HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-06-18; City Council; 21273; Approval MOU Carlsbad City Employees' AssociationCITY OF CARLSBAD AND CARLSBAD IVIUNICIPAL WATER DISTRia - AGENDA BILL 12 APPROVAL OF A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE CARLSBAD CITY EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION, INC. (CCEA) AND APPROPRIATION THEREFOR DEPT. HEAD CA/GEN. COUNSEL CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2013-159 and Resolution No. 1473 approving a Memorandum of Understanding with the Carlsbad City Employees' Association (CCEA) and making an appropriation therefor. ITEM EXPLANATION: Representatives ofthe City and the Carlsbad City Employees' Association (CCEA) have met and conferred in good faith and have reached an agreement regarding wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment for represented employees. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with CCEA includes the following provisions: • TERM: January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2014. • COMPENSATION ADJUSTMENTS: Effective the pay period that includes March 1, 2013, all CCEA represented employees will receive a three percent (3%) salary increase. Effective the first full pay period in January 2014, all CCEA represented employees will receive a three percent (3%) salary increase. CCEA salary ranges will not be adjusted as part ofthe 2014 increase. (Those employees who cannot receive the 3% increase while staying within the range will receive a base building increase up to the range maximum and the balance as a stipend.) Effective December 31, 2014, a 4% base pay matrix will be utilized to calculate merit increases for all eligible CCEA represented employees as part of a pay for performance system. All step and longevity increases will cease on December 31, 2013. • FLEXIBLE CLASSIFICATIONS: Upon ratification of this MOU, the bifurcated positions of Librarian l/ll will be eliminated and the new classifications of Librarian and Lead Librarian will be created at salary ranges 55 and 63 respectively. The City will recruit for the promotional position of Lead Librarian and will identify a timeline for identifying any other Lead Librarian assignments within 30 days of ratification of this MOU. Employees who are currently in the Librarian II classification (salary range 58) will be reclassified to the Librarian classification but their salaries will remain at their current levels. These employees will not be eligible for salary increases until salary range 55 exceeds the salary ofthe employees in the former Librarian II classification. The 2013 and 2014 compensation adjustments as described above wi]l apply to these employees. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Julie Clark 760-602-2438 Julie.Clark(5)Carlsbadca.R0v FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. X COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED X CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC • DENIED • CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN • CONTINUED • RETURNED TO STAFF • WITHDRAWN • OTHER-SEE MINUTES • AMENDED • Page 2 • FLEXIBLE BENEFITS PROGRAM: Increase the City's health insurance contribution for each coverage level effective the pay period that includes March 1, 2013 to the following amounts: Employee Only = $578/month (increase of $26/month) Employee + 1 = $1027/month (increase of $47/month) Employee + 2 or more = $l,319/month (increase of $60/month) Employees Opting Out = $250/month (increase of $ll/month) • CAFETERIA PLAN: Both the retroactive increase in City health contribution dollars (called "benefit credits") and the increase in benefit credits for the remainder of the 2013 calendar year will be paid to the employee in cash and reported as taxable income. If an employee does not use all of their benefit credits to pay for their health insurance, any unused benefit credits will be paid to the employee as taxable cash, prospectively as of the first full pay period following City Council approval of this MOU. During the open enrollment period in 2013, CCEA employees will no longer be required to select dental insurance at the same coverage level as their medical insurance, and they will be allowed to apply their benefit credits towards the optional purchase of Accidental Death & Dismemberment insurance. Effective the first pay period in calendar year 2014, the City's health insurance contribution will increase by the percentage equal to fifty percent (50%) ofthe average 2014 increase in the CalPERS HMO premiums. • HOLIDAYS: Effective July 1, 2014, one (1) floating holiday will be eliminated for CCEA represented employees. • PAY FOR PERFORMANCE SYSTEM: A new performance management system will be implemented for all CCEA represented employees effective January 1, 2014. Effective January 1, 2014, employees will no longer be eligible for step or longevity increases but will be evaluated and compensated based on the pay for performance system described in Article 54 of this MOU. Adoption of this system will also necessitate minor changes to the Personnel Rules and Regulations. These changes are highlighted in Exhibit 6 and incorporated in Exhibit 7. • Language changes to be incorporated into the MOU between the City and CCEA are outlined in Exhibit 3. FISCAL IMPACT: The estimated annual cost ofthe 3% base salary increase effective March 1, 2013 is $773,000, which includes salary and salary related benefits. The cost associated with the 3% base salary increase effective January 1, 2014 is $812,000. Although the cost will not be realized during the life of this MOU, the estimated annual cost of 4% funding of the pay for performance base pay matrix is $1,094,000. Page 3 The General Fund impact in FY 2012-13 ofthe increase to base salary and salary related benefits is approximately $186,000 and is requested to be funded from Council Contingency. The impact in FY 2012-13 ofthe increase to base salary and salary related benefits to Non General Fund is minimal and will be absorbed by the funds. The General Fund impact in FY 2013-14 of the increase to base salary and salary related benefits is approximately $555,000 and is requested to be appropriated from Council Contingency. The impact on non-General Funds in FY 2013-14 ofthe increase to base salary and salary related benefits is approximately $223,000. Finance will appropriate this amount from the related funds reserves. The estimated annual cost of increasing the Health Benefit Credits effective the pay period that includes March 1, 2013 is $164,000. Funding for the FY 2012/13 and FY 2013/14 portion of this adjustment is included in the FY 2012/13 and FY 2013/14 budget. The proposed changes to the Library classifications are expected to have little or minimal fiscal impact. This will vary depending on which current incumbents are selected to be promoted and where existing employees fall in the new salary range. Any costs resulting from these changes will be absorbed in the Library Department budget. There is no fiscal impact associated with the non-economic items outlined above. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The proposed action does not qualify as a "project" under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15378 as it does not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No.?21?ll^adopting the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of CaHsbad and the Carlsbad City Employees' Association (CCEA) 2. Resolution No. 1473 appropriating funds to support the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of CaHsbad and the CaHsbad City Employees' Association (CCEA) 3. Strike-out copy of the Memorandum of Understanding Between the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad City Employees' Association (CCEA) 4. Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad City Employees' Association (CCEA), including Attachment A, CCEA Salary Schedule and Attachment C, CMWD Salary Schedule and Job Classification 5. New Classification Specification - Librarian Series 6. Strike-out copy of Amended Section of the Personnel Rules and Regulations 7. Amended Personnel Rules and Regulations 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2013-159 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN REPRESENTATIVES OF MANAGEMENT AND THE 4 CARLSBAD CITY EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION (CCEA) 3 5 WHEREAS, representatives of management and the CaHsbad City Employees' /r Association (CCEA) have met and conferred in good faith pursuant to the Meyers-Milias-Brown 7 Act regarding wages and other terms and conditions of employment; and 8 " 9 WHEREAS, said representatives have reached agreement which they desire to submit to 10 the City Council for consideration and approval; and 11 12 13 j4 incorporated by reference herein. 17 1 19 WHEREAS, the City Council has determined it to be in the public interest to accept such an agreement in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), marked Exhibit 4 and 1^ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of CaHsbad, 16 California, as follows that: 1. The above recitations are true and correct. 2. The Memorandum of Understanding between the CaHsbad City Employees' 20 Association (CCEA) and the City of Carlsbad as set forth in Exhibit 4 is hereby approved and the City Manager is authorized and directed to execute it 22 3. The Salary Schedules for CCEA-represented employees set forth in Attachments 23 A and C of Exhibit 4 are hereby approved. 24 4. The revised classification specification for the Librarian Series set forth in Exhibit 25 26 5 is hereby approved 27 // 28 1 5. The amended Personnel Rules and Regulations set forth in Exhibit 7 are hereby ^ approved. 3 17 li 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 28 6. The City Council authorizes the Administrative Services Director to transfer $186,000 from Council Contingency to the General Fund to be used to provide for the portion ofthe increase to salary and health benefit credits that occurs in Fiscal Year 2012-13. 4 5 6 7 7. That the City Council authorizes the Administrative Services Director to transfer 8 $555,000 from Council Contingency to the General Fund to be used to provide for the portion ^ of the increase to salary and health benefit credits that occurs in Fiscal Year 2013-14. // // // 10 11 12 13 14 // 15 // 16 // // // // 21 // 22 // // // // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 l: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the City of CaHsbad City Council and the CaHsbad Municipal District Water Board on the 18^^ day of June, 2013, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: Council Members Hall, Packard, Wood, Blackburn and Douglas. None. ABSENT: None. MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: BARBARA ENGLESON, Ci^V Clerk 1 RESOLUTION NO. 1473 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT (CMWD) APPROPRIATING FUNDS TO SUPPORT THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN REPRESENTATIVES OF MANAGEMENT AND THE CARLSBAD CITY EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION (CCEA) incorporated by reference herein; and WHEREAS, this agreement covers members ofthe CCEA whose salaries and benefits are WHEREAS, representatives of management and the Carlsbad City Employees' Association (CCEA) have met and conferred in good faith pursuant to the Meyers-Milias-Brown 8 Act regarding wages and other terms and conditions of employment; and 9 WHEREAS, said representatives have reached agreement which they desire to submit to 10 the City Council for consideration and approval; and 11 12 WHEREAS, the City Council has determined it to be in the public interest to accept such 13 an agreement in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), marked Exhibit 4 and 14 15 16 17 paid for by non-General Funds 18 19 20 21 22 2. That the Board authorizes the Administrative Services Director to appropriate 23 $223,000 from the related funds reserves to be used to provide for the portion of the increase 24 to salary and health benefit credits that occurs in Fiscal Year 2013-14 25 // 26 " 27 28 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of the City of CaHsbad, California, as follows that: 1. The above recitations are true and correct. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 i; 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the City of CaHsbad Municipal Water District Board and City Council on the 18^*" day of June, 2013, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: Board Members Hall, Packard, Wood, Blackburn and Douglas. None. ABSENT: None. MATT HALL, President ATTEST: /^^^ (^ i BARBARA ENGLESON, Sgfretary (SEAL)^**"'"v EvcVubvV Exhibit 2 IMPOSED CHANGES INCQRPOPV.\TED INTO TIIE MEMOPW\>JDUM OF WJDEP.STA:MDING ("MOU") BETWEE^J THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE CARLSBAD CITY EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION This document incorporates changes impoGcd by City Council action on June 21, 2011 into the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad City Employees' Association. The article set forth below was changed to add the underlined language as a resuh of the City CounciPs action: Articles Cm Rights The rights ofthe City include, but are not limited to the exclusive right to determine mission of its constituent departments, commissions, committees, and boards; set standards of service; determine procedures and standards of selection for employment and promotions; direct its employees; take disciplinary action; relieve its employees from duty because of lack of work or other legitimate reason; maintain the efficiency of governmental operations; determine the methods, means, and personnel by which government operations are to be conducted; determine the content of job classifications; take all necessary actions to carry out its mission in emergencies; and exercise complete control and discretion over its organization and the technology of performing its work. After meeting and conferring over the decision and the effects, the rights ofthe City include the ability to transfer employees among various City activities and work groups; implement unpaid furloughs of employees; contract out bargaining unit work to third parties or assign work to City employees outside the bargaining unit. CCEA MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword ^agQ Preamble Page Article 1 Recognition Page Article 2 Implementation Page Article 3 Term Page Article 4 Renegotiation Page Article 5 Authorized Agents Page Article 6 No Strike and No Lockout Page Article 7 City Rights Page Article 8 Employee Rights Page Article 9 Association Rights Page Article 10 Confidential Employees Page Article 11 Payroll Deductions/Agency Shop Page Article 12 Compensation Adjustments Page Article 13 Distribution of Paychecks Page Article 14 Overtime Page Article 15 Working Out of Classification Page Article 16 Injured on Duty Page Article 17 Bilingual Pay Page Article 18 Uniforms and Equipment Page Article 19 Tool Reimbursement Page Article 20 Longevity Pay Page Article 21 Vacation Page Article 22 Holidays Page Article 23 Sick Leave Page Article 24 Bereavement Leave Page Article25(A) Family and Medical Leave Acts Page Article25(B) Leave of Absence Page Article 26 Military Leave Page Article 27 Jury Duty Page Article 29 Rest Periods Page Article 29 Late Starts Page Article 30 Flexible Classifications Page Article 31 Flexible Start Hours Page Article 32 Flexible Work Schedules Page Article 33 Flexible Job Sharing Page Article 34 Health Insurance/Flexible Benefits Program Page Article 35 State Disability Insurance/Family Medical Leave Benefits...Page Article 36 Long Term Disability Page Article 37 Retirement Page Article 38 Deferred Compensation Page 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 6 8 9 9 12 13 14 14 15 17 17 19 20 22 22 22 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 27 27 30 30 30 31 CCEA Memorandum of Understanding Table of Contents Page 2 Article 39 Article 40 Article 41 Article 42 Article 43 Article 44 Article 45 Article 46 Article 47 Article 48 Article 49 Article 50 Article 51 Article 52 Article 53 Article 54 Dispute Resolution Procedure Page 32 Alcohol and Drug Policy Page 3 8 Access to Information Page 41 Communications Page 42 Legal Representation Page 42 Layoff Page 42 Carlsbad Municipal Water District Page 45 Full Understanding, Modification & Waiver Page 46 Provisions of Law Page 46 Retention of Benefits Page 46 Non-discrimination Clause Page 46 Americans With Disabilities Act Page 47 Life Insurance and Voluntary Benefits Page 47 Special Housing Facilities Page Contracting Out Work Page Pav for Performance Guidelines Page Attachment A Salary Schedule - General Employees Attachment B Benefits Retained by CMWD Employees Attachment C CMWD Salary Schedule and Job Classification Attachment D Benefits Summary - Employees Working a Reduced FTE Schedule Attachment E Maerkle Reservoir. Dam, Treatment Facilitv and Site Steward Requirements, Responsibilities and Agreement to Terms of Assignment 111 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING between the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad City Employees' Association Foreword The Memorandum of Understanding is made and entered into between designated management representatives ofthe City of Carlsbad (hereinafter referred to as the "City"), and the designated representatives of the Carlsbad City Employees' Association (hereinafter referred to as "CCEA" or "Association"). Preamble It is the purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter referred to as "Memorandum") to promote and provide for harmonious relations, cooperation, and understanding between the City Management representatives and the general employees covered under this Memorandum, as shown on Attachment A and Attachment C; to provide an orderly and equitable means of resolving any misunderstandings or differences which may arise under this Memorandum; and to set forth the agreement of the parties reached as a result of good faith negotiations regarding wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment ofthe employees covered under this Memorandum. Article 1 Recognition The City of Carlsbad recognizes CCEA as the exclusive majority representative for all classifications in this unit, as set forth in Attachment A, pursuant to the petition for formal recognition submitted on February 11, 1976, and approved April 20, 1976, in accordance with the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Attachment C lists additional classifications added to this unit. Article! Implementation This Memorandum constitutes a recommendation to be submitted to the City Council subsequent to the ratification meeting by the membership of CCEA. It is agreed that this Memorandum shall not be binding upon the parties either in whole or in part unless and until: The City Council acts, by majority vote, formally to approve and adopt said Memorandum. Articles Term The term of this Memorandum of Understanding shall be from January 1, 2OI42013, through December 31, 20422014. Throughout this Memorandum various provisions are marked with an asterisk All such provisions will be effective as administratively possible as the City's new payroll software system (HCMS) allows. Such changes marked with an asterisk shall not be effective January 1, 2011. The City shall provide at least one (1) week notice to CCEA that a provision marked with an asterisk shall become effective. Until a change marked with an asterisk becomes effective, the existing contract language related to that issue shall remain in effect. All other provisions of this Memorandum shall be effective beginning with the first pay period after ratification by the City Council unless another effective date is specifically provided in this Memorandum. - Article 4 Renegotiation In the event either party desires to meet and confer in good faith on the terms of a successor Memorandum of Understanding, that party shall serve upon the other a notice of such intentT prior to expiration of the Memorandum of Understanding. If a party provides intent pursuant to this section, the parties agree to initially meet not less than forty-five (45) calendar davs and pfiefno more than six months prior to the expiration of the Memorandum of Understanding, if possible. During the term of this Memorandum, the parties agree to meet and confer upon request ofthe other party to discuss additional changes to this Memorandum required by implementation of the HCMS payroll software system. Article 5 Authorized Agents For the purpose of administering the terms and provisions of this Memorandum: A. City's principal authorized agent shall be the City Manager or a duly authorized representative (Address: 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, Califomia 92008; Telephone (760) 602-2440), except where a particular City representative is specifically designated in connection with the performance of a specific ftmction or obligation set forth herein. B. CCEA authorized representatives shall be its President,-9f its Board of Directors^ or a CCEA member in good standing who has been designated as an authorized CCEA representative in writing by CCEA's President or a member of the Board of Directors. (Address: 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008). C. Copies of all correspondence to CCEA authorized representatives shall also be sent to the CCEA designated staff representatives. CCEA will notify Human Resources of the organization, contact name, and address whenever a change is made. Article 6 No Strike and No Lockout A. No Strike. During the life of this agreement, neither the Association nor any agents or representatives will instigate, promote, sponsor, engage in, or condone any strike (including sympathy strike), slowdown, concerted stoppage of work, sick-outs, or any other intentional disruption of the operations of the City, regardless of the reason for so doing. B. Penalty. Any employee engaging in activity prohibited by Article 6, A., or who instigates or gives leadership to such activity, shall be subject to disciplinary action. C. No Lockout. During the term of this agreement, the City will not instigate a lockout over a dispute with the employees so long as there is no breach of Section 6, A. D. Association Official Responsibility. Each employee who holds the position of officer of the Employee Association occupies a position of special trust and responsibility in maintaining and bringing about compliance with the provision of this article, the Association agrees to inform its members of their obligations under this agreement and to direct them to retum to work. Article? Citv Rights The rights of the City include, but are not limited to the exclusive right to determine mission of its constituent departments, commissions, committees, and boards; set standards of service; determine procedures and standards of selection for employment and promotions; direct its employees; take disciplinary action; relieve its employees from duty because of lack of work or other legitimate reason; maintain the efficiency of governmental operations; determine the methods, means, and persotmel by which govemment operations are to be conducted; determine the content of job classifications; take all necessary actions to carry out its mission in emergencies; and exercise complete control and discretion over its organization and the technology of performing its work. After meeting and conferring over the decision and the effects, the rights of the City include the ability to transfer employees among various City activities and work groups; implement unpaid furloughs of employees; contract out bargaining unit work to third parties or assign work to City employees outside the bargaining unit. Article 8 Employee Rights A. Employees of the City shall have the right to form, join and participate in the activities of CCEA for the purpose of representation on all matters of Employer-Employee Relations, including but not limited to, wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment. Employees of the City also shall have the right to reftise to join or participate in the activities of employee organizations and shall have the right to represent themselves individually in their employment relations with the City. B. No employee shall be interfered with, intimidated, restrained, coerced or discriminated against by the City, CCEA or other employee organization(s) because of the exercise of his/her rights under this Article. C. An individual employee reserves the right to individual representation, upon formal notice to CCEA and the City, on any matter of Employer-Employee Relations. D. CCEA shall be provided notice of the results of such individual Employee-City meetings. Article 9 Association Rights A. The City recognizes the right of CCEA to govern its intemal affairs. B. The City agrees to include a one page CCEA "Information Sheet" in the orientation packet for newly hired employees in positions represented by CCEA. The City and CCEA agree that the purpose ofthe "Information Sheef is to familiarize new employees with the operations and benefits of CCEA. All costs associated with preparing the "Information Sheet" shall be home by CCEA. CCEA agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless for any disputes between CCEA and employees represented by CCEA arising out of information contained in the "Information Sheet." Prior to distribution the "Information Sheet" must be approved by the Human Resources Director. Should the City have less than ten (10) CCEA information sheets on hand, it shall notify CCEA so that CCEA can ensure that the City has adequate information sheets on hand for new hires. C. The City will fiimish bulletin boards for use of CCEA (Bulletin Boards for the exclusive use by CCEA shall be provided at City Hall, Faraday and the main Library). Material placed on said bulletin boards shall be at the discretion of CCEA. City may remove CCEA material only in the event the material is obviously offensive to good taste, defamatory, and shall be removed only on prior notification to CCEA. Bulletin boards shall be located at: 1) City Hall Employees' Lounge, 2) Library Employees' Lounge, 3) Parks Employee Rooms, 4) Oak Avenue Trailer, 5) Faraday Employees' Lounge, 6) Safety Center Employees' Lounge, 7) Mechanical Maintenance, 8) Stagecoach Community Park, 9) Calavera Community Park, 10) Housing & Neighborhood Services, 11) the City Clerk's Office, and 12) Redevelopment, 11) Senior Center. By mutual agreement additional locations may be added. CCEA reserves the right, at CCEA expense, to glass enclose with lock and key the bulletin boards fumished by the City for the exclusive use by CCEA. D. Twice annually, within thirty (30) calendar days of written request from CCEA, the City agrees to provide CCEA with a listing of names, departments, and classifications of employees in classifications represented by CCEA. Names, departments, and classifications provided will reflect the most current data on file with the Human Resources Department as of the date the list is prepared. E. CCEA shall provide and maintain with the City a current list of the names and all authorized representatives ofthe CCEA. An authorized representative shall not enter any work location without the consent of the Department Head or his/her designee or the City Manager or his/her designee. The Department Head or his/her designee shall have the right to make arrangements for a contact location removed ftom the work area ofthe employee. Management shall not unreasonably deny access. F. CCEA may, with the approval of the Human Resources Department, be granted the use of City facilities for after hour meetings. G. CCEA shall be allowed to designate employee representatives to assist employees in preparing and processing grievances; and preparing and presenting material for disciplinary appeals hearings. CCEA may designate one employee representative to assist an employee in preparing and presenting materials for the above-listed procedures. The employee representative so designated shall be allowed reasonable release time from regularly scheduled duties for the purpose of investigating and preparing materials for such procedures. Employee representatives who investigate, prepare or present materials during off-duty time shall do so on their own time. Employee representatives and employees who attend discipline or grievance hearings or City Council meetings during the off-duty time shall do so on their oyvn time; providing, however, that employees who are ordered or subpoenaed to attend such hearings shall be compensated in accordance with the overtime provisions of this Memorandum of Understanding. Designated employee representatives shall be allowed reasonable release time from regularly scheduled duties to attend meetings relative to other matters of employer- employee relations. Designated employee representatives requesting time off under this article shall direct such request to his/her immediate supervisor in writing within a reasonable time period to the date requested, in order to assure that the department meets its staff needs and to assure sufficient coverage of departmental assignments. H. CCEA may select members of the organization to attend scheduled meetings with the City staff on subjects within the scope of representation during regular work hours without loss of compensation. Where circumstances warrant, the City may approve the attendance at such meetings of additional employee representatives with or without loss of compensation. The employee organization shall, whenever practicable, submit the names of all such employee representatives to the City at least two working days in advance of such meeting. Provided ftirther: (1) That no employee representative shall leave his or her duty or work station or assignment without specific approval of the Department Head or other authorized City management official. (2) That any such meeting is subject to scheduling by City management in a manner consistent with operating needs and work schedules. Nothing provided herein, however, shall limit or restrict City management from scheduling such meetings before or after regular duty or work hours under appropriate circumstances. Article 10 Confidential Employees Confidential employees are restricted from representing any employee organization that represents other employees of the City on matters within the scope of representation. For example, confidential employees may not disclose information obtained in their job duties to bargaining unit members unless required by their job. This article does not otherwise limit the right of confidential employees to be members of and to hold office in CCEA. The following positions are designated as confidential: 1) Human Resources Department: Administrative Secretary, Human Resources Technician, Secretary, Senior Office Specialist. 2) City Manager's Office: Administrative Secretary, Secretary. 3) City Attomey's Office: Legal Assistant, Legal Secretary. 4) Finance Department: Administrative Secretary, Accounting Supervisor and Account Clerk II assigned to payroll responsibilities, Business Systems Specialist, Secretary. 5) Information Technology: Applications Specialist II assigned to position budgeting responsibilities. The City may create new confidential positions provided that in the regular course ofthe position's duties, the employee: • Has regular contact with files and correspondence related to management's positions and policies related to contract negotiations, and/or • Assists or acts in a confidential capacity or who formulates, determines and effectuates management's policies within the scope of employee-employer relations, and/or • Has normal access to confidential information contributing significantly to the development of management's policies within the scope of employer-employee relations In such cases, the City will notify the Association of the proposed new confidential position and provide the Association with the job specifications of the new position prior to its implementation. Article 11 Payroll Deductions/Agency Shop A. The City shall withhold deductions in amounts designated by CCEA members providing changes do not occur more frequently than once each fiscal year. B. AGENCY SHOP All bargaining unit employees are required to be dues paying members of the Association, or pay a service fee in lieu of dues or, if qualified in accordance with section 4.0 below, contribute to a designated charitable organization. 1.0 Covered Employees All employees covered by the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the Association are considered covered employees under this Article. 2.0 Agency Fee 2.1 The amount of the agency fee will be determined aimually by the Association in accordance with Govemment Code section 3502.5. It will not exceed the standard initiation fee, period dues, and general assessments of the Association. 2.2 At least thirty (30) calendar days prior to any increase in the amount ofthe fee, and aimually thereafter, each employee covered by this Agreement will receive written notice from the Association indicating: 2.2.1 The amount of the agency fee (expressed as a percentage of the aimual dues per member based upon the chargeable expenditures identified in the notice); 2.2.2 The basis for the calculation of the agency fee, which will be supported by an independent audit; 2.2.3 A statement informing the employee about the existence of the independent audit and its availability to the employee upon request; and 2.2.4 The procedure for appealing all or any part of the agency fee. 2.2.5 The Association will also provide the notice referenced in this section and a copy ofthe Association bylaws to Human Resources to be given to new employees at their orientation. 2.2.6 The Association's appeal procedures shall comply with the requirements established by State and Federal law. 3.0 Escrow of Agency Fees in Dispute 3.1 The Association will open an account in an independent financial institution in which to place in escrow agency fees collected from employees who have made timely objections under the Association's appeal procedures. 3.2 The escrowed agency fees will not be released until after either: 3.2.1 Mutual agreement between the objecting employee and the Association has been reached on the proper amount of the agency fee; or 3.2.2 A final decision has been rendered by the impartial decision maker (or the courts, if judicial review is sought under Code of Civil Procedure section 1094.8). 3.3 The Association will pay interest at the prevailing rate on all rebated fees. 4.0 Religious Exemptions In lieu of paying the agency fee, an employee who is a member of a bona fide religion, body, or sect that has historically held conscientious objections to joining or financially supporting public employee associations may pay an amount equivalent to the agency fee to one ofthe following nonreligious, non-labor charities: United Way Special Olympics Carlsbad Educational Foundation The employee must provide proof of payment to the City and the Association on a nionthly basis. The Association may also require the employee to provide the Association with proof of membership or of continued membership in the religion, body, or sect upon which the religious exemption is based. 5.0 Payroll Deduction Process 5.1 In the event an employee submits an objection to the amount of the agency fee or there is a dispute regarding the employee's religious exemption claim, the employee will be informed that an amount equal to the agency fee will be deducted from the employee's salary and placed in an escrow account referred to in section 3.0 above pending the final determination ofthe objection or validity of the exemption. At the conclusion of the process, the escrowed funds will be disbursed appropriately. 5.2 If, after deductions commence, a dispute arises between the employee and the Association over the amount or propriety of the agency fee, deductions will continue to be made and the disputed fees will be placed in an escrow account in accordance with section 3.0 above. 5.3 All other legal and required deductions (e.g., payroll taxes, income taxes, health care premiums) have priority over agency fee deductions. No agency fee deduction will be made from an employee's paycheck unless the employee's eamings are sufficient to cover the agency fee after all other legal and required deductions are made. 5.4 If there is a non-disputed change in the exclusive representative for all or a portion ofthe covered employees, the City will transmit the agency fees deducted from the paychecks of those employees to the new representative without intermption. If there is a disputed change in the exclusive representative for all or a portion of the covered employees, the City will place the agency fees deducted from the paychecks of those employees in an interest- bearing accounting pending final resolution of the dispute. 6.0 Records and Reports The Association will keep itemized records of its financial transactions. In addition, annually, within sixty (60) calendar days after the end of its fiscal year, the Association will make available to the City and to all represented employees a detailed written financial report in the form of a balance sheet and an operating statement, certified as to accuracy by its president and treasurer or corresponding principal officer, or by a certified public accountant. 7.0 Indemnification The Association agrees to defend, indenmify and hold the City (including its Water District and Redevelopment Agency and their officers, employees, agents, and elected or appointed officials) harmless from all claims, demands, losses, damages, disputes, obligations, liabilities, expenses (including attomey fees), or other actions arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the agency shop arrangement. Article 12 Compensation Adiustments Effective the pay period that includes March 1. 2013. the City shall implement an across the board base salary increase for each represented classification of three percent (3%). Retroactive compensation shall be paid only for employees employed by the Citv as of the first full pay period after Council approval of this MOU. This salary increase shall result in salary ranges moving three percent (3%). Effective the pay period that includes January 1. 2014. the City shall implement an across the board base salary increase for each represented classification of three percent (3%). salary ranges will not move due to this salary increase. The City shall also implement on January 1. 2014 a Pay for Performance System as outlined in Article 5^4 of this Memorandum. With the implementation of that system, salary ranges will not automatically move and step and longevity increases will cease. Those employees who cannot receive the January 1. 2014 three percent (3%) salary increase while staying within the existing salary range, as shown in Attachments A2 and C2 will receive a base building increase up to the range maximum and the balance as a stipend in the pay period that includes January 1. 2014. The pay for performance base pay matrix (described in Article 54) for 12/31/2014 will be funded at four percent (4%). During the term of this Memorandum, there shall be no general salary adjustments. The City will continue its practice of periodically reviewing classification specifications and salaries. Article 13 Distribution of Paychecks CCEA employees are not required to receive payroll funds through electronic deposit. Employees who provide written authorization for such electronic deposit, shall receive a Statement of Eamings (pay stub) through an electronic pay system. The electronic pay system will permit employees to view/print current and previous bi-weekly pay stubs. The Employer will provide training for all employees, as necessary in the use ofthe electronic pay system. For those employees who do not provide v^itten authorization for an electronic deposit of their payroll, their payroll funds will be deposited in the U.S. mail with postage fully prepaid on the Friday following the electronic pay date or as soon as administratively possible if there is not an Accoimts Payable check run that Friday. Payroll will be mailed to the last known address on file with the Human Resources Department. It shall be the responsibility of the employee to update their address of record with the Human Resources Department as required. The City shall make every reasonable effort to resolve payroll errors during the next pay period, and to provide additional sums (when warranted) with the following payroll. The City agrees to meet with the CCEA at mutually acceptable times and places to review payroll related problems affecting more than one bargaining unit member. Article 14 Overtime 1. Overtime Any employee required to perform in excess of forty (40) hours in a seven (7) day cycle and/or in excess of an employee's scheduled work day shall receive compensation at the rate of time and one-half his/her regular rate of pay, except as outiined in Section 2 below. The regular rate of pay shall be calculated in conformance with the FLSA. ^ In determining an employee's eligibility for overtime, paid leaves shall be included in the total hours worked. Excluded from the total hours worked are duty free lunches, travel time to and from work, and time spent conducting bona fide volunteer activities. There shall be no pyramiding of overtime. Hours worked by an employee in any workday or workweek on which premium rates have once been allowed shall not be used again in any other overtime calculation other than computing total actual hours worked. Time worked shall be computed by rounding to the nearest quarter of an hour. 2. Request for Temporary Shift Adjustment (Flex Time) An employee may request that the employee's normal workday be temporarily altered in order to accumulate a credit of work hours that may be used to take time off during the employee's FLSA work week and same pay period without loss of pay. If the request is approved by management, pay for hours worked during this temporary shift adjustment shall be paid at the straight time rate. The FLSA work week for employees on a 9/80 schedule begins four (4) hours after the regularly scheduled starting time for their Friday shift and ends one hundred sixty eight (168) hours later (at four (4) hours after the regularly scheduled starting time for their Friday shift). For all others the work week is from Monday at 12:00 a.m. to Sunday at 11:59 p.m. 3. Call Back Pay Call back duty occurs when an employee is ordered to retum to duty on a non-regularly scheduled work shift. Call back does not occur when an employee is held over from his/her prior shift or is working prior to his/her regularly scheduled shift. An employee called back to duty shall be credited with a minimvim of two (2) hours work commencing at the time ofthe page, except an employee shall not be entitied to said minimum if the assignment has been scheduled in advance and the employee is provided with at least seven (7) calendar days notice of said assignment. The two (2) hour minimum also will not apply if the work is performed on the phone or remotely via computer and takes 30 minutes or less to complete, in which case the employee shall be credited for a minimum of thirty (30) minutes work. 4. Compensatory Time In lieu of receiving overtime pay pursuant to Section 1 above, an employee may elect, subject to department approval, to receive compensatory time off on a time and one-half 10 basis. No employee shall accme more than eighty (80) hours of such compensatory time. Should any employee exceed eighty (80) hours of accmed compensatory time, he/she shall be paid at time and one-half his/her regular rate. An employee may use such compensatory time within a reasonable period after making the request if the use of compensatory time does not imduly dismpt the operations ofthe department. At any time an employee may elect to "cash out" any portion of his/her accmed compensatory time balance at his/her regular rate of pay by requesting this "cash ouf on his/her time card. 5. Overtime Authorization All overtime requests must have the prior authorization of a supervisor prior to the commencement of such overtime work. Where prior written authorization is not feasible, explicit verbal authorization must be obtained. Calls for service beyond the end of duty time are considered as authorized. 6. Clothes Changing Employees are not authorized to wear their uniforms or any part thereof that is distinguishable as such unless on duty. Each employee is provided with a locker for his/her oyvn personal convenience. An employee may or may not utilize the locker for storage and changing purposes at his/her ovm discretion. Nothing herein prevents an employee from wearing his/her uniform to and/or from his/her residence and work. Nothing herein prevents an employee from wearing his/her imiform while conducting personal business during lunch time. Time spent in changing clothes before or after a shift, is not considered hours worked and is not compensable in any maimer whatsoever. 7. Training Time Training time outside normally scheduled work hours shall be compensated pursuant to Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Section 785.27, et seq. Travel time outside normally scheduled work hours shall be compensated pursuant to CFR Section 785.33, et seq. When feasible, the Department will adjust the employee's work schedule to minimize the impact of travel and training time. Travel time to and from local work-related training either before, during or after regularly scheduled work hours shall be compensated for all CCEA employees regardless of whether the employee is a driver or passenger. For the purposes of this section, 11 "local" refers to work related training taking place in San Diego, Imperial, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Los Angeles Counties. 8. City Vehicle Use Employees who are provided with a City vehicle to travel to and from work shall not be compensated in any manner whatsoever for such travel time in the City vehicle. Refer to Administrative Order No. 3 for more information regarding use of City vehicles. This provision also applies in those situations where the radio must be left on and monitored. 9. Court Pay When an employee is physically called to court for City-related business, while off duty, he/she shall be credited on an hour for hour basis for the time actually spent in court. An employee shall be credited with a minimum of two (2) hours for the court appearance. Travel time shall not be considered hours worked and shall not be compensated in any manner whatsoever. 10. Standby Pay "Standby assignmenf requires an employee to: a. Review and confirm receipt of the standby assignment schedule within the deadlines established by the applicable department; b. Wear a City-provided pager and carry a City-provided cellular phone during standby assignment; c. Respond to a page by telephone promptly without delay. If an employee has arranged for another employee to respond, the employee must notify the supervisor, the department, and dispatch of the name of the substitute employee who will respond. Thereafter, callback shall be handled in accordance with each department's standby/callback policy; d. Each department's standby/callback policy shall be developed and submitted to Association representatives for meeting and conferring. In addition, the City shall provide training for the supervisors and managers responsible for administering departmental standby/callback policies and shall also provide orientation for all employees subject to the standby/callback policies; e. Abide by the City's Alcohol and Dmg Policy as specified in Article 40 of this agreement during standby assignment; and abide by the mles and regulations set forth by the Department of Transportation (DOT); 12 f Wear appropriate clothing, safety equipment, and any other form of City identification as defined by the department when making a callback response from standby assignment; g. Accept $30.00 per day for each day on standby assignment. h. Acknowledge and agree that time on standby assignment is not considered to be compensable work time for purposes of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA); provided, however, (1) individuals have not waived any rights they may have outside of this contract under the FLSA; and (2) neither the fact of these negotiations nor the changes negotiated in this agreement shall be used by either party or by any individual to the prejudice of the other party in any grievance or complaint outstanding as of the time of this agreement. Article 15 Working Out of Classification Whenever the needs ofthe City require an employee to temporarily perform the duties of a higher classification than that in which the employee is currently employed for a period of more than twenty-one (21) calendar days, the employee shall receive additional pay. In such cases, the employee shall be paid at an appropriate level which will assure an increase of not less than five percent (5%) greater than the salary of his/her current positionsalary. No employee shall be required to perform any of the duties of a higher classification unless that employee is deemed to possess the minimum qualifications of the higher classification by the Human Resources Director as recommended by the affected Department Head. Exceptions to the minimum qualifications criteria may be recommended by the affected Department Head on a case by case basis. If the employee does not meet the minimum qualifications for the higher classification he/she shall receive not less than 2.5% additional pay. The additional pay shall commence on the twenty-second (22""^) calendar day following the temporary reassignment of the performance of duties of the higher classification. The recommendation that an employee be required to perform duties of the higher classification shall be placed in yvriting by the affected Department Head and submitted to the Human Resources Director for approval. The employee assigned to perform the duties of a higher classification shall not serve for more than one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days in a higher classification unless approved by the City Manager or his/her designee. A person appointed in an acting capacity shall be eligible to receive merit increases in his/her regular position during the acting appointment. The Human Resources Director shall obtain the employee's consent for the temporary performance of any of the duties ofthe higher classification beyond a period of twenty-one (21) calendar days, prior to the employee's assuming or continuing the duties and additional compensation, which consent shall clearly state that it is understood that a reduction in salary shall be effected to his/her original salary rate upon the expiration ofthe need for the performance of the duties of the higher classification. The Association may present to the Human Resources Director specific facts which support that an employee is performing the duties of a higher classification. The Human Resources Department will conduct a study and provide the Association with the findings ofthe classification study. Should the study determine the duties to be of a higher, lower or 13 comparable existing classification, a proposed solution to the situation will be offered. The proposed solution may include, among other altematives, that the work be managed in an altemative manner or that the position be reclassified to reflect the work being performed. The reclassification of a position will be approved in accordance with the personnel mles. Article 16 Injured on Duty Occupational Sick Leave is leave with pay that is granted to employees who have sustained a work related injury or illness and are temporarily disabled from work. Any general employee that sustains a work related injury or illness and becomes temporarily disabled from work as a result, may receive their full salary, in lieu of the State mandated temporary disability benefit, for a period of up to forty-five (45) calendar days for any single incident. The periods of temporary disability need not be continuous. Any aggravation of a pre- existing occupational injury or illness will be treated as such and not as a new injury. In this situation, the employee will not be entitied to any occupational sick leave benefit which exceeds the original maximum of forty-five (45) calendar days. The City reserves the right to determine whether occupational sick leave will be granted. Granting of occupational sick leave will be subject to the same procedures and standards (including prcidesignated physicians, resolution of disputes over benefits, use of Agreed Medical Examiners, etc.) as used in workers' compensation matters and/or FMLA/CFRA matters. An employee who is still temporarily disabled after the forty-five (45) calendar days have been exhausted will be paid at the rate established by the Califomia Labor Code for such disabilities. However, the City shall supplement the State rate, up to the employee's full salary level, by utilizing any vacation, sick, or compensatory leave that the employee has accmed. Once the employee's accmed leave has been exhausted, the employee will be compensated at the State rate for the balance of the temporary disability period. Wages alone will be the basis of computation for occupational sick leave. Article 17 Bilingual Pay The City will provide additional compensation to an employee, designated by the Human Resources Department, in the amount of $40.00 per pay period for the performance of bilingual skills. The determination of the number of persons/positions to be designated as bilingual is the sole discretion of the City. In order to qualify for and receive bilingual pay, employees must pass a bilingual proficiency test in the Spanish language as determined appropriate by the City. This Article shall not be subject to the grievance procedure. Article 18 Uniforms and Equipment A. The City shall continue to provide and maintain uniforms in the maintenance departments. 14 B. Employees shall be responsible for proper care and maintenance of uniforms. C. Except for reasonable travel time to and from work, uniforms shall not be worn outside the context of performing maintenance functions while on duty or as otheryvise acting as an agent of the City. D. The City shall continue to purchase safety boots or safety shoes for classifications as determined by the City. The City shall establish, subject to consultation with the affected employees, a voucher system to purchase safety footwear from City-approved vendors. Individual acquisitions made outside the voucher system must be pre-approved for reimbursement after review by the employee's supervisors. Acquisition of safety footwear shall be limited to a maximum of two (2) times per year not to exceed a cost of one hundred fifty dollars ($150) per acquisition. In special circumstances as determined and pre-approved by the employee's supervisor, safety footwear acquisition requiring an expenditure over one hundred fiftv dollars ($150) may be made one (1) time per year, not to exceed a cost of two hundred dollars ($200). E. The City will reimburse any employee who is required to wear safety glasses and/or goggles up to one hundred seventy-five dollars ($175) in a calendar year for the cost of prescription lenses for such glasses and/or goggles, subject to the following conditions: 1. The employee must present an appropriate receipt; 2. Reimbursement is for lenses only and not for eye examination, treatment or visits to an optometrist or optician; 3. The City will provide reimbursement only for glasses and/or goggles if the prescription has changed or if glasses and/or goggles have been damaged; and 4. Glasses and/or goggles for which the City has provided reimbursement shall only be used while performing work for the City. F. Value of Uniforms reported to CalPERS The City shall report the biweekly amount of $1.92 as special compensation related to the monetary value of the required uniforms for employees in the following positions: 1. Building Maintenance Worker l/ll 2. CMWD Constmction & Maintenance Worker II 3. CMWD System Operator II 4. CMWD Water Conservation Specialist 5. Cross Connection Control Technician 6. Custodian /Custodian II 7. Environmental Specialist I/II 8. Equipment Service Worker 9. Equipment Technician I/II 10. Lead Equipment Technician 15 11. Maintenance Aide in the Parks Division 12. Maintenance Worker in Parks and Streets Departments 13. Meter Services Worker I/II/III 14. Park Maintenance Specialist 15. Park Maintenance Worker II/III 16. Sanitation Systems Operator I/II/III 17. Scada Technician 18. Senior Building Maintenance Worker 19. Senior Cross Connection Control Technician 20. Senior Environmental Specialist 21. Storm Drain Maintenance Worker 22. Street Maintenance Worker I/II/III 23. Tree Trimmer I/II 24. Tree Trimmer Leadworker 25. Utility Worker I/II/III 26. Warehouse Technician 27. Water Conservation Specialist 28. Water Systems Operator I/II/III Under PEPRA, this benefit does not apply to new members. Article 19 Tool Reimbursement This article applies only to eligible employees in the following job classifications who fumish their oyvn tools as a condition of employment: Lead Equipment Technician, Equipment Technicians and Equipment Service Workers. Employees in the job classifications mentioned are required to provide their oyvn tools on the job as a condition of employment. The employees are further eligible to receive a cash tool reimbursement provided that the conditions for receiving the reimbursement are met. Tools and tool boxes will be replaced in kind if they are lost due to fire, burglary, or robbery of the City facility or some other catastrophe or accident not due to the employee's negligence or fault. Tools and tool boxes will not be replaced due to employee negligence. An inventory of all the tools in the employee's possession at work, including those tools over and above the "essential tool list," must be on file with the Superintendent. The City has the right to request that a specialized tool(s) not be kept in the employee's inventory. The City will reimburse the employees in the above classifications up to five hundred fifty ($550) dollars in a fiscal year for the cost of tools, subject to the following conditions: 1) The employee must present an appropriate original receipt; 2) Such reimbursement will be paid only once during the fiscal year, by September 30, and cannot be accumulated from year to year. Those expenses not documented by an original receipt, up to the five hundred fifty ($550) dollar maximum, will be incorporated into the employee's regular payroll check and treated as taxable income. 16 It is the responsibility of the Management to direct the administration of the tool reimbursement and: A. Provide a list of "essential tools" which define the ftiU inventory of tools required for employees to be eligible for tool reimbursement. B. Recommend revisions to the "essential tools" and to meet the requirements of current skilled trades technology. C. Informally agree with members of the shop when considering adding tools to the "essential tool list." Employees receiving a tool reimbursement shall allow inspection of personal tool box by supervisor to verify outfitting of tools. The eligible employee during each work shift must have all the tools listed as "essential tools." Failure to keep said tools on site yvill result in the tool reimbursement being withheld from the individual until such time as the employee comes into possession of all "essential tools." The appropriate supervisor during the month of August will: A. Review the personal tool inventory as meeting the requirements of "essential tools." B. Provide a recommendation to the Superintendent of an altemate tool as a substitute for the tool listed on the "essential tools" list on an item-by-item basis. In September of each year, the Superintendent shall prepare the necessary payable documents to provide for payment of the tool reimbursement to eligible employees. Article 20 Longevity Pay 1. Salary Step 6 shall apply to any range in the Salary Plan to provide for a five percent (5%) increase of base salary for only miscellaneous employees who have attained five (5) continuous years of service in the City of Carlsbad at Step 5 of the same salary range in the Salary Plan. In any case where an employee is promoted and moves from the employee's existing class to another class, allocated to a higher range of compensation, the employee shall be advanced to the lowest step in such higher range which will provide a at least a five percent (5%) salary increase. 2. Salary Step 7 shall apply to any range in the Salary Plan to provide for a two and one-half percent (2-1/2) increase of basic salary for those miscellaneous employees who, have attained five (5) continuous years of service in the City of Carlsbad at Step 6 of the same salary range in the Salary Plan. Eligibility for Salary Step 7 is contingent upon the employee being approved for such salary step by the employee's Department Head. 3. Failure ofthe Department Head to approve a longevity increase shall not constitute grounds for submission of a grievance or an appeal to a hearing officer. In any case where an employee is promoted and moves from the employee's existing class to another class 17 allocated to a higher range of compensation, the employee shall be advanced to the lowest step in such higher range which will provide at least a five percent (5%) salary increase unless this causes the employee's salary to exceed the maximum of the new salary range. Upon implementation of the pay for performance system on January 1, 2014, no employees shall receive step increases or longevity increases. The new salary range maximums on January 1, 2014 will include the longevity maximums. Article 21 Vacation Every probationary and regular full time employee shall accme vacation leave for each calendar year of actual continuous service dating from the commencement of said service, with such time to be accmed on a daily (calendar day )_basis.^ Vacation leave can be used in 15 minute increments. A. Basis of Accmal Accmal of vacation begins with the first working day following appointment and thereafter accmes on a daily basis^. The following shall be the annual vacation leave schedule: Beginning with the first (1 st) working day through the completion of five (5) full calendar years of continuous service - 13 minutes/day. • Beginning the sixth (6th) year of employment through the completion often (10) full calendar years of continuous service - 20 minutes/day. • Beginning the eleventh (11th) year of employment through the completion of eleven (11) fiill calendar years of continuous service - 21 minutes/day. • Beginning the twelfth (12th) year of employment through the completion of twelve (12) full calendar years of continuous service - 22 minutes/day. • Beginning the thirteenth (13th) year of employment through the completion of thirteen (13) full calendar years of continuous service - 24 minutes/day. • Beginning the fourteenth (14th) year of employment through the completion of fifteen (15) full calendar years of continuous service - 25 minutes/day. • Beginning the sixteenth (16th) year of continuous employment, vacation time shall be accmed, and remain at a rate of 26 minutes/day for every full calendar year of continuous employment thereafter. B. Vacation Accmal Maximum All employees shall be entitled to cam and accme up to and including three himdred and twenty (320) hours of vacation, and no employee will be allowed to eam and accme vacation hours in excess of the three hundred and twenty (320) hour maximum. Department Heads shall encourage the taking of accmed vacation leave. If there are unusual circumstances that would require an employee to exceed the vacation accmal maximum, he/she must submit a request in writing to the Department Head and the City Manager. The Department Head and the City Manager may grant such request if it is in the best interest of the City. Requests will be handled on a case-by-case basis and will be considered only in extreme circumstances. C. Vacation Conversion Once in each Febmary ,during a pay period to be determined by the City Manager or his/her designee, employees will be allowed to voluntarily convert up to eighty (80) hours of accmed vacation to cash, provided that they have used at least eighty (80) hours of vacation during the prior calendar year^. D. Effects of Holiday on Vacation Leave In the event one or more authorized municipal holidays fall within a vacation leave, such holiday shall not be charged as vacation leave, but shall be credited as a holiday. This is subject to the provisions in Article 2^22 (Holidays). E. Effect of Leave of Absence on Accmal of Vacation Leave An employee's accumulation of vacation leave will cease after the completion of two (2) full scheduled pay periods in which the employee has not received compensation due to a leave of absence without pay. Accmal yvill be reinstituted beginning the first day the employee has retumed to work.^ F. Compensation for Citv Work During Vacation Prohibited No person shall be permitted to work for compensation for the City in any capacity, except compensation for mandated court appearances, during the time of his/her paid vacation leave from City service. This clause shall not limit the City's right to recall an employee from vacation in the event of an emergency and place him/her on regular pay status. G. Scheduling Vacations An employee may take his/her annual vacation leave at any time during the year, contingent upon determination by his/her Department Head that such absence will not materially affect the department. Each employee must consider the needs ofthe service when requesting annual vacation leave. An employee shall normally provide one week notice in advance of the day(s) he/she is requesting vacation time off When a family emergency arises which necessitates the use of vacation time, an employee shall provide as much advance notice as possible considering the particular circumstances. H. Terminal Vacation Pay 19 An employee with regular status separating from the City service who has accmed vacation leave shall be entitled to terminal pay in lieu of such vacation. No leave credit will be eamed on terminal leave payments. When separation is caused by death of an employee, payment shall be made to the estate of such employee or, in applicable cases, as provided in the Probate Code of the State. Article 22 Holidays A. Authorized Holidays The City shall observe: eleven (11) scheduled paid holidays plus two (2) floating holidays for employees assigned to eight-hour-per-day-five-days-per-week workweeks and employees participating in the 9/80 altemative work schedule. The City shall observe^and: eleven (11) scheduled holidays for employees assigned to ten-hours-per- day-four-days-per-week workweeks. The floating holiday may be used at the discretion of the employee with prior approval of the Department Head. The scheduled paid holidays that will be official City holidays shall be as follows: New Year's Day Columbus Day Martin Luther King's Birthday Veteran's Day President's Day Thanksgiving Day Memorial Day Thanksgiving Friday Independence Day Christmas Day Labor Day Two (2) Floating Holidays per fiscal year Effective 7/1/2014, one floating holiday will be eliminated for all employees who currently receive them (currentiy, employees on a 4/10 work schedule do not receive floating holidays). B. Procedure if Holiday Falls on Saturday or Simday For those employees whose normal work week is Monday through Friday, when a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be observed as a holiday. When a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be observed as a holiday. The City shall annually develop and publish a holiday schedule which will identify the speciflc days on which the above holidays will be observed as official City holidays-and- which days will not be observed for employees on ten hours per day four day per week workweeks. C. Employees Required to Work on Holidays 1. Any employee who shall be required to work on any holiday which he/she is entitled to take off under the provisions hereof shall receive compensation therefore at the rate of time and one-half their FLSA regular rate for actual hours worked plus eight (8), nine (9), or ten (10) hours of holiday pay, as applicable. All employees who are entitied to be absent on any holiday, and who in fact are 20 absent, shall receive full compensation^ therefore^ at the straight time rate on the next scheduled work shift. 2. Those employees whose work schedules and assignment of duties require them to work on an authorized holiday shall receive eight (8), nine (9), or ten (10) hours of holiday pay, as applicable, for such work week at the same rate of pay at which they are employed, in addition to their normal pay for the time worked. D. Employees Whose Regular Day Off Falls On a Holiday If a holiday occurs on a day which is the employee's regular day off he/she shall be entitied to holiday pay in the amount of eight (8), nine (9), or ten (10) hours, as applicable, at straight time. E. Employees on Leave Only employees who are on paid status on their last scheduled work day before a holiday shall be entitled to the paid holiday except where otherwise required by law. F. Effect of Sick Leave on Holiday Pay An employee whose work schedule and assignment of duties require him/her to work on an authorized holiday and who calls in sick on that work shift shall be paid eight (8), nine (9), or ten (10) hours as applicable of holiday pay and shall also be charged for the appropriate use of sick leave. Article 23 Sick Leave Sick leave can be used in 15 minute increments. A. Accmal Every probationary and regular full time employee shall accme sixteen (16) minutes sick leave with pay for each calendar day of actual continuous service dating from the commencement of said service, with such time to be accmed on a daily (calendar day ) basis.^ Such accmals shall be cumulative. An employee shall not receive payment for unused sick leave accumulated to his/her credit upon termination, whether volimtary or involtmtary. Sick leave shall not be considered a right which an employee may use at his/her discretion. Sick leave shall be allowed as follows: 1. In the case of actual illness or disability that is not job related. 2. Exposure to contagious disease that would jeopardize the health of others. When sick leave is granted under these circumstances, an explanatory medical certificate from the physician is required. 21 3. A pre-scheduled doctor, dental, or optometry appointment has been approved by the employee's direct supervisor. 4. Because illness of a member of the inunediate family requires constant care and no other care is available and/or financially feasible except that ofthe employee. Immediate family is defined in Article 24, Bereavement. 5. All leave provisions will be administered consistent with state and federal laws. B. Proof of Illness In order to receive compensation while absent from duty on sick leave, the employee must notify his/her immediate supervisor prior to the time set for the beginning of his/her regular duties. The Department Head may request a certificate issued by a licensed physician or other satisfactory proof of illness when abuse is suspected and/or when sick leave use is in excess of three (3) consecutive work days. The Department Head may also designate a licensed physician to conduct a physical examination, and such examination shall be conducted at City expense. Employees shall be required to account for all hours they are requesting as sick leave by completing an absence request. Violation of sick leave privileges may result in disciplinary action and/or loss of pay when in the opinion ofthe Department Head the employee has abused such privileges. C. Effect of Leave of Absence An employee's accumulation of sick leave will cease after the completion of two (2) full scheduled pay periods in which the employee has not received compensation due to a leave of absence without pay. Accmal will be reinstituted upon retum to work.^ D. Blood Donations Employees making a donation of blood without charge will be given reasonable time off for that purpose. No charge will be made against accmed leave when such absence is approved in advance by the supervisor. E. Effect of Holidays on Sick Leave In the event one or more authorized municipal holidays fall within a sick leave, such holiday shall not be charged as sick leave, but shall be credited as a holiday. This is subject to the provisions in Article 21-22 (Holidays). F. Sick Leave Conversion Any permanent employee who has accmed and maintains a minimum of one hundred (100) hours of sick leave shall be permitted to convert up to twelve (12) days of accumulated uncompensated sick leave to vacation at a ratio of three (3) sick leave days per one (1) day of vacation. The sick leave conversion option will be provided during the first week of each fiscal year. Employees will not be allowed to convert sick leave to 22 vacation if such conversion would put them over the vacation accmal maximum of three hundred and twenty (320) hours. Any permanent employee applying for retirement with the Public Employees' Retirement System may convert accmed and imused sick leave time to extend service time in the system at the ratio of twenty-five (25) days of accmed sick leave to one month of extended service. Article 24 Bereavement Leave A. An employee shall be granted, upon written request, up to three work shifts of paid bereavement leave if required to be absent from duty due to the death of a member ofthe employee's immediate family. Additional time off may be authorized by the Department Head and charged to accrued vacation or sick leave or, when no accmed leave is available, treated as leave without pay. The "immediate family" shall be defmed in the personnel mles and regulations. B. The employee may be required to submit proof of relative's death before final approval of bereavement leave is granted. Article 25A Family and Medical Leave Acts The parties acknowledge the existence of the state and federal family and medical leave acts ("the Acts") and intend to apply and implement this Memorandum of Understanding so as to comply with the Acts. As to employees who are entitied to family and medical leave imder the Acts, the City will apply "Article 25B Leave of Absence," as modified to comply with greater benefits and protections, if any, that are provided in the Acts. The parties agree to consult if compliance with the Acts may hereafter require modifying the provisions of this Memorandum of Understanding. Article 25B Leave of Absence 1. Leave of Absence Without Pay A. General Policy Any employee may be granted a leave of absence without pay pursuant to the approval of his/her Department Head for less than two calendar weeks. If the duration ofthe leave of absence will be longer, the approval ofthe City Manager or his/her designee is required. An employee shall utilize all his/her vacation, compensatory time off and/or sick leave (if applicable) prior to taking an authorized leave of absence without pay. A leave without pay may be granted for any of the following reasons: 1. Illness or disability. 23 2. To take a course of study which will increase the employee's usefulness on retum to his/her position in the City service. 3. For personal reasons acceptable to the City Manager and Department Head. B. Authorization Procedure Requests for leave of absence without pay shall be made in yvriting and shall state specifically the reason for the request, the date when the leave is desired to begin, the probable date of retum, and the agreement to reimburse the City for any benefit premiums paid by the City during the leave of absence. The request shall normally be initiated by the employee, but may be initiated by his/her Department Head, and, if applicable, shall be promptly transmitted to the City Manager or his/her designee for approval. A copy of any approved request for leave of absence without pay with a duration equal to or greater than two calendar weeks shall be delivered promptly to the Directors of Finance and Human Resources. C. Length of Leave and Extension A leave of absence without pay may be made for a period not to exceed six months, unless otherwise approved by the City Manager. The procedure for granting extensions shall be the same as that in granting the original leave provided that the request for extension is made no later than fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the expiration of the original leave. D. Retum From Leave When an employee intends to retum from an authorized leave of absence without pay either before or upon the expiration of such leave, he/she shall contact his/her Department Head at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the day he/she plans to retum. The Department Head shall promptly notify the Human Resources Department of the employee's intention. The employee shall retum at a rate of pay not less than the rate at the time the leave of absence began. E. Effect of Leave Without Pay A pro-rata reduction of normal annual vacation and sick leave accmals shall be applicable to an approved absence without pay. Any absence without pay constitutes a break of continuous service with the City. The granting of any leave without pay exceeding two full scheduled pay periods shall cause the employee's salary anniversary date and calculation of fiill-time continuous service to be extended by the number of calendar days for which such leave has been granted less the first two full pay periods of such leave. An employee's accumulation of sick leave and vacation leave will cease after the completion of two (2) full scheduled pay periods in which the employee has not 24 received compensation due to a leave of absence without pay. Accmal will be reinstituted beginning the first day the employee has rettimed to work.^ F. Leave Without Pav - Insurance Payments and Privileges An employee on leave without pay may continue his/her City insurance benefits by reimbursing the City for the employee's costs of insurance on a monthly basis during the period ofthe leave. Failure to reimburse the City for such benefits during the term of a leave of absence will result in the employee's coverage terminating on the first day following the month in which the last payment was received. Upon the employee's retum to paid status, any sums due to the City shall be repaid through payroll deductions. This applies to sums due for insurance as well as other payment plans entered into between the City and the employee (e.g., computer loan).^ Upon eligibility for COBRA, the employee will be notified of the opportunity to continue benefit coverage via the COBRA process. An employee on leave of absence without pay shall not have all ofthe privileges granted to regular employees (e.g., holiday pay), unless required by law. G. Comprehensive Leave Policy - CCEA and the Citv agree to a reopener during the life of this contract to talk about a comprehensive Citv-wide Leave Policy that clarifies practices related to paid/unpaid leaves of absence. 2. Pregnancy Disability Leave Pregnancy Disability Leave shall be authorized and/or administered in accordance with the provisions of State and Federal law. An employee disabled by pregnancy shall be allowed to utilize a combination of accmed sick leave, vacation, compensatory time and leave without pay to take a leave for a reasonable period of time, not to exceed four months. An employee shall utilize all accmed leave, except compensatory time off, prior to taking leave without pay. Reasonable period of time means that period during which the employee is disabled on account of pregnancy, childbirth, or related conditions. An employee who plans to take a leave pursuant to this article shall give the City reasonable notice ofthe date the leave shall commence and the estimated duration ofthe leave. Article 26 Military Leave Military leave shall be authorized in accordance with the provisions of State and Federal law. The employee must fiimish satisfactory proof to his/her Department Head, as far in advance as possible, that he/she must report to military duty. 25 Article 27 Jury Duty When called to jury duty, an employee, having provided at least seven (7) calendar five working days written notice, shall be entitled to his/her regular compensation. Employees shall be entitled to keep mileage reimbursement paid while on jury duty. A Department Head may, at his/her sole discretion, contact the court and request an exemption and/or postponement of jury service on behalf of an employee. Employees released early from jury duty shall report to their supervisor for assignment for the duration of the work day. At the discretion of the supervisor, an employee may be released from reporting back to work if an unreasonable amount of the work day remains in light of travel time to the job site after release. Article 28 Rest Periods All CCEA represented employees shall receive, at the direction of the respective department, two (2) fifteen (15) minute rest periods, one each approximately at the mid-point of each one-half shift. Employees working in the field shall take, at the direction of the department, rest periods at or nearby the work site or retum to their department for rest. Rest time is not cumulative beyond the half scheduled work day within which the break period occurs. Article 29 Late Starts An employee who is tardy to work shall be formally counseled by his/her supervisor. Tardiness may cause the employee's pay to be docked. Such docking shall be done by rounding to the nearest quarter hour. An employee may not substitute accmed compensatory time, vacation, holiday, or sick leave for the docked pay. Nor may the employee utilize a shortened break period or lunch period. Article 30 Flexible Classifications An employee hired into one of the listed entry level positions shall be reclassified to the joumey level position following twelve (12) months of successful service in the entry level position and upon meeting joumey-level requirements, if any, as established by the City. Any City- established requirements must be identified in the classification description. The employee shall be placed at the nearest step of the joumey level salary range which represents a minimum five percent (5%) salary increase. Entry Level Position Joumey Level Position Accoimt Clerk I Account Clerk II Technician I Building Technician II Engineering Technician I Engineering Technician II Library Assistant I Library Assistant II Maintenance Worker I Park Maintenance Worker II Maintenance Worker I Street Maintenance Worker II Meter Services Worker I Meter Services Worker II Office Specialist I Office Specialist II Planning Technician I Planning Technician II 26 Police Records Specialist I Police Records Specialist II Tree Trimmer I Tree Trimmer II An employee hired into one of the entry level positions listed below shall be reclassified to the joumey level position following twenty-four (24) months of successful service in the entry level position and upon meeting joumey-level requirements, if any, as established by the City. Any City-established requirements must be identified in the classification description. The employee shall be placed at the nearest step of the joumey level salary range which represents a minimum five percent (5%) salary increase. Entry Level Position Joumey Level Position Building Inspector I Building Inspector II Code Enforcement Officer I Code Enforcement Officer II Inspector I Inspector II Equipment Technician I Equipment Technician II Librarian I Librarian II Utility Worker I Utility Worker II Waste Water Utility Worker I Waste Water Utility Worker II Sanitation Systems Operator I Sanitation Systems Operator II • Employees who are currently in the Librarian I/II classification will be reclassified to the new Librarian Classification (Salary grade 55) and if their current salary is above the Librarian salary range, their salary will be y-rated. • Employees who are y-rated will remain at current salary and will not be eligible for salary increases until the salary range for 55 exceeds the salary of the y-rated employee. At that time, the y-rated employee shall move to the closest step on the salary range that is in excess of their y-rated salary. The 2013 and 2014 salary increases shall apply to these y rated employees. • Those employees who cannot receive the 3% increase while staying within the salary range will receive a base building increase up to the range maximum and the balance as a stipend in the pay period that includes January 1, 2014. • Within 30 calendar days of the ratification of this Memorandum, an internal recruitment will be opened for the lead position and (also within 30 calendar days) CCEA will be notified how many lead librarian positions will be filled, the timeline for when they are projected to be filled and where they will be assigned. Librarian I/II who are not y rated under this proposal shall be moved to the closest but higher step on range 55 and shall remain eligible for step increases in 2013 on their anniversary date and may be placed on a longevity step even if they otherwise would not qualify for longevity pay. Article 31 Flexible Start Hours CCEA represented employees, with advance Department Head approval, may alter their starting time per shift between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. The Department Head may revoke the flexible start time at any time and retum the employee to regular working hours for that particular department. An employee shall receive fourteen (14) calendar days notice, imless 27 extenuating circumstances preclude such a notice, prior to revocation of flexible start hours. This article is not subject to the grievance procedure. Article 32 Flexible Work Schedules Employees hired on or after December 23, 1991, by departments/divisions currentiy operating on an altemative work schedule shall be subject to having their daily work schedule changed at the sole discretion of the department. Such changes include, but are not limited to, a) number of days/hours to be worked on a daily basis and in a payroll period; b) normal days off; and c) starting/ending times of assigned shifts. This article shall not be subject to the grievance procedure. 9/80 Altemative Work Schedule: The parties acknowledge that they met and conferred in good faith over the terms and conditions for implementation of a 9/80 work schedule. The result of that meeting and conferring is reflected in the City of Carlsbad's Administrative Order No. 57, by which the parties will control implementation of the 9/80 schedule. This article shall not be subject to the grievance procedure. Article 33 Flexible Job Sharing Two or more employees may, with the express written approval of the City Manager, the Human Resources Director, and the affected Department Head, participate in a flexible job sharing program. The specifics of such a program shall be determined by the employees and the City on a case by case basis. Prior to implementation of any such program(s), a written agreement setting forth the specifics ofthe program shall be signed by the affected employees and the City. This article shall not be subject to the grievance procedure. Article 34 Health Insurance/Flexible Benefits Program A. Flexible Benefits Program Employees represented by CCEA will participate in a flexible benefits program that includes medical insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, and flexible spending accounts (FSAs). Each of these components is outlined below. A. Medical Insurance Al. Employees represented by CCEA will be covered by the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act (PEMHCA) and will be eligible to participate in the CalPERS Health Program. The City will pay on behalf of all employees covered by this agreement and their eligible dependents and those retirees designated in Section C of this Article, the minimum amount per month required under Govemment Code Section 22892 ofthe PEMHCA for medical insurance through the Califomia Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS). If electing to enroll for medical benefits, the employee must select one medical plan from the variety of medical plans offered through CalPERS. Effective the pay period that 28 includes March 1, 2013,Upon ratiflcation of tho MOU between tho City and CCEA, prospectively only, the City will contribute the following monthly amounts (called Benefits Credits) on behalf of each active CCEA employee and eligible dependents toward the payment of 1) medical premiums under the CalPERS Health Program, 2) contribution of some or all of the premium for dental coverage or vision coverage and 3) contributions in the name of the employee to the City's flexible spending account(s): (a) For employees with "employee only" coverage, the City shall contribute flve himdred fifty two seventy-eight ($#^578) per month (increased from $552 per month) that shall include the mandatory payments to CalPERS. If the actual total premiums exceed the City's total contributions, the employee will pay the difference. (b) For employees with "employee plus one dependenf coverage, the City shall contribute one thousand twenty sevenninc hundred eighty ($9801,027) per month (increased from $980 per month) that shall include the mandatory payments to CalPERS. If the actual total premiums exceed the City's total contributions, the employee will pay the difference. (c) For employees with "employee plus two or more dependents" coverage, the City shall contribute one thousand threet¥^ hundred fifty-nineteen ($1.2591,319) per month (increased from $1,259 per month) that shall include the mandatory payments to CalPERS. If the actual total premiums exceed the City's total contributions, the employee will pay the difference. For the remainder of the 2013 calendar year, the increase in benefit credits outiined in this section will be paid to the employee in cash and reported as taxable income. A2. Effective upon ratification of this Memorandum by the City Council (prospectively only), the City shall increase the contributions in (a) (c) above to the amounts indicated. The amount ofthe increase was determined by 1) taking the average percentage increase for all ofthe CalPERS HMO health plans for January 1st for the year in question and 2) adding 50% of this percentage increase to the previous calendar year's monthly City contribution for each coverage level (rounded to the nearest whole dollar amount) to determine the new monthly City contribution dollar amoimt. A3. To provide CCEA members with the value of this increase in Benefits Credits for the pay periods bctweenthat include the period between JanuaryMarch 1, 20134- and ratification of this Memorandum by the City Council, the City shall with payroll for the first full pay period after ratification of this Memorandum by the City Council, make a one-time taxable (non-PERSable) cash payment equal to the monthly increase in benefits credits for CCEA members employed by the City on that date. The total cash amoimt will depend on the number payroll periods in 2014-3 that occur between March 1, 2013 and ratification of this Memorandum in which Benefits Credits were applied before implementation of the Benefits Credits increase resulting from sections Al and A2 above. 29 A4. The dollar amount paid by the City for each coverage level (employee only, employee plus one dependent and employee plus two or more dependents) will be increased in the first pay period of calendar year 2O122014. The amount of the increase will be determined by 1) taking the average percentage increase for all of the CalPERS HMO health plans for January 1^^ for the year in question and 2) adding half of this percentage increase to the previous calendar year's monthly City contribution for each coverage level (rounded to the nearest whole dollar amount) to determine the new monthly City contribution dollar amount. A5. Under no circumstances will any Effective the first full pay period after ratification ofthe MOU between the City and CCEA (prospectively only) unused Benefits Credits as outlined above will be paid to the employee in cash and reported as taxable income. If the amount contributed by the City (Benefits Credits) exceeds the cost of the medical and dental insurance purchased by the employee, the employee will have the option of using any "excess credits" to purchase vision insurance or to contribute to a healthcare or dependent care flexible spending account (FSA). instead of receiving taxable cash. As of January 1, 2014, the employee will also have the option of using any "excess credits" to purchase accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) insurance. All active CCEA-represented employees who work three quarter-time or less will receive prorated beneflt credits. B. Dental Insurance Represented employees will be eligible to enroll in a City-sponsored dental plan. Should an employee elect to enroll for medical benefits, he/she must also enroll in dental coverage at the same coverage level (employee only, employee plus one dependent, employee plus two or more dependents) as medical insurance. As of January 1, 2014. dental coverage will be optional at any coverage level, regardless of the employee's medical coverage. C. Vision Insurance Represented employees will be eligible to enroll in a City-sponsored vision insurance plan. Employees may elect to purchase vision insurance or to opt out ofthe vision insurance program. If the decision is made to purchase vision insurance, a CCEA represented employee may purchase vision insurance at any level of coverage (employee only, employee plus one dependent, employee plus two or more dependents). GD. Retirees Each retired employee who was a member of this bargaining unit is eligible to be covered by the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act and is eligible to participate in the Califomia Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) Health Program. Represented employees who retire from the City, either service or disability, shall be eligible to continue their enrollment in the CalPERS Health Program when they retire, provided that the individual is enrolled or eligible to enroll in a CalPERS medical plan at the time of separation from employment and their effective date of retirement is within 120 days of separation. The City will contribute the minimum amount per month 30 required under Govemment Code Section 22892 of the PEMHCA toward the cost of each retiree's enrollment in the CalPERS Health Program. Employees who retire from the City, either service or disability, shall be eligible to continue to participate in the City's dental and/or vision insurance programs. The cost of such dental and/or vision insurance for the retiree and eligible dependents shall be home solely by the retiree. The City shall not charge the COBRA administrative cost to the retirees. A retiree who does not choose continued coverage upon retirement, or drops coverage, is only eligible to retum to the City's dental and vision insurance program during open enrollment periods. The City will invoice the retiree for his/her monthly premiums for dental and/or vision insurance and the retiree must keep such payments current to ensure continued coverage. E. Opt Out Provision CCEA represented employees who do not wish to participate in the CalPERS Health Program will have the choice of opting out of the City's medical insurance program, provided they can show that they are covered under another insurance program. Upon rntifirntinn nf the MOU between the City and CCEA (prospectively only) Effective the pav period that includes March 1, 2013, employees who elect the opt-out provision will be given a reduced City contribution amount (Benefits Credits) of two hundred fiftythirty nine ($2^250) per month (increased from $239 per month) to be used toward the purchase of dental insurance, vision insurance, e^as a contribution to a flexible spending account or as cash (reported as taxable income). As of January 1, 2014, the employee will also have the option of using any "excess credits" to purchase accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) insurance. The City contribution amount of two hundred thirty nine fifty($23^250) per month will be granted to any employee who elects to opt out of the CalPERS Health Program, regardless of the employee's level of coverage (employee only, employee plus one dependent, employee plus two or more dependents). The dollar amount paid by the City for employees who elect the opt-out provision will be increased in the first pay period of calendar year 20122Q14. The amount of the increase will be determined by 1) taking the average percentage increase for all ofthe CalPERS HMO health plans for January 1st for the year in question and 2) adding half of this percentage increase to the previous calendar year's monthly City contribution for each coverage level (rounded to the nearest whole dollar amount) to determine the new monthly City contribution dollar amount. Effective the first full pay period after ratification of the MOU (prospectively only) Under no circumstances will any unused Benefits Credits as outlined above will be paid to the employee in cash and reported as taxable income. Article 35 State Disability Insurance/Family Medical Leave Benefits 31 A. Employees represented by CCEA will be enrolled in the State Disability Insurance Program. (The City agrees to pay the premium.) B. On January 1, 2004, the State Disability Insurance Program will provide for paid leave benefits for employees who qualify for family medical leaves of absence. The employee shall pay the premium attributed to the family medical leave portion ofthe insurance program. The employee may elect to use accumulated vacation, sick leave or compensatory time off during the seven day elimination period. C. Employees represented by CCEA shall be entitied to combine accumulated sick leave, vacation leave or comp time with State Disability payments for the purpose of achieving the equivalent of their pre-disability salary to the extent allowed by law during any period of nonindustrial disability. Under no circumstances shall the combination of accumulated leave and State Disability Insurance payments exceed the employee's pre-disability salary. Article 36 Long Term Disability (LTD) During the term of this memorandum. City agrees to continue to provide long term disability insurance. Said insurance shall provide for a ninety (90) calendar day waiting period prior to payment eligibility. Employees represented by CCEA shall be entitied to combine accumulated vacation leave or comp time with LTD payments for the purpose of achieving the equivalent of their pre-disability salary to the extent allowed by law during any period of nonindustrial disability. Accumulated sick leave may not be combined with LTD payments. Under no circumstances shall the combination of accumulated leave and LTD payments exceed the employee's pre-disability salary. Article 37 Retirement A. The City has contracted with CalPERS for the following retirement benefits: • Miscellaneous Tier 1 (employees entering miscellaneous membership for the first time prior to November 28, 2011) - The retirement formula shall be 3% (a), 60: single highest year final compensation. • Miscellaneous Tier 2 (employees entering miscellaneous membership for the first time on or after November 28. 2011) - The retirement formula shall be 2% @, 60: three year average final compensation. Employees who are "New Members" as defined by the California Public Employees' Pension Reform Act of 2013 (PEPRA) (e.g.. an employee hired on or after 1/1/2013 who has never been a CalPERS member or member of a reciprocal system or who has had a break in CalPERS service of at least 6 months or more) will be subiect to all the applicable PEPRA provisions, which include but are not limited to the following retirement benefits. • Miscellaneous Tier 3 - retirement formula shall be 2% @ 62; three year average final compensation. 32 •—The City will contract with CalPEPv^S to provide the "3^0 at 60" retirement benefit for all CCEA represented employees effective January 1, 2005. Effective the pay period inclusive of January 1, 2005, the City will pay seven percent (7^0) and the employee will pay the additional one percent (1%) of the employee's retirement contribution to CalPERS. •—Commencing with the pay period inclusive of January 1, 2005, the one percent (l^o) employee contribution will be deducted from each employee's salary on a pro tax basis by implementing provisions of section ^ H (h)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). B. Employee Retirement Contribution The employee retirement contribution will be made on a pre-tax basis by implementing provisions of section 414(h)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). Employees shall make the following employee retirement contributions through payroll deductions: • Tier 1 miscellaneous employees shall pay all of the employee retirement contribution (8%) • Tier 2 miscellaneous employees shall pay all of the employee retirement contribution (7%) • Tier 3 miscellaneous employees shall pay one half of the normal cost rate associated with the 3*""^ tier. • The City will continue to contract with CalPERS for the single highest year provision and the third level of 1959 Survivors' Benefit. • The City shall continue to contract with CalPERS for the military service credit option. The cost of this option is home entirely by the employee. Payments by the employee to CalPERS are to be arranged by the employee directly with CalPERS. Once such a payment schedule has been approved by CalPERS, the employee may arrange with the City for such payments to be made by means of payroll deduction •—Reduction in Employer Paid Member Contributions (EPMC): Effective with the first payroll period including December 1, 2011, the 1% EPMC referenced in section A above shall be reduced to 3.5^0 for all employees. Effective with the pay period that includes December 1, 2012, the EPMC referenced in section A above shall be reduced another 3.5"/o for all employees. Employees shall pay the entire 8^0 employee contribution through payroll deductions. Second tier employees as described below, shall be subject to a statutory IVo required employee contribution. Employee contributions for second tier employees shall be made through payroll deductions and they shall receive EPMC of 3.5^0 until the pay period that includes December 1, 2012 and 0% thereafter. •—Second tier of retirement benefits for employees hired after November 27, 2011: The City shall amend its contract with CalPEPv.S pursuant to Government Code Section 20^75 to provide a second tier of retirement benefits for all employees hired after November 27, 2011 or as soon as administratively possible thereafter. The second tier shall have the following key components: 33 a. Retirement Formula shall be 2% @ 60 (Government Code Section 21353); and three year average final compensation (Government Code Section 20037). •—Charter Amendment. The City shall place on the ballot at the next general election or special election, if one is otherwise scheduled (whichever occurs first) an item to be voted on by the electorate that, if passed, will prohibit the retirement formula in the second tier from being increased absent voter approval. Article 38 Deferred Compensation The City shall provide for a Deferred Compensation Plan which may be utilized by any employee on an optional basis. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any particular plan and to impose specific conditions upon the use of any plan. Such plan shall be implemented without cost to the City. As soon as administratively possible CCEA-represented employees will be eligible for the personal loan provision established with the City's deferred compensation provider (currentiy ICMA Retirement Corporation). It is acknowledged that the City will assist in the administrative set-up of this benefit but that the City has no liability if an employee should default on the repayment of such a loan. Article 39 Dispute Resolution Procedure The purpose of this procedure is to provide a single, uniform process for CCEA represented employees to resolve disputes conceming grievances and discipline in an efficient manner and without subsequent discrimination or reprisals. Any time limit provided under this Article may be extended by mutual consent of the parties. 1. Applicability of This Article Grievances and group grievances, as defined in Part 2 of this Article, may be appealed under Parts 2 and 4 of this Article. The following types of discipline may be appealed under Parts 3 and 4 of this Article: suspension of more than one work shift, reduction in pay of more than one work shift, demotion and termination. Any regular CCEA represented employee may appeal a letter of reprimand, suspension of one work shift or less or reduction of pay of one work shift or less to his or her Department Head for a final decision. 2. Grievances A. Individual Grievances A "grievance" is a formal, written allegation by a grievant that he/she has been adversely affected by an existing violation, misinterpretation or misapplication ofthe specific provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding and/or provisions of the Personnel Rules and Regulations. 34 The City's exercise of management rights is not reviewable under this procedure unless such exercise also violates other provisions(s) of the Memorandum of Understanding and/or the Personnel Rules and Regulations. A grievance is not reviewable if it would require the modification of a policy established by the City Council or by law, or is reviewable under some other administrative procedure and/or mles ofthe City, such as: (1) Appeals from formal disciplinary proceeding. (2) Appeals from work performance evaluations. B. Group Grievances Within twenty thirty (2030) working calendar days after authorized representatives ofthe employee organization knew or by reasonable diligence should have known of a condition giving rise to a grievance, a group of employees may file a group grievance with the Human Resources Department. CCEA, as an "organization," may also file a group grievance on behalf of employees if CCEA 1) identifies the employees who are adversely impacted by name and by classification, and 2) specifically identifies how these employees are being adversely affected. (1) The group of employees must file one (1) grievance form which all members ofthe group have read and signed. Members of the group will be limited to those who have read and signed the initial grievance form. (2) Group grievances shall proceed through all normal grievance processes and be subject to all applicable time limitations as set forth herein. (3) The resolution of a group grievance may not be consistent among a employees who filed, read and signed the group grievance due to differences in the circumstances or occurrences that brought about the grievance. C. Informal Resolution Within twenty (20) calendar days after an employee knew or reasonably should have known that he or she has suffered a grievable injury, the employee shall attempt to resolve the grievance by an informal conference with his or her inunediate supervisor. Within twenty (20) calendar days after an employee organization knew or reasonably should have known that its members have suffered a grievable injury, it shall attempt to resolve the matter by an informal conference with an appropriate immediate supervisor. The Supervisor shall meet with the employee(s) or organization within ten (10) calendar days of receiving the request for the meeting. The immediate supervisor shall give his or her response to the employee or employee organization within twenty (20) calendar days of the informal conference. D. Department Head Review 35 If a grievance is not informally resolved, within twenty (20) calendar days after receiving the immediate supervisor's response, the employee or employee organization shall request in yvriting an opportunity to discuss the grievance with the Department Head. The Department Head shall meet with the employee(s) or organization within ten (10) calendar days of receiving the request for the meeting. The Department Head, or his/her designee, shall give his or her response to the employee or employee organization in yvriting within twenty (20) calendar days of the meeting. E. City Manager Designee's Review If a grievance is not resolved by the Department Head, within twenty (20) calendar days after receiving the Department Head's response, the employee or employee organization shall request in writing an opportunity to discuss the grievance with the City Manager's Designee. The City Manager's designee shall meet with the employee(s) or organization within ten (10) calendar days of receiving the request for the meeting. The City Manager's Designee shall give his or her response to the employee or employee organization in writing within twenty (20) calendar days ofthe meeting. F. Permissible Relief A grievance may only seek to remedy the specific injury caused by a violation, misinterpretation or misapplication of the specific provisions ofthe Memorandum of Understanding and/or provisions of the Personnel Rules and Regulations. The City's exercise of management rights is not reviewable under this procedure unless such exercise also violates other provisions(s) of the Memorandum of Understanding and/or the Personnel Rules and Regulations. A grievance is not reviewable if it would require the modification of a policy established by the City Council or by law, or is reviewable under some other administrative procedure and/or mles ofthe City, such as: (1) If it would require the modification of a policy established by the City Council or by law; (2) If it is reviewable under some other administrative procedure and/or mles ofthe City such as: appeals from formal disciplinary proceedings, appeals from work performance evaluations, etc. (3) If it calls exclusively for relief that cannot be granted such as discipline of other employees or confidential information about other employees. G. Service of Notice A notice that a grievance has been resolved or a notice that a grievance raises a matter that may not be addressed utilizing this procedure shall be served upon the employee in person or by registered mail, and whenever possible the employee shall acknowledge service by signing the receipt. H. Resolved Disputes 36 A grievance is considered resolved under any of the following circumstances: (1) When the City and employee agree to a resolution; (2) When the employee fails to advance the matter to the next step ofthe administrative procedure in the time specified herein for doing so; (3) When the City has provided the relief sought by the employee that it is legally capable of providing. A grievance that has been resolved does not progress any further through the dispute resolution process. 3. Discipline A. Grounds For Discipline The City has the authority to impose appropriate discipline upon any represented employee for cause. Discipline shall be commensurate with the seriousness ofthe offense and with consideration of the employee's prior performance and disciplinary record. Grounds for discipline may include but are not limited to the following: (1) Fraud in securing employment (2) Incompetence, neglect of duty, willful disobedience, insubordination, tardiness, working unauthorized overtime, disclosure of non-public, intemal and/or confidential, information or dishonesty. (3) Being under the influence of alcohol or intoxicating dmgs while on duty. (4) Absence without leave. (5) Criminal conviction having some relevance to the job. (6) Intentionally being discourteous to the public. (7) Unauthorized use of or neglect of City property. (8) Abuse of sick leave. (9) Unauthorized outside employment that constitutes a conflict of interest (10) Acceptance of a gift or gratuity that constitutes a willful conflict of interest. (11) Falsiflcation of any City report or record. (12) Willful violation of any of the provisions of the City Code, ordinances, resolutions or any mles, regulations or policies which may be prescribed by the City Council, City Manager, department manager, or supervisor. (13) Political activities precluded by State or Federal law. (14) Failure to respond to questions or otherwise failure to participate during an investigation conducted by the City or its agents. (15) Other acts that are incompatible with service to the public. B. Pre-Disciplinarv Procedure If a supervisor determines that an employee might be a threat to him or herself, other employees or members of the public, the supervisor may inmiediately take whatever 37 action is necessary to reduce or eliminate the danger, but the employee shall retain the right to notice and an opportunity to respond to discipline under this Article. Except for any oral or written counseling, waming or reprimand, the Department Head or his/her designee shall advise the employee and the Human Resources Director of contemplated disciplinary action in a written Notice of Intended Discipline including a description of the misconduct, the grounds for discipline, and the employee's right to respond within seven (7) calendar five (5) work days after the date of the Notice of Intended Discipline and prior to the discipline being imposed. If the employee elects to respond, he or she may have a representative and meet informally with the City Manager's designee, without the right to bring witnesses or present a formal case. Within seven (7) calendar five (5) work days of the employee's response or failure to respond in a timely manner, the City Manager's designee shall advise the employee in yvriting whether the proposed discipline, modified discipline or no discipline is being imposed. Any discipline will be announced in a written Notice of Discipline including a description of the misconduct, the grounds for discipline and the right to appeal the discipline using the administrative procedure under Part 4 of this Article. C. Service of Notice A Notice of Intended Discipline or a Notice of Discipline shall be served upon the employee in person or by registered mail, and whenever possible the employee shall acknowledge service by signing the receipt. 4. Administrative Procedure An employee may have both a legal representative of his or her choosing and a CCEA representative of his or her choosing at any step of this administrative procedure. This representative may at the employee's option be provided by an employee organization. If the representative is a City employee, the employee seeking the representative shall notify the representative's immediate supervisor and the City's Human Resources Department in yvriting and the supervisor shall make the necessary arrangements for the representative to be present at any hearing. A. Step One - Filing an Appeal If a grievance is not formally resolved or an employee seeks to appeal a suspension of more than one work shift, reduction in pay of more than one work shift, demotion or termination, within ten (10) calendar days of receiving the City Manager designee's response to the grievance or the Notice of Discipline, the employee or employee organization may file with the Human Resources Director an application for an advisory hearing. B. Step Two - Administrative Hearing (1) Hearing Procedure 38 If the matter is subject to an advisory hearing, the City shall arrange if practicable for the matter to be heard by a hearing officer within one hundred twenty (120) calendar days ofthe date of the filing of the appeal with the Human Resources Director. The hearing shall be scheduled for a time that is mutually convenient to the parties and the hearing officer. The advisory hearing shall be closed unless the employee or the employee organization request that it be open to the public. In the case of an appeal of a grievance, the parties shall equally bear the costs of the mandatory court reporter, transcripts, hearing officer and facilities. Each party shall bear its oyvn witness fees, attomey fees and exhibit costs. In the case of an appeal of disciplinary action, the City shall bear the costs of the mandatory court reporter, transcripts, hearing officer and facilities. Each party shall bear its own witness fees, attomey fees and exhibit costs. The advisory hearing shall be limited to arguments, witness testimony and exhibits offered by the parties. The hearing shall proceed according to an Administrative Order regarding Rules of Procedure for Personnel Meetings and Hearings. Such an Administrative Order will replace Personnel Board Resolution 19 to reflect that the Personnel Board is being replaced by a hearing officer in matters of grievance and discipline. (2) Hearing Officer The employee or employee organization and the City may agree that the advisory hearing will be conducted before a hearing officer mutually selected by the parties from a list of hearing officers provided by a neutral third party. The selection of a hearing officer will include a review of his/her background and qualifications which will include experience as a labor attomey and/or mediator and/or arbitrator affiliated with American Arbitration Association, State of Califomia Mediation and Conciliation Service or Judicial Arbitration Mediation Services (JAMS). (3) Permissible Relief In the case of a grievance appeal, the hearing officer may only recommend that the relief initially sought by the employee or employee organization be granted or that the position of the City should be upheld. In the case of disciplinary appeals, the hearing officer may reconmiend either that the discipline imposed by the City be upheld, that a lesser discipline be imposed, or that no discipline be imposed. The advisory findings and reconunendation of the hearing officer shall be provided to the employee or employee organization. C. Step Three- Final Determination 39 The advisory findings and recommendation, hearing transcript and exhibits conceming a grievance or a disciplinary appeal shall be transmitted as soon as reasonably possible to the City Manager for a final determination. The City Manager, or his/her designee, may allow, at his or her discretion, limited oral arguments and/or written statements from either side. Within thirty (30) calendar days of receiving all applicable documents or hearing the oral arguments of the parties, whichever is later, the City Manager or his/her designee shall make a final and conclusive written decision. (1) For grievances, the City Manager, or his/her designee, shall either reject the grievance or uphold the grievance and provide a remedy selected by the City Manager, or his/her designee. (2) For disciplinary appeals, the City Manager, or his/her designee, shall make a final and conclusive yvritten decision to uphold, modify or reject the discipline. D. Post-Hearing Procedure The provisions of Califomia Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6 shall apply to the final determination of the City Manager. Article 40 Alcohol and Drug Policy I. POLICY It is the policy ofthe City of Carlsbad to provide, for its employees, a work environment free from the effects of dmgs and alcohol consistent with applicable State and Federal law. The City of Carlsbad agrees to use a clinical laboratory which is certified by the National Institute on Dmg Abuse (NIDA), now known as the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). All procedures and protocols for collection, chain of custody and testing will be conducted consistent with standards required under SAMHSA certification. This policy is intended to accomplish that objective. A. Definitions - As Used in This Policy: 1. "Dmg" means any substance which produces a physical, mental, emotional or behavioral change in the user, including but not limited to, prescription medications, heroin, cocaine, morphine and its derivatives, P.C.P., methadone, barbiturates, amphetamines, methamphetamines, alcohol, marijuana, and other cannabinoids. 2. "Workplace" means any site where City-assigned work is performed, including City premises. City vehicles or other premises or vehicles, while City-assigned work is being conducted, or within a reasonable time thereafter. 3. "Reasonable suspicion" means a standard for evidence or other indication of impairment of normal physical or mental skills by alcohol or dmgs 40 where such impairment could negatively affect work performance or could pose a threat to public or employee safety. B. Employee Responsibilities 1. As a condition of employment, employees shall: a. not engage in the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of alcohol or dmgs nor be under the influence of alcohol or dmgs in the workplace or while on-call; b. submit to an alcohol and dmg analysis and remain on the premises when requested to do so by City management, acting pursuant to this policy, or by law enforcement personnel; c. notify the City of any conviction under a criminal dmg statute (including any pleas of nolo contendere), if such conviction was based on a violation which occurred in the workplace, no later than five days after such conviction; (notification under this subsection does not relieve an employee from the disciplinary consequences of the conduct upon which a criminal conviction is based); and d. abide by all terms of this policy. 2. Employees are encouraged required to notify their supervisors when taking any medication or dmgs, prescription or non-prescription (over-the- counter medications), which they have been informed by a medical providerwhieh may interfere with safe or effective performance of their duties or operation of City equipment. 3. Off-duty involvement with any controlled substance including, but not limited to manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, use or any conviction under a criminal dmg statute whose scope and employment are relevant to City employment may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination if there is relevant nexus between such off-duty involvement and the employee's employment with the City, consistent with the legal requirements for disciplinary due process. C. Employer Searches For the purpose of enforcing this policy and maintaining a dmg-free workplace, the City reserves the right to search, with or without prior notice to the employee, all work areas and property in which the City maintains full or joint control with the employee, including but not limited to City vehicles, desks, lockers, file cabinets, and bookshelves. These areas remain part of the workplace context even if the employee has placed personal items in them. Employees are cautioned against storing personal belongings in work areas under full or joint City control 41 since such work areas may be subject to investigation and/or search under this policy. Employer searches shall occur when there is a determination of "reasonable suspicion" as defined herein. Such searches shall be conducted by persons having supervisory and/or other legal authority to conduct such searches. Searches will not normally occur without concurrence of more than one supervisor. Nothing herein shall prevent the City from taking appropriate action if there is an inadvertent discovery of evidence of dmg or alcohol use. D. Consequences of Violation of Policy 1. Failure to abide by the terms of this policy shall be grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination. 2. In addition to any disciplinary action, an employee who fails to abide by this policy may also be directed to satisfactorily participate in an approved alcohol or substance abuse assistance or rehabilitation program. IL DRUG AND ALCOHOL ANALYSIS A. Pre-employment Dmg and Alcohol Analysis 1. After receiving an offer of employment, an otherwise successful candidate must submit to a dmg and alcohol analysis. At the City's discretion, this analysis may be in the form of "breathalizer," urine, or blood analysis. 2. Persons whose results are positive for either illegal dmgs or alcohol will be rejected for City employment. B. Employee Dmg and Alcohol Analysis 1. If a manager or supervisor of the City has reasonable suspicion that an employee is under the influence of dmgs or alcohol while in the workplace or subject to duty, the employee shall be: a. Prevented from engaging in other work; and b. Required to submit to a dmg and alcohol analysis. At the City's discretion, this analysis may be in the form of "breathalizer," urine, or blood analysis. c. An employee may also be required to remain on the premises for a reasonable time until arrangements can be made to transport the employee to his or her home. 42 2. Some examples of "reasonable suspicion" as defined in Section 1. A.3. include, but are not limited to, the following, when confirmed by more than one person having supervisory authority: a. slurred speech. b. alcohol odor on breath; c. unsteady walking or movement not related to prior injury or disability; d. an accident involving City property having no obvious causal explanation other than possible employee responsibility; e. physical or verbal behaviors that are dismptive, non-responsive, unusual for that employee or otherwise inappropriate to the workplace situation; f attributable possession of alcohol or dmgs; g. information obtained from a reliable person yvith personal knowledge that would lead a reasonably pmdent supervisor to believe that an employee is under the influence of alcohol or dmgs; 3. Refusal to remain on the premises or to submit to a dmg and alcohol analysis when requested to do so by City management or by law enforcement officers shall constitute insubordination and shall be grounds for discipline, up to and including termination. 4. A dmg and alcohol analysis may test for the presence of any dmg which could impair an employee's ability to effectively and safely perform the functions of his or her job. 5. A positive result from a dmg and alcohol analysis may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. 6. City agrees to take steps to protect the chain of custody of any dmg test sample. HI. EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM A. The City has a well established voluntary Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to assist employees who seek help for substance abuse problems. The EAP is available for assessment, referral to treatment, and follow-up. Any employee of the City wishing confidential assistance for a possible alcohol or dmg problem can call the EAP office and arrange for an appointment with a counselor. 43 B. Employees who are concemed about their alcohol or dmg use are strongly encouraged to voluntarily seek assistance through the EAP. All self-referral contacts are held in confidence by the EAP. C. Participation in the employee assistance program will not replace normal disciplinary procedures for unsatisfactory job performance or for violation of any City policy. Article 41 Access to Information The City will make available to CCEA such non-confidential information pertaining to employment relations as is contained in the public records of the City, subject to the limitations and conditions set forth in this article and Government Code Section 6250-6260. Such information shall be made available during regular office hours in accordance with the City's mles and procedures for making public records available and after payment of reasonable costs, where applicable. Information which shall be made available to CCEA includes regularly published data covering subjects under discussion. Data collected on a promise to keep its source confidential may be made available in statistical summaries, but shall not be made available in such form as to disclose the source. Nothing in this article shall be constmed as requiring the City to do research for an inquirer or to do programming or assemble data in a manner other than usually done by the City. Nothing in this article shall be constmed to require disclosure of records that are: (1) Personnel, medical and similar files, the disclosure of which would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy or be contrary to merit system principles; (2) Working papers or memoranda which are not retained in the ordinary course of business or any records where the public interest served by not making the record available clearly outweighs the public interest served by disclosure of the record; (3) Records pertaining to pending litigation to which the City is a party, or to claims or appeals which have not been settled. Article 42 Communications The parties agree to continue meeting at least once each month during the term ofthe agreement for the purpose of continuing communications on subjects of mutual concem. Article 43 Legal Representation Upon request of an employee and subject to any limitations provided by law, the City will provide for the defense of any civil action or proceeding initiated against the employee by a person or entity other than the City in a court of competent jurisdiction, on account of any act 44 or omission occurring within the course and scope of his/her employment as an employee ofthe City. Nothing herein shall be deemed to require the provision of such defense where the discretion to provide or not provide such defense is vested in the City pursuant to the provisions ofthe Califomia Govemment Code, or where the act or omission was not within the scope ofthe employee's employment, or the employee acted or failed to act because of actual fraud, cormption or actual malice, or where the provision of such defense would create a conflict of interest between the City and the employee. Nothing herein shall be constmed to grant to any employee any right or privilege in addition to those provided in the said Govemment Code. Article 44 Layoff Layoff The City may layoff an employee in the merit service because of material change in duties or organization or shortage of work and funds. Fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the effective date of a layoff, the appointing authority or designee shall notify the Human Resources Director ofthe intended action with reasons therefore, and a statement certifying whether or not the services ofthe employee have been satisfactory. A copy of such notice shall be given the employee affected and CCEA. If certified as having given satisfactory service, the name ofthe employee laid off shall be placed on the appropriate reemployment list as provided by these rules. Reduction in Force Procedures: The parties agree that CCEA may initiate a reopener within thirty (30) days of ratification of this Memorandum regarding changes to layoff procedures. Effective upon ratification of this Memorandum, and continuing until such time as the parties agree to change the procedures (or after meet and confer and exhausting all required impasse procedures, the City imposes changes to these procedures) the following procedures will apply to all probationary and permanent employees in the event of a reduction in the City work force. (a) Definitions: The following definitions apply to these procedures: (1) Citv Service Seniority shall be determined as the period of total continuous service with the City as measured from the date of original appointment. (2) Classification Seniority shall be determined as the period of total continuous service of an employee in the present classification as measured from the date of appointment to that classification. (b) Reduction in Force-Demotion: Whenever there is a reduction in the work force in which more than one employee in a classification has been identified for layoff the City shall first demote the employee in that classification with the greatest length of continuous Citv service to a vacancy. The employee identified for demotion to the vacant classification must have previously served in that classification and be determined to be currentiy qualified. An employee may refuse to accept a demotion and accept layoff without jeopardizing reemployment rights otherwise provided for in this procedure. 45 (c) Reduction in Force-Layoff Whenever there is a reduction in the work force, the City shall secondly layoff employees within a classification according to continuous City service seniority. Employees with the least continuous Citv service shall be laid off first. (d) Notification: Whenever there is a reduction in the work force requiring layoff the City shall send written notice to the last known address of each employee affected by a layoff The notice shall include the (1) reason for layoff (2) classes to which the employee may demote within the City, if any, (3) effective date of action, (4) conditions governing retention on and reinstatement from reemployment lists, and (5) mles regarding waiver of reinstatement and voluntary withdrawal from the reemployment list. (e) Determining Length of Seniority: In determining continuous Citv service seniority, all uninterrupted employment from the original date of hire, including periods of authorized leaves of absence and including all periods of time service seniority, all uninterrupted employment from the original date of hire, including periods of authorized leaves of absence and including all periods of time served as a limited term or CETA employee, shall be counted as continuous City service seniority. (f) Order of Reduction in Force: In a reduction in force the following order of layoffs shall be followed: (1) hourly, temporary and provisional employees in the affected classification series; (2) limited term employees in reverse order of their seniority in the affected class series; (3) Citv probationary employees in reverse order of their classification seniority in the affected class series; (4) should there be need for further reduction, regular employees who have been identified for layoff per section (c) above in the affected classification series shall be given the opportunity to accept or refuse demotion in order of their classification seniority pursuant to section (i) below; (5) should a reduction in force still be necessary, regular employees shall be laid off in reverse order of their classification seniority. (g) Determining Order of Layoff and Demotion for Employees With Identical Seniority: Should two or more employees have identical seniority, the order of layoff and demotion will be determined by alphabetical order of the employees' surnames, with the employee with the last name beginning with the letter closest to the beginning of the alphabet to be selected for layoff or demotion first. (h) Transfer: All effort will be made by the City to transfer any employee who is to be affected by a reduction in force to another vacant position for which such employee may qualify. (i) Order and Method of Demotion Pursuant to a Reduction in Force-Bumping: When required due to a reduction in force, employees shall be demoted in the following manner: (1) Employees who are demoted, who have held permanent status in a lower classification shall have the right to bump employees of lesser City service seniority in that lower classification. 46 (2) Employees who have not actually held status in a lower classification shall be allowed to demote to a vacant position or to a position held by a City probationary employee in such lower class, but may not bump regular City employees already in that lower classification. (j) Reinstatement of Employees Demoted as a Resuh of a Reduction in Work Force: Employees who are demoted as a resuh of a reduction in force shall have their names placed on a reinstatement list, in order of their Citv service seniority. Vacant positions in which an employee has served within a classification series shall first be offered to employees on this list. (k) Reemployment of Employees Laid Off as a Resuh of a Reduction in Force: Employees who are laid off and who held permanent City status at the time of layoff shall have their names placed on a reemployment list for classifications at the same or lower salary range for which they qualify in the order of their classification seniority. Vacant positions in such classifications will be offered to eligibles on the reemployment list who qualify for such vacancies prior to an open or promotional recruitment. (1) Duration of Reinstatement and Reemployment Lists: The eligibilitv of individuals on the reinstatement and reemployment list shall extend for a period of two years from the date of demotion or layoff Eligibles not responding to written notification of an opening after fourteen (14) calendar days shall have their names removed from either the reemployment or reinstatement list. (m) Restoration of Benefits Upon Reemployment Following a Reduction in Force: Upon reemployment following a reduction in force, an individual will have the following benefits restored: (1) Prior sick leave accruals. (2) Seniority at time of layoff for purposes of determining merit increases, vacation accmals and future reduction in force. (3) The salary paid to an employee who is reemployed shall be equivalent to the salary plan at the time of reemployment. If the employee chooses to be reemployed in a classification which has a salary range lower than the classification from which he was laid off, then salary placement will be in the range at the Step 5 or, as of January 1, 2014, at the range maximum as reflected in the current effective salary plan at the time of reemployment. (n) Payoff of Accruals Upon Layoff: Laid off employees are to be paid for all accmed holiday, vacation, compensation time and overtime when separated as a resuh of a layoff The sick leave accruals of such employee will remain on the books and will be reinstated if they are reappointed. 47 (o) Retirement Contribution: The disposition of the retirement contributions of a laid off employee shall be governed bv the provisions of the State of California Public Employees' Retirement Law as contained in the Government Code. (p) All CCEA represented employees involuntarily separated from the City service due to layoff shall receive one month's salary computed at the employee's actual salary at the time of separation. The CCEA and City agree to a reopener to be initiated by CCEA within 30 days of the ratification of this MOU regarding changes to layoff procedure (Article 44). Article 45 Carlsbad Municipal Water District 1. Effective Febmary 17, 1992, employees of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District ("CMWD") shall become employees ofthe City of Carlsbad ("City"). Each CMWD employee shall retain his/her CMWD classification, salary range, salary step, salary anniversary date, and seniority date upon becoming a City employee. Each employee's job titie, salary range, and salary step shall be subject to future modification upon completion of a City classification and compensation study. In no instance shall an employee's salary be reduced as a resuh of the City classification and compensation study. 2. Effective Febmary 17, 1992, each CMWD employee shall be subject to the City's personnel system as established by the municipal code, the personnel mles and regulations, administrative orders, the applicable memorandum of understanding, and other applicable ordinances, resolutions, and mles and regulations dealing with personnel and employer-employee relations. 3. Effective Febmary 17,1992, each CMWD employee shall be subject to the work mles and operations mles of the City. 4. Notwithstanding paragraph 2 above, each CMWD employee shall retain the benefits granted to CMWD employees as outlined in Attachment B (attached). 5. Unless specifically set forth in paragraph 4 above, all other fringe benefits shall be the same as those for City employees in the appropriate bargaining units as of Febmary 17, 1992. 6. Employees hired on or after Febmary 17,1992, into the water operation shall not be eligible for those benefits set forth in paragraph 4 above. 7. Employees who terminate service with the City (by reason other than lay off) shall not be eligible for the benefits set forth in paragraph 4 above upon reinstatement to the City. 8. Employees covered by this provision are listed in Attachment C. 48 t 9. No current City employees will be laid off as a resuh of assimilation of CMWD employees. 10. Former CMWD employees will be in the bargaining unit represented by CCEA. Article 46 Full Understanding, Modification, & Waiver It is intended that this agreement sets forth the full and entire understanding ofthe parties regarding the matters set forth herein, and any other prior or existing understanding or agreements by the parties, whether formal or informal, regarding any such matters are hereby superseded or terminated in their entirety. Any agreement, aheration, understanding, variation, waiver, or modification of any ofthe terms or provisions contained herein shall not be binding upon the parties hereto unless made and executed in writing by all parties hereto and, if required, approved and implemented by the City Council. The waiver of any breach, term or condition of this agreement by either party shall not constitute a precedent in the future enforcement of all its terms and provisions. Article 47 Provisions of Law It is understood and agreed that this Memorandum of Understanding is subject to all current and ftiture applicable federal and state laws, federal and state regulations. If any part or provision of the Memorandum of Understanding is in conflict or inconsistent with such above applicable laws, mles and regulations, or is otherwise held to be invalid or unenforceable by any tribunal or competent jurisdiction, such part or provision shall be suspended and superseded by such applicable law or regulations, and the remainder of this Memorandum of Understanding shall not be affected thereby. Article 48 Retention of Benefits The employees ofthe City of Carlsbad shall retain all present benefits as set forth in this Memorandum for the term of this agreement, except as amended by this Memorandum, or unless modified after exhausting the meet and confer process. Article 49 Non-discrimination Clause No person shall in any way be favored or discriminated against, by either the City or the Association, to the extent prohibited by law because of actual or perceived political opinion or affiliation, race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, national origin, veteran status, medical condition or physical or mental disability. In addition, no person shall be favored or discriminated against because of his/her association with someone who has or is perceived to have any characteristics of being in one of these classes of people. This affects decisions including, but not limited to, an employee's compensation, benefits, terms and conditions of employment, opportunities for promotion, training and development, transfer and other privileges of employment. 49 The City is committed to providing ongoing training to all employees on the subjects of equal employment, non-discrimination and cultural awareness. Article 50 Americans With Disabilities Act The parties acknowledge the applicability of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) and intend to apply and implement this Memorandum of Understanding so as to comply with the ADA. The parties agree to consuft if compliance with the ADA may require modifying the provisions of this Memorandum of Understanding. Article 51 Life Insurance and Voluntary Benefits All CCEA-represented employees shall receive City paid life insurance in an amount equal to one times their basic yearly eamings. To determine the benefit, the amount of insurance is rounded to the next higher $1,000 multiple, unless the amount equals a $1,000 multiple. Supplemental life insurance, at an amount equal to the City paid life insurance, is available at the employee's cost. Dependent life insurance is also available at the employee's cost. The Citv provides various voluntary benefits available at the employee's cost. Employees may select among various levels of coverage. For information regarding these benefits, contact the Human Resources Department at 760-602-2440. Article 52 Special Housing Facilities The City maintains a residence at the Maerkle Reservior, Dam, Treatment Facility and Site. The employee assigned the duty of Maerkle Facilities Steward is tasked with maintaining a safe, legally compliant facility and ensuring the security of City facilities. A detailed description of the conditions that apply to this assignment are outlined in Attachment E. 1. Employee Status The employee assigned as the Maerkle FaciUties Steward shall be a full-time permanent employee of the City. 2. Priority of Assignments In the event of a vacancy in the Maerkle Facilities Steward assignment, the assignment shall be offered to qualified current CCEA employees in the Water Operations Division ofthe UtiHties Department based on their seniority in the Water Operations Division. In order to be considered qualified for the assignment, the employee must have a minimum of one year of service in the City's Water Operations Division. In addition, the employee must not be on a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP), and must be fully competent in facility operations, recordkeeping, emergency response procedures and be in compliance with the following regulations governed by these respective agencies: a. Cal-OSHA's California Code of Regulations, Title 8, section 5189, Process Safety Management (PSM) of Highly Hazardous Materials. 50 b. Federal EPA's Code of Federal Regulations. Thle 40. Part 68. Accidental Release Prevention Requirements: Risk Management Programs (RMP) Clean Air Act Section 112(r). Program 3 requirements. c. Califomia Office of Emergency Services. Califomia Code of Regulations. Titie 19. Division 2. Chapter 4.5. California Accidental Release Prevention (CalARP) Program. d. County of San Diego. Department of Environmental Health. Hazardous Materials Division. Hazardous Materials Business Plan. e. California Health and Safety Code. Section 25531 through 25534. f State of California, Department of Water Resources, Division of Safety of Dams, g. Must possess a current CDPH issued Distribution Operator Grade D-3 and Treatment Operator Grade T-l per CDPH "shift operator" requirements. The employee must remain qualified throughout the assignment. Under no circumstances will the duties ofthe Maerkle FaciUties Steward be assigned to an employee that does not comply with the regulations as outiined above. Responsibilities The Steward shall be responsible for performing the following duties: A. Safety a. Maintain on site compliance with PSM/RMP program and Hazardous Materials Business Plan b. Immediately report any observed non-compliance issues with the PSM/RMP Program or Hazardous Materials Business Plan c. Ensure the residence, property and facilities are kept in a safe condition B. Emergency Response - Notification - Documentation a. Respond to emergency situations to include the chlorination facilhies per PSM/RMP requirements b. Provide timely and proper notification c. Provide timely and proper documentation d. Assist duty operator with onsite problems C. Operations and Maintenance a. Make occasional chlorine adiustments. flow changes and system changes as needed b. Perform general maintenance on the residence, yard and fencing c. Perform general maintenance on the property, perimeter fencing and weeds D. Inspections a. Perform routine visual inspections of the entire site at least weekly b. Perform visual inspections of the entire site after any disaster event including minor earthquakes c. Document and report any issues or concems to the Water Operations Supervisor E. Security 51 a. Be onsite on a regular basis during nonworking hours for a minimum of four weeknights per week and a minimum of three weekends per month (except for extended periods due to supervisor approved leaves, at which time the department will be responsible for ensuring coverage for Steward's responsibilities) b. Monitor access of residents through property during significant flood events c. Immediately report any security breaches or issues to the proper authority, including police, where appropriate 4. Rent and Utilities The City shall charge a nominal rent for the residence. Said rent shall be established from time to time by the City and communicated to the Steward in writing with sixty (60) calendar days advance notice of any changes. The City shall fumish the water supply and electricity for the residence and the Steward shall be responsible for the balance ofthe utilities. Term The City maintains the right to change the assignment of the Maerkle Facility Steward responsibility based solely upon the City's discretion and the City shall not be required to show cause. Moreover, the Steward shall have no due process rights related to a change from the assignment as a change shall not be considered disciplinary. It is the intent of this provision to create an at-will tenancy that can be revoked at any time upon at least sixty (60) calendar days' notice to the Steward. There shall be an annual review ofthe Steward's performance with the Water Operations Supervisor. The Steward shall, when possible, give the City at least sixty (60) calendar days written notice if he/she desires to be relieved of this assignment. Article 53 Contracting Out Work 1. The City has the right to contract out any or all of the services currently being performed bv CCEA represented classifications or that could be performed by CCEA represented classifications to any one or more public or private entities or individuals. 2. Prior to contracting out the services referenced in item number 1 above, the City shall first satisfy hs obligation to meet and confer with CCEA regarding both the decision and effects of contracting out those services 3. CREATION OF A REOUEST FOR PROPOSAL ("RFP") a. CCEA may appoint up to two (2) of hs members to attend a meeting with City staff responsible for the creation of an RFP for the purpose of providing input to the City regarding the creation of the RFP for contracting out the services referenced in item number 1 above. This first meeting shall occur prior to the RFP being prepared bv City staff 52 b. After the draft RFP is completed by Citv staff a copy of the RFP shall be forwarded to the CCEA appointees bv email and a subsequent meeting shall be scheduled, which shall take place within seven (7) calendar days from the date the RFP is received bv the CCEA appointees. The pumose of the meeting is for CCEA appointees to meet with the City staff responsible for preparing the RFP in order to discuss the RFP and ask questions as necessary. Additional meetings tnnv he scheduled if mutually agreeable. Following conclusion of the meeting(s), CCEA's appointees mav provide written feedback/suggestions regarding the RFP for the consideration of Citv staff prior to it being finalized and sent to any potential contractors. CCEA's feedback/suggestions shall be forwarded to City staff responsible for the creation ofthe RFP bv email within seven (7) calendar davs from the date of conclusion of these meetings. Pnor to distribution ofthe RFP to potential contractors, the Citv shall provide the CCEA appointees with the final version of the RFP. c. d. Neither CCEA nor hs appointees shall have veto power over any City decision related to the contents of an RFP or the RFP process. e Neither CCEA nor its appointees mav use the appointees' involvement in the RFP process to delay the RFP process f CCEA's appointees shall sign confidentiality agreements, as agreed to by the City and CCEA, prior to receiving any information related to an RFP 4. MFFT AND CONFER PROCESS a. The City mav send RFPs created following the procedure outlined in item number 3 above to potential contractors prior to engaging in the meet and confer process with CCEA. After the Citv receives responses to the RFP. the Citv Council or designee shall determine whether to pursue contracting out of those services that are the subject ofthe RFP. c In the event that the Citv Council or designee decides to pursue contracting out of nnv or all ofthe services that are the subiect of the RFP. the City's negotiating tp;^m will make a proposal in writing to CCEA to contract out those services and will provide a copy ofthe leading proposal to CCEA along with hs proposal. d. After reviewing the Citv's proposal. CCEA may request in writing to meet and confer over the decision to conttact out services and/or the effects of that decision no later than fourteen (14) calendar davs from the date of CCEA'sreceipt ofthe Citv's proposal. The first meeting of the meet and confer process shall be <.rheduled within fourteen (14) calendar davs of CCEA's written request. If CCEA requests to meet and confer over both the decision and effects, decision p.nd effects negotiations shall take place simultaneously. It is understood by the ppirties that the meet and confer process is not required to be completed in one single meeting. 53 e. The negotiations over the decision and/or effects shall be subiect to combined impasse procedures. 5. CITY COUNCIL DECISION a. After the meet and confer process has concluded bv either reaching agreement or exhausting impasse procedures, the City Council will make hs final decision on whether to contract out those services subiect to the RFP. Article 54 Pay for Performance Guidelines This article replaces Administrative Order No. 13 of March 12. 1976 in hs entirety. Administrative Order No. 23 of October 11. 1979 in its entirety and Section 4.4 of the Personnel Rules and Regulations-. L PURPOSE; Pay for Performance at the Citv of Carlsbad is based on the concept of a supervisor providing regular coaching/feedback to the employee. The pumose is to: > Create an environment that rewards high performers > Link financial rewards to accomplishing City business obiectives > Create a consistent City-wide approach for managers to link performance and rewards > Create a meaningful/fair reward system II. BACKGROUND: Consistent with the direction ofthe Citv Council, citv staff and the Carlsbad City Employees' Association (CCEA) have developed a compensation program that establishes compethive pay through regular and consistent compensation surveys. The Human Resources Department will maintain the highest possible number of benchmarks within the survey market and make recommendations to City Council regarding maintaining competitive salary ranges. The components of the compensation plan include: > a performance management program based on the concepts of performance planning and regular coaching/feedback; > a market based salary structure; and > a Pav for Performance reward system that includes merh increases* (base pay increases and/or cash rewards for employees who are at the maximum of their salary range) based on the demonstration of competencies and achievements. 54 * Eligibility for a merh pay increase is determined by an employee's performance and where his/her salary is relative to the midpoint of his/her salary range. Eligible employees who are at the salary range maximum receive a cash reward in lieu of a base pay increase. III. GUIDANCE; A. Annual Review Cycle The Performance Management Cycle is aligned with the calendar year. Below is a summary of the annual cycle. 55 Merit increases delivered HR determines base pay matrix that complies with approved merit pool funding Supervisors conduct year end reviews Council/CCEA negotiate funding for merit pool Supervisors select competencies and define priorities Supervisors conduct mid-year reviews (after Dept. Director approves mid-year ratings) Supervisors submit proposed year end performance ratings to Department Director Department Directors calibrate and finalize performance ratings B. Performance Management The performance management process consists of four important, interrelated steps. Step 1- Performance Planning Supervisors and employees will have an initial discussion to determine which functional competencies will be used to evaluate the employee in the upcoming year. The supervisor explains and sets performance level expectations. The supervisor and employee will also establish specific priorities, contributions or development plans that are aligned with the departmental and organizational strategic direction. Step 2 - Performance Coaching and Feedback Throughout the year, at least on a quarterly basis, the supervisor and employee review and discuss the employee's work performance, including significant accomplishments and/or shortfalls. Generally, these coaching and feedback sessions will be informal and may be inhiated by either the supervisor or employee. It will be the supervisor's responsibility to ensure these discussions take place and are appropriately documented. Step 3- Mid-Year Performance Review 56 Prior to the mid-year review meeting with the employee, the supervisor proposes mid-year ratings for the employee based on the employee's demonstrated competencies and accomplishments related to priorities. The Department Director reviews all proposed mid-year ratings in his/her department and validates that Pay for Performance (P4P) guidelines are followed consistentiv within his/her department. The goal ofthe mid-year performance review is to encourage open communication between supervisors and employees and ensure that there are "no sumrises" during the annual performance evaluation session at the end of the vear. The supervisor and employee will assess and discuss the employee's progress and the status of specific priorhies. As organizational and department directions and priorities shift throughout the year, this session also provides the opportunity to re-evaluate and, if necessary, revise employee's priorhies. achievement expectations or development plans. The performance evaluation form, including mid-year performance ratings will be submitted to Human Resources and included in the employee's personnel file. The employee will be enthled to provide a written rebuttal to any rating and comments. However, only the final vear end performance ratings will be used to determine eligibility for merit pay increases. The final year end performance ratings may differ from mid- year performance ratings. Step 4- Year End Performance Review Prior to the year-end review meeting with the employee, the supervisor proposes ratings for the employee based on the employee's demonstrated competencies and accomplishments related to priorities. The Department Director reviews all proposed ratings in his/her department and works with Human Resources staff to validate that Pay for Performance (P4P) guidelines are followed consistentiv within and across City departments. Next, the supervisor meets with the employee. The employee will come to the year-end review meeting with his/her own thoughts and notes as to how well he/she performed during the evaluation period. The two-way discussion focuses on accomplishments, areas for growth and improvement, iob accountabilities and defined competencies. This meeting will also include the performance planning for the upcoming year as outiined in Step 1 above. C. Governance of the Plan Human Resources will be responsible for the administration and maintenance ofthe performance management system, including forms, guidelines and related policies subiect to City Council approval. Human Resources will periodically review the effectiveness ofthe performance management system. D. Major Roles and Responsibilities City Council - The City Council is imtiallv responsible for approving the pav for performance management system and for annually approving the merit pool/ftmding amount in order to tie rewards to performance. Human Resources - The role of Human Resources will be to monitor the activities ofthe process, ensure compliance with Citv processes and procedures, and ensure that the employee receives a fair, accurate, and timely evaluation. This will be done bv ensuring that appropriate resuhs-oriented goals and measures are established for the upcoming calendar year and by 57 reviewing proposed performance and development plans and evaluation forms for accuracy and completeness Human Resources will track performance ratings over time to encourage accountability and ensure that there is consistency among the distribution of performance ratings across departments Human Resources will provide on-going guidance and training to supervisors regarding conducting performance reviews and understanding the purpose and design ofthe pay for performance system. Human Resources uses data from all employee performance ratings and Council's authorized funding amount to determine the percentages in the base pav matrix. Human Resources will process merh increases for eligible employees. Department Director - Department Directors will be responsible for reviewing performance ratings within their departments to ensure that accurate evaluation ratings are given and that supervisors are held responsible for effectively rating their staff In the event of turnover of an employee's supervisor, the Department Director will be responsible for ensuring that an employee is equitably and adequately reviewed and rated. Supervisor - The supervisor will carry out the steps in the performance management process in a fair, accurate, consistent, and timely manner. This includes guiding the development of performance plans, monitoring and recording employee accomplishments, providing timely coaching and feedback, conducting accurate performance evaluations, and ensuring the employee has the opportunity to participate in the process. In the event that an employee has more than one supervisor during a rating period, each supervisor will submh an assessment and the supervisors will mutually agree on a rating for the review period. A newly assigned supervisor will not be responsible for reviewing a rating period of less than three months. Employee - The employee will actively contribute in the process of defining priorities and performance measures, initiating coaching and feedback sessions as needed. Requests for feedback bv the employee shall be responded to within 14 calendar days ofthe request, although actual feedback can be written or oral and can be provided more than 14 calendar days after the request. Employees will complete a self-assessment prior to the year-end performance evaluation, and will be prepared to contribute in the mid-year and end of vear performance evaluations. E. Performance Management Components Essential Functions Essential functions are the iob duties/tasks that an employee was hired to perform. These functions are the permanent features of the employee's iob. The essential functions are outiined in the employee's iob description. Essential functions are iob-based rather than employee-based. At the beginning ofthe performance year, the employee's iob description will be reviewed by the supervisor and employee. Any significant changes in the qualifications or iob tasks will be noted and submitted to Human Resources. Essential ftinctions will determine which functional competencies may be appropriate for a specific position. At the end ofthe plan year, the 58 employee will rnted on their performance related to the essential functions ofthe job as described in the iob description. c^pl^v..» .er^Hnp in ont of class «<i^ipnments will be reviewed in accordanoe with their regular position nnless the employee served out of class for more than one-half ofthe review period In that case, the employee will be reviewed based on their out of class assignment. If at the outset ofthe out of class ^...ipnment. it is antiripated that the employee will spend more than one-half ofthe review period in that out of el«ss assignment the employee and supervisor shall have a Performance Planning Meeting as described in Step I above. Core and Functional Competencies AII ,^ri.veec .,H1I he reviewed and evalnated based on how well they can demonstrate specific romnetencies. Competencies are es^enti.l to the success of each employee in their iob. There .re two types of competencies: U Cor. - describes the reniiired competencies for all employees and 2) Functional - describes competencies specific to the essential functions ofthe iob„ performed bv the employee. All .^ni^yee. will be evaluated on the five core competencies and only two ofthe seven fiinetional competencies Rach vear dnrinp the Performance Planning step, the supervisor and the employee will talk about which functional competencies are the most appropnate to use m the upcoming year hased on the employee's specific iob priorities and work plan. Each year, the ...nervisor and the employee will select the two functional competencies that will be used to eyalnate the employee that year. If the employee does not apree with the two functional competencies to he used, the employee will be allowed to select one functional competency and the supervisor will choose the other. Setting Priorities Individual priorities indicate specific results to he achieved bv an employee for the coming period Priorities otlen chgnpe from year to year because they are intended to focus on a sionificant outcome identified bv the department. The Citv will support the employee in their development and aim to create an enyironment of enpagement. innovation and excellence. Supervisors will determine three priorities for an employee and will link each priority to a core or functional competency. Priorities m..st he related to a significant component ofthe emnlovee's iob and the needs ofthe Citv and individual department or division Supervisors will communicate orally and in writinp how each priority is linked to the mission ofthe City/department and to the development ofthe employee. Individual priority setting is to be done in light of organizational goals and departmental goals .nd priorities. That is goals are to cascade down based on the City's strategic plan and initiatives ft-pm senior management, to mid-level managers, to supervisors and to line employees. A well-written perfonnance priority has these basic components: > it is action oriented Te.g includes nhrases such as 'to make' 'to complete', 'to adjust'); 59 > it includes a measurable indicator (e.g., quantity, rate, expense, quality, degree of accuracy, timeliness); > there are constraints, such as time limitations; and > it follows the SMART criteria (see below). Using S.M.A.R.T. Criteria Specific Priorities must express the action and results required so that both the Specific employee and supervisor can see clearly whether the priority has been achieved. What is the achievement or result that is expected? Measurable When setting priorities, there must be some way of measuring and Measurable verifying whether the priority has been achieved and to what level. How will the employee and supervisor know if the obiective has been met? Achievable Although they should provide challenge and development to the Achievable individual, priorities also must be achieved. Is it reasonable that the priority be achieved? Relevant The priorities must be relevant to the level at which the individual is at in Relevant their career and to the workload of their particular area. Does the priority contribute to the department, division, or overall organization's success? Time-bound Priorities need to have clearly defined time periods. What is the Time-bound completion date of each milestone? Rating Process and Criteria The supervisor is responsible for rating the employee on all five core competencies, the two selected functional competencies and the priorities, and for providing written narrative to explain these ratings. The rating system shown below will be used in evaluating employee performance. 1. Unsatisfactory 2. Improvement Needed 3. Competent 4. Commendable 5. Exemplary Performance does not meet requirements. Performance is consistently and seriously inadequate. This employee must make immediate and sustained improvements. Performance does not consistently meet requirements. Performance deficiencies are such that improvement is needed for the employee to satisfactorily meet Performance consistently meets all requirements. Employee is fully proficient and adequately demonstrates the desired competency behaviors for the level of the Performance exceeds requirements and demonstrates the ability to handle assignments of greater complexity and responsibility. This employee shows initiative and seeks opportunities to Performance significantly exceeds requirements. Employee has made contributions and achievements well beyond those required by their 60 In many cases, performance demonstrates new areas of productivity and innovation far beyond position requirements^ Employee Comments „i,,,i ..„i.ed that they are encouraged but not required to provide ^at. fhT^'Zu lUe documented for thekluMio^iSaiEm^^ performance evaluation documentation. Signatures ^pervisor sign the f^^ and appropriate le^s of signah.res are obtained m Tmmediate Supervisor m Mid-level Manaper (if applicable) m n^partment Director > Hnman Resources Employee Outlets . • ui. Wnw^^vpr employees who Hi<;p»pree with their rating ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ be paid retroactively. F. T inkinp Pay and P^'-^'-""'"';^,^^. ,, ^ .^.i^yee's overall performance rating and Flieibilitv for a merit increase is determined by an employee > uv-^ n ^ lIShiLL^tsalM^^ Eligibility overaU ratirr "rnrr.petenf' or better to be eligible for Pnipl^Y^p^^ miK^t receive an overau rauIl^ <>• > ^miy^.^ "in^nrovement 61 Needed" or an "Unsatisfactory" performance rating are not eligible for performance based merit increases. An employee whose salary is at their salary range maximum is not eligible for a base pay increase. In lieu of a base pay increase, eligible employees will receive a cash reward that is paid out in a lump sum equivalent to the amount ofthe base pay increase that they would have received if they were not at the salary range maximum. An eligible employee whose salary is close to their salary range maximum (such that the designated pay increase would cause their salary to exceed the salary range maximum) will receive a base pay increase up to the salary range maximum and wili receive the remaining portion of the designated pay increase as a lump sum cash reward as described above. Base Pav Matrix A base pav matrix will be used to reward performance. The City Council and CCEA negotiate a contract, which determines the merit pool or budget for the annual CCEA pay increase. After all of the performance reviews have been completed, merit increase percentages will be determined by Human Resources based on the size of the Council approved base pay matrix funding, distribution of all employees' performance ratings and distribution of employees in their salary range (i.e. above or below the salary range midpoint). The goal is to assign merit increase percentages that will use substantially all of the funding approved by the City Council for merit increases for that performance cycle. An employee's overall performance rating (sum of individual competency ratings) and position in the range put them in one of the cells "A," "B," "C," "D," "E," or "F" as shown in the sample Base Pay Matrix below. Each employee's merit increase is determined using the base pay matrix. SAMPLE BASE PAY MATRIX 7-10 Overall Performance Rutins 11-17 18-24 25-31 32-35 Salary Ranse Placement Improvement Unsatisfactory Needed Competent Commendable Exemplary At or above salary ranse midpoint 0.0% 0.0% A% c% E% 0.0% 0.0% D% F% IV. PROCEDURES: 62 1. All employees will be reviewed at mid-year and at the end of the calendar year. After both of these review meetings are completed, the performance evaluation form, including performance ratings, will be submitted to Human Resources and be made a part ofthe employee's personnel file. 2. The immediate supervisor most familiar with the employee's performance during the rating period shall be the rater. If the employee has had more than one supervisor during the evaluation period, the other supervisor(s) will be consulted and only one evaluation form/overall rating will be submitted. 3. Electronic performance evaluations forms will be made available bv the Human Resources Department. 4. Ratings shall be based upon the competent performance of the full range of skills indicated bv the class specification covering the employee's position. In the event that the class specification is not representative of the employee's current responsibilities. Human Resources will be notified and asked to review and make recommendations. Deviations from the class specification should be noted on the performance evaluation form. 5. Every eligible employee's performance evaluation is due to Human Resources by January 31. Any overdue evaluations will be reported to the Department Director and the City Manager. Exceptions may be made for extenuating circumstances, such as employees out on leaves of absence (see section 7). The Human Resources Department will review all ofthe performance ratings and calculate the base pay salary increases and/or cash rewards to be awarded for each rating level based on the base pay matrix funding established by the City Council. 6. Merh increases shall be distributed within 30 calendar days of receiving the last performance review or no later than the first full pay period in March. Merh increases will be effective retroactive to the last day of the performance review cycle. 7. Employees are eligible for a base pay salary increase or cash reward if the following requirements are met: • the employee receives a rating of "Competenf or higher on his/her year-end performance review; • the employee has been in a CCEA position for a minimum of 6 months*; and • the employee is active on payroll at the time that merh increases are processed in the payroll system. *Merit increases for employees hired into a CCEA position during the review cycle will be prorated as follows: Start Date Prorated Merit Increase% January 1- March 31 100% 63 April 1-June 30 75% July 1 - December 31 0% ^rS.Anv non-probationary employee may be advanced in the pay range during the performance review period regardless of the length of time served at the employee's present pay rate. This advancement requires the written recommendation of the employee's manager and the approval of the employee's department head and City Manager. 279.Employees who were promoted during the performance cycle will receive a year end performance-related pay increase based on their salary as of the last day of the performance cycle. 10. Eligible employees who are in an out of class assigmnent will receive a merh increase calculated using salary information from their regular position. 11. If as a resuh of a salary range adiustment. an employee's base salary falls below the minimum ofthe salary range, the employee's salary will be increased to the new range minimum as of the date City Council approves the salary range adiustment. 12. An employee who is on a leave of absence during the year-end review process will meet with his/her supervisor upon retum to work and complete a year-end review. If the employee was on a leave of absence (other than a statutorily protected leave of absence) for a portion ofthe review period he/she will be eligible for a prorated merh increase for that review period according to the following schedule: Length of leave* %) of merit increase eligible < 91 calendar days 100% 91-180 calendar days 75% > 180 calendar days 0% *not inclusive of statutory leave time 13. Employees who terminate employment after the last day of the review cycle will not be eligible for merit increases. V. COMPENSATION PLAN; The key element ofthe CCEA employee pay for performance program is the base pay structure. Covering all CCEA iobs. the base pay structure reflects competitive pay levels for iobs assigned to each pay grade and provides the basis for equitable pay decisions. The CCEA Salary Schedule contains multiple salary ranges. Each salary range has a minimum, midpoint and maximum. Employees who are inexperienced or newly hired may be paid below the midpoint of the salary grade. 64 Tn keeping with the Citv Council'^^ philosophy of surveying the total compensation of local agencies, the agencies listed below will be considered in the survey market for CCEA. City of Chula Vista City of Coronado Citv of Del Mar Citv of El Cai on Citv of Encinitas Citv of Escondido Citv of Imperial Beach City of La Mesa City of National City Citv of Oceanside Citv of Poway Citv of San Marcos Citv of Solana Beach City of San Diego Citv of Santee Citv of Vista County of San Diego j^. p..o.rrP. Department will .nnnallv compare salary and benefits information on .^.^ rity nf r.rkh^d benchmark dn.sification with appropriate classifications in the comparator pronp Those classification, that are considered benchmarks are those in which there was a Lhlr^tial match between the competencies and duties required for iobs at the City of Car sbad .nd those for the cnn.p.rator group. A benchmark requires a minimum of three comparators. Tl.. jnK .^.t.hinp i. conducted bv t^^ Hnman Resources Department. From time to time the Citv Council may ^I^Q request that private sector salary and benefits data be reviewed and compared to benchmark positions at the City of Carlsbad. ritv of Cnrlsbad iob classification is assigned to a specific salary range. The non- henchmark position^ ^re assigned to the salary structure based on intemal relationships, .r.ponsihilitv and/or v^^wl.Le skills a^;Z^i^of jobs. The benchmark salary data wijlb^ Zeved annually an^ the benchmark comparisons will be modified when the classification^ change within the organization. Human Resources will provide the CCRA with supporting data for all salary range evaluations and adiustments. p.,:.^;..iiv the Hnman Resources nepartment will bring forth salary range movement end.tinns to City Council that are based on market and economic conditions, and may rrdrone or more sa^.^ -^noes CCRA and the City agree that the City will negotiate salary. range movements. VI. TRAINING 65 In an effort to support the organization during the transition to this new system, an extensive training nrogram will ^ designed to enhance the eyaliiation and feedback skills of supervisors. Skills training will include: • Performance Planning - Competencies • Conducting Performance Evaluations • Coaching. Counseling and Feedback • Compensation Administration • Performance Planning - Goal Setting These training sessions will occur Prior to the Performance ^4anagement phase in which these .H^ic ..AU IpUed After the inhinl training, the Human Resources Department will offer neriodic review se<^^ions for CCEA and Management employees to reinforce managerial and Lpervisorv skills and to t..in emnlovees. CCEA employees wiU be provideti with materials and. information seminar^ Hnnng work hours to be provided bv the City to help them understand the. Pay for Performance System. VII. GLOSSARY Rase Pav incre^^^ - A prospective pav increase to an employee's base salary, as calculated to exclude any additional pays. j . u • „ Rase nav matriv - Matrix that determines the base pay increases and cash rewards to be given rJl'h^riwa JT^e time "lump sum" payment equivalent to the amount of the base pay ip.,,.., th.t employee would have received if he/she were not at the salary range maximum, rrinererse - E^L a hase pay incre^^e or cash reward as detenr^ined by the ba^ay market - l ist of Council approved agencies to be used when reviewing market competitiveness. 66 IN THE WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused their duly authorized J^prefentTve to execute the Memorandum of Understanding the day, month, and year noted below. City of Carlsbad LI^A Till D ^P^P ^NDT^H>-T rn ATFS City Manager Approved as to form; RONALD R. BALI CELIABREWER, City Attomey Carlsbad City Employees' Association STEVE JAHTZPAMELA DREW, President, CCEA Date Date Date 67 Attachment A SALARY SCHEDULE - GENERAL EMPLOYEES Approved June 18, 2013, Retroactive to February 18, 2013 CLASSIFICATION ACCOUNT CLERK I ACCOUNT CLERK II ACCOUNTANT ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY APPLICATIONS ANALYST APPLICATIONS ASSOCIATE ANALYST AQUATICS SPECIALIST ASSISTANT ENGINEER ASSISTANT PLANNER ASSISTANT TO THE TREASURER ASSOCIATE CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR ASSOCIATE ENGINEER ASSOCIATE PLANNER BUILDING INSPECTOR I BUILDING INSPECTOR II BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKER I BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKER II BUILDING TECHNICIAN II BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE ANALYST BUSINESS SYSTEMS ASSOCIATE BUSINESS SYSTEMS SPECIALIST BUYER/CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR CLIENT SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR RANGE 17 25 68 54 40 42 94 75 49 82 64 73 52 98 78 55 70 29 41 50 84 70 84 63 87 CLIENT SYSTEMS ASSOC. ADMINISTRATOR 51 CIRCULATION SUPERVISOR ^7 CODE COMPLIANCE SPECIALIST I 43 CODE COMPLIANCE SPECIALIST II 55 COMMUNITY OUTREACH SUPERVISOR 58 CRIME PREVENTION SPECIALIST 44 CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL TECHNICIAN 56 CUSTODIAN ^ CUSTODIAN II DEPUTY CITY CLERK/TECHNICIAN 3 9 ELECTRICIAN ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I 45 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 57 ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST I 52 ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST II 6 9 EQUIPMENT SERVICE WORKER 18 EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN I ^4 EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN II 51 GIS ADMINISTRATOR GIS ANALYST GIS ASSOCIATE ANALYST 70 GIS TECHNICIAN ^° GRAPHIC ARTIST HOUSING ASSISTANT ^0 HOUSING SPECIALIST I HOUSING SPECIALIST II HUMAN RESOURCES TECHNICIAN 52 CLASSIFICATION INSPECTOR I INSPECTOR II JUNIOR ENGINEER JUNIOR PLANNER JUVENILE JUSTICE PROGRAM COORD. LEAD EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN LEAD LIBRARIAN . LEGAL ASSISTANT LEGAL SECRETARY LIDRARIxAI-T 1 LIDRT^J-IT^^T TI RANGE 55 70 68 50 58 61 63 56 49 4^ LIBRARIAN LIBRARIAN' Y-RATED^ 55 55Y 26 37 3 6 58 10 14 1 1 33 46 87 70 5 11 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I LIBRARY ASSISTANT II LIBRARY CLERK I LIBRARY CLERK II LIBRARY MEDIA&GRAPHICS SUPERVISOR MAINTENANCE AIDE MAINTENANCE WORKER I MAIL CLERK/MESSENGER METER SERVICES WORKER I METER SERVICES WORKER II METER SERVICES WORKER III NETWORK ENGINEER NETWORK OPERATOR OFFICE SPECIALIST I OFFICE SPECIALIST II OPERATIONS/MAINTENANCE STOREKEEPER 43 - 41 28 46 85 35 50 17 22 39 56 10 29 54 24 46 56 34 109 85 PARK MAINTENANCE SPECIALIST PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER II PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER III PARK PLANNER PLANNING TECHNICIAN I PLANNING TECHNICIAN II POLICE RECORDS SPECIALIST I POLICE RECORDS SPECIALIST II PRODUCTION TECHNICIAN RECORDS MANAGEMENT SUPERVISOR RECREATION ASSISTANT RECREATION SPECIALIST RECREATION SUPERVISOR SANITATION SYSTEMS OPERATOR I SANITATION SYSTEMS OPERATOR II SANITATION SYSTEMS OPERATOR III SECRETARY SENIOR APPLICATIONS ANALYST SENIOR BUILDING INSPECTOR SENIOR BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKER 51 SENIOR BUSINESS SYSTEMS SPECIALIST 99 SENIOR CIRCULATION SUPERVISOR 50 SENIOR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 85 SENIOR CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR 79 are v-rated in the salary range 55Y. SENIOR CROSS CONN. CONTROL TECH. 66 CLASSIFICATION RANGE SENIOR DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR 113 SENIOR ELECTRICIAN 51 SENIOR ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST 84 SENIOR LIBRARIAN 73 SENIOR NETWORK ENGINEER 113 SENIOR OFFICE SPECIALIST 22 SENIOR PLANNER 91 SENIOR STORM DRAIN MAINT. WORKER 48 SENIOR WEB ENGINEER 113 SITE MANAGER 4 STOREKEEPER 18 STORM DRAIN MAINTENANCE WORKER 34 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER II 28 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER III 46 TECHNICIAN I 35 TREE TRIMMER I 20 TREE TRIMMER II 32 TREE TRIMMER LEADWORKER 46 TRAFFIC SYSTEMS OPS SPECIALIST 80 TRAINING COORDINATOR 4 9 UTILITY MAINTENANCE WORKER III 45 UTILITY WORKER I 24 UTILITY WORKER II 40 UTILITY WORKER III 50 VALVE MAINTENANCE WORKER 45 WASTE WATER UTILITY WORKER I 24 WASTE WATER UTILITY WORKER II 40 WASTE WATER UTILITY WORKER III 50 WAREHOUSE TECHNICIAN 43 WATER CONSERVATION SPECIALIST 40 WATER SYSTEMS OPERATOR I 34 WATER SYSTEMS OPERATOR II 54 WATER SYSTEMS OPERATOR III 64 ATTACHMENT A1 THE CITY OF CARLSBAD GENERAL EMPLOYEE BIWEEKLY SALARY SCHEDULE Approved 6/18/2013; Retroactive to 2/18/2013 STEP 6 STEP 7 RANGE STEP1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEPS RANGE (longevity 1) (longevity 2) 1 $1,186.87 $ 1,246.23 $ 1,308.53 $ 1,373.95 $1,442.64 1 $1,514.77 $1,552.64 2 $1,198.73 $ 1,258.68 $ 1,321.61 $ 1,387.72 $1,457.08 2 $1,529.93 $1,568.18 3 $1,210.73 $ 1,271.25 $ 1,334.82 $ 1,401.57 $1,471.65 3 $1,545.24 $1,583.87 4 $1,222.83 $ 1,283.98 $ 1,348.19 $ 1,415.62 $1,486.37 4 $1,560.69 $1,599.70 5 $1,235.07 $ 1,296.83 $ 1,361.65 $ 1,429.75 $1,501.23 5 $1,576.29 $1,615.70 6 $1,247.40 $ 1,309.78 $ 1,375.26 $ 1,444.02 $1,516.27 6 $1,592.09 $1,631.89 7 $1,259.89 $ 1,322.90 $ 1,389.02 $ 1,458.49 $1,531.41 7 $1,607.98 $1,648.19 8 $1,272.49 $ 1,336.12 $ 1,402.91 $ 1,473.06 $1,546.73 8 $1,624.06 $1,664.67 9 $1,285.22 $ 1,349.48 $ 1,416.94 $ 1,487.77 $ 1,562.19 9 $1,640.30 $1,681.30 10 $1,298.09 $ 1,362.98 $ 1,431.11 $ 1,502.68 $1,577.80 10 $1,656.68 $1,698.10 11 $1,311.04 $ 1,376.58 $ 1,445.44 $ 1,517.71 $ 1,593.56 11 $1,673.25 $1,715.07 12 $1,324.15 $ 1,390.37 $ 1,459.89 $ 1,532.88 $ 1,609.52 12 $1,689.99 $1,732.24 13 $1,337.40 $ 1,404.26 $ 1,474.49 $ 1,548.21 $ 1,625.62 13 $1,706.90 $1,749.57 14 $1,350.78 $ 1,418.31 $ 1,489.22 $ 1,563.67 $1,641.85 14 $1,723.94 $1,767.04 15 $1,364.28 $ 1,432.48 $ 1,504.13 $ 1,579.32 $1,658.29 15 $1,741.20 $1,784.73 16 $1,377.91 $ 1,446.83 $ 1,519.16 $ 1,595.12 $1,674.87 16 $1,758.61 $1,802.57 17 $1,391.73 $ 1,461.28 $ 1,534.34 $ 1,611.06 $1,691.64 17 $1,776.22 $1,820.63 18 $1,405.63 $ 1,475.90 $ 1,549.69 $ 1,627.18 $ 1,708.53 18 $1,793.96 $1,838.81 19 $1,419.67 $ 1,490.66 $ 1,565.18 $ 1,643.43 $ 1,725.64 19 $1,811.92 $1,857.22 20 $1,433.89 $ 1,505.56 $ 1,580.82 $ 1,659.90 $1,742.88 20 $1,830.03 $1,875.78 21 $1,448.22 $ 1,520.61 $ 1,596.66 $ 1,676.47 $1,760.31 21 $1,848.32 $1,894.53 22 $1,462.67 $ 1,535.83 $ 1,612.60 $ 1,693.23 $ 1,777.91 22 $1,866.81 $1,913.48 23 $1,477.32 $ 1,551.21 $ 1,628.74 $ 1,710.19 $ 1,795.70 23 $1,885.49 $1,932.62 24 $1,492.10 $ 1,566.69 $ 1,645.03 $ 1,727.27 $1,813.65 24 $1,904.34 $1,951.94 25 $1,507.01 $ 1,582.37 $ 1,661.46 $ 1,744.54 $1,831.79 25 $1,923.38 $1,971.46 26 $1,522.08 $ 1,598.20 $ 1,678.10 $ 1,762.00 $ 1,850.11 26 $1,942.61 $1,991.18 27 $1,537.30 $ 1,614.19 $ 1,694.89 $ 1,779.59 $1,868.60 27 $1,962.03 $2,011.08 28 $1,552.68 $ 1,630.33 $ 1,711.81 $ 1,797.42 $ 1,887.32 28 $1,981.69 $2,031.23 29 $1,568.20 $ 1,646.62 $ 1,728.97 $ 1,815.38 $1,906.14 29 $2,001.44 $2,051.48 30 $1,583.86 $ 1,663.08 $ 1,746.23 $ 1,833.55 $ 1,925.22 30 $2,021.49 $2,072.03 31 $1,599.73 $ 1,679.71 $ 1,763.70 $ 1,851.88 $ 1,944.48 31 $2,041.70 $2,092.74 32 $1,615.72 $ 1,696.50 $ 1,781.32 $ 1,870.40 $ 1,963.90 32 $2,062.10 $2,113.65 33 $1,631.87 $ 1,713.45 $ 1,799.13 $ 1,889.10 $ 1,983.56 33 $2,082.74 $2,134.81 34 $1,648.21 $ 1,730.63 $ 1,817.12 $ 1,908.00 $ 2,003.40 34 $2,103.57 $2,156.16 35 $1,664.69 $ 1,747.92 $ 1,835:33 $ 1,927.06 $ 2,023.44 35 $2,124.61 $2,177.73 36 $1,681.31 $ 1,765.40 $ 1,853.64 $ 1,946.34 $ 2,043.66 36 $2,145.85 $2,199.49 37 $1,698.15 $ 1,783.04 $ 1,872.19 $ 1,965.81 $ 2,064.09 37 $2,167.30 $2,221.47 38 $1,715.09 $ 1,800.86 $ 1,890.89 $ 1,985.48 $ 2,084.74 38 $2,188.98 $2,243.70 39 $1,732.24 $ 1,818.87 $ 1,909.83 $ 2,005.32 $2,105.59 39 $2,210.86 $2,266.13 40 $1,749.61 $ 1,837.09 $ 1,928.93 $ 2,025.35 $2,126.65 40 $2,232.99 $2,288.81 ATTACHMENT Al THE CITY OF CARLSBAD GENERAL ElVIPLOYEE BIWEEKLY SALARY SCHEDULE Approved 6/18/2013; Retroactive to 2/18/2013 STEP 6 STEP 7 RANGE STEP1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEPS RANGE (longevity 1) (longevity 2) 41 $1,767.12 $ 1,855.42 $ 1,948.23 $ 2,045.62 $2,147.90 41 $2,255.30 $2,311.68 42 $1,784.75 $ 1,874.02 $ 1,967.70 $ 2,066.09 $2,169.37 42 $2,277.83 $2,334.78 43 $1,802.61 $ 1,892.73 $ 1,987.36 $ 2,086.76 $2,191.08 43 $2,300.63 $2,358.14 44 $1,820.64 $ 1,911.67 $ 2,007.24 $2,107.63 $2,212.97 44 $2,323.62 $2,381.71 45 $1,838.85 $ 1,930.76 $ 2,027.33 $2,128.70 $2,235.13 45 $2,346.89 $2,405.55 46 $1,857.24 $ 1,950.10 $ 2,047.61 $2,149.96 $ 2,257.47 46 $2,370.35 $2,429.61 47 $1,875.81 $ 1,969.59 $ 2,068.09 $2,171.47 $2,280.05 47 $2,394.05 $2,453.90 48 $1,894.55 $ 1,989.30 $ 2,088.75 $2,193.18 $2,302.86 48 $2,418.01 $2,478.46 49 $1,913.52 $ 2,009.20 $2,109.65 $2,215.13 $2,325.86 49 $2,442.16 $2,503.22 50 $1,932.65 $ 2,029.29 $ 2,130.75 $ 2,237.26 $2,349.14 50 $2,466.60 $2,528.27 51 $1,951.96 $ 2,049.57 $2,152.05 $ 2,259.66 $ 2,372.62 51 $2,491.25 $2,553.53 52 $1,971.48 $ 2,070.05 $2,173.57 $ 2,282.24 $2,396.35 52 $2,516.17 $2,579.07 53 $1,991.20 $ 2,090.75 $2,195.32 $ 2,305.05 $2,420.31 53 $2,541.33 $2,604.86 54 $2,011.12 $2,111.69 $2,217.24 $2,328.12 $ 2,444.52 54 $2,566.75 $2,630.92 55 $2,031.21 $2,132.78 $ 2,239.44 $2,351.40 $ 2,468.96 55 $2,592.41 $2,657.21 55Y N/A N/A N/A N/A $ 2,543.80 55Y $2,671.00 N/A 56 $2,051.53 $2,154.13 $2,261.80 $ 2,374.92 $ 2,493.66 56 $2,618.34 $2,683.80 57 $2,072.07 $2,175.66 $ 2,284.44 $ 2,398.66 $2,518.59 57 $2,644.51 $2,710.63 58 $2,092.76 $2,197.41 $ 2,307.27 $ 2,422.64 $2,543.80 58 $2,671.00 $2,737.77 59 $2,113.71 $2,219.38 $ 2,330.35 $ 2,446.89 $ 2,569.22 59 $2,697.68 $2,765.13 60 $2,134.83 $ 2,241.58 $ 2,353.66 $2,471.36 $ 2,594.91 60 $2,724.66 $2,792.77 61 $2,156.19 $ 2,263.99 $ 2,377.20 $ 2,496.06 $ 2,620.86 61 $2,751.90 $2,820.70 62 $2,177.75 $ 2,286.63 $2,401.00 $2,521.03 $ 2,647.07 62 $2,779.42 $2,848.91 63 $2,199.51 $ 2,309.49 $ 2,424.99 $ 2,546.22 $ 2,673.54 63 $2,807.21 $2,877.40 64 $2,221.53 $ 2,332.59 $ 2,449.23 $2,571.69 $2,700.26 64 $2,835.27 $2,906.16 65 $2,243.74 $ 2,355.91 $ 2,473.71 $ 2,597.40 $ 2,727.26 65 $2,863.63 $2,935.22 66 $2,266.15 $ 2,379.48 $ 2,498.46 $ 2,623.38 $ 2,754.54 66 $2,892.27 $2,964.58 67 $2,288.84 $ 2,403.28 $ 2,523.44 $ 2,649.61 $2,782.08 67 $2,921.18 $2,994.21 68 $2,311.69 $ 2,427.31 $ 2,548.67 $ 2,676.07 $2,809.90 68 $2,950.39 $3,024.15 69 $2,334.85 $ 2,451.58 $2,574.15 $ 2,702.88 $ 2,838.02 69 $2,979.92 $3,054.42 70 $2,358.19 $ 2,476.09 $ 2,599.91 $ 2,729.93 $ 2,866.39 70 $3,009.71 $3,084.95 71 $2,381.76 $ 2,500.84 $ 2,625.90 $2,757.21 $2,895.05 71 $3,039.81 $3,115.80 72 $2,405.59 $ 2,525.86 $ 2,652.17 $ 2,784.78 $ 2,924.02 72 $3,070.21 $3,146.97 73 $2,429.65 $2,551.11 $ 2,678.70 $2,812.59 $2,953.26 73 $3,100.92 $3,178.45 74 $2,453.91 $ 2,576.62 $ 2,705.47 $ 2,840.76 $ 2,982.79 74 $3,131.93 $3,210.23 75 $2,478.49 $ 2,602.41 $ 2,732.53 $2,869.14 $3,012.60 75 $3,163.22 $3,242.31 76 $2,503.24 $ 2,628.42 $ 2,759.83 $ 2,897.82 $ 3,042.74 76 $3,194.88 $3,274.76 77 $2,528.29 $ 2,654.72 $ 2,787.44 $ 2,926.84 $3,073.18 77 $3,226.84 $3,307.51 78 $2,553.56 $2,681.27 $2,815.34 $ 2,956.09 $3,103.91 78 $3,259.11 $3,340.58 79 $2,579.12 $ 2,708.10 $ 2,843.45 $ 2,985.64 $3,134.93 79 $3,291.67 $3,373.97 ATTACHMENT Al THE CITY OF CARLSBAD GENERAL EMPLOYEE BIWEEKLY SALARY SCHEDULE Approved 6/18/2013; Retroactive to 2/18/2013 STEP 6 STEP 7 RANGE STEP1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEPS RANGE (longevity 1) (longevity 2) 80 $2,604.91 $ 2,735.15 $ 2,871.94 $3,015.53 $3,166.28 80 $3,324.59 $3,407.70 81 $2,630.95 $ 2,762.52 $ 2,900.66 $ 3,045.68 $3,197.96 81 $3,357.86 $3,441.81 82 $2,657.28 $ 2,790.14 $ 2,929.61 $3,076.13 $ 3,229.93 82 $3,391.42 $3,476.21 83 $2,683.85 $2,818.04 $ 2,958.96 $3,106.89 $ 3,262.22 83 $3,425.33 $3,510.96 84 $2,710.66 $ 2,846.21 $ 2,988.55 $3,137.95 $ 3,294.84 84 $3,459.57 $3,546.06 85 $2,737.77 $ 2,874.68 $ 3,018.40 $3,169.33 $ 3,327.82 85 $3,494.20 $3,581.56 86 $2,765.16 $ 2,903.43 $ 3,048.60 $3,201.02 $3,361.05 86 $3,529.11 $3,617.34 87 $2,792.80 $ 2,932.45 $ 3,079.11 $ 3,233.05 $ 3,394.68 87 $3,564.42 $3,653.53 88 $2,820.74 $2,961.78 $ 3,109.85 $ 3,265.35 $ 3,428.65 88 $3,600.09 $3,690.09 89 $2,848.95 $2,991.38 $ 3,140.96 $ 3,297.99 $ 3,462.93 89 $3,636.08 $3,726.97 90 $2,877.44 $ 3,021.29 $ 3,172.35 $3,331.01 $ 3,497.54 90 $3,672.41 $3,764.23 91 $2,906.23 $ 3,051.54 $ 3,204.10 $ 3,364.31 $ 3,532.50 91 $3,709.12 $3,801.85 92 $2,935.25 $ 3,082.02 $ 3,236.14 $ 3,397.96 $ 3,567.85 92 $3,746.24 $3,839.90 93 $2,964.64 $ 3,112.86 $ 3,268.52 $3,431.94 $ 3,603.53 93 $3,783.71 $3,878.30 94 $2,994.27 $ 3,143.98 $ 3,301.19 $ 3,466.23 $ 3,639.57 94 $3,821.55 $3,917.09 95 $3,024.19 $ 3,175.42 $ 3,334.21 $ 3,500.91 $ 3,675.97 95 $3,859.77 $3,956.26 96 $3,054.43 $ 3,207.20 $ 3,367.55 $ 3,535.92 $3,712.71 96 $3,898.34 $3,995.80 97 $3,084.99 $ 3,239.25 $ 3,401.21 $3,571.28 $ 3,749.83 97 $3,937.32 $4,035.76 98 $3,115.85 $ 3,271.65 $ 3,435.21 $ 3,606.99 $ 3,787.34 98 $3,976.71 $4,076.12 99 $3,147.01 $ 3,304.37 $ 3,469.58 $ 3,643.06 $ 3,825.22 99 $4,016.49 $4,116.90 100 $3,178.47 $ 3,337.43 $ 3,504.26 $ 3,679.50 $ 3,863.46 100 $4,056.63 $4,158.05 101 $3,210.25 $ 3,370.78 $ 3,539.33 $3,716.29 $3,902.10 101 $4,097.21 $4,199.64 102 $3,242.37 $ 3,404.49 $ 3,574.74 $ 3,753.44 $3,941.13 102 $4,138.19 $4,241.64 103 $3,274.79 $ 3,438.53 $ 3,610.46 $ 3,790.99 $ 3,980.52 103 $4,179.54 $4,284.04 104 $3,307.56 $ 3,472.91 $ 3,646.56 $ 3,828.89 $4,020.35 104 $4,221.36 $4,326.90 105 $3,340.62 $ 3,507.67 $ 3,683.04 $ 3,867.17 $4,060.53 105 $4,263.55 $4,370.14 106 $3,374.03 $ 3,542.74 $ 3,719.86 $ 3,905.85 $4,101.15 106 $4,306.21 $4,413.87 107 $3,407.78 $ 3,578.14 $ 3,757.09 $ 3,944.93 $4,142.18 107 $4,349.29 $4,458.03 108 $3,441.84 $ 3,613.94 $ 3,794.64 $ 3,984.35 $4,183.57 108 $4,392.75 $4,502.57 109 $3,476.25 $ 3,650.07 $ 3,832.57 $ 4,024.21 $ 4,225.42 109 $4,436.69 $4,547.61 110 $3,511.02 $ 3,686.57 $ 3,870.90 $ 4,064.44 $ 4,267.65 110 $4,481.04 $4,593.06 111 $3,546.11 $ 3,723.43 $ 3,909.61 $4,105.09 $4,310.33 111 $4,525.85 $4,639.00 112 $3,581.58 $ 3,760.67 $ 3,948.70 $4,146.14 $4,353.43 112 $4,571.10 $4,685.38 113 $3,617.39 $ 3,798.27 $ 3,988.18 $4,187.62 $ 4,396.97 113 $4,616.82 $4,732.24 ATTACHMENT B BENEFITS RETAINED BY CMWD EMPLOYEES A. Health Insurance The City will provide employees and dependents with a choice of ACWA-Blue Cross Prudent Buyer, ACWA-Califomia Care, or ACWA-Kaiser health insurance. The City will provide any of the ACWA policies at no cost to the employee. During the month of July 1992, the City shall hold an open enrollment for the City's health, dental, and vision insurance programs. If an employee elects to enroll in the City's health, dental and/or vision insurance program(s), he/she is not eligible to retum to the current plan(s) as set forth above and below, and thereafter may only participate in City sponsored plan(s). B. Health Insurance for Retirees The City will pay, after retirement of an employee, premiums for existing medical coverage provided the employee has met the following requirements: 1. Voluntarily retired after the age of 50 with no less than five years of service, and whose age combined with years of service equals 70 or more; or 2. Retired by having reached the mandatory retirement age established under the State of Califomia Public Employees' Retirement System with no less than five years of service. Medical coverage for the Retiree will be coordinated with Medicare and other benefits provided by federal and state law, and will thereby be reduced when the Retiree qualifies for those benefits. Medical coverage for the spouse and dependents of a Retiree will be coordinated with Medicare and other benefits provided by federal and state law, and will thereby be reduced when the spouse qualifies for those benefits. Upon death of the Retiree, health insurance coverage for the spouse and dependents will be continued, provided the spouse keeps the City informed of his/her name, address and marital status. In the event such spouse remarries, his or her eligibility for such coverage ceases immediately and shall be terminated. As used herein, "spouse" shall mean the spouse of the employee at the time of the employee's retirement. If the Retiree divorces, neither his/her new spouse nor his/her former spouse will be eligible for coverage and it shall cease immediately and be terminated. The former spouse would only be eligible for continued health care coverage at his or her expense as required under federal law. C. Dental Insurance The City shall provide employees and dependents with a dental plan (Delta Care, Group No. 2692 or Delta Dental, Group No. 399-0139), including orthodontia coverage for dependent children only, at no cost to the employee. D. Eve Care Plan The City will provide employees and dependents with an eye care plan (VSP, Plan C, Group No. 228049 A-R). The plan will provide a reasonable amount of coverage at no cost to the employee. E. Life Insurance The City will provide the employee a group term life insurance policy (American Bankers Life Assurance Company of Florida, Plan No. 0670), which will provide protection of 1 x armual pay, up to a maximum of $50,000 at no cost to the employee. The City also provides Term Life Insurance and AD&D of $9,000. F. Deferred Compensation The City has established a Deferred Compensation Plan which employees may voluntarily participate in. The City shall match employee contributions up to a maximum of 7.5% of an employee's bi-weekly eamings. G. Overtime Overtime shall be defined as work performed before or after the regularly scheduled work day or work week. Work in addition to the regularly scheduled work day shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half of an employee's pay. In addition, all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double time. H. Standby Two employees shall be on standby at all times. Each such employee shall remain on standby for a one week period and shall receive $30 per day for each day on standby assignment. The employee shall be compensated in the normal maimer for any work performed. Standby shall not be regarded as call back work. I. Vacation Vacation accmal can be used in 15 minute increments. Accmals will be calculated daily 1. Eamings Rates After completion of 20 years of continuous service, an employee will be granted vacation at the rate of 33 minutes per day. 2. Carryover of Unused Vacation Hours Vacation time accumulation as of January 1 each year may be permitted as follows: Employees with 20 or more years of service - 400 hours Effective January 1 of each year, vacation time in excess of the above-mentioned hours will be eliminated. J. Sick Leave Buvback 1. An employee has the option of selling back to the City 100% of any accumulated sick leave in excess of 250 hours. 2. The City, at its discretion, may purchase any accumulated sick leave fi-om an employee. K. Sick Leave at Termination 1. Retirement Upon retirement in accordance with either the voluntary service or compulsory service retirement provisions of CalPERS, an employee will receive 50% of all accumulated sick leave up to 250 hours. Any accumulated sick leave in excess of 250 hours shall be reimbursable at 100%. 2. Death Upon an employee's death, while still employed, all compensation due an employee will be paid to his/her designated beneficiary. Compensation for all accumulated vacation time, 50% of all sick leave up to 250 hours, and 100% of sick leave in excess of 250 hours shall also be made. 3. Discharge The Department Head shall notify any such employees of discharge in writing. All such discharged employees shall be entitied to any normal compensation due, and shall receive all accumulated vacation time due. If employed at least one year, an employee will receive 50% of all accumulated sick leave up to 250 hours and 100% of any sick leave in excess of 250 hours. 4. Lay Off Layoffs may be required due to lack of work, a decrease in or loss of fimds, or changing position requirements. Should layoffs be required, they will be implemented by considering an employee's proficiency, productivity, length of employment, attendance, and reliability. Such employees shall receive two weeks yvritten notice of layoff. When layoff is anticipated to exceed 14 days duration, the following shall apply: An employee will be paid all accumulated vacation pay due. If employed at least one year, an employee will receive 50% of all accumulated sick leave in excess of 250 hours to be reimbursable at 100%. 5. Resignation Employment may be terminated at will by an employee. If an employee wishes to resign, the City desires a two (2) week notice in writing. All accumulated vacation pay and sick leave compensation will be paid upon resignation. If employed at least one year, an employee will receive 50% of all accumulated sick leave up to 250 hours. Any accumulated sick leave in excess of 250 hours shall be reimbursable at 100%. L. Long-Term Disability Long-term disability benefits shall be provided at 66-2/3% of pay, with a minimum monthly benefit of $50 and maximum benefit of $2,500. M. Longevity Pay Each classified regular employee will be eligible for longevity allowance as follows: After five (5) years of service in the same classification at Step 5, an employee will be entitied to an allowance of 5% in addition to any other regular pay, i.e. C.O.L.A., that an employee is entitied to. An employee will then be placed at the Step 6. After an additional five (5) years, an employee will be entitied to a 2- 1/2% increase in addition to any other regular pay that an employee is entitied to and is then classified as assigned to Step 7. A $1,500 net award will be given every five (5) years thereafter to an employee after he/she reaches L2. Upon implementation ofthe pay for performance system on January L 2014. no employees shall receive step increases or longevity increases. The new salary range maximums on January 1, 2014 will include the longevity maximums (as shown in Attachment C2). N. Special Merit for Education The City will continue a special merit award system to mutually benefit employees and the City by stimulating and rewarding employees for educational accomplishments. This program recognizes accomplishments in terms of operator certification according to the following: Grade Amount One $ 150 Two $ 300 Three $ 500 Four $1,000 The decision to grant this lump-sum award shall be made by an employee's supervisor, with approval by the Department Head. This is a one-time award granted after obtaining the above certificate(s). Q-. Special Housing Facilities- Thc City maintaino a rooidcncc at Squires Dam. The purpooc of this rcoidonco is to provide security for CMW^D facilities. Tho following conditiono apply to employee assignment as caretaker: -4. Emplovoo Status— Tho employee asoignod as caretaker at Squires Dam shall be a full time permanent employee. Priority of Aoaignments— In tho event of a vacancy at tho caretaker rosidonco, priority of assignment shall bo operations crow memboro first and conotruction crow next. Within crow memboro, longevity with tho City shall bo tho second criterion. 4. Solo Place of Pv.ooidenee— Tho crow member aooigned as caretaker shall maintain tho rooidonce as his/hor solo place of residence. -4-. Others Living at P^ooidonce— Only City employoos and a roaoonablo number of poroons who constitute a bona fido singlo housokocping unit shall bo allowed to rooido at tho house. RoGponsibilities Tho employee and not tho City shall bo rooponsiblc for tho general maintenance ofthe house and surrounding property. Tho employee shall also bo o}cpoctod to provide security during nonworking hours by having thomoolves, a member of their household or another City employee on site four w^oolmights per wook and at least throe weokonds per month. The employee shall bo oxpectod to respond to emergency situations to include tho chlorination facility, tho hydroelectric facility and tho mobile chlorination equipment. The omployoc shall make a visual inspection of the entire sito at least weekly and ohall repair any minor fence breaks. The cmployoo shall drivo a Cit>/ vohiclo. l^Io more than throo private vehicles shall bo kept at tho rooidonce. ^Jo overtime or supplemental compensation shall bo paid for those duties. -6: Rent- Tho City ohall charge an appropriate rent for tho rooidonce. Said rent shall be oGtabliohod from time to time by the City. Tho City ohall fumioh the water supply and oloctricity for tho rooidonce and tho City omployoo ohall bo rooponoiblo for tho balanco of tho utilitioo. Upon change of rooidont, tho City ohall havo tho propane tanli filled and bill tho outgoing rooidont. Firearms Tho omployoo shall not carry any firoarmo in tho porformanco of hio/her dutioo ao carotakor nor in City vohicloo and ohall not diochargo an)^ firoarmo on City property. Parties Tho omplo)^oo ohall notifi,^ tho Department Head in ad^^anco of an)^ partly at tho rooidenco involving 15 or more people. -9. Pet^ Tho omployoc ohall bo allowed to ha\-c only non houoc poto and any peto shall remain within tho fenced portion of tho property provided for this purpooo. Tho omployoo may not koop poto Imovm to bo viciouo. 40^ Term Tho City maintaino tho right to change tho assignmont of tho caretaker icsponoibility baood oolcly on dotormination of tho City. It io tho intent of this provioion to create an at will tenancy. There ohall bo an annual icviow ofthe carotakor'o porformanco with tho Suporintcndont and General Manager. OP. Non-Eligibility An employee shall not be eligible for the following benefits provided by the City: 1 Compensatory time off accmal as set forth in Article 15, Section 4 ofthe MOU with CCEA. An employee shall be eligible to accme no more than 40 hours of such compensatory time. 2. State disability insurance as provided by the State of Califomia, Article ^ 35 ofthe MOU with CCEA. Attachment C CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Salary Schedule and Job Classification Approved 6/18/13; Retroactive to 2/18/13 CLASSIFICATION RANGE Accountant 55 Constmction & Maintenance Worker II 35 Scada Technician 46 Senior Systems Operator 46 System Operator II 41 Water Conservation Specialist 35 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT BIWEEKLY SALARY SCHEDULE Approved June 18, 2013; Retroactive to February 18, 2013 Attachment 01 STEPS STEP 7 RANGE STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEPS RANGE (longevity 1) (longevity 2) 35 $1,798.51 $1,879.15 $1,966.55 $2,052.56 $2,149.33 35 $2,256.80 $2,313.23 36 $1,838.84 $1,919.51 $2,006.87 $2,103.64 $2,196.39 36 $2,306.21 $2,363.87 37 $1,879.15 $1,966.55 $2,052.56 $2,149.33 $2,248.82 37 $2,361.26 $2,420.29 38 $1,919.51 $2,006.87 $2,103.64 $2,196.39 $2,297.20 38 $2,412.05 $2,472.36 39 $1,966.55 $2,052.56 $2,149.33 $2,248.82 $2,349.97 39 $2,467.47 $2,529.15 40 $2,006.87 $2,103.64 $2,196.39 $2,297.20 $2,410.12 40 $2,530.63 $2,593.89 41 $2,052.56 $2,149.33 $2,248.82 $2,349.97 $2,446.39 41 $2,568.72 $2,632.94 42 $2,103.64 $2,196.39 $2,297.20 $2,410.12 $2,493.45 42 $2,618.13 $2,683.58 43 $2,149.33 $2,248.82 $2,349.97 $2,446.39 $2,548.56 43 $2,675.99 $2,742.89 44 $2,196.39 $2,297.20 $2,410.12 $2,493.45 $2,595.61 44 $2,725.39 $2,793.52 45 $2,248.82 $2,349.97 $2,446.39 $2,548.56 $2,650.72 45 $2,783.26 $2,852.83 46 $2,297.20 $2,410.12 $2,493.45 $2,595.61 $2,701.82 46 $2,836.92 $2,907.84 47 $2,349.97 $2,446.39 $2,548.56 $2,650.72 $2,755.55 47 $2,893.32 $2,965.66 48 $2,410.12 $2,493.45 $2,595.61 $2,701.82 $2,809.34 48 $2,949.81 $3,023.55 49 $2,446.39 $2,548.56 $2,650.72 $2,755.55 $2,867.15 49 $3,010.50 $3,085.77 50 $2,493.45 $2,595.61 $2,701.82 $2,809.34 $2,924.93 50 $3,071.18 $3,147.96 51 $2,548.56 $2,650.72 $2,755.55 $2,867.15 $2,984.09 51 $3,133.29 $3,211.62 52 $2,595.61 $2,701.82 $2,809.34 $2,924.93 $3,044.59 52 $3,196.82 $3,276.74 53 $2,650.72 $2,755.55 $2,867.15 $2,984.09 $3,103.71 53 $3,258.90 $3,340.37 54 $2,701.82 $2,809.34 $2,924.93 $3,044.59 $3,172.27 54 $3,330.88 $3,414.15 55 $2,755.55 $2,867.15 $2,984.09 $3,103.71 $3,227.36 55 $3,388.73 $3,473.45 56 $2,809.34 $2,924.93 $3,044.59 $3,172.27 $3,295.91 56 $3,460.71 $3,547.23 57 $2,867.15 $2,984.09 $3,103.71 $3,227.36 $3,361.80 57 $3,529.88 $3,618.13 58 $2,924.93 $3,044.59 $3,172.27 $3,295.91 $3,427.68 58 $3,599.06 $3,689.04 59 $2,984.09 $3,103.71 $3,227.36 $3,361.80 $3,493.54 59 $3,668.22 $3,759.92 60 $3,044.59 $3,172.27 $3,295.91 $3,427.68 $3,563.40 60 $3,741.57 $3,835.10 61 $3,103.71 $3,227.36 $3,361.80 $3,493.54 $3,637.37 61 $3,819.24 $3,914.72 62 $3,172.27 $3,295.91 $3,427.68 $3,563.40 $3,707.26 62 $3,892.62 $3,989.93 63 $3,227.36 $3,361.80 $3,493.54 $3,637.37 $3,782.52 63 $3,971.65 $4,070.94 64 $3,295.91 $3,427.68 $3,563.40 $3,707.26 $3,857.81 64 $4,050.70 $4,151.97 ATTACHMENT D COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS SUMMARY - CCEA REPRESENTED EMPLOYEES WORKING A REDUCED FTE SCHEDULE For CCEA-represented employees working a reduced FTE schedule (ex. 0.75 FTE or job sharing 0.5 FTE) pro-rated benefits are calculated based on 75% and 50% ofthe Ml benefits and will be applied respectively. The standard 0.75 FTE work schedule is 30 hours per week. The standard 0.5 job sharing FTE work schedule is 20 hours per week. If one part of a job-share position becomes vacant, the remaining incumbent must convert to full- time until another job-share partner is found. COMPENSATION: ^ ^ , Employees on a reduced FTE schedule will be compensated at an hourly rate based on the current salary schedule. Salary will be calculated based on the number of acUial hours worked and salary eamed. Employes will be paid overtime after working in excess of 40 hours a week. Exfra shifts worked beyond the regular work assignment, up to 40 hours in a week are paid at snaight time in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The regular work week should not exceed 30 hours per week for 75% time positions or 20 hours per week for 50% time positions. If there are occasional extra hours worked, the time should be reported appropriately to payroll as extra hours. Extra hours should not be a continual or regular practice and may result m jeopardizmg the reduced FTE schedule. Bilingual Pav , .„ * *u * • Employees working a reduced FTE schedule who are eligible for Bilmgual Pay will receive an amount that is prorated by the appropriate reduced FTE percentage. BENEFITS: Health Insurance Deductions , ,, . u Employees working a reduced FTE schedule are eligible to participate in the same health insurance programs as full- time employees. Employees working a reduced FTE schedule may select one of the City's medical plans and will be enrolled as an employee with full benefit coverage. Because reduced FTE employees work fewer hours per pay period, they will be eligible for a prorated percentage ofthe benefits credits for which fiill time employees are eligible. (Refer to benefit rate sheets.) Leave Accruals • SICK LEAVE: Accrued at appropriate prorated percentage of the full-time accmal rate. • VACATION: Accmed at appropriate prorated percentage of the full-time accmal rate. • HOLIDAY PAY: 6.0 hours per Holiday paid for 0.75 FTE employees. 4.0 hours per Holiday paid for 0 5 FTE employees. City posted Holiday Schedule applies. If a Holiday falls on a day the employee is NOT normally scheduled to work, the employee will agree with his/her supervisor when to take a regularly scheduled work shift in that same pay period as a Holiday. • FLOATING HOLIDAY: 6.0 hours per Holiday paid for 0.75 FTE employees. 4.0 hours per Holiday paid for 0.5 FTE employees. An employee whose scheduled shift duration exceeds the hours of Holiday pay could get approval fi-om their supervisor to work exfra hours in the pay period in which a Holiday falls to make up for the reduced number of hours paid for the Holiday. An employee may also choose to take hours without pay that period for hours lost due to reduced Holiday pay. It is NOT required to use leave balances to make up for the fewer hours paid on a Holiday. However, on a non-Holiday, if an employee leaves early or takes time off accmed leave balances must be exhausted prior to taking leave without pay. PERS Service Credit Funire retirement benefit and employee contributions (made by the City) are adjusted for lesser eamings. A full time employee receives one year of service credit for every ten or more months of fiill time employment durmg the fiscal year A 75% time employee is credited with .90 of a year (.75 x .100 year credit x 12 months) for one year of 75% time employment. A 50% employee is credited with .60 of a year (.5 x .100 year credit x 12 months) for one year of 50% employment. Long Term Disability The City pays the premium based on actual eamings. State Disability Insurance ^ . CT^T i i ^ The City pays the premium based on acfiial eamings. Any fiifiire potential benefit may be reduced, as SDI looks at quarterly wages reported for a 12 month period beginning roughly 18 months before the date of disability. Life Insurance and Sunplemental Life hisurance The benefit is based on regular base salary. Employee Computer Purchase Program Employees on a 0.5 FTE schedule are not eligible to establish a computer purchase loan. Employee Education Program Employees on a 0.5 FTE schedule are not eligible for ftiition reimbursement. I understand and agree to the reduced FTE terms outlined above and agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this document. I understand that I will be in a Reduced FTE time stafiis 0.75 | | 0.5 fi-om to . Employee (Print Name) Employee Signature Attachment E Maerkle Reservoir. Dam. Treatment Facilitv and Site Steward Requirements. Responsibilities and Agreement to Terms of Assignment Per the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU^ between the Citv of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Citv Employees' Association (CCEA), L am accepting the assignment ofthe Maerkle Facilities Steward and acknowledging the following requirements, responsibilities and terms of the assignment: Employee Status The employee assigned as the Maerkle Facilities Steward shall be a full-time permanent employee of the City. Priority of Assignments a. In the event of a vacancy in the Maerkle Facilities Steward assignment, the assignment shall be offered to qualified current CCEA employees in the Water Operations Division ofthe Utilities Department based on their seniority in the Water Operations Division. In order to be considered qualified for the assignment, the employee must have a minimum of one vear of service in the Citv's Water Operations Division. In addition, the employee must not be on a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP), and must be fully competent in facilitv operations, recordkeeping, emergency response procedures and be in compliance with the following regulations govemed by these respective agencies: Cal-OSHA's Califomia Code of Regulations. Title 8, section 5189, Process Safety Management (PSM) of Highly Hazardous Materials. Federal EPA's Code of Federal Regulations. Titie 40, Part 68. Accidental Release Prevention Requirements: Risk Management Programs (RMP) Clean Air Act Section 112(r), Program 3 requirements. California Office of Emergency Services. Califomia Code of Regulations, Title 19. Division 2. Chapter 4.5, California Accidental Release Prevention (CalARP) Program. County of San Diego, Department of Environmental Health, Hazardous Materials Division, Hazardous Materials Business Plan. California Health and Safety Code. Section 25531 through 25534. State of Califomia. Department of Water Resources. Division of Safety of Dams. Must possess a current CDPH issued Distribution Operator Grade D-3 and Treatment Operator Grade T-l per CDPH "shift operator" requirements. c. The employee must remain qualified throughout the assignment. Under no circumstances will the duties ofthe Maerkle Facilities Steward be assigned to an employee that does not comply with the regulations as outiined above. Responsibilities The Steward shall be responsible for performing the following duties: A. Safety a. Maintain on site compliance with PSM/RMP program and Hazardous Materials Business Plan b. Immediately report anv observed non-compliance issues with the PSM/RMP Program or Hazardous Materials Business Plan c. Ensure the residence, property and facilities are kept in a safe condition B. Emergency Response - Notification - Documentation a. Respond to emergency situations to include the chlorination facilities per PSM/RMP requirements b. Provide timely and proper notification c. Provide timely and proper documentation d. Assist duty operator with onsite problems C. Operations and Maintenance a. Make occasional chlorine adiustments, flow changes and system changes as needed b. Perform general maintenance on the residence, yard and fencing c. Perform general maintenance on the property, perimeter fencing and weeds D. Inspections a. Perform routine visual inspections of the entire site at least weekly b. Perform visual inspections of the entire site after anv disaster event including minor earthquakes c. Document and report anv issues or concerns to the Water Operations supervisor E. Security a. Be onsite on a regular basis during nonworking hours for a minimum of four weeknights per week and a minimum of three weekends per month (except for extended periods due to supervisor approved leaves, at which time the department will be responsible for ensuring coverage for Steward's responsibilities) b. Monitor access of residents through property during significant flood events c. Immediately report anv security breaches or issues to the proper authority, including police, where appropriate 4. Rent and Utilities The City shall charge a nominal rent for the residence. Said rent shall be established from time to time bv the Citv and communicated to the Steward in writing with sixty (60) calendar davs advance notice of anv changes. The Citv shall furnish the water supply and 10 electricity for the residence and the Steward shall be responsible for the balance ofthe utilities. Upon change of Steward, the outgoing Steward shall have the propane tank filled and the carpets professionally cleaned, and provide verification of such to the Water Operations supervisor. The outgoing Steward will have the option of being billed for these services bv the Citv. If the outgoing Steward selects this option, the Steward will provide a thritv (30) calendar davs notice and the City will have the propane tank filled and the camets professionally cleaned. 5. Term The City maintains the right to change the assignment of the Maerkle Facility Steward responsibility based solely upon the City's discretion and the Citv shall not be required to show cause. Moreover, the Steward shall have no due process rights related to a change from the assignment as a change shall not be considered disciplinary. It is the intent of this provision to create an at-will tenancy that can be revoked at anv time upon at least sixty (60) calendar days' notice to the Steward. There shall be an annual review ofthe Steward's performance with Water Operations supervisor. The Steward shall, when possible, give the City at leastsixtv (60) calendar days written notice if he/she desires to be relieved of this assignment. 6. Sole Place of Residence The crew member assigned as the Steward shall maintain the residence as his/her sole place of residence. 7. Others Living at Residence Only the Steward and a reasonable number of persons who constitute a bona fide single household unit shall be allowed to reside at the house. 8. Vehicles The Maerkle Facilities Steward shall drive a City vehicle. No more than three private vehicles shall be kept at the residence unless pre-approved by the Water Operations supervisor. 9. Firearms The Steward shall not carry any firearms in the performance of his/her duties or in City vehicles and shall not discharge any firearms on Citv property. Any firearms that are personal propertv ofthe Steward shall be allowed to be stored at the residence provided they are securely stored. The Steward will notify the Water Operations Supervisor in advance of bringing any firearms on the premises and shall show proof of secured storage. 10. Parties 11 The Steward shall notify his/her the Water Operations Supervisor, in writing, at least seven (7) calendar days in advance of any party at the residence involving fifteen (15) or more people. 11. Pets The Steward shall be allowed to have pets and any outdoor pets shall remain within the fenced portion ofthe property provided for this purpose. The Steward shall be responsible for any damages caused by pets. The Steward may not keep pets known to be vicious. vicious The rent at the Maerkle residence is currently set at $75.00 per pav period. Automatic payroll deductions will begin for this amount starting with the beginning ofthe pay period on I have read the preceding Maerkle Reservior, Dam, Treatment Facility and Site Steward Requirements, Responsibility and Agreement to Term of Assignment and understand it. By signing below, I am agreeing to these terms in their entirety. Employee Signature .—Date 12 CCEA MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING 1/1/2013 to 12/31/2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword Preamble Article 1 Article 2 Article 3 Article 4 Article 5 Article 6 Article 7 Article 8 Article 9 Article 10 Article 11 Article 12 Article 13 Article 14 Article 15 Article 16 Article 17 Article 18 Article 19 Article 20 Article 21 Article 22 Article 23 Article 24 Article 25(A) Article 25(B) Article 26 Article 27 Article 28 Article 29 Article 30 Article 31 Article 32 Article 33 Article 34 Article 35 Article 36 Article 37 Article 38 Page Page Recognition Page Implementation Page Term Page Renegotiation Page 2 Authorized Agents Page 2 No Strike and No Lockout Page 2 City Rights Page 3 Employee Rights Page 3 Association Rights Page 3 Confidential Employees Page 5 Payroll Deductions/Agency Shop Page 6 Compensation Adjustments Page 8 Distribution of Paychecks Page 9 Overtime Page 9 Working Out of Classification Page 13 Injured on Duty Page 13 Bilingual Pay Page 14 Uniforms and Equipment Page 14 Tool Reimbursement Page 16 Longevity Pay Page 17 Vacation Page 17 Holidays Page 19 Sick Leave Page 21 Bereavement Leave Page 22 Family and Medical Leave Acts Page 23 Leave of Absence Page 23 Military Leave Page 25 Jury Duty Page 25 Rest Periods Page 26 Late Starts Page 26 Flexible Classifications Page 26 Flexible Start Hours Page 27 Flexible Work Schedules Page 27 Flexible Job Sharing Page 28 Health Insurance/Flexible Benefits Program Page 28 State Disability Insurance/Family Medical Leave Benefits...Page 31 Long Term Disability Page 31 Retirement Page 32 Deferred Compensation Page 33 CCEA Memorandum of Understanding Table of Contents Page 2 Article 39 Article 40 Article 41 Article 42 Article 43 Article 44 Article 45 Article 46 Article 47 Article 48 Article 49 Article 50 Article 51 Article 52 Article 53 Article 54 Attachment A Dispute Resolution Procedure Page 33 Alcohol and Drug Policy Page 39 Access to Information Page 43 Communications Page 43 Legal Representation Page 43 Layoff. Page 44 Carlsbad Municipal Water District Page 47 Full Understanding, Modification & Waiver Page 47 Provisions of Law Page 48 Retention of Benefits Page 48 Non-discrimination Clause Page 48 Americans With Disabilities Act Page 48 Life Insurance and Voluntary Benefits Page 49 Special Housing Facilities Page 49 Contracting Out Work Page 51 Pay for Performance Guidelines Page 53 Salary Schedule - General Employees Attachment B Benefits Retained by CMWD Employees Attachment C CMWD Salary Schedule and Job Classification Attachment D Compensation and Benefits Summary - CCEA Represented Employees Working a Reduced FTE Schedule Attachment E Maerkle Reservoir, Dam, Treatment Facility and Site Steward Requirements, Responsibilities and Agreement to Terms of Assignment MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING between the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad City Employees' Association Foreword The Memorandum of Understanding is made and entered into between designated management representatives ofthe City of Carlsbad (hereinafter referred to as the "City"), and the designated representatives ofthe Carlsbad City Employees' Association (hereinafter referred to as "CCEA" or "Association"). Preamble It is the purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter referred to as "Memorandum") to promote and provide for harmonious relations, cooperation, and understanding between the City Management representatives and the general employees covered under this Memorandum, as shovm on Attachment A and Attachment C; to provide an orderly and equitable means of resolving any misunderstandings or differences which may arise under this Memorandum; and to set forth the agreement of the parties reached as a result of good faith negotiations regarding wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment ofthe employees covered under this Memorandum. Article 1 Recognition The City of Carlsbad recognizes CCEA as the exclusive majority representative for all classifications in this unit, as set forth in Attachment A, pursuant to the petition for formal recognition submitted on Febmary 11, 1976, and approved April 20, 1976, in accordance with the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Attachment C lists additional classifications added to this unit. Article 2 Implementation This Memorandum constitutes a recommendation to be submitted to the City Council subsequent to the ratification meeting by the membership of CCEA. It is agreed that this Memorandum shall not be binding upon the parties either in whole or in part unless and until: The City Council acts, by majority vote, formally to approve and adopt said Memorandum. Article 3 Term The term of this Memorandum of Understanding shall be from January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2014. Article 4 Renegotiation In the event either party desires to meet and confer in good faith on the terms of a successor Memorandum of Understanding, that party shall serve upon the other a notice of such intent prior to expiration ofthe Memorandum of Understanding. If a party provides intent pursuant to this section, the parties agree to initially meet not less than forty-five (45) calendar days and no more than six months prior to the expiration of the Memorandum of Understanding, if possible. Article 5 Authorized Agents For the purpose of administering the terms and provisions of this Memorandum: A. City's principal authorized agent shall be the City Manager or a duly authorized representative (Address: 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, Califomia 92008; Telephone (760) 602-2440), except where a particular City representative is specifically designated in connection with the performance of a specific function or obligation set forth herein. B. CCEA authorized representatives shall be its President, its Board of Directors, or a CCEA member in good standing who has been designated as an authorized CCEA representative in yvriting by CCEA's President or a member of the Board of Directors. (Address: 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008). C. Copies of all correspondence to CCEA authorized representatives shall also be sent to the CCEA designated staff representatives. CCEA will notify Human Resources ofthe organization, contact name, and address whenever a change is made. Article 6 No Strike and No Lockout A. No Strike. During the life of this agreement, neither the Association nor any agents or representatives will instigate, promote, sponsor, engage in, or condone any strike (including sympathy strike), slowdown, concerted stoppage of work, sick-outs, or any other intentional disruption of the operations of the City, regardless of the reason for so doing. B. Penalty. Any employee engaging in activity prohibited by Article 6, A., or who instigates or gives leadership to such activity, shall be subject to disciplinary action. C. No Lockout. During the term of this agreement, the City will not instigate a lockout over a dispute with the employees so long as there is no breach of Section 6, A. D. Association Official Responsibility. Each employee who holds the position of officer of the Employee Association occupies a position of special tmst and responsibility in maintaining and bringing about compliance with the provision of this article, the Association agrees to inform its members of their obligations under this agreement and to direct them to retum to work. Article 7 Citv Rights The rights of the City include, but are not limited to the exclusive right to determine mission of its constituent departments, commissions, committees, and boards; set standards of service; determine procedures and standards of selection for employment and promotions; direct its employees; take disciplinary action; relieve its employees from duty because of lack of work or other legitimate reason; maintain the efficiency of governmental operations; determine the methods, means, and personnel by which govemment operations are to be conducted; determine the content of job classifications; take all necessary actions to carry out its mission in emergencies; and exercise complete control and discretion over its organization and the technology of performing its work. Article 8 Employee Rights A. Employees of the City shall have the right to form, join and participate in the activities of CCEA for the purpose of representation on all matters of Employer-Employee Relations, including but not limited to, wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment. Employees of the City also shall have the right to refuse to join or participate in the activities of employee organizations and shall have the right to represent themselves individually in their employment relations with the City. B. No employee shall be interfered with, intimidated, restrained, coerced or discriminated against by the City, CCEA or other employee organization(s) because of the exercise of his/her rights under this Article. C. An individual employee reserves the right to individual representation, upon formal notice to CCEA and the City, on any matter of Employer-Employee Relations. D. CCEA shall be provided notice of the resufts of such individual Employee-City meetings. Article 9 Association Rights A. The City recognizes the right of CCEA to govem its intemal affairs. B. The City agrees to include a one page CCEA "Information Sheet" in the orientation packet for newly hired employees in positions represented by CCEA. The City and CCEA agree that the purpose of the "Information Sheet" is to familiarize new employees with the operations and benefits of CCEA. All costs associated with preparing the "Information Sheet" shall be home by CCEA. CCEA agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless for any disputes between CCEA and employees represented by CCEA arising out of information contained in the "Information Sheet." Prior to distribution the "Information Sheet" must be approved by the Human Resources Director. Should the City have less than ten (10) CCEA information sheets on hand, it shall notify CCEA so that CCEA can ensure that the City has adequate information sheets on hand for new hires. C. The City will fiimish bulletin boards for use of CCEA (Bulletin Boards for the exclusive use by CCEA shall be provided at City Hall, Faraday and the main Library). Material placed on said bulletin boards shall be at the discretion of CCEA. City may remove CCEA material only in the event the material is obviously offensive to good taste, defamatory, and shall be removed only on prior notification to CCEA. Bulletin boards shall be located at: 1) City Hall Employees' Lounge, 2) Library Employees' Lounge, 3) Parks Employee Rooms, 4) Oak Avenue Trailer, 5) Faraday Employees' Lounge, 6) Safety Center Employees' Lounge, 7) Mechanical Maintenance, 8) Stagecoach Community Park, 9) Calavera Community Park, 10) Housing & Neighborhood Services, 11) the City Clerk's Office, and 12) the Senior Center. By mutual agreement additional locations may be added. CCEA reserves the right, at CCEA expense, to glass enclose with lock and key the bulletin boards fumished by the City for the exclusive use by CCEA. D. Twice annually, within thirty (30) calendar days of written request from CCEA, the City agrees to provide CCEA with a listing of names, departments, and classifications of employees in classifications represented by CCEA. Names, departments, and classifications provided will reflect the most current data on file with the Human Resources Department as of the date the list is prepared. E. CCEA shall provide and maintain with the City a current list of the names and all authorized representatives of the CCEA. An authorized representative shall not enter any work location without the consent of the Department Head or his/her designee or the City Manager or his/her designee. The Department Head or his/her designee shall have the right to make arrangements for a contact location removed from the work area ofthe employee. Management shall not unreasonably deny access. F. CCEA may, with the approval of the Human Resources Department, be granted the use of City facilities for after hour meetings. G. CCEA shall be allowed to designate employee representatives to assist employees in preparing and processing grievances; and preparing and presenting material for disciplinary appeals hearings. CCEA may designate one employee representative to assist an employee in preparing and presenting materials for the above-listed procedures. The employee representative so designated shall be allowed reasonable release time from regularly scheduled duties for the purpose of investigating and preparing materials for such procedures. Employee representatives who investigate, prepare or present materials during off-duty time shall do so on their oym time. Employee representatives and employees who attend discipline or grievance hearings or City Council meetings during the off-duty time shall do so on their own time; providing, however, that employees who are ordered or subpoenaed to attend such hearings shall be compensated in accordance with the overtime provisions of this Memorandum of Understanding. Designated employee representatives shall be allowed reasonable release time from regularly scheduled duties to attend meetings relative to other matters of employer- employee relations. Designated employee representatives requesting time off under this article shall direct such request to his/her immediate supervisor in yvriting within a reasonable time period to the date requested, in order to assure that the department meets its staff needs and to assure sufficient coverage of departmental assignments. H. CCEA may select members of the organization to attend scheduled meetings with the City staff on subjects within the scope of representation during regular work hours without loss of compensation. Where circumstances warrant, the City may approve the attendance at such meetings of additional employee representatives with or without loss of compensation. The employee organization shall, whenever practicable, submit the names of all such employee representatives to the City at least two working days in advance of such meeting. Provided further: (1) That no employee representative shall leave his or her duty or work station or assignment without specific approval of the Department Head or other authorized City management official. (2) That any such meeting is subject to scheduling by City management in a manner consistent with operating needs and work schedules. Nothing provided herein, however, shall limit or restrict City management from scheduling such meetings before or after regular duty or work hours under appropriate circumstances. Article 10 Confidential Employees Confidential employees are restricted from representing any employee organization that represents other employees of the City on matters within the scope of representation. For example, confidential employees may not disclose information obtained in their job duties to bargaining unit members unless required by their job. This article does not otherwise limit the right of confidential employees to be members of and to hold office in CCEA. The following positions are designated as confidential: 1) Human Resources Department: Administrative Secretary, Human Resources Technician, Secretary, Senior Office Specialist. 2) City Manager's Office: Administrative Secretary, Secretary. 3) City Attomey's Office: Legal Assistant, Legal Secretary. 4) Finance Department: Administrative Secretary, Accounting Supervisor and Account Clerk II assigned to payroll responsibilities. Business Systems Specialist, Secretary. 5) Information Technology: Applications Specialist II assigned to position budgeting responsibilities. The City may create new confidential positions provided that in the regular course of the position's duties, the employee: • Has regular contact with files and correspondence related to management's positions and policies related to contract negotiations, and/or • Assists or acts in a confidential capacity or who formulates, determines and effectuates management's policies within the scope of employee-employer relations, and/or • Has normal access to confidential information contributing significantly to the development of management's policies within the scope of employer-employee relations In such cases, the City will notify the Association of the proposed new confidential position and provide the Association with the job specifications of the new position prior to its implementation. Article 11 Payroll Deductions/Agency Shop A. The City shall withhold deductions in amounts designated by CCEA members providing changes do not occur more frequently than once each fiscal year. B. AGENCY SHOP All bargaining unit employees are required to be dues paying members of the Association, or pay a service fee in lieu of dues or, if qualified in accordance with section 4.0 below, contribute to a designated charitable organization. 1.0 Covered Employees All employees covered by the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the Association are considered covered employees under this Article. 2.0 Agency Fee 2.1 The amount of the agency fee will be determined annually by the Association in accordance with Govemment Code section 3502.5. It will not exceed the standard initiation fee, period dues, and general assessments of the Association. 2.2 At least thirty (30) calendar days prior to any increase in the amount of the fee, and annually thereafter, each employee covered by this Agreement will receive yvritten notice from the Association indicating: 2.2.1 The amount of the agency fee (expressed as a percentage of the annual dues per member based upon the chargeable expenditures identified in the notice); 2.2.2 The basis for the calculation of the agency fee, which will be supported by an independent audit; 2.2.3 A statement informing the employee about the existence of the independent audit and its availability to the employee upon request; and 2.2.4 The procedure for appealing all or any part of the agency fee. 2.2.5 The Association will also provide the notice referenced in this section and a copy of the Association bylaws to Human Resources to be given to new employees at their orientation. 2.2.6 The Association's appeal procedures shall comply with the requirements established by State and Federal law. 3.0 Escrow of Agency Fees in Dispute 3.1 The Association will open an account in an independent financial institution in which to place in escrow agency fees collected from employees who have made timely objections under the Association's appeal procedures. 3.2 The escrowed agency fees will not be released until after either: 3.2.1 Mutual agreement between the objecting employee and the Association has been reached on the proper amount of the agency fee; or 3.2.2 A final decision has been rendered by the impartial decision maker (or the courts, if judicial review is sought under Code of Civil Procedure section 1094.8). 3.3 The Association will pay interest at the prevailing rate on all rebated fees. 4.0 Religious Exemptions In lieu of paying the agency fee, an employee who is a member of a bona fide religion, body, or sect that has historically held conscientious objections to joining or financially supporting public employee associations may pay an amount equivalent to the agency fee to one of the following nomeligious, non-labor charities: United Way Special Olympics Carlsbad Educational Foundation The employee must provide proof of payment to the City and the Association on a monthly basis. The Association may also require the employee to provide the Association with proof of membership or of continued membership in the religion, body, or sect upon which the religious exemption is based. 5.0 Payroll Deduction Process 5.1 In the event an employee submits an objection to the amount of the agency fee or there is a dispute regarding the employee's religious exemption claim, the employee will be informed that an amount equal to the agency fee will be deducted from the employee's salary and placed in an escrow account referred to in section 3.0 above pending the final determination ofthe objection or validity ofthe exemption. At the conclusion of the process, the escrowed funds will be disbursed appropriately. 5.2 If, after deductions commence, a dispute arises between the employee and the Association over the amount or propriety of the agency fee, deductions will continue to be made and the disputed fees will be placed in an escrow account in accordance with section 3.0 above. 5.3 All other legal and required deductions (e.g., payroll taxes, income taxes, health care premiums) have priority over agency fee deductions. No agency fee deduction will be made from an employee's paycheck unless the employee's eamings are sufficient to cover the agency fee after all other legal and required deductions are made. 5.4 If there is a non-disputed change in the exclusive representative for all or a portion ofthe covered employees, the City will transmit the agency fees deducted from the paychecks of those employees to the new representative without intermption. If there is a disputed change in the exclusive representative for all or a portion of the covered employees, the City will place the agency fees deducted from the paychecks of those employees in an interest- bearing accounting pending final resolution ofthe dispute. 6.0 Records and Reports The Association will keep itemized records of its financial transactions. In addition, annually, within sixty (60) calendar days after the end of its fiscal year, the Association will make available to the City and to all represented employees a detailed written financial report in the form of a balance sheet and an operating statement, certified as to accuracy by its president and treasurer or corresponding principal officer, or by a certified public accountant. 7.0 Indemnification The Association agrees to defend, indemnify and hold the City (including its Water District and Redevelopment Agency and their officers, employees, agents, and elected or appointed officials) harmless from all claims, demands, losses, damages, disputes, obligations, liabilities, expenses (including attomey fees), or other actions arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the agency shop arrangement. Article 12 Compensation Adiustments Effective the pay period that includes March 1, 2013, the City shall implement an across the board base salary increase for each represented classification of three percent (3%). Retroactive compensation shall be paid only for employees employed by the City as ofthe first full pay period after Council approval of this MOU. This salary increase shall result in salary ranges moving three percent (3%). Effective the pay period that includes January 1, 2014, the City shall implement an across the board base salary increase for each represented classification of three percent (3%). Salary ranges will not move due to this salary increase. The City shall also implement on January 1, 2014 a Pay for Performance System as outiined in Article 54 of this Memorandum. With the implementation of that system, salary ranges will not automatically move and step and longevity increases will cease. Those employees who cannot receive the January 1, 2014 three percent (3%) salary increase while staying within the existing salary range, as shown in Attachments A2 and C2 will receive a base building increase up to the range maximum and the balance as a stipend in the pay period that includes January 1, 2014. The pay for performance base pay matrix (described in Article 54) for 12/31/2014 will be funded at four percent (4%). The City will continue its practice of periodically reviewing classification specifications and salaries. Article 13 Distribution of Paychecks CCEA employees are not required to receive payroll funds through electronic deposit. Employees who provide written authorization for such electronic deposit, shall receive a Statement of Eamings (pay stub) through an electronic pay system. The electronic pay system will permit employees to view/print current and previous bi-weekly pay stubs. The Employer will provide training for all employees, as necessary in the use of the electronic pay system. For those employees who do not provide written authorization for an electronic deposit of their payroll, their payroll funds will be deposited in the U.S. mail with postage fully prepaid on the Friday following the electronic pay date or as soon as administratively possible if there is not an Accounts Payable check mn that Friday. Payroll will be mailed to the last known address on file with the Human Resources Department. It shall be the responsibility of the employee to update their address of record with the Human Resources Department as required. The City shall make every reasonable effort to resolve payroll errors during the next pay period, and to provide additional sums (when warranted) with the following payroll. The City agrees to meet with the CCEA at mutually acceptable times and places to review payroll related problems affecting more than one bargaining unit member. Article 14 Overtime 1. Overtime Any employee required to perform in excess of forty (40) hours in a seven (7) day cycle and/or in excess of an employee's scheduled work day shall receive compensation at the rate of time and one-half his/her regular rate of pay, except as outiined in Section 2 below. The regular rate of pay shall be calculated in conformance with the FLSA. In determining an employee's eligibility for overtime, paid leaves shall be included in the total hours worked. Excluded from the total hours worked are duty free lunches, travel time to and from work, and time spent conducting bona fide volunteer activities. There shall be no pyramiding of overtime. Hours worked by an employee in any workday or workweek on which premium rates have once been allowed shall not be used again in any other overtime calculation other than computing total actual hours worked. Time worked shall be computed by rounding to the nearest quarter of an hour. 2. Request for Temporary Shift Adjustment (Flex Time) An employee may request that the employee's normal workday be temporarily altered in order to accumulate a credit of work hours that may be used to take time off during the employee's FLSA work week and same pay period without loss of pay. If the request is approved by management, pay for hours worked during this temporary shift adjustment shall be paid at the straight time rate. The FLSA work week for employees on a 9/80 schedule begins four (4) hours after the regularly scheduled starting time for their Friday shift and ends one hundred sixty eight (168) hours later (at four (4) hours after the regularly scheduled starting time for their Friday shift). For all others the work week is from Monday at 12:00 a.m. to Sunday at 11:59 p.m. 3. Call Back Pav Call back duty occurs when an employee is ordered to retum to duty on a non-regularly scheduled work shift. Call back does not occur when an employee is held over from his/her prior shift or is working prior to his/her regularly scheduled shift. An employee called back to duty shall be credited with a minimum of two (2) hours work commencing at the time ofthe page, except an employee shall not be entitled to said minimum if the assignment has been scheduled in advance and the employee is provided with at least seven (7) calendar days' notice of said assignment. The two (2) hour minimum also will not apply if the work is performed on the phone or remotely via computer and takes 30 minutes or less to complete, in which case the employee shall be credited for a minimum of thirty (30) minutes work. 4. Compensatory Time In lieu of receiving overtime pay pursuant to Section 1 above, an employee may elect, subject to department approval, to receive compensatory time off on a time and one-half basis. No employee shall accme more than eighty (80) hours of such compensatory time. Should any employee exceed eighty (80) hours of accmed compensatory time, he/she shall be paid at time and one-half his/her regular rate. An employee may use such compensatory time within a reasonable period after making the request if the use of compensatory time does not unduly disrupt the operations of the department. At any time an employee may elect to "cash out" any portion of his/her accmed compensatory time balance at his/her regular rate of pay by requesting this "cash out" on his/her time card. 5. Overtime Authorization All overtime requests must have the prior authorization of a supervisor prior to the commencement of such overtime work. Where prior yvritten authorization is not feasible, 10 explicit verbal authorization must be obtained. Calls for service beyond the end of duty time are considered as authorized. 6. Clothes Changing Employees are not authorized to wear their uniforms or any part thereof that is distinguishable as such unless on duty. Each employee is provided with a locker for his/her oyvn personal convenience. An employee may or may not utilize the locker for storage and changing purposes at his/her own discretion. Nothing herein prevents an employee from wearing his/her uniform to and/or from his/her residence and work. Nothing herein prevents an employee from wearing his/her uniform while conducting personal business during lunch time. Time spent in changing clothes before or after a shift, is not considered hours worked and is not compensable in any manner whatsoever. 7. Training Time Training time outside normally scheduled work hours shall be compensated pursuant to Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Section 785.27, et seq. Travel time outside normally scheduled work hours shall be compensated pursuant to CFR Section 785.33, et seq. When feasible, the Department will adjust the employee's work schedule to minimize the impact of travel and training time. Travel time to and from local work-related training either before, during or after regularly scheduled work hours shall be compensated for all CCEA employees regardless of whether the employee is a driver or passenger. For the purposes of this section, "local" refers to work related training taking place in San Diego, Imperial, Orange, Riverside, San Bemardino and Los Angeles Counties. 8. City Vehicle Use Employees who are provided with a City vehicle to travel to and from work shall not be compensated in any manner whatsoever for such travel time in the City vehicle. Refer to Administrative Order No. 3 for more information regarding use of City vehicles. This provision also applies in those situations where the radio must be left on and monitored. 11 9. Court Pay When an employee is physically called to court for City-related business, while off duty, he/she shall be credited on an hour for hour basis for the time actually spent in court. An employee shall be credited with a minimum of two (2) hours for the court appearance. Travel time shall not be considered hours worked and shall not be compensated in any manner whatsoever. 10. Standby Pay "Standby assignment" requires an employee to: a. Review and confirm receipt of the standby assignment schedule within the deadlines established by the applicable department; b. Wear a City-provided pager and carry a City-provided cellular phone during standby assignment; c. Respond to a page by telephone promptly without delay. If an employee has arranged for another employee to respond, the employee must notify the supervisor, the department, and dispatch of the name of the substitute employee who will respond. Thereafter, callback shall be handled in accordance with each department's standby/callback policy; d. Each department's standby/callback policy shall be developed and submitted to Association representatives for meeting and conferring. In addition, the City shall provide training for the supervisors and managers responsible for administering departmental standby/callback policies and shall also provide orientation for all employees subject to the standby/callback policies; e. Abide by the City's Alcohol and Dmg Policy as specified in Article 40 of this agreement during standby assignment; and abide by the mles and regulations set forth by the Department of Transportation (DOT); f. Wear appropriate clothing, safety equipment, and any other form of City identification as defined by the department when making a callback response from standby assignment; g. Accept $30.00 per day for each day on standby assignment. h. Acknowledge and agree that time on standby assignment is not considered to be compensable work time for purposes of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA); provided, however, (1) individuals have not waived any rights they may have outside of this contract under the FLSA; and (2) neither the fact of these negotiations nor the changes negotiated in this agreement shall be used by either party or by any individual to the prejudice of the other party in any grievance or complaint outstanding as of the time of this agreement. 12 Article 15 Working Out of Classification Whenever the needs of the City require an employee to temporarily perform the duties of a higher classification than that in which the employee is currentiy employed for a period of more than twenty-one (21) calendar days, the employee shall receive additional pay. In such cases, the employee shall be paid at an appropriate level which will assure an increase of not less than five percent (5%) greater than his/her current salary. No employee shall be required to perform any of the duties of a higher classification unless that employee is deemed to possess the minimum qualifications of the higher classification by the Human Resources Director as recommended by the affected Department Head. Exceptions to the minimum qualifications criteria may be recommended by the affected Department Head on a case by case basis. If the employee does not meet the minimum qualifications for the higher classification he/she shall receive not less than 2.5% additional pay. The additional pay shall commence on the twenty-second (22"^*) calendar day following the temporary reassignment of the performance of duties of the higher classification. The recommendation that an employee be required to perform duties of the higher classification shall be placed in writing by the affected Department Head and submitted to the Human Resources Director for approval. The employee assigned to perform the duties of a higher classification shall not serve for more than one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days in a higher classification unless approved by the City Manager or his/her designee. A person appointed in an acting capacity shall be eligible to receive merit increases in his/her regular position during the acting appointment. The Human Resources Director shall obtain the employee's consent for the temporary performance of any of the duties ofthe higher classification beyond a period of twenty-one (21) calendar days, prior to the employee's assuming or continuing the duties and additional compensation, which consent shall clearly state that it is understood that a reduction in salary shall be effected to his/her original salary rate upon the expiration of the need for the performance of the duties of the higher classification. The Association may present to the Human Resources Director specific facts which support that an employee is performing the duties of a higher classification. The Human Resources Department will conduct a study and provide the Association with the findings of the classification study. Should the study determine the duties to be of a higher, lower or comparable existing classification, a proposed solution to the situation will be offered. The proposed solution may include, among other altematives, that the work be managed in an altemative manner or that the position be reclassified to reflect the work being performed. The reclassiflcation of a position will be approved in accordance with the personnel mles. Article 16 Iniured on Duty Occupational Sick Leave is leave with pay that is granted to employees who have sustained a work related injury or illness and are temporarily disabled from work. Any general employee that sustains a work related injury or illness and becomes temporarily disabled from work as a result, may receive their full salary, in lieu of the State mandated temporary disability benefit, for a period of up to forty-five (45) calendar days for any single incident. The periods of temporary disability need not be continuous. Any aggravation of a pre- 13 existing occupational injury or illness will be treated as such and not as a new injury. In this situation, the employee will not be entitled to any occupational sick leave benefit which exceeds the original maximum of forty-five (45) calendar days. The City reserves the right to determine whether occupational sick leave will be granted. Granting of occupational sick leave will be subject to the same procedures and standards (including pre-designated physicians, resolution of disputes over benefits, use of Agreed Medical Examiners, etc.) as used in workers' compensation matters and/or FMLA/CFRA matters. An employee who is still temporarily disabled after the forty-five (45) calendar days have been exhausted will be paid at the rate established by the Califomia Labor Code for such disabilities. However, the City shall supplement the State rate, up to the employee's full salary level, by utilizing any vacation, sick, or compensatory leave that the employee has accmed. Once the employee's accmed leave has been exhausted, the employee will be compensated at the State rate for the balance of the temporary disability period. Wages alone will be the basis of computation for occupational sick leave. Article 17 Bilingual Pay The City will provide additional compensation to an employee, designated by the Human Resources Department, in the amount of $40.00 per pay period for the performance of bilingual skills. The determination of the number of persons/positions to be designated as bilingual is the sole discretion of the City. In order to qualify for and receive bilingual pay, employees must pass a bilingual proficiency test in the Spanish language as determined appropriate by the City. This Article shall not be subject to the grievance procedure. Article 18 Uniforms and Equipment A. The City shall continue to provide and maintain uniforms in the maintenance departments. B. Employees shall be responsible for proper care and maintenance of uniforms. C. Except for reasonable travel time to and from work, uniforms shall not be wom outside the context of performing maintenance functions while on duty or as otherwise acting as an agent of the City. D. The City shall continue to purchase safety boots or safety shoes for classifications as determined by the City. The City shall establish, subject to consultation with the affected employees, a voucher system to purchase safety footwear from City-approved vendors. Individual acquisitions made outside the voucher system must be pre-approved for reimbursement after review by the employee's supervisors. Acquisition of safety footwear shall be limited to a maximum of two (2) times per year not to exceed a cost of one hundred fifty dollars ($150) per acquisition. In special 14 circumstances as determined and pre-approved by the employee's supervisor, safety footwear acquisition requiring an expenditure over one hundred fifty dollars ($150) may be made one (1) time per year, not to exceed a cost of two hundred dollars ($200). E. The City will reimburse any employee who is required to wear safety glasses and/or goggles up to one hundred seventy-five dollars ($175) in a calendar year for the cost of prescription lenses for such glasses and/or goggles, subject to the following conditions: 1. The employee must present an appropriate receipt; 2. Reimbursement is for lenses only and not for eye examination, treatment or visits to an optometrist or optician; 3. The City will provide reimbursement only for glasses and/or goggles if the prescription has changed or if glasses and/or goggles have been damaged; and 4. Glasses and/or goggles for which the City has provided reimbursement shall only be used while performing work for the City. F. Value of Uniforms reported to CalPERS The City shall report the biweekly amount of $1.92 as special compensation related to the monetary value of the required uniforms for employees in the following positions: 1. Building Maintenance Worker I/II 2. CMWD Constmction & Maintenance Worker II 3. CMWD System Operator II 4. CMWD Water Conservation Specialist 5. Cross Connection Control Technician 6. Custodian /Custodian II 7. Environmental Specialist I/II 8. Equipment Service Worker 9. Equipment Technician I/II 0. Lead Equipment Technician 1. Maintenance Aide in the Parks Division 2. Maintenance Worker in Parks and Streets Departments 3. Meter Services Worker I/II/III 4. Park Maintenance Specialist 5. Park Maintenance Worker II/III 6. Sanitation Systems Operator I/II/III 7. Scada Technician 8. Senior Building Maintenance Worker 9. Senior Cross Connection Control Technician 20. Senior Environmental Specialist 21. Storm Drain Maintenance Worker 22. Street Maintenance Worker I/II/III 23. Tree Trimmer I/II 24. Tree Trimmer Leadworker 15 25. Utility Worker I/II/III 26. Warehouse Technician 27. Water Conservation Specialist 28. Water Systems Operator I/II/III Under PEPRA, this benefit does not apply to new members. Article 19 Tool Reimbursement This article applies only to eligible employees in the following job classifications who fumish their own tools as a condition of employment: Lead Equipment Technician, Equipment Technicians and Equipment Service Workers. Employees in the job classifications mentioned are required to provide their oyvn tools on the job as a condition of employment. The employees are further eligible to receive a cash tool reimbursement provided that the conditions for receiving the reimbursement are met. Tools and tool boxes will be replaced in kind if they are lost due to fire, burglary, or robbery of the City facility or some other catastrophe or accident not due to the employee's negligence or fault. Tools and tool boxes will not be replaced due to employee negligence. An inventory of all the tools in the employee's possession at work, including those tools over and above the "essential tool list," must be on file with the Superintendent. The City has the right to request that a specialized tool(s) not be kept in the employee's inventory. The City will reimburse the employees in the above classifications up to five hundred fifty ($550) dollars in a fiscal year for the cost of tools, subject to the following conditions: 1) The employee must present an appropriate original receipt; 2) Such reimbursement will be paid only once during the fiscal year, by September 30, and cannot be accumulated from year to year. Those expenses not documented by an original receipt, up to the five hundred fifty ($550) dollar maximum, will be incorporated into the employee's regular payroll check and treated as taxable income. It is the responsibility of the Management to direct the administration of the tool reimbursement and: A. Provide a list of "essential tools" which define the full inventory of tools required for employees to be eligible for tool reimbursement. B. Recommend revisions to the "essential tools" and to meet the requirements of current skilled trades technology. C. Informally agree with members of the shop when considering adding tools to the "essential tool list." 16 Employees receiving a tool reimbursement shall allow inspection of personal tool box by supervisor to verify outfitting of tools. The eligible employee during each work shift must have all the tools listed as "essential tools." Failure to keep said tools on site will result in the tool reimbursement being withheld from the individual until such time as the employee comes into possession of all "essential tools." The appropriate supervisor during the month of August will: A. Review the personal tool inventory as meeting the requirements of "essential tools." B. Provide a recommendation to the Superintendent of an altemate tool as a substitute for the tool listed on the "essential tools" list on an item-by-item basis. In September of each year, the Superintendent shall prepare the necessary payable documents to provide for payment of the tool reimbursement to eligible employees. Article 20 Longevity Pay 1. Salary Step 6 shall apply to any range in the Salary Plan to provide for a five percent (5%) increase of base salary for only miscellaneous employees who have attained five (5) continuous years of service in the City of Carlsbad at Step 5 of the same salary range in the Salary Plan. In any case where an employee is promoted and moves from the employee's existing class to another class, allocated to a higher range of compensation, the employee shall be advanced to the lowest step in such higher range which will provide a at least a five percent (5%) salary increase. Salary Step 7 shall apply to any range in the Salary Plan to provide for a two and one-half percent (2-1/2) increase of basic salary for those miscellaneous employees who, have attained five (5) continuous years of service in the City of Carlsbad at Step 6 of the same salary range in the Salary Plan. Eligibility for Salary Step 7 is contingent upon the employee being approved for such salary step by the employee's Department Head. Failure ofthe Department Head to approve a longevity increase shall not constitute grounds for submission of a grievance or an appeal to a hearing officer. In any case where an employee is promoted and moves from the employee's existing class to another class allocated to a higher range of compensation, the employee shall be advanced to the lowest step in such higher range which will provide at least a five percent (5%) salary increase unless this causes the employee's salary to exceed the maximum of the new salary range. Upon implementation of the pay for performance system on January 1, 2014, no employees shall receive step increases or longevity increases. The new salary range maximums on January 1, 2014 will include the longevity maximums. Article 21 Vacation Every probationary and regular full time employee shall accme vacation leave for each calendar year of actual continuous service dating from the commencement of said service, with such time 17 to be accmed on a daily (calendar day) basis. Vacation leave can be used in 15 minute increments. A. Basis of Accmal Accmal of vacation begins with the first working day following appointment and thereafter accmes on a daily basis. The following shall be the annual vacation leave schedule: • Beginning with the first (1 st) working day through the completion of five (5) full calendar years of continuous service - 13 minutes/day. • Beginning the sixth (6th) year of employment through the completion of ten (10) full calendar years of continuous service - 20 minutes/day. • Beginning the eleventh (11th) year of employment through the completion of eleven (11) full calendar years of continuous service - 21 minutes/day. Beginning the twelfth (12th) year of employment through the completion of twelve (12) full calendar years of continuous service - 22 minutes/day. • Beginning the thirteenth (13th) year of employment through the completion of thirteen (13) full calendar years of continuous service - 24 minutes/day. Beginning the fourteenth (14th) year of employment through the completion of fifteen (15) full calendar years of continuous service - 25 minutes/day. • Beginning the sixteenth (16th) year of continuous employment, vacation time shall be accmed, and remain at a rate of 26 minutes/day for every full calendar year of continuous employment thereafter. B. Vacation Accmal Maximum All employees shall be entitled to eam and accme up to and including three hundred and twenty (320) hours of vacation, and no employee will be allowed to eam and accme vacation hours in excess of the three hundred and twenty (320) hour maximum. Department Heads shall encourage the taking of accmed vacation leave. If there are unusual circumstances that would require an employee to exceed the vacation accrual maximum, he/she must submit a request in yvriting to the Department Head and the City Manager. The Department Head and the City Manager may grant such request if it is in the best interest of the City. Requests will be handled on a case-by-case basis and will be considered only in extreme circumstances. C. Vacation Conversion Once in each Febmary ,during a pay period to be determined by the City Manager or his/her designee, employees will be allowed to voluntarily convert up to eighty (80) hours of accmed vacation to cash, provided that they have used at least eighty (80) hours of vacation during the prior calendar year. D. Effects of Holiday on Vacation Leave In the event one or more authorized municipal holidays fall within a vacation leave, such holiday shall not be charged as vacation leave, but shall be credited as a holiday. This is subject to the provisions in Article 22 (Holidays). E. Effect of Leave of Absence on Accmal of Vacation Leave An employee's accumulation of vacation leave will cease after the completion of two (2) full scheduled pay periods in which the employee has not received compensation due to a leave of absence without pay. Accmal will be reinstituted beginning the first day the employee has retumed to work. F. Compensation for City Work During Vacation Prohibited No person shall be permitted to work for compensation for the City in any capacity, except compensation for mandated court appearances, during the time of his/her paid vacation leave from City service. This clause shall not limit the City's right to recall an employee from vacation in the event of an emergency and place him/her on regular pay status. G. Scheduling Vacations An employee may take his/her annual vacation leave at any time during the year, contingent upon determination by his/her Department Head that such absence will not materially affect the department. Each employee must consider the needs of the service when requesting annual vacation leave. An employee shall normally provide one week notice in advance of the day(s) he/she is requesting vacation time off. When a family emergency arises which necessitates the use of vacation time, an employee shall provide as much advance notice as possible considering the particular circumstances. H. Terminal Vacation Pay An employee with regular status separating from the City service who has accmed vacation leave shall be entitled to terminal pay in lieu of such vacation. No leave credit will be eamed on terminal leave payments. When separation is caused by death of an employee, payment shall be made to the estate of such employee or, in applicable cases, as provided in the Probate Code of the State. Article 22 Holidays A. Authorized Holidays The City shall observe: eleven (11) scheduled paid holidays plus two (2) floating holidays for employees assigned to eight-hour-per-day-five-days-per-week workweeks and employees participating in the 9/80 altemative work schedule. The City shall 19 observe eleven (11) scheduled holidays for employees assigned to ten-hours-per-day- four-days-per-week workweeks. The floating holiday may be used at the discretion of the employee with prior approval of the Department Head. The scheduled paid holidays that will be official City holidays shall be as follows: New Year's Day Columbus Day Martin Luther King's Birthday Veteran's Day President's Day Thanksgiving Day Memorial Day Thanksgiving Friday Independence Day Christmas Day Labor Day Two (2) Floating Holidays per fiscal year Effective 7/1/2014, one floating holiday will be eliminated for all employees who currently receive them (currently, employees on a 4/10 work schedule do not receive floating holidays). B. Procedure if Holiday Falls on Saturday or Sunday For those employees whose normal work week is Monday through Friday, when a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be observed as a holiday. When a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be observed as a holiday. The City shall annually develop and publish a holiday schedule which will identify the speciflc days on which the above holidays will be observed as official City holidays. C. Employees Required to Work on Holidays 1. Any employee who shall be required to work on any holiday which he/she is entitled to take off under the provisions hereof shall receive compensation therefore at the rate of time and one-half their FLSA regular rate for actual hours worked plus eight (8), nine (9), or ten (10) hours of holiday pay, as applicable. All employees who are entitled to be absent on any holiday, and who in fact are absent, shall receive full compensation, therefore, at the straight time rate on the next scheduled work shift. 2. Those employees whose work schedules and assignment of duties require them to work on an authorized holiday shall receive eight (8), nine (9), or ten (10) hours of holiday pay, as applicable, for such work week at the same rate of pay at which they are employed, in addition to their normal pay for the time worked. D. Employees Whose Regular Day Off Falls On a Holiday If a holiday occurs on a day which is the employee's regular day off he/she shall be entitied to holiday pay in the amount of eight (8), nine (9), or ten (10) hours, as applicable, at straight time. 20 E. Employees on Leave Only employees who are on paid status on their last scheduled work day before a holiday shall be entitled to the paid holiday except where otherwise required by law. F. Effect of Sick Leave on Holiday Pay An employee whose work schedule and assignment of duties require him/her to work on an authorized holiday and who calls in sick on that work shift shall be paid eight (8), nine (9), or ten (10) hours as applicable of holiday pay and shall also be charged for the appropriate use of sick leave. Article 23 Sick Leave Sick leave can be used in 15 minute increments. A. Accmal Every probationary and regular full time employee shall accme sixteen (16) minutes sick leave with pay for each calendar day of actual continuous service dating from the commencement of said service, with such time to be accmed on a daily (calendar day ) basis. Such accruals shall be cumulative. An employee shall not receive payment for unused sick leave accumulated to his/her credit upon termination, whether voluntary or involuntary. Sick leave shall not be considered a right which an employee may use at his/her discretion. Sick leave shall be allowed as follows: 1. In the case of actual illness or disability that is not job related. 2. Exposure to contagious disease that would jeopardize the health of others. When sick leave is granted under these circumstances, an explanatory medical certificate from the physician is required. 3. A pre-scheduled doctor, dental, or optometry appointment has been approved by the employee's direct supervisor. 4. Because illness of a member of the immediate family requires constant care and no other care is available and/or financially feasible except that ofthe employee. Immediate family is defined in Article 24, Bereavement. 5. All leave provisions will be administered consistent with state and federal laws. B. Proof of Illness In order to receive compensation while absent from duty on sick leave, the employee must notify his/her immediate supervisor prior to the time set for the beginning of his/her regular duties. The Department Head may request a certificate issued by a licensed 21 physician or other satisfactory proof of illness when abuse is suspected and/or when sick leave use is in excess of three (3) consecutive work days. The Department Head may also designate a licensed physician to conduct a physical examination, and such examination shall be conducted at City expense. Employees shall be required to account for all hours they are requesting as sick leave by completing an absence request. Violation of sick leave privileges may result in disciplinary action and/or loss of pay when in the opinion of the Department Head the employee has abused such privileges. C. Effect of Leave of Absence An employee's accumulation of sick leave will cease after the completion of two (2) full scheduled pay periods in which the employee has not received compensation due to a leave of absence without pay. Accmal will be reinstituted upon retum to work. D. Blood Donations Employees making a donation of blood without charge will be given reasonable time off for that purpose. No charge will be made against accrued leave when such absence is approved in advance by the supervisor. E. Effect of Holidays on Sick Leave In the event one or more authorized municipal holidays fall within a sick leave, such holiday shall not be charged as sick leave, but shall be credited as a holiday. This is subject to the provisions in Article 22 (Holidays). F. Sick Leave Conversion Any permanent employee who has accmed and maintains a minimum of one hundred (100) hours of sick leave shall be permitted to convert up to twelve (12) days of accumulated uncompensated sick leave to vacation at a ratio of three (3) sick leave days per one (1) day of vacation. The sick leave conversion option will be provided during the first week of each fiscal year. Employees will not be allowed to convert sick leave to vacation if such conversion would put them over the vacation accmal maximum of three hundred and twenty (320) hours. Any permanent employee applying for retirement with the Public Employees' Retirement System may convert accrued and unused sick leave time to extend service time in the system at the ratio of twenty-five (25) days of accrued sick leave to one month of extended service. Article 24 Bereavement Leave A. An employee shall be granted, upon written request, up to three work shifts of paid bereavement leave if required to be absent from duty due to the death of a member of the employee's immediate family. Additional time off may be authorized by the Department Head and charged to accrued vacation or sick leave or, when no accrued leave is available, treated as leave without pay. 22 The "immediate family" shall be defined in the personnel mles and regulations. B. The employee may be required to submit proof of relative's death before final approval of bereavement leave is granted. Article 25A Family and Medical Leave Acts The parties acknowledge the existence of the state and federal family and medical leave acts ("the Acts") and intend to apply and implement this Memorandum of Understanding so as to comply with the Acts. As to employees who are entitled to family and medical leave under the Acts, the City will apply "Article 25B Leave of Absence," as modified to comply with greater benefits and protections, if any, that are provided in the Acts. The parties agree to consuh if compliance with the Acts may hereafter require modifying the provisions of this Memorandum of Understanding. Article 25B Leave of Absence 1. Leave of Absence Without Pay A. General Policy Any employee may be granted a leave of absence without pay pursuant to the approval of his/her Department Head for less than two calendar weeks. If the duration ofthe leave of absence will be longer, the approval ofthe City Manager or his/her designee is required. An employee shall utilize all his/her vacation, compensatory time off and/or sick leave (if applicable) prior to taking an authorized leave of absence without pay. A leave without pay may be granted for any of the following reasons: 1. Illness or disability. 2. To take a course of study which will increase the employee's usefulness on retum to his/her position in the City service. 3. For personal reasons acceptable to the City Manager and Department Head. B. Authorization Procedure Requests for leave of absence without pay shall be made in writing and shall state specifically the reason for the request, the date when the leave is desired to begin, the probable date of return, and the agreement to reimburse the City for any benefit premiums paid by the City during the leave of absence. The request shall normally be initiated by the employee, but may be initiated by his/her Department Head, and, if applicable, shall be promptly transmitted to the City Manager or 23 his/her designee for approval. A copy of any approved request for leave of absence without pay with a duration equal to or greater than two calendar weeks shall be delivered promptly to the Directors of Finance and Human Resources. C. Length of Leave and Extension A leave of absence without pay may be made for a period not to exceed six months, unless otherwise approved by the City Manager. The procedure for granting extensions shall be the same as that in granting the original leave provided that the request for extension is made no later than fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the expiration of the original leave. D. Retum From Leave When an employee intends to retum from an authorized leave of absence without pay either before or upon the expiration of such leave, he/she shall contact his/her Department Head at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the day he/she plans to retum. The Department Head shall promptly notify the Human Resources Department of the employee's intention. The employee shall retum at a rate of pay not less than the rate at the time the leave of absence began. E. Effect of Leave Without Pay A pro-rata reduction of normal annual vacation and sick leave accmals shall be applicable to an approved absence without pay. Any absence without pay constitutes a break of continuous service with the City. The granting of any leave without pay exceeding two full scheduled pay periods shall cause the employee's salary anniversary date and calculation of full-time continuous service to be extended by the number of calendar days for which such leave has been granted less the first two full pay periods of such leave. An employee's accumulation of sick leave and vacation leave will cease after the completion of two (2) full scheduled pay periods in which the employee has not received compensation due to a leave of absence without pay. Accmal will be reinstituted beginning the first day the employee has retumed to work. F. Leave Without Pay - Insurance Payments and Privileges An employee on leave without pay may continue his/her City insurance benefits by reimbursing the City for the employee's costs of insurance on a monthly basis during the period of the leave. Failure to reimburse the City for such benefits during the term of a leave of absence will result in the employee's coverage terminating on the first day following the month in which the last payment was received. Upon the employee's retum to paid status, any sums due to the City shall be repaid through payroll deductions. This applies to sums due for insurance as well 24 as other payment plans entered into between the City and the employee (e.g., computer loan). Upon eligibility for COBRA, the employee will be notified of the opportunity to continue benefit coverage via the COBRA process. An employee on leave of absence without pay shall not have all ofthe privileges granted to regular employees (e.g., holiday pay), unless required by law. G. Comprehensive Leave Policy CCEA and the City agree to a reopener during the life of this contract to talk about a comprehensive City-wide Leave Policy that clarifies practices related to paid/unpaid leaves of absence. 2. Pregnancy Disability Leave Pregnancy Disability Leave shall be authorized and/or administered in accordance with the provisions of State and Federal law. An employee disabled by pregnancy shall be allowed to utilize a combination of accmed sick leave, vacation, compensatory time and leave without pay to take a leave for a reasonable period of time, not to exceed four months. An employee shall utilize all accmed leave, except compensatory time off, prior to taking leave without pay. Reasonable period of time means that period during which the employee is disabled on account of pregnancy, childbirth, or related conditions. An employee who plans to take a leave pursuant to this article shall give the City reasonable notice ofthe date the leave shall commence and the estimated duration ofthe leave. Article 26 Military Leave Military leave shall be authorized in accordance with the provisions of State and Federal law. The employee must fumish satisfactory proof to his/her Department Head, as far in advance as possible, that he/she must report to military duty. Article 27 Jury Duty When called to jury duty, an employee, having provided at least seven (7) calendar days written notice, shall be entitied to his/her regular compensation. Employees shall be entitled to keep mileage reimbursement paid while on jury duty. A Department Head may, at his/her sole discretion, contact the court and request an exemption and/or postponement of jury service on behalf of an employee. Employees released early from jury duty shall report to their supervisor for assignment for the duration ofthe work day. At the discretion of the supervisor, an employee may be released from reporting back to work if an unreasonable amount of the work day remains in light of travel time to the job site after release. 25 Article 28 Rest Periods All CCEA represented employees shall receive, at the direction of the respective department, two (2) fifteen (15) minute rest periods, one each approximately at the mid-point of each one-half shift. Employees working in the field shall take, at the direction of the department, rest periods at or nearby the work site or retum to their department for rest. Rest time is not cumulative beyond the half scheduled work day within which the break period occurs. Article 29 Late Starts An employee who is tardy to work shall be formally counseled by his/her supervisor. Tardiness may cause the employee's pay to be docked. Such docking shall be done by rounding to the nearest quarter hour. An employee may not substitute accmed compensatory time, vacation, holiday, or sick leave for the docked pay. Nor may the employee utilize a shortened break period or lunch period. Article 30 Flexible Classifications An employee hired into one ofthe listed entry level positions shall be reclassified to the joumey level position following twelve (12) months of successful service in the entry level position and upon meeting joumey-level requirements, if any, as established by the City. Any City- established requirements must be identified in the classification description. The employee shall be placed at the nearest step of the joumey level salary range which represents a minimum five percent (5%) salary increase. Entry Level Position Joumey Level Position Account Clerk I Account Clerk II Technician I Building Technician II Engineering Technician I Engineering Technician II Library Assistant I Library Assistant II Maintenance Worker I Park Maintenance Worker II Maintenance Worker I Street Maintenance Worker II Meter Services Worker I Meter Services Worker II Office Specialist I Office Specialist II Planning Technician I Planning Technician II Police Records Specialist I Police Records Specialist II Tree Trimmer I Tree Trimmer II An employee hired into one ofthe entry level positions listed below shall be reclassified to the joumey level position following twenty-four (24) months of successful service in the entry level position and upon meeting joumey-level requirements, if any, as established by the City. Any City-established requirements must be identified in the classification description. The employee shall be placed at the nearest step of the joumey level salary range which represents a minimum five percent (5%) salary increase. Entry Level Position Joumey Level Position Building Inspector I Building Inspector II Code Enforcement Officer I Code Enforcement Officer II 26 Inspector I Inspector II Equipment Technician I Equipment Technician II Utility Worker I Utility Worker II Waste Water Utility Worker I Waste Water Utility Worker II Sanitation Systems Operator I Sanitation Systems Operator II • Employees who are currentiy in the Librarian I/II classification will be reclassified to the new Librarian Classification (Salary Grade 55) and if their current salary is above the Librarian salary range, their salary will be y-rated. • Employees who are y-rated will remain at current salary and will not be eligible for salary increases until the salary range for 55 exceeds the salary of the y-rated employee. At that time, the y-rated employee shall move to the closest step on the salary range that is in excess of their y-rated salary. The 2013 and 2014 salary increases shall apply to these y-rated employees. • Those employees who cannot receive the 3% increase while staying within the salary range will receive a base building increase up to the range maximum and the balance as a stipend in the pay period that includes January 1, 2014. • Within 30 calendar days of the ratification of this Memorandum, an intemal recmitment will be opened for the lead position and (also within 30 calendar days) CCEA will be notified how many lead librarian positions will be filled, the timeline for when they are projected to be filled and where they will be assigned. • Librarian I/II who are not y-rated under this proposal shall be moved to the closest but higher step on range 55 and shall remain eligible for step increases in 2013 on their anniversary date and may be placed on a longevity step even if they otherwise would not qualify for longevity pay. Article 31 Flexible Start Hours CCEA represented employees, with advance Department Head approval, may alter their starting time per shift between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. The Department Head may revoke the flexible start time at any time and retum the employee to regular working hours for that particular department. An employee shall receive fourteen (14) calendar days' notice, unless extenuating circumstances preclude such a notice, prior to revocation of flexible start hours. This article is not subject to the grievance procedure. Article 32 Flexible Work Schedules Employees hired on or after December 23, 1991, by departments/divisions currently operating on an altemative work schedule shall be subject to having their daily work schedule changed at the sole discretion of the department. Such changes include, but are not limited to, a) number of days/hours to be worked on a daily basis and in a payroll period; b) normal days off; and c) starting/ending times of assigned shifts. This article shall not be subject to the grievance procedure. 27 9/80 Altemative Work Schedule: The parties acknowledge that they met and conferred in good faith over the terms and conditions for implementation of a 9/80 work schedule. The result of that meeting and conferring is reflected in the City of Carlsbad's Administrative Order No. 57, by which the parties will control implementation of the 9/80 schedule. This article shall not be subject to the grievance procedure. Article 33 Flexible Job Sharing Two or more employees may, with the express written approval of the City Manager, the Human Resources Director, and the affected Department Head, participate in a flexible job sharing program. The specifics of such a program shall be determined by the employees and the City on a case by case basis. Prior to implementation of any such program(s), a written agreement setting forth the specifics of the program shall be signed by the affected employees and the City. This article shall not be subject to the grievance procedure. Article 34 Health Insurance/Flexible Benefits Program Employees represented by CCEA will participate in a flexible benefits program that includes medical insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, and flexible spending accounts (FSAs). Each of these components is outlined below. A. Medical Insurance Al. Employees represented by CCEA will be covered by the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act (PEMHCA) and will be eligible to participate in the CalPERS Health Program. The City will pay on behalf of all employees covered by this agreement and their eligible dependents and those retirees designated in Section C of this Article, the minimum amount per month required under Govemment Code Section 22892 ofthe PEMHCA for medical insurance through the Califomia Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS). If electing to enroll for medical benefits, the employee must select one medical plan from the variety of medical plans offered through CalPERS. Effective the pay period that includes March 1, 2013, the City will contribute the following monthly amounts (called Benefits Credits) on behalf of each active CCEA employee and eligible dependents toward the payment of 1) medical premiums under the CalPERS Health Program, 2) contribution of some or all of the premium for dental coverage or vision coverage and 3) contributions in the name of the employee to the City's flexible spending account(s): (a) For employees with "employee only" coverage, the City shall contribute five hundred seventy-eight ($578) per month (increased from $552 per month) that shall include the mandatory payments to CalPERS. If the actual total premiums exceed the City's total contributions, the employee will pay the difference. (b) For employees with "employee plus one dependent" coverage, the City shall contribute one thousand twenty seven ($1,027) per month (increased from $980 per month) that shall include the mandatory payments to CalPERS. If the actual 28 total premiums exceed the City's total contributions, the employee will pay the difference. (c) For employees with "employee plus two or more dependents" coverage, the City shall contribute one thousand three hundred nineteen ($1,319) per month (increased from $1,259 per month) that shall include the mandatory payments to CalPERS. If the actual total premiums exceed the City's total contributions, the employee will pay the difference. For the remainder of the 2013 calendar year, the increase in benefit credits outlined in this section will be paid to the employee in cash and reported as taxable income. A2. The amount of the increase was determined by 1) taking the average percentage increase for all of the CalPERS HMO health plans for January 1 st for the year in question and 2) adding 50% of this percentage increase to the previous calendar year's monthly City contribution for each coverage level (rounded to the nearest whole dollar amount) to determine the new monthly City contribution dollar amount. A3. To provide CCEA members with the value of this increase in Benefits Credits for the pay periods that include the period between March 1, 2013 and ratification of this Memorandum by the City Council, the City shall, with payroll, for the first full pay period after ratification of this Memorandum by the City Council, make a one-time taxable (non-PERSable) cash payment equal to the increase in benefits credits for CCEA members employed by the City on that date. The total cash amount will depend on the number payroll periods in 2013 that occur between March 1, 2013 and ratification of this Memorandum in which Benefits Credits were applied before implementation of the Benefits Credits increase resulting from sections Al and A2 above. A4. The dollar amount paid by the City for each coverage level (employee only, employee plus one dependent and employee plus two or more dependents) will be increased in the first pay period of calendar year 2014. The amount of the increase will be determined by 1) taking the average percentage increase for all of the CalPERS HMO health plans for January 1^^ for the year in question and 2) adding half of this percentage increase to the previous calendar year's monthly City contribution for each coverage level (rounded to the nearest whole dollar amount) to determine the new monthly City contribution dollar amount. A5. Effective the first full pay period after ratification of the MOU between the City and CCEA (prospectively only) unused Benefits Credits as outlined above will be paid to the employee in cash and reported as taxable income. If the amount contributed by the City (Benefits Credits) exceeds the cost of the medical and dental insurance purchased by the employee, the employee will have the option of using any "excess credits" to purchase vision insurance or to contribute to a healthcare or dependent care flexible spending account (FSA), instead of receiving taxable cash. As of January 1, 2014, the employee will also have the option of using any "excess credits" to purchase accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) insurance. 29 All active CCEA-represented employees who work three quarter-time or less will receive prorated benefit credits. B. Dental Insurance Represented employees will be eligible to enroll in a City-sponsored dental plan. Should an employee elect to enroll for medical benefits, he/she must also enroll in dental coverage at the same coverage level (employee only, employee plus one dependent, employee plus two or more dependents) as medical insurance. As of January 1, 2014, dental coverage will be optional at any coverage level, regardless of the employee's medical coverage. C. Vision Insurance Represented employees will be eligible to enroll in a City-sponsored vision insurance plan. Employees may elect to purchase vision insurance or to opt out of the vision insurance program. If the decision is made to purchase vision insurance, a CCEA represented employee may purchase vision insurance at any level of coverage (employee only, employee plus one dependent, employee plus two or more dependents). D. Retirees Each retired employee who was a member of this bargaining unit is eligible to be covered by the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act and is eligible to participate in the Califomia Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) Health Program. Represented employees who retire from the City, either service or disability, shall be eligible to continue their em-ollment in the CalPERS Health Program when they retire, provided that the individual is enrolled or eligible to enroll in a CalPERS medical plan at the time of separation from employment and their effective date of retirement is within 120 days of separation. The City will contribute the minimum amount per month required under Govemment Code Section 22892 of the PEMHCA toward the cost of each retiree's enrollment in the CalPERS Health Program. Employees who retire from the City, either service or disability, shall be eligible to continue to participate in the City's dental and/or vision insurance programs. The cost of such dental and/or vision insurance for the retiree and eligible dependents shall be home solely by the retiree. The City shall not charge the COBRA administrative cost to the retirees. A retiree who does not choose continued coverage upon retirement, or drops coverage, is only eligible to retum to the City's dental and vision insurance program during open enrollment periods. The City will invoice the retiree for his/her monthly premiums for dental and/or vision insurance and the retiree must keep such payments current to ensure continued coverage. E. Opt Out Provision CCEA represented employees who do not wish to participate in the CalPERS Health Program will have the choice of opting out of the City's medical insurance program, provided they can show that they are covered under another insurance program. 30 Effective the pay period that includes March 1, 2013, employees who elect the opt-out provision will be given a reduced City contribution amount (Benefits Credits) of two hundred fifty ($250) per month (increased from $239 per month) to be used toward the purchase of dental insurance, vision insurance, as a contribution to a flexible spending account or as cash (reported as taxable income). As of January 1, 2014, the employee will also have the option of using any "excess credits" to purchase accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) insurance. The City contribution amount of two hundred fifty ($250) per month will be granted to any employee who elects to opt out of the CalPERS Health Program, regardless of the employee's level of coverage (employee only, employee plus one dependent, employee plus two or more dependents). The dollar amount paid by the City for employees who elect the opt-out provision will be increased in the first pay period of calendar year 2014. The amount of the increase will be determined by 1) taking the average percentage increase for all of the CalPERS HMO health plans for January 1st for the year in question and 2) adding half of this percentage increase to the previous calendar year's monthly City contribution for each coverage level (rounded to the nearest whole dollar amount) to determine the new monthly City contribution dollar amount. Effective the first full pay period after ratification of the MOU (prospectively only) unused Benefits Credits as outlined above will be paid to the employee in cash and reported as taxable income. Article 35 State Disability Insurance/Family Medical Leave Benefits A. Employees represented by CCEA will be enrolled in the State Disability Insurance Program. (The City agrees to pay the premium.) B. On January 1, 2004, the State Disability Insurance Program will provide for paid leave benefits for employees who qualify for family medical leaves of absence. The employee shall pay the premium attributed to the family medical leave portion of the insurance program. The employee may elect to use accumulated vacation, sick leave or compensatory time off during the seven day elimination period. C. Employees represented by CCEA shall be entitled to combine accumulated sick leave, vacation leave or comp time with State Disability payments for the purpose of achieving the equivalent of their pre-disability salary to the extent allowed by law during any period of nonindustrial disability. Under no circumstances shall the combination of accumulated leave and State Disability Insurance payments exceed the employee's pre-disability salary. Article 36 Long Term Disability (LTD) During the term of this memorandum, City agrees to continue to provide long term disability insurance. Said insurance shall provide for a ninety (90) calendar day waiting period prior to payment eligibility. Employees represented by CCEA shall be entitied to combine accumulated vacation leave or comp time with LTD payments for the purpose of achieving the equivalent of their pre-disability salary to the extent allowed by law during any period of nonindustrial 31 disability. Accumulated sick leave may not be combined with LTD payments. Under no circumstances shall the combination of accumulated leave and LTD payments exceed the employee's pre-disability salary. Article 37 Retirement A. The City has contracted with CalPERS for the following retirement benefits: • Miscellaneous Tier 1 (employees entering miscellaneous membership for the first time prior to November 28, 2011) - The retirement formula shall be 3% @ 60; single highest year final compensation. • Miscellaneous Tier 2 (employees entering miscellaneous membership for the first time on or after November 28, 2011) - The retirement formula shall be 2% @ 60; three year average final compensation. Employees who are "New Members" as defined by the Califomia Public Employees' Pension Reform Act of 2013 (PEPRA) (e.g., an employee hired on or after 1/1/2013 who has never been a CalPERS member or member of a reciprocal system or who has had a break in CalPERS service of at least 6 months or more) will be subject to all the applicable PEPRA provisions, which include but are not limited to the following retirement benefits. • Miscellaneous Tier 3 - retirement formula shall be 2% @ 62; three year average final compensation. B. Employee Retirement Contribution The employee retirement contribution will be made on a pre-tax basis by implementing provisions of section 414(h)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). Employees shall make the following employee retirement contributions through payroll deductions: • Tier 1 miscellaneous employees shall pay all of the employee retirement contribution (8%) • Tier 2 miscellaneous employees shall pay all of the employee retirement contribution (7%) • Tier 3 miscellaneous employees shall pay one half of the normal cost rate associated with the 3'''^ tier. C. The City will continue to contract with CalPERS for the third level of 1959 Survivors' Benefit. D. The City shall continue to contract with CalPERS for the military service credit option. The cost of this option is home entirely by the employee. Payments by the employee to CalPERS are to be arranged by the employee directly with CalPERS. Once such a payment schedule has been approved by CalPERS, the employee may arrange with the City for such payments to be made by means of payroll deduction 32 Article 38 Deferred Compensation The City shall provide for a Deferred Compensation Plan which may be utilized by any employee on an optional basis. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any particular plan and to impose specific conditions upon the use of any plan. Such plan shall be implemented without cost to the City. CCEA-represented employees will be eligible for the personal loan provision established with the City's deferred compensation provider (currently ICMA Retirement Corporation). It is acknowledged that the City will assist in the administrative set-up of this benefit but that the City has no liability if an employee should default on the repayment of such a loan. Article 39 Dispute Resolution Procedure The purpose of this procedure is to provide a single, uniform process for CCEA represented employees to resolve disputes conceming grievances and discipline in an efficient maimer and without subsequent discrimination or reprisals. Any time limit provided under this Article may be extended by mutual consent of the parties. 1. Applicability of This Article Grievances and group grievances, as defined in Part 2 of this Article, may be appealed under Parts 2 and 4 of this Article. The following types of discipline may be appealed under Parts 3 and 4 of this Article: suspension of more than one work shift, reduction in pay of more than one work shift, demotion and termination. Any regular CCEA represented employee may appeal a letter of reprimand, suspension of one work shift or less or reduction of pay of one work shift or less to his or her Department Head for a final decision. 2. Grievances A. Individual Grievances A "grievance" is a formal, written allegation by a grievant that he/she has been adversely affected by an existing violation, misinterpretation or misapplication of the specific provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding and/or provisions of the Personnel Rules and Regulations. The City's exercise of management rights is not reviewable under this procedure unless such exercise also violates other provisions(s) of the Memorandum of Understanding and/or the Personnel Rules and Regulations. A grievance is not reviewable if it would require the modification of a policy established by the City Council or by law, or is reviewable under some other administrative procedure and/or rules of the City, such as: (1) Appeals from formal disciplinary proceeding. (2) Appeals from work performance evaluations. 33 B. Group Grievances Within thirty (30) calendar days after authorized representatives of the employee organization knew or by reasonable diligence should have knoyvn of a condition giving rise to a grievance, a group of employees may file a group grievance with the Human Resources Department. CCEA, as an "organization," may also file a group grievance on behalf of employees if CCEA 1) identifies the employees who are adversely impacted by name and by classification, and 2) specifically identifies how these employees are being adversely affected. (1) The group of employees must file one (1) grievance form which all members ofthe group have read and signed. Members of the group will be limited to those who have read and signed the initial grievance form. (2) Group grievances shall proceed through all normal grievance processes and be subject to all applicable time limitations as set forth herein. (3) The resolution of a group grievance may not be consistent among a employees who filed, read and signed the group grievance due to differences in the circumstances or occurrences that brought about the grievance. C Informal Resolution Within twenty (20) calendar days after an employee knew or reasonably should have known that he or she has suffered a grievable injury, the employee shall attempt to resolve the grievance by an informal conference with his or her immediate supervisor. Within twenty (20) calendar days after an employee organization knew or reasonably should have knoyvn that its members have suffered a grievable injury, it shall attempt to resolve the matter by an informal conference with an appropriate immediate supervisor. The Supervisor shall meet with the employee(s) or organization within ten (10) calendar days of receiving the request for the meeting. The immediate supervisor shall give his or her response to the employee or employee organization within twenty (20) calendar days of the informal conference. D. Department Head Review If a grievance is not informally resolved, within twenty (20) calendar days after receiving the immediate supervisor's response, the employee or employee organization shall request in yvriting an opportunity to discuss the grievance with the Department Head. The Department Head shall meet with the employee(s) or organization within ten (10) calendar days of receiving the request for the meeting. The Department Head, or his/her designee, shall give his or her response to the employee or employee organization in writing within twenty (20) calendar days of the meeting. E. City Manager Designee's Review If a grievance is not resolved by the Department Head, within twenty (20) calendar days after receiving the Department Head's response, the employee or employee organization 34 shall request in writing an opportunity to discuss the grievance with the City Manager's Designee. The City Manager's designee shall meet with the employee(s) or organization within ten (10) calendar days of receiving the request for the meeting. The City Manager's Designee shall give his or her response to the employee or employee organization in yvriting within twenty (20) calendar days of the meeting. F. Permissible Relief A grievance may only seek to remedy the specific injury caused by a violation, misinterpretation or misapplication of the specific provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding and/or provisions of the Personnel Rules and Regulations. The City's exercise of management rights is not reviewable under this procedure unless such exercise also violates other provisions(s) of the Memorandum of Understanding and/or the Personnel Rules and Regulations. A grievance is not reviewable if it would require the modification of a policy established by the City Council or by law, or is reviewable under some other administrative procedure and/or mles of the City, such as: (1) If it would require the modification of a policy established by the City Council or by law; (2) If it is reviewable under some other administrative procedure and/or mles of the City such as: appeals from formal disciplinary proceedings, appeals from work performance evaluations, etc. (3) If it calls exclusively for relief that cannot be granted such as discipline of other employees or confidential information about other employees. G. Service of Notice A notice that a grievance has been resolved or a notice that a grievance raises a matter that may not be addressed utilizing this procedure shall be served upon the employee in person or by registered mail, and whenever possible the employee shall acknowledge service by signing the receipt. H. Resolved Disputes A grievance is considered resolved under any of the following circumstances: (1) When the City and employee agree to a resolution; (2) When the employee fails to advance the matter to the next step of the administrative procedure in the time specified herein for doing so; (3) When the City has provided the relief sought by the employee that it is legally capable of providing. A grievance that has been resolved does not progress any further through the dispute resolution process. 35 Discipline A. Grounds For Discipline The City has the authority to impose appropriate discipline upon any represented employee for cause. Discipline shall be commensurate with the seriousness of the offense and with consideration of the employee's prior performance and disciplinary record. Grounds for discipline may include but are not limited to the following: (1) Fraud in securing employment (2) Incompetence, neglect of duty, willful disobedience, insubordination, tardiness, working unauthorized overtime, disclosure of non-public, intemal and/or confidential, information or dishonesty. (3) Being under the influence of alcohol or intoxicating drugs while on duty. (4) Absence without leave. (5) Criminal conviction having some relevance to the job. (6) Intentionally being discourteous to the public. (7) Unauthorized use of or neglect of City property. (8) Abuse of sick leave. (9) Unauthorized outside employment that constitutes a conflict of interest (10) Acceptance of a gift or gratuity that constitutes a willful conflict of interest. (11) Falsiflcation of any City report or record. (12) Willful violation of any of the provisions of the City Code, ordinances, resolutions or any mles, regulations or policies which may be prescribed by the City Council, City Manager, department manager, or supervisor. (13) Political activities precluded by State or Federal law. (14) Failure to respond to questions or otherwise failure to participate during an investigation conducted by the City or its agents. (15) Other acts that are incompatible with service to the public. B. Pre-Disciplinarv Procedure If a supervisor determines that an employee might be a threat to him or herself, other employees or members of the public, the supervisor may immediately take whatever action is necessary to reduce or eliminate the danger, but the employee shall retain the right to notice and an opportunity to respond to discipline under this Article. Except for any oral or yvritten counseling, waming or reprimand, the Department Head or his/her designee shall advise the employee and the Human Resources Director of contemplated disciplinary action in a yvritten Notice of Intended Discipline including a description of the misconduct, the grounds for discipline, and the employee's right to respond within seven (7) calendar days after the date of the Notice of Intended Discipline and prior to the discipline being imposed. If the employee elects to respond, he or she may have a representative and meet informally with the City Manager's designee, without the right to bring witnesses or present a formal case. Within seven (7) calendar days ofthe employee's response or failure to respond in a timely manner, the City 36 Manager's designee shall advise the employee in writing whether the proposed discipline, modified discipline or no discipline is being imposed. Any discipline will be announced in a written Notice of Discipline including a description ofthe misconduct, the grounds for discipline and the right to appeal the discipline using the administrative procedure under Part 4 of this Article. C. Service of Notice A Notice of Intended Discipline or a Notice of Discipline shall be served upon the employee in person or by registered mail, and whenever possible the employee shall acknowledge service by signing the receipt. 4. Administrative Procedure An employee may have both a legal representative of his or her choosing and a CCEA representative of his or her choosing at any step of this administrative procedure. This representative may at the employee's option be provided by an employee organization. If the representative is a City employee, the employee seeking the representative shall notify the representative's immediate supervisor and the City's Human Resources Department in yvriting and the supervisor shall make the necessary arrangements for the representative to be present at any hearing. A. Step One - Filing an Appeal If a grievance is not formally resolved or an employee seeks to appeal a suspension of more than one work shift, reduction in pay of more than one work shift, demotion or termination, within ten (10) calendar days of receiving the City Manager designee's response to the grievance or the Notice of Discipline, the employee or employee organization may file with the Human Resources Director an application for an advisory hearing. B. Step Two - Administrative Hearing (1) Hearing Procedure If the matter is subject to an advisory hearing, the City shall arrange if practicable for the matter to be heard by a hearing officer within one hundred twenty (120) calendar days of the date of the filing of the appeal with the Human Resources Director. The hearing shall be scheduled for a time that is mutually convenient to the parties and the hearing officer. The advisory hearing shall be closed unless the employee or the employee organization request that it be open to the public. In the case of an appeal of a grievance, the parties shall equally bear the costs of the mandatory court reporter, transcripts, hearing officer and facilities. Each party shall bear its oyvn witness fees, attomey fees and exhibit costs. In the case of an appeal of disciplinary action, the City shall bear the costs of the mandatory court reporter, transcripts, 37 hearing officer and facilities. Each party shall bear its own witness fees, attomey fees and exhibit costs. The advisory hearing shall be limited to arguments, witness testimony and exhibits offered by the parties. The hearing shall proceed according to an Administrative Order regarding Rules of Procedure for Personnel Meetings and Hearings. Such an Administrative Order will replace Personnel Board Resolution 19 to reflect that the Personnel Board is being replaced by a hearing officer in matters of grievance and discipline. (2) Hearing Officer The employee or employee organization and the City may agree that the advisory hearing will be conducted before a hearing officer mutually selected by the parties from a list of hearing officers provided by a neutral third party. The selection of a hearing officer will include a review of his/her background and qualifications which will include experience as a labor attomey and/or mediator and/or arbitrator affiliated with American Arbitration Association, State of Califomia Mediation and Conciliation Service or Judicial Arbitration Mediation Services (JAMS). (3) Permissible Relief In the case of a grievance appeal, the hearing officer may only recommend that the relief initially sought by the employee or employee organization be granted or that the position of the City should be upheld. In the case of disciplinary appeals, the hearing officer may recommend either that the discipline imposed by the City be upheld, that a lesser discipline be imposed, or that no discipline be imposed. The advisory findings and recommendation of the hearing officer shall be provided to the employee or employee organization. C. Step Three- Final Determination The advisory findings and recommendation, hearing transcript and exhibits conceming a grievance or a disciplinary appeal shall be transmitted as soon as reasonably possible to the City Manager for a final determination. The City Manager, or his/her designee, may allow, at his or her discretion, limited oral arguments and/or written statements from either side. Within thirty (30) calendar days of receiving all applicable documents or hearing the oral arguments of the parties, whichever is later, the City Manager or his/her designee shall make a final and conclusive written decision. (1) For grievances, the City Manager, or his/her designee, shall either reject the grievance or uphold the grievance and provide a remedy selected by the City Manager, or his/her designee. 38 (2) For disciplinary appeals, the City Manager, or his/her designee, shall make a final and conclusive yvritten decision to uphold, modify or reject the discipline. D. Post-Hearing Procedure The provisions of California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6 shall apply to the final determination of the City Manager. Article 40 Alcohol and Drug Policy I. POLICY It is the policy ofthe City of Carlsbad to provide, for its employees, a work environment free from the effects of dmgs and alcohol consistent with applicable State and Federal law. The City of Carlsbad agrees to use a clinical laboratory which is certified by the National Institute on Dmg Abuse (NIDA), now known as the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). All procedures and protocols for collection, chain of custody and testing will be conducted consistent with standards required under SAMHSA certification. This policy is intended to accomplish that objective. A. Definitions - As Used in This Policy: 1. "Dmg" means any substance which produces a physical, mental, emotional or behavioral change in the user, including but not limited to, prescription medications, heroin, cocaine, morphine and its derivatives, P.CP., methadone, barbiturates, amphetamines, methamphetamines, alcohol, marijuana, and other cannabinoids. 2. "Workplace" means any site where City-assigned work is performed, including City premises, City vehicles or other premises or vehicles, while City-assigned work is being conducted, or within a reasonable time thereafter. 3. "Reasonable suspicion" means a standard for evidence or other indication of impairment of normal physical or mental skills by alcohol or dmgs where such impairment could negatively affect work performance or could pose a threat to public or employee safety. B. Employee Responsibilities 1. As a condition of employment, employees shall: a. not engage in the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of alcohol or dmgs nor be under the influence of alcohol or dmgs in the workplace or while on-call; 39 b. submit to an alcohol and dmg analysis and remain on the premises when requested to do so by City management, acting pursuant to this policy, or by law enforcement personnel; c. notify the City of any conviction under a criminal dmg statute (including any pleas of nolo contendere), if such conviction was based on a violation which occurred in the workplace, no later than flve days after such conviction; (notification under this subsection does not relieve an employee from the disciplinary consequences of the conduct upon which a criminal conviction is based); and d. abide by all terms of this policy. 2. Employees are required to notify their supervisors when taking any medication or dmgs, prescription or non-prescription (over-the-counter medications), which they have been informed by a medical provider may interfere with safe or effective performance of their duties or operation of City equipment. 3. Off-duty involvement with any controlled substance including, but not limited to manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, use or any conviction under a criminal dmg statute whose scope and employment are relevant to City employment may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination if there is relevant nexus between such off-duty involvement and the employee's employment with the City, consistent with the legal requirements for disciplinary due process. Employer Searches For the purpose of enforcing this policy and maintaining a dmg-free workplace, the City reserves the right to search, with or without prior notice to the employee, all work areas and property in which the City maintains full or joint control with the employee, including but not limited to City vehicles, desks, lockers, file cabinets, and bookshelves. These areas remain part of the workplace context even if the employee has placed personal items in them. Employees are cautioned against storing personal belongings in work areas under full or joint City control since such work areas may be subject to investigation and/or search under this policy. Employer searches shall occur when there is a determination of "reasonable suspicion" as defined herein. Such searches shall be conducted by persons having supervisory and/or other legal authority to conduct such searches. Searches will not normally occur without concurrence of more than one supervisor. Nothing herein shall prevent the City from taking appropriate action if there is an inadvertent discovery of evidence of dmg or alcohol use. 40 D. Consequences of Violation of Policy 1. Failure to abide by the terms of this policy shall be grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination. 2. In addition to any disciplinary action, an employee who fails to abide by this policy may also be directed to satisfactorily participate in an approved alcohol or substance abuse assistance or rehabilitation program. II- DRUG AND ALCOHOL ANALYSIS A. Pre-employment Dmg and Alcohol Analysis 1. After receiving an offer of employment, an otherwise successful candidate must submit to a dmg and alcohol analysis. At the City's discretion, this analysis may be in the form of "breathalizer," urine, or blood analysis. 2. Persons whose results are positive for either illegal dmgs or alcohol will be rejected for City employment. B. Employee Dmg and Alcohol Analysis 1. If a manager or supervisor of the City has reasonable suspicion that an employee is under the influence of dmgs or alcohol while in the workplace or subject to duty, the employee shall be: a. Prevented from engaging in other work; and b. Required to submit to a drug and alcohol analysis. At the City's discretion, this analysis may be in the form of "breathalizer," urine, or blood analysis. c. An employee may also be required to remain on the premises for a reasonable time until arrangements can be made to transport the employee to his or her home. 2. Some examples of "reasonable suspicion" as deflned in Section l.A.3. include, but are not limited to, the following, when confirmed by more than one person having supervisory authority: a. slurred speech. b. alcohol odor on breath; c. unsteady walking or movement not related to prior injury or disability; 41 d. an accident involving City property having no obvious causal explanation other than possible employee responsibility; e. physical or verbal behaviors that are dismptive, non-responsive, unusual for that employee or otherwise inappropriate to the workplace situation; f. attributable possession of alcohol or dmgs; g. information obtained from a reliable person with personal knowledge that would lead a reasonably pmdent supervisor to believe that an employee is under the influence of alcohol or drugs; 3. Refusal to remain on the premises or to submit to a dmg and alcohol analysis when requested to do so by City management or by law enforcement officers shall constitute insubordination and shall be grounds for discipline, up to and including termination. 4. A dmg and alcohol analysis may test for the presence of any dmg which could impair an employee's ability to effectively and safely perform the functions of his or her job. 5. A positive result from a dmg and alcohol analysis may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. 6. City agrees to take steps to protect the chain of custody of any dmg test sample. III. EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM A. The City has a well established voluntary Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to assist employees who seek help for substance abuse problems. The EAP is available for assessment, referral to treatment, and follow-up. Any employee of the City wishing confidential assistance for a possible alcohol or dmg problem can call the EAP office and arrange for an appointment with a counselor. B. Employees who are concemed about their alcohol or dmg use are strongly encouraged to voluntarily seek assistance through the EAP. All self-referral contacts are held in confidence by the EAP. C. Participation in the employee assistance program will not replace normal disciplinary procedures for unsatisfactory job performance or for violation of any City policy. 42 Article 41 Access to Information The City will make available to CCEA such non-confidential information pertaining to employment relations as is contained in the public records of the City, subject to the limitations and conditions set forth in this article and Govemment Code Section 6250-6260. Such information shall be made available during regular office hours in accordance with the City's mles and procedures for making public records available and after payment of reasonable costs, where applicable. Information which shall be made available to CCEA includes regularly published data covering subjects under discussion. Data collected on a promise to keep its source confidential may be made available in statistical summaries, but shall not be made available in such form as to disclose the source. Nothing in this article shall be constmed as requiring the City to do research for an inquirer or to do programming or assemble data in a manner other than usually done by the City. Nothing in this article shall be construed to require disclosure of records that are: (1) Personnel, medical and similar files, the disclosure of which would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy or be contrary to merit system principles; (2) Working papers or memoranda which are not retained in the ordinary course of business or any records where the public interest served by not making the record available clearly outweighs the public interest served by disclosure of the record; (3) Records pertaining to pending litigation to which the City is a party, or to claims or appeals which have not been settled. Article 42 Communications The parties agree to continue meeting at least once each month during the term of the agreement for the purpose of continuing communications on subjects of mutual concem. Article 43 Legal Representation Upon request of an employee and subject to any limitations provided by law, the City will provide for the defense of any civil action or proceeding initiated against the employee by a person or entity other than the City in a court of competent jurisdiction, on account of any act or omission occurring within the course and scope of his/her employment as an employee of the City. Nothing herein shall be deemed to require the provision of such defense where the discretion to provide or not provide such defense is vested in the City pursuant to the provisions of the Califomia Govemment Code, or where the act or omission was not within the scope of the employee's employment, or the employee acted or failed to act because of actual fraud, corruption or actual malice, or where the provision of such defense would create a conflict of interest between the City and the employee. 43 Nothing herein shall be constmed to grant to any employee any right or privilege in addition to those provided in the said Govemment Code. Article 44 Layoff Layoff: The City may layoff an employee in the merit service because of material change in duties or organization or shortage of work and funds. Fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the effective date of a layoff, the appointing authority or designee shall notify the Human Resources Director of the intended action with reasons therefore, and a statement certifying whether or not the services of the employee have been satisfactory. A copy of such notice shall be given the employee affected and CCEA. If certified as having given satisfactory service, the name of the employee laid off shall be placed on the appropriate reemployment list as provided by these rules. Reduction in Force Procedures: The parties agree that CCEA may initiate a reopener within thirty (30) days of ratification of this Memorandum regarding changes to layoff procedures. Effective upon ratification of this Memorandum, and continuing until such time as the parties agree to change the procedures (or after meet and confer and exhausting all required impasse procedures, the City imposes changes to these procedures) the following procedures will apply to all probationary and permanent employees in the event of a reduction in the City work force. (a) Definitions: The following definitions apply to these procedures: (1) City Service Seniority shall be determined as the period of total continuous service with the City as measured from the date of original appointment. (2) Classification Seniority shall be determined as the period of total continuous service of an employee in the present classification as measured from the date of appointment to that classification. (b) Reduction in Force-Demotion: Whenever there is a reduction in the work force in which more than one employee in a classification has been identified for layoff, the City shall first demote the employee in that classification with the greatest length of continuous City service to a vacancy. The employee identified for demotion to the vacant classification must have previously served in that classification and be determined to be currently qualified. An employee may refuse to accept a demotion and accept layoff without jeopardizing reemployment rights otherwise provided for in this procedure. (c) Reduction in Force-Layoff: Whenever there is a reduction in the work force, the City shall secondly lay off employees within a classification according to continuous City service seniority. Employees with the least continuous City service shall be laid off first. (d) Notification: Whenever there is a reduction in the work force requiring layoff, the City shall send written notice to the last knoyvn address of each employee affected by a layoff. The notice shall include the (1) reason for layoff, (2) classes to which the employee may demote within the City, if any, (3) effective date of action, (4) conditions goveming 44 retention on and reinstatement from reemployment lists, and (5) mles regarding waiver of reinstatement and voluntary withdrawal from the reemployment list. (e) Determining Length of Seniority: In determining continuous City service seniority, all unintermpted employment from the original date of hire, including periods of authorized leaves of absence and including all periods of time service seniority, all unintermpted employment from the original date of hire, including periods of authorized leaves of absence and including all periods of time served as a limited term or CETA employee, shall be counted as continuous City service seniority. (f) Order of Reduction in Force: In a reduction in force the following order of layoffs shall be followed: (1) hourly, temporary and provisional employees in the affected classification series; (2) limited term employees in reverse order of their seniority in the affected class series; (3) City probationary employees in reverse order of their classification seniority in the affected class series; (4) should there be need for further reduction, regular employees who have been identified for layoff per section (c) above in the affected classification series shall be given the opportunity to accept or refuse demotion in order of their classification seniority pursuant to section (i) below; (5) should a reduction in force still be necessary, regular employees shall be laid off in reverse order of their classification seniority. (g) Determining Order of Layoff and Demotion for Employees With Identical Seniority: Should two or more employees have identical seniority, the order of layoff and demotion will be determined by alphabetical order of the employees' sumames, with the employee with the last name beginning with the letter closest to the beginning of the alphabet to be selected for layoff or demotion first. (h) Transfer: All effort will be made by the City to transfer any employee who is to be affected by a reduction in force to another vacant position for which such employee may qualify. (i) Order and Method of Demotion Pursuant to a Reduction in Force-Bumping: When required due to a reduction in force, employees shall be demoted in the following maimer: (1) Employees who are demoted, who have held permanent status in a lower classification shall have the right to bump employees of lesser City service seniority in that lower classification. (2) Employees who have not actually held status in a lower classification shall be allowed to demote to a vacant position or to a position held by a City probationary employee in such lower class, but may not bump regular City employees already in that lower classification. G) Reinstatement of Employees Demoted as a Result of a Reduction in Work Force: Employees who are demoted as a result of a reduction in force shall have their names placed on a reinstatement list, in order of their City service seniority. Vacant positions in 45 which an employee has served within a classification series shall first be offered to employees on this list. (k) Reemployment of Employees Laid Off as a Result of a Reduction in Force: Employees who are laid off and who held permanent City status at the time of layoff shall have their names placed on a reemployment list for classifications at the same or lower salary range for which they qualify in the order of their classification seniority. Vacant positions in such classifications will be offered to eligibles on the reemployment list who qualify for such vacancies prior to an open or promotional recmitment. (1) Duration of Reinstatement and Reemployment Lists: The eligibility of individuals on the reinstatement and reemployment list shall extend for a period of two years from the date of demotion or layoff. Eligibles not responding to yvritten notification of an opening after fourteen (14) calendar days shall have their names removed from either the reemployment or reinstatement list. (m) Restoration of Benefits Upon Reemployment Following a Reduction in Force: Upon reemployment following a reduction in force, an individual will have the following benefits restored: (1) Prior sick leave accmals. (2) Seniority at time of layoff for purposes of determining merit increases, vacation accmals and future reduction in force. (3) The salary paid to an employee who is reemployed shall be equivalent to the salary plan at the time of reemployment. If the employee chooses to be reemployed in a classification which has a salary range lower than the classification from which he was laid off, then salary placement will be in the range at the Step 5 or, as of January 1, 2014, at the range maximum as reflected in the current effective salary plan at the time of reemployment. (n) Payoff of Accmals Upon Layoff: Laid off employees are to be paid for all accmed holiday, vacation, compensation time and overtime when separated as a result of a layoff. The sick leave accruals of such employee will remain on the books and will be reinstated if they are reappointed. (o) Retirement Contribution: The disposition of the retirement contributions of a laid off employee shall be governed by the provisions of the State of Califomia Public Employees' Retirement Law as contained in the Govemment Code. (p) All CCEA represented employees involuntarily separated from the City service due to layoff shall receive one month's salary computed at the employee's actual salary at the time of separation. The CCEA and City agree to a reopener to be initiated by CCEA within 30 days of the ratification of this MOU regarding changes to layoff procedure (Article 44). 46 Article 45 Carlsbad Municipal Water District 1. Effective Febmary 17, 1992, employees of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District ("CMWD") shall become employees ofthe City of Carlsbad ("City"). Each CMWD employee shall retain his/her CMWD classification, salary range, salary step, salary anniversary date, and seniority date upon becoming a City employee. Each employee's job title, salary range, and salary step shall be subject to future modification upon completion of a City classification and compensation study. In no instance shall an employee's salary be reduced as a result of the City classification and compensation study. 2. Effective Febmary 17, 1992, each CMWD employee shall be subject to the City's personnel system as established by the municipal code, the personnel mles and regulations, administrative orders, the applicable memorandum of understanding, and other applicable ordinances, resolutions, and mles and regulations dealing with personnel and employer-employee relations. 3. Effective Febmary 17, 1992, each CMWD employee shall be subject to the work rules and operations mles of the City. 4. Notwithstanding paragraph 2 above, each CMWD employee shall retain the benefits granted to CMWD employees as outlined in Attachment B (attached). 5. Unless specifically set forth in paragraph 4 above, all other fringe benefits shall be the same as those for City employees in the appropriate bargaining units as of Febmary 17, 1992. 6. Employees hired on or after Febmary 17, 1992, into the water operation shall not be eligible for those benefits set forth in paragraph 4 above. 7. Employees who terminate service with the City (by reason other than lay off) shall not be eligible for the benefits set forth in paragraph 4 above upon reinstatement to the City. 8. Employees covered by this provision are listed in Attachment C. 9. No current City employees will be laid off as a result of assimilation of CMWD employees. 10. Former CMWD employees will be in the bargaining unit represented by CCEA. Article 46 Full Understanding. Modification. & Waiver It is intended that this agreement sets forth the full and entire understanding of the parties regarding the matters set forth herein, and any other prior or existing understanding or agreements by the parties, whether formal or informal, regarding any such matters are hereby superseded or terminated in their entirety. 47 Any agreement, alteration, understanding, variation, waiver, or modification of any of the terms or provisions contained herein shall not be binding upon the parties hereto unless made and executed in writing by all parties hereto and, if required, approved and implemented by the City Council. The waiver of any breach, term or condition of this agreement by either party shall not constitute a precedent in the future enforcement of all its terms and provisions. Article 47 Provisions of Law It is understood and agreed that this Memorandum of Understanding is subject to all current and future applicable federal and state laws, federal and state regulations. If any part or provision of the Memorandum of Understanding is in conflict or inconsistent with such above applicable laws, mles and regulations, or is otherwise held to be invalid or unenforceable by any tribunal or competent jurisdiction, such part or provision shall be suspended and superseded by such applicable law or regulations, and the remainder of this Memorandum of Understanding shall not be affected thereby. Article 48 Retention of Benefits The employees of the City of Carlsbad shall retain all present benefits as set forth in this Memorandum for the term of this agreement, except as amended by this Memorandum, or unless modified after exhausting the meet and confer process. Article 49 Non-discrimination Clause No person shall in any way be favored or discriminated against, by either the City or the Association, to the extent prohibited by law because of actual or perceived political opinion or affiliation, race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, national origin, veteran status, medical condition or physical or mental disability. In addition, no person shall be favored or discriminated against because of his/her association with someone who has or is perceived to have any characteristics of being in one of these classes of people. This affects decisions including, but not limited to, an employee's compensation, benefits, terms and conditions of employment, opportunities for promotion, training and development, transfer and other privileges of employment. The City is committed to providing ongoing training to all employees on the subjects of equal employment, non-discrimination and cultural awareness. Article 50 Americans With Disabilities Act The parties acknowledge the applicability of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) and intend to apply and implement this Memorandum of Understanding so as to comply with the ADA. The parties agree to consult if compliance with the ADA may require modifying the provisions of this Memorandum of Understanding. 48 Article 51 Life Insurance and Voluntary Benefits All CCEA-represented employees shall receive City paid life insurance in an amount equal to one times their basic yearly eamings. To determine the benefit, the amount of insurance is rounded to the next higher $1,000 multiple, unless the amount equals a $1,000 multiple. The City provides various voluntary benefits available at the employee's cost. Employees may select among various levels of coverage. For information regarding these benefits, contact the Human Resources Department at 760-602-2440. Article 52 Special Housing Facilities The City maintains a residence at the Maerkle Reservoir, Dam, Treatment Facility and Site. The employee assigned the duty of Maerkle Facilities Steward is tasked with maintaining a safe, legally compliant facility and ensuring the security of City facilities. A detailed description of the conditions that apply to this assignment are outlined in Attachment E. 1. Employee Status The employee assigned as the Maerkle Facilities Steward shall be a ftill-time permanent employee of the City. 2. Priority of Assignments In the event of a vacancy in the Maerkle Facilities Steward assignment, the assignment shall be offered to qualified current CCEA employees in the Water Operations Division of the Utilities Department based on their seniority in the Water Operations Division. In order to be considered qualified for the assignment, the employee must have a minimum of one year of service in the City's Water Operations Division. In addition, the employee must not be on a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP), and must be fiilly competent in facility operations, recordkeeping, emergency response procedures and be in compliance with the following regulations govemed by these respective agencies: a. Cal-OSHA's Califomia Code of Regulations, Title 8, section 5189, Process Safety Management (PSM) of Highly Hazardous Materials. b. Federal EPA's Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 68, Accidental Release Prevention Requirements: Risk Management Programs (RMP) Clean Air Act Section 112(r), Program 3 requirements. c. Califomia Office of Emergency Services, Califomia Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 2, Chapter 4.5, Califomia Accidental Release Prevention (CalARP) Program. d. County of San Diego, Department of Environmental Health, Hazardous Materials Division, Hazardous Materials Business Plan. e. Califomia Health and Safety Code, Section 25531 through 25534. f. State of Califomia, Department of Water Resources, Division of Safety of Dams. g. Must possess a current CDPH issued Distribution Operator Grade D-3 and Treatment Operator Grade T-l per CDPH "shift operator" requirements. . 49 The employee must remain qualified throughout the assignment. Under no circumstances will the duties of the Maerkle Facilities Steward be assigned to an employee that does not comply with the regulations as outlined above. 3. Responsibilities The Steward shall be responsible for performing the following duties: A. Safety a. Maintain on site compliance with PSM/RMP program and Hazardous Materials Business Plan b. Immediately report any observed non-compliance issues with the PSM/RMP Program or Hazardous Materials Business Plan c. Ensure the residence, property and facilities are kept in a safe condition B. Emergency Response - Notification - Documentation a. Respond to emergency situations to include the chlorination facilities per PSM/RMP requirements b. Provide timely and proper notification c. Provide timely and proper documentation d. Assist duty operator with onsite problems C. Operations and Maintenance a. Make occasional chlorine adjustments, flow changes and system changes as needed b. Perform general maintenance on the residence, yard and fencing c. Perform general maintenance on the property, perimeter fencing and weeds D. Inspections a. Perform routine visual inspections of the entire site at least weekly b. Perform visual inspections of the entire site after any disaster event including minor earthquakes c. Document and report any issues or concems to the Water Operations Supervisor E. Security a. Be onsite on a regular basis during nonworking hours for a minimum of four weeknights per week and a minimum of three weekends per month (except for extended periods due to supervisor approved leaves, at which time the department will be responsible for ensuring coverage for Steward's responsibilities) b. Monitor access of residents through property during significant flood events c. Immediately report any security breaches or issues to the proper authority, including police, where appropriate 4. Rent and Utilities The City shall charge a nominal rent for the residence. Said rent shall be established from time to time by the City and communicated to the Steward in yvriting with sixty (60) 50 calendar days advance notice of any changes. The City shall fumish the water supply and electricity for the residence and the Steward shall be responsible for the balance of the utilities. Term The City maintains the right to change the assignment of the Maerkle Facility Steward responsibility based solely upon the City's discretion and the City shall not be required to show cause. Moreover, the Steward shall have no due process rights related to a change from the assignment as a change shall not be considered disciplinary. It is the intent of this provision to create an at-will tenancy that can be revoked at any time upon at least sixty (60) calendar days' notice to the Steward. There shall be an annual review of the Steward's performance with the Water Operations Supervisor. The Steward shall, when possible, give the City at least sixty (60) calendar days written notice if he/she desires to be relieved of this assignment. Article 53 Contracting Out Work 1. The City has the right to contract out any or all of the services currently being performed by CCEA represented classifications or that could be performed by CCEA represented classifications to any one or more public or private entities or individuals. 2. Prior to contracting out the services referenced in item number 1 above, the City shall first satisfy its obligation to meet and confer with CCEA regarding both the decision and effects of contracting out those services 3. CREATION OF A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL ("RFP") a. CCEA may appoint up to two (2) of its members to attend a meeting with City staff responsible for the creation of an RFP for the purpose of providing input to the City regarding the creation of the RFP for contracting out the services referenced in item number 1 above. This first meeting shall occur prior to the RFP being prepared by City staff. b. After the draft RFP is completed by City staff, a copy ofthe RFP shall be forwarded to the CCEA appointees by email and a subsequent meeting shall be scheduled, which shall take place within seven (7) calendar days from the date the RFP is received by the CCEA appointees. The purpose of the meeting is for CCEA appointees to meet with the City staff responsible for preparing the RFP in order to discuss the RFP and ask questions as necessary. Additional meetings may be scheduled if mutually agreeable. Following conclusion of the meeting(s), CCEA's appointees may provide written feedback/suggestions regarding the RFP for the consideration of City staff prior to it being finalized and sent to any potential contractors. CCEA's feedback/suggestions shall be forwarded to City staff responsible for the creation of the RFP by email within seven (7) calendar days from the date of conclusion of these meetings. 51 c. Prior to distribution of the RFP to potential contractors, the City shall provide the CCEA appointees with the final version of the RFP. d. Neither CCEA nor its appointees shall have veto power over any City decision related to the contents of an RFP or the RFP process. e. Neither CCEA nor its appointees may use the appointees' involvement in the RFP process to delay the RFP process f. CCEA's appointees shall sign confidentiality agreements, as agreed to by the City and CCEA, prior to receiving any information related to an RFP 4. MEET AND CONFER PROCESS a. The City may send RFPs created following the procedure outlined in item number 3 above to potential contractors prior to engaging in the meet and confer process with CCEA. b. After the City receives responses to the RFP, the City Council or designee shall determine whether to pursue contracting out of those services that are the subject ofthe RFP. c. In the event that the City Council or designee decides to pursue contracting out of any or all of the services that are the subject of the RFP, the City's negotiating team will make a proposal in yvriting to CCEA to contract out those services and will provide a copy of the leading proposal to CCEA along with its proposal. d. After reviewing the City's proposal, CCEA may request in writing to meet and confer over the decision to contract out services and/or the effects of that decision no later than fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of CCEA'sreceipt of the City's proposal. The first meeting of the meet and confer process shall be scheduled within fourteen (14) calendar days of CCEA's written request. If CCEA requests to meet and confer over both the decision and effects, decision and effects negotiations shall take place simultaneously. It is understood by the parties that the meet and confer process is not required to be completed in one single meeting. e. The negotiations over the decision and/or effects shall be subject to combined impasse procedures. 5. CITY COUNCIL DECISION a. After the meet and confer process has concluded by either reaching agreement or exhausting impasse procedures, the City Council will make its final decision on whether to contract out those services subject to the RFP. 52 Article 54 Pay for Performance Guidelines This article replaces Administrative Order No. 13 of March 12, 1976 in its entirety. Administrative Order No. 23 of October 11, 1979 in its entirety and Section 4.4 of the Personnel Rules and Regulations. L PURPOSE: Pay for Performance at the City of Carlsbad is based on the concept of a supervisor providing regular coaching/feedback to the employee. The purpose is to: > create an environment that rewards high performers; > link financial rewards to accomplishing City business objectives; > create a consistent City-wide approach for managers to link performance and rewards; and > create a meaningful/fair reward system. IL BACKGROUND: Consistent with the direction of the City Council, city staff and the Carlsbad City Employees' Association (CCEA) have developed a compensation program that establishes competitive pay through regular and consistent compensation surveys. The Human Resources Department will maintain the highest possible number of benchmarks within the survey market and make recommendations to City Council regarding maintaining competitive salary ranges. The components of the compensation plan include: > a performance management program based on the concepts of performance planning and regular coaching/feedback; > a market based salary structure; and > a Pay for Performance reward system that includes merit increases* (base pay increases and/or cash rewards for employees who are at the maximum of their salary range) based on the demonstration of competencies and achievements. * Eligibility for a merit pay increase is determined by an employee's performance and where his/her salary is relative to the midpoint of his/her salary range. Eligible employees who are at the salary range maximum receive a cash reward in lieu of a base pay increase. III. GUIDANCE: A. Annual Review Cycle The Performance Management Cycle is aligned with the calendar year. Below is a summary of the annual cycle. 53 /7 Council/CCEA negotiate funding for merit pool Merit increases delivered HR determines base pay matrix that complies with approved merit pool funding Supervisors conduct year end reviews Supervisors select competencies and define priorities Supervisors conduct mid-year reviews (after Dept. Director approves mid-year ratings) Supervisors submit proposed year end performance ratings to Department Director Department Directors calibrate and finalize performance ratings B. Performance Management The performance management process consists of four important, interrelated steps. Step 1- Performance Planning Supervisors and employees will have an initial discussion to determine which functional competencies will be used to evaluate the employee in the upcoming year. The supervisor explains and sets performance level expectations. The supervisor and employee will also establish specific priorities, contributions or development plans that are aligned with the departmental and organizational strategic direction. Step 2 - Performance Coaching and Feedback Throughout the year, at least on a quarterly basis, the supervisor and employee review and discuss the employee's work performance, including significant accomplishments and/or shortfalls. Generally, these coaching and feedback sessions will be informal and may be initiated by either the supervisor or employee. It will be the supervisor's responsibility to ensure these discussions take place and are appropriately documented. 54 Step 3- Mid-Year Performance Review Prior to the mid-year review meeting with the employee, the supervisor proposes mid-year ratings for the employee based on the employee's demonstrated competencies and accomplishments related to priorities. The Department Director reviews all proposed mid-year ratings in his/her department and validates that Pay for Performance (P4P) guidelines are followed consistently within his/her department. The goal ofthe mid-year performance review is to encourage open communication between supervisors and employees and ensure that there are "no surprises" during the annual performance evaluation session at the end of the year. The supervisor and employee will assess and discuss the employee's progress and the status of specific priorities. As organizational and department directions and priorities shift throughout the year, this session also provides the opportunity to re-evaluate and, if necessary, revise employee's priorities, achievement expectations or development plans. The performance evaluation form, including mid-year performance ratings will be submitted to Human Resources and included in the employee's personnel file. The employee will be entitled to provide a yvritten rebuttal to any rating and comments. However, only the final year end performance ratings will be used to determine eligibility for merit pay increases. The final year end performance ratings may differ from mid- year performance ratings. Step 4- Year End Performance Review Prior to the year-end review meeting with the employee, the supervisor proposes ratings for the employee based on the employee's demonstrated competencies and accomplishments related to priorities. The Department Director reviews all proposed ratings in his/her department and works with Human Resources staff to validate that Pay for Performance (P4P) guidelines are followed consistently within and across City departments. Next, the supervisor meets with the employee. The employee will come to the year-end review meeting with his/her own thoughts and notes as to how well he/she performed during the evaluation period. The two-way discussion focuses on accomplishments, areas for groyvth and improvement, job accountabilities and defined competencies. This meeting will also include the performance planning for the upcoming year as outlined in Step 1 above. C. Governance of the Plan Human Resources will be responsible for the administration and maintenance of the performance management system, including forms, guidelines and related policies subject to City Council approval. Human Resources will periodically review the effectiveness of the performance management system. D. Major Roles and Responsibilities City Council - The City Council is initially responsible for approving the pay for performance management system and for annually approving the merit pool/funding amount in order to tie rewards to performance. 55 Human Resources - The role of Human Resources will be to monitor the activities of the process, ensure compliance with City processes and procedures, and ensure that the employee receives a fair, accurate, and timely evaluation. This will be done by ensuring that appropriate results-oriented goals and measures are established for the upcoming calendar year and by reviewing proposed performance and development plans and evaluation forms for accuracy and completeness. Human Resources will track performance ratings over time to encourage accountability and ensure that there is consistency among the distribution of performance ratings across departments. Human Resources will provide on-going guidance and training to supervisors regarding conducting performance reviews and understanding the purpose and design ofthe pay for performance system. Human Resources uses data from all employee performance ratings and Council's authorized funding amount to determine the percentages in the base pay matrix. Human Resources will process merit increases for eligible employees. Department Director - Department Directors will be responsible for reviewing performance ratings within their departments to ensure that accurate evaluation ratings are given and that supervisors are held responsible for effectively rating their staff. In the event of tumover of an employee's supervisor, the Department Director will be responsible for ensuring that an employee is equitably and adequately reviewed and rated. Supervisor - The supervisor will carry out the steps in the performance management process in a fair, accurate, consistent, and timely manner. This includes guiding the development of performance plans, monitoring and recording employee accomplishments, providing timely coaching and feedback, conducting accurate performance evaluations, and ensuring the employee has the opportunity to participate in the process. In the event that an employee has more than one supervisor during a rating period, each supervisor will submit an assessment and the supervisors will mutually agree on a rating for the review period. A newly assigned supervisor will not be responsible for reviewing a rating period of less than three months. Employee - The employee will actively contribute in the process of defining priorities and performance measures, initiating coaching and feedback sessions as needed. Requests for feedback by the employee shall be responded to within 14 calendar days of the request, although actual feedback can be written or oral and can be provided more than 14 calendar days after the request. Employees will complete a self-assessment prior to the year-end performance evaluation, and will be prepared to contribute in the mid-year and end of year performance evaluations. 56 E. Performance Management Components Essential Functions Essential functions are the job duties/tasks that an employee was hired to perform. These functions are the permanent features of the employee's job. The essential functions are outlined in the employee's job description. Essential ftinctions are job-based rather than employee-based. At the beginning of the performance year, the employee's job description will be reviewed by the supervisor and employee. Any significant changes in the qualifications or job tasks will be noted and submitted to Human Resources. Essential functions will determine which functional competencies may be appropriate for a specific position. At the end of the plan year, the employee will be rated on their performance related to the essential functions of the job as described in the job description. Employees serving in out of class assignments will be reviewed in accordance with their regular position unless the employee served out of class for more than one-half of the review period. In that case, the employee will be reviewed based on their out of class assignment. If, at the outset of the out of class assignment, it is anticipated that the employee will spend more than one-half of the review period in that out of class assignment, the employee and supervisor shall have a Performance Planning Meeting as described in Step 1 above. Core and Functional Competencies All employees will be reviewed and evaluated based on how well they can demonstrate specific competencies. Competencies are essential to the success of each employee in their job. There are two types of competencies: 1) Core - describes the required competencies for all employees and 2) Functional - describes competencies specific to the essential functions of the job performed by the employee. All employees will be evaluated on the five core competencies and only two of the seven functional competencies. Each year, during the Performance Planning step, the supervisor and the employee will talk about which functional competencies are the most appropriate to use in the upcoming year based on the employee's specific job, priorities and work plan. Each year, the supervisor and the employee will select the two functional competencies that will be used to evaluate the employee that year. If the employee does not agree with the two functional competencies to be used, the employee will be allowed to select one functional competency and the supervisor will choose the other. Setting Priorities Individual priorities indicate specific results to be achieved by an employee for the coming review period. Priorities often change from year to year because they are intended to focus on a significant outcome identified by the department. The City will support the employee in their development and aim to create an environment of engagement, innovation and excellence. Supervisors will determine three priorities for an employee and will link each priority to a core or functional competency. Priorities must be related to a significant component of the 57 employee's job and the needs of the City and individual department or division. Supervisors will communicate orally and in writing how each priority is linked to the mission of the City/department and to the development of the employee. Individual priority setting is to be done in light of organizational goals and departmental goals and priorities. That is, goals are to cascade doyvn based on the City's strategic plan and initiatives from senior management, to mid-level managers, to supervisors and to line employees. A well-yvritten performance priority has these basic components: > it is action oriented (e.g., includes phrases such as 'to make', 'to complete', 'to adjust'); > it includes a measurable indicator (e.g., quantity, rate, expense, quality, degree of accuracy, timeliness); > there are constraints, such as time limitations; and > it follows the SMART criteria (see below). Using S.M.A.R.T. Criteria Specific Priorities must express the action and results required so that both the employee and supervisor can see clearly whether the priority has been achieved. What is the achievement or result that is expected? Measurable When setting priorities, there must be some way of measuring and verifying whether the priority has been achieved and to what level. How will the employee and supervisor know if the objective has been met? Achievable Although they should provide challenge and development to the individual, priorities also must be achieved. Is it reasonable that the priority be achieved? Relevant The priorities must be relevant to the level at which the individual is at in their career and to the workload of their particular area. Does the priority contribute to the department, division, or overall organization's success? Time-bound Priorities need to have clearly defined time periods. What is the completion date of each milestone? Rating Process and Criteria The supervisor is responsible for rating the employee on all five core competencies, the two selected functional competencies and the priorities, and for providing written narrative to explain these ratings. 58 The rating system shoyvn below will be used in evaluating employee performance. 1. Unsatisfactory 2. Improvement Needed 3. Competent 4. Commendable 5. Exemplary Performance does Performance does Performance Performance Performance not meet not consistently consistently meets exceeds significantly exceeds requirements. meet requirements. all requirements. requirements and requirements. Performance is Performance Employee is fiilly demonstrates the Employee has made consistently and deficiencies are proficient and ability to handle contributions and seriously such that adequately assignments of achievements well inadequate. This improvement is demonstrates the greater complexity beyond those employee must needed for the desired and responsibility. required by their make immediate employee to competency This employee assigned and sustained satisfactorily meet behaviors for the shows initiative and responsibilities. In improvements. requirements. level of the job. seeks opportunities many cases, to enhance their job performance related skills and demonstrates new competencies. areas of productivity and innovation far beyond position requirements. Employee Comments Employees shall be advised that they are encouraged but not required to provide comments that they would like documented for the evaluation period. Employee comments will be part ofthe performance evaluation documentation. Signatures The employee's signature acknowledges that the performance evaluation has been reviewed and discussed with them. This does not mean the employee agrees, or disagrees, with statements made or contained therein. When the evaluation session is completed, the employee and supervisor sign the form and appropriate levels of signatures are obtained: • Immediate Supervisor • Mid-level Manager (if applicable) • Department Director • Human Resources Employee Outlets Performance evaluations are not grievable. However, employees who disagree with their rating may request a meeting with their Department Director. If after this meeting this matter is not resolved, the employee may then request a meeting with the City Manager or his/her designee 59 and this meeting shall occur within 30 days at the employee's request. If the employee's performance rating is changed as a result of this process, any resulting merit pay adjustment shall be paid retroactively. F. Linking Pay and Performance Eligibility for a merit increase is determined by an employee's overall performance rating and where his/her current salary is relative to the midpoint of their salary range. Eligibility Employees must receive an overall rating of "Competent" or better to be eligible for performance-based merit increases. Those employees receiving an overall "Improvement Needed" or an "Unsatisfactory" performance rating are not eligible for performance based merit increases. An employee whose salary is at their salary range maximum is not eligible for a base pay increase. In lieu of a base pay increase, eligible employees will receive a cash reward that is paid out in a lump sum equivalent to the amount of the base pay increase that they would have received if they were not at the salary range maximum. An eligible employee whose salary is close to their salary range maximum (such that the designated pay increase would cause their salary to exceed the salary range maximum) will receive a base pay increase up to the salary range maximum and will receive the remaining portion of the designated pay increase as a lump sum cash reward as described above. Base Pay Matrix A base pay matrix will be used to reward performance. The City Council and CCEA negotiate a contract, which determines the merit pool or budget for the annual CCEA pay increase. After all of the performance reviews have been completed, merit increase percentages will be determined by Human Resources based on the size of the Council approved base pay matrix funding, distribution of all employees' performance ratings and distribution of employees in their salary range (i.e. above or below the salary range midpoint). The goal is to assign merit increase percentages that will use substantially all of the funding approved by the City Council for merit increases for that performance cycle. An employee's overall performance rating (sum of individual competency ratings) and position in the range put them in one ofthe cells "A," "B," "C," "D," "E," or "F" as shoyvn in the sample Base Pay Matrix below. Each employee's merit increase is determined using the base pay matrix. 60 SAMPLE BASE PAY MATRIX Overall Performance Rating 7-10 11-17 18-24 25-31 32-35 Salary Range Improvement Placement Unsatisfactory Needed Competent Commendable Exemplary At or above salary range 0.0% 0.0% A% C% E% midpoint Below salary range 0.0% 0.0% B% D% F% midpoint IV. PROCEDURES: 1. All employees will be reviewed at mid-year and at the end of the calendar year. After both of these review meetings are completed, the performance evaluation form, including performance ratings, will be submitted to Human Resources and be made a part of the employee's personnel file. 2. The immediate supervisor most familiar with the employee's performance during the rating period shall be the rater. If the employee has had more than one supervisor during the evaluation period, the other supervisor(s) will be consulted and only one evaluation form/overall rating will be submitted. 3. Electronic performance evaluations forms will be made available by the Human Resources Department. 4. Ratings shall be based upon the competent performance of the full range of skills indicated by the class specification covering the employee's position. In the event that the class specification is not representative of the employee's current responsibilities, Human Resources will be notified and asked to review and make recommendations. Deviations from the class specification should be noted on the performance evaluation form. 5. Every eligible employee's performance evaluation is due to Human Resources by January 31. Any overdue evaluations will be reported to the Department Director and the City Manager. Exceptions may be made for extenuating circumstances, such as employees out on leaves of absence (see section 7). The Human Resources Department will review all of the performance ratings and calculate the base pay salary increases and/or cash rewards to be awarded for each rating level based on the base pay matrix funding established by the City Council. 61 6. Merit increases shall be distributed within 30 calendar days of receiving the last performance review or no later than the first full pay period in March. Merit increases will be effective retroactive to the last day of the performance review cycle. 7. Employees are eligible for a base pay salary increase or cash reward if the following requirements are met: • the employee receives a rating of "Competent" or higher on his/her year-end performance review; • the employee has been in a CCEA position for a minimum of 6 months*; and • the employee is active on payroll at the time that merit increases are processed in the payroll system. • Merit increases for employees hired into a CCEA position during the review cycle will be prorated as follows: Start Date Prorated Merit Increase Percent January 1- March 31 100% April 1 - June 30 75% July 1 - December 31 0% 8. Any non-probationary employee may be advanced in the pay range during the performance review period regardless of the length of time served at the employee's present pay rate. This advancement requires the yvritten recommendation of the employee's manager and the approval of the employee's department head and City Manager. 9. Employees who were promoted during the performance cycle will receive a year end performance-related pay increase based on their salary as of the last day of the performance cycle. 10. Eligible employees who are in an out of class assignment will receive a merit increase calculated using salary information from their regular position. 11. If, as a result of a salary range adjustment, an employee's base salary falls below the minimum of the salary range, the employee's salary will be increased to the new range minimum as of the date City Council approves the salary range adjustment. 12. An employee who is on a leave of absence during the year-end review process will meet with his/her supervisor upon retum to work and complete a year-end review. If the employee was on a leave of absence (other than a statutorily protected leave of absence) for a portion of the review period he/she will be eligible for a prorated merit increase for that review period according to the following schedule: 62 Length of leave* Percent of merit increase eligible < 91 calendar days 100% 91-180 calendar days 75% > 180 calendar days 0% *not inclusive of statutory leave time 13. Employees who terminate employment after the last day of the review cycle will not be eligible for merit increases. V. COMPENSATION PLAN: The key element of the CCEA employee pay for performance program is the base pay structure. Covering all CCEA jobs, the base pay stmcture reflects competitive pay levels for jobs assigned to each pay grade and provides the basis for equitable pay decisions. The CCEA Salary Schedule contains multiple salary ranges. Each salary range has a minimum, midpoint and maximum. Employees who are inexperienced or newly hired may be paid below the midpoint of the salary grade. In keeping with the City Council's philosophy of surveying the total compensation of local agencies, the agencies listed below will be considered in the survey market for CCEA. • City of Chula Vista • City of Coronado • City of Del Mar • City of El Cajon • City of Encinitas • City of Escondido • City of Imperial Beach • City of La Mesa • City of National City • City of Oceanside • City of Poway • City of San Marcos • City of Solana Beach • City of San Diego • City of Santee • City of Vista • County of San Diego The Human Resources Department will annually compare salary and benefits information on each City of Carlsbad benchmark classification with appropriate classifications in the comparator group. Those classifications that are considered benchmarks are those in which there was a substantial match between the competencies and duties required for jobs at the City of Carlsbad and those for the comparator group. A benchmark requires a minimum of three comparators. The job matching is conducted by the Human Resources Department. From time to time the 63 City Council may also request that private sector salary and benefits data be reviewed and compared to benchmark positions at the City of Carlsbad. Each City of Carlsbad job classification is assigned to a specific salary range. The non- benchmark positions are assigned to the salary stmcture based on intemal relationships, responsibility and/or knowledge, skills and abilities of jobs. The benchmark salary data will be surveyed annually and the benchmark comparisons will be modified when the classifications change within the organization. Human Resources will provide the CCEA with supporting data for all salary range evaluations and adjustments. Periodically the Human Resources Department will bring forth salary range movement recommendations to City Council that are based on market and economic conditions, and may include one or more salary ranges. CCEA and the City agree that the City will negotiate salary range movements. VL TRAINING In an effort to support the organization during the transition to this new system, an extensive training program will be designed to enhance the evaluation and feedback skills of supervisors. Skills training will include: • Performance Planning - Competencies • Conducting Performance Evaluations • Coaching, Counseling and Feedback • Compensation Administration • Performance Planning - Goal Setting These training sessions will occur prior to the Performance Management phase in which these skills will be applied. After the initial training, the Human Resources Department will offer periodic review sessions for CCEA and Management employees to reinforce managerial and supervisory skills and to train employees. CCEA employees will be provided with materials and information seminars during work hours to be provided by the City to help them understand the Pay for Performance System. VII. GLOSSARY 1. Base Pay increase - A prospective pay increase to an employee's base salary, as calculated to exclude any additional pays. 2. Base pay matrix - Matrix that determines the base pay increases and cash rewards to be given to eligible employees. 3. Cash reward -A one-time "lump sum" payment equivalent to the amount of the base pay increase that an employee would have received if he/she were not at the salary range maximum. 4. Merit increase - Either a base pay increase or cash reward as determined by the base pay matrix. 5. Survey market - List of Council approved agencies to be used when reviewing market competitiveness. 64 IN THE WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused their duly authorized representative to execute the Memorandum of Understanding the day, month, and year noted below. City of Carlsbad JOHN COATES, City Manager Date Approved as to form: 65 :EEl7tBREWER, City Attomey Date Carlsbad City Employees' Association PAMELA DREW. President, CCEA Date Attachment A SALARY SCHEDULE - GENERAL EMPLOYEES Approved June 18, 2013, Retroactive to February 18, 2013 CLASSIFICATION RANGE CLASSIFICATION RANGE INSPECTOR I 55 ACCOUNT CLERK I 17 INSPECTOR II 70 ACCOUNT CLERK II 25 JUNIOR ENGINEER 68 ACCOUNTANT 68 JUNIOR PLANNER 50 ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR 54 JUVENILE JUSTICE PROGRAM COORD. 58 ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN 40 LEAD EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN 61 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 42 LEAD LIBRARIAN 63 APPLICATIONS ANALYST 94 LEGAL ASSISTANT 56 APPLICATIONS ASSOCIATE ANALYST 75 LEGAL SECRETARY 49 AQUATICS SPECIALIST 49 LIBRARIAN 55 ASSISTANT ENGINEER 82 LIBRARIAN Y-RATED* 55Y ASSISTANT PLANNER 64 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I 26 ASSISTANT TO THE TREASURER 73 LIBRARY ASSISTANT II 37 ASSOCIATE CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR 52 LIBRARY CLERK I 3 ASSOCIATE ENGINEER 98 LIBRARY CLERK II 6 ASSOCIATE PLANNER 78 LIBRARY MEDIA&GRAPHICS SUPERVISOR 58 BUILDING INSPECTOR I 55 MAINTENANCE AIDE 10 BUILDING INSPECTOR II 70 MAINTENANCE WORKER I 14 BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKER I 29 MAIL CLERK/MESSENGER 1 BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKER II 41 METER SERVICES WORKER I 1 BUILDING TECHNICIAN II 50 METER SERVICES WORKER II 33 BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE ANALYST 84 METER SERVICES WORKER III 46 BUSINESS SYSTEMS ASSOCIATE 70 NETWORK ENGINEER 87 BUSINESS SYSTEMS SPECIALIST 84 NETWORK OPERATOR 70 BUYER/CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR 63 OFFICE SPECIALIST I 5 CLIENT SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR 87 OFFICE SPECIALIST II 11 CLIENT SYSTEMS ASSOC. ADMINISTRATOR 51 OPERATIONS/MAINTENANCE STOREKEEPER 43 CIRCULATION SUPERVISOR 37 PARK MAINTENANCE SPECIALIST 41 CODE COMPLIANCE SPECIALIST I 43 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER II 28 CODE COMPLIANCE SPECIALIST II 55 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER III 46 COMMUNITY OUTREACH SUPERVISOR 58 PARK PLANNER 85 CRIME PREVENTION SPECIALIST 44 PLANNING TECHNICIAN I 35 CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL TECHNICIAN 56 PLANNING TECHNICIAN II 50 CUSTODIAN 6 POLICE RECORDS SPECIALIST I 17 CUSTODIAN II 16 POLICE RECORDS SPECIALIST II 22 DEPUTY CITY CLERK/TECHNICIAN 39 PRODUCTION TECHNICIAN 39 ELECTRICIAN 41 RECORDS MANAGEMENT SUPERVISOR 56 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I 45 RECREATION ASSISTANT 10 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 57 RECREATION SPECIALIST 29 ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST I 52 RECREATION SUPERVISOR 54 ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST II 69 SANITATION SYSTEMS OPERATOR I 24 EQUIPMENT SERVICE WORKER 18 SANITATION SYSTEMS OPERATOR II 46 EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN I 34 SANITATION SYSTEMS OPERATOR III 56 EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN II 51 SECRETARY 34 GIS ADMINISTRATOR 109 SENIOR APPLICATIONS ANALYST 109 GIS ANALYST 84 .SENIOR BUILDING INSPECTOR 85 GIS ASSOCIATE ANALYST 70 SENIOR BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKER 51 GIS TECHNICIAN 60 SENIOR BUSINESS SYSTEMS SPECIALIST 99 GRAPHIC ARTIST 45 SENIOR CIRCULATION SUPERVISOR 50 HOUSING ASSISTANT 20 SENIOR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 85 HOUSING SPECIALIST I 46 SENIOR CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR 79 HOUSING SPECIALIST II 61 SENIOR CROSS CONN. CONTROL TECH. 66 HUMAN RESOURCES TECHNICIAN 52 *Employees in the Librarian Classification as of 6/18/13 who were hired prior to 1/1/10 have salaries that are y- rated in the salary range 55Y. CLASSIFICATION RANGE SENIOR DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR 113 SENIOR ELECTRICIAN 51 SENIOR ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST 84 SENIOR LIBRARIAN 73 SENIOR NETWORK ENGINEER 113 SENIOR OFFICE SPECIALIST 22 SENIOR PLANNER 91 SENIOR STORM DRAIN MAINT. WORKER 4 8 SENIOR WEB ENGINEER 113 SITE MANAGER 4 STOREKEEPER 18 STORM DRAIN MAINTENANCE WORKER 34 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER II 28 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER III 4 6 TECHNICIAN I 35 TREE TRIMMER I 20 TREE TRIMMER II 32 TREE TRIMMER LEADWORKER 46 TRAFFIC SYSTEMS OPS SPECIALIST 80 TRAINING COORDINATOR 49 UTILITY MAINTENANCE WORKER III 45 UTILITY WORKER I 24 UTILITY WORKER II 4 0 UTILITY WORKER III 50 VALVE MAINTENANCE WORKER 4 5 WASTE WATER UTILITY WORKER I 24 WASTE WATER UTILITY WORKER II 4 0 WASTE WATER UTILITY WORKER III 50 WAREHOUSE TECHNICIAN 43 WATER CONSERVATION SPECIALIST 4 0 WATER SYSTEMS OPERATOR I 34 WATER SYSTEMS OPERATOR II 54 WATER SYSTEMS OPERATOR III 64 ATTACHMENT AI THE CITY OF CARLSBAD GENERAL EMPLOYEE BIWEEKLY SALARY SCHEDULE Approved 6/18/2013; Retroactive to 2/18/2013 STEP 6 STEP 7 RANGE STEP1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEPS RANGE (longevity 1) (longevity 2) 1 $1 ,186.87 $ 1 ,246.23 $ 1 ,308.53 $ 1,373.95 $ 1,442.64 1 $1,514.77 $1,552.64 2 $1 ,198.73 $ 1 ,258.68 $ 1 ,321.61 $ 1,387.72 $ 1,457.08 2 $1,529.93 $1,568.18 3 $1 ,210.73 $ 1 ,271.25 $ 1 ,334.82 $ 1,401.57 $1,471.65 3 $1,545.24 $1,583.87 4 $1 ,222.83 $ 1 ,283.98 $ 1 ,348.19 $ 1,415.62 $ 1,486.37 4 $1,560.69 $1,599.70 5 $1 ,235.07 $ 1 ,296.83 $ 1 ,361.65 $ 1,429.75 $1,501.23 5 $1,576.29 $1,615.70 6 $1 ,247.40 $ 1 ,309.78 $ 1 ,375.26 $ 1,444.02 $1,516.27 6 $1,592.09 $1,631.89 7 $1 ,259.89 $1 ,322.90 $1 ,389.02 $ 1,458.49 $1,531.41 7 $1,607.98 $1,648.19 8 $1 ,272.49 $ 1 ,336.12 $ 1 ,402.91 $ 1,473.06 $ 1,546.73 8 $1,624.06 $1,664.67 9 $1 ,285.22 $ 1 ,349.48 $ 1 ,416.94 $ 1,487.77 $ 1,562.19 9 $1,640.30 $1,681.30 10 $1 ,298.09 $ 1 ,362.98 $ 1 ,431.11 $ 1,502.68 $ 1,577.80 10 $1,656.68 $1,698.10 11 $1 ,311.04 $1 ,376.58 $ 1 ,445.44 $ 1,517.71 $ 1,593.56 11 $1,673.25 $1,715.07 12 $1 ,324.15 $ 1 ,390.37 $ 1 ,459.89 $ 1,532.88 $ 1,609.52 12 $1,689.99 $1,732.24 13 $1 ,337.40 $ 1 ,404.26 $ 1 ,474.49 $ 1,548.21 $ 1,625.62 13 $1,706.90 $1,749.57 14 $1 ,350.78 $ 1 ,418.31 $ 1 ,489.22 $ 1,563.67 $1,641.85 14 $1,723.94 $1,767.04 15 $1 ,364.28 $ 1 ,432.48 $ 1 ,504.13 $ 1,579.32 $1,658.29 15 $1,741.20 $1,784.73 16 $1 ,377.91 $ 1 ,446.83 $ 1 ,519.16 $ 1,595.12 $ 1,674.87 16 $1,758.61 $1,802.57 17 $1 ,391.73 $ 1 ,461.28 $ 1 ,534.34 $ 1,611.06 $1,691.64 17 $1,776.22 $1,820.63 18 $1 405.63 $ 1 ,475.90 $ 1 ,549.69 $ 1,627.18 $ 1,708.53 18 $1,793.96 $1,838.81 19 $1 419.67 $ 1 ,490.66 $1 ,565.18 $ 1,643.43 $ 1,725.64 19 $1,811.92 $1,857.22 20 $1 433.89 $ 1 ,505.56 $ 1 ,580.82 $ 1,659.90 $ 1,742.88 20 $1,830.03 $1,875.78 21 $1 448.22 $ 1 ,520.61 $ 1 ,596.66 $ 1,676.47 $ 1,760.31 21 $1,848.32 $1,894.53 22 $1 462.67 $ 1 ,535.83 $ 1 ,612.60 $ 1,693.23 $ 1,777.91 22 $1,866.81 $1,913.48 23 $1 477.32 $ 1 ,551.21 $ 1 628.74 $ 1,710.19 $ 1,795.70 23 $1,885.49 $1,932.62 24 $1 492.10 $ 1 566.69 $ 1 645.03 $ 1,727.27 $1,813.65 24 $1,904.34 $1,951.94 25 $1 507.01 $ 1 582.37 $ 1 661.46 $ 1,744.54 $1,831.79 25 $1,923.38 $1,971.46 26 $1 522.08 $ 1 598.20 $ 1 678.10 $ 1,762.00 $ 1,850.11 26 $1,942.61 $1,991.18 27 $1 537.30 $ 1 614.19 $ 1 694.89 $ 1,779.59 $ 1,868.60 27 $1,962.03 $2,011.08 28 $1 552.68 $ 1 630.33 $ 1 711.81 $ 1,797.42 $ 1,887.32 28 $1,981.69 $2,031.23 29 $1 568.20 $ 1 646.62 $ 1 728.97 $ 1,815.38 $ 1,906.14 29 $2,001.44 $2,051.48 30 $1 583.86 $ 1 663.08 $ 1 746.23 $ 1,833.55 $ 1,925.22 30 $2,021.49 $2,072.03 31 $1 599.73 $ 1 679.71 $ 1 763.70 $ 1,851.88 $ 1,944.48 31 $2,041.70 $2,092.74 32 $1 615.72 $ 1 696.50 $ 1 781.32 $ 1,870.40 $ 1,963.90 32 $2,062.10 $2,113.65 33 $1 631.87 $ 1 713.45 $ 1 799.13 $ 1,889.10 $ 1,983.56 33 $2,082.74 $2,134.81 34 $1 648.21 $ 1 730.63 $ 1 817.12 $ 1,908.00 $2,003.40 34 $2,103.57 $2,156.16 35 $1 664.69 $ 1 747.92 $ 1 835.33 $ 1,927.06 $ 2,023.44 35 $2,124.61 $2,177.73 36 $1 681.31 $ 1 765.40 $ 1 853.64 $ 1,946.34 $ 2,043.66 36 $2,145.85 $2,199.49 37 $1 698.15 $ 1 783.04 $ 1 872.19 $ 1,965.81 $2,064.09 37 $2,167.30 $2,221.47 38 $1 715.09 $ 1 800.86 $ 1 890.89 $ 1,985.48. $ 2,084.74 38 $2,188.98 $2,243.70 39 $1 732.24 $ 1 818.87 $ 1 909.83 $ 2,005.32 $2,105.59 39 $2,210.86 $2,266.13 40 $1 749.61 $ 1 837.09 $ 1 928.93 $ 2,025.35 $2,126.65 40 $2,232.99 $2,288.81 ATTACHMENT Al THE CITY OF CARLSBAD GENERAL EMPLOYEE BIWEEKLY SALARY SCHEDULE Approved 6/18/2013; Retroactive to 2/18/2013 STEP 6 STEP 7 RANGE STEP1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEPS RANGE (longevity 1) (longevity 2) 41 $1,767.12 $ 1,855.42 $ 1,948.23 $ 2,045.62 $2,147.90 41 $2,255.30 $2,311.68 42 $1,784.75 $ 1,874.02 $ 1,967.70 $ 2,066.09 $2,169.37 42 $2,277.83 $2,334.78 43 $1,802.61 $ 1,892.73 $ 1,987.36 $ 2,086.76 $2,191.08 43 $2,300.63 $2,358.14 44 $1,820.64 $ 1,911.67 $ 2,007.24 $2,107.63 $2,212.97 44 $2,323.62 $2,381.71 45 $1,838.85 $ 1,930.76 $ 2,027.33 $2,128.70 $2,235.13 45 $2,346.89 $2,405.55 46 $1,857.24 $ 1,950.10 $ 2,047.61 $2,149.96 $2,257.47 46 $2,370.35 $2,429.61 47 $1,875.81 $ 1,969.59 $ 2,068.09 $2,171.47 $2,280.05 47 $2,394.05 $2,453.90 48 $1,894.55 $ 1,989.30 $ 2,088.75 $2,193.18 $2,302.86 48 $2,418.01 $2,478.46 49 $1,913.52 $ 2,009.20 $2,109.65 $2,215.13 $2,325.86 49 $2,442.16 $2,503.22 50 $1,932.65 $ 2,029.29 $ 2,130.75 $ 2,237.26 $2,349.14 50 $2,466.60 $2,528.27 51 $1,951.96 $ 2,049.57 $ 2,152.05 $ 2,259.66 $2,372.62 51 $2,491.25 $2,553.53 52 $1,971.48 $ 2,070.05 $ 2,173.57 $ 2,282.24 $2,396.35 52 $2,516.17 $2,579.07 53 $1,991.20 $ 2,090.75 $2,195.32 $2,305.05 $2,420.31 53 $2,541.33 $2,604.86 54 $2,011.12 $ 2,111.69 $2,217.24 $2,328.12 $ 2,444.52 54 $2,566.75 $2,630.92 55 $2,031.21 $ 2,132.78 $ 2,239.44 $2,351.40 $2,468.96 55 $2,592.41 $2,657.21 55Y N/A N/A N/A N/A $2,543.80 55Y $2,671.00 N/A 56 $2,051.53 $2,154.13 $2,261.80 $ 2,374.92 $2,493.66 56 $2,618.34 $2,683.80 57 $2,072.07 $2,175.66 $ 2,284.44 $ 2,398.66 $2,518.59 57 $2,644.51 $2,710.63 58 $2,092.76 $ 2,197.41 $ 2,307.27 $ 2,422.64 $2,543.80 58 $2,671.00 $2,737.77 59 $2,113.71 $2,219.38 $ 2,330.35 $ 2,446.89 $ 2,569.22 59 $2,697.68 $2,765.13 60 $2,134.83 $ 2,241.58 $ 2,353.66 $2,471.36 $2,594.91 60 $2,724.66 $2,792.77 61 $2,156.19 $ 2,263.99 $ 2,377.20 $ 2,496.06 $ 2,620.86 61 $2,751.90 $2,820.70 62 $2,177.75 $ 2,286.63 $2,401.00 $2,521.03 $ 2,647.07 62 $2,779.42 $2,848.91 63 $2,199.51 $ 2,309.49 $ 2,424.99 $ 2,546.22 $ 2,673.54 63 $2,807.21 $2,877.40 64 $2,221.53 $ 2,332.59 $ 2,449.23 $2,571.69 $2,700.26 64 $2,835.27 $2,906.16 65 $2,243.74 $ 2,355.91 $ 2,473.71 $ 2,597.40 $2,727.26 65 $2,863.63 $2,935.22 66 $2,266.15 $ 2,379.48 $ 2,498.46 $ 2,623.38 $ 2,754.54 66 $2,892.27 $2,964.58 67 $2,288.84 $ 2,403.28 $ 2,523.44 $ 2,649.61 $2,782.08 67 $2,921.18 $2,994.21 68 $2,311.69 $ 2,427.31 $ 2,548.67 $ 2,676.07 $2,809.90 68 $2,950.39 $3,024.15 69 $2,334.85 $ 2,451.58 $ 2,574.15 $ 2,702.88 $2,838.02 69 $2,979.92 $3,054.42 70 $2,358.19 $ 2,476.09 $ 2,599.91 $ 2,729.93 $2,866.39 70 $3,009.71 $3,084.95 71 $2,381.76 $ 2,500.84 $ 2,625.90 $2,757.21 $2,895.05 71 $3,039.81 $3,115.80 72 $2,405.59 $ 2,525.86 $ 2,652.17 $ 2,784.78 $2,924.02 72 $3,070.21 $3,146.97 73 $2,429.65 $ 2,551.11 $ 2,678.70 $2,812.59 $2,953.26 73 $3,100.92 $3,178.45 74 $2,453.91 $ 2,576.62 $ 2,705.47 $ 2,840.76 $2,982.79 74 $3,131.93 $3,210.23 75 $2,478.49 $ 2,602.41 $ 2,732.53 $2,869.14 $3,012.60 75 $3,163.22 $3,242.31 76 $2,503.24 $ 2,628.42 $ 2,759.83 $ 2,897.82 $ 3,042.74 76 $3,194.88 $3,274.76 77 $2,528.29 $ 2,654.72 $ 2,787.44 $ 2,926.84 $3,073.18 77 $3,226.84 $3,307.51 78 $2,553.56 $ 2,681.27 $ 2,815.34 $ 2,956.09 $3,103.91 78 $3,259.11 $3,340.58 79 $2,579.12 $ 2,708.10 $ 2,843.45 $ 2,985.64 $3,134.93 79 $3,291.67 $3,373.97 ATTACHMENT A\ THE CITY OF CARLSBAD GENERAL EMPLOYEE BIWEEKLY SALARY SCHEDULE Approved 6/18/2013; Retroactive to 2/18/2013 STEP 6 STEP 7 RANGE STEP1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEPS RANGE (longevity 1) (longevity 2) 80 $2,604.91 $ 2,735.15 $2,871.94 $3,015.53 $3,166.28 80 $3,324.59 $3,407.70 81 $2,630.95 $ 2,762.52 $ 2,900.66 $ 3,045.68 $3,197.96 81 $3,357.86 $3,441.81 82 $2,657.28 $ 2,790.14 $ 2,929.61 $ 3,076.13 $3,229.93 82 $3,391.42 $3,476.21 83 $2,683.85 $ 2,818.04 $ 2,958.96 $3,106.89 $ 3,262.22 83 $3,425.33 $3,510.96 84 $2,710.66 $ 2,846.21 $ 2,988.55 $3,137.95 $ 3,294.84 84 $3,459.57 $3,546.06 85 $2,737.77 $ 2,874.68 $ 3,018.40 $3,169.33 $ 3,327.82 85 $3,494.20 $3,581.56 86 $2,765.16 $ 2,903.43 $ 3,048.60 $3,201.02 $3,361.05 86 $3,529.11 $3,617.34 87 $2,792.80 $ 2,932.45 $ 3,079.11 $ 3,233.05 $3,394.68 87 $3,564.42 $3,653.53 88 $2,820.74 $2,961.78 $ 3,109.85 $ 3,265.35 $ 3,428.65 88 $3,600.09 $3,690.09 89 $2,848.95 $2,991.38 $ 3,140.96 $ 3,297.99 $ 3,462.93 89 $3,636.08 $3,726.97 90 $2,877.44 $ 3,021.29 $ 3,172.35 $3,331.01 $ 3,497.54 90 $3,672.41 $3,764.23 91 $2,906.23 $ 3,051.54 $ 3,204.10 $ 3,364.31 $ 3,532.50 91 $3,709.12 $3,801.85 92 $2,935.25 $ 3,082.02 $ 3,236.14 $ 3,397.96 $ 3,567.85 92 $3,746.24 $3,839.90 93 $2,964.64 $ 3,112.86 $ 3,268.52 $3,431.94 $ 3,603.53 93 $3,783.71 $3,878.30 94 $2,994.27 $ 3,143.98 $ 3,301.19 $ 3,466.23 $ 3,639.57 94 $3,821.55 $3,917.09 95 $3,024.19 $ 3,175.42 $ 3,334.21 $ 3,500.91 $3,675.97 95 $3,859.77 $3,956.26 96 $3,054.43 $ 3,207.20 $ 3,367.55 $ 3,535.92 $3,712.71 96 $3,898.34 $3,995.80 97 $3,084.99 $ 3,239.25 $ 3,401.21 $3,571.28 $ 3,749.83 97 $3,937.32 $4,035.76 98 $3,115.85 $ 3,271.65 $ 3,435.21 $ 3,606.99 $ 3,787.34 98 $3,976.71 $4,076.12 99 $3,147.01 $ 3,304.37 $ 3,469.58 $ 3,643.06 $ 3,825.22 99 $4,016.49 $4,116.90 100 $3,178.47 $ 3,337.43 $ 3,504.26 $ 3,679.50 $ 3,863.46 100 $4,056.63 $4,158.05 101 $3,210.25 $ 3,370.78 $ 3,539.33 $3,716.29 $3,902.10 101 $4,097.21 $4,199.64 102 $3,242.37 $ 3,404.49 $ 3,574.74 $ 3,753.44 $3,941.13 102 $4,138.19 $4,241.64 103 $3,274.79 $ 3,438.53 $ 3,610.46 $ 3,790.99 $ 3,980.52 103 $4,179.54 $4,284.04 104 $3,307.56 $ 3,472.91 $ 3,646.56 $ 3,828.89 $4,020.35 104 $4,221.36 $4,326.90 105 $3,340.62 $ 3,507.67 $ 3,683.04 $ 3,867.17 $4,060.53 105 $4,263.55 $4,370.14 106 $3,374.03 $ 3,542.74 $ 3,719.86 $ 3,905.85 $4,101.15 106 $4,306.21 $4,413.87 107 $3,407.78 $ 3,578.14 $ 3,757.09 $ 3,944.93 $4,142.18 107 $4,349.29 $4,458.03 108 $3,441.84 $ 3,613.94 $ 3,794.64 $ 3,984.35 $4,183.57 108 $4,392.75 $4,502.57 109 $3,476.25 $ 3,650.07 $ 3,832.57 $4,024.21 $4,225.42 109 $4,436.69 $4,547.61 110 $3,511.02 $ 3,686.57 $ 3,870.90 $ 4,064.44 $4,267.65 110 $4,481.04 $4,593.06 111 $3,546.11 $ 3,723.43 $ 3,909.61 $4,105.09 $4,310.33 111 $4,525.85 $4,639.00 112 $3,581.58 $ 3,760.67 $ 3,948.70 $4,146.14 $4,353.43 112 $4,571.10 $4,685.38 113 $3,617.39 $ 3,798.27 $ 3,988.18 $4,187.62 $4,396.97 113 $4,616.82 $4,732.24 ATTACHMENT A2 THE CITY OF CARLSBAD GENERAL EMPLOYEE BIWEEKLY SALARY SCHEDULE Effective 1/1/2014 RANGE MINIMUM MID-POINT MAXIMUM 1 $ 1,186.87 $ 1,369.76 $1,552.64 2 $ 1,198.73 $ 1,383.46 $1,568.18 3 $ 1,210.73 $ 1,397.30 $1,583.87 4 $ 1,222.83 $ 1,411.27 $1,599.70 5 $ 1,235.07 $ 1,425.39 $1,615.70 6 $ 1,247.40 $ 1,439.65 $1,631.89 7 $ 1,259.89 $ 1,454.04 $1,648.19 8 $ 1,272.49 $ 1,468.58 $1,664.67 9 $ 1,285.22 $ 1,483.26 $1,681.30 10 $ 1,298.09 $ 1,498.10 $1,698.10 11 $ 1,311.04 $ 1,513.06 $1,715.07 12 $ 1,324.15 $ 1,528.20 $1,732.24 13 $ 1,337.40 $ 1,543.49 $1,749.57 14 $ 1,350.78 $ 1,558.91 $1,767.04 15 $ 1,364.28 $ 1,574.51 $1,784.73 16 $ 1,377.91 $ 1,590.24 $1,802.57 17 $ 1,391.73 $ 1,606.18 $1,820.63 18 $ 1,405.63 $ 1,622.22 $1,838.81 19 $ 1,419.67 $ 1,638.45 $1,857.22 20 $ 1,433.89 $ 1,654.84 $1,875.78 21 $ 1,448.22 $ 1,671.38 $1,894.53 22 $ 1,462.67 $ 1,688.08 $1,913.48 23 $ 1,477.32 $ 1,704.97 $1,932.62 24 $ 1,492.10 $ 1,722.02 $1,951.94 25 $ 1,507.01 $ 1,739.24 $1,971.46 26 $ 1,522.08 $ 1,756.63 $1,991.18 27 $ 1,537.30 $ 1,774.19 $2,011.08 28 $ 1,552.68 $ 1,791.96 $2,031.23 29 $ 1,568.20 $ 1,809.84 $2,051.48 30 $ 1,583.86 $ 1,827.95 $2,072.03 31 $ 1,599.73 $ 1,846.24 $2,092.74 32 $ 1,615.72 $ 1,864.69 $2,113.65 33 $ 1,631.87 $ 1,883.34 $2,134.81 34 $ 1,648.21 $ 1,902.19 $2,156.16 35 $ 1,664.69 $ 1,921.21 $2,177.73 36 $ 1,681.31 $ 1,940.40 $2,199.49 37 $ 1,698.15 $ 1,959.81 $2,221.47 38 $ 1,715.09 $ 1,979.40 $2,243.70 39 $ 1,732.24 $ 1,999.19 $2,266.13 40 $ 1,749.61 $ 2,019.21 $2,288.81 ATTACHMENT A2 THE CITY OF CARLSBAD GENERAL EMPLOYEE BIWEEKLY SALARY SCHEDULE Effective 1/1/2014 RANGE MINIMUM MID-POINT MAXIMUM 41 $ 1,767.12 $ 2,039.40 $2,311.68 42 $ 1,784.75 $ 2,059.77 $2,334.78 43 $ 1,802.61 $ 2,080.38 $2,358.14 44 $ 1,820.64 $ 2,101.18 $2,381.71 45 $ 1,838.85 $ 2,122.20 $2,405.55 46 $ 1,857.24 $ 2,143.43 $2,429.61 47 $ 1,875.81 $ 2,164.86 $2,453.90 48 $ 1,894.55 $ 2,186.51 $2,478.46 49 $ 1,913.52 $ 2,208.37 $2,503.22 50 $ 1,932.65 $ 2,230.46 $2,528.27 51 $ 1,951.96 $ 2,252.75 $2,553.53 52 $ 1,971.48 $ 2,275.28 $2,579.07 53 $ 1,991.20 $ 2,298.03 $2,604.86 54 $ 2,011.12 $ 2,321.02 $2,630.92 55 $ 2,031.21 $ 2,344.21 $2,657.21 55Y $ 2,543.80 N/A $2,671.00 56 $ 2,051.53 $ 2,367.67 $2,683.80 57 $ 2,072.07 $ 2,391.35 $2,710.63 58 $ 2,092.76 $ 2,415.27 $2,737.77 59 $ 2,113.71 $ 2,439.42 $2,765.13 60 $ 2,134.83 $ 2,463.80 $2,792.77 61 $ 2,156.19 $ 2,488.45 $2,820.70 62 $ 2,177.75 $ 2,513.33 $2,848.91 63 $ 2,199.51 $ 2,538.46 $2,877.40 64 $ 2,221.53 $ 2,563.85 $2,906.16 65 $ 2,243.74 $ 2,589.48 $2,935.22 66 $ 2,266.15 $ 2,615.37 $2,964.58 67 $ 2,288.84 $ 2,641.53 $2,994.21 68 $ 2,311.69 $ 2,667.92 $3,024.15 69 $ 2,334.85 $ 2,694.64 $3,054.42 70 $ 2,358.19 $ 2,721.57 $3,084.95 71 $ 2,381.76 $ 2,748.78 $3,115.80 72 $ 2,405.59 $ 2,776.28 $3,146.97 73 $ 2,429.65 $ 2,804.05 $3,178.45 74 $ 2,453.91 $ 2,832.07 $3,210.23 75 $ 2,478.49 $ 2,860.40 $3,242.31 76 $ 2,503.24 $ 2,889.00 $3,274.76 77 $ 2,528.29 $ 2,917.90 $3,307.51 78 $ 2,553.56 $ 2,947.07 $3,340.58 79 $ 2,579.12 $ 2,976.55 $3,373.97 80 $ 2,604.91 $ 3,006.31 $3,407.70 ATTACHMENT A2 THE CITY OF CARLSBAD GENERAL EMPLOYEE BIWEEKLY SALARY SCHEDULE Effective 1/1/2014 RANGE MINIMUM MID-POINT MAXIMUM 81 $ 2,630.95 $ 3,036.38 $3,441.81 82 $ 2,657.28 $ 3,066.75 $3,476.21 83 $ 2,683.85 $ 3,097.41 $3,510.96 84 $ 2,710.66 $ 3,128.36 $3,546.06 85 $ 2,737.77 $ 3,159.67 $3,581.56 86 $ 2,765.16 $ 3,191.25 $3,617.34 87 $ 2,792.80 $ 3,223.17 $3,653.53 88 $ 2,820.74 $ 3,255.42 $3,690.09 89 $ 2,848.95 $ 3,287.96 $3,726.97 90 $ 2,877.44 $ 3,320.84 $3,764.23 91 $ 2,906.23 $ 3,354.04 $3,801.85 92 $ 2,935.25 $ 3,387.58 $3,839.90 93 $ 2,964.64 $ 3,421.47 $3,878.30 94 $ 2,994.27 $ 3,455.68 $3,917.09 95 $ 3,024.19 $ 3,490.23 $3,956.26 96 $ 3,054.43 $ 3,525.12 $3,995.80 97 $ 3,084.99 $ 3,560.38 $4,035.76 98 $ 3,115.85 $ 3,595.99 $4,076.12 99 $ 3,147.01 $ 3,631.96 $4,116.90 100 $ 3,178.47 $ 3,668.26 $4,158.05 101 $ 3,210.25 $ 3,704.95 $4,199.64 102 $ 3,242.37 $ 3,742.01 $4,241.64 103 $ 3,274.79 $ 3,779.42 $4,284.04 104 $ 3,307.56 $ 3,817.23 $4,326.90 105 $ 3,340.62 $ 3,855.38 $4,370.14 106 $ 3,374.03 $ 3,893.95 $4,413.87 107 $ 3,407.78 $ 3,932.91 $4,458.03 108 $ 3,441.84 $ 3,972.21 $4,502.57 109 $ 3,476.25 $ 4,011.93 $4,547.61 110 $ 3,511.02 $ 4,052.04 $4,593.06 111 $ 3,546.11 $ 4,092.56 $4,639.00 112 $ 3,581.58 $ 4,133.48 $4,685.38 113 $ 3,617.39 $ 4,174.82 $4,732.24 ATTACHMENT B BENEFITS RETAINED BY CMWD EMPLOYEES A. Health Insurance The City will provide employees and dependents with a choice of ACWA-Blue Cross Pmdent Buyer, ACWA-Califomia Care, or ACWA-Kaiser health insurance. The City will provide any of the ACWA policies at no cost to the employee. During the month of July 1992, the City shall hold an open enrollment for the City's health, dental, and vision insurance programs. If an employee elects to enroll in the City's health, dental and/or vision insurance program(s), he/she is not eligible to retum to the current plan(s) as set forth above and below, and thereafter may only participate in City sponsored plan(s). B. Health Insurance for Retirees The City will pay, after retirement of an employee, premiums for existing medical coverage provided the employee has met the following requirements: 1. Voluntarily retired after the age of 50 with no less than five years of sen^ice, and whose age combined with years of service equals 70 or more; or 2. Retired by having reached the mandatory retirement age established under the State of Califomia Public Employees' Refirement System with no less than five years of service. Medical coverage for the Retiree will be coordinated with Medicare and other benefits provided by federal and state law, and will thereby be reduced when the Retiree qualifies for those benefits. Medical coverage for the spouse and dependents of a Refiree will be coordinated with Medicare and other benefits provided by federal and state law, and will thereby be reduced when the spouse qualifies for those benefits. Upon death ofthe Refiree, health insurance coverage for the spouse and dependents will be confinued, provided the spouse keeps the City informed of his/her name, address and marital status. In the event such spouse remarries, his or her eligibility for such coverage ceases immediately and shall be terminated. As used herein, "spouse" shall mean the spouse of the employee at the fime of the employee's retirement. If the Retiree divorces, neither his/her new spouse nor his/her former spouse will be eligible for coverage and it shall cease immediately and be terminated. The former spouse would only be eligible for continued health care coverage at his or her expense as required under federal law. C. Dental Insurance The City shall provide employees and dependents with a dental plan (Delta Care, Group No. 2692 or Delta Dental, Group No. 399-0139), including orthodontia coverage for dependent children only, at no cost to the employee. D. Eye Care Plan The City will provide employees and dependents with an eye care plan (VSP, Plan C, Group No. 228049 A-R). The plan will provide a reasonable amount of coverage at no cost to the employee. E. Life Insurance The City will provide the employee a group term life insurance policy (American Bankers Life Assurance Company of Florida, Plan No. 0670), which will provide protection of 1 x annual pay, up to a maximum of $50,000 at no cost to the employee. The City also provides Term Life Insurance and AD&D of $9,000. F. Deferred Compensation The City has established a Deferred Compensation Plan which employees may voluntarily participate in. The City shall match employee contributions up to a maximum of 7.5% of an employee's bi-weekly eamings. G. Overtime Overtime shall be defined as work performed before or after the regularly scheduled work day or work week. Work in addition to the regularly scheduled work day shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half of an employee's pay. In addition, all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double time. H. Standby Two employees shall be on standby at all times. Each such employee shall remain on standby for a one week period and shall receive $30 per day for each day on standby assignment. The employee shall be compensated in the normal manner for any work performed. Standby shall not be regarded as call back work. I. Vacation Vacation accmal can be used in 15 minute increments. Accruals will be calculated daily. 1. Eamings Rates I '1 a After complefion of 20 years of continuous service, an employee will be granted vacation at the rate of 33 minutes per day. 2. Carryover of Unused Vacation Hours Vacation time accumulation as of January 1 each year may be permitted as follows: Employees with 20 or more years of service - 400 hours Effective January 1 of each year, vacation time in excess of the above-mentioned hours will be eliminated. J. Sick Leave Buvback 1. An employee has the option of selling back to the City 100% of any accumulated sick leave in excess of 250 hours. 2. The City, at its discretion, may purchase any accumulated sick leave from an employee. K. Sick Leave at Termination 1. Retirement Upon retirement in accordance with either the voluntary service or compulsory service retirement provisions of CalPERS, an employee will receive 50% of all accumulated sick leave up to 250 hours. Any accumulated sick leave in excess of 250 hours shall be reimbursable at 100%. 2. Death Upon an employee's death, while still employed, all compensation due an employee will be paid to his/her designated beneficiary. Compensation for all accumulated vacation time, 50% of all sick leave up to 250 hours, and 100% of sick leave in excess of 250 hours shall also be made. 3. Discharge The Department Head shall notify any such employees of discharge in writing. All such discharged employees shall be entitled to any normal compensation due, and shall receive all accumulated vacation time due. If employed at least one year, an employee will receive 50% of all accumulated sick leave up to 250 hours and 100% of any sick leave in excess of 250 hours. 4. Lay Off Layoffs may be required due to lack of work, a decrease in or loss of fimds, or changing position requirements. Should layoffs be required, they will be implemented by considering an employee's proficiency, productivity, length of employment, attendance, and reliability. Such employees shall receive two weeks written notice of layoff. When layoff is anticipated to exceed 14 days duration, the following shall apply: An employee will be paid all accumulated vacation pay due. If employed at least one year, an employee will receive 50%) of all accumulated sick leave in excess of 250 hours to be reimbursable at 100%. 5. Resignation Employment may be terminated at will by an employee. If an employee wishes to resign, the City desires a two (2) week notice in yvriting. All accumulated vacation pay and sick leave compensation will be paid upon resignation. If employed at least one year, an employee will receive 50% of all accumulated sick leave up to 250 hours. Any accumulated sick leave in excess of 250 hours shall be reimbursable at 100%. L. Long-Term Disability Long-term disability benefits shall be provided at 66-2/3% of pay, with a minimum monthly benefit of $50 and maximum benefit of $2,500. M. Longevity Pay Each classified regular employee will be eligible for longevity allowance as follows: After five (5) years of service in the same classification at Step 5, an employee will be entitled to an allowance of 5% in addition to any other regular pay, i.e. C.O.L.A., that an employee is entitled to. An employee will then be placed at the Step 6. After an additional five (5) years, an employee will be entitled to a 2- 1/2% increase in addition to any other regular pay that an employee is entitled to and is then classified as assigned to Step 7. A $1,500 net award will be given every five (5) years thereafter to an employee after he/she reaches L2. Upon implementation of the pay for performance system on January 1, 2014, no employees shall receive step increases or longevity increases. The new salary range maximums on January 1, 2014 will include the longevity maximums (as shoym in Attachment C2). N. Special Merit for Education The City will continue a special merit award system to mutually benefit employees and the City by stimulating and rewarding employees for educational accomplishments. This program recognizes accomplishments in terms of operator certification according to the following: Grade Amount One $ 150 Two $ 300 Three $ 500 Four $1,000 The decision to grant this lump-sum award shall be made by an employee's supervisor, with approval by the Department Head. This is a one-time award granted after obtaining the above certificate(s). O. Non-Eligibility An employee shall not be eligible for the following benefits provided by the City: 1. Compensatory time off accmal as set forth in Article 15, Section 4 ofthe MOU with CCEA. An employee shall be eligible to accme no more than 40 hours of such compensatory time. 2. State disability insurance as provided by the State of Califomia, Article 35 ofthe MOU with CCEA. Attachment C CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Salary Schedule and Job Classification Approved 6/18/13; Retroactive to 2/18/13 CLASSIFICATION RANGE Accountant 55 Constmction & Maintenance Worker II 35 Scada Technician 46 Senior Systems Operator 46 System Operator II 41 Water Conservation Specialist 35 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT BIWEEKLY SALARY SCHEDULE Approved June 18, 2013; Retroactive to February 18, 2013 Attachment C1 STEP 6 STEP 7 RANGE STEP1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEPS RANGE (longevity 1) (longevity 2) 35 $1,798.51 $1,879.15 $1,966.55 $2,052.56 $2,149.33 35 $2,256.80 $2,313.23 36 $1,838.84 $1,919.51 $2,006.87 $2,103.64 $2,196.39 36 $2,306.21 $2,363.87 37 $1,879.15 $1,966.55 $2,052.56 $2,149.33 $2,248.82 37 $2,361.26 $2,420.29 38 $1,919.51 $2,006.87 $2,103.64 $2,196.39 $2,297.20 38 $2,412.05 $2,472.36 39 $1,966.55 $2,052.56 $2,149.33 $2,248.82 $2,349.97 39 $2,467.47 $2,529.15 40 $2,006.87 $2,103.64 $2,196.39 $2,297.20 $2,410.12 40 $2,530.63 $2,593.89 41 $2,052.56 $2,149.33 $2,248.82 $2,349.97 $2,446.39 41 $2,568.72 $2,632.94 42 $2,103.64 $2,196.39 $2,297.20 $2,410.12 $2,493.45 42 $2,618.13 $2,683.58 43 $2,149.33 $2,248.82 $2,349.97 $2,446.39 $2,548.56 43 $2,675.99 $2,742.89 44 $2,196.39 $2,297.20 $2,410.12 $2,493.45 $2,595.61 44 $2,725.39 $2,793.52 45 $2,248.82 $2,349.97 $2,446.39 $2,548.56 $2,650.72 45 $2,783.26 $2,852.83 46 $2,297.20 $2,410.12 $2,493.45 $2,595.61 $2,701.82 46 $2,836.92 $2,907.84 47 $2,349.97 $2,446.39 $2,548.56 $2,650.72 $2,755.55 47 $2,893.32 $2,965.66 48 $2,410.12 $2,493.45 $2,595.61 $2,701.82 $2,809.34 48 $2,949.81 $3,023.55 49 $2,446.39 $2,548.56 $2,650.72 $2,755.55 $2,867.15 49 $3,010.50 $3,085.77 50 $2,493.45 $2,595.61 $2,701.82 $2,809.34 $2,924.93 50 $3,071.18 $3,147.96 51 $2,548.56 $2,650.72 $2,755.55 $2,867.15 $2,984.09 51 $3,133.29 $3,211.62 52 $2,595.61 $2,701.82 $2,809.34 $2,924.93 $3,044.59 52 $3,196.82 $3,276.74 53 $2,650.72 $2,755.55 $2,867.15 $2,984.09 $3,103.71 53 $3,258.90 $3,340.37 54 $2,701.82 $2,809.34 $2,924.93 $3,044.59 $3,172.27 54 $3,330.88 $3,414.15 55 $2,75555 $2,867.15 $2,984.09 $3,103.71 $3,227.36 55 $3,388.73 $3,473.45 56 $2,809.34 $2,924.93 $3,044.59 $3,172.27 $3,295.91 56 $3,460.71 $3,547.23 57 $2,867.15 $2,984.09 $3,103.71 $3,227.36 $3,361.80 57 $3,529.88 $3,618.13 58 $2,924.93 $3,044.59 $3,172.27 $3,295.91 $3,427.68 58 $3,599.06 $3,689.04 59 $2,984.09 $3,103.71 $3,227.36 $3,361.80 $3,493.54 59 $3,668.22 $3,759.92 60 $3,044.59 $3,172.27 $3,295.91 $3,427.68 $3,563.40 60 $3,741.57 $3,835.10 61 $3,103.71 $3,227.36 $3,361.80 $3,493.54 $3,637.37 61 $3,819.24 $3,914.72 62 $3,172.27 $3,295.91 $3,427.68 $3,563.40 $3,707.26 62 $3,892.62 $3,989.93 63 $3,227.36 $3,361.80 $3,493.54 $3,637.37 $3,782.52 63 $3,971.65 $4,070.94 64 $3,295.91 $3,427.68 $3,563.40 $3,707.26 $3,857.81 64 $4,050.70 $4,151.97 Attachment C2 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT BIWEEKLY SALARY SCHEDULE Effective 1/1/2014 RANGE MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM 35 $1,798.51 $2,055.87 $2,313.23 36 $1,838.84 $2,101.36 $2,363.87 37 $1,879.15 $2,149.72 $2,420.29 38 $1,919.51 $2,195.94 $2,472.36 39 $1,966.55 $2,247.85 $2,529.15 40 $2,006.87 $2,300.38 $2,593.89 41 $2,052.56 $2,342.75 $2,632.94 42 $2,103.64 $2,393.61 $2,683.58 43 $2,149.33 $2,446.11 $2,742.89 44 $2,196.39 $2,494.96 $2,793.52 45 $2,248.82 $2,550.83 $2,852.83 46 $2,297.20 $2,602.52 $2,907.84 47 $2,349.97 $2,657.82 $2,965.66 48 $2,410.12 $2,716.84 $3,023.55 49 $2,446.39 $2,766.08 $3,085.77 50 $2,493.45 $2,820.71 $3,147.96 51 $2,548.56 $2,880.09 $3,211.62 52 $2,595.61 $2,936.18 $3,276.74 53 $2,650.72 $2,995.55 $3,340.37 54 $2,701.82 $3,057.99 $3,414.15 55 $2,755.55 $3,114.50 $3,473.45 56 $2,809.34 $3,178.29 $3,547.23 57 $2,867.15 $3,242.64 $3,618.13 58 $2,924.93 $3,306.99 $3,689.04 59 $2,984.09 $3,372.01 $3,759.92 60 $3,044.59 $3,439.85 $3,835.10 61 $3,103.71 $3,509.22 $3,914.72 62 $3,172.27 $3,581.10 $3,989.93 63 $3,227.36 $3,649.15 $4,070.94 64 $3,295.91 $3,723.94 $4,151.97 ATTACHMENT D COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS SUMMARY - CCEA REPRESENTED EMPLOYEES WORKING A REDUCED FTE SCHEDULE For CCEA-represented employees working a reduced FTE schedule (ex. 0.75 FTE or job sharing 0.5 FTE) pro-rated benefits are calculated based on 75% and 50% ofthe ftill benefits and will be applied respectively. The standard 0.75 FTE work schedule is 30 hours per week. The standard 0.5 job sharing FTE work schedule is 20 hours per week. If one part of a job-share position becomes vacant, the remaining incumbent must convert to full-time until another job-share partner is found. COMPENSATION: Employees on a reduced FTE schedule will be compensated at an hourly rate based on the current salary schedule. Salary will be calculated based on the number of actual hours worked and salary eamed. Overtime Employees will be paid overtime after working in excess of 40 hours a week. Extra shifts worked beyond the regular work assignment, up to 40 hours in a week are paid at straight time in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The regular work week should not exceed 30 hours per week for 75% time positions or 20 hours per week for 50% time positions. If there are occasional extra hours worked, the time should be reported appropriately to payroll as extra hours. Extra hours should not be a continual or regular practice and may result in jeopardizing the reduced FTE schedule. Bilingual Pay Employees working a reduced FTE schedule who are eligible for Bilingual Pay will receive an amount that is prorated by the appropriate reduced FTE percentage. BENEFITS: Health Insurance Deductions Employees working a reduced FTE schedule are eligible to participate in the same health insurance programs as full-time employees. Employees working a reduced FTE schedule may select one ofthe City's medical plans and will be enrolled as an employee with full benefit coverage. Because reduced FTE employees work fewer hours per pay period, they will be eligible for a prorated percentage of the benefits credits for which ftill time employees are eligible. (Refer to benefit rate sheets.) Leave Accruals • SICK LEAVE: Accmed at appropriate prorated percentage of the full-time accmal rate. VACATION: Accmed at appropriate prorated percentage of the full-time accmal rate. HOLIDAY PAY: 6.0 hours per Holiday paid for 0.75 FTE employees. 4.0 hours per Holiday paid for 0.5 FTE employees. City posted Holiday Schedule applies. If a Holiday falls on a day the employee is NOT normally scheduled to work, the employee will agree with his/her supervisor when to take a regularly scheduled work shift in that same pay period as a Holiday. FLOATESfG HOLIDAY: 6.0 hours per Holiday paid for 0.75 FTE employees. 4.0 hours per Holiday paid for 0.5 FTE employees. An employee whose scheduled shift duration exceeds the hours of Holiday pay could get approval from their supervisor to work extra hours in the pay period in which a Holiday falls to make up for the reduced number of hours paid for the Holiday. An employee may also choose to take hours without pay that period for hours lost due to reduced Holiday pay. It is NOT required to use leave balances to make up for the fewer hours paid on a Holiday. However, on a non- Holiday, if an employee leaves early or takes time off accmed leave balances must be exhausted prior to taking leave without pay. PERS Service Credit Future retirement benefit and employee contributions (made by the City) are adjusted for lesser eamings. A full time employee receives one year of service credit for every ten or more months of full time employment during the fiscal year. A 75% time employee is credited with .90 of a year (.75 x .100 year credit x 12 months) for one year of 75% time employment. A 50% employee is credited with .60 of a year (.5 x .100 year credit x 12 months) for one year of 50% employment. Long Term Disability The City pays the premium based on actual eamings. State Disability Insurance The City pays the premium based on actual eamings. Any future potential benefit may be reduced, as SDI looks at quarterly wages reported for a 12 month period beginning roughly 18 months before the date of disability. Life Insurance and Supplemental Life Insurance The benefit is based on regular base salary. Employee Computer Purchase Program Employees on a 0.5 FTE schedule are not eligible to establish a computer purchase loan. Employee Education Program Employees on a 0.5 FTE schedule are not eligible for tuition reimbursement. I understand and agree to the reduced FTE terms outlined above and agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this document. I understand that I will be in a Reduced FTE time status I 10.75 I I 0.5 from^ to_ . Employee (Print Name) Employee Signature Date ATTACHMENT E MAERKLE RESERVOIR, DAM, TREATMENT FACILITY AND SITE STEWARD REQUIREMENTS, RESPONSIBILITIES AND AGREEMENT TO TERMS OF ASSIGNMENT Per the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad City Employees' Association (CCEA), I, am accepting the assignment of the Maerkle Facilities Steward and acknowledging the following requirements, responsibilities and terms of the assignment: 1. Employee Status The employee assigned as the Maerkle Facilities Steward shall be a full-time permanent employee of the City. 2. Priority of Assignments In the event of a vacancy in the Maerkle Facilities Steward assignment, the assignment shall be offered to qualified current CCEA employees in the Water Operations Division of the Utilities Department based on their seniority in the Water Operations Division. In order to be considered qualified for the assignment, the employee must have a minimum of one year of service in the City's Water Operations Division. In addition, the employee must not be on a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP), and must be fully competent in facility operations, recordkeeping, emergency response procedures and be in compliance with the following regulations govemed by these respective agencies: a. Cal-OSHA's Califomia Code of Regulations, Titie 8, section 5189, Process Safety Management (PSM) of Highly Hazardous Materials. b. Federal EPA's Code of Federal Regulations, Titie 40, Part 68, Accidental Release Prevention Requirements: Risk Management Programs (RMP) Clean Air Act Section 112(r), Program 3 requirements. c. Califomia Office of Emergency Services, Califomia Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 2, Chapter 4.5, Califomia Accidental Release Prevention (CalARP) Program. d. County of San Diego, Department of Environmental Health, Hazardous Materials Division, Hazardous Materials Business Plan. e. Califomia Health and Safety Code, Section 25531 through 25534. f. State of Califomia, Department of Water Resources, Division of Safety of Dams. g. Must possess a current CDPH issued Distribution Operator Grade D-3 and Treatment Operator Grade T-l per CDPH "shift operator" requirements. The employee must remain qualified throughout the assignment. Under no circumstances will the duties of the Maerkle Facilities Steward be assigned to an employee that does not comply with the regulations as outlined above. 3. Responsibilities The Steward shall be responsible for performing the following duties: A. Safety a. Maintain on site compliance with PSM/RMP program and Hazardous Materials Business Plan b. Immediately report any observed non-compliance issues with the PSM/RMP Program or Hazardous Materials Business Plan c. Ensure the residence, property and facilities are kept in a safe condition B. Emergency Response - Notification - Documentation a. Respond to emergency situations to include the chlorination facilities per PSM/RMP requirements b. Provide timely and proper notification c. Provide timely and proper documentation d. Assist duty operator with onsite problems C. Operations and Maintenance a. Make occasional chlorine adjustments, flow changes and system changes as needed b. Perform general maintenance on the residence, yard and fencing c. Perform general maintenance on the property, perimeter fencing and weeds D. Inspections a. Perform routine visual inspections of the entire site at least weekly b. Perform visual inspections of the entire site after any disaster event including minor earthquakes c. Document and report any issues or concems to the Water Operations supervisor E. Security a. Be onsite on a regular basis during nonworking hours for a minimum of four weeknights per week and a minimum of three weekends per month (except for extended periods due to supervisor approved leaves, at which time the department will be responsible for ensuring coverage for Steward's responsibilities) b. Monitor access of residents through property during significant flood events c. Immediately report any security breaches or issues to the proper authority, including police, where appropriate 4. Rent and Utilities The City shall charge a nominal rent for the residence. Said rent shall be established from time to time by the City and communicated to the Steward in writing with sixty (60) calendar days advance notice of any changes. The City shall fiimish the water supply and electricity for the residence and the Steward shall be responsible for the balance of the utilities. Upon change of Steward, the outgoing Steward shall have the propane tank filled and the carpets professionally cleaned, and provide verification of such to the Water Operations supervisor. The outgoing Steward will have the option of being billed for these services by the City. If the outgoing Steward selects this option, the Steward will provide a thirty (30) calendar days' notice and the City will have the propane tank filled and the carpets professionally cleaned. Term The City maintains the right to change the assignment of the Maerkle Facility Steward responsibility based solely upon the City's discretion and the City shall not be required to show cause. Moreover, the Steward shall have no due process rights related to a change from the assignment as a change shall not be considered disciplinary. It is the intent of this provision to create an at-will tenancy that can be revoked at any time upon at least sixty (60) calendar days' notice to the Steward. There shall be an annual review of the Steward's performance with Water Operations supervisor. The Steward shall, when possible, give the City at leastsixty (60) calendar days written notice if he/she desires to be relieved of this assignment. 6. Sole Place of Residence The crew member assigned as the Steward shall maintain the residence as his/her sole place of residence. 7. Others Living at Residence Only the Steward and a reasonable number of persons who constitute a bona fide single household unit shall be allowed to reside at the house. 8. Vehicles The Maerkle Facilities Steward shall drive a City vehicle. No more than three private vehicles shall be kept at the residence unless pre-approved by the Water Operations supervisor. 9. Firearms The Steward shall not carry any firearms in the performance of his/her duties or in City vehicles and shall not discharge any firearms on City property. Any firearms that are personal property of the Steward shall be allowed to be stored at the residence provided they are securely stored. The Steward will notify the Water Operations Supervisor in advance of bringing any firearms on the premises and shall show proof of secured storage. 10. Parties The Steward shall notify his/her the Water Operations Supervisor, in yvriting, at least seven (7) calendar days in advance of any party at the residence involving fifteen (15) or more people. 11. Pets The Steward shall be allowed to have pets and any outdoor pets shall remain within the fenced portion of the property provided for this purpose. The Steward shall be responsible for any damages caused by pets. The Steward may not keep pets knoyvn to be vicious. The rent at the Maerkle residence is currently set at $75.00 per pay period. Automatic payroll deductions will begin for this amount starting with the beginning of the pay period on I have read the preceding Maerkle Reservoir, Dam, Treatment Facility and Site Steward Requirements, Responsibility and Agreement to Term of Assignment and understand it. By signing below, I am agreeing to these terms in their entirety. Employee Signature Date CITY OF CARLSBAD CLASS SPECIFICATION JOB TITLE; JOB SERIES FOR LIBRARY PROFESSIONALS DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY & CULTURAL ARTS BASIC FUNCTION/DISTINGUISHING CHARAaERISTICS: This job structure includes employees who perform and qualify for professional library work independently or under direction of a Deputy Library Director or designee to plan, organize and administer library services in one or more service areas. Library professionals are individual contributors, leads or supervisors and use their underlying knowledge, skills and abilities in collection development, technical services, children's services, reference services, and other service areas. The job level of a Library Professional (as described by the attached KSA matrix) is determined by two factors. The first is "business need" to have a job performed at a certain level, as defined by the specific responsibilities designed into the role, and how the organization is structured. The second is that the job incumbent must possess the knowledge, skills and abilities to function at the assigned professional level, as demonstrated by their work and contributions. Typically, a Library Professional must possess and demonstrate at least 80% of the KSA's at a given level to be assigned to that level and a business need must exist. The following are examples ofthe types of job duties that may be found in Library Professional roles: KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Not all responsibilities apply. Managers should identify and clarify specifics for those that do apply. r Professional Librarian Series, p. 2 Section 1: Typical Roles and Responsibilities Assists patrons in the use of the Library and ensures top quality user experiences. Plans, manages and administers professional library services. Recommends and locates library materials appropriate to library users' needs. Provides instructions in the use of various print, electronic, and online resources. Promotes libraries, library services and library programs. Manages programming; schedules, plans and publicizes programs and events. Participates in the development of online resources and their delivery. Maintains an active role in the community, including schools, community groups, civic and other governmental agencies to promote library and city services. Prepares grant requests and implements grants related to program and collection development. Monitors grant expenditures and prepares reports. Catalogues and classifies library materials. Maintains the integrity of Library records. Manages the budgeting for a program, functional or specialized area or division. Develops and manages library collections for all sites. Develops and delivers classes and instruction on technology and computers. Professional Librarian Series, p. 3 Section 1: Typical Roles and Responsibilities Prepares reports based on the collection and analysis of relevant data for library activity. Participates and contributes to Library projects. Leads and participates on committees and teams. Responds to challenging situations and emergencies. Recruits, selects, schedules and trains full time professional librarians, para- professional librarians, hourly employees and volunteers. May approve timecards. Supervises the work of staff engaged in providing various library services. May provide input into disciplinary matters. Schedules, attends and/or presents training and education seminars, workshops and classes, for Library-and City-related skills. May represent the service area or the library at meetings of library, city, community and professional associations. Pursues continued professional and Library-wide development. Performs other duties as assigned. SPECIFIC ASSIGNMENTS Librarians may be assigned to particular areas of specialization including but not limited to: technology coordination, computer lab management, managing periodicals, database management, cataloguing, collection management, teen services. QUALIFICATIONS: Knowledge, Skills and Abilities are located in the attached KSA matrix. Professional Librarian Series, p. 4 Section 1: Typical Roles and Responsibilities EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION: Knowledge, Skills and Abilities are located in the attached KSA matrix. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Knowledge, Skills and Abilities are located in the attached KSA matrix. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS FOR ALL POSITIONS IN THE JOB SERIES: The conditions below ore representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions ofthe job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential Job functions. • Must be able to provide interpretation to others on how to apply policies, procedures, and standards to specific situations. Needs to be able to use a variety of information such as: reports, computer software operating manuals, procedures, guidelines, and routine correspondence. • Must be able to communicate orally and in writing, clearly and concisely and in a non-technical manner with City personnel, consultants, vendors, and patrons. • Ability to read, analyze, and interpret general business periodicals, professional journals, technical procedures, or governmental regulations. Must be able to write reports, business correspondence, and procedure manuals and effectively present information and respond to questions. • Ability to apply mathematics including the ability to calculate percentages, fractions, decimals, and to interpret basic, descriptive statistical reports. Must be able to use functional reasoning and apply rational judgment when performing diversified work activities. Physical Requirements: The conditions below are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of the job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential job functions. Professional Librarian Series, p. 5 Section 1: Typical Roles and Responsibilities Needs to be able to operate equipment with some requiring rapid adjustments such as a computer keyboard and terminal, printers, photocopier, calculator. Must be able to coordinate eyes, hands, feet and limbs in performing skilled movements such as rapid keyboard use. Functions may require sitting for prolonged periods of time; the ability to exert light physical effort involving lifting, carrying, pushing and pulling of up to 25 pounds. Needs to be able to perform frequent downward or upward flexion or turning of the neck, fine finger dexterity and grasp to manipulate the keyboard, telephone, writing instruments, papers, books, manuals, and reports. Job entails standing, bending, stooping, climbing, reaching at and above shoulders and twisting at the waist. On an infrequent basis, the incumbent must be able to squat or kneel. Overtime and attending meetings outside regular work hours may be required. Work environment is professional and both team and autonomy oriented. This position is impacted by time deadlines due to Library or division requirements. There is a need for paying attention to detail and to be able to shift attention before tasks are completed to be able to balance user demands, telephone and other interruptions. Must be able to drive and maintain a California Class C Driver's license or ability to arrange transportation for fieldwork or visits to other City facilities. DATE APPROVED: 6/2013 Section 2 Knowledge. Skills and Abilities Reauired bv Technical Level City of Carlsbad Professional Library Series KSA Matrix Page 1 Job Level Title: Librarian Job Level Title: Lead Librarian Job Level Title: Senior Librarian Complexity and Scope -Entry level through experienced library professional. -Requires full use and application of standard library principles, theories, concepts and techniques used, and a solid understanding of the Library's relevant policies and procedures. -Independently connpletes routine and non- routine tasks in an accurate and timely manner. -May initiate and conduct innovative research, as it is relevant to the Library's objectives. Complexity and Scope -Fully qualified library professional assigned to a specific functional program and an increased span of control. -Requires full use and application of standard library principles, theories, concepts and techniques used, and a solid understanding of the Library's relevant policies and procedures and the specialized functional program area and/or system-wide program area ofthe library. -Independently completes complex librarian projects and tasks. Work is thorough, accurate, timely, and on-budget. -May initiate and conduct innovative research, as it is relevant to the Library's objectives. Complexity and Scope -An experienced library professional, recognized within the department as a subject matter expert in their assigned division. Usually supervises a staff of other library professionals in a major library division. -Uses advanced principles, theories and concepts to develop advanced solutions to complex or library system problems. Thorough understanding ofthe Library's relevant policies and procedures and specialized knowledge of assigned division. -Supervises or independently plans, conducts and completes complex library division projects or programs. Work is thorough, accurate, timely and on-budget. -May initiate and conduct innovative research, as it is relevant to the Library's objectives. Section 2 Knowledge. Skills and Abilities Required bv Technical Level City of Carlsbad Professional Library Series KSA Matrix Page 2 Job Level Title: Librarian Job Title: Lead Librarian Job Title: Senior Librarian Problem Solving, Innovation & Creativity -Proactively identifies and solves a wide variety of problems of moderate complexity and scope, using a rational approach or established practice. -Independently recognizes and solves technical problems or issues in areas of expertise, applying sound business or technical judgment. -Demonstrates willingness and ability to be flexible, creative and innovative. Participates in implementing non-traditional solutions that create value. Recognizes and recommends new solutions or opportunities. Problem Solving, Innovation & Creativity -Proactively identifies and provides solutions to a wide range of difficult and complex problems in a through and innovative, yet practical manner. Exercises initiative in the improvement and development of functional program area and/or system-wide program area. -Responsible for key technical decisions in area of expertise. Applies sound business and technical judgment to problems. Identifies possible project or program ideas that impact existing services and the direction of library division. Provides and implements creative solutions that create value and meet organizational needs. -Demonstrates a strong capability in the area of creativity and innovation. Thinks ''outside the box" and originates change. Problem Solving, Innovation & Creativity -Proactively identifies and solves a wide range of difficult and complex problems in a thorough and innovative, yet practical manner. Supervises and assists with difficult decisions relating to methods or policy problems. -Directly contributes to the development of innovations which extend the existing boundaries of practice or knowledge in relevant fields. Identifies and provides ideas to explore new technical opportunities through projects, programs or services. Proactively works with upper management to set and implement technical strategy in area of expertise. -Demonstrates an advanced capability in the area of creativity and innovation. Explores new technical directions. Originates change and creates value through proactively presenting and implementing creative ideas and solutions. Section 2 Knowledge. Skills and Abilities Required bv Technical Level City of Carlsbad Professional Library Series KSA Matrix Page 3 Job Level Title: Librarian Job Title: Lead Librarian Job Title: Senior Librarian Discretion and Impact: -Exercises judgment within standard, defined procedures and practices to determine appropriate action. -Such areas of discretion and impact include but are not limited to purchases, budget allocation, evaluation of hourly employee's or volunteer's performance, implementing emergency procedures and dealing with challenging patrons or issues. -Incorrect decisions or recommendations or failure to get results may cause delays in schedules and result in the allocation of more resources or the misallocation of existing resources. Discretion and Impact: -Independently exercises judgment within generally defined practices and policies, selecting methods and techniques for obtaining solutions. -Such areas of discretion and impact include but are not limited to functional program and/or system-wide program purchases and/or budget allocation, evaluation of full time, hourly employee's or volunteer's performance, implementing emergency procedures and dealing with challenging patrons or issues. -Incorrect decisions or recommendations, or failure to achieve objectives would normally have a serious effect upon the organization's results and citizen/patron relationships and experiences. Discretion and Impact: -Independently exercises judgment within generally defined practices and policies as well as areas that require expert interpretation. -Selects and may design new methods and techniques for obtaining solutions with required approval for implementation. -Such areas of discretion and impact include but are not limited to overall responsibility for division purchases, budget allocation, evaluation of full time, hourly employee's or volunteer's performance, implementing emergency procedures and dealing with challenging patrons or issues. -Incorrect decisions or recommendations, or failure to achieve objectives would normally have a serious effect upon the organization's results and citizen/patron relationships and experiences. -May serve on external agencies, boards, or professional committees and impact standards, regulations or policies. Section 2 Knowledge. Skills and Abilities Required bv Technical Level City of Carlsbad Professional Library Series KSA Matrix Page 4 Job Level Title: Librarian Job Title: Lead Librarian Job Title: Senior Librarian Contact and Communication: -Communicates outside division. Frequent inter-organizational contact and interaction with external organizations. Serves on cross- functional teams and committees. When appropriate may serve as lead or chair of team or committee. -Effective communicator, presenter and trainer, with both written and oral presentations. Developing solid presentation, demonstration, and technical writing skills. -May train other librarians or para- professionals in the use of tools, systems, and policies. -Strong interpersonal and communication skills. Communicates with other departments to accomplish objectives. Contact and Communication: -Frequent direct contact with citizens/patrons, developers, contractor/suppliers, external agencies to understand issues and plan and implement solutions. Frequent cross- functional contact and coordination. -Skilled and effective communicator, with both written and oral presentations. Highly developed technical writing skills. -May train other librarians or para- professionals in the use of tools, systems, and policies. -Strong interpersonal and communication skills. Communicates with other departments to accomplish objectives. -Supervisor and effective team leader and coach. Actively contributes to creating an environment which sustains motivation and the introduction/sharing of new ideas. -May present to the Library Board or Friends of the Library and/or City Council. May represent the organization within the community and at professional meetings. Contact and Communication: - Frequent direct contact with citizens/patrons, contractor/suppliers, external agencies to understand issues and plan and implement solutions. Lead contact on strategic teams and on critical customer, consultant/contractor or partner issues. Works cross-functionally to develop strong and strategic contacts and partnerships. -Skilled, effective, and compelling communicator, presenter and/or trainer with both written and oral presentations. Excellent presentation, demonstration, facilitation and technical writing skills. Communicates to a broad audience. -May train other librarians or para- professionals in the use of tools, systems, and policies. -Highly developed interpersonal and communication skills. Supervisor and effective team leader and coach. Actively contributes to creating an environment which sustains motivation and the introduction/sharing of new ideas. -Presents to Library Board, Friends ofthe Library and/or City Council. Represents the organization within the community and at professional meetings. Section 2 Knowledge. Skills and Abilities Required bv Technical Level City of Carlsbad Professional Library Series KSA Matrix Page 5 Job Level Title: Librarian Job Title: Lead Librarian Job Title: Senior Librarian Supervision Given or Received: -Works under general supervision, with a minimum of supervision of a Lead Librarian or Senior Librarian. -Performs independent professional work with patrons and other assigned duties. Receives instructions on specific assignment objectives, complex features and possible approaches. -May supervise, lead or schedule the work of para-professional, hourly employees and/or volunteers. -Recruits, selects and trains para- professional, hourly employees and volunteers. - Work progress is reviewed upon completion of milestones for soundness of judgment and overall adequacy and effectiveness. -Leads functional problem solving teams and chairs committees. Supervision Given or Received: -Works under very general direction. This position typically reports to a Senior Librarian or in certain assignments a Deputy Library Director. -Receives assignments in the form of overall objectives and proposes goals and approaches to meet objectives. Independently determines approach to most problems or projects. -May supervise, schedule, evaluate and/or direct and coach the work of professional librarians, para-professional or clerical staff and/or volunteers. -Recruits, selects and trains professional librarians and others. -Work is reviewed upon completion for adequacy in meeting objectives. -Leads functional problem solving teams and chairs committees. uses Supervision Given or Received: -This is the highest level in the Professional Library Series. Positions at this level serve as the supervisor and head of major library divisions. This position typically reports to a Deputy Librarian. -Works under broad, general direction, independent judgment. Exercises considerable latitude in determining strategy and approach to assignments and projects. Supervises schedules and, evaluates and/or directs and coaches the work of professional librarians, para-professional, clerical staff and/or volunteers. -Recruits, selects and trains professional librarians and others and provides input for disciplinary matters. -Trains and supervises assigned library personnel, assigns work priorities. -Completed work is reviewed for desired results from relatively long-term objectives. Assignments are often self-initiated. -Demonstrates leadership, coaching and mentoring skills. Section 2 Knowledge. Skills and Abilities Required bv Technical Level City of Carlsbad Professional Library Series KSA Matrix Page 6 Computer Skills -Microsoft Office Suite, integrated library systems, research databases, public computer authentication and print systems, digital scanners, microfilm/fiche machines, eBook readers and portable devices and others specific to job duties. Computer Skills . -Microsoft Office Suite, integrated library systems, research databases, public computer authentication and print systems, digital scanners, microfilm/fiche machines, eBook readers and portable devices and others specific to job duties. Computer Skills -Microsoft Office Suite, integrated library systems, research databases, public computer authentication and print systems, digital scanners, microfilm/fiche machines, eBook readers and portable devices and others specific to job duties. Section 2 Knowledge. Skills and Abilities Required bv Technical Level City of Carlsbad Professional Library Series KSA Matrix Page 7 Job Level Title: Librarian Job Level Title: Lead Librarian Job Level Title: Senior Librarian Technical, Organizational and Business Knowledge: Requires a thorough understanding of: -Principles, practices of professional library work. -Use of standard library tools and practices in processing library materials. -Current consumer technologies. -Automated library systems and databases. -Principles of supervision. -Methods for effective of community outreach and public relations. -The basics ofthe City's Vision and Strategy, and annual operating goals, and how their area and work supports the Vision/Strategy/Goals. -The organizational structure ofthe City and the roles and responsibilities of functions related to their position. Technical, Organizational, and Business Knowledge: Requires an advanced understanding of: -Principles, practices of professional library work. -Use of standard library tools and practices in processing library materials. -Current consumer technologies. -Automated library systems and databases. -Principles of supervision. -Methods for effective of community outreach and public relations. -The basics ofthe City's Vision and Strategy, and annual operating goals, and how their area and work supports the Vision/Strategy/Goals. -The organizational structure ofthe City and the roles and responsibilities of functions related to their position. Technical, Organizational, and Business Knowledge: Requires an expert understanding of: -Principles, practices of professional library work. -Use of standard library tools and practices in processing library materials. -Current consumer technologies. -Automated library systems and databases. -Principles of supervision. -Methods for effective of community outreach and public relations. -The basics ofthe City's Vision and Strategy, and annual operating goals, and how their area and work supports the Vision/Strategy/Goals. -The organizational structure ofthe City and the roles and responsibilities of functions related to their position. Section 2 Knowledge. Skills and Abilities Required bv Technical Level City of Carlsbad Professional Library Series KSA Matrix Page 8 Technical, Organizational and Business Knowledge: Demonstrate a thorough ability to: -Foster excellent customer service. -Use automated library systems, databases and Internet in performing technical library tasks. -Supervise, train and evaluate others involved in related activity. -Communicate clearly and concisely, orally and in writing. -Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with those contacted in the course of work. Technical, Organizational and Business Knowledge: Demonstrate an advanced ability to: -Mentor others in fostering excellent customer service. -Use automated library systems, databases and Internet in performing technical library tasks. -Supervise, train and evaluate others involved in related activity. -Communicate clearly and concisely, orally and in writing. -Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with those contacted in the course of work. Technical, Organizational and Business Knowledge: Demonstrate an expert ability to: -Mentor others in fostering excellent customer service and ensure accountability for service standards. -Use automated library systems, databases and Internet in performing technical library tasks. -Supervise, train and evaluate others involved in related activity. -Communicate clearly and concisely, orally and in writing. -Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with those contacted in the course of work. Section 2 Knowledge. Skills and Abilities Required bv Technical Level City of Carlsbad Professional Library Series KSA Matrix Page 9 Job Level Title: Librarian Job Level Title: Lead Librarian Job Level Title: Senior Librarian -An equivalent combination ofthe education and experience listed below: -A Masters of Library Science or a Masters of Library and Information Systems from an American Library Association Accredited library school. -Two years of library work experience is preferred to qualify for the Librarian level. May require specialized training in assigned division. An equivalent combination ofthe education and experience listed below: -A Masters of Library Science or a Masters of Library and Information Systems from an American Library Association Accredited library school. -Two years of professional library work experience is required to qualify for the Lead Librarian level, including a minimum of one year of prior library supervisory experience^ May require specialized training in assigned division. An equivalent combination ofthe education and experience listed below: -A Masters of Library Science or a Masters of Library and Information Systems from an American Library Association Accredited library school. -Three years of professional library work experience is required to qualify for the Senior Librarian level, including a minimum of two years of prior library supervisory experience. Exhibit 6 rate of pay for their position's classification unless the City Manager determines that qualified applicants are not available at the minimum rate of pay or that an applicant has special qualifications that justify a higher rate of pay. 4.3.2 A transfer will not affect an employee's rate of pay. 4.3.3 Employees reemployed after layoff will receive a rate of pay within the pay range established for the classification of the position in which they are reemployed. 4.4 After January 1. 2014. all advancements within a pav range for CCEA represented employees will be governed bv the Pav for Performance Guidelines as outlined in the CCEA MOU. All non-CCEA represented employees will be advanced in their pav ranges according to the following process: Advancement Within a Pav Range. Employees will be considered for pay adjustments within the pay ranges for their respective positions in accordance with the following schedule: (a) Step 2 - at the satisfactory completion of the probationary period in Step 1. (b) Step 3 - at the satisfactory completion of one year of service in Step 2. (c) Step 4 - at the satisfactory completion of one year of service in Step 3. (d) Step 5 - at the satisfactory completion of one year of service in Step 4. Advancements to Step 2 through 5 will be approved by the City Manager following approval by the Human Resources Director and the employee's manager. Any non-probationary employee may be advanced to the next higher step in the pay range regardless of the length of time served at the employee's present step. This advancement requires the written recommendation of the employee's manager and the approval of the employee's department head and the City Manager. Approved step increases will be effective on employee's anniversary date. 4.5 Promotion or Advancement in Rate of Pav. When an employee is promoted, the employee will be advanced to the lowest step in the higher range which will provide at least one step increase in pay, except that the employee cannot be advanced beyond the highest step in the higher pay range. 4.6 Out of Classification Compensation. Fire safety employees are authorized out of classification compensation of a minimum of five percent (5%) above a member's existing salary for each occasion the member is employed out of classification; such compensation to commence following the first four hours of employment out of classification. Assignment of employees to out of classification service will be at the sole discretion ofthe Fire Chief. Other classified employees out of classification compensation, if applicable, will be governed by the employee's MOU. 4.7 Deferred Compensation. The City will provide for a Deferred Compensation Plan in which the employees will have the option to participate. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any particular plan administrator or plan feature and to impose specific conditions upon participation in the plan. 6/18/11 Page 7 of24 Exhibit 7 PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS PURPOSE Page 2 1. PURPOSE AND DEFINITIONS Page 2 2. GENERAL PROVISIONS Page 4 3. CLASSIFICATION Page 5 4. PAY BENEFITS Page 6 5. APPLICATIONS AND APPLICANTS Page 8 6. EXAMINATIONS Page 8 7. EMPLOYMENT LISTS Page 9 8. METHOD OF FILLING VACANCIES Page 10 9. PROBATIONARY PERIOD Page 11 10. ATTENDANCE AND LEAVES Page 12 11. CHANGES IN EMPLOYMENT STATUS Page 18 12. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES Page 21 13. TRAINING AND EDUCATION BENEFITS Page 23 14. REPORTS AND RECORDS Page 24 15. RULES OF APPEAL TO HEARING OFFICER Page 24 6/18/11 Page 1 of24 Exhibit 7 PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS Purpose: The objectives of these rules are to facilitate the delivery of top quality service to the public and to provide for a fair and equitable merit system of personnel management. They implement the Personnel Ordinance by setting forth in detail those procedures that ensure comparable treatment for those who compete for employment and promotion. In addition, in the absence of an applicable provision in a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City and an exclusively recognized employee organization, these rules define the obligations, rights, privileges, benefits, and prohibitions placed upon all employees in the classified service. These rules are supplemented by City Council policies, City Manager Administrative Orders, and Department Directives. The City Manager, as the City's personnel officer, is responsible for administering and interpreting these rules and supplemental policies, orders, and directives in a manner consistent with applicable local, state, and federal law. I. PURPOSE AND DEFINITIONS 1.1 Definitions: The following terms when in these rules mean the following: 1.1.1 "Advancement" means a salary increase of one or more steps within the limits of the pay range established for a classification. 1.1.2 "Allocation" means the assignment of a position to a classification and pay range based on the duties, responsibilities, and discretion ofthe position. 1.1.3 "Appointing Authority" means the City Manager and other employees ofthe City who have designated power under the Carlsbad Municipal Code to appoint, discipline, and discharge employees. 1.1.4 "City Manager" means the City Manager or duly authorized representatives. To aid in administration, duly authorized representatives, such as the Human Resources Director, have been identified where appropriate throughout these rules. The identification of a duly authorized representative in these rules does not preclude the City Manager from authorizing different or additional representatives when the City Manager determines it is necessary to do so in order to accomplish the purposes of these rules. 1.1.5 "Classification" means all positions sufficiently similar in duties, authorities and responsibilities to permit grouping under a common title and the application of common standards of selection, transfer, promotion, and pay. 6/18/11 Page 2 of 24 Exhibit 7 1.1.6 "Classified Service" means all positions and employees except those excluded by Chapter 2.44, section 2.44.030, of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 1.1.7 "Demotion" means the movement of an employee from one classification to another classification having a lower maximum rate of pay. 1.1.8 "Department" means an office, department or institution of the City. 1.1.9 "Department Head" means the chief executive officer of a department. 1.1.10 "Eligible" means a person whose name is on an employment list. 1.1.11 "Employment List" means a list of names of persons who have taken an examination for a classification and have qualified for employment in that classification. 1.1.12 "Examination" means an examination for a particular classification. 1.1.13 "Hourly Employee" means an employee who does not hold a budgeted/authorized position and who works less than 1,000 hours in any one fiscal year. Hourly employees are not included in the classified service. 1.1.14 "Limited Term Employee" means a regular employee who has been retained in the classified service who has successfully completed probation and has been retained for a defined period of time. 1.1.15 "Limited Term Position" means a position authorized by the City Council and anticipated to last for a defined period of time. 1.1.16 "Merit Service" means all positions and employees except those excluded by Chapter 2.44, section 2.44.030, ofthe Carlsbad Municipal Code. 1.1.17 "Personnel Ordinance" means Chapter 2.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 1.1.18 "Probationary Period" means a working test period during which an employee is required to demonstrate fitness for the duties to which the employee is appointed by actual performance of the duties of the position in a manner acceptable to the appointing authority. 1.1.19 "Promotion" means the movement of an employee from one classification to another classification having a higher maximum rate of pay. 1.1.20 "Provisional Appointment" means the appointment of a person holding a regular position that possesses the minimum qualifications established for a particular classification and who has been temporarily appointed to a position in that classification in the absence of available eligibles. 6/18/11 Pages of24 Exhibit 7 1.1.21 "Reallocation" means movement of an existing classification and/or position from one pay range to another. Budgeted reallocations or reallocations with no fiscal impact may be authorized by the City Manager. All other reallocations must be authorized by the City Council. 1.1.22 "Reclassification" means a change in the allocation of a position by placing it in a higher existing classification, a lower existing classification, or a comparable existing classification based on substantial changes in the kind, difficulty, and/or scope of duties performed in the position. Budgeted reclassifications or reclassifications with no fiscal impact may be authorized by the City Manager. All other reclassifications must be authorized by the City Council. 1.1.23 "Reduced-Time Regular Employee" means a regular employee who works less than full-time. 1.1.24 "Reduction in Pay" means a salary decrease within the limits of the pay range established for a classification. 1.1.25 "Regular Employee" means an employee in the classified service who has successfully completed probation and has been retained as provided for in these rules. 1.1.26 "Regular Position" means a position authorized by the City Council and anticipated to last for an indefinite period of time. 1.1.27 "Reinstatement": means the reemployment without examination of a former regular or probationary employee. 1.1.28 "Rejection" means the separation of an employee from the service during the employee's probationary period. 1.1.29 "Suspension" means the temporary separation from the service of an employee without pay, for disciplinary purposes. 1.1.30 "Temporary Position" means a full-time or part-time position of limited duration that has been authorized by the City Council. Temporary positions are not included in the classified service. 1.1.31 "Transfer" means a change of an employee from one position to another position in the same classification or another classification having essentially the same maximum salary limits, involving the performance of similar duties and requiring substantially the same basic qualifications. 2. GENERAL PROVISIONS 2.1 Fair Employment. The City is committed to maintaining a respectful workplace and to providing equal employment opportunity to all applicants and employees regardless of race, sex, religious creed, color, national origin or ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition, marital status, veteran's status, age, or sexual orientation. For additional information, refer to Administrative Order No. 45. 6/18/11 Page 4 of 24 Exhibit 7 2.2 Political Activity. The political activities of City employees must conform to the pertinent provisions of state law. 2.3 Meet and Confer. The City Manager will negotiate those matters which are subject to the "meet and confer" process as specified in Government Code sections 3500 et seq. (also known as the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act or the MMBA). For additional information, refer to Chapter 2.48 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and the City's Employer-Employee Relations Rules and Regulations. 2.4 Violation of Rules. Violation of the provisions of these rules will be grounds for suspension, reduction in pay, demotion, rejection, and dismissal, or other disciplinary action. 2.5 Amendment and Revision of Rules. Recommendations for amendments and revisions of these rules may be made by the City Manager. The City Council will consider the proposed amendments and revisions at a duly noticed public meeting. Prior to the City Council's consideration ofthe proposed amendments and revisions, the City Manager will provide affected employee organizations with written notice of the proposed amendments and revisions and an opportunity to meet and confer (or, where applicable, meet and consult) as to those matters that are within the scope of representation as defined by the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act. Amendments and revisions will become effective upon their adoption by the City Council. 3. CLASSIFICATION 3.1 Preparation of Classification Plan. All regular positions in the classified service will be grouped into classifications and designated salary ranges by resolution ofthe City Council. Each classification will include those positions sufficiently similar in duties and responsibilities to require similar standards of education, experience, knowledge, skills, and abilities. The Human Resources Director will be responsible for preparing and maintaining classification specifications for all positions. The specifications will include, without limitation, a list of typical duties, and a statement ofthe minimum qualifications required for appointment. All classification specifications will describe duties which employees occupying positions in the classification may be required to perform and will also include a statement that employees are not precluded from being assigned other duties that are not listed on the classification specification. Classification specifications are illustrative rather than exhaustive. The listing of particular tasks does not preclude the assignment of other tasks of related kind or character, or requiring lesser skills. 3.2 Adoption of Classification Plan. Before the classification plan or any part of it will become effective, it must first be approved in whole or in part by resolution of the City Council at a public meeting. Prior to submission of the classification plan to the City Council for consideration, the City Manager will provide affected employee organizations with written notice of the plan components and an opportunity to meet and confer (or, where applicable, meet and consult) as to those matters that are within the scope of representation as defined by the MMBA. Upon adoption by the City Council, by resolution, the 6/18/11 Page 5 of24 Exhibit 7 provisions ofthe classification plan will be observed in the handling of applicable personnel actions and activities. 3.3 Administration and Maintenance of Classification Plan. The City Manager will be responsible for administration and maintenance of the classification plan. Periodically, the City Manager will review the classification plan to ensure that it accurately reflects the duties and responsibilities ofthe positions covered by it. The City Manager is authorized to make any amendments or revisions to the classification plan that are budgeted or will not result in a fiscal impact. All other amendments or revisions must be submitted to the City Council for approval in the same manner described in section 3.2 above. 3.4 New Classifications. When a new classification is created, no person may be appointed to fill a position in that classification until the classification plan has been amended to include it. After the classification has been included in the classification plan, positions in the classification will be filled in accordance with these rules. 3.5 Reclassification. Positions, the duties of which have changed materially so as to necessitate a reclassification, will be allocated to a more appropriate classification, whether new or existing. An employee in a position that is reclassified may be directly appointed to the reclassified position if the City Manager determines that the employee is currently satisfactorily performing a substantial amount ofthe duties and responsibilities ofthe reclassified position and meets the minimum qualifications for the position. Reclassification may not be used for the purpose of avoiding limitations surrounding demotions and promotions. 4. PAY AND BENEFITS 4.1 Preparation of Pav Plan. The Human Resources Director will prepare a pay plan covering all classifications in the classified service, showing the minimum and maximum rates of pay. In determining the pay ranges, the Human Resources Director will consider the prevailing rates of pay for comparable work in other public agencies and in private employment as well as the existing differences in the duties and responsibilities as set forth in the classification plan. No position may be assigned a rate of pay higher than the maximum or lower than the minimum rate of pay provided for that position's classification. 4.2 Adoption of Plan. The Human Resources Director will submit the proposed pay plan to the City Council for approval and adoption. After the pay plan has been approved and adopted, the Human Resources Director will periodically conduct further studies to determine if the pay ranges in the pay plan remain appropriate. If the studies indicate that an amendment to the pay plan is necessary, the Human Resources Director will submit the amended pay plan to the City Council for approval and adoption. The Council will adopt or amend and adopt the proposed plan. 4.3 Application of Rates. 4.3.1 Employees occupying a position in the classified service will be paid at a rate within the pay range established in the pay plan for that position's classification. Newly hired employees will be started at the minimum 6/18/11 Page 6 of24 Exhibit 7 rate of pay for their position's classification unless the City Manager determines that qualified applicants are not available at the minimum rate of pay or that an applicant has special qualifications that justify a higher rate of pay. 4.3.2 A transfer will not affect an employee's rate of pay. 4.3.3 Employees reemployed after layoff will receive a rate of pay within the pay range established for the classification of the position in which they are reemployed. 4.4 After January 1, 2014, all advancements within a pay range for CCEA represented employees will be governed by the Pay for Performance Guidelines as outlined in the CCEA MOU. All non-CCEA represented employees will be advanced in their pay ranges according to the following process: Advancement Within a Pav Range. Employees will be considered for pay adjustments within the pay ranges for their respective positions in accordance with the following schedule: (a) Step 2 - at the satisfactory completion of the probationary period in Step 1. (b) Step 3 - at the satisfactory completion of one year of service in Step 2. (c) Step 4 - at the satisfactory completion of one year of service in Step 3. (d) Step 5 - at the satisfactory completion of one year of service in Step 4. Advancements to Step 2 through 5 will be approved by the City Manager following approval by the Human Resources Director and the employee's manager. Any non-probationary employee may be advanced to the next higher step in the pay range regardless ofthe length of time served at the employee's present step. This advancement requires the written recommendation of the employee's manager and the approval of the employee's department head and the City Manager. Approved step increases will be effective on employee's anniversary date. 4.5 Promotion or Advancement in Rate of Pay. When an employee is promoted, the employee will be advanced to the lowest step in the higher range which will provide at least one step increase in pay, except that the employee cannot be advanced beyond the highest step in the higher pay range. 4.6 Out of Classification Compensation. Fire safety employees are authorized out of classification compensation of a minimum of five percent (5%) above a member's existing salary for each occasion the member is employed out of classification; such compensation to commence following the first four hours of employment out of classification. Assignment of employees to out of classification service will be at the sole discretion ofthe Fire Chief Other classified employees out of classification compensation, if applicable, will be governed by the employee's MOU. 4.7 Deferred Compensation. The City will provide for a Deferred Compensation Plan in which the employees will have the option to participate. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any particular plan administrator or plan feature and to impose specific conditions upon participation in the plan. 6.18/11 Page 7 OL" 24 Exhibit 7 Benefits under such plans will be determined through the meet and confer process and memorialized in the applicable Memoranda of Understanding. 4.8 Compensation Procedure All employees will submit a time sheet listing the total number of normal and approved overtime hours worked at the end of each pay period to their supervisor. The time sheet will indicate any absences and type or designation of absence. Absences, suspensions, etc., for which no payment has been authorized will be deducted from the normal biweekly salary on the basis of 26 pay periods per year. Similarly, salary for working periods of less than normal, as in the case of new employees, terminated employees, leaves of absence without pay, etc., will be computed on the basis ofthe biweekly or hourly rate less the number of working days of absence. 5. APPLICATIONS AND APPLICANTS 5.1 Announcements. All examinations for classifications in the classified service will be publicized by posting announcements on official bulletin boards and by any other methods the Human Resources Director deems advisable. The announcements will specify the title and pay of the classification for which the examination is announced; the nature of the work to be performed; the qualifications for the performance of the work of the classification; the manner of applying; and other pertinent information. 5.2 Application Forms. Applications must be made on forms provided by the Human Resources Department. The forms will require the applicants to provide information regarding their training and experience as well as other pertinent information. 5.3 DisQualification. The Human Resources Director will reject any application that contains false or misleading statements, that indicates the applicant does not possess the qualifications required for the position, or that indicates the applicant is not authorized to work in the United States. Applications may also be rejected for other reasons permitted by local, state, and/or federal law. 6. EXAMINATIONS 6.1 General Nature and Types of Examinations. The following three types of examinations may be used by the City to establish employment lists: 6.1.1 Open-Competitive Examination, which is an examination for a particular classification that is open to all persons meeting the prerequisites for the classification. 6.1.2 Continuous Examination, which is an open-competitive examination that is open continuously, allowing new individuals to be added to an applicable employment list on an ongoing basis. 6.1.3 Promotion Examination, which is an examination for a particular classification that is open only to current regular or probationary employees who meet the prerequisites for the classification. Examinations of ability to perform job related duties may include oral, written, performance, physical/mental fitness, and training/experience evaluations. In addition, evaluations of past work performance, work samples, 6/18/11 Page 8 of24 Exhibit 7 personal interviews, and background investigations may be used in the examination process. Examinations will be based on merit and designed to provide equal opportunity to all applicants by being based on an analysis of the essential job-related requirements for the classification and covering only factors relating to these requirements. 6.2 Conduct of Examination. Based on the needs of the service, the Human Resources Director will determine when and what type of examination will be conducted, whether open-competitive, continuous, or promotional. The Human Resources Director is also responsible for administering the examination process, including determining the method and manner of conducting examinations. 6.3 Scoring Examinations and Rating Applicants. A candidate's eligibility will be determined based on all elements of the examination process. Upon completion ofthe examination process, candidates will be rated as either "highly qualified," "qualified," "satisfactory," or "unsatisfactory." Candidates rated as "unsatisfactory" will not be placed on the employment list for the classification for which the examination was conducted. 6.4 Notification of Examination Results and Review of Papers. Applicants taking an examination, if successful, will be given written confirmation of their eligibility. Applicants will have the opportunity to inspect their own examination papers within five (5) business days after the notices of examination results are mailed. Any error in computation, if called to the attention ofthe Human Resources Director within this period and confirmed, will be corrected. The correction will not, however, invalidate any appointments previously made. 7. EMPLOYMENT LISTS 7.1 Employment Lists. As soon as possible after the completion of an examination, the Human Resources Director will prepare and keep available an employment list consisting of the names of applicants who qualified in the examination. The final examination result will be determined by the total of the scores received by each applicant during the examination process, based upon the relative value assigned to each part of the examination before the examination is given. There are two types of employment lists: 7.1.1 An open-competitive list, which is a list of names of persons who have taken an open-competitive or continuous examination for a classification and are eligible for employment in that classification because they received a rating of "highly qualified," "qualified," or "satisfactory" during the examination process. 7.1.2 A promotional employment list, which is a list of names of employees who have taken a promotional examination for a classification and are eligible for promotion or transfer to that classification because they received a rating of "highly qualified," "qualified," or "satisfactory" during the examination process. 7.2 Duration of Lists. 6/18/11 Page 9 of24 Exhibit 7 7.2.1 Promotional employment lists will remain in effect for one year, unless sooner exhausted. The Human Resources Director may extend the duration ofthe list for up to one (1) additional year. 7.2.2 Open-employment lists, except those for which the City conducts continuous examinations, will remain in effect for up to one (1) year, unless sooner exhausted. 7.2.3 In the case of open employment lists for classifications for which the City conducts continuous examinations, new names will be merged with existing names according to rating band and eligible candidates will remain on the list for not more than one (1) year. 7.3 Reemployment Lists. The names of probationary and regular employees who have been laid off will be placed on appropriate reemployment lists in the order of their seniority. The names will remain on the lists for one (1) year, unless they are reemployed before then. When a reemployment list is to be used to fill vacancies, the Human Resources Director will certify from the top of the list the number of names equal to the number of vacancies to be filled, and the appointing authority will appoint these persons to fill the vacancies. 7.4 Removal of Names From List. The name of any person appearing on an employment, reemployment, or promotional list will be removed by the Human Resources Director if the person requests removal, if the person fails to respond to a notice mailed to the person's last known address, or for any other reason permitted by these rules or by local, state, or federal law. In the latter instance, the person will be notified of the removal by a notice mailed to the person's last known address. The names of persons on promotional employment lists who resign from the classified service will automatically be dropped from these lists. 8. METHOD OF FILLING VACANCIES 8.1 Types of Appointment. All vacancies in the classified service will be filled by reemployment, transfer, demotion, or from eligibles certified by the Human Resources Director from an appropriate employment or promotional list. In the absence of persons eligible for appointment in these ways, provisional appointments may be permitted in accordance with the Personnel Ordinance and these rules. 8.2 Notice to Human Resources Director. Whenever a vacancy in the classified service is to be filled, the appointing authority will notify the Human Resources Director. The Human Resources Director will advise the appointing authority as to the availability of employees for reemployment, requested transfers, or demotion, and of eligibles on employment or promotional lists for the classification. 8.3 Certification of Eligibles. The appointing authority will indicate their desire to fill the vacancy by reemployment, transfer, or demotion, or from a promotional or employment list. If appointment is to be made from an employment or promotional list, the names of all persons eligible for appointment will be certified. 8.4 Order of Certification. Whenever certification is to be made, the employment lists, if each exists, will be used in the following order: reemployment 6/18/11 Page 10 of 24 Exhibit 7 list, promotional list, open-competitive list. Whenever there are fewer than three names on a promotional list or an open-competitive list, the appointing authority may make an appointment from among these eligibles or may request that the Human Resources Director hold a new examination and establish a new employment list. 8.5 Appointment. After interview and investigation, the appointing authority will make appointments from among those certified and will immediately notify the Human Resources Director ofthe person or persons appointed. The Human Resources Director will then notify the person appointed. If the person accepts the appointment and appears for duty within the time specified by the appointing authority, the person will be considered appointed; othen^/ise, the person will be considered to have declined the appointment. 8.6 Provisional Appointments. In the absence of appropriate employment lists, a provisional appointment of a person meeting the minimum training and experience qualifications for the position may be made by the appointing authority. An employment list will be established within six months for any regular position filled by provisional appointment. The City Manager may extend the period for any provisional appointment up to thirty days at a time, not to exceed an additional three months. No credit will be allowed in meeting any qualification or in the giving of any test or the establishment of any employment or promotional lists, for service rendered under a provisional appointment. 8.7 Emergency Appointments. To meet the immediate requirements of an emergency condition or natural disaster, such as extraordinary fire, flood, or earthquake, which threatens public life or property, the City Manager or a designee may employ such persons as may be needed for the duration ofthe emergency without regard to the Personnel Ordinance or rules affecting appointments. As soon as possible, the appointments must be reported to the Human Resources Director. Emergency appointments end when the emergency ends. Consequently, persons who are given emergency appointments are not in the classified service. 9. PROBATIONARY PERIOD 9.1 Regular Appointment Following Probationary Period. All original appointments in the classified service will be subject to a probationary period of not less than one year of actual service. All promotional appointments will be subject to a probationary period of not less than six months of actual service, excepting police and fire safety employees. Promotional probation for police and fire safety employees will be one year. For police officers, the probationary period commences on the date they are sworn in as officers. For all other employees, the probationary period commences on the first day of assignment to their position. An unpaid leave of absence during the probationary period lengthens the probationary period by the number of calendar days of the leave of absence. 9.2 Obiective of Probationary Period. The probationary period will be regarded as a part of the examination process and will be utilized for closely observing the employee's work performance, for securing the most effective 6/18/11 Page 11 of 24 Exhibit 7 adjustment of a new employee to the position, and for rejecting any probationary employee whose performance does not meet the required standards of work. 9.3 Retention of Probationary Employee. If the performance of the probationary employee has been satisfactory, the appointing authority will file a written authorization with the Human Resources Director to retain the employee and change the employee's status from probationary to regular. If an authorization is not filed, the employee's performance will be deemed satisfactory and the employee's status will change from probationary to regular on the employee's anniversary date. 9.4 Reiection of Probationary Employee. Any time during the probationary period, an employee may be rejected by the appointing authority without cause and without the right of appeal. Notification of rejection in writing will be given to the probationary employee and a copy filed with the Human Resources Director. 9.5 Reiection Following Promotion. Any employee rejected during the probationary period following a promotional appointment will be reinstated to the position from which the employee was promoted unless charges are filed and the employee is discharged for cause in the manner provided in the Personnel Ordinance and these rules for positions in the classified service. 10. ATTENDANCE AND LEAVES 10.1. Annual Vacation Leave. The purpose of vacation is to enable each eligible employee to take time off from work and return to work mentally refreshed. All probationary and regular City employees in the classified service will be entitled to take accrued vacation with pay except employees who have served less than six months in the service of the City. Vacation accrual rates for eligible employees will be determined through the meet and confer process and memorialized in the applicable Memoranda of Understanding. 10. 2. Determination of Vacation Benefits. Employees who work less than full time, but more than one thousand (1,000) hours a year, will be credited vacation on a prorated basis. For the purposes of computing vacation accrual, employment is considered to have commenced on the first day of assignment to a position. The times during a calendar year at which an employee may take vacation will be determined by the department head with due regard for the wishes of the employee and particular regard for the needs of the service. Regular employees who terminate employment will be paid for all vacation accrued prior to the effective date of termination not to exceed the maximum accrual amount as specified in the employee's MOU. Termination of employment terminates continuity of service for vacation benefits. 10.3 Compensatory Time Off. Any employee in the classified service may request compensatory time off for overtime worked at a rate of one and one half the overtime hours worked. Accrual and use of compensatory time off in lieu of overtime pay will be determined in accordance with the provisions of the applicable Memoranda of Understanding. 10.4 Sick Leave. Sick Leave will be governed by the provisions below unless otherwise determined through the meet and confer process and memorialized in the applicable Memoranda of Understanding. 6/18/11 Page 12 of 24 Exhibit 7 10.4.1 All probationary and regular employees in the classified service will accrue sick leave on a biweekly basis at the rate of eight (8) hours for each continuous calendar month of service. Reduced-time probationary and regular employees will accrue sick leave on a prorated basis. Accrued, unused sick leave may be carried over to succeeding years, but will not be paid out when an employee's employment with the City ends. 10.4.2 Employees may use sick leave: (1) to recuperate from or receive treatment for their own injuries or illnesses; (2) to care for an injured or ill family member; or (3) to attend the employee's own or a family member's medical, dental, or optometry appointment. For the purpose of these rules, the term "family member" includes a spouse, domestic partner, child, grandchild, member of immediate household, sibling, parent, or grandparent whether biological, foster, step, adopted, or in-law. It also includes any person who has served in place of a parent to the employee, or any person for whom the employee has served in place of a parent. The term "child" means a biological, foster, or adopted child, a stepchild, a legal ward, a child of a domestic partner, or a child of a person standing in loco parentis. The term "parent" means a biological, foster, or adoptive parent, a stepparent, or a legal guardian. 10.4.3 Any employee who is absent because of a personal injury or illness or the injury or illness of a family member must notify the employee's supervisor as early as practicable on the first day of the absence, or as soon thereafter as possible. An employee who needs to be absent to attend a medical, dental, or optometry appointment must have the absence approved in advance by the employee's supervisor. 10.4.4 When the period of absence is for three consecutive workdays or less, the City may accept the employee's justification as to the reason for absence. If an absence is for more than three consecutive workdays and/or if it is covered by workers' compensation, the pregnancy disability provisions of the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, the California Family Rights Act, or the federal Family and Medical Leave Act, the City may require the employee to provide medical certification supporting the need for the absence. 10.4.5 Time off to take a physical examination for induction into or recall to active duty with the Armed Forces will be handled in accordance with applicable state and federal law. 10.4.6 An employee making a blood donation without being paid a fee will be given a reasonable time off for that purpose. No charge will be made against the employee's sick leave or vacation when the absence is approved in advance by the employee's supervisor. 10.4.7 Holidays occurring during sick leave will not be counted as sick leave. Sick leave may not be used for vacation, nor compensated for in cash, except as provided in section 10.6 below. Notwithstanding anything in this section to the contrary, local safety employees are not entitled to sick leave for any job related illness, injury or other occurrence which entitles the employee to benefits under section 4850 of the Labor Code (hereinafter '4850 benefits'). The City Manager may authorize use 6/18/11 Page 13 of 24 Exhibit 7 of sick leave after 4850 benefits are exhausted for job related illness or injury if he/she determines that: (a) The injury is not permanent and stationary. (b) The use of sick leave will not extend the effective date of the employee's retirement. (c) The employee is disabled from the performance of his/her duties and there is a reasonable probability he/she may return to work within a reasonable amount of time. 10.5 Occupational Injuries or Illnesses. 10.5.1 A regular employee who is not covered by Section 4850 of the Labor Code and who is temporarily unable to work due to an occupational injury or illness will receive full pay for the number of calendar days as designated in the applicable Memoranda of Understanding. If the employee continues to be temporarily unable to work after the designated number of days, the employee will receive workers' compensation temporary disability payments as provided in the Labor Code. To the extent that these benefits are less than the employee's full regular pay, the employee must supplement them by using accrued sick leave, vacation, and/or compensatory time to reach the amount equal to the employee's full regular pay until the employee's leave balances reach zero, at which time the employee would commence an unpaid leave of absence. 10.5.2 A regular employee who is covered by Section 4850 of the Labor Code and who is temporarily unable to work due to an occupational injury or illness will receive full pay for up to one year as provided in that section ("4850 benefits"). The employee may not receive 4850 benefits concurrently with sick leave or any other form of paid time off. If the employee continues to be unable to work after the employee's 4850 benefits have been exhausted and the employee has not retired, the employee will receive workers' compensation temporary disability benefits as provided in the Labor Code. To the extent these benefits are less than the employee's full regular pay, the employee must supplement them by using accrued sick leave, vacation, and/or compensatory time to reach the amount equal to the employee's full regular pay until the employee's leave balances reach zero, at which time the employee would commence an unpaid leave of absence. 10.5.3 Nothing in this section precludes the City from taking appropriate action in the event of abuse of sick leave. 10.6 Sick Leave Conversion. 10.6.1 During the first pay period of each fiscal year, any regular employee may convert sick leave time to vacation as determined through the meet and confer process and memorialized in the applicable Memoranda of Understanding. 10.6.2 Any regular employee applying for retirement with the Public Employees' Retirement System may convert accrued and unused sick leave to service time at the rate specified in California Government Code section 20965. 6/18/11 Page 14 of 24 Exhibit 7 10.7 Military Leave of Absence. Unless as otherwise provided for in local, state or federal law, military leave of absence will be governed by the provisions set forth below. 10.7.1 An employee who is a member of the reserve corps of the Armed Forces of the United States or ofthe National Guard or the Naval Militia and who is ordered to military duty for active military training, inactive duty training, encampment, naval cruises, special exercises, or similar activities will be granted a temporary military leave of absence for the period of ordered duty, including the time going to and returning from that duty as provided for by state and federal law. 10.7.2 An employee who has been in the service of City for at least one year prior to the commencement of a leave of absence for inactive duty training will receive full pay for the first fifteen (15) calendar days of the leave. 10.7.3 An employee who has been in the service of City for at least one year prior to the commencement of a leave of absence for other than inactive duty training will receive full pay for the first thirty (30) calendar days of the leave. 10.7.4 Notwithstanding sections 10.7.2 and 10.7.3 above, an employee will not be paid for more than thirty (30) days of military leave in any one (1) fiscal year. 10.7.5 For purposes of this section, in determining whether an employee has been in the service of the City for at least one year, all service by an employee in the Armed Forces of the United States or of the National Guard or the Naval Militia that occurs during employment with the City will be counted as City service. 10.8 Jury Duty. An employee who is called for jury duty will be granted a leave of absence during the period of jury service. The City will continue to pay employees their regular rates of pay during the leaves. 10.9 Leaves of Absence for Iniuries or Illnesses. Upon written request, the City Manager may grant a regular employee a leave of absence. If approved, a copy ofthe request and the approval will be filed with the Human Resources Department. 10.9.1 Occupational Iniuries or Illnesses. A regular employee who is covered by Section 4850 of the Labor Code and who is temporarily unable to work due to an occupational injury or illness will receive full pay for up to one year as provided in that section ("4850 benefits"). The employee may not receive 4850 benefits concurrently with sick leave or any other form of paid time off. If the employee continues to be unable to work after the employee's 4850 benefits have been exhausted and the employee has not retired, the employee will receive workers' compensation temporary disability benefits as provided in the Labor Code. To the extent these benefits are less than the employee's full regular pay, the employee must supplement them by using accrued sick leave, vacation, and/or compensatory time to reach the amount equal to the employee's full regular pay until the employee's leave 6/18/11 Page 15 of 24 Exhibit 7 balances reach zero, at which time the employee would commence an unpaid leave of absence. A regular employee who is not covered by Section 4850 of the Labor Code and who is temporarily unable to work due to an occupational injury or illness will receive full pay for the number of calendar days as designated in the applicable Memoranda of Understanding. If the employee continues to be temporarily unable to work after the designated number of_days, the employee will receive workers' compensation temporary disability payments as provided in the Labor Code. To the extent that these benefits are less than the employee's full regular pay, the employee must supplement them by using accrued sick leave, vacation, and/or compensatory time to reach the amount equal to the employee's full regular pay until the employee's leave balances reach zero, at which time the employee would commence an unpaid leave of absence. 10.9.2 Non-Occupational Iniuries or Illnesses. A regular employee who is temporarily unable to work due to a non-occupational illness or injury will receive those disability benefit payments for which the employee is eligible and applies. To the extent that these benefits are less than the employee's full regular pay, the employee must supplement them by using accrued sick leave, vacation, and/or compensatory time to reach the amount equal to the employee's full regular pay until the employee's leave balances reach zero, at which time the employee would commence an unpaid leave of absence. Leaves of absence for pregnancy-related disabilities will be handled in the same manner as leaves of absence for non- occupational injuries or illnesses, subject to the pregnancy disability provisions of the California Fair Employment and Housing Act. 10.9.3 Bereavement Leave. In the event of the death of an employee's family member. Bereavement Leave for eligible employees will be determined through the meet and confer process and memorialized in the applicable Memoranda of Understanding. An employee who is absent because of the death of a family member must notify the employee's supervisor as soon as possible on the first day of the absence. For the purpose of this section, the term "family member" includes a spouse, domestic partner, child, grandchild, member of immediate household, sibling, parent, or grandparent whether biological, foster, step, adopted, or in-law. It also includes any person who has served in place of a parent to the employee, or any person for whom the employee has served in place of a parent. The term "child" means a biological, foster, or adopted child, a stepchild, a legal ward, a child of a domestic partner, or a child of a person standing in loco parentis. The term "parent" means a biological, foster, or adoptive parent, a stepparent, or a legal guardian. 10.9.4 Unpaid Leave of Absence. Prior to commencing an unpaid leave of absence, the employee must exhaust all accrued vacation and compensatory time and, if applicable, all accrued sick leave. Once the employee has been on an unpaid leave of absence for two full pay periods, the employee will cease 6/18/11 Page 16 of 24 Exhibit 7 accruing sick leave and vacation. In addition, the employee's vacation anniversary date and salary anniversary date will be extended for each calendar day the unpaid leave of absence extends beyond the first two full pay periods unless otherwise prohibited by law. Accruals of sick leave and vacation will resume on the first day of the first full pay period after the employee has returned to work. To the extent permitted by law, upon notice to the employee by the City, a leave of absence under this article will run concurrently with any leave of absence an employee is entitled to receive under the California Family Rights Act or the federal Family and Medical Leave Act. Failure of an employee to promptly return to work at the conclusion of an unpaid leave of absence, or within a reasonable time after notice to return to duty, will be cause for discharge. 10.10 Hours of Operation. The City will determine the hours of operation and appropriate staffing levels necessary to achieve its mission, vision, values, goals and objectives. The hours of operations and staffing levels may vary by facility, major service area, and/or department. 10.11 Other Employment. No City employee is permitted to have outside employment that is inconsistent or incompatible with City employment. An employee who desires to have outside employment must first obtain written approval from the employee's department head and the City Manager on a form provided by the Human Resources Department. 10.12 Attendance. Employees must be in attendance in their work in accordance with the rules regarding hours of work, holidays, and leaves. All departments will keep daily attendance records, which will be reported to the Finance Department in the form and on the dates prescribed by the Finance Department. 10.13 Holidays. Municipal offices will be closed on days designated as holidays by City Council resolution. When a City Council authorized holiday falls on Sunday, the holiday will be observed on the following Monday. When a City Council authorized holiday falls on Saturday, the holiday will be observed on the preceding Friday. Employees will receive holiday pay in accordance with the provisions of the applicable Memoranda of Understanding. 10.14 Overtime. 10.14.1 Application. Any full-time employee in the classified service renders service beyond the employee's normal work week (or work period, if applicable) will be paid overtime pay for the additional service at one and one-half times the employee's regular hourly rate as determined by the FLSA. Reduced time regular employees will be paid overtime for hours worked in excess of forty (40) in a work week. Overtime pay will be included in the paycheck for the pay period in which the overtime service was performed. Accrual and use of compensatory time off in lieu of overtime pay will be determined in accordance with the provisions of the applicable Memoranda of Understanding. 10.14.2 Administration of Overtime. The smallest unit of time credited as overtime will be one-quarter (1/4) hour for any pay period. Overtime 6/18/11 Page 17 of 24 Exhibit 7 worked that is less than one-quarter (1/4) hour during a pay period will be disregarded and may not be accumulated except for calculating whole hours within the pay period. The department head will report all overtime or compensatory time on Finance Department time and pay records. 11. CHANGES IN EMPLOYMENT STATUS 11.1 Changes in Employment Status. Changes in employment status will be governed by the provisions below unless otherwise provided through the meet and confer process and memorialized in the applicable Memoranda of Understanding. 11.2 Transfer. After notice to the City Manager and the Human Resources Director, an employee may be transferred by the appointing authority at any time from one position to another position in the same or comparable classification. If the transfer involves a change from one department to another, both departments must consent to the transfer unless the City Manager orders the transfer for purposes of economy or efficiency. A transfer may not be used to effectuate a promotion, demotion, advancement, discipline, or a reduction in pay, each of which may be accomplished only as provided in the Personnel Ordinance and in these rules or the applicable Memoranda of Understanding. No person will be transferred to a position for which the person does not possess the minimum qualifications. 11.3 Promotion. Insofar as practicable and consistent with the best interest of the service, all vacancies in the classified service will be filled by promotion from within after a promotional examination has been given and a promotional list established. If, in the opinion ofthe appointing authority, the needs of the City require it, a vacancy may be filled by open-competitive examination instead of a closed promotional examination. 11.4 Demotion. The appointing authority may demote an employee whose ability to perform required duties falls below standard, for disciplinary purposes, or in lieu of layoff. In addition, demotion to a vacant position may be made at an employee's request, with the consent of the prospective supervisor. No employee will be demoted to a position for which the employee does not possess the minimum qualifications. Written notice ofthe demotion will be given to the employee before the effective date of demotion, and a copy of the notice will be filed with the Human Resources Director. 11.5 Suspension. The appointing authority may suspend an employee without pay, or reduce the pay of an employee in lieu of a suspension without pay, for discipline or for other just cause. Suspension without pay may not exceed thirty (30) days in any instance. A suspension without pay, or a reduction in pay in lieu of a suspension without pay, must be reported immediately to the Human Resources Director by the appointing authority. 11.6 Reinstatement. With the approval of the appointing authority, an employee who has resigned with a good record may be reinstated within two years to a vacant position in the same or comparable classification. Upon reinstatement, the employee will, for all purposes be considered as an original appointee. 6/18/11 Page 18 of 24 Exhibit 7 11.7 Discharge. The appointing authority may discharge an employee for disciplinary purposes or for other just cause after notifying and consulting with the Human Resources Department. 11.8 Reductions in Force. 11.8.1 Notice to Affected Employees. The appointing authority may lay off an employee in the classified service because of material change in duties or organization or shortage of work and funds. Except as othen/vise required by federal or state law applicable to reductions in force, at least ten (10) business days prior to the effective date of a reduction in force, the appointing authority will notify the Human Resources Director of the intended action and provide a written statement certifying whether or not the services of the employee have been satisfactory. A copy of such notice will be given the employee affected. If certified as having given satisfactory service, the name of the employee laid off will be placed on the appropriate reemployment list as provided by these rules. 11.8.2 Reduction in Force Procedures. The following procedures will apply to all probationary and regular city employees in the event of a reduction in the City work force. Definitions. The following definitions apply to these procedures: "City Service Seniority" means the period of total continuous service with the City as measured from the date of original appointment. "Classification Seniority" means the period of total continuous service of an employee in the present classification as measured from the date of appointment to that classification. 11.8.3 Reduction in Force - Layoff. Whenever there is a reduction in the force, the City will layoff employees within a classification according to City service seniority. Employees with the least continuous City service within a classification will be laid off first. 11.8.4 Reduction in Force - Demotion. Whenever there is a reduction in force and demotion of employees becomes necessary, the City will determine among those employees scheduled to be laid off, those employees with the greatest length of continuous City service. The employee will be demoted to any classification for which he/she has been determined to be currently qualified and in which a vacancy exists. An employee may refuse to accept a demotion and accept layoff without jeopardizing reemployment rights OthenA/ise provided for in this procedure. 11.8.5 Notification. Except as othen^/ise required by state or federal law applicable to reductions in force, whenever there is a reduction in force, the City will send written notice to the last known address of each employee affected by a layoff. The notice will include the (1) reason for layoff, (2) classifications to which the employee may demote within the City, if any, (3) effective date of action, (4) conditions governing retention on and reinstatement from reemployment lists, and (5) rules regarding waiver of reinstatement and voluntary withdrawal from reemployment lists. 6/18/11 Page 19 of 24 Exhibit 7 11.8.6 Determining Length of Seniority. In determining continuous City service seniority, all uninterrupted employment from the employee's original date of hire, including periods of authorized paid leaves of absence or other authorized leave pursuant to state or federal law, and all periods of time served as a limited term employee, but excluding periods of unauthorized leaves of absence in excess of two pay periods, will be counted as continuous City service seniority. 11.8.7 Order of Reduction in Force. In a reduction in force the following order of layoffs will be followed: (1) part-time, temporary and provisional employees in the affected classification series; (2) limited term employees in reverse order of their seniority in the affected classification series; (3) City probationary employees in reverse order of their classification seniority in the affected classification series; (4) should there be need for further reduction, regular employees in the affected classification series will be given the opportunity to accept or refuse demotion as previously described in subsection 11.8.4 in reverse order of their classification seniority; (5) should a reduction in force still be necessary, regular employees will be laid off in reverse order of their classification seniority. 11.8.8 Determining Order of Layoff and Demotion for Employees with Identical Seniority. Should two or more employees have identical seniority, the order of layoff and demotion will be determined by lottery. 11.8.9 Transfer. All effort will be made by the City to transfer any employee who is to be affected by a reduction in force to another vacant position for which the employee may qualify. 11.8.10 Order and Method of Demotion Pursuant to a Reduction in Force - Bumping. When required due to a reduction in force, employees will be demoted in the following manner: Employees who are demoted, who have held regular status in a lower classification will have the right to bump employees of lesser City service seniority in that lower classification. Employees who have not actually held status in a lower classification will be allowed to demote to a vacant position or to a position held by a City probationary employee in a lower classification, if qualified for the lower classification, but may not bump regular City employees already in the lower classification. 11.8.11 Reinstatement of Employees Demoted as a Result of a Reduction in Work Force. Employees who are demoted as a result of a reduction in force will have their names placed on a reinstatement list, in the order of their City service seniority. Vacant positions in which an employee has served within a classification series will first be offered to employees on this list. 11.8.12 Reemployment of Employees Laid Off as a Result of a Reduction in Force. Employees who are laid off and who held regular City status at the time of layoff will have their names placed on a reemployment list for classifications at the same or lower salary range for which they qualify in the order of their classification seniority. Vacant positions in the classifications will be offered to eligibles on the reemployment list who qualify for the vacancies prior to an open or promotional recruitment. 6/18/11 Page 20 of 24 Exhibit 7 11.8.13 Duration of Reinstatement and Reemployment Lists. The eligibility of individuals on the reinstatement and reemployment lists will extend for a period of two (2) years from the date of demotion or layoff. Eligibles not responding to written notification of an opening after ten (10) business days will have their names removed from the lists. 11.8.14 Restoration of Benefits. Upon Reemployment Following, a Reduction in Force. Upon reemployment following a reduction in force, an individual will have the following benefits restored: (a) Prior sick leave accruals. (b) City service seniority at time of layoff for purposes of determining merit or step increases, vacation accruals and future reduction in force. (c) The rate of pay of an employee who is re-employed will be based on the pay plan in effect at the time of reemployment. If the employee chooses to be reemployed in a classification which has a pay range lower than the classification from which the employee was laid off, then the rate of pay will be at the "E" step in the pay range for the lower classification.. 11.8.15 Payoff of Accruals Upon Layoff. Laid off employees are to be paid for all accrued holiday, vacation, compensatory time and overtime when separated as a result of a layoff. The sick leave accruals of the employee will remain on the books and will be reinstated if the employee is reappointed within two years form the date of layoff. 11.8.16 Retirement Contribution. The disposition ofthe reemployment contributions of a laid off employee will be governed by the provisions of the California Public Employees' Retirement Law (California Government Code sections 20000 et seq.). 11.9 Resignations. An employee wishing to leave the City's service in good standing will submit a written resignation to the appointing authority stating the effective date and reasons for leaving. The resignation should be submitted at least two weeks before leaving the service, unless the time limit is waived by the appointing authority. The resignation will be forwarded to the Human Resources Department. Failure to give notice as set forth by this rule may be cause for denying future employment with the City. 12. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES 12.1 Purpose. The purposes of the Grievance Procedure of the City of Carlsbad are: (a) To promote improved employer-employee relations by establishing grievance procedures on matters for which appeal or hearing is not provided by other regulations. (b) To assure fair and equitable treatment of all employees and promote harmonious relations among employees, supervisors and management. (c) To encourage the settlement of disagreements informally at the employee-supervisor level and provide an orderly procedure for handling grievances throughout the several supervisory levels where necessary. (d) To provide that grievance meetings will be conducted as informally as possible. 6/18/11 Page 21 of 24 Exhibit 7 (e) To resolve grievances as quickly as possible and correct, if possible, the cause of grievances, thereby reducing the number of grievances and future similar complaints. (f) This grievance procedure is applicable to classified employees in each department of the City of Carlsbad, unless superseded by a Memorandum of Understanding. 12.2 Reviewable and Nonreviewable Grievances. 12.2.1 To be reviewable under this procedure, a grievance must: (a) Concern matters or incidents that have occurred. (b) Result from an act or omission by management regarding working conditions or other matters over which the head ofthe department has control. (c) Arise out of a specific situation, act or acts considered to be unfair which result in inequity or damage to the employee. (d) Arise out of an interpretation and application of the Personnel Rules and Regulations or an applicable Memoranda of Understanding. 12.2.2 A grievance is not reviewable under this procedure if: (a) It is a matter which would require the modification of a policy established by the City Council or by law. (b) It is reviewable under some other administrative procedure and/or rules of the City of Carlsbad, such as: (i) Applications for changes in title, job classifications or salary. (ii) Appeals from formal disciplinary proceedings. (iii) Appeals from work performance evaluations. (iv) Items identified in these rules or in an applicable Memoranda of Understanding as nongrievable. 12.3 Special Grievance Procedure Provisions. The following special provisions apply to the grievance procedure. 12.3.1 Procedure for Presentation. In presenting a grievance, an employee must follow the sequence and the procedure outlined in subsection 12.4 below. 12.3.2 Prompt Presentation. The employee will discuss the grievance with an immediate supervisor promptly after (i.e., when the employee knew or should have known) the act or omission of management causing the grievance. 12.3.3 Prescribed Form. The written grievance will be submitted on a form prescribed by the Human Resources Director for this purpose. 12.3.4 Statement of Grievance. The grievance will contain a statement of: (a) The specific situation, act or acts considered to be unfair and the reasons why. (b) The inequity or damage suffered by the employee. (c) The relief sought. 6/18/11 Page 22 of 24 Exhibit 7 12.3.5 Employee Representative. The employee may choose a representative at any step in the procedure. The person hearing the grievance need not allow more than one employee representative for any step in the grievance process, unless the person hearing the grievance so desires. 12.3.6 Interested Parties. There will be no limit placed upon the number of interested parties who may provide information during the hearing of a grievance at any step of the grievance procedure. 12.3.7 Handled During Working Hours. Whenever possible, grievances will be handled during the regularly scheduled working hours ofthe parties involved. 12.3.8 Extension of Time. The time limits within which action must be taken or a decision made as specified in this procedure may be extended by mutual written consent of the parties involved. A statement of the duration ofthe extension of time must be signed by both parties involved at the step to be extended. 12.3.9 Consolidation of Grievances. If the grievance involves a group of employees or if a number of employees file separate grievances on the same matter, the grievances will be handled as a single grievance. 12.3.10 Settlement. Any grievance will be considered settled at the completion of any step if all parties are satisfied or if neither party presents the matter to a higher authority within the prescribed time. 12.3.11 Reprisal. The grievance procedure is intended to assure a grieving employee the right to present a grievance without fear of disciplinary action or reprisal, provided the provisions ofthe grievance procedure are observed. Copies of grievance forms will not be placed in employee personnel records but will be maintained in separate files in the Human Resources Department. 12.4 Grievance Procedure Steps. The procedural steps for submitting a grievance for consideration and action are set forth in the applicable Memoranda of Understanding. 13. TRAINING AND EDUCATION BENEFITS 13.1 Training and Education. 13.1.1 Responsibilitv for Training. The city encourages training programs for employees. Responsibility for developing training programs for employees will be assumed jointly by the Human Resources Director and department heads. These training programs may include lecture courses, demonstrations, assignments of reading matter, or other available methods for improving the effectiveness and broadening the knowledge of municipal officers and employees in the performance of their respective duties. 13.1.2 Credit for Training. Participation in and successful completion of special training courses may be considered in making advancement and promotions. Evidence of this activity must be filed by the employee with the Human Resources Director. 13.2 Employee Education and Tuition Reimbursement.. Employee education and tuition reimbursement will be determined in accordance with Administrative Order 60. 6/18/11 Page 23 of 24 Exhibit 7 14. REPORTS AND RECORDS 14.1 Roster Cards. The Human Resources Director will maintain a record for each employee in the service of the City showing the name, title of position held, the department to which assigned, salary, changes in employment status, and such other information as may be considered pertinent. 14.2 Change of Status Report. Every appointment, transfer, promotion, demotion, change in status of employees must be reported in writing to the Human Resources Director. 15. RULES OF APPEAL TO HEARING OFFICER 15.1 Right of Appeal. Any employee in the classified service will have the right to appeal to a hearing officer those disciplinary actions and grievance decisions as provided in the applicable Memorandum of Understanding. 15.2 Method of Appeal and Procedures for Personnel Hearings. The method of appeal and the procedures for personnel hearings will be consistent with Administrative Order No. 70 and the applicable Memorandum of Understanding. 6/18/11 Page 24 of 24 7(/ ^rfgSB|Saii Die^o County Taxpayers Association Taxpayers watchdog since 1945 All Receive - Agenda Item # ]j9- For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL ACM>:lCA J:£CC ^ Date City Manager^ 707 Broadway, Suite 905, San Diego, CA 92101 • P: (619) 234-6423 • F: (619) 234-7403 • www.sdcta.org June 18, 2013 The Honorable Matt Hall Mayor City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: Support for Memorandum of Understanding with Carlsbad City Employee's Association Dear Mayor Hall: On behalf of the San Diego County Taxpayers Association (SDCTA), I would like to express our support for the proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Carlsbad (City) and the Carlsbad City Employee's Association (CCEA). While the entire MOU will have a minimal impact to the City s budget, SDCTA strongly supports the inclusion ofthe proposed Pay for Performance guidelines. The Pay for Performance guidelines would replace the current step and longevity increases currently offered to CCEA employees. The current system allows for employees to receive salary increases based on the length ot employment as opposed to rewarding employees based on the performance of their job duties. SDCTA has advocated that City labor and hiring practices should include provisions that assist in the acquisition and retention of the most qualified employees; likewise, policies and practices should ensure that performance is reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that poorly performing employees are trained and coached to improve their performance. The proposed guidelines appear to be the first of their kind adopted by a municipality within the county, and SDCTA hopes the City can be a model for other jurisdictions to ensure taxpayers are receiving the best possible level of service. We applaud the City and the CCEA for their work in agreeing to these guidelines and look forward to reviewing the results ofthe agreement. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (619) 234-6423 or felipe(§sdcta.org. Sincerely, Felipe Moni'oig President and CEO FIM/cjc cc: Honorable City Council Date: LC-IK-IS Distribution: City Clerk Asst. City Clerk Deputy Clerk Book John Coates From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Kristina Ray Tuesday, June 18, 2013 2:43 PM John Coates Julie Clark; Charles McBride; Gary Barberio Human Resources CCEA pfp system Human Resources CCEA pfp system.docx All Receive - Agenda Item # For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL ACM vlCA_v^CC V Date ^f/^Citv Manager""^. Attached Is a news release about the new CCEA pay for performance system. David Garrick from UTSan Diego may be interested in writing an article about this later this week. If any Council members get calls from the media, they could use the information in this release (as well as what was in the agenda packet) as background. Date: OiiMbutiMit CiiyCieH< Book FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 19, 2013 City approves new 'pay-for-performance' agreement with employees The Carlsbad City Council has approved a new agreement with the Carlsbad City Employees' Association that includes a groundbreaking provision linking raises to specific performance goals. The "pay for performance" provision is rare among public agencies, and Carlsbad is the first city in San Diego County to implement such a system. Although this is a first for any of Carlsbad's three employee bargaining units, city management employees have had raises tied to performance since 1998, and the City Council wanted to implement the same system for non-management employees. The county of San Diego has a pay-for-performance system for its lawyers in the county counsel's office. The new two-year memorandum of understanding with the employees' association, which the City Council approved Tuesday, June 18, includes an across-the-board 3 percent raise effective March 1, 2013, and a 3 percent raise effective Jan. 1, 2014. Under previous agreements, employees received raises by advancing through steps on a pay scale. The raises were negotiated between the city and the employees' association and took effect automatically. Beginning in 2014 the pay steps will be eliminated, and each position will have a set minimum and maximum salary range. At the start ofthe year supervisors will meet with each employee to set specific competencies and goals for the year, and raises will be determined by how well employees attain those goals. The overall budget for the raises effective Dec. 31, 2014, will be 4 percent, and actual raises will vary depending on an employee's performance. The year prior to negotiations leading up to the new agreement, the city and employees' association formed a task force to study and implement an evaluation and compensation system that will work best for the city and its employees, said City of Carlsbad Human Resources Director Julie Clark. "Our goal is to provide compensation that is fair and allows us to retain the best caliber of employee for our city," Clark said. "It will also mean that the city will continue to deliver the high quality of service that our residents have become accustomed to." Pam Drew, and associate planner and president ofthe Carlsbad City Employees' Association, said that the benefit of the new system for employees is that "it will allow the employees to have more input into how they accomplish their jobs and the resources they need to be more efficient." "The program will allow the employees to feel that they are part of the process, which will give employees the feeling of ownership and pride by working together to make the city and organization better," Drew said. The Carlsbad City Employees' Association represents 331 budgeted city employees. In the previous MOU, which was in effect from Jan. 1, 2010, to Dec. 31, 2012, employees received no raises and assumed the full 8 percent share of their pension contribution. The city had previously had paid all but 1 percent ofthe employees' pension share. The other two employee bargaining units represent city police officers and firefighters. For more information Julie Clark, 760-602-2438, |ulie.clark(a)carlsbadca.gov City media contact Kristina Ray, 760-434-2957, kristina.rav@carlsbadca.gov Changes to the CCEA MOU January 1, 2013 – December 31, 2014 Summary of CCEA Agreement Year One Year Two January 1, 2013 - December 31, 2013 January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014 Salary 3% salary increase (retro to 3/1/13) 3% salary increase - 1/1/14 Move salary ranges Do NOT move salary ranges BEGIN PAY FOR PERFORMANCE 1/1/14 4% salary matrix 12/31/14 Health 50/50 health increase (retro to 3/1/13) 50/50 health increase Cafeteria plan Other Contracting out language From 2 to 1 Floating Holidays 7/1/14 2 Pay for Performance System •First of its kind in San Diego County •Links employee salary increases to employee performance evaluations •Each employee’s salary increase percentage determined by a pay for performance matrix Pay for Performance Matrix 4 Overall Performance Rating 7-10 11-17 18-24 25-31 32-35 Salary Range Placement Unsatisfactory Improvement Needed Competent Commendable Exemplary At or above salary range midpoint 0.0% 0.0% A% C% E% Below salary range midpoint 0.0% 0.0% B% D% F% Questions?