HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-09-23; City Council; 21737; Approve Memorandum of Understanding Info Line of San Diego and CityCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AB# 21,737 APPROVAL OF MEMORADUM OF DEPT.DIRECTOR MTG. 09/23/14 UNDERSTANDING (MOU) BETWEEN INFO CITY ATTY. DEPT. FIRE LINE OF SAN DIEGO AND CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2014-226 authorizing the City of Carlsbad to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Info Line of San Diego (2-1-1 San Diego). ITEM EXPLANATION: In July 2000, the Federal Communication Commission dedicated the 2-1-1 dialing code for the exclusive use of community information and referral services. Effective January 1, 2005, 2-1-1 San Diego was introduced to San Diego County as the designated regional provider. 2-1-1 San Diego identifies themselves as a resource and information hub that connects people with community, health and disaster services through a free, 24/7 confidential phone service and searchable online database for the entire population ofthe County. With more than 6,000 health and human services programs, by dialing 2-1-1, clients are linked to a live, highly-trained representative who will assess their needs and match them to the best and closest resource in their community. In order to accommodate the diverse population, assistance is offered in more than 200 languages and dialects. During an emergency incident, 2-1-1 San Diego works with the County of San Diego's Office of Emergency Services to provide public information to the community, rumor control and trend analysis to County officials, report community needs that are not being met, and act as the central communications point for other community agencies and non-governmental organizations. The purpose of the MOU is to clearly identify the respective roles and responsibilities of 2-1-1 San Diego and the City of Carlsbad in disaster preparedness, response and recovery operations. In addition, the MOU will serve as the basis for collaboration by which resources of 2-1-1 San Diego and the City of Carlsbad can be most effectively employed to assist Carlsbad residents, businesses and agencies, and visitors during an emergency. The MOU will be in effect when the City of Carlsbad activates its Emergency Operations Center (EOC), and during training and exercise for those occasions. Upon mutual consent at any time, with at least 90 days advanced notice, this MOU may be terminated. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Mil<e Davis 760-931-2141 mlchael.davis(a)carlsbadca.gov FOR CLERK USE. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED pf CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC • DENIED • CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN • CONTINUED • RETURNED TO STAFF • WITHDRAWN • OTHER - SEE MINUTES • AMENDED • REPORT RECEIVED • FISCAL IMPACT: As stated within the MOU, disaster preparedness, response and recovery expenses incurred in the execution and performance ofthe MOU will be the sole responsibility of each party. In the event that federal public assistance becomes available for an emergency, and ifthe City of Carlsbad files for reimbursement of authorized expenses, 2-1-1 San Diego would then collect and deliver appropriate documentation for allowable costs associated with the response to a declared emergency. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require further environmental review. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 2014-226 authorizing the City of Carlsbad to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Info Line of San Diego (2-1-1 San Diego). 2. Info Line of San Diego MOU with City of Carlsbad. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2014-226 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF CARLSBAD TO ENTER 4 INTO A MEMORADUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) WITH INFO LINE SAN DIEGO (2-1-1 SAN DIEGO) 5 6 7 8 9 10 27 28 WHEREAS, Info Line San Diego (2-1-1 San Diego) will provide assistance to Carlsbad residents, businesses and agencies, and visitors during an emergency incident; and WHEREAS, 2-1-1 San Diego has identified themselves as a resource and information hub that connects people with community, health and disaster services through a free, 24/7 11 confidential phone service and searchable online database for the entire population of San 12 Diego County; and 13 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad wishes to enter into an MOU with 2-1-1 San Diego to 14 provide services during an emergency; and 15 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 16 California, as follows that 18 1 • The above recitations are true and correct 2. The Council approves and authorizes the Mayor to execute the MOU on behalf 20 of the City of Carlsbad and thereby showing the City of Carlsbad's commitment to 21 collaborate with 2-1-1 San Diego during times of emergency. 22 23 24 // 25 // 26 // // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting ofthe City Council ofthe City of Carlsbad on the 23"'' day of September, 2014, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: Council Members Hall, Packard, Wood, Schumacher, Blackburn. None. ABSENT: None. :nyvu MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: BARBARA ENGLESON,<Qty Clerk (SEAL) Info Line of San Diego Memorandum of Understanding with City ofCarlsbad THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) is entered into on 5e?T. I ) 2014, by and between Info Line of San Diego County, a 501 (c) (3) organization, and doing business as 2-1-1 San Diego (hereinafter referred to as "2-1-1 San Diego"), located at 3247 Mission Village Drive, San Diego CA 92123 and CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "City"), subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. 2-1-1 San Diego: a. In July 2000, the Federal Communications Commission dedicated the 2-1 -1 dialing code for the exclusive use of community information and referral services. In February 2003, the Califomia Public Utilities Commission issued rules for 2-1-1 services in each county in the State of Califomia. Info Line of San Diego County has been designated as the regional provider for the County of San Diego, and introduced 2-1-1 services to the County effective January 1,2005. b. How these services are specifically provided for San Diego County and all eighteen (18) cities and unincorporated communities during disaster preparation, response and recovery are detailed in County Contract Number 520056, Agreement with 211 San Diego for Disaster Preparation Readiness Services, Exhibit A5- Statement of Work and Memorandum of Understanding between 2-1-1 San Diego and San Diego County Office of Emergency Services dated September 25, 2009. c. Redundancy and resiliency has been built into the 2-1-1 infrastructure to ensure the ability to provide essential 2-1-1 fimctions during an emergency. d. 2-1 -1 San Diego has adopted and adheres to the National Incident Management System (NIMS). 2-1 -1 San Diego has developed a NIMS-compliant Emergency Operations Plan. Applicable NIMS and Incident Command System (ICS) training has been provided to all staff at 2-1-1. 2. Purpose: a. Consistent with the intent and information sharing principles identified in the 2- 1-1 San Diego and San Diego Covmty relationship referenced above, the purpose ofthis MOU is to identify the respective information sharing roles and responsibilities of 2-1-1 San Diego and the City ofCarlsbad in disaster preparedness, response and recovery operations. b. This MOU will serve as the basis for collaboration by which resources of 2-1 -1 San Diego and City can be most effectively employed to assist Carlsbad residents, businesses and agencies, and visitors dviring an emergency. 3. Scope: a. 2-1 -1 San Diego and City each recognize the importance of obtaining and disseminating accurate, timely, and tailored emergency information to Carlsbad residents, businesses and visitors. This MOU is in effect during emergencies when the City has activated its Emergency Operations Center (EOC), and during training and exercises for those occasions. Where appropriate, the term "emergency" as used in this MOU refers to large-scale emergencies 1 City of Carlsbad 9/11/13 Info Line of San Diego Memorandum of Understanding with City ofCarlsbad during which City's EOC has been activated. Disasters are generally synonymous with large- scale emergencies, also known as large-scale (emergency) incidents. b. During large-scale incidents impacting other regional jurisdictions, and not City, and when City's EOC has not been activated but the sharing ofCarlsbad incident-related information is in the public interest. City will contact 2-1-1 San Diego to coordinate information sharing assistance. 4. 2-1-1 San Diego Roles and Responsibilities: a. During an emergency, where City's EOC has been activated, 2-1-lSan Diego's primary role in disaster response and recovery will be to maximize access to community resources by responding to non-life threatening requests for information from the public. 2-1-1 San Diego will provide incident specific "approved" public information oriented toward Carlsbad residents, businesses and visitors to include, but not limited to: general assistance, emergency incident details, emergency notifications in effect, evacuation routes and evacuated areas, temporary evacuation points and shelter locations, facility closures, road closures and traffic conditions, available transportation resources, air and water quality, hazardous areas and materials, re-entry and re-population times, ftmctional needs populations and resources, medical and environmental, public and mental health, pet and animal care, volunteer and donation coordination. Local Assistance Center, and food assistance, etc. "Approved" used in this paragraph means approved by the City EOC Public Information Officer (EOC PIO). b. To assist with the development and sharing of public information oriented toward Carlsbad residents, businesses and visitors 2-1-1 San Diego will provide a representative to City's EOC, when activated. c. 2-1-1 San Diego call centers will serve as a City EOC resource for communicating information to callers, which will reduce duplication of effort and conflicting information. 2-1-1 San Diego will support the City's EOC by providing public infonnation, rumor control, and trend analysis (tracking of community unmet needs) to the emergency managers and the EOC PIO staff. d. While the City EOC is activated, 2-1 -1 San Diego will be prepared to provide infonnation services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. e. Information and trend analysis provided by 2-1 -1 San Diego will include, but is not limited to: i. Nvmiber of calls received related to the emergency ii. Zip code data on callers iii. Demographic data on callers iv. Referral information given to callers v. Successes and challenges of 2-1-lSan Diego's response to the emergency, as well as recommendations for improvement in the future. f. To prepare for their EOC role, 2-1 -1 San Diego representatives assigned to the City EOC will familiarize themselves with the City ofCarlsbad, city organization and staff, mission, values, services and functions, facilities, important phone numbers, geography and landmarks, etc. This will be done by attending an orientation training, periodic EOC training and exercises, and a periodic review of the City of Carlsbad's website, http://www.carlsbadca.gov/Pages/defauh.aspx. 2 City of Carlsbad 9/11/13 Info Line of San Diego Memorandum of Understanding with City ofCarlsbad g. 2-1-1 San Diego will provide information services that meet the language and cultural diversity characteristics of the Carlsbad community. h. In the event 2-1-1 staff is unable to staff the City EOC, a reasonable effort will be made to provide similar information services remotely from either 2-1-1 San Diego headquarters located at 3247 Mission Village Drive, San Diego CA 92123 or the Virtual Call Center at County Operations Complex at 5201 Ruffin Road, San Diego CA 92123. i. 2-1 -1 San Diego agrees to provide support to the City of Carlsbad's Local Assistance Center (hereinafter "LAC"), if established during the recovery phase of a disaster. While the LAC is activated, 2-1-1 San Diego will be prepared to provide information services during the LAC's established operating hours. j. City's EOC is organized in accordance with the Incident Command System. The 2-1-1 representative will report to the EOC PIO. 5. City Roles and Responsibilities: a. 2-1 -1 San Diego staff assigned to support City' s EOC will be added to the AlertSanDiego City EOC call-back roster and receive automated notification of City's EOC activation. b. The EOC PIO will confirm 2-1-1 San Diego has been notified ofthe EOC activation. c. 2-1 -1 San Diego staff will be provided work space in the EOC with the EOC staff, including necessary equipment and supplies which may be shared with other staff d. 2-1-1 San Diego staff will be logistically supported (food, water, etc.) on par with the support afforded City EOC staff e. City EOC IT staff will assist the 2-1 -1 San Diego staff establish and maintain communications with 2-1-1 call centers as required. f City EOC staff will provide appropriate, "approved/released" incident information to 2-1-1 San Diego staff during the emergency. EOC staff will assist the 2-1-1 San Diego staff obtain the "approved" public infonnation oriented toward Carlsbad residents described earlier in this MOU. g. When possible. City EOC PIO staff will provide advance copies of media releases so 2-1-1 staff can prepare for the public calls. 6. Mutual Responsibilities of 2-1-1 San Diego and City: a. 2-1-1 San Diego and City will include each other' s roles and responsibilities, this MOU, and EOC seat assignment in their respective Emergency Operations Plans. b. 2-1-1 San Diego and City will include each other in disaster preparation and planning exercises. c. Communication with the public during emergencies will be conducted with empathy, a strong customer service ethic, and carefiil attention to accuracy, completeness and timeliness. d. Communication with the public v^ll be carefully and completely documented. 7. Expenses, Reimbursement and Compensation: City of Carlsbad 9/11/13 Info Line of San Diego Memorandum of Understanding with City ofCarlsbad a. At present, no separate disaster-related expense contract is contemplated between 2-1-1 San Diego and City. b. Disaster preparedness, response and recovery expenses incurred in the execution and performance of this MOU will be the sole responsibility of each party to this MOU . c. Should federal Public Assistance become available for an emergency and ifthe City files for reimbursement of authorized expenses, 2-1-1 San Diego agrees to collect and deliver to the City appropriate documentation as specified by either the City or assistance agency representative to facilitate and assist City in obtaining FEMA or other federal or state reimbursement for allowable costs associated with the response to a declared emergency. 8. Liability: a. 2-1-1 San Diego agrees to defend, hold harmless, and indemnify the City of Carlsbad, its elected officials, officers, employees, and agents against any legal liability in respect to bodily injury, death, and property damage arising from the negligence ofthe 2-1-1 San Diego staff during use of the property belonging to City of Carlsbad. 9. Termination: a. This Memorandum of Understanding may be terminated upon mutual consent at any time. Either party may terminate this MOU after providing at least ninety (90) days advanced notice to the other party. Each party agrees that this MOU serves the mission and values of their respective entity and is in the best interest ofthe residents, businesses and visitors of Carlsbad. 10. Entire Agreement and Governing Law: a. This MOU is the entire agreement and understanding between the parties relating to its subject matter. Neither this agreement nor any of its provisions may be amended, modified, waived, or discharged except by an instrument in writing and executed by the parties to this MOU. b. The validity of this MOU and any of hs terms shall be govemed by the laws of the State of Califomia. If any part of this MOU is found illegal, void, or imenforceable for any reason, such holding shall not affect the validity and enforceability ofany other part. The fomm and venue ofany dispute arising from this MOU shall be the Superior Court of Califomia, County of San Diego, North County Judicial District. City of Carlsbad 9/11/13 Info Line of San Diego Memorandum of Understanding with City of Carlsbad IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the individuals executing this MOU and the instruments referenced within it, each represent and warrant to the other that they have the legal power, right, and actual authority to bind the party on whose behalf they are signing this MOU to the terms and conditions of this MOU and have executed this MOU upon the date first above written. CITY OF CARLSBAD: Title Mayor 2-1-1 SANDI Titie G,-ct> Approved as to Form: CELIA BREWER, City Attomey Attome)^$t4s9tf*wr City of Carlsbad 9/11/13