HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-03-25; City Council; 21551; Award Contract Alga Norte Community Park Photovoltaic System Project 3925 3837CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 17 AB# MTG. DEPT. 21.551 3-25-14 PW-PEM AWARD OF DESIGN/BUILD CONTRACT FOR THE ALGA NORTE COMMUNITY PARK PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM, PROJECT NO. 3925 and 3837 DEPT.DIRECTOR CITY ATTY. CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION; Adopt Resolution No. 2014-055 of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad approving the Design/Build contract with Independent Energy Solutions (IES) for a solar photovoltaic system at Alga Norte Community Park, project no. 3925 and 3837. ITEM EXPLANATION; During the design and construction of Alga Norte Community Park, staff identified potential financial and environmental savings by installing a solar photovoltaic system (solar PV) which would help offset the energy consumed by the park. On September 24, 2013, the CaHsbad City Council adopted Resolution No. 2013-233 which approved the selection criteria and performance specifications to be used in evaluating request for proposals for the design and construction of the Alga Norte Community Park (ANCP) solar PVPV system. Four companies responded to the requests for proposal. Following the selection criteria approved bythe CaHsbad City Council, a review team consisting of city staff judged the firm of Independent Energy Solutions (IES) to have the proposal that provides the best value meeting the interests ofthe city and the objectives ofthe project. The chart below summarizes the scoring for each firm proposal in ranked order from highest to lowest scores. COMPANY Project Experience Key Personnel Litigation History Key Subcontractors Total Score IES 480 206 80 1821 2587.0 Morrow Meadows 465 180 80 1690 2415.0 Borrego Solar 463 175 80 1650 2368.0 TB Penick 411 132 80 1630 2253.0 Proiect Description IES is proposing to install a 250 kilowatt solar PVPV system to meet the majority of ANCP's energy needs. The proposed system would include 720 solar PV modules that are expected to generate more than 360,000 kilowatt hours of energy per year. The solar panels would be mounted to shade structures placed in the parking lot ofthe ANCP, which provides an added benefit to the patrons ofthe park. The solar panels have a warranty period of twenty (25) years and an estimated lifespan of thirty (30) years. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Joe Garuba at (760) 434-2893 or Joe.Garuba@caHsbadca.gov FOR CLERK USE COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC • DENIED CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN • CONTINUED • RETURNED TO STAFF • WITHDRAWN • OTHER - SEE MINUTES • AMENDED • REPORT RECEIVED • Page 2 The proposed cost for the project, including design and construction (including the shade structures) is $975,064. The annual maintenance cost is estimated to be $1,500. Based on current electric rates, the energy generated from the project would result in annual savings of $65,000. The value of the savings is expected to increase as retail electricity prices increase during the life ofthe project. The heat and light line item in the operating budget for the Recreation Department will be analyzed during FY 2014-15 and adjusted down if needed to refiect the actual annual energy savings once the project is operational. The city would also use rebates offered by the State of California to help offset the cost of the project and reduce the payback period. These rebates total approximately $208,000 which equates to more than 20% of the project cost. All rebates received back from the project will be deposited in the project fund where the expenses were incurred to partially offset the cost ofthe project. Staff worked with a third party consultant to develop the financial analysis, which includes the available rebates offered by the State of California. This analysis was reviewed by the city's finance department for validation. Table 1 provides a summary ofthe financial model: Table 1 - Summary of Investment Analysis Investment Measures Cost of capital 2.00% Total Initial Investment Costs $975,064 Total CSI Rebates (not discounted) $208,699 Net Present Value in Benefits $2,625,000 Discounted Payback Period (in years) 12 Simple Payback Period (in years) 11 IRR 10,4% Based upon the solar panels having an estimated lifespan of thirty (30) years and a simple payback period for the project calculated at eleven (11) years, staff believes this would be a beneficial project for Alga Norte Community Park. Based upon the review and scoring ofthe proposals submitted, staff recommends awarding the design build contract for the construction of the ANCP Solar Photovoltaic Project to IES in the amount of $975,064. Staff also requests that that Council authorize a project contingency of $50,000, which is 5% of project cost. The total authorization that staff is requesting is $1,025,064. FISCAL IMPACT: Staff is requesting that the CaHsbad City Council authorize up to $1,025,064 for the installation of a solar PV system to serve the Alga Norte Park. CaHsbad City Council previously appropriated general capital construction funds and public facilities fee funds for the ANCP Project. There are sufficient remaining appropriations to complete the ANCP Solar Photovoltaic Project and no additional appropriations are being requested at this time. It is anticipated that the city will receive approximately $208,000 in rebates from the State of California to offset the cost ofthe project. Page 3 TABLE 2- ALGA NORTE COMMUNITY PARK PHASE I - PROJECT NO. 3925 and 3837 TASK DESCRIPTION APPROPRIATED TO DATE EXPENDITURES/ ENCUtyiBRANCES TO DATE REMAINING BALANCES Design $3,173,276 $2,147,800 $1,025,476 Construction, Inspection, Materials Testing $37,416,665 $32,114,194 $5,302,471 Environmental Mifigation & Monitoring $24,056 $16,556 $7,500 Studies and Reports $62,500 $60,351 $2,149 TOTAL $40,676,497 $34,338,901 $6,337,596 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT; The ANCP will have a positive environmental impact by offsetting the use of fossil fuel generated electricity with solar PV generated electricity. The annual energy created from the solar PV system is estimated to be 360,000 kilowatt hours. Over a 25 year period this system will result in the reduction of carbon dioxide (C02) emissions by approximately 7,566 tons. This is the environmental equivalent of not driving 24,624,549 miles or planting 129 acres of trees. The Alga Norte Community Park Project was originally approved by the Planning Commission with a Negative Declaration, on March 1, 2006 (Planning Commission Resolution No. 6039). Planning staff has reviewed the proposed solar photovoltaic panel project (Consistency Determination) and the City Planner has determined that the proposed project is within the scope ofthe prior environmental documents and that no further environmental documentation is required per CEQA Guideline Sections 15162. EXHIBITS; 1. Alga Norte Community Park Location Map 2. Resolution No. 2014-055 of the City Council of the City of CaHsbad approving the Design/Build contract with Independent Energy Solutions (IES) for a solar photovoltaic system at Alga Norte Community Park, project no. 3925 and 3837 3. Independent Energy Solutions (IES) Proposal DRAm 8Y: SCOTT EVANS. CARimD ENGINEIRING DEPT. 9/7/06 H. \miTArii<iPRmm^^ ALGTN^WPmW^^^^^^^7.DWQ Exhibit 2 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2014-055 14 15 16 17 18 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CAUFORNIA, APPROVING THE DESIGN/BUILD CONTRACT WITH INDEPENDENT ENERGY SOLUTIONS (IES) FOR A SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM AT ALGA NORTE COMMUNITY PARK PROJECT NO. 3925 AND 3837 and WHEREAS, staff identified the financial and environmental benefits of installing a solar photovoltaic system to substantially offset the energy needs ofthe completed Alga Norte Park; and 6 WHEREAS, the City of CaHsbad approved the construction of Alga Nort:e Park Phase 1; 7 8 9 10 11 12 WHEREAS, on September 24, 2013 City Council approved selection criteria to be used in 13 evaluating Request for Proposals for the design and construction of a solar photovoltaic system at Alga Norte Park; and WHEREAS, Request for Proposals were advertised and four proposals were submitted to the City of CaHsbad; and WHEREAS, based on the approved criteria city staff evaluated the proposals and 19 determined that the firm of Independent Energy Solutions (IBS) provided the best value to the 20 City of CaHsbad; and WHEREAS, City Council previously appropriated general capital construction funds and public facilities fee funds for the Alga Norte Park project; and WHEREAS, there are sufficient remaining appropriations to complete the Alga Norte 21 22 23 24 25 Park Solar Photovoltaic Project and no additional appropriations are being requested at this 26 time. 27 28 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of CaHsbad, ^ California, as follows that: 3 . 1. The above recitations are true and correct. 4 ^ 2. Council approves the award of a design/build contract to Independent Energy 5 Solutions '7 3. Council authorizes up to $1,025,064 for the design and installation of a solar g photovoltaic system at Alga Norte Park from the previously appropriated funds for Alga Norte Park Phase 1. 9 10 11 12 // // 13 // 14 // 15 16 17 18 19 // // // // 20 // 21 22 // // // // 23 24 25 26 // 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting ofthe City Council ofthe City of Carlsbad on the 25th day of March 2014, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: Council Members Hall, Packard, Wood, Schumacher, Blackburn. None. ABSENT: None. MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: BARBARA ENGLES0N,(9ty Clerk Exhibit 3 C AHJ '-iHAi > Alga Norte Community Park Solar PV Project Project No. 38372 & 39251 FOR ALGA NORTE COMMUNITY PARK PROJECT NO. 38372 & 39251 THE CITY OF CARLSBAD CARLSBAD, CAUFORNIA PROPOSAL TO: THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Kevin Davis 1635 Faraday Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 4602-2466 PROPOSAL FROM: Independent Energy Solutions, Inc (Name of Firm Submitting Proposal) 1090 Joshua Way (Address) Vista, CA 92081 (City, State, Zip Code) 760-752-9706 Fax: 760-752-9758 (Telephone & Fax Number) 11/21/2013 (Date Submitted) Note: All portions of this Pricing Proposal Form must be completed and must include the signed Declaration on the last page of this form before the Proposal is submitted. Failure to execute the Declaration will result in the Proposal being rejected as nonresponsive. Page 1 of 5 Pricing Proposal Form CARLSBAD Alga Norte Community Park Solar PV Project Project No. 38372 & 39251 1.0 PROPOSER'S REPRESENTATIONS Proposer, represents that a) it has the appropriate active Contractor's license required by the State of California; b) it has carefully read and examined the Proposal Documents for the proposed Work on this Project; c) it has examined the site of the proposed Work and all information available to Prequalified Proposers; d) it has become familiar with all the conditions related to the proposed Work, including the availability of labor, materials, and equipment; e) that all information and submittals provided as part of the prequalification process are accurate and correct. Proposer hereby offers to furnish all labor, materials, equipment, tools, transportation, and services necessary to complete the proposed Work on this Project in accordance with the Contract Documents for the sums quoted. Proposer further agrees that it will not withdraw its Proposal within 45 days after the Proposal Deadline, and that, if it is selected as the apparent "best value" responsive and responsible Proposer, that it will, within 10 days after receipt of notice of selection, sign and deliver to City the Agreement in triplicate and furnish to City all items required by the Proposal Documents. If awarded the Contract, Proposer agrees to complete the proposed Work within the number of days specified in the Agreement. 2.0 ADDENDA Proposer acknowledges that it is Proposer's responsibility to ascertain whether any Addenda have been issued and if so, to obtain copies of such Addenda from City's facility at the appropriate address stated on Page 1 of this Price Proposal Form. Proposer therefore agrees to be bound by all Addenda that have been issued for this Proposal. 3.0 The Total Proiect Cost shall include all costs to complete the Work and shall include all allowances and any involuntary changes that impacts the Total Proiect Cost. The Total Proiect Cost shall NOT include any voluntary Proiect Enhancements/Innovations/Energy Efficiency Voluntary Alternatives submitted in the Proposal or any Alternatives defined herein. 4.0 PRICING PROPOSAL PRICING PROPOSAL TOTAL PROJECT COST = 1 9 7 5 » 0 6 4 (Place figures In appropriate boxes.) Page 2 of 5 Pricing Proposal Form Alga Norte Community Park Solar PV Project Project No. 38372 & 39251 5.0 DAILY RATE OF COMPENSATION FOR COMPENSABLE DELAYS - Phase 3 Proposer shall determine and provide in the space below, the daily rate of compensation for any compensable delay caused by City at any time during the performance ofthe Work: > 0 (Place Daily Rate in appropriate boxes.) City will perform the extension ofthe daily rate times the multiplier. The daily rate shown above will be the total amount of Proposer entitlement for each day of compensable delay. The number of days of compensable delay shown as a "multiplier" above is not intended as an estimate of the number of days of compensable delay anticipated by the City. The City will pay the daily rate of compensation only for the actual number of days of compensable delay, as defined in the General Conditions; the actual number of days of compensable delay may be greater or lesser than the "multiplier" shown above. 6.0 ALTERNATIVES Provide all design, engineering, coordination, labor, materials, equipment, accessories, and Design Build Entity and subcontractor overhead, mark-up, and profit required for the following Alternates. Indicate by marking only one ofthe three boxes ("Add", "Deduct", or "No Change") and state the amount by placing figures in the corresponding boxes. Check the "No Change" box when there is no change in the Pricing Proposal. Failure to quote an amount or check "No Change" or the insertion of any words that qualify the Price Proposal will result in the Proposal being rejected as nonresponsive. No extension of time will be granted if the Alternate is accepted. Alternate No. 1 - Substitute natural grass baseball fields with Synthetic Turf, as defined in the, City Provided Information, Design Change Narrative. (Place figures in appropriate boxes.) City reserves the right to accept this alternate concurrent with the Notice to Proceed for Phase 1. • Add • Deduct • No Change Page 3 of 5 Pricing Proposal Form to . [., j , . ^ ^/ga A/oAte Commun/Yy Park JM< L, >So/ar PV Project Project No. 38372 & 39251 7.0 PROPOSER INFORMATION TYPE OF ORGANIZATION: Corporation (Corporation, Partnership, Individual, Joint Venture, etc. IF A CORPORATION, THE CORPORATION IS ORGANIZED UNDER THE LAWS OF: THE STATE OF California . (State) NAME OF PRESIDENT OF THE CORPORATION: Linda Strand (Insert Name) NAME OF SECRETARY OF THE CORPORATION: (Insert Name) IF A PARTNERSHIP. NAMES AND TITLES OF PERSONS SIGNING THE BID ON BEHALF OF PROPOSER AND ALL GENERAL PARTNERS: PERSONS SIGNING THE BID ON BEHALF OF PROPOSER: (Insert Name and Title) GENERAL PARTNERS: (Insert Names) (Insert Names-continued) CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS LICENSE(S): Independent Energy Solutions, Inc. (Name of Licensee) B, C-10 805159 03/31/2014 (Classification) (License Number) (Expiration Date) (For Joint Venture, list Joint Venture's license and licenses for all Joint Venture partners.) Page 4 of 5 Pricing Proposal Form ll r ' A1'^ I A ^" ^^^^ Norte Community Park K J\hl :A U\f } Solar PV Project Project No. 38372 & 39251 8-0 REQUiRED COMPLETED ATTACHMENTS The following documents are submitted with and made a condition of this Proposal; 1. Proposal security in the form of (Bid Bond or Certified Check) 90 DECLARATION I, Linda Strand (Printed name), hereby declare that I am the President (Title) of Independent Energy Solutions, Inc. (Name of Proposer) submitting this Price Proposal Form; that I am duly authorized to execute this Price Proposal Form on behalf of Proposer; and that all Information j set forth in this Price Proposal Form and ali attachments hereto are. to the best of my knowledge, true, accurate, and complete as of its submission date. I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing Is true and correct and that this declaration was subscnbed at: Independent Energy Solutions. Inc. Vista (Location and city), County of San Dieqo State of Caiifomia. on 11/21/2013 (Date) (Signature) Page 5 of 5 Pricing Proposal Form Powerful. Renewable. Reliable. Independent Energy Solutions Solar Electric Engineering & Constmction is pleased to present this Design-Build Solar Photovoltaic System proposal for Z cirr OF * CARLSBAD Presented to: Kevin Davis City of Carlsbad Office 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 E-mail: Kevin.davis(a)carlsbadca.gov Thursday, November 21, 2013 IES is a proud member of: *^"~riSP: »• Tt.^.*..*. OIL Presented by: Ken Riley Sales Engineer krilev(S).indeneravsolutions.com 1090 Joshua Way Vista, CA 92081 Tel: 760-752-9706 www.indenergysolutions.com Ca Uc. No. 805159 Independent Energy Solutions Thursday, November 21, 2013 Kevin Davis The Cityof Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Davis: Independent Energy Solutions, Inc. (IES) is pleased to present you with the following proposal for the installation of a photovoltaic system at the site of the new Alga Norte Community Park. IES has built a widely recognized reputation and record of accomplishment in commercial and industrial photovoltaic design/build experience. Over the past 15 years, IES has been one of the region's most respected and reliable PV design/build firms - consistently supporting the Utility, Federal, State, University and Commercial sector. For this project, we will utilize our in-house team of highly experienced professionals with longstanding expertise designing and installing photovoltaic systems. We are confident that the team's collective skills, experience, and track record of successfully completed projects that exceed our clients' goals will be brought to bear on this project. We appreciate the opportunity to present this proposal, and look forward to working with you. Sincerely, Troy Strand Chief Operating Officer CA Lie. No. 805159 Independent Energy Solutions, Inc. 1090 Joshua Way, Vista, CA 92081 www.indenergysolutions.com Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this proposal and any attachments is considered a confidential and/or privileged communication between Independent Energy Solutions, Inc. and the recipient. Independent Energy Solutions TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 Advantages to Working with IES 1 SIGNIFICANT COMPONENTS 2 Modules 2 Record-Breaking Solar Technology 2 Best Solar Performance in Real-Worid Conditions 2 Inverters 3 Monitoring System 4 Custom Carport Solution 4 Compliance and Safety 5 Operation and Maintenance 5 ASSUMPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS 6 Base Assumptions Regarding Price 6 Specifically Excluded from Pricing 7 Notes for Clarification 7 WARRANTIES 7 System Warranty: 7 Workmanship Warranty: 8 SCHEDULE 9 VALUE SUMMARY 10 Moving Forward 10 APPENDIX A: PROJECT LAYOUT A-1 APPENDIX B: SPEC SHEETS B-1 CA Lic. No. 805159 Independent Energy Solutions, Inc. 1090 Joshua Way, Vista, CA 92081 www.indenergysolutions.com Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this proposal and any attachments is considered a confidential and/or privileged communication between Independent Energy Solutions, Inc. and the recipient. independent Energy Solutions EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In summary, IES is offering the following equipment and corresponding expected energy performance in this proposal. 720 SunPower SPR-X21-345-COM solar modules Ten SMA Tripower 20000TL-US-10 277/480 3-phase string inverters Draker monitoring system Custom carport solution 10 year system warranty 10 year workmanship warranty 25 year module warranty 10 year inverter warranty 5 year monitoring system warranty 1 year of O&M support at no additional cost Appendix A provides a preliminary layout for the proposed solution. The proposed solution is expected to produce 403,923 kWh annually. This estimate was generated using PV-SIM, which more accurately estimates the energy production for SunPower modules. This is in contrast to the energy estimate of 369,080 kWh produced by the CSI EPBB calculator. IES would be pleased to provide further documentation to substantiate this assumption. Energy production values are estimates at this stage. During the Design Phase detailed models will be built which will provide more accurate energy production estimates. Advantages to Working with IES • IES is a local, Woman-Owned Business Enterprise (WBE) that employs residents of San Diego County CA Lie. No. 805159 Independent Energy Solutions, Inc. 1090 Joshua Way, Vista, CA 92081 www.indenergysolutions.com Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this proposal and any attachments is considered a confidential and/or privileged communication between Independent Energy Solutions, Inc. and the recipient. Independent Ener^ Solutions • Our company has a no change order, firm fixed price culture which is dedicated to providing our clients with a superior product on the schedule and budget to which we commit • We have a superior safety record and Experience Modification Rating (EMR) • IES self-performs all major trades, ensuring a high-quality installation • The use of string inverters creates AC power at the carport canopies; which allows for greater fire safety while significantly decreasing losses due to DC voltage drops o The redundancy of inverters allows energy production in the event that one inverter goes down. In such a situation, there is no single point of failure o The distributed system results in an overall higher energy yield • IES' design is compliant with City of Carlsbad code and has a high probability of acceptance by city permitting officials • References confirming IES' commitment to excellence and track record are available upon request SIGNIFICANT COMPONENTS Modules NPOW Record-Breaklng Solar Technology SunPower(g) commercial solar solutions are powered by the world's most efficient solar technology. Operating at an efficiency of up to 24%, SunPower solar cells designed with the patented SunPower Maxeon™ technology produce up to 50% more energy per square foot than other solar technologies and consistently outperform other solar technologies in a broad range of real-world conditions, including high temperatures, low light and over extended periods of time Best Solar Performance in Real-World Conditions • SunPower panels outperform others early in the morning, late in the day, and on cloudy days. • They effectively absorb different wavelengths of light to generate more electricity. • They perform better at high temperatures than others. Because they're more efficient at converting light into electricity (and not heat), the hotter it gets outside, the better they perform compared to the competition. 2 CA Lie. No. 805159 Independent Energy Solutions, Inc. 1090 Joshua Way, Vista, CA 92081 www.indenergysolutions.com Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this proposal and any attachments is considered a confidential and/or privileged communication between Independent Energy Solutions, Inc. and the recipient. independent Ener^ Solutions • They maintain efficiency during initial break-in. Most panels lose 3% efficiency when first exposed to sunlight. Not SunPower. From end to end, SunPower guarantees you the highest level of solar energy system performance. Installation is fast to minimize disruption. And SunPower* panels perform. Ten years of comprehensive data show that on average, SunPower solar panels deliver 105 percent of their expected energy production. Plus, they're built to withstand real-worid conditions, so your long-term maintenance costs are impressively low—with an impressively high 98 percent uptime. Industry-Leading Solar Warranty With SunPower's industry leading 25 year combined product and power warranty, your solar energy system will be protected for years to come. SunPower controls the entire production process to ensure that the highest qualitv product reaches your rooftop and produces the most energy over the life of your system. As a publicly-listed, financially-sound company, you can feel confident knowing that SunPower will be here to help you play a significant part in America's energy future. Inverters SMA SMA America, founded in 1981, is the world leader in solar inverter technology with over three gigawatts installed and manufacturing divisions in nine countries on four continents. SMA inverters have been proven over time to consistently perform in extreme and oceanic environments. Additionally, SMA has received numerous awards for its product solutions and exceptional corporate culture. SMA Tripower: SMA's new Sunny Tripower is raising the level of performance for decentralized commercial PV plants. This three-phase transformerless inverter is UL listed for up to 1000 V DC maximum system voltage and has peak efficiency above 98 percent, while OptiTrac Global Peak minimizes the effects of shade for maximum energy production. The Sunny Tripower delivers a future-proof solution with full grid management, and communications and monitoring features. The Sunny Tripower is also equipped with all- pole ground fault protection and integrated AFCI for a safe, reliable solution. It offers unmatched flexibility with a wide input voltage range and two independent MFP trackers. Suitable for both 600 V DC and 1,000 V DC applications, the Sunny Tripower allows for flexible design and a lower levelized cost of energy. CA Lie. No. 805159 Independent Energy Solutions, Inc. 1090 Joshua Way, Vista, CA 92081 www.indenergysolutions.com Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this proposal and any attachments is considered a confidential and/or privileged communication between Independent Energy Solutions, Inc. and the recipient. biciependent linergy Solutions SMA offers a 10 year warranty for their Tripower Inverter. Monitoring System Draker is a full service provider of turnkey monitoring solutions for commercial and utility scale renewable energy projects. Founded in 1999 and manufacturing in Vermont, Draker is the oldest independent solar monitoring provider in the U.S. They have installed more than two hundred data acquisition systems at commercial sites throughout the world. In addition to pre-testing all components pre-shipment, Draker utilizes only the highest quality monitoring equipment, confidently providing a better than industry standard warranty on all components. Draker maintains a high level of customer satisfaction and unsurpassed level of customer service. IES and Draker will combine our extensive experience to design a custom, web-based third party monitoring solution that will display the live and historical production data of each inverter in this system. Custom Carport Solution IES proposes the use of a custom engineered carport solution as a method of supporting the proposed PV system in the parking lot. IES has designed an aesthetically pleasing structure integrated with solar PV generation to provide a dual benefit (shaded parking and renewable energy generation). CA Lic. No. 805159 Independent Energy Solutions, Inc. 1090 Joshua Way, Vista, CA 92081 www.indenergysolutions.com Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this proposal and any attachments is considered a confidential and/or privileged communication between Independent Energy Solutions, Inc. and the recipient. independent Energy Solutions The 2-post carport systems will be constructed of sufficient strength to meet seismic and wind load criteria. The structures will be constructed with painted structural steel to withstand the environment and will be mounted to structural columns located 27' on center. The carport systems will be constructed with steel columns and beams supporting c-purlins. The modules will be mounted in portrait orientation to the purlins using mid/end clamps. The following aesthetic and/or functional options will be presented to the City of Carlsbad for consideration but are not included in this proposal as the design process will influence the usefulness of these items: • Galvanized sheet metal or extruded steel grating mounted to the underside of the purlins to protect and encapsulate exposed USE-2 outdoor wire • Bollard, abutments, etc. to protect the carport structure from vehicle damage The carport canopy systems will be equipped with an under canopy lighting system which will be controlled by a lighting control system. The lighting will provide suitable illumination of the covered parking areas during night time hours. Compliance and Safety The Photovoltaic System will conform to the 2011 National Electrical Code, Article 690, utility interconnection standards and the Authority Having Jurisdiction. A complete equipment grounding system will be provided such that all photovoltaic modules, metallic structures, enclosures, raceways, junction boxes, outlet boxes and all other conductive items shall have a low impedance path to ground for possible fault currents. Commissioning Techniques IES employs a full-time Commissioning and Service Department. The Commissioning Department follows a set of commissioning protocol and documentation processes to pre- test, test, and post-test systems that ensure every system is functioning properly at multiple stages of the commissioning process. This process is overseen by the Director of Construction. Operation and Maintenance IES recognizes that Operation and Maintenance (O&M) procedures are fundamentally important. Proper O&M procedures protect the performance of the system and provide valuable information for the safe operation ofthe equipment. Sub-standard maintenance or incorrect operation can degrade the life ofthe system. IES has included one (1) year of O&M for this system. To ensure that important O&M information is communicated to the client, IES will provide a comprehensive O&M manual and instructions prior to the CA Lie. No. 805159 Independent Energy Solutions, Inc. 1090 Joshua Way, Vista, CA 92081 www.indenergysolutions.com Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this proposal and any attachments is considered a confidential and/or privileged communication between Independent Energy Solutions, Inc. and the recipient. Independent Energy Solutions expiration of the O&M term. The contents of the O&M manual include, but are not limited to: List of major equipment and operation manuals As-built versions of plans and drawings Copies of files and shop drawings Shut down and start-up procedures Performance prediction Full commissioning report, pre-test Open System Test and 48 hour run test results Onsite training of Facility staff Warranty statements Semiannual System Maintenance Start up shutdown Procedure System Warranties Video Training ASSUMPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS Base Assumptions Regarding Price • Data Acquisition System specified for the PV monitoring includes 5 years of monitoring and assumes adequate cellular coverage at the proposed site • IES will obtain permits and utility approvals necessary to install the PV System • All equipment used in this project will meet or exceed all currently applicable and proposed safety and interconnection standards • All PV system equipment and components will be UL-certified, and meet existing facility structural weight requirements and fire safety requirements • All proposed technology and equipment will meet or exceed all currently applicable and proposed environmental standards • Interconnection work/outages will be scheduled to accommodate customer needs. All work to be performed during normal business hours, or will be scheduled in advance for IES crews. No overtime is assumed • IES will validate the structure and PV system for seismic and wind loading. All calculations will be stamped by a licensed California Registered Structural Professional Engineer • IES will provide electrical drawings stamped by a licensed California Registered Electrical Professional Engineer • String inverters to be located on the carport columns • System/installation will meet all SDGE requirements for interconnection with appropriate documentation. IES will be responsible for providing all documentation • System will meet fault duty requirements at this location • Installation scheduling to be carefully coordinated with IES CA Lie. No. 805159 Independent Energy Solutions, Inc. 1090 Joshua Way, Vista, CA 92081 www.indenergysolutions.com Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this proposal and any attachments is considered a confidential and/or privileged communication between Independent Energy Solutions, Inc, and the recipient. Independent Energy Solutions Specifically Excluded from Pricing • Seismic or structural reinforcement or modifications to the existing building or parking structure • Concrete cutting, coring, or x-rays • Cranes • Repairs ofany electrical code violations at the existing facility • Permanent fall protection systems • Concrete, and/or landscaping installation • All underground conduits • Sprinklers, hose bibs or automatic washing systems Notes for Clarification • Pricing included in this proposal is subject to change based on fluctuations in the cost of commodities and materials • Prices quoted are valid for 30 days WARRANTIES System Warranty: All electricity-generating components supplied by IES in this Grid-Tied Solar Photovoltaic system are covered by a limited warranty. IES will provide a ten (10) year warranty to provide for no-cost repair and replacement of the system components. This warranty covers any and all actions on the part ofthe installation team that could affect the functioning of the PV system as a whole, which are not due to the malfunctioning or failure of the equipment used in the installation. This warranty also covers the cost of labor to repair or replace defective equipment under manufacturer's warranty but does not hold IES responsible for the cost of the replacement equipment under warranty. Date of installation is defined as the date of final acceptance. Beyond 10 years, IES will pass through all individual supplier warranties with documentation stating exactly what is covered for specific time periods. Should surety bonding be required for this project, with reference to warranty period, the surety providing the performance and payment bonds shall have no liability or responsibility for providing warranty coverage beyond one year. Beyond that period of time, the Owner/General Contractor shall look to IES and/or supplier of the product and not the surety, to address any warranty issues. IES will warrant up to 90% of the estimated production for the first five years according to the below table. An annual O&M agreement is required to maintain this guarantee. CA Lie. No. 805159 Independent Energy Solutions, Inc. 1090 Joshua Way, Vista, CA 92081 www.indenergysolutions.com Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this proposal and any attachments is considered a confidential and/or privileged communication between Independent Energy Solutions, Inc. and the recipient. Independent Energy Solutions Year 1 2 3 4 5 Expected Annual Energy Production (kWhac) 369,080 367,235 365,398 363,571 361,753 Guaranteed Annual Energy Production (kWhac) 369,080 367,235 365,398 363,571 361,753 IES guarantees the Annual Energy Production of the proposed systems to be at least that shown in the above table for the first 5 years during any 12 month period (barring acts of God, any significant global/ local climatic/environmental event such as volcanic eruption(s), forest fire(s), or other event which impacts either solar irradiance or ambient temperature, or vandalism to the system). Note, system energy generation will be measured using the data acquisition system (DAS) installed by IES. Since IES cannot guarantee the weather, energy generation results will be "normalized" to adjust for average daily irradiance (solar radiation), expressed as average kWh/m2/day/month, per PV Watts II (a publicly available energy model developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory) and for the average daily maximum ambient temperature per day per month measured at the PV array. In the event that system annual energy production is determined to be below the guaranteed levels (during any 12 month period), IES will recommend a course of action, including but not limited to reimbursement to the City of Carlsbad for lost incentives from the state or SDG&E, the repair, cleaning, or addition of more PV modules in order to bring the total system capacity into compliance with the guaranteed performance levels. It will be IES' responsibility to make these changes to the system in a timely fashion, at IES' sole cost and expense. Workmanship Warranty: With regard to workmanship, IES provides a ten (10) year warranty for all installations, starting at the date of installation. This warranty covers any and all actions on the part ofthe installation team that could affect the functioning ofthe PV system as a whole, that are not due to the malfunctioning or failure of the equipment used in the installation. Date of installation is defined as the date of final acceptance. Manufacturer Warranties for major equipment are as follows: Modules: The warranty period for the SunPower module, with respect to power output, is for 25 years with a 5-year workmanship warranty. Inverters: SMA inverters are backed by a 10-year manufacturer's warranty. This limited commercial warranty covers defects in the commercial inverter caused by material or CA Lie. No. 805159 Independent Energy Solutions, Inc. 1090 Joshua Way, Vista, CA 92081 www.indenergysolutions.com Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this proposal and any attachments is considered a confidential and/or privileged communication between Independent Energy Solutions, Inc. and the recipient. Independent Ener^ Solutions manufacturing faults for a 10-year period. The warranty period begins on the date the inverter is commissioned. Monitoring System: Draker's monitoring systems are warrantied for five (5) years. SCHEDULE IES will endeavor to complete this project within the time allotted. Upon award, IES will work with the Project Manager to develop a mutually agreeable construction schedule that minimizes the impact to the facility while adhering to the timeline. IES takes pride in our track record of delivering projects on time, on budget. We conduct regular internal meeting to coordinate across projects to ensure staff availability for individual projects. If schedules change on this or other projects, this information is rapidly incorporated to reforecast staff availability. Additional team members may be assigned to projects to accommodate schedule shifts external to IES. Both the Design and Construction Phase teams will be available as necessary, up to full time, to support the timeline of this project. A preliminary schedule for this Design-Build project is provided below. Actual dates may vary due to coordination with current construction activities. City of Carlsbad permitting times, procurement times, etc. Please note that this is an aggressive schedule and requires coordination and a fast-track process to be achieved. Completion Task Date Phase 1 Preliminary Design 01/31/2014 Phase 2 Construction Documents 02/28/2014 Purchase Orders Submitted (Racking, Modules, Inverters) 03/10/2014 Equipment Received 04/15/2014 Modules and Inverters Installed 05/15/2014 Inspection and Interconnection 05/31/2014 Commissioning 06/10/2014 Final Approval 06/15/2014 CA Lie. No. 805159 Independent Energy Solutions, Inc. 1090 Joshua Way, Vista, CA 92081 www.indenergysolutions.com Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this proposal and any attachments is considered a confidential and/or privileged communication between Independent Energy Solutions, Inc. and the recipient. independent Ener^ Solutions VALUE SUMMARY Independent Energy Solutions brings the expertise and experience of 15 years of commercial solar experience to this project - along with the well-respected reputation for excellence recognized by other IES clients such as So-Cal Edison, Qualcomm, Pfizer, the U.S. Navy and Camp Pendleton. IES also brings a unique combination of resources and talents to this project - its financial and corporate strengths as a premier, nationally recognized commercial photovoltaic design / build firm, its experienced local leadership team, project management staff, and field resource teams. These qualities, with our commitment to project management best practices, make Independent Energy Solutions the capable, reliable, confident choice for this important project. Moving Forward Our entire team looks forward to the opportunity to help you meet your objectives on this project. Additionally, we look forward to turning this project into a long-term, strategically valuable, partnering relationship between IES and The City of Carlsbad. With your authorization below, we can move forward together and schedule the Project Charter Meeting. By signing this Proposal, the Customer warrants that they have read and understand this proposal, and are not entering into it on the basis of any representations not expressly set forth in it and shall be bound thereby. Agreed and Accepted Independent Energy Solutions, Inc. The City of Carlsbad By: By: Brad Souza Director of Business Development Print Name: Title: Date: 10 CA Lie. No. 805159 Independent Energy Solutions, Inc. 1090 Joshua Way, Vista, CA 92081 www.indenergysolutions.com Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this proposal and any attachments is considered a confidential and/or privileged communication between Independent Energy Solutions, Inc. and the recipient. Independent Energy Solutions APPENDIX A: PROJECT LAYOUT A-1 CA Lie. No. 805159 Independent Energy Solutions, Inc. 1090 Joshua Way, Vista, CA 92081 www.indenergysolutions.com Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this proposal and any attachments is considered a confidential and/or privileged communication between Independent Energy Solutions, Inc. and the recipient. CP r o - 1 ^ Independent Energy Solutions ik4Ut tkvirric Iji^iinvrins tt dn^ntcMei APPENDIX B: SPEC SHEETS B-1 CA Lie. No. 805159 Independent Energy Solutions, Inc. 1090 Joshua Way, Vista, CA 92081 www.indenergysolutions.com Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this proposal and any attachments is considered a confidential and/or privileged communication between Independent Energy Solutions, Inc. and the recipient. SUNPOWER X-SERIES COMMERCIAL SOLAR PANELS HIGH PERFORAMNCE & EXCELLENT RELIABILITY SERIES • 21.5% efficiency Captures more sunlight and generates more powder than conventional panels. • Maximum performance Designed to perform in demanding real world conditions of high temperatures, partial shade from overhead vvires, and lovv/ light. ^' ^' • Commercial grade Intended for commercial sites where maximum energy production is critical. Maxeon® Solar Ceils: Fundamentally better. Engineered for performance, designed for reliability. Engineered for peace of mind Designed to deliver consistent, trouble-free energy over a very long lifetime. Designed for reliability The SunPower® Maxeon Solar Cell is the only cell built on a solid copper foundation. Virtually impervious to the corrosion and cracking that degrade Conventional Panels.'^'•^ Same excellent durability as E-Series panels. #1 Ranked in Frounhofer durability test.^° 100% power maintained in Atlas 25"^ comprehensive PVDI Durability test.^^ X21 - 345 PANELS HIGHEST EFFICIENCY' Generate more energy per square foot X-Series commercial panels convert more sunlight to electricity producing 44% more power per panel,' and 75% more energy per square foot over 25 years.'^ '^ HIGHEST ENERGY PRODUCTION' Produce more energy per rated watt More energy to power your operations. High year one performance delivers 8-10% more energy per rated wott.'^This advantage increases over time, producing 21 % more energy over the first 25 years to meet your needs.^ CN < D )3J 120% no% 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% j9% more, year 1 More Energy Per Rated Watt 36% more, year 25 10 15 Years 20 25 Maintains High Power at High Temps No Light-Induced Degradation High Average Watts Better Low-Light and Spectral Response High-Performance Anti-Reflective Glass Awarded lo SunPower E-SorK X Senes delivers c sunpowercorp.com SUNPOWER X:S£R Ea mMMERCI AL SQ IAR, PAN ELS. MORE ENERGY. FOR LIFE: SUNPOWER OFFERS "nHE BEST COMBINED POWER AND PRODUCT WARRANTY POWER WARRANTY PRODUCT WARRANTY 100% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% iiiional Wofranty 0 5 10 15 20 25 Years More guaranteed power: 95% for first 5 years, -0.4%/vr. to year 25. ELECTRICAL DATA X21-345-COM X20-327-COM Nominal Power'^ (Pnom) 345 W 327 W Power Tolerance +5/-3% +5/-3% " Avg. Panel Efficiency'"* 21,5% 20.3% Rated Voltage (Vmpp) 57.3 V 57.3 V Rated Current (Impp) 6.02 A 5.71 A Open-Circuit Voltage (Voc) 68,2 V 67.6 V Short-Circuit Current (Isc) 6.39 A "6.07 A Maximum System Voltage 1000 VUL; 1000 VIEC Maximum Series Fuse 20 A Power Temp Coef. (Pmpp) - -0.30%/°C Voltage Temp Coef. (Voc} -167.4 mV/°C Current Temp Coef. (Isc) 3,5 mA/°C REFERENCES: 1 All comparisons are 5PR-X21-345 vs, a representative conventional panel: 240^/, opprox. 1.6 m', 15% efficiency. 2 PVEvolution Lobs "SunPower Shading Study," Feb 2013, 3 Typicolly 8-10% more energy per watt, 8EW/DNV Engineering "SunPower Yield Report," Jan 2013, with CFV Solar Test Lab Report #12063, Jan 2013 temp. coef. calculation. 4 SunPower 0.25%/yr degrodotion vs, 1.0%/yr conv. panel. Campeau, Z, et al, "SunPower Module Degradation Rate," SunPower white paper, Feb 2013; Jordan, Dirk "SunPower Test Report," NREL, Oct 2012, 5 "SunPower Module 40-Year Useful Ufe" SunPower white paper, Feb 2013. Useful life is 99 out of 100 panels operating at more than 70% of rated power. 6 Out of all 2600 panels listed in Photon Internotiond, Feb 2012. 7 1 % more energy than E-Series panels, 8% more energy than the overage of the top 10 panel companies tested in 2012 (151 panels, 102 componies), Photon Internotionol, March 2013, 8 Compared with thetop 15 monufacturers. SunPower Worranty Review, Feb 2013, 9 Some exclusions apply. See warranty for details, 10 X-Series same as E-Sertes, 5 of top 8 panel manufacturers were tested by Fraunhofer ISE, "PV Module Durability Initiative Public Report," Feb 2013, 11 Compored with fhe non-stress-tested control panel, X-Series some os E-Series, tested in Atlas 25-t Durability test report, Feb 2053. 12 Stondord Test Conditions (1000 W/m^ irrodionce, AM 1.5, 25" C). 13 Based on overage of measured power vafues during production. SunPowei 10 15 Years 20 25 Combined Power and Product Defect 25 year coverage that includes panel replacement costs, OPERATING CONDITION AND MECHANICAL DATA Temperature Max load Impact resistance Appearance Solar Cells Tempered Gloss Junction Box Connectors Frame Weigfit Standard tests Quality tests EHS Compliance Ammonia test Salt Spray test PID test Available listings 46mm ^ [1.81tn]""n I - 40^ to +185°F (- 40''C to +B5°C) Wind: 50 psf, 2400 Pa, 245 kg/m^ front & Snow: 112 psf, 5400 Pa, 550kg/m2 front 1 inch (25 mm) diameter liail at 52 mph (23 Class B 96 Monocrystalline Maxeon Gen III Cells High Transmission Tempered Anti-Reflective IP-65 Rated MC4 Compatible Class 2 silver anodized 41 Ibs (18.6 kg] back m/s) TESTS AND CERTIFICATIONS UL1703, lEC 61215, lEC 61730 150 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 RoHS, OHSAS 18001:2007, lead-free lEC 62716 ^" lEC 61701 (passed maximum severity) Potential-Induced Degradation free; lOOOV '° CEC, UL, TUV, MCS 1559mm [61,4in] 1046mm [41.2in] See http://www,sunpowercorp,com/facls for more reference information. For furiher details, see extended datasheet: www, sun p9werc0rp.com/da to sheets Read safety and installation instructions before using tliis product. Designed in California © MorcK 2013 SunPowar Corporation. All rights reserved. SUNPOWtR, lhe SUNPOWER logo, MAXEON, MORE ENERGY fOR UFE , arsJ SIGNATURE ore Irodamarks SmPower Corporation. Spetifications irKluded in lhis dntosheel ore subjecl to thonge wilhoui nolice r registered Irodemarks of sunpowercorp.com Documem #505700FevA/LTR EN CPY250-A-PD-D / F-A CPY Series LED Canopy / Soffit Luminaire - Pendant Mount - Drop / Flat Lens - 82 Watts Product Description Slim, low profile, easy mounting from below the deck, Luminaire housing constructed of rugged cast aluminum with integral heat sink specifically designed for LED, Pendant mount is intended to be mounted by 3/4 IP pendant (by others). J-Box supplied for customer wiring. Direct imaging of LEDs is eliminated with high efficiency patterned flat or 0.91" C23mm) drop glass lens. Performance Summary .- Made in the U,S-A. of U.S. and imported parts CRI: Minimum 70 CRI CCT: 5700K (+ / - 500K) Standard, 4000K C+ / - 300K) Limited Warranty^: 10 years on luminaire /10 years on Colorfast DeltaGuard* finish Accessories XA-PSFTG Pendant Fitting XA-PS22KIT 22" (559mm) Pendant Kit - Pendant height from ceiling surface to bottom of fixture; mounting accessories or surface boxes will add to overall height XA-PS12KIT 12" (305mm) Pendant Kit - Pendant height from ceiling surface to bottom of fixture; mounting accessories or surface boxes will add to overall height XA-PSISKIT 18" (457mm) Pendant Kit - Pendant height from ceiling surface to bottom of fixture: mounting accessories or surface boxes will add to overall height TPS-2 Tamper Resistant Driver Bit Ordering information Example; CPY250-A-PD-D-A-UL-WH-OPTIONS Drop Lens Flat Lens Pendant Mount - 15.0" C382mm) / - Pendant Not • Included 8.0" (203mm) CPY2S0 PD Ul WH Universal While (Standard) 120-277V SV UH Silver Universal 8K 347-480V Black 8Z Bronre PB Platinum Bronze CPY250 PD Pendant 0,91" (23mm) Drop Lens F Flat Lens A 82W 40K 4000K Color Temperature - Color temperalure per lumirwire • See vmw,cree,com/li9hting/pn>jucts/wa(rantv tor warranty terms. ' For input power for J47-48av, refer lo the Lumen Output Electncal, and Lumen Maintenance data tat>te below. Rev, Date: 10/17/13 www.cree.com/llghting T (800) 236-6800 F (262) 504-5415 CPY250-A-PD-D/F-A Product Specifications CONSTRUCTION A MATERIALS • Slim, low profile, easy mounting from below the deck • Luminaire housing constructed of rugged cast aluminum with integral heat sink specifically designed for LED • Pendant mount is intended to be mounted by 3/4 IP pendant (by others) • J-Box supplied for customer wiring, • Below ceiiing serviceabie driver for ease of upgrade or replacement • Exclusive Colorfast DeltaGuard" finish features an E-Coat epoxy primer with an ultra-durable powder topcoat, providing excellent resistance to corrosion, ultraviolet degradation and abrasion. Standard is white. Bronze, black, silver, and platinum bronze are also available ELECTRICAL SYSTEM • Input Voltage: 120-277V or 347-480V, SO / 60Hz, Class 1 drivers • Power Factor: > 0,9 at full load • Total Harmonic Distortion: < 20% at full load • Integral 6kV surge suppression protection standard • To address inrush current, slow blow fuse or type C/D breaker should be used REGULATORY & VOLUNTARY OUALIFICATIONS • cULus Listed • Suitable for damp locations • Consult factory for CE Certified products • 6kV surge suppression protection tested in accordance with IEEE / ANSI C62.41.2 • Product qualified on the DesignLights Consortium™ ("DLC") Products List ("QPL") • Luminaire and finish endurance tested to withstand 5,000 hours of elevated ambient salt fog conditions as defined in ASTM Standard B 117 • Meets Buy American requirements within ARRA • Dark Sky Friendly, IDA Approved when ordered with "F" optic Photometry All published luminaire photometric testing oerformed to lESNA LM-79-08 standards bv a NVLAP certified laboratory. Lumen Output, Eiectricai, and Lumen Maintenance Data W TT ITL Tost Report #: 76B66 CPY250-A---F-A-UL Initial Delivered Lumens: 8,821 CPV250-A---F-A-UL Mounting Helgtit: 15' (4.6m) Initial Delivered Lumens: 8.000 Initial FC at grade CESTL Test Report S: 2013-0111 CPY250-A-"-D-A-UL Initial Delivered Lumens; 8,356 CPY250-A---D-A-UL Mounting Height: 15' (d.Sm) Initial Delivered Lumens: 8,000 Initial FC at grade Weight Weight 12,5 Ibs (5,7kg) OpUc 570OK 40(KH( System Watts 120-277V SysUm Watts J47-480V TOTAL CURRENT SOK Hours Projected Lumen Mainlenance Factor (ai5'C<59'F)"- OpUc Initial Delivered Lumens' KJG fistlngs" F>erTM-3-ll inity Dellveied Lumens* BUG Ratings" PerTM-15-Il System Watts 120-277V SysUm Watts J47-480V 120V Z08V 240V 347V 480V SOK Hours Projected Lumen Mainlenance Factor (ai5'C<59'F)"- 0 8,000 7,&00 S3 U2 G) 8J 84 0.69 0.40 m 0.17 0,24 0.58 91% F 8,000 B5 UOGl 7,600 B3U0G1 82 84 0.69 0.40 0.3S 0.32 0.24 0.18 m • Actual DroOuciion (leld may vary beiwseji -4 and -lOX ol ini;ial detvereii lumens. ' For more inlormalion on ttit i£S BUG (fiatHigtiL-Lcl^gh;-Glare) R^jiiq visn wim.iEsna.oig/POf/ENaSai/rM IS-liaiigFiauiigsAiiiJefidum.Bdl. - For rKDmmendfd lurnfn rnanilHBnce faKor Sti SM TD-13. CaliiiBtsd L- tasfd rai&OOO tars l.M-80 06 teSing ' W.WO hmre ® 2013 Cree. Inc. All rights reserved. For inforrDational purposes only. Content is subject to change. See wv/v^.cree.com/patents for patents that cover these products, Cree', the Cree logo, and Colorfast DeltaGuard" are registered trademarks of Oreo, Inc. The UL logo is a registered trademark of UL LLC. DesignLights Consortium'" and the DLC QPL logo are trademarks of Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships, Inc, WW w.cree ,com/l Ighting T (800)236-6800 F (262)504-5415 CPY250-A-PD-D / F-B CPY Series LED Canopy / Soffit Luminaire -Pendant Mount - Drop / Flat Lens -122 Watts Product Description Slim, low profile, easy mounting from below the deck. Luminaire housing constructed of rugged cast aluminum with integral heat sink specifically designed for LED. Pendant mount is intended to be mounted by 3/4 IP pendant (by others). J-Box supplied for customer wiring. Direct imaging of LEDs is eliminated with high efficiency patterned flat or 0.91" (23mm) drop glass lens. Performance Summary Made in the U.S.A. of U.S. and imported parts CRI: Minimum 70 CRI CCT: 5700K (+ / - 500K) Standard, 4000K (+ / - 300K) Limited Warranty*: 10 years on luminaire /10 years on Colorfast DeltaGuard' finish Accessories XA-PSFTG Pendant Fitting XA-PS22KIT 22" (559mnn> Pendant Kit - Pendant height from ceiling surface to bottom of fixture; mounting accessories or surface boxes will add to overal) height XA-PS12KIT 12" (305mm) Pendant Kit - Pendant height from ceiling surface to txjttom of fixture; mounting accessories or surface boxes will add to overall height XA-PS18KiT 18" (457mm) Pendant Kit - Pendant height from ceiling surface to bottom of fixture; mounting accessories or surface boxes will add to overall height TPS-2 Tamper Resistant Driver Bit XA-SENSREM Hand-He Id Remote - For successful implementation of the programmable multi-leve I option, a minimum of one hand-held remote is required Drop Lens Flat Lens Pendant Mount •15.0" (382mm) Pendant Not included 8,0" (203mm) Ordering Infonnation 5.9" (149mm) CPYZ50 A PD B 40K 4000K Color Temperature • Color lemperalure ner luminaire DIM 0-lOV Dimming • Conlrol by others - ftefer lodimming soec sheet for details - Can t exceed speolied i"i)ut Dcwer «L Multi-level(100%/JOMPower) Refer to ML spec sheet tor details PMI Proarammable Multi-Level • Refer to Pf^L spec sheet for details 1 mii6 A Pb & a UL WH 1 40K 4000K Color Temperature • Color lemperalure ner luminaire DIM 0-lOV Dimming • Conlrol by others - ftefer lodimming soec sheet for details - Can t exceed speolied i"i)ut Dcwer «L Multi-level(100%/JOMPower) Refer to ML spec sheet tor details PMI Proarammable Multi-Level • Refer to Pf^L spec sheet for details Pendant 0,91" (23mm) Drop Lens F Flattens 122W Universal I20-277V UH Universal 347-480V Wtiite (Standard) SV Silver BK Black BZ Bronze PB Platinum Bronze 40K 4000K Color Temperature • Color lemperalure ner luminaire DIM 0-lOV Dimming • Conlrol by others - ftefer lodimming soec sheet for details - Can t exceed speolied i"i)ut Dcwer «L Multi-level(100%/JOMPower) Refer to ML spec sheet tor details PMI Proarammable Multi-Level • Refer to Pf^L spec sheet for details < See www.cree.com/lightin^productsAvan'anty loi warranty terms. * For inptit power for 347-4S0V, refer to tiK Lumen Output, Bectrical, and Lumen Maintenance data table below, cvVUus w w w,cree ,com/l ighting Rev Date: 10/17/13 T (800) 236-6800 F (262) 504-5415 CPY250-A-PD-D/F-B Product Specifications CONSTRUCTION & MATERIALS • Slim, low profile, easy mounting from below the deck • Luminaire housing constructed of rugged cast aluminum with integral heat sink specifically designed for LED • Pendant mount is intended to be mounted by 3/4 IP pendant (by others) • J-Box supplied for customer wiring, • Below ceiling serviceable driver for ease of upgrade or replacement • Exclusive Colorfast DeltaGuard* finish features an E-Coat epoxy primer with an ultra-durable powder topcoat, providing excellent resistance to corrcision, ultraviolet degradation and abrasion. Standard is white. Bronze, black, silver, and platinum bronze are also available ELECTRICAL SYSTEM • Input Voltage: 120-277V or 347-480V, 50 / 60Hz, Class 1 drivers • Power Factor: > 0.9 at full load • Total Harmonic Distortion: < 20% at full load • Integral 6I<V surge suppression protection standard • To address inrush current, slow blow fuse or type C/D breaker should be used REGULATORY & VOLUNTARY QUALIFICATIONS • cULus Listed • Suitable for damp locations • Consult factory for CE Certified products • 6kV surge suppression protection tested in accordance with IEEE /ANSI C62,41.2 • Product qualified on the DesignLights Consortium'" ("DLC") Products List ("OPL") • Luminaire and finish endurance tested to withstand 5,000 hours of elevated ambient salt fog conditions as defined in ASTM Standard B 117 • Meets Buy American reguirements within ARRA • Dark Sky Friendly, IDA Approved when ordered with "F" optic IHiotometry AH published luminaire photometric testing performed to lESNA LM-79-08 standards by a NVLAP certified laboratory. V ^j^c»wi»eowff TfBCj WtrtTcfli plons ni'0ugn|' nrnmvi i«naiiii*fc*f 1 V ITL Test Report «: 76865 CPY250-A---F-B-UL Initial Delivered Lumens: 13,656 CPY250-A-"-F-B-UL Mounting Height: 15' (4,6m) Initial Delivered Lumens; 13.000 Initial FC at grade CESTL Test Report tt: 2013-0112 CPY250-A---D-B-UL Initial Delivered Lumens: 13.242 CPY250-A--*-D-8-UL Mounting Height: 15' (4.6m) Initial Delivered Lumens: 13,000 Initial FC at grade Weight Weight 12.5 Ibs (5.7kg) Lumen Output, Eiectricai, and Lumen Maintenance Data optic STOOK 4000K System Watts 120-277V SystemWatts 347-480V TOTALC UfiRENT SOK Hours Projected Lumen MainlenarKe Factor (S15'C(59'F)™ optic llAlal Delivered Lumens* BUG Ratings" l^a IM-b-i1 Initial Delivered Lumens' 8UG Ratings" Ka IM-IS-1! System Watts 120-277V SystemWatts 347-480V 120V 208V 240V 277V H7V 4aov SOK Hours Projected Lumen MainlenarKe Factor (S15'C(59'F)™ D 13,000 B3 U2 G2 12,400 B3U2G2 m 157 1,04 0,60 0,52 0.46 0,40 0,29 94% F 1^,000 63 UOG! 12.400 a3U0Gl 122 B? 1.04 0.50 0.52 0.46 0.29 94% ' Aciiidl profliiction yielil may vary betneefi -A and +IOS ctl iniiFal delnsred lumens, ~ For morE inloraialion on ttis IES BUG (Batklislii-Uplight-Gliiie) Hatifit) mi!. www.iesna.uig/PDf/Eiiaifls/iM-IS-llSijafistirigiAaderulum.pdI. • For recomTOMiJsd luruwi mainterHice tii:Xt cWa see TO-13. CStulasJ L, based DTT&OM Imrs LM-BO-Oa K^m • 100.000 hours. © 2013 Cree, inc. All rights reserved. For informational purposes only. Content is subject to change. See www.cree.com/patents for patents that cover these products, Cree', the Cree logo, and Colorfast DeltaGuard'* are registered trademarks of Cree, Inc. The UL logo is a registered trademark of UL LLC, DesignLights Consortium™ and the DLC OPL logo are trademarks of Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships, Inc. www.cre6,com/llghtlng T (800) 236-6800 F (262) 504-5415 Moraen F From: Sent: To: Subject: Agen<ia item Council Intemet Email Monday, March 24, 2014 10:32 AM Morgen Fry FW: Alga Norte Park Solar PVC Project AH Receive - Agenda Item # £7 For the Information of the: CjJY COLmiCIL ACM CA CC Date City Manager ^ From: Douglas Bfacklngton BA, MS Cmallto:dblackington@gmall.com1 Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 7:26 PM ^ To: Council Internet Email Subject: Alga Norte Park Solar PVC Project any otLers S weH ' °f Carlsbad, and not just at Alga Norte, but Poinsettia Park. Aviara Park and On another note. 1 am dismayed however, that there is but one Ml basketball court with a half-court behind the Z^'^-"°' 'P"'' 1° PULL BASKETBALL COURTS for the el^ti tt waLl TMv r ,H"' ^' "™ grass that requ fes consZt watering, fhe City would save money by installing Basketball Courts where the grass is now since watering would be cut significantly, and the lighting couid be done by the solar panels as wd P eaL ^oTstethe ^ compared to Basketball, and build two more courts east ofthe current one v ^ Date:. Distribution: City Clerk Asst. City Clerk Deputy Clerk Book Morgen Fry From: Council Intemet Email Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 10:32 AM To: Morgen Fry Subject: FW: Alga Norte Park Solar Project Agenda item From: judith martin [mailto:healthymiss(g)yahoo.com] Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 6:33 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: Alga Norte Park Solar Project Hello Carlsbad City Council, I am a Carlsbad resident and member ofthe Sierra Club. The idea of installing solar panels at the Alga Norte Park seems to have many advantages. I urge you to consider this idea very seriously, keeping in mind the reduction of emissions from power plants, the reduction of dependence on fossil fuels and it is a step forward in the right direction. Thank you, Judith Martin (•'•"if**.,' V * '= ' AooB Morqen Fr From: Sent: To: Subject: Council Internet Email Monday, March 24, 2014 10:30 AM Morgen Fry FW: Solar power at alga norte Item on agenda tomorrow. From: alixefesler [mailto:alixefesler@yahoo.coml Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 5:14 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: Solar power at alga norte city park parking lot Thank you. AlixeFesler Carlsbad resident Scni trou, ,„v Vcn/on Wndc^s -U,, I, I !•. .n.auphuue Morgen Fry From: Council Internet Email Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 10:32 AM To: Morgen Fry Subject: FW: solar power for Alga Norte From: Mike Beyries [mailto:secstrlng64@yahoo.com] Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 8:01 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: solar power for Alga Norte City Coundl Members, I am a Carlsbad homeowner, resident and voter. I reside about 2.5 miles from the beautiful new Alga Norte park with my wife, who works in Carlsbad Village. We heartily endorse the idea -- communicated to us via the Sierra Club -- that the park itself should be powered with solar energy. That plentiful resource can be weU-used at the facility. Sincerely, Mike Beyries mike.beyries@alumni.usc.edu 2906 Avenida Valera Cadsbad 92009 Morgen Fry From: Council Internet Email Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 10:33 AM To: Morgen Fry Subject: FW: Solar panels Agenda item From: Krausz [mailto:Krausz@roadrunner.com] Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2014 1:43 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: Solar panels Honorable council members: I am a longtime Carlsbad resident, Sierra Club member and member of North County Advocates. I'm writing just to express support for the proposal to add Solar panels to the plans for Alga Norte park. The environmental and health benefits of solar electricity generation are quite significant and well documented, and it makes good long term financial sense as well. I'm actually putting my own money where my mouth is and currently installing a solar system for my home. Thanks for your consideration, H. Krausz, MD This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection is active. Morgen Fry ^^om: Council Intemet Email Tuesday, March 25, 2014 1:35 PM Morgen Fry S"^»ject: FW: SUPPORT for solar electric at Alga Norte From: Don Christiansen [mailto:donchristlansen(S)pacbell.net] Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 12:23 PM To: Council Internet Email; Manager Internet Email Subject: SUPPORT for solar electric at Alga Norte Good Aftemoon! Tm sure this will not come as a surprise, however I want to be "on record" for supporting solar electric at Alga Norte. I appreciate your past leadership at decentralizing our water supply via seawater desalination and moving forward with decentralizing our food supply via additional community gardens. Solar electric at Alga Norte will be a good first step toward decentralizing our electric power supply. Fm not going to be able to attend this evening, however Christine Bevilacqua will speak on behalf of the Carlsbad Sustainability Coalition. Thank you for all your efforts! Don Christiansen 760-802-0552 Alga Norte Community Park Solar PV Patrick McGarry LEED GA Public Works Department 3/25/2104 Recommendation •Staff recommends Council approval to award a contract to Independent Energy Services (IES) for the design and construction of a shade structure mounted solar array for the Alga Norte Community Park project (ANCP). History •ANCP is in the approved Fiscal Year 2014-15 CIP budget for the amount of $40,676,497 and currently has a remaining balance of $6,337,596 •Council approved Selection Criteria on 9/24/2013 •Five person evaluation team reviewed four responses •Innovative approach regarding price versus investment value •ANCP project savings to cover all costs for the solar array Facts about ANCP Project •City’s first: –large scale Design/Build Project –Project modeled in 3D –LED exterior lighting project –“Paperless” project –Pending approval, our first Solar Photovoltaic system Prior Energy Reductions •We have reduced energy consumption by: –Day-lighting all interior spaces –LED exterior light fixtures –Variable speed pool pumps –LED pool lighting –High efficiency cooling –Solar thermal pool water heating –High efficiency ball field lighting, Musco Green™ 5 Prior Energy Reductions •Initial estimated* energy consumption at the start of the project: –585,000 kWh/yr •Current estimated* energy consumption: –450,000 kWh/yr •Annual reduction = 135,000 kWh, or 30% * Actual usage will be closely monitored 6 Solar Energy Solution •Est. energy consumption: 450,000 kWh/yr •Guaranteed array production: 369,000 kWh/yr •Possible array production: 405,000 kWh/yr Ongoing measurement and verification will be conducted using real-time energy consumption and production internet based tools 7 Proposal Scoring Results 8 Financials 9 Investment Measures Cost of capital 2.00% Total Initial Investment Costs $975,064 Total CSI Rebates (not discounted) $208,699 Net Present Value in Benefits $2,625,000 Discounted Payback Period (in years) 12 Simple Payback Period (in years) 11 IRR 10.4% Funding 10 TASK DESCRIPTION APPROPRIATED TO DATE EXPENDITURES/ ENCUMBRANCES TO DATE REMAINING BALANCES Design $3,173,276 $2,147,800 $1,025,476 Construction, Inspection, Materials Testing $37,416,665 $32,114,194 $5,302,471 Environmental Mitigation & Monitoring $24,056 $16,556 $7,500 Studies and Reports $62,500 $60,351 $2,149 TOTAL $40,676,497 $34,338,901 $6,337,596 SunPower Solar Panels 11 •SunPower Solar Panels: –25 year warranty –25% more efficient than comparable panels –50% less annual degradation than comparable panels –Made in the USA Schedule 12 •Award D/B Contract………………….03/25/14 •Kick-off……………………………………..April 2014 •Design Phase…………………………….June 2014 •Start construction………………………Oct 2014 •Complete construction……………...Dec 2014 What it will look like 13 What it will look like 14 Staff Recommendation 15 •Staff recommends awarding the project to Independent Energy Solutions, Inc. •Contract amount is $975,064 •City controlled contingency $50,000 •Total project costs $1,025,064 Questions 16 ?