HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-02-11; City Council; 21501; Revision of Hourly Salary ScheduleCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AB# 21.501 REVISION OF HOURLY SALARY SCHEDULE DEPT. HEAD ~ MTG. 02/11/14 CITY ATTY. DEPT. HR CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: r . Adopt Resolution NO.2Q14T0241 approving the revised Hourly Salary Schedule. ITEM EXPLANATION: In response to changing staffing requirements in the Police and Parks & Recreation Departments, staff recommends revising the Hourly Salary Schedule (Exhibit 2) to include two new classifications. The Police Department has identified the need for the hourly classification of Retired Annuitant Police Officer and the Parks & Recreation Department requires the addition of an Aquatics Program Instructor classification. The Police Department has created a Retired Annuitant Police Officer Program for honorably retired sworn employees in order to utilize the experience and expertise of recently retired sworn personnel in various extra help capacities and to fill short-term gaps in staffing. Other agencies, including the County of San Diego, have established similar programs to address turnover and recruitment challenges for sworn positions. Participants in the program are required to agree to the provisions and abide by the program guidelines outlined in Exhibit 4. The hourly pay rate for participants in the program is equivalent to the top-step Police Officer salary for full-time employees. It is important to note that the intended participants in this program will have retired from the city at a rank and pay rate higher than that of a top step Police Officer. Thus, they will be earning a lower hourly salary than prior to retirement and the city will not provide additional health or retirement benefits. The Parks & Recreation department requires the hourly classification of Aquatics Program Instructor to oversee the Masters Swim Program and the Aquatics Exercise Program. The current hourly aquatics classifications do not address the level of training and experience required to run these programs. The Masters Swim Program was previously done by a vendor and was recently brought in-house because it was determined the city could gain more net revenue by doing so, and the Aquatics Exercise Program is a new service being offered at the aquatic center at Alga Norte Park. Based on a survey ofthe local market, the recommended hourly pay range for the classification of Aquatics Program Instructor is $18.00 to $25.00. This increase will improve our ability to attract and keep highly skilled aquatics program instructors. FISCAL IMPACT: The amended salary schedule will have no fiscal impact. The departments can fund these changes within their existing adopted budgets. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Rebecca Melillo 760-602-2442 Rebecca.Melillo@carlsbadca.gov FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONL Y. APPROVED )^ COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED )^ CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC • DENIED • CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN • CONTINUED • RETURNED TO STAFF 0 Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The proposed action does not qualify as a "project" under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15378 as it does not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No.^^^^'^^^adopting the revised Hourly Salary Schedule 2. Revised Hourly Salary Schedule 3. Strike-out copy of revised Hourly Salary Schedule 4. Retired Annuitant Police Officer Program Guidelines 25 26 27 28 WHEREAS, the City Council desires hourly salaries to remain competitive for comparable 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2014-024 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, ^ CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE REVISED HOURLY SALARY SCHEDULE 4 5 g positions in the market; and WHEREAS, the City Council requires revisions in the hourly salary schedule to establish salary ranges for the Retired Annuitant Police Officer and the Aquatics Program Instructor. 9 " NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of CaHsbad, 11 California, as follows: 12 13 14 adopted. 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Hourly Salary Schedule as set forth in Exhibit 2 is hereby approved and 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 // // // // // 23 // 24 // // // // 3 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 11**^ day of February, 2014, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: Council Members Hall, Packard, Wood and Blackburn. None. ABSENT: None. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ATTEST: BARBARA ENGLEfiON, City Clerk (SEAL) EXHIBIT 2 HOURLY SALARY SCHKDULK Effective: January 28, 2014 CLASSIFICATION CATEGORIES SALARY I^NGES MIN MAX Office Aide (8.00-14.00) Assistant (10.00- 18.00) Accounting Assistant (12.00 - 21.00) Technical/Paraprofessional Aide (8.00 - 12.00) Assistant (12.00- 20.00) 8.00 $21.00 Service Custodian/Grounds Aide (8.00 - 14.00) Maintenance Assistant (9.00 - 17.00) Administrative Aide/lntem(8.00 - 17.00) Assistant (10.00 - 27.00) Legal intern (15.00 - 25.00) Librarv Page (9.00- 12.50) Clerk (12.00- 17.50) Technician (14.75 - 21.00) Reference Librarian (20.00 - 26.00) Arts Aide (8.00 - 13.00) Arts Instructor (12.00 - 30.00) Recreation Aide (8.00 - 10.00) Leader (9.00- 16.00) Senior Leader (12.00 - 20.00) Lifeguard (10.00 - 16.00) Instructor/Lifeguard (11.50- 18.00) Senior Instructor/Lifeguard (14.00-21.00) Aquatics Program Instructor (18.00 - 25.00) Preschool Instructor (14.00 - 22.00) Bus Driver (8.00 - 16.00) Kitchen Aide (8.00 - 12.00) 8.00 8.00 8.00 $ 20.00 $ 17.00 $ 27.00 8.00 $ 30.00 8.00 $ 25.00 Safety Retired Annuitant Police Officer Professional Services Equal to top step pay rate of Police Officer classification as refiected on current Carlsbad Police Officers' Association salary schedule Hourly rate determined by l luman Resources and approved by the City Manager's Office. 5 A^I TACHMtiNT At::XH[BIT 3 HOURLY SALARY SCHEDULE Effective: January m, 2014(m SALARY RANGES CLASSIFICATION CATEGORIES MIN MAX Office $ 8.00 $21.00 Aide (8.00- 14.00) Assistant (10.00-18.00) Accounting Assistant (12.00 - 21.00) Technical/Paraprofessional $ 8.00 $ 20.00 Aide (8.00 - 12.00) Assistant (12.00- 20.00) Service $ 8.00 $ 17.00 Custodian/Grounds Aide (8.00 - 14.00) Maintenance Assistant (9.00 - 17.00) Administrative $ 8.00 $27.00 Aide/intern (8.00 - 17.00) Assistant (10.00 - 27.00) Legal intern (15.00 - 25.00) Librarv $ 8.00 $30.00 Page (9.00- 12.50) Clerk (12.00- 17.50) Technician (14:75 - 21.00) Reference Librarian (20.00 - 26.00) Arts Aide (8.00 - 13.00) Arts Instructor (12.00-30.00) Recreation $ 8.00 $ 225.00 Aide (8.00 - 10.00) Leader (9.00- 16.00) Senior Leader (12.00 - 20.00) Lifeguard (10.00 - 16.00) Instructor/Lifeguard (11.50- 18.00) Senior Instructor/Lifeguard (14.00-21.00) Aquatics Program Instructor ( 18.0i) - 25.00) Preschool Instructor (14.00 - 22.00) Bus Driver (8.00 - 16.00) Kitchen Aide (8.00 - 12.00) Safet>- Retired Annuitant Police Officer Egual to top step pay rate ol'Police Officer classification As refiected on current Carlsbad Police Ol'lkers' Association Professional ServicesROFESSlON^Alj SERVlC-S>^Hourlv rate determined hv Human Resources and approved by the Citv Manager's Ofrice. Exhibit 4 RE'flRED ANNUl fANT POLICE OFFICER PROGRAM FOR HONORABLY RE ITRED SWORN EMPLOYEES Program Guidelines This program was designed to utilize the experience and expertise of recently honorably refired sworn members ofthe Police Departmeni in various extra help capacities. Medically refired employees or retired employees with work restrictions that would limit their ability to perform the job of Police Officer are not eligible for reemployment as Retired Annuitant Police Officers. Rank, Pay Rate. Hours and Meal Periods - All Retired Annuitant Police Officer sworn employees will assume the rank of "Police Officer" regardless of their previous rank or position with the department. The pay rate will be equivalent to that of top-step Police Officer (Range 36, Step E), without any benefits or bonuses. Participants are not permitted lo work more than eighty (80) hours in a pay period. LInder no circumstances shall a Retired Annuitant Police Officer exceed 960 hours in any 12 month consecutive period (Carlsbad's Fiscal Year is July 1 to June 30) for the City of Carlsbad and, in the event that the Retired Annuitant Police Officer provides services for any other CalPERS agency, the Retired Annuitant Felice Officer shall not exceed 960 hours in the aggregate, per 12 month consecutive period, for all CalPERS agencies. It is the employee's responsibility to monitor his/her lime to ensure that the 80 hours in a pay period or the 960 hours permitted under the program are not exceeded. Appearing in court on matters arising out of reemployment shall not excuse exceeding 80 hours in a pay period or the 960 hours permitted under this program. The employee is responsible for the accuracy of his/her timesheet each pay period. Exceeding 80 hours in a pay period or 960 hours in any 12 month consecutive period shall result in immediate termination from the Retired Annuitant Police Officer program. The Retired Annuitant Police Officer, as a CalPERS retired annuitant, further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers, officials and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses, and expenses, including attorneys' fees arising out of a claim that the officer exceeded 960 hours in any 12 month consecuUve period while working for the City or while working for the City and one or more other CalPERS agencies. Participation in the program is not a guarantee that the rehired officer is guaranteed 960 hours of work. The Retired Annuitant Police Ofilcer certifies by executing this Agreement that he/she has not received any unemployment insurance compensation arising out of prior employment with a public agency within the last twelve months. Required Minimum Performance - All Retired Annuitant Police Officers must average 20 hours of work over any three consecutive month period. These hours may include required and approved training. A waiver of this requirement may occur with the written approval of the Professional Standards and Services Division (PSSD) Lieutenant. Any request for waiver should be presented in writing by the employee and approved by the PSSD Lieutenant prior to the lapse in performance. 7 Scheduling of Work ~ The work schedules of Retired Annuitant Police Officers will be conducted by the Administrative Officer assigned to PSSD. fhe Administrative Officer will prepare monthly schedules for Retired Annuitant Police Officers. This monthly schedule does not prevent Retired Annuitant Police Officers from modifying their schedules during the monthly deployment with the written approval of the Administrative Officer and after giving nofice as required by the Carlsbad Police Department Policy and Procedures. Insurance. Benefits & Duty Related Inluries - Retired Annuitant Police Officers are not entitled to health/dental/life insurance and/or other benefits (i.e., sick leave, vacation, etc.) and their curtent retirement package remains in effect. Retired Annuitant Police Officers are entitled to workers compensation but may be ineligible for 4850 benefits. Employees absent from work for a medical reason must comply with Department Policy and Procedures. Department Policies and Procedures - Retired Annuitant Police Officers are subject lo the same rules, regulations, policies and procedures as full fime salaried sworn employees during their reemployment status. By accepting a position as a Retired Annuitant Police Officer, the employee agrees that in consideration of this part time employment as a CalPERS annuitant, he/she is acknowledging that he/she is not a "permanent employee" with the City of Carlsbad and that he/she docs not have a property interest in the continuation of employment. Retired Annuitant Police Officers are considered "A f WILL'" employees, meaning that they serve solely at the pleasure ofthe Chief of Police and that their status as a Retired Annuitant Police Officer may be unilaterally terminated without any recourse afforded to them. Retired annuitant Police Officers retain their Public Safety Officers Procedural Bill of Rights Act (Government Code §§ 3300-3312) rights with the exception of § 3304(b) (right to an administrative appeal before disciplinary or punitive action). This means that Retired Annuitant Police Officers are knowingly and intelligently waiving their right to disciplinary appeal (see Memorandum of Understanding, Article 22 Discipline ol an Employee, as modified from time to time) protection. Retired Annuitant Police Ofllcers must report all outside employment as described in Section 1040 ofthe Carlsbad Police Department Policy and Procedure Manual. Program Administration - The PSSD Lieutenant has overall responsibility for the administration ofthe Retired Annuitant Police Officer program. The PSSD Lieutenant has been designated as the program coordinator, with authority to recruit, hire, issue equipment and assign temporary personnel with the approval ofthe Chief of Police. Check In/Out Procedures - Retirees will contact PSSD to start the Retired Annuitant Police Officer reemployment process. It is recommended that employees complete the application process prior lo retiring and no later than the first day of retirement, fhis will ensure the department slays compliant with P.O.S.T. guidelines as they pertain to the background investigations/hiring procedures. Retirees that have more than three years separation from working as a peace officer and/or an expired P.O.S.T. Certificate are not eligible for reemployment in the Retired Annuitant Police Officer program. Retirees must complete the P.O.S.T. Re-Qualification Course al their own expense in order to update their P.O.S.T. Certificate. Weapons Qualification Shoot/Annual Training - Retired Annuitant Police Officers shall pre- qualify with all firearms required by the department for police officers, and all subsequent department weapon qualification shoots thereafter during their tenure as required by Section 312.4 of the'Carlsbad Police Departmeni Policy and Procedure Manual. Retired Annuitant Police Officers will also be required to attend all department training required of police officers. Failure to attend required training and maintain qualifications will be cause for dismissal. Email Account - Retired Annuitant Police Officers shall recognize that email is a fonn of business communication and it shall be accessed and answered in a timely manner. Employees are required to provide a valid email address lo the PSSD Lieutenant. Public Employees' Pension Reform Act of 2013 - The Public Employees' Pension Reform Act of 2013 (PEPRA) {.see Cal. (iov. Code 7522 - 7522.74) governs reemployment of CALPERS retirees. It has been determined that Retired Annuitant Police Officer program participants are qualified to be appointed to this program because they, as a City of Carlsbad retirees, possess certain skills needed lo perform Police Officer work of limited duration and to prevent stoppage of public business. PEPRA limits reemployment lo a maximum of 960 hours in a calendar or fiscal year. PEPRA also sets the rate of pay (see above). Although no court has interpreted § 7522.56. it is conceivable that this section may be the subject matter of future litigation or legislative modification. Should either occur, continued participation in the Retired Annuitant Police Officer program may change accordingly, including, without limitation, resulfing in a participant's termination from the program. (Signature Pay,e FoHow.s) 1 1 hereby certify and represent that I have carefully read the Retired Annuitant Police officer Program Guidelines and know its contents and fully understand it; that I have had the opportunity to have it fully explained to me by an attorney of my choice and I have either discussed this agreement with an attorney or I have voluntarily chosen to sign it without consulting an attorney; I further understand that this agreement requires me to waive rights that I had as a full-time police officer vvith the City of Carlsbad and I knowingly and voluntarily waive said rights so that I may participate in the Retired Annuitant Police Officer program; and I agree that I will comply with the above requirements. (Prinl Name) (Signature) (Dale) Id