HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-03-26; City Council; 21169; Approval Vancouver St HDD Sewer Extension PN 5515CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 21.169 APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR THE VANCOUVER STREET HDD SEWER EXTENSION, PROJECT NO. 5515 DEPT. DIRECTOR j/J MTG. 3/26/13 APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR THE VANCOUVER STREET HDD SEWER EXTENSION, PROJECT NO. 5515 CITY ATTORNEY f DEPT. UTIL APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR THE VANCOUVER STREET HDD SEWER EXTENSION, PROJECT NO. 5515 CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2013-069 approving plans and specifications and authorization to receive bids for the Vancouver Street HDD Sewer Extension, Project No. 5515. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Vancouver Street Lift Station was constructed as a temporary lift station in the early 1980s to provide public sewer service to 221 homes In Carlsbad Tract 74-04. The project will construct a gravity flow sewer pipeline extension connecting the development's sewer system to an existing downstream sewer and eliminate the need for this lift station. The gravity flow pipeline will improve efficiency and reliability of the local sewer system by eliminating the ongoing cost for electrical power and maintenance required for the operation of the sewer lift station. The project includes the installation of 605 lineal feet of 8-inch diameter polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe and 872 lineal feet of 10-inch diameter high density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe. The alignment begins in Vancouver Street adjacent to the lift station site and then traverses through the City's Hidden Canyon Community Park and a hardline preserve area owned by the City of Carlsbad. The new sewer extension will then connect to the existing downstream sewer located in a utility easement in Via de Canto Street. In order to avoid impacts to the preserve area, that portion of the pipeline alignment will be constructed using horizontal directional drilling (HDD), a trenchless method of pipeline construction. When the construction of the new gravity pipeline is completed, the lift station will be demolished and the site, which includes approximately 600 square feet, will be cleared and hydro- seeded with a native seed mix and returned to the surrounding open space easement. The lift station's 1,845 lineal feet of 8-inch diameter sewer force main, ail located in city street right-of-way, will be abandoned in place. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: A Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) were prepared for Vancouver Street HDD Sewer Extension Project (EIA 12-01). The Notice of Intent (NOI) to adopt a MND was published In the newspaper on June 29, 2012, and sent to the State Clearinghouse for a 30-day public review (July 10, 2012 - August 10, 2012). No further environmental review is required. No city permits were required for this project; therefore, the MND was approved administratively by the City Planner on August 6, 2012 in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15074. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Mark Biskup, (760) 602-2763, mark.biskuD@carlsbadca.QOV FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED X CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC • DENIED CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN • CONTINUED • RETURNED TO STAFF • WITHDRAWN • OTHER - SEE MINUTES • AMENDED • Page 2 Furthermore, approval of plans and specifications and authorization to advertise to receive bids are exempt from the requirements of CEQA pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065 This action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause nh^nL Ih ^ ^I^^^Q^J" environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. FISCAL IMPACT: The following table provides a breakdown ofthe total project cost: PROJECT COST SUMMARY FOR THE VANCOUVER STREET HDD SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT (PROJECTNO. 5515) DESIGN AND ENVIRONMENTAL PHASE Engineering Services and Staff Overhead $72,000 Environmental Sen/ices and Staff Overhead 74,000 DESIGN & ENVIRONMENTAL PHASE SUBTOTAL $146,000 CONSTRUCTION PHASE Construction Cost Estimate $716,400 Construction Management and Inspection $75,000 CONSTRUCTION PHASE SUBTOTAL $791,400 TOTAL PROJECT COST $937,400 CURRENT APPROPRIATION $1,006,000 Based the engineer's estimate, there are sufficient sewer replacement funds available for the construction of the Vancouver Street HDD Sewer Extension. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map. 2. Resolution No. 2013-069 approving plans and specifications and authorization to advertise to receive bids forthe Vancouver Street HDD Sewer Extension, Project No. 5515. LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE PROJECT NAME VANCOUVER STREET HDD SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT NUMBER 5515 EXHIBIT 1 PLOTTED BY: SCOTT EVANS PLOT DATE:2/26/13 PATH:C:\UWTIES DEPARTklENT\DESGN DIVISI0N\BISKUP\5515.DWG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 RESOLUTION NO. 2013-069 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA. APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR THE VANCOUVER STREED HDD SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT NO. 5515 ' WHEREAS, Carlsbad Tract 74-04 sewer system included the constmction of a temporary lift Station, referred to as the Vancouver Lift Station, which would provide for the development until the downstream sewer infrastructure could be constructed; and WHEREAS, it is now feasible to constmct a gravity flow sewer pipeline extending and connecting the existing sewer collection infrastmcture of Carlsbad Tract 74-04 into its natural sewer basin; and WHEREAS, with the constmction of said pipeline the abandonment and removal of the Vancouver lift station is possible; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Califomia, desires to constmct the gravity flow sewer pipeline and abandon the Vancouver Sewer Lift Station; and WHEREAS, the plans and specifications for fumishing of all labor, materials, tools, equipment, transportation, and other expenses necessary or incidental to the Vancouver Street HDD Sewer Extension. Project No. 5515, have been prepared and are on file in the Utility Department- Engineering Division ofthe City of Carlsbad and are incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) were prepared for Vancouver Street HDD Sewer Extension Project (EIA 12-01); and WHEREAS, no city permits were required for this project; therefore, the MND was approved administratively by the City Planner on August 6. 2012 in compliance with the Califomia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15074; and WHEREAS, funds in the Sewer Replacement Fund are sufficient for the project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the plans, specifications, and contract documents for the Vancouver Street HDD Sewer Extension, Project No. 5515, are on file in the Utility Department-Engineering Division ofthe City of Carlsbad and are hereby approved. 3. The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to publish, in accordance with state law, a Notice to Contractors Inviting Bids for the constmction of Vancouver Street HDD Sewer Extension, Project No. 5515, in accordance with the plans, specifications, and contract documents referred to herein. 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 26*^ day of March, 2013, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: Council Members Hall, Packard, Wood, Blackburn and Douglas. None. ABSENT: None. MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: BARA ENGLE^N, City Clerk (SEAL) Village Master Plan Changes Scott Donnell, Senior Planner June 18, 2013 Background City Council objective for the Village “…spur local investment and foot traffic on a self-sustaining basis.” Background Actions to implement objective: •Urban Place, consultant •Curb café policy •Public improvements •Village Master Plan & Design Manual changes Village Master Plan Project Description Four revision categories •Non-residential uses •Parking •Design •Housekeeping Project Description •Make limited but impacting changes •Stimulate growth and activity quickly •Affect non-Coastal Zone properties •Not a comprehensive update The Village •Downtown setting •Flat •Walkable and attractive •Transit •Available public parking Village Public Parking •1,850 public parking spaces –1,000 on-street –850 off-street Village Public Parking •Public lot surveys –53-82% occupancy •August 2012 Urban Place Village “core” survey –70% average occupancy on streets –62% average ocupancy in lots The Village: A Smart Growth Area Proposed Revisions Non-residential Use Revisions Add commercial uses –Permit microbreweries and wineries –Permit in Districts 1-3 only –Develop appropriate parking standards Non-residential Use Revisions Clarify cultural facilities may be private Parking Revisions – Non-residential •Address fractional parking spaces •Allow space reuse without parking increase Parking Revisions – Non-residential •Reduce office and restaurant standards •Propose microbrewery and winery standards Restaurant and Office Parking Use Parking Spaces Required Existing Proposed Restaurant 1 space per 100 sf 1 space per 125 sf Professional Office 1 space per 300 sf 1 space per 350 sf Stand-alone Microbrewery Parking Parking Spaces Required Existing Proposed 1 space per 50 sf Tasting room: 1 space per 125 sf All else: 1 space per 300 sf Example – Microbrewery 700 sf tasting room, 1600 sf storage/production Parking Spaces Required Existing Proposed TOTALS 46 11 Parking Revisions – Non-residential Permit 100% participation of all Village properties in the Parking In Lieu Fee Program Parking In Lieu Fee Information •Available to non-residential uses •Allows fee payment vs. parking construction •In lieu fee is $11,555 per parking space Parking In Lieu Fee Information Accumulated fee expenditures •Acquisition of parking lot for public use •Lease payments to NCTD Parking Revisions - residential •Permit tandem parking for small projects •Reduce ratios for multi-family uses Residential Parking Parking Spaces Required Existing Proposed Studio/one bedroom 1.5 - 2 1 Two bedrooms or more 2 2 Guest parking .25 - .5/unit 0 Example – Roosevelt Center Parking Spaces Required Existing Proposed Two apartments 5 4 Retail 8 8 Office 22 18 Restaurant (Paon) 33 26 TOTALS 68 56 Design Revisions All districts •Require ground floor commercial space to support “legitimate and quality” commercial uses •Revision supports other standards Design Revisions District 1 only •Establish minimum 1st floor building width •Establish maximum 1st floor building setback Design Revisions Districts 1-4 only •Allow flat or low pitch roofs Seaside Village Corner Current Village Streetscape Housekeeping Revisions •Minor and miscellaneous edits •Affects all areas of the Village Environmental Review Proposed changes are exempt from environmental review Planning Commission Action •May 15 public hearing •Recommendation of approval Recommendation ADOPT City Council Resolution No. 2013- 155 APPROVING amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual (MP 12-01(A)) based on the findings contained therein. Presentation by Urban Place Underlying Needs Improving the Retail Mix • More and improved retail space • More residents in the Village • More employees working in the Village Target Audience Living, Working, and Using Downtown • 76 million Baby Boomers • 77 million Millennials The Village Master Plan changes provide more opportunities for these two target demographics. Peak Season Parking Study Summer 2012 • Parking counts (lots and on-street) • Turnover study • 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. • Weekday and weekend State Street: 95% Average Occupancy 30% Time Limit Abuse Roosevelt/Carlsbad Village Dr.: 88% Average Occupancy State St./Grand Ave.: 86% Average Occupancy Washington/Oak: 36% occupancy (weekdays) 73% occupancy (weekends) Grand east of State State north of Grand 40-70% occupancy on-street South State Lot 47% average occupancy Pointing in the Right Direction Encouraging Alternatives steve@urbanplaceconsulting.com ashley@urbanplaceconsulting.com Thank You