HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-06-11; City Council; 21258; Adoption FY2013-14 Operating BudgetsCITY OF CARLSBAD, CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL A O WATER DISTRICT, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AND CITY OF CARLSBAD AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - AGENDA BILL AB# 21.258 MTG. 06/11/13 DEPT. FINANCE Adoption of the FY 2013-14 Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budgets and Revision of Fees and Charges for Services DEPT, DIRECTOR CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDED ACTION: Hold a public hearing on the City of Carlsbad's, Carlsbad Municipal Water District's, Community Development Commission's and City of Carlsbad as Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency's FY 2013-14 Operating Budgets and FY 2013-14 to 2027-28 Capital Improvement Program. Adopt Resolution No. 2013-146 . appropriating funds for the FY 2013-14 Downtown Area Capital Improvement Projects. Adopt Resolution No. 2013-137 . adopting the City of Carlsbad's final Operating Budgets for FY 2013-14, and appropriating funds for the FY 2013-14 Capital Improvement Program. Adopt Resolution No. 1471 . adopting the Carlsbad Municipal Water District's final Operating Budget and appropriating funds for the FY 2013-14 Capital Improvement Program. Adopt Resolution No. 525 . adopting the Community Development Commission's final Operating Budget and appropriating funds for FY 2013-14. Adopt Resolution No. 2013-138 . adopting the Gann spending limit for the City of Carlsbad for FY 2013-14. Adopt Resolution No. 2013-139 . adopting changes to the Master Fee schedule. Adopt Resolution No. 2013-140 . detemiining that the FY 2013-14 Capital Improvement Program Budget is consistent with the General Plan based upon the findings. Adopt Resolution No. 2013-141 , approving the City of Carlsbad's share of the FY 2013-14 Capital and Operating Budget of the Encina Wastewater Authority. Adopt Resolution No. 2013-142 . approving adjustments to the City of Carlsbad's FY 2012- 13 Operating Budget. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Helga Stover 760-602-2429 helqa.stovera.carlsbadca.gov FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. . COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED Ql CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC • DENIED n CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN • CONTINUED • RETURNED TO STAFF • WITHDRAWN • OTHER - SEE MINUTES ^ AMENDED • grogram Options: CALPERS Unninded Liability #|2 Village/Barrio Revitilization Funding #1 Page 2 • Adopt Resolution No. 526 . approving adjustments to the Community Development Commission's FY 2013-14 Operating Budget. • Adopt Resolution No. 2013-143 . adopting the City of Carlsbad as Successor to the Redevelopment Agency's final Operating Budget and appropriating funds for FY 2013-14. ITEM EXPLANATION: The proposed FY 2013-14 Budget totals $256.7 million, of which $212 million is the Operating Budget and $44.7 million is the Capital Improvement Budget. Operating revenues total $219.3 million and Capital revenues total $42.1 million, for a total of $261.4 million. The Operating Budget provides the funding for all operations of the city, including police and fire services, library operations, utility services, affordable housing programs, recreation programming, park and street maintenance and many others. The Capital Improvement Program outlines the financing plans for the city's major construction projects, including civic facilities, roads, water and sewer lines and other infrastructure needs. The following is a brief summary of the proposed budget. More information can be found in the overviews of the Operating Budget and the Capital Improvement Program in Exhibits 1 and 2. Operating Budget The proposed Operating Budget for FY 2013-14 totals $212 million, an increase of $1.8 million, or 0.8 percent, as compared to the FY 2012-13 Adopted Budget. Operating revenues are estimated at $219.3 million, which is a $2.9 million increase, or 1.3 percent, as compared to projections for the current year. General Fund Revenues General Fund revenues for FY 2013-14 are estimated at $121 million, 3.2 percent higher than the current year's projections. Property taxes, the City's largest single revenue source, are expected to be $48.4 million in FY 2013-14, an increase of about $700,000, or 1.5 percent, from the projections for the current year. Property taxes for FY 2013-14 are based on assessed property values as of January 1, 2013. Sales taxes are expected to total $31.1 million for FY 2013-14, an increase of about $1.2 million, or 4.0 percent, as compared to FY 2012-13 projections. Transient occupancy taxes are estimated at $14.7 million, an increase of approximately $850,000, or 6.2 percent, over FY 2012-13 projections. Overall, the city's General Fund revenue projections reflect continued recovery in the economy. General Fund Expenditures The General Fund contains most of the discretionary revenues that fund the basic core city services. A few expenditures are highlighted below: Proposed Position Changes: A net decrease of 6.75 full-time positions is reflected in the FY 2013-14 Preliminary Operating Budget, as compared to the FY 2012-13 Adopted Budget. The total decrease includes the elimination of 12 positions identified through the city's expenditure reduction efforts as well as the addition of 4.25 full-time and 1.0 limited-term positions. These eliminations are in addition to the 43.25 positions eliminated over the past four fiscal years. 2.0 Associate Engineer 1.0 1.0 Deputy City Manager 1.0 1.0 Meter Services Worker II 2.0 2.0 Office Specialist II 1.0 1.0 Park Maintenance Worker II Page 3 The FY 2013-14 Operating Budget includes the elimination of the following 12 full-time positions: Park Planning Manager Recreation Area Manager Senior Office Specialist Utilities Director The FY 2013-14 Preliminary Operating Budget includes the addition of the following full-time and limited term positions: 1.0 Administrative Services Director 1.0 Office Fellow-Limited Term 2.0 Recreation Supervisors (Alga Norte Park) 1.0 Senior Engineer 0.25 Office Specialist II The net increase in hourly staff totals 18.0 FTE. This increase is due to the addition of 17.0 hourly staff for the new Alga Norte Park and the addition of 0.50 hourly staff each in City Attorney's Office and Records. These changes result in a city workforce of 667.75 full and three-quarter time employees, and 150.58 hourly, full-time equivalent positions. New Facilities: The city has a number of major capital projects scheduled for construction over the next five years. As the city completes these projects, the costs of maintaining and operating the facilities, including additional personnel if necessary, are added to departmental operating budgets. In FY 2013-14 Alga Norte Park is scheduled to open to the public. Funding for staffing, operations and maintenance of the facility is included in the proposed operating budget in the Parks and Recreation and Property and Environmental Management departments. The Carlsbad Safety Training Center was completed, and additional funds and staffing for operating and maintaining the facility have been incorporated in the FY 2013-14 Preliminary Operating Budget in the Property and Environmental Management Department. Capital Outlay: There were no major capital outlay requests for FY 2013-14. Other Budget Requests: The FY 2013-14 Preliminary Operating Budget also includes the following transfers and advances to other funds: . $7.8 million transfer to the Infrastructure Replacement Fund for major maintenance and replacement of city infrastructure. This represents 6.5 percent of the General Fund Revenues, the same as the percentage transfer for FY 2013-14. . $253,000 transfer to the Storm Water Program for reimbursement for the General Fund portion of Storm Drain Maintenance expenses. . $545,000 transfer to the Median Maintenance and Street Tree Maintenance Special Revenue Fund's to cover cash shortfalls, as annual assessments collected from property owners in Lighting and Landscaping District #1 do not cover operating expenditures. $998,549 transfer to the city's municipal golf course for debt service. Page 4 • $700,000 to the City's Self-Insured Benefits Fund as a set aside to assist with addressing anticipated future pension rate increases from CalPERS. • $750,000 to the General Liability Fund for increases in estimated claims and settlements. Finally, the City Council's contingency account is budgeted at 1.3 percent of the General Fund Operating Budget, or $1.5 million, for FY 2013-14, which is a $1 million increase as compared to the FY 2012-13 Adopted Budget. This resource is available to the City Council to address unanticipated emergencies or unforeseen program needs throughout the year. Changes to the Operating Budget The following changes have been made to the Preliminary Operating Budget since the Council Operating Budget Workshop held on May 28, 2013. The adjusted numbers are reflected in the attachments to this agenda bill: • Utility Department operating expenditures in FY 2013-14 were decreased $37,088 to reflect Carlsbad's share of the final adopted Budget of the Encina Wastewater Authority, as described more fully in a subsequent section of this report. • Utility Department water purchases budget decreased $200,000, based on revised commodity charges for January 1, 2014, as provided by the San Diego County Water Authority. (CMWD Budget) • Salaries and benefits were increased $317,775 to reflect the outcomes of the most recent negotiations. • Operating expenditures for Housing and Neighborhood Services were increased $37,000 to reflect the final recommended budget. • General Liability claims and settlements are higher than anticipated and the Finance Department is recommending increasing the cash reserves to an appropriate level to meet ongoing obligations. An increase of the General Fund transfers for $750,000 has been added to the final recommended budget. • A decrease in the Affordable Housing budget in the amount of $50,000 was made to eliminate a previously contemplated transfer to the Section 8 Housing program. If there is a need to increase funding for the Section 8 program, it will be addressed separately in FY 2013-14. Capital Improvement Program The FY 2013-14 to FY 2027-28 Program (CIP) outlines approximately 240 existing and future projects at a total cost of $499.4 million. Appropriations scheduled for FY 2013-14 total $44.7 million and will be added to approximately $171.6 million for ongoing capital projects that remain unspent at the end of FY 2012-13, for a total appropriation of $216.3 million. Revenues for the CIP for FY 2013-14 are projected at $42.1 million. Major Proiects included in Fiscal Year 2013-14 Some of the major projects scheduled in the FY 2013-14 CIP are summarized below. More funding information on all the projects can be found in the accompanying CIP report (Exhibit 1). Civic Proiects - Fire Station #3 will be relocating from an existing station located at the corner of Chestnut and Catalina to Robertson Ranch East. Relocation of the fire station is required to ensure a six minute response time within the northeast quadrant of the city. The total estimated project cost is $9.4 million. Page 5 City Facility Maintenance projects are proposed at the Faraday Center, Harding Community Center, Holiday Park, the Senior Center, Cole Library, Dove Library, and for the Poinsettia Park soccer field. The proposed cost of maintenance projects for FY 2013-14 is $3.7 million. Village and Barrio Revitalization Proiects - There are 7 projects scheduled for FY 2013-14 which are located in the Village and Barrio areas of the City. The projects include installing additional street lighting and decorative lighting in the Village, installing parking, bicycle, and pedestrian way finding signage, constructing traffic circles at various intersections in the Barrio, and general streetscape improvements including hanging planters, benches, and trash and recycle containers. The total cost in FY 2013-14 is $1.4 million. Library improvements - Significant renovations are planned at the Dove and the Cole libraries. Improvements are designed to accommodate current staffing needs, meet patron demands for modern library services and allow for better wireless and communications services for the public. The estimated renovation cost for both libraries is $3 million. Parks and Trails - A new trail project has been added to the proposed capital plan. Extension of the Arroyo Vista Trail will cost about $235,000, with funding from Proposition C monies previously set aside for open space and trail projects. Drainage Projects - The city continues to invest in the ongoing repair and maintenance of its infrastructure, including its drainage system. The Corrugated Metal Pipe (CMP) Replacement project is designed to replace deteriorating CMP storm drain pipelines. The Northwest Quadrant Storm Dram Improvement Program focuses on constructing missing storm drain pipelines in this older section of the city, so that runoff is collected and transported through a complete underground drainage system. Approximately $2.5 million in additional appropriations is scheduled in the FY 2013-14 CIP for these improvements. Wastewater Proiects - Appropriations of $7 million are included for wastewater construction/replacement projects, including $567,000 for the extension of a sewer line into the Quarry Creek development planned in the northeast quadrant of Carlsbad. Foxes Landing lift station wet well and pump replacement is scheduled to begin in FY 2013-14. The total cost is estimated at $2.7 million. Water Proiects - A total of $10 million in new appropriations is included in the FY 2013-14 CIP for water and recycled water infrastructure construction and replacement. Some of the more significant projects include a new waterline to deliver desalinated water Poseidon, and Maerkle Transmission Main construction. Circulation Svstem Proiects - A total of $9.2 million in new appropriations for traffic signal and street projects are included in the FY 2013-14 CIP. Funding is included for ADA improvements, Carlsbad Boulevard Bridge concrete barriers, the Concrete Repair Program, the Parking Lot and Pavement Management Program, and widening along sections of El Camino Real. An area of focus is a concept called "complete streets," which uses street design to create a sense of place and community through green spaces, medians, and signage, while encouraging a healthier, less-vehicle dependent lifestyle. The City Council identified complete streets as a top priority. One project which incorporates these concepts is construction of a traffic circle "roundabout" along the northern end of Carlsbad Boulevard next to Buena Vista Lagoon, making it easier for vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists to move through the intersection. In addition to all of the projects for which funding has been established, there are several projects identified in the CIP for which there is no identifiable funding source, and, in some cases where only partial funding has been identified. The City plans to investigate ways to obtain funding such as Page 6 Federal and State grants, loans, or other financing sources. These projects are: Agua Hedionda Channel (partial)* Business Park Recreational Facility (partial) Cannon Lake Park (6.7 acres) Cannon Road - Reach 4B - Cannon Rd./College Boulevard to City Limits Carlsbad Boulevard Widening Mountain View to Northerly City Limits (partial)** Carlsbad Boulevard/Palomar Airport Road Improvements (partial)** Carlsbad Boulevard Realignment, Segments 3-5 Coastal Rail Trail Reach 1 Hosp Grove/Buena Vista Lagoon Improvements Pine Avenue Park - Madison Property Phase 2 Robertson Ranch (NE Quadrant) Park Development (partial) (*) The Agua Hedionda Channel project is funded in part with Planned Local Drainage Area fees. The unfunded amount is listed in this section. (**) These projects are in the Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) program approved by the City Council on May 12, 2009, which was planned to generate enough revenue to pay for 20% of the total cost of these projects, the remaining 80% is unfunded. Encina Capital and Operating Budgets: At its May 23, 2012 meeting, the Encina Wastewater Authority (EWA) Board of Directors and Joint Advisory Cornmittee approved the FY 2013-14 Operating and Capital Improvement Budget. The Revised Basic Agreement states that EWA's Operating and Capital budgets are deemed effective when certain criteria are met. One of the criteria is that all member agencies have separately considered and approved the budgets. Carlsbad's share of the Encina Operating Budget for FY 2013-14 is $3,196,500, a decrease of $57,079, or 1.7 percent, over the FY 2012-13 approved expenditures for Wastewater Plant Operations. The Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility operations budget for FY 2013-14 is $818,336, an increase of $23,449 over the FY 2012-13 adopted budget. In addition, Carlsbad's share of the Capital Budget for the two facilities for FY 2013-14 is $2,555,211, a decrease from the previous year's total of $2,593,797. As in previous years, staff is also requesting that the City Manager continues to be authorized to transfer appropriations between budgets and/or projects at Encina as approved by the EWA Board staff (up to $25,000) and EWA Board in amounts up to $1,000,000. Any transfers in excess of that amount will be brought back to the City Council for authorization. In addition, any increases to the total budget for EWA will require the City Council's approval. This authority is contained in the resolution at Exhibit 9. CIP General Plan Consistency: The requested determination of General Plan consistency covers 32 new projects. These projects consist of 25 new city CIP projects and 7 new CIP projects submitted by Cartsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD). This year's projects fall into the following project type categories: Civic, Facility Maintenance, Sewer, Water, and Transportation. Descriptions and location maps of the projects are attached as Exhibit "A." Staff has reviewed the 32 new projects for consistency with the city's General Plan. Exhibit "A" ("General Plan Consistency"), identifies and discusses the projects' consistency with the elements, goals, objectives, and policies of the General Plan which are relevant to the new projects being proposed this year. Staff has reviewed all of the proposed new projects and concludes that all are consistent with the General Plan. Therefore, the General Plan consistency determination can be made. Page 7 Changes to the Capital Improvement Program Changes were made to the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) since the CIP Workshop on May 14, 2013, increasing appropriation requests by $824,211 for FY 2013-14, as follows: • The Village Streetscape budget was increased from $245,000 to $290,000, and increase of $45,000, for the cost of purchasing benches which were added to the project scope. • Funding for El Camino Real and Cannon Road Intersection Improvements in the amount of $524,000 was moved from FY 2014-15 to FY 2013-14 to reflect the anticipated timing of construction. • The FY 2013-14 appropriation for Carlsbad's share of the FY 2013-14 Capital Budget of the Encina Wastewater Authority (EWA) has been updated to $2,495,396 (an increase of $495,396 over what was presented in the preliminary Capital Improvement Program), to reflect the amount approved by the EWA Board of Directors on May 22, 2013. Projections for Carlsbad's share of EWA's future capital expenditures have also been updated. • The Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility (CWRF) is a capital facility which is also operated by the Encina Wastewater Authority. As with the Encina treatment plant, as the CWRF facility begins to age, the need for capital improvements increases. EWA's approved budget includes expenditures of $59,815 (a decrease of $240,185 over what was presented in the preliminary Capital Improvement Program), to reflect the amount approved by the EWA Board of Directors on May 22, 2013. Projections for Carlsbad's share of EWA's future capital expenditures have also been updated. Gann Limit In addition to adopting the Operating Budget, the City Council is asked to adopt the Gann Spending Limit as required by Article XIIIB of the California Constitution. The Gann Limit creates a restnction on the amount of revenue that can be appropriated in any fiscal year. The revenues, which are subject to this limitation, are those considered "proceeds of taxes." The basis for calculating the Gann Limit began in Fiscal Year 1978-79 and is adjusted each year based on population growth and inflation. The city's spending limit for FY 2013-14 is calculated at $355.5 million, and the city's spending projections are well below this limit for the coming fiscal year. Fees and Charges for Services One of the City Council's goals is to annually evaluate fees and charges for services. This year staff has reviewed all of the fee schedules and is recommending the following: General City Fees and Development Related Service Fees: General City fees are charged for the usage of city services and property, such as rentals and classes. Development Related Service fees are paid by developers to cover the cost of reviewing and monitoring development activities such as plan checks and inspections. It is recommended that these fees be increased by 2.2 percent, which represents the one year annual change in the West Urban Consumer Price Index (CPI) published by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics. Ambulance fees are recommended to be increased 0.8 percent, which represents the one year annual change in the Ambulance Inflation Factor published by the Department of Health and Human Services. Development Impact Fees: These fees are used to recover the cost that growth will have on city infrastructure. Generally, these fees are indexed annually by an index stated in the respective resolution or ordinance establishing the fee, typically the Engineering News Record (ENR) construction cost index. For FY 2013-14, staff is recommending that these fees be increased by the one year annual change in their respective Page 8 indexes. Traffic Impact Fees are proposed to be increased by 2 percent, in accordance with the ordinance establishing this fee. There are some Development Impact Fees that are not being recommended for increases. These are Water and Sewer Connection, Parks-in Lieu, and Public Facilities Fees. Other Fee Changes: In addition to the general increases mentioned above, other changes to the FY 2013-14 Master Fee Schedule include: New Fees: Police - Oversize Vehicle Fee - This fee was implemented in FY 2012-13 and will be placed on the new Master Fee Schedule. Property and Environmental Management - A fee structure for the rental of the Safety Training Center was developed and will be added to the Master Fee Schedule. Parks and Recreation - The new Alga Norte facility will be completed in FY 2013-14 and a new fee structure for its use will be added to the Master Fee Schedule. Utilities - Waste Management has added a fee for Trash Collection - Commercial/Multi Family Scout Service - $46.31. Reduced Fees: The City cannot set fees higher than the cost to provide the service. Because of this a number of fees in the Master Fee Schedule will be reduced. Utilities - Water Meter Deposit - Construction Meter Installation/Removal is changing from $1,020 to $877. Utilities - Water Service Fee - Accounts Scheduled for Termination for Non-Payment is changing from $15 to $14 Deleted Fees: Utilities - Group I Residential Mobile Home Rate per Unit 90 percent of water used. Utilities - Group VI Large Volume Users - Bio Hydration Research Lab Inc. Rate per Hundred Cubic Feet, Min. $24.53 per month. Utilities - Group VI Large Volume Users - Culligan - Rate per Hundred Cubic Feet, Min. $24.53 per month. Utilities - Group VI Large Volume Users - Beckman Micro Operations- Rate per Hundred Cubic Feet, Min. $24.53 per month. For consistency purposes, all Parks & Recreation fees that are currently on the Master Fee Schedule will be removed and placed in the Community Services Guide. Other Miscellaneous Fee Changes: Miscellaneous increases applied to fees that are not increasing by the one year index change include the California Department of Fish & Wildlife (which is set by state statute), Building Permit Fees (which are based on a percentage of the Uniform Building Code), Street Light Energizing fees (which are calculated annually) and Trash Removal Fees (which are set every January 1 by Waste Management). The revisions to the fees are shown in Exhibit 7A. Utility Rate Increases: As part of the ongoing financial management program, the City annually prepares forecasts for the Water, Wastewater and Solid Waste funds. The forecasts for these enterprises shows that rate increases will be needed to keep up with increases in expenditures, to maintain existing service levels, and to establish and maintain operating reserves. A Cost of Service Study is currently Page 9 underway and staff will be returning at a later date with recommendations for setting rates in January 1, 2014. FY 2013-14 PROGRAM OPTIONS: Council is also asked to consider the following program options: • CalPERS Unfunded Liability. This option authorizes a transfer from the General Fund to the Self Insured Benefits Fund to be used in payment towards the CalPERS Unfunded Liability. • Village Projects Funding. This option authorizes a transfer from the General Fund to the General Capital Construction Fund to pay for Village Projects totaling $1.4 million, using Redevelopment monies that were returned to the City. FY 2012-13 Operating Budget Adiustments For FY 2012-13, city's self-insured Worker's Compensation Fund has experienced higher than anticipated claims and settlements. The Finance Department is recommending increasing the cash reserves to an appropriate level to meet ongoing obligations. It is recommended that the City Council authorize a transfer of $500,000 from General Fund reserves to the city's self-insured Worker's Compensation Fund. For FY 2012-13, the city's Golf Course Enterprise Fund has experienced lower than anticipated revenues. It is recommended that the City Council authorize a transfer, currently estimated at $50,000, from General Fund reserves to the Golf Course Enterprise Fund. The amount budgeted in FY 2012-13 in the Redevelopment Retirement Obligation Fund for parking lot lease payments is no longer an eligible expense from this funding source. Future payments will be budgeted and paid from the Parking In Lieu Fee Fund. An appropriation of $44,000 is requested for FY 2012-13 to pay for the current year lease obligations. The amount budgeted in FY 2012-13 in the Section 8 Housing Program Special Revenue Fund for Section 8 housing assistance payments is not sufficient to meet the current year needs of the program, therefore, an additional budget appropriation of $220,000 for housing assistance for FY 2012-13 is being requested. The increased need is a result of current economic and employment conditions and the negative impact that has had on participants. Sufficient cash balances exist in the fund for the additional appropriation. FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact of the proposed budgets is detailed in the attached schedules. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, the action of adopting the prioritizing and fund allocation program for FY 2013-2014 CIP, does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. No physical activity will occur until all required CEQA review is conducted at the time individual projects listed in the CIP are undertaken. Exhibit 8 attached, describes each of the CIP project activities and indicates the anticipated environmental status of the project under CEQA. Some projects are exempt categorically from CEQA review and will not be subject to any further CEQA review. Others have been Page 10 found consistent with the City of Carlsbad Sewer Master Plan and Carlsbad Municipal Water District Water and Recycled Water Master Plan update EIR 12-01, certified on November 6, 2012. No additional review is anticipated. The remaining CIP projects may require additional CEQA review. In any case, as discretionary permits are requested, each of these projects will be required to comply with all appropnate CEQA requirements. EXHIBITS: I. FY 2013-14 Preliminary Operating Budget overview. 2 FY 2013-14 Preliminary Capital Improvement Program overview. 3. Resolution No. 2013-137 of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, adopting the final Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program for FY 2013-14 for the City of Carlsbad and establishing controls on changes in appropriations for the various funds. 4. Resolution No. 1471 of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water Distnct, California, adopting the water district final Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program for FY 2013-14. 5. Resolution No. 525 of the Community Development Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, adopting the final Operating Budget of the Housing Authority for FY 2013-14. 6 Resolution No. 2013-138 of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, establishing the FY 2013-14 appropriation limit as required by Article XIIIB of the California State Constitution and State law. 7. Resolution No. 2013-139 of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, adopting changes to the Master Fee Schedule. 8. Resolution No. 2013-140 of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, determining that the FY 2013-14 Capital Improvement Program Budget is consistent with the General Plan based upon the findings. 9 Resolution No. 2013-141 of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, approving the City of Carlsbad's share of the Fiscal Year 2013-14 Capital and Operating Budget of the Encina Wastewater Authority. 10-1. Resolution No. 2013-142 of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California approving adjustments to the FY 2012-13 Operating Budget. II. Resolution No. 526 of the Community Development Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, approving adjustments to the FY 2012-13 Operating Budget. 12 Resolution No. 2013-143 of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, acting as the Successor Agency for the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency, approving the Operating Budget of the Carlsbad Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Funds for FY 2013-14. 13. Resolution No. 2013-146 of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, appropnating funds for the Downtown Area Capital Improvement Projects. The Preliminary Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program for FY 2013-14 is on file with the City Clerk and on the City's website at: www.carlsbadca.gov. The Capital Improvement Program Technical Appendix will be available for review in the Finance and Engineering departments by September 2013. The Master Fee Schedules are on file with the City Clerk as well. 2013-14 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW Exhibit 1 REVENUES The Preliminary Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2013-14 totals $212 million, with revenues for the year estimated at $219.3 million. General Fund revenues are estimated at $121 million and General Fund budgeted operating expenditures are $116.9 million. The following table shows the total operating revenues anticipated to be received by the city for FY 2012-13, as well as those estimated for FY 2013-14. REVENUE SUMMARY BY FUND TYPE (in Millions) FUND PROJECTED 2012-13 ESTIMATED 2013-14 $ CHANGE % CHANGE GENERAL FUND SPECIAL REVENUE ENTERPRISE INTERNAL SERVICE REDEV. OBLIG. RETIREMENT $ 117.3 14.4 66.7 17.9 0.1 $ 121.0 10.7 69.0 17.2 1.3 $ 3.7 (3.6) 2.3 (0.7) 1.2 3.2% -25.4% 3.4% -3.9% 2336.3% TOTAL $ 216.4 $ 219.3 $ 2.9 1.3% Revenue estimates for the Operating Budget indicate that the city will receive a total of $219.3 million in FY 2013-14, a $2.9 million, or 1.3 percent, increase over the prior year's projections. The significant changes from the prior year include a $3.7 million, or 3.2 percent, increase in the General Fund for increases in Property Tax, Sales Tax and Transient Occupancy Tax revenues. The Special Revenue Funds show a decrease of $3.6 million, or 25.4 percent from the prior year due to decreases in grant funding and affordable housing fees. Enterprise revenues are expected to increase $2.3 million, mainly due to increased water sales revenues needed to pay for the rising cost of water purchased from the San Diego County Water Authority. More information on the city's revenue sources can be found in the discussion that follows. General Fund General Fund revenues provide a representative picture of the local economy. These revenues are of particular interest as they fund basic city services, such as Police, Fire, Library, Street and Park Maintenance, and Recreation programs. The table below provides a summarized SIGNIFICANT GENERAL FUND REVENUES (In IVIillions) PROJECTED ESTIMATED $ % 2012-13 2013-14 CHANGE CHANGE PROPERTY TAX $ 47.7 $ 48.4 $ 0.7 1.5% SALES TAX 29.9 31.1 1.2 4.0% TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX 13.9 14.7 0.9 6.2% FRANCHISE TAXES 4.9 5.0 0.1 1.9% BUSINESS LICENSE TAX 3.5 3.7 0.1 4.0% DEVELOPMENT REVENUES 1.7 2.3 0.5 30.1% ALL OTHER REVENUE 15.6 15.8 0.2 1.2% TOTAL $ 117.3 $ 121.0 $ 3.7 3.2% B-1 // 2013-14 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW Exhibit 1 60 50 g 40 o = 30 S 20 10 0 Property and Sales Tax Revenues General Fund revenue sources indicate that Carlsbad is benefitting from an improving state and local economic climate. Our largest revenue sources, which are derived from property tax, sales tax, and transient occupancy tax (TOT), are expected to improve in FY 2013-14. Revenues from sales tax and TOT are highly sensitive to changes in the economic activity, unlike property tax revenues, which tend to lag behind economic growth and remain relatively stable over time. Home prices in Carlsbad have followed trends and have declines seen in years. This is to have a mildly positive effect on property tax revenues in FY 2013-14, as this revenue source increases by approximately 1.5 percent to $48.4 million. The increase in property tax is due, in part to improving assessed valuations and modest increases in inventory from new construction. Home prices increased by 13 percent compared to the previous year, and the median value is now at $655,000. Increasing residential home prices will improve assessed values and should begin to overcome the temporary property tax reductions provided to homeowner by the San Diego County Tax Assessor over the past years. • Sales Tax Properly Tax c.^"" c# c,^^ # cT^'' c>^^ <f Fiscal Year national reversed previous expected As mentioned previously, property taxes tend to lag behind the rest of the economy, as the tax revenue for the upcoming fiscal year is based on assessed values from January. Thus, the taxes to be received for Fiscal Year 2013-14 are based on assessed values as of January 1, 2013. Proposition 13, adopted in 1978, limits the annual increase in assessed values for property. Under this proposition, assessed values (and the related property tax) can grow by no more than two percent per year. The value upon which the tax is based is only increased to the full market value upon the sale of the property. Thus, property taxes tend to grow slowly unless there is a significant amount of housing activity. In past decade, we have seen robust growth in property taxes due to new development, high turnover of existing homes, and double-digit growth in housing prices. Sales Tax by Category Business to FourtH Quartef 2012 Miscellaneous 1% Changes in sales tax revenue align more closely with changes in the overall condition of the economy, and are expected to increase as the current economic recovery gains steam. Sales taxes are expected to total $31.1 million for FY 2013-14, an increase of 4 percent compared to the FY 2012-13 projections. New automobile sales, which comprise approximately 25 percent of Carlsbad's sales tax revenue, B-2 2013-14 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW Exhibit 1 is expected to remain healthy in the coming year, as data from MuniServices indicates statewide growth of 8 to 10 percent in 2013. Revenues from auto sales are approaching pre- recession levels of slightly over $6 million. Auto sales in Carlsbad increased by almost 18 percent in calendar year 2012, which actually trailed the statewide increase of almost 19 percent. General retail sales tax, which comprises approximately 40 percent of sales tax, continues to grow, but at a decreasing rate. The city continues to see additions to the sales tax base, including the opening of the Lego Land Hotel and Palomar Commons, which will provide increased sales tax revenue from retail building materials, a market sector that has been underserved in Carlsbad. Several years ago, the State of California implemented the "Triple Flip." The "Triple Flip" is essentially a temporary swap of a % cent of the cities' sales taxes in return for property tax. It was done in order to give the state a revenue source against which they could issue deficit reduction bonds. The city's sales tax estimates continue to show this amount as sales tax, since the amount is reflective of what the city would receive. As can be seen in the chart on the previous page, the city's sales tax base is heavily weighted in the transportation (predominantly new car sales) and retail sectors. These two sectors make up approximately 70 percent of the city's sales tax base and were negatively impacted by the recent economic recession. During FY 2011-12, sales tax revenues, especially in the auto and retail sectors, increased as a slow economic recovery took root in San Diego. Sales tax estimates also include approximately $900,000 in Proposition 172 funds, which are earmarked for public safety service expenditures. Proposition 172 requires that the cent increase in California sales taxes be allocated to local agencies to fund public safety services. Transient Occupancy Taxes 15 i« $ Millions The third highest General Fund revenue source is Transient Occupancy Taxes (TOT, or hotel taxes), estimated at $14.7 million for FY 2013-14, an increase of 6.2 percent compared to FY 2012-13 estimates. Growth in the TOT base (existing hotels) is expected to increase by 3 percent in FY 2013-14, driven primarily by forecast increases in the average daily rate paid for rooms. The addition of the Lego Land Hotel is also included in the FY 2013-14 revenue projection and will add 250 additional rooms. TOT revenues in FY 2013- 14 are expected to break the previous high mark of $14.3 million, seen in FY 2007-08. As seen in the graph above, TOT dropped as low as $11.4 million during the recession, although the sector has revived in the past few years. 2005 2008 2011 Fiscal Year 2014e Franchise Taxes 5 4 Millions 2 1 0 II n mm III I IIjji I other Franchise iSDG&E Franchise 2005 2008 2011 Fiscal Year 2014e One of the more volatile General Fund revenues is the Franchise Tax. Franchise taxes are paid by certain industries that use the city right-of-way to conduct their business. The city currently has franchise agreements for cable TV service, solid waste services, cell sites, fiber optic antenna systems and gas and electric services. The cable and solid waste franchise revenues have been growing with B-3 2013-14 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW Exhibit 1 the growth in population, changes in their rate structures, and the continued growth of the city's newest cable franchises, AT&T and Time Warner. Overall, franchise tax revenues are projected to increase by approximately 2 percent, with all segments shanng in the increase. SDG&E pays franchise taxes for the use of the public land over which they transport gas and electricity. The city also receives an "in-lieu" franchise tax based on the value of gas and electricity transported on SDG&E lines, but purchased from another source. The "in-lieu" tax captures the franchise taxes on gas and electricity that is transported using public lands but which would not othenA/ise be included in the calculations for franchise taxes, due to deregulation of the power industry. The majority of the "in-lieu" taxes received is attributable to Cabrillo Power, the operator of the Encina power plant, and is based on the gas used in the generation of electricity. The continued reduction in operations at the Encina power plant is projected to negatively impact the "in-lieu" franchise tax paid by SDG&E, although revenues from this source are expected to increase slightly in FY 2013-14. Development-related revenues include planning, engineering and building permits, and fees paid by developers to cover the cost of reviewing and monitoring development activities such as plan checks and inspections. These revenues are difficult to predict, as many of the planning and engineering activities occur months or years before any actual development. During FY 2009-10, development related revenues began to turn around from historic lows experienced in FY 2008-09. During FY 2010-11, development related revenues continued to strengthen, especially on the non-residential side, with the permitting of the new Isis Pharmaceuticals headquarters and the Hilton Beachfront Hotel. Development related revenues fell from $4.4 million in FY 2010-11 to $2.7 million in FY 2011-12 and are expected to finish the current year fiscal year lower. In FY 2011-12, there were 423 units permitted for residential housing. For FY 2012-13, 259 residential units are projected to be issued for residential housing, and, in FY 2013-14, 118 units are projected. For FY 13-14, development related revenues are expected to increase by approximately $500,000, due primarily to increased projections for industrial and commercial development. However, this source of revenue is expected to remain stable over the coming years, as growth tapers off. Business license taxes are closely tied to the health of the local economy, and are projected to increase by 4 percent to an estimated $3.7 million in FY 2013-14. There are currently about 9,051 licensed businesses in Carisbad, with just over 2,583 of them home-based. All other revenues include transfer taxes, interest earnings, ambulance fees, recreation fees, and other charges and fees. The estimate for Fiscal Year 2013-14 totals $15.8 million, a $200,000, or 1.2 percent, increase from the previous year. Interdepartmental charges are generated through engineering services charged to capital projects, reimbursed work from other funds and miscellaneous interdepartmental expenses charged to funds outside the General Fund for services performed by departments within the General Fund. Transfer taxes are those taxes paid to the county upon the transfer of interests in real estate. The tax is 55 cents per $500 of property value, and is split equally between the county and the city. Carisbad expects to receive approximately $1.1 million in transfer taxes for FY 2013-14, which is essentially unchanged from FY 2012-13. Although housing prices have increased, very low inventories indicate a lack of sales activity. Increasing home prices may have an effect on inventories, however, and could rapidly change this source of revenue. Income from investments and property includes interest earnings, as well as rental income from city-owned land and facilities. The city is expected to earn about $2.2 million in interest on its General Fund investments for Fiscal Year 2013-14, as the yield on the city's portfolio has fallen to 2013-14 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW Exhibit 1 approximately one percent and is not expected to substantially improve in the coming fiscal year. ^ General Fund Revenues + 16.3% -1.9% -3.6% -3.2% 1.2% 1.7% 1.0% 3.2% i i -. •-. .• • .< 111 m li :. . • 1 ' J $ Millions 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY FY 2013e 2014e Overall, as reflected in the bar chart, General Fund revenues are expected to be up 3.2 percent from FY 2012-13, property tax, sales tax, and TOT continue to improve. Although the city expenenced revenue growth between 9 and 17 percent in the late 1990's, it was not sustainable. Much of those increases were due to the opening of new hotels, restaurants, retail centers, and new home development. As new development slows, it will be increasingly difficult to produce double-digit growth in revenues. An improving economy is certainly driving General Fund revenues higher, but revenue growth will remain in the 3 to 4 percent range in the coming years. ^ The City has a General Fund reserve policy that sets a minimum reserve of 30 percent of the General Fund Operating Expenditures. In addition, the policy sets a target reserve of 40 percent to 50 percent of General Fund Operating Expenditures. The minimum reserve would provide approximately three to four months of operating expenditures for unforeseen emergencies. At the end of FY 2011-12, the unassigned General Fund balance was approximately $61.4 million. At the end of FY 2012-13, the reserve is projected to be approximately $63.0 million, or 54 percent, of the FY 2013-14 Budget. The reserve amount is consistent with Council Policy 74: General Fund Reserve Guidelines. Other Funds Revenues from Special Revenue funds are expected to total $10.7 million in FY 2013-14 a $3.6 million, or 25.4 percent, decrease from FY 2012-13. The types of programs supported within Special Revenue funds are those funded by specific revenue streams such as: • Grants (Rental Assistance-Section 8 and Community Development Block Grants) • Special fees and assessments (Affordable Housing and Maintenance Assessment Districts) • Donations (Library, Cultural Arts, Recreation and Senior Donations) B-5 2013-14 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW Exhibit 1 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 2013-14 PROJECTED REVENUES Donations and others Grants 40/^ 4%. Maintenance. Districts Rental Assistance 52% CDBG 8% Affordable Housing 5% The most noteworthy changes in the Special Revenue funds occurred in the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, the Street Lighting Fund and the Rental Assistance Fund. Estimated revenues decreased approximately $953,000, $589,000 and $334,000, respectively, from FY 2012- 13. During FY 2012-13, the city received approximately $1.1 million in one-time affordable housing credits. In order to meet the inclusionary housing obligations for certain areas of the city (e.g., the southeast and southwest quadrants), units related to developments such as Villa Loma and Cassia Heights were made available as affordable housing credits for housing developers to purchase. Due to the small size of certain projects and the difficulty in obtaining financing, some developers/applicants have opted to purchase affordable housing credits instead of constructing units. During FY 2012-13, the city received approximately $587,000 from San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) as part of their street lighting efficiency program. This was the last reimbursement to be received from SDG&E for this program as the city has completed their street light retrofit project, whereby the city's high-pressure sodium vapor lights were replaced with induction lights. The Federal government has modified their cash management policy for funding housing assistance payments for their Section 8 Rental Assistance Program, which is reflected in the reduced estimated revenues for the Rental Assistance Program in FY 2013-14. Enterprise fund revenues for FY 2013-14 are projected at $69 million, an increase of $2.3 million, or 3.4 percent, over current year projections. The increase in revenues is primarily due to the planned rate increases for Water and Wastewater funds. Enterprise funds are similar to a business, in that rates are charged to support the operations that supply the service. Carisbad Enterprise funds include water and recycled water delivery, wastewater services, solid waste management, and operation of a golf course. The Water Enterprise Fund revenue is estimated at $46.1 million, an increase of $2.1 million, or 5 percent over the current year estimate. These revenues reflect $2.1 million in increased sales revenue due to projected rate increases, estimated at 6 percent, effective January 1, 2014 to pay for the rising cost of water purchases. The proposed rate increases have not yet been B-6 , , 2013-14 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW Exhibit 1 approved by the Board of Directors of the Carisbad Municipal Water District. Further, a cost of service study is currently being performed to ensure the District's costs are being equitably allocated amongst the various customer classes. The results of the cost of service study may alter the currently proposed rate increases. As such, staff will return to the Board to consider the results of the cost of service study and request a Public Hearing to consider the proposed rate increases. Anticipated increases paid to the San Diego County Water Authority include an estimated 4 percent increase to the wholesale purchase cost of water (from $1,063 to $1,103 per acre foot, effective January 1, 2014), and an estimated 5.5 percent increase in the fixed charges for water purchases (from $5.5 million to $5.8 million) for FY 2013-14. In addition to paying for the wholesale and fixed water costs, the FY 2013-14 Operating Budget includes funding for replacement of Carisbad's water infrastructure, ongoing meter replacements, and building sufficient operating reserves. Estimated revenues for Wastewater are $12 million; $100,000 over the current year estimate. The revenue increase reflects proposed rate increases to fund the ongoing cost of operations, maintenance, and funding for replacement of infrastructure, as well as providing a sufficient operating reserve. The estimated rate increase for January 1, 2014 is 2 percent and has not yet been approved by the City Council. As such, staff will return to Council and request a Public Hearing to consider the proposed rate increase. Estimated revenues for the Golf Course are $7.5 million, with no change from the prior fiscal year. Internal Service funds show estimated revenues of $17.2 million for FY 2013-14, a decrease of about $700,000, or 3.9 percent, from FY 2012-13 projections. Internal Service funds provide services within the City itself, and include programs such as the self-insurance funds for Workers' Compensation and General Liability (Risk Management), as well as Vehicle Maintenance and Replacement, and Information Technology. Departments pay for services provided by these funds; therefore, the rates charged for the services are based on the cost to provide the service. The goal of the Internal Service funds is to match their budgeted expenses with charges to the departments, after allowing for a certain level of reserves within the fund. The most significant change occurred in the Self-Insured Benefits Fund. Included in the FY 2013-14 revenues is a $700,000 transfer from the General Fund to be set aside to assist in the stabilization of future CalPERS retirement costs; in FY 2012-13, the set aside amount was $1.8 million, resulting in a decrease in revenues for FY 2013-14 of about $1 million when compared to the prior year. The Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Fund (RORF) revenues are expected to total $1.3 million in the upcoming year, an increase of $1.2 million, from the projections from the previous year. On June 29, 2011, California Governor Jerry Brown signed ABX1 26 to dissolve all redevelopment agencies within the State of California. All agencies were subsequently dissolved as of February 1, 2012, and a Successor Agency was designated to complete the work of the Carisbad Redevelopment Agency (RDA) and satisfy the financial obligations. The first Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) was prepared by the Successor Agency in April 2012 which was ultimately approved by the Oversight Board, the County of San Diego and the State of California. The initial ROPS identified financial commitments of the former RDA which would be paid from semi-annual tax increment revenue received by the Successor Agency. Every six months a new ROPS has been prepared and approved by the Oversight Board, the County of San Diego and the State of California in order to receive additional tax increment. Due to the dissolving of the RDA, the RORF only receives tax increment revenues and interest earnings on cash balances. B-7 (7 2013-14 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW Exhibit 1 During FY 2012-13, the former RDA completed two separate Agreed Upon Procedures (AUP) required by the state; one for the former Low and Moderate Income Housing Funds and one for the Non-Low and Moderate Income Housing Funds associated with the city's former RDA. Upon completion of each of these AUPs, the city was obligated to return funds deemed "excess" by the AUPs. These adjustments were netted against any tax increment revenues received during the year, thereby creating artificially low tax revenues for the fiscal year. Tax increment revenues are projected to increase in FY 2013-14 as the city has completed their AUPs and all "excess" funds have been returned to the state. B-8 2013-14 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW Exhibit 1 EXPENSE The city's Preliminary Operating Budget for FY 2013-14 totals $212 million, which represents an increase of about $1.7 million, or 0.8 percent, as compared to the adopted FY 2012-13 Budget. The changes in each of the city's programs will be discussed below. ir Budgetary Policies The theme behind this year's budget development was for the city to continue to provide the very best services to the community while finding operating efficiencies and reducing costs wherever possible. The goal was to achieve a balanced budget for the coming fiscal year while still maintaining the city's long-term financial health and ensuring that future costs can be met without negatively impacting the services provided to the community. All known and ongoing operating expenses were incorporated in the FY 2013-14 Preliminary Operating Budget, as well as in the long-term financial forecast. The FY 2013-14 Preliminary Operating Budget also sets aside $700,000 in order to address the current unfunded pension liability, as well as to help stabilize future pension costs. Responsible management of the city's resources includes maintaining a focus on a sustainable future by ensuring the city remains in good financial health, as today's decisions will impact future spending levels. Although the city is entering the new fiscal year in a solid financial position, future economic challenges remain. The following policies for FY 2013-14 were established in line with conservative estimates for future revenue growth: • Continue to minimize service level impacts to our residents. • No increase in the number of positions and modest growth in maintenance and operations, if needed, unless required for new facilities. • No new programs unless required under a legal mandate. • Significant known personnel increases should be included in departmental budget projections. • Exercise prudence in budgeting. Consider cost containment measures and budget discretionary items at minimum levels. The city uses an "Expenditure Control Budget" (ECB) process in budgeting, where each department is given a block appropriation containing sufficient funds to provide the current level of services for the upcoming year. For FY 2013-14, departments were allowed a 2 percent increase, if needed, for their expenditures for maintenance and operations (M&O). As a result of the economic recession, block budgets were reduced in both FY 2008-09 and FY 2009-10 in order to align expenses with falling revenues. In order to gain further operating efficiencies, the city's organizational structure was realigned in FY 2010-11. Since the beginning of the recession, the city has eliminated 50 full-time equivalent (FTE) positions in order to contain costs. In the FY 2013-14 budget, additional efficiencies were identified in some departments and additional full-time positions were eliminated. No additional appropriations are expected during the fiscal year, except in the case of significant unanticipated events. As in past years, amounts that are unspent at the end of the fiscal year will be carried fonA/ard to the next year, or will increase the city's reserves. At the end of FY 2012-13, the amounts carried fonA/ard by each department will be capped at no more than 10 percent of the previous year's Adopted Budget. B-9 19 2013-14 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW Exhibit 1 Budgeted Expenditures Through the application of these guidelines and policies, the FY 2013-14 Preliminary Operating Budget of $212 million was developed. Position Changes A net decrease of 6.75 full-time positions is reflected in the FY 2013-14 Preliminary Operating Budget, as compared to the FY 2012-13 Adopted Budget. These position decreases were identified through expenditure reduction efforts and resulted in approximately $560,000 in net personnel savings citywide for the coming year. These eliminations are partially offset by the addition of staff to operate Alga Norte Park, the addition of an Office Fellow program in the City Manager's Office and the effects of the staff reorganization completed in FY 2012-13. The FY 2013-14 Preliminary Operating Budget includes the elimination of the following 12.0 full- time positions: 2.0 Associate Engineer 1.0 Deputy City Manager 1.0 Meter Services Worker II 2.0 Office Specialist II 1.0 Park Maintenance Worker II 1.0 Park Planning Manager 1.0 Recreation Area Manager 2.0 Senior Office Specialist 1.0 Utilities Director The FY 2013-14 Preliminary Operating Budget includes the addition of the following full-time and limited term positions: 1.0 Administrative Services Director 1.0 Office Fellow-Limited Term 2.0 Recreation Supervisors (Alga Norte Park) 1.0 Senior Engineer 0.25 Office Specialist II The net increase in hourly staff totals 18.0 FTE. This increase is due to the addition of 17.0 houriy staff for the new Alga Norte Park and the addition of 0.50 houriy staff each in City Attorney's Office and Records. These changes result in a city workforce of 667.75 full and three-quarter time employees, and 150.58 houriy, full-time equivalent positions. New Facilities The city has a number of major capital projects scheduled to be built over the next five years. As the city completes these projects, the costs of maintaining and operating the facilities, including additional personnel if necessary, are added to departmental operating budgets. The opening of Alga Norte Park is expected to occur in FY 2013-14, and additional funds for operating the park have been incorporated in the FY 2013-14 Preliminary Operating Budget in the Parks and Recreation Department, and in the Property and Environmental Management Department. Additional staffing has also been added to operate and maintain the park, as mentioned in the position changes noted above. B-10 2013-14 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW Exhibit 1 Budget by Fund Type The table below shows the changes in the Preliminary Operating Budget for FY 2013-14, as compared to the Adopted Budget for FY 2012-13. BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BY FUND TYPE (In Millions) FUND BUDGET 2012-13 BUDGET 2013-14 $ CHANGE % CHANGE GENERAL FUND SPECIAL REVENUE ENTERPRISE INTERNAL SERVICE REDEV. OBLIG. RETIREMENT $ 115.2 10.9 64.7 18.1 1.4 $ 116.9 10.6 65.9 17.2 1.3 $ 1.8 (0.2) 1.2 (0.9) (0.1) 1.5% -2.0% 1.9% -5.0% -7.5% TOTAL $ 210.3 $ 212.0 $ 1.7 0.8% The General Fund contains most of the discretionary revenues that support basic core city services. However, this should not diminish the importance of the other operating funds, as they also contribute to the array of services available within Carisbad. The remainder of this section will provide more information about the budgeted expenditures by fund and program. GENERAL FUND SUMMARY BY EXPENDITURE TYPE (In Millions) BUDGET 2012-13 BUDGET 2013-14 $ CHANGE % CHANGE PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS CAPITAL OUTLAY TRANSFERS $ 73.3 30.7 0.1 11.0 $ 74.2 31.6 11.1 $ 1.0 0.8 (0.1) 0.1 1.3% 2.7% -100.0% 0.7% TOTAL $ 115.2 $ 116.9 $ 1.8 1.5% General Fund The total Preliminary Operating Budget for the General Fund for FY 2013-14 is $116.9 million, which is 1.5 percent greater than the previous year's Adopted Budget of $115.2 million. The total increase is attributable to an $800,000, or 2.7 percent, net increase in Maintenance and Operations costs, $1 million, or 1.3% increase in Personnel, and a $100,000, or 0.7 percent, overall decrease in transfers out of the General Fund to other city funds, as can be seen in the table above. These changes are discussed in more detail below. Personnel costs make up approximately 63.5 percent of the General Fund budget so any changes in these costs can have a significant effect on the total budget. The total personnel budget for FY 2013-14 is $74.2 million, which is $1 million, or 1.3 percent, more than the previous year's total personnel budget of $73.3 million. B-11 ^1 2013-14 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW Exhibit 1 GENERAL FUND PERSONNEL COSTS (In Millions) BUDGET 2012-13 BUDGET 2013-14 $ CHANGE % CHANGE SALARIES RETIREMENT HEALTH INSURANCE WORKERS COMP OTHER PERSONNEL $ 51.0 13.1 6.7 1.4 1.2 $ 51.9 13.0 6.8 1.4 1.1 $ 1.0 (0.1) 0.1 1.9% -0.7% 1.5% -0.4% -1.7% TOTAL $ 73.3 $ 74.2 $ 1.0 1.3% The table above shows the breakdown of personnel costs for the General Fund. Overall, total personnel costs are projected at $74.2 million, an increase of about $1 million, or 1.3 percent, for FY 2013-14 as compared to FY 2012-13. Salaries include full and part-time staff costs and are expected to increase in FY 2013-14 by $1 million, or 1.9 percent. The increase is mainly due to previously negotiated wage increases scheduled to occur in FY 2013-14, as well as the addition of staff to operate and maintain Alga Norte Park. Total wage and staffing increases were somewhat offset by the elimination of 6.75 full-time positions citywide. Employer retirement rates, as projected by CalPERS, will increase in FY 2013-14 by about 1 percent of payroll for General and Management employees, representing a 4.2 percent increase, and by about 0.7 percent of salary for Safety employees, representing a 2.2 percent increase. These rate increases for the city were offset by retirement cost decreases due to prior year General, Management and Safety employee labor negotiations, which resulted in employees picking up the employee share of the annual contribution. Additional decreases resulted from position eliminations, resulting in an overall in an overall pension contribution decrease of $100,000, or 0.7 percent for FY 2013-14. In addition to the retirement costs noted here, an additional $700,000 has been budgeted as a transfer to the City's Self-Insured Benefits Fund as a set aside to help address anticipated future pension rate increases from CalPERS. Health insurance rates are projected to increase by about 3 percent in FY 2013-14, while Worker's Compensation expense is projected to remain flat for the fiscal year. These increased costs are partially offset by decreases due to a reduction in the overall number of city personnel, resulting in only slight increases for the coming year. Miscellaneous other personnel costs, such as bi-lingual pay, are projected to decrease slightly for FY 2013-14. Maintenance & Operations costs (or M&O) represent about 27 percent of the total General Fund budget, and include the budgets for all program expenses other than personnel, capital outlay and transfers. Overall, total M&O costs are projected at $31.6 million, an increase of about $800,000, or 2.7 percent, for FY 2013-14 as compared to FY 2012-13. Maintenance and Operations costs are discussed more fully by program later in the report. Capital Outlay includes budgeted equipment purchases over $1,000. There are no major capital outlay purchases in the General Fund for FY 2013-14. B-12 2013-14 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW Exhibit 1 Transfers are amounts anticipated to be transferred from the General Fund to another city fund. The transfers included in this year's proposed budget are to the following funds: • $7.8 million to the Infrastructure Replacement Fund for major maintenance and replacement of city infrastructure. This represents 6.5 percent of the General Fund Revenues, the same as the percentage transfer for FY 2012-13. • $253,000 to the Storm Water Program for reimbursement for the General Fund portion of Storm Water expenses. • $545,000 to the Median Maintenance and Street Tree Maintenance Special Revenue Funds to cover cash shortfalls, as annual assessments collected from property owners do not cover annual operating expenditures. • $989,549 to the city's municipal golf course for debt service. • $700,000 to the city's Self-Insured Benefits Fund as a set aside to address anticipated future pension rate increases from CalPERS. • $750,000 to the city's General Liability Fund for increases to estimated claims payable. Advances are amounts anticipated to be transferred from the General Fund to another city funds and are expected to be repaid to the General Fund in future years. No General Fund advances are included in this year's Preliminary Operating Budget. Another way of looking at the General Fund budget is by program. The chart below compares the total FY 2013-14 Budget to the amounts adopted in the previous year. A brief description of each department and its services and a summary of significant department budget changes in the FY 2013-14 Preliminary Operating Budget, are noted below the chart. B-13 2013-14 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW Exhibit 1 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (In Millions) BUDGET BUDGET $ % DEPARTMENT 2012-13 2013-14 CHANGE CHANGE POLICY/LEADERSHIP $ 4.3 $ 4.0 $ (0.2) -5.1% COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEV 7.1 6.8 (0.2) -3.1% FINANCE 3.5 3.6 0.1 2.3% FIRE 17.5 17.8 0.2 1.4% HOUSING & NEIGHBORHOOD SRVCS 0.6 0.6 -3.7% HUMAN RESOURCES 2.3 2.4 0.1 5.5% LIBRARY & ARTS 10.3 10.4 0.1 0.8% PARKS AND RECREATION 12.7 13.2 0.5 3.8% POLICE 27.9 28.7 0.8 2.9% PROPERTY & ENVIRONMENTAL MGT 5.1 5.6 0.4 8.4% RECORDS MANAGEMENTS 0.8 0.8 -1.3% STORM DRAIN ENGINEERING 0.3 0.3 --0.9% TRANSPORTATION 8.8 8.7 (0.1) -1.6% NON-DEPARTMENTAL 13.9 14.0 0.1 0.5% TOTAL $ 115.2 $ 116.9 $ 1.8 1.5% The Policy & Leadership Group consists of all elected officials, the City Manager's Office, the City Attorney's Office, communications and records management functions. The $200,000, or 5.1 percent, net decrease for FY 2013-14 is primarily due to the elimination of the Deputy City Manager position, as well as reductions in one-time capital outlay purchases and M&O costs. The Community and Economic Development Department includes economic development, planning, development services, building inspection, and land use engineering. The decrease of about $200,000, or 3.1 percent, is mainly due to the elimination of three FTE. The department eliminated one full-time Associate Engineer, one full-time Office Specialist, and one full-time Senior Office Specialist. The Finance Department provides the services of accounting, financial reporting, capital and operating budgeting, payroll, billing and collections, citywide mail processing, purchasing and receiving, fiscal oversight, and long-term financial planning for the city. The increase of about $100,000, or 2.3 percent, is mainly due to increases in internal services, as well as an increase in bank service charges. The Carisbad Fire Department provides emergency operations, emergency preparedness, and fire prevention services to safeguard lives, property and the environment in the City of Carisbad. The FY 2013-14 operating budget is $200,000, or 1.4 percent larger, when compared to the FY 2012-13 budget. The Housing and Neighborhood Services Department includes the city's neighborhood services, code enforcement, hiring center and volunteer programs. Budgeted expenditures for the department are expected to remain flat from FY 2012-13 to FY 2013-14. B-14 2013-14 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW Exhibit 1 The Human Resources Department supports the city with staffing and recruitment, employee development, performance management, and compensation and labor relations services. An increase in contractual services related to investigations and fact- finding account for the increase of $100,000, as compared to the FY 2012-13 budget. The Library and Arts Department provides staffing and a wide variety of programming for two library branches, a library learning center, and a cultural arts office. The department's budget is projected to increase by $100,000, or 1 percent, from FY 2012- 13 to FY 2012-13. The Parks and Recreation Department plans, staffs and maintains the city's parks and recreational facilities, provides an assortment of recreational programs for all ages, maintains landscaping at facilities throughout the city, and manages the city's open space areas. Overall, the department's budget is increasing by $500,000, or 3.8 percent, from the prior year, largely due to the net change from the elimination of 3 full-time positions, and the increase of 2 FTE positions and 17 houriy positions to operate Alga Norte Park, expected to open to the public during FY 2013-14. The Carisbad Police Department provides high quality public safety services to the community by enforcing laws and ordinances, preserving the peace, and providing for the protection of life and property. Overall, the department's costs are increasing by $800,000, or 2.9 percent, for FY 2013-14 as compared to FY 2012-13. Approximately $230,000 of the increase is due to internal service charges. Also, in FY 2013-14, a $120,000 increase is for computer maintenance, and $50,000 is for miscellaneous services, primarily for the animal control contract. Approximately $400,000 of the increase is in overall personnel costs, with the remaining increases in supplies, training, and general operations costs. The Property and Environmental Management Department manages all city-owned property, including real estate, buildings and vehicles. The department also manages the city's environmental programs, which include storm water, habitat and other environmental maintenance and monitoring programs. The approximately $400,000, or 8.4 percent, increase from the prior year's budget is primarily due to adding $200,000 for facility maintenance costs associated with the opening of Alga Norte Park, including the addition of a 0.50 houriy FTE position, and $150,000 for the Safety Training Center, a new facility which opened in FY 2012-13. The remaining increase is primarily in items not included in the block budget, such as miscellaneous facility projects. The Records Management budget of $800,000 for FY 2013-14 reflects no significant changes from the FY 2012-13 budget. The Utilities Department in the General Fund consists of Storm Drain Engineering activities. No significant change is expected for FY 2013-14 as compared to the FY 2012-13 budget appropriation. The Transportation Department manages all streets, traffic and other city-wide transportation services, including city traffic engineering, traffic signal monitoring and 2013-14 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW Exhibit 1 maintenance, and maintenance of all city streets and roadways. The department budget IS expected to decrease $100,000, or 1.6 percent from FY 2012-13 to FY 2013-14. . Non-departmental expenses include the transfers previously discussed, the Council Contingency account, and administrative and other expenses not associated with any one department. The non-departmental budget is approximately equal to the FY 2012- 13 adopted budget. The Council Contingency is a budgeted amount that is available to the City Council to address unanticipated emergencies or unforeseen program needs during the fiscal year Pnor to the economic recession, the Council Contingency budget provided between 2 and 2.5 percent of the General Fund Operating Budget for these unforeseen costs The Council Contingency was reduced significantly during the last three years to ensure a balanced budget during the economic recession. For FY 2013-14, the Contingency is budgeted $1.5 million, with no change when compared to the prior year. $ Millions 120 115 -f-9.5% -Hi.5% 110 105 100 +3.0% (3.3%) +2.2% (3.2%) +0.3% FY 2008 FY2009r FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 $116.5m $112.7m $109.1m $109.4m $111.8m $115.2m $116.9m As reflected in the chart above, the city's expenditures were reduced significantly with the City Council's revised budget in FY 2008-09, reflecting a 3.3 percent decrease from the FY 2007-08 Adopted Budget. A further 3.2 percent reduction was made in FY 2009-10 in order to reduce expenditures in line with continued General Fund revenue declines. Expenditure projections for FY 2010-11 remained relatively flat, with growth of less than one percent, in anticipation of a flat economy. For FY 2011-12 General Fund expenditures showed a slight increase of 2 2 percent supported by projected revenue increases. For FY 2012-13 General Fund expenditures were expected to increase by $3.3 million, or 3 percent. In FY 2013-14 expenditures are budgeted to increase $1.8 million, or 1.5 percent. Changes in Other Funds Special Revenue funds, at $10.7 million, are down $200,000, or 1.5 percent, from the prior year. While there are several Special Revenue funds with fluctuations from year to year the most significant decrease is in funding for rental assistance. Enterprise funds total $65.9 million, which is an increase of $1.2 million, or 1.9 percent, over the FY 2012-13 Adopted Budget. The most significant change in Water Operations is due to the estimated increase in the cost of water purchased from the San Diego County Water Authority B-16 2013-14 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW Exhibit 1 with an estimated 4 percent increase in commodity purchases and a 5.5 percent increase in fixed costs, effective January 1, 2014. Carisbad customers decreased water consumption for several years; however, in FY 2012-13 the quantities purchased began to increase. The quantities purchased are expected to follow the same trajectory in FY 2013-14 as in FY 2012- 13. The Operating Budget also includes funding for depreciation replacement transfers related to growth and aging of the water infrastructure system. Wastewater operations are projected to decrease 1.3 percent, or $200,000, over the Adopted Budget for FY 2012-13. This decrease in the operating budget is primarily due to a reduction in personnel related costs and Encina services costs. Golf Course operations are expected to remain relatively flat for FY 2013-14. The Golf Course budget was previously done on a calendar year basis; beginning July 1, 2013 the budget and financial reporting will occur on a fiscal year basis. The Internal Service funds total $17.2 million, a decrease of $900,000, or 5 percent, from the prior year. The Internal Service funds are self-supporting through user charges. Changes occurred in a number of these funds, including the following: • The Worker's Compensation budget shows an increase of approximately $100,000, or 7.2 percent, based on higher claims projected for the fund, as compared to the prior fiscal years. • The Self Insured Benefits budget shows a decrease of approximately $2.7 million, due to the timing of transfers made to CalPERS for pension liability reductions. • The Vehicle Maintenance and Replacement budget remains relatively flat when compared to FY 2012-13. A list of the requested replacement vehicles can be found at the end of this document. • The Information Technology budget shows an increase in the department's budget of approximately $1.5 million, or 24 percent, from the prior fiscal year. About $1.1 million of this increase is due to replacement of equipment, and the remaining $400,000 is for planned increases in maintenance and support of new software and hardware. The budgets for the Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Funds (RORF) budgets have decreased by $100,000 or 7.5 percent, from the Redevelopment Agency Fund budgets shown in the previous year. On June 29, 2011, California Governor Jerry Brown signed ABX1 26 to dissolve all redevelopment agencies within the State of California. All agencies were subsequently dissolved as of February 1, 2012, and a Successor Agency was designated to complete the work of the Carisbad Redevelopment Agency (RDA) and satisfy the financial obligations. The FY 2013-14 Preliminary Operating Budget reflects two Recognized Obligation Payment Schedules (ROPS) that will be prepared by the Successor Agency (one has already been submitted for approval and one will be completed during FY 2013-14), but which must ultimately be approved by the Oversight Board, the County of San Diego and the State of California. The ROPS identifies financial commitments of the former RDA, including $250,000 in administrative costs, which will be paid from semi-annual tax increment revenue received by the Successor Agency and annual debt service requirements. Every six months a new ROPS must be prepared and approved by the Oversight Board, the County of San Diego and the State of California in order to receive additional tax increment. During FY 2012-13, the city was notified that several items were not approved in their ROPS (including parking lot leases in the downtown area), creating a reduction in the FY 2013-14 expenditure budget. B-17 2013-14 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW Exhibit 1 SUMMARY This Preliminary Operating Budget for FY 2013-14 provides a balanced budget for the coming fiscal year while continuing with a long-term plan to sustain a balanced budget in future years. Significant ongoing operating expenses were identified and incorporated in FY 2013-14 to ensure the budget reflects the ongoing financial obligations of the city. The Carisbad economy is continuing to improve, as a strong economic base is aided by the addition of hotel, retail and commercial projects. Major revenue sources are improving in the city, with continued gains seen in property tax, sales tax, and hotel tax revenues. Carisbad still faces economic challenges from a fluctuating economy, continued fixed costs increases, and concerns over the impact that budget decisions at the state and federal levels could have on the city's financial situation. To meet these challenges, the city has initiated a program to evaluate all city operations looking for opportunities to reduce costs through efficiencies, shared services or contracting out services in some areas when that makes sense. The city has already seen results from these efforts. As fixed costs like utilities, insurance, and supplies have increased, departments have been able to reduce costs in other areas to maintain a balanced budget without impacting services provided to the community. The City of Carisbad is entering the new fiscal year in a solid financial position and focused on the future. Careful planning and responsible management have allowed the city to not only maintain core services, but to also move ahead on community projects and other investments that contribute to an excellent quality of life in our community. Promoting a strong local economy and bringing more jobs to the city is a top priority. Due to continued fiscally conservative practices, the city is in an excellent position to take advantage of new economic opportunities that will allow our community to thrive now and for many years in the future. B-18 2013-14 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 2 OVERVIEW The City of Carisbad Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a planning document that outlines the expenditure plan for future capital projects and the corresponding revenues to pay for those expenditures. The CIP is a financial planning document, not a commitment for spending. All construction costs are estimates and are reviewed and further refined each year. Spending authorization is given only at the time the City Council formally adopts the proposed budget, and, at that time, funds are only appropriated for the following fiscal year. Information is shown in subsequent years to provide the most comprehensive overview of all the known future facilities the City of Carisbad plans to construct. The Fiscal Year (FY) 2013-14 Capital Improvement Program outlines approximately $44.7 million in new appropriations to provide additional funding for the continuation of existing projects as well as funding for new projects. Projected revenues during the same fiscal year are estimated at $42.2 million. As the city continues to grow and develop, there is a corresponding increase in the demand for development-related services and new facilities. To ensure that the necessary infrastructure and facilities are built on a schedule that meets or exceeds this demand, the citizens of Carisbad adopted a Growth Management Plan in 1986. The Growth Management Plan states that unless a standard level of facilities is available to meet new demands resulting from the city's growth, development cannot proceed. This Plan is the foundation for making decisions about the timing and prioritization of the capital projects under consideration. A discussion of the city's Growth Management Plan is located at the end of this report. The remainder of the report explains the process and the results of the city's plan for its capital facilities. Proposition C was approved by the voters of Carisbad in November 2002. It allowed the city to expend over $1 million (per project) of city funds to help finance the following projects: • City/Safety Training Center • A portion of Cannon Road - East of College (Reach 4) • Trails and Open Space • Alga Norte Swimming Pool Complex After the voters approved the ballot initiative, the city set aside $35 million for Proposition C projects. Currently, $16.3 million has been appropriated for Alga Norte Park, $13.7 million has been appropriated for the Joint First Responders Training Facility, $100,000 is allocated for design of a City Administrative Training Facility, and $235,000 is proposed for the Arroyo Vista Trail Extension. A balance of approximately $4.7 million has been allocated to help fund the remaining Proposition C projects. It is still anticipated that the city will continue to meet its growth management standards. This reflects the Council's continued commitment to construct the facilities as needed to serve the current and anticipated development occurring throughout the city. PROJECT EVALUATION Projects that are shown in the CIP are generally defined as any construction (or reconstruction/replacement) of major infrastructure such as streets, libraries, parks, fire stations and administrative facilities, water, sewer and drainage facilities, and other facilities that are located on or in the ground. In most cases, the total construction cost of each of these assets is recorded and tracked as part of the city's inventory of capital infrastructure assets and other city- owned property. 1-1 ^9 2013-14 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 2 The CIP and the Operating Budget are integral parts of the total city financing plan. Staff began the process by evaluating the construction schedules for city facilities in conjunction with the workload of the staff needed to complete the projects. Staff also met with the City Council to identify their priorities. In the FY 2013-14 CIP, there are approximately 240 continuing and new projects planned in the next 15 years. All projects were analyzed using the criteria shown in the table. Project timing was reviewed, and an evaluation of the availability of capital construction funds as well as operating funds was then factored into the evaluation process. CAPITAL PROJECTS Project Ranking Criteria 1. Is the project required to ensure the health and safety of the citizens, as the result of a legal mandate? 2. Is the project needed soon for growth management compliance? Is the project needed now for other city standards (example: ball field standards)? 4. Does the project complete or provide part of the basic infrastructure (example: a linking road segment)? 5. Are there other reasons to construct the project (example: Council priority, timing or funding opportunity, public demand)? Are operating funds available to operate the facility? The following two sections provide information about the major capital projects. The first section focuses on projects planned in the next five years, and the second section contains an overview of the entire expenditure plan through the FY 2027-28 (the next 15 years). All construction costs are estimates and only projects scheduled for FY 2013-14 are appropriated. The information shown in the future years reflect the most comprehensive snapshot of the known future facilities and their associated cost at this point in time. THE NEXT FIVE YEARS PARK PROJECTS The city has planned a number of park projects over the next five years which will enhance the recreational opportunities for Carisbad's residents and allow the city to meet the standards for park acreage as set forth in the growth management plan. Some of the more significant projects are listed below. Leo Carrillo Phase 111 - Phase III includes the renovation of additional buildings, construction of additional restrooms and an arboretum area. The total cost of the remainder of Phase 111 is approximately $1.9 million and design is expected to begin in FY 2016-17. CIVIC FACILITIES Civic facilities include a variety of facilities from which the city can offer its services to the public. Fire Station No. 3 Relocation - Fire Station No. 3 is currently located at the corner of Chestnut and Catalina. As the city grows eastward, relocation of this station is needed to help ensure a six minute response time. The land was previously acquired in the Robertson Ranch site, and the remaining construction cost is estimated at $9.4 million. Library Renovation Proiects - Significant renovation projects are planned at the Dove and the Cole libraries. Improvements are designed to accommodate current staffing needs, meet patron demands for modern library services and allow for better wireless and communications services for the public. The estimated renovation cost for both libraries is $3 million. 1-2 2013-14 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 2 Facilities Maintenance - As the city facilities begin to age, maintenance and repair projects are needed to keep them in good condition. Twelve projects have currently been identified at a total cost of about $8.3 million. Included are major refurbishment projects at the Cole and Dove libraries which will be constructed in conjunction with the renovation projects mentioned above, as well as synthetic turf replacement at Poinsettia Park soccer fields. Village and Barrio Area Proiects - There are five new projects proposed this next year for making improvements to the downtown Village Area and Barrio neighborhoods. The projects include bike and pedestrian way finding signage and traffic circles, decorative lighting, parking way finding, safety lighting, and streetscape improvements. STREET AND CIRCULATION PROJECTS Livable Streets continues to be a top Council priority. To help improve the flow of traffic throughout Carisbad and to keep the city's street and pedestrian ways in top condition, there are a number of projects planned in the next five years. Some of the larger projects are listed below: Traffic Signal Program - In keeping with the City Council's goal of improving traffic flow, the FY 2013-14 CIP includes the continuation of the Traffic Signal Program project. This project will upgrade traffic signal hardware and software in conjunction with the creation of a communications network that will be used to manage traffic signal operations and thereby improve the flow of traffic. Another area of focus is a concept called "complete streets" which uses street design to create a sense of place and community through green spaces, medians and signage, while encouraging a healthier, less vehicle dependent lifestyle. The City Council identified complete streets as a top priority. One project which incorporates these concepts could begin this fall with construction of a traffic circle "roundabout" along the northern end of Carisbad Boulevard next to Buena Vista Lagoon, making it easier for vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists to move through the intersection. ADA Improvements - ADA projects throughout the city are scheduled for $1 million in funding over the next five years. The project includes various accessibility improvements, including sidewalk curb ramps and pedestrian signals. Avenida Encinas Widening - Widening to full secondary arterial standards along Avenida Encinas from Palomar Airport Road to just south of Embarcadero Lane is scheduled for design in FY 2014-15. The CIP includes $5.2 million to fund this project in the next five years. Carisbad Boulevard Bridge Concrete Barriers - Installation of a concrete barriers on the existing bridges located on Carisbad Boulevard are planned at a total cost of about $2.3 million, primarily funded through a federal grant. The bridges are located north of Cannon Road over the power plant outlet channel, and over the railroad tracks south of State Street. El Camino Real Widening - There are a number of projects that are scheduled over the next five years that will focus on the widening of El Camino Real to prime arterial roadway standards, in addition to other improvements. The projects include widening from Cassia Road to Camino Vida Roble, Arenal Road to La Costa Avenue, Lisa Street to Crestview Drive and Tamarack to Chestnut. In the next five years, $5.9 million in additional funding is included for these projects. 1-3 2013-14 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 2 Pavement Management - Carisbad's local streets are maintained on a regular cycle to ensure a good riding surface and to extend the life of the streets. Part of the maintenance program is the sealing and overiay of the existing street surface. In addition, any problem areas are addressed as they are identified. The FY 2013-14 CIP has $18.6 million budgeted in the next five years for this program. Parking Lot Maintenance Program - Parking lot maintenance is a new program scheduled to begin in FY 2013-14 at a total cost of $1.5 million in the next five years. WATER/WASTEWATER PROJECTS The city's water and wastewater projects are vital to the continued health and welfare of its citizens. Most new lines are built and paid for by developers. As the city ages, it will become necessary to repair and replace the lines that already exist, and an increase in these projects is anticipated in future years. In the next five years, an additional $105.4 million in funding is scheduled for both new and replacement water and sewer projects. Vista/Carisbad Interceptor & Agua Hedionda Lift Station Replacement - This project consists of a set of individual projects that will ultimately construct a parallel sewer interceptor system to accommodate existing and future sewer flows from the cities of Vista and Carisbad. The individual projects include a main in Jefferson Street, replacement of the Agua Hedionda Lift Station, and a main from the lift station to the Encina Wastewater Facility. The overall total cost estimate for this set of projects totals $56.2 million, of which an estimated $17.5 million is to be funded by the City of Carisbad, with the remaining $38.7 million to be funded by the City of Vista. Wastewater Other major wastewater facilities scheduled for construction or replacement within the next five years include: Buena Interceptor Sewer Improvements Faraday/El Camino Real Sewer Replacement Foxes Landing Lift Station and Forcemain Las Palmas Trunk Sewer Poinsettia Lane Lift Station Emergency Overflow Basin Quarry Creek Sewer Extension Terra Mar Sewer Replacement Water Lines Major water facilities scheduled for construction or replacement within the next five years include the following locations: Aviara Parkway and Plum Tree Carisbad Boulevard - South of Avenida Encinas College Boulevard - Cannon Road to Badger Lane Desalinated Seawater Transmission Main Fire Flow System Improvements Hydroelectric Generator at Palomar Airport Road La Costa High Reservoir Inlet Pipeline Maerkle Reservoir Floating Cover Replacement Tri-agencies Water Transmission Pipeline Replacements 1-4 3^ 2013-14 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 2 Recycled Water Expansion Expansion to the Carisbad Water Recycling Facility, including construction of additional pipelines and a reservoir, are anticipated to cost $29.4 million over the next five years. DRAINAGE PROJECTS The city's drainage infrastructure plays an important role in handling storm water runoff flows, as well as maintaining the water quality of the city's creeks, lagoons and ocean. Carisbad supports programs that will ensure that all water bodies within the city are safe and clean and, where possible, open to the public at all times. The system consists of drainage pipes 30-inches or larger in diameter, large concrete and rock lined channels, permanent sedimentation basins and miscellaneous large facilities. As the city continues to age, it will become necessary to repair and replace the lines that already exist. An increase in these projects is anticipated in future years. Northwest Quadrant and Park Drive Drainage Improvements - The next five years include continued improvements to drainage systems in the older parts of Carisbad, particulariy the northwest quadrant, with an additional $3.6 million programed. CAPITAL PROJECTS THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2027-28 The CIP for FY 2013-14 to FY 2027-28 outlines approximately 240 projects at a cost of almost $500 million as shown below: CIP Projects - All Future Project Costs Project Type Percent Total Cost Streets/C i rcu 1 a ti o n 25% 125,648,979 Civic Projects 17% 84,719,256 Wastewater 16% 79,664,021 Parks 16% 79,591,800 Water 19% 92,434,615 Drainage 3% 17,263,565 Other (loans) 4% 20,107,039 Total Future 100% 495,425,275 Park and recreational facility construction and acquisition projects total approximately $79.6 million, or 16 percent. Current projects planned are listed below, in addition to when the design and/or construction are expected to begin. PARK PROJECTS BY QUADRANT Citywide Park and Recreational Project Veteran's Memorial Park: FY 2024-28 Business Park Recreational Facility: FY 2024-28 Northwest Quadrant Pine Avenue Park Community Building: FY 2024-28 Northeast Quadrant Robertson Ranch Park Site Development: FY 2024-28 Southwest Quadrant 1-5 33 2013-14 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 2 Poinsettia Park Community Building: FY 2019-23 Aviara Community Facility: FY 2024-28 Southeast Quadrant Alga Norte Community Park Phase II: FY 2019-23 Leo Carrillo Park Phase 111: FY 2016-17 AviRra Community Facility - Located in the southwest quadrant of the city, this project includes the construction of an 18,000 square foot community facility that would include meeting and activity rooms, as well as park offices. Veterans Memorial Park - This project is located south and east of Aqua Hedionda Lagoon adjacent to the city golf course, The Crossings at Carisbad. The Master Plan includes the following improvements: community leisure needs, open space interpretive area, parking and maintenance facility. Other suggested uses for this park include an amphitheater complex, sports complex, conference center and numerous other active/passive recreation amenities. Approximately 25 percent of future expenditures, or $125.6 million, are planned for street and traffic signal construction projects. Projects include several road-widening projects, and funding for sidewalk construction, concrete repair work, ADA projects, and parking lot and pavement maintenance. Wastewater projects are expected to cost over $79.7 million, or 16 percent for numerous pipeline construction and rehabilitation projects. Future water and recycled water projects include construction of new wateriines, both potable and recycled, and expansion of the Carisbad Water Recycling Facility. Replacement o existing potable wateriines and reservoir improvements are also included in this category. A total of ^9Z.4 million, or 19 percent of the total CIP, is planned for these projects. Construction and maintenance of civic facilities such as libraries, administrative buildings, and police and fire facilities are currently estimated at $84.7 million, or 17 percent of the total planned capital expenditures to build out. UNFUNDED PROJECTS There are several projects identified in the CIP for which there is no identifiable funding source and in some cases, where only partial funding has been identified. The city will investigate obtaining possible outside funding, such as federal and state grants, loans, or other financing sources Once funding is identified for these projects, the project costs will have to be reviewed and updated to reflect actual cost estimates. The unfunded projects do not receive annual inflationary increases. These projects are: • Agua Hedionda Channel (partial)* • Business Park Recreational Facility (partial) • Cannon Lake Park . Cannon Road - Reach 4B - Cannon Road/College Boulevard to City Limits (partial) • Carisbad Boulevard Widening Mountain View to Northeriy City Limits (partial)** • Carisbad Boulevard/Palomar Airport Road Improvements (partial)** • Carisbad Boulevard Realignment, Segments 3-5 • Hosp Grove/Buena Vista Lagoon Improvements 1-6 / / / / 2013-14 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 2 • Pine Avenue Park - Madison Property Phase 2 • Robertson Ranch (NE Quadrant) Park Development (partial) (*) The Agua Hedionda Channel project is funded in part with Planned Local Drainage Area fees. The unfunded amount is listed in this section. (**) These projects are in the Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) program approved by the City Council on May 12, 2009, which was planned to generate enough revenue to pay for 20 percent of the total cost of these projects, the remaining 80 percent is unfunded. FUTURE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT There are a variety of revenues that are used to fund the capital projects. In order to estimate future revenues from development, several assumptions about the rate and type of future development need to be made. These assumptions can change from year-to-year and correlate with the economic climate. Every year, city staff evaluates all existing and future private development projects and compares this information to the capacity of the city using adopted general plans. Information about existing development activity combined with estimates of how remaining net developable land might develop is then summarized to prepare future projections about when and where residential and non-residential development will occur. The following table shows the number of residential units and non-residential square feet of development used in calculating estimated revenues for FY 2013-14 and subsequent years to build out Projected Development Residential and Nonresidential Construction Residential Non-Residential Year Units Square Feet 2013-14 118 344,260 2014-15 134 130,772 2015-16 128 125,544 2016-17 126 250,593 2017-18 177 374,168 Years 2018-2022 989 2,742,984 Years 2023-2027 1,695 4,745,142 Totals 3,367 8,713,463 Finance Department staff prepares cash flow schedules using current fund balances combined with future estimated fees paid by those developments, and compares the available funds to the expenditure plan to ensure that funding will be sufficient for construction of the capital projects as planned in the CIP. In addition to evaluating whether or not capital funds are sufficient, significant operating cost impacts and availability of staff resources are also considered in evaluating the timing of projects. Where funding discrepancies occur, alternative financing methods and project timing are again evaluated and recommendations are made to resolve the discrepancies. The number of annual building permits issued is projected to decline compared to the previous five-year period. The development schedules of the remaining vacant parcels are driving the timing of the future units. There are 3,367 units remaining before the city reaches buildout. 1-7 2013-14 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 2 Residential development for FY 2013-14 is projected at 118 units, and, over the next five years will average 137 units annually. This is compared to an average of over 277 units per year for the previous five-year period. The decline, particulariy in the next five years, is expected to continue, in part, due to the decreasing supply of developable land. The amount of non-residential development is projected to stay relatively flat over the next five years, with average annual development estimated at about 275,000 square feet. Projects include several neighborhood commercial/retail developments located in or near the areas where most of the residential development has occurred or where new development is planned over the next several years. In the southeast quadrant, commercial projects include retail and restaurants, and a daycare facility and church. A senior care facility is planned in the northeast quadrant and additional commercial development is planned at Bressi Village and La Costa Town Square. Industrial development consists of various new office and industrial projects. The desalination plant is also anticipated within the next five years. Development estimates provide the data and basis for estimating future fee revenues, which are calculated by multiplying each applicable development fee by the estimated number of dwelling units and/or square feet of construction expected during each year. REVENUES Over the next 15 years, revenues for Capital Projects are an estimated $605.5 million and are segregated into five major funding sources: (1) fees generated by development in Carisbad, (2) special district fees and taxes (Community Facilities Districts and Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit Districts), (3) water and wastewater replacement funds, (4) infrastructure replacement funds (other than wastewater and water), and (5) other sources, including grants, bond issues, and contributions from other agencies. Capital Improvement Program Revenues FY2013-14to FY2027-28 $605.5 million Developer Fees Other Agencies 23% 19% Financing Districts 4% InfrastructuT Replacement Transfers ^^^^^^KI^Bt^^^^ ^^'''^^ Replacement Transfers 30% 1-8 2013-14 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 2 Approximately 23 percent of all capital revenue is received as a result of development, and is dependent upon assumptions made about the city's annual growth in dwelling units and commercial/industrial square feet. Development revenues include Public Facilities Fees (PFF), Traffic Impact Fees (TIF), Park-ln-Lieu Fees (PIL), Planned Local Drainage (PLD) Fees, Water Connection Fees (MFF), and Sewer Connection charges. Revenue from special districts, such as Community Facilities Districts (CFD) and Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit Districts (BTD) comprise 4 percent of the total. Water and wastewater replacement revenues generated by user fees equal approximately 30 percent of total revenues, and are used to pay for replacement of existing water and sewer facilities. Infrastructure replacement revenues, equal to 24 percent, are transfers from the city's General Fund, which are being set aside to pay for replacement of major capital facilities other than wastewater and water facilities. The remaining 19 percent consists of revenues from other agencies and include federal and state grants, the county sales tax program (TransNet) and contributions from cities, developers, and other agencies. CALCULATION OF FUTURE FEES The revenue projections in the Capital Improvement Program reflect the growth assumptions identified in the previous section. The following information delineates how those assumptions were applied to estimate future development revenues. The mix of multi-family and single-family residential units is assumed to be 35 percent and 65 percent, respectively, and reflects the anticipated mix of residential development for each Local Facilities Management Zone. The building permit valuation used for computing Public Facilities Fees is $180,437 per multi-family dwelling unit, and $319,912 per single-family dwelling unit A building permit valuation of $42 per square foot of construction is used to calculate non-residential Public Facilities Fees. In order to calculate estimated revenues for Traffic Impact Fees (TIF), the number of average daily trips was computed for each type of development use. An attached multi-family residential dwelling unit is assigned either eight or six trips and a detached single-family unit is assigned 10 trips per day. The trips-per-day value for commercial and industrial buildings are 40 and eight trips per 1,000 square feet of development, respectively, although the actual volume of trips generated by commercial/industrial building can vary widely depending on the ultimate land use. Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 1 is a citywide district established to finance various civic facilities required under the city's Growth Management Plan. CFD No. 3 was established for the Faraday Avenue and Melrose Drive Extensions east of El Camino Real, as well as the extension of El Fuerte. Park-in-Lieu Fees are collected for the purchase and development of parkland within each quadrant of the city, and the fees are based on the acquisition cost of parkland. Projects in the CIP funded with Park-in-Lieu Fees include future park site acquisition, development and restoration. Bridge and Thoroughfare Fee Districts (BTD) are formed by property owners to finance specific road construction projects located within the district boundaries. Poinsettia Lane - Aviara Parkway (BTD No. 2) was formed to finance the construction of Poinsettia Lane between Aviara Parkway and El Camino Real and Aviara Parkway between Palomar Airport Road and Poinsettia Lane. 1-9 37 2013-14 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 2 SUMMARY The FY 2013-14 CIP is being driven by the city's commitment to ensure that facilities are available to serve the developing areas as well as the current residents. Carisbad's philosophy has been to build quality capital facilities, which meet and, at times, exceed Growth Management standards. Phasing projects over a period of years to match funding availability for construction and operations is often used to meet the needs of growth management. The FY 2013-14 Capital Improvement Program reflects the commitment of Carisbad's City Council and staff to continue providing its residents with a better quality of life. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN The Growth Management Plan was developed and voted into law by the citizens of Carisbad in 1986. The plan was established to manage development within the city by linking residential, commercial, and industrial development directly to standards for availability of public services and facilities. The Growth Management Plan has established precise standards for 11 public facilities. Standards must be met at all times as growth occurs. Facilities for which standards have been established are as follows: - City Administrative - Library - Wastewater Treatment - Parks - Circulation - Drainage - Fire - Open Space - Schools - Sewer Collection - Water Distribution The plan requires that appropriate public facilities be available, in conformance with the adopted performance standards, as development occurs. Unless all of the 11 public facility standards have been met, no new development can occur. The Growth Management Plan impacts both the Operating Budget and the Capital Improvement Program. The detailed level of planning required by Growth Management has allowed Carisbad's Capital Improvement Program to anticipate the funding needed for capital improvements in the next 15 years. The timing of construction of facilities is governed by the rate of development and the 11 performance standards. New public facilities often require additional staffing and other resources, which affects the Operating Budget. Facilities such as community centers, parks, and fire stations have been constructed and opened to the public under this program. The Capital Improvement Program has been designed to specifically address areas where new or expanded facilities will be needed to maintain compliance with the adopted performance standards. With the adoption of the FY 2013-14 CIP, compliance with the Growth Management Plan is continued. 1-10 Exhibit 3 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2013-137 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE FINAL OPERATING BUDGET AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEAR 2013-14 FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND ESTABLISHING CONTROLS ON 5 CHANGES IN APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE VARIOUS FUNDS. 6 " 7 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Cartsbad, California has reviewed the proposed final Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program for FY 2013-14 and has held such public hearings as are necessary prior to adoption of the final budgets, 10 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of 11 Carisbad, California, as follows: 12 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 13 14 2. That certain documents now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the 15 City of Carisbad entitled, "City of Carisbad, FY 2013-14 Preliminary Operafing Budget 16 and FY 2013-14 to FY 2027-28 Capital Improvement Program - Preliminary" as amended in accordance with Exhibits 3-A through 3-C attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein, is hereby adopted as the Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets for the City of Carisbad for FY 2013-14 along with the Program Opfions determined by the City Council as set forth in the minutes of the Council meefing of Tuesday, June 11, 2013. 18 19 20 21 22 2^ 3. That the amounts refiected as esfimated revenues for FY 2013-14 as 24 shown in Exhibits 3-A and 3-B are hereby adopted as the budgeted revenues for 2013- 14. 26 4. That the amounts designated as the 2013-14 Budget request in Exhibits 3- 27 A and 3-B are hereby appropriated to the department or fund for which they are 28 Exhibit 3 1 designated and such appropriation shall not be increased except as provided herein. 2 5. That total appropriations for each fund may only be increased or 3 decreased by the City Council by passage of a resolution amending the budget except 4 as provided herein. 5 6. That the following controls are hereby placed on the use and transfers of 6 budget funds: 7 A. No expenditure of funds shall be authorized unless sufficient funds 8 have been appropriated by the City Council or City Manager as described below. 9 i. The City Manager may authorize all transfers of funds from 10 account to account within any department. 11 ii. The City Manager may authorize transfers of funds between 12 departments within the same fund in an amount up to $100,000 per transfer. 13 iii. The City Manager may delegate any of the authority given to 14 him/her under this resolufion. 15 iv. The City Manager may authorize budget adjustments involving 16 offsetting revenues and expenditures; the City Manager may authorize increases 17 in an appropriation for a specific purpose where the appropriation is offset by 18 unbudgeted revenue, which is designated for said specific purpose. 19 V. The City Manager may authorize the transfer of appropriafions 20 between accounts and/or capital projects up to $1,000,000 for the costs 21 associated with the Encina Wastewater Facility (Encina) as authorized by the 22 Encina Wastewater Authority's staff and/or Board. Any increase to the total 23 appropriafions for Encina's operafing budget and capital program must be 24 approved by the City Council. 25 vi. The City Manager may authorize budget adjustments to increase 26 the appropriations for Workers Compensafion, Risk, Self Insured Benefits and 27 28 Exhibit 3 1 Liability Funds operafing budgets in an amount equal to the increases in costs of 2 claims expenses. 3 vii. The City Council must authorize all transfers of funds from the 4 Council's Confingency Account. 5 B. The City Manager may authorize emergency out of state travel for 6 public safety or emergency services purposes. 7 C. The City Council must authorize any increase in the number of 8 authorized permanent personnel positions above the level identified in 9 Exhibit 3-C. 10 D. The City Manager may authorize the hiring of temporary or part time 11 staff as necessary, within the limits imposed by the controls listed above. 12 7. That the legal level of budgetary control is the fund level. Budgets may 13 not legally be exceeded at the fund level without appropriate authorizafion by the City 14 Council. 15 8. That interest earned on grants may be appropriated during the year for the 16 purpose for which the grant was received. 17 9. The City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager or his/her designee 18 to set parks & recreation program, rental, and class fees that are included in the 19 Community Services Guide. The fee shall not exceed the fully burdened (direct and 20 indirect) costs of providing the program, rental, and class but shall be no less (except in 21 the case of introductory, discount or promotional pricing) than the lowest fee charged for 22 like kind programs or classes in similarly benchmarked Southern California cifies. 23 10. That the City Manager may authorize budget adjustments to increase the 24 appropriafions in the Public Facilifies Fee Fund in an amount equal to the ufility 25 expenses for the City of Carisbad's Las Palmas facility, while the building remains 26 vacant. 27 28 HI Exhibit 3 1 11. That all appropriations in the Operafing Budget and in Capital 2 Improvement Program remaining unexpended at June 30, 2013, are hereby 3 appropriated to FY 2013-14. 4 12. That all appropriations for outstanding encumbrances as of June 30, 5 2013, are hereby confinued into FY 2013-14 for such contracts or obligafions. 23 24 25 26 27 28 /// /// /// 10 /// 11 /// 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// 21 /// 22 /// /// /// /// /// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council, Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors, Carlsbad Community Development Commission and City of Carlsbad as the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency held on the 11^*^ day of June, 2013, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Hall, Packard, Wood, Blackburn and Douglas. None. None. MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: (SEAL) Exhibit 3-A1 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS PROJECTED FUND BALANCES UNRESERVED BALANCE JULY 1,2012 PROJECTED REVENUES PROJECTED EXPENDITURES ADVANCES &FUND TRANSFERS OTHER CHANGES PROJECTED BALANCE JUNE 30, 2013 GENERAL FUND REPAYMENT FROM SOLID WASTE ADVANCE TO SCCRDA ADVANCE TO GOLF COURSE FUND ADVANCE TO HABITAT MITIGATION FEE FUND CHANGE IN RESERVATIONS & DESIGNATIONS TOTAL GENERAL FUND SPECIAL REVENUE AFFORDABLE HOUSING BUENA VISTA CHANNEL MAINTENANCE CITIZEN'S OPTION FOR PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT CULTURAL ARTS DONATIONS LIBRARY AND ARTS ENDOWMENT FUND LIBRARY GIFTS/BEQUESTS LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 LOCAL CABLE INFRASTRUCTURE FUND MEDIAN MAINTENANCE PARKING IN LIEU POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE POLICE GRANTS RECREATION DONATIONS RENTAL ASSISTANCE - SECTION 8 SENIOR DONATIONS STREET LIGHTING STREET TREE MAINTENANCE TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE ENTERPRISE WATER OPERATIONS RECYCLED WATER OPERA"i IONS WASTEWATER OPERATIONS SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT GOLF COURSE TOTAL ENTERPRISE INTERNAL SERVICE WORKERS' COMPENSATION RISK MANAGEMENT SELF-INSURED BENEFITS VEHICLE MAINTENANCE VEHICLE REPLACEMENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE I REDEVELOPMENT OBLIGATION RETIREMENT FUNDS | VILLAGE RDA OBLIGATION RETIREMENT FUND TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT OBLIGATION RETIREMENT FUND5 $61,383,660 * $117,298,000 7,596,408 $115,521,155 (118,565) 7,223,526 $63,160,505 0 0 0 (118,565) 61,383,660 117,298,000 115,521.155 63,041,940 19,064,963 2,160,700 546.503 20,679,160 1,366,597 122,000 260.000 1,228,597 70,673 149,900 110,388 110,185 1,076,763 5,000 55,060 1,026,703 220,777 1,193,000 1,580,191 (166,414) 156,243 37,900 66,820 127,323 259,357 1,000 6,014 254,343 140,451 127,000 116,000 151,451 1,446,402 523,400 240,000 1,729,802 668,716 371,000 219,512 820,204 156,833 736,000 860,000 32,833 400,179 0 44,000 356,179 614,376 96,000 207,678 502,698 (171,343) 729,600 0 558,257 214,442 36,600 14,000 237,042 597,835 5.885,300 6,365,483 117,652 203,057 133,900 25,000 311,957 635,068 1,471,300 993,320 1,113,048 45,085 611,100 650,000 6,185 27,166,474 14,390,700 12,359,969 29,197,205 (7,763) 36,258,500 34,552,154 1.698.583 5,068,834 7,670,650 7,383,139 5.356.345 146,937 11,895,257 10,772,025 1.270.169 9,592,343 3,423,565 3,093,321 9.922.587 493,577 7,500,000 7,491,575 502.002 15,293,928 66.747,972 63,292,214 18,749,686 1,487,800 2,053,783 3,500,000 41,583 294,870 1,876.654 1,837,240 334,284 2,534,114 2.653,955 3,998,780 1,189,289 321,891 2,739,346 2.233.779 827,458 15,070,668 1,894,228 1,556,418 15,408,478 4,668,072 6,699,807 5,609.756 5,758,123 24,377,415 17,917,773 18,735,973 23,559,215 7,596,408 53,006 7,223,526 425,888 425,888 [TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS $135,817,885 $216,407,451 $217,132,837 ($118,565) $0 $134,973,934 * FOR THE GENERAL FUND ONLY THIS REPRESENTS UNASSIGNED FUND BALANCE, B-17 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS PROJECTED FUND BALANCES Exhibit 3-A1 PROJECTED BALANCE JULY 1,2013 ESTIMATED REVENUES ADOPTED BUDGET ADVANCES & FUND TRANSFERS OTHER CHANGES PROJECTED BALANCE JUNE 30, 2014 GENERAL FUND REPAYMENT FROM SOLID WASTE ADVANCE TO SCCRDA ADVANCE TO GOLF COURSE FUND ADVANCE TO HABITAT MITIGATION FEE FUND CHANGE IN RESERVATIONS & DESIGNATIONS TOTAL GENERAL FUND SPECIAL REVENUE AFFORDABLE HOUSING BUENA VISTA CHANNEL MAINTENANCE CITIZEN'S OPTION FOR PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT CULTURAL ARTS DONATIONS LIBRARY AND ARTS ENDOWMENT FUND LIBRARY GIFTS/BEQUESTS LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 LOCAL CABLE INFRASTRUCTURE FUND MEDIAN MAINTENANCE PARKING IN LIEU POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE POLICE GRANTS RECREATION DONATIONS RENTAL ASSISTANCE - SECTION 8 SENIOR DONATIONS STREET LIGHTING STREET TREE MAINTENANCE TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE $63,041,940 * $121,003,185 $116,917,890 $67,127,235 0 0 0 0 0 63,041,940 121,003,185 116,917,890 67,127,235 20,679,160 595,000 461,067 20,813,093 1,228,597 121,000 105,925 1,243,672 110,185 110,400 125,035 95,550 1,026,703 10,000 10,000 1,026,703 (166,414) 913,000 563.190 183,396 127,323 40,500 68.400 99,423 254,343 2,000 4.000 252,343 151,451 120,000 63.367 208,084 1,729,802 542,153 246.439 2,025,516 820,204 371,000 356.738 834,466 32,833 713,734 741.370 5,197 356,179 0 42.000 314,179 502,698 54,500 251,761 305,437 558,257 8,100 0 566,357 237,042 23,700 51,969 208,773 117,652 5.551.700 5,990,386 (321,034) 311,957 30.000 35,100 306,857 1,113,048 882.402 882,971 1,112,479 6,185 652,283 649,668 8,800 29,197,205 10,741,472 10,649,386 29,289,291 ENTERPRISE WATER OPERATIONS RECYCLED WATER OPERAnONS WASTEWATER OPERATIONS SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT GOLF COURSE TOTAL ENTERPRISE INTERNAL SERVICE WORKERS' COMPENSATION RISK MANAGEMENT SELF-INSURED BENEFITS VEHICLE MAINTENANCE VEHICLE REPLACEMENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE I REDEVELOPMENT OBLIGATION RETIREMENT FUNDS | VILLAGE RDA OBLIGATION RETIREMENT FUND TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT OBLIGATION RETIREMENT FUNDS 1,698,583 5,356,345 1,270,169 9,922,587 502,002 18.749.686 41.583 334.284 1.189.289 827,458 15,408,478 5,758,123 23,559,215 425,888 425,888 38,117,000 7,945,650 11,972,119 3,485,145 7,517,749 69,037,663 1,568,120 2,701,490 1,597,019 2,810,684 1,505,824 7,033,392 17,216,529 1,291,400 1,291,400 36,077,284 7,523,438 11,186,522 3,595,771 7,498,961 65,881,976 1,774,781 1,701,927 1,521,397 2,874,734 1,287,565 8,088,407 17,248,811 1,291,415 1,291,415 3,738,299 5,778,557 2,055,766 9,811,961 520,790 21,905,373 (165,078) 1,333,847 1,264,911 763,408 15,626,737 4,703,108 23,526,933 425,873 425,873 TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS $134,973,934 $219,290,249 $211,989,478 $0 $0 $142,274,705 FOR THE GENERAL FUND ONLY THIS REPRESENTS UNDESIGNATED, UNRESERVED FUND BALANCE. B-18 1-6 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES Exhibit 3-A2 REVENUE SOURCE ACTUAL REVENUE 2011-12 PROJECTED REVENUE 2012-13 ESTIMATED REVENUE 2013-14 AS% OF FY 12-13 PROJECTED DIFFERENCE 2012-13 TO 2013-14 GENERAL FUND TAXES PROPERTY TAX SALES TAX TRANSIENT TAX FRANCHISE TAX BUSINESS LICENSE TAX TRANSFER TAX TOTAL TAXES INTERGOVERNMENTAL VEHICLE LICENSE FEES HOMEOWNERS EXEMPTION OTHER INTERGOVERNMENTAL TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL LICENSES AND PERMITS BUILDING PERMITS OTHER LICENSES & PERMITS TOTAL LICENSES & PERMITS CHARGES FOR SERVICES PLANNING FEES BUILDING DEPT FEES ENGINEERING FEES AMBULANCE FEES RECREATION FEES OTHER CHARGES OR FEES TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES FINES AND FORFEITURES INCOME FROM INVESTMENTS AND PROPERTY- INTERDEPARTMENTAL CHARGES OTHER REVENUE SOURCES TOTAL GENERAL FUND $48,181,123 28,733,198 12,872,425 4,851,742 3.668,441 924,807 99,231,736 52,838 368,465 644,130 1.065,433 878.316 973,545 324,097 695,988 758,760 2.689,979 1.534.000 483.459 6.486.283 $47,703,000 29.910,000 13,857,000 4.908,000 3,536,000 1,086,000 101,000,000 55,000 370,000 500,000 925,000 577,000 640,000 213,000 457,000 499,000 2,763,000 1,582,000 594,000 6,108,000 $48,409,000 31,107,000 14,710,000 5,002,000 3,677,000 1,097,000 104,002,000 0 372,000 627,000 999,000 751,000 833,000 277,000 595,000 649,000 2,500,000 2,114,378 508,500 6,643,878 1.5% 40% 6.2% 1.9% 4.0% 1.0% 3.0% -100.0% 0.5% 25.4% 1.0% 30.2% 30.2% 30.1% 30.2% 30.1% -9.5% 33.7% -14.4% $706,000 1,197,000 853,000 94,000 141,000 11,000 3,002,000 (65,000) 2,000 127,000 74,000 174.000 193.000 64.000 138,000 150,000 (263,000) 532,378 (85,500) 535,878 (44,500) (449,176) • INTEREST IS CALCULATED ON AN AMORTIZED COST BASIS B-19 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES Exhibit 3-A2 REVENUE SOURCE ACTUAL REVENUE 2011-12 PROJECTED REVENUE 2012-13 ESTIMATED REVENUE 2013-14 AS% OF FY 12-13 PROJECTED DIFFERENCE 2012-13 TO 2013-14 I SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS AFFORDABLE HOUSING AFFORDABLE HOUSING FEES FEDERAL GRANT STATE GRANT INTEREST OTHER TOTAL AFFORDABLE HOUSING BUENA VISTA CHANNEL MAINTENANCE BUENA VISTA FEES INTEREST TOTAL BUENA VISTA CHANNEL MAINTENANCE CITIZEN'S OPTION FOR PUBLIC SAFETY STATE FUNDING (AB3229) INTEREST TOTAL CITIZENS OPTION FOR PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS INTEREST TOTAL COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT ~ FEDERAL GRANT INTEREST OTHER TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT CULTURAL ARTS DONATIONS DONATIONS INTEREST OTHER TOTAL CULTURAL ARTS DONATIONS LIBRARY AND ARTS ENDOWMENT FUND INTEREST TOTAL LIBRARY AND ARTS ENDOWMENT FUND LIBRARY GIFTS/BEQUESTS GIFTS/BEQUESTS INTEREST OTHER TOTAL LIBRARY GIFTS/BEQUESTS LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. #2 LLD #2 FEES INTEREST OTHER TOTAL LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DIST. NO. #2 LOCAL CABLE INFRASTRUCTURE FUND CABLE FEES INTEREST TOTAL LOCAL CABLE INFRASTRUCTURE FUND MEDIAN MAINTENANCE MEDIAN MAINTENANCE FEES INTEREST OTHER TOTAL MEDIAN MAINTENANCE PARKING IN LIEU IN LIEU FEES INTEREST TOTAL PARKING IN LIEU POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE ASSET FORFEITURES INTEREST OTHER TOTAL POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE POLICE GRANTS FEDERAL GRANT INTEREST TOTAL POLICE GRANTS $1,727,445 42,341 0 204,589 10,602,272 12,576,647 157,331 16,324 171,312 695 22,480 3,852 50,534 1,671 8,516 128,682 2,125 438,526 15,853 0 454,379 49,734 7,520 (74) 57,180 809.300 0 200.000 35.000 100,000 22,000 967,600 400 225,000 37,000 300 600 37,900 126,000 1,000 0 127,000 489,600 28,400 5,400 366,000 6,000 358,000 0 378,000 94,500 1,500 0 96,000 729.600 0 $163,000 100,000 0 122,000 210,000 595,000 100,000 21,000 110.400 0 913,000 0 33,000 0 7,600 40,500 524,852 17,301 0 542,153 364,000 7,000 358,734 0 355,000 50,000 4,500 -864% -87.6% 0.0% -39.0% 500.0% -72.5% -26.4% 0.0% -6.6% -100.0% -100.0% -23.5% -10.8% -100.0% 1160 0% -4.8% -100 0% 0.0% -5.5% 7.2% -39.1% -100.0% -0.3% 16.7% 0.2% 0.0% -6.1% 0.0% 0.0% -47.1% 200.0% 0.0% -43.2% ($953,400) (709,300) 0 (78,000) 175,000 (1.665,700) 0 (1.000) (1.000) (39.600) 0 (39.500) (54.600) (400) (225.000) (280.000) (4.000) (300) 6.900 2.600 (6,000) (1,000) (7.000) 35,252 (11.099) (5.400) 18.753 (1.000) 1.000 734 0 (23.000) (22.266) (44.500) 3.000 0 (41.500) (721.500) 0 (721.500) B-20 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES Exhibit 3-A2 REVENUE SOURCE ACTUAL REVENUE 2011-12 PROJECTED REVENUE 2012-13 [SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - CONTINUED RECREATION DONATIONS DONATIONS 8, GRANTS INTEREST TOTAL RECREATION DONATIONS RENTAL ASSISTANCE FEDERAL GRANT INTEREST OTHER TOTAL RENTAL ASSISTANCE SENIOR DONATIONS DONATIONS INTEREST OTHER TOTAL SENIOR DONATIONS STREET LIGHTING GOVERNMENT GRANTS AND LOANS STREET LIGHTING FEES INTERDEPARTMENTAL OTHER INTEREST TOTAL STREET LIGHTING STREET TREE MAINTENANCE TREE MAINTENANCE FEES INTEREST OTHER TOTAL STREET TREE MAINTENANCE TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ESTIMATED REVENUE 2013-14 AS % OF FY 12-13 PROJECTED DIFFERENCE 2012-13 TO 2013-14 25,722 2,359 6,028,802 6.866 20.216 6.055.873 8.302 2.378 14.533 25.213 204.563 728.669 0 177.378 9.969 463,855 278 113.500 577.633 $23.097.742 35.600 1.000 5.856.900 5.100 24.300 5.885.300 120.000 500 13.400 133.900 587.100 730.600 141.400 12.200 23.700 0 5.545,000 6.700 8.000 2.000 20.000 30.000 0 728,772 0 141,400 12,230 882,402 462,283 0 190.000 662,283 -33.4% -100.0% -5.3% 31.4% -100.0% -5.7% -93.3% 300.0% 49.3% -77.6% -100.0% -0.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.3% -40.0% 0.2% 0.0% 27.0% 6.7% (11,900) (1,000) (12,900) (310,900) 1,600 (24,300) (333,600) (112,000) 1.500 6,600 (103,900) (587,100) (1.828) (588.898) 783 0 40.400 41.183 ($3.649.228) 8-21 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES Exhibit 3-A2 REVENUE SOURCE ACTUAL PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS% DIFFERENCE REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE OF FY 12-13 2012-13 TO 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 PROJECTED 2013-14 $21,442,931 $23,900,000 $25,200,000 6.4% $1,300,000 8.026.609 8,700.000 9,160,000 5.2% 450,000 2.722.560 2.665.000 2,855,000 7.1% 190,000 129.695 135.000 120,000 -11.1% (15,000) 123.086 125,000 125,000 0.0% 0 301.394 316,500 280,000 -11.5% (36,500) 16.895 177,500 1,000 -99.4% (176,600) 88.337 80,000 80,000 0.0% 0 122.242 100,000 100,000 0.0% 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0 248.537 59,500 206,000 246.2% 146,500 33,222,286 36,268,500 38,117,000 5.1% 1,868,500 5,094,428 5,760,000 6,000,000 4.2% 240,000 580,879 625,000 650,000 4.0% 25,000 1,137,150 1,050,000 1,100,000 4.8% 50,000 70,363 70,000 50,000 -28.6% (20,000) 121,366 165,650 145,650 -12.1% (20,000) 7,004,186 7,670,650 7,945,650 3.6% 275,000 10,905,656 11,500,000 11.530,000 0.3% 30.000 31,339 32,000 23.000 -28.1% (9.000) 173,091 175,000 180.000 2.9% 5.000 52,174 85,000 80.000 -6.9% (5.000) 78.345 72,119 89.119 23.6% 17.000 94,491 31,138 70.000 124.8% 38.862 11,336,096 11.895,267 11.972.119 0.7% 76.862 119,781 126,000 113.145 -9.5% (11.865) 275,596 275.000 277.000 0.7% 2.000 53,739 57,000 57.000 0.0% 0 2,631,421 2,700,000 2.700.000 0.0% 0 269,414 266,565 338.000 26.8% 71.435 3,349,951 3,423,565 3.485.145 1.8% 61,580 92,292 90.000 90.000 0.0% 0 6,127,068 6.423,160 6.429,200 0.1% 6.040 1.644,592 986.840 998,549 1.2% 11,709 7,863,952 7,500,000 7,617,749 0.2% 17,749 $62,775,471 $66,747,972 $69,037,663 3.4% $2,289,691 I ENTERPRISE FUNDS WATER OPERATIONS WATER SALES READY TO SERVE CHARGES PROPERTY TAXES NEW ACCOUNT CHARGES BACK-FLOW PROGRAM FEES PENALTY FEES INTEREST ENGINEERING OVERHEAD SERVICE CONNECTION FEES AGRICULTURAL CREDITS OTHER TOTAL WATER OPERATIONS RECYCLED WATER OPERATIONS WATER SALES READY-TO-SERVE CHARGE RECYCLED WATER CREDITS INTEREST OTHER TOTAL RECYCLED WATER OPERATIONS WASTEWATER OPERATIONS SERVICE CHARGES MISC SEWER ENGINEERING OVERHEAD PENALTY FEES INTEREST OTHER TOTAL WASTEWATER OPERATIONS SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT INTEREST RECYCLING FEES (AB939) PENALTY FEES TRASH SURCHARGE OTHER TOTAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT GOLF COURSE OPERATIONS INTEREST CHARGES FOR SERVICES OTHER TOTAL GOLF COURSE OPERATIONS TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS B-22 V? CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES Exhibit 3-A2 REVENUE SOURCE ACTUAL REVENUE 2011-12 PROJECTED REVENUE 2012-13 ESTIMATED REVENUE 2013-14 AS% OF FY 12-13 PROJECTED DIFFERENCE 2012-13 TO 2013-14 [INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS WORKERS' COMPENSATION INTERDEPARTMENTAL INTEREST OTHER TOTAL WORKERS' COMPENSATION RISK MANAGEMENT INTERDEPARTMENTAL INTEREST OTHER TOTAL RISK MANAGEMENT SELF-INSURED BENEFITS INTERDEPARTMENTAL INTEREST OTHER TOTAL SELF-INSURED BENEFITS VEH'CLE MAINTENANCE INTERDEPARTMENTAL INTEREST OTHER TOTAL VEHICLE MAINTENANCE VEHICLE REPLACEMENT INTERDEPARTMENTAL INTEREST OTHER TOTAL VEHICLE REPLACEMENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FEDERAL GRANT INTERDEPARTMENTAL INTEREST OTHER TOTAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS $1,467,230 74.471 286,347 1.818.048 1.609.110 3.094 28.733 1.640.937 2.516.825 2,422 21,000 2,539,247 1,917,674 176,551 3,387 2,096,612 6,682,808 54,783 16,482 6,754.073 $17.132.920 $1,501,120 27,461 525.202 2,053,783 1,858,560 1,900 16,194 1.876,654 771,303 0 1,882,652 2,653,955 19,176 2.739,346 1,820,012 74.216 0 1.894.228 0 6.656.904 24.063 18.840 6.699.807 $1,501,120 67,000 0 1,568,120 1,951.490 0 750.000 2.701.490 817,089 0 779,930 2,794,684 0 16,000 2,810,684 1,505,824 0 1,505,824 0 6.983.592 49.800 0 7,033,392 0.0% 144.0% -100.0% -23.7% 5.0% -100.0% 4531.3% 44.0% 5.9% 0.0% -58.6% -39.8% 2.7% 0.0% -16.6% 2.6% -17.3% -100.0% 0.0% -20.5% 0.0% 4.9% 107.0% -100.0% 5.0% $0 39.539 (525.202) (485.663) 92.930 (1.900) 733.806 824.836 (1.102.722) (1.056.936) 74.514 0 (3.176) 71.338 (314.188) (74.216) 0 (388.404) 0 326.688 25.737 (18.840) 333.585 ($701.244) I REDEVELOPMENT OBLIGATION RETIREMENT FUNDS VILLAGE RDA OBLIGATION RETIREMENT FUND RENTAL INCOME TAX INCREMENT INTEREST OTHER TOTAL VILLAGE OPERATIONS / DEBT SERVICE TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT FUNDS [TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS $8,764 2.607.668 45.041 2.822 2.664.295 $0 53.006 53,006 $0 1,291,400 $1,291,400 0.0% 0.0% -100.0% 0.0% 2336.3% $0 1,291,400 (63,006) 0_ 1.238.394 B-23 DEPARTMENT CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE 2010-11 ACTUAL* 2011-12 ACTUALS 2012-13 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 2012-13 BUDGET 2013-14 BUDGET Exhibit 3-A3 %INCR (DEC) 12- 13 BUD TO 13- 14 BUD GENERAL FUND POLICY AND LEADERSHIP GROUP ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES FINANCE HUMAN RESOURCES RECORDS MANAGEMENT TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY SERVICES LIBRARY AND ARTS PARKS AND RECREATION TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE POLICE TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY PUBLIC WORKS CITY COUNCIL CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK CITY MANAGER CITY TREASURER COMMUNICATIONS TOTAL POLICY AND LEADERSHIP GROUP $352,145 1,327,414 176,655 1,348,850 181,262 793,887 4,180,213 3,472,814 2,320,758 775,002 6,568,574 COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT HOUSING AND NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7,309,222 400,062 7,709,284 PROPERTY AND ENVIROMENTAL MANAGEMENT TRANSPORTATION STORM DRAIN ENGINEERING TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 10,528,095 11,867,576 22,395,671 16,121,182 27,670,820 43,792,002 4,660,673 8,312.277 260.580 13,233.530 $337,599 1,289,939 124,036 1,442,294 183,730 638,541 4,016,139 3,395,659 2,285,191 687,969 6,368,819 7,035,103 499,230 7,534,333 10,418,253 12,160,698 22,578,951 17,034,490 27,506,352 44,540,842 4,707,149 8,327,015 237,203 13,271,367 340,274 1,276,912 108,267 1,635,927 190,684 664,634 4,216,698 3,778,015 2,176,829 649,510 6,604,354 6,145,795 606,166 6,751,961 10,413,256 13,086,425 23,499,681 18,048,059 27,636,105 45,684,164 4,619,441 10,268,151 304,109 15,191,701 $352,729 1,336,908 141,563 1,504,476 194,812 725,987 4,256,475 3,511,305 2,275,507 792,303 6,579,115 7,061,612 576,991 7,638,603 10,308,502 12,718,661 23,027,163 17,540,315 27,937,848 45,478,163 5,135,939 8,840,761 281,483 14,258,183 $364,856 1,316,806 63,347 1,388,651 207,514 697,185 4,038,359 3,591,465 2,399,628 802,226 6,793,319 6,842,728 598,583 7,441.311 10,394,004 13,198,247 23,592,251 17,777,047 28,746,830 46,523,877 5,566,546 8,696,580 279,098 14,542,224 3.4% -1.5% -55.3% -7.7% 6.5% -4.0% -5.1% 2.3% 5.5% 1.3% 3,3% -3,1% 3,7% -2,6% 0.8% 3.8% 2,5% 1.3% 2.9% 2.3% 8.4% -1.6% -0,8% 2,0% NOTE: ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES MAY EXCEED ADOPTED BUDGET SINCE THEY INCLUDE PRIOR YEAR BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS, * ACTUALS, ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND BUDGET HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED TO REFLECT THE CITY'S REORGANIZATION IMPLEMENTATION, B-24 61 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Exhibit 3-A3 DEPARTMENT 2010-11 ACTUAL* 2011-12 ACTUALS 2012-13 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 2012-13 BUDGET 2013-14 BUDGET %INCR (DEC) 12- 13 BUD TO 13- 14 BUD GENERAL FUND - CONTINUED MISCELLANEOUS NON-DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTIONS 51,612 187,316 133,517 0 0 - DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 62,931 54,481 51,493 55,550 60,000 8.0% LEGAL SERVICES 58,605 60,656 10,000 80,000 80,000 0.0% PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 132,079 166,892 500,000 316,100 475,000 50.3% OTHER MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES 48,039 367,818 500,000 0 0 - PERSONNEL RELATED 26,340 57,904 120,000 140,000 175,000 25.0% PROPERTY TAX & OTHER ADMINISTRATION 724,334 735,656 650,000 800,000 650,000 -18.8% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,103,940 1,630,723 1,965,010 1,391,650 1,440,000 3.5% TRANSFERS INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT FUND 7,175,000 7,382,000 7,547,000 7,547,000 7,800,000 3.4% TRANSFERS TO SELF INSURED BEN,-PERS SETASIDE 0 1,400,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 700.000 -61.1% TRANSFERS TO GOLF COURSE 0 1,644,592 986,840 945,000 998.549 5.7% TRANSFER TO LLD#1 (MEDIANS & TREES) 253,850 473,000 527,746 527,746 545.000 3.3% TRANSFER TO STORM WATER PROGRAM 134,790 165,497 246,000 210,000 253,000 20,5% OTHER MISCELLANEOUS TRANSFERS 1,350,000 1,629,806 500,000 0 750,000 - TOTAL TRANSFERS 8,913,640 12,694,895 11,607,586 11,029,746 11,046,549 0.2% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS NON-DEPARTMENTAL SUBTOTAL GENERAL FUND CONTINGENCIES TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS NON-DEPARTMENTAL SUBTOTAL GENERAL FUND CONTINGENCIES TOTAL GENERAL FUND 10,017,580 14,325,618 13,572,596 12,421,396 12,486,549 0,5% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS NON-DEPARTMENTAL SUBTOTAL GENERAL FUND CONTINGENCIES TOTAL GENERAL FUND 107,896,854 112,636,069 115,521,155 113,659,098 115,417,890 1.5% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS NON-DEPARTMENTAL SUBTOTAL GENERAL FUND CONTINGENCIES TOTAL GENERAL FUND 0 0 0 1,500,000 1,500,000 0.0% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS NON-DEPARTMENTAL SUBTOTAL GENERAL FUND CONTINGENCIES TOTAL GENERAL FUND $107,896,854 $112,636,069 $115,521,155 $115,159,098 $116,917,890 1,5% B-25 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Exhibit 3-A3 DEPARTMENT 2010-11 ACTUAL* 2011-12 ACTUALS 2012-13 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 2012-13 BUDGET 2013-14 BUDGET %INCR (DEC) 12- 13 BUD TO 13- 14 BUD 0 0 0 0 0 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 0 0 0 0 AFFORDABLE HOUSING $422,790 $668,816 $546,503 $573,244 $461,067 -19.6% BUENA VISTA CHANNEL MAINTENANCE 84,852 111,753 260,000 133,230 105,925 -20.5% CITIZEN'S OPTION FOR PUBLIC SAFETY 90,447 99,569 110,388 110,388 125,035 13,3% COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS 0 1,680 55,060 28,000 10,000 -64,3% COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT 584,813 1,287,064 1,580,191 540,570 563,190 4.2% CULTURAL ARTS DONATIONS 88,949 66,854 66,820 62,500 68,400 9.4% LIBRARY AND ARTS ENDOWMENT FUND 6,605 4,195 6,014 4,000 4,000 0.0% LIBRARY GIFTS/BEQUESTS 118,516 117,952 116,000 65,620 63,367 -3.4% LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO, 2 192,045 214,544 240,000 236,256 246,439 4.3% LOCAL CABLE INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 271,414 209,422 219,512 362,535 356,738 -1,6% MEDIAN MAINTENANCE 715,442 759,636 860,000 735,758 741,370 0.8% PARKING IN LIEU 0 0 44,000 0 42,000 - POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE 19,450 247,319 207,678 35,775 251,761 603.7% POLICE GRANTS 341,661 748,169 0 0 0 - PUBLIC ART 187,672 0 0 0 0 - RECREATION DONATIONS 18,236 34,358 14,000 39,319 51,969 32.2% RENTAL ASSISTANCE 6,356,973 6,620,112 6,365,483 6,219,914 5,990,386 -3,7% SENIOR DONATIONS 30,973 16,924 25,000 37,990 35.100 -7.6% STREET LIGHTING 2,268,015 1,180.248 993,320 1,025,421 882,971 -13.9% STREET TREE MAINTENANCE 645,070 662,694 650,000 651,432 649,668 -0.3% TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $12,443,923 $13,051,309 $12,359,969 $10,861,952 $10,649,386 -2.0% ENTERPRISE FUNDS WATER OPERATIONS $29,568,137 $30,796,638 $34,552,154 $34,654,191 $36,077,284 4.1% RECYCLED WATER OPERATIONS 6,721,454 7,332,485 7.383,139 7,682,227 7,523,438 -2.1% WASTEWATER OPERATIONS 9,502,110 10,374.682 10,772,025 11,336,015 11,186,522 -1.3% SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 2,544,050 2,941,131 3,093,321 3,503,924 3,595,771 2.6% GOLF COURSE OPERATIONS 7,554,766 7,528,195 7,491,575 7,491,475 7,498,961 0.1% TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS $55,890,517 $58,973,131 $63,292,214 $64,667,832 $65,881,976 1.9% INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS WORKERS' COMPENSATION $3,029,600 $2,236,534 $3,500,000 $1,655,668 $1,774,781 7.2% RISK MANAGEMENT 2,275,616 1,355,752 1,837,240 1,673,429 1,701,927 1.7% SELF-INSURED BENEFITS 983,628 892,560 3,998,780 4,188,113 1,521,397 -63.7% VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 2,696,576 2,773,322 2,233,779 2,837,449 2,874,734 1.3% VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 599,765 1,406,396 1,556,418 1,274,500 1,287,565 1.0% INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 6,458,357 6,298,298 5,609,756 6,519,859 8,088,407 24.1% TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS $16,043,542 $14,962,862 $18,735,973 $18,149,018 $17,248,811 -5.0% $1,473,037 146,863 $7,223,526 $1,396,715 $1,291,415 -7.5% REDEVELOPMENT OBLIGATION RETIREMENT FUNDS $1,473,037 146,863 $7,223,526 $1,396,715 $1,291,415 -7.5% VILLAGE RDA OBLIGATION RETIREMENT FUND sec RDA OBLIGATION RETIREMENT FUND TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT $2,068,690 210,908 $1,473,037 146,863 $7,223,526 $1,396,715 $1,291,415 -7.5% VILLAGE RDA OBLIGATION RETIREMENT FUND sec RDA OBLIGATION RETIREMENT FUND TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT $2,279,598 $1,619,900 $7,223,526 $1,396,715 $1,291,415 -7.5% TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS $194,554,434 $201,243,271 $217,132,837 $210,234,615 $211,989,478 0.8% General Fund Non GF $116,917,890 95,071,588 $211,989,478 NOTE: Estimated expenditures may exceed Adopted Budget since they include prior year budget appropriations. * ACTUALS, ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND BUDGET HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED TO REFLECT THE CITY'S REORGANIZATION IMPLEMENTATION. B-26 ^3 Exhibit 3B CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL FUNDS PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 2012-13 JULY 1,2012 PROJECTED JUNE 30, 2013 UNRESERVED PROJECTED PROJECTED DEBT SERVICE PROJECTED FUND BALANCE REVENUES EXPENDITURES LOANS & OTHER BALANCE 362 BTD#2 - POINSETTIA LANE/AVIARA PKWY 9,021,580 760,253 0 0 9,781,833 363 BTD#3 - CANNON ROAD WEST 164,942 20,987 0 0 185,929 430 CFD#1 -CITYWIDE 63,579,828 1,906,399 33,306 142,111 65,310,810 152 GAS TAX 14,802,567 3,086,599 1,275,914 600,000 16,013,252 300 GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 53,725,127 585,124 12,833,377 0 41,476,874 392 GRANTS - FEDERAL (86,517) 527,474 388,237 0 52,720 370 INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT 68,954,438 8,310,954 816,164 25,000 76,424,228 ASSM DIST OTHER 2,982,706 21,514 0 0 3,004,220 334 PARK FEE ZONES 5,13,16 2.642,328 91,992 0 0 2,734,320 331 PARK-IN-LIEU NE 889,105 8,924 0 0 898,029 330 PARK-IN-LIEU NW 149,705 24,018 0 0 173,723 333 PARK-IN-LIEU SE 1,203,852 113,654 0 0 1,317,506 332 PARK-IN-LIEU SW 1,666,562 202,967 0 0 1,869,529 35X PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G 5,545,486 301,101 462,632 0 5,383,955 320 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 49,048,636 2,111,184 17,123,394 17,000 34,019,426 431 RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD PROJECT 4,913,711 2,998,520 133,766 0 7,778,465 801 RORF VILLAGE 1,500,000 0 0 0 1,500,000 512 SEWER CONNECTION 19,541,985 30,136,624 1,931,683 931,469 46,815,457 515 SEWER REPLACEMENT 30,645,819 4,168,608 4,565,110 0 30,249,317 380 TDA 31,122 0 7,797 0 23,325 310, 315 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 18,872,055 1,468,476 724,501 42,000 19,574,030 341 TRANSNET/BIKE 67,252 691 (4,990) 2,377 70,556 340 TRANSNET/HIGHWAY 1,403,583 14,125 0 1,417,708 0 342 TRANSNET/LOCAL 19,725,251 3,177,293 2,185,897 0 20,716,647 343 TRANSNET/STP 367,258 3,687 0 0 370,945 506 WATER - MAJOR FACILITY 24,370,004 1,233,457 29,619 0 25,573,842 507,502 WATER - RECYCLED WATER 0 0 0 0 0 505, 508 WATER - REPLACEMENT 53,613,926 5,915,875 3,154,891 0 56,374,910 TOTAL 449,342,311 67,190,500 45,661,298 3,177,665 467,693,848 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL FUNDS PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 2013-14 Exhibit 3B JULY 1, 2013 6/30/2013 7/1/2013 2013-14 JUNE 30, 2014 PROJECTED ESTIMATED CONTINUING NEW TOTAL CIP PROJECTED FUND BALANCE REVENUES APPROPR. APPROPR. APPROPR. BALANCE BTD#2 - POINSETTIA LANE/AVIARA PKWY 9,781,833 524,595 641,332 0 641,332 9,665,096 BTD#3 - CANNON ROAD WEST 185,929 100,251 0 0 0 286,180 CFD#1 -CITYWIDE 65,310,810 1,263,172 13,327,237 110,000 13,437,237 53,136,745 GAS TAX 16,013,252 3,124,163 9,658,127 5,633,000 15,291,127 3,846,288 GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 41,476,874 0 3,698,884 9,322,806 13,021,690 28,455,184 GRANTS - FEDERAL 52,720 1,644,357 52,720 1,644,357 1,697,077 0 INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT 76,424,228 7,800,000 7,401,117 4,027,250 11,428,367 72,795,861 OTHER 3,004,220 1,367,000 1,612,232 1,367,000 2,979,232 1,391,988 PARK FEE ZONES 5,13,16 2,734,320 43,164 0 0 0 2,777,484 PARK-IN-LIEU NE 898,029 0 0 0 0 898,029 PARK-IN-LIEU NW 173,723 107,075 0 0 0 280,798 PARK-IN-LIEU SE 1,317,506 5,346 0 0 0 1,322,852 PARK-IN-LIEU SW 1,869,529 122,953 219,100 0 219,100 1,773,382 PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G 5,383,955 322,253 1,839,238 322,000 2,161,238 3,544,970 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 34,019,426 845,358 15,495,515 722,000 16,217,515 18,647,269 RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD PROJECT 7,778,465 264,823 530,380 0 530,380 7,512,908 RORF VILLAGE 1,500,000 0 1,500,000 0 1,500,000 0 SEWER CONNECTION 46,815,457 225,360 43,236,263 978,419 44,214,682 2,826,135 SEWER REPLACEMENT 30,249,317 3,664,660 15,487,479 5,409,396 20,896,875 13,007,102 TDA 23,325 0 22,653 0 22,653 672 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 19,574,030 1,585,020 11,369,582 2,181,000 13,550,582 7,608,468 TRANSNET/BIKE 70,556 0 0 0 0 70,556 TRANSNET/LOCAL 20,716,647 3,199,000 10,668,527 2,994,192 13,662,719 10,252,928 TRANSNET/STP 370,945 0 345,000 0 345,000 25,945 WATER - MAJOR FACILITY 25,573,842 514,242 1,171,109 215,000 1,386,109 24,701,975 WATER - RECYCLED WATER 0 5,100,000 0 5,100,000 5,100,000 0 WATER - REPLACEMENT 56,374,910 10,265,000 33,370,950 4,664,815 38,035,765 28,604,145 TOTAL 467,693,848 42,077,792 171,647,445 44,691,235 216,338,680 293,432,960 Exhibit 3B CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL FUNDS REVENUES ACTUAL AND ESTIMATED 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROJECTED ESTIMATED FUND REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE BTD#2 - POINSETTIA LANE/AVIARA PKW> 212,563 174,051 754,248 760,253 524,595 BTD#3 - CANNON ROAD WEST 2,897 63,308 1,933 20,987 100,251 CFD#1 -CITYWIDE 3,608,907 3,018,210 3,440,334 1,906,399 1,263,172 GAS TAX 2,345,207 2,701,571 3,246,871 3.086,599 3,124,163 GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 4,883,089 1,151,005 2,226,470 585,124 0 GRANTS - FEDERAL 152,163 247,653 158,153 527,474 1,644,357 INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT 8,052,920 8,123,424 8,267,968 8,310,954 7,800,000 OTHER 357,242 59,834 39,633 21,514 1,367,000 PARK FEE ZONES 5,13,16 80,133 138,058 121,800 91,992 43,164 PARK-IN-LIEU NE 22,649 11,984 10,419 8,924 0 PARK-IN-LIEU NW 52,799 8,729 145,792 24,018 107,075 PARK-IN-LIEU SE 22,806 32,610 284,214 113,654 5,346 PARK-IN-LIEU SW 15,461 200,360 881,352 202,967 122,953 PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G 234,507 171,867 225,052 301,101 322,253 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 3,240,518 2,938,293 3,224,274 2,111,184 845,358 RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD PROJECT 73,992 143,790 57,471 2,998,520 264,823 RORF VILLAGE 5,231,171 1,812,986 52,044 0 0 RORF SOUTH CARLSBAD 1,667,988 3,229,006 387,647 0 0 SEWER BENEFIT AREAS 12,597 6,443 12,478 0 0 SEWER CONNECTION 3,320,442 917,116 1,107,247 30,136,624 225,360 SEWER REPLACEMENT 3,924,543 3,080,381 4,022,001 4,168,608 3,654,660 STATE TRANSPORTATION 2,509,480 9,551 35 0 0 TDA 0 0 208,672 0 0 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 1,915,237 1,791,212 1,719,138 1,468,476 1,585,020 TRANSNET/BIKE 59,625 59,157 396 691 0 TRANSNET/HIGHWAY 35,815 18,966 16,490 14,125 0 TRANSNET/LOCAL 761,665 3,711,539 1,807,535 3,177,293 3,199,000 TRANSNET/STP 9,356 4,950 4,301 3,687 0 WATER - MAJOR FACILITY 1,603,100 1,127,989 1,516,854 1,233,457 514,242 WATER - RECYCLED WATER 95,026 464,293 729 0 5,100,000 WATER - REPLACEMENT 6,572,739 5,974,696 5,992,152 5,915,875 10,265.000 TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS 51,076,637 41,393,032 39,933,703 67,190,500 42,077,792 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL FUNDS BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Exhibit 3B 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2012-13 2013-14 2013-14 ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED CONTINUING NEW TOTAL CIP FUND EXPENSE EXPENSE EXPENSE APPROPR. APPROPR. APPROPR. BTD#2 - POINSETTIA LANE/AVIARA PKWi 0 7,970 0 641,332 0 641,332 CFD#1 -CITYWIDE 2,713,091 79,213 175,417 13,327,237 110,000 13,437,237 GAS TAX 1,983,452 1,550,072 1,875.914 9,658,127 5,633,000 15,291,127 GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. 8,542,813 9,780,427 12,833,377 3,698,884 9,322,806 13,021,690 GRANTS - FEDERAL 193,876 184,643 388,237 52,720 1,644,357 1,697,077 GRANTS - STATE 1,989 0 0 0 0 0 INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT 811,806 971,791 841,164 7,401,117 4,027,250 11,428,367 OTHER 130,023 592 0 1,612,232 1,367,000 2,979,232 PARK-IN-LIEU NW 2,545 67,439 0 0 0 0 PARK-IN-LIEU SW 0 0 0 219,100 0 219,100 PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G 1,068,618 369,439 462,632 1,839,238 322,000 2,161,238 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 1,521,377 176,295 17,140,394 15,495,515 722,000 16,217,515 RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD PROJECT 451,395 76,851 133,766 530,380 0 530,380 RORF VILLAGE 61,863 0 1,500,000 0 1,500,000 RORF SOUTH CARLSBAD 44,971 0 0 0 0 SEWER CONNECTION 1,357,095 4,690,166 2,863,152 43,236,263 978,419 44,214,682 SEWER REPLACEMENT 5,581,085 3,328,934 4,565,110 15,487,479 5,409,396 20,896,875 STATE TRANSPORTATION 1,856,934 1,217,826 0 0 0 0 TDA 112,558 64,992 7,797 22,653 0 22,653 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 517,201 171,991 766,501 11,369,582 2,181,000 13,550,582 TRANSNET/BIKE 27,695 48,627 (2,613) 0 0 0 TRANSNET/HIGHWAY 0 0 1,417,708 0 0 0 TRANSNET/LOCAL 166,862 2,241,943 2,185,897 10,668,527 2,994,192 13,662,719 TRANSNET/STP 0 0 0 345,000 0 345,000 WATER - MAJOR FACILITY 270,648 132,128 29,619 1,171,109 215,000 1,386,109 WATER - RECYCLED WATER 464,293 729 0 0 5,100,000 5,100,000 WATER - REPLACEMENT 820,893 679,502 3,154,891 33,370,950 4,664,815 38,035,765 TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS 28,703,083 25,841,570 48,838,963 171,647,445 44,691,235 216,338,680 Note: Expenditures include loans, advances and transfers. ^7 FY 2013-14 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 3B PROJECT TITLE FUND TOTAL COST PRIOR EXP/ENC BALANCE FORWARD CIVIC PROJECTS ADMINISTRATIVE FACILITIES CIVIC CENTER CFD#1 28,301,400 100,000 CIVIC CENTER IRF 976,400 - CITY ADMIN TRAINING FACILITY (PRE-DESIGN) - PROP C GCC 100,000 -- MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS CENTER CFD#1 17,080,264 3,853,027 13,227,237 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS CENTER WATER REPL 7,170,000 -7.170,000 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS CENTER SEWER REPL 3.861,000 15,500 3,845,500 DOWNTOWN AREA PROJECTS BARRIO STREET LIGHTING GCC 100,000 VILLAGE AND BARRIO BIKE AND PEDESTRIAN WAYFINDING GCC 250,000 VILLAGE AND BARRIO TRAFFIC CIRCLES GCC 315.000 VILLAGE DECORATIVE LIGHTING GCC 130.000 VILLAGE PARKING WAYFINDING GCC 105,000 VILLAGE SAFETY LIGHTING GCC 210,000 VILLAGE STREETSCAPE GCC 290,000 POLICE & FIRE FACILITIES FIRE STATION #3 RELOCATION PFF 9,352,000 1,529,263 7,100,737 FIRE STATION #6 (PERMANENT) PFF 5,324,100 5,257,138 66,962 JOINT FIRST RESPONDERS TRAINING FACILITY GCC 2,850,000 2.850.000 - JOINT FIRST RESPONDERS TRAINING FACILITY - PROP C GCC 13,650,000 13,650,000 JOINT FIRST RESPONDERS TRAINING FACILITY - PHASE II GCC 8,446,000 -- POLICE CAD IMPLEMENTATION GCC 2,312,227 2,265,042 47,185 LIBRARY FACILITIES LIBRARY EXPANSION (COLE) CFD#1 5,166,500 - LIBRARY EXPANSION (COLE) PFF 10,603,900 -- LIBRARY EXPANSION (COLE/BROWNLEY DONATION) GCC 1,000,000 COLE LIBRARY IMPROVEMENTS (BROWNLEY DONATION) GCC 629,806 COLE LIBRARY IMPROVEMENTS GCC 1,070,194 DOVE LIBRARY IMPROVEMENTS GCC 1,301,000 TRAILS ARROYO VISTA TRAIL EXTENSION (PROP C) GCC 235,000 COASTAL RAIL TRAIL TDA 60,784 38,131 22,653 COASTAL RAIL TRAIL (ROUNDABOUT NORTHERLY CITY LIMITS) (CMAQ) FEDGRNT 4,482,195 4.438,550 43,645 COASTAL RAIL TRAIL (ROUNDABOUT NORTHERLY CITY LIMITS) SANDAG ATG GRANT OTHER 800,000 COASTAL RAIL TRAIL (ROUNDABOUT NORTHERLY CITY LIMITS) GAS TAX 793,000 LAKE CALAVERA SOUTH TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS GCC 131,000 117,401 13,599 LAKE CALAVERA TRAILS MASTER PLAN/CONSTRUCTION GCC 598,749 180,189 418,560 RORF (FORMERLY RDA) PROJECTS NEW VILLAGE ARTS TENANT IMPROVEMENTS RORF VILLAGE 1,500,000 -1,500,000 MISCELLANEOUS CITYWIDE PROJECTS CFD#1 ADMINISTRATION CFD#1 330,000 HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM GCC 3,190.000 3,176,585 13,415 OPEN SPACE AND TRAILS (PROP C) GCC 4.686.806 -- SUBTOTAL CIVIC PROJECTS 137,402,325 37,370,826 33,569,493 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE BEACH ACCESS STAIRS REPLACEMENT IRF 517.500 247,973 269,527 CITY HALL ELECTRICAL PANEL UPGRADES IRF 85.000 18,500 66,500 COLE LIBRARY REFURBISHMENTS IRF 1,553,750 DOVE LIBRARY REFURBISHMENTS IRF 500,000 FARADAY EXTERIOR REFURBISHMENT IRF 40,000 HARDING CENTER REFURBISHMENT IRF 100,000 62 JS^ FY 2013-14 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 3B YEAR 1 2013-14 YEAR 2 2014-15 YEAR 3 2015-16 YEAR 4 2016-17 YEAR 5 2017-18 YEAR 6-10 2019-23 YEAR 11-15 2024-28 28,201,400 976,400 100,000 100,000 250,000 315,000 130.000 105.000 210.000 290,000 722,000 8,446,000 5,166.500 10.603.900 1.000.000 629.806 1,070,194 1,301.000 235,000 800,000 ^93,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 4,686,806 11,747,806 1.553,750 500,000 40,000 100,000 110,000 110,000 37,723,800 16,770,400 FY 2013-14 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 3B PROJECT TITLE FUND TOTAL COST PRIOR EXP/ENC BALANCE FORWARD HOLIDAY PARK FACILITIES MAINTENANCE IRF 50,000 PARK ATHLETIC FIELD LIGHTING RETROFITS IRF 756,000 SENIOR CENTER REFURBISHMENT IRF 52,000 SYNTHETIC TURF REPLACEMENT: POINSETTIA PARK SOCCER FIELD IRF 665,500 ROOF RENOVATION/REPLACEMENT - DOVE LIBRARY AND LAS PALMAS IRF 315,000 315.000 ROOF REPLACEMENT AT THE RAILROAD DEPOT (VISITOR CENTER) IRF 150,000 150.000 SAFETY CENTER EXTERIOR WATERPROOFING IRF 145,000 145.000 FUTURE FACILITIES MAINTENANCE PROJECTS IRF 14.540.000 SUBTOTAL FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 19,469,750 266,473 946,027 PARK PROJECTS NORTHWEST QUADRANT PARKS BUSINESS PARK RECREATIONAL FACILITY (PARTIAL FUNDING) ZONES 4,202,400 - PINE AVENUE PARK - PINE COMMUNITY BUILDING - PHASE II PIL-NW 1,900,400 -- PINE AVENUE PARK - PINE COMMUNITY BUILDING - PHASE II PFF 8,590,200 -- VETERAN'S MEMORIAL PARK (CITYWIDE ALL QUADRANTS) CFD#1 23,240,000 - NORTHEAST QUADRANT PARKS ROBERTSON RANCH PARK DEVELOPMENT (PARTIAL FUNDING) PIL-NE 2,700,000 - SOUTHWEST QUADRANT PARKS AVIARA COMMUNITY PARK COMMUNITY BUILDING PFF 8,609,800 - AVIARA COMMUNITY PARK COMMUNITY BUILDING PIL-SW 2,956,100 -_ AVIARA REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT PIL-SW 238,000 18.900 219.100 POINSETTIA COMMUNITY PARK -PHASE III PFF 16,483,625 1.072.725 SOUTHEAST QUADRANT PARKS ALGA NORTE PARK - PARK (30 ACRES) - PHASE 1 PFF 22,107,510 20.408.755 1.698,755 ALGA NORTE PARK - POOL - PHASE 1 PFF 6.099,695 385,445 5,714,250 ALGA NORTE PARK - POOL - PHASE 1 (PROP C FUNDS) GCC 11.792.796 11,766,849 25,947 ALGA NORTE PARK - POOL - PHASE 2 GCC 6.180.000 - ALGA NORTE PARK - POOL - PHASE 2 (PROP C FUNDS) GCC 4.535.398 676,498 LEO CARRILLO PARK - PHASE III PFF 1.057.000 - LEO CARRILLO PARK - PHASE III PIL-SE 886.100 -- SUBTOTAL PARK PROJECTS 121,579,024 34,329,172 7,658,052 DRAINAGE PROJECTS AGUA HEDIONDA CHANNEL (PLDA "B" - FACILITY B + BN) PLD 4.598,109 3,351,472 1,146,637 AGUA HEDIONDA CHANNEL (PLDA "B" - FACILITY B + BN) GCC 975,340 -975,340 ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN (STORM DRAINS) GCC 82,182 54.790 27,392 CARLSBAD BOULEVARD ENCINAS CREEK BRIDGE REPLACEMENT (PLDA "C" - CI) PLD 2,539,566 2.417.656 121,910 CMP REHABILITATION PROGRAM IRF 2,859,360 1.828,247 1,031,113 COLLEGE BLVD. BRIDGE (REIMB./PLDA "B" - FACILITY BL-L ) PLD 1,816.101 -- FIRE STATIONS 1 THRU 5 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS GCC 225.000 -225,000 KELLY DRIVE CHANNEL REPAIR IRF 1.161,000 304,713 856,287 KELLY DRIVE CHANNEL REPLACEMENT IRF 1,822,600 LA COSTA AVE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT IRF 492,150 144,392 347,758 LA COSTA AVE SLOPE REPAIR WEST OF ROMERIA GAS TAX 209,000 46,376 157,624 MARCA DRIVE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS GAS TAX 65,000 1,071 63,929 MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN PROJECT AAA (Jefferson Street) PLD 289,534 - MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN PROJECT AAAA (Madison Street) PLD 416,500 - MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN PROJECT AC (Hosp Grove) PLD 992,913 71,505 58.495 MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN PROJECT AFA (Hidden Valley Drainage Restoration) PLD 91,608 -- MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN PROJECT AFB (Calavera Hills Drainage Restoration) PLD 163,164 -- MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN PROJECT BB 1 and 2 (Washington Street) PLD 1,086.065 -- MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN PROJECT BOB (Magnolia Avenue) PLD 468.096 - MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN PROJECT BFA (Country Store) PLD 963,673 -- MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN PROJECT BFB-U (El Camino Real) PLD 138,220 -- MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN PROJECT BJ B, BNB AND BJ-1 PLD 2,761,644 2,249,448 512.196 iel FY 2013-14 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 3B YEAR 1 2013-14 YEAR 2 2014-15 YEAR 3 2015-16 YEAR 4 2016-17 YEAR 5 2017-18 YEAR 6-10 2019-23 YEAR 11 -15 2024-28 50.000 756,000 52,000 665,500 3,717,250 1,490,000 1,490,000 800,000 800,000 1.200.000 1,200,000 1.050.000 1,050,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 150,000 15,410,900 80,000 230,000 110,000 110,000 867,000 886,100 1,753,100 6,180,000 3,858.900 25,449,800 100,000 1,816,101 1,822,600 5,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 4,202.400 1.900,400 8,590,200 23,240,000 2,550,000 8,609,800 2,956,100 52,048,900 289,534 416,500 862,913 91,608 163.164 1.086.065 468.096 963.673 138.220 FY 2013-14 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 3B PROJECT TITLE FUND TOTAL COST PRIOR EXP/ENC BALANCE FORWARD MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN PROJECT BL-U (College Blvd. Drainage) PLD 384.509 -- MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN PROJECT BM (College Blvd./Canatarini Box Culvert) PLD 204.077 -- MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN PROJECT BQ (Sunnycreek Road) PLD 131,355 -- MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN PROJECT BR (Canatarini/College Blvd.) PLD 180,773 -- MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN PROJECT C2 (Paseo Del Norte) PLD 727,730 -- MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN PROJECT CA (Avenida Encinas) PLD 529,402 -- MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN PROJECT DBA (Poinsettia Village) PLD 167,215 -- MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN PROJECT DBB (Avenida Encinas) PLD 429,108 -- MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN PROJECT DFA (Batiquitos Lagoon) PLD 256,423 -- MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN PROJECT DH (Altiva Place Canyon) PLD 232,812 -- MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN PROJECT DQB (La Costa Town Center) PLD 745.842 -- MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN PROJECT DZ (Poinsettia Lane) PLD 642,063 -- NW QUADRANT STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM GAS TAX 5,509,094 1,673,234 1,410,020 PARK DRIVE AND TAMARACK AVENUE STORM DRAIN BCA (PLDA "B") PLD 1,068,613 -- PARK DRIVE RETAINING WALL AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS GCC 243,000 47,210 195,790 RAISE BURIED STORM DRAIN CLEANOUTS GCC 50,000 44.946 5,054 ROMERIA DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS GCC 299,000 116.752 182.248 ROMERIA DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS GAS TAX 348,000 44.785 293.215 TAMARACK AND ECR STORM DRAIN AND SILT. BASIN (REIMB./PLDA "B" - BFB-L + BF-1) PLD 904,329 -- SUBTOTAL DRAINAGE PROJECTS 37,270,170 12,396,597 7,610,008 SEWER PROJECTS ENCINA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY ENCINA CAPITAL PROJECTS SEWER REPL 58,948,857 6.959.432 2.338.318 PHASE IV EXPANSION - DEBT SERVICE SEWER CONN 1.853,610 PHASE V EXPANSION SEWER CONN 10.910,358 10,559,811 350.547 SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN SEWER REPL 82,182 54,790 27.392 AVENIDA ENCINAS GRAVITY SEWER SEWER REPL 150,000 -150.000 BATIQUITOS LIFT STATION PUMP REPLACEMENT SEWER REPL 250,000 38,430 211.570 BUENA INTERCEPTOR SEWER ACCESS ROAD IMPROVEMENTS SEWER REPL 150,000 BUENA INTERCEPTOR SEWER REALIGNMENT - EAST SEGMENT SEWER REPL 1,987,000 BUENA INTERCEPTOR SEWER/MANHOLE REHABILITATION SEWER REPL 3.826,000 207,899 BUENA INTERDEPTOR REHAB AT ENCINA PLANT (REIMB) SEWER REPL 100.003 -100.000 CALAVERA HILLS TREATMENT PLANT - DEMOLITION SEWER REPL 723.500 282,926 440,574 CHINQUAPIN LS FORCE MAIN OUTFALL REALIGNMENT SEWER REPL 212,000 CREST DRIVE SEWER EXTENSION OTHER 350,000 FARADAY/EL CAMINO REAL SEWER REPLACEMENT SEWER CONN 1,540,000 FLOW METER REPLACEMENT AT EIGHT LIFT STATIONS SEWER REPL 100,000 45,476 54,524 FOXES LANDING LIFT STATION WETWELL AND PUMP REPLACEMENT SEWER REPL 2,650,000 36,317 713,683 FOXES LIFT STATION FORCEMAIN REHABILITATION SEWER REPL 225,000 25,000 GATESHEAD LIFT STATION REMOVAL SEWER REPL 74,000 HOME PLANT PIPELINE AND LIFT STATION REPLACEMENT SEWER REPL 4,139,000 992,963 3,146,037 LAS PALMAS TRUNK SEWER SEWER CONN 2,420,000 MARRON ROAD SEWER REPLACEMENT SEWER CONN 350,000 NORTH AGUA HEDIONDA INTERCEPTOR - WEST SEGMENT SEWER REPL 5,854.000 5,321,379 532,621 NORTH AGUA HEDIONDA TRUNK SEWER REACH NAHT1A (SBA "B") SEWER REPL 2.862.000 1,627,715 1,234,285 NORTH BATIQUITOS ACCESS ROAD IMPROVEMENTS SEWER REPL 250.000 NORTH BATIQUITOS LIFT STATION FORCEMAIN REHABILITATION SEWER REPL 550,000 OCCIDENTAL SEWER IMPROVEMENTS SEWER REPL 849,000 748,115 100.885 ODOR AND CORROSION PREVENTION ASSESSMENT SEWER REPL 100,000 -100.000 POINSETTIA LANE UFT STATION EMERGENCY OVERFLOW BASIN SEWER REPL 1,200,000 QUARRY CREEK SEWER EXTENSION (SBA "A" - REIMB. AGREEMENT) OTHER 567,000 SEWER CAPACITY MONITORING PROGRAM SEWER CONN 590,000 113,527 90.473 SEWER EASEMENT ACCESS PROGRAM SEWER REPL 400,000 SEWER LIFT STATION REPAIRS AND UPGRADES SEWER REPL 2,860,380 1,310,199 50.181 SEWER LINE REFURBISHMENTS AND REPLACEMENT SEWER REPL 8.347.895 2,437,726 960,169 SEWER PIPELINE CONDITION ASSESSMENT SEWER REPL 633,000 39,484 353,516 if3 FY 2013-14 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 3B YEAR 1 2013-14 YEAR 2 2014-15 YEAR 3 2015-16 YEAR 4 2016-17 YEAR 5 2017-18 YEAR 6-10 2019-23 YEAR 11 -15 2024-28 384,509 204,077 131,355 180,773 727,730 529,402 167,215 429,108 256,423 232,812 745,842 642.063 2,140.000 130,340 155.500 222.000 846,613 10,000 904,329 2,477,000 976,953 155,500 3,638,701 10,015,411 2,495,396 928.419 1.900.000 74.000 30.000 567,000 50,000 400,000 100,000 330,000 80.000 1.979.719 925,191 4,494,401 2,684,612 3.906.289 16,185,113 17,905,577 150.000 507.000 1.654.101 60.000 140.000 200,000 430,000 350,000 250,000 115,000 90,000 50.000 100.000 330.000 80,000 1,480.000 1,964,000 152,000 1,400,000 350,000 1,990,000 435,000 1.080.000 22,000 100.000 330.000 80.000 22,000 100,000 330.000 22,000 100,000 330.000 110,000 500,000 1,650,000 110.000 500.000 1,650,000 FY 2013-14 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 3B TOTAL PRIOR BALANCE PROJECT TITLE FUND COST EXP/ENC FORWARD SIMSBURY SEWER EXTENSION SEWER REPL 161,000 TAMARACK SEWER REHABILITATION AT RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY SEWER REPL 252,000 -252,000 TERRA MAR LIFT STATION REPLACEMENT SEWER REPL 987,000 986,576 424 TERRA MAR SEWER REPLACEMENT - EL ARBOL AND LOS ROBLES SEWER REPL 1,250.000 VANCOUVER SEWER EXTENSION SEWER REPL 1,006.000 155,200 850,800 VISTA/CARLSBAD BUENA VISTA LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENTS SEWER CONN 1,075,000 VISTA/CARLSBAD INTER. BUENA VISTA LS/FORCEMAIN (VC-4) SEWER CONN 5,725,000 4.825.876 899,124 VISTA/CARLSBAD INTER. HEDIONDA LS AND FORCEMAIN (VC12-VC13) SEWER CONN 23,700,000 1.967,911 21,732,089 VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTER REACHES 1 & 2 REHABILITATION SEWER REPL 141,000 VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR REACH VC11B SEWER CONN 6,930,000 763,238 6,166,762 VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR REACH VC14 TO VC15 SEWER CONN 16,100.000 2,102,732 13,997,268 VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT REACH 3 SEWER CONN 2,688,200 -- SUBTOTAL SEWER PROJECTS 176,119,985 41,577,722 54,878,242 WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN WATER REPL 164,365 107.744 56,621 AVIARA PARKWAY AND PLUM TREE WATERLINE WATER REPL 815,000 -- BUENA VISTA PUMP STATION AND FOREBAY REMOVAL WATER REPL 150,000 CARLSBAD BOULEVARD - SOUTH OF AVENIDA ENCINAS WATER REPL 950,000 -- CATHODIC PROTECTION PROGRAM WATER REPL 1,246.700 192,442 1,054,258 COLLEGE BOULEVARD - CANNON TO BADGER LANE WATER CONN 1,090,000 - COLLEGE BOULEVARD PIPELINE "A" STREET TO CANNON ROAD WATER CONN 1,060,000 183 1,059.817 CRESTVIEW DRIVE TRANSMISSION MAIN WATER REPL 240,000 - DESALINATED SEAWATER TRANSMISSION MAIN WATER CONN 473,000 DESALINATED SEAWATER TRANSMISSION MAIN WATER REPL 1,027,000 E TANK DECOMMISSION (THE CROSSINGS ROAD) WATER REPL 150,000 EL FUERTE AND CORINTIA STREET PRESSURE REDUCING STATION WATER REPL 500,000 -100.000 ELLERY WATER PUMP PROJECT WATER REPL 298,495 23.495 55.000 ELLERY PUMP STATION DECOMMISSION WATER REPL 120,000 FIRE FLOW SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS WATER REPL 2,449,000 HYDROELECTRIC GENERATOR AT PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD/WHITE SANDS WATER REPL 2,160,000 HYDROELECTRIC RENEWABLE ENERGY GENERATOR-MAERKLE RES. WATER REPL 2,000,000 453.640 1.546,360 KELLY RANCH PRESSURE REDUCING STATION WATER REPL 560,000 -560,000 LA COSTA HI RESERVOIR INLET PIPELINE WATER REPL 2,150,000 LAKE CALAVERA RESERVOIR IMPROVEMENTS WATER REPL 6,396,911 6,018,542 378,369 LIMITED ACCESS PIPELINE RELOCATION PROJECT WATER REPL 1,940,000 3,181 481,819 MAERKLE FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS WATER REPL 2.135.200 1,126.304 1,008,896 MAERKLE FLOATING COVER REPLACEMENT WATER REPL 10.000,000 130,000 MAERKLE PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS WATER CONN 1,955,200 -- MAERKLE TRANSMISSION MAIN WATER REPL 6,330,000 341,431 4,858,569 MISCELLANEOUS PIPELINE REPLACEMENTS WATER REPL 1,433,000 307,641 1.125.359 WATER VALVE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM WATER REPL 1,850,000 82,813 267.187 OCEANSIDE WATER INTERTIE UPGRADE WATER REPL 115,000 -- PARK DRIVE WATER LINE AND SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS WATER REPL 1,092,000 202,690 889.310 POINSETTIA LANE - CASSIA ROAD TO SKIMMER COURT WATER CONN 741,600 -- PRESSURE REDUCING STATION REPLACEMENT/REHABILITATION WATER REPL 1.102.000 366,117 735,883 RANCHO CARLSBAD GROUNDWATER SUPPLY WATER CONN 1.750.000 RANCHO CARLSBAD GROUNDWATER SUPPLY WATER REPL 1,750,000 RESERVOIR REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAM WATER REPL 6,000.000 1,122,153 1,912,847 ROBERTSON RANCH WATER TRANSMISSION MAIN WATER REPL 1.200.000 1.200.000 SAN LUIS REY MISSION BASIN GROUNDWATER SUPPLY WATER CONN 8.527.500 SAN LUIS REY MISSION BASIN GROUNDWATER SUPPLY WATER REPL 8.527.500 SANTA FE II INLET PIPELINE WATER REPL 2,838,000 SANTA FE II RESERVOIR SITE DRAINAGE WATER REPL 645.000 484,240 160.760 TRI-AGENCIES WATER TRANSMISSION PIPELINE REPLACEMENT WATER REPL 6.455,000 132,035 1,122,965 WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE WATER CONN 700,000 588,708 111,292 WATER SYSTEM INTERTIE CONNECTION WATER REPL 405,000 -- SUBTOTAL WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 91,492,471 11,553,359 18,815,312 FY 2013-14 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 3B YEAR 1 2013-14 YEAR 2 2014-15 YEARS 2015-16 YEAR 4 2016-17 YEAR 5 2017-18 YEAR 6-10 2019-23 YEAR 11 -15 2024-28 161,000 180.000 1.070.000 100.000 225.000 750.000 20.000 121,000 596,200 2,092,000 6,954,815 8,468,211 17,035,404 4,236,612 4,358,289 18,445,113 20,165,577 815,000 150,000 280,000 670,000 1,090,000 240.000 45.000 45.000 383.000 100.000 80.000 847.000 150.000 400.000 220.000 120.000 720,000 720,000 1,009,000 85,000 275,000 1,800,000 250.000 1.900,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 140,000 9,730,000 170,000 1,785,200 1,130,000 100,000 100.000 100.000 100,000 100,000 500,000 500.000 115.000 741.600 325.000 1.425.000 325.000 1.425.000 965,000 150.000 1,850,000 27,500 8,500,000 27,500 8,500,000 470,000 2,368,000 100.000 5.100.000 405.000 4,125,000 20,665,200 8,563,000 2,570,000 100,000 4,750,600 20,350,000 FY 2013-14 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 3B PROJECT TITLE FUND TOTAL COST PRIOR EXP/ENC BALANCE FORWARD RECYCLED WATER PROJECTS ENCINA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY CARLSBAD WATER RECYCLING FACILITY (ENCINA PROJECTS) WATER REPL 4.546,315 40,323 430,177 RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM ABANDON POTABLE SERVICES (NEW RECYCLED SERVICES) WATER REPL 390.000 48,440 146,560 CWRF - FLOW EQUALIZATION AND CHLORINE CONTACT TANK COVERS WATER REPL 765,000 8,136 256,864 EL CAMINO REAL AND TAMARACK PUMP STATION REMOVAL WATER REPL 80.000 -- EL CAMINO REAL RECYCLED WATER PIPELINE (LA COSTA RESORT) WATER REPL 1.615,000 146,388 1,468,612 PALOMAR BUISNESS PARK RECYCLED WATER PIPELINES WATER REPL 1,245,000 -1,245,000 RECYCLED WATER LINE - CWRF TO CHINQUAPIN WATER REPL 1,900.000 160,140 1,739,860 RECYCLED WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE WATER REPL 672,468 632,446 40.022 RECYCLED WATER PHASE III - PIPELINES RECL WATER 18,700,000 RECYCl ED WATER PHASE III - PIPEUNES WATER REPL 2,000,000 867 1,999,133 RECYCLED WATER PHASE III - CWRF EXPANSION RECL WATER 6,260.000 RECYCLED WATER PHASE III - CWRF EXPANSION WATER REPL 640.000 277 639,723 RECYCLED WATER PHASE III - RESERVOIR RECL WATER 1.500,000 RECYCLED WATER PHASE III - RESERVOIR WATER REPL 300,000 300,000 SUBTOTAL RECYCLED WATER PROJECTS 40,613,783 1,037,017 8,265,951 CIRCULATION SYSTEM TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROJECTS PEDESTRIAN CROSSING - CARLSBAD BLVD.A/ILLAGE GAS TAX 200.000 50,909 149,091 TRAF SIG - ALGA ROAD AND CAZADERO GAS TAX 210.000 -- TRAF SIG - ARAMADA DRIVE AND FLEET STREET (S) GAS TAX 190,000 -- TRAF SIG - ARMADA DRIVE AND GRAND PACIFIC RESORTS GAS TAX 190,000 -- TRAF SIG - AVIARA PARKWAY-POINSETTIA LANE TO EL CAMINO REAL GAS TAX 30,869 10,869 _ TRAF SIG - AVIARA PARKWAY-POINSETTIA LANE TO EL CAMINO REAL OTHER 645,356 343,356 - TRAF SIG - AVIARA PARKWAY-POINSETTIA LANE TO EL CAMINO REAL GAS TAX 160,164 164 TRAF SIG - CAMINO DE LOS COCHES AND LA COSTA AVENUE GAS TAX 190.000 -- TRAF SIG - CAMINO VIDA ROBLE AND YARROW DRIVE GAS TAX 190.000 -- TRAF SIG - CANNON ROAD AND AVENIDA ENCINAS-REIMB. PFF 150.000 300 149,700 TRAF SIG - CANNON ROAD AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD (DEVELOPER CONSTR) GAS TAX 80,000 -80,000 TRAF SIG - EL CAMINO REAL AND CHESTNUT SIGNAL REPAIRS IRF 276.000 -276,000 TRAF SIG - EL CAMINO REAL AND TAMARACK SIGNAL REPAIRS IRF 200.000 -200,000 TRAF SIG - EL FUERTE ST AND LOKER AVENUE GAS TAX 210,000 204.161 5,839 TRAF SIG - EL FUERTE STAND RANCHO PANCHO GAS TAX 190,000 - TRAF SIG - FARADAY AVE. AND CAMINO HILLS DRIVE GAS TAX 190,000 -- TRAF SIG - FARADAY AVENUE AND PALMER WAY GAS TAX 190,000 TRAF SIG - LA COSTA AVENUE AND LEVANTE GAS TAX 210,000 -- TRAF SIG - MONROE STREET AND HOSP WAY GAS TAX 210,000 -- TRAF SIG - POINSETTIA LANE AND BRIGANTINE ROAD GAS TAX 190,000 -- TRAF SIG - TAMARACK AVE. AND VALLEY STREET GAS TAX 190,000 -- TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROGRAM GCC 912.000 911.674 326 TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROGRAM IRF 4.772,974 1.029,042 3,743.932 SUBTOTAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROJECTS 9,977,363 2,550,475 4,604,888 STREET PROJECTS ADA IMPROVEMENTS TRANSNET-LOC 1,670,000 AVENIDA ENCINAS WIDENING - SOUTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD TIF 5,402,000 169,631 55.369 BATIQUITOS DRIVE SLOPE STABILIZATION GAS TAX 40,100 913 39.187 CAMINO HILLS AND JACKSPAR DRIVE SLOPE STABILIZATION GCC 859,400 20,882 838.518 CARLSBAD BLVD BRIDGE CONCRETE BARRIER POWER PLANT FED GRNT 1,032,482 141,049 8.345 CARLSBAD BLVD BRIDGE CONCRETE BARRIER POWER PLANT (LOCAL MATCH) TRANSNET-LOC 133,769 2,102 16.106 CARLSBAD BLVD BRIDGE CONCRETE BARRIER RAILROAD FED GRNT 979,275 217,276 730 CARLSBAD BLVD BRIDGE CONCRETE BARRIER RAILROAD (LOCAL MATCH) TRANSNET-LOC 126,876 20,198 8,047 CARLSBAD BLVD, REALIGNMENT TRANSNET-LOC 3,000,000 1,050,653 1.949,347 CARLSBAD BLVD. REALIGNMENT GCC 250,000 250,000 ^7 FY 2013-14 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 3B YEAR 1 2013-14 59,815 195,000 500,000 1,500,000 190,000 190,000 250,000 883,088 115,561 761,269 98,631 YEAR 2 2014-15 309,000 3,100,000 15.600,000 500,000 5,760,000 5,854,815 21,669,000 190,000 210,000 YEAR 3 2015-16 YEAR 4 2016-17 YEAR 5 2017-18 301,000 106,000 400,000 250,000 80,000 381,000 106,000 20.000 302.000 160.000 190.000 190,000 YEAR 6-10 2019-23 862,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 421,000 2,395,000 2,361,000 210,000 190,000 190,000 210,000 190,000 190,000 1,180,000 420.000 YEAR 11-15 2024-28 300.000 1.500,000 1,500,000 300,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 190,000 190,000 6^? FY 2013-14 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 3B TOTAL PRIOR BALANCE PROJECT TITLE FUND COST EXP/ENC FORWARD CARLSBAD BLVD. REALIGNMENT / PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD (SEGMENT 2) (20%) TIF 804,400 - CARLSBAD BLVD. REALIGNMENT / PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD (SEGMENT 2) (RTCIP / 20%) TIF 3,175,500 -_ CARLSBAD BOULEVARD MEDIAN-TAMARACK AVENUE TO PINE AVENUE GAS TAX 2.383.400 _ CARLSBAD BOULEVARD REALIGNMENT - CANNON TO MANZANO (SEGMENT 1) TIF 6,047,100 -_ CARLSBAD BOULEVARD WIDENING MOUNTAIN VIEW TO NORTHERLY CITY LIMITS (20%) TIF 848,700 -_ CARLSBAD BOULEVARD WIDENING MOUNTAIN VIEW TO NORTHERLY CITY LIMITS (RTCIP/2 TIF 1,099.000 _ CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE - PONTIAC TO VICTORIA TIF 2,675,900 - COLLEGE BLVD REACH A AND CANNON REACH 4A OTHER 1,713,000 418,408 1,294,592 COLLEGE/CANNON ASSESSMENT DISTRICT OTHER 10,314,481 9,996,841 317,640 CONCRETE REPAIR/REPLACEMENT PROGRAM GAS TAX 5.000,000 924,051 325,949 CONCRETE REPAIR WORK GAS TAX 750,000 750,000 _ EL CAMINO REAL AND CANNON ROAD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS TIF 589,000 65,000 EL CAMINO REAL AND CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE DUAL LEFT TURNS TIF 976,400 - EL CAMINO REAL AND COLLEGE BLVD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS GAS TAX 515,000 EL CAMINO REAL LEFT TURN LANE TO WESTBOUND TAMARACK TIF 286.000 _ EL CAMINO REAL MEDIANS GAS TAX 1,984,530 -1,135,000 EL CAMINO REAL MEDIANS PFF 909,500 144,389 765,111 EL CAMINO REAL RIGHT TURN LANE TO NORTH ALGA ROAD TIF 378.000 -_ EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING - CASSIA RD TO CAMINO VIDA ROBLE TRANSNET-LOC 2,820,000 -_ EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING - ARENAL ROAD TO LA COSTA AVENUE TIF 1.925,000 - EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING - ARENAL ROAD TO LA COSTA AVENUE (RTCIP) TIF 625,000 EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING - LISA STREET TO CRESTVIEW DR OTHER 2.188.800 - EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING - TAMARACK TO CHESTNUT TIF 8,141,022 1,175,292 6,480,730 EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING - TAMARACK TO CHESTNUT (RTCIP) TIF 422,000 422,000 _ EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING - TAMARACK TO CHESTNUT TRANSNET-LOC 3.925,885 80,237 3.845,648 EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING - TAMARACK TO CHESTNUT TRANSNET-STP 345,000 -345.000 LA COSTA AVE - TRAFFIC CALMING GAS TAX 863.000 - MELROSE DRIVE AND ALGA ROAD DUAL LEFT TURN LANES (RTCIP) TIF 1,067,100 - MELROSE DRIVE RIGHT TURN LANE TO WEST PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD TIF 561,000 95,632 465,368 MUTCD STREET NAME SIGN REPLACEMENT GAS TAX 756,217 22,878 733,339 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD, AND COLLEGE BLVD. INTERSECTION IMPROV, TIF 495,500 240,019 255,481 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. AND COLLEGE BLVD. INTERSECTION IMPROV. GCC 250,500 187,571 62,929 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD/PASEO DEL NORTE LEFT TURN LANE GAS TAX 233,000 -233,000 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD/PASEO DEL NORTE RIGHT TURN LANE GAS TAX 564,000 -564,000 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD TURN LANE TO NORTH EL FUERTE STREET TIF 1,033,100 - PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD TURN LANE TO SOUTH EL CAMINO REAL TIF 591,000 -591,000 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WIDENING AT PASEO DEL NORTE TIF 1,676,019 1,263,103 412,916 PARKING LOT MAINTENANCE PROGRAM IRF 1,530,000 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM GAS TAX 26,238.128 1.478.877 3,339,251 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM TRANSNET-LOC 35,946,376 10,288,984 2,752,392 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (NON-JURIS FEES) TRANSNET-LOC 14.782.474 1,510,487 2,096,987 PEDESTRIAN RAILWAY CROSSING FED GRNT 15,315 15,315 POINSETTIA LANE - REACH E BTD#2 14,822,000 8,668 641,332 POINSETTIA LANE - REACHES A,B,C,F,G & AVIARA PKWY REIMB BTD#2 1,489,400 - POINSETTIA LANE WIDENING - PASEO DEL NORTE TO BATIQUITOS (RTCIP) TIF 896,100 - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH - PHASE II (BRIDGE) RSF ROAD 20,671,000 20,140,620 530,380 RETROREFLECTIVITY SIGN REPLACEMENT PROGRAM GAS TAX 2,320,000 21,317 1,128,683 SIDEWALK/STREET CONSTRUCTION - VALLEY AND MAGNOLIA SIDEWALKS WATER REPL 291,000 204 290,796 SIDEWALK/STREET CONSTRUCTION - VALLEY AND MAGNOLIA SIDEWALKS TIF 1.674,236 89,694 1,584,542 SIDEWALK/STREET CONSTRUCTION - VARIOUS LOCATIONS TIF 4,100.000 341.070 1,058,930 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE UPDATE TIF 200,000 -200,000 TRAFFIC MONITORING PROGRAM TIF 2,102,900 558.654 200,246 UNDERGROUND DIST. 17 - HARDING, ROOSEVELT GCC 509,800 92.219 417,581 SUBTOTAL STREETS PROJECTS 210,015,685 51,889,234 35,299,472 LOANS TO OTHER FUNDS LOAN - CFD #1 TO TIF CFD#1 2,597,039 2,597,039 LOAN - SEWER REPL TO SEWER CONN SEWER REPL 2,000,000 PFF LOAN TO PIL-NE FOR PARK SITE ACQUISITION PFF 4,550,000 4,550,000 ^9 FY 2013-14 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 3B YEAR 1 2013-14 250,000 524,000 286,000 450,000 485,000 310,000 1,170,000 1.830,000 700,000 475,000 300,000 96,000 8,984,549 YEAR 2 2014-15 YEAR 3 2015-16 YEAR 4 2016-17 YEAR 5 2017-18 YEAR 6-10 2019-23 250,000 325,000 1,925,000 175,000 375.000 1.400.000 1.575.000 725.000 1.436.000 475.000 300.000 96.000 9,728,000 250,000 515,000 849,530 2,495,000 420,000 1,450,000 1,500,000 750,000 220,000 300,000 96,000 11,490,530 2,000,000 250,000 863,000 425,000 1,450,000 1,500,000 750,000 300,000 96,000 8,245,000 250,000 1,450,000 1,500,000 750,000 300,000 96,000 4,596,000 1,250,000 976,400 378,000 2,188,800 1,033.100 7.250,000 7,500,000 3,750,000 1,200,000 480.000 26,426,300 YEAR 11 -15 2024-28 804.400 3,175,500 2,383,400 6,047,100 848,700 1,099,000 2,675,900 1,250,000 1,067,100 7,250,000 7,500,000 3,750,000 12,736,000 1,489,400 896,100 384,000 53,356,600 FY 2013-14 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 3B PROJECT TITLE FUND TOTAL COST PRIOR EXP/ENC BALANCE FORWARD SUBTOTAL FUTURE LOANS TO OTHER FUNDS 9,147,039 7,147,039 REPAYMENTS/TRANSFERS GAS TAX TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND (TRANSPORTATION OPERATING BUDGET) GAS TAX 9.000.000 LOAN: PIL-NE TO PFF FOR PARK SITE ACQUISITION PIL-NE 4,550,000 LOAN REPAY - SEWER CONN TO SEWER REPL SEWER CONN 2,000,000 TIF TO CFD #1 TIF 2,557,039 SUBTOTAL LOAN REPAYMENTS 18,107,039 - GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDED PROJECTS 871,194,634 200,117,914 171,647,445 UNFUNDED PROJECTS* AGUA HEDIONDA CHANNEL (PLDA "B" - FACILITY B + BN) 4,600,000 BUSINESS PARK RECREATIONAL FACILITY (PARTIAL FUNDING) 6.600.000 CANNON LAKE PARK (6,7 ACRES) 2,243,000 CANNON ROAD REACH 4 (PARTIAL FUNDING) 27,000,000 CARLSBAD BOULEVARD MOUNTAIN VIEW TO NORTHERLY CITY LIMITS (PARTIAL FUNDING) 6,905,600 CARLSBAD BOULEVARD / PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD (PARTIAL FUNDING) 14,109,600 CARLSBAD BOULEVARD REALIGNMENT - SEGMENTS 3-5 26.100.000 HOSP GROVE/BUENA VISTA LAGOON RECL IMPROVEMENTS 1.280,000 PINE AVENUE PARK - MADISION PROPERTY, PHASE 2 2,320,000 ROBERTSON RANCH PARK DEVELOPMENT (PARTIAL FUNDING) 7,800,000 TOTAL UNFUNDED PROJECTS 98,958,200 FY 2013-14 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 3B YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6-10 YEAR 11-15 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2019-23 2024-28 2,000,000 - - . . 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 4,550,000 2.000,000 40.000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 200,000 2,157,039 640,000 640,000 640,000 640,000 640,000 5,200,000 9,707,039 44,691,235 64,377,364 42,147,434 18,750,712 11,044,289 129,314,314 189,103,927 EXHIBIT 3 - C PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FINAL BUDGET 2011-12 FINAL BUDGET 2012-13 FINAL BUDGET 2013-14 2013-14 CHANGES CITY ATTORNEY 7.00 7.00 7.00 0.00 CITY COUNCIL 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 CITY MANAGER 7.00 7.00 7.00 0.00 CITY TREASURER 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.00 COMMUNICATIONS 2.75 2.75 2.75 0.00 COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 50.00 47.00 44.00 (3.00) FINANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT 30.50 30.50 31.50 1.00 FIRE 87.75 87.75 88.00 0.25 HOUSING AND NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES 13.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 HUMAN RESOURCES & WORKERS COMP 9.00 9.00 9.00 0.00 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 22.50 22.50 22.50 0.00 LIBRARY & ARTS 51.25 51.25 51.25 0.00 PARKS AND RECREATION 70.95 68.40 67.60 (0.80) POLICE 162.00 161.00 161.00 0.00 PROPERTY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 39.60 40.55 40.60 0.05 RECORDS MANAGEMENT 6.25 6.00 5.00 (1.00) TRANSPORTATION 54.40 54.40 53.40 (1.00) UTILITIES 68.55 67.65 65.40 (2.25) FULL AND 3/4 TIME LABOR FORCE 684.25 674.50 667.75 (6.75) SUMMARY OF REQUESTED LABOR FORCE BY CATEGORY 2011-12 2012-13 Difference Full Time Personnel 3/4 Time Personnel in Full Time Count Limited Term Personnel Unfunded Full Time Positions Hourly Full Time Equivalent Personnel 679.75 4.50 0.00 (3.00) 139.74 669.00 4.50 1.00 0.00 132.58 661.00 3.75 2.00 1.00 150.58 (8.00) (0.75) 1.00 1.00 18.00 TOTAL LABOR FORCE* 820.99 807.08 818.33 11.25 A-23 73 Exhibit 4 1 RESOLUTION NO. 1471 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, CALIFORNIA (CMWD), ADOPTING THE WATER DISTRICT FINAL OPERATING BUDGET AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEAR 2013-14. 11 13 14 15 16 17 i; 19 20 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, California, has reviewed the proposed final Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 2013-14 and has held such public hearings as are necessary 10 prior to the adoption of the final budgets, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the 12 Carlsbad Municipal Water District as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That certain documents now on file in the office of the Secretary entitled "City of Carlsbad, FY 2013-14 Preliminary Operating Budget and FY 2013-14 to FY 2027-28 Capital Improvement Program - Preliminary," as amended in accordance with Exhibits 4-A and 4-B, attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein, is hereby adopted as the Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets for the Carlsbad Municipal Water District for the Fiscal Year 2013-14 along with the Program Options determined by the City Council as set forth in the minutes of the Council's meeting of Tuesday , June 11, 21 2013. 22 3. That the amounts reflected as estimated revenues for FY 2013-14 are 23 hereby adopted as the budgeted revenues for FY 2013-14. 24 4. That the amount designated as FY 2013-14 Budget in Exhibit 4-B is hereby 25 appropriated to the fund for which it is designated and such appropriation shall not be 25 increased except as provided herein. 5. That total appropriations may only be increased or decreased by the Board 2g of Directors by passage of a resolution amending the budget except as provided herein 14 Exhibit 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 li 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 6. That the following controls are hereby placed on the use and transfers of budget funds: A. No expenditure of funds shall be authorized unless sufficient funds have been appropriated by the Water Board or Executive Manager as described below. i. The Executive Manager may authorize all transfers of funds from account to account within the same fund in an amount up to $100,000 per transfer. ii. The Executive Manager may delegate the authority to make budget transfers. iii. The Executive Manager may authorize budget adjustments involving offsetting revenues and expenditures; the Executive Manager may authorize increases in an appropriation for a specific purpose where the appropriation is offset by unbudgeted revenue which is designated for said specific purpose. iv. The Executive Manager may authorize increases in purchased water appropriations in an amount equal to the same percent that water sales exceed the amount of the original revenue estimate. B. The Board of Directors must authorize any increase in the number of authorized permanent personnel positions above the level identified in the final Budget. The Executive Manager may authorize the hiring of temporary or part time staff as necessary, within the limits imposed by the controls listed above. 7. That the Recycled Water Fund is authorized to reimburse the Potable Water Fund for recycled water capital projects previously funded from potable monies. 8. That all appropriations and outstanding encumbrances as of June 30, 2013 are hereby continued into FY 2013-14 for such contracts and obligations. 9. All appropriations for Capital Improvement Projects remaining unexpended at June 30, 2013, are hereby appropriated for such capital projects for fiscal year 2013- 14. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors, Carlsbad City Council, Carlsbad Community Development Commission and City of Carlsbad as the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency held on the ll^"" day of June, 2013, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: Council Members Hall, Packard, Wood, Blackburn and Douglas. None. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 i: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ABSENT: None. MATT HALL, President ATTEST: (SEAL) If?/ 2:55 2013-14 to 2027-28 Capital Improvement Program - CMWD 52051 ABANDON POTABLE SERVICES (NEW RECYCLED SERVICES) WATER REPL 390.000 48,440 146,560 195,000 55253 ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN WATER REPL 164,365 107,744 56,621 NA AVIARA PARKWAY AND PLUM TREE WATERLINE WATER REPL 815.000 -815,000 NA BUENA VISTA PUMP STATION AND FOREBAY REMOVAL WATER REPL 150,000 150.000 NA CARLSBAD BOULEVARD - SOUTH OF AVENIDA ENCINAS WATER REPL 950.000 --280,000 670,000 52031 CARLSBAD WATER RECYCLING FACILITY (ENCINA PROJECTS) WATER REPL 4,546,315 40,323 430.177 59,815 309,000 301,000 106,000 300,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 50071 CATHODIC PROTECTION PROGRAM WATER REPL 1,246,700 192,442 1,054,258 50121 COLLEGE BOULEVARD - CANNON TO BADGER LANE WATER CONN 1,090,000 -1.090.000 50131 COLLEGE BOULEVARD PIPELINE "A" STREET TO CANNON ROAD WATER CONN 1,060,000 183 1.059,817 50331 CRESTVIEW DRIVE TRANSMISSION MAIN WATER REPL 240,000 -240,000 52061 CWRF - FLOW EQUALIZATION AND CHLORINE CONTACT TANK COVERS WATER REPL 765,000 8,136 256,864 500,000 NEW DESALINATED SEAWATER TRANSMISSION MAIN WATER CONN ,473,000 45,000 45,000 383,000 NEW DESALINATED SEAWATER TRANSMISSION MAIN WATER REPL 1,027,000 100.000 80,000 847,000 NEW E TANK DECOMMISSION (THE CROSSINGS ROAD) WATER REPL 150,000 150.000 NA EL CAMINO REAL AND TAMARACK PUMP STATION REMOVAL WATER REPL 80,000 --80,000 52071 EL CAMINO REAL RECYCLED WATER PIPELINE (LA COSTA RESORT) WATER REPL 1,615,000 146,388 1,468,612 50341 EL FUERTE AND CORINTIA STREET PRESSURE REDUCING STATION WATER REPL 500,000 -100,000 400,000 NA ELLERY PUMP STATION DECOMMISSION WATER REPL 120,000 120.000 39001 ELLERY WATER PUMP PROJECT WATER REPL 298,495 23,495 55,000 220.000 NEW FIRE FLOW SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS WATER REPL 2,449,000 720,000 720,000 1,009,000 NEW HYDROELECTRIC GENERATOR AT PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD/WHITE SANDS WATER REPL 2,160,000 85,000 275,000 1,800,000 50251 HYDROELECTRIC RENEWABLE ENERGY GENERATOR-MAERKLE RES WATER REPL 2,000,000 453,640 1,546,360 50291 KELLY RANCH PRESSURE REDUCING STATION WATER REPL 560,000 -560.000 NEW LA COSTA HI RESERVOIR INLET PIPELINE WATER REPL 2,150,000 250,000 1,900,000 38211 LAKE CALAVERA RESERVOIR IMPROVEMENTS WATER REPL 6,396,911 6,018,542 378.369 50351 LIMITED ACCESS PIPELINE RELOCATION PROJECT WATER REPL 1,940,000 3,181 481,819 485,000 485.000 485,000 50091 MAERKLE FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS WATER REPL 2,135,200 1,126,304 1,008,896 50361 MAERKLE FLOATING COVER REPLACEMENT WATER REPL 10,000,000 130,000 140,000 9.730,000 50042 MAERKLE PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS WATER CONN 1,955,200 -170,000 1.785.200 50011 MAERKLE TRANSMISSION MAIN WATER REPL 6,330,000 341,431 4,858.569 1,130,000 35722 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS CENTER WATER REPL 7,170,000 -7,170,000 39041 MISCELLANEOUS PIPELINE REPLACEMENTS WATER REPL 1,433,000 307,641 1,125,359 35311 OCEANSIDE WATER INTERTIE UPGRADE WATER REPL 115,000 --115,000 50321 PALOMAR BUISNESS PARK RECYCLED WATER PIPELINES WATER REPL 1,245.000 -1,245,000 50301 PARK DRIVE WATER LINE AND SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS WATER REPL 1,092.000 202,690 889,310 NA POINSETTIA LANE - CASSIA ROAD TO SKIMMER COURT WATER CONN 741,600 --741.600 50201 PRESSURE REDUCING STATION REPLACEMENT/REHABILITATION WATER REPL 1,102.000 366,117 735,883 NEW RANCHO CARLSBAD GROUNDWATER SUPPLY WATER CONN 1.750,000 325,000 1,425,000 NEW RANCHO CARLSBAD GROUNDWATER SUPPLY WATER REPL 1.750.000 325,000 1,425,000 50271 RECYCLED WATER LINE - CWRF TO CHINQUAPIN WATER REPL 1.900.000 160,140 1,739,860 50221 RECYCLED WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE WATER REPL 672,468 632,446 40,022 52092 RECYCLED WATER PHASE III - CWRF EXPANSION RECL WATER 6,260,000 500,000 5,760,000 52091 RECYCLED WATER PHASE III - CWRF EXPANSION WATER REPL 640,000 277 639,723 52082 RECYCLED WATER PHASE III • PIPELINES RECL WATER 18,700,000 3,100,000 15,600,000 52081 RECYCLED WATER PHASE III - PIPELINES WATER REPL 2,000,000 867 1,999,133 52102 RECYCLED WATER PHASE III - RESERVOIR RECL WATER 1,500,000 1,500,000 52101 RECYCLED WATER PHASE III - RESERVOIR WATER REPL 300,000 300,000 50241 RESERVOIR REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAM WATER REPL 6,000,000 1,122,153 1,912,847 965,000 150,000 1,850,000 50371 ROBERTSON RANCH WATER TRANSMISSION MAIN WATER REPL 1,200,000 1,200,000 NEW SAN LUIS REY MISSION BASIN GROUNDWATER SUPPLY WATER CONN 8,527,500 27,500 8,500.000 NEW SAN LUIS REY MISSION BASIN GROUNDWATER SUPPLY WATER REPL 8,527,500 27,500 8,500,000 NEW SANTA FE II INLET PIPELINE WATER REPL 2,838,000 470,000 2,368,000 50311 SANTA FE II RESERVOIR SITE DRAINAGE WATER REPL 645,000 484,240 160.760 60192 SIDEWALK/STREET CONSTRUCTION - VALLEY AND MAGNOLIA SIDEWALKS WATER REPL 291,000 204 290,796 50081 TRI-AGENCIES WATER TRANSMISSION PIPELINE REPLACEMENT WATER REPL 6,455,000 132,035 1,122,965 100.000 5,100,000 50161 WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE WATER CONN 700,000 588.708 111,292 36641 WATER SYSTEM INTERTIE CONNECTION WATER REPL 405,000 --405,000 50191 WATER VALVE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM WATER REPL 1.850,000 82,813 267,187 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500.000 500,000 GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDED PROJECTS 139,567,254 12,590,580 34,542,059 9,979,815 42,334,200 8,944,000 2,676,000 400,000 6.250,600 21,850,000 m X > PROGRAM: FUND: PROGRAM GROUP: WATER OPERATIONS WATER ENTERPRISE UTILITIES Exhibit 4B ACCT NO. 5016310/5026310 2010-11 ACTUAL 2011-12 ACTUAL 2012-13 BUDGET 2013-14 BUDGET PERSONNEL $4,104,496 $4,198,135 $4,177,486 $4,085,871 MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS 32,167,327 33,930,988 38,158,932 39,514,851 CAPITAL OUTLAY 17,768 0 0 0 GRAND TOTAL $36,289,591 $38,129,123 $42,336,418 $43,600,722 FULL TIME POSITIONS 39.60 40.10 38.15 37.10 HOURLY/FTE POSITIONS 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 PROGRAM GROUP DESCRIPTION: The Carlsbad Municipal Water District, a subsidiary district of the City of Carlsbad, provides water service to approximately 85% of the city. The District purchases 100% of its potable water as treated water from the San Diego County Water Authority. The District also supplies customers with recycled water from the Carlsbad Water Reclamation Facility, and from recycled water purchased from the Leucadia Wastewater District and Vallecitos Water District. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Water Operations • Provide operation and maintenance of the potable and recycled water reservoirs, pumping, regulating, and disinfection systems; collect water quality samples to ensure compliance with state and federal regulations, and provide emergency response services. Water Construction/Maintenance • Schedule and perform water system maintenance to ensure a safe and efficient water distribution system, and provide emergency response services and repairs. Meter Services • Collect water customer usage data for utility billing to ensure financial viability of the District through timely and accurate revenue collections; provide customer service for water utility customers; and, install, replace and maintain water meters. Cross-Connection Control • Implement and enforce cross-connection control and backflow prevention of potable and recycled water systems to ensure a safe supply of potable water and compliance with state and federal regulations. PERFORMANCE/WORKLOAD MEASURES: Water Losses Annual water loss not to exceed 6% as set by the California Department of Water Resources. Industry wide, distribution system losses commonly range between 6% and 15%. The American Water Works Association recommends that the loss after treatment be maintained at 10% or less. Fiscal Year Water Loss 2008- 09 2009- 10 2010- 11 2011- 12 6% 6% 5% 5% H-18 PROGRAM: FUND: PROGRAM GROUP: WATER OPERATIONS WATER ENTERPRISE UTILITIES Exhibit 4B PAGE TWO ACCT NO. 5016310/5026310 PERFORMANCE/WORKLOAD MEASURES (continued) Potable Water Quality • Benchmark: Ninety-eight percent (98%) of bacteria samples free of coliform bacteria as adopted by the city's Performance Measurement Team. The state requirement is that less than 5% of all samples collected during any month are total coliform-positive. Fiscal Year No. Samples Collected Percent Bacteria-Free 2005- 06 2006- 07 2007- 08 2008- 09 2009- 10 2010- 11 2011- 12 1,719 1.716 1,601 1,590 1,560 1,560 1,560 99.9% 100.0% 99.8% 100.0% 100.0% 99.9% 00.0% Water Service Delivery • The ratio of total leaks and breaks compared to the total water pipe in the system. This measure is calculated by dividing the total number of leaks and breaks during the reporting period by the total miles of pipe in the water distribution system and multiplying the result by 100. The benchmark is to not exceed the national average rate of 32.7 as reported by the American Water Works Association. Fiscal Year Potable Water Recycled Water System Integrity Rate System Integrity Rate 2007-08 30.4 0 2008-09 29.1 7.8 2009-10 28.4 1.3 2010-11 26.4 7.8 2011-12 17.0 8.9 KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR FY 2012-13: Replaced 8,296 water meters with remote reading capabilities and completed over 345,534 water meter reads. Updated the 2012 Water and Recycled Water Master Plans and adopted a Program Environmental Impact Report. Completed the Phase III Recycled Water Facility Study and adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration for CEQA. Participated in the planning of the desalination delivery regime. Participated in community events such as the Home Depot drought tolerant plant sale and the Citizen's Academy. Reduced electrical costs by splitting meter services which allowed changes in electrical rates. Reduced electrical and chemical costs through equipment upgrades and operational changes. Negotiated with vendors for services and materials to reduce costs. Improved efficiencies by implementing drive-by meter reading program. Reduced costs by initiating in-house meter exchange program. Continued to work with regulatory agencies to address regulatory issues and requirements. Achieved regulatory reform with State and County agencies regarding recycled water oversight. Continued to provide reliable water service that met all regulatory requirements to over 28,000 services. Awarded contract and made repairs to the Santa Fe II Reservoir Site drainage and crib wall. Completed repairs and recoated the interior and exterior of the D1 and 02 tanks. Awarded contract to make repairs and recoat the interior and exterior of the Ellery, Elm, and Skyline steel tanks. Began design of the cathodic protection improvements. Completed construction of the Rancho Carlsbad Pressure Reducing and Metering Station Replacement Project. Began design on replacing a portion of the Tri-Agency Water Transmission Pipeline within Ocean Hills Community. Completed SCADA modifications at the Carlsbad Water Reclamation Facility. Executed desalinated water local supply purchase agreement with the San Diego County Water Authority. H-19 79 Exhibit 4B PROGRAM: WATER OPERATIONS PAGE THREE FUND: WATER ENTERPRISE PROGRAM GROUP: UTILITIES ACCT NO. 5016310/5026310 KEY GOALS FOR FY 2013-14: Continue implementation of Automated Meter Reading Program. Exchange 4,906 water meters. Implement customer usage field presentation software. Implement abnormal water usage automated customer calling system. Continue to partner with the Water Authority and surrounding agencies on a regional recycled water plan. Continue progress on Maerkle hydroelectric power generation facility. Review rate structure to fund operations and infrastructure replacement as well as re-establish reserve levels in accordance with Board policies. Continue to improve tracking and reporting capabilities. Continue to work with the appropriate State and County agencies to address regulatory issues and requirements. Obtain funding from the SWRCB for the approval for the Recycled Water Phase III Project. Award contract to construct the La Costa Recycled Water Pipeline within El Camino Real. Continue design of the Phase III Recycled Water Project. Identify and secure right of way easement for Maerkle Transmission main. Prepare Asset Management Plan. Complete cathodic protection improvements. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: • Reduction of a Meter Worker position (1.0 FTE) as a result of AMR implementation. • Reduction of a Utilities Director position (0.6 FTE). • Reallocated 0.35 full time positions from other divisions to better reflect workload. H-20 Exhibit 5 1 RESOLUTION NO. 525 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, ^ CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE OPERATING BUDGET OF THE CARLSBAD HOUSING AUTHORITY FOR FISCAL YEAR 2013-14. 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 6 WHEREAS, the Community Development Commission of the City of Carlsbad, 7 California (the Commission) has reviewed the operating budget for the Carlsbad ^ Housing Authority Section 8 Programs, for FY 2013-14; and WHEREAS, public hearings have been held as necessary prior to the adoption of the final operating budgets. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Community Development Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That certain documents now on file in the office of the City Clerk entitled 16 "City of Carlsbad, FY 2013-14 Preliminary Operating Budget and FY 2013-14 to FY 17 2027-28 Capital Improvement Program - Preliminary," as amended in accordance with 18 Exhibit 5-A attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein, is hereby adopted as the Operating Budget for the Carlsbad Housing Authority Section 8 Programs for FY 20 2013-14, along with any Program Options determined by the City Council as set forth in 21 " 22 23 24 25 26 hereby adopted as the budgeted revenues for FY 2013-14. 27 28 , the minutes of the Council's meeting of Tuesday, June 11, 2013, and that all funding for planning and administrative expenses has been determined to be necessary and appropriate for implementation of Authority activities in FY 2013-14. 3. That the amounts reflected as estimated revenues for FY 2013-14 are Exhibit 5 1 4. That the amount designated as FY 2013-14 Budget request in Exhibit 5-A 2 is hereby appropriated to the fund for which it is designated, and such appropriation ^ shall not be increased except as provided herein. 5. That the following controls are hereby placed on the use and transfers of budget funds: A. No expenditure of funds shall be authorized unless sufficient funds have been appropriated by the Commission or Executive Director as described below. i. The Executive Director may authorize all transfers of funds IQ from account to account within the same fund in an amount up to $100,000 per transfer. 11 ii. The Executive Director may delegate the authority to make 12 budget transfers and adjustments. 13 iii. The Executive Director may authorize budget adjustments involving offsetting revenues and expenditures; the Executive Director is authorized to increase an appropriation for a specific purpose where said appropriation is offset by unbudgeted revenue which is designated for said specific purpose. B. The Commission must authorize any increase in the number of authorized permanent personnel positions above the level identified in the final Budget. 2Q The Executive Director may authorize the hiring of temporary or part time staff as 21 necessary, within the limits imposed by the controls listed above. 22 6. That all appropriations and outstanding encumbrances as of June 30, 23 2013, are hereby continued into FY 2013-14 for such contracts and obligations. /// /// /// 14 15 16 17 18 19 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad Community Development Commission, Carlsbad City Council, Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors and City of Carlsbad as the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency held on the 11**^ day of June, 2013, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: Council Members Hall, Packard, Wood, Blackburn and Douglas. None. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ABSENT: None. kTT HALL, Chairman MATT ATTEST: JOHN COATES, Secretary (SEAL) - ^/ ESTABUSHED\« ^ - 2013 c \ • • • • / PROGRAM: FUND: PROGRAM GROUP: RENTAL ASSISTANCE Exhibit 5A HUD SECTION 8 HOUSING HOUSING & NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES ACCT NO. 190XXXX 2010-11 ACTUAL 2011-12 ACTUAL 2012-13 BUDGET 2013-14 BUDGET PERSONNEL $420,433 $433,887 $375,736 $365,530 MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS 5,936,540 6,186,225 5,844,178 5,624,856 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 GRAND TOTAL $6,356,973 $6,620,112 $6,219,914 $5,990,386 FULL TIME POSITIONS 4.25 4.25 3.60 3.60 HOURLY/FTE POSITIONS 0.34 0.30 0.00 0.00 MISSION STATEMENT: Serving to engage and connect the community, its neighborhood, and its people in the development and implementation of programs which provide for affordable housing and help strengthen neighborhoods through partnerships and collaboration to improve or enhance the quality of life and sense of community within Carlsbad. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Section 8 Tenant-Based Rental Assistance • Provide federal funding to subsidize rents for extremely low-income and very low-income households. • Assist low-income households in the community to access rental housing that is decent, safe, and sanitary. • Ensure program is being administered in compliance with federal regulations, federal guidelines, the Carlsbad Administrative Plan, and the Public Housing Agency (PHA) Plan. • Achieve and maintain a lease rate that effectively utilizes funding allocation. Family Self-Sufficiency • Designed to enable unemployed, under-employed or under-educated low-income families to achieve economic independence from welfare. • Assist families in identifying barriers to becoming self-sufficient. • Provide guidance to the family to establish a five-year goal and plan. • Coordinate needed support services and act as an advocate on behalf of the client. PERFORMANCEAA/ORKLOAD MEASURES: • Maintain a Section Eight Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) ranking of "standard performer" or "high performer." • Achieve and maintain a lease rate utilizing 98% of allocated funds. • Update and revise Administrative Plan to adopt changes in federal regulations. • Expand rental assistance knowledge by conducting community workshops, providing owner and participant educational opportunities, and conducting owner outreach presentations. KEY ACHIEVEMENTS 2012-13: • Provided monthly rental assistance to approximately 600 very low and extremely low-income households. • Received "High Performer" ranking under SEMAP. E-17 •81 25 26 27 28 Exhibit 6 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2013-138 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ^ ESTABLISHING THE 2013-14 APPROPRIATION LIMIT AS REQUIRED BY ARTICLE XIIIB OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE CONSTITUTION AND STATE 5 LAW 6 WHEREAS, Article XIIIB of the California State Constitution requires that 7 governments annually establish a limit on the appropriation of proceeds of taxes; and 8 ^ WHEREAS, State law requires that this limit be presented to the governing body IQ of each entity each fiscal year; and 11 WHEREAS, State law also requires that this limit be published in a newspaper of 12 general circulation to allow public response to the limit as adopted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby establish and adopt the 2013-14 appropriation limit of three hundred and fifty five million, five hundred and thirty six thousand, and two hundred and twenty three 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2Q dollars ($355,536,223) as computed in Exhibit 6-A attached hereto 21 3. That the City Clerk is directed to publish this Resolution in a 22 newspaper of general circulation. 23 /// 24 /// /// /// /// ;5 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council, Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors, Carlsbad Community Development Commission and City of Carlsbad as the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency held on the if" day of June, 2013, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: Council Members Hall, Packard, Wood, Blackburn and Douglas. None. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 l: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ABSENT: None. MATT HAL'L, Mayor ATTEST: Exhibit 6-A CITY OF CARLSBAD GANN APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT The Appropriations Limitation imposed by Proposition 4 and modified by Proposition 111 creates a restriction on the amount of revenue which can be appropriated in any fiscal year. The revenues which are subject to the Limitation are those considered "proceeds of taxes." The basis for calculating the Limit began in fiscal year 1978-79 and is increased based on population growth and inflation. The major change made by Proposition 111 allows the city to annually choose among the following options for calculating its Gann Limit: > Population growth of Carlsbad, OR > Population growth within San Diego County, AND > Growth in California per capita income, OR > Growth in non-residential assessed valuation due to new construction in the City. The factors used to calculate the 2013-14 Limit were: > Population growth in Carlsbad, AND > Growth in non-residential assessed valuation due to construction in the City. The formula is outlined below: 2012- 13 Expenditure Limit $308,625.194 % Carlsbad Population Growth 1.0102 Growth in non-residential assessed valuation X 1.1404 Net I ncrease Factor 1.1520 2013- 14 Limit (2012-13 Limit X Factor) $355.536.223 Current Appropriation of Proceeds of Taxes $105,392,745 (Subject to the Limit) The spending limit for the City of Carlsbad for 2013-14 is $355.5 million, with appropriations of "proceeds of taxes" of $105.4 million. The result of the calculation provides the city with an operating margin of $250.1 million. D-11 7 Exhibit 7 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2013-139 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING CHANGES TO ^ THE MASTER FEE SCHEDULE. 4 9 10 11 12 13 14 19 20 21 22 23 5 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has the authority to establish 6 fees for City services; and 7 WHEREAS, from time-to-time said fees are reviewed and evaluated to maintain an adequate fee structure recovering costs for City services; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined the cost of providing general and development-related services; and WHEREAS, the City Council believes it is necessary for the City Manager to have the authority to adjust the recreation program and classes fees from time to time to remain competitive and within the market pricing for like programs and classes; and 15 WHEREAS, the City Council finds it necessary to recover the costs for City 16 services; and 17 WHEREAS, the City Council has held the necessary public hearing and allowed 1 ^ for public comment on the establishment of said fees. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the changes to the Master Fee Schedule are for the fees shown in 24 Exhibit 7-A attached hereto, and as amended by determinations of the City 25 Council at its meeting of Tuesday, June 11, 2013, as set forth in the minutes 26 of that meeting, and as memorialized by subsequent resolution of the City 2^ Council. 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 /// 18 /// 19 /// 20 /// 21 /// 22 /// 23 /// 24 /// 25 26 /// 27 /// 28 Exhibit 7 3. The City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager or his/her designee to set parks & recreation program, rental, and class fees that are included in the Community Services Guide. The fee shall not exceed the fully burdened (direct and indirect) costs of providing the program, rental, and class but shall be no less (except in the case of introductory, discount or promotional pricing) than the lowest fee charged for like kind programs or classes in similarly benchmarked Southern California cities. 4. The City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager or his/her designee to change parking violation fees at the time, and by the same amount, as the state changes their portion of the fee. Any changes to these fees will be made to the current Master Fee Schedule. 5. This resolution shall become effective on August 1, 2013 for General city fees, and September 1, 2013 for the Development-related service fees and Development impact fees. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council, Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors, Carlsbad Community Development Commission and City of Carlsbad as the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency held on the 11^^ day of June, 2013, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: Council Members Hall, Packard, Wood, Blackburn and Douglas. None. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ABSENT: None. MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: (SEAL),-^^y^ EXHIBIT 7A CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULES June 2013 General City Service fee increases approved by Council on June 11, 2013 will go into effect August 1, 2013. Development Related Service fee increases approved by Council on June 11, 2013 will go into effect September 1, 2013. Development Impact fee increases approved by Council on June 11, 2013 will go into effect September 1, 2013. 9/ EXHIBIT 7A TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1 - General City Service Fees Miscellaneous Fees 1 Alga Norte Facility 2 Safety Center Facility Rental 6 Library Facility Rental - Schedule B 10 Library AudioA/ideo Services - Schedule C 11 Section 2 - Development Related Service Fees Miscellaneous Fees 12 Fire Protection System Installation Fees 19 Grading Plan Check Fees 21 Grading Permit Fees 22 Improvement Construction Inspection Fees 23 Improvement Plan Review Fees 24 Street Light Energizing Fees 25 Landscape Inspection Fees 26 Landscape Plan Check Fees 27 Building Permit Fees 28 Plumbing Permit Unit Fees 29 Electrical Permit Fees 30 Mechanical Permit Fees 31 Section 3 - Development Impact Fees Miscellaneous Fees 32 Park In Lieu Fees 33 Planned Local Drainage Area Fees 34 Sewer Benefit Area Fees 35 Habitat Mitigation Fees 36 EXHIBIT 7A CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULES SECTION 1 GENERAL CITY SERVICE FEES June 2013 93 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE FY 2013-14 EXHIBIT 7A SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE GENERAL CAO Appeal City Council - Miscellaneous $ 156 $ 159 GENERAL CAO Hearing Disposition Services for Parking Citations - Personal Hearings $ $ GENERAL CAO Hearing Disposition Services for Parking Citations - Written Review $ $ GENERAL CED Bond Search S 31 $ 32 GENERAL CED Campaign Sign Permit (plus a $200 refundable deposit) $ 57 $ 58 GENERAL CED Planning Commission Agenda and Minutes (-t-postage) copy charge copy charge GENERAL CITY CLERK City Clerk - CD Copy $ 3 $ 3 GENERAL CITY CLERK City Clerk - Certification Charge (per document) $ 21 $ 21 GENERAL CITY MANAGER Publications - As Determined by the City Manager Determined by City Manager Determined by City Manager GENERAL COMMUNICATION Cable Channel Administration Fee $110/Hour $110/Hour GENERAL COMMUNICATION Communications - DVD Copy $ 21 $ 21 GENERAL POLICE Administrative Fee - DUI $ 18 $ 18 GENERAL FINANCE Administrative Fee for 1915 Act Bond Call -1% of principal being repaid (4) $50 min/$500 max $50 min/$500 max GENERAL FINANCE Business License - master list of active business licenses $ 42 $ 35 GENERAL FINANCE Business License - monthly list of new licenses $ 5 $ 5 GENERAL FINANCE Check Processing Fee for Cancellation (Customer Initiated) $ 21 $ 21 GENERAL FINANCE Returned Check Fee $ 36 $ 35 GENERAL FIRE Ambulance Fee - Assessment $ 153.60 $ 153.60 GENERAL FIRE Ambulance Fee - Base Rate - Resident $ 921.60 $ 921.60 GENERAL FIRE Ambulance Fee - Base Rate Non-Resident $ 1,024.00 $ 1,024.00 GENERAL FIRE Ambulance Fee - Mileage Charge - per mile $ 17.41 $ 17.41 GENERAL FIRE Ambulance Fee - Oxygen Charge $ 66.56 $ 66.56 GENERAL FIRE Ambulance Fee - Supplies Charge Actual Cost +30% Actual Cost +30% GENERAL FIRE Bicycle Licenses (5) $ 3 $ 3 GENERAL FIRE Bicycle Licenses - Replacement or Transfer (5) $ 1 $ 1 GENERAL FIRE INSPECTION Inspection-Reinspection for a previously failed inspection $ 68 $ 69 GENERAL FIRE INSPECTION Fire Clearance Inspection-State Lie. 1-6 Individuals/Per Establishment $ $ 245 GENERAL FIRE INSPECTION Fire Clearance Initial Inspection-State Lie. 7-24 Individuals/Per Establishment $ $ 312 GENERAL FIRE INSPECTION Fire Clearance Annual Inspection-State Lie. 7-24 Individuals/Per Establishment $ $ 387 GENERAL FIRE INSPECTION Fire Clearance Initial Inspection-State Lie. 25 + Individuals/Per Establishment $ $ 434 GENERAL FIRE INSPECTION Fire Clearance Annual Inspection-State Lie. 26-50 Beds Individuals/Per Establishment $ $ 624 GENERAL FIRE INSPECTION Fire Clearance Annual Inspection-State Lie. 50 + Beds Individuals/Per Establishment $ $ 1,003 GENERAL FIRE INSPECTION Fire Inspection - R-1 Occupancy 6-14 D.U.'s $ $ 198 GENERAL FIRE INSPECTION Fire Inspection - R-1 Occupancy 15-50 D.U.'s $ $ 490 GENERAL FIRE PREVENTION Fire - Hydrant Water Flow Test $ 75 $ 55 GENERAL FIRE INSPECTION Inspection-Initial Occupancy Inspection-New Business $ 322 $ 245 GENERAL FIRE PREVENTION Fire - Weed Abatement (charge per parcel) $ 154 $ 158 GENERAL FIRE INSPECTION Inspection $ 187 $ 123 Page 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE FY 2013-14 EXHIBIT 7A SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE GENERAL FIRE INSPECTION Inspection -Interim $ 187 $ 191 GENERAL FIRE Fire Nuisance Alarm - 1st response in 12 month period $ $ GENERAL FIRE Fire Nuisance Alarm - 2nd response in 12 month period $ 78 $ 80 GENERAL FIRE Fire Nuisance Alarm - 3rd response in 12 month period $ 156 $ 159 GENERAL FIRE Fire Nuisance Alarm - each additional response thereafter $ 307 $ 313 GENERAL FIRE Fire Nuisance Alarm - each billing $ 10 $ 11 GENERAL FIRE PREVENTION Fire- Special Event - per fire personnel per hour (consistent with City payroll records) Actual Cost Actual Cost GENERAL FIRE PREVENTION Permit/Inspection - Hazardous Materials and Processes - Assembly $ 117 $ 120 GENERAL LIBRARY Camp Pelican (Art Camp) $ 100 $ 100 GENERAL LIBRARY Copies - Black & White (each) $ 0.20 $ 0.20 GENERAL LIBRARY Copies - Color (each) $ 1 $ 1 GENERAL LIBRARY Library Account Collection Fee $ 10 $ 10 GENERAL LIBRARY Library Book Non Pickup Fee (per item) $ 1 $ 1 GENERAL LIBRARY Library Borrowing - Audio Visual Equipment (per item, per day) $ 5 $ 5 GENERAL LIBRARY Library Borrowing - Audio Visual Insurance fee - Per DVD $ 1 $ 1 GENERAL LIBRARY Library Borrowing - Mobile Device Loan Late Fee (Per Item, Per Hour) $ 5 $ 5 GENERAL LIBRARY Library Card Replacement $ 2 $ 2 GENERAL LIBRARY Library Facility Fees (See schedule C) See Schedule C See Schedule C GENERAL LIBRARY Library Facility Rental (See schedule B) See Schedule B See Schedule B GENERAL LIBRARY Library Fines - DVD (per day per item) $ 1 $ 1 GENERAL LIBRARY Library Fines - Juvenile (per day per item) $ 0.10 $ 0.10 GENERAL LIBRARY Library Fines (per day per item) $ 0.25 $ 0.25 GENERAL LIBRARY Library History Room Photo Fee (vendor cost of duplicating historical photos) Direct Cost Direct Cost GENERAL LIBRARY Library Interlibrary Loan $ 5 $ 5 GENERAL LIBRARY Library Lost Item Processing Fee $ 5 $ 5 GENERAL LIBRARY Lost/Damaged beyond repair book/audio item List price+$40 if out of print List price+$40 if out of print GENERAL LIBRARY Lost/Damaged Library Materials Variable up to list price Variable up to list price GENERAL LIBRARY Lost/Damaged DVD 20% of list price 20% of list price GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION DROP IN PER ADMISSION Alga Norte-Drop In Per Admission-Youth Teen 17 & Under-Non Resident $ 3 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION DROP IN PER ADMISSION Alga Norte-Drop In Per Admission-Adult-Non Resident $ 6 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION DROP IN PER ADMISSION Alga Norte-Drop In Per Admission-Adult-Resident $ 5 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION DROP IN PER ADMISSION Alga Norte-Spectator/Observer Entry (Not charged for swim lesson parents/guardians) $ 2 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION AQUATIC DISCOUNT PASSES Alga Norte - Aquatic Discount Passes -1 Month Individual - Non Resident - Peak Time $ 65 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION AQUATIC DISCOUNT PASSES Alga Norte - Aquatic Discount Passes -1 Month Individual - Non Resident - Off Peak Time $ 55 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION AQUATIC DISCOUNT PASSES Alga Norte - Aquatic Discount Passes -1 Month Individual -Resident - Peak Time $ 55 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION AQUATIC DISCOUNT PASSES Alga Norte - Aquatic Discount Passes -1 Month Individual - Resident - Off Peak Time $ 45 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION AQUATIC DISCOUNT PASSES Alga Norte - Aquatic Discount Passes -1 Month Family - Non Resident - Peak Time $ 95 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION AQUATIC DISCOUNT PASSES Alga Norte - Aquatic Discount Passes -1 Month Family - Non Resident - Off Peak Time $ 85 Page 2 9S CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE FY 2013-14 EXHIBIT 7A SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESOUPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION AQUATIC DISCOUNT PASSES Alga Norte - Aquatic Discount Passes -1 Month Family - Resident - Peak Time $ 75 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION AQUATIC DISCOUNT PASSES Alga Norte - Aquatic Discount Passes -1 Month Family - Resident - Off Peak Time $ 65 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION AQUATIC DISCOUNT PASSES Alga Norte - Aquatic Discount Passes - 4 Month Individual - Non Resident - Peak Time $ 130 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION AQUATIC DISCOUNT PASSES Alga Norte - Aquatic Discount Passes - 4 Month Individual - Non Resident - Off Peak Time $ 120 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION AQUATIC DISCOUNT PASSES Alga Norte - Aquatic Discount Passes - 4 Month Individual -Resident - Peak Time $ 120 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION AQUATIC DISCOUNT PASSES Alga Norte - Aquatic Discount Passes - 4 Month Individual - Resident - Off Peak Time $ 110 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION AQUATIC DISCOUNT PASSES Alga Norte - Aquatic Discount Passes - 4 Month Family - Non Resident - Peak Time $ 270 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION AQUATIC DISCOUNT PASSES Alga Norte - Aquatic Discount Passes - 4 Month Family - Non Resident - Off Peak Time $ 250 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION AQUATIC DISCOUNT PASSES Alga Norte - Aquatic Discount Passes - 4 Month Family - Resident - Peak Time $ 250 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION AQUATIC DISCOUNT PASSES Alga Norte - Aquatic Discount Passes - 4 Month Family - Resident - Off Peak Time $ 230 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION AQUATIC DISCOUNT PASSES Alga Norte -10 Swim Punch Card 10 X per Admission Fee GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Pool Rental- Instructional and Competitive Pool Peak Hours (per lane per hour) - Resident Non Profit $ 20 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Pool Rental- Instructional and Competitive Pool Peak Hours (per lane per hour) - Non Resident Non Profit $ 22 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Pool Rental- Instructional and Competitive Pool Peak Hours (per lane per hour) - Resident $ 23 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Pool Rental- Instructional and Competitive Pool Peak Hours (per lane per hour) - Non Resident $ 26 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Pool Rental- Instructional and Competitive Pool Off Peak Hours (per lane per hour) - Resident Non Profit $ 18 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Pool Rental- Instructional and Competitive Pool Off Peak Hours (per lane per hour) - Non Resident Non Profit $ 20 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Pool Rental- Instructional and Competitive Pool Off Peak Hours (per lane per hour) - Resident $ 22 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Pool Rental- Instructional and Competitive Pool Off Peak Hours (per lane per hour) - Non Resident $ 24 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Pool Rental- Instructional and Competitive Pool Super Off Peak Hours (per lane per hour) - Resident Non Profit $ 16 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Pool Rental- Instructional and Competitive Pool Super Off Peak Hours (per lane per hour) - Non Resident Non Profit $ 18 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Pool Rental- Instructional and Competitive Pool Super Off Peak Hours (per lane per hour) - Resident $ 20 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Pool Rental- Instructional and Competitive Pool Super Off Peak Hours (per lane per hour) - Non Resident $ 22 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Pool Rental - Outside of Regular Operating Hours - minimum of 70% of pool - summer - Resident Non Profit $ 27 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Pool Rental - Outside of Regular Operating Hours - minimum of 70% of pool - summer - Non Resident Non Profit $ 30 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Pool Rental - Outside of Regular Operating Hours - minimum of 70% of pool - summer - Resident $ 27 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Pool Rental - Outside of Regular Operating Hours - minimum of 70% of pool - summer - Non Resident $ 30 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Pool Rental - Outside of Regular Operating Hours - minimum of 70% of pool - non summer - Resident Non Profit $ 32 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Pool Rental - Outside of Regular Operating Hours - minimum of 70% of pool - non summer - Non Resident Non Profit $ 35 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Pool Rental - Outside of Regular Operating Hours - minimum of 70% of pool - non summer - Resident $ 36 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Pool Rental - Outside of Regular Operating Hours - minimum of 70% of pool - non summer - Non Resident $ 40 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION THERAPUETIC POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Whole Therapeutic Pool Rental - Peak Hours - Non Profit Resident $ 41 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION THERAPUETIC POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Whole Therapeutic Pool Rental - Peak Hours - Non Profit Non Resident $ 45 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION THERAPUETIC POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Whole Therapeutic Pool Rental - Peak Hours - Resident $ 46 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION THERAPUETIC POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Whole Therapeutic Pool Rental - Peak Hours - Non Resident $ 50 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION THERAPUETIC POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Whole Therapeutic Pool Rental - Off Peak Hours - Non Profit Resident $ 36 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION THERAPUETIC POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Whole Therapeutic Pool Rental - Off Peak Hours - Non Profit Non Resident $ 40 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION THERAPUETIC POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Whole Therapeutic Pool Rental - Off Peak Hours - Resident $ 41 Pages 9^ CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE FY 2013-14 SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION THERAPUETIC POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Whole Therapeutic Pool Rental - Off Peak Hours - Non Resident $ 45 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION THERAPUETIC POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Whole Therapeutic Pool Rental - Super Off Peak Hours - Non Profit Resident $ 32 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION THERAPUETIC POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Whole Therapeutic Pool Rental - Super Off Peak Hours - Non Profit Non Resident $ 35 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION THERAPUETIC POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Whole Therapeutic Pool Rental - Super Off Peak Hours - Resident $ 36 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION THERAPUETIC POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Whole Therapeutic Pool Rental - Super Off Peak Hours - Non Resident $ 40 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION THERAPUETIC POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Whole Therapeutic Pool Rental - Outside of regular operating hours - add on to other pool use - Non Profit Resident $ 52 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION THERAPUETIC POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Whole Therapeutic Pool Rental - Outside of regular operating hours - add on to other pool use - Non Profit Non Resident $ 55 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION THERAPUETIC POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Whole Therapeutic Pool Rental - Outside of regular operating hours - add on to other pool use - Resident $ 56 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION THERAPUETIC POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Whole Therapeutic Pool Rental - Outside of regular operating hours - add on to other pool use - Non Resident $ 60 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Pool Rental - Time System Setup, Operation and Takedown per hour $ 55 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Pool Rental - On Deck Team Storage - Per Month Per Square Foot $ 3 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Pool Rental - Aquatics Staff Costs - City Provided Services (Per Supervisor/Manager - PerHr.) $ 35 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Pool Rental - Aquatics Staff Costs - City Provided Services (Per Guard/Instructor - Per Hr.) $ 25 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION POOL RENTAL Alga Norte Pool Rental - Competitive Events - Per Day Per Event Additional Fee $250-$1000 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION CLASSES & PROGRAMS Alga Norte Classes & Programs - Group Learn To Swim Lessons Per Hour $ 14 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION CLASSES & PROGRAMS Alga Norte Classes & Programs - Group Lessons Per Class Fee Resident Discount $ (1) GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION CLASSES & PROGRAMS Alga Norte Classes & Programs - Programs/Classes/Camps - (Masters, Diving, Synchro Swim, Etc.) Per Hour $6-$9 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION CLASSES & PROGRAMS Alga Norte Classes & Programs - Programs/Classes/Camps - (Masters, Diving, Synchro Swim, Etc.) Per Hour - Resident Discount $ (1) GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION CLASSES & PROGRAMS Alga Norte Classes & Programs - Individualized Instruction - Basic Swimming Per Hour $ 70 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION CLASSES & PROGRAMS Alga Norte Classes & Programs - Individualized Instruction - Basic Swimming Per Hour - Resident Discount $ (10) GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION CLASSES & PROGRAMS Alga Norte Classes & Programs - Individualized Instruction - Advanced Instruction/Coaching - Per Hour $ 80 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION CLASSES & PROGRAMS Alga Norte Classes & Programs - Individualized Instruction - Advanced Instruction/Coaching - Per Hour - Resident Discount $ (10) GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION CLASSES & PROGRAMS Alga Norte Specialty Programs - Birthday Party Packages - Basic package includes admission for 10 kids plus parents, cake & drinks & staff member $200-$300 GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION CLASSES & PROGRAMS Alga Norte Specialty Programs - Recreation Department/Aquatics Special Events - (ie. Friday Night Lites) not including admission $5-$20 GENERAL POLICE Police - Public Dump Permit - Fee per acre $ 202 $ 202 GENERAL POLICE Police - Audio/Visual Copy $ 51 $ 51 GENERAL POLICE Police - Burglary Alarm Response - Second Occurence (no charge for 1st response if permitted) (3) $ 30 $ 30 GENERAL POLICE Police - Burglary Alarm Response - Each Additional Occurence (3) $ 60 $ 60 GENERAL POLICE Police - False Robbery - Panic Alarm Response - Each Additional Occurance (3) $ 100 $ 100 GENERAL POLICE Police - False Robbery - Panic Alarm Response - Second Occurrence (no charge for 1st response) (3) $ 100 $ 100 GENERAL POLICE Police - Second Call per Police Employee per hour (consistent with City payroll records) Actual Cost Actual Cost GENERAL POLICE Police - Entertainment License (6) $ 208 $ 212 GENERAL POLICE Police - Copy Investigation Tapes (+ cost of duplicating the tape) $ 62 $ 54 GENERAL POLICE Police - Dispatch Historical Searches (per month searched) $ 21 $ 21 GENERAL POLICE Police - Fingerprinting Fees $ 25 $ 25 GENERAL POLICE Police - Photograph Copy (fee plus reproduction costs) $ 57 $ 27 GENERAL POLICE Police - Proof of Correction Certification - all others $ 15 $ 15 GENERAL POLICE Police - Proof of Correction Certification - Carlsbad Resident or person with CPD citation $ $ Page 4 9-7 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE FY 2013-14 EXHIBIT 7A SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESOUPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE nr 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE GENERAL POLICE Police - Report Copy Fee (Free to Victim) plus cost of reproduction $ 16 $ 16 GENERAL POLICE Police - Verification Letter $ 14 $ 14 GENERAL POLICE Police - Special Business Permit (plus fingerprint fee) $ 120 $ 122 GENERAL POLICE Police - Special Event Application - Major (3 or more intersections)(fee plus services rendered) $ 343 $ 350 GENERAL POLICE Police - Special Event Application - Minor (2 or less intersections)(fee plus services rendered) $ 114 $ 117 GENERAL POLICE Police - Special Event Application - Third party Vendor Fee (2nd Day) $ 103 $ 105 GENERAL POLICE Police - Special Event Application - Third party Vendor Fee (Each day thereafter) $ 77 $ 79 GENERAL POLICE Police - Special Event Application -Third party Vendor Fee (1st Day) $ 129 $ 131 GENERAL POLICE Police - Special Event City Services - Staff Time (2) Actual Cost Actual Cost GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 21113 (a) - Veh/Anim public on grounds $ 38 $ 38 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 21211 - Bike lane $ 50 $ 50 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 22500 (a) - In intersection $ 38 $ 38 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 22500(b)-In cross walk $ 38 $ 38 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 22500 (d) - Fire station driveway $ 38 $ 38 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 22500 (e) - Driveway $ 38 $ 38 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 22500 (f) - Sidewalk $ 38 $ 38 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 22500 (g) - Obstructing traffic $ 38 $ 38 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 22500 (h) - Double parking $ 38 $ 38 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 22500 (i) - Bus zone $ 260 $ 260 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 22500 (j) - Tube or tunnel $ 38 $ 38 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 22500 (k) - Bridge $ 38 $ 38 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 22500 (1) - Blocking Disabled $ 320 $ 320 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 22500 c - Red curb $ 38 $ 38 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 22500.1 - Fire lane $ 50 $ 50 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 22502 -18" from curb/wrong way $ 38 $ 38 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 22507 (a) - Oversize Vehicle $ $ 50 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 22507.8 - Disable space/block access $ 340 $ 340 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 22514-Fire hydrant $ 38 $ 38 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 22515 - Unattended vehicle $ 38 $ 38 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 22516 - Locked vehicle/passgr inside $ 50 $ 50 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 22517 - Open/close door in traffic $ 50 $ 50 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 22520 - Stopping on freeway $ 38 $ 38 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 22520.5 - Vending from Hwy $ 50 $ 50 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 22521 - > 7.5ft from RR tracks $ 38 $ 38 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 22522 - 3ft from handicap ramp $ 320 $ 320 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 22523 - Abandoned vehicle $ 128 $ 128 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 22526 - Blocking intersection $ 68 $ 68 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 23226 - Store open container/pass comp $ 50 $ 50 Pages 9^ CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE FY 2013-14 EXHIBIT 7A SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 23333 - Stop/park In vehicle crossing $ 38 $ 38 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 24003 - Veh. w/unlawful lighting device $ 38 $ 38 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 24401 - Dimmed lights on parked veh $ 44 $ 44 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 24604 - Lamp or flag on projections $ 38 $ 38 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 24607 - Reflectors on rear $ 38 $ 38 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 24608 - Reflectors on front and sides $ 38 $ 38 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 25250 - Unlawful flashing lights $ 44 $ 44 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 25251 - Flashing lights required $ 44 $ 44 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 25300 Warn device disabled, parked veh $ 44 $ 44 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 26451 - Set parking brake $ 38 $ 38 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 27155 - Fuel tank caps $ 38 $ 38 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 4462 (b) - Wrong veh reg $ 100 $ 100 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 5200- Plates front/back $ 38 $ 38 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 5201 - Position of plate $ 38 $ 38 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 5204 (a)-Tabs $ 38 $ 38 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION 72 hr parking $ 68 $ 68 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION Alley parking $ 50 $ 50 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION Comm veh in resd area $ 50 $ 50 GENERAL POLICE Police -Storage / Impounded Vehicle Administrative Charge $ 68 $ 69 GENERAL POLICE Police/Fire - Emergency Response DUI Traffic Collision (max $12,000 per incident) Direct Cost Direct Cost GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION Repair veh in street $ 50 $ 50 GENERAL POLICE PARKING VIOLATION Safety zone $ 50 $ 50 GENERAL PEM RENTAL RATES FOR STC Safety Training Center -1 Shooting Range - Half Day $312-$524 GENERAL PEM RENTAL RATES FOR STC Safety Training Center -1 Shooting Range - Full Day $678-$l,102 GENERAL PEM RENTAL RATES FOR STC Safety Training Center - 2 Shooting Ranges - Half Day $401-$645 GENERAL PEM RENTAL RATES FOR STC Safety Training Center - 2 Shooting Ranges - Full Day $763-$l,239 GENERAL PEM RENTAL RATES FOR STC Safety Training Center - Classroom - Half Day $ 296 GENERAL PEM RENTAL RATES FOR STC Safety Training Center - Class Room - Full Day $ 528 GENERAL PEM RENTAL RATES FOR STC Safety Training Center - Grinder - Half Day $ 236 GENERAL PEM RENTAL RATES FOR STC Safety Training Center - Grinder - Full Day $ 418 GENERAL PEM RENTAL RATES FOR STC Safety Training Center - Grinder/Residential Prop (No Fire Ops) - Half Day $ 327 GENERAL PEM RENTAL RATES FOR STC Safety Training Center - Grinder/Residential Prop (No Fire Ops) - Full Day $ 599 GENERAL PEM RENTAL RATES FOR STC Safety Training Center - Grinder/Commercial Prop (no Fire Ops) - Half Day $ 327 GENERAL PEM RENTAL RATES FOR STC Safety Training Center - Grinder/Commercial Prop (no Fire Ops) - Full Day $ 599 GENERAL PEM RENTAL RATES FOR STC Safety Training Center - Streetscape - Half Day $ 100 GENERAL PEM RENTAL RATES FOR STC Safety Training Center - Streetscape - Full Day $ 145 GENERAL UTILITIES WATER RATES Agricultural Water Rate $ 3.70 $ 3.70 GENERAL UTILITIES Backflow 2nd Notice $ 8 $ 8 Page 6 99 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE FY 2013-14 EXHIBIT 7A SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE GENERAL UTILITIES Backflow 3rd Notice $ 22 $ 23 GENERAL UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT SERVICE FEES Backflow Inspection - California Department of Environmental Health (CDEH) (invoice total from CDEH) Actual Cost Actual Cost GENERAL UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT SERVICE FEES Backflow Preventer Charge (per month, each account) $ 3 $ 3 GENERAL UTIUTIES Backflow Reinspection (Consistent with City payroll records) Actual Cost Actual Cost GENERAL UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT SERVICE FEES Blueprinting of Standard Size (24" x 36") Improvement Plan Sheet (Cost for each) $ 5 $ 5 GENERAL UTILITIES WATER RATES Cost of Delivery Charge (per month) - 5/8" meter $ 21.38 $ 21.38 GENERAL UTILITIES WATER RATES Cost of Delivery Charge (per month) - 3/4" meter $ 26.97 $ 26.97 GENERAL UTILITIES WATER RATES Cost of Delivery Charge (per month) -1" meter $ 38.52 $ 38.52 GENERAL UTILITIES WATER RATES Cost of Delivery Charge (per month) -11/2" meter $ 67.60 $ 67.60 GENERAL UTILITIES WATER RATES Cost of Delivery Charge (per month) - 2" meter $ 102.27 $ 102.27 GENERAL UTILITIES WATER RATES Cost of Delivery Charge (per month) - 2 1/2" meter $ 147.80 $ 147.80 GENERAL UTILITIES WATER RATES Cost of Delivery Charge (per month) - 3" meter $ 194.72 $ 194.72 GENERAL UTILITIES WATER RATES Cost of Delivery Charge (per month) - 4" meter $ 298.75 $ 298.75 GENERAL UTILITIES WATER RATES Cost of Delivery Charge (per month) - 6" meter $ 588.03 $ 588.03 GENERAL UTIUTIES WATER RATES Cost of Delivery Charge (per month) - 8" meter $ 934.71 $ 934.71 GENERAL UTILITIES WATER RATES Cost of Delivery Charge (per month) -10" meter $ 1,339.61 $ 1,339.61 GENERAL UTIUTIES WATER RATES Cost of Delivery Charge (per Month) Multi-Family Unit GENERAL UTILITIES WATER RATES Irrigation Water Rate $ 4.15 $ 4.15 GENERAL UTILITIES WATER RATES Potable Water Rate - Multi-Family Rate Tier 1 (cost per unit 0-5 units of water) $ 2.71 $ 2.71 GENERAL UTILITIES WATER RATES Potable Water Rate - Multi-Family Rate Tier 2 (cost per unit 6-10 units of water) $ 3.05 $ 3.05 GENERAL UTILITIES WATER RATES Potable Water Rate - Multi-Family Rate Tier 3 (cost per unit 11+ units of water) $ 3.64 $ 3.64 GENERAL UTILITIES WATER RATES Potable Water Rate - Non-Residential Rate (cost per unit) $ 3.70 $ 3.70 GENERAL UTILITIES WATER RATES Potable Water Rate - Single Family Rate Tier 1 (cost per unit 0-12 units of water) $ 3.20 $ 3.20 GENERAL UTILITIES WATER RATES Potable Water Rate - Single Family Rate Tier 2 (cost per unit 13-20 units of water) $ 4.13 $ 4.13 GENERAL UTILITIES WATER RATES Potable Water Rate - Single Family Rate Tier 3 (cost per unit 21+ units of water) $ 5.62 $ 5.62 GENERAL UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT SERVICE FEES Potable, Reclaimed and Sewer Standards and Specifications (Cost for each) Actual Cost Actual Cost GENERAL UTILITIES WATER RATES Reclaimed Water Cost Per Unit $ 3.53 $ 3.53 GENERAL UTILITIES Water Meter - Construction Meter Relocation $ 27 $ 29 GENERAL UTILITIES Water Meter - Construction Meter Installation/Removal $ 118 $ 103 GENERAL UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT SERVICE FEES Water Meter Deposit - Construction Meters $ 1,020 $ 877 GENERAL UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT SERVICE FEES Water Service Fee - Accounts scheduled for termination for non-payment $ 15 $ 14 GENERAL UTILITIES Water Service Fee - After Hour Turn-on $ 175 $ 114 GENERAL UTIUTIES WATER DISTRICT SERVICE FEES Water Service Fee - Continuity of Service $ 10 $ 11 GENERAL UTIUTIES Water Service Fee - Door Hanger (paper or electronic) $ 10 $ 1.35 GENERAL UTIUTIES Water Service Fee - Next Scheduled Day Service Turn on $ 34 $ 29 GENERAL UTIUTIES WATER DISTRICT SERVICE FEES Water Service Fee - Per New Account - Service Turn on $ 36 $ 34 GENERAL UTIUTIES Water Service Fee - Same Day Turn-on (Not Scheduled for That Day) $ 100 $ 86 GENERAL UTIUTIES SEWER SERVICE CHARGES Group 1 - Residential - Multi-Family Residence rate per unit, 90% of water used (1) $ 2.88 $ 2.88 Page? 100 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE FY 2013-14 EXHIBIT 7A SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE GENERAL UTILITIES SEWER SERVICE CHARGES Group 1 - Residential - Single Family Residence (Flat Rate) (1) $ 25.02 $ 25.02 GENERAL UTIUTIES SEWER SERVICE CHARGES Group II - Commercial - Rate per hundred cubic feet, min $24.53 per month (1) $ 2.35 $ 2.35 GENERAL UTILITIES SEWER SERVICE CHARGES Group III - Commercial - Rate per hundred cubic feet, min $24.53 per month (1) $ 3.56 $ 3.56 GENERAL UTIUTIES SEWER SERVICE CHARGES Group IV - Commercial - Rate per hundred cubic feet, min $24.53 per month (1) $ 6.60 $ 6.60 GENERAL UTILITIES SEWER SERVICE CHARGES Group V Institutions/Schools - Boarding School - rate per student per month; min $24.53 per month (1) $ 5.32 $ 5.32 GENERAL UTIUTIES SEWER SERVICE CHARGES Group V Institutions/Schools - Elementary School - rate per student per month, min $24.53 per month (1) $ 0.51 S 0.51 GENERAL UTILITIES SEWER SERVICE CHARGES Group V Institutions/Schools - High School - rate per student per month; min $24.53 per month (1) $ 1.02 $ 1.02 GENERAL UTIUTIES SEWER SERVICE CHARGES Group V Institutions/Schools - Junior High School - rate per student per month; min $24.53 per month (1) $ 0.75 $ 0.75 GENERAL UTIUTIES SEWER SERVICE CHARGES Group V Institutions/Schools - Other - Institutions (1) $ 2.23 $ 2.23 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOLID WASTE Solid Waste Fee (AB939) - 2.0% of Basic Trash Rate (1) 2% of Basic Trash Rate 2% of Basic Trash Rate GENERAL UTILITIES SOUD WASTE Special City Services - Billed at Cost (1) Billed at Cost Billed at Cost GENERAL UTIUTIES SOLID WASTE Special Pick-ups of Solid Waste - Delivery charge for roll-off boxes (per box) $ 52.80 $ 53.56 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOLID WASTE Special Pick-ups of Solid Waste - Door-to-door household hazardous waste collection (HHW) (1) $ 10.25 $ 10.25 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOLID WASTE Special Pickups of Solid Waste - Service charge for all classes of roll-off boxes (per collection + landfill disposal fees) $ 248.25 $ 252.40 GENERAL UTILITIES SOLID WASTE Trash Collection - Residential - per month - 64 or 96 Gallon Cart $ 19.90 $ 20.20 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOUD WASTE Trash Collection - Residential - per month (35 gallon trash) $ 18.02 $ 18.27 GENERAL UTILITIES SOLID WASTE Trash Collection - Residential - per month (backyard service) $ 25.34 $ 25.71 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOLID WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial per bin - five pick-ups per week (2-yard bin) $ 306.34 $ 310.84 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOLID WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial per bin - five pick-ups per week (3-yard bin) $ 442.39 $ 448.94 GENERAL UTILITIES SOUD WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial per bin - five pick-ups per week (4-yard bin) $ 614.10 $ 623.12 GENERAL UTILITIES SOLID WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial per bin - five pick-ups per week (5-yard bin) $ 785.83 $ 797.33 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOUD WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial per bin - four pick-ups per week (2-yard bin) $ 248.63 $ 252.28 GENERAL UTILITIES SOUD WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial per bin - four pick-ups per week (3-yard bin) $ 357.52 $ 362.81 GENERAL UTILITIES SOUD WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial per bin - four pick-ups per week (4-yard bin) $ 494.89 $ 502.15 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOLID WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial per bin - four pick-ups per week (5-yard bin) $ 632.26 $ 641.51 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOLID WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial per bin - one pick-up per week (2-yard bin) $ 75.71 $ 76.78 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOLID WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial per bin - one pick-up per week (3-yard bin) $ 102.92 $ 104.40 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOLID WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial per bin - one pick-up per week (4-yard bin) $ 137.26 $ 139.23 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOUD WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial per bin - one pick-up per week (5-yard bin) $ 171.60 $ 174.07 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOLID WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial per bin - six pick-ups per week (2-yard bin) $ 364.00 $ 369.36 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOUD WASTE frash Collection - Commercial per bin - six pick-ups per week (3-yard bin) $ 527.27 $ 535.09 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOUD WASTE frash Collection - Commercial per bin - six pick-ups per week (4-yard bin) $ 733.31 $ 744.09 GENERAL UTILITIES SOLID WASTE Frash Collection - Commercial per bin - six pick-ups per week (5-yard bin) $ 939.40 $ 953.15 GENERAL UTILITIES SOLID WASTE 1 frash Collection - Commercial per bin - three pick-ups per week (2-yard bin) $ 191.04 $ 193.83 GENERAL JTIUTIES SOLID WASTE 1 rrash Collection - Commercial per bin - three pick-ups per week (3-yard bin) $ 272.66 $ 276.68 GENERAL UTILITIES >OLID WASTE 1 Frash Collection - Commercial per bin - three pick-ups per week (4-yard bin) $ 375.69 $ 381.19 GENERAL UTILITIES >OLID WASTE ^ rrash Collection - Commercial per bin - three pick-ups per week (5-yard bin) $ 478.72 $ 485.70 GENERAL JTIUTIES < OUD WASTE 1 'rash Collection - Commercial per bin - two pick-ups per week (2-yard bin) $ 133.37 $ 135.30 Pages 10/ CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE FY 2013-14 SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESOtlPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE GENERAL UTIUTIES SOLID WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial per bin - two pick-ups per week (3-yard bin) $ 187.81 $ 190.56 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOLID WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial per bin - two pick-ups per week (4-yard bin) $ 256.46 $ 260.19 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOLID WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial per bin - two pick-ups per week (5-yard bin) $ 325.17 $ 329.90 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOLID WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial per bin - one pick-up per week (split bin) $ 82.88 $ 84.00 GENERAL UTILITIES SOUD WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial per bin - two pick-ups per week (split bin) $ 151.36 $ 153.42 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOLID WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial per bin - three pick-ups per week (split bin) $ 219.81 $ 222.82 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOUD WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial per bin - four pick-ups per week (split bin) $ 288.28 $ 292.21 GENERAL UTILITIES SOUD WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial per bin - five pick-ups per week (split bin) $ 356.72 $ 361.60 GENERAL UTILITIES SOUD WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial per bin - six pick-ups per week (split bin) $ 425.20 $ 431.02 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOUD WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial Recycling - one pick-up per week (3 yard bin) $ 74.01 $ 74.90 GENERAL UTILITIES SOUD WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial Recycling - two pick-ups per week (3 yard bin) $ 125.21 $ 126.70 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOUD WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial Recycling - three pick-ups per week (3 yard bin) $ 176.39 $ 178.50 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOUD WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial Recycling - four pick-ups per week (3 yard bin) $ 227.58 $ 230.30 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOLID WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial Recycling - five pick-ups per week (3 yard bin) $ 271.64 $ 274.89 GENERAL UTILITIES SOLID WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial Recycling - six pick-ups per week (3 yard bin) $ 325.75 $ 329.65 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOLID WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial Yard Waste - one pick-up per week (3 yard bin) $ 104.94 $ 106.43 GENERAL UTILITIES SOLID WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial Yard Waste - two pick-ups per week (3 yard bin) $ 185.74 $ 188.44 GENERAL VARIOUS Copies - each $ 0.15 $ 0.15 GENERAL UTILITIES SOLID WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial Can - One pick-up per week (up to four (4) 32 gal) $ 35.14 $ 35.60 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOLID WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial Can - Two pick-ups per week (up to four (4) 32 gal) $ 70.30 $ 71.22 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOUD WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial Can - Three pick-ups per week (up to four (4) 32 gal) $ 105.44 $ 106.82 GENERAL UTILITIES SOLID WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial Can Backyard Service - One pick-up per week (up to four (4) 32 gal) $ 50.27 $ 50.92 GENERAL UTILITIES SOLID WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial Can Backyard Service - Two pick-ups per week (up to four (4) 32 gal) $ 100.54 $ 101.82 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOLID WASTE Trash Collection - Construction Bin Rate - One pick-up per week (3 yard bin) $ 231.87 $ 235.48 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOUD WASTE Trash Collection - Construction Bin Rate - Two pick-ups per week (3 yard bin) $ 403.60 $ 409.95 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOUD WASTE Trash Collection - Construction Bin Rate - Three pick-ups per week (3 yard bin) $ 575.33 $ 584.42 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOUD WASTE Trash Collection - Construction Bin Rate - Four pick-ups per week (3 yard bin) $ 747.05 $ 758.88 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOUD WASTE Trash Collection - Construction Bin Rate - Five pick-ups per week (3 yard bin) $ 918.78 $ 933.36 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOUD WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial Yard Waste- one pick-up per week (96 gal cart) $ 19.61 $ 19.89 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOUD WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial Recycling- one pick-up per week (96 gal cart) $ 16.84 $ 17.04 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOLID WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial Recycling- two pick-ups per week (96 gal cart) $ 33.68 $ 34.08 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOLID WASTE Trash Collection - Commercial Recycling- three pick-ups per week (96 gal cart) $ 50.52 $ 51.13 GENERAL UTIUTIES SOLID WASTE Trash Collection-Commercial/Muiti Family Scout Service Fee $ $ 46.31 (1) - Nonresidential sewer rates are calculated based on flow, strength and pretreatment requirements. (2) - See Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 8.17.070 (3) - Per section 8.50.080(e), Ord NS-230 phl,2,1993; Ord -53 ph 3,1989: Ord. 1278 ph 1 (part) 198S) (4) - For all Assessment Districts using 1915 Act Bonds. (5) - Code Section 10.56.070 and 10.56.100 (6) - Code Section 8.09.070 Page 9 102 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE B - LIBRARY FACILITY RENTAL FY 2013-14 EXHIBIT 7A 1 SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE 6 LIBRARY UBRARY FACILITY FEES Audio/Visual Technician (13) $20 per hour $20 oer hour SCHEDULE B LIBRARY UBRARY FACILITY FEES Auditorium - Category B (Carlsbad Resident not for profit-non paid management) (13) $ 20 $ 20 SCHEDULE B UBRARY LIBRARY FACILITY FEES Auditorium - Category C (Carlsbad Resident not for profit-paid management) (13) $ 30 $ 30 SCHEDULES LIBRARY UBRARY FACILITY FEES Auditorium - Category E (Residential Commercial, for profit et al.) (13) $ 90 $ 90 SCHEDULE B UBRARY UBRARY FACILITY FEES Auditorium - Category F (Non Resident Commercial and other organizations) (13) $ 120 $ 120 SCHEDULES UBRARY UBRARY FACILITY FEES Auditorium- Category D (Non-Resldent - not for profit) (13) $ 65 $ 65 SCHEDULE S UBRARY UBRARY FACILITY FEES Cleaning Deposit (Refundable) - Category B (13) $ 200 $ 200 SCHEDULE B UBRARY LIBRARY FACILITY FEES Cleaning Deposit (Refundable) - Category C (13) $ 200 $ 200 SCHEDULES LIBRARY LIBRARY FACILITY FEES Cleaning Deposit (Refundable) - Category D (13) $ 200 $ 200 SCHEDULE B UBRARY LIBRARY FACILITY FEES Cleaning Deposit (Refundable) - Category E (13) $ 200 $ 200 SCHEDULE B UBRARY UBRARY FACILfTY FEES Cleaning Deposit (Refundable) - Category F (13) $ 200 $ 200 SCHEDULES LIBRARY UBRARY FACILITY FEES Data/Video Projector & Screen Use (13) $ 20 $ 20 SCHEDULE B UBRARY USRARY FACILITY FEES Meeting Room - Category B (13) $ 10 $ 10 SCHEDULE B UBRARY UBRARY FACILITY FEES Meeting Room - Category C (13) $ 20 $ 20 SCHEDULE B UBRARY LIBRARY FACILITY FEES Meeting Room - Category D (13) $ 30 $ 30 SCHEDULES LIBRARY UBRARY FACILITY FEES Meeting Room - Category E (13) $ 40 $ 40 SCHEDULE S UBRARY UBRARY FACILITY FEES Meeting Room - Category F (13) $ 50 $ 50 SCHEDULE B UBRARY UBRARY FACILrrY FEES No Show Fee - Category S (13) $ 25 S 25 SCHEDULE B UBRARY UBRARY FACILITY FEES No Show Fee - Category C (13) N/A N/A SCHEDULES LIBRARY LIBRARY FACILFTY FEES No Show Fee - Category D (13) N/A N/A SCHEDULES LIBRARY LIBRARY FACILITY FEES No Show Fee - Category E (13) N/A N/A SCHEDULE B UBRARY UBRARY FACILITY FEES No Show Fee - Category F (13) N/A N/A SCHEDULE B UBRARY UBRARY FACILITY FEES Piano Tuning Fee (Optional) (13) $ 150 $ 150 SCHEDULE S UBRARY LIBRARY FACILfTY FEES Slide/Overhead Projector & Screen Use (13) $ 5 $ 5 SCHEDULE B UBRARY UBRARY FACILITY FEES VCR & Monitor Use (13) $ 10 $ 10 (13) Booking ahead for the January 1-June 30 and July 1 - December 31 periods, submitted applications are accepted as follows: Carlsbad Residents: Written applications accepted only if postmarked after September 1 to book for the January 1 through June 30 periods. Written applications accepted only if postmarked after April 1 to book for the July 1 through December 31 periods. Non Residents: Written applications accepted only if postmarked after September 15 to book for the January 1 through June 30 periods. Written applications accepted only If postmarked after April 15 for the July 1 through December 31 periods. Page 10 /D3 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE LIBRARY AUDIO/VIDEO SERVICES FY 2013-14 EXHIBIT 7A SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE C LIBRARY SCHULMAN AUDITORIUM AUDIO SERVICES Audio - Audio Editing / Sweetening - Per Hour $ 150 $ 150 SCHEDULE C LIBRARY SCHULMAN AUDITORIUM AUDIO SERVICES Audio - CD Recording - Per Hour $ 50 $ 50 SCHEDULEC UBRARY SCHULMAN AUDITORIUM AUDIO SERVICES Audio - DAT Tape - Copy - Per Hour S 15 $ 15 SCHEDULEC UBRARY SCHULMAN AUDITORIUM AUDIO SERVICES Audio - Eight Channel ProTools Post Production - Per Hour $ 250 $ 250 SCHEDULE C LIBRARY SCHULMAN AUDITORIUM AUDIO SERVICES Audio - Eight Microphone Set-up -Per Hour $ 120 $ 120 SCHEDULE C UBRARY SCHULMAN AUDITORIUM AUDIO SERVICES Audio - One CD Player - Per Hour $ 10 $ 10 SCHEDULE C LIBRARY SCHULMAN AUDITORIUM AUDIO SERVICES Audio - Sixteen Channel ProTools Post Production - Per Hour $ 350 $ 350 SCHEDULEC UBRARY SCHULMAN AUDITORIUM AUDIO SERVICES Audio - Two Effects Processor - Per Hour $ 30 $ 30 SCHEDULEC UBRARY SCHULMAN AUDITORIUM VIDEO SERVICES Camera Operator $ 20 $ 20 SCHEDULE C UBRARY SCHULMAN AUDITORIUM VIDEO SERVICES Video - Audio Editing / Sweetening - Per Hour $ 150 $ 150 SCHEDULEC UBRARY SCHULMAN AUDITORIUM VIDEO SERVICES Video - CD/DVD - Copies - Each $ 20 $ 20 SCHEDULEC UBRARY SCHULMAN AUDITORIUM VIDEO SERVICES Video - Director - Per Hour $ 20 $ 20 SCHEDULE C LIBRARY SCHULMAN AUDITORIUM VIDEO SERVICES Video - DVCAM Tape -124 8 184 - Each $ 28 $ 28 SCHEDULEC UBRARY SCHULMAN AUDITORIUM VIDEO SERVICES Video - Graphics - Per Hour $ 150 $ 150 SCHEDULEC LIBRARY SCHULMAN AUDITORIUM VIDEO SERVICES Video - Ughting Technician - Per Hour $ 125 $ 125 SCHEDULEC UBRARY SCHULMAN AUDITORIUM VIDEO SERVICES Video - Multi-Camera Production - Per Hour $ 75 $ 75 SCHEDULEC UBRARY SCHULMAN AUDITORIUM VIDEO SERVICES Video - Non-Unear Editing with Operator - Per Hour $ 125 $ 125 SCHEDULE C UBRARY SCHULMAN AUDITORIUM VIDEO SERVICES Video - One Camera Shoot - Per Hour $ 38 $ 38 SCHEDULE C UBRARY SCHULMAN AUDITORIUM VIDEO SERVICES Video - Sound Engineer - Per Hour $ 75 $ 75 SCHEDULE C UBRARY SCHULMAN AUDITORIUM VIDEO SERVICES Video - Technical Director - Per Hour S 20 $ 20 SCHEDULEC LIBRARY SCHULMAN AUDITORIUM VIDEO SERVICES Video - Video Engineer - Per Hour $ 60 $ 60 Page 11 EXHIBIT 7A CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULES SECTION 2 DEVELOPMENT-RELATED SERVICE FEES June 2013 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE DEVELOPMENT RELATED SERVICES FY 2013-14 EXHIBIT 7A SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE DEV REL SVC CED Adjustment Plat $ 1,241 $ 1,268 DEV REL SVC CED Administrative Permit - lODA $ 197 $ 202 DEV REL SVC CED Affordable Housing Impact Fee (per unit) $ 2,915 $ 2,915 DEV REL SVC CED Affordable Housing In-Lieu Fee (per market rate unit) $ 4,515 $ 4,515 DEV REL SVC CED Appeal - City Council (+ noticing costs) - fee is refundable if appeal is won $ 1,039 $ 1,062 DEV REL SVC CED Appeal - Planning Commission (+ noticing costs) fee is refundable if appeal is won $ 638 $ 651 DEV REL SVC CED Building Permit Fees (70% of 2001 UBC 1-A) (7) DEV REL SVC CED Building Plan Check - 70% of Bldg Permit (8% discount on repetitive plan checks) DEV REL SVC CED CDP - 2 - 4 unit or lot subdivision (per unit or lot whichever is greater) (11) $ 2,104 $ 2,149 DEV REL SVC CED CDP - 5 or more unit or lot subdivision (per permit) (11) $ 3,425 $ 3,499 DEV REL SVC CED CDP - Non-Redevelopment Area - Minor Permit (11) $ 826 $ 843 DEV REL SVC CED CDP - Village Review Area - Major & Minor RP's $ 639 $ 653 DEV REL SVC CED CDP Amendment 50% Current Permit Cost 50% Current Permit Cost DEV REL SVC CED CDP Emergency $ 426 $ 435 DEV REL SVC CED CDP Exemption $ 234 $ 239 DEV REL SVC CED CDP Extensions 25% Current Permit Cost 25% Current Permit Cost DEV REL SVC CED CDP Non-Residential + 10 cents per square foot (11) $ 932 $ 952 DEV REL SVC CED Certificate of Compl. in lieu of Parcel Map $ 3,505 $ 3,580 DEV REL SVC CED Certificate of Compliance $ 1,007 $ 1,028 DEV REL SVC CED Certificate of Correction s 783 $ 800 DEV REL SVC CED Coastal Development Permit (CDP) - Single Family Lot (11) $ 1,039 $ 1,061 DEV REL SVC CED Coastal Development Permit-SCCRA $ 412 $ 421 DEV REL SVC CED Conditional Use Permit (25% discount may apply) $ 4,325 $ 4,418 DEV REL SVC CED Construction Change Review - Major (fee plus $245 per sheet) $ 660 $ 675 DEV REL SVC CED Construction Change Review - Minor (fee plus $155 per sheet) $ 469 $ 479 DEV REL SVC CED CUP - Amendment $ 2,328 $ 2,378 DEV REL SVC CED CUP - Bio Habitat Preserve $ 815 $ 832 DEV REL SVC CED CUP - Extension -Regular $ 874 $ 892 DEV REL SVC CED CUP-Minor $ 724 $ 740 DEV REL SVC CED Curb Cafe Permit $ $ 349 DEV REL SVC CED Daycare Permit $ 202 $ 207 DEV REL SVC CED Daycare Permit - Center Admin Pmt. $ 405 $ 414 DEV REL SVC CED Daycare Permit - Extension $ 91 s 92 DEV REL SVC CED Developer Agreements - Deposit $10,000 increments (Consistent with City payroll records + overhead) Actual cost Actual cost DEV REL SVC CED Duplicate Tracing Fees - Final Parcel Maps - per sheet (+ $32 per sheet) $ 21 $ 22 DEV REL SVC CED Duplicate Tracing Fees - Final Tract Maps - per sheet (+ $32 per sheet) $ 22 $ 22 DEV REL SVC CED iasement Document Processing and Recording $ 629 $ 642 DEV REL SVC CED Easement Document Processing and Recording (Minor) $ $ lis DEV REL SVC CED EIA - All Others (10) $ 1,667 $ 1.703 DEV REL SVC CED El A - Single Family (10) $ 917 S 937 Page 12 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE DEVELOPMENT RELATED SERVICES FY 2013-14 EXHIBIT 7A SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE DEV REL SVC CED EIR - Addendum (+ fbhr after 1st 10 hrs of project planner) (10) $ 2,424 $ 2,476 DEV REL SVC CED EIR - Focused/Supplemental (Requiring a Public Hearing) - (+ fbhr after the 1st 100 hrs of project planner or 20 hrs of project engineer) (10) $ 13,018 $ 13,298 DEV REL SVC CED EIR Review (+ fbhr after the first 160 hrs of project planner or 40 hrs of Project Engineer) (10) S 19,351 $ 19,767 DEV REL SVC CED Encroachment Agreement Processing $ 325 $ 332 DEV REL SVC CED Environmental Monitoring Fee $ 206 $ 210 DEV REL SVC CED Final Tract Map (+ $5 per Acre) $ 7,212 S 7,367 DEV REL SVC CED General Plan Amendment - 0 - 5 Acres $ 4,117 $ 4,206 DEV REL SVC CED General Plan Amendment - Over 5 Acres $ 5,939 $ 6,067 DEV REL SVC CED Grading Permit Extension Fee 25% permit fee 25% permit fee DEV REL SVC CED Grading Permit Investigation Fee (Consistent with City payroll records plus overhead) Actual cost Actual cost DEV REL SVC CED Green Building Standards Plancheck and Inspection $ 154 $ 158 DEV REL SVC CED Hillside Dev Permit - Other (Multiple Lots) (11) $ 2,424 $ 2,476 DEV REL SVC CED Hillside Dev Permit - Single Family Lot (11) $ 1,198 $ 1,224 DEV REL SVC CED Hillside Dev Permit Amendment - Other (Multiple Lots) $ 2,077 $ 2,122 DEV REL SVC CED Hillside Dev Permit Amendment - Single Family Lot $ 682 $ 696 DEV REL SVC CED Amendment to the HMP Document Major (+ fbhr after first 20 hours of project planner) $ 5,156 $ 5,267 DEV REL SVC CED Amendment to Habitat Management Plan Document (Minor) $ 3,313 $ 3,384 DEV REL SVC CED HMP - Permit - Amendment - Major (no onsite habitat to be preserved) 75% Original Fee 75% Original Fee DEV REL SVC CED HMP Permit Amendment Minor 75% Original Fee 75% Original Fee DEV REL SVC CED HMP - Permit - Amendment - Single Family Residence 75% Original fee 75% Original fee DEV REL SVC CED HMP - Permit - Major $ 3,770 $ 3,851 DEV REL SVC CED HMP - Permit - Minor (no on site habitat to be preserved) $ 533 $ 544 DEV REL SVC CED HMP - Permit - Single Family 50% Minor Fee 50% Minor Fee DEV REL SVC CED Improvement Construction Inspection Fee (7) DEV REL SVC CED Inspection - Additional Planning $ 89 $ 91 DEV REL SVC CED Inspection Overtlme-per Hour (On Request) - each additional hour at $70 $ 112 $ 114 DEV REL SVC CED Landscape Inspection (7) DEV REL SVC CED Landscape Plan Check (7) DEV REL SVC CED Local Coastal Plan - Amendment (11) $ 6,019 $ 6,148 DEV REL SVC CED Local Facilities Management Fees - As established by Council Full Cost Full Cost DEV REL SVC CED Master Plan (+ fbhr after 1st 200 hrs project planner or 100 hrs project engineer) $ 40,311 $ 41,177 DEV REL SVC CED Master Plan Amendment - (Minor) (+ fbhr after 1st 20 hrs Proj. Planner or 7 hrs Proj. Eng.) $ 1,609 $ 1,643 DEV REL SVC CED Master Plan Amendment - Major (+ fbhr after 1st 100 hrs project planner or 40 hrs of project engineer) $ 25,221 $ 25,763 DEV REL SVC CED Master Plan Pre-Submittal $ 6,855 $ 7,003 DEV REL SVC CED Neighborhood Improvement Agreements $ 458 $ 157 DEV REL SVC CED Noticing Service (plus postage) $ 303 $ 310 DEV REL SVC CED Oversize Load Permit -1 trip (fee set by State) $ 16 $ 16 DEV REL SVC CED Oversize Load Permit - Annual (fee set by State) $ 90 $ 90 DEV REL SVC CED Parcel Map (Minor Subdivision) - Final $ 3,237 $ 3,307 DEV REL SVC CED Park In Lieu Fee - Village Redevelopment Area $ 11,555 $ 11,803 Page 13 ID7 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE DEVELOPMENT RELATED SERVICES FY 2013-14 EXHIBIT 7A SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE DEV REL SVC CED PD - Non-Res - 4 or less (9) $ 2,908 $ 2,971 DEV REL SVC CED PD - Non-Res - 5 to 50 (9) $ 8,064 $ 8,238 DEV REL SVC CED PD - Non-Res - 51 or more (9) $ 12,741 $ 13,015 DEV REL SVC CED PD Amendment - Non-Res - 5 to 50 (9) $ 6,408 $ 6,545 DEV REL SVC CED PD Amendment - Non-Res - 51 or more (9) $ 8,677 $ 8,863 DEV REL SVC CED PD Amendment- Non-Res - 4 or less (9) $ 1,779 $ 1,817 DEV REL SVC CED PD Res - 4 or less (9) $ 2,908 $ 2,971 DEV REL SVC CED PD Res - 5 to 50 (9) $ 8,064 $ 8,238 DEV REL SVC CED PD Res - 51 or more (9) $ 12,741 $ 13,015 DEV REL SVC CED PD Res. Amendment - 4 or less (9) $ 1,566 $ 1,600 DEV REL SVC CED PD Res. Amendment - 5 to 50 (9) $ 5,973 $ 6,102 DEV REL SVC CED PD Res. Amendment - 51 or more (9) $ 8,054 $ 8,227 DEV REL SVC CED PD/Condo - Minor Amendment $ 716 $ 731 DEV REL SVC CED Permit Amendments Not Specifically Identified 50% of original cost 50% of original cost DEV REL SVC CED Planned Industrial Permit $ 4,485 $ 4,581 DEV REL SVC CED Planned Industrial Permit - Amendment $ 2,013 $ 2,057 DEV REL SVC CED Planning Commission Determination - Other $ 1,577 $ 1,611 DEV REL SVC CED Planning Commission Determination - Single Family $ 975 $ 996 DEV REL SVC CED Planning Commission Discussion Item $ 639 $ 653 DEV REL SVC CED Precise Development Plan $ 7,340 S 7,498 DEV REL SVC CED Precise Development Plan - Amendment $ 3,995 $ 4,081 DEV REL SVC CED Preliminary Plan Review - Consistency Determina tion $ 682 $ 696 DEV REL SVC CED Preliminary Plan Review - Major $ 682 $ 696 DEV REL SVC CED Preliminary Plan Review - Minor $ 192 $ 196 DEV REL SVC CED Preliminary Review - Redevelopment - Major $ $ 348 DEV REL SVC CED Preliminary Review - Redevelopment - Minor $ S 196 DEV REL SVC CED Quitclaim of Easement s 660 $ 675 DEV REL SVC CED Reversion to Acreage - (Consistent with City payroll records charged against a $3,100 deposit) Actual Cost Actual Cost DEV REL SVC CED Right of Way Permit - Minor - Construction $ 336 $ 343 DEV REL SVC CED Right of Way Permit - Mlnor-Non Construction $ 165 $ 169 DEV REL SVC CED Right of Way Permit - Utility (+ actual costs for Insp. and Sr. Insp. time) $ 714 $ 729 DEV REL SVC CED Right of Way Permit - Utility (By Contract) $ 714 $ 729 DEV REL SVC CED Satellite Antenna Permit $ 405 $ 414 DEV REL SVC CED SCCRA Amendment (Major) $ 1,417 $ 1,447 DEV REL SVC CED SCCRA Permit (Admin.) $ 652 $ 666 DEV REL SVC CED SCCRA Permit (Major) $ 3,366 $ 3,438 DEV REL SVC CED SCCRA Permit (Minor) $ 1,549 $ 1,583 DEV REL SVC CED SCCRA Permit Amendment (Admin.) $ 140 $ 143 DEV REL SVC CED SCCRA Permit Amendment (Minor) $ 600 $ 613 DEV REL SVC CED SCCRA Permit Appeal - City Council $ 601 $ 614 Page 14 0? CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE DEVELOPMENT RELATED SERVICES FY 2013-14 SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE DEV REL SVC CED SCCRA Permit Appeal - Planning $ 544 $ 556 DEV REL SVC CED SCCRA Permit Extension (Major) $ 266 $ 272 DEV REL SVC CED SCCRA Permit Extension (Minor) $ 228 $ 233 DEV REL SVC CED SCCRA Permit Variance (Minor or Major) $ 400 $ 408 DEV REL SVC CED SCCRA Permit Variance Administrative $ 137 $ 140 DEV REL SVC CED SCCRA Sidewalk Sign/Outdoor Display $ 58 $ 59 DEV REL SVC CED SCCRA Sign Program $ 121 $ 124 DEV REL SVC CED SCCRA Sign Program Amendment $ 79 $ 81 DEV REL SVC CED School Fees - (Set by School Districts, State Mandates Limits) Set by School Districts Set by School Districts DEV REL SVC CED Secured Agreement Proc. Extension $ 394 $ 403 DEV REL SVC CED Secured Agreement Proc. Replace -+ improvement plan revision fees If required $ 724 $ 740 DEV REL SVC CED Segregation of Assessments -1-4 lots (Consistent with City payroll records plus overhead, consultant cost and recording fee) (8) Actual Cost Actual Cost DEV REL SVC CED Segregation of Assessments - 5 lots or more - fee plus $20 per lot (Consistent with City payroll records plus overhead, consultant cost and recording fee) (8) Actual Cost Actual Cost DEV REL SVC CED Service Installation Fee - Fire Hydrant Lateral and Assembly (staff time consistent with City payroll records) Actual Cost Actual Cost DEV REL SVC CED Service Installation Fee - Fire Sprinkler Lateral (staff time consistent with City payroll records) Actual Cost Actual Cost DEV REL SVC CED Sidewalk Cafe Permit - Village Review Area $ 58 $ 59 DEV REL SVC CED Sign Permit $ 59 $ 60 DEV REL SVC CED Sign Program Amendment, Non RDA $ 613 $ 626 DEV REL SVC CED Sign Program, Non RDA $ 1,017 $ 1,039 DEV REL SVC CED Site Development Plan - Res. <= 4 units/lots $ 4,309 $ 4,402 DEV REL SVC CED Site Development Plan (Major) $ 10,930 $ 11,165 DEV REL SVC CED Site Development Plan Amendment (Major) $ 7,404 $ 7,563 DEV REL SVC CED Site Development Plan Amendment (Minor) $ 2,876 $ 2,938 DEV REL SVC CED Special Use Permit - Scenic Corridor $ 3,366 $ 3,439 DEV REL SVC CED Special Use Permit - Flood Plain $ 3,729 $ 3,809 DEV REL SVC CED Special Use Permit - Flood Plain, Coastal High Hazard Area $ 2,695 $ 2,753 DEV REL SVC CED Special Use Permit Amendment - Flood Plain $ 3,233 s 3,303 DEV REL SVC CED Special Use Permit Amendments - All Other $ 2,338 $ 2,389 DEV REL SVC CED Specific Plan (+ fbhr after 1st 200 hrs project planner or 60 hrs project engineer) $ 33,669 $ 34,392 DEV REL SVC CED Specific Plan Amendment (Major) (+ fbhr after 180 hr proj planner or 30hrs Proj eng) $ 21,668 $ 22,134 DEV REL SVC CED Specific Plan Amendment (Minor) (+ fbhr after 20 hr proj planner or 7hrs Proj eng) $ 1,401 $ 1,431 DEV REL SVC CED Street Name Change $ 1,577 $ 1,611 DEV REL SVC CED Street/Public Service Easement Vacation Regular $ 3,222 $ 3,291 DEV REL SVC CED Street/Public Service Easement Vacation Summary $ 1,278 $ 1,306 DEV REL SVC CED Substantial Conformance Exhibit Rev. $ 975 $ 996 DEV REL SVC CED Tentative Map Revision - 5- 49 Units/Lots + $40ea 5+ (whichever is greater) $ 3,968 $ 4,054 DEV REL SVC CED Tentative Map Revision - 50+ Units/Lots + $15ea 49+ (whichever is greater) $ 7,340 $ 7,498 DEV REL SVC CED Tentative Parcel Map lyr Extension (per application) $ 1,422 $ 1,453 DEV REL SVC CED Tentative Parcel Map Processing Fee (Minor Subdivision) $ 3,670 s 3,749 DEV REL SVC CED Tentative Tract Map - 5 -49 Lots/Units + $110ea. > 5 (whichever is greater) $ 7,947 $ 8,118 Page 15 /09 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE DEVELOPMENT RELATED SERVICES FY 2013-14 EXHIBIT 7A SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE DEV REL SVC CED Tentative Tract Map - 50+ Lots/Units + $15ea 49+ (whichever is greater) $ 15,883 $ 16,225 DEV REL SVC CED Tentative Tract Map Extension- 5 to 49 $ 2,786 $ 2,846 DEV REL SVC CED Third Party Review - plus consultant cost $ 719 $ 735 DEV REL SVC CED STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN REVIEW Tier Level 1 - Per Site - Low Inspection Priority $ 47 $ 48 DEV REL SVC CED STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN INSPECTION Tier Level 1 - Per Site - Low Inspection Priority $ 56 $ 57 DEV REL SVC CED STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN REVIEW Tier Level 1 - Per Site - Medium Inspection Priority $ 51 $ 52 DEV REL SVC CED STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN INSPECTION Tier Level 1 - Per Site - Medium Inspection Priority $ 216 $ 221 DEV REL SVC CED STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN REVIEW Tier Level 2 - Per Site - High Inspection Priority $ 337 $ 344 DEV REL SVC CED STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN INSPECTION Tier Level 2 - Per Site - High Inspection Priority $ 1,195 $ 1,221 DEV REL SVC CED STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN REVIEW Tier Level 2 - Per Site - Medium Inspection Priority $ 337 $ 344 DEV REL SVC CED STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN INSPECTION Tier Level 2 - Per Site - Medium Inspection Priority $ 821 $ 839 DEV REL SVC CED STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN REVIEW Tier Level 3 - Each Subsequent Acre Or Portion Over One Acre - High Inspection Priority $ 78 $ 80 DEV REL SVC CED STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN INSPECTION Tier Level 3 - Each Subsequent Acre Or Portion Over One Acre - High Inspection Priority $ 329 $ 337 DEV REL SVC CED STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN REVIEW Tier Level 3 - Each Subsequent Acre Or Portion Over One Acre - Medium Inspection Priority $ 62 $ 64 DEV REL SVC CED STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN INSPECTION Tier Level 3 - Each Subsequent Acre Or Portion Over One Acre - Medium Inspection Priority $ 205 $ 209 DEV REL SVC CED STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN REVIEW Tier Level 3 - Up to 1 Acre - High Inspection Priority $ 677 $ 691 DEV REL SVC CED STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN INSPECTION Tier Level 3 - Up to 1 Acre - High Inspection Priority $ 2,022 $ 2,066 DEV REL SVC CED STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN REVIEW Tier Level 3 - Up to 1 Acre - Medium Inspection Priority $ 522 $ 533 DEV REL SVC CED STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN INSPECTION Tier Level 3 - Up to 1 Acre - Medium Inspection Priority $ 1,191 $ 1,217 DEV REL SVC CED Variance - Administrative (Planning) $ 724 $ 740 DEV REL SVC CED Variance - Administrative (Planning) Recreational Vehicle Admin. Variance $ 727 $ 742 DEV REL SVC CED Variance - Engineering $ 724 $ 740 DEV REL SVC CED Variance - Planning $ 2,727 $ 2,786 DEV REL SVC CED Village Area Noticing Fee (Minor) - plus postage $ 223 $ 217 DEV REL SVC CED Village Area Permit Amendment (Minor) - plus noticing costs $ 570 $ 582 DEV REL SVC CED Village Area Review (Major) - plus noticing costs $ 2,908 S 2,971 DEV REL SVC CED Village Area Review (Minor) - plus noticing costs S 1,587 S 1,621 DEV REL SVC CED Village Area Review Permit Amendment (Admin) $ 168 $ 171 DEV REL SVC CED Village Area Sidewalk Outdoor Dining and Curb Cafe (max of 2 parking spaces) $ $ 1,200 DEV REL SVC CED Village Area Sign Program $ 287 $ 293 DEV REL SVC CED Village Area Sign Program Amendment $ 69 $ 71 DEV REL SVC CED Village Permit Appeal-City Council (+ noticing costs) fee is refundable if appeal is won $ 549 $ 663 DEV REL SVC CED Village Permit Appeal-Planning Commission (+ noticing costs) fee Is refundable if appeal is won $ 649 $ 663 DEV REL SVC CED Village Review Amendment (Major) - plus noticing costs $ 1,398 $ 1,428 DEV REL SVC CED Village Review Area Sidewalk Sign/Outdoor Display Permit $ 59 $ 60 DEV REL SVC CED Village Review Permit (Admin.) $ 426 $ 435 DEV REL SVC CED Village Review Permit Extension (Major) - plus noticing costs $ 677 $ 691 DEV REL SVC CED Village Review Permit Extension (Minor) - plus noticing costs $ 582 $ 595 DEV REL SVC CED Village Review Permit Noticing Fee (Major) - plus postage $ 413 S 407 DEV REL SVC CED Village Review Permit Variance - Administrative $ 181 $ 185 Page 16 110 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE DEVELOPMENT RELATED SERVICES FY 2013-14 EXHIBIT 7A SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE DEV REL SVC CED Village Review Permit Variance (Minor or Major) $ 405 $ 414 DEV REL SVC CED Zone Change - 5 or fewer acres - 25% discount will apply when submitted with a General Plan Amendment (12) $ 4,730 $ 4,832 DEV REL SVC CED Zone Change - 5.1 or more acres - 25% discount will apply when submitted with a General Plan Amendment (12) $ 6,408 $ 6,545 DEV REL SVC CED Zone Code Amendment $ 6,099 $ 6,230 DEV REL SVC CED Zoning Compliance Letter $ 80 $ 82 DEV REL SVC CED STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Inspection Fee - For Each Subsequent Acre Or Portion Over One Half Acre $ 107 $ 109 DEV REL SVC CED STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Inspection Fee - Up to One Half Acre $ 269 $ 275 DEV REL SVC CED License Tax on New Construction - Mobile Homes $ 2,120 $ 2,159 DEV REL SVC CED Plumbing, Electrical and Mechanical Permit (not combined with Building Permits) $ 160 $ 160 DEV REL SVC CED Improvement Agreement Extension - see Secured Agreement Proc. Ext. (7) $ $ DEV REL SVC CED Lighting and Landscape District #2 Annexation $ 5,400 $ 5,400 DEV REL SVC CED Minor Grading Plan Review $ 952 DEV REL SVC CED STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Plan Review Fee - For Each Subsequent Acre Or Portion Over One Half Acre $ 115 $ 118 DEV REL SVC CED STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Plan Review Fee - Up To One Half Acre $ 320 $ 327 DEV REL SVC CED Reapportionment Fees for 1911 Act Assessment Districts Actual Cost Actual Cost DEV REL SVC CED Street Light Energizing Fee (7) DEV REL SVC CED Retaining Wall Plancheck (Valuation $250,000+) 0.5% of Engineer's Estimate ($2,000 0.5% of Engineer's Estimate ($2,000 DEV REL SVC CED Retaining Wall Plancheck (Valuation $50,001-$250,000) $500 + 0.5% of Engineer's Estimate $500 + 0.5% of Engineer's Estimate DEV REL SVC CED Retaining Wall Plancheck (Valuatlon=0-$50,000) $ 514 $ 525 DEV REL SVC CED Tentative Tract Map Litigation Stay 25% of original fee 25% of original fee DEV REL SVC CED Agricultural Mitigation Fee S 10,000 $ 10,000 DEV REL SVC CED Fish SL Wildlife Fee - EIR - Set by Department of Fish and Wildlife $2,969.00 $3,045.25 DEV REL SVC CED Fish & Wildlife Fee - Negative Declaration - Set by Department of Fish and Wildlife $2,151.50 $2,206.25 DEV REL SVC CED Hillside Development Permit Extension - Other (Multiple Lots) 25% of original fee 25% of original fee DEV REL SVC CED Hillside Development Permit Extension - Single Family Lot 25% of original fee 25% of original fee DEV REL SVC CED Major Site Development Plan (Non Res) Extension 25% of original fee 25% of original fee DEV REL SVC CED Minor Conditional Use Permit - Amendment S 551 S 563 DEV REL SVC CED Minor Conditional Use Permit Extension 50% of original fee 50% of original fee DEV REL SVC CED Minor Site Development Plan Extension 25% of original fee 25% of original fee DEV REL SVC CED PD - Non-Res - 4 or less Extension 25% of original fee 25% of original fee DEV REL SVC CED PD - Non-Res - 5 to 50 Extension 25% of original fee 25% of original fee DEV REL SVC CED PD - Non-Res - 51 or more Extension 25% of original fee 25% of original fee DEV REL SVC CED PD Res - 4 or less Extension 25% of original fee 25% of original fee DEV REL SVC CED PD Res - 51 or more Extension 25% of original fee 25% of original fee DEV REL SVC CED PD Res 5 to 50 Extension 25% of original fee 25% of original fee DEV REL SVC CED Planned Industrial Permit Extension 25% of original fee 25% of original fee DEV REL SVC CED Special Use Permit - Extension 25% of original fee 25% of original fee DEV REL SVC CED Wireless Communication 3rd Party Review (vendor costs) Actual Cost Actual Cost DEV REL SVC FINANCE Community Facilities District Annexation $ 1,752 $ 1,752 DEV REL SVC FIRE Expedited Fire Plan Review Service Fee Actual Cost + $25 Actual Cost+ $25 Page 17 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE DEVELOPMENT RELATED SERVICES FY 2013-14 EXHIBIT 7A SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE DEV REL SVC FIRE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM INSTALLATION FEES Fire Protection System Installation (7) $ $ DEV REL SVC HNS Affordable Housing Credit Per Unit (Northwest Quadrants) $ 142,000 $ 142,000 DEV REL SVC HNS Affordable Housing Credit Per Unit-Villa Loma (Southeast and Southwest quadrants) $ 48,000 $ 48,000 DEV REL SVC HNS Affordable Housing Credit Per Unit-Cassia Heights (Southeast and Southwest quadrants) $ 54,465 $ 55,636 DEV REL SVC HNS Code Enforcement Court costs Court costs DEV REL SVC IT GIS Digital Data Delivery (per hour Technician plus overhead) Actual Cost Actual Cost DEV REL SVC IT GIS Production of new documents (per hour Technician plus materials and overhead) Actual Cost Actual Cost DEV REL SVC IT GIS Reproduction of Existing Documents (per hour Technician plus material and overhead) Direct cost Direct cost DEV REL SVC IT GIS Technical Services (per hour Manager plus overhead) Actual Cost Actual Cost DEV REL SVC IT GIS Technical Services (per hour Technician plus overhead) Actual Cost Actual Cost DEV REL SVC UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT SERVICE FEES Preliminary Potable Water, Reclaimed Water, Sewer Analysis Review - (Use Improvement Plan Review Fees) $ $ DEV REL SVC UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT SERVICE FEES Hydraulic Analysis Only - Included In Improvement Plan Review Fees $ $ DEV REL SVC UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT SERVICE FEES Water Meter Installation - 6" (Consistent with City payroll records plus overhead) Actual Cost Actual Cost DEV REL SVC UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT SERVICE FEES Water Meter Installation-1" $ 414 $ 317 DEV REL SVC UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT SERVICE FEES Water Meter Installation -1-1/2" $ 646 $ 574.50 DEV REL SVC UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT SERVICE FEES Water Meter Installation -1-1/2" - Turbo $ 1,190 $ 951.20 DEV REL SVC UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT SERVICE FEES Water Meter Installation - 2" $ 798 $ 771.60 DEV REL SVC UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT SERVICE FEES Water Meter Installation -2" -Turbo $ 1,427 $ 987.11 DEV REL SVC UTIUTIES WATER DISTRICT SERVICE FEES Water Meter Installation - 3" (Consistent with City payroll records plus overhead) Actual Cost Actual Cost DEV REL SVC UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT SERVICE FEES Water Meter Installation - 3/4" $ 374 $ 301 DEV REL SVC UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT SERVICE FEES Water Meter Installation- 4" (Consistent with City payroll records plus overhead) Actual Cost Actual Cost DEV REL SVC UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT SERVICE FEES Water Meter Installation - 5/8" $ 340 $ 258 DEV REL SVC UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT SERVICE FEES Water Meter Installation - 8" (Consistent with City payroll records plus overhead) Actual Cost Actual Cost DEV REL SVC UTIUTIES WATER DISTRICT SERVICE FEES Water Meter Installation Fee - Fire Protection Meter Fee Meter Fee-Use Rate Sheet DEV REL SVC UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT SERVICE FEES Potable, Reclaimed and Sewer Improvement Plan Review - Use Improvement Plan Review Fees DEV REL SVC UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT SERVICE FEES Potable, Reclaimed and Sewer Standards and Specifications (available on Internet) N/C N/C DEV REL SVC UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT SERVICE FEES Reclaimed Water Landscape Review - Use Improvement Plan Review fees DEV REL SVC UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT SERVICE FEES San Diego County Water Auth. Capacity Charge - Set by SDCWA Set by SDCWA Set by SDCWA DEV REL SVC UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT SERVICE FEES Utility Standards and Specifications (actual cost of reproduction) Actual Cost Actual Cost DEV REL SVC UTILITIES SEWER Waste Water Discharge Permit $ 32 $ 42 DEV REL SVC UTILITIES SEWER Waste Water Pretreatment - Class 1 - One time fee for new users $ 278 $ 284 DEV REL SVC UTILITIES SEWER Waste Water Pretreatment - Class 1 (per month) - Existing user $ 206 $ 210 DEV REL SVC UTILITIES SEWER Waste Water Pretreatment - Class II - One time fee for new users $ 278 $ 284 DEV REL SVC UTILITIES SEWER Waste Water Pretreatment - Class II (per month) - Existing user $ 195 $ 200 DEV REL SVC UTILITIES SEWER Waste Water Pretreatment - Class III - One time fee for new users $ 82 $ 84 DEV REL SVC UTILITIES SEWER Waste Water Pretreatment - Class III (per month) - Existing user $ 31 $ 32 (7) - See attached schedules and rate tables. (8) - Streets and Highways Code Section 8760-8769 (9) - Based on number of units or lots whichever is greater (10) - Plus fish and game department fee, if any. Environmental filing fees are set by Fish and Game Code 711.4 (11) - A 25% discount may apply when submitted with another application (12) - A 25% discount will apply when submitted with a General Plan Amendment Page 18 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE 1 - FIRE PROTECTION FY 2013-14 EXHIBIT 7A SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit - High-Piled Combustible Storage $ 320 $ 326 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit - Hazardous Materials Use and Storage $ 256 $ 261 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit - Brazing, Soldering and Welding $ 117 $ 120 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit - Temporary Use - Tents (Major) $ 282 $ 288 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit - Temporary Use - Tents (Minor) $ 128 $ 131 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE ADMINISTRATIVE nspection-Weed Abatement Compliance Certificate $ 114 $ 117 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit - Motor Vehicle Repair Garages $ 168 $ 172 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit - Combustible Fiber Use and Storage $ 181 $ 185 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit - Misc. Combustible Storage/Tires Facility $ 170 $ 174 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit - Compressed Gases/Cryogen Storage Use $ 117 $ 120 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit - Dry Cleaning $ 181 $ 185 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit - Dust Producing Operations $ 181 $ 185 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit - Flammable and Combustible Uquids Dispensing, Use, Storage, Tanks $ 128 $ 131 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit - Flammable Finishes $ 117 $ 120 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit - Temporary Use - Carnivals and Fairs $ 256 $ 261 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit - Pyrotechnics or Special Effects, Aerial Fireworks (per event or day) $ 336 $ 343 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit - Industrial Ovens-Kilns $ 176 $ 180 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit - Refrigeration Equipment Install or Operate $ 181 $ 185 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit- Medical Gas Dispensing System $ 250 $ 256 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit- Liquefied Petroleum Gas $ 128 $ 131 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit - Covered Mall $ 117 $ 120 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit - Candles or Open Flame - Public Assembly $ 117 $ 120 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit- Aerosol Use/Storage $ 117 $ 120 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM INSTALLATION FEES Permit-Automatic Sprinkler System - Commercial System 13-R - Plan Check $ 1,247 $ 1,274 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM INSTALLATION FEES Permit-Automatic Sprinkler System - Commercial System - each additional riser - Plan Check $ 624 $ 637 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM INSTALLATION FEES Permit-Automatic Sprinkler System - Residential System 13-D - Plan Review $ 68 $ 69 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM INSTALLATION FEES Permit-Automatic Sprinkler System - Tenant Improvement - Plan Review $ 68 $ 69 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM INSTALLATION FEES Permit-Fire Alarm Systems -1 to 25 devices - Plan Review Minimum $ 62 $ 64 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM INSTALLATION FEES Permit-Fire Alarm Systems - 26 or more - Plan Review $ 104 $ 106 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM INSTALLATION FEES Permit-Other Fixed Fire Systems - Hood and Duct $ 68 $ 69 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM INSTALLATION FEES Permit-Other Fixed Fire Systems - Paint Spray Booth Plan Review $ 136 $ 139 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit-Spray Booth $ 149 $ 152 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM INSTALLATION FEES Permit-Other Fixed Fire Systems - Special Chemical Agent $ 68 $ 69 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM INSTALLATION FEES Permit-Other Fixed Fire Systems - Standpipe $ 83 $ 85 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE INSPECTION Inspection-Repeated Inspection on New Construction $ 78 $ 80 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT-Flrewatch $ $ 245 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE ADMINISTRATIVE Alternative Materials and Methods $ $ 1,668 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE ADMINISTRATIVE Fire Safety Standby $ $ 245 Page 19 1/3 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE 1 - FIRE PROTECTION FY 2013-14 EXHIBIT 7A SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE 01 FIRE INSPECTION Inspection-Underground Fire Protection Service Main Repair-Inspection Only $ $ 529 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE INSPECTION Inspection-Underground Storage Tanks-New Inspection Only $ $ 284 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM INSTALLATION FEES Permit-Underground Fire Protection Service Main: Single Hydrant or Single Riser Connection. $ $ 624 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE INSPECTION Permit-Underground Fire Protection Service Main Repair $ $ 435 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE INSPECTION Inspection-Knox System $ $ 169 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit-Emergency and Standby Power Systems $ $ 434 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit-Battery Systems $ $ 624 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit-Wood Products $ $ 245 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit-Miscellaneous Combustible Storage $ $ 529 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit-Above Ground Storage Tanks $ $ 529 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit-Underground Storage Tanks-(Single Site Multi Tanks) $ $ 1,098 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit-Vapor Expansion Tank Retroflt-UST/AST $ $ 529 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit-Assembly Occupancy A-1 $ $ 529 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit Assembly Occupancy A-2 $ $ 340 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit Assembly Occupancy A-3 $ $ 245 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit-Child Day Care, E or 1-4 $ $ 245 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit-Fumigation or Thermal Insecticidal Fogging $ $ 245 SCHEDULE 01 FIRE OPERATIONAL PERMIT Permit-Exhibits and Trade Shows-Public Assembly $ $ 435 Page 20 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE 2 - GRADING PLAN CHECK FY 2013-14 EXHIBIT 7A SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE 02 CED GRADING PLANCHECK FEES 1,001 to 10,000 Cubic Yards - for the first 1,000 CY plus $120 for each additional 1,000 CY or fraction thereof $ 2,444 $ 2,497 SCHEDULE 02 CED GRADING PLANCHECK FEES 10,001 to 100,000 Cubic Yards-forthe first 10,000 CY plus $180 for each additional 10,000 CY or fraction thereof $ 3,848 $ 3,930 SCHEDULE 02 CED GRADING PLANCHECK FEES 100 Cubic Yards or Less $ 408 $ 417 SCHEDULE 02 CED GRADING PLANCHECK FEES 100,001 to 200,000 Cubic Yards - for the first 100,000 CY plus $285 for each additional 10,000 CY or fraction thereof $ 5,868 $ 5,994 SCHEDULE 02 CED GRADING PLANCHECK FEES 101 to 1,000 Cubic Yards - for the first 100 CY plus $120 for each additional 100 CY or fraction thereof $ 817 $ 834 SCHEDULE 02 CED GRADING PLANCHECK FEES 200,001 Cubic Yards or more - for the first 200,000 CY plus $130 for each additional 100,000 CY or fraction thereof $ 9,414 $ 9,616 Page 21 IIS CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE 3 - GRADING PERMIT FY 2013-14 EXHIBIT 7A SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE 03 CED GRADING PERMIT FEES 1,000,001 Cubic Yards or More - for the first 1,000,000 CY plus $710 for each additional 100,000 CY or fraction thereof $ 17,194 $ 17,564 SCHEDULE 03 CED GRADING PERMIT FEES 1,001 to 10,000 Cubic Yards - for the first 1,000 CY plus $65 for each additional 1,000 CY or fraction thereof $ 1,161 $ 1,186 SCHEDULE 03 CED GRADING PERMIT FEES 10,001 to 100,000 Cubic Yards - for the first 10,000 CY plus $130 for each additional 10,000 CY or fraction thereof $ 1,919 $ 1,960 SCHEDULE 03 CED GRADING PERMIT FEES 100 Cubic Yards or Less $ 408 $ 417 SCHEDULE 03 CED GRADING PERMIT FEES 100,001 to 200,000 Cubic Yards - for the first 100,000 CY plus $130 for each additional 10,000 CY or fraction thereof $ 3,363 $ 3,436 SCHEDULE 03 CED GRADING PERMIT FEES 101 to 1,000 Cubic Yards - for the first 100 CY plus $65 for each additional 100 CY or fraction thereof $ 414 $ 423 SCHEDULE 03 CED GRADING PERMIT FEES 200,001 TO 400,000 Cubic Yards - for the first 200,000 CY plus $195 for each additional 10,000 CY or fraction thereof $ 4,965 $ 5,072 SCHEDULE 03 CED GRADING PERMIT FEES 400,000 to 1,000,000 Cubic Yards - for the first 400,000 CY plus $980 for each additional 100,000 CY or fraction thereof $ 9,855 $ 10,067 Page 22 IliP CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE 4 - IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION FY 2013-14 EXHIBIT 7A SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE 04 CED IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION FEES Cost of Improvements - $1,000,001 or more - for the first $1,000,000 plus $105 for each additional $10,000 or fraction thereof. $ 15,582 $ 15,917 SCHEDULE 04 CED IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION FEES Cost of Improvements - $100,001 to $250,000 - for the first $100,000 plus $100 for each additional $10,000 or fraction thereof $ 4,063 $ 4,150 SCHEDULE 04 CED IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION FEES Cost of Improvements - $20,001 to $50,000 - for the first $20,000 plus $250 for each additional $10,000 or fraction thereof. $ 1,622 $ 1,657 SCHEDULE 04 CED IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION FEES Cost of Improvements - $250,001 to $500,000 - for the first $250,000 plus $105 for each additional $10,000 or fraction thereof $ 6,018 $ 6,147 SCHEDULE 04 CED IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION FEES Cost of Improvements - $500,001 to $1,000,000 - for the first $500,000 plus $105 for each additional $10,000 or fraction thereof $ 9,768 $ 9,978 SCHEDULE 04 CED IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION FEES Cost of Improvements $0 to $20,000 5.5% - $375 Minimum 5.5% - $375 Minimum SCHEDULE 04 CED IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION FEES Cost of Improvements - $50,001 to $100,000 - for the first $50,000 plus $125 for each additional $10,000 or fraction thereof $ 3,251 $ 3,321 Page 23 117 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE 5 - IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION FY 2013-14 EXHIBIT 7A SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE 05 CED IMPROVEMENT PLAN REVIEW Cost of Improvements - $0 to $20,000 - plus 5% of value of improvements $ 1,305 $ 1,333 SCHEDULE 05 CED IMPROVEMENT PLAN REVIEW Cost of Improvements - $100,001 to $250,000 - plus 2.5% of value of improvements - $5,840 minimum $ 2,412 $ 2,464 SCHEDULE 05 CED IMPROVEMENT PLAN REVIEW Cost of Improvements - $20,001 to $50,000 - plus 4% of value of improvements - $2,470 minimum $ 1,666 $ 1,702 SCHEDULE 05 CED IMPROVEMENT PLAN REVIEW Cost of Improvements - $250,001 to $500,000 - plus 2% of value of improvements - $13,910 minimum $ 7,297 $ 7,454 SCHEDULE 05 CED IMPROVEMENT PLAN REVIEW Cost of Improvements - $50,001 to $100,000 - plus 3% of value of improvements - $4,090 minimum $ 2,149 $ 2,195 SCHEDULE 05 CED IMPROVEMENT PLAN REVIEW Cost of Improvements - $500,001 to $1,000,000 - plus 1.5% of value of improvements - $23,840 minimum $ 12,896 $ 13,173 SCHEDULE 05 CED IMPROVEMENT PLAN REVIEW Cost of Improvements - Over $1,000,0000 - plus 0.75% of value of Improvements - $31,630 minimum $ 13,181 $ 13,464 Page 24 CITY OF CARLSBAD IVIASTER FEE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE 6 - STREET LIGHT ENERGIZING FY 2013-14 EXHIBIT 7A SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE 06 CED STREET LIGHT ENERGIZING 100 Watts -13,700 Lumens $ 98.40 $ 100.20 SCHEDULE 06 CED STREET LIGHT ENERGIZING 150 Watts - 20,600 Lumens $ 132.60 $ 135.30 SCHEDULE 06 CED STREET LIGHT ENERGIZING 250 Watts - 34,200 Lumens $ 201.18 $ 205.50 SCHEDULE 06 CED STREET LIGHT ENERGIZING 40 Watts - 5,500 Lumens S 57.54 $ 58.08 SCHEDULE 06 CED STREET LIGHT ENERGIZING 80 Watts - 9,600 Lumens $ 84.72 $ 86.16 Page 25 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE 7 - LANDSCAPE INSPECTION FY 2013-14 EXHIBIT 7A SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE 07 CED LANDSCAPE INSPECTION FEES Cost of Improvements - $0 to $20,000 $ 570 $ 582 SCHEDULE 07 CED LANDSCAPE INSPECTION FEES Cost of Improvements - $100,001 to $250,000 - for the first $100,000 of improvements plus $150 for each additional $100,000 or fraction thereof $ 1,609 $ 1,643 SCHEDULE 07 CED LANDSCAPE INSPECTION FEES Cost of Improvements - $20,001 to $50,000 - for the first $20,000 of improvements plus $20 for each additional $10,000 or fraction thereof $ 804 $ 822 SCHEDULE 07 CED LANDSCAPE INSPECTION FEES Cost of Improvements - $250,001 to $750,000 - for the first $250,000 of improvements plus $150 for each additional $100,000 or fraction thereof $ 1,933 $ 1,975 SCHEDULE 07 CED LANDSCAPE INSPECTION FEES Cost of Improvements - $50,001 to $100,000 - for the first $50,000 of Improvements plus $20 for each additional $10,000 or fraction thereof $ 1,130 $ 1,154 SCHEDULE 07 CED LANDSCAPE INSPECTION FEES Cost of Improvements - $750,001 and Over - for the first $750,000 of improvements plus $150 for each additional $100,000 or fraction thereof $ 3,058 $ 3,123 Page 26 1^0 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE 8 - LANDSCAPE PLAN CHECK FY 2013-14 EXHIBIT 7A SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE 08 CED LANDSCAPE PLAN CHECK FEES Cost of Improvements - $0 to $20,000 $ 570 $ 582 SCHEDULE 08 CED LANDSCAPE PLAN CHECK FEES Cost of Improvements - $100,001 to $250,000 - Plus 2% over $100,000 $ 3,547 $ 3,513 SCHEDULE 08 CED LANDSCAPE PLAN CHECK FEES Cost of Improvements - $20,001 to $50,000 - Plus 3.0% over $20,000 $ 810 $ 827 SCHEDULE 08 CED LANDSCAPE PLAN CHECK FEES Cost of Improvements - $250,001 to $500,000 - Plus 0.15% over $250,000 $ 4,357 $ 4,412 SCHEDULE 08 CED LANDSCAPE PLAN CHECK FEES Cost of Improvements - $50,001 to $100,000 - Plus 1.5% over $50,000 $ 2,338 $ 2,389 SCHEDULE 08 CED LANDSCAPE PLAN CHECK FEES Cost of Improvements - $500,001 to $1,000,000 - Plus 0.1 over $500,000 $ 5,321 $ 5,436 SCHEDULE 08 CED LANDSCAPE PLAN CHECK FEES Cost of Improvements - Over $1,000,000 - plus 0.07% over $1,000,000 $ 8,064 $ 8,237 Page 27 1^/ CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE 9 - LANDSCAPE PLAN CHECK FY 2013-14 EXHIBIT 7A SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE 09 CED BUILDING PERMIT FEES Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to approved plans - per hour - (minimum charge - one half hour) (14) $ 65 $ 65 SCHEDULE 09 CED BUILDING PERMIT FEES Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated - per hour - (minimum charge - one half hour) (14) $ 65 $ 65 SCHEDULE 09 CED BUILDING PERMIT FEES inspections outside of normal business hours - per hour - (minimum charge - 2 hours) (14) $ 65 $ 65 SCHEDULE 09 CED BUILDING PERMIT FEES Reinspection fees - per hour (14) $ 65 $ 65 SCHEDULE 09 CED BUILDING PERMIT FEES Total Valuation - $1 to $500 (14) $ 16.45 $ 16.45 SCHEDULE 09 CED BUILDING PERMIT FEES Total Valuation - $1,000,001 and up - for the first $1,000,000 plus $2.20 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof (14) $ 3,926.12 $ 3,926.12 SCHEDULE 09 CED BUILDING PERMIT FEES Total Valuation - $100,001 to $500,000 - for the first $100,000 plus $3.92 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and Including $500,000. (14) $ 695.62 $ 695.62 SCHEDULE 09 CED BUILDING PERMIT FEES Total Valuation - $2,001 to $25,000 - for the first $2,000 plus $9.80 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000 (14) $ 48.47 $ 48.47 SCHEDULE 09 CED BUILDING PERMIT FEES Total Valuation - $25,001 to $50,000 - for the first $25,000 plus $7.07 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000 (14) $ 273.87 $ 273.87 SCHEDULE 09 CED BUILDING PERMIT FEES Total Valuation - $50,001 to $100,000 - for the first $50,000 plus $4.90 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000 (14) $ 450.62 $ 450.62 SCHEDULE 09 CED BUILDING PERMIT FEES Total Valuation - $500,001 to $1,000,000 - for the first $500,000 plus $3.32 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $1,000,000 (14) $ 2,263.62 $ 2,263.62 SCHEDULE 09 CED BUILDING PERMIT FEES Total Valuation - $501 to $2,000 - for the first $500 plus $2.13 for each additional $100 or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000 (14) $ 16.45 $ 16.45 (14) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, the building permit fee for factory built housing shall be twenty-five percent of the fee shown in Schedule #9, and the plan check fee shall be seventy percent of the building permit fee. Page 28 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE 10 - PLUMBING PERMIT FY 2013-14 EXHIBIT 7A SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE 10 CED PLUMBING PERMIT OTHER INSPECTIONS FEES Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to approved plans, (minimum charge - one half hour) $ 31 $ 32 SCHEDULE 10 CED PLUMBING PERMIT UNIT FEE SCHEDULE For atmospheric-type vacuum breakers not included in above item: 1 to 5 $ 5 $ 5 SCHEDULE 10 CED PLUMBING PERMIT UNIT FEE SCHEDULE For atmospheric-type vacuum breakers not included in above Item: Over 5, each $ 1 $ 1 SCHEDULE 10 CED PLUMBING PERMIT UNIT FEE SCHEDULE For each additional gas-piping system outlet, per outlet $ 1 $ 1 SCHEDULE 10 CED PLUMBING PERMIT UNIT FEE SCHEDULE For each backflow protective device other than atmospheric type vacuum breakers: 2 inch diameter and smaller $ 7 $ 7 SCHEDULE 10 CED PLUMBING PERMIT UNIT FEE SCHEDULE For each backflow protective device other than atmospheric type vacuum breakers: Over 2 inch diameter $ 15 $ 16 SCHEDULE 10 CED PLUMBING PERMIT UNIT FEE SCHEDULE For each building sewer and each trailer park sewer $ 15 $ 16 SCHEDULE 10 CED PLUMBING PERMIT UNIT FEE SCHEDULE For each cesspool (where permitted) $ 26 $ 26 SCHEDULE 10 CED PLUMBING PERMIT UNIT FEE SCHEDULE For each gas-piping system one to five outlets $ 5 $ 5 SCHEDULE 10 CED PLUMBING PERMIT UNIT FEE SCHEDULE For each industrial waste pretreatment interceptor including its trap and vent, excepting kitchen- type grease interceptors functioning as fixture traps $ 7 $ 7 SCHEDULE 10 CED PLUMBING PERMIT UNIT FEE SCHEDULE For each installation, alteration or repair of water piping and/or water treating equipment, each $ 7 $ 7 SCHEDULE 10 CED PLUMBING PERMIT UNIT FEE SCHEDULE For each lawn sprinkler system on any one meter including backflow protection devices therefore $ 7 $ 7 SCHEDULE 10 CED PLUMBING PERMIT UNIT FEE SCHEDULE For each plumbing fixture on one trap or a set of fixtures on one trap (including water, drainage piping and backflow protection therefore) $ 7 $ 7 SCHEDULE 10 CED PLUMBING PERMIT UNIT FEE SCHEDULE For each private sewage disposal system $ 41 $ 42 SCHEDULE 10 CED PLUMBING PERMIT UNIT FEE SCHEDULE For each repair or alteration of drainage or vent piping, each fixture $ 7 $ 7 SCHEDULE 10 CED PLUMBING PERMIT UNIT FEE SCHEDULE For each water heater and/or vent $ 7 $ 7 SCHEDULE 10 CED PLUMBING PERMIT OTHER INSPECTIONS FEES Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated $ 31 $ 32 SCHEDULE 10 CED PLUMBING PERMIT OTHER INSPECTIONS FEES Inspections outside of normal business hours $ 31 $ 32 SCHEDULE 10 CED PLUMBING PERMIT UNIT FEE SCHEDULE Rainwater systems - per drain (inside building) $ 7 $ 7 SCHEDULE 10 CED PLUMBING PERMIT OTHER INSPECTIONS FEES Reinspection Fee $ 31 $ 32 SCHEDULE 10 CED PLUMBING PERMIT FEES Individual Plumbing Permit ($30 Issuance, $120 Inspection) $ 154 $ 158 Page 29 1^3 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE 11 - ELECTRICAL PERMIT FY 2013-14 EXHIBIT 7A SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE 11 CED ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES Individual Electrical Permit ($31 Issuance, $123 inspection) $ 154 $ 158 SCHEDULE 11 CED ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES New construction for each ampere of main service, switch, fuse or breaker - Per ampere, 480 three-phase $ 1 $ 1 SCHEDULE 11 CED ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES New construction for each ampere of main service, switch, fuse or breaker - Per ampere, single phase $ 0.26 $ 0.26 SCHEDULE 11 CED ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES New construction for each ampere of main service, switch, fuse or breaker - Per ampere, three phase $ 0.51 $ 0.53 SCHEDULE 11 CED ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES Remodel, alteration, no change in service - Or minimum $ 5 $ 5 SCHEDULE 11 CED ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES Remodel, alteration, no change in service - Per ampere $ 0.26 $ 0.26 SCHEDULE 11 CED ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES Service upgrade on existing building - For each ampere or increase In main service, switch, fuse or breaker - Per ampere, 480 three-phase $ 1 $ 1 SCHEDULE 11 CED ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES Service upgrade on existing building - For each ampere or increase in main service, switch, fuse or breaker - Per ampere, single phase $ 0.26 $ 0.26 SCHEDULE 11 CED ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES Service upgrade on existing building - For each ampere or increase in main service, switch, fuse or breaker - Per ampere, three-phase $ 0.51 $ 0.53 SCHEDULE 11 CED ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES Temporary service over 200 amperes $10.00 plus $10.00 per each 100 amperes over 200 $ 10 $ 11 SCHEDULE 11 CED ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES Temporary service up to and including 200 amperes $ 10 $ 11 SCHEDULE 11 CED ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES Test Meter $ 26 $ 26 Page 30 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE 12 - MECHANICAL PERMIT FY 2013-14 EXHIBIT 7A SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE 12 CED MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES Boiler/Compressor to 15 HP (each) $ 16.96 s 17.33 SCHEDULE 12 CED MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES Exhaust Fan (each) $ 6.68 $ 6.83 SCHEDULE 12 CED MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES Fireplace (each) s 6.68 $ 6.83 SCHEDULE 12 CED MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES Furnace, Ducts, Heat Pumps (each) $ 9.25 $ 9.45 SCHEDULE 12 CED MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES Hood (each) $ 6.68 $ 6.83 SCHEDULE 12 CED MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES Individual Mechanical Permit ($31 Issuance, $123 Inspection) $ 154 $ 158 SCHEDULE 12 CED MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES Install/relocate vent (each) $ 4.63 $ 4.73 Page 31 1^^ EXHIBIT 7A CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULES SECTION 3 DEVELOPMENT-IMPACT FEES June 2013 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FY 2013-14 EXHIBIT 7A SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE DEV IMPACT CED FEES SUBJECT TO SECTION 66000 OF THE CAUFORNIA GOVERNMENT Bridge 8i Thoroughfare - all other - per Avg. Dally Trip (Outside CFD) $ 25 $ 25 DEV IMPACT CED FEES SUBJECT TO SECTION 66000 OF THE CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT Bridge 8t Thoroughfare - per Apartment Unit (Outside CFD) $ 355 $ 355 DEV IMPACT CED FEES SUBJECT TO SECTION 66000 OF THE CAUFORNIA GOVERNMENT Bridge 8i Thoroughfare - per Condominium Unit (Outside CFD) S 474 $ 474 DEV IMPACT CED FEES SUBJECT TO SECTION 66000 OF THE CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT Bridge 8i Thoroughfare - per Single Family Unit (Outside CFD) $ 592 $ 592 DEV IMPACT CED FEES SUBJECT TO SECTION 65000 OF THE CAUFORNIA GOVERNMENT Bridge & Thoroughfare District #2 - Zone 20 S 1,691 $ 1,692 DEV IMPACT CED FEES SUBJECT TO SECTION 66000 OF THE CAUFORNIA GOVERNMENT Bridge 8( Thoroughfare District #2 - Zone 21 $ 1,365 $ 1,366 DEV IMPACT CED FEES SUBJECT TO SECTION 66000 OF THE CAUFORNIA GOVERNMENT Bridge & Thoroughfare District #2 - Zone 5 $ 326 $ 325 DEV IMPACT CED FEES SUBJECT TO SECTION 66000 OF THE CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT Bridge & Thoroughfare District #3 - Fee per ADT $ 188 $ 191 DEV IMPACT CED FEES SUBJECT TO SECTION 66000 OF THE CAUFORNIA GOVERNMENT Local Facilities Mngt Plan/Amendment - fee + deposit in min. increments of $5,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 DEV IMPACT CED FEES SUBJECT TO SECTION 66000 OF THE CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT Public Facilities Fees -1.82% of Bldg Permit Value (Inside CFD) 1.82% of Bldg Permit Value 1.82% of Bldg Permit Value DEV IMPACT CED FEES SUBJECT TO SECTION 66000 OF THE CAUFORNIA GOVERNMENT Public Facilities Fees - 3.5% of Bldg Permit Value (Outside CFD) 3.5% of Bldg Permit Value 3.5% of Bldg Permit Value DEV IMPACT TRANSPORTATION FEES SUBJECT TO SECTION 65000 OF THE CAUFORNIA GOVERNMENT Traffic Impact Fee - Apartment (Inside of CFD 1) per ADT $ 239 $ 243 DEV IMPACT TRANSPORTATION FEES SUBJECT TO SECTION 66000 OF THE CALIFORN1A GOVERNMENT Traffic Impact Fee - Apartment (Outside of CFD 1) per ADT $ 281 $ 287 DEV IMPACT TRANSPORTATION FEES SUBJECT TO SECTION 66000 OF THE CAUFORNIA GOVERNMENT Traffic Impact Fee - Commrc'l/lndust Cost Per Trip (Inside CFD) $ 95 $ 97 DEV IMPACT TRANSPORTATION FEES SUBJECT TO SECTION 66000 OF THE CAUFORNIA GOVERNMENT Traffic Impact Fee - Commrc'l/lndust Cost Per Trip (Out of CFD) $ 112 $ 115 DEV IMPACT TRANSPORTATION FEES SUBJECT TO SECTION 66000 OF THE CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT Traffic Impact Fee - Condominium (Inside of CFD 1) per ADT $ 239 $ 243 DEV IMPACT TRANSPORTATION FEES SUBJECT TO SECTION 66000 OF THE CAUFORNIA GOVERNMENT Traffic Impact Fee - Condominium (Outside of CFD 1) per ADT $ 281 $ 287 DEV IMPACT TRANSPORTATION FEES SUBJECT TO SECTION 66000 OF THE CAUFORNIA GOVERNMENT Traffic Impact Fee - Single Family (Inside of CFD 1) per ADT S 239 $ 243 DEV IMPACT TRANSPORTATION FEES SUBJECT TO SECTION 66000 OF THE CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT Traffic Impact Fee - Single Family (Outside of CFD 1) per ADT $ 281 $ 287 DEV IMPACT UTILITIES FEES SUBJECT TO SECTION 66012 OF THE CAUFORNIA GOVERNMENT Sewer Connection (General Capacity all areas plus Sewer Benefit Area Fees) $ 1,096 $ 842 DEV IMPACT UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT FEES Major Facility Fee - Potable and Reclaimed Water Connection Fees: Meter Size 5/8" - Displacement $ 3,549 $ 3,549 DEV IMPACT UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT FEES Major Facility Fee - Potable and Reclaimed Water Connection Fees: Meter Size 1" - Displacement $ 7,988 $ 7,988 DEV IMPACT UTIUTIES WATER DISTRICT FEES Major Facility Fee - Potable and Reclaimed Water Connection Fees: Meter Size 1-1/2" - Displacement $ 15,088 $ 15,088 DEV IMPACT UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT FEES Major Facility Fee - Potable and Reclaimed Water Connection Fees: Meter Size 1-1/2" - Turbo $ $ DEV IMPACT UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT FEES Major Facility Fee - Potable and Reclaimed Water Connection Fees: Meter Size 2" - Displacement $ 22,771 $ 22,771 DEV IMPACT UTIUTIES WATER DISTRICT FEES Major Facility Fee - Potable and Reclaimed Water Connection Fees: Meter Size 2" - Turbo $ $ DEV IMPACT UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT FEES Major Facility Fee - Potable and Reclaimed Water Connection Fees: Meter Size 3" - Displacement S 39,938 S 39,938 DEV IMPACT UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT FEES Major Facility Fee - Potable and Reclaimed Water Connection Fees: Meter Size 3" - Turbo $ S DEV IMPACT UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT FEES Major Facility Fee - Potable and Reclaimed Water Connection Fees: Meter Size 3/4" - Displacement $ 5,060 $ 5,060 DEV IMPACT UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT FEES Major Facility Fee - Potable and Reclaimed Water Connection Fees: Meter Size 4" - Displacement $ 62,125 $ 62,125 DEV IMPACT UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT FEES Major Facility Fee - Potable and Reclaimed Water Connection Fees: Meter Size 4" - Turbo $ 177,501 $ 177,501 DEV IMPACT UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT FEES Major Facility Fee - Potable and Reclaimed Water Connection Fees: Meter Size 6" - Displacement $ 115,376 $ 115,376 DEV IMPACT UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT FEES Major Facility Fee - Potable and Reclaimed Water Connection Fees: Meter Size 6" - Turbo $ 355,000 $ 355,000 DEV IMPACT UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT FEES Major Facility Fee - Potable and Reclaimed Water Connection Fees: Meter Size 8" - Displacement $ 136,367 $ 135,357 DEV IMPACT UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT FEES Major Facility Fee - Potable and Reclaimed Water Connection Fees: Meter Size 8" - Turbo $ 497,167 $ 497,167 DEV IMPACT UTILITIES WATER DISTRICT FEES Major Facility Fee - Potable Water per EDU Page 32 1^7 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE IMPACT SCHEDULE A - PARK IN LIEU FY 2013-14 EXHIBIT 7A SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE IMPACT SCHEDULE A CED PARK IN-UEU FEES District 1 NW - Value per Acre 977,000 - Attached (5 units or more) $ 6,190 $ 6,190 IMPACT SCHEDULE A CEO PARK IN-UEU FEES District 1 NW - Value per Acre 977,000 - Mobile Home $ 4,934 $ 4,934 IMPACT SCHEDULE A CED PARK IN-UEU FEES District 1 NW - Value per Acre 977,000 -Attached (4 units or less) $ 6,414 $ 6,414 IMPACT SCHEDULE A CED PARK IN-UEU FEES District 1 NW - Value per Acre 977,000 -Single Family Detached & Duplex $ 7,649 $ 7,649 IMPACT SCHEDULE A CED PARK IN-UEU FEES District 2 NE - Value per Acre 732,000 - Attached (4 units or less) $ 4,804 $ 4,804 IMPACT SCHEDULE A CED PARK IN-UEU FEES District 2 NE - Value per Acre 732,000 - Attached (5 units or more) $ 4,636 $ 4,636 IMPACT SCHEDULE A CED PARK IN-UEU FEES District 2 NE - Value per Acre 732,000 - Mobile Home $ 3,696 $ 3,696 IMPACT SCHEDULE A CED PARK IN-UEU FEES District 2 NE - Value per Acre 732,000 - Single Family Detached & Duplex $ 5,728 $ 5,728 IMPACT SCHEDULE A CED PARK IN-UEU FEES District 3 SW - Value per Acre 732,000 - Attached (5 units or more) $ 4,636 $ 4,636 IMPACT SCHEDULE A CED PARK IN-UEU FEES District 3 SW - Value per Acre 732,000 - Mobile Home $ 3,696 $ 3,696 IMPACT SCHEDULE A CED PARK IN-UEU FEES District 3 SW - Value per Acre 732,000 -Attached (4 units or less) $ 4,804 $ 4,804 IMPACT SCHEDULE A CED PARK IN-UEU FEES District 3 SW - Value per Acre 732,000 -Single Family Detached & Duplex $ 5,728 $ 5,728 IMPACT SCHEDULE A CED PARK IN-UEU FEES District 4 SE - Value per Acre 732,000 - Attached (5 units or more) $ 4,636 $ 4,636 IMPACT SCHEDULE A CED PARK IN-UEU FEES District 4 SE - Value per Acre 732,000 - Mobile Home $ 3,696 $ 3,696 IMPACT SCHEDULE A CED PARK IN-UEU FEES District 4 SE - Value per Acre 732,000 -Attached (4 units or less) $ 4,804 $ 4,804 IMPACT SCHEDULE A CED PARK IN-UEU FEES District 4 SE - Value per Acre 732,000 -Single Family Detached & Duplex $ 5,728 $ 5,728 Page 33 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE IMPACT SCHEDULE B - PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE AREAS FY 2013-14 EXHIBIT 7A SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE IMPACT SCHEDULE B CED PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE AREA Area A - Buena Vista Lagoon - High Runoff $ 24,687 $ 25,139 IMPACT SCHEDULES CED PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE AREA Area A - Buena Vista Lagoon - Low Runoff $ 5,697 $ 5,801 IMPACT SCHEDULE B CED PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE AREA Area A - Buena Vista Lagoon - Medium Runoff $ 11,329 S 11,536 IMPACT SCHEDULES CED PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE AREA Area B - Aqua Hedionda Lagoon - High Runoff $ 9,226 $ 9,395 IMPACT SCHEDULES CED PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE AREA Area B - Aqua Hedionda Lagoon - Low Runoff $ 2,130 $ 2,169 IMPACT SCHEDULES CED PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE AREA Area B - Aqua Hedionda Lagoon - Medium Runoff $ 4,105 $ 4,180 IMPACT SCHEDULES CED PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE AREA Area C - Encinas Creek - High Runoff $ 8,958 $ 9,122 IMPACT SCHEDULES CED PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE AREA Area C - Encinas Creek - Low Runoff $ 2,067 $ 2,105 IMPACT SCHEDULES CED PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE AREA Area C - Encinas Creek - Medium Runoff $ 2,924 $ 2,978 IMPACT SCHEDULES CED PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE AREA Area D - Batiquitos Lagoon - High Runoff $ 8,493 $ 8,649 IMPACT SCHEDULE B CED PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE AREA Area D - Batiquitos Lagoon - Low Runoff $ 1,960 $ 1,996 IMPACT SCHEDULES CED PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE AREA Area D - Batiquitos Lagoon - Medium Runoff $ 3,206 $ 3,265 Page 34 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE IMPACT SCHEDULE C - SEWER BENEFIT AREA FY 2013-14 EXHIBIT 7A SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE IMPACT SCHEDULE C CED SEWER BENEFIT AREA FEES Sewer Benefit Area Fee - Area A $ 1,005 $ 1,006 IMPACT SCHEDULE C CED SEWER BENEFIT AREA FEES Sewer Benefit Area Fee - Area B $ 1,144 $ 1,145 IMPACT SCHEDULE C CED SEWER BENEFIT AREA FEES Sewer Benefit Area Fee - Area C $ 2,108 $ 2,109 IMPACT SCHEDULE C CED SEWER BENEFIT AREA FEES Sewer Benefit Area Fee - Area D $ 2,112 $ 2,113 IMPACT SCHEDULE C CED SEWER BENEFIT AREA FEES Sewer Benefit Area Fee - Area E $ 3,116 S 3,117 IMPACT SCHEDULE C CED SEWER BENEFIT AREA FEES Sewer Benefit Area Fee - Area F $ 3,132 $ 3,134 IMPACT SCHEDULE C CED SEWER BENEFIT AREA FEES Sewer Benefit Area Fee - Area G $ 632 $ 632 IMPACT SCHEDULE C CED SEWER BENEFIT AREA FEES Sewer Benefit Area Fee - Area H $ 919 $ 919 IMPACT SCHEDULE C CED SEWER BENEFIT AREA FEES Sewer Benefit Area Fee - Area J $ 1,734 $ 1,734 IMPACT SCHEDULE C CED SEWER BENEFIT AREA FEES Sewer Benefit Area Fee - Area K $ 1,370 $ 1,371 IMPACT SCHEDULE C CED SEWER BENEFIT AREA FEES Sewer Benefit Area Fee - Area L $ 1,370 S 1,371 IMPACT SCHEDULE C CED SEWER BENEFIT AREA FEES Sewer Benefit Area Fee - Area M $ 67 $ 67 Page 35 130 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE IMPACT SCHEDULE D - HABITAT MITIGATION FY 2013-14 EXHIBIT 7A SCHEDULE PRIMARY DEPT. FEE CATEGORY CURRENT FEE DESCRIPTION NOTES FY 2012-13 FEE FY 2013-14 PROPOSED FEE IMPACT SCHEDULE D CED HABITAT MITIGATION FEES D. Coastal Sage Scrub $ 29,755 $ 30,231 IMPACT SCHEDULE D CED HABITAT MITIGATION FEES E. Grassland $ 14,878 $ 15,116 IMPACT SCHEDULE D CED HABITAT MITIGATION FEES F. Ag. Disturbed Eucalyp. Wood $ 2,976 $ 3,024 Page 36 j3l Exhibit 8 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2013-140 2 „ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 3 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING THAT THE FY 2013- 2014 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGET IS 4 CONSISTENT WITH THE GENERAL PLAN ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED CITYWIDE. 5 13 14 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 6 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby resolve as follows: 7 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carisbad, California has reviewed the Capital 8 Improvement Program for FY 2013-14 and has held such public hearings as are necessary prior 9 to adoption of the Capital Improvement Program Budget; and 10 WHEREAS, on June 11, 2013 the City Council REVIEWED FOR CONSISTENCY WITH 11 THE General Plan goals, objectives and policies for all Capital projects receiving an allocation of 12 funds for FY 2013-14 pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 2.24.065 (b); and WHEREAS, at said hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Council considered all factors relating to the City 1^ Council Determination; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council as follows 17 1. That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. 2. That based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the City Council determines that the Capital Improvement Program for FY 2013-14 is consistent with the General Plan based on the following findings: Findings: 1. The projects are consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the city's General Plan in that the projects are required to ensure the provision of adequate public facilities and services concurrent with or prior to need. 12 Exhibit 8 1 2. The projects are consistent with applicable goals, objectives, policies and action programs of 2 the Land Use, Circulation, Public Safety, Parks & Recreation, and Open Space and 3 Conservation Elements of the General Plan, as described in Exhibit "8-A." 4 5 3. As required by the General Plan, the proposed improvements are consistent with the city's 6 Growth Management Plan in that the projects ensure that the necessary improvements are provided for civic, facility maintenance, sewer, water, and transportation, in accordance with the 7 8 performance standards contained in the city's Growth Management regulations. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 /// /// /// /// /// /// /// 17 /// 18 /// 19 /// 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 /// 28 /// /// /// /// /// /// l^3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council, Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors, Carlsbad Community Development Commission and City of Carlsbad as the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency held on the 11^^ day of June, 2013, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Hall, Packard, Wood, Blackburn and Douglas. None. None. ATTEST: FY 2013-2014 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM NEW PROJECTS Project Name Total Project Cost Funding Source 2013-14 2014 15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2019- 2023 2024- 2028 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Barrio Street Lighting $ 100,000 GCC $ 100,000 Village and Barrio Bike and Pedestrian Wayfinding $ 250,000 GCC $ 250,000 Village and Barrio Traffic Circles $ 315,000 GCC $ 315,000 Village Decorative Lighting $ 130,000 GCC $ 130,000 Village Parking Wayfinding $ 105,000 GCC $ 105,000 Village Safety Lighting $ 210,000 GCC $ 210,000 Village Streetscape $ 290,000 GCC $ 290,000 Cole Library Improvements $ 1,700,000 GCC (Brownley Don.) $ 629,806 GCC $ 1,070,194 Dove Library Improvements $ 1,301,000 GCC $ 1,301,000 Arroyo Vista Trail Extension $ 235,000 GCC (Prop C) $ 235,000 - - FACILITY MAINTENANCE Cole Library Refurbishment $ 1,553,750 IRF $ 1,553,750 Dove Library Refurbishment $ 500,000 IRF $ 500,000 Faraday Center Exterior Refurbishment $ 40,000 IRF $ 40,000 Harding Center Refurbishment $ 100,000 IRF $ 100,000 Holiday Park Facilities Deferred Maintenance $ 50,000 IRF $ 50,000 Park Athletic Field Lighting Retrofit $ 756,000 IRF $ 756,000 Senior Center Refurbishment $ 52,000 IRF $ 52,000 Synthetic Turf Replacement - Poinsettia Park Soccer Field $ 665,500 IRF $ 665,500 m X 00 Summary of New Projects 2013-2014 S 24 13.xJsx 05/24/2013 FY 2013-2014 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM NEW PROJECTS Project Name Total Project Cost Funding Source Chinquapin LS Forcemain outfall realignment' $ 212,000 • • 1 Sewer RepI $ 60,000 $152,000 Faraday and ECR Sewer Replacement, Orion to PAR $ 1,540,000 Sewer Conn $ 140,000 $ 1,400,000 Las Palmas Trunk Sewer $ 2,420,000 Sewer Conn $ 430,000 $ 1,990,000 Marron Road Sewer Replacment $ 350,000 Sewer Conn $ 350,000 Poinsettia LS Emergency Overflow Basin $ 1,200,000 Sewer RepI $ 30,000 $ 90,000 $1,080,000 19 20 21 22 23 Desalinated Seawater Transmission Main $ 1,500,000 Water Conn $ 45,000 $ 45,000 $ 383,000 Water RepI $ 100,000 $ 80,000 $ 847,000 Fire Flow System Improvements $ 2,449,000 Water RepI $ 720,000 $ 720,000 $ 1,009,000 Hydroelectric Generator and PAR and White Sands $ 2,160,000 Water RepI $ 85,000 $ 275,000 $ 1,800,000 La Costa High Reservoir Inlet Pipeline $ 2,150,000 Water RepI $ 250,000 $ 1,900,000 Rancho Carisbad Groundwater Supply $ 3,500,000 Water Conn $ 325,000 $ 1,425,000 Water RepI $ 325,000 $ 1,425,000 San Luis Rey Misssion Basin Groundwater Supply $ 17,055,000 Water Conn $ 27,500 $ 8,500,000 Water RepI $ 27,500 $ 8,500,000 Santa Fe II Reservoir Inlet Pipeline $ 2,838,000 Water RepI $ 470,000 $ 2,368,000 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 —- TOJfiOTTTOr • " ADA Improvement Program $ 1,670,000 TransNet Local $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 420,000 Parking Lot Maintenance Program $ 1,530,000 IRF $ 310,000 $ 375,000 $ 420,000 $ 425,000 m X Summary of New Projects 2013-2014 5 24 13.xlsx 05/24/2013 CO I CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION BARRIO STREET LIGHTING PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION MAP: PROJECT LOCATION: Barrio. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Analyze the need for street lighting throughout the Barrio and reconfigure/update the street lighting infrastructure as needed. PROJECT NEED: To improve the lighting environment in the Barrio. FINANCING: Purpose Studies & Reports Total Cost = Estimated Cost Funding Source $ 100,000 GCC $ 100,000 GCC GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: A City which ensures the timely provision of adequate public facilities and services to preserve the quality of life of residents. Land Use Element, Growth Management & Public Facilities, Goal A.1. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15262 -Feasibility and Planning Studies. m X 3- Barrio-St-Lighting.docx 00 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION CARLSBAD VILLAGE AND BARRIO BIKE AND PEDESTRIAN WAYFINDING PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION MAP: Carlsbad-Barrio-wayfinging.docx PROJECT LOCATION: Throughout Carlsbad Village and Barrio. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Innovative bicyclist and pedestrian wayfinding signage throughout the Carlsbad Village and Barrio. PROJECT NEED: To create welcoming and inviting public rights-of-way and livable streets and to help bicyclists and pedestrians get to their destinations. FINANCING: Purpose Design Construction Total Cost = Estimated Cost $ 30,000 $ 220,000 $ 250,000 Funding Source GCC GCC GCC GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: A City which ensures the timely provision of adequate public facilities and services to preserve the quality of life of residents. Land Use Element, Growth Management & Public Facilities, Goal A.1. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(c) - minor alteration of existing facilities including streets, sidewalks, gutters, and similar facilities involving negligible or no expansion. C30 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION CARLSBAD VILLAGE AND BARRIO TRAFFIC CIRCLES PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION MAP: Village-Barrio-Traffic-Circle.docx PROJECT LOCATION: The traffic circles would be installed at nine intersections as follows: 1) Oak Avenue and Roosevelt Street, 2) Oak Avenue and Harding Street, 3) Pine Avenue and Harding Street, 4) Walnut Avenue and Roosevelt Street, 5) Walnut Avenue and Madison Street 6) Chestnut Avenue and Roosevelt Street, 7) Chestnut Avenue and Madison Street, 8) Chestnut Avenue and Harding Street, and 9) Magnolia Avenue and Madison Street. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install traffic circles at each of the nine intersections listed above to calm traffic. PROJECT NEED: To calm traffic speeds as a first step in creating welcoming and inviting public rights-of-way designed to connect people in the surrounding neighborhood. FINANCING: Purpose Design Construction Total Cost = Estimated Cost $ 25,000 $ 290,000 $315,000 Funding Source GCC GCC GCC GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: To design streets for the safe and efficient movement of people, goods and services within and through the City in the most environmentally sound and aesthetically pleasing manner possible. Circulation Element, Streets & Traffic Control, Objective B.2. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(c) - minor alteration of existing facilities including streets, sidewalks, gutters, and similar facilities involving negligible or no expansion^ OO CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION VILLAGE DECORATIVE LIGHTING PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION MAP: PROJECT LOCATION: Carlsbad Village Drive, Grand Avenue, State Street, and Roosevelt Street in the Village. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Install tree lighting and pole wrap lighting along Carlsbad Village Drive, Grand Avenue, State Street, and Roosevelt Street in the Village. PROJECT NEED: To enhance the ambiance in the Village and to encourage pedestrian and shopping activity. FINANCING: Purpose Design Construction Total Cost = Estimated Cost $ 10,000 $ 120,000 $ 130,000 Funding Source GCC GCC GCC GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: A City which preserves, enhances, and maintains the Village as a place for living, working, shopping, recreation, civic and cultural functions while retaining the Village atmosphere and pedestrian scale. Land Use Element, Village, Goal A.1. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(c) - minor alteration of existing public or private structures involving negligible or no expansion. VillageDecoratlveLlghting.docx ! CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION VILLAGE PARKING WAYFINDING PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION MAP: PROJECT LOCATION: Carlsbad Village. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Design, fabricate, and install directional signs on roadways and monument signs at public parking lots. PROJECT NEED: To facilitate efficient use of existing public parking lots and improve the perception of parking in the Village. FINANCING: Purpose Design Construction Total Cost = Estimated Cost Funding Source $ 5,400 GCC $ 99,600 GCC $105,000 GCC GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: Encourage increased public parking in the Village and beach areas of the City. Circulation Element, Streets and Traffic Control, Implementing Policies and Action Programs C.I 5. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(c) - minor alteration of existing facilities including streets, sidewalks, gutters, and similar facilities involving negligible or no expansion. VillagParklngWayfinding.docx oO t CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION VILLAGE SAFETY LIGHTING PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. PROJ ECT LOCATION MAP: PROJECT LOCATION: Carlsbad Village. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Install pedestrian safety lighting/topper lights at 97 locations and 3 new lights along State Street Between Carlsbad Village Drive and Oak Avenue. PROJECT NEED: To enhance pedestrian safety and walkability in the Village. FINANCING: Purpose Design Construction Total Cost = Estimated Cost $ 10,000 $ 200,000 $210,000 Funding Source GCC GCC GCC GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: A City which preserves, enhances, and maintains the Village as a place for living, working, shopping, recreation, civic and cultural functions while retaining the Village atmosphere and pedestrian scale. Land Use Element, Village, Goal A.1. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(c) - minor alteration of existing public or private structures involving negligible or no expansion. 5^ VillageSafetyLlghting.docx oo 1 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION VILLAGE STREETSCAPE PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION MAP: PROJECT LOCATION: Carlsbad Village. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Installation of approximately 80 trash cans, 40 recycling cans, 400 hanging flower baskets, and 45 benches. PROJECT NEED: To install a set of street furnishings that provides a cohesive feel, a sense of continuity and enhances the branding of the Village. FINANCING: Purpose Design Construction Total Cost = Estimated Cost $ 7,500 $ 282,500 $ 290,000 Funding Source GCC GCC GCC GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: Seek ways of strengthening existing establishments through fagade and streetscape improvements, upgraded public and private landscaping and aesthetically-upgraded signage. Land Use Element, Village, Implementing Policies and Action Programs C.3. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(c) - minor alteration of existing public or private structures involving negligible or no expansion. Village-St-Scape.docx oO 1 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION COLE LIBRARY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION MAP: ColeLiblmp.docx PROJECT LOCATION: Cole Library. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: New construction for office space, consolidation of circulation desks, and conversion of outdoor atrium space into useable interior space. PROJECT NEED: The proposed improvements are to accommodate current staffing needs, meet patron demands for modern library services, and allow for better wireless and communications services for the public. Construction is scheduled to coincide with re-carpeting and other deferred maintenance improvements. FINANCING: Purpose Estimated Cost Funding Source Studies $ 15,000 GCC Design $ 160,000 GCC Construction $1,350,000 GCC Misc. $ 175,000 GCC Total Cost = $ 1,700,000 GCC GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: A City which maintains a system of public facilities adequate for the projected population. Land Use Element, Growth Management and Public Facilities, Goal A.2. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(a) - interior alterations and Section 15301(e) - additions to existing facilities. oO f 3> CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION DOVE LIBRARY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION MAP: DoveLby-imp.docx PROJECT LOCATION: Dove Library. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project will redesign the Collections & Technical Services (CATS) area to accommodate the relocation of some staff from the Arts Department to the Dove facility. Also, the former periodical area on the second floor will open to the public and be repurposed as a teen center. The second floor reference area computer lab and meeting rooms will be reconfigured to reduce the size of the service desk, relocate and reduce reference stacks, create more public seating options, consolidate and relocate computer workstations/labs, and improve wireless access and communications. The project also includes minor modifications to the first floor circulation desk for ergonomic improvements and work flow and floor/stack changes to improve hold/new book areas for the public. PROJECT NEED: The proposed improvements will accommodate current staffing needs, create better community gathering spaces, and meet patron demands for modern library services. FINANCING: Purpose Design Construction Total Cost = Estimated Cost $ 104,000 $ 1,197,000 $ 1,301,000 Funding Source GCC GCC GCC GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: A City which maintains a system of public facilities adequate for the projected population. Land Use Element, Growth Management and Public Facilities, Goal A.2. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(a) - Interior alterations of existing facilities. oo t CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION ARROYO VISTA TRAIL EXTENSION PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION MAP: Arroyo-Trail.doc PROJECT LOCATION: Southeast quadrant of the city within an area of open space, east of the existing Arroyo Vista trail, and directly west of La Costa Canyon High School. The area is currently under ownership of the Santa Fe Trails community PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This trail project will construct a new stabilized decomposed granite trail to match and extend Arroyo Vista trail for 0.9 mile eastward to Calle Acervo. The trail would be located directly across from the west entrance to La Costa Canyon High School and adjacent to Stagecoach Community Park. PROJECT NEED: Extension of this trail would complete Trail Link No.55 as identified in the Citywide Trails Master Plan. The residents in the nearby community have requested this trail link to be completed for walkable & bike-able connections to schools & parks. This trail will provide an alternative choice for transportation and access to open space for recreation. Active, healthy lifestyles are focus areas identified by the City Council and citizens as important quality of life issues for the citizens of Carlsbad. FINANCING: Purpose Environmental Design Construction Total Cost = Estimated Cost $ 53,000 $ 12,000 $170,000 $235,000 Funding Source Prop C Prop C Prop C Prop C GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: A City that coordinates the planning of park facilities and trails with other recreational-oriented land uses such as open space. Parks & Recreation Element, Special Resources, Open Space and Cultural-Historical Areas, Goal A.1. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Potential Mitigated Negative Declaration. OO f 3> CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION COLE LIBRARY REFURBISHMENT PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION MAP: ColeLbylRF.docx PROJECT LOCATION: Cole Library. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Replace/refurbish existing roof, carpet, elevator, paint (interior/exterior), ceiling tiles, lighting, and HVAC system. This project will be conducted in conjunction with the Cole Library Improvements CIP project. PROJECT NEED: Several components in the Cole building system have reached the end of their useful life and need to be refurbished. These items were identified in the Faithful & Gould Facility Condition Assessment report. Costs have been adjusted to reflect anticipated pricing and ADA compliance. A 20% contingency factor was used due to the age and nature of the renovation. FINANCING: Purpose Construction Total Cost = Estimated Cost $1,553,750 $ 1,553,750 Funding Source IRF IRF GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: A City which maintains a system of public facilities adequate for the projected population. Land Use Element, Growth Management and Public Facilities, Goal A.2. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(b) - Repair and maintenance of existing facilities. Oft > CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION DOVE LIBRARY REFURBISHMENT PROJECT NAME PROJECT LOCATION MAP: PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION: Dove Library. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Replace/refurbish existing carpet and floor coverings and repaint exterior stucco. PROJECT NEED: These projects were identified as needed deferred maintenance in the Faithful & Gould Facility Condition Assessment report. The existing carpet will be 15 years old by the time of replacement and has exceeded its useful life. FINANCING: Purpose Design Construction Total Cost = Estimated Cost $ 5,000 $ 495,000 $ 500,000 Funding Source IRF IRF IRF GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: A City which maintains a system of public facilities adequate for the projected population. Land Use Element, Growth Management and Public Facilities, Goal A.2. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(b) - Repair and maintenance of existing facilities. DoveLib-IRF.docx oo t CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION FARADAY EXTERIOR REFURBISHMENT PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION MAP: PROJECT LOCATION: Faraday Center. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Weatherproof and repaint the exterior of the Faraday building. PROJECT NEED: The Faraday building is nearly 15 years old and the building exterior needs to be re-weatherproofed and painted to prevent water intrusion. FINANCING: Purpose Construction Total Cost = Estimated Cost $ 40,000 $ 40,000 Funding Source IRF IRF GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: A City which maintains a system of public facilities adequate for the projected population. Land Use Element, Growth Management and Public Facilities, GoalA.2. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(b) - Repair and maintenance of existing facilities. Faraday-exterlor-refurb.docx I CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT LOCATION MAP: HARDING CENTER REFURBISHMENT PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION: Harding Center. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Renovation and replacement, including painting the interior and exterior walls, roof replacement, carpeting, and electrical panels. PROJECT NEED: These renovations were identified in the Faithful + Gould Facility Condition Assessment report and are currently deferred. This project would refurbish the facility and extend its useful life. FINANCING: Purpose Construction Total Cost = Estimated Cost $ 100,000 $ 100,000 Funding Source IRF IRF GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: A City which maintains a system of public facilities adequate for the projected population. Land Use Element, Growth Management and Public Facilities, Goal A.2. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (b) - Repair and maintenance of existing facilities. Hard ing-ctr-refurb.docx CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION HOLIDAY PARK FACILITIES DEFERRED MAINTENANCE PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION MAP: \ Hollday-Park-IRF.docx PROJECT LOCATION: Holiday Park Facilities - Kruger, Holiday and Scout House. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Replace the carpet and paint the interior and exterior. PROJECT NEED: The paint and carpet for these facilities were identified as necessary deferred maintenance in the Faithful + Gould Facility Condition Assessment report. FINANCING: Purpose Construction Total Cost = Estimated Cost $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Funding Source IRF IRF GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: A City which maintains a system of public facilities adequate for the projected population. Land Use Element, Growth Management and Public Facilities, Goal A.2. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (b) - Repair and maintenance of existing facilities. f CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PARK ATHLETIC FIELD UGHTING RETROFITS PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION MAP: ^ Light-retrofit.doc PROJECT LOCATION: Stagecoach and Calavera Hills Parks athletic fields. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Retrofit existing light poles at three athletic fields with new energy efficient, low spill/glare fixtures ($630,000). The cost of the project also includes 15% contingency ($94,500) and 5% inspections/consulting fees ($31,500). PROJECT NEED: The athletic field lights at Stagecoach and Calavera Hills Parks are over 25 years old. The technology of these light fixtures is inefficient and archaic. Retrofitting the existing light poles with new metal halide "green" fixtures is predicted to reduce energy costs by 50% and lighting spill/glare by 50%. FINANCING: Purpose Construction Total Cost = Estimated Cost $756,000 $756,000 Funding Sour IRF IRF GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: To implement the use of energy saving technology in all rehabilitation and new park development projects.... Parks and Recreation Element, Park Development, Objective B5. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(c) - minor alteration of existing facilities including streets, sidewalks, gutters, and similar facilities involving negligible or no expansion. OO I CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION SENIOR CENTER REFURBISHMENT PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. PROJ ECT LOCATION MAP: Vjo Senior-ctr-refurb.docx PROJECT LOCATION: Senior Center. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Replace portions of roof tiles and replace heat pump units. PROJECT NEED: These items were identified in the Faithful + Gould Facility Condition report. Staff has conducted follow up evaluations and concurs that it is appropriate to replace/repair these items to extend the useful life of the building. FINANCING: Purpose Construction Total Cost = Estimated Cost $ 52,000 $ 52,000 Funding Source IRF IRF GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: A City which maintains a system of public facilities adequate for the projected population. Land Use Element, Growth Management and Public Facilities, Goal A.2. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(b) - Repair and maintenance of existing facilities. f CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION POINSETTIA COMMUNITY PARK SOCCER FIELD SYNTHETIC TURF REPLACEMENT PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION MAP: \ '"^^ Soccer-Turf PROJECT LOCATION: Poinsettia Community Park Soccer Field. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project costs include the removal of the existing synthetic turf ($41,000); installation of new synthetic turf ($513,540); 15% contingency ($83,233); and 5% inspections/consulting ($27,727). PROJECT NEED: The Poinsettia Community Park soccer field synthetic turf was installed in 2003. The field has been heavily utilized over the past ten years, which has correspondingly resulted in considerable wear, various splits/tears, and a diminished overall quality and playability of the synthetic turf. The synthetic turf manufacturer's eight year warranty has expired, and all associated costs for repairs are now therefore addressed strictly through the Parks Maintenance Operating Budget. FINANCING: Purpose Construction Total Cost = Estimated Cost $665,500 $665,500 Funding Source IRF IRF GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: A City which maintains a system of public facilities adequate for the projected population. Land Use Element, Growth Management and Public Facilities, Goal A.2. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(b) - Repair and maintenance_ofex^ OO f CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION CHINQUAPIN LIFT STATION FORCE MAIN OUTFALL REALIGNMENT PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION MAP: PROJECT LOCATION: Within the public right-of-way of Garfield Street beginning at Chinquapin Avenue then southerly for approximately 350 lineal feet. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Reconfigure the existing Chinquapin Lift Station outfall by constructing approximately 350 lineal feet of 6-inch diameter force main connecting to an existing alternative gravity flow system. PROJECT NEED: Inspection of the current outfall has shown the pipeline flow exceeds ideal operating levels. Extending the outfall and connection to an existing underutilized outfall pipeline will reduce risk of a sewer spill. FINANCING: Purpose Environmental Design Construction Total Cost = Estimated Cost $ 5,000 $ 55,000 $ 152,000 $212,000 Funding Source Sewer Replacement Sewer Replacement Sewer Replacement Sewer Replacement GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: Manage the disposal or recycling of solid waste and sewage within the City. Land Use, Growth Management and Public Facilities, Implementing Policies and Action Programs CIO. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines 15304(f) - minor trenching and backfilling. \^ Chinquapin-LS OO f 1> CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION FARADAY AVENUE AND EL CAMINO REAL SEWER REPLACEMENT - ORION TO PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION MAP: 4^ Faraday-ECR-SWR.doc PROJECT LOCATION: Located within the public rights-of-way on Faraday Avenue and El Camino Real, from Orion Way west to El Camino Real, to approximately 100 feet north of Palomar Airport Road. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Replace the existing 8-inch gravity sewer with approximately 3,300 lineal feet of 12-inch diameter sewer. PROJECT NEED: The new 12-inch sewer pipeline will allow all of the sewage being pumped from the El Fuerte Lift Station to be conveyed by gravity to the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility via the Buena Interceptor Sewer, instead of being pumped a second time at the Cannon Road Lift Station. The new pipeline will reduce pumping costs and minimize or eliminate the need for chemical addition at the El Fuerte Lift Station to control odors. The project is recommended in the 2012 Sewer Master Plan. FINANCING: Purpose Environmental Design Construction Total Cost = Estimated Cost $ 15,000 $ 125,000 $ 1,400,000 $ 1,540,000 Funding Source Sewer Conn. Sewer Conn. Sewer Conn. Sewer Conn. GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: Manage the disposal or recycling of solid waste and sewage within the City. Land Use, Growth Management and Public Facilities, Implementing Policies and Action Programs CIO. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: This project was reviewed under City of Carlsbad Sewer Master Plan EIR 12- 01, certified on November 6, 2012. The EIR determined the project would result in less than significant impacts to the environment. No additional review is anticipated. 0O 1 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION LAS PALMAS TRUNK SEWER PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION MAP: LAS-PALMAS-TS PROJECT LOCATION: The project begins at the Poinsettia lift station force main discharge manhole near Copper Way, and extends to the Buena Sewer, located near the intersection of Yarrow Drive and Camino Vida Roble. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Existing Poinsettia lift station force main currently discharges into the Vallecitos Interceptor Sewer (VIS). This project will remove the force main connection to the VIS and extend a new 15-inch gravity sewer approximately 2500 lineal feet to a new manhole to be constructed on the Buena Interceptor Sewer. The project also includes the installation of 400 lineal feet of 8-inch sewer from the end of Nicolia Drive to Las Palmas Drive to remove a second connection to the VIS. PROJECT NEED: The project will remove all of Carlsbad's flow from the upstream end of the VIS. This will free-up capacity in the VIS which the Vallecitos Water District (VWD) needs to meet their future flow projections. Carlsbad capacity rights in the VIS will be sold back to VWD to offset a portion of Carlsbad's costs for the new pipeline. The project is recommended in the 2012 Sewer Master Plan. FINANCING: Purpose Environmental Design Property Construction Total Cost = Estimated Cost $ 30,000 $ 270,000 $ 130,000 $ 1,990,000 $ 2,420,000 Funding Source Sewer Conn. Sewer Conn. Sewer Conn. Sewer Conn. Sewer Conn. GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: Manage the disposal or recycling of solid waste and sewage within the City. Land Use, Growth Management and Public Facilities, Implementing Policies and Action Programs CIO. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: This project was reviewed under City of Carlsbad Sewer Master Plan EIR 12- 01, certified on November 6, 2012. The EIR determined the project would result in less than significant impacts to the environment. No additional review is anticipated. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ oo r CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION MARRON ROAD SEWER REPLACEMENT PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION MAP: Marron-swr.docx PROJECT LOCATION: The project is located in Marron Road immediately east of the intersection of Marron Road and El Camino Real. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Replace the existing 8-inch diameter sewer pipeline with a 12-inch diameter pipeline. PROJECT NEED: The existing 8-inch diameter sewer is insufficiently sized to convey wet weather flow. FINANCING: Purpose Design Construction Total Cost = Estimated Cost $ 94,000 $ 256,000 $ 350,000 Funding Source Sewer Conn. Sewer Conn. Sewer Conn. GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: Manage the disposal or recycling of solid waste and sewage within the City. Land Use, Growth Management and Public Facilities, Implementing Policies and Action Programs CIO. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: This project was reviewed under City of Carlsbad Sewer Master Plan EIR 12 01, certified on November 6, 2012. The EIR determined the project would result in less than significant impacts to the environment. No additional review is anticipated. oft I > CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION POINSETTIA LIFT STATION EMERGENCY OVERFLOW BASIN PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION MAP: Poinsettia-LSEOB.doc PROJECT LOCATION: 2425 Poinsettia Lane at the existing lift station, on the north side of Poinsettia Lane, east of Alicante Road. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construct a new underground wastewater overflow structure to provide emergency storage for the Poinsettia lift station. PROJECT NEED: The current station facility has insufficient wastewater storage capacity necessary to reduce the risk of a sewer spill in the case of an emergency shutdown of the station. The storage will also benefit operation, maintenance and future repair efforts as they become necessary in the future. FINANCING: Purpose Environmental Design Construction Total Cost = Estimated Cost $ 30,000 $ 90,000 $ 1,080,000 $ 1,200,000 Funding Source Sewer Replacement Sewer Replacement Sewer Replacement Sewer Replacement GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: A City which maintains a system of public facilities adequate for the projected population. Land Use Element, Growth Management and Public Facilities, Goal A.2. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15303(e) - New construction of small accessory structures. OO f CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION DESALINATED SEAWATER TRANSMISSION MAIN PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION MAP: O Desalinated-Wtr.docx PROJECT LOCATION: From the proposed San Diego County Water Authority's (SDCWA'S) pipeline in Faraday Avenue, south along Business Park Drive, to San Marcos Boulevard. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Install 1,100 lineal feet of new 18-inch pipe and a Flow Control Facility for SDCWA Connection No. 5. PROJECT NEED: This pipeline and flow control facility would provide for a direct delivery of desalinated seawater to the 700 zone. The desalinated water was factored into CMWD'S water supply mix per CMWD'S 2010 Urban Water Management Plan and the 2012 Water Master Plan. FINANCING: Purpose Environmental Design Construction Total Cost = Estimated Cost $ 20,000 $ 250,000 $1,230,000 $1,500,000 Funding Source Water RepI./Water Conn. Water RepI./Water Conn. Water Repl./Water Conn. Water Repl./Water Conn. GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: A City that conserves natural and man-made resources. Open Space & Conservation Element, Special Resource Protection, Implementing Policies and Action Programs A.6. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: This project was reviewed under CMWD Water and Recycled Water Master Plan EIR 12-01, certified on November 6, 2012. The EIR determined the project would result in less than significant impacts to the environment. No additional review is anticipated. oO CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION FIRE FLOW SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION MAP: Fire-flow-sys.docxFire-flow-sys PROJECT LOCATION: Citywide. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Replace 10,400 lineal feet of existing 4-inch and 6-inch pipeline with larger pipes, construct new emergency pump station at Obelisco Place, and re-pipe hydrants in the Calavera Hills area from the 580 to 446 Pressure Zone. PROJECT NEED: To improve the ability of the system to deliver water in accordance with fire flow requirements. FINANCING: Purpose Environmental Design Construction Total Cost = Estimated Cost $ 79,000 $ 400,000 $ 1,970,000 $ 2,449,000 Funding Source Water RepI. Water RepI. Water RepI. Water RepI. GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: To require a minimum flow of water for fire protection in accordance with adopted City Uniform Fire Code. Public Safety Element, Fire and Emergency Medical Services, Objective B.4. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: This project was reviewed under CMWD Water and Recycled Water Master Plan EIR 12-01, certified on November 6, 2012. The EIR determined the project would result in less than significant impacts to the environment. No additional review is anticipated. oO > CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION HYDROELECTRIC GENERATOR AT PAR AND WHITE SANDS PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION MAP: hydro-generator PROJECT LOCATION: From SDCWA'S Connection No. 1 in Rancho Santa Fe west along San Marcos Boulevard to Business Park Drive. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Relocate SDCWA'S Connection No. 1 downstream near CMWD'S boundary and install a new hydroelectric generator. This project also includes upgrading a portion of the 30-inch transmission main to handle the higher pressure from the Aqueduct. PROJECT NEED: This hydroelectric facility would be able to utilize the higher pressure water from either SDCWA'S Connection No. 1 or the proposed SDCWA'S Connection No. 5 from the desalinated seawater pipeline. FINANCING: Purpose Studies Design Construction Total Cost = Estimated Cost $ 85,000 $ 275,000 $ 1,800,000 $ 2,160,000 Funding Source Water RepI. Water RepI. Water RepI. Water RepI. GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: A City that conserves natural and man-made resources. Open Space & Conservation Element, Special Resource Protection, Implementing Policies and Action Programs A.6. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: This project was reviewed under CMWD Water and Recycled Water Master Plan EIR 12-01, certified on November 6, 2012. The EIR determined the project would result in less than significant impacts to the environment. No additional review is anticipated. f CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION LA COSTA HI RESERVOIR INLET PIPLINE PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION MAP: LaCostaHIRes PROJECT LOCATION: From Alga Road south along Paseo Abrazo and Corintia Street. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Install 3,200 lineal feet of new 20-inch pipe. PROJECT NEED: The La Costa Reservoir is located along a major supply transmission main from the SDCWA'S Aqueduct. Since the reservoir utilizes a long common inlet/outlet pipeline there are times when there is no turnover of water within the reservoir. Currently, Operations must cut back on water supply from SDCWA in order to flush the reservoir to maintain water quality. The construction of a parallel pipeline for an inlet to the reservoir, and utilizing the existing pipeline for an outlet pipe, would maintain water quality without decreasing water storage. This project is recommended in the 2012 Water Master Plan. FINANCING: Purpose Environmental Design Construction Total Cost = Estimated Cost $ 25,000 $ 225,000 $ 1,900,000 $2,150,000 Funding Source Water RepI. Water RepI. Water RepI. Water RepI. GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: A City which maintains a system of public facilities adequate for the projected population. Land Use Element, Growth Management and Public Facilities, Goal A.2. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: This project was reviewed under CMWD Water and Recycled Water Master Plan EIR 12-01, certified on November 6, 2012. The EIR determined the project would result in less than significant impacts to the environment. No additional review is anticipated. oO I nv CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION RANCHO CARLSBAD GROUNDWATER SUPPLY PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION MAP: RanchoCBD-GRND WTR PROJECT LOCATION: Within the Rancho Carlsbad mobile home and golf course property PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project will study the feasibility of new groundwater wells and pipeline to deliver groundwater to CMWD from the Rancho Carlsbad groundwater basin. If feasible, new facilities would be constructed to produce, treat, and deliver groundwater. PROJECT NEED: CMWD could use the local groundwater as part of its mix of alternative water supply that is currently not being utilized. The project is recommended in the 2010 Urban Water Management Plan and the 2012 Water Master Plan. FINANCING: Purpose Studies Environmental Construction Total Cost = Estimated Cost $ 270,000 $ 380,000 $ 2,880,000 $ 3,530,000 Funding Source Water Repl.AA/ater Conn. Water Repl.A/Vater Conn. Water Repl./Water Conn. Water Repl./Water Conn. GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: A City that conserves natural and man-made resources. Open Space & Conservation Element, Special Resource Protection, Implementing Policies and Action Programs A.6. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: This project was reviewed under CMWD Water and Recycled Water Master Plan EIR 12-01, certified on November 6, 2012. The EIR determined the project would result in less than significant impacts to the environment. No additional review is anticipated. oO f CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION SAN LUIS REY MISSION BASIN GROUNDWATER SUPPLY PROJECT NO. PROJECT NAME PROJECT LOCATION MAP: \ SanLuisReyGrndWtr.docx PROJECT LOCATION: San Luis Rey Mission Basin is located in the northeasterly area of the City of Oceanside. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project will study the feasibility of new groundwater wells and pipeline to deliver groundwater to CMWD from the San Luis Rey Mission groundwater basin. If feasible, new facilities would be constructed to produce, treat, and deliver groundwater. PROJECT NEED: CMDW currently has groundwater rights in the basin that are currently not being utilized. The project is recommended in the 2010 Urban Water Management Plan and the 2012 Water Master Plan. FINANCING: Purpose Studies Construction Total Cost = Estimated Cost $ 55,000 $ 17,000,000 $ 17,055,000 Funding Source Water Repl.A/Vater Conn. Water Repl./Water Conn. Water Repl./Water Conn. GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: A City that conserves natural and man-made resources. Open Space & Conservation Element, Special Resource Protection, Implementing Policies and Action Programs A.6. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: This project was reviewed under CMWD Water and Recycled Water Master Plan EIR 12-01, certified on November 6, 2012. The EIR determined the project would result in less than significant impacts to the environment. No additional review is anticipated. 3> CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION SANTA FE II INLET PIPELINE PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION MAP: SantaFell-Plpeline.docx PROJECT LOCATION: From San Marcos Boulevard south along White Sands, through a portion of open space, to the tank site. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Install 3,300 lineal feet of new 30-inch pipe. PROJECT NEED: The Santa Fe Reservoir is located along a major supply transmission main from SDCWA Aqueduct. Since the reservoir utilizes a long common Inlet/Outlet pipeline there are times when there is no turnover of water within the reservoir. The construction of a parallel pipeline for inlet to the reservoir and utilizing the existing pipeline for outlet pipe would maintain water quality without decreasing water storage. This project is recommended in the 2012 Water Master Plan. FINANCING: Purpose Environmental Design Construction Total Cost = Estimated Cost $ 30,000 $ 440,000 $ 2,368,000 $ 2,838,000 Funding Source Water RepI. Water RepI. Water RepI. Water RepI. GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: A City which maintains a system of public facilities adequate for the projected population. Land Use Element, Growth Management & Public Facilities, Goal A.2. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: This project was reviewed under CMWD Water and Recycled Water Master Plan EIR 12-01, certified on November 6, 2012. The EIR determined the project would result in less than significant impacts to the environment. No additional review is anticipated. CO CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION ADA IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION MAP: PROJECT LOCATION: ADA Improvements throughout Focus Study Area "A" as identified in the ADA Transition Plan for Public Rights of Way located in the northwest quadrant of the City. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Various accessibility improvements including sidewalk, curb ramps, and pedestrian signals. PROJECT NEED: To create accessible paths to public facilities via the public right-of-way and to implement the transition plan as developed in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. FINANCING: Purpose Design Construction Total Cost = Estimated Cost $ 200,000 $ 1,470,000 $ 1,670,000 Funding Source Transnet Local Transnet Local Transnet Local GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: Provide for handicapped access to and along public sidewalks and along as much of the trail system as feasible. Circulation Element, Alternative Modes of Transportation, Implementing Policies and Action Programs C.5. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(c) - minor alteration of existing facilities including streets, sidewalks, gutters, and similar facilities involving negligible or no expansion. ADA-Imp oO CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PARKING LOT MAINTENANCE PROGRAM PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION MAP: ^ Parklnglot-mp.docx PROJECT LOCATION: All city owned parking lots in Carlsbad including: parks, libraries, fire stations. City Hall, Safety Center, Farmer's Building, Faraday Center, Etc. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Make necessary repairs to asphalt parking lots and seal coat the pavement to prevent future deterioration. This program will include re-striping the parking lots after seal coat resurfacing. PROJECT NEED: To date the city has no program, nor funding source identified to maintain its many parking lots and driveways including: parks, libraries, fire stations. City Hall, Safety Center, Farmer's Building, etc. Since TransNet funds cannot be used for parking lot maintenance the Pavement Management Program cannot fund the maintenance of the city's many parking lots. FINANCING: Purpose Design Construction Total Cost = Estimated Cost $ 200,000 $ 1,330,000 $ 1,530,000 Funding Source IRF IRF IRF GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: A City which maintains a system of public facilities adequate for the projected population. Land Use Element, Growth Management and Public Facilities, Goal A.2. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (b) - Repair and maintenance of existing facilities. r Exhibit 9 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2013-141 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE FY 4 2013-14 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGETS OF THE ENCINA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 18 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 6 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is a member agency to the Encina Joint Powers Agreement entered into on July 13, 1961, for the acquisition, construction, ownership, operation and maintenance of the Encina Joint Sewer System; and WHEREAS, the Encina Agreement requires approval for the budget of the Encina Wastewater Authority (EWA) by the Member Agencies following the recommendation of the Joint Advisory Committee (JAC); and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad desires to approve said budget and provide for the payment of its share such expenses in accordance with the 15 allocation provided in the Basic Agreement; and 16 WHEREAS, there are projected to be sufficient funds in the Sanitation fund for 17 the payments as they become due. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City of Carlsbad's share of the Fiscal Year 2013-14 Operating 23 Budget of the EWA as approved by JAC on May 22, 2013, in the amount of $3,196,500 24 for Wastewater Plant Operations and $818,336 for the Carlsbad Water Recycling 25 Facility Operations, and the Capital Budget of $2,555,211 is hereby approved. Exhibit 9 1 3. That the City Manager is hereby authorized to make payment on behalf of the City of Carlsbad to EWA in accordance with the budget as approved by JAC pursuant to the Encina Basic Agreement. /// /// /// /// /// 10 /// 11 /// 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 /// 23 24 25 26 27 28 /// /// /// /// /// /// /// 21 /// 22 /// /// /// /// /// 170 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council, Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors, Carlsbad Community Development Commission and City of Carlsbad as the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency held on the 11^^ day of June, 2013, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Hall, Packard, Wood, Blackburn and Douglas. None. None. MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 24 25 26 27 Exhibit 10 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2013-142 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ^ ADJUSTMENTS TO THE FY 2012-13 OPERATING 4 BUDGET 5 .. WHEREAS, the city's self-insured Worker's Compensation Fund has 6 experienced higher than anticipated claims and settlements in FY 2012-13; and 7 WHEREAS, the Worker's Compensation reserves have decreased more than o g anticipated, due to the higher claims and settlements; and 10 WHEREAS, the Finance Department recommends increasing the Worker's 11 Compensation cash reserves to an appropriate level to meet ongoing obligations; and 12 WHEREAS, it is recommended that the General Fund provide a cash transfer of $500,000 to the Workers Compensation Fund to increase cash reserves; WHEREAS, the Golf Course Enterprise Fund has experienced lower than anticipated revenues; and WHEREAS, it is recommended that the General Fund provide a cash transfer of an amount to be determined by the Administrative Services Director, based on the final operating results of The Crossings at Carlsbad Golf Course, for the six month period 20 ending June 30, 2013; and 21 WHEREAS, parking lot lease payments which were previously paid from 22 redevelopment revenues, are no longer an eligible expense of the Redevelopment 23 Retirement Obligation Fund; and WHEREAS, for FY 2012-13, it is recommended that funding for the parking lot lease payments is provided by the Parking In Lieu Fee Fund. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 /// 14 /// 15 /// 16 /// 17 /// 18 19 /// 20 /// 21 /// 22 /// 23 /// 24 /// 25 /// 26 /// 27 28 Exhibit 10 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby authorize an additional appropriation and transfer of $500,000 from the General Fund to the city's Worker's Compensation Fund in Fiscal Year 2012-13. 3. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby authorize an additional appropriation and transfer from the General Fund to the city's Golf Course Enterprise Fund in Fiscal Year 2012-13, in an amount to be determined by the Administrative Services Director. 5. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby authorize an appropriation of $44,000 in the Parking In Lieu Fee Fund in Fiscal Year 2012-13, for parking lot lease payments. /73 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council, Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors, Carlsbad Community Development Commission and City of Carlsbad as the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency held on the 11^^ day of June , 2013, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: Council Members Hall, Packard, Wood, Blackburn and Douglas. None. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ABSENT: None. ATTEST: Exhibit 11 1 RESOLUTION NO. 526 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ADJUSTMENTS TO THE SECTION 8 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND OPERATING BUDGET FOR 5 FISCAL YEAR 2012-13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 26 27 28 WHEREAS, the Section 8 Special Revenue Fund will not have a sufficient budget appropriation to cover increased housing assistance payments for Fiscal Year 2012-13; and 10 WHEREAS, the Finance Department recommends the additional appropriation of 11 $220,000 to cover the increased payments, 12 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Community Development 13 Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Community Development Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby authorize an additional appropriation of $220,000 for Housing Assistance payments in Fiscal Year 2012-13 from the Housing and Redevelopment Fund Balance. /// 21 /// 22 /// 23 /// 24 /// /// /// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad Community Development Commission, Carlsbad City Council, Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors and City of Carlsbad as the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency held on the ll^'^ day of June, 2013, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Hall, Packard, Wood, Blackburn and Douglas. None. None. ATTEST: JOHN COATES, Secretary (SEAL) S^^^^'^ff^J^r^ r ESTABUSHED \% c |1\ 2013 /f I ^ ^ *•. / ^ ^ 1 13 14 15 16 17 24 25 26 27 28 Exhibit 12 RESOLUTION NO. 2013-143 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ACTING AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY FOR THE CARLSBAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, APPROVING THE OPERATING BUDGET OF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY AND ENFORCEABLE 5 OBLIGATIONS OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD'S REDEVELOPMENT OBLIGATION RETIREMENT FUND 6 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2013-14. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has been g designated as the Successor Agency for the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency, and, as 10 such is responsible for the administrative responsibilities required to complete the work 11 of the former Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency and repay all enforceable obligations, 12 and WHEREAS, the City Council as the Successor Agency for the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency and the appointed Oversight Board have reviewed the proposed Operating Budget for the Agency and previously approved the Enforceable Debt Obligations to be repaid from the Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Fund for FY 2013-14, and 18 ^g WHEREAS, the Successor Agency finds that the proposed Operating Budget for 20 the Agency and the Oversight Board approved debt obligations of the Redevelopment 21 Obligation Retirement Fund is consistent with the Recognized Obligation Payment 22 Schedule prepared by the Successor Agency and approved by the Oversight Board, 23 and WHEREAS, public hearings have been held as necessary prior to the adoption of the final operating budgets, /77 Exhibit 12 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of 2 Carlsbad, California acting as Successor Agency for the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That certain documents now on file in the office of the Carlsbad City Clerk entitled "City of Carlsbad, FY 2013-14 Preliminary Operating Budget and FY 2013-14 to 2027-28 Capital Improvement Program - Preliminary," as amended in accordance with g Exhibit 12-A attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein, is hereby adopted 10 as the Operating Budget for the Carlsbad Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Fund 11 for FY 2013-14, along with any Program Options determined by the City Council as set 12 forth in the minutes of the Council's meeting of Tuesday, June 11, 2013. 3. That the amounts reflected as estimated revenues for FY 2013-14 are hereby adopted as the budgeted revenues for FY 2013-14. 4. That the amount designated as FY 2013-14 Budget request in Exhibit 12- A is hereby appropriated to the fund for which it is designated, and such appropriation shall not be increased except as provided herein. 5. That the following controls are hereby placed on the use and transfers of 20 budget funds: 21 A. No expenditure of funds shall be authorized unless sufficient funds 22 have been appropriated by the Successor Agency or designee, as described below. i. The City Manager, as Executive Director for the Successor Agency, may authorize all transfers of funds from account to account within the same fund in an amount up to $100,000 per transfer. 14 15 16 17 18 19 24 25 26 27 28 ns Exhibit 12 1 ii. The City Manager, as Executive Director of the Successor 2 Agency, may delegate the authority to make budget transfers and adjustments. iii. The City Manager, as Executive Director of the Successor Agency, may authorize budget adjustments involving offsetting revenues and expenditures; the City Manager, as Executive Director of the Successor Agency, is authorized to increase an appropriation for a specific purpose where said appropriation is offset by unbudgeted revenue which is designated for said specific purpose, and is 3 4 5 6 7 8 g approved in advance by the Oversight Board. 10 B. The Successor Agency must authorize any increase in the number 11 of authorized permanent personnel positions above the level identified in the final 12 Budget. The City Manager, as Executive Director of the Successor Agency, may authorize the hiring of temporary or part time staff as necessary, within the limits imposed by the controls listed above and subject to the Operations Budget for the Successor Agency. 6. That all appropriations and outstanding encumbrances as of June 30, 2013, are hereby continued into FY 2013-14 for such contracts and obligations, as approved by the Oversight Board. /// 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 /// 22 /// 23 /// 24 25 26 27 28 /// /// /// 179 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the City of Carlsbad as the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency, Carlsbad City Council, Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors and Carlsbad Community Development Commission held on the 11^^ day of June, 2013, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Hall, Packard, Wood, Blackburn and Douglas. None. None. MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: (SEAL) PROGRAM: FUND: PROGRAM GROUP: Exhibit 12A SUCCESSOR AGENCY (REDEVELOPMENT) OPERATIONS VILLAGE AREA REDEVELOPMENT RETIREMENT FUND HOUSING & NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES ACCT NO. SOIXXXX, 802XXXX 2010-11 ACTUAL 2011-12 ACTUAL 2012-13 BUDGET 2013-14 BUDGET PERSONNEL $176,411 $160,952 $112,323 $99,367 MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS 1,954,142 1,312,085 1,229,805 1,192,048 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 GRAND TOTAL $2,130,553 $1,473,037 $1,342,128 $1,291,415 FULL TIME POSITIONS 1.83 0.80 0.85 0.85 HOURLY/FTE POSITIONS 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.00 MISSION STATEMENT: Serving to engage and connect the community, its neighborhood, and its people in the development and implementation of programs which provide for affordable housing and help strengthen neighborhoods through partnerships and collaboration to improve or enhance the quality of life and sense of community within Carlsbad. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: • Complete activities associated with dissolution of the Redevelopment Agency. • Assist with any assigned efforts for neighborhood enhancement programs within the Village Area. • Continue to administer the storefront improvement grant program, and complete disbursement of all grant funds to qualified Village business/property owners. • Complete any projects set forth within the approved Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) and ensure payment of all debt obligations as set forth by the Oversight Board. • Coordinate the activities of the Oversight Board, and complete assignments of the Oversight Board • Transfer ownership of redevelopment agency property to appropriate agency, or sell said property as set forth by the Oversight Board. KEY ACHIEVEMENTS 2012-13 • Completed the required financial audits for the program - housing fund and non-housing fund; paid the surplus funds to County for distribution to appropriate taxing agencies. • Prepared and submitted ROPS 3 and 4 for approval by the State of California's Department of Finance. • Participated in 3 Meet and Confer sessions with the State of California's Department of Finance in an effort to resolve disputes with the State over projects denied, and/or funding issues. • Completed all required reports and submitted in a timely manner. • Anticipafing "Finding of Completion" to allow for City to be repaid for previous loans to the Agency. KEY GOALS 2013-14: • HNS staff will work in coordination with the City Attorney's Office, Finance Department, the Oversight Board and the state of California and County of San Diego to ensure proper implementation of the Successor Agency and to take the appropriate actions to dissolve the former redevelopment agency in a fimely manner and ensure repayment of all approved debt obligafions. • Complete approved redevelopment projects as set forth within the certified ROPS, and submit all required reports on dissolufion activities to the State of California and the County of San Diego. E-19 /8/ Exhibit 13 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2013-146 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE FINAL ^ DOWNTOWN AREA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGETS 4 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2013-14. 5 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 17 23 24 25 26 27 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has reviewed the proposed final Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program for FY 2013-14 and has held such public hearings as are necessary prior to adoption of the final budgets, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of 10 Carlsbad, California, as follows: 11 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 12 2. That certain documents now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad entitled, "City of Carlsbad, FY 2013-14 Preliminary Operating Budget and FY 2013-14 to FY 2027-28 Capital Improvement Program - Preliminary" as amended in accordance with Exhibit 3-B Project Titles "Civic Projects Downtown Area Projects" more specifically the projects titled Barrio Street Lighting, Village and Barrio Bike and Pedestrian Wayfinding, Village and Barrio Traffic Circles, Village Decorative 1 19 Lighting, Village Parking Wayfinding, Village Safety Lighting, and Village Streetscape, 20 attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein, is hereby adopted as the 21 Downtown Area Capital Improvement Budgets for the City of Carlsbad for FY 2013-14 22 along with the Program Options determined by the City Council as set forth in the minutes of the Council meeting of Tuesday, June 11, 2013 3. That the amounts reflected as estimated revenues for FY 2013-14 as shown in Exhibit 3-B are hereby adopted as the budgeted revenues for 2013-14. 4. That the amounts designated as the 2013-14 Budget request in Exhibit 3- 23 B are hereby appropriated to the department or fund for which they are designated and Exhibit 13 1 such appropriation shall not be increased except as provided herein. 2 5. That total appropriations for each fund may only be increased or 3 decreased by the City Council by passage of a resolution amending the budget except 4 as provided herein. 5 6. That the following controls are hereby placed on the use and transfers of 6 budget funds: 7 A. No expenditure of funds shall be authorized unless sufficient funds 8 have been appropriated by the City Council or City Manager as described below. 9 i. The City Manager may authorize all transfers of funds from 10 account to account within any department. 11 ii. The City Manager may authorize transfers of funds between 12 departments within the same fund in an amount up to $100,000 per transfer. 13 iii. The City Manager may delegate any of the authority given to 14 him/her under this resolution. 15 iv. The City Manager may authorize budget adjustments involving 16 offsetting revenues and expenditures; the City Manager may authorize increases 17 in an appropriation for a specific purpose where the appropriation is offset by 18 unbudgeted revenue, which is designated for said specific purpose. 19 7. That all appropriations in the Operating Budget and in Capital 20 Improvement Program remaining unexpended at June 30, 2013, are hereby 21 appropriated to FY 2013-14. 22 8. That all appropriations for outstanding encumbrances as of June 30, 23 2013, are hereby continued into FY 2013-14 for such contracts or obligations. 24 25 26 27 28 /// /// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council, Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors and Carlsbad Community Development Commission held on the if ^ day of June, 2013, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Wood, Blackburn and Douglas. NOES: None. ABSENT: Council Members Hall and Packard. a. MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: , Asspant City Clerk r O O : U-T San Diego P.O. Box 120191, San Diego, CA 92112-0191 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA} County of San Diego) The Undersigned, declares under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California: That she is a resident of the County of San Diego. That she is and at all times herein mentioned was a citizen of the United States, over the age of twenty-one years, and that he is not a party to, nor interested in the above entitled matter; that he is Chief Clerk for the publisher of The San Diego Union-Tribune - North County a newspaper of general circulation , printed and published daily in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, and which newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general character, and which newspaper at all the times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers, and which newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular intervals in the said City of San Diego, County of San Diego, for a period exceeding one year next preceding the date of publication of the notice hereinafter referred to, and which newspaper is not devoted to nor published for the interests, entertainment or instruction of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race, or denomination, or any number of same; that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said newspaper in accordance with the instructions of the person(s) requesting publication, and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: NOTICE OF JOINT PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF CARLSBAD, CARLSBAD MUNICI PAL WAT ERDISTRICT,ANDCITY OF CAR LEAD ACTING AS THE SUCCESSOR TO THE CARLSBAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Ji? Carlsbad City Council will hold a joint public hearinq ^omr^nri'^XJ'iP-f, 201? 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, to discuss the Fiscal Year 2013-14 Operating Budget and the Fiscal Year 2013 If ^ThI^K°L^!°-''2027-28 Capital Improvement Program Budg-Vnoa ty^'^P^ includes an appropriation of the FY 2013-14 AB .1^' ^^"4? of approximately $125,000 to be used to fund the Citi- zen's Option for Public Safety Program. Also inc uded will ho discussion by the Carlsbad Municipal Water DistrS Board of Jnd^rnnftn'i"!^^^ Corlsbad Municipal Water District Opemting and Capital Improvement Program Budgets as well n-THi^riic Age"ncVto^'V; Carlsbad Cit? Council acting asT^^^ Successor- Agency .to the Carlsbad Hous ng and Redevelopment tSr^nf^"/^^^"^r regarding Redevelopment Obliga fon Re- HI»^^"^ '^T'i^- ^'^y Council will also discuss selected City SrntrTil^^/fe^aV!^?!-^? ''''' Appropriation^ ^fm^£ Interested parties are invited to attend this meeting and present Karer^SicTB^o^^d""'"^^ ^° brarfu'^acn^^^^^^ ^'^^ librarils: Co e Li Lane Carlsbad Village Drive and Dove Library, 1775 Dove Written and telephone inquiries may be directed to Helga Stover A":i!'l''-^i°''^^@'=°'"'5''°^"-90v) at the Finance olSfrtment 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carisbad, 760-602-2429. imeni, PUB: May28and Junes, 2013 May 28'^ & June 05'^ 2013 Chief Clerk for the Publisher Jane Allshouse On this 05'^ day of June, 2013 NOTICE OF JOINT PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF CARLSBAD, CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, AND CITY OF CARLBAD ACTING AS THE SUCCESSOR TO THE CARLSBAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY The City of Carlsbad City Council will hold a joint public hearing on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, to discuss the Fiscal Year 2013-14 Operating Budget and the Fiscal Year 2013-14 to Fiscal Year 2027-28 Capital Improvement Program Budget. The budget includes an appropriation of the FY 2013-14 AB 3229 funds of approximately $125,000 to be used to fund the Citizen's Option for Public Safety Program. Also included will be discussion by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors on the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budgets as well as discussion by the City of Carlsbad City Council acting as the Successor Agency to the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission/Agency regarding Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Funds. The City Council will also discuss selected City development fees, general fees, and the Appropriation Limitation for Fiscal Year 2013-14. Interested parties are invited to attend this meeting and present their views and comments to the City Council and Municipal Water District Board. Copies of the preliminary budget and proposed fee changes are available for public inspection at the City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive or at the two city libraries: Cole Library, 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive and Dove Library, 1775 Dove Lane. Written and telephone inquiries may be directed to Helga Stover (Helqa.Stover@carlsbadca.gov) at the Finance Department, 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, 760-602-2429. PUBLISH: May28and June5, 2013 1 Fiscal Year 2013-14 Public Hearing and Adoption of the Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budgets 2 FY 2013-14 Budget Calendar •Council Meetings: –May 14 – CIP workshop –Set public hearing for June 11 –May 28 – Operating Budget Workshop –June 11 – Public hearing and adoption of Fiscal Year 2013-14 Operating and Capital Budgets •Other Public Meetings: –May 30 – Citizens Budget Workshop - Faraday, 6 p.m. 3 Citizens Budget Workshop May 30th, 2013 •13-15 citizens attended •Topics: •Pension costs •Desalination project •Village/Barrio projects •Pine Park Community Center •Budget Process – citizen involvement •Community gardens •Library projects •Urban Place contract •Seawall grant •Traffic Management Center •ADA Improvements •Traffic Signal controls 4 Tonight’s Agenda •Budget Overview –Operating Budget –Capital Improvement Program •Fee Recommendations •Program Options •Public Hearing •Budget Adoption 5 FY 2013-14 Budget Overview Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budget 6 City of Carlsbad Total FY 2013-14 Combined Budget General Fund 45% Special Revenue Funds 4% RORF 1% Enterprise Funds 26% Internal Service Funds 7%Capital Improvement Program 17% $256.7 million Operating Budget – 83% Capital – 17% 7 2013-14 Proposed Operating Budget 8 8 FY 2013-14 Operating Revenues by Fund Type General Fund $121M, 55% Special Revenue $10.8M, 5% Redevelopment Obligation Retirement $1.3M, 1% Enterprise $69M, 31% Internal Service $17.2M, 8% $219.3 million 9 9 FY 2013-14 Operating Expenditures by Fund Type General Fund 55%, $116.9M Special Revenue 5%, $10.7M RORF 1%, $1.3M Enterprise 31%, $65.9M Internal Service 8%, $17.2M $212 million 10 2013-14 General Fund Proposed Operating Budget 11 11 FY 2013-14 General Fund Revenues $121 Million Property* $48.4M, 40% Sales* $31.1M, 26% Hotel Tax* $14.7M, 12% Business License $3.7M, 3% All Others $18.1M, 15% Franchise $5M, 4% $121 million 12 12 FY 2013-14 General Fund Expenditures $116.9 Million Policy/ Leadership $4.0M (3%)Administrative Services $6.8M (6%) Public Safety $46.5M (40%) Non- Departmental $14M (12%) Community Services $23.6M (20%) Community Development $7.4M (6%) Public Works $14.6M (13%) In Millions 13 13 Changes from Preliminary Budget Workshop - 5/28/2013 Proposed budget 5/28 211,171,791$ General Liability 750,000 Negotiated changes 317,775 HNS correction 37,000 Water Purchases (200,000) Encina Operations (37,088) Affordable Housing adjustment (50,000) Proposed budget 6/11 211,989,478$ 14 14 FY 2013-14 General Fund Budget Recap Revenues $ 121.0 million Budget Requests $ 116.9 million Projected Remainder $ 4.1 million + Estimated Balance 6/30/13 $ 63.0 million = Estimated Balance 6/30/14(*) $ 67.1 million *Excludes impact of Council Program Options 15 2013-14 to 2027-28 Proposed Capital Improvement Program Budget 16 32 New CIP Projects •Civic – (3) –Cole Library Improvements - $1,700,000 (*) –Dove Library Improvements – $1,301,000 (*) –Arroyo Vista Trail Extension - $235,000 (Prop C) (*) •Facility Maintenance- (8) –Cole Library Refurbishment - $1,553,750 (*) –Dove Library Refurbishment - $500,000 (*) –Faraday Center Exterior Refurbishment – $40,000 (*) –Harding Center Refurbishment - $100,000 (*) –Holiday Park Facilities Deferred Maintenance – $50,000 (*) –Park Athletic Field Lighting Retrofits - $756,000 (*) –Senior Center Refurbishment - $52,000 (*) –Poinsettia Community Park Soccer Field Synthetic Turf Replacement – $665,500(*) (*) In Fiscal Year 2013-14 17 32 New CIP Projects (continued) •Sewer- (5) –Chinquapin Lift Station Force Main outfall realignment- $212,000 –Faraday and ECR Sewer Replacement, Orion to PAR- $1,540,000 –Las Palmas Trunk Sewer - $2,420,000 –Marron Road Sewer Replacement - $350,000 –Poinsettia Lift Station Emergency Overflow Basin - $1,200,000 (*) •Water- (7) –Desalinated Seawater Transmission Main - $1,500,000 (*) –Fire Flow System Improvements- $2,449,000 –Hydroelectric Generator at PAR and White Sands - $2,160,000 –La Costa Hi Reservoir Inlet Pipeline - $2,150,000 –Rancho Carlsbad Groundwater Supply - $3,500,000 –San Luis Rey Mission Basin Groundwater Supply - $17,055,000 –Santa Fe II Reservoir Inlet Pipeline - $2,838,000 (*) In Fiscal Year 2013-14 18 32 New CIP Projects (continued) •Transportation (2) –ADA Improvement Program $1,670,000 (*) –Parking Lot Maintenance Program - $1,530,000 (*) •Village and Barrio (7) (*) –Village Safety Lighting - $210,000 –Village Streetscape – $290,000 –Village Parking Wayfinding – $105,000 –Village and Barrio Bike and Pedestrian Wayfinding - $250,000 –Village and Barrio Traffic Circles – $315,000 –Barrio Safety Lighting - $100,000 –Village Decorative Lighting - $130,000 (*) In Fiscal Year 2013-14 19 Decorative Lighting Locations $ 5,300 $ 18,800 $ 10,000 $ 61,600 $ 6,900 New Tree Lights Grand Ave. Tracks to State St. $18,800 Grand Ave. State St. to Roosevelt St. $61,600 State St. North of Grand Ave. $5,300 Roosevelt St. Carlsbad Village Dr. to Roosevelt St. $10,000 Subtotal $95,700 New Pole Lights Carlsbad Village Dr. I-5 to Roosevelt St. $6,900 Subtotal $6,900 Existing Tree Lights Existing Pole Lights 20 Decorative Lighting Locations $ 5,300 $ 18,800 $ 10,000 $ 6,900 $ 61,600 $ 7,500 $ 1,500 $ 15,000 $ 10,000 $ 13,800 Existing Tree Lights New Tree Lights Grand Ave. Tracks to State St. $18,800 Grand Ave. State St. to Roosevelt St. $61,600 State St. North of Grand Ave. $5,300 Roosevelt St. Carlsbad Village Dr. to Roosevelt St. $10,000 Subtotal $95,700 Additional New Tree Lights Grand Ave. Carlsbad Blvd. to Tracks $15,000 Grand Ave. Roosevelt St. to Madison St. $13,800 State St. and Grand Ave. Parking Lot $7,500 Roosevelt North of Grand Ave. $10,000 Subtotal $46,300 New Pole Lights Carlsbad Village Dr. I-5 to Roosevelt St. $6,900 Subtotal $6,900 Additional New Pole Lights Carlsbad Blvd. CVD to Grand Ave. $1,500 Subtotal $1,500 Existing Pole Lights 21 2013-14 Proposed Capital Improvement Program Budget 22 FY 2013-14 Capital Improvement Program Revenues $42.1 Million 21% 5% 33% 19% 22% Infrastructure Repl. $7.8M May 20, 2008 22 Water and Sewer Replacement $13.9 M Special Dist. $2.2 M Other Agencies $9.3 M Developer Fees $8.9M 23 FY 2013-14 Capital Improvement Program Expenditures $44.7 Million 36% 6% 22% 16% 20% Streets $9.2M Sewer $6.9 M Civic/Other $16.1 M Water $10.0 M Drainage $2.5 M 24 24 Changes from Preliminary Capital Improvement Program Budget Workshop - 5/14/2013 Proposed budget 5/14 43,867,024$ ECR/Cannon Improvements - moved up one year 524,000 Encina Capital Adjustments 255,211 Village Streetscape Project 45,000 Proposed budget 6/11 44,691,235$ 25 FY 2013-14 Total Appropriations New appropriations $ 44.7 million Continuing projects 171.6 million Total capital budget $ 216.3 million 26 FY 2013-14 Fees 27 Fee Descriptions •General city fees –Charged for the usage of city services and property •Development related service fees –Charged to recover the cost of staff time & materials spent on development related activities •Development impact fees –Charged to recover the cost that growth is anticipated to have on city infrastructure 27 28 28 Fee Escalators •Updated by change in West Urban Consumer Price Index (CPI) –General city fees –Development related service fees •Updated by change in Engineering News Record Index (ENR) –Development impact fees 29 Fee Escalators INDEX ONE YEAR ASSOCIATED FEES West Urban CPI 2.20% General City and Development Related Service Fees Ambulance Inflation Factor 0.80% Ambulance Fees 30 Impact Fees to Remain Unchanged •Water Connection •Sewer Connection •Parks in Lieu •Public Facilities 31 Fee Escalators 32 Traffic Impact Fees •Ordinance CS-028 states “that the traffic impact fee shall be adjusted annually as part of the budget process, by 2 percent or the annual percentage change in the Caltrans Construction Cost Index, whichever is higher” •TIF fees will increase on average from $221 to $225 33 Parks and Recreation Fees •Fees for Alga Norte are included in the Master Fee Schedule, but will be moved to the Community Services Guide in the next budget cycle •Resolution change will allow greater discretion for Parks and Recreation to manage program demand 34 Parks and Recreation Fees Drop in per admission fee $2 to $6 Admission Passes (1 month to 4 months – individual and family)$45 to $270 Pool Rentals – Per lane per hour $16 to $60 Timing System Set up, Operation and Takedown Per Hour $55 Aquatic Events – Per day per event additional fee $250 to $1,000 Classes & Programs – per class fee $5 to $80 Specialty Programs – Birthday Packages $200 to $300 35 Other Fee Changes •New Fee for Easement Document Processing •Increase in Street Light Energizing Fee •Increase in Trash Collection Fees •Deleting Fees that not used any more •Decrease in fees that exceed Cost of Service •Added fees that were adopted in current FY 36 Safety Training Center 1 Shooting Range - Half Day $ 312 - 524 1 Shooting Range - Full Day $ 678 - 1,102 2 Shooting Ranges - Half Day $ 401 - 645 2 Shooting Ranges - Full Day $ 763 - 1,239 Classroom - Half Day $ 296 Class Room - Full Day $ 528 Grinder - Half Day $ 236 Grinder - Full Day $ 418 Grinder/Residential Prop (No Fire Ops) - Half Day $ 327 Grinder/Residential Prop (No Fire Ops) - Full Day $ 599 Grinder/Commercial Prop (no Fire Ops) - Half Day $ 327 Grinder/Commercial Prop (no Fire Ops) - Full Day $ 599 Streetscape - Half Day $ 100 Streetscape - Full Day $ 145 37 Effective Dates - Fees •August 1, 2013: –General City Fees •September 1, 2013 –Development Service Fees –Development Impact Fees 38 Program Options 39 PROGRAM OPTION: CalPERS Pension Funding Set aside funds for use in reducing the unfunded liability or use these funds to stabilize the five year CalPERS rate “ramp up” that will begin in FY 2015-16. 40 CalPERS Changes •New amortization (DRS) •Reduced Discount Rate •Mortality Assumptions 41 42 CalPERS Pension Funding 0 1 2 3 4 5 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23Millions CALPers Smoothed (20%) 0.4 0.0 0.8 0.0 1.0 1.5 0.9 0.1 43 PROGRAM OPTION: Village/Barrio Revitalization Funding Transfer $1.4 million from funds received due to dissolution of Redevelopment Agencies to the GCC fund to pay for the Village/Barrio Revitalization Projects. 44 Questions & Comments 45 Public Hearing 46 PROGRAM OPTION: CalPERS Unfunded Liability Options: 1.Continue contribution to unfunded liability. 2.Segregate funding for stabilization of future pension increases. 3.Take no action and absorb future increases in the operating budget. 47 PROGRAM OPTION: Village/Barrio Revitalization Funding Options: 1.Authorize a $1.4 million transfer from the General Fund to the General Capital Construction Fund to reimburse the GCC for the Village and Barrio Revitalization projects. 2.Do not reimburse the GCC fund for the Village and Barrio Revitalization projects. 48 Carlsbad City Council Action Items 1.Reso: 2013-146 Adopt final Downtown Area Capital Improvement Budgets for FY 2013-14. 49 Carlsbad City Council Action Items 1.Reso: 2013-137 Adopt final Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budgets. 2.Reso: 2013-138 Adopt Gann Spending Limit. 3.Reso: 2013-139 Adopt changes to the Master Fee Schedule. 4.Reso: 2013-140 Determine that the FY 2013-14 Capital Improvement Program Budget is consistent with the General Plan. 5.Reso: 2013-141 Approve Carlsbad’s share of the Encina FY 2013-14 Operating and Capital Budget. 6.Reso: 2013-142 Approve adjustments to the FY 2012-13 Operating Budget. 50 Community Development Commission Action Items 1.Reso: 525 Adopt the FY 2013-14 Operating Budget. 2.Reso: 526 Approve adjustments to the FY 2012-13 Operating Budget. 51 City of Carlsbad as Successor Agency of the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency Action Items 1.Reso: 2013-143 Approve the FY 2013-14 Operating Budget. 52 Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Action Items 1.Reso: 1471 Adopt the FY 2013-14 Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budget 53 END 54 Village Decorative Lighting Project Increase the GCC budget in FY 2013-14 by $50,000 (for a total project cost of $180,000) to include additional lighting along Carlsbad Village Drive and State Street. 55 55 Wayfinding Example 56 Traffic Circle Locations 57 57 Traffic Circle Simulation 58 Cole Library Projects of Interest •Civic/Facility Improvement –$1,700,000 from GCC in FY 13/14 –Flexible use of space to meet current and future service demands –Improved access to service via wireless and technology upgrades –Improved access to information via one centralized service desk and modification of some staff areas –Enhanced community gathering and learning via new public meeting rooms, teen area; and protect valuable historic records •Facility Maintenance –$1,553,750 from IRF in FY 13/14 –Carpet, roof, ceiling tiles, ADA elevator, fix back stairwell, exterior walls, interior paint 59 Cole Library Open Concept Floor Plan 60 Dove Library Projects of Interest •Civic/Facility Improvement –$1,301,000 from GCC in FY 13/14 –Flexible use of space to meet current and future service demands –Improved community gathering and support of diverse service needs via new teen area and various floor arrangements –Collaborative learning via updated meeting rooms and technology –Better access to information and public service. •Facility Maintenance –$500,000 from IRF in FY 13/14 –Replace floor coverings and repaint exterior stucco. 61 Dove Library Teen Space/Community Room Concepts 62 Furniture Concepts: Mobile, Flexible, Gathering Spaces Flip-top seating for reading or computer use Standing height express computer stations Configurable study banquette seating Group media workstations Flexible conferencing space 63 Open Space •Actively pursuing city acquisition opportunities –Review open space acquisitions on a quarterly basis –Partner with willing sellers –In preliminary discussions for a Prop. C committee property 64 Community Gardens Short term •Working with Carlsbad Community Garden Collaborative –Calavera Hills Community Park property –Will present options to City Council at July workshop Long term •Will consider broader approach based on needs assessment findings 65 ALLOCATION 35,000,000$ Joint First Responders Training Facility 13,650,000$ Admin Training Facility 100,000$ Alga Norte Park Phase I 11,792,796$ Alga Norte Park Phase II 4,535,398$ Open Space Acquisiton and Trails 4,686,806$ Arroyo Vista Trail Extension 235,000$ Total 35,000,000$ Prop C Allocation 66 Alga Norte Park Operations 66 Full Year Partial Year Operations & Maintenance: Personnel 598,853$ 497,048$ M&O 479,475 397,964 Facility Maintenance 199,820 166,517 Park Maintenance 245,787 204,822 Total 1,523,935$ 1,266,351$ 67 U.S. GDP Growth Rate 68 69 Unemployment Rate 0 2 4 6 8 10 CA Carlsbad/ San Marcos SD County US 70 General Fund Revenues 70 $106.0 $108.0 $110.0 $112.0 $114.0 $116.0 $118.0 $120.0 $122.0 $124.0 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13e 2013-14eMillions Fiscal Year Total General Fund Revenues 71 Median SFR Home Prices 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013Thousands Fiscal Year 72 Assessed Values and Property Taxes 72 - 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 - 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013e FY 2014f M i l l i o n s B i l l i o n s AV Residential AV Com/Indust Property Taxes 73 73 74 Transient Occupancy Taxes $0 $2 $4 $6 $8 $10 $12 $14 $16 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013e 2014e $ Millions Fiscal Year 75 75 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Proj. Exp. (2007)153,961 160,980 168,220 174,948 181,946 189,224 196,793 204,665 212,851 221,365 Proj. Rev. (2014)121,030 124,868 130,596 135,558 140,193 145,961 151,457 155,526 160,383 165,108 110,000 120,000 130,000 140,000 150,000 160,000 170,000 180,000 190,000 200,000 210,000 220,000 230,000 Dollars (In Thousands) Fiscal Years PROJECTED EXPENDITURES (2007 FORECAST) VS. PROJECTED REVENUES (2014 FORECAST) Proj. Exp. (2007) ($32,931) ($36,112) ($39,390) ($37,624) ($41,753) ($43,263) ($45,336) ($49,139) ($52,468) ($56,257) 76 FY 2013-14 Full-Time Position Changes •Elimination of 6.75 full-time positions: –12 positions eliminated identified through efficiencies and expenditure reductions –4.25 full-time and 1.0 limited-term positions added –43.25 positions eliminated over past four years –Total 50 full-time positions eliminated •Hourly FTE’s 18 new full-time equivalents: –17 FTE for Alga Norte Park –1.0 FTE for Records (0.50) and City Attorney’s Office (0.50) 77 Additions (5.25): 1.0 Senior Engineer 2.0 Recreation Supervisors 1.0 Administrative Services Director 1.0 Office Fellow .25 Office Specialist II 77 Eliminations (12): 2.0 Associate Engineer 1.0 Deputy City Manager 1.0 Meter Services Worker II 2.0 Office Specialist II 1.0 Parks Maintenance Worker II 1.0 Park Planning Manager 1.0 Recreation Area Manager 2.0 Senior Office Specialist 1.0 Utilities Director FY 2013-14 6.75 Full-Time Position Eliminations 78 FY 2013-14 Full-Time Position Changes (continued) •Total citywide full-time position count: 674.50 FY 2012-13 total ( 6.75) Less: net position changes** 667.75 FY 2013-14 total **A total of 50 positions have been eliminated citywide since FY 2009-10. 79 City of Carlsbad History of Budgeted Full-Time Positions 635 645 655 665 675 685 695 705 715 725 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY14 695.75 717.25 717.75 716.25 699.00 684.25 674.50 667.75 80 FY 2013-14 Part-Time Position Changes •Addition of 18 hourly FTE positions: –17 FTE positions for Alga Norte Park –0.5 FTE for City Attorney’s Office –0.5 FTE for Records •Total Citywide Hourly FTE (full-time equivalent) position count: 132.58 FY 2012-13 total 18.00 Add: net position changes 150.58 FY 2013-14 total