HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-07-22; City Council; 21685; Public Comment FY2014 Edward Byrne Grant, Resolution to Grant FundstCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AB# 21,685 PUBLIC COMMENT FOR FY2014 EDWARD BYRNE MEMORIAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT AND ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE $18,306 IN GRANT FUNDS DEPT. DIREaOR MTG. 7/22/14 PUBLIC COMMENT FOR FY2014 EDWARD BYRNE MEMORIAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT AND ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE $18,306 IN GRANT FUNDS CITY ATTORNEY DEPT. POL PUBLIC COMMENT FOR FY2014 EDWARD BYRNE MEMORIAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT AND ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE $18,306 IN GRANT FUNDS CITY MANAGER ^ RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. City Council place the Fiscal Year 2014 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) grant application on the agenda of the regularly scheduled council meeting for public comment. 2. City Council adopt Resolution No. 2014-177 authorizing the Police Chief to accept the FY2014 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant funds, and authorizing the Administrative Services Director to appropriate the funds for the program expenses. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Fiscal Year 2014 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) allows states and local governments to support a broad range of activities to prevent and control crime and to improve the criminal justice system. The JAG Purpose Areas include 1) Law enforcement programs; 2) Prosecution and court programs; 3) Prevention and education programs; 4) Correction programs; 5) Drug treatment programs; and 6) Planning, evaluation, and technology improvement programs. The funds must be used to supplement existing funds for program activities and cannot replace or supplant local funds. The City of Carlsbad Police Department's 2014 award is $18,306. The Police Department proposes that the grant be used to purchase bicycles and associated equipment to enhance and expand the department's bicycle patrol program. Bike patrol provides new opportunities for public interaction (community policing), enforcement, and crime prevention. This program will enhance community relations, provide an alternative means of patrol in heavily used areas, and improve officer mobility at large scale special events and on school campuses. Additionally, there are several City Council strategic goals and focus areas that can benefit. Bicycle patrols will enhance the goal of a "safe community, as a practical, cost effective way to add to the patrol force, and provide an alternative way for officers to interact with the community. The revitalization of the downtown village area and the coastal corridor project will also benefit from bike patrols. The grant requires notification of the City Council as well as an opportunity for public input. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Fiona Everett 760-931-2279 fiona.everettOcarlsbadca.gov FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC • DENIED • CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN • WITHDRAWN • RETURNED TO STAFF • AMENDED • COUNCIL RECEIVED THE • REPORT/PRESENTATION OTHER-SEE MINUTES • FISCAL IMPACT: The total cost of the bicycles and equipment is $18,306 which is fully reimbursable by the JAG program grant award. There are no ongoing expenses associated with the purchases. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEOA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 2014-177 authorizing the Administrative Services Director to accept the FY2014 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant funds and appropriating the funds for the program expenses 2. Grant application documents 3^ 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2014-177 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR POLICE EQUIPMENT THROUGH THE FISCAL YEAR 2014 EDWARD BYRNE MEMORIAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT PROGRAM 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 26 27 28 WHEREAS, Carlsbad Police Department has been allocated funds through the Fiscal Year 2014 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program to support activities to prevent and control crime and to improve the criminal justice system; and WHEREAS, the application for the Fiscal Year 2014 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant was heard during a regularly scheduled council meeting and the public was ' 2 given an opportunity to provide comments; and WHEREAS, Carlsbad Police Department proposes to purchase bicycles and associated equipment to enhance and expand the department's bicycle patrol program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 13 14 15 16 17 18 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 19 2. That the purchases specified are authorized in compliance with the grant. 20 21 22 23 24 4. That the Administrative Services Director is authorized to appropriate $18,306 for 25 Fiscal Year 2014 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program purchases. 3. That the City Manager of the City of Carlsbad or her designee is hereby authorized and directed to execute said award with the US Department of Justice for receipt of the subject grant funds, as well as any required reports and/or final statements. // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting ofthe City Council ofthe City of Carlsbad on the 22nd day of July 2014, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Hall, Packard, Wood, Schumacher, Blackburn. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: ^^^,^/)tRBARA ENGLESON,(£ity Clerk Ill, FY 2014 BJA Justice Assistance Grant Abstract NAME: City of Carlsbad TITLE OF PROJECT: 2014 JAG Program funds for police equipment GOALS OF PROJECT: Purchase bicycles, bicycle racks, bicycle rack hitches for patrol vehicles, and safety equipment (helmets, gloves, etc.) to enhance and expand the department's bicycle patrol program, as an effective alternative means of providing public safety service to the community. DESCRIPTION OF STRATEGIES: The City of Carlsbad Police Department will utilize FY 2014 JAG Program funds for the following: purchase of bicycles and associated equipment to enhance and expand the department's bicycle patrol program. An expanded bicycle program will provide an alternative means of patrol to enhance community relations, provide new opportunities for closer interaction with the public, and support the City Council's vision of a connected community. Bicycle patrols can more effectively navigate the coastal and downtown village areas ofthe city, which are often congested and used heavily by pedestrians and cyclists. Additionally, bicycle patrols will provide another means for officers to work special events such as the Carlsbad Triathlon, the Carlsbad Marathon, semi-annual street fairs, and monthly concerts in the park. School resource officers will also use bicycle patrol to enhance their coverage of three large high school campuses. PROJECT IDENTIFIERS: • Community policing • Crime prevention • Equipment - general • Policing • Traffic Enforcement 6 BUDGET AND BUDGET NARRATIVE The City of Carlsbad Police Department proposes that the $18,306 in FY 2014 JAG Program funds be used for the following: • Bicycles, bicycle racks, bicycle rack hitches for patrol vehicles, and safety equipment ($18,306) EQUIPMENT Quantity Item Cost per Unit Subtotal 4 Bicycles ($800 + $64 tax) $864 $3,456 2 Electric Bicycles ($3,500 + $280 tax) $3,780 $7,560 10 Bicycle Racks ($200 +$16 tax) $216 $2,160 20 Bicycle Rack Hitches ($175 + $14 tax) $189 $3,780 Safety Equipment (helmets, gloves, etc) $1,350 Total $18,306 REVIEW NARRATIVE The following page includes the memo that was sent to the City of Carlsbad's governing body (City Council) for review on June 9, 2014. 7 Memorandum June 9, 2014 To: City Council From: Gary W. Morrison, Chief of Police Via: Steve Sarkozy, City Manager Re: Justice Assistance Grant 2014 The Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program allows states and local governments to support a broad range of activities to prevent and control crime and to improve the criminal justice system. The procedure for allocating JAG funds is a formula based on population and crime statistics in combination with a minimum allocation to ensure that each state and local recipient receives an appropriate share. JAG Program funds support all components of the criminal justice system including 1) Law enforcement programs; 2) Prosecution and court programs; 3) Prevention and education programs; 4) Corrections and programs; 5) Drug treatment programs; and 6) Planning, evaluation, and technology improvement programs. The City of Carlsbad Police Department's 2014 one-time award based on the city's share of FBI Part 1 Violent Crimes as a proportion of the state's total is $18,306. These federal funds must be used to supplement existing funds for program activities and cannot replace or supplant local funds. The Police Department proposes that the grant be used to purchase bicycles and associated equipment to enhance and expand the department's bicycle patrol program. Being on a bicycle provides new opportunities for public interaction (community policing), enforcement, and crime prevention. This program will enhance community relations, provide an alternative means of patrol in heavily used areas, and improve officer mobility at large scale special events and on school campuses. Additionally, there are several City Council strategic goals and focus areas the Police Department can impact with an expanded bicycle patrol program. "Safe community" is one of those goals. Bicycle patrols are a practical, cost effective way to add to the patrol force, and provides an alternative way for officers to interact more closely with the community. Another strategic focus area includes the revitalization ofthe downtown village area to include street infrastructure improvements, wayfinding (parking, biking and pedestrians), and circulation changes in the form of roundabouts and traffic circles. Officers on bicycles will be clear participants and supporters of this visionary focus area. Finally, the "Coastal Corridor" focus area can be supported and enhanced by bicycle patrols. As described in the City Council Priority Projects summary document, "the corridor will include physical connectivity through multi-modal mobility improvements including bicycle ways, pedestrian trails, and a traffic-calmed roadway; social connectivity through creation of memorable public spaces; and economic vitality through a combination of visitor and local-serving commercial, civic and recreational uses and services." Bicycle patrols will clearly serve as a means to enhance and support this vision. The grant requires notification of the City Council regarding this grant as well as an opportunity for public input; this item will be placed on the agenda for the regularly scheduled Council meeting on July 22, 2014. 4 U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2014 Local Solicitation City of Cartsbad, Catifornia PROGRAM NARRATIVE The City of Carlsbad Police Department serves the city of Carlsbad, located 35 miles north of the city of San Diego, covering 42.8 square miles, with a population of nearly 107,000 people. The Carlsbad Police Department prides itself on its strong partnership with the community and high quality service levels. As with many law enforcement agencies, Carlsbad Police Department seeks alternative funds to initiate new programs. The Carlsbad Police Department proposes that the $18,306 in FY2014 JAG Program funds be used to purchase bicycles and associated equipment to enhance and expand the department's bicycle patrol program. Being on a bicycle provides new opportunities for public interaction (community policing), enforcement, and crime prevention. This program will enhance community relations, provide an alternative means of patrol in heavily used areas, and improve officer mobility at large scale special events and on school campuses. Bicycles, bicycle racks, bicycle rack hitches for patrol vehicles, and safety equipment ($18,306) The City of Carlsbad Police Department consistently seeks innovative ways to provide top quality public safety and law enforcement services to the community. The Carlsbad City Council establishes priorities every year to improve and enhance the quality of life in Carlsbad. There are several strategic goals and focus areas the Police Department can impact with an expanded bicycle patrol program. "Safe community" is one of those goals. Carlsbad has clear, warm weather 350 days per year. Bicycle patrols are a practical, cost effective way to add to the patrol force, and provides an alternative way for officers to interact more closely with the community. Another strategic focus area includes the revitalization ofthe downtown village area to include street infrastructure improvements, wayfinding (parking, biking and pedestrians), and circulation changes in the form of roundabouts and traffic circles. Officers on bicycles will be visible participants and supporters of this visionary focus area. The "Coastal Corridor" is another council focus area that can be supported and enhanced by bicycle patrols. As described in the City Council Priority Projects summary document, "the corridor will include physical connectivity through multi-modal mobility improvements including bicycle ways, pedestrian trails, and a traffic-calmed roadway; social connectivity through creation of memorable public spaces; and economic vitality through a combination of visitor and local-serving commercial, civic and recreational uses and services." Again, bicycle patrols will serve as a means to enhance and support this vision. Additionally, officers on bicycles can better navigate through the large-scale special events in the City of Carlsbad such as the Carlsbad Marathon, the Carlsbad Triathlon, semi-annual street fairs, and monthly concerts in the park. Finally, school resource officers can use bicycles to traverse Carlsbad's three large high school campuses more efficiently, in order to provide better coverage and additional safety for students and staff. No other related justice funds are expected for this purchase. APPLICANT DISCLOSURE OF PENDING APPLICATIONS The City of Carlsbad Police Department does not have any other pending applications for federally funded grants or subgrants that include requests for funding of this same project. Memorandum All Receive - Agervda Item # For the Information of the: CITY COUNpIL y ACMJ^CA_J^1CCJ1. r Oate'lztji+City Manager ^ ^luityof Carlsbad July 21, 2014 To: From: Via: Re: Steve Sarkozy, City Manager Gary Morrison, Police Chief Fiona Everett, Management Analyst FY14 Justice Assistance Grant Expenditure Explanation The City of Carlsbad Police Department has been allocated $18,306 for the FY14 Justice Assistance Grant. The funding can be used to support law enforcement activities. The Police Department will use the funds to expand the bicycle patrol program in the city by purchasing additional bicycles, as well as two electric bicycles. The Fire Department recently implemented a bicycle medic program, utilizing electric bicycles. Having patrol officers on electric bikes will provide police support to the bike medics when needed. Additionally, the department will purchase bike racks, hitches and safety equipment to support the program. The grant will fully fund this expenditure. There is no cost to the City. The following chart summarizes how the Police Department proposes to allocate the funds. This table is also included in the budget narrative portion ofthe grant application, which is an exhibit to the agenda bill and resolution on the agenda for July 22. ^^^^^^^^ - •^^^^V';:^^!^^^;^^ • Quantity Item Cost per Unit / Subtotal 4 Bicycles ($800 + $64 tax) $864 $3,456 2 Electric Bicycles ($3,500 + $280 tax) $3,780 $7,560 10 Bicycle Racks ($200 +$16 tax) $216 $2,160 20 Bicycle Rack Hitches ($175 + $14 tax) $189 $3,780 $1,350 f $1,350 Total : //<^(yL^ ributibn: $18,306 CityClerk Asst. City Clerk Deputy Clerk Book Police Department 25600rionWay I Carlsbad, CA92010 I 760-931-2131 f