HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-07-23; City Council; 21312; Authorization to Apply for SDGE CERT Grant ProgramCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 12 AB# MTG. DEPT. 21.312 07/23/13 FIRE AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY FOR SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC SAFE SAN DIEGO INITIATIVE CERT GRANT PROGRAM DEPT.DIRECTOR CITY ATTY. CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council adopt Resolution No. 2013-188 authonzing the Carlsbad Fire Department to apply for the 2013 San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E) SAFE San Diego Initiative grant program for Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT). ITEM EXPLANATION: SDG&E recently announced a SAFE San Diego Initiative focused on emergency preparedness, and supporting safety programs and services such as CERT. The City of Carlsbad has been invited to apply for this grant opportunity (Exhibit 2). SDG&E is making up to $2,500 available to support local CERT programs. Council previously approved applying for a similar SDG&E grant program. Resolution 2012- 140. The Carlsbad Fire Department grant request is for $2,500. The grant funds will be used to purchase up to 2 "EZ-UP" tents pnnted with the Carlsbad CERT logo. These tents will be used by CERT for incident response operations and public outreach events, and will give CERT greater visibility and limited shelter dunng incidents and public outreach. FISCAL IMPACT: The SDG&E grant award of $2,500 represents one-time funds. Matching funds are not required. If awarded, the SDG&E funds will be appropnated to the Fire Department Emergency Preparedness program. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, this grant application request does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 2. SDG&E SAFE San Diego Initiative - Grant Funding 6/04/13 2013-188 DEPARTMENT CONTACT: David Harrison 760-484-0247 David.Harrlson@carlsbadca.gov FOR CLERK USE. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC • DENIED • CONTINUEDTO DATE UNKNOWN • CONTINUED • RETURNED TO STAFF • WITHDRAWN • OTHER - SEE MINUTES • AMENDED • REPORT RECEIVED • 1 RESOLUTIONNO. 2013-188 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC SAFE SAN DIEGO INITIATIVE COMMUNITY 3 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4 EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM (CERT) GRANT PROGRAM. 5 6 y WHEREAS, San Diego Gas and Electnc is accepting applications for their SAFE San Diego 8 Initiative supporting Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) programs; and ^ WHEREAS, the goal of this grant is to promote emergency preparedness and encourage safety at home and in local neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of Carlsbad Fire Department to participate in this program to enhance emergency preparedness; 10 11 12 13 j4 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Cartsbad, 15 California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 16 17 18 19 20 documentation associated with applying for grant funding from San Diego Gas and 21 Electnc to enhance the City of Cartsbad's CERT emergency preparedness program 2. That Council authonzes the submittal of this grant application. 3. That the Fire Chief, or Fire Chiefs designee, is authonzed to execute any and all /// /// /// /// PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting ofthe City Council ofthe City of CaHsbad on the 23'''' day of July, 2013, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Hall, Packard, Wood, Blackburn and Douglas. None. None. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: BARBARA ENGLESON,^ty Clerk David Harrison From: McGuire Newell, Penney <PNewell@semprautilities.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 10:13 AM To: PMN Cc: McGuire Newell, Penney Subject: SDG&E SAFE San Diego Initiative - Grant Funding Attachments: 2013 Safety Partners FSC and CERT Grant Application.docx Good Morning/Afternoon Community Partners, I am pleased to announce today's launch ofthe 2013 SDG&E SAFE San Diego Initiative. This Initiative provides grant funding, by invitation, to non-profit organizations in the SDG&E service territory whose programs and services support emergency preparedness and safety. SDG&E is pleased to invite your organization to apply for SDG&E SAFE San Diego Initiative grant funding. Online grant applications will be accepted through June 21 for support of emergency preparedness and safety programs provided by the following types of organizations: • First response volunteer agencies, such as the volunteer fire departments and volunteer law enforcement organizations; • Emergency response agencies that provide disaster preparedness training, fire safety and/or disaster medical operations; • Local charities that provide safety or disaster response support programs, resources, and/or education. Organizations wishing to submit an application must complete a new online application for the 2013 SDG&E SAFE San Diego Initiative by the June 21 deadline. Please do not use the general online application at the SDG&E Community Relations website. Instead, if your organization has 501(c)3 status, please use the following link: http://www.GrantRequest.com/SID 251?SA=SNA&FID=35099. If your organization does not have 501(c)3 status, please complete the attached form and submit it to the Burn Institute by email at AHamblv@burninstitute.org or by fax to 858-541-7179. If you have technical questions pertaining to our online application system, please click on the following link for further information: http://sdge.com/our-commitment/applv-funding/application-technical-questions. As always, please contact me should you have any additional questions regarding the 2013 SDG&E SAFE San Diego Initiative. We look forward to your application. Best regards. Penney Newell Manager, Community Relations San Diego Gas & Electnc i DRAFT Safety Partners FSC and CERT Grant Application Before getting started. SDG&E is pleased to invite your organization to apply for a grant through the SDG&E SAFE San Diego Initiative. The 2013 SDG&E SAFE San Diego Initiative grant applications must be complete by the June 21 deadline. If your organization has 501(c)3 status, please use the following link: http://www.GrantReauest.com/SID 251?SA=SNA&FID=35099. If your organization does not have 50irc)3 status, please complete this form and submit it to the Burn Institute by email at AHamblv@burninstitute,orq or by fax to 858-541-7179. If you have any questions pertaining to this grant program, please contact Penney Newell by email at Pnewell@)semprautilities.com or by phone at (619) 696-2188 Proposal Narrative Section If acting as Fiduciary (trustee) for another organization, provide full name ofthe organization that funds will be re-granted to by your organization: Click here to enter text. Please provide contact details for your organization above: Title: Emergency Preparedness Manager First Name: David Last Name: Harnson E-mail: david.harnson@cartsbadca.gov 6 Office Phone: (760) 931-2137 Program or project name: Cartsbad CERT shelters for operations and public outreach (Limited to 10 words or less) Total program budget amount: $2500 Please explain how the program/project budget is allocated: Cartsbad CERT is funded by City of Cartsbad general fund, and by Homeland Secunty and other grants when available. If the program/project is funded by grants, pnvate donations and/or through Fire Department budget, please list them: City of Cartsbad Fire Department general fund, Homeland Secunty Grant Program (one-time grant), SDG&E Grants, San Diego Police Foundation Grant. Describe the safety program or project that you are applying for funding: The project is to purchase up to 2 custom pnnted EZ-UPs with the Cartsbad CERT logo. These tents will be used by CERT for incident response operations and public oureach, with exposure to over 200,000 residents. A custom tent will give CERT greater visibility dunng incidents and public outreach. (Limited to 50 words or less) Descnbe or list benefits to the community that may result from support of the proposed grant: To reach more residents and businesses dunng CERT's many public outreach activites, and to be more recognizable dunng incidents, CERT needs greater visibility. By pnnting the CERT logo (with Emergency Preparedness) on a good quality EZ-UP, CERT will achieve greater visiblitiy, and shelter, dunng incident response and public education. (Limited to 50 words or less) DRAFT Pnmary geographic area to be served by program or project: City of Cartsbad List the name of the community(s) or zip codes your program serves: City of Cartsbad Impact and Measurement Section Is the organization willing to provide a year-end report on how funding was spent? Yes Please enter Yes or No. If the organization provides safety trainings, workshops or basic training academies, how many offered annually? 14 Please enter as a numerical character REQUIRED FIRE SAFE COUNCIL RESPONSES: (CERT organizations, skip this section and complete required responses for CERT's below) Provide latitude and longitude coordinates or zip codes for the areas that your FSC manages. Click here to enter text. Does the FSC offer defensible space programs, if so, how many per year? Click here to enter text. Please enter as numerical character. In 2012, what was the estimated number of homes protected by the prog ram/proj ect. Click here to enter text. Please enter as a numerical character How many communications relevant to fire safety are generated each year? Click here to enter text. Please enter as a numerical character. List the types of fuel treatments offered (i.e. chipping, weed whacking, hand deanng, other): Click here to enter text. DRAF What is the estimated number of acreage that will be treated through fuel treatment projects in 2013? Click here to enter text. Please enter as a numerical character. Does the program provide signage? Click here to enter text. Please enter Yes or No. If signage, how many? Click here to enter text. Please enter as numerical character. What type of signage was provided to the community dunng the past 12 months? Click here to enter text. REQUIRED CERT RESPONSES (FSC organizations, skip this section): What is the estimated population ofthe entire CERTarea/junsdiction: 105,000 Please enter as a numerical character. Provide information about the types of basic disaster response skills and disaster preparedness programs the organization offers: After the CERT academy, Cartsbad offers CERT members additional training in shelter operations, LAC, WebEOC, ICS, CPR/AED/first aid, sandbag filling. CERT is trained on earthquakes, tsunamis, wildland fire and other regional threats, and are encouraged to share this with their neigbors. (Limited to 50 words or less) How many active CERT members are in the CERT program? 133 Please enter as a numerical character. How many CERT drtlls offered annually? 2 Please enter as a numerical character. Does the CERT program offer any Continuing Education Units (CEU's) or additional training DRAFT programs? Yes Please enter Yes or No.