HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-11-18; City Council; 21783; Authorizing Condemnation of Property for Public Road, Public Utility, Slope, Construction Easements, Declaring Public NecessityCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AB# 21,783 DATE 11/18/14 AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CONDEMNATION OF PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FQR PUBUC ROAD AND PUBUC UTILITY, SLOPE AND CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS AND DECLARING THE PUBLIC NECESSITY THEREOF DEPT. DIRECTOR AB# 21,783 DATE 11/18/14 AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CONDEMNATION OF PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FQR PUBUC ROAD AND PUBUC UTILITY, SLOPE AND CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS AND DECLARING THE PUBLIC NECESSITY THEREOF CITY ATTY. f2^ DEPT. AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CONDEMNATION OF PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FQR PUBUC ROAD AND PUBUC UTILITY, SLOPE AND CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS AND DECLARING THE PUBLIC NECESSITY THEREOF CITY MGR. z^ RECOMMENDED ACTION; Adopt Resolution No. 2014-262 authorizing and directing the condemnation of public road and temporary slope and construction easements for portions of Edinburgh Drive and Glasgow Drive. ITEM EXPLANATION: As a condition of approval ofthe Robertson Ranch West Village development project (CTll-Ol/CT 13-03), the Developer (Toll Brothers, Inc.) is required to extend Edinburgh Drive and Glasgow Drive. These road extensions provide secondary access to the subdivisions. In Resolution No. 7035, the Planning Commission acknowledged that the roads would need to be extended to provide secondary ingress and egress for the subdivision. This is required under the California Fire Code to maintain adequate access for emergency service providers and prompt evacuation capabilities for residents. The property in question is a one foot wide buffer strip that extends out from each parcel at the current end of the two streets. This was created in the subdivision map for the Colony neighborhood in 1980. It was dedicated to the city for future street purposes, but not accepted within the prescribed 25 year period. A temporary easement for slope and construction purposes is also needed. The Developer and its predecessor in interest have been communicating with the owners of the property since August of 2011 in an attempt to negotiate the acquisition of the required easements. The parties have been unable to come to an agreement. Offers made by the developers, which exceed the appraised value for the easements (prepared by an MAI appraiser) were rejected by both property owners. The owners of the properties, Graham Espie and Ralph and Dariene Porter, were contacted by the City via certified mail on July 18, 2014, and offered just compensation for the purchase of the easements required for the improvements of said streets (Exhibits 2 and 3). The certified mail addressed to the Porters was acknowledged on July 23, 2014. The certified mail addressed to Graham Espie was acknowledged on July 23, 2014. In addition to the above letters and in accordance with State law, on October 29, 2014, the city gave notice of today's heanng to the owners ofthe subject properties by certified mail (Exhibits 4 and 5). DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Ronald Kemp 760-434-2891 ronald.kemp@carlsbadca.gov FOR CLERK USE. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED CONTINUEDTO DATE SPECIFIC • DENIED • CONTINUEDTO DATE UNKNOWN • CONTINUED • RETURNED TO STAFF • WrrHDRAWN • OTHER- SEE MINUTES • AMENDED • REPORT RECEIVED • Pursuant to State law, to proceed with a condemnation action, the City Council must adopt a Resolution of Necessity. In this regard, the City Council must engage in a good faith and judicious consideration of the pros and cons ofthe issue. Any decision to acquire the subject property rtghts must be supported by substantial evidence ofthe existence ofthe three basic requirements set forth in Code of Civil Procedure section 1240.030. These are: 1. The public interest and necessity require the project. 2. The project is planned or located in a manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury. 3. The property sought to be acquired is necessary for the project. Adoption ofthe attached Resolution of Necessity requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote ofthe full Council. FISCAL IMPACT; There are no costs to the City. The Toll Brothers will pay all costs associated with the acquisitions. They have executed a reimbursement agreement and made a deposit against the costs. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT; Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the Environmental Protection Ordinance (Title 19) of the Cartsbad Municipal Code, staff has conducted an environmental impact assessment to determine ifthe project could have any potentially significant impact on the environment. Documents referenced for the analysis included the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR 03-03) certified on November 14, 2006 for the Robertson Ranch and the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) adopted for Robertson Ranch West Village on October 17, 2012. The project site was the subject of a previous CEQA review in the Robertson Ranch Final Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR), which was certified by the Carlsbad City Council on November 14, 2006 (EIR 03-03, State Clearinghouse #2004051039). According to Section 15168 of the State CEQA Guidelines, a Program EIR is approprtate for a series of actions that can be charactenzed as one large project, are related geographically, and as logical parts in the chain of contemplated actions in connection with issuance of rules, regulations or plans. Through the certification ofthe Program EIR, the Cartsbad City Council adopted CEQA Findings of Fact, a Statement of Overriding Considerations, and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. The EIR and subsequent MND are intended to be used in the review of subsequent projects within the Robertson Ranch Master Plan. The project incorporates the required EIR and MND mitigation measures, and a determination has been made that the project impacts are mitigated to a level of less than significant. The Robertson Ranch Master Plan EIR and MND are cited as source documents ofthis environmental evaluation. Impacts are substantially within the scope identified within the Robertson Ranch Program EIR and Robertson Ranch West Village MND and no further CEQA analysis is required. EXHIBITS; 1. Resolution No. 2014-262 authorizing and directing the condemnation of certain real property interests in the City of Carlsbad, State of California, and declaring the public necessity thereof. 2. Offer of Just Compensation directed to Graham Espie, dated July 18, 2014 3. Offer of Just Compensation directed to Ralph Porter and Dariene French-Porter, dated July 18, 2014. 4. Notice of Public Hearing to Condemn Real Property in Interest in the City of Cartsbad, California directed to Graham Espie, dated October 29, 2014. 5. Notice of Public Hearing to Condemn Real Property in Interest in the City of Cartsbad, California directed to Ralph Porter and Dartene French-Porter, dated October 29, 2014. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 t Z RESOLUTION NO. 2014-262 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CONDEMNATION OF PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR PUBLIC ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY, SLOPE AND CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS AND DECLARING THE PUBLIC NECESSITY THEREOF. WHEREAS, the Carisbad City Council has previously adopted Resolution No. 2014-041, approving the conditions CT 11-01/CT 13-03, and requiring the developer to provide off-site road easements and construct off-site roads within said easements in conjunction with the development of its property known and designated as Robertson Ranch West Village; and WHEREAS, the developer has agreed that acquisition of property and improvements to Glasgow Drive and Edinburgh Drive is essential to provide needed public facilities and to mitigate burdens on existing public facilities; and WHEREAS, a portion of real property that is the subject of this Resolution is a one-foot buffer strip at the terminus of Edinburgh Drive as well as a temporary construction and slope easement located on parcel number 208-112-07-00, 4717 Gateshead Road owned by Graham Espie; and WHEREAS, a portion of real property that is the subject of this Resolution is a one-foot buffer strip at the terminus of Glasgow Drive as well as a temporary construction and slope easement located on parcel number 208-112-20-00, 4769 Gateshead Road owned by Ralph Porter and Dariene French-Porter; and WHEREAS, the City of Cartsbad may exercise the right of eminent domain for the acquisition of real property or interests therein for street and other purposes pursuant to Article I, Section 19 of the California Constitution, Sections 1240.010, 1240.110, /// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1240.120 of the California Code of Civil Procedure and California Government Code Sections 37350 and 37350.5; and 37353; and WHEREAS, the real property or interest therein sought to be acquired for the proposed project are located within the territorial limits of the City of Cartsbad; and WHEREAS, the real property or interests therein sought to be acquired are necessary for the proposed project; and WHEREAS, the City of Cartsbad has established the amounts which it believes to be the just compensation for the hereinafter described real property or interests therein sought to be acquired; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code Section 7267.2, the City of Carisbad has offered to the owners of said real property or interests therein the full amount established as just compensation for said real property or interest therein sought to be acquired; and WHEREAS, the City of Carisbad, California, has provided said owner of said real property or interests therein a written statement of and summary of the basis for the amount established as just compensation for the real property or interests sought to be acquired; and WHEREAS, a reasonable length of time has expired since the date of the offer to the owners of the real property or interests therein sought to be acquired, and the owners have failed to favorably respond to the offers of the amounts established by the City of Cartsbad as just compensation; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of California Code of Civil Procedure, Section 1245.235, the owners of the real property of the interest therein sought to be acquired whose names and addresses appear on the current equalized County Assessment Roll, have been sent a Notice of Hearing Regarding Adoption of a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ^6 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution of Necessity to Acquire Property by Eminent Domain, and have been provided with an opportunity to appear and be heard on the matters referred to in California Code of Civil Procedure, Section 1240.030. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Carlsbad, finds and determines, and hereby declares that: 1. The above recitations are true and correct. 2. The public interest and necessity require the proposed project, namely the Edinburgh Drive and Glasgow Drive Improvement Project located within the city. 3. The proposed project is planned and located in a manner which will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury. 4. The real property or interests therein, hereinafter described in this Resolution, are necessary for the proposed project. 5. The proposed project is a matter of public necessity. 6. The use of all and each and every part of said hereinafter described real property or interests therein for the use and purposes of the proposed project is a public use and a use authorized by law. 7. The public interest and necessity require that the real property or interests therein, hereinafter described in this Resolution, be taken. 8. The City of Cartsbad has complied with the requirements of Government Code section 7267.2(a) in that an offer has been made to the record owners of the property sought to be acquired for the established amount it believes to be the just compensation therefor. 9. To the extent applicable, the acquisition of the property rights sought is for a compatible public use pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 1240.510. /// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 10. To the extent applicable, the acquisition of the property rights sought is for a compatible public use pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 1240.610. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by this City of Carisbad that the firm of Daley & Heft, (hereinafter 'special counsel') be, and is, authorized and empowered, and directed, in the name of the City of Cartsbad, to acquire by donation, purchase, or condemnation, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California relating to eminent domain, the hereinafter described interest in real property; To prepare and prosecute in the name of the City of Cartsbad such suit or suits in the proper court having jurisdiction thereof as are necessary to condemn, take, and acquire said hereinafter described real property, or any part thereof, for the proposed project; To make an application to said court for an order determining the amounts of money to be deposited as security for the payment of the just compensation which will be made for the taking of the real property or any part thereof, or interests therein necessary for the proposed project and any damage incident thereto, and to make application to said court for an order permitting the City of Cartsbad to take immediate possession of and to use said real property and any part thereof, or interest therein, sought to be condemned for the proposed project; To make an application to said court for an order determining the amounts of money to be deposited as security for the payment of the just compensation which will be made for the taking of the real property or any part thereof, or interests therein necessary for the proposed project and any damage incident thereto, and to make application to said court for an order permitting the City of Cartsbad to take immediate possession of and to use said real property and part thereof, or interest therein, sought to be condemned for the proposed project; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 The real property referred to in this Resolution is situated in the City of Carisbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and is more particularly described in the parcel descriptions attached hereto and marked as Exhibits "A (Espie / Glasgow Drive buffer), B (Espie slope and construction), C (Porter / Edinburgh Drive buffer) and D (Porter slope and construction)." PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the isth day of November , 2014, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Hall, Packard, Wood, Blackburn, Schumacher. None. None. MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: 9 BARBARA ENGELSON, City Clerk ^ywniiii, (SEAL) ""iiZ^^^'' Exhibit "A" A PORTION OF LOT 30 OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 76-12, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. COUTNY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 9935 FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON DECEMBER 16, 1980 AS FILE NO 80- 422632 MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ' BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 30, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID MAP 9935; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTH LINE NORTH 18''52'30" EAST 1.05 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY TERMINUS OF GLASGOW DRIVE PER MAP 9935; THENCE ALONG SAID TERMINUS SOUTH 89°25'10" EAST 63.20 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHERLY TERMINUS SOUTH 18°52'30" WEST 1.05 FEET TO SAID SOUTH LINE OF LOT 30 AND MAP 9935; THENCE ALONG SAID LINE NORTH 89°25' 10" WEST 63.20 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING AREA = 63 SF MORE OR LESS ... J0'.^ -.^^X •rA OWNERS: GRAHAM J. ESPIE 4m GATESHEAD ROAD CARLSBAD. CA 92010 APN: 208-112-07 BYi DATE_ BASIS OF BEARINGS THE BASIS OF BEARINGS POR THIS PLAT IS THE SOUTH UNE OF HAP NO 99J5^ LE N 8925'10' W LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS PARCEL A^B: POR OF LOT JO OF UAP 99J5^ IN THE QTY OFCARISBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO^ STATE OF CAUFORNIA, FHJED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COIMTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY DECEUBER 16, 1980 AS FILE NO 80-4226JZ OR. Xrefs: 1007amap LOT 1 PM 12907 N18'52'30t 1.05' PaAJtB LOT JO MAP 9955 APN 208-112-07 N18-52'J0r 1.05' PARCEL 1 ADJ 15-01 nMn^ A ^S925'10''W PARCEL A 63 so FT LEGEND o| ol CMI SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY STREET CENTERUNE EXISTING PROPERTY UNE EASEUENT AREA TRUE POMT OF BEGINNING POINT OF BEGINNING CONSULT A/H-S- 2710 Loker A«nue Vtest, suite 100 Carisbad, California 92010 T.p.a& p.a& 0' 20' SCALE: 1" = 20' 1 T: 760-931-770C > EASEMENT PLAT - OTY OF CARISBAD DATE: MARCH 2014 | j APPLICANT: EXHIR T SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEETS 1 APPROVED BY: ADJ. No. 1 tfoAY y /• ^ \ RCE 32014 pyl^ 19/11/Id DAW A HAUSER DATt RCE 33081 fyp.af:/v)/u AP.N. 1 Xrefs: 1007omop Exhibit "B" A PORTION OF LOT 30 OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 76-12, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUTNY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNL\, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 9935 FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON DECEMBER 16,1980 AS FUM NO 80- 422632 MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ' BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 30, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID MAP 9935; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 30 AND MAP 9935 SOUTH 89°25'10" EAST 63.20 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINING: THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTH LINE AND ALONG THE EAST LINE OF GLASGOW DRIVE PER MAP 9935 NORTH 18°52'30" EAST 47.89 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID EAST LINE SOUTH 73*02'05'' EAST 3.05 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 17°56'0r' EAST 7 18 FEET- THENCE SOUTH 28''39'44" EAST 7.52 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 25°14'39'' EAST ' 7.03 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 2P20'50" EAST 6.60 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 18°48'24" EAST 6.36 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 15°12'14" EAST 6.07 FEET- THENCE SOUTH 00°58'48" EAST 5.33 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 08°18'25» WEST 1 63 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 30 AND MAP 9935; THENCE ALONG SAID LINE NORTH 89°25'10" WEST 33.12 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. AREA = 884 SF MORE OR LESS N8975'10'W 6320' PCLAdtB PCLB N73V2'05'W 305' N1756'01'W 7.18' L OT 50 MAP 9955 N28'39'44'W 7.52' APN 208-112-07 N2514'X'l¥ ZOf N21'20'50'W 6.60' N18'48'24')¥ 6.36' N1512l4^60r N00'58'48''W 533' ' N0818'25'E 1.63* N89'25'10''W 3312' PARCEL 1 ADJ 15-01 LEGEND SUBDMSKJN BOUNDARY STREET CENTERUNE EXISTING PROPERTY UNE EASEMENT AREA TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING POINT OF BEimm T.P.O.B. P.O.BL 2710 Loker A^ue Wsst. Suite 100 Carisbad. California 92010 T: 760-931-7700 0* 20' SCALE: 1* = 20* Xrefs: lOOTomap Exhibit "C" •,o«o *f^^?L°^ IffiCORDBD DBCEMBER 16, 8°-«2632, IN TOB Cirsr OP CaRLSBftD, CODSTY OF Sft^T DIEX30, STATE OP Cai.lF<aailA. DESCRIBED AS TOLLOWS: FARCEIi S ^ BEGIHKOTS AT THS MOST EaSTERLY POINT OF SAID LOT 43, SAID POIHT BEINO OH THE SODTHERIiY LINE OP THE SDBDIVISIOH BODKDfiRY OP SAID MAP NO. 9935; TBBNCB-ALCail? SAID SODTHERLY USS NORTH SS'aB'lO" WEST 103.52 PBBT TO A POINT ON THE WEST lONE OP EDlNBDRfiH DRIVE? THENCE NORTHERLY ALONS SAID LINE NORTH S^^OO'OO" V?BST 1.73 FEEBT TO & POINT ON THB EAST LINE OP SAID LOT 43; TOBNCB EASTHiLY ALONS SAID LINE, SAID LIKE ALSO BBIMS PARALLEL WITH AHD 1,00 POOT DISTANT PR<»J THE SODTHERLY LINE OF SAID SOBDIYISIOM BOUNDAKY, SOOTH 89*^5'10" EAST 103.52 PEET TO A POINT QN THE EAST LINE OP EDIHBDRGH DRIVE; THENCE SODTHERLY ALONG SAID LINE SOOTH S4''00'00'' EAST 1.73 FEET TO mS POINT OP BEGINNING. ARSA = 104 SP OWNERS: GRAHAM d ESPIE 4717 GATESHEAD ROAD CARLSBAD^ CA 92010 APN- 208-112-07 BASIS OF BEARINGS TT^ BASIS OF BEARINGS POR THIS PLATIS TK SOUTH UNE OF UAP NO 9935 LE N 8975'10' W BK DATE_ LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS PARCEL A*B: POR OF LOT 30 OF UAP 9935 IN THE OTY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO^ STATE OF CALJFORMA. niD IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY DECEMBER 16, 1980 AS FILE NO 80-422632, OR. i Xrefs: 1007amap PARCELS POR. PARCEL 2 ADJ 01-13 LEGEND SWEET CmERUNE Bdsmepfiavnrue BiSEMBir/m mj£ pomr OF BEBum peuroFBEBmts PAB. rtn I -g-O N S U L t ¥ S •anai-rm >M an t m rm APPUCANT» SOME: 1" = 20' EtsBmpuff-arroFmam EXHIBtr APPROVED BY: DAm NOV. aon SHECT 2 OF 2 SHffiTS M)J. No. A.P.N. Exhibit "D" PORTION OP LOT 43 OF MAP NO. 9935, RECORDED DECEMBER IS, 1980 AS PILE NO. 80-422632, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CODUTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OP CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS,,- PARCEL A , .f BEGINNING AT THE MOST EASTERLY POINT OP SAID LOT 43, SAID POINT BEISG QN THB SOOTH LIME OP THB SUBDIVISION BOOSDARY OF SAID MAP NO. 9935; THENCE ALONG SAID SODTHERLY LINE NORTH 89'25'10'' WEST 103.52 PBBT TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING.- THHTCB OOMTINDlHG ALONG SAID SODTH LINB NORTH 89*25*10" WEST 40.99 PHET; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOOTH LINE NORTH 22''21'SS' WEST 34.54 EBBT; THENCE NORTH S9°S4'49- WEST 35.65 PEET; THENCE NQRTO 31»22'05* WEST 27.00 FEET TO THB BEGINNING OP A NON-TiaJCTailT 530.00-POOT BAOIDS CORVE CCaiCAVB TO THE NORTHWEST, SAID POINT BEING CW THE EAST LIME OP LOT 43 AND THB WEST LINE OP BDINBORtSI DRTVEf THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CORVE ALONG THS BAST LINE OF SAID LOT 43 TSRODHK A CBHTSAL ANGLE OF S'Sg'Sl" AN ARC DISTANCE OP 33.84 FEET; THENCE SODTH 54*00'00" EAST 89.38 FEET TO THB TRDB POINT OF BEGINNING. AREA - 1,205 SF POR. PARCEL 2 ADJ 01-13 LEGEND SWEET CENfEFUNE mtmnwoFBBBNms pmroFBEommB TJ>JO& PJOA mataMTAmBKM CM BUM salk IQQ RMU cmw. OAnk me Pwnnli > APPUCANT; SCALE- r = 40' Btsam-tur-airoramsm EXHIBI APPROVHJ BY: DATE: NOV. 2011 SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS ADJ. No. A.P.N. '1 CELIA A. BREWER CITY OF PAUL G. EDMONSON CITYATTORNEY _ AOI CT^ A P\ ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY JANE MOBALDI LAKLbDAU RONALD KEMP ASSISTANT cm ATTORNEY ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY VIA CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED July 18,2014 Mr. Graham J. Espie 4717 Gateshead Road Carlsbad, CA 92010 RE: Portions of APN 208-112-07-00 Dear Property Owner: The staff of the City ofCarlsbad is proposing to recommend to the Carlsbad City Council the acquisition ofthe above Parcel for the project, the improvement and extension of Glasgow Drive. Our preliminary title report shows you to be the Owner of the property located adjacent to Glasgow Drive. The property is within the project area; and is also identified by the County Assessor as Parcel No. 208-112-07-00. The legal descriptions ofthe Parcel under consideration for acquisition are attached to the enclosed Offer, and the proposed Grant Deed and is refewed to herein as "the Parcel." While staff proposes to recommend the acquisition of the Parcel to the City Council ofthe City ofCarlsbad for this project, no decision to acquire can be made until the City Council formally acts to approve this acquisition. Nothing in this letter is meant to pre-commit the City Council or otherwise limit the options available to the City Council. Consequently this offer, if accepted, and the acquisition of the Parcel is conditional upon and requires the approval ofthe City Council. It is our desire that the Parcel can be acquired amicably, expeditiously, and by negotiation given the approval ofthe City Council. To this end, Califomia Govemment Code section 7267.2(a) provides that prior to initiating negotiations for the acquisition ofthe real property, that the City Council shall: www.carisbadca.gov W 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008-1949 T 760-434-2891 F 760-434-8367 Mr. Graham J. Espie RE: Portions of APN 208-112-07-00 July 18,2014 Page 2 Make an offer to the Owner of record to acquire the property for the full amount that the public entity has established as just compensation; • Which offer is not less than the public entity's appraisal of the fair market value of the property; and ,t, • Provide the Owner with a written statement of, and summary ofthe basis for, the amount the City Council established as just compensation. The purpose ofthis letter is to convey the attached offer and written statement ofthe basis for the amount that the City ofCarlsbad has estabhshed as just compensation so that the City of Carlsbad may initiate negotiations regarding the proposed acquisition ofthe Parcel. Govemment Code section 7267.1 provides that a pubUc entity shall make every reasonable effort to acquire expeditiously real pro|)erty by negotiation rather than by litigation in the form ofan eminent domain action. Please consider this offer as being made in the spirit of avoiding litigation, and not as an admission of value. Enclosed herewith is the proposed offer and written statement of, and summary ofthe basis for the amount established as just compensation, together with a proposed grant deed which you will be asked to sign ifyou accept this offer. After you have had an opportunity to consider the offer, please contact the city representative in this matter. Dermis Daley, at 858 755-5666. Very tmly yours. lonald C. Kemp Assistant City Attomey Enclosures Cc: Frank P. Cuykendall, Esq. SUMMARY STATEMENT ACCOMPANYING GOV. CODE, § 7267.2(a) OFFER RELATING TO ACQUISITION PROCEDURES FOR PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY OR AN INTEREST TIIEREIN The Califomia Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Guidelines provide that each Owner from whom the City of Carlsbad purchases real property or an interest therein, or each tenant owning improvements on said property, be provided the following information which may or may not be applicable to your property and this proposed acquisition. 1. You are entitled to receive full payment prior to vacating the real property being pvurchased unless you have heretofore waived such entitlement. You are not required to pay recording fees, transfer taxes, or the pro rata portion of real property taxes which are allocable to any pepod subsequent to the passage of title or possession. * ^ 2. The City of Carlsbad will offer to purchase any remnant(s) considered by the City of Carlsbad to be an uneconomic unit(s) which is(are) owned by you or, if applicable, occupied by you as a tenant and which is(are) contiguous to the land being conveyed. 3. All buildings, stmctures, and other improvements affixed to the land described in the referenced document(s) covering this transaction and owned by the grantor(s) herein or, if applicable, owned by you as a tenant are being conveyed unless other disposition of these improvements has been made. The interest acquired is fee simple. The property being purchased comprises 0.102 acres and is described in the attached Deed and outlined in color on the attached map. 4. The amount determined to be just compensation was determined after consideration of an appraisal ofthe fair market value ofthe Parcel. The basis for the amount determined to be just compensation is summarized on the attached Statement of and Summary ofthe Basis for the Amount EstabUshed as Just Compensation and such amount: a. Represents the fiill amount that the City of Carlsbad established as the amount which it believes to be just compensation; b. Is no less than the full amount of the public entity's approved appraisal of fair market value for the property to be purchased; c. Disregards any decrease or increase in the fair market value ofthe real property proposed to be acquired prior to the date of valuation caused by the public improvement for which the property is to be acquired or the likelihood that the property would be acquired for such public improvement, other than due to physical deterioration within the reasonable control ofthe Owner or occupant; and d. Does not reflect any consideration of or allowance for any relocation assistance and payments or other benefits which the Owner is entitled to receive under an agreement with the City of Carlsbad. Ifyou ultimately elect to reject the offer of the City of Carlsbad for your property, you are entitled to have the amount of compensation detemiined by a court of law in accordance with the laws of the State of Califomia. S DATED: l/l^ j l'i Assistant City Attomi c9J STATEMENT OF THE AMOUNT ESTABLISHED AS JUST COMPENSATION The amount the City of Carlsbad has established as just compensation is: Just compensation of the property proposed to be acquired: $5,900. Just compensation for damages, if any, to the remaining property: $0. Attached hereto is a Summary of the Basis for the Appraisal (prepared pursuant to Califomia Code of Civil Procedure, § 1255.010), which appraisal was used by the (*ity of Carlgbad to determine the amount it estabUshed as just compensation. APPRAISAL SUMMARY STATEMENT Owner: Graham J. Espie Assessor's Parcel No.: 208-112-07 Zone: P-C Present use: Single Family Residence Highest & Best Use: Single Family Residence Date of Value: Febmary 11,2014 Total property area considered for acquisition: 880 Square Feet, 63.2 Square Feet Access rights acquired: None Basis of Appraisal The market value for the property to be acquired is based upon an appraisal prepared in accordance with accepted appraisal principles and procedures. Recent sales of comparable properties, income data, and depreciated replacement costs are utilized, as appropriate. FuU consideration is given to zoning, development potential, and the income the property is capable of producing. Market Value of Required Property $5,900 Amount of Damages to the Remaining Property due to the proposed acquisition $ -0- Just Compensation for Acquisition $5,900 This summary ofthe basis ofthe amount offered as just compensation is presented in compliance with state law. A copy of formal appraisal which includes supporting sales data and other documentation is attached. m m J] m a JT ui HI • a a a i-=i IXJ o o U.S. Postal ServiceTM CERTIFIED MAILTM RECEIPT (Domestic MaH Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.com® Postage Certified Fee Return Reoeipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Totai Postage & Fees $ Postmari< Here Postage Certified Fee Return Reoeipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Totai Postage & Fees Postmari< Here Postage Certified Fee Return Reoeipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Totai Postage & Fees Postmari< Here Postage Certified Fee Return Reoeipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Totai Postage & Fees Postmari< Here Postage Certified Fee Return Reoeipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Totai Postage & Fees $ Postmari< Here Sent To or PO BOK No. 41 11 LS\r\UJ<- Ciiy,'Staie, ZfP+4 . " ' '."V'A" PS Form 3800, August 2006 See Reverse for Instructions SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION I Complete Items 1,2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery Is desired. I Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front If space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: COIVIPLETE THI'i SECTION ON DELIVERY BvBeceived by printed Warns) idressdiffi • Agent Addressee ™>,Delivery. > D. Is delivety address different from item 1? • Yes if YES, enter delivery address below: • No 3. Service Type l6j3ertified IMail® • Priority IVIaii Express" U Registered • Return Receipt fbr IMetBhandise { • Insured IWaii • Collect on Delivery | • Yes II 4. Restricted Delivery? (Brfra Fee; CELIA A. BREWER CITY ATTORNEY JANE MOBALDI ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF CARLSBAD PAULG. EDMONSON ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY RONALD KEMP ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY VIA CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED August 11,2014 Mr. Graham J. Espie 4717 Gateshead Road Carlsbad, CA 92010 RE: Portions of APN 208-112-07-00 Dear Property Owner: The City of Carlsbad hereby supplements its Offer Letter dated July 18,2014 as follows: The City ofCarlsbad will pay the reasonable costs, not to exceed $5,000, of an independent appraisal ordered by you. The independent appraisal shall be conducted by an appraiser licensed by the Office of Real Estate Appraisers. The public use to which the subject property is to be put is scheduled to begin within two years of its acquisition. Please direct any questions regarding the offer or procedures to our outside counsel, Dennis Daley at 858 755-5666. Very truly yours, Ronald C. Kemp Assistant City Attomey cc: Frank P. Cuykendall, Esq. ^•^^ www.carisbadca.gov €m — ^ 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008-1949 T 760-434-2891 F 760-434-8367 U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) •43 ru a a a • ru i-=i a tzi p- Postage Certified Fee Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees Postmark .Here •-. Postage Certified Fee Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees Postmark .Here •-. Postage Certified Fee Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees Postmark .Here •-. Postage Certified Fee Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees Postmark .Here •-. Postage Certified Fee Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees Postmark .Here •-. City, State, ZIP+4 ; Form 3800. Jar (trse K)<- liistrLicfions ' SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION I Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 If Restricted Delivery Is desired. Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. lli iirpitwi 1. Article Addressed ^ZOIO 2. Article Number (Transfer from service label) PS Form 3811, August 2001 COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY A. Signature X D. Is delivery addr^ differenr|rfflrr item 1 ? • Yes If YES, enter 4elivei^ addrsss bdow: • No 3. Service Type ^Certified IVIail • Registered • Insured lUlail • Express IVIail • Return Receipt for Merchandise • C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) • Yes 7DD1 2S10 OOOfl EfllL 1310 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-01-M-2509 CELIA A. BREWER CITYATTORNEY JANE MOBALDI ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF CARLSBAD VIA CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED PAULG. EDMONSON ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY RONALD KEMP ASSISTANT CITY AHORNEY July 18,2014 Mr. Ralph A. Porter Ms. Darlene French-Porter 4769 Gateshead Road Carlsbad, CA 92010 RE: Portions of APN 208-112-20-00 Dear Property Owner: The staff of the City ofCarlsbad is proposmg to recommend to the Carlsbad City Council the acquisition ofthe above Parcel for the project, the unprovement and extension of Edinburgh Drive. Our preliminary titie report shows you to be the Owner of the property located adjacent to Edinburgh Drive. The property is withm the project area; and is also identified by the County Assessor as Parcel No. 208-112-20-00. The legal description of tiie Parcel under consideration for acquisition are attached to the enclosed Offer and the proposed Grant Deed, and is referred to herein as "tiie Parcel." While staff proposes to recommend the acquisition of the Parcel to the City Council of tiie City ofCarlsbad for tiiis project, no decision to acquire can be made until the City Council formally acts to approve this acquisition. Nothing in this letter is meant to pre-commit the City Council or otherwise limit the options available to the City CouncU. Consequently this offer, if accepted, and tiie acquisition of the Parcel is conditional upon and reqmres the approval ofthe City Council. It is our desire that the Parcel can be acquired amicably, expeditiously, and by negotiation given the approval of the City CouncU. To tiiis end, Califomia Govemment Code section 7267.2(a) www.carisbadca.gov H ^ 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008-1949 T 760-434-2891 F 760-434-8367 Mr. Ralph A. Porter Ms. Darlene French-Porter RE: Portions of APN 208-112-20-00 July 18, 2014 Page 2 provides that prior to initiating negotiations for tiie acquisition of tiie real property tiiat the City Council shall: • Make an offer to the Ovmer of record to acquire the property for the fiiU amount that the public entity has estabUshed as just compensation; • Which offer is not less tiian the pubUc entity's appraisal of tiie fair market value ofthe property; and • Provide tiie Owner with a written statement of, and summary of tiie basis for, the amount the City Council estabUshed as just compensation. The purpose of tiiis letter is to convey tiie attached offer and written statement ofthe basis for tiie amoimt that the City of Carlsbad has estabUshed as just compensation so that the City of Carlsbad may initiate negotiations regardmg the proposed acquisition ofthe Parcel. Govemment Code section 7267.1 provides that a public entity shall make every reasonable effort to acquhe expeditiously real property by negotiation rather than by litigation in the form of an emment domain action. Please consider this offer as bemg made in the spirit of avoidmg litigation, and not as an adnussion of value. Enclosed herewith is the proposed offer and written statement of, and summary ofthe basis for tiie amount established as just compensation, together with a proposed grant deed which you will be asked to sign ifyou accept this offer. After you have an opportunity to consider the offer, please contact the city's representative in this matter, Dennis Daley at 858 755-5666. Very tmly yours, Ronald C. Kemp ^ Assistant City Attomey Enclosures SUMMARY STATEMENT ACCOMPANYING GOV. CODE, § 7267.2(a) OFFER RELATING TO ACQUISITION PROCEDURES FOR PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY OR AN INTEREST THEREIN The Califomia Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Guidelines provide that each Owner fi-om whom the City of Carlsbad purchases real property or an mterest therein, or each tenant owning improvements on said property, be provided the following information which may or may not be applicable to your property and this proposed acquisition. 1. You are entitled to receive fiiU payment prior to vacating the real property bemg purchased unless you have heretofore waived such entitiement. You are not requhed to pay recording fees, transfer taxes, or the pro rata portion of real property taxes which are allocable to any period subsequent to the passage of title or possession. 2. The City of Carlsbad wiU offer to purchase any remnant(s) considered by the City of Carlsbad to be an uneconomic unit(s) which is(are) owned by you or, if applicable, occupied by you as a tenant and which is(are) contiguous to the land bemg conveyed. 3. AU buildmgs, stmctures, and otiier hnprovements affixed to the land described m the referenced document(s) covering tiiis tt-ansaction and owned by the grantor(s) herein or, if applicable, owned by you as a tenant are being conveyed unless other disposition of these unprovements has been made. The mterest acquired is fee simple. The property bemg purchased comprises 0.102 acres and is described m the attached Deed and outimed m color on the attached map. 4. The amount determined to be just compensation was determined after consideration of an appraisal ofthe fan- market value ofthe Parcel. The basis for the amount determined to be just compensation is summarized on the attached Statement ofand Summary ofthe Basis for the Amount EstabUshed as Just Compensation and such amount: a. Represents tiie fiiU amount tiiat tiie City of Carlsbad estabUshed as tiie amount which it beUeves to be just compensation; b. Is no less tiian tiie fixU amount of tiie public entity's approved appraisal of fair market value for the property to be purchased; c. Disregards any decrease or mcrease m tiie fair market value ofthe real property proposed to be acquired prior to the date of valuation caused by the pubUc improvement for which the property is to be acquired or the likelihood that tiie property would be acquired for such public Unprovement, other than due to physical deterioration withm the reasonable contiol ofthe Owner or occupant; and d. Does not reflect any consideration of or allowance for any relocation assistance and payments or other benefits which the Owner is entitied to receive under an agreement with the City of Carlsbad. Ifyou ultunately elect to reject tiie offer of tiie City of Carlsbad for your property, you are entitied to have the amount of compensation determmed by a court of law m accordance with the laws of the State of Califomia. DATED: iM 4lP.X 0^ Assistant City Attomey | STATEMENT OF THE AMOUNT ESTABLISHED AS JUST COMPENSATION The amount the City of Carlsbad has estabUshed as just compensation is: Just compensation of the property proposed to be acquired: $6,700. Just compensation for damages, if any, to the remaining property: $0. Attached hereto is a Summary of the Basis for the Appraisal (prepared pursuant to Califomia Code of Civil Procedure, § 1255.010), which appraisal was used by the City ofCarlsbad to determme the amount it established as just compensation. APPRAISAL SUMMARY STATEMENT Ovmers: Ralph A. Porter and Darlene French-Porter Assessor's Parcel No.: 208-112-20 Zone: P-C Present use: Smgle FamUy Residence Highest & Best Use: Smgle Family Residence Date of Value: Febmary 11,2014 Total property area considered for acquisition: 805 Square Feet, 103.5 Square Feet Access rights acquired: None Basis of Appraisal. The market value for the property to be acquhed is based upon an appraisal prepared m accordance with accepted appraisal principles and procedures. Recent sales of comparable properties, mcome data, and depreciated replacement costs are utilized, as appropriate. Full consideration is given to zoning, development potential, and the income the property is capable of producing. Market Value of Requhed Property $6,700 Amount of Damages to the Remaining Property due to the proposed acquisition $ -0- Just Compensation for Acquisition $6,700 This summary of the basis of tiie amount offered as just compensation is presented m compliance with state law. A copy of formal appraisal which includes supportmg sales data and other documentation is attached. TU ru a ir in a • • a a U.S. Postal ServiceTM CERTIFIED MAIL™ RECEIPT (Domestic IVIaii Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) For delivery mformation visit our website at www.usDs.com, Postage Certified Fee Retum Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees $ Postmark Here Postage Certified Fee Retum Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees Postmark Here Postage Certified Fee Retum Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees Postmark Here Postage Certified Fee Retum Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees Postmark Here Postage Certified Fee Retum Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees $ Postmark Here r=1 • Street'Apt.L..., . — ij.^tiih..A CP. <^JXf>m PS Form 3800, August 2006 See Reverse for instructions SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION Complete items 1,2, and 3. Also complete Item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can retum the card to you. Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY A. Signatured /J X ^-A fc^ g B. Received ^^ffnfed A/ame; C. Date I Agent | I Addressee! C. Date of Delivery D. Is delivery addrsss different from item 17 • Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: • No 3, Service Type ^Certified MalP • Priority Mall Exprnss" • Registered • Return Receipt for Merchandise j • Insured Mail • Collect on Delivery ! 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) • Yes 2. Article Number (Transfer from service label) _ 70m OSID DDDl 57RD 5bBb PS Form 3811, July 2013 Domestic Return Receipt CELIA A. BREWER CITYATTORNEY JANE MOBALDI ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF CARLSBAD VIA CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED PAULG. EDMONSON ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY RONALD KEMP ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY August 11,2014 Mr. Ralph A. Porter Ms. Darlene French-Porter 4769 Gateshead Road Carlsbad, CA 92010 RE: Portions of APN 208-112-20-00 Dear Property Owner: The City of Carlsbad hereby supplements its Offer Letter dated July 18, 2014 as follows: The City ofCarlsbad will pay the reasonable costs, not to exceed $5,000, of an independent appraisal ordered by you. The independent appraisal shall be conducted by an appraiser licensed by the Office of Real Estate Appraisers. The public use to which the subject property is to be put is scheduled to begin within two years of its acquisition. Please direct any questions regarding the offer or procedures to our outside counsel, Dennis Daley at 858 755-5666. Very truly yours, MJ2 Ronald C. ] Kemp Assistant City Attorney www.carisbadca.gov €^ :— ^ 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008-1949 T 760-434-2891 F 760-434-8367 a ru o U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) Sent To Street, Apf.'No. orPOBoxNo. City, State'ZIP+4 .1 Form 3800, Jarniary See Reverse for Instnicrions SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION Comjjiete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if RestfiQ^d Delivery is desired. Print your naml'Sfidaddress on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. Attach this card to thfe back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: ^ Article Number (Transfer from service label) COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY • Agent • Addressee 3. Service Type jj^ Certified Mail • Registered • Insured Mall • Express Mail • Return Receipt for Merciiandlse • C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) • Yes 7001 2S10 DDDfl 2filb 13fi3 PS Form 3811, August 2001 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-01-IUI-2509 CELIA A. BREWER CITY OF PAULG. EDMONSON CITYATTORNEY ^ . _ , —^ _ —«^ ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY CARLSBAD JANE MOBALDI #11 1 l_«^L/#V LJ RONALD KEMP ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY October 29, 2014 Mr. Graham J. Espie VIA CERTIFIED MAIL 4717 Gateshead Road t Carlsbad, CA 92010 RE: Notice of Hearing Regarding Adoption of a Resolution of Necessity to Acquire Property by Eminent Domain [California Code of Civil Procedure 1245.235] Dear Property Owner and/or Tenant: NOTICE OF YOUR RIGHT TO APPEAR AND BE HEARD: Please take notice that the City of Carlsbad, at a regular meeting to be held on November 18, 2014; at 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, at 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, will hold a hearing on whether such a Resolution of Necessity should be adopted, as required by California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1245.220 for the commencement of an eminent domain proceeding to acquire real property. If adopted, the Resolution will authorize the City of Carlsbad to acquire the property interest described herein by eminent domain for implementation ofthe Glasgow Drive Extension and Improvement Project. A description ofthe property interest being considered for acquisition is attached to this Notice as Exhibit 1. You have a right to be heard before City Council ofthe City of Carlsbad at the above scheduled hearing on the following matters and issues, and to have the City of Carlsbad give judicious consideration to your testimony prior to deciding whether or not to adopt the proposed Resolution of Necessity: 1. Whether the public interest and necessity require the proposed project; 2. Whether the proposed project is planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury; ^ www.cr .gov ^ 1200 J Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008-1949 T 760-434-2891 F 760-434-8367 Mr. Graham J. Espie RE: Notice of Hearing Regarding Adoption of a Resolution of Necessity to Acquire Property by Eminent Domain [California Code of Civil Procedure 1245.235] Page 2 3. Whether the property interest sought to be acquired by eminent domain and described in the Resolution of Necessity is necessary forthe proposed project. 4. Whether the offer required by Government Code Section 7267.2(a), together with the accompanying statement and summary of the basis for the amount established as just compensation, was actually made to you and whether said offer and statement/summary were in a form and contained all of the factual information required by Government Code Section 7267.2(a). 5. Whether the City of Carlsbad has complied with all conditions and statutory requirements necessary to exercise the power of eminent domain (the "right to take") to acquire the property interest described herein, as well as any other matter regarding the right to take said property interest by eminent domain; and 6. Whether the City of Carlsbad has statutory authority to acquire the property interest by eminent domain. The statutes which authorize the City of Carlsbad to acquire the property interest by eminent domain for this proposed project include inter alia California Code of Civil Procedure Sections 1240.010, 1240.110, 1240.120 and 1255.410, Government Code Sections 66462 and 66462.5 et seq. You are not required to provide written notice pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 1245.235(b)(3). Ifyou desire to be heard, you may appear and be heard without giving notice. (See Code Civ. Proc, § 1245.235(d).) If you elect not to appear and be heard, your failure to appear may be a waiver of your right to later challenge the right ofthe City of Carlsbad to take the property interest by eminent domain. The amount ofthe compensation to be paid forthe acquisition ofthe property interest is not a matter of issue being heard by the City of Carlsbad at this time. Your non-appearance at this noticed hearing will not prevent you from claiming greater compensation, in and as determined by a court of law in accordance with the laws ofthe State of California. This notice is not intended to foreclose future negotiations between you and the representatives of the City of Carlsbad on the amount of compensation to be paid for your property interest. Ifyou elect not to appear and be heard, you will only be foreclosed from raising in a court of law the issues which are the subject Mr. Graham J. Espie RE: Notice of Hearing Regarding Adoption of a Resolution of Necessity to Acquire Property by Eminent Domain [Caiifornia Code of Civil Procedure 1245.235] Page 3 of this noticed hearing and which are concerned with the right to take the property by eminent domain. If the City of Carlsbad elects to adopt the Resolution of Necessity, then within six months of the adoption ofthe Resolution, the City of Carlsbad will commence eminent domain proceedings in Superior Court. In that proceeding, the court will determine the amount of compensation to which you are entitled. ,* Very truly yours, mji %^ RONALD KEMP \ Assistant City Attorney Franklin P. Cuykendall, Esq. 949 Anacapa Street, Suite 104 Santa Barbara, CA 93101 U.S. Postal Service Delivery Confirmation Receipt Postage and Delivery Conflrmation fees must be paid before mailing. Articie Sent To: (to be completed by mailer) o 3-ni I ^ 5 JB i o ^ ir 5 D- m (Pleasg Print Cleem Postmark Here PS Form 152, March 1999 POSTAL CUSTOMER: Keep this receipt. For inquiries: Access internet web site at www.usps.com orcalll-800-222-1811 . . eHECKUNE (POSTAL USE ONLY) [U Priority Mail • Standard Mail (B)^ (See Reverse) SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY • Complete Items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete Item 4 If Restricted Delivery is desired. • Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. * A. Signature J X J • Agent /i *>/ IA/^ • Addressee • Complete Items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete Item 4 If Restricted Delivery is desired. • Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. * B. Received by (Printed Napie) 0. Date of Delivery 1. Article Addressed to: D. is delivery address different from item 1 ? • Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: • No 3. Servicejype B'^ertified Mail • Express Mail • Registered • Return Receipt for Merchandise • Insured Mail • C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ' \3'%s 2. Article Number (Transfer from service label) 03 Q ^ ""^^ ^ O QO OQ Q ^ 3> PS Form 3811, August 2001 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-01-M-2509 ' CELIA A. BREWER CITY OF PAULG. EDMONSON crrY ATTORNEY _ A I Cr% A r\ ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY JANE MOBALDI L.AKLbDAU RONALD KEMP ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY October 29, 2014 Mr. Ralph A. Porter ViA CERTIFIED MAIL Ms. Darlene French-Porter 4769 Gateshead Road Carlsbad, CA 92010 RE: Notice of Hearing Regarding Adoption of a Resolution of Necessity to Acquire Property by Eminent Domain [California Code of Civil Procedure 1245.235] Dear Property Owner and/or Tenant: NOTICE OF YOUR RIGHT TO APPEAR AND BE HEARD: Please take notice that the City of Carlsbad, at a regular meeting to be held on November 18, 2014, at 8:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, at 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, will hold a hearing on whether such a Resolution of Necessity should be adopted, as required by California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1245.220 for the commencement of an eminent domain proceeding to acquire real property, if adopted, the Resolution will authorize the City of Carlsbad to acquire the property interest described herein by eminent domain for implementation ofthe Edinburgh Drive Extension and Improvement Project. A description of the property interest being considered for acquisition is attached to this Notice as Exhibit 1. You have a right to be heard before City Council ofthe City of Carlsbad at the above scheduled hearing on the following matters and issues, and to have the City of Carlsbad give judicious consideration to your testimony prior to deciding whether or not to adopt the proposed Resolution of Necessity: 1. Whether the public interest and necessity require the proposed project; 2. Whether the proposed project is planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury; www.carisbadca.gov H ^ 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008-1949 T 760-434-2891 F 760-434-8367 Mr. Ralph A. Porter Ms. Darlene French-Porter RE: Notice of Heanng Regarding Adoption of a Resolution of Necessity to Acquire Property by Eminent Domain [California Code of Civil Procedure 1245.235] Page 2 3. Whether the property interest sought to be acquired by eminent domain and described in the Resolution of Necessity is necessary for the proposed project. 4. Whether the offer required by Government Code Section 7267.2(a), together with the accompanying statement and summary of the basis for the amount established as just compensation, was actually made to you and whether said offer and statement/summary were in a form and contained all of the factual information required by Government Code Section 7267.2(a). 5. Whether the City of Carlsbad has complied with all conditions and statutory requirements necessary to exercise the power of eminent domain (the "right to take") to acquire the property interest described herein, as well as any other matter regarding the right to take said property interest by eminent domain; and 6. Whether the City of Carlsbad has statutory authority to acquire the property interest by eminent domain. The statutes which authorize the City of Carlsbad to acquire the property interest by eminent domain for this proposed project include inter alia California Code of Civil Procedure Sections 1240.010, 1240.110, 1240.120 and 1255.410, Government Code Sections 66462 and 66462.5 et seq. You are not required to provide written notice pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 1245.235(b)(3). Ifyou desire to be heard, you may appear and be heard without giving notice. (See Code Civ. Proc, § 1245.235(d).) If you elect not to appear and be heard, your failure to appear may be a waiver of your right to later challenge the right of the City of Carlsbad to take the property interest by eminent domain. The amount ofthe compensation to be paid for the acquisition ofthe property interest is not a matter of issue being heard by the City of Carlsbad at this time. Your non-appearance at this noticed hearing will not prevent you from claiming greater compensation, in and as determined by a court of law in accordance with the laws ofthe State of California. This notice is not intended to foreclose future negotiations between you and the representatives ofthe City ofCarlsbad on the amount of compensation to be paid for your property interest. If you elect not to appear and Mr. Ralph A. Porter Ms. Darlene French-Porter RE: Notice of Hearing Regarding Adoption of a Resolution of Necessity to Acquire Property by Eminent Domain [California Code of Civil Procedure 1245.235] Page 3 be heard, you will only be foreclosed from raising in a court of law the issues which are the subject of this noticed hearing and which are concerned with the right to take the property by eminent domain. If the City of Carlsbad elects to adopt the Resolution of Necessity, then within six months of the adoption ofthe Resolution, the City of Carlsbad will commence eminent domain proceedings in Superior Court. In that proceeding, the court will determine the amount of compensation to which you are entitled. Very truly yours. RONALD KEMP Assistant City Attorney c: Andrew A. Kurz, Esq. 120 Birmingham Drive, Suite 200 Cardiff by the Sea, CA 92007 U.S. Postal Service Delivery Confirmation Receipt m m ru a-a ~n ;g a g • ^ a g IT 3 tr sr a m a Postage and Delivery Confirmation fees must be paid before mailing. Article Sent To: (to be completed by mailer) (Ptease Print Cfeariy) K (Ip be completed by maM Postmarl< Here PS Form 152, March 1999 POSTAL CUSTOMER: Keep this rsceHit For inquiries: Access internet web 8ite at www.usps.com orcalll-800-222-1811 C^fCK ONE (POSTAL USE ONLY) • Priority Mail • Standard Mail (B) (See Reverse) SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION I Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 If Restricted Delivery is desired. I Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. Attach this card to the bacl< of the mailpiece, or orrthe»front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY by (Printed Name) • Agent — • Addressee C. Date of Delivery D. Is delivery address different from item 1 ? • Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: • No Service Type SS'Certified Mail • Registered • Insured Mail • Express Mail • Return Receipt for Merchandise • C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery?/Bttra Fee> Article Number (Transfer from service label) Qlodj ^'j^Q QQCQ t^OM^- ^3.^3 PS Form 3811, August 2001 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-01-M-2509 Issues to be Addressed Resolution of Necessity RE: Mr. Graham Espie Property located 4717 Gateshead Road, Carlsbad, CA 92010 1. Public Interest and Necessity a. I am aware that an incidental private benefit does not disqualify a use as a public use but it is my understanding that this road widening project is to primarily, if not wholly, benefit a private gated community. Per the City's stated intentions, the street is not to remain open to the public and such a public street has not been contemplated by the City. b. I also understand that condemnation of private property for most street improvements and maintenance is a public use per Gov. Code, §40404 but such cases involve public streets that all members of the public may utilize. That does not appear to be the facts of our matter as the private development is to be a gated high end scale residential area. Although I have requested information on affordable housing to be developed within the gated community, no such facts, percentages, or other information has been provided. 2. The City has irrevocably committed itself to the taking. a. I believe that the City has committed itself prematurely. As you know, for purposes of eminent domain, a resolution of necessity may be found invalid if it were to be shown that a lack of substantial evidence supporting the resolution of necessity existed or where the condemner had irrevocably committed itself to the taking of the property prior to the time of the agency hearing, regardless of the evidence presented supporting a resolution of necessity. Cal. C.C.P. §§ 1240.030, 1245.255(b). Excavation and other construction activity has already begun and it is our understanding that the road must be widened to support the proposed private development. 3. Changing justifications by City as to public purpose. a. The attorney for the City have provided various and changing justifications for the taking. The most recent proffered justification is that neighborhoods are required to have multiple entry points for public safety purposes. Beforehand, the stated justification was that the street would be for the public. 4. Lack of Legal Authority Supporting any Taking. a. While existing legal authority relates to the taking of private property for developments such as large public retail sites such as Costco's, Wal-Marts, Home Depos, and all the other non-anchor public businesses that follow such large retailers,! am aware of no authority, even post Kelo, referring to taking private property for a private high end gated residential development. The 2008 amendments to Article I, section 19 of our California's Constitution will likely avoid a Kelo type ruling under these facts. 5. Waiver Issues. The history of this street (per City, irrevocable offer of dedication) and the longstanding lack of any activity by the City appears to constitute a waiver of any reliance by the City on such dedication. 6. Due Process issues: Before adopting a resolution of necessity and initiating negotiations to acquire the property, the public entity must (1) "establish the amount that it believes to be just compensation," and (2) make an offer to the owner for that full amount. (Gov.Code, § 7267.2, subd. (a)(1).) The offer must be based on "the public entity's approved appraisal of the fair market value of the property." (Ibid.) The requirements of section 7267.2 are mandatory. (City of San Jose v. Great Oaks Water Co.(1987) 192 Cal.App.3d 1005,1011.). We are still in the process of completing OIU- appraisal ofany potential taking. Any vote on a resolution of Necessity at this juncture would be premature particularly given the complexities of the issues present here such as the characterization of easements, title issues, history of non-activity by City, etc. remainder valuation issues, highest and best use issues, etc. Condemnation of Real Property for the Edinburgh and Glasgow Drive Extensions and Improvement Project Ronald Kemp Assistant City Attorney 11/18/14 Edinburgh & Glasgow Drive Extensions and Improvement Project •The Developer (Toll Brothers, Inc.) of Robertson Ranch West Village development project (CT11- 01/CT 13-03), is required to extend Edinburgh Drive and Glasgow Drive. •These road extensions provide secondary access to the subdivisions. •California Fire Code requires the extensions to maintain adequate access for emergency service providers and prompt evacuation capabilities for residents. Location of Property 3 Edinburgh Dr. ExtensionGlasgow Dr. Extension Robertson Ranch Development Description of Property •City needs to condemn a one foot wide buffer strip that extends out from each parcel at the current end of the two streets. •The buffer strip was created in the subdivision map for the Colony neighborhood in 1980. •The buffer strip was dedicated to the city for future street purposes, but not accepted within the prescribed 25 year period. •A temporary easement for slope and construction purposes is also needed. 4 Edinburgh Drive Glasgow Drive 5 Edinburgh Drive Glasgow Drive 6 Offers to Purchase Property •The Developer has been communicating with the owners of the property since August of 2011 in an attempt to negotiate the acquisition of the required easements. •The parties have been unable to come to an agreement. •The owners of the properties, were contacted by the City via certified mail on July 18, 2014, and offered just compensation for the purchase of the easements required for the improvements of the two streets. 7 Robertson Ranch West Village 8 Resolution of Necessity •The decision to acquire the subject property rights through condemnation must be supported by substantial evidence of the existence of the three basic requirements : 1.The public interest and necessity require the project. 2.The project is planned or located in a manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury. 3.The property sought to be acquired is necessary for the project. •Adoption of the Resolution of Necessity requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the full Council. 9