HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-07-09; City Council; 21296; SANDAG Public Opinion Survey ResultsCiTY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 19 21.296 AB# MTG. DEPT. CM 7-9-13 SANDAG SAN DIEGO FORWARD PUBLIC OPINION SURVEY RESULTS DEPT. DIRECTOR Pt^ CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDED ACTION: To receive a presentation from representatives of SANDAG regarding the San Diego FonA/ard Public Opinion Survey results. ITEM EXPLANATION: Representatives from SANDAG will give a presentation on the results ofthe Public Opinion Survey on Regional Issues for San Diego Forward: The Regional Plan. FISCAL IMPACT: None. EXHIBIT: 1. SANDAG Public Opinion Survey on Regional Issues for San Diego Forward: The Regional Plan DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Morgen Fry 760-434-2821. morqen.frv(S)carlsbadca.gov FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. • COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED • CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC • DENIED • CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN • CONTINUED • RETURNED TO STAFF • WITHDRAWN • OTHER-SEE MINUTES • AMENDED • Report Received. f San Dieqo ^k^* FORWAf^D - Public Opinion Survey on Regional Issues (SANDAG Our Regional Plans e • \^ San Diego FORWARD' • Our Future Regional Transportation Pian SANDAG FORWARD' • (SANDAG 9an Diego mm,w^* FORWARD Survey Metlnodology Survey was conducted March 12-27, 2013 Data collection: telephone with online option - English and Spanish Random sample using land lines and mobile - 1,500 adults in San Diego region - 250 per subregion to maximize reliability Overall margin of error +/- 2.5 percent '.» Survey Results - Quality of Life 82% Good and Excellent Very poor 1.0 Poor 2.7 Not sure / Prefer not to answer 0.9 Excellent 37.2 Good 44.6 Survey Results - Broad Category Ranking 1. Improving the regional economy 2. Maintaining what we've built 3. Protecting the environment 4. Improving the transportation system 5. Locating future housing and new businesses near major employment centers and transit services Survey Results - Specific Category Ranking Increase employment and job opportunities [EC] Protect water quality [EN] Ensure water, energy, resources for business growth [EC] Repair and maintain local roads [IN] Repair and maintain highways [IN] Attract new biz to region, retain existing businesses [EC] Make it easier, safer to walk to places of interest [TR] Promote greater use of renewable energy sources [EN] Protect coastal wetlands and beaches [EN] Preserve parks and natural open spaces [EN] Reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions [EN] Improve avail, of housing in variety of price ranges [LU] Expand and improve highways [TR] Expand and improve commuter train services [TR] Improve how bus, train, bike, pedestrian routes connect [TR] Repair and maintain transit vehicles and equipment [IN] Expand carpooling, telecommuting, flexible schedules [TR] Avoid making cuts to existing transit services [IN] Concentrate new businesses near transit services [LU] Concentrate new multi-family housing near transit services [LU] Reduce wait-times at border for people, goods [EC] Improve transportation system to ship commercial goods [EC] Expand and improve bus services [TR] Expand and improve bike lanes and bike paths [TR] 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 % Respondents That Cited Strategy as High Priority Highest Priorities For Funding Improving local economy / Attracting jobs Improving streets, roads, freeways Protecting the environment Securing energy sources, alternatives Not sure Improving public transit Availability, affordability of housing Improving, protecting water quality Improving transportation in general Reducing traffic congestion Improving public safety Addressing border crossing issues Providing, improving parks, recreation areas 24.1 3 HHjjHHs.B ^^^^^^^^^ 7.5 •HHHjjjHHG.s 3 1 ^ ' 2 3.3 2.4 2.3 1.1 1.0 10 15 % Respondents qSANDAG 20 25 Survey Results - Income & Priorities Lower-income residents were much more likely to label as a high priority: • Expanding and improving bus services •Concentrating multi-family housing near transit • Improving availability of affordable housing • Reducing air pollution and GHGs • Reducing border wait times for people/goods Survey Subregional Areas CMMIDAG Orange County North County West San Diego County Subregions North City (J? CD Central Kiverside County San Diego County North County East County of San Oic^ East County South County MfXlCO <a7 San Diego Sk^'* Consistency by Subregion Central East County North City North County North County East West South County IfTiproving streets, roads, freeways Improving local economy / Attracting jobs Improving streets, roads, freeways Improving local economy / Attracting jobs Improving local economy / Attracting jobs Improving local \ economy / Attracting jobs J Improving local economy / Attracting jobs Improving streets, roads, freeways Improving local economy / Attracting jobs Improving streets, roads, freeways Improving streets, roads, freeways ! 1 Improving streets, | roads, freeways | Protecting the environment Securing energy sources, alternatives Securing energy sources, alternatives Protecting the environment Improving public transit Protecting the environment Securing energy sources, Protecting the environment Protecting the environment ^ Not sure \ Protecting the 1 environment Not sure alternatives Protecting the environment Protecting the environment ^ \ Protecting the 1 environment \ Improving public transit Availability, affordability of housing Not sure Securing energy 1 sources, 1 alternatives ^ Not sure Improving, protecting water quality FORWARDS *^ Survey Results - Summary San Diegans provided clear direction as to their top priorities: - Economy - Environment - Maintaining infrastructure Striking consistency in priorities across subregions and demographic subgroups 12 Vision and Goals VISION To provide innovative mobility choices ond planning to support a sustainable and healthy region, a vibrant economy and an outstanding quality of life for all. GOALS Healthy Environment and Communities sion Innovative Mobility and Planning Vibrant Econ (gANDAG 13 Son Diego . FORWARD ' Public Opinion Survey on Regional Issues July 9, 2013 Carlsbad City Council 2 Our Regional Plans We Are Here Process and Timeline Revenue Projections Project Evaluation Criteria All Modes Network Development All Modes Network Performance Measures All Modes Ranked Projects by Category Apply Performance Measures 2050 Regional Growth Forecast Vision Goals Objectives Revenue Constrained Preferred Network Scenario Draft San Diego Forward Regional Plan Revenue Constrained/ SCS Network Scenarios Unconstrained Network Fall 2013 Spring 2013 Winter 2014 Fall 2014 Spring 2015 Spring 2014 Ongoing Public Involvement Policy Area Development Alternative Land Use and Transportation Scenarios 4 •Survey was conducted March 12-27, 2013 •Data collection: telephone with online option –English and Spanish •Random sample using land lines and mobile –1,500 adults in San Diego region –250 per subregion to maximize reliability •Overall margin of error +/- 2.5 percent Survey Methodology 5 Survey Results – Quality of Life 82% Good and Excellent Fair 13.7 Very poor 1.0 Excellent 37.2 Good 44.6 Poor 2.7 Not sure / Prefer not to answer 0.9 6 1.Improving the regional economy 2.Maintaining what we’ve built 3.Protecting the environment 4.Improving the transportation system 5.Locating future housing and new businesses near major employment centers and transit services Survey Results – Broad Category Ranking 7 Survey Results – Specific Category Ranking 19.1 24.3 24.9 26.1 26.5 30.0 31.1 31.4 32.9 34.5 35.9 37.4 39.5 46.3 47.2 49.0 53.2 53.4 55.1 55.6 58.3 62.4 71.5 74.4 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Expand and improve bike lanes and bike paths [TR] Expand and improve bus services [TR] Improve transportation system to ship commercial goods [EC] Reduce wait-times at border for people, goods [EC] Concentrate new multi-family housing near transit services [LU] Concentrate new businesses near transit services [LU] Avoid making cuts to existing transit services [IN] Expand carpooling, telecommuting, flexible schedules [TR] Repair and maintain transit vehicles and equipment [IN] Improve how bus, train, bike, pedestrian routes connect [TR] Expand and improve commuter train services [TR] Expand and improve highways [TR] Improve avail. of housing in variety of price ranges [LU] Reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions [EN] Preserve parks and natural open spaces [EN] Protect coastal wetlands and beaches [EN] Promote greater use of renewable energy sources [EN] Make it easier, safer to walk to places of interest [TR] Attract new biz to region, retain existing businesses [EC] Repair and maintain highways [IN] Repair and maintain local roads [IN] Ensure water, energy, resources for business growth [EC] Protect water quality [EN] Increase employment and job opportunities [EC] % Respondents That Cited Strategy as High Priority 8 Highest Priorities For Funding 1.0 1.1 2.3 2.4 3.3 6.4 6.8 7.5 8.3 10.8 21.2 24.1 9.6 0 5 10 15 20 25 Pro vid ing , imp ro ving p arks, rec reatio n areas Addressing border crossing issues Improving public safety Reducing traffic congestion Improving transportation in general Improving, protecting water quality Availability, affordability of housing Improving public transit No t sure Securing energy sources, alternatives Protecting the environment Imp ro ving streets, ro ad s, freew ays Improving local economy / Attracting jobs % Respondents 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 3 7 10 7 12 9 Survey Results – Income & Priorities Lower-income residents were much more likely to label as a high priority: •Expanding and improving bus services •Concentrating multi-family housing near transit •Improving availability of affordable housing •Reducing air pollution and GHGs •Reducing border wait times for people/goods Survey Subregional Areas Consistency by Subregion Central East County North City North County East North County West South County Improving streets, roads, freeways Improving local economy / Attracting jobs Improving streets, roads, freeways Improving local economy / Attracting jobs Improving local economy / Attracting jobs Improving local economy / Attracting jobs Improving local economy / Attracting jobs Improving streets, roads, freeways Improving local economy / Attracting jobs Improving streets, roads, freeways Improving streets, roads, freeways Improving streets, roads, freeways Protecting the environment Securing energy sources, alternatives Securing energy sources, alternatives Protecting the environment Improving public transit Protecting the environment Securing energy sources, alternatives Protecting the environment Protecting the environment Not sure Protecting the environment Not sure Improving public transit Availability, affordability of housing Not sure Securing energy sources, alternatives Not sure Improving, protecting water quality 12 Survey Results – Summary •San Diegans provided clear direction as to their top priorities: –Economy –Environment –Maintaining infrastructure •Striking consistency in priorities across subregions and demographic subgroups 13 Vision and Goals VISION To provide innovative mobility choices and planning to support a sustainable and healthy region, a vibrant economy and an outstanding quality of life for all. GOALS Public Opinion Survey on Regional Issues July 9, 2013 Carlsbad City Council