HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-11-19; City Council; 21434; Approve Continous Export Facility AgreementA CITY OF CARLSBAD AND CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT - AGENDA BILL 12 21,434 APPROVE CONTINUOUS EXPORT GENERATING FACIUTY INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT WITH SDG&E FOR THE PRESSURE CONTROL HYDROELECTRIC FACILITY AT MAERKLE RESERVOIR, PROJECT NO. 5025 DEPT.DIRECrOR iP(^ t .— MTG. 11/19/2013 APPROVE CONTINUOUS EXPORT GENERATING FACIUTY INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT WITH SDG&E FOR THE PRESSURE CONTROL HYDROELECTRIC FACILITY AT MAERKLE RESERVOIR, PROJECT NO. 5025 GEN. COUNSEL f DEPT. PW-UTILITIES APPROVE CONTINUOUS EXPORT GENERATING FACIUTY INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT WITH SDG&E FOR THE PRESSURE CONTROL HYDROELECTRIC FACILITY AT MAERKLE RESERVOIR, PROJECT NO. 5025 CITY MGR. >^ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2013-271 of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad; California, approving the Continuous Export Generating Facility Interconnection Agreement with San Diego Gas & Electric Company for the Pressure Control Hydroelectric Facility at Maerkle Reservoir, Project No. 5025. Adopt Resolution No. 1484 of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, California, authorizing reimbursement from the City of Carlsbad for all revenues or credits generated from the Interconnection Agreement with San Diego Gas & Electric Company. ITEM EXPLANATION: The site for the Pressure Control Hydroelectric Facility (PCHF) is located approximately one mile north of Faraday Avenue near the eastern limits ofthe City of Carlsbad as shown on Exhibit 3. The PCHF will receive relatively high pressure water from the San Diego County Water Authority's Tri-Agencies Pipeline at CMWD Connection No. 3, and will then convert this pressure to electrical power through a hydroelectric generator prior to discharging the water to either the 10 million gallon (MG) Maerkle Concrete Tank or 200 MG Maerkle Dam Reservoir. On August 27, 2013, through Resolution No. 1477 (Agenda Bill No. 773), the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board awarded a contract to Environmental Construction, Inc. to construct the PCHF, and construction Is tentatively scheduled to be completed in June 2014. To interconnect and operate the PCHF as a Generating Facility, the City of Carlsbad needs to execute a Continuous Export Generating Facility Interconnection Agreement (GFIA) with SDG&E. The GFIA is shown on Exhibit 4, and has the following primary conditions: DEPARTMENT CONTACT: William Plummer 760-602-2768 bill.plummer@carisbadca.gov FOR SECRETARY USE. BOARD ACTION: APPROVED CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC • DENIED • CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN • CONTINUED • RETURNED TO STAFF • WITHDRAWN • OTHER - SEE MINUTES • AMENDED • REPORT RECEIVED • 1. City of Carlsbad is the Electricity Producer. 2. The Electricity Producer will sell energy produced by the Generating Facility (hydroelectric facility) directly to SDG&E pursuant to RES-BCT, see Fiscal Impact below. 3. SDG&E's customer electric service account number for the hydroelectric facility is 9522964244 located at 5300 Sunny Creek Road C, Carlsbad, CA 92010 (Maerkle Reservoir). 4. The hydroelectric facility is rated at 149 kW, and the expected annual energy production is 832,812 kilowatt hours (kWh). 5. The GFIA shall continue in full force and effect until the parties agree in writing to terminate the GFIA. FISCAL IMPACT; The GFIA is based on the Renewable Energy Self-Generation Bill Credit Transfer (RES-BCT) tariff approved by the California Public Utilities Commission in accordance with Public Utilities Code 2830, created by AB 2466 in 2008. The RES-BCT tariff allows local governments to generate electricity at one account and transfer any available excess amount as bill credits (in dollars) to other accounts owned by the same local government. The credit only applies to the commodity charge portion of the electrical bill. The SDG&E credit amount is obtained from their commodity charge Schedule EECC using rates in Schedule PA-T-1. The PA-T-1 rates effective September 1, 2013 are shown in Exhibit 5, and the rates applicable to the PCHF are on the bottom of sheet 8 in Schedule EECC for the following time frames: • On-Peak Energy: Summer; Semi-Peak Energy: Summer; Off-Peak Energy: Summer • On-Peak Energy: Winter; Semi-Peak Energy: Winter; Off-Peak Energy: Winter The Net Present Value financial analysis estimated the credit amount initially at $80,442 and increasing at the rate of 5 percent per year based on the historical increase in the commodity charge for electrical power. Therefore, in twenty years the credit amount would be on the order of $203,000 per year. This is a conservative economic analysis indicating a payback period of 10 to 15 years. Ifthe credit is higher the result would be a shorter payback time period of 8 to 10 years. To receive the credit, the City of Carlsbad must submit a "Generation Bill Credit Transfer Allocation Request Form" (form 142-0546) with up to a maximum of SO Benefiting Accounts. Carlsbad may elect to delete or add a Benefiting Account once every 12 months upon providing SDG&E a minimum 60 days written notice. Based on a review of power bills, staff recommends applying the credit initially to five Benefiting Accounts, which are shown in Table 1 below. The estimated credit for the commodity charge is based on SDG&E Schedule EECC PA-T-1, and assumes the hydroelectric generator will have an annual operation of 6,158 hours. If the hours of operation for the hydroelectric generator were to increase, then additional benefiting accounts can be added to receive the additional credit. It is important that the credit closely match the commodity charge of the benefiting accounts because any excess credits resulting from the annual operation of the hydroelectric facility will be forfeited. The credit is applicable over an entire year enabling more credit to be received during higher power demand occurring in summer months than the lower power demand typically occurring in winter months. Table 1 - Commodity Charge Credit Applied to Benefiting Accounts Generating Account Account Number Service address Estimated Commodity Charge Credit Percentage 9522964244 Maerkle Reservoir 5300 Sunny Creek Road $81,359.68 100% Recommended Benefiting Account 3963995603 Calavera Pump Station 4758 Rift Road $6,241.90 8% 6732562422 Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility 6216 Avenida Encinas $35,704.03 44% 8685850531 Bressi Recycled Pump Station 6170 Campbell Place $10,427.97 13% 9522801804 CMWD Operations Building 5950 El Camino Real $14,345.28 18% 9522964244 Maerkle Reservoir 5300 Sunny Creek Road $14,640.50 18% Total $81,359.68 100% A "Demand Savings" would also occur at Maerkle Reservoir which is estimated at $27,000 per year in the first year of operation. Finally, any Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) generated will be owned by CMWD. RECs can be sold and traded and the owner ofthe REC can claim to have purchased renewable energy. The CMWD owns and operates the hydroelectric facility. Therefore credits received by the City of Carlsbad from SDG&E for the benefitting accounts shall be applied to CMWD. Staff recommends that the reimbursement ofthe credit to CMWD be in accordance with the "Operating Agreement" between CMWD and the City ofCarlsbad dated June 25,1991, which was approved by Resolution No. 741. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15303(d) - New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures. The City Planner filed a Notice of Exemption with the County of San Diego on October 18, 2011. EXHIBITS: 2013-271 1. Resolution No. of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad approving the Generating Facility Interconnection Agreement (Continuous Export) with San Diego Gas & Electric Company for the Pressure Control Hydroelectric Facility at Maerkle Reservoir, Project No. 5025. 2. Adopt Resolution No. 1484 of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, California, authorizing reimbursement from the City of Carlsbad for ali revenues or credits generated from the Interconnection Agreement with SDG&E. 3. Location Map. 4. Generating Facility Interconnection Agreement (Continuous Export). 5. Electric Energv Commoditv Cost Schedule EECC; Commodity Rate Schedule PA-T-1, effective September 1, 2013. RESOLUTION NO. 2013-271 1 2 „ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, 2 APPROVING THE GENERATING FACILITY INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT (CONTINUOUS EXPORT) WITH SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR THE PRESSURE CONTROL HYDROLECTRIC 5 FACILITY AT MAERKLE RESERVOIR. PROJECT NO. 5025 4 6 WHEREAS, on August 27, 2013 through Resolution No. 1477 the Board of the Carlsbad 7 8 9 10 11 Municipal Water District awarded a contract to Environmental Construction Inc. to construct the Pressure Control Hydroelectric Facility (PCHF) at Maerkle Reservoir, Project No. 5025; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to enter into a Generating Facility Interconnection Agreement (Continuous Export) to enable the Electrical Producer to interconnect and operate a Generating 12 Facility in parallel with San Diego Gas & Electric Company's (SDG&E) Distribution System and sell 13 energy produced by such Generating Facility directly to SDG&E pursuant to Rule 21 of SDG&E's tariffs; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad will be designated the Electrical Producer. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council ofthe City of Carlsbad, California, as follows that: 14 15 16 17 18 19 1. The above recitations are true and correct 20 21 22 23 24 execute the agreement on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. 25 /// 26 /// 27 28 2. That the Generating Facility Interconnection Agreement (Continuous Export) between San DIego Gas & Electric Company and City of Carlsbad is hereby approved, and the City Manager or the Public Works Director is authorized to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council and Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors, held on the IS*"" day of November, 2013, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Hall, Packard, Wood, Blackburn and Douglas. None. None. MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: BARBARA ENGLESON,City Clerk 1 RESOLUTION NO. 1484 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, AUTHORIZING REIMBURSEMENT FROM THE CiTY OF CARLSBAD FOR ALL 4 REVENUES OR CREDITS GENERATED FROM THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT WITH SDG&E 5 " 6 ^ WHEREAS, ON August 27, 2013, through Resolution No. 1477, the Board of the Carlsbad 8 Municipal Water District awarded a contract to Environmental Construction Inc. to construct 9 the Pressure Control Hydroelectric Facility (PCHF) at Maerkle Reservoir, Project No. 5025; and 10 WHEREAS, the City Council ofthe City of Carlsbad authorized entering into a Generating 11 Facility Interconnection Agreement (Continuous Export) with San Diego Gas & Electric Company 12 (SDG&E) to enable the Electrical Producer to interconnect and operate a Generating Facility in 13 .J4 parallel with SDG&E's Distribution System and sell energy produced by such Generating Facility 15 directly to SDG&E pursuant to Rule 21 of SDG&E's tariffs; and ''6 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is designated the Electrical Producer in the Interconnection Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District is the owner and operator of the Pressure Control Hydroelectric Facility (Generating Facility); and 17 18 19 20 21 WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District owns the Renewable Energy Credits, 22 which can be sold and traded; and WHEREAS, under the Operating Agreement with the City of Carlsbad, dated June 25, 24 1991, approved by Resolution No. 741, the Carlsbad Municipai Water District shall be 25 authorized to receive all revenues or credits generated from the Interconnection Agreement 26 between the City of Carlsbad and SDG&E and the Renewable Energy Credits. 28 1 2 City 3 4 5 6 7 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 12 // 13 // 14 // 15 // 16 // 17 // 18 // 19 // 20 // 21 // 22 // 23 // 24 25 // 26 // 27 // 28 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board ofthe City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. City of Carlsbad will reimburse the Carlsbad Municipai Water District any revenue or credit received through the Interconnection Agreement with San Diego Gas and Electric Company (SDG&E) and Renewable Energy Credits: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting ofthe Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors and the Carlsbad City Council, held on the 19**^ day of November, 2013, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Board Members Hall, Packard, Wood, Blackburn and Douglas. None. None. ATTEST: BARBARA ENGLESON, Secretary ~ o:Q s; : 2^ • H V'A--- • .V LOCATION MAP AIOT" 70 SCALE MAERKLE RESERVOIR PROJECT NAME PRESSURE CONTROL HYDROELECTRIC FACILITY AT MAERKLE RESERVOIR PROJECT NUIVIBER 5025 EXHIBIT DRAWN BY: SCOTT EVMS. WRtSSAD UVUWS DEPT. 8/18/10 C: \UVLVES DEP/^TKIENT\[^SIGN DIVISiON\PLUUklER\5025.DWG lb ^^^^ A UC Sempra Energy'mi«{y GENERATING FACILITY INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT (CONTINUOUS EXPORT) This Generating Facility Interconnection Agreement ("GFIA") is entered into by and between City of Carlsbad ("Electricity Producer" or "EP") and San DIego Gas & Electric Company ("SDG&E"). The EP and SDG&E are sometimes also referred to in this GFIA jointly as "Parties" or individually as "Party." In consideration ofthe mutual promises and obligations stated in this GFIA and its attachments, the Parties agree as follows: 1. SCOPE AND PURPOSE This GFIA provides for EP to interconnect and operate a Generating Facility (described below) in parallel with SDG&E's Distribution System to 1) deliver to SDG&E on a non-compensated basis or 2) sell energy produced by such Generating Facility directly to SDG&E pursuant to RES-BCT. 2. SUMMARY AND DESCRIPTION OF EP's GENERATING FACILITY 2.1 A description of the Generating Facility, including a summary of Its significant components and a single-line diagram showing the general arrangement of how EP's Generating Facility and loads are interconnected with SDG&E's Distribution System, is attached to and made a part of this GFIA as Appendix A. 2.2 Generating Facility identification number: 15334 Assigned by SDG&E) 2.3 SDG&E's customer electric service account number: 9522964244 (Assigned by SDG&E) 2.4 Name and address used by SDG&E to locate the electric service account used to interconnect the Generating Facility with SDG&E's Distribution System: CITY OF CARLSBAD 5300 SUNNY CREEEK RD C CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2.5 The Gross Nameplate Rating of the Generating Facility: 149.kW 2.6 The Net Nameplate Rating of the Generating Facility: 149 kW 2.7 The expected annual energy production of the Generating Facility is: 832.812 kWh 2.8 For the purpose of securing the Competition Transition Charge ("CTC") exemption available under Section 372 ofthe California Public Utilities ("PU") Code, EP hereby declares that the Generating Facility does Sl does not • meet the requirements for "Cogeneration" as such term is used in Section 216.6 of the PU Code. 2.9 The Generating Facility's expected date of Initial Operation is: 6/01/2014. The expected date of initial Operation shall be within two years of the date of this GFIA. 142-0545 (06/06) 3. DOCUMENTS INCLUDED; DEFINED TERMS 3.1 This GFIA includes the following exhibits that are specifically incorporated herein and made a part of this GFIA by this reference: Appendix A - Description of Generating Facility and Single-Line Diagram Appendix B - Copy of SDG&E's Electric Rule 2 and Rule 21 Appendix C - Copy of interconnection facilities financing and operation agreement 3.2 When initially capitalized, whether in the singular or in the plural, the terms used herein shall have the meanings assigned to them either in this GFIA or in Rule 21 of SDG&E's tariffs. 4. TERM AND TERMINATION 4.1 This GFIA shall become effective as of the last date entered in Section 17, below. The term of the GFIA shall continue in full force and effect until the eariiest date that one of the following events occurs: (a) The Parties agree in writing to terminate the GFIA; or (b) The dated terminates for any reason. 4.2 SDG&E may elect to terminate this GFIA for one or more of the following additional reasons: (a) A change in applicable rules, tariffs, and regulations, as approved or directed by the CPUC, or a change in any local, state or federal law, statute or regulation, either of which materially alters or othenwise affects SDG&E's ability or obligation to perform SDG&E's duties under this GFIA; or, (b) EP fails to take all corrective actions specified in SDG&E's Notice that EP's Generating Facility is out of compliance with the terms of this GFIA within the time frame set forth in such Notice; or, (c) EP abandons the Generating Facility. SDG&E shall deem the Generating Facility to be abandoned if SDG&E determines, in its sole opinion, the Generating Facility is non-operational and EP does not provide a substantive response to SDG&E's Notice of its intent to terminate this Agreement as a result of EP's apparent abandonment of the Generating Facility affirming EP's intent and ability to continue to operate the Generating Facility. 4.3 Any agreement attached to and incorporated into this GFIA shall terminate concurrently with this GFIA unless the Parties have agreed otherwise in writing. 5. GENERATING FACILITY OPERATION AND CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS 5.1 EP is responsible for operating the Generating Facility in compliance with all of SDG&E's tariffs, including but not limited to SDG&E's Rule 21, and any other regulations and laws governing the Interconnection of the Generating Facility. 5.2 EP shall not deliver reactive power to SDG&E's Distribution System unless the Parties have agreed otherwise in writing. 6.3 The Generating Facility shall be operated with all of EP's Protective Functions in service whenever the Generating Facility is operated in parallel with SDG&E's Distribution System. Any deviation from these requirements may occur only when the Parties have agreed to such deviations in writing. 142-0545 (06/06) INTERCONNECTION FACILITIES 6.1 EP and/or SDG&E, as appropriate, shall provide Interconnection Facilities that adequately protect SDG&E's Distribution System, personnel, and other persons from damage or injury, which may be caused by the operation of EP's Generating Facility. 6.2 EP shall be solely responsible for the costs, design, purchase, construction, operation, and maintenance of the Interconnection Facilities that EP owns. 6.3 If the provisions of SDG&E's Rule 21, or any other tariff approved by the Commission, require SDG&E to own and operate a portion of the Interconnection Facilities, EP and SDG&E shall promptly execute an agreement that establishes and allocates responsibilityfor the design, installation, operation, maintenance, and ownership ofthe interconnection Facilities. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY/INDEMNITY Each Party's liability to the other Party for any loss, cost, claim, injury, liability, or expense, including reasonable attorney's fees, relating to or arising from any act or omission in its performance ofthis agreement, shall be limited to the amount of direct damage actually incurred, in no event shall either Party be liable to the other Party for any indirect, special, consequential, or punitive damages of any kind whatsoever. As between SDG&E and EP, EP shall be solely responsible for and EP shall indemnify, defend and hold SDG&E , and its current and future parent company, subsidiaries, affiliates and their respective directors, officers, shareholders, employees, agents, representatives, successors and assigns harmless from and against any and all claims, actions, suits, proceedings, losses, liabilities, penalties, fines, damages, cost or expenses including without limitation, reasonable attorneys fees (including fees and disbursements of in-house and outside counsel) of any kind whatsoever resulting from (a) injuries to or death of any and all individuals, including, without limitation, members of the general public, or any employee, agent, independent contractor or consultant or affiliate of either SDG&E or EP, arising out of or connected in any manner with EP's performance of services, or (b) damage to and/or destruction of property of SDG&E or EP arising out of or connected in any manner with EP's performance of services, or (c) third party claims of any kind, whether based on negligence, strict liability, or otherwise, arising out of or connected in any manner to EP's or any of its subcontractors acts or omissions in breach of this Agreement.. This indemnification obligation shall not apply to the extent that injuries, death, loss, damage or destruction is caused by either the willful misconduct by SDG&E or SDG&E's sole negligence. 8. INSURANCE 8.1 In connection with EP's performance of its duties and obligations under this GFIA, EP shall maintain, during the term ofthe GFIA, general liability insurance with a combined single limit of not less than: (a) Two million dollars ($2,000,000) for each occurrence if the Gross Nameplate Rating of EP's Generating Facility is greater than one hundred (100) kW; (b) One million dollars ($1,000,000) for each occurrence if the Gross Nameplate Rating of EP's Generating Facility is greater than twenty (20) kW and less than or equal to one hundred (100) kW; and (c) Five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) for each occurrence if the Gross Nameplate Rating of EP's Generating Facility is twenty (20) kW or less. (d) Two hundred thousand dolfars ($200,000) for each occurrence if the Gross Nameplate Rating of EP's Generating Facility is ten (10) kW or less and EP's Generating Facility is connected to an account receiving residential service from SDG&E. Such general liability insurance shall include coverage for "Premises-Operations, Owners and Contractors Protective, Products/Completed Operations Hazard, Explosion, Collapse, Underground, Contractual Liability, and Broad Form Property Damage including Completed Operations." 3 142-0545 (06/06) 8.2 The general liability insurance required in Section 8.1 shall, by endorsement to the policy or policies, (a) include SDG&E, its affiliates/parent companies and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives, successors and assigns as an additional insured; (b) contain a severability of interest clause or cross-liability clause; (c) provide that SDG&E shall not by reason of its Inclusion as an additional insured incur liability to the insurance carrier for payment of premium for such insurance; and (d) provide for thirty (30) calendar days' written notice to SDG&E prior to cancellation, termination, alteration, or material change of such insurance. 8.3 If EP's Generating Facility is connected to an account receiving residential sen/ice from SDG&E and the requirement of Section 8.2(a) prevents EP from obtaining the insurance required in Section 8.1, then upon EP's written Notice to SDG&E in accordance with Section 9.1, the requirements of Section 8.2(a) shall be waived. 8.4 Evidence of the insurance required in Section 8.2 shall state that coverage provided is primary and is not in excess to or contributing with any insurance or self-insurance maintained by SDG&E. 8.5 EP shall furnish the required insurance certificates and endorsements to SDG&E prior to Initial Operation ofthe Generating Facility. Thereafter. SDG&E shall have the right to periodically inspect or obtain a copy of the original policy or policies of insurance. 8.6 If EP is self-insured with an established record of self-insurance, EP may comply with the following in lieu of Sections 8.1 through 8,4: (a) EP shalt provide to SDG&E, at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the date of Initial Operation, evidence of an acceptable plan to self-Insure to a level of coverage equivalent to that required under Section 8.1. (b) If EP ceases to self-insure to the level required hereunder, or if EP are unable to provide continuing evidence of EP's ability to self-insure, EP agrees to immediately obtain the coverage required under Section 8.1. 6.7 All insurance certificates, statements of self insurance, endorsements, cancellations, terminations, alterations, and material changes of such insurance shall be issued and submitted to the following: San Diego Gas & Electric Company Attn: Customer Generation. 8316 Century Park Court, CP52F San Diego, CA 92123 9. NOTICES 9.1 Any written notice, demand, or request required or authorized in connection with this GFIA ("Notice") shall be deemed properiy given if delivered in person or sent by first class mail, postage prepaid, to the person specified beiow: if to SDG&E: San Diego Gas & Electric Company Attn: Customer Generation 8316 Century Park Court, CP52F San Diego, CA 92123 Phone: (619)696-2000 FAX: (619)819-4448 If to EP: Carisbad Munictpal Water District Attn: Conrad "Skip" Hammann Jr. 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: (760) 602-2751 FAX: (760) €02-8562 9.2 A Party may change its address for Notices at any time by providing the other Party Notice of the change in accordance with Section 9.1. 4 142-0545(06/06) 9.3 The Parties may also designate operating representatives to conduct the daily communications, which may be necessary or convenient for the administration of this GFIA. Such designations, including names, addresses, and phone numbers may be communicated or revised by one Party's Notice to the other. 10. ISO DECLARED EMERGENCIES EP shall comply with all ISO protocols, including but not limited to the following: if the ISO declares a Stage 2 or Stage 3 System Emergency, as defined in the ISO Tariff and Protocols, SDG&E may dispatch EP to operate the Generating Facility and EP shall make all commercially reasonable efforts to comply with such request within the physical limitations ofthe Generating Facility. 11. REVIEW OF RECORDS AND DATA 11.1 SDG&E shall have the right to review and obtain copies of EP's operations and maintenance records, logs, or other information such as, unit availability, maintenance outages, and circuit breaker operation requiring manual reset, relay targets and unusual events pertaining to EP's Genenating Facility or its Interconnection with SDG&E's Distribution System. 11.2 EP authorizes SDG&E to release to the California Energy Commission (CEC) information regarding EP's facility, including customer name, location, size, and operational characteristics ofthe unit, as requested from time to time pursuant to the CEC's rules and regulations. 12. ASSIGNMENT EP shall not voluntarily assign its rights nor delegate its duties under this GFIA without SDG&E's written consent Any assignment or delegation EP makes without SDG&iE's written consent shall not be valid. SDG&E shall not unreasonably withhold its consent to EP's assignment of this GFIA. 13. NON-WAIVER None of the provisions of this GFIA shall be considered waived by a Party unless such waiver Is given in writing. The failure of a Party to insist in any one or more instances upon strict performance of any of the provisions of this GFIA or to take advantage of any of its rights hereunder shall not be construed as a waiver of any such provisions or the relinquishment of any such rights for the future, but the same shall continue and remain In full force and effect. 14. GOVERNING LAW, JURISDICTION OF CPUC, INCLUSION OF SDG&E's TARIFFS AND RULES 14.1 This GFIA shall be interpreted, governed, and construed under the laws of the State of California as if executed and to be performed wholly within the State of California without giving effect to choice of law provisions that might apply to the law of a different jurisdiction. 14.2 This GFIA shall, at all times, be subject to such changes or modifications by the CPUC as it may from time to time direct in the exercise of its jurisdiction. 14.3 The interconnection and services provided under this GFIA shall at all times be subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the tariff schedules and rules applicable to the electric service provided by SDG&E, which tariff schedules and rules are hereby incorporated into this GFIA by this reference, 14.4 Notwithstanding any other provisions of this GFIA. SDG&E shall have the right to unilaterally file with the CPUC, pursuant to the CPUC's rules and regulations, an application for change in rates, charges, classification, service, tariff or rule or any agreement relating thereto. 142-0545 (06/06) 15. AMENDMENT AND MODIFICATION This GFIA can only be amended or modified in writing and signed by both Parties. 16. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This GFIA, including any incorporated tariff schedules and rules, contains the entire agreement and understanding between the Parties, their agents, and employees as to the subject matter of this GFIA. Each party also represents that In entering into this GFIA, It has not relied on any promise, inducement representation, warranty, agreement or other statement not set forth in this GFIA or in the incorporated tariff schedules and rules. 17. SIGNATURES IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused two originals ofthis GFIA to be executed by their duly authorized representatives. This GFIA is effective as of the last date set forth below. CITY OF CARLSBAD SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY By: Name: ConraQ "Skip" Hamman(yJr. Name: Ken Parks Title: Public Works Director Title: Manager, Customer Generation Date: Date: November 20 ^2013 142-0545(06/06) APPENDIXA DESCRIPTION OF GENERATING FACILITY AND SINGLE-LINE DIAGRAM (Supplied by EP) The pressure control hydrolelectric generator (PCHF) would be connected to a 480-volf, 3-phase distribution panelboard (DP-PCHF) located on the PCHF Turbine Building. In addition tothe ?nt!fiir® controlled hydrolelectric generator, DP^PCHF would also provide a connection to a 208/120-volt panelboard for lighting, receptacles, and any HVA loads In the PCHF Turbine Building. Power generated by the PCHF will be transmitted to the existing Maerkle Pump Station through an underground connection between DP_PCHF, located in the PCHF Turbine BuHdlng, and a new circuit breaker installed In the existing 480-volt motor control center at the pump station The underground connection will consist of two parallel runs of 480-volt conductors sized for the minimized voltage drop and losses between the Interconnection point and the PCHF The conductors will be installed In Schedule 40 PVC conduit In a sand-bedded duct bank. A new circuit breaker installed in the existing motor control center. 142-0545 (06/06) 4O0AF 6\ TM 3P 30DAT SWITCHBOARD PCHF, 400 AMPS. 460 VOLTS, 3 (0), 3 WIRE. 60 HZ. 65 KASC RMS I —I 400 AF i\ TM 3P j 3P 300 AT 9/ eSKAIC 30 AT 65 KAIC i iSTiNG MCC-1 I ) TM 3P 25 AT 9/ 65KAIC 225 AF 6\ TM JP 200 AT 9/ 65KAIC KEY NOTES: 1 > SPLICE NEW CONDUCTORS AT EXISTING PB-04 WITH EXISTING CONDUCTORS FOR EXISTING MSB-2 POWER FEED. <3> <s> <5^ PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING MULTI-FUNCTION PROTECTIVE \/ RELAY BUT NOT LIMITED: {27/59} UNDER/OVER VOLTAi {32R> REVERSE POWE^ (46) Cl/RRENT_^^ (47) PROVIDE NEW FEEDER BREAKER AS SHOWN ON DWG. E-03. VISIBLE DISCONNECT SWITCH, BOLTSWITCH MODEL J366WOL OR EQUAL. NET GENERATION OUTPUT METERING PROVIDED BY SDG&E. 149 KW 480 VAC Z js PHASE 3 WIRE .83 PF (i) HYOROELECTRiC GENERATOR RELAY BUT NOT LIMITED: {27/59} UNDER/OVER VOLTAGE. (32Ri REVERSE POWER, (46) Cl/RRENT BALANCE. (47 VOLTAGE SEQUENCE, (51V) VOLTAGE RESTRAINEb OVERCURRENT (51N) NEUTRiSl. OVERCURRENT; AND (810/U) OVER/UNDER FREQUENCY. I T-PCHF I I '--PCHF I EXISTING MCC.4MSB2 PANEL L-PCHF 4/17/2013 LOCATION: HYDROELEC! KIC FACILITY NEMA: 4X PHA WEIGHTED VA 3644 VOLTS: 208/120 FEED: BOTTOM PHB WEIGHTED VA 2678 PHASE & WIRE: 3PH4W MTG. SURFACE PHC WEIGHTED VA 3507 INTERRUPT: 18 KAIC BUS RATING: 100 MAIN: CB EQUIP SIZING VA 10932 MAIN RATING 100AF60AT PANELAMPS 30.3 \ICfF DESCRIPTION LOAD(VA) BKR CIR 0 CIR BKR LOAD (VA) DESCRIPTION l/C/F l__ SUPPLY FAN (SF-101) 1176 20A-1P 1 A 2 20A-1P 160 INDOOR LIGHTS 1 i FIT-101 50 20A-1P 3 6 4 20A-1P 540 RECPECTACLES: INDOOR 1 RTU-1 1000 20A-1P 5 C 6 20A-1P 174 OUTDOOR LIGHT 1 1666 7 A 8 20A-1P 180 RECPECTACLES: OUTDOOR EXISTING LIGHTING PANEL "L2" 1666 20Ar3P 9 6 10 20A-1P 4 EMERGENCY LIGHT 1666 11 C 12 20A-1P SPARE SPARE 20A-1P 13 A 14 20A-1P SPARE SPARE 20A-1P 15 B 16 20A-1P SPARE 1 , SPARE 20A-1P 17 C 18 20A-1P SPARE APPENDIX B RULES: "2" and "21" (Provided by SDG&E) (Note: SDG&E's tariffs are included for reference only and shall at all times be subject to such changes or modifications by the Com mission as the Commission may, from time to time, direct In the exercise of Its jurisdiction. A copy of Rule 2 has not been provided. A copy may be obtained from SDG&E's website: www.sdge.com) 142-0545 (06/06) APPENDIX 0 INTERCONNECTION FACILITIES FINANCING AND OWNERSHIP AGREEMENT (Provided by SDG&E) 142-0545 (06/06) San Diego Gas & Electric Company San Diego, California Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. Canceling .Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 23752-E 23681-E SCHEDULE EECC ELECTRIC ENERGY COMMODITY COST Sheet 2 RATES (Continued) Commodity Rates (Continued) Schedules E-LI (Non-residential rate schedule) Summer Winter Schedules DR- Summer On-Peak: On-Peak: On-Peak: On-Peak: Off-Peak: Off-Peak: Off-Peak: Off-Peak: Winter On-Peak: On-Peak: On-Peak: On-Peak: Off-Peak: Off-Peak: Off-Peak: Off-Peak: TOU Baseline 101% to 130% of Baseline 131 % - 200% of Baseline Above 200% of Baseline Baseline 101% to 130% of Baseline 131% to 200% of Baseline Above 200% of Baseline Baseline 101% to 130% of Baseline 131% to 200% of Baseline Above 200% of Baseline Baseline 101%-130% of Baseline 131%-200% of Baseline 200% of Baseline Schedule DR-SES Summer: On-Peak Summer: Semi-Peak Summer: Off-Peak Winter: Semi-Peak Winter: Off-Peak Schedules EV-TOU and EV-TOU-2 Summer On-Peak Off-Peak Super Off-Peak Winter On-Peak Off-Peak Super Off-Peak ($/kWh) 0.02563 0.02139 0.18479 0.18479 0.18479 0.18479 0.06896 0.06896 0.06896 0.06896 0.07486 0.07486 0.07486 0.07486 0.06492 0.06492 0.06492 0.06492 0.16775 0.07943 0.06234 0.07325 0.06417 0.16705 0.06541 0.04031 0.07474 0.06784 0.04244 (Continued) 2C8 Advice Ltr. No. Decision No. 2513-E Issued by Lee Schavrien Senior Vice President Regulatory Affairs Date Filed Effective Resolution No. Aug 27. 2013 Sep1. 2013 Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 23753-E San Diego Gas & Electric Company San Diego. California Canceling Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 23682-E SCHEDULE EECC Sheet 3 ELECTRIC ENERGY COMMODITY COST RATES (Continued) Commoditv Rates (Continued) Schedule A ($/kWh) Summer Secondary 0.10023 R Primary 0.09850 R Winter Secondary 0.07149 R Primary 0.07024 R Schedule A-TC Summer 0.09205 R Winter 0.07054 R Schedule A-TOU and OL-TOU Summer On-Peak 0.18759 R Semi-Peak 0.07766 R Off-Peak 0.05741 R Winter On-Peak 0.08595 R Semi-Peak 0.07994 R Off-Peak 0.05825 R Schedule AD Summer Secondary 4.03 R Primary 3.97 R Winter Secondary 0.12 Primary 0.12 Enerav Summer Secondary 0.07856 R Primary 0.07721 R Winter Secondary 0.08095 R Primary 0.07954 R (ConUnued) 3C8 Issued by Date Filed Auq27, 2013 Advice Ltr. No. 2513-E Lee Schavrien Effective Sep 1,2013 Senior Vice President Decision No. Regulatory Affairs Resolution No. San DIego Gas & Electric Company San DIego, Caiifomia Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. Canceling Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 23754-E 23683-E SCHEDULE EECC ELECTRIC ENERGY COMMODITY COST Sheet 4 RATES (Continued) Commodity Rates (Continued) Schedule AL-TQU Maximum On-Peak Demand: Summer Secondary Primary Secondary Substation Primary Substation Transmission Maximum On-Peak Demand: Winter Secondary Primary Secondary Substation Primary Substation Transmission On-Peak Energy: Summer Secondary Primary Secondary Substation Primary Substation Transmission Semi-Peak Energy: Summer Secondary Primary Secondary Substation Primary Substation Transmission Off-Peak Energy: Summer Secondary Primary Secondary Substation Primary Substation Transmission On-Peak Energy: Winter Secondary Primary Secondary Substation Primary Substation Transmission Semi-Peak Energy: Winter Secondary Primary Secondary Substation Primary Substation Transmission ($/kW) 5.85 5.77 5.85 5.77 5.63 0.19 0.18 0.19 0.18 0.18 iMmn 0.09840 0.09689 0.09840 0.09689 0.09523 0.07973 0.07847 0.07973 0.07847 0.07720 0.05884 0.05775 0.05884 0.05775 0.05698 0.09479 0.09336 0.09479 0.09336 0.09170 0.08714 0.08575 0.08714 0.08575 0.08439 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R (Continued) 4C9 Advice Ltr. No. Decision No. 2513-E Issued by Lee Schavrien Senior Vice President Regulatory Affairs Date Filed Effective Resolution No. Aug 27. 2013 Sep 1,2013 San Diego Gas & Electric Company San Diego. California Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. Canceling Revised CaL P.U.C. Sheet No. 23755-E 23684-E SCHEDULE EECC ELECTRIC ENERGY COMMODITY COST Sheet 5 RATES (Continued) Commodity Rates (Continued) Schedule AL-TOU Continued Off-Peak Energy: Winter ($/kWh) Secondary 0.06494 R Primary 0.06372 R Secondary Substation 0.06494 R Primary Substation 0.06372 R Transmission 0.06288 R Schedule DG-R ($/kWh) On-Peak Energy: Summer Secondary 0.15849 R Primary 0.15698 R Secondary Substation 0.15849 R Primary Substation 0.15698 R Transmission 0.15531 R Semi-Peak Energy: Summer Secondary 0.07973 R Primary 0.07847 R Secondary Substation 0.07973 R Primary Substation 0.07847 R Transmission 0.07720 R Off-Peak Energy: Summer Secondary 0.05884 R Primary 0.05775 R Secondary Substation 0.05884 R Primary Substation 0.05775 R Transmission 0.05698 R On-Peak Energy: Winter Secondary 0.09915 R Primary 0.09772 R Secondary Substation 0.09915 R Primary Substation 0.09772 R Transmission 0.09606 R Semi-Peak Energy: Winter Secondary 0.08714 R Primary 0.08575 R Secondary Substation 0.08714 R Primary Substation 0.08575 R Transmission 0.08439 R Off-Peak Energy: Winter Secondary 0.06494 R Primary 0.06372 R Secondary Substation 0.06494 R Primary Substation 0.06372 R Transmission 0.06288 R (Continued) 6C8 Advice Ltr. No. Decision No, 2513-E Issued by Lee Schavrien Senior Vice President Regulatory Affairs Date Filed Effective Resolution No. Aug 27, 2013 Sep 1,2013 Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. San Diego Gas & Electric Company San Diego, Califomia Canceling Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 23766-E 23685-E SCHEDULE EECC Sheet 6 ELECTRIC ENERGY COMMODITY COST RATES (Continued) Commodity Rates (Continued) Schedule AY-TOU wm Maximum On-Peak Demand: Summer Secondary 5.85 R Primary 5.77 R Transmission 5.63 R Maximum On-Peak Demand: Winter Secondary 0.19 Primary 0.18 R Transmission 0.18 On-Peak Energy: Summer ($/kWh) Secondary 0.09840 R Primary 0.09689 R Transmtsston 0.09523 R Semi-Peak Energy: Summer Secondary 0.07973 R Primary 0.07847 R Transmission 0.07720 R Off-Peak Energy: Summer Secondary 0.05884 R Primary 0.05775 R Transmission 0.05698 R On-Peak Energy: Winter Secondary 0.09479 R Primary 0.09336 R Transmission 0.09170 R Semi-Peak Energy: Winter Secondary 0.08714 R Primary 0.08575 R Transmission 0.08439 R Off-Peak Energy: Winter Secondary 0.06494 R Primary 0.06372 R Transmission 0.06288 R (Continued) 6C9 Issued by Date Filed Auq27. 2013 Advice Ltr. No. 2513-E Lee Schavrien Effective Sep 1, 2013 Decision No. Senior Vice President Regulatory Affairs Resolution No. San Diego Gas & Electric Company San Diego, California Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. Canceling Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 23757-E 23686-E SCHEDULE EECC Sheet 7 ELECTRIC ENERGY COMMODITY COST RATES (Continued) Commoditv Rates (Continued) Schedule A6-T0U Maximum Demand at Time of System Peak: Summer ($/kW) Primary 7.41 R Primary Substation 7.41 R Transmission 7.23 R Maximum Demand at Time of System Peak: Winter Primary 0.05 Primary Substation 0.05 Transmission 0.05 On-Peak Energy: Summer Primary 0.09689 R Primary Substation 0.09689 R Transmission 0.09523 R Semi-Peak Energy: Summer Primary 0.07847 R Primary Substation 0.07847 R Transmission 0.07720 R Off-Peak Energy: Summer Primary 0.05775 R Primary Substation 0.05775 R Transmission 0.05698 R On-Peak Energy: Winter Primary 0.09336 R Primary Substation 0.09336 R Transmission 0.09170 R Semi-Peak Energy: Winter Primary 0.08575 R Primary Substation 0.08575 R Transmission 0.08439 R Off-Peak Energy: Winter Primary 0.06372 R Primary Substation 0.06372 R Transmission 0.06288 R (Continued) Issued by Date Filed Aug 27, 2013 Advice Ltr. No. 2513-E Lee Schavrien Effective Sep 1.2013 Senior Vice President Decision No. Regulatory Affairs Resolution No. SDG§ San Diego Gas & Electric Company San Oiego, California Canceling Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. CaL P.U.C. Sheet No. 23758-E SDG§ San Diego Gas & Electric Company San Oiego, California Canceling Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. CaL P.U.C. Sheet No. . 23687-E SCHEDULE EECC Sheet 8 ELECTRIC ENERGY COMMODITY COST RATES (Continued) Commoditv Rates rnnntinnAfi) Schedule PA-T-1 Demand: On-Peak Summer ($/kW) Option C ($/kW) Secondary 5.98 R Primary 5.90 R Transmission 5.76 R Option D 5.76 Secondary 6.24 R Primary 6.15 R Transmission 6.00 R Option E 6.00 Secondary 6.11 R Primary 6.03 R Transmission 5.88 R Option F 5.88 R Secondary 5.85 R Primary 5.77 R Transmission 5.63 R Demand; On-Peak: Winter 5.63 R Option C Secondary 0.19 Primary 0.18 R Transmission 0.18 Option D 0.18 Secondary 0.20 Primary 0.20 Transmission 0.19 Option E 0.19 Secondary 0.20 Primary 0.19 R Transmission 0.19 R Option F 0.19 Secondary 0.20 Primary 0.20 Transmission 0.19 On Peak Energy: Summer 0.19 Secondary 0.09840 R Primary 0.09689 R Transmission 0.09523 R Semi-Peak Energy: Summer Secondary 0.07973 R Primary 0.07847 R Transmission 0.07720 R Off-Peak Energy: Summer Secondary 0.05884 R Primary 0.05775 R Transmission 0.05698 R (Continued) Advice Ltr. No. 2513-E Decision No. Issued by Lee Schavrien Senior Vice President Regulatory Affairs Date Filed Effective Resolution No. Aug 27, 2013 Sep 1. 2013 Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. San Diego Gas & Electric Company San Diego, California Canceling Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 23759-E 23688-E SCHEDULE EECC ELECTRIC ENERGY COMMODITY COST Sheet 9 RATES (Continued) Commoditv Rates (Continued) Schedule PA-T-1 (Continued) ($/kWh) On-Peak Energy: Winter Secondary 0.09479 R Primary 0.09336 R Transmission 0.09170 R Semi-Peak Energy: Winter Secondary 0.08714 R Primary 0.08575 R Transmission 0.08439 R Off-Peak Energy: Winter Secondary 0.06494 R Primary 0.06372 R Transmission 0;06288 R Schedule PA ($/kWh) Summer 0.08464 R Winter 0.07558 Schedules LS-1. LS-2. LS-3. OL-1. and OWL ($/kWh) All Usage 0.05771 R Schedules OL-2 ($/kWh) All Usage 0.07422 R DWR Power Charge Pursuant to CPUC Decision 12-11-040, DWR's Power Charge is 12.327 cents per kWh. DWR Customer Return Credit Pursuant to CPUC Decision 12-11-040 and Decision 13-01-037, DWR's Customer Return Credit is 0.000 cents per kWh. Franchise Fees A Franchise Fee Differential of 5.78% will be applied to the total bills calculated under this schedule, including DWR charges, for all customers residing within the corporate limits of the City of San Diego. Such Franchise Fee Differential shall be so indicated and added as a separate item to bills rendered to such customers. Franchise Fees associated with DWR electricity sales will be reflected in a separate line item on customer bills titled "Franchise Fees for Electric Energy Supplied by Others". Seasonal Periods The seasonal periods are defined as the following: Residential: Summer: May 1 - October 31 Winter: November 1 - April 30 Ali other classes: Summer: May 1 - September 30 Winter: October 1 - April 30 (Continued) 9C10 Advice Ltr. No. 2513-E Decision No. Issued by Lee Schavrien Senior Vice President Regulatory Affairs Date Filed Effective Resolution No. Aug 27, 2013 Sep 1.2013 JO San Diego Gas & Electric Company Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 20563-E San Diego, Caiifomia Canceling GaL P.U.C. Sheet No. SCHEDULE EECC Sheet 10 ELECTRIC ENERGY COMMODITY COST RATES (Continued) Distribution Loss Factors (D\ F<i) The DLFTLL for each voltage level Includes a factor for lost and unaccounted for energy DLFx.. will be calculatPri n'clX t^^^^^^^^ ^^"^-'^^ {DireTAfcess'p£^s U^^^^^^^^ inciuaing tne Houriy EECC Rate Option Service) per Decision 97-08-056, as modified bv Decision 97-11 n^fi Lrir^nT^H^^^^^ ^" '^^'^ ^"^ ^^de available eSay^^^^^^^ dunng the day-ahead market The utility will calculate the houriy DLF^^ by applying the foLwiJ^L fS^ef 3 Secondarv Voltage Class Customers DLFDLL = 1 + [Losses/Load] DLFTLL = 1.0065 x DLFQLL Where: Losses = [0.0000090935 x (SysLoad)^] + 27 21 Q?!? M " 0804463 x(SysLoad)^]+[0.8586372.xSysLoad]-24.0524567 bysLoad = SDG&E system load during houriy period In MW. b Primarv Voltage Class Customers DLFDLL = 1 + (Losses/Load) DLFTLL = 1.0065 x DLFDLL Where: Losses = [0.0000001523524 x(SysLoad)2] +0 427367656 Load = -[0.000001181634 x(SysLoadf] +[0.12612 xSysLoadl-3.533 bysLoad = SDG&E system load during houriy period In MW. Primarv at Substation Voltage Class Customers DLFDLL = 1 + (Losses/Load) DLFTLL = 1.0065 x DLFQLL Where: Losses = [0.000000000009798 x (SysLoad)^] + 0 007089 Q""^? ^ = i00000000196x(SysLoad)^] +[0. bysLoad = SDG&E system load during houriy period in MW. ^- Transmission Voltage Class Customers DLFDLL = 1 + (Losses/Load) = 1 DLFTLL = 1.0065 x DLFDLL = 1.0065 mmm 'ssued by Date Filed Mar 28 2008 Advice Ltr. No. J978:E Lee Schavrien Effective yavl 2008' _ . . ^, Senior Vice President No. 08-02-034 Regulatory Affairs Resolution No. Q: SDGl Original CaL P.U.C. Sheet No. 20564-E San Diego Gas & Electric Company San Diego, Califomia Canceling Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. SCHEDULE EECC Sheet 11 ELECTRIC ENERGY COMMODITY COST DEVELOPMENT OF DWR AND UTILITY SUPPLIED ENERGY PFRnFNTArtF.<; 1. Develooment of DWR Suoolied Enerav Percentaoes Hourly DWR supplied energy percentages are determined by dividing DWR purchases for that hour by the total MWH scheduled in all fonvard markets and an estimate for real time purchases for that hour. The rate group average DWR supplied energy percentages for the billing period Is determined by calculating an average of hourly DWR supplied energy percentage weighted by the utility's class houriy statistical or dynamic load profile for the applicable rate group identified in Section 4 below The rate by consumption type categories identified in Section 4 below will be used to determine the average DWR supplied energy percentages. The average DWR supplied energy percentages are calculated on a weekly basis using all calendar weeks from the time of the customer's previous billing through the calendar week prior to the current billing. For purposes of this calculation, calendar week shall be defined as the seven day period beginning on Wednesday and ending on the following Tuesday. The average DWR supplied energy percentages are calculated each Sunday and are utilized for all billing executed through the following Saturday. 2. Develooment of Utilitv Suoolied Enerav Percentaoes The Utility supplied energy percentage for a billing period is calculated by subtracting the DWR supplied energy percentage from 100%. 3. Summarv of Class Load Profile Cateoories and Associated Rate .Snherii ile.cs Class Load Profile Rate Cateoorv Associated Rate Schedules Residential: Residential Non-Tlme-of-Use DR. DR-LI, E-Ll. DM, DS. DT, DT-RV Residential TIme-of-Use DR-TOU, DR-TOU-DER Electric Vehicle Time-of-Use EV-TOU. EV-TOU-3 Electric Vehicle & Household TOU EV-TOU-2 Small Commercial: Small Commercial A. A-TC Schedule AD: Schedule AD AD Medium Commercial/ Industrial (<or=500 kW): Medium Commercial/Industrial A-TOU, AY-TOU. AL-TOU, AL-TOU-CP, AL-TOU-DER, PA-T-1 Large Commercial/ Industrial (> 500 kW): Large Commercial/Industrial AL-TOU, AL-TOU-CP, AL-TOU-DER, PA-T-1 Schedule A6-TOU: Schedule A6-T0U A6-T0U Agricultural; Agricultural Non-Time-of-Use PA Lighting: Lighting (Continued) LS-1, LS-2, LS-3, 0L-1.DWL 11C15 Advice Ltr. No. 1978-E Decision No. 08-02-034 Issued by Lee Schavrien Senior Vice President Regulatory Affairs Oate Filed Mar 28. 2008 Effective May 1,2008 Resolution No. San Diego Gas & Hectric Company San Diego, California Revised CaL P.U.C. Sheet No. Canceling Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 21461-E 20565-E SCHEDULE EECC ELECTRIC ENERGY nOMMQDlTY m.c^T [DEVELOPMENT OF DWR AND UTILITY SUPPLIED FNERGY PERCFNTAfiF.Q (Continued) ^- Summarv of Averaae Suonlied Enerav Percentages Cafeqnrie.<: Sheet 12 Category Residential Residential TOU Electric Vehicle TOU Electric Vehicle & Household TOU Small Commercial Schedule AD Medium Commercial/Industrial <500kW Medium Commercial/Industrial < 500 kW AV Rate Large Commercial/Industrial > 500 kW Large Commercial/Industrial > 500 kWAV Rate Schedule A6-T0U Agricultural Agricultural TOU Lighting Consumption Tvpe Total On-peak, off-peak On-peak, off-peak, super off On-peak, off-peak, super off Total Total On-peak, semi-peak, off-peak at 1 Voltage at 1 Voltage at 1 Voltage at 1 Voltage at 2 Voltage at 2 Voltage at 4 Voltage Number of Percentages 1 2 3 3 2 2 12 Semi-peak (Include signal periods), off-peak On-peak, semi-peak, off-peak at 4 Voltage at 4 Voltage 8 12 Semi-peak (include signal periods), off-peak On-peak, semi-peak, off-peak Total On-peak, off-peak Total at 4 Voltage 8 at 3 Voltage at 1 Voltage at 1 Voltage at 1 Voltage Total 9 1 2 1 66 plriodf ^^'''^''^^^^^ ^® ^^t®''"^''^®^ each of the 9 billing period options (4-week period up to a 12-week SPECIAL CONDITIONS ^" RolT^finl^Sns'^^^'"'^'°"^ ^^'"^^ "^^"^ ^^'^ ^^'^^^^'^ ^'tf^e^ herein or in ^' motl? ^tf^*"'?'Q*;*^- "J^der this schedule is restricted to the entire load served by single thklh^Iu! l!? ""^^ °^ a single meter may not be partitioned among services rendered under A^gregatior^ (C^^^^ ^ ^ ^^'^^ ^'''^""^ ^^^^^^ Community Choice D T 12C15 Advice Ltr No. 2115-E Decision No. 09-09-036 Issued by Lee Schavrien Senior Vice President Regulatory Affairs Date Filed Effective Resolution No. Oct 8, 2009 Jan 1. 2010 5^