HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-01-29; City Council; 21113; Traffic Management Approve Phase II Levante StCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AB# 21.113 1/29/13 DEPT. TRAN CARLSBAD RESIDENTIAL TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PROGRAM - APPROVE PHASE II PLAN FOR LEVANTE STREET DEPT DIRECTOI CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve the Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program Phase II measures for Levante Street and introduce Ordinance No. cS-203 to require stops on Levante Street at its seven intersections with Torrejon Place (west), Oviedo Place, Madrilena Way, Galicia Way (east), Primavera Way, Galleon Way, and Estancia Way. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program (CRTMP) is a three-phase program approved by City Council to address speeding on residential streets. The CRTMP is designed to tackle speeding issues by collaborating with the community and soliciting their input and support. Over the past several years, staff has been working with the residents on Levante Street to help reduce speeds on their neighborhood street utilizing Phase I of the CRTMP. Phase I utilizes educational and enforcement tools such as speed limit signs and pavement legends, police enforcement and portable speed feedback signs to help reduce speeds and enhance the quality of life in residential neighborhoods. Phase I solutions on Levante Street did not result in significant speed reductions so staff has been working with the community on Phase II solutions over the past year. Phase II utilizes cost-effective measures such as residential STOP signs to reduce the uncontrolled length of residential streets to a more appropriate "residential neighborhood scale". By spacing these features approximately 500 to 1,000 feet apart and at regular intervals along a street, driving behavior can be modified and speeds reduced. As part of the process outlined in Phase II, a neighborhood meeting was held on April 25, 2012 to present a proposed Phase II plan and to work with the residents to establish consensus for the plan. The plan proposes installation of residential STOP signs on Levante Street at the following intersections: Torrejon Place (west), Oviedo Place, Madrilena Way, Galicia Way (east), Primavera Way, Galleon Way, and Estancia Way (see Exhibit 1). Levante Street, from Escenico Terrace to La Costa Avenue, is approximately 7,735 feet (1.5 miles) in length. There are currently five existing all- way STOPS on Levante Street. The proposed STOPs would bring the total of all-way STOP controlled intersections on Levante Street to twelve. This would reduce the uncontrolled length of Levante Street to segments of approximately 500 to 900 feet in length. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Bryan Jones, (760) 602-2431, brvan.iones@carlsbadca.gov FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. X COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED X CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC • DENIED • CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN • CONTINUED • RETURNED TO STAFF • WITHDRAWN • OTHER - SEE MINUTES • AMENDED • Page 2 Implementation of Phase II requires that the proposed plan be supported by the residents on the street as determined by the results of a mailed survey. Public support has been defined in the CRTMP as at least a 50% return rate of the surveys and at least a 67% support rate of the returned surveys. After the public meeting, a survey was sent to all residents and non-resident owners on this portion of Levante Street. The results were as follows: 192 addresses were surveyed; 131 surveys were returned (68% return rate); and of the returned surveys, 89 were in support of the plan (68% support rate). The Traffic Safety Commission considered this matter at its meeting on October 1, 2012. Based on the findings by staff and the public support indicated by the mail survey, the Traffic Safety Commission recommended approval of the CRTMP Phase II plan for Levante Street and that ALL- WAY STOP control be established on Levante Street at its intersections with Torrejon Place (west), Oviedo Place, Madrilena Way, Galicia Way (east), Primavera Way, Galleon Way, and Estancia Way. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(c) - minor alteration of existing facilities, including streets, sidewalks, gutters, and similar facilities involving negligible or no expansion. FISCAL IMPACT: The installation of fourteen STOP signs, fourteen STOP legends, fourteen limit lines and four STOP AHEAD signs on Levante Street will cost approximately $15,000. Sufficient funds are available in the Streets Division operating budget. EXHIBITS: 1. Location map. 2. Minutes from the Traffic Safety Commission meeting of 10/1 /12. 3. Ordinance No. cs-203 to require stops on Levante Street at its intersections with Torrejon Place (west), Oviedo Place, Madrilena Way, Galicia Way (east), Primavera Way, Galleon Way, and Estancia Way. 2^ 3 MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION October 1, 2012 5:00 p.m. City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER Chair Jairo Valderrama called the Meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Chair Jairo Valderrama Vice-Chair Hope Wrisley Commissioner Kathryn Fox Commissioner Fred Muir Commissioner Chris Chauncey None Staff Members Present: John Kim, Associate Engineer, Transportation Department Jim Murray, Associate Engineer, Transportation Department Bryan Jones, Deputy Director, City Traffic Engineer Commissioner Valderrama asked Commissioner Chauncey to briefly introduce himself since it was his first Traffic Safety Commission meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES September 10, 2012 AaiON: VOTE: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: Motion by Vice-Chair Wrisley, and duly seconded by Chair Valderrama, to approve the minutes ofthe special meeting held on September 10,2012, as presented. 4-0-1 Valderrama, Wrisley, Fox, Muir None Chauncey Ll October 1,2012 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 2 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None PREVIOUS BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: Bryan Jones presented an overview of the Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program (CRTMP). Staff has been working with the residents on traffic calming measures in the nine neighborhoods qualified for Phase II consideration. The first three neighborhoods are being presented for consideration at this meeting. Mr. Jones added that the goal ofthe CRTMP is to break up uncontrolled neighborhood streets into shorter block lengths. These proposed plans are more community-driven than staff-driven, meaning the residents in the neighborhoods have requested that the city address certain issues and is not the city pushing any decisions on the neighborhoods. ITEM 6A: Magnolia Avenue Traffic Calming Plan Magnolia Avenue Traffic Calming Plan was presented by Jim Murray. Staff has received concerns regarding speeding on Magnolia Avenue over the past 10 years. Based on Phase II ofthe Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program, staff drafted a proposed plan to add two ALL-WAY STOP locations on Magnolia Avenue at Adams Street and at Grecourt Way. A public neighborhood meeting was held on May 16, 2012 with the residents of this neighborhood to present the proposed plan and address any questions from residents. After the public meeting, a survey was mailed out to residents and non-resident owners on Magnolia Avenue. There was a 70% return on the mailed surveys and a 91% support rate of the proposed plan. Based on the results of the survey and the requirements of Phase II ofthe Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program, staff recommended approval ofthe Magnolia Avenue Traffic Calming Plan to install ALL-WAY STOP control on Magnolia Avenue at Adams Street and at Grecourt Way. ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Fox, and duly seconded by Vice-Chair Wrisley, to approve the Magnolia Avenue Traffic Calming Plan. VOTE: 5-0-0 AYES: Valderrama, Wrisley, Fox, Muir, Chauncey NOES: None ABSTAIN: None October 1,2012 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 3 ITEM 6B: Esfera Street Traffic Calming Plan Esfera Avenue Traffic Calming Plan was presented by John Kim. Mr. Kim reiterated that the goal of the CRTMP was to reduce the uncontrolled lengths of neighborhood streets to shorter, "residential scale" block lengths of 500 to 1,000 feet in length. Based on Phase II ofthe CRTMP, staff drafted a proposed plan to add two ALL-WAY STOP locations on Esfera Street at Fosca Street and at Piragua Street. A public neighborhood meeting was held on May 9, 2012 with the residents of this neighborhood to present the proposed plan and address any questions from residents. After the public meeting, a survey was mailed out to the residents and non-resident owners on Esfera Street. There was a 61% return on the mailed surveys and a 77% support rate for the proposed plan. Based on the results of the survey and the requirements of Phase II of the CRTMP, staff recommended approval ofthe Esfera Street Traffic Calming Plan to install ALL-WAY STOP control on Esfera Street at Fosca Street and at Piragua Street. Sandra Gravitt, 7410 Esfera Street, Carlsbad, resident of 22 years, spoke to show appreciation for staffs efforts and thank Mr. Murray for ail of his help and attention to the residents in the Esfera neighborhood. Ms. Gravitt stated that since the opening of La Costa Oaks, the Cadencia Street traffic has been terrible with cars racing up and speeding down the street. There have been two accidents since the opening of La Costa Oaks. Commissioner Fox asked if staff considered an ALL-WAY STOP at the intersection of Esfera Street and Cadencia Street. Mr. Kim answered that this question was indeed brought up at the public meeting held on May 9, 2012. By design, the project scope was limited to traffic control on Esfera Street only. Considering a STOP sign on Cadencia Street would be beyond the scope ofthe Esfera Street Traffic Calming Plan. However, Cadencia Street is on the list of streets to be considered for Phase II implementation and a future STOP sign on Cadencia Street at Esfera Street would likely be considered at a later date. ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Fox, and duly seconded by Chair Valderrama, to approve the Esfera Street Traffic Calming Plan. VOTE: 5-0-0 AYES: Valderrama, Wrisley, Fox, Muir, Chauncey NOES: None ABSTAIN: None October 1,2012 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 4 ITEM 6C: Levante Street Traffic Calming Plan Levante Street Traffic Calming Plan was presented by Mr. Murray. Mr. Murray stated that Levante Street is the longest street currently being considered for traffic calming, at 7,715 feet in length between Escenico Terrace and La Costa Avenue. Currently, there are five existing ALL-WAY STOP locations on Levante Street. Based on Phase II ofthe CRTMP, staff proposed a draft plan to install seven additional ALL-WAY STOP locations on Levante Street. This would reduce the uncontrolled segments of Levante Street from approximately 1,200 to 1,900 feet to approximately 500 to 900 feet. A public meeting was held on April 25, 2012 with the residents of this neighborhood to present the proposed plan and to answer any questions from residents. After the public meeting, a survey was mailed out to the residents and non-resident owners on Levante Street. There was a 68% return on the mailed surveys and a 68% support rate for the proposed plan. Due to the number of proposed STOP locations, Mr. Murray reported that staff drove the length of Levante Street, stopping at the proposed STOP locations and is confident that the proposed plan will be effective. Based on the results ofthe survey and the requirements of Phase II ofthe CRTMP, staff recommended approval ofthe Levante Street Traffic Calming Plan to install ALL-WAY STOP control on Levante Street at Torrejon Place (west), Oviedo Place, Madrilena Way, Galicia Way (east), Primavera Way, Galleon Way and Estancia Street. Commissioner Muir asked if there was a difference in elapsed time making the stops at the proposed STOP locations as opposed to stopping only at the existing STOP locations. Mr. Murray answered that the drive was not timed. Commissioner Muir asked if there was a magic distance between STOP signs that people cease to speed. Mr. Kim stated that there is no magic number. The distance range of 500 to 1,000 feet found in the CRTMP is based on the results ofthe pilot projects on Sierra Morena Avenue and Donna Drive. Commissioner Chauncey asked when this many STOP signs are "overkill" and asked if maybe there was a possibility for a few less stop signs. Mr. Kim explained that the five existing stop signs were installed over the years in response to speed complaints. The speeding issue has not been resolved by this approach which did not consider the spacing between features. The number of STOP locations for this proposed plan was necessary on Levante Street due to the length ofthe street in question. Commissioner Muir inquired ifthe residents in the neighborhoods surrounding Levante Street were included in the vote conducted. 7 October 1,2012 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 5 Mr. Jones said that no they were not included but they were notified regarding the TSC meeting tonight. Mr. Murray stated that he had received 5 emails and several phone calls regarding this item. All of the emails and phone calls were in opposition to the proposed plan and suggested reducing the number of proposed STOP locations. Commissioner Fox made the statement that there are two alternate streets (La Costa Avenue and Calle Barcelona) that could be used if travel on Levante Street became inconvenient due to the proposed STOP locations. Jenny Racine, 2217 Levante Street. Ms. Racine sated that she has to drive to the school on Levante multiple times per day and the additional STOP signs would increase her travel time to and from the school significantly. Ms. Racine also stated that the noise from the STOP to be placed in front of her house on the corner of Levante and Torrejon would affect her home as well as her autistic child. She also said that this STOP would devalue her property. Ms. Racine proposed that the new ALL-WAY STOP be located at Reposado Drive instead of Torrejon Place. Ms., Racine concluded that her neighbors are also opposed to the proposed plan and gave the Commissioners a copy of her letter and attached photos. Ray Peterson, 2433 Sacada Circle. Mr. Peterson stated that he was opposed to the particular plan presented. While he supported the idea of reducing speed on Levante Street, he would have liked for the surrounding neighborhoods to have been included in the voting process. Stevon Booljonoc, 2425A Sacada Circle, resident since 1977. Mr. Booljonoc is opposed to the Levante traffic calming plan and would like to see speed bumps instead of more signs because of the fact that he travels on Levante Street on a daily basis and it would not be fair that he would have to stop at each sign. He also said that the traffic that would back up in the morning and afternoon by the school from the additional STOP signs would cause an unreasonable amount of delay. Perry Kagan, 2436B Sacada Circle. Mr. Kagan stated that he understands that need for traffic calming on Levante Street but thinks that this is going to be overkill and cause gridlock. He does agree with adding the STOP signs near the school. He says that these STOP signs would give people no choice but to use La Costa Avenue or be stuck in traffic. Mr. Kagan also said police should be used to enforce the speed limit and the STOP signs would devalue the resident's properties along Levante Street. In conclusion he stated that this idea is overkill, inconvenient, and the City needs to revise the plan for Levante Street. Chris Bara, 2441 Levante Street, Carlsbad, resident of 26 years. Mr. Bara stated that this plan is overkill. Maybe speed bumps could be used as a solution, thinks the plan needs to be revised. 9 October 1,2012 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 6 Nancy Starling, 2304 Levante Street, resident of 7 J4 years. Ms. Starling is shocked at the number of STOP signs in the plan and she is opposed. She said that Levante Street would become similar to Rancho Santa Fe Road in Encinitas. She would like to propose speed bumps to slow down traffic and put police out to enforce the speed limit. Vice Chair Wrisley stated that she has a STOP sign in front of her home and has observed that 1/3 ofthe people stop, 1/3 ofthe people roll through the stop, 1/3 don't pay attention at all. She also said that the speed tables installed on Donna Drive are easy to avoid and maybe they are not so effective. Commissioner Muir asked why staff has not expanded the survey to include surrounding streets. Mr. Kim stated that there are costs to every potential solution. In order to achieve safety, factors such as convenience must sometimes be sacrificed. The CRTMP was designed to prioritize safety, therefore the scope ofthe program was limited to the residents ofthe streets. Vice-Chair Wrisley said that the residents directly affected should be included in the vote. Mr. Jones stated that police do patrol streets on a rotation. He also said that 35 MPH does not give a motorist enough time to see and stop for a pedestrian that may step into the street. Residential streets are more oriented to pedestrians and children playing in front yards, especially if there is a school nearby, as is the case on Levante Street. That is the reason why the California Vehicle Code specifies 25 MPH for residential streets. Commissioner Fox wanted to confirm that this plan was created by a combination of citizen requests and a proposal by staff. Mr. Jones confirmed Commissioner Fox's statement. Commissioner Chauncey asked ifthe residents were given an all or nothing choice to vote on. Mr. Jones stated that the residents had a desired speed for their neighborhood of 25 MPH and this plan will achieve that speed as the distance between stop signs decreases. The residents helped develop this plan that went out for a vote of the residents. This was not forced on them but finalized after much discussion at the public neighborhood meeting. Vice-Chair Wrisley said that the light-up signs that show speed are effective. Commissioner Chauncey asked about alternatives such as dips in the road. October 1,2012 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 7 Mr. Jones answered that dips are the reverse of speed bumps and the residents expressed a strong aversion to speed bumps. Staff could revisit this at the Commission's request but it seemed clear to staff that residents did not want speed bumps. Chair Valderrama stated that police enforcement for speeding on streets cannot work all the time since there is not enough manpower. The police need to focus on the safety of everyone in the city. We need some kind of happy medium for everybody. Mr. Jones stated that staff would like direction from the commissioners if they were not in support ofthe plan. Vice-Chair Wrisley expressed that Levante residents would wonder why they were asked for their opinion if it was not going to work. Mr. Kim stated that the efforts to address the issue would not necessarily stop if this plan is not approved. Additional public meetings could be held to evaluate support for a plan with a reduced number of STOP sign locations. ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Fox, and duly seconded by Chair Valderrama, to approve the Levante Street Traffic Calming Plan. VOTE: 4-1-0 AYES: Valderrama, Wrisley, Fox, Muir NOES: Chauncey ABSTAIN: None ITEM 6D: Review and approve TSC rules and adopt TSC Resolution No. 2012-3 Mr. Kim stated that a proposed time change for the Traffic Safety Commission meetings was discussed at the previous meeting. In order to officially move the meeting time from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., the Commissioners needed to revise the procedural rules that outline the conduct ofthe TSC meetings. ACTION: Motion by Vice-Chair Wrisley, and duly seconded by Commissioner Fox, to approve the TSC procedural rules and adopt TSC resolution No. 2012-3, which revises the regular meeting time ofthe TSC from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. VOTE: 5-0-0 AYES: Valderrama, Wrisley, Fox, Muir, Chauncey NOES: None ABSTAIN: None to October 1,2012 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 8 ITEM 7: REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS None. ITEM 8: REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER Mr. Jones announced that the City received $1.25 million in grants for the Carlsbad Livable Streets Program. Mr. Jones also announced that there is a "Village Voices" meeting on the third Thursday of every month that the commissioners may be interested in attending. Mr. Jones also reminded the commissioners ofthe Commissions & Committees Dinner on Thursday night. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, Chair Valderrama adjourned the Meeting of October 1, 2012 at 6:37 p.m. Respectfully submitted. Rose Williams Secretary // ORDINANCE NO. CS-203 1 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 3 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.28 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO REQUIRE 4 STOPS ON LEVANTE STREET AT ITS INTERSECTIONS WITH TORREJON PLACE (WEST), OVIEDO PLACE, MADRILENA 5 WAY, GALICIA WAY (EAST), PRIMAVERA WAY, GALLEON WAY, AND ESTANCIA WAY 6 7 8 9 "10.28.541 - Torreion Place (west). Drivers shall stop where the 20 following described streets intersects Torrejon Place (west): YI Levante Street" 12 SECTION 2: That Title 10, Chapter 10.28 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended j3 by the addition of Section 10.28.982 to read as follows: 14 15 16 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, hereby ordains as follows: SECTION 1: That Title 10, Chapter 10.28 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Section 10.28.541 to read as follows: "10.28.982 - Oviedo Place. Drivers shall stop where the following described streets intersect Oviedo Place: Levante Street" Levante Street" SECTION 4: That Title 10, Chapter 10.28 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Section 10.28.984 to read as follows: SECTION 3: That Title 10, Chapter 10.28 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended 17 by the addition of Section 10.28.983 to read as follows: 18 "10.28.983 - Madrilena Way. Drivers shall stop where the following described street intersects Madrilena Way: 19 20 21 22 "10.28.984 - Galicia Way (east). Drivers shall stop where the following 23 described street intersects Galicia Way (east): 24 Levante Street" /// 25 " 26 27 28 /// /// 1 SECTION 5: That Title 10, Chapter 10.28 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended 2 by the addition of Section 10.28.985 to read as follows: 3 "10.28.985 - Primavera Way. Drivers shall stop where the following described street intersects Primavera Way: 4 Levante Street" 5 SECTION 6: That Title 10, Chapter 10.28 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Section 10.28.986 to read as follows: 7 "10.28.986 - Galleon Way. Drivers shall stop where the following described street intersects Galleon Way: Levante Street" 8 9 10 11 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 SECTION 7: That Title 10, Chapter 10.28 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Section 10.28.987 to read as follows: "10.28.987 - Estancia Street. Drivers shall stop where the following described 12 street intersects Estancia Street: 13 Levante Street" 14 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) days after its adoption; and 15 the City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in 16 a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen (15) days after its adoption. 17 /// 18 /// 19 /// 20 /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// 1 INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a Regular Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on 2 the 29*^ day of January 2013, and thereafter 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 4 Califomia, on the ^day of , 2013, by the following vote, to wit: 5 AYES: 6 NOES: 7 ABSENT: 8 9 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: 10 11 12 13 Celia A. Brewer, City Attomey MATT HALL, Mayor 14 ATTEST: 15 16 KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Assistant City Clerk 17 (SEAL) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Kira Linberg From: Subject: Importance: Council Internet Email FW: Levante St. Traffic Calming Plan - an email & (2) telephone call comments High 1 From: Belinda Guzman Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 2:30 PM To: Kira Linberg Cc: Morgen Fry; Jim Murray; Bryan Jones Subject: FW: Levante St. Traffic Calming Plan - an email & (2) telephone call comments Importance: High Hi Kira, Public comments, quantity 3, listed below on the traffic calming items going to Council tonight. Thanks for your assistance, Belinda For the members ofthe: CITY COUNCIL / ACM_PCMA/CAJZC^ From: Jim Murray Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 2:24 PM To: Belinda Guzman Cc: Bryan Jones; John Kim Subject: Levante St. Traffic Calming Plan - an email & (2) telephone call comments Belinda, Here is the email comment from Matt Fernandes who lives on Levante St. in support ofthe propose traffic calming plan. Also I received (2) telephone calls regarding the proposed Levante St. Traffic Calming Plan: • One was a voice mail message from a woman (did not give her name or address) stating she lives on Levante St. and is "very unhappy" with the proposed Levante St. Traffic Calming Plan, does not think STOP signs are needed. • The other was from Daniel Bojanic who lives on Sacada Circle, he does not want all of the proposed STOP signs on Levante St., he thinks traffic signals should be installed instead. Please forward the email and the (2) telephone comments to the City Manager's Office so the comments are given to the City Council members. Thank you. dim CITV Of ^ CARLSBAD Transportation Department Jim Murray Associate Engineer Traffic Division City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 www.carlsbadca.ROv P: (760)602-2734 F: (760) 6q2-8562 Jim.lvrarrav(^caflsbadie^gov ...... . •* s--*^ .From: Matt.Fernandes'[iT>ailto:mfernandesl7@omail.com1 Sent: Monday, jafiuary 28; 2013 3:42 PM To: Jim Murray Subject: Levante St. Traffic Calming Plan Jim, I will not be able to attend the City Coucil meeting tomorrow but I wanted to send you this email to let you know that I support the additional stop signs on my street. Cars speeding on Levante is an all too common occurence that poses a real danger to an abnormally large number of children. In addition to the children who live on Levante (my son and daughter included), there are 680 students that attend La Costa Heights Elementary, and a high school bus pick-up/drop off. One of the stop signs will be added to the street sign that is in my front yard at 3115 Levante St. so I understand that some people might be against the cosmetics of adding a big red sign to their yards. That being said, I think it is a small price to pay to make the street safer for our children. I would appreciate your support in this matter. Sincerely, Matt Fernandes Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program Bryan Jones Deputy Transportation Director 1 Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program “The City Council established the Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program as a countermeasure to intrusion by excessive traffic and/or higher than normal vehicle speeds in the neighborhood and thus, to help improve the quality of life.” 2 The CRTMP is a three-phase program Phase I – Education and Enforcement Phase II – Cost Effective Traffic Management Phase III – Traditional Traffic Calming 3 Phase I – Education and Enforcement Eligibility Requirements: Subject street must be a residential street, posted at 25 mph, with a curb-to-curb width of 40 feet or less. 4 Phase I features include… Police Enforcement Speed Feedback Signs Speed Limit Signs Pavement Legends 5 Phase II – Cost Effective Traffic Management Eligibility Requirements: Completion of Phase I Subject street must have critical speed of 32 mph or greater. Phase II Plan must be supported by the majority of the residents. 6 Phase II features include… Speed Tables Residential STOP signs Speed Cushions Narrowing Lanes by striping 7 Phase III – Traffic Calming Eligibility Requirements: Completion of Phase II Subject street must have critical speed of 32 mph or greater (after implementation of Phase II). Subject street must score more than 50 points on the Phase III Qualification Criteria. Phase III Plan must be supported by the majority of the residents. 8 Phase III features include… Chicanes Traffic Circles Curb Extensions Median Islands 9 Streets Eligible for Phase II 1.Magnolia Avenue (Highland Drive to Pio Pico Drive) 2.Esfera Street (Cadencia Street to Piragua Street) 3.Levante Street (Escenico Terrace to La Costa Avenue) 4.Chestnut Avenue (Pontiac Drive and Sierra Morena Avenue) 5.Corintia Street (Alga Road to El Fuerte Street) 6.Daisy Avenue (Rose Drive to Batiquitos Drive) 7.Pontiac Drive (Victoria Avenue to Spokane Way) 8.Trieste Drive (Chestnut Avenue to Milano Drive) 9.Estrella de Mar Road (Alga Road to Arenal Road) 10 11 Magnolia Avenue Traffic Calming Plan 1,1715 FEET 12 Magnolia Avenue Traffic Calming Plan Neighborhood meeting held on 5/16/12 Survey results: 46 addresses surveyed/32 returned (70%) 29/32 supported plan (91%) 13 Esfera Street Traffic Calming Plan 14 Esfera Street Traffic Calming Plan Neighborhood meeting held on 5/9/12 Survey results: 36 addresses surveyed/22 returned (61%) 17/22 supported plan (77%) 15 Levante Street Traffic Calming Plan 16 Levante Street Traffic Calming Plan Neighborhood meeting held on 4/25/12 Survey results: 192 addresses surveyed/131 returned (68%) 89/131 supported plan (68%) Questions? 17