HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-03-25; City Council; 21547; Car Country Initiatives 2 4 SP 19J/LCPA 12-01CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 13 AB# 21,547 CAR COUNTRY INITIATIVES 2 & 4- SP 19(J)/LCPA 12-01 DEPT. DIREaOR 0ts^ MTG. 3/25/14 CAR COUNTRY INITIATIVES 2 & 4- SP 19(J)/LCPA 12-01 CITY ATTORNEY DEPT. CED CAR COUNTRY INITIATIVES 2 & 4- SP 19(J)/LCPA 12-01 CITY MANAGER m RECOMMENDED ACTION; That the Council INTRODUCE Ordinance No. CS-248 APPROVING Specific Plan Amendment (SP 19(J)), and ADOPT Resolution No. 2014-052 APPROVING a Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA 12-01) as recommended for approval by the Planning Commission. ITEM EXPLANATION: On January 15, 2014, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing to consider the proposed amendments to the Car Country Specific Plan and Local Coastal Program. After extensive discussion, the Planning Commission voted 5-1-0 (Segall: No; Siekmann: Absent) to recommend approval of the proposed amendments, except for the digital sign provisions which were not approved. Commissioner Segal! stated for the record that he was voting "No" on the motion because he did not agree that the provisions for digital signs should be removed from the proposed Specific Plan amendments. The following table lists the decision- making authority for each ofthe project applications. Project Planning Commission City Council SP 19(J) RA X LCPA 12-01 RA X* RA = Recommended approval X = Final city decision-making authority * = Requires approval by the California Coastal Commission The Car Country Specific Plan area encompasses approximately 85 acres and is generally located east of Interstate 5, south of Cannon Road, and west of Car Country Drive within the Mello 11 Segment of the Local Coastal Program and Local Facilities Management Zone 3. In November of 2009, the City Council directed staff to engage representatives of the city's car dealerships in a public outreach program to address dealership concerns and develop a iist of potential improvements to Car Country Carlsbad. In early 2010, city staff and dealership representatives began collaborating on a number of recommendations. The Car Country Working Group ultimately developed a Summary Recommendations Report which was presented to the City Council at their April 2011 workshop. At that workshop, staff was directed to return with a list of priority projects within four topic areas: 1) General Appearance, 2) Sign Program, 3) Traffic and Safety and 4) Minor Updates to Specific Plan. The two topic areas assigned to the Planning staff, Initiative 2 - Sign Program and Initiative 4 - Minor Updates to Specific Plan, are the subject of these proposed amendments. Initiative 2 contains a number of recommendations to update the Car Country sign standards in order to address the changing needs of the dealerships. Amendments are proposed for signs within four different categories: Directional Signs, Franchise Signs, Car Country Identification Signs and Regional Commercial (freeway-oriented) Signs with a digital display, as summarized below: DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Barbara Kennedy 760-602-4626 Barbara.Kennedv(S)carlsbadca.gov FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. V • COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED V • CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC • DENIED V • CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN • CONTINUED • RETURNED TO STAFF • WITHDRAWN • OTHER - SEE MINUTES • AMENDED • • Directional Signs - used to facilitate internal pedestrian and vehicular traffic to the various uses on a lot. The proposed amendment is consistent with the recently revised citywide Sign Ordinance. • Franchise Signs - used to identify individual dealerships. The amendment would result in allowing one additional monument sign per lot, with no increase in the allowable aggregate sign area for a lot. • Car Country Identification Signs - used to identify Car Country in general. The amendment allows for six monument signs at primary entrance points and four "wayfinding" signs that would be used to direct customers to various dealerships, subject to approval of a Comprehensive Sign Program. • Regional Commercial Sign with Digital Display - used to identify Car Country as a regional destination. The working group recommended a sign up to 50' tall that could incorporate a digital display sign. The dealer representatives subsequently requested that provisions be included to allow a 65' tall sign with a digital display area of 25' x 25' (625 sf.) in order to achieve optimum visibility. The proposed amendment would allow a static sign up to 50' tall which could incorporate a digital display sign up to 65' tall sign with a digital display area of up to 625 sf., subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) by the City Council. The objective of Initiative 4 is to streamline the permit and review process for minor improvements and modifications together with a number of clean-up items. The recommended amendment would create a new class of projects that are "exempt" from discretionary review and a class of projects (Minor Site Development Plan) that could be approved administratively by the City Planner. Essentially, the revisions result in a simplified review and approval process for less complex projects which will ultimately translate into a savings of time and money for both the dealerships and the city. The following table illustrates the three categories of review, the decision-making authority, and the associated thresholds of development. STREAMLINED REVIEW PROCESS EXEMPT MINOR SDP SDP Decision-making authority Building Permit City Planner Planning Commission Facade & landscape improvements, exterior lighting modifications X Additions resulting in an increase ofthe floor area ofthe building <10% 10% - 50% >50% Construction of new buildings resulting in an increase of the combined floor area of all buildings on the site < 10% 10% - 50% >50% New construction/ improvements on a vacant lot X Although the City of Carlsbad is the applicant for this project, the dealerships within Car Country have an interest in obtaining approval of these amendments. After staffs presentation. Rod Wilson, EMI sign company, gave a presentation specifically relating to digital signs and showed the Commission conceptual drawings of a Car Country digital sign. He stated that this type of advertising is expected to result in a 12%-16% increase in the number of cars sold which would result in increased tax revenue to the city. Subsequently, John Muse presented some information about sign illumination. Representatives from the dealerships (JP Paynter/Hoehn Motors and Chris Baker/Baker Automotive) also spoke in favor of the amendments and specifically requested approval ofthe digital sign provisions citing that the sign is needed to help increase sales by advertising the 28 franchises in Car Country to motorists on the 1-5 freeway. The Commission supported all of the amendments to streamline the review and approval process. Their questions of staff and the dealership representatives were primarily focused on the provisions to allow a regional commercial sign (subject to approval of a CUP) up to 65' tall with a 25' x 25' (625 sf) digital display sign. Staff noted that the recently adopted Citywide Sign Ordinance includes provisions to allow digital display signs, subject to approval of a CUP by the City Council, at Regional Commercial locations (such as Car Country) that are adjacent to freeways/highways and which are subject to a master or specific plan. There was lengthy discussion with the dealership representatives and Mr. Wilson about the need for the sign height and digital display area. Several Commissioners were unconvinced that a digital sign would improve sales and suggested that perhaps there were other options such as improving the appearance of the auto mall with upgraded buildings and/or landscaping or moving the existing freeway sign to a more visible location. In addition, several Commissioners indicated that a digital sign would not be appropriate forthe community and would set an undesirable precedent. The Commission also had questions related to the design of future wayfinding signs. However, their concerns were addressed when staff reiterated that the design and location of these Car Country identification signs would be reviewed through a Comprehensive Sign Program, subject to City Planner approval. The Car Country Specific Plan serves as the implementing ordinance for the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program (LCP). A Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA) is required to ensure consistency between the proposed Specific Plan amendment and the Land Use Policies of the LCP. Therefore, the proposed amendments would not become effective until the California Coastal Commission approves the LCPA. A full disclosure of the collective testimony, including Planning Commission's discussion and staff responses is included in the attached minutes. A complete description and staff analysis of the project is included in the attached report to the Planning Commission. The text for digital display signs, which is recommended for deletion by the Planning Commission, is shown in Attachment "A" to Planning Commission Resolution No. 7031. The Car Country representatives inquired if it was necessary to submit an appeal ofthe Commission's action to delete the digital sign provisions. Staff noted that because City Council approval is required for the proposed amendments, a formal appeal is not necessary. Subsequent to the hearing, the Car Country Dealers Association submitted a letter requesting that the City Council reconsider the Planning Commission's recommendation and reinstate the provisions for a digital display sign. The correspondence is included as Exhibit 7 of this Agenda Bill. FISCAL IMPACT: Processing the proposed changes has involved normal costs associated with staff time, public noticing, and hearing. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The City Planner has determined that the proposed Specific Plan amendments are exempt from the provisions of CEQA, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) (General Rule), where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment. A Notice of Exemption will be filed by the City Planner upon approval ofthe project. EXHIBITS: 1. City Council Ordinance No. CS-248 2. City Council Resolution No. 2014-052 3. Location Map 4. Planning Commission Resolutions No. 7031 and 7032 5. Planning Commission Staff Report, dated January 15, 2014 6. Draft Excerpts of Planning Commission Minutes, dated January 15, 2014 7. Correspondence (received January 23, 2014). -7 EXHIBIT 1 ORDINANCE NO. CS-248 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CAR COUNTRY SPECIFIC PLAN, SP 19(J) TO 1) UPDATE THE CAR COUNTRY COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PROGRAM BY MODIFYING THE EXISTING SIGN STANDARDS AND 2) TO STREAMLINE THE PERMIT AND REVIEW PROCESS FOR MINOR IMPROVEMENTS. CASE NAME: CAR COUNTRY INITIATIVES 2 & 4 CASE NO.: SP 19(J) The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain as follows: WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Car Country Specific Plan SP 19 on I January 18,1972 by adopting Ordinance No. 9288; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved an amendment to the Car Country Specific I Plan SP 19(A) on June 19,1984 by adopting Ordinance No. 9720; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved an amendment to the Car Country Specific Plan SP 19(B) on January 22,1985 by adopting Ordinance No. 9734; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved an expansion to the Car Country Specific I Plan SP 19(C) on December 22,1987 by adopting Ordinance No. 9842; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved an amendment to the Car Country Specific j Plan SP 19(D) on October 6,1992 by adopting Ordinance No. NS-214; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved an amendment to the Car Country Specific I Plan SP 19(E) on August 20,1991 by adopting Ordinance No. NS-116; and WHEREAS, an application for an amendment to the Car Country Specific Plan SP 119(F) was applied for and withdrawn; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved an amendment to the Car Country Specific Plan SP 19(G) on June 27,1995 and July 18,1995 by adopting Ordinance No. NS-315 and NS-317, I respectively; and WHEREAS, the City Council denied an amendment to the Car Country Specific j Plan SP 19(H) on April 23,1996 by adopting City Council Resolution 96-141; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved an amendment to the Car Country Specific Plan SP 19(1) on April 18, 2006 by adopting Ordinance No. NS-799; and WHEREAS, after procedures in accordance with the requirements of law, the City Council has determined that the public interest indicates that said Specific Plan Amendment SP 19(J) be approved; and WHEREAS, the City Council did on the 25*'' day of March 2014 hold a duly noticed I public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, said application constitutes a request for a Specific Plan Amendment I as shown on Exhibit "SP 19{J)" dated January 15, 2014 incorporated by reference. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad ordains as follows that: 1. The above recitations are true and correct. 2. That Specific Plan Amendment SP 19(J) dated January 15, 2014 attached hereto, and incorporated herein by reference, is approved. The Specific Plan shall constitute the I development plan for the property and all development within the plan area shall conform to the plan. 3. That the findings and conditions of the Planning Commission in Planning I Commission Resolution No. 7031 shall also constitute the findings and conditions of the City Council. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective no sooner than thirty days after its adoption but not until approved by the California Coastal Commission, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in a publication of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the 25*'^ day of March 2014, and thereafter. /// 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the day of , 2014, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CELIA A. BREWER, City Attorney MATT HALL Mayor ATTEST: BARBARA ENGLESON, City Clerk EXHIBIT "SP 19{J)" CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD SPECIFIC PLAN 19 SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT SP 19(J) JANUARY 15,2014 TRI-CITY AUTO CENTER SP-19 (Develop 50 acre auto center consisting of six dealers having nine major lines of automobiles, east of 1-5, south of Cannon Road and north of Palomar Airport Road) APPROVED BY: City Council Ordinance #9288, January 18, 1972 *** CAR COUNTRY SP-19(A) (Implement development standards; including signage) APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution #2274, May 9, 1984 City Council Ordinance #9720, June 19, 1984 *** SP-19(B) (To allow the Planning Commission to consider minor modifications to Sec. 21.41.075(b) ofthe Sign Ordinance) APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution #2340, August 22,1984 City Council Ordinance #9734, January 22, 1985 *** SP-19(C) (35 acre expansion to existing Car Country, South of Cannon Road, east of Paseo Del Norte, north of Palomar Airport Road) APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution #2692, November 12,1987 City Council Ordinance #9842, December 22,1987 *** SP-19(D) (Expanding additional automotive services for four lots to allow development and revenues to the City of Carlsbad imtil the economics and dealerships are available) APPROVED BY: City Council Ordinance #NS-214, October 6,1992 *** SP-19(E) (Deli - primarily for the use of tenants and customers of Car Country Plaza) APPROVED BY: Plarming Commission Resolution #3220, May 15, 1991 City Council Ordinance #NS-166, August 20,1991 *** SP-19(F) (Used car dealership and car wash with non self-serve gas pumps) WITHDRAWN: October 7, 1991 SP-19(G) (Comprehensive Sign Program for Car Country Specific Plan) APPROVED BY: Plarming Commission Resolution #3750, April 19, 1995 City Council Ordinance #NS-315, June 27,1995 City Council Ordinance #NS-317, July 18,1995 *** SP-19(H) (Expansion to include new offices, service bays &. parking) DENIED BY: Planning Commission Resolution #3889, January 17,1996 City Council Resolution #96-141, April 23,1996 *** SP-19(1) (Modification to parking standard and addition of standards for the development of parking structures) APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution #6042, March 15, 2006 City Council Ordinance #NS-799, April 18, 2006 *** SP-19(J) (Modifications to approval process and provisions for signs) APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution # City Council Ordinance # VO CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIFIC PLAN 19 Chapter/Title Page PART 1 - INTRODUCTION L INTRODUCTION 1-1 A. Purpose and Organization 1-1 B. Background 1-1 PART 2 - ORIGINAL CAR COUNTRY AREA 1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2-1 A. General Statement and Purpose 2-1 B. Definitions 2-3 C. Site Development Plan Requirement and Decision-Making Authority 2-5 D. Coastal Development Permit Requirement 2-6 IL AuTO FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 2-7 A. Permitted Uses 2-7 B. Building Areas 2-7 C. Building Heights 2-7 D. Architectural Design and Materials 2-8 E. Building Setbacks 2-10 F. Parking 2-11 G. Parking Structures 2-12 H. Paging Systems 2-12 I. Outdoor Lighting 2-12 J. Fencing 2-13 K. Undeveloped Areas 2-14 L. Trash Collection 2-14 M. Loading 2-14 N. Storage 2-14 O. Utility Services 2-14 P. Roof Equipment 2-14 III. GENERAL COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 2-15 A. General Purpose 2-15 B. Approval of Land Uses 2-15 C. Land Uses 2-15 D. Building Areas 2-16 E. Building Heights 2-16 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIFIC PLAN 19 Chapter/Title Page F. Architectural Design and Materials 2-16 G. Building Setbacks 2-17 H. General Parking Requirements 2-18 I. Required Parking Spaces 2-18 J. Adjustment of Required Parking 2-19 K. Outdoor Lighting 2-19 L. Fencing , 2-20 M. Undeveloped Areas 2-21 N. Trash Collection 2-21 O. Loading 2-21 P. Utility Services 2-21 Q. Roof Equipment 2-21 IV. LANDSCAPE STANDARDS 2-22 A. Purpose 2-22 B. Approval Procedures 2-22 C. Landscape Areas 2-22 D. Wheel Stops and Concrete Curbs 2-23 E. Completion of Landscaping 2-23 F. Maintenance of Landscaping 2-23 G. Landscaping Materials and Details 2-24 PART 3 - CAR COUNTRY EXPANSION AREA 1. INTRODUCTION 3-1 A. Purpose 3-1 B. Location 3-1 C. General Plan and Zoning Designations 3-1 D. General Development Concept 3-4 E. General Provisions 3-4 F. Amendments 3-6 IL DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCESS 3-7 A. Subdivision Process 3-7 B. Site Development Plan Requirement and Decision-Making Authority 3-7 C. Coastal Development Permit Requirement 3-8 -11- CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIFIC PLAN 19 Chapter/Title Page IIL PROJECT DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 3-9 A. Permitted Uses 3-9 B. Building Coverage 3-10 C. Building Height 3-10 D. Architectural Design and Materials 3-10 E. Building Setbacks 3-12 F. Parking 3-13 G. Parking Structures 3-15 H. Loading 3-15 I. Storage 3-15 J. Paging System 3-15 K. Special Events Promotions 3-17 L. Outdoor Lighting 3-17 M. Fencing and Screening 3-18 N. Trash Collection 3-18 O. Equipment and Roofs 3-18 P. Utility Services 3-19 Q. Driveway Locations 3-19 R. Grading 3-19 S. Undeveloped Areas 3-19 T. Performance Standards 3-19 U. Test Driving 3-20 V. Employee Eating Area 3-20 IV. LANDSCAPE STANDARDS 3-21 A. Landscape Areas 3-21 B. Wheel Stops and Concrete Curbs 3-21 C. Maintenance of Landscaping 3-22 D. Landscaping Materials and Design 3-22 V. ADDENDUM 3-23 Uses for Lots 2 & 3 per SDP 88-3 3-23 -III- 13 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIFIC PLAN 19 Chapter/Title Page PART 4 - COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PROGRAM PURPOSE 4-1 A. Sign Permit Procedures 4-1 B. General Standards 4-1 C. Franchise Signs 4-2 D. Signs on Dealerships Immediately Adjacent to 1-5 4-2 E. On-Site Directional Signs 4-2 F. Car Country Identification Signs 4-3 G. Regional Commercial Sign 4-4 -IV- CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD LIST OF FIGURES SPECIFIC PLAN 19 Figure/Title Page PART 1 - INTRODUCTION 1-1 VICINITY MAP 1-3 1 -1. PRnmrr ARF.A 1-4 PART 2 - ORIGINAL CAR COUNTRY AREA 2-1 ORIGINAL PROJECT AREA 2-2 1-2 GAR A GF. SRCTTON 2-9 PART 3 - CAR COUNTRY EXPANSION AREA 3-1 VICINITY MAP 3-2 3-2 EXPANSION AREA 3-3 3-3 SITE PLAN 3-5 3-4 GARAGE SECTION 3-11 3 -5 LOTS 1,2 &3 SCREENING FROM CANNON ROAD 3-14 3-6 TURNOUT POCKET 3-16 -V- This page is intentionally blank. -VI- CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD INTRODUCTION SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 1 I. INTRODUCTION A. Purpose and Organization This Car Country Carlsbad Specific Plan sets forth the zoning and development plan for the Car Country Auto and Shopping Center. The document's primary function is to provide a comprehensive description of land use, design guidelines, development standards and implementation programs to direct future development. The specific plan will provide the necessary regulations so that subsequent development applications, consistent with this document, may be processed and approved by the City as a part of a comprehensive planning effort. The Car Country Auto and Shopping Center is a planned commercial development featuring a combination of new car dealerships with other commercial enterprises. The center contains approximately 78 acres and is located north of Palomar Airport Road, south of Cannon Road and immediately adjacent to the east side ofthe 1-5 corridor. The specific plan's regional location is illustrated by Figure 1-1. This document is divided into four sections; Introduction, Original Car Coimtry Area, the Car Country Expansion Area and the Comprehensive Sign Standards. Although the original Car Country Area and the Car Counrty Expansion Area are independent specific plan areas, the overall goal is to comprehensively develop Car Coimtry so that future development will complement and enhance existing and future uses within the specific plan area as well as the surrounding areas. Figure 1-2 shows the boundaries of the original and expansion areas of this specific plan. B. Background The original Car Country Specific Plan (SP 19) was adopted by the City of Carlsbad in January 1972. The original document established the development restrictions, standards and control procedures related to the development of the original Car Coimtry Auto Park. These standards and procedures are included in this document as Part 2 and shall only be applicable to the Original area. The Car Country Expansion Amendment (SP 19C) was adopted by the City of Carlsbad in December 1987. The amendment established the development regulations for the 35-acre expansion area located immediately east ofthe original Car Country Auto Park. The document, included as Part 3, was developed to be a "self-contained" plan that did not require reference to the original specific plan. 1-1 V CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD INTRODUCTION SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 1 In keeping with the approvals for the Car Coimtry area, this document has been organized to divide the development regulations into three areas; the Original Car Country Area; the Car Country Expansion Area and the Comprehensive Sign Standards, which is applicable to both the Original and Expansion Areas. 1-2 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD INTRODUCTION SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PARTI CityofOceanside Cityof Vista Cityof Son Marcos Cityof Encinitas NORTH Kotlo State SPECIHC PLAN 19 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD Figure 1-1 VICINITY MAP CARLSBAD, CA k JACK HENTHORN & ASSOCIATES 1-3 SPECIFIC PLAN 19 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD n n ITS PROIECT AREA % CARLSBAD, CA ll TACK HEKTHPKN .& ASSCXJATES n o § o o 55 0 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. General Statement and Purpose 1. Purpose The Car Country Carlsbad Auto and Shopping Center is a planned commercial development featuring the combination of new car dealerships with other commercial enterprises. The site selected is most appropriate to attracting a growing market of auto-oriented customers in fast growing North San Diego County. The center is located in the City of Carlsbad with a fabulous exposure on Freeway Interstate 5, as shown on Figure 2-1. The site commands a range of customer areas from the three immediate cities of Oceanside, Carlsbad and Vista which are within a 5 mile radius as well as the larger automotive market of the North San Diego County. This proposed commercial development is harmonious with the master planning, concepts of San Diego County and the City of Carlsbad. These master planning concepts and other studies confirm that Car Country Carlsbad is in an ideal area for this commercial center serving the local needs of the three cities and the extended automotive needs of North San Diego County. 2. Development Standards The quality of the . development shall be based upon the highest and best standards with appropriate development restrictions, standards and control procedures. In general, these standards shall be oriented to achieve a commercial shopping environment of Spanish/Mediterranean Architecture with limited signing and extensive landscaping. This development is intended to be environmentally oriented towards enhancing the beauty, the nature and the history of this area. The developers have set aside approximately forty-four thousand square feet of land for a park as an example of the objective desired for this Center. 2-1 to SPECDFIC PLAN 19 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD n n CARLSBAD, CA ORIGINAL PROJECT AREA ^ W I ACK HENTHOIW & ASSOaATES H h9 o o !7d O I CO CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 3. Statement on Utilities Availability All utilities including gas, electricity, water, sewer and telephone are available by underground service. 4. City of Carlsbad Requirements Except as otherwise stated in these development standards, the requirements of the City of Carlsbad shall apply. Where conflicts between these standards and the City requirements (such as Plaiming, Zoning and the Building Code) occur, the City requirements shall be mandatory. B. Definitions 1. General Statement and Purpose The usage of words meant in these development standards is that generally intended in the building industry or as defined in this section. Where conflicts arise as to the definition of words, the decision of the City Planner on the meaning of a word shall be final, unless appealed pursuant to CMC Section 21.54.140. 2. Definitions Alter or Alterations Any change, addition or modification in construction or occupancy. Area (Floor) The area included within the surrounding exterior walls of a building. Area (Elevation) The area included within the height and length of a building. Building Any structure built for the support, shelter or enclosure of persons, animals, chattels or property of any kind. Building Line An imaginary line parallel to the property line specifying the closest point from a building to the property line. 2-3 -"7 *9 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 Front of Lot The boundary of the lot facing Paseo Del Norte. Height of Building Building height shall be measured pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) Section 21.04.065. Mezzanine An intermediate floor placed in any story or room. When the total area of any Mezzanine exceeds 33 1/-3 percent of the total floor area of the room, it shall be considered as constituting an additional story. Sign Any structure, device, or contrivance, electric or non-electric and all parts thereof which are erected or used for advertising purposes upon or within which any poster, bill, bulletin, printing, lettering, painting, device or other advertising of any kind whatsoever is used, placed, posted, tacked, nailed pasted or otherwise fastened or affixed. Storv The portion of a building included between the upper surface of any floor and the upper surface of the floor next above except that the topmost story shall be that portion of a building included between the upper surface of the topmost floor and the ceiling or roof above. Structure That which is built or constructed, an edifice or building of kind or any piece of work artificially built up or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner. 2-4 24 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 C. Site Development Plan Requirement and Decision-Making Authority A Site Development Plan shall be required for all new development as noted below. 1. Exemptions a. The following project types are exempt from the requirement for a Minor Site Development Plan or Site Development Plan provided that the City Plaimer determines that the project meets all development standards and is consistent with all aspects of the Car Country Specific Plan: 1) Any addition to an existing building that would result in an increase of less than ten percent of the intemal floor area of the existing building. 2) Construction of new buildings that would result in an increase of less than ten percent of the combined internal floor area of all existing buildings on the site. 3) Any interior or exterior improvements that do not add square footage (e.g. architectural facade enhancements). 4) Modifications to outdoor lighting plans. 2. Minor Site Development Plan The following project types require administrative approval of a Minor Site Development Plan in accordance with CMC Chapter 21.06: a. Any addition to an existing building that would result in an increase of between ten and fifty percent of the intemal floor area ofthe existing building. b. Construction of new buildings that would result in an increase of between ten and fifty percent of the combined intemal floor area of all existing buildings on the site. 3. Site Development Plan The following project types require approval of a Site Development Plan in accordance with CMC Chapter 21.06: 2-5 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 a. Any improvement to a building that would result in an increase of more than fifty percent of the intemal floor areas of an existing building. b. Constmction of new buildings that would result in an increase of more than fifty percent of the combined intemal floor area of all existing buildings on the site. c. Constmction of any new building(s) or permanent physical improvements on a vacant lot. D. Coastal Development Permit Requirement Unless found to be exempt, all development shall be required to obtain approval of a Coastal Development Permit in accordance with CMC Chapter 21.201. 2-6 1'^ CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 ~~ PART 2 II. Auto Facilities Development Standards A. Permitted Uses 1. Automobile sales, new and used 2. Automobile repair 3. Automobile wash 4. Automotive parts 5. Tire sales and service 6. New car storage 7. Automobile body shop 8. Tmck & Recreational Vehicles Sales and Service 9. Rental and leasing of vehicles permitted to be sold 10. Parking Stmctures for the storage of new cars, employee parking and/or service bays 11. All businesses other than new car sales and service shall be accessory to a new car sales and service business B. Building Coverage Building coverage shall not exceed 25 percent coverage of each project site area. Allowable total building coverage may be increased to 50% when a parking stmcture is included as a part of a Site Development Plan. C. Building Heights For developments west of Paseo Del Norte, building heights shall be restricted as follows: Service Buildings - one story and 24' maximum Main Building - one story and 24' maximum (Parts, showroom, offices) Parking Stmctures - three stories and 35' maximum to top of roof deck, as shown in Figure 2-2. Height protmsions up to 45' are allowed per CMC Section 21.46.020. 2-7 n -1 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 For developments east of Paseo Del Norte, building heights shall be restricted as follows: Service Buildings - one story and 24' maximum Main Building - two stories and 35' maximum (Parts, showroom, offices) Parking Stmctures - three stories and 35' maximum to top of roof deck, as shown in Figure 2-2. Height protmsions up to 45' are allowed per CMC Section 21.46.020. D. Architectural Design and Materials The design of exterior building elements and fencing shall be of a Spanish or Mediterranean architectural style. The texture, color, and materials used shall be harmonious with the Spanish or Mediterranean motif The quality of design and the selection of materials and colors shall be reviewed and approved by the appropriate decision-making authority. All stmctures located in the Car Country area shall comply with the following design standards: 1. Exterior walls shall incorporate design elements that are consistent with the Spanish or Mediterranean architectural styles. Examples of these elements include, but are not limited to, slump stone adobe, stucco, arches, arcades, cornices, corbels, balustrades, fountains, and door/window details. Altemative design elements and materials may be incorporated into the architecture subject to the determination that the elements are found to be consistent with the Spanish or Mediterranean styles. 2. All buildings shall have an exterior color consistent with the Spanish and Mediterranean architectural styles. The use of warm, muted earth tones is required. 3. If a roof element is incorporated into the building design, the roof shall include a mission clay barrel tile or S-tile design of terra cotta coloring i.e. red El Camino blend, or Bernardo blend. 2-8 2« Si to V- CiKADZ LEVEL SCALE l/S".r-0" PROPOSED PARKING STRUCTURE riAXIMUn HE^&^-^T 3 LEVELS ABOVE GiROUNP PARKING ILHTM SCREENED ROOF TOP PARKING SPECIHC PLAN 19 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ti O V * • n GARAGE SECTION CARLSBAD.CA k TACK HEKTHORN &. AssoaATES 10 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 ~ PART2 E. Building Setbacks For properties west of Paseo Del Norte, the following setbacks shall be observed: 1. Front Yard Setback Twenty-five (25) feet minimum. Roof overhangs and other unsupported architectural devices may project six (6) feet into the setback area. Parking stmctures shall be setback a minimum of fifty (50) feet (including parking stmctures which include uses besides parking). 2. Side Yard Setback Ten (10) feet minimum. Roof overhangs and other unsupported architectural devices may project six (6) feet into the setback area. 3. Street Side Yard Setback Twenty-five (25) feet minimum. Roof overhangs and other unsupported architectural devices may project six (6) feet into the setback area. Parking stmctures shall be setback a minimum of fifty (50) feet (including parking stmctures which include uses besides parking). 4. Rear Yard Setback Twenty (20) feet minimum. Roof overhangs and other unsupported architectural devices may project six (6) feet into the setback area. For properties east of Paseo Del Norte, the following setbacks shall be observed: 1. Front Yard Setback Forty-five (45) feet minimum. Roof overhangs and other architectural devices may project six (6) feet into setback area. Parking stmctures shall be setback a minimum of fifty (50) feet (including parking stmctures which include uses besides parking). 2-10 2>o CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 ~~~ PART 2 2. Side Yard Setback Ten (10) feet minimum. Roof overhangs and other architectural devices may project six (6) feet into the setback area. 3. Street Side Yard Setback Twenty-five (25) feet minimum. Roof overhangs and other unsupported architectural devices may project six (6) feet into the setback area. Parking stmctures shall be setback a minimum of fifty (50) feet (including parking stmctures which include uses besides parking). F. Parking The intent of this section is to provide sufficient parking in areas such that on- street parking will be minimized. 1. General Parking Standards for Motor Vehicle Dealerships a. Sales - One space per 400 square feet of gross floor area. Gross floor area includes all interior areas that are not specified below, including but not limited to: interior display, reception areas, private offices, and closing rooms. 20% of the required stalls shall be designated as customer parking. b. Repair - Four spaces per work bay for the first three bays. Two spaces per bay for each bay in excess of three. Work bays shall not count as parking spaces. c. Parts - Customer Parking: 1 space per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area for auto parts. Employee Parking: 1 space per 1,250 square feet of gross floor area for auto parts. d. Storage and Display (New and Used Vehicle Inventory) - On-site storage of vehicles is permitted as long as it does not encroach into any employee or customer designated parking spaces. 2-11 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 e. All other uses - such parking as may be required by CMC Chapter 21.44 for a specific use. f All required customer and employee parking spaces shall be striped and designated as such to the satisfaction of the City Planner. G. Parking Structures Parking stmctures may be used for the storage of new cars, employee parking and/or to provide ground level areas for sales, service, and/or parts. Design ofthe stmcture shall be consistent with Sections C, D & E and complementary with existing buildings on and offsite. All vehicles shall be screened firom outside views by the stmcture walls and/or landscaping. Landscaping shall be provided to screen the stmcture from surrounding properties and 1-5 corridor. H. Paging Systems Outdoor sound system for music and/or for pagmg shall be designed to minimize noise nuisance to adjoining properties. Speakers shall be spaced to minimize sound levels and oriented away from adjoining properties. Upon completion of constmction, the outdoor sound system shall be tested for noise and where necessary it shall be adjusted to the satisfaction of the City Planner. I. Outdoor Lighting 1. Purpose The general intent of this section is to achieve the following goals: All display and security lighting for each dealership shall be designed for uniformity. Lighting shall be designed to minimize glare away from Paseo Del Norte and from the Interstate 5 corridor as the highest priority and to minimize glare away from adjacent properties as a secondary priority. 2-12 ''7 ' CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 ~~ PART 2 2. Design All outdoor light fixtures and pole specifications with respect to height, type, projected angle of light, material, colors and use, shall be subject to approval of the appropriate decision-making authority. Lighting for the roof level of parking stmctures shall be limited to the use of bollards or lighting attached to the parapet walls. Roof top lighting shall not exceed the height of the parapet wall. 3. Lighting Restrictions Light fixtures for display areas ofthe automobile agencies and for general lighting of the commercial developments, shall be metal halide, induction lighting, or other low-energy usage light fixtures as approved by the appropriate decision-making authority. All fixtures will be mounted on tapered square or round-type poles. J. Fencing 1. Prohibited Materials: Wire fencing and gates 2. Fencing and Gate Design The design of fence and gates shall be appropriate to and similar to the Spanish or Mediterranean motif required for the buildings. Material shall be of approved masonry, stucco or wood. 3. Screening Storage areas, loading areas, service yards shall be screened from view from the outside by fencing. Height of fence shall average 8 feet in height and be limited to maximum and minimum heights of 9 feet and 7 feet respectively. Parking stmctures shall be screened from view from the outside by a combination of fencing and landscaping. 4. Fencing Setback Fencing may be placed without setback from the property lines except as follows where setback for the fencing shall be observed. 2-13 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 ~~ PART 2 Northerly Property Lines of Lots 1 and 4 Fencing Setback - 5 feet minimum Westerly Property Lines of Lots 1 and 10 Fencing Setback - 5 feet minimum Property Lines along Paseo Del Norte Fencing Setback - 25 feet minimum K. Undeveloped Areas Undeveloped areas/slopes shall be planted and maintained in a dean, neat and orderiy manner. Undeveloped lots shall not be used for the storage of automobiles unless a Conditional. Use Permit is processed pursuant to CMC Chapter 21.42. L. Trash Collection There shall be provided a completely screened trash collection area. Screening materials shall be of masonry walls. The ground shall be paved with 4" minimum concrete. No frash collection shall be permitted in the front yard setback. M. Loading Provision for loading and unloading shall be provided on site. Such area shall not be permitted in the front yard setback. N. Storage Outdoor storage shall be visually screened from exterior view by fencing as required in Section J (Fencing). O. Utility Services All utility, including telephone, services to the building shall be underground and shall be screened where exposed to exterior view. P. Roof Equipment All equipment including air conditioning equipment shall not be permitted on the roof unless screened in an approved manner from horizontal view. Vents for plumbing, air exhaust and air inlets are permitted on the roof without screening. Special care shall be exercised in the location and sizing of exhaust vent for the paint spray booth so as to reduce its view to the freeway or to Paseo Del Norte. 2-14 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 HI. GENERAL COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A. General Purpose The purpose of this section is to maintain the high development standards contemplated for Car Country Carlsbad or conunercial uses other than Auto Dealer Facilities which are controlled under Section II of these standards. B. Approval of Land Uses It is intended that the usual commercial uses permitted upon commercial zoned property shall be allowed for those sites indicated to be general commercial and the un-named Auto Dealer Site (lots 1, 4, 6 and 7) subject to review and approval of the Planning Commission. The discretion of the Planning Commission with respect to approval of land uses shall be limited to minimizing undesirable duplications within Car Country Carlsbad, Request for approval of proposed land uses for a general commercial development shall be submitted for approval of a Site Development Plan in accordance with CMC Chapter 21.06. C. Land Uses Professional and Business Offices Accountants Architects Attomeys Banks Dentists Doctors Economic Consultants Engineers Laboratories Optomefrists Savings & Loan Surveyors Telephone Answering Travel Agency 2-15 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 2. Commercial Uses Book Store Liquor Camera Shop Motel Delicatessen Pharmacy Department Store Reproductions Florist Restaurant Hotel Service Station Jewelry Store Tobacco Store D. Building Coverage Building coverage shall not exceed 40 percent coverage of the project site area. E. Building Heights Building heights shall be limited as follows: Lot 1: One story - 24' max. Lots 4, 6, 7: No restrictions except as required by the project conditions of approval. F. Architectural Design and Materials The design of exterior building elements and fencing shall be of a Spanish or Mediterranean architectural style. The texture, color and materials used shall be harmonious with the Spanish or Mediterranean motif The quality of design and the selection of materials and colors shall be reviewed and approved by the appropriate decision-making authority. All stmctures located in the Car Country area shall comply with the following design standards: 1. Exterior walls shall incorporate design elements that are consistent with the Spanish or Mediterranean architectural styles. Examples of these elements include, but are not limited to, slump stone adobe, stucco, arches, arcades, cornices, corbels, balusfrades, fountains, and door/window details. 2-16 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 2. All buildings shall have an exterior color consistent with the Spanish and Mediterranean architectural styles. The use of warm, muted earth tones is required. 3. All roofs will include a mission clay barrel tile or S-tile design of terra cotta coloring i.e. red El Camino blend, or Bemardo blend. G. Building Setbacks Buildings shall be setback from the property line in accordance with the following schedules. Lot 1 Shall have the following setbacks: 1. Front Yard Setback Twenty-five (25) feet minimum. Roof overhangs and other unsupported architectural devices may project six (6) feet into the setback area. 2. Side Yard Setback Ten (10) feet minimum. 3. Rear Yard Setback Twenty (20) feet minimum. Roof overhangs and other unsupported devices may project six (6) feet into the setback area. Lot 4 Shall have the following setbacks: 1. Front Yard Setback Forty-five (45) feet minimum. Roof overhangs and other unsupported architectural devices may project six (6) feet into the setback area. 2. Side Yard Setback (South) Ten (10) feet minimum 3. Side Yard Setback (North) Twenty-five (25) feet minimum. Roof overhangs and other unsupported architectural devices may project six (6) feet into the setback area. 2-17 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 4. Rear Yard Setback Ten (10) feet minimum. Lot 6 and Lot 7 if used as general commercial (in lieu of auto dealership) shall have the following setbacks: 1. Front Yard Setback Seventy-five (75) feet minimum. Roof overhangs and other unsupported architectural devices may project six (6) feet into set-back area. 2. Side Yard Setback Twenty (20) feet Minimum. Roof overhangs and other architectural devices may project six (6) feet into setback area. 3. Rear Yard Setback Ten (10) feet minimum. H, General Parking Requirements The intent of this section is to provide adequate parking areas on site so as to reasonably eliminate the need for any parking on the street. Parking required in this section shall be provided on-site or on another site within 400 feet of the project. Parking that is proposed on another site shall comply with the requirements of CMC Section 21,44.040. I, Required Parking Spaces Parking spaces required shall be based upon the following: 1, Professional Business Offices: One space per each 250 sq, ft, of gross floor area. 2-18 "'} u CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 2. Restaurants, Bars: a. Less than four thousand square feet in size - One space/one hundred square feet gross floor area. b. Four thousand square feet or greater - Forty plus one space/fifty square feet of floor space in excess of four thousand square feet. 3. Commercial: One space per each 300 sq, feet of gross floor area. 4. Hotels and Motels: 1.2 spaces per unit. J, Adjustment of Required Parking, Required on-site parking may be adjusted by approval of the appropriate decision-makmg authority upon a reasonable showing. Such showing may include the following: 1. Combined use of parking on an auto dealer site provided that maximum parking needs of the separate facilities occur at different times. 2, Compliance with CMC Section 21.44.080 - Joint Use Parking. K. Outdoor Lighting 1. Purpose The general intent of this section is to achieve the following goals: a. All display and security lighting shall be designed for uniformity of design concepts for the area, b. Lighting shall be designed to minimize glare away from Paseo Del Norte and from the Interstate-5 corridor as the highest priority and to minimize glare away from adjacent properties as a secondary priority. 2-19 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 2. Design All outdoor light fixtures and pole specifications with respect to height, type, projected angle of light, material, colors and use, shall be subject to approval ofthe appropriate decision-making authority, 3. Lighting Restrictions Light fixtures for display areas of the automobile agencies and for general lighting of the commercial developments, shall be metal halide, induction lighting, or other low-energy usage light fixtures (no florescent arm-type fixtures will be allowed) as approved by the appropriate decision-making authority. All fixtures will be mounted on tapered square or round-type poles. L. Fencing 1, Prohibited Materials Wire fencing and gates. 2, Fencing and Gate Design The design of fence and gates shall be appropriate to and similar to the Spanish or Mediterranean motif required for the buildings. Material shall be approved masonry, stucco or wood. 3, Screening Storage areas, loading areas, service yards, shall be screened from view from the outside by fencing. Height offence shall average 8 feet in height and be limited to maximum and minimum heights of 9 feet and 7 feet respectively. 4, Fencing Setback Fencing may be placed without setback from the property lines except as follows where setback for the fencing shall be observed: Northerly Property Lines of Lot 1 and 4 Fencing Setback - 5 feet minimum Westerly Property Lines of Lots 1 and 10 Fencing Setback - 5 feet minimum Property Lines along Paseo Del Norte Fencing Setback - 25 feet minimum 2-20 40 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 M. Undeveloped Areas Undeveloped areas/slopes shall be planted and maintained in a clean, neat and orderiy manner. Undeveloped lots shall not be used for the storage of automobiles unless a Conditional Use Permit is processed pursuant to CMC Chapter 21.42, N, Trash Collection There shall be provided a completely screened frash collection area. Screening materials shall be of masonry walls. The ground shall be paved with 4" minimum concrete. No trash collection shall be permitted in the front yard setback, O, Loading Provision for loading and unloading area shall be provided on site. Such area shall not be permitted in the front yard setback. P. Utility Services All utility, including telephone, services to the building shall be underground and shall be screened where exposed to exterior view. Q. Roof Equipment All equipment including air conditioning equipment shall not be permitted on the roof Vents for plumbing air exhaust and air inlets are permitted on the roof Special care shall be exercised in the location and sizing of exhaust vent for the paint spray booth so as to reduce its view to the freeway or to Paseo Del Norte. 2-21 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 IV. LANDSCAPE STANDARDS A. Purpose The purpose ofthe Landscape Standards is to provide landscaping in harmony with the goals of the Car Country Carlsbad Specific Plan to achieve a planned commercial development ofthe best quality and appropriate to the Spanish or Mediterranean design motif B. Approval Procedures All landscaping concept plans shall be subject to the approval of the appropriate decision-making authority. Landscape Areas 1. Front Yard Landscaping For lots west of Paseo Del Norte, there shall be a minimum landscape sfrip of not less than 8 feet in addition to landscaping the Paseo Del Norte parkway width of 5 feet. For lots east of Paseo Del Norte, there shall be a minimum landscape sfrip of not less than 10 feet in addition to landscaping the Paseo Del Norte parkway width of 5 feet, 2. Rear Yard Landscaping For lots west of Paseo Del Norte, there shall be a minimum landscape strip of not less than 5 feet. 3. Side Yard Landscaping A minimum landscape width of 5 feet shall be observed along the side property lines. Where a side yard occurs along a cul-de-sac side street, such yard shall be provided with a minimum landscape width of 8 feet in addition to landscaping of the parkway, 4. Interior Landscaping Landscaping in the interior of display parking areas shall be provided in addition to the boundary sfrip landscaping. Such landscaping shall be in 2-22 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 accordance Avith good design practice and other requirements of the landscape development standards. 5. Percentage Area Landscaping In the public display areas visible from Paseo Del Norte, or from the Interstate 5 corridor, there shall be landscape areas provided along the perimeter and interiors of such areas to provide a total landscape area not less than ten (10) percent of the total display area involved. The developer may reduce the required minimum landscape sfrip for design purposes of providing enlarged area landscaping. In such instance the minimum landscape strip permitted shall be 3 feet and the percentage of total area landscaped shall remain 10 percent. 6. Sloping Earth Banks Areas in which grading has caused sloping earth banks shall be landscaped and irrigated in a manner to protect the soil from erosion. The horizontal projected area of the sloping bank shall be included as part ofthe required landscaping. D. Wheel Stops and Concrete Curbs In public display and customer areas where landscaping abuts the paved area, 6" high concrete curbs and concrete bumper stops shall be provided. E. Completion of Landscaping All landscaping shall have been completed and approved by the Planning Division before occupancy ofthe sfructure and conduct of business is permitted. F. Maintenance of Landscaping All landscaping shall be maintained in the best of standards. Maintenance standards to be observed shall include the following: 1. Lawn and ground covers - Trimmed and mowed 2. Weeds and Debris - To be removed 2-23 4 3 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 3. Health conditions - Plantings shall be maintained m a healthy and growing condition with pruning, fertilization and cultivation a regular part of the maintenance program. 4. Damaged Landscaping - Plantings damaged by storm and other acts of nature or by vandalism shall be corrected as advised by the City of Carlsbad within 30 days from advice of the City. 5. Irrigation System - Shall be kept in working condition, G. Landscaping Materials and Details Required landscaping shall consist of a designed combination of frees, ground cover and shrubbery. These materials shall be of limited selection to give greater unity to the visual quality of the development and shall be selected for concem of climate and maintenance. In general, the landscape materials shall be based upon the following requirements: Sfreet Trees—Not less than 24" Box spacing, 40 feet o.c, max, Boundarv Landscape Trees — Not less than 24" Box spacing 40 feet o.c, max. Parking Areas Trees — Not less than 24" Box 1 free per each 20 cars displayed Ground Cover — Designed for full coverage in a maximum of 6 months Shmbbery—Not less than 1 gal size 2-24 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PARTS I. INTRODUCTION Purpose The purpose of this document is to establish development regulations for the approximately 35-acre Car Country Expansion area. An overriding goal is to uphold and surpass the high quality standards of tiie existing Car Countiy. At buildout, tiie expansion area should complement and enhance the existing auto park. This document is incorporated as an amendment into Specific Plan 19 which was adopted in January 1972. However, upon initial adoption tiie development restiictions contained herein only govem the expansion area and do not apply to the existing Car Country. The Car Country Expansion Area Amendment has been written as a "self-contained" document which does not require reference to the original 1972 Specific Plan or subsequent revisions. The original Specific Plan (SP-19) is contained in Part 2 of tiiis document. The Car Country Expansion Amendment implements but does not supersede the General Plan, the Local Coastal Plan or the provisions of Titie 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC). This document shall constittite the zoning for all land covered by tiiis plan and no use or development inconsistent with this plan shall be permitted. B. Location The Car Country Expansion area contains approximately 35 acres and is located soutii of Cannon Road, east of the existing Car Country area, west of Agricultural Preserve No. 76-1 and north of Palomar Airport Road, Figure 3-1 illusttates the location of the project within the region. The project site and adjacent properties, including the original Car Countty Auto Park, are illustrated in Figure 3-2. The property located in the City of Carlsbad contains approximately 35 acres and described as follows: "A portion of Lot H" ofthe Rancho Agua Hedionda, Map 823 in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of Califomia. C. General Plan and Zoning Designations The site is designated by the City of Carlsbad's General Plan as Regional Commercial (R). These commercial areas are oriented to estabUshments which sell large, low volume, high cost items such as automobiles. The adopted zoning for the expansion area is C-2(Q). Both General Plan and zoning are consistent with the designations for the original area included within Car Country. 3-1 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 3 CityofOceanside Cityof Vista ;City of San Marcos Cityof Encinitas NORTH NottsScilt SPECIFIC PLAN 190 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD Figure 3-1 VICINITY MAP CARLSBAD, CA k JACK HENTHORN & ASSOCIATES 3-2 SPECIFIC PLAN 19C CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD CARLSBAD.CA EXPANSION AREA IS w n •Ij I—I \o H o o 5§ 09 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 3 D. General Development Concept 1. LandUse The Car Country Expansion area will continue the land use pattem established in the original auto park. Figure 3-3 illusttates the Development Concept Plan. The primary use of the area will be retailing of new and used motor vehicles, 2, Circulation Primary access to the site will be from Car Country Drive which provides access from Paseo Del Norte to Cannon Road. E. General Provisions 1. Except as specifically stated in this plan, tiie requirements of the C-2 zone and all other applicable provisions of the zoning, subdivision, grading and building codes (and any amendments thereto) of the City of Carlsbad shall apply, 2. Where minor questions arise regarding interpretation of this Specific Plan Amendment, the City Planner shall resolve them in a manner consistent with the Municipal Code, adopted City plans and City policy. Such decisions by the City Plaimer may be appealed to the Planning Commission and City Council, 3. The Car Country Expansion has been approved under the express condition that the applicant shall pay a Public Facilities Fee as required by City Council Policy No, 17, dated July 28, 1987, on file with tiie City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference and according to the agreement executed by the applicant for payment of said fee. 4. This project shall comply with all conditions and mitigation required by the Zone 3 Local Facilities Plan and any future amendments to that plan made prior to issuance of building permits. 5. Unless found to be exempt, all development shall be required to obtain approval of a Site Development Plan consistent with Section II.B of this plan and in accordance with CMC Chapter 21.06. The plans shall be evaluated in accordance with municipal ordinances and policies in effect at the time said plans are before the appropriate decision-making authority. 3-4 SPEcmc PLAN 19C CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD Figure 3-3 SITE PLAN m o SO o (/5 Cd CARLSBAD, CA U JACK HENTHORN &. ASSOCIATES X o CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART'S 6. Approval of this Specific Plan or approval and constmction of a part of the development pursuant to this amendment shall not vest any rights in the balance of tiie Specific Plan nor create any vested rights in tiie approval of any subsequent development. 7. All land and/or easements required by this Specific Plan for public sfreets and public utility purposes shall be granted to the City of Carlsbad without cost to the City and free of all liens and encumbrances, except as otherwise conditioned by the Tentative Tract Map, 8. Approval of this plan does not constitute and guarantee individual development within the Specific Plan Amendment area will be approved, nor that the availability of public facilities and services will necessarily coincide with any owner or developer's timetable for constmction Availability of public services will be evaluated in the context of subsequent individual approvals and the adopted Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 3. 9. Prior to development, a landscape and irrigation plan shall be approved by the Planning Division. 10. Car Country Drive shall be a single loaded street, 11. All proposed development shall comply with the grading and resource preservation policies of the underlying Local Coastal Program. 12. Prior to issuance of building permits, the developer of any site shall be required to obtain a Coastal Permit, F, Amendments Amendments to tiiis document may be initiated by an application to the City Planner, subject to a recommendation of approval by the Planning Commission and approval by the City Council. Amendments are also subject to review and approval of a Local Coastal Program Amendment by the Califomia Coastal Commission, 3-6 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 ~~ PARTS n. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCESS A. Subdivision Process Prior to any development there shall have been a final subdivision map for Car Country Expansion in conformance with the State Subdivision Map Act and Titie 20 ofthe City of Carlsbad Municipal Code. B. Site Development Plan Requirement and Decision-Making Authority A Site Development Plan shall be required for all new development as noted below. 1. Exemptions a. The following project types are exempt from the requirement for a Minor Site Development Plan or Site Development Plan provided that the City Planner determines that the project meets all development standards and is consistent with all aspects ofthe Car Country Specific Plan: 1) Any addition to an existing building that would result in an increase of less than ten percent of the intemal floor area of the existing building. 2) Constmction of new buildings that would result in an increase of less than ten percent of the combined intemal floor area of all existing buildings on the site. 3) Any interior or exterior improvements that do not add square footage (e.g, architectural fa9ade enhancements), 4) Modifications to outdoor lighting plans. Minor Site Development Plan The following project types require administrative approval of a Minor Site Development Plan in accordance with CMC Chapter 21.06: a. Any addition to an existing building that would result in an increase of between ten and fifty percent of the internal floor area of the existing building. 3-7 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 ~~ PARTS b, Constiuction of new buildings that would result in an increase of between ten and fifty percent of the combined intemal floor area of all existing buildings on the site, 3. Site Development Plan The following project types require approval of a Site Development Plan in accordance with CMC Chapter 21,06: a. Any improvement to a building that would result in an increase of more than fifty percent of the intemal floor areas of an existing building. b. Constmction of new buildings that would result in an increase of more than fifty percent of the combined intemal floor area of all existing buildings on the site, c. Constmction of any new building(s) or permanent improvements on a vacant lot. C, Coastal Development Permit Requirement Unless found to be exempt, all development shall be required to obtain approval of a Coastal Development Permit in accordance with CMC Chapter 21.201, 3-8 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 ~ PARTS HI. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS This section sets fortii development standards which shall apply to all lots within the Car Country Expansion Specific Plan. New car sales is the principle allowed use ofthe Car Country Expansion and is allowed on all lots. In addition to new car sales certain other uses described in this section are allowed on Lots 2-3. A. Permitted Uses 1. All Lots a. Motor vehicle dealerships for the retail sales, leasing, renting and servicing of new and used automobiles and other motor vehicles such as recreational vehicles but whose primary activity is new vehicle sales. b. Auto rental and leasing (subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit)* c. Used vehicle sales (subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit)* d. Auto repair - foreign and domestic (subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit)* e. Parking Stmctures for the storage of new cars, employee parking and/or service bays, * Subject to the finding that the use is associated with an existing or proposed new auto dealership in Car Country, a finding that no new auto dealerships are available at the time of approval and, a condition that any time a new car dealership becomes available, the uses identified in section III.A.l (b, c, and d) shall be abated and/or modified so that the new auto dealership becomes the primary use ofthe site. 2, Lots 2-3 a. All permitted uses cited in (1,) above, b. Retail automotive parts sales and service including but not limited to the following: 3-9 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART'S 1) Tire sales and service 2) Muffler shops 3) Brake shops 4) Wheel alignment and suspension services 5) Tune-up and oil changing facilities 6) Transmission repair 7) Auto detailing and interior work 8) Auto accessories 9) Car wash (Dealership Only) c. Auto rental and leasing, d. Restaurant (subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit), e. A 1,080 square foot delicatessen located as shown in Exhibits 'A'- 'C of Planning Commission Resolution No. 3221. B, Building Coverage Building coverage for uses described in A.l.a above shall not exceed 25 percent. Allowable total building coverage may be increased to 50% when a parking stmcture is a part of a Site Development Plan, C, Building Height No building, excluding parking stmctures, shall exceed a height of thirty feet or two stories. Parking Structures - three stories and 35' maximum to top of roof deck, as shown in Figure 3-4. Height protrusions up to 45' are allowed per CMC Section 21.46,020. D, Architectural Design and Materials The design of exterior building elements and fencing shall be compatible with the existing style of Car Country, generally described as Spanish or Mediterranean motifs. Special attention shall be given to the architectural details of all west facing elevations to ensure that they are visually attractive when viewed from 1-5 and Paseo Del Norte. 3-10 MS GRADE LEVEL SCALE l/e" = r-0" PROPOSED PARKING STRUCTURE MAXIMUM 1-IEIGMT ^ LEVELS ABOVE GROUND PARKING IIJITM SCREENED ROOF TOP PARKING SPEcmc PLAN 19C CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD S(MK£ n o »r A ft D AI|»l«SOM GARAGE SECTION o 2? o 25 CARLSBAD, CA k lACK HENTHORN &. AssooATes H CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PARTS All stmctures located m the Car Country area shall comply with the followmg design standards: 1, Exterior walls shall incorporate design elements that are consistent with the Spanish or Mediterranean architectural styles. Examples of these elements include, but are not limited to, slump stone adobe, stucco, arches, arcades, cornices, corbels, balustrades, fountains, and door/window details, Altemative design elements and materials may be incorporated into the architecture subject to the determination that the elements are found to be consistent with the Spanish or Mediterranean styles, 2, All buildings shall have an exterior color consistent with the Spanish and Mediterranean architectural styles. The use of warm, muted earth tones is required. 3, If a roof element is incorporated into the building design, the roof shall include a mission clay barrel tile or S-tile design of terra cotta coloring i.e. red El Camino blend, or Bemardo blend. Irrespective of use, all lot improvements, with the exception of Lots 2 and 3, shall be designed and constmcted in their entirety as new motor dealerships to include both sales and service facilities as a contiguous whole. E. Building Setbacks 1. Front Yard Setback Twenty-five (25) feet minimum. Roof overhangs and other unsupported architectural devices may project sk (6) feet into the setback area. Parking stmctures shall be setback a minimum of fifty (50) feet (including parking stmctures which include uses besides parking). 2. Side Yard Setbacks Ten (10) feet minimum. Roof overhangs and unsupported architectural devices may project six (6) feet into the setback, 3. Street Side Yard Setback Twenty-five (25) feet minimum. Roof overhangs and other unsupported architectural devices may project six (6) feet into the setback area. Parking stmctures shall be setback a minimum of fifty (50) feet (including parking stmctures which include uses besides parking). 3-12 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 ~ PARTS 4. Rear Yard Setback Access rights to Cannon Road shall be relinquished for Lots 1-3. Along Cannon Road a minimum rear yard setback of tiiirty-five (35) feet shall be maintained for all buildings. A minimum twenty-five (25) foot landscaped setback shall be maintained for all open parking or driveways along Caimon Road. Any driveway within this setback shall be screened from the sfreet by a mixture of mounding and landscaping to the satisfaction oftiie City Planner. Within the setback along Cannon Road, display of tiie sale motor vehicles may be permitted upon approval ofthe City Plarmer. See Figure 3-5 for design detail. F. Parking The intent of this section is to provide sufficient parking areas on site such that on-sfreet parking will be minimized. 1, General Parking Standards for Motor Vehicle Dealerships a. Sales - One space per 400 square feet of gross floor area. Gross floor area includes all interior areas that are not specified below, including but not limited to: interior display, reception areas, private offices, and closing rooms, 20% of the required stalls shall be designated as customer parking, b. Repair - Four spaces per work bay for, the first three bays. Two spaces per bay for each bay in excess of three. Work bays shall not count as parking spaces. c. Parts - Customer Parking: 1 space per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area for auto parts. Employee Parking: 1 space per 1,250 square feet of gross floor area for auto parts. d. Storage and Display (New and Used Vehicle Inventory) - On-site storage of vehicles is permitted as long as it does not encroach into any employee or customer designated parking spaces. 3-13 "1 I fiECflON PLAN Hm nmtma om OIMEWAV CANNON MMO iANDSCAK tCMfCNMQ _ ^ CAIMON ROAD -1 JS1_- , AUTOmSTLAV ASMEA CAfMONnOAO SECTIONS |0* ] ag* SPECinc PLAN 19C CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD Figure 3-5 LOTS 1,2 & 3 SCREENING FROM CANNON ROAD CARLSBAD, CA |it JACK HENTHORN &. AssoaATEs 1/3 n HH I—( o 13 VO o O «3 C/D o CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART S e. All other uses - such as parking as may be required by CMC Section 21.44 for a specific use. f. All required customer and employee parking spaces shall be stiiped and designated as such to the satisfaction of the City Plaimer, G, Parking Stmctures Parking stmctures may be used for the storage of new cars, employee parking and/or provide areas for sales, service, and/or parts. Design of the stincture shall be consistent with Sections C, D & E and complementary with existing buildings on and offsite. All vehicles shall be screened from outside views by the stmcture walls and/or landscaping. Landscaping shall be provided to screen the stmcttire from surrounding properties and the 1-5 corridor, H, Loading Provisions for loading and unloading shall be provided as follows: 1. Loading areas shall not be allowed in front yard or side sfreet setbacks, 2. Three offsite tmck turnouts shall be required along the easterly side of Car Country Drive as illustrated in Figure 3-6. 3. In addition to the tnxck ttimouts, each dealer should provide for on-site loading areas for parts and accessories, these shall be clearly shown on all Site Development Plans. I, Storage Other than new and used vehicles held for sale to the public, no materials, supplies, or equipment, shall be stored in any area on a site except inside closed buildings or behind fencing as described in Section III.M, J. Paging System Outdoor sound systems for music and/or for paging shall be designed to noise nuisance to adjoining properties and shall not impact adjacent neighborhoods. Speakers shall be spaced to minimize sound levels and oriented away from adjoining properties and shall not exceed a decibel level of 3 DB's over ambient. 3-15 OS SPECIFIC PLAN 19C CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD Figure 3-6 TURNOUT POCKET CARLSBAD, CA k JACK HENTHORN &. ASSOCIATES C/3 HH o IS \0 H 00 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PARTS noise level. Upon completion of constmction, the outdoor sound system shall be tested for noise and where necessary it shall be adjusted to the satisfaction oftiie City Planner. K. Special Events Promotions Special promotional events such as helium or hot-air balloons, large cranes and similar promotional devices or activities which have a significant visual or noise impact upon surrounding properties shall not be allowed. L. Outdoor Lighting The intent of this section is to achieve the following goals: 1. All display and security lighting for each dealership shall be designed for uniformity. 2. Lighting shall be designed to minimize glare to surrounding properties and distant neighborhoods. All outdoor lighting fixtures and pole specifications with respect to height, type, projected angle of light, material, colors and use, shall be consistent witii the existing Car Counfry. All lighting fixttires for display areas of vehicle dealerships and general commercial lighting shall be metal halide, induction lighting, or other low-energy usage light fixttire as allowed by the appropriate decision-making authority. Maximum lumination for outdoor lighting shall be 100-foot candles. Additionally, no lights shall be above a ninety (90) percent angle. The number of poles shall be kept to a minimum where possible by combining several luminaires on a single pole. The pole height shall not exceed a maximum of twenty (20) feet. Flood lamps mounted at ground level for lighting cars is peraiissible if concealed and if the flood lighting is not glaring or objectionable when viewed from adjacent streets or properties. To reduce the projects offsite impacts, fifty (50) percent of all outdoor lights shall be turned off after 10 p,m. Each Site Development Plan shall include a detailed lighting plan. Lighting for the roof level of parking stmctures shall be shall be limited to the use of bollards or lighting attached to the pm-apet walls. Rooftop lighting shall not exceed the height of tiie parapet wall. 3-17 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 ~ PARTS M. Fencing and Screening 1. Prohibited Materials Wire fencuig and gates shall not be allowed. 2. Fencing and Gate Design The design of fencing and gates shall be appropriate to and similar to the Spanish or Mediterranean motifs required for the buildings. Materials shall be masonry, stucco, wood, or other similar materials as permitted by the City Planner. 3. Screening On-site storage areas, loading areas and service bays shall be screened from view from the outside by fencing. Height of fence shall average 8 feet and be limited to maximum and minimum heights of 9 feet and 7 feet respectively. Parking stmctures shall be screened from view from the outside by a combination of fencing and landscaping. 4. Fencing Setback Fencing in the front yard and street sideyard setbacks shall not exceed thirty (30) inches in height N, Trash Collection Trash receptacle areas shall be enclosed by a six-foot high masonry wall with gates pursuant to City standards. Location of said receptacles shall be approved by the City Planner, All enclosures shall be of similar colors and/or materials to the project they serve and shall be designed to the satisfaction of the City Planner, 0, Equipment and Roofs 1. All exterior equipment and appurtenances shall not be permitted on the roof unless entirely enclosed. 2, All equipment screening shall be architecturally compatible with the main building(s) on the site and shall enclose the equipment from the view of adjoining properties to the east to the first ridge line and public streets. 3-18 r CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART'S 3. All pitched roofs shall be of material compatible with the building exterior (tile, shingle, wood), or all flat roofs shall be screened or fully enclosed by such material viewed from the first ridgeline east of Car Country Expansion, P. Utility Services All utilities services shall be underground. Transformer or terminal equipment shall be visually screened from view from streets and adjacent properties, Q, Driveway Locations Lots shown on Figure 3-3 shall have one driveway except Lots 3, 4, and 10, If lots are merged, the development proposal shall attempt to reduce the number of driveway locations to comply with the City's standard requiring a minimum of 300 feet between driveways. Precise driveway locations will be determined during site plan review for each lot. R. Grading Grading shall be completed in one phase per an approved City of Carlsbad grading plan, S. Undeveloped Areas Undeveloped areas/slopes shall be planted and maintained in a clean, neat and orderly manner as required by CMC Chapter 15.16 - Grading and Erosion Control. Undeveloped lots shall not be used for the storage of automobiles unless a Conditional Use Permit is processed pursuant to CMC Chapter 21,42, T, Performance Standards All motor vehicle dealerships and related automotive service facilities shall comply with the following performance standards: 1. The maximum allowable exterior noise level of any use shall not exceed sixty-five Ldn as measured at the property line. Where a stmcture is occupied by more than one use, the noise level shall not be in excess of 45 Ldn as measured within the interior space of the neighboring establishment. Noise caused by motor vehicles traveling to and from the site are exempt from standard, 2. All uses shall be operated so as not to emit matter causing unpleasant odors which are perceptible to the average person while within or beyond the lot containing such uses. 3-19 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART S 3, All uses shall be so operated so as not to generate vibration discemible without instruments by the average person while on or beyond the lot upon which the source is located or within an adjoining enclosed space if more than one establishment occupies a stmcture. Vibration caused by motor vehicles, and temporary constmction is exempted from this standard. 4, AU uses shall be operated so as not to produce humidity, heat, glare or high-intensity illumination which is perceptible without instruments by the average person while on or beyond the lot containing the use. 5, All uses shall meet the air-quality standards of the San Diego County Air Quality Control Board (AQCB), In addition, all uses shall be operated so as not to emit particulate matter or air contaminants which are readily detectable without instruments by the average person while in the lot containing such uses, 6, All discharge of industrial waste shall be in conformity with the provisions of Chapter 13.16 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Businesses which produce grease, oil or other toxins as a by-product of then operation, shall provide on-site grease-traps to prevent these products from entering the public drainage system. This information shall be indicated on the Site Development Plan and shall be designed to the satisfaction of the Carlsbad Fire Chief U. Test Driving Auto dealers shall provide to all sales and service employees a map which designates areas for test driving. This map shall note tiiat test driving in residential areas shall be strictly prohibited. This map shall be approved by the Transportation Director and City Plarmer prior to issuance of building permits. V, Employee Eating Area Outdoor eating facilities for employees shall be provided consistent with CMC Section 21.34.070 (3), 3-20 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART S IV. LANDSCAPE STANDARDS The purpose of the Landscape Standards is to provide landscaping which is in harmony with the existing Car Country and is appropriate to the Spanish or Mediterranean design motifs, A, Landscape Areas 1. Front Yard and Side Street Landscaping A ten-foot landscaped area shall be constmcted along the public rights- of-way for Car Country Drive and Auto Center Court. Said area shall include a five-foot sttip in addition to the five-foot parkway width. Along Cannon Road, a minimum twenty-five foot Landscape Area consistent with Section III.E,3 of the Specific Plan shall be provided. Maintenance programs for the Landscaped Area shall be subject to approval of the Planning Division, 2. Interior Landscaping Landscaping in the interior of display parking areas shall be provided in addition to the front yard landscaping strip. Such landscaping shall be in accordance with good design practice and other requirements of this Section, 3. Percentage Area Landscaping Consistent with the existing auto park, five (5) percent of all on-site paved areas exclusive of setback areas shall be landscaped. 4. Sloping Earth Banks Areas in which grading has caused sloping earth banks shall be landscaped and irrigated in a manner to protect the soil from erosion. B. Wheel Stops and Concrete Curbs In public display and customer areas where landscaping abuts the paved area, six-inch high concrete curbs and concrete bumper stops shall be provided. 3-21 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PARTS C. Maintenance of Landscaping Maintenance standards to be observed shall include the following: 1, Lawn and ground covers shall be trimmed and mowed, 2, Weeds and debris shall be removed, 3, Plantings shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition with pmning, fertilization and cultivation a regular part of the maintenance program. 4, The irrigation system shall be maintained in good working condition, 5, The developer of the Car Country Expansion shall enter into an agreement with the property owner to the east of Car Country Drive to ensure that the slopes created by the constmction of Car Country Drive are properly landscaped and maintained. This agreement shall be approved by the City Planner prior to final map approval. D, Landscaping Materials and Design Required landscaping shall consist of a designed combination of trees, ground cover and shmbbery. These materials shall be of limited selection to give greater unity to the visual quality of the development and shall be selected for concem of climate and maintenance. The predominant species of frees within the project shall be consistent with those species planted within the existing Car Country, These species include: Eucalyptus Cifriodora, Ficus Rubiginosa and Cocos Plumosa. In general the landscape materials shall be based on the following requirements: 1, Street Trees - not less than 24" box. Maximum spacing of 40' on-center. 2. Parking Area Trees - not less than 24" box. One free is required per each 20 cars displayed. 3. Ground Cover - designed for full coverage in a maximum of six months, 4, Shmbbery - not less than one gallon size. 3-22 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART S V. ADDENDUM Uses for Lots 2 & 3 per SDP 88-3 Exhibit "Y" dated 10/19/88 PROJECT SUMMARY Uses Permitted Uses As per Specific Plan 19(c) retail automotive parts sales and service including but not limited to the following: 1) Tire sales and service 2) Muffler shops 3) Brake shops 4) Wheel alignment and suspension services 5) Tune-up and oil changing facilities 6) Transmission repair 7) Auto detailing and interior work 8) Auto accessories The following uses are specifically prohibited at the subject site: 1) Radiator repair shop 2) Battery rebuilding shop 3) Automobile painting shop 4) Body repair shop 5) Automobile frame straightening shop 6) Automobile towing operations 7) Automobile salvage shop Conditional Uses A restaurant is permitted at the proposed location subject to the provisions of Condition #11 of Planning Commission Resolution 2776, Site Use: Site Area 161,520 SF (3,7 AC) Building Coverage 20,8 % Landscaping 31,5% 3-23 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PARTS Square Footage: Building A Building B Total Retail 7,200 600 7,800 Warehouse 2,440 600 3,040 Service Bays 38 Bays 12 Bays 50 Bays Restaurant (not approved) 4500 4,500 Parking: Retail (1:200) Warehouse (1:1000) Service Bays Restaurant (not approved) Required 39 4 106 50 199 Provided 39 4 106 50 199 3-24 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD COMPREHENSIVE SIGN STANDARDS SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 4 I. COMPREHENSIVE SIGN STANDARDS The purpose of this section is to establish the sign standards necessary to ensure coordinated exposure and tenant identification within the Car Country Specific Plan area. A primary consideration is preventing visual blight and traffic safety problems. Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) Chapter 21.41 (Sign Ordinance) shall apply except as specifically stated in the following specific plan sign standards. If there is a conflict between these specific plan sign standards and those in CMC Chapter 21.41, the specific plan sign standards shall prevail. A. Sign Permit Procedures 1. Permit All signs within the Car Country Specific Plan area shall require a sign permit which shall be determined by the City Planner (or designee) to be in compliance with the Specific Plan and CMC Chapter 21.41, except as otherwise defined in this section. 2. Appeals The decision of the City Planner may be appealed to the Planning Commission pursuant to CMC Section 21.54.140. All appeals shall be noticed in accordance with CMC Section 21.54.060. B, General Standards 1. Each lot will be permitted signage equal to two square feet per lineal foot of building frontage. 2. Within Car Country Plaza (Lots 2 & 3 of the Expansion Area), signs for uses other than motor vehicle dealerships shall conform to the sign regulations of the Carlsbad Municipal Code as it may be amended from time to time, 3. All signs will be reviewed by the City Planner to ensure compatibility and to protect the public interest. 4. All signs shall be oriented so that the primary view is from surface streets. Interstate 5 shall not be considered a surface street. 5. Signs oriented to surface streets, but still visible from Interstate 5, shall be consistent in size, color and illumination with those of the existing auto park, 6. All signs shall be placed so as not to be detrimental to fraffic safety to the satisfaction of the Traffic Engineer. 4-1 •' O CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD COMPREHENSIVE SIGN STANDARDS SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 4 7, No portion of any sign shall extend over or into the public right-of-way unless approved otherwise by the appropriate decision-maker, 8. All signs shall comply with the requirements of the Coastal Zone. C. Franchise Signs 1. One monument sign and one freestanding sign may be placed on each lot provided the sign area of the signs are included within the aggregate sign area permitted as stated in paragraph B, 1, above. 2. If more than one franchise is located on one lot, an additional freestanding sign or monument sign may be allowed. 3. All franchise signs on a lot (wall, fascia, awning, monument and freestanding) shall be counted towards the aggregate sign area allowed on that lot according to the provisions of Paragraph B.l. above. 4. Monument signs shall not exceed eight feet in height, 5. Freestanding signs shall not exceed the height of any building which is located on the same site, and in no event shall the signs be over thirty-five feet high, D. Signs on Dealerships Immediately Adjacent to Interstate 5 1. Dealers whose lots are immediately adjacent to Interstate 5 may have wall mounted or fascia signs facing the freeway, subject to the following requirements: a. Signs shall be wall-mounted or fascia signs only. Signs perpendicular or at an angle to the building are prohibited, b. Signs shall not exceed the height of the building on which it is located. Roof mounted signs are prohibited. c. Signs shall not be larger than one square foot per linear foot of frontage of the buildings facing Interstate 5. The area for these signs is in addition to other signs permitted for the dealership and shall not be used to calculate permitted sign area for other signs as set forth in Section B.l above. d. The maximum height dimension of such signs shall not exceed one- third of the height of the building elevation on which it is placed. E. On-Site Directional Signs 1. Each lot is permitted to have on-site directional signs. Such signs shall meet the following criteria: 4-2 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD COMPREHENSIVE SIGN STANDARDS SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 4 a. Signs may only contain non-commercial messages or directional symbols that are designed to guide or direct pedestrian or vehicular ttaffic to uses on the same site. b. Signs shall be located to facilitate traffic intemal to the individual dealerships located on that lot. 2. On-site directional sign standards: a. The maximum number of on-site directional signs shall not exceed three per driveway entrance, b. Signs shall not be larger than six square feet per sign, c. On-site directional signs shall not exceed six feet in height. 3. On-site directional signs shall not count towards the permitted aggregate sign area as stated in Paragraph B.l above. F. Car Country Identification Signs 1. Two types of identification signs, "Entry Monument Signs" and "Wayfinding Signs" shall be permitted within the boundaries of the Car Country Specific Plan for the purpose of identifying Car Countiy in general and for guiding customers to the various dealerships within Car Country. 2. The maximum aggregate sign area of all Car Country Identification Signs is 600 square feet. 3. The sign area of the Car Country Identification Signs shall not count against the maxmium aggregate sign area allowed for each lot by the provisions of paragraph B,l above. 4. Entry Monument Signs a. Up to six entry monument signs that specifically identify Car Country as a whole may be allowed. Individual dealership names/logos are not permitted on these signs. b. The entry monument signs shall be allowed at or near the primary entry points to Car Country at: • Cannon Road/Paseo Del Norte • Cannon Road/Car Country Drive • Paseo Del Norte/Car Country Drive • Cannon Road between Car Country Drive and Paseo Del Norte c. Signs may be located on new or existing site/retaining walls or they may be constmcted as freestanding monument signs. 4-3 -1 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD COMPREHENSIVE SIGN STANDARDS SPECIFIC PLAN 19 ~~ PART 4 d. Entry monument signs shall not exceed eight feet in height. e. The sign area for any individual entry monument sign shall not exceed 60 square feet. 5. Wayfinding Signs a. Up to four wayfinding signs may be allowed for the purpose of guiding customers to the various individual dealerships. b. The wayfinding signs shall generally be allowed at secondary intersections (Auto Center Court and Car Countiy Alley), mid- block locations, or other appropriate locations as provided for in an approved sign program. c. Wayfinding signs shall not exceed 14 feet in height. d. The sign area for any individual wayfinding sign shall not exceed 60 square feet. e. A unified letter height, color and font shall be used for directional arrows and dealerships names. The "Car Country" identification shall be incorporated into these signs, 6. The entry monument and wayfinding signs shall be unified by a common design theme which is complementary to the Spanish/Mediterranean architectural theme of the Car Countty development. Subdued sign and lettering colors should be consistent with the design theme ofthe center. 7. The base of all identification signs shall be landscaped to provide an attractive setting and ground definition to the signs. 8. An application for a sign program shall be submitted for all proposed Car Countiy Identification Signs as a comprehensive package, rather than individually. The sign program shall be approved by the appropriate decision-making authority, G, Regional Commercial Sign 1. Only one regional commercial sign shall be permitted within the Car Country Specific Plan Area, The primary purpose ofthe sign, which may be oriented to Interstate 5, shall be to advertise the entire Car Country development, 4-4 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD COMPREHENSIVE SIGN STANDARDS SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 4 2, This sign shall not exceed 50 feet in height and 150 square feet of static sign area, 3, The design of the regional commercial sign shall be complementary to the Spanish/Mediterranean architectural theme of the Car County development, 4, Digital Display Sign a. A digital display sign may be located on the regional commercial sign subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit by tiie City Council. b. The overall height ofthe regional commercial sign shall not exceed 65 feet and the digital display sign area shall not exceed 625 square feet (25 ft. height x 25 ft. widtii). The design, the size of the digital display area and the overall sign height shall be reviewed through the Conditional Use Permit process. c. The Conditional Use Permit will include detailed digital display sign development standards. Specific operational details ofthe sign (i.e.: the "dwell time", the time of ttansition between messages and the brightness of the screen) will be decided through approval of the Conditional Use Permit by the City Council. d. The digital display sign shall be designed so as not to create a potentially significant safety impact to motorists and other highway users due to light and glare. At a maximum, the light output shall not exceed the limits imposed under Califomia Vehicle Code Section 21466.5 (Light Impairing Drivers Vision) or the recommendations of the Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA), whichever is more restrictive. Light levels emitted from the digital display sign shall be set to adjust, based on ambient light conditions at any given time (i.e., night versus daytime). e. The Conditional Use Permit application shall include document- ation that the digital display sign has been submitted to the Airport Land Use Commission for an obsfruction analysis by the FAA to ensure that there are no conflicts with the height and size of the sign or any concems related to reception. 4-5 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD COMPREHENSIVE SIGN STANDARDS SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 4 5. Coastal Development Permit Any Regional Commercial/Digital Display Sign proposal requires the approval of a coastal development pemiit and must be consistent with all applicable policies and requirements of the certified Local Coastal Program. 6. The procedure by which permits for such signage shall be obtained is set forth in Sections A and B above, unless specified otherwise. 4-6 11 3 6 19 20 21 22 23 EXHIBIT 2 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2014-052 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AMENDMENT FOR THE CAR COUNTRY SPECIFIC PLAN SP 19(J) TO 4 1) UPDATE THE CAR COUNTRY COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PROGRAM BY MODIFYING THE EXISTING SIGN STANDARDS, AND 2) TO 5 STREAMLINE THE PERMIT AND REVIEW PROCESS FOR MINOR IMPROVEMENTS ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF CANNON ROAD, NORTH AND WEST OF CAR 7 COUNTRY DRIVE, AND EAST OF INTERSTATE 5 WITHIN THE MELLO II SEGMENT OF THE LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AND 8 LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 3. CASE NAME: CAR COUNTRY INITIATIVES 2 & 4 ^ CASE NO: LCPA 12-01 10 11 follows: The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby resolve as Commission did, on January 15, 2014, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider a Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA 12-01), and adopted Planning Commission Resolution No. 7032 recommending to the City Council approval of LCPA 12-01; and 12 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Code, the Planning 13 14 15 16 j7 WHEREAS, the City Council did on the 25th dav of March 2014 hold a 18 duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider the Local Coastal Program Amendment; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, the City Council considered all factors relating to the Local Coastal Program Amendment. 24 NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does 25 hereby resolve as follows 76 1. That the above recitations are true and correct 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26: 2. That the findings and conditions of the Planning Commission as set forth in Planning Commission Resolution No. 7032 on file with the City Clerk and made a part hereof by reference, constitute the findings ofthe City Council in this matter. 3. That the approval of LCPA 12-01 shall not become effective until it is approved by the California Coastal Commission and the California Coastal Commission's approval becomes effective. "NOTICE TO APPLICANT" The time within which judicial review of this decision must be sought is governed by Code of Civil Procedure, Section 1094.6, which has been made applicable in the City of Carlsbad by Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 1.16. Any petition or other paper seeking review must be filed in the appropriate court not later than the ninetieth day following the date on which this decision becomes final; however, if within ten days after the decision becomes final a request for the record is filed with a deposit in an amount sufficient to cover the estimated cost or preparation of such record, the time within which such petition may be filed in court is extended to not later than the thirtieth day following the date on which the record is either personally delivered or mailed to the party, or his attorney of record, if he has one. A written request for the preparation of the record of the proceedings shall be filed with the City Clerk, City of Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA. 92008. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 25th day of March 2014, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Hall, Packard, Wood, Schumacher, Blackbu NOES: None ABSENT: None MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: >^'VyS?8^ ENGLESON, C^y Clerk ^. Oj*, = >- rn ~7 i /LP EXHIBIT 3 N NOT TO SCALE SITE MAP Car Country Initiatives 2 & 4 SP19(J)/LCPA 12-01 7 8 9 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 7031 EXHIBIT 4 1 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF 3 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT NO. SP 19(J) TO 1) UPDATE THE CAR COUNTRY 4 COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PROGRAM BY MODIFYING THE EXISTING SIGN STANDARDS, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE PROVISIONS FOR A DIGITAL 5 DISPLAY SIGN, TO ADDRESS THE UNIQUE NEEDS OF THE AUTOMOTIVE SALES INDUSTRY, AND 2) TO STREAMUNE THE PERMIT AND REVIEW ^ PROCESS FOR MINOR IMPROVEMENTS ON PROPERTY GENERALLY ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF CANNON ROAD, NORTH AND WEST OF CAR COUNTRY DRIVE, AND EAST OF INTERSTATE 5 WITHIN THE MELLO II SEGMENT OF THE LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AND LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 3. THE CITY PLANNER HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENTS ARE EXEMPT FROM THE PROVISIONS OF CEQA, PURSUANT TO CEQA GUIDEUNES SECTION 10 15061(B)(3), CASE NAME: CAR COUNTRY INITIATIVES 2 & 4 11 CASE NO,: SP 19(J) 12 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has filed a verified application with the City of Carlsbad 13 regarding properties located within the Car Country Carlsbad Specific Plan Area, described as 14 Lots 1 through 11 of Carlsbad Tract Map 72-3, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to map thereof no. 15 7492, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego, November 30,1972 as file number 320455 and Lots 1 through 10 of Carlsbad Tract Map 87-3, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to map thereof no. 12242, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego, October 28,1988 as file number 88-552341 ("the Property); and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request for a Specific Plan Amendment, on file in the Carlsbad Planning Division, CAR COUNTRY INITIATIVES 2 & 4 - SP 19(J) as provided by SP 19(1) and Government Code Section 65453; and WHEREAS, the proposed CAR COUNTRY INITIATIVES 2 & 4 - SP 19(J) amendment is set forth and attached in the draft City Council Ordinance, Exhibit "X" dated, January 15,2014 and attached hereto as CAR COUNTRY INITIATIVES 2 & 4 - SP 19(J); and I 0 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on January 15,2014, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to the Specific Plan Amendment; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, the majority of said Commission (with the exception of Commissioners Segall and Siekmann (absent)) were not in favor of allowing any provisions for a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g digital sign in Car Country because of the belief that a digital sign is unnecessary for advertising the 10 auto mall and because a digital sign would result in an undesirable appearance along Interstate 5 and 11 within the City of Carlsbad; and 12 WHEREAS, on April 18, 2006, the City Council approved SP 19(1), as described and 13 conditioned in Planning Commission Resolution No, 6042 and City Council Resolution Ordinance No. 14 NS-799. 15 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. Findings; 16 17 18 B) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Commission RECOMMENDS APPROVAL of CAR COUNTRY INITIATIVES 2 & 4 - SP 19(J) based on the following findings and subject to the following condition: 20 " 21 „ 1. The proposed development as described by the Specific Plan (SP19(J)) is consistent with the 22 provisions of the General Plan based on the facts set forth in the Planning Commission staff report dated January 15,2014. 23 The proposed Specific Plan Amendment would not be detrimental to the public interest, health, 24 safety, convenience, or welfare of the City, 25 3. All necessary public facilities can be provided concurrent with need, and adequate provisions have been provided to implement those portions of the capital improvement program 26 applicable to the subject property. 27 4. Jhe proposed commercial uses will be appropriate in area, location, and overall design to the purpose intended. The design and development standards are such as to create an 28 PC RESO NO. 7031 -2- 1.. environment of sustained desirability and stability. Such development will meet performance 2 standards established by the Specific Plan and Title 21, 3 5. The existing streets and thoroughfares are suitable and adequate to carry the anticipated traffic thereon. 4 6. The area surrounding the development is or can be planned and zoned in coordination and 5 substantial compatibility with the development. 6 „ 7, The City Planner has determined that the project is exempt from the provisions of CEQA, 7 pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(B)(3) (General Rule) and City of Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 19,04,070(A)(l)(c), general rule exemption where it can be seen with certainty 8 that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment. 9 10 11 12 13 14 Conditions; 1, All provisions for a digital sign, as shown in Attachment "A" to this Resolution, shall be deleted from the proposed amendment. 2, This approval is granted subject to the approval of LCPA 12-01 and is subject to all conditions contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 7032, incorporated herein by reference. NOES: Commissioner Segall ABSENT: Commissioner Siekmann ABSTAIN: PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting ofthe Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on January 15, 2014, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Chairperson Black, Commissioners Anderson, L'Heureux, Schumacher and Scully 17 " 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 NEIL BLACK, Chairperson CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: 27 DON NEU City Planner 28 PC RESO NO. 7031 -3- ATTACHMENT "A" Provisions for Digital Display Signs recommended for deletion by the Planning Commission: Located under Part 4, Section G, Regional Commercial Sign, (pg, 4-5 and 4-6) 4. Digital Display Sign a. A digital display sign may be located on the regional commercial sign subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit by the City Council. b. The overall height of the regional commercial sign shall not exceed 65 feet and the digital display sign area shall not exceed 625 square feet (25 ft. height x 25 ft. width). The design, the size of the digital display area and the overall sign height shall be reviewed through the Conditional Use Permit process. c. The Conditional Use Permit will include detailed digital display sign development standards. Specific operational details of the sign (i.e.: the "dwell time", the time of transition between messages and the brightness of the screen) will be decided through approval of the Conditional Use Permit by the City Council. d. The digital display sign shall be designed so as not to create a potentially significant safety impact to motorists and other highway users due to light and glare. At a maximum, the light output shall not exceed the limits imposed under Califomia Vehicle Code Section 21466.5 (Light Impairing Drivers Vision) or the recommendations of the Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA), whichever is more restrictive. Light levels emitted from the digital display sign shall be set to adjust, based on ambient light conditions at any given time (i,e,, night versus daytime), e. The Conditional Use Permit application shall include document- ation that the digital display sign has been submitted to the Airport Land Use Commission for an obstmction analysis by the FAA to ensure that there are no conflicts with the height and size of the sign or any concems related to reception. 5. Coastal Development Permit Any Regional Commercial/Digital Display Sign proposal requires the approval of a coastal development permit and must be consistent with all applicable policies and requirements of the certified Local Coastal Program, 1 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 7032 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF 3 CARLSBAD, CAUFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AMENDMENT LCPA 12-01 FOR THE CAR COUNTRY 4 SPECIFIC PLAN SP 19(J) TO 1) UPDATE THE CAR COUNTRY COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PROGRAM BY MODIFYING THE EXISTING SIGN 5 STANDARDS, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE PROVISIONS FOR A DIGITAL DISPLAY SIGN, TO ADDRESS THE UNIQUE NEEDS OF THE AUTOMOTIVE ^ SALES INDUSTRY, AND 2) TO STREAMUNE THE PERMIT AND REVIEW PROCESS FOR MINOR IMPROVEMENTS ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF CANNON ROAD, NORTH AND WEST OF CAR COUNTRY DRIVE, AND EAST OF INTERSTATE 5 WITHIN THE MELLO II SEGMENT OF THE LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AND LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 3. CASE NAME: CAR COUNTRY INITIATIVES 2 & 4 CASE NO: LCPA 12-01 7 8 9 10 11 WHEREAS, California State law requires that the Local Coastal Program and applicable 12 Specific Plan for properties in the Coastal Zone be in conformance; and 13 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has filed a verified application for an amendment to the 14 Car Country Specific Plan, which serves as the Implementation Plan for the Mello II Local Coastal 15 Program Land Use Plan, on properties located within the Car Country Carlsbad Specific Plan Area, described as 16 17 18 Lots 1 through 11 of Carlsbad Tract Map 72-3, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to map thereof no. 7492, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego, •j^g November 30,1972 as file number 320455 20 3"** 21 Lots 1 through 10 of Carlsbad Tract Map 87-3, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to map thereof no. 22 12242, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego, October 28,1988 as file number 88-552341 23 24 25 26 27 ("the Property"); and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request for a Local Coastal Program Amendment as shown on Exhibit "SP 19(J)" dated January 15, 2014, attached to Planning Commission Resolution No. 7031 and incorporated herein by reference, as provided in Public Resources Code 28 Section 30514 and Section 13551 of California Code of Regulations Title 14, Division 5.5; and 27 28 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on January 15, 2014, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to the Local Coastal Program Amendment; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, the majority of said Commission (with the exception of Commissioners Segall and Siekmann (absent)) were not in favor of allowing any provisions for a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g digital sign in Car Country because of the belief that a digital sign Is unnecessary for advertising the 10 auto mall and because a digital sign would result in an undesirable appearance along Interstate 5 and 11 within the City of Carlsbad; and 12 WHEREAS, State Coastal Guidelines requires a six-week public review period for any 13 amendment to the Local Coastal Program. 14 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of 15 Carlsbad, as follows: ^° A) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. B) At the end of the State-mandated six-week review period, starting on November 29, 2013 and ending on January 10, 2014, staff shall present to the City Council a summary ofthe comments received. Findings; 17 18 19 C) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Commission 20 RECOMMENDS APPROVAL of CAR COUNTRY INITIATIVES 2 & 4 - LCPA 12-01 based on the following findings: 21 " 22 .. 1. That the proposed Local Coastal Program Amendment meets the requirements of, and is in 23 conformity with, the policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act and all applicable policies of the Mello II segment of the Carlsbad Local Coastal Program, in that the existing uses are consistent 24 with both the General Plan and the Local Coastal Program, and the proposed amendments to the Car Country Specific Plan do not conflict with any coastal zone regulations, land use 25 designations or Mello II Land Use Policies with which the development must comply. 26 2. That the proposed amendment to the Mello II segment of the Carlsbad Local Coastal Program is required to bring it into consistency with the proposed Car Country Specific Plan Amendment (SP 19(J)). PC RESO NO. 7032 1 3. This approval is granted subject to the approval of SP 19(J) and is subject to all conditions 2 contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 7031, incorporated herein by reference. 3 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of 4 the City of Carlsbad, held on January 15,2014, by the following vote, to wit: 5 AYES: Chairperson Black, Commissioners Anderson, L'Heureux, Schumacher and Scully 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 „ NEIL BLACK, Chairperson 13 CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NOES: Commissioner Segall ABSENT: Commissioner Siekmann ABSTAIN: ATTEST: DON NEU City Planner PC RESO NO. 7032 -3- The City of Carlsbad Planning Division EXHIBIT 5 A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Item No. Application complete date: N/A P.C. AGENDA OF: January 15,2014 Project Planner: Barbara Kennedy Project Engineer: N/A SUBJECT: SP 19(JVLCPA 12-01 - CAR COUNTRY INITIATIVES 2 & 4 - Request for a recommendation of approval for Specific Plan Amendment SP 19(J) and Local Coastal Program Amendment LCPA 12-01 to 1) update the Car Country Comprehensive Sign Program by modifying the existing sign standards and by adding provisions for a digital display sign to address the unique needs of the automotive sales industry, and 2) to streamline the permit and review process for minor improvements for property generally located on the south side of Cannon Road, north and west of Car Country Drive, and east of Interstate 5 within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program and Local Facilities Management Zone 3. The City Planner has determined that the proposed Specific Plan amendments are exempt from the provisions of CEQA, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3). I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 7031 and 7032 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of Specific Plan Amendment SP 19(J) and Local Coastal Program Amendment LCPA 12-01 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. INTRODUCTION The 78-acre Car Country Carlsbad Auto Mall (Car Country) is located north and west of Car Country Drive, south of Cannon Road and east of the 1-5 freeway. Development within Car Country must comply with the regulations and development standards of the Car Country Specific Plan (Specific Plan), The proposed Specific Plan amendments would accomplish two objectives: 1) to update the Car Country Comprehensive Sign Program (Sign Program) by modifying the existing sign standards and by adding provisions for a digital display sign to address the unique needs ofthe automotive sales industry, and 2) to streamline the permit and review process for minor improvements. The Specific Plan, which serves as the implementing ordinance for the Local Coastal Program (LCP), regulates the uses and provides the development standards for Car Country Carlsbad. Therefore, both a Specific Plan amendment and an LCP amendment are required. The project meets all regulations applicable to the legislative and discretionary actions and all necessary findings to approve this proposal can be made. III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND In November of 2009, the City Council directed staff to engage representatives of the cit/s car dealerships in a public outreach program with the goal of developing a list of potential improvements to Car Country Carlsbad and the car dealerships on Avenida Encinas. In early 2010, the Car Country Carlsbad Working Group was formed. Through a collaborative effort between city staff and representatives of the dealerships, dozens of suggestions were developed within four topic areas: 1) General Appearance, 2) Sign Program, 3) Traffic and Safety and 4) Minor Updates to Specific Plan. A Summary Recommendations Report was prepared and presented to the City Council at their Aprir2011 workshop. At that workshop, the City Council directed staff to return with a report detailing staffs V SP-19(J)/LCPA 12-01 - CAR COUNTRY INITIATIVES 2 & 4 January 15, 2014 Page 2 recommendations, cost estimates and prioritization for 30 individual recommendations within the four topic areas. Two ofthe topic areas. Initiative 2: Sign Program and Initiative 4: Minor Updates to Specific Plan, are the subject of this proposed amendment. Initiative 2 contains a number of recommendations related to updating the Sign Program and Initiative 4 consists of recommended minor updates to the Specific Plan that address streamlining the approval process for certain project types and modifying the text to improve readability. The recommendations and actions for these two initiatives are briefly summarized below: Initiative 2 - Sign Program 1. Consider allowing for a higher pole sign (up to 50 feet) with LED and changing message with the potential for the city to advertise for public events and community service messages. Modifications to the standards for the existing freeway-oriented sign (Regional Commercial Sign) would allow an increase in height from 35 to 50 feet for a "static" sign. Additionally, subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and Coastal Development Permit by the City Council, a Digital Display Sign could be integrated into a Regional Commercial Sign, Sign size, height, messaging and operational features would be evaluated through the CUP process. Subsequent to the working group recommendations, the dealerships' representative indicated that in order to achieve the desired freeway visibility, a maximum digital sign area of 625 square feet (25 ft. x 25 ft.) and a maximum overall sign height of 65 feet would be required. These dimensions have been included in the proposed sign standards at the request ofthe dealerships. 2. Allow for directional signs specific to the needs of each dealership. Although the current Sign Program does not include any provisions for on-site directional signs, directional signs are permitted by the citywide Sign Ordinance. The purpose of on-site directional signs is to facilitate internal pedestrian and vehicular traffic to the various uses on a lot, such as a service area or parts department. The Sign Ordinance allows three signs per driveway, and each sign may have a maximum size of six square feet with a maximum height of six feet. The recently revised Sign Ordinance approved an increase in the sign height from four feet to six feet. The proposed Car Country standards for on-site directional signs are consistent with the recently adopted Sign Ordinance. 3. Allow for monument signs to identify Car County Carlsbad specifically. The revised standards for the Car Country Identification signs would allow an increase in the aggregate sign area (from 360 sf. to 600 sf.) but would reduce the allowable sign area for each monument sign from 150 sf. to 60 sf. Additionally, the standards would specify the number and general locations of these signs. The modifications would also allow for a new type of freestanding sign (Wayfinding Sign) to assist customers with locating the various dealerships. Up to four 14 ft. tall signs would be allowed at secondary intersections. These signs would be designed with a uniform Car Country theme and would include only dealership names and directional arrows. 4. Allow for monument signs to identify each individual dealership specificaUy. The sign standards currently allow one freestanding sign on a lot. The existing standard would be revised to allow a monument sign in addition to the allowable freestanding sign. There would be no change to the current allowance for an additional freestanding or monument sign for each additional franchise. A revision is also proposed to remove the limitation of 55 square SP-19(J)/LCPA 12-01 - CAR COUNTRY INITIATIVES 2 & 4 January 15, 2014 Page 3 feet of sign area per sign and instead, allow the sign area to be regulated through the allowable (aggregate) sign area for each lot. Initiative 4 - Minor Updates to Specific Plan 1. Consider establishing a minor administrative approvai process that wouid allow for an administrative approvai process for modifications and additions to existing facilities. The proposed revisions would establish two new categories for review: Exempt Projects that could be reviewed in conjunction with a building permit and a Minor Site Development Plan for qualifying modifications and additions to existing facilities that would require administrative approval. The intent of the proposed modifications is to streamline the permit and review process by reassigning the approval authority to the lowest appropriate decision-making authority, 2, Update the Specific Pian to compiete miscellaneous minor changes to ciean-up inconsistencies and provide clarity of interpretation and implementation. The proposed minor text modifications would update the text with current terminology and would eliminate obsolete or outdated requirements. Additionally, Part 4: "Comprehensive Sign Program" would be changed to "Comprehensive Sign Standards" and the entire section would be reformatted to reflect the proposed sign modifications as well as to eliminate ambiguities and improve readability. Detailed descriptions of the proposed Specific Plan amendments are provided below in the analysis section of this report together with a comparison of the proposed sign revisions with the existing Specific Plan and citywide Sign Ordinance (Table A) and a summary table (Table B) of the proposed Specific Plan text amendments. IV. ANALYSIS The proposed project is subject to the following plans, ordinances and standards as analyzed within the following sections of this staff report: A. General Plan Regional Commercial (R) Land Use designation; B. C-2 and C-2-Q Zone (General Commercial/Qualified Development Overlay) Chapters 21.28 and 21.06 ofthe Carlsbad Municipal Code; C. Sign Ordinance (Chapter 21.41 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); D. Car Country Carlsbad Specific Plan (SP 19); and E. Local Coastal Program (Mello II Segment). The recommendation for approval for this Specific Plan Amendment and Local Coastal Program Amendment was developed by analyzing the project's consistency with the applicable regulations and policies. The project's compliance with each of the above regulations is discussed in detail in the following sections. A. General Plan The proposed amendments are consistent with the policies and programs of the General Plan. The existing Regional Commercial (R) General Plan Land Use designation for the site was adopted concurrently with the Car Country Carlsbad Specific Plan to achieve consistency. The Regional SP-19(J)/LCPA 12-01 - CAR COUNTRY INITIATIVES 2 & 4 January 15,2014 Page 4 Commercial Land Use designation allows for the development of automobile dealerships which draw customers from outside ofthe City. The proposed amendments do not include a change in the land use and therefore, the Specific Plan will continue to comply with the General Plan. B. Zoning The Car Country Carlsbad Specific Plan area is located in the General Commercial (C-2) and General Commercial-Qualified Development Overlay (C-2-Q) zones. However, development proposals within the Specific Plan area are subject to the unique development standards of the Specific Plan rather than the City's Zoning Ordinance. Similar to the General Plan Land Use designation, the zoning designations for the site were adopted concurrently with the Car Country Carlsbad Specific Plan to achieve consistency. The proposed amendments do not include a change in the zoning and therefore, the Specific Plan will continue to comply with the zone designations. C. Sign Ordinance An amendment to the citywide Sign Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.41) was recently approved by the City Council on August 27, 2013, However, in order for the amended Sign Ordinance to be effective in the Coastal Zone (where Car Country Carlsbad is located) the associated Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA) must be approved by the California Coastal Commission. This is important to note because the amended Sign Ordinance includes provisions that could allow a digital display sign for regional commercial centers that are designated Regional Commercial (R) by the General Plan, are within a Specific or Master Plan, and which have frontage on a freeway, upon approval of a Conditional Use Permit by the City Council. It is also important to understand that the Car Country "Comprehensive Sign Program" (to be renamed "Comprehensive Sign Standards") has historically functioned, and would continue to function, as "alternative sign standards" rather than a "sign program" as defined by the citywide Sign Ordinance. A sign program would typically show the design, dimensions, colors, materials, etc, of each sign located on a building(s) or lease space within a commercial development. Instead, unique sign standards are incorporated into the Specific Plan so that there is consistency in the number and types of signs allowed for each dealership within Car Country, This approach provides flexibility to address the unique needs of the automotive sales industry and the advertising needs of individual franchises. The sign standards in the Specific Plan supersede those in the Sign Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21,41), including those in CMC Section 21,41.090 - Coastal Sign Standards, However, if sign standards are not specifically defined in the Specific Plan, then the Sign Ordinance regulations would apply. In the following section. Table A - Summary of Proposed Sign Standard Provisions and Revisions provides a comparison of the proposed sign standards with both the existing Specific Plan regulations and the citywide Sign Ordinance. D. Car Country Carlsbad Specific Plan The purpose of this Specific Plan amendment is to implement several of the recommendations of the Car Country Carlsbad Working Group, as directed by the City Council at their April 2011 workshop. The two topic areas discussed below. Initiative 2 - Sign Program and Initiative 4 - Minor Updates to Specific Plan, contain the recommendations which are the subject of these proposed amendments. SP-19(J)/LCPA 12-01 - CAR COUNTRY INITIATIVES 2 & 4 January 15, 2014 Page 5 Initiative 2 - Sign Program The purpose of this initiative is to consider revisions to the existing Car Country sign standards in order to address the changing needs of the automotive sales industry. The proposed revisions would allow flexibility for each dealership to comply with franchise-specific sign requirements and to address on-site circulation needs; would establish a consistent design theme for the auto mall; and would further identify Car Country as a unique entity within the city through proposed modifications to the existing freeway-oriented sign. Many of the existing sign standards will remain the same with no revisions to type, size or height of signs. Other revisions clarify terms, eliminate errors and redundancies, or reformat the sign standards. Table A below, summarizes the major provisions of the existing sign standards and provides a comparison with the proposed revisions and the citywide Sign Ordinance. The major revisions and additions are shown as underline. A detailed discussion of the major revisions follows this table. The complete strikethrough/underline revisions to the existing standards are provided in Attachment 5. TABLE A - SUMMARY OF SIGN STANDARD PROVISIONS AND REVISIONS SIGN TYPE/ PURPOSE EXISTING PROPOSED CITYWIDE SIGN ORDINANCEl^> Aggregate Sign Area per Lot • Two sf. per lineal foot of building frontage. • Applies to wall, fascia or awning signs, and freestanding and/or monument franchise signs. • No revisions. • One sf. per lineal foot of building frontage. • Applies to wall, fascia or awning signs. Franchise Signs Franchise signs advertise individual dealerships. Freestanding Sign • Max. area per sign: 55 sf. • Max. height: Shall not exceed the height ofthe building or 35 ft., whichever is less. Monument Sign • Max. area per sign: 55 sf. • Max. height: 8 ft. Number of Franchise Signs per Lot • One freestanding sign per lot. • One additional freestanding or monument sign if more than one franchise is located on the lot. Freestanding Sign • Max. area per sign: Mav not exceed the allowable sign area for the lot. • Max. height: Shall not exceed the height of the building or 35 ft., whichever is less. Monument Sign • Max. area per sign: Mav not exceed the allowable sign area for the lot. • Max. height: 8 ft. Number of Franchise Signs per Lot • One monument sign and one freestanding sign per jot • One additional freestanding or monument sign if more than one franchise is located on the lot. Freestanding (Pole) Sign • Permitted sign type, but not allowed in this zone. (Allowed for freeway service stations: max. SO sf. and up to 35 ft. tall) Monument Sign • Max area per sign: 60 sf. • Max. height: 6 ft. above average grade. Number of Franchise Signs per Lot • One per driveway entrance. SP-19(J)/LCPA 12-01 - CAR COUNTRY INITIATIVES 2 & 4 January 15, 2014 Page 6 TABLE A - SUMMARY OF SIGN STANDARD PROVISIONS AND REVISIONS (CONTINUED) SIGN TYPE/ PURPOSE EXISTING PROPOSED CITYWIDE SIGN ORDINANCE'^* Wall, Fascia or Awning Sign Refer above to "Aggregate Sign Area per Lot." No maximum letter height or length of sign. • No revisions. Maximum letter height varies according to the size of the building size or lease space. Fascia sign: centered on fascia. Awning sign: over doors or windows. Length of sign shall not exceed 75% ofthe length of the building frontage. Signs on Dealerships Adjacent to 1-5 Only wall mounted or fascia signs are allowed. Signs shall face the freeway. Signs perpendicular or at an angle are not allowed. Signs may not exceed the roof height (no roof signs). Allows additional sign area of one sf per lineal foot of building frontage facing the freeway. Allowed sign area shall not be used to calculate permitted sign area for other signs. Maximum letter height shall not exceed 1/3 of the height ofthe building on which it is placed. No revisions. • Not addressed. • No additional sign area allowed for businesses facing the freeway. On-Site Directional Signs To guide/ direct pedestrian or vehicular traffic to uses on the same site. Facilitates internal traffic to each dealership located on the lot. Currently allowed pursuant to the citywide Sign Ordinance. The previous Sign Ordinance allowed a sign height of 4 ft. • Max. area per sign: 6 sf. • Number of signs allowed: 3 per driveway entrance. Max height: 6 ft. • Signs do not count towards the total allowable sign area • Mav onlv contain non- commercial messages or directional svmbols. Max. area per sign: 6 sf. Number of signs allowed: 3 per driveway entrance. Max height: 6 ft. Signs do not count towards the total allowable sign area May only contain non- commercial messages or directional symbols. ^0 SP-19(J)/LCPA 12-01 - CAR COUNTRY INITIATIVES 2 & 4 January 15, 2014 Page 7 TABLE A - SUMMARY OF SIGN STANDARD PROVISIONS AND REVISIONS (CONTINUED) SIGN TYPE/ PURPOSE EXISTING PROPOSED CITYWIDE SIGN 0RDINANCEI^> Car Country • Max. aggregate sign area: • Max. aggregate sign area: • Not addressed. Identification 360 sf. 600 sf. Signs • Unified design theme • Unified design theme • Identification signs for a which complements the which complements the commercial center would architectural design. architectural design. fall within the category of • Subdued sign and • Subdued sign and monument signs. lettering colors. lettering colors. • Provide landscaping at • Provide landscaping at base of sign. base of sign. • Requires a comprehensive sign program. Monument Monument Signs Monument Signs signs identify • Max. area per sign: 150 sf • Max. area per sign: 60 sf. • Not addressed. Car Country in • Number of signs allowed: • Numberof signs allowed: 6 general. Not specified. • Max height: 8 ft. • Max height: 8 ft. • May be located on • May be located on site/retaining walls or as site/retaining walls or as freestanding monuments. freestanding monuments. • Allowed at or near • Location not specified. primary entry points to Car Countrv. Wayfinding Wayfinding Signs Wayfinding Signs Signs guide • Not addressed. • Max. area per sign: 60 sf. • Not addressed. customers to • Number of signs allowed: the individual 4. dealerships • Max height: 14 ft. within Car • Allowed at secondarv Country. intersections, mid-block locations or other appropriate locations. • The "Car Country" identification shall be incorporated into the sign. SP-19(J)/LCPA 12-01 - CAR COUNTRY INITIATIVES 2 & 4 January 15, 2014 Page 8 TABLE A - SUMMARY OF SIGN STANDARD PROVISIONS AND REVISIONS (CONTINUED) SIGN TYPE/ PURPOSE EXISTING PROPOSED CITYWIDE SIGN ORDINANCE'^' Regional Commercial Sign {formerly "Freeway Oriented Sign"). Used to advertise the entire Car Country and may be oriented to 1-5. Freeway Oriented Sign • Max. area per sign: 150 sf • Numberof signs allowed: 1 • Max height: 35 ft. Digital Display Sign • Not permitted. Regional Commercial Sign • Max. area per sign: 150 sf. • Number of signs allowed: 1 • Max height: 50 ft. Digital Display Sign • A digital display sign mav be located on the Regional Commercial Sign subiect to approval of a CUP bv the Citv Council. • Maximum height: 65 ft. as determined through the CUP process. • Maximum size: 625 sf. (25 ft. X 25ft.> as determined through the CUP process. • The CUP shall include specific sign development standards (e.g.. "dwell time" transition between messages, and brightness of screen.) Regional Commercial Sign • Max. area per sign: 150 sf. • Numberof signs allowed: 1 • Max height: 35 ft. Digital Display Sign • A digital display sign may be located on the Regional Commercial Sign subject to approval of a CUP by the City Coundl. • Maximum height: Determined through the CUP process. • Maximum size: Determined through the CUP process. • The CUP shall include specific sign development standards (e.g., "dwell time" transition between messages, and brightness of screen.) Based on the Citywide Sign Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.41) approved by the City Council on 8/27/2013. The most substantial revisions to the Sign Program affect the regulations for Franchise Signs, Car Country Identification Signs and the Regional Commercial Sign as discussed below: Franchise Signs Two types of franchise signs are allowed in Car Country: freestanding signs and monument signs. The current Sign Standards allow one freestanding sign per lot. The proposed revisions would allow both a monument and a freestanding sign on each lot. Allowing a monument sign will provide increased visibility for the franchise at the street level rather than only from a taller freestanding sign. If more than one franchise is located on a lot, then an additional freestanding or monument sign may be allowed. No revisions are proposed to this existing provision for multiple franchises on one lot. Currently, freestanding and monument signs are allowed a maximum sign area of 55 square feet. This maximum would be eliminated to provide the opportunity for multiple franchises to be displayed on one sign. This increased flexibility for displaying franchise signs helps each dealership to comply with franchise-specific sign requirements and meets the objective of allowing signs that are specific to the needs of each dealership. SP-19(J)/LCPA 12-01 - CAR COUNTRY INITIATIVES 2 & 4 January 15, 2014 Page 9 Car Countrv Identification Signs The current Sign Program allows "Direction Signs" for the purpose of identifying Car Country in general. The signs are envisioned as combined entry/directional monument signs that have a unified design theme. Signs of this nature have never been installed and the design, number of signs and their locations have not been specified. (There are two monument signs for Car Country Plaza, but the purpose of these signs is to identify the development area located southwest of the intersection of Cannon Road and Car Country Drive which contains auto-related uses rather than identifying Car Country in general.) During the workshop, the dealership representatives expressed interest in developing a second type of Car Country identification sign that would help customers with way-finding to the various dealerships. To address this request, the proposed amendment now includes two types of signs to identify Car Country: Entry Monument Signs and Wayfinding Signs. The revisions for Car Country Entry Monument signs specify that up to six monument signs may be located at or near primary entrance points such as Cannon Road and Paseo del Norte. Individual dealership names/logos would not be allowed on these signs. The second type of sign, Wayfinding Signs, would be designed to direct customers to the various dealerships. Up to four wayfinding signs, with a maximum height of 14 feet, would be allowed at secondary intersections, mid-block locations, or other appropriate locations. The signs would be designed with an established Car Country identification theme and would contain standardized non-commercial messages (e.g, dealership names) and directional symbols (arrows). Currently, signs that are used to identify Car Country are allowed to have a maximum sign area of 150 square feet. However, because the recently amended Sign Ordinance revises the way that sign area is measured (area within the perimeter of the text/graphic area), the revisions recommend reducing the allowable sign area to a maximum of 60 square feet which is consistent with the maximum sign area allowed for monument signs under the Sign Ordinance. Also, the current standards allow a cumulative sign area of about 360 square feet (100 square feet plus 3 square feet per acre of property within the development). The revisions propose an increase to 600 square feet of cumulative sign area which equals the total sign area needed if each of the allowable entry monument and wayfinding signs were constructed with 60 square feet of sign area. Lastly, any proposal for entry monument or wayfinding signs would require approval of a comprehensive sign program to ensure a consistent design theme and to establish specific locations for these two types of Car Country identification signs. Regional Commercial Sign (previously referred to as "freestanding" or "freeway-oriented sign") The existing Sign Program allows one "freestanding sign" which may be oriented to Interstate 5 for the purpose of advertising the entire Car Country development. The existing sign (located near the north end of Ken Grody Ford, just south of Car Country Park) complies with the maximum 35 foot height limit and 150 square foot maximum sign area. The proposed revision would allow for a 15 foot increase in the allowable height to a maximum of 50 feet with no increase in the allowable static sign area. The revisions also respond to the dealership representatives' request to include provisions that would allow up to 625 square feet (25 ft. x 25 ft.) of digital display sign area with a maximum sign height of up to 65 feet to meet their advertising needs and to stay competitive with other dealerships in the region. As previously mentioned, the recently amended citywide Sign Ordinance allows digital display signs for regional commercial centers such as Car Country Carlsbad and Westfield Mall, upon approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) by the City Council, The digital display sign area and total height is not specified in the citywide Ordinance and the specific sign development standards such as design, height ^6 SP-19(J)/LCPA 12-01 - CAR COUNTRY INITIATIVES 2 & 4 January 15, 2014 Page 10 and sign area, together with specific operational standards (e.g., "dwell time" transition between messages, and brightness of screen) would be reviewed through the CUP process. Conditional uses are subject to certain findings of fact to ensure: 1) that the use is necessary or desirable for the development of the community, and is in harmony with the elements and objectives of the General Plan, and any applicable Local Coastal Program, Master Plan or Specific Plan; 2) that the use is not detrimental to existing uses or uses specifically permitted in the zone; 3) that the site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate any yards, setbacks, buffers or landscaping that may be required in order to integrate the use with other uses in the neighborhood, and 4) that the street system serving the use is adequate to properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed use (N/A in this instance). Conditions may also be added prior to granting approval of a CUP, In the case of a digital display sign, conditions might address the "dwell time" transition between messages and brightness ofthe screen. The revisions proposed for the regional commercial sign are generally in alignment with Initiative 2 of the Car Country Working Group, The exception is that instead of a 50 foot tall sign, the dealership representatives are requesting a 65 foot tall regional commercial sign with 625 square feet of digital display area which they have indicated is necessary for optimal visibility. Although the revised Specific Plan sign standards incorporate these provisions, it is important to note that the ultimate sign height and size of display would require review and approval through the CUP process. However, the revised sign standards have been structured to allow a 50 foot high, 150 square foot, static regional commercial sign (without a CUP) which would allow a 15 foot increase in height for the existing (or a replacement) sign. Initiative 4- Minor Updates to Specific Plan The objective of this initiative is to simplify and streamline the approval process for minor improvements, to clean-up inconsistencies, and to provide clarity of interpretation within the Specific Plan text. Currently, any proposed improvement on a lot generally requires approval of a Site Development Plan (SDP) by the Planning Commission at a public hearing. In order to streamline the permit and review process, revisions are proposed to reassign the approval authority to the lowest appropriate decision- making authority and to establish a minor administrative approval process (i.e, a Minor SDP), The Minor SDP would allow for administrative approvals by the City Planner for modifications and additions to existing facilities provided that the improvements are in full compliance with the provisions of the Specific Plan. In addition, a new category of "Exemptions" has been developed. Exempt projects are those that are considered to be minor improvements that are consistent with all development standards and all aspects ofthe Specific Plan. The three categories of review and decision-making authority are summarized below: Exemptions The following types of projects would be exempt from discretionary review and could,be approved in conjunction with the building permit review: • Any addition to an existing building that would result in an increase of less than ten percent of the internal floor area ofthe existing building. • Construction of new buildings that would result in an increase of less than ten percent of the combined internal floor area of all existing buildings on the site, • Any interior or exterior improvements that do not add square footage (e.g. architectural facade enhancements, landscaping). • Modifications to outdoor lighting plans. SP-19(J)/LCPA 12-01 - CAR COUNTRY INITIATIVES 2 & 4 January 15, 2014 Page 11 Minor Site Development Plan The following types of projects would require administrative approval by the City Planner: • Any addition to an existing building that would result in an increase of between ten and fifty percent ofthe internal floor area ofthe existing building. • Construction of new buildings that would result in an increase of between ten and fifty percent of the combined internal floor area of all existing buildings on the site. Site Development Plan The following types of projects would require approval by the Planning Commission at a public hearing: • Any improvement to a structure that would result in an increase of more than fifty percent of the internal floor area of an existing structure. • Construction of new buildings that would result in an increase of more than fifty percent of the combined internal floor area of all existing buildings on the site. • Construction of any new building(s) or permanent physical improvements on a vacant lot. The proposed revisions would result in a simplified review and approval process for less complex projects. Additionally, reassigning the approval authority to the lowest appropriate decision-maker is consistent with the recently approved "Land Use Decision Making" amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, The proposed Specific Plan amendment will result in an improved, simplified and streamlined process for minor improvements which will translate into a savings of time and costs for both the dealerships and the City, The second component of Initiative 4 is a minor clean-up of the Specific Plan text to eliminate inconsistencies and provide clarity of interpretation. A summary of the proposed text revisions is included below in Table B, The complete strikeout/underline revisions to the Car Country Specific Plan are provided in Attachment 5. TABLE B - SUMMARY OF PROPOSED SPECIFIC PLAN TEXT AMENDMENTS Revision Page number in final text version Revise "Comprehensive Sign Program" to "Comprehensive Sign Standards," include proposed revisions as described in Initiative 2, and reformat the entire section to improve readability. Part 4 Revise "Planning Director" to "City Planner", Numerous locations Replace Planning Commission" with "appropriate decision-making authority". Numerous locations Replace "Development Approval Procedures" section with new procedures entitled "Site Development Plan Requirement and Decision-Making Authority." 2-5 and 2-6 Relocate/rephrase "Coastal Development Permit Requirements. 2-6 Edits to "Lighting Restrictions" to reflect current technology. 2-13 and 2-20 Clarify that parking proposed on another site is subject to CMC Section 21.44.040. 2-18 Revise Landscape "Approval Procedures" to delete references to landscape plan submittal requirements. This section is superseded by standard city landscape submittal requirements. 2-22 Delete text requiring periodic inspections of landscaping as directed by the Planning Commission. 2-23 SP-19(J)/LCPA 12-01 - CAR COUNTRY INITIATIVES 2 & 4 January 15, 2014 Page 12 TABLE B - SUMMARY OF PROPOSED SPECIFIC PLAN TEXT A ^/IENDMENTS (CONTINUED) Revision Page number in final text version Revised to require approval of a Site Development Plan unless exempt. 3-4 Add clarification that amendments are subject to approval of a Local Coastal Program Amendment by the Coastal Commission. 3-6 Replace "Site Development Plan" section with new procedures entitled "Site Development Plan Requirement and Decision- Making Authority," 3-7 and 3-8 Relocate/rephrase "Coastal Development Permit Requirements," 3-8 Edits to "Lighting Restrictions" to reflect current technology. 3-17 Various text amendments to revise page numbers, correct typographical errors and reference appropriate code sections and divisions/departments. Throughout document (see strike- out version) E. Local Coastal Program Consistency The purpose of the proposed Local Coastal Program Amendment is to ensure consistency between the proposed Specific Plan Amendment and the Land Use Policies of the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program (LCP). The Specific Plan implements the intent of the Regional Commercial (R) General Plan Land Use designation and General Commercial (GC) LCP Land Use designation and serves as the implementing ordinance for the LCP. The original Car Country Specific Plan was found to be consistent with the coastal regulations in effect at the time as indicated in the permit issued June 15,1973 by the San Diego Coast Regional Commission, Most recently, LCPA 02-11 (associated with amendment SP 19(1)) was approved by the Coastal Commission on November 14, 2006 (Major Amendment No, 2-06A). The proposed amendments would not affect any of the Mello II Land Use Policies related to grading, landscaping, erosion, steep slopes, landslides and slope instability, seismic hazards, erosion control practices, or removal of native vegetation. Additionally, the proposed revisions would not affect the Specific Plan's consistency with the following Mello II Land Use Policies that are applicable to this site: Policy 1-1 Allowable Land Uses and Policy 7-10 Parking because the proposed amendments do not affect the land use or parking regulations in the Specific Plan, The remaining relevant Mello II Land Use Policies are discussed below. Policv 8-1. Site Development Review, applies the Scenic Preservation Overlay Zone "where necessary" throughout the coastal zone to ensure the maintenance of existing views and panoramas. The Scenic Preservation Overlay Zone is implemented by the "Q" - Qualified Development Overlay Zone which requires Planning Commission approval of a Site Development Plan (SDP) for development proposals. Consistent with Policy 8-1, the Specific Plan area also requires approval of an SDP for development proposals. The proposed revisions to streamline the SDP review process do not affect any development standards such as building height or lot coverage, and therefore, would not affect existing views or panoramas ofthe coastline. The proposed amendments result in reassigning the approval authority for two new development classifications: "Exemptions" and "Minor Site Development Plans," Exemptions are those types of projects that are very minor in nature and which may be approved through the building permit review process. Minor Site Development Plans are those that would allow for administrative approval by the City Planner. Projects that would result in significant improvements would still be subject to approval of an SDP by the Planning Commission. Reassigning the approval authority to the lowest appropriate Ql SP-19(J)/LCPA 12-01 - CAR COUNTRY INITIATIVES 2 & 4 January 15, 2014 Page 13 decision-maker is also consistent with the Coastal Commissions' recent approval of the City's LCPA for Land Use Decision-Making. In all instances, a project would be reviewed to ensure that it complies with all development standards and is consistent with all aspects of the Specific Plan, Additionally, development proposals would be required to obtain approval of a Coastal Development Permit (CDP) or minor CDP unless exempt, A summary ofthe categories of review and decision-making level is provided in the Analysis Section (Part D - Initiative 4) of this report, Policv 8-5. Signage, states that "On-premise signs should be designed as an integral part of new development." This policy is implemented through the Car Country Comprehensive Sign Standards. Policy 8-5 also includes sign standards that are applicable to businesses and shopping centers and which prohibit tall freestanding and roof signs and off-premise signs and billboards. Lastly, the policy states that current city regulations shall govern the number of square feet in each permitted sign. The Car Country Specific Plan was developed for a unique use in the City of Carlsbad and it contains unique sign standards that address the need to identify Car Country as a regional destination and as well as the need to identify individual dealerships. The proposed revisions refine the existing standards and require a consistent theme for Car Country identification signs. The revised standards will also allow flexibility for each dealership to comply with franchise-specific sign requirements without increasing the overall permitted sign area. Many of the existing sign standards will remain with no revisions to type, size or height of signs. Other revisions clarify terms, eliminate errors and redundancies, or reformat the sign standards. Revisions to signs that identify Car Country in general are described in Section D,3 of the Specific Plan, A sign program will need to be developed for Car Country Identification Signs to ensure that a consistent design theme is maintained and that monument and wayfinding signs function as an integral component of the auto mall. Revisions are also proposed to the existing regional commercial (freeway-oriented) sign standards. The Specific Plan currently allows a 35 foot high sign to advertise Car Country. The modifications propose a 15 foot increase in height for this sign (up to 50 feet tall) so that the sign has greater visibility from south-bound traffic on the 1-5. Additionally, the proposed amendment includes provisions for a digital display sign to be incorporated into the regional commercial sign. These provisions could allow a sign up to 65 feet tall with up to 625 square feet (25' x 25') of digital display area. The digital display sign would be used to identify the auto mall as a regional designation. Any future proposal for a digital display sign would require approval of a Coastal Development Permit and Conditional Use Permit by the City Council as described in Section D. 4 ofthe Specific Plan. A primary concern was to determine if the additional sign height would impact views of the coastline. The roads surrounding Car Country are lower than the freeway and there are no views of the coast from the auto mall. Views ofthe coast from the elevation ofthe freeway would not be affected because the sign would be located on the east side ofthe freeway. The ocean can be seen from various points along Armada Drive which is located about a half mile east of Car Country, Although a 65 foot tall sign can be seen from these higher elevations, the backdrop to the sign would be the freeway/developed areas and views of the ocean or coastline would not be obstructed. As stated previously, the existing Car Country Comprehensive Sign Program serves as "alternative sign standards" for the Specific Plan, The sign standards contained in the Specific Plan, which is adopted by ordinance, supersede those in the citywide Sign Ordinance, Similarly, the Specific Plan is the implementing ordinance for the LCP. The proposed amendments to the Car Country Sign Program can be found to comply with Policy 8-5 in that the signs are an "integral part" of the Specific Plan and are necessary for the development and identification of the auto mall. SP-19(J)/LCPA 12-01 - CAR COUNTRY INITIATIVES 2 & 4 January 15, 2014 Page 14 The proposed amendments to the Specific Plan will not result in any inconsistencies with the policies of the General Plan and Mello II LCP Land Use Plan. A six-week LCPA public notice of availability period, which began on November 29, 2013 and ends on January 10, 2014, is required for the project. As ofthe date of preparation of this report, one email (objecting to the digital display sign) and a letter from CalTrans has been received. The CalTrans comments regarding potential light and glare from a digital display sign have been addressed under the Sign Standards (Part 4) for Digital Display Signs (page 4-7) by requiring any future proposal (subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit) for a digital display sign to comply with the California Vehicle Code maximum light output limits and/or the Outdoor Advertising Association of America recommended light output limits, whichever is more restrictive. The CalTrans letter also included general guidelines pertaining to the placement of display message boards near State highways/ freeways. The proposed Car Country sign standards for a digital display sign would not conflict with any of these guidelines. All correspondence is included in this staff report as Attachment 4, V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The City Planner has determined that the proposed Specific Plan amendments are exempt from the provisions of CEQA, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) (General Rule), where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment, A Notice of Exemption will be filed by the City Planner upon approval of the project. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 7031 (SP) 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 7032 (LCPA) 3. Location Map 4. Correspondence 5. Strikethrough/underline version of Car Country Specific Plan SP 19(J) •VC) N NOT TO SCALE SITEMAP Car Country Initiatives 2 & 4 SP19(J)/LCPA 12-01 ATTACHMENT 4 Barbara Kennedy From: Sent: To: Subject: Raul Diaz <rdiaz@newschoolarch.edu> Friday, November 29,201310:45 m Barbara Kennedy LCPA 12-01 - car country initiatives 2 & 4 Dear Ms. Kennedy, please let the City Administration know my opposftfon to allowing digital signs in the car country specific plan. Digital signs would be a blight to our wonderful city. Digital signs would be a distractions to drh^ers and may be unsafe. If allowed the electronic display should have very limited hours so as not to go beyond 10pm. Kaul Diaz Carisbad resident (oO STATE OF CALIFORMA-CALIFORNIA STATE TR A SPQRTATTO-KT AGRNf:V EDMUND G. BROWNT. Jr rmvftTnnr DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 11, DIVISION OF PLANNING 4050 TAYLOR ST, M.S. 240 SANDIEGO, CA 92110 PHONE (619) 688-6960 FAX (619)688-4299 TTY 711 www.dot.ca.gov December 12,.2013 Flex your power! Be energy'efficient! 11-SD-5 PM 47.97 Carlsbad LCPA 12-01 Car Country Initiatives 2 & 4 Ms. Barbara Kennedy Cityof Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Ms. Kennedy: The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) received the Notice of Public Hearing for Planning Commission and City Council for Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA) 12- 01 - Car Country Initiatives 2 & 4 - to consider text amendments to the City's LCP. Caltrans has the following comments: • Both non-illuminated and LED displays, and other illummated signs may create potentially significant safety impacts to motorists and other highway users. • Illuminated signs could be considered a trafFic'^safety hazard given the potential of light and glare to distract drivers. Section 21466.5 ofthe Califomia Vehicle Code regulates illumination by placing limits on maximum light output. http://vyww.dmv.ca.gov/pubs/vctop/dl l/vc21466 5.htm • Caltrans does not defme fbrmal requirements regarding brightness or light intensity of advertising signs. However, the Outdoor Advertisiag Association of America (OAAA) recommends that a conimonly sized LED billboard should comniit to a maximum ambient hght output level of 0.3 footcandles at a distance of 250 feet from the billboard. The light levels emitted JBrom the billboard should be set to adjust, based upon ambient light conditions at any given time (i.e., nighttime versus daytime). The following additional information is to be used as general guidelines pertaining to the placement of display message boards near State highways/freeways: • Maximum height for the advertising display area is 25 feet in height and 60 feet in length, not to exceed an overall maximum of 1,200 square feet. The LCP amendment identifies ' the following recommendations to "mcrease the allowable height from 35' to 50' for a regional commercial sign (formerly called 'freestanding sign') advertising the Car Country development." "Caltrans improves mobility across California" Ms. Barbara Kennedy, City of Carlsbad December 12,2013 . Page 2 • Mustbeoutsidetheright-of-way (R/W) of any highway. • Must be outside of any stream, or drainage channel • There must be an existing business activity within 1,000 feet of proposed display location on either side of the highway. • Location of property where display is to be placed must be zoned industrial or commercial. • Location may not be adjacent to a landscaped section of a freeway. • Location may not be adjacent to a scenic highway. This segment of Interstate 5 (1-5) is currently in the ehgible scenic highway designation. • Display must be 500 feet from any other permitted display on same side of any highway that is a freeway. • Display must be 500 feet from an interchange; intersection at grade or safety roadside rest if the highway is a freeway and the location is outside the lunits of an incorporated city and outside the limits of an urban area. • An electronic changeable message center display must meet the above spacmg. requirement and be 1,000 feet from another electromc message center display. If you have any questions, please contact Leila Ibrahim ofthe Development Review branch at (619)688-6802. Sincere: JACOB ARMSTRONG, Branch Chief Development Review Branch "Caltrans improves mobility across California" Barbara Kennedy From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Hautanen, Shirley R@DOT <shirley.hautanen@dot.ca.gov> Thursday, December 12, 2013 4:43 PM Barbara Kennedy Ibrahim, Leila N@DOT Caltrans Comments on Carlsbad LCPA 12-01 Carlsbad LCPA 12-01 Letter.pdf Dear Ms. Kennedy, Attached is a letter with comments on the LCPA 12-01, Car Country Initiatives 2 and 4. Please contact Leila Ibrahim if you need more information. Thank you. Sincerely, Shirley Hautanen Associate Transportation Planner Caltrans Planning Division 4050 Taylor St., MS-240 San Diego, CA 92110 lob CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD SPECIFIC PLAN 19 (f^ SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT SP 19(J) JANUARY 15.2014 Strikethrough te^et will be deleted double oti ikcthrougb4ext will be moved underlined text is new text double underlined text is relocated text TRI-CITY AUTO CENTER SP-19 (Develop 50 acre auto center consisting of six dealers having nine major lines of automobiles, east of 1-5, south of Cannon Road and north of Palomar Airport Road) APPROVED BY: City Council Ordinance #9288, January 18, 1972 CAR COUNTRY SP-19(A) (Implement development standards; including signage) APPROVED BY: Plaiming Commission Resolution #2274, May 9,1984 City Council Ordinance #9720, June 19,1984 *** SP-19(B) (To allow the Planning Commission to consider minor modifications to Sec. 21.41.075(b) of the Sign Ordinance) APPROYED BY: Planning Commission Resolution #2340, August 22,1984 City Council Ordinance #9734, January 22, 1985 *** SP-19(C) (35 acre expansion to existing Car Country, South of Cannon Road, east of Paseo Del Norte, north of Palomar Airport Road) APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution #2692, November 12, 1987 City Council Ordinance #9842, December 22, 1987 *** SP-19(D) (Expanding additional automotive services for four lots to allow development and revenues to the City of Carlsbad until the economics and dealerships are available) APPROVED BY: City Council Ordinance #NS-214, October 6, 1992 *** SP-19(E) (Deli - primarily for the use of tenants and customers of Car Country Plaza) APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution #3220, May 15, 1991 City Council Ordinance #NS-166, August 20, 1991 *** SP-19(F) (Used car dealership and car wash v^th non self-serve gas pumps) WITHDRAWN: October 7, 1991 *** SP-19(G) (Comprehensive Sign Program for Car Country Specific Plan) APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution #3750, April 19,1995 City Council Ordinance #NS-315, June 27, 1995 City Council Ordinance #NS-317, July 18, 1995 *** SP-19(H) (Expansion to include new offices, service bays & parking) DENIED BY: Planning Commission Resolution #3889, January 17, 1996 City Council Resolution #96-141, April 23,1996 *** SP-19(1) (Modification to parking standard and addition of standards for the development of parking structures) APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution #6042, March 15, 2006 City Council Ordinance #NS-799, April 18,2006 *** SP-19(J) (Modifications to approval process and provisions for signs) APPROVED BY: Planning Commission Resolution # Citv Council Ordinance # Ol CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIFIC PLAN 19 Chapter/Title Page PART 1 - INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION 1-1 A. Purpose and Organization 1-1 B. Background 1-1 PART 2 - ORIGINAL CAR COUNTRY AREA L GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2-1 A. General Statement and Purpose 2-1 1-. Purpose ;:.v.... 2 1 2r. Development Standards 2 1 ^. Statement on Utilities Availability 2 3 4-. Carlsbad City Requirements 2 3 B. Definitions 2-3 h General Statement and Purpose 2"3 2-. Definitions 2-3 C. Development Approval ProceduresSite Development Plan Requirement and Decision-Making Authoritv 2-5 4-; Site Development Plan 2- 5 D. Coastal Development Permit Requirement 2-6 ,11. AUTO FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 2-67 A. Permitted Uses 2-67 B. Building Areas 2-67 C. Building Heights 2-67 D. Architectural Design and Materials 2-?8 E. Building Setbacks 2-910 F. Parking 2-Wii G. Parking Structures 2-W12 H. Paging Systems 2-4412 I. Outdoor Lighting 2-4412 J. Fencing 2-4-213 K. Undeveloped Areas 2-4414 L. Trash Collection 2-45-14 M. Loading 2-4414 N. Storage 2-4414 O. Utility Services 2-4414 March. 2006November 2013 DraftJanuarv 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underlin^ CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIFIC PLAN 19 Chapter/Title Page P. Roof Equipment 2-4414 III. GENERAL COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 2-1415 A. General Purpose 2-4415 B. Approval of Land Uses 2-4415 C. Land Uses 2-4415 D. Building Areas 2-4516 E. Building Heights 2-4#16 F. Architectural Design and Materials 2-4-516 G. Building Setbacks 2-4617 H. General Parking Requirements 2-4^18 I. Required Parking Spaces 2-4718 J. Adjustment of Required Parking 24^19 K. Outdoor Lighting 2-4«19 L. Fencing 2-4^>20 M. Undeveloped Areas 2-3021 N. Trash Collection 2-2021 O. Loading 2-3021 P. Utility Services 2-3021 Q. Roof Equipment 2-3024 IV. LANDSCAPE STANDARDS 2-3i22 A. Purpose 2-3422 B. Approval Procedures 2-3422 C. Landscape Areas 2-22 4v— 2 Rpnr ynrH T ,nnHscnninp 2 22 ->. 2 22 •J > A TntpTior T,nnH<ncnning 2 22 2 22 —Sloping Earth Banlcs 2 23 D. Wheel Stops and Concrete Curbs 2-23 E. Completion of Landscaping 2-23 F. Maintenance of Landscaping 2-23 G. Landscaping Materials and Details 2-24 PART 3 - CAR COUNTRY EXPANSION AREA -II- March. 2006November 2013 DraftJanuarv 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underlm CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIFIC PLAN 19 Chapter/Title Page I. INTRODUCTION 3-1 A. Purpose 3-1 B. Location 3-1 C. General Plan and Zoning Designations 3-1 D. General Development Concept 3-4 4 Land Use 3 ^ Or. Circulation 3-4 E. General Provisions 3-4 F. Amendments 3-6 II. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCESS 3-7 A. Subdivision Process 3-7 B. Site Development PlanSite Development Plan Requirement and Decision-Making Authoritv 3-7 C. Coastal Development Permit Requirement 3-8 III. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 3-89 A. Permitted Uses 3-S9 B. Building Coverage 3-9^10 C. Building Height 3-910 D. Architectural Design and Materials 3-910 E. Building Setbacks 3-4412 F. Parking 3-4313 G. Parking Structures 3-4415 H. Loading 3-4415 L Storage 3-4415 J. Paging System 3-4415 K. Special Events Promotions 3-4617 L. Outdoor Lighting 3-4617 M. Fencing and Screening 3-4-718 N. Trash Collection 3-4718 O. Equipment and Roofs 3-4T^18 P. Utility Services 3-4S19 Q. Driveway Locations 3 -4r819 R. Grading 3-i%l9 S. Undeveloped Areas 3-4819 T. Performance Standards 3-4r819 -iii- March. 2006November 2013 DraftJanuarv 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underline CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIFIC PLAN 19 Chapter/Title ^ Page U. Test Driving 3-4920 v. Employee Eating Area 3-20 IV. LANDSCAPE STANDARDS ; 3-21 A. Landscape Areas 3-21 4^ 3 21 3 21 PpyoA-ntngp Afg^n T .nTiH'^ip.iT^iTicr — —. 3 21 J. 4r— 3 21 B. Wheel Stops and Concrete Curbs 3-21 C. Maintenance of Landscaping 3-22 D. Landscaping Materials and Design 3-22 v. ADDENDUM 3-23 Uses for Lots 2 & 3 per SDP 88-3 3-23 PART 4 - COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PROGRAM PURPOSE 4-1 A. Sign Permit Procedures 4-1 B. Permitted SignageGeneral Standards 4-1 C. Franchise Signs 4-2 D. Signs on Dealerships Immediatelv Adiacent to I-5Direction Signs 4-42 E. Sign Compliance with Coastal ZoneOn-Site Directional Signs 4-42 F. Sign PlacementCar Countrv Identification Signs 4-3 - G. Dealerships Immediately Adjacent to I SRegional Commercial Sign 4-44 -/V- JHAVSP 19(1) March. 2006November 2013 DraftJanuarv 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underlin' CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD LIST OF FIGURES SPECIFIC PLAN 19 Figure/Title Page PART 1 - INTRODUCTION 1-1 VICINITY MAP 1-3 1-9 PROTFrTARFA 1-4 PART 2 - ORIGINAL CAR COUNTRY AREA 2-1 ORIGINAL PROJECT AREA 2-2 2-2 GARAGE SECTION 2-^9 PART 3 - CAR COUNTRY EXPANSION AREA 3-1 VICINITY MAP 3-2 3-2 EXPANSION AREA 3-3 3-3 SITE PLAN 3-5 3-4 GARAGE SECTION 3-4011 3-5 LOTS 1,2 &3 SCREENING FROM CANNON ROAD 3-4414 3-4^16 -V- March. 2006November 2013 DraftJanuarv 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underlin This page is intentionally blank. -VI- JHAVSP 19(1) March. 2006November 2013 DraftJanuarv 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underlin CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD INTRODUCTION SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 1 I. INTRODUCTION A. Purpose and Organization This Car Country Carlsbad Specific Plan sets forth the zoning and development plan for the Car Country Auto and Shopping Center. The document's primary function is to provide a comprehensive description of land use, design guidelines, development standards and implementation programs to direct future development. The specific plan will provide the necessary regulations so that subsequent development applications, consistent with this document, may be processed and approved by the City as a part of a comprehensive planning effort. The Car Country Auto and Shopping Center is a planned commercial development featuring a combination of new car dealerships with other commercial enterprises. The center contains approximately 78 acres and is located north of Palomar Airport Road, south of Cannon Road and immediately adjacent to the east side of the 1-5 corridor. The specific plan's regional location is illustrated by Figwe 1-1. This document is divided into four sections; Introduction, Original Car Country Area, the Car Country Expansion Area and the Comprehensive Sign ProgramStandards. Although the original Car Country Area and the Car Counrty Expansion Area are independent specific plan areas, the overall goal is to comprehensively develop Car Coimtry so that future development will complement and enhance existing and future uses within the specific plan area as well as the surrounding areas. Figure 1-2 shows the boundaries of the original and expansion areas of this specific plan. B. Backgroimd The original Car Country Specific Plan (SP 19) was adopted by the City of Carlsbad in January 1972. The original document established the development restrictions, standards and control procedures related to the development of the original Car Coimtry Auto Park. These standards and procedures are included in this document as Part 2 and shall only be applicable to the Original area. The Car Country Expansion Amendment (SP 19C) was adopted by the City of Carlsbad in December 1987. The amendment established the development regulations for the 35-acre expansion area located immediately east of the original Car Country Auto Park. The document, included as Part 3, was developed to be a "self-contained" plan that did not require reference to the original specific plan. 1-1 JHA\SP 19(1) March, 2006November 2013DraftJanuarv 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underline CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD INTRODUCTION SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 1 In keeping with the approvals for the Car Coimtry area, this document has been organized to divide the development regulations into three areas; the Original Car Country Area; the Car Country Expansion Area and the Comprehensive Sign ProgramStandards, which is applicable to both the Original and Expansion Areas. 1-2 JHA\SP 19(1) March. 2006November 2013Dr-aftJanuarv 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underline CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD INTRODUCTION SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PARTI CityofOceanside Cityof Vista ;City of San Marcos Cityof Encinitas NORTH NotloSctle SPECIHC PLAN 19 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD Figure 1-1 VICINITY MAP CARLSBAD, CA k JACK HENTHORN & ASSOC[ATES 1-3 SPECIHC PLAN 19 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD Figure 1-2 PROJECT AREA C/3 n so n o H CARLSBAD, CA k JACK HENTHORN .&. ASSOQATES c n H HH o CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. General Statement and Purpose 1. Purpose The Car Country Carlsbad Auto and Shopping Center is a plaimed commercial development featuring the combination of new car dealerships wdth other commercial enterprises. The site selected is most appropriate to attiacting a growing market of auto-oriented customers in fast growing North San Diego County. The center is located in the City of Carlsbad vdth a fabulous exposure on Freeway Interstate 5, as shown on Figure 2-1. The site commands a range of customer areas firom the three immediate cities of Oceanside, Carlsbad and Vista which are within a 5 mile radius as well as the larger automotive market of the North San Diego County. This proposed commercial development is harmonious vsdth the master planning, concepts of San Diego County and the City of Carlsbad. These master planning concepts and other studies confirm that Car Country Carlsbad is in an ideal area for this commercial center serving the local needs of the three cities and the extended automotive needs of North San Diego County. 2. Development Standards The quality of the development shall be based upon the highest and best standards with appropriate development restiictions, standards and control procedures. In general, these standards shall be oriented to achieve a commercial shopping environment of Spanish/Mediterranean Architecture with limited signing and extensive landscaping. This development is intended to be environmentally oriented towards enhancing the beauty, the nature and the history of this area. The developers have set aside approximately forty-four thousand square feet of land for a park as an example of the objective desired for this Center. 2-1 JtiA\SP 19(4) Mar6h-2^06Neven^>e>--^-144^Manuarv 15. 2014 Strikcthrougli/Underiine to SPECIHC PLAN 19 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD Figure 2-1 CARLSBAD, CA O HH HH n so n o td ORIGINAL PROJECT AREA ^ It JACK HENTHORN & AssoaATES ^ O 2 o HH (/3 SO H 10 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 3. Statement on Utilities Availability All utilities including gas, electricity, water, sewer and telephone are available by underground service. 4. City of Carlsbad Requirements Except as otherwise stated in feis-tfaese development standards, the requirements of the City of Carlsbad shall apply. Where conflicts between these standards and the City requirements (such as Planning, Zoning and the Building Code) occur, the City requirements shall be mandatory. B. Definitions 1. General Statement and Purpose The usage of words meant in these development standards is that generally intended in the building industry or as defined in this section. Where conflicts arise as to the definition of words, the decision of the Planning Director Cit\- Planner on the meaning of a word shall be final, unless appealed pursuaiit to CMC Section 21.54.140. 2. Definitions Alter or Alterations Any change, addition or modification in construction or occupancy. Area (Floor) The area included within the surrounding exterior walls of a building. Area (Elevation) The area included within the height and length of a building. Building Any structure built for the support, shelter or enclosure of persons, animals, chattels or property of any kind. Building Line An imaginary line parallel to the property line specifying the closest point from a building to the property line. 2-3 JHAASP-W(4) M-areh-300€Ne-veBHber 2013 Dr-a#Januarv 15. 2014 Strikethrouah/Underline nc CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 ARJEA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 Front of Lot The boundary of the lot facing Paseo Del Norte. Height of Building Building height shall be measured pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) Section 21.04.065. Mezzanine An intermediate floor placed in any story or room. When the total area of any Mezzanine exceeds 33 1/-3 percent of the total floor area of the room, it shall be considered as constituting an additional story. Sign Any structure, device, or contrivance, electiic or non-electric and all parts thereof which are erected or used for advertising purposes upon or within which any poster, bill, bulletin, printing, lettering, painting, device or other advertising of any kind whatsoever is used, placed, posted, tacked, nailed pasted or otherwise fastened or affixed. Storv The portion of a building included between the upper surface of any floor and the upper surface of the floor next above except that the topmost story shall be that portion of a building included between the upper surface of the topmost floor and the ceiling or roof above. Structure That which is built or constructed, an edifice or building of kind or any piece of work artificially built up or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner. 2-4 JHAvSP-+9<4) M-ay6h-j^6Ne¥€nit>gt--^B--Dr-aftJanuarv 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underline CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 C. velopment—Approval—ProceduresSite Development Plan Requirement and Decision-Making Authoritv A Site Development Plan shall be required for all new development as noted below. 1. Exemptions a. The following project types are exempt from the requirement for a Minor Site Development Plan or Site Development Plan provided that the Citv Planner determines tiiat the project meets all development standards and is consistent with all aspects of the Car Coimtr>^ Specific Plan: 1) Any addition to an existing building that would result in an increase of less than ten percent ofthe intemal floor area of the existing building. 2) ConvStruction of new buildings that would result in an increase of less than ten percent of the combined internal floor area of all existing buildings on the site. 3) Any interior or exterior improvements that do not add square footage (e.g. architectural fa9ade enhancements). 4) Modifications to outdoor lighting plans. 2. Minor Site Development Plan The following proiect types require administrative approvai of a Minor Site Development Plan in accordance with CMC Chapter 21.06: a, Any addition to an existing building tiiat would result in an increase of between ten and fifty percent of the internal floor area ofthe existing building. b. Construction of new buildings that would result in an increase of between ten and fifty percent of the combined intemal floor area of all existing buildings on the site. 3. Site Development Plan The following project types require approval of a Site Development Plan in accordance v^ith CMC Chapter 21.06: 2-5 JHA\SP-W(4) Mafe4^^06Nevemt>er-2O-13-DfffftJanuar\' 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underline CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 a. Any improvement to a building that would result in an increase of more than fifty percent of the intemal floor areas of an existing building. b. Construction of new buildings that would result in an increase of more tiian fifty percent of the combined intemal tloor area of all existing buildings on the site. c. Construction of anv new building(s) or permanent physical improvements on a vacant lot. D. Coastal Development Permit Requirement Unless found to be exempt, all development shall be required to obtain approval of a Coastal Development Pemiit in accordance with CMC Chapter 21.201. h Site Development Plan Prior to building pennit issuance for any lot, the applicant or any successor is required to obtain approval of a site development plan in accordance with Chapter 21.06 (Oualitled Development Overlay Zone) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code- The Planning Commission shall review the site development plan in accordance with the General Plan, City Zoning Ordinance, this document and any other applicable policies. At the conclusion of a public hearing, the Planm«g Commission shall approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the -site development plan.- 2-6 JHA\S:P-+9(4) Mar<;4t-jfi^eveH^l»ei'-aQ44-eFa4yanuar%' 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underline 11 "O CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 II. Auto Facilities Development Standards A. Permitted Uses 1. Automobile sales, new and used 2. Automobile repair 3. Automobile wash 4. Automotive parts 5. Tire sales and service 6. New car storage 7. Automobile body shop 8. Truck & Recreational Vehicles Sales and Service 9. Rental and leasing of vehicles permitted to be sold 10. Parking Structures for the storage of new cars, employee parking and/or service bays 11. All businesses other than new car sales and service shall be accessory to a new car sales and service business B. Building Coverage Building coverage shall not exceed 25 percent coverage of each project site area. Allowable total building coverage may be increased to 50% when a parking structure is included as a part of a Site Development Plan. C. Building Heights For developments west of Paseo Del Norte, building heights shall be restricted as follows: Service Buildings - one story and 24' maximum Main Building - one story and 24' maximum (Parts, showroom, offices) Parking Structures - three stories and 35' maximum to top of roof deck, as shown in Figure 2-2. Height protmsions up to 45' are allowed per CMC Section 21.46.020 ofthe Carlsbad Municipal Code. 2-7 J44AVSP-l-9-(t-) M-ar-el^-2^6Neveml»er--2Q4-3-D>m#Januarv 15. 2014 StTikethroiigh/Underiine CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 For developments east of Paseo Del Norte, building heights shall be restiicted as follows: Service Buildings - one story and 24' maximum Main Building - two stories and 35' maximum (Parts, showroom, offices) Parking Stmctures - three stories and 35' maximum to top of roof deck, as shown in Figure 2-2. Height protmsions up to 45' are allowed per CMC Section 21.46.020 ofthe Carlsbad Municipal Code. D. Architectural Design and Materials The design of exterior building elements and fencing shall be of a Spanish or Mediterranean architectural style. The texture, color, and materials used shall be harmonious with the Spanish or Mediterranean motif The quality of design and the selection of materials and colors shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commissionby the appropriate decision-making authority.The deoiaion of the Planning Commission shall be final; All stmctures located in the Car Country area shall comply with the following design standards: 1. Exterior walls shall incorporate design elements that are consistent with the Spanish or Mediterranean architectural styles. Examples of these elements include, but are not limited to, slump stone adobe, stucco, arches, arcades, cornices, corbels, balustiades, fountains, and door/window details. Altemative design elements and materials may be incorporated into the architecture subject to the determination that the elements are found to be consistent with the Spanish or Mediterranean styles. 2. All buildings shall have an exterior color consistent with the Spanish and Mediterranean architectural styles. The use of warm, muted earth tones is required. 3. If a roof element is incorporated into the building design, the roof shall include a mission clay barrel tile or S-tile design of terra cotta coloring i.e. red El Camino blend, or Bemardo blend. 2-8 J-HAVSP-WO) tyteel^e^Nevembet^-aMj-DFaftJanuarv 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underline YL6 n SCALE 1/8" •r-0" PROPOSED PARKING STRUCTURE riAXlMUM HEIGHT 3 LEVELS ABOVE GROUND PARKING iUITM SCREENED ROOF TOP PARKING SOURCE: H O «« A I D SPECIHC PLAN 19 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD GARAGE SECTION I o !3d O K CARLSBAD.CA k TACK HINTHORN & AssoaATES CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 E. Building Setbacks Buildings shall be set back fi-om the property line in accordance with the following schedules. For properties west of Paseo Del Norte, the following setbacks shall be observed: 1. Front Yard Setback Twenty-five (25) feet minimum. Roof overhangs and other unsupported architectural devices may project six (6) feet into the setback area. Parking stmctures shall be setback a minimum of fifty (50) feet (including parking stmctures which include uses besides parking). 2. Side Yard Setback Ten (10) feet minimum. Roof overhangs and other unsupported architectural devices may project six (6) feet into the setback area. 3. Street Side Yard Setback Twenty-five (25) feet minimum. Roof overhangs and other unsupported architectural devices may project six (6) feet into the setback area. Parking stmctures shall be setback a minimum of fifty (50) feet (including parking stmctures which include uses besides parking). 4. Rear Yard Setback Twenty (20) feet minimum. Roof overhangs and other unsupported architectural devices may project six (6) feet into the setback area. For properties east of Paseo Del Norte, the following setbacks shall be observed: 1. Front Yard Setback Forty-five (45) feet minimum. Roof overhangs and other architectural devices may project six (6) feet into setback area. Parking stmctures shall be setback a minimum of fifty (50) feet (including parking stmctures which include uses besides parking). 2-10 JHvV>SP-+9fl) Miy<il^^)0^h^tevwiber-24)44-DFa#Januar\' 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underline "I \'Z- / CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 2. Side Yard Setback Ten (10) feet minimum. Roof overhangs and other architectural devices may project six (6) feet into the setback area. 3. Street Side Yard Setback Twenty-five (25) feet minimum. Roof overhangs and other unsupported architectural devices may project six (6) feet into the setback area. Parking stmctures shall be setback a minimum of fifty (50) feet (including parking stmctures which include uses besides parking). F. Parking The intent of this section is to provide sufficient parking in areas such that on- street parking will be minimized. 1. General Parking Standards for Motor Vehicle Dealerships a. Sales - One space per 400 square feet of gross floor area. Gross floor area includes all interior areas that are not specified below, including but not limited to: interior display, reception areas, private offices, and closing rooms. 20% of the required stalls shall be designated as customer parking. b. Repair - Four spaces per work bay for the first three bays. Two spaces per bay for each bay in excess of three. Work bays shall not count as parking spaces. c. Parts -. Customer Parking: 1 space per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area for auto parts. Employee Parking: 1 space per 1,250 square feet of gross floor area for auto parts. d. Storage and Display (New and Used Vehicle Inventory) - On-site storage of vehicles is permitted as long as it does not encroach into any employee or customer designated parking spaces. 2-11 JHA\SP-49{-t) Mar-6b^<)0^November-3^43-Bra#Januan.' 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underline CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 e. All other uses - such parking as may be required by Section CMC Chapter 21.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code for a specific use. f All required customer and employee parking spaces shall be striped and designated as such to the satisfaction of the Planning DirectorCity Planner. G. Parking Stmctures Parking stmctures may be used for the storage of new cars, employee parking and/or to provide ground level areas for sales, service, and/or parts. Design of the stmcture shall be consistent with Sections C, D & E and complementary with existing buildings on and off-site. All vehicles shall be screened from outside views by the structure walls and/or landscaping. Landscaping shall be provided to screen the stmcture from surrounding properties and 1-5 corridor. H. Paging Systems Outdoor sound system for music and/or for paging shall be designed to minimize noise nuisance to adjoining properties. Speakers shall be spaced to minimize sound levels and oriented away from adjoining properties. Upon completion of constmction, the outdoor sound system shall be tested for noise and where necessary it shall be adjusted to the satisfaction of the Planning DirectorCity Planner. I. Outdoor Lighting 1. Purpose The general intent of this section is to achieve the following goals: • All display and security lighting for each dealership shall be designed for uniformity. ! Lighting shall be designed to minimize glare away from Paseo Del Norte and from the Interstate 5 cooridor corridor as the highest priority and to minimize glare away from adjacent properties as a secondary priority. 2-12 J+4A:vSP-4-9f(-) M«fe4v200€N<3-v^afeeF-2043-&faiyanuar\' 15, 2014 Strikethrough/Underline CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 2. Design All outdoor light fixtures and pole specifications with respect to height, type, projected angle of light, material, colors and use, shall be subject to specific approval of the Planning Commission appropriate decision- making authoritv. Lighting for the roof level of parking stmctures shall be limited to the use of bollards or lighting attached to the parapet walls. Roof top lighting shall not exceed the height of the parapet wall. Lighting Restrictions Light fixtures for display areas of the automobile agencies and for general lighting of the commercial developments, v.4j4-shall be e#4hemetal halide. induction lighting, or other low-energy usage light fixtures metallic vapor and quartz variety (no florescent arm-type fixtures will be allowed) as approved by the appropriate decision-making authority. All fixtures will be mounted on tapered square or round-type poles. J. Fencing 1. Prohibited Materials: Wire fencing and gates 2. Fencing and Gate Design The design of fence and gates shall be appropriate to and similar to the Spanish or Mediterranean motif required for the buildings. Material shall be of approved masonry, stucco or wood. 3. Screening Storage areas, loading areas, service yards shall be screened from view from the outside by fencing. Height of fence shall average 8 feet in height and be limited to maximum and minimum heights of 9 feet and 7 feet respectively. Parking stmctures shall be screened from view from the outside by a combination of fencing and landscaping. 4. Fencing Setback 2-13 JHA\SP 19ffi Mareh-2l)06NevembeFa^43-Dr«ftJanuar\' 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underline 1 "Ho CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 Fencing may be placed without setback from the property lines except as follows where setback for the fencing shall be observed. Northerly Property Lines of Lots 1 and 4 Fencing Setback - 5 feet minimum Westerly Property Lines of Lots 1 and 10 Fencing Setback - 5 feet minimum Property Lines along Paseo Del Norte Fencing Setback - 25 feet minimum K. Undeveloped Areas Undeveloped areas/slopes shall be planted and maintained in a dean, neat and orderly manner. Undeveloped lots shall not be used for the storage of automobiles unless a Conditional Use Permit is processed pursuant to Section CMC Chapter 21.42 oftiie Carlsbad Municipal Code. Krr^L. Trash Collection There shall be provided a completely screened trash collection area. Screening materials shall be of masonry walls. The ground shall be paved with 4" minimum concrete. No tiash collection shall be permitted in the front yard setback. hr-M. Loading Provision for loading and unloading shall be provided on site. Such area shall not be permitted in the front yard setback. MT-N. Storage Outdoor storage shall be visually screened from exterior view by fencing as required in Section J (Fencing). NT-O. Utility Services All utility, including telephone, services to the building shall be underground and shall be screened where exposed to exterior view. O^P. Roof Equipment All equipment including air conditioning equipment shall not be permitted on the roof unless screened in an approved manner from horizontal view. Vents for plumbing, air exhaust and air inlets are permitted on the roof without screening. Special care shall be exercised in the location and sizing of exhaust vent for the paint spray booth so as to reduce its view to the freeway or to Paseo Del Norte. 2-14 J4=lAVSP-l-^>ft) MaH4>^06NevefHfeey-20434;>FaftJanuar\' 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underline CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 III. GENERAL COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A. General Purpose The purpose of this section is to maintain the high development standards contemplated for Car Country Carlsbad or commercial uses other than Auto Dealer Facilities which are contiolled under Section II of these standards. B. Approval of Land Uses It is intended that the usual commercial uses permitted upon commercial zoned property shall be allowed for those sites indicated to be general commercial and the un-named Auto Dealer Site (lots 1, 4, 6 and 7) subject to review and approval of the Planning Commission. The discretion of the Planning Commission with respect to approval of land uses shall be limited to minimizing undesirable duplications within Car Country Carlsbad. Request for approval of proposed land uses for a general commercial development shall be submitted for approval as stated in Section I.C of a Site Development Plan in accordance with CMC Chapter 21.06. C. Land Uses Professional and Business Offices Accountants Architects Attorneys Banks Dentists Doctors Economic Consultants Engineers Laboratories Optometrists Savings & Loan Surveyors Telephone Answering Travel Agency JHAi=-SP-49(4) 2-15 Maye)¥3-00€Nevembef-34M-34^raftJanuarv 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underline \ L. CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 2. Commercial Uses Book Store Liquor Camera Shop Motel Delicatessen Pharmacy Department Store Reproductions Florist Restaurant Hotel Service Station Jewelry Store Tobacco Store D. Building Coverage Building coverage shall not exceed 40 percent coverage of the project site area. E. Building Heights Building heights shall be limited as follows: Lot 1: One story - 24' max. Lots 4, 6, 7: No restiictions except as required by the City of Caiisbad and Planning Commission proiect conditions of approval. F. Architectural Design and Materials The design of exterior building elements and fencing shall be of a Spanish or Mediterranean architectural style. The texture, color and materials used shall be harmonious with the Spanish or Mediterranean motif The quality of design and the selection of materials and colors shall be reviewed and approved by the appropriate decision-making authority.fer—approval—in—the—preliminary submission. The decision ofthe Planning Gommissien shall be final. All stmctures located in the Car Country area shall comply with the following design standards: 1. Exterior walls shall incorporate design elements that are consistent with the Spanish or Mediterranean architectural styles. Examples of these elements include, but are not limited to, slump stone adobe, stucco, arches, arcades, cornices, corbels, balustrades, fountains, and door/window details. 2-16 JHAASP Wfl) M«ret^-^006Newmt>e^ae4-3--&F»ftJanuar>' 15, 2014 StTikethrouah/Underline CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 ^2. All buildings shall have an exterior color consistent with the Spanish and Mediterranean architectural styles. The use of warm, muted earth tones are-is_required. 43. All roofs will include a mission clay barrel tile or S-tile design of terra cotta coloring i.e. red El Camino blend, or Bemardo blend. G. Building Setbacks Buildings shall be setback from the property line in accordance with the following schedules. Lot 1 Shall have the following setbacks: 1. Front Yard Setback Twenty-five (25) feet minimum. Roof overhangs and other unsupported architectural devices may project six (6) feet into the setback area. 2. Side Yard Setback Ten (10) feet minimum. 3. Rear Yard Setback Twenty (20) feet minimum. Roof overhangs and other unsupported devices may project six (6) feet into the setback area. Lot 4 Shall have the following setbacks: 1. Front Yard Setback Forty-five (45) feet minimum. Roof overhangs and other unsupported architectural devices may project six (6) feet into the setback area. 2. Side Yard Setback (South) Ten (10) feet minimum 3. Side Yard Setback (North) Twenty-five (25) feet minimum. Roof overhangs and other unsupported architectural devices may project six (6) feet into the setback area. 2-17 J«AVSP-l-9(:{) Mai#hjee€Nev6mbef 2013 DraftJanuarv 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underline CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 4. Rear Yard Setback Ten (10) feet minimum. Lot 6 and Lot 7 if used as general commercial (in lieu of auto dealership) shall have the following setbacks: 1. Front Yard Setback Seventy-five (75) feet minimum. Roof overhangs and other unsupported architectural devices may project six (6) feet into set-back area. 2. Side Yard Setback Twenty (20) feet Minimum. Roof overhangs and other architectural devices may project six (6) feet into setback area. 3. Rear Yard Setback Ten (10) feet minimum. H. General Parking Requirements The intent of this section is to provide adequate parking areas on site so as to reasonably eliminate the need for any parking on the street. Parking required in this section shall be provided on-site or on another site within 400 feet of the project. Where parking is provided on another site, an agreement approved by the City of Carlsbad shall be recorded. Such agreement shall be signed by the owners of both properties and shall stipulate pemianent reservation of parking tbr use in connection with tiie project. Parking that is proposed on another site shall comply with the requirements of CMC Section 21.44.040. 2-18 J44A^-49ft) MT^CII 2006Noven^r-3-O^I-3-DFa4yanuarv 15, 2014 Strikethrough/Underline CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 I. Required Parking Spaces Parking spaces required shall be based upon the following: 1. Professional Business Offices: One space per each 250 sq. ft. of gross floor area. 2. Restaurants, Bars: a. Less than four thousand square feet in size - One space/one hundred square feet gross floor area. b. Four thousand square feet or greater - Forty plus one space/fifty square feet of floor space in excess of four thousand square feet. 3. Commercial: One space per each 300 sq. feet of gross floor area. 4. Hotels and Motels: 1.2 spaces per unit. J. Adjustment of Required Parking. Required on—site parking may be adjusted by approval of the City of Carlsbad and the Planning Commission appropriate decision-making aiithoiity upon a reasonable showing. Such showing may include the following: 1. Combined use of parking on an auto dealer site provided that maximum parking needs of the separate facilities occur at different times. 2. Compliance with Carlsbad Mimicipal GedeCMC Section 21.44.050(a)(4)080 - Joint Use Parking, K. Outdoor Lighting 1. Purpose The general intent of this section is to achieve the following goals:7 2-19 JHAVSP-+9(4) Mafe]->^Q6N&vawl:>ep-2044-Dt^aftJanuar>' 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underline CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 b. PART 2 All display and security lighting shall be designed for uniformity of design concepts for the area. Lighting shall be designed to minimize glare away from Paseo Del Norte and from the Interstate-5 cooridor corndor as the highest priority and to minimize glare away from adjacent properties as a secondary priority. 2. Design All outdoor light fixtures and pole specifications with respect to height, type, projected angle of light, material, colors and use, shall be subject to specific approval of the Planning Commissionappropriate decision- making authority. 3. Lighting Restrictions Light fixtures for display areas of the automobile agencies and for general lighting of the commercial developments, witikshall be of the metallic vapor and quartz varietymetal halide, induction lighting, or other low-energy usage light fixtures (no florescent arm-type fixtures will be allowed) as approved bv the appropriate decision-making authority. All fixtures will be mounted on tapered square or round-type poles. L. Fencing Prohibited Materials Wire fencing and gates. Fencing and Gate Design The design of fence and gates shall be appropriate to and similar to the Spanish or Mediterranean motif required for the buildings. Material shall be approved masonry, stucco or wood. Screening Storage areas, loading areas, service yards, shall be screened from view from the outside by fencing. Height of fence shall average 8 feet in height and be limited to maximum and minimum heights of 9 feet and 7 feet respectively. JHA\SP4^»f{) 2-20 M^r-6h-2006Nev€mbe>^-0-l-34PraftJanuarv 15. 2014 StrikethTOu.gh,'Underline CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 4. Fencing Setback Fencing may be placed without setback from the property lines except as follows where setback for the fencing shall be observed: Northerly Property Lines of Lot 1 and 4 Fencing Setback - 5 feet minimum Westerly Property Lines of Lots 1 and 10 Fencing Setback - 5 feet minimum Property Lines along Paseo Del Norte Fencing Setback - 25 feet minimum M. Undeveloped Areas Undeveloped areas/slopes shall be planted and maintained in a clean, neat and orderly manner. Undeveloped lots shall not be used for the storage of automobiles unless a Conditional Use Permit is processed pursuant to Section CMC Chapter 21.42 ofthe Carlsbad Municipal Code. N. Trash Collection There shall be provided a completely screened tiash collection area. Screening materials shall be of masonry walls. The ground shall be paved with 4" minimum concrete. No trash collection shall be permitted in the front yard setback. O. Loading Provision for loading and unloading area shall be provided on site. Such area shall not be permitted in the front yard setback. P. Utility Services All utility, including telephone, services to the building shall be underground and shall be screened where exposed to exterior view. Q. Roof Equipment All equipment including air conditioning equipment shall not be permitted on the roof. Vents for plumbing air exhaust and air inlets are permitted on the roof Special care shall be exercised in the location and sizing of exhaust vent for the paint spray booth so as to reduce its view to the freeway or to Paseo Del Norte. 2-21 Jl4AiSP-49(4) M^Feh-2^Nevefflbet^l-3-&raftJanuar\' 15, 2014 Strikethrough/Underline CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 IV. LANDSCAPE STANDARDS A. Purpose The purpose of the Landscape Standards is to provide landscaping in harmony with the goals of the Car Country Carlsbad Specific Plan to achieve a planned commercial development of the best quality and appropriate to the Spanish or Mediterranean design motif. B. Approval Procedures All landscaping concept plans shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Commission as indicated in Section I.C except as follovv&:appropriate decision-making autliority.- 4^ All landscape plans except-for the preliminary submission must be executed by an approved Landscape Architect and the project architect. 2: Submissions to the City of Carlsbad shall be in 2 steps as follows: Step I—Conceptual Landscape Plan Show shapes and dimensions of landscaped areas including street parkway.—These areas shall be colored in green.—Show approximate location of trees.—Tiiis plan shall be submitted together with other materials required in the preliminaiy submittal per the City of Carlsbad's Landscape Manual. Step II—Detailed Landscape and Irrigation plans. Detailed plans shall be prepared by an approved Landscape Architect under coordination and approval ofthe project architect:—These plans shall be submitted as part ofthe construction documents. Landscape Areas 1. Front Yard Landscaping 2-22 J44AVSP-49(4) MgFe4v2<)<)6NeveRi4»a=-2()-l--3-4?Ffl#January 15, 2014 Strikethrougii/Underline 16 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 For lots west of Paseo Del Norte, there shall be a minimum landscape strip of not less than 8 feet in addition to landscaping the Paseo Del Norte parkway width of 5 feet. For lots east of Paseo Del Norte, there shall be a minimum landscape strip of not less than 10 feet in addition to landscaping the Paseo Del Norte parkway width of 5 feet. 2. Rear Yard Landscaping For lots west of Paseo Del Norte, there shall be a minimum landscape strip of not less than 5 feet. 3. Side Yard Landscaping A minimum landscape width of 5 feet shall be observed along the side property lines. Where a side yard occurs along a cul-de-sac side street, such yard shall be provided with a minimum landscape width of 8 feet in addition to landscaping of the parkway. 4. Interior Landscaping Landscaping in the interior of display parking areas shall be provided in addition to the boundary strip landscaping. Such landscaping shall be in accordance with good design practice and other requirements of the landscape development standards. 5. Percentage Area Landscaping In the public display areas visible from Paseo Del Norte, or from the Interstate 5 corridor, there shall be landscape areas provided along the perimeter and interiors of such areas to provide a total landscape area not less than ten (10) percent of the total display area involved. The developer may reduce the required minimum landscape strip for design purposes of providing enlarged area landscaping. In such instance the minimum landscape strip permitted shall be 3 feet and the percentage of total area landscaped shall remain 10 percent. 6. Sloping Earth Banks 2-23 JH-A^SP-4#(4) Mareh-j^O€Ne¥erBl»et^-y-Dr-aftJanuar\' 15, 2014 Strikethrough/Underline 140 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 Areas in which grading has caused sloping earth banks shall be landscaped and irrigated in a maimer to protect the soil from erosion. The horizontal projected area of the sloping bank shall be included as part of the required landscaping. D. Wheel Stops and Concrete Curbs In public display and customer areas where landscaping abuts the paved area, 6" high concrete curbs and concrete bumper stops shall be provided. E. Completion of Landscaping All landscaping shall have been completed and approved by the Planning DirectorPlanning Division before occupancy of the stmcture and conduct of business is permitted. F. Maintenance of Landscaping All landscaping shall be maintained in the best of standards. Periodic inspections shall be made as directed by the Planning Commission. Where repoits are made for improving the maintenance of the landscaping, such con-ective work shall be executed within 30 days from receipt of the report; Maintenance standards to be observed shall include the following: 1. Lawn and ground covers - Trimmed and mowed 2. Weeds and Debris - To be removed 3. Health conditions - Plantings shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition with pruning, fertilization and cultivation a regular part of the maintenance program. 4. Damaged Landscaping - Plantings damaged by storm and other acts of nature or by vandalism shall be corrected as advised by the City of Carlsbad within 30 days from advice of the City. 5. Irrigation System - Shall be kept in working condition. G. Landscaping Materials and Details 2-24 J4tAvSP-l-9(4) Ma^^>-20<MNewH^{»er-2-Q-^-3-^•aftJanua^^' 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underline CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD ORIGINAL SP 19 AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 2 Required landscaping shall consist of a designed combination of tiees, ground cover and shmbbery. These materials shall be of limited selection to give greater unity to the visual quality of the development and shall be selected for concem of climate and maintenance. In general, the landscape materials shall be based upon the following requirements: Street Trees—Not less than 24" Box spacing, 40 feet o.c. max. Boundary Landscape Trees — Not less than 24" Box spacing 40 feet o.c. max. Parking Areas Trees — Not less than 2024" Box 1 tree per each 20 cars displayed Ground Cover — Designed for ftill coverage in a maximum of 6 months Shmbbery — Not less than 1 gal size 2-25 J+lA-vSP-49fl) Mar-6l^-2e06Nevew^ber-204-345FaftJanuar\' 15, 2014 Strikethrough/Underline CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 190 PART 3 I. INTRODUCTION A. Purpose The purpose of this document is to establish development regulations for the approximately 35-acre Car Country Expansion area. An overriding goal is to uphold and surpass the high quality standards of the existing Car Country. At buildout, the expansion area should complement and enhance the existing auto park. This document is incorporated as an amendment into Specific Plan 19 which was adopted in January 1972. However, upon initial adoption the development restrictions contained herein only govem the expansion area and do not apply to the existing Car Country. The Car Country Expansion Area Amendment has been written as a "self-self-contained" document which does not require reference to the origined 1972 Specific Plan or subsequent revisions. The original Specific Plan (SP-19) is contained in Part 2 of this document. The Car Country Expansion Amendment implements but does not supersede the General Plan, the Local Coastal Plan or the provisions of Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC). This document shall constitute the zoning for all land covered by this plan and no use or development inconsistent with this plan shall be permitted. B. Location The Car Country Expansion area contains approximately 35 acres and is located south of Cannon Road, east of the existing Car Country area, west of Agricultural Preserve No. 76-1 and north of Palomar Airport Road. Figure 3-1 illustrates the location of the project within the region. The project site and adjacent properties, including the original Car Country Auto Park, are illustrated in Figure 3-2. The property located in the City of Carlsbad contains approximately 35 acres and described as follows: "A portion of Lot H" of the Rancho Agua Hedionda, Map 823 in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of Califomia. C. General Plan and Zoning Designations The site is designated by the City of Carlsbad's General Plan as Extensive Regional Commercial (R). _These commercial areas are oriented to establishments which sell large, low volume, high cost items such as automobiles. The adopted zoning for the expansion area is C-2(Q). Both General Plan and zoning are consistent with the designations for the original area included within Car Country. 3-1 JHA\SP 19(1) March. 2006November 2013 Draft January 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underlim CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 3 CityofOceanside NORTH Notts Scale SPECIFIC PLAN 19C CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD Figure 3-1 VICINITY MAP CARLSBAD, CA k JACK HENTHORN & ASSOCIATES 3-2 SPEcmc PLAN 19C CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD CARLSBAD, OA EXPANSION AREA k 1 ACK HtNTHOKN & ASSOO ATCS o o 130 CO i H CO CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 190 PART 3 D. General Development Concept 1. Land Use The Car Country Expansion area will continue the land use pattem established in the original auto park. Figure 3-3 illustrates the Development Concept Plan. The primary use ofthe area will be retailing of new and used motor vehicles. 2. Circulation Primary access to the site will be from Car Country Drive which provides access from Paseo Del Norte to Cannon Road. E. General Provisions 1. Except as specifically stated in this plan, the requirements of the C-2 zone and all other applicable provisions of the zoning, subdivision, grading and building codes (and any amendments thereto) of the City of Carlsbad shall apply. 2. Where minor questions arise regarding interpretation of this Specific Plan Amendment, the Planning DirectorCity Planner shall resolve them in a manner consistent with the Municipal Code, adopted City plans and City policy. Such decisions by the Planning DirectorCity Planner may be appealed to the Planning Commission and City Council. 3. The Car Country Expansion has been approved under the express condition that the applicant shall pay a Public Facilities Fee as required by City Council Policy No. 17, dated July 28, 1987, on file with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference and according to the agreement executed by the applicant for payment of said fee. 4. This project shall comply with all conditions and mitigation required by the Zone 3 Local Facilities Plan and any future amendments to that plan made prior to issuance of building permits. 3-4 JHA\SP 19(1) March. 2006Novembor 2013 Draft January 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underlin( INTERSTATE 5 NORTH 0 50100 200 400 SPECIFIC PLAN 19C CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD Figure 3-3 SITE PLAN n so o o C/5 c/3 o > 7i > CARLSBAD, CA k JACK HENTHORN & ASSOCIATES H CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 190 PART 3 5. Unless found to be exempt, all development shall be required to obtain approval of a Site Development Plan consistent with Section II.B of this plan and in accordance with CMC Chapter 21.06. Prior to development of any of the lots under this Specific Plan a Site Development Plan pursuant to Chapter 21.06 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code shall be submitted to the City of Carlsbad for a Planning Commission approval; These The plans shall be evaluated in accordance with municipal ordinances and policies in effect at the time said plans are before the Planning Commissionappropriate decision-making authority. 6. Approval of this Specific Plan or approval and constmction of a part of the development pursuant to this amendment shall not vest any rights in the balance of the Specific Plan nor create any vested rights in the approval of any subsequent development 7. All land and/or easements required by this Specific Plan for public streets and public utility purposes shall be granted to the City of Carlsbad without cost to the City and free of all liens and encumbrances, except as otherwise conditioned by the Tentative Tract Map. 8. Approval of this plan does not constitute and guarantee individual development within the Specific Plan Amendment area will be approved, nor that the availability of public facilities and services will necessarily coincide with any owner or developer's timetable for constmction Availability of public services will be evaluated in the context of subsequent individual approvals and the adopted Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 3. 9. Prior to development, a landscape and irrigation plan shall be approved by the Parks and Recreation DirectorPlanning Division. 10. Car Country Drive shall be a single loaded street. 11. All proposed development shall comply with the grading and resource preservation policies of the underlying Local Coastal Program. 12. Prior to issuance of building permits, the developer of any site shall be required to obtain a Coastal Permit. F. Amendments 3-6 JHA\SP 19(1) March. 2006Noveinber 2013 DraftJanuarv 15. 2014 StrikethroughAJnderlim CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 190 PART 3 Amendments to this document may be initiated by an application to the Planning DirectorCity Planner, subject to a recommendation of approval by the Planning Commission and approval by the City Council. Amendments are also subiect to review and approval of a Local Coastal Program Amendment by the Califomia Coastal Commission. 3-7 JHA\SP 19(1) March, 2006November 2013 Draft January 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underlin. CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19c PART 3 II. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCESS A. Subdivision Process Prior to any development there shall have been a final subdivision map for Car Country Expansion in conformance with the State Subdivision Map Act and Title 20 of the City of Carlsbad Municipal Code. & Site Development Plan Requirement and Decision-Making Authoritv €^B. A Site Development Plan shall be required for all new development as noted below. 1 • Exemptions a. The following proiect types are exempt from the requirement for a Minor Site Development Plan or Site Development Plan provided that the City Planner determines that the project meets all development standards and is consistent with all aspects of the Car Countrv Specific Plan: 1) Any addition to an existing building that would result in an increase of less than ten percent of the intemal floor area of the existing building. 2) Constmction of new buildings that would result in an increase of less than ten percent of the combined intemal floor area of all existing buildings on tiie site. 3) Anv interior or exterior improvements that do not add square footage (e.g. architectural fayade enhancements). 4) Modifications to outdoor lighting plans. 2. Minor Site Development Plan The following proiect types require administrative approval of a Minor Site Development Plan in accordance with CMC Chapter 21.06: a. Any addition to an existing building that would result in an increase of between ten and fifty percent of the intemal floor area of the existing building. 3-8 JHA\SP 19(1) March, 2006November 2013 Draft January 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underlim 90 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19C PART 3 b. Constmction of new buildings that would result in an increase of between ten and fifty percent of the combined intemal floor area of all existing buildings on the site. 3. Site Development Plan The following proiect types require approval of a Site Development Plan in accordance with CMC Chapter 21.06: a. Any improvement to a building that would result in an increase of more than fifty percent of the intemal floor areas of an existing building. b. Constmction of new buildings that would result in an increase of more than fifty percent of the combined intemal floor area of all existing buildings on the site. c. Constmction of any new building(s) or permanent improvements on a vacant lot. C. Coastal Development Pemiit Requirement Unless found to be exempt, all development shall be required to obtain approval of a Coastal Development Permit in accordance with CMC Chapter 21.201 .Prief to building permit issuance for any lot, the applicant or any successor is required to obtain approval of a site development plan in accordance with Chapter 21.06 (Qualified Development Overlay Zone) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The Planning Commission shall review the site development plan in accordance with the General Plan, City Zoning Ordinance, this document and any other applicable policies.—At the conclusion of a public hearing, the Planning Commission shall approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the site development plan. 3-9 JHA\SP 19(1) March. 20Q6November 2013 DraftJanuarv 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underlim CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 190 PART 3 III. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS This section sets forth development standards which shall apply to all lots within the Car Country Expansion Specific Plan. New car sales is the principle allowed use of the Car Country Expansion and is allowed on all lots. In addition to new car sales certain other uses described in this section are allowed on Lots 2-3. A. Permitted Uses 1. All Lots a. Motor vehicle dealerships for the retail sales, leasing, renting and servicing of new and used automobiles and other motor vehicles such as recreational vehicles but whose primary activity is new vehicle sales. b. Auto rental and leasing (subject to approval of a Conditional Use permitPennit)* c. Used vehicle sales (subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit)* d. Auto repair - foreign and domestic (subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit)* e. Parking Stmctures for the storage of new cars, employee parking and/or service bays. * Subject to the finding that the use is associated with an existing or proposed new auto dealership in Car Country, a finding that no new auto dealerships are available at the time of approval and, a condition that any time a new car dealership becomes available, the uses identified in section III.A. 1 (b, c, and d) shall be abated and/or modified so that the new auto dealership becomes the primary use of the site. 2. Lots 2-3 a. All permitted uses cited in (1.) above. b. Retail automotive parts sales and service including but not limited to the following: 3-10 JHA\SP 19(1) March. 20Q6November2013 DraftJanuarv 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underlim CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 190 PART 3 1) Tire sales and service 2) Muffler shops 3) Brake shops 4) Wheel alignment and suspension services 5) Tune-up and oil changing facilities 6) Transmission repair 7) Auto detailing and interior work 8) Auto accessories 9) Car wash (Dealership Only) c. Auto rental and leasing. d. Restaurant (subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit). e. A 1,080 square foot delicatessen located as shown in Exhibits 'A'- 'C of Planning Commission ResolutionNo. 3221. B. Building Coverage Building coverage for uses described in A.l.a above shall not exceed 25 percent. Allowable total building coverage may be increased to 50% when a parking stmcture is a part of a Site Development Plan. C. Building Height No building, excluding parking stmctures, shall exceed a height of thirty feet or two stories. Parking Stmctures - three stories and 35' maximum to top of roof deck, as shown in Figure 3-4. Height protmsions up to 45' are allowed per CMC Section 21.46.020 oftho Carlsbad Municipal Code. D. Architectural Design and Materials The design of exterior building elements and fencing shall be compatible with the existing style of Car Country, generally described as Spanish or Mediterranean motifs. Special attention shall be given to the architectural details of all west facing elevations to ensure that they are visually attractive when viewed from 1-5 and Paseo Del Norte. 3-11 JHA\SP 19(1) March. 2006November 2013 Draft January 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underlin SCALE \/a"'V-0" PROPOSED PARKING STRUCTURE MAXIMUM MEIGtMT 3 LEVELS ABOVE (GROUND PARKING^ LUITM SCREENED ROOF TOP PARK[N<:3 SPEcmc PLAN 19C CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD H O W A • I GARAGE SECTION n o 9i I ce I—I O 2! CARLSBAD, OA k )AOC HENTHOKN & ASSOCIATES CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 190 PART 3 AU stmctures located in the Car Country area shall comply with the following design standards: 1. Exterior walls shall incorporate design elements that are consistent with the Spanish or Mediterranean architectural styles. Examples of these elements include, but are not limited to, slump stone adobe, stucco, arches, arcades, cornices, corbels, balustiades, fountains, and door/window details. Altemative design elements and materials may be incorporated into the architecture subject to the determination that the elements are found to be consistent with the Spanish or Mediterranean styles. 2. All buildings shall have an exterior color consistent with the Spanish and Mediterranean architectural styles. The use of warm, muted earth tones is required. 3. If a roof element is incorporated into the building design, the roof shall include a mission clay barrel tile or S-tile design of terra cotta coloring i.e. red El Camino blend, or Bemardo blend. Irrespective of use, all lot improvements, with the exception of Lots 2 and 3, shall be designed and constmcted in their entirety as new motor dealerships to include both sales and service facilities as a contiguous whole. E. Building Setbacks 1. Front Yard Setback Twenty-five (25) feet minimum. Roof overhangs and other unsupported architectural devices may project six (6) feet into the setback area. Parking stmctures shall be setback a minimum of fifty (50) feet (including parking stmctures which include uses besides parking). 2. Side Yard Setbacks Ten (10) feet minimum. Roof overhangs and unsupported architectural devices may project six (6) feet into the setback. 3. Street Side Yard Setback Twenty-five (25) feet minimum. Roof overhangs and other unsupported architectural devices may project six (6) feet into the setback area. Parking structures shall be setback a minimum of fifty (50) feet (including parking stmctures which include uses besides parking). 3-13 JHA\SP 19(1) March. 2006Novemb6r 2013 Draft January 15. 2014 StrikethroughAJnderlin. CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 190 PART 3 4. RcM Yard Setback Access rights to Cannon Road shall be relinquished for Lots 1-3. Along Cannon Road a minimum rear yard setback of thirty-five (35) feet shall be maintained for all buildings. A minimum twenty-five (25) foot landscaped setback shall be maintained for all open parking or driveways along Caimon Road. Any driveway within this setback shall be screened from the street by a mixture of mounding and landscaping to the satisfaction of the Planning DirectorCity Planner. Within the setback along Cannon Road, display of the sale motor vehicles may be permitted upon approval of the Planning DirectorCity Planner. See Figure 3-5 for design detail. F. Parking The intent of this section is to provide sufficient parking areas on site such that on-street parking will be minimized. 1. General Parking Standards for Motor Vehicle Dealerships a. Sales - One space per 400 square feet of gross floor area. Gross floor area includes all interior areas that are not specified below, including but not limited to: interior display, reception areas, private offices, and closing rooms. 20% of the required stalls shall be designated as customer parking. b. Repair - Four spaces per work bay for the first three bays. Two spaces per bay for each bay in excess of three. Work bays shall not count as parking spaces. c. Parts - Customer Parking: 1 space per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area for auto parts. Employee Parking: 1 space per 1,250 square feet of gross floor area for auto parts. d. Storage and Display (New and Used Vehicle Inventory) - On-site storage of vehicles is permitted as long as it does not encroach into any employee or customer designated parking spaces. 3-14 JHA\SP 19(1) March. 20Q6Novembor 2013 DraftJanuarv 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underlim PLAN LANMCAM tClWEMMa FOM rAiMUNa am DNWIWAV CAMNONROAO tANMCAPC tCNCINMO RMMNUMNQ CAIMON ROAD -HI. •UUWKI AUTO OltrtAV AUCA CAMNONROAO 8ECTIOIIS 20' 1.1 SPECIHC PLAN 19C CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD 4 i \ ' 11 H 4 H i I h Figure 3-5 LOTS l, 2 & 3 SCREENING FROM CANNON ROAD c/3 hH n Id \0 o n C/5 w (/3 h-( o CARLSBAD, CA k JACK HENTHORN &. As.soaATES H CC CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 190 e. PART 3 All other uses - such as parking as may be required by CMC Section 21.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code for a specific use. f All required customer and employee parking spaces shall be striped and designated as such to the satisfaction of the Planning DirectorCity Planner. G. Parking Stmctures Parking stmctures may be used for the storage of new cars, employee parking and/or provide areas for sales, service, and/or parts. Design of the stmcture shall be consistent with Sections C, D & E and complementary with existing buildings on and off-site. All vehicles shall be screened from outside views by the stmcture walls and/or landscaping. Landscaping shall be provided to screen the stmcture from surrounding properties and the 1-5 corridor. H. Loading Provisions for loading and unloading shall be provided as follows: 1. Loading areas shall not be allowed in front yard or side stieet setbacks. 2. Three off-site tmck tumouts shall be required along the easterly side of Car Country Drive as illustrated in Figure 3-6. 3. In addition to the tmck tumouts, each dealer should provide for on-site loading areas for parts and accessories, these shall be clearly shovra on all Site dDevelopment pPlans. Storage Other than new and used vehicles held for sale to the public, no materials, supplies, or equipment, shall be stored in any area on a site except inside closed buildings or behind fencing as described in Section III.M. Paging System Outdoor sound systems for music and/or for paging shall be designed to noise nuisance to adjoining properties and shall not impact adjacent neighborhoods. Speakers shall be spaced to minimize sound levels and oriented away from adjoining properties and shall not exceed a decibel level of 3 DB's over ambient. JHA\SP 19(1) 3-16 March. 2006Noveinber2013 Draft January 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underlin \ 5'S SPECMC PLAN 19C CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD TURNOUT POCKET w n hH M o n o 130 I CO HH o CARLSBAD, CA k IACK HENTHORN &. ASSCCIATES H 00 CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19O PART 3 noise level. Upon completion of constmction, the outdoor sound system shall be tested for noise and where necessary it shall be adjusted to the satisfaction of the Planning DirectorCity Planner. K. Special Events Promotions Special promotional events such as helium or hot-air balloons, large cranes and similar promotional devices or activities which have a significant visual or noise impact upon surrounding properties shall not be allowed. L. Outdoor Lighting The intent of this section is to achieve the following goals: 1. All display and security lighting for each dealership shall be designed for uniformity. 2. Lighting shall be designed to minimize glare to surrounding properties and distant neighborhoods. All outdoor lighting fixtures and pole specifications with respect to height, type, projected angle of light, material, colors and use, shall be consistent with the existing Car Country. All lighting fixtures for display areas of vehicle dealerships and general commercial lighting shall be metallic vapor and quartz variety metal halide, induction lighting, or other low-energy usage light fixture (no fluorescent arm type fixtures)as allowed by the appropriate decision-making authority. Maximum lumination for outdoor lighting shall be 100-foot candles. Additionally, no lights shall be above a ninety (90) percent angle. The number of poles shall be kept to a minimum where possible by combining several luminairesries on a single pole. The pole height shall not exceed a maximum of twenty (20) feet. Flood lamps mounted at ground level for lighting cars is permissible if concealed and if the flood lighting is not glaring or objectionable when viewed from adjacent streets or properties. To reduce the projects off-site impacts, fifty (50) percent of all outdoor lights shall be tumed off after 10 p.m. Each Site dDevelopment pPlan shall include a detailed lighting plan. Lighting for the roof level of parking stmctures shall be shall be limited to the use of bollards or lighting attached to the parapet walls. Roof top lighting shall not exceed the height of the parapet wall. 3-18 JHA\SP 19(1) March. 2006November 2013 Draft January 15. 2014 StrikethroughAJnderlin CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 190 PART 3 M. Fencing and Screening 1. Prohibited Materials Wire fencing and gates shall not be allowed. 2. Fencing and Gate Design The design of fencing and gates shall be appropriate to and similar to the Spanish or Mediterranean motifs required for the buildings. Materials shall be masonry, stucco, wood, or other similar materials as permitted by the Planning DirectorCity Planner. 3. Screening On-site storage areas, loading areas and service bays shall be screened from view from the outside by fencing. Height of fence shall average 8 feet and be limited to maximum and minimum heights of 9 feet and 7 feet respectively. Parking stmctures shall be screened from view from the outside by a combination of fencing and landscaping. 4. Fencing Setback Fencing in the front yard and street sideyard setbacks shall not exceed thirty (30) inches in height N. Trash Collection Trash receptacle areas shall be enclosed by a six-foot high masonry wall with gates pursuant to City standards. Location of said receptacles shall be approved by the Planning DirectorCity Planner. All enclosures shall be of similar colors and/or materials to the project they serve and shall be designed to the satisfaction of the Planning DirectorCity Planner. O. Equipment and Roofs 1. All exterior equipment and appurtenances shall not be permitted on the roof unless entirely enclosed. 2. All equipment screening shall be architecturally compatible with the main building(s) on the site and shall enclose the equipment from the 3-19 JHA\SP 19(1) March, 2006November 2013 Draft January 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underlim CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19O PART 3 view of adjoining properties to the east to the first ridge line and public streets. 3. All pitched roofs shall be of material compatible with the building exterior (tile, shingle, wood), or all flat roofs shall be screened or fiilly enclosed by such material viewed from the first ridgeline east of Car Country Expansion. P. Utility Services All utilities services shall be underground. Transformer or terminal equipment shall be visually screened from view from streets and adjacent properties. Q. Driveway Locations Lots shown on Figure 3-3 shall have one driveway except Lots 3, 4, and 10. If lots are merged, the development proposal shall attempt to reduce the number of driveway locations to comply with the City's standard requiring a minimum of 300 feet between driveways. Precise driveway locations will be determined during site plan review for each lot. R. Grading Grading shall be completed in one phase per an approved City of Carlsbad grading plan. S. Undeveloped Areas Undeveloped areas/slopes shall be planted and maintained in a clean, neat and orderly manner as required by Section 11.06.130 of the Carlsbad Grading QrdinanceCMC Chapter 15.16 - Grading and Erosion Confrol. Undeveloped lots shall not be used for the storage of automobiles unless a Conditional Use Permit is processed pursuant to Section CMC Chapter 21.42 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. T. Performance Standards All motor vehicle dealerships and related automotive service facilities shall comply with the following performance standards: 1. The maximum allowable exterior noise level of any use shall not exceed sixty-five Ldn as measured at the property line. Where a stmcture is occupied by more than one use, the noise level shall not be in excess of 45 Ldn as measured within the interior space of the neighboring 3-20 JHA\SP 19(1) March. 2006Noveinber 2013 Draft January 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underlin CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 190 PART 3 establishment. Noise caused by motor vehicles traveling to and from the site are exempt from standard. 2. All uses shall be operated so as not to emit matter causing unpleasant odors which are perceptible to the average person while within or beyond the lot containing such uses. 3. All uses shall be so operated so as not to generate vibration discemible without instruments by the average person while on or beyond the lot upon which the source is located or within an adjoining enclosed space if more than one establishment occupies a stmcture. Vibration caused by motor vehicles, and temporary constmction is exempted from this standard. 4. All uses shall be operated so as not to produce humidity, heat, glare or high-intensity illumination which is perceptible without instruments by the average person while on or beyond the lot containing the use. 5. All uses shall meet the air-quality standards of the San Diego County Air Quality Control Board (AQCB). In addition, all uses shall be operated so as not to emit particulate matter or air contaminants which are readily detectable without instruments by the average person while in the lot containing such uses. 6. All discharge of industrial waste shall be in conformity with the provisions of Chapter 13.16 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Businesses which produce grease, oil or other toxins as a by-product of their operation, shall provide on-site grease-traps to prevent these products from entering the public drainage system. This information shall be indicated on the sSite dDevelopment plans-Plan and shall be designed to the satisfaction of the Carlsbad Fire Chief U. Test Driving Auto dealers shall provide to all sales and service employees a map which designates areas for test driving. This map shall note that test driving in residential areas shall be strictly prohibited. This map shall be approved by the City EngineerTransportation Director and Planning DirectorCity Planner^ prior to issuance of building permits. V. Employee Eating Area 3-21 JHA\SP 19(1) March, 2QQ6Noveinber 2013 Draft January 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underlin. CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 190 PART 3 Outdoor eating facilities for employees shall be provided consistent with CMC Section 21.34.070 (3) ofthe Carlsbad Zoning Ordinance. 3-22 JHA\SP 19(1) March, 2QQ6Noveinber 2013 Draft January 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underlin. CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 190 PART 3 IV. LANDSCAPE STANDARDS The purpose of the Landscape Standards is to provide landscaping which is in harmony with the existing Car Country and is appropriate to the Spanish or Mediterranean design motifs. A. Landscape Areas 1. Front Yard and Side Street Landscaping A ten-foot landscaped area shall be constmcted along the public rights- of-way for Car Country Drive and Auto Center Court. Said area shall include a five-foot stiip in addition to the five-foot parkway width. Along Cannon Road, a minimum twenty-five foot Landscape Area consistent with Section III.E.3 of the Specific Plan shall be provided. Maintenance programs for the Landscaped Area shall be subject to approval of the Parks and Recreation DirectorPlanning Division. 2. Interior Landscaping Landscaping in the interior of display parking areas shall be provided in addition to the front yard landscaping strip. Such landscaping shall be in accordance with good design practice and other requirements of this Section. 3. Percentage Area Landscaping Consistent with the existing auto park, five (5) percent of all on-site paved areas exclusive of setback areas shall be landscaped. Design and maintenance of landscaped areas shall be subject to approval by the Parks and Recreation Director. 4. Sloping Earth Banks Areas in which grading has caused sloping earth banks shall be landscaped and irrigated in a manner to protect the soil from erosion. B. Wheel Stops and Concrete Curbs In public display and customer areas where landscaping abuts the paved area, six-inch high concrete curbs and concrete bumper stops shall be provided. 3-23 JHA\SP 19(1) March. 2006Noveinber 2013 Draft January 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underlin CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 190 PART 3 C. Maintenance of Landscaping Maintenance standards to be observed shall include the following: 1. Lawn and ground covers shall be trimmed and mowed. 2. Weeds and debris shall be removed. 3. Plantings shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition with pruning, fertilization and cultivation a regular part of the maintenance program. 4. The irrigation system shall be maintained in good working condition. 5. The developer of the Car Country Expansion shall enter into an agreement with the property owner to the east of Car Country Drive to ensure that the slopes created by the constmction of Car Country Drive are properly landscaped and maintained. This agreement shall be approved by the Planning DirectorCity Planner prior to final map approval D. Landscaping Materials and Design Required landscaping shall consist of a designed combination of trees, ground cover and shmbbery. These materials shall be of limited selection to give greater unity to the visual quality of the development and shall be selected for concem of climate and maintenance. The predominant species of trees within the project shall be consistent with those species planted within the existing Car Country. These species include: Eucalyptus Citriodora, Ficus Rubiginosa and Cocos Plumosa. In general the landscape materials shall be based on the following requirements: 1. Street Trees - not less than 24" box. Maximum spacing of 40' on-center. 2. Parking Area Trees - not less than 24" box. One tree is required per each 20 cars displayed. 3. Ground Cover - designed for fiill coverage in a maximum of six months. 3-24 JHA\SP 19(1) March. 2006November 2013 DraftJanuarv 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underlin CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 190 PART 3 4. Shmbbery - not less than one gallon size. 3-25 JHA\SP 19(1) March. 2006November 2013 Draft January 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underlin. CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19O PART 3 V. ADDENDUM Uses for Lots 2 & 3 per SDP 88-3 Exhibit "Y" dated 10/19/88 PROJECT SUMMARY Uses Permitted Uses As per Specific Plan 19(c) retail automotive parts sales and service including but not limited to the following: 1) Tire sales and service 2) Muffler shops 3) Brake shops 4) Wheel alignment and suspension services 5) Tune-up and oil changing facilities 6) Transmission repair 7) Auto detailing and interior work 8) Auto accessories The following uses are specifically prohibited at the subject site: 1) Radiator repair shop 2) Battery rebuilding shop 3) Automobile painting shop 4) Body repair shop 5) Automobile frame straightening shop 6) Automobile towing operations 7) Automobile salvage shop Conditional Uses A restaurant is permitted at the proposed location subject to the provisions of Condition #11 of Planning Commission Resolution 2776. Site Use: Site Area 161,520 SF (3.7 AC) Building Coverage 20.8 % Landscaping 31.5% 3-26 JHA\SP 19(1) March. 2006Nov6mber 2013 Draft January 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underlin. CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 19€ PART 3 Square Footage: Building A Building B Total Retail 7,200 600 7,800 Warehouse 2,440 600 3,040 Service Bays 38 Bays 12 Bays 50 Bays Restaurant (not approved) 4500 4,500 Parking: Required Provided Retail (1:200) 39 39 Warehouse (1:1000) 4 4 Service Bays 106 106 Restaurant (not approved) 50 50 199 199 3-27 JHA\SP 19(1) March, 2006Noveinber 2013 Draft January 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underlin. CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD COMPREHENSTVE SIGN Pfte^t^STANDARDs SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 4 I. COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PROGRAMSTANDARDS The purpose of this section is to establish the sign standards necessary to ensure coordinated exposure and tenant identification within the Car Country Specific Plan area. A primary consideration is preventing visual blight and traffic safety problems. Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) Chapter 21.41 (Sign RegulationsOrdinance) shall apply except as specifically stated in the following specific plan consolidated—sign regularionsstandards. If there is a conflict between these specific plan sign standards and those in CMC Chapter 21.41, the specific plan sign standards shall prevail. A. Sign Permit Procedures 1. Permit All signs within the Car Country Specific Plan area shall be subject to a require a sign permit which shall be determined by the Planning DirectorCity Planner (or designee) to be in compliance with the Specific Plan and CMC Chapter 21.41, (CMC), except as otherwise defined in this section. 2. Appeals The decision of the Planning DirectorCity Planner may be appealed to the Planning Commission pursuant to CMC Section 21.54.140. In a similar manner, the decision ofthe Planning Commission may be appealed to the City Council. The appeal shall be filed with the secretary ofthe Planning Commission (for Planning Commission appeals), or the City Clerk (for Council appeals) within ten (10) calendar days ofthe decision. Appeals shall be accompanied by a filing fee as specified in the City fee schedule- Appeals Noticing All appeals shall be noticed in accordance with CMC Section 21.54.060-el' the zoning ordinance as it may be amended from time to time. B. General Standards Permitted Signage Signs permitted shall meet the following standards: 4-1 March, 2006Noveinber 2013.DraftJanuarv 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underline no CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD COMPREHENSFV^ SIGN PROGRAMSTANDARDS SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 4 1. Each lot will be permitted signage equal to two square feet per lineal foot of building frontage. 2r. One frooatanding oign may bo placed on each lot provided tho oign aroa of the froootanding sign ia included within tho aggregate aign area permitted aa atatod in paragraph B.l. above 3^ >Jo portion of auoh oign ahall extend over or into tho public right of way line, or be within fifteen feet ofany driveway or curb line. A-. Monument oigno shall not o?coocd a height of eight foot. #7 Frooatanding oigna ahall not occood tho height of any building w^hioh io located on tho aamo aitc, and in no ovont ahall tho aigna bo ovor WnrXy fivo foot high. 6T2. Within Car Countrv Plaza (Lots 2 & 3 of the Expansion Area), Ssigns for uses other than motor vehicle dealerships on Lots 2 3 shall conform to the sign regulations of the Carlsbad Municipal Code as it may be amended from time to time. ?T3. All signs will be reviewed by the Planning DirectorCity Planner to ensure compatibility and to protect the public interest. All signs shall be oriented so that the primary view is from surface streets. Interstate 5 shall not be considered a surface street. 9T5. Signs oriented to surface sfreets, but still visible from Interstate 5^ shall be consistent in size, color and illumination with those of the exisiting auto park. \Qr=—Only ono frooatanding oign advcrtiaing tho entire car country dovclopmont, may bo oriented to Intcratatc 5. Thio oign ohall bo a majcimum of 35 foot high and 150 oquaro foot in ai'oa. 6. All signs shall be placed so as not to be detrimental to traffic safetv to the satisfaction of the Traffic Engineer. 7. No portion of sueh-anv sign shall extend over or into the public right-of- wav unless approved otherwise by the appropriate decision-maker. 8. All signs shall comply with the requirements of the Coastal Zone. C. Franchise Signs Januaiy 15, 2014 Strikethrough/Underline CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD COMPREHENSFVE SIGN PROGfey^STANDARPs SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 4 1. One monument sign and one freestanding sign mav be placed on each lot provided the sign area of the freestanding sien-is-signs are included within the aggregate sign area permitted as stated in paragraph B. 1. above. 2. If more than one franchise is located on one lot, an additional freestanding sign, wall or monument sign may be allowed.- Such signs shall meet the following criteria: Monument oigno ahall not oxoccd eight foot in height. l,27_The aggregate sign area for the entire development shall not exceed the All franchise signs on a lot (wall, fascia, awoiing, monument and freestanding) shall be counted towards the aggregate sign area allowed fer the development on that lot according to the provisions of Paragraph B.l. above. 4. Monument signs shall not exceed eight feet in height. 5. Freestanding signs shall not exceed the height of anv building which is located on the same site, and in no event shall the signs be over thirtv-five feet high. ^. No portion of such sign shall extend over or into the public right-of-way, or be within fifteen feet ofany driveway or curb line. 4-. The maximum sign area for any such sign shall not exceed fifty five square feet. ^. The signs shall be oriented so tiiat the primary view is from surface streets. Interstate 5 shall not be considered a surface street. Direction Signs h The maximum aggregate sign area of all entry/directional signs is 100 square feet plus 3 square feet per acre of property witiiin the development. The maximum area for any individual sign is 150 square feet. 2^ A sign pemiit application shall be submitted for these signs. 3-^ Entry and directional signs shall be combined into one sign; 4T These signs shall be placed within the boundaries of the Car Countiy Specific Plan. 5- ^: A unified design theme which is complimentary to the design of the existing architecture shall be used. 6. Tho base of ontry/dircotional aigna ohould be landocapcd to provide an 4-3 }Q6N»vember 2013.DraftJanuarv 15, 2014 Strikethrough/Underline CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PROGRAMSTANDARDS SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 4 attractive ootting, and ground definition of tho aigna. 7^ The appearance of the sign should be unified by a common design; Subdued oign and lettering colors ohould bo uood conaiotont with tho dooign thomo of tho center. E. All oigno ohall comply with tho roquiromonta of tho Coaotal Zone. ¥-. All aigna ahall bo placed oo ao not to bo detrimental to fraffic oafoty to tho oatiofaction of tho Traffic Engineer. D, Signs on Dealerships ilmmediately aAdj acent to Interstate 5 Notwithstanding Section 21.N.()3Q, 10(A) and (B) and 21.il.QlQ (3)(B) ofthe-Carlsbad MunieipaL€e4e,--the-fellewiHg-i^egulat4ons shall apply^ 1. Dealers whose lots are immediately adjacent to Interstate 5 may have wall mounted or fascia signs only, facing the freeway, subject to the following requirements: a. Such sSigns shall be wall-mounted or fascia signs only. Signs perpendicular or at an angle to the building are prohibited. b. Signs shall not exceed the height of the building on which it is located. Roof mounted signs are prohibited. c. Such sSigns shall not be larger than one square foot per linear foot of frontage of the buildings facing Interstate 5. The area for these signs is in addition to other signs permitted for the dealership and shall not be used to calculate permitted sign area for other signs as set forth in Section BJ, above. d. The maximum height dimension of such signs shall not exceed one--third of the height of the building elevation on which it is placed. 2-. The procedure by which permits for ouch aignagc ohall bo obtained ia aot forth in Soctiona A and E abovo. E. On-Site Directional Signs 1. Each lot is permitted to have on-site directional signs. Such signs shall meet the following criteria: 4-4 March, 2Q06Noveinber2013.DraftJanuary 15, 2014 Strikethrough/Underline CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PROGRj^tSTANDARPs SPECIFIC PLAN 19 ~ PART 4 a. Signs may onlv contain non-commercial messages or directional svmbols that are designed to guide or direct pedestrian or vehicular fraffic to uses on the same site. b. Signs shall be located to facilitate traffic intemal to the individual dealerships located on that lot. 2. On-site directional sign standards: a. The maximum number of on-site directional signs shall not exceed three per driveway entrance. b. Signs shall not be larger than six square feet per sign. c. On-site directional signs shall not exceed six feet in height. 3. On-site directional signs shall not count towards the permitted aggregate sign area as stated in Paragraph B. 1 above. F. Car Country Identification Signs 1. Two types of identification signs, "Entry Monument Signs" and "Wayfinding Signs" shall be permitted within the boundaries of the Car Country Specific Plan for the purpose of identifying Car Country in general and for guiding customers to the various dealerships within Car Countrv. 2. The maximum aggregate sign area of all Car Country-Identification Signs is 600 square feet. 3. The sign area of the Car Country identification signs shall not count against the maximum aggregate sign area allowed for each lot by the provisions of paragraph B.l above. 4. Entry Monument Signs a. Up to six entry monument signs that specifically identify Car Country as a whole may be allowed. Individual dealership names/logos are not permitted on these signs. b. The entrv monument signs shall be allowed at or near the primary entrv points to Car Countrv at: • Cannon Road/Paseo Del Norte • Cannon Road/Car Country Drive • Paseo Del Norte/Car Countrv Drive • Cannon Road between Car Country Drive and Paseo Del Norte 4-5 March, 2006Movcmbor2013.DraftJanuarv 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underline CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD CoMPREHENsr^E SIGN PROGRAMSTANDARDS SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 4 b. Signs mav be located on new or existing site/retaining walls or thev mav be constmcted as freestanding monument signs. c. Entrv monument signs shall not exceed eight feet in height. d. The sign area for any individual entry monument sign shall not exceed 60 square feet. 5. Wayfinding Signs a. Up to four wayfinding signs mav be allowed for the purpose of guiding customers to the various individual dealerships. b. The wayfinding signs shall generally be allowed at secondary intersections (Auto Center Court and Car Country Alley), mid- block locations, or other appropriate locations as provided for in an approved sign program. c. Wayfinding signs shall not exceed 14 feet in height. d. The sign area for anv individual wayfinding sign shall not exceed 60 square feet. e. A unified letter height, color and font shall be used for directional arrows and dealerships names. The "Car Country" identification shall be incorporated into these signs. 6. The entrv monument and wayfinding signs shall be unified bv a conmion design theme which is complementary to the Spanish/Mediterranean architectural theme of the Car Country development. Subdued sign and lettering colors should be used-consistent with the design theme of the center. 7. The base of all identification signs shall be landscaped to provide an attractive setting and ground definition to the signs. 8. An application for a sign program shall be submitted for all proposed Car Countrv Identification Signs as a comprehensive package, rather than individually. The sign program shall be approved bv the appropriate decision-making authoritv. G. Regional Commercial Sign 1 • -Onlv one freestedifigrregional commercial sign shall be permitted within the Car Country Specific Plan Area. The primary purpose of the sign. 4-6 T-aftJanuary 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underline \-is> CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD COMPREHENSH^ SIGN PROGRAMSTANDARDS SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 4 which mav be oriented to Interstate 5. shall be to advertiseing tiie entire eCar eCountrv development. may bo oriented to Intcratatc 5. 2. This sign shall be-a-maximum of 35 feet hkhnot exceed 50 feet in height and 150 square feet of static sign area. 3. The design ofthe regional commercial sign shall be complementary to the Spanish/Mediterranean architectural theme of the Car Countv development. 4. Digital Display Sign a. A digital display sign mav be located on the regional commercial sign subiect to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit by the City Council. b. The overall height of the regional commercial sign shall not exceed 65 feet and the digital display sign area shall not exceed 625 square feet (25 ft. height x 25 ft. width). The design, the size ofthe digital display area and the overall sign height shall be reviewed through the CUP process. c. The Conditional Use Permit will include detailed digital display sign development standards. Specific operational details of the sign (i.e.: the "dwell time", the time of transition between messages and the brightness of the screen) will be decided through approval of the Conditional Use Perniit by the Citv Council. d. The digital display sign shall be designed so as not to create a potentially significant safetv impact to motorists and other highway users due to light and glare. At a maximum, tiie light output shall not exceed the limits imposed under Califomia Vehicle Code Section 21466.5 (Light Impairing Drivers Vision) or the recommendations of the Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA), whichever is more restrictive. Light levels emitted from the digital display sign shall be set to adjust, based on ambient light conditions at any given time (i.e., night versus daytime). e. The Conditional Use Permit application shall include document- ation that the digital display sign has been submitted to the Airport Land Use Commission for an obstruction analysis by the FAA to 4-7 March, 2006Noveinber 2013.DraftJanuarv 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underline CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PRe^ftAMgrANDARPs SPECIFIC PLAN 19 PART 4 ensure that there are no conflicts with the height and size of the sign or anv concems related to reception. 5. Coastal Development Permit Anv Regional Commercial/Digital Display Sign proposal requires the approval of a coastal development permit and must be consistent with all applicable policies and requirements of the certified Local Coastal Program. The procedure bv which permits for such signage shall be obtained is set forth in Sections A and E-B above, unless specified otherwise^ 4-8 ?96N9vember2013.DraftJanuaiv 15. 2014 Strikethrough/Underline EXHIBIT 6 Planning Commission Minutes January 15,2014 Page 5 3. SP 19(J)/LCPA 12-01 - CAR COUNTRY INITIATIVES 2 & 4 - Request for a recommendation of approval for Specific Plan Amendment SP 19(J) and Local Coastal Program Amendment LCPA 12-01 to 1) update the Car Country Comprehensive Sign Program by modifying the existing sign standards and by adding provisions for a digital display sign to address the unique needs of the automotive sales industry, and 2) to streamline the permit and review process for minor improvements for property generally located on the south side of Cannon Road, north and west of Car Country Drive, and east of Interstate 5 within the Mello II Segment ofthe Local Coastal Program and Local Facilities Management Zone 3. The City Planner has determined that the proposed Specific Plan amendments are exempt from the provisions of CEQA, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3). Mr. Neu introduced Agenda Item 3 and stated Associate Planner Barbara Kennedy would make the staff presentation. Ms. Kennedy gave a brief presentation and stated she would be available to answer any questions. Chairperson Black acknowledged receipt of 2 pieces of correspondence. One was an email opposing digital signs, and the second was a letter from Caltrans. Chairperson Black asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Segall asked about the way finding signs. Ms. Kennedy stated all the way finding signs will include some type of Car Country Carlsbad identification at the top of the sign, and the font type and directional arrows will be consistent. Commissioner Segall asked if the monument signs will also be uniform in terms of style and design. Ms. Kennedy stated that the signs will also have a uniform style, will have a consistent lettering, similar to the way finding signs around town for residential developments. She also stated that franchise signs can be placed on the individual lots. Commissioner Segall inquired if the Car Country Working Group is in agreement with the recommended changes. Ms. Kennedy stated yes. Commissioner L'Heureux asked how tall the franchise signs can be. Ms. Kennedy stated that the franchise signs cannot be any taller than the buildings on site. There is a 25' height limit on the west side of Paseo Del Norte and a 35' height limit on the east side. Commissioner L'Heureux asked how many signs will be allowed for those lots with multiple dealerships/franchises on a single lot. Ms. Kennedy stated there is already a provision for those lots with multiple dealerships to be allowed one additional monument sign or one additional franchise sign per dealership. The only change proposed is the additional monument or additional franchise sign per lot. Commissioner L'Heureux asked for clarification regarding the digital sign and static sign. Ms. Kennedy stated a static sign up to 50' would be allowed; however if a Conditional Use Permit is approved that would allow the provision to include LED lighting onto that sign, the height limit could be up to 65 feet. Commissioner Anderson commented on the proposed 14 foot way finding signs and about what the height limit is for the subdivision way finding signs. Ms. Kennedy stated those signs are approximately 8 feet. Commissioner Anderson inquired about signs adjacent to the freeway. Ms. Kennedy stated those signs cannot go above the facia ofthe building with the lettering to be no higher than 1/3 the height ofthe building. The area for the signs is based on square feet per lineal foot of building frontage. Commissioner Anderson asked if the temporary signs and banners in Car Country Carlsbad are allowed under the current ordinance. Ms. Kennedy stated that if it is a temporary banner while a dealership is waiting for a permanent sign, it would be allowed. Mr. Neu added that the temporary signs are allowed while a permanent sign is pending. They are not intended to be there for various types of sales or on a permanent basis. Commissioner Anderson asked if the large banners are allowed that are currently being displayed at some dealerships. Mr. Neu stated no. Commissioner Schumacher inquired about the reasoning for the 50' static sign versus a 65' digital sign. Mr. Kennedy explained that a 50' sign was what was originally recommended by the Car Country Working Group. She also commented that if the digital sign component does not get approved by the Coastal Commission, there is at least an opportunity to increase the size of the existing sign to 50 feet. Commissioner Schumacher asked how staff evaluated what a 65 foot sign would look like in terms of massing and visual impacts. Ms. Kennedy stated staff had the applicant do a visual analysis. Planning Commission Minutes January 15,2014 Page 6 Commissioner Scully asked the height of the current sign. Ms. Kennedy stated 35 feet. Commissioner Scully asked for clarification regarding the recommendations received from Caltrans. Ms. Kennedy stated that Caltrans recommends the sign be no more than 60 feet in length, not height. Commissioner Segall also asked for clarification regarding the current sign. Ms. Kennedy stated the current static sign is 35 feet but could be up to 50 feet with a building permit if the proposed amendment is approved. Chairperson Black asked if there were any further questions of staff. Seeing none, he asked if the applicant wished to make a presentation. Rod Wilson, EMI Sign Company, 4737 West 156th Street, Lawndale, gave a detailed presentation and stated he would be available to answer any questions. John Muse, 8685 Merced Circle, Huntington Beach, gave a presentation regarding digital sign illumination. Chairperson Black asked if there were any questions of the applicant. Commissioner Segall asked if the proposed placement of the new sign would be as where it was depicted in the presentation. Mr. Wilson stated yes. Commissioner Schumacher asked if there are any examples of the monument or way finding signs. Mr. Wilson stated no as he was hired strictly for the digital sign. Commissioner Scully inquired about the sight line on the freeway. Mr. Wilson stated drivers would be able to see the sign at 14 mile away. He stated that because ofthe median landscaping, the southbound traffic currently does not see the auto plaza sign. Commissioner L'Heureux asked if Caltrans would trim the landscaping in the median. Mr. Wilson deferred the question to Mr. Paynter. Commissioner Segall asked about the technology being used for the LEDs. Mr. Wilson stated it is not their intent to use white background displays. Commissioner Anderson asked for clarification regarding the data for the increase in sales based on the signage. Mr. Wilson stated that based on the installation of digital signs, they have noticed an increase in sales. The data comes from their tracking information as well as the various cities' sales tax tracking. Commissioner Schumacher asked how they are able to determine if the increase in sales was based solely on the installation of a digital sign versus, for example, a better economy. Mr. Wilson stated that prior to 2008 when the economy soured, there were many factual increases. From 2008 until now, Mr. Wilson stated that the increase in sales will be more on the higher side because of the economy picking up. JP Paynter, 7201 Tanager Drive, Carlsbad, general manager of Hoehn Acura and representing Hoehn Motors. He also serves as Chairperson of the Car Country Working Group. Mr. Paynter gave a brief presentation and stated he would be available to answer any questions. Commissioner L'Heureux asked if Caltrans would trim the median landscaping. Mr. Paynter stated those bushes have been trimmed many times however they grow quite quickly. Mr. Paynter further stated that even if the freeway is widened, drivers on the southside of the freeway would not see the sign until right before they approach it. Commissioner L'Heureux asked if they did any analysis on a larger static sign but in a different location than the current sign. Mr. Paynter stated they did a road analysis of all the auto malls in southern California and there are no static signs in any of the auto malls in southern California. Every single auto mall has an LED sign most of which are much higher than this proposed sign. Commissioner L'Heureux asked Mr. Paynter to respond to the issue about temporary banners or signs currently within Car Country. Commissioner L'Heureux commented that he does not feel the dealers have done a good job for themselves with the buildings that front the freeway as many of them look very tacky with auto carriers with cars on them. He stated that it just does not look inviting. Commissioner L'Heureux further commented that adding a digital sign or relocating the static sign will not affect those issues at all as he feels those issues are more of an internal problem. Commissioner L'Heureux stated that he believes there is a huge illegal sign and they should be embarrassed by it. Mr. Paynter stated that he was not sure what sign Commissioner L'Heureux as referring to but he would look into it. Planning Commission Minutes January 15,2014 Page 7 Commissioner Anderson commented that there is a large temporary sign in front of Hoehn with multiple dealers listed on it as well as one at the Ford dealer that has been there for many years. Commissioner Schumacher commented that the current signage is definitely antiquated, and the curb appeal of the buildings along the freeway is also tacky. He asked if there is any interest among the car dealers in sprucing up the area beyond the proposed new signage. Mr. Paynter commented that one of the issues they brought fonvard to the city was regarding safety along Paseo Del Norte. Bike lanes have since been installed and the fire lanes have been extended at the driveways. Mr. Paynter stated that the median along Paseo Del Norte is owned by the city so the maintenance of the trees and plants in those medians is the responsibility of the city. Commissioner Scully asked, aside from the digital sign, how the various additional signage will help the existing businesses. Mr. Paynter commented that he believes signage, such as way finding or directional, has never existed in Car Country. He further commented that the auto group was approached by City Council to find out what steps could be taken to help improve the business in Car Country. Mr. Paynter stated that if a person is familiar with Car Country and the dealers available at the auto mall, it would be difficult to understand the need for signage. Commissioner Scully commented that citizens now have the technological abilities with GPS devices, computers and cell phones to find the auto dealers very easily. She stated that when she is in the market to purchase a new car, the first stop is always Car Country; however, she has not purchased a vehicle there and it is not due to the fact that she cannot find it. Commissioner Scully stated she is concerned about the so-called increase in sales due to digital signs because she does not visualize it as being the only reason the sales are down at Car Country. She stated that if customers want to buy a car, the customers are online constantly and will find the dealers. Commissioner Scully commented that she is having a difficult time comprehending that the sales will increase based solely on a digital sign. Mr. Paynter stated that Car Country Carlsbad is the only auto center in all of southern California with a stationary sign. He stated that the increase in the sales of cars will be impacted by a new sign. Mr. Paynter stated that the sign is important to the auto mall and it is important to the city. Commissioner Anderson commented that the outlet stores and the restaurants nearby are always busy and they do not have any digital signs on the freeway. People go to those sites because they like the product offered, they like the buildings and the environment Commissioner Anderson also commented that the environment and the overall experience people will have is more important than the signage. She further commented that she can very clearly see the current sign from the southbound side of the freeway. Mr. Paynter stated that when they presented the information to the City Council, they received a 5-0 vote in favor of the digital sign. Commissioner Anderson asked if the City Council agreed to fix the median landscaping on Paseo Del Norte. Mr. Paynter stated the Council did not address that issue. Mr. Wilson added that a static sign, by itself, has a readership when it is first installed along a freeway of 80% - 82%. After about 6 months the readership drops to 15%. Research has been done and proven. When a digital sign is first installed along a freeway with constantly changing images, the readership holds at 82%. Mr. Wilson stated that is why the digital sign works. The readership for a new static sign will fall off and those 7.5 million people per month that drive by will no longer see it as it will become a part ofthe landscape. Chris Baker, owner and operator of the Baker Auto Group in Car Country Carlsbad, 5365 Car Country Drive, Carlsbad, gave a brief presentation and stated he would be available to answer any questions. Commissioner L'Heureux asked why it has taken so long for the dealerships to move fonward with the request for a new, updated sign. Mr. Baker stated that the city has recently become more supportive ofthe businesses in the city. Chairperson Black commented that there are many other businesses along the freeway that do not have a digital sign. If the Planning Commission concludes that this proposal is permissible, it could set a precedence for those other businesses to want a similar sign. He asked how Mr. Baker feels about the possibility of setting such a precedence. Mr. Baker stated that while he is not familiar with being on a Planning Commission or a City Council, he does know that Car Country is the largest source of sales tax revenue for the city, therefore they should be first in line when looking for marketing support. However if you look at the various businesses along the freeway, there are not many, if any, that lend themselves to freeway or digital signage. Mr. Baker also pointed out that the recently updated sign ordinance does limit the number of digital signage allowed in the city. He feels that if any business deserves the support of a digital sign it would be the largest contributor to the sales tax base. ISO Planning Commission Minutes January 15,2014 Page 8 Chairperson Black asked if there were any further questions of the applicant. Seeing none, he asked if there were any members of the audience who wished to speak on Agenda Item 3. Seeing none. Chairperson Black opened and closed public testimony. DISCUSSION Commissioner Segall stated he supports the recommendations from staff. He feels the Commission will have an opportunity in the future when an application is submitted for a CUP for the sign to see what is actually proposed. Commissioner Schumacher stated he can also support the changes and recommendations from staff, and he looks forward to seeing the proposed sign at a future date. He feels that there is some sprucing up of the auto park that would help matters. Commissioner Anderson commented that she agrees with Commissioner Schumacher in regard to updating Car Country. She cannot support the digital sign at 65 feet, and she cannot support Carlsbad being the first city to step into the arena of digital signs. Commissioner Anderson stated she could support a larger static sign up to 50 feet. She commented that she can support the other signage changes. Commissioner L'Heureux thanked Car Country and the city for working together on this proposal. He stated he is supportive of the changes for Initiative No. 4. He does not feel he has enough information regarding the proposed changes in Initiative No. 2. He would like to see the motion split to approve each initiative individually. He agrees the current static sign is inadequate and stated that the real issue with the current sign is the southbound traffic and the landscaping along the east side. Commissioner L'Heureux feels the current sign is in the wrong place and should be moved from that location. He is not in favor of digital signs as they do not maintain the character of this community. Another concern Commissioner L'Heureux has with the digital sign is that seeing a picture of a car does not necessarily tell a person what type of car it is or what other types of cars are available at Car Country. He does not think a digital sign would make that big of a difference. Commissioner Scully commented that she agrees with separating the two initiatives. She stated that she agrees that the current sign needs to be updated and possibly moved to a different location. She commented that there are lots of other options to help update Car Country, such as upgrading some of the buildings. There are a few dealerships that just are not attractive. Sales staff and sales training all have to do with what is going on in the dealerships. Commissioner Scully stated that the dealerships have been successful for many, many years without a digital sign. She further stated that moving the static sign to a different location would help, but she would like to see something smaller than 65 feet for the static or digital sign. Commissioner Scully stated she cannot support the digital sign but can support the other signage modifications. Chairperson Black stated he is also on the fence regarding the digital sign. He feels allowing a digital sign would be setting a precedence. The Commission discussed the need to separate the motion into 3 separate motions: one for the digital sign, one for all the other signage, and one for the minor updates in Initiative No. 4. Commissioners L'Heureux and Schumacher added that they would like to see more information and renderings of the proposed way finding signs and monument signs. Commissioner Segall asked City Attorney Jane Mobaldi to clarify how the Commission, which serves at the pleasure of the Council, can vote contrary to the Council after they have already voted unanimously to approve digital signs. Ms. Mobaldi stated that the Planning Commission functions independently of the Council. The Commission is here to give their best recommendation, not necessarily a rubber stamp of what the Council wants. She stated the Commission is entitled at this stage to vote against digital signs if the Commission feels it is not appropriate in the Car Country Specific Plan. Commissioner Scully commented that Council approved digital signs but did not approve the height of any signs. Ms. Mobaldi stated that the Council approved conceptually that digital signs could be allowed in locations meeting certain criteria. The Commission is now looking at the Car Country Specific Plan which would take precedence over the sign ordinance since it is specifically for Car Country. The Commission does not have to say that a digital sign is appropriate in this situation. Ms. Mobaldi added that the City Planning Commission Minutes January 15,2014 Page 9 Council gave the Planning Commission the leeway to do allow a digital sign, but the Commission does not have recommend it. Commissioner Segall stated that the Commission could conceivably approve the concept of the sign being up to 65 feet. However, the Car Country Working Group would have to return to the Commission at some point, if the digital sign is approved, for a CUP and the Commission will review exactly what is proposed. Commissioner Segall added that the Commission would then have the ability to make a decision on a product rather than an idea as it is at tonight's meeting. Ms. Mobaldi stated that Commissioner Segall is correct in that the Car Country Working Group would have to apply for a CUP and the Commission could then deny the request for a digital sign altogether. The Commission could also not approve the digital sign as proposed and place appropriate conditions on the permit to make it compatible. Ms. Mobaldi stated she agrees with a Commissioner's earlier statement that once the Commission allows a digital sign in the Specific Plan, then the Commission is opening the door for an applicant to propose a digital sign by CUP with only the particulars remaining to be approved. Commissioner Schumacher asked if only the digital sign that requires a CUP. Ms. Mobaldi stated that was correct and the City Council would be the final decision making body. Commissioner Segall suggested that the Commission approve Initiative No. 4 tonight and continue Initiative No. 2 in order to get more information on both digital signs and the other signage. Mr. Neu commented that for all practical purposes this is one amendment. If the Commission were to separate the initiatives as suggested, staff would most likely put Initiative No. 4 on hold until a decision was reached on Initiative No. 2. If the Commission's concern is wanting information on the sign portions of the amendment, staff would request that the Commission vote to continue the entire item and provide specific details to staff regarding the information needed that would help the Commission in their decision-making. Commissioner Anderson commented that there has not been any opposition to the monument signs at each dealer and the onsite directional signs and asked if there would be any benefit to approving those items. Mr. Neu stated that none of the changes could be effective until the City Council acts on it as well as the Coastal Commission. One of the challenges with this specific plan is that it has never been rich in graphics in terms of what was in the plan from its initial creation. Staff did not create drawings of what these proposed signs might look like or even visual simulations. If the Commission is interested in simulations on those other signs, the City would have to get funding authority to hire a company to prepare those. Commissioner L'Heureux commented that he was looking for something that could be done in- house to give the Commission a rough idea of, as a concept only, what the proposed monument and way finding signs might look like. Mr. Neu stated that what could be done, which would not take an incredible amount of effort, would be for staff to apply the proposed standards with the number of lots and proposed dealerships, and conceptually prepare line drawings indicating where some of the signs might be and give an idea as to the size of the signs. Commissioner L'Heureux stated that line drawings would be sufficient. Commissioner Schumacher agreed and added that the dimensions of those signs would be helpful. Ms. Kennedy reminded the Commission that the way the proposal is currently written there would only be 4 of the 14 foot high way finding signs and up to 6 of the monument signs that would identify Car Country. Those signs would require a comprehensive sign program that would take a look at the detail of those signs, the locations, what the actual height and width is as well as the design and the font. Typically the sign program would be an administrative review by the City Planner. If that is not satisfactory with the Commission, language could be added to the Specific Plan requiring the sign program to come before the Commission for their consideration. The details for the proposed signs could happen next year or it could happen 5 years from now. Commissioner Segall commented that the Commission just went through the Land Use Decision Making revisions and the idea was to push some of the decision-making authority down to the City Planner. He stated that he is not in favor of having any of the sign program return to the Commission as he feels the staff is capable and competent to handle those decisions. He further stated that is why he is in favor of the staff report and staffs recommendation because there is still a review process at a later date. Commissioner L'Heureux stated that after listening to the comments from Mr. Neu in that this proposal is an integrated project, he feels that his original suggestion of separating the motion will be very impractical. He agrees that the Commission needs to trust staff to do the right thing. Commissioner L'Heureux suggested that the Commission modify the motion to approve everything except the digital sign. Planning Commission Minutes January 15,2014 Page 10 Commissioner Anderson asked if a 50 foot static sign would be allowed if the provision for a digital sign is removed from the motion. Ms. Mobaldi stated yes that a static sign of up to 50 feet would be allowed. Commissioner Scully stated that she could support a digital sign of up to 50 feet in height. MOTION ACTION: Motion by Commissioner L'Heureux and duly seconded, that the Planning Commission adopt Planning Commission Resolutions No. 7031 and 7032 recommending approval of Specific Plan Amendment SP 19(J) and Local Coastal Program Amendment LCPA 12-01 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein except the provision for a digital sign. DISCUSSION Commissioner Segall stated that he will not support the motion as he feels Car Country is the biggest revenue generator in the community. The auto dealers feel there is a need for a digital sign, the City Council has given their support of a digital sign. He does not blanketly support digital signs and he would like to see what the proposed sign will look like. VOTE: 5-1 AYES: Chairperson Black, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner L'Heureux, Commissioner Schumacher, and Commissioner Scully NOES: Commissioner Segall ABSENT: Commissioner Siekmann ABSTAIN: None Chairperson Black closed the public hearing on Agenda Item 3, asked Mr. Neu to introduce the next item and opened the public hearing on Agenda Item 4. 4. ZCA 13-02/LCPA 13-03 - DWELLING DEFINITIONS — A request for a recommendation of approval of a Zone Code Amendment and Local Coastal Program Amendment to amend the city's Zoning Ordinance to improve the definitions of 'dwelling unit' and 'kitchen' and add a definition of 'wet bar.' The proposed amendments are exempt from environmental review pursuant to CEQA Section 15061(B). Mr. Neu introduced Agenda Item 4 and stated Associate Planner Kevin Pointer would make the staff presentation. Mr. Pointer gave a brief presentation and stated he would be available to answer any questions. Mr. Pointer also pointed out that the errata sheet has been revised and read the new proposed wording into the record. Chairperson Black acknowledged receipt of an errata sheet for the item. Commissioner Anderson asked about the limitation of 6 lineal feet of countertop for a wet bar. Mr. Pointer indicated that the city currently does not have any regulations or definitions regarding wet bars. Staff did not prepare any analysis on wet bars and what a typical length of cabinetry or counter space is; however staff feels 6 feet would be sufficient to accommodate a wet bar. If the Planning Commission felt that the proposed 6 lineal feet is not sufficient, staff is open to suggestions. Commissioner Anderson asked if staff does in fact feel that a limitation is necessary. Mr. Pointer stated that staff feels that indeed a limitation is necessary. The Commission can consider a different recommendation if they feel otherwise. Mr. Pointer further commented that staff does feel a limitation is necessary in order to enforce the city's regulations to determine when project proposals are crossing the line between a wet bar versus a full kitchen which would then trigger the determination that the portion of the residential development is not being utilized solely with the purpose of having a wet bar. Commissioner Anderson commented that it is tricky because some larger homes might have a large wet bar that is bigger than a kitchen in someone else's smaller home. EXHIBIT 7 City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad City Council JAN 2 3 2014 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Planning Division January 22"^ 2014 RE: Appeal of Planning Commission Decision made on January 15'^ 2014 regarding Carlsbad Car Country Honorable Mayor of Carlsbad and City Council Members, The Car Country dealers and Task Force members attended a "Public Hearing" at the Planning Commission meeting on Jan. 15'^ 2014 to address the need for changes to the Car Country Specific Plan; an amendment which was being recommended by the City of Carlsbad. We were attending to speak in support ofthe changes being recommended. I must say we were amazed that not one single Carlsbad resident appeared to voice any displeasure to the proposed changes, nor any dissatisfaction with our proposed new digital freeway sign. This was after the public hearing was published in local papers and notices being sent out to all residents. The only objection was from members of the Planning Commission. This letter is to formally request the City Council override the decision made by the Planning Commission on 1/15/14 to remove the allowance for a led digital freeway sign from the Car Country Specific Plan Amendment. While we applaud their decision to approve all other proposed changes to the Specific Plan Amendment, we respectfully request that our appeal be strongly mentioned in the staff report to be written for the upcoming City Council meeting; along with an inclusion of a copy of this letter. We realize there are many factors leading to the reduction in business today. There are things we can control and do to improve our position and others factors we have no control over. Even with a decrease in business these past few years, the individual Car Country dealers have continued to invest in their family owned businesses, putting many millions of dollars into building new dealerships, and upgrading their existing facilities and properties in Carlsbad. As you know. Car Country had recently received a unanimous City Council vote to allow a digital freeway sign. A new led digital sign is designed to keep Car Country competitive in the Southern California market, stay current with marketing technology, aid in increasing auto sales in Car Country and designed to increase sales tax revenues by as much as 12% to 16%. Please advise us as soon as possible as to when our appeal can be scheduled in front ofthe Carlsbad City Council. Respectfully submitted, Car Country Carlsbad Dealer Association 16H Kevin and Patricia Brown 2716 Norma Street Oceanside, CA 92056 Honorable Mayor and City Council Members: My name is Kevin Brown and I live in Oceanside. I have lived there since 1988.1 am also here on behalf of Scenic San Diego which is an affiliate of Scenic America. Both organizations advocate for scenic beautification and against sign proliferation. I want to register my opposition and that of Scenic San Diego's in regards to the large digital sign being proposed for Car Country Carlsbad along 1-5. This project is inconsistent with traftic and safety concerns, the aesthetic values ofthe community and many other issues I will highlight. At the moment there is a proposal for the Ocean's Eleven Casino sign in Oceanside to be changed from a static pylon sign to one with digital displays. This is very similar to the situation with the Car Country sign. But the proposed Car Country sign is much more massive at 65 feet high verses the proposed Oceans Elevens sign at 38 feet. Also, the Car Country digital face is more than twice the square footage at 625 square feet vs. 264 square feet for the Ocean's Eleven Sign. So far, there have been over 95 recorded negative comments submitted to the City of Oceanside regarding the Ocean's Eleven sign. They come from residents of Oceanside and also surrounding communities. The following groups have also expressed strong opposition to this project: Scenic America Scenic San Diego The Sierra Club of San Diego South Vista Communities The Oceanside Coastal Neighborhood Association The Borrego Dark Skies Association The Car Country sign would attract similar opposition if more people knew about it. For this reason you should continue this matter and permit time for a full public airing of this proposal. The Agenda report on this item states the City Planner determined that the proposed Speciflc Plan amendments that would allow the Car Country digital sign are exempt from the provisions of CEQA, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) (General Rule), where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment. This claimed exemption is completely unfounded. Digital signs proposed in other communities in San Diego County, including Vista and Oceanside, required environmental review. Indeed, Vista abandoned its digital sign program after receiving scathing criticism of its initial environmental review ofthe proposal. How and why is this sign any different, especially when it is nearly three times as big as the Oceans 11 sign? The City Planner's determination is vulnerable to costly legal challenge for the City. It is prudent that you table this matter until an environmental review of this project can be completed and circulated for public review. Among the many negative effects on the community threatened by the Car Country sign that must be studied are the following: The potential effects on traffic safety along 1-5 and surrounding roadways The effects of light and glare produced by digital billboards The effects of aesthetics and visual character on the surrounding area and community Lack of ANY environmental review ofthe Car Country sign, which is required to determine the environmental effects of this sign, including on wildlife such as migrating birds that can be drawn off course by nighttime illumination. The effects on views of scenic vistas, night skies and sky glow The effects of Greenhouse emissions and energy consumption All of these issues require more study to determine the true impact and effects of this project. In addition, you should seriously weigh the fact the proposed amended specific plan threatens to invalidate significant land use plans, policies and regulations because it relies on a constitutionally suspect loophole in Carlsbad's sign regulations. The City premises its sign restrictions on judicially recognized public policy interests including aesthetics and traffic safety, as stated in Carlsbad Municipal Code section 21.41.005 et. seq. But the proposed amendments to the Car Country Specific Plan amount to an unwarranted exception to the City's otherwise complete ban on such signs, with no valid constitutional basis. Irrational exceptions to a government law put a jurisdiction's entire sign regulatory scheme at risk of being found legally invalid. This means approving the Car Country Specific Plan amendments before you tonight invites lawsuits from other property owners who will seek to erect on-premise and off-premise digital signs on their own properties, challenging the validity of other provisions in the City's sign law that purport to prohibit this. Indeed, the UT has reported Westfield mall wants a large digital sign on its property, which would begin the domino effect of degradation of Carlsbad's aesthetic and traffic safety values. It is seriously doubtful the loopholes the City inserted into its sign law to permit digital signs could withstand a lawsuit based on First Amendment constitutional rights. Courts have interpreted the First Amendment to require that exceptions to a City's sign ordinance further an interest stronger and more important than the interest underlying its current law. See for example, Get Outdoors II, LLC v. City of San Diego, 381 F. Supp. 2d 1250 (S.D. Cal. 2005) (affirmed on appeal, 506 F.3d 886 (9*^ Cir. 2007)) and Metromedia Inc. v. City of San Diego, 453 U.S. 490 (1981). The important public policy interests Carlsbad cites in its sign law are aesthetics and traffic safety. ^ Yet there is no discussion whatsoever in the Agenda report of any important interest being furthered by allowing the first digital sign in the City's history. Nor is there any interest that can qualify as advancing a value stronger than the City's overall. City-wide interest in traffic safety and aesthetics, which has allowed its sign law to withstand legal challenges for decades. Although the digital sign loopholes are likely unconstitutional, the City has never before allowed a project under them. Consequently there has been no issue on which another property owner could challenge these new provisions. Permitting the flrst project underthis legally suspect loophole invites litigation that could result in a wholesale dismantling of Carlsbad's sign restrictions and the associated invalidation of signiflcant land use plans, policies and regulations, with huge consequences for aesthetic and traffic safety concerns. Your own Planning Commission voted against the digital sign, as noted in the Agenda report. Several Commissioners indicated a digital sign would not be appropriate for the community and would set an undesirable precedent. You should respect the input of this group of volunteer public servants and order more study before taking final action on this proposal. Finally, pending right now in the US District Court of Columbia is a lawsuit by Scenic America against The United States Department of Transportation to determine whether digital billboards violate the Highway Beautification Act. That case is Scenic America v. Department of ^ Carlsbad Municipal Code section 21.41.005 et. seq. 3 Transportation, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, Case l:13-cv-00093. Filed 1/23/13. Preliminary rulings in the case indicate the court is likely to hold that such signs do violate federal law and state and federal highway agreements. Consequenfly, it would be irresponsible and premature for the city of Carlsbad to move forward with approving this sign before the outcome of that case is known. Thank you. Kevin Brown and Scenic San Diego From: Sent: To: Subject: Council Internet Email Monday, IVIarch 24, 2014 10:35 AM Morgen Fry FW: Car Country Sign All Receive - Agenda Item # iS For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL . ACM_1_CA_^CC Date J^City Manager"")^ From: Crystal Harris [ma{lto:cjharrispretzer(g)yahoo.com] Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 8:37 AM To: PAULA NISWANDER Cc: Council Internet Email; Lorraine Wood Subject: Re: Car Country Sign I completely concur! Crystal J. Harris www.CrvstalJHarris.com Mobile: 760-402-9447 Twitter: @cjharrispretzer On Mar 24, 2014, at 7:39 AM, PAULA NISWANDER <paulaniswander@^m.n r.nni> wrote: I understand that the council will be discussing the Car Country sign on Tuesday I feel the current sign is visible from the 5 and perfectly adequate. A larger bill board type sign will be a tacky eyesore and a waste of taxpayer money. I know that car country brings lots of revenue to Carlsbad but a large sign is not going to bring in more customers. A marketing ad on the mtemet is a better route for more exposure, especially to bring in people from out of town. Please consider the Carlsbad residents and the Carlsbad Village aesthetic in your decision. Thank you, Paula Niswander Paula Niswander 760-815-6141 r>aulaniswander@,gmail.com Date Distribution: Ctty Clerk Asst City Clerk btputy Clerk Book Morgen Fry From: Council Internet Email Sent: Monday March 24, 2014 10:35 AM To: Morgen Fry Subject: P\N: BILL BOARD SIGN along 1-5 From: jes hinrichs [mailto;jessiepontiac@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 8:25 AM To: Council Internet Email Subject: BILL BOARD SIGN along 1-5 I am opposed to the placement of a huge sign advertising Car Country along 1-5 in Carlsbaci. There are many other ways to promote car country, let's not start allowing signs along the freeway! Jes Hinrichs 7127 Babilonia St. well huppi' ... ; peaceful. • ffSQ •oa! Morgen Fr From: Sent: To: Subject: Council Internet Email Monday March 24, 2014 10:35 AM Morgen Fry FW: Car Country Sign Agenda item From: PAULA NISWANDER [mailto:paulaniswander@gmaii.com] Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 7:39 AM To: Council Internet Email Cc: Lorraine Wood Subject: Car Country Sign I understand that tlie council will be discussing the Car Countiy sign on Tuesday I feel the current sign is visible from the 5 and perfectly adequate. A larger bill board type sign will be a tacky eyesore and a waste of taxpayer money. I know tiiat car country brings lots of revenue to Carlsbad but a large sign IS not going to bring in more customers. A marketing ad on the intemet is a better route for more exposure especially to bring in people from out of town. Please consider the Carlsbad residents and tiie Carisbad Village' aesthetic in your decision. ^ Thank you, Paula Niswander Paula Niswander 760-815-6141 paulaniswanderfgigmail.com From: Council Internet Email Sent: Monday March 24, 2014 3:45 PM To: Morgen Fry Subject: FW: Car Country Sign From: Donna johnson [mailto:donnajll3@att.net] Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 1:17 PM To: PAULA NISWANDER; Council Internet Email Cc: Lorraine Wood Subject: Re: Car Country Sign I agree with Paula. Donna Johnson From: PAULA NISWANDER <paulaniswander@qmail.com> To: council@carlsbadca.qov Cc: Lorraine Wood <carlsbadlorraine@.qmail.com> Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 7:39 AM Subject: Car Country Sign I understand that the council will be discussing the Car Country sign on Tuesday. I feel the current sign is visible from the 5 and perfectiy adequate. A larger bill board type sign will be a tacky eyesore and a waste of taxpayer money. I know that car countiy brings lots of revenue to Carlsbad but a large sign is not going to bring in more customers. A marketing ad on the intemet is a better route for more exposure, especially to bring in people from out of town. Please consider the Carlsbad residents and the Carlsbad Village aesthetic in your decision. Thank you, Paula Niswander Paula Niswander 760-815-6141 Daulaniswander(£jgmail.com Morgen Fry ^fom: Council Internet Email Sent: Tuesday March 25, 2014 10:47 AM "To: Morgen Fry Subject: FW: Digital Sign From: PAULA NISWANDER [mailto:paulaniswander@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 7:23 AM To: Council Internet Email Subject: Digital Sign I understand that the council will be discussing the Car Country sign tonight. I feel the current sign is visible from the 5 and perfectiy adequate. A lai-ger bill board type sign will be a tacky eyesore. I know that car country brings lots of revenue to Carlsbad but a large sign is not going to bring in more customers. A marketing ad on the intemet is a better route for more exposure, especially to bring in people from out of town. Please consider tiie Carisbad residents and the Carlsbad Village aesthetic in your decision. Thank you, Paula Niswander Paula Niswander 760-815-6141 paulaniswander(a),gmail.com Morgen Fry From: Sent: To: Subject: Council Internet Email Tuesday March 25, 2014 10:47 AM Morgen Fry FW: Car Country digital sign —Original Message— From: Alisa Chacon [mailto:alisachacon@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 8:35 AM To: Council Internet Email Subject: Car Country digital sign To Our City Council Members, I would urge you to reject the digital signs for Car Country Carlsbad and the Westfield Mall. The term "Village By the Sea" is used for Carlsbad to indicate an intimate, friendly and small town feel. Digital signs are the exact opposite of this message. Let's try and preserve the charm of Carlsbad. Let's not let money dictate all our decisions for the future. I certainly hope we don't turn into a Las Vegas. Please vote "no" on the digital signs. Sincerely, Alisa Chacon jyiorgenjty From: Council Internet Email Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 10:49 AM To: Morgen Fry Subject: FW: Digital LED sign —Original Message— From: JoAnne Shiemmer [mailto:jtshlemmer@hotmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 9:40 AM To: Council Internet Email Subject: Digital LED sign Dear Council Members,My husband and I were disappointed to see in this mornings paper that the digital sign for the Auto Park is up for a vote again tonight. We were so happy last year when it was decided that it was "simply to tacky for our city".We have resided in Carlsbad since 1968 and have been so proud of our "classy city".You are already discussing one for Westfield MalL.When would it stop?Can you imagine DelMar or LaJolla putting up those ugly signs?Do we REALLY need money that badly in this city? Keep The ban in place and free of these cheap-looking signs... Sincerely, JoAnne & Richard Shiemmer 7417 Linden Terrace Carlsbad,Ca.92011 Bobbie Hoder P O Box 757, Carisbad, CA 92018 March 25, 2014 Carlsbad City Council City of Carisbad 1200 Carisbad Village Dr Carisbad CA 92008 Dear Mayor and Counal This letter is being written in opposition to the proposed freeway electronic sign at Car Country, and possibly at the Plaza Camino Real Mali. I am unable to stay for the Council meeting this evening, and wanted to express my thoughts concerning this change to the sign ordinance. Carisbad is unlike all its neighboring cities and those in South County that have freeway frontage, in that it has a dignified appearance without garish signage. The sign ordinance has allowed the business community to advertise its existence in a tasteful manner, and due to the amount of sales tax dollars collected by the city each year, it appears quite successfully so. Carlsbad is praised for its adherence to a well-written and tasteful sign ordinance, which does not allow the business community to announce its existence through flashing lights and attention-getting devices. 1 will not argue that Car Country needs a larger sign, however, I wouid hope it is not what is described in the agenda bill and newspaper. Please carefully consider this matter before voting to make radical changes to fhis important document Thank you. Sincerely, Bobbie Hoder From: Council Internet Email Sent: Tuesday March 25, 2014 1:35 PM To: Morgen Fry Subject: FW: Digital Sign From: PAULA NISWANDER [mailto:paulaniswander@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday March 25,2014 11:47 AM To: Council Internet Email Subject: Fwd: Digital Sign Forwarded message From: Judy Calabrese <iudvcalabrese2612@,gmail.com> Date: Tue, Mar 25,2014 at 11:28 AM Subject: Re: Digital Sign To: Carol <csciotto(a),roadrunner.com>, PAULA NISWANDER <paulaniswander@gmail.com> We bought our last two cars from a wholesale dealer..but we have it serviced here in Carlsbad. If the dealership put more effort in being competitive on the intemet market and not think the way to get customers is to leu them in to the 'country ' by a tacky road sign. Give good prices and customer service! We already have one mistake with the sign on the comer of El Camino and Alga - the one about 'gold for cash'. What's next ?pone shops. We are a bed room community and that sign does nothing for our community but to lower our image. Judy C Sent from my iPad On Mar 25, 2014, at 10:33 AM, "Carol" <csciotto@,roadrimner.com> wrote: They article states exactly what I was saying to my husband, just yesterday. Approval of one sign would by the door opening for another. Sounds like a Westfield Mall is next. Carol From: PAULA NISWANDER Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 7:25 AM To: Andrea Rvon ; Ann Averv ; Carol Sciotto ; Crystal Harris ; Donna Cleary ; Donna Johnson ; Elaine Algeo ; Jackie Peacock : Jessie Hinrichs : Joan Markovits : Joyce, Marie ; Judy Calabrese ; JudyRees ; Karen Pearson : Kathleen Norris : Laurice Schiller: Lorraine Wood : Marie Bradley ; Mary Frances Stanley ; Morine Siaafoose ; PAUU NISWANDER; Peaav Craf; Sandy Binikos ; Sandy Parsons; Saundra Cima Subject: Digital Sign CARLSBAD COUNCIL TO WEIGH DIGITAL SIGN PROPOSAL By U-T San Diego 12:01 a.m.March 25, 2014 CARLSBAD Carisbad could soon be getting its first electronic freeway sign. The City Council is scheduled to discuss and possibly approve tonight a 64-foot-tall Car Country Carlsbad sign proposal along Interstate 5 that would include a 25-by-25-foot digital display area. Council members signaled last fall tiiey would support such a sign by amending city ordinances to lift a longtime ban against them. But the council still must approve a conditional use permit for this version, which the Planning Commission rejected in January. The city's 28 auto dealers say the new sign would boost business and increase the city's sales tax revenue by as much as $ 1 million per year. Planning commissioners said they doubted the sign would make that much difference, and said it would cheapen the city's image, distract drivers and set a dangerous precedent. After being rejected by the commission, the Car Country Carlsbad Dealers Association sent the city a letter pleading its case. "A new LED sign is designed to keep Cai- Country competitive in the Soutiiem California market, stay current with marketing technology, aid in increasing auto sales and increase sales tax revenues by as much as 12 to 16 percent," the letter said. Carlsbad typically receives roughly $6 million per year in sales tax from auto dealers, so a jump of 16 percent would amount to about $960,000. The dealers would pay the estimated $800 000 cost of the sign. Westfield Carlsbad officials are also expected to ask the city for a digital fireeway sign as they continue with a $100 million renovation. That sign would be along state Route 78. Tonight's council meeting is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. at Carlsbad City Hall, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive. DAVID GARRICK • U-T Paula Niswander 760-815-6141 DaBlaniswander@gmail.cnm No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG - www.avg.com Version: 9.0.932 / Virus Database: 3722.1.1/6746 - Release Date: 03/25/14 06:39:00 Paula Niswander 760-815-6141 Daulaniswander@gmail.com Morgen Fry From: Sent: To: Subject: Council Internet Email Tuesday, March 25, 2014 4:28 PM Morgen Fry FW: Sign All Receive - Agenda Item # For the Information of the: cijycour^iciL ^ ACM CA CG Date 3 • ^6Gity Manager —Original Message— From: Arthur and Joan Markovits [mailto:markovits@msn.eom] Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 3:58 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: Sign Please do not approve a change in policy to allow highway signs at this time. Thank you. Joan Markovits Date:. Distribution: City Clerk Asst. City Cleric Deputy Clerk Book Subject: FW: Digital Sign From: Judy Calabrese fmailto:iudvcalabrese2612@gmail.coml Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 4:13 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: Fwd: Digital Sign Sent from my iPad Begin forwarded message: From: PAULA NISWANDER <paulaniswander@,gmail.com> Date: March 25, 2014 at 11:54:05 AM PDT To: Judy Calabrese <iudvcalabrese2612@.gmail.com> Subject: Re: Digital Sign council(a),carlsbadca. gov On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 11:53 AM, Judy Calabrese <iudvcalabrese2612(a),gmail.com> wrote: Do you have an email address I could send it to? Judy C Sentfrom my iPad On Mar 25,2014, at 11:46 AM, Paula Niswander <paulaniswander@,gmail.com> wrote: Please sen4i^^il t)iis to cit;gjgpuncil i -S^ntfrommy'iPad' • '•' j ' .„. . . QnMar25,2014, at 11:28 AM, Judy Calabrese <iudvcalabrese2612@gmail.com> wrote: We bought our last two cars from a wholesale dealer, .but we have it serviced here in Carlsbad. If the dealership put more effort in being competitive on the intemet market and not think the way to get customers is to leu them in to the 'country' by a tacky road sign. Give good prices and customer service! We already have one mistake with the sign on the corner of El Camino and Alga - the one about 'gold for cash'. What's next ?pone shops. We are a bed room community and tiiat sign does nothing for our community but to lower our image. Judy C Sent from my iPad On Mar 25,2014, at 10:33 AM, "Carol" <csciotto(5),roadrunner.com> wrote: They article states exactly what I was saying to my husband, just yesterday. Approval of one sign would by the door opening for another. Sounds like a Westfield Mall is next. Carol From; PAULA NISWANDER Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 7:25 AM To: Andrea Ryon ; Ann Avery; Carol Sciotto; Crystal Harris ; Donna Cleary ; Donna Johnson ; Elaine Algeo ; Jackie Peacock; Jessie Hinrichs; Joan Markovits; Joyce. Marie; Judv Calabrese ; Judv Rees ; Karen Pearson ; Kathleen Norris ; Laurice Schiller; Lon-aine Wood : Marie Bradley; Marv Frances Stanley; Norine Siqafoose : PAULA NISWANDER : Peaoy Graf; Sandy Binikos; Sandy Parsons ; Saundra Cima Subject: Digital Sign CARLSBAD COUNCIL TO WEIGH DIGITAL SIGN PROPOSAL By U-T San Diego 12:01 a.m.March 25, 2014 CARLSBAD Carlsbad could soon be getting its first electronic freeway sign. The City Council is scheduled to discuss and possibly approve tonight a 64-foot-tall Car Country Carlsbad sign proposal along Interstate 5 that would include a 25-by-25-foot digital display area. Council members signaled last fall they would support such a sign by amending city ordinances to lift a longtime ban against them. But the council still must approve a conditional use permit for this version, which the Planning Commission rejected in January. The city's 28 auto dealers say the new sign would boost business and increase the city's sales tax revenue by as much as $1 million per year. Planning commissioners said they doubted the sign would make that much difference, and said it would cheapen the city's image, distiact drivers and set a dangerous precedent. After being rejected by the commission, the Car Country Carlsbad Dealers Association sent the city a letter pleading its case. "A new LED sign is designed to keep Car Country competitive in the Southem California market, stay current with marketing technology, aid in increasing auto sales and increase sales tax revenues by as much as 12 to 16 percent," the letter said. Carlsbad typically receives roughly $6 million per year in sales tax from auto dealers, so a jump of 16 percent would amount to about $960,000. The dealers would pay the estimated $800,000 cost of the sign. Westfield Carlsbad officials are also expected to ask the city for a digital freeway sign as they continue with a $100 million renovation. That sign would be along state Route 78. Tonight's council meeting is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. at Carlsbad City Hall, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive. DAVID GARRICK • U-T Paula Niswander 760-815-6141 Daulaniswander@gmail.com JVflorgenJFrjr^ From: Sent: To: Subject- Council Internet Email Tuesday March 25, 2014 3:07 PM Morgen Fry FW: Car Country Signage All Receive - Agenda Item # JL3 For the Information of the: CITY COLJNCIL , ACM ^ CA _1_ CC _Jl. Date / 2^Citv Manager From: Nerice <nericekaufman(aatt.nefr> Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 11:52 AM To: counciKacarlsbad.aov Subject: Fw: Car Country Signage Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network. My husband and I are writing in opposition to the proposed signage for Car Country Carlsbad. While we are car people (25 cars in 24 years of marriage), and have spent more than our fair share at Carlsbad Car Country, we do feel that much of the appeal of Carlsbad to both corporations and private residences is its good taste. While Car Country does need better signage, it would be a detriment to the look ofthe city to allow us to be identified by a garish, inappropriate sign such as those we see on the LA freeway system. We are not "mile of cars", we are a respected business community. Carlsbad's conservative approach to signage has stood the City in good stead, judging by our healthy tax base In fact my own Agency complied willingly to signage limitations in a spirit of cooperation, and it has not hurt us in any way ' Please do consider that our city needs to be known for its great businesses and also charm...so that companies want to locate here as it is also a desirable place for their employees to live. Signage makes a difference. The huge digital sign suggested would be an embarassment. Thank you so much. Nerice and Fred Kaufman 6417 Alexandri Circle Carlsbad, CA 92011 nericekaufman(5)att.net 760-525-3815 Date: s/^sffcf, Distribiitibn: ' City Clerk Asst. City Clerk Deputy Clerk _ Book Car Country Carlsbad City Council Recommendations Implementation Plan LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS RECOMME] VDATION LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS Yes No Partial Support Initiate Work Complete Work Approach Initiative 1 Rec. l.B.i. ".. .accent lighting..." Apr 2012 Jul 2012 As an initial phase, city staff will initiate discussions with the Car Country Carlsbad dealership group to proactively assess their support for developing a new funding source, such as a new LLD, Improvement District, BID, etc., for design, development, and ongoing maintenance ofany or all ofthe proposed landscape improvements. The results of this initial phase will be reported back to the City Council, prior to staff identifying and initiating any next phase. Lead Dept: FIN; w/ CED, P&R, PEM - C. McBride Status: The Car Country Task Force was informed that they would need to proactively initiate work in this area. To date, the Task Force has elected not to initiate work in this area. Initiative 1 Rec. 2.A.i. ".. .landscape on 1-5 frontage..." x' Apr 2012 Jul 2012 As an initial phase, city staff will initiate discussions with the Car Country Carlsbad dealership group to proactively assess their support for developing a new funding source, such as a new LLD, Improvement District, BID, etc., for design, development, and ongoing maintenance ofany or all ofthe proposed landscape improvements. The results of this initial phase will be reported back to the City Council, prior to staff identifying and initiating any next phase. Lead Dept: FIN; w/ CED, P&R, PEM - C. McBride Status: The Car Country Task Force was informed that they would need to proactively initiate work in this area. To date, the Task Force has elected not to initiate work in this area. Initiative 1 Rec. 2.A.ii. ".. .1-5 decorative fence..." X' Apr 2012 Jul 2012 As an initial phase, city staff will initiate discussions with the Car Country Carlsbad dealership group to proactively assess their support for developing a new funding source, such as a new LLD, Improvement District, BID, etc., for design, development, and ongoing maintenance ofany or all ofthe proposed landscape improvements. The results of this initial phase will be reported back to the City Council, prior to staff identifying and initiating any next phase. Lead Dept: FIN; w/ CED, P&R, PEM - C. McBride Status: The Car Country Task Force was informed that they would need to proactively initiate work in this area. To date, the Task Force has elected not to initiate work in this area. Initiative 1 Rec. 2.B.i. "...landscape at 1-5 interchanges..." X' Apr 2012 Jul 2012 As an initial phase, city staff will initiate discussions with the Car Country Carlsbad dealership group to proactively assess their support for developing a new funding source, such as a new LLD, Improvement District, BID, etc., for design, development, and ongoing maintenance ofany or all ofthe proposed landscape improvements. The results of this initial phase will be reported back to the City Council, prior to staff identifying and initiating any next phase. Lead Dept: FIN; w/ CED, P&R, PEM - C. McBride Status: The Car Country Task Force was informed that they would need to proactively initiate work in this area. To date, the Task Force has elected not to initiate work in this area. Initiative 1 Rec. 2.B.ii. ".. .larger LLD benefit area..." X' Apr 2012 Jul 2012 As an initial phase, city staff will initiate discussions with the Car Country Carlsbad dealership group to proactively assess their support for developing a new funding source, such as a new LLD, Improvement District, BID, etc., for design, development, and ongoing maintenance ofany or all ofthe proposed landscape improvements. The results of this initial phase will be reported back to the City Council, prior to staff identifying and initiating any next phase. Lead Dept: FIN; w/ CED, P&R, PEM - C. McBride Status: The Car Country Task Force was informed that they would need to proactively initiate work in this area. To date, the Task Force has elected not to initiate work in this area. Initiative 1 Rec. 2.B.iv. ".. .redesign median & parkway landscaping..." xl Apr 2012 Jul 2012 As an initial phase, city staff will initiate discussions with the Car Country Carlsbad dealership group to proactively assess their support for developing a new funding source, such as a new LLD, Improvement District, BID, etc., for design, development, and ongoing maintenance ofany or all ofthe proposed landscape improvements. The results of this initial phase will be reported back to the City Council, prior to staff identifying and initiating any next phase. Lead Dept: FIN; w/ CED, P&R, PEM - C. McBride Status: The Car Country Task Force was informed that they would need to proactively initiate work in this area. To date, the Task Force has elected not to initiate work in this area. City Council Additional Rec. ".. .pursue vacating the park site to the benefit of Car Country Carlsbad and the city's economic development interests..." X Mar 2012 Dec 2012 City staff will initiate discussions with the Carltas Co. (representing the Ecke family as successor's in interest in the site) and the Car Country Carlsbad dealership group to proactively seek to "vacate" city ownership ofthe park site in a manner that could ultimately benefit Car Country Carlsbad and the city's economic development interests. Lead Dept: CED; w/ Pi&R, PEM, CA - G. Barberio Status: The Car Country Task Force was informed that they would need to proactively initiate work in this area. To date, the Task Force has elected not to initiate work in this area. ' In general, tl identified and le city could support and facilitate these recommendations if a new funding source, such as a new LLD, hnprovement District, BID, etc., was supported by the dealerships and property owners. SPECIAL EVENTS RECOMME^ IDATION SPECIAL EVENTS Yes No Partial SuDDort Initiate Work Complete Work ADoroach Initiative 1 Rec. l.A.L ".. .developing events at Car Country..." N/A N/A Parks & Recreation will provide staff guidance in obtaining a "special event pemiit" from the city for any such qualifying events the Car Coimtry Carlsbad representatives submit to the city. Lead Dept: P&R - C. Hazeltine Status: The Car Country Task Force was informed that they would need to proactively initiate work in this area. To date, the Task Force has elected not to initiate work in this area. ^ The city generally supports this recommenc ation, but the development and funding of all events should be the financial responsibility of the dealerships. TRAFFIC SAFETY RECOMME^ IDATION TRAFFIC SAFETY Yes No Partial Support Initiate Work Complete Work Approach Initiative 3 Rec. l.A. ".. .extend red curbs..." X Apr 2012 May 2012 Transportation staff will work directly with representatives from each dealership to identify any additional red curb for each driveway and will coordinate the installation of new red curbs and bike lane stripping on both Paseo del Norte and Car Country Drive as appropriate. Lead Dept: TRAN; with CED - B. Jones Status: This work was completed by the City in 2012. Initiative 3 Rec. I.e. ".. .edge stripping/land narrowing..." X Apr 2012 May 2012 Transportation staff will work directly with representatives from each dealership to identify any additional red curb for each driveway and will coordinate the installation of new red curbs and bike lane stripping on both Paseo del Norte and Car Country Drive as appropriate. Lead Dept: TRAN; with CED - B. Jones Status: This work was completed by the City in 2012. City Council Additional Rec. "Enhance police department traffic enforcement in and aroimd Car Country" X Jan 2012 On-going Transportation staff coordinated with Police staff to enhance traffic enforcement in and aroimd Car Country Carlsbad. Police staff engaged and educated representatives from each car dealership prior to initiating enhanced traffic enforcement. Lead Dept's: TRAN; with PD - B. Jones Status: This work was initiated bv the Citv in 2012 - with enhanced traffic enforcement conducted on an on-going basis. SIGNAGE Initiative 1 Rec. l.B.ii. Initiative 2 Rec. l.A. Initiative 2 Rec. LB Initiative 2 Rec. LC. Initiative 2 Rec. LD. Initiative 2 Rec. LE. ".. .arches or other defining icons..." ".. .50 foot freeway sign in park..." ".. .decorative banners on lights..." ".. .directional signs specific to dealers... . .monument signs. ".. .way finding signage. RECOMMENDATION Yes No Partial Support X^ X' X' X' Initiate Work Mar 2012 (local process) Dec 2012 (CCC process) Complete Work Oct 2012 (local approval) Mar 2014 (CCC approval) Approach The recommendations from Initiative 2 & 4 will be combined into one update to the two Specific Plans affecting the car dealership lands (Car Country and Avenida Encinas). City staff will continue to collaborate with the dealership representatives in drafting the update. Local approval will involve Planning Commission and City Council review & approval. The SP update will also need to be reviewed and approved by the Califomia Coastal Commission after the local process is completed. In addition, city staff is currently drafting an update to City Council Policy No. 65, as previously directed by the City Council, to consider developing policy standards to allow for certain types of signage in the public right-of-way. Lead Dept: CED; with CA - G. Barberio Status: This work was initiated by the City in 2012; was put on hold pending the outcome of the citywide sign ordinance update; and is now before the City Council, after review and recommendation by the Planning Commission. ^ The city supports updating all applicable sign standards. However, the city is also recommending that the installation and maintenance cost ofany new signage should be the financial responsibility of the dealerships. STREAMLINE APPROVAL PROCESS Initiative 4 Rec. LA. Initiative 4 Rec. LB. "...SP minor admin approval process..." "...SP misc minor changes & cleanup..." RECOMMENDATION Yes X X No Partial Support Initiate Work Mar 2012 (local process) Dec 2012 (CCC process) Complete Work Oct 2012 (local approval) Mar 2014 (CCC approval) Approach The recommendations from Initiative 2 & 4 will be combined into one update to the two Specific Plans affecting the car dealership lands (Car Country and Avenida Encinas). City staff will continue to collaborate with the dealership representatives in drafting the update. Local approval will involve Planning Commission and City Council review & approval. The SP update will also need to be reviewed and approved by the California Coastal Commission after the local process is completed. Lead Dept: CED; with CA - G. Barberio Status: This work was initiated by the City in 2012; was put on hold pending the outcome of the citywide sign ordinance update; and is now before the City Council, after review and recommendation by the Planning Commission. ^heiT^Freising^ Subject: Digital signs on the 5 NOT right for Carlsbad From: Tricia Duffy [mailto:tkduffv@sbcglobal.netl Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 5:24 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: Digital signs on the 5 NOT right for Carlsbad Dear Council Members, Please vote NO on allowing digital signs along the 5. The size and commercial look of these huge signs is not what residents want in Carlsbad. We are a "Village by the Sea", not LA! The increased revenue from these signs is not only speculative, but also not worth the detriment these ugly signs would be to our beautiful city. I am sure car buyers can be led to the dealerships by things other than these monsters. Our flower and strawberry fields, outlet mall and restaurants are situated right next to the dealerships and draw huge crowds. Thank you for putting the beauty and integrity of our city above profit. Tricia Duffy NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to you, because your interest may be affected, that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the Council Chamber, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 25, 2014, to consider approval of a Specific Plan Amendment SP 19(J) and Local Coastal Program Amendment LCPA 12-01 to 1) update the Car Country Comprehensive Sign Program by modifying the existing sign standards, and 2) to streamline the permit and review process for minor improvements for property generally located on the south side of Cannon Road, north and west of Car Country Drive, and east of Interstate 5 within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program and Local Facilities Management Zone 3 and more particularly described as: Lots 1 through 11 of Carlsbad Tract Map 72-3, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to map thereof no. 7492, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego, November 30,1972 as file number 320455 and Lots 1 through 10 of Carlsbad Tract Map 87-3, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to map thereof no. 12242, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego, October 28,1988 as file number 88-552341 Whereas, on January 15, 2014 the City of Carlsbad Planning Commission voted 5-1 (Segall) to recommendation of approval for Specific Plan Amendment SP 19(J) and Local Coastal Program Amendment LCPA 12-01 to 1) update the Car Country Comprehensive Sign Program by modifying the existing sign standards and by adding provisions for a digital display sign to address the unique needs of the automotive sales industry, and 2) to streamline the permit and review process for minor improvements for property generally located on the south side of Cannon Road, north and west of Car Country Drive, and east of Interstate 5 within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program and Local Facilities Management Zone 3. The City Planner has determined that the proposed Specific Plan amendments are exempt from the provisions of CEQA, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3).. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing. Copies of the agenda bill will be available on and after March 21, 2014. If you have any questions, please contact Barbara Kennedy in the Planning Division at (760) 602-4626 or barbara.kennedv@carlsbadca.gov. If you challenge the Specific Plan Amendment and/or Local Coastal Program Amendment in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad, Attn: City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008, at or prior to the public hearing. CASE FILE: SP 19(J)/LCPA 12-01 CASE NAME: CAR COUNTRY INITIATIVES 2 & 4 PUBLISH: MARCH 14, 2014 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL N NOT TO SCALE SITEMAP Car Country Initiatives 2 & 4 SP19(J)/LCPA 12-01 PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2010 8i 2011 C.C.P.) This space is for the County Clerk's Filing Stamp STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of San Diego I am a citizen of the United States ancj a resident of the County aforesaid: I am over the age of eighteen years and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of UT - North County Formerly known as the North County Times and which newspaper has been adjudicated as a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of San Diego, State of California, for the City of Oceanside and the City of Escondido, Court Decree numbers 171349 & 172171, for the County of San Diego, that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than-nonpariel), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: March 14*^ 2014 I certify {or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Proof of Publication of NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to you, because your Interest may be affected, that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the Council Chamber, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 25,2014, to consider approval of a Spe- cific Plan Amendment SP 19(J) and Local Coastal Program Amendment LCPA 12-01 to 1) update the Car Country Comprehensive Sign Program by modifying the existing sign standards, and 2) to streamline the permit and review process for minor improvements for property generally located on the south side of Cannon Road, north and west of Car Country Drive, and east of Interstate 5 within the IVIello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program and Local Facilities Management Zone 3 and more particularly described as: Lots 1 through 11 of Carlsbad Tract Map 72-3, in the CHy of Carisbad, County of San Diego, State of Califomia, accorting to map thereof no. 7492, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego, November 30,1972 as file nuniber 320455 and Lots 1 through 10 of Carisbad T^act IHap 87-3, in the City of Carisbad, County of San Diego, State of Califomia, according to map thereof no. 12242, filed in the Oflice of the County Recorder of San Diego, October 28,1988 as file number 88-552341 Whereas, on January 15,2014 the City of Carlsbad Planning Commission voted 5-1 (Segall) to recommendation of approval for Specific Plan Amend- ment SP 19(J) and Local Coastal Program Amendment LCPA 12-01 to 1) update the Car Country Comprehensive Sign Program by modifying the exist ing sign standards and by adding provisions for a digital display sign to address the unique needs of the automotive sales industry, and 2} to streamline fhe permit and review process for minor improvements for property generally located on the south side of Cannon Road, north and west of Car Country Drive, and east of Interstate 5 within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program and Local Facilities Management Zone 3. The Cily Planner has determined that the proposed Specific Plan amendments are exempt from the provisions of CEQA, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061 (b)(3) Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing. Copies of the agenda bill will be available on and atter March 21,2014. If you have any questions, please contact Barbara Kennedy in the Planning Division at (760) 602-4626 or barbara kennedy® carlsbadca.gov. If you challenge the Specific Plan Amendment and/or Local Coastal Program Amendment in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad, Attn City Clerk s Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008, at or prior to the public hearing CASE FILE: SP 19(J)/LCPA 12-01 CASE NAME: CAR COUNTRY INITIATIVES 2 & 4 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL p.bHsh: March 14. 2014 Dated at Oceanside, California On This/l^'day March 2014 Jane Allshouse NORTH COUNTY TIMES Legal Advertising The Coast News Decreed A Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of San Diego County. Mail all correspondence regarding public notice advertising to: The Coast News P.O. Box 232550 Encinitas, CA 92023 (760) 436-9737 Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the counly aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am principal clerk of the printer of The Coast News, a newspaper printed and published weekly and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation for the cities of Carmel Valley, Del Mar, Solana Beach, Encinitas/Cardiff, Carlsbad, Oceanside, Vista, San Marcos, Escondido and the County Judicial District by the Superior Court of the State of California, County of San Diego (8/4/94, #677114, B2393, P396); and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in, each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: March 14,2014 I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at Encinitas, County of San Diego, State of California on this 14th of March 2014. Space above for County Clerk's Filing Stamp NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to you, because your Interest may be affected, that the City Council of the City of Carisbad will hold a public hearing at tfie Council Chamber, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, Califomia, at 6:00 p.m. on Tues- day, March 25,2014, to consider approval of a Specific Plan Amendment SP 19{J) and Local Coastal Program Amendment LCPA 12-01 to 1) update the Car Country Comprehensive Sign Program by modifying the existing sign standards, and 2) to streamline the permit and review process for minor improvements for property generally located on the south side of Cannon Road, north and west of Car Country Drive, and east of Interstate 5 within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Pro- gram and Local Facilities Management Zone 3 and more particularly described as: Lots 1 through 11 of Carlsbad Tract Map 72-3, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of Califomia, according to map thereof no. 7492, filed In the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego, November 30,1972 as file number 320455 and Lots 1 through 10 of Carlsbad Tract Map 87-3, in the City of Carlsbad, Coun- ty of San Dtego, State of Califomia, according to map thereof no. 12242, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego, October 28,1988 as file number 88-552341 Whereas, on January 15,2014"^the City of Carlsbad Planning Commission voted 5-1 (Segall) to recommendation of approval for Specific Plan Amendment SP 19(J) and Local Coastal Program Amendment LCPA 12-01 to 1) update the Car Country Comprehensive Sign Program by modifying the existing sign standards and by adding provisions for a digital display sign to address the unique needs of the automotive sales industry, and 2) to streamline the pemiit and review process for minor improvements for property generally located on the south side of Cannon Road, north and west of Car Country Drive, and east of Interstate 5 within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program and Local Facilities Management Zone 3. The City Planner has determined that the proposed Specific Plan amendments are exempt from the provisions of CEQA, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3).. . Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing. Copies of the agenda bill will be available on and after March 21, 2014. If you have any questions, please contact Barbara Kennedy in the Planning Division at (760) 602-4626 or barbara.kennedy@carlsbadca.gov. If you challenge the Specifk; Ran Amendment and/or Local Coastal Program Amendment in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or some- one else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written con'e-spondence delivered to the City of Carisbad, Attn: City Cleric's Office, 1200 Caris-. bad Village Drive, Carisbad, CA 92008, at or prior to the public hearing. 6 Gar Country Initiatives 2 & 4 SP19(J)/LCPA 12-01 CASE FILE: SP19(J)/LCPA 12-01 CASE NAME: CAR COUNTRY INfflATIVES 2 & 4 CITYOFCARLSBAD CfTY COUNCIL 03/14/14 CN 15976 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO: CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: 3^AS'//(^ LOCATION: /AOO C^t^sbo^ Xtdiny^ !>^ CoArishtd f^Jloo DATE NOTICES MAILED TO PROPERTY OWNERS: 3>J{H-/((^ NUMBER MAILED: c^39 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that I am employed by the City of Carlsbad and the foregoing is true and correct. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE (Date) (Signature) ^ ^ (pafe) SENT TO FOR PUBLICATION VIA E-MAIL TO: 0^Union Tribune H^NofHrCoutVty Timfes ^^K^OJS^ A/^V^^S PUBLICATION DATE: Union Tribune North County Times 3/ (Hr /(^ I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that I am employed by the City of Carlsbad in the City Clerk's Office and the foregoing is true and correct. Date: (Signature) Attachments: 1) Mailing Labels 2) Notice w/ attachments Use Avery® Template 5160® CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRia 6225 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD CA 92011 j Feed Paper Bend along line to expose Pop-Up Edge™ SAN MARCOS SCHOOL DISTRICT STE 250 255 PICO AV SAN MARCOS CA 92069 AVERY® 5160® ENCINITAS SCHOOL DISTRICT 101 RANCHO SANTA FE RD ENCINITAS CA 92024 SAN DIEGUITO SCHOOL DISTRICT 710 ENCINITAS BLVD ENCINITAS CA 92024 LEUCADIA WASTE WATER DISTRia TIM JOCHEN 1960 LA COSTA AV CARLSBAD CA 92009 OLIVENHAIN WATER DISTRia 1966 OLIVENHAIN RD ENCINITAS CA 92024 CITY OF ENCINITAS 505 S VULCAN AV ENCINITAS CA 92024 CITY OF SAN MARCOS 1 CIVIC CENTER DR SAN MARCOS CA 92069-2949 CITY OF OCEANSIDE 300 NORTH COAST HWY OCEANSIDE CA 92054 CITY OF VISTA 200 CIVIC CENTER DR VISTA CA 92084 VALLECITOS WATER DISTRia 201 VALLECITOS DE ORO SAN MARCOS CA 92069 l.P.U.A. SCHOOL OF PUBLIC ADMIN AND URBAN STUDIES SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY SAN DIEGO CA 92182-4505 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE 3883 RUFFIN RD SAN DIEGO CA 92123 REGIONAL WATER QUALITY STE 100 9174 SKY PARK CT SAN DIEGO CA 92123-4340 SD COUNTY PLANNING STE 310 5510 OVERLAND AV SAN DIEGO CA 92123-1239 SAN DIEGO LAFCO STE 200 9335 HAZARD WAY SAN DIEGO CA 92123 AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT 10124 OLD GROVE RD SAN DIEGO CA 92131 SANDAG STE 800 401 B ST SAN DIEGO CA 92101 U.S. FISH & WILDLIFE STE 250 2177 SALKAV CARLSBAD CA 92011 CA COASTAL COMMISSION AHN KANANI BROWN STE 103 7575 METROPOLITAN DR SAN DIEGO CA 92108-4402 AIRPORT LAND USE COMMISSION SAN DIEGO CO. AIRPORT AUTHORITY PO BOX 82776 SAN DIEGO CA 92138-2776 CARLSBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 5934 PRIESTLEY DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BIA OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY STE 110 9201 SPECTRUM CENTER BLVD SAN DIEGO CA 92123-1407 CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING DEPT- PROJECT ENGINEER CITYOFCARLSBAD PROJECT PLANNER MICHAEL MCSWEENEY - BIASD STE 110 9201 SPECTRUM CENTER BLVD SAN DIEGO CA 92123-1407 Itiquettes faciles k peler Utilisez fe gabarit AVERY® 5160® • Sens de Repliez It la hachure afin de r^v^ier te rebord Pnn-llnTM www.avery.com 4 OAA Use Avery® Temolate 5160® Feed Paper Bend along iine to expose Pop-Up Edge"" AVERY® 5160® EDWIN ROMERO, CHAIRPERSON 1095 BARONA RD LAKESIDE CA 92040 BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS 2800 COTTAGE WAY SACRAMENTO CA 95825 BUSINESS, TRANS & HSG AGENCY 915 CAPITOL MALL #3508 SACRAMENTO CA 958144801 CA COASTAL COMMISSION STE 103 7575 METROPOLITAN DR SAN DIEGO CA 92108 CA DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 11 - DIVISION OF PLANNING/DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 4050 TAYLOR STREET, MS-240 SAN DIEGO CA 92110 CHANNEL ISLANDS NATL PARK SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 1901 SPINNAKER DR SAN GUENA VENTURA CA 93001 CITY OF ENCINITAS 505 S VULCAN AV ENCINITAS CA 92024 COASTAL CONSERVANCY STE 1100 1330 BROADWAY OAKLAND CA 94612 COUNTY OF SD SUPERVISOR RM335 1600 PACIFIC SAN DIEGO CA 92101 DEPT OF DEFENSE LOS ANGELES DIST ENG POBOX 2711 LOS ANGELES CA 90053 DEPT OF FISH & GAME ENVSERV DIV POBOX 944246 SACRAMENTO CA 942442460 DEPT OF FOOD & AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES RM100 1220 NST SACRAMENTO CA 95814 DEPT OF FORESTRY ENV COORD POBOX 944246 SACRAMENTO CA 942442460 DEPT OF HOUSING & URBAN DEV REGION IX ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICER 611 WEST SIXTH ST, STE. 811 LOS ANGELES CA 90017 DEPT OF JUSTICE DEPT OF ATTY GEN RM700 110 WEST A ST SAN DIEGO CA 92101 FED AVIATION ADMIN WESTERN REG POBOX 92007 LOS ANGELES CA FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION 1001ST ST., STE 2300 SAN FRANCISCO CA 941053084 MARINE RESOURCES REG DR & G ENV SERVICES SPR STEJ 4665 LAMPSON AVE LOS ALAMITOS CA 907205139 OFF OF PLANNING & RESEARCH OFF OF LOCAL GOV AFFAIRS POBOX 3044 SACRAMENTO CA 958123044 SAN FRANCISCO BAY CONSERV & DEV COM STE 10600 455 GOLDEN GATE AVE SAN FRANCISCO CA 941027019 SANDAG EXEC DIRECTOR STE 800 1ST INTL PLZ 401 BST SAN DIEGO CA 92101 SD COUNTY PLANNING & LAND USE DEPT STE 310 5510 OVERLAND AVE SAN DIEGO CA 921231239 SDGE 8315 CENTURY PARK CT SAN DIEGO CA 92123 STATE U\NDS COMMISSION STE 1005 100 HOWEAV SACRAMENTO CA 958258202 US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEER 1455 MARKET ST FL17 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94103 US BUREAU OF LAND MGMT STE RMW 2800 COTTAGE WY SACRAMENTO CA 95825 US BUREAU OF RECLAMATION 27708 JEFFERSON AVE, STE 202 TEMECULA CA 92590 US FISH & WILDLIFE SERVICES 2800 COTTAGE WAY STE W-2605 SACRAMENTO CA 95825 USDA RURAL DEVELOPMENT DEPT 4169 430 GST DAVIS CA 95606 WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD PO BOX 100 SACRAMENTO CA 95801 itiquettes faciles h peler Utilisez le gabarit AVERY® 5160® • Sens de Repliez k la hachure afin de | r^v^ier le rabord PoD-UnTM i www^eryuEom 1 .Bnft.f:r). A%^CDv UI03'Aj3Ae'AAAUVV HOEHN ACURA J. P. PAYNTER-GM PO BOX 789 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 j ep uj^e ajnq3ei| ef ^ zejiday HOEHN AUDI T.J.SAMHOURI-GM PO BOX 789 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 ap sues T 0)0915 (g)AH5M lMeqe6 3| zas\i\ii ia\ad f saipBj^ sauenbji: HOEHN BUICK, CADILLAC, GMC DIANNE BRACKETT-GM PO BOX 789 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 HOEHN HONDA RICK BLAKEMORE PO BOX 789 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 HOEHN INFINITY TED HOEHN-GM PO BOX 789 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 HOEHN JAGUAR LAND ROVER JO HANNA HOEHN - GM PO BOX 789 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 HOEHN MERCEDES BENZ KRIS TRUMAN-GM PO BOX 789 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 BOB BAKER AUTOMOTIVE KURT ANDERSON-GM 5555 CAR COUNTRY DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 HOEHN AUTOMOTIVE BOB HOHEN PO BOX 789 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 BOB BAKER AUTOMOTIVE WILLIAM KORNIK-GM 5555 CAR COUNTRY DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 HOEHN AUTOMOTIVE BILL HOHEN PO BOX 789 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 BOB BAKER AUTOMOTIVE CHRIS BAKER 5555 CAR COUNTRY DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 LEXUS CARLSBAD GENE MANGANIELLO-GM 5444 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TOYOTA-SCION IVANMENDELSON-GM 5424 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 NORTH COUNTY HYUNDAI MICKEY PONG-GM 5285 CAR COUNTRY DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 WESELOH CHEVROLET KlA MIKE WESELOH-GM 5353 PASEO DEL NORTE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 EMI ROD WILSON 4737 W. 156TH STREET LAWNDALE, CA 90260 KEN GRODYFORD KURT MALETYCH-GM PO BOX 1576 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 JUDY JONES-CONE 6030 AVENIDA ENCINAS STE. 200 CARLSBAD, CA 92011 [ HL^6p3 dn-dod asodxa jaded psa^j ®09l.S ajejdujei ®AjaAV asn U10}*AjdAe*MAAAA OCCUPANT 6600 PASEO DEL NORTE STE 100A CARLSBAD CA 92008 j mufl-aod pioqaj a| jaj^A^j ^uoiuoujcij./ japui^ajnt|3ei|e|9Z3j|day apsuaj OCCUPANT 5600 PASEO DEL NORTE STE 105A CARLSBAD CA 92008 t ®091-S ®Ad3AV iueqe6 a\ zss\\\i( I JBiad f S8|pB^ sewanbjj: OCCUPANT 5600 PASEO DEL NORTE STE 108A CARLSBAD CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5600 PASEO DEL NORTE STE 109A CARLSBAD CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5600 PASEO DEL NORTE STE 107A CARLSBAD CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5600 PASEO DEL NORTE STE 112A CARLSBAD CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5600 PASEO DEL NORTE STE 114A CARLSBAD CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5600 PASEO DEL NORTE STE 115A CARLSBAD CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5600 PASEO DEL NORTE STE 110A CARLSBADCA 92008 OCCUPANT 5600 PASEO DEL NORTE STE 119A CARLSBAD CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5600 PASEO DEL NORTE STE 116A CARLSBAD CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5600 PASEO DEL NORTE STE 121A CARLSBAD CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5600 PASEO DEL NORTE STE 122A CARLSBADCA 92008 OCCUPANT 5600 PASEO DEL NORTE STE 123A CARLSBAD CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5600 PASEO DEL NORTE STE 124A CARLSBAD CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5600 PASEO DEL NORTE STE 125A CARLSBAD CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5600 PASEO DEL NORTE STE 126A CARLSBAD CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5600 PASEO DEL NORTE STE 127A CARLSBAD CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5600 PASEO DEL NORTE STE 128A CARLSBAD CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5600 PASEO DEL NORTE STE 130A CARLSBAD CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5600 PASEO DEL NORTE STE 133A CARLSBAD CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5600 PASEO DEL NORTE STE 135A CARLSBAD CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5600 PASEO DEL NORTE STE 137A CARLSBAD CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5600 PASEO DEL NORTE STE 136A CARLSBAD CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5600 PASEO DEL NORTE STE 138A CARLSBAD CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5600 PASEO DEL NORTE STE 139A CARLSBAD CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5600 PASEO DEL NORTE STE 140A CARLSBAD CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5610 PASEO DEL NORTE STE 100B CARLSBAD CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5610 PASEO DEL NORTE STE 103B CARLSBAD CA 92008 OCCUPANT 5610 PASEO DEL NORTE STE 108B CARLSBAD CA 92008 f Hi36p3 dn-dod asodxa I oiauii6uo|epuaa wdej paaj f ®09l.S a*B|duisi ®AJ9AV asn j Ui03-Aj3Ae'iWUVUW OCCUPANT 5610 PASEO DEL NORTE STE 106B CARLSBAD CA 92008 1 Hiufi-aoj pjoqai a) jaf^A^j •HwtuoLuckj./ I ap ui^ ajnqseq et ? zanday *P OCCUPANT 5610 PASEO DEL NORTE STE 105B CARLSBAD CA 92008 ! ®09iS ®AU3M »ueqe6 at zasui^r I Jaiad f saipe^ sawanbji; 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Sign Standards Proposed amendments to Sign Standards: •Directional Signs –Specific to the needs of each dealership. •Franchise signs –Allow one additional monument sign per lot •Car Country Identification Signs –Entry Monument Signs –Wayfinding Signs –Requires a Comprehensive Sign Program Initiative 2 - Sign Standards Working Group recommendation: Consider allowing a higher pole (freeway-oriented) sign (up to 50’) with LED and changing message to include public and community messaging Proposed amendment: •Regional Commercial Sign (freeway-oriented) –Height increase from 35’ to 50’ for a static sign •Digital Display Sign (NOT approved by PC) –Incorporated into Regional Commercial Sign –Overall sign height up to 65’ tall –Digital display area of up to 625 sq. ft. (25’ x 25’) –Subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit Initiative 4 – Minor Updates to Specific Plan Proposed amendment: •Minor clean-up items –Eliminate inconsistencies and provide clarity of interpretation •Streamline the review & approval process –Reassign approval authority to the lowest appropriate decision-making authority –Establish a minor administrative approval (Minor SDP) –Create a new category of “exemptions” Local Coastal Program Amendment •Specific Plan serves as the implementing ordinance for the Local Coastal Program •Proposed amendments must be approved by the California Coastal Commission •Amendments are consistent with relevant Mello II policies Environmental Review •Exempt from CEQA –pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) (General Rule) where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment. Summary •Proposed amendments: –Incorporate new sign standards for on-site directional signs –Allow for an additional franchise sign per lot –Provide an opportunity for Car Country Identification signs (monument and wayfinding) –Allow a height increase from 35’ to 50’ for a static Regional Commercial Sign –Streamline the review and approval process –DO NOT include provisions for digital signs –DO NOT expressly permit any development •Require approval of an LCPA by the CCC Recommendation Introduce Ordinance CS-248 approving Specific Plan Amendment 19(J) and adopt Resolution 2014-052 approving Local Coastal Program Amendment LCPA 12-01 as recommended for approval by the Planning Commission. LED Freeway Display 24 Makes and Models Ontario Auto Center vs. Carlsbad Car Country •Ontario Auto Center Large Sign •LED Screen is 29’ x 29’ •Overall Height of sign is 80’ •Carlsbad Car Country Proposed Sign •LED Screen is 25’ x 25’ •Overall Height of sign is 64’6” The Carlsbad Car Country sign will operate according to the Caltrans regulations: •No video. •No motion. •Each frame remains static on display for 6 sec. •No blanks between frames, each frame morphs into next frame. Brightness: Daytime 85% max, Nighttime 15% max •Dimming controlled by a photocell based on ambient light throughout the day. •No halo, no glare with 0% to 100% dimming capability. Standard Illumination: 0.3 footcandles •Commercial Illuminance will be 0.09 footcandles at a distance of 380 feet. •Residential Illuminance will be 0.01 footcandles at a distance of 1220 feet. Conclusion: The proposed Carlsbad sign would not cause excessive illumination or light pollution. •LED Freeway Signs have been proven to increase sales by 12-16%. •Support Cities by allowing 10-20% of the time on the LED screen to display public service messages equally divided throughout the hours of operation. Examples: •Ontario Auto Center •Riverside Auto Center •Lexus of Escondido •Huntington Beach Blvd of Cars •Buena Park Auto Center An increase in revenue of 12-16% in Carlsbad would equate to the following: •Additional sale of 3,600 cars per year (Based on a 12% increase of current car sales of 30,000 per year). •An additional $720,000 dollars per year for the City of Carlsbad in tax revenue generated by Car Country (Based on 12% of an estimated $6,000,000 tax base the City receives from the dealers at Car Country annually).