HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-12-03; City Council; 21454; Approval Enterprise Development Figtree ProgramCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 16 AB# MTG. DEPT. 21.454 11/19/13 PW-PEM APPROVAL TO BECOME AN ASSOCIATE MEMBER OF THE CAUFORNIA ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND JOIN THE FIGTREE PROPERTY ASSESSED CLEAN ENERGY PROGRAM DEPT.DIRECTOR CITY ATTY. CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTON: Adopt Resolution No. 2013-283 approving Associate membership by the City of Carisbad in the California Enterprise Development Authority ("Authority") and authorizing and directing execution of an Associate Membership Agreement related to Associate membership ofthe city in the Authority. Adopt Resolution No. 2013-284 consenting to the inclusion of the properties within the incorporated area ofthe city in the San Diego County Property Assessed Clean Energy Program to finance distributed generation renewable energy sources and energy and water efficiency improvements and approving the report setting forth the parameters of referenced program and certain matters in connection therewith. ITEM EXPLANATION: Chapter 29 of Division 7 ofthe Streets and Highway Code authorizes cities and counties in California to designate areas within which willing property owners can enter into contractual assessments to finance the installation of distributed generation energy sources, energy efficiency and water efficiency improvements ("efficiency improvements") that are permanently fixed to the property owner's residential, commercial, industrial or other real property ("energy financing program"). Because these energy financing programs are repaid through the property's tax bill, the programs are known as Property Assessed Clean Energy or "PACE" programs. PACE programs can provide benefits to property owners, the city and the community. Through PACE, a property owner can finance renewable energy projects, like solar power, and efficiency improvements without significant upfront capital expenditures and with immediate savings from reduced energy and/or water use. Also, the PACE assessment runs with the property thereby alleviating the property owner from paying the remaining balance upon sale and transfer of the property. The city benefits by having a third party administer a financing program that facilitates the provision of cost effective energy efficiency and alternative energy projects for its residents and businesses. The community can benefit because the facilitation of financing for such projects can stimulate the market, growing job opportunities in the construction sector and increasing property values. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Michael Grim 760-602-4623 Mlke.Grim@carlsbadca.gov EOR CLERK USE. COUNCIL AaiON: APPROVED CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC • DENIED • CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN • CONTINUED • RETURNED TO STAFF • WITHDRAWN • OTHER- SEE MINUTES • AMENDED • REPORT RECEIVED • The City Council acknowledged these potential benefits when, on February 23, 2010, it voted to join the California FIRST PACE program, authorized through the California Communities Joint Powers Authority and administered by Renewable Funding LLC. This action made PACE financing available for non- residential properties within Carisbad. Since 2010, other PACE programs have become available in the San Diego Region; one of those programs is Figtree PACE, a program that offers PACE financing for both residential and non-residential properties. Figtree PACE is authorized through the California Enterprise Development Authority (CEDA) and administered by FigTREE Energy Financing, a for-profit corporation based in San Diego. The San Diego County Board of Supervisors joined the Figtree PACE program on August 6, 2013 and, on September 12, 2013, the CEDA Board of Directors passed a resolution ordering the implementation ofthe PACE program for the County of San Diego. These actions made it possible for cities within San Diego County, including Carisbad, to opt-in to the Figtree PACE program. In order to increase the PACE financing options available for non-residential properties and provide PACE financing opportunities to residential properties, staff is recommending that the City Council join the Figtree PACE program. FISCAL IMPAa: There are no fiscal impacts to the city due to joining the Figtree PACE Program. There are no upfront or ongoing costs involved in being an Associate Member of CEDA and no costs to the city for the PACE program inception or operation. The staffs ofthe CEDA and the Figtree PACE Program administrator, FigTREE Energy Financing, are responsible forthe conduct ofthe assessment proceedings, levy and collection of assessments including any remedial action in case of property owner delinquency, sale and administration of any bonds, and PACE program administration, marketing, and customer service. The city may elect to assist with marketing the program and can report back to the City Council on program progress; however staff time associated with these activities is negligible. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in that it does not cause either a direct physical change in the environmental, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 2013-283 approving Associate membership by the City of Carisbad in the California Enterprise Development Authority and authorizing and directing execution of an Associate Membership Agreement related to Associate membership of the city in the authority. 2. Resolution No. 2013-284 consenting to the inclusion ofthe properties within the incorporated area ofthe city in the San Diego County Property Assessed Clean Energy Program to finance distributed generation renewable energy sources and energy and water efficiency improvements and approving the report setting forth the parameters of referenced program and certain matters in connection therewith. ^xhiW+i- 1 RESOLUTION NO. 7013-283 3 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CAUFORNIA, APPROVING ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD IN THE CAUFORNIA ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT 4 AUTHORITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING EXECUTION OF AN ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT RELATED TO 5 ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP OF THE CITY IN THE AUTHORITY. 6 7 8 9 10 WHEREAS, the City of Carisbad, California (the "City"), a municipal corporation, duly organized and existing underthe Constitution and laws ofthe State of California; and WHEREAS, the City, upon authorization of the City Council, may pursuant to Chapter 5 of Division 7 of Title 1 of the Government Code of the State of California, commencing with 11 Section 6500 (the "JPA Law") enter into a joint exercise of power agreement with one or more 12 other public agencies pursuant to which such contracting parties may jointly exercise power common to them; and 14 WHEREAS, the City and other public agencies wish to jointly participate in economic 15 development financing programs for the benefit of businesses and nonprofit entities within 16 " their jurisdictions offered by membership in the California Enterprise Development Authority 18 (the "Authority") pursuant to an associate membership agreement and Joint Exercise of Powers 1^ Agreement Relating to the California Enterprise Development Authority (the "Agreement"); and 20 WHEREAS, under the JPA Law and the Agreement, the Authority is a public entity 21 separate and apart from the parties to the Agreement and the debts, liabilities and obligations 22 of the Authority will not be the debts, liabilities or obligations of the City or the other members 24 ofthe Authority; and 25 WHEREAS, the form of Associate Membership Agreement (the "Associate Membership Agreement") between the City and the Authority is attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; and 27 28 3 1 WHEREAS, the City is willing to become an Associate Member of the Authority subject ^ to the provisions of the Associate Membership Agreement. 3 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carisbad, 4 California, as follows that: 5 ^ 1. The above recitations are true and correct. 7 2. The City Council hereby specifically finds and declares that the actions o authorized herein constitute public affairs of the City. 9 The Associate Membership Agreement presented to this meeting and on file 10 ^ ^ with the City Clerk is hereby approved. The Mayor of the City, the City Manager, the j2 City Clerk and other officials ofthe City are each hereby authorized and directed, for 13 and on behalf of the City, to execute and deliver the Associate Membership 1^ Agreement in substantially said form, with such changes therein as such officer may 15 16 17 18 19 and severally, to do any and all things and to execute and deliver any and all 20 documents which they may deem necessary or advisable in order to consummate, carry out, give effect to and comply with the terms and intent ofthis resolution and the Associate Membership Agreement. All such actions heretofore taken by such officers and officials are hereby confirmed, ratified and approved. 21 22 23 24 25 // 26 // 27 28 require or approve, such approval to be conclusively evidenced by the execution and delivery thereof. The officers and officials of the City are hereby authorized and directed, jointly PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting ofthe City Council ofthe City of Carlsbad on the 3'^'^ day of December 2013, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: Council Members Hall, Packard, Wood, Blackburn, Douglas. None. ABSENT: None. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 f u MATT HALL, IVIayor ATTEST: B/\RP/QkRA ENGLESON/Sity Clerk 5: O = EXHIBIT "A" ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT by and between the CALIFORNIA ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY and the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA THIS ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT (this "Associate Membership Agreement"), dated as of by and between CALIFORNIA ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (the "Authority") and the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, a municipal corporation, duly organized and existing under the laws ofthe State ofCalifornia (the "City"); WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Cities of Selma, Lancaster and Eureka (individually, a "Member" and collectively, the "Members"), have entered into a Joint Powers Agreement, dated as of June 1, 2006 (the "Agreement"), establishing the Authority and prescribing its purposes and powers; and WHEREAS, the Agreement designates the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors and the President of the California Association for Local Economic Development as the initial Board of Directors of the Authority; and WHEREAS, the Authority has been formed for the purpose, among others, to assist for profit and nonprofit corporations and other entities to obtain financing for projects and purposes serving the public interest; and WHEREAS, the Agreement permits any other local agency in the State of Califomia to join the Authority as an associate member (an "Associate Member"); and WHEREAS, the City desires to become an Associate Member of the Authority; WHEREAS, City Council of the City has adopted a resolution approving the Associate Membership Agreement and the execution and deliveiy thereof; WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Authority has determined that the City should become an Associate Member ofthe Authority; 4833-7301-9141.1 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above premises and of the mutual promises herein contained, the Authority and the City do hereby agree as follows: Section 1. Associate Member Status. The City is hereby made an Associate Member of the Authority for all purposes of the Agreement and the Bylaws of the Authority, the provisions of which are hereby incorporated herein by reference. From and after the date of execution and delivery of this Associate Membership Agreement by the City and the Authority, the City shall be and remain an Associate Member of the Authority. Section 2. Restrictions and Rights of Associate Members. The City shall not have the right, as an Associate Member of the Authority, to vote on any action taken by the Board of Directors or by the Voting Members of the Authority. In addition, no officer, employee or representative of the City shall have any right to become an officer or director of the Authority by virtue of the City being an Associate Member of the Authority. Section 3. Effect of Prior Authority Actions. The City hereby agrees to be subject to and bound by all actions previously taken by the Members and the Board of Directors of the Authority to the same extent as the Members of the Authority are subject to and bound by such actions. Section 4. No Obligations of Associate Members. The debts, liabilities and obligations of the Authority shall not be the debts, liabilities and obligations ofthe City. Sections. Execution of the Agreement. Execution of this Associate Membership Agreement and the Agreement shall satisfy the requirements of the Agreement and Article XII of the Bylaws of the Authority for participation by the City in all programs and other undertakings of the Authority. 4833-7301-9141.1 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Associate Membership Agreement to be executed and attested by their proper officers thereunto duly authorized, on the day and year first set forth above. CALIFORNIA ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By: Gurbax Sahota, Chair Board of Directors Attest: Michelle Stephens, Asst. Secretary CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA By: Matt Hall, Mayor City Council Attest: 7 A City Clerk 4833-7301-9141.1 Exhibit A 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2013-284 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CAUFORNIA, CONSENTING TO INCLUSION OF PROPERTIES WITHIN THE INCORPORATED AREA OF THE CITY IN THE SAN DIEGO 4 COUNTY PROPERTY ASSESSED CLEAN ENERGY PROGRAM TO FINANCE DISTRIBUTED GENERATION RENEWABLE ENERGY 5 SOURCES AND ENERGY AND WATER EFFICIENCY IMPROVEMENTS, APPROVING THE REPORT SETTING FORTH THE PARAMETERS OF ^ THE REFERENCED PROGRAM AND CERTAIN MATTERS IN 7 CONNECTION THEREWITH. 8 WHEREAS, the California Enterprise Development Authority ("CEDA") is a joint exercise ^ of powers authority, comprised of cities and counties in the State of California, including the 10 City of Carisbad (the "City"); and 11 WHEREAS, CEDA has adopted the Figtree Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) and 12 Job Creation Program (the "Program" or "Figtree PACE"), to allow the financing of certain 14 renewable energy, energy efficiency and water efficiency improvements (the "Improvements") 15 through the levy of contractual assessments pursuant to Chapter 29 of Division 7 of the Streets & Highways Code ("Chapter 29"), and the issuance of improvement bonds or other evidences of 17 indebtedness (the "Bonds") under the Improvement Bond Act of 1915 (Streets and Highways 18 Code Sections 8500 et seq.) (the "1915 Act") upon the security of the unpaid contractual 19 2Q assessments; and 21 WHEREAS, Chapter 29 provides that assessments may be levied under its provisions only 22 with the free and willing consent ofthe owner of each lot or parcel on which an assessment is 23 levied at the time the assessment is levied; and 24 WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors (the "Board of Supervisors") of the County of San 25 Diego, a political subdivision ofthe State ofCalifornia (the "County"), has adopted Figtree PACE 26 2q pursuant to the Act; and 28 Cj 1 WHEREAS, the parameters of Figtree PACE are set forth in the Program Report and such ^ Report has been prepared pursuant to Section 5898.22 of the Act and approved by the CEDA 3 Board of Directors; and 4 WHEREAS, the City Council ofthe City of Carisbad (the "City Council") has reviewed the 5 , Report, attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; and 6 7 WHEREAS, the Act authorizes CEDA to enter into contractual assessments with property 8 owners located within incorporated cities in the County of San Diego upon the approval of the 0 legislative body ofthe related city to participate in Figtree PACE; and 10 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad (the "City") desires to participate with the County in 11 Figtree PACE, and provide for participation in Figtree PACE by property owners located within 12 " City limits; and 14 WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 29, the City authorizes CEDA to levy assessments, 15 pursue remedies in the event of delinquencies, and issue bonds or other forms of indebtedness to finance the Improvements in connection with Figtree PACE; and WHEREAS, to protect the City in connection with operation ofthe Figtree PACE, Figtree Energy Financing, the program administrator, has agreed to defend and indemnify the City; and WHEREAS, the City will not be responsible for the levy of assessments, any required 21 remedial action in the case of delinquencies, the issuance, sale or administration of the bonds 22 or other indebtedness issued in connection with Figtree PACE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carisbad, California, as follows that: 1. The above recitations are true and correct. 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 28 D 27 28 CEDA in good standing. On the date hereof, the City Council hereby finds and determines that the Program and issuance of Bonds by CEDA in connection with Figtree PACE will 1 2. The City is either a municipal corporation or other public body and a member of 2 3 4 5 ^ provide significant public benefits, including without limitation, savings in effective 7 interest rates, bond preparation, bond underwriting and bond issuance costs and o reductions in effective user charges levied by water and electricity providers within 9 the boundaries ofthe City. 10 The City Council ratifies the resolution adopted by the CEDA Board of Directors 12 on September 12, 2013 declaring the Board's intention to order the implementation 13 of a contractual assessment program to finance Improvements pursuant to the Act. 14 15 16 17 within City limits ofthe energy and water efficiency measures set forth in the Report 19 upon the request and agreement of the affected property owner, and the 20 assumption of jurisdiction thereof by CEDA for the aforesaid purposes. The 21 adoption of this Resolution by this City Council constitutes the approval by the City 22 to participate in Figtree PACE. This City Council further authorizes CEDA to set the 23 terms of, and implement, Figtree PACE and take each and every action necessary or 24 25 desirable for financing the Improvements, including the levying, collecting and 26 enforcement of the contractual assessments to finance the Improvements and the 5. The City Council hereby approves the inclusion in Figtree PACE all of the properties in the incorporated area within the City, as same may be amended through annexation from time to time, the acquisition, construction and installation U 1 issuance of bonds, notes or other forms of indebtedness secured by such contractual ^ assessments as authorized by Chapter 29. 3 6. The City hereby appoints CEDA as its representative to (i) record the assessment 4 ^ against the Participating Parcels, (ii) administer the District in accordance with the ^ Improvement Act of 1915 (Chapter 29 Part 1 of Division 10 of the California Streets 7 and Highways Code (commencing with Section 8500 et seq.) (the "Law"), (iii) ^ prepare program guidelines for the operations of the Program and (iv) proceed with 9 any claims, proceedings or legal actions as shall be necessary to collect past due 10 assessments on the properties within the District in accordance with the Law and 11 Section 6509.6 of the California Government Code. The City is not and will not be 12 13 deemed to be an agent of Figtree or CEDA as a result of this Resolution. 14 7. The City Council hereby acknowledges that pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 29, CEDA has prepared and will update from time to time the "Program 16 Report" for Figtree PACE (the "Program Report") and associated documents, and 17 CEDA will undertake assessment proceedings and the financing of Improvements as 18 set forth in the Program Report. 20 8. The City Council hereby acknowledges that the Law permits foreclosure in the event that there is a default in the payment of assessments due on a property. The City Council hereby designates CEDA as its representative to proceed with collection and foreclosure ofthe liens on the defaulting properties within the District, including accelerated foreclosure pursuant to the Program Report. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 27 28 indemnification for negligence or malfeasance of any type as a result of the acts or omissions of Figtree, its officers, employees, subcontractors and agents, arising from or related to negligent performance by Figtree of the work required under the 1 9. The City Council acknowledges that Figtree has provided CEDA with an 2 3 4 5 ^ agreement between Figtree and CEDA. Figtree, on behalf of itself and CEDA, agrees 7 to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents, employees and ^ attorneys from and against any and all liabilities, claims, or demands arising or 9 alleged to arise as a result of CEDA or Figtree's performance or failure to perform 10 under this Agreement or the Program, except that arising from the sole negligence 11 or willful misconduct ofthe City. 12 13 10. The appropriate officials and staff of the City are hereby authorized and directed 14 to make applications for Figtree PACE available to all property owners who wish to finance Improvements. The following staff persons, together with any other staff 16 designated by the City Manager from time to time, are hereby designated as the 17 contact persons for CEDA in connection with Figtree PACE: Conrad "Skip" Hammann, 18 Jr., Public Works Director, 760-602-2400, skip.hammann(5)carlsbadca.gov. The City 20 Clerk is directed to provide a certified copy of this Resolution to Figtree Energy 21 Financing Company 22 23 24 25 26 Report to implement Figtree PACE for Participating Property Owners. 11. The appropriate officials and staff of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver such closing certificates, requisitions, agreements and related documents as are reasonably required by CEDA in accordance with the Program i3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 // 14 // 15 // 16 // 17 18 // 19 // 20 // 21 // 22 // 23 // 24 25 // 26 // 27 28 12. The City Council hereby finds that adoption ofthis Resolution is not a "project" under the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), because the Resolution does not involve any commitment to a specific project which may result in a potentially significant physical impact on the environment, as contemplated by Title 14, California Code of Regulations, Section 15378(b)(4)). 13. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to Figtree Energy Financing Company. 14. Services related to the formation and administration ofthe assessment district will be provided by CEDA at no cost to the City. IH PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting ofthe City Council ofthe City of Carlsbad on the 3'^'^ day of December 2013, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: Council Members Hall, Packard, Wood, Blackburn, Douglas. None. ABSENT: None. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: BA«BA(^A ENGLESON,^ity Clerk O; STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) ss. I, Barbara Engleson, City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, County of San DIego, State of California, hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy with the original RESOLUTION NO. 2013-284. CONSENTING TO INCLUSION OF PROPERTIES WITHIN THE INCORPORATED AREA OF THE CITY IN THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY PROPERTY ASSESSED CLEAN ENERGY PROGRAM TO FINANCE DISTRIBUTED GENERATION RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES AND ENERGY AND WATER EFFICIENCY IMPROVEMENTS. APPROVING THE REPORT SETTING FORTH THE PARAMETERS OF THE REFERENCED PROGRAM AND CERTAIN MATTERS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH, with the original now on file in the Office ofthe City Clerk of the City of Carisbad; that the same contains a full, true and correct transcript therefrom and of the whole thereof. Witness my hand and the seal of said City of Carlsbad, this 6th day of December, 2013. fi ENGLESON, Cnp:LERK FIGTREE PACE Program Report Revised: September 27,2013 lo CONTENTS L Introduction 1 A. Parties Identified in this Report 2 1. Issuing Agency: CEDA 2 2. Program Administrator: FIGTREE Company, Inc. ("FIGTREE") 2 3. Bond Administrator: Willdan Financial Services ("Willdan") 2 B. Participating Agencies Included in this Program Report 2 C. Background 3 D. Program Goals 3 E. Program Benefits 3 F. Program Administration 4 G. Financing Plans 4 H. Geographic Parameters 4 I. Changes to Report 5 II. Program Requirements for Participation in Commercial Financing 5 A. Eligible Property Owners and Property Classifications 5 B. Eligible Improvements 6 C. Eligible Costs 6 D. Administrative Costs 7 E. Application Process 8 III. Program Plan for Commercial PACE Financing 10 IV. Program Requirements for Participation in Residential Financing 11 A. Eligible Property Owners and Property Classifications 11 B. Eligible Improvements 11 C. Eligible Costs 12 D. Administrative Costs 12 E. Application Process 13 V. Program Plan for Residential PACE Financing 15 VI. Program Requirements for Participating Contractors 16 A. Eligible Contractors 16 VII. Appeals 16 VIII. Program and Financing Disclosures 17 A. Financing Amount and Terms - Commercial Properties 17 4829-6142-0561.1 1. Minimum Assessment Financing Amount 17 2. Maximum Assessment Financing Amount 17 3. Financing Term 18 B. Financing Amount and Terms - Residential Properties 18 1. Minimum Assessment Financing Amoimt 18 2. Maximum Assessment Financing Amount 18 3. Financing Term 18 C. Maximum Portfolio 19 D. Reserve/ Last Payment Collection 19 E. Priority of Funding 19 F. Accelerated Foreclosure 19 G. Prepayment 19 H. Assessment Interest Rate 20 IX. Exhibits 20 4829-6142-0561.1 1^ I. INTRODUCTION This report ("Program Report") has been prepared in compliance with Section 5898.22 and 5898.23 of Chapter 29 of the Califomia Streets and Highways Code in connection with the development and implementation of FIGTREE PACE (the "Program"), a Property Assessed Clean Energy ("PACE") financing program, within the jurisdictions of Califomia cities and counties that are already members of or those which are pending or will become members of the Califomia Enterprise Development Authority ("CEDA"), referred to as "Participating Agencies." The FIGTREE PACE program, also knovm as the Califomia PACE Program, (both the "Program"), is a local govemment initiative designed to unlock the multibillion dollar economic stimulus of energy efficiency. The Program gives Califomia Property Owners (defmed as owners of record of commercial and/or residential property(ies)) access to upfront financing for energy efficiency, renewable energy, and water conservation property improvement projects which create local jobs, encourage sustainable building practices, and help municipalities reach climate protection goals - all without relying on public funds. The Program is offered by the Califomia Enterprise Development Authority ("CEDA"), a joint powers authority established by the Califomia Association for Local Economic Development ("CALED"), which has retained FIGTREE Company, Inc. ("FIGTREE") as the Program Administrator. The Program is established pursuant to Califomia Assembly Bill 811, adopted in 2008, which provides for local agencies to leverage the power of voluntary contractual assessments, as a financing mechanism, to finance property improvements to promote the public purpose of energy and water resource efficiency. This Program Report is the authoritative document for the Program and fulfills the Section 5898.22 and 5898.23 requirements and contains the following: • Policies of CEDA conceming contractual assessments, which include the following: o Authorized improvements for Program financing (See Exhibit C) o Identification of the CEDA official authorized to enter into contractual assessments on behalf of CEDA (See section LA) o Maximum aggregate dollar amount of voluntary contractual assessments authorized for the Program (See section VIII.C) o Guidelines for prioritizing financing requests in the event that such requests may exceed authorization amount (See section VIII.E) o Underwriting criteria for Program eligibility (See section ILA and IV.A) o Safeguards used to ensure total annual property tax and assessments on property will not exceed 5% of property value per Califomia Code (See section VIII. A.2 and VIILB.2) o Fundraising plan for capital to pay for work performed (See section LLI and W) • Summary of discussions with the County Auditor/Controllers with jurisdiction over the Participating Agencies as to the fees chargeable to Participating Agencies and/or Program participants for incorporating voluntary contractual assessments into the property tax bills (See section IID and IV. C) • Maps showing the territory, with delineated boundaries, in which contractual assessments are offered (See Exhibits A-1 through A-L7) • Draft Assessment Contract between a Property Owner and CEDA specifying the terms and conditions of the financing (See Exhibit B) 4829-6142-0561.1 1^ A. Parties Identified in this Report Energy financing programs, such as FIGTREE PACE, are continually evolving with emerging financial products and solutions. Because of the nature of the energy efficiency financing stmcture, the financing team participants may vary throughout the life of the Program and additional financing participants may be used at the discretion of FIGTREE and/or CEDA, as required. l.Issuing Agency: CEDA CEDA 550 Bercut Drive, Suite G Sacramento, CA 95811 Phone: 916-448-8252 Web: ceda.caled.org CEDA has authorized its Chairman to enter into contractual assessments on behalf of CEDA. 2.Program Administrator: FIGTREE Company, Inc. ("FIGTREE") FIGTREE is a San Diego based company specializing in municipal and energy fmancial services. B.Bond Administrator: Willdan Financial Services ("Willdan") Willdan is a subsidiary of Willdan Group, Inc., a publicly traded company (NASDAQ: WLDN), specializing in fmancial and economic consulting for growth plaiming, revenue generation, debt administration and municipal services. B. Participating Agencies Included in this Program Report The cities and counties that have adopted the required resolutions authorizing CEDA to establish and administer a PACE assessment district on their behalf (each a "Participating Agency," collectively "Participating Agencies") are as follows: City of South San Francisco - adopted February 22, 2012 (Resolution Nos. 15-2012, 16-2012) City of Pittsburg - adopted March 5,2012 (Resolution No. 12-11786); County of Kern - adopted March 13,2012 (Resolution No. 2012-033); City of Dublin - adopted March 20,2012 (Resolution No. 36-12); City of Redlands - adopted March 20,2012 (Resolution No. 7140); City of Rancho Cordova - adopted April 16,2012 (Resolution No. 24-2012). County of Alameda - adopted April 24,2012 (R-2012-135); City of Elk Grove - adopted May 31,2012 (Resolution No. 12-24); City of Yuba City - adopted August 16,2012 (Resolution No. 12-035); City of Kingsburg - adopted August 16,2012 (Resolution No. 2012-31); City of Clevis - adopted May 21,2012 (Resolution No. 12-28); City of Fresno - adopted October 18,2012 (Resolution No. 2012-181); City of San Diego - adopted October 23,2012 (Resolution No. R-307794); City of Commerce - adopted November 20,2012 (Resolution No. 12-130); City of Palm Springs - adopted December 19, 2012 (Resolution No. 23282); County of Butte - adopted March 26, 2013 (Resolution No. 13-048); City of Bakersfield - adopted April 17,2013 (Resolution No. 040-13); City of San Marcos - adopted City of Vista - adopted City of Santee - adopted April 24,2013 (Resolution No. 029-2013) 4829-6142-0561.1 2 • City of Chico - adopted • City of Oroville - adopted June 4,2013 (Resolution No. 8075) C. Background Assembly Bills 811 and 474 (the "Legislation") were approved by the Califomia Legislature and signed into law by the Governor in 2008. Under these bills, the Califomia Legislature declared that a public purpose is served by financing property improvement projects related to renewable energy, energy efficiency, water conservation (collectively knovm as the "Authorized Improvements") through voluntary contractual assessment programs. The Legislation applies to residential, commercial, industrial, and other real property. FIGTREE PACE was developed to provide Califomia cities and counties a turnkey, no-cost approach in compliance with Assembly Bills 811 and 474. On December 15, 2011 CEDA approved the Program, becoming the requisite public agency for assessment district formation. Subsequently, cities and counties have opted to participate in the Program by joining CEDA and passing the requisite resolutions. FIGTREE has supported, and continues to support, public agencies along the path to participation in the Program. The FIGTREE PACE model has proved successful, with the initial round of project fimding occurring in December 2011. D. Program Goals The primary goals for the Program are to create local jobs, stimulate local economies, and help cities and counties meet energy and climate protection goals. In terms of goals for the PACE category, the Program aims to create a financial lending product by which PACE financing becomes a mainstream asset class with a high degree of standardization, predictability, and scale, leading to decreased transaction costs for the benefit of Califomia Property Ovmers. E. Program Benefits FIGTREE PACE offers multiple benefits to each category of Program stakeholders: Cities and counties, Property Owners, and contractors and vendors. Participating Agencies may benefit from: • Business attraction and retention • Increased sales tax revenues • Increased permit fee revenues • Cleaner communities and improved property values • Emissions reductions to comply with state mandates For Property Owners, the Program offers: • Opportunities to reduce utility costs through property improvements • Enabling project capital for much-needed upgrades • A no-money-dovm financing altemative • Fixed-rates and longer terms than many conventional financings For contractors and vendors, the Program offers: 4829-6142-0561.1 3 • Project-enabling financing to reach new and existing clients • Marketing and outreach opportunities • Development of sustainable business practices • Increased revenues and profitability F. Program Administration The Program is sponsored by CEDA, which is authorized to form assessment districts on behalf of the Participating Agencies and enter into Assessment Contracts with Property Owners. FIGTREE has been retained by CEDA as the Program Administrator for all administrative, outreach, and funding activities of the Program, including but not limited to: Advising Participating Agencies on Program setup; Community education and Marketing outreach; Responding to Property Owner inquiries; Approving contractors for Program participation; Processing assessment financing applications (the "Application"); Bond administration and lien recordation; Facilitating the distribution of fimds G. Financing Plans In order to provide financing that suits the economics of energy efficiency, renewable energy, and water conservation projects, the Program has been designed to accommodate various sources and methods of funding the Authorized Improvements. Authorized Improvements may be funded through one or more of the following or any other legally available method approved by the CEDA board: • Issuance of municipal bonds: Issuing municipal bonds for either a single project or a pool of projects. • Free market sourcing: Facilitating the "open markef model by which a borrower can choose its own PACE lender and CEDA may issue a micro bond or assign the Assessment Contract for the benefit ofthe PACE lender. • Warehouse Lending Facility: Utilizing warehouse or interim facility to fund PACE projects and hold Assessment Contracts until a takeout through securitization or issuance of bonds. H. Geographic Parameters The Program is available to Property Owners within the legal jurisdiction of the Participating Agencies. Both cities and counties may join the Program. When a county adopts the Program, the Program becomes available to Property Owners in unincorporated areas and incorporated cities gain a simplified approach to Program participation. A city within a participating county may opt-in to the Program by the city's legislative body adopting a resolution requesting inclusion in the existing county Program. Pursuant to such resolution to participate in the Program, the city will find and declare that the properties in the city's incorporated area will benefit from participation. Furthermore, the city's resolution will authorize CEDA to implement the Program, and take actions necessary for financing the Authorized Improvements. If the city is not a member of CEDA, it must also adopt a resolution joining CEDA. 4829-6142-0561.1 I. Changes to Report CEDA and/or FIGTREE may make changes to this Report that are reasonably determined to be necessary to clarify its provisions, accomplish Program goals, and provide additional services that do not conflict with any existing provisions. CEDA and/or FIGTREE may modify from time to time the Authorized Improvements (Exhibit C), the Assessment Contract (Exhibit B), and terms ofthe FIGTREE PACE Application (Exhibit D) as deemed necessary. Participating Agencies may request modifications to the Program Report and CEDA may make such modifications if deemed appropriate. II. PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS FOR PARTICIPATION IN COMMERCIAL FINANCING A. Eligible Property Owners and Property Classifications FIGTREE PACE is designed to be a robust program that responsibly delivers assessment financing. Program applicants (also "Property Ovmers") must meet a number of financial standards to qualify. Property Owners may be individuals, associations, business entities, cooperatives, and virtually any owner paying real property taxes. The PACE financing stmcture enables Property Owners to make no personal guarantees, as the financing is secured by the Property (defined as the property which is the subject of an Application). Therefore, FIGTREE PACE financing does not encumber Property Owner's personal credit, making the Program a financially viable option for property owners large and small. While the upper limit on the amount of financing available, as determined by the value of tiie Property, is sufficient for most projects. Property Owners may use the Program as one layer of an overall financing strategy to accommodate the largest of projects. Additionally, Property Ovmers are eligible to make multiple Applications for additional energy and water efficiency measures, provided that the Applications are within the scope of the underwriting criteria. The underwriting criteria for qualifying Program participants include: Applicant(s) is/are the legal owner(s) of the Property described in the Application Property Ovmer is current on property taxes for the Property and has not been delinquent in the past three (3) years or since owning the Property, if less than 3 years Property Owner is current on private property debt and has not been delinquent in the past three (3) years or since owning the Property, if less than 3 years Mortgage lender(s) has/have been provided the Notice of Request for Lender Consent and Acknowledgement Property Owner has not declared bankmptcy in the past five (5) years Property is not listed as an asset in bankmptcy The lien-to-value ratio (excluding assessed financing amount) does not exceed one hundred percent (i.e. no negative equity) Property is developed and located within thejurisdiction of a Participating Agency Property is classified as Commercial (including Industrial, multifamily, etc.) 4829-6142-0561.1 ^3 Eligible Property Classifications Commercial property is generally defined as any property not used as a single family or multifamily residence (up to 4 units). Examples of commercial property include: • Multi-Family Units (5 or more units) • Warehouse • Manufacturing/Industrial • Hotel • Office • Retail/Wholesale • Shopping Centers • Restaurants B. Eligible Improvements The Program accommodates a wide range of energy and water savings measures, consistent with the following provisions. • Authorized Improvements must be permanently fixed to the Property. • Program financing is provided only for portion of project costs associated with the Authorized Improvements, that is, no costs of remodeling or new constmction are eligible for Program financing (discussedfurther in section Ll. C). • Program financing is intended for replacement of outdated equipment and installation of new equipment that reduces energy and/or water consumption. • Program financing is made available for the following types of Authorized Improvements: o Energy efficiency o Renewable energy o Water conservation o Alternative/ Custom Improvements Note on Alternative/ Customer Improvements: Upon review and approval by FIGTREE, Program financing is made available for emerging technologies for energy improvements that provide new ways to save or generate energy. These improvements will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. For further examples of Authorized Improvements, see Exhibit C. C. Eligible Costs Eligible costs of Authorized Improvements include the cost of equipment and installation. Installation costs may include, but are not limited to, labor, drafting, engineering, application fees, permit fees, processing fees, energy audit, and inspection charges. Remodeling, repair, and/or new constmction costs do not qualify for Program financing except to the extent such constmction is required for installation of a qualifying Improvement. Such equipment may include solar leases where such leases meet requirements of the PACE Program. Property Owners are encouraged to obtain bids from multiple Eligible Contractors, as each transaction is between the Property Owner and the Eligible Contractor. Neither FIGTREE nor CEDA nor a Participating Agency makes representations of the quality of work provided by an Eligible Contractor. Property Ovmers must protect their own interests and obtain the best price, service, and warranties. The role of Participating Agencies is limited to authorizing a financing district. The Property Owner is fully responsible for his or her purchase, service and performance expectations, and warranties. 4829-6142-0561.1 In each case, FIGTREE will determine whether the estimated equipment and installation costs are reasonable. FIGTREE reserves the right to evaluate market conditions and, at its discretion, require additional bids to determine whether costs are reasonable. While the Property Owner is encouraged to select the bidder of his or her choice fi"om the list of Eligible Contractors, the amount available for assessment financing may be limited to an amount deemed reasonable by FIGTREE. In the event that (a) the acquisition, constmction and/or installation of the Improvements (including, but not limited to commencing the permit process) has not commenced within 180 days of the issuance ofthe financing for the Improvements, or (b) all or a portion of the proceeds ofthe financing are not utilized to fund the Improvements witiiin two (2) years of the issuance of the financing, the remaining Improvements shall not be funded under the Assessment Contract and the amount ofthe financing amount owing to the Contractor shall not be tendered to the Contractor; and the Borrower shall be responsible for the unpaid accrued interest, closing costs, related administrative costs and a special 5% termination fee relating to the unfunded amount as of the settlement date. D. Administrative Costs Discussions with the appropriate Auditor/Controller's offices have been initiated. It is anticipated that standard fees for placing special assessments on the tax roll will apply. FIGTREE has been in consultation with the County Auditor-Controller of each Participating Agency regarding any fees resulting from the incorporation of the contractual assessments into the general taxes of the County on real property. Based on FIGTREE's current and ongoing discussions, fees will be in accordance with the normal fees of each County Auditor-Controller for placing similar assessment charges on the County tax roll for general property taxes. These fees will be collected directiy from participating Property Owners through disclosed charges added to the Property Owner's annual levy amount. Administrative fees are recovered by the "spread" between bond rates and the Program financing interest rate, and by an annual administrative charge added to the amiual assessment amount billed to each Property Owner each year. Other than the fees below, the Property Ovmers will not be billed for any additional charges or assessments. The following costs will be the responsibility of the Property Owner: • Application Fee: The fee is $495 per Commercial Application. A fee of $100 per parcel will apply to properties on multiple contiguous parcels with the same occupancy use. The Application Fee includes title verification and recordation of closing documents with the county in which the Property is situated. The fee is borne by the Property Ovmer but reimbursable through the Program financing. The Application Fee is non-refundable and appropriate disclosures are provided and must be acknowledged before a Property Owner can submit payment. • Financing Issuance Fee: At the time of closing, FIGTREE will charge you a one-time administration fee of four percent (4%) of the principal amount of the assessment on the Property to cover the additional transaction costs of the Program. This fee vrill be added to the total assessment amount financed. • County Tax Collector Fee: Administrative costs charged by the county will be added to the annual assessment amount and will be paid by Property Owners. Currently the maximum is $40 per Property per year. The maximum may escalate 2% per year for increases in county fees. 4829-6142-0561.1 ^5 • Annual Administrative Fee: A charge of 3% of the total annual assessment amount will apply for cost recovery. This administrative cost recovery will be added to the annual assessment amount. Such administrative charges include, but not limited to staff time. Participating Agency staff time and expenses incurred in the formation and administration of the Program. • Permit Fees: Property Owners must determine whether a permit(s) is/are required for the chosen improvement measures. If required. Property Owners will be responsible to pay permit fees. Permit fees are eligible for inclusion in the financing. • Progress Draws: For large projects, progress draws or multiple disbursements may be available to alleviate the burden of carrying costs. Progress draws are subject to a fee of $450 each. E. Application Process Step 1: Apply and Get Approved for Financing To begin, the Property Owner must apply to FIGTREE for Program financing and be approved for participation in the program based on qualification criteria. FIGTREE will verify Property ovmership and existing liens by ordering a title report on the Property. The Property Owner submits the Application together with its required attachments to FIGTREE online at www.figtreecompany.com or by mail: FIGTREE Energy Resource Company Attention: PACE Program 9915 Mira Mesa Blvd., Suite 130 San Diego, CA 92131 Questions regarding the status of an Application should be directed to FIGTREE toll free at (877) 577- 7373. FIGTREE determines whether each Application is complete and acceptable per Program guidelines. Incomplete Applications will not be accepted. Applications will be processed on first-come, first-served basis. Step 2: Deflne the Scope of Work and Budget Upon approval for participation, the Property Owner should defme the project's scope of work and obtain a bid fi-om an Eligible Contractor(s) (defined as contractors meeting certain professional standards, as further described in Section VI.A). FIGTREE maintains an online database of Eligible Contractors tiiat are members of the Program at http://vyww.figtreecompanv.com/resources-contractors/. A description of the scope of work and a copy of the bid(s) should be submitted to FIGTREE in order to determine the amount of financing required and to verify that all proposed Authorized Improvements qualify under the Program underwriting standards. Step 3: Lender Consent For mortgaged commercial properties. FIGTREE requires notification to the mortgage lender(s) to obtain consent to the PACE assessment as described below. The PACE assessment is on par with property taxes and therefore senior to any existing the mortgage lien. Because most mortgage contracts include a "due on encumbrance" clause preventing a Property Owner fi-om voluntarily placing a lien in a senior position. 4829-6142-0561.1 FIGTREE has instituted the lender consent requirement to protect Property Ovmers from potential violations of their mortgage contracts. Once FIGTREE has determined an applicant's eligibility for financing and the amount of financing required for the proposed project, FIGTREE will submit the proposed scope of work and budget to the mortgage lender for approval. Property Ovmers and Eligible Contractors should allow approximately three to four weeks for FIGTREE to obtain the mortgage lender's consent. Lender consent to Prior Assessment Lien: The Program provides for the holders of any private lien on the participating Property (the "Mortgage Lenders") to receive notice of the pending contractual assessment and requests written lender consent that the assessment lien will have the same priority as real property taxes. The Program's lender consent process has been designed to protect the security interest of the Mortgage Lenders. The Program Administrator will send notices requesting lender consent (the "Notice and Request for Lender Consent") via certified mail to all Mortgage Lenders' names and addresses listed in the participating Property Ovmer's Mortgage Loan Agreement, Promissory Note, Deed of Trust, and other Security Agreements as applicable (collectively the "Mortgage Documents"), as described by a titie report obtained by FIGTREE. The Notice and Request for Lender Consent ("Lender Consenf) requests (i) confirmation from the Mortgage Lender that the levy of the assessment pursuant to the Assessment Contract will not trigger an event of default or the exercise of remedies under the participating Property Ovmer's Mortgage Documents; (ii) provides notice that the assessment will be secured by a statutory lien on the participating Property pari passu with real property taxes; (iii) provides written notice of the proposed participation of the Property in the Program; and confirms that the Mortgage Lenders' signature constitute consent as required under the Mortgage Documents. Lender failure to respond to the Lender Consent: If the lender retums the Notice and Request for Lender Consent and specifically states it does not consent, the Property Owner may not participate. If there is no written lender response received from the Mortgage Lender vrithin 35 days after the postmarked date of the Lender Consent, (the "Lender Consent Period"), based upon the language in the Lender Consent and subject to the disclosure provisions of the Application and as otherwise required by FIGTREE, the participating Property Owner may request the Program Administrator to proceed with the Property Ovmer's participation in the Program. The Program Administrator will review such a request and may determine to proceed subject to additional disclosures or documents required by FIGTREE. Step 4: Execute Assessment Documents Once the Scope of Work and Budget have been approved and Lender Consent has been obtained or otherwise resolved (if Property is mortgaged), FIGTREE will provide the Property Owner with an Assessment Contract to be signed notarized and retumed to FIGTREE. The Assessment Contract is an agreement on the financing amount and terms and is executed between the Property Ovmer and CEDA. Once the Assessment Contract is executed, a signed and notarized Notice of Assessment and Payment of Assessment will be recorded with the county in which the Property is situated. Step 5: Notice to Proceed 4829-6142-0561.1 9 ^1 No work may begin until FIGTREE has issued a vwitten Notice to Proceed to both the Property Ovmer and Eligible Contractor. The Notice to Proceed is an indication that the PACE assessment has been recorded on the Property and funds are available for disbursement to the Eligible Contractor upon satisfactory project completion. When the Notice to Proceed has been issued, the Eligible Contractor(s) may begin to install the energy and water upgrade equipment. NOTE: If any work or expenses related to the proposed Scope of Work are incurred by the Property Owner or Eligible Contractor(s) before receiving a Notice to Proceed from FIGTREE, neither FIGTREE nor CEDA nor the City/County is, or will be responsible to pay or reimburse the Eligible Contractor or Property Owner for any direct or related expenses. Step 6: Project Completion and Inspection FIGTREE reserves the right to inspect projects for satisfactory completion. The Property Ovmer must acknowledge that work has been done to his or her satisfaction before payment is issued to the Eligible Contractor(s). Step 7: Contractor Payment Upon satisfactory completion of the project and certification of completion by the Eligible Contractor(s), the bond trustee will issue a check to the Eligible Contractor(s) directiy. III. PROGRAM PLAN FOR COMMERCIAL PACE FINANCING FIGTREE has embraced a free market and flexible approach to solving the financial challenges associated with capital-intensive energy projects. FIGTREE intends to raise capital for the Program through one or more of the following financing arrangements or other legally available arrangement approved by CEDA: • Issuance of municipal bonds: Issuing municipal bonds for either a single project or a pool of projects. • Free market sourcing: Facilitating the "open market" model by which a borrower can choose its own PACE lender and CEDA may issue a micro bond or assign the Assessment Contract for the benefit of the PACE lender. • Warehouse Lending Facility: Utilizing warehouse or interim facility to fund PACE projects and hold Assessment Contracts until a takeout through securitization or issuance of bonds. Altemative financing options not listed above may also be pursued should such options benefit the ongoing viability of the Program. As the Program Administrator, FIGTREE will direct the Bond Administrator to place charges on each participating Property Owner's tax bill for repayment each year the Program financing is outstanding. In the event municipal bonds are sold, such bonds shall be a special, limited obligation of CEDA and, as such, are not a debt of the Participating Agencies, the State of Califomia or any of its political subdivisions (other than CEDA). None of Participating Agencies, the State or any of its political subdivisions (other than CEDA) is liable for the payment thereof The bonds are special, limited obligations of CEDA payable exclusively from the revenues (secured by assessment district liens on Property of participating Property Owners), and amounts held in certain funds and accounts created 4829-6142-0561.1 10 pursuant to the bond indenture. The bonds will not be payable from any other revenues or other assets of CEDA. CEDA does not have any taxing power. The bonds do not constitute indebtedness within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation or restriction. rv. PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS FOR PARTICIPATION EN RESIDENTIAL FINANCING A. Eligible Property Owners and Property Classifications FIGTREE PACE is designed to be a robust program that responsibly delivers assessment fmancing. Program applicants (also "Property Owners") must meet a number of financial standards to qualify. Property Owners may be individuals, associations, business entities, cooperatives, and virtually any owner paying real property taxes. The PACE financing stmcture enables Property Owners to make no personal guarantees, as the financing is secured by the Property (defined as the property which is the subject of an Application). Therefore, FIGTREE PACE financing does not encumber Property Owner's personal credit, making the Program a financially viable option for property ovmers large and small. While the upper limit on the amount of financing available, as determined by the value of the Property, is sufficient for most projects. Property Ovmers may use the Program as one layer of an overall financing strategy to accommodate the largest of projects. Additionally, Property Owners are eligible to make multiple Applications for additional energy and water efficiency measures, provided that the Applications are within the scope of the underwriting criteria. The underwriting criteria for qualifying Program participants include: • Applicant(s) is/are the legal owner(s) of the Property described in the Application • The Property is not a leasehold (i.e., owned the Property fee simple). • The amount of financing requested under the Program shall not exceed 10% of the value of the Property. • All existing private debt recorded against the Property does not exceed 85% of the value of the Property. • There are no involuntary liens, defaults or judgments on the Property in excess of $ 1,000. • Property Owner has not declared bankmptcy in the past seven (7) years • Property Ovmer is current on property taxes for the Property and has not been delinquent in the past three (3) years or since owning the Property, if less than 3 years • Property Owner is current on private property debt and has not been delinquent in the past three (3) years or since owning the Property, if less than 3 years • The Property title is not subject to power of attomey, easements, or subordination agreements restricting my authority to subject the Property to a PACE lien. • Property is classified as single family Residential or multifamily Residential (up to 4 units) B. Eligible Improvements The Program accommodates a wide range of energy and water savings measures, consistent with the following provisions. • Authorized Improvements must be permanently fixed to the Property. • Program financing is provided only for portion of project costs associated with the Authorized Improvements, that is, no costs of remodeling or new constmction are eligible for Program financing (discussedfurther in section: LV.C). 4829-6142-0561.1 U • Program financing is intended for replacement of outdated equipment and installation of new equipment that reduces energy and/or water consumption. • Program financing is made available for the following types of improvements: o Energy efficiency o Renewable energy o Water conservation o Altemative/ Custom Improvements. Upon review and approval by CEDA on a case-by-case basis. Program financing will be made available for emerging technologies that provide new ways to save or generate energy. For further examples of eligible measures, see Exhibit C. C. Eligible Costs Eligible costs of Authorized Improvements include the cost of equipment and installation. Installation costs may include, but are not limited to, labor, drafting, engineering, application fees, permit fees, processing fees, energy audit, and inspection charges. Remodeling, repair, and/or new constmction costs do not qualify for Program financing except to the extent such construction is required for installation of a qualifying Improvement. Such equipment may include solar leases where such leases meet requirements of the PACE Program. Property Ovmers are encouraged to obtain bids from multiple Eligible Contractors, as each transaction is between the Property Owner and the Eligible Contractor. Neither FIGTREE nor CEDA nor a Participating Agency makes representations of the quality of work provided by an Eligible Contractor. Property Owners must protect their own interests and obtain the best price, service, and warranties. The role of Participating Agencies is limited to authorizing a financing district. The Property Ovmer is fully responsible for his or her purchase, service and performance expectations, and warranties. In each case, FIGTREE will determine whether the estimated equipment and installation costs are reasonable. FIGTREE reserves the right to evaluate market conditions and, at its discretion, require additional bids to determine whether costs are reasonable. While the Property Owner is encouraged to select the bidder of his or her choice from the list of Eligible Contractors, the amount available for assessment financing may be limited to an amount deemed reasonable by FIGTREE. In the event that (a) the acquisition, constmction and/or installation of the Improvements (including, but not limited to commencing the permit process) has not commenced within 60 days of the issuance of the financing for the Improvements, or (b) all or a portion of the proceeds of the financing are not utilized to fund the Improvements within 120 days of the issuance of the financing, the remaining Improvements shall not be funded under the Assessment Contract and the amount of the financing amount owing to the Contractor shall not be tendered to the Contractor; and the Borrower shall be responsible for the unpaid accmed interest, closing costs, related administrative costs and a special 5% termination fee relating to the unfunded amount as of the settlement date. D. Administrative Costs Discussions with the appropriate Auditor/Controller's offices have been initiated. It is anticipated that standard fees for placing special assessments on the tax roll will apply. 4829-6142-0561.1 12 30 FIGTREE has been in consultation with the County Auditor-Controller of each Participating Agency regarding any fees resulting from the incorporation of the contractual assessments into the general taxes of the County on real property. Based on FIGTREE's current and ongoing discussions, fees will be in accordance with the normal fees of each County Auditor-Controller for placing similar assessment charges on the County tax roll for general property taxes. These fees will be collected directiy from participating Property Owners through disclosed charges added to the Property Owner's annual levy amount. Administrative fees are recovered by the "spread" between bond rates and the Program financing interest rate, and by an annual administrative charge added to the annual assessment amount billed to each Property Ovmer each year. Other than the fees below, the Property Owners will not be billed for any additional charges or assessments. The following costs will be the responsibility ofthe Property Owner: • Application Fee: The fee is $295 per Residential Application. A fee of $100 per parcel will apply to properties on multiple contiguous parcels with the same occupancy use. The Application Fee includes title verification and recordation of closing documents with the county in which the Property is situated. The fee is home by the Property Owner but reimbursable through the Program fmancing. The Application Fee is non-refundable and appropriate disclosures are provided and must be acknowledged before a Property Owner can submit payment. • Financing Issuance Fee: At the time of closing, FIGTREE will charge you a one-time administration fee of four percent (4%) of the principal amount of the assessment on the Property to cover the additional transaction costs of the Program. This fee will be added to the total assessment amount financed. • County Tax Collector Fee: Administrative costs charged by the county will be added to the annual assessment amount and will be paid by Property Owners. Currentiy the maximum is $40 per Property per year. The maximum may escalate 2% per year for increases in county fees. • Annual Administrative Fee: A charge of 3% of the total annual assessment amount will apply for cost recovery. This administrative cost recovery will be added to the annual assessment amount. Such administrative charges include, but not limited to staff" tune. Participating Agency staff time and expenses incurred in the formation and administration ofthe Program. • Permit Fees: Property Owners must determine whether a permit(s) is/are required for the chosen improvement measures. If required. Property Owners will be responsible to pay permit fees. Permit fees are eligible for inclusion in the financing. • Inspection Fee: An Inspection Fee of $150 will apply to any required site visit, including a final inspection to verify satisfactory completion of work. • Progress Draws: For large projects, progress draws or multiple disbursements may be available to alleviate the burden of carrying costs. Progress draws are subject to a fee of $450 each. E. Application Process Step 1: Apply and Get Approved for Financing To begin, the Property Owner must apply to FIGTREE for Program financing and be approved for participation in the program based on qualification criteria. FIGTREE will verify Property ovmership and existing liens by ordering a title report on the Property. The Property Owner submits the Application together with its required attachments to FIGTREE online at www.figtreecompany.com or by mail: 4829-6142-0561.1 13 31 FIGTREE Energy Resource Company Attention: PACE Program 9915 Mira Mesa Blvd., Suite 130 San Diego, CA 92131 Questions regarding the status of an Application should be directed to FIGTREE toll free at (877) 577- 7373. FIGTREE determines whether each Application is complete and acceptable per Program guidelines. Incomplete Applications will not be accepted. Applications will be processed on first-come, first-served basis. Step 2: Define the Scope of Work and Budget Upon approval for participation, the Property Owner should define the project's scope of work and obtain a bid from an Eligible Contractor(s). FIGTREE maintains an online database of Eligible Contractors that are members of its existing program at http://www.figtreecompanv.com/resources-contractors/. A description of the scope of work and a copy of the bid(s) should be submitted to FIGTREE in order to determine the amount of financing required and to verify that all proposed Authorized Improvements qualify under the Program underwriting standards. Step 3: Lender Notification For mortgaged residential properties. FIGTREE requires notification of the PACE assessment to the mortgage lender. The responsibility for the Mortgage Lender's written consent lies with the residential Borrower. Borrowers are required to acknowledge certain disclosures in the Application and the Assessment Contract and are required to declare the following: Borrower declares that (i) Borrower has received, read and understands the risks and characteristics ofthe Program described in the Property Ovmer Acknowledgments and Disclosures and FHFA Disclosure set forth in the Application and (ii) Borrower has been informed that executing this Contract, receiving financing for Autiiorized Improvements and consenting to the assessment levied against the Property without lender consent may constitute an event of default under Borrower's residential mortgage, and (iii) Borrower takes the sole responsibility for consequences of such default which may include acceleration of repayment obligations due under Borrower's residential mortgage. Step 4: Execute Assessment Documents Once the Scope of Work and Budget have been approved and Lender Consent has been obtained (if Property is mortgaged), FIGTREE will provide the Property Ovmer vrith an Assessment Contract to be signed, notarized and retumed to FIGTREE. The Assessment Contract is an agreement on the financing amount and terms and is executed between the Property Owner and CEDA. Once the Assessment Contract is executed, a signed and notarized Notice of Assessment and Payment of Assessment will be recorded with the county in which the Property is situated. 4829-6142-0561.1 14 Step 5: Notice to Proceed No work may begin until FIGTREE has issued a written Notice to Proceed to both the Property Ovmer and Eligible Contractor. The Notice to Proceed is an indication that the PACE assessment has been recorded on the Property and funds are available for disbursement to the Eligible Contractor upon satisfactory project completion. When the Notice to Proceed has been issued, the Eligible Contractor(s) may begin to install the energy and water upgrade equipment. NOTE: If any work or expenses related to the proposed Scope of Work are incurred by the Property Owner or Eligible Contractor(s) before receiving a Notice to Proceed from FIGTREE, neither FIGTREE nor CEDA nor the City/County is, or will be responsible to pay or reimburse the Eligible Contractor or Property Ovmer for any direct or related expenses. Step 6: Project Completion and Inspection FIGTREE reserves the right to inspect projects for satisfactory completion. The Property Ovmer must acknowledge that work has been done to his or her satisfaction before payment is issued to the Eligible Contractor(s). Step 7: Contractor Payment Upon satisfactory completion of the project and certification of completion by the Eligible Contractor(s), the bond tmstee will issue a check to the Eligible Contractor(s) directly. V. PROGRAM PLAN FOR RESIDENTL\L PACE FINANCING FIGTREE recognizes the importance of timely financing in the residential sector. Pursuant to speedy disbursement of funds, FIGTREE intends to raise capital for the Program through one or more of the following financing arrangements or other legally available arrangements approved by CEDA: • Issuance of municipal bonds: Issuing municipal bonds for either a single project or a pool of projects. • Warehouse Lending Facility: Utilizing warehouse or interim facility to fund PACE projects and hold Assessment Contracts until a takeout through securitization or issuance of bonds. Altemative financing options not listed above may also be pursued should such options benefit the ongoing viability ofthe Program. For any of the fmancing options, FIGTREE will direct the Bond Administrator to place charges on each participating Property Owner's tax bill for repayment each year the Program financing is outstanding. In the event municipal bonds are sold, such bonds shall be a special, limited obligation of CEDA and, as such, are not a debt of the Participating Agencies, the State of Califomia or any of its political subdivisions (other than CEDA). None of Participating Agencies, the State or any of its political subdivisions (other than CEDA) is liable for the payment thereof The bonds are special, limited obligations of CEDA payable exclusively from the revenues (secured by assessment district liens on Property of participating Property Ovmers), and amounts held in certain fimds and accounts created pursuant to the bond indenture. The bonds will not be payable from any other revenues or other assets of 4829-6142-0561.1 15 33 CEDA. CEDA does not have any taxing power. The bonds do not constitute indebtedness within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation or restriction. VI. PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS FOR PARTICIPATING CONTRACTORS A. Eligible Contractors Contractors ("Eligible Contractors" as defined in this section) must meet certain qualifications to be eligible to perform work on projects funded by the Program and all equipment must be approved, installed, and verified in accordance with the Program guidelines. Eligible Contractors must be licensed by and in good standing with the Califomia State Contractors License Board, and must meet the following requirements. Eligibility requirements include: • Hold status of registered and licensed Contractor by the State of Califomia; • Hold a business license in the jurisdiction where work is being performed; • Have a minimum of five (5) years work experience as a licensed Contractor in the State of Califomia, or demonstrate sufficient experience in a relevant field of work; • Hold a minimum of $ 1,000,000 in general liability insurance; • Meet bonding and Worker's Compensation insurance requirements per Califomia State Contractors License Board; • Agree to the Code of Ethics set forth in the contractor application. To apply to be an Eligible Contractor, a contractor must fill out a contractor application online at vyww.figtreecompanv.com or download a contractor application form from the website to complete and mail to FIGTREE. Once approved (usually within 48 hours), the contractor will be added to the online directory of Eligible Contractors and may contract for projects financed through the Program. Per the Contractor Agreement (included in the contractor application), participating Eligible Contractors are responsible for installation of the equipment on the Property (after receiving a Notice to Proceed from FIGTREE). Upon satisfactory completion, the Eligible Contractor will be reimbursed by the Program within 14 business days. VII. APPEALS The Program provides an Appeal Process by which participating Property Owners may appeal disputes in the case of a denied Application and/or determination of ineligibility to participate in the Program. Property Ovmers who have not signed an Assessment Contract may appeal to FIGTREE as follows: 1. Written notice may be sent by certified mail to FIGTREE. The notice must identify the issue(s) for resolution, the circumstances that surround the issue(s), and a timeline of events. 2. FIGTREE shall discuss the matter with the Property Ovmer and shall attempt to resolve the dispute within thirty (30) calendar days after delivery of the notice. FIGTREE shall render a written decision in 30 calendar days and send that decision to the Property Owner. The decision of FIGTREE is final. 4829-6142-0561.1 16 3'i Property Owners who have signed an Assessment Contract may appeal to FIGTREE as follows: 1. A Property Ovmer who has signed a CEDA Assessment Contract shall attempt in good faith to promptly resolve any dispute arising out of or relating to any Assessment Contract under the Program by negotiations with FIGTREE and/or the Chair of CEDA or his or her designated representative. 2. To appeal. Property Ovmers must notify in writing the other party or parties by certified mail of any dispute. Within thirty (30) calendar days after delivery of the notice, a FIGTREE representative or the Chair of CEDA and the Property Owner shall discuss the matter and shall attempt to resolve the dispute. 3. If the dispute has not been resolved within thirty (30) calendar days of the first meeting, any party may pursue other remedies, including mediation. All negotiations and any mediation conducted pursuant to this clause are confidential and shall be treated as compromise and settlement negotiations, to which Section 1152.5 of the Califomia Evidence Code shall apply, and Section 1152.5 is incorporated herein by reference. 4. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, a party may seek a preliminary injunction or other provisional judicial remedy if in its judgment such action is necessary to avoid irreparable damage or to resolve the status quo. Each party is required to continue to perform its obligations under the Assessment Contract pending final resolution of any dispute arising out of or relating to the Assessment Contract. Note on Appealing Property Valuation: If a Property Ovmer determines that the value of the Property as determined by FIGTREE is lower than the fair market value of the Property, the Property Owner may appeal to FIGTREE in an effort to establish a greater financeable amount. The Property Ovmer may, at its own expense, have an appraisal performed to establish a greater property value than that determined by FIGTREE. FIGTREE, at its discretion, may accept an appraisal and increase the financeable amount provided the appraisal is greater than the value determined by FIGTREE. The mortgage lender, if applicable, must also consent to this valuation. FIGTREE does not alter the Property Ovmer's ad valorem property taxes with the appraisal value; the appraisal is used only to determine the maximum Program financing amount. If a third party valuation tool is used to determine the value of the Property, the Property Ovmer shall have the right and obligation to a copy of the report used in connection with his or her Application. Ifthe Property Owner wants to obtain a copy, he or she may write to FIGTREE within 90 days after FIGTREE provides notice of the action taken on the Property Owner's Application. VIII. PROGRAM AND FINANCING DISCLOSURES A. Financing Amount and Terms - Commercial Properties 1. Minimum Assessment Financing Amount The minimum size for Commercial assessment financing is $5,000. 2. Maximum Assessment Financing Amount The maximum assessment financing amount is typically ten percent (10%) of the total property value; properties will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis for financing up to twenty percent (20%) of total property value. The Program will determine a maximum assessment financing amount based on the most recent county-assigned assessed value of the Property or other valuation deemed acceptable by FIGTREE. 4829-6142-0561.1 17 35 Valuation may be based on a third party valuation tool provided by a qualified vendor or a qualified appraisal. There are two tiers of financing available: • Tier 1: Target Interest Rate is 7.99% and maximum financing is 10% of total property value (before the Authorized Improvements). The sum of the annual payment and property taxes cannot exceed 3% of the total property value. • Tier 2: Target Interest Rate is 8.99% and maximum financing is 20% of total property value (before the energy efficiency improvements). The sum of the annual payment and property taxes cannot exceed 4% of the total property value. FIGTREE will calculate and determine the financing available for the Property Owner before final approval as a safeguard so that in any case the total annual property tax and assessments on the Property will not exceed 5% of the Property's value per Califomia code. If a Property Owner determines that the assessed values do not accurately reflect the market value, an appraisal may be authorized. Authorizations are provided on a case by case basis. The maximum amount available for Program financing may be limited to an amount deemed reasonable by FIGTREE. 3. Financing Term The term of the Program financing is based on the life expectancy of the Authorized Improvements installed up to a maximum of 20 years. B. Financing Amount and Terms - Residential Properties 1. Minimum Assessment Financing Amount The minimum size for Residential assessment financing is $2,500. 2. Maximum Assessment Financing Amount The maximum assessment financing amount is typically ten percent (10%) of the total property value; properties will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis for financing up to twenty percent (20%) of total property value. The Program will determine a maximum assessment financing amount based on the most recent county-assigned assessed value of the Property or other valuation deemed acceptable by FIGTREE. Valuation may be based on a third party valuation tool provided by a qualified vendor or a qualified appraisal. Interest rates will be determined by the financing term and posted on the Program website, with applicable adjustments, from time to time. FIGTREE will calculate and determine the financing available for the Property Ovmer before final approval as a safeguard so that in any case the total annual property tax and assessments on the Property will not exceed 5% of the Property's value per Califomia code. If a Property Owner determines that the assessed values do not accurately reflect the market value, an appraisal may be authorized. Authorizations are provided on a case by case basis. The maximum amount available for Program financing may be limited to an amount deemed reasonable by FIGTREE. 3. Financing Term The term of the Program financing is based on the life expectancy of the Authorized Improvements installed up to a maximum of 20 years. The terms may be 5, 10, 15, or 20 years, depending on the Authorized Improvements. 4829-6142-0561.1 18 3(^ C. Maximum Portfolio The maximum principal amount of the Program financmg available to Property Ovmers under the Program is under the authority of and determined by CEDA, which has authorized $500 million at this time. The total amount of financing available to all participating cities and counties that are Participating Agencies is expected to exceed $500 million. The maximum principal amount of the Program financing can be increased through CEDA resolution and CEDA Board Approval. A distinction should be made between bonding and funding capacity. Given that the FIGTREE PACE model accommodates various funding sources, actual funding capacity may exceed bonding capacity. D. Reserve/ Last Payment Collection A reserve fund or upfront collection of a portion of the last year's payment may be required depending on market conditions and the type of financing used to fund projects. If a reserve fund or upfront collection of a portion of the last year's assessment payment is required, the Property Ovmer must allocate a percentage of their total assessed financing amount to establish such funds. For example, if a Property Owner is approved for a total $500,000 in financing and a 10% reserve is required to market the bonds, $50,000 of that amount will be set aside and allocated for the reserve fund. The remaining $450,000 will be eligible for project costs. E. Priority of Funding Applications from Property Owners for financing will be given priority based on the date on which the Application is approved. If a request from a Property Owner for financing would cause the Program to exceed the authorized maximum portfolio set by CEDA, then the Application will be ineligible for financing unless the CEDA board authorizes additional funding. CEDA will retain the authority to grant exceptions to the priority status of individual Applications. F. Accelerated Foreclosure The Program assessments are collected as a line item to the Property Owner's property tax bill. Each year the annual assessment amounts will be submitted to the County Tax Collector's office. If an annual assessment installment remains unpaid, the unpaid amounts will be subject to accelerated assessment lien foreclosure proceedings. These unpaid amounts will be removed from the real property tax rolls and given to a foreclosure attomey for collection via the foreclosure process. The special assessment foreclosure proceedings generally will occur well in advance of the County Tax Collector's Foreclosure Sale Date to remedy the delinquent general taxes on the Property. G. Prepayment At any time, the Property Owner can request a payoff quote at no-charge to pre-pay the PACE assessment lien on the Property. Such payoff calculation includes the principal balance, any bond redemption premiums, interest amounts due, and a special administrative fee. A reasonable prepayment premium may be charged depending on the year of payoff. Prepayment premiums are published on the Application form. 4829-6142-0561.1 19 ^7 H. Assessment Interest Rate Program financing will be issued to Property Ovmers at an annual interest rate that is determined by market conditions at the time of issuing bonds. The rate of interest is fixed over the financing term. In any event, Califomia state law does not allow the interest rate on assessment district bonds to exceed 12%. Program financing that is entered into at different times may have different interest rates depending on bond market conditions and successful marketing of the bonds. Upon successfully arranging the financing in compliance with Financing Plans set forth in this Report, the interest rate for the project or group of projects will be established. After the Property Owner affirms that the Authorized Improvements have been installed as set forth in the Assessment Contract and after inspection of the Authorized Improvements, the funding cycle will conclude with distribution of funds. IX. EXHIBITS Maps Draft Assessment Contract Authorized Improvements Applications for Financing 4829-6142-0561.1 20 38 EXHIBIT A-1 County of Alameda Boundary Map The boundary of the Assessment District shall be the same as the County of Alameda Boundaries as modified from time to time, and the complete County of Alameda Boundary Map is on file with the Office of the County Engineering Department, County of Alameda and is incorporated herein by reference. 4829-6142-0561.1 3=1 EXHIBIT A-2 County of Kern Boundary Map The boundary ofthe Assessment District shall be the same as the County of Kern Boundaries as modified from time to time, and the complete County of Kem Boundary Map is on file with the Office of the County Engineering Department, County of Kem and is incorporated herein by reference. County Map,California Tuliirc Glennville., Woody Sierra. McFaland^^' Lost HUls Wasco' • LiveOko^ ^ * ~ Bfeckenridge • cCrecnacres ^ o 5 luyo p ^.^Wofforo Walker (395jinvoki Alta '4Hieght Arpt. Bodfish ""Havjlah -.Edjson Lamontr, , J^iZ-i":!'':!''^ Loraine Arvin Keene Ridgecrest --Camyon .S.P. ^ o , Saltdaie Cantil • ^ Santa "M Barbara ^-^ f'fheeler Mojav^ idge Californij Xlty Lebec North Edwards Rosamond and burg 1 oron \ 4829-6142-0561.1 EXHIBIT A-3 City of South San Francisco Boundary Map The boundary ofthe Assessment District shall be the same as the City of South San Francisco Boundaries as modified from time to time, and the complete City of South San Francisco Boundary Map is on file with the City Engineering Department, City of South San Francisco and is incorporated herein by reference. 4829-6142-0561.1 EXHIBIT A-4 City of Dublin Boundary Map The boundary ofthe Assessment District shall be the same as the City of Dublin Boundaries as modified from time to time, and the complete City of Dublin Boundary Map is on file with the City Engineering Department, City of Dublin and is incorporated herein by reference. CITY OF DUBLIN as amended through September 20. 200 5 4829-6142-0561.1 EXHIBIT A-5 City of Pittsburg Boundary Map The boundary of the Assessment District shall be the same as the City of Pittsburg Boundaries as modified from time to time, and tiie complete City of Pittsburg Boundary Map is on file with the City Engineering Department, City of Pittsburg and is incorporated herein by reference. CITY OF PITTSBURG, CA Shore Acres Bay Point Sherman tiiamS WafMfowl jMMtgement Area • PA&5 t<d Pittsburg Antioch Black DiamorHI • Mne«Regk>nal -ti :,jL • 4829-6142-0561.1 13 EXHIBIT A-6 City of Rancho Cordova Boundary Map The boundary of tiie Assessment District shall be the same as the City of Rancho Cordova Boundaries as modified from time to time, and the complete City of Rancho Cordova Boundary Map is on file with the City Engineering Department, City of Rancho Cordova and is incorporated herein by reference. CITYOF RANCHO CORDOVA 0 2 Miles 4829-6142-0561.1 EXHIBIT A-7 City of Redlands Boundary Map The boundary of the Assessment District shall be the same as the City of Redlands Boundaries as modified from time to time, and the complete City of Redlands Boundary Map is on file with the City Engineering Department, City of Redlands and is incorporated herein by reference. CITY OF REDLANDS UNTY UNE RD 4829-6142-0561.1 HS EXHIBIT A-8 City of Elk Grove Boundary Map The boundary of the Assessment District shall be the same as the City of Elk Grove Boundaries as modified from time to time, and the complete City of Elk Grove Boundary Map is on file with the City Engineering Department, City of Elk Grove and is incorporated herein by reference. CITY OF ELK GROVE 4829-6142-0561.1 EXHIBIT A-9 City of Yuba City Boundary Map The boundary of the Assessment District shall be the same as the City of Yuba City Boundaries as modified from time to time, and the complete City of Yuba City Boundary Map is on file with the City Engineering Department, City of Yuba City and is incorporated herein by reference. Yuba City Sutter County N /^/ City Lrnits /V/ Railroad County Lines Water Features y/ Roads L__l Minor Zones 4829-6142-0561.1 Ml EXHIBIT A-10 City of Kingsburg Boundary Map The boundary of the Assessment District shall be the same as the City of Kingsburg Boundaries as modified from time to time, and the complete City of Kingsburg Boundary Map is on file with the City Engineering Department, City of Kingsburg and is incorporated herein by reference. 4829-6142-0561.1 EXHIBIT A-11 City of Clevis Boundary Map The boundary of the Assessment Disttict shall be the same as the City of Clovis Boundaries as modified from time to time, and the complete City of Clovis Boundary Map is on file with the City Engineering Department, City of Clovis and is incorporated herein by reference. FiN/i i^cr JUI€21.20IZ ^ - ^ I ll 4829-6142-0561.1 H^ EXHIBIT A-12 City of Fresno Boundary Map The boundary of the Assessment Disttict shall be the same as the City of Fresno Boundaries as modified from time to time, and the complete City of Fresno Boundary Map is on file with the City Engineering Department, City of Fresno and is incorporated herein by reference. w AM 17 s Ai-r .• A- .ill t- .1 .ir - r' i vVesi Freinc zV I.- - Honr\ QrowlhAfea •Aooch^ifd Park -.'I * Clovis Internanefial* ^ ^ 'Fresno g^hancur ^ " a KM I SouViMat r Sfowlh Area Ex«culrv«AM< VW»«P«rk I 1.; * 4829-6142-0561.1 50 EXHIBIT A-13 City of San Diego Boundary Map The boundary ofthe Assessment District shall be the same as the City of San Diego Boundaries as modified from time to time, and the complete City of San Diego Boundary Map is on file with the City Engineering Department, City of San Diego and is incorporated herein by reference. Escondido "0 Encmitas So4ana Beach Del *JittT La Jolta Etk\ Fonesi San fhmuM Covrity Park Rancho :- -•rrr- -9. Sycamore ^C«nyon Coirty Park Santee Mission IF t.a Mesa Rancno San Diego La Presa ;jrrul loronado National City Chuta Vista Beach Otay County Open Space Pre«enre 4829-6142-0561.1 EXHIBIT A-14 City of Palm Springs Boundary Map The boundary ofthe Assessment District shall be the same as the City of Palm Springs Boundaries as modified from time to time, and the complete City of Palm Springs Boundary Map is on file with the City Engineering Department, City of Palm Springs and is incorporated herein by reference. Desert H-gWand Galeway Ealamt EsUrtea Springs Hiatonc P^nSpnnfli- , 9 Termis'Club Inlematjonal | I Alfpon J The Mesa T>ioi»»nd Cathedral ICity OtaklfflrdD. ^4k Cathedral ICity f J §• 1 tf Rancho 5 Mirage I Palm Desert 4829-6142-0561.1 EXHIBIT A-15 City of Yuba City Boundary Map The boundary ofthe Assessment District shall be the same as the City of Yuba City Boundaries as modified from time to time, and the complete City of Yuba City Boundary Map is on file with the City Engineering Department, City of Yuba City and is incorporated herein by reference. Naastro Rd Ra f f • ® IP Ul ^1 JT9I^ 1 i f ^1 JT9I^ ^1 JT9I^ t I 1 1 f South' Yuba City ; ®- (a f/arysville YubrCity '^».0n Paad^Ti^^Oolf afKl Country Ckjb 1 Lo Rfl-* I Lir as Yuba County Airport Ofi^elwrat l.ir M .1 4829-6142-0561.1 S3 EXHIBIT A-16 City of Commerce Boundary Map The boundary ofthe Assessment Disttict shall be the same as the City of Commerce Boundaries as modified from time to time, and the complete City of Commerce Boundary Map is on file with the City Engineering Department, City of Commerce and is incorporated herein by reference. Jf Mui«ei{wi Gotf Cuufifce 4829-6142-0561.1 5H EXHIBIT A-17 County of Butte Boundary Map The boundary ofthe Assessment Disttict shall be the same as the County of Butte Boundaries as modified from time to time, and the complete County of Butte Boundary Map is on file with the County Engineering Department, County of Butte and is incorporated herein by reference. Reddii mg Redding o Anderson Sacramento National 4 ife Refuge Pioneer Healdsburg pg,|. Windsor Gray Lodge. W%ldl)feA/ea Yuba City Empire Mine State Histonc Park y North Roseville Woodland' Natomas Cilnjs yyi \ Sacramentoo:;^^^^'^'^ Southwestern Sacramento Tmckee Carson City dl South Lake. Tahoe 4829-6142-0561.1 S5 EXHIBIT A-18 City of Bakersfield Boundary Map The boundary ofthe Assessment District shall be the same as the City of Bakersfield Boundaries as modified from time to time, and the complete City of Bakersfield Boundary Map is on file with the City Engineering Department, City of Bakersfield and is incorporated herein by reference. @ Suhvsn Rd Rose<Jate ® r-.ft(, Kem River Count/ Parl< Faiitvale- 5" RoMMMeHwy (M) Rosedalc 3 Bnmha» Rd Smckdale H*y Greenacres DwtnaBivo 'Bakersfield Sports Village • I f " Hwjghton Rd (Si) Bear Mountan Blvd P«rl Rd Arvir^ Sycamore Rd 4829-6142-0561.1 5b EXHIBIT A-19 City of San Marcos Boundary Map The boundary ofthe Assessment District shall be the same as the City of San Marcos Boundaries as modified from time to time, and the complete City of San Marcos Boundary Map is on file with the City Engineering Department, City of San Marcos and is incorporated herein by reference. Oro«P*rk" t. \ T Oaks DoH Couru .. .1 DateyRsnch i 1- 1 Marco! I I San ^latcos •*<i— a Jac*»-' Escondido ® V Pa/* 4829-6142-0561.1 S7 EXHIBIT A-20 City of Vista Boundary Map The boundary ofthe Assessment District shall be the same as the City of Vista Boundaries as modified from time to time, and the complete City of Vista Boundary Map is on file with the City Engineering Department, City of Vista and is incorporated herein by reference. Vi&tuVaPey Counlry dub J lawrrr Wetki boll Caul'. IVafnui Grove Pa Twin Oaks Coif Course San Marcos L,*kr Sttn Msrcos 7 1.- ia^l^m'rMlmi P 4829-6142-0561.1 £2 EXHIBIT A-21 City of Santee Boundary Map The boundary ofthe Assessment Disttict shall be the same as the City of Santee Boundaries as modified from time to time, and the complete City of Santee Boundary Map is on file with the City Engineering Department, City of Santee and is incorporated herein by reference. Mast Patk Sa 1 •• amee l.:ikrMrir- ^Bjg Bock Park • I Shadoinr I Gardens 4! k. —1 P.-r,fo"ia San Carlos 1 Broadhnay El Cajon # WetlsPark El Cajon Det Cerro Utkehitmai Grar^ite H 4829-6142-0561.1 EXHIBIT A-22 City of Oceanside Boundary Map The boundary ofthe Assessment District shall be the same as the City of Oceanside Boundaries as modified from time to time, and the complete City of Oceanside Boundary Map is on file with the City Engineering Department, City of Oceanside and is incorporated herein by reference. ^ •-.-n'VI f.fl-.filf'o-- sciuili kilAnne Memorial Golf Courw I Oceanside „ Golf Courae J LuiaRay ^ ® I i ^JSWOKT > Emerald Isle MtraCoata _ ITS).. Carlsbad . Guayoire - * Regiona/Parfc" S. Golf Course ocmMf^^ ,-'0*ye*»e J^-i Lu/ Ouran Park Vista Vista Ocean HiHs ril.rf..-. Country Ckib * VialaPark 4829-6142-0561.1 (oO EXHIBIT A-23 City of Chico Boundary Map The boundary ofthe Assessment District shall be the same as the City of Chico Boundaries as modified from time to time, and the complete City of Chico Boundary Map is on file with the City Engineering Department, City of Chico and is incorporated herein by reference. amiiTKiHO ® 5 - J > f "» r n V -hICO ^ -Bidwetl MurncipaA ,Golf Cour.M- 0^ '1. * ChapriTiinlown _i*)n«k 1 4829-6142-0561.1 (bl EXHIBIT A-24 City of Oroville Boundary Map The boundary ofthe Assessment District shall be the same as the City of Oroville Boundaries as modified from time to time, and the complete City of Oroville Boundary Map is on file with the City Engineering Department, City of Oroville and is incorporated herein by reference. I I ® t fRlwmoSI a» *y Ophit W \ a» *y Ophit W \ 1 n«l Palermo - 4829-6142-0561.1 EXHIBIT A-25 County of San Diego Boundary Map The boundary of the Assessment District shall be the same as the County of San Diego Boundaries as modified from time to time, and the complete County of San Diego Boundary Map is on file with the County Engineering Department, County of San Diego and is incorporated herein by reference. Laguna NigM^ San' Clemente Murrieta Temecula r,-.! brook Oceanside Vtsta Patomar Mounfain * State Park Cenier Escondido Encmitas TorreyPinea State Reserve Rancho Bernardo V Poway La Jolla Kearny Santee Mesa Fl Cajon San Diego Chula Vista Imperial Beach Tijuana villafoniana Me«<c»l< 4829-6142-0561.1 03 EXHIBIT A-26 All Counties Boundary Map The boundaries of the Assessment District shall be amended from time to time to include all Califomia Cities and Counties as they adopt certain resolutions authorizing CEDA to form the Assessment Disttict on their behalf The boimdaries of the Participating Agency shall be on file with the Participating Agencies Engineering Department and is incorporated herein by reference. San Francisco San Mateo Santa Cruz 4829-6142-0561.1 GH EXHIBIT B Draft Assessment Contract 4829-6142-0561.1 U>5 EXHIBIT C Authorized Improvements 4829-6142-0561.1 FIGTREE PACE Eligible Energy & Water Efficiency Measures (the "Improvements") The Program offers financmg for a number of water and energy efficiency measures, solar systems, and other iimovative, energy-saving measures. The energy and water efficiency measures listed in this section are meant to serve as examples of the types of measures that qualify for Program financing. CEDA and/or FIGTREE reserves the right to make a final determination as to whether any particular energy and/or water efficiency measure will ultimately qualify. Energy Efficiency Equipment / Measures Lighting Lighting fixture replacement Dimmable lighting Air Conditioning & Heating Air heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems Fumaces and boilers Air conditioners and condensing units Packaged terminal air conditioners and heat pumps Closed Loop Cooling Air conditioner condensate recovery Building Infrastructure & Management HVAC Duct Zoning Skylights Insulation Pipe insulation Exterior doors Occupancy sensors Heat rejection equipment Compressor conttols Equipment scheduling Programmable thermostats Electric Vehicle Plug-In Building Equipment Refrigerated coolers Water chillers Variable Speed Drive pimip motor upgrades Air handler fan upgrades Economizers Ozone laundry system Carbon Dioxide or Silicon based dry cleaning system Dry Hood Exhaust systems 4829-6142-0561.1 Pool Equipment • Pool circulating pumps (must be Variable Flow and/or Multi-speed with conttollers) • Natural gas pool heaters Solar Equipment / Renewable Energy Generation Solar Panels or Photovoltaic (PV) Systems are solar cells that capture the heat from the sun and convert it directly into electricity. PV Systems that meet applicable fire and electtical code requirements qualify for Program fimding. Such equipment may include solar leases where such leases meet requirements of the PACE Program. Solar electricity generating equipment includes: Solar thermal systems (hot water) Solar thermal systems for pool heating Photovoltaic systems (electricity) Battery back-up systems will be allowed Funding for off-grid systems will be allowed PV systems can be sized to accommodate plug-in electtic vehicles Plug in stations Emerging technologies Nano/thin film photovoltaic High intensity (parabolic solar panels) Battery back-up systems will be allowed Funding for off-grid systems will be allowed Other electticity generating equipment includes: • Small wind turbines • Fuel Cells Water Conservation Measures High efficiency toilets Low flow shower heads Bathroom sink aerators Hot water delivery options Hot water recirculation systems and on-demand hot water systems Whole house manifold system or core plumbing systems Demand initiation or instantaneous hot water heaters Demand initiated water softeners Hot water pipe insulation Evapottansportation irrigation systems or smart irrigation controllers Permanently installed rainwater cisterns 4829-6142-0561.1 62 Matched precipitation rate sprinkler heads High efficiency outdoor irrigation Pre-rinse spray valves Waterless urinals or low flow urinals Bathroom sink aerators Industrial process water use reduction Recycled water source Deionization Filter upgrades Cooling condensate reuse Foundation drain water Cooling tower conductivity controllers High efficiency outdoor irrigation Smart irrigation systems / controllers ENERGY STAR The Program provides financing for a wide range of Energy Star-rated efficiency measures which property owners can get rebates (and tax incentives) as well as Program Assessment Financing. Energy efficiency equipment that is Energy Star rated must meet the Energy Star minimimi efficiency levels. Energy Star requirements are anticipated to "ratchet up" to greater efficiency levels over time. Energy Star will also become more inclusive of technologies over time. Thus the Program will evolve with Energy Star and the market for energy-efficient technologies. The following Energy Star measures - among others - are eligible: Attic and wall insulation Light fixtures (no bulb-only retrofits) Reflective roofs and coatings (Metal and Asphalt) Windows, doors, and skylights (including sliding glass doors, garage doors, storm doors and storm windows) HVAC: Central Air Conditioners, Air Source Heat Pumps, Fumaces and Boilers Water Heaters: Gas, Oil, & Propane Water Heaters, Electric Heat Pump Water Heaters Biomass Stoves Geothermal Heat Pumps Solar Panels Solar Water Heaters Small Wind Energy Systems 4829-6142-0561.1 EXHIBIT D Applications for Financing 4829-6142-0561.1 10 Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Michael Grim December 3, 2013 What is PACE? •Definition •What it covers –Energy efficiency –Renewable energy –Water conservation •Benefits History of PACE in Carlsbad •California FIRST PACE program –City Council joined on February 23, 2010. –Only available for commercial properties. –Residential properties may be available in the future. •Other PACE providers –Contacted city beginning in 2011. 3 Current Proposal •Join two additional PACE programs –California HERO Program –Figtree PACE Program •Both programs require joining JPA as Associate Member. •All district formation and administration done by JPA and/or program administrator. 4 California HERO Program •Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG) JPA. •Residential and commercial/industrial properties. •Renewable energy, energy and water conservation projects. –Includes electric vehicle charging infrastructure. 5 Figtree PACE Program •California Enterprise Development Authority (CEDA) JPA. •Residential and commercial/industrial properties. •Renewable energy, energy and water conservation projects. 6 Recommendation •Adopt resolution joining WRCOG JPA and California HERO Program. •Adopt resolution joining CEDA JPA. •Adopt resolution joining Figtree PACE program. 7