HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-07-16; City Council; 21301; Quarterly City Council Priority Projects UpdateCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AB# 21.301 MTG. 7-16-13 DEPT. CM QUARTERLY CITY COUNCIL PRIORITY PROJECTS UPDATE DEPT. DIRECTOR CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER (XL RECOMMENDED ACTION: To receive an update from staff regarding the status of City Coundl's Priority Projects. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City Council will be provided with an update on the status ofthe 2013-2014 Priority Projects. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ENVIRONMENTALL IMPACT: Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has not potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. EXHIBIT: 1. City Coundl Priority Projects report dated July 16, 2013, on file in the Office of the City Manager and available online at http://www.carlsbadca.gov/citvhall/coundl/Documents/2013 14 priority proiects.pdf DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Greg Hermann (760) 434-2958, greg.hermann(5)carlsbadca.gov FOR OTY CLERKS USE ONLY. • COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED • CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC • DENIED • CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN • CONTINUED • RETURNED TO STAFF • WITHDRAWN • OTHER-SEE MINUTES • AMENDED • City Council Priority Projects July 16,2013 CITY OF ^ CARLSBAD <^*J CITY OF ^ CARLSBAD Table of Contents Executive Summary 5 Strategic Focus Area: Create Quality Jobs in a New Economy 7 Business Retention 7 Talent Attraction g Education Hub 9 Partnerships 10 Strategic Focus Area: Sustainable Organization 11 City Mission, Vision and Values Update n Best Value Services 12 Pay for Performance 13 City Link/Customer Relationship Management 14 Technology Strategy 15 Strategic Focus Area: Balancing Land Use Policies with a changing community 16 General Plan Update 15 Development Standards 17 Proposed Power Plant 18 Plaza Camino Real Redevelopment 19 Strategic Focus Area: Changing Parks and Recreation Needs 20 Needs Assessment & Comprehensive Action Plan 20 Alga Norte Community Park Construction 21 Lake Calavera Master Plan Implementation 22 Trails Master Plan 23 Open Space Acquisition 24 South Carlsbad Coastal Corridor 25 y/y^^ CITY OF V CARLSBAD Strategic Focus Area: Livable Streets 26 state Street Roundabout and Coastal Rail Trail Reach 1 26 Pedestrian Crossings 27 Carlsbad Active Transportation Strategies 28 Strategic Focus Area: Next Generation of Community Leaders 29 Citizen Leadership Initiative 29 Boards and Commissions 30 Strategic Goals 31 Economic Development 32 Permitting Technology Upgrades 32 Car Country 33 Financial Health 34 Corporate Marketing Partnerships • 34 Real Estate Plan 35 Redevelopment Dissolution 36 Fellowships 37 Parks, Open Space and Trails 38 Alga Norte Community Park Operating Plan 38 Transportation and Circulation 39 Traffic Signal Program 39 Resident Connection and Partnership 40 Barrio Program Water 41 Desalination Recycled Water ^2 Groundwater ^3 Safe Community ....44 Facility Security....... • • • • Fire Station 3 • • 3 CITY OF ^ CARLSBAD Environmental Management 46 Agua Hedionda Creek Dredging 46 Hydroelectric Power Generation 47 Vista-Carlsbad Sewer Interceptor 48 Buena Vista Lagoon Restoration 49 Strategic Focus Areas Executive Summary ^ CARLSBAD CITY OF Background The City Coundl held its annual planning workshop Jan. 22, 2013. The day-long discussion focused on continuing to strive for excellence and balandng an excellent quality of life with a thriving local economy. Innovation was another key theme, both in terms of using new technology and finding new and better ways of doing business in general. Other elements induded continued prosperity, growing our own local talent and serving as a model for a world class city. The City Coundl reviewed a number of strategic focus areas and priority projects identified at the previous year's workshop and asked staff to continue to focus on that work, while emphasizing these key themes. Strategic Focus Areas • Create quality jobs in a new economy - The vision of this strategic focus area is to create quality jobs in the region. This will be accomplished by implementing strategies to retain businesses and help them grow, attracting talent and innovators to the city and partnering with universities and research institutions to become a hub for higher education. In addition, staff will focus on streamlining city processes for companies considering relocating to Carlsbad. Projects indude: • Business retention • Talent attraction • Education hub • Partnerships Sustainable organization - The vision of this strategic focus area is to be an adaptable, responsive and efficient dty organization that delivers cost effective, high quality services. To accomplish this, the city will retain a motivated, flexible and responsive staff and incentivize high performance. Projects include: • City mission, vision and values update • Best value services • Pay for performance • City Link/customer relationship management • Teclinology strategy (^/^ CITY OF ^ CARLSBAD Balancing iand use policies with a changing community - The vision of this strategic focus area is that, through the General Plan update process, the city adapts iand use policies to address population and demographic trends. This will ensure that the city maintains its high standards and balances a thriving community with the need for tranquil, natural open spaces. Projects include: • General plan update • Devetopment standards • Proposed power plant • Plaza Camino Real redevelopment Changing parks and recreation needs - The vision of this strategic focus area is to meet the community's changing recreation needs, induding more options for active seniors and young people. To accomplish this staff will consider accelerating the schedule for building new parks and community centers. In addition, we will look beyond parks to an expanded trails system and open spaces that encourage a healthy outdoor lifestyle. This will be facilitated by considering opportunities for public-private partnerships to expand offerings in a cost effective manner. Projects include: • Needs Assessment & Comprehensive Action Plan • Alga Norte Community Park construction • Lake Calavera Master Plan implementation • Trails Master Plan • Open space acquisition • Carisbad Boulevard realignment Livable streets - The vision of this strategic focus area is to begin adapting Carlsbad streets to accommodate and encourage all modes of transportation, not just cars. This will be accomplished by using street design to create a sense of place and community through green spaces, medians and signage. In addition, traffic signal technology upgrades will improve traffic flow. Projects include: • State Street roundabout • Pedestrian crossing • Updated policies and standards Next generation of community leaders - The vision of this strategic focus area is to find ways to encourage a broader demographic, which more accurately reflects the population of Carlsbad, to participate In city leadership and governance. Projects include: • Leadership academy • Boards and commissions ^% CITY OF Create Quality Jobs in a New Economy Business Retention ' j CARLSBAD Department Community & Economic Development Description Implement a business retention and expansion program to strengthen the city's strong and diverse economy and its position as an employment hub in San Diego County. This plan will include working with the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce on a Business Academy, visits with Carlsbad business representatives by city leadership and staff, publishing a newsletter and informational documents, holding a brokers' meeting, developing an economic gardening plan and providing assistance to companies interested in Carlsbad. Project Lead Kathy Dodson, Community & Economic Development Director Completion June 2014 Funding Included in the FY 2013-14 operating budget Status Information gathered from the business survey, updated cluster data and events continue to strengthen the program. The second Business Academy will be held this fall. A Peer-to-Peer CEO event, brokers' meeting, company visits and leadership meetings will be scheduled to continue relationships and identify business needs. The company visits will be targeted at one per week. Also, an economic gardening program will be implemented by June 2014. Create Quality Jobs in a New Economy Talen t A ttraction <4f<W CITY OF ^CARLSBAD Department Description Project Lead Completion Funding Status Community & Economic Development Develop a strategy focused on helping existing companies attract the talent and innovators they need to grow and compete in a global economy, including entrepreneurial talent that will start and relocate companies to Carlsbad. Kathy Dodson, Community & Economic Development Director June 2014 Included in the FY 2013-14 operating budget VHHHHHHHIH The city's marketing consultant is helping develop the strategy, messaging and marketing materials for the talent attraction program. A digital audit of Carlsbad has been completed along with a field study and the results of a survey given to employees at Carlsbad businesses who have been with their company two years or less. The creative work focuses on the ability to optimize both life and career in Carlsbad. The brand dissemination and engagement strategy to distribute the new campaign will be completed in July 2013. 8 Create Quality Jobs in a New Economy Education Hub <^7w> CITY OF ^CARLSBAD Department Community & Economic Development Description Studies show that when a city becomes a hub for higher education and research, high quality jobs are created. By partnering with institutions of higher learning and research organizations a community becomes a magnet for new talent and attracts companies looking to parlay local research into marketable products and services. A plan to attract a university, research institution or similar program will be researched and implemented. Project Lead Kathy Dodson^, Connmunity & Economic Development Director Completion June 2014 Funding Funding from City Council Contingency; included in the FY 2013-14 operating budget Status Staff met with university representatives to better understand what was needed to attract a graduate program or research institution and in response, a request for proposals was issued and a consultant hired to do the following by December 2013: • Develop local and regional academic profiles • Identify local industry needs and partners • Develop a recruitment strategy and implementation plan Create Quality Jobs in a New Economy Partnerships ^95^CITY OF ^CARLSBAD Department Community & Economic Development Description The City of Carlsbad is one of many organizations involved in local and regional economic development activities. We need to work with other economic development organizations and partner with municipalities to optimize Carlsbad and North County economic development efforts. Collaboration will lead to cost sharing, decreased duplication and, most importantly, accelerated economic development in our region. Project Lead Kathy Dodson, Community & Economic Development Director Completion June 2014 Funding Funding from City Council Contingency; included in the FY 2013-14 operating budget Status Along with the cities of Oceanside, Vista, San Marcos and Escondido, Carlsbad has hired a consultant to develop a brand, strategy and marketing materials that will communicate the attractiveness of North County as a location for business. The branding will be developed in December 2013 with brand implementation beginning in the winter 2014. Carlsbad is also working with the San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation on a talent attraction program built around the action sports industry that should be completed by the end of 2013. 10 CITY OF Sustainable Organization City Mission, Vision and Values Update ^"^^ CARLSBAD Department Office of the City Manager Description The city organization is transforming itself to more effectively meet changing community needs and expectations. This transformation will be reflected in an updated organizational mission, vision and values for the future as well as other initiatives. Project Lead John Coates, City Manager Completion December 2013 Funding Included in the FY 2013-14 operating budget Status Staff have begun a strategic planning process that wiil engage a broad cross section of the workforce. Employees will participate in focus groups to conduct an environmental scan and SWOT analysis. This input will be used to update our mission, vision, values, and to establish new strategic focus areas directed toward creating a world class city. Outreach will begin to city staff in July 2013. 11 Sustainable Organization Best Value Services CITY OF '^CARLSBAD Department Office of the City Manager Description In September 2011, the City Council accepted a framework for the Best Value Services Program, which involves conducting operational assessments of city services to identify possible opportunities to reduce costs while maintaining quality services. The city has hired a consultant. Baker Tilly, to assist with this process. The first assessments will look at services in the Parks & Recreation and Transportation departments. The assessments will include various recommendations that will be directed to the appropriate group for direction. Project Lead Greg Hermann, Assistant to the City Manager Completion Ongoing Funding $250,000; funded through the Innovation Fund '^^^P Status A request for proposals for parks maintenance services, developed in cooperation with Carlsbad City Employees' Association, is scheduled to be released in Juiy 2013. A recommended proposal will be presented to the City Council in September 2013. Operational assessments for the Utilities and Property & Environmental Management divisions will begin this summer. 12 Sustainable Organization Pay for Performance CITY OF > CARLSBAD Department Administrative Services Description Design and implement a compensation system for CCEA represented employees that links pay to performance. Project Lead Cheri Abbott, Human Resources Manager Completion January 2014 Funding $50,000; included in the FY 2012-13 operating budget Status New pay for performance system was negotiated with Carlsbad City Employees' Association, approved by the City Council and will be implemented beginning January 2014. Training to transition to this new system will be conducted in September - December 2013. 13 CARLSBAD CITY OF Sustainable Organization City Link/Customer Relationship Management Department Office of the City Manager Description In an effort to improve customer service and more efficiently use resources the city will be implementing a centralized non-emergency contact center, known as City Link. The project will provide a single user experience for the resident from a browser, smartphone or mobile device for managing their requests, complaints and questions. For resident calls, the application provides a rich knowledge database for city employees to respond. This information will also be available to the resident via the website helping to reduce call volume over time. Project Lead Greg Hermann, Assistant to the City Manager Completion Winter 2014 for the pilot phase Funding To be determined Status A new tactic, using a less expensive software application and distributed call taking approach, is being explored to allow the city to begin a pilot phase of this project. A decision about this new approach should be made this summer. 14 Sustainable Organization . Technology Strategy ^<&N CITY OF ^CARLSBAD Department Administrative Services Description An information technology strategic plan will serve as a valuable planning tool and an effective communication vehicle. A strategic plan helps the city implement relevant evolving and emerging technology, ensures that the right service and support model is in place and that the city's technology will support its strategic business initiatives. The purpose of this plan is not only to do things better, but to make certain we are also focused on the outcomes that have the greatest impact to the city and achieves them in the most efficient way. Project Lead Tina Steffan, Chief Technology Officer Completion August 2013 Funding Estimated $130,000; included in the FY 2012-13 operating budget; ongoing funding to be determined for FY 2013-14. Status The IT Division has completed the review necessary to develop the key list of business IT projects for each division, and this list has been prioritized by staff. IT will develop the proper infrastructure and application strategies for the five year plan this summer. This work will allow us to build the expected implementation timelines and costs for each year. The strategic planning is expected to be complete by the end of August 2013. 15 Balancing Land Use Policies with a Changing Community General Plan Update <i(^ CITY OF ^CARLSBAD Department Community & Economic Development Description Through a comprehensive update to the General Plan and Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan, adapt city land use policies to address population and demographic trends as reflected in the Carlsbad Community Vision. Maintain the city's high standards and balance a thriving community with the need for tranquil, natural open spaces. Project Lead Kathy Dodson, Community & Economic Development Director Completion December 2013 Funding Included in the FY 2013-14 operating budget; $1,345,000 included for Envision Carlsbad program Status Work on the General Plan elements (including the Housing Element update), Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan and program environmental impact report is underway, with public draft documents anticipated to be released in late summer/early fall and public hearings by the end of 2013. City Council adopted the Barrio land use changes in February 2013, which is part ofthe implementation ofthe Housing Element. 16 Balancing Land Use Policies with a Changing Community Development Standards ^^jr"^ CITY OF ^CARLSBAD Department Community & Economic Development Description Prepare updates to the city's Zoning Ordinance and various master/specific plans as necessary to adopt new development standards that fully implement the land use policy changes in the General Plan update. Project Lead Kathy Dodson, Community & Economic Development Director Completion July 2014 Funding Included in the FY 2013-14 operating budget; $1,345,000 included for H Envision Carlsbad program Status The city's zoning ordinance will be reviewed, and options for improving its organizational structure and integration with the updated General Plan will be identified. Recommended changes to the zoning ordinance will be considered through meetings with the Planning Commission in April through June 2014, followed by the release ofthe draft zoning ordinance for public review and adoption by the end of 2014. 17 CITY OF ^ CARI SRAD Balancing Land Use Policies with ^^p^i^^^i-^ a Changing Community Proposed Power Plant Department Description Project Lead Completion Funding Status Public Works Coordinate city's response to the proposed power plant. This includes developing and implementing technical and legal strategies at the local, state and federal level. Joe Garuba, Municipal Property Manager Ongoing Included in the FY 2013-14 operating budget The California Energy Commission approved the NRG Energy, Inc. license in May 2012, and the city has exhausted all procedural remedies. The city continues to participate in the California Public Utilities Commission proceedings to consider additional power contracts for the San Diego region. The Utilities Commission released a draft decision in December 2012 that limits new power contracts in San Diego until 2018. This decision was recently upheld and creates an additional barrier to the development of the Carlsbad energy center project. Staff continues to work with SDG&E to understand potential scenarios resulting from the shutdown of San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. SDG&E is requesting reconsideration of the Pio Pico Power Plant. 18 Balancing Land Use Policies with a Changing Community Plaza Camino Real Redevelopment ^CARLSBAD Department Community & Economic Development Public Works Description Redevelop Plaza Camino Real. The first step in this process is to negotiate lease terms with Westfield for the potential partial development of the Plaza Camino Real parking lot. The second step is to complete the processing of private development applications for the larger renovation of Plaza Camino Real. Project Lead Don Neu, City Planner Joe Garuba, Municipal Property Manager Completion Ongoing Funding Included in the FY 2013-14 operating budget Status The Planning Commission voted 6-1 on June 5, 2013, to certify the Westfield Carlsbad Environmental Impact Report and recommended approval with amendments to the Westfield Carlsbad Specific Plan and Site Development Plan for the demolition, reconfiguration and/or reconstruction of approximately 225,631 square feet of leasable area for regional shopping center uses. The City Council approved the project at the July 9, 2013 meeting. Construction will begin in August 2013 and will be complete by fall 2014. 19 Changing Parks and Recreation Needs Needs Assessment & Comprehensive Action Plan <4f^«> CITY OF ^CARLSBAD Department Parks & Recreation Description Create an approved road map for the future development of parks and recreation programs and facilities. This will be accomplished by conducting a needs assessment which will analyze current parks and recreation programs and master planned facilities against future needs and take into consideration the growing and changing needs of seniors. Project Lead Chris Hazeltine, Parks & Recreation Director Completion September 2013 Funding Estimated $150,000; included in the FY 2013-14 operating budget Status The results ofthe recently completed survey have been analyzed, and the data is being incorporated in to the draft report. The City Council will receive a presentation ofthe draft report at its Aug. 20, 2013 Council Workshop. The final report is scheduled to be completed in September. 20 Changing Parks and Recreation j Needs Alga Norte Community Park Construction CITY OF CARLSBAD Department Public Works Description Construct Alga Norte Community Park. Project Lead Patrick McGarry, Public Works Superintendent Completion December 2013 Funding $29.3 million; induded in the FY 2013-14 Capital Improvement Program Status Activities scheduled for completion during summer 2013 include: exterior stucco, windows, drywall, concrete sidewalks, ball field fencing, synthetic turf installation, skate park streetscape features and parking lot LED lights. Solar photo-voltaic preliminary evaluation was completed and a request for proposals is expected to come to City Council by September. The project remains within budget and on schedule for an end of year opening. 21 Changing Parks and Recreation Needs Lake Calavera Master Plan Implementation CITY OF '^CARLSBAD Department Parks & Recreation Description Implementation ofthe Lake Calavera Trails Master Plan which was approved in January 2010. This plan, which identifies authorized trails and trail improvements, was developed by the Parks & Recreation Department with input from the San Diego Mountain Biking Association, Preserve Calavera and residents. The plan includes trail directional signage, informational kiosks, fencing, interpretive signage and general improvements such as erosion repairs, clearing brush and weeds, re- routing of more sustainable trails and boardwalk trails for wetlands and creek crossing. ProjectLead Liz Ketabian, Park Planning Manager Completion Spring 2014 Funding $598,750; included in the FY 2013-14 Capital Improvement Program Status The last required permit to begin construction of the Lake Calavera Boardwalk Trails Project was received from the Army Corps of Engineers. Staff was authorized to solicit bids for the project at the July 9, 2013, City Council meeting. The project will go to bid in late July, with bids due back in August 2013. 22 Changing Parks and Recreation Needs Trails Master Plan CITY OF ^CARLSBAD Department Parks & Recreation Description Prepare a comprehensive trails master plan. In addition to plans for future developments to the trails system, the master plan will include the identification of policies, guidelines and construction standards, safety and enforcement as well as trail program vision, goals and objectives. A comprehensive trails master plan may also serve to leverage grant funding and other funding sources for continued development of the city's trails program. Project Lead Liz Ketabian, Park Planning Manager Completion June 2014 Funding $60,000; included in the FY 2013-14 Capital Improvement Program Status This project has been combined with Transportation Division's livable streets initiative, to be developed as part of a recently awarded SANDAG grant. 23 Changing Parks and Recreation Needs Open Space Acquisition ^CARLSBAD Department Parks & Recreation Description Currently, the city is within 10 percent of reaching the Habitat Management Plan's goal for habitat preservation. The plan calls for the city to set aside 6,478 acres of open space when the city is built out, and Carlsbad has succeeded in setting aside 5,821 acres in the seven years since the plan was adopted. Future plans for open space in Carlsbad include developing management strategies and conducting outreach to promote the benefits of open space. Project Lead Chris Hazeltine, Parks & Recreation Director Completion Ongoing Funding Included in the FY 2013-14 operating budget Status City Council recently approved the completion of the Arroyo Vista Trail as part ofthe FY 2013-14 Capital Improvement Program. The trail will be finished by June 2014. Staff continues to work with the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation on the acquisition of a trail easement along the north shore of the lagoon (Murphy Property). 24 Changing Parks and Recreation Needs South Carlsbad Coastal Corridor 4^ CITY OF ^CARLSBAD Department Public Works Description The Carlsbad City Council approved an agreement to work with the California State Parks Department on a visionary project that could bring expanded beachfront park areas, trails, bike access, recreational amenities, parking, beach-friendly shops and restaurants, and an expanded state campground to the stretch of coastline south of Cannon Road. Project Lead Marshall Plantz, Senior Engineer Completion Ongoing Funding Estimated total cost $40-60 million; $3.25 million induded in the FY 2013- 14 Capital Improvement Program Status Project corridor alternatives are being prepared based on input received during more than 25 stakeholder meetings, which included residents and businesses along the corridor, interest groups, regulatory agencies and Native American stakeholders. The alternatives maybe revised based on the results of time sensitive plant and animal surveys that are currently being completed. The team continues to collaborate with State Parks staff about the corridor alternatives and the exchange of properties. Those alternatives will be the basis for the State/CEQA and Federal/NEPA environmental reviews, which are projected to begin in fall 2013. 25 ^CARLSBAD CITY OF Livable Streets State Street Roundabout and Coastal Rail Trail Reach 1 Department Public Works -IMHIB Description Construct a roundabout at the intersection ofCarlsbad Boulevard and State Street to enhance safety and implement livable streets principles. This project will improve traffic circulation for all modes of transportation on Carlsbad Blvd. by connecting the two cities of Carlsbad and Oceanside with a trail/path, bike lanes, and sidewalks across the Buena Vista Lagoon by repurposing the existing vehicle lanes. Project Lead Bryan Jones, Deputy Transportation Director Completion June 2014 Funding Estimated $1.5 million for roundabout and other coastal rail trail reach 1 improvements; Active Transportation Grant Application was approved by SANDAG on September 28, 2012 for $800,000 with a city match of $500,000 Status Plans and construction documents for roundabout construction are currentiy being completed. These documents are being used for environmental review and permits from the City of Oceanside and other resource agencies. Permission to advertise for construction is planned for City Council consideration in fall 2013. 26 Livable Streets Pedestrian Crossings <ym> CITY OF ^CARLSBAD ,1 t.i I.. :# Department Public Works Description Construct median refuge islands and rapid flashing lights at pedestrian crossings on Carlsbad Boulevard between Oak Avenue and Tamarack Avenue to improve pedestrian safety and beach access. Project Lead Skip Hammann, Public Works Director Completion August 2013 Funding $50,000 was spent on the concrete medians; $200,000 was included in the FY 2013-2014 Capital Improvement Program Status Concrete medians were constructed before Memorial Day Weekend, 2012 as requested by City Council. Staff returned to City Council in May 2013 to get approval regarding the use ofthe Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons. A minor Public Works contract is being processed to purchase and install the Rapid Flashing Beacons at Oak Street/Carlsbad Boulevard by August 2013. 27 Livable Streets Carlsbad Active Transportation Strategies <^<^ CITY OF ^CARLSBAD Department Public Works Description Phase I to update the policies and standards has been completed. In Phase II staff are working with livable streets professional consultants on a Carlsbad Active Transportation Strategies (CATS) plan focused on implementation ofthe updated policies and standards. The plan will develop projects in concept for future CIP budgets and identify synergy that can occur between the Trails Master Plan and Livable Streets. Project Lead Bryan Jones, Deputy Transportation Director Completion June 2014 Funding SANDAG Active Transportation Program Grant and was included in the FY 2013-2014 Transportation Division Contingency Status Phase I Livable Streets Assessment was completed in February 2013. It is available on the department's webpage, and has won a Complete Streets Programs/Plans award from the American Planning Association. Phase II is underway with the execution of consultant contracts. Community outreach wilt begin in August 2013. 28 Next Generation of Community Leaders Citizen Leadership Initiative ^95^ CITY OF ^CARLSBAD Department Community & Economic Development Description A Citizen Leadership Initiative focused on recruiting and preparing emerging community leaders for active roles in civic leadership within Carlsbad both now and in the future. Project Lead Debbie Fountain, Housing & Neighborhood Services Director Compieted June 2013 Funding Included in the 2012-13 operating budget Status Staff completed the development of a pilot leadership training segment for the Community & Economic Development/Housing & Neighborhood Services module of Citizens Academy which was implemented at the Spring 2013 academy. The pilot was successful; positive and encouraging comments were received from participants in the training. Staff will implement the leadership training segment again at the Fall 2013 Citizens Academy. 29 Next Generation of Community Leaders Boards and Commissions CITY OF ^CARLSBAD Department Office ofthe City Manager Description Update the roles of Boards, Commissions and Committees to enhance their impact, make them more exciting and attract a broader demographic of participants to serve on those bodies. Project Lead Steven Didier, Senior Management Analyst "IHHHHIHMI^H Completion To be determined Funding Included in the FY 2013-14 operating budget ^«^^»PP*f^PP^»Pi* Status Staff met with liaisons from the 14 different boards and commissions to develop a demographic makeup of each, evaluate current goals, workload and activities, and discuss potential ideas for modifications. In July 2013, members from each board and commission will be surveyed to obtain direct feedback about their experiences and ideas that might help shape recommendations for meaningful change. 30 <^^fy CITY OF * CARLSBAD Strategic Goals 31 Economic Development Permitting Technology Upgrades <4«^CITY OF ^CARLSBAD Department Description Project Lead Completion Funding Status Community & Economic Development Establish a GIS-centric information system platform that utilizes technology to leverage fewer staff while optimizing the development services permitting process. It would also be available to Fire Prevention, Storm Water and Construction Management and Inspection for their permits and inspections. The system would include a public portal allowing 24/7 access which would help facilitate self-service by our customers and empowering them with the tools to manage their own projects. Glen Van Peski, Engineering Manager flillllllfc June 2014 One time: estimated $750,000 to $1.5 million; funding to be determined Ongoing: estimated $25,000-$50,000 per year; funding to be determined The project was selected for implementation through the Information Technology Division's project prioritization process. Community & Economic Development staff are working with Information Technology to prepare a request for proposals to be released in fall 2013, with a vendor selected by the end ofthe year, and implementation to begin early 2014. 32 Economic Development Car Country ^^^5 CITY OF ^CARLSBAD Department Community & Economic Development Description Based on the direction received from the City Council in January 2012, on the Car Country Carlsbad Working Group Summary Recommendations Report, staff will initiate and complete actions to implement the prioritized improvements. Progress reports will be prepared and distributed to the City Council and to the Car Country Carlsbad Improvements Working Group as appropriate throughout the implementation process. Project Lead Kathy Dodson, Community & Economic Development Director Completion December 2013 Funding Included in the FY 2013-14 operating budget Status Initiated implementation of the improvements recommended by the City Council as follows: • Completed installation of red curbs, lane narrowing, and bike lanes on Car Country Drive and Paseo del Norte • City staff drafted the Specific Plan updates to address signage and streamlining the approval process. Planning Commission recommended changes to the city-wide signage ordinance which is expected to go to City Council for approval in late summer/early fall of 2013. Upon approval, changes to the specific plan will be finalized and scheduled for Planning Commission and City Council hearings. 33 Financial Health Corporate Marketing Partnerships CITY OF ^CARLSBAD Department Communications Description Public agencies are increasingly looking to develop new revenue streams to support public services. One option is to determine how we may want to use our facilities, venues, events and other assets for marketing, naming rights or sponsorship programs with businesses and other organizations. Project Lead Kristina Ray, Communications Manager Completion July 2013 Funding H Estimated $40,000; included in the FY 2012-13 operating budget Status Completed an assessment of potential corporate marketing partnership opportunities, which is scheduled to be presented to the City Council for consideration in July. If the City Council is interested in pursuing these opportunities, the next steps are to develop a Council policy covering corporate marketing partnerships and then to issue requests for proposals for potential partnership opportunities. 34 1/ Financial Health Real Estate Plan <4f^CITY OF ^ CARLSBAD Department Public Works Description Develop and implement a real estate strategic plan that optimizes the community benefit and revenue generation potential ofthe city's real property assets. This will create a portfolio of real property assets that maximizes revenue generation for the city while satisfying community use needs. Project Lead Joe Garuba, Municipal Property Manager Completion Ongoing Funding Included in the FY 2013-14 operating budget Status City Coundl directed staff to proceed with implementation ofthe strategic plan on five selected properties. Staff prepared a draft request for proposal sfor a long term ground lease for the first of the five locations. The ' proposed pequest for proposals for the Lot 9/Carlsbad Municipal Water District reservoir property, located west of the Crossings Club House, was released in June and responses are due back in mid-July 2013. A request for proposals for the Buena Vista Reservoir site is scheduled to be released in late summer 2013. 35 Financial Health Redevelopment Dissolution ^ CITY OF '^CARLSBAD Department Community & Economic Development Description Complete required activities per State Law to dissolve the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency and complete all financial obligations set forth in the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule. Project Lead Debbie Fountain, Housing & Neighborhood Services Director Completion Ongoing Funding Uf H' Included in the FY 2013-14 operating budget 'fHHMH Status Completed activities for FY 2012-13: Redevelopment Obligation Payment Schedule 13-14A submitted and approved by Department of Finance. Completed required Meet and Confers to discuss various issues related to enforceable obligations ofthe Agency. Completed Due Diligence Reviews (audits) for low and moderate income housing and non-housing redevelopment funds held by the Successor Agency; they were approved by the Department of Finance. The Successor Agency received its Finding of Completion indicating that city loans to the Agency could now be included as enforceable obligations, and the Agency could dispose of property as desired. 36 Financial Health Fellowships CITY OF ¥ CARLSBAD Department Office of the City Manager Description The city will develop and implement a fellowship program to encourage talented individuals to work in local government and to consider the city of Carlsbad as a place of employment. This program will give the city access to the latest thinking from bachelors/masters programs throughout the nation and the ability to add high quality talent to our organization for work on special projects. Project Lead Greg Hermann, Assistant to the City Manager Completion June 2014 Funding $60,000; included in the FY 2013-14 operating budget Status The city has hired a management fellow through International City/County Management Association Local Government Management Fellowship Program. This individual will begin in July 2013 and will rotate through the Human Resources Division and the City Manager's Office working on a number of citywide projects. 37 Parks, Open Space and Trails Alga Norte Community Park Operating Plan ^ CITY OF ^CARLSBAD Department Parks & Recreation Description - Determine the best, most cost-efficient manner to operate the Alga Norte Community Park. Project Lead Chris Hazeltine, Parks & Recreation Director Completion June 2014 Funding Included in the FY 2013-14 operating budget Status With the recent City Council adoption ofthe Parks & Recreation Department's cost recovery business model, meetings with potential users have taken place to discuss the facility use fee schedule; the aquatics supervisor recruitment is currently underway, and staff is continuing efforts to plan for the maintenance and operation of the park in preparation of its opening in late 2013. 38 Transportation and Circulation Traffic Signal Program <4f^CITY OF ^CARLSBAD Department Public Works Description Upgrade deficient or outdated traffic signal equipment and synchronize signals on major roadways to improve traffic flow and provide remote access to traffic signal operations for all major traffic signals through a traffic management center. Project Lead Bryan Jones, Deputy Transportation Director Completion July 2014 Funding $5,610,000; included in the FY 2013-14 Capital Improvement Program Status All major roadway corridors (over 130 traffic signals) are now connected to the Traffic Management Center with new timing plans. The new Traffic Management Center at Faraday was completed in June 2013 to better manage traffic signal and roadways. Emergency pre-emption equipment will be procured and implemented by November 2013. 39 Resident Connection and Partnership Barrio Program CITY OF ^CARLSBAD Department Description Project Lead Completed Funding Status Community & Economic Development Develop cooperative neighborhood enhancement programs with the Barrio community that will result in improved resident connections, neighborhood dynamics and enhanced sense of community through better private-public liaison efforts and focus on completion of neighborhood desired improvements. These programs will be developed in coordination with the village revitalization project and General Plan update. Debbie Fountain, Housing & Neighborhood Services Director June 2013 Included in the FY 2012-13 operating budget Second annual Spring Fiesta (spruce up event) for the Barrio was held on April 27, 2013. The Neighborhood Enhancement Action Plon was prepared and completed for the Barrio. This plan sets forth goals, objectives, and key responsibilities for stakeholders in implementation of the plan over time to enhance the historic Barrio area. By fall 2013 staff, residents, and business owners in the Barrio will establish a Neighborhood Association to assist in the implementation efforts set forth in the Neighborhood Enhancement Action Plan. 40 Water Desalination <^r^«N CITY OF ^CARLSBAD Department Public Works Description The Carlsbad Desalination Project is a 50-miIIion gallon a day seawater desalination plant that will supply the San Diego region with approximately 10 percent of its drinking water needs. The project, being developed by Poseidon Resources Corp., will be the first large scale desalination plant on the West Coast and the largest of its kind in the Western Hemisphere. It will be located next to the Carlsbad power plant at the corner of Carlsbad Boulevard and Cannon Road. Project Lead Casey Arndt, Construction Manager Completion Expect production to begin in 2016 Funding Included in the FY 2013-14 operating budget and developer fees. Status Grading operations began in April 2013 and several structures have been built. Additional building plans have been submitted for plan check and are being reviewed. Pipe installation continues on Las Flores Drive in San Marcos and in completing the tunnel work under Rancho Santa Fe. In July, work began in Carlsbad at the boring pit location in the intersection of Cannon Road and Avenida Encinas. The relocation of an active water at this location will begin in July 2013. Tunnel work under Interstate 5 will begin after the water line has been moved. 41 Water Recycled Water am> CITY OF ^CARLSBAD Department Public Works 9HiV 'IWilliPlii Description Develop recycled water Phase 111 Expansion Project, which will greatly increase the recycled water system customer base, install new pipelines and bring recycled water sales to the City of Oceanside, Olivenhain Municipal Water District, and Vista Irrigation District. Project Lead David Ahles, Senior Engineer Completion June 2015 Funding Estimated $29 million; funding to be determined Status A request for proposals for the Carlsbad Water Reclamation Facility was released on June 13, 2013. California Environmental Quality Act-Plus compliance was updated, compiled and submitted to State for approval. 42 Water Groundwater |,CITY OF ^ CARLSBAD Department Public Works Description Develop a plan for possible groundwater development including water rights in the San Luis Rey River Mission Basin and the Rancho Carlsbad community. The goal of this project is to create two full-functioning groundwater systems that extract, convey, treat, store and distribute groundwater throughout the Carlsbad Municipal Water District potable water distribution system. It is estimated that approximately 2,000 acre- feet of potable water could be produced each year from available groundwater supplies. Project Lead Bill Plummer, Engineering Manager Completion June 2014 Funding Estimated $15 million; funding to be determined Status Staff has developed a legal strategy to protect groundwater rights at this location using a declaratory relief action. This was discussed with City Council in June 2013, and assistance by legal counsel is now being pursued. 43 Safe Community Facility Security CITY OF ^CARLSBAD Department Police Description Conduct an environmental security review of the city facilities using the principles of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design. These principles maintain that the proper design and effective use of a planned environment can lead to a reduction in the fear and incidence of crime as well as an improvement in quality of life. Issues to be considered are access control, natural and artificial (camera) surveillance and territorial control. Project Lead Kelly Cain, Police Lieutenant HIMM Completion June 2013 Funding Included in the FY 2012-13 operating budget Status Property & Environmental Management staff were added to the project team. The team met on June 11, 2013, at Alga Norte Park site for review and status update on camera installation. The team is proposing that Alga Norte Community Park be the pilot project for security cameras. A final proposal will be brought to the City Council at a later date. 44 Safe Community Fire Station 3 .^7w> CITY OF ^CARLSBAD department Description Project Lead Completion Funding Status Public Works Complete design and construction of Fire Station No. 3 that meets the functional needs ofthe Fire Department (present and future), fits in architecturally with the surrounding community, integrates with the future Robertson Ranch, includes proven sustainability features, has optimized lifecycle cost and is completed within budget, on time and without contractor claims. Patrick McGarry, Public Works Superintendent July 2014 $8.6 million; included in the FY 2013-14 Capital Improvement Program, additional funding requested for new storm water requirements and new street development. The permit review from the city is completed. WLC (project architect) is revising the plans to reduce the costs and are preparing permit corrections due to the city by the end of July 2013. Staff is in process of negotiating a right of way and reimbursement agreement with Shapell Homes for the costs ofthe new street serving both projects. 4S Environmental Management Agua Hedionda Creek Dredging <4r^ CITY OF ^CARLSBAD Department Public Works MHft Description Secure permits for dredging and stabilization of the Agua Hedionda Creek Channel and Calavera Creek. Once completed, the project will remove the majority of the homes within the Rancho Carlsbad Community from the 100-year flood plain. Project Lead Sherri Howard, Associate Engineer Completion Dredging scheduled to begin in September 2014 Funding Estimated $10 million; partial funding included in the FY 2013-14 Capital Improvement Program Status A draft permit has been obtained from the Army Corps of Engineers contingent on Regional Water Quality Control Board Certification. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife issued a permit in January 2013. Staff submitted a letter in response to Regional Water Quality Control Board comments on April 15, 2013. Amendments to the Special Use Permit and Coastal Development Permit have been secured. 46 Environmental Management Hydroelectric Power Generation 4^ CITY OF ^CARLSBAD Department Public Works Description Construct hydroelectric project to generate electricity using the pressure and flow from the San Diego County Water Authority aqueduct system. One in-line, pressure controlled hydroelectric generator will be installed at Carlsbad Municipal Water District Connection No. 3. The hydroelectric generator will produce approximately 150 kW for Carlsbad Municipal Water District operations. Project Lead William Plummer, Engineering Manager Completion December 2013 Funding $2,000,000; included in the FY 2013-14 Capital Improvement Program Status Plans and specifications are completed. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission responded to "conduit exemption" application submitted by Carlsbad Municipal Water District. City Council authorized advertising to receive bids for construction in May, and bids were received in July 2013. Staff will evaluate the bids in July and anticipate a recommendation to the City Council by September 2013. 47 Environmental Management Vista-Carlsbad Sewer Interceptor CITY OF ^CARLSBAD Department Public Works Description Construct the Vista-Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer, Reaches VCllB through VC15, and the Agua Hedionda Lift Station replacement. Project Lead Terry Smith, Senior Engineer |^||^^|^|^ Completion November 2015 Funding $46,730,000; induded in the FY 2013-14 Capital Improvement Program Status The city must acquire easements from NRG Energy, Inc., (potentially requiring condemnation), approval from the California Energy Commission or enterMnto a development agreement with NRG Energy. Discussions are ongoing with the city attorney. An appraisal is being performed for the necessary NRG Energy easement, due by the end of July 2013.The project design will be complete in August 2013, and all resource agency permits have been obtained. A request for authorization to bid for the construction contract is planned to occur in early fall 2013, pending resolution with NRG Energy. 48 Environmental Management Buena Vista Lagoon Restoration J^, CITY OF ^ CARLSBAD Department Parks & Recreation Description The Buena Vista Lagoon currently provides important habitat for plant, fish, birds, and invertebrate species, including several special status species. Unfortunately, the lagoon has been changing steadily over time with progressive degradation of the various benefits to wildlife and humans. Results from recent studies indicated the lagoon would most likely become a vegetated fresh water marsh or riparian woodlands within the next 30-50 years, thereby ceasing to provide wetland function and values. Project Lead Chris Hazeltine, Parks & Recreation Director Completion Ongoing Funding Financial commitment belongs to Fish and Game Status Staff serves as a resource to San Diego Association of Governments , and monitors the progress of required environmental studies, which is leading to SANDAG's preparation ofa comprehensive draft Environmental Impact Report and Environmental Impact Statement. The city has contributed $100,000 toward the environmental studies to complete the Environmental Impact Report. The technical studies and the Environmental Impact Report should be complete and available for public review by December 2014. 49