HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-06-24; City Council; 21667; Resolution Appointing One Member to Planning CommissionCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 24 AB# 21,667 APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION APPOINTING ONE DEPT.DIRECroR Q^^J^ MTG. 6/24/14 APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION APPOINTING ONE CITY ATTY. DEPT. CLERK MEMBER TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2014-164 appointing one member to the Planning Commission. ITEM EXPLANATION: Commission Member Michael Schumacher resigned in March, 2014, following his appointment to the City Council. Mr. Schumacher was appointed in August 2009 and has served approximately four years and seven months. This appointment had been previously calendared on the agenda and continued to a future meeting so that the vacancy could be properly noticed. The term of public notification regarding the vacancy for the Planning Commission appointment has expired and the Council may appoint a replacement to fulfill the remainder of term. As stated in the Carlsbad Municipal Code 2.24.020 the "appointment by a majority vote ofthe council" is required. 2.24.020 Composition—Appointment. The planning commission shall consist of seven members to be appointed by a majority vote of the council, and of four ex officio members who shall be the community and economic development director, the city engineer, the city attorney and the city planner. Of the seven members of the commission first appointed under this chapter, two shall be appointed for one-year terms, two shall be appointed for three-year terms, and one shall be appointed for a four-year term. Their successors shall be appointed for terms of four years. If a vacancy occurs otherwise than by expiration of term, it shall be filled by appointment by a majority vote of the council for the unexpired portion of the term of the member so vacating. The terms of ex officio members shall correspond to their respective official tenures. No ex officio member shall be entitled to a vote. Each member shall hold office until he is reappointed or his successor Is appointed. Other members of the Planning Commission are Velyn Anderson, Arthur Neil Black, Stephen "Hap" L'Heureux, Victoria Scully, Jeff Segall and Kerry Siekmann. Applications received for the Planning Commission are on file in the office ofthe City Clerk. NOTE: Members of the Planning Commission are subject to the provisions of the Political Reform Act, and must file a Statement of Economic Interests. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT; Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. EXHIBITS: 2014-164 1. Resolution No. , appointing one member to the Planning Commission. 2. Applications Council appointed Marty Montgomery. FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY APPROVED K CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC • COUNCIL ACTION: DENIED • CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN • WITHDRAWN • RETURNED TO STAFF • AMENDED • COUNCIL RECEIVED THE • REPORT/PRESENTATION OTHER-SEE MINUTES • 4 5 RESOLUTION NO. 2014-164 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION 6 WHEREAS, Commission Member Michael Schumacher resigned in March 2014 following ^ his appointment to City Council. 8 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Califomia, 9 10 11 12 2. That the following person is hereby appointed to serve on the Planning Commission, 13 for a term to expire in April 2015 as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 14 15 16 17 18 19 // Marty Montgomery // // 20 // II 22 II 23 24 // 25 // 26 // 27 // 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting ofthe City Council ofthe City of Carlsbad on the 24th day of June 2014, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: Council Members Hall, Packard, Wood, Schumacher, Blackburn. None. ABSENT: None. MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: ,„R/{^RBARA ENGLESON, CityClerk .it :0 : 0 = APPUCATiON FOR APPOINTMENT BOARPrS) AND/OR COMMISSION'S) JAN 2 8 2014 RECEIVED CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE (Please print or type) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INHRESTED: NAME: A/WM ArWr€.\^^^ ADDRESS: CITY: (l^(K'Y^\^y>CKuk^ ZIPCODE; ^ 7-0 t 0 HOME PH0NE:_ EMAIL J —, 1—^ PRESENT OCCUPATION: C^CX.V\V\€X /COvwQ eA-\-V^sK_ 'X^\r\\-eX\i(^e.\r\<LJC VWA>VA<M BUSINESS NAME; CvSC^ SVd/>\$ BUSINESS ADDRESS; \"10 uO .'V^SWX^KV ^ S^^a^gS^^ (lA ^^1^^ WORKPHONE:_ U, S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) y Yes No Resident of Carlsbad (required fbr ail appointments) ^ Yes No Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for all appointments) ^ Yes No Citizens Academy Graduate Yes No I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) on which I wish to serve. i am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a committee designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Councii IMemlser. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or City's Conflict of Interest Codes. I am willing to attend two hours of State IVIandated ethics training every two years. SIGNATURE: ^U^uU,^^^. ^UyVd^Ky^^^t: DATE: ' ' - 1-0 \ *f Upon completion of your application, please mail or deliver the application to the following address: C/fyC/e/*'sOJ5fifce Qty Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ll APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT - PAGE 2 EDUCATION:or 0<< . (Lv^ \/V\\n^JL\ TlA^'Cd, - EXPERIENCE: VW^ VAJ&^V/^ ^SC 0 (f^'v g^C^ . 5»A./\S (Kf>yro<s^ ^ rO^r^WV !COMIVIUNITY AaiVITIES: \) 0 I v;y^vaAr-g^-^ /VS'>-V. CQAC^UI VJOVAAVV SC^CCJ^^^U)\') ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS: tC- vJflv^lA. \ 0 J €^ -Hi C g^^Or-Wi,>^iW^-V<3 'ytr^C 9Y\ ^ COvw-WtV^S* 9->N , voWi'cU w)Oa-lX <\UOVA) VY\-(L VO CoyvV^^V7tA.V<'J APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT BOARD(S> AND/OR COMMISSIONfSl MAY 2 0 2014 CITY OF CARLSBAD CIIY£L£^S^FFICE (Please print or type) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: ^'^iS^l'orx NAME: Thomas K. Arnold ADDRESS: CiTY: Carlsbad ZIP CODE: 92008 HOME PHONE: EMAIL: PRESENT OCCUPATION: Magazine publisher BUSINESS NAME: Home Media Magazine BUSINESS ADDRESS: WORK PHONE: 3988 Monroe Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008 U. S. Citizenship (required for all apfsointments) Resident of Carlsbad (required for all appointments) Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for all appointments) Citizens Academy Graduate -Yes Yes .Yes Yes _No _No .No No I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commlssion(s} on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a committee designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or City's Confiict of Interest Codes. I am willing to attend two hours of State Mandated ethics training every two years. SIGNATURE: ^ DATE: May 19. 2014 Upon completion of your application, please mall or deliver the application to the following address: City Clerk's Office City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Education: San Diego State University, Business Management Major, Journalism Minor Experience: 30 years of covering Carlsbad and San Diego County political, topical, land use and other issues for U-T San Diego, the North County Times, the San Diego Reader and San Diego Magazine; currently run a $3 million a year business. Community activities: Sergeant at Arms, Rotary Club of Carlsbad; Trail Blazers leader, YMCA Adventure Guides; president, St. Patrick Parish School Parent-Teacher Group; member, St. Patrick Parish School Board. Additional information or comments: I believe I have the skills, talents and knowledge of local planning issues to once again serve as an effective planning commissioner for the city of Carlsbad. I know how to think strategically and how to compromise. I understand that the role of a planning commissioner is to render decisions in accordance with law and municipal codes and regulations, and not be swayed by public opinion. I served on the Planning Commission from May 2011 to February 2013, resigning to take a job as editorial editor and writer with the U-T San Diego, a job that ended in February 2014.1 am very familiar with Carlsbad's General Plan, having studied it during my term as Planning Commissioner and also as a journalist, columnist and editorial writer for the U-T San Diego. My past experience on the commission will allow me to jump right in with a minimal learning curve, as I am familiar with the briefing schedule, the meeting protocol, etc. I am eager to once again serve the citizens of Carlsbad in this appointed post, and the fact that I now work out of my home here in Carlsbad affords me even more time to devote to my planning commission duties. i APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT BQARD(S^ AND/OR COMMISSION(^) (Please print or type) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: Co rr\»A. I ^& I Q/vJ ADDRESS:_ crrv: r^cMa^Ar^ . _ HOME PHONE: EMAIL: ^ PRESENT fVCIIPATIQN: CH-«^ P\/WAJ^>Jty BUSINESS MAMF: <:.t\-t^ g S ^Q)^ l^i r> r> 7IPCODE-. qrX?lO BUSINESSAnORESS! apt /v) . g^rrt^-;^.. WORK PHONE: RECEIVED F£0 la 2014 ^'^y ^iERK;SOFFlCE U. S. Citizenship (required for ail appointments) ^k_Yes Resident of Carlsbad (required fbr ail appointments) _X_Yes Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for ali appointments) Yes Citizens Academy Graduate Yes i^Uo No .No No I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a committee designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or City's Conflict of Interest Codes. I am willing to attend two hours of State Mandated ethics training every two years. SIGNATURE III DATE: Upon completion of your application, please mail or deliver the application to the following address- City dene's Office City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT- PAGE 2 EDUCATION: I have a Bachelor's Degree from the San Diego State University (SDSU) in Political Science with emphasis on Public Administration and Law. I am currently finishing a Masters in City Planning at SDSU. I also have over seven (7) years of experience as a city planner, five and half with the City of Carlsbad. While at Carlsbad I kept up on my training with classes in CEQA, Urban Planning, Street Designs, etc... EXPERIENCE: As stated above I have over 7 years working as a city planner with 4 different cities, two coastal cities (including Carlsbad) and two inland cities. I understand the complexities of working with Coastal Commission as well as all outside agencies. My understanding of the Carlsbad planning process would allow me to step right in with little or no training. COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: I have always attended the numerous Carlsbad activities throughout the city. My wife and I run in the annual races, attend the Halloween downtown activities, as well as weekly attend the Farmers Market. If placed on the Planning Commission I would like to give more of my time with all these activities. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS: My wife and I have lived in Carlsbad since 2008. We enjoy our little neighborhood and the many neighbors we have. I would like to give back to the community by serving on the Planning Commission. I worked for several years presenting to the Commission and Council and believe that experience would benefit the City and its citizens. I believe that I can with no biases serve on the Commission and make informed decisions on the projects that come forward. RECEIVED APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT f^^R 2 o 2014 BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY CLERK'S OFFIf^F (Please print or type) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: £1 onnm Oivtfy\"'>^>SiQM NAME: P.Rys4a( J. flaeglC ADDRESS: _ , ciTy: C.a<^\s)oa~d ZIPCODE; ^200? HOME PHONE: EMAIL: PRESENT OCCUPATION: Pin^Cial 4d\/i.^r>g- BUSINESS NAME: Wfills paRg6 AdW.CQg^ BUSINESS ADDRESS: WORK PHONE: _ . . U. S. Citizenship (required for ail appointments) Resident of Carlsbad (required for all appointments) Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for all appointments) Citizens Academy Graduate Yes No y Yes No Yes No Yes y No I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a committee designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or City's Conflict of Interest Codes. I am willing to attend two hours of State Mandated ethics training every two years. DATE: ^-/S -/(-/ SIGNATURE: Upon completion of your application, please mail or deliver the application to the following address: Oty Clerk's Office City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT - PAGE 2 EDUCATION: B• S. f)noACB ^ Cai Paly PoAAnisla. i9^ (La.^l(:bari hliAh School - l-^^c? EXPERIENCE: y^^gg (xs, FinQncioi Adl/igpg onoi /l/l.onpy A>\anagpe nl:^ cr\e of fhe lojlg-fd- flRJ/iS OM Wail £f-. b/t in CA -fo hdP W/ef/MS 6f vi^icN-f- SeyuoJ ^^SoxtH- Morf (Z.e-v^lC4i/lAt^ed <N) fQ^AA-<(v/ Couef. C^ag^i^j^y COMMUNITY ArTiuiTiFS: 1^ yic?nLi2<; oA B^ogd oT Gieicbgd r^pr4pr-rc.r rA>.....n;4y Q^ii^/nhC f acs) f PainMr>r ^eaifA fera siCS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS: | ha^^ cAM^fS b^^n gCf/Vfi ^ My ^ y I. / ^.-u-.i.v^i corH-inue 4o l^elp o4^ne£s RECEIVED ' APPUCATION FOR APPOINTMENT; MAR 2 0 2014 ii£g!!it0FFlCE (Pteate print or type) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSiON(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: OTV dP^mimm NAME: rh^LA,*/Z H^Q&A^ ADDRESS: CITY; ZIPCODE: '^J^J^Od^ HOME PHONE:. EMAIL: PRESENT OCCUPATION: fl^^A-tJ BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: WORK PHONE: U. S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) «• Yes No ^^Resfdent of Carisbad (required for all appointments) Yes No Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for all appointments) L. Yes No Citizens Academy Graduate Yes No I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s} or Commlssion(s) on which I wish to serve. i am willing to be Interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a committee designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am witling to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or City's Conflict of interest Codes. i am willing to attend two hours of State Mandated ethics training every two years. SiGNATURE; 7AA>V£/.I^' PLJj-^'l DATE; 3- i^./V" Upon completion of your application, piease mail or deliver the application to the following address: C/tyC/erfc'sOJ37ce City Ho// 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 A APPUCATION FOR APPOINTMENT - PAGE 2 EDUCATION: r^i^ ^tf A^.^^t.tw>^,^,. EXPERIENCE: >J Uv^ Jx^ ^ .u^'X^t^ ('aJ^Lj COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: /u^wi^^-*^ . iyi^Jcy^j^y^.^ v4 ^..^L .^K^^-f^ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS: _ Phone CBi1ibMl,CkliftimU 92009 B-mail Marlaine S. Hubbard Ok|)Bc8ve Having served 8 years on the I*8ifcs and Recrration Commission and tieing a graduate of tlie first Carlsbad Citizens Academy has peaked my mtovst in taking the next step ID serving our community. My husband now redred, was a general contracts for 20 years m San Lais Obispo and built houses and apartments. I managed 11 apartments for 26 years and have tnterftced with the public on many levels. Now retired I would like the opp(»tunity to use my varied backgrounds which should serve as a solid sounding board for serving on the Planning Commission. WwkepqwdSiiee 2002 - 2012 Chico's Carisbad, CA SaieaAnoetale • Ranlced #31 out of 9000 sales associates with an av««ge sales per hour of $352 for 2010. Sold over $555,000 in merchandise for 3 years in a row. My letter to the President suggesting they adcnowiedge consistent performance started a new program fbr top producers. 1997 - 1999 Emerald Publications San Diego, CA iSeniinar Marketiag Consultant • Represented over 25 products to potential clients to enhance their marketing efforts. Received 'Highest Achievement A ward' within first yeai-. • Communicated how to plan, promote, present and close sales through seminar power point and video presentations. • Hosted quarterly 2-day trainmg workshops for clients from around the worid. Interfaced as liaison with the new product development and sales force. 1992 - 1993 Wells Fargo Bank San Luis Obispo, CA Personal Financial Officer • Advised bank customers of investment alternatives aval labte to achieve their financial goals. • Coordniated monthly educational seminars to build clientele. • Prepared needs assessment plans and annual reviews for 800 clients. • Assets under management $30-4-M. 1986 - 1988 Shearson Lehman Hutton Santa Maria, CA Financial Consultant • Assets under management $ i 2+ M. • Interpreted economic variables and individujd client needs to forniulate appropriate plans to achieve investment goals. • Grew business over 25% pei- year. 1981 -1986 Dean Witter Reynolds San I.uis Obispo, CA Accountfixecutive I • ISeceived Qit President's fferit Award for outstanding achievemoit. 9 Assets under management-$8M. ~J • Office coordinator for retirement services and insurance. 1981 Cuesta College San Luis Ohispo, CA iBatmetor • Wrote context fbr new classes with the Business School, "Purchasing and Inventory Control" and "Non-textile Buying". 1978 -1980 Qcddwaler's D^Mrtmem Stores Phoenix, AZ Divisional Merchandise Manager • Siqwrvised and trained seven buyers, produced net sales of $9M^rofit 8% • Introduced Goldwater's into die European market. • Merchandised accessories, jewelry, handbags, shoes, small leather goods, lingerie, hosiery, active RTW. 1970 -1978 Bullock's Department Stores Los Angeles, CA Corporate Fashion Director for Women's Ready-to-Wear • Vice Presidential jurisdiction, identified trends and promoted them in 15 stores. • Detailed layouts on 4 ads per month, assets under mtagfimait $8M. • Oraded stores on implementation of promotional plans and covered markets in New York, Europe, Hong Kong, bidia, Japan, and Soufli America. • Buyer of4 RTW Departments. • Annual sales $SM/^rofit 20%. • Realigned resource structure and developed strong vendor relationships. • Grew European imports by 50% and created new departments to maximize developing sales classifications. • Named Development Coordinator for American Merchandising Corporation in Hong Kong, India and South America. Education 1966 -1970 University of Soutfiern Califomia Los Angeles,CA B.S. School of Biwlnoes, double nu^or-Maiteang and ManagemmiL • Graduated Cum Laude. AecTMiNatlont Real Estate Sales License 1981-present Federal Securities & Exchange Commission Investment Registration 1981 -1999 Life and Amiuhy Insurance Agent's License 1982-1989 Commodities Registration 1983-1990 Community College instructor CFedentiai-pattifd fittfiilment 1980-1983 Geriatric Activity Prc^ramSpecialist-UCSD 2000 (kmam^weMBM Life Membor - American Association of Univoisity Womra. Served on Board of Directors for R^ublican Women, Hospice of SLO County, AAUW, Sonthwood Christian School, PTA, Obispo Beautiful, SLO Chamber of Commerce - VP Member Relations. • Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Commission 2001- 2009 Graduate of Carlsbad Citizens Academy 2001 Docent for Quail Botanical Gardens, Encinitas, CA Del Mar Fan: and Special Events volunteer Cuesta College Advisory Committee Member First Wave Member, San Luis Obispo Performing Arts Center Artsolute & Kids Salute Chair, Cal Poly Arts San Luis Obispo Unified School District, Strategic Planning Team SLO County, Morros Advisory Committee SLO City, Campaign Regulations Committee SLO Chamber of Commerce-Citizen ofthe Year Committee, Water Task Force La Jolia Playhouse Partner 2011- present APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSIONl RECEIVED MAR -7 2014 ^!II2!CARLSBAD HnilSOFFICE (Please print or type) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COiyiMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: PL.ft: M M^J ^ L1 ^g- 'fi. ^- y ^"^^ ^ '^'^ ^ ADDRESS: =^ •• • CITY; rA r?\-Sa^.^ ZIP CODE: ^ \ (=> \ \ HOME PHONE: EMAIL: PRESENT OCCUPATION: Co M <^ u T ^ ^i 1 BUSINESS NAME: G R^^\^^<1^ 'A.WA-X €i BUSINESS ADDRESS: Sv vw^ ^ '^O WORK PHONE: . ^ ^ . . . ^ U. S. Citizenship (required for ail appointments) ^ Yes No Resident of Carlsbad (required for all appointments) U Yes No Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for all appointments) Yes No Citizens Academy Graduate ^Yes No I am familiar witii tiie responsibilities assigned to tlie Board(s) or Commission(s) on wiiich I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a committee designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am wilting to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or City's Conflict of Interest Codes. I am willing to attend two hours of State Mandated ethics training every two years. -•1 \ ' / / SIGNATURE: .V^^^T^J DATE: JS/ j ^4- Upon completion of your application, please mail or deliver the application to the foflowing address: C/ty Clerk's Office City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 J APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT - PAGE 2 EDUCATION:. EXPERIENCE: -^<^G '^-T-y cM r::^ ^€^^^e COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: <:1AC^LS. C<>P.-C:> ^VW\vv\g.GK ^ifv\oA.fe g.c rv\£«VAQ&V ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS: ' -e S e <^ <lIja c'ifUr TARA JEYARATNAM Mb^d, CA 92011 GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN COMPLIANCE, STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT & MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS INTEGRATION EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. Harvard trained Mason Fellow with 15 years of experience in compliance, quality and CSR in a wide area of business including operations, management and constilting in the manufacturing, automotive, retail and tech industries. Multi-disciplinary systems thinker with MS in Engineering Management and BS in Electrical Engineering with expertise in developing effective policies to reduce risks in the supply chain of global brands & businesses diat have direct impact on operating costs. Extensive experience building and leading effective cross-functional, multi-site, and multi-cultural teams across time zones to drive change initiatives and solid business management strategies. Experienced in managing departments, including engineers and managers, in progressively responsible positions in the areas of quality, compliance and operations. Skilled liaison and negotiator -certified in negotiations firom the Harvard Law School - between intemal departments and customers spread across business units and geographies to deploy supply chain responses and regulatory requirements that prevent supply chain disruption and brand erosion. AREAS OF EXPERTISE, . • Conflict Minerals/REACH/RoHS Governance /Code of Conduct Global Supply Chain Development • Continuous Improvement/ Kaizen EHS Systems Audits, CAP, Root cause analysis • Risk Assessment and Management APQP /Program Management SA 8000, OHSHA, ISO 9001 • Stakeholder Engagement P&L Management ISO 14001, ISO/TS 16949, ISO 26000 • life Cycle Assessment (LCA) GRI Reporting & KPIs Lean Manufacturing / Value Stream • Change Management Cross-cultural Leadership ILO Conventions and Labor Laws ^PROFESSIONALEXPERIENCE INFOSYS TECHNOLOGIES San Diego, CA Lead Consultant April 2012 - Sept. 2013 Client Point of Contact /Subject-Matter Expert (SME) on all areas of Supplj chain responsibility including strate^, stakeholder engagement, governance, human rights and labor compliance, GRI reporting, supply chain risks and change management for the sustainability unit. Function as Infosys representative to the UNGC on supplier traceability and risk. • Change Management Crafted a change management plan for adaptation of a supply chain risk management / reporting tool by the supplier responsibility department for a pre-eminent Silicon Valley electronics manufacturer • Conflict Minerals & Product Compliance: Designed the confKct minerals and full material disclosure integration track for supplier assessment and risk management to enable clients to comply to the Dodd-Frank Act along with system int^ation with existing compliance systems. • EHS Management System: Created a taxonomy and process strategy for streamlining the Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) system and programs for a global extraction company to enable cost reduction through automation and retraitung. GREENDREAMSE Cadsbad, CA foanetfy GreenDreams Consulting Chicago, IL CEO/ Sole Proprietor 2003 - 2009,2010- present Established consulting and coaching practice to assist companies to move beyond compliance and to successfully incorporate sustainability processes into core operations. • Training: Provided training and consulting on integrated management systems, SA8000, ISO14000, ISO/TS 16949 to clients of the Chicago Manufacturing Center. • Management Systems Integration: Acted as change management expert for regulatory and ISO / OHSHA management systems updates and integration for clients. • Vendor CompUance Audits: Performed < 120 compUance audits witii SGS and Accordia USA for Walmart, Turn Jejuralnam - Poff 2 American Apparel and Nike, in the US, Honduras, Guatemala, Canada, India and Sri Lanka. • Stakeholder Engagement: Partnered witii SGS North America and Accordia USA on dispute resolution of egregious and tmde-relatedviolMons of aU. the core standards—freedom of association and the right to organize and bargain collectively, the elimination of forced labor and child labor, and nondiscrimination in employment • ESG Due Diligence: Provide Environmental, Social and Govemmental (ESG) research and advise for private investors and impact investment fiinds interested in investing in post-conflict Sri Lanka • CEO, GreenDreamsWomen: Establishing a not-for-profit resource and training center for women in post- conflict Sri Lanka SEARS HOLDINGS CORPORATION (SHC) Hoffinan Estates, IL Global Compliance Manager 2005 - 2007 Bjcruited to ovenee compliance of Sears / Kmart vendors in the Americas, Africa, Middle East and Europe which amounted to over 40% ofthe comparty's over 7000 vendors. Managed all intemal and external compliance personnel across all regions. • India and China: Ensured 100% resolution of all human rights violations and non-compliances in all the regions including India and China. • Brand Protection: Acted as the single point of contact (SPOC) at headquarters for all issues/ disputes globally and worked with procurement, legal and communications for brand protection. • CAP Resolution: Managed the successful resolution and verification of all CAPs and continuous improvement projects on time. • Audit Management Directed the activities of aU third party audit firms contracted by Sears including independent and intemal auditors. • Vendor Database and Software Implementation: Managed the early stage implementation and adaptation of a global compliance enterprise solution by creating effective process change and communication techniques that involved intemal and extemal stakeholders. • Multi-Lateral Working Group Participation: Primary Contact for Sears Holdings for the development of the Better Workprogram, a partnership between the International Labor Organization (DJO) and the International Finance Corporation (TFC) a program launched to improve labor practices and competitiveness in global supply chains. • Implementation & Training: Provided training for all vendors on code of conduct updates and all new regulations and oversaw implementation of updates in vendor operations. CASCADE ENGINEERING Grand Rapids, M 5/. Corporate Systems Manager 1996 - 2003 Reported to the EVP of Business Systems to develop, implement, manage change and assure compHance and continuous improvement of all business systems throughout the corporation and supphf chain and to harmonise all systems and programs. • Management Representative: Developed and managed all corporate audit and compliance activities and subsequent corrective action process for the company and the supply base. • Metric & KPIs: Advised senior management on KPI identification and tracking as well as customer satisfaction surveys for the company's bonus program. • Department Head: Managed three quality departments for the business units with primary responsibility for hiring, P&L, systems, compliance, product launch and customer/vendor relations with over 15 direct reports. • Customer Satisfaction: Improved and maintained positive customer / supplier relations by reducing customer complaints by 80% that converted to savings of over $ltnm. .EDUCATION • • • • • Master in Public Administration, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 2010 Master of Science in Engmeering Management, Westem Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, 1996 Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering, University of Madras, Madras, India, 1992 ' Program on Negotiation (PoN) Workshop, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, IvlA, 2010 Sustainable Business witii Amory levins and Janine Bunyus, Schumacher College, Devon, 2003 Please explain why you want to be appointed to City Council: I moved to Carlsbad in September 2012 after living in Michigan and Illinois for 19 years. Needless to say I fell in love with the sheer beauty of this magnificent place which I now call home. I have lived in several cities in the US as well as in Asia and Africa before arriving in Carlsbad. So I immediately Icnew that Carlsbad was a special place. Though not a surfer or a swimmer I felt a sense of connection with the Ocean which was made all the more delightful by the smiling and welcoming faces of the residence. Although I have worked in the private sector all my life, I was brought up in a family where service to one's neighbors and community was considered a virtue. "Do unto others as you would have them do to you" was instilled very early on in my life. As such, throughout my corporate and consulting career I had actively taken part in "giving back to the community" efforts and partnerships in Michigan, Illinois and now in Califomia. This ideal is what made me shift careers from engineering to corporate social responsibility and sustainability eleven years ago. I now work with businesses on how to strategize and operationalize doing good while still making profits. The calling to be a public servant has been growing in me for some time now. I heeded this call by going back to school and getting a Master of Public Administration degree from Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Govemment in 2010. The motto of this great school is "Ask what you can do". Keeping with this tradition many of the school's alumni have gone into public service. I want to be appointed to the City Council because I want to be of service to my community. I recently finished my contract as Lead Consultant with Infosys Limited. I was looking for an opportunity to serve as a committee or board member with the city when I happened to see the posting for this position. Given my training and desire to serve it seemed fitting for me to apply for the position. K considered, I will devote 20-25% of my time to the position. Last year, I was at a conference on sustainabihty where Mayor Matt Hall was present. How do cities become more sustainable will be the paramount question of the next decades. How do we become good stewards of our God-given natural resources and of our diverse citizenry are issues that every city should be addressing and diligently working towards attaining. I believe that I could add value in these areas as a City Council member. Apart from these issues, I have an extremely strong business management background as well as over 15 years of experience in spearheading many change and implementation efforts in the areas of quality, compliance, corporate social responsibility and diversity in the manufacturing, retail and tech industries. Currently, I have a consulting and coaching practice, GreenDreamsE, on corporate social responsibility and authentic leadership and a non-profit, GreenDreamsWomen, which supports micro-entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka, where I was bom. I also possess excellent communications skills. I have been a key negotiator in my position as Global Compliance Manager at Sears Holdings Coqjoration for resolving violations to international standards and have worked with NGOs, govemments and stakeholders to form community and private-public partnerships. My negotiation skiUs were fiirther honed by participating in Harvard Law School's Program on Negotiation (PoN) workshop in 2009. Above aU, I bring to the table integrity based leadership and a passion to serve my community and my country. If selected I would work my heart out for the people of Carlsbad. 9j Additional Information covering my qualifications, interests, community / professional organization or training related to this position: The biggest asset I bring to this position is my training at one of the best schools for public service in this country. Harvard Kennedy School of Government. My training at the school has prepared me well for a life as a public servant. I also have access to experts and resources from the school to advice and educate me on subjects and topics that I might need more insight on. I regularly keep in touch with classmates who are in other state and local governments which has been an education in itself. Courses that I took at the school include leadership, conflict resolution, private-public-partnerships and negotiations. I am a founding member and Chief Operating Officer of the Harvard Kennedy School Conununity of San Diego which was formed last year. We had a kick-off event with a discussion on 'The Priorities for the Next Mayor of San Diego" with Interim Mayor Todd Gloria and City Attomey Jan Goldsmith at the University Club on October 16,2013. As the COO, I was responsible for organizing the event and the event was a resounding success. The Harvard Kennedy School Community of San Diego is a non-profit organization founded to promote mutually beneficial relationships, dialogue on issues of public concem, and civic virtue through the diversity, intellectual curiosity, and sense of service inherent to the alumni community of the Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Govemment and those with whom they bond in Greater San Diego. A position with the City Council will be complementary to my activity with the HKSCSD. As I have described in the previous section I have worked in the private sector for the majority of my career in the Automotive, Retail and Tech industries. I have a firm grasp of manufacturing practices, global supply chain risks and compliance as well as management systems. As department head I have managed teams of engineers and professionals as well as global teams in based in different time zones. I have a Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Communications Engineering from the University of Madras in India and a Master in Science in Engineering Management from Westem Michigan University. For further infonnation, I have attached my resume for your consideration here. I have a wide array of interests from reading to politics and public service to spending time in nature. I patronize our local stores and farmers markets with gusto. I am also a member of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce. I had recently spent time in my country of birth, Sri Lanka, establishing a non-profit to help women affected by war. I have set up a project in partnership with a local organization there to train women in making and marketing handmade greeting cards. The income from selling the greeting cards is the primary source of income for most of these women. I am very interested in micro- entrepreneurs and social ventures. I am eager to work with the city on such efforts as well as developing private-public partnerships with businesses and other entities. I also enjoy mentoring young and mid-career professional women to find their true calling and to work towards realizing their potential. I believe in every human beings potential to be whoever they choose to be. Above all I love my adopted country and my city Carlsbad and would like to give back to my community in whatever capacity I am called to serve. APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT RECEIVED MAR 1 9 2014 BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) j^^y^QF CAR^^^ (Please print or type) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: ^ NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: CAO-UWA. ZIPCODE: ^7^0^ HOME PHONE: • , _ , EMAIL: PRESENT OCCUPATION: Oo c^ \\ ^^v^>- BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: WORK PHONE: U. S. Citizenship (required fbr all appointments) ^ Yes No Resident of Carlsbad (required fbr all appointments) Yes No Registered voter in Carisbad (required fbr all appointments) i Yes No Citizens Academy Graduate ^ Yes No I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commlsslon(s) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a committee designated lay the City Councii or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or City's Conflict of Interest Codes. I am willing to attend two hours of State Mandated ethics training every two years. SIGNATURE; \^ ^ o.J jt^iz^^-^ DATE: ;g>/ /g//'/ Upon completion of your application/please mail or deliver the application to the following address: City Clerk's C^ce City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT - PAGE 2 EDUCATION: 5M '^'^'^ ^^i^ EXPERIENCE • ^1 «,Vr r r.>—^^aTW—i?tr yVffitrnrft— ^ .^^ COMMUNITYACnVITIES: ^ ^ O ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS: Roy G. Meenes rarlchaH CA 07000 SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS: Sixteen years experience in planning/operations, capital project administration including land use/ project develq>ment and thirteen years experience in municipal govemment responsible for general administration, personnel, grants and municipal development projects. EXPERIENCE: TRANSIT PLANNING AND OPERATIONS: Manage transit operations including fixed and para- transit contract services... Implemented program to ensure transit operations.. .Direct, coordinate and supervise daily operations of private contractors... Study feasibility for new bus routes and implementation... Responsible for coordinating and administering various capital improvement programs including acquisition and development of agency projects for compliance with local General Plan, zoning and environmental regulations. Processed projects through local, state and federal approval and environmental processes. MANAGEMENT - ADMINISTRATION: Assess needs and implement programs to improve operations...Administer numerous projects and programs simultaneously with positive results...Prepare financial/ statistical reports and funding iqiplications...Estimate costs, prepare budgets (including fiscal analysis) and monitor expenditures...Solicit bids and conduct complex negotiations for legal and financial contractual agreements...Prepare local, state and federal environmental assessment documents...Participate in labor and operational negotiations. PRESENTATIONS AND PUBLIC RELATIONS: Established effective liaison program with various local cities to better serve their development needs.. .Make oral presentations and represent organization at community and intergovernmental agency meetings.. .Administer citizen assistance fimctions.. .Testify in court...Plan methods for creating a positive nnage. SPECIAL STRENTHS: Strong communication skills...Facilitate complex public/private programs and projects. ..Able to produce comprehensive reports including financial analysis and performance review...Establish quick rapport...Maintain good working relationships with personnel siq>ervised, govemment officials and general public...Effectively motivate oAers at all levels...Present positive image of self and employer. EMPLOYMENT: CONSULTANT, Carlsbad, CA; January 2007 - Present • Provide industry expertise in land use planning and operations. • Analyze operations and recommend methods for improvement to system performance including comprehensive operations analysis. • Perform research and analysis of various client operaticms and £icilities for compliance widt General Plan, zoning and environmental ordinances. • Conduct enviromnental sustainability programs for client development projects. METROPOLITAN TRANSIT SYSTEM, San Diego, CA; January 1990 - December 2006 SENIOR TRANSIT OPERATIONS SPECIALIST • Public agency contract manager for fixed route bus service to San Diego region providing 24 fixed routes and a fleet of over ISO buses. Prepare budgets and maintain oversight of cost controls. Responsible for monthly and quarterly financial reports. Participated in planning and inq>lementing service changes. Prepare funding applications and quarterly financial and statistical reports. Involved with numerous federal and state financial and performance audits. Manage compressed natural gas (CNG) program for bus fleet. Involved with conversion of bus fleet fi-om diesel to compressed natural gas. Prepare capital project programs and budgets. Manage capital improvement projects with oversight of contractors and staff. Prepare federal and state environmental documents for coital projects. Staff liaison to various regional cities. Make presentations to City Councils and Community Plaiming Groups. Review private development plans and make recommendations to member cities for improvements. GRUBB & ELLIS COMPANY, San Diego, CA; May 1988 - January 1990 CENTURY 21 OHMAN-RATTAN, San Diego, CA; May 1984 - May 1988 REAL ESTATE BROKER Provide professional marketing of commercial and residential real estate. Negotiate real estate contracts. Analyze and make recommendations for land use and zoning. Woik with city, county and regional plaiming groups regarding land use issues. Involved with property management. CITY OF EL CAJON, EI Cajon, CA; June 1972 - May 1984 ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER Assisted in daily operation of the City Manager's office. Administered city loss prevention program. Served as staff representative to Mayor, City Council members and Commissioners. Conducted employee classification analysis and made recommendations. Research and statistically analyze public reaction and usage of services. Prepare local, state and federal enviromnental implications for development projects. Administer state and federal grant programs for coital projects including public outreach and post financial/performance audits. Coordinate with architects and engineers for capital project design and construction. Participated in labor negotiations and implemented labor relations objectives. Conducted interviews, employment grievance and appeal hearings. Made recommendations on legislative matters and develop city policies including ordinances. RELATED EXPERIENCE: San Diego State University, San Diego, CA; Januaiy 1979 - December 1979 INSTRUCTOR - Public Administration EDUCATION: San Diego State University M.P A. 1976 - Public Administration B.A. 1972 - Public Administration REFERENCES: Available upon request. APPLICATION FOB APPOINTMENT BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(Sl RECEIVED MAY 21 2014 (Please print or type) UllVOF CARLSBAD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: ADDRESS:.. ZIP CODE: 1€Ol\ HOME PHONE:_ . EMAIL: — PRESENT nrniPATiQN: pg>|OC>xyAL . , _ BUSINESS MAMF- C^^rA gMQ>iA3g1»tet»J6^ BUSINESS AnnaP^i*;. f=AgA^AS fi^M^. . (>^t^V?>?>AV> . cA 32^^ WORK PHONE: U. S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) ^Yes Resident of Carlsbad (required for ail appointments) ^Yes Registered voter In Carlsbad (required for all appointments) —^Yes Citizens Academy Graduate ^Yes No No No ^No I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commisslon(s) on which I wish to serve. 1 am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a committee designated by the aty Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am wilting to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or City's Conflict of Interest Codes. I am willing to attend two hours of State Mandated eth'KS training every two years. ^H/t^ -^n^LT^ DATE: S-'aO-l4 SIGNATURE: upon completion of your application, please msm or deliver the application to the following address; City Clerk's Office City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT - PAGE 2 EDUCATION: 6.6.^ HgaVW0\6A4_ &K3Cvi«.Jl?gg:i^6., CAL POL^ EXPERIENCE: 2-^ ^g>«rt£s taOCT liJ s\y^ t>t»\AytOV^iUg»A'j M^J^ USTj C\\l\u tSTJ6.ijJ^S1tWAp l^g<4lftA> iV^^ ^UCHWMC ^1 cVWiL^Mti ft«^\t>tT^/r COMMUNITY ACnVITIES: ^00 3- "gO U M\>Mfl^ CAltU>A/Vt^ PUWyJifJd ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS; I Tieou^ t^U»5:- p^jig. c^^^^M• A»J^ TMIT ^^ t^gU> 5HA<>g- <>^Vl CiT^ UJ\<> THg- COM<MO»^\'r*A g1^N^>$l<><J. APPltCATiON FOft^PPOtOTMENT '-^S^^^j BOARDifSI AND/Ofe COMMISStONfSI Uf^'-a.j^ (Mease print or type} NAME($)OF BOARO(S} AND/OR COMMi$&ION(S)iN WfHtCK INTERESTEOi NAME: AODRESSi ZIPCdOE^ HOME PHONE: EMW1L:_^ PRESENT OCCUPATION^ BUSWtSSNAME: —y /fgfi^yy^^i ftUSINESSAODRESS: HiJiin- BJ /g«fiteitlU> ^<}«>ffl WORKPHOME: - . U S; OtiKer^lp (f eqvlrAd for aii appo^ Resident of Carlsbad {required fpr aH appo^tments) R«t;iste#ed voter in Cari9baic^.(i«qufrediiir aD appqimmafit;): C^enS'Academy Graduate ' > jQ^q %y Yes >^ Yes Yes »^ Yes No -No I sm^iqiliar with the responsibilities a^^^ to the iodrd{s) or Ciommlssion(s) o^ i am willing jtp; be: Interviewed regarding my qUalHkations for anioimMeitt 1»y a committiee de^ign^ed by theCitYCiduncilor^tthe requested aAlndhridualGHincUMeinber.. \ am wrilTliig to ^ ffnancial rjEhsdOSurt,mt«metit» as required; by the Sta^s QI" Gt/s Conflict of Interest '-Codes.. • • I am witnr% ta atC4rtd tyji^^'ourt of Stata ft^ years^ SIGNATURE: /'f**^^ PAtC; , §-'9hfjf Uponcontpletion of yoiffi/ljjtf I^fcation, please mail or deljvwr the application ta the foltaw»i« address; Cfty Graf's C35Btee City Hall UOOOnhbod Village Drfve Cartsbad, CA 9200^ APKIGATION FOR APPOINTMENT - PAGE 2 ^DtiCAtiONr A^^M fftfi J12L COMMUNITYACTiVmES: /r»*3^A. fib^ i»t^ :iv.. ADt>ttlbfMt INFQRMAtlQN OR C0MMENT5:1 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT BOARP(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) RECEIVED JAN 31 2014 (7ITY OS CARLSBAD (Please print or type) NAME(S) OF BOARDfS) AND/OR COMMI$SION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE NAME: fifty s, ADDRESS:. ZIP CODE: HOME PHONE: EMAIL: PRESENT OCCUPATION: ^gA/ £iSTOffc r^MUlfTA jfCT BUSINESS NAME: ^Hy J RgTEy i^Qf^" (TJ^ BUSINESS ADDRESS; iitHlr tlAlXT BJ gftg^fcrt , ^tPlfj WORK PHONE:_ . U. S. Citizenship (required for ali appointments) Resident of Carlsbad (required fbr all appointments) Registered voter In Carlsbad (required for all appointments) Citizens Academy Graduate gcOf^ ly Yes ^ Yes Yes ^ Yes -No _No _N0 No I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board{s) or Commission(s) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a committee designated by the Gty Councii or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial dbclosure statements as required by the State's or City's ConfEct of Interest Codes. I am wrilling to attend twA jtours of State Atendatedethics training every two years. SIGNATURE Upon DATE: completion of youi/iwfHcation, please mail or deliver the application to the foilowing address yj City Qerk's Office aty Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Cartsbad, CA 92008 "2 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT - PAGE 2 EDUCATION: OM ^^i/^Af JSM ^/^i^ ff76, EXPERIENCE:. y»f£g " Ct. AMI ^% fx^jRTf ^^JSABB-- Ayasgi/KEKfl--. 7W»*^E>^ COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: Mt^-Tt^. PIWT HDA MBiOCt - tPi-^ . »»• • • ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS: APPUCATION FOR APPOINTMENT BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) RECEIVED MAR 1 0 2QH cfrrnri^'^'^'-SBAo -£iIICLE5!<20FncE (Please print or type) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: NAME; ADDRESS; CITY: a ZIP CODE: QM^ HOME PHONE: EMAIL: PRESENT OCCUPATION; > J^ClN ITT^ XN-pSA/VM- /neO/C/A/e^ BUSINESS NAME: (zAitiNrTJ^ T/VTlSe^/?^ /IDPnifi/AJ-Ly BUSINESS ADDRESS: WORK PHONE; 50) N. £u r/h^y/vb J^^^ t/CQJ /r/Ve//V/-m3 U. S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) Resident of Carisbad (required for ali appointments) Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for ali appointments) Citizens Academy Graduate Yes _SL ^Yes \f Yes Yes .No _No .No No i am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a committee designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or City's Conflict of Interest Codes. I am willing to attend two hours of State Mandated ethics training every two years. AJIPJ. 7)A^ DATE:j!W SIGNATURE: Upon completion of your application, please mail or deliver the application to the following address: C/ty Clerk's Office City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 3 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT - PAGE 2 EXPERIENCE; J)Oiti' P/ip^/yi+ /^O^. •(iMfjm.^tu, ^^Dyntnnj^jfJ T^yl/j/tMJL 26b 3 " DtlMhypnj^y A7L^^/yA> , /jmHirm^ AM/W -^SunM^ \W - ^JUJudy-^ DUMJzfV. Pj^yr7o/^ fjHA^j^/^JiJAyii^X - ..^ _ X'. . / . . 7ijU « /L^^^J^J . COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES; P/)^yltA^yC^ ~ A^yyriUi^<.uiL>> t j^^^ ^ dA/zl^ileuy^ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS: f^./]/rKJ /^JjnjtP/yo M.j diAJ^^yifa^ ^-/f^^J r ' — / ^ - d D Sheri J. Sachs Carisbad, CA 92009 International Lhre Event Seminars Mani^tMMBt Pofwer Pirint Devdopmnit An Microsoft Office Procnuns Corporate S^nionddp Cultivation Live Event Boodi Mani^MiMt PnbHcRdations Grant Writing Contract N«iEMiatioM PnbfieSpcddnc Board RcarutaMnt/Rdntions GnNO Trivd Managnnmt Donor Cnltlyation Financial Managcaaent Logo Design Live and SOoit Aoction Budget Impkmcntation Newsletter Writing, Editing, Desilen Project/Prognun Devdopncnt and Manaci«cnt Voiante«r Recmitnicnt WdMite Manaa«cBt Staff Devdomncnt/HR Invwitory Mannwwnt Encinitas Intemal Medidne (April 2010 to present) CEO-Business Development/EMR ImplementatioB Key maaagor providing business development strategies for this internal medical practice. Currently leading practice during transition from paqper to electronic medical records. Day4o-day financial oversiglit $750,000 budget Management tbe accounts receivables and payables, and Imman resources (hiring, tennination, training, pofinmance evaluation, conqieosation and benefits). Mark Vletor Hansen Foundation-Costa Mesa, CA (October 2007.April 2tl0) Exeentive Director Day-to-day administtation, financial accounting, including budgeting, forecasting, analysis, and adjustments. Reqwnable for all program management, event managanent, culti-vating donors (ly to $10,000), and maAeting/eommunication initiatives. Instrumental in tiie development of tiie fi>undation's national program, tiie GED Challenge, which is a hand-held educational program. Agency spokesperson, grant writer, and auction developer. Responsible for donor relations, and communications witii all key stakeholders, including senior executives and board of directors. Managed tiie foundation's bootii at live seminar events including: contiact negotiations, inventory preparation, bootii set 19, and booth staCGng. Antiiony Sobbins Foandatioa-San Diego Comity, CA (Angost 2e03-Jiily 2007) INrecterefDevdopncnt , . Managed fundmising strategies, marketing materials, prod^ between Robbins Researdi £atanati(»al and Tlie Antiiony Robbins Foundation^ securing an alignment betweenbotiiinstitutions. Instrumental intiicdeveloimient and siqiportof fimdraiangconcepts^ catalyst for growfli in annual revenues fiom $400,000 to $3 JmiUion ftom 2003 to 2007 (cuWvatiBgdonors up to $50,000). Co-led national and international event logistics for live events, board retreats, and youth semmars. Created and managed a one-day youfli leadership program, YES, initially held in Washington DC. Siqipotted tiiis program witii tiie development of content, on-site video/audio, event training materials, on- site event management, and travd arrangements for key stakeholders. SJS Fondraisiog and Consnlting^avlsbad, CA (2000-2003) Grant Research and Devdopment Seseaidied and devdoped grants for non-imfitstfaniugjboutSoutiiemCalifimuB. Soocessfid finkbaising track record for organigations including: Boys and Giris dubs of CailaiMd, Theater of Hearts- Youtii First, La Jolla Chamber Music Sodety, Rosonaiy Children's Services, PicART of San Di^, Tenqde Solel and WOshire Boulevard Tenq>le. Grant Range: $2,500 to $100,000 Conner's Cane fer ChUdren-San DiegD Connty, CA (1994-2000) Exeentive Director Devdoped and led the board of directors, advisory board, and volunteers. Created aprogram providing funds to scqpport medical bills for fiimilies have children witii life-tiireatodng illnesses in San Diego, Riverside, and Los Angeles Counties. Ticveloped a program with tiie San Diego Padres, SDGE and first baseman, Wally Jt^yner, "Wally's Hits for Kids". Designed marketing materials, with tiie siqiport of outade voidots. Agency ^xdoespason, grant writer, aiKl auctimi deydoper. Responsible fbr donor cultivatim (up to $50,0()0), and communications witii all key stakeiholdas, and board of directtns. Day-to- day finandd management $250,0(10 budget Monitored aU Iqpd and financM accounting, i^ budgding, forecasting, analysis, and adjustments. Temple Soid-Endnitas, CA (July 2008^a]y 2010) Presidait Involved in the day-to-day operations sopp(«ting staff managemoit, financial managanaat, board devdopment, nwiVeting, contiact n^otiations, public Sfpeddt^ finxhaidng, puUic rdations, and program devdopmoit Involved in enqdoyment disputes, crisis managemmt solutions, and porscMmd policy. Finandd overngbt-3.5m budget Mane^ed staf^ key stakdiolders, and lay-leaders through a significant budgd deficit due to tiie ecoDomic downturn in 2009 tiirou^ tiie development of a fimdtaising canqiaign, reduction in expenses, securing a line of credit, and n^otiating a debt reduction fiom parent orgamzatioat- URJ. Public q)edcing opportunities included addresdngtiwcongr^ation during an am supporting tiie fimdiaising events as tiie Master of Ceianonies (30(H-), leading congregational meetings (100+), and leadii^ monthly board meetings (25+). g4imiti9i» Kellogg Jewish Leadership: Kdlogg Sdiool ofManagement at Nortiiwestem University Bachebr of Sdeoce; Psydiology; City University of New Yoik Certified Event Plannoi University of Califcxnia, San Diego Cambridge Who's Who-Executive and Professi<nd Womm (2007) San Diego Children's Ho^ntal-Certificate of Appredation (2000) Channel 10-Leadersfaip Award (1998) United W^- Community Hero Volunteer Award (1996) Nfioosoft and Points of Light Foundation-National Non-Profit Marketing Award (1994) APPUCATION FOR APPOINTMENT BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) RECEIVED MAR 3 1 2014 CITY OF CARLSBAD .ffi^L§aK«OFFICE (Please print or type] NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: NAME ADDRESS:. C0.r 1 !; ZIP CODE; ^10^^ CITY^ HOME PHONE EMAIL: • • PRESENT OCCUPATION; Vut - i dp^V 0 CCf\^(j\ f i'^", COf^,^i\^y BUSINESS NAME: I a (: ^Th r . ; 19.0 9. AvI.. Av/Phv;e _ ^uM 21^ BUSINESS ADDRESS WORK PHONE: U. S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) Yes No Resident of Carlsbad (required for ail appointments) ^ Yes No Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for all appointments) J/^Yes No Citizens Academy Graduate — _Yes ly^ No I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) on which I wish to serve. i am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a committee designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or City's Conflict of Interest Codes. i am willing to attend two hours of State Mandated ethics training every two years. . ^^him^ Uy<ycyi DATE; 3/?H/icf4 SIGNATURE: Upon completion of your application, please mail or deliver the application to the following address: City Clerk's Office City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 3- APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT - PAGE 2 EDUCATION: •froAn t^^f UgiVffsi^y cf He.jellpnj ^ 6er^^»^y • My d S^erfg^-ig^ ,'5- .3^ f^p^ \/ I r ^\r^\(i, TecV> 0, /Vla^sHfs if> Pci;'l-,cr from ^e/^ft^^ EXPERIENCE: I- OjV^ ftNe v/iCg- p f P Stie ,;f » ^ Sv> I I c" ^ ^ 1 / .^-^^ r ' / ^ • ^• „ :2_LJ£ ' "•^•''^ ^ C ^ :^ 0 1 i a, + work f r,ci for f oro, i ' ' r^^—' ' ^ V -7 J flilov for i^efifr S+ro,ff.^,Y (j^ii^iol* COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES; I Qirv^ ^^^p prjr^SJ ftf heCGf^\'-\^ U (^h gcfiv/g pari 0-^ ^cxx/p assisfoj ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS; TKl\'^k y Oj; f oT C Si J^r,',,^ APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION($) RECEIVED MAR 1 3 2014 (Please print or type) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: NAME; /^//<^L /? .lAJAUrOA/ ADDRESS:_ CITY; c^/zc^a/\'*:> r?Tr^°''^^'^'-SBAD -£1IYCLERK;SOFFICE ZIP CODE; HOME PHONE; EMAIL: PRESENT OCCUPATION; /AtTT^A/eT' S^LCS /^'^A <ggg=}g BUSINESS NAME: BO^ B^A/<S'/^ /fl>/7lS>iM^r/<g/?<D^/^ BUSINESS ADDRESS:.. WORK PHONE; U. S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) Yes No Resident of Carlsbad (required for all appointments) y Yes No Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for all appointments) y Yes No Citizens Academy Graduate Yes y No AP/^L/rD I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a committee designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or City's Conflict of interest Codes. I am willing to attend two hours of State Mandated ethics training every two years. SIGNATURE: DATE. iA// Upon completion of your application, please mail or deliver the application to the following address: City Clerk's Office City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 3^ APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT - PAGE 2 r EDUCATION: EXPERIENCE: P/^OCF^^r /f7/^/t//9 6'£/^<f>t/r 0>A/SU(-Ty^/UT^ OMSAfTim p^espoAjs^ PLj^A/A/e^ COMMUNITY AaiVITIES: LfTTLF L^A^uS C/?^QHj pr>(> uJA/Z/\je>t. COACH, fpAsr) ^ H/^f^^, g/Ar/zi/jg^ ^ UP <^ lA(So<^r\/, e>0<CHSs, LOCAL fA^/fu Qos^/yje^s /f(/oo*fns: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS: YS^/^ P SS/ £> ^FAJ ^. APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT BOARD(S> AND/OR COMMISSION(^) RECEIVED (Piease print or type) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMiSSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: "P/A>V/V^^ ^^/TJ /.S.S/0 tJ NAME ADDRESS:. CITY: r^/a. Is Lncy C ^ ZIP CODE; OPS' HOME PHONE:_ EMAIL: _ PRESENT OCCUPATION: Tl^rn^ED BUSINESS NAME: — BUSINESS ADDRESS:. WORK PHONE: U. S. Citizenship (required for ali appointments) Yes Resident of Carlsbad (required for all appointments) Yes Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for all appointments) ^ Yes Citizens Academy Graduate y Yes No .No -No No I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commi$sion(s) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment bY a committee designated by the City Councii or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or City's Conflict of interest Codes. I am willing to attend two hours of State Mandated ethics training every two years. SIGNATURE : ^-^^^y y/ijy!:2^^zr DATE: /^•^>g. JiO/^ Upon completion of your application, please mail or deliver the application to the following address: City Clerk's Office City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Page 2 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT - PLANNING COMMISSION Education: MA, Social Science U. of Northern Colorado MA, Education Administration National University BS, Business Administration University of Notre Dame Experience (Past): Planning Commission, City of Carlsbad Design & Review Board, City of Carlsbad Traffic Commission, City of Carlsbad Juvenile Justice Panel, City of Carlsbad Board of Trustees, Anny-Navy Academy Board of Trustees, Notre Dame Alumni Association Board of Directors and Founding Member, National Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business Network Community Activities (Current): Originator Chaimrian, Carisbad Fire Department Foundation Originator Fire Department Phamnaceutical Collection Box Coordinate several Boy Scout Merit Badge Programs for Carlsbad Boy Scout Troops Currently organizing two fund raisers for Carlsbad Fire Department Foundation Additional infomnation or Comments See Attached Resume for detailed background/experience 4 -) BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH FRANK H. WHITTON EDUCATION: BS, Business Administration, University of Notre Dame MA, Education Administration, National University MA, Sociology, University of Northem Colorado CAREER EXPERIENCE: Current: Board of Directors and founding member of the local Elite Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business (SDVOB) Network in San Diego; and, the National SDVOB Network. Core Consultant, Small Business Development Center, Oceanside, Ca. Assist Veteran and Disabled Veteran Small Businesses obtain State of California and Federal certification as a Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise and as a Small Business. Counseled small businesses on how to successfully seek contracts with the U.S. Marine Corps and Navy activities within the County of San Diego, and with the varied armed services throughout the country. Assists small businesses in pursuit of business with State and Municipal agencies, School Districts and the private sector. Past: Thirty-five years mid and top level executive management experience in marketing, business development and logistic support services within the federal government and the private sector. Former Corporate Vice President Marketing/Business Development for Small Disadvantaged Business, certified as 8(a) by the U.S. Small Business Administration. Corporation was engaged in the provision of diverse support services to the Government and the Private Sector - i.e., facility maintenance and repair services, construction services, electronic maintenance and repair services, fire and police protective services, emergency medical support services and, disaster recovery planning. Introduced the corporation to Job Order Contracting (JOC). JOC service subsequently provided to 5 Army and Air Force bases. Consultant to varied corporate entities and small disadvantaged businesses seeking service support contracts with both the Govemment and Private sector. Program Manager for Military Family Housing Maintenance and Repair Program, MCB Camp Pendleton, Ca. Assistant Manager, Logistic Support Services, Cubic Corporation, San Diego, Ca Associate Dean and Instructional Services Supervisor, Adult Division, San Diego Community College District. Implemented and managed a vocational oriented upward mobility program and a second Officer Selection and Training Program, through the District, for the Navy in San Diego. ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Instrumental in San Diego based SDVOB capturing a $5 million sole source contract with the U.S. Marine Corps. Assisted in resurrecting a privately owned plumbing business - now makes over $2 million per year. Assisted start-up SDVOB IT company in 2006 - company is now doing exceptionally well. Assisted a SDVOB capture large custodial contract with the County of San Diego Successful interaction with Union Bank of Califomia resulting in establishment of a special loan program for SDVOBs in the State of California and Oregon. Responsible as Vice President, Marketing and Business Development for a SDB-8(a) corporation for capture of over $25 million in govemment contracts. Assisted, on a voluntary basis, a start up business market the Job Order Contracting (JOC) indefinite quantity minor construction and repair concept, with the City of Chicago, the San Diego School District and other. Company concerned is now a leader in its field. Authored and obtained approval of a Scholarship at the University of Notre Dame for the dependents of military personnel killed or missing in action; and, for those disabled due to wounds received in combat, or their dependents if so qualified. Initiated a fiind raising campaign to fund the aforementioned scholarship. Successful as Chairman, God, Country, Notre Dame Committee, National Senior Alumni Board, in having Military Hospitals and VA Hospitals incorporated into the NDSA's Hospital Program. Associate Dean and Instructional Services Supervisor, Adult Division, San Diego Community College District. Implemented and managed a vocational oriented upward mobility program and a second Officer Selection and Training Program, through the District, for the Navy in San Diego. Also later established a Small Business Education program for cottage industries. This small business certification program grossed $1M in the first year following implementation CIVIC AND VOLUNTARY SERVICES CURRENT: Board of Directors and founding member of the San Diego Elite Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business (SDVOB) Network; and, the National SDVOB Network. Chairman, Bertelsen Scholarship Committee, San Diego Foundation. Public Relations and Community Education Programs, Carlsbad Fire Department, Carlsbad, Ca. Member, President's Advisory Board, California State University, San Marcos, Ca FAST: Planning Commission, City of Carlsbad, Ca. Design and Review Board, City of Carlsbad, Ca Traffic Commission, City of Carisbad, Ca. Juvenile Justice Panel, Police Department, City of Carisbad, Ca. Board of Trustees, Army - Navy Academy, City of Carisbad, Ca. Notre Dame Alumni Association Board of Directors Notre Dame Senior Alumni Board of Directors President, Region 3, Notre Dame Alumni Association AWARDS: 2004 - Veteran Small Business Advocate of the Year, U. S. Small Business Administration. 1987 - Man ofthe Year, Notre Dame Club of San Diego MILITARY EXPERIENCE: Logistics Officer, U. S. Marine Corps for over 22 years.