HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-03-12; City Council; 21151; Approval Amendment 7 Brown CaldwellCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 21.151 APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT NO. 7 WITH BROWN AND CALDWELL FOR THE DESIGN OF THE VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR SEWER, REACHES 11B-15, AND THE AGUA HEDIONDA SEWER LIFT STATION PROJECT NOS. 3492, 3886, AND 3949 DEPT. DIRECTOR MTG. 3/12/13 APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT NO. 7 WITH BROWN AND CALDWELL FOR THE DESIGN OF THE VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR SEWER, REACHES 11B-15, AND THE AGUA HEDIONDA SEWER LIFT STATION PROJECT NOS. 3492, 3886, AND 3949 CITY ATTORNEY DEPT. UTIL APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT NO. 7 WITH BROWN AND CALDWELL FOR THE DESIGN OF THE VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR SEWER, REACHES 11B-15, AND THE AGUA HEDIONDA SEWER LIFT STATION PROJECT NOS. 3492, 3886, AND 3949 CITY MANAGER "^Q^ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 901.'^-056 _ approving Amendment No. 7 to extend and amend the Professional Sen/ices Agreement with Brown and Caldwell for the design of the Vista/Carisbad Interceptor Sewer, Reaches 118-15, and the Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station, Project Nos. 3492, 3886, and 3949. ITEM EXPLANATION: Proiect Background: The Vista/Carisbad Interceptor Sewer System was constructed in 1965 and is jointly- owned by the City of Vista and the City of Carisbad. The alignment, approximately eight miles in length within the City of Carisbad, extends from just west of College Boulevard and Highway 78 to the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility (Encina). There are two sewer lift stations within the alignment, the Buena Vista Lift Station, and the Agua Hedionda Lift Station (see Exhibit 1). Both are maintained and operated by the Encina Wastewater Authority through a joint agreement. The upper reaches of the Vista/Carisbad Interceptor Sewer System from VCl through VC11A have been replaced or rehabilitated in recent years. Reaches VC11B to VC15, which include the Agua Hedionda Lift Station and the adjacent trestle bridge supporting the sewer across the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, are in a state of declining condition and need to be replaced. Additionally, these facilities do not have the capacity to convey the ultimate flows projected for the basin. The Agua Hedionda Lift Station is the City's largest sewer lift station and is located adjacent to the lagoon on property owned by NRG Energy. The remaining portion ofthe gravity sewer to Encina, approximately two miles in length, does not have adequate capacity to meet future flows that are anticipated. Furthermore, this reach of interceptor sewer has been identified for replacement in Carisbad's Sewer Master Plan to address the capacity deficit. In 2008, the City selected the engineering firm of Brown and Caldwell to perform the final engineering design of the project. In addition to the engineering services, Brown and Caldwell was asked to provide a full service consultant team that could provide sun/ey support, geotechnical investigation, environmental compliance documents and acquisition of resource agency permits. Proiect Description: The project includes the replacement of the existing wood trestle bridge with a new 140-foot long steel truss bridge, construction of a new sewer lift station approximately 50-feet east of the current facility, and construction of a new parallel force main and gravity sewer to provide increased capacity and reliability to the sewer system. The new gravity sewer will t>e constructed in Avenida Encinas and a portion of the new sewer will require installation by microtunneling. The new force main will require construction by Horizontal Directional Drilling to avoid utilities within the area. The existing gravity sewer downstream of the lift station was inspected in 2009 and will continue to be utilized to convey a portion of the daily sewage flows from the new lift station and to maintain existing sewer connections south of Cannon Road. The new sewer bridge is being designed to accommodate the occasional maintenance vehicle and will be suitable for use by the Coastal Rail Trail as that project moves fonA/ard in the future. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Terry Smith, (760) 602-2765, terry.smith@carisbadca.gov FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED '• CONTINUED • WITHDRAWN • AMENDED • CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC • CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN • RETURNED TO STAFF • OTHER - SEE MINUTES • Page 2 Amendment Description: Amendment No. 7 to the Brown and Caldwell agreement is necessary to address and incorporate the recommendations developed during the constructability review of the project as performed by the City's consultant construction manager. As part of the constructability review process, a workshop was held with the major project stakeholders including the project construction manager. City of Carisbad staff. City of Vista staff, and operations personnel from the Encina Wastewater Authority (Encina), As a result of recommendations from the workshop, the primary effort in the amendment is to consolidate the four separate bid packages into a single large bid package to minimize potential conflicts between multiple prime contractors and to realize economy of scale. Also, since the constructability review workshop was not originally anticipated in the Brown and Caldwell design agreement, the amendment includes their involvement in the workshop as well as reviewing and responding to comments. Other work items in the amendment include suggested changes to the electrical sen/ice design as discussed with SDG&E, and requested modifications by Encina staff to improve operational reliability, software programming compatibility, and security at the lift station. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: A Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) were prepared for the Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station, Force Main and Gravity Sewer Replacement project (PDP 00-02(C)/SP 144(L)/RP 10-26/CDP 10-17/HDP 10-05/SUP 10-02/HMP 10-03). The MND was adopted by the City Council on December 6, 2011, in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15074. Furthermore, approval of an amendment with Brown and Caldwell for professional services is exempt from the requirements of CEQA pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065. This action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. FISCAL IMPACT: The fee for the additional services included in this Amendment is $122,970. A summary of current and projected project costs is as follows: PROJECT COST SUMMARY FOR THE AGUA HEDIONDA SEWER UFT STATION AND V/C INTERCEPTOR SEWER REPLACEMENT PROJECT, REACHES VC11B - VC15 (PROJECT NOS. 3492, 3886. AND 3949) Manhole Rehabilitation Contract (Completed - Actual Costs) $344,900 Studies, Environmental Compliance, Design Activities, Project Management (As of 2/12/13) $3,974,007 Existing Encumbrances $380,764 Proposed Amendment No. 7 to Brown and Caldwell Agreement $122,970 Subtotal of Costs (Through Design) $4,822,641 Utility Relocation, Easement Acquisition and Railroad Fees $1,380,000 Estimated Construction Phase Costs & Contingency $40,000,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $46,202,641 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TO DATE $46,730,000 ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION REQUIRED $0 Sufficient funds are currently available for the completion of the project. All project related costs will be shared between the City of Carisbad and the City of Vista as described within the existing 2002 ownership agreement between the two cities for operation and maintenance of the Vista/Carisbad Interceptor Sewer System. Pages A project specific agreement has been prepared with Vista to define the administrative procedures and payment schedule for expenses incurred during the planning and design phase of the project. Vista has paid Carisbad for their share of these expenses invoiced to date. A second project agreement with Vista will be prepared prior to bidding the project to address noticing requirements and billing procedures during construction. The total project cost share between the two cities is approximately 65-percent Vista and 35- percent Carisbad; however, the actual cost share varies with each reach of the sewer. Carisbad's share of the project is funded from the Sewer Connection Fee Fund. The City of Vista will be using State Revolving Funds to pay for their portion of the project. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map. 2. Resolution No. 2Q13-Q56 approvina Amendment No. 7 to amend the professional sen/ices agreement with Brown and Caldwell for the design of the Vista/Carisbad Interceptor Sewer System, Reaches 11B -15, and the Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station, Project Nos. 3492, 3886, and 3949. 3. Amendment No. 7 to Amend Agreement for Professional Engineering Sen/ices with Brown and Caldwell for the Design ofthe Vista/Carisbad Interceptor Sewer System, Reaches 11B -15, and the Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station. 3 LOCATION MAP BUENA VISTA UFT STATION VISTA METER STATION EXISTING LAGOON BRIDGE VC11B EXISTING AGUA HEDIONDA LIRSTATION LEGEND: VC11B-VC15 VC1-VC11A ENCINA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY PROJECT NAME AGUA HEDIONDA LIFT STATION & VISTA/CARLSBAD INTECEPTOR SEWER REACHES VC11B THROUGH VC15 mm BY: SCOTT EVANS Cm.S8AD UWTIES DEPT. 1/13^1 C:\UTHJms DEPARTUSNTyxSGN amON\SUITH\VC SEMR LOCATWN HIAP.DWG PROJECT NUMBER CP3492, 3886 & 3949 EXHIBIT 1 ' ''7sb^ 55 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2Q13-Q56 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 3 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 7 TO AMEND THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH 4 BROWN AND CALDWELL FOR THE DESIGN OF THE VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR SEWER SYSTEM, REACHES 5 11 B-15, AND THE AGUA HEDIONDA SEWER LIFT STATION, PROJECT NOS. 3492. 3886. AND 3949. 6 " 7 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carisbad, California, has determined it necessary g and in the public interest to approve Amendment No. 7 to the agreement with Brown & Caldwell, Inc., for the design of the replacement of the Vista/Carisbad Interceptor Sewer System, Reaches 11B through 15, and the Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station; and WHEREAS, On June 10, 2008, the City entered into an agreement with Brown & Caldwell in the amount of $2,382,281 to provide engineering design and environmental sen/ices; and 12 WHEREAS, six (6) subsequent amendments have been authorized to Brown & Caldwell in 13 the amount of $706,219; and 14 WHEREAS, City staff and Brown & Caldwell have negotiated fees in an amount not-to- exceed $122,970 to provide additional engineering and environmental sen/ices for the project, as described in this Amendment No. 7 to professional sen/ices agreement; and WHEREAS, funds have been appropriated in the 2011-2012 Capital Improvement Program from the Sewer Connection Fee Fund and sufficient funds are currently available; and WHEREAS, the City of Vista will reimburse Carisbad for their portion of the design fees as 19 stated in an agreement titled, "Agreement for Ownership, Operation and Maintenance of the 20 Vista/Carisbad Interceptor Sewer", dated February 26, 2002. 21 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carisbad, California, as follows: 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That Amendment No. 7 to Agreement with Brown and Caldwell in an amount not-to- exceed $122,970 for the Design of the Vista/Carisbad Interceptor Sewer System, Reaches 11B through 15, and the Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station is approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute said amendment. /// 5 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council 2 of the City of Carlsbad on the 12th day of March 2013, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Hall, Packard, Wood, Blackburn, Douglas. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 7 ENGLgS(3N, City Clerk 17 (SEAL) 5;9.\?.?^.?o:% 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PWENG643 AMENDMENT NO. 7 TO AMEND AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE DESIGN OF THE VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR SEWER, REACHES 11B-15, AND THE AGUA HEDIONDA SEWER LIFT STATION (BROWN AND CALDWELL) This Amendment No. 7 is entered into and effective as of the IS'^ day of CutjUi , 20/3. amending the agreement dated June 10, 2008, (the "Agreement") by and between the City of Carisbad, a municipal corporation, ("City"), and Brown and Caldwell, a private employee-owned company ("Contractor") (collectively the "Parties") for professional engineering services for the design of the Vista/Carisbad Interceptor Sewer, Reaches 11 B-15 and the Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station. RECITALS A. On November 30, 2009, the Parties executed Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement to provide additional engineering studies and design services; and B. On May 28, 2010, the Parties executed Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement to extend it for one (1) additional year; and C. On February 23, 2011, the Parties executed Amendment No. 3 to the Agreement to provide additional design services, permit assistance and environmental surveys; and D. On June 22, 2011, the Parties executed Amendment No. 4 to the Agreement to extend it for one (1) additional year; and E. On December 8, 2011, the Parties executed Amendment No. 5 to the Agreement to provide additional design services and assistance with easement acquisition; and R On May 9, 2012, the Parties executed Amendment No. 6 to the Agreement to provide additional design services and extend the Agreement for a period of three (3) additional years with all work to be completed by June 9, 2015; and G. The Parties desire to alter the Agreement's scope of work to provide additional design services including support during the project's construction management consultant's design review and response to actions developed in the design review; and H. The Parties have negotiated and agreed to a supplemental scope of work and fee schedule, which is attached to and incorporated by this reference as Exhibit 'A", Scope of Services and Fee. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein. City and Contractor agree as follows: I. In addition to those services contained in the Agreement, as may have been amended from time to time. Contractor will provide those services described in Exhibit "A". 2. City will pay Contractor for all work associated with those services described in Exhibit "A" on a time and materials basis not-to-exceed one hundred twenty two thousand nine hundred seventy dollars ($122,970). Contractor will provide City on a monthly basis, copies of invoices sufficiently detailed to include hours performed, houriy rates, and related activities and costs for approval by City. City Attorney Approved Version 1/30/13 1 Contractor will complete all work described in Exhibit "A" by June 9, 2015. 4. All other provisions of the Agreement, as may have been amended from time to time, will remain in full force and effect. 5. All requisite insurance policies to be maintained by Contractor pursuant to the Agreement, as may have been amended from time to time, will include coverage for this Amendment. 6. The individuals executing this Amendment and the instruments referenced in it on behalf of Contractor each represent and warrant that they have the legal power, right and actual authority to bind Contractor to the terms and conditions of this Amendment. CONTRACTOR BROWN AND CALDWELL, a private employee-owned company By: CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California (sign here) Marc Datni koUts /Vicc ?r^s[(Mni (print name/title) Mayor ATTEST: By: (sign here) JARB/^BA ENGLBLS City Clerk (print name/title) rO. If required by City, proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by Cofijfec-„„^_--^^- attached. If a corporation. Agreement must be signed by one corporate officer frojiJj^e^clT^Hhe following two groups: " Group A Chairman, President, or Vice-President Group B Secretary, Assistant Secretary, CFO or Assistant Treasurer Otherwise, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering the officer(s) signing to bind the corporation. APPROVED AS TO FORM: CELIA A. BREWER, City Attorney BY: ssistant City Attorney City Attorney Approved Version 1/30/13 WAIVER REQUEST FORM FACTORS IN SUPPORT OF REQUEST TO MODIFY INSURANCE REQUIREMENT(S) Generally, a modification to the coverage requirement will be accepting a lower limit of coverage or waiving the requirement(s). Requested by: Terry SmithAJtilities January 22, 2013 (Name and Department) Date Proposed modification(s) to the Prof Liability requirement(s) for Agreement for V/C Interceptor Sewer Reaches Brown and 11 B-15 & AHSLS - PWENG643; Agreement ralr1w/A>11 Recycled Water Line in Avenida Encinas - Caldwell PWENG737 (Type of insurance) (Name of contract) O Reduce coverage to the amount of: n Waive coverage lEl Other: Waive requirement of surplus lines carrier on the LASLI (formerly LESLI) FACTOR(S) IN SUPPORT OF MODIFICATION(S) (check those that apply) nSignificance of Contractor: Contractor has previous experience with the City that is important to the efficiency of completing the scope of work and the quality ofthe work-product, [explain] Significance of Contractor: Contractor has unique skills and there are few if any altematives. [explain: include number of candidates RFP sent to and number responded if applicable], •Contract Amount/Term of Contract: $ . Work will be completed over a period of •Professional Liability coverage is not available to this contractor or would increase the cost ofthe contract by I [explain]. pother (e.g. explain why exposures are minimal, how exposures are covered in another policy, exposure control mechanisms, and any other information pertinent to your request): Under the Nonadmitted and Reinsurance Reform Act (NRRA). as part of the Dodd-Frank Act and implemented in Insurance Code Section 1765.U "alien'' nonadmitted insurers listed on the NAIC's (National Association of Insurance Commissioneris) Quarterly List of Alien Insurers are eligible to accept placements of Califomia risks from surplus lines brokers. The federal action provides for the national listing, thereby allowing alien carriers to avoid individual filing requirements in each state such as those to be included on the LASLI rformerlv LESLD. As of January 30. 2012 Lloyds of London/Beazley syndicate voluntarily removed itself from the LASLI. electing to relv on inclusion on the Quarterly List of Alien Insurers to provide insurance for Califomia risks from sumlus lines brokers. Llovds has made a filing in Califomia that permits the Department of Insurance to "recopniye" Lloyd's syndicates in the event of an inquiry from a broker or a member of the public. However, the extent to which standards for a surplus lines carrier on the LASLI TList of Approved Surplus Lines Insurers) versus those on the Quarterly List of Alien Insurers is unclear as ofthe v^iting of this waiver and in recent articles appearing in the Insurance Joumal it appears that the state's implementing legislation has resulted in issues that may need to be resolved in court. In any case, there is confusion among brokers and clients because there are now 2 lists in the state, one with "approved" surplus lines carriers and the other, the national list of ^'eligible" surplus lines carriers. Apparently Lloyds is trying to work with the state to sort out some ofthe confusion ad it can be anticipated that there will be more to come on this matter. In the meantime. Lloyds of London has and continues to be the carrier for Brown and Caldwell for its professional liability insurance, it was on the LASLI until it requested removal, and it is the carrier for the contractor with significant ongoing projects in the City. It is requested Llovds of London be accepted as the carrier for professional liability insurance for Brown and Caldwell. Approved by Risk Manager for these 2 contracts only: p^^H^t^^'^^AJ) {^^'}> Q (Signature) (Date) H:\WORD\Insurance\Admin Order #68 waiver modify insurance requirements.doc 06/15/2006 Exhibit A: Scope of Worli for Amendment 7 Taslis 028 to 030 (Revision 1) The City of Carisbad (City) contracted Brown and Caldwell (BC) in 2007 to design the Agua Hedionda Lift station (AHLS), including the forcemain and trunk sewer segments that would convey flow to and from the lift station. The new facility will replace an existing lift station and increase the system's pumping capacity to send wastewater to the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility for treatment. To provide the City with the flexibility to bid and construct the project either in phases or as one large package, the project design was developed as three bid packages, with each package constructing one ofthe project's major elements. The three design packages and their present level of completion are as follows: • Bid Package A - Wastewater Uft Station and Force Main at 90% complete • Bid Package B - Upstream Trunk Sewer and Bridge Lagoon Crossing at 90% complete • Bid Package C - Downstream Trunk Sewer at 100% complete. Afouri:h bid package (Bid Package D), involving a recycled water pipeline along Avenida Encina, was subsequently added and is currently at 100% design level. To date, there have been six amendments issued to the original contract for additional project support. The current total project budget, including the 6 amendments, stands at $3,088,500. This Amendment (No. 007) adds to the project three nriore tasks not currently in the agreement, including • Tasks 028 - Support for stakeholder design review workshop; • Task 029 - Response to the action items developed during the review workshop and to the construction manager generated design review comments by Arcades; and • Task 030 - Consolidation of the four bid packages into one bid package. A detaied scope of work for each task is presented below. Tasli 028 - Worlisliop Support In July 2012, the City informed BC that a construction management (CM) firm had been selected to provide construction coordination, support: the City's review ofthe 90% and 100% (current levels of) design packages, and lead a stakeholder-pari:icipated review workshop including staff from the cities of Carlsbad and Vista and the Encina Wastewater Authority. In support, BC was asked to pari:icipate in the 4-day review workshop. Task 028 includes charges already accrued and is, therefore, intended to recover budget spent to support: and part:icipate in the workshop and subsequent activities described below. • Workshop Day 1: Three BC staff were asked to attend the meeting, present on the project's background, design elements, and current status of work. BC attendees were also there to Brown Caldwell Exhibit A SOW Tasks 028 - 030 021213 FiNAL Rl.doc address design related questions from the group. BC prepared the meeting agenda and presentation slides. • Workshop Days 2 and 3. BC's was requested not to attend in person. Instead, BC was asked to have approximately 4 - 6 staff and/or subconsultant team members available by phone who could be called directly to answer questions from the Focus Group. • Workshop Day 4: Three (3) BC staff were asked to attend the meeting and take notes of the findings and conclusions ofthe review process, as well as respond to remaining questions and issues raised by the Focus Group. Task 028 also includes technical support: and confirmation ofthe horizontal directional drilling (HDD) and eductor design features as instructed by the Focus Group, as well as attendance to follow-up meetings with various Focus Group members. Tasli 029 - Focus Group Action Item Response During the design review workshop, the Focus Group identified work to be completed by BC that is currently outside of BC's scope. This work is described in the following documents: • Task 029 / Subtask 007: Response to CM Review Comments • Task 029 / Subtask 006: Response to Report: BC Action Items Arcadis, the selected CM, prepared a Focus Group Report: with comments by the City incorporated that summarized specific action items for work to be completed by BC; most were enhancements to the technical specifications or design along with new requested design features. A copy of the report: is included as Attachment A - Focus Group Report: to this proposal (BC's action items are shown in blue text). Task 029's scope of services includes attendance by BC for meetings outside ofthe workshop, preparation of initial and final response to the Action Items provided by the Focus Group Report:, and all work needed by BC to respond to the CM review comments, including task management and design of the new requested features for 1. Lift station security camera system; 2. Lift station hard-wired pump start: overrides; and 3. And coordination ofthe third-party programming. Task 030 - Single Bid Package During the workshop, the Focus Group considered the benefits and drawbacks to keeping the current bid package structure. It was originally envisioned that three construction projects could proceed concurrently and contracts awarded separately for work related to 1) the lift station and force main; 2) the discharge trunk sewer in Avenida Encina; the incoming trunk sewer and lagoon bridge crossing; and 4) the 12" reclaimed water line. But, the group also discussed the merits of combining the work into a single job, awarded to one Contractor. It was determined that the benefits of a single bid package out weighed the multiple bid package approach. 10 The Focus Group ultimately directed BC to restructure the four separate bid packages into a single bid package. This results in additional work to modify the current plans, specifications, sequence of construction descriptions, and cost estimate. Listed below are the work elements included in this task. Task management, including up to two 1-hr meetings attended by the BC PM and PE. Update current drawings to facilitate combining of bid packages Update technical specifications for the combined bid package, including sequence of construction Support to update the front end of the bid specifications Update cost estimates Provide support: to City to address specific comments from the California Coastal Commission and US Army Corps of Engineers Update landscape concept for final design Update lagoon crossing and extension to avoid waters of the US Update for single power feed. An additional draft final Combined Bid Package will be submitted for review. Received comments will be addressed in the final Combined Bid Package. Fee Estimate BC proposes to perform the tasks described in this scope of work on the basis of time and materials not to exceed $122,970. A detailed fee breakdown is provided as Attachment B. Note that the fee estimate shown in Attachment B for Task 028 reflects the total fees associated with the work described for Task 028 above. Per City's direction, $20,000 of the Amendment 6 contingency funds will be applied to the Task 028 fee. This is expressed in Attachment B as a $20,000 deduction, leaving the total fee requested above. Schedule BC proposes to complete the project design work in accordance with the detailed schedule provided as Attachment C to this proposal. Deliverables for the work will remain as currently contracted, no change included. End of Scope Limitations: The information contained in this proposal is proprietary and contains confidential information that is of significant economic value to Brown and Caldwell. It is intended to be used only for evaluation of our qualifications to provide services. It should not be duplicated, used, or disclosed, In whole or In part, for any purpose other than to evaluate this proposal. Attachment A Focus Group Report WAK OI M 1; (Si ARCADIS r ^1 e Water Division of A R CA Dl S September 19, 2012 Mr. Terry Smith Senior Engineer - Utilities Department City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carisbad, CA 92008 Re: Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer and Agua Hacienda Lift Station Project Constructability Review - Focus Group Report Dear Mr. Smith Pirnie/ARCADIS is please to submit this Constructability Review - Focus Group Report for your distribution. At Day 1 of the Constructability Review Workshop held on August 28, 2012 the workshop attendees identified the following critical issues to be explored by focused groups during Day 2 and day 3 of the Workshop. 1. Packaging of Construction Contracts (1 construction contract versus multiple construction contracts). 2. Front End Document (bid schedules, including unit bid items and stipulated bid items; coordination and consistency with technical specifications: MMRP and permit requirements; insurance requirements; coordination of Franchise Utility work with Construction Contractor work; handling of "substitutions"; and product certifications with bids) 3. Agua Hedionda Lift Station (utility power supply redundancy; stand-by generator sizing; salvage items; engine driven stand-by pump; PLC system failure override; and remote monitoring at Encina). 4. General Provisions (constraints on Construction Contractor for night work, community events such as the "marathon", and work impacting the YMCA; traffic control; and material preferences) 5. HDD Pipeline Installation and "Open- Cut" Pipeline Installation in Avenida Encinas 6. Sewerage By-Pass Systems. At Day 4 ofthe Constructability Review Workshop held on September 10, 2012 the workshop participants reviewed our draft Focus Group Report and provided input and comments to be reflected in the final report. Each of these critical issues, presented and attached separately, incorporate the comments and direction received at the Day 4 Workshop. /3 \t\l( ()l\1 > (Si ARCADIS The IV a f e r D ( v ; ; » o n of ARCADIS We appreciate the opportunity to have been part of your constructability review efforts. We sincerely thank all of the participants at our Constructability Review Workshops and Foctys Groups Sessions for their input and recommendations and for their timely decisions on the critical issues and action items associated therewith. Respectfully submitted. Liberate Tortorici Contract Manager CC. Franz Schauer Mark Sullivan 3472-001-124 \\Al( Ol M ) (Si ARCADIS r h e Vl/ a t e r D I V I s I 0 n 0 f A R C A D I 5 1. PACKAGING OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS A. Focus Group Participants Terry Smith (Carisbad) Greg Mayer (Vista) Robin Putnam (Vista) Steve Jepsen (Vista/Dudek) Mark Sullivan (Pirnie/ARCADIS -MJS) Franz Schauer (Pirnie/ARCADIS) Libby Tortorici (Pirnie/ARCADIS) B. Focus Group Key Discussions 1. The SRF funding applications which have already been filed are for a single project. 2. The environmental documents which have been prepared in support of the project and the SRF funding applications deal with the project as a whole. 3. Approval of the existing SRF funding will require that all easements and permits be obtained. The NRG issue relative to easements will delay SRF funding approval until this issue is resolved. 4. The NRG issue and potential delays in getting this issue resolved support consideration for bidding the project under multiple construction contracts. 5. If the project is bid under multiple construction contracts, the existing SRF funding applications will need to be pulled and new applications submitted. 6. The existing Agua Hedionda Lift Station is an aged facility. There is concern about the potential for failure and spills, and there is agreement by staff that emergency stand-by pumping facilities need to be installed as soon as possible. 7. The emergency stand-by pumping system will include two (2) trailer mounted engine driven pumps. After the new Lift Station is completed and operational the stand-by pumps will be available for use at other locations within in Vista and Carisbad. C. Focus Group Recommendations and Action Items 1. Bid the project under a single construction contract. a. Develop one set of Front End Documents b. Include separate bid schedules for the four (4) drawing sets. c. Develop one set of Technical Specifications. d. Include the 4 drawing sets. Action Items Terry Smith (Carisbad,) and Greg Mayer (Vista) and/or Robin Putnam (Vista) to brief and seek approval from ttieir respective Utilities/Public Works Directors and/or City IVIanagers on the "single project" recommendation; and B&C to be directed by Carlsbad to restructure the Contract Documents for a single construction contract after Carlsbad and Vista approvals of the "single project" recommendation. WAKOIM ^ ARCADIS The Wafer DIVISION 2. Do not reapply for SRF funding. Action Items None required. 3. Install emergency stand-by pumps that will remain "ready" at the existing Lift Station until the new Lift Station is constructed and placed into service. Action Items Terry Smith (Carlsbad,) and Greg Mayer (Vista) and/or Robin Putnam (Vista) to brief and seek approval from their respective Utilities/Public Works Directors and/or City Managers on moving forward Immediately with Implementation ofthe emergency stand-by pump recommendation for the existing Lift Station via a "design build" approach with Dudek assuming the role as Designer, and Vista preparing the procurement documents. \l( ( )l M ^ ARCADIS The Water Division of ARCADIS 2. FRONT END DOCUMENTS A. Focus Group Participants Terry Smith (Carisbad) Greg Mayer (Vista) Robin Putnam (Vista) Steve Jepsen (Vista/Dudek) Mark Sullivan (Pirnie/ARCADIS -MJS) Franz Schauer (Pirnie/ARCADIS) Libby Tortorici (Pirnie/ARCADIS) B. Focus Group Key Discussions 1. Per the discussions on Item 1 - PACKAGING OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS one set of front end documents would be prepared. C. Focus Group Recommendations and Action Items 1. Modify the Front End documents to include clear definitions of the following. a. Contractor and City responsibilities for meeting the Air Quality, Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Hazards and Hazardous Materials, and Transportation/Traffic mitigation measures incorporated into the Conditions of Approval for the project (i.e., MMRP, City Permits, Resource Agency Permits, etc.). Action Item Carisbad staff will coordinate and work with B&C to Include a summary of these Items and to define what the City's and the Contractor's responsibilities will be during construction. b. Contractor and City responsibilities for preparation and filing of permit applications such as APCD "Permits to Construct" and "Permits to Operate". Reference and append in the Front End Documents or in the Technical Specifications permits to construct obtained bvthe Citv. and reference and append permit application for permits to operate that the Contractor will be required to obtain. Action Item Carlsbad staff will coordinate and work with B&C to Include a summary of these Items and to define what the City's and the Contractor's responsibilities will be during construction. c. Contractor and City responsibilities for Franchise Utility Work related to SDG&E power supply and relocation of existing power poles, ATT telephone service and relocation of existing telephone poles, and Southern California Gas relocation of the existing gas line onto the new bridge. Reference and append Franchise 19 \\Al( {)1 \t mRNIE (Si ARCADIS The Water Division of ARCADIS Utilitv Work Orders in the Front End Documents or in the Technical Specifications. Action Item Carisbad staff will coordinate and work with B&C to Include a summary of the Franchise work and to define what the City's, the Contractor's and the Franchise Utilities' responsibilities will be during construction. d. Contractor and City responsibilities for the pre- construction and post- construction inspections by a certified diver. Action Item The City will hire the diver under separate contract Carlsbad staff will coordinate and work with B&C to define the Contractor's coordination requirements with the City's diver/Inspector. e. NCTD training and "flagging" requirements to be satisfied by the Contractor; NCTD Right-of-Entry Permit conditions to be satisfied by the Contractor; and NCTD Safety Manual requirements to be satisfied bythe Contractor. Reference and append all applicable NCTD requirements in the Front End Documents or in the Technical Specifications. Action Item Carisbad staff will coordinate and work with B&C to Include a summary of these Items and to define what the City's and the Contractor's responsibilities will be during construction. f. Access requirements through the NRG site or alternate access options. Action Item B&C to Identify access provisions to reflect easements negotiated between the City and NRG. g. SWPPP requirements to be satisfied by the Contractor. Reference and append SWPPP requirements to be satisfied bv the Contractor. Action Item Carisbad staff and Vista staff will coordinate and work with B&C to reference and append these requirements In the Front End Documents. h. Insurance requirements to be satisfied by the Contractor including, but not limited to, the requirements of Carisbad, Encina and NCTD. Reference and append all insurance requirements in the Front End Documents, including Insurance Certification forms and Endorsement forms for each entitv. Action Item Carlsbad staff and Vista staff will coordinate and work with B&C to reference and append these requirements In the Front End Documents. WAK OI M 1; ^ ARCADIS r ^! e Water Division of ARCADIS i. SRF requirements to be satisfied by the Contractor. Reference and append SRF requirements to be satisfied bv the Contractor. Action Item Carisbad staff and Vista staff will coordinate and work with B&C to reference and append these requirements In the Front End Documents. 2. Modify the Front End Documents to include the following relative to bid schedules, a. Develop separate bid schedules for each of the four (4) drawing packages. Action Item B&C will generate separate bid schedules for subsequent review by the City and the Constructability Review team 3. Develop unit bid Items with "best estimates" of unit quantities for the following. a. Removal and disposal of unsuitable fill Action Item B&C will generate the "best estimate" unit quantities and bid Items for subsequent review by the City and the Constructability Review team. b. Importation and placement/compaction of "select" fill Action Item B&C will generate the "best estimate" unit quantities and bid Items for subsequent review by the City and the Constructability Review team. c. Pavement resurfacing based on a cost per linear feet of pipe. This will require unit bid items for each pipe size Action Item B&C will generate the "best estimate" unit quantities and bid Items for subsequent review by the City and the Constructability Review team. d. Removal, treatment and disposal of contaminated soil Action Item B&C will generate the "best estimate" unit quantities and bid Items for subsequent review by the City and the Constructability Review team. e. Treatment and disposal of contaminated groundwater Action Item B&C will generate the "best estimate" unit quantities and bid Items for subsequent review by the City and the Constructability Review team. f. Flagging fees (a lump sum item might be a better approach for this work) Action Item B&C and Carlsbad to make the fmal determination on how to best address this In the bid schedule. A final determination was not made at the September 10*^ Workshop but the general consensus was leaning towards having these costs Included In the overall bid and not break It out as a unit bid Item. n \\\l(OIM PIRME ^ ARCADIS The V/ater Division of ARCADIS g. Microtunneling stand-by/idle days Action Item B&C will generate the "best estimate" unit quantities and bid Items for subsequent review by the City and the Constructability Review team. h. Microtunneling "obstruction" removal shaft Action Item B&C to add in the Microtunneling Specification what size obstruction Is handled under this unit bid Items. Also specify that rocks and/or boulders that are below a strength of 30,000 psi shall not constitute an obstruction. i. Microtunneling "obstruction" removal Action Item B&C to add In the Microtunneling Specification what size obstruction Is handled under this unit bid Items. Also specify that rocks and/or boulders that are below a strength of 30,000 psi shall not constitute an obstruction. j. Sound barriers based on per square feet of sound walls (a lump sum item might be a better approach for this work) Action Item B&C will generate the "best estimate" unit quantities and bid Items for subsequent review by the City and the Constructability Review team. k. Protection of existing shallow 42" sewer based on per linear foot of pipe. This may need to include the design of a subsurface slab to be installed to spread the load over the pipe to accommodate potential NRG heavy equipment access. Action Item B&C will generate the "best estimate" unit quantities and bid Items for subsequent review by the City and the Constructability Review team. Develop stipulated bid Items for the following a. Daily cost for maintaining Stormwater protection (SWPP) facilities b. CPM Schedule baseline and monthly updates, including cost/cash loading Action Item B&C will generate "best estimate" unit quantities and bid Items with Input from the Constructability Review team. Modify the Front End Documents to include Contractor/Manufacturer Certifications to be included with the bids for selected materials and/or equipment such as the Hobas pipe, or equal. Also require stiffness calculations be submitted with the bids for the Hobas pipe, or equal. Action Item B&C to add Contractor/Manufacturer Certification requirements and stiffness calculation requirements to be Included with bids ^0 \\AI( OI M I'IRNIF ^ ARCADIS The Water Division of ARCADIS 6. Modify the Front End Documents to allow Contractors to bid either "open-cut" or microtunneling for installation of pipe in Avenida Encinas north of Palomar Airport Road. See discussions under Item 5 - OPEN-CUT VERSUS MICROTUNNEUNG IN AVENIDA ENCINAS AND HDD. Action Item B&C to add the "either/or" bid Item In the bid schedule. 7. Modify the Front End Documents to provide a list of pre-qualified HDD contractors if the final decision is to pre-qualify HDD contractors. See discussions on Item 5 - OPEN-CUT VERSUS MICROTUNNELING IN AVENIDA ENCINAS AND HDD. Action Item B&C to Incorporate the pre-quallficatlons Into the Front End Documents after a final determination Is made. See discussions on Item 5 - OPEN-CUT VERSUS MICROTUNNELING IN AVENIDA ENCINAS AND HDD. \\AI( OI \i iMRMt ^ ARCADIS The Water Division of ARCADIS 3. AGUA HEDIONDA LIFT STATION A. Focus Group Participants Terry Smith (Carisbad) Robin Putnam (Vista) Brian Benjamin (Encina) Guy Headrick (Encina) David Ummel (Encina) Mark Sullivan (Pirnie/ARCADIS -MJS) Franz Schauer (Pirnie/ARCADIS) Libby Tortorici (Pirnie/ARCADIS) A. Focus Group Key Discussions 1. Power will be supplied by SDG&E via two overhead 12 KV feeders. Both feeders will come from a single substation but from separate transformers. This arrangement is a typical industry standard. 2. The current design employs a single diesel stand-by generator. Having one stand-by generator with redundant Utility power feeders as identified under Item 3.B.1 is a typical industry standard. 3. The design PWWF for the Lift Station is 33 MGD. The currently designed "critical Loads" on the proposed 450 KW stand-by generator will allow for pumping ofthe 33 MGD PWWF as confirmed by B&C. 4. Remote monitoring of the current Lift Station at Encina is accomplished by a "frame relay point-to-point" connection via a dedicated overhead phone line from AT&T. However, reaches ofthe line from the lift station to Encina are corroded. Encina would prefer to replace the dedicated phone line. The Contractor shall be required to maintain uninterrupted remote monitoring service to Encina during construction and until the new/upgraded AT&T service to the new pump station is fully operational. 5. Encina has preferences for field instruments relative to Manufacture and model numbers. 6. Encina has a preference to engage a 3"^ Party System Programmer (ROI Engineering) for the new Lift Station. 7. Encina would like to have security/surveillance cameras with local recording installed at the new lift station as part ofthe construction package. 8. Encina would like to have access cards (key cards) installed at the new lift station as part of the construction package. 9. A "hard wire" back-up should be installed to operate the new Lift Station via level floats in the event of a complete PLC system failure at the station. 10 \V\Kr)i vt PIRNIE ^ ARCADIS The V/ater Division o f A R C A D B. Focus Group Recommendations and Action Items 1. Implement Recommendation 1.C.3 regarding the installation of two (2) trailer mounted engine drive pumps at the existing Lift Station. Action Items Terry Smith (Carisbad,) and Greg Mayer (Vista) and/or Robin Putnam (Vista) to brief and seek approval from their respective Utilltles/Publlc Works Directors and/or City Managers on moving forward Immediately with implementation ofthe emergency stand-by pump recommendation for the existing Lift Station via a "design build" approach with Dudek assuming the role as Designer, and Vista preparing the procurement documents. 2. Re-evaluate the stand-by generator sizing for the new Lift Station to accommodate the design 33 MGD PWWF. Action Item B&C has confirmed that the currently designed 450 KW will support pumping of the 33 MGD PWWF. No further action required 3. Explore replacement of the existing AT&T dedicated overhead telephone line with a new service relocated into the bridge. Action Item Carlsbad staff to contact AT&T request replacement of the existing dedicated overhead telephone lines as part of Franchise Utility work to be covered under Action Item 2.C.I.C. B&C to Include In the Contract Documents the requirements for the Contractor to maintain uninterrupted remote monitoring service to Encina during construction and until the new/upgraded AT&T service to the new pump station Is fully operational. 4. Evaluate installing fiber optic conduit to Cannon Road for future connection to a citywide fiber optic network. Action Item B&C to generate construction requirements and costs to Install fiber optic conduit to Cannon Road for Carisbad and Vista to decide on this option. 5. Have Encina staff review the 90% design package for the Lift Station and provide Manufacturer names and model numbers for preferred field instruments, security/surveillance camera and support systems, and key card access system, and to identify equipment for the existing Lift Station to be salvaged. Action Item Carlsbad staff will provide Encina with a copy ofthe 90% design package for discussion at a subsequent review meeting with Carisbad, Vista, Encina, B&C and Pirnie/ARCADIS. The review meeting Is scheduled for 10:30 AM on September 20*^ at Encina. 11 \\Al{ ()l M >IRNIE (Si ARCADIS The Water Division of ARCADIS 6. Explore the 3"^ Party System Programmer option. Action Item Encina to provide Carisbad staff and B&C with a sample scope of work and contract for Party programming for consideration and follow-up action. 7. Implement the "hard wire" back-up pump control system. Action Item B&C to work with Encina to define the "back-up" system requirements. Including equipment, field Instruments and operation/control. 12 V\AI( ( )l M IMRNIE ^ ARCADIS The Water Division of ARCADIS 4. GENERAL PROVISIONS A. Focus Group Participants Terry Smith (Carisbad) Robin Putnam (Vista) Mark Sullivan (Pirnie/ARCADIS -MJS) Franz Schauer (Pirnie/ARCADIS) Libby Tortorici (Pirnie/ARCADIS) B. Focus Group Key Discussions 1. The discussions under this Focused Work Group session were a continuation of the discussions and recommendations under Critical Issue Item 2 - FRONT END DOCUMENTS C. Focus Group Recommendations and Action Items 1. Define Contractor constraints and allowances for regular daily work hours, night work, and weekend work; define Contractor constraints and requirements for traffic control and maintaining access to residential and commercial entities affected by the work, including submittal requirements prior to the work, and notifications to the City and the Community prior to the work; and define Contractor constraints during City events such as the Carlsbad Marathon. Action Item Carlsbad staff to consult with the City's Traffic Department to discuss Contractor work constraints, allowances and requirements to minimize Community impacts relative to work In City streets. These requirements will be refiected In the City's Front End Documents and In related Technical Specifications by B&C. 2. Define Contractor constraints and requirements for all tie-in, shutdown and sewerage by-pass and diversion activities, including work limited to low flow night time periods, submittal requirements prior to the work, and notifications to the City prior to the work. Action Item B&C to develop and specify the requirements for tie-ln, shutdown and by- pass/diversion work required ofthe Contactor 3. Define the general sequence of construction requirements and interim milestone completion requirements forthe various elements of work. These should not define the Contractor's sequence and/or scheduling of work outside of the general requirements defined by B&C. Action Item B&C to develop and generate general sequence and milestone completion requirements to be placed on the Contractor with Input from the Constructability team. 13 \\AI( Ol M PIRNIE ARCADIS The Vfia ter Division of ARCADIS 5. OPEN-CUT VERSUS MICROTUNNELING IN AVENIDA ENCINAS AND HDD A. Focus Group Participants Terry Smith (Carisbad) Tony White (Vista) Steve Jepsen (Vista/Dudek) Nick Boswell (B&C) Steve Deering (Pirnie/ARCADIS - Dudek) Craig Camp (Pirnie/ARCADIS - Hatch - Mott) Mark Sullivan (Pirnie/ARCADIS -MJS) Libby Tortorici (Pirnie/ARCADIS) B. Focus Group Key Discussions 1. Open-cut construction in Avenida Encinas, north of Palomar Airport Road will create challenges for the Contractor due to high and perched ground water, potentially contaminated soil and groundwater, depth of excavation and utility crossings in the construction area. 2. The Contractor should be allowed to install the pipe from Sta. 52.00 to Sta. 38.00 via open-cut or microtunneling. 3. A number of potential issues and concerns were discussed relative to the HDD pipeline work. These included, a. HDD pipe is called out as 29" ID, 36"OD and DR 11. Is this pipe available? The pipe manufacturers must be contacted to verify the specified pipe is actually available and to confirm lead times and prices. b. There are a significant number of overhead electric lines that may interfere with HDD "tracking" devices. c. Staging/laydown may require an area of approximately 150' x 200'. Need to show the staging area limits on the plans. d. The entry and exit plans and profiles are not currently shown in the design package. e. Wobbles or sags in the installed HDD are anticipated will be on the order of 6" above and 6" below the target elevations shown on the drawings. A specified acceptable "sag" tolerance should be included in the specifications. f. Special joint requirements at terminations are not currently shown or specified in the design package. g. The specifications do not currently define that HDPE pipe needs to be set on rollers and that dragging ofthe pipe across the ground shall be prohibited. h. The specifications do not currently define flotation control or management of the HDPE pipe during pull back. i. "Frac-outs" should be cause to shut the HDD activities down until a solution is put forth by the Contractor and approved by the City. 14 \\Al( ()1 M IMRNIE (Si ARCADIS The W a t e r D i V I s t o n of ARCADIS 4. 5. The general sequence of construction, i.e., HDD first. Lift Station after HDD, Microtunneling after or concurrent with HDD and Lift Station, and Open-Cut. See Item 4.C.5. Specifications need to be written very tightly to limit only qualified and experienced HDD and Microtunneling Contractors/Subcontractors to do the work. However, consideration needs to be given to pre-qualifying HDD contractors and specifying the % of work to be done by this specialty contractor versus the General Contractor. C. Focus Group Recommendations and Action Items 1. Allow Contractors, at their option, to install the "open-cut" section of pipe in Avenida Encinas, north of Palomar Airport Road via microtunneling. The bid schedule will include an "either/or" bid item for this work from Sta. 52.00 to Sta. 38.00. Action Item B&C to Include In the bid schedule an "either/or" bid Item for the bidders to bid either open-cut or microtunneling from Sta. 52.00 to Sta. 38.00. 2. B&C and their HDD sub-consultant (Jacobs and/or Hatch-Mott) should review and revise the plans and specifications accordingly to address the concerns identified under Item 5.B.3. Action Item B&C to revise and resubmit the design package (plans and specifications) to the City for review followed by a review meeting with the City, B&C and the Constructability Review team. The revised specifications will Include a tolerance limit of 3" above and 3" below the target elevation reflected on the drawings; requirements that the tolerance limit be checked by the Contractor every 30' during the "pilot hole" construction; requirements that tracking the "pilot hole" installation by the Contractor shall be via the specified gyroscopic system and methods; and stringent QA/QC requirements that the Contractor and his HDD subcontractor will need to Implement. 3. Send the revised HDD specifications and plans to reputable and experienced HDD contractors for their input and comments; and request indication of their intention to bid the work and meet the requirements ofthe Contract Documents. Action Item Implement this item. After comments are received from HDD contractors, Carisbad, Vista and B&C with Input from the Constructability Review Team need to revisit the proposed HDD Installation to make a final decision. 15 VtAKOlM MRME (Si ARCADIS The Vv>a ter Division o f A .R C A D I S 6. SEWAGE BY-PASS SYSTEMS A. Focus Group Participants Terry Smith (Carisbad) Don Wasko (Carisbad) Tony White (Vista) Nick Boswell (B&C) Steve Deering (Pirnie/ARCADIS - Dudek) Mark Sullivan (Pirnie/ARCADIS -MJS) Franz Schauer (Pirnie/ARCADIS) Libby Tortorici (Pirnie/ARCADIS) B. Focus Group Key Discussions 1. This Focus Group agreed with the recommendations and action items presented under Items 1.C.3 2. Need to identify all tie-in work with constraints, milestones and allowable durations of shutdowns. 3. Need to require the Contractor to develop and submit detailed MOPO (Maintenance of Plant Operations) for all tie-in and by-pass/diversion work. 4. Do not attempt to define the Contractor's specific means and methods. 5. Detailed sequence of work and tie-in/by-pass specifications have been developed by B&C subsequent to the 90% design packages provided to the Constructability Review team C. Focus Group Recommendations and Action Items 1. Proceed with Action Item 1.C.5 2. Proceed with Action Item 4. C. 1 16 Attachment B Fee Estimate City of Carlsbad - Agua Hedionda LS Final Design Attachment B - Fee Proposal for Amendment 7 (Tasks 028-030) February 14, 2013 Workshop Support V\torkshop Support Outside Meetings Vefification of FM HDD Focus Group Support and Comnmit Tasl< Management Meetings Design for Security Cameras Design for Harti Wired Pump Start Coordination of 3rd Part;/ Program Response to FSeport BC Action Items Response to CM Revie atngl. BM Package Praparaflon Tasit Management Meetings Update Design Drawings Update Technical Specifications Update Front End Sections BC Response to CCC and ACE Req Update for Landscaping Final Design Update for Extended Lagoon Crossing Update for Single Ftower Feed Supsrvlsine Principal Supervisor, Vice Managing Senior Lead Constructton Construcdon Word Project Area Business taskfant Biglnear Engineer Oraftr Engineer Engineer Processor Coordinator 11 Ops Mgr I S243.00 $23S.04 $184.08 S114.40 $!02.80 $19G.56 S99 84 599.84 S99.84 Principal Eng III Designer $153.92 5184.08 525,373 SI 5,504 64,363 85,516 $4,703 $5,073 $5,566 $4,724 $4,971 $15,529 $11,691 iSS.439 $3,660 $7,301 $12,394 $10,008 $4,713 $550 $300 $200 $100 $100 $100 $50 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $50 $100 $7 250 $100 $100 $25,923 $15,804 $4,553 $5,565 $52,708 $4,703 $5,073 $5,618 $4,774 $11,941 SS4,330 $3,860 $7,401 $12,494 $10,108 $4,763 $4,279 $9,414 $4,746 $7,274 GRAND TOTAL $1,550 $6,500 it whole numtser. To display d nt Charged to Amendment 6 Condgnecy TOTA'. FEE ot Proposed Amendment 7^ $122,9701 10 Attachment C Project Schedule