51.79 321.00 3/2/2031 118.55 75.44 43.11 9/2/2031 822.73 118.55 588.16 75.44 234.57 43.11 320.79 3/2/2032 97.16 63.31 33.85 9/2/2032 864.61 97.16 612.87 63.31 251.74 33.85 319.44 3/2/2033 74.68 50.29 24.39 9/2/2033 908.95 74.68 637.58 50.29 271.37 24.39 320.15 3/2/2034 51.04 34.35 16.69 9/2/2034 955.75 51.04 669.71 34.35 286.04 16.69 319.42 3/2/2035 26.19 17.61 8.58 9/2/2035 1,007.48 26.19 704.30 17.61 303.18 8.58 320.34 Totals $14,151.53 $9,860.77 $10,843.80 $5,964.24 $3,307.73 $3,896.53 $7,204.26 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$10,908.26 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $354.34 $356.00 $0.00 $241.87 $354.34 $114.13 $468.47 3/2/2014 348.73 205.36 143.37 9/2/2014 369.21 348.73 653.80 205.36 (284.59)143.37 2.15 3/2/2015 340.89 198.82 142.07 9/2/2015 384.08 340.89 348.03 198.82 36.05 142.07 320.19 3/2/2016 332.44 195.34 137.10 9/2/2016 401.42 332.44 355.49 195.34 45.93 137.10 320.13 3/2/2017 323.41 190.01 133.40 9/2/2017 418.77 323.41 360.46 190.01 58.31 133.40 325.11 3/2/2018 313.88 184.60 129.28 9/2/2018 438.59 313.88 372.89 184.60 65.70 129.28 324.26 3/2/2019 303.68 179.01 124.67 9/2/2019 458.42 303.68 382.83 179.01 75.59 124.67 324.93 3/2/2020 292.79 173.26 119.53 9/2/2020 480.72 292.79 395.26 173.26 85.46 119.53 324.52 3/2/2021 281.14 167.34 113.80 9/2/2021 503.02 281.14 407.69 167.34 95.33 113.80 322.93 3/2/2022 268.88 160.91 107.97 9/2/2022 527.80 268.88 420.12 160.91 107.68 107.97 323.62 3/2/2023 255.68 153.82 101.86 9/2/2023 555.05 255.68 435.04 153.82 120.01 101.86 323.73 3/2/2024 241.67 146.10 95.57 9/2/2024 582.31 241.67 449.95 146.10 132.36 95.57 323.50 3/2/2025 226.96 137.78 89.18 9/2/2025 612.05 226.96 467.35 137.78 144.70 89.18 323.06 3/2/2026 211.20 128.90 82.30 9/2/2026 641.78 211.20 484.76 128.90 157.02 82.30 321.62 3/2/2027 194.68 119.45 75.23 9/2/2027 676.47 194.68 504.64 119.45 171.83 75.23 322.29 3/2/2028 177.26 109.35 67.91 9/2/2028 711.16 177.26 524.53 109.35 186.63 67.91 322.45 3/2/2029 158.94 98.86 60.08 9/2/2029 748.33 158.94 546.90 98.86 201.43 60.08 321.59 3/2/2030 139.68 87.58 52.10 9/2/2030 785.50 139.68 566.79 87.58 218.71 52.10 322.91 3/2/2031 119.25 75.89 43.36 9/2/2031 827.63 119.25 591.65 75.89 235.98 43.36 322.70 3/2/2032 97.73 63.69 34.04 9/2/2032 869.75 97.73 616.51 63.69 253.24 34.04 321.32 3/2/2033 75.12 50.59 24.53 9/2/2033 914.35 75.12 641.37 50.59 272.98 24.53 322.04 3/2/2034 51.35 34.55 16.80 9/2/2034 961.43 51.35 673.69 34.55 287.74 16.80 321.34 3/2/2035 26.35 17.71 8.64 9/2/2035 1,013.47 26.35 708.49 17.71 304.98 8.64 322.26 Totals $14,235.65 $9,919.42 $10,908.26 $5,999.71 $3,327.41 $3,919.71 $7,247.12 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$11,030.10 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $358.30 $359.97 $0.00 $244.57 $358.30 $115.40 $473.70 3/2/2014 352.63 207.65 144.98 9/2/2014 373.33 352.63 661.10 207.65 (287.77)144.98 2.19 3/2/2015 344.70 201.04 143.66 9/2/2015 388.37 344.70 351.92 201.04 36.45 143.66 323.77 3/2/2016 336.15 197.52 138.63 9/2/2016 405.91 336.15 359.46 197.52 46.45 138.63 323.71 3/2/2017 327.02 192.13 134.89 9/2/2017 423.45 327.02 364.49 192.13 58.96 134.89 328.74 3/2/2018 317.39 186.66 130.73 9/2/2018 443.49 317.39 377.05 186.66 66.44 130.73 327.90 3/2/2019 307.07 181.01 126.06 9/2/2019 463.54 307.07 387.11 181.01 76.43 126.06 328.55 3/2/2020 296.06 175.20 120.86 9/2/2020 486.09 296.06 399.68 175.20 86.41 120.86 328.13 3/2/2021 284.28 169.20 115.08 9/2/2021 508.64 284.28 412.25 169.20 96.39 115.08 326.55 3/2/2022 271.88 162.71 109.17 9/2/2022 533.69 271.88 424.81 162.71 108.88 109.17 327.22 3/2/2023 258.54 155.54 103.00 9/2/2023 561.25 258.54 439.90 155.54 121.35 103.00 327.35 3/2/2024 244.37 147.73 96.64 9/2/2024 588.82 244.37 454.98 147.73 133.84 96.64 327.12 3/2/2025 229.50 139.32 90.18 9/2/2025 618.88 229.50 472.58 139.32 146.30 90.18 326.66 3/2/2026 213.56 130.34 83.22 9/2/2026 648.95 213.56 490.17 130.34 158.78 83.22 325.22 3/2/2027 196.85 120.78 76.07 9/2/2027 684.03 196.85 510.28 120.78 173.75 76.07 325.89 3/2/2028 179.24 110.57 68.67 9/2/2028 719.11 179.24 530.39 110.57 188.72 68.67 326.06 3/2/2029 160.72 99.97 60.75 9/2/2029 756.69 160.72 553.01 99.97 203.68 60.75 325.18 3/2/2030 141.24 88.56 52.68 9/2/2030 794.27 141.24 573.12 88.56 221.15 52.68 326.51 3/2/2031 120.58 76.74 43.84 9/2/2031 836.87 120.58 598.26 76.74 238.61 43.84 326.29 3/2/2032 98.83 64.40 34.43 9/2/2032 879.46 98.83 623.40 64.40 256.06 34.43 324.92 3/2/2033 75.96 51.15 24.81 9/2/2033 924.57 75.96 648.53 51.15 276.04 24.81 325.66 3/2/2034 51.92 34.94 16.98 9/2/2034 972.17 51.92 681.21 34.94 290.96 16.98 324.92 3/2/2035 26.64 17.91 8.73 9/2/2035 1,024.79 26.64 716.40 17.91 308.39 8.73 325.85 Totals $14,394.67 $10,030.23 $11,030.10 $6,066.71 $3,364.57 $3,963.52 $7,328.09 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$11,441.91 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $371.68 $373.41 $0.00 $253.70 $371.68 $119.71 $491.39 3/2/2014 365.79 215.40 150.39 9/2/2014 387.27 365.79 685.78 215.40 (298.51)150.39 2.27 3/2/2015 357.56 208.55 149.01 9/2/2015 402.87 357.56 365.06 208.55 37.81 149.01 335.83 3/2/2016 348.70 204.90 143.80 9/2/2016 421.06 348.70 372.88 204.90 48.18 143.80 335.78 3/2/2017 339.23 199.30 139.93 9/2/2017 439.26 339.23 378.09 199.30 61.17 139.93 341.03 3/2/2018 329.23 193.63 135.60 9/2/2018 460.05 329.23 391.13 193.63 68.92 135.60 340.12 3/2/2019 318.54 187.76 130.78 9/2/2019 480.84 318.54 401.56 187.76 79.28 130.78 340.84 3/2/2020 307.12 181.74 125.38 9/2/2020 504.23 307.12 414.60 181.74 89.63 125.38 340.39 3/2/2021 294.89 175.52 119.37 9/2/2021 527.63 294.89 427.64 175.52 99.99 119.37 338.73 3/2/2022 282.03 168.79 113.24 9/2/2022 553.62 282.03 440.68 168.79 112.94 113.24 339.42 3/2/2023 268.19 161.35 106.84 9/2/2023 582.21 268.19 456.32 161.35 125.89 106.84 339.57 3/2/2024 253.49 153.25 100.24 9/2/2024 610.80 253.49 471.97 153.25 138.83 100.24 339.31 3/2/2025 238.07 144.52 93.55 9/2/2025 641.99 238.07 490.22 144.52 151.77 93.55 338.87 3/2/2026 221.53 135.20 86.33 9/2/2026 673.18 221.53 508.47 135.20 164.71 86.33 337.37 3/2/2027 204.20 125.29 78.91 9/2/2027 709.57 204.20 529.33 125.29 180.24 78.91 338.06 3/2/2028 185.93 114.70 71.23 9/2/2028 745.95 185.93 550.19 114.70 195.76 71.23 338.22 3/2/2029 166.72 103.70 63.02 9/2/2029 784.94 166.72 573.66 103.70 211.28 63.02 337.32 3/2/2030 146.51 91.87 54.64 9/2/2030 823.93 146.51 594.52 91.87 229.41 54.64 338.69 3/2/2031 125.09 79.61 45.48 9/2/2031 868.11 125.09 620.60 79.61 247.51 45.48 338.47 3/2/2032 102.52 66.81 35.71 9/2/2032 912.30 102.52 646.67 66.81 265.63 35.71 337.05 3/2/2033 78.80 53.06 25.74 9/2/2033 959.08 78.80 672.75 53.06 286.33 25.74 337.81 3/2/2034 53.86 36.24 17.62 9/2/2034 1,008.47 53.86 706.64 36.24 301.83 17.62 337.07 3/2/2035 27.64 18.58 9.06 9/2/2035 1,063.05 27.64 743.15 18.58 319.90 9.06 338.02 Totals $14,932.09 $10,404.69 $11,441.91 $6,293.24 $3,490.18 $4,111.45 $7,601.63 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$11,441.92 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $371.68 $373.41 $0.00 $253.70 $371.68 $119.71 $491.39 3/2/2014 365.79 215.40 150.39 9/2/2014 387.27 365.79 685.78 215.40 (298.51)150.39 2.27 3/2/2015 357.56 208.55 149.01 9/2/2015 402.87 357.56 365.06 208.55 37.81 149.01 335.83 3/2/2016 348.70 204.90 143.80 9/2/2016 421.06 348.70 372.88 204.90 48.18 143.80 335.78 3/2/2017 339.23 199.30 139.93 9/2/2017 439.26 339.23 378.09 199.30 61.17 139.93 341.03 3/2/2018 329.23 193.63 135.60 9/2/2018 460.05 329.23 391.13 193.63 68.92 135.60 340.12 3/2/2019 318.54 187.76 130.78 9/2/2019 480.84 318.54 401.56 187.76 79.28 130.78 340.84 3/2/2020 307.12 181.74 125.38 9/2/2020 504.23 307.12 414.60 181.74 89.63 125.38 340.39 3/2/2021 294.89 175.52 119.37 9/2/2021 527.63 294.89 427.64 175.52 99.99 119.37 338.73 3/2/2022 282.03 168.79 113.24 9/2/2022 553.62 282.03 440.68 168.79 112.94 113.24 339.42 3/2/2023 268.19 161.35 106.84 9/2/2023 582.21 268.19 456.32 161.35 125.89 106.84 339.57 3/2/2024 253.49 153.25 100.24 9/2/2024 610.80 253.49 471.97 153.25 138.83 100.24 339.31 3/2/2025 238.07 144.52 93.55 9/2/2025 641.99 238.07 490.22 144.52 151.77 93.55 338.87 3/2/2026 221.53 135.20 86.33 9/2/2026 673.18 221.53 508.47 135.20 164.71 86.33 337.37 3/2/2027 204.20 125.29 78.91 9/2/2027 709.57 204.20 529.33 125.29 180.24 78.91 338.06 3/2/2028 185.93 114.70 71.23 9/2/2028 745.95 185.93 550.19 114.70 195.76 71.23 338.22 3/2/2029 166.72 103.70 63.02 9/2/2029 784.94 166.72 573.66 103.70 211.28 63.02 337.32 3/2/2030 146.51 91.87 54.64 9/2/2030 823.93 146.51 594.52 91.87 229.41 54.64 338.69 3/2/2031 125.09 79.61 45.48 9/2/2031 868.11 125.09 620.60 79.61 247.51 45.48 338.47 3/2/2032 102.52 66.81 35.71 9/2/2032 912.30 102.52 646.67 66.81 265.63 35.71 337.05 3/2/2033 78.80 53.06 25.74 9/2/2033 959.08 78.80 672.75 53.06 286.33 25.74 337.81 3/2/2034 53.86 36.24 17.62 9/2/2034 1,008.47 53.86 706.65 36.24 301.82 17.62 337.06 3/2/2035 27.64 18.58 9.06 9/2/2035 1,063.05 27.64 743.15 18.58 319.90 9.06 338.02 Totals $14,932.09 $10,404.69 $11,441.92 $6,293.24 $3,490.17 $4,111.45 $7,601.62 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$11,560.64 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:2 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $375.53 $377.29 $0.00 $256.33 $375.53 $120.96 $496.49 3/2/2014 369.59 217.64 151.95 9/2/2014 391.29 369.59 692.90 217.64 (301.61)151.95 2.29 3/2/2015 361.27 210.71 150.56 9/2/2015 407.05 361.27 368.84 210.71 38.21 150.56 339.33 3/2/2016 352.32 207.02 145.30 9/2/2016 425.43 352.32 376.75 207.02 48.68 145.30 339.28 3/2/2017 342.75 201.37 141.38 9/2/2017 443.81 342.75 382.02 201.37 61.79 141.38 344.55 3/2/2018 332.65 195.64 137.01 9/2/2018 464.82 332.65 395.19 195.64 69.63 137.01 343.65 3/2/2019 321.84 189.71 132.13 9/2/2019 485.83 321.84 405.73 189.71 80.10 132.13 344.36 3/2/2020 310.31 183.63 126.68 9/2/2020 509.47 310.31 418.90 183.63 90.57 126.68 343.93 3/2/2021 297.95 177.34 120.61 9/2/2021 533.10 297.95 432.08 177.34 101.02 120.61 342.24 3/2/2022 284.96 170.54 114.42 9/2/2022 559.36 284.96 445.25 170.54 114.11 114.42 342.95 3/2/2023 270.97 163.02 107.95 9/2/2023 588.25 270.97 461.06 163.02 127.19 107.95 343.09 3/2/2024 256.12 154.84 101.28 9/2/2024 617.14 256.12 476.86 154.84 140.28 101.28 342.84 3/2/2025 240.54 146.02 94.52 9/2/2025 648.65 240.54 495.31 146.02 153.34 94.52 342.38 3/2/2026 223.83 136.61 87.22 9/2/2026 680.16 223.83 513.75 136.61 166.41 87.22 340.85 3/2/2027 206.32 126.59 79.73 9/2/2027 716.93 206.32 534.82 126.59 182.11 79.73 341.57 3/2/2028 187.86 115.89 71.97 9/2/2028 753.69 187.86 555.90 115.89 197.79 71.97 341.73 3/2/2029 168.45 104.77 63.68 9/2/2029 793.09 168.45 579.61 104.77 213.48 63.68 340.84 3/2/2030 148.03 92.82 55.21 9/2/2030 832.48 148.03 600.69 92.82 231.79 55.21 342.21 3/2/2031 126.38 80.43 45.95 9/2/2031 877.12 126.38 627.04 80.43 250.08 45.95 341.98 3/2/2032 103.58 67.50 36.08 9/2/2032 921.77 103.58 653.38 67.50 268.39 36.08 340.55 3/2/2033 79.61 53.61 26.00 9/2/2033 969.04 79.61 679.73 53.61 289.31 26.00 341.31 3/2/2034 54.42 36.62 17.80 9/2/2034 1,018.93 54.42 713.98 36.62 304.95 17.80 340.55 3/2/2035 27.93 18.77 9.16 9/2/2035 1,074.08 27.93 750.86 18.77 323.22 9.16 341.54 Totals $15,087.02 $10,512.65 $11,560.64 $6,358.51 $3,526.37 $4,154.14 $7,680.51 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$11,575.12 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $376.00 $377.76 $0.00 $256.65 $376.00 $121.11 $497.11 3/2/2014 370.05 217.91 152.14 9/2/2014 391.78 370.05 693.77 217.91 (301.99)152.14 2.29 3/2/2015 361.73 210.97 150.76 9/2/2015 407.56 361.73 369.31 210.97 38.25 150.76 339.77 3/2/2016 352.76 207.28 145.48 9/2/2016 425.96 352.76 377.22 207.28 48.74 145.48 339.70 3/2/2017 343.18 201.62 141.56 9/2/2017 444.37 343.18 382.50 201.62 61.87 141.56 344.99 3/2/2018 333.07 195.89 137.18 9/2/2018 465.40 333.07 395.69 195.89 69.71 137.18 344.07 3/2/2019 322.25 189.95 132.30 9/2/2019 486.44 322.25 406.24 189.95 80.20 132.30 344.80 3/2/2020 310.69 183.86 126.83 9/2/2020 510.10 310.69 419.43 183.86 90.67 126.83 344.33 3/2/2021 298.32 177.56 120.76 9/2/2021 533.77 298.32 432.62 177.56 101.15 120.76 342.67 3/2/2022 285.31 170.75 114.56 9/2/2022 560.06 285.31 445.81 170.75 114.25 114.56 343.37 3/2/2023 271.31 163.23 108.08 9/2/2023 588.99 271.31 461.63 163.23 127.36 108.08 343.52 3/2/2024 256.44 155.03 101.41 9/2/2024 617.91 256.44 477.46 155.03 140.45 101.41 343.27 3/2/2025 240.84 146.20 94.64 9/2/2025 649.46 240.84 495.93 146.20 153.53 94.64 342.81 3/2/2026 224.11 136.78 87.33 9/2/2026 681.02 224.11 514.39 136.78 166.63 87.33 341.29 3/2/2027 206.58 126.75 79.83 9/2/2027 717.83 206.58 535.49 126.75 182.34 79.83 342.00 3/2/2028 188.09 116.04 72.05 9/2/2028 754.64 188.09 556.60 116.04 198.04 72.05 342.14 3/2/2029 168.66 104.91 63.75 9/2/2029 794.08 168.66 580.34 104.91 213.74 63.75 341.24 3/2/2030 148.21 92.94 55.27 9/2/2030 833.52 148.21 601.44 92.94 232.08 55.27 342.62 3/2/2031 126.54 80.53 46.01 9/2/2031 878.22 126.54 627.82 80.53 250.40 46.01 342.42 3/2/2032 103.71 67.58 36.13 9/2/2032 922.92 103.71 654.20 67.58 268.72 36.13 340.98 3/2/2033 79.71 53.68 26.03 9/2/2033 970.25 79.71 680.58 53.68 289.67 26.03 341.73 3/2/2034 54.49 36.67 17.82 9/2/2034 1,020.21 54.49 714.87 36.67 305.34 17.82 340.98 3/2/2035 27.96 18.80 9.16 9/2/2035 1,075.43 27.96 751.80 18.80 323.63 9.16 341.95 Totals $15,105.92 $10,525.78 $11,575.12 $6,366.51 $3,530.78 $4,159.27 $7,690.05 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$11,580.77 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $376.19 $377.95 $0.00 $256.78 $376.19 $121.17 $497.36 3/2/2014 370.23 218.02 152.21 9/2/2014 391.97 370.23 694.11 218.02 (302.14)152.21 2.28 3/2/2015 361.90 211.08 150.82 9/2/2015 407.76 361.90 369.49 211.08 38.27 150.82 339.91 3/2/2016 352.93 207.38 145.55 9/2/2016 426.17 352.93 377.40 207.38 48.77 145.55 339.87 3/2/2017 343.34 201.72 141.62 9/2/2017 444.59 343.34 382.68 201.72 61.91 141.62 345.15 3/2/2018 333.23 195.98 137.25 9/2/2018 465.63 333.23 395.88 195.98 69.75 137.25 344.25 3/2/2019 322.40 190.04 132.36 9/2/2019 486.68 322.40 406.44 190.04 80.24 132.36 344.96 3/2/2020 310.85 183.95 126.90 9/2/2020 510.35 310.85 419.63 183.95 90.72 126.90 344.52 3/2/2021 298.47 177.65 120.82 9/2/2021 534.03 298.47 432.83 177.65 101.20 120.82 342.84 3/2/2022 285.45 170.83 114.62 9/2/2022 560.34 285.45 446.02 170.83 114.32 114.62 343.56 3/2/2023 271.44 163.31 108.13 9/2/2023 589.27 271.44 461.86 163.31 127.41 108.13 343.67 3/2/2024 256.57 155.11 101.46 9/2/2024 618.21 256.57 477.69 155.11 140.52 101.46 343.44 3/2/2025 240.96 146.27 94.69 9/2/2025 649.78 240.96 496.17 146.27 153.61 94.69 342.99 3/2/2026 224.22 136.85 87.37 9/2/2026 681.35 224.22 514.64 136.85 166.71 87.37 341.45 3/2/2027 206.68 126.81 79.87 9/2/2027 718.18 206.68 535.76 126.81 182.42 79.87 342.16 3/2/2028 188.19 116.09 72.10 9/2/2028 755.01 188.19 556.87 116.09 198.14 72.10 342.34 3/2/2029 168.74 104.96 63.78 9/2/2029 794.47 168.74 580.62 104.96 213.85 63.78 341.41 3/2/2030 148.29 92.98 55.31 9/2/2030 833.93 148.29 601.74 92.98 232.19 55.31 342.81 3/2/2031 126.60 80.57 46.03 9/2/2031 878.65 126.60 628.13 80.57 250.52 46.03 342.58 3/2/2032 103.76 67.62 36.14 9/2/2032 923.37 103.76 654.52 67.62 268.85 36.14 341.13 3/2/2033 79.75 53.71 26.04 9/2/2033 970.72 79.75 680.91 53.71 289.81 26.04 341.89 3/2/2034 54.51 36.68 17.83 9/2/2034 1,020.71 54.51 715.22 36.68 305.49 17.83 341.15 3/2/2035 27.97 18.80 9.17 9/2/2035 1,075.95 27.97 752.17 18.80 323.78 9.17 342.12 Totals $15,113.31 $10,530.91 $11,580.77 $6,369.60 $3,532.53 $4,161.31 $7,693.84 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$11,594.87 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $376.65 $378.41 $0.00 $257.09 $376.65 $121.32 $497.97 3/2/2014 370.68 218.28 152.40 9/2/2014 392.45 370.68 694.95 218.28 (302.50)152.40 2.30 3/2/2015 362.34 211.33 151.01 9/2/2015 408.25 362.34 369.94 211.33 38.31 151.01 340.33 3/2/2016 353.36 207.63 145.73 9/2/2016 426.69 353.36 377.86 207.63 48.83 145.73 340.29 3/2/2017 343.76 201.97 141.79 9/2/2017 445.13 343.76 383.15 201.97 61.98 141.79 345.56 3/2/2018 333.64 196.22 137.42 9/2/2018 466.20 333.64 396.36 196.22 69.84 137.42 344.68 3/2/2019 322.80 190.27 132.53 9/2/2019 487.27 322.80 406.93 190.27 80.34 132.53 345.40 3/2/2020 311.22 184.17 127.05 9/2/2020 510.97 311.22 420.14 184.17 90.83 127.05 344.93 3/2/2021 298.83 177.87 120.96 9/2/2021 534.68 298.83 433.35 177.87 101.33 120.96 343.25 3/2/2022 285.80 171.04 114.76 9/2/2022 561.02 285.80 446.57 171.04 114.45 114.76 343.97 3/2/2023 271.77 163.51 108.26 9/2/2023 589.99 271.77 462.42 163.51 127.57 108.26 344.09 3/2/2024 256.88 155.30 101.58 9/2/2024 618.96 256.88 478.28 155.30 140.68 101.58 343.84 3/2/2025 241.25 146.45 94.80 9/2/2025 650.57 241.25 496.77 146.45 153.80 94.80 343.40 3/2/2026 224.50 137.01 87.49 9/2/2026 682.18 224.50 515.27 137.01 166.91 87.49 341.89 3/2/2027 206.93 126.96 79.97 9/2/2027 719.05 206.93 536.41 126.96 182.64 79.97 342.58 3/2/2028 188.41 116.24 72.17 9/2/2028 755.93 188.41 557.55 116.24 198.38 72.17 342.72 3/2/2029 168.95 105.09 63.86 9/2/2029 795.43 168.95 581.33 105.09 214.10 63.86 341.82 3/2/2030 148.47 93.10 55.37 9/2/2030 834.94 148.47 602.47 93.10 232.47 55.37 343.21 3/2/2031 126.76 80.67 46.09 9/2/2031 879.72 126.76 628.89 80.67 250.83 46.09 343.01 3/2/2032 103.89 67.70 36.19 9/2/2032 924.50 103.89 655.32 67.70 269.18 36.19 341.56 3/2/2033 79.85 53.77 26.08 9/2/2033 971.91 79.85 681.74 53.77 290.17 26.08 342.33 3/2/2034 54.58 36.73 17.85 9/2/2034 1,021.95 54.58 716.09 36.73 305.86 17.85 341.56 3/2/2035 28.01 18.83 9.18 9/2/2035 1,077.26 28.01 753.09 18.83 324.17 9.18 342.53 Totals $15,131.70 $10,543.77 $11,594.87 $6,377.37 $3,536.82 $4,166.40 $7,703.22 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$12,094.90 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $392.89 $394.72 $0.00 $268.18 $392.89 $126.54 $519.43 3/2/2014 386.67 227.70 158.97 9/2/2014 409.37 386.67 724.92 227.70 (315.55)158.97 2.39 3/2/2015 377.97 220.45 157.52 9/2/2015 425.86 377.97 385.89 220.45 39.97 157.52 355.01 3/2/2016 368.60 216.59 152.01 9/2/2016 445.09 368.60 394.16 216.59 50.93 152.01 354.95 3/2/2017 358.59 210.68 147.91 9/2/2017 464.32 358.59 399.67 210.68 64.65 147.91 360.47 3/2/2018 348.02 204.68 143.34 9/2/2018 486.30 348.02 413.45 204.68 72.85 143.34 359.53 3/2/2019 336.72 198.48 138.24 9/2/2019 508.28 336.72 424.48 198.48 83.80 138.24 360.28 3/2/2020 324.65 192.11 132.54 9/2/2020 533.01 324.65 438.26 192.11 94.75 132.54 359.83 3/2/2021 311.72 185.54 126.18 9/2/2021 557.74 311.72 452.04 185.54 105.70 126.18 358.06 3/2/2022 298.13 178.42 119.71 9/2/2022 585.21 298.13 465.82 178.42 119.39 119.71 358.81 3/2/2023 283.49 170.56 112.93 9/2/2023 615.43 283.49 482.36 170.56 133.07 112.93 358.93 3/2/2024 267.96 162.00 105.96 9/2/2024 645.66 267.96 498.90 162.00 146.76 105.96 358.68 3/2/2025 251.65 152.77 98.88 9/2/2025 678.63 251.65 518.20 152.77 160.43 98.88 358.19 3/2/2026 234.18 142.92 91.26 9/2/2026 711.60 234.18 537.49 142.92 174.11 91.26 356.63 3/2/2027 215.85 132.44 83.41 9/2/2027 750.06 215.85 559.54 132.44 190.52 83.41 357.34 3/2/2028 196.54 121.25 75.29 9/2/2028 788.53 196.54 581.59 121.25 206.94 75.29 357.52 3/2/2029 176.24 109.62 66.62 9/2/2029 829.74 176.24 606.40 109.62 223.34 66.62 356.58 3/2/2030 154.87 97.11 57.76 9/2/2030 870.95 154.87 628.45 97.11 242.50 57.76 358.02 3/2/2031 132.23 84.15 48.08 9/2/2031 917.66 132.23 656.01 84.15 261.65 48.08 357.81 3/2/2032 108.37 70.62 37.75 9/2/2032 964.36 108.37 683.58 70.62 280.78 37.75 356.28 3/2/2033 83.29 56.09 27.20 9/2/2033 1,013.82 83.29 711.14 56.09 302.68 27.20 357.08 3/2/2034 56.93 38.31 18.62 9/2/2034 1,066.02 56.93 746.97 38.31 319.05 18.62 356.29 3/2/2035 29.22 19.64 9.58 9/2/2035 1,123.72 29.22 785.56 19.64 338.16 9.58 357.32 Totals $15,784.25 $10,998.50 $12,094.90 $6,652.44 $3,689.37 $4,346.06 $8,035.43 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$12,113.58 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $393.50 $395.33 $0.00 $268.59 $393.50 $126.74 $520.24 3/2/2014 387.27 228.05 159.22 9/2/2014 410.01 387.27 726.04 228.05 (316.03)159.22 2.41 3/2/2015 378.55 220.79 157.76 9/2/2015 426.52 378.55 386.49 220.79 40.03 157.76 355.55 3/2/2016 369.17 216.92 152.25 9/2/2016 445.78 369.17 394.77 216.92 51.01 152.25 355.51 3/2/2017 359.14 211.00 148.14 9/2/2017 465.04 359.14 400.29 211.00 64.75 148.14 361.03 3/2/2018 348.56 205.00 143.56 9/2/2018 487.05 348.56 414.09 205.00 72.96 143.56 360.08 3/2/2019 337.24 198.79 138.45 9/2/2019 509.07 337.24 425.13 198.79 83.94 138.45 360.84 3/2/2020 325.15 192.41 132.74 9/2/2020 533.83 325.15 438.94 192.41 94.89 132.74 360.37 3/2/2021 312.20 185.82 126.38 9/2/2021 558.60 312.20 452.74 185.82 105.86 126.38 358.62 3/2/2022 298.59 178.69 119.90 9/2/2022 586.12 298.59 466.54 178.69 119.58 119.90 359.38 3/2/2023 283.93 170.82 113.11 9/2/2023 616.39 283.93 483.11 170.82 133.28 113.11 359.50 3/2/2024 268.37 162.25 106.12 9/2/2024 646.65 268.37 499.67 162.25 146.98 106.12 359.22 3/2/2025 252.04 153.00 99.04 9/2/2025 679.67 252.04 519.00 153.00 160.67 99.04 358.75 3/2/2026 234.54 143.14 91.40 9/2/2026 712.70 234.54 538.32 143.14 174.38 91.40 357.18 3/2/2027 216.19 132.64 83.55 9/2/2027 751.22 216.19 560.40 132.64 190.82 83.55 357.92 3/2/2028 196.84 121.44 75.40 9/2/2028 789.74 196.84 582.49 121.44 207.25 75.40 358.05 3/2/2029 176.51 109.79 66.72 9/2/2029 831.02 176.51 607.34 109.79 223.68 66.72 357.12 3/2/2030 155.11 97.26 57.85 9/2/2030 872.30 155.11 629.42 97.26 242.88 57.85 358.58 3/2/2031 132.43 84.28 48.15 9/2/2031 919.07 132.43 657.03 84.28 262.04 48.15 358.34 3/2/2032 108.53 70.73 37.80 9/2/2032 965.85 108.53 684.63 70.73 281.22 37.80 356.82 3/2/2033 83.42 56.18 27.24 9/2/2033 1,015.38 83.42 712.24 56.18 303.14 27.24 357.62 3/2/2034 57.02 38.37 18.65 9/2/2034 1,067.67 57.02 748.13 38.37 319.54 18.65 356.84 3/2/2035 29.26 19.67 9.59 9/2/2035 1,125.45 29.26 786.78 19.67 338.67 9.59 357.85 Totals $15,808.63 $11,015.45 $12,113.58 $6,662.67 $3,695.04 $4,352.78 $8,047.82 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$12,356.02 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $401.37 $403.25 $0.00 $273.97 $401.37 $129.28 $530.65 3/2/2014 395.02 232.61 162.41 9/2/2014 418.21 395.02 740.57 232.61 (322.36)162.41 2.46 3/2/2015 386.13 225.21 160.92 9/2/2015 435.05 386.13 394.22 225.21 40.83 160.92 362.67 3/2/2016 376.56 221.26 155.30 9/2/2016 454.70 376.56 402.67 221.26 52.03 155.30 362.63 3/2/2017 366.33 215.22 151.11 9/2/2017 474.35 366.33 408.30 215.22 66.05 151.11 368.27 3/2/2018 355.54 209.10 146.44 9/2/2018 496.80 355.54 422.38 209.10 74.42 146.44 367.30 3/2/2019 343.99 202.76 141.23 9/2/2019 519.26 343.99 433.64 202.76 85.62 141.23 368.08 3/2/2020 331.65 196.26 135.39 9/2/2020 544.52 331.65 447.72 196.26 96.80 135.39 367.58 3/2/2021 318.45 189.54 128.91 9/2/2021 569.78 318.45 461.80 189.54 107.98 128.91 365.80 3/2/2022 304.56 182.27 122.29 9/2/2022 597.85 304.56 475.88 182.27 121.97 122.29 366.55 3/2/2023 289.62 174.24 115.38 9/2/2023 628.72 289.62 492.78 174.24 135.94 115.38 366.70 3/2/2024 273.74 165.49 108.25 9/2/2024 659.60 273.74 509.67 165.49 149.93 108.25 366.43 3/2/2025 257.09 156.06 101.03 9/2/2025 693.28 257.09 529.38 156.06 163.90 101.03 365.96 3/2/2026 239.23 146.01 93.22 9/2/2026 726.96 239.23 549.09 146.01 177.87 93.22 364.31 3/2/2027 220.51 135.30 85.21 9/2/2027 766.25 220.51 571.62 135.30 194.63 85.21 365.05 3/2/2028 200.78 123.87 76.91 9/2/2028 805.55 200.78 594.15 123.87 211.40 76.91 365.22 3/2/2029 180.04 111.98 68.06 9/2/2029 847.65 180.04 619.49 111.98 228.16 68.06 364.28 3/2/2030 158.21 99.21 59.00 9/2/2030 889.75 158.21 642.02 99.21 247.73 59.00 365.73 3/2/2031 135.08 85.96 49.12 9/2/2031 937.47 135.08 670.18 85.96 267.29 49.12 365.53 3/2/2032 110.71 72.14 38.57 9/2/2032 985.18 110.71 698.34 72.14 286.84 38.57 363.98 3/2/2033 85.09 57.30 27.79 9/2/2033 1,035.71 85.09 726.49 57.30 309.22 27.79 364.80 3/2/2034 58.16 39.14 19.02 9/2/2034 1,089.04 58.16 763.10 39.14 325.94 19.02 363.98 3/2/2035 29.85 20.06 9.79 9/2/2035 1,147.98 29.85 802.52 20.06 345.46 9.79 365.04 Totals $16,125.03 $11,235.93 $12,356.02 $6,795.95 $3,769.02 $4,439.98 $8,209.00 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$12,506.72 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $406.27 $408.16 $0.00 $277.31 $406.27 $130.85 $537.12 3/2/2014 399.84 235.45 164.39 9/2/2014 423.31 399.84 749.61 235.45 (326.30)164.39 2.48 3/2/2015 390.84 227.95 162.89 9/2/2015 440.36 390.84 399.03 227.95 41.33 162.89 367.11 3/2/2016 381.15 223.96 157.19 9/2/2016 460.25 381.15 407.58 223.96 52.67 157.19 367.05 3/2/2017 370.80 217.85 152.95 9/2/2017 480.13 370.80 413.28 217.85 66.85 152.95 372.75 3/2/2018 359.87 211.65 148.22 9/2/2018 502.86 359.87 427.53 211.65 75.33 148.22 371.77 3/2/2019 348.18 205.24 142.94 9/2/2019 525.59 348.18 438.93 205.24 86.66 142.94 372.54 3/2/2020 335.70 198.65 137.05 9/2/2020 551.16 335.70 453.18 198.65 97.98 137.05 372.08 3/2/2021 322.33 191.86 130.47 9/2/2021 576.73 322.33 467.43 191.86 109.30 130.47 370.24 3/2/2022 308.28 184.49 123.79 9/2/2022 605.14 308.28 481.69 184.49 123.45 123.79 371.03 3/2/2023 293.15 176.37 116.78 9/2/2023 636.39 293.15 498.79 176.37 137.60 116.78 371.16 3/2/2024 277.08 167.51 109.57 9/2/2024 667.64 277.08 515.89 167.51 151.75 109.57 370.89 3/2/2025 260.22 157.97 102.25 9/2/2025 701.73 260.22 535.84 157.97 165.89 102.25 370.39 3/2/2026 242.15 147.79 94.36 9/2/2026 735.83 242.15 555.79 147.79 180.04 94.36 368.76 3/2/2027 223.20 136.95 86.25 9/2/2027 775.60 223.20 578.59 136.95 197.01 86.25 369.51 3/2/2028 203.23 125.38 77.85 9/2/2028 815.37 203.23 601.39 125.38 213.98 77.85 369.68 3/2/2029 182.24 113.35 68.89 9/2/2029 857.99 182.24 627.05 113.35 230.94 68.89 368.72 3/2/2030 160.14 100.42 59.72 9/2/2030 900.61 160.14 649.85 100.42 250.76 59.72 370.20 3/2/2031 136.73 87.01 49.72 9/2/2031 948.90 136.73 678.35 87.01 270.55 49.72 369.99 3/2/2032 112.06 73.02 39.04 9/2/2032 997.20 112.06 706.85 73.02 290.35 39.04 368.43 3/2/2033 86.13 58.00 28.13 9/2/2033 1,048.34 86.13 735.35 58.00 312.99 28.13 369.25 3/2/2034 58.87 39.62 19.25 9/2/2034 1,102.32 58.87 772.41 39.62 329.91 19.25 368.41 3/2/2035 30.21 20.31 9.90 9/2/2035 1,161.98 30.21 812.31 20.31 349.67 9.90 369.47 Totals $16,321.70 $11,372.96 $12,506.72 $6,878.91 $3,814.98 $4,494.05 $8,309.03 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$12,512.66 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $406.46 $408.36 $0.00 $277.44 $406.46 $130.92 $537.38 3/2/2014 400.03 235.56 164.47 9/2/2014 423.51 400.03 749.96 235.56 (326.45)164.47 2.49 3/2/2015 391.03 228.06 162.97 9/2/2015 440.57 391.03 399.22 228.06 41.35 162.97 367.29 3/2/2016 381.33 224.07 157.26 9/2/2016 460.46 381.33 407.77 224.07 52.69 157.26 367.21 3/2/2017 370.97 217.95 153.02 9/2/2017 480.36 370.97 413.48 217.95 66.88 153.02 372.92 3/2/2018 360.04 211.75 148.29 9/2/2018 503.10 360.04 427.73 211.75 75.37 148.29 371.95 3/2/2019 348.35 205.34 143.01 9/2/2019 525.84 348.35 439.14 205.34 86.70 143.01 372.72 3/2/2020 335.86 198.75 137.11 9/2/2020 551.42 335.86 453.40 198.75 98.02 137.11 372.24 3/2/2021 322.49 191.95 130.54 9/2/2021 577.00 322.49 467.66 191.95 109.34 130.54 370.42 3/2/2022 308.42 184.58 123.84 9/2/2022 605.43 308.42 481.91 184.58 123.52 123.84 371.20 3/2/2023 293.29 176.45 116.84 9/2/2023 636.69 293.29 499.02 176.45 137.67 116.84 371.35 3/2/2024 277.21 167.59 109.62 9/2/2024 667.96 277.21 516.13 167.59 151.83 109.62 371.07 3/2/2025 260.34 158.04 102.30 9/2/2025 702.07 260.34 536.09 158.04 165.98 102.30 370.58 3/2/2026 242.27 147.86 94.41 9/2/2026 736.18 242.27 556.06 147.86 180.12 94.41 368.94 3/2/2027 223.31 137.01 86.30 9/2/2027 775.97 223.31 578.87 137.01 197.10 86.30 369.70 3/2/2028 203.33 125.44 77.89 9/2/2028 815.76 203.33 601.68 125.44 214.08 77.89 369.86 3/2/2029 182.32 113.40 68.92 9/2/2029 858.40 182.32 627.34 113.40 231.06 68.92 368.90 3/2/2030 160.22 100.46 59.76 9/2/2030 901.03 160.22 650.16 100.46 250.87 59.76 370.39 3/2/2031 136.79 87.05 49.74 9/2/2031 949.35 136.79 678.67 87.05 270.68 49.74 370.16 3/2/2032 112.11 73.06 39.05 9/2/2032 997.67 112.11 707.19 73.06 290.48 39.05 368.58 3/2/2033 86.17 58.03 28.14 9/2/2033 1,048.84 86.17 735.70 58.03 313.14 28.14 369.42 3/2/2034 58.90 39.64 19.26 9/2/2034 1,102.84 58.90 772.77 39.64 330.07 19.26 368.59 3/2/2035 30.23 20.32 9.91 9/2/2035 1,162.53 30.23 812.70 20.32 349.83 9.91 369.65 Totals $16,329.44 $11,378.38 $12,512.66 $6,882.16 $3,816.79 $4,496.22 $8,313.01 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$12,543.81 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $407.47 $409.37 $0.00 $278.13 $407.47 $131.24 $538.71 3/2/2014 401.02 236.15 164.87 9/2/2014 424.57 401.02 751.83 236.15 (327.26)164.87 2.48 3/2/2015 392.00 228.63 163.37 9/2/2015 441.67 392.00 400.21 228.63 41.46 163.37 368.20 3/2/2016 382.28 224.63 157.65 9/2/2016 461.61 382.28 408.79 224.63 52.82 157.65 368.12 3/2/2017 371.90 218.50 153.40 9/2/2017 481.56 371.90 414.51 218.50 67.05 153.40 373.85 3/2/2018 360.94 212.28 148.66 9/2/2018 504.35 360.94 428.80 212.28 75.55 148.66 372.87 3/2/2019 349.21 205.85 143.36 9/2/2019 527.15 349.21 440.23 205.85 86.92 143.36 373.64 3/2/2020 336.70 199.24 137.46 9/2/2020 552.79 336.70 454.53 199.24 98.26 137.46 373.18 3/2/2021 323.29 192.42 130.87 9/2/2021 578.44 323.29 468.82 192.42 109.62 130.87 371.36 3/2/2022 309.19 185.04 124.15 9/2/2022 606.93 309.19 483.11 185.04 123.82 124.15 372.12 3/2/2023 294.02 176.89 117.13 9/2/2023 638.28 294.02 500.27 176.89 138.01 117.13 372.27 3/2/2024 277.90 168.01 109.89 9/2/2024 669.62 277.90 517.42 168.01 152.20 109.89 371.98 3/2/2025 260.99 158.44 102.55 9/2/2025 703.81 260.99 537.43 158.44 166.38 102.55 371.48 3/2/2026 242.87 148.23 94.64 9/2/2026 738.01 242.87 557.44 148.23 180.57 94.64 369.85 3/2/2027 223.87 137.36 86.51 9/2/2027 777.90 223.87 580.31 137.36 197.59 86.51 370.61 3/2/2028 203.83 125.75 78.08 9/2/2028 817.79 203.83 603.18 125.75 214.61 78.08 370.77 3/2/2029 182.78 113.69 69.09 9/2/2029 860.53 182.78 628.91 113.69 231.62 69.09 369.80 3/2/2030 160.62 100.71 59.91 9/2/2030 903.28 160.62 651.78 100.71 251.50 59.91 371.32 3/2/2031 137.13 87.27 49.86 9/2/2031 951.72 137.13 680.36 87.27 271.36 49.86 371.08 3/2/2032 112.39 73.24 39.15 9/2/2032 1,000.16 112.39 708.95 73.24 291.21 39.15 369.51 3/2/2033 86.38 58.17 28.21 9/2/2033 1,051.45 86.38 737.54 58.17 313.91 28.21 370.33 3/2/2034 59.05 39.74 19.31 9/2/2034 1,105.59 59.05 774.70 39.74 330.89 19.31 369.51 3/2/2035 30.30 20.37 9.93 9/2/2035 1,165.43 30.30 814.72 20.37 350.71 9.93 370.57 Totals $16,370.11 $11,406.69 $12,543.81 $6,899.35 $3,826.27 $4,507.34 $8,333.61 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$12,662.54 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $411.33 $413.25 $0.00 $280.76 $411.33 $132.49 $543.82 3/2/2014 404.82 238.38 166.44 9/2/2014 428.59 404.82 758.94 238.38 (330.35)166.44 2.53 3/2/2015 395.71 230.79 164.92 9/2/2015 445.85 395.71 404.00 230.79 41.85 164.92 371.69 3/2/2016 385.90 226.75 159.15 9/2/2016 465.98 385.90 412.66 226.75 53.32 159.15 371.62 3/2/2017 375.42 220.56 154.86 9/2/2017 486.12 375.42 418.43 220.56 67.69 154.86 377.41 3/2/2018 364.36 214.29 150.07 9/2/2018 509.13 364.36 432.86 214.29 76.27 150.07 376.41 3/2/2019 352.52 207.79 144.73 9/2/2019 532.14 352.52 444.40 207.79 87.74 144.73 377.20 3/2/2020 339.88 201.13 138.75 9/2/2020 558.03 339.88 458.83 201.13 99.20 138.75 376.70 3/2/2021 326.35 194.25 132.10 9/2/2021 583.91 326.35 473.26 194.25 110.65 132.10 374.85 3/2/2022 312.12 186.79 125.33 9/2/2022 612.68 312.12 487.69 186.79 124.99 125.33 375.65 3/2/2023 296.80 178.56 118.24 9/2/2023 644.32 296.80 505.00 178.56 139.32 118.24 375.80 3/2/2024 280.53 169.60 110.93 9/2/2024 675.96 280.53 522.32 169.60 153.64 110.93 375.50 3/2/2025 263.46 159.94 103.52 9/2/2025 710.48 263.46 542.52 159.94 167.96 103.52 375.00 3/2/2026 245.17 149.63 95.54 9/2/2026 744.99 245.17 562.72 149.63 182.27 95.54 373.35 3/2/2027 225.98 138.66 87.32 9/2/2027 785.26 225.98 585.80 138.66 199.46 87.32 374.10 3/2/2028 205.76 126.94 78.82 9/2/2028 825.53 205.76 608.89 126.94 216.64 78.82 374.28 3/2/2029 184.51 114.76 69.75 9/2/2029 868.68 184.51 634.86 114.76 233.82 69.75 373.32 3/2/2030 162.14 101.67 60.47 9/2/2030 911.83 162.14 657.94 101.67 253.89 60.47 374.83 3/2/2031 138.43 88.10 50.33 9/2/2031 960.72 138.43 686.80 88.10 273.92 50.33 374.58 3/2/2032 113.45 73.93 39.52 9/2/2032 1,009.62 113.45 715.66 73.93 293.96 39.52 373.00 3/2/2033 87.20 58.72 28.48 9/2/2033 1,061.40 87.20 744.52 58.72 316.88 28.48 373.84 3/2/2034 59.61 40.11 19.50 9/2/2034 1,116.05 59.61 782.03 40.11 334.02 19.50 373.02 3/2/2035 30.59 20.56 10.03 9/2/2035 1,176.46 30.59 822.43 20.56 354.03 10.03 374.09 Totals $16,525.06 $11,514.67 $12,662.54 $6,964.58 $3,862.50 $4,550.09 $8,412.59 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$13,582.32 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $441.21 $443.27 $0.00 $301.16 $441.21 $142.11 $583.32 3/2/2014 434.22 255.70 178.52 9/2/2014 459.72 434.22 814.07 255.70 (354.35)178.52 2.69 3/2/2015 424.45 247.56 176.89 9/2/2015 478.23 424.45 433.35 247.56 44.88 176.89 398.66 3/2/2016 413.93 243.22 170.71 9/2/2016 499.83 413.93 442.63 243.22 57.20 170.71 398.62 3/2/2017 402.69 236.59 166.10 9/2/2017 521.43 402.69 448.82 236.59 72.61 166.10 404.81 3/2/2018 390.82 229.85 160.97 9/2/2018 546.11 390.82 464.30 229.85 81.81 160.97 403.75 3/2/2019 378.13 222.89 155.24 9/2/2019 570.79 378.13 476.68 222.89 94.11 155.24 404.59 3/2/2020 364.57 215.74 148.83 9/2/2020 598.56 364.57 492.16 215.74 106.40 148.83 404.06 3/2/2021 350.06 208.36 141.70 9/2/2021 626.33 350.06 507.63 208.36 118.70 141.70 402.10 3/2/2022 334.79 200.36 134.43 9/2/2022 657.18 334.79 523.11 200.36 134.07 134.43 402.93 3/2/2023 318.36 191.53 126.83 9/2/2023 691.12 318.36 541.68 191.53 149.44 126.83 403.10 3/2/2024 300.91 181.92 118.99 9/2/2024 725.06 300.91 560.26 181.92 164.80 118.99 402.78 3/2/2025 282.60 171.55 111.05 9/2/2025 762.08 282.60 581.92 171.55 180.16 111.05 402.26 3/2/2026 262.98 160.50 102.48 9/2/2026 799.11 262.98 603.59 160.50 195.52 102.48 400.48 3/2/2027 242.40 148.73 93.67 9/2/2027 842.30 242.40 628.35 148.73 213.95 93.67 401.29 3/2/2028 220.71 136.16 84.55 9/2/2028 885.50 220.71 653.12 136.16 232.38 84.55 401.48 3/2/2029 197.91 123.10 74.81 9/2/2029 931.78 197.91 680.97 123.10 250.81 74.81 400.43 3/2/2030 173.92 109.05 64.87 9/2/2030 978.06 173.92 705.74 109.05 272.32 64.87 402.06 3/2/2031 148.49 94.50 53.99 9/2/2031 1,030.51 148.49 736.69 94.50 293.82 53.99 401.80 3/2/2032 121.69 79.30 42.39 9/2/2032 1,082.96 121.69 767.64 79.30 315.32 42.39 400.10 3/2/2033 93.54 62.99 30.55 9/2/2033 1,138.50 93.54 798.60 62.99 339.90 30.55 401.00 3/2/2034 63.93 43.03 20.90 9/2/2034 1,197.12 63.93 838.84 43.03 358.28 20.90 400.08 3/2/2035 32.81 22.05 10.76 9/2/2035 1,261.91 32.81 882.17 22.05 379.74 10.76 401.26 Totals $17,725.40 $12,351.09 $13,582.32 $7,470.52 $4,143.08 $4,880.57 $9,023.65 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$14,722.81 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:497 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $478.25 $480.49 $0.00 $326.44 $478.25 $154.05 $632.30 3/2/2014 470.68 277.17 193.51 9/2/2014 498.32 470.68 882.43 277.17 (384.11)193.51 2.91 3/2/2015 460.09 268.35 191.74 9/2/2015 518.39 460.09 469.73 268.35 48.66 191.74 432.14 3/2/2016 448.69 263.65 185.04 9/2/2016 541.80 448.69 479.80 263.65 62.00 185.04 432.08 3/2/2017 436.50 256.45 180.05 9/2/2017 565.21 436.50 486.51 256.45 78.70 180.05 438.80 3/2/2018 423.64 249.15 174.49 9/2/2018 591.96 423.64 503.29 249.15 88.67 174.49 437.65 3/2/2019 409.88 241.60 168.28 9/2/2019 618.72 409.88 516.71 241.60 102.01 168.28 438.57 3/2/2020 395.18 233.85 161.33 9/2/2020 648.82 395.18 533.48 233.85 115.34 161.33 438.00 3/2/2021 379.45 225.85 153.60 9/2/2021 678.92 379.45 550.26 225.85 128.66 153.60 435.86 3/2/2022 362.90 217.18 145.72 9/2/2022 712.36 362.90 567.04 217.18 145.32 145.72 436.76 3/2/2023 345.09 207.62 137.47 9/2/2023 749.15 345.09 587.17 207.62 161.98 137.47 436.92 3/2/2024 326.18 197.19 128.99 9/2/2024 785.94 326.18 607.30 197.19 178.64 128.99 436.62 3/2/2025 306.33 185.96 120.37 9/2/2025 826.07 306.33 630.79 185.96 195.28 120.37 436.02 3/2/2026 285.06 173.97 111.09 9/2/2026 866.21 285.06 654.27 173.97 211.94 111.09 434.12 3/2/2027 262.75 161.22 101.53 9/2/2027 913.03 262.75 681.11 161.22 231.92 101.53 434.98 3/2/2028 239.24 147.59 91.65 9/2/2028 959.85 239.24 707.96 147.59 251.89 91.65 435.19 3/2/2029 214.53 133.43 81.10 9/2/2029 1,010.02 214.53 738.15 133.43 271.87 81.10 434.07 3/2/2030 188.52 118.21 70.31 9/2/2030 1,060.19 188.52 765.00 118.21 295.19 70.31 435.81 3/2/2031 160.95 102.43 58.52 9/2/2031 1,117.04 160.95 798.55 102.43 318.49 58.52 435.53 3/2/2032 131.91 85.96 45.95 9/2/2032 1,173.90 131.91 832.10 85.96 341.80 45.95 433.70 3/2/2033 101.39 68.28 33.11 9/2/2033 1,234.10 101.39 865.65 68.28 368.45 33.11 434.67 3/2/2034 69.30 46.64 22.66 9/2/2034 1,297.64 69.30 909.27 46.64 388.37 22.66 433.69 3/2/2035 35.56 23.91 11.65 9/2/2035 1,367.87 35.56 956.24 23.91 411.63 11.65 434.93 Totals $19,213.76 $13,388.13 $14,722.81 $8,097.76 $4,490.95 $5,290.37 $9,781.32 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$16,662.17 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $541.25 $543.78 $0.00 $369.45 $541.25 $174.33 $715.58 3/2/2014 532.68 313.68 219.00 9/2/2014 563.96 532.68 998.67 313.68 (434.71)219.00 3.29 3/2/2015 520.70 303.69 217.01 9/2/2015 586.67 520.70 531.61 303.69 55.06 217.01 489.08 3/2/2016 507.79 298.38 209.41 9/2/2016 613.17 507.79 543.00 298.38 70.17 209.41 488.99 3/2/2017 494.00 290.23 203.77 9/2/2017 639.66 494.00 550.60 290.23 89.06 203.77 496.60 3/2/2018 479.44 281.97 197.47 9/2/2018 669.94 479.44 569.58 281.97 100.36 197.47 495.30 3/2/2019 463.87 273.43 190.44 9/2/2019 700.22 463.87 584.77 273.43 115.45 190.44 496.33 3/2/2020 447.24 264.66 182.58 9/2/2020 734.29 447.24 603.76 264.66 130.53 182.58 495.69 3/2/2021 429.43 255.60 173.83 9/2/2021 768.35 429.43 622.74 255.60 145.61 173.83 493.27 3/2/2022 410.70 245.79 164.91 9/2/2022 806.20 410.70 641.73 245.79 164.47 164.91 494.29 3/2/2023 390.55 234.96 155.59 9/2/2023 847.84 390.55 664.51 234.96 183.33 155.59 494.51 3/2/2024 369.14 223.17 145.97 9/2/2024 889.47 369.14 687.30 223.17 202.17 145.97 494.11 3/2/2025 346.68 210.45 136.23 9/2/2025 934.89 346.68 713.88 210.45 221.01 136.23 493.47 3/2/2026 322.61 196.89 125.72 9/2/2026 980.31 322.61 740.46 196.89 239.85 125.72 491.29 3/2/2027 297.36 182.45 114.91 9/2/2027 1,033.30 297.36 770.83 182.45 262.47 114.91 492.29 3/2/2028 270.76 167.03 103.73 9/2/2028 1,086.29 270.76 801.21 167.03 285.08 103.73 492.54 3/2/2029 242.79 151.01 91.78 9/2/2029 1,143.06 242.79 835.39 151.01 307.67 91.78 491.23 3/2/2030 213.35 133.78 79.57 9/2/2030 1,199.84 213.35 865.76 133.78 334.08 79.57 493.22 3/2/2031 182.16 115.92 66.24 9/2/2031 1,264.18 182.16 903.74 115.92 360.44 66.24 492.92 3/2/2032 149.29 97.28 52.01 9/2/2032 1,328.53 149.29 941.71 97.28 386.82 52.01 490.84 3/2/2033 114.75 77.27 37.48 9/2/2033 1,396.66 114.75 979.68 77.27 416.98 37.48 491.94 3/2/2034 78.43 52.78 25.65 9/2/2034 1,468.57 78.43 1,029.04 52.78 439.53 25.65 490.83 3/2/2035 40.25 27.06 13.19 9/2/2035 1,548.06 40.25 1,082.21 27.06 465.85 13.19 492.23 Totals $21,744.71 $15,151.72 $16,662.17 $9,164.41 $5,082.53 $5,987.31 $11,069.84 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$16,854.94 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $547.51 $550.07 $0.00 $373.72 $547.51 $176.35 $723.86 3/2/2014 538.85 317.31 221.54 9/2/2014 570.49 538.85 1,010.22 317.31 (439.73)221.54 3.35 3/2/2015 526.72 307.21 219.51 9/2/2015 593.46 526.72 537.76 307.21 55.70 219.51 494.72 3/2/2016 513.67 301.83 211.84 9/2/2016 620.26 513.67 549.28 301.83 70.98 211.84 494.66 3/2/2017 499.71 293.59 206.12 9/2/2017 647.06 499.71 556.97 293.59 90.09 206.12 502.33 3/2/2018 484.99 285.24 199.75 9/2/2018 677.69 484.99 576.17 285.24 101.52 199.75 501.02 3/2/2019 469.24 276.59 192.65 9/2/2019 708.32 469.24 591.54 276.59 116.78 192.65 502.08 3/2/2020 452.41 267.72 184.69 9/2/2020 742.78 452.41 610.74 267.72 132.04 184.69 501.42 3/2/2021 434.40 258.56 175.84 9/2/2021 777.24 434.40 629.95 258.56 147.29 175.84 498.97 3/2/2022 415.45 248.64 166.81 9/2/2022 815.53 415.45 649.15 248.64 166.38 166.81 500.00 3/2/2023 395.07 237.68 157.39 9/2/2023 857.64 395.07 672.20 237.68 185.44 157.39 500.22 3/2/2024 373.41 225.75 147.66 9/2/2024 899.76 373.41 695.25 225.75 204.51 147.66 499.83 3/2/2025 350.69 212.89 137.80 9/2/2025 945.71 350.69 722.14 212.89 223.57 137.80 499.17 3/2/2026 326.34 199.17 127.17 9/2/2026 991.65 326.34 749.02 199.17 242.63 127.17 496.97 3/2/2027 300.81 184.56 116.25 9/2/2027 1,045.25 300.81 779.75 184.56 265.50 116.25 498.00 3/2/2028 273.89 168.97 104.92 9/2/2028 1,098.86 273.89 810.48 168.97 288.38 104.92 498.22 3/2/2029 245.59 152.76 92.83 9/2/2029 1,156.29 245.59 845.05 152.76 311.24 92.83 496.90 3/2/2030 215.82 135.33 80.49 9/2/2030 1,213.72 215.82 875.78 135.33 337.94 80.49 498.92 3/2/2031 184.26 117.27 66.99 9/2/2031 1,278.81 184.26 914.19 117.27 364.62 66.99 498.60 3/2/2032 151.01 98.41 52.60 9/2/2032 1,343.90 151.01 952.60 98.41 391.30 52.60 496.50 3/2/2033 116.07 78.17 37.90 9/2/2033 1,412.82 116.07 991.02 78.17 421.80 37.90 497.60 3/2/2034 79.34 53.39 25.95 9/2/2034 1,485.56 79.34 1,040.95 53.39 444.61 25.95 496.51 3/2/2035 40.72 27.37 13.35 9/2/2035 1,565.97 40.72 1,094.73 27.37 471.24 13.35 497.94 Totals $21,996.28 $15,326.99 $16,854.94 $9,270.54 $5,141.34 $6,056.45 $11,197.79 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$17,311.28 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $562.34 $564.96 $0.00 $383.84 $562.34 $181.12 $743.46 3/2/2014 553.44 325.90 227.54 9/2/2014 585.93 553.44 1,037.57 325.90 (451.64)227.54 3.44 3/2/2015 540.98 315.52 225.46 9/2/2015 609.53 540.98 552.32 315.52 57.21 225.46 508.13 3/2/2016 527.58 310.00 217.58 9/2/2016 637.05 527.58 564.16 310.00 72.89 217.58 508.05 3/2/2017 513.24 301.54 211.70 9/2/2017 664.58 513.24 572.05 301.54 92.53 211.70 515.93 3/2/2018 498.12 292.96 205.16 9/2/2018 696.04 498.12 591.77 292.96 104.27 205.16 514.59 3/2/2019 481.94 284.08 197.86 9/2/2019 727.50 481.94 607.55 284.08 119.95 197.86 515.67 3/2/2020 464.66 274.97 189.69 9/2/2020 762.89 464.66 627.28 274.97 135.61 189.69 514.99 3/2/2021 446.16 265.56 180.60 9/2/2021 798.28 446.16 647.00 265.56 151.28 180.60 512.48 3/2/2022 426.70 255.37 171.33 9/2/2022 837.61 426.70 666.73 255.37 170.88 171.33 513.54 3/2/2023 405.76 244.12 161.64 9/2/2023 880.86 405.76 690.40 244.12 190.46 161.64 513.74 3/2/2024 383.52 231.86 151.66 9/2/2024 924.12 383.52 714.07 231.86 210.05 151.66 513.37 3/2/2025 360.19 218.65 141.54 9/2/2025 971.31 360.19 741.69 218.65 229.62 141.54 512.70 3/2/2026 335.18 204.56 130.62 9/2/2026 1,018.50 335.18 769.30 204.56 249.20 130.62 510.44 3/2/2027 308.95 189.56 119.39 9/2/2027 1,073.55 308.95 800.86 189.56 272.69 119.39 511.47 3/2/2028 281.31 173.54 107.77 9/2/2028 1,128.61 281.31 832.42 173.54 296.19 107.77 511.73 3/2/2029 252.24 156.89 95.35 9/2/2029 1,187.59 252.24 867.93 156.89 319.66 95.35 510.36 3/2/2030 221.66 138.99 82.67 9/2/2030 1,246.58 221.66 899.49 138.99 347.09 82.67 512.43 3/2/2031 189.25 120.44 68.81 9/2/2031 1,313.43 189.25 938.94 120.44 374.49 68.81 512.11 3/2/2032 155.10 101.07 54.03 9/2/2032 1,380.28 155.10 978.40 101.07 401.88 54.03 509.94 3/2/2033 119.22 80.28 38.94 9/2/2033 1,451.07 119.22 1,017.85 80.28 433.22 38.94 511.10 3/2/2034 81.49 54.84 26.65 9/2/2034 1,525.78 81.49 1,069.13 54.84 456.65 26.65 509.95 3/2/2035 41.82 28.11 13.71 9/2/2035 1,608.36 41.82 1,124.37 28.11 483.99 13.71 511.41 Totals $22,591.79 $15,741.98 $17,311.28 $9,521.46 $5,280.51 $6,220.52 $11,501.03 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$18,799.67 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:25 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $610.69 $613.54 $0.00 $416.84 $610.69 $196.70 $807.39 3/2/2014 601.02 353.92 247.10 9/2/2014 636.31 601.02 1,126.78 353.92 (490.47)247.10 3.73 3/2/2015 587.50 342.65 244.85 9/2/2015 661.93 587.50 599.81 342.65 62.12 244.85 551.82 3/2/2016 572.94 336.65 236.29 9/2/2016 691.83 572.94 612.66 336.65 79.17 236.29 551.75 3/2/2017 557.37 327.46 229.91 9/2/2017 721.72 557.37 621.23 327.46 100.49 229.91 560.31 3/2/2018 540.95 318.15 222.80 9/2/2018 755.88 540.95 642.65 318.15 113.23 222.80 558.83 3/2/2019 523.38 308.51 214.87 9/2/2019 790.05 523.38 659.79 308.51 130.26 214.87 560.00 3/2/2020 504.61 298.61 206.00 9/2/2020 828.48 504.61 681.21 298.61 147.27 206.00 559.27 3/2/2021 484.52 288.39 196.13 9/2/2021 866.92 484.52 702.63 288.39 164.29 196.13 556.55 3/2/2022 463.39 277.32 186.07 9/2/2022 909.62 463.39 724.05 277.32 185.57 186.07 557.71 3/2/2023 440.65 265.11 175.54 9/2/2023 956.60 440.65 749.76 265.11 206.84 175.54 557.92 3/2/2024 416.50 251.80 164.70 9/2/2024 1,003.58 416.50 775.47 251.80 228.11 164.70 557.51 3/2/2025 391.16 237.45 153.71 9/2/2025 1,054.82 391.16 805.46 237.45 249.36 153.71 556.78 3/2/2026 363.99 222.15 141.84 9/2/2026 1,106.07 363.99 835.45 222.15 270.62 141.84 554.30 3/2/2027 335.51 205.86 129.65 9/2/2027 1,165.86 335.51 869.72 205.86 296.14 129.65 555.44 3/2/2028 305.49 188.46 117.03 9/2/2028 1,225.64 305.49 904.00 188.46 321.64 117.03 555.70 3/2/2029 273.93 170.38 103.55 9/2/2029 1,289.70 273.93 942.55 170.38 347.15 103.55 554.25 3/2/2030 240.72 150.94 89.78 9/2/2030 1,353.76 240.72 976.83 150.94 376.93 89.78 556.49 3/2/2031 205.52 130.80 74.72 9/2/2031 1,426.36 205.52 1,019.67 130.80 406.69 74.72 556.13 3/2/2032 168.44 109.76 58.68 9/2/2032 1,498.96 168.44 1,062.52 109.76 436.44 58.68 553.80 3/2/2033 129.47 87.19 42.28 9/2/2033 1,575.83 129.47 1,105.36 87.19 470.47 42.28 555.03 3/2/2034 88.49 59.55 28.94 9/2/2034 1,656.97 88.49 1,161.06 59.55 495.91 28.94 553.79 3/2/2035 45.41 30.53 14.88 9/2/2035 1,746.65 45.41 1,221.04 30.53 525.61 14.88 555.37 Totals $24,534.23 $17,095.46 $18,799.67 $10,340.12 $5,734.53 $6,755.34 $12,489.87 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$19,341.17 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $628.28 $631.21 $0.00 $428.85 $628.28 $202.36 $830.64 3/2/2014 618.33 364.11 254.22 9/2/2014 654.64 618.33 1,159.24 364.11 (504.60)254.22 3.84 3/2/2015 604.42 352.52 251.90 9/2/2015 681.00 604.42 617.08 352.52 63.92 251.90 567.72 3/2/2016 589.44 346.35 243.09 9/2/2016 711.75 589.44 630.31 346.35 81.44 243.09 567.62 3/2/2017 573.42 336.90 236.52 9/2/2017 742.51 573.42 639.12 336.90 103.39 236.52 576.43 3/2/2018 556.53 327.31 229.22 9/2/2018 777.66 556.53 661.16 327.31 116.50 229.22 574.94 3/2/2019 538.45 317.39 221.06 9/2/2019 812.80 538.45 678.79 317.39 134.01 221.06 576.13 3/2/2020 519.15 307.21 211.94 9/2/2020 852.35 519.15 700.83 307.21 151.52 211.94 575.40 3/2/2021 498.48 296.70 201.78 9/2/2021 891.89 498.48 722.87 296.70 169.02 201.78 572.58 3/2/2022 476.74 285.31 191.43 9/2/2022 935.82 476.74 744.91 285.31 190.91 191.43 573.77 3/2/2023 453.34 272.74 180.60 9/2/2023 984.15 453.34 771.35 272.74 212.80 180.60 574.00 3/2/2024 428.49 259.05 169.44 9/2/2024 1,032.48 428.49 797.80 259.05 234.68 169.44 573.56 3/2/2025 402.42 244.29 158.13 9/2/2025 1,085.20 402.42 828.66 244.29 256.54 158.13 572.80 3/2/2026 374.48 228.55 145.93 9/2/2026 1,137.93 374.48 859.51 228.55 278.42 145.93 570.28 3/2/2027 345.18 211.79 133.39 9/2/2027 1,199.44 345.18 894.77 211.79 304.67 133.39 571.45 3/2/2028 314.29 193.89 120.40 9/2/2028 1,260.95 314.29 930.03 193.89 330.92 120.40 571.72 3/2/2029 281.82 175.29 106.53 9/2/2029 1,326.85 281.82 969.70 175.29 357.15 106.53 570.21 3/2/2030 247.65 155.29 92.36 9/2/2030 1,392.75 247.65 1,004.97 155.29 387.78 92.36 572.50 3/2/2031 211.44 134.56 76.88 9/2/2031 1,467.44 211.44 1,049.04 134.56 418.40 76.88 572.16 3/2/2032 173.29 112.93 60.36 9/2/2032 1,542.13 173.29 1,093.12 112.93 449.01 60.36 569.73 3/2/2033 133.19 89.70 43.49 9/2/2033 1,621.22 133.19 1,137.20 89.70 484.02 43.49 571.00 3/2/2034 91.04 61.27 29.77 9/2/2034 1,704.69 91.04 1,194.50 61.27 510.19 29.77 569.73 3/2/2035 46.72 31.41 15.31 9/2/2035 1,796.96 46.72 1,256.21 31.41 540.75 15.31 571.37 Totals $25,240.89 $17,587.83 $19,341.17 $10,637.97 $5,899.72 $6,949.86 $12,849.58 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$20,459.58 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $664.61 $667.71 $0.00 $453.64 $664.61 $214.07 $878.68 3/2/2014 654.09 385.17 268.92 9/2/2014 692.49 654.09 1,226.27 385.17 (533.78)268.92 4.06 3/2/2015 639.37 372.91 266.46 9/2/2015 720.38 639.37 652.77 372.91 67.61 266.46 600.53 3/2/2016 623.52 366.38 257.14 9/2/2016 752.91 623.52 666.75 366.38 86.16 257.14 600.44 3/2/2017 606.58 356.38 250.20 9/2/2017 785.44 606.58 676.08 356.38 109.36 250.20 609.76 3/2/2018 588.71 346.24 242.47 9/2/2018 822.62 588.71 699.39 346.24 123.23 242.47 608.17 3/2/2019 569.59 335.75 233.84 9/2/2019 859.81 569.59 718.04 335.75 141.77 233.84 609.45 3/2/2020 549.17 324.97 224.20 9/2/2020 901.63 549.17 741.36 324.97 160.27 224.20 608.67 3/2/2021 527.30 313.85 213.45 9/2/2021 943.46 527.30 764.67 313.85 178.79 213.45 605.69 3/2/2022 504.30 301.81 202.49 9/2/2022 989.94 504.30 787.98 301.81 201.96 202.49 606.94 3/2/2023 479.56 288.51 191.05 9/2/2023 1,041.06 479.56 815.96 288.51 225.10 191.05 607.20 3/2/2024 453.27 274.03 179.24 9/2/2024 1,092.19 453.27 843.93 274.03 248.26 179.24 606.74 3/2/2025 425.69 258.42 167.27 9/2/2025 1,147.96 425.69 876.57 258.42 271.39 167.27 605.93 3/2/2026 396.13 241.76 154.37 9/2/2026 1,203.73 396.13 909.21 241.76 294.52 154.37 603.26 3/2/2027 365.14 224.03 141.11 9/2/2027 1,268.79 365.14 946.51 224.03 322.28 141.11 604.50 3/2/2028 332.46 205.10 127.36 9/2/2028 1,333.86 332.46 983.81 205.10 350.05 127.36 604.77 3/2/2029 298.12 185.43 112.69 9/2/2029 1,403.57 298.12 1,025.78 185.43 377.79 112.69 603.17 3/2/2030 261.98 164.27 97.71 9/2/2030 1,473.29 261.98 1,063.08 164.27 410.21 97.71 605.63 3/2/2031 223.67 142.34 81.33 9/2/2031 1,552.30 223.67 1,109.70 142.34 442.60 81.33 605.26 3/2/2032 183.31 119.46 63.85 9/2/2032 1,631.31 183.31 1,156.33 119.46 474.98 63.85 602.68 3/2/2033 140.90 94.88 46.02 9/2/2033 1,714.96 140.90 1,202.96 94.88 512.00 46.02 604.04 3/2/2034 96.31 64.81 31.50 9/2/2034 1,803.27 96.31 1,263.57 64.81 539.70 31.50 602.70 3/2/2035 49.42 33.22 16.20 9/2/2035 1,900.87 49.42 1,328.85 33.22 572.02 16.20 604.42 Totals $26,700.45 $18,604.89 $20,459.58 $11,253.08 $6,240.88 $7,351.81 $13,592.69 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$22,179.13 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $720.46 $723.83 $0.00 $491.77 $720.46 $232.06 $952.52 3/2/2014 709.06 417.54 291.52 9/2/2014 750.69 709.06 1,329.33 417.54 (578.64)291.52 4.40 3/2/2015 693.11 404.25 288.86 9/2/2015 780.92 693.11 707.63 404.25 73.29 288.86 651.01 3/2/2016 675.93 397.17 278.76 9/2/2016 816.19 675.93 722.79 397.17 93.40 278.76 650.92 3/2/2017 657.56 386.33 271.23 9/2/2017 851.46 657.56 732.90 386.33 118.56 271.23 661.02 3/2/2018 638.19 375.34 262.85 9/2/2018 891.76 638.19 758.17 375.34 133.59 262.85 659.29 3/2/2019 617.46 363.96 253.50 9/2/2019 932.07 617.46 778.39 363.96 153.68 253.50 660.68 3/2/2020 595.32 352.29 243.03 9/2/2020 977.41 595.32 803.66 352.29 173.75 243.03 659.81 3/2/2021 571.62 340.23 231.39 9/2/2021 1,022.76 571.62 828.94 340.23 193.82 231.39 656.60 3/2/2022 546.69 327.18 219.51 9/2/2022 1,073.14 546.69 854.21 327.18 218.93 219.51 657.95 3/2/2023 519.86 312.76 207.10 9/2/2023 1,128.56 519.86 884.54 312.76 244.02 207.10 658.22 3/2/2024 491.37 297.06 194.31 9/2/2024 1,183.98 491.37 914.86 297.06 269.12 194.31 657.74 3/2/2025 461.47 280.14 181.33 9/2/2025 1,244.44 461.47 950.25 280.14 294.19 181.33 656.85 3/2/2026 429.43 262.08 167.35 9/2/2026 1,304.90 429.43 985.63 262.08 319.27 167.35 653.97 3/2/2027 395.82 242.86 152.96 9/2/2027 1,375.43 395.82 1,026.06 242.86 349.37 152.96 655.29 3/2/2028 360.41 222.34 138.07 9/2/2028 1,445.97 360.41 1,066.50 222.34 379.47 138.07 655.61 3/2/2029 323.17 201.01 122.16 9/2/2029 1,521.54 323.17 1,111.99 201.01 409.55 122.16 653.87 3/2/2030 283.99 178.08 105.91 9/2/2030 1,597.11 283.99 1,152.42 178.08 444.69 105.91 656.51 3/2/2031 242.47 154.31 88.16 9/2/2031 1,682.76 242.47 1,202.97 154.31 479.79 88.16 656.11 3/2/2032 198.72 129.50 69.22 9/2/2032 1,768.41 198.72 1,253.51 129.50 514.90 69.22 653.34 3/2/2033 152.74 102.86 49.88 9/2/2033 1,859.10 152.74 1,304.06 102.86 555.04 49.88 654.80 3/2/2034 104.40 70.26 34.14 9/2/2034 1,954.83 104.40 1,369.77 70.26 585.06 34.14 653.34 3/2/2035 53.58 36.01 17.57 9/2/2035 2,060.63 53.58 1,440.53 36.01 620.10 17.57 655.24 Totals $28,944.52 $20,168.57 $22,179.13 $12,198.89 $6,765.41 $7,969.68 $14,735.09 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$23,867.41 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $775.31 $778.93 $0.00 $529.20 $775.31 $249.73 $1,025.04 3/2/2014 763.03 449.32 313.71 9/2/2014 807.84 763.03 1,430.52 449.32 (622.68)313.71 4.74 3/2/2015 745.87 435.02 310.85 9/2/2015 840.37 745.87 761.49 435.02 78.88 310.85 700.58 3/2/2016 727.38 427.40 299.98 9/2/2016 878.32 727.38 777.81 427.40 100.51 299.98 700.47 3/2/2017 707.62 415.74 291.88 9/2/2017 916.27 707.62 788.69 415.74 127.58 291.88 711.34 3/2/2018 686.77 403.91 282.86 9/2/2018 959.64 686.77 815.89 403.91 143.75 282.86 709.47 3/2/2019 664.46 391.67 272.79 9/2/2019 1,003.02 664.46 837.64 391.67 165.38 272.79 710.96 3/2/2020 640.64 379.10 261.54 9/2/2020 1,051.81 640.64 864.84 379.10 186.97 261.54 710.05 3/2/2021 615.13 366.13 249.00 9/2/2021 1,100.61 615.13 892.04 366.13 208.57 249.00 706.57 3/2/2022 588.30 352.08 236.22 9/2/2022 1,154.83 588.30 919.23 352.08 235.60 236.22 708.04 3/2/2023 559.43 336.57 222.86 9/2/2023 1,214.47 559.43 951.87 336.57 262.60 222.86 708.32 3/2/2024 528.77 319.67 209.10 9/2/2024 1,274.10 528.77 984.50 319.67 289.60 209.10 707.80 3/2/2025 496.60 301.46 195.14 9/2/2025 1,339.16 496.60 1,022.58 301.46 316.58 195.14 706.86 3/2/2026 462.11 282.03 180.08 9/2/2026 1,404.23 462.11 1,060.65 282.03 343.58 180.08 703.74 3/2/2027 425.95 261.35 164.60 9/2/2027 1,480.13 425.95 1,104.17 261.35 375.96 164.60 705.16 3/2/2028 387.84 239.27 148.57 9/2/2028 1,556.03 387.84 1,147.68 239.27 408.35 148.57 705.49 3/2/2029 347.77 216.31 131.46 9/2/2029 1,637.36 347.77 1,196.63 216.31 440.73 131.46 703.65 3/2/2030 305.61 191.63 113.98 9/2/2030 1,718.69 305.61 1,240.15 191.63 478.54 113.98 706.50 3/2/2031 260.93 166.05 94.88 9/2/2031 1,810.85 260.93 1,294.54 166.05 516.31 94.88 706.07 3/2/2032 213.84 139.35 74.49 9/2/2032 1,903.02 213.84 1,348.93 139.35 554.09 74.49 703.07 3/2/2033 164.36 110.69 53.67 9/2/2033 2,000.61 164.36 1,403.33 110.69 597.28 53.67 704.62 3/2/2034 112.35 75.61 36.74 9/2/2034 2,103.63 112.35 1,474.04 75.61 629.59 36.74 703.07 3/2/2035 57.65 38.75 18.90 9/2/2035 2,217.48 57.65 1,550.19 38.75 667.29 18.90 705.09 Totals $31,147.78 $21,703.75 $23,867.41 $13,127.42 $7,280.37 $8,576.33 $15,856.70 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$24,155.05 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $784.65 $788.31 $0.00 $535.58 $784.65 $252.73 $1,037.38 3/2/2014 772.23 454.74 317.49 9/2/2014 817.57 772.23 1,447.76 454.74 (630.19)317.49 4.79 3/2/2015 754.86 440.26 314.60 9/2/2015 850.49 754.86 770.67 440.26 79.82 314.60 709.02 3/2/2016 736.14 432.56 303.58 9/2/2016 888.90 736.14 787.19 432.56 101.71 303.58 708.87 3/2/2017 716.14 420.75 295.39 9/2/2017 927.31 716.14 798.20 420.75 129.11 295.39 719.89 3/2/2018 695.05 408.77 286.28 9/2/2018 971.21 695.05 825.72 408.77 145.49 286.28 718.05 3/2/2019 672.47 396.39 276.08 9/2/2019 1,015.11 672.47 847.74 396.39 167.37 276.08 719.53 3/2/2020 648.36 383.67 264.69 9/2/2020 1,064.49 648.36 875.26 383.67 189.23 264.69 718.61 3/2/2021 622.54 370.54 252.00 9/2/2021 1,113.87 622.54 902.79 370.54 211.08 252.00 715.08 3/2/2022 595.39 356.32 239.07 9/2/2022 1,168.74 595.39 930.31 356.32 238.43 239.07 716.57 3/2/2023 566.18 340.63 225.55 9/2/2023 1,229.10 566.18 963.34 340.63 265.76 225.55 716.86 3/2/2024 535.14 323.53 211.61 9/2/2024 1,289.46 535.14 996.37 323.53 293.09 211.61 716.31 3/2/2025 502.58 305.09 197.49 9/2/2025 1,355.30 502.58 1,034.90 305.09 320.40 197.49 715.38 3/2/2026 467.68 285.43 182.25 9/2/2026 1,421.15 467.68 1,073.44 285.43 347.71 182.25 712.21 3/2/2027 431.09 264.50 166.59 9/2/2027 1,497.97 431.09 1,117.47 264.50 380.50 166.59 713.68 3/2/2028 392.52 242.15 150.37 9/2/2028 1,574.79 392.52 1,161.51 242.15 413.28 150.37 714.02 3/2/2029 351.96 218.92 133.04 9/2/2029 1,657.09 351.96 1,211.06 218.92 446.03 133.04 712.11 3/2/2030 309.29 193.94 115.35 9/2/2030 1,739.40 309.29 1,255.09 193.94 484.31 115.35 715.01 3/2/2031 264.07 168.05 96.02 9/2/2031 1,832.68 264.07 1,310.14 168.05 522.54 96.02 714.58 3/2/2032 216.42 141.03 75.39 9/2/2032 1,925.96 216.42 1,365.19 141.03 560.77 75.39 711.55 3/2/2033 166.35 112.02 54.33 9/2/2033 2,024.73 166.35 1,420.24 112.02 604.49 54.33 713.15 3/2/2034 113.70 76.52 37.18 9/2/2034 2,128.98 113.70 1,491.80 76.52 637.18 37.18 711.54 3/2/2035 58.35 39.22 19.13 9/2/2035 2,244.21 58.35 1,568.87 39.22 675.34 19.13 713.60 Totals $31,523.16 $21,965.33 $24,155.05 $13,285.64 $7,368.10 $8,679.69 $16,047.79 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$24,162.49 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $784.89 $788.56 $0.00 $535.75 $784.89 $252.81 $1,037.70 3/2/2014 772.47 454.88 317.59 9/2/2014 817.82 772.47 1,448.21 454.88 (630.39)317.59 4.79 3/2/2015 755.09 440.40 314.69 9/2/2015 850.76 755.09 770.91 440.40 79.85 314.69 709.23 3/2/2016 736.37 432.69 303.68 9/2/2016 889.18 736.37 787.43 432.69 101.75 303.68 709.11 3/2/2017 716.36 420.88 295.48 9/2/2017 927.60 716.36 798.44 420.88 129.16 295.48 720.12 3/2/2018 695.26 408.90 286.36 9/2/2018 971.51 695.26 825.97 408.90 145.54 286.36 718.26 3/2/2019 672.67 396.51 276.16 9/2/2019 1,015.42 672.67 848.00 396.51 167.42 276.16 719.74 3/2/2020 648.56 383.79 264.77 9/2/2020 1,064.82 648.56 875.53 383.79 189.29 264.77 718.83 3/2/2021 622.74 370.66 252.08 9/2/2021 1,114.22 622.74 903.06 370.66 211.16 252.08 715.32 3/2/2022 595.58 356.43 239.15 9/2/2022 1,169.10 595.58 930.60 356.43 238.50 239.15 716.80 3/2/2023 566.35 340.73 225.62 9/2/2023 1,229.48 566.35 963.64 340.73 265.84 225.62 717.08 3/2/2024 535.31 323.63 211.68 9/2/2024 1,289.86 535.31 996.68 323.63 293.18 211.68 716.54 3/2/2025 502.74 305.19 197.55 9/2/2025 1,355.72 502.74 1,035.22 305.19 320.50 197.55 715.60 3/2/2026 467.83 285.52 182.31 9/2/2026 1,421.59 467.83 1,073.77 285.52 347.82 182.31 712.44 3/2/2027 431.22 264.58 166.64 9/2/2027 1,498.43 431.22 1,117.82 264.58 380.61 166.64 713.89 3/2/2028 392.64 242.22 150.42 9/2/2028 1,575.27 392.64 1,161.87 242.22 413.40 150.42 714.24 3/2/2029 352.07 218.99 133.08 9/2/2029 1,657.60 352.07 1,211.43 218.99 446.17 133.08 712.33 3/2/2030 309.39 194.00 115.39 9/2/2030 1,739.93 309.39 1,255.48 194.00 484.45 115.39 715.23 3/2/2031 264.15 168.11 96.04 9/2/2031 1,833.24 264.15 1,310.55 168.11 522.69 96.04 714.77 3/2/2032 216.49 141.08 75.41 9/2/2032 1,926.55 216.49 1,365.61 141.08 560.94 75.41 711.76 3/2/2033 166.40 112.06 54.34 9/2/2033 2,025.35 166.40 1,420.68 112.06 604.67 54.34 713.35 3/2/2034 113.74 76.54 37.20 9/2/2034 2,129.64 113.74 1,492.26 76.54 637.38 37.20 711.78 3/2/2035 58.37 39.23 19.14 9/2/2035 2,244.90 58.37 1,569.35 39.23 675.55 19.14 713.83 Totals $31,532.88 $21,972.16 $24,162.49 $13,289.79 $7,370.37 $8,682.37 $16,052.74 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$24,174.78 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $785.29 $788.96 $0.00 $536.02 $785.29 $252.94 $1,038.23 3/2/2014 772.86 455.11 317.75 9/2/2014 818.24 772.86 1,448.94 455.11 (630.70)317.75 4.80 3/2/2015 755.47 440.62 314.85 9/2/2015 851.19 755.47 771.30 440.62 79.89 314.85 709.59 3/2/2016 736.75 432.91 303.84 9/2/2016 889.63 736.75 787.83 432.91 101.80 303.84 709.48 3/2/2017 716.73 421.09 295.64 9/2/2017 928.07 716.73 798.85 421.09 129.22 295.64 720.50 3/2/2018 695.62 409.11 286.51 9/2/2018 972.00 695.62 826.39 409.11 145.61 286.51 718.63 3/2/2019 673.02 396.71 276.31 9/2/2019 1,015.94 673.02 848.43 396.71 167.51 276.31 720.13 3/2/2020 648.89 383.99 264.90 9/2/2020 1,065.36 648.89 875.98 383.99 189.38 264.90 719.18 3/2/2021 623.05 370.85 252.20 9/2/2021 1,114.78 623.05 903.52 370.85 211.26 252.20 715.66 3/2/2022 595.88 356.62 239.26 9/2/2022 1,169.70 595.88 931.07 356.62 238.63 239.26 717.15 3/2/2023 566.64 340.90 225.74 9/2/2023 1,230.11 566.64 964.13 340.90 265.98 225.74 717.46 3/2/2024 535.58 323.79 211.79 9/2/2024 1,290.51 535.58 997.18 323.79 293.33 211.79 716.91 3/2/2025 502.99 305.34 197.65 9/2/2025 1,356.41 502.99 1,035.75 305.34 320.66 197.65 715.96 3/2/2026 468.06 285.66 182.40 9/2/2026 1,422.31 468.06 1,074.31 285.66 348.00 182.40 712.80 3/2/2027 431.44 264.71 166.73 9/2/2027 1,499.19 431.44 1,118.39 264.71 380.80 166.73 714.26 3/2/2028 392.84 242.35 150.49 9/2/2028 1,576.07 392.84 1,162.46 242.35 413.61 150.49 714.59 3/2/2029 352.25 219.10 133.15 9/2/2029 1,658.45 352.25 1,212.04 219.10 446.41 133.15 712.71 3/2/2030 309.55 194.10 115.45 9/2/2030 1,740.82 309.55 1,256.12 194.10 484.70 115.45 715.60 3/2/2031 264.29 168.19 96.10 9/2/2031 1,834.18 264.29 1,311.21 168.19 522.97 96.10 715.17 3/2/2032 216.60 141.15 75.45 9/2/2032 1,927.53 216.60 1,366.30 141.15 561.23 75.45 712.13 3/2/2033 166.48 112.11 54.37 9/2/2033 2,026.38 166.48 1,421.40 112.11 604.98 54.37 713.72 3/2/2034 113.80 76.58 37.22 9/2/2034 2,130.72 113.80 1,493.02 76.58 637.70 37.22 712.14 3/2/2035 58.40 39.25 19.15 9/2/2035 2,246.04 58.40 1,570.15 39.25 675.89 19.15 714.19 Totals $31,548.92 $21,983.34 $24,174.78 $13,296.50 $7,374.15 $8,686.84 $16,060.99 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$26,012.62 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $844.99 $848.94 $0.00 $576.77 $844.99 $272.17 $1,117.16 3/2/2014 831.61 489.71 341.90 9/2/2014 880.44 831.61 1,559.10 489.71 (678.66)341.90 5.14 3/2/2015 812.91 474.12 338.79 9/2/2015 915.90 812.91 829.94 474.12 85.96 338.79 763.54 3/2/2016 792.76 465.82 326.94 9/2/2016 957.26 792.76 847.72 465.82 109.54 326.94 763.42 3/2/2017 771.22 453.10 318.12 9/2/2017 998.63 771.22 859.58 453.10 139.05 318.12 775.29 3/2/2018 748.50 440.21 308.29 9/2/2018 1,045.90 748.50 889.22 440.21 156.68 308.29 773.26 3/2/2019 724.18 426.87 297.31 9/2/2019 1,093.17 724.18 912.93 426.87 180.24 297.31 774.86 3/2/2020 698.22 413.18 285.04 9/2/2020 1,146.35 698.22 942.57 413.18 203.78 285.04 773.86 3/2/2021 670.42 399.04 271.38 9/2/2021 1,199.53 670.42 972.21 399.04 227.32 271.38 770.08 3/2/2022 641.18 383.73 257.45 9/2/2022 1,258.62 641.18 1,001.85 383.73 256.77 257.45 771.67 3/2/2023 609.72 366.82 242.90 9/2/2023 1,323.62 609.72 1,037.42 366.82 286.20 242.90 772.00 3/2/2024 576.29 348.41 227.88 9/2/2024 1,388.62 576.29 1,072.99 348.41 315.63 227.88 771.39 3/2/2025 541.23 328.56 212.67 9/2/2025 1,459.53 541.23 1,114.49 328.56 345.04 212.67 770.38 3/2/2026 503.65 307.38 196.27 9/2/2026 1,530.44 503.65 1,155.98 307.38 374.46 196.27 767.00 3/2/2027 464.24 284.84 179.40 9/2/2027 1,613.16 464.24 1,203.41 284.84 409.75 179.40 768.55 3/2/2028 422.70 260.77 161.93 9/2/2028 1,695.89 422.70 1,250.83 260.77 445.06 161.93 768.92 3/2/2029 379.03 235.75 143.28 9/2/2029 1,784.53 379.03 1,304.19 235.75 480.34 143.28 766.90 3/2/2030 333.08 208.86 124.22 9/2/2030 1,873.16 333.08 1,351.61 208.86 521.55 124.22 769.99 3/2/2031 284.38 180.98 103.40 9/2/2031 1,973.61 284.38 1,410.89 180.98 562.72 103.40 769.52 3/2/2032 233.06 151.88 81.18 9/2/2032 2,074.07 233.06 1,470.18 151.88 603.89 81.18 766.25 3/2/2033 179.14 120.64 58.50 9/2/2033 2,180.43 179.14 1,529.46 120.64 650.97 58.50 767.97 3/2/2034 122.45 82.40 40.05 9/2/2034 2,292.70 122.45 1,606.52 82.40 686.18 40.05 766.28 3/2/2035 62.84 42.24 20.60 9/2/2035 2,416.79 62.84 1,689.52 42.24 727.27 20.60 768.47 Totals $33,947.34 $23,654.56 $26,012.62 $14,307.39 $7,934.73 $9,347.17 $17,281.90 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$26,505.80 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $861.01 $865.03 $0.00 $587.70 $861.01 $277.33 $1,138.34 3/2/2014 847.38 498.99 348.39 9/2/2014 897.14 847.38 1,588.66 498.99 (691.52)348.39 5.26 3/2/2015 828.32 483.11 345.21 9/2/2015 933.26 828.32 845.67 483.11 87.59 345.21 778.01 3/2/2016 807.79 474.65 333.14 9/2/2016 975.41 807.79 863.79 474.65 111.62 333.14 777.90 3/2/2017 785.84 461.69 324.15 9/2/2017 1,017.56 785.84 875.88 461.69 141.68 324.15 789.98 3/2/2018 762.69 448.56 314.13 9/2/2018 1,065.73 762.69 906.08 448.56 159.65 314.13 787.91 3/2/2019 737.91 434.96 302.95 9/2/2019 1,113.90 737.91 930.24 434.96 183.66 302.95 789.56 3/2/2020 711.46 421.01 290.45 9/2/2020 1,168.08 711.46 960.44 421.01 207.64 290.45 788.54 3/2/2021 683.13 406.60 276.53 9/2/2021 1,222.27 683.13 990.65 406.60 231.62 276.53 784.68 3/2/2022 653.34 391.00 262.34 9/2/2022 1,282.48 653.34 1,020.85 391.00 261.63 262.34 786.31 3/2/2023 621.28 373.78 247.50 9/2/2023 1,348.72 621.28 1,057.09 373.78 291.63 247.50 786.63 3/2/2024 587.22 355.01 232.21 9/2/2024 1,414.95 587.22 1,093.33 355.01 321.62 232.21 786.04 3/2/2025 551.49 334.79 216.70 9/2/2025 1,487.20 551.49 1,135.62 334.79 351.58 216.70 784.98 3/2/2026 513.20 313.21 199.99 9/2/2026 1,559.45 513.20 1,177.90 313.21 381.55 199.99 781.53 3/2/2027 473.04 290.24 182.80 9/2/2027 1,643.75 473.04 1,226.23 290.24 417.52 182.80 783.12 3/2/2028 430.71 265.71 165.00 9/2/2028 1,728.04 430.71 1,274.55 265.71 453.49 165.00 783.49 3/2/2029 386.22 240.22 146.00 9/2/2029 1,818.36 386.22 1,328.91 240.22 489.45 146.00 781.45 3/2/2030 339.39 212.82 126.57 9/2/2030 1,908.67 339.39 1,377.24 212.82 531.43 126.57 784.57 3/2/2031 289.77 184.41 105.36 9/2/2031 2,011.03 289.77 1,437.64 184.41 573.39 105.36 784.11 3/2/2032 237.48 154.76 82.72 9/2/2032 2,113.39 237.48 1,498.05 154.76 615.34 82.72 780.78 3/2/2033 182.53 122.92 59.61 9/2/2033 2,221.77 182.53 1,558.45 122.92 663.32 59.61 782.54 3/2/2034 124.77 83.96 40.81 9/2/2034 2,336.17 124.77 1,636.98 83.96 699.19 40.81 780.81 3/2/2035 64.03 43.04 20.99 9/2/2035 2,462.61 64.03 1,721.55 43.04 741.06 20.99 783.04 Totals $34,590.95 $24,103.01 $26,505.80 $14,578.58 $8,085.15 $9,524.43 $17,609.58 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$27,317.86 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $887.39 $891.53 $0.00 $605.71 $887.39 $285.82 $1,173.21 3/2/2014 873.34 514.28 359.06 9/2/2014 924.62 873.34 1,637.33 514.28 (712.71)359.06 5.41 3/2/2015 853.69 497.91 355.78 9/2/2015 961.86 853.69 871.58 497.91 90.28 355.78 801.84 3/2/2016 832.53 489.19 343.34 9/2/2016 1,005.29 832.53 890.26 489.19 115.03 343.34 801.71 3/2/2017 809.91 475.84 334.07 9/2/2017 1,048.73 809.91 902.71 475.84 146.02 334.07 814.16 3/2/2018 786.06 462.30 323.76 9/2/2018 1,098.38 786.06 933.84 462.30 164.54 323.76 812.06 3/2/2019 760.52 448.29 312.23 9/2/2019 1,148.02 760.52 958.74 448.29 189.28 312.23 813.74 3/2/2020 733.25 433.91 299.34 9/2/2020 1,203.87 733.25 989.87 433.91 214.00 299.34 812.68 3/2/2021 704.06 419.06 285.00 9/2/2021 1,259.72 704.06 1,021.00 419.06 238.72 285.00 808.72 3/2/2022 673.35 402.98 270.37 9/2/2022 1,321.78 673.35 1,052.12 402.98 269.66 270.37 810.40 3/2/2023 640.31 385.23 255.08 9/2/2023 1,390.04 640.31 1,089.48 385.23 300.56 255.08 810.72 3/2/2024 605.21 365.89 239.32 9/2/2024 1,458.30 605.21 1,126.83 365.89 331.47 239.32 810.11 3/2/2025 568.39 345.04 223.35 9/2/2025 1,532.76 568.39 1,170.41 345.04 362.35 223.35 809.05 3/2/2026 528.92 322.80 206.12 9/2/2026 1,607.23 528.92 1,213.99 322.80 393.24 206.12 805.48 3/2/2027 487.53 299.13 188.40 9/2/2027 1,694.11 487.53 1,263.79 299.13 430.32 188.40 807.12 3/2/2028 443.91 273.86 170.05 9/2/2028 1,780.99 443.91 1,313.60 273.86 467.39 170.05 807.49 3/2/2029 398.05 247.58 150.47 9/2/2029 1,874.07 398.05 1,369.63 247.58 504.44 150.47 805.38 3/2/2030 349.79 219.34 130.45 9/2/2030 1,967.15 349.79 1,419.43 219.34 547.72 130.45 808.62 3/2/2031 298.65 190.06 108.59 9/2/2031 2,072.64 298.65 1,481.69 190.06 590.95 108.59 808.13 3/2/2032 244.76 159.50 85.26 9/2/2032 2,178.14 244.76 1,543.94 159.50 634.20 85.26 804.72 3/2/2033 188.13 126.69 61.44 9/2/2033 2,289.84 188.13 1,606.20 126.69 683.64 61.44 806.52 3/2/2034 128.59 86.54 42.05 9/2/2034 2,407.74 128.59 1,687.13 86.54 720.61 42.05 804.71 3/2/2035 65.99 44.36 21.63 9/2/2035 2,538.06 65.99 1,774.29 44.36 763.77 21.63 807.03 Totals $35,650.73 $24,841.41 $27,317.86 $15,025.27 $8,332.87 $9,816.14 $18,149.01 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$27,875.55 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:2 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $905.51 $909.73 $0.00 $618.08 $905.51 $291.65 $1,197.16 3/2/2014 891.17 524.78 366.39 9/2/2014 943.50 891.17 1,670.75 524.78 (727.25)366.39 5.53 3/2/2015 871.12 508.07 363.05 9/2/2015 981.49 871.12 889.37 508.07 92.12 363.05 818.22 3/2/2016 849.53 499.18 350.35 9/2/2016 1,025.82 849.53 908.43 499.18 117.39 350.35 818.09 3/2/2017 826.45 485.55 340.90 9/2/2017 1,070.14 826.45 921.14 485.55 149.00 340.90 830.80 3/2/2018 802.10 471.74 330.36 9/2/2018 1,120.80 802.10 952.90 471.74 167.90 330.36 828.62 3/2/2019 776.04 457.44 318.60 9/2/2019 1,171.46 776.04 978.31 457.44 193.15 318.60 830.35 3/2/2020 748.22 442.77 305.45 9/2/2020 1,228.45 748.22 1,010.08 442.77 218.37 305.45 829.27 3/2/2021 718.43 427.62 290.81 9/2/2021 1,285.44 718.43 1,041.84 427.62 243.60 290.81 825.22 3/2/2022 687.10 411.21 275.89 9/2/2022 1,348.76 687.10 1,073.60 411.21 275.16 275.89 826.94 3/2/2023 653.38 393.09 260.29 9/2/2023 1,418.41 653.38 1,111.72 393.09 306.69 260.29 827.27 3/2/2024 617.57 373.36 244.21 9/2/2024 1,488.07 617.57 1,149.83 373.36 338.24 244.21 826.66 3/2/2025 579.99 352.09 227.90 9/2/2025 1,564.06 579.99 1,194.30 352.09 369.76 227.90 825.56 3/2/2026 539.72 329.39 210.33 9/2/2026 1,640.04 539.72 1,238.77 329.39 401.27 210.33 821.93 3/2/2027 497.49 305.24 192.25 9/2/2027 1,728.69 497.49 1,289.59 305.24 439.10 192.25 823.60 3/2/2028 452.97 279.45 173.52 9/2/2028 1,817.34 452.97 1,340.42 279.45 476.92 173.52 823.96 3/2/2029 406.18 252.64 153.54 9/2/2029 1,912.33 406.18 1,397.59 252.64 514.74 153.54 821.82 3/2/2030 356.93 223.81 133.12 9/2/2030 2,007.31 356.93 1,448.41 223.81 558.90 133.12 825.14 3/2/2031 304.74 193.94 110.80 9/2/2031 2,114.96 304.74 1,511.94 193.94 603.02 110.80 824.62 3/2/2032 249.75 162.76 86.99 9/2/2032 2,222.61 249.75 1,575.46 162.76 647.15 86.99 821.13 3/2/2033 191.97 129.28 62.69 9/2/2033 2,336.59 191.97 1,638.99 129.28 697.60 62.69 822.98 3/2/2034 131.22 88.30 42.92 9/2/2034 2,456.90 131.22 1,721.58 88.30 735.32 42.92 821.16 3/2/2035 67.34 45.26 22.08 9/2/2035 2,589.87 67.34 1,810.51 45.26 779.36 22.08 823.52 Totals $36,378.55 $25,348.55 $27,875.55 $15,332.02 $8,503.02 $10,016.53 $18,519.55 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$28,577.08 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $928.29 $932.63 $0.00 $633.63 $928.29 $299.00 $1,227.29 3/2/2014 913.60 537.99 375.61 9/2/2014 967.24 913.60 1,712.80 537.99 (745.56)375.61 5.66 3/2/2015 893.05 520.86 372.19 9/2/2015 1,006.19 893.05 911.76 520.86 94.43 372.19 838.81 3/2/2016 870.91 511.74 359.17 9/2/2016 1,051.63 870.91 931.29 511.74 120.34 359.17 838.68 3/2/2017 847.25 497.77 349.48 9/2/2017 1,097.07 847.25 944.32 497.77 152.75 349.48 851.71 3/2/2018 822.29 483.61 338.68 9/2/2018 1,149.01 822.29 976.88 483.61 172.13 338.68 849.49 3/2/2019 795.57 468.95 326.62 9/2/2019 1,200.94 795.57 1,002.93 468.95 198.01 326.62 851.25 3/2/2020 767.05 453.91 313.14 9/2/2020 1,259.36 767.05 1,035.50 453.91 223.86 313.14 850.14 3/2/2021 736.51 438.38 298.13 9/2/2021 1,317.79 736.51 1,068.06 438.38 249.73 298.13 845.99 3/2/2022 704.39 421.56 282.83 9/2/2022 1,382.70 704.39 1,100.62 421.56 282.08 282.83 847.74 3/2/2023 669.82 402.98 266.84 9/2/2023 1,454.11 669.82 1,139.70 402.98 314.41 266.84 848.09 3/2/2024 633.11 382.75 250.36 9/2/2024 1,525.52 633.11 1,178.77 382.75 346.75 250.36 847.47 3/2/2025 594.59 360.95 233.64 9/2/2025 1,603.42 594.59 1,224.36 360.95 379.06 233.64 846.34 3/2/2026 553.30 337.68 215.62 9/2/2026 1,681.32 553.30 1,269.95 337.68 411.37 215.62 842.61 3/2/2027 510.01 312.92 197.09 9/2/2027 1,772.20 510.01 1,322.05 312.92 450.15 197.09 844.33 3/2/2028 464.37 286.48 177.89 9/2/2028 1,863.08 464.37 1,374.15 286.48 488.93 177.89 844.71 3/2/2029 416.40 259.00 157.40 9/2/2029 1,960.45 416.40 1,432.76 259.00 527.69 157.40 842.49 3/2/2030 365.92 229.45 136.47 9/2/2030 2,057.83 365.92 1,484.86 229.45 572.97 136.47 845.91 3/2/2031 312.41 198.82 113.59 9/2/2031 2,168.18 312.41 1,549.99 198.82 618.19 113.59 845.37 3/2/2032 256.04 166.85 89.19 9/2/2032 2,278.54 256.04 1,615.11 166.85 663.43 89.19 841.81 3/2/2033 196.80 132.53 64.27 9/2/2033 2,395.39 196.80 1,680.24 132.53 715.15 64.27 843.69 3/2/2034 134.52 90.52 44.00 9/2/2034 2,518.73 134.52 1,764.90 90.52 753.83 44.00 841.83 3/2/2035 69.03 46.40 22.63 9/2/2035 2,655.05 69.03 1,856.08 46.40 798.97 22.63 844.23 Totals $37,294.04 $25,986.51 $28,577.08 $15,717.83 $8,716.96 $10,268.68 $18,985.64 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$29,096.55 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $945.17 $949.58 $0.00 $645.15 $945.17 $304.43 $1,249.60 3/2/2014 930.21 547.77 382.44 9/2/2014 984.83 930.21 1,743.94 547.77 (759.11)382.44 5.77 3/2/2015 909.28 530.33 378.95 9/2/2015 1,024.48 909.28 928.33 530.33 96.15 378.95 854.05 3/2/2016 886.74 521.04 365.70 9/2/2016 1,070.75 886.74 948.22 521.04 122.53 365.70 853.93 3/2/2017 862.65 506.82 355.83 9/2/2017 1,117.02 862.65 961.49 506.82 155.53 355.83 867.19 3/2/2018 837.24 492.40 344.84 9/2/2018 1,169.89 837.24 994.64 492.40 175.25 344.84 864.93 3/2/2019 810.04 477.48 332.56 9/2/2019 1,222.77 810.04 1,021.16 477.48 201.61 332.56 866.73 3/2/2020 781.00 462.16 318.84 9/2/2020 1,282.26 781.00 1,054.32 462.16 227.94 318.84 865.62 3/2/2021 749.90 446.35 303.55 9/2/2021 1,341.74 749.90 1,087.47 446.35 254.27 303.55 861.37 3/2/2022 717.20 429.22 287.98 9/2/2022 1,407.84 717.20 1,120.63 429.22 287.21 287.98 863.17 3/2/2023 682.00 410.31 271.69 9/2/2023 1,480.54 682.00 1,160.41 410.31 320.13 271.69 863.51 3/2/2024 644.62 389.71 254.91 9/2/2024 1,553.25 644.62 1,200.20 389.71 353.05 254.91 862.87 3/2/2025 605.40 367.51 237.89 9/2/2025 1,632.56 605.40 1,246.62 367.51 385.94 237.89 861.72 3/2/2026 563.36 343.82 219.54 9/2/2026 1,711.88 563.36 1,293.03 343.82 418.85 219.54 857.93 3/2/2027 519.28 318.61 200.67 9/2/2027 1,804.41 519.28 1,346.08 318.61 458.33 200.67 859.67 3/2/2028 472.81 291.69 181.12 9/2/2028 1,896.95 472.81 1,399.13 291.69 497.82 181.12 860.06 3/2/2029 423.97 263.70 160.27 9/2/2029 1,996.09 423.97 1,458.81 263.70 537.28 160.27 857.82 3/2/2030 372.57 233.62 138.95 9/2/2030 2,095.23 372.57 1,511.85 233.62 583.38 138.95 861.28 3/2/2031 318.09 202.43 115.66 9/2/2031 2,207.60 318.09 1,578.16 202.43 629.44 115.66 860.76 3/2/2032 260.69 169.88 90.81 9/2/2032 2,319.96 260.69 1,644.47 169.88 675.49 90.81 857.11 3/2/2033 200.38 134.94 65.44 9/2/2033 2,438.93 200.38 1,710.78 134.94 728.15 65.44 859.03 3/2/2034 136.96 92.17 44.79 9/2/2034 2,564.51 136.96 1,796.98 92.17 767.53 44.79 857.11 3/2/2035 70.29 47.25 23.04 9/2/2035 2,703.31 70.29 1,889.82 47.25 813.49 23.04 859.57 Totals $37,971.97 $26,458.94 $29,096.55 $16,003.57 $8,875.43 $10,455.37 $19,330.80 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$29,431.87 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $956.06 $960.53 $0.00 $652.58 $956.06 $307.95 $1,264.01 3/2/2014 940.93 554.08 386.85 9/2/2014 996.18 940.93 1,764.03 554.08 (767.85)386.85 5.85 3/2/2015 919.76 536.44 383.32 9/2/2015 1,036.29 919.76 939.03 536.44 97.26 383.32 863.90 3/2/2016 896.96 527.05 369.91 9/2/2016 1,083.09 896.96 959.15 527.05 123.94 369.91 863.76 3/2/2017 872.59 512.66 359.93 9/2/2017 1,129.89 872.59 972.57 512.66 157.32 359.93 877.18 3/2/2018 846.89 498.07 348.82 9/2/2018 1,183.38 846.89 1,006.10 498.07 177.28 348.82 874.92 3/2/2019 819.37 482.98 336.39 9/2/2019 1,236.86 819.37 1,032.93 482.98 203.93 336.39 876.71 3/2/2020 790.00 467.49 322.51 9/2/2020 1,297.03 790.00 1,066.47 467.49 230.56 322.51 875.58 3/2/2021 758.54 451.49 307.05 9/2/2021 1,357.21 758.54 1,100.01 451.49 257.20 307.05 871.30 3/2/2022 725.46 434.17 291.29 9/2/2022 1,424.06 725.46 1,133.54 434.17 290.52 291.29 873.10 3/2/2023 689.86 415.04 274.82 9/2/2023 1,497.61 689.86 1,173.79 415.04 323.82 274.82 873.46 3/2/2024 652.05 394.20 257.85 9/2/2024 1,571.15 652.05 1,214.03 394.20 357.12 257.85 872.82 3/2/2025 612.37 371.74 240.63 9/2/2025 1,651.38 612.37 1,260.98 371.74 390.40 240.63 871.66 3/2/2026 569.85 347.78 222.07 9/2/2026 1,731.61 569.85 1,307.93 347.78 423.68 222.07 867.82 3/2/2027 525.26 322.28 202.98 9/2/2027 1,825.21 525.26 1,361.59 322.28 463.62 202.98 869.58 3/2/2028 478.26 295.05 183.21 9/2/2028 1,918.81 478.26 1,415.25 295.05 503.56 183.21 869.98 3/2/2029 428.85 266.74 162.11 9/2/2029 2,019.09 428.85 1,475.62 266.74 543.47 162.11 867.69 3/2/2030 376.86 236.31 140.55 9/2/2030 2,119.38 376.86 1,529.28 236.31 590.10 140.55 871.20 3/2/2031 321.76 204.77 116.99 9/2/2031 2,233.04 321.76 1,596.35 204.77 636.69 116.99 870.67 3/2/2032 263.70 171.84 91.86 9/2/2032 2,346.70 263.70 1,663.42 171.84 683.28 91.86 867.00 3/2/2033 202.68 136.49 66.19 9/2/2033 2,467.04 202.68 1,730.50 136.49 736.54 66.19 868.92 3/2/2034 138.54 93.23 45.31 9/2/2034 2,594.07 138.54 1,817.69 93.23 776.38 45.31 867.00 3/2/2035 71.10 47.79 23.31 9/2/2035 2,734.47 71.10 1,911.60 47.79 822.87 23.31 869.49 Totals $38,409.61 $26,763.81 $29,431.87 $16,187.96 $8,977.75 $10,575.85 $19,553.60 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$30,122.31 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $978.49 $983.06 $0.00 $667.89 $978.49 $315.17 $1,293.66 3/2/2014 963.00 567.08 395.92 9/2/2014 1,019.54 963.00 1,805.42 567.08 (785.88)395.92 5.96 3/2/2015 941.33 549.02 392.31 9/2/2015 1,060.60 941.33 961.06 549.02 99.54 392.31 884.16 3/2/2016 918.00 539.41 378.59 9/2/2016 1,108.50 918.00 981.65 539.41 126.85 378.59 884.03 3/2/2017 893.06 524.69 368.37 9/2/2017 1,156.40 893.06 995.38 524.69 161.02 368.37 897.76 3/2/2018 866.75 509.76 356.99 9/2/2018 1,211.14 866.75 1,029.71 509.76 181.43 356.99 895.41 3/2/2019 838.59 494.31 344.28 9/2/2019 1,265.88 838.59 1,057.16 494.31 208.72 344.28 897.28 3/2/2020 808.53 478.46 330.07 9/2/2020 1,327.46 808.53 1,091.49 478.46 235.97 330.07 896.11 3/2/2021 776.34 462.08 314.26 9/2/2021 1,389.04 776.34 1,125.81 462.08 263.23 314.26 891.75 3/2/2022 742.48 444.35 298.13 9/2/2022 1,457.47 742.48 1,160.13 444.35 297.34 298.13 893.60 3/2/2023 706.04 424.77 281.27 9/2/2023 1,532.74 706.04 1,201.32 424.77 331.42 281.27 893.96 3/2/2024 667.34 403.45 263.89 9/2/2024 1,608.01 667.34 1,242.51 403.45 365.50 263.89 893.28 3/2/2025 626.74 380.46 246.28 9/2/2025 1,690.12 626.74 1,290.56 380.46 399.56 246.28 892.12 3/2/2026 583.22 355.94 227.28 9/2/2026 1,772.23 583.22 1,338.62 355.94 433.61 227.28 888.17 3/2/2027 537.58 329.84 207.74 9/2/2027 1,868.02 537.58 1,393.53 329.84 474.49 207.74 889.97 3/2/2028 489.48 301.97 187.51 9/2/2028 1,963.82 489.48 1,448.45 301.97 515.37 187.51 890.39 3/2/2029 438.91 273.00 165.91 9/2/2029 2,066.46 438.91 1,510.23 273.00 556.23 165.91 888.05 3/2/2030 385.70 241.85 143.85 9/2/2030 2,169.10 385.70 1,565.15 241.85 603.95 143.85 891.65 3/2/2031 329.31 209.57 119.74 9/2/2031 2,285.42 329.31 1,633.80 209.57 651.62 119.74 891.10 3/2/2032 269.89 175.87 94.02 9/2/2032 2,401.75 269.89 1,702.45 175.87 699.30 94.02 887.34 3/2/2033 207.44 139.70 67.74 9/2/2033 2,524.91 207.44 1,771.09 139.70 753.82 67.74 889.30 3/2/2034 141.79 95.42 46.37 9/2/2034 2,654.92 141.79 1,860.33 95.42 794.59 46.37 887.33 3/2/2035 72.76 48.91 23.85 9/2/2035 2,798.62 72.76 1,956.44 48.91 842.18 23.85 889.88 Totals $39,310.64 $27,391.62 $30,122.31 $16,567.71 $9,188.35 $10,823.91 $20,012.26 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$30,220.94 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $981.69 $986.28 $0.00 $670.08 $981.69 $316.20 $1,297.89 3/2/2014 966.15 568.94 397.21 9/2/2014 1,022.88 966.15 1,811.33 568.94 (788.45)397.21 5.97 3/2/2015 944.42 550.82 393.60 9/2/2015 1,064.07 944.42 964.21 550.82 99.86 393.60 887.06 3/2/2016 921.01 541.18 379.83 9/2/2016 1,112.13 921.01 984.87 541.18 127.26 379.83 886.92 3/2/2017 895.98 526.41 369.57 9/2/2017 1,160.18 895.98 998.64 526.41 161.54 369.57 900.68 3/2/2018 869.59 511.43 358.16 9/2/2018 1,215.10 869.59 1,033.08 511.43 182.02 358.16 898.34 3/2/2019 841.34 495.93 345.41 9/2/2019 1,270.02 841.34 1,060.63 495.93 209.39 345.41 900.21 3/2/2020 811.18 480.02 331.16 9/2/2020 1,331.81 811.18 1,095.06 480.02 236.75 331.16 899.07 3/2/2021 778.88 463.60 315.28 9/2/2021 1,393.59 778.88 1,129.50 463.60 264.09 315.28 894.65 3/2/2022 744.91 445.81 299.10 9/2/2022 1,462.24 744.91 1,163.93 445.81 298.31 299.10 896.51 3/2/2023 708.36 426.16 282.20 9/2/2023 1,537.76 708.36 1,205.26 426.16 332.50 282.20 896.90 3/2/2024 669.53 404.77 264.76 9/2/2024 1,613.27 669.53 1,246.58 404.77 366.69 264.76 896.21 3/2/2025 628.79 381.71 247.08 9/2/2025 1,695.65 628.79 1,294.79 381.71 400.86 247.08 895.02 3/2/2026 585.13 357.11 228.02 9/2/2026 1,778.03 585.13 1,343.00 357.11 435.03 228.02 891.07 3/2/2027 539.34 330.92 208.42 9/2/2027 1,874.14 539.34 1,398.10 330.92 476.04 208.42 892.88 3/2/2028 491.09 302.96 188.13 9/2/2028 1,970.25 491.09 1,453.19 302.96 517.06 188.13 893.32 3/2/2029 440.35 273.89 166.46 9/2/2029 2,073.23 440.35 1,515.18 273.89 558.05 166.46 890.97 3/2/2030 386.97 242.64 144.33 9/2/2030 2,176.20 386.97 1,570.28 242.64 605.92 144.33 894.58 3/2/2031 330.38 210.26 120.12 9/2/2031 2,292.91 330.38 1,639.15 210.26 653.76 120.12 894.00 3/2/2032 270.77 176.45 94.32 9/2/2032 2,409.61 270.77 1,708.02 176.45 701.59 94.32 890.23 3/2/2033 208.12 140.15 67.97 9/2/2033 2,533.18 208.12 1,776.89 140.15 756.29 67.97 892.23 3/2/2034 142.26 95.73 46.53 9/2/2034 2,663.61 142.26 1,866.43 95.73 797.18 46.53 890.24 3/2/2035 73.00 49.07 23.93 9/2/2035 2,807.78 73.00 1,962.85 49.07 844.93 23.93 892.79 Totals $39,439.33 $27,481.38 $30,220.94 $16,622.00 $9,218.36 $10,859.38 $20,077.74 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$30,464.24 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $989.60 $994.22 $0.00 $675.47 $989.60 $318.75 $1,308.35 3/2/2014 973.93 573.52 400.41 9/2/2014 1,031.12 973.93 1,825.91 573.52 (794.79)400.41 6.03 3/2/2015 952.02 555.26 396.76 9/2/2015 1,072.64 952.02 971.97 555.26 100.67 396.76 894.19 3/2/2016 928.42 545.54 382.88 9/2/2016 1,121.08 928.42 992.80 545.54 128.28 382.88 894.04 3/2/2017 903.20 530.64 372.56 9/2/2017 1,169.52 903.20 1,006.68 530.64 162.84 372.56 907.96 3/2/2018 876.59 515.54 361.05 9/2/2018 1,224.89 876.59 1,041.39 515.54 183.50 361.05 905.60 3/2/2019 848.11 499.92 348.19 9/2/2019 1,280.25 848.11 1,069.16 499.92 211.09 348.19 907.47 3/2/2020 817.71 483.89 333.82 9/2/2020 1,342.53 817.71 1,103.88 483.89 238.65 333.82 906.29 3/2/2021 785.15 467.33 317.82 9/2/2021 1,404.81 785.15 1,138.59 467.33 266.22 317.82 901.86 3/2/2022 750.91 449.40 301.51 9/2/2022 1,474.01 750.91 1,173.30 449.40 300.71 301.51 903.73 3/2/2023 714.06 429.60 284.46 9/2/2023 1,550.14 714.06 1,214.96 429.60 335.18 284.46 904.10 3/2/2024 674.92 408.03 266.89 9/2/2024 1,626.26 674.92 1,256.62 408.03 369.64 266.89 903.42 3/2/2025 633.85 384.78 249.07 9/2/2025 1,709.30 633.85 1,305.21 384.78 404.09 249.07 902.23 3/2/2026 589.84 359.98 229.86 9/2/2026 1,792.35 589.84 1,353.81 359.98 438.54 229.86 898.26 3/2/2027 543.69 333.58 210.11 9/2/2027 1,889.23 543.69 1,409.35 333.58 479.88 210.11 900.10 3/2/2028 495.04 305.40 189.64 9/2/2028 1,986.11 495.04 1,464.89 305.40 521.22 189.64 900.50 3/2/2029 443.90 276.10 167.80 9/2/2029 2,089.92 443.90 1,527.38 276.10 562.54 167.80 898.14 3/2/2030 390.08 244.60 145.48 9/2/2030 2,193.72 390.08 1,582.92 244.60 610.80 145.48 901.76 3/2/2031 333.04 211.95 121.09 9/2/2031 2,311.37 333.04 1,652.35 211.95 659.02 121.09 901.20 3/2/2032 272.95 177.87 95.08 9/2/2032 2,429.01 272.95 1,721.77 177.87 707.24 95.08 897.40 3/2/2033 209.79 141.28 68.51 9/2/2033 2,553.57 209.79 1,791.20 141.28 762.37 68.51 899.39 3/2/2034 143.40 96.50 46.90 9/2/2034 2,685.06 143.40 1,881.45 96.50 803.61 46.90 897.41 3/2/2035 73.59 49.47 24.12 9/2/2035 2,830.38 73.59 1,978.65 49.47 851.73 24.12 899.97 Totals $39,756.87 $27,702.60 $30,464.24 $16,755.83 $9,292.63 $10,946.77 $20,239.40 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$32,022.00 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $1,040.20 $1,045.06 $0.00 $710.01 $1,040.20 $335.05 $1,375.25 3/2/2014 1,023.73 602.84 420.89 9/2/2014 1,083.84 1,023.73 1,919.28 602.84 (835.44)420.89 6.34 3/2/2015 1,000.70 583.65 417.05 9/2/2015 1,127.49 1,000.70 1,021.67 583.65 105.82 417.05 939.92 3/2/2016 975.90 573.43 402.47 9/2/2016 1,178.41 975.90 1,043.56 573.43 134.85 402.47 939.79 3/2/2017 949.38 557.78 391.60 9/2/2017 1,229.33 949.38 1,058.16 557.78 171.17 391.60 954.37 3/2/2018 921.41 541.91 379.50 9/2/2018 1,287.52 921.41 1,094.64 541.91 192.88 379.50 951.88 3/2/2019 891.48 525.49 365.99 9/2/2019 1,345.71 891.48 1,123.83 525.49 221.88 365.99 953.86 3/2/2020 859.52 508.63 350.89 9/2/2020 1,411.18 859.52 1,160.32 508.63 250.86 350.89 952.64 3/2/2021 825.30 491.22 334.08 9/2/2021 1,476.65 825.30 1,196.81 491.22 279.84 334.08 948.00 3/2/2022 789.31 472.37 316.94 9/2/2022 1,549.39 789.31 1,233.30 472.37 316.09 316.94 949.97 3/2/2023 750.57 451.56 299.01 9/2/2023 1,629.40 750.57 1,277.09 451.56 352.31 299.01 950.33 3/2/2024 709.43 428.89 280.54 9/2/2024 1,709.42 709.43 1,320.87 428.89 388.55 280.54 949.63 3/2/2025 666.27 404.46 261.81 9/2/2025 1,796.71 666.27 1,371.95 404.46 424.76 261.81 948.38 3/2/2026 620.00 378.39 241.61 9/2/2026 1,884.00 620.00 1,423.04 378.39 460.96 241.61 944.18 3/2/2027 571.49 350.64 220.85 9/2/2027 1,985.83 571.49 1,481.42 350.64 504.41 220.85 946.11 3/2/2028 520.35 321.01 199.34 9/2/2028 2,087.67 520.35 1,539.80 321.01 547.87 199.34 946.55 3/2/2029 466.59 290.22 176.37 9/2/2029 2,196.78 466.59 1,605.48 290.22 591.30 176.37 944.04 3/2/2030 410.03 257.10 152.93 9/2/2030 2,305.89 410.03 1,663.86 257.10 642.03 152.93 947.89 3/2/2031 350.07 222.79 127.28 9/2/2031 2,429.55 350.07 1,736.84 222.79 692.71 127.28 947.27 3/2/2032 286.91 186.97 99.94 9/2/2032 2,553.21 286.91 1,809.81 186.97 743.40 99.94 943.28 3/2/2033 220.52 148.51 72.01 9/2/2033 2,684.15 220.52 1,882.79 148.51 801.36 72.01 945.38 3/2/2034 150.73 101.44 49.29 9/2/2034 2,822.36 150.73 1,977.66 101.44 844.70 49.29 943.28 3/2/2035 77.35 52.00 25.35 9/2/2035 2,975.11 77.35 2,079.82 52.00 895.29 25.35 945.99 Totals $41,789.80 $29,119.14 $32,022.00 $17,612.61 $9,767.80 $11,506.53 $21,274.33 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$32,377.69 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $1,051.75 $1,056.66 $0.00 $717.90 $1,051.75 $338.76 $1,390.51 3/2/2014 1,035.10 609.54 425.56 9/2/2014 1,095.88 1,035.10 1,940.60 609.54 (844.72)425.56 6.40 3/2/2015 1,011.82 590.13 421.69 9/2/2015 1,140.01 1,011.82 1,033.02 590.13 106.99 421.69 950.37 3/2/2016 986.74 579.80 406.94 9/2/2016 1,191.50 986.74 1,055.15 579.80 136.35 406.94 950.23 3/2/2017 959.93 563.97 395.96 9/2/2017 1,242.98 959.93 1,069.91 563.97 173.07 395.96 964.99 3/2/2018 931.65 547.93 383.72 9/2/2018 1,301.82 931.65 1,106.80 547.93 195.02 383.72 962.46 3/2/2019 901.38 531.32 370.06 9/2/2019 1,360.66 901.38 1,136.32 531.32 224.34 370.06 964.46 3/2/2020 869.07 514.28 354.79 9/2/2020 1,426.85 869.07 1,173.21 514.28 253.64 354.79 963.22 3/2/2021 834.47 496.68 337.79 9/2/2021 1,493.05 834.47 1,210.11 496.68 282.94 337.79 958.52 3/2/2022 798.07 477.62 320.45 9/2/2022 1,566.60 798.07 1,247.00 477.62 319.60 320.45 960.50 3/2/2023 758.91 456.58 302.33 9/2/2023 1,647.50 758.91 1,291.27 456.58 356.23 302.33 960.89 3/2/2024 717.31 433.66 283.65 9/2/2024 1,728.40 717.31 1,335.54 433.66 392.86 283.65 960.16 3/2/2025 673.67 408.95 264.72 9/2/2025 1,816.66 673.67 1,387.19 408.95 429.47 264.72 958.91 3/2/2026 626.89 382.59 244.30 9/2/2026 1,904.92 626.89 1,438.84 382.59 466.08 244.30 954.68 3/2/2027 577.84 354.54 223.30 9/2/2027 2,007.89 577.84 1,497.87 354.54 510.02 223.30 956.62 3/2/2028 526.13 324.58 201.55 9/2/2028 2,110.86 526.13 1,556.90 324.58 553.96 201.55 957.06 3/2/2029 471.78 293.44 178.34 9/2/2029 2,221.18 471.78 1,623.31 293.44 597.87 178.34 954.55 3/2/2030 414.58 259.96 154.62 9/2/2030 2,331.51 414.58 1,682.34 259.96 649.17 154.62 958.41 3/2/2031 353.96 225.26 128.70 9/2/2031 2,456.54 353.96 1,756.13 225.26 700.41 128.70 957.81 3/2/2032 290.09 189.04 101.05 9/2/2032 2,581.57 290.09 1,829.91 189.04 751.66 101.05 953.76 3/2/2033 222.97 150.16 72.81 9/2/2033 2,713.96 222.97 1,903.70 150.16 810.26 72.81 955.88 3/2/2034 152.41 102.56 49.85 9/2/2034 2,853.71 152.41 1,999.62 102.56 854.09 49.85 953.79 3/2/2035 78.21 52.57 25.64 9/2/2035 3,008.16 78.21 2,102.93 52.57 905.23 25.64 956.51 Totals $42,253.96 $29,442.62 $32,377.69 $17,808.22 $9,876.29 $11,634.40 $21,510.69 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$33,365.20 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $1,083.83 $1,088.89 $0.00 $739.80 $1,083.83 $349.09 $1,432.92 3/2/2014 1,066.67 628.13 438.54 9/2/2014 1,129.31 1,066.67 1,999.78 628.13 (870.47)438.54 6.61 3/2/2015 1,042.68 608.13 434.55 9/2/2015 1,174.78 1,042.68 1,064.52 608.13 110.26 434.55 979.36 3/2/2016 1,016.83 597.49 419.34 9/2/2016 1,227.84 1,016.83 1,087.33 597.49 140.51 419.34 979.19 3/2/2017 989.21 581.18 408.03 9/2/2017 1,280.89 989.21 1,102.54 581.18 178.35 408.03 994.41 3/2/2018 960.06 564.64 395.42 9/2/2018 1,341.53 960.06 1,140.56 564.64 200.97 395.42 991.81 3/2/2019 928.87 547.53 381.34 9/2/2019 1,402.16 928.87 1,170.98 547.53 231.18 381.34 993.86 3/2/2020 895.57 529.96 365.61 9/2/2020 1,470.37 895.57 1,208.99 529.96 261.38 365.61 992.60 3/2/2021 859.92 511.83 348.09 9/2/2021 1,538.59 859.92 1,247.01 511.83 291.58 348.09 987.76 3/2/2022 822.41 492.19 330.22 9/2/2022 1,614.38 822.41 1,285.03 492.19 329.35 330.22 989.79 3/2/2023 782.05 470.50 311.55 9/2/2023 1,697.75 782.05 1,330.65 470.50 367.10 311.55 990.20 3/2/2024 739.19 446.89 292.30 9/2/2024 1,781.12 739.19 1,376.28 446.89 404.84 292.30 989.44 3/2/2025 694.21 421.42 272.79 9/2/2025 1,872.07 694.21 1,429.50 421.42 442.57 272.79 988.15 3/2/2026 646.01 394.26 251.75 9/2/2026 1,963.02 646.01 1,482.73 394.26 480.29 251.75 983.79 3/2/2027 595.46 365.35 230.11 9/2/2027 2,069.13 595.46 1,543.56 365.35 525.57 230.11 985.79 3/2/2028 542.18 334.48 207.70 9/2/2028 2,175.24 542.18 1,604.39 334.48 570.85 207.70 986.25 3/2/2029 486.17 302.39 183.78 9/2/2029 2,288.93 486.17 1,672.82 302.39 616.11 183.78 983.67 3/2/2030 427.23 267.89 159.34 9/2/2030 2,402.62 427.23 1,733.65 267.89 668.97 159.34 987.65 3/2/2031 364.76 232.13 132.63 9/2/2031 2,531.47 364.76 1,809.69 232.13 721.78 132.63 987.04 3/2/2032 298.94 194.81 104.13 9/2/2032 2,660.31 298.94 1,885.73 194.81 774.58 104.13 982.84 3/2/2033 229.77 154.74 75.03 9/2/2033 2,796.74 229.77 1,961.76 154.74 834.98 75.03 985.04 3/2/2034 157.06 105.69 51.37 9/2/2034 2,940.74 157.06 2,060.61 105.69 880.13 51.37 982.87 3/2/2035 80.60 54.18 26.42 9/2/2035 3,099.91 80.60 2,167.07 54.18 932.84 26.42 985.68 Totals $43,542.73 $30,340.59 $33,365.20 $18,351.42 $10,177.55 $11,989.17 $22,166.72 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$39,521.86 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $1,283.82 $1,289.82 $0.00 $876.31 $1,283.82 $413.51 $1,697.33 3/2/2014 1,263.50 744.03 519.47 9/2/2014 1,337.69 1,263.50 2,368.79 744.03 (1,031.10)519.47 7.84 3/2/2015 1,235.07 720.35 514.72 9/2/2015 1,391.56 1,235.07 1,260.95 720.35 130.61 514.72 1,160.05 3/2/2016 1,204.46 707.74 496.72 9/2/2016 1,454.40 1,204.46 1,287.97 707.74 166.43 496.72 1,159.87 3/2/2017 1,171.74 688.42 483.32 9/2/2017 1,517.25 1,171.74 1,305.99 688.42 211.26 483.32 1,177.90 3/2/2018 1,137.22 668.83 468.39 9/2/2018 1,589.07 1,137.22 1,351.02 668.83 238.05 468.39 1,174.83 3/2/2019 1,100.27 648.56 451.71 9/2/2019 1,660.89 1,100.27 1,387.05 648.56 273.84 451.71 1,177.26 3/2/2020 1,060.83 627.76 433.07 9/2/2020 1,741.69 1,060.83 1,432.08 627.76 309.61 433.07 1,175.75 3/2/2021 1,018.59 606.27 412.32 9/2/2021 1,822.49 1,018.59 1,477.12 606.27 345.37 412.32 1,170.01 3/2/2022 974.17 583.01 391.16 9/2/2022 1,912.27 974.17 1,522.15 583.01 390.12 391.16 1,172.44 3/2/2023 926.36 557.32 369.04 9/2/2023 2,011.02 926.36 1,576.19 557.32 434.83 369.04 1,172.91 3/2/2024 875.58 529.35 346.23 9/2/2024 2,109.78 875.58 1,630.23 529.35 479.55 346.23 1,172.01 3/2/2025 822.31 499.19 323.12 9/2/2025 2,217.51 822.31 1,693.28 499.19 524.23 323.12 1,170.47 3/2/2026 765.21 467.01 298.20 9/2/2026 2,325.25 765.21 1,756.33 467.01 568.92 298.20 1,165.32 3/2/2027 705.33 432.77 272.56 9/2/2027 2,450.93 705.33 1,828.38 432.77 622.55 272.56 1,167.67 3/2/2028 642.22 396.20 246.02 9/2/2028 2,576.62 642.22 1,900.44 396.20 676.18 246.02 1,168.22 3/2/2029 575.88 358.19 217.69 9/2/2029 2,711.29 575.88 1,981.50 358.19 729.79 217.69 1,165.17 3/2/2030 506.06 317.32 188.74 9/2/2030 2,845.96 506.06 2,053.55 317.32 792.41 188.74 1,169.89 3/2/2031 432.06 274.97 157.09 9/2/2031 2,998.58 432.06 2,143.62 274.97 854.96 157.09 1,169.14 3/2/2032 354.10 230.75 123.35 9/2/2032 3,151.20 354.10 2,233.69 230.75 917.51 123.35 1,164.21 3/2/2033 272.17 183.29 88.88 9/2/2033 3,312.80 272.17 2,323.76 183.29 989.04 88.88 1,166.80 3/2/2034 186.04 125.19 60.85 9/2/2034 3,483.38 186.04 2,440.84 125.19 1,042.54 60.85 1,164.24 3/2/2035 95.47 64.17 31.30 9/2/2035 3,671.91 95.47 2,566.94 64.17 1,104.97 31.30 1,167.57 Totals $51,577.36 $35,939.10 $39,521.86 $21,737.69 $12,055.49 $14,201.41 $26,256.90 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$42,992.82 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $1,396.57 $1,403.10 $0.00 $953.27 $1,396.57 $449.83 $1,846.40 3/2/2014 1,374.47 809.38 565.09 9/2/2014 1,455.17 1,374.47 2,576.83 809.38 (1,121.66)565.09 8.52 3/2/2015 1,343.54 783.61 559.93 9/2/2015 1,513.77 1,343.54 1,371.69 783.61 142.08 559.93 1,261.94 3/2/2016 1,310.24 769.89 540.35 9/2/2016 1,582.13 1,310.24 1,401.09 769.89 181.04 540.35 1,261.74 3/2/2017 1,274.64 748.88 525.76 9/2/2017 1,650.50 1,274.64 1,420.68 748.88 229.82 525.76 1,281.34 3/2/2018 1,237.09 727.56 509.53 9/2/2018 1,728.63 1,237.09 1,469.67 727.56 258.96 509.53 1,278.02 3/2/2019 1,196.90 705.52 491.38 9/2/2019 1,806.76 1,196.90 1,508.86 705.52 297.90 491.38 1,280.66 3/2/2020 1,153.99 682.89 471.10 9/2/2020 1,894.65 1,153.99 1,557.85 682.89 336.80 471.10 1,279.00 3/2/2021 1,108.05 659.52 448.53 9/2/2021 1,982.55 1,108.05 1,606.84 659.52 375.71 448.53 1,272.77 3/2/2022 1,059.72 634.21 425.51 9/2/2022 2,080.21 1,059.72 1,655.83 634.21 424.38 425.51 1,275.40 3/2/2023 1,007.72 606.27 401.45 9/2/2023 2,187.64 1,007.72 1,714.62 606.27 473.02 401.45 1,275.92 3/2/2024 952.48 575.83 376.65 9/2/2024 2,295.07 952.48 1,773.40 575.83 521.67 376.65 1,274.97 3/2/2025 894.53 543.03 351.50 9/2/2025 2,412.26 894.53 1,841.99 543.03 570.27 351.50 1,273.27 3/2/2026 832.41 508.03 324.38 9/2/2026 2,529.46 832.41 1,910.57 508.03 618.89 324.38 1,267.65 3/2/2027 767.28 470.77 296.51 9/2/2027 2,666.18 767.28 1,988.96 470.77 677.22 296.51 1,270.24 3/2/2028 698.63 430.99 267.64 9/2/2028 2,802.91 698.63 2,067.34 430.99 735.57 267.64 1,270.85 3/2/2029 626.45 389.65 236.80 9/2/2029 2,949.41 626.45 2,155.52 389.65 793.89 236.80 1,267.49 3/2/2030 550.50 345.19 205.31 9/2/2030 3,095.90 550.50 2,233.90 345.19 862.00 205.31 1,272.62 3/2/2031 470.01 299.12 170.89 9/2/2031 3,261.93 470.01 2,331.88 299.12 930.05 170.89 1,271.83 3/2/2032 385.20 251.02 134.18 9/2/2032 3,427.95 385.20 2,429.86 251.02 998.09 134.18 1,266.45 3/2/2033 296.07 199.39 96.68 9/2/2033 3,603.74 296.07 2,527.84 199.39 1,075.90 96.68 1,269.26 3/2/2034 202.38 136.19 66.19 9/2/2034 3,789.30 202.38 2,655.21 136.19 1,134.09 66.19 1,266.47 3/2/2035 103.85 69.81 34.04 9/2/2035 3,994.39 103.85 2,792.38 69.81 1,202.01 34.04 1,270.09 Totals $56,107.08 $39,095.40 $42,992.82 $23,646.77 $13,114.27 $15,448.63 $28,562.90 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$48,751.88 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $1,583.65 $1,591.05 $0.00 $1,080.96 $1,583.65 $510.09 $2,093.74 3/2/2014 1,558.58 917.80 640.78 9/2/2014 1,650.10 1,558.58 2,922.00 917.80 (1,271.90)640.78 9.66 3/2/2015 1,523.52 888.58 634.94 9/2/2015 1,716.54 1,523.52 1,555.44 888.58 161.10 634.94 1,430.98 3/2/2016 1,485.75 873.02 612.73 9/2/2016 1,794.06 1,485.75 1,588.77 873.02 205.29 612.73 1,430.75 3/2/2017 1,445.39 849.19 596.20 9/2/2017 1,871.59 1,445.39 1,610.99 849.19 260.60 596.20 1,453.00 3/2/2018 1,402.81 825.03 577.78 9/2/2018 1,960.18 1,402.81 1,666.54 825.03 293.64 577.78 1,449.20 3/2/2019 1,357.23 800.03 557.20 9/2/2019 2,048.78 1,357.23 1,710.98 800.03 337.80 557.20 1,452.20 3/2/2020 1,308.58 774.36 534.22 9/2/2020 2,148.45 1,308.58 1,766.53 774.36 381.92 534.22 1,450.36 3/2/2021 1,256.48 747.86 508.62 9/2/2021 2,248.12 1,256.48 1,822.08 747.86 426.04 508.62 1,443.28 3/2/2022 1,201.68 719.17 482.51 9/2/2022 2,358.86 1,201.68 1,877.64 719.17 481.22 482.51 1,446.24 3/2/2023 1,142.71 687.48 455.23 9/2/2023 2,480.68 1,142.71 1,944.30 687.48 536.38 455.23 1,446.84 3/2/2024 1,080.07 652.97 427.10 9/2/2024 2,602.50 1,080.07 2,010.96 652.97 591.54 427.10 1,445.74 3/2/2025 1,014.36 615.77 398.59 9/2/2025 2,735.39 1,014.36 2,088.73 615.77 646.66 398.59 1,443.84 3/2/2026 943.92 576.08 367.84 9/2/2026 2,868.29 943.92 2,166.50 576.08 701.79 367.84 1,437.47 3/2/2027 870.06 533.83 336.23 9/2/2027 3,023.33 870.06 2,255.39 533.83 767.94 336.23 1,440.40 3/2/2028 792.21 488.73 303.48 9/2/2028 3,178.37 792.21 2,344.27 488.73 834.10 303.48 1,441.06 3/2/2029 710.37 441.84 268.53 9/2/2029 3,344.49 710.37 2,444.26 441.84 900.23 268.53 1,437.29 3/2/2030 624.25 391.43 232.82 9/2/2030 3,510.61 624.25 2,533.14 391.43 977.47 232.82 1,443.11 3/2/2031 532.97 339.18 193.79 9/2/2031 3,698.87 532.97 2,644.24 339.18 1,054.63 193.79 1,442.21 3/2/2032 436.80 284.65 152.15 9/2/2032 3,887.14 436.80 2,755.35 284.65 1,131.79 152.15 1,436.09 3/2/2033 335.73 226.09 109.64 9/2/2033 4,086.48 335.73 2,866.45 226.09 1,220.03 109.64 1,439.31 3/2/2034 229.49 154.43 75.06 9/2/2034 4,296.90 229.49 3,010.88 154.43 1,286.02 75.06 1,436.14 3/2/2035 117.77 79.16 38.61 9/2/2035 4,529.46 117.77 3,166.43 79.16 1,363.03 38.61 1,440.25 Totals $63,622.84 $44,332.51 $48,751.88 $26,814.32 $14,870.97 $17,518.19 $32,389.16 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$52,534.34 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $1,706.52 $1,714.49 $0.00 $1,164.83 $1,706.52 $549.66 $2,256.18 3/2/2014 1,679.51 989.00 690.51 9/2/2014 1,778.12 1,679.51 3,148.71 989.00 (1,370.59)690.51 10.43 3/2/2015 1,641.72 957.52 684.20 9/2/2015 1,849.72 1,641.72 1,676.12 957.52 173.60 684.20 1,542.00 3/2/2016 1,601.03 940.76 660.27 9/2/2016 1,933.26 1,601.03 1,712.04 940.76 221.22 660.27 1,541.76 3/2/2017 1,557.53 915.08 642.45 9/2/2017 2,016.79 1,557.53 1,735.98 915.08 280.81 642.45 1,565.71 3/2/2018 1,511.65 889.04 622.61 9/2/2018 2,112.26 1,511.65 1,795.84 889.04 316.42 622.61 1,561.64 3/2/2019 1,462.54 862.10 600.44 9/2/2019 2,207.73 1,462.54 1,843.73 862.10 364.00 600.44 1,564.88 3/2/2020 1,410.10 834.44 575.66 9/2/2020 2,315.14 1,410.10 1,903.59 834.44 411.55 575.66 1,562.87 3/2/2021 1,353.96 805.89 548.07 9/2/2021 2,422.54 1,353.96 1,963.45 805.89 459.09 548.07 1,555.23 3/2/2022 1,294.91 774.96 519.95 9/2/2022 2,541.88 1,294.91 2,023.31 774.96 518.57 519.95 1,558.47 3/2/2023 1,231.36 740.82 490.54 9/2/2023 2,673.15 1,231.36 2,095.15 740.82 578.00 490.54 1,559.08 3/2/2024 1,163.87 703.63 460.24 9/2/2024 2,804.42 1,163.87 2,166.98 703.63 637.44 460.24 1,557.92 3/2/2025 1,093.06 663.54 429.52 9/2/2025 2,947.62 1,093.06 2,250.79 663.54 696.83 429.52 1,555.87 3/2/2026 1,017.15 620.78 396.37 9/2/2026 3,090.83 1,017.15 2,334.59 620.78 756.24 396.37 1,548.98 3/2/2027 937.56 575.25 362.31 9/2/2027 3,257.90 937.56 2,430.37 575.25 827.53 362.31 1,552.15 3/2/2028 853.67 526.65 327.02 9/2/2028 3,424.97 853.67 2,526.15 526.65 898.82 327.02 1,552.86 3/2/2029 765.48 476.12 289.36 9/2/2029 3,603.98 765.48 2,633.90 476.12 970.08 289.36 1,548.80 3/2/2030 672.68 421.80 250.88 9/2/2030 3,782.98 672.68 2,729.68 421.80 1,053.30 250.88 1,555.06 3/2/2031 574.32 365.50 208.82 9/2/2031 3,985.85 574.32 2,849.40 365.50 1,136.45 208.82 1,554.09 3/2/2032 470.69 306.73 163.96 9/2/2032 4,188.73 470.69 2,969.12 306.73 1,219.61 163.96 1,547.53 3/2/2033 361.78 243.64 118.14 9/2/2033 4,403.53 361.78 3,088.85 243.64 1,314.68 118.14 1,550.96 3/2/2034 247.29 166.41 80.88 9/2/2034 4,630.27 247.29 3,244.49 166.41 1,385.78 80.88 1,547.54 3/2/2035 126.90 85.30 41.60 9/2/2035 4,880.88 126.90 3,412.10 85.30 1,468.78 41.60 1,551.98 Totals $68,559.07 $47,772.01 $52,534.34 $28,894.75 $16,024.73 $18,877.26 $34,901.99 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$55,105.61 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $1,790.04 $1,798.40 $0.00 $1,221.84 $1,790.04 $576.56 $2,366.60 3/2/2014 1,761.71 1,037.41 724.30 9/2/2014 1,865.15 1,761.71 3,302.82 1,037.41 (1,437.67)724.30 10.93 3/2/2015 1,722.07 1,004.38 717.69 9/2/2015 1,940.26 1,722.07 1,758.16 1,004.38 182.10 717.69 1,617.48 3/2/2016 1,679.39 986.80 692.59 9/2/2016 2,027.88 1,679.39 1,795.83 986.80 232.05 692.59 1,617.23 3/2/2017 1,633.76 959.86 673.90 9/2/2017 2,115.51 1,633.76 1,820.95 959.86 294.56 673.90 1,642.36 3/2/2018 1,585.63 932.55 653.08 9/2/2018 2,215.65 1,585.63 1,883.74 932.55 331.91 653.08 1,638.07 3/2/2019 1,534.12 904.29 629.83 9/2/2019 2,315.79 1,534.12 1,933.97 904.29 381.82 629.83 1,641.48 3/2/2020 1,479.12 875.28 603.84 9/2/2020 2,428.45 1,479.12 1,996.76 875.28 431.69 603.84 1,639.37 3/2/2021 1,420.23 845.33 574.90 9/2/2021 2,541.11 1,420.23 2,059.55 845.33 481.56 574.90 1,631.36 3/2/2022 1,358.29 812.89 545.40 9/2/2022 2,666.29 1,358.29 2,122.34 812.89 543.95 545.40 1,634.75 3/2/2023 1,291.63 777.08 514.55 9/2/2023 2,803.98 1,291.63 2,197.69 777.08 606.29 514.55 1,635.39 3/2/2024 1,220.83 738.07 482.76 9/2/2024 2,941.68 1,220.83 2,273.04 738.07 668.64 482.76 1,634.16 3/2/2025 1,146.55 696.02 450.53 9/2/2025 3,091.89 1,146.55 2,360.95 696.02 730.94 450.53 1,632.00 3/2/2026 1,066.94 651.16 415.78 9/2/2026 3,242.11 1,066.94 2,448.86 651.16 793.25 415.78 1,624.81 3/2/2027 983.45 603.41 380.04 9/2/2027 3,417.36 983.45 2,549.32 603.41 868.04 380.04 1,628.12 3/2/2028 895.46 552.42 343.04 9/2/2028 3,592.60 895.46 2,649.79 552.42 942.81 343.04 1,628.89 3/2/2029 802.95 499.43 303.52 9/2/2029 3,780.37 802.95 2,762.82 499.43 1,017.55 303.52 1,624.59 3/2/2030 705.60 442.44 263.16 9/2/2030 3,968.14 705.60 2,863.28 442.44 1,104.86 263.16 1,631.18 3/2/2031 602.43 383.39 219.04 9/2/2031 4,180.94 602.43 2,988.86 383.39 1,192.08 219.04 1,630.16 3/2/2032 493.73 321.74 171.99 9/2/2032 4,393.74 493.73 3,114.45 321.74 1,279.29 171.99 1,623.27 3/2/2033 379.49 255.56 123.93 9/2/2033 4,619.06 379.49 3,240.03 255.56 1,379.03 123.93 1,626.89 3/2/2034 259.39 174.56 84.83 9/2/2034 4,856.90 259.39 3,403.29 174.56 1,453.61 84.83 1,623.27 3/2/2035 133.11 89.48 43.63 9/2/2035 5,119.77 133.11 3,579.10 89.48 1,540.67 43.63 1,627.93 Totals $71,914.67 $50,110.16 $55,105.61 $30,308.94 $16,809.07 $19,801.22 $36,610.29 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$60,926.36 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $1,979.12 $1,988.37 $0.00 $1,350.90 $1,979.12 $637.47 $2,616.59 3/2/2014 1,947.80 1,146.99 800.81 9/2/2014 2,062.16 1,947.80 3,651.69 1,146.99 (1,589.53)800.81 12.09 3/2/2015 1,903.97 1,110.47 793.50 9/2/2015 2,145.20 1,903.97 1,943.87 1,110.47 201.33 793.50 1,788.33 3/2/2016 1,856.78 1,091.04 765.74 9/2/2016 2,242.08 1,856.78 1,985.52 1,091.04 256.56 765.74 1,788.04 3/2/2017 1,806.33 1,061.25 745.08 9/2/2017 2,338.96 1,806.33 2,013.29 1,061.25 325.67 745.08 1,815.83 3/2/2018 1,753.12 1,031.05 722.07 9/2/2018 2,449.68 1,753.12 2,082.72 1,031.05 366.96 722.07 1,811.10 3/2/2019 1,696.17 999.81 696.36 9/2/2019 2,560.41 1,696.17 2,138.25 999.81 422.16 696.36 1,814.88 3/2/2020 1,635.36 967.74 667.62 9/2/2020 2,684.97 1,635.36 2,207.68 967.74 477.29 667.62 1,812.53 3/2/2021 1,570.25 934.62 635.63 9/2/2021 2,809.53 1,570.25 2,277.10 934.62 532.43 635.63 1,803.69 3/2/2022 1,501.76 898.76 603.00 9/2/2022 2,947.93 1,501.76 2,346.53 898.76 601.40 603.00 1,807.40 3/2/2023 1,428.07 859.16 568.91 9/2/2023 3,100.17 1,428.07 2,429.83 859.16 670.34 568.91 1,808.16 3/2/2024 1,349.79 816.03 533.76 9/2/2024 3,252.41 1,349.79 2,513.14 816.03 739.27 533.76 1,806.79 3/2/2025 1,267.66 769.54 498.12 9/2/2025 3,418.49 1,267.66 2,610.34 769.54 808.15 498.12 1,804.39 3/2/2026 1,179.64 719.94 459.70 9/2/2026 3,584.57 1,179.64 2,707.53 719.94 877.04 459.70 1,796.44 3/2/2027 1,087.33 667.15 420.18 9/2/2027 3,778.33 1,087.33 2,818.61 667.15 959.72 420.18 1,800.08 3/2/2028 990.04 610.77 379.27 9/2/2028 3,972.09 990.04 2,929.69 610.77 1,042.40 379.27 1,800.94 3/2/2029 887.76 552.18 335.58 9/2/2029 4,179.69 887.76 3,054.65 552.18 1,125.04 335.58 1,796.20 3/2/2030 780.13 489.18 290.95 9/2/2030 4,387.29 780.13 3,165.73 489.18 1,221.56 290.95 1,803.46 3/2/2031 666.07 423.88 242.19 9/2/2031 4,622.57 666.07 3,304.57 423.88 1,318.00 242.19 1,802.38 3/2/2032 545.88 355.73 190.15 9/2/2032 4,857.85 545.88 3,443.42 355.73 1,414.43 190.15 1,794.73 3/2/2033 419.57 282.56 137.01 9/2/2033 5,106.97 419.57 3,582.27 282.56 1,524.70 137.01 1,798.72 3/2/2034 286.79 193.00 93.79 9/2/2034 5,369.93 286.79 3,762.77 193.00 1,607.16 93.79 1,794.74 3/2/2035 147.17 98.93 48.24 9/2/2035 5,660.57 147.17 3,957.16 98.93 1,703.41 48.24 1,799.89 Totals $79,510.97 $55,403.25 $60,926.36 $33,510.46 $18,584.61 $21,892.79 $40,477.40 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$62,056.28 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $2,015.83 $2,025.24 $0.00 $1,375.95 $2,015.83 $649.29 $2,665.12 3/2/2014 1,983.92 1,168.26 815.66 9/2/2014 2,100.41 1,983.92 3,719.42 1,168.26 (1,619.01)815.66 12.31 3/2/2015 1,939.28 1,131.07 808.21 9/2/2015 2,184.99 1,939.28 1,979.92 1,131.07 205.07 808.21 1,821.49 3/2/2016 1,891.22 1,111.27 779.95 9/2/2016 2,283.67 1,891.22 2,022.34 1,111.27 261.33 779.95 1,821.23 3/2/2017 1,839.83 1,080.93 758.90 9/2/2017 2,382.34 1,839.83 2,050.63 1,080.93 331.71 758.90 1,849.51 3/2/2018 1,785.63 1,050.17 735.46 9/2/2018 2,495.12 1,785.63 2,121.34 1,050.17 373.78 735.46 1,844.70 3/2/2019 1,727.62 1,018.35 709.27 9/2/2019 2,607.89 1,727.62 2,177.91 1,018.35 429.98 709.27 1,848.52 3/2/2020 1,665.69 985.69 680.00 9/2/2020 2,734.76 1,665.69 2,248.62 985.69 486.14 680.00 1,846.14 3/2/2021 1,599.37 951.96 647.41 9/2/2021 2,861.63 1,599.37 2,319.33 951.96 542.30 647.41 1,837.12 3/2/2022 1,529.62 915.43 614.19 9/2/2022 3,002.60 1,529.62 2,390.04 915.43 612.56 614.19 1,840.94 3/2/2023 1,454.55 875.10 579.45 9/2/2023 3,157.66 1,454.55 2,474.90 875.10 682.76 579.45 1,841.66 3/2/2024 1,374.82 831.17 543.65 9/2/2024 3,312.72 1,374.82 2,559.75 831.17 752.97 543.65 1,840.27 3/2/2025 1,291.17 783.81 507.36 9/2/2025 3,481.89 1,291.17 2,658.75 783.81 823.14 507.36 1,837.86 3/2/2026 1,201.51 733.29 468.22 9/2/2026 3,651.05 1,201.51 2,757.74 733.29 893.31 468.22 1,829.75 3/2/2027 1,107.50 679.52 427.98 9/2/2027 3,848.40 1,107.50 2,870.88 679.52 977.52 427.98 1,833.48 3/2/2028 1,008.40 622.10 386.30 9/2/2028 4,045.75 1,008.40 2,984.02 622.10 1,061.73 386.30 1,834.33 3/2/2029 904.23 562.42 341.81 9/2/2029 4,257.20 904.23 3,111.30 562.42 1,145.90 341.81 1,829.52 3/2/2030 794.60 498.25 296.35 9/2/2030 4,468.65 794.60 3,224.44 498.25 1,244.21 296.35 1,836.91 3/2/2031 678.42 431.75 246.67 9/2/2031 4,708.30 678.42 3,365.86 431.75 1,342.44 246.67 1,835.78 3/2/2032 556.00 362.32 193.68 9/2/2032 4,947.94 556.00 3,507.28 362.32 1,440.66 193.68 1,828.02 3/2/2033 427.36 287.80 139.56 9/2/2033 5,201.68 427.36 3,648.71 287.80 1,552.97 139.56 1,832.09 3/2/2034 292.11 196.58 95.53 9/2/2034 5,469.52 292.11 3,832.56 196.58 1,636.96 95.53 1,828.02 3/2/2035 149.90 100.76 49.14 9/2/2035 5,765.55 149.90 4,030.55 100.76 1,735.00 49.14 1,833.28 Totals $80,985.55 $56,430.74 $62,056.28 $34,131.95 $18,929.26 $22,298.79 $41,228.05 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$65,512.62 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $2,128.10 $2,138.04 $0.00 $1,452.59 $2,128.10 $685.45 $2,813.55 3/2/2014 2,094.42 1,233.33 861.09 9/2/2014 2,217.39 2,094.42 3,926.58 1,233.33 (1,709.19)861.09 12.99 3/2/2015 2,047.30 1,194.07 853.23 9/2/2015 2,306.69 2,047.30 2,090.19 1,194.07 216.50 853.23 1,922.96 3/2/2016 1,996.55 1,173.16 823.39 9/2/2016 2,410.86 1,996.55 2,134.98 1,173.16 275.88 823.39 1,922.66 3/2/2017 1,942.31 1,141.14 801.17 9/2/2017 2,515.03 1,942.31 2,164.84 1,141.14 350.19 801.17 1,952.53 3/2/2018 1,885.09 1,108.67 776.42 9/2/2018 2,634.09 1,885.09 2,239.49 1,108.67 394.60 776.42 1,947.44 3/2/2019 1,823.85 1,075.07 748.78 9/2/2019 2,753.14 1,823.85 2,299.21 1,075.07 453.93 748.78 1,951.49 3/2/2020 1,758.46 1,040.59 717.87 9/2/2020 2,887.08 1,758.46 2,373.86 1,040.59 513.22 717.87 1,948.96 3/2/2021 1,688.45 1,004.98 683.47 9/2/2021 3,021.01 1,688.45 2,448.51 1,004.98 572.50 683.47 1,939.44 3/2/2022 1,614.81 966.41 648.40 9/2/2022 3,169.83 1,614.81 2,523.16 966.41 646.67 648.40 1,943.47 3/2/2023 1,535.56 923.84 611.72 9/2/2023 3,333.53 1,535.56 2,612.74 923.84 720.79 611.72 1,944.23 3/2/2024 1,451.39 877.46 573.93 9/2/2024 3,497.23 1,451.39 2,702.32 877.46 794.91 573.93 1,942.77 3/2/2025 1,363.09 827.47 535.62 9/2/2025 3,675.82 1,363.09 2,806.83 827.47 868.99 535.62 1,940.23 3/2/2026 1,268.44 774.14 494.30 9/2/2026 3,854.40 1,268.44 2,911.34 774.14 943.06 494.30 1,931.66 3/2/2027 1,169.18 717.37 451.81 9/2/2027 4,062.74 1,169.18 3,030.78 717.37 1,031.96 451.81 1,935.58 3/2/2028 1,064.57 656.75 407.82 9/2/2028 4,271.09 1,064.57 3,150.22 656.75 1,120.87 407.82 1,936.51 3/2/2029 954.59 593.75 360.84 9/2/2029 4,494.32 954.59 3,284.59 593.75 1,209.73 360.84 1,931.41 3/2/2030 838.86 526.00 312.86 9/2/2030 4,717.54 838.86 3,404.03 526.00 1,313.51 312.86 1,939.23 3/2/2031 716.20 455.79 260.41 9/2/2031 4,970.54 716.20 3,553.33 455.79 1,417.21 260.41 1,938.03 3/2/2032 586.97 382.51 204.46 9/2/2032 5,223.53 586.97 3,702.63 382.51 1,520.90 204.46 1,929.82 3/2/2033 451.16 303.82 147.34 9/2/2033 5,491.40 451.16 3,851.93 303.82 1,639.47 147.34 1,934.15 3/2/2034 308.38 207.53 100.85 9/2/2034 5,774.16 308.38 4,046.02 207.53 1,728.14 100.85 1,929.84 3/2/2035 158.25 106.38 51.87 9/2/2035 6,086.67 158.25 4,255.04 106.38 1,831.63 51.87 1,935.37 Totals $85,496.19 $59,573.80 $65,512.62 $36,033.05 $19,983.57 $23,540.75 $43,524.32 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$65,951.02 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $2,142.34 $2,152.35 $0.00 $1,462.31 $2,142.34 $690.04 $2,832.38 3/2/2014 2,108.43 1,241.58 866.85 9/2/2014 2,232.23 2,108.43 3,952.85 1,241.58 (1,720.62)866.85 13.08 3/2/2015 2,061.00 1,202.06 858.94 9/2/2015 2,322.12 2,061.00 2,104.18 1,202.06 217.94 858.94 1,935.82 3/2/2016 2,009.91 1,181.01 828.90 9/2/2016 2,426.99 2,009.91 2,149.27 1,181.01 277.72 828.90 1,935.52 3/2/2017 1,955.30 1,148.78 806.52 9/2/2017 2,531.86 1,955.30 2,179.33 1,148.78 352.53 806.52 1,965.57 3/2/2018 1,897.70 1,116.09 781.61 9/2/2018 2,651.71 1,897.70 2,254.48 1,116.09 397.23 781.61 1,960.45 3/2/2019 1,836.05 1,082.27 753.78 9/2/2019 2,771.56 1,836.05 2,314.60 1,082.27 456.96 753.78 1,964.52 3/2/2020 1,770.23 1,047.55 722.68 9/2/2020 2,906.40 1,770.23 2,389.75 1,047.55 516.65 722.68 1,962.01 3/2/2021 1,699.75 1,011.70 688.05 9/2/2021 3,041.23 1,699.75 2,464.90 1,011.70 576.33 688.05 1,952.43 3/2/2022 1,625.62 972.88 652.74 9/2/2022 3,191.04 1,625.62 2,540.05 972.88 650.99 652.74 1,956.47 3/2/2023 1,545.84 930.02 615.82 9/2/2023 3,355.84 1,545.84 2,630.23 930.02 725.61 615.82 1,957.25 3/2/2024 1,461.11 883.33 577.78 9/2/2024 3,520.64 1,461.11 2,720.40 883.33 800.24 577.78 1,955.80 3/2/2025 1,372.21 833.00 539.21 9/2/2025 3,700.41 1,372.21 2,825.61 833.00 874.80 539.21 1,953.22 3/2/2026 1,276.92 779.32 497.60 9/2/2026 3,880.19 1,276.92 2,930.82 779.32 949.37 497.60 1,944.57 3/2/2027 1,177.01 722.17 454.84 9/2/2027 4,089.93 1,177.01 3,051.06 722.17 1,038.87 454.84 1,948.55 3/2/2028 1,071.69 661.14 410.55 9/2/2028 4,299.67 1,071.69 3,171.30 661.14 1,128.37 410.55 1,949.47 3/2/2029 960.98 597.72 363.26 9/2/2029 4,524.39 960.98 3,306.57 597.72 1,217.82 363.26 1,944.34 3/2/2030 844.47 529.52 314.95 9/2/2030 4,749.11 844.47 3,426.81 529.52 1,322.30 314.95 1,952.20 3/2/2031 721.00 458.84 262.16 9/2/2031 5,003.80 721.00 3,577.11 458.84 1,426.69 262.16 1,951.01 3/2/2032 590.90 385.06 205.84 9/2/2032 5,258.48 590.90 3,727.40 385.06 1,531.08 205.84 1,942.76 3/2/2033 454.18 305.86 148.32 9/2/2033 5,528.15 454.18 3,877.70 305.86 1,650.45 148.32 1,947.09 3/2/2034 310.45 208.92 101.53 9/2/2034 5,812.79 310.45 4,073.09 208.92 1,739.70 101.53 1,942.76 3/2/2035 159.31 107.09 52.22 9/2/2035 6,127.40 159.31 4,283.51 107.09 1,843.89 52.22 1,948.33 Totals $86,068.28 $59,972.47 $65,951.02 $36,274.13 $20,117.26 $23,698.34 $43,815.60 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$72,776.10 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $2,364.05 $2,375.09 $0.00 $1,613.64 $2,364.05 $761.45 $3,125.50 3/2/2014 2,326.63 1,370.07 956.56 9/2/2014 2,463.24 2,326.63 4,361.92 1,370.07 (1,898.68)956.56 14.44 3/2/2015 2,274.28 1,326.45 947.83 9/2/2015 2,562.43 2,274.28 2,321.94 1,326.45 240.49 947.83 2,136.15 3/2/2016 2,217.91 1,303.23 914.68 9/2/2016 2,678.15 2,217.91 2,371.69 1,303.23 306.46 914.68 2,135.82 3/2/2017 2,157.65 1,267.66 889.99 9/2/2017 2,793.88 2,157.65 2,404.86 1,267.66 389.02 889.99 2,169.00 3/2/2018 2,094.09 1,231.59 862.50 9/2/2018 2,926.13 2,094.09 2,487.79 1,231.59 438.34 862.50 2,163.34 3/2/2019 2,026.06 1,194.27 831.79 9/2/2019 3,058.39 2,026.06 2,554.13 1,194.27 504.26 831.79 2,167.84 3/2/2020 1,953.42 1,155.96 797.46 9/2/2020 3,207.17 1,953.42 2,637.06 1,155.96 570.11 797.46 2,165.03 3/2/2021 1,875.65 1,116.40 759.25 9/2/2021 3,355.96 1,875.65 2,719.98 1,116.40 635.98 759.25 2,154.48 3/2/2022 1,793.85 1,073.56 720.29 9/2/2022 3,521.28 1,793.85 2,802.91 1,073.56 718.37 720.29 2,158.95 3/2/2023 1,705.81 1,026.26 679.55 9/2/2023 3,703.13 1,705.81 2,902.42 1,026.26 800.71 679.55 2,159.81 3/2/2024 1,612.31 974.74 637.57 9/2/2024 3,884.98 1,612.31 3,001.93 974.74 883.05 637.57 2,158.19 3/2/2025 1,514.21 919.21 595.00 9/2/2025 4,083.36 1,514.21 3,118.03 919.21 965.33 595.00 2,155.33 3/2/2026 1,409.07 859.97 549.10 9/2/2026 4,281.74 1,409.07 3,234.12 859.97 1,047.62 549.10 2,145.82 3/2/2027 1,298.81 796.90 501.91 9/2/2027 4,513.19 1,298.81 3,366.81 796.90 1,146.38 501.91 2,150.20 3/2/2028 1,182.60 729.56 453.04 9/2/2028 4,744.63 1,182.60 3,499.49 729.56 1,245.14 453.04 2,151.22 3/2/2029 1,060.42 659.57 400.85 9/2/2029 4,992.61 1,060.42 3,648.76 659.57 1,343.85 400.85 2,145.55 3/2/2030 931.87 584.32 347.55 9/2/2030 5,240.58 931.87 3,781.44 584.32 1,459.14 347.55 2,154.24 3/2/2031 795.61 506.33 289.28 9/2/2031 5,521.63 795.61 3,947.29 506.33 1,574.34 289.28 2,152.90 3/2/2032 652.05 424.91 227.14 9/2/2032 5,802.67 652.05 4,113.14 424.91 1,689.53 227.14 2,143.81 3/2/2033 501.18 337.51 163.67 9/2/2033 6,100.24 501.18 4,279.00 337.51 1,821.24 163.67 2,148.58 3/2/2034 342.57 230.54 112.03 9/2/2034 6,414.34 342.57 4,494.60 230.54 1,919.74 112.03 2,143.80 3/2/2035 175.80 118.17 57.63 9/2/2035 6,761.51 175.80 4,726.80 118.17 2,034.71 57.63 2,149.97 Totals $94,975.29 $66,178.79 $72,776.10 $40,028.00 $22,199.18 $26,150.79 $48,349.97 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$84,757.08 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $2,753.24 $2,766.10 $0.00 $1,879.29 $2,753.24 $886.81 $3,640.05 3/2/2014 2,709.66 1,595.62 1,114.04 9/2/2014 2,868.76 2,709.66 5,080.02 1,595.62 (2,211.26)1,114.04 16.82 3/2/2015 2,648.69 1,544.82 1,103.87 9/2/2015 2,984.28 2,648.69 2,704.19 1,544.82 280.09 1,103.87 2,487.83 3/2/2016 2,583.04 1,517.78 1,065.26 9/2/2016 3,119.05 2,583.04 2,762.14 1,517.78 356.91 1,065.26 2,487.43 3/2/2017 2,512.86 1,476.35 1,036.51 9/2/2017 3,253.83 2,512.86 2,800.77 1,476.35 453.06 1,036.51 2,526.08 3/2/2018 2,438.84 1,434.34 1,004.50 9/2/2018 3,407.85 2,438.84 2,897.35 1,434.34 510.50 1,004.50 2,519.50 3/2/2019 2,359.60 1,390.88 968.72 9/2/2019 3,561.88 2,359.60 2,974.61 1,390.88 587.27 968.72 2,524.71 3/2/2020 2,275.01 1,346.26 928.75 9/2/2020 3,735.16 2,275.01 3,071.19 1,346.26 663.97 928.75 2,521.47 3/2/2021 2,184.43 1,300.19 884.24 9/2/2021 3,908.44 2,184.43 3,167.77 1,300.19 740.67 884.24 2,509.15 3/2/2022 2,089.16 1,250.30 838.86 9/2/2022 4,100.98 2,089.16 3,264.34 1,250.30 836.64 838.86 2,514.36 3/2/2023 1,986.64 1,195.21 791.43 9/2/2023 4,312.76 1,986.64 3,380.24 1,195.21 932.52 791.43 2,515.38 3/2/2024 1,877.74 1,135.21 742.53 9/2/2024 4,524.55 1,877.74 3,496.13 1,135.21 1,028.42 742.53 2,513.48 3/2/2025 1,763.50 1,070.54 692.96 9/2/2025 4,755.59 1,763.50 3,631.34 1,070.54 1,124.25 692.96 2,510.17 3/2/2026 1,641.04 1,001.54 639.50 9/2/2026 4,986.63 1,641.04 3,766.55 1,001.54 1,220.08 639.50 2,499.08 3/2/2027 1,512.63 928.09 584.54 9/2/2027 5,256.18 1,512.63 3,921.08 928.09 1,335.10 584.54 2,504.18 3/2/2028 1,377.29 849.67 527.62 9/2/2028 5,525.73 1,377.29 4,075.60 849.67 1,450.13 527.62 2,505.37 3/2/2029 1,235.00 768.16 466.84 9/2/2029 5,814.53 1,235.00 4,249.44 768.16 1,565.09 466.84 2,498.77 3/2/2030 1,085.28 680.51 404.77 9/2/2030 6,103.33 1,085.28 4,403.97 680.51 1,699.36 404.77 2,508.90 3/2/2031 926.59 589.68 336.91 9/2/2031 6,430.64 926.59 4,597.12 589.68 1,833.52 336.91 2,507.34 3/2/2032 759.39 494.87 264.52 9/2/2032 6,757.95 759.39 4,790.28 494.87 1,967.67 264.52 2,496.71 3/2/2033 583.69 393.07 190.62 9/2/2033 7,104.51 583.69 4,983.44 393.07 2,121.07 190.62 2,502.31 3/2/2034 398.97 268.49 130.48 9/2/2034 7,470.32 398.97 5,234.54 268.49 2,235.78 130.48 2,496.74 3/2/2035 204.74 137.62 67.12 9/2/2035 7,874.65 204.74 5,504.96 137.62 2,369.69 67.12 2,503.93 Totals $110,610.84 $77,073.68 $84,757.08 $46,617.69 $25,853.77 $30,455.99 $56,309.76 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$85,872.82 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $2,789.48 $2,802.51 $0.00 $1,904.03 $2,789.48 $898.48 $3,687.96 3/2/2014 2,745.33 1,616.63 1,128.70 9/2/2014 2,906.52 2,745.33 5,146.89 1,616.63 (2,240.37)1,128.70 17.03 3/2/2015 2,683.56 1,565.16 1,118.40 9/2/2015 3,023.56 2,683.56 2,739.79 1,565.16 283.77 1,118.40 2,520.57 3/2/2016 2,617.04 1,537.76 1,079.28 9/2/2016 3,160.11 2,617.04 2,798.50 1,537.76 361.61 1,079.28 2,520.17 3/2/2017 2,545.94 1,495.79 1,050.15 9/2/2017 3,296.66 2,545.94 2,837.64 1,495.79 459.02 1,050.15 2,559.32 3/2/2018 2,470.94 1,453.22 1,017.72 9/2/2018 3,452.72 2,470.94 2,935.49 1,453.22 517.23 1,017.72 2,552.67 3/2/2019 2,390.67 1,409.19 981.48 9/2/2019 3,608.77 2,390.67 3,013.77 1,409.19 595.00 981.48 2,557.96 3/2/2020 2,304.96 1,363.98 940.98 9/2/2020 3,784.33 2,304.96 3,111.62 1,363.98 672.71 940.98 2,554.67 3/2/2021 2,213.19 1,317.31 895.88 9/2/2021 3,959.89 2,213.19 3,209.47 1,317.31 750.42 895.88 2,542.18 3/2/2022 2,116.67 1,266.76 849.91 9/2/2022 4,154.96 2,116.67 3,307.32 1,266.76 847.64 849.91 2,547.46 3/2/2023 2,012.79 1,210.95 801.84 9/2/2023 4,369.54 2,012.79 3,424.74 1,210.95 944.80 801.84 2,548.48 3/2/2024 1,902.46 1,150.16 752.30 9/2/2024 4,584.11 1,902.46 3,542.16 1,150.16 1,041.95 752.30 2,546.55 3/2/2025 1,786.71 1,084.63 702.08 9/2/2025 4,818.20 1,786.71 3,679.15 1,084.63 1,139.05 702.08 2,543.21 3/2/2026 1,662.64 1,014.72 647.92 9/2/2026 5,052.28 1,662.64 3,816.14 1,014.72 1,236.14 647.92 2,531.98 3/2/2027 1,532.55 940.31 592.24 9/2/2027 5,325.37 1,532.55 3,972.69 940.31 1,352.68 592.24 2,537.16 3/2/2028 1,395.42 860.86 534.56 9/2/2028 5,598.47 1,395.42 4,129.25 860.86 1,469.22 534.56 2,538.34 3/2/2029 1,251.26 778.27 472.99 9/2/2029 5,891.07 1,251.26 4,305.38 778.27 1,585.69 472.99 2,531.67 3/2/2030 1,099.56 689.47 410.09 9/2/2030 6,183.68 1,099.56 4,461.94 689.47 1,721.74 410.09 2,541.92 3/2/2031 938.79 597.45 341.34 9/2/2031 6,515.29 938.79 4,657.64 597.45 1,857.65 341.34 2,540.33 3/2/2032 769.39 501.38 268.01 9/2/2032 6,846.91 769.39 4,853.34 501.38 1,993.57 268.01 2,529.59 3/2/2033 591.37 398.25 193.12 9/2/2033 7,198.03 591.37 5,049.04 398.25 2,148.99 193.12 2,535.23 3/2/2034 404.22 272.02 132.20 9/2/2034 7,568.66 404.22 5,303.45 272.02 2,265.21 132.20 2,529.61 3/2/2035 207.44 139.44 68.00 9/2/2035 7,978.31 207.44 5,577.43 139.44 2,400.88 68.00 2,536.88 Totals $112,066.92 $78,088.31 $85,872.82 $47,231.45 $26,194.08 $30,856.86 $57,050.94 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$86,982.65 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $2,825.53 $2,838.73 $0.00 $1,928.64 $2,825.53 $910.09 $3,735.62 3/2/2014 2,780.81 1,637.52 1,143.29 9/2/2014 2,944.09 2,780.81 5,213.41 1,637.52 (2,269.32)1,143.29 17.26 3/2/2015 2,718.24 1,585.39 1,132.85 9/2/2015 3,062.64 2,718.24 2,775.20 1,585.39 287.44 1,132.85 2,553.14 3/2/2016 2,650.87 1,557.64 1,093.23 9/2/2016 3,200.95 2,650.87 2,834.67 1,557.64 366.28 1,093.23 2,552.74 3/2/2017 2,578.84 1,515.12 1,063.72 9/2/2017 3,339.27 2,578.84 2,874.31 1,515.12 464.96 1,063.72 2,592.40 3/2/2018 2,502.88 1,472.00 1,030.88 9/2/2018 3,497.34 2,502.88 2,973.43 1,472.00 523.91 1,030.88 2,585.67 3/2/2019 2,421.56 1,427.40 994.16 9/2/2019 3,655.41 2,421.56 3,052.72 1,427.40 602.69 994.16 2,591.01 3/2/2020 2,334.75 1,381.61 953.14 9/2/2020 3,833.24 2,334.75 3,151.83 1,381.61 681.41 953.14 2,587.69 3/2/2021 2,241.79 1,334.33 907.46 9/2/2021 4,011.07 2,241.79 3,250.95 1,334.33 760.12 907.46 2,575.04 3/2/2022 2,144.02 1,283.13 860.89 9/2/2022 4,208.66 2,144.02 3,350.06 1,283.13 858.60 860.89 2,580.38 3/2/2023 2,038.80 1,226.60 812.20 9/2/2023 4,426.01 2,038.80 3,469.00 1,226.60 957.01 812.20 2,581.41 3/2/2024 1,927.05 1,165.02 762.03 9/2/2024 4,643.36 1,927.05 3,587.94 1,165.02 1,055.42 762.03 2,579.48 3/2/2025 1,809.80 1,098.65 711.15 9/2/2025 4,880.47 1,809.80 3,726.70 1,098.65 1,153.77 711.15 2,576.07 3/2/2026 1,684.13 1,027.84 656.29 9/2/2026 5,117.57 1,684.13 3,865.46 1,027.84 1,252.11 656.29 2,564.69 3/2/2027 1,552.35 952.46 599.89 9/2/2027 5,394.20 1,552.35 4,024.04 952.46 1,370.16 599.89 2,569.94 3/2/2028 1,413.45 871.98 541.47 9/2/2028 5,670.83 1,413.45 4,182.62 871.98 1,488.21 541.47 2,571.15 3/2/2029 1,267.43 788.33 479.10 9/2/2029 5,967.21 1,267.43 4,361.03 788.33 1,606.18 479.10 2,564.38 3/2/2030 1,113.77 698.38 415.39 9/2/2030 6,263.59 1,113.77 4,519.61 698.38 1,743.98 415.39 2,574.76 3/2/2031 950.92 605.17 345.75 9/2/2031 6,599.50 950.92 4,717.84 605.17 1,881.66 345.75 2,573.16 3/2/2032 779.33 507.86 271.47 9/2/2032 6,935.40 779.33 4,916.07 507.86 2,019.33 271.47 2,562.27 3/2/2033 599.01 403.39 195.62 9/2/2033 7,291.06 599.01 5,114.29 403.39 2,176.77 195.62 2,568.01 3/2/2034 409.45 275.54 133.91 9/2/2034 7,666.48 409.45 5,371.99 275.54 2,294.49 133.91 2,562.31 3/2/2035 210.12 141.24 68.88 9/2/2035 8,081.42 210.12 5,649.51 141.24 2,431.91 68.88 2,569.67 Totals $113,515.30 $79,097.47 $86,982.65 $47,841.84 $26,532.62 $31,255.63 $57,788.25 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$90,138.28 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $2,928.04 $2,941.72 $0.00 $1,998.61 $2,928.04 $943.11 $3,871.15 3/2/2014 2,881.69 1,696.93 1,184.76 9/2/2014 3,050.90 2,881.69 5,402.55 1,696.93 (2,351.65)1,184.76 17.87 3/2/2015 2,816.86 1,642.91 1,173.95 9/2/2015 3,173.75 2,816.86 2,875.88 1,642.91 297.87 1,173.95 2,645.77 3/2/2016 2,747.04 1,614.15 1,132.89 9/2/2016 3,317.08 2,747.04 2,937.51 1,614.15 379.57 1,132.89 2,645.35 3/2/2017 2,672.40 1,570.08 1,102.32 9/2/2017 3,460.41 2,672.40 2,978.59 1,570.08 481.82 1,102.32 2,686.46 3/2/2018 2,593.68 1,525.41 1,068.27 9/2/2018 3,624.22 2,593.68 3,081.30 1,525.41 542.92 1,068.27 2,679.46 3/2/2019 2,509.42 1,479.19 1,030.23 9/2/2019 3,788.02 2,509.42 3,163.47 1,479.19 624.55 1,030.23 2,685.01 3/2/2020 2,419.45 1,431.73 987.72 9/2/2020 3,972.31 2,419.45 3,266.18 1,431.73 706.13 987.72 2,681.57 3/2/2021 2,323.12 1,382.74 940.38 9/2/2021 4,156.59 2,323.12 3,368.89 1,382.74 787.70 940.38 2,668.46 3/2/2022 2,221.80 1,329.68 892.12 9/2/2022 4,361.35 2,221.80 3,471.60 1,329.68 889.75 892.12 2,673.99 3/2/2023 2,112.77 1,271.10 841.67 9/2/2023 4,586.58 2,112.77 3,594.85 1,271.10 991.73 841.67 2,675.07 3/2/2024 1,996.96 1,207.29 789.67 9/2/2024 4,811.81 1,996.96 3,718.10 1,207.29 1,093.71 789.67 2,673.05 3/2/2025 1,875.46 1,138.50 736.96 9/2/2025 5,057.52 1,875.46 3,861.90 1,138.50 1,195.62 736.96 2,669.54 3/2/2026 1,745.23 1,065.13 680.10 9/2/2026 5,303.23 1,745.23 4,005.69 1,065.13 1,297.54 680.10 2,657.74 3/2/2027 1,608.67 987.02 621.65 9/2/2027 5,589.90 1,608.67 4,170.03 987.02 1,419.87 621.65 2,663.17 3/2/2028 1,464.73 903.62 561.11 9/2/2028 5,876.56 1,464.73 4,334.36 903.62 1,542.20 561.11 2,664.42 3/2/2029 1,313.41 816.93 496.48 9/2/2029 6,183.69 1,313.41 4,519.24 816.93 1,664.45 496.48 2,657.41 3/2/2030 1,154.18 723.72 430.46 9/2/2030 6,490.83 1,154.18 4,683.58 723.72 1,807.25 430.46 2,668.17 3/2/2031 985.42 627.12 358.30 9/2/2031 6,838.92 985.42 4,889.00 627.12 1,949.92 358.30 2,666.52 3/2/2032 807.61 526.29 281.32 9/2/2032 7,187.01 807.61 5,094.42 526.29 2,092.59 281.32 2,655.23 3/2/2033 620.74 418.03 202.71 9/2/2033 7,555.57 620.74 5,299.84 418.03 2,255.73 202.71 2,661.15 3/2/2034 424.30 285.53 138.77 9/2/2034 7,944.61 424.30 5,566.88 285.53 2,377.73 138.77 2,655.27 3/2/2035 217.74 146.36 71.38 9/2/2035 8,374.60 217.74 5,854.47 146.36 2,520.13 71.38 2,662.89 Totals $117,633.50 $81,967.08 $90,138.28 $49,577.53 $27,495.17 $32,389.55 $59,884.72 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$113,264.04 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $3,679.25 $3,696.44 $0.00 $2,511.37 $3,679.25 $1,185.07 $4,864.32 3/2/2014 3,621.01 2,132.29 1,488.72 9/2/2014 3,833.63 3,621.01 6,788.62 2,132.29 (2,954.99)1,488.72 22.45 3/2/2015 3,539.55 2,064.41 1,475.14 9/2/2015 3,988.00 3,539.55 3,613.71 2,064.41 374.29 1,475.14 3,324.57 3/2/2016 3,451.81 2,028.27 1,423.54 9/2/2016 4,168.11 3,451.81 3,691.15 2,028.27 476.96 1,423.54 3,324.04 3/2/2017 3,358.03 1,972.90 1,385.13 9/2/2017 4,348.21 3,358.03 3,742.77 1,972.90 605.44 1,385.13 3,375.70 3/2/2018 3,259.11 1,916.76 1,342.35 9/2/2018 4,554.04 3,259.11 3,871.83 1,916.76 682.21 1,342.35 3,366.91 3/2/2019 3,153.23 1,858.68 1,294.55 9/2/2019 4,759.87 3,153.23 3,975.08 1,858.68 784.79 1,294.55 3,373.89 3/2/2020 3,040.18 1,799.06 1,241.12 9/2/2020 4,991.44 3,040.18 4,104.14 1,799.06 887.30 1,241.12 3,369.54 3/2/2021 2,919.14 1,737.50 1,181.64 9/2/2021 5,223.00 2,919.14 4,233.20 1,737.50 989.80 1,181.64 3,353.08 3/2/2022 2,791.83 1,670.82 1,121.01 9/2/2022 5,480.29 2,791.83 4,362.27 1,670.82 1,118.02 1,121.01 3,360.04 3/2/2023 2,654.82 1,597.21 1,057.61 9/2/2023 5,763.31 2,654.82 4,517.14 1,597.21 1,246.17 1,057.61 3,361.39 3/2/2024 2,509.30 1,517.03 992.27 9/2/2024 6,046.33 2,509.30 4,672.01 1,517.03 1,374.32 992.27 3,358.86 3/2/2025 2,356.63 1,430.60 926.03 9/2/2025 6,355.08 2,356.63 4,852.70 1,430.60 1,502.38 926.03 3,354.44 3/2/2026 2,192.98 1,338.40 854.58 9/2/2026 6,663.82 2,192.98 5,033.38 1,338.40 1,630.44 854.58 3,339.60 3/2/2027 2,021.39 1,240.25 781.14 9/2/2027 7,024.03 2,021.39 5,239.88 1,240.25 1,784.15 781.14 3,346.43 3/2/2028 1,840.52 1,135.45 705.07 9/2/2028 7,384.24 1,840.52 5,446.38 1,135.45 1,937.86 705.07 3,348.00 3/2/2029 1,650.38 1,026.52 623.86 9/2/2029 7,770.17 1,650.38 5,678.69 1,026.52 2,091.48 623.86 3,339.20 3/2/2030 1,450.30 909.40 540.90 9/2/2030 8,156.11 1,450.30 5,885.19 909.40 2,270.92 540.90 3,352.72 3/2/2031 1,238.24 788.01 450.23 9/2/2031 8,593.50 1,238.24 6,143.31 788.01 2,450.19 450.23 3,350.65 3/2/2032 1,014.81 661.31 353.50 9/2/2032 9,030.90 1,014.81 6,401.43 661.31 2,629.47 353.50 3,336.47 3/2/2033 780.00 525.28 254.72 9/2/2033 9,494.02 780.00 6,659.55 525.28 2,834.47 254.72 3,343.91 3/2/2034 533.16 358.79 174.37 9/2/2034 9,982.87 533.16 6,995.11 358.79 2,987.76 174.37 3,336.50 3/2/2035 273.60 183.91 89.69 9/2/2035 10,523.18 273.60 7,356.48 183.91 3,166.70 89.69 3,346.08 Totals $147,813.40 $102,996.48 $113,264.04 $62,297.07 $34,549.38 $40,699.41 $75,248.79 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$115,882.62 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $3,764.32 $3,781.90 $0.00 $2,569.43 $3,764.32 $1,212.47 $4,976.79 3/2/2014 3,704.73 2,181.59 1,523.14 9/2/2014 3,922.26 3,704.73 6,945.56 2,181.59 (3,023.30)1,523.14 22.98 3/2/2015 3,621.38 2,112.13 1,509.25 9/2/2015 4,080.20 3,621.38 3,697.26 2,112.13 382.94 1,509.25 3,401.44 3/2/2016 3,531.62 2,075.16 1,456.46 9/2/2016 4,264.47 3,531.62 3,776.48 2,075.16 487.99 1,456.46 3,400.91 3/2/2017 3,435.67 2,018.51 1,417.16 9/2/2017 4,448.74 3,435.67 3,829.30 2,018.51 619.44 1,417.16 3,453.76 3/2/2018 3,334.46 1,961.08 1,373.38 9/2/2018 4,659.33 3,334.46 3,961.35 1,961.08 697.98 1,373.38 3,444.74 3/2/2019 3,226.13 1,901.65 1,324.48 9/2/2019 4,869.92 3,226.13 4,066.98 1,901.65 802.94 1,324.48 3,451.90 3/2/2020 3,110.47 1,840.65 1,269.82 9/2/2020 5,106.83 3,110.47 4,199.03 1,840.65 907.80 1,269.82 3,447.44 3/2/2021 2,986.63 1,777.66 1,208.97 9/2/2021 5,343.75 2,986.63 4,331.07 1,777.66 1,012.68 1,208.97 3,430.62 3/2/2022 2,856.37 1,709.45 1,146.92 9/2/2022 5,606.99 2,856.37 4,463.12 1,709.45 1,143.87 1,146.92 3,437.71 3/2/2023 2,716.20 1,634.14 1,082.06 9/2/2023 5,896.55 2,716.20 4,621.57 1,634.14 1,274.98 1,082.06 3,439.10 3/2/2024 2,567.31 1,552.10 1,015.21 9/2/2024 6,186.11 2,567.31 4,780.03 1,552.10 1,406.08 1,015.21 3,436.50 3/2/2025 2,411.11 1,463.67 947.44 9/2/2025 6,502.00 2,411.11 4,964.89 1,463.67 1,537.11 947.44 3,431.99 3/2/2026 2,243.68 1,369.34 874.34 9/2/2026 6,817.89 2,243.68 5,149.75 1,369.34 1,668.14 874.34 3,416.82 3/2/2027 2,068.12 1,268.92 799.20 9/2/2027 7,186.42 2,068.12 5,361.02 1,268.92 1,825.40 799.20 3,423.80 3/2/2028 1,883.07 1,161.70 721.37 9/2/2028 7,554.96 1,883.07 5,572.30 1,161.70 1,982.66 721.37 3,425.40 3/2/2029 1,688.53 1,050.25 638.28 9/2/2029 7,949.81 1,688.53 5,809.98 1,050.25 2,139.83 638.28 3,416.39 3/2/2030 1,483.82 930.42 553.40 9/2/2030 8,344.67 1,483.82 6,021.25 930.42 2,323.42 553.40 3,430.22 3/2/2031 1,266.86 806.23 460.63 9/2/2031 8,792.18 1,266.86 6,285.34 806.23 2,506.84 460.63 3,428.10 3/2/2032 1,038.27 676.60 361.67 9/2/2032 9,239.68 1,038.27 6,549.43 676.60 2,690.25 361.67 3,413.59 3/2/2033 798.04 537.42 260.62 9/2/2033 9,713.51 798.04 6,813.52 537.42 2,899.99 260.62 3,421.23 3/2/2034 545.48 367.08 178.40 9/2/2034 10,213.67 545.48 7,156.83 367.08 3,056.84 178.40 3,413.64 3/2/2035 279.93 188.16 91.77 9/2/2035 10,766.47 279.93 7,526.56 188.16 3,239.91 91.77 3,423.45 Totals $151,230.73 $105,377.66 $115,882.62 $63,737.25 $35,348.11 $41,640.41 $76,988.52 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$121,139.73 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $3,935.09 $3,953.47 $0.00 $2,685.99 $3,935.09 $1,267.48 $5,202.57 3/2/2014 3,872.80 2,280.56 1,592.24 9/2/2014 4,100.20 3,872.80 7,260.65 2,280.56 (3,160.45)1,592.24 24.03 3/2/2015 3,785.67 2,207.95 1,577.72 9/2/2015 4,265.30 3,785.67 3,864.99 2,207.95 400.31 1,577.72 3,555.75 3/2/2016 3,691.83 2,169.30 1,522.53 9/2/2016 4,457.93 3,691.83 3,947.81 2,169.30 510.12 1,522.53 3,555.18 3/2/2017 3,591.53 2,110.09 1,481.44 9/2/2017 4,650.56 3,591.53 4,003.02 2,110.09 647.54 1,481.44 3,610.42 3/2/2018 3,485.73 2,050.04 1,435.69 9/2/2018 4,870.70 3,485.73 4,141.06 2,050.04 729.64 1,435.69 3,601.02 3/2/2019 3,372.48 1,987.92 1,384.56 9/2/2019 5,090.85 3,372.48 4,251.49 1,987.92 839.36 1,384.56 3,608.48 3/2/2020 3,251.58 1,924.15 1,327.43 9/2/2020 5,338.51 3,251.58 4,389.52 1,924.15 948.99 1,327.43 3,603.85 3/2/2021 3,122.12 1,858.31 1,263.81 9/2/2021 5,586.17 3,122.12 4,527.56 1,858.31 1,058.61 1,263.81 3,586.23 3/2/2022 2,985.95 1,787.00 1,198.95 9/2/2022 5,861.35 2,985.95 4,665.59 1,787.00 1,195.76 1,198.95 3,593.66 3/2/2023 2,839.42 1,708.27 1,131.15 9/2/2023 6,164.05 2,839.42 4,831.23 1,708.27 1,332.82 1,131.15 3,595.12 3/2/2024 2,683.78 1,622.51 1,061.27 9/2/2024 6,466.75 2,683.78 4,996.88 1,622.51 1,469.87 1,061.27 3,592.41 3/2/2025 2,520.49 1,530.07 990.42 9/2/2025 6,796.97 2,520.49 5,190.12 1,530.07 1,606.85 990.42 3,587.69 3/2/2026 2,345.47 1,431.46 914.01 9/2/2026 7,127.19 2,345.47 5,383.37 1,431.46 1,743.82 914.01 3,571.84 3/2/2027 2,161.95 1,326.48 835.47 9/2/2027 7,512.44 2,161.95 5,604.23 1,326.48 1,908.21 835.47 3,579.15 3/2/2028 1,968.50 1,214.40 754.10 9/2/2028 7,897.69 1,968.50 5,825.09 1,214.40 2,072.60 754.10 3,580.80 3/2/2029 1,765.13 1,097.90 667.23 9/2/2029 8,310.46 1,765.13 6,073.55 1,097.90 2,236.91 667.23 3,571.37 3/2/2030 1,551.14 972.63 578.51 9/2/2030 8,723.24 1,551.14 6,294.41 972.63 2,428.83 578.51 3,585.85 3/2/2031 1,324.34 842.81 481.53 9/2/2031 9,191.04 1,324.34 6,570.48 842.81 2,620.56 481.53 3,583.62 3/2/2032 1,085.37 707.29 378.08 9/2/2032 9,658.85 1,085.37 6,846.55 707.29 2,812.30 378.08 3,568.46 3/2/2033 834.24 561.80 272.44 9/2/2033 10,154.18 834.24 7,122.62 561.80 3,031.56 272.44 3,576.44 3/2/2034 570.23 383.74 186.49 9/2/2034 10,677.02 570.23 7,481.51 383.74 3,195.51 186.49 3,568.49 3/2/2035 292.63 196.70 95.93 9/2/2035 11,254.90 292.63 7,868.01 196.70 3,386.89 95.93 3,578.75 Totals $158,091.44 $110,158.23 $121,139.73 $66,628.75 $36,951.70 $43,529.48 $80,481.18 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$124,423.72 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $4,041.76 $4,060.64 $0.00 $2,758.81 $4,041.76 $1,301.83 $5,343.59 3/2/2014 3,977.78 2,342.38 1,635.40 9/2/2014 4,211.35 3,977.78 7,457.48 2,342.38 (3,246.13)1,635.40 24.67 3/2/2015 3,888.29 2,267.81 1,620.48 9/2/2015 4,380.93 3,888.29 3,969.76 2,267.81 411.17 1,620.48 3,652.13 3/2/2016 3,791.91 2,228.11 1,563.80 9/2/2016 4,578.78 3,791.91 4,054.83 2,228.11 523.95 1,563.80 3,651.55 3/2/2017 3,688.89 2,167.29 1,521.60 9/2/2017 4,776.63 3,688.89 4,111.54 2,167.29 665.09 1,521.60 3,708.29 3/2/2018 3,580.22 2,105.62 1,474.60 9/2/2018 5,002.74 3,580.22 4,253.32 2,105.62 749.42 1,474.60 3,698.62 3/2/2019 3,463.91 2,041.82 1,422.09 9/2/2019 5,228.86 3,463.91 4,366.74 2,041.82 862.12 1,422.09 3,706.30 3/2/2020 3,339.72 1,976.31 1,363.41 9/2/2020 5,483.23 3,339.72 4,508.52 1,976.31 974.71 1,363.41 3,701.53 3/2/2021 3,206.75 1,908.69 1,298.06 9/2/2021 5,737.61 3,206.75 4,650.29 1,908.69 1,087.32 1,298.06 3,683.44 3/2/2022 3,066.90 1,835.44 1,231.46 9/2/2022 6,020.25 3,066.90 4,792.07 1,835.44 1,228.18 1,231.46 3,691.10 3/2/2023 2,916.39 1,754.58 1,161.81 9/2/2023 6,331.15 2,916.39 4,962.20 1,754.58 1,368.95 1,161.81 3,692.57 3/2/2024 2,756.53 1,666.50 1,090.03 9/2/2024 6,642.06 2,756.53 5,132.34 1,666.50 1,509.72 1,090.03 3,689.78 3/2/2025 2,588.82 1,571.55 1,017.27 9/2/2025 6,981.23 2,588.82 5,330.82 1,571.55 1,650.41 1,017.27 3,684.95 3/2/2026 2,409.05 1,470.27 938.78 9/2/2026 7,320.40 2,409.05 5,529.31 1,470.27 1,791.09 938.78 3,668.65 3/2/2027 2,220.55 1,362.44 858.11 9/2/2027 7,716.09 2,220.55 5,756.16 1,362.44 1,959.93 858.11 3,676.15 3/2/2028 2,021.86 1,247.32 774.54 9/2/2028 8,111.79 2,021.86 5,983.00 1,247.32 2,128.79 774.54 3,677.87 3/2/2029 1,812.99 1,127.66 685.33 9/2/2029 8,535.75 1,812.99 6,238.20 1,127.66 2,297.55 685.33 3,668.21 3/2/2030 1,593.19 999.00 594.19 9/2/2030 8,959.71 1,593.19 6,465.04 999.00 2,494.67 594.19 3,683.05 3/2/2031 1,360.24 865.66 494.58 9/2/2031 9,440.20 1,360.24 6,748.60 865.66 2,691.60 494.58 3,680.76 3/2/2032 1,114.79 726.47 388.32 9/2/2032 9,920.69 1,114.79 7,032.15 726.47 2,888.54 388.32 3,665.18 3/2/2033 856.85 577.03 279.82 9/2/2033 10,429.45 856.85 7,315.71 577.03 3,113.74 279.82 3,673.38 3/2/2034 585.69 394.14 191.55 9/2/2034 10,966.46 585.69 7,684.33 394.14 3,282.13 191.55 3,665.23 3/2/2035 300.56 202.03 98.53 9/2/2035 11,560.01 300.56 8,081.30 202.03 3,478.71 98.53 3,675.77 Totals $162,377.13 $113,144.40 $124,423.72 $68,435.05 $37,953.42 $44,709.35 $82,662.77 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$128,226.91 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $4,165.31 $4,184.76 $0.00 $2,843.13 $4,165.31 $1,341.63 $5,506.94 3/2/2014 4,099.37 2,413.98 1,685.39 9/2/2014 4,340.07 4,099.37 7,685.43 2,413.98 (3,345.36)1,685.39 25.42 3/2/2015 4,007.14 2,337.13 1,670.01 9/2/2015 4,514.84 4,007.14 4,091.10 2,337.13 423.74 1,670.01 3,763.76 3/2/2016 3,907.82 2,296.22 1,611.60 9/2/2016 4,718.74 3,907.82 4,178.77 2,296.22 539.97 1,611.60 3,763.17 3/2/2017 3,801.65 2,233.53 1,568.12 9/2/2017 4,922.63 3,801.65 4,237.22 2,233.53 685.41 1,568.12 3,821.65 3/2/2018 3,689.66 2,169.98 1,519.68 9/2/2018 5,155.66 3,689.66 4,383.33 2,169.98 772.33 1,519.68 3,811.69 3/2/2019 3,569.79 2,104.23 1,465.56 9/2/2019 5,388.68 3,569.79 4,500.22 2,104.23 888.46 1,465.56 3,819.58 3/2/2020 3,441.81 2,036.72 1,405.09 9/2/2020 5,650.84 3,441.81 4,646.33 2,036.72 1,004.51 1,405.09 3,814.69 3/2/2021 3,304.77 1,967.03 1,337.74 9/2/2021 5,912.99 3,304.77 4,792.44 1,967.03 1,120.55 1,337.74 3,796.03 3/2/2022 3,160.64 1,891.55 1,269.09 9/2/2022 6,204.27 3,160.64 4,938.55 1,891.55 1,265.72 1,269.09 3,803.90 3/2/2023 3,005.54 1,808.21 1,197.33 9/2/2023 6,524.68 3,005.54 5,113.88 1,808.21 1,410.80 1,197.33 3,805.46 3/2/2024 2,840.79 1,717.44 1,123.35 9/2/2024 6,845.08 2,840.79 5,289.21 1,717.44 1,555.87 1,123.35 3,802.57 3/2/2025 2,667.95 1,619.59 1,048.36 9/2/2025 7,194.62 2,667.95 5,493.77 1,619.59 1,700.85 1,048.36 3,797.57 3/2/2026 2,482.69 1,515.21 967.48 9/2/2026 7,544.16 2,482.69 5,698.32 1,515.21 1,845.84 967.48 3,780.80 3/2/2027 2,288.43 1,404.09 884.34 9/2/2027 7,951.95 2,288.43 5,932.10 1,404.09 2,019.85 884.34 3,788.53 3/2/2028 2,083.67 1,285.45 798.22 9/2/2028 8,359.74 2,083.67 6,165.88 1,285.45 2,193.86 798.22 3,790.30 3/2/2029 1,868.40 1,162.13 706.27 9/2/2029 8,796.66 1,868.40 6,428.88 1,162.13 2,367.78 706.27 3,780.32 3/2/2030 1,641.89 1,029.53 612.36 9/2/2030 9,233.58 1,641.89 6,662.66 1,029.53 2,570.92 612.36 3,795.64 3/2/2031 1,401.81 892.12 509.69 9/2/2031 9,728.76 1,401.81 6,954.88 892.12 2,773.88 509.69 3,793.26 3/2/2032 1,148.87 748.67 400.20 9/2/2032 10,223.93 1,148.87 7,247.10 748.67 2,976.83 400.20 3,777.23 3/2/2033 883.04 594.67 288.37 9/2/2033 10,748.24 883.04 7,539.32 594.67 3,208.92 288.37 3,785.66 3/2/2034 603.59 406.19 197.40 9/2/2034 11,301.67 603.59 7,919.21 406.19 3,382.46 197.40 3,777.26 3/2/2035 309.75 208.21 101.54 9/2/2035 11,913.36 309.75 8,328.32 208.21 3,585.04 101.54 3,788.12 Totals $167,340.46 $116,602.90 $128,226.91 $70,526.89 $39,113.54 $46,076.01 $85,189.55 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$136,063.95 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $4,419.88 $4,440.53 $0.00 $3,016.90 $4,419.88 $1,423.63 $5,843.51 3/2/2014 4,349.92 2,561.52 1,788.40 9/2/2014 4,605.33 4,349.92 8,155.15 2,561.52 (3,549.82)1,788.40 26.98 3/2/2015 4,252.06 2,479.97 1,772.09 9/2/2015 4,790.78 4,252.06 4,341.15 2,479.97 449.63 1,772.09 3,993.81 3/2/2016 4,146.66 2,436.56 1,710.10 9/2/2016 5,007.14 4,146.66 4,434.17 2,436.56 572.97 1,710.10 3,993.17 3/2/2017 4,034.00 2,370.05 1,663.95 9/2/2017 5,223.50 4,034.00 4,496.19 2,370.05 727.31 1,663.95 4,055.21 3/2/2018 3,915.16 2,302.60 1,612.56 9/2/2018 5,470.77 3,915.16 4,651.23 2,302.60 819.54 1,612.56 4,044.66 3/2/2019 3,787.97 2,232.83 1,555.14 9/2/2019 5,718.03 3,787.97 4,775.26 2,232.83 942.77 1,555.14 4,053.05 3/2/2020 3,652.16 2,161.21 1,490.95 9/2/2020 5,996.21 3,652.16 4,930.30 2,161.21 1,065.91 1,490.95 4,047.81 3/2/2021 3,506.76 2,087.25 1,419.51 9/2/2021 6,274.38 3,506.76 5,085.34 2,087.25 1,189.04 1,419.51 4,028.06 3/2/2022 3,353.82 2,007.16 1,346.66 9/2/2022 6,583.46 3,353.82 5,240.38 2,007.16 1,343.08 1,346.66 4,036.40 3/2/2023 3,189.23 1,918.72 1,270.51 9/2/2023 6,923.45 3,189.23 5,426.43 1,918.72 1,497.02 1,270.51 4,038.04 3/2/2024 3,014.41 1,822.41 1,192.00 9/2/2024 7,263.45 3,014.41 5,612.48 1,822.41 1,650.97 1,192.00 4,034.97 3/2/2025 2,831.01 1,718.57 1,112.44 9/2/2025 7,634.34 2,831.01 5,829.54 1,718.57 1,804.80 1,112.44 4,029.68 3/2/2026 2,634.43 1,607.81 1,026.62 9/2/2026 8,005.24 2,634.43 6,046.60 1,607.81 1,958.64 1,026.62 4,011.88 3/2/2027 2,428.29 1,489.90 938.39 9/2/2027 8,437.96 2,428.29 6,294.66 1,489.90 2,143.30 938.39 4,020.08 3/2/2028 2,211.02 1,364.01 847.01 9/2/2028 8,870.68 2,211.02 6,542.73 1,364.01 2,327.95 847.01 4,021.97 3/2/2029 1,982.60 1,233.16 749.44 9/2/2029 9,334.30 1,982.60 6,821.80 1,233.16 2,512.50 749.44 4,011.38 3/2/2030 1,742.24 1,092.46 649.78 9/2/2030 9,797.92 1,742.24 7,069.87 1,092.46 2,728.05 649.78 4,027.61 3/2/2031 1,487.49 946.64 540.85 9/2/2031 10,323.37 1,487.49 7,379.95 946.64 2,943.42 540.85 4,025.12 3/2/2032 1,219.08 794.43 424.65 9/2/2032 10,848.81 1,219.08 7,690.03 794.43 3,158.78 424.65 4,008.08 3/2/2033 937.02 631.02 306.00 9/2/2033 11,405.15 937.02 8,000.11 631.02 3,405.04 306.00 4,017.04 3/2/2034 640.48 431.01 209.47 9/2/2034 11,992.41 640.48 8,403.22 431.01 3,589.19 209.47 4,008.13 3/2/2035 328.68 220.93 107.75 9/2/2035 12,641.49 328.68 8,837.34 220.93 3,804.15 107.75 4,019.65 Totals $177,568.05 $123,729.51 $136,063.95 $74,837.34 $41,504.12 $48,892.17 $90,396.29 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$136,916.24 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:2 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $4,447.57 $4,468.34 $0.00 $3,035.80 $4,447.57 $1,432.54 $5,880.11 3/2/2014 4,377.17 2,577.57 1,799.60 9/2/2014 4,634.18 4,377.17 8,206.24 2,577.57 (3,572.06)1,799.60 27.14 3/2/2015 4,278.69 2,495.50 1,783.19 9/2/2015 4,820.79 4,278.69 4,368.34 2,495.50 452.45 1,783.19 4,018.83 3/2/2016 4,172.63 2,451.82 1,720.81 9/2/2016 5,038.51 4,172.63 4,461.95 2,451.82 576.56 1,720.81 4,018.18 3/2/2017 4,059.27 2,384.89 1,674.38 9/2/2017 5,256.22 4,059.27 4,524.35 2,384.89 731.87 1,674.38 4,080.63 3/2/2018 3,939.69 2,317.03 1,622.66 9/2/2018 5,505.03 3,939.69 4,680.36 2,317.03 824.67 1,622.66 4,069.99 3/2/2019 3,811.70 2,246.82 1,564.88 9/2/2019 5,753.85 3,811.70 4,805.17 2,246.82 948.68 1,564.88 4,078.44 3/2/2020 3,675.04 2,174.74 1,500.30 9/2/2020 6,033.77 3,675.04 4,961.19 2,174.74 1,072.58 1,500.30 4,073.18 3/2/2021 3,528.72 2,100.32 1,428.40 9/2/2021 6,313.68 3,528.72 5,117.20 2,100.32 1,196.48 1,428.40 4,053.28 3/2/2022 3,374.83 2,019.73 1,355.10 9/2/2022 6,624.70 3,374.83 5,273.21 2,019.73 1,351.49 1,355.10 4,061.69 3/2/2023 3,209.21 1,930.74 1,278.47 9/2/2023 6,966.82 3,209.21 5,460.42 1,930.74 1,506.40 1,278.47 4,063.34 3/2/2024 3,033.30 1,833.82 1,199.48 9/2/2024 7,308.94 3,033.30 5,647.64 1,833.82 1,661.30 1,199.48 4,060.26 3/2/2025 2,848.75 1,729.34 1,119.41 9/2/2025 7,682.17 2,848.75 5,866.06 1,729.34 1,816.11 1,119.41 4,054.93 3/2/2026 2,650.93 1,617.88 1,033.05 9/2/2026 8,055.39 2,650.93 6,084.47 1,617.88 1,970.92 1,033.05 4,037.02 3/2/2027 2,443.50 1,499.24 944.26 9/2/2027 8,490.81 2,443.50 6,334.09 1,499.24 2,156.72 944.26 4,045.24 3/2/2028 2,224.87 1,372.56 852.31 9/2/2028 8,926.24 2,224.87 6,583.71 1,372.56 2,342.53 852.31 4,047.15 3/2/2029 1,995.01 1,240.88 754.13 9/2/2029 9,392.77 1,995.01 6,864.53 1,240.88 2,528.24 754.13 4,036.50 3/2/2030 1,753.15 1,099.30 653.85 9/2/2030 9,859.30 1,753.15 7,114.15 1,099.30 2,745.15 653.85 4,052.85 3/2/2031 1,496.81 952.57 544.24 9/2/2031 10,388.03 1,496.81 7,426.18 952.57 2,961.85 544.24 4,050.33 3/2/2032 1,226.72 799.41 427.31 9/2/2032 10,916.76 1,226.72 7,738.20 799.41 3,178.56 427.31 4,033.18 3/2/2033 942.88 634.97 307.91 9/2/2033 11,476.60 942.88 8,050.23 634.97 3,426.37 307.91 4,042.19 3/2/2034 644.49 433.71 210.78 9/2/2034 12,067.53 644.49 8,455.86 433.71 3,611.67 210.78 4,033.23 3/2/2035 330.74 222.32 108.42 9/2/2035 12,720.67 330.74 8,892.69 222.32 3,827.98 108.42 4,044.82 Totals $178,680.33 $124,504.54 $136,916.24 $75,306.12 $41,764.09 $49,198.42 $90,962.51 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$139,683.82 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $4,537.47 $4,558.66 $0.00 $3,097.16 $4,537.47 $1,461.50 $5,998.97 3/2/2014 4,465.65 2,629.67 1,835.98 9/2/2014 4,727.85 4,465.65 8,372.12 2,629.67 (3,644.27)1,835.98 27.69 3/2/2015 4,365.18 2,545.95 1,819.23 9/2/2015 4,918.24 4,365.18 4,456.64 2,545.95 461.60 1,819.23 4,100.06 3/2/2016 4,256.98 2,501.38 1,755.60 9/2/2016 5,140.35 4,256.98 4,552.14 2,501.38 588.21 1,755.60 4,099.41 3/2/2017 4,141.32 2,433.10 1,708.22 9/2/2017 5,362.47 4,141.32 4,615.81 2,433.10 746.66 1,708.22 4,163.10 3/2/2018 4,019.32 2,363.86 1,655.46 9/2/2018 5,616.31 4,019.32 4,774.97 2,363.86 841.34 1,655.46 4,152.26 3/2/2019 3,888.74 2,292.24 1,596.50 9/2/2019 5,870.15 3,888.74 4,902.30 2,292.24 967.85 1,596.50 4,160.85 3/2/2020 3,749.33 2,218.70 1,530.63 9/2/2020 6,155.73 3,749.33 5,061.47 2,218.70 1,094.26 1,530.63 4,155.52 3/2/2021 3,600.05 2,142.78 1,457.27 9/2/2021 6,441.31 3,600.05 5,220.64 2,142.78 1,220.67 1,457.27 4,135.21 3/2/2022 3,443.04 2,060.56 1,382.48 9/2/2022 6,758.61 3,443.04 5,379.80 2,060.56 1,378.81 1,382.48 4,143.77 3/2/2023 3,274.08 1,969.77 1,304.31 9/2/2023 7,107.65 3,274.08 5,570.80 1,969.77 1,536.85 1,304.31 4,145.47 3/2/2024 3,094.61 1,870.89 1,223.72 9/2/2024 7,456.68 3,094.61 5,761.80 1,870.89 1,694.88 1,223.72 4,142.32 3/2/2025 2,906.33 1,764.30 1,142.03 9/2/2025 7,837.45 2,906.33 5,984.63 1,764.30 1,852.82 1,142.03 4,136.88 3/2/2026 2,704.52 1,650.59 1,053.93 9/2/2026 8,218.22 2,704.52 6,207.46 1,650.59 2,010.76 1,053.93 4,118.62 3/2/2027 2,492.90 1,529.54 963.36 9/2/2027 8,662.44 2,492.90 6,462.13 1,529.54 2,200.31 963.36 4,127.03 3/2/2028 2,269.84 1,400.30 869.54 9/2/2028 9,106.67 2,269.84 6,716.79 1,400.30 2,389.88 869.54 4,128.96 3/2/2029 2,035.34 1,265.96 769.38 9/2/2029 9,582.63 2,035.34 7,003.29 1,265.96 2,579.34 769.38 4,118.10 3/2/2030 1,788.59 1,121.52 667.07 9/2/2030 10,058.59 1,788.59 7,257.96 1,121.52 2,800.63 667.07 4,134.77 3/2/2031 1,527.07 971.83 555.24 9/2/2031 10,598.01 1,527.07 7,576.29 971.83 3,021.72 555.24 4,132.20 3/2/2032 1,251.52 815.57 435.95 9/2/2032 11,137.43 1,251.52 7,894.62 815.57 3,242.81 435.95 4,114.71 3/2/2033 961.94 647.80 314.14 9/2/2033 11,708.58 961.94 8,212.95 647.80 3,495.63 314.14 4,123.91 3/2/2034 657.52 442.48 215.04 9/2/2034 12,311.46 657.52 8,626.78 442.48 3,684.68 215.04 4,114.76 3/2/2035 337.42 226.81 110.61 9/2/2035 12,977.80 337.42 9,072.44 226.81 3,905.36 110.61 4,126.58 Totals $182,292.10 $127,021.24 $139,683.82 $76,828.36 $42,608.27 $50,192.88 $92,801.15 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$149,330.83 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $4,850.84 $4,873.50 $0.00 $3,311.06 $4,850.84 $1,562.44 $6,413.28 3/2/2014 4,774.06 2,811.28 1,962.78 9/2/2014 5,054.38 4,774.06 8,950.32 2,811.28 (3,895.94)1,962.78 29.62 3/2/2015 4,666.65 2,721.78 1,944.87 9/2/2015 5,257.91 4,666.65 4,764.43 2,721.78 493.48 1,944.87 4,383.22 3/2/2016 4,550.98 2,674.13 1,876.85 9/2/2016 5,495.36 4,550.98 4,866.52 2,674.13 628.84 1,876.85 4,382.54 3/2/2017 4,427.33 2,601.14 1,826.19 9/2/2017 5,732.81 4,427.33 4,934.59 2,601.14 798.22 1,826.19 4,450.60 3/2/2018 4,296.91 2,527.12 1,769.79 9/2/2018 6,004.19 4,296.91 5,104.75 2,527.12 899.44 1,769.79 4,439.02 3/2/2019 4,157.31 2,450.55 1,706.76 9/2/2019 6,275.57 4,157.31 5,240.87 2,450.55 1,034.70 1,706.76 4,448.22 3/2/2020 4,008.27 2,371.93 1,636.34 9/2/2020 6,580.86 4,008.27 5,411.03 2,371.93 1,169.83 1,636.34 4,442.51 3/2/2021 3,848.68 2,290.77 1,557.91 9/2/2021 6,886.16 3,848.68 5,581.19 2,290.77 1,304.97 1,557.91 4,420.79 3/2/2022 3,680.83 2,202.86 1,477.97 9/2/2022 7,225.38 3,680.83 5,751.35 2,202.86 1,474.03 1,477.97 4,429.97 3/2/2023 3,500.20 2,105.81 1,394.39 9/2/2023 7,598.52 3,500.20 5,955.54 2,105.81 1,642.98 1,394.39 4,431.76 3/2/2024 3,308.33 2,000.10 1,308.23 9/2/2024 7,971.67 3,308.33 6,159.73 2,000.10 1,811.94 1,308.23 4,428.40 3/2/2025 3,107.05 1,886.14 1,220.91 9/2/2025 8,378.73 3,107.05 6,397.95 1,886.14 1,980.78 1,220.91 4,422.60 3/2/2026 2,891.30 1,764.58 1,126.72 9/2/2026 8,785.79 2,891.30 6,636.17 1,764.58 2,149.62 1,126.72 4,403.06 3/2/2027 2,665.06 1,635.18 1,029.88 9/2/2027 9,260.70 2,665.06 6,908.42 1,635.18 2,352.28 1,029.88 4,412.04 3/2/2028 2,426.60 1,497.01 929.59 9/2/2028 9,735.61 2,426.60 7,180.68 1,497.01 2,554.93 929.59 4,414.11 3/2/2029 2,175.91 1,353.40 822.51 9/2/2029 10,244.44 2,175.91 7,486.96 1,353.40 2,757.48 822.51 4,402.50 3/2/2030 1,912.11 1,198.98 713.13 9/2/2030 10,753.27 1,912.11 7,759.21 1,198.98 2,994.06 713.13 4,420.32 3/2/2031 1,632.53 1,038.94 593.59 9/2/2031 11,329.94 1,632.53 8,099.53 1,038.94 3,230.41 593.59 4,417.59 3/2/2032 1,337.95 871.89 466.06 9/2/2032 11,906.62 1,337.95 8,439.85 871.89 3,466.77 466.06 4,398.89 3/2/2033 1,028.38 692.54 335.84 9/2/2033 12,517.21 1,028.38 8,780.16 692.54 3,737.05 335.84 4,408.73 3/2/2034 702.93 473.04 229.89 9/2/2034 13,161.73 702.93 9,222.57 473.04 3,939.16 229.89 4,398.94 3/2/2035 360.73 242.48 118.25 9/2/2035 13,874.09 360.73 9,699.02 242.48 4,175.07 118.25 4,411.57 Totals $194,881.78 $135,793.70 $149,330.83 $82,134.36 $45,550.94 $53,659.34 $99,210.28 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$149,595.32 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $4,859.43 $4,882.13 $0.00 $3,316.93 $4,859.43 $1,565.20 $6,424.63 3/2/2014 4,782.51 2,816.26 1,966.25 9/2/2014 5,063.33 4,782.51 8,966.17 2,816.26 (3,902.84)1,966.25 29.66 3/2/2015 4,674.92 2,726.60 1,948.32 9/2/2015 5,267.22 4,674.92 4,772.87 2,726.60 494.35 1,948.32 4,390.99 3/2/2016 4,559.04 2,678.87 1,880.17 9/2/2016 5,505.09 4,559.04 4,875.14 2,678.87 629.95 1,880.17 4,390.29 3/2/2017 4,435.17 2,605.74 1,829.43 9/2/2017 5,742.97 4,435.17 4,943.33 2,605.74 799.64 1,829.43 4,458.50 3/2/2018 4,304.52 2,531.59 1,772.93 9/2/2018 6,014.83 4,304.52 5,113.79 2,531.59 901.04 1,772.93 4,446.90 3/2/2019 4,164.68 2,454.89 1,709.79 9/2/2019 6,286.68 4,164.68 5,250.15 2,454.89 1,036.53 1,709.79 4,456.11 3/2/2020 4,015.37 2,376.13 1,639.24 9/2/2020 6,592.52 4,015.37 5,420.61 2,376.13 1,171.91 1,639.24 4,450.39 3/2/2021 3,855.50 2,294.82 1,560.68 9/2/2021 6,898.36 3,855.50 5,591.07 2,294.82 1,307.29 1,560.68 4,428.65 3/2/2022 3,687.35 2,206.77 1,480.58 9/2/2022 7,238.18 3,687.35 5,761.53 2,206.77 1,476.65 1,480.58 4,437.81 3/2/2023 3,506.40 2,109.54 1,396.86 9/2/2023 7,611.98 3,506.40 5,966.08 2,109.54 1,645.90 1,396.86 4,439.62 3/2/2024 3,314.19 2,003.64 1,310.55 9/2/2024 7,985.78 3,314.19 6,170.64 2,003.64 1,815.14 1,310.55 4,436.24 3/2/2025 3,112.55 1,889.48 1,223.07 9/2/2025 8,393.57 3,112.55 6,409.28 1,889.48 1,984.29 1,223.07 4,430.43 3/2/2026 2,896.42 1,767.71 1,128.71 9/2/2026 8,801.35 2,896.42 6,647.92 1,767.71 2,153.43 1,128.71 4,410.85 3/2/2027 2,669.78 1,638.07 1,031.71 9/2/2027 9,277.10 2,669.78 6,920.66 1,638.07 2,356.44 1,031.71 4,419.86 3/2/2028 2,430.90 1,499.66 931.24 9/2/2028 9,752.85 2,430.90 7,193.39 1,499.66 2,559.46 931.24 4,421.94 3/2/2029 2,179.76 1,355.79 823.97 9/2/2029 10,262.58 2,179.76 7,500.22 1,355.79 2,762.36 823.97 4,410.30 3/2/2030 1,915.50 1,201.10 714.40 9/2/2030 10,772.31 1,915.50 7,772.96 1,201.10 2,999.35 714.40 4,428.15 3/2/2031 1,635.42 1,040.78 594.64 9/2/2031 11,350.01 1,635.42 8,113.88 1,040.78 3,236.13 594.64 4,425.41 3/2/2032 1,340.32 873.43 466.89 9/2/2032 11,927.70 1,340.32 8,454.79 873.43 3,472.91 466.89 4,406.69 3/2/2033 1,030.20 693.77 336.43 9/2/2033 12,539.38 1,030.20 8,795.71 693.77 3,743.67 336.43 4,416.53 3/2/2034 704.18 473.88 230.30 9/2/2034 13,185.04 704.18 9,238.91 473.88 3,946.13 230.30 4,406.73 3/2/2035 361.37 242.90 118.47 9/2/2035 13,898.66 361.37 9,716.20 242.90 4,182.46 118.47 4,419.40 Totals $195,226.92 $136,034.23 $149,595.32 $82,279.77 $45,631.62 $53,754.46 $99,386.08 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$158,015.39 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $5,132.95 $5,156.92 $0.00 $3,503.62 $5,132.95 $1,653.30 $6,786.25 3/2/2014 5,051.70 2,974.78 2,076.92 9/2/2014 5,348.32 5,051.70 9,470.84 2,974.78 (4,122.52)2,076.92 31.32 3/2/2015 4,938.05 2,880.07 2,057.98 9/2/2015 5,563.69 4,938.05 5,041.51 2,880.07 522.18 2,057.98 4,638.14 3/2/2016 4,815.65 2,829.65 1,986.00 9/2/2016 5,814.95 4,815.65 5,149.54 2,829.65 665.41 1,986.00 4,637.41 3/2/2017 4,684.81 2,752.41 1,932.40 9/2/2017 6,066.22 4,684.81 5,221.57 2,752.41 844.65 1,932.40 4,709.45 3/2/2018 4,546.80 2,674.09 1,872.71 9/2/2018 6,353.37 4,546.80 5,401.62 2,674.09 951.75 1,872.71 4,697.17 3/2/2019 4,399.09 2,593.06 1,806.03 9/2/2019 6,640.53 4,399.09 5,545.66 2,593.06 1,094.87 1,806.03 4,706.93 3/2/2020 4,241.37 2,509.88 1,731.49 9/2/2020 6,963.58 4,241.37 5,725.72 2,509.88 1,237.86 1,731.49 4,700.84 3/2/2021 4,072.51 2,423.99 1,648.52 9/2/2021 7,286.64 4,072.51 5,905.77 2,423.99 1,380.87 1,648.52 4,677.91 3/2/2022 3,894.90 2,330.97 1,563.93 9/2/2022 7,645.59 3,894.90 6,085.83 2,330.97 1,559.76 1,563.93 4,687.62 3/2/2023 3,703.76 2,228.28 1,475.48 9/2/2023 8,040.43 3,703.76 6,301.89 2,228.28 1,738.54 1,475.48 4,689.50 3/2/2024 3,500.74 2,116.42 1,384.32 9/2/2024 8,435.27 3,500.74 6,517.95 2,116.42 1,917.32 1,384.32 4,685.96 3/2/2025 3,287.75 1,995.84 1,291.91 9/2/2025 8,866.01 3,287.75 6,770.03 1,995.84 2,095.98 1,291.91 4,679.80 3/2/2026 3,059.45 1,867.20 1,192.25 9/2/2026 9,296.74 3,059.45 7,022.11 1,867.20 2,274.63 1,192.25 4,659.13 3/2/2027 2,820.05 1,730.27 1,089.78 9/2/2027 9,799.27 2,820.05 7,310.19 1,730.27 2,489.08 1,089.78 4,668.64 3/2/2028 2,567.72 1,584.07 983.65 9/2/2028 10,301.80 2,567.72 7,598.28 1,584.07 2,703.52 983.65 4,670.82 3/2/2029 2,302.45 1,432.10 870.35 9/2/2029 10,840.22 2,302.45 7,922.38 1,432.10 2,917.84 870.35 4,658.54 3/2/2030 2,023.32 1,268.71 754.61 9/2/2030 11,378.64 2,023.32 8,210.46 1,268.71 3,168.18 754.61 4,677.40 3/2/2031 1,727.47 1,099.36 628.11 9/2/2031 11,988.85 1,727.47 8,570.57 1,099.36 3,418.28 628.11 4,674.50 3/2/2032 1,415.76 922.60 493.16 9/2/2032 12,599.06 1,415.76 8,930.68 922.60 3,668.38 493.16 4,654.70 3/2/2033 1,088.19 732.82 355.37 9/2/2033 13,245.17 1,088.19 9,290.79 732.82 3,954.38 355.37 4,665.12 3/2/2034 743.81 500.55 243.26 9/2/2034 13,927.17 743.81 9,758.93 500.55 4,168.24 243.26 4,654.76 3/2/2035 381.70 256.58 125.12 9/2/2035 14,680.96 381.70 10,263.08 256.58 4,417.88 125.12 4,668.12 Totals $206,215.43 $143,691.02 $158,015.39 $86,911.02 $48,200.03 $56,780.00 $104,980.03 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$163,204.94 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $5,301.53 $5,326.29 $0.00 $3,618.69 $5,301.53 $1,707.60 $7,009.13 3/2/2014 5,217.61 3,072.47 2,145.14 9/2/2014 5,523.97 5,217.61 9,781.88 3,072.47 (4,257.91)2,145.14 32.37 3/2/2015 5,100.22 2,974.65 2,125.57 9/2/2015 5,746.41 5,100.22 5,207.09 2,974.65 539.32 2,125.57 4,790.46 3/2/2016 4,973.80 2,922.58 2,051.22 9/2/2016 6,005.93 4,973.80 5,318.67 2,922.58 687.26 2,051.22 4,789.70 3/2/2017 4,838.67 2,842.80 1,995.87 9/2/2017 6,265.44 4,838.67 5,393.05 2,842.80 872.39 1,995.87 4,864.13 3/2/2018 4,696.13 2,761.91 1,934.22 9/2/2018 6,562.03 4,696.13 5,579.02 2,761.91 983.01 1,934.22 4,851.45 3/2/2019 4,543.56 2,678.22 1,865.34 9/2/2019 6,858.62 4,543.56 5,727.79 2,678.22 1,130.83 1,865.34 4,861.51 3/2/2020 4,380.67 2,592.31 1,788.36 9/2/2020 7,192.28 4,380.67 5,913.76 2,592.31 1,278.52 1,788.36 4,855.24 3/2/2021 4,206.26 2,503.60 1,702.66 9/2/2021 7,525.95 4,206.26 6,099.73 2,503.60 1,426.22 1,702.66 4,831.54 3/2/2022 4,022.81 2,407.53 1,615.28 9/2/2022 7,896.68 4,022.81 6,285.70 2,407.53 1,610.98 1,615.28 4,841.54 3/2/2023 3,825.40 2,301.46 1,523.94 9/2/2023 8,304.49 3,825.40 6,508.86 2,301.46 1,795.63 1,523.94 4,843.51 3/2/2024 3,615.71 2,185.93 1,429.78 9/2/2024 8,712.30 3,615.71 6,732.02 2,185.93 1,980.28 1,429.78 4,839.84 3/2/2025 3,395.72 2,061.38 1,334.34 9/2/2025 9,157.19 3,395.72 6,992.37 2,061.38 2,164.82 1,334.34 4,833.50 3/2/2026 3,159.92 1,928.53 1,231.39 9/2/2026 9,602.07 3,159.92 7,252.73 1,928.53 2,349.34 1,231.39 4,812.12 3/2/2027 2,912.67 1,787.10 1,125.57 9/2/2027 10,121.10 2,912.67 7,550.27 1,787.10 2,570.83 1,125.57 4,821.97 3/2/2028 2,652.05 1,636.09 1,015.96 9/2/2028 10,640.13 2,652.05 7,847.82 1,636.09 2,792.31 1,015.96 4,824.23 3/2/2029 2,378.07 1,479.14 898.93 9/2/2029 11,196.23 2,378.07 8,182.56 1,479.14 3,013.67 898.93 4,811.53 3/2/2030 2,089.77 1,310.37 779.40 9/2/2030 11,752.34 2,089.77 8,480.11 1,310.37 3,272.23 779.40 4,831.03 3/2/2031 1,784.21 1,135.47 648.74 9/2/2031 12,382.59 1,784.21 8,852.05 1,135.47 3,530.54 648.74 4,828.02 3/2/2032 1,462.26 952.90 509.36 9/2/2032 13,012.84 1,462.26 9,223.98 952.90 3,788.86 509.36 4,807.58 3/2/2033 1,123.92 756.89 367.03 9/2/2033 13,680.17 1,123.92 9,595.91 756.89 4,084.26 367.03 4,818.32 3/2/2034 768.24 516.99 251.25 9/2/2034 14,384.57 768.24 10,079.43 516.99 4,305.14 251.25 4,807.64 3/2/2035 394.24 265.00 129.24 9/2/2035 15,163.11 394.24 10,600.14 265.00 4,562.97 129.24 4,821.45 Totals $212,987.97 $148,410.11 $163,204.94 $89,765.33 $49,783.03 $58,644.78 $108,427.81 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$175,227.48 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $5,692.07 $5,718.65 $0.00 $3,885.26 $5,692.07 $1,833.39 $7,525.46 3/2/2014 5,601.96 3,298.81 2,303.15 9/2/2014 5,930.89 5,601.96 10,502.47 3,298.81 (4,571.58)2,303.15 34.72 3/2/2015 5,475.93 3,193.78 2,282.15 9/2/2015 6,169.72 5,475.93 5,590.67 3,193.78 579.05 2,282.15 5,143.35 3/2/2016 5,340.20 3,137.88 2,202.32 9/2/2016 6,448.36 5,340.20 5,710.47 3,137.88 737.89 2,202.32 5,142.53 3/2/2017 5,195.11 3,052.22 2,142.89 9/2/2017 6,726.99 5,195.11 5,790.33 3,052.22 936.66 2,142.89 5,222.44 3/2/2018 5,042.07 2,965.36 2,076.71 9/2/2018 7,045.43 5,042.07 5,990.00 2,965.36 1,055.43 2,076.71 5,208.85 3/2/2019 4,878.27 2,875.51 2,002.76 9/2/2019 7,363.86 4,878.27 6,149.73 2,875.51 1,214.13 2,002.76 5,219.65 3/2/2020 4,703.37 2,783.27 1,920.10 9/2/2020 7,722.10 4,703.37 6,349.40 2,783.27 1,372.70 1,920.10 5,212.90 3/2/2021 4,516.11 2,688.03 1,828.08 9/2/2021 8,080.35 4,516.11 6,549.07 2,688.03 1,531.28 1,828.08 5,187.44 3/2/2022 4,319.15 2,584.88 1,734.27 9/2/2022 8,478.39 4,319.15 6,748.73 2,584.88 1,729.66 1,734.27 5,198.20 3/2/2023 4,107.19 2,470.99 1,636.20 9/2/2023 8,916.24 4,107.19 6,988.33 2,470.99 1,927.91 1,636.20 5,200.31 3/2/2024 3,882.06 2,346.95 1,535.11 9/2/2024 9,354.10 3,882.06 7,227.93 2,346.95 2,126.17 1,535.11 5,196.39 3/2/2025 3,645.87 2,213.24 1,432.63 9/2/2025 9,831.75 3,645.87 7,507.47 2,213.24 2,324.28 1,432.63 5,189.54 3/2/2026 3,392.70 2,070.59 1,322.11 9/2/2026 10,309.41 3,392.70 7,787.00 2,070.59 2,522.41 1,322.11 5,166.63 3/2/2027 3,127.23 1,918.75 1,208.48 9/2/2027 10,866.67 3,127.23 8,106.47 1,918.75 2,760.20 1,208.48 5,177.16 3/2/2028 2,847.42 1,756.62 1,090.80 9/2/2028 11,423.94 2,847.42 8,425.93 1,756.62 2,998.01 1,090.80 5,179.61 3/2/2029 2,553.25 1,588.10 965.15 9/2/2029 12,021.01 2,553.25 8,785.33 1,588.10 3,235.68 965.15 5,165.98 3/2/2030 2,243.71 1,406.90 836.81 9/2/2030 12,618.08 2,243.71 9,104.80 1,406.90 3,513.28 836.81 5,186.90 3/2/2031 1,915.64 1,219.11 696.53 9/2/2031 13,294.76 1,915.64 9,504.13 1,219.11 3,790.63 696.53 5,183.69 3/2/2032 1,569.98 1,023.09 546.89 9/2/2032 13,971.44 1,569.98 9,903.47 1,023.09 4,067.97 546.89 5,161.75 3/2/2033 1,206.72 812.64 394.08 9/2/2033 14,687.92 1,206.72 10,302.80 812.64 4,385.12 394.08 5,173.28 3/2/2034 824.83 555.07 269.76 9/2/2034 15,444.21 824.83 10,821.93 555.07 4,622.28 269.76 5,161.80 3/2/2035 423.28 284.53 138.75 9/2/2035 16,280.11 423.28 11,381.00 284.53 4,899.11 138.75 5,176.61 Totals $228,677.80 $159,342.75 $175,227.48 $96,377.90 $53,450.34 $62,964.85 $116,415.19 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$176,190.87 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $5,723.36 $5,750.09 $0.00 $3,906.62 $5,723.36 $1,843.47 $7,566.83 3/2/2014 5,632.76 3,316.94 2,315.82 9/2/2014 5,963.50 5,632.76 10,560.21 3,316.94 (4,596.71)2,315.82 34.93 3/2/2015 5,506.04 3,211.34 2,294.70 9/2/2015 6,203.64 5,506.04 5,621.40 3,211.34 582.24 2,294.70 5,171.64 3/2/2016 5,369.56 3,155.13 2,214.43 9/2/2016 6,483.81 5,369.56 5,741.86 3,155.13 741.95 2,214.43 5,170.81 3/2/2017 5,223.67 3,069.00 2,154.67 9/2/2017 6,763.97 5,223.67 5,822.17 3,069.00 941.80 2,154.67 5,251.14 3/2/2018 5,069.79 2,981.67 2,088.12 9/2/2018 7,084.16 5,069.79 6,022.93 2,981.67 1,061.23 2,088.12 5,237.47 3/2/2019 4,905.09 2,891.32 2,013.77 9/2/2019 7,404.35 4,905.09 6,183.54 2,891.32 1,220.81 2,013.77 5,248.35 3/2/2020 4,729.23 2,798.57 1,930.66 9/2/2020 7,764.56 4,729.23 6,384.31 2,798.57 1,380.25 1,930.66 5,241.57 3/2/2021 4,540.94 2,702.81 1,838.13 9/2/2021 8,124.77 4,540.94 6,585.07 2,702.81 1,539.70 1,838.13 5,215.96 3/2/2022 4,342.90 2,599.09 1,743.81 9/2/2022 8,525.01 4,342.90 6,785.84 2,599.09 1,739.17 1,743.81 5,226.79 3/2/2023 4,129.78 2,484.58 1,645.20 9/2/2023 8,965.27 4,129.78 7,026.76 2,484.58 1,938.51 1,645.20 5,228.91 3/2/2024 3,903.40 2,359.86 1,543.54 9/2/2024 9,405.52 3,903.40 7,267.67 2,359.86 2,137.85 1,543.54 5,224.93 3/2/2025 3,665.91 2,225.40 1,440.51 9/2/2025 9,885.81 3,665.91 7,548.74 2,225.40 2,337.07 1,440.51 5,218.09 3/2/2026 3,411.35 2,081.98 1,329.37 9/2/2026 10,366.09 3,411.35 7,829.81 2,081.98 2,536.28 1,329.37 5,195.02 3/2/2027 3,144.43 1,929.30 1,215.13 9/2/2027 10,926.42 3,144.43 8,151.04 1,929.30 2,775.38 1,215.13 5,205.64 3/2/2028 2,863.07 1,766.28 1,096.79 9/2/2028 11,486.75 2,863.07 8,472.26 1,766.28 3,014.49 1,096.79 5,208.07 3/2/2029 2,567.29 1,596.83 970.46 9/2/2029 12,087.10 2,567.29 8,833.64 1,596.83 3,253.46 970.46 5,194.38 3/2/2030 2,256.05 1,414.64 841.41 9/2/2030 12,687.45 2,256.05 9,154.86 1,414.64 3,532.59 841.41 5,215.41 3/2/2031 1,926.17 1,225.82 700.35 9/2/2031 13,367.85 1,926.17 9,556.39 1,225.82 3,811.46 700.35 5,212.16 3/2/2032 1,578.61 1,028.72 549.89 9/2/2032 14,048.25 1,578.61 9,957.92 1,028.72 4,090.33 549.89 5,190.11 3/2/2033 1,213.35 817.11 396.24 9/2/2033 14,768.67 1,213.35 10,359.45 817.11 4,409.22 396.24 5,201.70 3/2/2034 829.37 558.13 271.24 9/2/2034 15,529.12 829.37 10,881.43 558.13 4,647.69 271.24 5,190.17 3/2/2035 425.61 286.09 139.52 9/2/2035 16,369.61 425.61 11,443.57 286.09 4,926.04 139.52 5,205.08 Totals $229,935.04 $160,218.83 $176,190.87 $96,907.84 $53,744.17 $63,310.99 $117,055.16 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$177,639.24 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $5,770.41 $5,797.36 $0.00 $3,938.74 $5,770.41 $1,858.62 $7,629.03 3/2/2014 5,679.07 3,344.21 2,334.86 9/2/2014 6,012.53 5,679.07 10,647.02 3,344.21 (4,634.49)2,334.86 35.23 3/2/2015 5,551.30 3,237.74 2,313.56 9/2/2015 6,254.64 5,551.30 5,667.61 3,237.74 587.03 2,313.56 5,214.15 3/2/2016 5,413.70 3,181.07 2,232.63 9/2/2016 6,537.11 5,413.70 5,789.06 3,181.07 748.05 2,232.63 5,213.31 3/2/2017 5,266.61 3,094.23 2,172.38 9/2/2017 6,819.58 5,266.61 5,870.03 3,094.23 949.55 2,172.38 5,294.31 3/2/2018 5,111.47 3,006.18 2,105.29 9/2/2018 7,142.40 5,111.47 6,072.44 3,006.18 1,069.96 2,105.29 5,280.54 3/2/2019 4,945.41 2,915.09 2,030.32 9/2/2019 7,465.22 4,945.41 6,234.38 2,915.09 1,230.84 2,030.32 5,291.48 3/2/2020 4,768.11 2,821.58 1,946.53 9/2/2020 7,828.39 4,768.11 6,436.79 2,821.58 1,391.60 1,946.53 5,284.66 3/2/2021 4,578.27 2,725.02 1,853.25 9/2/2021 8,191.56 4,578.27 6,639.21 2,725.02 1,552.35 1,853.25 5,258.85 3/2/2022 4,378.60 2,620.46 1,758.14 9/2/2022 8,595.09 4,378.60 6,841.62 2,620.46 1,753.47 1,758.14 5,269.75 3/2/2023 4,163.72 2,505.00 1,658.72 9/2/2023 9,038.96 4,163.72 7,084.52 2,505.00 1,954.44 1,658.72 5,271.88 3/2/2024 3,935.49 2,379.25 1,556.24 9/2/2024 9,482.84 3,935.49 7,327.42 2,379.25 2,155.42 1,556.24 5,267.90 3/2/2025 3,696.05 2,243.70 1,452.35 9/2/2025 9,967.07 3,696.05 7,610.80 2,243.70 2,356.27 1,452.35 5,260.97 3/2/2026 3,439.40 2,099.09 1,340.31 9/2/2026 10,451.30 3,439.40 7,894.18 2,099.09 2,557.12 1,340.31 5,237.74 3/2/2027 3,170.28 1,945.16 1,225.12 9/2/2027 11,016.24 3,170.28 8,218.04 1,945.16 2,798.20 1,225.12 5,248.44 3/2/2028 2,886.61 1,780.79 1,105.82 9/2/2028 11,581.17 2,886.61 8,541.91 1,780.79 3,039.26 1,105.82 5,250.90 3/2/2029 2,588.39 1,609.96 978.43 9/2/2029 12,186.46 2,588.39 8,906.25 1,609.96 3,280.21 978.43 5,237.07 3/2/2030 2,274.59 1,426.27 848.32 9/2/2030 12,791.75 2,274.59 9,230.12 1,426.27 3,561.63 848.32 5,258.27 3/2/2031 1,942.01 1,235.89 706.12 9/2/2031 13,477.74 1,942.01 9,634.95 1,235.89 3,842.79 706.12 5,255.03 3/2/2032 1,591.58 1,037.17 554.41 9/2/2032 14,163.73 1,591.58 10,039.77 1,037.17 4,123.96 554.41 5,232.78 3/2/2033 1,223.33 823.83 399.50 9/2/2033 14,890.08 1,223.33 10,444.60 823.83 4,445.48 399.50 5,244.48 3/2/2034 836.18 562.71 273.47 9/2/2034 15,656.78 836.18 10,970.88 562.71 4,685.90 273.47 5,232.84 3/2/2035 429.11 288.44 140.67 9/2/2035 16,504.18 429.11 11,537.64 288.44 4,966.54 140.67 5,247.88 Totals $231,825.23 $161,535.92 $177,639.24 $97,704.42 $54,185.99 $63,831.50 $118,017.49 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$217,807.39 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $7,075.23 $7,108.27 $0.00 $4,829.37 $7,075.23 $2,278.90 $9,354.13 3/2/2014 6,963.23 4,100.41 2,862.82 9/2/2014 7,372.09 6,963.23 13,054.54 4,100.41 (5,682.45)2,862.82 43.19 3/2/2015 6,806.57 3,969.87 2,836.70 9/2/2015 7,668.95 6,806.57 6,949.19 3,969.87 719.76 2,836.70 6,393.16 3/2/2016 6,637.86 3,900.37 2,737.49 9/2/2016 8,015.29 6,637.86 7,098.10 3,900.37 917.19 2,737.49 6,392.17 3/2/2017 6,457.51 3,793.90 2,663.61 9/2/2017 8,361.63 6,457.51 7,197.37 3,793.90 1,164.26 2,663.61 6,491.48 3/2/2018 6,267.28 3,685.94 2,581.34 9/2/2018 8,757.45 6,267.28 7,445.56 3,685.94 1,311.89 2,581.34 6,474.57 3/2/2019 6,063.67 3,574.26 2,489.41 9/2/2019 9,153.27 6,063.67 7,644.11 3,574.26 1,509.16 2,489.41 6,487.98 3/2/2020 5,846.28 3,459.60 2,386.68 9/2/2020 9,598.56 5,846.28 7,892.29 3,459.60 1,706.27 2,386.68 6,479.63 3/2/2021 5,613.52 3,341.21 2,272.31 9/2/2021 10,043.85 5,613.52 8,140.48 3,341.21 1,903.37 2,272.31 6,447.99 3/2/2022 5,368.70 3,213.00 2,155.70 9/2/2022 10,538.62 5,368.70 8,388.66 3,213.00 2,149.96 2,155.70 6,461.36 3/2/2023 5,105.23 3,071.44 2,033.79 9/2/2023 11,082.87 5,105.23 8,686.48 3,071.44 2,396.39 2,033.79 6,463.97 3/2/2024 4,825.39 2,917.26 1,908.13 9/2/2024 11,627.12 4,825.39 8,984.31 2,917.26 2,642.81 1,908.13 6,459.07 3/2/2025 4,531.81 2,751.05 1,780.76 9/2/2025 12,220.85 4,531.81 9,331.77 2,751.05 2,889.08 1,780.76 6,450.60 3/2/2026 4,217.12 2,573.74 1,643.38 9/2/2026 12,814.57 4,217.12 9,679.23 2,573.74 3,135.34 1,643.38 6,422.10 3/2/2027 3,887.14 2,385.00 1,502.14 9/2/2027 13,507.25 3,887.14 10,076.32 2,385.00 3,430.93 1,502.14 6,435.21 3/2/2028 3,539.33 2,183.47 1,355.86 9/2/2028 14,199.93 3,539.33 10,473.42 2,183.47 3,726.51 1,355.86 6,438.23 3/2/2029 3,173.68 1,974.00 1,199.68 9/2/2029 14,942.09 3,173.68 10,920.15 1,974.00 4,021.94 1,199.68 6,421.30 3/2/2030 2,788.93 1,748.78 1,040.15 9/2/2030 15,684.24 2,788.93 11,317.25 1,748.78 4,366.99 1,040.15 6,447.29 3/2/2031 2,381.14 1,515.36 865.78 9/2/2031 16,525.36 2,381.14 11,813.62 1,515.36 4,711.74 865.78 6,443.30 3/2/2032 1,951.48 1,271.70 679.78 9/2/2032 17,366.47 1,951.48 12,309.99 1,271.70 5,056.48 679.78 6,416.04 3/2/2033 1,499.95 1,010.11 489.84 9/2/2033 18,257.05 1,499.95 12,806.36 1,010.11 5,450.69 489.84 6,430.37 3/2/2034 1,025.26 689.96 335.30 9/2/2034 19,197.12 1,025.26 13,451.64 689.96 5,745.48 335.30 6,416.08 3/2/2035 526.14 353.66 172.48 9/2/2035 20,236.14 526.14 14,146.56 353.66 6,089.58 172.48 6,434.54 Totals $284,246.00 $198,062.71 $217,807.39 $119,797.55 $66,438.60 $78,265.16 $144,703.76 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$222,324.25 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $7,221.95 $7,255.68 $0.00 $4,929.52 $7,221.95 $2,326.16 $9,548.11 3/2/2014 7,107.63 4,185.45 2,922.18 9/2/2014 7,524.97 7,107.63 13,325.27 4,185.45 (5,800.30)2,922.18 44.06 3/2/2015 6,947.73 4,052.19 2,895.54 9/2/2015 7,827.99 6,947.73 7,093.30 4,052.19 734.69 2,895.54 6,525.77 3/2/2016 6,775.51 3,981.26 2,794.25 9/2/2016 8,181.51 6,775.51 7,245.30 3,981.26 936.21 2,794.25 6,524.71 3/2/2017 6,591.43 3,872.58 2,718.85 9/2/2017 8,535.03 6,591.43 7,346.63 3,872.58 1,188.40 2,718.85 6,626.10 3/2/2018 6,397.25 3,762.38 2,634.87 9/2/2018 8,939.06 6,397.25 7,599.96 3,762.38 1,339.10 2,634.87 6,608.84 3/2/2019 6,189.42 3,648.38 2,541.04 9/2/2019 9,343.08 6,189.42 7,802.63 3,648.38 1,540.45 2,541.04 6,622.53 3/2/2020 5,967.52 3,531.34 2,436.18 9/2/2020 9,797.61 5,967.52 8,055.96 3,531.34 1,741.65 2,436.18 6,614.01 3/2/2021 5,729.93 3,410.50 2,319.43 9/2/2021 10,252.14 5,729.93 8,309.29 3,410.50 1,942.85 2,319.43 6,581.71 3/2/2022 5,480.03 3,279.63 2,200.40 9/2/2022 10,757.17 5,480.03 8,562.62 3,279.63 2,194.55 2,200.40 6,595.35 3/2/2023 5,211.11 3,135.14 2,075.97 9/2/2023 11,312.71 5,211.11 8,866.62 3,135.14 2,446.09 2,075.97 6,598.03 3/2/2024 4,925.46 2,977.75 1,947.71 9/2/2024 11,868.24 4,925.46 9,170.62 2,977.75 2,697.62 1,947.71 6,593.04 3/2/2025 4,625.79 2,808.10 1,817.69 9/2/2025 12,474.28 4,625.79 9,525.29 2,808.10 2,948.99 1,817.69 6,584.37 3/2/2026 4,304.57 2,627.12 1,677.45 9/2/2026 13,080.32 4,304.57 9,879.95 2,627.12 3,200.37 1,677.45 6,555.27 3/2/2027 3,967.76 2,434.46 1,533.30 9/2/2027 13,787.36 3,967.76 10,285.28 2,434.46 3,502.08 1,533.30 6,568.68 3/2/2028 3,612.73 2,228.75 1,383.98 9/2/2028 14,494.41 3,612.73 10,690.61 2,228.75 3,803.80 1,383.98 6,571.76 3/2/2029 3,239.50 2,014.94 1,224.56 9/2/2029 15,251.95 3,239.50 11,146.61 2,014.94 4,105.34 1,224.56 6,554.46 3/2/2030 2,846.76 1,785.04 1,061.72 9/2/2030 16,009.50 2,846.76 11,551.94 1,785.04 4,457.56 1,061.72 6,581.00 3/2/2031 2,430.52 1,546.78 883.74 9/2/2031 16,868.06 2,430.52 12,058.61 1,546.78 4,809.45 883.74 6,576.93 3/2/2032 1,991.95 1,298.07 693.88 9/2/2032 17,726.61 1,991.95 12,565.27 1,298.07 5,161.34 693.88 6,549.10 3/2/2033 1,531.05 1,031.06 499.99 9/2/2033 18,635.67 1,531.05 13,071.94 1,031.06 5,563.73 499.99 6,563.71 3/2/2034 1,046.53 704.26 342.27 9/2/2034 19,595.23 1,046.53 13,730.60 704.26 5,864.63 342.27 6,549.17 3/2/2035 537.05 361.00 176.05 9/2/2035 20,655.79 537.05 14,439.93 361.00 6,215.86 176.05 6,567.96 Totals $290,140.64 $202,170.14 $222,324.25 $122,281.88 $67,816.41 $79,888.26 $147,704.67 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$243,791.87 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $7,919.30 $7,956.29 $0.00 $5,405.52 $7,919.30 $2,550.77 $10,470.07 3/2/2014 7,793.94 4,589.59 3,204.35 9/2/2014 8,251.58 7,793.94 14,611.96 4,589.59 (6,360.38)3,204.35 48.32 3/2/2015 7,618.60 4,443.47 3,175.13 9/2/2015 8,583.86 7,618.60 7,778.23 4,443.47 805.63 3,175.13 7,155.89 3/2/2016 7,429.75 4,365.69 3,064.06 9/2/2016 8,971.52 7,429.75 7,944.90 4,365.69 1,026.62 3,064.06 7,154.74 3/2/2017 7,227.89 4,246.52 2,981.37 9/2/2017 9,359.18 7,227.89 8,056.02 4,246.52 1,303.16 2,981.37 7,265.90 3/2/2018 7,014.97 4,125.68 2,889.29 9/2/2018 9,802.21 7,014.97 8,333.81 4,125.68 1,468.40 2,889.29 7,246.98 3/2/2019 6,787.07 4,000.67 2,786.40 9/2/2019 10,245.25 6,787.07 8,556.05 4,000.67 1,689.20 2,786.40 7,262.00 3/2/2020 6,543.75 3,872.33 2,671.42 9/2/2020 10,743.67 6,543.75 8,833.84 3,872.33 1,909.83 2,671.42 7,252.67 3/2/2021 6,283.21 3,739.82 2,543.39 9/2/2021 11,242.09 6,283.21 9,111.64 3,739.82 2,130.45 2,543.39 7,217.23 3/2/2022 6,009.19 3,596.31 2,412.88 9/2/2022 11,795.89 6,009.19 9,389.43 3,596.31 2,406.46 2,412.88 7,232.22 3/2/2023 5,714.29 3,437.87 2,276.42 9/2/2023 12,405.06 5,714.29 9,722.78 3,437.87 2,682.28 2,276.42 7,235.12 3/2/2024 5,401.06 3,265.29 2,135.77 9/2/2024 13,014.24 5,401.06 10,056.14 3,265.29 2,958.10 2,135.77 7,229.64 3/2/2025 5,072.45 3,079.25 1,993.20 9/2/2025 13,678.80 5,072.45 10,445.05 3,079.25 3,233.75 1,993.20 7,220.15 3/2/2026 4,720.22 2,880.79 1,839.43 9/2/2026 14,343.35 4,720.22 10,833.96 2,880.79 3,509.39 1,839.43 7,188.25 3/2/2027 4,350.88 2,669.53 1,681.35 9/2/2027 15,118.67 4,350.88 11,278.43 2,669.53 3,840.24 1,681.35 7,202.94 3/2/2028 3,961.58 2,443.96 1,517.62 9/2/2028 15,893.99 3,961.58 11,722.90 2,443.96 4,171.09 1,517.62 7,206.33 3/2/2029 3,552.31 2,209.50 1,342.81 9/2/2029 16,724.68 3,552.31 12,222.93 2,209.50 4,501.75 1,342.81 7,187.37 3/2/2030 3,121.65 1,957.40 1,164.25 9/2/2030 17,555.38 3,121.65 12,667.40 1,957.40 4,887.98 1,164.25 7,216.48 3/2/2031 2,665.21 1,696.14 969.07 9/2/2031 18,496.83 2,665.21 13,222.99 1,696.14 5,273.84 969.07 7,211.98 3/2/2032 2,184.29 1,423.42 760.87 9/2/2032 19,438.29 2,184.29 13,778.57 1,423.42 5,659.72 760.87 7,181.46 3/2/2033 1,678.89 1,130.62 548.27 9/2/2033 20,435.13 1,678.89 14,334.16 1,130.62 6,100.97 548.27 7,197.51 3/2/2034 1,147.58 772.27 375.31 9/2/2034 21,487.34 1,147.58 15,056.43 772.27 6,430.91 375.31 7,181.53 3/2/2035 588.91 395.86 193.05 9/2/2035 22,650.32 588.91 15,834.25 395.86 6,816.07 193.05 7,202.17 Totals $318,156.63 $221,691.67 $243,791.87 $134,089.48 $74,364.76 $87,602.19 $161,966.95 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$262,986.93 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $8,542.83 $8,582.73 $0.00 $5,831.13 $8,542.83 $2,751.60 $11,294.43 3/2/2014 8,407.60 4,950.96 3,456.64 9/2/2014 8,901.27 8,407.60 15,762.43 4,950.96 (6,861.16)3,456.64 52.12 3/2/2015 8,218.45 4,793.33 3,425.12 9/2/2015 9,259.71 8,218.45 8,390.65 4,793.33 869.06 3,425.12 7,719.30 3/2/2016 8,014.74 4,709.42 3,305.32 9/2/2016 9,677.90 8,014.74 8,570.45 4,709.42 1,107.45 3,305.32 7,718.09 3/2/2017 7,796.99 4,580.87 3,216.12 9/2/2017 10,096.08 7,796.99 8,690.32 4,580.87 1,405.76 3,216.12 7,838.00 3/2/2018 7,567.30 4,450.51 3,116.79 9/2/2018 10,574.00 7,567.30 8,989.98 4,450.51 1,584.02 3,116.79 7,817.60 3/2/2019 7,321.45 4,315.66 3,005.79 9/2/2019 11,051.92 7,321.45 9,229.71 4,315.66 1,822.21 3,005.79 7,833.79 3/2/2020 7,058.97 4,177.22 2,881.75 9/2/2020 11,589.58 7,058.97 9,529.38 4,177.22 2,060.20 2,881.75 7,823.70 3/2/2021 6,777.92 4,034.28 2,743.64 9/2/2021 12,127.24 6,777.92 9,829.05 4,034.28 2,298.19 2,743.64 7,785.47 3/2/2022 6,482.32 3,879.47 2,602.85 9/2/2022 12,724.64 6,482.32 10,128.71 3,879.47 2,595.93 2,602.85 7,801.63 3/2/2023 6,164.21 3,708.55 2,455.66 9/2/2023 13,381.78 6,164.21 10,488.31 3,708.55 2,893.47 2,455.66 7,804.79 3/2/2024 5,826.32 3,522.38 2,303.94 9/2/2024 14,038.92 5,826.32 10,847.91 3,522.38 3,191.01 2,303.94 7,798.89 3/2/2025 5,471.83 3,321.69 2,150.14 9/2/2025 14,755.80 5,471.83 11,267.44 3,321.69 3,488.36 2,150.14 7,788.64 3/2/2026 5,091.87 3,107.61 1,984.26 9/2/2026 15,472.68 5,091.87 11,686.98 3,107.61 3,785.70 1,984.26 7,754.22 3/2/2027 4,693.45 2,879.72 1,813.73 9/2/2027 16,309.05 4,693.45 12,166.44 2,879.72 4,142.61 1,813.73 7,770.07 3/2/2028 4,273.49 2,636.39 1,637.10 9/2/2028 17,145.41 4,273.49 12,645.91 2,636.39 4,499.50 1,637.10 7,773.70 3/2/2029 3,832.00 2,383.47 1,448.53 9/2/2029 18,041.51 3,832.00 13,185.31 2,383.47 4,856.20 1,448.53 7,753.26 3/2/2030 3,367.43 2,111.52 1,255.91 9/2/2030 18,937.61 3,367.43 13,664.77 2,111.52 5,272.84 1,255.91 7,784.66 3/2/2031 2,875.05 1,829.69 1,045.36 9/2/2031 19,953.19 2,875.05 14,264.10 1,829.69 5,689.09 1,045.36 7,779.81 3/2/2032 2,356.27 1,535.49 820.78 9/2/2032 20,968.77 2,356.27 14,863.44 1,535.49 6,105.33 820.78 7,746.89 3/2/2033 1,811.08 1,219.64 591.44 9/2/2033 22,044.09 1,811.08 15,462.77 1,219.64 6,581.32 591.44 7,764.20 3/2/2034 1,237.93 833.07 404.86 9/2/2034 23,179.16 1,237.93 16,241.90 833.07 6,937.26 404.86 7,746.98 3/2/2035 635.28 427.02 208.26 9/2/2035 24,433.70 635.28 17,080.97 427.02 7,352.73 208.26 7,769.25 Totals $343,206.84 $239,146.63 $262,986.93 $144,647.05 $80,219.91 $94,499.58 $174,719.49 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$302,575.81 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $9,828.83 $9,874.74 $0.00 $6,708.92 $9,828.83 $3,165.82 $12,994.65 3/2/2014 9,673.25 5,696.25 3,977.00 9/2/2014 10,241.23 9,673.25 18,135.24 5,696.25 (7,894.01)3,977.00 59.99 3/2/2015 9,455.62 5,514.90 3,940.72 9/2/2015 10,653.63 9,455.62 9,653.74 5,514.90 999.89 3,940.72 8,881.33 3/2/2016 9,221.24 5,418.36 3,802.88 9/2/2016 11,134.76 9,221.24 9,860.61 5,418.36 1,274.15 3,802.88 8,879.91 3/2/2017 8,970.71 5,270.45 3,700.26 9/2/2017 11,615.89 8,970.71 9,998.52 5,270.45 1,617.37 3,700.26 9,017.89 3/2/2018 8,706.45 5,120.47 3,585.98 9/2/2018 12,165.76 8,706.45 10,343.29 5,120.47 1,822.47 3,585.98 8,994.43 3/2/2019 8,423.59 4,965.32 3,458.27 9/2/2019 12,715.62 8,423.59 10,619.11 4,965.32 2,096.51 3,458.27 9,013.05 3/2/2020 8,121.60 4,806.04 3,315.56 9/2/2020 13,334.22 8,121.60 10,963.89 4,806.04 2,370.33 3,315.56 9,001.45 3/2/2021 7,798.24 4,641.58 3,156.66 9/2/2021 13,952.82 7,798.24 11,308.67 4,641.58 2,644.15 3,156.66 8,957.47 3/2/2022 7,458.14 4,463.47 2,994.67 9/2/2022 14,640.15 7,458.14 11,653.44 4,463.47 2,986.71 2,994.67 8,976.05 3/2/2023 7,092.14 4,266.82 2,825.32 9/2/2023 15,396.21 7,092.14 12,067.18 4,266.82 3,329.03 2,825.32 8,979.67 3/2/2024 6,703.38 4,052.62 2,650.76 9/2/2024 16,152.28 6,703.38 12,480.91 4,052.62 3,671.37 2,650.76 8,972.89 3/2/2025 6,295.54 3,821.73 2,473.81 9/2/2025 16,977.08 6,295.54 12,963.59 3,821.73 4,013.49 2,473.81 8,961.11 3/2/2026 5,858.38 3,575.42 2,282.96 9/2/2026 17,801.87 5,858.38 13,446.28 3,575.42 4,355.59 2,282.96 8,921.51 3/2/2027 5,399.98 3,313.22 2,086.76 9/2/2027 18,764.14 5,399.98 13,997.92 3,313.22 4,766.22 2,086.76 8,939.74 3/2/2028 4,916.81 3,033.26 1,883.55 9/2/2028 19,726.40 4,916.81 14,549.57 3,033.26 5,176.83 1,883.55 8,943.93 3/2/2029 4,408.85 2,742.27 1,666.58 9/2/2029 20,757.40 4,408.85 15,170.16 2,742.27 5,587.24 1,666.58 8,920.40 3/2/2030 3,874.35 2,429.38 1,444.97 9/2/2030 21,788.39 3,874.35 15,721.81 2,429.38 6,066.58 1,444.97 8,956.52 3/2/2031 3,307.85 2,105.12 1,202.73 9/2/2031 22,956.86 3,307.85 16,411.36 2,105.12 6,545.50 1,202.73 8,950.96 3/2/2032 2,710.97 1,766.63 944.34 9/2/2032 24,125.32 2,710.97 17,100.91 1,766.63 7,024.41 944.34 8,913.09 3/2/2033 2,083.71 1,403.24 680.47 9/2/2033 25,362.51 2,083.71 17,790.46 1,403.24 7,572.05 680.47 8,932.99 3/2/2034 1,424.29 958.48 465.81 9/2/2034 26,668.44 1,424.29 18,686.88 958.48 7,981.56 465.81 8,913.18 3/2/2035 730.91 491.31 239.60 9/2/2035 28,111.84 730.91 19,652.26 491.31 8,459.58 239.60 8,938.78 Totals $394,871.65 $275,146.74 $302,575.81 $166,421.60 $92,295.85 $108,725.14 $201,020.99 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$321,945.42 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $10,458.03 $10,506.88 $0.00 $7,138.39 $10,458.03 $3,368.49 $13,826.52 3/2/2014 10,292.49 6,060.90 4,231.59 9/2/2014 10,896.83 10,292.49 19,296.18 6,060.90 (8,399.35)4,231.59 63.83 3/2/2015 10,060.93 5,867.94 4,192.99 9/2/2015 11,335.63 10,060.93 10,271.73 5,867.94 1,063.90 4,192.99 9,449.88 3/2/2016 9,811.55 5,765.22 4,046.33 9/2/2016 11,847.56 9,811.55 10,491.84 5,765.22 1,355.72 4,046.33 9,448.38 3/2/2017 9,544.98 5,607.84 3,937.14 9/2/2017 12,359.49 9,544.98 10,638.58 5,607.84 1,720.91 3,937.14 9,595.19 3/2/2018 9,263.80 5,448.26 3,815.54 9/2/2018 12,944.56 9,263.80 11,005.43 5,448.26 1,939.13 3,815.54 9,570.21 3/2/2019 8,962.84 5,283.18 3,679.66 9/2/2019 13,529.62 8,962.84 11,298.91 5,283.18 2,230.71 3,679.66 9,590.03 3/2/2020 8,641.51 5,113.70 3,527.81 9/2/2020 14,187.82 8,641.51 11,665.75 5,113.70 2,522.07 3,527.81 9,577.69 3/2/2021 8,297.45 4,938.71 3,358.74 9/2/2021 14,846.02 8,297.45 12,032.60 4,938.71 2,813.42 3,358.74 9,530.90 3/2/2022 7,935.58 4,749.20 3,186.38 9/2/2022 15,577.35 7,935.58 12,399.45 4,749.20 3,177.90 3,186.38 9,550.66 3/2/2023 7,546.15 4,539.96 3,006.19 9/2/2023 16,381.81 7,546.15 12,839.66 4,539.96 3,542.15 3,006.19 9,554.53 3/2/2024 7,132.51 4,312.05 2,820.46 9/2/2024 17,186.28 7,132.51 13,279.88 4,312.05 3,906.40 2,820.46 9,547.32 3/2/2025 6,698.55 4,066.38 2,632.17 9/2/2025 18,063.88 6,698.55 13,793.47 4,066.38 4,270.41 2,632.17 9,534.75 3/2/2026 6,233.41 3,804.30 2,429.11 9/2/2026 18,941.47 6,233.41 14,307.06 3,804.30 4,634.41 2,429.11 9,492.63 3/2/2027 5,745.67 3,525.31 2,220.36 9/2/2027 19,965.34 5,745.67 14,894.01 3,525.31 5,071.33 2,220.36 9,512.05 3/2/2028 5,231.56 3,227.43 2,004.13 9/2/2028 20,989.20 5,231.56 15,480.97 3,227.43 5,508.23 2,004.13 9,516.49 3/2/2029 4,691.09 2,917.81 1,773.28 9/2/2029 22,086.20 4,691.09 16,141.29 2,917.81 5,944.91 1,773.28 9,491.47 3/2/2030 4,122.37 2,584.90 1,537.47 9/2/2030 23,183.19 4,122.37 16,728.25 2,584.90 6,454.94 1,537.47 9,529.88 3/2/2031 3,519.60 2,239.88 1,279.72 9/2/2031 24,426.46 3,519.60 17,461.94 2,239.88 6,964.52 1,279.72 9,523.96 3/2/2032 2,884.52 1,879.73 1,004.79 9/2/2032 25,669.72 2,884.52 18,195.64 1,879.73 7,474.08 1,004.79 9,483.66 3/2/2033 2,217.10 1,493.07 724.03 9/2/2033 26,986.11 2,217.10 18,929.33 1,493.07 8,056.78 724.03 9,504.84 3/2/2034 1,515.46 1,019.84 495.62 9/2/2034 28,375.64 1,515.46 19,883.14 1,019.84 8,492.50 495.62 9,483.74 3/2/2035 777.70 522.76 254.94 9/2/2035 29,911.44 777.70 20,910.31 522.76 9,001.13 254.94 9,511.01 Totals $420,149.65 $292,760.52 $321,945.42 $177,075.13 $98,204.23 $115,685.39 $213,889.62 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$357,270.08 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $11,605.52 $11,659.72 $0.00 $7,921.64 $11,605.52 $3,738.08 $15,343.60 3/2/2014 11,421.81 6,725.92 4,695.89 9/2/2014 12,092.46 11,421.81 21,413.41 6,725.92 (9,320.95)4,695.89 70.83 3/2/2015 11,164.84 6,511.78 4,653.06 9/2/2015 12,579.40 11,164.84 11,398.77 6,511.78 1,180.63 4,653.06 10,486.75 3/2/2016 10,888.09 6,397.79 4,490.30 9/2/2016 13,147.51 10,888.09 11,643.03 6,397.79 1,504.48 4,490.30 10,485.08 3/2/2017 10,592.27 6,223.15 4,369.12 9/2/2017 13,715.61 10,592.27 11,805.87 6,223.15 1,909.74 4,369.12 10,647.98 3/2/2018 10,280.24 6,046.06 4,234.18 9/2/2018 14,364.87 10,280.24 12,212.97 6,046.06 2,151.90 4,234.18 10,620.26 3/2/2019 9,946.26 5,862.87 4,083.39 9/2/2019 15,014.13 9,946.26 12,538.65 5,862.87 2,475.48 4,083.39 10,642.26 3/2/2020 9,589.68 5,674.79 3,914.89 9/2/2020 15,744.54 9,589.68 12,945.75 5,674.79 2,798.79 3,914.89 10,628.57 3/2/2021 9,207.87 5,480.60 3,727.27 9/2/2021 16,474.96 9,207.87 13,352.85 5,480.60 3,122.11 3,727.27 10,576.65 3/2/2022 8,806.29 5,270.29 3,536.00 9/2/2022 17,286.54 8,806.29 13,759.95 5,270.29 3,526.59 3,536.00 10,598.59 3/2/2023 8,374.13 5,038.09 3,336.04 9/2/2023 18,179.27 8,374.13 14,248.46 5,038.09 3,930.81 3,336.04 10,602.89 3/2/2024 7,915.10 4,785.18 3,129.92 9/2/2024 19,072.00 7,915.10 14,736.98 4,785.18 4,335.02 3,129.92 10,594.86 3/2/2025 7,433.54 4,512.55 2,920.99 9/2/2025 20,045.89 7,433.54 15,306.92 4,512.55 4,738.97 2,920.99 10,580.95 3/2/2026 6,917.35 4,221.72 2,695.63 9/2/2026 21,019.78 6,917.35 15,876.86 4,221.72 5,142.92 2,695.63 10,534.18 3/2/2027 6,376.09 3,912.12 2,463.97 9/2/2027 22,155.98 6,376.09 16,528.22 3,912.12 5,627.76 2,463.97 10,555.70 3/2/2028 5,805.58 3,581.56 2,224.02 9/2/2028 23,292.19 5,805.58 17,179.58 3,581.56 6,112.61 2,224.02 10,560.65 3/2/2029 5,205.80 3,237.96 1,967.84 9/2/2029 24,509.55 5,205.80 17,912.36 3,237.96 6,597.19 1,967.84 10,532.87 3/2/2030 4,574.68 2,868.52 1,706.16 9/2/2030 25,726.91 4,574.68 18,563.71 2,868.52 7,163.20 1,706.16 10,575.52 3/2/2031 3,905.78 2,485.64 1,420.14 9/2/2031 27,106.59 3,905.78 19,377.91 2,485.64 7,728.68 1,420.14 10,568.96 3/2/2032 3,201.01 2,085.98 1,115.03 9/2/2032 28,486.26 3,201.01 20,192.11 2,085.98 8,294.15 1,115.03 10,524.21 3/2/2033 2,460.37 1,656.89 803.48 9/2/2033 29,947.10 2,460.37 21,006.31 1,656.89 8,940.79 803.48 10,547.75 3/2/2034 1,681.74 1,131.74 550.00 9/2/2034 31,489.09 1,681.74 22,064.77 1,131.74 9,424.32 550.00 10,524.32 3/2/2035 863.03 580.12 282.91 9/2/2035 33,193.40 863.03 23,204.64 580.12 9,988.76 282.91 10,554.58 Totals $466,249.55 $324,882.82 $357,270.08 $196,504.28 $108,979.47 $128,378.54 $237,358.01 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$460,516.05 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $14,959.34 $15,029.21 $0.00 $10,210.87 $14,959.34 $4,818.34 $19,777.68 3/2/2014 14,722.54 8,669.61 6,052.93 9/2/2014 15,587.01 14,722.54 27,601.58 8,669.61 (12,014.57)6,052.93 91.29 3/2/2015 14,391.32 8,393.60 5,997.72 9/2/2015 16,214.67 14,391.32 14,692.85 8,393.60 1,521.82 5,997.72 13,517.26 3/2/2016 14,034.60 8,246.67 5,787.93 9/2/2016 16,946.95 14,034.60 15,007.70 8,246.67 1,939.25 5,787.93 13,515.11 3/2/2017 13,653.29 8,021.55 5,631.74 9/2/2017 17,679.22 13,653.29 15,217.60 8,021.55 2,461.62 5,631.74 13,725.10 3/2/2018 13,251.09 7,793.29 5,457.80 9/2/2018 18,516.11 13,251.09 15,742.34 7,793.29 2,773.77 5,457.80 13,689.37 3/2/2019 12,820.59 7,557.15 5,263.44 9/2/2019 19,353.00 12,820.59 16,162.14 7,557.15 3,190.86 5,263.44 13,717.74 3/2/2020 12,360.96 7,314.72 5,046.24 9/2/2020 20,294.49 12,360.96 16,686.89 7,314.72 3,607.60 5,046.24 13,700.08 3/2/2021 11,868.81 7,064.42 4,804.39 9/2/2021 21,235.99 11,868.81 17,211.63 7,064.42 4,024.36 4,804.39 13,633.14 3/2/2022 11,351.19 6,793.33 4,557.86 9/2/2022 22,282.10 11,351.19 17,736.37 6,793.33 4,545.73 4,557.86 13,661.45 3/2/2023 10,794.13 6,494.03 4,300.10 9/2/2023 23,432.82 10,794.13 18,366.07 6,494.03 5,066.75 4,300.10 13,666.95 3/2/2024 10,202.46 6,168.03 4,034.43 9/2/2024 24,583.54 10,202.46 18,995.76 6,168.03 5,587.78 4,034.43 13,656.64 3/2/2025 9,581.72 5,816.61 3,765.11 9/2/2025 25,838.87 9,581.72 19,730.40 5,816.61 6,108.47 3,765.11 13,638.69 3/2/2026 8,916.37 5,441.73 3,474.64 9/2/2026 27,094.20 8,916.37 20,465.05 5,441.73 6,629.15 3,474.64 13,578.43 3/2/2027 8,218.69 5,042.67 3,176.02 9/2/2027 28,558.75 8,218.69 21,304.64 5,042.67 7,254.11 3,176.02 13,606.15 3/2/2028 7,483.31 4,616.57 2,866.74 9/2/2028 30,023.30 7,483.31 22,144.23 4,616.57 7,879.07 2,866.74 13,612.55 3/2/2029 6,710.21 4,173.69 2,536.52 9/2/2029 31,592.46 6,710.21 23,088.77 4,173.69 8,503.69 2,536.52 13,576.73 3/2/2030 5,896.70 3,697.48 2,199.22 9/2/2030 33,161.62 5,896.70 23,928.36 3,697.48 9,233.26 2,199.22 13,631.70 3/2/2031 5,034.50 3,203.96 1,830.54 9/2/2031 34,940.01 5,034.50 24,977.85 3,203.96 9,962.16 1,830.54 13,623.24 3/2/2032 4,126.06 2,688.79 1,437.27 9/2/2032 36,718.39 4,126.06 26,027.34 2,688.79 10,691.05 1,437.27 13,565.59 3/2/2033 3,171.38 2,135.71 1,035.67 9/2/2033 38,601.38 3,171.38 27,076.83 2,135.71 11,524.55 1,035.67 13,595.89 3/2/2034 2,167.74 1,458.79 708.95 9/2/2034 40,588.99 2,167.74 28,441.17 1,458.79 12,147.82 708.95 13,565.72 3/2/2035 1,112.43 747.76 364.67 9/2/2035 42,785.82 1,112.43 29,910.45 747.76 12,875.37 364.67 13,604.71 Totals $600,989.03 $418,769.39 $460,516.05 $253,291.19 $140,473.01 $165,478.20 $305,951.21 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$684,130.01 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $22,223.12 $22,326.91 $0.00 $15,168.94 $22,223.12 $7,157.97 $29,381.09 3/2/2014 21,871.33 12,879.29 8,992.04 9/2/2014 23,155.55 21,871.33 41,004.01 12,879.29 (17,848.46)8,992.04 135.62 3/2/2015 21,379.28 12,469.25 8,910.03 9/2/2015 24,087.99 21,379.28 21,827.23 12,469.25 2,260.76 8,910.03 20,080.82 3/2/2016 20,849.34 12,250.98 8,598.36 9/2/2016 25,175.84 20,849.34 22,294.95 12,250.98 2,880.89 8,598.36 20,077.61 3/2/2017 20,282.89 11,916.56 8,366.33 9/2/2017 26,263.68 20,282.89 22,606.77 11,916.56 3,656.91 8,366.33 20,389.57 3/2/2018 19,685.39 11,577.45 8,107.94 9/2/2018 27,506.93 19,685.39 23,386.32 11,577.45 4,120.61 8,107.94 20,336.49 3/2/2019 19,045.85 11,226.66 7,819.19 9/2/2019 28,750.18 19,045.85 24,009.95 11,226.66 4,740.23 7,819.19 20,378.61 3/2/2020 18,363.03 10,866.51 7,496.52 9/2/2020 30,148.84 18,363.03 24,789.49 10,866.51 5,359.35 7,496.52 20,352.39 3/2/2021 17,631.92 10,494.67 7,137.25 9/2/2021 31,547.50 17,631.92 25,569.04 10,494.67 5,978.46 7,137.25 20,252.96 3/2/2022 16,862.95 10,091.96 6,770.99 9/2/2022 33,101.56 16,862.95 26,348.58 10,091.96 6,752.98 6,770.99 20,294.96 3/2/2023 16,035.42 9,647.32 6,388.10 9/2/2023 34,811.03 16,035.42 27,284.03 9,647.32 7,527.00 6,388.10 20,303.20 3/2/2024 15,156.44 9,163.03 5,993.41 9/2/2024 36,520.50 15,156.44 28,219.49 9,163.03 8,301.01 5,993.41 20,287.83 3/2/2025 14,234.29 8,640.97 5,593.32 9/2/2025 38,385.38 14,234.29 29,310.85 8,640.97 9,074.53 5,593.32 20,261.17 3/2/2026 13,245.87 8,084.06 5,161.81 9/2/2026 40,250.26 13,245.87 30,402.21 8,084.06 9,848.05 5,161.81 20,171.67 3/2/2027 12,209.43 7,491.22 4,718.21 9/2/2027 42,425.95 12,209.43 31,649.48 7,491.22 10,776.47 4,718.21 20,212.89 3/2/2028 11,116.96 6,858.23 4,258.73 9/2/2028 44,601.64 11,116.96 32,896.75 6,858.23 11,704.89 4,258.73 20,222.35 3/2/2029 9,968.47 6,200.30 3,768.17 9/2/2029 46,932.73 9,968.47 34,299.93 6,200.30 12,632.80 3,768.17 20,169.14 3/2/2030 8,759.95 5,492.86 3,267.09 9/2/2030 49,263.83 8,759.95 35,547.20 5,492.86 13,716.63 3,267.09 20,250.81 3/2/2031 7,479.09 4,759.70 2,719.39 9/2/2031 51,905.74 7,479.09 37,106.29 4,759.70 14,799.45 2,719.39 20,238.23 3/2/2032 6,129.54 3,994.38 2,135.16 9/2/2032 54,547.65 6,129.54 38,665.38 3,994.38 15,882.27 2,135.16 20,152.59 3/2/2033 4,711.30 3,172.74 1,538.56 9/2/2033 57,344.96 4,711.30 40,224.46 3,172.74 17,120.50 1,538.56 20,197.62 3/2/2034 3,220.33 2,167.13 1,053.20 9/2/2034 60,297.68 3,220.33 42,251.28 2,167.13 18,046.40 1,053.20 20,152.80 3/2/2035 1,652.59 1,110.85 541.74 9/2/2035 63,561.22 1,652.59 44,434.00 1,110.85 19,127.22 541.74 20,210.70 Totals $892,809.76 $622,110.23 $684,130.01 $376,281.18 $208,682.07 $245,829.05 $454,511.12 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$10,904.55 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:53 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $279.28 $347.82 $0.00 $237.57 $279.28 $110.25 $389.53 3/2/2014 340.63 201.71 138.92 9/2/2014 296.73 340.63 570.86 201.71 (274.13)138.92 3.71 3/2/2015 332.76 196.00 136.76 9/2/2015 314.19 332.76 378.63 196.00 (64.44)136.76 209.08 3/2/2016 324.28 192.22 132.06 9/2/2016 331.64 324.28 384.46 192.22 (52.82)132.06 211.30 3/2/2017 315.16 186.45 128.71 9/2/2017 349.10 315.16 396.11 186.45 (47.01)128.71 210.41 3/2/2018 305.38 180.51 124.87 9/2/2018 366.55 305.38 401.93 180.51 (35.38)124.87 214.36 3/2/2019 295.03 174.48 120.55 9/2/2019 389.83 295.03 419.41 174.48 (29.58)120.55 211.52 3/2/2020 283.92 168.19 115.73 9/2/2020 407.28 283.92 425.23 168.19 (17.95)115.73 213.51 3/2/2021 272.21 161.81 110.40 9/2/2021 430.55 272.21 436.88 161.81 (6.33)110.40 214.47 3/2/2022 259.40 154.93 104.47 9/2/2022 459.65 259.40 454.36 154.93 5.29 104.47 214.23 3/2/2023 245.73 147.26 98.47 9/2/2023 488.74 245.73 471.83 147.26 16.91 98.47 213.85 3/2/2024 231.19 138.89 92.30 9/2/2024 517.83 231.19 489.31 138.89 28.52 92.30 213.12 3/2/2025 215.78 129.83 85.95 9/2/2025 546.92 215.78 506.78 129.83 40.14 85.95 212.04 3/2/2026 199.51 120.20 79.31 9/2/2026 576.01 199.51 524.26 120.20 51.75 79.31 210.37 3/2/2027 182.23 109.98 72.25 9/2/2027 610.92 182.23 541.73 109.98 69.19 72.25 213.69 3/2/2028 163.90 99.15 64.75 9/2/2028 651.65 163.90 570.86 99.15 80.79 64.75 210.29 3/2/2029 144.35 87.73 56.62 9/2/2029 686.56 144.35 588.33 87.73 98.23 56.62 211.47 3/2/2030 123.76 75.60 48.16 9/2/2030 733.11 123.76 617.46 75.60 115.65 48.16 211.97 3/2/2031 101.76 62.86 38.90 9/2/2031 773.83 101.76 640.76 62.86 133.07 38.90 210.87 3/2/2032 78.55 49.64 28.91 9/2/2032 820.38 78.55 664.06 49.64 156.32 28.91 214.14 3/2/2033 53.94 35.53 18.41 9/2/2033 872.75 53.94 693.18 35.53 179.57 18.41 216.39 3/2/2034 27.75 18.20 9.55 9/2/2034 925.11 27.75 728.14 18.20 196.97 9.55 216.07 Totals $11,828.61 $9,342.26 $10,904.55 $5,619.91 $924.04 $3,722.35 $4,646.39 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$11,111.99 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:8 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $284.59 $354.43 $0.00 $242.09 $284.59 $112.34 $396.93 3/2/2014 347.10 205.55 141.55 9/2/2014 302.38 347.10 581.72 205.55 (279.34)141.55 3.76 3/2/2015 339.09 199.73 139.36 9/2/2015 320.16 339.09 385.83 199.73 (65.67)139.36 213.05 3/2/2016 330.45 195.87 134.58 9/2/2016 337.95 330.45 391.77 195.87 (53.82)134.58 215.34 3/2/2017 321.15 190.00 131.15 9/2/2017 355.74 321.15 403.64 190.00 (47.90)131.15 214.40 3/2/2018 311.19 183.94 127.25 9/2/2018 373.53 311.19 409.58 183.94 (36.05)127.25 218.45 3/2/2019 300.64 177.80 122.84 9/2/2019 397.24 300.64 427.38 177.80 (30.14)122.84 215.54 3/2/2020 289.32 171.39 117.93 9/2/2020 415.03 289.32 433.32 171.39 (18.29)117.93 217.57 3/2/2021 277.39 164.89 112.50 9/2/2021 438.74 277.39 445.19 164.89 (6.45)112.50 218.55 3/2/2022 264.33 157.87 106.46 9/2/2022 468.39 264.33 463.00 157.87 5.39 106.46 218.31 3/2/2023 250.40 150.06 100.34 9/2/2023 498.03 250.40 480.81 150.06 17.22 100.34 217.90 3/2/2024 235.58 141.53 94.05 9/2/2024 527.68 235.58 498.61 141.53 29.07 94.05 217.17 3/2/2025 219.89 132.30 87.59 9/2/2025 557.32 219.89 516.42 132.30 40.90 87.59 216.08 3/2/2026 203.30 122.49 80.81 9/2/2026 586.97 203.30 534.23 122.49 52.74 80.81 214.36 3/2/2027 185.70 112.07 73.63 9/2/2027 622.54 185.70 552.04 112.07 70.50 73.63 217.76 3/2/2028 167.02 101.03 65.99 9/2/2028 664.05 167.02 581.72 101.03 82.33 65.99 214.31 3/2/2029 147.10 89.40 57.70 9/2/2029 699.62 147.10 599.52 89.40 100.10 57.70 215.50 3/2/2030 126.11 77.03 49.08 9/2/2030 747.05 126.11 629.20 77.03 117.85 49.08 216.01 3/2/2031 103.70 64.06 39.64 9/2/2031 788.55 103.70 652.95 64.06 135.60 39.64 214.88 3/2/2032 80.04 50.59 29.45 9/2/2032 835.99 80.04 676.69 50.59 159.30 29.45 218.20 3/2/2033 54.96 36.21 18.75 9/2/2033 889.35 54.96 706.37 36.21 182.98 18.75 220.48 3/2/2034 28.28 18.55 9.73 9/2/2034 942.71 28.28 741.99 18.55 200.72 9.73 220.18 Totals $12,053.61 $9,519.91 $11,111.99 $5,726.81 $941.63 $3,793.10 $4,734.73 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$12,056.35 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:35 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $308.78 $384.55 $0.00 $262.66 $308.78 $121.89 $430.67 3/2/2014 376.60 223.02 153.58 9/2/2014 328.08 376.60 631.15 223.02 (303.07)153.58 4.09 3/2/2015 367.91 216.70 151.21 9/2/2015 347.37 367.91 418.62 216.70 (71.25)151.21 231.17 3/2/2016 358.53 212.52 146.01 9/2/2016 366.67 358.53 425.06 212.52 (58.39)146.01 233.63 3/2/2017 348.45 206.14 142.31 9/2/2017 385.97 348.45 437.94 206.14 (51.97)142.31 232.65 3/2/2018 337.64 199.57 138.07 9/2/2018 405.27 337.64 444.38 199.57 (39.11)138.07 237.03 3/2/2019 326.19 192.91 133.28 9/2/2019 431.00 326.19 463.71 192.91 (32.71)133.28 233.85 3/2/2020 313.91 185.95 127.96 9/2/2020 450.30 313.91 470.15 185.95 (19.85)127.96 236.07 3/2/2021 300.96 178.90 122.06 9/2/2021 476.03 300.96 483.03 178.90 (7.00)122.06 237.12 3/2/2022 286.80 171.29 115.51 9/2/2022 508.20 286.80 502.35 171.29 5.85 115.51 236.87 3/2/2023 271.68 162.81 108.87 9/2/2023 540.36 271.68 521.67 162.81 18.69 108.87 236.43 3/2/2024 255.60 153.55 102.05 9/2/2024 572.52 255.60 540.99 153.55 31.53 102.05 235.63 3/2/2025 238.57 143.55 95.02 9/2/2025 604.69 238.57 560.31 143.55 44.38 95.02 234.42 3/2/2026 220.58 132.90 87.68 9/2/2026 636.85 220.58 579.63 132.90 57.22 87.68 232.58 3/2/2027 201.48 121.60 79.88 9/2/2027 675.45 201.48 598.95 121.60 76.50 79.88 236.26 3/2/2028 181.21 109.62 71.59 9/2/2028 720.48 181.21 631.15 109.62 89.33 71.59 232.51 3/2/2029 159.60 97.00 62.60 9/2/2029 759.08 159.60 650.48 97.00 108.60 62.60 233.80 3/2/2030 136.83 83.58 53.25 9/2/2030 810.54 136.83 682.68 83.58 127.86 53.25 234.36 3/2/2031 112.51 69.50 43.01 9/2/2031 855.57 112.51 708.44 69.50 147.13 43.01 233.15 3/2/2032 86.84 54.89 31.95 9/2/2032 907.03 86.84 734.20 54.89 172.83 31.95 236.73 3/2/2033 59.63 39.29 20.34 9/2/2033 964.93 59.63 766.40 39.29 198.53 20.34 239.21 3/2/2034 30.68 20.13 10.55 9/2/2034 1,022.82 30.68 805.04 20.13 217.78 10.55 238.88 Totals $13,077.99 $10,328.95 $12,056.35 $6,213.50 $1,021.66 $4,115.45 $5,137.11 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$12,056.36 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:82 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $308.78 $384.56 $0.00 $262.66 $308.78 $121.90 $430.68 3/2/2014 376.60 223.02 153.58 9/2/2014 328.08 376.60 631.16 223.02 (303.08)153.58 4.08 3/2/2015 367.91 216.70 151.21 9/2/2015 347.37 367.91 418.62 216.70 (71.25)151.21 231.17 3/2/2016 358.53 212.52 146.01 9/2/2016 366.67 358.53 425.06 212.52 (58.39)146.01 233.63 3/2/2017 348.45 206.14 142.31 9/2/2017 385.97 348.45 437.94 206.14 (51.97)142.31 232.65 3/2/2018 337.64 199.57 138.07 9/2/2018 405.27 337.64 444.38 199.57 (39.11)138.07 237.03 3/2/2019 326.19 192.91 133.28 9/2/2019 431.00 326.19 463.71 192.91 (32.71)133.28 233.85 3/2/2020 313.91 185.95 127.96 9/2/2020 450.30 313.91 470.15 185.95 (19.85)127.96 236.07 3/2/2021 300.96 178.90 122.06 9/2/2021 476.03 300.96 483.03 178.90 (7.00)122.06 237.12 3/2/2022 286.80 171.29 115.51 9/2/2022 508.20 286.80 502.35 171.29 5.85 115.51 236.87 3/2/2023 271.68 162.81 108.87 9/2/2023 540.36 271.68 521.67 162.81 18.69 108.87 236.43 3/2/2024 255.61 153.56 102.05 9/2/2024 572.53 255.61 540.99 153.56 31.54 102.05 235.64 3/2/2025 238.57 143.55 95.02 9/2/2025 604.69 238.57 560.31 143.55 44.38 95.02 234.42 3/2/2026 220.58 132.90 87.68 9/2/2026 636.85 220.58 579.63 132.90 57.22 87.68 232.58 3/2/2027 201.48 121.60 79.88 9/2/2027 675.45 201.48 598.95 121.60 76.50 79.88 236.26 3/2/2028 181.21 109.62 71.59 9/2/2028 720.48 181.21 631.16 109.62 89.32 71.59 232.50 3/2/2029 159.60 97.00 62.60 9/2/2029 759.08 159.60 650.48 97.00 108.60 62.60 233.80 3/2/2030 136.83 83.58 53.25 9/2/2030 810.54 136.83 682.68 83.58 127.86 53.25 234.36 3/2/2031 112.51 69.50 43.01 9/2/2031 855.57 112.51 708.44 69.50 147.13 43.01 233.15 3/2/2032 86.84 54.89 31.95 9/2/2032 907.03 86.84 734.20 54.89 172.83 31.95 236.73 3/2/2033 59.63 39.29 20.34 9/2/2033 964.93 59.63 766.40 39.29 198.53 20.34 239.21 3/2/2034 30.68 20.13 10.55 9/2/2034 1,022.83 30.68 805.05 20.13 217.78 10.55 238.88 Totals $13,078.01 $10,328.98 $12,056.36 $6,213.52 $1,021.65 $4,115.46 $5,137.11 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$14,641.78 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:25 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $374.99 $467.02 $0.00 $318.99 $374.99 $148.03 $523.02 3/2/2014 457.36 270.84 186.52 9/2/2014 398.43 457.36 766.50 270.84 (368.07)186.52 4.97 3/2/2015 446.81 263.18 183.63 9/2/2015 421.87 446.81 508.39 263.18 (86.52)183.63 280.74 3/2/2016 435.42 258.09 177.33 9/2/2016 445.30 435.42 516.22 258.09 (70.92)177.33 283.74 3/2/2017 423.17 250.35 172.82 9/2/2017 468.74 423.17 531.86 250.35 (63.12)172.82 282.52 3/2/2018 410.05 242.37 167.68 9/2/2018 492.18 410.05 539.68 242.37 (47.50)167.68 287.86 3/2/2019 396.14 234.28 161.86 9/2/2019 523.43 396.14 563.15 234.28 (39.72)161.86 284.00 3/2/2020 381.22 225.83 155.39 9/2/2020 546.87 381.22 570.97 225.83 (24.10)155.39 286.68 3/2/2021 365.50 217.26 148.24 9/2/2021 578.11 365.50 586.61 217.26 (8.50)148.24 287.98 3/2/2022 348.30 208.02 140.28 9/2/2022 617.18 348.30 610.07 208.02 7.11 140.28 287.67 3/2/2023 329.94 197.73 132.21 9/2/2023 656.24 329.94 633.54 197.73 22.70 132.21 287.12 3/2/2024 310.42 186.48 123.94 9/2/2024 695.30 310.42 657.00 186.48 38.30 123.94 286.18 3/2/2025 289.73 174.33 115.40 9/2/2025 734.36 289.73 680.47 174.33 53.89 115.40 284.69 3/2/2026 267.89 161.40 106.49 9/2/2026 773.42 267.89 703.93 161.40 69.49 106.49 282.47 3/2/2027 244.68 147.67 97.01 9/2/2027 820.30 244.68 727.40 147.67 92.90 97.01 286.92 3/2/2028 220.07 133.13 86.94 9/2/2028 874.98 220.07 766.50 133.13 108.48 86.94 282.36 3/2/2029 193.82 117.80 76.02 9/2/2029 921.86 193.82 789.97 117.80 131.89 76.02 283.93 3/2/2030 166.17 101.50 64.67 9/2/2030 984.36 166.17 829.07 101.50 155.29 64.67 284.63 3/2/2031 136.64 84.40 52.24 9/2/2031 1,039.04 136.64 860.36 84.40 178.68 52.24 283.16 3/2/2032 105.47 66.66 38.81 9/2/2032 1,101.54 105.47 891.65 66.66 209.89 38.81 287.51 3/2/2033 72.42 47.71 24.71 9/2/2033 1,171.85 72.42 930.75 47.71 241.10 24.71 290.52 3/2/2034 37.26 24.44 12.82 9/2/2034 1,242.17 37.26 977.68 24.44 264.49 12.82 290.13 Totals $15,882.52 $12,543.98 $14,641.78 $7,545.93 $1,240.75 $4,998.05 $6,238.80 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$14,641.79 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:5 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $374.99 $467.02 $0.00 $318.99 $374.99 $148.03 $523.02 3/2/2014 457.37 270.84 186.53 9/2/2014 398.43 457.37 766.50 270.84 (368.07)186.53 4.99 3/2/2015 446.81 263.18 183.63 9/2/2015 421.87 446.81 508.40 263.18 (86.53)183.63 280.73 3/2/2016 435.42 258.09 177.33 9/2/2016 445.30 435.42 516.22 258.09 (70.92)177.33 283.74 3/2/2017 423.17 250.35 172.82 9/2/2017 468.74 423.17 531.86 250.35 (63.12)172.82 282.52 3/2/2018 410.05 242.37 167.68 9/2/2018 492.18 410.05 539.68 242.37 (47.50)167.68 287.86 3/2/2019 396.14 234.28 161.86 9/2/2019 523.43 396.14 563.15 234.28 (39.72)161.86 284.00 3/2/2020 381.22 225.83 155.39 9/2/2020 546.87 381.22 570.97 225.83 (24.10)155.39 286.68 3/2/2021 365.50 217.26 148.24 9/2/2021 578.11 365.50 586.61 217.26 (8.50)148.24 287.98 3/2/2022 348.30 208.02 140.28 9/2/2022 617.18 348.30 610.07 208.02 7.11 140.28 287.67 3/2/2023 329.94 197.73 132.21 9/2/2023 656.24 329.94 633.54 197.73 22.70 132.21 287.12 3/2/2024 310.42 186.48 123.94 9/2/2024 695.30 310.42 657.00 186.48 38.30 123.94 286.18 3/2/2025 289.73 174.33 115.40 9/2/2025 734.36 289.73 680.47 174.33 53.89 115.40 284.69 3/2/2026 267.89 161.40 106.49 9/2/2026 773.42 267.89 703.93 161.40 69.49 106.49 282.47 3/2/2027 244.68 147.67 97.01 9/2/2027 820.30 244.68 727.40 147.67 92.90 97.01 286.92 3/2/2028 220.07 133.13 86.94 9/2/2028 874.98 220.07 766.50 133.13 108.48 86.94 282.36 3/2/2029 193.82 117.80 76.02 9/2/2029 921.86 193.82 789.97 117.80 131.89 76.02 283.93 3/2/2030 166.17 101.50 64.67 9/2/2030 984.36 166.17 829.08 101.50 155.28 64.67 284.62 3/2/2031 136.64 84.40 52.24 9/2/2031 1,039.04 136.64 860.36 84.40 178.68 52.24 283.16 3/2/2032 105.47 66.66 38.81 9/2/2032 1,101.54 105.47 891.65 66.66 209.89 38.81 287.51 3/2/2033 72.42 47.71 24.71 9/2/2033 1,171.85 72.42 930.75 47.71 241.10 24.71 290.52 3/2/2034 37.26 24.44 12.82 9/2/2034 1,242.17 37.26 977.68 24.44 264.49 12.82 290.13 Totals $15,882.52 $12,544.00 $14,641.79 $7,545.93 $1,240.73 $4,998.07 $6,238.80 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$14,849.18 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $380.31 $473.64 $0.00 $323.51 $380.31 $150.13 $530.44 3/2/2014 463.84 274.68 189.16 9/2/2014 404.07 463.84 777.36 274.68 (373.29)189.16 5.03 3/2/2015 453.14 266.90 186.24 9/2/2015 427.84 453.14 515.60 266.90 (87.76)186.24 284.72 3/2/2016 441.58 261.75 179.83 9/2/2016 451.61 441.58 523.53 261.75 (71.92)179.83 287.74 3/2/2017 429.16 253.89 175.27 9/2/2017 475.38 429.16 539.39 253.89 (64.01)175.27 286.53 3/2/2018 415.85 245.80 170.05 9/2/2018 499.15 415.85 547.33 245.80 (48.18)170.05 291.92 3/2/2019 401.75 237.59 164.16 9/2/2019 530.84 401.75 571.12 237.59 (40.28)164.16 288.04 3/2/2020 386.62 229.03 157.59 9/2/2020 554.61 386.62 579.05 229.03 (24.44)157.59 290.74 3/2/2021 370.68 220.34 150.34 9/2/2021 586.30 370.68 594.92 220.34 (8.62)150.34 292.06 3/2/2022 353.24 210.97 142.27 9/2/2022 625.92 353.24 618.72 210.97 7.20 142.27 291.74 3/2/2023 334.62 200.53 134.09 9/2/2023 665.53 334.62 642.51 200.53 23.02 134.09 291.20 3/2/2024 314.82 189.13 125.69 9/2/2024 705.15 314.82 666.31 189.13 38.84 125.69 290.22 3/2/2025 293.84 176.80 117.04 9/2/2025 744.76 293.84 690.11 176.80 54.65 117.04 288.73 3/2/2026 271.68 163.69 107.99 9/2/2026 784.38 271.68 713.90 163.69 70.48 107.99 286.46 3/2/2027 248.15 149.77 98.38 9/2/2027 831.92 248.15 737.70 149.77 94.22 98.38 290.98 3/2/2028 223.19 135.01 88.18 9/2/2028 887.38 223.19 777.36 135.01 110.02 88.18 286.38 3/2/2029 196.57 119.46 77.11 9/2/2029 934.92 196.57 801.16 119.46 133.76 77.11 287.98 3/2/2030 168.52 102.94 65.58 9/2/2030 998.30 168.52 840.82 102.94 157.48 65.58 288.64 3/2/2031 138.57 85.60 52.97 9/2/2031 1,053.76 138.57 872.55 85.60 181.21 52.97 287.15 3/2/2032 106.96 67.60 39.36 9/2/2032 1,117.15 106.96 904.28 67.60 212.87 39.36 291.59 3/2/2033 73.45 48.39 25.06 9/2/2033 1,188.45 73.45 943.94 48.39 244.51 25.06 294.63 3/2/2034 37.79 24.79 13.00 9/2/2034 1,259.76 37.79 991.53 24.79 268.23 13.00 294.23 Totals $16,107.49 $12,721.68 $14,849.18 $7,652.83 $1,258.30 $5,068.85 $6,327.15 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$14,849.19 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:5 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $380.31 $473.64 $0.00 $323.51 $380.31 $150.13 $530.44 3/2/2014 463.84 274.68 189.16 9/2/2014 404.07 463.84 777.36 274.68 (373.29)189.16 5.03 3/2/2015 453.14 266.90 186.24 9/2/2015 427.84 453.14 515.60 266.90 (87.76)186.24 284.72 3/2/2016 441.58 261.75 179.83 9/2/2016 451.61 441.58 523.53 261.75 (71.92)179.83 287.74 3/2/2017 429.16 253.89 175.27 9/2/2017 475.38 429.16 539.39 253.89 (64.01)175.27 286.53 3/2/2018 415.85 245.80 170.05 9/2/2018 499.15 415.85 547.33 245.80 (48.18)170.05 291.92 3/2/2019 401.75 237.59 164.16 9/2/2019 530.84 401.75 571.12 237.59 (40.28)164.16 288.04 3/2/2020 386.62 229.03 157.59 9/2/2020 554.61 386.62 579.06 229.03 (24.45)157.59 290.73 3/2/2021 370.68 220.34 150.34 9/2/2021 586.30 370.68 594.92 220.34 (8.62)150.34 292.06 3/2/2022 353.24 210.97 142.27 9/2/2022 625.92 353.24 618.72 210.97 7.20 142.27 291.74 3/2/2023 334.62 200.53 134.09 9/2/2023 665.53 334.62 642.51 200.53 23.02 134.09 291.20 3/2/2024 314.82 189.13 125.69 9/2/2024 705.15 314.82 666.31 189.13 38.84 125.69 290.22 3/2/2025 293.84 176.80 117.04 9/2/2025 744.76 293.84 690.11 176.80 54.65 117.04 288.73 3/2/2026 271.68 163.69 107.99 9/2/2026 784.38 271.68 713.90 163.69 70.48 107.99 286.46 3/2/2027 248.15 149.77 98.38 9/2/2027 831.92 248.15 737.70 149.77 94.22 98.38 290.98 3/2/2028 223.19 135.01 88.18 9/2/2028 887.38 223.19 777.36 135.01 110.02 88.18 286.38 3/2/2029 196.57 119.46 77.11 9/2/2029 934.92 196.57 801.16 119.46 133.76 77.11 287.98 3/2/2030 168.52 102.94 65.58 9/2/2030 998.30 168.52 840.82 102.94 157.48 65.58 288.64 3/2/2031 138.57 85.60 52.97 9/2/2031 1,053.76 138.57 872.55 85.60 181.21 52.97 287.15 3/2/2032 106.96 67.60 39.36 9/2/2032 1,117.15 106.96 904.28 67.60 212.87 39.36 291.59 3/2/2033 73.45 48.39 25.06 9/2/2033 1,188.45 73.45 943.94 48.39 244.51 25.06 294.63 3/2/2034 37.79 24.79 13.00 9/2/2034 1,259.76 37.79 991.53 24.79 268.23 13.00 294.23 Totals $16,107.49 $12,721.68 $14,849.19 $7,652.83 $1,258.29 $5,068.85 $6,327.14 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$15,259.03 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:4 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $390.80 $486.71 $0.00 $332.44 $390.80 $154.27 $545.07 3/2/2014 476.65 282.26 194.39 9/2/2014 415.23 476.65 798.82 282.26 (383.59)194.39 5.19 3/2/2015 465.64 274.27 191.37 9/2/2015 439.65 465.64 529.83 274.27 (90.18)191.37 292.56 3/2/2016 453.77 268.97 184.80 9/2/2016 464.08 453.77 537.98 268.97 (73.90)184.80 295.70 3/2/2017 441.01 260.90 180.11 9/2/2017 488.50 441.01 554.28 260.90 (65.78)180.11 294.44 3/2/2018 427.33 252.59 174.74 9/2/2018 512.93 427.33 562.43 252.59 (49.50)174.74 299.98 3/2/2019 412.84 244.15 168.69 9/2/2019 545.49 412.84 586.89 244.15 (41.40)168.69 295.98 3/2/2020 397.29 235.35 161.94 9/2/2020 569.92 397.29 595.04 235.35 (25.12)161.94 298.76 3/2/2021 380.91 226.42 154.49 9/2/2021 602.49 380.91 611.34 226.42 (8.85)154.49 300.13 3/2/2022 362.99 216.79 146.20 9/2/2022 643.19 362.99 635.79 216.79 7.40 146.20 299.80 3/2/2023 343.85 206.07 137.78 9/2/2023 683.90 343.85 660.25 206.07 23.65 137.78 299.21 3/2/2024 323.50 194.35 129.15 9/2/2024 724.61 323.50 684.70 194.35 39.91 129.15 298.21 3/2/2025 301.95 181.68 120.27 9/2/2025 765.32 301.95 709.15 181.68 56.17 120.27 296.71 3/2/2026 279.18 168.20 110.98 9/2/2026 806.03 279.18 733.61 168.20 72.42 110.98 294.38 3/2/2027 255.00 153.90 101.10 9/2/2027 854.88 255.00 758.06 153.90 96.82 101.10 299.02 3/2/2028 229.35 138.74 90.61 9/2/2028 911.87 229.35 798.82 138.74 113.05 90.61 294.27 3/2/2029 202.00 122.76 79.24 9/2/2029 960.72 202.00 823.27 122.76 137.45 79.24 295.93 3/2/2030 173.17 105.78 67.39 9/2/2030 1,025.85 173.17 864.03 105.78 161.82 67.39 296.60 3/2/2031 142.40 87.96 54.44 9/2/2031 1,082.85 142.40 896.63 87.96 186.22 54.44 295.10 3/2/2032 109.91 69.47 40.44 9/2/2032 1,147.98 109.91 929.24 69.47 218.74 40.44 299.62 3/2/2033 75.47 49.72 25.75 9/2/2033 1,221.26 75.47 969.99 49.72 251.27 25.75 302.77 3/2/2034 38.84 25.47 13.37 9/2/2034 1,294.53 38.84 1,018.90 25.47 275.63 13.37 302.37 Totals $16,552.08 $13,072.81 $15,259.03 $7,864.04 $1,293.03 $5,208.77 $6,501.80 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$15,692.95 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:134 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $401.92 $500.55 $0.00 $341.89 $401.92 $158.66 $560.58 3/2/2014 490.20 290.28 199.92 9/2/2014 427.03 490.20 821.53 290.28 (394.50)199.92 5.34 3/2/2015 478.88 282.07 196.81 9/2/2015 452.15 478.88 544.89 282.07 (92.74)196.81 300.88 3/2/2016 466.68 276.62 190.06 9/2/2016 477.27 466.68 553.28 276.62 (76.01)190.06 304.11 3/2/2017 453.55 268.32 185.23 9/2/2017 502.39 453.55 570.04 268.32 (67.65)185.23 302.81 3/2/2018 439.48 259.77 179.71 9/2/2018 527.51 439.48 578.43 259.77 (50.92)179.71 308.50 3/2/2019 424.58 251.09 173.49 9/2/2019 561.01 424.58 603.58 251.09 (42.57)173.49 304.41 3/2/2020 408.59 242.04 166.55 9/2/2020 586.13 408.59 611.96 242.04 (25.83)166.55 307.27 3/2/2021 391.74 232.86 158.88 9/2/2021 619.62 391.74 628.72 232.86 (9.10)158.88 308.66 3/2/2022 373.31 222.96 150.35 9/2/2022 661.49 373.31 653.87 222.96 7.62 150.35 308.32 3/2/2023 353.63 211.93 141.70 9/2/2023 703.35 353.63 679.02 211.93 24.33 141.70 307.73 3/2/2024 332.70 199.87 132.83 9/2/2024 745.22 332.70 704.17 199.87 41.05 132.83 306.71 3/2/2025 310.53 186.85 123.68 9/2/2025 787.08 310.53 729.32 186.85 57.76 123.68 305.12 3/2/2026 287.12 172.99 114.13 9/2/2026 828.95 287.12 754.47 172.99 74.48 114.13 302.74 3/2/2027 262.25 158.28 103.97 9/2/2027 879.19 262.25 779.62 158.28 99.57 103.97 307.51 3/2/2028 235.87 142.68 93.19 9/2/2028 937.80 235.87 821.53 142.68 116.27 93.19 302.65 3/2/2029 207.74 126.25 81.49 9/2/2029 988.04 207.74 846.68 126.25 141.36 81.49 304.34 3/2/2030 178.10 108.79 69.31 9/2/2030 1,055.03 178.10 888.60 108.79 166.43 69.31 305.05 3/2/2031 146.45 90.46 55.99 9/2/2031 1,113.64 146.45 922.13 90.46 191.51 55.99 303.49 3/2/2032 113.04 71.44 41.60 9/2/2032 1,180.63 113.04 955.66 71.44 224.97 41.60 308.17 3/2/2033 77.62 51.14 26.48 9/2/2033 1,255.98 77.62 997.58 51.14 258.40 26.48 311.36 3/2/2034 39.94 26.20 13.74 9/2/2034 1,331.34 39.94 1,047.87 26.20 283.47 13.74 310.95 Totals $17,022.77 $13,444.55 $15,692.95 $8,087.67 $1,329.82 $5,356.88 $6,686.70 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$15,693.00 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:1 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $401.92 $500.55 $0.00 $341.89 $401.92 $158.66 $560.58 3/2/2014 490.20 290.29 199.91 9/2/2014 427.04 490.20 821.53 290.29 (394.49)199.91 5.33 3/2/2015 478.88 282.07 196.81 9/2/2015 452.15 478.88 544.89 282.07 (92.74)196.81 300.88 3/2/2016 466.68 276.62 190.06 9/2/2016 477.27 466.68 553.28 276.62 (76.01)190.06 304.11 3/2/2017 453.55 268.32 185.23 9/2/2017 502.39 453.55 570.04 268.32 (67.65)185.23 302.81 3/2/2018 439.48 259.77 179.71 9/2/2018 527.51 439.48 578.43 259.77 (50.92)179.71 308.50 3/2/2019 424.58 251.09 173.49 9/2/2019 561.01 424.58 603.58 251.09 (42.57)173.49 304.41 3/2/2020 408.59 242.04 166.55 9/2/2020 586.13 408.59 611.96 242.04 (25.83)166.55 307.27 3/2/2021 391.74 232.86 158.88 9/2/2021 619.62 391.74 628.72 232.86 (9.10)158.88 308.66 3/2/2022 373.31 222.96 150.35 9/2/2022 661.49 373.31 653.87 222.96 7.62 150.35 308.32 3/2/2023 353.63 211.93 141.70 9/2/2023 703.35 353.63 679.02 211.93 24.33 141.70 307.73 3/2/2024 332.70 199.87 132.83 9/2/2024 745.22 332.70 704.17 199.87 41.05 132.83 306.71 3/2/2025 310.53 186.85 123.68 9/2/2025 787.08 310.53 729.32 186.85 57.76 123.68 305.12 3/2/2026 287.12 172.99 114.13 9/2/2026 828.95 287.12 754.47 172.99 74.48 114.13 302.74 3/2/2027 262.25 158.28 103.97 9/2/2027 879.19 262.25 779.62 158.28 99.57 103.97 307.51 3/2/2028 235.87 142.68 93.19 9/2/2028 937.80 235.87 821.53 142.68 116.27 93.19 302.65 3/2/2029 207.74 126.25 81.49 9/2/2029 988.04 207.74 846.68 126.25 141.36 81.49 304.34 3/2/2030 178.10 108.79 69.31 9/2/2030 1,055.03 178.10 888.60 108.79 166.43 69.31 305.05 3/2/2031 146.45 90.46 55.99 9/2/2031 1,113.64 146.45 922.13 90.46 191.51 55.99 303.49 3/2/2032 113.04 71.44 41.60 9/2/2032 1,180.63 113.04 955.66 71.44 224.97 41.60 308.17 3/2/2033 77.62 51.14 26.48 9/2/2033 1,255.99 77.62 997.58 51.14 258.41 26.48 311.37 3/2/2034 39.94 26.20 13.74 9/2/2034 1,331.34 39.94 1,047.87 26.20 283.47 13.74 310.95 Totals $17,022.79 $13,444.55 $15,693.00 $8,087.69 $1,329.84 $5,356.86 $6,686.70 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$16,759.84 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:34 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $429.24 $534.58 $0.00 $365.13 $429.24 $169.45 $598.69 3/2/2014 523.53 310.02 213.51 9/2/2014 456.07 523.53 877.38 310.02 (421.31)213.51 5.71 3/2/2015 511.44 301.25 210.19 9/2/2015 482.89 511.44 581.94 301.25 (99.05)210.19 321.33 3/2/2016 498.40 295.43 202.97 9/2/2016 509.72 498.40 590.89 295.43 (81.17)202.97 324.77 3/2/2017 484.39 286.56 197.83 9/2/2017 536.55 484.39 608.80 286.56 (72.25)197.83 323.41 3/2/2018 469.36 277.43 191.93 9/2/2018 563.38 469.36 617.75 277.43 (54.37)191.93 329.49 3/2/2019 453.45 268.17 185.28 9/2/2019 599.15 453.45 644.61 268.17 (45.46)185.28 325.10 3/2/2020 436.37 258.50 177.87 9/2/2020 625.97 436.37 653.56 258.50 (27.59)177.87 328.15 3/2/2021 418.37 248.69 169.68 9/2/2021 661.74 418.37 671.47 248.69 (9.73)169.68 329.63 3/2/2022 398.69 238.12 160.57 9/2/2022 706.46 398.69 698.33 238.12 8.13 160.57 329.27 3/2/2023 377.67 226.33 151.34 9/2/2023 751.17 377.67 725.19 226.33 25.98 151.34 328.66 3/2/2024 355.32 213.46 141.86 9/2/2024 795.88 355.32 752.04 213.46 43.84 141.86 327.56 3/2/2025 331.65 199.55 132.10 9/2/2025 840.59 331.65 778.90 199.55 61.69 132.10 325.89 3/2/2026 306.64 184.75 121.89 9/2/2026 885.31 306.64 805.76 184.75 79.55 121.89 323.33 3/2/2027 280.08 169.04 111.04 9/2/2027 938.96 280.08 832.62 169.04 106.34 111.04 328.42 3/2/2028 251.91 152.38 99.53 9/2/2028 1,001.56 251.91 877.38 152.38 124.18 99.53 323.24 3/2/2029 221.86 134.84 87.02 9/2/2029 1,055.21 221.86 904.24 134.84 150.97 87.02 325.01 3/2/2030 190.21 116.19 74.02 9/2/2030 1,126.75 190.21 949.01 116.19 177.74 74.02 325.78 3/2/2031 156.40 96.61 59.79 9/2/2031 1,189.35 156.40 984.82 96.61 204.53 59.79 324.11 3/2/2032 120.72 76.30 44.42 9/2/2032 1,260.89 120.72 1,020.63 76.30 240.26 44.42 329.10 3/2/2033 82.90 54.61 28.29 9/2/2033 1,341.37 82.90 1,065.40 54.61 275.97 28.29 332.55 3/2/2034 42.66 27.98 14.68 9/2/2034 1,421.86 42.66 1,119.11 27.98 302.75 14.68 332.11 Totals $18,180.07 $14,358.62 $16,759.84 $8,637.55 $1,420.24 $5,721.07 $7,141.31 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$20,497.05 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:30 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $524.95 $653.78 $0.00 $446.55 $524.95 $207.23 $732.18 3/2/2014 640.27 379.15 261.12 9/2/2014 557.76 640.27 1,073.03 379.15 (515.27)261.12 6.97 3/2/2015 625.49 368.42 257.07 9/2/2015 590.57 625.49 711.70 368.42 (121.13)257.07 393.01 3/2/2016 609.54 361.30 248.24 9/2/2016 623.38 609.54 722.65 361.30 (99.27)248.24 397.21 3/2/2017 592.40 350.46 241.94 9/2/2017 656.19 592.40 744.55 350.46 (88.36)241.94 395.52 3/2/2018 574.02 339.29 234.73 9/2/2018 689.00 574.02 755.50 339.29 (66.50)234.73 402.96 3/2/2019 554.56 327.96 226.60 9/2/2019 732.75 554.56 788.35 327.96 (55.60)226.60 397.60 3/2/2020 533.68 316.14 217.54 9/2/2020 765.56 533.68 799.30 316.14 (33.74)217.54 401.34 3/2/2021 511.67 304.15 207.52 9/2/2021 809.30 511.67 821.20 304.15 (11.90)207.52 403.14 3/2/2022 487.59 291.21 196.38 9/2/2022 863.99 487.59 854.04 291.21 9.95 196.38 402.71 3/2/2023 461.89 276.80 185.09 9/2/2023 918.67 461.89 886.89 276.80 31.78 185.09 401.96 3/2/2024 434.56 261.06 173.50 9/2/2024 973.35 434.56 919.74 261.06 53.61 173.50 400.61 3/2/2025 405.60 244.04 161.56 9/2/2025 1,028.03 405.60 952.59 244.04 75.44 161.56 398.56 3/2/2026 375.01 225.95 149.06 9/2/2026 1,082.72 375.01 985.44 225.95 97.28 149.06 395.40 3/2/2027 342.53 206.73 135.80 9/2/2027 1,148.34 342.53 1,018.28 206.73 130.06 135.80 401.66 3/2/2028 308.08 186.36 121.72 9/2/2028 1,224.89 308.08 1,073.03 186.36 151.86 121.72 395.30 3/2/2029 271.34 164.90 106.44 9/2/2029 1,290.51 271.34 1,105.88 164.90 184.63 106.44 397.51 3/2/2030 232.62 142.09 90.53 9/2/2030 1,378.00 232.62 1,160.62 142.09 217.38 90.53 398.44 3/2/2031 191.28 118.16 73.12 9/2/2031 1,454.56 191.28 1,204.42 118.16 250.14 73.12 396.38 3/2/2032 147.64 93.32 54.32 9/2/2032 1,542.05 147.64 1,248.22 93.32 293.83 54.32 402.47 3/2/2033 101.38 66.79 34.59 9/2/2033 1,640.48 101.38 1,302.96 66.79 337.52 34.59 406.70 3/2/2034 52.17 34.22 17.95 9/2/2034 1,738.91 52.17 1,368.66 34.22 370.25 17.95 406.15 Totals $22,233.96 $17,560.42 $20,497.05 $10,563.55 $1,736.91 $6,996.87 $8,733.78 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$20,497.06 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:51 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $524.95 $653.78 $0.00 $446.55 $524.95 $207.23 $732.18 3/2/2014 640.27 379.15 261.12 9/2/2014 557.76 640.27 1,073.03 379.15 (515.27)261.12 6.97 3/2/2015 625.49 368.42 257.07 9/2/2015 590.57 625.49 711.70 368.42 (121.13)257.07 393.01 3/2/2016 609.54 361.30 248.24 9/2/2016 623.38 609.54 722.65 361.30 (99.27)248.24 397.21 3/2/2017 592.40 350.46 241.94 9/2/2017 656.19 592.40 744.55 350.46 (88.36)241.94 395.52 3/2/2018 574.02 339.30 234.72 9/2/2018 689.00 574.02 755.50 339.30 (66.50)234.72 402.94 3/2/2019 554.56 327.96 226.60 9/2/2019 732.75 554.56 788.35 327.96 (55.60)226.60 397.60 3/2/2020 533.68 316.14 217.54 9/2/2020 765.56 533.68 799.30 316.14 (33.74)217.54 401.34 3/2/2021 511.67 304.15 207.52 9/2/2021 809.30 511.67 821.20 304.15 (11.90)207.52 403.14 3/2/2022 487.59 291.21 196.38 9/2/2022 863.99 487.59 854.04 291.21 9.95 196.38 402.71 3/2/2023 461.89 276.80 185.09 9/2/2023 918.67 461.89 886.89 276.80 31.78 185.09 401.96 3/2/2024 434.56 261.06 173.50 9/2/2024 973.35 434.56 919.74 261.06 53.61 173.50 400.61 3/2/2025 405.60 244.04 161.56 9/2/2025 1,028.04 405.60 952.59 244.04 75.45 161.56 398.57 3/2/2026 375.01 225.95 149.06 9/2/2026 1,082.72 375.01 985.44 225.95 97.28 149.06 395.40 3/2/2027 342.53 206.73 135.80 9/2/2027 1,148.34 342.53 1,018.28 206.73 130.06 135.80 401.66 3/2/2028 308.08 186.36 121.72 9/2/2028 1,224.89 308.08 1,073.03 186.36 151.86 121.72 395.30 3/2/2029 271.34 164.90 106.44 9/2/2029 1,290.51 271.34 1,105.88 164.90 184.63 106.44 397.51 3/2/2030 232.62 142.09 90.53 9/2/2030 1,378.00 232.62 1,160.62 142.09 217.38 90.53 398.44 3/2/2031 191.28 118.16 73.12 9/2/2031 1,454.56 191.28 1,204.42 118.16 250.14 73.12 396.38 3/2/2032 147.64 93.32 54.32 9/2/2032 1,542.05 147.64 1,248.22 93.32 293.83 54.32 402.47 3/2/2033 101.38 66.79 34.59 9/2/2033 1,640.48 101.38 1,302.96 66.79 337.52 34.59 406.70 3/2/2034 52.17 34.22 17.95 9/2/2034 1,738.91 52.17 1,368.66 34.22 370.25 17.95 406.15 Totals $22,233.97 $17,560.42 $20,497.06 $10,563.57 $1,736.92 $6,996.85 $8,733.77 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 Comparison of the Refunded Parcel's Amortization with the Refunding Parcel's Amortization APN:See Reassessment Roll Unique Reassessment Amount:$20,566.14 Parcel Count with Same Reassessment:106 Payment Refunded Amortization Refunding Amortization Savings Date Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Annual Total 9/2/2013 $526.72 $655.99 $0.00 $448.06 $526.72 $207.93 $734.65 3/2/2014 642.42 380.43 261.99 9/2/2014 559.64 642.42 1,076.65 380.43 (517.01)261.99 6.97 3/2/2015 627.59 369.66 257.93 9/2/2015 592.56 627.59 714.10 369.66 (121.54)257.93 394.32 3/2/2016 611.59 362.52 249.07 9/2/2016 625.48 611.59 725.09 362.52 (99.61)249.07 398.53 3/2/2017 594.39 351.64 242.75 9/2/2017 658.40 594.39 747.06 351.64 (88.66)242.75 396.84 3/2/2018 575.96 340.44 235.52 9/2/2018 691.32 575.96 758.05 340.44 (66.73)235.52 404.31 3/2/2019 556.43 329.07 227.36 9/2/2019 735.22 556.43 791.01 329.07 (55.79)227.36 398.93 3/2/2020 535.47 317.20 218.27 9/2/2020 768.14 535.47 801.99 317.20 (33.85)218.27 402.69 3/2/2021 513.39 305.17 208.22 9/2/2021 812.03 513.39 823.96 305.17 (11.93)208.22 404.51 3/2/2022 489.23 292.20 197.03 9/2/2022 866.90 489.23 856.92 292.20 9.98 197.03 404.04 3/2/2023 463.44 277.73 185.71 9/2/2023 921.77 463.44 889.88 277.73 31.89 185.71 403.31 3/2/2024 436.02 261.94 174.08 9/2/2024 976.63 436.02 922.84 261.94 53.79 174.08 401.95 3/2/2025 406.97 244.87 162.10 9/2/2025 1,031.50 406.97 955.80 244.87 75.70 162.10 399.90 3/2/2026 376.28 226.71 149.57 9/2/2026 1,086.37 376.28 988.76 226.71 97.61 149.57 396.75 3/2/2027 343.69 207.43 136.26 9/2/2027 1,152.21 343.69 1,021.72 207.43 130.49 136.26 403.01 3/2/2028 309.12 186.99 122.13 9/2/2028 1,229.02 309.12 1,076.65 186.99 152.37 122.13 396.63 3/2/2029 272.25 165.46 106.79 9/2/2029 1,294.86 272.25 1,109.60 165.46 185.26 106.79 398.84 3/2/2030 233.40 142.57 90.83 9/2/2030 1,382.65 233.40 1,164.54 142.57 218.11 90.83 399.77 3/2/2031 191.92 118.55 73.37 9/2/2031 1,459.46 191.92 1,208.48 118.55 250.98 73.37 397.72 3/2/2032 148.14 93.63 54.51 9/2/2032 1,547.25 148.14 1,252.43 93.63 294.82 54.51 403.84 3/2/2033 101.72 67.02 34.70 9/2/2033 1,646.01 101.72 1,307.36 67.02 338.65 34.70 408.05 3/2/2034 52.34 34.33 18.01 9/2/2034 1,744.77 52.34 1,373.27 34.33 371.50 18.01 407.52 Totals $22,308.91 $17,619.51 $20,566.14 $10,599.18 $1,742.75 $7,020.33 $8,763.08 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1, City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No.2012-1 Reassessment Report 8Prepared by NBS –January 30, 2013 REASSESSMENT ROLL City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Roll TOTAL AS AS REASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S PRELIMINARILY CONFIRMED ID PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED AND RECORDED 1 213-110-01-00 $234,078.86 $222,324.25 2 213-112-39-01 7,446.60 7,072.66 3 213-112-39-02 7,446.53 7,072.59 4 213-112-39-03 7,446.53 7,072.59 5 213-112-39-04 7,446.53 7,072.59 6 213-112-39-05 7,446.53 7,072.59 7 213-112-41-01 7,446.53 7,072.59 8 213-112-41-02 7,446.53 7,072.59 9 213-112-41-03 7,446.53 7,072.59 10 213-112-41-04 7,446.53 7,072.59 11 213-112-41-05 7,446.53 7,072.59 12 213-112-42-01 7,446.53 7,072.59 13 213-112-42-02 7,446.53 7,072.59 14 213-112-42-03 7,446.53 7,072.59 15 213-112-43-01 7,446.53 7,072.59 16 213-112-43-02 7,446.53 7,072.59 17 213-112-43-03 7,446.52 7,072.58 18 213-112-43-04 7,446.52 7,072.58 19 213-112-43-05 7,446.52 7,072.58 20 213-112-43-06 7,446.52 7,072.58 21 213-112-44-01 7,446.53 7,072.59 22 213-112-44-02 7,446.53 7,072.59 23 213-112-44-04 7,446.53 7,072.59 24 213-112-44-05 7,446.53 7,072.59 25 213-112-46-01 7,446.52 7,072.58 26 213-112-46-02 7,446.52 7,072.58 27 213-112-46-03 7,446.52 7,072.58 28 213-112-46-04 7,446.52 7,072.58 29 213-112-47-01 7,446.53 7,072.59 30 213-112-47-02 7,446.53 7,072.59 31 213-112-47-03 7,446.53 7,072.59 32 213-112-47-04 7,446.53 7,072.59 33 213-112-48-01 7,446.52 7,072.58 34 213-112-48-02 7,446.52 7,072.58 35 213-112-48-03 7,446.52 7,072.58 36 213-112-48-04 7,446.52 7,072.58 37 213-112-49-01 7,446.52 7,072.58 38 213-112-49-02 7,446.52 7,072.58 39 213-112-49-03 7,446.52 7,072.58 40 213-112-49-04 7,446.52 7,072.58 41 213-112-50-01 7,446.52 7,072.58 42 213-112-50-02 7,446.52 7,072.58 43 213-112-50-03 7,446.52 7,072.58 44 213-112-50-04 7,446.52 7,072.58 45 213-112-51-01 7,446.53 7,072.59 46 213-112-51-02 7,446.53 7,072.59 47 213-112-51-03 7,446.53 7,072.59 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Roll TOTAL AS AS REASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S PRELIMINARILY CONFIRMED ID PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED AND RECORDED 48 213-112-51-04 7,446.53 7,072.59 49 213-112-53-01 7,446.50 7,072.56 50 213-112-53-02 7,446.54 7,072.60 51 213-112-53-03 7,446.54 7,072.60 52 213-112-53-04 7,446.54 7,072.60 53 213-112-54-01 7,446.54 7,072.60 54 213-112-54-02 7,446.54 7,072.60 55 213-112-54-03 7,446.54 7,072.60 56 213-112-54-04 7,446.54 7,072.60 57 213-112-55-01 7,446.54 7,072.60 58 213-112-55-02 7,446.54 7,072.60 59 213-112-55-03 7,446.54 7,072.60 60 213-112-55-04 7,446.54 7,072.60 61 213-112-56-01 7,446.51 7,072.58 62 213-112-56-02 7,446.54 7,072.60 63 213-112-56-03 7,446.54 7,072.60 64 213-112-56-04 7,446.54 7,072.60 65 213-112-56-05 7,446.54 7,072.60 66 213-112-56-06 7,446.54 7,072.60 67 213-112-56-07 7,446.54 7,072.60 68 213-112-57-01 7,446.50 7,072.57 69 213-112-57-02 7,446.53 7,072.59 70 213-112-57-03 7,446.53 7,072.59 71 213-112-57-04 7,446.53 7,072.59 72 213-112-58-01 7,446.53 7,072.59 73 213-112-58-02 7,446.53 7,072.59 74 213-112-58-03 7,446.53 7,072.59 75 213-112-58-04 7,446.53 7,072.59 76 213-112-59-01 7,446.53 7,072.59 77 213-112-59-02 7,446.53 7,072.59 78 213-112-59-03 7,446.53 7,072.59 79 213-112-61-01 7,446.53 7,072.59 80 213-112-61-02 7,446.53 7,072.59 81 213-112-61-03 7,446.53 7,072.59 82 213-112-61-04 7,446.53 7,072.59 83 213-112-61-05 7,446.53 7,072.59 84 213-112-61-06 7,446.53 7,072.59 85 213-112-62-01 7,446.50 7,072.57 86 213-112-62-02 7,446.52 7,072.58 87 213-112-62-03 7,446.53 7,072.59 88 213-121-02-00 45,265.91 42,992.82 89 213-122-07-00 17,543.13 16,662.17 90 213-122-17-00 720,297.20 684,130.01 91 213-130-01-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 92 213-130-02-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 93 213-130-03-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 94 213-130-04-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Roll TOTAL AS AS REASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S PRELIMINARILY CONFIRMED ID PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED AND RECORDED 95 213-130-05-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 96 213-130-06-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 97 213-130-07-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 98 213-130-08-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 99 213-130-09-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 100 213-130-10-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 101 213-130-11-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 102 213-130-12-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 103 213-130-13-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 104 213-130-14-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 105 213-130-15-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 106 213-130-16-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 107 213-130-17-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 108 213-130-18-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 109 213-130-19-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 110 213-130-20-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 111 213-130-21-00 15,501.23 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363 213-160-20-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 364 213-160-21-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 365 213-160-22-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 366 213-161-01-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 367 213-161-02-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 368 213-161-03-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 369 213-161-04-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 370 213-161-05-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 371 213-161-06-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 372 213-161-07-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 373 213-161-08-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 374 213-161-09-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 375 213-161-10-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 376 213-161-11-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Roll TOTAL AS AS REASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S PRELIMINARILY CONFIRMED ID PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED AND RECORDED 377 213-161-12-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 378 213-161-13-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 379 213-162-01-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 380 213-162-02-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 381 213-162-03-00 15,501.23 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14,722.81 427 213-170-15-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 428 213-170-16-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 429 213-170-17-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 430 213-170-18-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 431 213-170-19-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 432 213-170-20-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 433 213-170-21-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 434 213-170-22-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 435 213-170-23-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 436 213-170-24-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 437 213-170-25-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 438 213-170-26-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 439 213-170-27-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 440 213-170-28-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 441 213-170-29-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 442 213-170-30-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 443 213-170-31-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 444 213-170-32-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 445 213-170-33-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 446 213-170-34-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 447 213-170-35-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 448 213-170-36-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 449 213-170-37-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 450 213-170-38-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 451 213-170-39-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 452 213-170-40-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 453 213-170-41-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 454 213-170-42-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 455 213-170-43-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 456 213-170-44-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 457 213-170-45-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 458 213-170-46-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 459 213-170-47-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 460 213-170-48-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 461 213-170-49-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 462 213-170-50-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 463 213-170-51-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 464 213-171-01-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 465 213-171-02-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 466 213-171-03-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 467 213-171-04-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 468 213-171-05-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 469 213-171-06-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 470 213-171-07-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Roll TOTAL AS AS REASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S PRELIMINARILY CONFIRMED ID PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED AND RECORDED 471 213-171-08-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 472 213-171-09-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 473 213-171-10-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 474 213-171-11-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 475 213-171-12-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 476 213-171-13-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 477 213-171-14-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 478 213-171-15-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 479 213-171-16-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 480 213-171-17-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 481 213-171-18-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 482 213-171-19-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 483 213-171-20-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 484 213-171-21-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 485 213-171-22-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 486 213-171-23-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 487 213-171-24-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 488 213-171-25-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 489 213-171-26-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 490 213-171-27-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 491 213-171-28-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 492 213-171-29-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 493 213-171-30-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 494 213-171-31-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 495 213-171-32-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 496 213-171-33-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 497 213-180-01-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 498 213-180-02-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 499 213-180-03-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 500 213-180-04-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 501 213-180-05-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 502 213-180-06-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 503 213-180-07-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 504 213-180-08-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 505 213-180-09-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 506 213-180-10-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 507 213-180-11-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 508 213-180-12-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 509 213-180-13-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 510 213-180-14-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 511 213-180-15-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 512 213-180-16-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 513 213-180-17-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 514 213-180-18-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 515 213-180-19-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 516 213-180-20-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 517 213-180-21-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Roll TOTAL AS AS REASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S PRELIMINARILY CONFIRMED ID PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED AND RECORDED 518 213-180-22-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 519 213-180-23-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 520 213-180-24-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 521 213-180-25-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 522 213-180-26-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 523 213-180-27-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 524 213-180-28-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 525 213-181-01-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 526 213-181-02-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 527 213-181-03-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 528 213-181-04-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 529 213-181-05-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 530 213-181-06-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 531 213-181-07-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 532 213-181-08-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 533 213-181-09-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 534 213-181-10-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 535 213-181-11-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 536 213-181-12-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 537 213-181-13-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 538 213-181-14-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 539 213-181-15-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 540 213-181-16-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 541 213-181-17-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 542 213-181-18-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 543 213-181-19-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 544 213-181-20-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 545 213-181-21-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 546 213-181-22-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 547 213-181-23-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 548 213-181-24-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 549 213-181-25-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 550 213-181-26-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 551 213-181-27-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 552 213-181-28-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 553 213-181-29-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 554 213-181-30-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 555 213-181-31-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 556 213-181-32-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 557 213-181-33-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 558 213-181-34-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 559 213-181-35-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 560 213-181-36-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 561 213-181-37-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 562 213-181-38-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 563 213-181-39-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 564 213-181-40-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Roll TOTAL AS AS REASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S PRELIMINARILY CONFIRMED ID PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED AND RECORDED 565 213-181-41-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 566 213-181-42-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 567 213-181-43-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 568 213-181-44-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 569 213-181-45-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 570 213-181-46-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 571 213-181-47-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 572 213-181-48-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 573 213-181-49-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 574 213-181-50-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 575 213-181-51-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 576 213-181-52-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 577 213-181-53-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 578 213-181-54-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 579 213-181-55-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 580 213-181-56-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 581 213-181-57-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 582 213-181-58-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 583 213-181-59-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 584 213-181-60-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 585 213-181-61-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 586 213-181-62-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 587 213-181-63-00 15,501.23 14,722.81 588 213-190-02-00 256,681.50 243,791.87 589 213-191-09-00 55,311.91 52,534.34 590 213-191-10-00 143,257.85 136,063.95 591 213-191-11-00 51,329.46 48,751.88 592 213-191-14-00 119,252.48 113,264.04 593 213-191-15-00 484,864.21 460,516.05 594 213-191-25-00 276,891.44 262,986.93 595 213-191-26-00 229,323.18 217,807.39 596 213-200-01-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 597 213-200-02-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 598 213-200-03-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 599 213-200-04-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 600 213-200-05-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 601 213-200-06-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 602 213-200-07-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 603 213-200-08-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 604 213-200-09-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 605 213-200-10-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 606 213-200-11-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 607 213-200-12-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 608 213-200-13-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 609 213-200-14-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 610 213-200-15-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 611 213-200-16-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Roll TOTAL AS AS REASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S PRELIMINARILY CONFIRMED ID PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED AND RECORDED 612 213-200-17-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 613 213-200-18-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 614 213-200-19-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 615 213-200-20-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 616 213-200-21-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 617 213-200-22-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 618 213-201-01-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 619 213-201-02-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 620 213-201-03-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 621 213-201-04-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 622 213-201-05-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 623 213-201-06-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 624 213-201-07-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 625 213-201-08-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 626 213-201-09-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 627 213-201-10-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 628 213-201-11-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 629 213-201-12-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 630 213-201-13-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 631 213-201-14-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 632 213-201-15-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 633 213-201-16-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 634 213-201-17-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 635 213-201-18-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 636 213-201-19-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 637 213-201-20-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 638 213-201-21-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 639 213-202-01-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 640 213-202-02-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 641 213-202-03-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 642 213-202-04-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 643 213-202-05-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 644 213-202-06-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 645 213-202-07-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 646 213-202-08-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 647 213-202-09-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 648 213-202-10-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 649 213-202-11-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 650 213-202-12-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 651 213-202-13-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 652 213-202-14-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 653 213-202-15-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 654 213-202-16-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 655 213-202-17-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 656 213-202-18-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 657 213-202-19-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 658 213-202-20-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Roll TOTAL AS AS REASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S PRELIMINARILY CONFIRMED ID PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED AND RECORDED 659 213-202-21-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 660 213-210-01-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 661 213-210-02-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 662 213-210-03-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 663 213-210-04-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 664 213-210-05-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 665 213-210-06-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 666 213-210-07-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 667 213-210-08-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 668 213-211-01-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 669 213-211-02-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 670 213-211-03-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 671 213-211-04-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 672 213-211-05-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 673 213-211-06-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 674 213-211-07-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 675 213-211-08-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 676 213-211-09-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 677 213-211-10-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 678 213-211-11-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 679 213-211-12-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 680 213-211-13-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 681 213-211-14-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 682 213-211-15-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 683 213-212-01-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 684 213-212-02-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 685 213-212-03-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 686 213-212-04-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 687 213-212-05-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 688 213-212-06-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 689 213-212-07-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 690 213-212-08-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 691 213-212-09-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 692 213-212-10-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 693 213-212-11-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 694 213-212-12-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 695 213-212-13-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 696 213-220-01-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 697 213-220-02-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 698 213-220-03-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 699 213-220-04-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 700 213-220-05-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 701 213-220-06-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 702 213-220-07-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 703 213-220-08-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 704 213-220-09-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 705 213-220-10-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Roll TOTAL AS AS REASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S PRELIMINARILY CONFIRMED ID PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED AND RECORDED 706 213-220-11-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 707 213-220-12-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 708 213-220-13-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 709 213-220-14-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 710 213-220-15-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 711 213-220-16-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 712 213-220-17-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 713 213-220-18-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 714 213-220-19-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 715 213-220-20-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 716 213-220-21-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 717 213-220-22-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 718 213-220-23-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 719 213-220-24-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 720 213-220-25-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 721 213-221-01-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 722 213-221-02-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 723 213-221-03-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 724 213-221-04-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 725 213-221-05-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 726 213-221-06-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 727 213-221-07-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 728 213-221-08-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 729 213-221-09-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 730 213-221-10-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 731 213-221-11-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 732 213-221-12-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 733 213-221-13-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 734 213-221-14-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 735 213-221-15-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 736 213-221-16-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 737 213-221-17-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 738 213-221-18-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 739 213-221-19-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 740 213-221-20-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 741 213-221-22-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 742 213-221-23-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 743 213-221-24-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 744 213-221-25-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 745 213-221-26-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 746 213-221-27-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 747 213-221-28-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 748 213-221-29-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 749 213-221-30-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 750 213-221-31-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 751 213-221-32-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 752 213-221-33-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Roll TOTAL AS AS REASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S PRELIMINARILY CONFIRMED ID PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED AND RECORDED 753 213-221-34-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 754 213-221-35-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 755 213-221-36-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 756 213-221-37-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 757 213-221-38-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 758 213-221-39-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 759 213-221-40-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 760 213-221-41-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 761 213-221-42-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 762 213-221-43-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 763 213-221-44-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 764 213-221-45-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 765 213-221-46-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 766 213-221-47-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 767 213-221-48-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 768 213-221-49-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 769 213-221-50-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 770 213-221-53-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 771 213-230-01-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 772 213-230-02-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 773 213-230-03-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 774 213-230-04-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 775 213-230-05-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 776 213-230-06-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 777 213-230-07-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 778 213-230-08-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 779 213-230-09-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 780 213-230-10-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 781 213-230-11-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 782 213-230-12-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 783 213-230-13-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 784 213-231-01-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 785 213-231-02-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 786 213-231-03-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 787 213-231-04-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 788 213-231-05-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 789 213-231-06-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 790 213-231-07-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 791 213-231-08-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 792 213-231-09-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 793 213-231-10-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 794 213-231-11-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 795 213-231-12-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 796 213-231-13-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 797 213-231-14-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 798 213-231-15-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 799 213-231-16-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Roll TOTAL AS AS REASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S PRELIMINARILY CONFIRMED ID PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED AND RECORDED 800 213-231-17-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 801 213-231-18-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 802 213-231-19-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 803 213-231-20-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 804 213-231-21-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 805 213-231-22-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 806 213-231-23-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 807 213-232-01-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 808 213-232-02-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 809 213-232-03-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 810 213-232-04-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 811 213-232-05-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 812 213-232-06-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 813 213-232-07-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 814 213-232-09-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 815 213-232-10-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 816 213-232-11-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 817 213-232-12-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 818 213-232-13-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 819 213-232-14-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 820 213-232-15-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 821 213-232-16-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 822 213-232-18-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 823 213-233-01-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 824 213-233-02-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 825 213-233-03-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 826 213-233-04-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 827 213-233-05-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 828 213-233-06-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 829 213-233-07-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 830 213-233-08-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 831 213-233-09-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 832 213-233-10-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 833 213-233-11-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 834 213-233-12-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 835 213-233-13-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 836 213-233-14-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 837 213-233-15-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 838 213-233-16-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 839 213-233-17-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 840 213-233-18-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 841 213-233-19-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 842 213-233-20-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 843 213-233-21-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 844 213-233-22-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 845 213-233-23-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 846 213-233-24-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Roll TOTAL AS AS REASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S PRELIMINARILY CONFIRMED ID PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED AND RECORDED 847 213-233-25-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 848 213-233-26-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 849 213-233-27-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 850 213-233-28-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 851 213-233-29-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 852 213-233-30-00 9,361.51 8,891.41 853 213-240-01-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 854 213-240-02-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 855 213-240-03-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 856 213-240-04-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 857 213-240-05-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 858 213-240-06-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 859 213-240-07-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 860 213-240-08-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 861 213-240-09-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 862 213-240-10-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 863 213-240-11-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 864 213-240-12-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 865 213-240-13-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 866 213-240-14-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 867 213-240-15-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 868 213-240-16-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 869 213-240-17-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 870 213-240-18-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 871 213-240-19-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 872 213-240-20-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 873 213-240-21-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 874 213-240-22-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 875 213-240-23-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 876 213-240-24-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 877 213-240-25-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 878 213-240-26-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 879 213-240-27-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 880 213-240-28-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 881 213-240-29-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 882 213-240-30-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 883 213-240-31-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 884 213-240-32-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 885 213-240-33-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 886 213-240-34-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 887 213-241-01-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 888 213-241-02-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 889 213-241-03-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 890 213-241-04-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 891 213-241-05-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 892 213-241-06-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 893 213-241-07-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Roll TOTAL AS AS REASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S PRELIMINARILY CONFIRMED ID PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED AND RECORDED 894 213-241-08-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 895 213-241-09-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 896 213-241-10-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 897 213-241-11-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 898 213-241-12-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 899 213-241-13-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 900 213-241-14-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 901 213-241-15-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 902 213-241-16-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 903 213-241-17-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 904 213-241-18-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 905 213-241-19-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 906 213-241-20-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 907 213-241-21-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 908 213-241-22-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 909 213-241-23-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 910 213-241-24-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 911 213-241-25-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 912 213-241-26-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 913 213-241-27-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 914 213-242-01-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 915 213-242-02-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 916 213-242-03-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 917 213-242-04-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 918 213-242-05-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 919 213-242-06-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 920 213-242-07-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 921 213-242-08-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 922 213-242-09-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 923 213-242-10-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 924 213-242-11-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 925 213-242-12-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 926 213-242-13-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 927 213-242-14-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 928 213-242-15-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 929 213-242-16-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 930 213-242-19-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 931 213-242-20-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 932 213-242-21-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 933 213-242-22-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 934 213-242-23-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 935 213-242-24-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 936 213-242-25-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 937 213-242-26-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 938 213-242-27-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 939 213-242-28-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 940 213-242-31-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Roll TOTAL AS AS REASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S PRELIMINARILY CONFIRMED ID PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED AND RECORDED 941 213-242-32-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 942 213-242-33-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 943 213-242-34-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 944 213-242-35-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 945 213-242-39-00 8,858.70 8,413.85 946 213-242-40-00 8,858.70 8,413.85 947 213-242-41-00 8,858.70 8,413.85 948 213-242-42-00 8,858.70 8,413.85 949 213-243-01-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 950 213-243-02-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 951 213-243-03-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 952 213-243-04-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 953 213-243-05-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 954 213-243-06-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 955 213-243-07-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 956 213-243-08-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 957 213-243-09-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 958 213-243-10-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 959 213-243-11-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 960 213-243-12-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 961 213-243-13-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 962 213-243-14-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 963 213-243-15-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 964 213-243-16-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 965 213-243-17-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 966 213-243-18-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 967 213-243-19-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 968 213-243-20-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 969 213-243-21-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 970 213-243-22-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 971 213-243-23-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 972 213-243-24-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 973 213-243-25-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 974 213-243-26-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 975 213-243-27-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 976 213-243-28-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 977 213-243-29-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 978 213-243-30-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 979 213-243-31-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 980 213-243-32-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 981 213-243-33-00 8,858.71 8,413.85 982 213-250-01-00 19,793.64 18,799.67 983 213-250-02-00 19,793.64 18,799.67 984 213-250-03-00 19,793.64 18,799.67 985 213-250-04-00 19,793.64 18,799.67 986 213-250-05-00 19,793.64 18,799.67 987 213-250-06-00 19,793.64 18,799.67 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Roll TOTAL AS AS REASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S PRELIMINARILY CONFIRMED ID PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED AND RECORDED 988 213-250-07-00 19,793.64 18,799.67 989 213-250-08-00 19,793.64 18,799.67 990 213-250-09-00 19,793.64 18,799.67 991 213-250-10-00 19,793.64 18,799.67 992 213-250-11-00 19,793.64 18,799.67 993 213-250-12-00 19,793.64 18,799.67 994 213-250-13-00 19,793.64 18,799.67 995 213-250-14-00 19,793.64 18,799.67 996 213-250-15-00 19,793.64 18,799.67 997 213-250-16-00 19,793.64 18,799.67 998 213-250-17-00 19,793.64 18,799.67 999 213-250-18-00 19,793.64 18,799.67 1000 213-250-19-00 19,793.64 18,799.67 1001 213-250-20-00 19,793.64 18,799.67 1002 213-250-21-00 19,793.64 18,799.67 1003 213-250-22-00 19,793.64 18,799.67 1004 213-250-23-00 19,793.64 18,799.67 1005 213-250-24-00 19,793.64 18,799.67 1006 213-250-25-00 19,793.64 18,799.67 1007 213-260-01-01 11,485.00 10,908.26 1008 213-260-01-02 12,187.11 11,575.12 1009 213-260-01-03 8,161.20 7,751.37 1010 213-260-01-04 7,362.61 6,992.88 1011 213-260-01-05 8,515.94 8,088.30 1012 213-260-01-07 11,417.13 10,843.80 1013 213-260-01-09 21,541.30 20,459.58 1014 213-260-02-00 185,506.34 176,190.87 1015 213-260-03-00 166,369.90 158,015.39 1016 213-260-04-00 157,504.64 149,595.32 1017 213-260-05-00 89,238.31 84,757.08 1018 213-260-06-00 91,581.55 86,982.65 1019 213-260-07-00 65,337.29 62,056.28 1020 213-260-08-00 69,437.95 65,951.02 1021 213-260-09-00 76,623.88 72,776.10 1022 213-261-01-00 157,226.17 149,330.83 1023 213-261-02-00 68,976.37 65,512.62 1024 213-261-03-00 64,147.63 60,926.36 1025 213-261-04-00 122,009.50 115,882.62 1026 213-261-05-00 187,031.29 177,639.24 1027 213-261-06-00 147,069.11 139,683.82 1028 213-261-14-00 184,492.01 175,227.48 1029 213-261-15-01 12,046.86 11,441.91 1030 213-261-15-02 12,171.87 11,560.64 1031 213-261-15-03 12,046.87 11,441.92 1032 213-261-15-04 12,171.87 11,560.64 1033 213-261-15-05 12,734.37 12,094.90 1034 213-261-15-06 13,332.02 12,662.54 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Roll TOTAL AS AS REASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S PRELIMINARILY CONFIRMED ID PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED AND RECORDED 1035 213-261-15-07 13,207.02 12,543.81 1036 213-261-15-08 13,167.97 12,506.72 1037 213-261-15-09 11,613.28 11,030.10 1038 213-261-15-10 11,308.58 10,740.70 1039 213-261-15-11 17,746.09 16,854.94 1040 213-261-15-12 18,226.56 17,311.28 1041 213-261-15-13 9,714.84 9,226.99 1042 213-261-15-14 9,425.77 8,952.44 1043 213-261-16-00 318,573.44 302,575.81 1044 213-261-17-00 144,155.21 136,916.24 1045 213-261-18-00 144,155.21 136,916.24 1046 213-262-06-00 338,967.15 321,945.42 1047 213-262-07-00 90,413.05 85,872.82 1048 213-262-08-00 135,006.45 128,226.91 1049 213-262-09-00 171,833.83 163,204.94 1050 213-262-11-00 376,159.47 357,270.08 1051 213-262-12-01 14,300.44 13,582.32 1052 213-262-12-02 10,225.19 9,711.72 1053 213-262-12-03 10,225.19 9,711.72 1054 213-262-12-04 10,225.19 9,711.72 1055 213-262-12-05 10,311.27 9,793.48 1056 213-262-13-01 6,526.92 6,199.16 1057 213-262-13-02 5,701.78 5,415.46 1058 213-262-13-03 9,296.18 8,829.36 1059 213-262-13-04 9,023.10 8,569.99 1060 213-262-13-05 8,874.69 8,429.04 1061 213-262-13-06 9,296.18 8,829.36 1062 213-262-13-07 5,701.78 5,415.46 1063 213-262-13-08 6,526.92 6,199.16 1064 213-262-13-09 10,922.71 10,374.21 1065 213-262-13-10 8,566.01 8,135.86 1066 213-262-13-11 8,631.31 8,197.88 1067 213-262-13-12 8,631.31 8,197.88 1068 213-262-13-13 8,566.01 8,135.86 1069 213-262-13-14 10,290.49 9,773.74 1070 213-262-13-15 6,440.84 6,117.40 1071 213-262-13-16 5,268.43 5,003.87 1072 213-262-13-17 8,393.86 7,972.35 1073 213-262-13-18 8,500.71 8,073.84 1074 213-262-13-19 8,770.81 8,330.37 1075 213-262-13-20 5,268.43 5,003.87 1076 213-262-13-21 6,437.87 6,114.58 1077 213-262-14-01 10,222.24 9,708.91 1078 213-262-14-02 8,574.92 8,144.32 1079 213-262-14-03 8,631.31 8,197.88 1080 213-262-14-04 8,141.58 7,732.73 1081 213-262-14-05 7,696.35 7,309.86 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Roll TOTAL AS AS REASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S PRELIMINARILY CONFIRMED ID PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED AND RECORDED 1082 213-262-14-06 5,701.78 5,415.46 1083 213-262-14-07 5,695.84 5,409.81 1084 213-262-14-08 9,910.58 9,412.91 1085 213-262-14-09 9,631.57 9,147.91 1086 213-262-14-10 9,480.19 9,004.13 1087 213-262-14-11 9,907.61 9,410.09 1088 213-262-14-12 13,009.31 12,356.02 1089 213-262-14-13 12,754.04 12,113.58 1090 213-262-14-14 6,411.16 6,089.21 1091 213-262-14-15 9,542.53 9,063.34 1092 213-262-14-16 9,400.05 8,928.01 1093 213-262-14-17 10,646.68 10,112.04 1094 213-262-14-18 11,195.78 10,633.56 1095 213-262-14-19 12,193.07 11,580.77 1096 213-262-14-20 12,207.91 11,594.87 1097 213-262-14-21 7,687.45 7,301.41 1098 213-262-14-22 5,882.83 5,587.41 1099 213-262-14-23 10,438.91 9,914.71 1100 213-262-14-24 10,228.17 9,714.55 1101 213-262-14-25 9,640.49 9,156.38 1102 213-262-14-26 10,005.56 9,503.12 1103 213-262-14-27 9,236.81 8,772.97 1104 213-263-09-00 35,129.27 33,365.20 1105 213-263-10-00 29,349.37 27,875.55 1106 213-263-11-00 29,349.37 27,875.55 1107 213-263-12-00 58,019.12 55,105.61 1108 213-263-13-00 25,129.32 23,867.41 1109 213-263-14-00 33,715.05 32,022.00 1110 213-263-15-00 25,440.00 24,162.49 1111 213-263-16-00 41,611.44 39,521.86 1112 213-263-19-00 94,904.03 90,138.28 1113 213-263-20-00 131,002.18 124,423.72 1114 213-263-26-00 127,544.56 121,139.73 1115 213-270-01-00 9,361.69 8,891.58 1116 213-270-02-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1117 213-270-03-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1118 213-270-04-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1119 213-270-05-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1120 213-270-06-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1121 213-270-07-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1122 213-270-08-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1123 213-270-09-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1124 213-270-10-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1125 213-270-11-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1126 213-270-12-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1127 213-270-13-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1128 213-270-14-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Roll TOTAL AS AS REASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S PRELIMINARILY CONFIRMED ID PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED AND RECORDED 1129 213-270-15-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1130 213-270-16-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1131 213-270-17-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1132 213-270-18-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1133 213-271-01-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1134 213-271-02-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1135 213-271-03-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1136 213-271-04-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1137 213-271-05-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1138 213-271-06-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1139 213-271-07-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1140 213-271-08-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1141 213-271-09-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1142 213-271-10-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1143 213-271-11-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1144 213-271-12-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1145 213-271-13-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1146 213-271-14-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1147 213-271-15-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1148 213-271-16-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1149 213-271-17-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1150 213-271-18-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1151 213-271-19-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1152 213-271-20-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1153 213-271-21-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1154 213-271-22-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1155 213-271-23-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1156 213-271-24-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1157 213-271-25-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1158 213-271-26-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1159 213-271-27-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1160 213-271-28-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1161 213-271-29-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1162 213-271-30-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1163 213-271-31-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1164 213-272-01-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1165 213-272-02-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1166 213-272-03-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1167 213-272-04-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1168 213-272-05-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1169 213-272-06-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1170 213-272-07-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1171 213-272-08-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1172 213-272-09-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1173 213-272-10-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1174 213-272-11-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1175 213-272-12-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Roll TOTAL AS AS REASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S PRELIMINARILY CONFIRMED ID PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED AND RECORDED 1176 213-272-13-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1177 213-272-14-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1178 213-272-15-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1179 213-272-16-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1180 213-272-17-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1181 213-272-18-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1182 213-272-19-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1183 213-272-20-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1184 213-272-21-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1185 213-272-22-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1186 213-280-01-00 9,361.75 8,891.63 1187 213-280-02-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1188 213-280-03-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1189 213-280-04-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1190 213-280-05-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1191 213-280-06-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1192 213-280-07-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1193 213-280-08-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1194 213-280-09-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1195 213-280-10-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1196 213-280-11-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1197 213-280-12-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1198 213-280-13-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1199 213-280-14-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1200 213-280-15-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1201 213-280-16-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1202 213-280-17-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1203 213-280-18-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1204 213-280-19-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1205 213-280-20-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1206 213-280-21-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1207 213-280-22-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1208 213-280-23-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1209 213-280-24-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1210 213-280-25-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1211 213-280-26-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1212 213-280-27-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1213 213-280-28-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1214 213-280-29-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1215 213-280-30-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1216 213-280-31-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1217 213-280-32-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1218 213-280-33-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1219 213-280-34-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1220 213-280-35-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1221 213-280-36-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1222 213-280-37-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Roll TOTAL AS AS REASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S PRELIMINARILY CONFIRMED ID PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED AND RECORDED 1223 213-280-38-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1224 213-280-39-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1225 213-281-01-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1226 213-281-02-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1227 213-281-03-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1228 213-281-04-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1229 213-281-05-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1230 213-281-06-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1231 213-281-07-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1232 213-281-08-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1233 213-281-09-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1234 213-281-10-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1235 213-281-11-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1236 213-281-12-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1237 213-282-01-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1238 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213-283-12-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1266 213-283-13-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1267 213-283-14-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1268 213-283-15-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1269 213-283-16-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Roll TOTAL AS AS REASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S PRELIMINARILY CONFIRMED ID PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED AND RECORDED 1270 213-283-17-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1271 213-283-18-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1272 213-283-19-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1273 213-283-20-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1274 213-283-21-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1275 213-283-22-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1276 213-283-23-00 9,361.50 8,891.40 1277 213-290-01-00 8,775.69 8,335.00 1278 213-290-02-00 8,775.93 8,335.23 1279 213-290-03-00 8,775.93 8,335.23 1280 213-290-04-00 8,775.93 8,335.23 1281 213-290-05-00 8,775.93 8,335.23 1282 213-290-06-00 8,775.93 8,335.23 1283 213-290-07-00 8,775.93 8,335.23 1284 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168-041-15-05 12,549.69 12,056.36 1492 168-041-15-06 12,549.69 12,056.36 1493 168-041-15-07 12,549.69 12,056.36 1494 168-041-15-08 12,549.68 12,056.35 1495 168-041-15-09 12,549.68 12,056.35 1496 168-041-15-10 12,549.68 12,056.35 1497 168-041-15-11 12,549.68 12,056.35 1498 168-041-15-12 12,549.68 12,056.35 1499 168-041-15-13 12,549.68 12,056.35 1500 168-041-15-14 12,549.68 12,056.35 1501 168-041-15-15 12,549.68 12,056.35 1502 168-041-15-16 12,549.68 12,056.35 1503 168-041-15-17 12,549.68 12,056.35 1504 168-041-15-18 12,549.68 12,056.35 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Roll TOTAL AS AS REASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S PRELIMINARILY CONFIRMED ID PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED AND RECORDED 1505 168-041-15-19 12,549.68 12,056.35 1506 168-041-15-20 12,549.68 12,056.35 1507 168-041-15-21 12,549.68 12,056.35 1508 168-041-15-22 12,549.68 12,056.35 1509 168-041-15-23 12,549.68 12,056.35 1510 168-041-15-24 12,549.68 12,056.35 1511 168-041-16-01 12,549.69 12,056.36 1512 168-041-16-02 12,549.69 12,056.36 1513 168-041-16-03 12,549.69 12,056.36 1514 168-041-16-04 12,549.69 12,056.36 1515 168-041-16-05 12,549.69 12,056.36 1516 168-041-16-06 12,549.69 12,056.36 1517 168-041-16-07 12,549.68 12,056.35 1518 168-041-16-08 12,549.68 12,056.35 1519 168-041-16-09 12,549.68 12,056.35 1520 168-041-16-10 12,549.68 12,056.35 1521 168-041-16-11 12,549.68 12,056.35 1522 168-041-16-12 12,549.68 12,056.35 1523 168-041-16-13 12,549.68 12,056.35 1524 168-041-16-14 12,549.68 12,056.35 1525 168-041-16-15 12,549.68 12,056.35 1526 168-041-16-16 12,549.68 12,056.35 1527 168-041-16-17 12,549.68 12,056.35 1528 168-041-16-18 12,549.68 12,056.35 1529 168-041-16-19 12,549.68 12,056.35 1530 168-041-16-20 12,549.68 12,056.35 1531 168-041-16-21 12,549.68 12,056.35 1532 168-041-16-22 12,549.68 12,056.35 1533 168-041-16-23 12,549.68 12,056.35 1534 168-041-16-24 12,549.68 12,056.35 1535 168-041-17-01 12,549.69 12,056.36 1536 168-041-17-02 12,549.69 12,056.36 1537 168-041-17-03 12,549.69 12,056.36 1538 168-041-17-04 12,549.69 12,056.36 1539 168-041-17-05 12,549.69 12,056.36 1540 168-041-17-06 12,549.69 12,056.36 1541 168-041-17-07 12,549.69 12,056.36 1542 168-041-17-08 12,549.69 12,056.36 1543 168-041-17-09 12,549.69 12,056.36 1544 168-041-17-10 12,549.69 12,056.36 1545 168-041-17-11 12,549.69 12,056.36 1546 168-041-17-12 12,549.69 12,056.36 1547 168-041-18-01 12,549.69 12,056.36 1548 168-041-18-02 12,549.69 12,056.36 1549 168-041-18-03 12,549.69 12,056.36 1550 168-041-18-04 12,549.69 12,056.36 1551 168-041-18-05 12,549.69 12,056.36 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Roll TOTAL AS AS REASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S PRELIMINARILY CONFIRMED ID PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED AND RECORDED 1552 168-041-18-06 12,549.69 12,056.36 1553 168-041-18-07 12,549.69 12,056.36 1554 168-041-18-08 12,549.69 12,056.36 1555 168-041-18-09 12,549.69 12,056.36 1556 168-280-51-00 15,456.81 14,849.19 1557 168-280-52-00 15,456.81 14,849.19 1558 168-280-53-00 15,456.81 14,849.19 1559 168-280-54-00 11,566.67 11,111.99 1560 168-280-55-00 11,566.67 11,111.99 1561 168-280-56-00 11,566.67 11,111.99 1562 168-280-57-00 11,566.67 11,111.99 1563 168-280-58-00 11,566.67 11,111.99 1564 168-280-59-00 11,566.67 11,111.99 1565 168-280-60-00 11,566.67 11,111.99 1566 168-280-61-00 11,566.67 11,111.99 1567 168-280-62-00 15,456.81 14,849.19 1568 168-280-63-00 15,456.81 14,849.19 1569 168-280-64-00 15,456.80 14,849.18 1570 168-292-30-00 15,883.42 15,259.03 1571 168-292-31-00 15,883.42 15,259.03 1572 168-292-32-00 15,883.41 15,259.03 1573 168-292-33-00 15,883.41 15,259.03 1574 168-320-01-00 15,240.90 14,641.78 1575 168-320-02-00 15,240.90 14,641.78 1576 168-320-03-00 15,240.90 14,641.78 1577 168-320-04-00 15,240.90 14,641.78 1578 168-320-05-00 15,240.90 14,641.78 1579 168-320-06-00 15,240.90 14,641.78 1580 168-320-07-00 15,240.90 14,641.78 1581 168-320-08-00 15,240.90 14,641.78 1582 168-320-09-00 15,240.90 14,641.78 1583 168-320-10-00 15,240.90 14,641.78 1584 168-320-11-00 15,240.90 14,641.78 1585 168-320-12-00 15,240.90 14,641.78 1586 168-320-13-00 15,240.90 14,641.78 1587 168-320-14-00 15,240.90 14,641.78 1588 168-320-15-00 11,350.75 10,904.55 1589 168-320-16-00 11,350.75 10,904.55 1590 168-320-17-00 11,350.75 10,904.55 1591 168-320-18-00 11,350.75 10,904.55 1592 168-320-19-00 11,350.75 10,904.55 1593 168-320-20-00 11,350.75 10,904.55 1594 168-320-21-00 11,350.75 10,904.55 1595 168-320-22-00 11,350.75 10,904.55 1596 168-320-23-00 11,350.75 10,904.55 1597 168-320-24-00 11,350.75 10,904.55 1598 168-320-25-00 15,240.90 14,641.78 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Roll TOTAL AS AS REASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S PRELIMINARILY CONFIRMED ID PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED AND RECORDED 1599 168-320-26-00 15,240.90 14,641.78 1600 168-320-27-00 15,240.90 14,641.78 1601 168-320-28-00 15,240.90 14,641.78 1602 168-320-29-00 15,240.90 14,641.78 1603 168-320-30-00 15,240.90 14,641.78 1604 168-320-31-00 15,240.90 14,641.78 1605 168-320-32-00 15,240.90 14,641.78 1606 168-320-33-00 15,240.90 14,641.78 1607 168-320-34-00 15,240.90 14,641.78 1608 168-320-35-00 15,240.90 14,641.78 1609 168-320-36-00 15,240.91 14,641.79 1610 168-320-37-00 15,240.91 14,641.79 1611 168-320-38-00 15,240.91 14,641.79 1612 168-320-39-00 15,240.91 14,641.79 1613 168-320-40-00 15,240.91 14,641.79 1614 168-321-01-00 11,350.75 10,904.55 1615 168-321-02-00 11,350.75 10,904.55 1616 168-321-03-00 11,350.75 10,904.55 1617 168-321-04-00 11,350.75 10,904.55 1618 168-321-05-00 11,350.75 10,904.55 1619 168-321-06-00 11,350.75 10,904.55 1620 168-321-07-00 11,350.75 10,904.55 1621 168-321-08-00 11,350.75 10,904.55 1622 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Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Roll TOTAL AS AS REASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S PRELIMINARILY CONFIRMED ID PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED AND RECORDED 1646 168-321-34-00 11,350.75 10,904.55 1647 168-321-35-00 11,350.75 10,904.55 1648 168-321-36-00 11,350.75 10,904.55 1649 168-321-37-00 11,350.75 10,904.55 1650 168-321-38-00 11,350.75 10,904.55 1651 168-321-39-00 11,350.75 10,904.55 1652 168-321-40-00 11,350.75 10,904.55 1653 168-321-41-00 11,350.75 10,904.55 1654 168-321-42-00 11,350.75 10,904.55 1655 168-321-43-00 11,350.75 10,904.55 1656 168-321-44-00 11,350.75 10,904.55 1657 168-330-01-00 21,335.78 20,497.06 1658 168-330-02-00 21,335.78 20,497.06 1659 168-330-03-00 21,335.78 20,497.06 1660 168-330-04-00 21,335.78 20,497.06 1661 168-330-05-00 21,335.78 20,497.06 1662 168-330-06-00 17,445.63 16,759.84 1663 168-330-07-00 17,445.63 16,759.84 1664 168-330-08-00 17,445.63 16,759.84 1665 168-330-09-00 17,445.63 16,759.84 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17,445.63 16,759.84 1692 168-331-10-00 17,445.63 16,759.84 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Roll TOTAL AS AS REASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S PRELIMINARILY CONFIRMED ID PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED AND RECORDED 1693 168-331-11-00 17,445.63 16,759.84 1694 168-331-12-00 17,445.63 16,759.84 1695 168-331-13-00 21,335.78 20,497.06 1696 168-331-14-00 21,335.78 20,497.06 1697 168-331-15-00 21,335.78 20,497.06 1698 168-331-16-00 21,335.78 20,497.06 1699 168-331-17-00 21,335.78 20,497.06 1700 168-331-18-00 21,335.78 20,497.06 1701 168-331-19-00 21,335.78 20,497.06 1702 168-331-20-00 21,335.78 20,497.06 1703 168-331-21-00 21,335.78 20,497.06 1704 168-331-22-00 21,335.78 20,497.06 1705 168-331-23-00 21,335.78 20,497.06 1706 168-331-24-00 21,335.78 20,497.06 1707 168-331-25-00 21,335.78 20,497.06 1708 168-331-26-00 21,335.78 20,497.06 1709 168-331-27-00 21,335.78 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15,692.95 1779 168-340-02-08 16,335.10 15,692.95 1780 168-340-02-09 16,335.10 15,692.95 1781 168-340-02-10 16,335.09 15,692.95 1782 168-340-02-11 16,335.09 15,692.95 1783 168-340-02-12 16,335.09 15,692.95 1784 168-340-02-13 16,335.09 15,692.95 1785 168-340-02-14 16,335.09 15,692.95 1786 168-340-02-15 16,335.09 15,692.95 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Roll TOTAL AS AS REASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S PRELIMINARILY CONFIRMED ID PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED AND RECORDED 1787 168-340-02-16 16,335.09 15,692.95 1788 168-340-02-17 16,335.09 15,692.95 1789 168-340-02-18 16,335.09 15,692.95 1790 168-340-02-19 16,335.09 15,692.95 1791 168-340-02-20 16,335.09 15,692.95 1792 168-340-02-21 16,335.09 15,692.95 1793 168-340-03-01 16,335.10 15,692.95 1794 168-340-03-02 16,335.10 15,692.95 1795 168-340-03-03 16,335.10 15,692.95 1796 168-340-03-04 16,335.10 15,692.95 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16,335.10 15,692.95 1823 168-341-05-07 16,335.10 15,692.95 1824 168-341-05-08 16,335.10 15,692.95 1825 168-341-05-09 16,335.10 15,692.95 1826 168-341-05-10 16,335.10 15,692.95 1827 168-341-05-11 16,335.10 15,692.95 1828 168-341-05-12 16,335.10 15,692.95 1829 168-341-05-13 16,335.09 15,692.95 1830 168-341-05-14 16,335.09 15,692.95 1831 168-341-05-15 16,335.09 15,692.95 1832 168-341-05-16 16,335.09 15,692.95 1833 168-341-05-17 16,335.09 15,692.95 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Roll TOTAL AS AS REASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S PRELIMINARILY CONFIRMED ID PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED AND RECORDED 1834 168-341-05-18 16,335.09 15,692.95 1835 168-341-06-01 16,335.10 15,692.95 1836 168-341-06-02 16,335.10 15,692.95 1837 168-341-06-03 16,335.10 15,692.95 1838 168-341-06-04 16,335.10 15,692.95 1839 168-341-06-05 16,335.10 15,692.95 1840 168-341-06-06 16,335.10 15,692.95 1841 168-341-06-07 16,335.10 15,692.95 1842 168-341-06-08 16,335.10 15,692.95 1843 168-341-06-09 16,335.10 15,692.95 1844 168-341-06-10 16,335.10 15,692.95 1845 168-341-06-11 16,335.10 15,692.95 1846 168-341-06-12 16,335.10 15,692.95 1847 168-341-06-13 16,335.09 15,692.95 1848 168-341-06-14 16,335.09 15,692.95 1849 168-341-06-15 16,335.09 15,692.95 1850 168-341-06-16 16,335.09 15,692.95 1851 168-341-06-17 16,335.09 15,692.95 1852 168-341-06-18 16,335.09 15,692.95 1853 168-341-06-19 16,335.09 15,692.95 1854 168-341-06-20 16,335.09 15,692.95 1855 168-341-06-21 16,335.09 15,692.95 1856 168-341-06-22 16,335.09 15,692.95 1857 168-341-06-23 16,335.09 15,692.95 1858 168-341-06-24 16,335.09 15,692.95 1859 168-341-06-25 16,335.09 15,692.95 1860 168-341-06-26 16,335.09 15,692.95 1861 168-341-06-27 16,335.09 15,692.95 1862 168-341-07-01 16,335.10 15,692.95 1863 168-341-07-02 16,335.10 15,692.95 1864 168-341-07-03 16,335.10 15,692.95 1865 168-341-07-04 16,335.10 15,692.95 1866 168-341-07-05 16,335.10 15,692.95 1867 168-341-07-06 16,335.10 15,692.95 1868 168-341-07-07 16,335.10 15,692.95 1869 168-341-07-08 16,335.10 15,692.95 1870 168-341-07-09 16,335.10 15,692.95 1871 168-341-07-10 16,335.10 15,692.95 1872 168-341-07-11 16,335.09 15,692.95 1873 168-341-07-12 16,335.09 15,692.95 1874 168-341-07-13 16,335.09 15,692.95 1875 168-341-07-14 16,335.09 15,692.95 1876 168-341-07-15 16,335.09 15,692.95 1877 168-341-07-16 16,335.09 15,692.95 1878 168-341-07-17 16,335.09 15,692.95 1879 168-341-07-18 16,335.09 15,692.95 1880 168-341-07-19 16,335.09 15,692.95 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Roll TOTAL AS AS REASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S PRELIMINARILY CONFIRMED ID PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED AND RECORDED 1881 168-341-07-20 16,335.09 15,692.95 1882 168-341-07-21 16,335.09 15,692.95 1883 168-341-07-22 16,335.09 15,692.95 1884 168-341-07-23 16,335.09 15,692.95 1885 168-341-07-24 16,335.09 15,692.95 1886 168-341-08-01 16,335.10 15,692.95 1887 168-341-08-02 16,335.10 15,692.95 1888 168-341-08-03 16,335.10 15,692.95 1889 168-341-08-04 16,335.10 15,692.95 1890 168-341-08-05 16,335.10 15,692.95 1891 168-341-08-06 16,335.10 15,692.95 1892 168-341-08-07 16,335.10 15,692.95 1893 168-341-08-08 16,335.10 15,692.95 1894 168-341-08-09 16,335.10 15,692.95 1895 168-341-08-10 16,335.10 15,692.95 1896 168-341-08-11 16,335.10 15,692.95 1897 168-341-08-12 16,335.10 15,692.95 1898 168-341-08-13 16,335.10 15,692.95 1899 168-341-08-14 16,335.10 15,692.95 1900 168-341-08-15 16,335.10 15,692.95 1901 168-341-08-16 16,335.10 15,692.95 1902 168-341-08-17 16,335.10 15,692.95 1903 168-341-08-18 16,335.10 15,692.95 1904 168-341-08-19 16,335.10 15,692.95 1905 168-341-08-20 16,335.10 15,692.95 1906 168-341-08-21 16,335.10 15,692.95 1907 168-350-01-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1908 168-350-02-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1909 168-350-03-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1910 168-350-04-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1911 168-350-05-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1912 168-350-06-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1913 168-350-07-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1914 168-350-08-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1915 168-350-09-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1916 168-350-10-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1917 168-350-11-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1918 168-350-12-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1919 168-350-13-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1920 168-350-14-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1921 168-350-15-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1922 168-350-16-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1923 168-350-17-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1924 168-350-18-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1925 168-350-19-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1926 168-350-20-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1927 168-350-21-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Roll TOTAL AS AS REASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S PRELIMINARILY CONFIRMED ID PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED AND RECORDED 1928 168-350-22-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1929 168-350-23-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1930 168-350-24-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1931 168-350-25-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1932 168-350-26-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1933 168-350-27-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1934 168-350-28-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1935 168-350-29-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1936 168-350-30-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1937 168-350-31-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1938 168-350-32-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1939 168-350-33-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1940 168-350-34-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1941 168-350-35-00 21,407.69 20,566.14 1942 168-351-01-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1943 168-351-02-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1944 168-351-03-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1945 168-351-04-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1946 168-351-05-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1947 168-351-06-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1948 168-351-07-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1949 168-351-08-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1950 168-352-01-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1951 168-352-02-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1952 168-352-03-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1953 168-352-04-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1954 168-352-05-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1955 168-352-06-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1956 168-352-07-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1957 168-352-08-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1958 168-352-09-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1959 168-352-10-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1960 168-352-11-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1961 168-352-12-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1962 168-352-13-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1963 168-352-14-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1964 168-352-15-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1965 168-352-16-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1966 168-352-17-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1967 168-352-18-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1968 168-352-19-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1969 168-352-20-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1970 168-352-21-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1971 168-352-22-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1972 168-352-23-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1973 168-352-24-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1974 168-352-25-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Reassessment Roll TOTAL AS AS REASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S PRELIMINARILY CONFIRMED ID PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED AND RECORDED 1975 168-352-26-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1976 168-352-27-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1977 168-352-28-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1978 168-352-29-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1979 168-352-30-00 21,407.69 20,566.15 1980 168-352-31-00 21,407.69 20,566.15 1981 168-352-32-00 21,407.69 20,566.15 1982 168-352-33-00 21,407.69 20,566.15 1983 168-352-34-00 21,407.69 20,566.14 1984 168-352-35-00 21,407.69 20,566.14 1985 168-352-36-00 21,407.69 20,566.14 1986 168-352-37-00 21,407.69 20,566.15 1987 168-352-38-00 21,407.69 20,566.15 1988 168-352-39-00 21,407.69 20,566.15 1989 168-352-40-00 21,407.69 20,566.14 1990 168-352-41-00 21,407.69 20,566.15 1991 168-352-42-00 21,407.69 20,566.14 1992 168-353-01-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1993 168-353-02-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1994 168-353-03-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1995 168-353-04-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1996 168-353-05-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1997 168-353-06-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1998 168-353-07-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 1999 168-353-08-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 2000 168-353-09-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 2001 168-353-10-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 2002 168-353-11-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 2003 168-353-12-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 2004 168-353-13-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 2005 168-353-14-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 2006 168-353-15-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 2007 168-353-16-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 2008 168-353-17-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 2009 168-353-18-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 2010 168-353-19-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 2011 168-353-20-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 2012 168-353-21-00 21,407.67 20,566.14 2013 168-353-22-00 21,407.68 20,566.14 2014 168-353-23-00 21,407.68 20,566.14 2015 168-353-24-00 21,407.68 20,566.14 2016 168-353-25-00 21,407.68 20,566.14 2017 168-353-26-00 21,407.68 20,566.14 2018 168-353-27-00 21,407.68 20,566.14 2019 168-353-28-00 21,407.68 20,566.14 2020 168-353-29-00 21,407.68 20,566.14Totals:$32,843,000.00 $31,300,000.00 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No.2012-1 Reassessment Report 9Prepared by NBS –January 30, 2013 NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF PROPERTY OWNERS City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 1385 213-300-02-00 2762 GATEWAY L L C 1525 FARADAY AVE #150 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 1400 213-300-14-00 2780 GATEWAY L L C 2780 GATEWAY RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1393 213-300-10-00 2792 GATEWAY L L C 2792 GATEWAY RD #102 CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1013 213-260-01-09 6 PAK L L C 6221 METROPOLITAN ST #201 CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1082 213-262-14-06 6184 INNOVATION WAY L L C 6184 INNOVATION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1083 213-262-14-07 6184 INNOVATION WAY L L C 6184 INNOVATION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1084 213-262-14-08 6184 INNOVATION WAY L L C 6184 INNOVATION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1085 213-262-14-09 6184 INNOVATION WAY L L C 6184 INNOVATION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 47 213-112-51-03 6918 TOURMALINE LIVING 2010 TRUST 6918 TOURMALINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1066 213-262-13-11 959 HOLDINGS LTD L L C 7310 GREBE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92011 390 213-162-12-00 ABBEY DONALD M & LORA L 2697 ECHO AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 374 213-161-09-00 ABBOTT LEONARD III & PEGGY A 6319 DI VITA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 505 213-180-09-00 ABDULHAYOGLU YUSUF M 2727 PALMETTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 724 213-221-04-00 ABELLO CHRIS G II & APRIL B PSC 558 BOX 3456 FPO, AP 96375 684 213-212-02-00 ABELOE FAMILY TRUST 01-25-08 6923 AMBER LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 685 213-212-03-00 ABELOE FAMILY TRUST 01-25-08 & WEAR STEV 6924 AMBER LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1892 168-341-08-07 ABILLE EDGAR A 4140 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 523 213-180-27-00 ABOOLIAN ROBERT & BIANCA 2771 PALMETTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 304 213-151-14-00 ABOUMOUDRIQ ZAKARIA & BRENDA 6322 HUNTINGTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1498 168-041-15-12 ACCARDI TARABETH 3720 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 27 213-112-46-03 ACEVEDO LUIS G & ALVAREZ HEIDY F 6948 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 181 213-140-28-00 ADAIRE BARBARA S TRUST 10-03-08 6260 DARTINGTON WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 774 213-230-04-00 ADAMS JERRY & ROSANNE P O BOX 1155 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 846 213-233-24-00 ADCOCK NICHOLAS J 6796 MALACHITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 556 213-181-32-00 ADEVA ALVIN & ADEVA JENNIFER L 2730 ASCOT AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1089 213-262-14-13 AGGREGATE MANAGEMENT INC 6170 INNOVATION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1392 213-300-09-00 AGILE WORKSPACES L L C 2145 COAST AVE SAN MARCOS, CA 92078 24 213-112-44-05 AGRAWAL BINU K & GUPTA AGRITI 6947 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 613 213-200-18-00 AGRON MARVIN A & FRANCINE E 6807 CITRINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 897 213-241-11-00 AGUILAR JUAN C B & ANNABELLE S P O BOX 230199 ENCINITAS, CA 92023 1422 213-310-02-05 AGUILAR SCOTT J & MOLLY M 6436 JASPER WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1764 168-331-82-00 AHRENS CHI & LUANN 3427 GENTLE KNOLL ST CARLSBAD, CA 92010 427 213-170-15-00 AIREY BRYAN & REBEKAH L 2569 DOGWOOD RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 291 213-151-01-00 ALARIE JACQUELINE M 6309 HERITAGE WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 294 213-151-04-00 ALBERT PATRICK L 6321 HERITAGE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1323 213-291-03-00 ALDRIAN MARK J & TALALELEI T 6764 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 23 213-112-44-04 ALEMDAR LIVING TRUST 04-20-10 6949 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 782 213-230-12-00 ALESSANDRA ALEC E & YON O 6760 MALACHITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 803 213-231-20-00 ALFARO NAVARETO & ROSEMARIE FAMILY 2005 6783 VERMARINE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 886 213-240-34-00 ALIEVA SEVDA F TRUST 07-08 10 6929 COPAL PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1217 213-280-32-00 ALIOTO LIVING TRUST 12-22-09 6638 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 441 213-170-29-00 ALKAR TRUST A 06-25-85 2563 ARUNDEL AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1425 213-310-02-08 ALKAZIN BRADLEY T & ALKAZIN THOMAS M & B 6424 JASPER WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1625 168-321-12-00 ALLEN FAMILY TRUST 03-07-08 3523 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 410 213-162-33-00 ALLEN ROBERT P & TRACY 6314 ENCANTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1081 213-262-14-05 ALPHA STUDIO HOLDINGS L L C 6152 INNOVATION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 733 213-221-13-00 AMANULLAH ASHRAF & LEJUEZ NATHALIE 6826 LEUCITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1411 213-310-01-11 ANAYA ERIC G & TAWNY 2401 COPPER WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 257 213-150-09-00 ANDERS WILLIE & KAY 2655 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 321 213-151-31-00 ANDERSEN RYAN B & CATHERINE L 6316 GREENHAVEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 756 213-221-37-00 ANDERSON DALE T & KYMBERLY 6831 KORITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1001 213-250-20-00 ANDERSON LIVING TRUST 10-11-06 6305 KEENELAND DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 177 213-140-24-00 ANDERSON MATTHEW & STEPHANIE 6244 DARTINGTON WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 716 213-220-21-00 ANDERSON PAUL & LAURA 6822 JADE LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1461 168-041-13-23 ANDERSON TRAVIS 3664 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1203 213-280-18-00 ANDREWS BRIAN & JENNIFER 2315 KYANITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1560 168-280-55-00 ANITS ZVI 3574 GRANITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 457 213-170-45-00 ANSARI MASOUD A 2577 GARDEN HOUSE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1830 168-341-05-14 ANTOINE JEFFREY R 4089 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 125 213-130-35-00 APODACA CARLYN & CHEATHAM FRED 2552 INGLETON AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1867 168-341-07-06 APPLEBAUM JUDY M 4105 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1459 168-041-13-21 ARCE BETSY 3656 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1881 168-341-07-20 ARIAS CARLOS A & JENIFER B 4090 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1544 168-041-17-10 ARMBRUST THOMAS E 1042 ALEXANDRA LN ENCINITAS, CA 92024 1721 168-331-39-00 ARMSTRONG ROBERT W III & CARYN B 2800 CARRILLO WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1812 168-340-03-20 ARNOLD SUSAN M 4047 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1823 168-341-05-07 AROLE PARAG & AMIN PRADNYA 4096 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 933 213-242-22-00 ARREDONDO MICHELA LIVING TRUST 2258 AVENTURINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1659 168-330-03-00 ARSALAN AHMED & SADAF 3487 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1549 168-041-18-03 ASH JUNE S 3629 JETTY PT #9 CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1948 168-351-07-00 ASKELSON ERIC 3434 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 290 213-150-42-00 ASMUSSEN ERIC K & COLETTE L 2622 PEPPERTREE WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 1359 213-292-04-00 ASPER JASON & KELLY 6816 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1530 168-041-16-20 ASTLEY ABIGAIL PMB 300 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR # 108A CARLSBAD,, CA 92008 1533 168-041-16-23 ATILANO ADRIAN J & SARAH 3760 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 572 213-181-48-00 AUBERTIN CHRISTIAN P & AMY E 2727 PLUMERIA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1462 168-041-13-24 AUERBACH KEITH & LAUREN 1789 RATCLIFF RD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 891 213-241-05-00 AUSTIN FRANK J & CHRISTINE M 2264 CARNELIAN CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 903 213-241-17-00 AUSTIN SHELTON W & LIVESAY KATHERINE 6991 GOLDSTONE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1822 168-341-05-06 AVILA CONRAD M & KAREN T & TRAPSI VIC S P O BOX 4530 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 1755 168-331-73-00 AYAZI ARIANA 3458 RAVINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1790 168-340-02-19 AYERS BRIDGET E 4023 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1140 213-271-08-00 AZAR WILLIAM G & JUNG H 6656 BROOKITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 30 213-112-47-02 AZEVEDO AARON D 6939 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1387 213-300-04-00 B A DEVELOPMENTS L L C 2766 GATEWAY RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1072 213-262-13-17 B G H ENTERPRISES L L C 6106 INNOVATION WAY #N-3 CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1053 213-262-12-03 B T A PARTNERS L L C 6098 INNOVATION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 691 213-212-09-00 BABIKYAN ISSA 6951 AMBER LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1312 213-290-36-00 BACH RICHARD C 6702 LIMONITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 823 213-233-01-00 BACKLIN ZACHARY & MELISSA FAMILY TRUST 0 6799 ONYX PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1980 168-352-31-00 BADINER FAMILY TRUST 06-28-07 3464 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 80 213-112-61-02 BAGSHAW KATHY 6947 TOURMALINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1488 168-041-15-02 BAHLAWAN MOUNIR & NAHED 6644 SURF CREST ST CARLSBAD, CA 92011 1900 168-341-08-15 BAHLAWAN MOUNIR & NAHED 4146 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1796 168-340-03-04 BAILEY TIMOTHY 4040 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 184 213-140-31-00 BAKER DAVID & JESSICA 6225 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 496 213-171-33-00 BAKER ERIC T P O BOX 131714 CARLSBAD, CA 92013 8 213-112-41-02 BAKER LINETTE L 6977 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 995 213-250-14-00 BALDWIN JAMES C & DENISE M 6351 ALLSTON ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 280 213-150-32-00 BALDWIN MICHAEL N & CALLAGHAN KATHLEEN C 2662 PEPPERTREE WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 706 213-220-11-00 BALL CHARLES M & CAM A 6805 JADE LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1070 213-262-13-15 BALLARD EDWARD R 6104 INNOVATION WAY #N-1 CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1300 213-290-24-00 BALOS JEFFREY W & TRACY M P O BOX 230451 ENCINITAS, CA 92023 1283 213-290-07-00 BAMRICK MICHAEL & JULIANA FAMILY TRUST 0 6748 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1987 168-352-38-00 BANDEL TODD & KELLY 3479 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 996 213-250-15-00 BANDEMER BRUCE H & KELLY L FAMILY TRUST 6341 ALLSTON ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 170 213-140-17-00 BANK OF AMERICA 1800 TAPO CANYON RD SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063 721 213-221-01-00 BARANYI NANCY EST OF 7555 EADS AVE #17 LA JOLLA, CA 92037 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 1523 168-041-16-13 BARBANELL LAURA 4020 BACKSHORE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 259 213-150-11-00 BARBOSA GILBERT & TORES-BARBOSA BLANCA E 2663 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 377 213-161-12-00 BARD ALEXANDER & SHARI W FAMILY TRUST 03 6307 DI VITA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1406 213-310-01-06 BARDON LAWRENCE R & HYATT-BARDON RHONDA 6436 CINNABAR WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 456 213-170-44-00 BARKER CURT & HELEN 2573 GARDEN HOUSE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1338 213-291-18-00 BARLEY JOSEPH D & SARAH E 1983 MARCASITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1536 168-041-17-02 BARNETT FAMILY TRUST 11-13-01 3605 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1493 168-041-15-07 BAROLDI JOSEPH T 3710 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1632 168-321-20-00 BAROUDI HOUSSAM 3507 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1566 168-280-61-00 BARRERA ANDRES P & MISTY C & BARRERA NEL 3598 GRANITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1734 168-331-52-00 BARRIOS-HAUNSCHILD RAQUEL LIVING TRUST 0 3525 DEL MAR HEIGHTS RD #371 SAN DIEGO, CA 92130 1909 168-350-03-00 BARRON DOUGLAS SR & SHARON I 77 ROSS PL SIERRA MADRE, CA 91024 139 213-130-49-00 BARRUETTO JOSE G & ANNETTE M 2571 INGLETON AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 635 213-201-18-00 BARTHOLOMEW STELLA A TRUST 09-27-01 & WO 2238 IVORY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1371 213-292-16-00 BASSEK ROLAND E & BASSEK ELISABETH H 1995 OLIVINE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1575 168-320-02-00 BATTLE FRANK & SYLVIA T 3579 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 564 213-181-40-00 BAUDIER OLIVIER P L & AMBER L 2729 PLUMERIA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1369 213-292-14-00 BECK FAMILY TRUST 01-18-02 6856 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 754 213-221-35-00 BECK MICHAEL T & DEBRA M 6823 KORITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 278 213-150-30-00 BECKELHIMER WILLIAM J & TAMI L 2672 PEPPERTREE WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 327 213-151-37-00 BEDELL ANDREW & JULIE 6321 GREENHAVEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 935 213-242-24-00 BEGIN MARC A & YOLANDA D 6899 GOLDSTONE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1223 213-280-38-00 BELL BARRY L & ANDREATTA NICOLE 6608 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 174 213-140-21-00 BENGTSSON GLENN J & NICOLE L 6232 DARTINGTON WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1260 213-283-07-00 BENNER BRIAN & JENNIFER FAMILY TRUST 01-6574 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1981 168-352-32-00 BENNER CHARLES A & JULIE L 3466 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1356 213-292-01-00 BENNETT CASEY G & TOBEY G H 6804 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 99 213-130-09-00 BENSON FAMILY TRUST 01-26-01 2550 DISCOVERY RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1534 168-041-16-24 BENSON ROBERT P III & SARAH H 3764 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1604 168-320-31-00 BENY THOMAS & ZAGAMI MICHELLE 3553 SAND CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 773 213-230-03-00 BERGER MATTHEW W & APRIL R 6770 OBSIDIAN PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 812 213-232-06-00 BERISH DANIEL A & PATRICE L 2405 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 939 213-242-28-00 BERNABE EMMANUEL & GARCIA MELINDA C 6883 GOLDSTONE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 801 213-231-18-00 BERNAL DAVID A & SHIRLEY V 6791 VERMARINE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 379 213-162-01-00 BERNHEIM ANTONY P 6309 ENCANTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 906 213-241-20-00 BERRY MICHAEL K & LEMIZ 6979 GOLDSTONE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 2005 168-353-14-00 BERTRAND ROBERT D & HOWARD TINA L 4658 MEADOW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1911 168-350-05-00 BESS RICHARD P III & REBEKA M 3441 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1634 168-321-22-00 BEST ROGER W & MALESIS-BEST GEORGIA L 3503 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 143 213-130-53-00 BEVINGTON FAMILY TRUST 05-20-03 2555 INGLETON AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1261 213-283-08-00 BHASKER C RAMANA & KALA R 6570 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 558 213-181-34-00 BHATIA DEEPU & NANDITA 2738 ASCOT AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1654 168-321-42-00 BHATT LIVING TRUST 10-26-06 689 ALLUVIAL AVE CLOVIS, CA 93611 1437 213-310-04-02 BIBER AYTAC & MICHELLE B 6445 CINNABAR WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 888 213-241-02-00 BIESTERFELD CRAIG O & ALLISON M 10796 E SALSABILA RD TUCSON, AZ 85747 401 213-162-23-00 BIG KAHUNA TRUST 10-11-00 6300 MONTECITO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1711 168-331-29-00 BIGGS LAWRENCE R & WILKIE MARGARET A 4761 CRATER RIM RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1694 168-331-12-00 BILIMORIA YAZ F & FIROZA Y A B LIVING TR 3407 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1722 168-331-40-00 BIRD MYRNA B TRUST 11-04-04 P O BOX 131766 CARLSBAD, CA 92013 1165 213-272-02-00 BISHOP BRIAN D & KIM L 6675 TITANITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1147 213-271-15-00 BJORKLUND JON & RALSTON JILL 6628 BROOKITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 364 213-160-21-00 BLACK COLIN A & KING LISA M 6348 HUNTINGTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 971 213-243-23-00 BLACKFORD DAVID E 2002 TRUST 11-19-02 66 SIDRA CV NEWPORT COAST, CA 92657 1758 168-331-76-00 BLAKE BRIAN R & LISA L 3446 RAVINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 853 213-240-01-00 BLASI-COUNTOURIOTIS FAMILY TRUST 04-03-0 2295 GALENA AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1207 213-280-22-00 BLASQUEZ BRIAN & NANCY 2331 KYANITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 605 213-200-10-00 BLINSTRUBAS THOMAS J & DILDINE DANIELLE 6844 CITRINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1218 213-280-33-00 BLOCH CURTIS S & LISA M 6634 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 955 213-243-07-00 BLUE CENTURION HOMES L L C 9265 ACTIVITY RD #112 SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 1395 213-300-12-01 BLUE HAT L L C 6965 EL CAMINO REAL #105-6 CARLSBAD, CA 92009 642 213-202-04-00 BLUM HOWARD A 6837 CITRINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1163 213-271-31-00 BLUM/PHILLIPS FAMILY TRUST 09-14-07 220 E 65TH ST #11D NEW YORK, NY 10065 1831 168-341-05-15 BOBICK BRIAN S 4085 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 563 213-181-39-00 BOCCHETTI IRENE L 2733 PLUMERIA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 557 213-181-33-00 BOHNERT MICHAEL H & LISA M 2734 ASCOT AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1800 168-340-03-08 BOJADOR PATRICK C & ALESSONDRA J 4066 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 333 213-151-43-00 BOJORQUEZ MICHAEL E & RENEE 6302 EDENDALE ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 585 213-181-61-00 BOLES SCOTT H 6420 ARCHES WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 961 213-243-13-00 BOND STEPHEN A & STACY L 6975 BIXBITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 879 213-240-27-00 BOOHER MICHAEL 2230 AZURITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 359 213-160-16-00 BORNHOFT ROBERT W & SUSAN M 6368 HUNTINGTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 2009 168-353-18-00 BORSO HEATHER S & MARRON KEITH M 4668 MEADOW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 203 213-141-15-00 BORTOLUSSI BRETT & HARRISON SHAWNA 2633 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1194 213-280-09-00 BOSZE ERIC J & BERUTI SUE 6635 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 681 213-211-14-00 BOTHMER FREDERICK J & PATRICIA A 6890 AMBER LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 228 213-141-40-00 BOTTS BRIAN 145 VALLECITOS DE ORO #E SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 264 213-150-16-00 BOWEN JAMES B & SANDRA M 2695 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1683 168-331-01-00 BOWES DARREN S & JENNY M 3451 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 535 213-181-11-00 BOWMAN TRACIE 2763 ASCOT AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1396 213-300-12-02 BOYCE SHELLEY L TRUST 12-07-00 2784 GATEWAY RD #102 CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1959 168-352-10-00 BOYD MARK S & TIFFANY L 3480 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1859 168-341-06-25 BRADFORD RUSSELL S 4107 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 255 213-150-07-00 BRAGGIOTTI JOHN F & ROBBEN-BRAGGIOTTI CH 2650 GARDEN HOUSE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1877 168-341-07-16 BRAMBLE LORIE L 4078 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 627 213-201-10-00 BRENNAN LIVING TRUST 08-04-09 P O BOX 2663 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 522 213-180-26-00 BRENNER-VASQUEZ TRUST 09-11-06 2775 PALMETTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 588 213-190-02-00 BRESSI DEVELOPMENT L L C ATTN:PHILIP HITCH CARLSBAD, CA 92009 89 213-122-07-00 BRESSI RANCH COMMUNITY ASSN 1959 PALOMAR OAKS WAY #320 CARLSBAD, CA 92011 88 213-121-02-00 BRESSI RANCH FUEL MART LLC P O BOX 456 RANCHO SANTA FE, CA 92067 753 213-221-34-00 BREWER DOUGLAS W & AMY L 6819 KORITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 966 213-243-18-00 BREWER SCOTT C & SHERMAN-BREWER NICOLE J 6976 AMMONITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 399 213-162-21-00 BRIDGE ENTERPRISES L L C 601 N 44TH AVE PHOENIX, AZ 85043 525 213-181-01-00 BRIENS ERIC 6406 LIVE OAKS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1298 213-290-22-00 BRIESEMEISTER FAMILY TRUST 11-22-11 6753 LIMONITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 875 213-240-23-00 BRISBOIS JOSEPH O & MEIGHAN L 2214 AZURITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1777 168-340-02-06 BROWN BOBBI-LYNNE 4034 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1849 168-341-06-15 BROWN CHRISTIAN JOHN 4110 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 746 213-221-27-00 BROWN FAMILY TRUST 09-05-97 2363 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 233 213-141-45-00 BROWN KENNETH R 3313 WINCHESTER RD LOUISVILLE, KY 40207 539 213-181-15-00 BROWN RANDALL A & DINAH L FAMILY TRUST 0 2747 ASCOT AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1727 168-331-45-00 BROWN/YANG-BROWN TRUST 11-19-09 3476 GENTLE KNOLL ST CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1284 213-290-08-00 BROWNING TIMOTHY H & CARRIE J 6752 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 126 213-130-36-00 BRUCE ROBERT W & CYNTHIA M 2556 INGLETON AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 881 213-240-29-00 BRUNN SCOTT & LAWHON KELLY 2238 AZURITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1701 168-331-19-00 BRYAN THOMAS C 4741 CRATER RIM RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 852 213-233-30-00 BRYANT PETER R & CHEN JOANNA C 6767 MALACHITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1399 213-300-13-00 BSLATTERY REAL ESTATE HOLDING INC 2782 GATEWAY RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1685 168-331-03-00 BUAN EDUARDO T P O BOX 130153 CARLSBAD, CA 92013 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 1710 168-331-28-00 BUBB ADRIAN H & SUTTER AMY M 4759 CRATER RIM RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 395 213-162-17-00 BUBNACK THEODORE G & CAROLYN E 6324 MONTECITO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 58 213-112-55-02 BUCKLEY MICHAEL & REESE SHANNON 6936 FELDSPAR PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1578 168-320-05-00 BUDISELIC FAMILY TRUST 12-04-02 3569 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1266 213-283-13-00 BURAK PAUL V JR & DYANNA N 6559 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1697 168-331-15-00 BURDEN DANIEL E & JANSSEN BRENDA L 4733 CRATER RIM RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1239 213-282-03-00 BURDICK JOHN & MARSHA TRUST 08-11-82 2309 MICA RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 659 213-202-21-00 BURKART TIMOTHY T & LISA R 2007 TRUST 06 2244 IVORY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1615 168-321-02-00 BURKE VICTOR 3543 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 439 213-170-27-00 BURKE-NENE FAMILY TRUST 07-12-04 2571 ARUNDEL AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 962 213-243-14-00 BURLAND BYRON TRUST 10-16-06 6971 BIXBITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 701 213-220-06-00 BURLESON JOHN T & FLANAGAN LYNN 6825 JADE LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 109 213-130-19-00 BURLINGAME JANNIES S 6206 TOPIARY ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 870 213-240-18-00 BURNETT FAMILY TRUST 06-01-09 2207 AZURITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1852 168-341-06-18 BURROWS DANA 4100 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 225 213-141-37-00 BURTON TALISIN H & MEGAN R 2729 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1609 168-320-36-00 BUSTOS KARL M & RIA M 3566 SAND CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1221 213-280-36-00 BYRD SCOTT A & KIMBERLY E 6616 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1111 213-263-16-00 C 3 CENTER L L C 5838 EDISO PL #100 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 1104 213-263-09-00 C B AQUATIC VENTURES L L C 25 WATERWORKS WAY IRVINE, CA 92618 1677 168-330-21-00 CABRERA RUBEN & ROSA A S D 1306 EDGECLIFFE DR LOS ANGELES, CA 90026 2 213-112-39-01 CAGAN HOWARD L & CLAUDIA H 6968 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1468 168-041-14-06 CAGLE BRIAN A & SARA E 3685 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1537 168-041-17-03 CALABRESE SABINA 3601 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 907 213-241-21-00 CALDERON CHRISTOPHER T & TARA G 6975 GOLDSTONE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 248 213-141-60-00 CALFIN MATTHEW S & JULIE L 2628 GARDEN HOUSE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1349 213-291-29-00 CALHOUN MICHAEL L & AMI G JOINT LIVING T 1976 MARCASITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1057 213-262-13-02 CALL MICHAEL C 6130 INNOVATION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 133 213-130-43-00 CALL THOMAS S & GREENBERG AIMEE B 2584 INGLETON AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 723 213-221-03-00 CALLIS REVOCABLE TRUST 08-07-87 2364 LARIMAR AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 667 213-210-08-00 CALLISTO JOHN M & SANDRA M 6856 AMBER LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 844 213-233-22-00 CAMERON FAMILY TRUST 12-04-95 6792 MALACHITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1742 168-331-60-00 CAMMACK JUSTIN S & ELIZABETH P 3429 RAVINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 463 213-170-51-00 CAMPANA OSCAR & ANNE TRUST 03-09-07 2584 ARUNDEL AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1108 213-263-13-00 CAMPANIL GROUP L L C 3235 CAMPANIL DR SANTA BARBARA, CA 93109 247 213-141-59-00 CAMPBELL JOHN A & BELYEA LISA M 2632 GARDEN HOUSE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 1738 168-331-56-00 CAMPBELL MICHELLE M 427 9TH AVE #1202 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 1833 168-341-05-17 CANFIELD RONALD S JR & SARAH C G 4091 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1561 168-280-56-00 CANICOSA ZENAIDA O 3578 GRANITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 32 213-112-47-04 CANNON PETER E & MARTHA L 6935 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 204 213-141-16-00 CARA BISMARCK A & ADRIANA 2637 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 807 213-232-01-00 CARBINE DOUGLAS N & CHERIE M 2425 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 923 213-242-10-00 CARCHIDI KENNETH D & JOHNSON CATHERINE 2263 AVENTURINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1702 168-331-20-00 CARIAGA CAROLYN 4743 CRATER RIM RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 249 213-150-01-00 CARLE PAULETTE F 2676 GARDEN HOUSE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1026 213-261-05-00 CARLSBAD SELF STORAGE INVESTORS L L C P O BOX 1368 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 744 213-221-25-00 CARMAN DWAYNE JR & NORA B 2371 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1691 168-331-09-00 CARNEY MICHAEL P & DEBRA J 3419 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1693 168-331-11-00 CARPENTIER ROBERT A & MARIAN R 3411 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1227 213-281-03-00 CARREON RICHARD R & DEBRA A 6675 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 141 213-130-51-00 CARRINGTON ROBERT F P O BOX 131301 CARLSBAD, CA 92013 1148 213-271-16-00 CARUSO ANTHONY J & MARGARET C 6624 BROOKITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1938 168-350-32-00 CASANADA MICHELLE & CASANADA AVELINO & F 3448 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1995 168-353-04-00 CASEY DOUGLAS A & ROBIN K 3488 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1467 168-041-14-05 CASTILE BRENDAN R & GRANT LARISSA J 3681 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1264 213-283-11-00 CASTRO DAVID E & SAGE H 6558 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1673 168-330-17-00 CASTRO ROMULO R & MERCY R 3494 GENTLE KNOLL ST CARLSBAD, CA 92010 148 213-130-58-00 CASTRO-MARTINEZ LIVING TRUST 07-24-08 2562 TOWN GARDEN RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1746 168-331-64-00 CATILUS CRAIG & ALISON 3445 RAVINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 37 213-112-49-01 CATOVIC AMER & MARWAH 6916 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1327 213-291-07-00 CAUTELA RENATO & PALMER JOHN 6780 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1666 168-330-10-00 CEJA FLAVIO & SANDRA G 3463 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 506 213-180-10-00 CERQUA LAURA J 3718 N KENMORE AVE #301 CHICAGO, IL 60613 1373 213-292-18-00 CERVERA RICARDO 1987 OLIVINE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 544 213-181-20-00 CHAMBERS MARTIN J REVOCABLE TRUST 01-15-2727 ASCOT AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1740 168-331-58-00 CHAN MING F & SRIVATSA GITHA S TRUST 04-4738 CRATER RIM RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1916 168-350-10-00 CHANG AGNES H 2848 WESTWOOD DR NW OLYMPIA, WA 98502 471 213-171-08-00 CHANG CHIA-NING & CHANG TA-CHIH 2183 AVENIDA TORONJA CARLSBAD, CA 92009 728 213-221-08-00 CHANG HENRY C & JULIE D 2384 LARIMAR AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1407 213-310-01-07 CHANG ROBERT 6432 CINNABAR WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 349 213-160-06-00 CHANG STUART D 6371 HUNTINGTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 974 213-243-26-00 CHANG WEIJEN W & HOUSMAN LAURIE 6985 AMMONITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 1641 168-321-29-00 CHAO EUN KYOUNG 11300 MONTGALL AVE #1102 KANSAS CITY, MO 64137 105 213-130-15-00 CHAO YUEN & SHARON FAMILY REVOCABLE LIVI 2574 DISCOVERY RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 813 213-232-07-00 CHAPIN THOMAS W 2401 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1581 168-320-08-00 CHAPPELL ERIC A & DIANE L 3563 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1186 213-280-01-00 CHAVEZ RALPH D & DEBBIE J TRS 6603 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 407 213-162-30-00 CHELLADURAI SENTHILKUMAR & SENTHILKUMAR 3700 AZIMUTH PL CARLSBAD, CA 92010 243 213-141-55-00 CHEN DER BAO 1 LEUCADIA IRVINE, CA 92602 1893 168-341-08-08 CHEN JONES & MINGWHEI 56 EVERGREEN AVE BROOMALL, PA 19008 1585 168-320-12-00 CHEN TACHUN 3555 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1944 168-351-03-00 CHEN TIEN-TSUNG & CHING-CKO FAMILY 1995 3435 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1243 213-282-07-00 CHEN-CHONG LIVING TRUST 12-19-07 2325 MICA RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1982 168-352-33-00 CHEUNG ALAN W & LIM ROWENA T 3468 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 346 213-160-03-00 CHEUNG LOUIS S & CATHERINE N 6359 HUNTINGTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1291 213-290-15-00 CHEW BENSON G H & LORENA J 6730 LIMONITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 650 213-202-12-00 CHEYAPANTA PAUL S & MERCADO-CHEYAPANTA R6862 CITRINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1703 168-331-21-00 CHIANG PENGTA ANTHONY & WANG I-FANG 4745 CRATER RIM RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 729 213-221-09-00 CHILDERS PAUL J & STEPHANIE M 2388 LARIMAR AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 790 213-231-07-00 CHOCHOLEK DRAKE C 6766 VERMARINE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1403 213-310-01-03 CHOI DEREK & CHOI SOOK HEE 6448 CINNABAR WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1288 213-290-12-00 CHOI JOHN JEASHIN & CHRISTY HA 6718 LIMONITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1730 168-331-48-00 CHOI KI SUNG & SUNGAE 3448 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1670 168-330-14-00 CHON BRIAN SU YOUNG 3484 GENTLE KNOLL ST CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1476 168-041-14-14 CHON JE HWAN & MIN OH MIH 3705 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 538 213-181-14-00 CHONG FAMILY TRUST 05-11-05 1038 SCENIC WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 310 213-151-20-00 CHOONG VI-EN & ANDREA 6323 HUNTINGTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 389 213-162-11-00 CHOPRA DEVINDER R & KRISHNA 2693 ECHO AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1726 168-331-44-00 CHOW CHAK CHEONG 1304 CASSINS ST CARLSBAD, CA 92011 1361 213-292-06-00 CHOY EDDIE L T & JANE A T 6824 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 370 213-161-05-00 CHU FAMILY TRUST 12-08-93 6335 DI VITA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 265 213-150-17-00 CHU JONATHAN CHUNG-NAN & TIEN-YU 2699 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1793 168-340-03-01 CHU KIMMY T 4046 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1602 168-320-29-00 CHUEH SHIH-JUNG & SUNG YI-HUI REVOCABLE 3561 SAND CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 325 213-151-35-00 CHUKIAT DON & VICKIE 12 WADSWORTH IRVINE, CA 92620 1539 168-041-17-05 CHUNG ALVIN 11315 MISSISSIPPI AVE #208 LOS ANGELES, CA 90025 26 213-112-46-02 CHUNG MARK MINKYU 6946 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1996 168-353-05-00 CICHASKY DANIEL C & ANDERSON BARBARA A 3490 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 600 213-200-05-00 CIPRIANNI MICHAEL A & VANESSA 6829 TANZANITE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1346 213-291-26-00 CIRINCIONE ANTHONY S & BRENDA B 1964 MARCASITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 173 213-140-20-00 CLARK DALE J & MICHELLE 6228 DARTINGTON WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1883 168-341-07-22 CLARK PAUL E & MARY G 4086 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1294 213-290-18-00 CLARKE FAMILY TRUST 07-12-06 6742 LIMONITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 101 213-130-11-00 CLARKE MICHAEL R & ELIZABETH 2558 DISCOVERY RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1752 168-331-70-00 CLEAVERKING DANIELLE 1564 SUMMIT AVE CARDIFF, CA 92007 313 213-151-23-00 CLINE BRYAN & LAURA LIVING TRUST 04-14-0 6335 HUNTINGTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 503 213-180-07-00 CLOAKEY FAMILY TRUST 02-04-97 2735 PALMETTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 448 213-170-36-00 CLOTFELTER CUTTER & BRITTANY P O BOX 7029 RANCHO SANTA FE, CA 92067 894 213-241-08-00 COBB-WALKER TRUST 10-30-08 2276 CARNELIAN CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1648 168-321-36-00 COCHRAN STEPHEN M JR & LISA E 3524 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 959 213-243-11-00 COCQUEREL PETER N & NG YOKE CHENG 6983 BIXBITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 447 213-170-35-00 COFFMAN KEVIN J 1630 COLLINGWOOD DR SAN DIEGO, CA 92109 898 213-241-12-00 COHEN ANTHONY & DIANE 6980 GOLDSTONE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1773 168-340-02-02 COLBURN JERRY & CYNTHIA 1475 AVENIDA LA POSTA ENCINITAS, CA 92024 1518 168-041-16-08 COLEBROOKE JODIE O 4004 BACKSHORE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 775 213-230-05-00 COLEY STEVEN D 2461 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 231 213-141-43-00 COLOME DENNIS M 2696 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1190 213-280-05-00 CONRAD KENNETH A & JOANNE R FAMILY TRUST 6619 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 997 213-250-16-00 CONWAY FAMILY TRUST 01-29-10 6331 ALLSTON ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1540 168-041-17-06 COOK GEOFFREY P & JOANNE 3613 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 190 213-141-02-00 COOKE KERRY E 6253 COTTAGE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1565 168-280-60-00 COOPER CHRISTINA M 3594 GRANITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1914 168-350-08-00 COOPER WILLIAM J 3429 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1817 168-341-05-01 CORNILLE REBECCA 4076 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1974 168-352-25-00 CORNWALL ALLEN S & LISA L 3473 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 945 213-242-39-00 CORNWELL MICHAEL N & SOUSA LORIE 2278 AVENTURINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 622 213-201-05-00 COSCIA ALBERT A & PENELOPE 6853 TANZANITE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1546 168-041-17-12 COSTELLO BRIAN P & FRITCH AMBER L 3614 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1806 168-340-03-14 COSTELLO LORENA 4075 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 465 213-171-02-00 COWAN JOHN & KRISTI 6258 TOPIARY ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1124 213-270-10-00 COZENS ADAM T & JAMIE L 2401 MICA RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1388 213-300-05-00 CP BUSINESS ENTERPRISES INC 2772 GATEWAY RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1463 168-041-14-01 CRAMOND ANDREW T & AMEE S 5470 WOLVERINE TER CARLSBAD, CA 92010 758 213-221-39-00 CROGAN BRIAN & DANA 6836 KORITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 574 213-181-50-00 CROMWELL FAMILY TRUST 03-03-08 2735 PLUMERIA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1117 213-270-03-00 CRUMBAKER BRIAN R & LORRIE L 2458 MICA RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1263 213-283-10-00 CRUZ BERNARDO V & NATIVIDAD M 14 CLIFFSIDE WAY BOONTON, NJ 07005 726 213-221-06-00 CRUZ DIONIDES D JR & ZARINA D 2376 LARIMAR AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 550 213-181-26-00 CUMMINGS CHRISTOPHER & KIRSTEN 2706 ASCOT AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1813 168-340-03-21 CUMMINGS MICHAEL C & JULITA 4043 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1795 168-340-03-03 CUNHA LUCAS S & CONSTANCE S 4045 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 92 213-130-02-00 CUNNEEN GARY S 2006 TRUST 12-29-06 6225 ALVERTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 947 213-242-41-00 CURTIS LIVING TRUST 11-17-09 6879 GOLDSTONE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1377 213-292-22-00 CUZENS JARROD W 1951 MARCASITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1008 213-260-01-02 D P T PROPERTIES L L C 700 GARDEN VIEW CT #103 ENCINITAS, CA 92024 561 213-181-37-00 DAI NINGDA A 6411 ARCHES WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 17 213-112-43-03 DALTO ROBERT L & DENISE D 6956 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 531 213-181-07-00 DALY MATTHEW & CHANDA 6430 LIVE OAKS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1006 213-250-25-00 DAMIAN ANGEL & ARACELI 3241 CUTTING HORSE RD NORCO, CA 92860 1992 168-353-01-00 DAMICO DEBORA & LAWSON MAGDALENA P 3482 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1558 168-280-53-00 DANAHER PATRICE W 3573 GRANITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 48 213-112-51-04 DANCHERTSEN CATHERINE N 6920 TOURMALINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 982 213-250-01-00 DANG CHUONG MICHAEL V & NGUYEN KELLY DAO 12609 193RD ST CERRITOS, CA 90703 318 213-151-28-00 DANIELSON RONALD F & PAIGE C 6328 GREENHAVEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 676 213-211-09-00 DANKWORTH STEPHEN R & KIMBERLY W 2344 ZODIAC ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 975 213-243-27-00 DAVE NIMISH S & JUI 6981 AMMONITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 292 213-151-02-00 DAVIDSON FAMILY TRUST 10-11-07 6313 HERITAGE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 206 213-141-18-00 DAVIDSON SCOTT E P O BOX 3129 BIG BEAR LAKE, CA 92315 981 213-243-33-00 DAVIES CHRISTOPHER & CYNTHIA P 6957 AMMONITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1962 168-352-13-00 DAVIES STEVEN & SHELLEY 4676 MEADOW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 867 213-240-15-00 DAVIS BRUCE R TR 2219 AZURITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1316 213-290-40-00 DAVIS JAMES R & KIMBERLEY A 1944 COBALT DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1990 168-352-41-00 DAVIS MATTHEW 3467 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 669 213-211-02-00 DAVIS RANDALL & MARION E 6891 AMBER LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1517 168-041-16-07 DAVISON JASON J 4002 BACKSHORE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1808 168-340-03-16 DAVISON SCOTT & SARA 4079 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1292 213-290-16-00 DEAL FAMILY TRUST 04-05-10 6734 LIMONITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 737 213-221-17-00 DEAN FAMILY JANUARY 2007 TRUST 01-17-07 2378 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1297 213-290-21-00 DECAMP JOSEPH S & JENNIFER L 6754 LIMONITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 438 213-170-26-00 DECKER STEPHANIE 2575 ARUNDEL AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 811 213-232-05-00 DECKER THOMAS C TRUST 07-10-96 & DECKER 2409 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1827 168-341-05-11 DEE RYAN S 4092 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1951 168-352-02-00 DEEMER LISA M 3464 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1792 168-340-02-21 DEFILIPPIS SUZANNE D 4025 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 169 213-140-16-00 DELANO JOSEPH ALOYSIUS 6203 DARTINGTON WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 223 213-141-35-00 DELAROSA MICHAEL A 2721 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1884 168-341-07-23 DELISLE GEORGE & JOANN 4088 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 559 213-181-35-00 DELKER FRANK M & JOSIE F 6419 ARCHES WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1002 213-250-21-00 DELLAPENNA LIVING TRUST 10-28-10 6315 KEENELAND DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 72 213-112-58-01 DEMARCO JANE 6926 TOURMALINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1631 168-321-19-00 DENENNY JACQUELINE R 3509 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 983 213-250-02-00 DENEROFF FAMILY REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 1 6384 KEENELAND DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1633 168-321-21-00 DENG FAMILY TRUST 02-26-99 3505 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2000 168-353-09-00 DENG XINHUI & WU JIANHUA 3498 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 954 213-243-06-00 DENINGER DANIEL A & TINA E 6982 BIXBITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1352 213-291-32-00 DENNISTON PHILIP L & ASHLEY L 1986 MARCASITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 654 213-202-16-00 DEPFYFFER KURT C & SARAH P 6848 CITRINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 123 213-130-33-00 DEROSALES LEDESMA L 2557 DISCOVERY RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1994 168-353-03-00 DEROZE MARK D 3486 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1728 168-331-46-00 DESAI DHAVAL S & AMI D 3456 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1986 168-352-37-00 DESAI MAHADEVBHAI D 4681 MEADOW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1222 213-280-37-00 DESAI NIREN S & ANITA N 6612 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1771 168-331-89-00 DESAI PANKAJ A & MINAKSHI P 3455 GENTLE KNOLL ST CARLSBAD, CA 92010 893 213-241-07-00 DESHAZO CLAUDE & MAUREEN REVOCABLE TRUST2272 CARNELIAN CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1586 168-320-13-00 DESHON DAREN N & MONICA L 3553 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1698 168-331-16-00 DESMIT MARGARET A 4735 CRATER RIM RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1125 213-270-11-00 DESPAIN ROBERT W & WHITNEY T 2405 MICA RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1309 213-290-33-00 DIAMANTIDIS PHILIP & LEE SELENA 6709 LIMONITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1979 168-352-30-00 DIANATI ROBERT R & ALAMI-RAD MAHVASH 3462 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1458 168-041-13-20 DIAZ MARIA A 3660 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 621 213-201-04-00 DIAZ-DUARTE CARLOS 6849 TANZANITE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1935 168-350-29-00 DIETER BRANDON A & CYNTHIA J 3436 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 212 213-141-24-00 DIETRICH LYNN A 2669 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 953 213-243-05-00 DIGIACOMO THOMAS & PATRICIA 22 CHESTERFIELD DR CHESTER, NJ 07930 1270 213-283-17-00 DIGIOIA JOHN J JR & DEANA L 6575 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1308 213-290-32-00 DILLON DAVID P & LINDSAY 6713 LIMONITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 135 213-130-45-00 DILLON JEFFREY R & ELIZABETH A 2587 INGLETON AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1885 168-341-07-24 DIMOFF FAMILY 2006 TRUST 06-02-06 232 HYGEIA CT ENCINITAS, CA 92024 793 213-231-10-00 DIRTADIAN STEPHAN & MARGARET 6778 VERMARINE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1012 213-260-01-07 DISCOVERY CHILDRENS DENTISTRY L L C 6221 METROPOLITAN ST #202 CARLSBAD, CA 92009 435 213-170-23-00 DISTER BRIAN & SHERI 2586 DOGWOOD RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1538 168-041-17-04 DJIFROUDI MARJAN & KHOSROVI KHADIJEH 2287 CAMINITO PAJARITO #162 SAN DIEGO, CA 92107 442 213-170-30-00 DOAN NHAT D 2559 ARUNDEL AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1596 168-320-23-00 DONIA TONY & SANDRA 54 CHELTENHAM AVE L4L 1K7 CANADA, 929 213-242-16-00 DOOLEY GAVIN & JESSICA 2282 AVENTURINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 560 213-181-36-00 DORN MICHAEL H & SUSANNE B 7 RUE LINCOLN 75008 PARIS FRANC, 918 213-242-05-00 DOUGHERTY CYNTHIA A 6907 GOLDSTONE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1324 213-291-04-00 DOYLE RICHARD P & HANNIA L 6768 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1121 213-270-07-00 DRESIOS JOHN & VELENTZA ANASTASIA 2442 MICA RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1457 168-041-13-19 DRESSEL REINHART 3658 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1205 213-280-20-00 DRISKO KEVIN & LINDSAY JULIE 2323 KYANITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1713 168-331-31-00 DUBOURDIEU MARK & CASSANDRA REVOCABLE 194765 CRATER RIM RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1743 168-331-61-00 DUBOURDIEU PHILIP & TRICIA L 3433 RAVINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 341 213-151-51-00 DUCA JOHN J & TOBIAS MARIA L C 6334 EDENDALE ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 3 213-112-39-02 DUCHENE BRIAN G 6970 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 262 213-150-14-00 DUCHENE DENNIS A 2675 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 361 213-160-18-00 DUFF MARTIN H IV & JESSICA W 6360 HUNTINGTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1302 213-290-26-00 DUFFY KEVIN M 6737 LIMONITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 682 213-211-15-00 DUICH MICHAEL B & LESLIE L 6886 AMBER LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 617 213-200-22-00 DUNHAM STEPHEN R 6831 HELENITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1860 168-341-06-26 DUNKER BRYAN K & HONRADO JOSELLE T 4105 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 601 213-200-06-00 DUREN LARS N & KERRI A 6833 TANZANITE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 2001 168-353-10-00 DURIE RONALD G & MARIE L 4650 MEADOW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 306 213-151-16-00 DURKIN JOSEPH A & DENISE A 6314 HUNTINGTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 976 213-243-28-00 DUSTOOR FAMILY TRUST 05-04-11 6977 AMMONITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1501 168-041-15-15 DUTTA FAMILY TRUST 07-07-97 7819 VISTA LAZANJA SAN DIEGO, CA 92127 630 213-201-13-00 DVORAK DALE & PAMELA 2001 TRUST 12-27-01 6835 HELENITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1154 213-271-22-00 DWYER JONATHAN C & YVETTE R 6646 TITANITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 624 213-201-07-00 E A J TRUST 09-08-09 6863 TANZANITE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1600 168-320-27-00 EASTERBROOK CLARK & KATHRYN 3569 SAND CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1850 168-341-06-16 EBETE DONN H & GAN DANALYN P 4102 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 596 213-200-01-00 ECKEL LEE N & NAOKO O 6813 TANZANITE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 1 213-110-01-00 ECR CORPORATE CENTER LP 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS #100 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 818 213-232-13-00 EDDY MICHAEL A & PATRICIA 2436 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1452 168-041-13-14 EDGEL JENNIFER D 3644 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1759 168-331-77-00 EDIGA NARASHIMA B & NAGELLI-EDIGA UMABAR 2044 CAP ROCK DR RICHARDSON, TX 75080 1940 168-350-34-00 EDSON THEODORE D & DEBRA S 3456 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 625 213-201-08-00 EDWARDS LIVING TRUST 05-03-99 6860 TANZANITE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1620 168-321-07-00 EGKAN JEFF L & THERESA H 3533 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 396 213-162-18-00 EGLI JERRY D LIVING TRUST 01-17-03 6320 MONTECITO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1413 213-310-01-13 EHN JENNY 2409 COPPER WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 836 213-233-14-00 EHSAN HOUMAN 6785 OBSIDIAN PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 692 213-212-10-00 EHSAN MOHAMMAD R 6950 AMBER LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1128 213-270-14-00 EICHER MICHAEL J & DAWN K 2417 MICA RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1520 168-041-16-10 EISNER JUSTIN 4012 BACKSHORE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1159 213-271-27-00 EL-GHOROURY AMIR H & LINDSAY J & BLACKBU 6626 TITANITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 567 213-181-43-00 ELKINS CHRISTOPHER G & ESCURO GUIA-LYNN 2717 PLUMERIA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 187 213-140-34-00 ELLINGSEN ERIC & NATALIE C 6237 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 850 213-233-28-00 ELLIOTT JAMES M & LEWIS EVELYN J 6775 MALACHITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 612 213-200-17-00 ELSHIRE LIVING TRUST 09-11-97 6816 CITRINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 287 213-150-39-00 ERNEST JACOB & NICOLE C 2634 PEPPERTREE WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1801 168-340-03-09 ESCOBAR JACK V & MAXINE G 4070 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1607 168-320-34-00 ESHELMAN FAMILY TRUST 04-12-83 3558 SAND CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1864 168-341-07-03 ESPINOZA RAUL S & CULVER ALISON B 4095 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 222 213-141-34-00 ESPIRITU FRANZ C & ESPERANZA R 2717 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1618 168-321-05-00 ESQUEDACALDERON CELIA 3537 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1067 213-262-13-12 ESTES DAVID H & GILVEY MARGUERITTE F 2611 LA GOLONDRINA ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1068 213-262-13-13 ESTES DAVID H & GILVEY MARGUERITTE F 2611 LA GOLONDRINA ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1612 168-320-39-00 ESTES MICHAEL N & DONNA C 3567 PEBBLE ST CARLSBAD, CA 92010 175 213-140-22-00 ESWARAKA JEETENDRA & JAYAKAR HIMANGI R 6236 DARTINGTON WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 199 213-141-11-00 ETTINGER JAMES P & ELENA L 6262 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1988 168-352-39-00 EVOLA KEITH G FAMILY RETREAT L L C 250 N ROSE ST MT CLEMENS, MI 48043 1886 168-341-08-01 FACIONE CHRISTOPHER J 4132 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 831 213-233-09-00 FADDICK CHRISTOPHER J & ADAMS LISA N 6794 OBSIDIAN PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 697 213-220-02-00 FALL DONALD R & JANET M REVOCABLE FAMILY 301 W G ST #302 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 789 213-231-06-00 FALLINI CHUCK & KAREN FAMILY TRUST 02-01 6745 VERMARINE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1931 168-350-25-00 FAMILO JAMIE & JENNIFER 3459 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1921 168-350-15-00 FANT DOYLE & BONNIE REVOCABLE TRUST 11-0 3446 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 1857 168-341-06-23 FARNAM BRIAN & MICHELLE 4103 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1563 168-280-58-00 FARRINGTON AMY E LIVING TRUST 03-05-10 3586 GRANITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1766 168-331-84-00 FAUSETT DIANE M 3435 GENTLE KNOLL ST CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1902 168-341-08-17 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORP 400 COUNTRYWIDE WAY SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065 704 213-220-09-00 FELDERSTEIN BRIAN K & CHONG UMI 6813 JADE LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 623 213-201-06-00 FELT JOHN R & LILAH 6857 TANZANITE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 428 213-170-16-00 FENG GANG & JIANG JING 2558 DOGWOOD RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1386 213-300-03-00 FENGHAI INTERNATIONAL INC 3199 CORTE TAMARINDO CARLSBAD, CA 92009 93 213-130-03-00 FERGUSON FAMILY TRUST 07-11-02 6221 ALVERTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1451 168-041-13-13 FERGUSON MARY B 3642 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 498 213-180-02-00 FERRARA ANNE-MARIE B 2006 TRUST 2755 PALMETTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1660 168-330-04-00 FERRARI PAUL & KARIS 3485 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 413 213-170-01-00 FERREGUR CRISTOBAL G & MARIA I 6237 ALVERTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 367 213-161-02-00 FIDELMAN MARK 6347 DI VITA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1051 213-262-12-01 FIRST-CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO P O BOX 27131 RALEIGH, NC 27611 1662 168-330-06-00 FISCHER MARY P 3479 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1426 213-310-02-09 FISHER KENNETH A 6420 JASPER WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 147 213-130-57-00 FISHMAN ROBERT & VICKI LIVING 1997 TRUST 2558 TOWN GARDEN RD CARSBAD, CA 92009 834 213-233-12-00 FITZGERALD FAMILY TRUST 12-21-11 6793 OBSIDIAN PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 731 213-221-11-00 FITZGERALD SCOTT & KRISTEN L P O BOX 230240 ENCINITAS, CA 92023 459 213-170-47-00 FITZPATRICK CLAIRE B TRUST 04-08-99 1476 MISTY SEA WAY SAN MARCOS, CA 92078 16 213-112-43-02 FLANAGAN CHANTAL M 6959 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1160 213-271-28-00 FLETCHER DAX R & REBECCA K 6622 TITANITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1736 168-331-54-00 FLORENTINO FAMILY TRUST 03-19-02 3424 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 884 213-240-32-00 FLORES CHARLOTTE 6937 COPAL PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 77 213-112-59-02 FLORES YGNACIO V & KAORI A 6940 TOURMALINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 873 213-240-21-00 FLUCH JASON D 2206 AZURITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 2012 168-353-21-00 FOGLIATTI DAVID & HOLLY 4659 MEADOW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 36 213-112-48-04 FOLEY WAYNE LIVING TRUST 08-04-08 6938 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 132 213-130-42-00 FORD FAMILY TRUST 03-16-04 2580 INGLETON AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 864 213-240-12-00 FORD KEVIN M 2251 GALENA AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 270 213-150-22-00 FORESZ JOYCE E 2719 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 238 213-141-50-00 FORNARO SCOTT 2668 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 518 213-180-22-00 FOSTER SCOTT 2744 PALMETTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1554 168-041-18-08 FOSTER THOMAS & CHRISTEN 3633 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 151 213-130-61-00 FOX FAMILY LIVING TRUST 05-13-05 2574 TOWN GARDEN RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 1950 168-352-01-00 FOX WAYNE S & TAMARA H 3462 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 752 213-221-33-00 FRADD CLAY J & MELISSA A 6815 KORITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 508 213-180-12-00 FRANCHIMONE ANTHONY M 2711 PALMETTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1138 213-271-06-00 FRANCHIMONE ANTHONY M & SHUEY-FRANCHIMON6653 BROOKITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1715 168-331-33-00 FRANKEL KENNETH L & KATHLEEN M 4762 CRATER RIM RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 914 213-242-01-00 FRAZIER FAMILY LIVING TRUST 09-24-03 6923 GOLDSTONE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 507 213-180-11-00 FREEMAN JEFFREY M & LARYSSA M 2715 PALMETTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 934 213-242-23-00 FREESE TED R & THERESA A 2254 AVENTURINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1580 168-320-07-00 FRICK GLEN L & MICHELLE M 3565 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1557 168-280-52-00 FROST LIVING TRUST 02-10-10 3577 GRANITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 910 213-241-24-00 FRY STEVE & DONNA 6963 GOLDSTONE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 75 213-112-58-04 FRY STEVEN L 6932 TOURMALINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 581 213-181-57-00 FULLERTON TYLER R & MAUREEN S 6413 LIVE OAKS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1551 168-041-18-05 FURMAN JACOB & ELIZABETH 820 BELMONT BAY DR #202 WOODBRIDGE, VA 22191 1496 168-041-15-10 GABRIELSON TRACY A 3718 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1497 168-041-15-11 GABRIELSON TRACY A 3716 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 19 213-112-43-05 GADGIL NISHAD R & NARAYAN NANDINI 6960 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1865 168-341-07-04 GAGE JEFFREY W & GAGE ERIC A 4130 KIMBERLY LN OCEANSIDE, CA 92056 348 213-160-05-00 GALATI FAMILY TRUST 11-12-08 6367 HUNTINGTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 283 213-150-35-00 GALLAGHER PAUL J & MARILYNN M 2650 PEPPERTREE WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 794 213-231-11-00 GALLAGHER VIRGINIA L & WILLIAM R JR TRUS P O BOX 231032 ENCINITAS, CA 92023 536 213-181-12-00 GALLAND MAURY G & GALLAND KELLIE K 2759 ASCOT AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1603 168-320-30-00 GALLAVAN THOMAS A & MEIGHAN K & EMERSON 3557 SAND CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 158 213-140-05-00 GALLIATH LISA L 6247 DARTINGTON WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 720 213-220-25-00 GALLUCCIO DAVID A & ARIANNE R 6806 JADE LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1973 168-352-24-00 GALVAN FRANCISCA N 3475 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 482 213-171-19-00 GAMETT JAMES B & SHAUNA L 6238 TOPIARY ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 533 213-181-09-00 GANS FAMILY TRUST 11-06-03 6438 LIVE OAKS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1627 168-321-14-00 GARCIA GEORGE R 3519 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 140 213-130-50-00 GARCIA JAMES A & ANIKA M 2567 INGLETON AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 932 213-242-21-00 GARCIA KEITH & NATALIE 2262 AVENTURINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 443 213-170-31-00 GARCIA MANUEL P & OFELIA M & GARCIA OLIV 2555 ARUNDEL AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1513 168-041-16-03 GARGANIAN ANNABELLE 76 VALLEY VIEW EST OXFORD, NJ 07863 985 213-250-04-00 GARLAND FAMILY TRUST 11-11-98 6381 KEENELAND DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 57 213-112-55-01 GAZDA NICHOLAS E 6934 FELDSPAR PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 29 213-112-47-01 GAZZOLA LORI A 6941 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 1810 168-340-03-18 GEARY JEFFREY P & SHAE P 4081 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1212 213-280-27-00 GENGO PETER J & JENNIFER L TRUST 05-02-0 2334 KYANITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 316 213-151-26-00 GENTRY RALPH E & MARY 6336 GREENHAVEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 267 213-150-19-00 GENTZLER REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 05-02-88 2707 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 274 213-150-26-00 GENTZLER TAMARA L 2690 PEPPERTREE WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1756 168-331-74-00 GEORGE FAMILY TRUST 11-09-06 3454 RAVINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1344 213-291-24-00 GERDES DAVID & LISA 1959 MARCASITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1942 168-351-01-00 GERGURICH JILL A 3439 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 619 213-201-02-00 GEYER DAVID & WINIFRED LIFE TRUST 11-23-6841 TANZANITE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 167 213-140-14-00 GHOSH SUE & GHOSH ARDHENDU & SHELLY 6211 DARTINGTON WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 164 213-140-11-00 GIBONEY JOHN J 6223 DARTINGTON WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 786 213-231-03-00 GIGLIELLO JOSEPH JR & YVONNE M 6757 VERMARINE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 282 213-150-34-00 GILLES LOUIS D P O BOX 130865 CARLSBAD, CA 92013 131 213-130-41-00 GLADSTEIN FAMILY TRUST 11-01-05 2576 INGLETON AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1668 168-330-12-00 GLASSER GERI 2278 LISA ST CARLSBAD, CA 92008 1964 168-352-15-00 GLASSMAN-RICHARDSON KATHLEEN M 4680 MEADOW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1956 168-352-07-00 GOEDERT SAMANTHA J 3474 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 631 213-201-14-00 GOFF WARREN S & CHANNEL SITING 6839 HELENITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1434 213-310-03-03 GOH DAE GUN & CHUN KYUNG AH 2406 TRONA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1915 168-350-09-00 GOLD RYAN & CASSANDRA 3425 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 182 213-140-29-00 GOLDING HARVEY D & ALBA N 6217 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 874 213-240-22-00 GOLDMAN MARTIN R & MARCIA L 2210 AZURITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 715 213-220-20-00 GOLDSTEIN JERALD I & SHARYN J 6826 JADE LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 352 213-160-09-00 GOMEZ FAMILY LIVING TRUST 05-08-02 6383 HUNTINGTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 300 213-151-10-00 GOMEZ RAUL & GOMEZ ANN 6338 HUNTINGTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 770 213-221-53-00 GONZALES EDMUNDO B & ELAINE R 2394 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1424 213-310-02-07 GONZALES MICHAEL L 6428 JASPER WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1621 168-321-08-00 GONZALES PATRICIA L 3531 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1584 168-320-11-00 GONZALEZ LISA A & BONOMO JAMES 3557 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1567 168-280-62-00 GORDON BRUCE H & HIDAKA SUGANO PSC 557 BOX 126 FPO, AP 96379 2014 168-353-23-00 GORDON JAY R & CYNTHIA L 4655 MEADOW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 877 213-240-25-00 GORDON ROBERT A TRUST 06-10-11 2222 AZURITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 950 213-243-02-00 GORENTZ NATHAN & ALEXIS 14706 MOHAWK CIR OVERLAND PARK, KS 66224 1143 213-271-11-00 GORYACHEV ALEX & OSTROUMOVA MARIA 6644 BROOKITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1378 213-292-23-00 GOSSETT BRIAN & STACY 1947 MARCASITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 35 213-112-48-03 GOUGEON CHRISTOPHER & STATE RALUCA 6936 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 833 213-233-11-00 GOUGH DEREK J 6797 OBSIDIAN PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 656 213-202-18-00 GOUGH MARK A & KRISTINA K 2256 IVORY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1364 213-292-09-00 GOULD JEFFREY D & AYLIN & GUROL HUSAMETT 6836 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1753 168-331-71-00 GRANDY LAURENS B JR & LINDA L TRS 3473 RAVINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 566 213-181-42-00 GRANT JOSEPH IV & ANTHEA 2721 PLUMERIA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 329 213-151-39-00 GRAY JAMES E & STRONG EVELYN 6313 GREENHAVEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 614 213-200-19-00 GRECO L GUY & BABA KATHY L 6811 CITRINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1141 213-271-09-00 GREEN ALEXANDER C & GENELL G 2008 TRUST 6652 BROOKITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1415 213-310-01-15 GREEN JACK A & PAMELA A 2417 COPPER WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 967 213-243-19-00 GREENFIELD SCOTT B & KAY S 6980 AMMONITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 2010 168-353-19-00 GREENWOOD KRISTON L & ALISON E 4670 MEADOW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 146 213-130-56-00 GRELL CONRAD & LESIGHT JUDI 2554 TOWN GARDEN RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 155 213-140-02-00 GRIFFIN CAROL W TR 6259 DARTINGTON WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 357 213-160-14-00 GRIFFIN ROBERT J & TESSIER MARGARET C 6376 HUNTINGTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 95 213-130-05-00 GROGAN MATTHEW & DIANA 6213 ALVERTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 314 213-151-24-00 GROSSHEIM ELMER R II & MARILEE P 6339 HUNTINGTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 244 213-141-56-00 GROVE BRIAN & JOELLE 2644 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 674 213-211-07-00 GRUGEL FAMILY TRUST 6911 AMBER LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 198 213-141-10-00 GUAN HAO & QU PING 6258 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1630 168-321-17-00 GUEST MAXINE TRUST 04-17-09 3513 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 466 213-171-03-00 GUNASEGARAM-WALKER REVOCABLE FAMILY TRUS6262 TOPIARY ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1145 213-271-13-00 GUNNING FAMILY 1994 TRUST 12-09-94 39 FEATHER SOUND DR HENDERSON, NV 89052 1555 168-041-18-09 GUO YUHUA & WAN JING 3637 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1074 213-262-13-19 H P J & L ENTERPRISE 7524 NAVIGATOR CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92011 528 213-181-04-00 HADAM AARON & KRISTA 6418 LIVE OAKS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1963 168-352-14-00 HADLEY RONALD D & LAFRATTA NICHOLAS V 3616 26TH PL W SEATTLE, WA 98199 1382 213-292-27-00 HAGEN CHRISTOPHER J & AMY L 1931 MARCASITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 848 213-233-26-00 HAGLOF FAMILY TRUST 09-03-02 6783 MALACHITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1645 168-321-33-00 HAHN YOON SUN & WONJAE 2949 HALIFAX AVE WESTCHESTER, IL 60154 1671 168-330-15-00 HAID SCOTT D & HOLMES ROBERT M P O BOX 927453 SAN DIEGO, CA 92192 1941 168-350-35-00 HAINES AARON & TRUDY 3460 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 806 213-231-23-00 HAINES DENISE 6775 VERMARINE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 111 213-130-21-00 HAISHA LAITH T 6214 TOPIARY ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 183 213-140-30-00 HAKE CATHY L 6221 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1339 213-291-19-00 HALENZA FAMILY TRUST 10-18-05 1979 MARCASITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 252 213-150-04-00 HALL FAMILY TRUST 02-23-90 10320 SUNLAND BLVD SUNLAND, CA 91040 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 1116 213-270-02-00 HALL LESLIE T REVOCABLE TRUST 03-14-03 2462 MICA RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1643 168-321-31-00 HALL REID S & MAYA K 3514 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 178 213-140-25-00 HALLADAY MICHAEL & NANCY FAMILY REVOCABL 6248 DARTINGTON WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 451 213-170-39-00 HALLEN TRUST 04-10-07 6239 LISMORE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1591 168-320-18-00 HAMMANN TRUST 11-12-10 3556 FLAT ROCK ST CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1999 168-353-08-00 HAMME CHRISTIAN E & KELLY L 3496 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1187 213-280-02-00 HAMMOND JAMES & SHARON FAMILY TRUST 03-1 6607 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 677 213-211-10-00 HAMPTON CHARLES W & NANCY A 2348 ZODIAC ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1579 168-320-06-00 HAN NAM S & ZAYOUNG 2008 TRUST 3567 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1343 213-291-23-00 HANDA OMESH K & APARNA 1963 MARCASITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1199 213-280-14-00 HANKEY JOHN C & MARCIA 3291 ANNANDALE DR PRESTO, PA 15142 869 213-240-17-00 HANLEY WILLIAM J IV & BEATRIZ A 2211 AZURITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 63 213-112-56-03 HANNA PAUL A & BARBARA M 1005 LAUREL TREE DR CONCORD, CA 94521 927 213-242-14-00 HANNEMANN DAVID J REVOCABLE TRUST 11-14-2279 AVENTURINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1837 168-341-06-03 HANSEN KEITH 4114 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 340 213-151-50-00 HANSON LIVING TRUST 05-07-08 6330 EDENDALE ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1829 168-341-05-13 HAO HSIN HSIN 4087 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1845 168-341-06-11 HARBERT CHRISTOPHER J & AMY D 4115 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 952 213-243-04-00 HARLEMAN THOMAS W JR & DEBRA A 2321 GALENA AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 128 213-130-38-00 HARMON KEVIN & BREANNA 2564 INGLETON AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1492 168-041-15-06 HARRIS HOLLY 3717 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1955 168-352-06-00 HARRIS REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 03-05-07 3472 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1334 213-291-14-00 HARRISON HARRY W & JULIE 2005 PERIDOT CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 490 213-171-27-00 HARRISON RONALD & SHERRI 6263 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1569 168-280-64-00 HARRIS-VINEYARD FAMILY IRREVOCABLE TRUST 3597 GRANITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 79 213-112-61-01 HASE RYAN & BONTEMPO MARLO & HASE MAX 6949 TOURMALINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1658 168-330-02-00 HASKINS SCOTT K & TERI 3491 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1874 168-341-07-13 HASSE LIVING TRUST 10-29-10 4064 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 369 213-161-04-00 HASSEY MICHAEL P & HOLLIE 6339 DI VITA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1611 168-320-38-00 HATEFI ROD F & CHAVEZ LUZ E 3574 SAND CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1519 168-041-16-09 HATEFI SUZANNE & HATEFI ROD P O BOX 131251 CARLSBAD, CA 92013 1984 168-352-35-00 HATTAN KAREN L 3472 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 373 213-161-08-00 HATTON JAMES D 6323 DI VITA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1905 168-341-08-20 HAUNSCHILD TIMOTHY T 4131 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1828 168-341-05-12 HAWKINS ESTRELLA 4016 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1819 168-341-05-03 HAYEK CHRISTINE 4074 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 986 213-250-05-00 HAYES ERIC J & ELIZABETH 6371 KEENELAND DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 185 213-140-32-00 HEBERT MICHAEL & SUSAN TRUST 08-09-05 6229 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 116 213-130-26-00 HECKLER BRUCE L & JI YEON JI NA PARK 2585 DISCOVERY RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 839 213-233-17-00 HEE MICHAEL H C & YOKE KUM REVOCABLE TRU 6772 MALACHITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 780 213-230-10-00 HEERS LARRY J & SHARON M 6759 MALACHITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 159 213-140-06-00 HEIN CHRIS & NICOLE 6243 DARTINGTON WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 587 213-181-63-00 HEJNY FAMILY TRUST 01-17-06 6412 ARCHES WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1599 168-320-26-00 HEMMEN RICHARD L & ROSANNE H 3573 SAND CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 469 213-171-06-00 HENDRICKSON LEE & SEDEN FAMILY 2011 TRUS 6274 TOPIARY ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1862 168-341-07-01 HENDRIX LAURA L 4097 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 393 213-162-15-00 HENSLEY BRADLEY T & KRISTIN A 6332 MONTECITO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1910 168-350-04-00 HENSON DAVID & LAURA L J 3445 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 480 213-171-17-00 HEPLER GREGORY R & ANN M 6246 TOPIARY ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1805 168-340-03-13 HERBST MICHAEL J & LORRAINE J 4073 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1947 168-351-06-00 HEREDIA RUDOLF A FAMILY TRUST 05-11-99 P O BOX 2210 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 446 213-170-34-00 HERSH MARK G & EMILIE I 6248 ALVERTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1945 168-351-04-00 HETHORN DAVID W II & HERTZ KATHERINE S 3433 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1838 168-341-06-04 HEUMANN DOUGLAS C 4106 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 542 213-181-18-00 HICKS GREGORY L & HICKS GRACE M 2735 ASCOT AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 849 213-233-27-00 HIDY DAVID J & SARA E 6779 MALACHITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 383 213-162-05-00 HIGLEY TRUST 12-21-01 6325 ENCANTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 708 213-220-13-00 HIMAR GREGG & HIMFAR STEPHANIE 2344 LARIMAR AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1164 213-272-01-00 HINCHEY FAMILY TRUST 06-17-11 6671 TITANITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 958 213-243-10-00 HIRSCH JAMES C 7313 CALLE ALMA CARLSBAD, CA 92009 397 213-162-19-00 HISSAMI NAJIB & YONG HUI 6316 MONTECITO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 912 213-241-26-00 HITTLEMAN JEROME & GOLDFARB LYNNE 6955 GOLDSTONE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 273 213-150-25-00 HO ANDY & PHAM KHOI QUOC 2694 PEPPERTREE WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1922 168-350-16-00 HO TING LONG & LILY 3448 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 157 213-140-04-00 HOANG SEAN D & NGUYEN NATALIE T 6251 DARTINGTON WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 540 213-181-16-00 HOBSON JOEL & VANESSA 2743 ASCOT AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1826 168-341-05-10 HODGETTS WENDY A 9595 E THUNDERBIRD RD #2109 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85260 350 213-160-07-00 HOFFMAN DONALD S & CANDI V 6375 HUNTINGTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1583 168-320-10-00 HOFFMAN FAMILY TRUST 08-04-00 131 S RODEO DR #100 BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90212 925 213-242-12-00 HOFFMAN JERRY V & DOROTHY M 2271 AVENTURINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 899 213-241-13-00 HOGGAN CARTER D 6984 GOLDSTONE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 368 213-161-03-00 HOLLMAN WAYNE & LINDA 6343 DI VITA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 404 213-162-27-00 HOLMAN APRIL D 6319 MONTECITO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 356 213-160-13-00 HOLMES/ZIEGLER REVOCABLE TRUST 08-09-07 6380 HUNTINGTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1855 168-341-06-21 HOMMEL MICHAEL & MARIE P 4113 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1840 168-341-06-06 HOMSY KINAN & MORIARTY KERRY 4104 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1614 168-321-01-00 HONEYCUTT FAMILY TRUST 08-13-08 3545 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 900 213-241-14-00 HONG JOSEPH S & KAREN D 6988 GOLDSTONE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1613 168-320-40-00 HOOKS FRANK E & JANICE M TRUST 06-13-03 3563 PEBBLE ST CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1445 168-041-13-07 HOOVER DONNA TR & ALLEN D WAYNE 3659 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 672 213-211-05-00 HOPE DOUGLAS G & EILEEN R 6903 AMBER LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 320 213-151-30-00 HOSSEINPOUR DJHMSHID & SIMIN 325 W WASHINGTON ST #2 SAN DIEGO, CA 92103 948 213-242-42-00 HOUGHTON MICHAEL & GAEL 2253 TIGEREYE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1303 213-290-27-00 HOUK BRETT E & HEATHER J 6733 LIMONITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1617 168-321-04-00 HOUPY AARON W & SUSAN L C 3539 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 186 213-140-33-00 HOWARD STEVE B & REBECCA D 6233 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1486 168-041-14-24 HOWERTON ANGELINA 3686 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 620 213-201-03-00 HSIUNG HUI & WEN-HSIN KANG 6845 TANZANITE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 707 213-220-12-00 HU DIANA LEE 6801 JADE LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 18 213-112-43-04 HUANG FAMILY TRUST B 12-05-06 6958 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1358 213-292-03-00 HUANG WEI-HAO & LIU YEN-CHUAN 6812 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1907 168-350-01-00 HUBBARD MARC C & ELIZABETH L 3457 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 337 213-151-47-00 HUBBS FAMILY TRUST 09-28-01 6318 EDENDALE ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 673 213-211-06-00 HUGHES BARNEY & GEORGIA 6907 AMBER LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 597 213-200-02-00 HUGHES DUREEN & BRITTON BARBARA REVOCABL6817 TANZANITE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1313 213-290-37-00 HUGHES L A TRUST 04-09-03 1332 CORVIDAE ST CARLSBAD, CA 92011 917 213-242-04-00 HUNT JOAN REVOCABLE TRUST 05-23-06 6911 GOLDSTONE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1077 213-262-14-01 HUNTER PAUL M TRUST 03-17-03 9010 NE 34TH ST YARROW POINT, WA 98004 1078 213-262-14-02 HUNTER PAUL M TRUST 03-17-03 9010 NE 34TH ST YARROW POINT, WA 98004 1079 213-262-14-03 HUNTER PAUL M TRUST 03-17-03 9010 NE 34TH ST YARROW POINT, WA 98004 1841 168-341-06-07 HUTCHISON ATHENA R 4111 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1969 168-352-20-00 HUTCHISON DEREK & BROWN SARAH 3483 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1003 213-250-22-00 HUTTER FAMILY TRUST 11-11-11 6325 KEENELAND DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 922 213-242-09-00 HUYNH HUNG HUY & SEN NANCY YIJUN 8041 PASEO ARRAYAN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 462 213-170-50-00 HWANG YUN-FAN & CHAO-MEI CHAN 2580 ARUNDEL AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 476 213-171-13-00 HYDE CYNTHIA L 6265 ARBOR ROSE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 664 213-210-05-00 INDUSTRIAL INFO RESOURCES INC 2277 PLAZA DR #300 SUGAR LAND, TX 77479 924 213-242-11-00 INGLE ERICA L & DANIEL R REVOCABLE 2005 2267 AVENTURINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 137 213-130-47-00 INGLETON AVE LAND TRUST P O BOX 130252 CARLSBAD, CA 92013 1090 213-262-14-14 INNOVATION WAY L L C 6186 INNOVATION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 483 213-171-20-00 IRVINE 2006 TRUST 05-25-06 2601 TOWN GARDEN RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1206 213-280-21-00 J & M TRUST 12-19-08 2327 KYANITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1000 213-250-19-00 J B C RESIDENCE TRUST 06-30-11 1094 CUDAHY PL #212 SAN DIEGO, CA 92110 1109 213-263-14-00 J J M Z LLC 2700 GATEWAY RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 838 213-233-16-00 JACKSON FAMILY TRUST 05-02-05 6768 MALACHITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 434 213-170-22-00 JACOBS JAMES H & KOBAYASHI KARYN 2582 DOGWOOD RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1285 213-290-09-00 JACOBSON DAVID E & CHERYL A 1953 COBALT DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 227 213-141-39-00 JAEGER JUDITH L 2712 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1968 168-352-19-00 JAGRUTI PATEL LIVING TRUST 09-26-02 4663 MEADOW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 529 213-181-05-00 JAKUBOWSKI TIMOTHY & HAMIE 6422 LIVE OAKS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 639 213-202-01-00 JAMALUDDIN MOHIDEEN A & SHAMEEMA 13035 PINGRY PL ST LOUIS, MO 63131 1754 168-331-72-00 JAMES JASON & NATALIE 3462 RAVINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 551 213-181-27-00 JANG SANG HOON & LEE JIN 2710 ASCOT AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1890 168-341-08-05 JANSEN THOMAS & MEGAN 4128 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 828 213-233-06-00 JAVAHERI DANIEL M 6782 OBSIDIAN PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1780 168-340-02-09 JAYANTHI SATISH R & APARNA 4024 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 163 213-140-10-00 JEJURIKAR RAVINDRA R & MIRANDA MARIA I 6227 DARTINGTON WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 862 213-240-10-00 JENCKES KENYON S & KELLY E 2259 GALENA AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 901 213-241-15-00 JENKINS KENNETH E & MAI V & VU THOMAS HO 6992 GOLDSTONE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1707 168-331-25-00 JEONG IN SEOP & KYU SOOK 4753 CRATER RIM RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1299 213-290-23-00 JEREMIAH FAMILY TRUST 10-06-04 6749 LIMONITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1495 168-041-15-09 JESSUP ANDREW J & KRYSTAL R 3708 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1420 213-310-02-03 JIANG & CHEN REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 06-2 2414 COPPER WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1402 213-310-01-02 JIMERSON JODI K REVOCABLE TRUST 11-18-09 6452 CINNABAR WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 138 213-130-48-00 JOHNSON BRIAN S & GRETCHEN A 2575 INGLETON AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1345 213-291-25-00 JOHNSON CHRIS & KELTY LISA 1960 MARCASITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 647 213-202-09-00 JOHNSON DEAN L 6863 TANZANITE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 134 213-130-44-00 JOHNSON JODI M G 2588 INGLETON AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 887 213-241-01-00 JOHNSON MARY E 2248 CARNELIAN CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 565 213-181-41-00 JOHNSON PAUL & ANNA 2725 PLUMERIA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1474 168-041-14-12 JOHNSON ROBERT T JR & LINDA P 1837 PALISADES DR CARLSBAD, CA 92008 1131 213-270-17-00 JOHNSON TODD GREGORY & NANCY JOANN 2429 MICA RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1876 168-341-07-15 JONES CHRISTOPHER M & MINDY J & RUEHL PE 4062 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1784 168-340-02-13 JONES MONYETTA RENEE 4037 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 980 213-243-32-00 JONILONIS GEORGE A & MARY L TRUST 09-18-6961 AMMONITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 645 213-202-07-00 JOSEPH FAMILY TRUST 06-06-91 6849 CITRINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 97 213-130-07-00 JOSEPH MICHALOWSKI HOUSING CORP 251 AIRPORT RD OCEANSIDE, CA 92058 1500 168-041-15-14 JOYNER CLEVELAND D & INDIRA Y 3736 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 705 213-220-10-00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK 7255 BAYMEADOWS WAY JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256 192 213-141-04-00 JUNEAU KAREN C & JUNEAU ALAN R & REBECCA 701 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD #300 CARLSBAD, CA 92011 64 213-112-56-04 K B HOME COASTAL INC 36310 INLAND VALLEY DR WILDOMAR, CA 92595 65 213-112-56-05 K B HOME COASTAL INC 36310 INLAND VALLEY DR WILDOMAR, CA 92595 66 213-112-56-06 K B HOME COASTAL INC 36310 INLAND VALLEY DR WILDOMAR, CA 92595 67 213-112-56-07 K B HOME COASTAL INC 36310 INLAND VALLEY DR WILDOMAR, CA 92595 69 213-112-57-02 K B HOME COASTAL INC 36310 INLAND VALLEY DR WILDOMAR, CA 92595 70 213-112-57-03 K B HOME COASTAL INC 36310 INLAND VALLEY DR WILDOMAR, CA 92595 71 213-112-57-04 K B HOME COASTAL INC 36310 INLAND VALLEY DR WILDOMAR, CA 92595 81 213-112-61-03 K B HOME COASTAL INC 36310 INLAND VALLEY DR WILDOMAR, CA 92595 82 213-112-61-04 K B HOME COASTAL INC 36310 INLAND VALLEY DR WILDOMAR, CA 92595 83 213-112-61-05 K B HOME COASTAL INC 36310 INLAND VALLEY DR WILDOMAR, CA 92595 84 213-112-61-06 K B HOME COASTAL INC 36310 INLAND VALLEY DR WILDOMAR, CA 92595 85 213-112-62-01 K B HOME COASTAL INC 36310 INLAND VALLEY DR WILDOMAR, CA 92595 86 213-112-62-02 K B HOME COASTAL INC 36310 INLAND VALLEY DR WILDOMAR, CA 92595 87 213-112-62-03 K B HOME COASTAL INC 36310 INLAND VALLEY DR WILDOMAR, CA 92595 1064 213-262-13-09 K C GRIGGS L L C 6126 INNOVATION WAY #L-1 CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1390 213-300-07-00 K N D PROPERTIES L L C 2776 GATEWAY RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1139 213-271-07-00 KAHATT ESPIR G & ALEJANDRA A D 6657 BROOKITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1705 168-331-23-00 KAHN LLOYD Y 4749 CRATER RIM RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 458 213-170-46-00 KAHNG INHO B 2581 GARDEN HOUSE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1638 168-321-26-00 KALBERG DANIEL S & CHRISTINA N 3504 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1656 168-321-44-00 KALLINIKOS FAMILY TRUST 04-07-06 229 WELLINGTON RD BUFFALO, NY 14216 425 213-170-13-00 KALTENBACH GREG & SARA 2561 DOGWOOD RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 554 213-181-30-00 KAMDAR BHARAT & MEERA REVOCABLE LIVING 2 2722 ASCOT AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1471 168-041-14-09 KANG HAROLD 3699 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 521 213-180-25-00 KARTSUB STEPHAN & BROPHY LORI J 2779 PALMETTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 307 213-151-17-00 KATZ PETER J & HOLLANDER MARLA 242 S WASHINGTON BLVD #170 SARASOTA, FL 34236 193 213-141-05-00 KAUR HARJEET & SIMMS STEVEN 6265 COTTAGE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1464 168-041-14-02 KAUR SUKHVIR 3677 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1629 168-321-16-00 KAUR SUKHVIR 3515 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1709 168-331-27-00 KAYE FAMILY TRUST 09-10-03 4757 CRATER RIM RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 1665 168-330-09-00 KEBRIAEI FAMILY TRUST 08-09-07 3467 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1508 168-041-15-22 KEELING EVE M 4003 BACKSHORE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1745 168-331-63-00 KEISLER DONALD & LISA 3441 RAVINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 430 213-170-18-00 KELLER JAMES C & AMY M 2566 DOGWOOD RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1423 213-310-02-06 KELLER LANCE B & BRONWYN RACHEL 6432 JASPER WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1397 213-300-12-03 KELLY CAPITAL GROUP INC 406 9TH AVE #309 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 1398 213-300-12-04 KELLY CAPITAL GROUP INC 406 9TH AVE #309 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 475 213-171-12-00 KELLY FAMILY TRUST 03-17-09 6269 ARBOR ROSE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1794 168-340-03-02 KELLY HEATHER L 4044 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1655 168-321-43-00 KELLY MARK & DENA 3555 FLAT ROCK ST CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1004 213-250-23-00 KELLY MICHAEL J & CHERISE K & COOKE PATR 6335 KEENELAND DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 821 213-232-16-00 KELLY-BENARDO MARTHA J 2448 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 188 213-140-35-00 KEMPTON JOSEPH JR & BRANDI 6241 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1957 168-352-08-00 KENDRA JOHN G & SUSANA 3476 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1741 168-331-59-00 KENNEY JAMES D & MARTHA J 4740 CRATER RIM RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1786 168-340-02-15 KESLER LEANNE Y 4039 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 607 213-200-12-00 KEYES JEFFERY R & STEFANIE J 6836 CITRINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 628 213-201-11-00 KHATHURIA RAJESH R & LAURA C 3315 EL SOBRANTE ST SAN MATEO, CA 94403 1417 213-310-01-17 KHOO IAM-CHOON & CHOR SAN HENG 720 CORNWALLIS DR MT LAUREL, NJ 08054 1965 168-352-16-00 KIESLING BRIAN & BRANDI 4682 MEADOW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 841 213-233-19-00 KILBUCK TRUST 12-14-94 6780 MALACHITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1989 168-352-40-00 KIM DAVID H & CHO SUSAN 7 ELK GROVE LN LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677 488 213-171-25-00 KIM FAMILY TRUST 06-27-06 6255 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 2018 168-353-27-00 KIM KYUNG H 3489 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1577 168-320-04-00 KIM SUN UK & SON KYUNG HEE 3571 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 117 213-130-27-00 KIM YOUNG IL & HEE 2581 DISCOVERY RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 288 213-150-40-00 KINCAID COURTNEY & RACHEAL 2630 PEPPERTREE WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1717 168-331-35-00 KING JAY B & MICHELE 4758 CRATER RIM RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 15 213-112-43-01 KING THOMAS L 6961 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1869 168-341-07-08 KING TINA M (DP) & KING KRISTA O (DP)4087 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1332 213-291-12-00 KIRKPATRICK BRIAN G & TANYA R 2013 PERIDOT CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 412 213-162-35-00 KISS JENNIFER W 6306 ENCANTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 106 213-130-16-00 KLEIN JEFFREY H & PASION-KLEIN MARIA V 2578 DISCOVERY RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 989 213-250-08-00 KLEOPA KLEOPAS 7597 LA CORNICHE CIR BOCA RATON, FL 33433 301 213-151-11-00 KLOSS FAMILY TRUST 11-03-08 6334 HUNTINGTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1930 168-350-24-00 KLUIS MARK & HEIDI 3461 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 1466 168-041-14-04 KLUKAS PAUL J & MICHELLE M 3683 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 42 213-112-50-02 KO HYOSUN & YUN JEKYUNG 6905 TOURMALINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 683 213-212-01-00 KOCHAR LIVING TRUST 02-22-96 6919 AMBER LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1477 168-041-14-15 KOEGLER PATRICK C & LESLIE J 4758 U ST WASHOUGAL, WA 98671 449 213-170-37-00 KOPF MARVIN L & WILMA L 6236 ALVERTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 626 213-201-09-00 KORECKI JON L FAMILY TRUST 07-21-10 6856 TANZANITE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1430 213-310-02-13 KOSELOWSKI DOREEN 6404 JASPER WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 767 213-221-48-00 KOSKI FAMILY TRUST 01-14-03 6825 LEUCITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 62 213-112-56-02 KRAFT HOWARD M & BARBARA 124 MACLEISH CT MAHWAH, NJ 07430 785 213-231-02-00 KRASK MARK S & ANITA L 6761 VERMARINE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 660 213-210-01-00 KRASNOVE EDWARD & NADEAN FAMILY TRUST 12 6857 AMBER LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1315 213-290-39-00 KREBS DEREK & TAMI 1940 COBALT DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 889 213-241-03-00 KRIECH SCOTT A & JENNIFER S 2256 CARNELIAN CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1637 168-321-25-00 KROLAK APRIL L & BROOKS RICHARD L 3502 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1304 213-290-28-00 KROME JASON A & AMANDA L 6729 LIMONITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 802 213-231-19-00 KROME JEREMY D & CHRISTI M 6787 VERMARINE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1863 168-341-07-02 KRONE MELISSA R 4099 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 571 213-181-47-00 KRUDWIG PETER & DONNA 2723 PLUMERIA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1481 168-041-14-19 KRUMWIEDE BARRY 3450 RAVINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1757 168-331-75-00 KRUMWIEDE BARRY D JR 3450 RAVINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 575 213-181-51-00 KRYSSOV ALEXANDRE & VICTORIA A 2739 PLUMERIA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 519 213-180-23-00 KUDERKA JEREMY & MELANIE 2787 PALMETTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1475 168-041-14-13 KUEHN FAMILY TRUST 10-31-07 & MOELLER MA 31205 OLD RIVER RD BONSALL, CA 92003 444 213-170-32-00 KUHNEY 2009 TRUST 6256 ALVERTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1767 168-331-85-00 KUMAR ALOK & SAHU SUMITA 3439 GENTLE KNOLL ST CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1487 168-041-15-01 KUNA BRADLEY & METTJA 3727 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1130 213-270-16-00 KUNZE KLAUS & EDLINGER-KUNZE CATHRINE 2425 MICA RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1152 213-271-20-00 KUO SIMON YIHSIN & STACY YEH 6654 TITANITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 332 213-151-42-00 KURE JOHN R & FERGUSON TERRIE L 2005 TRU 6301 GREENHAVEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1241 213-282-05-00 KURIMA MICHAEL & OH HWANBEE 2317 MICA RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 271 213-150-23-00 KURISU MICHAEL & DYNAN JENNIFER 2702 PEPPERTREE WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 919 213-242-06-00 KURTZ GARY 3485 CAMINO VALENCIA CARLSBAD, CA 92009 678 213-211-11-00 KUYPER DIRK M & LINDA D 2352 ZODIAC ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1105 213-263-10-00 L J R L L C P O BOX 743 RANCHO SANTA FE, CA 92067 1106 213-263-11-00 L J R L L C P O BOX 743 RANCHO SANTA FE, CA 92067 1107 213-263-12-00 L J R L L C P O BOX 743 RANCHO SANTA FE, CA 92067 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 1366 213-292-11-00 L R G J RASPA REVOCABLE FAMILY TRUST 03-6844 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 747 213-221-28-00 LAD PRIYAVADAN J & NIRMALA P & LAD SONYA 2359 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1875 168-341-07-14 LADD DARRIN H & SARAH L 4066 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 208 213-141-20-00 LADICK SARAH 2653 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 686 213-212-04-00 LADMAN PHIL & KAREN FAMILY TRUST 09-30-9 6931 AMBER LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1120 213-270-06-00 LAFLEUR DWAYNE W 2446 MICA RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1526 168-041-16-16 LAI WINSTON & TUNG VIVIAN 4028 BACKSHORE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 53 213-112-54-01 LAIDLAW-SAHAGIAN NANCY J 139 MACLEAN AVE CANADA M4E 3A5, 695 213-212-13-00 LAIPPLY THOMAS C & LAUREL 2340 ZODIAC ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 168 213-140-15-00 LAKSHMIN JAYAKRISHNAN & ANURADHA 6207 DARTINGTON WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 904 213-241-18-00 LAMONTAGNE DANIEL A 6987 GOLDSTONE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1684 168-331-02-00 LANCASTER KYLE L 3447 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1325 213-291-05-00 LAND ALEC & FRANCES FAMILY 2002 TRUST (L P O BOX 729 LANGLEY, WA 98260 219 213-141-31-00 LANE KEVIN 2705 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 2017 168-353-26-00 LAO ALEXIS & AILEEN 3491 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 781 213-230-11-00 LAPADULA MICHAEL A & ADELE F 6755 MALACHITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1376 213-292-21-00 LAPLANTE ROBERT P & STOUFFER-LAPLANTE LI 1955 MARCASITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 485 213-171-22-00 LAPUMA DAVID P & ELIZABETH L FAMILY TRUS 2609 TOWN GARDEN RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1616 168-321-03-00 LARA DESIREE & JABIN MARVIN & LELIA 3541 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1431 213-310-02-14 LARSON REVOCABLE TRUST 09-23-05 6400 JASPER WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 360 213-160-17-00 LATIMER DAVID C & MARY E 6364 HUNTINGTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 394 213-162-16-00 LAUBE LIVING TRUST 03-25-10 6328 MONTECITO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1595 168-320-22-00 LAURO GIAN P & KELLY S FAMILY 2005 TRUST 3572 FLAT ROCK ST CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1954 168-352-05-00 LAUW ALAN M 3470 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 568 213-181-44-00 LAVASSEUR ANTHONY & ELICIA 2713 PLUMERIA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1650 168-321-38-00 LAWRENCE CHRISTOPHER S & CHRISTINE M 3575 FLAT ROCK ST CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1372 213-292-17-00 LAWRENCE PRISCILLA J REVOCABLE TRUST 05-1991 OLIVINE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1647 168-321-35-00 LAYUG JIM J D & RHODORA C 3522 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 474 213-171-11-00 LAZERUS THOMAS A 39262 SERAPHINA RD TEMECULA, CA 92591 1972 168-352-23-00 LAZIC DRAGOMIRKA 3477 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 422 213-170-10-00 LE DANIEL KHIEM & DALENA NGUYEN REVOCABL 6273 ALVERTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1115 213-270-01-00 LE DZUNG THE 2466 MICA RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 25 213-112-46-01 LEBLUE VICTOR J & CLAUDETTE D 6944 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 578 213-181-54-00 LECHOWICZ MATTHEW J & JENNIFER N 2751 PLUMERIA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1330 213-291-10-00 LEDBETTER FAMILY TRUST 05-06-10 2000 PERIDOT CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 114 213-130-24-00 LEDBETTER THOMAS A & DIANE M 6226 TOPIARY ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 632 213-201-15-00 LEE DONGSOO & JISUN 6843 HELENITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1240 213-282-04-00 LEE GRACE G 2313 MICA RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 91 213-130-01-00 LEE JANET P 6229 ALVERTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 2004 168-353-13-00 LEE JEOUNG JOO & KIM BO YEON 4656 MEADOW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 634 213-201-17-00 LEE JU Y & CHONG UN S 6851 HELENITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1858 168-341-06-24 LEE LAWRENCE C 1035 N CAMINO MIRAFLORES TUCSON, AZ 85745 755 213-221-36-00 LEE MCCOURT TRUST 10-02-09 6827 KORITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1011 213-260-01-05 LEE MICHELLE & LEE SHIAOWEI MA 6221 METROPOLITAN ST #200 CARLSBAD, CA 92009 502 213-180-06-00 LEE MINDO & JUNG CHOON HE 2739 PALMETTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1657 168-330-01-00 LEE RICH & PING 3495 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 515 213-180-19-00 LEE SOO IN & HYO RAE 2720 PALMETTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1642 168-321-30-00 LEE YONG SUNG 3304 SAN RAFAEL MISSION, TX 78572 22 213-112-44-02 LEE YOUNG 6951 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 191 213-141-03-00 LEE YUNG-CHI & SHAN HSIAO-WEN 6257 COTTAGE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 39 213-112-49-03 LEGERTON SYLVIA A 6924 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1870 168-341-07-09 LEIVAS CRISTIANO D F & SANTOS TATIANA B 4091 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 883 213-240-31-00 LEON JUAN A & CARNUS ANA M B 9858 DEER RIDGE PL SAN DIEGO, CA 92127 1699 168-331-17-00 LEONE PATRICK J 4737 CRATER RIM RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 107 213-130-17-00 LEPOSKY FAMILY TRUST 04-25-08 2582 DISCOVERY RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1836 168-341-06-02 LERNER YURY & GALINA & POPPEN SVETLANA M 4110 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 711 213-220-16-00 LEVERENZ NOEL A 2342 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 423 213-170-11-00 LEVESQUE MICHAEL L & JULIE A 6277 ALVERTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1197 213-280-12-00 LEVIN MELVYN & PHYLLIS 1 W OVERLOOK PRT WASHINGTN, NY 11050 902 213-241-16-00 LEVINE YOSEF & LEAH 6996 GOLDSTONE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 381 213-162-03-00 LEVY MICHAEL K & MICHELE S 8904 ST PIERRE DR LAS VEGAS, NV 89134 406 213-162-29-00 LEW LILY CHUN YING 10534 FELLER CV SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 1136 213-271-04-00 LEWIS FAMILY TRUST 09-12-00 6645 BROOKITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 94 213-130-04-00 LEWIS GREGORY E & JERI A 6217 ALVERTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 895 213-241-09-00 LEWIS MARK 2277 CARNELIAN CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1952 168-352-03-00 LEWIS MICHAEL Y & YOUNG JENNIFER E 3466 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 609 213-200-14-00 LI BIN 6828 CITRINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 2020 168-353-29-00 LI JUN & LIU MEIZHEN 5269 FOXBOROUGH POINT SAN DIEGO, CA 92130 1027 213-261-06-00 LICHTER EQUITIES L P 2750 WOMBLE RD #107 SAN DIEGO, CA 92106 1132 213-270-18-00 LIEU BINH CAM & CHEN CONNIE HONG 2433 MICA RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 530 213-181-06-00 LIGOURI CRAIG & JAMIE 1031 CALLE ANACAPA ENCINITAS, CA 92024 1528 168-041-16-18 LIM WALTER G & PAULA L 790 W SOLANA CIR SOLANA BEACH, CA 92075 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 1712 168-331-30-00 LIM WISIT & PENNY FAMILY TRUST 05-05-00 4763 CRATER RIM RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 512 213-180-16-00 LIMA WISHING J B 2708 PALMETTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 941 213-242-32-00 LIMJOCO JAMES & HYMAN GAIL A 2260 TIGEREYE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 61 213-112-56-01 LIN FEN 6970 FELDSPAR PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1672 168-330-16-00 LIN JAMES H & DAFANG 3492 GENTLE KNOLL ST CARLSBAD, CA 92010 213 213-141-25-00 LIN MARK 2673 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1934 168-350-28-00 LINDSAY DAVID L & DEKORTE JOY J 3432 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1548 168-041-18-02 LINDSTROM RICHARD R & DARYL M 7304 COVENTRY DR MIDDLETOWN, MD 21769 127 213-130-37-00 LINGENFELTER CHARLES 2009 TRUST 12-11-09 81 TRINITY ST OCEANSIDE, CA 92057 245 213-141-57-00 LISTER FAMILY TRUST 09-17-10 2640 GARDEN HOUSE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 847 213-233-25-00 LITTLE LANA J 6787 MALACHITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1720 168-331-38-00 LIU ZIMIN & MARY 3448 GENTLE KNOLL ST CARLSBAD, CA 92010 11 213-112-41-05 LIVINGS ENEETRA 6967 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 162 213-140-09-00 LOBO NIGEL M & VINITA E 6231 DARTINGTON WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1484 168-041-14-22 LOCKE FRANK 3684 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 911 213-241-25-00 LOESCH ROBERT & JENNIFER 6959 GOLDSTONE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 643 213-202-05-00 LOFTON BRIAN T & LISA M 6841 CITRINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1761 168-331-79-00 LOHMEYER RONALD S & EMILY A 3434 RAVINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1052 213-262-12-02 LOKE MARMADUKE D & DEBRALEE 1822 HUMMOCK LN ENCINITAS, CA 92024 481 213-171-18-00 LOMEDICO GIUSEPPE 6242 TOPIARY ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 196 213-141-08-00 LOOMIS MARK E 6250 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1937 168-350-31-00 LOPEZ ANTHONY J & JILL M 3444 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 885 213-240-33-00 LOPEZ KRISTIN S & LOPEZ ALFRED S & JEANN 6933 COPAL PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 2006 168-353-15-00 LOPEZ RAUL A & AUDREY L 4660 MEADOW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 20 213-112-43-06 LORENZ DONNA TRUST 02-03-11 6962 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 640 213-202-02-00 LOSSE GARY M & LORRIE G FAMILY TRUST 12-6829 CITRINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1028 213-261-14-00 LOT 23 BRESSI RANCH L L C 221 15TH ST DEL MAR, CA 92014 38 213-112-49-02 LOVE SANDRA A & LOVE EVERETT T 6918 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1976 168-352-27-00 LOYD GEORGE C IV & BOTHA-LOYD WENTZELEE 3469 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 336 213-151-46-00 LOZAR DAVID & ANNA 6314 EDENDALE ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 347 213-160-04-00 LUKE RUSSELL & YUNNIE S 6363 HUNTINGTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1075 213-262-13-20 LUND CARLTON D & SANDRA L FAMILY TRUST 0 1342 CASSINS ST CARLSBAD, CA 92011 124 213-130-34-00 LUND TYSON & JENNIFER 2553 DISCOVERY RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 112 213-130-22-00 LUNDIN FAMILY TRUST 11-10-05 990 BELLA ROSA DR MINDEN, NV 89423 979 213-243-31-00 LUPO C S 1985 TRUST 11-01-85 6965 AMMONITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1553 168-041-18-07 LWIN AUNG N 3635 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 253 213-150-05-00 LYNCH ANDREW & YVONNE 2658 GARDEN HOUSE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1419 213-310-02-02 LYNCH PATRICIO U & PARK-LYNCH EUN K 2418 COPPER WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 376 213-161-11-00 M L W LTD PARTNERSHIP 19 PETERS CANYON RD IRVINE, CA 92606 857 213-240-05-00 MA WINNIE 2279 GALENA AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1889 168-341-08-04 MACAPAGAL AREND 4126 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 763 213-221-44-00 MACDONALD JONATHAN A & LISA M 2377 LARIMAR AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1265 213-283-12-00 MACDONALD SCOTT & MARY FAMILY TRUST 07-1 6554 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 363 213-160-20-00 MACHADO KEYSA M 6352 HUNTINGTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1686 168-331-04-00 MACKENZIE AUSTIN C 3439 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 745 213-221-26-00 MACLEAY JAMES F & SWITZER MARY J 2367 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 915 213-242-02-00 MACMASTER FAMILY TRUST 04-01-10 6919 GOLDSTONE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1846 168-341-06-12 MADARANG NICHOLAS & MYLENE 4119 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 783 213-230-13-00 MADDUX JONATHAN D & MARISSA M 7104 MARSH HAWK CT ARRINGTON, TN 37014 740 213-221-20-00 MAGGIORE ROBERT & LESLIE FAMILY 2011 TRU 2390 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 987 213-250-06-00 MAGNOLIA PARTNERS L L C 1094 CUDAHY PL #212 SAN DIEGO, CA 92110 988 213-250-07-00 MAGNOLIA PARTNERS L L C 1094 CUDAHY PL #212 SAN DIEGO, CA 92110 992 213-250-11-00 MAGNOLIA PARTNERS L L C 1094 CUDAHY PL #212 SAN DIEGO, CA 92110 994 213-250-13-00 MAGNOLIA PARTNERS L L C 1094 CUDAHY PL #212 SAN DIEGO, CA 92110 217 213-141-29-00 MAGTOTO NEIL & SHERRILYN N 2697 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 769 213-221-50-00 MAHER FAMILY TRUST 04-27-06 6833 LEUCITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1226 213-281-02-00 MAJOR FREDERICK 6671 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1429 213-310-02-12 MAKINO NARUBUMI F & ELIZABETH T H 6408 JASPER WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 354 213-160-11-00 MALEE DALE J & MELANIE J 6388 HUNTINGTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1924 168-350-18-00 MALIG TITO C & JULIET B 3452 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 55 213-112-54-03 MALIK WAQAR & IRRUM 6950 FELDSPAR PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 366 213-161-01-00 MALLGRAVE FAMILY TRUST 08-28-95 6351 DI VITA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 477 213-171-14-00 MALLORY FAMILY TRUST 06-02-89 6261 ARBOR ROSE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1776 168-340-02-05 MALONE BARBARA J TRUST 04-12-01 4030 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 385 213-162-07-00 MAMESHIN IGOR & DIONNE 2677 ECHO AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 45 213-112-51-01 MANDEVILLE THOMAS & RICE APRIL 6914 TOURMALINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1832 168-341-05-16 MANEJA FAMILY TRUST 08-26-03 943 WHITCOMB CT MILPITAS, CA 95035 837 213-233-15-00 MANIS FAMILY TRUST 04-02-90 6781 OBSIDIAN PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1574 168-320-01-00 MANN JOHN F & YAUWALUK 3587 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 214 213-141-26-00 MANN MANPREET R 3231 BUSINESS PARK DR #120 VISTA, CA 92081 51 213-112-53-03 MANOOCHERI BAHRAM B 6962 FELDSPAR PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1895 168-341-08-10 MANRIQUE ALEJANDRO & MANRIQUE-APARICIO H 4154 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 534 213-181-10-00 MANTI JOSEPH S 2767 ASCOT AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 179 213-140-26-00 MANZANARES FRANKLIN T FAMILY TRUST 07-27 6252 DARTINGTON WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 98 213-130-08-00 MANZANO FAMILY TRUST 02-03-05 6201 ALVERTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 46 213-112-51-02 MARCOTTE LAWRENCE E 6916 TOURMALINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 651 213-202-13-00 MARINO LINDA J 6860 CITRINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1936 168-350-30-00 MARKERT SCOTT & JOURNEY 3440 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1305 213-290-29-00 MARMOR BETH M TRUST 05-22-08 64 HASTINGS ST #205C WELLESLEY, MA 02481 1114 213-263-26-00 MARSAGLIA PROPERTIES L L C P O BOX 1697 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 1939 168-350-33-00 MARSHALL GARY E & ALICE L 3452 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 687 213-212-05-00 MARSHALL JOHN E & DETTMAN-MARSHALL GERAL 6935 AMBER LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1355 213-291-35-00 MARTEL DARIN & LAURA 1998 MARCASITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 943 213-242-34-00 MARTIN ALBERT W & LAURA K 2252 TIGEREYE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 2007 168-353-16-00 MARTIN JOHN H & MARBELLA 4662 MEADOW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 608 213-200-13-00 MARTINEZ GABRIEL 6832 CITRINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1514 168-041-16-04 MARTINEZ JENGI A & MARTINEZ JENGI 3753 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1923 168-350-17-00 MARTOCCIA LIONEL J III & WEBB KATHLEEN M 3450 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 240 213-141-52-00 MASON FAMILY TRUST 07-23-91 2660 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 384 213-162-06-00 MASON RANDALL K 6329 ENCANTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 398 213-162-20-00 MASTER PANKAJ V REVOCABLE TRUST 08-14-91 1031 DAVID WALKER DR TAVARES, FL 32778 548 213-181-24-00 MASTER RAMONA TRUST 02-05-05 2711 ASCOT AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 798 213-231-15-00 MASTRO FAMILY TRUST 08-09-89 6798 VERMARINE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 100 213-130-10-00 MATAS STEVEN A & DANA M 2554 DISCOVERY RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 115 213-130-25-00 MATHERS BRUCE H & KIMBERLY E 6230 TOPIARY ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 276 213-150-28-00 MATHERS BRUCE H & KIMBERLY E 6230 TOPIARY ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 741 213-221-22-00 MATLOFF JEFFREY & NANCY 2383 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 937 213-242-26-00 MATTEO JAMES & MAYRA FAMILY TRUST 10-26-6891 GOLDSTONE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 493 213-171-30-00 MATTSON JEFFREY L & MICHELLE L 2614 GARDEN HOUSE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1765 168-331-83-00 MAUD JOHN A & JANEL S 3431 GENTLE KNOLL ST CARLSBAD, CA 92010 956 213-243-08-00 MAURO JOSEPH 6990 BIXBITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 73 213-112-58-02 MAXWELL AKSHAI & MONICA 6928 TOURMALINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 991 213-250-10-00 MAY MICHAEL G & SHARON G P O BOX 80828 SAN MARINO, CA 91118 1379 213-292-24-00 MAYNARD/ZANAVICH FAMILY TRUST 1943 MARCASITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1624 168-321-11-00 MAYO-MENDOZA MARILOU & MENDOZA BASILIO F 3525 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1368 213-292-13-00 MAZZOLA ROBERT J & ANDRUS VIRGETTE 6852 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 103 213-130-13-00 MCCALLUM JOHN & CAROLE A 1611 S MELROSE DR #304 VISTA, CA 92081 768 213-221-49-00 MCCLEARY FAMILY 2005 TRUST 06-06-05 6829 LEUCITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 241 213-141-53-00 MCCLENDON JAMES M & ROSE H REVOCABLE INT 13895 CARMEL RIDGE RD SAN DIEGO, CA 92128 784 213-231-01-00 MCCLURKIN STEPHEN K & AMBER L 6765 VERMARINE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 524 213-180-28-00 MCCLUSKEY KEVIN M 2767 PALMETTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1465 168-041-14-03 MCCREIGHT PERCIVAL D & MONICA E 3673 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 59 213-112-55-03 MCDANIEL THOMAS W SR TRUST 05-04-04 6938 FELDSPAR PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1280 213-290-04-00 MCDONALD DIANE S 6736 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1967 168-352-18-00 MCDONNELL LINDA 4665 MEADOW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 840 213-233-18-00 MCFALL LEO D II & CARLENE F 6776 MALACHITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1787 168-340-02-16 MCGLOTHLIN KELLY 4017 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 152 213-130-62-00 MCGUIRE TIMOTHY M & KRISTIN J 2578 TOWN GARDEN RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 629 213-201-12-00 MCHENRY KORY R & SHANDA M 2243 IVORY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1605 168-320-32-00 MCKELVEY KEVIN & CAVA JACQUELINE V 3550 SAND CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1412 213-310-01-12 MCKNIGHT ERIN K & TRACEY D 2405 COPPER WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 940 213-242-31-00 MCLAUGHLIN JAMES R & DIANA L 2266 TIGEREYE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 415 213-170-03-00 MCLAUGHLIN JOHN J & KELLY K 6245 ALVERTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 696 213-220-01-00 MCLEOD ROBERT S & ESTER M 1174 NEWCASTLE CT OCEANSIDE, CA 92056 1209 213-280-24-00 MCNAMARA THOMAS & CHRISTA FAMILY 2011 TR 2339 KYANITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 644 213-202-06-00 MCPHAIL ROBERT F & SONIA C 6845 CITRINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 675 213-211-08-00 MCTAGGART GREGORY S & KARLA J 6915 AMBER LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1732 168-331-50-00 MEAD WILLIAM F 3440 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1307 213-290-31-00 MEARS JONATHAN P & SAMANTHA J 6717 LIMONITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 750 213-221-31-00 MEDINA MARIO P & LYNN C A 2818 CASEY ST #B SAN DIEGO, CA 92139 180 213-140-27-00 MEDINA RENO & KARA 6256 DARTINGTON WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 805 213-231-22-00 MEEKER BENJAMIN L & APRIL C 6779 VERMARINE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 800 213-231-17-00 MEENES R & L TRUST 09-22-03 6795 VERMARINE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1506 168-041-15-20 MEHESZ VIKTOR C & SVATY KRISZTINA 4009 BACKSHORE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1680 168-330-24-00 MEHR MEHRAN & MEHR MITRA 3460 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1678 168-330-22-00 MEHR MEHRDAD 3468 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1271 213-283-18-00 MEJIA SANTIAGO A & CREAL SHARON 6579 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 796 213-231-13-00 MEKLER MOSHE & DANA 6790 VERMARINE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 670 213-211-03-00 MELEHAN DANIEL & JENNIFER 6895 AMBER LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 636 213-201-19-00 MELEMED JEFFERY S & TIFFANY A 2234 IVORY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 129 213-130-39-00 MELLET FRANCOIS & CAROLYN D 2568 INGLETON AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 866 213-240-14-00 MELLINI FAMILY TRUST 10-20-03 6947 GOLDSTONE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 365 213-160-22-00 MENDOZA FAMILY TRUST 08-12-11 6344 HUNTINGTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1405 213-310-01-05 MERHAR CATHY B TRUST 11-29-07 6440 CINNABAR WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 339 213-151-49-00 MERRILL HOWARD L & JEANNE W 6326 EDENDALE ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1357 213-292-02-00 MERRITT SPENCER E & KERI L 6808 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 762 213-221-43-00 MESHKAT SIAVASH N & SUSAN A 7044 CORINTA ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 688 213-212-06-00 MESSICK FAMILY TRUST 04-14-06 6939 AMBER LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 28 213-112-46-04 MESSINA JOHN T & AHERN LAURA L 6950 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 486 213-171-23-00 METRAS PORTIA 2613 TOWN GARDEN RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1010 213-260-01-04 METROPOLITAN 102 L L C 205 S EL CAMINO REAL #F ENCINITAS, CA 92024 1009 213-260-01-03 METROPOLITAN SURGERY VENTURE L L C 6390 PASEO ASPADA CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1448 168-041-13-10 METZGER MICHAEL R 3667 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 569 213-181-45-00 MEYERHOFF BRANDON K & SAMANTHA L 2709 PLUMERIA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1820 168-341-05-04 MIKHAILENKO NIKITA & TATIANA 4084 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 863 213-240-11-00 MIKI REGINA B 2255 GALENA AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1410 213-310-01-10 MIKUS KRISTEN M & SCHLICHT PATRICK J 6420 CINNABAR WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1708 168-331-26-00 MILES KATHLEEN A 4755 CRATER RIM RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 258 213-150-10-00 MILLIKIN BRUCE A & CAROLYN L 2659 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1958 168-352-09-00 MINKLER FAMILY TRUST 11-01-95 3478 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1597 168-320-24-00 MIRELES FRANK R & MELICIA J 3580 FLAT ROCK ST CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1825 168-341-05-09 MISCIOSCIA VINCENT D & GAIL P 4098 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1211 213-280-26-00 MISHRIKI JOSEPH & SARAH 2338 KYANITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1880 168-341-07-19 MITCHELL RONALD A & JEANETTE J & MITCHEL 4092 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 611 213-200-16-00 MIYAMOTO GERALD T & PHI TIFFANY N 6820 CITRINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1192 213-280-07-00 MIYAMOTO KENT T & WONG LYNNETTE O 6627 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 718 213-220-23-00 MOBACH BOB & KASTEN KELLY 6814 JADE LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1044 213-261-17-00 MODERNA DEL MAR L L C P O BOX 7271 RANCHO SANTA FE, CA 92067 1045 213-261-18-00 MODERNA DEL MAR L L C P O BOX 7271 RANCHO SANTA FE, CA 92067 761 213-221-42-00 MOEHRKE PETER W & JULIA A 6824 KORITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 234 213-141-46-00 MOHAMMADPOUR HOOMAN & MOEINI-FERDOSI SHA2684 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 416 213-170-04-00 MOHSENI FARAMARZ 6249 ALVERTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1442 168-041-13-04 MOHUN BRANDI 3643 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 653 213-202-15-00 MOLINA TELESFORO A JR & REGINA A LIVING 6852 CITRINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 491 213-171-28-00 MOLNAR FAMILY TRUST 01-09-08 2622 GARDEN HOUSE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1839 168-341-06-05 MOMEYER BRIAN & KELLY 4108 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1652 168-321-40-00 MONGELLUZZO JON Z & STEPHANIE 3567 FLAT ROCK ST CARLSBAD, CA 92010 5 213-112-39-04 MONHEIM CAITLIN J 6978 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 207 213-141-19-00 MONRO BENJAMIN R & LISA M A 2649 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1818 168-341-05-02 MONROE FAMILY TRUST 06-27-86 1421 ESCALANTE DR PRESCOTT, AZ 86303 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 1667 168-330-11-00 MONROE RICK S & KIM K 3459 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1450 168-041-13-12 MONSEGUR JAMES L 3669 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1440 168-041-13-02 MONTEZ CYNTHIA & BIERY TERESA 3649 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1807 168-340-03-15 MONTOYA REVILLA FAMILY TRUST 01-26-11 4071 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1785 168-340-02-14 MOORE JEREMY M & DANIELLE H 4035 PENINSULA DR #245 CARLSBAD, CA 92010 713 213-220-18-00 MOORE WILLIAM J & KRISTIN M 6834 JADE LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1821 168-341-05-05 MORA JUAN C & JENNIFER 4082 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1268 213-283-15-00 MORALES ENZO M & DANIELLE E JOINT LIVING 6567 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 489 213-171-26-00 MORALES JULIO C & PEREZ CLAUDIA R 6259 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 322 213-151-32-00 MORALES-MACEDO HENRIFER G II & SANDRA H 6341 GREENHAVEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 472 213-171-09-00 MORAN JOSE M & HARRIGAN TAMARA A 6281 ARBOR ROSE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 118 213-130-28-00 MOREA MATTHEW J & STACY J 2577 DISCOVERY RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1416 213-310-01-16 MORENO MARK A & IRENE S 17715 WILD BASIN SAN ANTONIO, TX 78258 78 213-112-59-03 MORGAN FAMILY TRUST 10-12-99 6942 TOURMALINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 445 213-170-33-00 MORGAN HOWARD L & CYNTHIA N 6252 ALVERTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1946 168-351-05-00 MORGAN MICHAEL J & DEBORAH A 3431 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1532 168-041-16-22 MORGAN STANLEY MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2005-1800 TAPO CANYON RD SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063 1848 168-341-06-14 MORGAN TIMOTHY L 4106 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1556 168-280-51-00 MORGANTI NICKIE J 3581 GRANITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1269 213-283-16-00 MORI GORDON & AYA 6571 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 965 213-243-17-00 MORLEY NATHAN I & SARA P 6972 AMMONITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 266 213-150-18-00 MORRIS RAY S 1237 WHITE SANDS DR SAN MARCOS, CA 92078 308 213-151-18-00 MORRISON GARY W & ROBBIE H 6315 HUNTINGTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 14 213-112-42-03 MORRISON JEROME A & MICHELLE K 6985 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1674 168-330-18-00 MORROW TIMOTHY I & CHRISTENSEN KATHERINE 3496 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1953 168-352-04-00 MOTTUS KEITH 3468 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1960 168-352-11-00 MOU MARK F & LISA N 4672 MEADOW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1196 213-280-11-00 MOWER WILBUR E JR & BARBARA A 6643 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 957 213-243-09-00 MOYAL YEHUDA & LILIAN & HAGEN MICHELLE M 6991 BIXBITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 703 213-220-08-00 MRASSO FAMILY TRUST 06-04-07 6817 JADE LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1690 168-331-08-00 MUDDUKRISHNA SHAMMANA & CHANDRIKA 3423 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 229 213-141-41-00 MULDOON JOHN J & JEAN M 2704 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 946 213-242-40-00 MULLEN JOEL M & CHANDA R 2274 AVENTURINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 920 213-242-07-00 MULLER BRADLEY P & STACY J D 2251 AVENTURINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 142 213-130-52-00 MUNDY RICHARD J & TERESA I 2559 INGLETON AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1460 168-041-13-22 MUNIER CHRISTOPHER 2007 TRUST 06-112-07 3668 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 1815 168-340-03-23 MURPHY TINA M 4049 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 150 213-130-60-00 MURRANT DAVID & JULIE 2570 TOWN GARDEN RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1651 168-321-39-00 MURRAY SHAWN R 3571 FLAT ROCK ST CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1735 168-331-53-00 MURREY PATRICK W & ELAINE T & MURREY PAT 25701 WESTON DR LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677 121 213-130-31-00 MUSGROVE MICHAEL E & RANDI R REVOCABLE T 2565 DISCOVERY RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 31 213-112-47-03 MYRICK RICHARD E & CHERYL L 6937 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1394 213-300-11-00 N E G M L L C 2794 GATEWAY RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1409 213-310-01-09 NADIR JOYCE O LIVING TRUST 11-20-06 6424 CINNABAR WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1991 168-352-42-00 NAIK VIJAY & MADHVI 3463 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 176 213-140-23-00 NAKAMOTO JAMES T & CHONG SUK 6240 DARTINGTON WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 235 213-141-47-00 NALBANDIAN JON D & SUZANNE G 2680 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 909 213-241-23-00 NANCE ROBERT E & STEPHANIE R 6967 GOLDSTONE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 757 213-221-38-00 NANG RONALD & DULCE M & ARCINUE ROSALIE 6835 KORITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 573 213-181-49-00 NAPLES JOHN J & QING L 2731 PLUMERIA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1587 168-320-14-00 NARDI RICHARD A REVOCABLE TRUST 09-28-07 638 OSBORNE ST VISTA, CA 92084 843 213-233-21-00 NASIM MICHAEL N & DEBORAH L 6788 MALACHITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 702 213-220-07-00 NASIRPOUR MARIOUS 6821 JADE LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 827 213-233-05-00 NASIRPOUR MARIOUS & NASSIRI GITA K 6783 ONYX PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1512 168-041-16-02 NASSOURA ZAHI E & LYDIA 24620 PALERMO DR CALABASAS, CA 91302 323 213-151-33-00 NATARAJAN VENKATESH P 12416 MAIN CAMPUS DR LEXINGTON, MA 02421 734 213-221-14-00 NAVARRE FAMILY TRUST 10-26-98 6830 LEUCITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 579 213-181-55-00 NAVARRETTE RUBEN JR & VERONICA 2755 PLUMERIA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1354 213-291-34-00 NAZZAL RAYMOND P & BASKARAN SUNITHA 1994 MARCASITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1768 168-331-86-00 NEAL CLAUDE L & GAGLIONE DANA M 3443 GENTLE KNOLL ST CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1985 168-352-36-00 NEAL DEVELOPMENT INC 2755 SODERBLOM AVE SAN DIEGO, CA 92122 1739 168-331-57-00 NEBRIDA DEXTER T & TOMAS CATHLEEN C 4736 CRATER RIM RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 580 213-181-56-00 NEEDHAM TIMOTHY R & L LEIGH & NEEDHAM FA 6409 LIVE OAKS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 576 213-181-52-00 NEJAT ELAHE P O BOX 882043 SAN DIEGO, CA 92168 1328 213-291-08-00 NESTOFF SUSAN LIVING TRUST 06-10-04 6784 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1246 213-282-10-00 NEUFELD CHARLES & LAURA 2337 MICA RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1774 168-340-02-03 NEW JOEL H 4016 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 246 213-141-58-00 NEWCOMB PATRICIA L 2636 GARDEN HOUSE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1317 213-290-41-00 NEWSON REBECCA J 1948 COBALT DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1590 168-320-17-00 NG ROBERT C & JUAN D 3552 FLAT ROCK ST CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1961 168-352-12-00 NGUYEN HIEN THANH 9072 WESTVALE RD SAN DIEGO, CA 92129 1311 213-290-35-00 NGUYEN HUY THANH & TRAN CHI THUY 6701 LIMONITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 319 213-151-29-00 NGUYEN KARI AN 11 NEWTON SQ #3 CANFIELD, OH 44406 546 213-181-22-00 NGUYEN KHANH KIM 10561 KNOTT AVE CYPRESS, CA 90630 871 213-240-19-00 NGUYEN MICHAEL J & KIM ANNA C 2203 AZURITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 239 213-141-51-00 NGUYEN PHUC THE 2664 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1704 168-331-22-00 NGUYEN TIMOTHY T & THACH TERILYN THIEN 4747 CRATER RIM RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1799 168-340-03-07 NGUYEN TRUNG Q & NGUYEN SALLY HANH 4068 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1133 213-271-01-00 NGUYEN VIET Q 6633 BROOKITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 418 213-170-06-00 NGUYEN VINH HIEN & TRINH TUYET 6257 ALVERTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 362 213-160-19-00 NGUYEN-PHAN FAMILY TRUST 06-16-08 6356 HUNTINGTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 209 213-141-21-00 NGUYEN-THE LIVING TRUST 12-01-05 2657 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 876 213-240-24-00 NICHOLAS SHAILER & DAWN & ALLEN LEE 2218 AZURITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1847 168-341-06-13 NICHOLSON EDWARD & NICHOLSON GORDON 4108 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1834 168-341-05-18 NIELSEN BRIAN R & TAMMY S 4095 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 293 213-151-03-00 NIEMI VICKI 6317 HERITAGE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 495 213-171-32-00 NIESS FAMILY TRUST 08-11-06 2606 GARDEN HOUSE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 860 213-240-08-00 NIKIFOROV THEO T & STOYNOVA LUDMILA T 2267 GALENA AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 652 213-202-14-00 NIKU SOHEIL 6856 CITRINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1878 168-341-07-17 NISLEY MICHELLE 4080 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2008 168-353-17-00 NIVASNANDA PONGTHANES & NUANJARAT 4664 MEADOW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 237 213-141-49-00 NIXON SAMUEL C & ALTHEA S 2672 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1676 168-330-20-00 NOBLE FAMILY TRUST 09-29-93 3476 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1802 168-340-03-10 NOEL JAMES A & KATHRYN A LIVING TRUST 03 4062 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1058 213-262-13-03 NORBY NIELS C & TINA J 6132 INNOVATION WAY #K-3 CARLSBAD, CA 92009 2002 168-353-11-00 NORTON LEO P & KORIE L 4652 MEADOW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1929 168-350-23-00 NOTO THOMAS J III & TAMMY M 3463 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 679 213-211-12-00 NOURY BENOIT & FISETTE CLAIRE 6898 AMBER LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1871 168-341-07-10 NOWAK JASON A & SOUCI JAIME N S 2729 TIBURON AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92010 296 213-151-06-00 NYGARD GLENN S & LINDA S 6329 HERITAGE WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1389 213-300-06-00 O A S SPECTRUM L L C 2774 GATEWAY RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 113 213-130-23-00 OBERGFELL JOE & KOZLOWICZ-OBERGFELL ELIZ 6222 TOPIARY ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 795 213-231-12-00 OBRIEN MARK C & LAURIE A 6786 VERMARINE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1029 213-261-15-01 OCEAN COLLECTION L L C 655 W BROADWAY #1600 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 1030 213-261-15-02 OCEAN COLLECTION L L C P O BOX 1388 VISTA, CA 92085 1031 213-261-15-03 OCEAN COLLECTION L L C P O BOX 1388 VISTA, CA 92085 1032 213-261-15-04 OCEAN COLLECTION L L C P O BOX 1388 VISTA, CA 92085 1033 213-261-15-05 OCEAN COLLECTION L L C 655 W BROADWAY #1600 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 1034 213-261-15-06 OCEAN COLLECTION L L C 655 W BROADWAY #1600 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 1035 213-261-15-07 OCEAN COLLECTION L L C 655 W BROADWAY #1600 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 1036 213-261-15-08 OCEAN COLLECTION L L C 655 W BROADWAY #1600 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 1039 213-261-15-11 OCEAN COLLECTION L L C 655 W BROADWAY #1600 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 1040 213-261-15-12 OCEAN COLLECTION L L C P O BOX 1388 VISTA, CA 92085 1041 213-261-15-13 OCEAN COLLECTION L L C 655 W BROADWAY #1600 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 1042 213-261-15-14 OCEAN COLLECTION L L C 655 W BROADWAY #1600 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 618 213-201-01-00 OCONNOR JON 6837 TANZANITE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 779 213-230-09-00 ODAY THOMAS J & MARGARET 6763 MALACHITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 973 213-243-25-00 ODONNELL WILLIAM C & JIMENEZ-ODONNELL CO 6989 AMMONITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 826 213-233-04-00 OGLESBEE FAMILY LTD PARTNERSHIP 6787 ONYX PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 317 213-151-27-00 OGUS DAN S & SARAH 6332 GREENHAVEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 358 213-160-15-00 OHLSON DAVID & LYNETTE TRUST 09-06-90 6372 HUNTINGTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 743 213-221-24-00 OHRINER STEVEN M & RITA A 2375 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1760 168-331-78-00 OLIVER DIDIER & HEATHER J 3438 RAVINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 411 213-162-34-00 OLIVIER CYNTHIA M 6310 ENCANTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1293 213-290-17-00 OLSON DOUGLAS W & RENA 6738 LIMONITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1278 213-290-02-00 OMAN MARK J & TARSA SHIRIN 6728 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1510 168-041-15-24 OMIDVAR FAMILY TRUST 10-31-02 9711 IRVINE CENTER DR IRVINE, CA 92618 194 213-141-06-00 ONEAL SHEILA L 6269 COTTAGE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1151 213-271-19-00 ONEAL TIMOTHY G & LISA M 6658 TITANITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1932 168-350-26-00 ORCHARD MARIETTA E LIVING TRUST 01-12-07 3455 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1933 168-350-27-00 ORCHARD MARIETTA E LIVING TRUST 01-12-07 3455 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 990 213-250-09-00 ORELLANA CARLOS A 2541 MUIRFIELDS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 328 213-151-38-00 ORLANDO ANTHONY J & PATRICIA F 6317 GREENHAVEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1861 168-341-06-27 ORLANDO MICHAEL D & KIMBERLY J 4109 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 405 213-162-28-00 ORTMAN BRUCE L & JUANITA E 6323 MONTECITO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1811 168-340-03-19 OSMUNDSON KARL 4045 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1289 213-290-13-00 OSTERHOLT DOUGLAS J & PEARSON SHANNON L 6722 LIMONITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 537 213-181-13-00 OTT JUSTIN & ORALIA 2755 ASCOT AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1408 213-310-01-08 OURSBOURN MATT 6428 CINNABAR WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 816 213-232-11-00 OVERLOCK STEPHEN B & JENNIFER F 2428 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 999 213-250-18-00 P D C RESIDENCE TRUST 06-30-11 6311 ALLSTON ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 400 213-162-22-00 PACHECO FAMILY TRUST 04-09-08 6304 MONTECITO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 90 213-122-17-00 PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL 9619 CHESAPEAKE DR #103 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 1071 213-262-13-16 PACIFIC SHORES HOLDING L L C 6102 INNOVATION WAY #N-2 CARLSBAD, CA 92009 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 1724 168-331-42-00 PACKARD VIRGINIA C TRUST 01-08-07 3464 GENTLE KNOLL ST CARLSBAD, CA 92010 930 213-242-19-00 PADUA PEDRO M JR & MARIA L 2270 AVENTURINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1640 168-321-28-00 PAGE LEON & RUBY 3508 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1363 213-292-08-00 PALLIA DONALD & JUDITH A 6832 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 108 213-130-18-00 PALMER JASON & VALDEZ-PALMER JULIET L 6202 TOPIARY ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1050 213-262-11-00 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD LLC 3900 E CAMELBACK RD #100 PHOENIX, AZ 85018 1056 213-262-13-01 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD LLC 50 S 10TH ST #300 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 1059 213-262-13-04 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD LLC 50 S 10TH ST #300 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 1060 213-262-13-05 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD LLC 50 S 10TH ST #300 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 1061 213-262-13-06 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD LLC 50 S 10TH ST #300 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 1062 213-262-13-07 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD LLC 50 S 10TH ST #300 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 1063 213-262-13-08 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD LLC 50 S 10TH ST #300 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 1073 213-262-13-18 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD LLC 50 S 10TH ST #300 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 1076 213-262-13-21 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD LLC 50 S 10TH ST #300 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 1080 213-262-14-04 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD LLC 50 S 10TH ST #300 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 1086 213-262-14-10 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD LLC 50 S 10TH ST #300 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 1087 213-262-14-11 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD LLC 50 S 10TH ST #300 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 1088 213-262-14-12 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD LLC 50 S 10TH ST #300 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 1092 213-262-14-16 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD LLC 50 S 10TH ST #300 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 1093 213-262-14-17 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD LLC 50 S 10TH ST #300 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 1094 213-262-14-18 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD LLC 50 S 10TH ST #300 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 1095 213-262-14-19 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD LLC 50 S 10TH ST #300 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 1096 213-262-14-20 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD LLC 50 S 10TH ST #300 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 1097 213-262-14-21 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD LLC 50 S 10TH ST #300 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 1099 213-262-14-23 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD LLC 50 S 10TH ST #300 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 1100 213-262-14-24 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD LLC 50 S 10TH ST #300 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 1101 213-262-14-25 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD LLC 50 S 10TH ST #300 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 1102 213-262-14-26 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD LLC 50 S 10TH ST #300 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 1103 213-262-14-27 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD LLC 50 S 10TH ST #300 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 96 213-130-06-00 PAN IVAN I-FAN 6209 ALVERTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 514 213-180-18-00 PANIELLO FAMILY TRUST 11-05-07 2716 PALMETTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 256 213-150-08-00 PANTIG ARTHUR G & BERTILLA M 2651 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 13 213-112-42-02 PAPAGEORGE THOMAS A & SUSAN S & PAPAGEOR 6987 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 777 213-230-07-00 PAQUET DENNIS A & TAMMIE A 2453 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 766 213-221-47-00 PARANAL JERRY Z & JANET M 6821 LEUCITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 297 213-151-07-00 PAREDES FAMILY LIVING TRUST 02-28-08 6333 HERITAGE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 1700 168-331-18-00 PARIKH DILIP K & LEENA D 4739 CRATER RIM RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1816 168-340-03-24 PARISH OF SAINT MICHAELS BY-THE-SEA EPIS P O BOX 127 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 1204 213-280-19-00 PARK AMY & CLIFF FAMILY TRUST 08-03-04 2319 KYANITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1622 168-321-09-00 PARK BEOM DAE & JUNG HEE 312 CALLIPPE CT BRISBANE, CA 94005 76 213-112-59-01 PARK BYUNG K & CHONG J 6938 TOURMALINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 819 213-232-14-00 PARK CLINTON H & ELIZABETH M LIVING TRUS 2440 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 603 213-200-08-00 PARK DAVID S & MYUNG W 45 DIAMOND IRVINE, CA 92620 54 213-112-54-02 PARK SEONG JUN & UN JUNG 6948 FELDSPAR PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 387 213-162-09-00 PARNIAN FAMILY TRUST 03-01-07 10923 E BAHIA DR SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85255 586 213-181-62-00 PARR FAMILY TRUST 09-15-10 6416 ARCHES WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 637 213-201-20-00 PARRISH REVOCABLE TRUST 03-10-93 2230 IVORY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 34 213-112-48-02 PARTHASARATHY VIJAYARAGHAVAN & SRINIVASA 6934 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 562 213-181-38-00 PARTIDO MELVIN V & RUTHLYN I 6407 ARCHES WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1472 168-041-14-10 PASHBY JEFFREY A TRUST 10-13-06 3691 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1687 168-331-05-00 PASTERNACK BARRY 3435 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1983 168-352-34-00 PATEL DINESHCHANDRA A REVOCABLE TRUST 12 3470 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 776 213-230-06-00 PATEL FAMILY TRUST 2457 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1731 168-331-49-00 PATEL NAYAN B & HEMLATA N 3444 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 436 213-170-24-00 PATTANUMOTANA GAVIN & PATTANUMOTANA FAMI2583 ARUNDEL AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1380 213-292-25-00 PATTI FAMILY TRUST 12-10-03 1939 MARCASITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1763 168-331-81-00 PAU KA LUN & LO MIU SING ELLEN 3426 RAVINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1679 168-330-23-00 PAUL MULLIGAN FAMILY TRUST 04-13-10 3464 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 662 213-210-03-00 PAULSEN CARL G & MEGAN G 6865 AMBER LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1844 168-341-06-10 PAYNE KEVIN 129 FERITTI DR LAKEWAY, TX 78734 1535 168-041-17-01 PAYNE MATTHEW W 3603 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 452 213-170-40-00 PEACOX CHRISTIAN M 6243 LISMORE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1521 168-041-16-11 PECK JOHN & ELIZABETH I 2784 DOVE TAIL DR SAN MARCOS, CA 92078 1681 168-330-25-00 PEI JIANHONG LIVING TRUST 06-15-10 3485 GENTLE KNOLL ST CARLSBAD, CA 92010 878 213-240-26-00 PELUSO PHILIP & DIANE FAMILY 1997 TRUST 1416 LA PLAZA DR SAN MARCOS, CA 92078 205 213-141-17-00 PEREZ MARIANO 2641 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1789 168-340-02-18 PERRY JONATHAN S & JESSICA E 4015 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 722 213-221-02-00 PERRY KEVIN R & KIMBERLY L 2360 LARIMAR AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1438 213-310-04-03 PETERSEN MICHAEL E & KAREN K & HADLEY RI 6449 CINNABAR WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1887 168-341-08-02 PETERSON JOANNE 4130 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1482 168-041-14-20 PETERSON NANCY 3678 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 880 213-240-28-00 PETROVA-ERGEN NATALIA & ALP 2234 AZURITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 641 213-202-03-00 PETTIT JONATHAN L & MARY G 6833 CITRINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1562 168-280-57-00 PHAM CUONG & TRACEY 3582 GRANITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1456 168-041-13-18 PHAM JULIE 3652 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1582 168-320-09-00 PHAM KENNY H & TRAN MAI N P O BOX 6671 SANTA CLARA, CA 95056 615 213-200-20-00 PHAN HA & NGUYEN HOANG THUY TIEN 6823 HELENITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1901 168-341-08-16 PHAN TUAN V & DOAN JAMIE C 4127 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1306 213-290-30-00 PI JEFF 6721 LIMONITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 2016 168-353-25-00 PIERCE PAMELA M 4651 MEADOW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 978 213-243-30-00 PILLSBURY MATTHEW & HEUTEL TIFFANY T 6969 AMMONITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1168 213-272-05-00 PINNOW MATTHEW J & BOBBI L R 6687 TITANITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 171 213-140-18-00 PION-GOUREAU NORELYNN 6209 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1589 168-320-16-00 PIOTROWSKI ANDRZEJ & AGNIESZKA 3547 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1608 168-320-35-00 PIROUZFAR SEAN M & PIROUZFAR MARYAM 3738 SADDLE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 584 213-181-60-00 PIROZHENKO ANDREY & PETROVA YELENA 6424 ARCHES WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1918 168-350-12-00 PITTS JASON A & DENISE O 3440 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1022 213-261-01-00 PIVOTAL 650 CALIFORNIA ST L L C 1702 E HIGHLAND AVE #310 PHOENIX, AZ 85016 1023 213-261-02-00 PIVOTAL 650 CALIFORNIA ST L L C 1702 E HIGHLAND AVE #310 PHOENIX, AZ 85016 1024 213-261-03-00 PIVOTAL 650 CALIFORNIA ST L L C 1702 E HIGHLAND AVE #310 PHOENIX, AZ 85016 1025 213-261-04-00 PIVOTAL 650 CALIFORNIA ST L L C 1702 E HIGHLAND AVE #310 PHOENIX, AZ 85016 1191 213-280-06-00 PLAXCO SHAWN & SUSAN 6623 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1853 168-341-06-19 PLAZA VINCENT & TEANIO-PLAZA JEANYEE C 4115 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 378 213-161-13-00 PLOTKIN FAMILY TRUST 08-10-07 6303 DI VITA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1762 168-331-80-00 PLOUSHA CULLEN E JR & MARY K 3430 RAVINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1636 168-321-24-00 PLUNKETT JIMMY 3500 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1751 168-331-69-00 POBLETE LIVING TRUST 04-16-10 3465 RAVINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 33 213-112-48-01 PODELL NORMA TRUST 05-19-82 6932 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1598 168-320-25-00 POKROP FRANK L III & OBRIEN ORLA A 3577 SAND CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1214 213-280-29-00 POLK FAMILY TRUST 12-21-09 2326 KYANITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1920 168-350-14-00 POLLOCK MARK H & TAMMY L 3444 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1524 168-041-16-14 PONGRATZ PAMELA R 4022 BACKSHORE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 661 213-210-02-00 POPENEY ROBERT M FAMILY 1983 TRUST 6861 AMBER LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 799 213-231-16-00 POPP WICKER TRUST 06-19-08 6799 VERMARINE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1747 168-331-65-00 POPPEN DANIEL L & SVETLANA M 3449 RAVINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1449 168-041-13-11 PORTER MARK 3665 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 949 213-243-01-00 POST JOHN C & BRENDA B 2333 GALENA AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 311 213-151-21-00 POTTIN ALBERTO A & KIMBERLY B 6327 HUNTINGTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 516 213-180-20-00 POTWARDOWSKI ERIC & MICHELLE 2736 PALMETTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1572 168-292-32-00 POU JOHN W III & MARCELINE M 3580 GORGE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1975 168-352-26-00 POUR STANLEY F L P KEN& ATOSSA STANLEY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 279 213-150-31-00 POWERS DAVID & JENNIFER A 2668 PEPPERTREE WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 224 213-141-36-00 PRCHAL MICHAEL T & LINDA A 2725 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 931 213-242-20-00 PRENTICE ADRIAN J & ELISSA K 2266 AVENTURINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1444 168-041-13-06 PRESLEY MICHAEL & C CAROLINE 3641 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 717 213-220-22-00 PRESS FAMILY TRUST 02-01-02 6818 JADE LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 694 213-212-12-00 PRICE ROYSTON & DEBRA A 3442 CAPRI WAY #1 OCEANSIDE, CA 92056 1543 168-041-17-09 PUJARA MAYURI & PUJARA NEEL 3602 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1714 168-331-32-00 PUJARA NEEL & SHAH ANUJA 4764 CRATER RIM RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1925 168-350-19-00 PURCOTT BOSCHI FAMILY TRUST 11-15-10 3454 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1491 168-041-15-05 PUZIO EDWARD M 3721 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 487 213-171-24-00 QOZI BASILE & SAMIRA J FAMILY TRUST 10-1 2617 TOWN GARDEN RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 226 213-141-38-00 QOZI NENIB & ELIAS LUBNA 2716 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 351 213-160-08-00 QUAN MARJORIE LIVING TRUST 03-27-02 6379 HUNTINGTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 646 213-202-08-00 QUAN THU HONG & NGUYEN THUY 6853 CITRINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 210 213-141-22-00 QUARSHIE SETH 2661 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 144 213-130-54-00 QUINBY DAVID L & LINDA J 2551 INGLETON AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 570 213-181-46-00 QUINN CHRISTIAN J & SARA L 2705 PLUMERIA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 380 213-162-02-00 QUINTERO FAMILY TRUST 06-06-05 6313 ENCANTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1635 168-321-23-00 QUINTOS SHIRLEY D 3501 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1483 168-041-14-21 QUISENBERRY DONNA J 3674 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 302 213-151-12-00 R A L I 2006 Q S 11 1100 VIRGINIA DR FT WASHINGTON, PA 19034 56 213-112-54-04 RADCLIFFE WILLIAM & SHERY FAMILY TRUST 0 6952 FELDSPAR PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 964 213-243-16-00 RAFF SIMON A & GIRA P 6968 AMMONITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1898 168-341-08-13 RAFIDI FAMILY TRUST 06-24-00 5947 ANNIE OAKLEY RD HIDDEN HILLS, CA 91302 845 213-233-23-00 RAG IRREVOCABLE TRUST09-08-09 6863 TANZANITE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1499 168-041-15-13 RAKE BRANDON & RAKE LOIS 3734 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1619 168-321-06-00 RALLINGS KATHLEEN H 3535 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1788 168-340-02-17 RAMAIYA JARRETT E & ELBLING-RAMAIYA HALL 4019 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1545 168-041-17-11 RANGACHARI PRASHANTH & CHALLAPALLI MAMAT 3610 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1628 168-321-15-00 RARRA VIRGINIA S LIVING TRUST 3517 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 817 213-232-12-00 RAU JASON M & ASMUSSEN SARAH B 2432 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 345 213-160-02-00 RAUDASKOSKI FAMILY TRUST 06-25-09 6355 HUNTINGTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 386 213-162-08-00 RAVAZZOLO GEORGE J LIVING TRUST 10-04-73 2681 ECHO AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 1547 168-041-18-01 RAY MICHAEL S & MITCHELL ANGELA 3627 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1729 168-331-47-00 RAYMOND DAVID W & MARTINEZ-RAYMOND MELA 3452 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1904 168-341-08-19 READ RANDALL C & DATTA-READ PIEW 4133 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1007 213-260-01-01 REAGAN BRIAN J 6221 METROPOLITAN ST #100 CARLSBAD, CA 92009 856 213-240-04-00 REAVES JOHN R JR & JODI A 2283 GALENA AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1997 168-353-06-00 REDDY MADIREDDY R & SABINE B 3492 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 517 213-180-21-00 REED SKIP & CYNTHIA 2740 PALMETTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 289 213-150-41-00 REESE PHILIP G 2626 PEPPERTREE WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 589 213-191-09-00 REGENCY BRESSI L L C 100 WILSHIRE BLVD #700 SANTA MONICA, CA 90401 590 213-191-10-00 REGENCY BRESSI L L C 100 WILSHIRE BLVD #700 SANTA MONICA, CA 90401 591 213-191-11-00 REGENCY BRESSI L L C 100 WILSHIRE BLVD #700 SANTA MONICA, CA 90401 592 213-191-14-00 REGENCY BRESSI L L C 100 WILSHIRE BLVD #700 SANTA MONICA, CA 90401 593 213-191-15-00 REGENCY BRESSI L L C 100 WILSHIRE BLVD #700 SANTA MONICA, CA 90401 594 213-191-25-00 REGENCY BRESSI L L C 100 WILSHIRE BLVD #700 SANTA MONICA, CA 90401 595 213-191-26-00 REGENCY BRESSI L L C 100 WILSHIRE BLVD #700 SANTA MONICA, CA 90401 450 213-170-38-00 REID KIRSTEN E G 6235 LISMORE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 392 213-162-14-00 REISWIG GARY D & ERIKA T 6336 MONTECITO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1897 168-341-08-12 REMMERT FAMILY TRUST 09-21-10 4156 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1913 168-350-07-00 RENE CARMEN 3433 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1216 213-280-31-00 RENERT FAMILY TRUST 07-01-08 6642 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1200 213-280-15-00 RENNER KATHERINE M 13892 ETUDE RD SAN DIEGO, CA 92128 657 213-202-19-00 REVIER FAMILY TRUST 04-02-98 2252 IVORY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1917 168-350-11-00 REZAINIA PARVIN REVOCABLE 2009 TRUST 3438 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1891 168-341-08-06 RHEINSCHMIDT MERI L 4124 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1873 168-341-07-12 RIBNICK BENJAMIN P 4072 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1888 168-341-08-03 RICHARD BRIAN & JASMIN 4134 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 277 213-150-29-00 RICHARDS GERALD & MICHIKO FAMILY TRUST 0 2676 PEPPERTREE WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1321 213-291-01-00 RICHARDS STEPHEN A & PAULA M A FAMILY TR 6756 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 172 213-140-19-00 RICHARDSON ANDRE L 6213 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 616 213-200-21-00 RICHARDSON JASON A & HALE Y 6827 HELENITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 236 213-141-48-00 RICHARDSON WILLIAM C JR & GLORIA D 2676 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1824 168-341-05-08 RICHEY MIA S 4094 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 552 213-181-28-00 RIDDLE CASEY L & OCONNOR-RIDDLE LISA M 2714 ASCOT AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 835 213-233-13-00 RILEY PATRICK & ANGELA 6789 OBSIDIAN PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 165 213-140-12-00 RILEY VENISE 6219 DARTINGTON WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 197 213-141-09-00 RISLEY FAMILY TRUST 6254 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 1725 168-331-43-00 RIVERA JORGE & CARMEN FAMILY TRUST 01-15 3468 GENTLE KNOLL ST CARLSBAD, CA 92010 577 213-181-53-00 ROACH CHARLOTTE L 2747 PLUMERIA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1150 213-271-18-00 ROADINGER MICHAEL J JR & BERRY KATIE L 6616 BROOKITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1342 213-291-22-00 ROBB JEFFREY & SHAWNNA L 1967 MARCASITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1320 213-290-44-00 ROBBINS JASON E & MICHELLE M 1960 COBALT DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 700 213-220-05-00 ROBBINS MARY 32 AVANZARE IRVINE, CA 92606 461 213-170-49-00 ROBERTS JEROME M & BEVERLEY 2576 ARUNDEL AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1541 168-041-17-07 ROBERTSON CHRISTOPHER L & ERIN C 3604 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 391 213-162-13-00 ROBERTSON LINDA J & JOHNSON DAVID D 6340 MONTECITO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1716 168-331-34-00 ROBERTSON MICHAEL T & TANIA M 4760 CRATER RIM RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 497 213-180-01-00 ROBINETT ROGER 2759 PALMETTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1675 168-330-19-00 ROBINSON BLANE M & KATHLEEN M 3498 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 299 213-151-09-00 ROBINSON FERNANDA E 6341 HERITAGE WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 2019 168-353-28-00 ROBINSON MARVIN A & CHURCHILL HEATHER J 3487 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 730 213-221-10-00 ROBLEDO VALERIA E 2392 LARIMAR AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 868 213-240-16-00 RODRIGUEZ DANIEL P & MARGARITA F 2215 AZURITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1977 168-352-28-00 RODRIGUEZ JOSE N & MOTTERSHAW HEATHER A 3467 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1502 168-041-15-16 RODRIGUEZ LUCIA C 4811 E SUNRISE DR TUCSON, AZ 85718 153 213-130-63-00 RODRIGUEZ RAUL & AMANDA E 2582 TOWN GARDEN RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1644 168-321-32-00 ROELEN SCOTT R & NIELSEN-ROELEN LONNIE 3516 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 372 213-161-07-00 ROHRLICK MARK & MARIA 6327 DI VITA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 492 213-171-29-00 ROLLINS FAMILY TRUST 12-22-08 2618 GARDEN HOUSE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 201 213-141-13-00 ROLLINSON AUGUSTIN W & SARAH O 2625 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1770 168-331-88-00 ROMERO RYAN R & JUSTINA M 3451 GENTLE KNOLL ST CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1381 213-292-26-00 RONCHETTI PETER F & ELISABETH F 1935 MARCASITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1899 168-341-08-14 RONEY GUY J IV 5134 DELANEY CT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 1737 168-331-55-00 RONEY GUY J IV & SILVIA 3420 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 778 213-230-08-00 ROPER ROLAND L & CINDY 2449 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 268 213-150-20-00 ROSE BUD HOLDINGS L L C 2711 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 353 213-160-10-00 ROSE DUANE L 11 LALINDA DR LONG BEACH, CA 90807 890 213-241-04-00 ROSEMEYER FAMILY REVOCABLE TRUST 10-24-0 2260 CARNELIAN CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 547 213-181-23-00 ROSS DAVID M 2715 ASCOT AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 655 213-202-17-00 ROSS JAY S & RENEE REVOCABLE TRUST 2260 IVORY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1157 213-271-25-00 ROSS LORETTA 6634 TITANITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 916 213-242-03-00 ROSS RANDAL J & BERRESSE ANITA 6915 GOLDSTONE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 638 213-201-21-00 ROSSITER JASON & STEPHANIE FAMILY TRUST 6846 TANZANITE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 1213 213-280-28-00 ROTH RICHARD B & ANNE M 2330 KYANITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 908 213-241-22-00 ROTSHECK LEE A & MICHELLE G 6971 GOLDSTONE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 851 213-233-29-00 ROWAN FAMILY TRUST 03-30-90 6771 MALACHITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 712 213-220-17-00 ROY BRAD & LORI FAMILY TRUST 08-31-11 6838 JADE LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 68 213-112-57-01 ROY RICHARD D 6919 TOURMALINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 810 213-232-04-00 ROYKO PAUL C & VU DIANA 2413 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1201 213-280-16-00 RUSH FAMILY TRUST 06-12-96 2307 KYANITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1054 213-262-12-04 RUSHALL & MCGEEVER FAMILY L P 6100 INNOVATION WAY J CARLSBAD, CA 92009 527 213-181-03-00 RUSHING PATRICK G & JAMI R 6414 LIVE OAKS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 478 213-171-15-00 RUSSELL FAMILY TRUST 08-23-02 6257 ARBOR ROSE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 984 213-250-03-00 RYAN FAMILY TRUST 02-11-05 6391 KEENELAND DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 160 213-140-07-00 RYAN THOMAS & CHARLENE 6239 DARTINGTON WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 663 213-210-04-00 RYDER LEONARD G & KOZEN-RYDER KAREN B 6869 AMBER LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1341 213-291-21-00 RYDER SCOTT M JR & LISA M 1971 MARCASITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1447 168-041-13-09 S DAVID INC 3830 VALLEY CENTRE DR #705 SAN DIEGO, CA 92130 1843 168-341-06-09 SAADY PATRICIA D 4109 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 419 213-170-07-00 SADRI SAEED & TOLOUE SAMIRA 6261 ALVERTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 854 213-240-02-00 SAGAN DAVID W & MELANIE G 2291 GALENA AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 331 213-151-41-00 SAHOO SANTOSH K & PRAMUDI MEENAKUMARI L 6305 GREENHAVEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1775 168-340-02-04 SAINZ ERIC M 1049 SUNSET DR VISTA, CA 92081 1348 213-291-28-00 SAJNANI JAIRAM & VINITA 1972 MARCASITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1335 213-291-15-00 SAKOFSKY DENNIS LIVING TRUST 03-10-10 &2001 PERIDOT CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1779 168-340-02-08 SALAZAR GABRIELA 4028 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1404 213-310-01-04 SALAZAR JUAN C & GIBSON TALLIE M 6444 CINNABAR WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 689 213-212-07-00 SALEHI-MOSHAEI & BANIANI FAMILY TRUST 08 6943 AMBER LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1527 168-041-16-17 SALGUEIRO JOSEPH A REVOCABLE TRUST 12-14 7135 BABILONIA ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1065 213-262-13-10 SALLYS CLOSET L L C 6214 TOPIARY ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 355 213-160-12-00 SALMON ANTHONY M & SYLVIA 13642 CALAIS DR DEL MAR, CA 92014 216 213-141-28-00 SALTER SEAN & KARENNE T 2693 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1428 213-310-02-11 SAMALA DENNIS & DUKES-SAMALA KIMBERLEE 6412 JASPER WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1279 213-290-03-00 SANDALL COLLEEN C & SANDALL ORVILLE C &6732 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1336 213-291-16-00 SANDALL ERIN K & SANDALL ORVILLE C & PAT 6800 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1375 213-292-20-00 SANDALL ORVILLE C & PATRICIA S 1979 OLIVINE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 742 213-221-23-00 SANDVIK GARY & CARIN 2379 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 963 213-243-15-00 SANGEORGE RICHARD C & KELLY A 6964 AMMONITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 602 213-200-07-00 SANGSTER PAUL J & VALERIE J 6825 CITRINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 1210 213-280-25-00 SANTIAGO DANIEL & MASTER SONALI FAMILY 2 2343 KYANITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 913 213-241-27-00 SARA TONY P 6951 GOLDSTONE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 470 213-171-07-00 SARCINELLO JAMES J & SHAYNE M 6278 TOPIARY ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 453 213-170-41-00 SARGENT FAMILY TRUST 12-01-10 6247 LISMORE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 2011 168-353-20-00 SARGENT GREG V & MILISSA A 3464 GENTLE KNOLL ST CARLSBAD, CA 92010 402 213-162-24-00 SARMIENTO ISIDRO C & CHARITY G 4603 E ASHFORD AVE ORANGE, CA 92867 1322 213-291-02-00 SARRAM FAMILY REVOCABLE TRUST 10-20-09 6760 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1443 168-041-13-05 SATTERLEY CLAIRE F 3645 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1550 168-041-18-04 SATTLEY PATRICK & JENNIFER 3619 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 748 213-221-29-00 SAUNDERS MARVIA A 2355 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1515 168-041-16-05 SAWYER TERRY D & CECILIA A P O BOX 2670 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 725 213-221-05-00 SAZON THELMA 422 S GRAND AVE COVINA, CA 91724 342 213-151-52-00 SBICCA JOHN & JANICE M 6338 EDENDALE ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 309 213-151-19-00 SCHAEFER FAMILY REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 0 6319 HUNTINGTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 41 213-112-50-01 SCHAEFER JOHN H & MARCELLE A 6907 TOURMALINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 426 213-170-14-00 SCHAEFFER JOHN M & AMBER 2565 DOGWOOD RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1494 168-041-15-08 SCHAFER KIMBERLY A 2140 JANIS WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 736 213-221-16-00 SCHERNER DONALD & ERIN L 2374 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1503 168-041-15-17 SCHILPP LIVING TRUST 07-07-09 3740 JETTY PT #92 CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1912 168-350-06-00 SCHINHOFEN TIMOTHY H & KILEY MARY-LOU 3437 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 21 213-112-44-01 SCHMAL JEFFREY T 6953 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 460 213-170-48-00 SCHNEEWEIS TROY A & GINA T 2572 ARUNDEL AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 403 213-162-26-00 SCHNESE JONES FAMILY TRUST 08-03-07 6315 MONTECITO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 858 213-240-06-00 SCHNIDER FAMILY TRUST 08-11-09 2275 GALENA AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 433 213-170-21-00 SCHNUR STEVEN R & EILEEN A 2578 DOGWOOD RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 281 213-150-33-00 SCHOLEY SEAN G & GEORGENE C 2658 PEPPERTREE WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 865 213-240-13-00 SCHOPINSKY DOUGLAS R & STACY P 2247 GALENA AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 2003 168-353-12-00 SCHRECENGOST ROBERT & BETH LIVING TRUST 4654 MEADOW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1723 168-331-41-00 SCHROEDER RYAN D & MILENA E 3460 GENTLE KNOLL ST CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1337 213-291-17-00 SCHUESSLER SHAWN 1987 MARCASITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 825 213-233-03-00 SCHUTZ ROBERT L & JOANNE M 6791 ONYX PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1971 168-352-22-00 SCIBILIA STEVEN A 3479 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1037 213-261-15-09 SCREAMIN EAGLES VENTURES L L C 2530 GATEWAY RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1038 213-261-15-10 SCREAMIN EAGLES VENTURES L L C 2530 GATEWAY RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1809 168-340-03-17 SECTION H TRUST 10-31-08 18201 OLD COACH RD POWAY, CA 92064 882 213-240-30-00 SEELYE TROY R & JENNIFER A 2242 AZURITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 504 213-180-08-00 SEEMAN ROGER B & L GAYLOR R FAMILY TRUST 2731 PALMETTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1155 213-271-23-00 SEGAL JOHN & MARCELLA M 6642 TITANITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 842 213-233-20-00 SEICHE FLORIAN & MICHELLE THE MEWS COTTAGE SL4 2EG ENGLAND, 161 213-140-08-00 SEIFERT MATTHEW 6235 DARTINGTON WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 408 213-162-31-00 SERRANO FAMILY TRUST 02-08-07 6322 ENCANTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1906 168-341-08-21 SESTITO BRIAN & CHERYL P 4135 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 610 213-200-15-00 SETAYESH ROYA R 6824 CITRINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1098 213-262-14-22 SETHI GAURAV & SETHI GANISHA 183 CALLE MAGDALENA #101 ENCINITAS, CA 92024 1748 168-331-66-00 SEYLE MICHAEL R & MICHELLE M 3453 RAVINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1943 168-351-02-00 SEYOUM YOHANNES & BEKELE ESKEDAR 3437 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 972 213-243-24-00 SHAFER REED M & KELLY R 6993 AMMONITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1333 213-291-13-00 SHAFRAN CHRISTINA M 2009 PERIDOT CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1692 168-331-10-00 SHAH KAUSHIKKUMAR P & SHRADDHABEN K 3415 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1854 168-341-06-20 SHAH SUJATA NARENDRA 4117 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1478 168-041-14-16 SHANK BENJAMIN M & JENNIFER H 30 LAUKAHI ST KIHEI, HI 96753 1135 213-271-03-00 SHARAK DAVID E & MICHELE D N 6641 BROOKITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 136 213-130-46-00 SHARIF S J ASSET PROTECTION TRUST 12-16-2583 INGLETON AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1696 168-331-14-00 SHARMA RADHA M & NOTANI-SHARMA PREM 4731 CRATER RIM RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 543 213-181-19-00 SHAW ANGEL REVOCABLE TRUST 08-07-07 272 PENNYSTONE CIR FRANKLIN, TN 37067 1198 213-280-13-00 SHAW RONNIE JIM-LU & SHAW JENNIFER 6651 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1418 213-310-02-01 SHEU ROBERT G 2422 COPPER WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1623 168-321-10-00 SHIH LIVING TRUST 08-30-06 3527 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 455 213-170-43-00 SHIN BONG JOON & HUI KYONG 6255 LISMORE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 260 213-150-12-00 SHIPLEY PATRICK J & GRETCHEN M 2667 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1314 213-290-38-00 SHLEIFER ROBERT FAMILY TRUST 06-23-03 6710 LIMONITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1433 213-310-03-02 SHORT SOLOMON & RACHEL 2410 TRONA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 473 213-171-10-00 SHROPSHIRE SCOTT H JR LIVING TRUST 05-27 6277 ARBOR ROSE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1552 168-041-18-06 SHUCK TODD N & TRIESTA B 3617 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 43 213-112-50-03 SIERS DOUGLAS J & STEPHANIE E 6903 TOURMALINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 50 213-112-53-02 SIGALL WALTER N & BARBARA L TRUST 05-19-6960 FELDSPAR PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1718 168-331-36-00 SIGATY FAMILY TRUST 4756 CRATER RIM RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 928 213-242-15-00 SIGISMONDO SCOTT A & KRISTIN C 2283 AVENTURINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 275 213-150-27-00 SILVA EDGAR R & YOLANDA P 2686 PEPPERTREE WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1879 168-341-07-18 SILVA JULIA M 3533 LANDSFORD WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1978 168-352-29-00 SILVERMAN GARY & JULIE REVOCABLE LIVING 3465 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1401 213-310-01-01 SILVESTRE DINO F & DONNA D 6456 CINNABAR WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 202 213-141-14-00 SIMON WENDELL S 2629 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 787 213-231-04-00 SIMONS MATTHEW L & DAWN L 6753 VERMARINE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1427 213-310-02-10 SIMONSEN KARL F & CHRISTINA M 6416 JASPER WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1326 213-291-06-00 SIMPSON ERNEST G LIVING TRUST 10-27-99 6776 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1122 213-270-08-00 SIMPSON PACIS FAMILY TRUST 12-14-11 2438 MICA RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1118 213-270-04-00 SIMS DAVID M & SHELLY L 2454 MICA RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1610 168-320-37-00 SINAI JOHN M & CAROLYN M 3769 SKYLINE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 1383 213-292-28-00 SINGH BIKRAMJIT & PRABHLEEN 1956 MARCASITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1868 168-341-07-07 SINGH DALJINDER 4089 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 511 213-180-15-00 SINGH MANISH K & NEHA 2704 PALMETTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 671 213-211-04-00 SINGHAL RENU LIVING TRUST 12-16-88 & SIN 6899 AMBER LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 760 213-221-41-00 SINGLETON JOHN R & AI G L 6828 KORITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1769 168-331-87-00 SIRIANI CHRISTOPHER P & STACEY C 3447 GENTLE KNOLL ST CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1220 213-280-35-00 SIRKIN TORY & AMY LIVING TRUST 6626 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1208 213-280-23-00 SITARZ KENNETH J & VICTORIA L 2335 KYANITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 938 213-242-27-00 SKIPPER DAMIEN & TRICIA 6887 GOLDSTONE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 464 213-171-01-00 SLACK KEN & RANDI 6254 TOPIARY ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 751 213-221-32-00 SLASKI/SINGH 2009 TRUST 2346 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1043 213-261-16-00 SLATER PLACE L P 1800 THIBODO RD #320 VISTA, CA 92081 541 213-181-17-00 SLINEY BRIAN J & SAMANTHA K 2739 ASCOT AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1014 213-260-02-00 SLOUGH CARLSBAD L L C P O BOX 847 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 1015 213-260-03-00 SLOUGH CARLSBAD L L C P O BOX 847 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 1016 213-260-04-00 SLOUGH CARLSBAD L L C P O BOX 847 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 1017 213-260-05-00 SLOUGH CARLSBAD L L C P O BOX 847 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 1018 213-260-06-00 SLOUGH CARLSBAD L L C P O BOX 847 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 1019 213-260-07-00 SLOUGH CARLSBAD L L C P O BOX 847 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 1020 213-260-08-00 SLOUGH CARLSBAD L L C P O BOX 847 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 1021 213-260-09-00 SLOUGH CARLSBAD L L C P O BOX 847 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 1046 213-262-06-00 SLOUGH CARLSBAD L L C P O BOX 847 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 1047 213-262-07-00 SLOUGH CARLSBAD L L C P O BOX 847 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 1048 213-262-08-00 SLOUGH CARLSBAD L L C P O BOX 847 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 1049 213-262-09-00 SLOUGH CARLSBAD L L C P O BOX 847 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 815 213-232-10-00 SMAYO DAVID & DEBRA LIVING TRUST 2424 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 969 213-243-21-00 SMITH AARON T & HO MONIQUE Y 6988 AMMONITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1281 213-290-05-00 SMITH FAMILY TRUST 06-27-11 6740 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1689 168-331-07-00 SMITH GREGORY L & REBECCA M 3427 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 1454 168-041-13-16 SMITH SCOTT 3650 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 200 213-141-12-00 SMITHERS FAMILY TRUST 05-13-98 6266 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1653 168-321-41-00 SMITH-HALVERSON COREY 3563 FLAT ROCK ST CARLSBAD, CA 92010 926 213-242-13-00 SMOLINSKI FAMILY TRUST 02-28-08 2275 AVENTURINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1782 168-340-02-11 SMORZEWSKI GREG & KELLY J 5118 FROST AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 520 213-180-24-00 SNAVELY TAB & ORALYNN 2783 PALMETTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 2013 168-353-22-00 SNYDER FAMILY TRUST 12-16-08 4657 MEADOW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 417 213-170-05-00 SNYDER RYAN & LYONS EMILY 6253 ALVERTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 315 213-151-25-00 SO HOI-KIT TOMMY & TRISCIA NGUYEN 6340 GREENHAVEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 555 213-181-31-00 SON JINWOO & YI JEE 2726 ASCOT AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 195 213-141-07-00 SONG HO CHEOL & SONG HO TAEK & CHOI HYE 63 ARCATA IRVINE, CA 92602 1162 213-271-30-00 SONG YOUNG & SUN K 6614 TITANITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 7 213-112-41-01 SORENSEN MICHELLE M 6979 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 211 213-141-23-00 SOTO ANGELO & DEBORAH 2665 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1791 168-340-02-20 SOUKUP WILLIAM J JR & PAULAJEAN 4021 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 892 213-241-06-00 SOUTHARD & LOTANO REVOCABLE 2004 TRUST 0 2268 CARNELIAN CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 960 213-243-12-00 SOUTHWORTH DAVID B & ADRIANA Y F 6979 BIXBITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1347 213-291-27-00 SOZINHO DAVID L & KRISTA S 1968 MARCASITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 759 213-221-40-00 SPANN BRENT A & KRISTIN M 6832 KORITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1225 213-281-01-00 SPECTOR JERROLD B & SPEAR JILLIAN 6659 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 220 213-141-32-00 SPELICH ROLAND R & PORTIA 2709 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 454 213-170-42-00 SPENCE DENNIS 6251 LISMORE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 437 213-170-25-00 SPENCE DENNIS & NATALIE M 2579 ARUNDEL AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1005 213-250-24-00 SPIERING FAMILY TRUST 04-06-06 6345 KEENELAND DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 604 213-200-09-00 SPINOS FRANK T & MARY 6817 CITRINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 269 213-150-21-00 SPRAGG JUSTIN M & AMY M 2715 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1919 168-350-13-00 SPREHN FAMILY 2008 TRUST 3442 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1570 168-292-30-00 SQUIRES RODNEY 3589 GORGE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92010 714 213-220-19-00 ST JOHN BARRY 6361 N CALLE DEL VENADO TUCSON, AZ 85718 633 213-201-16-00 STACK GINA M TRUST 05-13-05 12712 BRUBAKER CT SAN DIEGO, CA 92130 814 213-232-09-00 STAHL FAMILY TRUST 02-06-01 2420 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1282 213-290-06-00 STARK AARON D & TANYA M 6744 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1568 168-280-63-00 STARK DOUGLAS K & LORI J 3593 GRANITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1277 213-290-01-00 STARR FRED B & INDRA K 6724 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1998 168-353-07-00 STAVENGA MINK H & LISA A 3494 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 251 213-150-03-00 STERNAGLE EDWARD & JEAN M 2668 GARDEN HOUSE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 60 213-112-55-04 STILWELL JOHN W & JENNIFER E 1136 KING MARK DR LEWISVILLE, TX 75056 102 213-130-12-00 STOECKER JOHN & BRIDGET TRUST 10-21-10 2562 DISCOVERY RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 792 213-231-09-00 STONEY FAMILY TRUST 03-23-07 6774 VERMARINE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1509 168-041-15-23 STORELLI ROBERT J & WONG MABEL 4226 EMPIRE WAY CARMICHAEL, CA 95608 218 213-141-30-00 STORY MATTHEW J & SHARONE L 2701 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1479 168-041-14-17 STOTLER DUSTIN H & STOTLER BART & SUSAN 3709 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 494 213-171-31-00 STOTZ FAMILY TRUST 02-02-08 2610 GARDEN HOUSE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1531 168-041-16-21 STOVER HELGA 3752 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1798 168-340-03-06 STREELMAN FAMILY TRUST 06-04-10 4038 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1750 168-331-68-00 STREETER BRETT J 3461 RAVINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1123 213-270-09-00 STREMEL SUZANNE LIVING TRUST 08-08-11 &2434 MICA RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 583 213-181-59-00 STRICK BRIAN C & LYNETTE R 6421 LIVE OAKS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1571 168-292-31-00 STROHMINGER JOHN P & PHELPS LAUREN N 3588 GORGE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92010 765 213-221-46-00 STUPARICH MICHAEL & BROPHY GWENDOLYN M 2385 LARIMAR AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1661 168-330-05-00 STURGES MICHAEL & JULIE 3483 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1576 168-320-03-00 SUAREZ VICTOR A & ANDREA W 3575 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 335 213-151-45-00 SUDWEEKS COURTNEY A & SUDWEEKS DON R & J 6310 EDENDALE ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1267 213-283-14-00 SUEMNICK FAMILY TRUST 03-17-05 6563 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 330 213-151-40-00 SULEIMAN HASAN M & ELYOUSSEF TAMADOR M 6309 GREENHAVEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1926 168-350-20-00 SUNG YAU-DE & ANNETTE R 3456 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1894 168-341-08-09 SUNLAND PROPERTY TRUST 02-09-07 4142 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1835 168-341-06-01 SURMANIAN MICHAEL A & DORAN SHAUN 4112 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 409 213-162-32-00 SUSKI JOSEPH & JENNIFER 6318 ENCANTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1489 168-041-15-03 SUTER KALEN P & CAMPBELL KATIE N 3729 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 104 213-130-14-00 SUTTON SHANE W & LE CHRISTINE A T 2570 DISCOVERY RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1866 168-341-07-05 SVEREV TAMARA 4101 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 424 213-170-12-00 SWARTZ JOAN 2557 DOGWOOD RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 10 213-112-41-04 SWEETS SHARON R 6969 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1202 213-280-17-00 SWIATLOWSKI BRUCE W & DEBRA J 2311 KYANITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1110 213-263-15-00 T K & C PROPERTIES L L C 9220 TRADE PL SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 338 213-151-48-00 TABONE PETER W & TABONE-ALDER MICHELE G 6322 EDENDALE ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 764 213-221-45-00 TAGAYUNA PASCUAL A & DELIA B 2381 LARIMAR AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1161 213-271-29-00 TAI AMANDA 6618 TITANITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 532 213-181-08-00 TAJVAR LIVING TRUST 12-14-10 6434 LIVE OAKS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1242 213-282-06-00 TAM DONALD W S & ANNIE & TAM LISA 2321 MICA RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1588 168-320-15-00 TAMRA LATA REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 06-17-3549 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 1340 213-291-20-00 TANG-ZHANG LIVING TRUST 12-17-05 1975 MARCASITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 52 213-112-53-04 TAO XUDONG & YAN LIQUN 10656 GOLDEN WILLOW #145 SAN DIEGO, CA 92130 4 213-112-39-03 TAPPOUNI MIKE B & DUSTINEE D 6972 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 921 213-242-08-00 TARKA JOSEPH P REVOCABLE TRUST 07-14-05 2255 AVENTURINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1966 168-352-17-00 TARSA MOHAMMAD & MIRSHOJAIE ZEINATOLSADA 3476 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 468 213-171-05-00 TAYLOR BORIS & RAISA 6270 TOPIARY ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1215 213-280-30-00 TAYLOR FAMILY TRUST 10-25-07 2322 KYANITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1228 213-281-04-00 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA L L C 4900 N SCOTTSDALE RD #2000 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 1229 213-281-05-00 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA L L C 4900 N SCOTTSDALE RD #2000 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 1230 213-281-06-00 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA L L C 4900 N SCOTTSDALE RD #2000 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 1231 213-281-07-00 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA L L C 4900 N SCOTTSDALE RD #2000 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 1232 213-281-08-00 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA L L C 4900 N SCOTTSDALE RD #2000 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 1233 213-281-09-00 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA L L C 4900 N SCOTTSDALE RD #2000 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 1234 213-281-10-00 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA L L C 4900 N SCOTTSDALE RD #2000 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 1235 213-281-11-00 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA L L C 4900 N SCOTTSDALE RD #2000 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 1236 213-281-12-00 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA L L C 4900 N SCOTTSDALE RD #2000 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 1237 213-282-01-00 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA L L C 4900 N SCOTTSDALE RD #2000 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 1238 213-282-02-00 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA L L C 4900 N SCOTTSDALE RD #2000 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 1244 213-282-08-00 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA L L C 4900 N SCOTTSDALE RD #2000 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 1245 213-282-09-00 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA L L C 4900 N SCOTTSDALE RD #2000 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 1247 213-282-11-00 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA L L C 4900 N SCOTTSDALE RD #2000 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 1248 213-282-12-00 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA L L C 4900 N SCOTTSDALE RD #2000 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 1249 213-282-13-00 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA L L C 4900 N SCOTTSDALE RD #2000 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 1250 213-282-14-00 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA L L C 4900 N SCOTTSDALE RD #2000 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 1252 213-282-16-00 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA L L C 4900 N SCOTTSDALE RD #2000 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 1253 213-282-17-00 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA L L C 4900 N SCOTTSDALE RD #2000 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 1254 213-283-01-00 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA L L C 4900 N SCOTTSDALE RD #2000 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 1255 213-283-02-00 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA L L C 4900 N SCOTTSDALE RD #2000 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 1256 213-283-03-00 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA L L C 4900 N SCOTTSDALE RD #2000 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 1257 213-283-04-00 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA L L C 4900 N SCOTTSDALE RD #2000 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 1258 213-283-05-00 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA L L C 4900 N SCOTTSDALE RD #2000 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 1259 213-283-06-00 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA L L C 4900 N SCOTTSDALE RD #2000 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 1272 213-283-19-00 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA L L C 4900 N SCOTTSDALE RD #2000 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 1273 213-283-20-00 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA L L C 4900 N SCOTTSDALE RD #2000 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 1274 213-283-21-00 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA L L C 4900 N SCOTTSDALE RD #2000 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 1275 213-283-22-00 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA L L C 4900 N SCOTTSDALE RD #2000 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 1276 213-283-23-00 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA L L C 8105 IRVINE CENTER DR #1450 IRVINE, CA 92618 305 213-151-15-00 TEBBETTS LEANNE E 7097 HERON CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92011 1301 213-290-25-00 TEPERA CHRISTOPHER M & HEATHER M 6741 LIMONITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1441 168-041-13-03 TERJUNG NANCY M 3653 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1803 168-340-03-11 TERRY JASON 4064 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 649 213-202-11-00 TERZIC MILORAD M & LYNETTE T 6868 CITRINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 808 213-232-02-00 TESSLER BARRY & BARBARA FAMILY TRUST 09-2421 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1127 213-270-13-00 TEYSKO KENNETH S & PAMELA L 2413 MICA RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 414 213-170-02-00 THILL FAMILY 1986 TRUST 6241 ALVERTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1436 213-310-04-01 THOMAS KENNETH & QUINONES DIANA P 6441 CINNABAR WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1928 168-350-22-00 THOMAS MARCOS A & MICHIYO 3460 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1592 168-320-19-00 THOMAS ROGER & MIHRIBAN 3560 FLAT ROCK ST CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1903 168-341-08-18 THOMAS SHARON R 4125 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 905 213-241-19-00 THOMAS STANLEY & ELEANOR TRUST 06-10-11 P O BOX 131764 CARLSBAD, CA 92013 303 213-151-13-00 THOMPSON KARIN L 6326 HUNTINGTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1219 213-280-34-00 THOMPSON MATT & ERIN 6630 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 993 213-250-12-00 THORNTON W T TRUST 08-03-07 2564 MUIRFIELDS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1318 213-290-42-00 THREAT EDWARD W & JESSICA S 1952 COBALT DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 122 213-130-32-00 THRIDANDAM HAREESH & BHARATHY 2561 DISCOVERY RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 809 213-232-03-00 TIEU ANDY LIANG 2417 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1446 168-041-13-08 TIFFANY CHRISTOPHER J & TIFFANY JOHN S &3661 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1188 213-280-03-00 TILLMAN FRED 6611 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 334 213-151-44-00 TIN GEORGE & LILLIAN REVOCABLE TRUST 03-6306 EDENDALE ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1069 213-262-13-14 TOKALON STREET L L C 6116 INNOVATION WAY #L6 CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1129 213-270-15-00 TOLES FAMILY TRUST 12-21-07 2421 MICA RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1542 168-041-17-08 TOMEI AMANDA 3606 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 788 213-231-05-00 TOMLIN BOBBY E & JUDITH L B 6749 VERMARINE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1601 168-320-28-00 TOMLINSON FAMILY TRUST 06-20-06 3565 SAND CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 166 213-140-13-00 TOMSEY SCOTT 6215 DARTINGTON WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 526 213-181-02-00 TONG TRUST 08-28-06 6410 LIVE OAKS DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 230 213-141-42-00 TONIDO CHARISSE B 2700 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 665 213-210-06-00 TOONE CAROL S P O BOX 1399 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 1193 213-280-08-00 TORABI CYRUS L & LOTFI ELHAM Z 6631 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1851 168-341-06-17 TORPEY JASON & JESSICA 4104 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 791 213-231-08-00 TORRES CARLOS A & TERESA Y 6770 VERMARINE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1384 213-300-01-00 TORREY PINES BANK 12220 EL CAMINO REAL SAN DIEGO, CA 92130 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 295 213-151-05-00 TOVTIN FAMILY REVOCABLE TRUST 06-15-07 6325 HERITAGE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 420 213-170-08-00 TRAN HOE THUY & NGOC-TUYET THI 6265 ALVERTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 942 213-242-33-00 TRAN HONG & TRAN JANDA 2256 TIGEREYE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 344 213-160-01-00 TRAN HUNG T & FRANCES O 6351 HUNTINGTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 156 213-140-03-00 TRAN MAI 6255 DARTINGTON WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 432 213-170-20-00 TRAN MINH VAN & KIMLOC & PHAN BAN & TUYE 20 RIVERSIDE IRVINE, CA 92602 343 213-151-53-00 TRAN SY THUY & VO CLAIRE PHUONG-CHI 6342 EDENDALE ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1350 213-291-30-00 TRANG HUNG & CHEN XIAOLING 1980 MARCASITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1993 168-353-02-00 TREANOR JAMES J JR & JANICE 3484 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 312 213-151-22-00 TREMBLE LIVING TRUST 11-18-05 6331 HUNTINGTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 149 213-130-59-00 TRIPPE GREGORY M & JOYCE E 2566 TOWN GARDEN RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 254 213-150-06-00 TROESH RYAN E & TROESH RICHARD E 2654 GARDEN HOUSE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 40 213-112-49-04 TROUTMAN ROBERT M 6926 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 977 213-243-29-00 TROVATEN FAMILY TRUST 11-01-99 6973 AMMONITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 9 213-112-41-03 TRUONG JENNY TU 6975 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1473 168-041-14-11 TRUONG VIEN VAN & TRAN HELENA LE 15659 PASEO MONTENERO SAN DIEGO, CA 92127 484 213-171-21-00 TRUPIANO SALVATORE A & DIANA R 2605 TOWN GARDEN RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1749 168-331-67-00 TSANG FAMILY TRUST 02-01-08 3457 RAVINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 861 213-240-09-00 TSUCHIYAMA ROBIN 1710 SONGLIGHT CT LAS VEGAS, NV 89117 1593 168-320-20-00 TUCK JOHN C & MACIAS CHRISTY C 3564 FLAT ROCK ST CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1126 213-270-12-00 TUCKER EDWARD J & CHAN SERENA R 2409 MICA RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1507 168-041-15-21 TUNG HUEI-SHENG & JEANNIE S 4013 BACKSHORE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1310 213-290-34-00 TURNER PATRICK M & BARBARA A 6705 LIMONITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1353 213-291-33-00 TURTZ STEVEN & FRANCINE 1990 MARCASITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 509 213-180-13-00 TYLMAN MICHAEL A REVOCABLE TRUST 12-04-0 2707 PALMETTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1469 168-041-14-07 TYRA CROUCH FAMILY TRUST 12-09-08 3697 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 298 213-151-08-00 TZAVARAS PETER J & YUKA A 6337 HERITAGE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 371 213-161-06-00 VAKILI MARCO M & DENISE M 6331 DI VITA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1224 213-280-39-00 VANBAAR FAMILY TRUST 06-19-07 6604 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1158 213-271-26-00 VANCE FAMILY TRUST 11-03-06 6630 TITANITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1649 168-321-37-00 VANDERBUSH ALFRED J 3526 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1719 168-331-37-00 VANDUKER MICHAEL R & CROCKETT SUZANNE C 3444 GENTLE KNOLL ST CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1516 168-041-16-06 VANDYKE JOHN L & MCCANDLISH BARBARA M 2000 SENDA DE ANDRES SANTA FE, NM 87501 500 213-180-04-00 VANZANDT PATRICK J & MEGAN A 2747 PALMETTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1646 168-321-34-00 VARGAS BASILIO S & MARIAITA Z 3520 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 710 213-220-15-00 VARGAS BASILIO S & MARIANITA Z 3520 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 1695 168-331-13-00 VASU BANGALORE S & SUKUNDA S & VASU SANJ 4729 CRATER RIM RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1639 168-321-27-00 VELASQUEZ ERNESTO S & EVELYN R 3506 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1055 213-262-12-05 VENTURE WALK L L C 6154 INNOVATION WAY #R CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1573 168-292-33-00 VERMILLION JOSHUA S & BECKY B 3578 GORGE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92010 648 213-202-10-00 VERSACE DANIEL J 6861 CITRINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 440 213-170-28-00 VIERNES FAMILY 2008 TRUST 11-23-08 2567 ARUNDEL AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 44 213-112-50-04 VILLORIA JASON & LABARRE ASHLEY N 6901 TOURMALINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 709 213-220-14-00 VINA FAMILY TRUST 07-19-05 2348 LARIMAR AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 820 213-232-15-00 VOLZ FAMILY TRUST 03-24-93 2444 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 429 213-170-17-00 VONHOFFMANN CYNTHIA A 2562 DOGWOOD RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 732 213-221-12-00 VOUDREN SHANE C & WITZKE KARA A REVOCABL 6822 LEUCITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 431 213-170-19-00 VRKLAN ROBERT J & CHRISTINE A 2570 DOGWOOD RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1664 168-330-08-00 VU MINH HOA 3471 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1970 168-352-21-00 VU THANH MINH & NGUYEN QUYNH HUONG HOANG3481 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 545 213-181-21-00 VUONG DIEP & TRAN THU 2723 ASCOT AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 735 213-221-15-00 WAGNER WILLIAM & ROSIO 6834 LEUCITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1360 213-292-05-00 WAGONER MARK D & ANN E 6820 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1814 168-340-03-22 WALKER DANIEL & MARTHA 4051 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 998 213-250-17-00 WALKER MICHAEL & SHI JING 6321 ALLSTON ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 944 213-242-35-00 WALLACE ERIC J & STEPHANIE L 2248 TIGEREYE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 553 213-181-29-00 WALLACE VINCENT & MICHELE 2718 ASCOT AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1137 213-271-05-00 WALSEY DAVID & JENNIFER 6649 BROOKITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 250 213-150-02-00 WALSH WILLIAM V & LISA M 2672 GARDEN HOUSE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1706 168-331-24-00 WALTERS RENIER D & JENNIFER A 4751 CRATER RIM RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 970 213-243-22-00 WANG ERJIAN & FAN JIN 6992 AMMONITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 2015 168-353-24-00 WARD SAMUEL M & MICHELE M T 4653 MEADOW DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 824 213-233-02-00 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MORTGAGE W M A L T TRU 7255 BAYMEADOWS WAY JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256 467 213-171-04-00 WATSON KURT & CANDICE S 6266 TOPIARY ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 727 213-221-07-00 WATSON TIMOTHY & WEST MELINDA 2380 LARIMAR AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1781 168-340-02-10 WAY JOSH & STACEY 4031 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1485 168-041-14-23 WEAVER WILLIAM H JR REVOCABLE TRUST 09-1 1506 VIA CHRISTINA VISTA, CA 92084 130 213-130-40-00 WEBB ROBERT L & CARMEN 2572 INGLETON AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 772 213-230-02-00 WEBSTER STEVE & STELLA S 1426 E MARIPOSA AVE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 968 213-243-20-00 WEEKLEY GREGORY W & TARA B 6984 AMMONITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1511 168-041-16-01 WEEKS DOUG & CAROLE B & WEEKS MICHAEL H 40555 LOS ROBLES RD FALLBROOK, CA 92028 1112 213-263-19-00 WEEKS GROUP L L C P O BOX 220 DEL MAR, CA 92014 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 1113 213-263-20-00 WEEKS GROUP L L C P O BOX 220 DEL MAR, CA 92014 375 213-161-10-00 WEHBA STEVEN R & REICHERT JEANNE 6315 DI VITA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 501 213-180-05-00 WEHKING JOHN & PAMELA 2743 PALMETTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1797 168-340-03-05 WEIGLEY NASRIN 4042 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 666 213-210-07-00 WEINBERGER 1984 TRUST 07-19-84 3754 MESA LINDA DR LAS VEGAS, NV 89120 49 213-112-53-01 WEISEL RICHARD D & BINBIN PH208-770 BAY STREET CANADA M5G 0A6, 582 213-181-58-00 WEISS JOSEPH B & NANCY C 18422 CALLE LA SERRA RANCHO SANTA FE, CA 92091 120 213-130-30-00 WEISS JOSEPH H REVOCABLE TRUST 03-11-11 88 VIA CASITAS BONSALL, CA 92003 242 213-141-54-00 WEISSMAN STACY B P O BOX 7226 RANCHO SANTA FE, CA 92067 1688 168-331-06-00 WEITZ ELIOT & ALEXA 3431 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 261 213-150-13-00 WELLE SCOTT F & JEANNIE M 2671 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 699 213-220-04-00 WELLS BRIAN F & HEATHER H FAMILY TRUST 1 6833 JADE LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1505 168-041-15-19 WELLS FARGO ASSET SECURITIES CORP 2006-3476 STATEVIEW BLVD FORT MILL, SC 29715 382 213-162-04-00 WELLS FARGO ASSET SECURITIES CORP 2006-2 3476 STATEVIEW BLVD FORT MILL, SC 29715 832 213-233-10-00 WELSH ANTHONY T & CARRIE L 6798 OBSIDIAN PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 510 213-180-14-00 WENGER DENNIS & HELENA 2703 PALMETTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 804 213-231-21-00 WEST WALLACE M & DEBBIE S 6781 VERMARINE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1290 213-290-14-00 WETLESEN EINAR A & CYNTHIA A 6726 LIMONITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1421 213-310-02-04 WETTENGEL ALLYSON M 2410 COPPER WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 822 213-232-18-00 WHALEN CHRISTOPHER M & ERIN E 2416 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1663 168-330-07-00 WHEATCROFT GEORGE C 3475 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 855 213-240-03-00 WHEATLEY WILLIAM & CHERIE 14661 FRANKLIN AVE TUSTIN, CA 92780 1480 168-041-14-18 WHELAN KEVIN T & KRISTIN M REVOCABLE TRU 3713 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 326 213-151-36-00 WHITE CHERYL 6325 GREENHAVEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1435 213-310-03-04 WHITE DAVID C 2402 TRONA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 658 213-202-20-00 WHITE FAMILY TRUST 01-18-00 2248 IVORY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 388 213-162-10-00 WHITE RYAN & KEIR AMY 2689 ECHO AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 12 213-112-42-01 WHITING ALAN L & KIMBERLEE A 6989 BRASS PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1091 213-262-14-15 WHITMORE MARTIN J SEPARATE PROPERTY 2006 6188 INNOVATION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 771 213-230-01-00 WHITNEY ANTHONY M & JENNIFER L 6773 OBSIDIAN PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 221 213-141-33-00 WIBERG RODNEY W & EVELINE C 2713 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1365 213-292-10-00 WICKERS TIMOTHY K & LESLIE S 6840 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 499 213-180-03-00 WIEDNER LORI L 2751 PALMETTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 324 213-151-34-00 WIEGAND WENDYSUE REVOCABLE TRUST 07-14-9 6333 GREENHAVEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1594 168-320-21-00 WIERENGA ELEANOR FAMILY TRUST 08-13-03 3568 FLAT ROCK ST CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1778 168-340-02-07 WIETHOLTER GREG 4026 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 421 213-170-09-00 WILDT STEPHEN F JR & KAREN Q 6269 ALVERTON DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1287 213-290-11-00 WILEY FAMILY TRUST 05-11-06 1945 COBALT DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1804 168-340-03-12 WILKIE ADAM S 4060 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1370 213-292-15-00 WILLETT DALLAS & KIRA 1999 OLIVINE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1134 213-271-02-00 WILLIAM LYON HOMES INC 4490 VON KARMAN AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 1142 213-271-10-00 WILLIAM LYON HOMES INC 4490 VON KARMAN AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 1144 213-271-12-00 WILLIAM LYON HOMES INC 4490 VON KARMAN AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 1146 213-271-14-00 WILLIAM LYON HOMES INC 4490 VON KARMAN AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 1149 213-271-17-00 WILLIAM LYON HOMES INC 4490 VON KARMAN AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 1169 213-272-06-00 WILLIAM LYON HOMES INC 4490 VON KARMAN AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 1170 213-272-07-00 WILLIAM LYON HOMES INC 4490 VON KARMAN AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 1171 213-272-08-00 WILLIAM LYON HOMES INC 4490 VON KARMAN AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 1172 213-272-09-00 WILLIAM LYON HOMES INC 4490 VON KARMAN AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 1173 213-272-10-00 WILLIAM LYON HOMES INC 4490 VON KARMAN AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 1174 213-272-11-00 WILLIAM LYON HOMES INC 4490 VON KARMAN AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 1175 213-272-12-00 WILLIAM LYON HOMES INC 4490 VON KARMAN AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 1176 213-272-13-00 WILLIAM LYON HOMES INC 4490 VON KARMAN AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 1177 213-272-14-00 WILLIAM LYON HOMES INC 4490 VON KARMAN AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 1178 213-272-15-00 WILLIAM LYON HOMES INC 4490 VON KARMAN AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 1179 213-272-16-00 WILLIAM LYON HOMES INC 4490 VON KARMAN AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 1180 213-272-17-00 WILLIAM LYON HOMES INC 4490 VON KARMAN AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 1181 213-272-18-00 WILLIAM LYON HOMES INC 4490 VON KARMAN AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 1182 213-272-19-00 WILLIAM LYON HOMES INC 4490 VON KARMAN AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 1183 213-272-20-00 WILLIAM LYON HOMES INC 4490 VON KARMAN AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 1184 213-272-21-00 WILLIAM LYON HOMES INC 4490 VON KARMAN AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 1185 213-272-22-00 WILLIAM LYON HOMES INC 4490 VON KARMAN AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 285 213-150-37-00 WILLIAM R CUNNINGHAM INVESTMENTS INC 2642 PEPPERTREE WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1908 168-350-02-00 WILLIAMS JERRY D & TOMI A 3453 MOON FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 830 213-233-08-00 WILLIAMS KEVIN & TERRY REVOCABLE TRUST 0 6790 OBSIDIAN PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1367 213-292-12-00 WILLIAMS MARK N & MICHELLE K 6848 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1374 213-292-19-00 WILLIAMS MATTHEW P & ANDREA M 1983 OLIVINE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 749 213-221-30-00 WILLIAMS MICHAEL J & KARA L 2354 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1872 168-341-07-11 WILLIAMS OWEN L 4068 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 284 213-150-36-00 WILLIAMS VICTORIA L TRUST 06-02-07 & HIB 17 VILLE FRANCHE DANA POINT, CA 92629 1319 213-290-43-00 WILSON BRYAN D & CHERIE 1956 COBALT DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 896 213-241-10-00 WILSON CHARLES W III & KRISTINA E 2273 CARNELIAN CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 1414 213-310-01-14 WILSON FAMILY REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 08-2413 COPPER WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 951 213-243-03-00 WILSON RALPH A & CHERYL B 2325 GALENA AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1559 168-280-54-00 WINFIELD KENNETH S & KAREN E 3570 GRANITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1286 213-290-10-00 WINFREY LARRY J & KATHLEEN A 1949 COBALT DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1470 168-041-14-08 WING RYAN C & KANDYCE L 3695 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 272 213-150-24-00 WINKENHOFER WILLARD E III & KARA L 2698 PEPPERTREE WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1733 168-331-51-00 WINTER DAVID & DELOE KATHLEEN D 3436 PLEASANT VALE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1490 168-041-15-04 WINTER FAMILY TRUST 07-02-04 1882 LASSEN AVE CLAREMONT, CA 91711 1329 213-291-09-00 WISE GARY G 6788 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1195 213-280-10-00 WITHERS FAMILY TRUST 03-01-01 6639 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 829 213-233-07-00 WITKOWSKI FAMILY TRUST 08-12-94 6786 OBSIDIAN PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1744 168-331-62-00 WOLF RICHARD D & KIM M 3437 RAVINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1455 168-041-13-17 WOLFF ERIC L 290 VIA TAVIRA ENCINITAS, CA 92024 1525 168-041-16-15 WONG GARY & QUACH CUC 4018 BACKSHORE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 797 213-231-14-00 WONG LAWRENCE D & JEAN L 6794 VERMARINE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1331 213-291-11-00 WONG TIMOTHY & KANG MARISELA 2004 PERIDOT CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1783 168-340-02-12 WONG WALTER 4029 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 598 213-200-03-00 WOO SUNG-KYUN & YUOK K 8135 N RIVER RD RIVER HILLS, WI 53217 1856 168-341-06-22 WOOD BRANDON L & WOOD DONALD 4101 PENINSULA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1842 168-341-06-08 WOOD LISA 4113 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1772 168-340-02-01 WOOD THOMAS V 2315 VIA SANTOS #K CARLSBAD, CA 92008 189 213-141-01-00 WORSTER LARRY R & DENISE M 6249 COTTAGE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 859 213-240-07-00 WORTHINGTON SCOTT M & TERRY F 2271 GALENA AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1453 168-041-13-15 WRATHALL LAURENCE R & CINA CHERYL L 3640 JETTY PT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1167 213-272-04-00 WRIGHT CURTIS F & KERRY L 6683 TITANITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 690 213-212-08-00 WUJEK PETER M & SEIDENGLANZ ELISSA 6947 AMBER LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 936 213-242-25-00 WYCOFF GENE K 6895 GOLDSTONE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 479 213-171-16-00 XAVIER CHRISTY & MELISSA 6253 ARBOR ROSE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 606 213-200-11-00 XU YUANKE & CAROLINE 6840 CITRINE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1439 168-041-13-01 XU-ZHENG LIVING TRUST 11-30-07 3379 WATERFORD DR OCEANSIDE, CA 92056 698 213-220-03-00 YAGHMAI REZA FAMILY TRUST 03-11-02 6837 JADE LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1262 213-283-09-00 YANG DEBRA A & YETTER CAROL L LIVING TRU 6566 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 263 213-150-15-00 YANG FAMILY TRUST 05-20-11 2691 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 286 213-150-38-00 YANG JAE YOUNG & KYUNG J KATE 2638 PEPPERTREE WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1896 168-341-08-11 YANG NANCY C & YANG DEBRA A 4152 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1529 168-041-16-19 YATES JEFFREY B 171 SOMERVELLE ST #304 ALEXANDRIA, VA 22304 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 738 213-221-18-00 YEGHIAYAN FLEUR 2102 COLINA DEL ARCO IRIS SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92673 1522 168-041-16-12 YEN CHEN-LAN 4014 BACKSHORE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 668 213-211-01-00 YEO ANNIE P O BOX 130032 CARLSBAD, CA 92013 1626 168-321-13-00 YERMIAN ELENA 3521 ROCK RIDGE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1295 213-290-19-00 YEUNG PETER H C & TSAO JI WEN 6746 LIMONITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 719 213-220-24-00 YEVILOV FAMILY TRUST 12-20-10 6810 JADE LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1669 168-330-13-00 YOON YOUNG SOO & PARK SOO JEONG 102 SK-VIEW APT KOREA, 693 213-212-11-00 YORGASON JAMES K & KAREN 6946 AMBER LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1189 213-280-04-00 YORK PETER M & MERLENE K 6615 HALITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1564 168-280-59-00 YOSHIMOTO WILLIAM M & JOY R 2005 TRUST 1 1863 AVENIDA APRENDA RCH PALOS VRD, CA 90275 1296 213-290-20-00 YOUNG JASON D & ALISHA N 6750 LIMONITE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 110 213-130-20-00 YOUNG JOHN M & CAROL A 6210 TOPIARY ST CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1949 168-351-08-00 YOUNGER RICHARD W & TRACY M 3436 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1156 213-271-24-00 YU LEI & BAO DINGJIU 6638 TITANITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1153 213-271-21-00 YU WEI 6650 TITANITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1166 213-272-03-00 YULE BRIAN M 6679 TITANITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 154 213-140-01-00 ZAGALA FAMILY TRUST 06-01-98 10806 CUSHDON AVE LOS ANGELES, CA 90064 1351 213-291-31-00 ZAINO ROBERT & BARBARA 1984 MARCASITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1119 213-270-05-00 ZAMARRIPA MIGUEL A & VIGIL-ZAMARRIPA BAR 2450 MICA RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 119 213-130-29-00 ZAMOFF JAMIE B & CHRISTINA H 2573 DISCOVERY RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 872 213-240-20-00 ZANGANEH ALI H 2202 AZURITE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 215 213-141-27-00 ZANIBONI LINDA J TRUST 01-19-09 2681 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1927 168-350-21-00 ZAR HAMID & SU-HUEI 3458 RICH FIELD DR CARLSBAD, CA 92010 1251 213-282-15-00 ZARDO BIANCA F 2357 MICA RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 232 213-141-44-00 ZAYER JAHANGEER M & JENNIFER L 2692 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 513 213-180-17-00 ZENG JIANBO & JIN AIJUN 2712 PALMETTO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1682 168-330-26-00 ZENGER DENNIS P REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 0 3870 NW VARDON PL PORTLAND, OR 97229 1606 168-320-33-00 ZEPEDA PAUL F G & GUTIERREZ DIANE A W 3554 SAND CT CARLSBAD, CA 92010 549 213-181-25-00 ZERBONI ADINA I 2707 ASCOT AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 6 213-112-39-05 ZGRAGEN R & S FAMILY TRUST & ZGRAGEN ZAC 38 BARBRAS CT HOLLISTER, CA 95023 1362 213-292-07-00 ZHENG JIANHUA & SHI XIAOGUANG 6828 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1432 213-310-03-01 ZHU ZHIMIN & WENG JIAN HUI 2414 TRONA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1504 168-041-15-18 ZIC RONALD A & LINDA E 11427 E PINON DR SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85262 599 213-200-04-00 ZIEGLER DALE L & BETTY J FAMILY TRUST 07 P O BOX 1565 RANCHO SANTA FE, CA 92067 145 213-130-55-00 ZIELASEK JOERG G & SABINE 2647 GATEWAY RD #105-5 CARLSBAD, CA 92009 680 213-211-13-00 ZIELINSKI HENRY P & DIONNE K 6894 AMBER LN CARLSBAD, CA 92009 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 Names and Addresses of Property Owners ID APN OWNER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP 1882 168-341-07-21 ZINGREBE CHRISTOPHER M 4094 KARST RD CARLSBAD, CA 92010 739 213-221-19-00 ZIRING PHILIP R & PHYLLIS REVOCABLE TRUS 2386 LAPIS RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 1391 213-300-08-00 ZMACK L L C 1868 CREST DR ENCINITAS, CA 92024 74 213-112-58-03 ZONIS JULIO & PERLA F 6930 TOURMALINE PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No. 2012-1 – City of Carlsbad Prepared by NBS – January 30, 2013 City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No.2012-1 Reassessment Report 10Prepared by NBS –January 30, 2013 METHOD OF REASSESSMENT Each reassessment has been computed as a proration of the existing individual assessments to the totalexisting assessment. City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No.2012-1 Reassessment Report 11Prepared by NBS –January 30, 2013 MAXIMUM ANNUAL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSESSMENT Pursuant to subparagraph (f) of Section 10204 of the Streets and Highways Code, an annualadministrative assessment shall be levied upon each of the several subdivisions of land in the reassessment district to pay costs incurred by the City and not otherwise reimbursed which result fromthe administration and collection of reassessments or from the administration or registration of any associated bonds and reserve or other related funds. The maximum annual administrative assessmentshall not exceed 5% percent of the annual reassessment per individual assessment parcel per year. The annual administrative assessment, as set forth above, is separate from and is in addition to the amounts collected and added to each annual installment pursuant to Sections 8682 and 8682.1 of theCalifornia Streets and Highways Code, and is further separate from and in addition to specific fees payable to the City in connection with (a) prepayments of reassessments by property owners, (b)apportionments of reassessments to reflect divisions of parcels and (c) late charges and penalties which become payable in the event of delinquency in the payment of reassessment installments by December10 and April 10 each year. City of Carlsbad Reassessment District No.2012-1 Reassessment Report 13Prepared by NBS –January 30, 2013 REASSESSMENT DIAGRAM The Reassessment Diagram was recorded in Book 43 of Maps of Assessment and Community FacilitiesDistricts at Page 97 in the office of the County Recorder of the County of San Diego on January 28, 2013, Document No.2013-0057606.