HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-10-21; City Council; 21769; Establish Dates, Locations Meetings City Council Calendar Year 2015CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 10 AB# 21,769 ESTABLISHING A CALENDAR OF THE DATES AND LOCATIONS FOR REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2015 DEPT.DIRECTOR (^^^)^ MTG. 10/21/14 ESTABLISHING A CALENDAR OF THE DATES AND LOCATIONS FOR REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2015 CITY ATTY. DEPT. Clerk ESTABLISHING A CALENDAR OF THE DATES AND LOCATIONS FOR REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2015 CITY MGR. yfej) RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council adopt Resolution No. 2014-252 , establishing a calendar ofthe dates and locations for regular meetings ofthe Carlsbad City Council for calendar year 2015. ITEM EXPLANATION: City Council establishes its regular meeting schedule annually by resolution. Adopting the calendar by resolution meets Brown Act requirements (Government Code §54954) and provides Council the opportunity to increase notification to the public of its scheduled regular meetings. Special meetings can still be called as needed by providing 24 hours-notice before the time of such special meeting, and providing notice to each local newspaper of general circulation and radio and television station that have requested notice in writing or other means as required by the City Council (Government Code §54956). FISCAL IMPACT; There is no significant fiscal impact as a result of adopting this resolution. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Adoption of the resolution establishing the schedule of regular meetings to be held by the Carlsbad City Council for 2015 is not a project within the meaning of CEQA (Public Resources Code §21065). EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 2014-252 , establishing the 2015 Calendar of Regular Meetings of the Carisbad City Council. 2. Calendar. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Shelley Collins 760-434-2917 Shelley.Collins@carisbadca.gov FOR CLERK USE. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC DENIED • CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN CONTINUED • RETURNED TO STAFF WITHDRAWN • OTHER- SEE MINUTES AMENDED • REPORT RECEIVED • • • • • EXHIBIT 1 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2014-252 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, 3 CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A CALENDAR OF THE DATES AND LOCATIONS FOR REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FOR 4 CALENDAR YEAR 2015. 5 WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Council has determined it will establish its scheduled 6 7 8 9 10 regular meetings annually by resolution; and WHEREAS, the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code §54954) provides for the establishment ofan annual regular meeting calendar procedure; and WHEREAS, special meetings of the City Council will be called as necessary following the 11 requirements of the Brown Act (Government Code §54956). 12 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the 2015 calendar establishing the dates and locations for regular City Council 13 14 15 16 j7 meetings is hereby approved 18 3. Thatthe 2015 calendar will be posted tothe cit/s website 19 20 21 22 23 24 /// 27 28 /// /// /// /// 25 /// 26 /// /// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting ofthe City Council ofthe City of Carisbad on the 21st day of October 2014, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Hall, Packard, Schumacher, Blackburn. None. Council Member Wood. MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: ,MRBABA ENGLESON, City Clerk ^/••(SB' o ro tH r-l 00 tH in fN O tH tH rM cn KD r-t ro OM o ro 00 LO tH fM rM cn rM • • 00 rsl on tH O rM rM in fN r-l cn tH rsl 1/1 tH 00 U. 1-CD LO 1- •4—' US ro QD Au rM LO tH rsl fM cn rsl tH tH rM 00 rsl ro tH O rM rM rM tH cn tH ID rM tH tH • O tH 1^ tH rsl cn CD tH ro rM ^_ rM cn CD ''^ ^ tH tH rM ,, tH 00 Ln (- ro 5 OM cn QJ E QJ U QJ Q rsl o tH iH tH rM 00 CD 00 O tH rsl on ID OM cn CM rM 'd- tH 00 tH rM rM ro O tH rsl rsl LO tH tH rsl 00 rsl LO tH rH 00 tH U-) rM uo U-ID ro tH O fN rM U_ • O rH rH rsl tH ro U- 1-un OM tH cn tH CD rM h-rM cn UD rH ro rM O 00 1- 5 rH tH 00 tH LH fN 5 tH 00 un rH rsl rM cn OM ro u I— ro LO tH ro cn UD rH on fM O ro 00 un rH OM rM cn fM 3 in ID un ro O rH rM fM fM cn UD rH rH rM QJ E QJ > O rH 00 rsl rM un ro O rH rsl rsl cn rsl cn uo 00 un rM rM CD ro O rH rM ro un rsl cn rH rsl rsl o ^ LD ""C o CM LO tH rH rsl 00 rM LO CD ro rH O rM rM LO ro O rH rH rM rH 00 U-UD ro rH O OM rM U-un rsl tH cn rH CD rsl Ul. rM cn UD rH 00 OM O ro 1-un rM rH cn rH CD fN 1-rH rH 00 rH un rM H rH 00 un tH rM fM cn rsl $ tH rH 00 rH un rM ro O rH r-- rH rM $ tH rH rM 00 rsl >.H ro ro 3 2 rsl cn ;S in rH 00 ro O rH rH OM rH 00 rM cn LD rH ro rM O 00 un tH rM rM cn rsl T— CM oo CNJ >- CD • • uar CO CM t— CD Csl Jan OO T— m CM QJ C 00 uo un rM cn tH rM rM rH 00 rH rsl rM >- ro uo rM cn ID rH ro r^4 O ro UL. rH 00 un rH ZZ cn rsl h-rH rH rM oo rM CD no rH OZ rM CD rM tH tH 00 rH in ro o rH r-- rH •^r rM