HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-02-11; City Council; 21503; McClellan Palomar Airport Study Improvements to RunwayCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 4 ABff MTG. 02-11-14 DEPT. PW-TRAN MCCLELLAN - PALOMAR AIRPORT FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR POTENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS TO RUNWAY DEPT. DIRECTOR CITY ATTY. CITY MGR. c RECOMMENDED ACTION: To receive a presentation by the County of San Diego regarding the McClellan - Palomar Airport Feasibility Study for Potential Runway Improvements. ITEM EXPUNATION: Representatives from the County of San Diego will give a report on the McClellan - Palomar Airport Feasibility Study for Potential Runway Improvements. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. EXHIBITS: None. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Skip Hammann 760-602-2730skip.hammann@carlsbadca.gov FOR CLERK USE. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED • CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC • DENIED • CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN • CONTINUED • RETURNED TO STAFF • WITHDRAWN • OTHER - SEE MINUTES • AMENDED • REPORT RECEIVED February 11, 2014 Ray & Ellen Bender 1015 Camino del Arroyo Dr. San Marcos, CA Email: benderb.ocan.@gmaU^^^ Phone: 760 752-1716 Palomar Blog: Carlsbad.Patch.com Carlsbad City Council Members Mayor Matt Hall Mayor Pro Tem, Mark Packard Keith Blackburn Farah Golshan Douglas Lorraine Wood Interim City Manager: Kevin Crawford City Clerk Re: City Council February 11, 2014 Regular Meeting: Request for Public Comment: Agenda Item 4 re: McClellan-Palomar Airport Runway Feasibility Study (1) County Compliance with Carlsbad Conditional Use Permit [CUP] 172 and Ordinance §21.53.015; (2) Request for Carlsbad City Council to Schedule a Meeting Agenda Item: County Compliance with CUP 172 at Polomar Airport & Ordinance § 21.53.015 Honorable Council Members, Interim City Manager Kevin Crawford, and City CJerk: The August 2013 County consultant Kimley-Horn Runway Feasibility Study recommends that the County extend the McClellan-Palomar [Palomar] Airport runway by 900 feet to the east to increase the runway capacity at a cost of $50 million to S70 million. The Study also recommends that the County build a $25 million runway safety system on the runway west end. Carlsbad Conditional Use Permit [CUP] 172, including Condition 8, requires the County to obtain a CUP 172 amendment if the airport CUP permitted-uses change or if there is an expansion of an airport facility. Carlsbad Ordinance §21.53.015 requires that certain County Palomar Airport improvements requiring legislative action ofthe Carlsbad City Council require voter approval. On several occasions in 2013,1 appeared at Carlsbad City Council meetings and asked the Council to ask the Council to clarify whether Carlsbad will be requiring the County to apply for a CUP 172 amendment if the County extends the runway. As I previously noted - apart from CUP 172 Condition 8 - CUP 172 granted the County the right to improve certain Palomar Airport facilities as set forth in CUP Table 1. Table 1, Section lA allows the County to modify taxiways. Section lA does not refer to runways. When the County submitted its request to Carlsbad in 1979/1980 related to then proposed CUP 172, the County submitted a proposed Table 1 that included runways as a structure that the County could automatically modify. The records available to me indicate that before adopting CUP 172, the Carlsbad City Council removed the "runway reference" from CUP 172 Table 1. For the above reasons - and based on other records not noted above - it appears that the County is required to apply to the City of Carlsbad for a CUP 172 amendment before extending the Palomar Runway. In addition, if the runway is extended 900 feet as the County proposes, it appears that faster and larger planes will be using Palomar with an attendant change in the aircraft glide slope. A change in aircraft may well require a change in Carlsbad planning and zoning and an amendment to the Compatibility Land Use Plan [CLUP] that is reviewed by the San Diego Regional Airport Authority and that governs land uses around the airport. For the above reasons, I am requesting that the Carlsbad City Council schedule within the net few months a public session agenda item to which the County is invited to explain whether the County will be applying for a CUP 172 amendment and to explain whether the Carlsbad City Council will require one. !n the absence of a Carlsbad City Council public agenda item discussing this issue, it appears that a declaratory relief action may need to be filed against Carlsbad to determine the Carlsbad position. Thank you for your consideration of this item. Ray & Ellen Bender Runway Improvement Feasibility & Master Plan City of Carlsbad February 11, 2014 February 11, 2014 2 Background •June 2011 – Board identified need for study of runway improvements •Sept 2011 – Board directed staff conduct study 3 February 11, 2014 Scope of Study Determine if extension would: •improve runway safety •reduce airport noise •increase operational efficiency •increase business prospects Prepared in accordance with FAA requirements February 11, 2014 4 •Recommend retaining current design standards •West end safety improvements for current and future aircraft •East end improvements = Increased fuel loads => longer haul February 11, 2014 Study Findings 5 West End Safety Improvements Runway Safety Improvements: •Today’s Business Jet Aircraft •Engineered Material Arresting System (EMAS) •Improve grades EMAS System February 11, 2014 6 Key West Florida East End Runway Extension Landfill Remediation •Stable Platform for Runway •Reduce settlement by reconsolidating landfill •Re-construct methane gas collection system February 11, 2014 7 February 11, 2014 8 East End Runway Extension East End Runway Extension BUSINESS JET RANGE ALTERNATIVES February 11, 2014 9 10 February 11, 2014 East End Runway Extension Noise Contours Comparison Existing Future with Alt B Alternative Alternative Description Estimated Construction Costs Alt. A 200 ft extension with north & south taxiways $22.5M Alt. B-1 900 ft extension with north taxiway $49.6M Alt. B-2 900 ft extension with north & south taxiways $69.7M West End West End Safety Improvements $25.4M February 11, 2014 Estimated Construction Costs 11 Current Regional Economic Benefits •$321.4M revenues •2,215 jobs •$81.3M income to workers Regional 20 Year Forecast •With Runway Extension (Alt B – 900’ Extension) = additional $163.2M revenues Benefit Cost Analysis •Alt A (200’ Extension) = 1.49 •Alt B (900’ Extension w/ both taxiways) = 2.53 Business Case Summary February 11, 2014 12 Report Summary Airfield – same as today (B-II) West End Safety Improvement •$25.4M •FAA Eligible as Safety Project East End Runway Extension (Alt B – 900’) •100% B-II sized aircraft served •$69.7M with north & south taxiways •FAA Eligible as Capacity Project February 11, 2014 13 New 20-year Master Plan In Progress •Comprehensive Planning Approach •Include Runway Extension Feasibility Data Airport Master Plan Update February 11, 2014 14 Master Plan •Considers runway extension in the context of long-term facility improvements •Project Sequencing, Environmental, Financial Plan •Public Outreach Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Airport Master Plan Update February 11, 2014 15 More Information Meetings •1st Public Master Plan Meeting – Jan. 16th •1st Public Workshop – Feb. 5th •Next Public Workshop Planned for April/May Website/Survey Link •www.PalomarAirportMP.com •Survey Available Until March 1st Email to Sign-Up for Updates •PalomarMP@kimley-horn.com September 25, 2013 Agenda Item #2 5 Preliminary Draft Preliminary Draft West End Safety September 25, 2013 Agenda Item #2 7 Business Case Regional Payback Period September 25, 2013 Agenda Item #2 17 Final Study and Report Contains findings and recommendations that are: •technically sound from an engineering perspective •fiscally responsible •makes good business sense •eligible for funding in accordance with FAA criteria September 25, 2013 Agenda Item #2 5